#I know people have tags for just like. their original posts. how do y'all come up with those
library-faery · 7 months
The real moral of Harrison Bergeron is that ballerinas are jacked and you should be into them
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darklyndivinely · 1 year
For The Rest of My Life
Fandom - Obey Me!
Pairing - Lucifer x gn!reader
Summary - Lucifer proposes to you.
Warnings - Fluff, Suggestive content, marriage proposal, kissing.
Wordcount - 580+
A/N - Happy belated birthday to my favourite boi. The original plan was to write something angsty, it turned out fluffy instead. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate everyone who interacts with my posts, especially all the reblogs and tags. Y'all keep me sane, y'know. Hope you like this!
OM!Masterlist • Leave a tip! • Taglist Form
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The door clicks shut with a relieving finality. You discard your jacket and shoes, sighing at the lessened weight and stretch your tired body. Lucifer encircles your figure from behind, familiar and imposing, and nuzzles into your neck with a deep inhale. A smile pulls at your lips. You entangle a hand in his hair, resting your head back against his shoulder.
“This might be my favourite part of today,” he breathes, beginning to pepper kisses on your skin.
You release a shuddering breath when he teases the sharp of his canine against your collarbone, and turn, capturing his lips in a desperate kiss. His hand presses against your waist, sending a flutter through your stomach as he draws your body closer.
You fist the collar of his shirt, still trying to capture the full taste of the Demonus on his tongue and shift your weight on the balls of your feet. Take me to bed, the action means. But Lucifer pulls away, satiating your chasing lips with a chaste peck, and rests his forehead against yours. You gulp in deep breaths to calm your breathing, and cup his face, tilting his head to gaze at him, and tenderly swipe at his cheekbone. Everything ok?
Lucifer’s eyes flick between yours, searching, thinking; twice, thrice. “I have something for you.”
“What is it?”
He pulls away, straightens his collar, and smoothes his shirt. His hands are shaking, you notice. As he slowly digs into his pockets, anxiety coalesces in your throat. What is he doing?
Lucifer pulls out a small red box and your heart lurches to your stomach. Gently, he lowers to a knee, eyes fixated on your face and flicks the box open. It’s an elegant ring, simple and sober, crafted richly and thoughtfully. You stare at it, thoughts slowing as if immersed in quicksand.
“I know that I am not always very forthcoming with my feelings,” he starts. “Since you’ve arrived at Devildom I have only let you down, hurt you and underestimated you. I have been the worst version of myself to you. But these years that we’ve spent together, they’ve changed me. You’ve changed me. You have become an integral part of my life, of my family, of me. You have come to mean to me more than I had ever thought possible. I can’t imagine a universe where we don’t belong together... I love you. If you’d let me, I would like to love you for the rest of my life... Marry me, please.”
You stare into his eyes, looking at you with such hope and love. How many people had Lucifer knelt for? How many had he professed his love for?
“I love you too,” you say, feeling your heart lighting up with the words. “Yes. Yes. I’d love to marry you.”
Lucifer smiles, bright and wide, the shine of a thousand suns in his joy. The most beautiful creature to exist, indeed. He extracts the ring and slides it on your finger, snug and perfect. You stare at it, overjoyed, and meet Lucifer’s kiss halfway.
“I love you,” he says, kissing you so fervently. “I love you, I love you, I love you so fucking much.”
This time there’s no need for you to indicate anything to him. He leads your figures backwards and onto the bed himself to make do on his vow to love you for the rest of his life.
You laugh against his lips, electricity in your veins. “I love you too, Lucifer.”
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Taglist: @w01f2 @lilactaro
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maniculum · 4 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Hratgrog
This week's installment is once again coming kind of late in the evening -- and a bit less wordy than usual -- because I just got back from the ICMS conference at Kalamazoo last night and have been running around doing stuff all day. So, sorry about that.
Anyway, also worth noting that a surprising number of people have indicated that they know this one.
If you aren't sure what this is about, you can find an explanation and previous posts at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
You can also find the entry people are working from here:
If you want to participate in the next installment, you can find the entries posted under the tag maniculum bestiaryposting. Also, to make it easier on y'all, here's the current one:
Anyway, art below the cut in the order it was posted:
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) took the description of the animal's behavior and designed a bird who could feasibly fit that -- if you want the details on what birds went into this and why, they're in the linked post. I particularly like the iridescent effect on the feathers.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) also drew a bird, but went in a different direction with the references, eschewing them entirely on the grounds that the monks probably didn't have any references on hand. I think the "colour of a wild sea" comes out well here.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) decided to resolve the issue of the wings being sapphire but also "sheathed in silver" by making the Hratgrog a beetle with silver elytra, which I think is quite clever. Again, the colors are very good in my opinion -- and as usual, you should check the linked post for an explanation of the design.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has, as per usual, done some amazing medieval stylization. I find this landscape really pleasant, birds aside. The design of the creature is also really solid, and you can find an interesting description of why it looks the way it does in the linked post. I would particularly draw attention to the interpretation of how this bird "does not live by theft", which you will have to click the link to find out.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) gives us a bird that appears to be waving to us. Again, I like the coloration here; the many lines really add to the effect. Clicking the linked post will get you Strixcattus's modern interpretation of this animal, which includes a brief explanation of why it's necessary to specify that this bird does not eat corpses.
All right, to the Aberdeen Bestiary:
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Or, rather, a dove.
(The distinction drawn between dove and pigeon in modern English is not formalized or universal, but the translation I'm using says "dove".)
The description for this page in the digitized manuscript notes:
This rather plain lifeless bird does not do justice to the luscious pictorial descriptions devoted to the dove on ff.26-30r. However, raking light reveals a lustrous silvered quality to the paint.
Since the description goes on so long -- like I said, I was excerpting bits of physical description from a lengthy sermon on symbolism -- there are actually multiple illustrations. It looks like there were originally four, but two have been cut out of the manuscript. The other surviving one is as follows:
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That would be the Hratgrog on the left -- the bird on the right is its antagonist, the hawk. No word on why this one doesn't get any coloration.
Anyway... how do I end this one?
Go forth and contemplate the pigeon. It's what the bestiary author would want.
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blakeandaffairs · 3 months
The Big Bad Lore Discussion: JESUS
Justttt gonna step over the landmine that is the current situation of this tag, as today I'd like to discuss an important lore point in the game:
I made a short little post asking about it, but the more I really thought about it, the more I realize how deep the rabbit hole goes. Jesus' existence itself is already an enigma, but it's even moreso in whb???
Let's discuss, and for context, was forced to take Salvation History and Creed in college, hold on tight, this is gonna be a yap session
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The Plotholes
Several issues immediately arise because of the fact that...well, God disappeared shortly after Solomon.
Why is this a problem? Because Solomon is approximately 900 years before Christ, now I know the timeline is all screwed up as well in whb, but if I'm assuming the bible canon, then, none of the things past Solomon had happened, including the birth of Jesus.
