#but for something I wrote in like 30 minutes after a 14 hour shift I’m not mad
nocturnalghoul · 1 year
Mushy May Day 5: Hair braiding
Dew and Mountain have regular hair braiding events going back to when they were first summoned. Rain learns the serene intimacy that comes along with braiding somebody's hair and having somebody braid your own.
I might rework this into something longer and/or more in-depth another time, but enjoy this for now. Happy Mushy May <3!
Words: 573
Rating: Gen/Everyone
Read below the cut or on AO3 here
The event of the night was a near sacred ritual for Dew and Mountain. They had originally learned how to braid hair from one of the sisters in an attempt to keep it out of their faces during practice, but within a few short weeks both found that they had come to appreciate the silent intimacy that the gesture brought and it all had blossomed from there. 
The two established a monthly tradition to dedicate at least one night every month to weave as intricate of braids as they could into the other’s hair. Mountain would always bring small flowers that he thought would compliment the other ghouls long silvery hair to weave in, and Dew would bring fascinating rocks and trinkets that he would find in the lake or nearby river. It added an extra layer of knowing one another that made the night feel extra special.
The first time that the ghoulettes saw them after one of these nights they had immediately asked to join, and the pair were more than happy to let them. It seemed like the perfect way to grow closer to the new ghoulettes. Dew and Mountain taught them slowly how to braid, but no matter what they always did each other’s hair so that the original intent of the tradition was never lost. 
Now here they were once again with their newest addition to the night. Rain had not really seen the point of the tradition at first, but now as he felt Dew’s fingers softly work down his scalp grabbing small sections of hair he was starting to understand. 
The combination of the soft hum that Dew let out as he concentrated and the attention to detail made him feel so seen and cared for considering the simplistic action. He had decided to start small, mostly wanting to observe the other ghouls before jumping in fully, but the delicate pull of the twin french fishtail braids that Dew had talked him into was leaving him wanting for more. 
Rain watched the intricate looping braids being built up by Cumulus on the other ghoulettes head and was mesmerized. He had no idea what was happening but the serene look on Cirrus’ face and the dedication on Cumulus’ left him feeling almost jealous. 
Right as he was getting lost in the motions of the ghoulettes he felt Dew’s breath ghost across the back of his neck as he hummed in satisfaction at a job well done. After securing the hair off with an elastic, Dew moved to pining occasional forget-me-nots that Mountain had brought into the water ghoul’s hair. 
“Those really bring out your eyes, Rainbow” Mountain called out from across the room where he was trying to organize the trinkets that he and Dew had brought. “I’m really glad you decided to join us” he heard Dew whisper just loud enough for him to hear, the tiniest whispers of his broken purr beginning to start up. 
Finally the fire ghoul finished and brought him over to the mirrors so he could see how everything looked. 
“So Rainy, do ya like it?” Dew prompted, moving the small hand mirror around behind Rain’s head so he could get a view of the back. 
“This is so much better than I imagined. I adore this.” he replied, a loud purr of his own kicking up. Yeah, Rain would definitely be making an appearance at these functions from now on.
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Tag game
Tagged by @died-by-the-scimitar thank you!! :D 1. what is the color of your hairbrush? shaft is made of bamboo wood, the brushes themselves are black
2. name a food you never eat: uhhhh idk, I’m quite picky, especially with the texture of food, so if the texture is gross and it’s too big to not chew in, i will usually try to avoid eating it. 
3. what were you doing 45 mins ago? watching an old try guys video
4. what’s your favorite candy bar? I don’t really have any
5. have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes, a football game when I was 9, and I hated every second of it lol. I really want to go watch a handball game, though. 
6. what is the last thing you said out loud? “Nå” (means like.. “well then” ish) 
7. what is your favorite ice cream? chocolate, vanilla, caramel 
8. what was the last thing you had to drink? water
9. do you like your wallet? no
10. what is the last thing you ate? An ice cream 
11. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no
12. what’s the last sporting event you watched? I mean my mom watches the eurogames in football right now, so every now and then I watch like 1 or 2 minutes when I pass the living room, but the last game i sat down and actually watched was men’s handball earlier this year. 
13. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? just... salty? lol
14. who is the last person you sent a text message to? a friend a few hours ago, telling her i would start charging her after she wrote that she lived rent free in my head 
15. ever been camping? nope. I think I want to try it though
16. do you take vitamins? no, but I should (especially d-vitamins, considering how low my numbers have been since.. always), I got them lying around and everything but I sort of just don’t take them 
17. do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
18. do you have a tan? nope
19. do you prefer Chinese or pizza? it really depends on my mood honestly, either is usually neat
20. do you drink your soda through a straw? no, i don’t drink soda and i don’t use straws 
21. what color socks do you usually wear? black or white, but i also have some pastel colored and fruit motive ones 
22. do you ever drive above the speed limit? not intentionally lol, but i do catch myself accidently driving a little too fast (usually never more than 5-15 km/h above, and i always slow down once i notice).
23. what terrifies you? life. failure. the future. death of my dog. being stuck unable to reach goals
24. look to your left, what do you see? The side of my closet that’s covered in fandom and art postcards from redbubble 
25. what chore do you hate most? dishes, changing the sheets, cleaning the bathroom, taking out the trash
26. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? g’day mate + harurinralia 
27. what’s your favorite soda? i don’t drink sodas anymore, but if i should it’s usually a wannabe cola or something citrus fruity ish
28. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I don’t go to fast food places, but if i did i would go in
29. what’s your favorite number? 4
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my mom
31. favorite cut of beef? i don’t eat beef often, and i’m not sure what this even means lol 
32. last song you listened to? Lewis Capaldi - Don’t Get Me Wrong 
33. last book you read? Reading tipping the velvet right now, last book I finished was Romeo and Juliet I think
34. favorite day of the week? Also saturday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? no
36. how do you like your coffee? I don’t like coffee, the smell on its own is.. nope
37. favorite pair of shoes? Don’t have a favorite. I used to love my black converses, but my feet are more happy with my current sketchers. 
38. time you normally get up? usually never before 7 (after school turned virtual for most of my last semester and i also stopped having morning shifts at work), and lately not before 9 
39. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i love both, but i think i prefer sunsets, just ‘cause they’re easier to catch and (as you said, Fra) more colorful in terms of purple and pink etc.  
40. how many blankets on your bed? one and my duvet, but I have 2 blankets across my bedframe since its made of metal and my bed is up against the always-cold wall towards our apartment stairs. 
41. describe your kitchen very typical early 2000s danish style, hasn’t been updated in 20 years (except for my mom painting the walls a pastel pink), but not like in an outdated-ugly way i think
42. describe your kitchen at the moment. some papers on the table, bread (packaged), and my mom’s figures and stones collecting dust
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? I don’t drink alcohol either eeeeyh
44. do you play cards? no, but I used to love it when I was a kid, mainly go fish
45. what color is your car? I don’t have one, but my mom’s is silver
46. can you change a tire? I’ve never tried it, but I think I got the idea and might be able to should I ever need to. My mom’s husband usually changes them on her car. 
47. your favorite state? I’m not american, never set foot near america, BUT i think i like alaska, west virginia, and such, just for the environment (as seen through pictures)
48. favorite job you’ve had? I quite liked cleaning at private homes (of people I knew), which I’ve done a few times before. I work at a store right now (and have been for 3 years), though that is far from something I want to continue, to put it lightly. I got a job as a mentor (helping kids with homework and such), but I’ve yet to get any mentees, so I still can’t quite say much about it :/   Tagging: @hamykia @dandelionmeadow @nenufair @pilarsalazr @spacewitchqueen @happensweet @scimitar-and-longsword @ladyzeia @nicolosfaith 
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗  / 𝙲𝚑 𝟷𝟺
Chapter 14: On Your Side 
A/N: Hi guys, it’s me, I know it’s been ages but I’m back, I have finally started to feel a little revived about this series so we’ll see how it goes. I feel low-key like a Riverdale writer because there are so many of my season 2 predictions that I want to put into this, but I don't really know how to. Anyway as always my requests/ask/messages are always open. I hope you enjoy:) 
Description: John B’s Sister comes home from staying with their mom, only to find out that her brother is missing and her dad was murdered. JJ may have just lost his best friend. Her and JJ have to figure out what to do and how to pick up the pieces.
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Need to Catch Up? Previous Parts
I woke up to the sound of thunder cracking through the house. I turned to the other side of the bed to see JJ’s back. I saw the movement of his shoulders, rising and falling with his breathing. I got up making my way to the kitchen and fixing a glass of water. I leaned my back against the cool counter looking over the papers that sat there. The clock on the microwave read 4:45am I had a lot to figure out moving forward. I sat down, flicking on a dim lamp for some subtle light. My early bedtime making it impossible for me to go back to sleep. I reached over to the counter for my phone. The light was bright enough to make me squint before looking at the messages on the screen. 
The top message from my mother, asking how I had settled in with John B. I lied, of course, telling her that things were fine and that we were getting along great. I knew that she could say that she kept up with John B all these years, saying that she cared, but I knew the truth. This even further proves that evidence. She wasn’t meant to be a mother, she tried her best but being tied down and in the same place just wasn’t for her. I can’t help but think that if my father had won custody of me if she would have turned away from me too. 
I shook my head, trying not to fall down that rabbit hole in my brain. JJ was turning over in the bed. He rolled over, bunching the blanket up in his arms and holding it into his chest. I smiled to myself as I turned back to my phone. I have no idea what is going on between the two of us right now but I know that I am thankful for him. During my sleep, I missed a text from Kie. She told me to be at the Wreck around 7:30 to help open the breakfast shift. I texted her a quick I’ll be there before, beginning to pull out the papers and maps of John B’s possible whereabouts. 
I shuffled through the papers, trying to find as much information about the ship that I could with the info on the ship maps, as well as a binder that I pulled from my dad’s office. It detailed the kind of ships and had basics for each one. I was not sure how this could help, but I was doing something to move forward. The lack of internet at the Chateau was proving to be an issue as I needed more information. I thought about the few things that I need to look up and jotted them down in my notebook. I folded the maps and the lists into the book before pushing into a bag with my old laptop. The Wreck had the internet, so I was hopeful that Kie wouldn’t mind me using it after my shift. 
My research seemed to do the trick as it killed enough time for me to begin getting ready for my first shift at The Wreck. I quickly showered and got ready, wearing the light blue shirt that read “The Wreck” in obnoxiously large letters across the back. I was slipping on my shoes at the edge of the pull out when a voice started me. 
“Why are you ready?” It was JJ’s rough voice, obviously just waking up. “The sun is barely out.” 
I laughed at him before pointing to the logo on the back of my shirt. “Work calls my friend,” I said with a laugh, but JJ just rolled his eyes falling onto his back. “Feel free to stop by and entertain us?” I questioned. 
“Haha Y/N, I have to get at least 9 hours of beauty sleep, but we’ll see.” He said rolling on his side to face me. His face and tone shifted before his next sentence. “Be careful, okay? That place may be for the tourists, but the Kooks love to stir up trouble over there alright?” I just nodded and smiled slightly before turning to head for my car. 
My shift at The Wreck was nothing special. All the same as the country club, serve with a smile, a pretty self-explanatory menu, but the only difference was the overwhelming amount of tourists. Not that I minded, as they had no idea who I was, which I liked.  I wasn’t worried about the work, more so the people. I knew JJ was overprotective of the rest of us and meant well, but his words were in the back of my head the whole shift. The last thing I need is a kook making trouble and Mr. Carrera letting me go. 
Kie had me rolling silverware and working in the bar area. She said it was a good intro place before being put out on the floor. It also meant that we could chat and catch up. I liked Kie a lot, she was the closest thing I had to a best friend, even when I was back home. I was still hurt by her words, and hesitant to tell her anything, but I still love her. We were chatting while she went about her side task when I decided to ask about staying around. “Hey, is the Wifi back up here?” I asked, but kept my eyes trained on the task in front of me. 
“I think so?” She answered. 
“Do you think I could use it after my shift? I mean I brought my own computer and I’ll stay outta the way?” I bargained. I just got the job and didn’t want her father to think I was taking advantage of his offer, even if I was. 
“Sure!” She smiled. “We can sit outside at one of those tables when we get off. Pope is coming by and I’m sure JJ will be here before you leave.” I didn’t miss her wink at me after her last statement, the blush more than obvious on my face. Kie was super observant, of course, she noticed something going on between the two of us. 
“Okay yeah,” I said, sighing as she left to carry out an order. While I wanted to spend time with her and Pope, I don’t want to tell them what we’re doing. She’s made her feelings about John B’s accident completely known, and I didn’t want to give them false hope. 
“You look really familiar.” a voice spoke. I looked up from the silverware that I was rolling to be met with blue eyes and frosted tips. 
I’m sure he could see the confused look on my face as I just responded with an “interesting” and a soft smile. I could totally tell that he was a kook by the way that he was dressed. He was dressed in a pastel polo that was only halfway buttoned up and the styling of his hair that no doubt had too many products in it. 
He picked up a menu flipping through it before trying our conversation again. This time being more upfront. “Maybe a name would help you remember me, Y/N?” He said looking directly at me. I felt my skin go cold as he spoke my name. My only run-in with the kook being Rafe and his friends when Kie went full kook. I studied his face as he seemed to laugh a little. He seemed familiar. “Relax, I am on your side here. I figure you heard about your brother and my girl-” He coughed quickly before correcting himself, “my ex-girlfriend.” 
Then it all clicked. “Topper” I breathed out. I hadn’t known him well enough to meet him but had seen him with a few of the other kooks hanging around the boneyard in the past. I remember JJ telling me about the way that he was led out of the church disguised as John B. “What exactly are you doing here?” I asked.
“I figured that you know what happened by now. I’m sure the pogues told you, but I need to talk to you if anyone knows anything it has to be you.” He spoke. I looked up to see Kie trying to get away from her table to come help. Topper seemed to notice. “Meet me outside after your shift? I really need to talk to you.” He said before getting up. “Oh and a stack of pancakes to go please.” He flashed a smile before walking to the side. I quickly wrote up his ticket and pinned it to the wheel as Kie came up beside me. “Don’t worry about Topper, he’s been pretty harmless lately. He keeps asking a lot of weird questions and showing up here. He’s like so obsessed with Sarah it’s crazy.” She paused rolling her eyes. I was hoping that you could get out without an awkward kook visit.” She laughed and nudged my shoulder. 
I let out a sigh. “Yea and to think in the last 5 minutes of my shift. Are the boys on their way?” I questioned. If I was going to go meet with Topper and JJ saw, he would without a doubt start a fight. Something about the way that Topper spoke seemed serious. Also, he helped John B getaway, took whatever the consequences are, so I had to at least give him that. 
“Yea. Pope has to finish up some work with his dad, then they’ll be here.” She said with a smile. “You can go ahead and clock out, I’ll finish up here.” 
I nodded and said a quick “thank you” before making my way to the backroom to put everything away and clock out. My hands shook as I punched in the numbers, turning and putting tips away in my front pocket. I ran my hands over my head, letting out a shaky breath. Just gotta go get it over with. What's the worst that could happen? 
I walked out the back door to see Topper leaned against the front of his Jeep. I looked around for any sign of JJ, Pope, or Heyward’s old beat-up truck. “Okay Topper, this is weird. What the hell is going on?” I said walking to stand in front of him, crossing my arm over my chest. I could feel the way that my glare was harsh on him. 
“Look, Rafe’s losing his shit. I know he’s lost it before but he has really lost it.” He spoke, his tone heavy, almost panicked. 
I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “You're kidding right?” He just shook his head obviously. “Why the fuck do you think I’d care?” I started to get angry, turning to walk away. 
“Y/n! Wait, please!” He said, stepping forward to follow me. I turned to look at him with my eyebrows raised. “Look I believe y’all, that’s why I helped John B.” He admitted. “The way that Rafe has been acting I believe it too, he’s lost it. I think he’s dangerous.” 
I scoffed again. “Really?” I pointed to the now healing split on my cheek and motion to my neck. “I had no idea, Topper.” My voice was laced with sarcasm and anger. “Get to the point please.” I sighed. 
“He’s literally going crazy. I mean he says that he’s seeing Peterkin like he’s hallucinating her. He is dead set on pinning this on John B, saying that’s the only way that she’ll leave him alone. Ward tries to keep him locked up as much as possible, but you and the pogues” He sighed running a hand through his hair, messing it up, “need to watch out for him. You don’t know what he might do.”  
“Well, he is a murder.” I retorted coldly. 
“I know the pogues, they haven’t given up on John B or Sarah. You probably haven't given up on your brother either. I think that they are the last chance at putting this to rest. I wanna help you find Sarah, and your brother” He finished with a heavy breath. 
I tried to keep a poker face and the best way to go about this situation. “Topper, there is nothing we can do,” I spoke slowly trying to think of exactly what to say. I didn’t want to push him away in case we ended up needing his help later, but like the others, no need to involve him in something so uncertain. Not to mention that I had zero intentions of trusting him. “The police have given us nothing to work with, we’re just as in the dark as you.” 
Topper dropped his head to look at the ground. “Right.” He nodded. ”I guess I was just hoping that it wasn’t real, ya know?” His voice was quieter than before. His tone was soft and sounded broken. “Hoping that she wasn’t really gone.” 
I felt bad for him, even if he was pining after my brother’s girlfriend. He lost his girlfriend, to a pogue, then she might have died and his best friend, Rafe turns up to be a murder in a matter of a week. “Trust me, I know Topper,” I said, causing him to look back up and nodded before turning back to his car. “I’ll let you know if we find something though?” 
He smiled as he pulled himself into his Jeep as I headed to my car to get my bag before going back to the restaurant to meet with the pogues. 
Taglist: @nikki082489 @lovelymaybankk @dolanfivsosxox @alexa-playafricabytoto @downbytheouterbanks @heyhargrove @heywards​ @kayln021 @readysteadygo23​ @im-a-stranger-thing​ @thatsonobx​ @dumbxgurl​ @ameeraaa21@zehnuhrfunf​ @imagines-and-preferences1216​ @mileven-reddie​ @sw-eat-ing​ @tangledinsparkles @shawnssongs @karleeluv @rockyyc77​ @omigodyall @whoreforouterbanks @bqbyl0n @hmsjiara​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @softstarkey​ 
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playitaagain · 4 years
tumblr ate @dreamypope‘s asks so here are her questions for the fic writer ask game! 
wait i just sent in like 8 of them but i guess it didn't go through ughhhh! i will leave my questions here then: 4, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20!!, oooh 25, 30 pretty pleaseee, 34, 44 :)
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
I have 923 bookmarkers on ao3 and it grows daily. Do you know how hard this is? And now I’m worried I’ll offend someone if I don’t add their fic. Please don’t take offense. I love everyone’s fics but these are three that are sticking out to me at the current moment. I’m really into DeanxSeamus right now from HP. Don’t judge me. Two are HP and one Mayward. 
A Little Like This  The Complex Variations of the Letter J  Strength of Heart 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
Again, please don’t take offense if you aren’t on the list. I love everyone and it’s so hard to think of people. 
@midsommers @thistreasurehunter @colfields (never talked to her and a little nervous about tagging her, but she writes amazing jjpope that I only just discovered.)
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
By struggling. No, but this is the hardest part, even when I’ve finished the fic. I usually wait till I’m done and pick a moment in the fic I like and name it after that moment or word that I pick. Sometimes I name the title off the prompt and sometimes I have a title that I actually base the prompt off. It’s usually the first one though. 
