#I know I’m bad at wordle okay
justjensenanddean · 1 year
Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles Panel | Brighton UK (Crossroads 6), March 11, 2023
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( sicparvis87 )
Jensen: IT’S ONLY SATURDAY WE GOT A WHOLE OTHER DAY, PACE YOURSELF! (to Danneel) have YOU been pacing yourself? Danneel : No! (x)
“are you ready for this?” - jensen to danneel  (x)
Ok, so. Danneel’s first con was a Starfury. Jensen said she shouldn’t brag. And a bit later Jensen said he had the dancing covered. (x)
“as long as there’s no dancing i’ll be fine” “it’s okay i have that covered”  (x)
“we’ve got to develop some projects currently in development”  (x)
Jensen saying he’s really proud of what they’ve been doing with the Winchesters and what’s in the work.  (x)
“i wanna work with the people i know i trust and who are outstanding human beings”  (x)
Dream projects? Jensen: “Ruth would obviously be the star.” (Ruth is watching from the balcony.) “Oh hey, Ruth, didn’t see you there.” He wants to work with the people he trusts, outstanding human beings. (x)
Jensen: “we’ve had 15 years to weed out the bad people, I’m not sure how Mark Sheppard is still here…”  (x)
Jensen just wants to work with the people he’s got to work with who are just good people. It’s gotta be grounded in love, family, a tad of humor and a little magic.  (x)
“it’s gotta have heart, humour and a little bit of magic” the unofficial tagline of their company  (x)
Jensen helping Danneel count for how many years they’ve been together when she started as Anael on SPN  (x)
How was it working on set. Danneel struggles with how long she’s been together with Jensen. Jensen knows it would’ve been 12 seasons when she came in at 13 and is proud he knows. (x)
Jensen immediately asked “IS THAT ON THE GAG REEL” when Danneel fell during her first scene on SPN  (x)
“i did not act like a husband in that moment” jensen too focused on getting danneels gag reel moment on film instead of helping her  (x)
Danneel put together a whole playlist for The Winchesters before they even cast anyone, and a lot of it actually made it onto the show. They chose “I’d Love To Change The World” which in the pilot FIRST.  (x)
Which scene with music from The Winchesters did they like most? Danneel put together a playlist before they even cast, a lot of it made it on the show. “10 years after”/I love to change the world” (?) really set the tone. (x)  But a lit of songs they wanted were too expensive to afford. On SPN, as production got more expensive, they had to stop using music so much, used more score to save money (x) 
“i get to go and destroy some robots in a warehouse? i’m in. i’m easy” (x)
Jensen is easy. When he heard he gets to come on the set and destroy a bunch of robots, he was in, but doesn’t play a lot of video games. Danneel snitches that he plays Mario Cart with the kids almost daily. (x)
Jensen said he doesn't play video game anymore but Danneel said he plays Mario Kart almost everyday with the kids  (x)
In his old house pre-Danneel he had a special dark room with two TVs and two couches to play Halo with his friends. (Danneel snitches again.) He plays “blue shy guy” on Mario Cart. (x)
Fan asked if Jensen plays video game and Danneel went “well you play one every day”. And Jensen went “Wordle? … BACKGAMMON?!” (The answer is Mario Kart because he plays it with the kids)  (x)
help jensen is so excited to introduce his kids to his fave videos games when they’re older and he also doesn’t always let his kids win video games which danneel finds mean considering he’s competed by 6 year olds (paraphrase)  (x)
“I know your next question, it’s ‘what character do I choose on Mario kart’, the answer is blue shy guy. I’m a shy guy ” (x)
Q person reccs Red Dead Redemption. Jensen really wanted The Last of Us, but when he heard Pedro got the job, he knew he had no shot. (x)
Jensen really wanted to be on The Last of Us, then he heard Pedro Pascal got the part and went “oh no he’s PERFECT” (im paraphrasing but he was nerding out )  (x)
They’re talking about recreating the music video for their anniversary. Their friend did it first as a birthday gag. So he suggested they do it “for instagram”. Danneel was like “let’s go”. and they got into a serious fight over who would be Paul Simon  (x)
Danneel says they do zero work for instagram content. Q was about the music vid years ago. The Ackles’s argued who plays Chevy and who plays Paul Simon. Jensen complains about having to be the short guy again. He’s gonna get a complex. He yells for Mark to come down. (x)
Danneel telling Jensen he was so good on their anniversary video, and telling him “you were made to play Paul Simon”  (x)
“it was very rare for him to be home during the week… for 15 years”  (x)
He also said he was really sad his kids wouldn’t get to experience the whole ‘taking the cartridge off and having to blow on it for it to work again’ (x)
Danneel didn’t wanna be in The French Mistake bc it’s “Jensen’s thing”  (x)
Karaoke. Danneel only did it once. Sang “Band of the run” and there was a very long musical interlude. It scared her so much she never did it again. Jensen went with the Dawson’s Creek gang and sang “El Paso”.  (x)
Everyone put their glass down either in amazement or shock. There’s a plate in a corner of that bar with an etching how great that night was, Jensen jokes. (x)
Editor, director, actor walk into a bar, you can only buy one drink? Danneel: Editor, they can make you look good. Jensen: Would buy himself a drink. (x)
Danneel once got handed a bag with her as a doll filled with fish hooks. She blindly reached in the bag and straight into a hook. (x)
They’re talking about creepy fans, and Danneel just said “they’re not fans of the show, fans of the show don’t do these things”  (x)
danneel is telling a story abt her accepting a gift off a fan of her being made into a doll out of fish hooks and she accidentally got hurt and jensen said ‘you know how much i had to PAY for that doll?!’  (x)
Weirdest thing given to Jen and Dee, someone left a dead kitten on their door step  (x)
jensens talking about how performing radio company concert for the first time was a very different experience to acting or performing other peoples songs bc with those other two you interpret it your own way but it’s still other peoples words but these were his and steve’s  (x)
Playing in Nashville and performing words he actually wrote himself with Steve was “next level”. Danneel adds that he was nervous and he doesn’t get nervous. (x)
“to get out there and perform something you created it’s certainly more of a vulnerability”  (x)
danneel watched the concert with the kids on stageit. “they thought it was cool” (x)
The kids were pretty impressed seeing him on stage, but they see him play a lot, because he plays them songs on the piano at home all the time.  (x)
their kids have watched the scoobynatural episode so many times  (x)
Jensen is talking about fighting to have Dean dying while he was standing instead of how it was originally planned with Dean dying on the floor. (x)
Jensen about Dean’s death: “I don’t have to LIKE it, but I’m proud of it.”  (x)
Jensen would change how they handled the Leviathans and get rid of them sooner if he got to change something  (x)
What would Dean from s15 tell Dean from s4? Danneel: Beware of vampires!  (x)
question about what directors inspired them the most! (Jensen’s answer has been long but he mentioned Kim Manners, Bob Singer and John Showalter)  (x)
jensen ensuring he was conscious of every crew members job so that they felt like they had purpose.  (x)
Kim Manners and Bob Singer, they both set the tone on the show. Micromanaged. Kim said “you’re gonna direct one day” to Jensen and it got him thinking. It was becausehe was interested in the lenses, lighting & such. (x)
Bob and Phil Sgriccia helped him a lot. Phil said “always have an answer, even if it’s wrong.” Because when you say “you pick” or “whatever” to a Q from someone working for you, you dimish the other person’s job. And you can always change your mind & that tells them you thought (x)  about it, thus making their job even more important. (x)
To Danneel; how did you know he (Jensen) was THE ONE? Jensen; *cracks up* Danneel: It was on Ten Inch Hero, I always knew he was cute and all of that, but… It was one of those, we were driving back and forth, and just talking about our future, and our career (x)  Danneel: I’m a girl who likes to do things first. (…) At the end of the movie, there’s a scene where I walked up to Priestly and gave him a kiss… That was NOT scripted.(x)  Danneel: but obviously Jensen had read the script, he knew it wasn’t scripted. I just knew I had to do something else or it would be too late. (x)
danneel knew by the end of filming ten inch hero once they’d spent time doing long drives talking about their futures and everything and then in the scene where she kisses priestly wasn’t scripted and jensen was like “oh!!!!!! i caught a BIG fish let’s go!”  (x)  “i like your talent your cute your-” “you were like this one can give me good kids” “yeah i saw you with your nephews and-“ “and you were like this is a good pedigree!” (x)
J-yeah but after we dated when did you know I was the one to marry They went on vacation and her mum knew then D needed to marry him. J-i knew I needed to spend the rest of my life impressing her  (x)
When did Danneel know that Jensen was the one? They were friends before but thought they would never be together. They carpooled to the Ten Inch Hero set. 40 mins each way, just talking about the future, how they were raised, carreer… (x)  She always knew Jensen was cute, but those talks really did it. In the last scene of the movie, the little kiss between their characters wasn’t scripted, that was Danneel making the first move. (x)  Jensen immediately knew it was a big fish snd went “bzzzz” (reeling in noise). Jensen prods when she knew he was the one to marry though. They went on a family trip. Then Jensen knew he’d spend the rest of his life trying to impress her. Danneel’s mom knew they were it too. (x)
Jensen: “I’m gonna try to impress for the rest of my life… Still hasn’t done it! I’m gonna keep trying to.” (x)
Danneel said she was really nervous up until she did her first photo ops and everyone was so nice to her  (x)
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( MurielFPhotos )
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dinoalexander · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemen and multiforms across seven star systems. It is an honor, a privilege, and a pleasure to inform you that READER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED.
With that said, the World-Famous Get Down Like a Hound Party ‘til You Puke Semi-Quotable 2022 Quotedown Quotetacular is live in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… BEGUN!
“I’m not people, I’m your brother!” -C
“Now that Jeff Bezos owns Whole Foods, it’s more like two cans.” -Klauss
“F 2021 in its poop chute.” -Carl
“Kim, if I ever go into that drawer, always assume it’s for a fork.” -C, on a coworker’s junk drawer with plastic cutlery and… feminine hygiene products on full display.
