#I know Eliza doesn't really need protecting but I don't think he knows that
masquenoire · 2 years
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
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“Morning, sweet thing...”
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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imtryingbuck · 5 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 726
Warnings: angst? forced marriage. Bucky's dads the worst.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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Of course Bucky has thought about marriage, dreamt about coming home after a long day at work to his wife cooking dinner or happily playing with the kids, slow dancing with her throughout the house whilst the children are tucked in bed. Sharing his dreams, fears, stories and life with his other half, a wife who he can spoil with gifts and love.
A wife he can hold during the night.
Another dream he's always had, having children, he's not picky about the gender (not like he can control it) as long as they are healthy, and he's happy to have as many as his wife wants.
So yes Bucky has thought about marriage.
The dream of having a wife will be coming true sooner than he anticipated however being forced to marry a complete stranger is something he's very against, all he's ever wanted was to marry for love.
He's furious and feels betrayed by his father who just told him he has to marry one of the daughters of another mafia boss, that in marrying her it will secure an alliance.
Michael Murdock who's notoriously known for being ruthless and cunning. A man who happily gets his hands bloody, a man who rules his empire with an iron fist. From what Bucky knows of the man's family is that he has a wife Eliza and from what he's heard is that she's just as bad as her husband. They have two sons Brandon and Matt, and four daughters Carla, Olivia, Marie and Lucy.
Then there's Theodora, the daughter that he had with a mistress who died after the baby was born. However no one has ever seen her or even heard about her, most people think she's a myth. A story that gossipers had made up to keep people entertained.
The thought of being married to one of Michaels daughters made him feel physically sick. He had seen photos of them in magazines or on the internet of their latest trip to the plastic surgeon, or of their lifestyles.
Don't get him wrong he lives a lavish life but has never once flaunted it and he likes his women more natural.
The idea of being married into the Murdock family and having Michael as his father in law makes his skin crawl despite his father telling him that he'd always be protected.
Reluctantly getting into the car, muttering under his breath as he goes.
"James you need this, you've taken over the business now and you need a wife by your side. Stop acting like a child" his father George speaks from the other side of the Range Rover.
"I don't know her. She's not even going to want this."
"It doesn't matter what she wants son, you are the man of this marriage. Marry her, keep her wallet full, and have your mistresses and if she steps out of line just smack her back into place" he chuckles as he continues to text on his phone.
Instead of responding Bucky pushes himself further into the leather seat.
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As the car pulls up to a huge manor that sits behind large steel fences, the double gates have an 'M' on each sides. Bucky notices that there are many high branded, expensive cars all lined neatly on the grey stone gravel. There's a marbled fountain in the middle that had neatly placed flowers circling around it.
The last time Bucky was nervous was when he was nineteen, it was he first official meeting he was holding on his own. No matter what situation he found himself in he was always calm and confident, but still sitting inside the warm, matte black Range Rover he's doing everything in his power not to be sick.
"Dad is this really necessary?" He tries, he knows it himself that it's pointless but he's still going to try.
"I swear you should have been born a girl with how much you bitch and moan."
"But dad this is my lif-"
"Stop crying it's your wedding day" George smiles sarcastically as the car comes to a stop in front of the many steps.
Bucky, his father and bodyguards are lead up the steps and into the high ceiling hallway, their greeted by Michael, who's standing there with a large grin on his aging face.
"Welcome to my home and family".
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes
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babygirl-diaz · 4 months
Buck and Eliza's Day In
This is a sequel to Eliza's Third Dad
Summary: In which, Buck and Eliza are sick and Eddie takes care of them.
"Hey, Eds," Buck groggily said on the phone and sniffled, which was then followed by a loud sneeze.
"Did you get sick?" Eddie asked, sounding genuinely worried.
"Yeah, Eliza caught something at daycare and brought it back home," Buck sniffled once again.
"Where is Lizi?"
Buck could hear Eddie grabbing his keys and he knew he was making his way to theirs already.
"Eliza is asleep in her room. Poor thing was so stuffy this morning," Buck replied with a pout and blew his nose in a tissue. He hated seeing his little angel so miserable.
"You sound pretty stuffy too," Eddie replied. Buck heard some noises on the other end, and then he could tell his best friend was driving. "I'm on my way over. I'll grab cold meds and Vicks along the way and when I'm there, I'll make you both some egg drop soup."
"You don't know how to make egg drop soup, Eddie," Buck teased him, as a mischievous smile played across his lips.
"And for that, I will put extra salt in your soup," Eddie huffed.
"That will just make me even saltier, sweetheart," Buck chuckled.
"Call me sweetheart again and I'll drop that soup on your head," Eddie told him but Buck could tell he didn't really mind being called sweetheart.
"Fine, fine," Buck did not have the energy to argue. "I'm gonna take a nap. Let yourself in when you get here."
"Okay. Do you want anything else before I let you go?"
"Just get your pretty ass over here quick," the words were out of Buck's mouth before he could stop himself, and he felt his cheeks heat up. "See you soon! Okay, bye!" With that, he quickly hung up, like he wouldn't be seeing Eddie in the next 20-30 minutes.
Buck chalked up his slip of the tongue to him being sick and fell asleep soon without dwelling on having told his friend that he had a pretty ass.
Buck groaned softly when he felt someone shake him opened his eyes to see Eddie giving him a concerned look.
"Sorry, man, I had to wake you up so that I could get some food and meds in you," Eddie remorsefully told him.
Buck pouted at him and rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up. "Did you check on Eliza?"
"Not yet," Eddie replied. "I was gonna go do that, but first, I'm gonna need you to take these cold meds." He took out the medications from the packaging and gave them to Buck along with a bottle of water. "Make sure you drink more water than you think you need," he added.
"Aye, aye, Captain!" Buck chuckled and took the meds, knocking them back with water. Once he started drinking, he didn't stop until 3/4 of the bottle was empty.
"Good boy," Eddie praised. "I'll go bring Lizi. You two should stay at the same place, that way you're not spreading germs throughout the house."
"Hey!" Buck whined.
Eddie chuckled and shook his head. "I'll be right back."
Once he left, Buck picked up his phone and browsed through it. He had messages from Tommy, Hen, Chimney, Maddie, and Bobby, all wishing him and Eliza well. Tommy and Maddie even offered to come over and look after him and Eliza but Buck let them know Eddie was there. Somehow they both sent him the smirking emoji.
Eddie soon came back with Eliza, who was resting her head on Eddie's shoulder. She looked more miserable than Buck felt.
"Should we take her to the doctor?" Buck asked worriedly and reached out for his daughter.
Eddie transferred Eliza into Buck's arms, who protectively held her close.
"Let me just check her temperature and give her some children's Tylenol," Eddie replied. "If she doesn't show signs of improvement by the evening then we can take her to the doctor."
Eliza sniffled and buried her face in Buck's chest. "Daddy, I feel icky," she complained.
"I know, sweetie," Buck pouted and kissed her head.
The bed dipped as Eddie sat down beside them and checked Eliza's temperature with a thermometer. "It's not too bad," he told Buck. Eddie then poured the Children's Tylenol into the medicine cup. "Hey, Lizi, sweetie, can you take this for me, please?"
Eliza looked over at Eddie and frowned. "No! I don't like that!"
Buck sighed and reached out to take the tiny cup from Eddie who shook his head and put the cup down on the nightstand. He then extended his arms to take Eliza.
Buck gave her back to Eddie and he cuddled her close to his chest and smiled at her. "Princess, do you wanna play pretend?" He asked.
Eliza nodded immediately but sniffled as well and wiped her nose with the back of her hand.
Eddie put a tissue to her nose and let her blow her nose in that instead. "Okay, so, who's that?" Eddie asked, pointing at Buck.
"Daddy!" Eliza replied.
"Nope, that's an... ugly ogre!" Eddie told her and chuckled.
"Gee, thanks, Eddie," Buck said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
Eliza giggled but then broke out in a fit of coughs.
Buck looked at her worriedly but Eddie immediately rubbed her back.
"How do we defeat an ugly ogre, Lizi?" Eddie asked her.
Eliza tapped her cheek with her index finger before saying, "A sword!"
