#I left all of the actual braiding stuff I wrote but didn’t use in the doc for later :)
nocturnalghoul · 1 year
Mushy May Day 5: Hair braiding
Dew and Mountain have regular hair braiding events going back to when they were first summoned. Rain learns the serene intimacy that comes along with braiding somebody's hair and having somebody braid your own.
I might rework this into something longer and/or more in-depth another time, but enjoy this for now. Happy Mushy May <3!
Words: 573
Rating: Gen/Everyone
Read below the cut or on AO3 here
The event of the night was a near sacred ritual for Dew and Mountain. They had originally learned how to braid hair from one of the sisters in an attempt to keep it out of their faces during practice, but within a few short weeks both found that they had come to appreciate the silent intimacy that the gesture brought and it all had blossomed from there. 
The two established a monthly tradition to dedicate at least one night every month to weave as intricate of braids as they could into the other’s hair. Mountain would always bring small flowers that he thought would compliment the other ghouls long silvery hair to weave in, and Dew would bring fascinating rocks and trinkets that he would find in the lake or nearby river. It added an extra layer of knowing one another that made the night feel extra special.
The first time that the ghoulettes saw them after one of these nights they had immediately asked to join, and the pair were more than happy to let them. It seemed like the perfect way to grow closer to the new ghoulettes. Dew and Mountain taught them slowly how to braid, but no matter what they always did each other’s hair so that the original intent of the tradition was never lost. 
Now here they were once again with their newest addition to the night. Rain had not really seen the point of the tradition at first, but now as he felt Dew’s fingers softly work down his scalp grabbing small sections of hair he was starting to understand. 
The combination of the soft hum that Dew let out as he concentrated and the attention to detail made him feel so seen and cared for considering the simplistic action. He had decided to start small, mostly wanting to observe the other ghouls before jumping in fully, but the delicate pull of the twin french fishtail braids that Dew had talked him into was leaving him wanting for more. 
Rain watched the intricate looping braids being built up by Cumulus on the other ghoulettes head and was mesmerized. He had no idea what was happening but the serene look on Cirrus’ face and the dedication on Cumulus’ left him feeling almost jealous. 
Right as he was getting lost in the motions of the ghoulettes he felt Dew’s breath ghost across the back of his neck as he hummed in satisfaction at a job well done. After securing the hair off with an elastic, Dew moved to pining occasional forget-me-nots that Mountain had brought into the water ghoul’s hair. 
“Those really bring out your eyes, Rainbow” Mountain called out from across the room where he was trying to organize the trinkets that he and Dew had brought. “I’m really glad you decided to join us” he heard Dew whisper just loud enough for him to hear, the tiniest whispers of his broken purr beginning to start up. 
Finally the fire ghoul finished and brought him over to the mirrors so he could see how everything looked. 
“So Rainy, do ya like it?” Dew prompted, moving the small hand mirror around behind Rain’s head so he could get a view of the back. 
“This is so much better than I imagined. I adore this.” he replied, a loud purr of his own kicking up. Yeah, Rain would definitely be making an appearance at these functions from now on.
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lizard-dumbass · 2 years
I wrote a (young) Raeda ficlet because I think about them a normal amount
(the fic will be under the cut because I don't want to clutter your dashboards and I am being mildly bashful about sharing my work)
I present to you all:
Braiding Hair
Sitting on the ground, Eda tapped her feet impatiently against the dirt as Raine braided her thick orange hair. She wasn't quite sure why they asked to do so in the first place, but she didn’t mind. Raine had claimed their spot on the large rock behind Eda, giving them additional height. They brushed Eda's hair inbetween braiding to make the job easier, as she didn’t brush it herself very often.
“Tell me how you know how to braid hair again?” The young witch asked. “My moms taught me. It’s pretty easy, so I learned to braid my hair on my own pretty quickly.” Raine answered. Eda’s eyes widened at the implication. She lifted her chin from her forearms which were rested on her elevated knees. “Wait a minute, are you saying that you used to have long hair?” She asked excitedly. Raine's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, but they were relieved Eda couldn’t see it with her back turned to them. “Well, yeah.” The green haired witch answered with an awkward chuckle. “Aww, why’d you cut it? I bet you’d look cute with long hair.” Eda expressed half-jokingly. Raine's blush turned a deeper shade of red at the comment. With a laugh, they answered: “Trust me, I did myself and everyone else’s eyes a favor by chopping it off.”
Eda threw her head back to look up at her friend, her temples now between their knees. “If you grew your hair out, I could braid it for you.” She offered with a smile. “There’s no way that’s happening, Eda.” Raine happily declined. They gently placed their left hand underneath Eda’s head and lifted it back up and forward to its original position, then continued braiding.
“Jokes aside, though, I get it. Why you cut your hair, I mean. I thought about getting a pixie cut a few months ago but I decided it just didn’t fit me. I couldn’t hide stuff in short hair.” Eda explained. “I think it would do you some good to have short hair, I had to pick out three soda cans from there before getting started.” Raine replied, making Eda glance at said soda cans which had been placed in their open bag. “Is that why you’re braiding my hair? To stop me from smuggling anything else?” She asked with a chuckle. Raine laughed along with her before answering. “Consider it a bonding activity.”
After tying the ends of the three hair segments together, the braid was complete. “Alright, I’m done.” Raine announced. Eda stood up, making her braided hair slip out of Raine’s hands. She took a few steps away from her sitting spot and turned back around to face her friend. She looked down at the ground, held her hands behind her back and rubbed at the dirt with her foot, an unusually shy looking gesture for her, while waiting for Raine’s reaction. Raine put their hands together and quietly admired the sight, they hadn’t expected her to look quite as pretty as she did. “What’re you staring at, nerd?” Eda said to break the silence. Raine realized that they were indeed staring and looked away, trying to quickly think of something to say. “Uhm, nothing! We should probably get going, this forest is starting to feel more eerie the longer we stay here.” They responded as they got down from their rock and grabbed both their and Eda's belongings. “What, you scared something’s gonna attack us?” Eda teased. Just then, the witchlets heard a stick break in the distance. With a nervous chuckle, Eda grabbed her bag and said: “Actually, we should probably go.”
The two headed off to go home. On the way, Eda repeatedly asked Raine to show her pictures of them pre-haircut, much to their annoyance. The two also kept their eyes peeled for anything that could potentially attack them from the woods, but they both knew they’d protect eachother no matter what.
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deluluass · 3 years
all yours; all mine
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71 and 58 with Atsumu pleaseeese. I just love this man and I would appreciate it if you wrote something with him. Youre so talented!💕 — anon
sidenote: anon, i hope u know that u have a very special place in my heart for being the first ask ive ever received. i hope u are well & having a gr8 day ;U;
Content warnings: rape/noncon; nsfw; daddy kink; mild angst; implied post-breakup depression; toxic relationship/s
Breakups are a messy business. A lot of crying, begging, screaming (if it's that type of a breakup). Whatever it is, breakups generally inspire intense— so-intense-it-could-get-you-kicked-out-if-you're-in-a-public-place, high-strung, and the most unpleasant kind of emotions. 
It’s understandable, considering you’re losing the person you love. 
But he doesn't even look upset.
"Aah," Atsumu sing-songed, twirling the plastic stirrer between his fingers. "Ya wanna call it off?"
The heat from the mug bit your skin as you gripped it. 
"What?" you choked, shaking your head. "I didn't say that, Atsumu. I only-"
He scoffed. "Fuckin'- ya just did."
You finally looked up at him, porcelain clinking as you placed your drink back on the saucer. Ball cap on,  muscles filling up and straining his hoodie and jeans; even in an outfit that almost concealed him he never fails to take your breath away. 
Only, it's for a different reason this time.
"I said that I-" you cleared your throat. "I want- I want you to-"
"I get it, I get it." Atsumu sighed, waving his hand nonchalantly. "Let's break up, then."
He was already standing up and he didn't even deign to meet your eyes. You didn't expect much when you'd travelled all the way to Tokyo just to have a talk with him. After all, the last conversation you had was over the phone. (And that, too, did not go well). 
Though, is it too much to expect he'd at least listen to what you have to say?
"Tsumu-kun! Wait!" 
Some customers were already staring, urging you to hide, hop on the next train, and run back home; away from the cold scrutiny of strangers. 
But not now. Not when what you have with him is hanging on a balance.
"Please, sit down and- and let's talk," you huffed, voice and hand trembling as you held onto his.
Breakups are a messy business, you heard.
A lot of crying. A lot of begging. A lot of screaming. Whichever kind it is, don't breakups usually inspire only the most intense emotions?
But he doesn't even look upset, doesn't even look like he feels anything other than a passing irritation, as if you were a fly buzzing in his ear, when he told you, "I know this is ya first rodeo, but yer gonna find someone new eventually, hm?"
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It's been a long time coming, Atsumu thinks. He'd known for quite a while now that his relationship with you would end, actually, ever since you'd wanted to include "feelings" and "trust" and "opening up" into the mix. 
"Why?" he'd laughed at your face once. "What? Ya ain't happy? That it? We got somethin' good goin' on don't we?"
He didn't get it, at first. You'd always been your cheerful, bubbly self; never failing to be that one sunny spot when his day gets too pesky and such a pain in the ass. You were happy.
Until you weren't. 
"You don't.. tell me things," you muttered, fiddling with your hands on the kitchen table. "Which is fine! I'm not- go at your pace, but- but know that I'd listen to you. Always. I'm here, 'Tsumu."
And it wasn't as if he didn't try. It's just that Atsumu realized, a few months later, that he wasn't any good at it. 
Every time he'd lay it all out in front of you⁠— every tiny and pathetic and gritty part of him, you would eventually take him in your arms. So much smaller, weaker than his and yet Atsumu did not mind if it could be his entire world. 
Then, a thought would creep in, like a thief that'd stab him in his sleep. In the safety of those tender arms, with those guileless eyes peering at him, Atsumu would think that he'd rather stay there forever, cling onto you until he bites the dust.  
It disgusted him. 
Atsumu couldn't stand it. Because if he could be anything in this short life, he'd choose to be perfect. And that- that wasn't it. 
So he avoided it when the occasion arose. Diverting the subject to mundane stuff was easy, at first. The weather, the new show you're binging, your slacker of a boss, what happened back in the game. When that didn't work⁠— well, there were other ways. 
(His favorite was sticking his tongue in your wet cunt, to prod at the soft walls with the tip, and to lap and suck at the clit until you're begging for the stretch of his fat cock.)
The break up was understandable. When you'd greeted him in the café as if you'd spent the entire time you were apart crying, Atsumu knew it was over. 
You just repeated what you'd always said. It's okay to be vulnerable. If he needs some time to work out the right words then you'd always wait because I love you, 'Tsumu. 
(But there was that feeling again. Like he could die on the spot if you would so much as leave his sight.)
(Ending it was the only way out. When poison seeps itself into the bloodstream, you're left with no choice but to cut off a part of you.)
Unlike others, he can say that it was a clean parting. You wanted something and he was bad at it. And because he hated fucking up, Atsumu decided to leave. Easy. 
Really, the only people who didn't understand were his teammates.
"That's strange," Hinata spat, rice bursting to his chin when he suddenly faced Atsumu. "I don't think I've seen her for weeks now."
He could hear barely suppressed groans  behind him, no doubt from Bokuto and the others, before their spiker blurted out a confused, "What?"
Because, of course, Hinata could only mean one "her.” (There had only ever been one that Atsumu Miya allowed inside the team's gymnasium; inside his circle of friends; inside his life.)
Apparently, except for Hinata Shoyo, everyone had caught on that the both of you had thrown in the towel, so to speak. (And here they thought the guy's finally in it for real.)
"Nah, it's fine," Atsumu smirked, addressing it to everyone gathered around Samu's onigiri stand.  
"We broke up." 
He clicked his tongue. "It's not like there ain't no other fish in the sea."
The remark, casually said in between sips of cold coffee, was met with a gaping silence. 
That turned out to be right, like everything else that he'd predicted. 
A hole is a hole is a hole is a hole. No disrespect meant to you. But before you there had been many others who'd helped warm his bed. It just so happened that you got to stay for far longer. 
(Because waking up next to you meant waking up to that dreamy look, as if whoever's in charge up there has finally given you everything you've ever wanted.)
(And when he greets you with a hoarse good morning you say it back with eyes that tell him he's worth it, simply for being there.)
Anyway, going back to that old routine hadn't been difficult. 
(Except when he finally does it with someone new, for some reason he keeps searching for a different touch, expecting that endearing combination of inexperience and enthusiasm.)
(And when they cum he can't help but put a hand on their mouth, around their throat, because he's hearing the wrong voice, seeing the wrong face.) 
It's obvious, looking at him. Everyone can see that life's going pretty well for Atsumu. He can only hope that the same goes for you.
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"You're miserable."
Peeling your attention away from the mother braiding her young daughter's hair, you hurriedly brought it back to the two women sitting in front of you.
"See?" Aya swung her hand in your direction. "Not even listening."
"No, no," you giggled sheepishly. Kaori was already pursing her lips.
"No, seriously. I am."
You sat upright, setting the chopsticks on your bento box. 
"Then what was it she said?" Kaori pressed. She folded her arms and you knew you were in trouble. 
"Uh..huh." You nodded. "Right. So. Um...."
"You didn't catch it," said Kaori.
"I didn't catch it," you winced.
Both girls sighed. 
The first three buttons of their blouses were open, the heat of the afternoon getting to them. And as they leaned back against the wooden bench, you had a feeling that they were about to give you the Conversation that's been waiting to happen for two long months.
That's why you'd decided to start it before they could. Just so it won't linger anymore painfully so.
“I know what you're going to say."
They only raised their brows, a mere "okay, go on" than an actual expression of surprise. 
"I've been sad. I haven't been..fine. That is true," you inhaled, preparing yourself for the agonizing part. Then, you released your breath.
"Ever since..'Tsu-" you gulped. "Ever since breaking up with Atsumu I haven't been feeling like myself but nowadays I'm getting back on my feet and I'm still working see so really there's no need to worry okay? Okay."
Aya grinned, but it didn't hold her usual devil-may-care humor to it. 
"You say that," she started, "but we’ll probably always be if you keep at that- at that⁠—"
"You're rarely in the moment," Kaori supplied, to which Aya replied with a harsh thank you. "You're distracted. And we know you're trying your best to be okay on your own. We've given you space, but remember that you have us."
Something was lodged in your chest and you found it hard to breathe. You'd missed them. You hadn't realized it, but you missed your friends. 
So much.
"Thank you," you whispered, forcing back  tears. "I- I wouldn't know what to do if it not for you two-"
"Hold it." Aya raised a palm. "Before you get corny again. Can I just say, I know he's your first dick-"
"Aya," Kaori murmured.
"And we all know it was good-"
"Aya," you hissed.
Your face burned as you searched from left to right, making sure no innocent being heard her.
"But can I just say," she slapped a palm on the surface of the table. "I don't care what you or the TV or his fans say about him! But the man's a walking red flag since day one!"
Kaori rolled her eyes. And despite yourself you couldn't keep a chuckle from bubbling. 
"Here we go again."
Aya almost rose from her seat. "When he sent that poor dude from accounting to the ER for just, I don't know, breathing your way, I knew something was up!"
You felt your smile die. 
That had been the first time it happened. You'd asked him what's wrong, after you'd rushed to the hospital, and all he gave you was silence. A whole day of it. He hadn't spoken a word about it, only that he'd warned you not to talk to that bastard again, or else.
(You'd learned, much, much later, that he doesn't do well with people that annoy him. That's what he said. You wanted to know more, but he suddenly decided that he had to make it up to you between the sheets.)
Kaori touched your hand. "Talk to us," she whispered.
You hummed as you shook your head. "I just remembered him," you said, only half of the truth.
If they knew it, they didn't let on. But Aya did say, "Tell you what. Company outing's upon us. So you know what that means?"
"Oh, I don't know," you mumbled apologetically. "I might sit this one out."
"No," Kaori gritted. 
Aya held your face with both hands as she  stared you down.
"You will buy yourself a new swimsuit. You will enjoy that cheap beach resort." 
The heaviness was lifting, bit by bit, as you felt your stomach ache with laughter. And with each silly word uttered by your friends, you could almost see the gray clouds overhead disappearing. Even for a little while.
"And you, you beautiful person you," Aya beamed. "Will finally, finally get laid."
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Having best friends who are dead set on helping you get over an ex is a fearsome thing to behold, indeed. 
You couldn't even get a word in edgewise as they took you in a whirlwind of spas, salons, mani-pedis, and shopping bags. 
"Calm down. You rarely spend for yourself," Kaori told you when she'd caught you peeking forlornly at the frightening bill you'd amassed. 
But, try as you might to miss owning a fat wallet, you couldn't deny that you have no regrets wasting your money away. Not even for a single cent. Because you did feel amazing.
And when the day arrived, you couldn't help at the giddiness of having compliment after compliment thrown your way. 
"Is that really you?" said a co-worker when you'd boarded the bus. "You're glowing!"
During the games, as well, you'd often hear "Love the new look!" and "Have I ever told you before that you're so pretty? Because you are." And you'd preen with a soft-spoken thank you, having been taught by Kaori that denying a compliment makes one look stupid.  
It was so silly, honestly. Though not the part where, after a lovely comment, you'd be emboldened to strike an actual conversation. Learning that a coworker has a new baby now, or that so and so has recently moved up the corporate ladder; learning that, during your period of grief and self-pity (and even during the blissful time you’d spent with Atsumu), there were so many things you hadn't noticed.
You basked in it: the shower of pleasantries and anecdotes that had you feeling soft and fuzzy inside. The same way you lazed on the sandbar, clutching tiny conch shells in your hand, as you watched the sun tinge the sparkling waves with warm light.   
You jolted, turning towards the person who'd called your name. It was him. "Poor dude from accounting" as Aya dubbed him.
"Sano-san," you gasped, reaching for the towel beside you to cover up. "How- how are you?" 
Of all the people in your office, he was the last one you wanted to see. Solely for the reason that things have been awkward between you ever since that incident. A working relationship characterized by the literal turning of the other cheek whenever you two bumped into each other.
"Oh, pardon me," he scratched the back of his head. "Do you..want me to go?"
"No..!" you blurted out. "I think-"
The sun was almost setting. You wrapped the towel around you as you took in the balmy sea breeze. 
"I think I'm done hiding," you whispered, meeting his gaze for the first time in a long while, head on and baring the tiniest hint of shame, like how you did with your friends and other coworkers.
He didn't say anything, allowing you to continue. "I- It's nice. Talking to people again," you giggled. "Look, Sano-san. About before, I'm really sor-"
"Actually," he smiled. "That's why I'm here. Well, my partner pushed me but-"
You grinned at the blush that rose to his cheeks. 
"But I wanted to tell you: No hard feelings."
Sano-san extended a hand. You stared at it for a few seconds. His hand, then his face. Back to his hand, then his face again. And when you'd finally accepted it, it felt like witnessing the cage that’s imprisoned you for centuries finally open.
"By the way," he added, walking back towards an obviously amused fianceé. "It's a good look on you, being happy."
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Atsumu entertained the possibility that maybe— just maybe, not everything was  fine the night the Jackals went home after an overseas tournament.
As soon as the plane landed on Japanese soil, the hunger he felt throughout the journey morphed into some kind of  anticipation, palpable through the thrill that electrified him into wakefulness. He might have left in a hurry, only half of his mind present when the Coach ordered for a short meeting. 
His foot tapped endlessly on the way⁠— while in the car; during the tedious elevator ride⁠— and when he'd finally entered his pad, slamming the door open with much eagerness than usual, Atsumu felt his heart plummet down his stomach when he was welcomed by a dark and empty hallway. 
You're not here. Not anymore.
Hasn't it been almost half a year now? Why did he expect you, face brightened by a grin that went from ear to ear, to materialize in front of him, with the smell of something delicious wafting from the kitchen? As if a magician with a hat trick.   
("Welcome back!" he was aching to hear.)
(You always insisted on eating with him when he got home; sometimes opting to just stay by his side⁠— munching on a midnight snack while you babbled on, if he arrived later than usual and you'd already had dinner.)
("It's lonely having a meal on your own," you explained. "Don't you think food tastes better if you have someone with you?")
Perhaps it was the jet lag. Or, it could be that the abrupt change in time zones was starting to mess with his head. Either way, Atsumu was sure that sleep would eventually cure him of the momentary delirium. 
But then he woke up the next day feeling like someone had pissed in his morning drink. The day after that, too. Even the next had been the same, persisting onto the following weeks. 
Until one game, after a winning streak that had the crowd chanting their names and with blood still roaring in his veins, he condescended to survey the numerous people occupying the bleachers. 
And when he couldn't find one⁠— one person that had always stood out to him despite being constantly drowned in an ocean of spectators— it was only then that Atsumu Miya decided that enough was enough. 
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You hadn't really agreed with Aya when she told you that you'd be getting "laid" during this short vacation. 
Reason number one: it's a company outing. And you're sure you'd be breaking some protocols by fooling around with any of your coworkers. Reason Two: as you'd sagely imparted to a miffed Aya, "I don't think it's nice to cure a broken heart with sex; strings attached or no."
That being said, the lingerie she'd chosen for you did flatter your figure. It didn't matter that "no one would see it," as Aya grumbled. It was enough for you that you yourself saw it, you thought as you stood in front of the bathroom mirror. 
The way it was tailored made it seem like it was made just for your body. The details of lace also made it look so pretty that you felt kind of sad that you'd have to cover it up with a summer dress soon. 
Nevertheless, you allowed yourself to strike a few poses in front of the mirror; feeling like a teenager on their first date as you admired how you looked in it. 