This conflicts with the fact that Minhyeok briefly mentions his neighbor, who is a Christian, and the fact that Christmas exists. Meaning some form of Jesus DOES exist, but just in the written scripture.
Why is that?? Well I have several theories:
1. Jesus already exists
Not LITERALLY. Without God there then how was the miraculous conception was supposed to happen, but since Jesus is considered the Word of God, and the Word of God has existed ever since the creation of the world ("On the First day, God SAID let there be light"), and with those first words uttered, Jesus was made manifest in it. He just isn't able to manifest physically due to a lack of God.
2. Jesus is some form of copesona or propaganda of the angels
We know that, at least according to Ppyong, that the scriptures are apparently propaganda made by the angels to make devils look bad, if that's so, to what extent? I'll assume it's somewhat minimal, they just want to make the devils look bad, because in general, Solomon is painted in a pretty good light, which is uncharacteristic of them. But how do they come up with someone like Jesus? It seems strange of them
The answer: Gabriel
Since Gabriel is the one that announces the birth of Jesus, it's likely he knows that Jesus already existed, and was expected to be born, but with God's disappearance, Gabriel, the unhinged, likely more unhinged, probably started making up stories about the Son of God that was never to be.
3. Jesus the person, existed, but he was just an ordinary mortal
We already believe the Jesus Christ, or more specifically, Yehosua Messiah (original Hebrew name) existed historically, it's likely this is the case as well. He was probably mythologized with the inception of the new testament, it's not the first time this has happened (Gilgamesh the king became the legend he is with the Epic of Gilgamesh)
Why Jesus likely doesn't exist
1. Usually, people are normally referred to as Son/Daughters of God, but in Lucifer's selfie story, he doesn't call us that (calls us Son of Adam/Daughter of Eve), meaning the original sin that those two committed have not been cleansed. (Jesus' death would have cleansed everyone of it)
2. In the Gamigin Event, Lucifer is said to be second only to God, which is odd, that's Jesus' spot. ("he is seated at the Right Hand of the Father, he will come again to judge the living and the dead")
3. It's a bit iffy, but the Christmas Event was also termed 'X-mas', which usually excludes the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
4. Since Jesus is the Son of God, he would have inherited the throne of God as well, and it's likely he would stop the ongoing genocide of the devils
It's likely that Jesus was something meant to exist, but with the disappearance of God, that never truly happened.
But these are my thoughts. If y'all managed to make it this far, then I thank you for listening. If this gets enough views, I'll probably make more (such as the Solomon and Lilith conundrum)
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ecogirl2759 · 11 months
I'm glad people liked my 4コマ KINGS post so much lol. I love spreading the word about obscure lore :)
Under the cut I've responded to some of my favorite tags, given a little more backstory into the source of these pictures, as well as posted a few new ones :D
There's also a question at the very bottom that I'd love to hear opinions on, but no pressure if y'all don't feel comfortable answering ^w^
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You're welcome >:D
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Same, bro. I was basically thinking that the entire time I was reading these books lol
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I feel like I should give a little context to these comics and where they come from lol. I wasn't very clear about the backstory in my original post. I do agree, when I found these, I thought they were super important, too, particularly because I don't think a lot of the fandom knows about these books lol.
The Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS anthology series was published in the early 2010's featuring a bunch of different artists. The series is 4 volumes long and published by Spike Chunsoft, meaning, while these aren't necessarily canon, they ARE official :)
There is another series of anthologies in relation to both the first and second games, but I don't have those.
The first two volumes of this series is relatively well documented. There are sites where English translations have already been added to all of the comics in them (I'm pretty sure), as well as some screenshots popping up on places like Pinterest.
The third and fourth installments, however, are really poorly archived. The third has some content from it floating around, but it's hard to come by. The fourth had almost no information on it no matter where I searched.
I say this because a while ago I found the ONLY pictures of the Mastermind!Taka comic on this really old Tumblr blog from 2014 and REALLY wanted to figure out what it was about. (Didn't help that I couldn't read some of the bubbles in those photos.) First I searched for an English translation (there wasn't (so I'm working on one hehe)), then I tried to find which book it was even from, and NOTHING!
These books, since they were in circulation around 2014-ish, have stopped being printed, so copies of them are very hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to get my copies from a kind stranger on Ebay :)
Here are a few more pictures that I thought were funny/interesting that I couldn't add in my first post because of the picture limit lol.
Sorry for the really long post, I just thought it'd be interesting to share :)
Here's the page of artists that contributed to this anthology! Please go check them out (or see if they have any socials since it's been so long). Some credits change per volume, hence how many photos there are. (And sorry for my hand, it's hard to hold these open lol.)
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You've probably all seen the covers, but have you seen what's behind the covers? (Also including the opening illustrations. These have probably been posted online already as well, but they're worth including imo.) (Again, please excuse the fingers, I'm trying my best ;-;)
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^ Sayaka came with a smudge :( she still pretty tho
So, uh, remember when I said Hifumi made ship fodder? ......Here it is. Eat your heart out lol
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Also remember when I said that Mondo's hair was fluffy and bouncy? Here's the proof:
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Sakura has been de-buff-ified twice LMAO
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ALSO remember when I said Syo was a fan of BL? ...... :)
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ALSO remember when I said Kyoko was kinda socially awkward?
(Context: Kyoko sees Kiyotaka and Mondo calling each other bro and, thinking it'll strengthen their bond as well, calls Makoto "Makoto-oniichan," or "big brother Makoto" lol. Also, second picture says "I have come to save you, Makoto")
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Chihiro Shinji chair meme
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I'm at my picture cap, but there's a lot I haven't brought up lol
For a different thread, would people like me to find pictures of certain characters? (i.e. just photos of the characters looking cool/hot/stupid without a lot of the text.) Because I am totally willing to do that :)
I've already got a lot on Byakuya, Sakura, Aoi and Mondo for all you simps out there, and it's not hard to find even more lol.
So lmk :D
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s1urpjuic3 · 2 months
Hi guys, it's me again, here to give my 2 cents on a another fandom.
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Now, I felt the need to do this because as I pleasantly scroll through some Jarley content, I see 'Shipping a toxic couple is gross' 'Jarley is weird' 'Their not even together anymore' (If I could find the original post, I would so tag whoever made it because TODAY I CHOOSE VIOLENCE'
This literally might be my first ever (Omg they're so cute together as a kid. THis is my childhood right here. Jarley. Now, I respect and love her and Ivy as much as the next, but as a child, I didn't see the toxicity and the violence of Jarley, all I saw was my favorite cartoon villians, and it's just carried along to who I am now.
The main flaw about this is that THIS. IS. FICTION. Not even like, Game of Thrones or King of the Hill fiction. THIS SHIT WAS ORIGINALLY MEANT FOR FUCKING KIDS! Mf an 8 year old don't gaf abt or know about no abuse and shit. (Unless they come from that type of household, in which cases I completely respect that) Like, it's no reason that people should be this pressed over CHARACTERS that you literally can write them to act different. The writers of DC comics decided that 'Hey, this is how we want Joker, and he's never gonna change or treat Harley right' They could just as easily wrote it another way, henceforth, fanfic writers writing it a different way.
