#I knows this and the post about love in a platonic sense ain't what's to be expected of me
I can describe my gender as being the way it is because I was built a girl, and I had to learn slowly over time that the changes to myself I have made have nothing to do with my gender or sex, but I feel like I got something a bit funky going on inside and I feel a bit like I'm not fully girl but not anything else. I identify as demi girl, and I am a demi girl in the way that a cupcake is a muffin but a muffin is not a cupcake.
Aka if being a girl was like our solar system, then I'm pluto. Technically I'm not supposed to be in there, but nobody wants nor cares to push me outta the party.
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mysticheathenn · 6 months
What Kind Of Love Do You Need?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is a Patreon All Tiers reading about what kind of love do you need. This can be romantic, self-love, platonic, or even familial.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Extended Patreon Includes:
How will this love change your life?
Extra Messages
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Ko-Fi Donations
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Pile l:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: The Lovers, Ace of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, 6 of Wands, Hanged Man, & Page of Swords.
Romantic. "I want a real love, dark-skinned and Aunt Viv love, [Redacted Part Of Song], That leave a toothbrush at your crib love, And you ain't gotta wonder whether that's your kid love"- J.Cole & Real Love by Mary J. Blige played in my head as I was shuffling pile l. You are in need of a healthy love. The kind of love where you both celebrate each other's wins and even losses, being each other's cheerleader, a shoulder to cry or lean on when life knocks you down, a love where there are no games just pure love, communication, and peace. There is a heavy sense of peace and fulfillment for you, with the kind of love you need. You probably have dated people who wanted nothing but to waste your time, and energy, or even unfortunately use you. You are now working on yourself and if you aren't I feel a glow-up is coming soon where you do work on yourself to help manifest this kind of love into your life because you want a partnership. A true soulmate that was ordained by stars (God, Allah, etc) themselves. There will be no confusion with this kind of love. I'm hearing Greenday- Broken Boulevard but only the part of " I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone" I feel for some of you those who aren't working on themselves yet you have some ways to go before this kind of love comes into your life. You may still be hurting from your previous relationship or if not still hurting you're in the energy of "Everybody ain't shit and you're better off alone." For others, it's not too far but it's also not going to show up tomorrow the window I am intuitively feeling is within the next two years. This is a long time coming for you pile l. I can feel it's something special. Patreon Post Link
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Pile ll:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: 5 of Pentacles, The Fool, The Hierophant, Ace of Cups, Awakening.
Self-Love. Singleness. Adventure. You are in desperate need of some self-love pile ll. You have been on a wild ride when it comes to allowing others into your life whether platonic or romantic and it's time for you to go into hermit mode for a while. The Tiktok audi "Be by yourself, get to know yourself" which is said in an island accent is coming to mind. You need to figure out who you are pile ll. I feel you have some sort of sense of who you are but you aren't sure if this is actually you or the you that has been crafted by social media, others and their idea of you, or your survival mode you where you crafted parts of yourself and chose the "safe" is to show others who don't like to see your full light because it dims there. There is also a need to let go of some people in your life. I didn't ask Spirit who because if this part resonates you should know. It's typically the first two names that popped in your head when you read the sentence but it's time to let go of people who are not good for you or add any kind of value to your life. Not only getting rid of people but getting rid of the old you. It's time for you to walk into a new light where you are glowing, thriving, and enjoying life how it is meant to be enjoyed instead of barely getting by day by day. You were meant to shine and not follow what everyone else is doing. You were meant to be authentic pile ll. Figure out who you are. Do things you never thought you would never enjoy and do them. Learn some new skills and hobbies. Take an Eat Pray Love trip even if it's just a trip to New York, Miami, Atlanta, Los Angeles, or even fucking Houston Texas if that is more your speed. Get out of your comfort zone. Shed your survival mode personality and shine. It's time for a new adventure. It's time to release this old story you keep playing over and over and start something fresh. What are you waiting for? Patreon Post Link
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Pile lll:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: 5 of Cups, Queen of Swords, 10 of Wands, Knight of Wands, 3 of Pentacles.
Friendship.Self-Care. There is this feeling that you pile lll are the type that likes to do everything themselves without bothering anyone. You may also like to say sorry a lot even when you didn't do anything as well as just not tell people how you are really feeling going through your struggles alone. Please stop. If you have people around you who truly care about your well-being please do let them know how you really are doing. There is nothing worse than having a friend going through things in silence and later on axe themselves off (speaking from experience). You do not have to suffer in silence pile lll. There are people in this world who would or do care about you and your well-being and want to take the load off of your shoulders. Stop being the strong independent cap that social media keeps trying to feed people with the whole grind and stay silent. Stay silent when it comes to goals until they happen, not your well-being. For others of you the kind of love you need is self-care other than taking better care of yourself this is more so having to do with your skills, abilities, and even your career. Some of you want to do more in your career whether it's at the job you are currently at, in the same field, or wanting to do something differently and this is the time to do so. Start learning and sharpening up your skills. Even sharpening up your mind whether it's reading more books maybe by Robert Greene on Mastery or Art of Seduction, learning languages, or whatever it is that you want to do to sharpen your mind ow is the time to do so. Patreon Post Link
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Pile lV:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: Ace of Swords, The Hermit, Awakening, Page of Cups, 3 of Cups
Singleness. Self Love. You may have been drawn to pile ll because they have received a similar reading to what your reading is about to hold on being by yourself, yours is just a little different. Pile ll reading was more so on finding themselves and getting to know themselves while your pile is more focused on loving yourself. Loving who you are and who you have become as a person because I feel a sense that it wasn't easy to become who you are today. You had to fight along the way to become the person you are because many people have probably tried to turn you hard, cold, assertive, or just overall mean and you had to fight to maintain a little bit of kindness, compassion, and some love you feel for others because you know that what others say and do to some people is not a reflection on you but them it's how you respond that is a reflection on you. This is a season of celebrating who you are and loving every inch of yourself. Whether you have body fat, a temper, watching weird shit, whatever it is that others try to put you down for and you somewhat have allowed to let those thoughts creep in this is your time to rebuke them and go forth in loving who you are and what you like. This is a time to go inward and really hone in the ability to not waver on what makes you you. Basically setting boundaries more so for yourself than for others while still remaining loving and kind to yourself. Your pile may also be a bit short like pile lll because it's quite straight to the point with no extra messages. The love you need is the love from yourself. Loving everything about you. Whether you hate your skin tone, voice, body, your interest, whatever it is embrace your flaws, embrace the many things people have been trying to put you down for, and let your beacon shine bright. You were meant to be who you are and nobody else. Don't let the ugliness of the world change who you are. Patreon Post Link
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay Safe and Be Blessed
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Spider-man: Across the Spider-Verse Trailer Thoughts
Can I just start this post off by saying that I am totally normal? Over this movie? Perfectly reasonable in my level of hype and mentally well in every way? Mhm, trust me. Anyway, onto the blurbs!
-Seems Miles is at his teenage rebellion stage
-Miles' teacher telling him he's not doing too well in Spanish in front of his Puerto Rican mother is an ouch (in that it's hilarious, but not for him. Sorry Miles)
-Seems there's gonna be a rift between Miles and his parents now that he's Spider-Man full time and very much keeping it secret from them; maybe this movie is where they find out?
-Across the Spider Verse seems to also have a core theme of Miles going against the grain and doing things his way, forging his own individual path for how he wants to do Spider-Man. Looking forward to seeing a more grown up Miles that is able to go further into his self-exploration now that he's reaching older teen/young adulthood.
-I think Gwen and Miles might get together this movie which... eh. Alright. No hate to the ship, but the first movie felt very platonic save for Miles liking her cause she's a pretty girl, and rip to cishet society but that ain't enough to sell me on a relationship. Maybe they'll get some development in this movie? Until possibly that I'm just gonna enjoy them as friends personally
-Apparently Oscar Isaac voices Miguel... Doctor Strange was not kidding when he said the multiverse got screwed in NWH
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-Here we have Jessica Drew, Marvel's first (continuous) Spider-Woman! She looks awesome, and based on how often she appeared in the trailer, I'm assuming she will play a key role.
-I also suspect she will help push the narrative around ATSV's theme of parenthood, with Miles having issues with his own, and Peter becoming a father.
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-Regarding the race change for Jessica, I earlier referred to her as the first "continuous" Spider-Woman, because she was the first woman to notably don the spidey title. However, the first official Spider-Woman was actually a one-off character named Valerie the Librarian. Originally, Valerie had no powers; she instead went around as a non-super helping Peter Parker's Spidey in any way she could. Spider Verse has always been by black people for black people, so it doesn't surprise me that they (allegedly) are honing back to Valerie, a black woman and the first official Spider-Woman, to base Jessica's appearance on. Goes to show the creators did their homework, which I'm pleased to see.
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She is so beautiful ma'am please take my hand in marriage; also, she's pregnant! She is literally hero-ing while pregnant, which I've realized is not something we really see like... ever. Granted, because its dangerous, but Spider Verse has always made strides to give more diverse female representation, and a pregnant spidey mirroring pregnant working women seems to be next on their list. Happy to see it!
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-We got Miguel O'Hara! Admittedly I'm not the most familiar with him, but one doesn't traverse Marvel comic fandom without having heard of this guy. Based on what I'm seeing in the trailer, he looks like a very fun character and I'm excited to know more
-"Don't even get me started on Doctor Strange and the little nerd back on Earth-199999." I am... so normal about the acknowledgment of the MCU in Spiderverse. The multiverse really is converging, which on a meta sense is something I absolutely love so I am very excited to see where the Marvel universe heads.
-Also people have been saying Feige stated the MCU was Earth-616 and Spider Verse went against that, which they're happy about, so if someone could fill me in on what happens in Earth-616 I'd appreciate it!
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Peter's back! And he has a spider baby! From what I've seen this is Mayday Parker, daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, and she does indeed get her father's spider abilities in the comics. Perhaps we'll see more of her in the future?...👀
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Stab me, it would hurt less.
(Looks like Gwen's backstory is being explored more, which is a hooray moment, but its exploring her trauma, which is less hooray.)
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And of course... the meme, made multiversal. (Is that fucking PS5 Spiderman)
That's about it, very excited for this movie, also afraid, but mostly excited! See y'all when it drops!