You smiled to yourself, humming a tune, before you opened your makeup kit and prepared the necessities you'd be bringing for the bonfire dinner. 
"Wipes: check," you murmured, rummaging through your bag. "Hygiene stuff. Where are you hygiene stuff, hygiene stu⁠—"
You froze.
Something rustled. Outside. As if something had moved. 
Putting a robe back on, your heart thundered against your chest as you stepped out of the bathroom and into the dimly lit sleeping area, illuminated only by a small reading lamp.
"Be careful there, girlie," the old caretaker warned as she guided you to this room. "Lots of mean spirits lurking about."
You didn't believe in ghosts. For some reason, however, your coworkers did. So you'd taken it to yourself to move here after a room assignment mishap, leaving Aya and Kaori behind. 
It didn't seem like the cursed chamber that she purported to be. Sure, it was isolated at the furthest wing of the beach house, away from the other rooms and separated by a too dark hallway. But that had been the creepiest thing about it. Besides, you heard from logistics that renting the house didn't cost much, despite its size, so maybe it's just that they lacked the resources to renovate. 
The floorboards creaked beneath you. "Aya? Aya, I know it's you," you called out as you squinted, catching a faint silhouette reclined at the corner of the bed. 
It was too large to be Aya, but you chalked that up to the shadows playing with your eyes. You puffed out a chortle, resting a hand on your hips when she finally stood.   
"Very funny, Aya," you snorted when she sauntered towards you. "Just you wait until Kaori hears about.…" you trailed off.
You drew in a breath as she moved closer, revealing a build that was much taller, towering almost in the small room, shoulders that are way broader than the ones your friend has, and a face that clearly wasn't Aya's.
"Evenin'," Atsumu yawned. 
Your legs refused to listen to you.
"Been a minute, hadn't it, darlin'?"
You don't know why he's here. 
And even if you wanted to ask, you find that no sound could escape from your mouth when you tried to open it.
You do know this, as he gave you a lopsided grin that used to have you eating at the palm of his hand, along with a lazy gaze that was belied by a bird-like focus:
That although he told you that all he wants is a little chat, you knew that he didn't come here just for that.
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You ran.
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Atsumu had been the worst boyfriend.
He's aware of it now, realized it fully when he knocked on Samu's door, shit-faced, and it only took a single look and a consoling arm from his brother to break Atsumu into tears and snot, as well as Samu's voice telling him, "Yer a big baby. Ya need her, dontcha?"
That's why he followed you here, figuring that you'd love a thoughtful surprise. Because you always have. He didn't expect you'd take to it kindly, of course, not right away. But he also didn't expect that you would be doing the surprising.
You were talking to that man when he arrived. 
Didn't he tell you not to?
His intentions still haven't changed. He's here to bring you back, but before anything else Atsumu's sure it's only normal that you guys clear things up first. 
And if you're going to do that, he can't have you running away now, can't he?
Grabbing you by the waist, Atsumu's palm tingled at the feel of your body, pulling you closer to him as he pinned you to the wall and stifled your shrieks with his hand.
"Everybody's gone, angel," he whispered, losing himself in your skin, though covered in silk; lips and fingers roaming every which way because finally, finally, fuckin' finally you're here and you're real.
"Just wanna talk." He stroked the curve of your ass, middle finger tracing the lining of the crack. "Ain't this what'ya always wanted? S'let's talk," he murmured against your collarbone.
You were already crying, shaky hands weakly grasping his back and tears wetting even his cheeks. Atsumu couldn't help but smile. You'd always been a crier. It's one of the many things he loves about you. Always so honest with your emotions.
"I missed ya," Atsumu groaned as he grinded his cock against your pussy, feeling it harden when he mouthed your tits.
There was something peeking out of your robe, he noticed as it became more rumpled. 
"D-don't," you breathed, your attempt to swat his hands away thwarted when he seized your wrist.
It was lace. The color pulling the eye to your body like a siren's song. And when he stripped the robe off of you, silk swishing down your elbows, Atsumu saw that it was a piece of lingerie. One that he hasn't seen before.
Because he didn't buy this one. It wasn't from him. You weren't the type to get one yourself. 
Until now.
"This for him?" he murmured, pressing a kiss against your pulse, beating like a drum against his lips. 
"Wh-who?" you whimpered.
"The ugly piece of shit. Saw you guys gettin' chummy earlier."
He was close, too close to you, back at the beach. You smiled at him, laughed and showed him what he isn't supposed to see. And when he touched you— when the fucker touched you, Atsumu wanted blood on his hands.
"Yer gonna fuck the guy whose face I busted?" 
You squeaked as he dug his blunt nails against your wrist. Atsumu licked the red impressions they made.
"And what- what about it?" Your voice was so brittle and small. God, he just wanted to hold you. "It's none of your business, who I spend my time with. And don't- don't tell me you're jealous because-"
He chuckled, the sound of it making you shrink back into the wall. "Jealous? Doll, ya wouldn't wanna know what I'm feelin right now. But, sure." Atsumu lightly nipped at the tips of your fingers. 
"'Course I'm jealous," he rasped. "You're mine."
Then, Atsumu looked at you. And what he saw in your eyes made him stumble that when you shoved him away, all he could do was stand and stare.
"I'm not your thing, Atsumu," you cried. A light-year difference from the girl who'd always stare at him so tenderly. "I never was and I never will be. I'm not yours."
You didn't run this time. You should've. 
Atsumu clenched his jaw. "Like hell ya ain't," he snarled.
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People say that breakups are a messy business. Atsumu was so sure he wouldn't have to endure that, before he met you.  Now that he's had the experience, though, Atsumu can say with confidence that breakups are, in fact, a goddamn mess.
But you're over that now. It's time to turn over a new leaf and return to one another. And Atsumu's finding out, in the process, that making up can be astonishingly reminiscent of the breakup.
You started crying when you woke up, screaming for help as you tried to budge the rope that was tying your hands to your knees. You got louder when you found out that you were naked and not in the rickety confines of the beach house. 
"Welcome home, baby," he beamed, eying you from between your legs. 
The begging started when you realized how drenched your little pussy was, his tongue lapping and slathering the cum dripping from your twitching hole, against  your swollen folds; his calloused thumb massaging deep circles on your clit. 
And when he stuck another inside your puckered asshole, you writhed out of your binds and squealed, "T-tsumu-kun…!"
"Babydoll," he growled. "Daddy's gotcha, daddy's gonna treat ya so fuckin' good."
He slapped your damp cunt with his long fingers, thrusting them inside to rub and feel at your walls, at the bump that never failed to make you screech. "Daddy's been mean hasn't he? Hm? Been a bad daddy to ya, baby?"
You could only gasp out wordlessly as he slurped the juices off your clit, not stopping until you were gushing, sloppy cum drizzling on the bedsheet, every muscle in spasms, incapable of even stretching out your legs although Atsumu knew you wanted to, you really wanted to so fuckin' bad, resorting to curling your toes instead. 
"E-enough, please, please, stop!"
How adorable, Atsumu thought. "My little slut," he cooed, tapping the tip of his hard cock on your pussy. "My good 'lil fucktoy."
He relished it, wanting to draw this on forever, so he slides it against your folds, pussy lips wrapping the meat of his cock, gyrating his hips back and forth, as if he were fucking you, and grabbing your tits to play with your nipples. 
"Atta girl," he laughed, licking his teeth when he finally sunk inside your tight cunt, pushing you so far down into the mattress until his chest was rubbing against your tits, your feet dangling against his shoulders.
"I don't-I don't want this, 'Tsumu," you sobbed. "Don't want this!"
Oh, of course you don't. Atsumu knows you don't. He'd fucked you against your will, after all. 
But you were taking him so well, darlin'. Your walls were hugging his cock so fuckin' nicely that he couldn't help but shove deeper inside you, craving for the way your pussy twitched rapidly around him. 
If you weren't bound, he's also sure that you'd be pushing his hips away. But that's not what's getting to him. Because as he pistoned his cock into you, heavy balls slapping against your ass, you instantly turned your face away.
Did you know that you were breaking his heart? Shattering it to pieces, when you close your eyes like doors, locking them to prevent him from ever reaching you again. 
So he gripped your chin. Forced you to meet his eyes as you wept and shook your head. 
"Am gonna be better, baby," he groaned.  "No more keeping things from ya. None of that bullshit, now."
Atsumu shivered as you came around him, convulsing under him and strained voice still begging him to stop. Because he wasn't. He would never stop. Not when it comes to you. 
"Am all yours, angel. All yours." He pounded your fucked out cunt, chasing his own high as he kneaded your tits. 
A tear fell from your eyelids. And when he kissed you, it felt like everything in his life shifted back in its rightful place. "You can have it all," he sighed, cupping your cheek.
"So give me all of you now," Atsumu pleaded. "Come back to me."
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gamergirl-niffler · 3 years
Wife’s Touch Part 2 - Male!Eivor x Reader
I actually really liked the first part... and I guess some people liked it too... I mean it actually got some notes
So! I sat and even when no one asked wrote part two
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It again pokes the main story SO BE WARNED! Just in case if someone didn’t finish the story yet.
Since Sigurd returned home, things changed. He changed. The good Jarl that loved his people dearly changed into a harsh leader.
It was hard to spot him outside his room like before, most of the time he spent away from everyone.
No one could blame him for this. Everyone heard that happen to him. They heard Eivor's story and the missing arm was a harsh reminder of the hard time Sigurd had been through.
Despite all this, people did their best to live their daily lives.
You sat right outside the long house, enjoying the warm sun on your skin. This was what you needed, your body started to change and it needed rest.
Suddenly, there was a kiss placed on your forehead. Opening your eyes you saw a familiar person. Person you were bonded with in front of the Gods, many winters back.
"Enjoying the weather, I see. How do you feel my love?," Eivor asked, kneeling in front of you to place a kiss on your now bigger belly.
This was why you loved Eivor. Eivor was a ferocious warrior, strong and dangerous. He could split a man in half with one swing of his axe, he killed the whole army barehanded yet his soul was gentle and poet-like. Your husband was easily changing from warrior into loving man.
Your hand moved into his nicely done hair, of course they were nice. You made those braids yourself this morning. "I do enjoy the weather, love. I cannot spend whole days in our room. As much as I love our bed, staying there for too long can get boring."
"You never were the one to sit in place for too long. I remember when we were young, you were running around like a snow hare. It's even harder to forget what was happening once you started to wield the sword and shield," Eivor chuckled and placed one more kiss on your tummy before getting up to sit next to you.
You giggled as your thoughts returned to the times of childhood and the time when King Styrbjorn brought young Eivor to the settlement, announcing that the boy is now his son.
Your mother explained to you what happened and it became your goal to befriend that boy and make him smile again. You two became friends and then warriors, fighting, hand in hand. Later stuff went in an even better direction.
Your state was the proof of it.
"I know and I don't regret the past nor the present. I am more than happy to be by your side and carry your child."
Your husband gave you a smile and leaned in to place a kiss on your lips, which you gladly accepted.
The sweet moment was interrupted by someone clearing his throat.
It was Sigurd, of course he wanted something from his brother. "As much as I don't want to deprive a wife of her husband, I need to talk with Eivor."
You didn't want to let him go, not yet but there was no other choice.
Sigurd knew you for years, you were friends for years but in his current state you didn't want to unnecessarily get under his skin.
"Very well, I think the little one demands a nap. I'll see you soon,” you kissed Eivor's cheek before going back to the longhouse
You used to be a warrior or just a useful person that liked to help around but since the pregnancy started you slept a lot. Thankfully now Eivor was in settlement on daily bases which made your sleep much calmer.
Your nap again took a few hours out of your life. You woke up to the pair of yellow eyes, watching you.
Of course the wolf was here. Giggling, you sat up and scratched Chewy behind his ears. "Aren't you a great companion?"
After some cuddles with the wolf you got up from bed and walked out of the room. You noticed Eivor standing over the map and talking to Randvi.
Walking closer you could hear their talk.
"It may be time to return to Norway. Sigurd is eager to see his father and... and beyond that, I do not know," Eivor said as he looked at the map.
"I have heard ill news about Styrbjorn in the past year. If you go, go with care," Randvi said.
You watched him nod and pierce the map with the dagger.
"We will leave now. And return as soon as we're able."
Those words made you freeze.
He wanted to go NOW? Back to Norway?! It was to travel for many days and gods know how long they will be there then they need to come back. You didn't want him to leave, you didn't want to be away from him.
Sigurd was mad and he followed him, what if they won't come back this time?
"Eivor...," Your voice already cracked.
He looked at you with those beautiful blue eyes and sighed.
Eivor didn't expect you to hear the talk, he wanted to go to you and explain it himself but here you were.
Your fragile figure shaking a little from the sudden wave or fear, eyes getting more and more shiny.
"My love...," He said quietly, moving closer to wrap his arms around you.
"I am sorry for leaving in such a rush. I wanted to tell you as soon as I was done talking to Randvi."
You nodded and nuzzled him, whimpering quietly.
"Why do you need to leave? I don't want you to go... Please stay with us,"
Honestly you had no idea where those feelings came from.
"Y/N. Listen to me," Eivor said quietly and pressed his forehead to yours.
"Whatever Sigurd is planning, I need to make sure my brother is safe. We will come back as soon as possible. I promise you that."
You looked at him, biting your lips. Of course he would follow Sigurd just... Why now? He was going mad and Eivor still went after him. You always thought that the bond between them was wonderful but this was too much.
"Eivor... I..."
"I know what you are thinking but you know you can trust me. Whatever he wants to do, I will make sure we are both safe," Eivor whispered, gently touching your cheek with his rough fingers.
Closing your eyes you took a deep breath, simply enjoying the touch and closeness.
After your nerves calmed down you opened your eyes and nodded with a soft smile.
"I trust you, Eivor."
"I swear on my honor. I will return to both of you, alive and well," He promised, touching your belly.
"Try not to... And I will pull you out from Valhalla myself," You muttered and Evior chuckled before pulling you into a slow kiss.
You returned the kiss, grabbing the hem of his cloak.
Soon he pulled away to place another kiss on your forehead. "Randvi will keep an eye on you."
"Of course I will. Everyone will. She will be safe Eivor," Randvi nodded, walking closer to the two of you.
"Travel safe and keep each other safe, Eivor. We will be waiting," She said, wrapping arms around your shoulders.
You smiled at Eivor and nodded.
"I will pray to Gods for a safe return. For both, you and Sigurd."
Eivor and you shared the last good bye and he left.
It still felt wrong, you wanted to have him close but you also couldn't keep him in one place for too long.
Days had passed. Every day was almost the same.
You woke up with white beast in your bed, you prayed, you helped Randvi or anyone who needed help, you prayed, you waited in the docks and then ate and went to sleep.
Every day was full of unshown fear.
All you wanted was to get your husband back with you.
Your every moment was filled with quiet prayer. No matter what you were doing, the prayer was stuck in your head. "Please bring my husband and his brother back safely."
One evening you decided to visit dear Valka and help her a little. Whatever could keep you busy was just perfect.
Valka smiled as soon as she saw you walking into her hut. "Y/N, how are you? And the little one?"
You returned the smile and nodded, touching your belly. "Everything is fine so far."
"I can feel you are worried. Scared even," She hummed.
You chuckled. Of course she would know, despite your smiles. It was Valka after all. Suddenly you were hugged.
"You don't need to worry. Eivor will come back to you. The night will be filled with happiness. Now come, I could use another pair of hands."
It was a mystery what she meant. She often liked to speak in riddles and you already got used to it.
The work Valka gave you was really easy. Nothing more than just organizing and preparing some of the herbs she collected during the day.
It was relaxing and the nice smell of plants smoothed your nerves.
"Y/N! Y/N! They are back!" Tove said happily as she walked inside the hut all excited.
You gasped and quickly went to the longhouse when Tove went to inform others.
The building was empty and quiet, illuminated by many torches but he was there.
Eivor stood there with Sigurd, he looked just as proud as always.
You thanked all the gods that both returned home happily.
"Eivor!,” You said happily and your feet immediately carried you to your husband.
"My love,” Eivor smiled and wrapped you in a hug as tight as possible of course without hurting you or the little one.
You nuzzled him and just then heard him hiss and groan. Pulling away you noticed some of the blood coating his tunic.
"It's alright my dear. It's nothing serious, we can take care of this later," he said as if he was hearing your thoughts.
Looking around he frowned. "We missed a great feast, it seems."
Then you realized your husband was right.
All the tables looked as if they were right after the feast or prepared for it to start. This was odd, since you did not recall any feast planned for tonight.
"Eivor..." Sigurd said getting your and Eivor's attention.
The older brother gestured to the throne. "Sit a moment... and rest."
"Sigurd." Eivor was unsure of it all. This wasn't his place, he wasn't much of a ruler.
"Go on, love," you said quietly and gently touched his shoulder, trying to encourage him.
Hesitantly Eivor walked to the throne and slowly took a seat on it, getting comfortable in the seat. He looked at his older brother who gave him an approving nod.
You couldn't stop looking at him.
Eivor looked so proud, perfect in this place. Even if he was always saying that he isn't a leader, you simply knew he was made for this. He will be a great jarl.
Randvi joined the three of you and after a brief talk about men's travel Tove brought everyone in.
"Eivor returned! Inside, at the hearth! Come!"
Sigurd decided to walk away and sit down at one of the tables
Few of the people carried torches, adding more light in the long house.
Giving Eivor a sweet smile you stepped aside to let Randvi speak.
"Eivor? Randvi? What is this? Is everything all right?,” Gudmund asked.
Randvi shook her and looked at Wolf Kissed over her shoulder.
"Our Jarl has returned... to lead us forward into an uncertain future. Will you speak to your people?"
Eivor looked at you for any kind of help. He looked nervous, not sure of it all.
You just gave him a sweet smile, assuring him that he can do it. After all, your husband did harder things than that.
"For love and joy, words can jade. Our souls must sound in a heartful song. And when... no, no," shaking his head he got up from the throne and walked closer to all the people he called friends.
"You are less mine than I am yours. And I ask of you only this, keep me honest in the times to come."
The Long House was quiet.
People looked at Eivor and each other.
The sudden change of Jarl was for sure a big surprise for everyone but it for sure wasn't unwelcomed.
Bragi broke the silien with a song and soon everyone joined, so did you.
In just a few minutes this special moment changed into a big feast.
Feast filled with family, friends, joy and singing.
It was hard to remember the last time that the whole settlement was so full of happiness.
Such moments were rare but they were honest, this was the most important.
You and Eivor returned to your shared bedroom really late at night. Other people stayed up to have more fun but you needed your sleep and Eivor was happy to follow you.
"You didn't tell me about the wound," You frowned, noticing the wound on his belly.
Eivor looked down on the said wound; the souvenir of the fight with Basim.
He nodded and gave you a little smile.
"I did not because there was no need to worry you. This wound is shallow."
Letting out annoyed sighs, you nodded as he sat down on the bed. You immediately moved to sit right behind him.
Your hands moved into his hair, loosening the braids and combing through Eivor's beautiful blond hair with your fingers.
Your husband hummed and quickly relaxed thanks to your touch. It was nice to feel a familiar touch after weeks of fighting.
You worked until his hair were completely loose and than you placed a gently kiss on the scare on the right side of his nape
"My beloved husband."
Eivor smiled and then turned around to lie down with you right by his side.
Watching you he smiled.
"My beautiful wife who is carrying our child. I can't wait for the little one to be here. I hope your days were calm when I wasn't here."
"Yes, the little one was really calm," You chuckled, touching your belly. "I was the worried one."
He nodded and took the big fur to cover both of you. Once this was done Eivor pressed his forehead to your and closed his eyes, you did the same.
"Rest now. No need to worry any longer. I am here and I will protect both of you."
You smiled a little and nuzzled him. He was back home, this was what you both needed. Soon both of you fell asleep.
Morning was something you loved the most most. Getting ready for the day was always fun.
"You know. Since you are our Jarl now. I think I will braid your hair differently. Something that speaks; Leader," You hummed, looking at Eivor's hair.
He laughed warmly and nodded. "Very well, I put myself and my hair at your mercy, wife."
"Oh don't worry, you will look beautiful as always. I will make sure of it."
Braiding Eivor's hair took you longer than you expected but you were really proud with your hand work.
He looked more handsome than ever, honestly you were surprised that it's even possible.
The two of you walked out of the room, holding hands.
You noticed Eivor frowning a little more than you noticed what he saw.
His brother stood next to the entrance to a map room, his arms crossed over his chest. Sugurd didn't look happy, he looked concerned.
"Sigurd...," Eivor asked, moving closer to his brother gently pulling you behind himself.
"Eivor. Before you say more, I must tell you something. Randvi and I have... Have ended our marriage," He said slowly.
You gasped quietly a bit shocked but on the other hand you understand it.
Everyone knew their marriage was the complete opposite of yours and Eivor's.
Yours came out of love when there was an arrangement.
"I am sorry to hear that," Eivor said softly.
You wanted to add something but Sigurd was quicker than you.
"Ah, do not be. Both of you. We adore one another dearly, but our marriage was not built on love. We were brought together as an act of peace. I was pledged to her well before I knew her. And though we have tried to settle our differences and find love in our faults..." He shook his head. "It has not worked out. And so we have dissolved our bond. Yet as a clan, we will grew together."
"Then I'm glad for you both. And for the rest of us. This place would not be the same without you two," Eivor agreed, nodding.
You also nodded eagerly. "That is the truth, Sigurd. Our settlement would feel empty without both of you."
