#I know it was a bit disorganized but I hope it helps someone!
lulusbabygirl · 1 year
Ideas for fakeboys when they don’t want to feel so fake!
*aftercare post*
Look at yourself in the mirror, what are your favorite masculine features? Point them out and focus on them. Feel the happiness they bring you!!
What about your personality is traditionally masculine? It’s okay if you lean more feminine, you can still find wonderful masculine things about you. We all need a balance of both!
Do you like the exercise? Exercising always makes me feel more masculine. It feels good to help my body feel good!
Do something feminine while allowing yourself to feel like a man. This one is hard for some of us, doing anything feminine without feeling like a woman. This one isn’t for everyone but sometimes all you have to do is try. If you start feeling like a girl, that’s okay! You can try again another day and you are allowed to lean into being a girl if it helps you feel good. You can be a man again. You are not forced to be a woman, ever. You have all the power to choose no matter what anyone says in or out of kink (even what you say!)
Buy yourself some nice dress clothes. Doesn’t have to cost much, go thrifting and see if something fits you well! A nice pair of dress pants help me on some days I just need to feel like a man again.
For switches, dominate someone. I know sometimes these roles of sub=girl dom=boy can be really restrictive sometimes but I know a lot of us feel this submissiveness tied to being a girl. Being dominant to someone is such a great way to express your masculinity and feel powerful. It also just feels good knowing you’re letting someone unwind and lose control in the safety of your care!
Buy a woman in your life flowers. Can be a ingman too, but there is something about buy a woman flowers (especially a girlfriend or wife if you have one) that makes me feel like I’m being a good man. It’s one of those stereotypical masculine things, the husband goes out to get his wife some flowers. You get your mom flowers on Mother’s Day. Not all stereotypes are good but I love that I can put a smile on my girl’s face and give myself a pick me up as well.
Be the big spoon! I am a bit of a jet pack as my girlfriend is quite a bit taller than me, but it still feels so amazing having my arms wrapped around her. I love that I can protect her through the night while we sleep.
Think of that girl self. Listen to her, hear her. Allow her to exist. Let her know she will have her time when you are ready. Care for your whole self. This kink no matter how shameful is a part of you. I crash very hard when I orgasm and so badly want to get rid of her but I know that I need to accept her. She is there for a reason. Whether that reason be good or bad she is trying to help you find a way through. Sexuality is a powerful tool, let it guide you to where you most want to be.
Overall: You are you! Man or woman or somewhere in this wide spectrum you are worthy of love and care. From yourself most especially. Enjoy your time as a masculine figure, a man, a person, whatever you call your identity. Come back to being a woman when you are ready. Don’t push too hard. Just let your feelings take you where you need to go.
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oillipheist9000 · 8 months
So, this is mostly just a fun timeline I made with little research backing it, but I thought it might be cool to share?
It goes through what historical events happened throughout Alastor’s life that might have impacted him and sets the stage for what his life might have looked like. It does hinge quite a bit on US history, so I will also touch on parts of that for our friends who aren’t from the US and don’t know : D
Now keep in mind that this is more of just a list of fun facts that i’ve shoved into a readable outline, than anything put together lol.
Alastor is said to be in his 30’s or 40’s when he died in 1933, this puts his year of birth at a rough range of 1890-1900. For the purpose of this timeline, I will be assuming that Alastor was born in the year 1902 because I want to. This would make him 31 at the time of his death.
In 1892, the supreme court ruled on Plessy vs Ferguson, which was what established the idea of ‘Separate but Equal’ <- (i'm assuming people know what that is and stuff, if you don’t know, feel free to ask, I can give more of a history lesson)
From 1900-1909, education past the 5th grade did not EXIST in New Orleans for black children. This is a large part of why I believe a birth year of at least 1900 would be more accurate for Alastor, as he would have been 7-9 (2nd-4th) when middle school (6th-8th) became available to him.
In 1917, McDonogh No. 35 High School became the first public high school for black teens. Alastor would have been 15 in my timeline. This means that he would have likely been out of school for a year under the assumption that he wouldn’t be able to go anymore. (There were a couple private schools, but those were Expensive!!)
1920: KKK reemerged in Louisiana <- (again, assuming people know the history on this, if you would like a quick history lesson, lmk!!)
In 1921, Alastor graduated! Yay!! He is now 19!
Now, a fun fact! Throughout all of this, radio has not existed as a Thing in New Orleans. Alastor would not have grown up listening to the radio. It would have been new tech for him!!
In 1922, the first radio station came to New Orleans!!! It’s called WWL and it runs … drumroll please … ADS!!! In an attempt to raise funds for Loyola University! Exciting, right? : D
By 1927, the Federal Radio Commission was established in an effort to help organize airwaves, which had become messy and disorganized from the abundance of unlicensed, random people broadcasting.
1933: Alastor dies D:
Also 1933, oddly enough, A newspaper somehow managed to get radio stations in New Orleans legally banned from airing news from the last 24 hours?????
An interesting note. This ban went through in the summer. Deer season is in the winter (Dec-Jan), so it was either banned 6 months before or 6 months after Alastor’s death
1934: FRC is replaced by the Federal Communications Commission
This is pretty much all I have. I also am including some of the links to sources that I thought were interesting. Super open to discussions and questions lol. Hope someone enjoyed reading all this lmao
And also @nunalastor cause you seemed interested and I finally got everything together lol
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lasirenatarot · 1 year
💫🌟WHAT BLESSINGS ARE COMING YOUR WAY? 💫 timeless pick-a-card reading.
- SIDE NOTE: some days my intuition is craaaazy (today 23.07.2023 is one of those days😂), so I decided to do this very random reading. It may be disorganized and totally not resonating for some, but it may help others, as Im writing all that I get without a clear topic, so enjoyyy!!
Photos: Magdalena Frackowiak for Harper’s Bazaar USA, september 2009
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Okayy so possible blessings coming your way, those who chose pile 1:
Short term luck; possible salary raise/ bonus/ promotion; for some it may be a sum of money you didn’t have to work much for or somebody simply just gave to you, money you won from the lotery or gambling; giveaway wins; finding a banknote on the street; finding lost jewelry/items; for some it may be more sales of your products that certain month if you’re a business owner etc. - the main point is you will get sth bc of luck (money/present/item..), not much hard work.
More $€x, pl€asure, parties, celebrations (carefree times basically) coming your way.
You may go on a holiday where you celebrate sth, have pl€asurable experiences. All this may be after time in which you have been waiting on for a loooong time. Prior to that you may have been « isolating » yourself a bit so you can work on yourself, your mental health, cleanse yourself spiritually from bad energy you’ve had in you from the past & heal from sth.
Tip for this pile: don’t go into excesses; do everything in moderation - drinking,partying, $£x, don’t take unnecessary risks, don’t be greedy or careless with your money; going against that may lead to an unpleasant a-ddiction of some sort.
Hope after tough time. You may get good news about a situation you’ve been worried about; You may find a solution to a problem, the truth about sth which may later lead you to the solution..
Someone might have lied to you/ did you wrong, bc of that you felt like your « life » was falling apart but it was actually a blessing; Learning who was a fake person in your life and who was actually faithful was the blessing;
You will have new beginnings in your life- might be a new job/new relationship/new friends/even new home or area where you live;
some may start new important friendships, change in social circle is sth prominent in this pile; you might feel way more valued and happy in this new social circle;
Some might have found out about infidelities /lots of lies, which may be the reason for all these changes; the situation may look bad at first sight but it will free you from a burden that was never yours ro carry in the first place.
Changes might happen very quickly;
You will get on a new journey to find your true happiness
Okay the first thing I got may not resonate for many but if you’ve been wishing for a child/pregnancy, or to start a family, it may be coming soon.
Those who are not looking to start a family it may mean that you may have some carefree days coming ahead, you will live your life like a baby, without that much responsibilities;
Some may get some sort of inheritance;
Moving to a new house;
A lot of you may cut ties with their past, get rid of their past bad habits, toxic people and situations; you have to leave your past experience behind in order to live your ‘dream’
A dream of yours you tought was impossible to get may come into fruition during this time you’re reading this/near future. You just have to be strong and keep the faith.
Love for many of you!!!!
You may get help from a female figure or your intuition on sth that is bothering you;
GOOD HEALTH ( for me that is the biggest blessing that’s why I wrote it in all caps )
Huuuuuuuge changes in your love life!!!! I cannot stress this enough, so many signs here in the cards.
If you’re single, the love interest you meet might be VERY masculine, career oriented, might look cold on the outside (won’t be true when you get to know that person tho, they seem like a sweetheart, u just have to get them out of their shell..); might be a foreigner or you may simply meet them away from home/abroads;
Your « cup » will be overflowing with love and emotions, but you don’t have to lose yourself completely. Boundaries and everything in moderation are important things to have in relationships😄
If you were mistreated in previous relationships - you will get your justice.
Those who are in a relationship might get proposed to or move in together; become official if you haven’t already, sth like that => getting to the next level.