"Nope, we can actually defeat the ugly ogre with our bare hands!" Eddie replied and pretended to make a claw with his hand.
Eliza giggled again but thankfully didn't cough this time.
"We just need the magic potion!" Eddie added.
"Where's the magic potion?" Eliza asked.
"Right here!" Eddie replied and picked up the little cup with Children's Tylenol and gave it to Eliza.
"Do you wanna drink up the magic potion then we can defeat the ugly ogre?" Eddie asked.
"Yes!" Eliza replied excitedly and drank up the medication, scrunching up her nose as she said. "That tasted bad! Ew!"
"I know, sweetie, but now we can defeat the ugly ogre!" Eddie told her. "Attack!" He yelled and started tickling Buck, making him scream and flail around in the bed.
Eliza got up from Eddie's lap and jumped on Buck, knocking his breath right out of him. "Begone, ugly ogre!" she yelled tickling him too.
"Ahhhhh! I give up! I give up!" Buck told them as he squirmed around on the bed.
They somehow took pity on him and stopped tickling him, high-fiving each other instead.
"Okay, time for rest, Lizi," Eddie told her and got out of bed, before helping Eliza get under the covers. "Is it okay if I put some Vicks on your chest?" He asked.
Eliza nodded, "Yep!"
Eddie gently rubbed Vicks on Eliza's chest, making Buck smile at them.
"You're next, ugly ogre," Eddie teased Buck and winked at him.
Buck felt warm all over at that for some reason.
Once Eddie finished with Eliza, he came over to Buck and helped him roll up his t-shirt to his chest before he started rubbing Vicks on him.
Buck just kept looking at his friend, taking in his features. Even after all these years, Eddie was still so beautiful. No. Wait. Shit. What the hell was he thinking?
"You okay there?" Eddie asked after he finished.
"Y- yeah, I'm good," Buck replied. "And I was promised egg drop soup, where is it?"
"Demanding much," Eddie said rolling his eyes. "I'll drop the egg drop soup on your head."
"With you cooking, it would better work as hair gel anyway," Buck teased him.
"Okay, no soup for you. I'm only gonna make it for Lizi," Eddie huffed.
"Only if it doesn't kill me, Eddie," Eliza chimed in.
"You two are a couple of comedians, aren't you?" Eddie huffed again and put his hands on his hips. "See if I come over to look after you two again when you get sick!"
"Noooo... We love you, Eddie!" Eliza told him. "Daddy, say it!"
Buck opened and closed his mouth a few times before saying, "Yeah, we love you, Eddie."
And then he watched with satisfaction as Eddie blushed at that. "Yeah, yeah, I love you two too."
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verdemoun · 1 month
cannot fucking stop thinking about your kieran lives au with like a kierthur focus, arthur's "he saved my life but i couldn't save his" line from the game makes me think that if kieran turned up alive after processing his grief he would be so insane about it
first hi if you haven't already lemme shamelessly self promote my fic those who hunger which is a kierthur kieran lives au very similar to my headcanon post but 60k words and in progress
but second. he saved my life but i couldn't save his? that's gay. big old bisexual arthur morgan strikes again fight me he had a little something something for that o'driscoll.
kierthur established relationship/fwb BEFORE kieran is taken? arthur seeing kieran's death and forcing himself to mourn in that really abrupt way where he almost starts to feel something but then tells himself it's somehow his fault because 'you don't get to live a bad life and have good things happen to you', like we see with sean and eliza and isaac where he just stops himself from actually feeling things only for Kieran to be alive? not actually realising how much he was mourning him until he doesn't have to anymore and breaking down because he thought he lost him. falling apart as the mourning and relief meld into one tangle of confusing emotions. the tension of kieran both having to learn how to rely on people and adapt and process the fucking trauma of being taken tortured and blinded while arthur also learns to be soft and a support and acknowledge things have changed for kieran meanwhile kieran is also dealing with the pressure of being okay for arthur's sake because arthur will self-destruct with guilt knowing he's not okay? but also just getting that chance to be in love because kieran absolutely fought to get back to him.
no established relationship prior? arthur struggling with why kieran's death hurts so much and realizing it's that he saved my life and being haunted by him saving his life in more than just the literal moment at six point cabin? little things kieran did like making him go fishing, taking care of the horses and trying to do small things to make arthur's life a little gentler even if it's just a smile and arthur going welp guess i'll never know only for kieran to fucking turn up after he's accepted that death and debt never to be repaid. but kieran's alive!! and he's hurt and he needs help and arthur is still insisting it's just because he owes kieran his life that he becomes obsessively protective and tries to make sure kieran has everything he needs and both just become safe around each other until kieran makes a move because lmao i'm blind what are you going to do kick me out and arthur is a blushing nervous schoolgirl?? fantastic.
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twst-hottest-takes · 1 month
I'm sorry I can't get this thought off my mind. I finished book 6 a few days ago, and I really liked it, but then I started thinking about the ghost bride event. I thought "How awful would it be if Idia and Eliza did marry? The world would basically be doomed."
Then I had to pause for a moment because isn't it weird that Idia isn't in an arranged marriage? This may just be me, but if you for generations have to pass down protecting the world from overblot monsters, wouldn't you want a guarantee that your kid(s) will have kid(s)? Idk maybe I missed something, but does this not bother anyone else???
You aren't the only one!
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I think about this all the time actually. I wonder how Mr. and Mrs. Shroud ended up together. I wonder if they have any siblings, or if Idia has any extended family that could provide an heir. I wonder if they had more than one child to increase the chances of keeping the bloodline going. Did what happened to Ortho have any impact on their choice to try and have more children or not? How removed from the immediate family can someone be before their "blessing" is no longer effective?
All of the questions, but none of the answers!
Even if Idia isn't in an arranged marriage per say, one would think his mom and dad would have some sort of plan to get him hitched. At this point he is the only child who could carry on their work and while he's mostly a shut-in, I don't think he's quite the type to say, "My bloodline ends with me!" Maybe his parents are just giving him time to finish school and such before being completely enveloped by the world he was born into. I feel like they all know he'll need to reproduce eventually, but they may not be in a rush. . .despite there being world-ending consequences if something were to happen to their other son.
I currently like to imagine that the Shroud parents (and maybe Ortho on the sly) are networking for him and looking for potential partners for their anti-social oldest son. They just don't plan to spring any blind dates on him until after he graduates. Who knows? They do have all the technology, maybe they have considered less traditional ways to get a grandkid out of him. For all we know cloning is an option.
Getting back to your ask: Yeah, it seems like a huge narrative flaw to have Idia's family be so important to the world and not have his character or his parents' characters indicating that a part of his job is to have kids to continue their sacred duty and keep the underworld at bay.
From the meta stance though, I can say with confidence that this doesn't get addressed because saying out loud that a character will need to get married or be canonly involved with a woman in any romantic capacity would kill a good chunk of this game's appeal for a good chunk of its target audience. It's really funny when you consider how many of the characters are in situations that SHOULD include family meddling in their potential romances or obligation to have an heir, BUT THEY WILL NEVER TALK ABOUT IT!
Thank you for your take!
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sunnyie-eve · 11 months
11 | Unlike You
Series: A Zombie's Serenity 
Paring: Zed Necrodopolis x OFC Buchanan!
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Might be a few mistakes, and I'm using Brenna D'Amico as how the OC's looks
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"Zed, wait." I catch him outside in the hall. 
"I lost the election." He turns to me as I walk up to him. 
"I know." I sigh as Eliza comes out. "Look, but the problem is you lost yourself first." She looks at his poster next to us before walking away. 
"Look at me." I grab his chin turning his head away from the poster, "You were great in there and you did win over everyone before this little thing messed you up." I hand the necklace over to him so he can give it back to Addison. "I understand you're reason because being a monster isn't easy with all the obstacles you have to over come in life. I get you want to protect us from that but it's not exactly your choice to make. For her or me, if I wanted to see if I really was a werewolf. You know better and you aren't someone to stop people you care about from achieving something important to them."
"I know... And now they will always see me as a monster." He shakes his head. 
"Well you're Zed Necrodopolis. A 16 year old zombie from Zombietown which makes you a monster... but you're a very sweet, confident, headstrong monster. Who is also very loyal to his friends and will do anything for them. A monster who always stands up for what's right and is compassionate, but also can be impulsive at times." I rub his arm before letting him be.