Sigurd smiled at you. "Y/N. My dear sister in law, I owe you an apology. I haven't been too kind to you lately, it was all because of my clouded mind," he placed hand on your belly.
"Please, forgive me for this behaviour. I can't tell you how happy and thankful I am for everything you do for my brother. I hope your child will be as strong as he is and as beautiful as you are."
You giggled and nodded. "Thank you Sigurd and really. It was nothing, I understood everything."
Man nodded his head and pointed at Eivor.
"And you, little brother. Keep her safe and close, if you ever let her go or hurt her... I will kick your ass." Eivor laughed loudly and nodded. "I promise on my honor and life and all the gods."
You smiled and squeezed his hand. "Oh I know it all, I don't need to promise anything my love."
After this little talk, Sigurd walked away.
You and Eivor decided to go for a walk, just to enjoy each other. You could already tell that better times were here and you couldn't wait for more.
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Single Dad AU
I for some reason really like single dad AUs so here is something I wrote. No clue what do for a title or if I want to make this into a full fic.
Asahi and his five year old daughter, Yuki got off the plane entering the busy airport. He carried her on his hip for fear of losing her in the big crowd. Asahi made the way to baggage claim to receive their suitcases. It was the middle of winter and extremely cold. Some of his friends back home thought he was crazy for moving to the US, much less to the midwest where the winters were harsh. Asahi wanted a new place for him and Yuki. Japan brought too many challenges for his clothing business. He wanted to raise his daughter in a small town where the community was strong and not much went on. They exited the airport and went to the parking garage where his new car was parked and unlocked it, he put Yuki in the carseat and buckled her in. She was severely jet lagged so she passed out as soon as he sat her in the seat. He hopped into the drivers side and started driving to their new home or actually apartment since he hasn’t been here in person to look at any houses. Asahi had the heat blasting in his car and could still feel the cold in his bones. He glanced back at Yuki in the rear view mirror, she was still fast asleep curled up in her coat. After about an hour of driving they made it to their new town. It only had about 10,000 people and driving through it only took about ten minutes. Their apartment complex was near the north end of town, he tried to pick the nicest apartment complex he could. He parked in his assigned space and went around back to wake Yuki before picking her up and walking up the stairs to their new home. It wasn't a big apartment with small bedrooms, a kitchen/ dining room combo, and a small living room barely big enough for a decent size couch and TV. He will get something bigger soon he thought, setting Yuki on the floor, she was barely awake now. Asahi heard the furniture store truck pull up in the parking lot.
“Yuki please stay here while I go get our furniture.” He says trying to find a place for her to be while they unload all the stuff. The coach and love seat of course arrived put together however nothing else did. As soon as the living room furniture was put into the place and the rest of the boxes unloaded outside the truck the store employees left. Asahi sighed to himself thinking how he was going to get all that stuff upstairs. He pushed all of it to the sidewalk so at least it was out of the way of the parking lot. Just as he pushed the last box onto the sidewalk a silver Charger pulled into a spot next to his car and a you got out in scrubs and a hoodie looking tired, but stopped to look at the new car next to yours. You noticed all the boxes on the sidewalk and an out of breath Asahi.
“Sir? Are you by yourself moving all this?” You asked, walking up to the row of boxes. He nodded too out of breath and tried to form any english words right now. “Do you want some help?” You asked. This time he shook his head and finally had enough breath to form a sentence.
“No thank you, I don’t want to bother anyone.” He said with a thick japanese accent. You found it cute, but cleared her head before speaking.
“Okay well I assume you're my new neighbor on the second floor? I am right next door if you change your mind.” you say walking up the stairs to your apartment. It was Asahi’s choice to move here so he figures it’s no one else's responsibility to help. He starts with the box that has Yuki’s bed fully intending on getting her bedroom put together today. He started by pulling the box with him as he walked backwards up the stairs. Just as he was about fully up them he let go to adjust his grip to turn the box on the flat floor and the box went tumbling down the stairs loudly. Asahi sighed in frustration and started his way back down the stairs to try again. Just then you open your apartment door now wearing green athletic leggings and the same hoodie. Hearing the ruckus outside and decided you are helping now. You walked down the stairs and got on the opposite side of the box as Asahi.
“I am sorry! I know that was loud.” He said bowing. You waved your hands in front of you. Being an American not used to bowing made her flush a little.
“Don’t worry, but you need help so please let me. You don’t have to pay me or anything.” you say starting to push the box up the stairs while Asahi pulls. He is going to do something to pay you back, he thought. As soon as they entered his apartment you noticed a little girl sitting on the floor playing on a phone. She is very cute with long brown almost black hair braided down her back and a fluffy pink coat that almost looks too big on her.
“This is my daughter Yuki.” Asahi says walking behind and crouching down and putting his hand on her head to get her attention to look up. She did and gave a shy wave and looked back at the phone. You did the same back and Asahi realized he never introduced himself. “Oh and I am Azumane Asahi.” He says nervously, you liked his name.
“I am Y/n” you say, holding out your hand. “Nice to meet you Azumane.” Asahi took your hand and shook it and for a brief moment he liked the way you said his name. You knew quite a bit about asain culture and knew that Azumane was a last name. You held yourself back from adding the san at the end, you were sure he was older than you. Asahi and you spent the rest of the afternoon getting all the boxes at least up into the apartment so that they could shut the door and keep the heat in. The apartment was a cluttered mess so Y/n helped move the respected boxes to their rooms. Just as they opened the box for Yuki’s bed she ran to her dad.
“Papa onaka ga suita!” She said. Little did Asahi know that you knew exactly what she said. She’s hungry.
“I could whip something up at my place or order something for us if you want.” You offered to pull out her phone to look at the restaurants that deliver which aren’t a lot around here.
“You have done enough for us.” Asahi paused. “You understood her?” He asked, shocked. You were not about to tell him you were an Otaku and you learned Japanese so that you didn’t have to read subtitles to watch anime.
“I took a class.” You lied not wanting to look weird. It was kinda the truth though. It was an online class.
“Well that’s good that one person can understand us. I know English pretty well, but Yuki is not so good yet.” He says with a shy smile.
“Daddy!” Yuki whines to remind Asahi she is hungry.
“Let me treat you as a thank you for helping us.” Asahi says not to give you time to protest getting his phone from Yuki. “What would be the easiest to eat without plates or silverware?” He asked
“Um pizza. Order Pizza Hut, it’s the best.” You say continuing to open the box while he downloads the app to order. Everyone decided cheese would be the best option. As you and Asahi waited the two of you slowly put the bed together since the instructions were hard to understand in both English and Japanese. You guys got it together just as the pizza arrived you did go back to your apartment to grab some cups for the pop he ordered. You all sat on the floor and ate your pizza in comfortable silence. You stayed and helped put the rest of Yuki’s bedroom together. All that was left was to decorate it. It glanced at your phone and noticed it was almost ten o’clock. You have work the next morning.
“Azumane, can I come help you tomorrow? I have to get up early for work.” You say politely.
“No problem, it’s late and I need to get Yuki to bed anyway..” He trailed off not really sure what else to say other than thank you which has probably said a thousand times by now. You gave him a smile that automatically relaxed him. He hasn’t been around many women other than Yuki’s mom. You made your way to the front door and put your shoes on. He just realized you did that out of respect for him and blushed a little. You said good night to Asahi and went to say good night to Yuki, but she passed out on the couch with Asahi's dead phone on her chest. You smiled at the cute girl and left their apartment and went next door to yours.
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
My Celebrity Childhood Friend
Warnings: minor character death, sad feels
Venti x GN!Reader
2k Words
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Many years ago, when you were eight years old, you had two very close friends. Their names were Venti and Himmel. The three of you did everything together. You were very close. All of you thought your friendship would be forever and that you would always be close. But, unfortunately, that's not what happened.
One day you and Venti received the news that Himmel had passed away. It was really difficult for both of you to accept the reality of his death, grieve, and move on with your lives. In the end, you couldn’t even help each other. Spending time together only reminded you of how Himmel wasn’t there anymore.
Eventually Venti just couldn’t take it anymore. So his family moved out. Losing Himmel had hurt, but losing Venti too reopened the almost healing wound in your heart. He didn’t even say goodbye because he thought he’d chicken out if he did. And so there you were, friendless, hurt, and feeling very, very alone.
Your only solace was in practicing the piano. The three of you had all been learning instruments and playing together before. The idea was to become a band of sorts together and play music professionally. Himmel played violin, Venti played guitar, and you played piano. Playing the piano was all you had left of them, so you continued playing and practicing it.
Years pass and you move on as much as you can. You make new friends and try new things. Piano is still important to you but you do new things now too. But even with all of this, there’s a part of you that left with Venti and Himmel. The hurt in your heart is no longer a gaping wound. Yet the pain has never truly gone away.
Then one day you hear a familiar voice on the radio. That voice and guitar combo sounded very familiar. It was a good song and you enjoyed listening to it, but you just couldn’t get the feeling of familiarity out of your mind. However, once the radio host introduced the song, you immediately understood. “And that was Soaring Bird by The Bard. Venti really did himself proud on this one…,” they continued, but you were no longer listening.
Venti was on the radio! What could this mean? You hurriedly took out your phone and ran a search. There he was, Venti, also known as The Bard, is a singer/songwriter who rose to fame after a stint on a television talent show a couple months ago. Well, what do you know? Your childhood friend has followed your childhood dream.
Part of you feels left behind, but you accepted that had happened years ago. So instead you decided to be supportive! Suddenly you have a new favorite singer and you just have to have all his albums. Physical copies, so you can display them. Your bedroom walls are covered with posters.
You now have more The Bard themed t-shirts than you have regular shirts. There’s a concert of his you can go to? You’re there. You promote him with everyone you know. If you hadn’t converted your friends to the truth of Venti supremacy they probably would have gotten sick of your antics by now. Instead they’re almost as invested as you are.
When he finally releases a new album you are thrilled. It’s been almost a year since he released his last one and you’ve been starving for new content. You are first in line to the store to buy the album and listen to it as soon as possible. Track one through four are fantastic and you enjoy them a lot! But then track five starts to play.
It’s more melancholy and nostalgic than other songs he has written. And then you hear the words. The words touch your heart, soothing and healing some of the pain that has remained. At the end he takes a moment to dedicate it to his childhood friend, to you. Not by name, but you know what he means by “my old childhood friend”. You’re tearing up.
I’m sorry I was too blind to see
That you were suffering as much as me
You were left behind, I was moving on
And you were left to carry on
It wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair
That I chose to just leave you there
We’re not really close now, are we
But I just want to say I’m sorry
You listened to it over and over again, crying in your room. Maybe it was stupid but that was something you didn’t even know you’ve been wanting to hear for years. Knowing that he felt bad about leaving you behind and hearing an apology from him meant the world to you.
And it just so happens that the song he dedicated to you is your friends’ new favorite song. If they didn’t know about your history with him before, then they sure know now. You’re still struggling to not cry every time it plays. Sure, maybe some of your dirty laundry was now being aired all around the world. But that wasn’t important.
What was important was that your heart was finally able to heal. You were truly able to feel happy again, for the first time since you were eight years old. Life had color again. There was more of a bounce to your step. Your friends noticed that your smiles even seemed more real now.
So when you learned that Venti would be doing an album signing event, you just knew you had to go. And you knew just which album you wanted to have signed. Now all you could think about was getting the album signed. How would he react to seeing you again? Would he recognize you? You really hope he does. It would really hurt if he doesn’t.
All of a sudden you’re now worrying if this is a good idea at all. Your friends managed to convince you to go, but you were really close to not going at all. And even now that you’re here at the signing you’re half considering running away. But instead you steel your courage and get in line.
You try not to think about it as the line slowly creeps forward. Making small talk with those around you in line might help, but you’re too nervous to even try social interaction. You’re twentieth in line, then tenth, then fifth, then second. Now it’s your turn and you approach the table he’s sitting at to sign the albums.
He’s wearing a white button up shirt, green slacks, and a green beanie with a flower on it. He’s dyed the tips of his braids teal and wears some light makeup to bring out the color of his eyes. You suddenly feel very underdressed as you anxiously walk up and hand him the album.
“Hi Venti,” you say softly. “It’s good to see you again.” He looks up sharply and freezes for a second, wide eyed. “Oh my gosh!” He exclaims, jumping up out of his seat. “It’s so good to see you again! It’s been so long!” You smile, feeling more comfortable and sure of yourself now that you know he recognizes you.
Someone behind him clears their throat and sits back down. “I can’t really talk right now,” he admits, sheepishly. “We don’t want to hold up the line, but hold on a sec.” He opens the album and scribbles something on the inside of the opaque cover. “That’s my number,” he whispers quietly to you. “Text me later, okay? I’ll get back to you when I can.”
You nod and move on, only realizing he didn’t actually sign the case until you were down the hall from where he was signing. Laughing a little, you sit down on a bench and pull out your phone. That was such a Venti-like thing for him to do. Sometimes he would get so excited that he’d forget what he was supposed to be doing.
Opening your texting app, you typed in his number and sent him a message.
You: Hi! Is this the right number? I’m the one you wrote song number five about.
It took a couple hours for him to reply. Which is very understandable considering how he was probably signing albums for a while.
Venti: Yes! This is the right number! It’s so good to hear from you again :)
Venti: And I’m so glad you heard that song
Venti: I really am sorry about leaving like that
You: I won’t lie and say that it’s fine, because it really hurt that you left like that
You: But I really appreciate your song that you wrote for me. I cry every time I hear it
Venti: Oh no! I didn’t mean to make you sad :(
You: Happy tears, Venti. They’re all happy tears
Venti: Oh, okay, that’s good :)
Venti: Want to come eat lunch with the staff and me?
Venti: They’re all really curious about you
Venti: The mysterious childhood friend I wrote a whole song about
You: Sure! How do I find you?
Venti: You don’t! Where are you? I’ll send someone to pick you up ;)
You send him your location and wait around for someone to come pick you up. After a while a nicely dressed woman approaches you and gestures for you to follow her. She leads you to a car and drives you to a restaurant. A waiter takes you to one of the closed off rooms for group events.
Approximately two seconds after the door is closed, you are hug tackled to the floor. Venti cheerfully cheers your name right into your ear. You grumble good naturedly and swat at him until he laughs and gets off you. He offers his hand, you take it, and he helps you stand up. Some chuckles from the staff tell me they’re just as amused as he is by the situation.
This sets the tone for your lunch. It’s lighthearted and you have a great time getting to know each other again. He introduces the staff and they admit they’ve been curious about his childhood friend he wrote a song about. You enjoy eating lunch with them a lot, and all of you are disappointed when you have to go.
You continue to chat as long as you can while preparing to leave. As you’re gathering your stuff to go, you come across the album that he never actually signed. “Oh yeah,” you laugh. “Venti, you never actually signed my album!”
“Whoops! I’ll sign that right now.” He declares. “Though I must admit that I feel a little awkward signing stuff for you.” Finishing writing with a flourish, he hands the album back to you. “But I guess I better get used to it,” he continues. “You better bring the rest of the albums next time!”
Your smile is so bright that he has to squint for a moment.. “I’m looking forward to it already.” You say. “See you later?” He beams right back. “Yep! I’ll let you know the next time we can meet up!”
The grin stays on your face all the way home.
You meet up whenever you can after that, though your schedules don’t always match up enough to allow it. Video calls are common when he goes on tour. It’s like the two of you never split. And eventually your friendship becomes something more.
“Hey, could I ask you a question?” Venti asks you over a video call one night. He’s acting a little funny, nervous with a dash of hope and excitement. “Would you like to go out with me sometimes? Like a date?” You chuckle, amused. “Venti, you’re on tour right now. It’s not like we could go out to dinner or something.”
“You’re right that we can’t go out to dinner together, but we could eat at the same time over a video call! I’ll even call and order food for you or something!” Venti plans. “Sure,” you agree. “I think I’d like that.” He pumps his fist in the air. “Yes!” He shouts. “I’m gonna make this the best long-distance date ever!”
And so he does.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Awwwwww SHIT. She cannot be stopped, folks. 
So I thought about making this an Epilogue to “Helpless”, but I MIGHT turn it into a sequel, if that’s something you guys want. I have so many ideas!!! 
Anyway, here is a “Helpless” SEQUEL ONE SHOT as of now. 
TBH I love it so much. I was listening to the song and I just couldn’t get this idea out of my head. OH RIGHT, if you haven’t heard Demi Lovato’s “Warrior”, listen to it now. And/or as you read this. I listened to it the entire time I wrote it. Hell I’m still listening to it. LOL.
“Please, Liv?” 
Barba was begging his best friend, on his knees in his own office. 
“This is ridiculous, Rafa. You’re a grown man. Stop begging,” 
“Then promise you’ll do it,” 
“I..wha...WHY do you need me to take your girlfriend out?”
“Look she just went through a traumatic event--” 
“Um it was pretty traumatic for me too, if you couldn’t tell,” 
“Right. I know...Liv, you know I love you,” He put a hand on her shoulder. “But she ALSO lost the one person in the world that she’s had for most of her life. She has no one now,” 
“She has you, obviously,” 
“Well yeah sure she has me, but I--I can’t be her whole world. She needs friends. And she doesn’t meet anyone because she had to quit her job at Fazzoli’s. So she’s just been my Personal Assistant for the past month until she can find something else, and she’s just…. around, ALL the time,” He explained the past month of your lives.
“Sounds like you’re getting sick of your little hustler,”  Liv chuckled. 
“DON’T, call her that.” Rafael warned her. 
“Why? It’s what she did,” Liv scoffed.
“Olivia...look,” Rafael rubbed his temples. “You are my best friend in the entire world, and I love you. But you have GOT to let this little...grudge against Y/N go,” 
“Grudge? What-- She--” Olivia protested, but Rafael cut her off.
“Whatever happened, it’s in the past. We’re putting it behind us, and so should you,” 
“Whatever….” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“If you want to keep being my best friend,” 
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a plea, once again,” He took her hand. “If you truly love me, you will help me help her,”  He gave her those puppy dog eyes, the ones she could never resist, even if she wanted to. 
“Oh that is DIRTY, Barba,” She pushed him away with her hand over his face. 
“Again though, I don’t know what you want me to do. She obviously doesn’t think we’re going to be friends, and all of my friends are your friends-- also, they’re all adults,”
 “She’s an adult,”
“....Sure she is,”
“Okay okay, I just...Oh you know what, I could ask Lucy if her and her friends want to come,” She picked up her phone and flipped through it.
“See? You’re brilliant,” Rafael smiled.
“Whoa there counselor, I’m not sure how excited she is going to be to drag her friends out with her BOSS, her friends and your pet---girlfriend,”  She quickly corrected herself, but Barba heard it anyway. 
“You’re unbelievable,” He sighed. 
“Look I said I would ask her, I didn’t say it would be happy about it,”
“Alright, alright,” He nodded. “Thank you, Liv,”  he gave her a small hug then she turned to walk out. 
“Don’t make me regret this,” She eyed him. Just then, you came up behind her in the doorway.
 “Regret what?” 
 “Uh...my lunch plans, Rafael suggested a place I haven’t tried,” Olivia pushed her hair behind her ears nervously, looking everywhere around you but your eyes. Classic lying tells, but you really didn’t want to deal with her stuff right now so you left it alone.
“Oh, well have fun detective!” You gave her a cheery smile as she walked out of the office. You handed Rafael one of the two coffees you had brought in.
“Fuel for my baby,” You smiled, kissing him on the cheek. You could see the screaming behind his eyes when he smiled back at you. 
“...What?” you raised an eyebrow.
“What, what?” he asked, acting oblivious.
“Rafael, you know I know something is off,” 
“Wha… no, not--” he started but you gave him a knowing look. “You said you weren’t going to do that anymore, Y/N,” he was suddenly stern, referring to using your ‘superpower’. 
“And I told you, I can’t turn it off!” You reminded him, you had said it in your very first conversation. 
“Okay but you can...y’know pretend you don’t see things,” he pointed out.
“Or, you could just tell me why your eyes are screaming for help right now,” you crossed your arms.
“Wha--that--Good lord,” He sighed, taking a swig of his coffee. 
“I’m around too much, aren’t I?” You finally stated the obvious, tired of ignoring it anymore.
“No! No no no…” He put a hand to your face. Overly repetitive denial, meant yes. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I don’t have anywhere else to be,” You bit your lip and looked down at the floor. You hated being this helpless, relying on him for everything. Ever since he had left the hospital, you’d moved in with him and took care of him while his shoulder healed. And then when he went back to work, you told him you had to quit working at Fazzoli’s because it was just too hard to go there every day after everything that had transpired there. You really had tried, but you just kept having flashbacks or panic attacks that Arianna would come walking through the door and take you away again. 
Rafael was totally understanding, as usual. He told you that you could be his Assistant for the time being, which really just meant you followed him around all day like a puppy. And he was paying you with his salary, so he was basically just giving you money. You hated it; you were used to being completely independent-- sort of. 
Sure Arianna ‘protected’ you, but it wasn’t like you were a baby bird. You had been through so many horrific things in your short life, all on your own. You knew how to survive in the mean streets of NYC, making your own money. You were like a bulldog, and now you were a lap dog. 
“Hey,” Rafael picked your head up back to face him. “I know. I’m not blaming you for anything,” 
“But you are sick of me,” 
“I just...I think you need more people in your life, that’s all,” he stroked your hair.
“Yeah, I know,” you shrugged.
He was right, but you weren’t used to having more than one person looking out for you, or vice versa. You didn’t really know what it was like to have a normal friend, and your serious trust issues really didn’t help the situation. Rafael had tried to get you to go to therapy to work through your “issues”, but you didn’t trust your therapist, which made the whole thing moot. 
