#I know it's written for League but
xaeneron · 2 years
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Don't try to make yourself remember, darling, Don't look for me; I'm just a story you've been told So let's pretend a little longer 'Cause when we're gone, everything goes on.
"Everything Goes On" - Porter Robinson
Have you ever listened to a song and your brain just went OH MY FEELS TIME HWRAH HEH HAHEHRAHAA HEWREHAGH
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donnatroyyyy · 1 year
Good Talia characterization and good Damian characterization can co-exist easily, they are not mutually exclusive whatsoever. Good Ra’s characterization along with good characterization for either Talia and Damian cannot coexist eight out of ten times, they are mostly mutually exclusive.
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commander-revan · 2 months
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The MHA S7 OP and what the lyrics make me think of:
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thestuffedalligator · 3 months
is their anyone else you could add the League of extraordinary Gentlemen, Canada branch?
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Nelvana of the Northern Lights
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Buck from Call of the Wild and White Fang from White Fang
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Ojistoh from the poem by Emily Pauline Nelson
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Uhhh Murdoch? I’ve never seen Murdoch Mysteries but it fits the timeframe and he looks very polite
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Bob and Doug McKenzie but their early 20th century ancestors. Roberta and Douglas McKenzie
Edit to just add that this is the post being talked about here
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dayurno · 6 months
how do u think kevin would behave while having a crush & go about it? would he make the first move? i think he's the type to feel the person out EXTENSIVELY before doing anything bc god knows he can't handle one more bad thing. a love rejection would be his last straw
i think kevin really is the kind of person who has a crush on someone and tells them to get out of his sight LMFAO it's like in the ec when it said he looked forward to thea graduating so he wouldn't have to deal with his feelings for her anymore. kevin to me is remarkably not a romantic and will never ever make the first move on someone unless he feels as if they are wasting time by not being together already. a lot of kandreil fics have his overall willingness to be near andreil as a point that he likes them, but i think if kevin actually had romantic feelings for andrew and neil he would go as far from them as fast as he can. this man would change countries to not have to deal with a crush
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Thanks to y'all I finished the Marsh Masterpiece and you weren't exaggerating and, as you had pointed out, it sucks at depicting the aftermaths of assault (among the things that made my Syrian ass sigh as much as every other anti-middle eastern propaganda shit out there) bc it handles trauma so bizarrely? Holt is tortured by the caricature, and upon seeing Paul L who he admired react with terror about that same caricature, he proceeds to lose respect for him for being unmasculine. Paul proceeds to care about his kidnapped fiancee's state of purity above all. Marjorie is attacked by the bug in her own bed and her reaction to Holt's fear of the same bug is contempt. There was a rife opportunity there for exploration, like how shared trauma between lovers affects their relationship. Look at how the once meek and scared Harker forsakes his soul if his love is forsaken, how he called the vampires devils of the pit and now chooses to share a bed with a devil, or how the once bubbly and confident in her goodness Mina asks him to vow to brutalize her and internalizes her Fallen state as deserving. Boom, cause and effect- the villain has irreversibly changed them and their relationship and we see how they deal with that. With the Beetle, what was even the point?
The saddest thing about this is that it reminds me of how much HAS NOT changed in media depicting assault. It's for so many times JUST for shock value and/or demonization of a group of people. Modern police dramas and fantasy series are notoriously bad about this, though not just them. But yeah, great to know that people always loved sexplotation crap...
First of all: I sincerely apologize for my part in getting you to read the entirety of this book. (said jokingly, but also a little bit not, haha)
And YEAH, everything you said is so right. There's not just a weird handling of trauma, but this bizarre disconnect between all the characters. None of them have empathy for one another, even when the source of their fear/trauma is literally the exact same person (though 'caricature' is in many ways a better word, not like the Beetle gets much personality outside of a bunch of racist stereotypes in a trenchcoat), most of the time even via them acting in the same ways. And so the result is this story where none of the characters really connect with one another in a meaningful way. That's definitely not the only problem, but - as I saw in a meta from @animate-mush earlier today - in The Beetle, things just seem to happen to the characters, and the horror is more about their helplessness. In Dracula, the characters feel and do things all the time! Often, those aren't the right feelings or actions, or the characters wind up feeling like they're participating in the evil, thus fostering that horror of complicity. But in this book, our ongoing jokes that nothing anyone does affects the plot at all are... not really jokes, they're pretty true. If all the POV characters had done nothing at all, the Beetle still would have hypnotized someone else to steal Paul Lessingham's letters, still would have terrorized/kidnapped Marjorie, and still would have died in the train crash (setting aside the sequel-bait "or did they live after all...?" moment). Not only did they do very little in the first place, what they did was irrelevant. I guess you can say that ties into the theme of the horror, but, ehhhh.