It's not about them being toxic it's about them matching each others' freaks. Everyone acts like Harley isn't fucking insane either like be so fr. She was gonna break eventually either way. The freakyness is rooted deep down inside her fr fr.
I personally/secretly wish their relationship was more like Cleo and Deuce from Monster High (Yes, I'm comparing them to someone again, I can't think of anyone else rn) Where; Yes, the Joker is mainly still and evil shitty Batman-obsessive weirdo, but he was always nice to Harley, and Harley was just like "Radical dude" (Lmaoooo) But in all seriousness, a plot where they both mutual respect each other, make realistic mistakes and hurt each other, but work it out in the end would have been great.
But I love the fact that the writers touched on the topic of abuse. I feel like not enough comics/media or anybody really talks about things women go through, or they romanticize it. I don't think anyone who ships Jarley wants to take away from what she went through. You can love them together and still not like what The Joker did to her. These feelings don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Anyways, this is too long again. Love y'all open minded Jivey fans. To the rest of y'all though? Eat dick and ☠️
(Side note: I reblogged a post on my page that talked about fans making Poison Ivy a one-dimentional character by making her entire personallity about Harley so HA SUCK ON THAT)
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gleedyke · 9 months
Here comes my two cents on anti-Neil Gaiman posting that I hope comes across civilly and that if you choose to interact with you are also polite about.
Everyone has the right to like/dislike a creator and to separately like/dislike their work. I happen to like this particular creator quite a bit, and I do notice that not everyone GOmens posting does, which again, of course, is fine. Disagree with choices made, that's healthy, but the way I keep seeing "us (fandom) vs him" mentality on any type of post feels bad. This isn't a defense of him; I don't fucking know him, nor does he need that. I'm actually quite happy when I hear folks say they simply don't follow/interact with him if they dislike him. That's great energy, but the rest of us seeing it all over is less great. Thought some reminders posted into the void would help lighten up the energy around here, or at least get it off my chest lol.
1. I've been properly queerbaited by media. This is not fucking that. Take a deep breath and heal with me.
2. A lot of vitriol towards Neil, and frankly Michael and David too, seems to be about being straight men creating this. Have we still not learned to mind our business on this front. You don't know them, we don't know them, but everything we've ever seen from them proves they're on our side. You wanna be mad at a straight man for actually fumbling the bag Steven Moffat is right th- sorry I forgot this isn't about him I tried not to bring up Sherlock in point 1 I really did. ANYWAY. I'm not implying anything, but I have learned to mind your business a little when telling someone why they can't create something queer. That's all.
3. This is his story, and it's not over. It took so long for him to get an adaptation made that he actually wanted to do, and he's doing it. I point y'all to Percy Jackson (I know there's some overlap in demographics here) and how much better the new series is just because Rick Riordan is more involved in adapting it. Having an author of the original work handling the adaptation this thoroughly is a gift regardless of how you feel about him. Additionally, he's writing the rest of the story that he and Terry Pratchett didn't tell. In Terry's honor. For himself. For all the people with beat up original copies. For all the people who have just joined because they realized there is something magical here. But above all it's still his. Take a deep breath and remember this is a love story, and if you still are not content in the end there's always AO3 my friends.
TL;DR vent away on your Tumblr if you don't like Neil Gaiman, nobody is gonna like everyone and certainly nobody's perfect. But before spreading negativity against him on every corner of the GOmens tags, I encourage you to remember how essential he is to the work regardless of your opinion. And remember that those who do like him and his work are also doing so with the best of intentions. Aren't we all. Peace and love this new year. Wait and see. Etc.
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
writer questionnaire
Tagged by @ink-flavored here and @the-letterbox-archives & @mundanemoongirl & @nczaversnick & @thecomfywriter
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I post story's on ao3. But snippets and stuff here and a few months a little before April?
What led you to create it?
I saw a few other ao3 people had Tumblr and I joined...got confused then came back to try again a few days before the boop war and I ended up staying after the boop war due to making a few friends
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
The support, getting to see others hard work. Making friends along the way and of course the OC's that we all fall in love with.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I love talking about books, wips and fanfictions or just your characters or world building. I admit sometimes I don't know what to reply so if I'm silent I'm probably thinking about a reply or you managed to hit a time slot I'm busy or sleeping but I will reply eventually... 0_o
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
My mutuals stories, I love to follow them as they are written and get insight into the characters. Chances are you will have at least one oc i will fangirl over and I'm going to apologize now lol
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
The Pirate king of deaths redemption which will be book one of the pirate's cursed god series. I'm thinking it will have 4 stories and 2-3 mini stories
How long have you been working on them?
The idea since I was about seventeen
The plot I'm still figuring out
The characters some are old and some are new...infact two new ones arrived to the story yesterday ken will not be getting a major role he's just a background character.
World building since I was 19
Actually writing started about a month ago in seriousness and little snippets a month before that
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Tbh I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking but it's happening so let's roll with it
But I have always had a fascination with lore and supernatural beings and I was in a pirate phase do that might have something to do with it
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Way to often..when I'm not writing I'm usually plotting out the next few scenes and consequences to it
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
No one offline knows I write, but if I was asked the question by one of y'all.
I'd say mostly fanfiction but I'm starting a queer fantasy pirate story...just don't ask me about their cursed god yet as he is staying silent. I figure book to or three he will start talking or I may have to break out the threats again 0_o
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
Whatever the characters tell me to write and then I get to have the fun of tagging it 0_o (side note to myself I need to find a place I can find genres and stuff with a base description )
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Daimhín,Oisìn, Jade,Galen, Briath, Morana, Heather, Coinín, Mal, Adoh, Taz, Amon, Oscar , Rob, Queen Kia, Queen Coral, princess Anne, Hill, Eric, Nimue, Death, Nyx, Davey jones, Nereza, Kieran pirate queen Eris, ken, pirate king cutthroat, and a ton of others who are not coming to mind right now
Who’s the most unhinged?
Amon, Briath and Morana are fighting for the title
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Oisìn at the moment, but I have a feeling Jade and Briath will both be easier to write when I get to them
Do you ever cringe at them?
Yes especially when writing certain things, yes I want to include them but some things just don't come naturally to me
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
🤣 they write themselves mostly while arguing with me so it's a blast sometimes and change things frequently well most if that can be blamed on Amon
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
No preferred method I will interact with them all although sometimes I don't get notifications on tags for some reason
I will talk about my wips or OC's or we can talk about your wips and OC's ...or mutual interest or anything you want to info dump on.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
I like most genres so I usually just scope for vibes and see what their wip is about or a published/posted work. I'm not picky so I follow quite a few writers lol
What makes you decide against following?