“...Wait, so what were you actually talking about with Liv?” 
“She told you, I was--” 
“Can we not do this again,” You rolled your eyes. 
“....Alright fair enough,” He sighed, giving up. “I asked Olivia if she knew of any girls that might want to ‘hang out’ with you,” 
“Oh my god, Rafa!” You were humiliated. 
“God now I’m like that weird kid in class who eats paste, and her parents have to to talk to the teacher who makes the other kids be her friend,” 
“....That’s a weirdly specific scenario,” he raised an eyebrow.
“...Yeah, well-- not my first time,” You shrugged sadly.
“Aw honey,” He half laughed, taking your into his arms and kissing your forehead. “I would’ve been your friend, no matter what you ate,” 
“Yeah well considering you were probably in high school when I was in elementary, I doubt it,” You smirked.
“Ooof, below the belt,” He put both hands over his crotch with a pained expression.
“I’m sorry,” you stuck your tongue out with a smile. “But you kinda deserve it, trying to beg people to be my friend,” 
“I didn’t BEG…” He started, but saw that look in your eyes. “Okay but it worked,” He came clean. 
“Oh Olivia and I are gonna have a girls night? Are we gonna braid each other’s hair and talk about boys we like? OH WAIT,” You made sarcastic gestures. “We like the same boy!” You rolled your eyes. 
“I mean, I can’t blame you. He’s pretty awesome,” He smirked.
“And so not full of himself,” You pulled on his collar towards you.
“Not at all,” He kept smirking, as he placed his lips over yours. 
Just then Barba’s phone vibrated-- a text from Liv. 
 “Uh….well, I guess you might be right?” He showed his phone. It vibrated again, another text came in as your were reading it.
 “Well, she is just lovely,” you handed it back to him with a roll of your eyes. 
“Hey, at least she’s trying,” he texted a reply to Liv.
 “Can you try as well? Please?”  He asked you while looking at you with the same puppy dog eyes, Liv wasn’t the only one who couldn’t resist them.
“Fine…” you sighed, and he rewarded you with a kiss.
“I need something to wear,” You batted your eyes, to which he rolled his own and pulled out his credit card. 
“See? I’m leaving you alone, it’s working already!” You giggled, walking out of the office to go shopping.
That night, you and Rafael showed up to a place called TOP5.. It was a fun, trendy hipster  restaurant. There were several booths, some tables, even a few couches for people to chill. And in front of everything was a huge stage, with a piano next to it. But there was also a DJ, spinning records. 
Rafael noticed Olivia waving to him; he lead you to a giant half booth half table where Olivia, Rollins, Fin, Carisi, and four young girls you had never met before sat with drinks in their hands. 
“How did you get these guys out?” Rafael gestured to the squad.
“I asked them nicely,” She smiled.
“Yeah, if ‘nice’ means  it was either this or catching up on paperwork all night,” Fin rolled his eyes. 
“This is Lucy, my nanny,” Olivia pointed the young girl next to her, who gave a small wave. 
“And these are my friends Riley, Lexi and Brianne,” Lucy pointed to each of her friends, who also did a wave as they heard their name. 
“Rafael Barba,”  he nodded to the girls. “And this is my--”
“Y/N,” You interjected, introducing yourself. You were determined NOT to just be “Rafael’s Girlfriend” anymore. 
“So we were looking through some songs, I don’t think anyone’s brave enough to go up there though,” Lexi informed you, gesturing to a huge black binder in front of her and her friends.
“More like not drunk enough,” Lucy laughed.
“Hey we can fix that!” Brianne giggled, calling for shots from the bar.
“Great idea Barba, it’s like we’re chaperoning,” Amanda whispered to Rafael, who rolled his eyes and nodded to a waiter for a scotch. 
“May I?” You asked Riley, sliding the book in front of you. You flipped through a binder, until a song stood out to you. It was like it was screaming to you from the page.
You had heard so many “therapeutic” mantras over the past month, people trying help you get over your trauma. Talk it out, they said. You need to get it out. 
Well, this was one way. 
You excused yourself and walked up to the DJ, whispered something to which he nodded, and went to the mic. 
“Alright alright, looks like we have our first vict--I mean, superstar!” He joked. You seriously thought about punching him in the face for using “victim” as a joke, but you knew that was the trauma talking. And you were to fix that, not indulge it.
 The music started, and you just let the words spill out:
This is a story that I have never told
I gotta get this off my chest to let it go
I need to take back the light inside you stole
You're a criminal
And you steal like you're a pro
All the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused
I was broken and bruised
Thoughts of you and Arianna’s life together ran through your mind like a movie montage as you sang. The words were so scary accurate.
Now I'm a warrior
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again
 That first chorus felt like you were letting out a huge breath you had been holding in for God knows how long. You wanted Olivia, Rafel, the squad...EVERYONE to know, that you weren’t this helpless little lamb they had seen for the past month.
 Out of the ashes, burning like a fire
You can save your apologies
You're nothing but a liar
I've got shame, I've got scars
But I will never show
I'm a survivor
In more ways than you know
'Cause all the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused
I'm not broken and bruised
 Now the flashbacks of the real trauma you had been through came pulsing through your mind. Horrors that still kept you up at night; you’d have night terrors sometimes but had hidden them from Rafael so far. He didn’t need to know just how fucked up you truly were. None of it mattered now anyway, you were a survivor. And you had the scars to prove it.
 'Cause now I'm a warrior
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me
 There's a part of me I can't get back
A little girl grew up too fast
All it took was once, I'll never be the same
Now I'm taking back my life today
Nothing left that you can say
'Cause you were never gonna take the blame anyway
 You thought of everything Arianna had taken from you. Sure your childhood was shit, but you were fairly young when she convinced you to run away with her. You could have stayed in your small town, found a decent job. Lived a normal life, with normal friends. But she sucked you into your life of crime and deceit, all while telling you it was perfectly fine, and that she loved you. But it was all bullshit, all of it. You saw that now. And now if she ever came back into your life and tried to convince you of anything, you wouldn’t fall back into her lies.
You took a breath before the last chorus, suddenly feeling your face getting wet. You realized you had started crying while you were singing, but for some reason you weren’t ashamed of it. It actually made you feel stronger, like letting your tears wash the pain and shame from yourself.
 Now I'm a warrior
I've got thicker skin
Now I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again
You finished the song in a whisper as your head dropped to looking at the floor. You were exhausted from the mental journey that song had taken you on. You had never felt so...free. Before you could even look up, the room erupted in applause. 
You lifted your head to see everyone in the room giving you a standing ovation...even Olivia, who you could swear had tears in her eyes. 
You gave a sheepish smile and a curtsy, quickly getting off the stage and returning to your booth, where not a face was dry. 
“...Aww, guys...,” You didn’t know what to say; you had never been that open and vulnerable to ANYONE before, and here you had gone and ripped your soul open in front of a group of strangers.
“That was--” 
Olivia came around and hugged you, a genuine hug. It lasted uncomfortably long, so you had to break it with a confused smile. 
“I’m sorry I judged you,” She apologized, and you saw the absolute sincerity and guilt written all over her face.
“It’s fine, if I were you I would’ve judged me too,” you gave her an understanding smile.
She nodded, giving Rafael an apologetic look as well, to which he took her hand and pulled her into a hug. 
“So, who’s next?!” You smiled, pushing the binder to the middle of the table. Protests and laughs began at the table, bickering about who was drunk enough to follow you. 
Rafael leaned over to you, whispering in your ear over the noise of the crowd.
“You’re the bravest warrior I know, Y/N” He wiped tears from his eyes, kissing your cheek.
“Yes. Yes, I am,” you smiled, wiping the rest of his tears as you kissed him. 
And for the first time maybe ever, you believed it.
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abbystanaccount · 3 years
I wrote a new TLOU fanfic I’m gonna post here because it’s a different pairing and it’s little pointless but whatever it’s kinda cute
Anyway it’s rated T, it’s a Leah POV one-shot with some Leah/Jordan in it plus appearances from members of the Salt Lake crew. It was kinda hard to write her as a pov versus a side character but I tried 🤪
they don’t get it
It was near 1AM and the party was winding down. Manny and Nick were still trying to beat one another in some card game in the other room, and Mel and Nora had just left because they had hospital shifts the next day. Abby had come with Owen and actually seemed to be having fun for once and done quite a few shots, but she must have been exhausted from all the intense training she’d been doing recently as she’d seemed to have fallen asleep on her boyfriend’s chest. Abby had been asleep for nearly fifteen minutes but he didn’t seem in a hurry to wake her, holding her on the couch as she peacefully slept.
They were so cute together, Leah thought. She’d always been rooting for them, but she knew Abby had her issues. Losing your dad would be hard on anyone, Leah had lost hers long ago. Then in that hospital massacre that brought the eight of them so close, she’d lost her uncle and many friends. At least she still had her mom, who managed to become an English teacher here at the WLF, she’d done some teaching before the outbreak. It’d been quite the change in lifestyle for all of them since they’d first arrived a year ago.
Leah’s boyfriend was outside, smoking a cigar with one of the guy friends he’d invited. It was supposed to be just an ex-Firefly party, but he’d decided last minute he was going to stick around come too, despite not being really in the group. Leah had hoped he would have decided against it, he sometimes made situations weird among them all.
She could hear him laugh from outside. Her boyfriend, Frank, was a Seattle native. He was a bit older than all of them in his mid twenties, and he worked as a mechanic for the WLF. Leah’s friends were polite around him, but she could tell none of them were that big of fans. Leah wasn’t completely sure why, he seemed a nice enough guy.
When they first started dating six months ago, Nora had joked he was a spy from Isaac and Mel had made a face.
“You guys are dating now?” Mel had asked her with raised brows.
“Yeah! He’s really sweet and helpful,” Leah had responded. Frank had come to her apartment the week before to fix the refrigerator in her apartment and they’d gotten to chatting.
“I don’t get why he works out so much and he’s not even a soldier,” mused Nora, taking a sip of her drink.
“The two aren’t mutually exclusive,” retorted Leah, feeling a bit deflated.
“Like you’re gonna do all that and not help out?” chided Nora. “We have to prove ourselves and our loyalty so much and guys like that get away with doing the bare minimum. Not to mention I’ve seen how he acts with his friend group and he’s a prick.”
“You can do better,” Mel added.
“At least I’m putting myself out there,” Leah had said somewhat bitterly. She’d seen Mel give Abby and Owen the stinkeye, she knew that she was jealous of them. Mel should be doing what she was doing and meet new people, but Leah wasn’t about to piss her off and say that.
Leah’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Frank slamming the door from outside open, coming in laughing with his friend. Abby jolted awake on the couch, and Owen gripped her arm to keep her from jumping up.
Maybe I need another drink, Leah thought. She sighed and went back to cleaning up the party, the guys in the other room seemed to be entertaining themselves enough, but she was sort of ready for this to be over and go to bed.
Looking up, Leah Owen and Abby approaching her, his arm around her waist. The girls had gone in with shots a few hours ago, but it’d mostly worn off for Leah and Abby had drank more after that.
“We’re gonna head out. You need any help cleaning up?” Owen asked her.
Abby looked like she needed a bed ASAP, her braid falling out in pieces and head leaning on his shoulder. “No, no I got it. You get her home.” Leah smiled to him. 
They were using her and Frank’s shared apartment. She’d only moved in a few weeks ago but it was hard to get used to. Frank wasn’t even there much, and when he was, he tended to leave her a mess to clean up. It was like she moved in to be his maid.
Owen and Abby left, and it seemed Frank had somewhere to be too. Her boyfriend came up to her across the counter, saying he and his friend were going to head to another one of his friend’s apartment to catch another party for an hour. Leah sighed but smiled at him, giving her boyfriend a kiss. Then when he’d left, her face dropped as she went back to wiping down the counters. Leah was all for being an optimist, and the peppy one, but this kinda sucked.
At that, she heard the door to the other room crack open. Luckily, it was just the person she’d wanted to see.
“Did Frankenstein leave?” asked her friend, Jordan. 
‘Frankenstein’ was Jordan’s not so nice name for Frank because of his name and somewhat wide forehead. It wasn’t a very nice nickname, Leah wasn’t sure why Jordan had it out for Frank.
“You shouldn’t call him that.” Leah scolded, putting the last of the dirty cups in the sink.
“Because he’ll get mad again? I’m not scared of him.” smirked Jordan, running a hand through his dark brown hair. He’d been growing it out, it used to be so short when they were Fireflies, as had he. The eight of them had all been teens or just about when they’d been Fireflies, Jordan grew half a foot in the time since they’d joined the WLF a year ago. Maybe it was the good food.
“We get it, you’re taller than him and you go out and kill Scars. Big whoop, me too.”
Jordan leaned his chair back, “Yeah, you are taller than him, you have to lean down a bit to kiss him.”
Leah smirked, “I’ve noticed, Jordan.” He was giving her that look again, with the knowing smile. 
They probably shouldn’t talk about Frank when he wasn’t here. Plus he couldn’t change his height, so that wouldn’t be a nice thing to make fun of. Frank wasn’t even that short, it’s just Leah was quite tall. 
She changed the subject. “So uh, Manny lent me some of his mangas the other day. They’re pretty interesting, I guess. It’s weird to read backwards.”
Jordan grinned at that. Leah knew he and Manny both liked that Japanese stuff. 
“You did, huh? Which one?”
“Fullmetal Alchemist.” 
His hazel eyes lit up and his mouth opened in shock. “That’s my favorite one.”
Leah ducked her head down and pretended to be cleaning something. Her face was hot, which was dumb because she didn’t need to feel embarrassed or anything. 
“I know it is.” 
Leah could just tell Jordan was grinning. “Well you said it was good!” She exclaimed.
“It is, it is, it’s great. We can talk about it later.”
“Sure.” She agreed. Though then her mouth skewed at a bad memory, and Leah tried to push it away.
“What’s up, Leah Beah?” Jordan asked softy, using his silly rhyming nickname for her that didn’t even make any sense.
Leah shook her head, “I don’t wanna say anything bad.” She looked at the remaining party leftovers she had to clean up and felt all motivation leave her. Maybe she’d do it later. Sighing, she grabbed an empty stool and sat across for Jordan.
“It’s just, I love hanging out with all you guys. You’re all my best friends and we all... we get each other, you know?”
“Yeah, for the most part, I guess,” said Jordan, scratching his chin. “No offense to like Mel and Owen and Abby all them, but sometimes I wonder what goes through their brains.”
Turmoil, jealousy, deep rooted issues from trauma… She thought. Leah was thankful she was able to push stuff like that down.
“I know Abby and all them can sometimes be a handful, but like, we get why. And only we would get why,” said Leah quietly. She didn’t like to think back to that day. At least her mom made it out alright, some of them had their families destroyed.
“Yeah, I can’t stand the fucking side eyes from the people are here,” growled Jordan. “Like what do they want me to say? That we’re all traumatized from seeing our friends and family slaughtered? That we lost everyone? That I lost everyone?” 
Jordan was getting upset, Leah could tell by his voice. He’d lash out at times and Manny or Owen would try to calm him down, with varying results. On the road to Seattle, Jordan had told Leah about what had happened to his family, that he’d lost everyone years ago but his older brother. Then when his older brother died in the hospital attack, and he was with a lot of the younger teens trying to hide, he’d felt so guilty he hadn’t helped.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Leah took his hand in hers. He was shaking a bit, but it stopped after a bit. She could feel the pulse of his vein through her thumb. 
“We don’t need to talk about that. Nothing can change what happened. We just have to focus on the positives we have in life, that’s what I do” 
Jordan rubbed his face with his other hand and took a deep breath. “You’re right, sorry. I don’t want to blow up on you for no reason.” His anger faded then and he melted a bit, looking meek. “You’re probably my favorite person, Leah.”
Leah looked him in the eyes and gave him a small smile back. Her instinct was to say to back, but she realized dully that wouldn’t be fair to Frank. Jordan was just her friend, even though she cared about him so much and was maybe the his closest person he had left.
She settled instead with, “I’m here for you, whenever you need me.”
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hutchhitched · 4 years
Screw West
Written by: @hutchhitched​
Prompt 137: Friends to lovers road trip au! Katniss wants to take a summer off to explore the country, Peeta volunteers to go with her. Bonus points if one of them is an absolutely oblivious idiot. [submitted by anonymous]
Ratings/Warnings: T
A/N: I’m continuing to post the nine @everlarkficexchange prompts I took and then sat on throughout the early months of the pandemic. Usually, I travel a lot during the summer, but not so much in 2020. Instead, I wrote this story for you. Enjoy!
  Peeta Mellark sifted through a stack of notes and sighed in frustration. “None of this makes sense anymore,” he grunted. “I thought the point of planning this was to have a, I don’t know, plan or something.”
 Katniss Everdeen, his best friend since their freshman biology class a million years ago, looked at him in amusement and rolled her eyes.
 “I thought you were supposed to be the spontaneous one in this friendship, Mellark” she laughed. “I promised you a road trip, but only if you’ll help me figure out some kind of time frame for when we’ll be back. I have lesson plans to write for the fall, you know. Some of us actually have a schedule. I know this was my idea, but you did agree to join me.”
 Peeta grinned at her mischievous smile and shrugged. He’d been hopelessly in love with her since forever, and she had no idea how excited he was that she’d agreed to him accompanying her on her trip. The fact that she’d told him she wanted to take the summer to explore the US, and he’d called in every favor he could at his job to make this happen was something he’d never admit. He’d had to lobby his editor pretty hard to convince him that Peeta could write his column remotely and that doing so from different tourist destinations would actually strengthen his following rather than diminish it. Haymitch Abernathy only budged when the newspaper’s owner, Effie Trinket, pressured him to agree. Peeta wasn’t about to question Haymitch’s approval. With orders to keep the costs to a minimum and turn in his stuff on time, his boss had told him to report back after Labor Day.
 So, he’d broached the subject with Katniss, hoping she hadn’t been joking when she said she wanted to head out and see all the things she’d never had a chance to in her childhood. He’d been absolutely ecstatic when she’d hugged him hard and thanked him for being her road trip buddy across America. The problem was they had no idea where they were going, no concrete plan, and absolutely no idea how to make a firm decision.
 “Maybe we could start on the East Coast and work our way south first,” he suggested, but she shook her head.
 “I think I’ve done that. I mean, we both grew up in the Appalachians. Didn’t you see about as much of the eastern seaboard as you’ve ever wanted to? I haven’t been to Florida, but it seems kinda similar to the outer banks in North Carolina and the Low Country in South Carolina and Georgia. I’ve definitely been there.”
 “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but it seems like a waste to head due west when we’ve got the time to ramble a bit.”
 “Screw west? What?”
 “Due, Katniss. Due west.”
 “Ah. That makes more sense.” She nodded thoughtfully, but then made a note. “Maybe we can swing back through the South on the way home later in the summer?”
 “Sounds good,” he agreed. “So, we’re going north first?”
 “Maybe just west like you said? I don’t know. I want to see what’s on the other side of the mountains. I’ve never been further than Pittsburgh that direction, and that’s just kind of sad.”
 “So, we’re going to drive through flyover country.”
 “Exactly. Something’s gotta be there, huh?”
 “I guess we’ll figure out why everybody calls it that, anyway.”
 Katniss flipped through an outdated atlas for a few minutes and finally shoved it to the side. She turned her body toward him, and he looked at her, desperately trying to hide his affection. He felt like a heart eye emoji every time she was in the same room.
 “I think we ought to just pack for every situation we can fathom, get in the car tomorrow morning, and start driving. We’ll figure it out then. And we’ll be together, so it can’t be that bad, right?”
 “Right,” he breathed, his heart caught in his chest. “I guess I better go home and pack. Pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow?”
 She leaned over and gave him a hug that made him want to bury his face in her neck and press kisses there until she moaned his name.
 “See you then.”
 He left shortly afterward, walking to his car with a pang in his stomach. He was headed out on an unplanned road trip with the love of his life, and she had no idea how he felt. He had only one thought as he started the car and headed home.
 “I am so screwed.”
 Bleary-eyed and anxious, Peeta pulled into the Katniss’ driveway at 7:58 am the next morning and honked lightly on the horn. He knew she was up since she’d texted him three times asking him if he was awake and on the way and, oh, would he stop by their favorite coffee shop and pick up pastries and espresso? If he wasn’t half in love with her (okay, completely in love with her), he would have turned off his phone and gone back to sleep.
 Except he wouldn’t. He’d jump out of bed every single day just for a glimpse of her, and that was more truth than he ever wanted to admit when it appeared she had no interest in him outside of their very close friendship.
 Heaving a sigh, he climbed from the car and bounded up the steps to her door to knock three times in rapid succession. It opened, and Peeta had to bite the inside of his right cheek not to embarrass her by telling her how gorgeous she looked. Because she did. She was sleep rumpled, but her face was lit up with excitement. So excited she was practically wiggling, she flung herself at him for a massive hug and then motioned him inside.
 “Are you taking all that?” he asked when he spied the mound of luggage by the door. Or a pile of random stuff was maybe a better way to describe it. There were a couple of boxes, a cooler, a duffel bag, a backpack, and two grocery bags stuffed full of shoes and what looked like swimming paraphernalia.
 She shrugged and walked down the hall to the bathroom. “I packed up some snacks and things I thought we might want, and I have my electronics and some books, and we agreed to pack for any occasion, so I’ve got swimming stuff and a couple of jackets if it gets cold in the mountains, and who knows how hot it’ll get? And hiking boots. I want to do everything, Peeta. Ev-er-y-thing!”
