#I like to know who else I can potentially send you memes from in the future! ^^
rockinrpmemes · 4 months
Some things NEW RP blogs need to understand about tumblr rpc etiquette:
It's good to see the RPC slowly reseeding itself after tumblr went all "scorched earth" on the writing community a few years ago. However, with a new crop RP'ers, comes a few issues that need to be addressed...Again.
If you are underage and approach a RP blog that clearly states: "NO ONE UNDER 18/21" Move on. We will not follow back, in fact, many of us surviving RP'ers since the 2015 RPC exodus are well over 30 now, and we will not be caught in some sick trap because a child thinks it's not a big deal to RP mature content with us. Go find someone your own age, and don't ruin our lives (literally, it's illegal and gross) because you have no impulse control.
Please, always reblog aesthetic pics, art, etc. from SOURCE, not the RP blog you're following. It's great if you like the photo or drawing we posted for our muse/s too, and want it as aesthetic for your muse/s, but understand you are clogging up the our Activity Feed. We don't see it as a compliment, rather, we see it as someone that is using our blog as a "resource" to siphon from, and nothing else. You will learn, as you RP more, even if you use some kind of thread tracker app, we ALL rely on Activity to see what exactly is going on with our threads and headcanons. Reblogging art, gifs, photosets, and text posts directly from us is a breach of RPC etiquette.
Same for memes...if you reblog a meme from us, and not the OP or another meme blog in the reblog roll, this looks like you're only following the RP blog as a resource, and not as a potential partner. Some RP'ers on here practice "meme/reblog karma" which means, if you take a meme, send a meme. But generally, 99% of the RPC frown deeply on RP'ers that reblog memes from them instead of source. Use the search bar and look up: "RP MEMES", many will pop up, often from Meme blogs like this one.
Some RP'ers do NOT feel comfortable with duplicates of our muses following them. Please read their guidelines or ask the mun privately if you are unsure. I don't know how it is elsewhere, but in the tumblr RPC, we have often seen duplicates of our muses stealing from us, so it raises a red flag across the board. Be it headcanons, plot arcs, ship-mates, etc. True, we can't steal partners/ship-mates. They can go write with whomever they please. But understand, if a duplicate starts to reblog ALL our stuff for their blog, and copy our plot lines and hound our main partners in order to replace us, it's very suspect, and you deserve the hard block you get. Where it gets confusing, is that some of us have no problem writing with duplicates, because we impliment "multi verse/ multi ship" law. Again, if you are unsure, READ THE BLOG'S GUIDELINES OR ASK the MUN.
If you send a meme or IC ask to RP blog to break the ice, be sure you actually know who and what their muse is. IE: If someone has a very canonly sweet and gentle muse, and you send them a confrontational, "down-to-fight" meme from your muse, I don't care if your muse is a textbook asshole. Use better judgement, because I can bet 9/10 times, the mun won't answer, because they will be baffled on how to reply. Same in reverse; if your muse is an innocent sweetheart, and you approach a chainsaw wielding murder demon from hell, while playing the cutiepie card, you will not get a good response. Know the type of muse you are approaching! We are not responsible for your muse's experience. We will answer In Character, or not at all. Don't complain about it later.
Never join in on a thread or verse that you are not invited to join. Again, I don't know where anyone allows this intrusive behavior, but if you see 2 or 3 people deeply embroiled in their own threading, you sticking your head into their thread and reblogging it to your blog "to keep" as a fanfiction or to "join in," is beyond rude and invasive. THREADS ARE NOT FANFICTION. You can "like" a thread, or do dash commentary, even message the authors on your compliments, but you never ever put yourself or your muse/s in their world without plotting or asking first.
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if it’s not too much trouble, could you share a bit about how to better support closeted/ just-cracked trans women?
Okay this is going to be a fairly long response, be warned. Its also based off personal experience (or lack of positive experience) from how I'm treated irl. also its 4 am some of this may be less coherent than I want but whatever.
The basics: name & pronouns. Ask who its safe to use these in front of!!! Dont out someone to their parents or partner or boss!! Otherwise use these as much as possible. Avoid deadnames and dead-pronouns as much as possible too - I am fine with being they/themed over he/him and prefer a nameless "later, nerd" to "bye, deadname". sometimes its unavoidable but many times its not. this is 101 stuff but I see lots of people forget it.
Going out and about: GO. WITH. HER. A LOT. She fucking needs it. Go clothes shopping together and teach her how to pick out good clothes/outfits and how to at least begin to decipher the mess that is sizing. Find her a "spinny skirt" (pleated mini skirt or skater skirt, forgot the exact one but anything similar to those) if she really wants one, I dont care how cringe you find the memes this is more important than Reddit Bad jokes. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO, TAKE HER TO THE WOMENS WASHROOM WITH YOU. yknow how girls go to the bathroom in groups for safety? yeah trans women need triple that safety and nobody provides it like ever, even other trans women. change that and be that safety. also, if youre like ordering food or at the cashier, always use the correct pronouns even if misgendering happens. if she gets a "what would you like sir" from the waiter, you are going to say something like "she would like a cheeseburger with fries and a fountain drink". this will save her ass from a lot of awkward correcting.