I try to avoid politics I don't mind a few post but if it's all politics I tend to back away or if I see them bullying or harassing people or threatening animals.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Sometime but I usually like to scope people out first as I have stated in the past, I'm shy so sometimes I have to work through that first.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yes to list a few
Ari from a starwars fanfiction by @lillybaaaka
Val and Kaz by @jev-urisk
Ashley by @gioiaalbanoart
almost all of @the-golden-comet s OC's
Royston is my favorite oc of @fortunatetragedy s story and that's not going to change easily.
And several others I'll stop listing now or we will be here all day and I do mean that literally.
Np tag @jev-urisk @the-golden-comet @thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @fortunatetragedy @aintgonnatakethis @lillybaaaka @evilwriter-originals @stars-forever
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merlinsleftit · 7 months
just curious - why post in a ship tag complaining about the ship? you knew people were going to be upset regardless that you did that but also isn’t it…unnecessary? like, at the end of the day, fanfiction and ships are fiction for a reason. sometimes it’s fun to imagine the impossible and to imagine au’s - and to hate an entire fandom for it seems excessive and quite frankly, rude. i’m not saying dramione is the end all be all bc yeah, some characterizations are so ooc that it’s just like why bother. other times it’s like wow this is really good, but these things can also be related to any other fandoms.
idk, i mean we are all entitled to our own opinion, of course. i guess it just rubbed me wrong way that you’d post something shitting on a ship you so clearly hate and posting it in said fandom.
its not just about "let ppl have their own ships and opinions" it's about hating on the canon and making up their own ships and characters just bcs they didn't like the original one. i totally get whatever jkr said upset a lot of ppl and that's absolutely normal and right thing to do and im not here to defend her or something. i usually separate the art from the artist bcs harry potter always had a special place in my place and i have always loved the canon. i think the hate on canon characters and ships started more after jkr transphobic jokes. ppl are romanticizing toxic characters and toxic ships to go against jkr and i have seen these in so many fanfics. they mainly do it to show that they do not care about the canon or they are against it but they still wanna like it somehow.
saying how some characters should've done this or that in the canon is absolutely bullshit. obv the characters had no idea this will be consequences. nobody is perfect but isn't that what makes a series relatable in some way? every characters had flaws and every character resembled somebody from our daily lives. hating on the canon characters to just make your fav character look like a saint is hypocrisy.
the main reason why the percy jackson fandom is less toxic than hp is bcs they like their author and we don't and they accept their canon the way it is bcs they like their author. i get y'all don't like jkr and neither do i but i dont go out of my way to change the canon bcs i just don't like her.
these new ships and characters are scaring new fans away from canon bcs some of y'all convinced them that fanon is somehow 'better" and when these so called "fans" come on here to share opinions that they've based off of the misinformation they've been fed, they will be unprepared to handle any kind of backlash they may face except their usual "let ppl have their own ships" or "its just fanfiction"
also i use the tags bcs i want ppl to know the misinformation they've been fed by the new genz fandom and how they think shipping random characters don't affect anyone but in reality, it does. i mean literally see how many ppl have been influenced by meneclad and how they think dramione is endgame and how jkr wasted their potential. they never even had any real chemistry in the canon so there was nothing to wasted on.
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OK!!!! I'm not going to put everything in here because I don't want this post to end up HUGE (EDIT: this post ended up massive anyway), so I'll talk about the main components and some stuff I like, and if people want me to go more in-depth and discuss other side characters I will.
Tagging people who commented on the original post in case y'all want to read @latibvles @fearlessjones
Herbert Sobel is the original captain of HMS Erebus - he is the Sir John Franklin figure, he's incompetent, and whilst many of his higher-ups know he is ultimately not suited to such an expedition, they let him lead anyway because they like him, and they hope he will finally get some glory amongst all his failure. However, perhaps his key flaw is his keen dislike for the captain of the HMS Terror, Richard Winters.
Ok, I KNOWWWW people are gonna think that Nixon would be a better fit for this role, because he arguably resembles Crozier much more, but WAIT. For those of you who haven't read the book, it is said that the HMS Erebus has absolutely NO alcohol in its stores because Franklin does not drink. If this is the case here too, and Lewis Nixon is stuck as Sobel's commander, this will send him insane over time. Nixon and Winters are very competent leaders, so for this AU to work I need to break them, and what better way than to weaken Nix from months of withdrawal at sea with Captain Fucking Sobel? Combine this with Winters refusal to indulge him with his own alcohol stores, and now there's a wedge driven between the two before they're even stranded.
But even so, Winters needs something that will impede his own leadership, and for him, I think that's his sense of responsibility for his men. Winters is always striving to find a solution that will cause the least amount of damage to his men - he wants them safe, and he doesn't care if they have to turn this ship around and head home to do it. But he can't. By the time they get stuck in the ice, there is no possible solution he can come up with that won't result in his men's suffering or even loss of life, and this leaves him jaded, wearing him down as the situation becomes even more dire and he has to watch more and more of his men killed by the cold, sickness, and the Tuunbaq. This will get to him, and it will impede his ability to think rationally.
Right, now for the Lieutenants. On HMS Terror, you have First Lieutenant Harry Welsh, Second Lieutenant Buck Compton, and Third Lieutenant Henry Jones. Whilst Welsh and Compton are very competent, much like their captain, Jones has risen through the ranks due to little more than wealth and connections. Whilst he could not purchase his commission, his family manage to pull the right strings, and now he's here with very little experience and absolutely NO respect from the men, already making way for the system of leadership to be undermined before things ever get serious.
On the HMS Erebus, Captain Sobel (And eventually Captain Nixon, once Sobel is killed) have First and Second Lieutenants Ronald Speirs and Carwood Lipton. These two are excellent in a crisis, and when the crew becomes despaired as Sobel's incompetency and Nixon's declining health as a result of his withdrawal, they are given the heavy burden of trying to raise morale and keep the men's trust as the situation grows ever more dire.
Chief Surgeon of the HMS Terror Eugene Roe has gotten a lotttt more than he bargained for with this expedition. Yes, he takes his job seriously, and yes, he came here to help people, but more than anything he just wanted to be a part of something real, to see the Passage with his own eyes and know he had helped to make a difference. But now his surgery is crammed with victims of the Tuunbaq and men displaying very unusual symptoms that he doesn't quite understand. He's losing sleep and he's losing hope, and he doesn't know quite how to cope with the knowledge that he isn't as good as he thought, and he truly cannot save these men.
Captain's Steward David Webster believes he's made for more than this. He's educated, no small feat when half the men on the Terror can scarcely even read, and he feels his skills are wasted running around after Captain Winters. But he comes from a high-ranking Naval family, and if he ever wants to make something of himself there's little option but to work his way through it unless he wants to be stuck doing this forever. As time passes, he begins to grow bitter at his position, which is why when Caulker Roy Cobb begins disparaging Winters' leadership, his words begin to make sense to Webster.
I've planned roles for all of the notable characters in BoB but I do not want to write a fucking novel on this post, so please let me know if you want to see more!
