#I know that might not seem like a big deal
incognitopolls · 1 day
Hey uh, the "sweep" polls are repeat polls already answered on apolladay (should pop up from searching "sweep"). Not a big deal, but since it's against your submission guidelines I thought I might as well gives the heads-up.
I've seen the sweep poll on at least two other poll blogs I need to know if op of that poll has their answers yet because they seemed really opinionated.
Ha, thanks. I don't keep up with the other poll blogs 100% of the time so I don't always see what they're running. It looks like it was submitted around the same time so I'm not too bothered, clearly anon was just casting a wide net to make sure their poll gets posted. I don't necessarily encourage submitting the same poll(s) to multiple blogs– I think it just kind of muddies up the ecosystem– but it is what it is.
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ashstfu · 3 days
ash, please tell me if i'm overreacting or not. my friend group didn't wish me a happy birthday even though i stood there and explicitly told them it was my birthday. and then the literal following day i had to watch as, unprompted, they all enthusiastically wished someone else from our friend group a happy birthday.
i'm trying to temper myself. trying to pretend that it's not a big deal, trying to convince myself that there's a reason they said nothing.
i'm also just trying not to go off the deep end, cut them out and move on with my life.
i don't know what to do. it's weighing so heavy on me.
your feelings are so valid and it’s completely understandable to be hurt by what happened. honestly, to me, it does seem like your friends might have intentionally ignored ur birthday and i think it’s super important to have a conversation with them. tell them how it made you feel and see how they respond. their reaction will be telling. if they dont acknowledge ur feelings or if you continue to feel unappreciated, it might be time to reassess these friendships. you deserve to be surrounded by people who genuinely value and respect you. your feelings are valid, and its ok to seek the kind of respect and appreciation you deserve.
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tansyuduri · 11 hours
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E10
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We’re on THE MOMENT OF TRUTH
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LETS GO! This one doesnt have the most lore so I am finding little things to cover too. So goosekeeping. In Roman Britain keeping goose domestically was not a big thing. However, by early medieval times, it had very much increased. Merlin stands between these. So keeping geese makes sense. Geese also naturally fatten themselves for winter if left to do so. So are a good choice for a village that doesn't have much to spare in the way of cultivated food.
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Now in Feudalism one of the things that was a lord's responsability was basically making sure raiders did not come and do this. Of course, this was done with various degrees of success. Ealdor is a border region and from what we learn. While it is in Cenred's kingdom it does not seem to have a lesser noble of the kingdom ruling over it. It also must be far from Cenred's court. This would leave it far from any protection. Cenred would have more of an interest protecting villages that actually provided him food. (Thus kept up their side of the feudalism deal.) This is later reinforced when it is said they appealed to Cenred (And that their safety is his responsibility) but he cares little for the outlying regions.
Merlin doesn't actually show any lesser nobility that does not live in capital cities. It does however imply they exist. (See Lancelot for more on this) What I find interesting is that Ealdor was not raided before in recent memory. Or at least that it's not mentioned. I wonder if Merlin had anything to do with this.
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Funfact "gealdor" in old English means spell or charm or incantation while Ealdor itself means chief, leader, head of family. Prince or king, or Orgin or source. (The last one seems most likely as it is Merlin's place of origin. I cannot find anything about Aecitir Also while Uther is right sending an army over the border would be an act of war. He could VERY likely get away with sending some men as Arthur suggests. ESPECIALLY since there is little likelihood of any of Cenred's soldiers being in the area to know. Its possible if this audience was granted in private he might have risked doing so. And he could have said no and then sent soldiors secretly later BUT this is Uther we are talking about sooooo.
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*Screams in not as poor as most commoners Gwen family theory* I feel like I'm kicking a dead horse here but BEING ABLE TO GIVE PEOPLE WEAPONS AND ARMOR IS A BIG DEAL
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Morgana: Bring back memories of when I used to beat you
Arthur: That never happened.
So Morgana lost her father at age 10 I have no idea what age Arthur would have been but I'm inclined to believe Morgana and that Arthur made excuses or something. NOW Morgana knows how to fight so I think we need to ask how she was trained? Did Arthur practice with her? Or was she actually trained? From what we see in the show most noblewomen do not know how to fight with swords. So it is not a traditional part of their training in the Merlin world. (The only other noble woman we see using a weapon is Mithian with a crossbow on the hunt and her loving hunting is a rarity by Arthur's reaction.) Medieval woman often used bows on the hunt so this is "normal" There are examples of medieval woman warriors but they are fairly rare. I think Morgana got actual lessons in sword craft from knights and that is was an indulgence of her wanting to learn it by Uther.
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OKAY! So they keep chickens too! I'm guessing that they mostly keep them for eggs and perhaps meat very occasionally. Eggs would be a HUGELY valuable source of protein, Along with milk (Merlin mentions there being cows even if we do not see them in this episode) So from what we see, Merlin's diet growing up would have been milk, grains, eggs, and likely some fruits and vegetables as we saw those taken earlier. Perhaps every once in a while some meat.
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Confirmation most of the village did not know about Merlin's Secret. I gotta wonder what they thought when Hunith up and sent him seemingly defenseless on the same road we see so many bandits on. Actually Hunith makes her way to Camalot twice on her own though. So Bandaits just ignore peasants if they don't look like they have anything of value on them but if knights and rich people are around attack? I think that's the only explanation for how safe roads in Merlin seem to be for peasants without valuables and how dangerous for LITTERALY everyone else.
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Will: why did you Leave?
Merlin: It wasn't what I wanted. My mother was worried. When she found out you knew she was so angry.
Will: I wouldn't have told anyone.
We also know Hunnith said Merlin was at odds with people and Merlin later says you cannot always trust people. (There is also nearly dropping a tree on old man simons with magic.) This entire thing is interesting because Cenred does not hate magic like Uther does. He was fine with Morgouse. So it's quite possible magic is not illegal, or if those rules were in place once Cenred ignored him. Personally I think Hunith was afraid of Cenred taking Merlin and using him as a weapon. Perhaps there would have been a large reward for anyone who discovered a powerful magic user and brought the news to Cenred. This is just a theory of course. She also might have been afraid of someone putting together him being Balinor's son and that information getting out.
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Let's take a moment to look at the status of women in the Merlin world. Casual sexism is a thing ("You are such a girl's pedicoat , losing to a girl being bad, Arthur not wanting the woman to fight. ETC) but we sometimes see common women owning land and businesses (Mary's tavern that appears in the Gwaine episode. Alice being a healer.) And the old religion VERY much revered women. However, Female Knights don't seem to be a thing. In fact, As we addressed earlier girls being skilled in battle seems unusual (Though we it in a magic outlaw group once and Isolde. As well as Morgana and Morgouse) and killing them in battle is seen as particularly bad. However, like real medieval woman, they can participate in hunting ETC. They also CAN rule (Gwen, Morgana, Annis) Chastity does not seem as big a deal. Woman can be alone with men without bad comments. And they go where they want without escort. Olaf's behavior toward Vivian is viewed as excessive as well. However, I don't think most noble women have sex before marriage. (Talking about Arthurs's intentions being honorable Uther not trying to bed Katrina until their wedding knight.) While perhaps doing it is not such a big deal (Vivian talking about previous men being chased with knives, Uther urging Arthur to have fun while he can with Sofia) Unsure about commoners. Also I would guess Men inheriting before women is not a thing based on how Morgana is seen as a viable heir to the throne. Also by the size of families we see birth control is readily available. SO A huge improvement on the real middle ages. But casual sexism is still a thing.
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tmntxthings · 12 hours
Anon from before who asked about the request! So happy to hear you’re interested I’m so excited!! I can’t remember if there is a word limit to asks so I may have to send this in two parts. I’ll refer to future Leo as F!Leo and regular Leo as just Leo 
So the request is inspired by that one shot you did were Future Leo (rip-) ends up in the past and sees his younger s/o, yelling at his younger self to cherish them before they’re gone 
That request? *chefs kiss* mwah, le magnifique~
So a what if idea for a bittersweet contention! 