I join Eliza as she stares at one of Zed's posters, "I really hope I don't have to do the whole but you are a monster speech to Zed after this." I look at the poster before taking it off the wall. 
"Really?" She chuckles as I crumble the poster. 
"I hate when he tries to be someone he's not. Like I told him, I fell for a zombie not someone normal." I look at her. "I swear sometimes he doesn't deserve someone like you. The type of person you are... you always put others before you and will tell them how important or special they are, but then tell yourself you're nothing." She makes me smile, "Because I can see and understand others better than myself. I look into a mirror and sometimes it's like I see nothing." I explain tearing up.
"You wanna know what I see and have to say?" She takes my hands into hers, "I see the first human, who all her life only heard and was taught bad things about zombies, but never believed a single word. After meeting a zombie on the first day of school, you snuck out of class to go apologize for your brother being a jerk. The first person to interact and befriended zombies when no one else wanted to because we were still hated by them. Not to mention you went against people telling you to stay away, and not listening you fell for a Zombie. You a Human who developed feelings for a Zombie. And you changed that zombie's life. You got me to like you very quickly and accept you once I saw who you really were. I see you as someone who can make peoples lives better. You bring out the best in others and make people feel welcomed. So next time you look in the mirror and feel like you see nothing... remember everything I told you. You may think you're nothing but you're something to others."
As I give her a hug the alarm goes off confusing us, "Attention! Attention! Monster activity at Seabrook Power." It announces. 
"It's the werewolves. We need to find Addison." We rush off to find her and we run into each other. 
"We need to rally everyone up to go help." Addison and I say at the same time so Addison goes to get some cheerleaders, I go with Eliza to get some zombies. Once we have everyone we could get we all head to Seabrook Power together. When we get there we see the werewolves were arrested. "No!" We yell at them.
"The world has gone crazy and no one seems to listen. Gotta step in, no more maybes, and stop the demolition." Addison steps up. 
"Is it hope or fear? Look in the mirror. Everything we built is coming down." I tell them. 
"No more hesitation, it's time we start to realize. With all this separation, silence is still taking sides." Eliza steps out with the zombies. 
"So use your voice, make a choice. And tell me, are you standing with the crowd?" I join her then we all join together.
Oh-oh-oh-oh This is a declaration Oh-oh-oh-oh Of a new generation It's now or never, we're in this together We'll fight through the highs and the lows No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone
Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us
"History changes, but we lost the pages we wrote. When you lose direction, can't see the reflection you know. We came from the bottom then became the problem. Now everything's out of control. So hey, are you with me? Let's go." Zed shows up and joins us.
Oh-oh-oh-oh This is a declaration Oh-oh-oh-oh Of a new generation It's now or never, we're in this together We'll fight through the highs and the lows No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone
"You gotta stop the demolition, Dad. I know how hard you worked to get this job. But if it's gonna hurt the werewolves, you have to stop it." Zed walks up to his dad. 
"You're right. And the girls are right. Shut it down. Stop the detonation. Tomorrow, when it's safe, we'll find what you're looking for. But right now, you can all go home." Zevon agrees making us all cheer. 
"You're right..." Zed walks up to me as I walk with Eliza. 
"About what?" I stop but she leaves us alone. 
"Everything you said in the hall. I know I'm a monster and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think you'll have to give me any more speeches." He makes me wrap my arms around his neck to hug him so he picks me up.
"Hey, we did it, we stopped the demo." Addison walks up to us with Bree, smiling. Zed put me down and I give him a look and he knew what I meant. "What's wrong?" Addison asks him so he pulls out the necklace. 
She gets excited thinking he found it but he tells her the truth. "I stole it when you weren't looking." 
She starts to get upset, "I thought I lost it. I questioned myself." She raises her voice while he apologizes. 
"I was afraid that if you, even Serenity, turned into a wolf, I'd lose you both." He tells her. 
"You don't get to make that choice for me! And you knew he took it and didn't care to tell me!" She shouts at us.
"Hey, when I saw it I was disappointed in him. You're right it's not his choice and he knows that now. But I get his reasoning, sorta... We have no clue how hard it is being a monster and what they had and have to go though. So the thought of just jumping in without a care in the world is dumb if you don't think about what we might have to deal with." I explain to her. 
"I finally find where I belong, and you would let him steal that from me? What kind of cousin and friend are you both? I even thought you felt like you belonged." She gets louder. 
"If I wanted him to steal that from you, I wouldn't have told him he knows better. I wouldn't have gave him a small speech about how it was wrong of him." I raise my voice now.
"And I never once felt like I was a werewolf and I let Wyatt know multiple times. I let Willa know when I returned the necklace they gave me. I can sorta say I felt like I belonged but not in the same way as you think. Like I saw new friends that make me wanna be me more and more confident. The only reason any of them thought l was a werewolf was because of my hair but to me it has no meaning. I was just born different compared to you and Bucky and I'm fine with that. Unlike you being so obsessed with your hair and wanting it to mean something important. You can't live with the thought that it has no special meaning. You constantly whine about not feeling like you belong, not having your own little pack, when you have so many people who care and love you for who you are. You're little pack/crew you want to be apart of so badly is literally a mixture of humans, zombies and now werewolves."
She just glares at me when I was done, "You're saying a lot about me when you yourself said you don't know who you are... you can't see yourself or understand yourself. You say you're nothing but then say you're okay with not being something... so what is it? Oh, I know... it's the constant reminder in your head telling you, grandma said I'm more special. You hate the fact that you don't know why she said that. So you have no choice but to see yourself as nothing and pretend you're okay with that. At least I know I'm something and I'm trying to find what I am unlike you, cuz." She turns away then puts on the necklace.
It lights up but when she turns back to face everyone she was still the same Addison. "Am I?" She asks Bree. 
"You're beautiful, Addie, but the same beautiful that you've always been." She tells her. 
"Looks like you gotta keep trying, cuz." I let out a scoff and we all were in a awkward silence. 
"Oh, my gosh, boss, boss! We got a problem." One of the workers run to Zevon and says the detonation started running again and wouldn't shut off. 
We all run towards Seabrook Power just to see it get destroyed. All the wolves start to cough as their necklaces lose more if it's charge. "It's gonna be okay... We'll figure this out." I walk over to them. 
"The building is gone, Serenity." Wyatt tells me. 
"But the stone is still standing... your moonstones haven't fully lost all its charge yet. I'm sure if the stone was crushed..." I look at them. 
"You could be right." Willa looks at me.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
ok in have a lot of questions about this but what is the prevailing fandom theory as to why gee and linds got married if they are both probably queer or even lyrically gee reads as ace to me at times, or if triple r, then WHY did they get married when they’d literally known each other for like two months? and it’s been….almost 15 years. like that’s a good long track record for a marriage of arrangement/agreement/convenience/appearances for both whatever you want to call it. but it doesn’t answer why…to raise a family? to make their families happy? i guess i need to read some good theories because i’m nosy af about this aspect.
ummm... okay sorry but I can't tell if you're genuinely doubting the validity of gerard's marriage here or if you're just curious as to what theories exist around it. If you're doubting the validity ohhhh boy you are wrong i'm sorry.
If you're just looking for theories, and know their marriage isn't a scam, i'm sorry i don't really know any specifics other than 'she's a beard!!'
I'm going to answer this under the keep reading because i have a lot to say.
gerard and lindsey are both not straight to the best of our knowledge, but that doesn't mean they can't get married. I think a lot of theories created around this time were both completely uneducated on sexuality and just hated the woman gerard was dating. No offense, but I don't think either of them are asexual. Like maybe I can see where that's coming from with gerard seemingly awkward about stuff, but I'm sorry they were making the bus stank i know it....
Gerard started dating lindsey a few months after publicly announcing they broke off their engagement to Eliza. There's a lot of speculation around that relationship, but if anything it proves gerard is an all-in typa person. Plus the two knew each other from a few shows MSI and mcr played together back in the day. There's even an article in which they both admitted they both started working out before projrev when they found out the other was going to be there.