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not?
It depends on what I’m writing. 10 minute fics I try to do 500 or under. Requests are a minimum of 500, but I aim for 1,000 or more. Oneshots I usually aim for 4k or more. That’s just the logic I came up with in my head. I don’t really know why. 
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching?
I do minimum research because I get annoyed easily. It’s fanfiction. I can write what I want. There are things I think are more important to research, but others I just go with the basic things I know and work from there. 
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie?
I feel guilty all the time for this unfinished chapter fic: Breaking the Cycle. 
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
I love finishing the fic or making a connection back to a part I already wrote. 
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
No music. I get distracted. I do watch tv though, but only shows I’ve already seen so I’m not distracted. 
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
He’s only a few hours into the ride when his phone rings. Pope fishes in his pocket for his phone, frown tugging down his lips when he doesn’t recognize the number. It’s rare to get a call and usually the only people who call him are his parents or Kiara. He thinks about letting it go to voicemail, is sure they would leave a message if it was important, but something in his gut is telling him to answer so he swipes the phone and holds it up to his ear. 
“Hello, this is Pope,” he states, voice cracking a bit awkwardly as he uses it for the first time today. The line is silent for a moment and he can hear a bit of shuffling on the line, papers moving. 
“Good Morning, Mr. Heyward,” the voice says, oddly pleasant. The words have him confused as he tries to figure out who this might be, going through a list of people that would possibly call him Mr. Heyward. He can’t come up with any. “We are calling on Mr. Maybank’s behalf today.” That left Pope even more confused. Who was Mr. Maybank? 
“I’m sorry, but who is this?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed as he shifts to look out the window, folding his leg under him just so he can change positions for a bit.
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
My life is boring so not much. Maybe my readers think I have a more adventurous life than I actually have? I’m not really sure. 
44. Rant about something writing related.
I’m honestly not sure what to rant about, but I’m going to go with support. If you want fanfic writers to keep writing, make sure you not only kudos but comment as well. There has been such a lack of comments lately and just make sure your supporting people who are literally doing this for free. Just, support. It doesn’t take long. You found the time to read the fic, so just spend two more minutes writing a review.
Please ask more from this list! This is fun :)
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For fanfic writer questions: All. Of. Them. Alternatively: 15. 21 and 25
Lmao 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm doing all of them.
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1. Phone, on Google docs. My phone is an absolute mess.
2. Fanfiction? About two years ago. Don't ask about original stuff. Oof
3. Loki fics, poems.
4. Both? Both. Both is good.
5. Terrible. Ok I'm kidding, I'd describe it as poetic, in a way? Overly poetic is good, ig. But it's also overly dramatic- something I hate seeing in people. Which makes me a hypocrite, ig. Lmao.
But in all honesty, I'm pretty flexible in my writing. Even while writing poems, I can easily shift from writing about EXTREMELY dark stuff (trust me, you don't wanna know) to something light and fluffy, which is a good thing, I guess? But it also feels a bit suffocating sometimes because I have a habit of reading my stuff from the POV of a reader, once I'm done with writing it. So I try to make it as bearable as possible. People nowadays don't always like intense stuff, and since I'm a freaky gal who started reading Shakespeare in third grade, it becomes difficult for me to give up my very intense style of writing. I probably don't make sense, but, uh. Whatever. Point is, I'm not perfect.
6. Random stuff. Seriously. My cupboard can set me off in a writing frenzy- most of the time,however, I don't even know what inspiration is. I meet her very infrequently- so infrequently that she's very forgettable :')
7. No? Sometimes? A couple of my fics were inspired by songs, I suppose. I also unpublished one, if I remember correctly.
8. The title. Oh god, that always makes me lose sleep. And also, the descriptions. Either I'm overly descriptive, or I end up writing a whole one shot in less than 300 words. Why Am I An Idiom is going to be the name of my autobiography, if I ever write one. (And yes, it's is Idiom. Long story.)
9. I don't really have any fixed place for writing. I've been known to write poems in the bathroom, so
10. Do I have a current WIP? I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with them. All I've been writing lately are one shots.
11. I don't count, but I have over 45 drafts
12. If you're talking about fics, then there's this fic I wrote, called Alien Ardour, a few months ago. I unpublished it due to several reasons, but I honestly love it. Also, I really like my one shots Scandalous and Silenced.
13. Like in total? What's 63+48+9? And it's ongoing.
14. Loki. Duh. And death. I love writing about death :')
15. OCs if it's multichapter, reader insert (NO Y/N, PLEASE, TAKE THAT AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS POSSIBLE) if it's a one shot.
16. Repetitive question.
17. The Soul Trade. A few chapters were for aesthetics, but ok.
18. Loki. Only Loki. And uh.... Drarry. That's my fricking OTP.
19. @caffiend-queen. I love several other authors but she's always the first to come to my mind when I'm asked this question.
20. No
21. Coffee shop AU 😂 I don't even regret this
22. Idiots to lovers
23. 2 years. Fun fact: my first fic was a Drarry fic. I love it so much that it's still on Wattpad, even though I've not updated it in like a year.
24. Haven't we all?
25. Motivation? Who? What? Okay I'm kidding, I read fanfics. Seriously. Either I reread my own and edit them to sorta get back the feel of writing, or I end up reading a new fic. Smut who?
26. I was eight when I started writing, for heaven's sake. I don't remember.
27. If you're talking about fanfiction, then it's definitely @ohhhmyloki and @latent-thoughts (Tumblr won't let me tag y'all, for some reason). I used to write before I read their works but I quite literally began my journey with smut after reading their fics. And I don't think any of my fics written before that even exist anymore. But if we're talking about writing in general, then it's O Henry and Bernard Shaw. Maybe Gerald Durrell. Did I mention that I love Gerald Durrell?
28. Loki.
29. Idiotic. Messy. Freaky.
30. Um, I don't really wanna say this, but it's Just A Kiss Goodnight. It may be my most 'famous' fic, but it's definitely not the best. For one thing, I wrote it in less than a week, and I haven't edited it. And there's no fucking smut. I'm not saying that smut is necessary to make a fic good, but it doesn't have any intimacy in it. It's definitely not boring, I'll give it that, but it's childish.
31. Wtf is the difference
32. What kinda question is this
33. One shot? Depends. I can be freaky fast and write one in less than fifteen minutes, or I can take literal weeks to finish one.
34. Dude, what's the normal font in android? I have no idea. But one of my favourites is monotype corsiva, when I'm on my laptop.
35. Both.
36. I don't
37. All of my works, oof 😂 well, no. But there's this fic I've written, called Let's Get Drunk Together. And another. It's called Three Isn't A Crowd, After All. Cringy af
38. Smut. Dark poetry.
39. WHY ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS REPEATED? It's idiots to lovers, ffs
40. On Tumblr? Average is 60, I think.
41. Yes
42. Writing.
43. All the time
44. Yes
45. I can be as thirsty and smutty as I want without being judged, bless fanfiction.
47. I can do anything and everything I want. I can make a unicorn fuck a werewolf and nobody will judge me. Or maybe they will.
48. Yes- Wattpad and Ao3.
49. Google docs, word.
50. Fucking Y/N. Like, not literally fucking Y/N, but uh- I mean, I'd totally fuck my clone? But Y/N isn't me, I hate Y/N. And I hate people who just comment on your fic to promote their own fics. We write for your happiness, please at least do the courtesy of appreciating that and not disrespecting our efforts. Most of us spend nights lying awake to give you stuff to read. And also, people who just comment to say,"Update," two minutes after you've just updated. That's RUDE.
51. High school AU
52. Cock, pussy, salacious, sepulchral, pulchritudinous....... I don't have a one track mind I swear
53. Giggled. FUCKING GIGGLED. I don't understand WHY people have this tendency of writing,"she giggled," and,"he chuckled." I don't know why but GIGGLED sounds like something not EVEN a simpering schoolgirl would do. I don't giggle. Not once have I seen peeps who write GIGGLE associate GIGGLE with men, which is something that I find very disturbing and sexist. Call me biased, go on. But I might not even have been here now because I'm from THAT orthodox and sexist a family, and if they'd been any more sexist, I'd have been killed after birth, so don't even dare to come near me with a ten foot pole if you're sexist.
54. Well, yes, I think. I certainly don't hate it, or I wouldn't write.
Dang, I spent over half an hour writing that. Hope that made even an iota of sense.
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katandabbieslife · 4 years
What was the naughtiest thing you girls did as teens?
I wrote about this incident once before here as an answer to another anonymous question but did not go into a lot of detail then. Here it is again with more detail. Kat will answer when she gets time. She’s began taking over the Riding School management from her mother for the summer since Music festivals were cancelled or postponed this summer. She has been quite busy.
I was a very sexual 17 year old pixie. I'm bisexual and had been "dating" my bff since we were 14 but we also dated guys too. One day at school, this guy I liked asked me to a movie and I said yes. My parents let me date as long as I drove because they didn't want me to have to rely on someone else for a ride. My stepdad has a little family tradition where everyone in the family has a car from their birthyear. He has a '67 Mustang, My mother has a '69 Camaro SS, My Brother has a '91 Miata, and when it came time for me, I chose a '96 Eclipse. I grew up riding motorcycles with my cousins and brother so I knew the whole concept of clutch and shifting gears so I knew how to drive a stickshift.
So, the night of the date comes up and I hadn't had sex for a few weeks and I really liked this guy and had known him for years. We flirted at parties, made out a few times and I thought this date was his way of taking things further. He wasn't the first guy I'd had sex with, but from everything I knew about him, he was the biggest. I daydreamed all day about how he might want to do it, and I could feel myself getting wet. I wanted so badly to go into the bathroom and finger myself at least 4 times that day but I held off thinking it would be that much better on my date.
So, that evening, I avoid fingering myself in the bathroom as I was getting ready. I chose my outfit carefully. Mom knew I liked the guy, but she also knew we'd known each other for years and she said he always treated me like a sister. I wore a tight little pair of jeans and a hooded henley top. I grabbed my purse and head out downstairs and my mom noticed my purse was bulging a little, I told her I stuffed a hoodie in it because you know how chilly movie theaters get. She laughed and said she always freezes to death, then kissed me on the forehead and told me to have fun and I was off.
As I got to my car I reached down and unsnapped my pants and got in my car. I'm only 4'11" and at that time, I was 85lbs I think. I'm 23 now and have weighed as much as 95lbs, but I'm currently at 88lbs. Anyway, I got in the car, backed out of the driveway and headed down the street. I turned the corner and pulled over and shut my lights off. Unbuckled my seat belt and reached down to quickly shimmy out of my jeans and pull my top off. I grabbed my bag and pulled out "The Hoodie" which was actually a mini skirt and a spaghetti strap tank top. I quickly put the top on, then slid my seat all the way back pulled my feet up on the edge of the seat and slipped my skirt on real quick. I pushed my feet back into my shoes real quick, pulled the straps back up over my heels and stepped out of the car to adjust and flatten my skirt and so I could slide my seat back forward (I'm too small to do it while sitting in it.) I got back in the car and sped off down the street to the theater.
I got there, met up with my date and he smiled when I walked up. I reached out to put my arms around him and he leaned down to kiss me...on the forehead... WTF? My Mom does that? I thought ok, he's just being his shy self, maybe I need to help him a little. Don't forget, I was horny asf! We got our tickets, grabbed some candy and I got a drink, then we went in to grab some seats. We sat there and talked about school, about how our summer went, and friends until the light dims and the "turn off or silence your phones" messages, trailers, and ads started. And I reach over to hold his hand and he loosely holds mine back. Not one to be deterred, I lean over against him and pull his hand over to me and hold his hand with both of mine right on my right breast. I started Puberty at 8 years old and my breasts exploded. I was a C cup at 12 years old, one of only 2 in our school then and I stopped at C, the other girl went on to a DD at 13. We both got tons of unwanted attention. Anyway, I'm sitting there holding his hand against my breast kind of hoping he’d go for a squeeze, but nothing.
We sat there for about a half an hour and until he pulled his hand away and said he had to go to the bathroom, then got up and walked up the aisle. I had a few M&M’s and a little bit of Dr Pepper and when he got back, he sat down and tucked his hands under his legs, kind of leaning forward a little. I asked if he's ok and he said yeah and asked what he missed. I filled him in and he sat back again and got a drink. I grabbed his hand again and told him his hands were cold, and I held them close to me and told him I could warm them up and pulled his left hand over and tried to cup my tiny hands around his large hand and breathed warm air on it. It warmed up and I reached across and grabbed his other hand and did the same. I held his hand for a second and kissed it and looked up at him and dragged my lower lip up his finger and kissed the top of his hand and he smiled. After a few more minutes, I reached over to hold his hand again and just left my hand holding his and laying on his lap. Hoping to feel an erection or something to gauge his reaction and I felt it. A small soft bump in his jeans, I rocked our hands back and forth a few times over his "bump" hoping to stimulate him a little and nothing. I held his hand off and on through the rest of the movie, placed them between my bare legs if I felt them cooling down, telling him that might warm them up a little and then it happened. I felt his hand slide up my legs a little more and within a few minutes, he was rubbing the back of his finger up and down over my panties. Then, he stopped. I was disappointed that the movie was almost over and he hadn't tried anything.
My disappointment grew as I saw the credits start to creep up from the bottom of the screen, I was getting ready to stand and he grabbed my hand and held it firmly and the first thought was "Now? After the movie is over?" then I thought maybe he had something planned after the movie. I wasn't expected home until 1am and it was 11:30pm. We waited until the last few people left, then we stood and he put his arm around me and we walked out. He walked me to my car and he kissed me, firmly and passionately and I started thinking "ok, this is it!" and then he broke the kiss and told me to text him when I got home so he knew I made it home safely. I sighed and told him I would, but I had to stop at Walmart on the way home and it might be a bit. He told me to text him at 1am since he knew I had to be in by then and I agree. I got in my car and sped off through the mostly empty parking lot and head toward home.
I pulled into the Walmart parking lot right at midnight and there might have been 10 or 15 cars total and this parking lot was big enough for maybe 3 football fields side by side by side. I pulled in and got ready to get out of the car and I thought for a minute and let my hand slip between my legs, pulled my panties to the side and slid my finger up and down my wet little slit. I began pushing deeper until I was sliding down and inside, then back out and up over my clit. As I enjoyed this, I let my head fall back against the seat and my eyes drift shut before hearing a car pulling down through the parking lot. I snapped out of it, popped my fingers in my mouth to suck them clean, grabbed a wipe out of my bag and wiped my hands clean. As I opened the door and swung my legs out, still as horny as ever, had a thought. I stood up, looked around the parking lot and not seeing a single soul, slipped my hands under my skirt and slipped my panties off real quick and tossed them to the passenger side floor, grabbed my bag and shut my door. I headed inside to get some ice cream and walked through the clothes to see if they had any cute outfits. Nothing. I went to pay for my ice cream and headed back out to my car. Feeling the breeze blowing under my skirt and blowing over my wet little pussy was giving me a thrill that I had not had in a while. I'd gone through class several times, commando on dares from friends but never in public like this.
As I was getting back in the car, I slid my skirt up over my ass a little and sat down. As I started the car, I was thinking of what I was going to do to get off when I got home and I laid my hand on the gear shift and got ready to back out of the space. Then I felt it, the vibrations of the car. I had planned on teasing myself all the way home but I was already too far gone. I shifted into first gear and started to ward the exit and I saw the very far corner of the parking lot and the parking lot lights were off. I couldn't tell if anyone was parked over there until I got turned in the direction and my headlights showed no cars. I zipped over there and backed into the very corner and turned my lights off. I unbuckled my seat belt and propped my right foot up on the center console and rest the ball of my foot against the gear shift with the car still running, knowing the car wouldn't go into gear unless I pressed in the clutch. As I sat there, fingering myself in the Walmart parking lot, thinking about how I, the daughter of an attorney and the stepdaughter of a man owning 30 sporting goods stores had been driven to such a white trash activity, I noticed the vibrations of the car again. My ball of my foot felt good resting against the gear shift and was actually turning me on a little more and I stopped for a minute, and then wondered as I leaned forward and a thought hit me. I placed my hand on the gear shift and felt it. I threw my leg over the center console, moved my ass up on the little compartment where I kept lip balm, ear buds, pens, change and whatever else I could throw in there and I felt myself slide a little. I was wet and slippery. I swung my leg up in the seat, and then did the same with the other leg, so I was sitting on my legs with my knees near the front edge of the seats. I inched forward a little, looking around for any cars or people walking my way and nothing. I slid forward a little more and placed my mound against the gearshift. I felt the most incredible vibrations coming off the engine as I began to rock back and forth against it. I moved forward to put a little more pressure on it and I rose up a little to let the shifter knob slide back and forth over my pussy a few time as I reached down and rub my clit. I started getting into it more and more before I felt the shifter knob settling in a little. I was so far gone at this point; I pressed a little harder and let my weight force the gearshift knob inside me. OMG, this was incredible, I slid up and down the gear shift a few times and then the shifter knob hit that special spot inside. I dropped my left arm down to press the gas pedal with my hand to rev the engine, and in turn, rev me too. It was amazing, I was riding a huge vibrator. I made sure I wouldn't fall and hurt myself then I leaned all the way forward, crossing my arms on the dashboard and resting my forehead on them as I began to hump up and down on my gear shift. My belly pressing the radio buttons on and off since the gear shift is that close to the control panel and all I cared about is the rolling "O" that is creeping up on me and then it hit me. So hard, at first, that I thought I was going to clamp down on the gear shift and end up having to call EMS to help me, but almost as soon as I tensed up, I relaxed again and I slid upwards and off the gear shift to fall backwards and over into the passenger seat. I quickly dropped my hand to my pussy and felt the most incredible spasms taking place and I was still cumming from fucking my car.
I laid there in my seat for a few minutes, catching my breath and coming down from the "high" and I noticed the clock said 12:45am and I had to be home in 15 minutes, luckily I was maybe 6 or 7 minutes away. I yanked my tank top off, and put my “Henley” back on and began trying to wiggle my skirt off before I realized, I'd never get those jeans back on sitting in the car. I jumped out of the car, and with my door still open, let my skirt fall to the ground, standing there almost completely nude, wearing only my shirt. I leaned in, grabbed my panties and dropped my jeans on the seat, slipped my panties on real quick, grabbed my jeans and shoved my legs down inside them. I tossed my shoes on the ground, and stepped into them and reaching down to pull the straps up over my heels and across the backs of my ankles. I could still feel my panties getting wet and was afraid I'd soak through my jeans before I got home but I made it, safely and soundly. I walked in and Mom and Dad were already in bed and I went to the kitchen for a spoon and with my ice cream, headed upstairs to my bedroom. As I hit the first creaky step in the staircase, I heard my parents yell “Goodnight” from their bedroom downstairs. I stepped into my room, kicked my shoes and jeans off, then stepped across to the bathroom, that I shared with my brother for years, to pee and wipe my fluids from my inner thighs. I threw my panties in the sink to rinse them and let them dry before putting them in the laundry. I stepped out of the bathroom, into my bedroom, then pulled my shirt off and tossed it in the chair. jumped up on my bed where my big old pup Franklin was waiting to share my Ice Cream.