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lurksunderthebed · 10 months
Thoughts on CoD dudebros that attempt to gatekeep their "role" characters? Over the course of last year it's funny how many i've seen upset that Laswell has a wife because they genuinely thought Price was "bonking" her according to them. Even more so going as far as to say that they'd be into experimental poly relationship. And don't get me started on YT side of the base where people say stuff like Soap & Valeria, Ghost & Milena double date, it's hilarious really. But god forbid you post anything about GhostSoap remotelly romantic. It's like hellfire out there.
Oh man that's a good question. I haven't actually thought too hard on that tbh. Funny timing because I literally watched an opinion piece on YT on what they [the male fanbase] thought on mwiii(23).
I think people want to read into things as they prefer. People are so conditioned in these action movie style sort of storylines to assume Man + Women talking = relationship. And in that sense I can see why people would ship Price and Laswell because they do have a friendly relationship, one that implies years of knowing one another. (though Valeria and Milena /soap or ghost?? Why??)
I think the biggest shame is the fact that male and female platonic friendships are so rare in these instances that for a significant part of that vocal fanbase, it blows their mind to have heterosexual friendships that are just that: friendships.
And it's always a bit ironic we have this situation when you have those dudebros pile on the ghostsoap ship and say, "can't friendships just be friendships, stop making everything gay". Can't friendships just be friendships, stop making everything het.
Bro, we ain't making anything gay, it's there in the text. Call the spade a spade. They flirt with each other. I can even pull up the receipts and go through every bit of possibility and still think, wow, even them joking is pretty sus with all the context. Especially when it's Ghost who flirts back, out of all people—the man who is so emotionally constipated that showing his face and letting people use his name is a Big Deal™.
I always wonder what that fanbase would make of these meta posts. In a weird way, I do sort of welcome that critique. It would be interesting to see what would come out of that.
I mean, yeah you can read Ghost and Soap's relationship however you want. But it's definitely not something as clear cut as, "they're just friends. That's what brothers in arms are like. You just don't understand!" sort of thing. I think reducing them down to 'just friends' would be doing a disservice to how much Soap meant to Ghost in terms of the actual codmwii plot line.
The nice thing is that despite all the differences we all have with each other, we as an entire fanbase all agree on this: Codmwiii(23) has the worst campaign out of all codmw games.
The storyline sucked and didn't go anywhere. The ending was there for shock factor. It didn't really add anything to the story aside from making one feel upset. It was sloppy storytelling, and it really felt like it could've been better.
But yeah. Lol 😂 sorry for the rant guys. Hope you enjoyed the Ted Talk.
Btw, much thanks and love from everyone reading my meta posts. All the encouragement fuels me for my next overly long post. 💞🥹
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iamverynormalaboutsge · 4 months
I demand justice for the morally grey baby girl/silly goose.
This is a Rafal appreciation post because God knows we don't have enough of them.
So here is a list of reasons why Rafal is my favourite morally grey baby girl and he should be yours too(or at least your favourite silly goose):
1. Despite his sassiness and almost in-sync physical behaviour, like his brother's (both of them got up at the same time to jump at each other's throat. No warning no nothing literally just sprung to their feet while eating sandwiches and tea how does that work?) Rafal very much loves his dumbass brother. Rafal remembered everything with fondness regarding his brother. Sure it's not very wholesome to scare the ever-living hell out of your twin brother making him cry but the fact that he remembered, even after CENTURIES of being 17/immortal kept by the Storian, that Rhian would call him Fala. (For me the moment was oddly wholesome despite the cruelty implications from Rafal's side. I guess the most intensive moments of life are those where you feel more than just one emotion strongly because one gives sparkle to the other and so on.)
2. Rafal has a high sense of responsibility, higher than Rhian's. Now I don't mean to say he is a good schoolmaster. That is FAR from it. Bro mentally tormented his students and said it was their fault for making them miserable and further propaganda that villains have to live miserably and go through extreme pains to become proper villains. Rhian ain't too far away since all he did from what we saw was a parade in the School for Good and ignored all the students that so politely greeted him like he was their life idol excuse me they showed their respects. I know you were trying to hit on Midas because you always gotta hit on the guy your brother hit first(previous example: Hook) but a nod would have suffice? Instead bro just deliberately ignores them while threatening Midas... ??? At least Rafal knew what he was doing and what he had to do to keep the pact/oath to the Storian. Rhian was just oblivious and arrogant to it.
3. Rafal made a redemption arc. Sure maybe not in the true meaning of it but he tried. He got into the lines of his students and tried to see it from their perspective. He gained their trust and loyalty for who he was. He got to hear everything they thought about him, how horrible he was because he was the pain of a schoolmaster. But he also got to see his students admire him and grow fond of him. Even proving that the wicked and evil can be good in their own twisted way. After all, the heroes of a story are the villains of another. Always.
He inspired others outside of himself while he did his growth and that's beyond great from my perspective.
4. As twisted as he was you can not deny that he was rational. Whenever he made up his mind he went with it even if he had his doubts or moments of hesitation, eventually, he carried on with what he had to do because it was what he needed to do. In the process, he indeed has hurt many but he also self-sacrificed himself. Whatever pain we saw him inflict on his victims we can see that it's a direct reflection of his mirrored pain in them. We can go on about how this is accurate or not, the actual extent of it, interpretations, and symbolism, but to me it's pretty clear once you read a book that engages your mind, heart and soul. He torments himself and torments others because it is the only treatment he knows. The love he gives is suffering and torture. The kindness he shows is an eternal curse. The ever-fleeing moments of bravery are a misery to many. He is a walking omen neither good nor bad, with an internalised balance with the outside world through a mirror.
5. I just love him(as a character/platonic). He had his wrongs maybe more than his rights but in the end, he was determined and hard-working. He did whatever he could, he did what he thought was best even if it wasn't the best. He did whatever was in the power of his hands even when the one meant to have his back stabbed him right in the heart. He stood right by his role and side even if it was the wrong one from the beginning. Even if he was fooled to become the perfect incarnation of what others told him he was. Even if he was torn between who he was once or what he must have been and what he became or what he is in 'truth'. He knew he had a role and he did whatever he could to carry it out you could say it's from selfish desires because he would have died indeed so would have his brother. Bit by bit we show that despite the struggle and betrayal Rafal still tries to learn to love his brother, or better said remind himself that he does.
Bless our silly goose. Love him with all of my heart
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(I did not make this, I literally walked into this room and saw this. I was re-reading the first book at that time and saw this. It made me immediately think of SGE/Rafal. I call this fate.)
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loaflovesdoodling · 11 months
let’s say hypothetically i was interested in attempting to write fanfic of your kirby guys….. where would you point me where i could learn who the characters are and a good idea of what they’re like?? 👀
(pt. 1; pt. 2; pt 3; pt 4; pt 5)
Sir Pleiades: Ultimately Immortal (which is basically a fancy way to say he cannot die ever no matter what and will even survive the Heat Death of the Universe), he's kind, caring, elegant, but really cocky and boastful. He can be scary serious when he wants and is kind of a mad psychopath, but he bottles all his anger up to look 'normal' and so he mostly appears as a very calm individual. He deeply cares about those whom he holds close to his heart and is willing to take any risk for them. Also teasing is his love language (both platonic and romantic) and, being a Demigod, he possesses multipurpose stardust magic (he can use it for object summoning, self-healing and even some brief variant of teleportation) and has a super strong sense of intuition and instinct.
Blossom Dee: Mute tiny little gremlin <3 she's canonically 8cm tall and an eternal toddler, and even though she can't speak herself, she understands others perfectly and can write basic words out using flower petals; she's also able to pick up on social cues quite well. She loves sweets and often has huge sugar rushes (not that she ain't already hyperactive herself, mind you, she's already an energetic little creature as is HELPPP). She loves sitting on people's heads (most of the time you'll see her sitting on her big bro Ades'); she also loves making friends.
Miss Dulciana: Just a regular mortal lady, she's pretty into daisy flowers and has a gorgeous singing voice. She's sweet, loving, but pretty peppy and playful. She has a purse, but doesn't carry it around often, because the top skirt layer of her dress has pockets beneath it. She's an absolute disaster at baking, but she has her fun in trying, at least. She's also tried learning Crochet, but gave up when she accidentally tangled her hands in the yarn and undid her entire work while trying to pry them free. She taught Pleiades French and learnt Japanese with him. :)
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noirapocalypto · 7 months
for the love day game! 🤎 and ❤️ for casey and baz <3
Thank you so so much!! 💕 [ Love Day Emoji Ask ]
I've actually already answered these two in previous posts 😅 But I'll still copy/paste them here 💕 with some further expanding!
»»———- ᴠᴇʀᴅᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ———-««
❤️ Who is the more romantic one? Do they wish their partner was more romantic?
Both are pretty romantic, in their own weird/unorthodox way. They balance each other out very well because of their bond. Where Casey lacks, Baz makes up for and vice versa. Baz is spontaneous and has a sense of adventure, whereas Casey is a bit more mellow and tends to lean towards more quiet nights in. I don't think the either mind though. Casey gets to experience things he might have never gotten to experience without Baz, whereas Bastien gets to experience stability and gentle intimacy that he's not really used to. They're both happy with how the other expresses romance.
Bonus addition:
Their different approaches to romance actually did clash with the other when their relationship was still platonic and they were seeing other people. 🤭Back when they were young adults, they sometimes double dated with Bastien trying to pull the date one way and Casey trying to pull the other way. Sometimes Baz would suggest the group go to concert or some sort of rowdy show while Casey had just planned for a quiet movie date or even something a bit more calm like peaceful hike/walk through a park. More often than not, the two couples would just go their separate ways if they really wanted their date to work out. Other times, the two boys would end up going home alone thanks to their chaotic double date. 😂It wasn't until it was with each other, than they began to appreciate how the other goes about trying to impress and woo.
🤎 How do they comfort each other?
Bastien absolutely needs vocal reassurance and physical affection. Whenever he's having a moment, whether it's out of anger or sadness or panic, the moment Casey hugs him and reassurances Baz that he's okay and that he's 'got him', the other starts to calm down. And since Casey's a naturally affectionate person, this comes easy to him and he won't hesitate to become Baz's literal safety blanket. Bastien needs to feel loved and treasured.