So F!Leo is stuck at the lair while the bros are out patrolling, it’s been a while since F!Leo ran into his s/o’s younger self, and he’s adamant on not letting it happen again. It’s easier for everyone that way…but then his s/o shows up at the lair, looking for younger him. He’s panicked, naturally, but eventually his younger s/o stumbles into him (it’s not like F!Leo had anywhere else to hide aside from the lair anyway). F!Leo speaks in short sentences to his younger s/o as they try to make small talk while making some tea, saying they can just wait for the boys to get back (to F!Leo’s slight, very mild annoyance) 
F!Leo is trying to be polite, but the lasting sting is still there
The sting that tells him yes, this is his darling, but it’s not HIS darling. His darling died to the Kraang, he let them down. This alternate version of her wasn’t his. His s/o was gone, nothing was going to bring her back. 
While Leo is showing off at nothing, his younger s/o ends up burning themselves with the hot water, having been distracted. Instantly, F!Leo is up out of his chair and making a beeline to them. He’s carefully inspecting their hand, assuring that it’s not a serious burn, and careful getting them a wet flannel
There’s a beat of awkward silence as F!Leo focuses intently on his younger s/o’s hand to avoid looking at their face, meanwhile, his s/o shifts uncomfortably….but F!Leo has his attention on them when they nervously speak up “Do you…not like me, or something?” 
Before F!Leo can even say anything, in a desperate, nervous tone, his s/o could reply with soemthing along the lines of 
“I mean- it’s just, ever since we met it..it just feels like you’ve been avoiding me? Whenever I come round you’re always so quite, a-and whenever I talk to you it’s like,  I dunno, you always try to use as few words as possible? Yet when you talk with the others, you seem fine” 
His s/o would then go on to ask if they did something to upset him, or if in in his timeline she did something bad. All the while F!Leo is just sat there, stunned, because he made his younger s/o feel like they where doing something *wrong?*
Maybe for a fluffy/happy ending it could be wrapped up with F!Leo admitting that - in his timeline - he messed up the lives of so many people (due to the Kraang war). I doubt he’d admit his s/o died in his timeline, but he still has a sad, broken expression on his face as he recalls the day he lost them, HIS s/o. 
But then, before he can start crying, his younger s/o places her hand on his arm and says something reassuring? Maybe how no matter how messy things might have been, if she got to spend a messy future with Leo, they’d be happy 
Anywho sorry this is SUPER long plz take your time and no worries if you don’t wanna do this one since I know the FUture Leo post was a while ago! 
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author’s notes: anon lemme just say, you are most definitely a writer, likeeee i hope you have a writer blog 🙌 phenomenal!! this may be a tad more sad than u wanted 😅
warnings: angst, fluff, unedited, flashbacks, mentions of death?
The work we are discussing ↑
→ Blast From the Past ←
This was uncharted territory. Which of course shouldn’t be a big deal to Leo. Not after dealing with Yokai or the Hidden City. Weird shit happens down there all the time. Mysticism is something that no one really understands. (Which drove Donnie crazy) And let’s not forget about the organized crime, like the Foot Clan. Or literal aliens escaping from a prison dimension.
No Man’s Land should be right up Leo’s alley with a track record like that. He should be used to the weird, to the abnormal.
But even with the world’s fate suddenly thrust into his hands, Leo may pick that over getting thrown back into the past. Or a different timeline. Whatever. See! It’s already getting confusing.
Alas fate doesn’t give two shits as to what Leo would rather choose. So here he is, six months later after being dropped 40 years back in time. Back before he royally screwed everything up for everyone. It was heavy at first. The burden of not repeating the same mistake twice. With that out of the way, Kraang imprisoned once again, Leo felt like his purpose was complete.
That was why he got sent back wasn’t it? To right his wrongs. Shouldn’t he have gone up in a cloud of dust? Or a portal should’ve opened up for him to waltz into?! Needless to say none of that happened. So he’s still here, with a bunch of teenagers and his dad and April. All alive and healthy and happy.
Talk about a culture shock. Leo could eat good food again. Go to sleep with both eyes closed. Or well, try to. Old habits die hard. He tries to keep to himself for the most part. There is this weird sense of déjà vu that happens when he runs into anyone from this timeline. Over time the feeling has faded, especially to those who he can’t really avoid. All the brothers check in on him regularly. Leon, (his younger self) begrudgingly does so.
Ever since they had that little spat Leon maintains a certain distance which is perfectly fine with Leo. Boundaries are good. Leo feels safe for the most part in the lair.
That is until you come in. Leo would’ve heard you coming if he hadn’t had headphones on. A luxury that he lost in his own timeline. He missed music. Reading comics. So he thoroughly enjoys all of those things now.
His hearing is a bit impaired due to y’know a war lifestyle. Gunshots and laser canons and all the other weapons Donnie could piece together took their toll overtime. So when he listens to music he has to turn it up pretty high. (Which he would’ve done anyhow).
Leo sits motionless in Dad’s recliner, eyes wide as he watches you shake your umbrella. It’s obviously raining topside. Little water droplets hit the cement floor. Like your umbrella, you aren’t exactly dry either.
You haven’t noticed him yet. Leo hasn’t seen you since the very first time. Back on the rooftops when he used to patrol with the boys. You haven’t changed a bit, and that nostalgic feeling takes over. He sees you and your future self. The way you move, the way you groan in dismay at the tears in your umbrella. How you run your fingers through your damp hair. It’s all so achingly familiar.
Maybe he can make a quick portal getaway. Maybe you’ll never have to know he was here. Maybe if he doesn’t move, doesn’t breathe, you won’t see him.
But as you sigh and place the umbrella propped up to dry, you finally check your surroundings. Your own eyes widening before a smile graces your face. It’s more than he deserves. He wishes he could smile back. But his mouth doesn’t move, in fact it feels like he ate sand. It’s dry and uncomfortable. He’s uncomfortable.
He watches on as you begin to speak. The older version of yourself still right beside you, doing the same thing. Mimicking. Leo swallows as he schools his features and tugs the headphones down to hang around his neck.
“W-what was that?” He asks, clearing his throat after the words come out a bit stilted.
“I hadn’t realized anyone was home! It sure is pouring down and I happened to be nearby when the wind suddenly ramped up and—“ You point over to your damaged umbrella.
“The darn thing couldn’t handle the weather! So I decided to come take refuge here until it dies down.” You pause for a moment. Then continue.
“I called Donnie after getting past the manhole cover. Something about a day in the Hidden City..?”
Leo nods.
You shift your weight. Still standing by the entrance. A bead of rainwater slowly making its way from your hairline, down your cheek, to your jaw. “So I guess they won’t be back til later!” You add on.
“Yeah,” is all Leo can think to say.
He doesn’t want to talk to you. Well he does. But he knows he shouldn’t. He really really shouldn’t. It’s a bad idea for multiple reasons. Even if you already know he’s from the future and all that drama. The less you know the better.
And yet, he can’t help but notice how you’re starting to shiver. His tongue clicks inside his mouth. He’ll just get you a blanket. That’s it! After that he’ll go off to his own subway car.
Leo stands, grabbing a throw blanket off the back of the old couch and walks over to you. He offers the blanket, his eyes firmly planted on the ground. You’re wearing converse, socks that go up to what he would guess is your mid-shin.
Your hand grazes his as you take the blanket. “Thank you,” and that’s all it takes for his eyes to be magnetically drawn upwards. He doesn’t deserve those words. “It’s nothing. You should go sit… or whatever! I’ll get out of here-“ Leo is moving as he talks. Already tearing his gaze away, turning his shell towards you. Making for the exit. To go to his room and hide.
“Don’t go!” You call out to stop him. And he does. Immediately he stills. His shoulders tense as he closes his eyes. Déjà vu. You’ve said that before. In the future...in his timeline. So many times.