 And could he help it if that shot straight to his dick? Because he wanted to try everything, too, except he wanted to try it all with her. Naked and in bed. Kissing and rubbing together and—
 “I’m so screwed,” he whispered before grabbing her backpack and cooler and stalking out to the car.
 Katniss hopped into the passenger’s seat with a wide smile and bounced a few times before fastening her seatbelt. She turned to him, glanced at the backseat to make sure she could access everything they might need in the new few hundred miles, and crowed, “Road trip!”
 He couldn’t help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. It was adorable—she was adorable—and he was suddenly flush with eagerness to spend the next few weeks with her. They hadn’t really decided on how long this would go, just that they would be together and make it up as they went along, but he hoped he had at least three weeks since he had the okay from work to be gone the entire summer. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could stretch it into a month or more. Like Katniss, he hadn’t seen much of the US past the Appalachians, and he was looking forward to discovering what the nation had to offer.
 “So, where are we headed?” he asked, his foot on the brake and hand on the gear shift. She laughed and leaned into his shoulder. He gulped and swallowed hard at the feel of her soft skin against his arm.
 “I thought maybe we’d head out of town first,” she teased.
 He shot her a wry smile and rolled his eyes. “Yes, thank you. Very informative, as always. Which highway?”
 She turned fully to face him and tucked her left leg up on the seat. Her eyes sparkled, and she leaned toward him as she wiggled in her seat.
 “Where have you always wanted to go?”
 “Anywhere with you,” he said softly and then snapped his mouth shut. He hadn’t meant to say it, but she was so adorable. She’d never understood the effect she had on him, but he was powerless to resist her pull. Whatever power she had over him had only grown over time, and he wanted to spend every day of the rest of his life with her. If not that, then he wanted to freeze this very moment in time and live in it forever.
 “So kind,” she scoffed, “but I’m serious, Peeta. I’ve never been further west than Pittsburgh, unless Nashville counts. What’s out there, anyway?”
 “I have no idea,” he murmured, but that didn’t matter to him. What he wanted was right in the car with him, even if she had no idea how he felt, or how he’d felt about her for the past ten years.
 With a shrug, he put the car in reverse, backed out of her driveway, and headed for I-64. After all, it took them due west.
 Peeta glanced over at the woman sitting in the passenger seat and asked for what felt like the hundredth time, “Okay?”
 Katniss nodded, the ghost of a smile twitching on her lips. The windows were partially down, and a breeze blew through the locks of hair that had escaped from her braid. They were somewhere in central Kentucky, and he felt like he’d won the lottery.
 Lush forests of deciduous trees graced the sides of steeply sloped mountains that fell to a valley in which the interstate bordered a swiftly flowing river. Wildflowers sprung from cracks in rock along the side of the road, and the air smelled fresh, a little like spring and also a bit similar to a summer barbeque right before a thunderstorm. It was humid and sticky, but the circulation kept them from sweating too much. Besides, they were saving a shit ton of gas by not running the air conditioner.
 “Want me to drive?” she asked, and he glanced over at her. Her cheek rested against the headrest as she looked at him, and his stomach dropped to his knees. She was so beautiful.
 “At the next stop, sure,” he managed and shifted in his seat. If he left himself, he’d start imagining scenarios that would only get him in trouble—some in which she leaned over and did more with her mouth than talking, and that seemed disrespectful to his friend.
 “How much longer do you want to go today? I mean, the whole point of this is to see what’s out there, and we won’t be able to when it gets darker.”
 “Is there some place you want to stop? Anything catching your eye?”
 “Not really. This is pretty, but we don’t have to stay on the interstates if you don’t want to. They make the trip faster, but that’s not really the point, is it?”
 He nodded and watched the signs for a few miles before signaling and exiting. He needed to use the restroom, and he wanted to take a look at the map and figure out where exactly they were in relations to a place he’d gone with his family when he was young. They were in the general vicinity of somewhere that held special memories for him, and he wanted to make some new ones with his best friend.
 Once they were back in the car, Katniss in the driver’s seat this time, he handed her the keys and suggested they head south on the highway instead of getting on the entrance ramp. When her eyes sparkled, he knew he’d made the right suggestion. They’d been traveling for over five hours, and they’d done nothing more than watch the scenery pass outside the window. It was time to be part of it.
 It took another 45 minutes or so until he saw the sign, and he directed her to the second exit into Daniel Boone National Forest. Back when he was younger and his parents still pretended to like each other, they’d taken a family vacation and stayed at the park for a few days. He and his two brothers had hiked and played happily for hours, and that time was still one of his favorite memories from when his family was together.
 “It’s beautiful,” Katniss gasped as she pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. “We’re going for a hike, right?”
 “Yeah, sure. I mean, if you want to. I came here with my family when I was younger, and that trail has a little waterfall at the end, if I remember right.”
 They changed quickly into their hiking boots and set off through the woods. It wasn’t a tough hike over slightly sloped and fairly wide space. They met other couples and families, many holding hands, and Peeta yearned to reach for Katniss and walk with her hand folded against his. They got to the waterfall by late afternoon and took the time to sit quietly and listen to the wind in the trees. Visitors popped in and out, but they didn’t mind the intrusions. Eventually, each left, and they had the place to themselves for a little while before another group stumbled into the clearing to see the falling water. Eventually, though, the sun dropped further in the sky, and Peeta suggested they head back to the car, find a place to stay for the night so they could shower, and then grab dinner. The snacks they’d had in the car during the drive just wouldn’t satisfy him after such a long day.
 It took a little while, but they finally stumbled upon a small mom and pop hotel in a tiny out of the way town. Peeta offered to get their luggage while Katniss checked them in, so when he followed her to room 415, he wasn’t prepared for what faced him. Katniss worked the key (an actual key, not a keycard) into the lock and opened the door. Her surprised, “oh!” should have been enough for him to figure it out, but he still gaped when he stepped into the room and saw…
 There was only one bed.
 Flustered, he offered to ask for another room, but Katniss waved him off like it didn’t matter. She reminded him that they’d fallen asleep on the couch together dozens of times since they’d known each other.
 “This won’t be any different,” she insisted and grabbed her toiletry bag and some fresh clothes. “I’m going to shower, and then you promised me dinner.”
 Peeta watched her retreating back and sank onto the lone bed. Bouncing a little bit on the firm mattress, he looked to the ceiling and whispered, “I’m so screwed.”
 Dinner was lovely, if Peeta said so himself, and he did. It wasn’t much, really just a local family diner with a menu focused on home cooking and large portions, but it left them both full and satisfied. Better than that, they’d talked a lot. It probably helped that they were facing instead of sitting next to each other in the car. He was grateful for the laughs and intimacy over the meal, but now he sat on the edge of the mattress, his leg shaking as he waited for Katniss to finish in the bathroom.
 Because, did he mention? There was only one bed.
 The bathroom door opened, and he shot up to standing. Katniss tossed him a distracted smile as she crossed the room. She wore ragged sweats and wrinkled t-shirt he’d seen her in a hundred times, so at least he didn’t have to worry about her wearing some sort of lingerie (not that he would have expected that since they’d always planned to share a hotel room, if not a bed).
 “I’ll just…” He trailed off and waved toward the bathroom, and she nodded while scrolling through her phone.
 He stared at himself in the mirror and berated the image there for being so awkward. This was Katniss. They’d been friends for forever, and he loved her deeply. This wasn’t that big of a deal. She’d camped out on his couch dozens of times, and they’d woken up together with no problem at all. There was no reason to think this would be any different.
 The light was off in the room when he emerged from the bathroom and made his way to his side of the bed. Carefully, he pulled back the covers and climbed in, careful to keep himself on his half. When he was settled on his back, he glanced over at Katniss to see her back to him.
 “G’night,” she murmured, and he returned the sentiment before nestling below the covers and falling asleep after several long minutes during which he cursed his overactive imagination.
 He slept dreamless until just before waking, when he envisaged driving a car through a red-sanded desert. The car sped down a hill, and he pressed the brake a few times before admitting to himself that they weren’t working. Panicked, he looked to his right to see Katniss with a smile on her face as the wind blew through her hair. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as they charged toward a rock wall.
 Bolting upright in bed, he gasped and shook at the vividness of the dream. Katniss still slept next to him, her hair splayed around her head on the pillow and her legs tangled with his. She remained on her side of the bed otherwise. She hadn’t cuddled into him overnight, and he wondered if he should be relieved or disappointed. He decided to allow himself a little of both and quietly untangled himself from her and made his way to the bathroom. The last thing he needed was for Katniss to wake before he could get his anatomy under control.
 Once the door was closed behind him, he breathed out for several seconds. His morning wood was uncomfortable, so he spent a few minutes attempting to quell it. Unfortunately, his mind continually flitted to the image of Katniss lying in the bed, her face angelic, and her hair fashioning a halo around her head. After a few minutes, he turned on the shower and stepped inside. Cold water should do the trick.
 A few minutes later, he was clean and completely unsatisfied but in control ready for breakfast. Katniss sat on the edge of the bed, bleary-eyed and grumpy. When he greeted her, she grunted and stumbled to the bathroom without a word.
 “So, further west today?” he asked when they had checked out and snagged a booth at the local Waffle House. He’d forgotten how good and cheap the breakfasts were there, and he inhaled a stack of pancakes and some ham while she picked at an omelet. He studied her over his coffee and then stole a sip of her orange juice. When she didn’t protest, he nudged her foot with his. “What’s wrong?”
 She shook herself and managed a wan smile. “Nothing. Just tired. I didn’t sleep great last night.”
 “We don’t have to go as far today. We can take it easy.”
 “Sure. That sounds good. I’ll take the first shift.”
 She drove silently, while he studied the map, both physical and on his phone. He guided her back to the interstate and then pulled out his laptop and typed a few notes. They helped him organize his thoughts and gave him an excuse to stay quiet.
 “What’s there to see in Paducah?” she asked, startling him from his bubble.
 He shrugged and typed the city into his phone. He glanced at the map for a few seconds and then offered, “There’s a local brewery. We could check it out. Stay there tonight. Not in the brewery. In Paducah, I mean.”
 That turned out to be the perfect plan. They checked into a hotel (two beds this time) and walked several blocks to the brewery where they found a table and ordered. The beer helped them both relax, and it wasn’t long before they were chatting and laughing like normal.
 “So, Paducah’s now the furthest west you’ve ever been. Feel any different?”
 “Totally. My life is complete.” When he laughed, she continued, “I mean, no. It doesn’t feel much different. What does feel new is this trip at all. I’ve never really done this—strike out on a whim and let the road take me where it wants to. It feels good to let go of all that control. Thanks for giving me the chance to do that.”
 “Of course. I’d do anything for you. You know that.”
 “Uh, I hate to tell you this, but there’s a woman over there that looks like she really wants to do a few things to you,” Katniss said and pointed her half-empty glass over his shoulder. He glanced behind him and gulped.
 “Wow. She’s undressing me with her eyes, isn’t she? That’s bold, since I’m here with you.”
 “Yeah, but you’re not really here with me, are you? I can make myself scarce if you want to…” she trailed off suggestively, and he fought to keep his face blank. He didn’t need another reminder that she didn’t see him as anything more than a friend, but here it was. God, it hurt. Every single time she expressed her lack of interest, it broke his heart a little bit more.
 “I really don’t.”
 “You might not have much of a choice. She’s headed over.”
 Panicked, he gulped his beer and beseeched her, “Feel free to be my girlfriend. Save me!”
 She snorted just as the woman appeared at their side, and the stranger dismissed Katniss with a disdainful glance before speaking to him. “Hey, there, handsome,” she drawled. “I’m Glimmer. Can I buy you a round?”
 “Uh, well, I—”
 “Excuse me,” Katniss said and slid off her stool. He watched helplessly as she made her way to the restroom and left him alone with his unwanted guest.
 “Now, that we’re alone,” Glimmer purred and ran her hand over his forearm. She settled into the vacated stool and smiled widely. “So, what’s your name, honey?”
 If he wasn’t already head over heels in love with his best friend, he might find this woman and her southern accent charming, but that wasn’t the case. He didn’t want this washed out version of a companion. He wanted Katniss. He hemmed and hawed for several minutes, attempting to discourage her without being rude, but she was more insistent than he liked. He caught Katniss’ eye as she stood by the bar ordering a beer and shot her a pointed look. Thankfully, she seemed to get the point. She paid for her two beers and threaded her way back to him.
 “I got you another, babe.”
 He grabbed the glass and thanked her, but Glimmer still didn’t take the hint. He introduced the two half-heartedly and watched with humor as Katniss studied Glimmer and thanked her for keeping Peeta company while she was gone.
 “I think he’d like me to stick around,” Glimmer said pointedly, and Katniss turned to him.
 “Is that so?” And then she leaned in to kiss him.
 Shocked, Peeta didn’t know what to do at first. The kiss remained chaste for a few seconds, but his mouth opened involuntarily. She didn’t hesitate to sweep in with her tongue. She pressed into him, and he let go of his beer to cup her face as he tangled his lips with hers.
 Suddenly, Katniss broke away and grinned at him while he gaped at her. “You’re welcome.”
 He blinked a few times and realized Glimmer was gone. Katniss resumed her seat and calmly took a sip of her drink and then suggested some options for the next day. Peeta ducked his head and pretended to listen. Now that he knew how she tasted, he had no idea how he was going to be content remaining friends. After a few minutes, he excused himself so he could regroup in the bathroom. There he faced himself in the mirror and whispered his road trip mantra.
 “I am so screwed.”
 The next day they crossed the Mississippi River and stopped briefly in St. Louis to visit the Gateway Arch and eat, even though the barbeque was different than what they were used to. Both preferred the vinegar base and coleslaw of the Carolinas, but what they had wasn’t bad either. When the waiter asked for feedback, he suggested continuing on I-70 and comparing what they’d had for lunch with that in Kansas City.
 “It’s sweeter. Almost caramelizes on the meat. You might like it, and it doesn’t hurt to try different styles if you don’t really have an agenda.”
 That was how they ended up in an upscale hotel near downtown Kansas City and eating ribs and burnt ends for the second time that day.
 “This is definitely better,” Peeta groaned through a mouthful of pork, and Katniss agreed.
 “So, I’ve been thinking,” she mused. “We’re pretty deep into the Midwest, and nothing really looks much different, right? I think we should slow down. We’re halfway across the country, and we’ve been gone three days.”
 “I’m okay with that,” he agreed.
 “I vote for staying here for a few nights. Relaxing, sight-seeing, swimming, maybe putting together a little more of a plan. Eventually, I want to make it to the west coast. Drive up and down the Pacific Coast Highway, maybe see the redwoods, but there’s about a zillion national parks between here and there. Can we go? Please?”
 “Of course, we can. We can visit whatever you want. I told you I’m all in before we started this thing.”
 A smile split her face, and she threw her arms around him. “Thank you, Peeta.”
 He gathered her to him and held her to his chest for several minutes before she pulled away. He didn’t even bother to say it out loud this time. He simply closed his eyes and internally chided, “I am so screwed.”
 A week later, Peeta wanted to die. If he’d thought he loved Katniss before, he was irrevocably, head over heels, undyingly in love with her now. Waking up with her day after day, sometimes in the same bed, sometimes just in the same room, was excruciating. She was grumpy and irritable in the morning, but it was absolutely adorable. He loved watching her let loose and enjoy herself more than he’d ever experienced back home in Virginia. They shared more than they ever had and dug up memories he hadn’t even remembered until she punched something loose in the back of his brain. Before long, it seemed like she knew, not just his mind, but his entire soul.
 It was so easy with her. He felt like his best self with her, and his writing was flourishing. She talked through lesson plans and ideas about how to arrange her classroom and shared her thoughts about moving into counseling as a better way to help her students. They talked about their families, their current lives and what they imagined for the future, and she told him about her past boyfriends and asked about his girlfriends.
 Sometimes, Katniss looked at him while he drove. He often wondered what she was thinking, but he didn’t have the guts to ask. He relished the feel of her skin under his fingertips when she handed him snacks from the vastly depleted stash in the backseat, and he gave himself a bruise pinching himself when she wore one of his t-shirts the day they stopped to do laundry in a small town in eastern Colorado. He drove where she suggested and snapped pictures of her in front of breathtaking scenery and took selfies of them both when she asked. When she shivered in the mountains in Colorado, he shielded her from the wind by holding her against his chest, and he groaned gratefully when she rubbed his tight shoulders at the end of the day. By the time they made it to Wyoming, they’d stopped correcting the hotel clerks who automatically booked them to single rooms. It saved money, and neither of them minded that there was only one bed when they got to their room.
 “This may be the most beautiful place I’ve ever been,” Katniss announced when they stopped in the Grand Tetons. They’d agreed to spend a week exploring Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park, and neither of them regretted it. The views were spectacular, and the weather was perfect.
 “It’s gorgeous,” he agreed, but he wasn’t looking at the view. He tried to shift his gaze when she turned to look at him, but he was frozen, unable to tear his eyes from hers.
 He could tell when she figured it out. Awareness dawned on her face, and he held his breath. Terrified, he shifted back and forth and tried to wave it away, but she stepped toward him and grabbed his wrist.
 “I’m s-sorry,” he stammered. “I didn’t mean— I, uh— See, I wasn’t—”
 She waited quietly when he ground to a halt, but his stomach and heart were both ripped open wide. She didn’t feel the same way. He’d always known that, but now she was going to say it, and he wasn’t prepared.
 “Can I try something?” He was too dismayed to answer, so he nodded and held still. “I just want to see.”
 A soft breeze ruffled his hair as she stepped toward him and tugged him down by his shirt. His face was an inch from hers, and she studied him carefully before closing the gap and kissing him softly. He breathed through his nose and allowed her to lead, but she pulled away before it deepened. Disappointed, he couldn’t help comparing it to the one back in Paducah in the overcrowded brewery with Glimmer as a witness.
 “It’s really beautiful here, but I’d like to be back to the car before sunset. Can we go? Don’t want to get caught in the park by mistake,” she asked, her voice cool and detached.
 “Sure,” he agreed. He followed her as she started down the mountain, trailing far enough behind that he could shield his regret. He’d always held out a little bit of a hope that she’d return his feelings someday, but that didn’t seem to be in the cards. She was as unaffected by their kiss as he was destroyed by it.
 Making sure she didn’t hear, he hissed, “I’m so screwed,” at least five times through the ache in his chest.
 By the time they got to his car, he was barely holding it together. He started the vehicle, backed out of the parking spot, and headed to their hotel. The thought of sleeping next to her that night was almost more than he could bear, but he didn’t have much of a choice. Sighing, he turned up the volume on the radio and concentrated on driving since the steep, winding roads necessitated more attention than usual.
 A few miles from their hotel, the radio faded into static, and he reached to change the station before resting his hand on the gear shift between the seats. When they pulled into the hotel lot, and he shifted into park, he was shocked when she covered his hand with hers. Twisting his palm, she tangled her fingers with his and stared at them for long, tense moments.
 “Katniss?” he croaked. She didn’t respond at first, but then she squeezed his hand and smiled at him.
 “Let’s go in,” she said softly.
 He swallowed hard and studied her face. “Are you sure?”
 She nodded and unfolded herself from the car. She was already to the door of their room before he could move. Casting a glance over her shoulder, she slipped inside. A second later, the curtains closed and the door cracked open again. Peeta watched as her hand emerged and hooked the Do Not Disturb sign on the handle.
 “Oh, God,” he breathed and scrambled from the car. “I am so screwed!”
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songsformonkeys · 4 years
Pancakes (dave x reader)
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summary: Dave York makes excellent pancakes
word count: 1600
rating: The filthiest thing is a quick ass-grabbing. This is very safe
warnings: None
notes:  This one is a gift for the wonderful and amazing Iris (@agirllovespasta​ ) who’s sweeter than the pancakes in this story. She wrote adorable HCs for Pedro’s characters and pancakes here (go read it!). I fell in love with all of them but particularly the Dave York one. She then, very graciously allowed me two write this, inspired by her HC. Thank you <3
You wake up to the smell of pancakes.
Pancakes are Dave's thing. He's the only one in the family with any patience for making them. You have tried a few times but you always make them too thin and they end up falling apart, thus creating the infamous Scrambled Pancakes breakfast which still holds up as an excellent breakfast threat when the girls are being too unruly. Dave makes pancakes like he makes most things, with an unreasonable amount of patience and perfectionism.
However, the smell of Dave making pancakes is always associated with mixed emotions for you. It's delicious, for sure. The girls go absolutely wild and you love how happy it makes them when they realize what's on the breakfast menu. But Dave only makes pancakes when he has something to apologize for, and that part you wouldn't mind going without.
You look over to his side of the bed. The bedsheets look too smooth and you realize that they haven't been slept in. You reach out and touch his pillow with a sigh. Another all-nighter at the office. It has been a while since the last time and you'd just gotten used to waking up in the comfort of your husband's embrace.
Wrapping yourself in your morning gown, you slowly make your way down. You hear the sound of Dave and the girls in the kitchen, their voices laughing happily and his a soft murmur. You stop for a minute just to listen. Sometimes you like to spy on the three of them, hide and just listen as Dave helps them with their homework, tries (and fails) to braid their hair or reads them bedtime stories (it's more than one time that Dave has found you half sleeping on the floor of the hallway outside of the girls' bedroom, having been lulled to sleep as well by whatever story he'd told them that night). You love watching and listening to them interact with each other. It fills your chest with so much love that it almost hurts.
There's a sizzling noise as Dave pours pancake batter into the frying pan. One of the girls...growls? Curiosity gets the better of you and you emerge from your hiding spot and enter the kitchen.