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fall-lightning · 5 years
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: 7 & 98
Thanks for the ask! This was fun to write! This may be a little confusing, so I’m going to make a separate post explaining it. I might continue this? Let me know if y’all think I should.
(Cursed and florist)
The creaking of his joints was constant. The stiffness that came every morning when it almost felt like every change that had been forced upon him was happening at once all over again was commonplace, something he hardly batted an eye at. The way sometimes his limbs would be hard as oak and soften up to the normal muscles and tendons he was used to a moment later, making Gon question his sanity too many times. After the curse, they were all normal parts of his life. Things he expected everyday. All of that changed when he met Killua.
Working as a florist was a good way for Gon to both push back the effects of the curse and feel slightly more at peace. Ever since the incident that had cursed him in the first place, he hadn’t been okay. He could laugh it off with his friends, and sure, he had fun but… there was always something just under the surface, a feeling that he was on the edge of a cliff and just a hair away from tipping off the edge. Being surrounded by the bright colors, the fresh and sweet smells of the various kinds of flowers, and even the sounds of the wind blowing through them, were all some of the only things that could keep him grounded. The fact that he could give himself and his unselfish care to the plants was also a bonus, pushing back the curse as much as possible.
Day 1:
Gon smiled as he walked through the garden, snipping the fully-bloomed roses as he went. The florists’ shop was open, but it was too early for many visitors to be coming. Add in that today was also not near any holidays and it pretty much guaranteed that the store wouldn’t have customers for a little bit. Just as Gon was snipping the stem of another one of his precious roses, however, he heard the quiet pinging of the bell above the door, announcing the arrival of a customer.
Gon stood up, swiping his hands together to get some of the stray dirt off of his hands. Huh, weird that there’s a customer at- he checked the time- 8:30 in the morning.
“Hey, what can I do for you!” He said as he passed through the door that separated his courtyard-style garden from the main part of the store, even before he could see the customer. When his eyes landed on the man standing there, he had to fight very hard not to lose his composure. Gon had had some attractive customers, but this guy really took the cake. His features were elegant and he stood proudly, both of which gave him the appearance of a prince. When Gon spoke, the man turned toward him, turning the full force of his slightly intimidating gaze onto him. His frosty eyes were piercing, but they didn’t seem malevolent, persay. Just on edge. Some say that eyes are the window to the soul and for the first time looking into this mans eyes, Gon could fully feel the truth behind that statement.
“Yeah. You work here?” The customer replied, voice barely tinged with suspicion.
“I own this store, actually. What were you looking for today?” He replied, deciding to brush off the fact that the other had asked such a strange question. Of course Gon worked here, he was covered in dirt and he just asked how he could help!
“I wanted flowers. It’s for someone close to me, she had a special event recently.” He shifted his eyes around the store, leaning from foot to foot. He was a mystery, and it made Gon want to crack it. The someone close to him was probably a girlfriend. Oh well, it wasn’t like Gon was actually going to make a move. He hadn’t been very into dating since- the accident. Ironic, considering that was exactly what he needed for a cure.
“Do you want any specific types of flowers, or did you have colors in mind? Or maybe you want me to choose?” Gon replied, secretly hoping the other didn’t have a specific flower in mind. Picking out and arranging the flowers was one of Gons favorite parts of the job, asides from tending for the flowers.
“Er- I hadn’t really thought of any of that.” The other man looked to the side, pointedly ignoring Gon. Gon had to fight to keep in a laugh. Geez, from regal and princely to completely embarrassed. (From beautiful to adorable, Gon couldn’t stop his brain from thinking.)
“That’s fine! Maybe you can look at samples for bouquets we have, or think of her favorite flowers? I can arrange some flowers in colors she would like, but it might take a little longer.
“Well, she likes pink. A lot.” The man snorted, smiling fondly. “And blue. And maybe… white? I can wait a little, too, that’s fine with me. I’ll just chill in the corner of the room.” He was already starting to edge towards the couch near the window.
“Okay! I’ll be about thirty minutes to an hour.” Gon turned around to get started and barely caught the other waving his hand generally in his direction as if in confirmation.
Exactly thirty-four minutes later the flowers were given, the money was handed over, and the other man left. Only when he was gone did Gon realize; Oh, I never got his name.
Day 14:
(Two weeks later)
It was another two weeks before Gon saw him again. A shorter time than he had thought, though he hadn’t expected that they would ever see each other again.
When the silver-haired man stepped into the shop for the second time, he was just as beautiful as Gon had remembered. Eyes still looking around critically, just like the last time, but they were a little softer. No longer quite… suspicious and more just what looked like a habitual sweep of his surroundings.
“Oh, hey.” Gon said as he leaned forward onto the front counter. He knew he was grinning foolishly right now but he didn’t really care. “Back so soon?” He spoke like they were friends and not just two strangers who met two weeks ago during an exchange of flowers. The other didn’t seem to mind, just snorting air out of his nose quietly.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He meandered over to a yellow flower to lean in and smell it. Gon burst out into laughter as the other gagged and leaned back, coughing. “What the hell is that?”
“(Smelly flower name).”
“That sounds as disgusting as it smells, great.” The customer rolled his eyes, but his lips were twitched up at the side just barely.
“What’s your name?” Gon blurted out, hardly thinking about how far off topic the question was.
“Killua. And you’re Gon.” The stranger- Killua- said. Hold on- how did Killua know his- “Nametag.” What? The confusion must have shown on Gons face, because Killua quirked an eyebrow and smiled with way too much amusement. “You looked confused. You have a nametag. It says your name.” He explained as if he were talking to a child, which with the amounts of thinking skills Gon was showing right now, wasn’t that offensive.
“Oh, right. I… guess I forgot.” He brought up a hand to rub at the back of his neck. Killua just let out a quiet hum of acknowledgement before growing back to walking around the store. “Are you looking for anything specific?” Gon asked tentatively, peeking around a large leafy green plant situated in between himself and his only customer.
“Do you know anything about flower languages?” Killua glanced up from the fuschia plant he was currently admiring, seemingly ignoring Gons inquiry.
“Well, I am a florist so I would hope so.” Gon snorted. Killua looked embarrassed for the first time since Gon had met him, ears turning pink as he turned away from Gon pointedly, pretending to be very interested in a nearby flower arrangement.
“Uh, right. Um, do you know of flowers that mean pride, uh, love, and acceptance? Preferably in pink, white, and blue.” He looked up at the ceiling as if in deep thought and Gon took the opportunity to admire his gorgeous facial features. (Jawlines that sharp were bad for Gons health.)
Gon thought for a second. Flower, flower, and… flower. Beautiful and got the point across.
“Alright, I can definitely do that. You want to wait in here or do you want me to call or text you when it’s ready?” Gon offered, which was… different from how he normally dealt with customers, but he kind of wanted Killuas number.
“I have to do something, so you can text me. I’ll pick it up as soon as I can. Do you have a pen for me to write my number?” Score. Now Gon had Killuas money and his phone number, all he really wanted from a person.
Killua wrote down his number and left the shop, waving a lazy goodbye to Gon, before beginning to practically run down the sidewalk. Gon stood behind the counter for a second more, looking at Killuas phone number (he was a little too attached to a taken person) and eventually began to head to the back to collect the flowers he would need.
Forty-five frustrating minutes of trying to arrange the flowers perfectly later, Gon was finally satisfied, and he brought out his phone to text Killua. Before he could even type out a “hi” his hand seized up and sent Gon into agony. He glared down at the offending hand to see the hand nearly completely turned to a wood of some kind, he would guess oak. Gon hardly noticed the phone slip from his grasp until it landed on the floor, thudding dully. Gon tried to flex his hand, to curl it into a fist, to move his wrist, do to anything, but he found his hand unable to move.
What felt like minutes but was more likely about thirty seconds later, his hand began to be able to move and the wood softened into flesh and muscle. With the pain gone, Gon could think straight. The curse. It was getting worse. He probably only had a year left before he turned completely into oak.
With shaky fingers, Gon reached down and picked his phone off the ground, cautiously inspecting it for damage. After deeming it uninjured he opened it up and started to continue his text to Killua. It’s okay. He was going to be fine. He just had to go water the flowers out back and he would be fine. He had time.
Hey, this is Gon, the florist. Your floral arrangement is ready for pick up.
That sounds way too formal. Gon thought, and considered for a moment before adding a smiley face emoji. There. Professional but not threateningly so. He didn’t hesitate in hitting send.
It didn’t take Killua very long to get there, arriving ten minutes after the text was sent. Gon choked in a gasp when he saw the newest addition, a piercing in each ear. He had simple black studs in, but they stood out shockingly against the red ear.
“Here. Flowers. For you. That you ordered.” Go stuttered out in an uncharacteristic moment of shyness.
“Thanks.” Killua took the bouquet with a smile and brought the flowers to his nose to smell. It was a small move, but it was so cute. How could someone look so good doing something so normal?
“I like your piercing.” Gon said, gesturing at Killuas ears. Killuas eyes brightened.
“Thanks! I’ve been wanting one for a while, it will really annoy my parents. Or make them happier. Either one I’m fine with.” He shrugged. Gon grinned, heart feeling light. Killua turned to leave and Gons smile started to dip. Killua stopped abruptly and half turned towards Gon. “You have my number so, uh, you can text me sometime. If you want.” He pointedly didn’t look at Gon after the statement was out of his mouth and he turned towards the door, practically sprinting out.
Gon hadn’t felt this light, this happy, since the curse had been forced upon him. It gave him a feeling of hope. Maybe… maybe Killua was special. Maybe he could be the key to breaking the curse.
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merry-kuroo · 4 years
The Last Embers - A MHA Fic - Chapter Two
Hello. This is my first MHA fanfic and its a AU. I hope y’all like it (or not. that’s cool too.) This is based off a idea I wrote about for my Intro to Creative Writing class almost four years ago and I thought it would be cool to apply this to MHA.
Summary:  Less people in the world are being born with Quirks and those that have  Quirks begin to lose them between the ages of 25-30. This has caused the  decline of Pro Heroes and Villains. Those that graduated from Class A  at U.A. have turned 25 and are beginning to witness the decline of their  Quirks. How will they cope and how will it affect their relationships?  Meanwhile, Izuku searches for the next successor of One For All, even  when he's told its pointless...
Chapter Two: Love Like This; Kirishima and Kaminari Part II
Chapter Summary: Kirishima and Kaminari talk about the loss of their Quirks and their relationship. What happened three years ago, and can Kirishima be upfront with Kaminari about his true feelings?
Read it on AO3 too...There’s some notes on the AU as well
June, 3 years ago
They discovered Lulu’s Cafe during their third year at U.A. Kirishima had been busy at Fat Gum’s Agency and once they were done, Amajiki wanted to show him new parts of the surrounding area. They walked around the neighborhood until they came across the cafe. It was nice, quiet, and the food was to die for. After Amajiki went home, Kirishima went into the cafe and ordered curry.
Kaminari texted and asked him when he was coming back to the dorms, and Kirishima told him where he was at. Twenty minutes later, Kaminari had walked in and ordered the same type of spicy curry as Kirishima. So, on days when Kirishima was busy and couldn’t come back to the dorm, Kaminari was always there to greet him at Lulu’s Cafe. This routine continued until they were twenty-two.
When Kirishima invited Kaminari to dinner with him, he had done it under the pretense of telling him about how he signed with Amajiki's Pro Hero agency...and his feelings.
His feelings for Kaminari started out small. During their first year, Kirishima noticed his face always got warm when he talked to Kaminari, then he got a few butterflies every now and again. Training with Kaminari. Eating lunch with Kaminari. Playing video games in the dorms with Kaminari. Everything Kirishima did with him brought him so much joy.
It wasn't until the beginning of their third year that Kirishima realized he was in love with Kaminari. It wasn't puppy love or a fleeting crush. Kirishima couldn't imagine life without him, and he knew he needed to tell him. Except he didn’t tell him in high school. He thought it was best to wait until they were adults.
So, Kirishima waited for him to show up. He was bouncing his leg up and down nervously. It was entirely unmanly. He had ordered Kaminari's favorite drink, an ice tea. Kaminari wasn't usually late to their meetups (Kirishima couldn't call it a date).
"Hey," Kaminari slid into the booth. Dark bags were sitting under his eyes. His face was puffy and red, like he had been crying for hours.
"Is something wrong?" Kirishima asked.
"No, no. Everything is fine." Kaminari smiled. "Tell me what's up."
"Well, Amajiki-senpai is opening up his own hero agency, and he asked me to join him." Kirishima said.
Kaminari was quiet for a moment, and he took a long sip of his ice tea. Kirishima was expecting a jovial response, and it was unusual for Kaminari to be this quiet.
"Okay, now you have to tell me what's wrong," Kirishima said.
"I lost my Quirk," Kaminari said quietly. So quiet, Kirishima was almost sure he hadn't heard him.
"W-what?" Kirishima said. "But you're not 25 yet. How is that possible?"
"I don't know." Kaminari put his head in his hands.
"It'll be alright. I'll help you." Kirishima smiled. He desperately wished he could provide more comfort for his best friend.
He got the sense that Kaminari didn’t want to be at the cafe anymore, so he paid for their drinks, and the two of them walked outside. Summer had just arrived, bringing with it an intense humidity. There was no one else on this street except for them. Kirishima scrambled with what to say, and how to keep Kaminari with him.
“Kirishima,” Kaminari said. He turned towards him, and the sorrow in his eyes was almost too unbearable for Kirishima to bear. “I’m leaving.”
“Leaving? Where are you going?”
“Well,” Kaminari shifted his feet. “Jirou was with me when I realized I lost my Quirk. So we talked and we are going to move to Yoru City. Jirou is opening up a music store in that area and she wants me to help her run it, and also give guitar lessons as well. I’ve improved a lot over the last few years. Anyway, it’ll give me something to do and--”
“Why?” Kirishima asked. “You don’t have to leave.”
He smiled sadly. “I feel like I do. There is no place for me in this city of Pro Heroes. I want to start over.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to move so far away!” Kirishima cried. “What about Bakugou and Ashido?” He stepped forward. “What about me? You’re leaving me too.”
“We can stay in contact. It's not like we’re going to stop being friends, Kirishima.”
“You know we’re more than friends, Kaminari,” Kirishima said, his words were heavy on his heart. He didn’t know if Kaminari would find them true, but they were Kirishima’s truth. “Don’t run away from that. Don’t run away from me. Don’t use Jirou like that.”
Kaminari narrowed his eyes. “I’m not using Jirou. She’s my friend and she’s been really supportive.”
“Then let me support you too! Don’t just pick up and move just because you lost your Quirk. Face everyone and tell them you lost your Quirk. Look, it's going to happen to all of us. It's inevitable. No one is going to treat you differently just because you lost your Quirk a few years before you were supposed too!”
Kirishima reached out and took hold of Kaminari’s hand. Kirishima missed the jolt of electricity that would run through him whenever they touched. “Please, don’t choose her over me.”
The two men were quiet for some time. A hot wind blew past them. Kirishima looked up at Kaminari. When had he gotten so tall?
“You look at me with so much pity, Kirishima,” Kaminari said. His voice sounded strained, as if it was an effort to get the words out. “That’s the difference between you two. Jirou still looks at me the same. You--” Kaminari took his hand out of Kirishima’s. “I’m sorry, Kirishima.” Kaminari hugged him, but before Kirishima could even process what had just happened, he pulled away.
Kirishima said nothing as Kaminari made his way down the moonlit street, knowing that no matter what he said, it would not stop Kaminari from leaving him nor would it provide him with comfort.
---- --
 December 14, Present Day
The waiter placed two plates of curry on the table. Kaminari’s eyes lit up. “Wow, that smells so good! I’ve missed the curry that’s served here.”
 Maybe you shouldn’t have left…
Kirishima didn’t respond, and began to eat. He and Kaminari had talked a bit about their respective lives. Kirishima told him about his plans to become a firefighter, and he even told a few stories about his work as a Pro Hero. Kaminari talked about how he and Jirou’s music store was sponsoring a big music festival in March, and that several of his students were participating.
It felt nice to catch up, but Kirishima didn’t really want to talk to Kaminari about his former Pro Hero life. He finally understood how Kaminari must have felt that day when he told him that he was joining Amajiki’s agency. Three years later and the two of them were both Quirkless.
When they finished eating their curry, Kirishima asked him how he dealt with being Quirkless. “I feel like I’m going crazy. I was so used to using it everyday. It feels weird now that it’s gone.” He explained.
“Yeah. You feel empty, right?” Kaminari said.
“That’s one way to describe it. Yeah, I feel empty. Sometimes my heart feels heavy too,” Kirishima admitted.
Kaminari nodded. “I get that. You should just take some time for yourself. Find a hobby or a new TV show to binge watch.”
Or I can just skip town and ignore my best friend’s messages! Kirishima bit back his retort and just nodded along to what his friend was saying. But Kaminari knew him better than that.
“I know what you’re thinking. No, you shouldn’t skip town like me,” Kaminari laughed. “That...that was a rash decision.”
“I should’ve talked to you.”
“That would have been nice.”
Before the silence could drag on any longer, Kaminari’s phone buzzed. He checked it and then he sighed.
“Jirou is staying in a hotel.”
“Okay, which one? I can give you directions.”
Kaminari shook his head. “No. I’m not staying with her. I was actually hoping I could hang at your place.”
“Why wouldn’t you want to spend the night with your girlfriend?” Kirishima asked.
“What?” Kaminari’s face turned red. “No, she’s not my girlfriend. I told you she’s just a friend.”
"I believe you. I'm sorry, Kaminari. I'm being petty. But that isn't right. I'm still hurting from the loss of my Quirk. I won't take it out on you."
Kaminari gave him a small, sad smile. "And I should've been kinder to you three years ago. I'm sorry, Kirishima. I'll work hard for your forgiveness."
"You don't have to work--"
"No. You let me know your true feelings and I brushed them aside because I was hurting due to the loss of my Quirk. I should've responded to your feelings and I didn't. For that, I'm sorry."
Kirishima couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kaminari wanted to earn his forgiveness. He was finally going to receive an answer to his confession. He swallowed. "And what is your answer? To my feelings."
Kaminari gave him an award winning smile. “I love you, Kirishima.”
The words didn’t have the impact Kirishima thought they would. He dreamed of Kaminari returning his feelings, but something about this didn’t feel right. His heart wasn't pounding, and there were no butterflies in his stomach. It didn't mean that he loved Kaminari any less, however. Maybe it's the timing...
He was silent as Kaminari paid their bill, and they stepped out into the crisp night air. The two men walked the same path they had walked three years. Kirishima stopped walking, and Kaminari turned towards him. “Did I freak you out?” He asked in a small voice.
Kirishima shook his head. “I’m happy, but maybe establishing a relationship so soon is not the best idea.” He tried to gauge Kaminari’s reaction. He looked disappointed. That was a good sign.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’ve loved you since high school and hearing you return my feelings is a dream come true. But right now, I need to adjust to my new life. You needed time to adjust too, I realize that now. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want a relationship with you. I’m just asking you to wait,” Kirishima explained.
“Of course. I’ll wait for you.” Kaminari blushed. “And we can continue to work things out.”
“We can see each other on weekends,” Kirishima suggested. “Yoru City is only two hours by train, right?”
“Yeah, but I’ll be visiting you. You need to focus on your new career path. I’ll support you no matter what.” Kaminari grabbed Kirishima’s hand, and squeezed. He still missed the little jolt of electricity that came from Kaminari, but the warmth from him was a nice sensation too.