“Leo don’t go, we can last a little while longer on the supplies we have.”
“The longer we wait the more dire of a situation it’ll be later on, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Please don’t go! This mission is impossible!”
“It’s not impossible Donnie ran the numbers and our chances aren’t zero, not trying at all makes it impossible hermano, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Y/N?! Nononono. C’mon not like this. You can’t leave me. You’re the one always saying don’t go. So you can’t go either! Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go, please don’t go!
“Leo?” You say softly. He must’ve missed the sound of your footfalls. Because your voice is right behind him. Next to him once more. “Okay,” he sighs after a moment. He turns to see you bundled up in the blanket and squashes down the complicated feelings that try to bubble to the surface.
“Let’s go to the kitchen, Splinter has tea right? Or should I try for the hot chocolate stash?” Leo wonders if these questions are purposefully asked to get him to answer. Thankfully you just keep on talking. You grab onto one of his fingers, and gently pull for him to follow.
So he does, into the kitchen you both go. You tug him towards a stool, where he sits as you get busy. Chatting away about different kinds of tea. How it isn’t your preferred drink but it’s sure to warm you up. Asking what his own favorite is to which he shrugs. Leo’s decided nonverbal is the hill he wants to die on.
You keep on talking. Wondering aloud how the trip to the Hidden City is for everyone. Leo has a feeling that if everyone split up like last time, it’s probably just as hectic as before. Nothing ever goes as planned down in that city.
“The future must’ve been rough…”
Leo blinks, as looks over at you. You’re leaning your back against the countertop. Next to the stove where a kettle has been placed on the nearest burner. Your arms are crossed and you meet his gaze, you don’t say anything else.
“Yeah? What gave it away?” Leo can only let out a dry chuckle. Attempting at humor and failing miserably. His eyes can’t handle staring at you for too long. So his gaze wanders away, finding the silhouette of your future self once more. He looks away from future you as well. He can’t handle that either.
“I don’t know. Maybe your eyes? Like you’ve seen stuff… bad stuff and it haunts you.” And Leo can’t help but think how perceptive you are. He always felt seen when it came to you. He couldn’t hide for long with you in the room. His good hand squeezes into a fist.
“Yeah..?” His voice is weak in his own ears. Cracking. Fragile. And he smells you. The scent of rainwater and lingering tones from your perfume. They get closer. And he closes his eyes. Because they are filling with tears. He breathes in, and out. Then opens to see you standing before him. Even with his sitting down in the stool he’s just a tad bit taller. But he feels so small under your gaze.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. As if you could possibly know. If the boys told you all they knew, that Leo had failed the world, that Kraang had invaded not just New York. That the resistance he led had slowly but surely been picked apart until it was only him left standing. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He knows this, and yet he finds so much comfort in those words.
Maybe because they are coming from you. He doesn’t say anything as his eyes fill with tears once more. And he can’t help but be annoyed at that fact. That all he wants to do is cry around you. He looks up at the overhead light hoping to burn his retinas into submission. That he won’t cry.
Then he feels you touch his good arm. And he doesn’t flinch. But he stills. Not moving at all. As you slowly get closer, coming to stand in between his legs. And your arms go up around his neck. And you hug him.
Leo is frozen. The light above going a bit fuzzy. A second passes. Two. Three. And Leo thaws as you continue to hold him. His own hands going around your sides, pulling you in impossible closer. His chest starting to heave, tears starting to fall, so he squeezes his eyes shuts and buries his snout into the warmth of your neck.
It’s not exactly the same. Your scent is just slightly different from the you in the future. But he can almost imagine it is you from his timeline. That you’re okay. Telling him that all the things he did, tried to do—
“It’s okay Leo,” your hand is soft as it goes up and down the top part of his shell. Maybe you do know. Maybe his eyes did give it all away. And despite his eyes being shut so tightly, tears still manage to leak out.
“Thanks” he croaks into your skin. Allowing himself this one reprieve. Or maybe he just can’t help himself now that you’re here in his arms. He nuzzles his snout into your skin. Just once. His hands tighten around your sides, just once. Before he goes slack and the sound of the kettle is piercing as it squeals. His hands fall away from you, and he leans back in his stool letting you go.
You have tears in your eyes too. Now that he can see your face again. So he gives you a grin, shaking his head. “Like you said, it’s okay.” And he stands, offering you the stool, passing you by to go to the kettle. To finish making your tea.
Leo tells you all his guesses as to what is happening to everyone in the Hidden City. Laughs are shared, and the conversation flows pretty smoothly from then on. April, Dad, and the boys get back not too much later and they regal all of their adventures to you. Every time Leo's guesses are confirmed you can't help but look over at him. A big smile on your face. Tears no more.
That's how you should be, Leo thinks. You should get to be happy in this life. In this timeline. And for the first time ever since he was able to defeat the Kraang. Leo feels hopeful that you will be.
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buckysgrace · 1 day
Illicit Affairs Masterlist
Steve Harrington x Female!OC (Daphne Williams)
Daphne meets a handsome stranger at a bar on her birthday.
CW: Oral sex (fem receiving), protected sex, alcohol use, drunk assholes
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The music was loud, the lights dim as Daphne pushed her way back up towards the bar. She thought it was quite busy, even for a Friday night. She kept getting stopped by nice girls who were far too drunk and by guys who thought that she might be easy enough to take back home. Not that she could blame them. She was dressed the part. 
The dress was a baby blue that ended high against her thighs. There were cups sewn into the top of it, giving her smaller boobs a much needed lift. The only other thing she had on was a pair of sheer, sparkly sleeves over her arms. They did nothing to protect her from the harsh Chicago winter winds but Gillian had ever so kindly reminded her that a hoe doesn’t get cold. 
Daisy and GIllian had forced her into a birthday sash, as well as a little tiara that kept falling off of her blonde hair that she couldn’t keep up with. She was going to dye it back to red, match her normal color and never have to deal with the tangles again.
She’d lost her crowd of friends about ten minutes ago, desperately needing another Sex on the Beach before someone tried to hook her up with another guy she wasn’t interested in. Which she didn’t think would be a big loss. Sophia seemed intent on flirting with them before she even had a chance anyways.
“Can I get-, excuse me. Could I get a Sex on the Beach?” She spoke loud enough for the bartender to hear her, but part of her thought it had to do with the few shots tingling through her body as well. The bartender nodded, barely acknowledging her before he started on her drink.
“It’s your birthday?” She was startled by the man on her left, taken back by how loud and close he was suddenly. She met his eyes before she took a hesitant step back, trying to create some distance between them. 
“Yeah,” She smiled kindly, the same way she had to everyone else, “It is, it is.” She held her hands out playfully to show off the banner, expecting the conversation to end there. Despite what her friends thought, she really didn’t want to hook up with anyone tonight. She was not having that much fun. 
“I guess I can be one of your presents then,” He teased, “The name is Todd.” She kept her features steady, knowing that she couldn’t openly recoil in front of him. His pick up line might be the worst one she’d heard tonight. 
“Oh,” She nodded along, “Nice to meet you.” She spoke politely as she took her drink, glancing around to see if Daisy’s boyfriend was near. Baron didn’t look like much of a fighter, and well he really wasn’t at all, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t put on a good show.
“Do you want to dance?” Todd’s voice registered through her ears, but she was hoping she could play it off by accepting and thanking her drink from the bartender. She held the cold cup in her hand, hoping by the time she turned around that he would be gone. She was not that lucky. 
“I uh-,” She started slowly, distracted by the stranger to her right. He was handsome, with large dark eyes and floppy brown hair. He looked nice, a lot nicer than Todd as his lips curled up and he sent her a soft wave, “No thank you. I was about to get back to my friends and-,” She began the whole spiel before she was cut off. 
“Your loss,” Todd answered quickly as his nose curled up, his eyes lighting up in anger, “You’re an ugly bitch anyways.” He spat out, pieces of spit hitting against her collarbone. She gasped in disgust, completely taken aback by the change in his attitude. 