In terms of why people think their marriage is a scam, I really just a mixture of think people's inability to imagine a non conventional relationship and having a shipping agenda. If we give people the benefit of the doubt, they were being protective of gerard and wanted to make sure they weren't getting taken advantage of. If we don't, these people were just (even subconsciously) jealous of a woman, whereas the already fan-popular Frank was pre-approved and just enough not like the audience that it didn't feel like he was 'taking their place'. Again if you're asking for theories, i really just think people did not think deeper than 'lindsey is a beard'
I think a lot of confusion about all this is that the gerard and lindsey romance all happened while on proj rev, which a lot of people consider to be the 'gayest tour' with all the stage nonsense happening. Admittedly, it is confusingly hilarious. By accounts i have read, Jamia was also on the tour with them so there was no reason all that repression needed to come out on stage. I do however think that they were just all having fun and feeling themselves, which leads to my next point -
We literally have no idea about the dynamics of their relationships. Nor should we, as the public, know. The idea of a non-monogamous relationship is hardly talked about now, let alone back in 2007 when these theories started. I'm not going to go into a trutherism theory about this, but I just think it's something these people need to keep in mind before they claim the marriage is a coverup
This relationship was all happening around the time Frank was sad-posting on his 'anonymous' blog about being heartbroken. Again I'm pointing to my previous bullet.
People hate Lindsey. At first, probably just for being a woman. Now, for genuine reasons that are completely valid and well founded. I don't think people are able to differentiate between "hey this woman has done some shitty stuff" and "she is completely unredeemable" So people extend that to their relationship.
So yeah, if you want my personal opinion here - I think Gerard really just found love and didn't see a reason to wait. it's hard to say it was a crazy impulsive move now because from all accounts they are still hopelessly in love and I just can't feel anything other than happy for them, even despite the issues.
Again sorry if you weren't even trying to deny their marriage. I at least hope i was able to explain why people had misplaced doubts if that was the case!
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lovee-infected · 4 years
♦ Anon asked ~ Okay how would guys and their darling react to being slapped by Eliza? Feel free to write for any of those who got slapped ^^ Gender is neutral
Aaa this one was really sweet so I did it for all guys (who got slapped-)
I reached my 10 pic limit and had to sacrifice twins ixkskxksos
[note : re-posted his because my tags weren't working]
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Poor boy remained silent for a few minutes after that mess with ghost princess , still unable to talk
His cheeks are flushed that proved him being embarrassed , making him look greatly...cute
Just as much as you loved seeing softer sides of him you can't see him this sad , so now it is your responsibility to lift him up
He is upset with both failing to help and being an idiot in front of Eliza
The whole thing proved how soft he can actually be , which fascinated you . You hadn't ever thought of him being like this ; shy and... helplessly childish with girls
Deuce is a bit worried with the way you see him now , he doesn't want his picture ruined . But as a matter of fact you like him even more now , he could be serious and strict at times but still , he's a soft boy inside
You ask if he feels any shy around you and it makes him turn his head away to add a nervous : " M...me? Absolutely not- why would I .??"
You now know that he actually does but it isn't something he needs to hide , that actually makes him look awfully cute
He still seems sad though so you give him a small kiss on forehead , making him blush even harder
Well even if he's shy with you you aren't ; after all he is your boy
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Trey himself couldn't help laughing at what had happened. He tried his best to be a gentleman , and he really was . But seems like Eliza had more different standards than he was expecting
Trey's mind just wasn't ready to go from his normal self to a high-level prince , but he doesn't find singing a part of a prince's duties either
"My my , it really messed up," he says as he joins you and the others in the losers' bench
You knew that the proposal was all fake , but Trey just wasn't one who could act it all ; he didn't have Vil's pure talent of an actor or Leona's charm of a prince , yet he did his very best
You tell that you really liked the way he presented himself , pretty much of a mature young man he really is and he gets blessed . He isn't much of a romantic guy and he appreciates that you like him as he is
You give him a "Ghost bride surely lost a great option , " to lift him up and it did , making him wink adding : " Well, perhaps she knew that I have a better one myself ,"
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Finally after posting 34 pics of his slapped face along with other supplies such as his fake tears , dead flowers and some broken-hearted captions with tons of #Ghostbride #Puishmentoflove #illfate #brokenheart and and and you managed to have him looking off his phone for a second
You tell how he's making an issue out of nothing but he'll just laugh : " Who cares that it's all fake ? Teens are gonna love it ! ,"
He must be thankful that Eliza didn't see this part pf him or he should've spammed pics of his broken legs and hands instead
He takes the best advantage of being slapped and you wonder how he's just being all excited about it , what if the same thing happens while he's seriously proposing to someone ?
You ask if it bothers him , the feeling of being rejected and he goes silent for a moment not looking at his phone but the ground now , perhaps thinking of an logical answer
You drop your head regretting what you asked and then , he cuts you off with a small kiss on your cheek : " That's simple , my dear (y/n). Not a single soul likes being rejected no matter what the reason is , so that's why I always make sure that I won't get rejected before asking ; today was just an exception ,"
You get a bit confused at the answer , wanting him to give you an example
He slightly smirks before adding :" Well , ‌you didn't reject me , did you ?"
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For the heaven's sake ; you couldn't be any more thankful that he got rejected . From the very moment they announced that princess was looking for a prince you feared of her picking Leona , a real prince
Leona is already prince charming of his home town ; Not a single soul could say no to him
The second he got slapped , his eyes - You were trying to feel sorry about it but the way he glared at Eliza as if he was a chubby cat pushed into water ; it was beyond hilarious
Leona has his own ways when it comes to attracting ladies , making him almost irresistible to many including you , but not the ghost bride
He seems really pissed off at the whole thing ; not that he liked the ghost bride that much , he just hates being rejected
With him being a growling cat for the rest of day , you decide to spoil him a little ; letting him take naps on your lap and rubbing back of his ears make him a whole lot better , but he won't say a word of satisfaction
You are used to his cringy behaviors and can't help loving them , you are really thankful that your cat would still be all yours - even if it was supposed to be a fake marriage
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He just - Froze
Sword skills ? Were they a thing he lacked ? Was it just one of those royal fancy rules or could it be a serious problem ? He now was concerned
You found him getting slapped pretty unfair since not many these days are familiar with sword skills ; but there were no argues on that point since Eliza once lived as a girl from more than 500 years ago , so she surely ends up having more complicated standards comparing to you
You tell Jack about it and that it's fine , but he refuses to believe
He had heard of Sebek together with Silver being well-trained sword men which meant that this tradition still remained necessary , so he now is seriously thinking about picking it up
You couldn't blame him though , once he feels like he needs to be stronger that's it ; but you don't want him overwork himself
You insist that sword skills are pretty silly to him while he's got his powerful fists and the secret unleash the beast , but he still seems to have a doubt about it
Since he looks pretty certain with his choice , you don't try to stop him but you make promise that he wouldn't overwork himself , which he does
He intends to get stronger to protect his beloved ones , including you so there was nothing that could hold him back if it was because of you
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♦♥♠♣ Jade Leech
Jade still doesn't get why Eliza didn't like the flowers , yes he didn't like them either but aren't flowers ladies' most appreciated gift ? How confusing , he thought
You slap the ice-pack against his face , just who on earth would give away unwanted flowers from his terrarium as a bouquet ?