“The 2020s need to go into time out and think about what they did.” -Q
“Chose the right week to choose my wife over trivia.” -Dave
“A bemusing coincidence that we lose Howard Hesseman on the same day the football team from Cincinnati does their best impression of a flock of turkeys being dropped from a helicopter...” -Justin
“… come on, girl. You saw ‘Set It Off’.” -C
“The groundhog saw his shadow, meaning six more weeks until the Times puts Wordle behind a paywall.” -Justin
“It Was a Thing a YouTube Dipshit Did With Too Much Money.” -Klauss
He's a D*ck - Gordon
You know I don't use that language - Bonnie
P*nis? - Gordon
No - Bonnie
Flapping piece of soft cartilage? - Gordon
.....- Bonnie
"Hey, didn't you used to be Antonio Brown?" -Justin
“Remember if you’re not having fun while you’re cooking, you’re just making food.” -Alvin Zhou
“The more I thought about swinging by Food Lion, grabbing a steak and a pack of risotto, the more I thought… I don’t want to cook, and even if I did, the kitchen is in no condition to be trifled with.” -C
“It’s not fitting in the hole” -Ken
“That’s what she said.” -Dan
“The group had a six-titty tour.” -Jonathan Oakes
“I’m stuck between namaste and kiss my ass.” -Craig Shoemaker
“The word of the day...is Thwomphammer.” -G
“They are trying to get Alabama in SO BAD. if Alabama gets in it's megacans.fuckyou.wav.” -J
“Y’all re-awoke a fire in me that will only make me stronger and I’m beyond excited to unleash that demon again to exponential levels on any OPP that lines up across from me next season.” -Eli Apple
“Hold on. Gordon’s plant is being naughty again.” -C
“Typed a 2,000 word reply to an email. Edited it down to 1,000 words. Edited it down to 500 words. Edited it down to 12 words. Hit send. Felt really good to type the 2,000 words, though.” -Kevin
“I’ve lost my appetite… and perhaps my will to live.” -C, on Q’s textcapades
“If it’s Beverly Crusher, we’re in trouble. If it’s Wesley Crusher, we may be okay.” -Benny
“When I am rich… you’re getting therapy, you’re getting therapy, you’re getting DOUBLE therapy. EVERYBODY’S HEALING.” -Deborah’s reel
“Man this is a Howie Mandel-hosted show on Netflix!” -Jay
“Before you guys put me in a chat, can you solve this problem by looking at policy?” -C
“Today I learned Måneskin isn’t the porn version of the 1980s classic Mannequin.” -Klauss
“Walk into the club like whaddup I got a oh god oh no wrong building I’m so sorry continue with your funeral god bless.” -TJ’s shirt
“I’ll try being nicer when you try being smarter.” -Tara
“Ta-DOW! … did that word just come out of my mouth?” -C
“We’re not going to beat Abraham Lincoln’s poop today.” -Megan
“I’m the blue one.” -Benny
“You don’ look like David Yost to me!” -C
“I’m gonna feed you. I don’t know you but I’m gonna feed you.” -?.. somebody
“Interesting fact: The world population will pass 8 billion sometime in the next few hours.” -Bruce
“Nick Cannon at it again?” -Jenny M
“Not gonna make it this year because I haven’t said anything particularly funny. My writers are on strike for better living conditions and improved food in the commissary. I told them they’d still have to share a room and they were gonna eat whatever their mother cooked.” -Daniel
“Uber driver:”I was a contestant on The Price is Right four years ago!”
Me: “Yeah? How’d you do?”
(Surprisingly long, uncomfortable silence)
Uber driver: “Bitch bid a dollar more.”” -Adam
“Irish nachos… 0/10. Would not recommend. I don’t think the cheese was even cheese. Might’ve been something from Flippy’s Gas ‘N Gulp.” -C
“And last night he was all “no I haven’t decided yet.” Even Brett Favre was like “this goddamned prick.”” -Greg, on Tom Brady’s retirement.
(Phlebotomist brings in labs when it’s time for us to go)
“Yay Albania!” -Tommy
“Use the toilet now or forever hold your pee.” -Frontier stewardess
“NERD SHIT!” -C & Phillip
“Tom Brady is the human version of Herpes.” -Blaze
“We have standards.” -Ken
“Finally!” -Benny
“I'm going to fail 30 times. It sounds like my dating life." -Klauss
“Rename the Washington Football Team the Gotham Rogues, because our stadium looks like Bane just left.” -Mark Ellis
“Give a man glitter, he glitters for a lifetime. Teach a man to glitter, he ALSO glitters for a lifetime. That's just how glitter works.” -Heather
“Shut the fuck up, Fay Vincent.” -Greg
“My computer locked up in computer jail. Come save a biiiiiiitch!” -Gena
“The big 69 ROFLMAO - Gordon Pepper Commissioner. Every game is nice.” -J
“Normal Québécois is dirty French. BOOK SAY SO.” -C
“You know what, sure the Vols lost this week...but you know who I feel bad for? America's fairweather college football fans...every one of them has had the staggering realization that, sadly, they are going to have to start rooting for Georgia...again.” -Brian
13: “Time loop.”
Yaz: “Time loop.”
Dan: “Groundhog Day.”
-from “Eve of the Daleks”
Paul Heyman: “Ladies and Gentlemen… my name is Paul Heyman, and I am the #Advocate for the…”
Paul Heyman: “… BRRRROCK…”
VRM: “PURDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Carmelo Anthony… going from missing the lay-in to missing the play-in.” -Shaq
“You’re in their DMs. We’re in them. We are not the same.” -Tampax
“You’ve been hanging out with us too much.” -C
“Or not enough!” -Brian
“My next door neighbor told me her dogs Zeus and Xena had an “accidental breeding” and Xena is going to have puppies at the end of April. I’m thinking, you can’t name a dog Zeus and NOT expect him to impregnate all the bitches!” -Megan
“In case you're wondering if the automatic closed captioning on YouTube is good enough, please remember that it once thought I said, "I'm going to Popeyes while I pick up some great sex on the internet."
Obviously that's ridiculous. It was Raising Cane's.” -Wingo
“Charlie Cox plays Daredevil, you idiot!” -C to Jay as James May
“I laughed. LORD, HOW I LAUGHED.” -Liz
“First progress report (too tired to do anything last night) One hour in and three cars prime gives me a nice $120 profit. Now to run to the boys room and figure out what my next move is.” -C
“Royal flush.” -Carl
“Do you care to udder that again?” -Austin Rogers #callback
“I don’t drink Pumpkin Spice Latte before October 1. I don’t do my holiday shopping before Thanksgiving. I’m an American, dammit!” -Jay
“Autocorrect can be a real piece of shut.” -Doug
“Carl has the football.” -C
“Let us know when Carl has the sporting goods store.” -Jay
“Quisla what’s wrong? Do you have hemorrhoids? Do I have to pray for your ass?” -Adam
“Isn’t That Girl Lay Lay just That’s So Raven with artificial intelligence instead of magic psychic powers?” -C
“We are stumbling through this class like a flock of angry, feral geese, and that's ok!”
-TJ, describing how we're going to think about queer theory and that it's tough and scary and uncomfortable.
““Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass of Home.'” “That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome.'” “Is it common?”“Well, It's Not Unusual.”” -Brian
“Q: What has 27 actors, three settings, two writers, and one plot? A: 671 Hallmark movies.” -Lollie
“I’m firing up my 43-inch…. TV.” -Jay, on 4/20
“Southwest is the worst of the American air carriers, except for all of the others.” -Scott
“So @Chico I have beef with Duke now.” -Kim
“‘On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your pain level?’ MOTHERFUCKING 15!” -Q
“Ummmm the United States also has a big glass pyramid... with a Bass Pro Shops in it.” -Danielle
“I don’t want to feel like king shit while washing my undies.” -C, pondering the cost of a new washer/dryer
“What the colonized Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon did I just watch?!” -Kim
“The league controls the narrative. NFL Network (Will Forte) is the cuck in the buttfucking between Roger Goodell (Laurence Fishburne) and Tom Brady (Kristin Wiig).” -Klauss
“I remember this thing being a thing.” -Austin Rogers
TIM: "Well, the big sports news today is that Russell Wilson has been traded."
ME: "Is he the guy that they named the footballs after?"
TIM: "....No."
ME: "Then he must not have been that good."
And that's today in "Talking with Adam about Sports."
“First pregnancy: I’ve never felt more beautiful, thinking about the little miracle growing inside of me. It’s such a blessing! Second pregnancy: … never doing this again.” -Manuela Arbeláez
“My in-house normal is borderline illegal.” -C
“Lionel Goldbart and Barbara Lowe in one room. No wonder nobody had a tape of it, everyone’s TV exploded.” -Ben
“Scott Hanson is definitely the Ryan Seacrest to Andrew Siciliano’s Brian Dunkleman.” -Awful Announcing comment
“I expected to be disappointed. I was indeed disappointed.” -D
“This came up today. Sympathy is personally having experienced similar sucktitude such that you can have an emotional memory when someone else's circumstances suck. Empathy is recognizing that some else is going through something sucky. Compassion is one of the above PLUS feeling a desire to solve the suck for that other person. I have heard a few people say they have lost their empathy. I guarantee you haven't. You have just stopped trying to solve other people's lives; that is a growth step not a failure.” -Jenni
“My deep and abiding knowledge of pantyhose comes in handy again.” -Jay
“I’m not a fan of this lineup. It’s not great. Not great at all.” -C
“NOT GREAT, BOB!” -Benny
“Congratulations to Jimmy Garoppolo on replacing Dr Fauci as Aaron Rodgers’ least favorite Italian” - Richard Staff
Dave Pasch: "Is he aware that you played for the Boston Celtics?"
Bill Walton: "I have no idea. Did I?"
Pasch: "You did win Sixth Man of the Year."
Walton: "Which means I was Larry Bird's valet. Which means my job was to tell Larry what time the game started."
“I worked with Howard Hesseman a bit in the early 70s. I’m paraphrasing: “I bought a set of leather luggage today. It looks new now, but 25 years from now I’ll have a set of groovy luggage.” - Steve Martin
“Odell Beckham now has as many Super Bowl touchdowns as respected former NFL tight end Aaron Hernandez.
A great honor.” - Barry McCockiner
“Hey Shohei Ohtani is doing these amazing things.....and the Angels are losing again" - Gary Cohen
“Late night television is still selling nonstick cookware as if it’s 1975 and this is somehow a new invention.” - Tom Nichols
“Every G-D website I go to I click “Accept Cookies”-- and how many cookies have I actually received? Zero. Zero cookies.” - Rainn Wilson
"Tom Stone who looks an awful lot like Mike Scott of the Houston Astros. Maybe if he was scuffing the ring, he would have a better chance in some of these matches." - Peter Winston
“Recently heard a newscaster say, “Today is National Bring Your Dog to Work Day. Which is, of course, a made-up holiday.” And I thought, “Aren’t all holidays made-up?” - Gerard Mulligan
“My arts & entertainment Spidey-sense is going mad! But I swear I thought it was Phantom.” -Q
“Yeah I’m that bitch that cut you off. Fuck you and your mama.” -Mary on her personalized license plate
“I believe it was Gonzaga who said… “(makes gagging, gasping, and choking noises)”” -C
“That would be my fat ass.” -… somebody on TikTok
“If I haven't made the wall yet, I'm not going too, so I'm going to just spew unintelligible gibberish for the remainder of the day. This is no different than my regular programming.” -Erskine
"He should be Admiral Crunch by now. He's been delivering deliciousness for quite some time and surely is due for a promotion." -Howard
“Tent poles, everywhere. Tent poles.” -Shannon
“Turducken for everyone!” -Carl
“You’re too concentrated on listicle! Just answer the question!” -C
“It's more difficult to give away a couch than I remember!” -J. Keith
“Congratulations to Dusty Baker. His team can kiss my Halo fan rectum.” -JVG
“Challenging me for money in bowling is a good way for me to have all my food and gas paid for for my trip to Virginia.” -Gordon
“Behold, our all-purpose emergency preparedness medical contingency chest. Or as I like to call it… The doomsday box.” -C
“Or as I like to call it… The Oh-Shit Kit.” -Q
“Briar patch, me, some assembly required.” -David
“Why does every NFT look like a Digimon villain?” -Trevor Williams
“So when is the series finale of Twitter?” -BFG
“If people ask me why there was a strike that led to no postseason in 1994, I simply answer that with the same answer I have to “How did the Twins and Braves make the World Series in 1991?” “How and why did the Marlins beat the Indians in the 1997 World Series?” “How and why did Florida and Arizona get baseball teams while Washington didn’t?” and other logic-defying baseball questions from that decade, and that answer is simply… “Because it was the ’90s.”” -Ian
“The best worst team name of the night… “The Odds of Chico Showing Up for Trivia Again Are 3720 to 1”.” -Richard
“(running into the pub) Never tell me the odds!” -Chico
(Someone has a problem with Mayim Bialik referring to the Jeopardy! Round as “Single Jeopardy!”)