When it's Casey's turn, he wants his feelings to be validated and acknowledged. Baz doesn't have to understand, he just needs to listen. He also responds well to physical affection, which Bastien is more than happy to provide. Casey's a bit more emotionally sensitive, so out of the two, he's likely the one to cry a bit easily when overwhelmed. He wants Baz's shoulder to cry on. Casey's comfort is feeling protected and taken care of.
Bonus addition:
When it comes to situations that aren't too dire or big of a deal, they both turn to more casual but thoughtful ways to try and cheer the other up when they have a bit of a storm cloud over their head. Whenever Casey's bummed out about something, Bastien cooks for him. Baz is the cook of the family, or at least, the one that's very, very good at it (he claims its thanks to his cajun side). Baking is also in his skill-set and he knows exactly what treats Casey likes. So whenever Casey's moping around, Baz surprises him with his favorite: a big plate of New Orleans style beignets.
When it's Bastien's turn to be a gloomy boy, Casey turns to humor. Bastien closes up, and walks around the place with a long face and a stiff demeanor. And that's when Casey tries to make him laugh because if there's anything Bastien likes, it's laughing his ass off. It never works the first time, with Baz determined to remain stoic. He'll even brush it off with a "I know what you're trying to do, it ain't gonna work". But pun after pun, joke after joke, his wall begins to break down and he begins trying to hide his smiles/keep from chuckling. Eventually though, Casey has him rolling and he's forgotten what was bothering him at the start.
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
just out of curiosity since you mentioned you only have a couple of ships, who do you ship in genshin?
Don't mind me as I panic because I'm literally scared of the shipping-side of fandoms in general (I've seen how people talk to each other on twitter when their ships don't align and, oh boy, I want nothing to do with that...) >.<'
But my ships are fairly popular aside from one... I guess? I have three I like. Just to give a specific number. And while I don't read or write ship fanfics, since I prefer x Reader, I do like to look at fanart occasionally.
I'll put them UTC because I assume some people don't want to read that on their timeline since this is primarily an x Reader blog <3
Zhongli x Guizhong
I've shipped them pretty much since I started playing the game in 2021. I got super invested into Zhongli's lore and eventually came across her name. Then I started digging deeper into her lore and theories about her and fell in love with her and the ship.
I suppose this is something of a niche ship? Especially now with the new Lantern Rite where GuiPing seems to have overtaken it. And I've already seen people attacked over shipping GuiLi because of that too on twt now... cause apparently it's homophobic to ship them now? Idk... make it make sense. This is why I usually stay out of this.
2. Cyno x Tighnari
These two... I swear Sumeru has changed me somehow because as I stated in prior asks: I'm usually not into shipping characters so whenever I start liking two characters I have a sort of "denial stage" at first where I'm like "nah, I don't ship them... or maybe... no.... yes?".
And at first I was like "yeah they're best friends, whatever"... then I saw more and more fanart and was like "yeah, you know what, they're kinda cute." and eventually fanart converted me into shipping them. So, good job fanartists - the domestic and cuddly scenarios you put them in made me cave 👌🏻
And lastly...
3. Alhaitham x Kaveh
This one also seems to be quite popular and I basically just got past the above mentioned denial stage, haha! 😂
I have to admit I couldn't stand Kaveh at all at first, he seemed like a handful and I was like "yeah, they'd never get along in a million years, especially not as a couple."
Then I played Haitham's story quest and saw the interaction with Kaveh... then I saw more fanart again. Then [insert denial stage here] and I guess I'm now at the point where I can say, yeah... I like them and I also like Kaveh now... he is just such a kindhearted soul (even if he is a bit eccentric, I suppose).
Good job fanartists, once again 🤝🏻
So yeah, that is all of them.
I want to mention that I am really lost when it comes to shipping terminology and I also don't really want to get involved in all that stuff. It's all a bit too stressful for me.
I do want to draw fanart of these ships but I'm a bit too scared to do so and only drew things that could be interpreted as both ship or platonic (they're posted on my art blog, I'll keep this blog clear of that). Because I've seen how vile shippers get towards other ships at times when they don't like the portrayed one... instead of - you know - ignoring it??? Especially on twt.
And don't get me started on some "rules" people have put up for shipping. Like, just let me have the idea of two fictional characters being all lovey-dovey. If it makes me or anyone else happy, who cares? (as long as it isn't problematic ships ofc...)
I never intend to write ship fanfic however since that is something I also don't enjoy consuming myself. I always preferred self-insert 🤷🏻‍♀️
And lastly, idc if anyone ships these peeps with someone else or doesn't ship them with anyone at all. It's fictional characters and at the end of the day... it ain't that deep (which is why I'll never understand why some people make such a fuss over it...)
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fresiants · 1 year
everything you said in your post, yes! but i was referencing this particular article from wizardingworld (that - harry potter's official site?) that basically stated that snape being in love with lily was "vital" for the plot and even went as far as to describe that if he wasn't "in love" perhaps he wouldn't have done half of the things he did. as in the intensity of his devotion and care were only motivated by romantic feelings, nothing else, only friendship wouldn't have had any power on him to make him "change". it pissed me off. the whole concept of him ""pinning"" forever has only had people say awful things about him when he never regarded his feelings for lily (the nature of them) in the story, only r*wling ever did, and no matter what they try to counterpoint to demonize his feelings, aside from snapping at her with a bad term and lack of grace, his behavior towards her wasn't very out of pocket. he wasn't like the actual devil to her. she wasn't any better than him as a friend either so trying to antagonize him and then going "pwoor lily snape was So mean and controlling to her úwù!!1" like????? naaaahhhh
I think I found the article that you're talking about. Is it 'What if Snape had never been in love with Lily Potter?'
Without Snape falling for Lily, we doubt their friendship would have survived for as long as it did.
Keeping Lily on side wouldn’t have mattered as much to him – and she wouldn’t have been there as the conscience to keep him on track.
Oh boy... that was horrible. Who's this 'we' anyway, cuz that ain't me.
People need to remember that Severus came from a dysfunctional family and Lily Evans was the first person to genuinely care about him, something that even the Slytherin gangs weren't able to provide to him. Sure, they respected and (maybe) looked up to him, but they weren't exactly close like him and Lily. So even if Severus wasn't romantically interested in Lily (personally, I already thought his love for her was platonic but whatever), he would still cherish and care for her as a friend.
The only person besides Lily who had ever shown him kindness in his memory was Lucius. We saw Lucius welcoming Severus into Slytherin with open arms and later taking him as a protégé during their school years. The fact that Lucius was shown in his memory but not Mulciber made me believe that he was not as important to Severus. The only reason he hesitated to choose between Mulciber and Lily was because he was blinded by his interest in the Dark Arts and he knew that Mulciber was destined to be part of the group he would soon join.
Not once have we seen Mulciber protect Severus from Marauders' attacks. Where was he during SWM? If Severus was truly close with Mulciber, this would be a vital part of his life, and he would have included him in his memory. If he can include Lucius, then he could have included Mulciber as well.
One thing I have learned is to ignore whatever the fuck JK Rowling said after the book ended. Not only was she very inconsistent, but some of her statements also make no sense. In an interview, Rowling stated that Severus joined the Death Eaters to impress Lily.
He wanted Lily and he wanted Mulciber too. He never really understood Lily’s aversion; he was so blinded by his attraction to the dark side he thought she would find him impressive if he became a real Death Eater.
How does that even make sense? How would Lily be impressed with Severus joining a group that targeted people like her? The only plausible explanation for this is that Severus believed Lily was attracted to bad boys, which was somewhat confirmed by J.K. Rowling herself.
MA: How did they get together? She hated James, from what we’ve seen.
JKR: Did she really? You’re a woman, you know what I’m saying. [Laughter.]
But it still doesn't make any sense because joining a cult that targets the person you love is fundamentally different from bullying, and it's hard to imagine that Severus wouldn't have recognized that. I'm pretty sure he was smart enough to know that it wouldn't work.
Well moral of the story, just don't give a fuck about whatever Jk Rowling/the official website say. Besides, that article was based on personal opinions, not facts. "We doubt" is the key word here. These were all just assumptions.
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lindacuriosidad · 11 months
This thing me an you have. Loving from a distance.. ain't easy. My conscience tells me one thing and my pride says the opposite.
Idk nothing about what's going on with you because you have never truly allowed me in. I mean you claim you have but only as a false person alot of it wasn't really who you are yet alot of it was. Smh
Now you're feeling some type of way about me for what reason. Idk I don't Wana obsess over this shit anymore. But whatever has you upset is unfair cause I know I dont deserve it.
Feel what you gotta feel do what you gotta do I ain't waiting for you anymore I'm living my life because I refuse to be sad over you.
And no I'm not saying I don't want you anymore. Cause I am always gonna want to. An I'm not talking about tie you down and move in together or nothing major. Tbh at this point I'll be content with just being platonic. I'll be content with just talking 24/7 like how we used to. Maybe post up every now then.. drink a tall can and exchange point of views in life. That be dope too. As you can see I am not who you always thought I am. It's easy for a person to express themselves through the phone. However if we were face to face more I know I would've never stupidly spilled my lil girl feelings onto to you in the ways I have in the past. I'm more composed in person. Lol anyways no yea This connection is so strong and my curious ass needs to experience it more just for my sense of knowing and just to say that I got to experience it is necessary for me.
But I know there's a truth I'm being protected from that will cause my ass heartbreak all over again. But that's all I know. I also know that I deserve to know but no one has the balls to tell me. I have sensed people wanting to say it but the words were never able to come out. I don't trip on it tho. Ill hear from the right person when that time comes.
I like randomly texting you and telling you I love you and you just responding i can't even describe it but I like it.
Anyways, just felt like this needed to be said rn so you could understand my side of it. Maybe I'm trippin but i ain't holding on to hopelessness anymore.
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
i may be doing this wrong......been a hot minute since i was on here
my question or just thing i want to say;
what about the second wife being like a good friend to tywin after years of marrige still with a few kids (cuz joanna and stuff), they still love eachother but its not 110% like he did joanna....
what do you think about it? asking bc i have a fic like that
you posted a submission instead of an ask haha but that's okay! apparently i have submissions turned on? anyway lets discuss:
This is a very interesting scenario, and one that's super likely to play out. I know the idea of "Tywin" and "friendship" seems like an oxymoron but he does have one with Kevan, and ofc he and Joanna were considered to be close friends, not just conspirators or lovers. By the time he's with this second wife, he's had a good deal of tragedy/trauma surrounding Joanna AND he's had years to become more cynical and closed-off.