“Jesus, dude. Have you looked in the mirror recently?” The guy next to her intervened, leaning in closer to the bar, “You should apologize.” Daphne nodded her head along urgently, feeling like that was completely fair. She knew she could be a bitch, but she wasn’t being one at the moment. Although now she wished she had. 
Todd narrowed his eyes, anger flashing through his features as he roughly took her cup from her hands. Her eyes widened but she wasn’t able to react fast enough as he tossed it in her direction, missing her completely and drenching the handsome stranger instead.
“Oh my God,” She gasped as she turned, watching as the brown eyed man laughed bitterly and shook the liquid from his hand, “I’m so sorry.” She apologized quickly, furrowing her eyebrows together in disbelief. 
“Wasn’t your fault,” He responded as he met her eyes, making her wince before she reached around the counter to grab a handful of napkins. She handed some to him, letting him wipe his face away as she began to dab his shirt down, “It’s really no big deal. This thing was getting old anyways.”
“I feel terrible,” She winced, wishing she had something to offer him, “I don’t suppose you came with another shirt?” She asked him, looking at his chest hair that was beginning to show through his wet shirt.
“I did not,” He chuckled as he watched her, making her movements briefly stall. From being this close she could see the many moles that decorated his face, how styled his eyebrows were, “It’s actually a rare material.”
“Oh boy,” She breathed out as she looked up at him, knowing that she at least had to do his dry cleaning, “What is it made of?” She asked in worry, fearing that she’d have to give her parents a call to help cover it. No. She reminded herself that she was trying to be independent, that she couldn’t keep running back to her parents every time things went bad. 
“Boyfriend material,” He told her, pressing his lips together before he broke out into a laugh. She giggled in response, her nerves sliding away as she shook her head, “That wasn’t too corny, was it?” He asked as he tilted his head, peering down at her as she felt a giddy feeling growing inside of her chest. 
“Very corny,” She told him seriously, but still held a smile up to her lips, “But I like it. It was sweet. I’m Daphne.” She introduced herself as she held her hand out, sure that she had too much to drink as a spark raced up her hand from where he touched her.
“Steve,” He responded as he firmly shook her hand, making her laugh once again. He was handsome and funny. Finding someone to hook up with suddenly didn’t seem that bad of an idea, “Are you here alone?” He asked in a way that was different from any other guy that asked you. Like he was genuinely curious, concerned even. 
“No,” She shook her head, “I’m here with my best friends. They’re somewhere! What about you?” She pointed off towards the distance, squinting her eyes as she tried to recall where she’d left them.
“Yeah, I’m just over there with some friends,” He explained as he jerked his thumb over his shoulder, “A very late birthday gathering.” He added a moment later, making her eyes widen in surprise. 
“Really?” She asked as a large smile pulled onto her lips, “It’s my birthday today!” She proclaimed as she gestured towards the sash on her chest, then at the little tiara on her head. As if he had somehow missed it.
“Mine was at the beginning of the month,” He nodded along with a smile, “The big thirty. Happy Birthday to you. I like your little tiara.” He smiled as he tapped his fingers against the top of it gently. She leaned in a little closer, getting a whiff of his cologne. It wasn’t strong or unbearable, but rather soft and smooth.
“Twenty three,” She told him, heart beating roughly in her chest as he drifted his fingers down her hair, “Do you want to get a shot? If you’re alright in that shirt.” She couldn’t stop herself as she dabbed a napkin over his shirt again, trying to keep the urge to touch him to herself. She was struggling. 
“Doesn’t hurt me any,” He added as he leaned over, ordering them each a shot of Tequila. She wrinkled her nose up, thinking about how badly it would burn, “You don’t like it?” He asked as he faced her again, speaking a little louder as the music shifted into an even louder song. 
“Tequila is fine,” She told him as she shook her head, wanting to impress him, “Very strong.” She told him, sticking her tongue out once she downed the little shot glass. He chuckled, his movements a lot slower and more mature. She was in awe of the way he didn’t seem bothered.
“Do you drink much?” He asked her, looking amused as he wiped the liquid from the corners of his lips. She couldn’t stop looking at his eyes, trying to decide if he had some green mixed in with the brown. She decided she’d eventually have to get a closer look. 
“I like fruity drinks,” She grinned as she brought her eyes back to his damp shirt, “Sorry, but at least you’ll smell good.” She gave him a cheesy smile, listening to the soft chuckle that left his lips. It was a really nice sound. 
“You shouldn’t apologize for that asshole,” He replied as he shook his head, “You’re very pretty. And I don’t think you’re a bitch.” His smile was pleasant and his teeth shiny and straight. She felt a giddy feeling forming in her stomach, telling her that she had definitely had one too many drinks. 
“I can be,” She spit out, giggling as she covered her mouth, “Sometimes. But thank you. You really think I’m pretty?” She didn’t quite feel in control as she twisted her curled hair around her finger, certainly acting like she was a dumb teenager with a crush all over again. 
“Very pretty,” He chuckled as he rested his elbow on the counter, “The most beautiful woman in Chicago.” He continued to tease with her, but something in his tone made her feel like it was serious. She flushed, grateful for how dark the room was suddenly. 
“Now you’re being funny,” She told him, but her cheeks still burned as she suddenly wondered if she should take another shot for a confidence boost, “You’re very handsome too.” She told him, fully meaning it. She wasn’t drunk enough for her mind to be that clouded. She could easily recognize how attractive he truly was, that he wasn’t someone she’d wake up to in the morning and regret. 
“Do you dance?” He asked her, squinting his eyes softly as he trailed his eyes down towards her lips. She prayed that her lipstick hadn’t smudged, or that she didn’t have anything hiding in between her teeth. 
“Not well,” She smiled as she leaned closer to him, “Unless you count line dancing.” She told him with a laugh, standing close enough that she could smell the tequila on his breath. She suspected that there was a hint of cigarette smoke there, but she couldn’t be completely sure. 
“Line dancing?” He repeated with a chuckle, his brown eyes sparkling in disbelief, “That’s your dance of choice?” He questioned as he brought his drink up to his lips, looking towards her in amusement. 
“Not by choice,” She protested, “I had to learn it when I was little. My mom thought it would be cute if my siblings and I all learned how to do it.” She explained as she thought about the memory, recognizing how ridiculous it must sound. 
“And you remember it by heart.” Steve stated as he leaned lazily against the bar, his long legs sticking out from his position. 
“Yes,” She said before she pressed her lips together, trying to hide her grin that was forming, “And because it’s just fun.” She admitted a second later, knowing that she had put so much effort into it as a child that she had become good at it. 
“Maybe you can teach me sometime,” He teased as he took another gulp from his drink, “But not tonight. I’d probably make a fool out of myself.” He set his cup back down before he wiped the condensation off on his jeans. He held onto her elbow softly before she took a hold of his fingers, gripping onto him. 
“And you’re not wearing your line dancing boots,” She teased as she dragged him out towards the dance floor, trying to find a spot where they wouldn’t be bumping against people, “Thirty is an exciting age I hear.” She told him, neglecting to mention her own fear as her birthdays passed. She desperately needed to sort out her own life before she grew any older.
“I’m old,” He laughed as he moved his hands to her hips, “At least I feel it.” Her heart continued to race inside of her chest, beating against her bones as he pressed her back against his chest. He was warm and solid, but not strong enough to be uncomfortable. He was still soft, steady. 
“Thirty is so young,” She said with a gasp, “You don’t look a day over twenty nine.” She teased as she glanced over his shoulder, her lips parting as she began to move her hips to the beat of the music. She held onto his wrists, holding him in place as waves crashed deep inside of her. 
“Perfect,” He grinned as his nose brushed against her cheek, “Did you make any big birthday wishes?” His voice was husky, deep as she felt the curve of his lips pressing against her skin. She moved her hands up towards his forearm, enjoying the feeling.
