#I leave the spn fandom for a minute and come back and suddenly everything is happening lmao
notanettelmao · 2 years
Pack Mentality pt. 2
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(Teen Wolf rewrite)
Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Supernatural Warnings: usual TW stuff, usual SPN stuff... Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x reader Words: 1,2k
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Scott and Stiles were getting their lunch while Y/N had already gone to find a table to eat their food at. The guys were whispering as they slowly made their way over to her. Scott set his tray on the table and took off his backpack before sitting down, Stiles doing the same sitting across from him right next to Y/N. 
“Something happened last night and I can’t remember what,” Scott said as he stared at his food. Y/N looked up from her phone and blinked a few times.
“Yeah, you said that already.”
“What makes you sure that Derek even has all the answers?” Stiles asked, ignoring Y/N’s comment.
“Because during the full moon he was in full control while I was running around attacking some totally innocent guy,” Scott poked his food with a fork. Y/N looked back down at her phone not really paying attention to the conversation between her two friends. She was sure Stiles would repeat everything to her later anyway. 
“I can’t go out with Allison. I have to cancel.”
“You’re not canceling, okay? You can’t just cancel your entire life! We will figure it out.” Stiles gestured to himself, Y/N and Scott with his hand as he was talking. Suddenly someone slammed their tray on the table, making all three of them jump.
“Figure out what?” Lydia asked. Y/N frowned. What was she doing, sitting with them? She quickly turned her head to look at Stiles, rolling her eyes when she noticed how he was staring at Lydia. 
“Homework,” she answered quickly, smiling at Lydia - it looked more like a face someone would make after licking a lemon. More people started sitting down at their table, making Y/N shift in her seat. She wasn’t comfortable around all these wannabe cool kids. Y/N watched Jackson kick one of the people out of their chair so he could sit down. 
“I’m giving this ten minutes. Then I’m leaving,” she mumbled to Stiles. He didn’t respond though, making her sigh. 
“So, I hear they’re saying it’s some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar,” Danny broke the silence at the table.
“I heard a mountain lion,” Jackson said.
“A cougar is a mountain lion,” Y/N said at the same time as Lydia, both sounding annoyed. Both of them then looked at each other making eye contact. Danny and Jackson stared at Lydia, visibly confused.
“Isn’t it?” Lydia then asked, making Y/N raise an eyebrow at her and then frown. Why was she playing dumb? Y/N shook her head and looked back down to her phone, ignoring anything else being said by the people around her. She was going through articles about the mysterious black goo appearing all around America. She was sure all of those cases were leviathans. She hoped her brothers had everything under control. 
“You’re a terrible bowler!” Stiles said loudly after the three friends left the cafeteria. Y/N was laughing next to him as Scott groaned.
“I know! I’m such an idiot!” 
“It was like watching a trainwreck! First, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and then out of nowhere comes that phrase-” Stiles continued.
“Hang out,” Y/N said, nodding. Scott rolled his eyes.
“Yes. Thank you.” Stiles said and then looked back at Scott. 
“You don’t hang out with hot girls, okay? It’s like death. Once it’s hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend,” Y/N frowned a little when she heard Stiles say that. Scott looked at her and then at his best friend.
“You and Y/N hang out.”
“That’s-” Stiles turned to look at Y/N for a few seconds and then back at Scott. 
“That’s not the same. Y/N’s not-” Stiles stopped talking when he noticed the look Scott was giving him. He was staring at Stiles with a slight frown, one eyebrow raised. Stiles blinked a few times, realizing what he was saying. He turned around to face Y/N, who was staring at her shoes pretending she wasn’t listening. 
“I-” he started but she looked up at him shaking her head. 
“No, it’s okay. I know what you meant,” she mumbled, putting on a fake smile. 
“No, you don’t-”
“I do Stiles. I know I’m not hot. And to be honest I’m glad. It means no one can be attracted to me. Which means fewer people to worry about, so you know..” She shrugged.
“I’m a Winchester. We don’t do relationships anyway.” She made a face and then motioned with her hand toward the door.
“I’m gonna go, I need to call my uncle.” That was a lie. Scott knew that, Stiles seemed to believe it tho. Y/N didn’t wait for them to say anything and just left. Scott waited till she was far enough, then he hit Stiles’ shoulder.
“Ouch! What was that for?” He asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, scared that Scott might hit him again.
“You are so dumb,” was all Scott said.
Y/N walked all the way from the school to the Argents’ house. She looked around the streets of Beacon Hills trying to remember all the bookstores so she could go and search for some old lore books in case she needed them. She also decided to actually call Bobby when she got inside her room where she was sure no one could hear her.
As soon as she unlocked the door Y/N ran up the stairs ignoring Chris staring at her from the doorway to the kitchen. She slammed the door behind her, threw her backpack at her chair, and plopped face-first on the bed with her phone in her hand. 
“Mhkay,” she mumbled after a while and rolled over so she laid on her back. She then finally pressed the call button on her screen. The phone beeped a few times. Right as the timer of the call popped up on her screen she started talking.
“Hey Bobby! I-” She was interrupted by a voice that didn’t belong to her uncle.
“Y/N, hi.” 
“Dean? Why do you have Bobby’s phone? What happened?” She sat up on the bed, ready to pack her things and run to help her family if needed. 
“Please don’t freak out. Everything is under control.” Dean was trying to calm her down, but not very successfully. 
“What happened?” She asked again. 
“Bobby was shot. By a leviathan. But he is okay. They saved him Y/N. We thought he wouldn’t make it, but he is okay and sleeping now.” Y/N got up from the bed and started pacing around her room. 
“He could have died? Why didn’t you call me?” She yelled.
“We wanted to, I swear! He told us not to.” Dean sighed. 
“I-...” Y/N teared up. 
“Okay, I’m gonna go. Tell him I said hi please,” she whispered, forgetting why she even called in the first place. 
“Yeah, will do. Bye Y/N/N,” Dean said. She could hear Sam saying bye in the background before she hung up. She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Research by herself it is then.
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
Protector : Questioned.
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Pairing :   Dean x F!Reader, Alex (OC), Sam, Detective Baker (OC)
Word count : 1,463
Warnings : Time jump - little over 4 years after chapter 10. Illegal questioning of a minor.  Fear and anxiety of what's to come. Series TW : Domestic Abuse is a constant topic- be it mentioned, or actually happening.
Continuation of this series was commissioned by : @iflostreturntosteverogers​​
Part 11 of Protector.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
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Alex sat at the table quietly, eyes downcast on his hands that were clasped in his lap. The offered glass of water on the table sat untouched.  He’d been silent since entering the room, not a word no matter what they said. They had been nice enough at the start, but they were getting angry. They were running out of time, he knew it, they knew it, hell, they knew he knew it.
“Look, kid, we know you know something. You aren’t stupid. You live with the guy, you work for him-”
“I work in a garage.” Alex finally spoke, though he still didn’t look up at the detective who was leaning on the table. “I work on cars for dumbasses who don’t know the ‘check engine’ light means to check your fucking engine.” He finally looked up. “That's all I know.”
“You work in their garage.”
“I work in a garage. I don’t know who owns it.” Alex shrugged, and that seemed to piss the detective off, he could tell by the way his jaw ticked.
“Yeah? And who got you that job?”
“I applied for it.” Alex dead panned. “I gave my resume to every garage in town, they just offered me better pay.” Alex shrugged. “If you know so much about me, then you know I've had a knack for cars and engineering for years. Want to know about my middle school science fair project?”
“You and Dean left the state a few weeks back-”
“Visiting schools. It’s why I work, to pay for college.”
“Why the extra muscle then?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You were accompanied by-” the detective flipped open the folder on the table. The first page had Dean’s mugshot and a list of information, but Alex barely got a look at it as the pages turned. “Sam Winchester, and one Ash ‘Dr Badass’ Miles.”
“An Alumni of the school showing me around.” Alex shrugged. “What's your point?”
“My point is, son, you’re in danger.” Alex laughed at that. “You think that’s funny? You live and work with the men who, we are convinced, killed your father.”
“Dean is my father.”
“Your real father.”
“My ‘real father’ beat the shit out of me and my mom and tried to kill us before disappearing. He’s a missing person that for some fucked up reason you’re still looking for.”
“Because we’re convinced that Dean had him killed.”
“Yeah? When I was 5, I was convinced that my dad was the best dad on the plant. Sometimes, people are just wrong.”  The door burst open, and Alex just smiled at the detective. “Time’s up.”
“Let’s go, Alex.”
“Ma’am-” The detective held out his hand to try and stop Alex from standing and leaving.
“You! You have some fucking nerve dragging a 17 year old boy in here.” You took a step closer, finger pointed at him. “You have no fucking right to ask him anything without a parent or a lawyer, and I know for a fact he asked for both when he walked into the station. So now, you’ll be hearing from my lawyer for harassing my son.”
“Your husband killed his father.” The detective countered. “Don’t you want justice?”
“If he’s dead, big fucking if, justice has been served. Leave my son alone. Out, Alex.”
Alex stood and gave the detective a polite smile. “Sorry, bud. You fucked up.”
“Alex!” You shot him a glare as he left the room, then turned that glare on the detective. “Stay away from my son.” you growled before turning on your heel and storming out.
Dean was standing next to the Impala when you both walked out. “You okay?” He asked, eyes on Alex.
“I’m fine, Dean. Really, I’m okay.” Alex smiled and opened the back door.
Dean cupped your face as you got close to him. “Are you okay?”
“They took him in for questioning.. For what? Why harass a teenage boy?”
“I don’t know, baby. Sammy’s buddy from Stanford is already flying in, he’s good.” You gave him a nod and he pressed his lips to your forehead, his eyes going behind you as the door opened and the detective stepped out. Dean’s jaw ticked, and you looked up at him. “Let’s go home.”
You turned and glanced back at the detective as Dean opened the passenger side door for you. You slid in, and Dean shut the door behind you. Your attention on the detective who stood watching the three of you with his arms crossed over his chest. “Where’s Abby?” Alex asked, pulling your attention back.
“At home, with Uncle Sam.” you answered as Dean pulled open the driver side door and slid in.
“When your mom called me in a panic, we both hauled ass to the house.” Dean added after his door had shut and he was starting up the engine. He didn’t talk again until he was well away from the curb. “What’d they want anyways? Why’d they grab you from school?”
Alex shrugged. “They were asking about you.”
“About me?” Dean glanced over as you looked at him with worry.
“Mhm.” Alex hummed, looking out the window. “They’re sure I know more than I let on about what you do, where you go and who you meet. They knew we went to Michigan and who with.”
“What’d you tell them?”
“Not much.” Alex shrugged. “That I don’t know shit, I work for the garage who offered to pay me the most and Michigan was a trip with my family to visit a college.” He glanced to the front seat at Dean, eyes meeting in the rear view. “The truth. Dude’s pretty convinced you're a killer, though, and that mom and I are in danger.”
Dean’s brow furrowed and he risked a glance behind him. His eyes were back on the road when he felt your hand on his lap, squeezing it. He chanced a glance your way to see the worried look on your face had deepened.
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Dean pulled into the driveway, and Alex was the first out of the car. You slipped from the car next as he turned off the engine. He could see from the way you held yourself that something was bugging you. With a sigh, Dean exited the car.
“Baby,” Dean stopped you from going past him, his hands cupping your face. “What’s wrong? Alex is fine, he-”
“They’re saying you killed his father, they’re saying I should want justice for that. As if him being dead wouldn’t be justice for what happened to us.” you glanced up at Dean. “I don't want to know, I don’t care. I just- He said it in front of Alex. Who knows what else he said to him before we could get here..”
“They don’t have anything or they wouldn’t be harassing the kid. They’ve been doing this shit for years, a few too many bar fights and suddenly you’re the scum of the earth.” Dean half chuckled. “Anything they can slap us with, they will. I’m just sorry you guys are being dragged into it.”
“I don’t want to lose you, Dean.”
“You won't, baby, I promise.” He ducked his head so his lips could meet yours.
“Everything okay?” Sam asked from the doorway, and the kiss broke, your bottom lip trapped between your teeth as you pulled away from Dean.
“Go inside, baby. I’ll be in in a minute.” You nodded and headed in, slipping past Sam without a word. Dean motioned for Sam to come closer as he leaned against the Impala.
“What’d they pull the kid in for?”
“Us. More specifically me. Asked about the garage, the trip to Michigan, told the kid I killed his father.” Dean shrugged.
“Jesus Christ..” Sam was actually stunned by that last one. Sure, the families occasionally got harassed if someone got caught doing some rough shit, but never had a kid been grabbed from school and had shit thrown at them like that. “They’re getting ballsy..”
“When’s Brady getting here?”
“Uh- Tomorrow morning. His flight lands at like 7am, I think he said?”
“Thank fuck  you went to college, Sammy.” Dean pat his brother on the back. “Abby good?”
“Yeah, she was good.” Sam smiled. “Always is for me. How’s the wife?”
Dean sucked his teeth as he started towards the house, brother in tow. “Pregnant, pissed and scared, Sammy. And this time, it’s on me. Fuckin’ Baker.”
“Baker? The same asshole who tried to throw you in prison last time?”
“Shit, yeah eh?” Dean smiled. “I should send him a gift basket or a thank you card, he’s the reason I met her.” Dean stopped outside the door laughing. “Fuck, imagine that on his conscious?” Dean was still laughing as he entered his home, Sam shaking his head behind him.
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Tagging :  Protector : @jaycc7983 @volleyballer519  @meganlpie  @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo  @londoncallingbutiwontpickup  @voltage-my2dlove​
Dean - @akshi8278​  @adoptdontshoppets​   @evyiione​ @karikatz12481​ @idksupernatural​
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons​
All tags - @sorenmarie87 @artemisthebadger @winchesterprincessbride @iflostreturntosteverogers @akfonkin​ @rebelminxy​ @foxyjwls007​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @shaelyn102​ @supernaturalenchanted​  @kazkingdom​   @babypink224221​  @emoryhemsworth​    @ilovefanfic86​  @pie-with-hunters​   @anaelsbrunette​ @lazinessisalliknow​  @feelmyroarrrr​  @letsdisneythings​   @cdwmtjb8​   @notyourtypicalrose​  @xostephanie​  @marvelmenmusicandroses @ilovedeanspie​ @defenderrosetyler​ @amandamdiehl​
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
Sam Girl- Sam Winchester x Reader
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Pairings: Sam x Reader, Dean, Castiel
Warnings: FLUFFY FLUFF, mentions of the last half of the final season of SPN and the emotional rollercoaster we’re all currently on (I know, I’m sorry!) lying, secrets, insecurities.
Word Count: 2,407
A/N: This imagine kind of plays off my series Crossing Parallel Lines but it’s totally separate! I came up with this imagine from this locket that I bought from Hot Topic. The Winchesters are always so uncomfortable with the idea of “the other world with the actors who play them on TV” and I love Changing Channels; one of my top favorite Supernatural episodes!
*Italics are flashbacks*
 “What?! No! What?! Oh, my Chuck, what the actual hell!” You yell at your phone and throw it across the room.
You huff in annoyance but you feel your heartbreak; you just watched the trailer for the last half of the final season of Supernatural.
“Y/N? Are you okay, I heard you yelling? What happened?” Sam asks, slowly stalking into your slightly ajar door. He knew you could get pretty expressive about your interests and sometimes, the best thing to do is to give you space.
You had been living at the Bunker for a few years since you had connections to the Winchester family. Not that you ever asked for it, but you grew up in the life as well, thanks to your Dad, who ended up getting killed during a hunt when you were sixteen. You had run on your own, doing your hunts, until you got in over your head, and ended up in front of the Bunker, needing the help of the Winchesters to defeat God. Yeah, he was after you too. Your family had more to do with him and had pissed him off, more times than not. It was your Dad who had discovered the lies Chuck had instilled into almost every hunter since the dawn of time, and that wasn’t okay. So, you had to pick up essentially where he left off.
You let out a heavy sigh, running your hands over your face. “Yeah, Sam, I’m okay. I just uh, watched something pretty, well I don’t know how I feel,” you look to him.
“What did you see?” He asks, coming to sit next to you on your bed, after getting the okay from you.