Glow up, confidence boost; end of melancholy;
You will get things you’ve even have not let yourself dream about bc it seemed delusional at the time, what u get will exceed all your expectations;
Off topic but, Pile 4, be careful of envy, gossips&lies. Get rid of your subconcious limitations.
As always, leave a comment if resonated & follow for more.
- La Sirena.💋
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canisalbus · 1 year
hello!! i’ve always wondered what kind of traumas vasco holds himself. i know machete can be very particular (e.g. touching/personal space) , but what are some things maybe machete does to make vasco more comfortable out of just their pure love for each other? like, for example - assume vasco maybe has a hard time keeping up with personal hygiene , or maybe machete is just a lot more clean and neat than vasco is , so machete is always folding his clothes to his own standards and reminding him to wash his fur after a while of going about weekly things , since machete himself probably washes every so often just to brush out matts in his fur .
love your art btw!! :3
He really doesn't like being told what to do. His father was keen on molding Vasco into his own image and his mother was overbearing and overprotective. He was their only son (youngest child, he has two older twin sisters) and as such a lot of pressure and unrealistic expectations were placed on him. He has a tendency to rebel against authorities, especially those who use their power and status to make life miserable for people below them. He has hard time accepting advice and doesn't listen if someone shows up to explain him how he should live his life. One of the ways Machete occasionally gets on his nerves is his constant need to be in control of everything going on around him, which means he often ends up attempting to (well-meaningly) manage Vasco as well. Eventually he figures out Vasco isn't very receptive to outside guidance and usually tries to give him room to do things his own way, even if it's not the "correct" way he would prefer to handle them.
Machete has many health anxieties and once Vasco becomes a fixed part of his life he starts to worry about his wellbeing as well. Like many floppy eared dogs, Vasco has a history of dealing with recurring ear infections, especially when he was very young. Antibiotics weren't available yet so the most effective way to treat them was puncturing the ear drum and letting the accumulated fluid and pus drain out. It was painful and scary and left Vasco with a lasting aversion and distrust for medicine and doctors. He's the kind of person that resists seeking treatment even when they're clearly ill or injured and just tries to shrug it off and wait it out. Luckily he's rarely sick and the scuffs and bruises he gets from being an active and outdoorsy person heal fairly quickly. Nowadays he's very careful about drying and airing out his ear canals properly when they get wet, in hopes of minimizing the chances of another infection. He also cleans them regularly, or lets Machete help with that.
He can be a bit disorganized and overly spontaneous, which can manifest as certain sense of chaoticness. Machete does end up subtly and discreetly picking up after him, planning ahead and going the extra mile to make sure Vasco's life goes as smoothly as possible, usually in ways Vasco doesn't even notice. The clothing part was an apt everyday example, Vasco has a habit of disrobing quickly and carelessly and leaving his (expensive and expertly tailored) garments on the floor or draped across furniture and sooner or later Machete will collect them and fold them neatly for him.
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The Christmas Present
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This fic will cover my Dates Keep Getting Interrupted square on my 2nd @jacklesversebingo card. ❤️
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Summary: Y/N is beginning to wonder just where she fits into Jensen's life. Is she expendable?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Pretty much all fluff. A wee tiny bit of smut. Just a wisp of oral (f receiving) and unprotected PinV sex. Nothing really explicit. Pretty much a smidge of angst and mostly fluff.
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 2,599
A/N: Here is the next request for my second @jacklesversebingo card. This one came from a lovely anon who asked this:
hi! how about an angsty “dates keep getting interrupted” with jensen? something along the lines of him being busy and just simply being swamped with work but reader feels like jensen might not be in love with them anymore.
I basically took that first idea in your request and ran with it sweetie! Hope you enjoy this one. It ran a bit fluffy, but I hope you like it.
The beautiful dividers used here are from @talesmaniac89
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Y/N inhaled deeply as she pulled the freshly made pumpkin pie out of the oven. She looked at it with pride; she’d made it from scratch because she knew it was Jensen’s favorite this time of year.
And he was finally coming home. 
For the last month and a half he’d been working all the way across the country and in all that time, they’d been relegated to nothing but video calls and texting. When he took the job the week before Thanksgiving she’d been disappointed they wouldn’t get to spend the holiday together. But as Jensen had assured her, it was only a month of shooting, and he was only one, six hour flight away; they’d visit lots and he’d be home a good week or more before Christmas.
But the shoot had dragged on and on with an inexperienced director and a picky and demanding producer. Everything was so disorganized that Jensen had made it home only one time in those six weeks, and he’d been swamped with press the entire time, as well as trying to fit in meetings with his manager, agent, and another producer considering him for a different project. It meant that in his one day at home Y/N had him to herself for barely more than an hour, during which, he'd been completely, understandably, exhausted.
Four other trips home had been planned, complete with date nights Y/N put together that would allow them to go out together, but also stay in together a lot too. But all four times  those trips and those dates had been canceled. Even a desperately planned skype dinner date had only lasted a half hour before one of the PAs came banging on Jensen's trailer to drag him away to help with some unforeseen dilemma on set.
Y/N was sick with missing him. She knew he missed her too, but lately she’d been wondering...just how much?
How hard was he really trying to get home? How important was she to him? Was she just a girlfriend he was saddled with, someone he was obligated to try and get home to see? Was she just a scheduling conflict - one of the smaller ones, easily brushed aside for something more important?
After their last canceled date, she'd even asked herself the question that terrified her...was he losing interest? After a year and three months of dating...was she still loving him while he had one foot out the door?
Her mind shied away from answering those questions. She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answers.
But two days ago he’d called her up to say he was finally going to be wrapped the following day, and he’d be home early Christmas morning. She’d seen his plane ticket and everything; it was going to be the best Christmas present she could get.
So she’d made his favorite pie in celebration.
As she set the pie on the rack to cool, she heard a notification bing, telling her she had a video call from Jensen. She felt knots form in her stomach, but decided he was probably just calling to say he was getting on the plane in a few hours. 
He’d just text you for that, she thought, but she brushed the thought aside.
She sat down at her kitchen table, and clicked her mouse to answer, smiling as Jensen’s face appeared on her laptop screen.
“Hey.” She said, overly cheerful.
“Hey.” He said back, and she could hear the waver in his voice, but she ignored that too.
“How are you?” She asked.
His jaw clenched and she felt her stomach plummet further. 
“I’m…not good…I…” His green eyes looked at her through the screen, regret etched deep into his verdant irises. “I’m so sorry, baby - “ he began, but Y/N cut him off with a cry of disappointment.
“No! No!” She denied loudly. “What the hell? You said you’re wrapped, you said -”
“I know, I know. But they’ve decided they need a shit ton of reshoots, there’s a bunch of stuff they said they didn’t like, and…” He trailed off. “I’m so sorry.”
Y/N turned her face away from the camera as she nodded in heartbroken acceptance, trying to hide her eyes swimming in tears. “But…” she cleared her throat. “This is like the fifth time you’ve had to cancel, can’t they understand that? I mean, it’s Christmas. Why the hell do they need you to work on Christmas?” Her voice rose at the end, anger seeping through to fill in her cracked heart.
“I don’t know.” Jensen said with a shrug, and the gesture made her anger take a swift turn towards him. “It’s Hollywood, they don’t always give a shit about things like national holidays.”
“Well, they should!” She shouted. “I mean, what the hell? Do they think they own you? Why don’t you just tell them to fuck off?”
“Y/N -”
“Seriously, that’s basically what you’ve been telling me to do for the past six weeks, but you can't even tell them once?”
The muscle ticked in Jensen’s jaw again. “Y/N, I’ve spent the last day and a half doing nothing but trying to get them to listen to me, to agree to let me go for a day or two and then come back, but -”
“Wait!” Y/N cut him off. “You’ve known about this for a day and a half and you’re only telling me now?” Her voice was incensed and furious. 
Jensen threw up his hands. “I was hoping I could get out of it, Y/N! I was…look, I’m sorry." His anger was obvious but she couldn't tell if it was directed at her or not. "Don’t you think I’m disappointed too?”
“Are you?” Y/N asked before she could stop herself.
Jensen’s face grew suddenly calm. “What does that mean?” He asked.
Y/N shook her head. “Nothing. It just means that it’s been six weeks, and so many canceled dates and plans, I mean…”
“Five weeks.” Jensen interjected as she paused for a breath.
Y/N scowled at him. “What?”
“It’s only been five weeks.”
Y/N clenched her teeth. “Oh well, excuse me! Then, I guess - who cares?"
Jensen was shaking his head. “No, look I just meant to say that I’m well aware of how long it’s been since I’ve gotten to see you, but…” He looked slightly defeated. “I don’t…I mean, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
Y/N’s heart sank. She smiled sadly and nodded at him. “Yeah, well, you should know. That’s uh…” She sniffed and wiped her fingers across her cheeks. “That’s sort of the problem.”
Jensen opened his mouth to say something, but when he hesitated, Y/N just gave him another broken smile. 
“Merry Christmas.” She said softly before clicking off the call.