Jade doesn't get why he shouldn't have , he was benefitting both himself and Eliza , right ? Or could that be that surface girls followed different romance traditions from underwater ? He needed more information then
He asks for ways to make a girl fall in love , which made you laugh , you told that if he's going to retry the thing with Eliza , he would end up needing way more than one ice-pack
He agrees with you on that point , so he wonders if he can practice tactics with you since you are a pretty gentle and calm partner , and it makes you blush
You tell him to focus on not being slapped again as long as this ghost marriage lasts and in return , you then can teach him some tricks with ladies
♦♥♠♣ Floyd Leech
He didn't really like Eliza from the very beginning so there was no way the two of them would end up together even if he wasn't slapped
Floyd isn't into this type of girls which are too strict and loud ; he prefers softer and cuter types , something he can dominant
You expect him to get moody and pissed off , but he just doesn't seem to care
thanks to him Jade as well got slapped -very hard- and that successfully lifted his mood up
You ask him if he wants to take a walk and he agrees in deal of you paying for his candy , and you gladly agree
The two of you have candies together and make fun of others getting slapped back there
Both of you agree on Jade's expression being way more hilarious than Azul's
When you finally get back to others trying to find a way , he whispers into your ears : " If I ever were to propose to someone , I'd prefer it to be to someone like you"~
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Man , he's really pissed off. Talking too much will usually be beneficial while dealing on a contract , mostly because of the way it confuses dealers and gives them an unconscious vibe causing them to believe you ; strange yet helpful
Azul hadn't thought of proposing being this different from making contracts , and it was odd to him
He now is supposed to be looking for a way to save his boardgames club friend , but another thought keeps haunting him :
What are the correct ways of... making someone fall for you ? To attract a lady ? Isn't having a good face and using sweet words like enough ? He needed more lessons if he wanted to be an ideal dealer
You sigh as his serious replies , disappointed to see how he really had no idea about emotional terms
You tell him how life isn't always about business and benefitting , but sometimes about feelings and well , loving
He mumbles saying how useless emotions are , a waste of time and brain cells to him
You suggest teaching him more about emotional situations which may be helpful , and charming to others , which sounds like a great deal to him , but he doesn't accept you giving it to him for free, saying that you as well must set a price
You aren't really sure what to ask , so you just want him to invite you to a fancy dinner after having this case with the ghost bride solved
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Just as you hear the sound of him getting slapped , you know that it was bad news
Vil is trying his best to be calm but...it doesn't really seem to be working . His fist's shaking in anger as if he's gonna slam it against the wall or maybe someone . He got rejected and he couldn't take it ; he
wasn't one to accept such a thing
Although he isn't a real prince , he had anything needed to be a real one : Elegance , Charm , Nobility and maturity ; he was perfect
He is really furious now , specially thinking at how Lilia intended to avoid Malleus from showing up in fear of his high chance of being accepted . He wasn't one to say that he would surpass Malleus , but he wasn't any lower than him either: if a dog was the only reason he got rejected then Malleus as well would've been...but wait- doesn't it mean that Idia too shouldn't have been chosen since he loves cats ?
In that case..it must've had another reason : He wasn't good enough
You knew that Vil would never be satisfied no matter how many times you told him that he was already gorgeous , he wanted to be better
It was useless trying to take his mind away from being rejected through the same ways so you had to sacrifice yourself :
You go to Vil asking is he can join you for a second -until others get slapped try to propose because you are having some... beauty issues
You try to get him talking to you as much as possible ,from importance of having an organized sleep schedule to forbidding laughing too much since it will bring you wrinkles
You know that if there's one thing that Vil would always be proud of , that would be speaking of his high-key beauty skills which he couldn't ever get enough of
He could go on all day if Leona didn't cut him off : " Oi , aren't the two of you done yet ?"
Even with Leona pissing him off , he now seems to be a lot better and that was a success for you . Even if he doesn't notice how you were trying to secretly lift his mood up
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Lilia is...crying ?
Your heart melts at the sight of his soft tears falling down his pale face , making you as well cry
You don't know why you are being overly emotional but who on earth would slap others because just because of being too cute ?!
You can't help but to be mad at Eliza , wanting to punch her in the face just as she did to Lilia , but Lilia stops you , wondering why you might want to do such a thing
You angrily express how unfair you think what she did was , telling that she shouldn't be treaten las if she has the right to do whatever she'd like
"Just HOW is cuteness considered to be a bad thing ?!" you argue , loud enough to gain attention to yourself . Lilia takes you out before Eliza could've heard
He then sits beside you , trying to see what could've been wrong with you ; were you sick or just in a bad mood maybe ? He couldn't tell
" I'm sorry I just , got really mad with what she did and after you cried..." you mumble slowly , making Lilia giggle
" My my darling , I wasn't the only one who got slapped and also , I just cried at how my whole presentation keeps getting ruined by my... appreance . You know , it's a bit frustrating to be called cute after living hundreds of years as a terrifying dark fae ," he says , shaking his head in a playful manner
You are relieved knowing that he wasn't crying of pain or being heartbroken , and now he as well seems to be better
He asks of you're ready to return inside and you quickly agree , admitting that you might have been a bit too emotional
Just before you two get to others , he brings himself closer to ask you something : " You as well agree that I'm cute , don't you ?"
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"How dare she- I see now why master Lilia didn't let master Draconia approach - this disgraceful spirits don't deserve having the slightest sight of him..."and and and were the words you keeped up with untill you grew tired which was 20 minutes later . You really wish him to have a turn off button sometimes
Sebek feels really offended specially because he was just about to get to the best part of his speech about Malleus but got slapped in face
The sight of his mouth getting shut as Eliza slapped him was priceless , perhaps she and Malleus were the only ones who had ever got to shut his mouth
When he finally cools down , his puppy side is brought up : " (y/n) , maybe I didn't present myself good enough in front of her and caused her to take young master lightly . Is it my fault ? "
You keep telling him that Eliza just didn't like how he brought Malleus out of nowhere and started to ramble nonsense about him when he was supposed to be proposing
Sebek doesn't take your comment as a polite one at first , bit he had to agree , maybe it would have worked out for her if this ghost knew who the great Malleus Draconia is and that was why it all went wrong
You sigh at how he doesn't get your point at all but you don't say a word , he deeply appreciated Malleus after all ; Thought Malleus had to be removed surgically from him
Since he doesn't seem to be giving up , you say that you'd really like to hear that best part about Malleus , making him flatter and start talking like a parrot again
You don't really care what he says or how great Malleus can actually be , but if that's what makes him happy you are fine with it
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
Mini review/thoughts on Zombies 3:
This is not what I expected to be watching the night before my 21st birthday but here we are🤷🏻‍♀️
The aliens and the rest of Seabrook having the dance off in the opening song was giving me "CAMP ROCK" meme vibes
Zed hyping up Wynter for the football game 🥺
The aliens beaming down to Earth only to tell everyone that it's a 1 star planet and everyone else is too emotional
"We're old enough to know we're in love" "But we're 17" SHE'S SELF AWARE 😂 "You can't marry a man you just met" vibes
"We're gonna be fine, so fine" "We're not worried, definitely not worried" what I tell myself to my anxiety
Okay but the bossa nova music that's associated with the aliens 😂
"He ran crop circles around you" NOT THE CROP CIRCLES😂
"I'd be happy to dunk on you Zed" I WHEEZE-
Not the trade off for the aliens getting info from Zed being for Zed to have aliens help him get an application for college- does no one remember the SAT scandals?
The mascot Shrimpy going full FISTICUFFS/I will fight you mode at Eely/the other school's mascot 😂
Bree: "Bonzo is so not available" "Hold my glasses Addie" 😂 yess I love her once again stan Bree
"Now that they're distracted, we can-" "Get the moonstone" "VAPORIZE THEM" There's always one in every friend group 😂
Okay so if I had to correspond the aliens to other characters- A-spen is definitely the alien to Willa and Eliza, A-Li is definitely the Bonzo and Wynter of the group, and Zed, Wyatt, and A-Lan are bros.
Imma say it- I think the wolves have some BOPS for songs.
The running gag of Addison punching Zed in the face
"I'm not angry, I'm just in harmony in a super hostile way" 😂😂😂
Addison having to be told for like the third time she doesn't belong and then Zed having to help her through the fallout 🥺 oh I just want to give them hugs
Okay but like I can relate to Exceptional Zed- the pipeline from Scream in High School Musical 3 to Surface Pressure from Encanto to this
Disney said "and don't forget how it feels to be under pressure all the time/suffer from gifted kid burnout/feel like you need to seek approval/validation from others"
"Eat my stardust Seabrook" "Did I correctly talk trash?"
Addison having to put on those rubber kitchen gloves to stop herself from electric shocking Zed
Wyatt and Eliza's dynamic- Wyliza endgame
"You lied to me?" "I thought that was the best way to protect you" HMM NOW WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS TROPE BEFORE?