“As a great American would ask, “Why the BLEEP is this news?”” -Doug
“"We Paid A Freelancer To Say A Thing You Like ls Bad Because The Google/Facebook Duopoly Ate The Whole Digital Ad Market And Now Harvesting Hate Clicks Is The Only Viable Business Model For Online Media" That’s why.” -C
“"It's good it's good it's good that was good I just wanna do it one more time..." -The Andrew Garfield story, I love him so much
The milkshake take was our last of the day, btw, costume and hair depts were ready :)” -LMM
“Rorrie Travis. Beast Morphers Red Ranger. It’s funny you said you got replaced… by Barack Obama… because, uh… you kinda were.” -Russell Curry, Dino Fury Red and Obama lookalike.
“It’s so cold outside, people are going to Five Below just to warm up a bit.” -Matty
“Drinking a pink drink with sugar on the rim. I don’t know if you notice this but… I’m a girl.” -Q
“I know I am not supposed to attribute to malice what can easily be explained by stupidity. But that woman strikes me as the kind of person who is both malicious and stupid!“ -C
“Every time I watch the Winter Olympics, I just think how life used to be so miserable and boring in these cold countries that they invented a bunch of sports that were like "how can we find ways to DIE".” -Lynn
“Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough.” -Ken
“I have half a mind to start casually referring to the first round as Single Jeopardy! Just to trigger a bitch.” -C
“Hard drinks with people who want to get drunk!” -Megan quoting “Its a Wonderful Life”
“I’m gonna have to start drinking at 11.” -Jamie C. - talking about WrestleMania Day 1
“Somewhere Brett Favre is watching Aaron Rodgers and saying “This jackass…”” -C
“I've said it before and I'll say it again: DHL could fuck up the delivery of a shit from an asshole to the toilet bowl...” -Justin
“Give me five. I have to pee.” -G
“To the white cat who decided to tear ass down the cross street leading to my home as my bumper moved menacingly close: 1) This is not "The Cube." Dwyane Wade is not going to give you nine lives to fritter away. Clearly a human is concerned about you. 2) Go home. You were lucky.” -Evil Travis
“I’ve done everything I could possibly do. WAIT! (Does some extra stuff) There. NOW I’ve done everything I could possibly do.” -C
“Rebuke them in the name of Black Jesus.” -Tricia, re: her travel tech agency
“If you still simp for that manchild (ed: you know the one. -C) please feel free to find some 4 letter words and go do them to yourself.” -Chelsea
“Whoa! Where in the world did that come from, Carmen Sandiego?” -C
“‘Netflix making a sequel to A Christmas Prince saved 2018.’ … well, someone had to.” -Rose McIver
"Those look like uteruses. In fact, that looks like what my uterus does to me every month." -Trina, on Activision Boxing
“Don’t do ho shit during the summer.” -C
“We can afford shit now we adults!” -Melissa
“Hmmm… Hot Pot Spot. Dibs on that for a pop-up restaurant name.” -C
“I was talking to the golf coach. He said they were going to Hawaii, but they couldn’t practice because of all the snow. I told them… ‘Gotta get up to par!’” -Sarah
“INSP goes full cowboy. Here’s the thing that gets me tho… “The textured hat represents salt-of-the-earth people with heart and soul, who have put in a hard day’s work.” You, marketing EVP Hayes Tauber, are full of shit.” -C
“Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this Son of York...and now a brief word from Imperial margarine.” -Brian
Sonic Whammy: I have a question on the Covid tests...does it hurt?
Gordon: Well, sometimes, it's a light swab, and sometimes they jam it up your nose and take out a piece of your brain. In either case, for you it will feel exactly the same and you won't feel anything.
Chappy: “Little short until pay day.”
C: “I too am a little short until payday. Once payday hits I’ll still be short, but at least I can foot bills.”
“I learned that with game shows that if you want to get involved, you have to ask.” -TV’s Ryan Vickers
“The Jets will forever be the team that made Antonio Brown quit football.” -@TheJetPress
“It’s either streak or stink.” -C
“Remember, it's, "Goddamnit, JB."” -Ethan
“Remember, if you’re not having fun while playing trivia, you’re just answering questions.” -C, with apologies to Alvin Zhou
“I guess I wasn’t funny this year.” -Ken
Thank you for being a friend. Travel down the road and back again… your heart is true, you’re a pal and a confidant.
Here’s to 2023. And as always, come together, just think of tomorrow.
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poobletoods · 1 year
alright here's 2022
Horse plinko (was mostly 2021 but there were still horses plinkoing in early january)
Blorbo from my shows
Photoshopped butts
The urfaveisunfuckable situation
It’s me, boy, I’m the ps5
2s day
No bitches?
Live slug reaction
My brother in christ
The multi-hour victorious video essay cinematic universe
Smoking the shit that made _____ _____
_____ing absolute _____
get drinked
joe biden burying dogs?? i guess????
i can send email
tumblr blaze
catholic sponsored posts that I completely thought were a joke at first because holy shit
the misha bisexual situation 
manscaped ads
twitter runoff
she _____ing on my _____ till I _____
dracula emails
new mcr 
tbh creature
the feminine/masculine urge to _____
spongebob “I fucking love _____ I want to fucking _____”
swedish people and meals
_____, so this pride, i'm partnering with _____
internet explorer's death
the pikachu man(?) ad idk i never saw this man i think yall made him up
I love/hate you _____ (repeated many times with different things)
(random word) is a beautiful name for a baby girl/boy
mousegirls (and all related creature girls)
reddit story generator
dall e mini
all the fucking.? british people quitting the government and the guy in japan getting shanked yall know
homophobic dog
cyberpunk kitty game :)
pink sauce
taylor swift private jets
breakdancing cat
_____ event leaves (#) dead (#) injured
circling google search results and adding a person or character whose name sounds like the series of words in the circle
i feel like breaking bad has become more of a whole Tumblr Thing than a meme but it bears mentioning
blue hair and pronouns
leonardo dicaprio's dating choices
anyone else _____ or is it just me and _____
she wants to order
reigen v sans
to shreds you say
queen dying 🦀🦀🦀🦀
"i meet someone" cycle
that try guy dude cheating on his wife
crisp rat mario again
lesbian velma
they should invent (convenience) 
the _____ to _____ pipeline
hey don't cry. (#) _____ in the world, okay?
bts??? getting drafted ????
a secret third thing
sigh. gandalf big naturals.
twitter still in flames. elon musk desperately trying to stop the fires by demanding they give him money in order to keep burning. more at 11.
sad! well theres other _____
tumblr's blue checkmarks
i can't make it i'm gonna be busy _____. yeah it's gonna be all day
that dude who got his dick stuck in an m&m tube
something about fentanyl idk
that one shitty guy getting doxxed and busted for human trafficking (everyone say thank you greta 🙏🏻)
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Episode 14: "It's just us two, plus this extra vote."—Zee
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In this round: Alex destroys the competition in Puzzle Paradise; Jack narrowly beats out Colin on Purgatory and comes back after tribal council; Zee plays another idol but ultimately doesn't need it (on brand); Champ dabs throughout tribal council; the newly formed 28 and Up alliance splits their votes in case Zee has an idol; and they would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids and their Banked Vote
Okay, well the back-up plan still worked! Props to Jack for going down swinging and for making it until that last tribal before ever receiving a vote. And props to Champ for reading the way the votes were headed. So Trin is talking jury management and I'll be honest: Kaleigh and Michael are both playing bigger games than me, when I think on it. Michael has had 2 big moves so far and the girls are at least still talking to Kaleigh, but they've fully stopped talking to me. Steven sent his advantage to Kaleigh, Astyn would probably vote Michael as an original Calypso unless they were still upset that he's the one who went home over them, and I'm not gonna get Kolby's vote cause he think I flipped on Soca (props to Zee for that gotta admit). I burned Eman at least once at this point, with stealing their half of the extra vote, though to be fair, that was only a last resort after Zee stole Michael's. Jack I could maybe get but he reached out to me specifically about the Eman move which we ended up not doing so he could easily be feeling burned by that, but realistically he's probably just more impressed with Michael's/Kaleigh's game over mine. Tony would vote Michael. Steven and Colin are the only ones that really feel up in the air but they're also probably impressed by Michael's moves. I am. Even if the girls don't want to vote Kaleigh they'd probably vote Michael over me. There's still a lot of game to go, though, and I don't want to get ahead of myself. But I don't see how I win unless I'm in the finale with other people and tbh that's not a Final 3 I want to be in!! This is all for fun (and stress) and Michael and Kaleigh are the ones I had the most fun with so obviously if I can't win, I want one of them to! I Sorry I'm bad at wordle and choose your own adventures so I never found an idol, I guess? I can make the case that my game was always more social and that I was always willing to be flexible until someone made it clear they were no longer interested in working with me, but at a certain point, all y'all made it clear you didn't want to! If I keep offering I either look a fool or desperate. Again, this is getting aaaahead of myself and damn I would love to get immunity at least once for both security and a little bragging rights, but we'll see what happens. Even if I am kind of the goat out of the three of us, I can't NOT hope that our 3-person minority could make it to the end together after all this.