Y/N sat slumped on her couch with a half eaten pumpkin pie discarded on her coffee table. On the TV, Ebeneezer Scrooge was calling out Merry Christmas to everyone in the street below him, having realized the true meaning and value of Christmas. Y/N’s face was nothing but frowning lips and a scowl as she shut off her TV.
“Bah, humbug.” She countered quietly.
Her heart was actually hurting; a physical ache had taken up residence in her chest and she rubbed her palm over it trying to ease the sting. 
All she could see was Jensen’s face as she'd ended the call. And whenever she saw his face the fear started that it was going to be the last time she saw it - at least the last time off the silver screen.
She’d picked up the phone a dozen times to call him, but she never managed to hit “call” before tossing her phone down and crying some more. Now it was almost one in the morning and she picked it up again. This time she managed to press his name and hit the green call button.
It went straight to voicemail. The beep sounded and she contemplated hanging up. But after a pause she spoke, clearing her throat first.
“Hey, it’s me…but you probably saw that already.” Another long pause. “So…I was hoping you’d pick up, but…you’re probably sleeping. I just…wanted to…”
She paused long enough that she was worried she’d be cut off, so she rushed out the rest. “Just wanted to say I love you.” Her throat caught. “And Merry Christmas.” 
She heard a beep in her ear. “Oh,” she said, surprised, “I’ve got another call.” She saw Jensen’s name on the caller ID and hung up with the voicemail.
“Jensen?” She said tentatively as she answered.
“Hey.” He said softly.
“Hi. I was just…” She let out a burst of slightly nervous laughter. “I just left you a message.”
“Oh?” Jensen asked. “What did you say?”
“Just…just Merry Christmas, and…love you.” She answered, her voice almost shy. Then she burst out full voice. “Jensen I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to -”
But Jensen cut her off. “No, baby, I’m sorry. That’s the whole point.”
The tension eased slightly from their voices and Y/N tried to explain her disappointment. “I just miss you.”
“I know, believe me, I know.”
She was going to say something else, but Jensen spoke first. “I had something delivered to you.”
“You what?” Y/N asked with a laugh of surprise. “You had something delivered to me, from across the country, at one in the morning on Christmas Eve?”
“Yeah, it should have been there by now. It’s probably already sitting on your porch. Go check. But stay on the phone with me cause it’s after midnight.”
Y/N giggled a little breathlessly and ran to the front door. She grabbed her sweater from the peg beside it and pulled it on against the snowy chill outside. She opened the door and peered out, but she didn’t see anything. 
She stepped tentatively outside in her slippers. “There’s nothing here.” She told him. “I hope someone didn’t steal it.” She worried.
“No, it’s okay, I got it.”
Y/N's head whipped around as Jensen’s voice echoed tinnily through the phone. Her face froze as he walked towards her from the side of the porch, holding a box in his hand.
Y/N gasped loudly and then immediately screamed, running forward to throw herself into Jensen’s arms, making him drop the box. She wrapped her arms around him, holding on for dear life
His strong arms wrapped her up, cuddling her close against his thick, navy blue winter coat. She buried her face in his chest and wept unabashedly. He placed a kiss on the crown of her head and then kept his cheek pressed there while she cried her fill of happy tears. She finally pulled back to look up at him, with tear tracks mottling her skin. His big hands were cold as he pushed her hair back and cupped her cheeks.
“What are you doing here?” She asked. “How did you manage this? What did you tell them?”
Jensen shrugged. “Told ‘em to fuck off.” She choked on her laughter as he continued. “I told them in slightly more polite terms, but not by much.”
She shook her head, a worried smile on her face. “But Jensen, you’re gonna get in trouble.” 
“I don’t care.”
“You’re gonna get fired.” 
“I don’t care.”
When she opened her mouth to speak again, he kissed her, sucking away her breath and warming her from head to toe. Then he pulled away before pulling her close, tucking his face into the crook of her neck, and speaking against her skin. “I don’t care about anything more than I care about you.”
He pushed on her shoulders so he could look her in the eye. “You are everything to me Y/N and I need you to know that.”
He cupped her cheeks again, thumbs brushing away her newest tears. “So, to that end…” he bent down and scooped up the box he’d dropped. He brushed the fluffy snow from it and handed it to Y/N for her to open. “Merry Christmas.”
Y/N felt her heart race and then lodge in her throat as she cracked open the ring-sized box. Sure enough, nestled inside on a bed of velvet was a beautiful, elegant, gold engagement ring.
Jensen bent to one knee, and she started sobbing, trying desperately to hear him over her own noisy joy.
His bright, green gaze was sure and steady and overflowing with love. She wondered now, how she could ever have doubted it.
“I need you to know,” He began, “that I love you more than anything. That there is nothing,” he emphasized, “nothing more important to me than you. And for the rest of our lives I wanna be with you on all our Christmases and every New Year’s Eve, and Valentine’s Day, Fourth of Julys, hell, Arbor Days even!” he said with a watery chuckle. “It doesn’t matter what I’m celebrating, I wanna be celebrating it with you.”
He slipped the ring on her finger and she cried harder. After a minute he squeezed her hand. “Is there a yes in there, maybe - this snow’s cold on the knee.”
Y/N laughed merrily and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes!” She shouted, and squealed as he stood up, and spun her around in a dizzying circle. 
“Thank god.” He said quietly as he brushed his thumb across her mouth. “Fuck, I missed you, baby. Please say I can kiss you now.”
Y/N's belly clenched and her breathing kicked up a notch as she nodded and breathed against his cool lips. “Yes, god.” She sighed.
He kissed her deeply, sweeping his tongue past her lips and licking up into the roof of her mouth. Many breathless minutes later, Jensen pulled back and wore a contemplative look. “Mmm…you taste like pumpkin pie.”
Y/N smiled. “Oh yeah, I made you a pumpkin pie.” His eyes lit up. “But I ate it.”
Jensen laughed and began kissing and nibbling on her neck. “Well, then I guess I just gotta feast on you.”
He pushed her back through her front door and slammed it shut, kicking off his shoes and pulling off her sweater as he went. By the time he got her to her bedroom, he had them both stripped to nothing. They fell easily onto the bed, clinging to each other and savoring the closeness they’d missed for so long.
Jensen kissed her slowly, skating his lips across her skin, stopping to lick and nip at different peaks and valleys of her body, making her arch into him and card her fingers through his hair. She tugged on it as his soft, smooth beard tickled her skin, before moaning deeply as it scratched against the delicate skin of her inner thighs.
Jensen kept her coming on his tongue for a very long time, till she was shaking and shuddering and begging him to fill her up.
“Jensen, please,” she panted, “I need you so close to me.”
Jensen understood exactly what she meant. Seconds later he pushed into her welcoming heat, home at last, finding the bliss he always found in her arms, and giving it back to her. 
Christmas morning dawned bright and sunny and Y/N stretched languidly, rousing Jensen beside her, smiling as he gave out a sleepy moan. She turned to face him and gently traced her finger down the line of his nose and then began counting his cinnamon freckles, connecting them as she went.
Another small moan issued from Jensen’s throat. “S’early.” He mumbled. “Why’re you wake?”
She placed kisses all along his tight, square jaw before she answered. “I was just admiring my gift.”
He cracked one eye and looked at her left hand as it passed over his chest. A small smile lit his face and he ran a finger over her engagement ring. “You like, sweetheart?”
Y/N nodded. “Oh, definitely. The ring is gorgeous.” She moved quickly, climbing on top of him and straddling his hips, surprising a deep groan out of him; she could feel him harden beneath her. “But that’s not the gift I was talking about.”
She braced herself against his shoulders and rolled her hips against him before leaning down and pressing her lips softly to his, her voice teasing and full of love.
“Merry Christmas, Christmas present.”
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3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26 @slut-for-evans-stan
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ptvversion · 11 days
Moze x Fem! Reader
Note: English is not my first language so pardon me if there is any grammatical wrongness. Short fic. Use of metaphors. Kind of boring. Little bit suggestive. Ooc Moze? Listen to Stop Waiting by Cigarettes after sx to have the full experience.
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To think someone like him, of all, fall for his supposed to be enemy, is totally ridiculous. A woman so cruel. Shameful and distorted. Yet, Moze can't help but fall. Fall into her hollow eyes, drowning him into a never ending loop of desperation. To think he could be so irrational over her fingers as they traced his neck softly, Moze couldn't understand. No, he doesn't want to understand. It would be too much of humiliation for his shattered dignity.
"What are you thinking of?" Moze turned his head to face the woman beside him. Why must the fate be so cruel to him? Entangled with a ghost of wanting ... Her. Something he should never have nor keep.
"Look at me, Moze." He could feel her rough hand caressing his cheek, as her lips began to crumble in a gruesome way with his. Messy and disorganized. Yet, the taste of her is something he would chased for eternity. He could feel his face burning up in embarrassment.
As the taste they exchanging began to ruined him more, her hands trailing down his shoulder and arm. Taking off his attire one by one. Moze too couldn't help but do the same. As their clothes discarded, they stare at each other for what felt like forever.