And honestly the Joanna situation was awful - they were childhood friends, were actually happily married, had two children they loved, and then she died in a very tragic and sudden way. And he actually loved and respected her like a person. Combine that with her premature death, and it's understandable to think he wouldn't be as close to any woman like that ever again. I feel like a lot of people kind of overlook that because she's just not mentioned much in the books (and I think barely in the show?), but holy cow, imagine Tywin fucking Lannister having a loving wife whose also just as cunning as him during the time the story starts. When she died there was a massive rift in the Lannister family, lots of trauma. A second wife coming in after years of that crater of trauma, like ... she ain't gonna fill it.
... And that's definitely okay. You can still love someone very much, but not as much as you did another in your past. Relationships and feelings are weird and it's hard to quantify them. Honestly the idea of the second wife being more of a very close ally and friend - and maybe there's just a little romance there - is really cool. It makes sense that a much older, more cynical Tywin wouldn't be willing to - or even able to - open his heart as much, but the fact she has his respect and love (whether platonic or romantic) is a LOT more than anyone else is getting.
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……….alright I can’t take it what’s I Am Macaque about I need answers Knox
OKAY, so this one jttw and is actually based off of the idea of Macaque being a part of Wukong or whatever, so just platonic in this au skmdafew (if dis ain't your speed, that's totally okay skip right on over ksdmofawe <3)
So! Uh, this is a canon divergence thing so that instead of straight up bashing Macaque's head in the moment he gets the chance, Sun Wukong actually just snatches him and zooms away and gives him a chance to just... become his own person.
Macaque, who just found out he is not, in fact, the real Sun Wukong is having several identity crisis (cause when I read it, it seemed like he was genuinely confused when he found out he wasn't Monkey King lol, so I'm leaning into that) and to find out he's everything bad about the person in front of him? Yeah okay, he wants him to just get rid of him because he should hate all the bad parts of himself, right? Except I guess in this AU Wukong's a little more emotionally mature and doesn't hate him. Or himself and even invites him to come on the journey.
Macaque declines cause one Sun Wukong is already one too many and goes off to do his own thing while Wukong goes back on the journey telling him to come find him and if he causes any trouble he'll be back. Which yeah aight, makes sense.
Anyway, away from Sun Wukong Macaque starts to become his own person and then there's this whole other thing that happens and klsdmfa;oef
It's not very well thought through and has the theme of loving yourself and becoming someone good even if everything about yourself seems stacked against you.
At some point the JTTW crew comes to find Macaque cause some demon snatched Sun Wukong and Macaque gets the chance offered by said demon to replace Sun Wukong and take his life back. And that's a great scene lol ksdmfoaefw
It's so hard not to give the whole mcfreaking fic of this one because this entire scene freaking SLAPS but here's a large bit klmsdfowe
“You could take his place,” they whispered in his ear.
Macaque’s eyes widened abruptly and he froze. He stared at Wukong’s face--his face.
“No one would even notice the difference,” they whispered liltingly. “They didn’t the first time.”
He couldn’t tear his eyes away and for a moment he couldn’t tell where his reflection ended and Wukong’s face began.
“You could walk out of here and tell them all about the Six-Eared Macaque’s sacrifice. Go on the journey that you should be on, with the people you should be with and no one would be any the wiser.
“I would keep Sun Wukong here, and we would both get what we want.”
His eyes focused on his own reflection, and he saw little differences. He had darker circles under his eyes. His eyes seemed to be a slightly different colour and the edges of his fur had gotten darker.
He didn’t have anything, or anyone. But he had himself. He wasn’t just a carbon copy of everything bad in someone else. He was becoming someone, becoming himself. He didn’t need a life that had never belonged to him. He closed his eyes.
“You know,” he said, opening them again, and giving his reflection a grimacing smile. “I think I’m good.”
He slammed his fist into his reflection.
The demon screamed.
Cracks spiderwebbed all around him, and he looked back to see Wukong’s eyes blown open wide, staring at him through the cracked ice.
Then the wall holding him shattered.
ASK ME ABOUT MY WIPS (wip list post)
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orange and gold
...I just need more Cole and Vania content, they seem like they'd be great friends.
Basically it's just 'Cole goes to visit her there, they almost burn down the kitchen, and make way too many puns', lol.
Set a few months after Master of the Mountain, but before Seabound or The Island.
Also yeah, I couldn't think of a better title, sue me- I just know that they wear one of the colours at some point, so... 🤦‍♀️😂
Trigger warnings: none I think? Huh-
Also, bingo!! I really need to learn better time management, dear freaking gosh- I hope I'm not too late though? I know it's like half a day late, eek- and I was supposed to post this earlier, but I ended up literally falling asleep while writing it😂
Thank you so much Fabro, for hosting such a cool event!:D Your comments on my fics literally never fail to make my day<3. And I'm so glad that I met so many awesome, really skilled people through this event too - it's been a lot of fun working alongside y'all:D, I wish I'd had more time to interact instead of posting stuff and vanishing lol, but exams be like:////
Prompt: cooking (does baking count as cooking? I realized too late lol-) from @ninjago-bingo 's warm board.
Word Count: 2497
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Trying to escape from killer dire-bats hadn't been on Cole's to do list today - although the mountains were kind of beautiful.
It was a bit difficult to see them while he was being dragged to his death, but hey, didn't Jay always tell them to be more positive?
That was, until he made the mistake of looking down.
Miles of snowcapped mountains touched the pastel blue sky, but he was more focused on exactly how high he was from the ground.
Trying to swing back onto the Bounty, he didn't notice a golden-winged blur shoot past the bat, almost dropping their spear in haste.
"Let my friend go, or I'll-"
She throws the spear at the bird, successfully knocking one of its wings.
Huh. She must've been practicing - throwing with accuracy while flying seemed kinda difficult.
"I'm so sorry!" she replies, grabbing his arm before he fell down too. She winces at the strain on her wings, almost dropping him onto the deck. "I was supposed to come earlier, but there was an issue with one of the mines, and it took forever to-"
"There ain't anything in this world that's managed to kill me yet," he replies jokingly, checking that the autopilot hadn't been damaged. "I doubt an angry bird is going to be the first."
"Didn't you mention that you became a ghost once? Pretty sure that means you were dead-"
"Shh, that's not an important detail," he jokes.
"If you say so," she replies with a grin. "Did I mention that Chompy's been tearing down the palace flower arrangements again?"
"Send my regards to the gardener-"
"Did you just make a pun?"
"Remind me why I decided to visit you again?"
"Because you love me?" she asks stepping onto the ground as the Bounty landed gently.
"I hereby crown you as my platonic soulmate," Cole deadpans, taking her hand. "Vania and Cole-"
"Destined to annoy each other for eternity," she giggles, swinging their hands up and down. "But seriously - thanks. I don't think I realized how much work being a queen was."
"What's it like?"
"I mean - I'm glad that people trust me, and they come to me if they have a problem, but the paperwork is a nightmare. I never get to go outside anymore, I swear."
"Paperwork? Also, you just invited me here for a week. I don't wanna disturb you?"
"Nah, I cleared my schedule, don't worry. And trust me, you don't want to know. Everything requires some sort of official written thing, and it's so boring-"
"Official? But you're the queen?"
"Well, yeah, but I don't really want to change something unless it benefits the people. Not after..."
Her smile dims, eyes straying to the palace walls.
Oh- oh.
"You're nothing like him," Cole says firmly, squeezing her hand. "I mean, if you need to take a break, or you can make your job a bit easier by cutting out something unnecessary, that's just gonna help you become a better queen. You've definitely got the interests of your people at heart, and that's the most important thing, you know? And well, uh, everything seems to be going great so far - you don't have to beat yourself up over someone else's mistakes."
"Thanks," she replies softly, her smile slowly returning. "Speaking of breaks, what do you think we should do this time?"
"You could show me around the city again?"
"You've already seen everything cool," Vania giggles, skipping ahead of him. "We don't renovate much - unlike you guys-"
"Hey, it's not our fault that our city gets destroyed every few months-"
"More like every few days," she teases, tying back her golden hair. "How about we find some dragons to adopt?"
"Tempting, but where would you keep them?"
"They could sleep in my room-"
She breaks off when she notices him laughing. "What?"
"N- nothing," Cole replies, in between laughs. "Jay and I just made a bet."
"On what?"
"How many dragons you've adopted. I bet at least six, he bet fifteen."
"Well, jokes on both of you - I'm pretty sure my advisor's going to throw a fit if I show up with another one," she starts, giggling. "We've got twenty living in the palace right now."
"Twenty dragons?"
"They're so cute! You just look into their adorable little eyes," Vania pauses for breath, continuing her animated gesturing, "and you can't help but wanna hug them!"
"Oh, Jay's going to be so mad."
"Aww, I'm sorry guys. They're just too adorable!"
"...Wanna hear a funny story?"
"Yeah, sure!"
"I actually used to be terrified of dragons-"
"No way!" Vania exclaims. "Y'all have been on a lot of adventures though, so-"
"Nah, we used to have our own dragons at first. They were pretty cool! I just- I'm a simple guy! Huge animals with wings are scary up close when you're barely a teenager."
"Or when you're really short-"
"We're the same height!" Cole exclaims, facepalming in a bit of a fondly exasperated way.
"I'm two years younger than you-"
"Ugh, whose idea was this?"
"Yours," Vania grins, sitting down on the kitchen counter.
"You were supposed to help me, not leave me high and dry!" Cole accuses jokingly, staring at all the appliances they'd found in the cupboards.
"'One must always be prepared for new adventures,'" she quotes seamlessly, waving one of- what was his name again? Mulch something? Oh! Clutch! Some explorer he was, leaving them to die in the pyramid - Clutch Powers' books in the air.
"Fine," he sighs, staring at the old recipe book she'd found in one of their back cupboards. "But you've gotta help me? I almost burned down-" "Woah, what? If you finish that sentence with 'kitchen'-" "In my defense, Kai was playing a prank on me-" "In my defense, I wouldn't like to explain how the queen of Shintaro burnt down the palace by teaching one of her friends to cook," she grins, flipping through the pages. "What do you wanna start with?" "Something simple?" "Have you ever tried baking bread before? It's a lot of fun!" "I haven't really had the time, but that sounds kinda interesting."