“Um, some animal got hurt and no one could save it,” you say as nonchalantly as possible, hoping Sam would still buy it.
“Oh no, yeah that would upset me too. I’m sorry you saw that baby; are you good now?” He asks as he wraps you up in his arm, pulling you into his side, and kissing your head. You hold onto the opposite side of him, nuzzling your head into his side and showing him the same affection as he was showing you, but also feeling guilty about your lie.
“Yeah, I am. I’m good now, thanks,” you kiss him quickly before you left the room. You hated lying to him but he could never know that side of you. He would dismiss you for sure.
Sam and you had been dating for roughly six months after he heard your discussion with Dean about a current crush you had. Names were never given but it wasn’t hard to figure out who you were referring to. The idea of being close to someone on that level of intimacy again scared him. He knew what the inevitable was for someone like him and it was unfair to the other and it hurt him with a pain he never felt with anything else. When he took interest in a woman, she becomes the center of his world the longer he is with her. Most of the time, however, they never stay too long. It could be a day or a night, or a few days if he was lucky, but the last long-term relationship he had, crushed his soul. Time went by and healed those wounds, but he couldn’t let anyone get too close, no matter how much he wanted to be invested. But when you came into his life, something shifted. He immediately took a liking to you but he wasn’t sure how far he could go. As time went on, and he knew you were sticking around, he allowed himself to go there. He allowed those feelings he knew too well, to flourish within his heart, and it was strange to him, but he liked it. When he found out the feelings were mutual, it did something in him he wasn’t used to; it made him happy. Sure, he’s been happy before, but he had a lot riding on a possibility and if he played his cards right, it could be extraordinary. And it has been. It all started slow, a snail’s pace really, but you couldn’t blame him. If you had been hurt and uncertain as often as he was, you would take everything slow too. That’s why lying to him now, was killing you on the inside. He didn’t deserve it but you knew what kind of man he was and you knew how he felt about certain things.
The library was quiet, so you could be alone with the screaming in your head. You fought with yourself constantly whether, to be honest, or not. Your biggest secret was a huge part of who you were. Adoration for the TV show, Supernatural, was an understatement; you LOVED it! But, hearing the stories from Sam and Dean about when they were stuck in another universe where there were people who act like them, you knew it was unmentionable. Social media was your avenue to let out all your thoughts and ideas with people who shared the same love. No one knew that you lived with the Winchesters, or that they were even real, but that made it more alluring to you. Sitting at the table with your laptop open, you scroll through different comments left by other fans of the show. They were seeing what you were living and that was the most rewarding secret you kept. Pulling the new locket out of your shirt, the words Sam Girl, engraved on the top. Opening it, the anti-possession symbol sat on one side, and a picture of Sam on the other. You run your thumb over the picture, knowing that he was yours, but kept it hidden from him. You owned a plethora of shirts, hats, jewelry, notebooks, and so many other merchandises, that you were quite proud of. You even had a successful blog that was dedicated to the show and the characters, and your imagination with fanfiction. All things you knew Sam would disapprove of. You began writing out your reactions to different videos or events that happened in, not just the Supernatural world, but other fandoms as well.
“Hey, there’s my girl. I was wondering what happened to you,” says Sam. He smiles his small, one-sided grin at you, and sits in a chair to your left.
“Hi, sorry, I got busy writing and I guess I lost track of time,” you admit, closing out your Internet tab and leaving your screen on the cute photo of you and him on your wallpaper.
“You always do,” he chuckles and takes one of your hands. Sam knew about your love of writing and only a few of the topics you wrote about. You laugh along with him, blushing at the fact he knew you so well.
“The life of a writer, baby!” You say, confident in your work, but seeing the look on Sam’s face, quickly changed the mood.
“Where did that come from?” He asks, looking at the chain that hung from your neck. Looking down, you noticed the locket had made its way out of your shirt.
“Oh, that’s nothing!” Grabbing at it and tucking it back in your shirt, you try to advert Sam’s curiosity but that fails.
“Oh, come on, Y/N, let me see it. It looked beautiful.” He comments but you deny him.
“Sorry, but it’s fallen into my bra now,” you say, hoping that would end the conversation but the Winchester Brothers were both very stubborn.
“Don’t think I’m afraid to go in there.” Slight darkness fogged over the normal brightness of his eyes, but it left just as fast as it showed.
“Honestly Sam, it’s nothing. Trust me, you don’t want to know what it is.”
“Trust me y/n, I do want to know. My girlfriend suddenly has a locket I’ve never seen before and won’t show me? I have to wonder if her other boyfriend gave it to her.
You deadpan to him, giving your best bitch face, and he just laughs.
“I’m kidding, but seriously, I want to see it.”
“You didn’t move at first, so he stood up and leaned over to reach in your shirt, but you backed away before he could get there.
“Fine,” you grumble, unclasping the necklace from the back and hand it over.
He seems satisfied that he won this battle, flipping the locket around in his larger than average hands. His eyebrows knitted together, in the cutest look of wonder, like he was a child with a new toy. He opened it, stared down at it for a minute, then handed it back to you.
“You have a locket with a picture of me, which I guess is normal in relationships, but why does it say Sam Girl on the top?” He looked at you quizzically, wanting to know more.
This was it, the time you were dreading the most, but you couldn’t do it anymore; you couldn’t keep lying to him. You prepared yourself for a long discussion and a lot of disgust from him, so you sat back in your chair.
“Sam, I haven’t been completely honest with you.”
“Oh, okay,” he sits back in his seat, eyes glossed with worry and locked on you.
“I’m a Sam girl. I watch that TV show about you and Dean and your lives; I’m a big fan of it. We have, the fans, what are called someone’s girl. Like me, I’m a Sam girl, so I tell other people how I feel about you , what you say and do, and I talk about my romantic feelings towards you. Well, you on this show; it’s a little different.”
Sam had kept quiet the whole time you explained your secret and he held no emotions. You didn’t know what was going through his head, but it couldn’t be good.
“You like that show about our lives from that other universe?” He asks, suddenly breaking the silence.
“Yes,” you answer, hoping he wouldn’t explode at any given point.
“And you didn’t want to tell me about it?” He then looks to you with his infamous puppy dog eyes, wondering why you kept something like this from him.
Taken aback by his calmness, you continue to explain. “Well, I heard the stories of when you went to that other world and how much it freaked you and Dean out, so I thought you would disown me or something if I was into it.”
“Why would I do that?” Sam asks, sadness now forming across his features.
“Because I like something you make fun of! I thought you would make fun of me for what I do. I’m in the whole fandom, Sam! The show, the merchandise, the fanfiction, the blogs; everything!”
That sparked his interest again. “You write fanfiction?” His tone got more questioningly, but you took it as he was going to lay on the mockery.
“Yes, but I swear it’s nothing like some of the stories people write about! It’s actually all clean and sweet. I write about our dates and my feelings, but play it off as fiction.”
Then, his face melted into a smile (GIF), that childlike wonder again. “You write about us?”
“Yeah, I do. And people like it.”
“They do?” He’s surprised now, telling by how high his eyebrows are raised on his face.
“Everyone thinks you’re romantic and that you’re the best boyfriend, but the best part about it, it’s all true,” you smile, but hide it from wandering eyes.
“That’s… sweet,” he comments, stunning you.
“Yeah, I love that you write about us. I think it’s great that you are proud of our relationship and it makes me proud of it too, especially considering other people think I’m pretty great.” He has a little smirk playing on his lips; he’s going to brag about this to Dean later.
“So, you’re okay with all this?” You start to creep a little further into his level of positivity from this topic.
“Surprisingly I am, and I love that you’re showing off that you’re mine,” he pecks your lips before asking another question.
“Wait, are there more of these lockets?”
“Yes, and there’s some that say Dean girl. The same concept,” you comment like it’s nothing but it’s a big deal to Sam.
“There are Dean girls, too?!”
“And there are Castiel girls too, and even some of the other people you guys have met in life, but mainly you three.”
“Oh my God, wait until Dean and Cas hear about this!” Sam was set on telling his brother and his friend; the worst thing you could think of.
“No, please don’t!” Panic set inside you. Telling Sam was one thing but Dean was another.
“Why not?”
“Because Dean won’t be so nice about this. He will mock and ridicule me so much for this. He’s way more opinionated and harsher than you are.”
He thought about it for a minute but knew you were right. Sometimes, his older brother would take things too far, to the point of hurting those he cared about, and Sam couldn’t let that happen to you.
“You’re right, he definitely will freak out over this. He’s way more headstrong about what he doesn’t like. Alright, I won’t tell him and Cas? Well, he’s gotten a lot better with human interactions but, we wouldn’t want to throw him for a loop again,” Sam laughed at confusing the angel with more human things, like when he first came to earth.
“Thank you, Sam,” You say, going to hug him.
“Of course, no one is going to hurt my girl, not even me. But uh, y/n, we need to get you another locket,” he says taking the locket in his fingers again.
“Why? I like it and I paid good money for it,” you take it back and drop it in your shirt.
“Well, there are more of these lockets out there so that means other girls are walking around with a picture of me around their necks. It’s not okay that yours is like everyone else’s, so I’m going to make a special one that I will have engraved with a message from me that’s just to you; my girl,” he whispers the last part right in your ear, electrifying chills through you.
“O-okay.” You stutter out as Sam goes fishing for your locket from the bottom up.
Second A/N: When I was looking for that GIF of Sam, ‘Sexy Back’ started playing; it was perfect!
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I’m Trying I Promise (Spn cast x depressed teen cast reader)
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Summary: after a rough few weeks the readers depression becomes to much and decides to stop fighting. however the attempt is unsuccesful, and jensen, jared, gen, and daneel are left to pick up the pieces, but is that such a bad thing. 
Warnings: suicide, self harm, over dosing, anxiety, fluff from j2 daneel and gen, slight anorexia, insomnia. 
Side note: please reach out for help if you need it, and review. i appreciate all feedback. enjoy the story 
you are the 15 year old cast member of supernatural that played the whinchesters younger sister. You had been introduced in season 4 at just 6 years old. The fandom loved you, especially your character. You were essentially a little sister to every cast member. Jared and Jensen had become very close with you, especially as you spent the most time with them. 
over the years your character had matured into a beautiful, strong, and powerful young woman. Everyone had seen you grow up, and never once did anyone see you unhappy, or not smiling. At least they thought you were happy.
You had been hiding the anxiety, and depression you had been feeling for a year from everyone you knew. It would come in waves, and you had becoming accustomed to hiding your pain. But lately it had been adding up. You were managing well with school and filming, following a schedule that would keep you busy. However very important finals had been added onto your plate and you were feeling the stress.
Because of filming you had become distant from most of your friends. Without physical contact and interaction, you had drifted. You were doing most of your schooling online, and your friends were all learning in a classroom. You were a pretty smart kid, maintaining good grades, however even this was becoming a stretch. You were in your last few years of school, and struggling in silence, not wanting to alert anyone that you were In pain, and particularly not wanting to be a burden to anyone else.
You sighed, dropping your pen on your paper. You had been filming for most of the day and you had to complete your 4 hours of school work. You had been completing most of it during breaks however, the lack of sleep you had been getting was catching up to you. You decided to pack up your stuff. You had already submitted the work that was due for the day and decided that you would finish the rest another times. Just as you were about to pack up your laptop you got a call from your friend.
You slid across the answer button, to see them at some sort of sleepover.
“Where are you” you asked with a smile on your face.
“At (friends) birthday sleepover” said your friend laughing. Suddenly your face dropped. You completely forgot about it was (friends) birthday. You felt a strong guilt in your chest.
“Earth to Y/N” asked your friend through the screen snapping you out of your daze.
“I completely forgot. She hates me doesn’t she” you said a tear streaming down your face.
“She’s a little upset, but she doesn’t seem to phased” said your friend shaking of your concern.
“I’m such a crap friend” you mumbled into your hands trying to wipe the tears.
“ it’s nothing to bad, she knows your busy” said your best friend stuffing her face with candy.
“I sent a present last week, let me know when she gets It will ya” you said.
“Sure will. I have to go, but chat later” she says, hanging up the call. You didn’t even get to say goodbye.
You sigh once again and pile your school stuff back into your bag. You switch of the lights to your trailer and locked the door. Making your way to the filming set. Jensen and Jared were filming a final scene so you decided to go and check it out. You see Misha sitting on one of the benches behind the cameras you take a quick seat next to him.
“Hey Y/N, how are you doing” he asks lifting his head to look at you.
“I’m okay. Just thought I would come and see what you guys were up to before I headed home” you say tying up the lace of your shoe.
You were one of the lucky ones. The filming set of supernatural was a 20 minute walk from your house. The other actors had been staying in there trailers however you were allowed to go home.
“Well, stay safe” said Misha smiling. You returned it picking up your bag. As soon as the director yelled cut, the boys broke out laughing. You waved to them signaling that you were leaving. They waved back, only Jared looked at you for a little longer. Concern evident on his features. You sighed and walked away, along the pavement that led to your house. It took about 30 minutes for you to get home, as you had to walk slower to ensure that you would not collapse from lack of sleep or food.
You usually kept your body healthy, but due to everything going on, you had been living off coffee, to maximise your Time. You didn’t know how you were doing it but you were still very much walking. You slowly unlocked to the door making sure to not make anything loud enough to wake up your aunt and uncle. You slid of your shoes and coat and hang them up nex to the door.
You slowly make your way up to the stairs and into your bedroom. You flick on the light and take a seat at the end of your bed. Suddenly your phone vibrates and you see a message from one of your friends.
“A video” you say to yourself. You flick it on and are shocked by what you see you. YOUR BOYFRIEND kissing your friend. On her birthday.
“So much for not angry” you whisper to yourself letting the tears fall from your eyes. You didn’t need another thing adding onto your life workload, but now there was. Your aunt was sure to be in bed. And your uncle was probably doing the same.
Your boyfriend was one of the only people keeping you sane, and now he went and broke your heart. You wanted th throw something god you wanted to scream, but your body could not handle that and you did not want to wake up your aunt and uncle.
You sat on the floor of your bed, you had no more tears left to cry. The cheating you could deal with, but the betrayal of your friend pushed you over the edge. Leaving you to your thoughts during the night, especially in the emotional space you are in, was not a good idea.
You didn’t want to live in pain anymore. You weren’t as strong as Jared, you didn’t open up about your feelings, and you were sick of putting on a mask. You were sick of all this stress, and pain of loosing the people that you love. You didn’t want to put other people through the pain that you felt but you didn’t want to live like this. If you made it quick then, no one would be left to pick up the pieces that would be left of you. You’d be dead.
You mustered all the energy you could and got up from your bedroom floor. Pulling off your winter clothes you changed into some long pajama pants and a singlet top. You walk into your bathroom. You open the bathroom cabinet and grab your depression medication out from the top shelf. You grab one of the pairs of scissors lying around your room and locked your bathroom door. You didn’t want anyone to find you untill you were dead. You couldn’t bare to see the looks on anyone’s face once they realised how broken you were.
You shoved the medication down your throat and took a seat against the bath tub. You cried out in pain, the feeling of the medication entering your system made you collapse onto the floor.
“ Y/N, honey are you okay” asked your aunt from the other side of the door. You didn’t want to put her through the pain of seeing you dying on the floor. You put the scissors to your wrist making 2 cuts on each arm, making your cry out again.
“Y/N honey, I’m coming in” said your aunt. She opened the door and saw your dying form lying there.
“Oh my Y/N- (uncle name) call an ambulance, oh honey hold on” said your aunt holding your form in her hands, you thought you locked the door. Guilt settled in your stomach, making you want to die more.
No longer than 10 minutes later an ambulance arrived and family’s from around the street were coming out to see what the commotion was about. You remember loosing consciousness in your uncles arms after he carried you out to the ambulance. The rest of it was fuzzy. But you knew one thing you had fucked up your life in one single night.
The next day the cast walked onto to set. Jared was the first one to pick up on your absense. There was no laughing coming from the makeup trailer, and no lights on in your trailer. For filming today gen and Daneel were also tagging along. After asking around Jared is told by the producers that you are sick. That struck everyone as weird. They even called Misha, as he wasn’t on for filming today, however he said he hadn’t heard from you. You had never once missed a day of filming unless it was for school purposes. And when you were sick you would tough it out anyway.