"If you don't want this, we can stop-" And before she could speak more nonsense, he guides her chin to his lips. Taking all of her at once, not giving any space for anything between them. Locked eyes, breathless. It seems like time is not relevant for them in this moment.
"You ravage me, (Name)." As soft panting escapes his lips, he pierced her soul with guilt worth of a lifetime. Burning down her last resort of hiding, revealing her utmost sorrow. He sees her. And so she cries, between her soft panting and moans.
"I know. I am sorry." For how much shame she have to bear just because she loves? For once, she dares not to face the truth.
"I despise you." Yet, his eyes betrayed him for the countless times. Moze gritted his teeth as the ecstasy they both shared is too much for him. She holds him like a lover, he loves her.
As they collapse into each other's embrace, exhausted, she turns to look at him. "Are you tired?" She questioned.
"No. Are you going to leave?" Moze holds her tightly, unwilling to let go even an inch of her. His eyes speak hope, hope that maybe she chooses to stay instead of flew away like she always do. But, his question remain unanswered. All he ever gets was a kiss and a smile.
"Good night, Moze."
And maybe, he was a fool all this time. To think that for once, life was on his side, only for his faith to be crushed again. It is still the same routine, she left in the morning and comes back when the stars appear. The difference is, she is not coming back this time.
And his weary heart, remains quiet.
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shira-cosmic-star · 3 months
Hello! Mind if I send in a request? I'm not sure how familiar you are with Sanrio, but how about some headcanons for the Hotarubi boys + Alan, Luca, and Kaito with a reader that's like Wish Me Mell.
In case you don't know, Mell is a bit shy, a bit clumsy, but she's very kind, and her heart is always in the right place. She enjoys collecting stamps and writing letters. Mell is considered a bit disorganized and a scatterbrain, but despite that, she has a kind and loving heart for everyone
Hotarubi boys + Alan, Luca, and Kaito with a reader that's like Wish Me Mell.
(So sorry this took me a while, I wanted to make sure I got the character’s personality fully. So I did more research, because I wasn’t confident in myself 😅. I do hope you enjoy this💙)
Warning: spoilers on episode 5 + super long writing
When Haku first met MC. He noticed a few things about them. They were a bit shy and clumsy. So clumsy that when they first met and got off the train. MC accidentally tripped over their own feet and slammed right into Haku. They apologized profusely, Haku chuckled. He found it cute and adoring. As he got to know MC. He found more of this cute personality of their’s
•MC once came to Hotarubi to give him a document that had a mistake. When they got there, they have completely forgot why they were there. When they admitted that, Haku reminded them that they have told him about the documents. “Oh! Right, sorry hehe.” MC pulled out the documents and hand it over
•After Haku looked it over and signed it. He handed it back to MC. When MC was leaving…they accidentally tripped over nothing and fell. They were okay, but it worried Haku a bit.
•Haku always told MC to be careful. But he would also teasingly say. “Falling for me again?” Which caused MC to blush madly
•When MC comes over to relax and have some tea with Haku. They have gotten on a subject about working too hard and all. MC complimented him and told him that if he ever needed help. He could count on MC. This warmed Haku’s heart. He placed a hand on their head and thanked them.
•One time MC misplaced their phone somewhere and looked everywhere. Haku was walking in the halls and saw them on the floor in a classroom. He decided to help them. Only to find out that their phone was in their bag this entire time. MC felt embarrassed.
•Haku chuckles every time he’s around them. It’s never a dull moment with them.
MC was walking down the empty hall. When they almost accidentally ran into someone. “Oh! I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” MC stated while apologizing again. Subaru told them that it was okay. When they were going their separate ways. MC accidentally ran into a wall. While blushing madly, they laughed and speed down the hallway.
•Ever since that day, they have bumped into each frequently. Not actually run into each pre-say. Just seen each other on the opposite sides.
•They would smile and say hello to one another.
•Once MC started to work with Hotarubi. They felt relaxed that Haku and Subaru was in this dorm. Especially after what happened with the last dorm..
•Subaru would often invite MC for tea. Once MC held their cup and accidentally let it slipped. The tea was dumped all over their lap. They were embarrassed and apologized. Subaru didn’t mind the mess and asked them if they were okay.
•MC asked Subaru to meet them for lunch. They wanted to ask him something but completely forgot what to was. But Subaru sat next to her and enjoyed lunch with them anyways. After lunch MC then remembered and texted him. It was about tea.
•Subaru feels at easy when around MC. Didn’t have to force himself to be perfect. Though he’s still anxious, he feels that, he can make mistakes and that MC wouldn’t get mad or disappointed.
•Though let’s be honest, if MC freaks out during a case or missing something in their daily lives. This would make Subaru more anxious. So if MC’s calm, he’s calm. Haku has to help both of them
•Subaru also thinks that MC would be able to help his friend Lyca. Lyca has been through a lot and so maybe he’ll learn how to trust MC and maybe others.
•He uses this to learn more about MC. And MC uses them opportunity to know both of them
Zenji accidentally scared MC when they have first met. He wrote a note to warn them, but when they have woken up. He didn’t finish writing it. So it came off creepy and scary for them. But when MC was finally able to see and hear him. He was extremely excited. He would often speak to them with a lot of energy.
•”My sweet beautiful doll! I’m so glad you can see me!” The nickname he have given MC, made MC blushed. They smiled back and said, “it’s so nice to meet you” they spoke in a shy soft voice
•”Your voice is like a soft melody my dear.” This made have caused MC’s heart to race
•Zenji would often compliment them every time he sees them. They would smile and talked to him or listen to his music.
•MC actually likes the passion Zenji has when he composes his music or tells stories
•When MC accidentally hurt themselves, Zenji would freak out a little bit. A worrywart like him would rush to their side and ask them if they are okay
•After finding out what had happened to Zenji, MC wept for him. Such cruel fate for their dear friend. When Zenji saw tears swelled in their eyes. He soothes them. Telling them not to worry and that he is okay and still here. If MC ever needed to talk. They can come to him.
•Zenji adores MC even more after seeing MC cries for him. Not in a sadistic way, but as a, “they care about me” way. He deeply cherishes that. He cherishes them
Luca, became more and more protective of MC when he started to spend more time with them. Noticing how clumsy and disorganized they were. Once they dropped their pencil on the floor. Bent down to pick it, came back up and hit their head.
•When walking to the cafeteria, MC tripped over their own footing and Luca caught them. MC thanked him
•MC accidentally forgot their notebook in class, they were freaking out when they couldn’t find it. Luckily Luca had it and gave it back to them. They were relieved. After they have dumped their entire bag on the table
•Luca would keep an eye on them when he’s around. Making sure they don’t accidentally hurt themselves or run into anything. He would grab their hand gentle to pull them aside, away from the wall, person, or any object they weren’t looking because they were daydreaming.
•He had continued to hold their hand until they have reached their destination. Kaito wasn’t happy
•Luca noticed how kind MC was. Especially when MC would calm Kaito down from his melt downs or panics.
•When Luca had gotten into a confrontation with Shu and Leo. It was MC that calmed him down a bit. MC had grabbed one of his hands and rubbed their thumb on the top of his hand. He looked over to MC and noticed a worry look. MC asked him if he was okay. He nodded and took a deep breathe. Though it didn’t last, it definitely helped
When Kaito first spoke to MC. He cried over how sweet they were. Calling them an angel that came to save him. This made MC blushed, shortly after they first time they’ve met. Kaito would fall for her more and more. How? This is how
•MC saw Kaito outside the cathedral. There were stairs and Mc almost fell down it. Kaito helped them by grabbing their hand to support them as the walked down.
•It scared Kaito at first, but he felt like a try gentleman or a knight!
•When in need of rescue, always count on Kaito! He definitely didn’t tell MC that out loud. He did
•There were times where MC showed their appreciation to Luca and Kaito. They would often by sweets or any snacks they knew where their favorites. Kaito would either cry or blush with excitement.
•He falls for them more and more until he hit the core of the earth.
•He would often try to impress MC. Which may or may not caused him to accidentally make a fool of himself. Even though that happens, MC would often encourage him to look on the bright side or encouraged him to keep trying.
•And so he does, so hopefully one day. They would be a couple.
MC was extremely nervous about working with Vagastrom. Especially after the whole Shu vs Luca fight. It didn’t help how mean Leo was to them. Alan did however make things a little easier. Then Shu did, but never Leo. So when MC came over. They felt comfortable when Shu and/Alan was there.
•When on the case, Alan made sure to tell them not to enhance his stigma. He was terrified of hurting them. He would put enough space between them.
•While on top of the cliff, MC fell and Alan quickly saved them. He asked them if they were okay. They thanked him over and over again. He wasn’t used to being thanked.
•It warmed his heart, but went back to focus on the case.
•MC told him that they were clumsy and often accidentally hurt themselves so. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
•This caused Alan to make sure to keep an eye on them. Incase they accidentally get hurt again. He doesn’t mind it though. MC however felt like they were hold everyone back.