He skims the recipe, raising his eyebrows. "Wait, why does this take hours? I thought you said it was simple?"
"Trust me, it is," she laughs, adding, "besides, I still wanna hear about all your adventures!" "Uh... okay," Cole replies hesitantly, "but if this fails, I'm so sorry." "Give yourself some credit, you guys literally saved the world! Multiple times!" "Bold of y'all to assume we know how we did it," he laughs, only half-kidding. "Besides. I botched soup once."
"I've botched toast," she mock-sighs, smiling. "Pretty sure that makes us even."
"Lemme get this straight. You've messed up toasting bread, but you can bake it from scratch?"
"Trust me, I don't know either," she giggles, trying to open a brightly coloured packet of... something? Did flour come in packets that small?
"Uh, why are you opening something called 'feast'?" he asks, eyebrows creased in confusion.
"Feast," she echoes, trying to stifle her laughter. "Off to a... rocky start, aren't we?"
It took him a second.
"I already regret this," he jokes, facepalming. "But I'd say that your puns are, uh, gold."
"I've un- unleashed-" breaking off, she half-falls off the counter, laughing so hard her face starts to go red, "a monster."
"Uh, is it supposed to look like that?" Cole asks, frowning.
The mixture looked less like the dough he'd been expecting - more like one of Jay's inventions gone wrong.
Badly wrong, he thought, eyes widening at the goopy mess of foam that threatened to spill over the jug.
"The yeast?" Vania echoes, poking her head out of one of the cupboards. "Yeah, all good! It always looks a little gross, and you're gonna doubt ever eating bread again, but at least it doesn't taste like it's fermented-"
"It's what?"
"Yeah," she grimaces, exaggerating her disgust a bit. "If aliens ever fell from the sky, they'd think we were crazy for eating bread-"
"Aliens? I think we're a bit crazy!" Cole exclaims, trying not to laugh.
Vania smiles, then sighs, lugging a huge bag of flour onto the counter. "I can never open these bags properly," she starts, eyeing the the bag a bit warily, "and it always makes such a huge mess all over the kitchen. You'd think they'd make it easier for people to use, right? I swear-"
He jokingly puts his hands over his ears. "I can't hear you!" "But you know that I've sworn off swearing-" she replies, breaking off with a laugh. "Pun not intended - that actually made sense in my head. I swear!"
"No," Cole interjects with a grin, shaking his head. "You don't, remember?"
"See, this is why we're friends-"
"Friends? Is that all I am to you?"
"Oh, be quiet," she shoots back, exaggeratedly dragging a hand down her face. "I mean, sure, just because everyone thinks that we're dating doesn't mean that we-"
Wait. What?
"People think that we're dating?" he asks, clamping a hand over his mouth in a poor attempt to muffle his laughter. "I- I- really?"
"I know, right?"
"Even my friends thought so at first," he confesses, dragging a hand down his face. "I mean, as much as I love you-"
"I love you too," Vania replies, completely seriously. "Even if you'll always be more like an annoying-"
"Sibling to me than anything else," she finishes, grabbing a pair of scissors. Cole watches, a little alarmed, as she stabs them into the flour bag over and over.
"Is it... supposed to be this difficult to just open the bag? Seems kinda stupid-"
"Well, er, they have this piece of paper with glue that you're supposed to pull away from the rest of the bag, but it never works properly and I-"
"Well, we could always make our own flour," Cole interjects, laughing. "I mean, I've got a scythe? Let's go!"
"Uh, but we don't have wheat growing here. I don't think it'd suit the climate very well?"
"Wheat a shame," Cole sighs jokingly, measuring out the flour (which had, finally, escaped the bag).
"Oh my gosh," Vania deadpans, "you did not just-"
"Yep, I did."
"You're horrible," she giggles, "then again, I was the one who started this whole debacle, so I think we'll share the blame."
"Debacle? Where'd you pick that one up from? Sounds kinda cool-"
"Oh, it's from a book someone wrote about you guys," Vania says casually, pouring a cup of water into the bowl.
"Hey, uh-" Cole starts hesitantly, twisting his fingers back and forth, then breaks off. "Why'd you read all that stuff about us, anyways? Adventure books don't really seem like something you read a lot, since we have similar favorite books. I mean..."
"Well, um..." Vania trails off, clearly uncomfortable. "Uh- I guess, well, it sounds kinda stupid, but I'd never really met anyone my age who wasn't a royal or something. I... er, I didn't want to be left out, you know?"
Cole thinks back to a scroll; a quest, a sacrifice. One that his friends never seemed to really notice, unless it was with horror or flinches. Not that he blamed them, but - joking about how he was much more useful to the team when he was freaking dead than he was before he'd stumbled and fell in the temple?
That had been a bit far, even for his best friend. Locks could always be picked or something, he didn't need to be a ghost to provide some sort of value-
Well, that's not completely true, is it? a small voice questions, and he can't keep his hands from shaking a little.
"Jay here thinks you're the least valuable ninja."
Not enough to be a performer. Now, not good enough to even be a ninja, apparently.
Well, he reminds himself firmly, you don't have to be the best - just stand up to those who are cruel and unjust.
Nothing but a scar that glowed warm orange occasionally left of the whole Cursed Realm ordeal, sometimes it was all too easy to forget - or pretend - that it had never even happened in the first place.
Other times, like when he'd dropped a glass of water on the floor and his hands hadn't stopped shaking for hours, or when he woke up screaming, expecting to fall through his bed again, it still felt like he was trapped as a ghost. Literally - and maybe a little figuratively as well.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
"Thanks for trusting me with that," he replies softly. "And I'm sorry. That sounds... horrible, but, honestly, you're a pretty cool person, and I ain't just saying that because we're friends. People can be awful, and they can- they can leave, but you don't need to pretend to be someone you're not for people to accept you. I kinda know what it's like, and it's... just, uh, not great."
"No, thank you," Vania says, rubbing her eyes. "You're pretty cool, too. And I'm glad that we become friends, even if wasn't in the- the, er, greatest circumstances."
"Right back at ya. The fall was pretty terrifying, though," Cole says casually, as if memories of that nightmarish plunge into the depths of earth don't still send shivers down his spine.
"No, definitely! I was so sure we were gonna splat onto the ground or something, thank gosh we didn't."
"Yeah..." Cole trails off, reading the recipe they'd been following. "Oh- do we just leave the bowl somewhere for a few hours now?"
"Oh, yeah," Vania answers. "Other than clean up the kitchen, what else do you wanna do?"
"That's kind of you, but, ah, I don't mind. You can choose something."
"I don't mind either," she replies, covering the bowl with a dishcloth. "Seriously, I don't."
"Same here though."
"Really, I don't mind-" Vania breaks off with a laugh, adding, "Well, actually, there is something."
She doesn't elaborate, thoughtfully gazing out the window.
"Well, what is it? Don't keep me in the dark."
"Ugh, it's kinda stupid-"
"I'm sure that it's not- well, unless you want to try to jump off a flying ship with a homemade parachute to prove a bet to someone-"
"Do I even wanna know?"
"...uh, probably not. We're way too crazy sometimes, our Master has a hard time keeping us in check. Your thing, though?"
"Can I give you a hug?"
Cole blinks for a second, expecting some sort of punchline.
"That's your thing?"
"Well, yeah- I mean, I said it was kinda stupid-"
"No no, that's not what I meant. You're so sweet - that's all."
"Well, not more than you-"
"Nah, you're sweeter-"
"Let's just call it a tie," Vania says with a smile, reaching over to give her friend a hug. "Thank you so much, I swear- well, no, I don't, but you know, anyways-"
"Yeah," Cole replies, laughing softly. "I know."
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
This is in response to questions I've received in my message box following my recent post on Jimin's love language. Ignore this if you've read my main post on this same topic- Or maybe not.
Also, I'm sorry about the Asks. I accidentally turned it off- AGAIN. Thanks for drawing my attention to it. I purple y'all.
What I meant by my last post was that, for us to understandJimin or even the rest of the members' love language, it is important we make a distinction between what is uniquely Jimin/the individual members' love language and what is their culture's or even the established and accepted practices within their group.
And on that, I said skinship is a cultural practice but also one of the group's adopted love languages. It is their way of achieving intimacy and bonding with eachother and as such they do not associate romantic connotations with it.
Thus, when they touch eachother in any way, provocative as it may seem to us, to them there is nothing romantic about it at all. So when Taekook, Jikook, Yoonmin or any of these pairs touch eachother, it is not with romantic intentions.
Why then does Jimlous and Jeonlous exist? For a myriad of reasons other than that skinship is romantic! Lol
I've explained previously, that JK and Jimin's discomfort with each other's skinship with the others often has to do with the lack of boundaries that is inherent in skinship rather than that they are actually jealous or see skinship as romantic. This is often true for Jimin.
With JK, his possessive nature very often amplifies his discomfort with the lack of boundaries but also because, out of the seven, he is the only one that had had a problem accepting and participating in the skinship culture within the group- well, him and Suga. It's taking them some getting used to.
But that wasn't because he was viewing skinship as romantic but rather because he was uncomfortable with affections and the overt expressions of it as is required of skinship.
That's not to say they do not or have not implied romantic intentions with their touches- there is nothing platonic about boners. Lol.
And any skinship that results in a visible sexual tension or arousal can no longer be deemed skinship- it's foreplay.
Jikook does skinship all the time like everyone else in the band, but often too some of those skinship crosses the platonic threshold into sexual foreplay- they ain't slick.
You just have to see the look on Tae's face when he noticed, through the view finder, Jimin caressing JK's thumb to comprehend that not all their touches are mere skinship.
That's one of the differences between Jikook and the other ships; Jikook presents a mutual sexual attraction towards eachother beyond the pubescent hormonal teen frenzy that marked their early formative days- god, those boys were so horny they could hump a tree to death. Bless them.
Mind you, I disregard any sexual innuendos that was present in Jikook's dynamics as well as any other ship's dynamics, if ever there was one, during that hormonal teen period of their lives. It was all something but nothing at the same time. They were all just being horny and gross teenage boys- Hashtag, war of hormones for real for real. Lol
All that that timeline taught me was, Jikook are freaky af and certainly don't see each other as brothers. CERTAINLY.
That being said, for a better understanding of Jimin's love language, a distinction must be made between love language and sexual interest. It will make sense in a bit.