They stood like that for a while; on the sidewalk, grinning like idiots while snow flurries landed on their clothes. Kirishima was the first one to take a step forward, keeping Kaminari’s hand in his.
He was happy things seemed to be working out, but he knew that working on his new relationship with Kaminari would be hard at times. They had both changed in the last three years, and it would take some time to get to know each other again.
But if Kirishima could have more moments like these, where all felt right in the world because he was with Kaminari, then a love like this would be worth it.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 48
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 - Pt 33 - Pt 34 - Pt 35 - Pt 36 - Pt 37 - Pt 38 - Pt 39 - Pt 40 - Pt 41 - Pt 42 - Pt 43 - Pt 44 - Pt 45 - Pt 46 - Pt 47 -
After the class Harry hurried off to the common room with the others behind him including Neville, who was rushing to keep up. “Harry, are you sure?”
“I saw it. It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the door I've been dreaming about. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time, in the Department of Mysteries.”
Hermione, “Harry, please, just listen. What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?”
“What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die?” Hermione tried to grab him only to have him turn pulling his arm away, “Hermione, he's part of the only family I've got left.”
Ron, “What do we do?”
Neville nervously watched as Harry said, “We'll have to use the Floo Network.”
Draco, “Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance.”
Draco, “Not all of them.”
Up to her office they hurried and charmed open her door, “Alohomora.”
Harry, “Alert the Order if you can.”
Neville, “Are you mental? We're going with you.”
Harry, “It's too dangerous.”
Ron, “When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together.”
Umbridge behind them entered saying, “That you are.”
Crabbe entered with Luna and Ginny in his hold, “Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl.”
Umbridge shoved Harry into the chair, “You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?”
Harry, “No.”
In a firm slap the mouths of the students fell open at her striking him on the cheek, “Liar.”
With narrowed eyes Snape entered lowly humming, “You sent for me, headmistress?”
Umbridge, “Snape, yes. The time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?”
Snape shook his head, “I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Edgecomb. Unless you wish to poison him... And I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did. I cannot help you.”
In his turn to join Barty down the hall to come up with a diversion he froze hearing, “He's got Padfoot.” Looking at Harry the teen continued at his stiffening, “He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden.” A burning of a charm in his pocket on his thigh signaled the Order was assembling and he inhaled narrowing his eyes praying you weren’t there.
Umbridge, “Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?”
Shaking his head Snape flatly said after a glance at the other students, “No idea.” Then turned promptly to go find Barty to try and get into contact with you and the others.
Umbridge, “Very well. You give me no choice, Potter. As this is an issue of Ministry security... you leave me with... no alternative. The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue.”
Hermione, “That's illegal.”
Umbridge, “What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him.”
Neville scoffed, “We all know the hex on you, what’ll you do, fire ducks at him till he talks?”
Umbridge turned and grabbed the neck of Harry’s shirt pinning him back making him gasp for air at the shock of it, Hermione afraid for what she would stoop to shouted, “Tell her, Harry!”
Umbridge, “Tell me what?”
The room all looked at her, “Well, if you won't tell her where it is...I will.”
Umbridge, “Where what is?”
Hermione, “Dumbledore's secret weapon.”
She smirked tugging Harry from the chair and motioned for Hermione to come with her. Out the castle and straight to the forest she followed the duo huffing about the mud growing on her pink pumps by the minute. “How much further?”
Hermione, “Not far. It had to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally.”
Harry, “What are you doing?”
To which she whispered back, “Improvising.”
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In the empty clearing where Grawp is usually kept the teens circled wetting their lips anxiously wondering where he went to, “Well? Where is this weapon? There isn't one, is there? You were trying to trick me.” In a defeated tone she continued on, “You know...I really hate children.”
The snap of a branch had them turn around and had her wand extended up at the band of centaurs Harry nodded his head to remembering your sharing a sign of respect if they had ever crossed paths with the herd, to which Bane returned a nod. 
Umbridge however stated in Hermione’s flinch of a nod at Harry’s miming, “You have no business here, centaur. This is a Ministry matter. Lower your weapons.” An arrow was notched and she added, “I warn you, under the law, as creatures of near-human intelligence...” The arrow was fired and she ducked behind Harry, who muttered, “Protego.” Shielding the pair of them.
Behind him she cried out, “How dare you? Filthy half-breed. Incarcerous.” Instead of firing a rope off the herd halted seeing the duck shoot out of her wand making the teens roll their eyes.
The herd circled them all and Hermione spotted Grawp approaching who picked up Umbridge at her tight grip on Hermione’s arm, “Please. Please stop it. Please.”
Umbridge shouted at an arrow being fired at her ankle, “Now, enough. I will have order. You filthy animal. Do you know who I am?”
Reaching up Hermione tapped Bane’s elbow drawing his eyes to her, “Leave Grawp alone. It's not his fault. Please. No, he doesn't understand.”
Bane nodded and shouted in Giantish making Grawp set Umbridge down in their reach to be lifted by two of them, “Potter, do something. Tell them I mean no harm.”
They began turning to run off while Bane awaited his answer, “I'm sorry, Professor. But I must not tell lies.” Bane smirked and gave the order to carry her off.
Umbridge, “What are you doing? I am Senior Undersecretary Dolores Jane Umbridge. Let me go!”
Hermione peered up with a grin, “Thank you, Grawp.” The giant nodded and strolled off back to his bed to sit down.
Harry patted her arm, “Hermione. Hermione, Sirius.”
Out on the edges of the forest Harry asked the rest of the DA, “How'd you get away?”
Ginny, “Puking Pastilles. It wasn't pretty.”
Ron, “Told them I was hungry, wanted some sweets. They told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves.”
Hermione, “That was clever, Ron.”
Ron, “Has been known to happen.”
Ginny, “It was brilliant.”
Neville, “So how are we getting to London?”
Harry, “Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you...but I've got you into enough trouble as it is.”
Neville, “Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real. Or was that all just words to you? I wrote to Jaqi and she’s not answering, she never ignores a call.”
Ron, “Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, mate.”
Draco, “So how are we going to get to London?”
Luna smirked, “We fly, of course.”
Hours you had been sitting and after a stolen trip to the toilet each in pairs you returned to watch without a sign of anything until you got word from Neville about Harry’s dream not long before one from Snape confirming what Neville had assumed. In a note to Percy you a confirmation that Sirius and Remus were safe though a distant door opened and again you stood readying your wands.
Draco, “Department of Mysteries.”
Harry, “This is it.”
Softly in latin you muttered, “Honestly, are we going to have to break his legs to keep him safe?” soft chortles sounded around you and you heard them coming closer.
Harry, “Ninety-two. Ninety-three. Ninety-four. Ninety-five.” Looking at the floor where he’d seen Sirius kneeling he muttered, “He should be here.”
Moving closer Hermione spotted you in the drop of the mirror charm moving your hands at your side in a silent question of why they were there, “Harry.”
He looked up and asked, “Jaqi? Fred, George, Regulus, what are you doing here?”
Moving closer you said, “Trying to make sure you didn’t come here. You tiny terror you.”
“But, Sirius-,”
You nodded, “Not Dad Harry. Dad’s at home.”
Harry shook his head, “But, he, I-,”
Neville’s head turned and he tapped Harry’s shoulder, “It's got your name on it.”
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In a whisper as he claimed the orb the prophecy spoke, ‘The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal... but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives.’
Lowering the orb his eyes turned to you as you shifted with Regulus and the twins to circle the younger students blocking them at the arrival of a Death Eater masked who strolled closer to you.
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Lucius’ voice sounded out turning your head, “You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams... and reality. You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy.” His brows rising in a hopefully convincing gesture making Draco nudge his arm Harry shook off.
Harry, “If you do anything to us, I'll break it.”
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Narrowing your eyes a familiar face appeared and you subtly drew your wand in Bellatrix’ approach signaling you to tap Neville’s wand holding arm to remain still, “He knows how to play. Itty, bitty baby. Potter.”
Neville, “Bellatrix Lestrange.”
Her eyes locked on you with a taunting smirk then back to him, “Neville Longbottom, is it? How's Mum and Dad?” Twitching her fingers around the handle of her wand reading to fire a curse at you both.
Neville, “Better, now they're about to be avenged.”
Your hand rose up to shove his arm back down with a circle of your wand over you reducing her curse to a pink mist falling to the floor, Lucius stepped between you and Bellatrix raising his hand, “Now, let's everybody just calm down...shall we? All we want is that prophecy.”
Harry, “Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?”
Bellatrix raised her wand again shouting making Lucius turn gripping her arm to lower it in a low growl, “You dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood!”
Lucius lowly growled, “Shut, up!” Turning around he glanced at you with an exasperated sigh then looked to Harry who inched closer to your side while Neville glared at Bellatrix still, “It's all right. He's just a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven't you always wondered... the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you... when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do... is give it to me. Then I can show you everything.”
Harry softly muttered, “I've waited 14 years.”
Lucius nodded, “I know.” Extending his hand palm up.
Harry quickly stated, “I guess I can wait a little longer.” After a roll of your eyes Lucius gave you a nod and locked eyes with his son in a try to give him courage to send a hex their way, stepping back readying for an attack, “Now. Stupefy.”
The other teens around you raised their wands at the other Death Eaters around you shouting, “Stupefy.”
One Death Eater shouted back, “Levicorpus.”
To which Neville blocked silently to shield you both firing back, “Petrificus Totalus.”
Regulus patted his back in the drop of the Death Eater’s body loudly to the ground, “Well done, Neville.”
After a series of blocking spells you all eyed the swarming group of Death Eaters at which Ginny aimed her wand at shouting, “Reducto.”
Softly you stated, “Wrong spell.”
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Ginny looked at you as your hand gripped her arm in a mental rubbering spell to keep the prophecies in tact to bounce around then settle and you back stepped into Draco’s chest, “What?”
Pushing her along you said, “Run, now!”
At the sight of the collapsing shelves sending glass balls raining down to the floor all the teens joined you in sprinting at George saying, “Get back to the door.”
The door swung open at Fred’s charm and you all, even against your tries to stop, fell through the door into the seemingly bottomless hall attached and came to a sudden hovering stop inches from the ground. A final small drop and you sighed at being on the ground again. Clambering to your feet you eyed the roughly carved octagonal hall around a lone archway with a silvery veil fluttering inside it serenely luring you closer with the soft whispers coming through it.
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Ron stood up saying, “Department of Mysteries.”
Barely audible you heard your name being called before a soft whisper saying, “I am here.” Your eyes narrowed as you inched closer.
Ron, “They got that bit right, didn't they?”
Harry, “The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?”
Hermione, “There aren't any voices, Harry.”
Ron, “Let's get out of here.”
Luna, “I hear them too.”
Hermione, “Harry, it's just an empty archway.”
Shaking your head as Regulus gripped your belt loop keeping you from walking through it if you were in a trance you said, “No, it’s a doorway.”
Draco, “To where?”
The voice spoke again, “Not yet. Balance the scales. Trust. Hope. Love.” Stepping back you said, “Somewhere we can’t go yet.”
Dark plumes of smoke circled the room with Bellatrix’s cackle echoing around the room landing around you as you circled up again looking at the others with Bellatrix landing opposite you raising her wand.
Plumes of light entered next in the first flash of spells you answered with another circle of your wand pushing back the Death Eaters with a rebounding curse dissipating theirs. The Aurors lined up with you blocking the teens as best they could with Sirius tugging Harry away from Lucius, who gave Sirius a nod for a good show of a duel. “Please, Harry. Get behind me.”
Bellatrix strolled closer to you, “Did you actually believe...or were you truly naive enough to think... that children stood a chance against us?”
Lucius extended his hand again, “I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now...or watch your friends die.” His eyes locked with Sirius who readied his own stance.
Sirius brushed Harry more behind him, “Don't give it to him, Harry.” In Lucius’ step closer Sirius lowered his wand and in Lucius’ inhale he drew his fist back and punched him knocking Lucius out of the way so he could fire at Rudolphus behind him sneaking up on Neville, “Get away from my godson.”
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Sirius pulled Harry back behind a band of rocks, after his having thrown the prophecy at the ground smashing it, saying while you rebuffed another of Bellatrix’ curses and fired another at Rudolphus in his try to raise his wand at Neville, “Now, listen to me. Take the others and get out of here.”
Harry, “What? No, I'm staying with you.”
Sirius, “You've done beautifully. Now, let me take it from here.”
Rudolphus stepped forward shooting a curse luring Sirius and Harry out, “Black.”
Lucius lined up beside Rudolphus and Harry fired off a spell, “Expelliarmus!”
Rudolphus lost his wand and Sirius rebounded Lucius’ curse at Rudolphus sending him off into the distance, “Nice one, James.”
After a third blast of your wand slamming Bellatrix into the wall she soared off into a plume of smoke you followed with your eyes blocking her from trying to attack Neville leading to her landing on the side firing off a green blast at Sirius, “Avada Kedavra.” Sending him back through the silver archway vanishing from sight.
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Harry was instantly grabbed by Remus in her smirking backwards strut as he cried out, “No. No.”
Her smirk died at her noticing your body wreathed in sparks and eyes glowing in your sharp inhale making her turn and run through the hall behind her, behind you in your sprint after her Remus cried out, “It was a Ghoul Jaqi! It was a Ghoul!” Harry froze in confusion as did the others but in the Peruvian instant darkness clump you threw behind you none moved until the twins managed to mutter the counter spell to allow them all after you.
“I killed Sirius Black. You coming to get me?”
Four halls later and in the main hall a ripple of the tiles under Bellatrix’ feet managed to trip her up enough for you to rush behind her slamming into her back sending you both into a sideways flip at the planting of your foot in a drop to your knee. Tightly your hand fisted in her hair and you her head slammed harshly into the ground bloodying her cheek and nose at the splitting tiles under her. Echoes traveled the hall your eyes darkened to purple hearing Remus with the other Death Eaters having fled, “Ghoul!”
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A jolt of a red curse to your torso sent you flying onto your back allowing her to scramble to her feet in an unsteady stagger trying to get away from your reach. Panting you rolled over and climbed to your knees peering at her through your curls with a giggle, “Aww, Auntie Bella, what happened, no hug? First time we’ve met. Come on.” On your feet you said, “Come closer.”
At her stepping back again your smirk deepened in a weak chuckle and you blocked her next curse, “You are not my family! Pathetic halfblood!” Her wand swished and you winced at her next Cruciatic curse lowering you to your knees.
When she released it you chuckled, “Halfblood?” Her head nodded with brows raised and you rose, “Guess they don’t get the news that quick out in Azkaban. Surprised uncle hasn’t told you yet.” Stepping closer to her you said, “My Mum is Voldemort’s cousin.”
Her face dropped and she shook her head, “Lying! You’re lying!”
A swish of her wand and you aparated to avoid the golden bench she hurled at you making her twist around then fall heavily at your left hook when she turned to find you behind her, “Ask him.”
In a swish of your wand you stated in Latin, “Rubber,” then aimed your wand at her, “Glue” sending her curse back at her making her cry out in a drop to her knees. In a glance to your right you spotted Harry appear in the hallway you had exited distracting you from her. Suddenly a sharp jolt landed in your side dropping you to the ground in another muffled shout and a bolt of red light burning another scar into your skin making the teens and Aurors group up behind your mirrored barrier blocking them in the hall.
“I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK! AND YOU ARE A WORTHLESS DIRTY BLOOD LIAR!!” In a trembling rise to your knees your eyes narrowed at her and before she could raise up or step away you lunged forward. Tackling her with hard punch to her face making Hermione gasp covering her mouth to remain quiet at the next three jolts of faltering red light you kept punching her through as she continued her shouts, “He’s, Dead!!” Another jolt of red light came and she struggled to get out from under your body pinning her down, “Orphan! Halfblood! LIAR!” Another punch came down and through her bloody cough she jammed her wand in your side, “Impirius!”
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In a jolt of yellow light you grit your teeth as she tossed you off her to slide into the wall in her stagger to her feet again. With a harsh cough she straightened up in a teasing tilt of her chin as the gashes on her face bled, “Filthy, halfblood, liar!” 
Again your body found its feet and you charged over for her making her backtrack into the path of the lit fireplace freeing Riddle inside making the group gasp seeing you still heading for her. An enamored smile came from her in a tilting sway of her body to avoid his path using him as a shield. Only in his eyes raking over you halting on the clear bleeding wounds on your middle and arms he missed the rise of your arm in a firm back hand across his cheek making the rest of the group cover their mouths at Riddle’s suddenly raised wand. Him and Bellatrix missing Dumbledore’s entrance entirely as he lifted you from the ground with a snarl at the burn in his pinking cheek.
Off to the side Neville pocketed the picture from the camera that had been following you from home still capturing stills of your battles and reactions candidly as it was enchanted to when your family got together in big groups.
Narrowly Riddle’s eyes looked over your face more hurt and confused than furious with you pulling you a bit closer to ask why you had struck him only to lower you as Bellatrix taunted again, “Orphan, Halfblood, liar!”
In relief you coughed as your free hand rose to your neck Riddle turned to Bellatrix, “What did you say?”
She pointed her wand at you which he flicked her wand away making her smirk drop, “That lying little child said her filthy mudblood mother was a relation of yours.”
Riddle flatly replied, “Yes, my cousin.” Her mouth fell open in a glance at you catching your thumb swiping off your chin in a subtle ‘screw you’ then she looked at him again back stepping as he said, “You mentioned something about, orphan?”
Timidly she repeated, “I, killed, Si-,”
Riddle shook his head and held her in place with a curse turning to draw her back between you both in his step aside while you noticed Albus behind his own mirroring charm “Now, if you are breathing when she is done with you, we will be discussing a few ground rules.” His hold on her dropped and she eyed you, “Raise your wand Bellatrix!”
Softly you stated, “Let me make this perfectly clear. Never touch the Longbottoms or my father again.”
Her eyes narrowed raising her own wand as you raised yours, shaking her head she said, “But, I-,”
You shook your head, “No, you didn’t.” A blast of orange light exploded from your wand sending her flying into one of the fireplaces where she slammed hard into the back of it then collapsed to her knees after a slide down the wall vanishing to the hidden manor making your head turn to Riddle, who instantly fired a holding charm on you.
“Now that your anger is sated,” he floated you closer, “Now that I have been patient with your anger you will repay that kindness with another, and you will tell me what the prophecy is.”
Struggling to breathe you hovered there and he started, “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ...” After reciting what he knew so far he demanded, “What power?”
“It doesn’t say.”
Tighter he gripped your neck making those behind your barrier struggle to remain quiet, “Then what does it say?!”
In a weak whisper you replied while Remus covered Harry’s mouth noticing him ready to shout, “and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ...”
“That can’t be all.” His grip tightened and he pulled you closer, “Show me! If that is-,”
At your eyes flashing silver his did as well making Remus mumble in latin, “She just, so quickly, broke into his mind.”
Regulus leaned over to whisper, “I told you.”
The longer you shared of the memory the more your scar darkened starting to drip black ooze making Ginny ask, “What’s happening to her face?”
Sirius’ fists clenched, “Hold on Pumpkin. Hold on.”
Suddenly you gasped breaking the bond when the left side of your face was drenched with the ooze and his eyes narrowed and in a turn of his head your barrier flickered allowing Harry through before it shot up again in your calming breaths on your back when Riddle dropped you. Instantly from his confused glance at the liquid on your face Riddle turned to face Harry while you slid backwards out of his sight up against the wall where you trembled in your shift onto your knees.