Your youngest is on all fours on the floor next to the kitchen island, hunched over something and making loud growling noises. You have about half a second to speculate about the reason before your eyes land on your oldest, brandishing the largest knife in the kitchen as she slices up a pile of strawberries on the cutting board.
She's the first one to notice you.
”Mommy!” she exclaims and waves the hand holding the knife at you in greeting. The little gremlin on the floor turns and grins at you. The lower half of her face is covered with something red that you hope is strawberry juice. When she spots you, she moves to stand up, unaware of the dangerous windmill that her sister has turned into.
”Dave!” you call before disaster has a chance to strike. Without barely looking up from the frying pan, he reaches out to still Alice's arm. You hurry over and take the knife from her.
”Hey!” she protests.
”Grownup knife,” you explain, pulling open a drawer and handing her a smaller, less sharp one. She eyes it with disdain.
”Don't worry, she's a natural,” your traitor of a husband says and you give him a disbelieving look. He holds his hands up in surrender but there's a teasing smile on his face. He's wearing Alice's apron, which has the Little Mermaid on it. It's too small and he looks ridiculous. You can’t help but return his smile and just shake your head.
Molly reluctantly goes back to chopping up the strawberries and you feel something bump against your leg. You look down and Alice is watching you with those big brown eyes that she inherited from her father.
”Alice, darling, why are you eating strawberries off the floor?” you ask, eying the small pile of half-chewed berries next to her. You're suddenly grateful that you did decide to vacuum and mop the floors yesterday, after all.
”She's my dog,” Molly chimes in at the same time as Alice barks.
”Of course she is,” you say with a laugh.
Dave has returned his focus to the pancakes again. There's a plate next to him with a steadily growing stack of delicious pancakes. You're tempted to steal one. 
Instead, you walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist in a tight embrace. He starts like you've just hurt him and you pull back.
”What's wrong?” you ask. Dave shakes his head and apologizes.
”Pulled something at the gym. Age is a beautiful thing, isn't it?”
There's nothing strange about the way he says it, and yet there's something that makes you think he's not telling the truth. You tell yourself you're being paranoid and when he sets the spatula down and turns to give you a good morning kiss, you forget all about it.
”Mom, Dad, look!” Molly calls and you and Dave both turn to look.
”Look what I taught her!” she continues and picks up a small piece of strawberry. She tosses it into the air and, against all odds, Alice stands up on her knees and catches it in her mouth before growling again. You clap your hands, actually impressed, and Alice wags her imaginary tail and barks again. Dave gives her the thumbs up before he pours some more batter into the pan.
”Can you try too?” Molly asks and you almost say no but she too has inherited her father's eyes and you find yourself nodding in agreement instead. She squeals with delight and picks up a piece of strawberry. Alice abandons her role as the dog and stands up to watch.
”Alright,” you say, ”I'm ready.”
Turns out, you're not. Unlike the gentle toss that she used for her sister, Molly now lobs the strawberry like she's a pitcher in a baseball game. The berry hits you square in the forehead with a splat. The girls both howl with laughter.
”Headshot!” Molly yells and you wonder where the hell she learned what a headshot is. Turning to give Dave a questioning look, you find him already watching you with a strange expression on his face. It's like he's a million miles away in his thoughts and his hand is soft and almost trembling when he reaches up to wipe away the strawberry juice from your forehead. What is with him today?
”Girls...” Dave says, tearing his eyes away from you, ”Would you please stop throwing away all the toppings for the pancakes.”
They beg him for just one more, so he can try and catch it. He's just as helpless when it comes to resisting as you are, and agrees. However, he is much better at strawberry-catching, it would seem, and he effortlessly catches the berry that Molly throws at him.
As Dave finishes up making the pancakes, you and the girls help set the table. Then you dig in! Well, three of you do. Dave, despite being an expert at making them, doesn't actually like pancakes. He claims they're too sweet. Instead, he's nursing a cup of black coffee and eating a boring sandwich with cheese and cucumber.
He looks relaxed where he's leaning back in his chair, his arm resting along the back of your chair. His fingers reach just far enough to he can caress the skin at the back of your neck when you're not leaning forward to stop Alice from emptying all of the syrup over her pancakes.
The girls are ecstatic over the sugary breakfast and, like a swarm of locusts has passed through your kitchen, there's not even a tiny piece of pancake left once breakfast is over.
You send the girls upstairs to wash their sticky faces and hands. Dave loads the plates into the dishwasher and before he has a chance to move away, you trap him against the counter, with one arm on either side on him. You kiss him with your own sugar-sticky lips and for someone who claims not to like sugar in the morning, Dave doesn't seem to mind too much, kissing you back with gusto.
”You didn't come home last night,” you say, when you pull apart. Dave's face looks more tired all of a sudden and you almost regret bringing it up.
”I'm sorry,” he says, and you know he means it.
”Hence the pancake bribery,” you smile, showing him you're not upset. ”Do you have to work today?”
Dave shakes his head and wraps his arms around you, gently pulling you against his chest.
”Not until tomorrow,” he says.
”Good. Because I'm dropping the girls off at my mom's place for the day, which means I get to have you all to myself.”
You lean in and leave a trail of kisses from his neck, along his jaw and up to his mouth. As your lips part against his, he reaches under your morning gown to palm your ass. You smile against his lips before reluctantly pulling back.
”Later,” you promise, giving him a soft peck on the lips. ”And babe?”
”Thanks for the pancakes!”
Taglist: @yespolkadotkitty​, @agirllovespasta​, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​, @larakasser​, @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​, @beccaplaying​
Want to be added to the taglist for future Dave stuff, just let me know.
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brilliant-poses · 3 years
Night of the Coyotes
When Dutch Van Der Linde first began to expand his gang, a group of bounty hunters rose to stop a lot of gangs from becoming too big and powerful. The bounty hunters were a successful group, but the Van Der Linde’s and the O’Driscoll’s kept avoiding the rope. You are apart of the bounty hunting group, the Coyotes. You and your older sister, Pride, have been in the group since you were children. Now, you’re faced with the challenges of hunting down each member. When things get out of hand, do you stay loyal or decide a different life?
Chapter 2 - The Town of Blackwater
“We should ask everyone, not just one person, Pride.” You reminded, beginning to kick the dirt at your feet and move towards the grass, where the others were camping. There was a lot of talk around the camp, mostly because everyone had heard the Van der Linde gang were near. Every bounty hunter in the family wanted to catch them. For some, it was a personal reason, while the thrill of the hunt persuaded them to go after the gang. There were a few different women who worked in the gang, some being close friends of Vivian’s while others joined later on. Pride sighed and walked towards the cooking tent. A chubby woman hummed loudly, beginning to cut meat into bits and preparing it with seasonings.
“Alina! You need anythin’ from Blackwater?” Pride called, causing the woman to yell in surprise.
“Oh, you scared me, Pride! You silly girly! Yes, I do! Give me a moment!” She said with her heavy accent, wiping her hands off and going towards a journal to write down a list. Alina Kruger was basically the one who kept women alive. She was a German immigrant, traveling here when she was about twenty and managing to keep herself afloat, thanks to a bakery business she worked for. She joined the family when Vivian had suggest she come with them, tell her it would be adventure and cooking, two things Alina said she wanted in life. Alina had platinum blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, her eyes were round with joy and she looked so innocent. Her cheeks were always pink and her smile was absolutely wonderful. Her hair was normally tied back in two braids, her saying it was a normal German style.
“Here you go!” She said and handed the list to you.
“Thanks, Alina.” You smiled as she giggled lightly.
“Thank you! I did not want to go into town today, I have much to do!” She said and patted your head before shooing you two out so she could continue to cook. Pride as about to go towards her horse before you grabbed her braid.
“That’s not everyone, Pride.” You reminded, tugging her over towards some more tents, causing her to cuss and hiss in pain. You let her go once you’re sure she’s not going run towards her horse. You glanced around and saw a few of your sisters. Virginia Ross, Mary Mantle, and Yolanda Romero. As you stepped closer, you can see the details of what they’re doing get better.
Virginia was from New York, she was from a rather rich family, but she gave that up when her daddy tried to make her marry someone. She told him she wanted to do whatever she wanted, saying she didn’t need money. Virginia had only been with you for a few months, but she was a good member. She had dark brown hair and vibrant green eyes, she was a rather cute individual. Mary, on the other hand, was a cold blooded individual. Her parents were murdered by robbers and now hunts for the hell of it. She’s a little younger than you, most of the hunters were, but she did what she needed to. She had pale skin and dark blonde hair, her eyes a dark brown. She had a large scar that ran across her cheek and a few others over her body. She was a force to be reckoned with. Yolanda was a mystery. She was fun and always had stories of Mexico, but never spoke about why she wanted to be a bounty hunter. You all enjoyed her, with her dark skin and dark, black hair. Her eyes were actually a lighter brown, which made her emotions show. She was probably the best hunter you had, besides Pride.
“Hey girls, you need anything?” You asked with a smile, looking towards them. The girls glanced up, stopping their weapon cleaning to think for a moment.
“Gun oil.” Mary said after a moment, going back to cleaning. You quickly wrote this down on the paper that Alina gave you.
“Get us some more ammo too! My shotgun is getting low.” Virginia said, her northern accent punctuating every word. You glanced towards Yolanda after you wrote ‘ammo’ down, noticing her grin.
“What do you want, Yola?” You asked, the Hispanic woman letting out a loud sigh as she thought.
“Oh! If you find a tambourine, get that. I love tambourines.” She smiled again, making Pride roll her eyes.
“Is that essential for your hunts?”
“Well, we make noises like coyotes, so yeah. It’s to make noises!”
“You’re the reason I go solo.” Pride said and flicked her nose, causing Virginia to giggle.
“A tambourine… We’ll see if we can find one.” You said, causing Yolanda to let out a yell of excitement. You and Pride nodded them goodbye and went towards the tent closest to the entrance of the camp.
“Zotova! Liu! The fuck y’all want from Blackwater?” Pride yelled, forcing you to hit her and shush her. Zotova didn’t even look up from her writing.
“Four journals, three pencils, and hand these out.” The Russian said in her broken English, handing you a few papers with their bounty hunting on it.
“Put them in stores and sheriff’s office.” She said, leaning back to take off her small glasses. Zotova Stanislavovna was the person who helped bring in the money. She was in charge of receiving bounties and giving them to Vivian. She did her job well, but being a Russian immigrant, she couldn’t speak the best English. Some of you had to be there to help her explain herself. She had only been in America for about a year, but everything was falling into place for her. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, who wears glasses a lot of the time.
“I don’t want anything.” Liu said, smiling towards you two. Liu Shun was another hunter, an expert animal hunter, as well. She was the best at long distance shots and tracking. She was a Chinese immigrant, who’s parents worked tirelessly on the railroad. When her parents were killed in an accident, due to the horrible conditions they faced, Liu found your family and requested to help make things right for people like her. She had a good mission, but you were concerned on how people would view her. She had short, her black hair and brown eyes.
“Isabella doesn’t need anything, does she?” Pride asked, referring to the woman who took care of the horses.
“No, she’s fine. She hasn’t mentioned anything.” Zotova said, waving them off. You and Pride nodded, walking towards your horses to see the red head taking care of the animals. Isabella was the kindest soul you had, orphaned at a young age, she’s been in the gang with you and Pride for a long time. She and Brigit was close, the Irish woman who was close to Vivian. The two red heads bonded over their love for horses. You and Pride mounted your horses, not noticing Isabella walking away to grab more hay. She was quiet, so it wasn’t the most surprising thing that she did. She was sweet, but very to herself.
“You ready, Peppercorn?” You asked, patting the Gypsy Cob. He was the best horse you had, the black and white painted horse was the most loyal horse you could ever have. Pride’s horse was a large, white and brown Shire named Sunshine. She named her that since she’s the most hot tempered horse in the entire camp. You mounted Peppercorn, listening to him pant lightly in excitement. Your spurs jabbed into his side and you began to ride off next to Pride. Blackwater wasn’t too far away.
“I can’t believe we’re having to be maids and get shit.” Pride said as she let Sunshine trot in the street. You were sighing lightly, rubbing your face when she complained.
“Come on, Pride. Let’s just get the stuff. Let’s go to the general store.” You offered, listening to her grumble lightly. You and Pride hitched your horses outside the general store, heading inside after you got off the horses. You opened the door, hearing the bell ring and the store clerk greeting you.
“Welcome, ladies!” He greeted, causing you to nod in a greeting. You began to gather the few things that Zotova wanted.
“Pride, go get what Alina wanted from the butcher. I’m going to go get the ammo and gun oil.” You said as you paid for the items, handing him the paper for your bounty hunter family.
“Hang this up.” You said softly and left with Pride. When you were putting the items in your saddle bag, Pride whistled towards you. You looked towards her and saw them. Arthur Morgan and Hosea Matthews.
“Good morning, ladies.” Hosea greeted, knowing exactly who you two are.
“It was.” Pride hissed, glaring towards Morgan, who scoffed.
“We heard you boys were here. We were trying to find you.” You offered Hosea, who chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, we figured. You ladies are very good at what you do.” He said, causing you to nod.
“Y’all are too, for criminals.” You said as Hosea laughed.
“Well, I can’t argue with that.” He said, gently hitting Arthur to make him stop glaring at Pride.
“We’re just here to gather supplies. You gonna try to get us?” He asked, causing you to shake your head. You hit Pride after a moment, seeing her reaching towards her gun.
“We’re here for supplies too. It would be stupid to start shit in the middle of the street. We’ll come for y’all soon.” You explained, causing him to nod.
“Thank ya, ladies. You have a good day now.” He offered and waved slightly. When they trotted past you, you heard Arthur and Pride exchange words.
“Heartless bitch.”
“Tiny dick Morgan.” With that, Pride took the list and stomped towards the butcher while you went towards the gunsmith. You were going to have to tell Vivian about this, but you weren’t going to pursue them. Not yet. It would be dumb to. Pride was hot headed and wanted to kill Arthur Morgan so bad that it consumed her. You were her calm, her reason. You had to show her that the time would come. As you entered the gunsmith’s shop, you knew it was going to be a long day.
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ezpezlemonsquez · 4 years
Okay, so basically I was in a mood for adult gaang reunion, so I wrote this. Here you are, hope you’ll enjoy ✨
“Just like old times”
“Suki, come on, we’re gonna be late!” called out Sokka, entering their hut. Again. “Everything’s ready but you two.”
His wife laughed.
“Relax, Sokka, they won’t start without us. And you know that Yue needs to have her hair done.” She raised her eyebrows, while she was running fingers through her daughter’s hair.
“Yeah, dad, you know that” she took up, making a face to him. Sokka shook his head both with disbelief and a smile. He sat down, watching his beautiful ladies.
“I’m not worried they’d start without us, though” he explained. “There’s no fun without Sokka, duh.”
Suki rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything.
“I’m just concerned Katara’s going to get there earlier than I am.”
His wife even turned her head from Yue’s hair to him, only to see his priceless face expression.
“You didn’t bet with Katara again, did you?” she asked, lowkey already knowing the answer.
“Well, I couldn’t let her win just like that.” Sokka shrugged his shoulders. Suki sighed.
“You’re gonna lose, sweetie” she proclaimed.
“Not if we sticked to my schedule, I wouldn’t.”
“You didn’t make the time for mom to braid my hair, dad” slipped Yue. “You knew what you were getting yourself into.”
“Why excuse me, I assumed mom can braid your hair on ship” explained Sokka, extremely offended. His daughter shook her head as much as Suki’s hands in her hair allowed her to.
“Absolutely not possible.”
Sokka looked at his wife, seeking help. Suki shrugged with a smile.
“There’s nothing I can do. You knew what you were getting yourself into.”
Chief sighed and shook his head, defeated. This whole trip already started to go totally not as planned.
Sokka got off the ship and wasn’t even surprised that the first person who greeted him wasn’t neither Zuko, nor Aang, nor Toph and not even Mai.
“Hello, looser.” Grinned Katara. Sokka rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, shut up” he mumbled, hugging her in greeting. “It’s all Suki’s fault, by the way.”
Katara laughed.
“It kind of is” admitted Suki, also going for a hug. “It’s so great to see you, Katara, how are you doing?”
“I’m great, I’m really great. Tenzin is growing up so fast, you wouldn’t believe it.” She laughed. “I can’t believe it’s been almost a year.”
“I know, right? You’ve been out of the South for so long, we really missed you back there.”
“I didn’t” slipped Sokka teasingly, unpacking things from the ship. His sister hit him in the arm.
“Go back to carrying stuff, Sokka” she spat.
“Wait, honey, I’ll give you a hand” suggested Suki.
“No need, I’m doing great!” cried out her husband, taking three more boxes. “I mean, I definitely can see right now, so... tell me if I step on somebody, please” he puffed, trying to see the road.
Suki shook her head.
“Excuse me” she whispered to Katara and went to help out her husband. She took from him two boxes so that he could actually see something. He smiled to her gratefully. Katara grinned. And then she saw a little girl getting off the ship, rubbing her eyes sleepily.
“Are we there yet?” she asked, yawning and when nobody answered her, she looked around. Katara crossed her arms, waiting to be noticed. “Aunt Katara!” cried out Yue immediately after she spotted her. She ran towards her and before Katara knew it, she wrapped her little arms around her.
“Aunt Katara, I missed you so much!”
Katara laughed, hugging her niece back.
“I missed you, too, Yue. Look at you, all grown up! You’re a beautiful young lady.”
“Not as beautiful as you are, though.” Grinned Yue and her aunt shook her head. “Are Bumi and Kya here? And uncle Aang?”
“They are, you’ll meet them at the palace. And Tenzin’s with them as well.”
“Oh...” Yue made a face. “Is he still so squishy-looking?”
“I’m afraid he is” laughed Katara. “And you certainly are Sokka’s daughter” she added silently, shaking her head. Sokka walked up to them and took Yue’s hand.
“We’re ready, you’re coming?” asked his sister. She nodded and all four of them set off to the Fire Nation Royal Palace, where the rest was waiting for them. They saw Toph first, even though she didn’t exactly see them.
“Zuko” she started, before anyone was able to say something “needs to be put in his place. Who does he think he is, huh?”
“Uhh, try the Fire Lord” smiled Suki.
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t give a f...”
“Toph” interrupted her Suki, warningly. Toph seemed confused for a moment, but she finally understood when someone started to aggressively shake her hand.
“Right. Hi, kid.”
“Hey, aunt Toph” said Yue, very proud of herself for not giving Beifong a hug. “It’s nice to see you.”
“Yeah, I’d say the same about you but since I don’t actually see you...”
Yue grinned.
“I know. Hey, mom, dad, can I go inside and look for Bumi and Kya?”
Sokka nodded.
“Sure. But don’t forget to greet every... aaaand she’s gone already.”
“I don’t know why you sound so surprised, Chief Boomerang, you’d do exactly the same.”
“I know, right? It’s terrifying.” Smiled Sokka. “Anyways, it’s great to finally meet up. Man, I’ve been waiting for this whole reunion thing. We should do this annually.”
“We do” reminded Suki. “You came up with it.”
“Oh, right, I’m a genius.”
“You know, even with the inability to see, I can give you this look” said Toph, making a face to him, as if she’d been saying ‘really?’.
“And even with the ability to see, I can pretend I don’t get it” announced Sokka. “Come on, Toph, I’m sure Zuko has already repaired whatever you were mad with him about” he said, putting his arm around her shoulders and dragging her up the stairs.
“I am mad” spat Toph but let Sokka lead her inside the palace. “Present tense. And you didn’t even give me a chance to say hi to Suki.”
“I was pretty sure you did that.”
“What a detective” scoffed Toph.
“One more word and I’ll push you down these stairs and you know it” threatened Sokka. His friend just shook her head in response. Upstairs waited for them Aang.
“Oh, great, I was supposed to go after Toph, but I see this problem has been already resolved.” Laughed the Avatar.
“Who are you calling the problem, Twinkletoes?” tried to spit Toph, but she got quickly undermined, as no one reacted.
“Sokka, finally” sighed Aang, hugging his friend.
“Long time no see, huh, the fearsome Avatar?” Grinned Sokka. “I heard you’re doing pretty well by organising the world.”
“I am, thank you very much.” Laughed Aang. “Republic City is glowing.”
“I believe you. The South Pole is glowing, too.”
“I know. Just a little bit more and we’ll be there, promise.” Smiled Aang. “Suki, you look beautiful!” he called out, when he saw her. He held out his hands to hug her.
“Thank you, Aang, so do you.” Laughed Suki. “We missed you.”
“He promised they’ll be back soon” slipped Sokka, giving Aang a judgy look.
“Can we please move along?” Toph kicked her heels. “I gotta kick Zuko’s butt.”
“Toph, you cannot do this.” Sighed Aang, walking with her further to the palace. “We’ve been over this.”
Sokka and Suki smiled to each other. He put an arm around her waist and gently kissed her temple. Katara placed her hand at her brother’s shoulder and smiled.
“Come on” she encouraged. “Zuko and Mai are dying to meet up with you two. Besides, dinner’s almost ready.”
Sokka gave her a knowing look.
“Well, you should’ve started with that, sister!”
They met with the rest in the dining room. Everyone was there — Yue played with Bumi and Kya (and Kya’s waterbending), Mai was trying to calm down Izumi, who was somehow scared by Ty Lee and her tricks, while Aang tried to prevent bloodshed between Zuko and Toph. Sokka sighed.
“Just like old times, huh?”
“Just like old times” admitted Suki. She slipped out of Sokka’s arm and walked up to Ty Lee. The Kyoshi Warrior lit up immediately as she saw her.
“Hey, boss.” She smiled, bowing to her funnily. Suki shook her head.