LET'S! FUCKING! GOOO! I'll have more to say later, once more strategy gets talked, but FUCK THIS FEELS GOOD. I DOMINATED THAT.
sigh this game is rly something huh??? colin and jack are in purgatory, we are at final six, and colin is presumably coming back today. zee lost her vote last round so i’m guessing colin did that LOL wonderful. who will go home tonight? i do not know. i need to go to the grocery store for pesto and tinned fish. so. we have champ and zee, obviously a tight pair, and then me, alex, michael, and tony. champ and zee are SCRRAAAAAMBLING! i do feel zee has an idol, but that might j be bananas. but i do feel it. she is RELENTLESS. now saying she’s down to flip on champ. my god. maybe we will try to make it seem like it’s gonna be champ in the hopes that zee will feel safe enough to not play her idol (if she has one) and then j vote for zee. i still have my steal a vote and my idol. idk what’s gonna happen tonight. alex won the puzzle challenge and did insanely well, good for u alex!!! like damn!!! everyone has been kinda offline for the past couple days, it feels like we are j all burnt out - we have been playing for 33 days and i’m just zzzzzz tired. we’ll see what’s in store tonight. also i started reading a good book it’s called the indifferent stars above :)
So we lost Jack last tribal after Tony flipped, another hot girl, gone with the wind. This is very much not ideal, however I did expect it. Tony and Michael are Ride or Dies, I’ve been saying this since we hit the merge. Michael and Tony refuse to vote each other, so when Tony suggested Michael last tribal I had a bad feeling, especially with Eman gone, Tony had no reason to align with us anymore. But I banked my vote in the hopes that things would go well, and as a bit of security in case they didn’t. Currently there’s six of us left, Champ and I have been playing from the bottom/in the hot seat ever since the Raffy vote out, and since then our numbers have been quickly dwindling from flips and vote outs. It’s just us two, plus this extra vote. Problem is, I don’t want to use my idol, because if I use my idol and Champ goes home, then I’m idolless, and I was planning to use this to idol myself into final four. Our only hope right now is to pull one or two people from the other side onto our side.
Last night I said to Kaleigh like, what is going to happen once they finally vote the rest of us out? They’ll have to turn on each other. I should probably say more about that today too tbh. Like, she’s the only girl, and if Jack comes back that means they’ll have to turn inward at final four, and if not, they’ll have to turn inward at final five if Colin is the one to come back. Tony and Michael would bring each other without a doubt, so it would be her or Alex battling it out in final four, or Alex would vote with the majority in final five, adding Kaleigh to the Jury. All she replied last night was “oh I’ll have to think about it. I want to see the challenge results.” which roughly translates to “Oh I won’t be voting with you, I just want to see if either of you win the challenge so we know who to pick.” Kaleigh also said last night that she “wasn’t willing to go to rocks” if it was a 3-3 vote, so I suggested she bring in Alex and we vote Tony or Michael, genuinely I don’t even care if it’s Tony at this point. I doubt she will but we’ll see.
The final countdown! I’ve obviously flipped over to the 28+ club and it’s been nice so far. I’m trying to go final 4 with Alex, Kaleigh, and Michael but tbh, would love to make it to final two with Michael but only time shall tell! I’m nervous if Jack returns as he knows I voted for him. I’m also nervous about Colin because I’m not sure if he’ll want to work with me.
Me and Champ really need to bust our asses off and pull some A-level gameplay in order to survive this tribal in the slim hopes that Jack comes back. I’m suggesting that we tell Tony that Alex and Kaleigh suggested either him or Michael for the tribal, and that they’re planning to blindside them, maybe even fabricate some messages that Kaleigh could have written. Tell them that since it’s only us two we genuinely don’t care anymore and just wanted to let them know. Then suggest that they Vote Kaleigh with us. I mean, I’ve been playing/trying to play a pretty honest game so far, but at this point it doesn’t really seem worth it if it means I get voted out. I really don’t want to waste my idol. Not after last time. Also there’s at least one other idol out there that somebody else found, and it could be Alex or Kaleigh since Alex said that stupid chicken phrase. If we can scatter their votes, then we can have the power in numbers with our three votes. And we could finally get Michael out, OR, vote Kaleigh, but I don’t really want to take that risk.
Last ditch efforts to flip me by zee and Champ are kind of wild, but it's survivor. Feel like I'm going home tonight, every night I don't go home from last tribal on is a win to me. They should really cut me. If they were smart they would cut me rn.
Everyone left in the game is so ugly tbh except queen Zee- she’s so iconic duh! Musty Michael thinks he’s running the game LOL! Anyways tonight I’m dressed for my funeral tonight🫶🏻
Tribal Council
Zee: Tony (Bonk)
Zee (Banked Vote): Tony (Bonk Bonk)
Alex: Champ (I’m just part of a split that’ll hopefully result in you still being here. If not, nothing personal I promise <3.)
Kaleigh: Zee (i somehow doubt ur going home but ily :’))
Michael: Champ (Hey no hard feeling we just ended up on different sides, I could see myself playing with you in the future! Who knows it could be me tonight.)
Tony: Zee (your challenge endurance is unmatched and I’ve had a great time playing with you.)
0 notes
tuesday again 2/8/22
lots of short things this week. snacks, perhaps. bite-sized. little nibbles of content, even. no recipe edition, trying out a thing where i talk more about how i stumbled across a thing
listening i have never had a listening party or a youtube watch party go well or be even halfway enjoyable, but my housemates’ and my music taste overlap in such weird ways that sitting around adding things to a queueueueueueue and shouting about how girls are hot was super fun. shout out to The cover of all time, rina sawayama’s enter sandman. this breaks my cover rule, in that i don’t normally like a cover unless it’s radically different from the original, but i like this very crisp and clean version way more than metallica’s version
reading fallow week. i do want to shout out this specific sentence that made me laugh like a hyena. came across this chefs kiss of a sentence bc i like gita jackson’s work and make a point to read all her stuff
Former New York Times commentator Bari Weiss, currently running a Substack newsletter that is the single thing standing between the United States and the dark tyranny described in Warhammer 40k,
watching yes i saw the two hour nft video bc of who am i am what i do for a living, no i do not want to talk about it on my free time.
love secret base, hate sports, simple as. got here through the 17776-> john bois twitter -> secret base pipeline, bc he does fucked up sports video game stuff for them like this. apparently professional players are either very good baseball pitchers or very good baseball hitters and there’s very little overlap? why is this?? are the biomechanics that wildly different???
playing shoutout to Flick Solitaire, whose devs have been getting a lot of shitty reviews and flack in the app store reviews for commissioning a card set with Black hairstyles called My Hair Is My Crown. this is a two-man dev team who have built a perfectly serviceable little app. i don’t know that i like the feel of flicking cards as opposed to tapping them, but the app supports both and it’s much prettier and more colorful than my previous solitaire app, bc the game of solitaire itself is just engaging enough to keep my attention wandering when i’m tryign to listen to podcasts. how did you find this one kay? well, a new professional contact on linkedin posted a little cheer-up comment in one of the devs’ linkedin posts asking for advice about what to do about this barrage of bad reviews. game discovery! it happens everywhere!
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also, Globle. wordle but for countries? monday’s was a tiny caribbean island nation that took me 24 tries. i think if a version of this existed that was JUST overseas territories of various countries i would be much more interested, bc there’s surprising shit all over the place and right now it’s very easy to quickly narrow down the general area of the daily country. think this one was in a kotaku article, which i do not have on my rss feed but check a couple times a week for like. temperature checking?
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making added a loveseat and a coffee table to the evil lair and im a little cranky i did not do this earlier, but this house is BARREN okay we are putting together basically everything together from scratch. NOW we have a comfy place to have afternoon tea bc my housemate got real fucking hype about it, i did not have the heart to say “i don’t want to do this” and then it ended up being a ton of fun anyway and i found a bunch of new music to mull over.
this is the exact loveseat i had in college, but mine used to be sort of a denim? a joveseat, or a juton, if you will. this is bc i forgot that this company is not very good at accurately representing colors, bc i thought i was getting a light tan loveseat and instead got a pale grey. it doesn’t make a ton of difference in the room but it was momentarily startling as i ripped the packaging asunder
the blanket, as you may recall, was one of a number of pieces looted from an estate sale last summer. likewise with the round chair, which is very pretty but very uncomfortable.
the coffee table is off craigslist, bc i thought to myself “i want a glass coffee table so the openness of this gigantic room is preserved a little bit” and this was the one in the sweet spot of available, interesting, and cheap. it weighs about as much as the loveseat.
the secret to an eclectic house style is using every wood tone at once, i think, bc there’s a wall of birch veneer bookcases just out of frame and a dark knotty pine TV stand.
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masonscig · 3 years
part two
pairing | felix x flor
word count | 3.2k
warnings | smut. minors dni.
author’s note | so i wanted to write like 2 more parts to this, but honestly... i feel like this turned out great. also yes, i probably should’ve made this a lot shorter, but the prompt got away from me as per usual. not proofread because i’m tired :/ this is for day seven of hot in wayhaven, aftercare!
Things have been weird since that night.
She just kind of went back to treating him exactly the same as she had before. She held him at arms’ length like she did with everyone she was wary of letting in.
He was sure that this time he’d made progress.
For the few months leading up till he almost throat fucked her in her dimly lit apartment, she’d been warming up to him.
He managed a few genuine smiles and laughs despite trying less hard to do so. He caught her watching him across the room during meetings, trainings, briefings… anytime they weren’t alone, he caught her staring at least once.
She’d even started asking about him. Any time he was late to a meeting, she bugged Mason with a punch to the shoulder or a scuff of her shoe against the toe of his own.
Didn’t matter how much progress he’d made if it’d just been ruined by one big fuck up on both of their ends.
This particular night, Felix is mulling over the events leading up to when she left, still trying to figure out where things went wrong.
He paces around the room once, twice, before plopping into his giant bean bag chair.
Before he can really settle in there, he’s restless again, jumping to his feet to cross the room once again, climbing into the hammock in the corner.
This isn’t right, either, he huffs to himself, rolling awkwardly out of the hammock and to the middle of the room, flinging himself onto his bed.
He picks up the Gameboy on his nightstand, tap-tap-tapping away on full volume until he hears a single loud thud against the wall across from him.
Abandoning his game of Galaga, he groans in frustration, rolling his eyes at Mason’s feeble attempts to silence him. Tossing the Gameboy to the foot of his bed, he opts instead to grab his tamagotchi, feeding his pet till he’s bored again.
He has lots of things. And these things keep him occupied and hold his attention for a while.
But none of them keep his attention long enough to satiate his wandering mind.
Flor’s been his main focus for a while, but it’s particularly bad this week since she’s taken a vacation for the first time since he’s met her.
It’s not even that she’s a hard worker – she’s just on such bad terms with the captain that she never bothered asking for days off when she knew she wouldn’t get them even if she had plans to get outta town.
Her being on vacation doesn’t bother him at all – it’s the way he’s got unfinished business and he can’t do anything about it.
He can’t seem to think of anything else without her creeping into the back of his mind one way or the other.
He twists off of the bed and walks to his dresser, where his phone’s charging on its surface.
He’s confused. He misses her, he’s angry at her, he wants her –
To say he’s confused is an understatement, really.
He’s been patient, he’s been kind, he’s been understanding – and for her to ignore him for the entire summer?
He’d been counting down the days till they got back to normal. He’s in the hundreds now, and there’s no end in sight.
There’s two endings if he decides to fix it tonight – he’s either getting treated better, or he moves on from her.
The latter option is a painful thought, one he doesn’t give himself time to digest before he taps the number at the top of his favorites.
The phone rings once, twice, and his finger hovers over the end call button. He’s so close to chickening out – this is an awful idea –
“What? Huh?” Flor asks, voice raspy and twinged with sleep. She yawns around her greeting, and he can picture her running a hand through her thick dyed hair. “Who is this?”