Not long after jared receive a call from your cell however it wasn’t you. Of course... they didn’t know that. It was your Aunty.
“Hey Y/N, heard you were sick, how ya feeling” asked Jared into the phone, grabbing everyone’s attention. However the voice that responded was not you, it was your Aunty. As soon as Jared had heard what had happened his face paled. Shock evident on his features alerting everyone that something was wrong.
“Jared, what’s wrong” asked Jensen knowing it involved you.
“ Y/N... she uh-she u-uh” said Jared trying to get the words out of him mouth.
“Hey j calm down, just tell us what happened” said gen, trying to calm her boyfriend down.
“Umm... Y/N attempted suicide last night” Jared said between cries.
Everyone instantly stopped, all clearly shocked at the news. they didn’t realise that you was struggling so much.
“Is- is she okay” asked Jensen comforting his wife.
“Umm... she’s alive, definitely not alright though” said Jared hugging gen to keep themselves together. The entire set suddenly turned somber. The mood instantly dropping
“Something must have happened last night to... make her feel... to lead to this” said Jensen. Trying not to cry.
“Her aunt said she found her on the bathroom floor, Over dosed on pills and wrists slit. God how did I not notice the signs, I should have been there for her” Jared sobbed into gens shirt.
“It’s not your fault Jared, none of us knew she felt this way. Don’t you dare blame yourself” said Daneel, still consoling her husband.
“I say we pay her a visit. Now that we know she isn’t going through this alone” said gen. They knew you were going to be broken but they were going to be there for you every step of the way.
“Oh it’s lovely to see you” said your aunt ushering them all inside.
“How’s she doing” asked Jared once again concerned.
“Honestly I don’t know. She won’t talk to me we only got home from the hospital an hour ago. She hasn’t said a word since we got back. (Uncle) can’t even get through to her” said your aunt.
“Where is she at the moment” asking Jensen.
“ Y/Ns in her room. I sent her to get some shut eye but I don’t think she’s sleeping” said your aunt.
Everyone just gave each other looks. They knew Y/N hadn’t been sleeping, but they also thought she was keeping on top of things.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this earlier. She didn’t want me to tell you, but I couldn’t let you find out some other way. She said she didn’t want to be seen as less of a human, especially not to you guys” said your aunt handing out cups of hot tea. Many thankyous were spared and an uncomfortable silence filled the air.
“Did you notice anything about Y/N, like something that would give a hint that she would do this” asked your aunt taking a sip from the cup.
“we all just though it was exam stress. The skipping meals, spending most of her time doing school work, or sitting in her trailer. We thought it would pass. She never once mentioned that she was... suicidal” said gen. Fiddling with the sleeves of her jumper.
“ as a child, Y/Ns parents used to put a lot of pressure on her to be a good kid. She also learnt to hide her pain. Me and (uncle) have been trying to tell her for years that it’s normall to feel pain, but I guess it’s hard to comprehend that when most out your life your told different” said your aunt.
“She never really ever mentioned her parents, to any of us” said Daneel, sympathy in her eyes.
“I can’t blame the poor kid. She was abused for years before I even realised that my sister had a child. Ever since she was little she’s always been quiet and co-operative. She’s still pretty scarred, and doesn’t talk about it”. Said your uncle walking in.
“How is she” asked your aunt.
“Not doing to good. She won’t tell me anything. I’m getting worried” said your uncle
“ I know this is a big ask but could we possibly see her” asked Jensen.
“Of course, I’m not sure what state she’s in” said your aunt allowing them to follow up the stairs and into your room. Nothing in the room would have ever suggested that you felt this way.
Suddenly there attention was drawn to the water running in the bathroom.
“ Y/N. Honey, let me know your okay please” asked your aunt panic filling your voice.
“I’ll be out in a minute” replied your quiet voice through the door. Her panic subsided when she hears your voice. They 4 adults walk back to the kitchen following your aunt. None of them could believe how quiet you were.The once outgoing and bubbly girl that you used to be, was now reduced to silence.
“You know, she was adamant about coming to set today. As soon as we got home from the hospital she started getting ready. Me and (aunt name) had to give her medication to make her sleep. She didn’t want this attempt to make anyone see her different” said your uncle as they returned from your bedroom. A few minutes passed.
After a little bit of time of awkward conversation , you came down with your head hung low and grabbed a mug of coffee. During that time no one dares to talk to you. They didn’t want to put you under stress. They didn’t want to put you in a situation you felt you couldn’t escape from. However there shock returned once they saw how frail you were.how your eyes had sunken into your head and your clothes remained baggy on your frame. You walked back in the direction of your room not bothering to grab any food.
“Honey, do us a favour and keep your door open” said your aunt as you were leaving the room. You just stopped in your tracks, nodded, and walked away.
“I think I’m going to talk to her. She needs someone who has gone through what she’s gone through. I’m the only one diagnosed with depression. I’m going to try and get her to open up, break out of her. We’re getting the old Y/N back”. Said Jared standing up and making his way to your bedroom.
He nocks a few times on your open door, only so see you sitting on the end of the bed, holding a picture frame of you and a guy.
“Who’s that” asked Jared taking a seat next to you.
“My boyfriend... well my ex boyfriend now I guess”
“What happened” asked Jared genuinely concerned.
“My “best friend” sent me a video, of him and another friend hooking up last night. Found out when I got back from the hospital that they slept together as well” You said with no emotion on your face He didn’t hesitate to pull you into a hug and suddenly you broke, and started crying.
You told him how your boyfriend cheating was the last straw. That you didn’t know what you were doing when you enetered the bathroom, you crumbled, and didn’t want to constantly feel this pain inside your chest, that kept dragging you down and making you feel worthless.
He pulls you closer and gently lifts up your sleeves to reveal the bandages that were covering up stitches on your arm.
“Your like a daughter to me, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You shouldn’t feel an obligation cover this up. Your experiences make you into the person today and you shouldn’t be afraid to show the war you lossed. He told you that it is nothing you should cover up. Your scars make you stronger, and change you into the person you are today” he told you, not loosening his grip once.
Hearing those words make you break down even more. he tells you that Your aunt told them why you lived with her. You opened up and told. him that the memories that come back surrounding that topic also tipped you over the edge. And that in your delusional state you believed the words your dad said to you. You believed that you would be better dead, that you were a burden, and a mistake.
Jared decided to shoot Jen a text in this time, in the time that you are him we’re hugging. Not even a minute later gen is In the room, and her heart breaks to see you like this. You look up and try and calm your tears in fear of embarrassment. She had never once recalled a time where you had even cried let alone be this emotional. She gave Jared a kind smile and instantly sat next to Jared. When you tears subsided a little bit she gave you a warm embrace, to which you leaned into. She mumbled small word of encouragement, and calming.
“I’m not sorry for doing it, I’m sorry that It didn’t work, I still wanna die. I feel like I’m such a burden to everyone”. You said into her chest. Her and Jared shared a look, both deciding to keep this talk till after you had settled down.
“Honey when was the last time you ate” asked gen.
“Umm. Not properly for a while. Things just got carried away, so it didn’t cross my mind” you said, your tears comming to a Hault.
“You need to eat something” said Jared, noticing the rest of the group standing at the door, with some toast in there hand.
“I’m not hungry” you mumble, being stubborn, hanging your head.
“Sweetie, we aren’t leaving untill you eat what’s on this plate” said Jensen, grabbing the plate from de’s hand. You looked up only just noticing the two extra bodies in your room. You sighed seeing that they only put a few pieces of toast on the plate.
“Come on, do it for us, for your Family” said Daneel handing over he plate to, which you carefully took.
You stood up and slid down the end of your bed, onto the floor, Jensen and Daneel sitting next to you, deciding it was there turn to be the parent figures they should be, and Jared and Gen sitting on the floor across from you against the wall opposite the bed.
You grabbed the toast and took small bites, desperately trying to keep the food down. After you had finished you wanted to go to the bathroom however no one would let you because they knew that you were likely to purge.
“Y/N, sweetie, I know we’re asking a lot of questions but have you slept a lot recently” asked gen, looking directly at You. You looked up and sighed.
“Like I said, I’ve been busy. Everything’s been so Jammed pack, especially managing school, and filming. I haven’t really had the time ”. You admit pulling your knees to your chest. D and Jensen both put there arms around your shoulder.
“Did you get any sleep last night” asked Jensen and Jared at the same time.
“Not really. I lost consciousness for about an hour, but I haven’t really slept” you say, rubbing your face with your hand.
“ Y/N, you need to sleep”. Said Jared about to stand up and throw you on the bed.
“No point, insomnia is a bitch. Especially now. I’m not allowed any medications now so I’m getting less sleep now than ever” you say sighing.
Once again a shared look went around the circle. The anxiety you felt caused you to start picked at the skin on your arm.
“No Y/N, don’t” said gen pulling your hand away from for arm. You sighed and bent your head back.
“ Y/N why didn’t you come to us. We could have helped you. Been there for you” said Jared, a tear sliding down his cheek.
“ I didn’t want to add onto the stress you had. I’m only a teenager besides for most of my life I was a told to not voice my opninion. So it’s kinda stuck” you say.
“Oh sweetie” said Daneel wrapping you in an embrace. You didn’t cry just rested your head on shoulder warming into her embrace.
“I don’t want to die, I just... I’m sick of this pain. The overwhelming crushing feeling. It just became to much” you say into daneels shoulder, she hugged you even tighter.
“Where here now. And you need to talk to us when to feel like this. No keeping it to yourself” said Jensen.
“ your like a daughter to all of us Y/N. Don’t forget that” said Daneel.
“ and no letting everything pile up until you hit breaking point” said gen.
“ and definitely no your an adult don’t worry about my problems talk” said Jared.
“Yeah yeah. I know I promise I won’t keep things to myself” you say lifting your head and showing a genuine smile.
“There’s the smile we know and love” said Jared ruffling your head.
“ I wonder what they’re up to” said your aunt to  your uncle.
“They’ve been up there for a while” said your uncle agreeing.
“Come on” said your uncle making his way up the stairs. what he saw surprised him , but made him smile none the less.
“ honey have a look at this”. Said your uncle from the door way, gesturing for your aunt.
There you were lying the middle of the bed tv playing surrounded by Jared, Jensen, gen, and Daneel, all fast asleep head on each other shoulder.
“I don’t think I’ve seen her sleep for a while” said your aunt putting her arm around your uncles neck.
“I think things are going to be okay” said your uncle planting a kiss on your aunts head.
“I think as long as she has these four, she’ll be fine in no time” said your aunt.
And she wasn’t wrong. Jensen and Jared were there constantly checking in on you, and Daneel and gen were always calling and dropping in on set. In no time you were feeling better. Of course you had your days where everything seemed pointless, and overwhelming, but Jared and Jensen were always there to pick you back up. You weren’t okay, no, but you were on the track to being okay. And with such amazing friends surrounding you, you couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store
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Human Nature
Summary: The reader and Jensen have been keeping their relationship a secret for a while now, but that's all about to change this convention weekend. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k+
Warnings: Fluff, public teasing, language, slightly dom Jensen, alcohol consumption
Square Filled: Free Square
Authors Note: Written for @spngenrebingo , I call this genre Supernatural Convention, cause let’s be honest, that is a genre in this fandom. I just had to get this out of my head because it wouldn’t leave me alone, so I’m using it to fill a square ;). It turned into a monster, hell it’s the longest thing I’ve written to date, so I turned it into two parts. Italics are the reader or Jensen singing, bold italics are both singing. 
My Masterlist
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“Um, my question is for Y/n…” You flash a small wave at the girl looking up at you from the microphone at the side of the stage. She’s hidden mostly by the lights shining at you, but you can make out her silhouette. 
“Finally! What’s your name hun?” The girl smiles widely before answering your question. 
“Your character has a lot of confidence on the show especially when Dean is flirting with her. So my question is do you find you are confident off camera as well and how do you do it?” The girl tugs nervously at the hem of her shirt and shifts her weight to her other foot.
“Whew, boy you think I have confidence? That’s a huge compliment. I’ll tell you I have most definitely not always been this way. It took a long time and a lot of practice. It also took a lot of therapy, hell I still go to therapy. There is nothing wrong with seeking help when you can’t sort out your problems, remember that.” the words were falling from you faster than you could think, there were many practices you put in place to change your mindset, and it’s still a struggle everyday. “I’ve come a long way, but I still work on it everyday too.”
“There is a practice I use pretty much everyday that I was taught by my therapist. The motto is stop, drop, and roll. When you are treating yourself poorly you need to stop the thought, drop it, and roll the thought into something positive.” Briana spoke up next to you, and you turned back to her and Kim, both of them nodding thoughtfully. 
“As for having confidence in front of the boys, man, it’s impossible not to. Those two are the most supportive and inviting guys. Besides, Dean is an awful flirt, so it usually takes a few takes before I can stop laughing.”
“Shut the fuck up, it’s Jensen screwing up the takes not Jared?” Kim pipes up. 
“No it’s one hundred percent me! Honestly I think I’m worse than Jared sometimes with messing up the takes because he isn’t even there for half of those scenes. And then Jensen is always so in character and sometimes it takes my mind a minute to separate the two. I just hope some of them make it into the gag reel, I almost peed my pants when Jay didn’t break character for a whole five minutes of me laughing.” It was hard not to erupt into laughter just thinking about it.
“Thanks.” Even though you couldn’t see her, you were sure the fan was smiling. 
“No problem babe.” You are cut off by Rob and Rich running onto the stage with a flourish of music. 
“Alright guys, it's time to say goodbye to these beautiful ladies, for now.” Rob slips in between you and Briana. “We will be seeing these two at the concert tonight!” The crowd erupts into cheers as the three of you blow some kisses and disappear behind the stage. There is a handler there waiting to guide you back to the green room with a flashlight. Backstage is just a small dark area to wait for Rob to call your name and you hated trying to adjust to the sudden darkness after the harsh stage lights. 
“You ready for tonight?” Bri turns to you and tosses you a water bottle as you return to the green room. 
“I’m terrified. I haven’t sung in front of a real crowd like ever.” You take a drink of the icy liquid. 
“They are the most amazing crowd to be in front of. It’s nothing but love out there.” Bri plops down into Kim’s lap as the three of you find your way to the table.
“Yeah, but Jensen insisted on singing a duet with me after he heard me in my trailer and I just hope I can live up to you two.” 
“Oh you can’t, but that doesn’t mean you won’t kill it.” Briana jokes and you toss your half empty bottle at her.
 The hammering in your chest was radiating in your ears. You limbs feel like jelly but you continue to pace the small dark area behind the stage. Ruth sang out her final line and the music died down, and you felt your stomach jump into your throat. There is no going back now though, so all you can do is swallow the bile rising in your throat. Everything will go great, you’ve practiced this a hundred times, and no matter what, these fans love you. You repeat the mantra quickly in the short amount of time before you were to be called. It is just enough time for the deep breathes to slow your heart rate, if only a little. 
“Let’s give a big spn family welcome to our next guest, Y/N Y/L/N!” Rob shouts into the mic, snapping you out of everything and you skip up the steps. Bright lights flood your vision and instantly heat your skin.
“What’s up everybody? We having a good time tonight?” The screams from the crowd start getting you pumped up, the anxiety dissipating more and more. “Let’s not waste time then and get this show on the road! I hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna slow it down just a little.” You step up to the mic stand and place the mic. The piano intros to the song you chose for yourself as you put your earbuds in place. You take a deep breath and fall into the hum that introduces the song.
 Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
 The crowd quickly picks up on the song you chose. It was one that you had always loved, though you never trusted you could pull off. But your friends and coworkers are the greatest supporters and worked tirelessly with you to get it perfect. Now here you are finally performing it. It was surreal to finally have this opportunity, and you couldn’t stop thinking of all of your blessings this past year and a half. Some people in the crowd are on their feet now. You watch as they sway with you to the beat of the music, all of you getting lost in it. 
 Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you, baby
If I ain't got you, baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
 The crowd sang through the chorus with you, allowing all the nerves to melt away. You were in the moment now, and all that mattered was the music around you. 
 Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love him
 Words can’t express the emotion you felt in this moment. Being on the show was an experience in itself and though these were the same fans, this felt entirely different. When everybody talked about how amazing these conventions were, they were not overselling it. It truly feels like a family inside these walls. It’s unconditional love and support. 
 Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be?
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you, baby
If I ain't got you, baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
 The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, the room shaking with the force of it. A tear escapes the corner of your eye as you soak in the love coming from the fans you were just starting to get to know. Everything about tonight is beyond humbling. Especially when they begin to shout for an encore. You have something else already up your sleeve, though they didn’t know. Jensen singing tonight is a surprise for the fans. So you turn around to Rich poking his head through the curtain, giving you the thumbs up to let you know Jay had arrived. 
“Guys, this has been the most amazing experience of my life, I can’t even express to you. So, to show my gratitude, I think I may be able to scrounge a little something up for you.” You wink at them. “But I’m gonna need a little help for this next one, what do you say? Can you give a big welcome to Mr. Jensen Ackles!” You flourish you hand behind you as Jensen runs onto the stage blowing kisses to the audience and soaking up their cheers with his heart over his hand. He has a mic in one hand and his guitar hanging from his shoulder. He smiles at you as he grabs your arm and brings you in for a bone crushing hug, his warmth radiating through the leather jacket he’s wearing. 
“Now who’s ready to hear this guy slam on the guitar?” You turn back to the crowd, leaving your left arm around Jensen’s waist, your fingers gripping tightly into the back of his jacket. Rich comes up with a two stools for Jensen and you. You place yours close to Jensen’s as he moves in front of mic stand. He places the mic and you both sit down. Jensen begins strumming the guitar and it’s suddenly just the two of you. Cheers erupt again as the crowd easily recognizes the song beginning. You and Jensen discussed for a while what song you wanted to sing together before finally landing on the one and only King of Pop. 
 Looking out
Across the nighttime
The city winks a sleepless eye
Hear his voice
Shake my window
Sweet seducing sighs
 Out of the corner of your eye, you keep catching Jensen’s gaze as he stares at you singing the first verse. It was intense and you had to focus on the crowd and trying to remember the lyrics with the look he was giving you. It reminded you of the question you were asked earlier in your panel. Sure, Dean had awful pickup lines which did make it easier, but you often find yourself lost in his indescribable green eyes. 
 Get me out
Into the nighttime
Four walls won't hold me tonight
If this town
Is just an apple
Then let me take a bite
 Now you are beginning to understand the stares from Jensen. He is just as mesmerizing to watch as he sings. His voice is unlike anything you have ever heard and man did Michael not even compare to him in this moment, though you may be a little bias. 
 If they say
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why, does he do it that way
If they say
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why does he do me that way
 The crowd reacted as expected though. They immediately lose their minds the second Jensen opens his mouth, and you can’t blame them. There are a few stray cell phone lights swaying with the beat of the song. You close your eyes as Jensen moves into the next verse. 
 Reaching out
To touch a stranger
Electric eyes are everywhere
See that girl
She knows I'm watching
She likes the way I stare
 Both of you take advantage of the small musical interlude to play around with a few vocal runs. You can’t help the smile on your face as Jensen makes a goofy face. His smile takes away all the anxiety that still remained  in your chest. The effect he continued to have on you still surprises you after all this time. You have one last verse and you are gonna give it your all. 
 Looking out
Across the morning
Where the city's heart begins to beat
Reaching out
I touch his shoulder
I'm dreaming of the street
If they say
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say
Why, why, ooo tell 'em
Why, why does he do me that way
 The room fills echoes with yours and Jay’s voices, a mix of whys and ohs. Both of you have a little fun again with the ending of the song, and you can’t help the blush creeping up on your neck as Jensen watches you. As he finishes the chords, Jensen offers you his hand and you both stand to take a bow. He flips the guitar behind his back and pulls you into a hug so tight your feet slip off the ground for a second. 
“You did amazing.” He tells you, his lips close to your ear. He turns back to the crowd, “Can we give it up on more time for the lovely Y/N?” He raises your hand up and encourages you to take another bow. You bow dramatically for the cheers of the audience and blow them some more kisses as you head off the stage. It’s pretty dark just behind the curtain and it takes a second for your eyes to adjust. Before you can head off, Jensen hops over the three small steps and pulls you into him again. This time you left yourself melt into him, away from public eyes. 
“Fuck, I missed you baby.” He leans into you for a kiss, both of his massive hands enveloping your face on either side. 
“It’s been like, not even twenty-four hours.” You giggle as he peppers kisses to you nose and lips. 
“Twenty four hours too long. I don’t even want to go out tonight. I just want to take you up to my room and keep you all to myself.” 
“Mmm, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I really wanna get out of this dress anyways.” Your voice drops as you run your hands along Jensen’s waist and tug his hips closer you yours by his belt loops. He lets out a low groan.
“Stop, you know we can’t skip it without raising suspicion.” 
“One drink, then you are taking me back up to that room and making me forget my own name.” Stepping away from Jensen, you point a stern finger at him, letting him know you mean business. 
“Yes ma’am.” He salutes before chasing after you to the green room. 
 “We really need to start picking places further from the convention site.” You laugh as you link your arms with Brian and Kim. The cool night air had the three of you rushing towards the bar after running into a gaggle of fans. All of you were hoping for a fun night away from prying eyes, and Chicago had no shortage of bars. Yet here you all were just a block away from the damn convention center trying to dodge the fans. It wasn’t that you didn’t love them, or that you were anything but thankful for them, but right now you just wanted to enjoy the company of your coworkers considering you weren’t a fan of going out tonight anyway. 
“I know but locals rave about this place and we have never been.” Bri whines as she pulls open the door to the bar. 
“Fine, but don’t come crying to me when we are swarmed.” You pull yourself from the other women and tug off your coat. You scan the large space, eyes landing on the tall men across the way. They were unmistakable, towering over almost every other patron. Jensen catches your eye and winks at you. A blush creeps up your neck under his gaze. He waves the three of you over to the tall table the rest of the cast was surrounding. You grab the others and pull them along with you. 
“Hey, we didn’t think you would make it.” Rob smiles as he flags down the waitress for you all. 
“Well, Jay just about begged that I drag out grandma Y/N over here. She hasn’t been out in a hot minute, and to be honest I’m hoping I can find her a hot piece of ass to take home. I’m kind of worried she’s dried up down there it’s been so long.” Briana and Kim take the two open seats next to each other, leaving you to sit in the only other open one next to Jensen. You gasp at her comment in mock offense, though you kind of felt bad. Bri was a great friend and you have been lying to her for almost a year now about your and Jensen’s relationship. You guys had decided to keep it quiet for numerous reasons, even from your costars. It seemed easier at the time, but now you did long to be able to hold his hand or kiss him in public. 
The waitress appears and you quickly give her your order, practically jumping from your skin when you feel a hand land on your thigh. You were lucky that the bar was dark and you were well hidden in the corner. No one noticed your current position. 
“Dried up huh?” Jensen is teasing next to you, his hand sliding up under the hem of your dress and sitting heavily on your inner thigh. He flexes his fingers, the action sending heat to your core. 
“Well, there is a lot I haven’t told Bri, so she doesn’t have all the facts.” You cast glances at everyone around the table. They all throw up hands in surrender, well except Jared. 
“Do tell.” He pries. “I’m dying to know.”
“That’s weird Jare.” Jensen turns to the giant on his other side. “I don’t think she wants to tell you about her sex life.” The waitress appeared with a round for the table. You happily take a gulp from the vodka cranberry, letting the alcohol fuzz your mind easily on your empty stomach. 
“Why, you tell me yours?” Jared’s comment had you spitting out the second drink you took, the liquid nearly coming out your nose. Certainly you knew that the boys were close, but you had no idea they traded bedroom secrets. God, are you hoping that he hasn’t discussed the two of you. Jensen just squeezes your leg tighter, his fingers dancing across your panty covered core. Your thighs clench around his fingers, trying to focus on the topic at the table, though you really didn’t want to, but at least it wouldn’t have you moaning at the table right now. 
“All the juicy secrets?” Kim leans into her elbows, fascinated with where this conversation was going. Jared leans into her too, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Oh the juiciest. The last girl he slept with even-” 
“Okay! Enough story swapping, let’s respect her privacy a little bit.” Jensen smacks Jared’s shoulder only to have him bust out in laughter. 
“I agree, I’m sure she wouldn’t be super happy having a whole table of strangers hearing about her escapades.” You pipe in, trying to hide yet another blush on your cheeks. You are all to familiar with the story Jared was about to share, and mortified that he almost told the whole table. You could get behind Jay telling Jared, they were best friends after all, but Jared telling everybody else was well, not ideal. 
The friends around the table laugh in agreement and Rich quickly changes the subject to the concert and how much everybody rocked it. You take the opportunity to down the drink in front of you. Jensen still had his hand on your thigh, getting too much enjoyment out of torturing you.
The alcohol now in your system is giving you the bravery to play him at his own game. You mirror his position, your hand finding its way up his thighs and dancing quickly past his groin. Jensen’s gaze flicks towards you out of the corner of his eye and you offer him a quick, sly, smile. He responds in fever, and you have to bite your lip as his fingers slip past you panties. He’s growing under your touch, and he has to shift in his seat next to you as you work over each other. The warmth is spreading through you and you can barely focus on your own torturing. 
“Y/N, you okay? You look a little flushed?” Kim catches your very focused attention. You snap your hand back into your own lap like you’ve been shocked but Jensen doesn’t even flinch. 
“Uh, yeah, I think the alcohol is just hitting me harder than expected.” Jensen has a smug smile as he listens to whatever Jared is saying. “Actually, I think I should head back. It’s not fair to the fans if I have bags under my eyes for their photo ops.” You chuckle, your voice coming out huskier than you intended.
“Yeah?” Jensen turns to you as you speak and removes his hand. “Want me to walk you back?” 
You shrug. “If you want.”
“It’s late, I’ll walk you.” Jensen stands with you and helps you put your coat on. You guys say goodbye to everyone and Jensen leads you out of the bar, his hand on your lower back. 
It’s much quieter on the street than inside the bar, and the cold air feels amazing on your flushed skin. There are a few groups of people hanging about on the sidewalk, but none of them pay you any mind as you head towards your hotel. It’s lucky though, because it means that no one notices when Jensen drags you into the dark alley between the tall buildings. 
“What the fuck Jay?” your eyes struggle to focus in the sudden darkness. Jensen’s tall frame is towering over you, pressing you into the concrete building. 
“You think you’re so slick baby, teasing me in front of everybody.” His breath washes over you, his lips landing on you neck.
“You’re one to talk.” Jensen runs his hands up you thighs, pushing the material of your dress almost up past your ass. 
“It’s harder for me to to hide it when you get me flustered. Now what are you gonna do about it?” It was hard to imagine his voice could get any lower, and you have never heard him like this before. It had you dripping. 
“You want me to suck your cock?” You purr and drop to you knees in front of him. Jensen stares down as you look up at him, his tongue darting out to lick his lips
“Not here baby.” He does little to hide the disappointment in his voice. Jensen runs a large hand through your curls before helping you up and fixing your dress. You fake pout, jutting out your lower lip and earning a chuckle from Jay. He ran his thumb over your lip. “Come on baby, let’s get back to the hotel.” 
Part 2
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I doodled a little Cas because I love him. ❤❤❤ 
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
You know I can’t resist.
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Pairings : Sabriel (eventual-ish), Michael, Lucifer.
Word count : 1,268
Written for : @spnabobingo
Square : Chocolate/coconut/almonds
Warning : Pack style, Alpha!Sam, hunting down Lucifer, threats, fated mates
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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Gabriel is smiling to himself as he steps out of the small shop with two fingers pushing the brownie fully into his mouth with a soft moan. It’s the best damn brownie he’s had in a long ass time.
“Seriously?” Gabriel glances over to see his older brother sitting on a patio table, foot resting on a chair with his forearm across his knee while he shakes his head. “I leave you alone for two damn minutes-”
“It smelled too good!” he defends himself, shoulders going up in a shrug. “You know I can’t resist.”
“We’re here on a job, Gabriel.”
Gabriel rolls his eyes. “It’s always work work work with you. All work and no play makes Michael a dull, dull boy.” he teases with a smirk.
“I’m going to tell dad you’re fucking around again, and-”
“Oh, come on, don’t be a little bitch, so I stopped for a brownie, what’s the big deal?” Michael gave his brother a bored look before his eyes shot down to Gabriel's bulging jacket pocket. “Oh, and a few cookies, sue me! It’s fucking good, Mikey. Okay? Eat one, maybe then you’ll get the stick out of your ass.”
“Just stay focused, Gabriel.” Michael snapped before pushing off the table. “Dad’s not fucking around. We need to find him.”
“We’ll find him. Okay? If he’s here, we’ll find him.” Before anything else can be said, he sees his brother's eyes cloud over and choses that opportunity to pull out a small wrapped sample of cake from his other pocket and stuff it in his mouth. “What?” Gabriel asks, mouth full and swallowing just as Michael blinks out of the link. “Someone find him?”
“No. A faint whiff of him, though.” Michaels looking around the town center. “Here and there, he’s doing his best to hide it. They can’t tell if it’s an old scent or just blocked somehow..”
“Alright, alright, I’ll get moving.” Gabriel dusts off his hands. “Where was the last scent?”
“Around the pack house. Not inside, though. Just… around..”
“I’ll check the woods, too.”
“Don’t be seen, Gabriel. Not by anyone more than you’ve risked already.” Michael snapped. “We don’t exactly have permission-”
“I know. I’ll be careful.”  Michael let out a huff as Gabriel started past him. When Gabriel's hand hit his chest, Michael's hand covered his brothers just before it pulled away and Michael looked down to find himself holding a cookie. “A little sweetness won’t kill you, big brother.” Gabriel winked and walked away.
With a roll of his eyes and a shake of his head, Michael tossed the cookie in the trash before heading in the opposite direction.
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He was moving around the pack house, keeping to the shadows as he observed the comings and goings of various people. He hadn’t smelled what he was looking for since he walked away from his brother in the town center, but he knew he couldn’t stop looking. His brother, Lucifer, was a danger to everyone and needed to be found. They’d been searching for months now. He’d pop up somewhere and then vanish by the time they got to him. They couldn’t let that happen again, not when he left devastation in his wake. And Gabriel liked this little pack town. They had good food. He smiled to himself, taking a bite out of his last cookie as he walked towards the back and peeked around the corner.
The cookie fell from his hand, landing in the perfectly manicured grass as a smell hit his nose.
Stepping out further than he should have, Gabriel’s nose was lifted in the air as he scented. Chocolate, coconut and almonds. It was divine to him. So perfectly balanced there was no way it was coming from the kitchen. Scenting at the air again, he followed his nose out past the yard that boasted a large pool and patio, and headed for the tree line. It was coming from the woods.
He moved fast, but quiet. Stealth was what Gabriel did best, the only reason Michael was tolerating him on this mission at all. It’s what happens when you grow up the youngest of four boys. You learn to avoid being seen, lest your older, bigger, stronger and angrier brothers get a hold of you. Especially if you just pranked them. And Gabriel loved a good prank.
The scent was stronger now, filling his nose and making his mouth water. He was close. He was so focused on that one smell, he ignored everything else. It consumed him. If he’d have been able to focus, he’d have smelt someone else and not been surprised when he came upon the people standing in the tiny clearing.
That smell.. It was coming from the giant of a man standing before his brother. It was him. That mouth watering scent was coming from him. Gabriel stared at him, wondering who he was, what his name was. He had to know, had to find out everything about him. “Mate.” he whispered softly, eyes not coming off the stranger until his brother spoke.
“Do  you have an answer for me, Alpha Sam.” Gabriel saw the smirk on his brother's face, whatever he was here for, he was sure he’d get it.
‘Sam’ Gabriel repeated in his head. ‘Alpha Sam.’ He’d heard of an Alpha named Sam. Winchester?
“No.” The answer was a single firm word.
“I’ve given you enough time-”
“The answer. It’s no.”