•Alan in his own words reassures them that they are doing plenty to help.
•When MC waited outside with Shu. Alan couldn’t stop thinking about their safety. It made him incredibly uncomfortable. Anxious really. When MC screamed and then Shu. He rushed to saved them.
•After he saves them, MC was grateful and smiled gently as they take his hand.
•A sweet gentle smile, from a shy and kind person. Even though they went through a hellish situation. They were still able to smile. That is called strength. He liked that and told them that. In his own words
This was a lot, sorry that it was so long. Tell me what you think. What’s your favorite one, what you didn’t like or maybe something I can improve on? Was it romantic enough or not enough. Im curious to hear your guys thoughts! Have a great day! 💙
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anti-endo-safe-space · 3 months
Some ways endos and pro endos talk about it is...literally just describing CDDs. But then saying "Oh no we didn't form from trauma" or "our system comes from elsewhere" or "we made it up :D"
Like. Be actually real with yourselves. You can still admit your system comes from trauma without digging into it. When we learned we were a system, we didn't know what really caused it, even just from the memories we DID have. And that was fine. We knew we didn't need to know because it wasn't safe for us to know.
And they'll just perfectly describe having a CDD and being a system from it and then turn around and say it's not like that.
It genuinely almost feels like they're mystifying CDDs in their head and on the internet because they don't want to accept they qualify for it. Either cause they're not ready or reject it.
Which is fine. You can just...not be open about it. You can just NOT use words.
In fact, I feel not using terminology and being slower with it personally helped mine. Can't say for others, it is just my experience. But still. It feels like they want to rush to exist online and label everything, but don't want to actually accept they have a disorder.
And I've been there with not wanting to use disorder names and not accepting trauma myself. Especially with the way fakeclaimers are, it made me scared to use what words described my experiences. What helped with that? Listening to people diagnosed (professionally or self) that have known about their disorders for a while.
For the ones that think they're endos, but tend to really just have CDDs and not accept it, it really feels like they just don't understand. Which is literally fine if they didn't also act like experts on it.
I literally need things in simplified language because I have cognitive disabilities and my brain is dumb. I can't understand a lot of things others can. And that's fine.
I just feel like endos/pro endos that bring up points of how systems work. Like "Oh I needed to create my system to help with stressful things like work/school/loneliness" Yeah. That's...probably a CDD. I thought I was making "imaginary friends" when I was younger for my loneliness and comfort. And couldn't understand why it was so real to me esp as someone that didn't have imaginary friends at the age others usually do.
They'll just describe a perfectly normal experience of CDDs and then say "Oh but I'm proof you don't need to form from trauma/have a system from trauma/have a CDD to be a system."
It's just...pure denial. To the point I just feel frustrated at the lack of understanding, but also feel so sorry for them.
(If struggle with words and explaining. We are semiverbal with disorganized speech and cognitive disabilities. So sometimes things get jumbled.)
Lost train of thought big time. Hope made sense because struggle to feel like we make sense a lot.
Hey there there's no worries. We aren't sure how to help the best as right now our mind (for lack of better phrasing) is running a bit slower and we're physically very low spoons but.
Yeah response but it makes sense don't worry
Do not harass anyone, endo, pro endo, or anti endo
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wyntereyez · 11 months
I have survived Day Two of the convention.
I was DETERMINED to get a Neil autograph today. This time, I tracked down his autograph line (it didn't have a sign yet) and got in line at 9ish. I wasn't the first, but I was close.
Autos began at 11:00. Neil's photo ops were at 1:00. I shouldn't have had anything to worry about, right?
The BG cast didn't come out until 12:00.
But that was at least an hour. I was CLOSE. I shouldn't have had anything to worry about, right?
With most actors, sure. But Neil? He's chatty. He's said before that his lines are slow because if someone is gonna pay to see him, he's gonna make it worth their time.
So his line crawled. It doesn't help that I don't think he's used to being this popular; he's never had this many people before.
I was almost panicking the closer I got; it was almost 1, and I'd already been screwed over once because of an op. But the handler wasn't paying attention to the time, and I was able to get my auto before he left.
When the handler asked my name for the auto, I added "wyntereyez" to see if he'd react. He always seems thrilled by his "originals" on stream, so I was curious.
Well, first he introduced himself. I told him my name. Then he told me his, again.
Guess he wants me to be absolutely sure I knew his name is Neil.
You know, just in case I missed it when I followed his streams. And bought his ops.
Oh, you adorable goober.
And then he spotted my online name on the auto. I was hoping for a reaction, but I wasn't expecting as much of a reaction as I got.
He was excited, and he hugged me and asked if he could call me wyntereyez (I now have to legally change my name to that) and asked a bit about me.
(Interestingly, in the loud convention area where it was hard to hear me, he thought I was German. Apparently Midwestern and German have a similar cadence? LOL.)
Then he thanked me for coming, and we did the table selfies, which I've already shared but have one again.
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And then I left for his photo op.
When I did it yesterday, there was a queue to keep us in order. This time around, there was a disorganized mob, and I missed them calling my group number.
Also, Neil nearly introduced himself again, but stopped as soon as he recognized me and thanked me again for coming.
My last big thing was the BG3 panel.
The process to get in was TERRIFYING.
We were basically put in queues by a woman who missed her calling as a drill sergeant, and led to the auditorium; a process that took so long we were ten minutes late.
But it was a good panel.
And then my legs announced they weren't going to take any more of this, so I left.
So ended Day Two of MCM.
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
Hi again,
I haven't had time to organize my thoughts coherently so this might be a bit disorganized, apologies in advance lol.
We all know that Levi takes it upon himself in the AOT universe to be responsible for the lives of others, probably because he's the only one who has the strength he does. But does Levi ever expect others to want to care about their fellow humans' lives (especially those in power)? His own value of life might be so obvious to him, so would he expect others to share his value of life? Whether in AOT universe or in the modern world (if he did live in our modern world and didn't have the superhuman strength he does). I mean, in AOT universe, it's clear he can singlehandedly make significant contributions to saving the lives of others, but in the modern world, most of us obviously just aren't that physically strong and/or have very little actual power or authority on our own to help those who are oppressed, victimized, killed even...in the modern world, it's really a collective effort. Our strength is in numbers. So i guess my question is, would Levi hold that expectation of others in the modern world? Like, what if he was placed in a situation where he didn't have the superhuman strength he does, and has to rely on the goodwill and cooperation and *desire to help* of others in order to help people. He values life immensely, but it's also clear that he realizes that perfect peace in humanity is an unachievable ideal, right? Like human violence against other humans has always been and will always be a thing, both in his universe and ours. So while he probably expects that there will always be people who just want to harm their fellow humans, does he also always expect there to be people who want the opposite?
If he *does* hold that expectation for others, do you think he feels disappointment when he is inevitably let down, and he comes face to face over and over again with the fact that some other people simply do not care for fellow human lives? Or does he just set his expectations for others so low that he thinks it's a default for people to behave in that way? And whenever he does meet someone else who values life as much as he does, it's more like just a pleasant bonus rather than a given?
hopefully any of that word vomit made sense lol
These are great questions you're asking me, haha! So first, let me just say thank you. I really enjoy this sort of conversation about Levi.
It's interesting about Levi, because while he has this great strength, and he utilizes it the best he can to help others, he's still faced, more often than not, with sort of his own sense of helplessness. He often isn't able to save as many lives as he wants to, or make as much change as he hopes. He said something along those lines to Hitch, during the Uprising arc, when she was criticizing the SC for getting so many people killed in Trost while trying to capture Annie. He said "Hmph... It makes me sick. We're all in the dark when it comes to how this world works. Other than the ones in the very center, of course..." So I think, even within the setting of the AoT universe, Levi still feels pretty powerless, the same as he would if he lived in a modern world and didn't have his Ackerman powers. I think that's also pretty evident post time skip, after they've lost Erwin. Levi sees himself as a tool, as a weapon to be wielded by others. That's what he views his strength as good for. For Levi, Erwin was the person he sort of relied on to utilize that strength to its maximum potential, and when he lost Erwin, I think Levi felt a definite sense of directionlessness. He wasn't sure anymore how to use his strength to help others, even as the desire to do so remained just as strong. I think it was similar to how Levi felt when he was living in the Underground. He wanted to help people, but there wasn't much he could actually do. He was trapped in poverty and desperation with everyone else down there, and being physically powerful, while it can help in some things, isn't going to do much when we're talking about social inequality or oppression. Isayama said that Levi came to the surface because he wanted to help people, something he realized he was able to do after Furlan and Isabel came into his life; but his circumstances and status Underground limited his options. He didn't have citizenship, for one thing, so he couldn't officially join any sort of service branch, like the military. So I think Levi was always very familiar, even with his exceptional physical strength, with this feeling of helplessness and powerlessness, and a sense of being unable to do much to help others, despite his desperate wish to.