“Hello, my dear warrior” she replied, bowing back. “Come on, bring it in.” She laughed as Ty Lee hugged her excitedly.
“It’s so good to see you, Suki. I wish you would visit us more often.”
“Me too.”
“We’re going to” assured Sokka, walking up to them. “This period of time was just super hard for both of us.”
“It was.” Nodded Suki.
“Hi, Ty Lee.” Sokka held out his hand to her and smiled.
“Sokka” greeted him Ty Lee, squeezing his hand. “Everything alright at the South Pole?”
“They’re certainly doing better than we are” replied Mai, before anyone else could answer the question. “I’d give you my hand but they’re both kind of busy.” She looked at her daughter suggestively. “It’s great you made it, though”
“We get it.” Smiled Suki. “You’re not getting much sleep, are you?”
Mai snorted.
“Much is overstatement.” She looked over her shoulder. “Oh, great, my husband’s coming. Well, Izumi, dad will put you to sleep.”
“Sokka, Suki.” Smiled Zuko and hugged both of them. “Yue’s greeted me like fifteen minutes ago, what took you so long?”
“Oh, see, she greeted him” said Suki to Sokka, smiling suggestively. Sokka made a proud face.
“She’s got great manners, she even addressed me Fire Lord Uncle Zuko.” Laughed Zuko.
“Speaking of” slipped Mai, handing his husband the baby. “It’s your turn to put Izumi to sleep.”
Zuko raised his eyebrows.
“No, I’m pretty sure it’s your turn now.”
“Nope” denied Mai, shaking her head.
The two of them looked each other in the eye for a moment, until Zuko finally gave up. “Damn it, why is uncle still in Ba Sing Se when I need him?” he mumbled. Mai smiled triumphantly. “Okay, sweetie, say goodnight to your uncle Sokka and aunt Suki and aunt Ty Lee, you’re going to sleep. I mean, I hope you are.” He gave his friends ‘I am so done’ look and was about to leave, when he reminded himself of something else.
“Oh, and of course make yourself comfortable, guys. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.”
Suki smiled.
“Don’t worry, we won’t start without you.”
“We won’t?” groaned Sokka.
“No, we won’t, Sokka.”
Zuko rolled his eyes with a smile.
“Thanks, Suki” he said and left with little Izumi pulling his hair, which he was totally indifferent to.
“Wait, Zuko, you forgot...” started Mai, going after her husband. Ty Lee smiled to them and went back to the table. Suki hugged Sokka.
“Just like old times.” She sighed, repeating his words. Sokka smiled and hugged her tighter.
“Just like old times.”
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remmyswritings · 4 years
Knots for Nott// theodore “teddy” nott x reader
HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL PUFFS! I figured I’d share with you my first of two requests that I wrote/will be writing today. Thank you @booksmusicteaandanimals​ for the AMAZING IDEA!!! The main idea: Theo and the reader communicate through knots. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this!!!
tag list: @booksmusicteaandanimals​, @curious-curios​, @summer-writes​, @willowbleedsonpaper​, @strawberriesonsummer​, @jenniweaslee​, @cherrycolakxsses​, @peeves-a-legend​, @heart-of-tempered-steel​
*Not my image, found on Unsplash*
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Even after being with Theo for the past 7 years and having been engaged for the past year, you still couldn’t quite believe how it is that the two of you got together. You could still remember how you first caught Theo’s attention all those years ago.
It was already the middle of your 5th year and to help keep yourself calm with all the changes Umbridge was making you started tying different knots on small pieces of string and making braids with them. You had first started making them for yourself, but then your roommates saw them and asked if they could have some, which then led to other students (some who you didn’t even know) asking for you to make some as well. You couldn’t really say that you had created a business since you never made students pay but sometimes you were given something in return, whether it was notes, handmade items, even food (especially from Honeydukes… you had a HUGE sweet tooth). One day, however, you decided that you would share your special knots with even more students, you couldn’t help it with your Hufflepuff nature. And that, gals and guys, is how you meet Theodore Nott.
You had packaged up the knot which was all green and told the owl, “Send this knot to a Slytherin.”
Turns out, the owl hadn’t heard the word “knot” instead they heard the name Nott. At least that’s what you think occurred. Which resulted in Theodore Nott receiving a random package one Wednesday morning, with a little note attached, “I hope you enjoy this knot as much as I enjoyed making it! - The Knot Puff”
Theo pulled out the ivory green knot and couldn’t help but admire the design. You had made a simple knot, one typically used to start braids, and wrapped one string around the other in an infinity design until you close the design with a bowline knot. There was still some string left over, just enough for him to tie the design to his bag, which is exactly what he did. Then Theo went on his way, looking down at the way the green knot stood out against his caramel colored bag. For the next week or so, he waited hoping for another knot from you. He no longer cared if you had sent it to him by mistake, he just hoped that another package would somehow make its way to him.
Blaise, noticing the change in his behavior, tried to figure out why he cared so much about the post. That is, until he saw the design hanging off of his bag. Unlike Theo, Blaise had the chance to partner with you in class before and knew exactly who the knot belonged to. So as to bring more smiles to Theo’s face, Blaise decided to send you a letter… only he sent it to you under Theo’s name and not his own.
While he knew that you were rather smart and observant, he didn’t realize that you would recognize his handwriting. So he couldn’t help but be shocked by the response that you had sent Theo, along with another knot.
“Dear Blaise,
Yes! I know it’s you, don’t think that just because we were only partners for the first couple of months in Potions I wouldn’t recognize your handwriting when I saw it. I mean, honestly, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t recognize a fellow observant person. And while I appreciate the sentiment of your letter, please don’t you ever do that again, because I swear to god I will stuff a quill up your ass and make sure it stays there. 
Now Theo, I’m happy knowing that you enjoyed my knot. And while I’m sad you never sent me a letter in response, I could understand why. I don’t typically share my identity with students who receive my surprise knots, but I will with you. My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I’m a fifth year Hufflepuff, and sadly enough I had to deal with your friend Zabini for the first half of the year in potions. I will happily make you more knots if you want, just send me a letter!
The Knot Puff”
Theo couldn’t help but slap Blaise on the back of his head lightly, “Why’d you have to go and write to her?”
“Please, I was doing you a favor,” Theo continued to glare at him, “Ok, it was more like I was doing myself a favor. You wouldn’t stop moping when you wouldn’t get a package so I figured I’d make sure that she’d send you one.”
Theo looked down at the small knot that you had sent him and couldn’t help but smile. This time it was a golden yellow, the color typically associated with your house. He went and tied it next to the first one he had received from you and couldn’t help but feel giddy at the fact that he’d be able to receive more from you.
He thought about it and decided to write to you straight away. The letter was rather simple, but then again so was he. All it said:
“Thank you for the yellow knot. It complements the green one I got very well. I was wondering if you had any light pink colors that you could use to make the next one. That was my mother’s favorite color. -Teddy Nott”
And that’s how your relationship started. It was slow but extremely sweet. You weren’t sure when, probably another time when Blaise pushed Theo, but it went from sending letters and knots to getting Butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks and teaching him how to actually make all your designs at night in either the Slytherin or Hufflepuff common room. There were times when the two of you would act, as Blaise called it, all “lovey-dovey” to the point where he would groan in frustration at the two of you. 
When that would happen, you would merely send him a look, “You know, if I remember correctly it was your idea to send me a letter in the first place so you can’t go around and complain about us being in a relationship now.”
You couldn’t wait to finally be able to call your Theo your husband. You fixed the knots that you had made for today, wrapping them around your wrists as bracelets. There were three: a yellow, a green, and a light pink. The best part was that Theo didn’t even know you were doing this, you got to surprise your love once again on your wedding day. 
As you stared at yourself in the mirror, you saw a head pop into the room through the reflection. It was the man who started this relationship in the first place.
“You ready to go darling,” Blaise stepped into the room with his black suit all prepared and a little pink rose sticking out of his suit.
You could only nod feeling a rush of emotions go through you as you realized that it was time for you to walk down the aisle.
Blaise saw straight through you, “Y/N I know you are probably feeling a lot right now, but I need you to hold those tears in till later because Theo would probably kill me if he saw you crying before you finished walking down the aisle.”
“Oh please,” you sniffled, “We’ll both be sobbing by the time we get to the altar, and besides I know for a fact you are going to shed a few tears yourself.” You smirked.
Blaise walked you out of the room you were in and down the stairs, leading you to the backyard of the house you were in. After everything that had happened, you and Theo had decided on a small wedding consisting of close friends and family. Your friends like Hermione, Ginny, and Luna had come alongside their partners and Theo’s friends like Draco and Daphne Greengrass had also come with their partners. If anyone had told you years ago that your two completely different friend groups would be all together in one venue, you would have laughed in their face. But the war and the pain that you all shared made you learn to move on and forgive one another for everything that happened. 
Just like you told Blaise, Theo and you had started sobbing before you had even finished walking down the aisle. Theo couldn’t help but cry harder at the knots that you had wrapped around your wrist. To him, they were so much more than just pretty designs, they were a symbol of how your relationship started and how much you loved one another, nothing could break the bond between the two of you. And in a way, it was all thanks to that fateful letter Blaise had sent that random Wednesday. 
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dancingkirby · 3 years
Fanfic: The Morning After
Sokka and Ty Lee have a little chat about their mutual lover, and then Sokka has an encounter with Azula herself.  This is a direct sequel to the Sokkla scene I wrote for the Chapter 69 special.  Like most of what I post here, this is a right draft.  I feel that the ending still needs some work, but I think the rest of it turned out well.  Especially since this was my first time writing Sokka’s PoV!
WARNING: Referenced past sexual abuse/incest.  Kind of par for the course with this series.
Waking up in the mornings was so, so overrated…especially when it was this early. Sokka had been wrenched out of sleep by a strong urge to pee, but once that had been taken care of, he found himself unable to drift of again.  The birds outside his window were causing a racket, and even when he turned his head away from the window, he felt as if it the sunlight was drilling a hole in the back of his skull.  Resigning himself to the inevitable, Sokka sat up in bed and reached for the stash of blubbered seal jerky he’d stashed under his pillow, only to be severely disappointed when he found that the bag was empty.  That was right…he’d eaten the last few pieces last night.
Last night…what had that even been?
He had, of course, been hoping he’d get lucky that night, since it was a wedding and all, so he’d come prepared.  But he would have never guessed in a gazillion years that it would be with Azula.  Yes, he’d been aware that she’d been looking at him all day, but he’d assumed it was because she hated him and was fantasizing about his death.  It turned out that her fantasies had actually been about something slightly less violent…and way more sexy.
(He hadn’t been entirely blameless in this either…he’d stared right back at her, thinking about how hot she’d become.  And not in the firebending sense.)
And then…they’d had sex.  In a closet that was so tiny that Sokka hadn’t been quite able to stand up straight. Azula had proven to be a screamer, and when they’d left the closet, they’d had to do a Walk of Shame through a large and boisterous crowd to get to the sleeping quarters.  
He held his head in his hands.  If Zuko didn’t know yet, he certainly would soon.  And then Sokka was really gonna get it.  Well, he might as well go outside for a walk first, so he wouldn’t face the Fire Lord with all this metaphorical gunk clogging his thoughts.  It was a testament to his current emotional turmoil that he didn’t even eat breakfast first.
They hated each other, right?  That much hadn’t changed.  And yet…that sex had been something else.   He’d heard about hatesex, of course, but he’d never thought he’d actually experience it. What was more, Azula had evidently been satisfied enough with how it’d gone to suggest that this could become a regular Thing.  However, that was before they knew that everyone in the palace was aware of it.
Sokka navigated the maze of corridors more or less successfully, and flung open a side exit door leading to one of the gardens.  When the spring air, still cool this early and laden with the scent of flowers, hit his face, he thought he already felt a little better.  As he started walking around the perimeter, he thought that surely no one else would be out here at this hour…
Except there was.
He had thought, upon initially passing it, that it was simply an ordinary bush with biggish pink flowers on it.  Sokka had no idea what the flowers were called. (Hey, he was the meat and sarcasm guy…not the plant guy!)  Then, he had almost walked by it when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye.  He figured it was probably only the breeze, but turned back to look anyway,,,and saw that the bush had grown large eyes that were staring right back at him.  
“Whoa!” he cried out.  “Please leave me alone, Creepy Bush with Eyes. I wasn’t doing any…”
He broke off his sentence, feeling more than a little embarrassed at himself as he realized that the eyes did not belong to the bush, but rather to the now-giggling lady sitting next to the bush, feet tucked behind her head. (How could that possibly be a comfortable way to sit?)  Her pink outfit had made her blend right in.
Wait.  Pink?  This was Ty Lee!  Shit. She and Azula were dating, right? What if Azula had cheated on Ty Lee with him?  
“Weeelllll…it was really nice seeing you, Ty Lee, or rather not seeing you, but this is a little awkward, wouldn’t you think?  I think I’ll just be…leaving, and then we can both pretend that this never happened. Sound like a plan?”
But Ty Lee lowered her feet, stood up, and said, “Wait.  No.   I wanted to talk with you for a bit.”
Oh fuck, he was in for it now!
“What about?” he replied.  He was trying to be casual, but the fact that his voice was currently an octave higher than it had been in about four years gave him away.
“I’m not mad at you, silly!” Ty Lee insisted, sitting on a nearby bench.  “Just sit right here...”–she patted the spot next to her– “And we can clear some things up, okay?”
“About Azula?” Sokka sighed.  Ty Lee nodded.
“Yeah.  About Azula.”
Sokka gingerly sat, crossing his legs just in case.  “I take it you know about last night?”
“M-hm,” Ty Lee said. “But that…what you probably think is the problem isn’t.  Azula and I have…kind of an arrangement.  We see other people.  I’ve been starting to do a bit of dating myself.  Not that anyone’s really worked out for me yet, but…well, anyway, you don’t have to worry about that.”  She flushed as she realized that she’d overshared a bit.
“Then what is the problem?” Sokka pressed.  Ty Lee’s gaze flickered down to her lap, and she seemed to be trying to figure out how to put what she wanted to say into words.  
“Be careful with her, okay?” she finally said in a soft voice, pleading gaze back on him.
Sokka shuddered. “No need to tell me that twice.”
Ty Lee shook her head, braid swaying from side to side.  “Not like that.  Well, I guess kind of…but what I was trying to get at was, she’s good at putting on an act, but she’s still really emotionally fragile.  She…you were at the meeting; you know what happened to her.”
Yes, Sokka remembered that meeting well.  No sooner had Katara and Sokka gotten back home with Dad than they’d received a message telling them to return to the Fire Nation for an urgent matter.  Sokka’s first thought was that Iroh had gotten sick, but that proved not to be the case.  
As soon as he and Katara had arrived at the palace, they had been ushered into a small conference room.  Somewhat oddly, metal buckets had been placed by every seat.  The two of them, Aang, Toph, Suki, Ty Lee, Zuko, and Mai had been the only people in the room, and the new Fire Lord had sworn them all to secrecy.
“I’m not sure how to lead up to this, so I guess I’ll just come out and say it,” Zuko had said, face pale and grief-stricken.  The entire room was horrified to hear that Ozai had raped his own daughter multiple times, and not only that…he had impregnated her.  
It had quickly become clear that the buckets had been placed there in case anyone had to vomit, and Aang and Suki had had to use theirs.  Sokka hadn’t, although it had been close.  But Ty Lee had taken it the worst of all of them.  After a few seconds of shocked silence, she had burst into tears and been utterly inconsolable.  The only things she had been capable of saying were, “I should have known!” and “It’s all my fault!”
For all he knew, she could still be blaming herself for it…
Sokka swallowed. All he could trust himself to say was, “Yeah.  I know.”
Ty Lee squeezed her eyes shut, as if she too was revisiting that memory in her head.
She said, “Azula’s had a lot of relearning to do. And she’s trying to be a better person in her own way, I think.  At the very least, she’s realized that she wasn’t happy the way she was before.  But sometimes, she’s not quite there yet.  Be patient with her, that’s all I’m asking. And if she starts doing something messed up, you have to let her know about it.  And if you ever, ever take advantage of her…you’ll have to answer to me.”
That last part sounded slightly ludicrous on the surface, coming from such a sweet-faced woman, but Sokka knew well that her appearance was deceiving.  He held up his hands.  “Hey, no advantage-taking going on here!  I promise.”
“It’s okay.  I believe you,” Ty Lee stated.  She gave him a crooked little smile, while simultaneously blinking away tears.  “I…I was happy when I heard last night.  I think you might be the person Azula needs right now.  So…friends?” She held out her little finger to pinky-promise.
Sokka smiled as he linked her finger with his.  “Sure. Friends.”   Naturally, his stomach had to choose that very moment to give an audible growl.
“Whoops.  Guess I shouldn’t have skipped breakfast,” he muttered.  “Well, I should go now.  It was nice talking to you, though!  Glad we set things straight.”
“No problem!” Ty Lee replied.
Once Sokka had gone to the kitchens and successfully begged for some grub (They had leftovers from last night!  Score!), he encountered none other than Azula on the way back to his room.  She was dressed in her training garb, but had looked like she had been in no hurry to get to the sparring grounds.  In fact, from the way she’d been leaning against a doorway, it almost looked like she’d been waiting for him.
He sidled up to her, and whispered, “So…are we still on for tonight?” She nodded.
He couldn’t help it; he winked at her.  After all, he was Sokka, and he had to uphold certain standards.  Azula looked taken aback at first…but then she smiled.  She had dimples, and it was strangely adorable.
Before she could speak, though, a shout rang out from behind them.
“There you are! Mai and I heard some really weird stuff about…”  Zuko rounded a corner, and the “weird stuff” was apparently confirmed when he saw Sokka and Azula standing so close to each other.
“Yes, Zuzu, we fucked,” Azula said, sounding impressively nonchalant.  “Do you have a problem with that?”
A long pause ensued. Sokka tried to follow Azula’s lead and act casual by whistling tunelessly, but his attempt was much less successful than hers.  At long last, Zuko shook his head.
“You know what? Fine.  I don’t want to think about it.  Just…be sure to use protection, okay?”  And off he went.
“I should be off, too,” Azula said to Sokka.   She strode briskly away, but not before discreetly dropping a folded scrap of paper on the floor at Sokka’s feet.  Once he was back in the privacy of his own room, he opened it and read the few characters printed on it.
Eight o’clock.  Don’t be late.
He certainly had no intention of letting her down.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
If we are not this, then what are we? - pt. 13
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A/N: You know what? I haven’t posted in a while but I wrote this and I kinda like it how it went. I think it’s kind of in the neutral zone between fluff and angst but zeah. Hope you guys like it. 
One day. 
It was exactly one day left until graduation. 
One more day and you will never see James Potter again. 
The two of you haven’t spoken since that day. You never dug much into the fact that he said the exact same thing to you as he did that night. It bothered you. You were curious but never brave enough to go back into it. If you searched for an explenation, talk to him, ask him, the two of you would get close (again) and he would hurt you (again). 
You were already so hurt from him that further you would walk into his life, more he would hurt you. That is why the two of you haven’t talked since that day. 
You didn’t want to and he kept his promise of leaving you finally alone. 
You observed him all 96 days and you saw him be much calmer around his group of friends. You saw him studying in the library and training for Quidditch. You saw him walking the halls and actually doing his Head Boy duties. You heard him encourage a Slytherin, which to you meant a heart soaking with prideful tears because James Potter would never encourage a Slytherin. 
But he did and that left you thinking at night. 
He appeared on the final exams, tidy and combed. He was combed and James Potter was never combed. 
He would send a smile with a nod each time the two of you passed by. He would leave your stomach fluttering with butterflies.... and that had you thinking at night as well. 
Did you love him? Were you really in love with him? 
But you shouldn’t listen to your heart. You promised you’d choose your head over your heart and that left you heartbroken at night. 
Because you really did love him, no matter what he did to you. 
“Earth to (y/n)!” Davie waved his hand in front of you, grinning with his drunken smile and tipping the bottle of firewhiskey for a few drinks. 
“(y/n) on Earth.” you smiled, grabbing the bottle from his hand and taking a few sips. The alcohol burnt your throat and started heating your stomach. You could taste the alcohol, not the whiskey but the alcohol, on the top of your mouth. It put a grimace on your face but sent pleasure to your brain. “Can’t believe everything is over. I’m finally free of this school!” you put the bottle to the side and spread your arms wide, falling on your back and watching the moon. 
Davie beside you laughed and laid beside you as well, his hands under his head and his elbows pointing out. “Free of all the people here.” he turned his head to you and continued to stare. 
You haven’t noticed his eyes on you. Why? Because you kept thinking of someone else’s eyes. You remember the two of you stuck under the moon, kissing each other and enjoying the moments of the night. 
You felt a brush of Davie’s hand on your arm and you quickly fell from the moon to the ground you were laying on. You shot your head to him and saw him watching you. 
His eyes weren’t somehow just drunk. You felt in that imidiate moment that he meant something else with those eyes and the thought of it made you uncomfortable. 
But it was Davie, right? Davie... 
“Reckon Will’s gonna be mad we’re drinking without him?” you asked and pulled yourself on your elbows. 
He mirrored you and chuckled. “Nah. We won’t tell him.” 
“But it’s firewhiskey. And this is some good stuff- where’d you get it?” you kept the conversation going and you could notice it, even through your drunken mind, that he didn’t want to talk.
“Well, there were wine and firewhiskey- one of the two and I remember you hate wine so I just grabbed the firewhiskey, paid the man and hid it in the secret floor space in my room. I had it since first year. It’s my own little secret....Now ours.” he winked and laid back down, closing his eyes. 