Lucifer sneered, sharp teeth baring, but Sam didn’t move, didn’t seem phased in the least at the threat. “No?” Sam just gave him a tilted nod, and that only served to piss Lucifer off further. “You don’t get to tell me no.” he growled.
“I just did. I don’t know what you’re up to, Lucifer, but we will not fight your war. We will not be your puppets. The answer, is no.”
“You’ll regret this.” Lucifer's claws were out as he started forward with another growl. Moving quick, Gabriel rushed out from the trees and got between his brother and the much larger Alpha behind him. “Gabriel.” Lucifer smiled.
“Back away.”
“Or what?” Lucifer laughed, and when Gabriel’s claws came out, Lucifer’s laugh died, but his smile never faded. “Why do you care?”
“Back away, Luci. I love you, you’re my brother, but you’re a big bag of dicks and I won’t hesitate.”
“You’re hesitating now.” Lucifer grinned, stepping closer.
“I can fight my own battles.” Came a growl from behind Gabriel.
“I’m warning you, Luci. I’m not here alone.” He needed to mind link to Michael, tell him that he found him, but he couldn’t risk taking his eyes off his brother.
“I’m just here for Samuel.” Lucifer raised his hands, palms out and facing his younger brother. “I’ll leave everything else intact if Sam comes with me.”
“Never.” Gabriel growled threateningly, something that took Lucifer by surprise for a moment. Lucifer narrowed his eyes, tilting his head as he studied Gabriel. “I’ll never let you have him.”
“Why? Why do you suddenly care? The Winchesters are beneath us.”
“I care because he’s mine.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows shot up as he took another step closer then stopped. He scented at the air for a moment, an action that earned a growl from his little brother. “Did our little trickster find his mate?” A smirk spread across Lucifer's lips. “You should have stayed hidden, little brother. Now I know both of your weaknesses. I won’t stop until I get what I want.”
“You can’t have him.”
“Then I’ll just have to take you.” his smile was sinister as he lunged forward.
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Tagging :   Sam -  @evyiione  @hoboal87
 SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
If Misha and Jensen are not close friends, then how come Jensen enjoys the Jib panel so much.
I am having a quizzical conversation with a kid who ships destiel.  And even though the conversation is going nowhere, she asked me the following:
''This is a video editing by angel dove. They do not ship Destiel but love making edits for it and for the community. This is simply showing the friendship of Jensen and Misha
And please tell me, why the hell would Jensen go and and check kiss Misha if they didn’t feel comfortable around each other. Or basically laugh at everything Misha says. Jensen May get annoyed with Misha, but I still feel they are comfortable around each other. And also the fact that they get really close to whisper to each other. I’m not implying that they like each other romantically, I am simply saying that if I was not comfortable, there is no way in hell that I would be that open and happy around them.''
Now I can tell you genuinely, that this is making me smile, because this kid doesn't actually watch panels because she is busy with school work and extracurricular activities.  So what she is giving me as proof of a deep friendship and affection between Jensen and Misha, is a fan video.  I did a generational overview of Misha's fanbase and hypothecized that most of them are Gen Z or Gen Next.  An adult would never use a fan video to make a point.  Especially when I have seen the original videos this video was spliced from.  Anyone with editing skills can put together a video.  Heck, I could put together a video showing how Jensen hates Misha.  And I can use all kinds of footage to do that.  And some people might actually believe me.  Bad people thrive on their target's gullibility.  I am going to try to break this question down to the most minute detail, as I can.
Jibcon is generally the only panel that Jensen and Misha share.  In other words, they do a panel only once a year.  It is an event that they are paid to attend, and it is only one of three international events.  They tried Germany but that flopped.  Jibcon is financially the most successful international event.  From its inception till last year, it was seen as the destiel con.  That is how it was packaged, even thought Daniella [the organizer] changed her mind recently.  From the Hitch reading to the fake orgasm, everything was done to please the destiel fans.  Suddenly all that changed.  It had something to do with Jensen's breakdown in 2017.  I think Jared told Daniella off, because the next year, there was no Cockles panel and shipping questions got banned.  Daniella took to SM to lash out at hellers for attacking her because of the no shipping question rule. 
All that whispering and unicorn laughing that Jensen was doing all these years, was to quieten down the online abusers.  And then, he got threatened after Jaxcon, and flipped out during Jib 2017.  After that, for last years Jib panel, Jared joined.  Before you crash panels you plan it out.  People don't just do what they want during panels.  When one artist is on stage, the other is doing ops etc.  This time things changed.  Unless that is how the lineup has always been, where Jared does nothing back stage during the last panel.  Will someone notify me of this? 
Once upon a time, Jensen was Misha's friend.  Jensen is friends with a lot of people.  There was nothing deep or meaningful about their interaction.  In fact, despite the fact that Misha made a fool out of the guys during Minncon by lying that he had been mugged, there was still a friendship.  Jensen, not wanting to be perceived as a bigot, did the Jib panels all these years.  After the death threat, I noticed a change in his demeanor on stage.  The unicorn laughter is scarce.  Do you know what that means?  He was forcing and faking it.  Whenever Misha says something shippy like sharing shirts, Jensen outdoes him by talking about sharing underwear with Jared.  When they do Honocon, Jared takes his own time leaving the stage during the Cockles panel.  If anything, Jensen is starting to sense that Misha eggs his fans on.  This latest Bacchus king announcement might be an indicator too. 
Now either you can be shippy and say that Jared is obsessing over Jensen and jealous over Misha because obviously Misha is just the person, to make Jared feel ''inadequate'' right?  Realistically, I think Jensen is asking Jared to be a buffer.  And its not because of Misha personally, but that is because Jensen doesn't know everything.  It is because of Misha's fans and their online behavior.  Your side cant threaten to kill someone, and your only response is, ''but we are not all like that''.  It is an unoriginal dismissive response.  And we don't respect it anymore.  Police your side.  Write posts asking them to correct their behavior.  And stop asking for canon destiel, because other than sexually harassing Jensen, it achieves nothing else. 
Like most kids, you are not leaving destiel in fandom where it belongs.  You are not watching the show without reading meta and headcanon.  You are not watching the panels.  You are watching fan vids.  Fan vides are visual equivalents of meta and headcanon posts.  You do the show and the stars a great disservice when you don't respect the canon of the work that they do.  Meta writers are not part of SPN.  They are part of fandom.  They have, therefore, no authority to say something about an episode or scene.  All they are doing is giving their opinion.  And the younger lot just latches onto it, because they like how it sounds.  There is no endgame destiel.  The show is not queer baiting you.  Its called fan service.  They did the same thing with the wincest fans.  Sam and Dean are canonically soul mates.  Notice how the wincest fans ask for nothing.  The person who spoke about endgame destiel first, was fandom biggest meta liar.  And I wish I knew who that person was. 
Some of that footage is from YANA.  Honey, you don't want me opening that can of worms.  Believe me.  By the way, using campaign footage to prove a frivolous point is kind of not cool.
Stay in school, keep your nose clean, and enjoy your ship without expectations.
Excuse the typos that are going to inevitably make a guest appearance. 
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blissfulparker · 6 years
Iced latte ch.10—mob!tom
Summary—you and tom are polar opposites that oddly attract
Warnings: reader being anxious, fluff
A/n: wow, I am sorry this took forever to write, I had no clue where I was going and I actually thought of just discontinuing the whole series but then I saw how much people liked it so I wanted to keep it going also sorry if I couldn’t tag you, I was tagging on mobile.
Series masterlist
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As you were collecting your things from Toms room you heard a loud bang outside, the loud bang that you heard the night before. It stopped you immediately, the sound caused you to freeze as you were the only one known on this floor at the time.
You were frozen until you heard footsteps reaching up the Toms bedroom floor, you panicked and hid in his closet where you crouched down and covered your mouth with your hand.
“You said she was fucking in here.” A male voice spoke as you could hear the sounds of the bathroom door opening.
“She was in here it’s not like she went far I watched her. She’s been sleeping with him for the past few days so he’s gonna have her scatter. We have to wait Theo, why can’t we just wait?” A woman voice spoke this time. You couldn’t make out who it was.
“We don’t have time to wait, do you understand that? We’re working on thin ice, all of our asses.” The male voice told the woman as you heard stomping out of the room.
You waited until the door shut and there was nobody left in the room. You got out of the closet still shaken at what had happened with whoever those men were. You started to collect your things quicker than you were doing before. you had remembered that tom had a gun in his dresser, you had no way to protect yourself, you took the gun out and decided it best to go into your bag.
“(Y/n) are you—woah!” You pointed the gun at tom who came in looking for you. You were shaking as you held the gun but at the same time couldn’t put it down even though it was just tom.
“Put down the gun darling.” He told you grabbing it from your hands and put it on the bed. He could see anxiety written all over your body, almost as if you were to go into an attack.
“There were people in here tom, l-looking for me...I think—I—I don’t know. I don’t want to go home, what if whoever Harrison said is out to get me comes for me at home? Or e-even worse Lizzie?” You breathed and shook your whole body. Tom noticed and pulled you in tight to his chest and hoped that would calm you down.
“You’re going to be safe with me here okay?i won’t send you home. I’ll get people to cheek on Lizzie for you. Don’t worry about anything babe.” He hushed you as you sobbed into his chest. He knew that you were scared and for a minute he felt some sort of anger, anger in himself for going after you. You, you who was probably safe before he stepped into your life.
“I-I can’t tom, I have my house, I need to be working or—or else I can’t pay my rent.” You told him and he pulled you back.
“Babydoll I have everything under control for you, everything.” He told you as he sat you down on the bed. “I need you to stay here, I’ll lock the doors.” He told you and you nodded.
You wanted tom to stay, but the Loud bangs outside said otherwise. Being alone in this moment was the most horrifying thing, suddenly all the things in the room became a weapon, the door became more of an entrance not an exit, no where was safe.
The feeling of being sick washed over you. You ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor over the toilet allowing yourself to give out. While you were throwing up the sound of keys jingling and the door opening perked you up.
“Darin—shit.” He came over to your side and held back your hair and rubbed your back. “What happened?” He asked as he still held a hand around your back.
“My anxiety rose.” You breathed out. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I cant breathe and I feel the whole world spinning around me and when it gets really bad like now I’ll throw up.” You told him and he shook his head.
“Don’t apologize.” He told you and looked over to the tube. “I’ll start You a bath.” He told you as he turned on the water and you just sat there watching him.
He had a variety of bath salts under his sink which surprised you but at the same time made you know he goes under a lot of stress himself.
“Can I undress you or would you like me to leave now?” He asked. You wanted him to stay but you didn’t know it was the best decision, but at the same time you needed him.
“C-can you stay?” You asked as he nodded and removed your shirt. He looked at you as if you were gold, he didn’t know why he liked you so much, maybe it was because you made him feel so normal.
“Sorry, I know there probably not what you’re use to.” You laughed as he looked at your boobs in the black bra.
“No,” he went around to unlatch the bra strap. “Their perfect.” He kissed your neck.
He undressed the rest of you before doing himself. You came in first and then he came in behind you. You couldn’t remember the last time you even had a bath let alone with bath salts, bubbles, and jets. In fact you can’t even remember when you had this hot of water.
“This is nice.” You relaxed into his chest and he massaged your shoulders. He felt you relax into his touch.
“Yeah,” he breathed out. “I can get use to this.” He said more to himself than you. You smiled as he told you.
The bath was nothing sexual, no. He felt relaxed and so did you. Tom didn’t want to do anything you weren’t comfortable with because he was whipped for you. He would do everything at your pace.
“You’re going to stay in my room okay?” He told you as you nodded. “I-I feel safer in when you’re with me and in my reaches.” He kissed your shoulder.
“I don’t feel safe.” You whispered. “I have be came this war.”
“You have not became this war between anyone okay?” He told you back. “And I’m going to make sure that you are safe.”
For just one second, you and tom had forgotten about the world outside. The feeling of being in danger, worry about money, worrying about everything. For once it was peaceful and tom had that feeling he had when he first saw you in the coffee shop, peace. He had that feeling in his heart where it felt soft and not cold, beating, and argry.
Maybe if he had known that your father was the one person he hated the most he’d kill you. But he didn’t know and that had proved you are far from like him. But you are everything opposite.
Please leave feedback it helps me out and let’s me know if you want another part
Taglist perm: @lynnbeaan @actorsdamn @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @sunshine-peter @ironspiderguy @mdgrdians @dreamymeliorism @roaringgoodshow @built4broadway @strugglinggryffindorkid @1mychalia1 @grace-sully @didanyonesaybuckybarnes @embrace-themagic @bloodysleepy @thebonanamuffin @thellamalord @sleepy-demon @flowerchild8341 @cade-james @random-stupid-stuffs @joyfulspider @sad-broken-crayon @mylinkmyrules @carry-on-ms-believer @queenmissfit @skeletalwolfcat @gingerpeachyy @condy-wants-a-cookie @dennythepooh @zon-chan @fandom-fangirl07 @gabriels-gumdrop @whatam3ss @jamaicaa-blakee @thetributethatvolunteered @o-brienwrites @smexylemony @spn-worm @fucking-reddie @stranger-marvel @darlingtholland @sylvirstars @supernatural-strangethings-1980 @pvnk-bivch @spideyyypeter @lubrielx @authorpocketcow @swoozi224 @abunchofmaraudersfluff @redridingthroughthehood @sammyskyler2000 @usuallyweepingnacho @tom-hollands-eyelash @capandbuck @delicately-written @emmyfignewton @spidcr-man @laramitk
Iced latte: @pignolithecookie @lemirabitur @yourwonderbelle @spider-mendes @ikbenplant @alina-barnes @infin-itywar @thebadassbitchqueen @parkerless @acociara @quacksonshq @euphoricmads @kattholland @thors-revengers @jaebeanz @spiceygrethan @spacemarkimooo @thatprofessionalfangirl @marvelismylifffe @wussupbixch @jollyholland @petersfilm @mac-dermarco1 @accalialionheart @delicate-tom13 @juice-for-holland @getmealife @greenarrowhead @nebulafading
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
Thoughts Of You (Part 2)
Part 1
Fandom: Richard Armitage RPF
Summary: From the imagine of ‘Imagine Richard is in a loveless relationship but can’t stop thinking about you’. In the first part, Richard broke up with his girlfriend, forcing her to leave their shared apartment. Now Richard is looking forward to seeing you. Part 2 requested by @patanghill17 @legolaslovely and @deepestfirefun
Pairings: Richard Armitage x Fem!Reader, Richard Armitage x OFC
Warnings: Angst, yearning, requited love (but not acted on), swearing, text harassment, mentions of overweight!reader, insecurity
Word count: 1379
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be added to my tag lists for a particular fandom, character, or even everything, please send me an ask or a private message and I will add you. This idea actually came into my head from looking at a GIF set of Lucas North. Your background with Richard and also the woman he’s with have been left open for you to fill in your own gaps.
Music inspiration/listened to for this piece: Piano music and rain sounds (3-hour video), found here. 
Masterlist of fan fiction here
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As she left that night, taking only her essentials for now, and crying the whole way to the door, Richard tried not to look. She had mascara in streaks down her cheeks, paired with glistening tears. “Please, Rich,” she begged again, hesitantly reaching for the door knob.
“Just leave,” Richard said coldly, opening the door for her.
He watched her depart, the beginning of the end. No doubt she would come begging him to forgive her when she visited to pick up the remainder of her possessions. But Richard had already got a hard resolve in his gut. She would not sway him. The door was now open for him to follow his heart and seek out your light.
Your flight got into JFK airport the next morning. As all the passengers filed off, you yawned, bracing yourself for the immigration queue that was about to ensue. New York had always been one of your favourite destinations and whenever your work needed someone to visit, you were always the first to offer your help and volunteer to go. In actual fact, most of the time now, no one was even asked, apart from you. Your boss made sure your name was put forward.
Midtown Manhattan was to be your home for ten days, and you took the cab from JFK, like you normally did, to your hotel. It was the same place you always stayed; middle of the road, not too extravagant, but clean, with friendly staff and was somewhere you found comfortable.