“Just one,” She hummed as she continued to brush her fingertips across his arms, enjoying the way his skin felt underneath hers, “I just want this year to be good. I want to be happy.” She said at last, stalling her thoughts about how shitty the previous year would be. She wouldn’t think about it right now. She didn’t want to ruin the moment. 
“That’s pretty deep,” He mumbled against her skin as he drifted his slender fingers across her smooth neck, “I don’t know if I can make your whole year good, but what about one night?” His voice was softer, slightly more raspy as he mumbled his suggestion to her.
She felt her stomach flip a few times as butterflies spread through her body, fluttering so harshly she was sure that her knees might give out. A warmth spread through her, burning her skin harshly as she quickly absorbed his words. 
“Your place?” She asked, watching the way he nodded his head in agreement, “I just need to let my friends know. Do you have a Snap? Just in case I lose you.” She added as she turned to face him, tucking her hair behind her ear. She wasn’t going to cry in front of this handsome stranger. 
“Uh, yeah,” He fumbled with his phone for a moment before he pulled it free. He squinted as he unlocked it, making a face until he held the app towards her, “What’s yours?” He questioned as she typed it in, then ensured that she got the request on her side. 
“Pussyslay3r69?” She asked with a laugh, raising an eyebrow as she tilted her chin up towards his direction. His eyes widened for a moment before his features turned sheepish. Her laughter turned into soft giggles as she squeezed at his bicep, letting her fingers linger there for a moment too long. 
“My friend made it,” He grumbled as his cheeks turned pink, “I’ll see you in a minute then.” He stated as she nodded her head along, curious as to if his username was true or not. She brushed her fingertips against his softly, gently before she trudged her way back through the crowd. She glanced over her shoulder, ensuring that she wouldn’t lose him. 
“Are you ready?” Daisy asked as she swayed her hips back and forth, one hand against Baron’s reddened cheek, “He has to work tomorrow.” She explained as Baron ran his fingers through her blonde hair, playing with it softly. 
“Not quite,” Daphne grinned as she glanced over her shoulder once again, even though she couldn’t see Steve anymore, “I’m going to go home with someone else tonight.” She added, rolling her eyes at the way Daisy and Lila wolf whistled at her. 
“Who with?” Gillian demanded as she rested her hands on her hips, her dark eyebrows furrowing together in worry. She had taken to cutting her dark hair short, letting it rest against her collarbones. 
“A guy,” Daphne replied, “And don’t worry, I shared my location with you already.” She told her seriously, knowing that Gillian could be just a smidge overprotective. Just a bit. 
“Text me,” She demanded as she pointed at her, “I don’t want to find out you’re dead from Tik Tok.” She shook her head, sighing softly like her worst fear was already coming true. Daphne pressed her lips together. 
“Gil,” Daisy sighed as she shook her head, “Daphne is really careful. And her parents are rich so obviously she’d try and pull some ransom over them first.” She explained as she earned a chorus of laughs from their little group. 
“You guys are so funny,” Daphne replied as she shook her head once again, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She added as she put her thumbs up, more excited for herself than anything.
It had been a long few months of stale dates and even worse Tinder hookups. She was completely over Hugh, minus the bitter feelings. But there was only so much forgiveness to go around when your boyfriend was caught hooking up with your twin. It sort of put a damper on things.
“I got an Uber,” Steve explained once she found him, exactly in the spot she’d left him in, “I thought you might get cold.” He added as he drifted his eyes over her arms. She held them out playfully, watching the way the sequins sparkled in the night lights. 
“You can’t get cold when you look this cute,” She told him as she moved her hand to his bicep, holding him gently as he maneuvered them through the crowd, “But thank you.” She told him seriously, glad that she wouldn’t have to walk through the windy city in her little dress and very high heels. 
The Uber ride was short but comfortable. Steve was easy to talk to, charismatic and just a little dorky. There was an easy going manner to him that she craved, like he had nothing to hide. He didn’t speak to her like he only wanted one thing either. It was different, nice. Very nice. 
“Are you hungry?” He asked as he let her walk inside the elevator first. She caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection; her sash hanging loosely and crown lopsided on top of her messy hair. She shifted her dress down a bit, suddenly wondering if he thought her dress was too whoreish. 
“Perfectly fine,” She replied as she held her hands up gently, “But I appreciate you asking.” She told him once he pressed the button for his floor. It was quiet in his apartment, pretty and put together. 
“You can grab whatever from the fridge if you get hungry,” He added quickly as he glanced towards her, waiting as the elevator continued to climb, “Or anything to drink.” He added as he reached for her hand, linking their fingers together as he guided her towards his apartment. 
“Sounds good,” She told him as she looked around, keeping a tight grip on his hand so she wouldn’t get lost, “This is expensive looking.” She teased him, knowing it was far better than her dorm or Hugh’s apartment. Even Gillian and Michael’s place wasn’t this nice. 
“Thanks,” He laughed as he glanced over his shoulder before he opened the door, “It’s home.” He said as he pushed the door open, holding it open for her so she could walk inside first. She peered around curiously, noticing the various plants that were littered about. He didn’t have many photos, but there were plenty of maps hung and placed around. 
She followed him down the hallway towards his room, unable to stop and inspect the different photos and decorations as he dragged her forward. There wasn’t much, sort of like he had meant to decorate it in a minimalist style. She didn’t want to lose the feeling of his hand against her own. It felt good. 
“Your place is nice,” She told him seriously as she looked around his room, “Bring many people back here?” She asked him as she felt her nerves coming forth. She wished she had taken one last shot before they had left. 
“Not usually for hookups,” He admitted as he brushed his index finger across the curve of her cheek, “I guess you’re the first.” He whispered softly as she gazed up into his brown eyes, confirming that there was a speck of green mingled with the brown hue.
“Lucky me.” She responded, even though she felt like her confidence had dwindled away as he continued to drag his eyes across her features. She didn’t let it bother her that this would only be a hookup, at least she had him for a night. One glorious night was all she needed. 
His breath was warm against her skin as he bent towards her, one hand resting against the side of his cheek before he brought his lips against her skin. She tilted her head, sighing softly at the way he dragged his mouth against her slender neck. He pressed his thumb onto the opposite side, sending a shiver down her back. 
“S’pretty,” He mumbled as he dragged his fingers down her sides gently. She flushed at the compliment, shivers forming on her skin as he continued to kiss along the curve of her neck, “You smell nice.”
“Thanks,” She whispered softly as his nose brushed against hers, bumping so softly as she found her lips opening towards his mouth, “You’re really pretty.” She whispered softly, feeling like her tongue was twisted and tied into various knots. It was suddenly as if she didn’t know how to act. 
His bottom lip just barely pressed against hers, slotting against her mouth like a puzzle piece that had been missing for some time. She opened her mouth in surprise at the jolts of electricity that traveled through her body, sighing dreamily at the way his lips felt against hers.
Smooth and warm, soft. It put a fuzzy feeling through her as she moved her hand against his shoulders as his large hands fell to her hips. His kiss was slow and delicate, deep as she felt her mind slipping away into the pleasure of his mouth on hers. 
“I appreciate it.” He chuckled as he pulled his lips into a grin, giving her sides a soft squeeze as he drifted his face back towards hers. He held onto her cheek tightly, squeezing as he dragged his mouth against the corner of her lips before he kissed her again. She felt sparks forming through her chest, racing through her veins at the way he kissed her.
She could blame it on the alcohol, but deep down she knew that she had never been kissed in such a manner before. It was deep and sensual, slow and hungry as he just barely nipped and licked at her. She wanted more.
She lost herself in him as he drifted his hands down towards her shoulders, sparks traveling as he slowly pushed the sleeves off of her shoulders. The chilly air hit her, but she stayed warm underneath his touch. Her heart was pulsing harshly in her chest, making her gape as he slid his tongue inside of her mouth.
It still didn’t feel messy or urgent, like he was rushing to get her in and out. Her head was buzzing as her tongue molded against his, sliding easily as he moved his hands down the middle of her spine and began to unzip slowly.