Because Jimin's father is an affectionate person and this is the love language he has taught to Jimin, Jimin interprets any affectionate and kind act as a loving gesture. It is how he gives love, it is how he receives love.
He values kindness and compassion, selflessness, vulnerability, transparency, fairness etc.
Thus to show his love for you he will be kind to you, vulnerable with you, transparent with you, supportive of you and nurturing of you.
We see him being like this with all the members, even the staff and dancers too at times but more so with Tae and JK.
The question then is, how does Jimin receive love? What actions does he interpret as love? Easy, sexual attraction. Hear me out.
You see, because Jimin is a natural nurturer and he sees nurturing as a universal love language that everyone speaks or ought to speak, he requires his romantic love interest to distinguish between their platonic love interest and their romantic love interest.
To fulfill him emotionally, you would have to make him feel special, treat him differently from your friends, and let him know that you want him and only him.
Sexual interest is one way of distinguishing between platonic interests and romantic interests, and it flows from this that he not only requires grand gestures, or special treatment but that you flirt with him as well.
Hence his emphasis on flirting. He likes to flirt. He enjoys it. He's mastered it. He's a fucking pro at it- give him his medal.
Just to be clear, even though flirting is part of his love language, he has also adopted flirting as part of his idol persona and often when he is flirting overtly he is only doing it for the 'fan service.'
But that doesn't mean all of that is fan service. Sometimes it's blatant foreplay as I've explained above and if you can't tell the difference between his foreplay and fanservice- chileee, I can't help you.
I'm still traumatized by that Bon V 4 moment. Sweet Jesus, save me if they should keep this energy up!
It's important, at this point, to note that because Jimin is a nurturer, every decent human being can easily be compatible with him. I have said several times over my blog that Jimin is ship compatible with anyone and everyone- I ain't mad at that.
What it comes down to then is whom he prefers and whom he is choosing to make him happy and to fulfill him. I explained that choice and being able to be in charge of decision making and to make his own decisions is very important to Jimin because on his background.
And when it comes to love, it's no secret who Jimin wants. He wants JK and that's on Periodttt.
I explained that in the early days during Rookie King, he felt he needed to get emotionally closer to JK when he had an opportunity to talk and heal as a group- his personal was important to him.
In that JinJikook VLive when Jin was eating a lollipop in a provocative way he asked him to stop immediately but couldn't, for the love of god, tear his eyes off JK when JK ate his lollipop in a- I can't. Jikook!
Unless he is in his fan service mood or is being his slytherin slash whore of babylon self- bless him, often he would reject any attempt by anyone to flirt with him except JK.
And I keep reiterating this, flirting isn't JK's thing. It's Jimin's thing. The last time JK tried to this flirty- he cried. Lmho
Take that interview where the host moved closer to Jimin in a flirty way for example. Jimin leaned back away from him. In the popular words of Jimin- don't do that.
Then in this airport scene right here, where Suga and Tae tried to protect JM from getting mobbed (if video is missing check bottom of this post. I hate tumblr)
You could see Jimin moving towards JK. Now some may argue he was trying to protect the JK who seemed oblivious to what was going on but I beg to differ.
I just think Jimin was moving towards JK because that's his safe haven. That's the person he feels the most safe with. 'Jk will protect' 'JK is strong.' He felt threatened and his instincts was to fin that person whom he feels would and should protect him- and that person usually isn't very far away.
And no, I'm not being biased. It's just I can't in good conscience theorize and make wild assumptions about Jimin's emotional needs the way I would the other's because unlike the others, Jimin keeps showing us what he wants. Y'all are just not listening.
It is why I said, JK on paper seemed like the last person to meet Jimin's emotional needs. He didn't strike me as the ambitious type or the daring type the way Yoongi presented himself in early days. It is why I shipped Yoonmin or even Vmin.
And even in those ships, I didn't believe they were real. Suga was too emotional closed off and wouldn't
And as I explained, having been denied his ambitions, it's not a stretch to assume, Jimin desires an ambitious partner. One who loves the stage, loves their career.
But I feel, most people including myself underestimated Jungkook. As much as JK may not appear as ambitious career wise, he is one of the most passionate members of group.
His decision to join BTS was driven purely by passion, his decision to start GCF, get a tattoo and every other endeavor he's embarked has been driven purely by his passion. And passion is a variant of ambition.
Jimin pursues his ambitious and JK pursues his passions- they are the same in the same way. And I see why Jimin will tell JK they are one and the same. They are more alike than we think they are.
So yes, Jimin needs an ambitious partner but a passionate partner equally suffices.
What equally suffices is a supportive partner. One willing to sacrifice their ambitions or needs when it comes to it, to accommodate Jimin's needs. Jimin is very competitive in nature and hates to lose, we've been told.
And nobody lets Jimin win the way JK does. Nobody. It's funny, because VMin's dumpling fight took days/weeks to resolve. And Jikook's raining dat fight took a few hours.
What hit me about that tale as told by Jikook was JK going to Jimin to resolve their fight- another instance he let Jimin win. Tae loves Jimin but I don't see him sacrificing his ego and pride the way JK would for Jimin. I don't see any member doing that for Jimin quite frankly.
It is one way I see JK nurturing Jimin. Jk can be hard headed but there is a softness and a tenderness to him that's speaks to Jimin's love language.
I can go on and on about this topic, you know? Lol
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tsrookie · 4 years
Alright, so today’s the three-year anniversary of Reputation a.k.a the greatest album of all time, my baby, the light of my life, the album that deserved a Grammy (trying desperately not to think about the scene from Miss Americana😭), the album that introduced us to the most beautiful couple ever, the album that shut Kimye up, and I better stop now, or else I’m not gonna shut up.
So in honour of this momentous occasion (and the fact that I reached 200+ followers! Thank you so much you guys!🥺 Love you all 3000💙), here’s a loooooong post on why Reputation is the Ethan and MC album.
1. ...Ready For It?
No one has to know
Throwback to MC saying the exact same words back in Miami.
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby, mmm
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time
Remember back when MC asked for Ethan to get into bed right away during their first time? Ethan told them that he had dreamt about the moment for months, so he wasn’t going to rush it.
2. End Game
Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh you and me would be a big conversation
These two dating would be the talk of the hospital, and they know it.
Even when we'd argue, we don't do it for long
And you understand the good and bad, end up in the song
For all your beautiful traits, and the way you do it with ease
For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities
Think these lines are pretty self-explanatory😌
I hit you like bang
We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't
*gets war flashbacks of the ‘reset’ phase*😭 They tried to make it work, but we all know how Ch 8 of book 2 went😌
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
Perfect for our chaotic MC😌
3. Don’t Blame Me
Do I... really have to explain this one?
For you, I would cross the line
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
They say she's gone too far this time
Do we need a recap of our rule-breaking MC?
And baby, for you, I would fall from grace
Just to touch your face
If you walk away
I'd beg you on my knees to stay
He was willing to risk his (mostly) rule-abiding reputation for being with MC. And there’s no way he wouldn’t beg for MC not to leave him if he ever screwed up🤷‍♀️
4. Delicate
This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
Ethan stood by MC’s side throughout the Ethics hearing, when her reputation was completely smeared, and people only saw her as a patient murderer. He didn’t know about the sabotages, but he would’ve definitely supported her if he had known.
We can't make
Any promises now, can we, babe?
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep
Are you ever dreaming of me?
Sometimes when I look into your eyes
I pretend you're mine, all the damn time
They spent so much of time apart, not able to be with each other, so the least they could do was dream of being with each other all the time.
5. So It Goes (an underrated af bop)
What can I say... it’s a sex song, okay? Don’t make me go into the details😂 Just listen to the lyrics, and all will be clear.
6. Gorgeous (Tumblr won’t let me put any more links)
MC’s eternal anthem to Ethan.
Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine
You've ruined my life, by not being mine
We all know Ethan loves Whiskey, and the second line? C’mon!
You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But, what can I say?
You're gorgeous
Ethan Ramsey is famous for two reasons. One: his smart brain, I guess😒 Two: HIS LOOKS!!! HE’S GORGEOUS, AND DON’T DENY IT.
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in the darkened room (dark room, dark room)
Ah, the olden days of hand holding in the diagnostics office🥺
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die
No explanation required.
You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
The wonderful will-they-won’t-they saga. The frustrating hot-and-cold behaviour. The ‘We can’t’, ‘It’s unethical’ and ‘It’s complicated’. MC deserves an award for her patience😓
7. King Of My Heart
I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own
I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone
Ethan ‘I don’t believe in soulmates and nobody’s waiting at home’ Ramsey.
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for
King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa
And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go
King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa
This could be from both Ethan and MC’s perspectives. The love they share isn’t something that you get easily. It’s something that MC has waited for her whole life, and something Ethan never knew he needed, but now can’t live without🥺
Late in the night, the city's asleep
Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep
Change my priorities
The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
This was definitely Ethan throughout book 2, after he finally gave in. He let go of his previous rules and regulations, especially during the time of the attack. He was clearly affected, and once MC was alright, his main priority was her, and her alone.
Is the end of all the endings?
My broken bones are mending
With all these nights we're spending
Ethan’s been burnt a lot in the past. But all those wounds are now healing thanks to MC.
Up on the roof with a school girl crush
Drinking beer out of plastic cups
They act like lovesick teenagers around each other, like, that’s literally their description if you choose to kiss Ethan for the first time in Chapter 14 of book 2!😅
Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
Baby, all at once, this is enough
We all know about his initial fear of his mother reaching out to him for the sake of his money. To him, MC not talking advantage of him is a pretty big deal, even though it’s never mentioned. You just know, you know?🥺
8. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
My, my love had been frozen
Deep blue, but you painted me golden
Again, Ethan doesn’t have the best experience with love. But MC changed that.
I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
This could go both ways, cause they’re both piping hot messes😬 (but love each other anyway🥺)
The rest of this song could have made so much more sense for them if we had gotten some sort of a secret relationship storyline. But oh well, I’m definitely not complaining about the gala😌 (and definitely not believing any of the supposed cancelled storylines)
9. Dress
Our secret moments
In a crowded room
They got no idea
About me and you
I mean... pretty obvious😌
Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
This is practically Ethan’s train of thought, and you can’t convince me otherwise.