Does she really not even have his number saved?
“Uh, it’s Felix. I, um, this is a check in call,” he lies, tensing immediately.
Why’s that his knee jerk reaction? Two seconds into the call and he’s already making excuses instead of standing up for himself.
He really can’t help it, though. She’s so intimidating.
“It’s four thirty in the fucking morning,” she groans. “If you and your little team aren’t gonna respect my sleeping schedule consider any calls from this point on fucking rejected.”
“No, no, I, uh –”
He has no excuses. He can’t lie again… and she already sounds upset, and it’d make the rest of the call even more unpleasant.
“I lied. It’s not a check up,” he sits up in bed, nervously fiddling with the tamagotchi.
“Well then what is it?” She spits, clearly cranky and sleep deprived.
“I have some things I need to say to you, and… I, uh, I don’t know if you’ll like it,” he twists the keychain around his finger, but tosses his little friend to the end of his bed alongside his Gameboy. He needs to focus.
She’s silent. He knows he’s on limited time. 
“I… miss you.”
She goes silent, the static of the phone crackling because of both of their poor signals.
The one word response has him silently screaming at himself – he flings himself back on the bed, kicking his legs and flailing.
I miss you. Thanks.
The most embarrassing response he could’ve ever gotten.
“I was gonna say more than that. I’m just… gathering the courage,” he says, takes a deep breath, anchors himself.
“I don’t like how you’ve been treating me, Flor, honestly, and I think you owe me an apology.”
“Oh, I do,” she responds, a deadpan question, nearly mocking.
“Yeah, you do,” Felix bites back immediately, surprised even at himself with how forceful he’s being. “You almost fucked me at the beginning of summer, and now you’re not talking to me? I thought we were, I don’t know, friends at least? I know I’m not your Tina and I never will be, but I want to be there for you.”
“I’m not…” she trails off, and there’s a swishing sound like she’s shifting in bed. “Trying to avoid you, alright? It just seems like that, I guess.”
He can’t stop his hand from clenching into a tight fist, can’t stop it from shaking with rage, can’t stop the venom bubbling up his throat and dripping off his tongue.
“Don’t… tell me how to feel, Flor. I’m upset, so don’t try to downplay it, okay? I know you’re trying to avoid me, and that’s fine, I guess, as long as you, I dunno, let me move on.”
“Move on?” She asks, her tone (surprisingly) cushioned with sincerity.
“Yeah, I, uh,” he stands, striding across the room to the window, and back to the door, pacing (He’s wondering if she’s pacing too). “I like you a lot, but I have to protect myself, too, y’know? If you don’t want me around, you’ve gotta tell me so that I can stop, uh, investing too much of myself into… this.”
“Felix…” she sighs, and quiets. “I know you’re looking for answers, but I don’t have them. I don’t know.”
“So, what, that’s it then?”
“I… yeah. Yeah. That’s it.”
Flor sounds unsure, but he’s not gonna press her further. It hurts, but he has to move on or she’ll consume him in a fiery blaze.
He’s let the flames lick at him, but when it comes down to it, he can’t handle the inferno. He’s walking away before he gets burned, when all he wants to do is be engulfed by her.
It’s easier this way, in theory, but saying goodbye is harder than he’s ever anticipated.
“Bye, Flor. Sweet dreams.”
He disconnects before she can say another word, and he crumples onto his bed, pulling his knees to his chest.
He’s losing another person he cares about, and just like last time, he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
Tears are falling freely now, and he angrily wipes them away with a rough backhand.
It’s not her fault. It’s not your fault. You’re just not compatible.
That’s what he tells himself, at least, as he’s drifting off to sleep. He’ll deal with Rebecca and Unit Bravo in the morning.
Flor clutches the phone in her hand, her jaw tight.
She didn’t get the last word, and she sure as hell didn’t get to say what she wanted to say.
Felix was hurting and she couldn’t even manage kindness for one goddamn moment.
No one asks to be emotionally detached – it's just easier that way, for Flor, at least.
Wading through the mess of her apartment, she steps into the bare kitchen. Pours herself a cup of water. Chugs it to clear her head.
When that doesn’t do the trick, she takes a hefty shot of tequila. Bad idea, but the burn gives her a sense of clarity she doesn’t have when she’s completely sober.
You’ve been dragging your fucking feet for years now. Get the hell over it. Go to him. Be with him.
Every instinct she has is dragging her towards the front door where her car keys hang. Another bad idea, as per usual.
Before she can talk herself out of it, she shoots him a quick text. Come over. Please. We need to talk in person.
It’s not the wisest idea for her to face her problems head on, but the tiny, reasonable part of Flor’s mind is telling her she needs to fight for him instead of letting him slip through her fingers.
He doesn’t see the text till an hour and a half after she’s sent it.
It’s just past six in the morning. The sun’s just barely creeping its way into his room, golden streaks across his wood floor.
He assumes she just wants the last word and that’s why she sent it – but an even louder part of him entertains the “what ifs” that are bouncing around his mind.
What if she wants to apologize? What if she wants to hear how I feel? And tell me where her head’s at? 
After going back and forth for a few minutes, impulse wins, and he’s tossing on a vibrant graphic tee and shorts before he sprints out the door. 
Nate’s the only one up, reading the newspaper and filling out the crossword puzzles in the soft lighting of the kitchen, and he shoots Felix a knowing look of encouragement.
Unit Bravo knows how infatuated Felix is with Flor, and they constantly flit between telling him to let her go and chasing after her.
Today’s a good day in that regard – Nate’s given his wordless blessing with nothing but a soft smile.
He’s at her place in ten minutes flat, staring up at the apartment like it’s a creaky, spooky haunted house.
His courage is thinning the closer he steps to her front door. His bones are gelatin, and his brain is equally as mushy.
It’s not an ideal state, but he doesn’t know when he’ll get another chance like this. Get the courage again like this.
Rapping his knuckles against the stained door, he waits. He rocks back on his heels, taps his feet, does anything he can to get the jitters out of his system.
When the door finally does open, his heart leaps at the sight of her.
Her hair’s a mess. Her leftover eyeliner is smudged all around her eyes. Her dark eyes are lined with red from lack of sleep. She looks exhausted.
“You came.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, and steps into her apartment when she gestures for him to come in.
She shuts the door behind him, and this time instead of shoving him up against the door to kiss him, she takes his hand.
Laces her fingers through his own, tugs him toward her couch.
He doesn’t know how to start this conversation, and from the looks of it, neither does she.
“What’s up?” He asks, simply, feeling like an idiot almost instantly for making things that casual.
“I’m…” she trails off, nearly black irises softening when she looks at him. He could live in those midnight pools.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.”
He raises both brows in surprise, and his gaze flits to their hands. She’s death gripping one of his hands with both of hers, her jaw set.
“Uh –”
“I’m getting to the why. I just don’t know how to say it –”
She grunts, shifting on the couch. “I’m not a nice person. You know that.”
“You’re nice in your own way,” he offers, rubbing a thumb over her knuckles.
“God, Felix, I’m a mean bitter bitch. Don’t sugar coat it,” she laughs. “I don’t really wanna be this way, but it’s easier than getting… invested in people.”
“Whaddaya mean?”
“It’s just easier to shut people out than to have expectations for them,” she starts, shrugging. “And having them expect things from you, too.”
“So, what you’re saying is, you don’t want us to have expectations for each other?” He asks.
“I’m gonna say this as bluntly and straight forward as I can, because I don’t think I can do anything else,” she answers after taking a deep, shaky breath.
“I like you. I’m attracted to you. I want you in my life,” she holds his eyes, speaking as earnestly as she can manage. “But I need you to be patient with me. I don’t know how to do… this. I don’t know how to get close to people anymore. Last time I did it was fucking toxic and I told myself never again.”
“Bobby,” he murmurs, and she nods.
“If you want me, too, we’ll both have to compromise,” she continues, stiffening a little like she’s bracing for impact. “I have to get used to the way you do things, and you’ll have to get used to the way I am, too. But I promise you, Felix, I’m gonna try.”
“Try what?” His voice is a little shaky, and she’s coming towards him, slowly closing the gap between them.
“I’m gonna try to love you, if you’ll try to love me,” she whispers, her jaw set again.
That’s all he needed to hear.
He closes his eyes and kisses her sweetly, softly, letting go of her hands so he can cup her face.
She’s so precious to him, so he cradles her face like the gem she is.
“Flor…” Her name’s a quiet promise as it falls from his lips.
I promise as long as you’re trying, I’ll try, too.
She clutches his hips as she kisses him, moaning sweetly into his mouth.
He doesn’t know when she starts slowly tugging his clothes off, but soon enough, they’re skin to skin, and he can’t tell where his body ends and hers begins.
She’s different this time, he notices. She’s more timid. Maybe she’s never been taken care of like this before.
As he bows his head between her legs, he can’t help but wonder if he’ll be her favorite or not.
She’s slack jawed and grasping at his head, squeezing her tattooed thighs around his face.
God, she’s beautiful, all spread out for him – she’s a gift of brown skin (and a pretty pink pussy).
She writhes and pants with each stroke of his tongue, his name broken and garbled on her lips.
When she tugs his head upwards to press sloppy kisses on his mouth, he knows she wants more.
“Flor…” he trails off, feeling sweat bead on the back of his neck. “Do you really wanna do this?”
“Only if you want to, doll.”
God, he can barely breathe. A proposition and a pet name. To most, that’s nothing. But to him, it’s the entire world.
She anchors herself on top of him and settles onto his cock, keeping direct eye contact while she stretches around him.
His eyes are fluttering shut, rolling back, and his head is threatening to loll to the side – she grabs his cheeks between her hand and tugs him back up, her half lidded eyes lustful and determined.
“I want to see you… watch me, and I’ll watch you,” she pants as she flexes her hips, his tip the only part inside of her, but she flexes again, taking all of him (every delicious inch).
“Fuck,” he curses, and she grins, bouncing against him.
He fists his hands at her hips, running a hand up her stomach to rest at the barbed wire tattoos lining her under boob. He can’t figure out what part of her he wants to touch so he opts for it all, squeezing, nipping, kissing every piece of skin his hands and mouth can cover.
“You feel so fucking good around me, doll – fuck me just like that,” she grunts as he bucks up into her.
He’s never been one to have a filthy mouth, but boy does he fucking love it.
The sun’s fully engulfing her living room at this point, the golden glow warming both of their exposed skin already, glistening in the Wayhaven sunrise.
She’s so pretty like this. She’s in her element like this, too. Confident.
The nervous, rigid version of herself was long gone.
She’s opening up to him. Albeit emotionally and physically, she’s trying. She’s blooming for him.
Flor means flower right? She’s finally in season, and it’s worth the wait.
In the heat of it all, they’ve kicked all her clean laundry to the floor, but she grabbed a thin blanket from the top to cover them.
She’s cuddled up to him on the small couch, her head resting on his sweat slicked chest.