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Representation in MoaH (& GoS)
I don't like to tag my works with a lot of the rep tags they normally would/could have. Personally, from publishing the first book in Word Walkers, my experience is that those tags are more often used to blacklist works and I don't think people should get the opportunity to pretend that queer people, BIPOC people, disabled people don't exist by flagging that. Also like. As a white person, I feel a little weird being like "Look at all my BIPOC characters!" It feels a little virtue signally to me. Telling good stories should just include diverse casts because the world is diverse. You know?
Further, in my experience, particular with Wattpad at the moment, I have a platform to give people the 101 to a lot of these concepts (in particular queer and disability rep, which are my communities) and change their minds that they would have otherwise missed if they'd stayed in their bubble. It does mean you probably won't see things like neopronouns in my works, but if I can change someone's mind about they/them being singular, that's a start. I have a lot of ESL readers according to my stats on Wattpad and translating that can be difficult. But if my work can be a gateway for them learning what that means, that's more good done.
Also, my fics attract a lot of eggs so like. Y'all are finding me anyway, I don't need the tags.
Anyway, here's some of the confirmed rep in book 1 of MoaH and in GoS if y'all need a reference though for what is blatantly in the works so far.
Queer Rep
Marela is a lesbian and in a relationship with Saddiqah by the end of book 1
Link & Saddiqah are both bi-icons (confirmed in the Din's Temple arc) with femme preferences
The fortuneteller in Lake Town (Hart) uses she/they pronouns
The tour guide (unnamed) in Lake Town uses they/them pronouns
Zelda's middle sibling is transmasc, though he is not reintroduced as such until book 2 for plot reasons. His identity and the story around it is given a serious storybeat and is one of the reasons why MoaH Link is my only Link I firmly will say is a cis man, because I'm making a point of in having Link as an example of healthy masculinity (as a cis man) for a trans kid trying to find a role model on it. The series does not use his deadname again though after Link finds out in book 1
They show up later in book 1, but there's a gay couple in the Marksmen, Sorol and Kutt
That's just book 1. I've got an enby knight and an enby Goron in book 2. I've also gone over how some of the Gerudo naming conventions work in my worldbuilding posts to include enby rep like the Gerudo word for nonbinary, vyu, though Dirjaani Gerudo culture doesn't come up in the books until book 3.
Over in GoS, Endeavor is actually a huge part of my coming to terms with my own gender. Originally published with she/her pronouns, the current edits are giving Endeavor they/them pronouns to accurately reflect what I didn't have the language for in high school when I started writing GoS. Endeavor is agendered.
Endeavor has two moms
Two of the Earth Sages, Insen and Hira, are in a relationship, they are both men.
Disability Rep
Lance, Link's dad, uses mobility aids due to an injury that forced him to retire from the Marksmen.
Link has ADHD with anxiety symptoms, chiefly social. This is an intentional conversation on courage and how we define it.
Zelda is autistic. MoaH Zelda is also plus-sized.
Floan is auADHD, she has a special interest in bugs
Kaju, the son of Lake Town's steward, has a prosthetic leg
Ambrose has severe motion sickness (horseback riding is about the most he can handle, but he will not fight on horseback)
Not strictly a disability, but it's a point of worldbuilding that most Hyrulean lineage Zora don't do well in the cold, so there are accessibility enchantments made to allow for traveling extensively in colder regions.
Also not strictly a disability, but sign language is much more widely taught in Hyrule. It's a mandatory lesson for the Marksmen for tactics reasons, so Ambrose, Saddiqah, and Link all have at least a conversational level of fluency in it if not better.
Back in GoS, Link's granddad Lynard uses mobility aids.
Parijan, Guardian of the Spirit Sage, is blind.
Saruo, Priestess of Courage, has anxiety. Again, I like messing with the definition of courage.
Ok, admittedly. MoaH is a little light here. But! In my defense, it's because I want the worldbuilding of MoaH to code countries and cultures with certain ethnicities and not races/species (i.e. the Gerudo aren't just automatically Middle Eastern, there are several cultures where Gerudo are prominent members with multiple influences). So in Hyrule, where the primary culture is Hyrulean coded European generic, there aren't as many opportunities for coded characters ethnically because that's not how I'm handling it. There are characters who are BIPOC, but it feels like a bit of a cop out to include them because then I just list off all the Gerudo who show up because their POC and that feels a little cheap. I am including them too, but I want to preface that other regions of this series are going to be better at this particular beat (I circle back to the enby knight, who is also BIPOC of Faronan-Dirjaani heritage, but that's book 2).
Basic ones, there are three major Gerudo characters in book 1: Saddiqah El Amin, Dragmire Al Iber, and Ayad Al I'Tidal. They are all of the more standard Hyrulean-Dirjaani lineages closest to canon expectation. Dirjaani cultures are influenced by Middle Eastern and North African cultures, so they are all women of color.
Saddiqah in particular, and this gets into spoilers so I'll be brief, is specifically coded to be a biracial woman. For reasons that come up in book 3. It's why her horse, Ajan, has a Creole name which is outside of the typical naming conventions I'm grabbing for the Hyrulean-Dirjaani names.
The Sheikah are coded as Japanese in the games, so Impa is coded as Japanese along with the Hyrulean Sheikah. Sorol is also a Hyrulean Sheikah, so this applies for him too.
The Dreeka in Hyrule are generally coded to be an indigenous group. Because of their relationship with the Sheikah, primary influence there is the Ainu. This includes all of the Dreeka characters introduced in MoaH (Constant, Temperance, Clarity, etc.) as well as the Drex in GoS (Endeavor, Justice, Zeal, etc.)
Over in GoS, Parijan and Dabir are both Middle Eastern coded, we are aiming to be more specific in the edits.
Sayyida and Daniel are both black.
This is loose canon, but I think there's a real read to GoS about making Link black because of the nameless and the felons' rights allegory that that is meant to be. I will not confirm it because Link is meant to be a stand in for the reader and how they see him, but I do like the interpretation.
And again, this is just book 1. There are nine books planned, there will be more.