You pulled yourself up to sit and watch him, perplexed. 
“How do you know I hate wine?” you asked, watching his eyelids fly open. “Nobody knows that except James.” 
He pulled himself up, facing away from you and hiding his face. 
He was thinking and you knew it. 
“You mentioned it once or twice. I can’t recall when.” he rubbed the back of his neck and turned to you with a smile. “Plus, are you still thinking of Potter? The prick who made your life hell?” 
“I’ll always think of that twat. I’m in love with him.” words seemed to spill out of your mouth as the anger continued to rise inside of you. “I never mentioned it to anybody because everybody usually loves wine- Davie?” you continued to watch as his eyes changed their colour. “What are you not telling me? How do you know?” you felt your intuition speak instead of you, the high of the alcohol leaving your body. 
“Nothing!” he laughed, leaning forward and relaxing his elbows on his knees. “You’re drunk. You’re being paranoid. You have no idea what you’re talking about. There’s no way you’re in love with him.” he kept shaking his head, smiling but as soon as you stood up and picked up your jacket, his smile faded. 
“I’m leaving.” you said quite furiously and he immediately walked after you.
“The hell, (y/n)!” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. “What’s gotten into you?!” 
“You did!” you tore your hand away from his. “I AM in love with James! I am NOT drunk and I DO know what I am talking about. I just didn’t do anything about it because I wasn’t sure till now!” you turned to walk away but he jumped in front of you, shaking his head.
“No...” he chuckled and started backing you away. The corner of his mouth started twitching and you felt extremely unsafe with him at the moment. “No, no, no.” he kept shaking his head, looking up at you with  heartbroken eyes. “You’re not in love with him. He- he called you names! He shouted at you! He bullied you!”
“He lost his memory! Somebody poisoned him!” 
“He’s lying! He’s lying to you! He’s just playing the victim! If it was poision he’d die but it was just a rememberence potion and those only effect memory!” he shouted and you took a few steps back, realizing exactly what was happening.
“How do you know it was a rememberance potion?” your voice started to quiver and you wished to run. 
He could see where he spilled his secret so he quickly ran to you and took your hands. “No, no, no, no. It wasn’t me, (y/n).” he spoke quickly and with a reassureing smile. 
“You’re lying.” you tried to pull your hands away from his hold but he kept pulling them to him.
“I’m not. I- I- you and me are meant to be, (y/n).” he kept smiling, pulling your hands closer to him. “I knew that since 3rd year. You were wearing your usual Slytherin uniform and your hair was in a braid- you see I still remember. James wouldn’t remember this. He doesn’t love you enough to remember.” he kept smiling at you, his eyes blazing into yours as you felt your heart only pump faster at his expression. “I love you. I have always loved you.”
“You don’t. You wouldn’t do that to Will.”
“SCREW WILL!” he exploded, causing you to jump and your throat go completely dry. 
You were terrified. 
The only thing you could hear was your gut screaming at you. Run! Run! Run! 
And despite how numb your legs felt, you ran and jumped and went as fast as you could. Wind blew away the tears from your eyes and kissed your throat with its breeze each time you let out a sob. 
“There you are!” you heard Will shout from a far. He was beaming at you with open arms but before your legs could stop, you already crashed in his arms, sobbing. “Drinking without-” he stopped as he felt you shake in your arms. You grabbed his shirt and dug your runny nose at him, digging your nails into his chest. “(Y/N), what’s the matter?” he wrapped his arms around you kindly before his eyes shot up at the panting figure at the edge of the woods. “Davie?!”
“He did it. He did it, Will. He poisoned James.” you looked up at him with glistened eyes as Will watched down on you, drawing his eyebrows together.
“Davie!” you pointed at the man far away.
“Don’t listen to her, mate!” Davie started to approach Will. “She’s lying.”
“I am not lying!” you shouted. “He knows I hate wine and only James knows that and he- he grabbed my hand telling me how much he loves me since the 3rd grade and that when you started dating me, you haven’t considered his feelings for me and that you were only with me because you loved the idea of us together- and I’m so scared, Will.” you buried your head into his shirt as he pulled you closer to his embrace and squeezed you tigher.
“It’s alright.” he whispered in your ear. “He’s drunk. He can get a bit out of control.” he continued to comfort you, glaring at Davie. “You scared her Davie!” he shouted as he let go of you, pushing you behind him as he stared at his best friend. 
“I didn’t mean to! I was telling her how I feel and she just ran!” Davie continued to stare, trying to catch the sight of you behind Will’s body. 
“You never told me you were in love with her.”
“You should have known!”
“How could have I known?!”
“I always talked about her!”
“No! You pointed her out. I always talked about her!”
“I LET HER GO BECAUSE I LOVE HER!” he bellowed at Davie on the other side as you turned around to look at the man who was protecting you. “YOU CAN’T FORCE SOMEONE TO LOVE YOU DAVIE! SHE LOVES US BOTH! BUT SHE IS IN LOVE WITH JAMES AND WE BOTH KNOW IT! NOW TAKE A WALK AND CLEAR YOUR HEAD BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING ELSE THAT’S STUPID!” he continued to shout, turning his heel and putting his hand on your back, leading you back to the castle. His touch was soft, it always was and you looked up at him, enchanted by his protectivness. You wanted to kiss him. 
You didn’t know why but you wanted to kiss him.
“I’m sorry.” he looked down on you, smiling. 
“Davie, I guess.” he shrugged, looking forward. “I know what kind of person he is... he’s a bit messed up, you know? His family wasn’t so loving and nurturing to him and he just-” he took a deep breath in and stopped in front of you, taking you by the shoulders. “He’s lost. He doesn’t know how to process emotions, especially the ones he’s not familiar with.” he moved back to your side and took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. “A woman’s touch is one of them.” he kissed your hand and you smiled. 
“I didn’t know.” was all you could say, looking back at the edge of the forest where the boy disappeared. “Is he going to be okay?”
“Yes.” Will smiled. “We all have our own demons, (y/n). Davie’s are a bit more severe due to his childhood- it wasn’t easy.” he started swinging your hand a bit to ease the tension. “You shouldn’t be angry with him. He’s a good guy. He never meant to hurt you.” 
“He scared me.”
“He scares me too sometimes but I know that he isn’t dangerous. It’s just his mind playing tricks on him- you know?” he looked at you again, simpering. “My family took him in in our 4th year. It’s my job to look after him and guide him to away from his demons.”  
“So wait-” you stopped, contemplating everything that Will was accused of. “So all those things in 5th year when-”
“Yeah but I took the blame.”
“Because he would be examined and sent to a St. Mungo’s. He doesn’t deserve that.” he wrapped his arms around your shoulder and the two of you started walking again. “He needs a chance to heal. I know he can. It just takes time.” he finished with a hopeful smile, staring at the magnificent castle coming nearer to his sight. He could feel your dove eyes on him and that only made him chuckle. “You’re thinking of kissing me, aren’t you?” 
“It crossed my mind once or twice.” you grinned and he stopped just in front of the entrance. 
“You love James.” he smiled and you didn’t.
“What if I don’t? What if I am really in love with you- I mean I feel safe with you, you protect me and hold me and I can tell you everything. You were my first and you helped me-”
“But through all of that it’s still him. It’s him you think off before you go to sleep. I know.” he shook you lightly and you opened your mouth to argue but at his words, your heart fluttered and you knew he was telling the truth. 
You leaned your forehead on his chest and let out a huff. “I hate when you’re in my head.” 
He chuckled, tapping your back and walking forward. “I know but I’m right. As always.” he started to boast and you hit his chest with your forehead before pushing him away.
“Har- har-” you mocked and started walking forward. 
“Feeling petty?” he laughed behind you.
“Yes!” you answered, pouting as you felt his arm wrap around you again. “It may bring you joy but it is truly annoying when you do this.”
“I know. Do you think that is why I can’t get Sirius?” he spilled out of the blue and you stopped, staring at him.
“You think he likes me? You get James, I get Sirius. You know the usual cliche:” he wiggled his eyebrows and you continued to stare. 
“Wait!” you slapped your hand over your mouth. “Are you telling me-”
“Found out boys can be a bit fun as well.” he winked, starting to walk forward as you were left behind with your jaw on the floor.
“WILLIAM COCKER YOU BETTER NOT TELL ME YOU- WHO WAS IT!?!” you ran after him as he continued to laugh, running away.
“Did you really think Toby and I were friends?!” he turned around with a cheeky grin on his face. 
“OH MY- YES, I DID THINK THE TWO OF YOU WERE JUST FRIENDS!” you ran to his side, completely baffeled as he continued to laugh at your reaction. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?!”
“You were busy in your James world.” he shurgged again as you punched his shoulder quite agressive. 
“So what was I then if you like boys?” you asked as he only contined to laugh, tilting his head back before leaning to you and rolling his eyes.
“I like girls.” he said, putting his hand with his palm  upwards. “And boys.” he put the other hand up. “It’s really not that hard to understand.”
You kept glancing between the hands, furrowing your eyebrows and contemplating his words before finally deciding to speak. “You know? If I was a guy and saw Sirius Black, I’d probably like boys too.” 
Will started laughing, wrapping his arm around your back and leading you to your dorm. “He’s fit, isn’t he?”
“He’s an ass.”
“But a hot one.” he said. “Reckon he fancies me?” 
“Who wouldn’t fancy you?” you pinched his cheek as he slapped your hand away. 
“Stop pinching my cheeks. You know “I hate that.”
“They are so chubby. How can I not?”
“You’re annoying when you’re drunk.”
“You’re annoying in general.”
“Just go think of James. It’s what you do best.” he pushed you towards the Slytherin portrait hole meanwhile you narrowed your eyes at him.
“You’re mean.”
“You’re drunk. Now go because I have another drunk friend walking around the woods.” he started walking away, shaking his head. “Never have I thought I would be a babysitter to two grown graduates.”
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Christmas Promise
Summary: Dean reached a point in his life where something has to change, and he finally makes a decision about his future. 
Characters: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2594
A/N: For the purposes of this series, pretend Cassie and Lisa didn’t exist. 
A/N 2: This is Part 4 of Dean’s Christmas Carol. I originally planned on this being the last part, but as I wrote the story a Part 5 materialized. Read Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future. 
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Dean drove all night to get to her. He put down the windows and let the wind blow into the Impala. The music playing on the tape deck didn’t do much to calm his nerves. Everything reminded him of her. They had listened to these same songs together when he had taken her driving in Baby, which really meant they’d ended up in the backseat. She had loved his car, and he loved her even more for that. It was just one more reason he knew she was perfect for him.
It was the carefree memories he tried to keep in his mind. The vision of the future Charlie had shown him was too painful to think about. Y/N had always been so upbeat. She was optimistic and believed the best could actually happen. Dean couldn’t stand to think of her giving up and being alone, settling for hookups with some jerk who didn’t come close to being good enough to be anywhere near her.
The question was, did he deserve her? He was the one who had left her after spending the best months of his life with her. She had made his heart feel light in a way it never had. Monsters didn’t matter when he was with her, and she made him feel hope when he would have thought that was completely impossible. 
Zeppelin lyrics poured out of the speakers, and Dean tried to think of a way to tell her who he was, to explain to her why he’d gone when the only thing he’d wanted was to be with her always. If she slammed the door in his face, it would be understandable, but that wasn’t her way. 
She would listen to him. Dean knew that. He would at least have a chance to tell her what he wanted her to know, and once he did; it would be up to her. She would have the chance to decide for herself that he should have given her in the first place, but had he been wrong? That was a long time ago. He didn’t know the things then that he did now, and he sure as hell didn’t have the experience killing things that might intend her harm. 
He trusted himself and his ability to protect her more now. Back then, demons were the biggest challenge he’d faced; and they had only been low level demons in the grand scheme of things. If Dean could face God and Lucifer and come out on top, whatever else came his way, or hers, now; he could handle. That was, if she’d give him the chance; but he knew he at least had to try. He knew now that doing nothing was one regret he couldn’t live with.
When Baby turned onto the familiar street where Y/N’s coffee shop was located, Dean took a deep breath. What if she wasn’t there? What if she was? He pulled up by the curb in front and got out of the car. The morning was cold, and he blew his breath in his hands to warm them. He couldn’t see her inside. It was early still, maybe the shop wasn’t open yet. It had to be; this was where people got coffee. Of course it was open. Dean knew he was stalling. C’mon, just open the damn door. What’s the worst thing that can happen? She can hate me for what I did to her, and I can hurt her more than I already did.
Dean gathered his courage and pushed the door open. A bell jingled as he walked inside. So much for buying himself a few more seconds to get himself together. Y/N came walking out from a back area of the shop that Dean knew she used for storage, or at least she used to. There was a big smile on her face. “Come on in, get out of the cold and have…” 
She stopped and stood perfectly still when she saw him. Dean’s heart started beating faster, and he searched for the right words. What he said was, “Hey, Y/N.”
“W...What are you…? Dean?”  She put the bag of coffee she was holding down on the nearest table, and walked closer to him. Her hair was longer than it had been when Dean saw her last.  It was pulled back, but he caught a glimpse of the loose braid that fell halfway down her back. There was very little makeup on her face, just enough to allow her natural beauty to shine through. She was wearing jeans and a simple black t-shirt with a plaid shirt over it that looked like something she might have borrowed from him. No one would have described her as glamorous, but there was nothing she could have done that would have made her more attractive to Dean.
She still took his breath away. “I wanted to see you, Y/N.”
Y/N picked up the coffee again, walked behind the counter, and poured the beans into a grinder. The noise delayed her response for several seconds. She emptied the freshly ground coffee into one of the espresso machine and turned it on. This was her normal routine, and she answered Dean like he hadn’t disappeared from her life fifteen years ago. “Why did you want to see me?”
Dean walked up to the counter to be closer to her, but it was still between them. “There are things I never said to you, things I need to tell you because you deserve to hear the truth; and I can’t live with you not knowing anymore.” His words were falling out in a jumble. Dean hoped he was making some kind of sense to her.
Y/N didn’t leave her spot by the espresso machine. The aroma of a rich French Roast filled the air. Dean recognized the smell; he hadn’t forgotten what she taught him about coffee. “O...Okay, then why don’t you tell me whatever it is you came here to say.” 
“Is it alright if I sit down?”
Y/N waved her hand at a bar stool. “Sure. Go ahead.”
“The way I left things...that wasn’t...I didn’t…”  Dean shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t want to leave you, Y/N.”
Y/N’s eyes dropped to the counter. She didn’t respond. Instead, she turned to the espresso machine and filled a cup. Dean decided he was going to have to talk to her back in order to say the things he came here to say. Her braid swayed as she drank, and Dean focused on that while he spoke.
“There were things you never knew about me, Y/N. Things I thought it was better not to tell you. I was involved in some dangerous stuff, and I didn’t want it following me to you. The reason I left was to keep you safe. I thought it was the best thing, but now I know I should have told you everything and given you the chance to decide for yourself.” 
Dean paused and scrubbed his hand down his face. Tears had gathered in his eyes, and they were threatening to fall. “I came here because you deserve to know the truth if you still want to hear it.”
Y/N had put down her cup, and she was grasping the edge of the counter. She turned slowly now to face Dean. “Tell me. Tell me what you didn’t tell me then.”
Dean made a fist and tapped it against his mouth a couple of times and took a deep breath. “This is going to sound crazy. It is crazy, but it’s my life.” He looked directly into her eyes with the most serious and sincere expression he could muster. “I hunt monsters.”
Her eyes didn’t leave his, and she didn’t say anything. Dean couldn’t read her expression, so he went on. “Just about everything you can think of is real, and I kill it. Vampires, werewolves, banshees, ghouls.” 
“Monsters? You came here to tell me you hunt monsters?” She leaned back against the counter and looked him over. “Have you been drinking?”
“No, Y/N. I haven’t. I’m completely sober. I drove all night to get here. From Kansas. I live there now with my brother. He hunts monsters too. We have a headquarters there, a home base.” Dean ran his hand through his short hair not knowing which way he should go with this next. “I didn’t want any of the insane crap I deal with to affect you, to hurt you, so I left; but I promise I didn’t want to go. Nothing has ever hurt me so bad. Still hasn’t.”
He was all in now, so he was just going to go with it. “I think about you all the time, Y/N. I never stopped thinking about you.”
Y/N folded her arms across her chest. “You didn’t get married?”
“No, there’s never been anyone I’ve had the guts to say this to, never been anyone I wanted to come clean with. I never let anybody know who I really am, Y/N. I came the closest with you, and I want to tell you all of it. You’re the only person who ever made me think about the future, about the rest of my life, about spending the rest of my life with someone. I still think about it.”
Y/N walked around the bar and came closer to Dean. “I don’t know what to say. Is there something else you haven’t told me?” 
Dean weighed his options. Where did he start? Angels? Demons? The Apocalypse? Which one? Y/N walked closer and reached out to touch Dean’s face. “Doesn’t matter. I still think about you too.”
It happened fast, and it happened naturally like no time had passed at all. Dean put his hand on her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her. He felt her arms wrap around him. His tongue glided over the seam of her lips, and she opened her mouth to him. All the years melted away in that kiss. Dean was young again, young and in love. 
They kissed each other for a long time, and when they finally pulled away; Dean cupped her cheek in his hand and once again memorized her face. He could feel her breathing, and it was the happiest he had been since he last held her. She whispered to him, “Come upstairs with me?”
Silently, he nodded; and she put her hand over his. Y/N led him up the stairs to her apartment where they had first made love so long ago. The furnishings were different, but the place still had all the coziness that told Dean it was her home. Everything about it said it was hers from the braided rugs on the floor to the handmade ceramics. 
Dean took her to the four poster bed covered with what looked like a handmade quilt. She took his hand and pulled him down to the bed with her. They sat on the edge, and he watched her bring her braid over her shoulder. She pulled the hairband from the end of it and placed it on the nightstand. Then she took her hair in her hands and started to separate the strands she had woven together into the braid. When she was done, she spread her hair around her shoulders. 
Dean watched her every movement, entranced by being so close to her again, the intimacy of it. He lay her down on the bed and kissed along the line of her cheek and down her neck then moved his mouth back up to hers. She sat up and took off her plaid shirt along with the tank underneath.
Under it, she was wearing a plain white cotton bra, and it was the sexiest thing Dean had ever seen. He brushed his thumb lightly along the line of the cup; he inhaled sharply and closed his eyes at the feel of the soft skin on her breast. He kissed her cheek while he continued to touch her. “I missed you so much, Y/N.”
He was still wearing all his Winchester layers, and she pulled at his jacket trying to get it off. Dean kissed her cheek again. “I’ve got it, baby.” He treated her to a private striptease, taking off first the jacket and then the flannel he was wearing beneath it. When he lifted the hem of his t-shirt revealing his chest and stomach, it was her turn to suck in her breath. 
Dean reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and slipped the straps down her arms. “You are still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He kissed her softly, his tongue circling hers and exploring every part of her mouth. She sighed into his kiss, but then pulled away and buried her face in the side of his neck. 
Dean’s hand went instinctively to the back of her head. “What is it, sweetheart?” 
“I thought about this so many times. I imagined you coming back and saying you still wanted me. I can’t believe it’s happening.”
He cradled her head in his hand and kissed her temple. “It is, baby. I’m here, and this is real. It’s always been real.” He was so close now; it was hard for her to breathe. “Hey, it’s okay. We don’t have to do this.”
She abruptly lifted her head. “No. I want to. I need to. In case you….”
Dean put his finger under her chin and lifted her face up so she was looking into his eyes. “It’s not going to be like that. I’ll never leave you again. My heart broke when I left you. It’s been broken ever since...until now.”
“I trust you, Dean.” The sweet forgiveness in those words was more than Dean had dared to hope that she would give him. 
In return, he was going to give her everything he had in him to give. “I promise I won’t hurt you.” He unbuttoned her jeans and eased the zipper down. Dean flattened his hand against her stomach and pushed it down slowly until it slid beneath her panties. He brushed his fingers through her folds, and his eyes locked onto hers. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”
His fingers found her clit, and he rubbed it until she arched beneath his hand. “That’s it, sweetheart. Let me take care of you.” She came on his hand with his name on her lips. Dean held her through the aftershocks until her breathing slowed then he finished undressing her and himself.
He wrapped one arm under her and supported his weight on it. With his other hand, he brushed her hair from her face. Dean kissed the corner of her mouth then looked into her eyes while he pushed himself inside her. He was still for a few seconds then he pushed in deeper and waited again, giving her time to adjust to him. 
Her body was tight around his shaft; he could feel her stretching to accept him. He threaded his fingers through hers and held her hand as he started to move. She let go for him, and he did the same for her. Dean breathed into her with his kisses while he moved inside her. When she climaxed, her walls tightened around him, and he came with her. 
Dean lay on top of her, panting for several seconds, before he rolled to his side and pulled her into his arms. She rested her hand on his chest and made little circles with her fingers. Her voice was a whisper. “I wish we could always be like this.” 
Dean ran his fingers through her hair. He would find a way to give her that. “We can always have this, Y/N.” Dean stopped combing his fingers through her hair and got very still. “There’s something else I haven’t told you, something I need for you to know.” He kissed her hair and inhaled the sweet smell of flowers that lingered on it. It calmed him and gave him the courage to tell her what he’d been holding inside for more than a decade. “I love you, Y/N.”
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @becs-bunker @gh0stgurl @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @maddiepants @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @iknowwheremytowelis @wendibird @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @oldfreakything
Dean/Jensen Love: @deansyahtzee @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @waywardrose13 @feelmyroarrrr @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @ellewritesfix05​
Dean’s Christmas Carol: @moron225
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