As for the rest of the steamier lyrics... I’ll um... let you guys listen to it yourselves😁
10. Call It What You Want
I wrote an entire fic inspired by this song, so excuse me for the shameless self-promo, but go give it a read?🥺👉👈(totally fine if you don’t! I’ve probably made so many posts about this song that y’all know the meaning anyway😅)
11. New Years Day
Don't read the last page
But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
MC has always stayed by Ethan’s side, even when he’s pushed her away. These lines perfectly explain how she wants his worst times, and his best, the midnights they spend staying up together, and the moments where it’s just the two of them, when everyone else has left, like the aftermath of a New Years party (still mad at the fact that we didn’t get to see the gang celebrate New Year together😭)
I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe
Or if you strike out and you're crawling home
The above explanation for these lines as well.
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Becoming strangers to each other would be their worst nightmares. Knowing that the other was out there in the world somewhere, but not being in their lives would kill them.
You and me forevermore
These two are each other’s soulmate, they know it, even if they haven’t said it yet. Forever wouldn’t be enough for them to shower each other with they love they hold for each other. But it’s a good start.
If you guys made it this far, then I honestly love you more than words can ever express🥺💙 Thanks for putting up with my Swiftie-Directioner-Ethan stan ass, cause I dunno if I’d ever be able to handle someone like myself. And if you read all the above stuff, then I hope you wanna know why this album means so much to me.
Reputation is perceived as a dark album, when in reality it’s truly about finding love amongst all the noise. This album, and Taylor and Joe’s story, taught me what true love actually is, and Ethan and MC cemented that. This album and these two couples (quite literally) saved my life.
The most beautiful part about both these relationships is that even though they never showed it openly, for the sake of their relationships, both Ethan(in the story) and Joe stood by the side of the one’s they loved, despite half of the people who they knew hating on them, or betraying them. And I think that’s what’s truly important. Forming a true relationship like that, be it platonic or romantic, is long lasting, and I hope everyone finds those kind of people to fill their hearts with. Sending much love, and sorry for being a huge sap😅💙
Tagging a couple of my Swiftie homies: @swiftlydarcy @nikki-2406 @dxnicaramsey @kaavyaethanramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @drariellevalentine @justanotherrookie
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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JUMP CUT ALERT: This is a continuation of an ongoing discussion behind the scenes.
Article 19, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Every person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression which includes the freedom to hold an opinion without interference through any media.
Misinterpretation of my opinion, my words constitute a violation of my human rights. Please do not take my words out of context, share it on another platform in furtherance of your own agenda. If you do hold yourself accountable first. You are the author of your own intentions and interpretations.
I do not intend malice by my words nor do I seek to be disrespectful of any member mentioned in here. I simply enjoy mentally stimulating conversations and thought provoking discussions.
Let the records show.
Thanks to everyone that's shared your thoughts on this matter with me and thanks to that person that brought this matter to my attention.
I haven't looked into it and I don't know how severe this issue is.
I think people have the right to believe in anything they want to believe in. Personally, I don't think Santa is real but clearly others do, doesn't mean I'm sane or that they are crazy.
I don't think discussions of this nature should be about who is right or who is wrong. Everyone's opinion is valid and holds true to their own delusions. Lol.
Frankly, I prefer this kind of ship wars to the slurs and abuses and they are distributing hard core porn now?? What is going on! Chileee.
I have never believed JK and Tae to be anything more than friends. At one point, I wondered if they were even friends at all lol but since they admitted to having had a falling out themselves at one point the topic is now moot.
Tae and JK have- had- have a really special bond. To me anyways. I always saw them as the evil power twins of BTS due their ability to come together to wreck havoc especially on Bang PD's scripts. Lol. I think I have mentioned this a few times now.
I smiled to myself when I heard them call themselves partners in crime. The bond is there no two ways about it- you either appreciate it for what it is or you don't. personally I love their bond. Can't stand their shippers but I love their bond. They keep the drama going for me- love it. Lol
The question has always been whether their bond is as profound as their shippers make it seem. I argue it's not and I will always argue it is not. Lol
I think it's only fair that they also question whether Jikook's bond is as profound as we make it sound. I really can't be mad at that. All is fair in love and war- at the very least we can agree to disagree.
I mean even Jikookers themselves question the extent of JK and JM's bond. Some think they are just very special friends and nothing more. I think I talked about this in my is Jikook real post when I mentioned labels and the degree of love between JK and JM?
We know JK and JM have a unique bond. The question then is how far does that bond go. Is it just platonic, romantic or something in between?
This is the question I was aiming to answer with my is Jikook real post. My objective was to try and dismantle all the nuances that keep us from seeing the 'truth' about Jikook- that they are real. At least the way I see them.
I talked about unrealistic expectations we have of Jikook, false conditionings that often leads us to see Jikook as something more than they are- the amplified Jikook. We get used to highlight reels of Jikook's interactions in edits such that we feel there is something wrong with them when we see them in real time.
I mentioned that Jimin's nurturing nature often also estops people from reading more into his relationship with JK. He is nurturing of everyone, JK ain't special- they argue, just as this person is doing.
I talked about Jimin's Idol persona, the facade of the boy in love with JK- Jimin's role within BTS since debut and how that can equally blind us into thinking Jikook is something more or less than they really are. I have a post dedicated to this topic sitting in my drafts so I will not go into the details of it here. Please look forward to that.
But this person's post touches on another aspect of Jimin's personality that I feel is one of the things that often keeps us from seeing his relationship with JK for what it really is- his inclination for professionalism.
I keep saying this, several times now, that Jimin's Idol persona to me seems well developed, elaborate and very elusive.
I have mentioned a few times how I think during Jikook break ups that they keep it civil and professional for the sake of the team and that you might not even notice the difference especially if you place high value on their skinship.
The skinship would be there, the cordiality and civility would equally be there- except for moments when they are fighting, that gets bloody. Lol. They are best friends at the very least. It is why it's important to reevaluate the metrics we use to determine whether or not they are a couple.
I wish I could dialogue with this person to understand her assessment of Jikook and what she is using to determine whether or not Jikook are a couple and what makes her think Tae and JK are. Know what I mean?
What makes her think Jikook were a couple before 2017? What makes y'all think Jikook are a couple at all? I would like to hear from y'all- but come at me with the skinship bit and I'll block you deadass. Lol
So on this person's post, I think I agree with her assessment of JM's persona but I don't agree with the Jikook have been broken up since 2017. And I think I understand where this is coming from... I think some of us do. Yes they had a few fights that year especially leading up to Jimin's birthday- August was it? but we all know JK more than made up for it with the damn GCFs. Lol. kindly visit the timeline, peruse as many content as you can and form your own opinion on it. This is just mine.
Are Jikook Jikooking all the time? Absolutely not. They are human too. They fight, they make up, they break up they get back together, they have introverted, extroverted moments, they go up, they go down- have bad hair days, it's all part of their dynamics I'm afraid. From my point of view of course.
I feel some people notice these things too and when they sense Jikook aren't in a good place they bow out and Jump ship- I don't blame them. They are shippers not supporters. What Jikook need are supporters not shippers- or maybe both, do you.
Could this person be one such people? DNF shippers? Given up on Jikook before the end of their story? I don't know. May be.
Jikook is not a fantasy that you ship. It's a relationship that you support. You can't escape into them. They are an ongoing love story- chapters close, chapters open, you just have to ride it out till the very end.
I think the challenge of their post for me is whether or not Jikook is a performance. Her post leans into the whole Jikook is fanservice bull especially in light of the recent photoshoot video which some are using as evidence Jikook don't 'click' when the cameras are off- the lies they tell on Beyonce's internet!
I think I have speculated on this and shared my thoughts on this whole Jikook is fanservice bit. I will delve deeper into it in my next post on Jimin's idol persona but as I've already said, Jikook is fanservice is equally a misnomer.
Yes Jikook does fanservice sometimes, but they are not fanservice. Fanservice is the cover for their relationship. It's their glass ceiling- nothing to see here folks just two snakes under glass. Keep it pushing. (Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Lol)
But you do raise a valid question, what is Jikook like when the cameras are not filming?
Is the mood of Jikook in that footage the general mood of Jikook behind cameras as Tuktukkers are claiming? They barely interact, JM doesn't pay much attention to Kook, yadda yadda yadda?
And the part that gives me a complex, that JK only interacts with JM when they are the center of attention. Huh???????????
I feel caught between a rock and a hard place on this one.
The theory you pointed out in support of this assertion isn't mine and I think I made it clear I didn't share the same thoughts on it. I said it was valid nevertheless. Chilee, this is hard. Lol
Yes JK is an introvert, Jimin is an extrovert, JM doesn't live for JK, all that is true and some Jikookers have said that too- so when you ask, if this is who they are when the cameras are off does that mean what they do when the cameras turn on is fanservice-
I don't know the thought process that went into that theory so I can't confidently defend it. I'll ask? Lol.
Personally, I'd like to know whether or not they see the tension in that footage as tension in the first place. Chileee I don't know.
I see it as tension. Not a very serious one though. So we'd have to agree to disagree on that one.
But the part I can argue, the part I agree with is Jikook aren't hyper super duper lovey dovey on each other all the time. They aren't cuddly all the time. They have their moments of quiet- Jimin seems like the more affectionate kind who'd rub all over JK in the comfort of their homes but still...
If you ask me though, I think Jikook are tamer on cameras than they are behind scenes. I always talk about the fear and panic in the members' eyes when they see Jikook gravitating towards each other- it's probably because they know the extent of Jikook's shenanigans. They know how worse it can be because they've seen it all.
And when JK panics sometimes when JM gets closer too you just know dude is scared perhaps because of his Mochi chick's devil may care shamelessly in love policies- Jimin wild. Bless him.
I did say also that Memories 2019 is equally eye opening. These were censored bits. BigHit was holding all of that and giving us crumbs- stingy mfs. Bless.
All that said, again I don't think Jikook are hyper lovey on eachother behind the scenes. Another part I diverge from that view is that this is not exactly off camera. It was just behind the scenes of a photoshoot. Something we've seen a countless times.
This is not BTS's first ever behind scenes photoshoot. It's just a different angle that's all.
They were working. They were at work. This wasn't an alone private space for them so they can't base on this to say Jikook don't interact when the cameras are off.