And again, you are absolutely correct about the missed opportunity for conflict/growth between the couple. They spend almost no time together outside of flashbacks, and don't confide in one another at all, let alone explore their changed relationship. But also, to zoom out from just them... for a novel which is at least 70% people telling one another stories about what happened to them, no one actually reacts to those stories very much. In Dracula, Jonathan's diary provokes strong reactions in everyone who reads it, and directly/very importantly informs their next actions. Mina's account of Whitby gives Van Helsing the push to start the hunt for vamped!Lucy, and Seward's records give the clue that Renfield is connected to Dracula in some way. Even the Captain of the Demeter's log, read after his death, gives added context to the hunt and helps set them on their box chase which is of vital importance. The characters not only tell each other their stories - and write letters, and look up records - but they are changed and brought closer by the sharing of their experiences. The whole process is a unifying one.
The Beetle doesn't do any of that. After hearing Holt's account, Marjorie and Sydney unsympathetically take him to revisit the source of his trauma. Sydney, despite knowing she's telling the truth, tries to dismiss Marjorie the entire time she's talking to him. Champnell privately judges Paul Lessingham throughout his story. Marjorie and Paul don't really talk at all! Even when all of the characters come together for the final chase, they spend half the time talking over/insulting/arguing with one another. Both because they haven't all shared information fully in the first place, and because none of them have been changed or emotionally affected too much by one another's stories. The whole book reminds me of this excerpt from a critical essay about Dracula where the author claimed that there's a horrible bitter rivalry between all the suitors and their proclamations of love and friendship are lies. It's the worst bad faith interpretation of the text... and one Richard Marsh, seemingly, would have looked at and went "let's make that canon!"
Finally... it really is sadly true how little some things have changed. I mean, certainly, you can find a lot of much better depictions of trauma and aftermath (and companionship and less racism and better writing and-) nowadays. But equally, you can find plenty, scads upon scads, of the same kind of awful tropes as Marsh used (I can easily come up with some common ones in police detective shows especially). Maybe the worst part is that they can normalize terrible associations/expectations in a casual audience without them even realizing. And even in more nuanced stories, lots of people have very reductive interpretations. (See: the above mentioned Dracula essay. Or any of the many Dracula adaptations that claim to be more feminist or something while playing into just as bad and in some cases worse tropes as the original.) In a lot of ways, many of our modern tropes and interpretations around race/sex/gender/etc. are often not any more enlightened than Victorian ones were. Not always, of course! But more than enough.
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july-19th-club · 2 years
clance i love you ive known you for two seconds please tell me more of your wonder woman opinions please babe
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aka-catnip · 11 months
jayce and viktor are so glinda and elphaba actually
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Fic: All You Knead is Loaf (Mowen x Lan Jue x Zhang Ping;Modern AU, PWP)
A/N: Because @xinxiaojie​ was kind enough to send me this picture at five minutes to two in the am and thus fed the thirst. It is now sober hours. And you get a new fic. Yay us.
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I don’t know how spicy these lemons are for you, but. Yeah. 
Spicy Lemons ahoy 🌶️🍋 (for those uninitiated on the unholy ways of this blog, “spicy lemons” or 🌶️🍋 mean pR0n) ENJOY YAAHAHAHHA I’m running on four hours of sleep here soz soz
[still accepting ALoN fic prompts]
The kitchen is an absolute mess. Someone’s upended a bag of flour on the floor and Zhang Ping thinks he spies traces of an egg on their pristine ceiling. In the fuzzy reaches of his mind, he feels a desperate draw to check on the oven, but none of that matters as much when Mowen’s crooking his stupidly beefy fingers, catching them against his prostate with a divine efficiency that only his lover can do.
“That good, huh?”
The smug bastard has the audacity to chuckle, not even a whit out of breath or gasping even as he’s fucking Peizhi on their kitchen counter through the throes of his orgasm. 
Pale skin flushed, beautiful face slack, mouth parted and panting, Zhang Ping delights in the way he is undone by the pleasure that paints his belly in pretty ribbons of pearlescent.
“Pretty Ping’er,” Mowen drawls sweetly. Zhang Ping watches under his lashes when he pulls his come coated cock out of a weakly protesting Peizhi. Still hard, he grips it by the base, nudging it to the back of Zhang Ping’s thigh, smearing the mess on his skin. 
Then, as if a sudden thought occurs to him, Mowen asks, voice quiet and earnest in a shift from just a second ago. “Can I?”
There’s a certain truth to the way the three of them loves - Zhang Ping shows it in every meal he makes and every way he does to make their life together as comfortable as he can, Peizhi provides and gives and protects them in every shade he can cast with his abilities. And Mowen, their darling, brash and confident man, catches them both when they fall, asking for very little in return but these small moments where he is laid bare for them. 
They complete and complement each other.