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cirrus-grey · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @magnetarmadda; thank you!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
252, of which a full 227 are TMA
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Recently? TMA/TMagP, Discworld, and Good Omens. I'll jump into anything that gives me plot bunnies though, and there's been quite a few different ones over the years!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Yesterday is Here
Déjà Vu
Misfiled and Misinformed
Against All Probability
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! I try to clear my inbox weekly and/or before I post a new fic, though I'm falling a bit behind right now with JonMartinWeek.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, probably Wedding Blues - it's a bad-ending Lonely!Martin fic
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So, I write a lot of happy endings and I'm not sure how to rank them. Probably either Yesterday is Here again, or the Castaways series.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think I've only ever gotten one hate comment? So no, not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I... try? I'm not very good at it and it takes absolute ages. It's been described as "very polite" smut, though I'm attempting to get a little raunchier with it as I get more practice.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah, I've written a couple! The craziest is probably the first one I did, a Good Omens/Skulduggery Pleasant crossover that I'm still quite fond of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep, Unsent and Courage in the Dark have both been translated into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don't know if I can give just one, honestly. For different reasons, both JonMartin (TMA) and Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens, primarily book not show).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This is a throwback but I still have notes for an epic, multi-part, 100k Gracious/Donegan origin story fic from back in my Skulduggery Pleasant days. I wasn't a good enough writer back then to finish something that ambitious and I doubt I'll ever get invested enough in the fandom again to go back to it... but it still lives on in my daydreams.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm... I'm good at conveying character emotions in a scene, and with pacing a story to make sure each new development or twist lands the way I want it to. I like to think I've got a knack for making dialogue sound in-character as well, even if I've put the characters in a situation that their canon selves would never be in.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. Balancing conversations between more than two people without having some of them drop off or dominate the scene. Keeping track of large casts of characters in general - I've written so many 2-person romances, I just don't have practice with larger groups.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it when other people do, but it's not something I've attempted myself. I'm only fluent in English and I'd worry that I'd written something completely inaccurate if I had to rely on google translate or similar.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good Omens! (Book)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, do not ask me that, I beg of you. There are about a hundred fics I've written that could all qualify, depending on the day and what mood I'm in.
...I'll say Vous, et nul autre, for now, because I'm really proud of how that one turned out and the fact that I finished it at all - it's one of those that I had the idea for years before I was good enough to write it, and I really like being able to look at it now and see how far I've come.
Tagging... @my-lonely-angel, @fridayyy-13th, @grahamfolgersdeliciousnotebooks - only if y'all want to!
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vtforpedro · 9 months
long life update - TWs in tags
It feels like it's been ages. I'm so exhausted and in a lot of physical pain. Going on two months of it being the worst it's been right after a couple of months of the best it's been. Chronic pain + grief + trying to get help from doctors who should have their licenses revoked + dealing with a shit relationship with my mom + a good, decades-long friendship ending + the ongoing disability process with the SSA + LAW FIRMS.
I'm so fucking tired. I don't remember if I updated that the appeals council decided not to review my case because the 'judge followed the law' except that he didn't. So, as it turns out, my original attorney (and he did not tell me this) before he left, wrote that if they denied me, it should go to federal district court.
I'm now working with a NY law firm to take my case to federal court because my current law firm believes it has merit, and I guess they do, too. That's how fucked the decision was, and I'm glad my initial reaction of bewilderment and anger was spot on lol
The good news is, it should only take another year! ._.
My neurologist is the worst doctor I have ever come across and I'm quite literally stuck with him with nowhere else to go. I wish him upon no one. I'm so tired of calling the SSA, getting documents to them, signing things for law firms, contacting law firms, getting no responses, and contacting them all over and over again. I am in incredible physical pain, like this actively makes my neuro stuff worse. Everything makes it worse. I have autonomic testing in a few days, and idk if I'll get through it b/c I have to stop the meds that keep me out of the ER two days prior, and it scares me.
My relationship with my mom is fractured and I don't feel like family therapy is actually helping. I had to end a friendship with someone I love and care very much about but who was growing too comfortable mistreating me and I was giving them too many passes 😞 I've known them for the better part of two decades.
It's been over seven months since my cat Isis died. I don't know how. It feels like she was here just yesterday. Yet, all the nights I've sat and talked to her and wept are all too real. I miss her more than I can say. She was my soul cat. I keep thinking about tomorrow and how she'd be so nosy getting into EVERYthing when gifts are opened at Christmas. Having to stop her, move her, laugh because she was just so n o s y and it was hilarious. And she's not gonna be here for that ever again.
I'm having a really fucking hard time tonight. It's just hitting me how god-awful this year has been and how I have a bad week to look forward to before even getting to the new year lmao I have to stop taking so many of my medications 48hrs before 1.5-2hrs of testing to see if we can find out Yet Another Thing Wrong With Me but knowing my luck it'll be 'no findings' and the mystery of why my core body temp plummets to 93.9 in the blink of an eye won't be solved until I have suffered juuuuust enough.
It never ends. Never. I want to give up. I'm so tired of doing this. I don't want to anymore. It never. fucking. ends.
I absolutely cannot say it's all been bad, though. I've met incredible, warm, welcoming, giving, kind people this year. Y'all have helped me more than you know and I'm so so so lucky to be able to call you my friends. This year has sucked for so many of us, but I want to say I'm proud of you, and I love you all very much.
My fic is gonna be printed in a hardcover zine early next year. I participated in a Big Bang for the first time and that'll also go out early next year. I'm hosting a tiny event in my tiny fandom server that I'm super excited about. I have a raffle prize to write (bagginshield !!!! SO EXCITED to revisit the og otp) and a Valentine's gift to write for another fandom.
I posted 401,000 words this year and wrote many more unfinished wips, plus a long one (90k) that I am very invested in finishing.
I painted and drew so much this year. I improved a lot, too! I got a couple of portraits printed from inprnt to see how they looked, and it was MY art, and they were GORGEOUS. I thought I would hate seeing my art professionally printed, but no! I almost cried. They looked so lovely.
My cat Lilly had health issues almost immediately following Isis's passing, but she is doing so well right now. She's blossomed into another cat, and while she's not my constant companion, she is with me so much more than she used to be. When she walks onto my desk I am to stop everything and hold her like baby in my arms until she decides that's enough (or I really need to move) lmaaao she's such a goober. My heart cat. <3
I'm not doing well right now--my MH is bad. Especially tonight. But it felt good to write the good things.
I'm sorry for my lack of replies and kinda disappearing. I'm running on fumes. I hope next year will bring physical relief so emotional relief can happen.
For those of you facing difficulties of any kind, I am holding your hand in spirit.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
I don't intent to go to war with anyone, but aweariness and I don't like being perspectived as a lair, in the end y'all can choose if I'm lying or not.
I will say this person was responding to my comments at the time so I genuinely believe they saw they were being called out and went and changed it
I know no one will be believe me on this because I was stupid enough not to take a screenshot but the person who made the original rumor has now changed it to the qsmp.co website.
Yes forever isn't listed as a member in the QSMP.co website
However that website isn't listed as a wiki, nor treated like one, it doesn't provide lore on the characters in fact for lore it tells you to go to their YouTube channel.
Clicking on forever if he was still on the QSMP.co site would take you to his twitch and twitter and given his last streams and current twitter fall out I wouldn't want anyone stumbling on that and getting a bad impression on my account so I understand it..
Is this an indication that QSMP admins are not on his side? Well I'd say it's as much an indicator as creators unfollowing him; so make that decision for yourself, I won't sway your judgment.
However one thing matters that's not what the post originally said, I'm all for changing your post as more information comes out but I feel this was done intentionally to cover up an attempt to spread misinformation Because of this comment.
yes I censored to protect their identity, but I do have uncensored version if push comes to shove.