They’d been at it for a while when they both finally came. He didn’t expect her to want to cuddle, but they did.
“We probably need to clean up, huh?” she murmurs, soft kisses against his skin.
“Lemme take care of it,” he grins, crawling over her before she can protest.
He’s back in a flash with a damp towel and a bottle of water.
“Thanks,” she smiles, taking the bottle from him. When she tries to grab the damp towel, he holds it away from her.
“Can I clean you up?” He asks timidly.
Flor shrugs, mouth still on the bottle. “Okay.”
He bends to his knees and pulls the blanket away, dragging the cloth gently along her thighs, cleaning up the mess he’s made.
He folds the towel and rubs her stomach and thighs again, before kissing her knee. “You’re so pretty.”
Before he can stand up, she grabs his arm and tugs him back down for a long kiss.
When she pulls back, her eyes are shiny, soft. Midnight pools, and he’s submerged in them.
“I’ve never been fucked by someone who cares about me like you do.”
He grins and pulls her in for a kiss again.
“Well, get used to the feeling.”
He wants every messy, unpolished part of Flor he can get, from her crass humor to her sailor’s mouth.
This is the farthest they’ve ever taken things, yeah, but he’s willing to go further and further with her, as long as she’ll have him.
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ittakesrain · 2 years
A weekly recap of sorts…? I have to gather my thoughts before therapy on Monday so let’s go ✌🏻
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I saw a TikTok about the executive functions and it was cool to learn about other adhd things, so I did some internet-scrolling and found a few cool things to think about. My cousins been having lots of trouble sleeping, so I was also inclined to look into the neurochemicals involved in sleep. I love learning about that stuff. I love learning period, but school totally tucked that up for me. Speaking of which, a sentence I said this week, possibly twice: normal things in my life have weirdly traumatized me; school was traumatic for me not because I was bullied or whatever but because the hustle culture and overachieving bullshit, enmeshed with my weird personality and the general way that I just am, pushed me over the edge. And now I get a yucky feeling just thinking about going to school. Similarly, working in customer service and getting belittled and abused by a literal onslaught of assholes on the daily? Traumatizing. I’m not sure if it’s okay to use that word, I don’t want to take anything away from those who actually have ptsd or pretend like I comprehend that experience. But it’s been something on I’ve thought lately. I’ve been trying to pay attention to my energy levels, or moods, or both (?) or whatever. I’m trying to find patterns. Life is patterns for everyone, I assume (I’m thinking how math surrounds us, and it can be really beautiful if someone’s there to explain it lol. & I’m thinking sacred geometry if you believe in that sort of stuff). But it’s important for me to notice and keep track of my patterns. It helps me. So why wouldn’t I take a tiny bit longer to track the stuff? Haven’t come to any conclusions yet, still don’t know why I lose steam midway through the day. I’m assuming it’s that my adderall wears off. I took it three hours later today and I’m still going strong, soooo. // I’ve been doing Wordle every day and I like what it does for my brain. I’ve also been playing a game on my phone which is actually just math drills. Again, it makes my brain feel good…? Or helps me feel good about myself? Accomplished? Idk haha. I had bad luck with doctors appointments again, which is super fricken annoying as always. I just want to see my rheumatologist, get more meds, and talk about a weird skin thing that could be related to my arthritis. I’m so bad with calling offices because whoever answers the phone on the other end of the line is always angry and doesn’t wanna talk to me haha and I obv don’t blame them but like it makes me stressed. Lol.
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gloomygalleon · 2 years
I wanna fall asleep but I napped for three hours today :( It’s not fair. All I do is lay in bed and my cats snuggle right up to me. Once that happens- I’m gone! SLEEPIN!
I had a very lazy day with my boy today. We’re sorta going through it right now. Got some hard family news today and it’s just tough. Mark and I watched Attack on Titan, an anime I’ve successfully avoided for many years but that he’s been begging me to watch since I’ve known him. He needed something to take his mind off everything, so, I finally caved. It’s a pretty good show, definitely not as fantastic as the annoying fans hype it up to be, but that’s it I guess. Just fun hanging out and watching stuff together.
Guess I don’t really know how to go on from here. How do you follow up from talking about bad family news? Something happier? Seems a little out of touch, I guess.
Looks like I’m gonna end this here. Tomorrow we’re gonna have another half lazy day. Might take the dogs for a walk where his dad is on call all weekend and can’t. Gonna be a super busy week this week. I should really make a post on my Instagram about booking more in April. Not only are we upping my prices from $40/h to $60/h but I get to book people in three days a week instead of one. That’s…gonna be something for me. I’m unbelievably excited. It’s silly. Monday we’re viewing the space again, Tuesday and Wednesday it’s work as usual, Thursday is moving day and Friday I’ll probably go back in and add some of my own art and everything around the studio.
Okay I’ll end this here for real this time. It’s nearly midnight which means wordle and everything is about to refresh. Hopefully by the time I get through all the different variations I’ll be tired enough to fall asleep.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Yandere/Crazy! Kim Namjoon- Body Heat (Part 2)
Also hey! Do You guys want some music recommendations because I got a few, better yet I also know some bomb ass voice actor channels that would make you fucking CRY (in a good way of course).
Also I have been listening to you guys. Some of you guys actually enjoy a little bit of fright with your fan fic so HERE IS YOUR WARNING YANDERE CRAZY BOY AND BLOODY AND AAAAHH
Do not read if you do not want to read the dark side of yandere I’ll ever put a warning so you guys know where to skip. Also I do not encourage dating or fucking a yandere who legit hurts people for you, this is just a fantasy and should never translate into real life. Especially when you’re using celebrities’ likenesses. This is strictly for fun and please do not forget that. Yandere bf’s are cute in theory until they start all the stabby stabby
Read Part 1
Namjoon shot up in bed, a loud gasp ripping through his throat. An ungodly horrible pain went through his head as he ripped himself from his nightmarish sleep. He looked around frantically, staring at the glass of water on his bedside table. Without thinking, he snatched it off the table and downed the whole glass.
“Ugh...” he groaned, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He frantically searched the area for you. His thoughts were but to rest when he looked to his side and saw your soundly sleeping body. He stared at your face, the rise and fall of your chest and the slight mumbled that left your mouth with each breath you took.
Good, he hadn’t lost you. He couldn’t imagine losing you. Ever. Even his thoughts loved to play mind games with him, but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. He leaned down and pressed his lips against your cheek, shutting his eyes tightly. His damn nightmares were getting the best of him again.
You had spent the night at Namjoon’s house one night after a special night. Oh, the feeling your your hot body moving is sweet synchronization with his. It made him want to wake you up and take you again.
He was knocked out of his trance when he saw your phone vibrating on the other bedside table on the side of which you were sleeping. Curiously, he grabbed it. He put in the password you so cutely gave him.
“Hmm what do we have here.” he mused quietly.
It was a text from who he assumed to be Jay. (Even though his Caller I.D was labeled “My First Mistake”)
Listen Y/N! That guy you were with! I’m trying to tell you he’s insane! He threatened to kill and feed me to you.
A low, quiet growl left Namjoon throat. “Jay, Jay...Jay.” he clenched his fist. “You should have kept your mouth shut.”he shook his head.” I’ll be sure to take care of you later...”
You groaned, turning in your sleep.”Namjoon? You’re awake?” you yawned, sitting up. “What time is it?”
“Three in the morning.” he put on a fake smile, even though his rage was slowly building. “Your phone was going off and I didn’t want to wake you.” he showed your your phone screen. “Did I wake you?”
“Oh no, Namjoon you weren’t meant to see that. “you said sheepishly, looking down. “Are you mad at me?”
“Never.” he traced his fingers under your jawline. “I just wanna know why he’s saying this.”
“Well after than night.” you scratched the back of your neck. “He kept bad mouthing you to me, saying you were a psychopath and that you were gonna kill him.” you chuckled. “That if I wasn’t careful you could do something to me too.”
Namjoon nodded thoughtfully acting as if this was a surprise. Even though deep down he was dead serious. “I see...”
“I tried telling him to just leave me alone and that any chance he had of trying to scare me right back into his grip was impossible.” you rolled your eyes. “If you were a psychopath, I think I’d know by now.” you mumbled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey.” Namjoon put your phone down. “If Jay texts you again...tell me.”
“Wait what?” you raised an eyebrow. “May I ask why?”
“Knowing him, he’d probably take other measures.” he kissed your nose. “I don’t want that.”
“Okay.” you nodded.
“Yeah?” he made sure you were serious. “Promise?” he got closer to you until your noses were touching.
“Yes.” you nodded, making him smile a little. Namjoon kissed your lips slowly, reveling in the feel of your soft lips against his. You were already starting to turn into the perfect obedient princess he knew you were deep down. He wanted you to stay with him, for a long, long, time. But....he couldn’t do that when there were obstacles in his way. Jay, for example and any other old flame of your that decided to make an appearance.
“Good girl.” he mumbled. “Very good.” He gently held the back of your head, reveling in your taste, in your touch. Out of sheer want, he abruptly pulled you into his lap. He was just sleeping but his tiredness was replaced by his primal list for you, and he was about to feed that demon again.
He tiredly pinned you to the bed, dipping his head into the crook of your neck. His tongue lashed against your warm flesh, sucking on the sensitive skin. He would have sunk his teeth into your shoulder but he wanted to wait.
“Hey. We were just at this a while ago.” you jokingly whined, making him chuckle. “How much stamina do you have?”
“I could go on forever without sleep if it meant I could use you to...charge me.” he smirked as he felt those familiar, but beautiful goosebumps rise on your skin. This time, he crashed his mouth over yours, hooking his arms around your legs.
Your bare bodies were flush against each other, you could feel Namjoon’s warmth from within your core and your body ached for more of his touch even more. Namjoon kissed down your body, tracing his warm mouth over the slope of your chest. He left hot open mouthed kissed over your collarbones, making you gasp.
That gasp, it was enough to make a growl erupt from his throat.
His previous thoughts of that nightmare had vanished, now he wanted you.
You were sitting in a cafe alone, texting Namjoon. He had been texting you all day, without even hesitating to reply. Not those short, dodgy, one worded, simple minded responses. His replies to your messages made you feel special like he really did care how you day was instead of asking just to ask.
You had sent him a picture of you making a funny face with your usual beverage in hand and were waiting for him to reply. You were pretty much enjoying it when Jay burst in.
Y/N, I knew you’d be here.” he sat in front of you.
“What do you want?” you asked boredly. “I’m busy.”
“Did you get my text?” he asked.
“About Namjoon being crazy?...Yeah and I gotta admit your humor sucks.” you sighed. “I don’t get it. You want me to be miserable don’t you. I was miserable with you, then I was miserable without you, then i got over you and then you made me feel miserable for trying to move on and now you want me to break relations with the first guy I genuinely like so I can be miserable again?” you ranted, losing track of how many times the word ‘miserable’ came out of your mouth.
“Listen, I’m telling you the guy is nuts!” he sighed. “He said he was gonna kill me if he ever saw me again. He threatened to lock me in his basement!”