So, what is Zhang Ping to say other than a contented, “Yes, of course.”
Mowen moves his fingers out of Zhang Ping’s ass. He hisses at the discomfort, but rolls his waist into the grip of Mowen’s hands, racking his own digits through his hair to anchor himself at the blunt press of Mowen’s cock at his hole. “Don’t tease,” He says, working for stern, coming out more like a whine.
“He’s a bad, bad man, isn’t he, Ping’er?”
Peizhi’s hoarse laughter has him tilting his face. Eyes crinkled with tired amusement, he leans in, “C’mere. Kiss me.”
And so, Zhang Ping does.
Allows Peizhi take the lead, blinking sluggishly when a cockhead becomes the sensation of more and then some. He thinks he cries a little when Mowen, without being told to, fucks him to the rhythm of his rapid beating heart. 
“So good. So perfect just for me, just for us,” Mowen purrs over the dirty, sloppy slap of their skin. Zhang Ping thinks his brain shorts out at the way he fills him up, legs shaking as he tries to keep his balance. “Beautiful Ping’er...”
He hums into Peizhi’s mouth, moaning a little when the man licks right back into his own. He feels fucked dumb. It feels like heaven.
“One day, we’ll have Mowen fuck you while I’m riding your cock,” Peizhi murmurs around a smile pressed to the corner of Zhang Ping’s mouth, tongue dragging through the thin line of drool that escapes him. “How does that sound?”
The picture of them doing just that slithers into whatever last braincells he has left to rub together. And it undoes him.
When he comes to, the suspicious stain on the ceiling is what greets him. Definitely egg. Zhang Ping giggles at the realisation. Right before another hits him like a tonne of bricks. 
“The cookies!” 
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menlove · 1 year
I love when women on TV are allowed to be horrible people and pathetic meow meows and have irredeemable flaws and be gross and be unempathetic and have body hair and be selfish and stupid in a human way and hurt the people they love and also when they get to kill people and have gay sex
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I am braving my shitty laptop to read the Nubia and the Justice League Special and to present you all with my favourite small (or small-ish) Nubias from it
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[Image: cropped panel showing a small background Nubia in a fighting pose, holding her spear. End description.]
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[Image: a cropped panel showing Nubia sitting on a couch, a cup of tea on a table, leaning one arm on her leg and gesturing with the other. She has a huge smile. End description.]
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[Image: cropped panel of Nubia sitting on that same couch, holding the mug, turning to talk up to someone. She’s drawn smaller, less detailed. End description.]
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spinnertop · 1 year
I feel like Wally would use a rubik's cube as a fidget toy. Like in the middle of meetings, debriefs, or whenever really, he'll just be playing with a rubik's cube at high speeds. One time he forgot it and Kyle made one for him to use, cause he saw him fidgeting and put two and two together. After the meeting, Wally teases him about creating a useless rubik's cube because it was one solid color. In private though, he thanks Kyle for it, and tells him that it means a lot that he tried to help.
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blogofcowardice · 6 months
Wildest thing I've ever experienced is sitting down to try and write batman fanfiction but finding myself physically incapable of writing any names because then there's undeniable proof of me writing batman fanfiction. not even exaggerating on the physically incapable part. I'm dry heaving every time I try to type out the word "Bruce" so I'm writing in fucking first person this is awful
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gaffney · 6 months
What is your favourite fic that you have ever written? And what is your favourite line from it?
oh man this is such a tough ask because i hate my own writing 9 out of 10 times BUT i think it would still have to be wild and wired. i did a lot of hockey research for that fic (...and took most of it out because i was on a deadline lmao) and i'm attached to it because this was The fic that made me realize charlie/jesse's potential and that i shouldn't be afraid to branch out of my comfort zone and to write whatever the heck i want!!!
there's a few lines i really like but i'll give a shout-out to this part:
RUSS TYLER (10:11AM): man why does you getting your dick out always become a group affair?  your guess is as good as mine, buddy, Charlie sends back. Luckily, he’s saved from his other twenty-five unread messages by the arrival of Averman, who shoves past the door and nearly trips over one of the boxes in his hurry to run inside. “I came as soon as I heard,” Averman says. His mouth falls into a shit-eating sorta smile, hand cupped to his chin. “I guess you could say I was quick to shoot off.” Charlie takes that as his cue. He stretches out in his seat, nudging Jesse’s foot with his. “You’ve got that in common.” Jesse kicks at Charlie’s heel. “Did you just rag on yourself,” he asks Averman incredulously, “so that this lying asshole could rag on me?” “Teamwork, baby," Averman says with a worrying amount of pride. Charlie still slaps him a high-five.
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vaugarde · 8 months
wow ash vs hau sure was. something.
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Maybe I should sandwich my way into LOD? Read a well-written English book before going for a story from LOD, then after finishing an episode read another English book 🙃
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