When you had checked in, you made your way up to your room on the third floor, trailing your suitcase behind you. In the elevator, you shared the space with a young couple who were more interested in the taste of each other’s faces than you. You blushed and looked down, trying not to take too much notice of their public displays of affection. Instead you looked at your reflection in the mirror and looked down sadly. Slightly overweight. Nothing special.
It seemed like an age passed until there was the familiar ping!
The room was clean, the smell of polish and fresh sheets still hanging in the air.
The first thing you did, like always, was throw yourself on the bed, testing out the mattress. Ahh, Memory Foam! Always able to send you to sleep within minutes.
Your iPhone chimed loudly. You were hoping it was Richard, but instead it was an unknown number.
You’ve fucked with the wrong bitch. I know you’re seeing him behind my back.
What on earth? Seeing who? The number was international, so it was someone abroad, no doubt from the States.
Another text chimed.
Ha! You are one ugly bastard!
Your heart began to race, pounding and sending heat all around your body. Tears were threatening to fall down your cheeks in both anger and sadness. Whoever would be sending you these disgusting insults?
And another text.
You are seriously joking to think he’d want you over me?
Were these texts even meant for you? Your hands shaking and you holding back sobs, you blocked the number.
Rain was falling outside your window now, and not even that relaxing, calm sound could cure you of the hurt and disrupted nerves. You sat down on the end of the bed, resting your hands on your thighs and let the tears fall. You knew you were ugly, fat and the kind of woman most men walked past without a second glance. And here you were, waiting to see Richard, an actor and absolutely beautiful man in all ways. What kind of planet were you living on to think he’d everconsider you?
As if on cue, your phone began to ring and Richard’s name flashed upon the screen.
“Umm, h…hello,” you stuttered, trying to gather your nerves and thoughts together properly.
“Are you okay?” his voice came back, concerned for you. He must have noticed the tremor in your voice.
And you sobbed, unable to hold it back anymore.
“Love, what’s wrong?” his voice came again. “Do you want me to come to you?”
“N…no. Don’t put yourself out for me, Rich. I’ll come and see you later. I just…”
“Just, what?” Richard pressed.
“Nothing,” you said softly. You sniffed, trying to push your hurt away. “Are you alright?”
“No, you’re not doing your usual and diverting the conversation,” Richard replied, chuckling.
His chuckle made you smile.
“I’ll get a cab up to you. Are you in the same hotel as usual?”
“Yes,” you replied. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
“Give me half an hour, and I’ll be with you.”
What you would give for this man to be a permanent part of your life. To feel his kindness every day, be enveloped by his compassion and held steadfast by his faithful nature. But he belonged to someone else.
Like always, you were early. You sat in a leather seat in the lobby, sipping quickly on a free coffee you had made yourself by reception. It was bitter, but decent enough for a free beverage. The rain began to pound against the panes, and soon hailstones hit the ground outside, bouncing. Pedestrians rushed on past, some dashing inside the hotel for temporary refuge from the terrible weather.
Then you saw him. Dressed in jeans, an open neck navy shirt and his usual white trainers. That smile.
You stood up and he stopped in front of you, his arms twitching at his sides.
Richard felt his breath become caught in his lungs. Your eyes looked swollen, the window to a crushed spirit. “Are you alright?” he asked, his hand reaching out a little and then dropping back at his side.
“N…not really,” you replied.
“Come on,” he said, his hand reaching out for you to follow him. “Do you want to go back to your room or shall we get a drink in the restaurant?”
“Can we go back to my room because I’ll probably start crying again,” you replied, swallowing hard.
Richard remained silent as you both made your way back upstairs to floor three. You noticed the concierge eyeing you both as you disappeared into the elevator.
In the room and you sat down on the edge of the bed. “I haven’t even unpacked anything yet,” you told him.
Richard took out the chair which accompanied a small desk in front of your mirror and wheeled it to in front of you. He sat down, his knees only inches away from yours. You noticed his hands were resting at the very end of his knees as if wanting to reassure you and take yours in his.
“I had some really nasty text messages, saying I was ugly and that this person knew I was seeing someone behind their back,” you said. Tears rolled down your cheeks again. “They said they’d seen me and something about him wanting me over them. I have no idea…”
“What was the number?” Richard asked suddenly, his face having grown contorted into an expression of anger. “Show me the number.”
“I don’t know…I blocked it.”
“Please, show me the number…”
You grabbed your phone and brought up the blocked numbers.
Richard’s jaw clenched. “The fucking bitch,” he growled.
“Miranda!” Richard hissed. “She got your number off my phone.”
“Your girlfriend?” you asked. Why was Richard’s girlfriend texting you?
“Not anymore. We broke up last night. That smashing you heard in the background, that was her. She’d been looking at my phone and it was the last straw. I’m going to…”
“Rich, calm down,” you said, taking his hand.
Richard looked down at your hands and tightened his own grip around yours. “I won’t let her get away with this. She doesn’t hurt you. No one does. I’d wanted to break it off with her for some time, last night being the reason I could use, but at the bottom of it all, it was because of you.”
Was Richard leaning in to you? His head was coming closer, until you felt his lips on yours. You took a huge intake of air, completely thrown off guard by this situation. Richard’s stubble tickled your skin and you smiled beneath the kiss. His hand cupped your cheek, his thumb wiping away your tears.
Follow Forever tag list:
@himoverflowers @shikin83 @theincaprincess @deepestfirefun @nowiloveandwilllove @houseofrahl @mynameisnoneya1991@blankdblank @captainrainbowpanda @cd1242 @c-s-stars @thorins-magnificent-ass @patanghill17 @inumorph @leah-halliwell92 @msjava1972 @bespectacled-bunny @ghostlyandee @raindancer2004 @dottiechan @captain-almighty @hobbitlover23 @catthefearless @epicallychrissy @nelswp @adaliamalfoy @spn-obsession @armitageadoration @peneigh-dzredfohl @here2have-fun @greendragonette @thorinsraven @thophil2941btw @princessoferebor94 @banlaochranda @wilhelmyna @gabrieleaquaman @rachel1959 @serpensortia06 @rcrispina @kategorically-challenged @tigereyesf @jumpingmanatee @therealpamdiaz @tschrist1 @inlovewithamantwicemyage @aspiringtranslator @princessofthefandomrealm @letsbeinspiredby @lilith15000 @lealina-scarsdale @scarsfanfictiontrash @mechromancing-cinnamon-roll @ra-of-light @jassy2101 @durinsqueen @hariclea @sherala007 @onewithleaf  @michelem703 @bthtallmadge2 @marieannetora @valuedabovehoardedgold @tiredwritersworld @xxbyimm @miabee0706 @fuck-off-you-stupid-goat @legolaslovely @meganlpie
Richard Armitage tag list: @inkededucatednnerdy @crazytxgradstudent @birdkeeperklink
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 years
Patient D.W.
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Request: Do you think you could do a Dean x reader fic where the boys are wanted and dean gets seriously injured, so instead of a hospital they show up the at an emergency vet clinic where the reader is the only veterinarian there and she refuses to not call the cops until she finds out more.
Pairing: Dean x vet!reader
Word Count: 1,600ish
Warnings: life threatening injuires
“Okay, Mr. Snuggles,” you said to the tired kitten you put back in his cage after doing another check on him. “You get some rest and in the morning you can go home to your mom and dad.”
“Lady, we need help,” suddenly said a man in the back of the vet clinic, your eyes instantly drawn to the alarm on the wall. It was well past midnight and you were the only one around in the emergency clinic. At least you were supposed to be. You’d been trained that this might happen. Gunshot wounds, stabbing victims...they’d come to you to avoid the hospital and then things would go bad. “Hey Doc! My brother’s injured.”
You spun around quickly, a large man holding another half conscious one up, his face and chest bloody.
“Go to a hospital if he needs medical assistance,” you said. “I can call you an ambulance if-”
“Help him. Please,” said the man, pulling the other one over to an open door and setting him on operating table you used for large dogs, big enough to fit a grown man for the most part. 
“I said-”
“We can’t. The police are...please just stop the bleeding,” said the man, shaggy brown hair matted down with dried blood. “He’s going to die if you don’t help him.”
“Are you wanted?” you asked.
“Technically yes. But it’s a long story I don’t have-”
“Make time,” you said, the man scrunching up his face.
His lips flapped a mile a minute, his story so far out there you thought he should write a book if he ever got off whatever drugs he was on.
“A werewolf attacked him and threw him across a room and out a second story window...and then attacked him again is what you’re saying,” you said.
“It’s insane but it’s the truth,” said the man, glancing back at the one of the table, not even bothering to try and keep his eyes open anymore. “Come on Dean, stay awake.”
“Tryin’ Sammy,” he mumbled, poking open one eye to look at you. 
“I don’t know how to fix people. I’m an animal doctor,” you said.
“Well...think of him as a really big dog that got hit by a car,” said Sammy.
“I need your help,” you said, pointing behind him at a box of gloves on a shelf, the man turning his back as he plucked some out. You kneed him in the back, the man falling down long enough for you to shove him towards the corner and into the large crate there, locking the door behind him.
“No, no, no, please! Don’t call the cops!” said Sammy, shaking the door but he wasn’t getting out of there anytime soon.
“He needs medical attention,” you said, going to the wall phone, the man on the table grunting.
“If you’re gonna call, let him go,” said Dean. “Let Sam go at least. Please.”
Everything screamed not to trust these two, that they were insane, on drugs...not to mention you really did need another pair of hands to help Dean.
“Either one of you tries anything, I call the cops,” you said, undoing the crate. “Put on some gloves. I hope you know how to stitch, big guy.”
“Hey,” said Sam, answering the door to a creepy motel room the next night. You stepped inside to see Dean bare from the waist up, bandages covering his body, his eyes shut. “He’s resting.”
“I need to check him,” you said. Sam caught your arm, poking his head outside before closing up tight. “You do realize I’m putting my neck on the line to help your brother. I didn’t call the cops.”
“We don’t know you is all,” said Sam, letting you head over to Dean. You saw the light layer of sweat on his skin up close, cursing when you pulled a chair over. “What?”
“He has an infection,” you said, Sam shaking his head.
“I know how to look for an infection. None of his wounds look bad,” said Sam.
“You brought a bloody and injured man into an emergency vet clinic full of sick animals where he could have picked up any kind of disease in his weakened immune state,” you said. Dean flashed open his eyes, unclenching his fist when you grabbed a rubber band and tied it around his bicep. “I need to test his blood and run it so he can get the right medicine.”
“Okay then do it,” said Sam.
“Even once I know what disease it is, where are you going to get the medicine?” you asked.
“You figure out what the infection is, let me worry about the medicine.”
You had a cool washcloth on Dean’s forehead, Sam leaving to go get the medicine he claimed. 
“Rip off a pharmacy is more like it,” you mumbled, Dean stirring awake, taking a long swallow. You helped him take a few big gulps of water from his glass, Dean smiling when he finished.
“Thanks,” he said quietly. “Sorry for dragging you into this.”
“I looked you and your brother up during the day. You guys are wanted for some pretty messed up stuff. A lot of grave desecrations I saw,” you said.
“It’s how you kill a ghost,” said Dean. 
“Oh, so you kill werewolves and ghosts?” you asked.
“A bunch of other stuff too but yup,” said Dean. “You think we’re nuts.”
“The logical part of my brain says yes. The other part has no idea how you got claw scratches like that from anything other than a wild animal,” you said.
“Welcome to crazy town, doc,” said Dean.
“You know I’m a vet, right?” you said.
“Saved my ass. A doc’s a doc to me,” said Dean. “What’d you say I have again?”
“Cat scratch fever,” you said.
“But I didn’t get scratched by a cat...or been anywhere near a cat,” he said.
“Yes but a kitten with the bacteria was in the operating room just before you showed up. If any of his spit was on the table when you decided to start rolling around with open wounds on it...” you said. “You’ll be fine. We just have to stop it before it gets bad. You need to be as healthy as possible to help these other injuries heal. If your body wasn’t so busy trying to fight off everything else, you’d probably get over it on your own.”
“What if we didn’t treat it?” asked Dean.
“You could get a severe neurological disorder for starters,” you said.
“Glad we’re treating it then,” said Dean.
“Are you in any pain?” you asked.
“Besides where the werewolf tried to rip my guts out or the fact I got shoved out a window yesterday, I’m perfect,” said Dean with a smile.
“Be serious,” you said.
“I’m fine,” he said. “I’ll just lay low a few days and then I’ll be good as new. Right doc?”
“Let’s hope so.”
One Week Later
“Ow,” whined Dean when you pulled out a few of the stitches on his back.
“Don’t be a baby,” you said, Dean wincing again when you pulled on the thread. “I haven’t sewn human skin in a long time, cut me some slack.”
“Doc was an actual doc at one point?” he asked.
“I like animals better than people. Animals don’t come into your clinic in the middle of the night with warrants for their arrest,” you said, pulling out the last stitch, the skin healing nicely.
“Yet you still come by every day to check on me,” he said with a smile. “You like me or something doc?”
“Calling the police at this point is bound to cause more harm than good,” you said.
“Plus Sammy and me fight monsters and you’re still freaked by that,” said Dean.
“You and your brother ran into an abnormally large coyote is all,” you said.
“In the middle of an office building...” said Dean.
“I agree to disagree,” you said, knowing the marks on Dean’s body were from something much larger and the break in at the building they told you about was too strange to ignore.
But monsters weren’t real until you saw one so as far as you were concerned, Dean just had unfortunate luck and a creative imagination.
“You’re all set. Call me if you think the fever is coming back and get to a hospital next time dummy. You lost a lot of blood,” you said.
“Will do, doc,” he said, leaning over and kissing you. “If I’m ever in town again, I’ll look you up. We’ll grab a drink, have some fun. Sound like a plan?”
“Anyone ever tell you you’re crazy?” you asked, Dean humming as he slid his shirt back over his head.
“See you around, sweetheart.”
@baconlover001 @emilymorgan1994 @jensenackesl @captainemwinchester @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @xfanqirlinq @anokhi07 @akshi8278 @fandom--shipper @xxwinchester-22xx
@zeusmyster @atc74 @aingealcethlenn @pillow223 @alilianamendez @dancingalone21 @smoothdogsgirl @docharleythegeekqueen @jaelami @roxyspearing @kickasscas67 @gallifreyansass @untitled39887 @charliebradbury1104 @quiddy-writes @arryn-nyxx @poukothenerd @feelmyroarrrr @mrsbatesmotel53 @idalinette @evyiione @jayankles @samisimportant @maddieburcham1 @demonic-meatball @hey-um-misha @flufy07 @its-not-a-tulpa @whit85-blog @mrswhozeewhatsis @extreme-supernatural-lover @spn-ficfanatic @starry-chaos @blushingdean
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anniehowsback · 6 years
Don’t Do Anything Stupid
Fandom: SPN
whump/ speculative fic based on spoilers/ pre-season 14 / 2k / Gen / PG-13
Characters: Castiel, Michael, Dean, Jack (backgound Sam, Mary, Bobby)
Warnings: aftermath of violence
Summary: “DO IT,” Castiel commanded, and Jack gulped past the knot in his throat, slammed his bloodied hand on the banishing sigil, and activated it.
He barely caught a glimpse of Michael’s widening eyes before the archangel was forcibly ejected from the bunker, dragging Castiel right along with him.
“DO IT,” Castiel commanded, and Jack gulped past the knot in his throat, slammed his bloodied hand on the banishing sigil, and activated it.
He barely caught a glimpse of Michael’s widening eyes before the archangel was forcibly ejected from the bunker, dragging Castiel right along with him.
When the flash from the spell faded out, Jack was surrounded only by the red emergency lights and the dull, anxious rumbling of the alarm. He looked down at his leg, splayed out in front of him, broken and twisted. It hurt, more than stabbing used to hurt him, but he suspected still less than what it would feel to a full human. He had managed to crawl all the way to the wall with it, but now he felt the strong desire to be helped and comforted, and not move anymore.
“Sam?” he called, his voice quivering. He could barely make out a hand and an arm sticking out from underneath a toppled bookcase, across the room. He got no reply.
“M-Mary?” he tried, craning his neck to look through the remnants of the door. “Bobby?”
Nobody answered him.
The alarm kept going.