“Now you’re just being dumb.” you shook your head. “You make it sound like he’s a character from those animes you made fun of me for watching.”
“He might as well be! I had a few people follow him.”
“That’s against the law.” you crossed your arms. “He could sue you if he found out.”
“Listen! One of my buddies caught him ON FILM beating the absolute shit out of a guy three days ago.” Suddenly an Ipad was slid in front of you. You could very evidently see Namjoon’s face on the thumbnail or maybe not...he was wearing a mask but the hair was a complete match. “Give me five minutes.”
You promised Namjoon, but now you were curious...what exactly was on this video? You had to find out....what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. (Or you....you hoped.)
You put in the air pods that he had given you and pressed play.
(If you don’t want to read yandere crazy boy killing then please skip this part. I will alert you in bold print when you can continue to read.)
You saw Namjoon or whoever this doppleganger was throw the first punch, it was so aggressive that the male stumbled back and you soon saw the face of the other male. It was your perverted landlord. You had told Namjoon about him and his words were.
If I see him, I’ll have a little chat with him.
You didn’t realize it meant beating the living tar out of him.
“Oh my god.” your jaw dropped as Namjoon basically body slammed the much bigger and stronger opponent. You couldn’t hear or understand what he was saying. He was switching back and forth between English and Korean and was talking way too fast to comprehend either language.
“You worthless piece of.....” you watch the bottom of Namjoon’s show become acquainted with the guy’s knee. If he could still walk after that then he was lucky. He kicked the guy in the nose and to make matters worse, Namjoon grabbed the landlord by the back of his shirt collar and drug him across the concrete, slamming his head into the side of the dumpster.
Your heart dropped when you saw him whip out a knife and stalk towards the landlord. A terrifyingly delighted laughter ripped from Namjoon’s lungs as he raised the knife. All you could say was you had never seen so much blood in your life come out of a single wound.
“....Now...have I made myself clear or do you need me to explain further?”
(Okay, you can look up now, violent part is over.)
“Don’t make me watch anymore.” you pressed pause. You were scared of what was gonna happen. “H-how did you find him. W-where was this recorded?!?” you tried to keep your voice hushed. You ripped out each airpod and threw them at him, not caring if he had to fumble to catch both.
“We saw him at the night market...” Jay replied, looking down at his knuckled. “He’s bad news Y/N. I know you hate me...but if anything happens.” he slipped a piece of paper towards you. “This is my sister’s phone number, she’ll help you out.”
You wordlessly nodded your head, you gave him his Ipad back. That Namjoon, that man...was not the Kim Namjoon you had met and grown to know so well. Your phone vibrated.
How would you like to go out to eat tonight?
Your froze. Did you want to risk it?
Sorry, I can’t....My job has me working all night.
You didn’t know for sure if you could trust him just yet. You weren’t even sure if you could believe Jay! You just needed to think.
You walked down the hallway to get to your apartment. On the way you were surprised (you had no idea why) too see your landlord who had a suspicious looking gauze around his arm.
“Oh Good. Boy, am I glad to see you!” you sped walk up to him. For some reason he looked weary, as if he didn’t want to be caught talking to you.
“What? Why? What do you want?” he asked quickly. Strange, usually you wouldn’t even want to talk to him and he’d come up with some stupid pickup line that made your skin crawl.
Oh...he probably didn’t know what you- Well he wasn’t dead or brutally injured...but that suspicious wrap had you thinking that maybe ....
“I wanted to check if you got my rent check, I know you have a habit of losing them.” you sighed. Correction, did he throw away the check purposely just to give you an eviction notice and scare you half to fucking death which would cause you to have to write another one and plead to him to not kick you out.
“Oh Yeah I got it don’t worry. As a matter of fact I found the other one six I lost so you won’t have to worry about rent for 7 months!” he said quickly. “No money will be taken out of your account. Bye now!” he sped walked off, clutching his arm.
“I was gonna ask you about someone taking a look at my dishwasher!” you called after him but he had bolted.
You walked into your apartment, practically leaning against the door.
“Maybe a bath will calm me down.” you mumbled, throwing your stuff down.
Before you could walk into the other room, you heard a knock on the door.
Without thinking you walked back and yaned the door open. You just weren’t suspecting Namjoon standing there.
“Oh! You!” you squeaked.
“..Yeah, me.” he chuckled. “Thought you said you were working a late night.”
“I did! I was!...Change of plans!...Haha... Funny how things turn out!” you laughed nervously.
“Are you alright?” he walked in closing the door. “You seem jumpy.”
“.....Where were you three nights ago?” you just came right out and said it. You were dead scared but you’d rather hear his side first.
“....Why do you ask?”
You saw his adam’s apple move as he gulped down.
“I just want to know.” you replied as confidently as possible. “One of my friends say they saw you...at the night market downtown.” you shrugged. “I just wanted to know-”
“Well, I wasn’t. I was with you remember?” he chuckled. “We went out to dinner, I was with you the entire night.”
You suddenly felt stupid. He was right. He had been with you the entire night. The only time he ever left was to get up to go to the bathroom and he came back in less than ten minutes. What were you thinking?! Of course! You remembered because you wore shoes that matched his shirt and you both laughed about how you even matched when you were apart.
Jay had tricked you. He probably got one of his stupid friends to beat up your landlord. Not even beat up! Almost kill! Just to make Namjoon look like some psychopathic unstable maniac!
He was weird and pervy but this was too much. You would know better than to trust him again.
“...I’m sorry.” you laughed. “I can’t believe I-” you were about to say. “Guess you think I’m pretty dumb huh?”
“Never. You looked shaken up. Is something the matter?” he asked, putting his hands on both your shoulders.
“...Someone said they saw someone who looked a lot like you beating the shit out of my landlord.”
Namjoon froze. Shit! Had he been exposed? He didn’t think he was gone that long. Damnit, what would he tell you, how would he expla-
“But that’s impossible, you were with me the whole time...I really don’t understand why he was so weird to be in the hall though.” you crossed your arms, still trying to put the pieces together.
Namjoon relaxed and chuckled, kissing your head. “Who knows?”
He did, he made sure his threats and intents were as clear as a wine glass. If he made any passes at you, threatened to evict you, or did anything that made you go to him for ANY reason. His balls would be Namjoon’s dog’s new chew toy.
“Sorry I acted weird.” you looked down sheepishly.
“Hm, that’s what I love about you.” he chuckled. “Now let’s put that behind us.” he leaned down to kiss your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your toes almost.
Namjoon’s body like usual was warm against yours. His hand held onto the back of your head, while his arm gripped onto your waist, keeping you against him. He tongue traced and teased your bottom lip. Absentmindedly, you hooked your leg around his hip. Your body was already submitting to him.
“You feel like getting takeout?” you suddenly asked, feeling your high come to a slow but eventual end.
“I’ll pay for it.” he agreed.
“TO THE INTERNET!” you pointed to the sky like a child. Namjoon smiled at you as you began skipping towards your  bedroom, but his smile was soon replaced by a frown.
He would have to be more careful, he just couldn’t go eliminated targets willy nilly, the cleaning would already be hard enough. He had to be careful or you would definitely suspect him. He had to get tracks off him.
Starting with the man who began this mess....
(Also how would you guys feel about a good end/ bad end of this story?)
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chemicaljacketslut · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiii hiho beloved :3 how was your day? good i hope <3 tell me all about it dearest 🌼
aaaa it was okay!! i did like. freak out and cry a little bit because i am Physically Unable to handle like any amount of workload with school ever? but i have been having a big workload for like a week? so i’m. stressed. even though everything is planned out and manageable it’s just everything weighing on me yk. but i should be done by the end of this week! unfortunately like every teacher wants to do an end of the year project so i have like 3 projects to do after that plus an essay 💀 but anywayy. i was so nervous today because i have a makeup math quiz tomorrow and half of the content on it i don’t really know?? bc i was absent and there’s no video lesson for it? but i asked my math-y friend to help at lunch and it JUST clicked like a little while ago when i was thinking about it and it makes sense i think!! as long as i don’t have to have the formulas memorized. idk if he’ll let me use my reference sheet… so just in case i will absolutely be cheating by making up some symbols that look enough like doodles but are actually a code for the formulas to write on my hand lol works every time. idk getting a bad grade wouldn’t even be the end of the world it’s just. i really need good grades this year to make up for the failure that was covid year & idk, this is the last of my missing work to catch up on so i really want to finish strong. also if i get an a i don’t have to take the final exam so BLEASE i need at least a 90... i think i can do it it’s just stressful to have it in the back of my mind all the time yk? im gonna have to be in work mode for these next couple of weeks every class is having some kind of wrap-up thing… physics project + final unit, english essay, math review work, choir concert & banquet, facing history project + content. i think history is my only class that doesn’t have something going on lol. it’s gonna be super busy but honestly im kind of excited for the challenge… if i stay organized it will be satisfying and i know i’ll feel so relieved once it’s summer. someone will probably throw a wrench in it (already did- i have an appointment tomorrow i wasn’t told about. girl i had plans… to do nothing) but i just have to adapt and keep going.
but actually even taking into account all that stress it’s been a pretty good day! all my wordle spinoff games went well & i talked to my friends and sang in choir and relaxed after school. it’s a more fun atmosphere at school now (still kinda sucks bc. it’s school. but it’s bearable) bc it’s almost the end of the year. & i watched (i rewatched, they watched) s3e1 of barry w my family :3 & now i think im gonna write a little bit maybe? although not too much probably im tired :/ but yeahh
eeeee i did not intend to rant THAT much but. there was my day. much happening. mwah mwah love youuuu feel free to come message me & tell me abt ur day!! also when is ur birthday i need to know for scientific reasons
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
OKAY sd anon with a complete reply for once! school has kicked my ass i had to code a distillation column and it had over 700 lines of code! terrible! awful! but it’s over now!! ty for the birthday wishes i enjoyed my tidepool day! hopefully your finals went well? got drunk w some friends and socal accent came out FULL force i sounded like julia fox. like the valley girl in me was so strong it was so funny
also yes!! we did another round of poems and one of mine was based off the murakami bingo in the nyt and she liked it v much. best part is i can actually trust her compliments bc she also has critiques! you know what i mean? like if they say everything’s perfect that is a lie and you trust nothing they say! but if they have criticism and compliments it makes you think it’s real
also soba stir fry n chili oil excellent me and my friend made an hmart trip and spent over 150$ and i’ve been making a lot of braised tofu! it was that week where it was pouring rain and we were just at hmart with our seven bags hiding from the rain while our lyft came it was great! i love hmart so much and now i have a bunch of enoki mushrooms n udon noodles but no idea what to put them in
also yeah roommate drama is. it’s happening. luckily it’s calmed down bc she goes to her cousin’s every weekend and like we’re all civil now but. damn ! she still hasn’t fully apologized! idk lot of things happening on the roommate front and while some of the new stuff might involve me, i have confirmation from multiple ppl that it’s not my fault, so i’m chilling
still hiding my phone at the gym! i have so many videos to catch up on i just haven’t had time to go w the project i had. was going to go yesterday but i went to the beach instead!!!! perfect beach weather but water so cold. so cold. manhattan beach my beloved it’s the closest i can get to an sd beach here. everyone else i know hates the heat rn but i am a fan? however people referring to it as a heat wave too much. hearing heat wave the phrase in public is jarring and also my friend i went to the beach with put music on while we were lying on the sand and heat waves started playing, so internally i have just been Very Something idk what it is but you get it right? just strange sense of what is happening right now mixed with did they actually say that or am i just too plugged in
also dude i said 70? before i left home my tank at costco was 100$. genuinely horrifying
but yeah i saw heat waves being nominated for awards and i was sitting there going ?? this song got so big that it could win awards. because of dnf.