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This is not what that person said, firstly the person who "defend" him claims to be a data scientist, who made an short easy about the matter.
They do not defend forever, quite frankly they don't talk highly of him at all, they simply say the issues isn't pedophile but a much bigger problem
Here is the thread, I recommend reading the whole thing no matter how tempting it is to stop the minute it goes against you belief.
Funny enough this user did not link to the thread and only showed the first page screenshot, then took it out of context.
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Despite saying there's a link for whoever wants it there is no link just a TLDR that HEAVILY mischaractizes Ms Lopes statements in what I assume to be an attempt to decredit her and make forever look a lot worst.
Is this thread PR? probably!
is it saying forever isn't a pedophile because woman mature faster than men? No
Stay informed this will probably change too at the rate they're going so I have a recording of it just in case, but I can't excalty censored that so that's a last ditch restore.
Since I'm making more post Sooner than expected today here is a collection of the argument on the other side of twitter, name and username censored because I don't trust you guys that much, but I have uncensored version if push comes to shove.
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You don't have to take Google's translation at face value that's why I left the portuguese version.
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The lighter censored is to indicate multiple people having a conversation.
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Bonus: do not be fooled some people are heavily upset by the thread and some even took to insulting the data scientist personal as well as forever.
Thankfully people below that have told them not to attack the scientist just doing their job.
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This is likely the last post I'll be making today no matter what anyone throws at me about this matter, please not I will now be deleting ask to avoid them taking up space in the situation tag.
Remember to take breaks, don't make the issues your entire life, take part in a hobbie watch a comfort show, eat your favorite foods.
Enjoy life 💕
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girls-are-weird · 2 months
MASTER LIST: One Fic for Each Fandom [A-I]
i've been working on this for months now, y'all, i'm so tired. Dx
many, soooo many years ago, i came up with the idea of recommending one fic, not necessarily the best or biggest or most popular fic, but definitely my ultimate favorite fic for every fandom i was in at the time or had been in at some point up to then. there are some fics i love so much that i go back to them periodically, maybe every couple of years, even if i'm not active in that fandom anymore. so i thought having a list of them somewhere i could easily find them was a pretty good idea.
narrator: she forgot where to "easily" find the list.
but i still liked the idea a lot, and i told myself when i found the list again, i would update it with fics for all the fandoms i've joined/read for since then. well, a couple of days as of the first drafting of this post, i finally found my original list on my old livejournal (christ, i'm old) and decided i would start on that update, but to post on my tumblr blog instead.
so here it is. they're not all romance, though most of these will include one or more of my favorite ships for their respective fandom (which you can find at my ships archive), even if it's just in the background. some of the fics are the same as i had in my original list, but some of them are not, simply because i've found fics i love even more since then. needless to say, most of those that were 'ported from my original list are quite old or written before canon was finished (the list is from 2006… please refrain from commenting if you weren't born back then, lol. i'm acutely aware that my early fandom life is basically ancient history to most of you). even some from more recent fandoms might be pretty old or non-canon-compliant, simply because i've been collecting fandoms since time immemorial. some might contain elements that would be considered problematic in this day and age. some might be unfinished. they're all special to me in some way.
some fandoms seem to have slipped through the cracks in the transition between FFN (where favorites and alerts are very organized but i always forgot to use them, and there's no read history) and AO3 (where subscriptions and history are unreliable and impossible to search through, and there's no way to see which fics you've left kudos on)-- srsly, how hard is it to just save everything in this age of big data? smdh. some of the links might not work, as you might imagine-- it'll take me some time to find new links, or to figure out if the fic is still even on the internet. if you've heard of these fics and know where they can be currently found, please let me know! because of that reason, i haven't listed ratings for every single one, though i've tried to add that in where i can find it. still, i hope this is helpful for someone, and i'm going to keep it pinned on my blog so i NEVER, EVER forget where it is again (and can regularly update it as i am sucked into more fandoms).
back in the day, i had hoped this format could catch on as a meme type of thing, so that other people could take it as a template and make their own fandom recs lists. so i'd love to see yours! be sure to tag me if you decide to do this. :)
the case of the mysterious man (and sequels!) by HA senidal / @ha-senidal (PG/T).
with newcomer blake hewitt joining her and bo, shirley investigates a stranger who might know something about the recently stolen mona lisa.
no mere mortal (and sequels!), by ed sharpe.
keiichi's cousin kenji comes to visit the temple for a week. what mischief will he get in with the three goddesses?
renegades by inkdust / @ink-dust (M).
or, peggy & daniel against the world
the real world doesn't have a hollywood ending. in fact it doesn't even pause. but they're a team. a wonderful team.
the secret of distance by lil_redhead / @royalcordelia (T).
anne and gilbert embark on their journeys, but stay close to each other at heart. courting across 1000 miles isn't easy, but they're more than willing to step up to the task. (a post s3 story).
endings and beginnings by novawastaken / @nova-fanart-dump (T).
begins right after the second to last chapter of the last guardian and continues on to the final chapter and beyond. spoilers for the last guardian! SPOILERS! no romance in here, but artemis/holly romance in the epilogue.
stress relief by pepin-bones (M).
soldiers lead stressful lives, which means they need ways to unwind and cope with the stress of what they see and what they do - sometimes in unconventional ways. but eren thinks it's ridiculous, or at least he did…
annakpok by dariussobreitus (E).
a "stolen" wife amdist a world rebuilding after a century of war, a repentant fire nation trying to redeem its wrongs and earn good deeds. excuse for invasion or not, the wife who left the northern tribe chief will be reclaimed, even if the poles of the south, and the capital city of the southern tribe, annakpok, must melt.
an AU of the avatar series with events inspired by the movie troy and their versions of the illiad. there will be differences, in both characters and events, with emphasis on key characters, battles, war, strategy and hopefully some the nuance within.
while serving in similar roles to the illiad/troy counterparts, the avatar characters are very much themselves and not heavily influenced by the illiad characterizations.
the successful wooing of chane laforet by splashfree (T).
“i’m in love with you, chane laforet,” he says. “and at the end of the day, that’s all there is to it.”
claire and chane go on a date. wackiness ensues.
fool for lesser things by snow_falls / @nightofviolet (E).
"he knew irrefutably that if eiji left he would take something fundamental to ash with him, and without that, what would be the point in living? he might as well have let Foxx finish him, if he was going to cop out now. no, sing was right, the little brat, what the fuck would be the point if he didn’t go with eiji? god, he was an idiot."
or the fix it fic we all need. the alternate ending i cherish in my heart of hearts.
next, home by inlay (T).
rukia was sitting in his room the first time he opened his eyes after. he does not know if this was a dream, or reality—remembers only that she looked very pale, and that there was a small, black hell butterfly perched on her finger. in this vision, she looked startlingly similar to the girl who used to crouch on his windowsill before school, shiny black shoes and black hair. he watched her for as long as his eyes could stay open, waiting for her to notice him and tell him what was happening. the battle hadn't felt like the deciding, dramatic finale he'd been subconsciously expecting, and he keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop.
what next?