Jack sniffed. Tears were starting to stream down his eyes, fat and salty. “Anyone?” he whispered, hugging himself, and wishing he could just make things move like he used to.
“Castiel,” he finally prayed, “please come back; I need you.”
They splash-landed in the northern Atlantic, tangled together like a poisonous vine and an ancient stone, startling a pod of whales. The large animals scattered, surprisingly agile for their volume. If Michael needed to conquer the depth of the oceans, he’d consider taking one of them as his vessel.
Human forms were so woefully inept for underwater battles. He felt even more constrained and limited than usual, and the cold, wet clothes actively bothered him.
He shook himself free of the seraph and took flight, heading back to the continental mass of northern America. He could have killed him, but it felt more satisfying to let that wingless, annoying pest find his way back with his human limbs.
Only, as he made a graceful touch down in a luscious field of wheat, he realized Castiel had managed to somehow cling to him, enough to ride his wake and tumble down only a few feet away, sowing a deep trench in the earth and spoiling the majestic landscape. Typical.
Now thoroughly irritated, he advanced on this version of his brother and grabbed him by the neck, yanking him up to his eye level.
Michael didn’t consider himself particularly squeamish, or sentimental, or any of that human nonsense, but he did find it uncomfortable to come face to face with just how low an angel could fall. If the broken creature in front of him could still be called an angel.
He wasn’t, he considered, that different from the real Castiel, at least as far as damage could be assessed, but of course Castiel had endured his own twisting and mangling to become a better soldier, while this sorry excuse of an imitation had gone completely in the other direction.
The merciful thing would have been to snap his fingers and incinerate him on the spot. And in the midst of warfare that’s exactly what he would have done. But his purpose now was intelligence-gathering, and it occurred to him that he wouldn’t find any another specimen quite like this. His circumstances were not just rare, but unique, and perhaps he could still do some good as a topic of study.
This, though, meant finding a way to stop him from pestering Michael until he was ready to open the rift again and call his army and his specialists.
The pathetic little abomination regarded him coolly from his one functioning eye, the other swollen shut and bloodied. He didn’t seem to have the energy to shed the icy water from his vessel, or the mud he’d rolled into.
Disgusting. Michael wondered if this emotion was what humans called ‘gagging’.
“I know he’s dead,” he growled, “he was dead the moment you stepped inside. All I ask is that you release his soul. You have the body. Let him rest in Heaven, he’s earned it.”
Michael chuckled. He had to admit, if only to himself, that he was surprised.
“That’s all? Is that why you’ve been dogging my every step? Just to get rid of Dean Winchester’s soul?”
“To free him,” Castiel countered firmly. “I know what it means for a human soul to be trapped with an angel…”
“Careful.” He did want to let him live, but his patience had limits, and he couldn’t outright ignore blasphemy.
“Let him go, Michael,” he whispered, and something deep inside him twinged.
Michael blinked. “If that’s all you’re asking, you’re wasting your time, “ he explained, not unkindly. “I already sent Dean Winchester to his own pocket of Heaven the moment I took over. I’m more considerate of my vessels than some of my brothers.”
Castiel narrowed his eye. “That’s… not possible.”
“Fine,” he sighed. “I’ll show you.”
The place wasn’t much different, only somehow more. A wide field of high grass bathed in the golden light of the fading sun. A cabin, in the middle, and on the outskirts a deep green forest. Snow-capped mountains on the horizon. A peaceful lake, with a wooden pier that went all the way up to the cabin’s porch.
And on the pier, looking resplendent in his carefully tailored surroundings, Dean Winchester was walking home with an empty beer cooler and four freshly caught trouts.
“There he is,” Michael pointed out unnecessarily. Castiel had immediately and unerringly found his target the moment their surroundings had coalesced around them, his very atoms vibrating and straining in that direction. “Careful,” Michael warned again, actually starting to pity the poor wretch. “I didn’t say you could talk to him.”
They watched silently from afar as Dean reached his porch, and was greeted by his mother, who came out to relieve him of the fish and to warn him to shower before dinner. Next the nephilim rounded the house with an armful of wood, chattering excitedly about managing the barbeque on his own. And finally Sam Winchester came out with two cold, sweating beers. He handed one to his brother, they toasted, and then they stood for a while in silence, looking out at the glorious landscape.
Michael felt just a touch of pride at the idyllic scene.
The seraph hunched under his grip, but then he managed to surprise Michael once again.
Castiel gave him a sideways look and chuckled darkly. “This isn’t Heaven,” he declared.
“How-?” Michael spluttered, not bothering to deny it.
“This isn’t a memory, it never happened.”
“What does it matter, and how would you even know?”
“In your universe things may be different, but in ours Heaven is strictly an endless repeat of good memories… and I know all about Dean. You can’t fool me.”
Michael scowled. So much for being magnanimous.
“But thanks for taking me this close,” Castiel smirked, and stuffed something in his breast pocket.
For the second time in as many hours, Michael was unceremoniously yanked away from the place he meant to be, but this time he was on his own.
Furious, he took a moment to gather himself and inspect the content of his pocket.
A tightly knotted pouch. Witchcraft. Michael swore bombastically in Enochian. Was there no low the treacherous little mongrel wouldn’t sink to? Oh, but he’d make him pay.
He concentrated, and an anemic tendril of smoke snaked out of the pouch.
Michael huffed. It might take him a while, but he’d make him pay dearly.
One minute Dean was sipping his beer and the next it crumpled into dust in his hand. Everything and everyone around him wavered and faded away like a mirage, leaving behind only dunes of grey, scorched sand. Even the sound had ceased to be, like vacuum in outer space.
What the… he thought, slapping his hand to the small of his back, wishing he had a weapon.
He spun around, looking everywhere, but the landscape spun with him, and the wind picked up, spitting soil in his face.
Still, some form of nameless instinct told him something was approaching. He squinted and tried to shield his face as best as he could, straining his eyes.
A darker point, a silhouette, a figure right in front of him. He couldn’t make out any features, but he knew.
Cas! he tried calling, but the silence wouldn’t budge. He broke out into a jog, a clumsy parody of a run on the uneven ground, which sucked at his feet and held him fast, making him as slow as a car on an empty tank.
Cas was fighting his damnest to reach him as well. Dean could see him now, beaten half to hell, urgently trying to shout something. But Dean couldn’t hear him, and he couldn’t read his lips.
They were nearly there. Dean reached out his hand, and he saw Castiel do the same. A couple of inches and their fingertips would have touched. Cas mouthed the only word Dean understood: No!, and suddenly the whole world seemingly rebooted.
Dean was on his perfect porch again, with his perfectly cold beer, looking out at his perfectly peaceful lake.
Castiel was standing next to him, smiling benevolently. He looked healthy, powerful, put together. Windswept and tanned, but then he used to always look like that at his most angelic.
“Hello, Dean.”
“Cas! What the hell?”
“My apologies. I wanted to visit you, but I fear my presence-“
“Is ‘disruptive’, yeah, you’ve said before.” Dean took a swig of his beer. It was the exact kind of tangy that he preferred. He had to make an effort to choke it down with a neutral face. “Are you staying for dinner?”
Castiel looked at him fondly, like a teacher would a slow but hardworking child. “I can’t. I have a rather delicate matter I have to attend to. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been to see your brother and your mother, and I found them both well. He’s entering his second semester of law school with an impressive score, for a working student. And she is looking for a house with Bobby Singer. I am under the impression that they are willing to settle down together.”
Dean nodded. “Second semester, huh? Wow, has it already been that long?”
“Time flows differently in Heaven. You needn’t trouble yourself with it, anyway. Human lifespans are so brief, especially seen from here. Soon enough they’ll outlive theirs, and join you here. Then you’ll be together forever.”
“Creepy, Castiel. Creepy.” Dean put down his beer, no longer able to pretend to enjoy it. “And Jack?”
For the briefest of moments, Castiel’s serene smile wavered, but he rallied like a champ. “Hunting, doing much good to honor your memory. Though since you sacrificed yourself to save the world, hunter jobs have gotten scarce and far in between. I’m afraid he might eventually drop out of them altogether.”
“No, that would be good. Nothing good comes from a kid hunting.”
“He’s not-“ Castiel pulled his smile back up. “You needn’t worry about him. He’s still basically unkillable.”
“Oh, good,” Dean quipped, unable to help himself. Before Castiel could fully narrow his eyes, he hurried on: “it was good to see you, buddy. Thanks for stopping by. Don’t be a stranger, eh?”
Castiel smiled beatifically again, and inclined his head. “I come as often as I can, Dean, but this isn’t my place. It’s meant for humans, not angels. Besides, don’t you already have all the company you need?”
From behind the windows, Dean could make out Sam, Mary and Jack’s faces, peering out and waiting for their cue.
Dean nodded, grinning wide with all his teeth. “Yep, I have everything I could ever want here. That’s what paradise is for, isn’t it?”
“Indeed it is, Dean Winchester. Indeed it is.” Castiel clapped him on his right shoulder, and vanished with a faint sound of flapping wings.
Sam, Mary and Jack walked out, watching him silently and unblinkingly.
Dean gulped, and quickly walked out on the pier on his own. They never followed him there, unless he took them. The edge on the lake was the only place he could be alone.
When he reached it he sat down, gripping the worn wood until his hands stopped shaking.
The others remained at the house. Dean could hear them busying themselves with the barbeque. The fish already smelled delicious.
Keeping his back ramrod-straight, he hooked his foot on a piece of string hanging down into the water, brought it up to his hand, and then pulled the mason jar attached to it from under the murky lake.
There was a journal inside, and a pen. Dean opened it and stared at the first page.
Slowly, he put a question mark next to it.
On the next page there was Djinn?
He added another strikethrough.
Under it there was how much time? Hours Days Weeks
He crossed out Weeks and wrote Months?
And on the third page:
Where is the real Cas?
He underlined ‘real’, and added searching, and also in danger?
He closed his eyes and exhaled. He didn’t dare pray, in case the fake Castiel heard him, but he turned to the last page and wrote: don’t do anything stupid.
Don’t do anything stupid.
Yeah. If only.
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meganwinchester1999 · 7 years
Rough Rides and Cotton Candy
Pairing: Cas x Reader
Characters: Reader, Castiel, Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester 
Word Count: 1003
Warnings: Dean’s dirty innuendos (yes that’s a warning), fluff, a tiny bit of angst and implied smut  
A/N: This fic was a WIP that I started over a year ago now and never got to finish it because I had no inspiration until now. Also, this is the first fanfic I have posted in a while so I apologise if it’s not good as I’m a bit rusty when it comes to fanfic writing. This is unbeta’d so all mistakes are mine and feedback is really appreciated. Tags are at the bottom.
You raised your eyebrow and tilted your head in confusion, as soon as you saw what Cas put in front of you, “Really, Cas….you wanna go to a fun fair?”
A blush appeared on Cas’ cheeks, which you always thought was adorable as fuck as you found he blushed a lot usually around you. It was sweet in a way so you always tried to make him blush as much as you could. You got pulled out of his thoughts when you saw him look down, hearing him whisper, “Well I've never been to a funfair before and well… it looks fun from what I've seen.”
You sighed deeply, shaking your head and wondering if you should give in. You obviously couldn't say no to him, however you didn't want to say yes either as the last time you went to a funfair, it didn't end too well.
“Cas…..” You looked up at him and straight into those bright blue eyes that you was always so attracted to, “O-Okay, we can go but let me go and see if we have a case first, alright?”
You saw a massive smile appear on his face as he walked out of your bedroom, leaving you a bit confused as to why he wanted to go to a fair in the first place.
You sighed again, quickly getting changed into some jeans, a plain t-shirt, your leather boots and jacket and also you grabbed a knife just in case before you walked out to the library where you knew Sam and Dean were.
“Hey, you two!” You walked over to the table and saw them both on their laptops, most likely trying to find a case since you all hadn’t been on one for a while.
Sam and Dean looked up, smirking when they could see that you are dressed, “Oh….hi, Y/N.” You saw that Dean was trying not to say something and it got you very curious.
“Right spit it out, what don't you wanna tell me? I can see it in your eyes, Winchesters.” You crossed your arms and stared at them with the resting bitch face that you learnt from them.
Sam and Dean stood up and shook their heads, “Nothing, Y/N.” They started walking out of the library but not before Dean kneeling down to your ear, “One thing I will say to you is fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a rough and bumpy ride.” He grinned widely as him and Sam made their way out of the library and you saw Sam slap Dean on the arm while shaking his head.
“What does he mean fasten your seatbelt?” You mumbled to yourself, sitting down and waiting for Cas to hurry up.
After, what seemed like forever, Cas finally came running into the library and hugged you tight, “Sorry it took me so long, Sam and Dean wanted to talk to me...about something”
You had noticed he took a long pause and that made you want to ask about what Dean said to you. But, you decided to leave the subject of that for now until you felt like it was the right time.
“Oh it's fine, Cas no need to apologise.” You smiled softly before kissing his cheek, “So, let's go to the fair then.”
Cas suddenly held your shoulder and before you knew it, you were both at the fair, “Damn it, Cas give me some warning next time before you fly us somewhere.” You bent over, feeling dizzy and feeling like you was about to be sick which is what always happened when Cas flew you anywhere. It had only happened once before and you thought once was enough
Cas tilted his head and you could see that he had a worried expression on his face, “I'm sorry, Y/N I will remember for next time and don't worry I'll heal you.” He touched your forehead and after feeling something surround you, you felt a whole lot better.
“Thanks, Cassie.” You slowly stood up and looked around, “Right what do you wanna do first?” You saw him look around with a look of amazement and wonder at all the rides and stands there were. You would have been lying to yourself if you didn't find it cute.
After, about a minute, he pointed to the bumper cars and that is where your amazing night began. You and Cas tried everything out, including him trying cotton candy for the first time, which was hilarious, and being with him actually made you forget about your bad experiences with fairs.
The last ride you both went on was the ferris wheel, which had been your favourite since you was a little girl. Once, you and Cas got to the top and it stopped, you looked around and saw the beautiful view all around you. Up until that moment, you had nearly forgotten how breathtaking it was being at the top of the ferris wheel with people walking on the ground underneath you.
“Y/N…” You had heard Cas say which pulled you out of your old memories. You had turned to face him and without any warning, his lips were on yours and he was gently kissing you.
‘Oh my god Cas is actually kissing me.’ You thought to yourself and you couldn’t help but kiss him back. You found he was a better kisser than you thought he was going to be and it was better than all of your dreams about him.
Soon enough, the kiss started to become more deeper and frantic as you both needed more and you both didn’t need words to say how you felt because you poured all the love and feelings in to the kiss.
Before you knew it, you were both suddenly back in the bunker, in your room and you found out that night that Dean was right about one thing. You definitely did have a rough ride but you loved every second of it.
Forevers and people who may be interested: @dutchlovergirl @heavenslildevil @ackleholic96 @sams-little-toy @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @styles-rae @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @castielspahdehrah @just-another-busy-fangirl
People from @mrswhozeewhatsis’ taglist: @vintagevalentinexx @thinkwritexpress-official @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @beriala @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @gryffindorable713 @deandoesthingstome @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @mrsjohnsmith @manawhaat @growleytria @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @thewinchestielboys @supermoonpanda @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @becs-bunker @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @prettyxwickedxthings @ferferelli @Lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @olitzisbae @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @shortandlongstories @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy @fangirling-instead-of-working  @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @roxy-davenport @chrisatplay @bkwrm523 @faith-in-dean @kreborn17 @mamaimpala @for-the-love-of-dean @winchesterfiesta @sleep-silent-angel @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @curliesallovertheplace @jencharlan @not-so-natural-spn @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @winchesters-princess @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @katnharper @impossible-box @tia58 @faegal04 @castiels-forbidden-angel @sunriserose1023 @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @babypieandwhiskey @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @wheresthekillswitch @shelovesallthethings @revwinchester @klaineaholic @pinknerdpanda @quiddy-writes @inmysparetime0 @alangel1895 @evilskank-inthemegacoven​ @there-must-be-a-lock @rockhoochie
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
No crusts.