also!! i went to go see maisie peters in concert and i’m going to see lorde soon looking forward to those!! i went to maisie by myself which was surprisingly fun but during the breaks between the opener and her, i had nobody to talk to, so i did a crossword (i am now addicted to doing crosswords) and texted my roommate to send me a photo of my code LMAO
also also!!!!! i got the wordle in one and it was the best moment of my life
oh my god you are so brave for doing coding I literally switched my major to avoid taking a coding class (well that wasn't entirely the reason but it was definitely part of it). programming just. it's complete jargon to me. i can do basic html and THAT'S IT don't ask me to do anything else pls. and yes my finals went, uh, alright! did pretty good in most of them and then I FAILED A CLASS I GENUINELY LOVED so that, um, is a thing i'm dealing with now. i studied so hard for this final and I literally loved this class and actually like?? actually paid attention in the lectures?? I have no idea how the fuck I failed I'm so pissed but oh well. on the plus side I got an A- in a class I wasn't sure if I'd get an A in so :D and oh god the valley girl accent yeah me too, the second I get drunk it comes out full force it's so bad
oooo that's a really good thing to get both compliments and criticisms, it really helps you grow so so much
enoki mushrooms and udon... sd anon you're making me wanna go to h mart again it's been so long since i've shopped there... i've just been surviving off trader joe's the past few months. maybe try making udon stir fry with the mushrooms? could be interesting!
yikes yikes yikes on the roommate front. at least you know you're not in the wrong but aaaa that sounds so stressful to deal with, at least it's all civil. would be impossible to deal with if everyone was at each other's throats all the time
the weather has been so all over the place and tbh the heat was killing me two days ago ughhh like I'm so close to the ocean yet it was in the mid 90s the entire day i was losing my mind. which honestly makes me ashamed of myself I grew up in inland north county SD where it regularly got to the mid 100s in the summers how did I become such a pussy?
also last week I was getting takeout pho and while I was waiting in the restaurant for them to bring it out heat waves started playing over the speakers and i felt a small piece of me shrivel up and die inside. i'm thrilled glass animals is getting the attention they deserve but GOD i hate being burdened with the knowledge of dnf. dream please stop liking art of you and george making out we GET IT
your tank at COSTCO was $100??? ISN'T COSTCO SUPPOSED TO BE THE CHEAPEST GAS YOU CAN GET??? holy shit sd anon even my tank wasn't that high, last time I filled it it was $85 these gas prices are brutal
you are so brave for going to a concert alone I never wanna go to concerts alone but bc of that I never go to concerts rip. shoutout to you though, love doing the crosswords in between. if that were me I'd probably be writing fic on my phone (which is a thing I've done at frat parties before lmao). so glad you had fun tho!!!
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kierstenthelibra · 2 years
“Are you going to miss me?”
“Yeah but who knows? I’m only 19.”
“No way she said that” “Yes way. And she didn’t feel guilty at all. She tried saying it was because of her mental health, but you don’t lie about your friends like that”
“I’ll be gone on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but I should be back by Friday”
“I think I would die for Doja Cat”
“Where do you work again?”
“I’m a libra” “No way, I’m a taurus! We’re Venus sisters”
“One bag works, I live just around the block so the weight won’t be a problem”
“You’re taking seven classes?! Girl, I applaud you”
“You didn’t deserve to go through something traumatic like that. There will always be more opportunities for love”
“I think I’m going to switch my major. Or drop out. Or transfer. Honestly, I might change my mind next week so you shouldn’t listen to a word I say”
“I know you’re toxic because I’m toxic and I’m still talking to your goofy ass”
“Do you want to go thrifting for your birthday?” “I am definitely down. What makes you want to hang out with me on my birthday hmmm?” “Birthdays are important to me, I’ve never celebrated yours with you. Plus I know you hate your birthday so I wanna try and make it a good day. Plus I’m on spring break next week and I have nothing to do” “Fair enough”
“I had a lit cigarette in my mouth and it flew into my eye. Fucking burnt” “That’s what you get for smoking cigarettes” “How come everyone loves celebs smoking cigarettes but not me?”
“It’s my thing, my hobby” “Do you have any other hobbies” “Um… Self love?”
“Jesus your humor needs work sometimes”
“Your humor is questionable”
“Now what do I do?” “You will be okay” “Only time will tell”
“He’s really out here tryna bake his mental illness away”
“Why was the wordle so hard today? What the fuck is a swill?”
“If I come back it will be just for you”
“I ran out of black face masks and had to use a blue one, I felt so ugly”
“You need to get your priorities straight”
“I want to dye my hair but I don’t want to damage my curls”
“Here, I’ll propagate my pothos plant for you so you can have one of your own”
“I am in serious debt. Want to get miso soup with me?”
“I told her but she didn’t listen. Oh well”
“We said I love you to each other for the first time I am literally shaking”
“If you think I’m attractive just say that”
“I am always by myself”
“I’ll see you next week”
“What are you trying to cope with? You don’t live in Ukraine”
“It’s a bad day to share a birthday with Vladimir Putin”
“God I hate America”
“Why did I wake up to a war breaking out?”
“The average for the midterm was an 80” “I got a 42. Close enough”
“I should have known he wasn’t good for me, he’s a dog person and I’m a cat person” “Don’t you have a dog back home?” “Yeah but I never said I liked him”
“Why not? What do you have to lose?”
“I don’t regret a thing. Money comes back but memories can only be lived once”
“It’s twosday! 2/22/22!” “Should I make a wish?” “Yes, it’s a good day for manifesting your dream life”
“Will you walk home with me? I forgot my box cutter” “I would do anything for you”
“You always look so put together” “Thanks, I’m pretending”
“The Euphoria season finale is tonight, are you watching it?” “Yeah but I work until fucking 11, this shit sucks. I feel like I’m not living life the way I’m supposed to”
“We had sex once but then he blocked me and I honestly forgot it happened. It was not memorable to say the least”
“It’s so windy, I feel like I’m in Chicago”
“Tomorrow?” “Yes”
“She tried telling me my vibes were off”
“I didn’t know you were staying here”
“I love Trader Joe’s”
“Life feels like a fever dream recently” “Yeah I know. Make sure you aren’t actually sick with a fever though, go get COVID tested”
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yamun · 7 years
Yo, so all I really know about Magi is the anime... But from what I see from your blog it seems like the manga has become a mess. I did read a little bit of the manga after the anime ended (just up to the ark where we found out about the old world?) but it became so disjointed and weird at that point that I stopped because I wasn't really interested in where the plot was going... Could you summarize what the heck has happened? I've tried reading the wiki but it's incomprehensible.
It's kinda hard to explain but basically, aladdin tells p much everyone about almatorran and what went wrong there in a attempt to make the wordl chill, sinbad is like "nah dude I have 100% sure info that kou is all althamen and shit" only because he wants hakuryuu to start a civil war in kou, which is what hakuryuu does. Hakuryuu and Judal kill arba that's using gyokuens body, but she really doesn't die and later on takes over hakueis body. Alibaba and aladdin go to try to talk some sense in the edgy team of juju and haku, but they are stupid teenagers who are basically like "what could possibly go wrong 😂😂😂". This talk leads to alibabas death and judals sent the fuck off from this earth. Hakuryuu brain washes some kous soldiers to start the civil war, sinbad and a new until then kept secret nation™ help him too.The kous civil war is like 2 seconds long and it ends up hakuryuu winning, the civil war in my opinion is the worst written pile of shit with plot holes the size of sun but we aren't talking about that, so everyone is all sad and shit about alibaba except sinbad who's like "yaas I can finally go through with the plan™" Kouen is killed™ but not really, he and his bros are sent to exile. Then we learn that alibaba is not dead™ and is with judal behind the great rift, so they adventure to yunans place together, only alibaba doesn't have a body but is like a cactuar or something idk. In the real world idk how many years have passed but excuse me I'm a bit drunk, but so it's the future™ in magi world, alibabas like "😂😂😂who did this?😂😂😂" and everyone has a small heart attack when they learn that alibabas alive, sinbad has basically become the usa of magi world with cool alliances and rules that no one can be op except him because otherwise it wouldn't be fair, he also did actually good things. So arba who is using hakueis body is chilling with sinbad now instead of kou, like gold digging hoe she is. Kou is at brink of bankruptcy and surprise surprise hakuryuu isn't it's emperor, the empress kougyoku is now in because basically congrats hakuryuu you played yourself by letting sinbad fuck over you. Alibabas like kougyoku ur my besto friendo and aladdin and the others™ are no where to be found so let me help u out, alibaba calls sinbad daddy so he'd let him take koumei off the banishment island™ and to help make kou get that money, and surprise surprise they do get that money in the end but that's not important.Aladdin, morgiana and hakuryuu and the whole nation of kina are now criminals, real bad bois using a flying island to hide from sinbad and arba. Aladdins watching some tv when alibabas fridge comercial comes on, you probably think I'm kidding but I'm not, so the aladdin and company™ are like yeahh boiiiiii and start their way to alibaba and kou.On the way theres a fight with arba but it p dissapointing and not too important so we are gonna act like it didn't happen.Okay this shit is quite the essay now so I'm just gonna end it with this, sinbad became god because he thinks he is the special boy™ and alibaba, aladddjn and hakuryuu, judal are teaming up to beat that old man up.Anyway this was probably a bit biased text but, that about sums it up if of course I didn't forget something and that is highly possible.Also I'm drunk when I write this so if anyone who sees this has anything they wanna fight me about, don't because I'm probably not gonna answer, never.Oh yeah and alimor is canon now if ur into that🌹🌹🌹
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grufaine · 7 years
Guy at ipic bar gave me two free shot-things (this cup seemed bigger than a shot???) of like an apple-jolly rancher-like cocktail of his own devising and it was really good and I’m pretty faded and I just want people to know that even though the wordl si full of shitty things and shitty people love is real and the continual process of learning selflessness is worth it even when it makes u feel out of step with all around you and even though of course u gonna be selfish or a dick sometimes b/c we’re human but love is real and we can be made of love and love is about compensating for each other and protecting what’s good and fighting the bad things that just wanna control and take and excise and I want to be a divided-up cake for the people I love okay and I hope I can be a good flavor for the world someday
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