Her cheeks were burning as they pulled apart, his eyes glazed over as he slowly let her dress fall into a puddle at her feet. She exhaled, stifling her nervous laughter as she stepped out of it. His brown eyes wandered from her chest, down to her hips and then her legs.
“You’re beautiful,” He told her softly as he took her hands, tugging her along slowly with him, “Come here.” He mumbled as he dragged her nude body towards his, her heart pounding harshly inside of her chest. 
She caught a small glimpse of his room, taking in the gray sheets and many pillows before she was toppling back against the mattress. She laughed this time as the air left her lungs and her hair framed her face. She sat up a bit, only to be met with his mouth once again.
His kiss was deeper this time, making her moan as his large hands fell to her perky tits. She gasped against his mouth as he began to pinch at her nipples, his lips curling into a cocky grin as she rutted her hips forward.
“Steve,” She whined softly as he rolled her hard nipples in his fingers again, making her chest arch towards him, “I want you.” She whispered softly, blinking slowly as she took in his messy hair and darkened eyes.
“You are,” He mumbled as he trailed his lips down her neck, then down her chest as he moved from mole to mole. Freckle to freckle. She was covered in them. She drifted her hands up above her head, sighing as she enjoyed the sensation, “Just relax.” He hummed as he flicked his tongue out underneath her belly button, making her shiver.
He looped his slender fingers through the bands of her thong, pulling them down slowly as she lifted her hips for support. She felt her face burning as he slowly dropped them, pressing her knees apart as he fully took in the image of her.
“So pretty,” He added as he kissed at her slender thighs, making her clit throb from the anticipation, “I bet you taste even better.” He hummed as he dragged his tongue across her thighs, making her legs jolt in pleasure. 
She didn’t have time to speak, but even if she could, her mind was not working in a way that would help her to form words. A gasp left her lips as his warm breath fell against her slick cunt, his brown eyes locking in on her blue ones before he stuck his tongue out and dragged it against her wet folds.
She crooned, her whole body jolting from the sensation as he wasted no time after that. His tongue was everywhere, dipping in between her pink folds before he pressed two fingers against her skin to spread her apart for him.
Her mind broke at the feeling of his tongue flicking against her clit, lapping at the sensitive bud repeatedly as she dug her heels into the mattress. Her body burst into blames, her pussy aching as soft groans fell from his lips and vibrated against her cunt. 
“Oh God,” She whined as she shut her eyes, her hips rolling on their own as the pleasure filled her deeply. He moved his slender fingers to her clit, rubbing softly as he kissed his mouth lower and lower, “Steve. Oh my God.” She spasmed underneath him, her fingers falling to his thick brown locks. 
He prodded his tongue against her wet hole, licking away her slick slowly as he moved his hands to her hips. He kept her steady, pressing her against the mattress as he buried his tongue inside of her aching cunt. She mewled loudly as the wildfire spread deep inside of her stomach, the pleasure filling her greatly. Her moans were rolling off of her tongue, filling his bedroom with loud melodies.
Steve’s tongue curled deep inside of her, licking and circling at her crying walls as his nose fell into place against her clit. Her fingers curled tightly in his hair, nudging him closer as her legs became numb. 
He dragged his fingers down slowly, earning a loud squeal from her as he slid two long fingers inside of her wet cunt. She sat up a little higher, eyebrows furrowed and mouth parted as he began to drag his fingers in and out of her fluttering walls.
“Look at you,” He cooed as he pressed soft kisses against her clit, groaning as he pumped his digits deep inside of her, “She’s taking me so good. Your pussy looks so pretty stretched around me.” He hummed, sending a fresh wave of vibrations through her body as her walls stretched along his slender fingers. 
“Fuck,” She hissed out, the words feelign heavy against her tongue as she began to grind herself against his fingers more frantically. He wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking on the soft bud at the same time he began to rapidly flick his tongue against it, “Oh, oh! Fuck!” She squeaked out, her chest tightening as the muscles in her stomach broke.
She came with a loud cry, moaning from deep inside of her throat as the pleasure wrapped thickly around her. Her insides burned in a way she’d never experienced, her body shaking as the feeling continually washed and crashed over. 
She fell back against the pillows, eyes wide as she stared up at the ceiling. Her heart hammered roughly inside of her chest, her breathing labored as her body trembled underneath his slow movements. He continued to lick and prod at her pussy, his fingertips digging deep into her pale flesh as she tried to gain sense of her surroundings. 
“Still there?” He mumbled a second later, pulling away to rub soft circles into her hips. She blinked slowly, a bubble of giggles slipping free from her mouth as she finally found herself slipping through the fog in her mind. 
“Yeah,” She exhaled deeply as she slowly pulled herself up once again, feeling like her body was weighed down by cement blocks as she met his hazy brown eyes, “I’m here.” She gaped softly as she took in the ravenous look on his features. 
His lips and chin were wet, slick from her cum as he looked up at her with hazy eyes. She breathed in deeply, panting softly as the pleasure washed over it. Everything felt even more intense as he drifted his thumb lazily against her clit.
“She’s so sweet,” He hummed softly as he continued to slowly pump his fingers inside of her aching hole. She whined in bliss, her body moving wildly as she began to rock herself back against the length of his fingers, “So needy.” He teased, chuckling softly as he sat up on his knees.
She moaned as he slowly withdrew his fingers, her walls crying in protest at the loss of contact. She wanted him again, wanted to feel him deep inside of her. It was a carnal need, something that she had never felt before with Hugh. She thought that she might die if she didn’t feel Steve inside of her, and didn't feel their bodies molding together.
He stuck his tongue out as he licked his fingers clean, making her eyes widen at the way he held eye contact with her. She could feel her entire body flush, warming at the filthy sensation that filled her. 
She sat up, gripping the collar of his shirt as she roughly connected their lips. A chuckle came from his mouth as she kissed him deeply, licking away the taste of herself from his tongue. She’d never done something so dirty before, never felt so alive. 
She began to messily unbutton his shirt, struggling before he took over. He peeled his shirt off easily, his lips moving sweeter against hers. Her hands quickly fell to his bare chest, her palms exploring his warm skin and the thick hair that grew along his chest.
He removed his belt next, then struggled out of his jeans and boxers as she quickly moved her hands where she could help. She fell against him, her head thumping against his in the act. They laughed in unison, both breathless as he quickly removed his socks and then settled back in between her legs.
She bit down on her finger, staring in fascination as she drank in the image of his body over top of hers. His tone was slightly warmer than hers, covered in dark hair and a mass amount of moles. She bit back a grin, thinking that it matched the beauty marks on her own body.
She watched as he wrapped his long fingers around his cock, giving his girth a squeeze before he gave himself a quick stroke. He was long, far bigger than anyone she had ever been with before. His dick was paler than the rest of his body, but the head of his cock remained a soft pink like his lips. 
“S’big,” She spit up as she sat up on her elbows, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched him slide the condom over his long length. She was fairly certain it was going to hurt, but she didn’t want to scare him off, “Can I touch?’
“Yes,” He laughed as he chewed on his bottom lip, giving his cock two slow strokes before she moved her hand to his pink tip. She exhaled at the feeling of him against her palm, of how heavy and natural he felt against her. She moved her hand languidly, enjoying the way he throbbed against her skin, “Wanna fuck you.” He mumbled as he leaned over her, his heavy cock leaning against her abdomen as he peppered a soft kiss against her lips. 
She nodded her head as she adjusted herself against his pillows, inhaling deeply through her nose as she pulled her knees further apart and towards her chest. She felt small underneath him, tiny despite her long legs.
He rubbed his fingers across her clit once again, cooing as her body jolted at the impact. With his other hand he held himself, pressing his tip against her slick hole before he slid the tip of his cock inside of her wet pussy. 
Her lungs felt broken, like all the air had been punched free as her mouth fell open in awe. He slid himself in slowly, letting her adjust inch by inch as her fingers twisted into the pillow case above her head. 
