#i am demigirl
I can describe my gender as being the way it is because I was built a girl, and I had to learn slowly over time that the changes to myself I have made have nothing to do with my gender or sex, but I feel like I got something a bit funky going on inside and I feel a bit like I'm not fully girl but not anything else. I identify as demi girl, and I am a demi girl in the way that a cupcake is a muffin but a muffin is not a cupcake.
Aka if being a girl was like our solar system, then I'm pluto. Technically I'm not supposed to be in there, but nobody wants nor cares to push me outta the party.
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Just told my friend we had a squish on her, but it wasn't a crush because we're aroace and she was like. "Cool, and same on both fronts"
I'm so fucking happy y'all, is this what the allos feel when someone else reciprocates a crush? Cause this is fucking awesome.
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justdavina · 1 month
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Just a absolutely beautiful transgender woman! I just love her wonderful outfit!
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crazybifansie · 3 months
I just realized there are only 4 (including today) more days left of pride month 😭🥺 and I am going to miss all the stores (or at least some) selling pride merch that some of it looks ugly to try and convince us to buy stuff, because I like laughing at it. Also wanted to say that it has been my mission to use the pride emojis (aka ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜, 🏳️‍🌈,🏳️‍⚧️) and keep them in my recently used emojis all month (and I’m proud to say I have) and here’s to hopping I can keep them for 4 more days 🥂
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diadraws · 1 year
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it is pride month so.. POTION OF POST MY HEADCANONS ENGAGE!!!!!! the little trans alien thingy is a symbol i made up for xenogender. (i think using a miraculous for any extended period of time will eventually xeno your gender....)
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
"This is the gender fuckery and cis+ website"You guys can't even handle trans people who don't want to physically transition
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cha-mij · 1 year
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Apparently I'm a dragonfly.
Darting wings of manganese
Fly solo ‘mongst the swarm
Other colours pair, or blend
And twirl, and dance, conform.
To outmoded convention
Of What “always has been”
Ignoring the wings that
Circle freely, unseen.
Others purples have entered
The kaleidoscope dance
In harmonic singularity
Meeting only by chance
While the bonded wings dance
Their coupling operation
Their solitary companions
Fear no infatuation
Instead they dance together
A gamble of kinship
Purple dragonflies happy
No desire for courtship.
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Aight here we go.
I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of this but some of y’all crazy motherfuckers up in my ask box calling me (a literal victim of pedophilia) a pedo and cussing me out simply because I added they/them pronouns to my profile. Let’s get this fuckery over with.
You all are making the nature of your “activism” really obvious at this point. It is clear to me now that a lot of you do not actually care about ending violence against babies in utero, or women’s health, or really anything that matters or that I blog about. What you care about is making sure everyone else matches your exact ideology, and mercilessly bullying the people who do not.
I have struggled with who I am for a long time. I have struggled with my trauma, my recent divorce, my religious beliefs (which I have never posted about here), and yes- my gender identity.
I am fully comfortable with my biology. I do not hate my uterus, my breasts, or my vagina. I do not hate men, or women, or pro choicers or prolifers. I feel I have worked hard to make that abundantly clear on this page. Here is what I do hate: I hate violence against innocence, I hate senseless bullying and discrimination, I hate pretending you are advocating for something important and bigger than yourself, and then being an absolute dickhead to people who would otherwise be on your side. If the words that I choose to use in reference to myself upset you THAT much, please unfollow me. Please block me. Please feel free to stew and whine and cry all day every day.
But for the love of all things holy, do not pretend you are advocating for anything other than your own personal, controlling, narcissistic agenda.
I identify as a demigirl. I choose to use they/them pronouns. I am bisexual. I’m learning to be proud of who I am, and it doesn’t change my activism in the slightest. If you agreed with what I posted before, but cannot stand me anymore… the only shifting variable is your willingness to listen. Not who I am, and not what I am saying.
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I wish I could be agender the way Murderbot is agender. Right down to the lack of biological sexual characteristics. So agender that the term agender comes with too much associated gender to accurately apply. You know what I mean?
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spacecowboy-01 · 3 days
But guys
I what if im just a demigirl
Either that or im just a feminine-aligned enby
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mayvora · 4 months
yay hearts! drew them for fun. happy pride everyone!!!
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I can draw more if you wanna just reply with your flag 💜
I died on tags btw
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Personal confession cause I'm sick:
One of my dreams is to be picked up bridal style by a tall badass woman.
Or to be the tall badass woman picking up someone bridal style.
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teethburger · 7 months
gender is so fucking confusing
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justdavina · 27 days
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La Grande Dame is a amazing drag queen!
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ladyofspoons · 9 months
realizing that for the first year ever, i not only made a meaningful resolution, not only followed through with it, but absolutely smashed it out of the park. my goal for this year was to take that girl in my head, and bring her into reality, really focus on being who i had always wanted and really figuring out who that was. it’s genuinely hard to believe it’s only been one year. i’ve made so much progress, grown so much, understand myself so much deeper now, i’ve began experimenting with my wardrobe and crafting my own style, began the process of reshaping the flesh i was given into the person who inhabited it. i have truly forged my life into a habitat for my true self, and fae has finally arrived. people know me how i want to be known, and my relationships with them are made more meaningful now that both parties know who they are. by no means am i close to finished, but if you told me from one year ago that i’d be where i am today in my transition, they’d have called you a liar. things i could not imagine in a thousand years have happened in the span of a single solar orbit. for all my queer siblings, especially those at the beginnings of their journeys, i encourage you not just to be your genuine self, but if at all possible, start to shape your life into a space that ideal version of you would live. it gets a lot easier for them to exist in reality once they have room to do so.
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missjanjie · 8 months
is it possible to be nb while only using the pronouns associated with your agab? like i don’t feel misgendered being called a woman or anything but i also don’t feel any connection to being a woman? like idk if it’s just being a lesbian but there’s such a disconnect between gender and gender expression for me and like i tack on an ‘im cis’ disclaimer to any time i talk gender but as well versed in micro labels as i believe i am i also don’t, like, feel cis?
i spent a lot of 2020 exploring my gender identity which is where i realized i could never answer to another name and only want to use she/her pronouns but also de-feminizing me is something that’s always been weaponized growing up being fat and weird so when i dress up, it means a dress, makeup, etc. but also none of that is inherently gendered and gender isn’t real
im just going in circles
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