Harry, “So much for a weapon, huh?” Softly you whimpered lowering your head to wipe your face on the bottom of your blood stained tank top.
Riddle answered, “Do you even understand what it means, Potter?” Stepping closer, “What it truly means, for you?”
Forcing yourself to your feet you sheathed your wand, extending your hand towards Dumbledore it folded around the Elder wand that flew towards you in your full body morph into Dumbledore as you triggered another fireplace behind you to light up mocking his arrival.
Firmly in his voice you stated, “It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way.”
Riddle turned as you flicked the wand sideways casting Harry aside near Dumbledore, who inched closer to your barrier he wandlessly strengthened in what he sensed as the waning of your strength.
Riddle, “By which time I shall be gone, and you... shall be dead.” A jut of his wand cast out a blue beam of light bubbling and dripping in its meeting your red and white one easily growing stronger over his making his smirk flinch at the sea of lightning bolts shooting off around you, “You've lost, old man.”
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In a move from Harry to jolt up again Riddle used your move to brush him back again to withdraw his attack to breathe a ball of flame he flung out with his wand creating a flaming snake. Motionless in your eyeing the rising snake Riddle took that as a reason to smirk until you gave the wand a flick. From its belly outwards it rippled into ice while you avoided its attack in a step to your right trapping Riddle in a ball of water from the fountains that dropped to the ground at Harry’s jump to his feet again.
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A grip of his shoulder and a shove had him sliding across the floor behind the golden centaur you brought to life to guard and hold him back while you turned to face Riddle. Without a pause dissipating the shadow curse he sent at you with a rippling wall of light drawing a stunned gasp from him when it washed over him healing his blistering cheek from your slap.
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Narrowing his gaze his arms shot up for an explosion making the entire wall of glass behind him shatter to send at you and Harry both that turned to dust against your protective bubble. In a ripple of dust his body faded making you turn only to see Harry drop at a swirl of dust circling up around him. On the ground his normally emerald eyes glowed in a bright blue bringing you over to him at the retraction of the golden centaur.
Riddle, “Harry. So weak. So vulnerable.”
In his mingled visions Riddle was stirring up Harry’s eyes locked on yours, “Look at me. Harry, it isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not.”
Riddle feeling his control fading, “Harry?”
Harry winced back, “You're the weak one...and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.”
At that you fired a familiar silver spell mentally muttering, “Apstraho!” casting Riddle in a harsh explosion of light into the wall behind him rippling out of Harry, who you stepped over as the light dimmed.
Riddle, panting on his finding feet stated, “You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything.” His eyes rose to land on you before you could raise your wand holding you up by your neck, “Starting with you.”
In a swipe of his hand Dumbledore drew Harry’s dropped wand to himself at the fall of your barrier seeing your reappearing scar bleeding the black ooze again and he raised it in the ripple of your disguise falling at the lighting of the fireplaces on your right bringing Fudge and a series of Wizengamot Aurors into clear view. 
All at once their expressions dropped as another picture of you was captured, in a turn of your head Riddle’s eyes widened seeing you in his grip making him look to where he had left you finding it empty. Dumbledore’s step into his view narrowed his eyes again seeing his wand was aimed at you and not him clearly meaning to him that Dumbledore had forced you to duel in his place. Another glance at you dripping with remorse ended at your soft Parseltongue whisper of, “Run.”
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In one motion he released you and vanished into thin air, weakly your feet couldn’t hold you and your body collapsed backwards into Neville’s arms after his race over you fell with eyes rolling back dropping Dumbledore’s wand at his feet. Around you and Harry the others grouped as Fudge stood still muttering, “He’s back.”
Pt 49
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junker-town · 4 years
The NBA has a chemistry problem
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How NBA teams struggle to create chemistry in an era when rosters are turning over faster than ever.
The NBA is a league of change. Recent roster turnover has been spurred by a number of factors, from an inflated salary cap and shorter, more exorbitant contracts, to restless owners, to star players progressively embracing their own power. Teams have been forced, at breakneck speed, to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Before the NBA went on hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, chaos was its new normal: compelling, delightful and anxiety-inducing. But the constant shuffle also sparked an existential question among hundreds of affected players, coaches and front office executives: How can chemistry be fostered in an increasingly erratic era of impatience, load management, reduced practice time and youthful inexperience?
“Every year you have six new teammates,” Houston Rockets guard Austin Rivers said in an interview with SB Nation. “It’s like gaw-lly! In some ways you wish that would stop.
“It’s a new NBA, man. Guys are playing on a new team every year now, and it has nothing to do with how good of a player you are, it’s just how the NBA is. I have teammates who’ve played on eight, nine teams. I mean, that’s fucking nuts. I don’t ever want to go through something like that.” (Rivers is 27 years old, and on his fourth team in seven NBA seasons.)
Over the past six months, dozens of players, coaches and executives across the NBA spoke with SB Nation about the state of the league’s chemistry, and why creating cohesiveness now is more difficult and demanding than ever before. Their responses sketched a blurry future for the league.
“It’s amazing how fast players change in today’s NBA,” Indiana Pacers general manager Chad Buchanan said. “From when I got over here two years ago, Myles [Turner] is the only player who’s still here.
I have teammates who’ve played on eight, nine teams. I mean, that’s fucking nuts.” - Austin Rivers
Last summer, nearly half of the league’s talent pool swapped jerseys. Seemingly every roster in the league was forced to learn complicated new personality quirks and on-court tendencies. Honed locker room dynamics and hierarchies changed dramatically.
Chicago Bulls forward Thaddeus Young has played for four teams in the last six years after spending his first seven with the Philadelphia 76ers. Few people know better just how precious chemistry can be.
“With how the salary cap is going, teams are not locking themselves into long-term deals anymore, where they have four to six guys on four-year deals,” Young said. “It’s definitely tough because you don’t know each other. The communication is gonna be off. The teams that you came from before, you might be driving the basketball and you might be used to a guy being in the corner and that guy might not be in the corner.”
The NBA may be long past being able to reverse the course of roster turnover, but teams are doing their best to mitigate any downsides. The teams that have done the best job tend to think of chemistry in two buckets: personal and performance. The former contains how players interact away from the game, and the latter contains what happens on the court. However, personal chemistry often informs performance, and vice versa. Once players are comfortable off the court, their on-court relationship improves.
Take Los Angeles Lakers forward Jared Dudley, for example.
“When I got here I’d turn the ball over throwing to our centers because they expected a lob,” Dudley said. “I don’t really throw lobs, I’m more of a bounce passer.”
Dudley solved his problem by initiating conversations with LA’s big men, verbalizing his own in-game habits so that everyone could get on the same page. Not all NBA players feel so comfortable expressing themselves, however. Especially when an on-court situation is more complex than what to do on basic pick-and-rolls.
“When the personal chemistry exists, the performance chemistry is often very easy because the performance chemistry is sometimes a function of hard conversations,” one Western Conference GM said. “The personal chemistry allows a guy to say, ‘Hey man, in the second quarter last night there were like four straight defensive possessions where four of us were back in transition and you weren’t. You really put a ton of pressure on us to cover a five-on-four when you were lobbying the officials for a call. It took you forever to get off the deck. Come on, man.’”
Over the past 20 years, no organization has been more conscious of team chemistry than San Antonio. The Spurs are also far and away the modern era’s most influential organization: Nearly one third of the league’s rival head coaches and front office executives can be traced back to head coach Gregg Popovich.
Drafting multiple Hall of Famers undoubtedly factored into the Spurs’ success, but their efforts to maintain an open atmosphere for stars and role players alike — one that obsessed over values of tolerance, respect and empathy — also separated them from everyone else.
However, San Antonio’s year-to-year continuity is also becoming progressively rarer, if not extinct. When Chicago Bulls head coach Jim Boylen was a Spurs assistant during the 2014-15 season, they had brought back 14 members of the previous year’s 15-man roster.
“And of those guys, a bunch of them had been together for years,” Boylen said. “Now there’s approximately 6.5 new guys per team. That’s unheard of.”
To ignore San Antonio’s sprawling influence would be like praising observational comedy and never once mentioning Jerry Seinfeld. But even the Spurs are vulnerable in a league where turnover is the status quo. Prior to the 2018-19 season, they traded Kawhi Leonard and Danny Green, and lost in the first round of the playoffs for the second year in a row. Prior to this season’s hiatus, they were on track for their first losing record in 21 years.
“The Spurs don’t have an advantage anymore,” Dudley said. “We all have a disadvantage. Now it’s who has the most talent. Talent is gonna win out. Talent and vets.”
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Continuity is comfort
In 2012, James Tarlow was an economics student at the University of Oregon when he presented a paper titled “Experience and Winning in the National Basketball Association” at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. Tarlow wanted to know how roster continuity relates to team chemistry, so he pulled data from 804 NBA seasons played by 30 franchises between 1979 and 2008. He defined chemistry as “the number of years the five players playing the most minutes during the regular season have been on their current team with one another.”
“I got an actual measurement of how important [chemistry] is,” Tarlow said in a conversation with SB Nation in March. “And it’s pretty dang important. If you keep your team together it’s like a third of a win for a year, which, people don’t appreciate that and it doesn’t seem like much, but if you have a team that stuck together for several years, that turns into another game or two. That’s going to get you into another round in the playoffs.”
Bill Russell once wrote, “There is no time in basketball to think: ‘This has happened; this is what I must do next.’ In the amount of time it takes to think through that semicolon, it is already too late.”
It’s an intuitive idea: The longer we’re around people, the better we know how they’re going to behave under certain circumstances. Just think of the short-hand forms of communication you’ve established with your closest friends, family members and coworkers. Those subtle gestures and glances are especially helpful in sports, where a split-second miscommunication can be the difference between winning and losing.
“You go back to those San Antonio days, the winks and blinks and the nuances [where Tim] Duncan would find Tony [Parker] on a backdoor, or Manu [Ginobili] would find Timmy on a lob, that evolved over time, and lots of times [time] isn’t afforded,” said Philadelphia 76ers head coach Brett Brown, who spent nine years as a Spurs assistant. “You need time to have that sophisticated camaraderie, gut feel, instances on a court that require split the moment decisions.”
Continuity by itself doesn’t lead to winning, of course. In some cases, it might only extend mediocrity. And if winning a championship is an organization’s organization goal, then it should first pursue star power. But continuity is a boon to coaches, who can implement more complex strategies if they’re able to retain a core group of players year after year.
“Right now with the influx of new players, you’re having to really keep your playbook and your schemes at a basic level because you are teaching more,” Charlotte Hornets head coach James Borrego said. “You’re just starting almost at a ground level every single year in a lot of different ways, where the teams that have had success for years and years, they’re building on every single year.”
You never actually practice anymore … like when I first got in the league, everybody had a million plays.” — Steve Clifford
The lack of in-season practice hours only compounds coaches’ frustrations. With shorter timeframes to fold new players into their system and culture, coaches around the league feel they need to adapt quicker than they ever had before.
As Boston Celtics head coach Brad Stevens joked, “We get three weeks to get ready for a season, then we never practice again.”
Orlando Magic head coach Steve Clifford believes that the league office did the right thing by limiting back-to-backs across every team’s schedule. During his first two years as head coach of the Charlotte Hornets, they played 22 back-to-backs each season, while only 11 were on the docket this season for Orlando. But the schedule shift has hurt in unforeseen ways.
“When you play a back-to-back you usually get two days off, most times, right?” Clifford said. “So you give them a day off and then when you come in you can practice. They’re rested, you bring referees in. You practice. You actually practice.
“You never actually practice anymore … like when I first got in the league, everybody had a million plays, and you had to know the plays and stuff, and now if you do it’s an advantage but people don’t look at it like that.”
A side effect of so much player movement may be a simplification of the product. NBA teams have evolved to emphasize an up-and-down, free-flowing style of play that is largely the byproduct of an analytical revolution to prioritize threes, layups and free throws. Modern basketball is filled with pick-and-roll heavy offensive actions that don’t require the same on-court intimacy as a stockpile of elaborate set plays.
“My gut tells me that roster turnover is what’s causing the thinning of playbooks,” one western conference general manager said. “And the thinning of playbooks is what’s causing this standardization of playing style.”
Players feel it, too. “Most teams don’t do anything. Really it’s just take the ball out the basket, pick-and-roll, and run,” Rivers said. “The coaches are really here to guide you now. It’s crazy. It’s more ATO’s (after time-out plays) and out of bounds, and late clock, fourth quarter, that’s when coaching really comes in play. That’s all we go over in shootaround. Most of our stuff involves defense because our offense is fucking ridiculous, man. We don’t really do anything on offense.”
Even teams that have gone out of their way to maintain continuity—like Clifford’s Magic, which returned 85 and 82 percent of their minutes over the past two seasons, respectively—are not immune to change, and all its myriad effects on strategy.
“The game is what they wanted it to be when they changed the rules, and the level of execution is still high, obviously,” Clifford said. “It’s not nearly the gameplanning league that it was even seven or eight years ago.”
Sustained success is not possible without collaboration, and collaboration becomes habit when several contributors spend thousands of minutes battling together in the same system. The Golden State Warriors had the benefit of several superstars as they won three championships, but they also had an iron collective grasp of what they wanted to accomplish on every possession.
“I think there is a level of beauty that exists with the game that is tougher to reach with the turnover,” Warriors head coach Steve Kerr said. “For example, if Draymond [Green] ever caught the ball in the pocket off of a high screen with Steph [Curry], Andre [Iguodala] knew exactly where to go and Draymond knew exactly where he was going to be. We didn’t even have to practice it. And that’s why you saw, frequently, either the lob to Andre along the baseline or Andre spaced out.”
How teams think they can engineer chemistry
NBA teams have been thinking about how to manufacture chemistry for years, long before this accelerated era. None of these billion-dollar corporations can ever be sure how well their efforts actually work, however. Their adjustments have always been based on in-game progression, but success also depends on other obvious factors, like talent, injuries and dumb luck.
A difference between then and now is that players are driving roster decisions to a greater extent. They have much more leverage within organizations, and the biggest stars can take their talent elsewhere if the locker room doesn’t jell quickly enough. For many teams, that means they have to proactively foster strong bonds among teammates by encouraging new and returning players to stick around the practice facility during the offseason.
“The summer time is big for us,” Borrego said. “We can’t demand it, but we encourage it … Guys can really settle down and connect, really understand their teammates, understand their coaches, and it’s just a much more comfortable situation that allows for chemistry to be built and grown.”
The Hornets also organize team dinners when they’re on the road, a practice Borrego borrowed from his time in San Antonio. When asked if those dinners are mandatory, he gave a wry smile: “They are team dinners. Then there are others that happen organically on their own, and I want our players to do that. If they’re doing it on their own that’s even better than me organizing something.”
If there’s somebody in your organization that hasn’t gotten over himself or herself they’re a pain in the ass ... they can’t be happy for somebody else’s success.” — Gregg Popovich
As one former Spur told ESPN: “To take the time to slow down and truly dine with someone in this day and age — I’m talking a two- or three-hour dinner — you naturally connect on a different level than just on the court or in the locker room. It seems like a pretty obvious way to build team chemistry, but the tricky part is getting everyone to buy in and actually want to go. You combine amazing restaurants with an interesting group of teammates from a bunch of different countries and the result is some of the best memories I have from my career.”
Of course, Popovich was also good at finding players he wanted at the table.
“The more you can stay together, the more the chemistry builds. But still chemistry is more a function of the character of the players than it is anything else,” Popovich said. “I always talk about getting over yourself. And if there’s somebody in your organization that hasn’t gotten over himself or herself they’re a pain in the ass and they make it harder for everybody else because they can only feel about their success. They can’t be happy for somebody else’s success. It has to be about them. If you don’t have that then nothing else is gonna help you have chemistry. You can’t make it happen.”
Still, every coach tries to get everyone on the same page. As players digest their new surroundings, it’s important that everyone — coaches, players and executives — understand their expectations for one another. Rockets head coach Mike D’Antoni boiled his own approach down simply: “Don’t ask somebody to do something they can’t do. If you’re gonna have to change a guy, you might not want to bring him in in the first place.”
It is impossible for any team to keep all 15 players in the locker room happy at the same time; they’re human beings who are all going through their own real life issues. But a haphazard onboarding process will create headaches down the road. According to Buchanan, coaches have to be able to anticipate players’ questions.
“‘Why am I not getting to do this?’ or ‘Why am I not getting to play more?’ or ‘Why am I not playing with that guy?’ or ‘Why am I not starting?,’” Buchanan said. “You try to get that communicated up front so the player knows what he’s stepping into, because lots of times chemistry issues evolve from a lack of communication.”
When general managers and coaches are unaware of loose frustrations, they risk one player venting to another, sewing animosity that does irreparable damage to the entire team. Left unattended, a team can spiral into soap opera.
“It’s not difficult to create chemistry,” Atlanta Hawks head coach Lloyd Pierce said. “It’s more about sustaining it through the course of 82 games with so many ups and downs. Obviously [we had] some of those moments with John [Collins] being out and Kevin [Heurter’s] injury. Roles start to shift and some guys weren’t ready for it, so the frustration of that kicked in.”
The Hawks have done two things to stave off that seemingly unavoidable discomfort. The first is an all-in dedication to how they play, in which everything revolves around pick-and-rolls with Trae Young and a rim-rolling big. By keeping the gameplan simple, they can plug in pieces as needed.
“When Trae masters it and everybody else understands it, you know, you roll a little bit harder and you shake up a little bit better, and you slash a little bit better. That’s who we will become,” Pierce said. “Any big that comes to our roster [knows,] ‘I can play here because I know I’m gonna get the ball at the rim.’”
The Hawks also have a breakfast club that Pierce took from his time as an assistant under Brown in Philadelphia. Every time the club meets, players stand up in front of their teammates and discuss something that matters to them. Earlier this year, Collins enlightened the room with a powerpoint presentation about what it was like growing up in a military family. Heurter talked about growing up in upstate New York and losing high-school friends in a drunk-driving accident.
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Former Hawks center Alex Len gave a particularly tender presentation last season that moved his head coach.
“You’re barking at Alex Len. ‘This fucking guy, he doesn’t compete, he doesn’t appreciate this,’” Pierce said. “Well, Alex Len talked about why he couldn’t go to the Ukraine for the last seven years. ‘Wow, I didn’t know you had such a tough time with that. I’m over here fucking yelling at you for not rolling in the pick and roll. I don’t know you’re dealing with this Ukraine thing for the last seven years and not being able to go home and see your grandparents. My bad. I’ve got to get to know you a little bit better.’”
Three years ago, Kings owner Vivek Ranadive asked a communications coach named Steve Shenbaum to work with his team. In 1997, Shenbaum founded a company called Game On Nation, which helps corporate executives, military personnel and government employees in addition to professional sports teams.
Within the past decade, Shenbaum has been brought in by the Lakers, Trailblazers, Nuggets. Cavaliers, Grizzlies and Mavericks, and agent Bill Duffy has asked Shenbaum to assist several of his clients, including Carmelo Anthony, Yao Ming and Greg Oden. He has more than 100 improvisational and conceptual exercises to help clients build self-awareness, selflessness, confidence and other traits that enable character development.