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Pairings : Beta!Ash x Omega!Reader
Word count : 1,621
Written for : @spnabobingo​
Square : Love at first smell
Warning : preschool for part of the fic, love at first smell, Au where your mate smells like your favorite memories, baby Ash is super shy. Drinking, playing pool, mention of a supernatural murder & missing person, a bit of fear, Ash feels the need to be protective. Double break is a big time jump.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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He remembers it like it was yesterday. He was, what? Four, maybe five years old the first time he smelt it. He hadn’t wanted to go, fought his parents the whole way, wanted to stay home with his mom. They were standing at the gate, tears in his eyes as he begged her not to make him go inside, and then suddenly the tears stopped. He could smell something, something like he’d never smelt before from another person.
He looked around, searching for it. A girl skipped past him, the smell of fresh baked cookies and peanut butter and jam sandwiches filling his nose as she did. His two favorite things. Her eyes were big and bright, her smile wide as she let go of the hand she held and hurried through the gates without a look back at her parent, and he couldn’t tear his eyes off her.
“Ash?” He looked up at his mother, her knowing smile softening her face. “You ready to go in now?” He nodded. “Go on. I’ll be back to pick you up later.” He started for the gate when she called out to him again and he turned. “There’s cookies in your lunch bag, in case you want to share them with someone special.”
“Thanks mama.” he grinned with a wave before rushing past the gate, into the yard and towards the door.
Inside the building, he saw her again, putting her bag in her cubby. He stood where he was, just watching her. Her scent lingering in his nose. She smiled at other kids who said good morning to her, and he found himself wanting to talk to her too, but not knowing what to say. Then she turned to him and smiled. His whole damn heart melted.
“You must be Ash.” A voice from above him grabbed his attention and he looked up at the woman who stood there with clasped hands and a friendly smile. “I’m Miss Emily. I’ll be your teacher.” Ash looked from his new teacher to the girl he couldn’t stop watching, but she was turned away again, skipping her way into the classroom. “Come on. I’ll show you where you can put your stuff, and then we’ll go inside and meet everyone. I’ll even let you pick the first activity we do today, how does that sound?”
“Do you have clay?” he asked softly.
“We do.” She smiled wider seeing him open up just a little. “Do you like working with your hands, getting them dirty?” Ash nodded. “Then we’ll start with arts and crafts today.”
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When lunch time rolled around, Ash wasn’t sure where to sit, until he saw an empty seat next to the one person he’d wanted to talk to all day. Quickly, but quietly, he moved to the seat and sat in it before anyone else could, not that anyone else seemed to be running for it like he was, but he had to be sure. She looked up at him and smiled again, and Ash ducked his face away, blushing profusely.
She just turned back to her lunch.
It was quiet as she ate, Ash too shy to even look at her. He opened his lunch box and smiled seeing his favorite, peanut butter and jelly with the crusts cut off.
“You don’t like crusts either?” Ash’s head snapped up, surprised she was talking to him. Then he looked down to the sandwich bag that had torn crusts in it. “I told my mom, but she keeps giving me crusts..”
Ash was quiet again, surprised she’d spoken to him and unsure what to say. He looked down at his lunch again, at the snack bag tucked in next to his juice box. Home made chocolate chip cookies that his mother had made last night to cheer him up about going to school. He remembered the words she’d said to him before he went inside.
He slid the small bag over, and she looked up at him again. “My mom made them.” he whispered quietly. “D-do you want one?”
“Really?” Ash nodded. “Yeah!”
The way her face lit up, the way she moved just a touch closer to him, Ash was done for. He happily opened the bag and gifted her the biggest, chocolatiest cookie he had. He watched as she disregarded the rest of her sandwich and bit into the cookie, quick to tell him it was the best cookie she’d ever had.
It was in that moment that Ash decided this, this girl was his best friend in the whole world.
And if he ever took a mate and married, it would be her.
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He’s not sure how many PBR’s he’s knocked back at this point, as Ash leaned over the table and lines up the shot, breathing a moment before taking it. The person he’s playing against grumbles and he laughs as he reaches for his beer. “You should have known better.” he teased.
“Though you were drunk enough to beat this time.”
Ash is about to take another swig when the smell hits him. It smells like home, like his childhood. All his best memories and the past he’d long ago moved on from. The bottle comes down, and he swallows down nothing in particular and turns, eyes on the door. It stands open and he's frozen watching the person standing there.
“You sure you’re in the right place, sweetheart?” someone calls out from a corner table, and Ash feels the need to go over there and deck them when he sees the way you duck your head to hide your face. He’s scared you're going to leave.
“Can I get you anything, sugar?” Ellen calls from the bar, and he’s grateful at the way you look up with mild relief before heading over and take a seat in a stool. He sees the way you hesitate to drink the beer she hands you.
He hasn’t seen you in so goddamn long that he’d almost forgotten. How beautiful you were to him. How great your scent was. The Omega of his damn dreams. He needs to do something, say something, before he loses you again.
“Ellen.” he starts forward, getting the older woman's attention. “It's on me. Her drinks, they’re on me.”
“I can pay for my own drinks.” you try to interrupt, but he just gives Ellen a look, and she nods, walking off down the bar. You’re looking at him now, really looking at him. “You look familiar..”
Ash smiles. “We went to school together once. Kinda had a crush on you.” he chuckled awkwardly.
“Pb&J!” Ash’s smile fell, as he watched your face. “Pb&J and cookies, every day, right? That’s you! You, wow you look so different.” you chuckle. “Ash, I think, right? What are you doing here?”
“I work here.” he smiles. “Well, and live here..” he casually glances around, and he feels almost ashamed at the state of the place. It’s not dirty, not at all, but it’s not exactly pristine. Probably far from what you’re used to.
“That’s cool.”
“What are you doing here? This place ain't exactly your usual dive bar..”
“I-” He sees the smile fall from your lips and you look away. “I was told I could come here for help…”
“Help with what?”
You swallowed. “My dad.. So-something killed my dad, and my brother.. he’s missing.”
“That’s something you should call the police about-”
“No!” you looked at him, fear in your eyes. “They don’t believe me, they think I’m crazy! It wasn’t a person! It was… I don’t.. I don’t know. I’m scared.. I’m so scared.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” He tried to soothe you. “Dr Badass is in.” he gave you a reassuring smile. “I think I know who can help. Best of the best. I’m going to make a call, okay?” You nodded, and he left you to your beer. He was back a few minutes later. “They’ll be here day after tomorrow. You got somewhere to stay?”
You gave him a small nod. “Motel in town.” Ash nodded. “I uh- I had a crush on you too, you know.”
You nodded and smiled. “You gave me cookies. How could I not like the boy who kept feeding me the best cookies in town.” He smiled softly at that. “What happened? You just stopped hanging around, you vanished on me.”
“You were an omega.” He shrugged. “I ended up being just a beta.”
“The best smelling Beta I ever met.” He gave you a confused look. “You smelled like smores over a campfire.” you smiled at him. “And root beer. God, I loved root beer.” you chuckled at that.
“You smelled like my lunch.”
You furrowed your brow at that and laughed. “Like your lunch?”
He nodded. “Peanut butter and jelly no crusts, and cookies fresh from the oven.” he smiled. “Reminded me of home, of mom, all my favorite things. I’ve been in love since I smelt it that very first time.”
You chewed on your bottom lip for a minute before pulling a receipt out of your pocket, checking to make sure it wasn't something important, then asked Ellen for a pen. Once you got it, you started writing.
“What’s that?” he asked, when you held it out.
“My room number. And my phone number.”
“Right, for when my friends get here.” he takes it and looks down at the paper, committing the number to memory.
“Or, in case you ever want to share cookies with me again.” As scared as you were about everything that had happened in your life in the last few months, it felt so good to see him again and have your nose filled with a scent that had always made you smile.
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Tagging :  SPN -  @sandlee44​  @just-another-busy-fangirl​  @mrswhozeewhatsis​   @deanandsamsbitch​  @deans-baby-momma​  @thebescht​ @67-chevy-baby​ @supraveng​   @musiclovinchic93​ @holyfuckloueh​  @ksgeekgirl​   @hobby27​ @maddiepants​  @roxyspearing​ @onethirstyunicorn​    @fandom-princess-forevermore​     @kalesrebellion​   @deanwanddamons​   @thoughts-and-funnies​
All tags - @sorenmarie87​ @artemisthebadger​ @winchesterprincessbride​ @iflostreturntosteverogers​ @akfonkin​ @rebelminxy​ @foxyjwls007​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @shaelyn102​ @supernaturalenchanted​  @kazkingdom​   @babypink224221​  @emoryhemsworth​    @ilovefanfic86​  @pie-with-hunters​   @anaelsbrunette​ @lazinessisalliknow  @feelmyroarrrr​  @letsdisneythings​   @cdwmtjb8​   @notyourtypicalrose​  @xostephanie​ @ilovedeanspie​ @defenderrosetyler​ @amandamdiehl​
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quiddy-writes · 7 years
Star Cross’d - Part 4
Can I just say that I love reading everyone’s reactions? Like y’all are hitting on things I never even thought of when I was writing it, it’s fascinating and I love it. Hope I don’t disappoint! xD
Also, also, ALSO: I totally stole the idea for the beginning of this chapter from Saxxy and her The Blessed and the Cursed series, so all the credit ro her! And go check out her series! It’s fantastical!
Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader Words: 1110ish Summary: Some shit is revealed Warnings: Swearing Other Parts: Masterlist
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Dean’s breath was long since gone. He was down by the river, gathering more water for the camp. Which he had done several minutes prior.
But, damn, after his realization and being around her with her being all her and smelling like heaven—he was only a man.
So, he had volunteered to go down to the nearby river and refill their waterskins, desperate for a moment alone. He had filled them up as soon as he knelt by the river, then placed them all on the bank to allow the river water to try and cool the water inside them.
Then he was free to do as he wished.
He had pulled himself free of his pants within moments, stroking himself to completion to images of her begging for his knot. It was the fastest he’d ever come, imagining the heat from his hand wrapped around his cock was her heat.
He stared down at the white spot on the ground as he tried to catch his breath, finally pushing himself back into his pants. He washed his hands in the river and grabbed the waterskins and head back to camp.
Y/N was asleep, curled up by the fire, facing him, whereas Sam was sitting against a tree with his back facing his brother.
Dean walked up, announcing his presence with a simple, “Heya Sammy. Sleeping Beauty out already?”
Sam nodded. “She tried to wait up for you, but you took a long time.”
“Guess I was daydreaming and lost track of time,” the elder Winchester shrugged.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Dean,” he sighed heavily. “You couldn't wait until we were done with this job?”
The elder Winchester frowned. “Leave me alone, Sammy.”
“Seriously?! You spend some time around an Omega and you need to go off and pop your knot?!”
“Leave me alone, Sammy.”
“Dean, you know we need this money. This is more important than you laying with the first Omega to cross your path!”
“Damn it, Sam,” Dean growled out, shocking his brother. “It's not like that!”
Sam threw a glance towards Y/N as she lay stock still, unperturbed by their slowly rising voices. “What do you mean?”
Dean was breathing heavily, the faintest trace of her on the wind, and he was trying to drink it all in like it was water and he was a man dying of thirst. “She's…” he began. “She's mine, Sam.”
Hazel eyes widened, and Sam's breath caught in his throat. “She's yours? Your true mate?”
Dean’s whole body sagged with his sigh. “Yeah,” he confessed.
Sam smiled. “That's...that's wonderful, Dean!”
That surprised the oldest brother. “What? How?”
“If she's really your true mate, then everything will be fine,” Sam grinned. “They cannot harm you or her if you claim her.”
Dean shakes his head. “No, I refuse to claim her.”
Sam frowned. “What is wrong with you? Why not?”
Green eyes focused on the bear skin wrapped around the taller Winchester. “We couldn’t protect Jess,” he says.
Sam’s face turned stony. “Do not use her as an argument. My…my failure is not yours.”
“‘M sorry, Sammy, I—”
He waved Dean off, obviously upset and trying to hide it. “Dean…she was mine. And I would never, ever have given her up.”
Dean sighed heavily. “She’ll be happier in her fancy palace than in our home, living hand to mouth and bein’ feared by everyone.”
“No she won’t, and you know it.”
“She’ll be safe. People hate us, and I’m not putting a fucking target on her back.”
Sam frowned, “You have three more days to stop being a fool.” With that, he crawled onto his bed roll and turned his back on his brother.
Dean felt the frustration fill him and had to fight the urge to kick something. Instead, he curled up on his own and bundled his cloak into a pillow. He even studiously ignored the fact that her scent was already fading and that that made falling asleep that much harder.
Even during summer, Y/N was much too hot.
She was once again on Pala, riding the beautiful mare as the brothers walked beside her. The sun was beating down on them, and the men were sweating lightly, compared to her sweating buckets.
She, however, was curled up on the horse, resting her head on Pala’s neck as they walked along. Her stomach felt queasy, which was her only saving grace. As long as she felt queasy and not crampy, everything was fine. And everything had to be fine. She couldn’t go into her heat when she’s alone with two Alphas in the middle of an nigh-impenetrable forest.
She was breathing heavily, but trying to ignore the brother’s scents on the wind. Sam smelled like sandalwood and earth and it was great and all, but Dean’s scent, ever since that first night, had been plaguing her mind, slowly blocking out every thought.
And he had been acting strange too.
He’d been acting like he had to protective.
Sam was trying to keep her safe, of course, and that showed every time an unfamiliar sound broke the silence and his hand was suddenly gripping his sword. He was kind and sweet and she was forming a deep friendship with the man.
But Dean took it a step further.
He seemed to always be touching her and she was sure that she’d caught him trying to scent her on the wind at least once. He even acted strangely when Sam tried to talk to her, as though that was somehow an affront.
As she rested her head against Pala’s thick neck and watched Dean and his brother chat, she smiled. Just the sound of his voice was making her feel better already. She watched his thick legs, bowed by the same horse she rode herself, carry the confident ranger, the crossbow slung over his shoulder.
She noticed Sam had caught her staring at his brother and she flushed at being caught. He simply smiled and even winked at her, which made her confused. He didn’t seem worried or angry like he had been when he found them huddling for warmth. Why would he even encourage her crush?
Y/N felt her face flush even more and she sighed heavily. It was just a crush and she was soon to be married…to a Beta. Not the stupidly handsome Alpha who smelled better than anything and made her feel like the most beautiful creature in the world with just a glance and made her laugh without trying.
Her crush didn’t need encouragement, she realized, because it was already too late. She was in love with Dean Winchester.
Everything Tags: @carrollmomx3 @kayteonline @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @raylin19 @samwinjarpad @saxxxology @spnhybrid @thinkwritexpress-official @wayward-marvel-and-more @writingbeautifulmen @xfanqirlinq
Dean Tags: @akshi8278 @captainemwinchester @feelmyroarrrr @gallxntdean @loveissupernatural @weasleywinchester
Star Cross’d Tags: @4401lnc @ayeeitsemry @butiaintgonnaloveem @fallen-castiel @fandoms-who @imaginesletmesurvive @jazzzybee @justanotherreaderr @lovexxxkittyxxxblog @nightlyinsomnious @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @technicallypurplesalad
Pond Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @salvachester @whispersandwhiskerburn @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1 @for-the-love-of-dean @mysupernaturalfics @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @fiveleaf @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @ilovedean-spn2 @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @supermoonpanda @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @revwinchester @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @inmysparetime0 @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @melbelle45 @winchester-family-business
@mrswhozeewhatsis Tags: @vintagevalentinexx @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @matteson-crazed @castielspahdehrah @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @gryffindorable713 @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @MrsJohnSmith @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @thewinchestielboys @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @prettyxwickedxthings @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @olitzisbae @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls  @shortandlongstories @strange-inhumanity @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy @fangirling-instead-of-working @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @chrisatplay @spnsimpleman @kreborn17 @mamaimpala @winchesterfiesta @zanthiasplace @sleep-silent-angel @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @jencharlan @not-so-natural-spn @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @tia58 @sams-little-toy @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @saving-things-hunting-family @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @i-dont-know-how-to-write @everyday-supernatural-af @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @avasmommy224 @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @wheresthekillswitch @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @supernaturalismalife @pinknerdpanda @hexparker @atwistoffate
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