(or, sometimes it takes a couple lifetimes to learn the difference between a love and a soulmate)
a changing of hands by antistar_e (kaikamahine) / @kaikamahine (T).
it happens like this, in a single fateful moment. a pilot sneezes, and the bombs, when they fall, are off-target. [AU].
heroes for earth (and sequels!) by stephensmat (T).
our world is in peril. the conscious soul of the earth is aware that since the error is ours, the power to stop the chaos must be ours as well. an updated retelling of the series pilot. an origin story based on the premise of the show.
haikei (and its sequel, kitaku), by ciircee (PG/M).
when eriol left japan tomoyo promised to write. a history of time, in letters. ExT. part of third arc universe.
tuesday's gone by neviana (M).
she always had a way of surprising him. everything from emptying her glock into the ceiling of the bebop when he left to the icy glare she gave him upon his return. though somehow, this stunt seemed to top them all … spikeXfaye.
non frustra vixis by aramley, meretricula / @meretricula (NR).
in 2008, the previously all-women st. hilda's college at oxford began admitting men. in 2009, classics afficionado, rowing prodigy, and all-around posh bastard alexander macedon decided his new ambition was to join his best friend at hilda's and start a men's rowing dynasty.
face your fears by narrative_bear (T).
the inevitability of an event doesn’t necessarily make it any easier to experience. the recent birth of mikkel nielsen weighs heavily on michael kahnwald, who begins to withdraw from his family. in an effort to reconnect with his wife and son, michael decides to accompanies them to the nielsens’ where he is forced to confront his past.
maybe someday series by areseebee / @areseebee (T).
capturing moments when james and erin are growing up and growing together at 17, 19, and 27.
these fics all take place in the same timeline and build on the overall story in each part. while personal space can stand on its own, smoke break and someday are best enjoyed as companion pieces.
if you by chichamunkyhead.
sora poses as yama's girlfriend… sorato, takari, jyoumi, hint of kenyako. that's all of a summary you're getting!
automatic flowers (and sequels!) by rayne.
running away was never the way of the son family and pan son learns this lesson the hard way as she returns home to face a problem she never could quite solve.
a delicate arrangement by jelly / @jelzorz (M).
it’s not that it’s a bad idea. in all honesty, ezran thinks it’s a well thought-out, completely reasonable, perfectly sound idea that could solve a lot of his own problems, callum’s problems, and katolis’ problems, in one fell swoop - if it works, that is. it’s a little risky, he’ll admit, but it’s not the same as, say, running away from home at ten years old with his brother and a moonshadow elf assassin (whose mission was to kill him, mind) to return a dragon egg in the midst of a centuries-long war, and hey, they’d managed that all right. compared to that mess, politics should be easy, right?
[or, the arranged marriage rayllum romantic drama no one asked for]
new seed (and sequels!) by klepto_maniac0 / @klepto-maniac0 (E).
an accidental start to something not so innocent. how far can a relationship run on pure lust before it turns into something else? set in a time when things haven't gone downhill yet.
he who searches for himself, by yuuki hikari / weatheringtea / @weatheringtea (M).
this story continues on fullmetal alchemist where episode 51 finished off. alternate ending to the series, not based on the movie. FMA gen!fic. characters and events up to 51 are included. the rating is for language and later violence.
a toast to the bride and groom, by orla.
in this fic by orla, duo made the mistake of opening the floor for speeches at his wedding. see what everyone has to say.
paradigm of uncertainty (and sequels!), by lori summers.
carla says: this fanfic series is the bible for any self-respected H/Hr shipper. lori's a wonderful storyteller. it is SO well-constructed.
persephone by sunflowerb (M).
she was meant to be the price for peace; her life in exchange for the dragon master's mercy. her captor wasn't supposed to be a ghost from her past, and she wasn't supposed to become his ally…or his lover. and when news spreads of a blonde-haired girl at the dragon master's side, there will be repercussions for dragons and vikings alike. AU. hiccstrid. multichap
lone star state of mine by jenye (M).
modern AU. there are three types of people in dawson, texas: those who are trying to flee, those who embrace their small town fate, and the mellarks. mellark ranch; largest cattle ranch south of dallas, employer of ranch hand, katniss everdeen, and home of the ohio state buckeyes' running back, peeta mellark. and peeta mellark is coming back home today.
dressing wounds (and sequels!), by personification of fluff.
SM [completed] rated R for citrusy situations. when sango finds out how much miroku cares for her, it's the battle of the sexes! the prize? sango's heart, of course. fluff-filled chapters, and an attempt to break every cliche and fill each plothole!
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Writerblr Creator questionnaire
Thank you @the-ellia-west and @the-golden-comet for the tag!
also sorry for my semi-haiatus, my Laptop fucking imploded in japan and its taken so long to get my new one. I didn't really feel like doing tags and such on my phone, so. Ill be more active again heron out.
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
uh. like January or Febuary pf 2024.
What led you to create it?
This one -> @angst-is-love-angst-is-life convinced me to make a tumblr and I was like "writblr? A) thats a funny ass name and B) SIGN ME THE FUCK UP-"
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
That no one is going to judge me if i suddenly disappear for like a month/don't post stuff
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Just because i dont interact with your tag doesn't mean i dont want to do them, it means that I WAS doing them and then i forgot
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Moar of the same, i suppose.
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
(noodling?) Sunset, mostly. lots of background stuff like history, religions, culture... yeah.
How long have you been working on them?
Sunset? seven months. shit, its halfway through the year. White candy is about the same, and Frontline is like a month old WIP.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
For Sunset, I had a old WIP that i had way back when and i wasnt satisfied with the character or the story, or anything really. so I tore it down, scrapped it, and started a new one.
White Candy was just a kind of spontaneous, "hey, i want to write something i havent tried before".
Frontline stemmed from a odd Monday desire to write Sci-fi.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
I think about Sunset all the time. Frontline and White Candy probably get like two hours a day, each.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
A Fantasy action romance.
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
I'm actually not quite sure how to answer this question, but. the First OC I made was Enju(延珠, roughly translates to Lady Pearl or Delicate Pearl, depending on how you read it). She was the main character in my first WIP and she was a Mage and part of a party of six.
Who’s the most unhinged?
out of all of my OC's, probably Camellia.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Do you ever cringe at them?
Alittle, occasionally.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
Complete, probably. if they write themselves, they write themselves to my vision.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions?
Oh yes. put it in my Ask box. I'll answer them as best i can, the more specific the question the better tho(sometimes i stress about not answering the question y'all ask the way you wanted)
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account?
a good and open-minded attitude.
what makes you decide against following?
Generally people who are angry. I have no reason to talk to angry people, and I have nothing to fear from them.
NP tags: @ominous-feychild @agirlandherquill @the-letterbox-archives
Sorry if I tagged you and you already did this; I haven't been keeping up with my tags in a while(due to my laptop imploding, as mentioned before)
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