I love being a wlw reading into things 😂
Wait why Disneyyyy why did you have to do us like that and make Addison choose one or the other😭😭
"I don't want her to go" "No matter how far she goes she'll always be part of our pack" 😭😭 SOBBING
"I love you to the end of the universe" "Maybe we'll meet again somehow" "Someday" WHYYYYYYYYY 😭
ZEVON WINS BEST DAD AWARD. And Zoey best sister, obviously.
I understand why, but I wish Eliza was in person with the rest of the group for most of this movie.
A-Li breathing deeply and going "Awooo" and hitting the console of the ship- she learned from Zed and Wyatt 😭
Ah yes, I should have known the aliens were going to come back.
AWWWW the animation coming in at the end of the movie this time instead of the beginning oh we've come full circle 😭😭
Well, I didn't expect this movie to make me as emo as it did. Since I watched the movies pretty much all in a row, I didn't have to deal with waiting for another one to come out. But it really felt like I went on a whole journey. Nothing But Love was a good conclusion- a good closing song.
Also I wish A-spen and Willa a wonderful day, that is all. NON-BINARY ALIEN WINS
(one final note: I do kind of wish we got to see Addison in a scenario where she would have turned into a zombie- I just think since we got to see what werewolf!Addison could have possibly looked like, and we got alien!Addison in the end, I would have been curious just to see an idea of zombie!Addison)
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Credit to muppetmagic for the GIF
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superredcorp · 4 years
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"Oh Rao, oh Rao.", Kara mumbled repeatedly as she paced back and forth.
"Kara, slow down. There's no need to be nervous.", Alex chuckled. "Besides, you're gonna crease your dress."
"I'm getting married in less than an hour, Alex, how the hell am I supposed to slow down?", the blonde shrieked, about to run her hand through her hair when she remembered that this had just been freshly styled so instead she went to chew on her nail.
"Yes and it's gonna be great. All you have to do is look pretty, say your vows and don't forget to say "I do" at the end."
"But what if I don't remember my vows? What if I fall into a shocked trance or something? If-"
"Kara, this is too important for you to forget. Don't worry."
Kara looked at her doubtedly. "I forgot my speech when I proposed to her. I just started rambling. It's a miracle she even said yes."
"But she did, didn't she? Because apparently you found the right words to say after all. Even if you make them up on the spot... just speak from your heart, Kara, that's the best thing you can do.", Alex said.
Kara took a deep breath. "You're right."
"Of course I'm right. I'm the big sister and the maid of honor."
Kara laughed lightly. "Yeah. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Probably freak out completely."
"True.", she chuckled.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Seriously, what was I thinking? This doesn't make any sense! Kara should be the one walking down the aisle. She's the one with eyesight! I'm gonna make a fool out of myself! I'll trip or worse, I'll fall face first on the ground! This is insane!", Lena exclaimed panic-stricken, hands on her temples.
The woman in front of her raised her eyebrows in amusement. "Lena, you have to calm down. Everything's going to be just fine. You're going to do just fine."
"I don't know, Sam, I shouldn't-"
Sam stepped closer, placing her hands on her best friend's shoulders. "Hey, look, as your maid of honor who has the privilege of walking you down the aisle, I swear on Ruby's life that I won't let you fall, alright? And even if I should miraculously not be able to prevent you from tripping and falling... there's a whole crowd of superheroes out there, isn't there? I'm sure one of them will have mercy on you and catch you. If it's not Kara herself. Or your superdog here", Sam said with a chuckle and Krypto who had peaceful been laying a few feet away raised his head curtly to bark happily. Sam and Lena both laughed a little. Sam squeezed Lena's shoulders. "So just take a deep breath."
Lena complied and nodded. She smiled a little. "Thank you."
"Anytime.", Sam grinned. "Now come on, we still have to finish your hair."
Lena nodded again and let the other woman guide her away to style her hair.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kara stood nervously at the front, eyes glued on the path which Lena would be walking down on any minute now. They were having their wedding outside as they both weren't connected to the church too much - Lena because she wasn't baptised and Kara because her god was Rao.
Kara's heart was beating rapidly against her chest as her eyes scanned the crowd - so many different kind of people.
There were the obvious ones - her friends and family, going from J'onn, Kelly, Nia and Brainy to Eliza, Clark, Lois and their boys. Ruby was seated next to Kelly, not really knowing anyone as Alex stood at the front next to Kara since she was maid of honor and Sam would be walking Lena down the aisle as well as staying there. Since she was her maid of honor.
Even Alura and a few close friends from Krypton had made their way to Earth for this.
There were the other heroes and their accompanies - Barry, Iris, Cisco and Co, Felicity and Mia, the Legends, even Kate.
And so many more. So many people in front of which she could possibly embarrass herself.
She closed her eyes, trying her hardest to control her breathing.
Her eyes quickly shot open when she heard the music starting to play.
She held her breath and only released it when she saw Lena appear at the end of the path. All the tension seemed to fall from her body just as it had when she had heard her agreeing to marry her.
She felt a soft smile spread across her lips as she watched Lena walk towards her, arm tightly secured around Sam's.
Krypto walked a few feet behind them, head held high and excitedly wagging his tail. He carried a small pillow between his teeth on which the rings were placed. Making him probably one of the most adorable ring bearer's of all time.
Lena seemed to relax as well when her hands finally glid into Kara's and she was gently pulled in front of her.
Sam took her place at the side.
Kara couldn't help but stare at Lena, a goofy but dreamy grin on her face - her beauty really was beyond compare.
She unconsciously rubbed over the back of Lena's hands with her thumbs, making the brunette smile.
Neither of them really took notice of what was being said. They were totally lost in each other.
Kara just barely recognized her cue for saying her vows.
She cleared her throat and giggled nervously. But one look into Lena's face calmed her again. She concentrated fully on her.
"There are a lot of things I love about you. One of the things I love most though is that you are inherently good. I knew that from the moment I met you. It wasn't a hunch, I just knew. You... you basically radiated light and optimism and you still do. Despite everything you went through and despite the world trying to bring you down so many times, you... you never give up. You always get back up again and you're ready to prove yourself once more, no matter if people will believe you or not. I admire that about you. I really do and... and you transfer that onto me. You give me hope and faith. I know... I know there's times where you doubt yourself. Seriously doubt yourself but I promise I will always be there by your side to remind you of what you already know deep down. To build you back up again and to give you strength. Just like you give me strength. You make me so strong, Lena, you... You're my yellow sunlight."
She could see the tears glistening in the Luthor's eyes. She wore sappy smile on her lips as well as blushed cheeks.
"Well, it's gonna be hard to compete with that.", Lena exclaimed with a chuckle.
Kara laughed quietly and she heard a few sympathetic laughs from the crowd as well.
She took a shaky breath.
"It's not a secret that... it's hard for me to trust people. I've been betrayed many times over the years and it... it stuck with me. It made me do things I'm not proud of and things I regret doing. But... the best thing I could have possibly done was let you in. It was impossible not to let you in - with your kindness, your warmth... your incredibly goofiness.", Lena smiled. Kara blushed and chuckled. "So when I thought you betrayed me, I lost it. I... I was so used to being betrayed for selfish reasons, that I didn't realise someone might lie to me to protect me. It wasn't something I deemed possible. But it is. You... you stood by me in times where no one else did. Saved me when I thought all was lost. The truth is I only get back up because I know you'll be there to have my back. To catch me in case I fall again. You always did. Especially now. I... I may have lost my eyesight but it feels like I can see more clearly than ever before. Because you're there to guide me through. You... You're my light in the dark."
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taschas-clexafix · 5 years
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Welcome to my TED talk...
Okay my brain is slowly processing the latest episode The Gospel of Josephine... So Wow Eliza Taylor wow I am speechless you have me mad in love with everything you do and all the characters you bring to life TALENT!