A favorite is called “last letter, first letter,” in which two teammates have a conversation with one rule: as they take turns speaking, they must start with the last letter of the other person’s last word, and keep the conversation going. The exercise forces both parties to listen, let one another finish and focus in ways they otherwise might not.
“My hope is I am planting seeds and empowering the players and the staff to take what they’ve experienced and run with it and multiply it,” Shenbaum said. “I want them to see each other in another light.”
Shenbaum has many telltale signs of good and bad chemistry, but a big one is how well veterans are buying in. In a league that’s getting younger and younger, it’s imperative that older players command respect in the locker room and impose a will to succeed.
Dudley believes veterans who might not even be in a rotation can earn their money by bringing everyone together in ways a coach or GM can’t. During his one year in Brooklyn, he organized dinners, trips to the movies, parties and other events away from the game that involved the whole team.
“Then, when we were in film sessions and I would call them out, they took it as love and not criticism,” Dudley said. “You’re developing a relationship and then you can tell them, Spencer [Dinwiddie] or a guy who thinks he should play more, ‘this is why you’re not playing. This is your role for this team.’ Rondae [Hollis-Jefferson], he got benched: ‘Hey Rondae, for you to stay in the league, this is what you gotta do. On this team you’re not a starter anymore but there’s gonna be times they call on you.’ He stayed ready.”
Almost everyone interviewed for this story agreed that chemistry can’t be forced. Players on contending teams have to go through organic hardships together before they can become comfortable enough for the difficult conversations that facilitate progress. Some teams don’t believe it’s necessary or appropriate to ask their players to spend more time together than they already do. They believe that players should figure out issues among themselves, and that a front office’s biggest role is doing good background research on everybody they bring aboard. Coaches are there to take a team’s disparate pieces and position them to succeed.
“I think everybody’s budgets on team meals now has skyrocketed league wide because of the San Antonio Spurs,” Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra laughed. “The more important thing is getting a team on the same sheet of music about your style of play and an identity on both ends of the court, understanding what’s important, what the standards are, the expectations, role clarity. These things fasttrack, in my mind, chemistry. It’s always nice if guys like each other and they go out to eat on the road, have dinner together. But that doesn’t guarantee anything.”
Spoelstra knew early on that Jimmy Butler’s oft-misunderstood persona would have no trouble fitting in with several players on Miami’s roster because they all shared the same sense of duty.
It’s always nice if guys like each other and they go out to eat on the road, have dinner together. But that doesn’t guarantee anything.” — Erik Spoelstra
“I’ve noticed with Goran and Jimmy in particular, they have such a beautiful on-court chemistry because they’re in their 30s, they’re only about winning right now. They don’t care about anything else. If you want to define on-court chemistry, in my mind it’s how willing are you to help somebody else. And how willing and able are you to enjoy somebody else’s success when it happens.”
The “character vs. talent” debate isn’t new among NBA decision-makers. But going forward, we may see teams value the former more than they have.
“If you get a group of four new players who you bring onto your team and they’re all team-first, unselfish, competitive, self-motivated players, there’s a decent chance that the chemistry is gonna have a chance to be good,” Buchanan said. “Doing a ropes course, that’s great in theory and may work for a business, but professional athletes, they develop chemistry by knowing they can trust each other because they’ve been together through tough times on the court.”
Searching for answers that don’t exist
Chemistry is worth deep investment, but perhaps it can be overanalyzed, too.
“We try to make the simple complicated at times,” ESPN NBA analyst Jeff Van Gundy said. “Going out to dinner is a far different chemistry than playing chemistry. You read a lot about, ‘We play paintball together.’ Who gives a shit, you know?
“I don’t believe it’s the reason why a team is either good or not good. I think you’ve gotta get great players, and when you have them you gotta try and keep them.”
There are endless ways to cultivate chemistry, but teams can still only guess at what will work in every situation. Statistics aren’t a good guide. They can’t quantify personality flaws or gauge emotional intelligence. When intuition is the best way to make a decision, some front office executives lean too hard on what they can measure instead.
“I think a lot of these GM’s, they really don’t take [chemistry] into consideration,” Utah Jazz center Ed Davis said. “They’re starting to treat the NBA like 2K and more just looking at numbers instead of, ‘are these two players going to get along?’ And I think you’re gonna start seeing GM’s lose their jobs.”
Top-tier skill, athleticism and on-court awareness is very often the bottom line for NBA teams, but those still trying to crack chemistry’s mysteries have good reason to believe they aren’t running a fool’s errand, as vulnerable as their circumstances may make them feel.
“There’s something very powerful about newness,” Shenbaum said. “And if you embrace it early, whether it’s a new coach, five new players, the star left, if you embrace it early you can actually create a very authentic bond.”
Defining chemistry can feel like trying to catch the wind. It is omnipresent and elusive at the same time. Until the NBA’s best and brightest crack the formula, they will have to deal with increasing levels of uncertainty in what was already an uncertain business.
Time will tell if NBA teams ever learn how to overcome their mounting challenges — from the shifting ways teams are built, to how on-court strategy is implemented, to the quality of the game itself. But there’s no denying that chemistry is a force multiplier, complex and intractable. And in an era of basketball that demands urgency more than ever, that fact can be frightening.
A lot of players and teams will continue to fail in familiar ways, well-laid plans crumbling because players, coaches and executives never understood each other on or off the court. Only now, they may not realize their mistakes until they find themselves starting all over. Again.
0 notes
hoodie-at-the-bar · 4 years
He called me dude and I didn’t mind it. But let’s back up and do a first look at Ian.
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Ian and I had actually matched back in January. I was vacationing in Cabo, so messaging cute boys seemed like a fun thing to do while poolside. 
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He asked questions, talked about his day in detail, showed excitement - it was a friendly, kind back and forth. I came home from my trip and basically fell off, shamefully. I was on an unintentional dating hiatus from November to April. Five months to just enjoy my time and just be.
While I was Maria Kondo’ing my inbox on dating apps, I reached back out to Ian and apologized for my 3 month tardiness.The last message he had sent was asking me out for a drink. He was kind, and we jumped right back into talking
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We continued to chat, and he asked me to grab a drink again - and I was on a kick of getting back to dating. Ian was attractive and we had a good back and forth. He also seemed to have a creative side with painting. That’s 3 out of 3.
Cabana Boy from the other night didn’t feel like it counted as a real go. Ian and I made actual plans to meet in daylight in a public place. We each suggested places and narrowed it down - and landed on Fiasco. Fiasco was a new restaurant in Wallingford, replacing Thackery - good brunch at Thackery, goodbye.
I got to Fiasco and went straight for the bar - it was very bright, with large windows filling the place with natural light. I put my bag down on a barstool and took out my phone to text him - just as a finger tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and there stood a classic PNW guy: beard, flannel, and holding a book - I didn’t even notice the sandals right away. He had a big smile and immediately went in for a hug. Already I got good vibes from this guy.
We just immediately started talking - about our day, friends, activities, dating and just went back and forth. He was smart, mainly because he said I was smart - he knew what smart looked like. I had previously been teased over my over-analysis on people, things and any topics, but Ian seemed to eat it up. Was this a trap? Why was he interested in everything I had to say?
At one point I was talking about the difference between my two sisters. He ordered two drinks, and said he would have in his head which sister was which drink and after I tasted, I had to guess. Already I liked where his head was going. He then said he had something for me and gave me a few coasters 
“I give those out to everyone,” he said with a smile, proud of himself. 
“I am so not feeling special right now,” I replied with my shoulders shrinking.
He reached into his shirt pocket and said, “but these, I only give these out to a select few.” and handed me a card.
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This guy. Either adorably silly, or annoyingly sure of himself. I wanted to beleive the former.
“If you only have a few, you should put ‘run numbers’ on the back, for true authenticity, and exclusivity” I was offering unsolicited advice.
“Do you have a pen?” Ian wrote the #1 on the back of the card and handed it back to me, so sure of himself. I still found it cute.
We just flowed well. We talked about the state of flow, our previous relationships - he was surprised. He had pegged me for a strong independent woman, so he was surprised how much the break up with Ben affected me. Hearing someone's opinion of my reaction to my relationship with Ben threw me off. I was young, it was ten years ago - and it was my first love. We covered a fair bit of this.
Turns out, I was Ian’s first online date - his first Tinder date. This made sense. I told him I noticed the first 30 minutes, he didn’t make very much eye contact: was he not into me? Intimidated? Or just new at this? He was just new.
He had relationship after relationship, never being single for too long. He is from Indiana, has a brother and a sister, and a mother who’s a nurse. His father passed away four years ago, tripped and hit his head and bled to death. I didn’t poke too much in on that trauma, but it was pretty harsh. He spoke very highly of his father before I knew he had passed. His father was an English teacher, and well read, and pretty well known - said a lot of politicians in Indiana showed up to the funeral.
Ian was also an artist. Though he was a bartender working four 10-hour shifts, He spent a lot of his time painting, selling a piece or two, but mainly he just liked it. Also made coasters out of scissors and glue. He said he needed a few different means of creative outlets - he plays drums, likes to cook and garden, make craft cocktails and paint. 
We had talked about expectations, and he showed me he was wearing Birkenstock. He also called me dude a lot - when I pointed it out he apologized, and joked maybe that’s why his last relationship ended. He reminded me of an attractive fun sweet guy who didn’t realize it.
We talked about the dating field a bit and I brought up the topic of paying for a first date - he stopped me and said “I’m paying for the drinks by the way.”
I asked him what three things about him may not be attractive to a woman, or rather, to me. He said he’s a dreamer, his heads up in the clouds. He said he is also not as analytical as me but the differences could be good. He talked about the manager at Canon (where he interviewed to be a bartender) told him you can’t have all scientists, or all artists. You need both. So he said I was the scientist and he was the artist, so we could work. But back to his flaws: he said the commute. He lived in West Seattle and I lived in Phinney - it’s funny because it’s not that big of a deal, but it can be a factor in some. 
Lastly, he pointed to the elephant in the room: “you are successful in your career - I’m guessing you own the house you live in?” whereas he pays $600 for an apartment owned by his ex-girlfriend's parents., and is a bartender. I immediately said, “But you have passion in your art, you have some ambition. As long as you are excited about something, that’s great”
Then it was my turn - I told him I was legally blind, I couldn’t swim, and I am not that girly. All things Ben has brought up to me as part of why he couldn’t be with mel. Ian didn’t seem to care about any of it - so far. I looked down, “I am wearing sneakers - but judging by your Birkenstock yeah maybe you don’t care I’m not in heels”
I was supposed to leave the date at 7pm, to go celebrate with my friend, Linn, who just became a citizen. He asked if I had one more drink in me  and I saw it was already 7 pm. He said it was okay, and I should go. But I was having fun… and that's rare. Ok - one more drink, and I can make it to Linn’s party by 8pm. My friends were super supportive of my quest for love. 
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We talked some more, our body language slowly facing each other and we began to lean in. Going from two people sitting parallel, to now knees are interwoven, subtly touching, but we knew it and could feel it. We slowly moved in closer, when making points in our topics a slight touch of an elbow or shoulder. I asked, ‘what time is it?” and his eyes widened, and he put his credit card down. “You don’t want to know. - don’t look.”
It was almost 9pm! Somehow between “one more drink” and our chat, another 2 hours had gone by. He paid and I went to the restroom. I called a Lyft and he waited for me outside. I wondered why he didn’t offer to give me a ride, but maybe he didn’t know it was near or maybe he also Lyfted.
I texted him a bit later, and at first I thought his response was a bit flat. I called him out on it - because I felt we were there in the relationship already. He cleared it up real fast -
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Just like that we had a casual back and forth - he even messaged me the very next day.
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We established we wanted to see each other again - so he suggested we listen to music and cook something. We planned for Sunday and he offered to get off work a little earlier. Even though we had set the date, we continued to chat.
Ian said he was going to make me something, and asked me my favorite colors. Is he painting me something? I like where this is going.
-April 14, 2019
Date #1 w/ TDR Ian Painter Suitors in 2019 YTD: 3 Dates in 2019 YTD: 3
0 notes
High School AUs (based on real experiences I’ve had) pt. 1
I know no one asked for this, but I kind of wanna share these wild rides with someone, so here goes lol
(Part 2)
1. I was waiting to get picked up after staying at school for a Shakespeare lecture, and you were waiting to get picked up after band practice. A dog suddenly ran past us in the parking lot, so we debated whether or not we should tell anyone. 2. I saw you getting really uncomfortable because of Creepy Tom not leaving you alone, so I swooped in and pretended I needed you for an emergency. 3. We tutor freshman in the same time slot every week, so we always go together to pick up the students from their classes and sometimes end up just talking shit with them instead of doing any work.
4. Your best friend and my best friend used to date, and they only broke up really recently, so they still kind of have feelings for each other. We end up joining them when your best friend is trying to win mine back, so we spend about an hour sharing exasperated looks.
5. We've known each other for three years and you stop by every day to steal my pretzels since I never eat them, and one day I forget to pack them and you get super offended. You end up dragging me to the store so you can buy pretzels for yourself and gummy worms for me.
6. We have a free period at the same time, but none of our other friends do, so we usually spend it together talking shit or having weirdly deep and philosophical debates.
7. Your birthday is the same night as prom night, so you throw a huge after party at your house since your parents won't be home. I get there later since I wanted to go home and actually have a shower first, so when I walk in most of the people have calmed down a little. I find you on the couch watching a basketball game while eating a giant bowl of ice cream. Are you okay??? Aren't you meant to be getting hammered like everyone else??
8. Your birthday is the day after prom night and when we go to the after party, you get wasted and make me promise to buy you gummy lollies for your birthday. Now, every year, I turn up at your door with a giant bag of gummy lollies and people think I'm really weird, but you always get super excited.
9. We're at a party and you're so wasted you keep forgetting that we've already met, so you keep coming up to me just to tell me that I'm really pretty.
10. You were really drunk at a party and kept telling me I'm really pretty, but now it's Monday and we're in the same physics class and I don't think you remember.
11. We went out drinking with some friends, but you found out that most of us had nowhere to stay the night, so you offered to let us sleep on your pull-out bed. In the morning, you're walking around in a robe and flip-flops, and as I give you a goodbye hug, you whisper "I'm not wearing anything under this."
12. I have to leave your house really early after a night of partying because I have to go have breakfast with my mother. My make up hasn't smudged, my hair isn't a mess and I brought a change of clothes. You keep giving me weird looks until you eventually just ask; "How do you still look perfectly fine????"
13. I'm staying over at your house for the night, but we've been roaming around the city with our friends all night and we were drinking at the park. When we finally sneak back into your place, it's 4:30 in the morning and we have to get up at 6 so that you can get ready for work. You text me later saying you were still drunk for most of your shift, but you got lots of tips, so you don't think it was a problem.
14. We got really bummed out at a party, so we spent a large portion of the night lying down in the middle of the street just staring up at the stars and talking about life.
15. I walked into your house and found you in a kimono while slow dancing to old rock songs. I'm a little embarrassed to say it isn't even the weirdest thing I've seen you do.
16. Your best friend's been trying to drunkenly teach me about cars over a slice of pizza for the last hour, but I can't understand what he's even saying, so you save me by forcing me to dance with you.
17. We both got really drunk at a friend's birthday party, but I'm the first one to wake up in the morning. When I look around, I'm lying on the floor next to you, while you're hugging a giant '1' balloon, which you've apparently dubbed 'Janine'.
18. Neither of us wanted to be in a stuffy room all night, so we went outside and made a hobo fire in the park. I'm pretty sure someone's called the cops, but you're really warm, so I don't really care.
19. We've been acquaintances for years, but for some reason, we both keep getting dropped off really early this year, so we've made a habit of hanging out in the locker bay before school. We just kinda sit against the wall and talk shit until a teacher comes in to shush us.
20. It's the middle of the night and I heard you knocking on my window, but I'm not wearing anything other than an oversized t-shirt, so I kind of panic for a few minutes. When I finally pull on some pants and open the window, you liteRALLY JUST PICK ME UP AND PULL ME OUTSIDE because you want to go for a walk.
21. There's this guy who lives down the road from us and he's been an asshole to us for the last week, so you decide we need to exact revenge. You know where his bedroom window is, so we start knocking on his window and then running away repeatedly, until eventually he and his dad come outside to yell at us, but we're already halfway down the road.
22. You're the most intimidating guy in our year and there's this creepy guy who won't stop trying to get me to go out with him, so one day you just come up to me and call “Dibs” REALLY loudly while we're in the library. I want to yell at you about how totally fucked up that is, but then the creepy guy is coming over to yell at you because apparently “He saw me first”, so you deck him and say “Woman aren't property.” I don't know whether to hit you for the hypocrisy, or to applaud you.
23. You're the most intimidating guy in our year and everyone knows you've already got tattoos, even though you're BARELY a junior. Everyone assumes it's some kind of gang tattoo, but you show me one day and it's actually just tattoos of Poseidon and Aphrodite. You then tell me that they represent your parents because your father has always loved teaching you about the ocean and how to fish and he's the strongest man you know, and because you're mother is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen, and she's also the most confident and powerful. You're such a cute dork, I'm gonna cry.
24. You ask for my help on a project, but I can barely understand your notes, so I have no idea what you even need help with. Do you just wanna see what I wrote so you have an idea of what you're meant to do?
25. You and your roommate recently got a goat, despite barely having a backyard, and you love sharing stories about your goat in our class. One day you walk in and start telling us about how your goat got out of its pen and was wreaking havoc in the neighborhood, and our teacher just pulls up an article on the projector and apparently your goat got into the local news, and you're just laughing SO HARD.
26. We were at a party and you were drunkenly dancing on a wall, but then you slipped off and hit your side on the way down. I try to patch you up, only to find that you've ripped off half the skin on your side and might have broken a couple of ribs??
27. It's literally 3AM and you won't go to sleep until we've had some burger king, so I guess we're going.
28. You live a couple of blocks away from me, and you came to my house for a sleepover, but you left something at yours, so now we have to walk all the way there in the middle of the night while wearing onesies. Also, your parents are home and are super concerned??
29. It was your birthday, but you don't really like having parties, so you just invite me over for a sleepover and we spend the whole night playing horror games. In the morning, one of our other friends come over to make us pancakes, but we're zombies and they don't know how to use your stove, so they don't really come out right.
30. We're at a party and you get into some kind of fist-fight with your best friend. It leads to you falling off the patio, and he ends up laughing so hard he trips over a vodka bottle. You both sprain your ankles and I'm the one that has to fetch the ice and make sure you don't go do anything else that's stupid.
31. I get locked out of my house and it's pouring down outside, so I text you and ask you to come save me because you're the only person I know that lives nearby and has a car.
32. We ditch school after lunch because it's the last day of the year and none of our teachers even care anymore, so we go sit in the park and I make you a flower crown.
33. We joined the human rights club, but the teacher couldn't make it this week, so one of the new guys decides to take over for the day. We're all expecting him to just talk about another human rights case, but he starts yelling about how we should just decapitate everyone and neither of us really know what to do.
34. The teacher who runs the human rights club just brought out a giant box of colourful badges and we start trying to get every colour, but I end up finding the only bronze one.
35. You're my new physics tutor and you're super cute, but my sister keeps calling me and I'm so sorry, but I've really got to take this and find out what's going on.
36. Our friends got into a really stupid and petty fight, but one of them threw the other one's bag over a fence, so now we're all being called into the office to talk about it.