His groans were as loud as her moans, mingling into a symphony as it filled the dark room. He used his free hand to caress her, his lips moving lazily over hers as she felt her walls gradually being stretched around him. It was a glorious feeling, filling her with so much pleasure that she thought she might cry.
“S’okay?” He mumbled, his voice coming out raspy and slightly whiny as one of his large hands fell to her perky tits. She moaned at the feeling of her skin being captured by his, of the way he softly pressed her pink nipple between his fingers, “You’re taking my cock so good.” He praised her, making her coo as she moved her fingers to his back.
“Feels good,” She encouraged him with wide eyes, whining at the way he began to thrust inside of her. Each time he pressed back in, she swore that he filled her deeper. She had never been so close to someone before, felt so filled, “Oh fuck. Right there.” She cried out as he rocked deep inside of her, his cock pressing against a spot that made her see stars.
Her head fell back, her eyes squinting shut as she found it too hard to keep them open with the pleasure that was throbbing inside of her. She felt her body dragging against the mattress, sinking deep inside as she felt herself leaking around his fat girth. 
“So good for me,” He groaned as his nose fell to her cheek, his lips against her skin as his grunts filled her ear in a song she wouldn’t forget for some time, “You like that, huh?” He moaned as he continued to drag her body along the length of his cock, sinking in deeper and further against her bundle of nerves.
“Fuck!” She cried out as she spasmed underneath him, her fingernails digging into his muscles as the burning sensation filled her again. Her cunt gripped him tightly, her toes curling as she rocked her body to the beat of his, “Yes, yes! Fuck, right there!” She babbled off, eyebrows furrowed as she was sure she made no sense at all. The pleasure was too much for her to handle, silly words slipping free as she was unable to help herself.
He grunted as he messily kissed at her lips, his cock sliding easily inside of her as her cunt leaked around him. The sound of their bodies meeting filled the room suddenly, mixing with the pleasures that slipped from their tongues. 
She felt like she was floating, her body high in the air as the bliss of it all took over. She came harder than before, her nails digging into his skin as she gripped ahold of him. She suddenly felt changed, like she’d never feel something this good ever again. Her mind became fuzzy, her eyes hazy and watery as her pussy clamped down along his dick.
“Steve,” She whimpered as she dragged her nails down his back, her hips still grinding up against him as the crash of her orgasm still washed over her. He huffed in response, his head falling back as his features wrinkled up in pleasure, “You feel so good.” She breathed out as she moved her lips to his neck, trying to kiss him but unable to complete the motions. She paused at the crook of his neck, swearing she could feel his pulse underneath his skin.
“Daphne,” He groaned as his movements stalled, his thrusts becoming deeper and slower. He sighed loudly as he reached down to grip the base of his cock, pulling himself free in one quick motion before he tugged the condom off of the length of his cock, “Shit.” He grunted, her eyes widened as she wondered if he was going to fill her with his cum.
He stroked his cock once, then twice before thick ropes of his spunk fell against her abdomen. It coated her skin up towards her chest and even landed underneath her chin. She stared at him in bliss, watching as he slowly gave himself a few more strokes before he lazily dropped his head again.
He fell against her, nearly crushing her as his breath remained labored with hers. She held onto him softly, soaking in the feeling of his skin against hers as she rubbed at his back. She moved her fingers to his hair, pushing it out of the way so she could get a better look at his pretty face.
“Was that alright?” He hummed as her chest continued to drag up and down as she still felt the energy pulsing from inside of her. She tugged a grin up to her lips, not caring about the wet feeling between her legs or the cum that coated her skin. It was nice. A feeling she could get used to. She would certainly be sore walking home in the morning.
“More than alright,” She breathed out as she faced him, heart hammering at the way his lips sparked a smile, “Best birthday present ever.” 
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ilovechuuy4 · 2 days
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˚ೀ⋆。˚ I Have an Excellent Father, His Strength is Making Me Stronger!
BSD boy/girl dad HCS/reasoning
Warnings; girl dad I GUESS. (Why are y'all so upset with bsd girl dad's.
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A/N: UGH THEY MAKE ME SICK IN A GOOD WAY ANYWAYS!! Do enjoy! Just a drabble before dazais bday post!!!
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N. Atsushi - Boy dad - It's not that he isn't a girl dad it's just he def is rough-housing, he would still play dress up etc if he was a girl dad but boy dad seems more accurate.
D. Kunikida - Girl dad - If he was a boy dad I fear he'd be so hard on the poor boy. Not saying Doppo won't be hard on his daughter but he'd def have a softer side.
O. Dazai - Girl dad ALL THE WAY - He's going to play dress up with her, tea parties, daddy-daughter dates etc etc he loves it all (also just don't think he can handle a little boy running around.)
Y. Fukuzawa - Girl AND Boy dad - Take that he hypothetically raised Yosano AND Ranpo just proves he's a big boy and girl dad, taking them out and having fun with them anywhere they'd like.
N. Chuuya - Girl dad - Daddy-Daughter dates, take your kid to work, daddy-daighter dances etc etc. Even though he's busy with his work he still want a to put time and effort to have fun with his kid.
P. Verlaine - Girl dad - He would let his kid basically play dress up with him. He'd let his kid put plastic tiaras and princess dressed on him. Let his daughter braid his hair and try to put those fake plastic highheels on that refuse to fit but his daughter would still try to make it work anyways.
R. Akutugawa - Boy dad - Making little monster trucks out of Rashomon so they can have little truck battles. Making little fits out of Rashomon too.
S. Oda - Both, leaning boy - Let's be serious, dazai and oda were father and son. Oda would be such a good dad. When it comes to being a boy dad he's gonna help his son with everything like when he hits puberty and doesn't now how to shave facial hair he'll help. When it comes to his daughter he's going to try understanding minstruals and any drama she's having.
S. Ango (former) - Girl dad - He definitely reads his kids bedtime stories regardless if they ask or not. He also let's them pull at his glasses just as long as they don't break them.
THE GUILDˏˋ°•*⁀➷
F. S. Fitzgerald - Girl dad - It's canon, literally. But he's definitely spoiling his daughter, toys, candy etc etc spoiling her to death (metaphorically)
E. A. Poe - Both leaning boy dad - He def wouldn't know how to give much attention to his child since he's all too focused on his novels.
H. P. Lovecraft - Girl dad - I feel like he wouldn't want kids take he might be scared they would be scared of him cause of his tentacles but if he would have had one, it would be a girl. They would def braid each other's hair.
J. Steinback - Both, leaning boy dad - I just couldn't see him being a girl dad though if he had a diaghter he would treat her just the same as if he had a son.
M. Twain - Both, leaning boy dad - I feel like Twain wouldn't care all too much but I feel like he'd enjoy teaching his son how the sniper works when his son gets older (not me saying girls can't learn how guns work)
Bram S. - Girl dad - Hes definitely very protective over his daughter (like how he was protective over Aya) He's definitely giving a Vlad and Mavis (Hotel Transylvania) relationship, he'd do anything to make sure his daughter is happy.
Fyodor D. - Girl dad - He doesn't purposely neglect he child but take he's a terroist and literally on the run he tries his best but when he's not home he definitely sends Nikolai over to go give his daughter attention and love.
Sigma - Girl dad - If he had to choose, he'd be a girl dad. Not saying he wouldn't be a good dad, he'd be amazing but he wouldn't know how to deal with the drama or menstruals for the very first time but he'd definitely understand as time goes by.
Nikolai G. - Girl dad - ALL. THE. WAY. GIRL DAD NIKOLAI CANON. He'd let his daughter do his makeup for dress up or just for his clown outfit. No matter how messy it was he'd wear it out if she wanted him to (to carnivals, circuses, fairs etc.) Also hair braiding and tea party's are a big thing with Nikolai and his kid.