Now Josephine is a selfish little psycho bitch and I dig her vibes she gives zero fucks and the singing and dancing and calling our girls body a Ferrari mmm yes at least we know she is brilliant I mean scary smart a visionary as she puts it. We also know she is the worst little actress or really was not given enough info to play the all amazing Clarke Griffin to be honest I am pissed at every single person who witnessed Madi hugging Clarke with the dramatic it's been forever since we've seen each other bear hug that they ALWAYS DO! I MEAN "Clarke" just FREEZES in like what the actual fuck is wrong with everyone? That should have been it the end right there everyone should have been like what the actual fuck is wrong with you Clarke! Dead give away! What happens nothing maybe a few questioning glances but everyone is being selfishly stuck in their own heads sleeping on the situation that's playing out in front of them so blatantly obvious! If it had been anyone else who got body snatched Clarke Griffin would have known instantaneously also if Lexa was still alive we all know one second of being in her presence and she would be like you are not my wife give her back who are you! Now I don't blame Madi for being all wrapped up in wanting to go to school so badly she completely ignores the fact her mom isn't her mom she is still just a kid she hasn't trained enough with the flame to be more mature then her age yet. I'm especially pissed that Abby got so easily distracted and manipulated by Josephine like Abby is going off the deep end worse then before with the drugs she's lost it. Kane is not a saint he almost had her floated he had her beat in front of everyone to prove a point he's not perfect, no one is. Also they had to eat in the dark year they would have died so Abby stop beating yourself up for saving what you thought to be the last of the human race! On another note Josephine now knows pretty much EVERYTHING she SHOULDN'T because everyone was stupid and ignored the signs something was up! I'm sorry Bellarke fans but like he took for fuck ever! Then he approached it like an idiot because now who knows what Josephine will do with him like he obviously thought something was up so why the fuck would he get her alone come on dude this is why I only want platonic Bellarke sorry not sorry. Now things I would enjoy seeing is Abby saving Kane by Josephine manipulating her into the ways of the prime's making nightbloods and hmm maybe bringing Lexa back somehow can't be that hard I mean sure it would be a different body but fuck Clarke deserves Lexa and so do us fans. Ugh another thing Josephine said Consent is KEY! Bladeblah right now we only saw part of the tape for that first reborn Josie what if because she didn't consent she fights against josie and that's why consent and brainwashing is so important. Must be a mature and willing brain or the upload doesn't stick we all know Clarke will fight I think that Josie is getting some crazy ideas now that she has learned so FREAKING much thanks to the idiots Clarke is always saving god they are so helpless without her like I LOVE them but come on guys obvious signs ding ding ding lights going off alarms sounding signs! Clarke is going to have to save herself because everyone else is fucking clueless. All in all amazing episode I could literally watch Eliza do anything for hours straight she's so talented! Can't wait for next week where we learn that even more of the group is too dense to see the big ass red signs everywhere! Side note I think Octavia would have freaking noticed with the way Clarke disnt hug Madi! I mean all they have been doing is lashing out on Clarke for protecting her child last season and now she does some obvious shit givibg zero fucks about Madi like that come on! Anyways can you tell I needed to vent all that sorry not sorry.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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akane171 · 2 years
Pfff, THAT doesn't count, I'm hard-headed 😂😂 (Plus, well, no wonders my memory is shitty🤷🏻‍♀️😅🙈)
Didn't Naruto and Sasuke technically do that with Kaguya's dimensions? Oh, and I think Dragon Ball Super had a whole Tournament in which the losers' universes get destroyed?🤔😅 And well, thanks for the warning!🙈😂
Ehw...fishy...😕 And nope, we-or well, at least *I* - am being truthful😊 (animals have to be protected, I don't care who or what I have to annihilate to protect them, but I will protect them, esp. Puppies😍)
...That's a very weird running joke, how the heck did you guys end up with that?😅 (Some friends of mine used to make a similar joke but it was mostly just to annoy our asian friend by being asses, soo🤷🏻‍♀️😅🙈)
Juuup, it's so sad, it will never be funny😭
Ahh, yes, true, he totally went all adaptive Dad-mode on those freaking teenagers 😍😂 And yuup, his development was beautiful😍😍🙈
WAit, WHAT?!? YOU'VE WRITTEN A FIC LIKE THAT?!?! OMG, HOW DID I MISS THAT REPEATEDLY WHILE BINGING THROUGH YOUR STORIES?!?!😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭 Excuse me, I think I need to go and find out if I'm blind or just too stupid to see🤦🏻‍♀️🙈
HAHAHA, I'd totally watch a show with just those meetings in each episode🤣🤣😍
..."have a talk with her"... sooo...Angry mob and Bazookas?🤔😉😂
You know, I don't think I've ever thought about whether Bal-Seg knew something about that or not, but now I'm very curious, too, and itching to ask LW🤔😅🤦🏻‍♀️
Hmm, well, dunno what would be 100% accurate (only LW can know THAT) but I like to think Bal would be his usual semi-grumpy self and snark with/at Mon-El, but actually be quite happy cause Kara obviously makes Mon happy and want to be better (like the great king Mon should have been damnit!)🤔 Maybe be a bit suspicious of Kara cause despite Mon and Bal being idiots who can't just tell each other they care deeply for each other (...Lol, is this a pattern? Looks like Mon's relationships with people are showing a pattern😂😉) he is kinda protective of his prince?🤔 [Tbh, not going too deep into it cause I still plan on writing this whenever I finally have enough time to properly sit down and work on it, my One-Shot idea was sth like a Medusa episode AU of PiaD in which Mon gets infected and Kara somehow learns of an alien who might know sth which turns out to be Bal-Seg, going to beg for his help and him coming cause he didn't save his prince so the idiot could die like this damnit and well, Mon might or might not be thinking he's hallucinating/dreaming?😂😅]
Ohhh, I really like this idea of yours!😍 Bal-Seg and Mon actually leaving?? It sounda so angsty but uff, sounds like It'd be SOOOO good🙈 And awwwww, Bal sitting with Mon all the time 😍😍😭😭
Hmm, maybe after he helps (e.g. by somehow negotiating with the aliens?) he tries to go back to the whole no-contact thing with Kara but she finally wants to talk about it, they have one of their spectacular fights/arguments (Oh god, now I'm imagining all the kind of hurtful things they could bring up like Mon saying sth like "Why?! Why do you even care?! I'm just the selfish fratboy of the universe DAXAMITE PRINCE, right?!") and they just blow up at each other and Eliza and Bal have to go and "translate" and make Karamel see reason and truly talk to each other instead of deciding the other is better off without them or sth? Oh, and maybe they somehow end up back in a Cell like in Cadmus (kinda to make them reminiscence cause pretty sure that's when at least Mon realized he might be falling for Kara) and finally admit how they really feel?🤔 (Nevermind this, I'm just brainstorming, feel free to ignore this😅🙈)
Jup, that he definitely is and that's how we love him😍😂
It WOULD be precious😍🙈 They could have a Frenemenection?🤔 Frenebros?🤔 
You too!😊
PS: Ohhhhh, nearly forgot: Have you seen the first two episodes of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series?!? Not gonna spoiler but OMG, S3!Mon is literally a mirror-version of Obi-Wan at that point in time😂🙈
...how often do you hit your head.... if you know it's oh so hard...
You know, i tried to erase the last arc from my memory, so I don't remember a shit...
So, you don't eat meat? No ham? No cold meat? No steaks? No hamburgers with puppies?
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I don't remember, seriously. Our field of study was and still is very specific and weird people end there, teachers included. Our fave philosophy of life was WELTSCHMERZ.
Yay! Go go Chris fanclub!
Oh yes, I did. IN POLISH so don't get excited... But damn, it is so funny. So much funnier than in English, sigh
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We will know? Hopefully XD
You know now, that if you won't write it, I will go aftr your ass too? So yeah? Cool ideas about Seg meeting Karamel, now go and write it? YES??????
I was kind of thinking about him, being the prince, going for negotiations that ended with whole night drinking and he ended super hangovered and Kara screamed at him again, because frat boy of the universe strikes again, while him just silently taking it and then giving Alex a napkin with some scribble. The more hangovered aliens come and prised the Daxamite prince strong head and how he out-drank them what ended with them singing some treaty and Kara is like,what treaty? And the point the napkin, where indeed, a nice for humans treaty is written.
And well, I think Kara and Mon El would argue a lot, him maybe helping sometimes with stuff, that Bal Seg comes more and helps them, without Mon-El but Kara is dissapointed every time when he doesn't appear, but when he does, she is snappish and annoyed, what makes him annoyed too, you know, idiots in love who can't talk to each other like normal alien beings. And well, maybe Mon-El could get interested for the first time in stuff he really likes, like engineering, and creating his legion ring? A lot of ideas, if you have something, please share :D
A Max fanclub too, huh? xD High five!