So, going into what you asked about Levi's expectations of others in that regard, I think Levi definitely WANTS people to care about others and to have the same level of respect and sense of value for life that he does. But that doesn't necessarily mean he expects them to be able to protect life or help others in the same capacity that he does. In fact, I think Levi understands and is sympathetic toward people not being able to do much to improve theirs or others circumstances. During his speech to the 104th during the Uprising arc, he speaks about choosing the hell of people killing each other over the hell of being eaten by titans. What he means by that is that he wants people to have a choice. As things stood then, the people of the walls were essentially living in a giant prison. They were trapped and had no options, no freedom, no choice in how they lived or where they went, and through no fault of their own, through no action on their part. It was just how they were born, the circumstances they were born into. So, yes, while Levi definitely understands and is accepting of human nature, of the violence inherent to human nature, and while I think he understands more keenly than anyone the tragedy and inescapability of that reality, he also believes the way people live should be up to them, and he prefers them having that choice, even if it manifests in violence and killing each other, to them having no choice at all and still dying. He calls both realities hell, but the hell in which people get to at least have a say in what happens to them is better than things happening to them which they have no control over.
Levi himself grew up in an environment which left him with no option but to rely on violence in order to survive. So yeah, I think he definitely understands that sometimes people just don't have a choice and that they can't always do the "good" or "right" thing, according to society, depending on the circumstances. He understands that sometimes you need to kill in order to protect yourself or others. He understands that sometimes you need to steal in order to survive. A lot of the characters in AoT look at morality as a static concept, through a black and white lends. They categorize things in two ways, good and bad, and there is no in between. Levi is one of the only characters that understands the fallacy of that premise. Morality isn't static. It's on a sliding scale and it's complex. What's good and bad, what's right and wrong, depends on the circumstances, depends on the situation. It's not always wrong to kill someone. It's not always wrong to steal. It's not always wrong to use violence. It doesn't always define a person's morality or reflect on their worth as a person if they do something which, within normal society, would be considered "bad" or "illegal". I always talk about how Levi is probably the least judgmental character in AoT, along with probably Armin. Levi never tries to tell anyone what to do or what they should think or believe. He always lets other people come to their own conclusions and choices.
With that said, what I do think Levi wouldn't be accepting of and what would really disgust him in another person is a total disregard for life. And that's why Levi hates Zeke as much as he does. Because Zeke shows, repeatedly, not just a deliberate disregard for life, but he also repeatedly expresses actual pleasure in the taking of it. We see Levi express similar disdain for Eren after the raid on Liberio, when he compares Eren's actions to the scum he grew up with in the Underground. What we know from this is that Levi no doubt witnessed a lot of blatant disregard for life while growing up, a lot of people treating the lives of others as worthless, taking life without needing to, just because they felt like it or because they simply didn't care and were apathetic toward other people's lives, and we also know it's something Levi has always felt disgusted by. So while I think Levi is both sympathetic and empathetic toward people not always being able to act and help others, and also toward them sometimes having to engage in certain types of behavior and actions that society would generally frown upon, what I think he wouldn't forgive and would be extremely judgmental toward is deliberate cruelty, dismissiveness and a contempt shown toward life and what he believes is its inherent value. I think, to Levi, that's unforgivable. So while Levi understands the reality that there will always be people who deliberately want to harm others, and who take pleasure in harming others, that doesn't mean he has to like it or forgive it. He accepts that violence is just a part of the world and a part of human nature, and he accepts and even forgives that people are sometimes forced to violence. What he won't forgive is intentional cruelty and disregard shown toward life.
So I think Levi probably is disappointed in the sense that he wishes things could be better, that people could be better in general, while at the same time acknowledging that this is just the way people are and there's nothing he can really do about it. I don't think he necessarily has low expectations, but I think he's always ready to be faced with the ugly side of human behavior. But still, he'll determine the worth of a person's character based on how much respect they have toward life, I think. Again, if someone shows a blatant disregard for life, or shows they don't value life in a truly meaningful way, Levi's not going to think very much of that person. We see that demonstrated in his disgust, also, for the nobility and their greed and selfishness in how they treat the general populace.
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demonic-hypocrite · 2 years
So, imagine:
Obey me replaced!au mc, but they're a weird maniac. I used GN/You pronouns for mc on this but this is a headcanon I made up for my transmasc oc. Very disorganized ramblings ahead. General TWs for replaced!MC, you know, swearing, murder, etc.
First they didn't mind that much, sure it sucks these people you have come to love and loved you too suddenly are taking their attention away from you in favor of someone else. Someone who suspiciously looks more like their dead sister than you, her actual descendant.
But it wasn't that you had never fought with them, in fact, you had gotten very good at controlling them, fiscally and emotionally. Still you had no intention of holding your pacts over their head yet... YET. But you still did some petty things like hiding their things when you felt they had gone a bit far.
The girl not hiding her superiority complex also didn't help you with taking the things she did lightly, like trying to hug and monopolize the brother in front of you. But rather, the things is, why would you hold on at this point? They made it very clear that they no longer desired you, which did hurt, but it stopped hurting when they were seriously starting to get on your nerves.
So, you started to also be very clear on showing them that you fixed them before, and you can break them again. But not just their "silly family play", you wanted to break their cores, make them ashamed of who they are. After all, Diavolo said yes already, how could those brothers hurt his favorite not-so-human-anymore human? And for another human that was utterly annoying and devoid of likable traits? Just because she looked like some dead angel? Who do they think they are?
No more hiding their clothes or their d.d.d's, you were serious about this now, a bit blinded by rage and betrayal to be considerate. You first started reciprocated their name calling, not holding back on the real insults, finding the pleasure on calling Asmodeous a public toilet when he tried to bodysame you, and calling the twins nothing more than dead weight when one tried to justify the other almost harming you.
Mammon is a whole different thing entirely tho. Your first man was the last one to turn on you, at some point you even thought he wouldn't, but that wasn't the case. You truly did love Mammon a little bit more than the other ones, he always respected your feelings and beliefs, gave you comfort when you most needed it and never hesitated to just, be there for you.
You still had some hope he would come back to you. But nah, you saw that girl clinging to his arm and decided that he belongs to the streets, after crying for 2 days straight in your bestie Solomon's room of course. So you worked hard on slowly erasing your traces on his room, make this think twice if your things where even there or not, but still leave your scent in there, no one would realize that the calming barely noticeable smell on the air was given off by the good old human, until they were gone of course.
Nobody payed mind to your weird purchase of a stack of flat cardboard boxes, at most they thought it was one of your weird art projects you spend entire weeks on, working while you're "on the zone". Most of them ended up being really thoughtful gifts for the brothers... That you had already taken back for yourself of course.
But anyways, while you worked really hard on being sneaky with your secret move, the brother were starting to come down of their high, sure the new girl looked an awful lot like Lilith but, she want exactly, pleasant, like Lilith was. And also, you were looking at them differently, Why? Why were you calling them those awful things? Right after they... OH GOD THEY- they were so sorry but didn't know how to apologize to you.
After all you had all of this trust in them but they didn't hesitate to chuck it out a window the moment some shiny new thing appeared, they were mad at themselves, ashamed and distressed on how they were going to make it up to their human- what did you mean you weren't their human?
One day you posted a photo of your room looking quite empty, with most of the things of it being just piles of boxes, the caption was "something something animal crossing but the house of lamentation is Lucifer's Island and I'm an islander in boxes, anybody wants to come ask me to go to their island? ;]".
Lucifer was the first to barge into your room, wanting it to be one of those cruel jokes you were so fond of lately, but it wasn't, rather he found the room empty, just like it was right before as you moved in, in fact, as if you never had moved in.
The brother were fighting and blaming one another when you posted "Kidding! I actually bought this plot of land sometime ago and had a house built on it. Finally! My forever home is finished I'm so glad!"
What the fuck did you mean FOREVER HOME, THE HOUSE OF LAMENTATION WAS YOUR FOREVER HOME- oh yeah what happened to that girl? The brothers tore her limb from limb alive when she asked why did they even bother, after all she was better than you and they didn't need you. Sike they totally do, after all, you fixed them before only you can fix them again.
That's all folks, it's not that good, maybe even ooc and too self indulging, but I couldn't sleep without writting this one out.
I have many other ideas for this with my oc, like Him becoming a literal demon eater after being unsupervised, like this demon was threatening him on his demon form once and mf just janks out his tail (like a lizards) and gives it a bite.
It was for intimidation purposes and he planned to spit it out, but it was actually tasty and juicy, like a mix between a coconut and a lychee.
So while the brothers aren't looking he just gains this reputation of public menace #1
But also he starts a cam show, where he doms other demons, no actual physical contact is happening but other demons are still getting to know the side of him that was just for the brothers and makes their blood boil but also makes them sad because it's their fault.
They still make up in the end but not after my oc dying like, two more times, adding death to his harem and becoming a demon himself.
Thanks for reading, if you want to make something with this please do, it's would be really cool!