S. Jōnō - Girl dad - It may sound ridiculous but they are playing hide and seek but the only way that Jōnō was always able to find her was his daughters soft giggles through the house where she was hiding, he's a really good dad.
S. Tetchō - Girl dad - He'd teach his daughter how his ability works, a smile would almost always appear when he heard her laugh and cheer as he demonstrated.
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renee-mariposa · 2 years
So my workplace had us come in for picture day - to get ‘professional headshots’ since we are, in fact, professionals - and we got the official photos today. On picture day, I felt like a million bucks. I was so happy with how I looked.
But the photo turned out TERRIBLE. Godawful. I genuinely cannot understand how I look so effing bad in this photo. There’s two options: 1. They fucked up the photo in photoshop (they had to edit out the flash reflection in my glasses so I know they edited it) 2. I just look terrible all the time 😭
I’m laughing as I type this but I’m genuinely upset about it
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linkneol091 · 3 months
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evansbby · 5 months
his politics is so fucking surface level and we all fucking knew this but still… the real celebs are the ones questioning and calling out genocide enablers like joe biden… not happily shaking hands with him despite everything that’s going on.
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silawastaken · 6 months
This is my reminder to other ao3 writers to SAVE YOUR DRAFTS. SAVE IT ONCE, SAVE IT TWICE, BACK IT UP ELSEWHERE, SAVE. YOUR. SHIT.
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decepti-geek · 4 months
rewatching Cinderella 2015 for the howevermanyth time and THIS TIME the part that made me weepy was when the fairy godmother first showed up in her disguise.
Because in the original Disney version, and honestly in most versions - whether it's a fairy godmother or the birds/her mum/etc - the wish-granting entity coming to her aid in the moment is, I think, generally framed as a reciprocation for her determination to do good deeds in all the moments of her life leading up to this one. Then the animated Disney also film adds a line that makes it explicitly an identity crisis, where she's in danger of losing her faith that there's good in the world and that that matters, so the fairy godmother comes along to help restore her faith right when she's about to lose it. And that's a decent enough upbeat kind of story to tell in itself.
But in the live action film!! The fairy godmother doesn't even reveal who she is until after she's tested Cinderella one more time, right in the depths of her crisis of faith. I've always loved that moment cause obviously it alludes to traditional fairy folklore in a way that adds a smidge more depth and mystery to the way the magic works than you typically get in a Disney movie, so for me it's one of the little details that makes this like. just a really good fantasy/fairytale movie that's less of a Disney Movie™️.
And then on this rewatch, it's hit me that it isn't only about like... proving to Ella that she's not alone in the world, that kindred spirits who share her values do exist, with a dash of fairy folklore sprinkled on top. I never caught it before because I don't think Ella catches it herself at the time (she talks about magic not existing after the godmother pointedly mentions kindness, and those two concepts are pretty much fused together for the purposes of this film) - but the request for a cup of milk, made whilst Ella is still crying, is made in order to prove to her that kindness doesn't just exist in other people who also value it and will support her when she struggles to believe that's true. That part would be proved by the godmother just revealing herself immediately.
The request proves that kindness still exists in Ella. That even when she's in the absolute depths of despair, she has the capacity to practice kindness, and doing so comes so naturally even in her worst moments that she needs someone else to point out what it actively signifies. That even when she doesn't consciously believe in it, she does it regardless, so she really has no need to fear losing her faith. The existence of kindness isn't dependent on her faith in it, because it exists in her no matter what. And that's as much of a reward for her as the dress and the carriage and the shoes and it's one that goes deeper than building up enough Good Person Points to afford fairy gifts, because it's one which engages with who she is in the moments outside of her kindness, and which shows her that she's allowed those moments too, without it meaning that her capacity for kindness is in any way diminished.
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zankydraws · 8 months
omg guys i'm so happy right now, So Far So Good just followed me on twitter 😭😭😭😭😭
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lovelaceisntdead · 4 months
OKAY I'm supposed to be getting my haircut on monday but I'm thinking. I skip it.
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mariyekos · 26 days
Imagining a scenario where at some point Dante and Lady get married purely for practical purposes (like if she gets hospitalized so Dante can visit/make some decisions) but Lady ends up dating Trish so Dante's like
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#dmc#this is crack but. i find it hilarious#if we're doing a timeline that sort of parallels our own i'm also imagining dante being like#'don't worry you're free to divorce me once you and trish are allowed to be married! no hard feelings'#'hell we can make it a double divorce-marriage! we can get divorced at the courthouse and then you and trish get married right after!'#i really like lady/trish as a ship#i generally think of dante/lady as something that they might have tried out when they were younger but eventually realized they weren't-#into. and there were no hard feelins there. just a 'yeah sorry but i don't think this is going to work' and the other going 'fine by me'#a very gentle friends to maybe lovers or just dating back to friends#and in this marriage scenario it would basically fit right into canon. they wouldn't live together or anything#it would purely be a paper thing just so dante gets some special privileges in case something happens to lady#also the extended version of this is dante visiting kyrie at some point and she asks him how his wife is doing which makes him go#'wait. who is this supposed wife of mine?' bc he's pretty sure nero doesn't know about the marriage so how would kyrie know that??#and she reveals that she thought it was Trish which makes him laugh and say nah they're just friends. also Trish is dating Lady#which makes Kyrie go 'oh! i'm sorry. you two seemed close and nero mentioned seeing her at your place so i'd assumed...'#and dante's like 'eh no worries it's no big deal. i was wondering how you knew about lady and i but that makes more sense.'#then kyrie: 'wait. you and lady are married?' dante: 'yeah!' kyrie: 'but i thought you said she was dating Trish??' dante: 'she is!'#kyrie: '??? uh. well if you're happy i'm happy for you too.' dante: 'thanks! i'll let them know.'#erurandomness#erubabbles#eru hcs#hcs
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If i had to pick (and lbr you do) between either roman or tomgreg being canonically gay and explored in the series id pick roman 100%. Tomgreg going canon would set gay rights back by like 40 years
#like its still a big tv show they can only have one gay person on it#succ#i think tomgreg will always be reaching new insane heights of whatever the fucknis wrong with them#but roman. roman.#the gerri thing was completely a mommy issues deal#roman ‘for reasons of … we dont know why i cant pee next to other men’ roy#i enjoy watching his torment and quite frankly i cant think of anything that would turn him inside out with misery#quite like the slow tortuous realization that everything his father is disgusted by in him#are the things that make him feel happy and at peace and loved#i hope his interactions with mattson are confusing and scary and addicting and he keeps going back#mencken works too but im sorry that more boring.2 me. ohhh hes into it bc facism bad but he likes when thing bad we get it.#thats the same thing hes been doing tho#now imagine: rome but hes in a relationship with someone whos a little fascinated by him#this dettached deadeyed weirdo who doesnt roll his eyes when he speaks#and instead seems to listen to every word and remember what he says#and who maybe. just maybe. even cares about him#like mattson would definitely treat him like a bug under glass but roman ‘dog cage and chocolatte cake’ roy#would easily mistake that for love#idk not articulating it well. might write a fic abt it. we’ll see#tomgreg canon truthers btw no hate i lov the ship sorry if this shows up in the tag#but theyre definitely going to be in weird limbo forever & ever#i think at best tomgreg will become canon? (audible question mark)#i think they could fuck nasty and weird on screen and tom would start gaslighting greg into thinking it didnt happen#because nothing like. nice or good happens in the show its about misery#i want tomgreg to stay on ao3 so i can read abt tom healing after leaving waystar#anyways!#chatter
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agathabridgerton · 11 months
idk maybe vagueing about it hasn’t been the way to go and i assume most of you haven’t seen this post (or this version, at least). i don’t want to start drama and i don’t want to do some big dramatic callout post. but simply put, i don’t want to see that fucking person on my dash. and i should hope that seeing this version of the post will explain why they should be blocked. i don’t think their discriminatory and erasing statements reflect this fandom or the content of all your characters so hopefully seeing this person’s true nature will be beneficial all around.
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