37. We used to date, but now we're just sort of acquaintances and we both wear leather jackets to school, so whenever we see each other we just smirk and say "Nice jacket" as we're passing.
38. My best friend broke up with you while she was really drunk, so you call me in the morning to ask if she was being serious and I kind of don't know how to break it to you that I was the one holding the phone and cheering her on because you're kind of an asshole???
39. We're in the same art class, but we always get permission to sit in the side room away from the rest of the class because our teacher thinks we're the quietest people in his class. In reality we spend the entire hour just shit talking everyone and having huge discussions about issues we're having, so we never actually get any work done.
40. Our section of the art room is usually really quiet, until someone brings up Harry Potter (or some other fandom we're all in), then we're all suddenly debating REALLY loudly and getting mad at anyone who don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
41. We get asked to help out during our school's open evening, but neither of us know what the fuck we're doing, so we spend most of the night just making sarcastic comments as we pass each other, or making "save me" faces at each other. Our teachers think it's hilarious.
42. Our English teacher has been trying to get our class to focus on the next scene in Othello for the last ten minutes, and she almost does it, until you turn to me and ask in complete seriousness "Who the fuck is Cassio?" and I burst out laughing. 
43. Our physics teacher has pretty much given up on our class because it's Friday last period, so literally none of us care anymore. He offers to take us to the park so that we can “learn about rotational motion” on the merry-go-round, but he can't be bothered writing up the health and safety forms, so he just says "Don't die, or I'm failing you for everything."
44. You take food and nutrition, so you've got permanent access to the school kitchen and the coffee machine. After a long day, you text me and ask if I want free food and coffee.
45. I got surrounded by a huge group off people in a really small room and started having a panic attack, so you dragged me outside for fresh air and charmed everyone into leaving me alone, even though I was meant to be answering their questions.
46. For some reason you have a yo-yo, and every time the teacher looks away, you fling it out and make it do the dog-walking trick, until you accidentally fling it too far and hit me in the face.
47. You're the angsty kid that sits alone and glares at everyone, but my friend and I decide to go talk to you and find out you're actually really good on a guitar and like the same music as us.
48. We're in the same French class and sit at the same trio of desks with your best friend. We don't really talk much, until one day you guys are bickering so much that the teacher puts me in the middle and you keep trying to bicker around me.
49. We've somehow become the group that adopt younger kids that don't have anyone else to hang out with, so we're now surrounded by like six younger kids and don't know what to do??
50. You're two years older than me, but we somehow became friends, so we always talk when we get the chance. At the end of the year, right before you graduate, you come up to me and kiss me, then you leave before we can even talk about it.
Okay, so that’s it for now. My life is so weird. If you end up using one of my prompts for a story, I’d love it if you could tag me or send me a link so I could read it??
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The Witch and The Beast Himself, Chapter 14
Upon walking through the door of the coffee shop, I was greeted with relieved welcomes and hugs from the other baristas. I clocked in and made Anri the coffee I owed her for walking to work with me. She took the cup of coffee from me, bowed her head and walked out the door to meet up with the friend that she mentioned earlier. After a couple of hours, the owner came up to me with his hands crossed over his chest, as if he were upset with me. I could feel in his energy that he was more concerned with my health than upset.
“You should go home and rest,” he said. “Didn't you just get out of the hospital?”
“Aw come on, I need the money,” I pleaded. “Just a couple more hours then I'll go home, alright?”
The owner sighed, “Okay, fine, but I’m going to clock you out around evening time when the second shift comes in so that you can go home and rest.”
“Sounds good to me!” I said cheerfully.
Work was going as well as it normally did. I flipped back and forth between working the register and making drinks, all while carefully minding the spot where I was stabbed. About 30 mins before I left I noticed a certain female couple walk through the door. Although it was becoming more common to see female couples in Tokyo, this particular couple stood out to me. Both of the girls had small frames and were the same height. One of the girls appeared to be a bit more timid than the other; she had auburn-dyed hair that was pulled back into two high pigtails on both sides of her head and wore very simplistic clothing. She clung onto her girlfriend's arm, who had square-rimmed glasses and short ginger-dyed hair that she wore half down, with the other half pulled up into a tiny pigtail on the side of her head. She wore much darker clothing, a dangling evil-eye necklace, and a small pink backpack.
Time seemed to stop around me as they walked through the door. They were very different, but somehow they were very clearly tied together by something. They both appeared to to have calm energies but the thought of something, someone , rested in the back of their minds. I wonder what might’ve brought them together? Fate, maybe?
... Izaya… My intuition rang that particular buzzword as I studied the girls.
Izaya? I thought. It seemed to make more sense to me as I gathered from the girls that he has affected both of their lives in more way than one, and not in a good way. 
Just like he has affected mine...
“Umm, hello?” the girl with the side pigtail interrupted my thoughts. The couple that had just  walked in the door appeared quickly in front of me as I was daydreaming.
“Oh, um, I'm sorry.” I stammered, walking up to the register. “I... Umm… what can I get for you today?”
She gave me a somewhat suspicious look before saying, “Can I get a medium hazelnut iced coffee with no cream or sugar?”
“Okay.” I quickly punched her order onto the register screen. I turned to the timid pigtailed lady, “And for you?”
“I'll take a medium mocha macchiato on ice.” the girl spoke in a soft voice, breaking away slightly from the other girl to hold her hand.
“Okay, anything else?” I looked at both of the girls.
“No that's it.” the girl with the half pigtail replied.
“Alrighty.” I accepted their final order in the register and gave them their total. The girl with the half pigtail pulled out her wallet and swiped a credit card, putting the payment through to the register. After giving her their receipt, I pulled out two medium sized cups. I looked at the girl with the side pigtail and asked, “What’s your name?”
“Manami.” she said flatly.
“Okay.” I mentally took note of her name as I scrawled it in Japanese writing and slid the cup down the line to the barista making drinks. I picked up the other medium cup and looked to the other girl.
“And your name?” I asked.
“Rio.” she said.
“Okay.” I wrote her name on the cup, taking mental note of her name as well, and slid her cup down the line as well.
“Alrighty, thank you so much, we'll have them ready for you in a couple of moments.” I said, bowing slightly.
“Thank you.” Rio said, walking with Manami to the other end of the counter. I watched them as they turned their backs to me, talking and laughing amongst each other. They definitely stood out like no other couple I've ever seen before; probably because of the fact that they are so different and were tied together by whatever that Izaya has put them through. However, though watching them interact with each other I can see that they are very happy with each other.
I then watched as they took their drinks from the opposite end of the counter and went to a clean table to sit and sip on their drinks. They practically sat there until the end of my shift, Manami’s eyes meeting mine every so often. Every time our gazes met I’d look away quickly and pretend that I was busy with something else.
At the end of my shift I decided I would follow them to see if they would return to Izaya. After they left I waited a couple of minutes before letting the owner clock me out and following them from further behind to their destination.
At first they didn't seem to catch on, but after about a minute of following them I felt a sensation that Manami could sense they were being followed. Every time she looked back I quickly hid behind a trash can or wall to keep myself from being seen. After about five minutes of following them I watched Manami grab Rio's and pull her into an alleyway, sensing that they knew for a fact that someone was onto them and they were going to find out who was following them. I stopped about a few steps before the opening.
Shit, I think I already have an idea of where this is going , I thought. They know I'm onto them, but this can go one of two ways, either they try to attack me or they'll remain calm as I come out. I'll explain everything the best that I can without revealing what I am.
I took a deep breath in and shielded my stab wound in case I was attacked. I breathed out and walked into the entrance of the alleyway.
As expected, a shadow came from my left and pinned me on the ground.
“Unf!” I exclaimed as my back hit the ground. I kept my head lifted before hitting the ground so that I would not receive any head injuries. I looked up to see an enraged Manami pointing the edge of a small blade in my face. She pinned me down by straddling onto my stomach, keeping my arms pinned down by my sides under her legs.
“Rio, hold her legs down!” She yelled over her shoulder. I felt the energy of Rio coming up to us to hold my legs down with her hands.
“I was right, you were following us!” she exclaimed. “You're the barista that took our order at the coffee shop!”
“No shit.” I said sarcastically.
“Don't get smart with me!” she spat at me, shaking her blade inches away from the bridge of my nose. “Now you're gonna tell me who the fuck you are and why you following us before I carve a love note on your pretty face.”
“Aw come on, I'd really hate for you to do that to me.” I said in a sarcastic tone, not frightened at all by her predictable motives. “I'm a foreigner here, and I've already been stabbed once by Izaya Orihara.”
The expression on her face changed from anger to amusement before letting out a small smirk. “Izaya, huh? So you're involved with him too? No wonder you were following us, you're a creep just like him. Did he send you to spy on us?”
“No, he's nothing more to me than an annoying tick at my side.” I said, referring to Shizuo’s choice of words and the stabbing.
“Bullshit,” she said. “You’re working for him, otherwise you wouldn't have been following us!”
She then held the knife up and over her head and then began to bring it down to my face.
I winced, preparing for the second stab I was about to take, until familiar smoky shadows wrapped around her hand before the tip of the blade could meet my face, stopping her in her tracks. After looking down to see what had stopped her, she screamed and jumped off of me, causing Rio to back off of me as well. I jumped to my feet and ran to the entrance of the alley, spotting Celty and hopping on the back of her bike. She revved Shooter and sped off down the road, her bike giving off other-worldly neighs along the way.
“Hey Celty, thanks for saving my ass back there!” I said. “How did you find me?”
She summoned her phone from her sleeve to type to me: [I was on a job and sensed your aura nearby, so I thought I’d stop by and say hi.]
I chuckled. “Looks like you had to do more than that for me. I’d hate to ask but would you mind to drop me off at my apartment?”
[Sure. So what happened back there, why did that girl have you pinned on the ground?]
“Well she and her girlfriend came by the coffee shop, it was weird but I kept sensing that they both had a connection to Izaya. So after I got off work I followed them to see if they would go back to him but instead I was almost stabbed again.”
[I think I recognized both of those girls.]
“Huh? Both of them?”
[Yeah, he's had me transport both of them at separate times after one of his sick little games that he was playing with them.]
“Wait a minute, you worked for Izaya?!” I asked, shocked that she would’ve even considered such a thing.
She facepalmed her helmet lightly, then typed into her phone: [Yeah, a long time ago, but that’s a story for another day.]
[Anyway, so I guess you didn’t get any dirt from them.]
I sighed. “I don’t know, maybe I’ll run into them again at some point. But as far as dealing with Izaya goes, Shizuo and I did some brainstorming while I was in the hospital and I decided that I was going to cast a protection spell over my and Shizuo’s apartment to keep him away, which is why I asked you for his birthdate earlier. Plus if he were to step near any of the barriers, I’d know right away. Would you and Shinra like me to place one over your apartment too?”
She seemed to think about it for a minute before typing: [I appreciate it, but you don’t have to worry about us. ]
[Izaya isn’t dumb enough to mess with us like that.]
“Okay, suit yourself.” I shrugged. She finally came to a stop at my apartment to let me off.
She typed in her phone, then showed it to me: [Here’s your stop, see you later.]
“Sure thing, thank you for the lift and again for saving me!” I waved to her as she sped off down the street, her bike neighing loudly as they took off down the street.
Once I got up to the door of my apartment, the shield on my door vanished, revealing to me that my apartment was safe from any intruders. Once I stepped inside and locked the door, I kicked my shoes off next to the door and flopped down onto my couch. Everything had stayed exactly how I left it before I left for the day; my laptop and my Book of Shadows remained unscathed on my coffee table.
I’ll have to perform the spell tomorrow, I thought. Right now, I need some much needed alone time with Shizuo. I turned my phone on and gave him a call.
“Yes?” he answered.
“Hey, are you busy?”
“Not particularly.” He said, showing a small spark of excitement in his voice.
“Wanna come over?” I asked, changing to an aroused tone of voice.
“Are you booty calling me right now? Is this what this is?” he smirked.
“Maybe, why don’t you come over and find out?” I teased.
He laughed. “Alright, I’ll be over in a minute.”
“Okay, see ya then.”
“Mhm, bye.”
“Bye.” I hung up the phone, awaiting Shizuo’s arrival.
[OHHHH DO YOU LIKE WHAT I DID THERE?! Clearly I am not a Shizaya fan, but I still wanted to have fun with Drrr ships so I decided to create my own. Also I had trouble finding ship pics of those two on google soz if you have one that I can share on here or if you wanna draw one for me then that would be amaze balls! I’ll repost it on here for everyone to see ^-^ Thank you for reading and your continued support!]
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kristinsimmons · 5 years
Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream
Many years ago, I was reading a blog post by a blogger I’d been following for a while. She wrote about a recent struggle with depression and her honest words made such an impact on me. I remember thinking how brave it was for her to tell her story. While I hated that she was going through it, I also recall feeling comfort in her words because it was another reminder that even those we admire and put on a pedestal are human. I was just like…Wow, it must’ve taken so much for her to share that. At the time, I was early on in my blogging journey, and I told myself that I would always try to share my struggles, just like she did. 
Last week, I gave a speech at the University of Guelph at their Awards of Excellence Gala (you can see some photos in my saved story on Instagram!). In my speech, I shared how I’ve struggled with my mental health, like anxiety, since I was very young and how it’s felt debilitating at certain points in my life. I spoke about how various personal challenges have coincided with a career that’s made me face them head on. The day before the event, I almost decided to scrap my speech and write something that was easier to talk about, but I said screw it and decided to share it. It was my story! Allowing myself to feel shame surrounding my story only gives it power. 
After my speech, a man with a warm smile came up to me, crouched down next to my chair, and thanked me for my speech. He talked about a time in his life when he struggled with his mental health, and we both had tears in our eyes by the end of our conversation. Another man came up later to tell me about his young relative’s struggles. This night was yet another reminder of the power of vulnerability and it left such an impact on me!
It’s been a bit of a strange year for me (one that I can’t believe we’re already half-way through!). I went through an emotional time for the first few months of the year and found myself in a mild depression. I lost joy and passion for so many things. At certain points, I couldn’t even bring myself to get back to messages from friends and family. It makes me emotional just writing about it now because the difficult emotions of that time come back so easily. After suffering in silence for 2 to 3 months, I finally opened up to my friends and family about it and got help. I’ve been in a much better place since the spring. I wanted to be honest about it and to let you know what was going on at the time, but I didn’t feel strong enough to talk about it when I was in the thick of it.  
There’s also been another reason for my absence and this is something that’s much easier to tell you about! I have a third cookbook in the works and I’ve been working on it for about a year and a half now! Okay, okay, I did let this news “slip” in the blog comments a couple times and also in my Instagram DM’s, too, so you may already know. ;) I’ve held off announcing it here because during certain periods, well, I wasn’t even sure if it was going to come to life. When I fell into my depression at the beginning of the year, I lost passion for almost everything. Creativity and motivation aren’t things that can be forced so I just went with the flow and tried to trust that I’d feel myself again.
After working through some things and starting to feel better, it was as if a lightbulb flicked on in my head. I came to life. I was suddenly thrilled at the prospect of creating again. I could not get to work fast enough. And since late winter, I picked up where I left off before January and dove into the work that I love so much. Shortly after, Eric, Nicole, and I started working with our recipe testing group (about 40 incredible testers strong!), and things have been going better than I could’ve imagined. The recipes are so delicious…my testers are telling me it’s my best collection of recipes to date. I’m so proud of it and I’m nearly finished, only about 1 month away from handing in my manuscript. Once my manuscript is in, I’m going to be diving into the food photography, which I’ll be shooting for this 3rd book. I’m a bit nervous at the prospect of shooting 100 photos in 2 months time, but I’ll get there, one day at a time! It will be fun to shift from recipe creation and writing to something so artistic like photography. 
The cookbook is going to focus on something you all have been asking for more and more of over the years, and that’s more dinner and lunch recipes! It’s mostly going to focus on savory recipes, with a dessert chapter, of course (how could I not include a dessert chapter?). It’s going to feature food you’ll want to make for weeknight dinners, weekend meals, portable work/school lunches, and special holidays and occasions. Gah. There are so many gems. It’s slated to be out fall 2020, so not too long to wait (at least in the publishing world, this feels SO soon)!! If there’s anything you’d love to see in the book, please leave a comment below and let me know!! 
Thanks for listening and for your support through the ups and downs of life. I’m so grateful you’re here as I’ve felt like a big ‘ol failure on the blogging front this year. It’s time to shake the guilt and move onward and upward. And if you’re reading this and struggling too, I’m sending you all the love in the world and hope you can find a support system!
This is my first ever vegan ice cream recipe on the blog (can you believe it?!), and oh dear me, it’s one we can’t stop eating. I’ve been in a bit of a vegan ice cream bender since I bought this Cuisinart ice cream machine in the spring. It’s so much easier to use than I thought! Almost too easy. 
Happy Canada Day long weekend to my Canadian Friends! And an early happy 4th of July to my American friends! Have a safe, happy, and delicious weekend, everyone.
5 from 1 reviews
Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream
Vegan, gluten-free, oil-free
This is my favourite kind of summer indulgence! My reader-favourite Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies meet my dreamy homemade peanut butter and coconut milk ice cream in this cooling summer treat. Chewy coconut, snappy chocolate chips, and tender bites of soft peanut butter cookies blend perfectly with a creamy vanilla and peanut butter vegan ice cream. If I’d known how simple it was to make my own vegan ice cream (only 5 ingredients!), I would’ve invested in an ice cream machine long ago. Well, I’m making up for lost time now! The peanut butter ice cream is inspired by Cookie + Kate.
Yield 8 (1/2-cup) servings
Prep time 10 Minutes
Cook time 12 Minutes
Chill time overnight (ice cream bowl) + 30 minutes
Total time 22 Minutes
1 batch Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, divided
2 (14-ounce/398 mL) cans full-fat coconut milk*
1/2 cup (105 g) natural cane sugar
3 tablespoons (45 mL) smooth natural peanut butter
2 teaspoons (10 mL) pure vanilla extract
1/4 + 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt, or to taste
Chill the ice cream bowl in the freezer overnight, or for at least 12 hours. This step is very important to ensure the ice cream thickens properly. 
Prepare the Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies. After baking, cool the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, then transfer each one to a plate. Place in the freezer on a flat surface for a minimum of 25 minutes. As soon as you transfer the cookies to the freezer, get started on the ice cream.
Add the ice cream ingredients (entire cans of coconut milk, sugar, peanut butter, vanilla, and salt) to a blender and blend for about 8 to 10 seconds, until smooth (be sure not to blend longer than 10 seconds, as it may effect the final texture of your ice cream). 
Place the frozen ice cream bowl into the ice cream maker, insert the churning arm, cover with the lid, and turn on the machine (if the instructions for your ice cream maker are different, please follow the directions that came with your machine). Slowly pour the mixture into the bowl as it churns. Churn for about 22 minutes, until the mixture has thickened into a very thin, soft-serve texture. 
Once the cookies have been in the freezer for 25 minutes, chop 6 of the cookies into small, almond-sized chunks. Reserve the remaining 7 cookies, at room temperature, for later.