Goodnight ☆
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my-mt-heart · 4 months
tldr here - it was very short qa, only 30 mins no questions. norman and melissa hung out and took selfies and signed stuff with as many people as possible before security wrapped it up. neither stopped when the came out the back to their cars.
what do you want to know? you don't have to post this / you can repost it under a cut for spoilers, idc.
pros: most scene time in the first ep is of carol, who's dry wit i missed but is totally back. i like the new character, avi. beautiful scenery, love that it's supposed to be maine. the crowd cheered for carol / melissa, there wasn't like favoritism towards norman / daryl in terms of reactions. fans of all ages / genders / etc.
cons: same character development. she meets someone, she puts on a facade. i was so frustrated carol didn't just tell the truth. i didn't watch the first season out of spite but daryl's scenes.....i really felt like i was watching, like, harry potter and the walking dead. it just felt wrong.
neutral (imo-not significant but feels a little stale / like they didn't try atp): focusing on carol's loss of sophia, call backs to The Barn scene, there's a cherokee rose that symbolizes "hope."
from the qa: norman really hyped up the finale but that could just be to get people to watch. teased "bickering like an old married couple." zabel teased the photos of mel and norm shooting in paris and norman was like, "there's pictures of it on the internet" they know. when they asked melissa what she said on the radio she did an adorable bit about "i want my socks back" or something. she also implied that she's been apart of crafting where the character goes and what's important. dalton ross is very cringe, he needs everyone to know he was the guy to be at the height of the comic-con days (but he wasn't that was hardwick lol). there was a well known rick cosplayer there and people were trying to sneak photos, i think they thought he was andy fr.
plot spoilers: tldr carol befriends a guy, avi, for his plane and convinces him to fly her to france by the end of the first episode to find her daughter sophia, who was in paris with her father ed when the world ended (avi calls her out on this and everyone laughs). she plays on the loss of his son, which melissa says is "awful." i'm not positive bc i didn't watch but i think avi's place is where daryl made the radio call from to cArol but i can't be sure i could be making that up.
it was cool but also gave me this deep bit of sadness? like maybe i'm too old for this and need to move on. it was a little disorganized - they kept removing reserved seating so people kept rushing for closer seats, which left me in the middle of the front section with empty seats in either side of me? it was weird.
Thanks for the writeup! I'm really happy Melissa was so well-received. She deserves that.
Carol falling back on old habits makes me nervous because of how quickly some viewers like to demonize her (female characters are always judged more harshly than men for their flaws). I know she's desperate to get to Daryl, I love that he's her emotional drive, and I trust Melissa's performance will be nuanced, but I'll judge the writing when I get to see the scene for myself.
What is Daryl's arc in 201?
I feel like there is actually a lot of healing left to do as far as Sophia goes, so I'm glad Melissa wanted to explore that. I hope the callbacks/flashbacks with Sophia as well as with Daryl really will help Carol grow as a character. I'm confident in Melissa's storytelling abilities. She's very intuitive. Zabel on the other hand tends to put gimmicks before substance and that doesn't mesh well. If people are saying they can feel Melissa's influence in the episode, that's a good sign. AMC should keep leaning into her vision for Carol/Caryl.
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akiitos · 2 years
hru :D i hope ure healthy and well (unlike me/hj)
Uhhhh anyways! If possible, could I request a Toya, Akito, Rui, and Tsukasa (separate obv) with a gn reader who literally cannot sleep with 1) something in their arms, and 2) atleast something the reader can hear (whether itd be music, a normal conversation, a tv playing, anYTHING)
Also heres two little scenarios if you have a hard time trying to figure out what to do with this request: 1) them cuddling their s/o while either singing or just talking with the reader, or maybe just a song playing or a channel going off on the tv. 2) when they get home at like 10pm they just find the reader sleeping with a squishmallow and a spotify playlist going off from their phone. Or 3) after they finish talking to someone on the phone, they go to theirs' and s/o's shared room just to find them sleeping peacefully with a squishmallow (next thing they know its because they were talking to someone on the phone)
Uhh if your requests are closed, you can just ignore this (or delete it), and if you feel as if you cant do this, feel free to once again, ignore or delete
Alright I should uhh prolly go now it's 4:20am here and I'm supposed to be awake by 6:30am (not like im gonna sleep honestly)
Alrighty, uhhh, byebhe have a nice day/night
(also im sorry if it's a lil disorganized to you)
project sekai boys x gn!reader
summary: you tend to fall asleep when you're cuddling something, and if youre listening to something!
;; hcs style
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@ toya aoyagi
• you were literally SO tired but toya was over and it was insane. so you just got your favorite plush and hugged it as he left the room for a bit
• but uhhh you wanted something to be listening to aswell
• so you just got out your phone, played the shared playlist that you and him have and just shut your eyes in a soft bliss
• after a few minutes, he walked into your room and had almost no reaction-
• i mean, he was pretty suprised that you fell asleep this quick.
• he kissed your cheek and ran his cold hands against your warm body lovingly
• he tried going near you without waking you up, and probably fell asleep too tbh
• cute.
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@ akito shinonome
• he knew of your habits beforehand, and didn't seem to care
• so, he wasn't suprised when you asked him to call you in the middle of the night so you can sleep
• he pretended to be annoyed, but still agreed to it anyway.
• it was like 12 am and you asked if he could talk about his day, or tell stories
• he did, and honestly...
• best experience ever. may ask again!
• if you do end up falling asleep on call with him, he'll go on mute and admire you (NOT IN A WEIRD WAY)
• he'd fall asleep after you.
• he's so ahhhhhebsnka
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@ rui kamishiro
• sort of like akito, you'd mostly call/face time him if he couldn't be with you at the moment
• if he notices you cant sleep, he'll ask if you'd want to call -- if you say yes, then he'll happily obliege.
• he'll talk about anything. literally anything
• mostly about his inventions, though
• he's one of the best people to go to for this, since his voice is so relaxing. like wtf??
• if he notices you're asleep, he'll either stay on call- or hang up and send you a sweet text message.
• he doesnt mind calling you whatsoever, and actually enjoys it, since he likes having someone to rant to.
• rly helpful! 5�� ratingg
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@ tsukasa tenma
• ok. here this boy goes
• he likes buying you plushies, and everytime you sleep with them, it reminds you of him
• you like sleeping over at his house, as he likes sleeping over at your house too.
• no matter whose house, he'll be really good at talking
• he can talk about ANYTHING. when i say anything, i mean ANYTHING
• be it his sister, his life, hell- he'll even talk about you!
• when he does talk to you, he has the calm voice that soothes you to sleep
• fallen asleep already? ah, too bad, i wasnt done yet, he says as he kisses your forehead and lays down beside you
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hotpinkrathian · 5 months
TPD and LoK headcannons?
Okay but I have been thinking about the practical uses of TPD for LoK since its release (I've listened to the entire anthology like 5 times now) and some of my *thoughts* are a little disorganized but here they are as they come.
Kya watching Lin and Tenzin grow together and become a couple has her DOWN BAD and I would like to write something in the future, maybe a one shot drawing inspiration from this.
Fresh Out the Slammer is so Suyin/Kuvira coded, whether it's platonically or romantic idc but to me it is THEM. Specifically after the show when Kuvira is feeling empty and alone and trying to get back into her old life but she has to accept that it's not going to work and she has to start all over again.
I Can Do it With A Broken Heart- immediately thought of Asami. Not because of her relationship with Mako or Korra but because of the relationship with her dad. That was such a painful moment for her in the series and sometimes I feel like it wasn't shown enough, her grief was never really processed and maybe she struggles a bit in the beginning. Of course Korra helps her through it : )
Kyalin The Alchemy need I say more.
I feel like there's big potential for an angsty Lin-centered one shot inspired by Cassandra. I haven't fully developed this yet but it's brewing.
thanK you aIMee is another one I feel like would work well with Kuvira. I could see an angsty piece about her slowly building up to the events of season 4. I feel like maybe she has some growing resentment over her childhood and maybe that gets taken out on Suyin or just the Beifongs in general.
For shits and giggles Korra sing smallest man who ever lived to Zaheer because my guy short as fuck
And for non shits and giggles "Who's Afraid of Little old Me" this is AVATAR KORRA. This song I see in the moment before she takes down Kuvira. Like Kuvira is cocky and is convinced she's already won because she's bested korra multiple times now. And Korra is a force of nature. There's room for a powerful dissonance there between season 3 where she as the Avatar is a target. Zaheer wants to get rid of the avatar to restore chaos because the Avatar is too powerful. Korra doesn't understand this, she would never use her powers for evil, she would never use them to hurt people... until she has to. She IS the Avatar, she is the strongest being in the world, and part of her healing process is claiming that power. I can see a conversation going something like this:.
Korra: I don't get it, Asami. It's like no matter what I do, how many times I show these people I'm on their side... someone is always out to get me. It's like they're afraid of me or something.
Asami: Korra, you are the Avatar. The only thing standing between them and their fucked-up ideal "world", is you.
Korra: I don't want people to be scared of me, I want them to feel safe. To feel like I'm an ally.