Fremenection sounds like something from Dune xD
And no, so far I didn't but I plan, of course. It's our son Obi-Wan, right?!!!
0 notes
sometimesrosy · 8 years
Have you seen the interview That just came out that has Eliza claiming Bellamy as more cutthroat and Clarke more sensitive and that she doesn't get why they make such good partners but this season they need each other more and more? I mean....I guess okay? Sometimes the way Eliza talks about her character and Bellarke, it's like she doesn't get it at all. I don't want to say that but you know....
I’ve already read it and your ask made me go back and read it again because I did not get what you got at all. Where are you getting that she doesn’t get that they make such good partners?
Why do you think they make such good partners? Taylor: I’m not sure. I think Bellamy has a lot thicker skin and he’s a lot more cutthroat, which she needs sometimes. And Clarke has a sensitivity and a sensibility about her that Bellamy needs sometimes. With those two things combined, they really do need each other. I think that’s why people look up to them as a team.
Will we see Bellamy and Clarke continue to really lean on each other going forward?Taylor: Yeah, more and more than ever they need each other.
They ask why they make good partners. She answers why she thinks they need each other and people look up to them as a team. It might not be why YOU think they make a good team. It might not be your interpretation of strengths, but it’s hers. 
The interpretation that Clarke is more sensitive than Bellamy is certainly valid. She lets in people far before Bellamy does. Bellamy has a thicker skin, I’m sure from his years hiding Octavia. He has defenses against other people that Clarke doesn’t. Clarke immediately wants to treat everyone as her people, wisely or not. 
And as to Bellamy being more cutthroat, I’m not sure that’s not true either. I mean, when we met him, he’d shot Jaha to get on the ship. He was always willing to go to extremes to protect his people. Clarke got locked up for wanting to tell EVERYONE what was happening. Clarke, from the beginning was urging Bellamy to turn to his better nature, which she saw in him, but which he hid behind his thick skin, right? And Clarke learned from him that she needed to be more ruthless some times. I mean, she did end up being the first of them to actually kill someone. And she did actually turn out to be the one who actually cut throats. But was it because she embraced an element of his ruthlessness in his pursuit of taking care of his people? It’s a thought. And it’s a thought that starts their interdependence before they were even partners. It might even be the BASIS of their relationship. Maybe she’s talking about season 1 making them good partners, and you think it should be only season 4? Maybe she’s talking about her journey, where you want her to praise romantic bellarke?
You’re discounting her interpretation because you don’t agree and not only that, you kind of have her saying the opposite of what she did say. Why’d you do that? You twisted her words to fit your bias against Eliza’s pov. 
Is it because you don’t trust Eliza and expect her to cut down Bellarke? Which she did NOT do here. So you took a verbal tic “I’m not sure” and interpreted it to mean that she didn’t get why they make such good partners. 
Her focus on Bellarke was that they need each other. The question was about being good partners. You know what the difference is between the two concepts? Eliza is looking at the relationship from inside of Clarke’s head, not from what other people think about their leadership. When the interviewer asked her a question that is NOT part of her analysis (why would Clarke ever ask that question of her relationship with Bellamy?) she considers a way to see their partnership. And it isn’t about “what makes a good partnership” it’s about what each character needs from the other. He protects her (cut throat, thick skinned). She cares for him (sensitivity, sensibility.) He’s tough. She’s soft. 
Yin Yang. Of course, each character holds the other element within themselves. She’s soft but the toughest mofo around once you get past that soft outside. And he’s tough, but inside is the most caring person, once you get past the hard shell. This is ACTUALLY the point of Yin Yang, not just that they are opposites, but that they hold the essence of the other, already, inside of them.)
I don’t think Eliza does meta on the show. I think she does character analysis of Clarke, and she should. It’s not her job to analyze the parts that Clarke herself is not a part of. In fact, considering the story from the outside of Clarke’s head could interfere with her ability to really get into Clarke’s character. 
This does not mean Eliza doesn’t understand the show. This means she is coming from a different perspective than you. And she does not have the same agenda as you. 
Notice also, that the question was “what makes them good partners,” and she answered with an emotional, personal need. Not business. Not politics. Not saving the people. Not working with others. Need. Four times in four sentences about Bellarke, Eliza said Clarke and Bellamy need each other. 
she needs him. he needs her. they need each other. they need each other.
Holy Bellarke, Batman. 
“more and more than ever they need each other.”
Without ever challenging the rage of the “make her grieve the love of her life and be forever alone” kru.
You know what? Stop jumping down Eliza’s throat because she’s not bellarke enough for you. That’s shipwars business.
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verdemoun · 4 months
Ik you set this up to ask about characters but can I ask how a beach day would go with the gang? Who's been buried in the sand and left there, what's Kieran getting up to, who's gotten the cops called on them and got removed from the premises? Do the girls get to enjoy modern swimwear as much as I think they would?
fuck yeah asks are for gang activity ideas too
bessie has no time for ageism she looks like aphrodite in her sunhat and sheer coverup and hosea almost has a heart attack and dies right there because of how beautiful his wife looks and how much he loves her
i need to set this in the whole gang chapters because arthur spends at least an hour making fun of john who is downright afraid of going near the water but instead of admitting he's afraid he just gets angrier at arthur
jack also can't swim and abigail is increasingly wondering why she even agreed to come jack looks like he's about to pass out because he insisted on wearing all black in his typical angsty teenage bullshit
isaac morgan to the rescue he convinces jack to at least change into shorts and take off his coat. being the sweetest most courteous man to ever exist he bought a paddle board and jack just gets to sit on the front enjoying getting further away from the embarrassing chaos that is the gang while isaac paddles.
course isaac is also a shit and jumps off at several points because it's hot he wants to be in the water and after giving jack suffient panic attacks he rows to a little secluded spot so jack doesn't have to be embarrassed about not knowing how to swim and tries to give him lessons
eliza and abigail both absolutely radiant like modesty is dead and they are thriving at its wake abigail is serving in the strapless bikini and her beach wrap and just because her boys can't enjoy the water doesn't mean she won't. they both deserve to be able to relax without worrying about their children or the men who fathered them if arthur and john kill each other they don't care anymore they're living their best lives
also men stupid enough to catcall them soon learn the reason the gang didn't react is because abigail can punch as hard as they can and will not tolerate that shit
sean gets buried mostly because he started to burn the second he left the car after claiming it was too hot to wear protective clothing and his skin has forgotten he used to be an outlaw who literally lived outside. burying him was the only way to get him to stay still long enough to put sunscreen on his face. karen proceeds to lay on top of sand mound so he can't escape which he is okay with because she is unapologically rocking the purple two piece
lenny is the only one with the mental facilities to remember everyone's ice cream orders so he spends half the trip trying to carry a gang worth of ice cream back from the truck but he would really enjoy swimming little nihilistic nerd ass is swimming around imagining it's the weightless of space and thinking about perceptions of gravity
everyone has been doing their own things for a good 30 minutes before they realise kieran has wandered off and they swear to god he is doing it because he enjoys causing them distress
kieran and albert mason went to look at rock pools which is fine NOT FINE DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THINGS IN THERE ARE VENOMOUS charles has to abandon his relaxation to supervise and make sure they don't poke anything that could kill them
micah is trying to teach baymax how to swim the giant baby of a rescue dog has never been in water deep enough where he needs to paddle
dutch and micah would be the ones kicked off the beach because it's not a dog friendly beach and upon being asked to leave micah started shouting about stupid laws which triggered dutch into another 'oh so this is the great and bountiful united police states where you can use your almighty powers to govern where a man takes his companion'.
grimshaw gently squeezing annabelle's hand like honey that ain't your problem anymore. let the ladies lay on the beach and enjoy wine and cheese while dutch gets arrested
molly didn't even know the gang were going to the beach but it's good to see everyone every once in a while (she turns up after dutch left or she would have shived him). she brought 4 different outfits for different times of day depending on uv exposure and javier applauds her for it. she is taking so many selfies and encourage javier to pose with her
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