After 22 minutes of churning, slowly add the chopped cookies, a handful at a time, to the mixture while the machine is still churning. I like to use a fork to gently push the chopped cookies into the ice cream and help it along. Churn another 5 to 8 minutes, until the ice cream has thickened a bit more. It will have a thick, soft-serve texture when ready. There will be some hardened ice cream along the inside of the bowl...I like to think of this as the chef’s extra helping (wink, wink)! Serve immediately, or for a firmer texture, transfer the ice cream to a loaf pan or airtight container and spread out smooth. At this stage, I like to crumble an extra cookie all over the top (and gently push it into the ice cream) to make it look extra-enticing, but this is optional. Cover and freeze for 2 hours for a more traditional ice cream firmness. 
To serve, scoop into bowls or ice cream cones. Or, if you're feeling wild, make ice cream sandwiches with the leftover cookies...oh yea!!
Storage tip: Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for 3 to 4 weeks. Be sure to cover the ice cream with a piece of wrap to prevent freezer burn. To soften, let the container rest on the counter for 20 to 30 minutes before scooping.
* The cans of coconut milk do not need to be chilled beforehand.
  Always follow the directions that come with your ice cream maker as there may be slight variations. My churning time is an estimate only; you may find you need more or less time with your machine! Watch closely during the last few minutes of churning. It it still looks too soft, feel free to let it churn a bit longer than the range I provide.
  This is the ice cream maker that I use and love. Pro tip: This machine is a bit noisy once the mixture starts to thicken, so I like to keep the machine in a nearby room with the door closed while it churns (don't worry, my machine doesn't seem too offended and still makes great ice cream!).
  No ice cream maker? No problem! The blended liquid can be poured into popsicle molds for creamy frozen popsicle treats. Simply add the blended liquid to each popsicle mold, leaving at least an inch of room at the top. Now, carefully add some cookie chunks to each, pushing them down slowly into the liquid. If needed, add a bit more liquid to completely fill each mold. Secure the tops and freeze until solid. Run the popsicles under hot water to loosen them from the molds.
Want to torture a person? Give them an ice cream cone on a hot day, and tell them they can’t eat it until you’ve snapped a good pic. bahaha.
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© copyright 2019 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
0 notes
beccameliora · 5 years
Read More Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream
The following post Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream is republished from Oh She Glows by Angela (Oh She Glows)
Many years ago, I was reading a blog post by a blogger I’d been following for a while. She wrote about a recent struggle with depression and her honest words made such an impact on me. I remember thinking how brave it was for her to tell her story. While I hated that she was going through it, I also recall feeling comfort in her words because it was another reminder that even those we admire and put on a pedestal are human. I was just like…Wow, it must’ve taken so much for her to share that. At the time, I was early on in my blogging journey, and I told myself that I would always try to share my struggles, just like she did. 
Last week, I gave a speech at the University of Guelph at their Awards of Excellence Gala (you can see some photos in my saved story on Instagram!). In my speech, I shared how I’ve struggled with my mental health, like anxiety, since I was very young and how it’s felt debilitating at certain points in my life. I spoke about how various personal challenges have coincided with a career that’s made me face them head on. The day before the event, I almost decided to scrap my speech and write something that was easier to talk about, but I said screw it and decided to share it. It was my story! Allowing myself to feel shame surrounding my story only gives it power. 
After my speech, a man with a warm smile came up to me, crouched down next to my chair, and thanked me for my speech. He talked about a time in his life when he struggled with his mental health, and we both had tears in our eyes by the end of our conversation. Another man came up later to tell me about his young relative’s struggles. This night was yet another reminder of the power of vulnerability and it left such an impact on me!
It’s been a bit of a strange year for me (one that I can’t believe we’re already half-way through!). I went through an emotional time for the first few months of the year and found myself in a mild depression. I lost joy and passion for so many things. At certain points, I couldn’t even bring myself to get back to messages from friends and family. It makes me emotional just writing about it now because the difficult emotions of that time come back so easily. After suffering in silence for 2 to 3 months, I finally opened up to my friends and family about it and got help. I’ve been in a much better place since the spring. I wanted to be honest about it and to let you know what was going on at the time, but I didn’t feel strong enough to talk about it when I was in the thick of it.  
There’s also been another reason for my absence and this is something that’s much easier to tell you about! I have a third cookbook in the works and I’ve been working on it for about a year and a half now! Okay, okay, I did let this news “slip” in the blog comments a couple times and also in my Instagram DM’s, too, so you may already know. ;) I’ve held off announcing it here because during certain periods, well, I wasn’t even sure if it was going to come to life. When I fell into my depression at the beginning of the year, I lost passion for almost everything. Creativity and motivation aren’t things that can be forced so I just went with the flow and tried to trust that I’d feel myself again.
After working through some things and starting to feel better, it was as if a lightbulb flicked on in my head. I came to life. I was suddenly thrilled at the prospect of creating again. I could not get to work fast enough. And since late winter, I picked up where I left off before January and dove into the work that I love so much. Shortly after, Eric, Nicole, and I started working with our recipe testing group (about 40 incredible testers strong!), and things have been going better than I could’ve imagined. The recipes are so delicious…my testers are telling me it’s my best collection of recipes to date. I’m so proud of it and I’m nearly finished, only about 1 month away from handing in my manuscript. Once my manuscript is in, I’m going to be diving into the food photography, which I’ll be shooting for this 3rd book. I’m a bit nervous at the prospect of shooting 100 photos in 2 months time, but I’ll get there, one day at a time! It will be fun to shift from recipe creation and writing to something so artistic like photography. 
The cookbook is going to focus on something you all have been asking for more and more of over the years, and that’s more dinner and lunch recipes! It’s mostly going to focus on savory recipes, with a dessert chapter, of course (how could I not include a dessert chapter?). It’s going to feature food you’ll want to make for weeknight dinners, weekend meals, portable work/school lunches, and special holidays and occasions. Gah. There are so many gems. It’s slated to be out fall 2020, so not too long to wait (at least in the publishing world, this feels SO soon)!! If there’s anything you’d love to see in the book, please leave a comment below and let me know!! 
Thanks for listening and for your support through the ups and downs of life. I’m so grateful you’re here as I’ve felt like a big ‘ol failure on the blogging front this year. It’s time to shake the guilt and move onward and upward. And if you’re reading this and struggling too, I’m sending you all the love in the world and hope you can find a support system!
This is my first ever vegan ice cream recipe on the blog (can you believe it?!), and oh dear me, it’s one we can’t stop eating. I’ve been in a bit of a vegan ice cream bender since I bought this Cuisinart ice cream machine in the spring. It’s so much easier to use than I thought! Almost too easy. 
Happy Canada Day long weekend to my Canadian Friends! And happy 4th of July to my American friends! Have a safe, happy, and delicious weekend, everyone.
Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream
Vegan, gluten-free, oil-free
This is my favourite kind of summer indulgence! My reader-favourite Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies meet my dreamy homemade peanut butter and coconut milk ice cream in this cooling summer treat. Chewy coconut, snappy chocolate chips, and tender bites of soft peanut butter cookies blend perfectly with a creamy vanilla and peanut butter vegan ice cream. If I’d known how simple it was to make my own vegan ice cream (only 5 ingredients!), I would’ve invested in an ice cream machine long ago. Well, I’m making up for lost time now! The peanut butter ice cream is inspired by Cookie + Kate.
Yield 8 (1/2-cup) servings
Prep time 10 Minutes
Cook time 12 Minutes
Chill time overnight (ice cream bowl) + 30 minutes
Total time 22 Minutes
1 batch Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, divided
2 (14-ounce/398 mL) cans full-fat coconut milk*
1/2 cup (105 g) natural cane sugar
3 tablespoons (45 mL) smooth natural peanut butter
2 teaspoons (10 mL) pure vanilla extract
1/4 + 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt, or to taste
Chill the ice cream bowl in the freezer overnight, or for at least 12 hours. This step is very important to ensure the ice cream thickens properly. 
Prepare the Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies. After baking, cool the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, then transfer each one to a plate. Place in the freezer on a flat surface for a minimum of 25 minutes. As soon as you transfer the cookies to the freezer, get started on the ice cream.
Add the ice cream ingredients (entire cans of coconut milk, sugar, peanut butter, vanilla, and salt) to a blender and blend for about 8 to 10 seconds, until smooth (be sure not to blend longer than 10 seconds, as it may effect the final texture of your ice cream). 
Place the frozen ice cream bowl into the ice cream maker, insert the churning arm, cover with the lid, and turn on the machine (if the instructions for your ice cream maker are different, please follow the directions that came with your machine). Slowly pour the mixture into the bowl as it churns. Churn for about 22 minutes, until the mixture has thickened into a very thin, soft-serve texture. 
Once the cookies have been in the freezer for 25 minutes, chop 6 of the cookies into small, almond-sized chunks. Reserve the remaining 7 cookies, at room temperature, for later.
After 22 minutes of churning, slowly add the chopped cookies, a handful at a time, to the mixture while the machine is still churning. I like to use a fork to gently push the chopped cookies into the ice cream and help it along. Churn another 5 to 8 minutes, until the ice cream has thickened a bit more. It will have a thick, soft-serve texture when ready. There will be some hardened ice cream along the inside of the bowl...I like to think of this as the chef’s extra helping (wink, wink)! Serve immediately, or for a firmer texture, transfer the ice cream to a loaf pan or airtight container and spread out smooth. At this stage, I like to crumble an extra cookie all over the top (and gently push it into the ice cream) to make it look extra-enticing, but this is optional. Cover and freeze for 2 hours for a more traditional ice cream firmness. 
To serve, scoop into bowls or ice cream cones. Or, if you're feeling wild, make ice cream sandwiches with the leftover cookies...oh yea!!
Storage tip: Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for 3 to 4 weeks. Be sure to cover the ice cream with a piece of wrap to prevent freezer burn. To soften, let the container rest on the counter for 20 to 30 minutes before scooping.
* The cans of coconut milk do not need to be chilled beforehand.
  Always follow the directions that come with your ice cream maker as there may be slight variations. My churning time is an estimate only; you may find you need more or less time with your machine! Watch closely during the last few minutes of churning. It it still looks too soft, feel free to let it churn a bit longer than the range I provide.
  This is the ice cream maker that I use and love. Pro tip: This machine is a bit noisy once the mixture starts to thicken, so I like to keep the machine in a nearby room with the door closed while it churns (don't worry, my machine doesn't seem too offended and still makes great ice cream!).
  No ice cream maker? No problem! The blended liquid can be poured into popsicle molds for creamy frozen popsicle treats. Simply add the blended liquid to each popsicle mold, leaving at least an inch of room at the top. Now, carefully add some cookie chunks to each, pushing them down slowly into the liquid. If needed, add a bit more liquid to completely fill each mold. Secure the tops and freeze until solid. Run the popsicles under hot water to loosen them from the molds.
Want to torture a person? Give them an ice cream cone on a hot day, and tell them they can’t eat it until you’ve snapped a good pic. bahaha.
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© copyright 2019 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
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susantregre · 5 years
Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream
Many years ago, I was reading a blog post by a blogger I’d been following for a while. She wrote about a recent struggle with depression and her honest words made such an impact on me. I remember thinking how brave it was for her to tell her story. While I hated that she was going through it, I also recall feeling comfort in her words because it was another reminder that even those we admire and put on a pedestal are human. I was just like…Wow, it must’ve taken so much for her to share that. At the time, I was early on in my blogging journey, and I told myself that I would always try to share my struggles, just like she did. 
Last week, I gave a speech at the University of Guelph at their Awards of Excellence Gala (you can see some photos in my saved story on Instagram!). In my speech, I shared how I’ve struggled with my mental health, like anxiety, since I was very young and how it’s felt debilitating at certain points in my life. I spoke about how various personal challenges have coincided with a career that’s made me face them head on. The day before the event, I almost decided to scrap my speech and write something that was easier to talk about, but I said screw it and decided to share it. It was my story! Allowing myself to feel shame surrounding my story only gives it power. 
After my speech, a man with a warm smile came up to me, crouched down next to my chair, and thanked me for my speech. He talked about a time in his life when he struggled with his mental health, and we both had tears in our eyes by the end of our conversation. Another man came up later to tell me about his young relative’s struggles. This night was yet another reminder of the power of vulnerability and it left such an impact on me!
It’s been a bit of a strange year for me (one that I can’t believe we’re already half-way through!). I went through an emotional time for the first few months of the year and found myself in a mild depression. I lost joy and passion for so many things. At certain points, I couldn’t even bring myself to get back to messages from friends and family. It makes me emotional just writing about it now because the difficult emotions of that time come back so easily. After suffering in silence for 2 to 3 months, I finally opened up to my friends and family about it and got help. I’ve been in a much better place since the spring. I wanted to be honest about it and to let you know what was going on at the time, but I didn’t feel strong enough to talk about it when I was in the thick of it.  
There’s also been another reason for my absence and this is something that’s much easier to tell you about! I have a third cookbook in the works and I’ve been working on it for about a year and a half now! Okay, okay, I did let this news “slip” in the blog comments a couple times and also in my Instagram DM’s, too, so you may already know. ;) I’ve held off announcing it here because during certain periods, well, I wasn’t even sure if it was going to come to life. When I fell into my depression at the beginning of the year, I lost passion for almost everything. Creativity and motivation aren’t things that can be forced so I just went with the flow and tried to trust that I’d feel myself again.
After working through some things and starting to feel better, it was as if a lightbulb flicked on in my head. I came to life. I was suddenly thrilled at the prospect of creating again. I could not get to work fast enough. And since late winter, I picked up where I left off before January and dove into the work that I love so much. Shortly after, Eric, Nicole, and I started working with our recipe testing group (about 40 incredible testers strong!), and things have been going better than I could’ve imagined. The recipes are so delicious…my testers are telling me it’s my best collection of recipes to date. I’m so proud of it and I’m nearly finished, only about 1 month away from handing in my manuscript. Once my manuscript is in, I’m going to be diving into the food photography, which I’ll be shooting for this 3rd book. I’m a bit nervous at the prospect of shooting 100 photos in 2 months time, but I’ll get there, one day at a time! It will be fun to shift from recipe creation and writing to something so artistic like photography. 
The cookbook is going to focus on something you all have been asking for more and more of over the years, and that’s more dinner and lunch recipes! It’s mostly going to focus on savory recipes, with a dessert chapter, of course (how could I not include a dessert chapter?). It’s going to feature food you’ll want to make for weeknight dinners, weekend meals, portable work/school lunches, and special holidays and occasions. Gah. There are so many gems. It’s slated to be out fall 2020, so not too long to wait (at least in the publishing world, this feels SO soon)!! If there’s anything you’d love to see in the book, please leave a comment below and let me know!! 
Thanks for listening and for your support through the ups and downs of life. I’m so grateful you’re here as I’ve felt like a big ‘ol failure on the blogging front this year. It’s time to shake the guilt and move onward and upward. And if you’re reading this and struggling too, I’m sending you all the love in the world and hope you can find a support system!
This is my first ever vegan ice cream recipe on the blog (can you believe it?!), and oh dear me, it’s one we can’t stop eating. I’ve been in a bit of a vegan ice cream bender since I bought this Cuisinart ice cream machine in the spring. It’s so much easier to use than I thought! Almost too easy. 
Happy Canada Day long weekend to my Canadian Friends! And happy 4th of July to my American friends! Have a safe, happy, and delicious weekend, everyone.
Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream
Vegan, gluten-free, oil-free
This is my favourite kind of summer indulgence! My reader-favourite Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies meet my dreamy homemade peanut butter and coconut milk ice cream in this cooling summer treat. Chewy coconut, snappy chocolate chips, and tender bites of soft peanut butter cookies blend perfectly with a creamy vanilla and peanut butter vegan ice cream. If I’d known how simple it was to make my own vegan ice cream (only 5 ingredients!), I would’ve invested in an ice cream machine long ago. Well, I’m making up for lost time now! The peanut butter ice cream is inspired by Cookie + Kate.
Yield 8 (1/2-cup) servings
Prep time 10 Minutes
Cook time 12 Minutes
Chill time overnight (ice cream bowl) + 30 minutes
Total time 22 Minutes
1 batch Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, divided
2 (14-ounce/398 mL) cans full-fat coconut milk*
1/2 cup (105 g) natural cane sugar
3 tablespoons (45 mL) smooth natural peanut butter
2 teaspoons (10 mL) pure vanilla extract
1/4 + 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt, or to taste
Chill the ice cream bowl in the freezer overnight, or for at least 12 hours. This step is very important to ensure the ice cream thickens properly. 
Prepare the Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies. After baking, cool the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, then transfer each one to a plate. Place in the freezer on a flat surface for a minimum of 25 minutes. As soon as you transfer the cookies to the freezer, get started on the ice cream.
Add the ice cream ingredients (entire cans of coconut milk, sugar, peanut butter, vanilla, and salt) to a blender and blend for about 8 to 10 seconds, until smooth (be sure not to blend longer than 10 seconds, as it may effect the final texture of your ice cream). 
Place the frozen ice cream bowl into the ice cream maker, insert the churning arm, cover with the lid, and turn on the machine (if the instructions for your ice cream maker are different, please follow the directions that came with your machine). Slowly pour the mixture into the bowl as it churns. Churn for about 22 minutes, until the mixture has thickened into a very thin, soft-serve texture. 
Once the cookies have been in the freezer for 25 minutes, chop 6 of the cookies into small, almond-sized chunks. Reserve the remaining 7 cookies, at room temperature, for later.
After 22 minutes of churning, slowly add the chopped cookies, a handful at a time, to the mixture while the machine is still churning. I like to use a fork to gently push the chopped cookies into the ice cream and help it along. Churn another 5 to 8 minutes, until the ice cream has thickened a bit more. It will have a thick, soft-serve texture when ready. There will be some hardened ice cream along the inside of the bowl...I like to think of this as the chef’s extra helping (wink, wink)! Serve immediately, or for a firmer texture, transfer the ice cream to a loaf pan or airtight container and spread out smooth. At this stage, I like to crumble an extra cookie all over the top (and gently push it into the ice cream) to make it look extra-enticing, but this is optional. Cover and freeze for 2 hours for a more traditional ice cream firmness. 
To serve, scoop into bowls or ice cream cones. Or, if you're feeling wild, make ice cream sandwiches with the leftover cookies...oh yea!!
Storage tip: Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for 3 to 4 weeks. Be sure to cover the ice cream with a piece of wrap to prevent freezer burn. To soften, let the container rest on the counter for 20 to 30 minutes before scooping.
* The cans of coconut milk do not need to be chilled beforehand.
  Always follow the directions that come with your ice cream maker as there may be slight variations. My churning time is an estimate only; you may find you need more or less time with your machine! Watch closely during the last few minutes of churning. It it still looks too soft, feel free to let it churn a bit longer than the range I provide.
  This is the ice cream maker that I use and love. Pro tip: This machine is a bit noisy once the mixture starts to thicken, so I like to keep the machine in a nearby room with the door closed while it churns (don't worry, my machine doesn't seem too offended and still makes great ice cream!).
  No ice cream maker? No problem! The blended liquid can be poured into popsicle molds for creamy frozen popsicle treats. Simply add the blended liquid to each popsicle mold, leaving at least an inch of room at the top. Now, carefully add some cookie chunks to each, pushing them down slowly into the liquid. If needed, add a bit more liquid to completely fill each mold. Secure the tops and freeze until solid. Run the popsicles under hot water to loosen them from the molds.
Want to torture a person? Give them an ice cream cone on a hot day, and tell them they can’t eat it until you’ve snapped a good pic. bahaha.
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© copyright 2019 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
from Oh She Glows https://ift.tt/2YkwnfJ
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