Asami: and you are, but... I don't know, Korra. Maybe it's not all bad if some people fear you. If Kuvira, or Zaheer had been more afraid maybe... maybe things would've turned out differently.
And then the bad guy is all "you think you scare me?" And Korra is all
"No, but I should."
(I could also see this trope working well with Rangshi but you requested LOK )
I hope I delivered
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vinnywinnii · 5 months
Assistant PT.2 (Viktor x M!reader)
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Hello, this is part two. I'll try writing in more fluff and some intimate scenes at some point, but I'm sticking more to fluff in this moment. Maybe some sexual tension at some point, but I haven't yet decided. Anyway, enjoy part two!<3
After you had finished your work (so a couple hours later) and Viktor suggested you guys hangout and go out somewhere together, you really needed some rest. Though as always, you were resisting it a lot. Now you were basically mumbling with your head down on his desk.
"mmh." You mumble, trying not to pass out and fall asleep at his desk.
"Assistant, you need sleep. You can't keep up with this, you already finished the required assigned work I have given." The tall, slim man spoke. His voice was smooth, and even softer than usual. It sounded very soothing, at least to you. The russian accent also compliments the soft tone he has.
"mm.." you mumble, barely having your eyes open. You head is down on his desk while you mumble short responses, barely making him know that you're still awake.
"And I thought I was overworking.." he muttered under his breath as a soft chuckle escapes his lips. He is slightly worried, you're staying awake just to do extra work. Plus, he's made you stay on night shift almost every night this week. And he knows you work day shift for a different job every other week as well, so you've only been sleeping on your lunch breaks.
That means you've barely been eating as well, really only having an apple and a quick coffee throughout the day. He feels bad for making you work more nightshifts. He already has you for day shifts every other week, you working day shifts for your second job on the other weeks he doesn't have you.
Its worse that you only make enough money to get food for your parents and to pay them rent, even with all this work you've done. He's very proud of you, you're a perfect young man.
He notices you've stopped responding with the cute little sounds and short word responses. He looks down at you, your hair covering your face with you cheek prepped on your arm. You look cute sleeping, your medium length brunette hair covering most of your face. He ends up smiling softly before catching himself, his cheeks growing a bit warm. He's definitely growing fond of you.
"you're a brilliant young man.. you're parents should be proud of you. If not, I'm sure proud of you.." he says, his more professional tone breaking. It's more loving, like he's speaking to someone he's loved for years on end.
He pulls out his notebook, scribbling a few things in the notes and closing it. He then puts it on his disorganized desk set up in the lab and smiles down at you, moving his hand up a bit and brushing some hair out of your face to see your closed eyes and handsome looking facial structure.
"you really are very handsome, and quite lovely to be around.. and you work so hard." He whispers to you, knowing your sleeping very soundly. He seems.. to favor you. Everyone does, but he definitely favors you for more than just you being a fantastic assistant. You're so sweet, so caring.. and very sympathetic. You're just a great person, and you don't find those around a lot.
He kisses your forehead gently, stroking your face. He hopes you don't wake up, he doesn't wanna have to explain why his hand is caressing your cheek. He doesn't wanna be called irresponsible, kissing an assistants forehead and holding his face a bit. He really does adore you, he always has. He just never wanted to admit it those few months.
"I wish you were awake to know how good you really do.. how much people really appreciate you. How much I really appreciate you. I care about you. I cherish you, Assistant.." He whispers, his tone genuine and his smile affectionate. He can't help but feel as if this is wrong.
He's a cold, stern man. He doesn't ever fail to make sure you know what work he's given you, and when it's due to him. These past few months of you being his assistant, you haven't failed once to do something right. You do so well, and he knows you don't believe it. You overwork yourself, just to try to prove you aren't lazy. Yet nobody thinks that, not even him. He admires you, as you admire him.
It's out of character for him to feel this way, to wanna give you simple praise for the work you do. He feels like he's softening for you, and he doesn't know if he should be happy that he's feeling some sort of love. He doesn't know what type of love, but he wants to protect you from this cruel world.. this dark place isn't good for someone as soft and nice as he sees you.
"I'll protect you, from this world. From the bad people here." He whispers more softly, his smile growing as he watches you sleep at his desk.
He ends up taking you to the couch next to the coffee pot you had made him coffee in earlier, setting you down there for some rest. You'll have to wake up in the morning for your second job, but he'll be happy to walk you there and provide for you.
He sets you down on the couch, brushing your hair back with his fingers and wrapping you in a blanket. He hasn't stopped smiling since he saw that cute, sleeping face of yours for the first time. He never wants this to end, but he doesn't wanna ruin a perfectly good professional relationship between you two.
He kisses your forehead once more before he sits in the chair at his desk, next to the couch you're laying on. He lays his head down on the desk, next to his papers; his eyes staying open for a bit longer. He watches you for a bit longer before one last mutter before he falls asleep.
"sleep well, solnyshko." He mutters quietly, his Russian accent making the name slip smoothly off of his tongue.
"...mm." you mumble.
Aww, solnyshko (Солнце, солнышко) actually means "sun" in Russian, it's a term of endearment. It can mean 'little sun', 'my sun', or just 'sun.' i think its the cutest thing!
I hope you enjoyed, I know these have been slow for now, I'm working on it. I'm trying to explain how much Viktor really loves the reader. He thinks the reader is cute, handsome, hardworking, and overall just a great guy. He admires him. <3
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sirenjose · 5 months
Reading Alice's first birthday letter, it's already obvious Orpheus was down in Melbourne and helped Alice escape which is good but at the same time, I wonder how much influence he was having over her life after Melbourne. She managed to get a job as a journalist but thinking about it now, being a test subject wouldn't give much work experience and she managed to get a pretty nice apartment too, unless she managed to reclaim any of her inheritance if she had any. I don't necessarily know how recent they say her escape was could be at year at most. It's a nagging thought especially when you consider how her Deduction Stars are quotes written by someone observing her from afar and treating her like a test subject still.
I honestly need to reread and spend some more time thinking about her letter. It's definitely quite a bit to digest considering how it's written. Orpheus definitely seems implied to have beem the other person involved in her letter. Though I can't say I know for sure where it's taking place. Yes, it could be Australia, but based on the mention of medical reports, "juvenile" handwriting, pen left in a "crevice", nurses, but especially the "iron bars", my 1st thought was this was taking place at the Asylum, yet the mention of "Bourbon's drawer"... based on Alice's flashback in AoM, that could more imply it is Australia. Orpheus we know went to both the Asylum and potentially Australia (based on 1 of the individuals in Alice's flashback looking similar to Orpheus). Not to mention finding the key in a drawer is the same thing we saw in Alice's flashback...
Though I wonder if his true goal was to simply help her escape. If so, why didn't he reach out to her after she escaped, why not re-introduce himself as being her childhood friend? Why did they only meet up once more at the manor? I honestly still wonder if to an extent he was also performing or had the desire to perform some experiment/test on her. Though I guess Australia's tests might've been more just Vilhelm, while Orpheus may be saving his for the manor... Which again, need to ask what he is hoping to accomplish exactly?
And isn't Sam supposed to be working for Orpheus? In which case, Sam might've snagged the key and planted it himself in his drawer upon Orpheus' request. Though if so, what's this about Sam's "secret"...
Honestly, my thoughts right now are obviously scattered and disorganized. If Orpheus is the main one speaking (not saying "Who are you"), that implies Alice did forget Orpheus, at least for a time, while he did not... but then that begs the question why does he at least pretend not to recognize her... and does she not recognize him from her time with Vilhelm? Especially if she only escaped a year or some short amount of time before her game? The medication being messed up might've been why she was able to begin "remembering", though... what was the medication meant to do in the 1st place
I'm honestly really confused... Apologies for these nonsenical thoughts.
Yea, this likely takes place in Australia, and Orpheus is definitely involved in her escape (no idea if Sam was helping Orpheus do this or not, or whatever Sam's "secret" is, unless it has to do with perfecting his dovlin recipe for Demi, I don't know... or secret that Sam is helping Orpheus...). The one who likely forgotten someone is likely Alice forgetting Orpheus considering her mental state after the tragedy based on how she acts backstory video in the asylum prior to the experiments. Besides Sam's secret, we also don't know for certain the express goal of (Vilhelm's?) experiment in Australia. We also don't know why Orpheus didn't decide to reunite with Alice after helping her escape, or why he's using drugs on her at the manor.
Progress, but we're still missing so much...
I imagine her becoming a journalist has to do with her desire for the truth after her experience with her parents dying. She likely wanted to know who did it and why and what happened to everyone (culprits and victims, including Orpheus I imagine) afterwards, and she is an intelligent woman, so that likely would've been a good enough start to get her into that. And if she got any good jobs as that, that might apy for the nice place she has. Though it's possible, as people knew she was the daughter of the murdered DeRoss couple, that she had some inheritance left to buy the place... Though it's possible Orpheus aided her with that, for now I'm assuming she got it herself until otherwise stated.
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