The cameras were rolling. We saw them interact, JM was interacting with everyone the way he always does on camera all the time except he wasn't interacting with JK the way he does all the time, grainy footage or not- I mean let's call a spade a spade and not a big fat spoon. Lol
As to why he was doing that- let's just say there are many schools of thoughts.
My thought as I've said is JM was freezing JK out. I think with anyone that's recognized and is familiar with Jikook fights, that mood is all too familiar as I mentioned earlier.
If JM was being courteous and not mad at his man then he would have kept it 'professional' and done the 'fanservice' bit with Jk as per usual just as this person is saying since the cameras were still rolling.
Jikook is not fanservice. They are real.
I have refrained from providing a detailed analysis of that '5 minutes' footage for reasons I will explain later when I do share my thoughts on that footage- eventually. Some day.
But my hypothesis remains the same that I think Jikook were fighting or had a minor issue. As to why they were fighting, chileee I don't know. The confirmation bias in me feel it had something to do with JM's birthday but honestly it could have been over anything at all- dumplings, microphones- we all saw that slap on stage, a certain Iphone notification perhaps, did JinMin make a secret VLive without Kook again? Lol
There are plethora of reasons, I can only speculate on a few. And I think we've all seen Jimin when he is not 'Jimining' with the others, JK included. Take his mood with Tae at GDA for example- since this is not a VMin post I won't go into it.
But it seems they squashed whatever beef they were having on stage when JM extended his hands to Tae and they shaked it out.
We've seen him and Suga bicker too- which again, I am not gonna to get into out of respect for their shippers but I can point you to the On comeback VLive early this year when Suga touched JM and JM mouthed Hajima to him- which I think had something to do with what was going on with him and JK at the time but that is besides the point. Every shipper for themselves.
I contrast his 'fights' with Suga and V to show you the difference between Jimin being professional and courteous and Jimin being rah rah. He was sat next to suga, talking and laughing with him but snapped the moment Suga held his back.
He did the same in the Dynamite MV Vlive, smiling and laughing with Suga but the moment JK teased him with the Yoonmin comment his countenance fell.
Jimin is not that good of an actor if you ask me. I have said he is very Kumbaya in nature, often makes compromises for the sake of the team but that don't mean he is a pushover or one to trifle with- he scares me when he is mad. Lmho.
The scene in that footage didn't look to me as that he was being nice and courteous to JK- is that y'all's definition of professional courtesy? Damn.
If they were having a lover's squabble then the 'icy' mood of Jikook we saw in that footage is not the general mood of Jikook when the camera's are turned off.
I have to state again that I don't know much of what goes on behind the cameras and most of the things we see sometimes are equally missing context.
That been said we have seen enough of Jikook 'behind cameras' and they are more intimate than we can imagine. A certain cozy selfie at the back of an abandoned truck comes to mind. Whatever they were doing at the back of the track wasn't intended for the cameras judging from JK's reaction.
We've had glimpses of Jikook when they are not the center of attention enough to have a fair idea of what they are when cameras are off and I don't think it is that mood we saw in that footage.
We saw them at Jingle ball bell, towards the end of 2019. We saw them in their own space doing what they do best- making us feel single as fuck. Bless them.
We've seen them at awards, we've seen JK eating Jimin's ear nom nom to calm him down- like I would have just bought him icecream to calm down his nerves or rubbed his back but whatever JK. He is your man; you know him best. Good for him. Good for both of you. Now come back and feed us.
And the bit about JK only laughing with JM when he noticed he was on the Bangtan Bomb cameras in that footage- now that's nasty below the belts phony ass ass! I felt that one straight in my chest, shit. Lol
Dude was in a doghouse it seemed and I noticed them stealing glances at each other and.... sigh.
I just think JK was looking for an opening to warm his way back into JM's good graces- it's really nothing we haven't seen before.... sigh.
This is 2020 that narrative of JK hates Jimin, JK doesn't like JM needs to stop. It's dead. Pack it up. Chileee, y'all tried it with this one.
Jk is nice to JM only when the cameras are on him? Nice try.
JK is so fake and fraudulent he glared RM down till he stepped away from Jimin- again, in the very same photoshoot footage y'all swear to God is proof Jikook is not real.
Find it. RM stood next to JM. Looks up see's something- or someone. Does his tell- the hand to head thingy he does when JK glares at him over Jimin. He backs away inches from JM.
Cut to JK. Dudes a mood. Jin bumps into him, stares at him but JK wouldn't even look at him and then deadass looks away grumpyly- talk of professionalism. You doing great swidy keep going!
You can hide a relationship, fake it on God but you can never hide the intimacy. Taekook just lack that intimacy, I'm sorry. Even in that 'estranged' moment Jikook's intimacy was still there-
Even in whatever mood JK was in- which again, I believe was just due to their lover's squabble- JK still was claiming his man and exercising his right of authority over him. That's how you know they are not broken up. In my opinion. Chileee. I'm gonna get in trouble. Deep sigh.
Y'all think JK was hovering over Jimin because he was preparing to strike him down like a censored censored censored? Yea, he was preparing to strike alright- All the corners of Jimin's heart. Y'all better stop before I find you. Lol
I said I wasn't going to analyze the footage in this post but damn. This man out here serving us all kinds of brooding assorted jeonlous as his man takes a time out or two to wiggle wiggle wiggle on him Malfroy style and y'all are out here peddling nonsense. Strike one.
He was a mood alright. Did y'all see Tae rubbing his chest, arms and legs, ears did y'all see any body else in there doing that for him? Y'all's falcon cannot hear his falconer give it up and sorry, Jikook can't relate.
As I've posited, JM I feel was mad as hell for whatever reason and wasn't in the space to be that person JK needed him to be- in that moment. Doesn't mean they are like that behind scenes all the time.
And before I get attacked again for causing drama, being toxic etc by Jikookers understand that I am just a delusional person shipping these two in a way that makes sense to me. Write me off as delulu, and go please.
Whatever ambiguity surrounds that moment, to me, Jin and RM's reaction to JK clarifies things a bit. Jikook were boiling hot. JK was still keeping an eye on his man. Lol. Bless them. That's my conclusion. I'm running miles with that. Catch me. Lol
Feel free to come up with your own theory in a way that makes sense to you.
I'm not sure how long that fight lasted but from the rain day incident I'm hoping it wasn't that long. Jikook are fine I believe- I hope. Judging from the way JM drew JK out in his VLive with the whole I miss JK comment? Did that not sound familiar to y'all? And that Mickey mouse thingy- JM ain't slick. Bless him.
JM is the perched akekeke whisperer whispering all kinds of things in JK's ear, feeding JK news of what goes on on social media and what not. Dude don told his man they won a BB on his birthday, told his man Jin wasn't happy he chose his bag over his- definitely told his man Army was missing him- what? I'm going with that too sue me. Lol
Did you or did you not see Jk coming out to do a live log afterwards? And JK seemed less grumpy, in very high spirits? Wedding bells- I'm manifesting it for JK. Manifest with me.
Remember when JM did a log and talked nonsense about JK, and JK did a rebuttal log to respond to JM and address some of the things JM had said about him? Remember that? It's a jikook thing and it's back😌
I have said JM uses social media to connect with Army while JK uses it as an outlet to express himself. Through out his Live he kept talking about how he wasn't prepared to do a live and it shows in the way he kept saying it was awkward, he just kept it business and didn't know what else to share... I wonder who put his paws on him, dragged his ass to turn on the camera because Armys had asked of him- a certain quick tempered chick who dragged his man out on social media to do the whole Chuseok greetings 2020 on Twitter perhaps?
And JK is so whipped he'd do just about all the hoops to appease his man- Jikook AU written by Goldy. High five. No but seriously...
Behind the scenes, JK sneaks into JM's bed at night- Taekook does it too? Please! The look on JM's face when RM spilled that tea is enough said.
There's only two people in BTS that panic and don't want us to know they lay one on God in bed and it's not Tae Kook.
JK: Jimin hyung and I will sleep here
JM: how about we let the others choose first
Everyone shares a room:
JIKOOK share a room:
Footage: 🚪👀
Behind the cameras Jikook sneak into each others bed- camera caught them live. You saw JM's face, I can't make this shit up. Lol
Behind the scenes, Jikook do laundry at 1am. *insert JM pervy face meme.
Chileee, y'all making me trip with this one. Deep breaths.
Jikook have their moments. This was one of them. Can they be human? Please. Thank you.
At this point, these folks are not even shippers. They is shoppers shopping a man for their bias. Lol. Just admit y'all want Jeon thick thighs strong butt for your bias and go. Just admit you want some tall glass of Tiger charming face husky voice strong chest for your bunny and go. Lmho
Chilee, when we say Tae and Kook had a falling out we don't mean they freeze eachother out behind cameras. Hell, we don't even mean they fake their bond or interactions. C'mon! Tae and JK admitted they are not lovers and y'all is bitter. That's why y'all is making up this nonsense about Jikook. Speak the truth and shame the devil. Peter would be proud.
When we say Tae Kook is not real, We just mean JM spends JK's birthday with him while every one including Tae is out there cruising for Jesus with friends. We just mean Jikook claim eachother even when they beefing. That ship beefed and didn't even know they was beefing and they are real? Damn.
We just mean Jikook make efforts for each other even when they are having bad days- Had it not been for Jimin they'd still be gnashing on these cold streets. Place some respect on his name, y'all's ungrateful. Lol
Tae and JK don't want each other they both want Jimin- there. I said it.
Thanks for attending my Tedtalk. 👁👄👁
Now where was I? Never mind. I'm just gonna go burn some sage. There's too much negativity going on around. Hakuna matata!
There is nothing wrong with Taekook as a ship. Personally, I'm a multishipper I ship all the ships but I support Kookmin. I don't mind their shippers calling them whatever, but my eyes twitch when people who claim they support Jikook act wishy washy with Jikook. Lol. Like are you going to withdraw your support of Kookmin if JK sits on Tae's lap?👀 Yall make me nervous. How can you think Jikook is real but then look at Taekook and go huh??? What are y'all seeing that I can't see?
Like those are two completely different dynamics. It's the skinship isn't it? Talk to me. Jikookers who see something nonplatonic in Taekook honestly give me trust issues. Y'all have me out here looking over my shoulders.
I am delusional but I'm confident in my delusions because to me it is about the love and support for JM and JK as LGBTQ plus couples. Please stop shipping Jikook, stop shopping JK and JM for eachother and start supporting them because they are real.
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