transitioning & hrt: if she needs a space to wear femme clothes safely, invite her over or go out together. try to avoid places where people she's not out to frequently go. for hrt, if you already accessed it HELP HER AS WELL. the amount of people who are like one step removed from pulling the ladder up behind them with regards to hrt is insane. so much "fuck you got mine" attitude in this community. anyways, DESCRIBE THE PROCESS YOU WENT THROUGH, STEP BY STEP. mention specific doctors, clinics, etc. if you do diy, mention the provider, what to look for on blood work, how to take it (injection, gel, etc) and send relevant articles/pages, about each part, not just the hrt wiki home page. if you have a prescription, mention ANY AND ALL procedures you went through to get hrt. psychologist? readiness assessment? any other screening process? DESCRIBE IN DETAIL WHAT YOU WERE ASKED AND HOW YOU ANSWERED. this can literally be a life saving thing. treat that information like the death star plans and she is the rebellion. precise motherfucking details. similar thing for any surgeries like ffs, tracheal shave, various types of bottom surgery. if you and her are going through different systems (say, you got it under 18 as a youth and she's 22 and no longer qualifies for that, or she wants diy while you have a prescription) then look up third party anecdotes as well. reddit is great for this as they often have city specific trans subreddits which lets you look at local doctors/clinics/providers & shipping. if she gets hit with dysphoria, "you are valid" CAN help new girls but as a half closeted girl for the past three years, I know I'm valid already thank you very much. dysphoria is different to each person, just be there to comfort her, help distract if nothing else. Teach her to shave if she wants, offer to do her makeup if you know how (some tutorials are made by and for trans women btw! check those out if you can). if she wants to order things online, anything from a flag to a dress to diy hrt, but can't for fear of outing, OFFER TO BE THE RECEIVING ADDRESS AND PASS IT ON IN PERSON. you can also try setting up a PO box away from home. covering some costs can potentially help lower suspicion but only do this of you have the money. in general just be a safe & informative helpful person who is willing to stand by her side.
Other general tips:
- if you are transfem yourself you will know and experience many of these things. do not withhold information like others do. did you have another trans person in your own life who helped you out when you first cracked? if yes, now its your turn. if no, then dont let her lose out on that too. actually support your sisters for once.
- if you are having sex, she may want to be submissive and/or bottom more as these are often "forbidden" when youre male. if thats compatible with you then try to accommodate that, and throw in some gender affirming stuff like a "good girl". praise kink often works well here, but always ask first. teach her how to bottom if she wants. AFTERCARE holy shit aftercare. yeah that should also be at least skmewhat gender affirming. dont skip out.
- the self doubt spiral: "you are valid" are the three words that get way more use than they really should. "valid" is so vague that its near useless. if you can, find the specific root (e.g. "I feel like a pervert cuz I get euphoria boners when I wear a sexy dress") and respond with counter examples that tell her she belongs, she is a woman, e.g. "youre not a pervert, plenty of cis women feel similar and enjoy dressing sexy as well". this is mainly for self doubt not other types of dyphoria.
- she will probably be really fucking depressed and possibly even suicidal at some point. usually close to egg crack or after a shitty experience. personally, I have a lot of passive suicidal thoughts where I dont wnat to make any attempts but wouldn't mind if I vanished, if it weren't for a few things. try to be there as a rock in the stream for her to hold onto during depression. it is fucking rough and in the words of bill withers, we all need somebody to lean on. eventually we will all stand tall together.
I am sure there's more but I think I covered most of the points I wanna make.
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wwdits-kink-meme · 7 months
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Why not start a revival? Send in your prompts!!
This is an experimental format, so hopefully it works out!
FAQ (also under cut for mobile users)
What is a kink meme? Basically a public (usually nsfw) prompt, popularized on Livejournal. One person will throw out an idea that they don’t or can’t fulfill themselves in the hopes that it will spark creativity in someone else! A kink meme can be as simple as pairing + trope, or a full well-thought-out AU!
How do I submit a kink meme? Use the ask button on this blog and it will go into the queue! You can submit anonymously (traditional), but it will be posted either way - make sure you click anonymous if you don’t want your face on it!
How do I fill a kink meme? Any way you like! You can write a fic directly in the reblogs, post it on another site and provide a link, or even post a 32 part series in the replies! We just ask that you link the prompt on your creative piece and/or reblog the submission with your piece included or linked (whichever applicable). If you are putting an explicit fill in reblogs, please remember to add a community label if the original post does not already have one!
Can I fill/submit an NSFW prompt if I am under 18? NO!!!!!!!! Doing so not only endangers you, but the adults in fandom, as well. We can’t stop you from seeking out certain content if you want to see it, but you should not be interacting directly with adults on sexual topics.
Can I fill a prompt with art? Absolutely! If your craft is drawing, painting, crocheting, stop-motion, needlepoint, cosplay, etc etc etc and you are inspired by a kink meme, we encourage you to participate! We also encourage adding alt text to any images.
What content do you allow in submissions? All kinks are welcome - yes, even that one. We will reject submissions that are not WWDITS-based, are hateful in some way, or appear to be submitted in bad faith. Venting, character-bashing, or incomprehensible prompts will be deleted. Transphobia, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, ableism, etc will get you blocked. Due to the limitations of the mods, we are currently only accepting submissions in English or Spanish.
How are kink memes tagged? Tags will include any and all pairings, kinks, applicable tropes, and potentially triggering content to the best of our ability. If we have missed something or you would like to request a certain trigger tag, send us an ask! We cannot guarantee that we will be able to tag for everything, however, and it is important to remember to protect yourself and your online experience. Submissions with explicit language will have community tags attached.
Can I submit SFW prompts? Of course! Despite the name, kink memes aren’t just for porn.
Can I submit prompts with characters from the WWDITS movie, too? Absolutely!
Can I submit prompts with my OC? No, but not because we don’t like your OC - we just don’t know them! These prompts are for someone else to fill, so it has to include characters they know.
Can I submit reader-insert or y/n prompts? Yes, as long as the other characters are from WWDITS!
Can I submit RPF prompts? No, as we prefer that this kink meme focus on the characters in the show rather than the actors who play them. However, celebrities who have appeared in the show as themselves count as characters and are fair game (within reason)!
Can I submit crossover prompts? Yes, under certain conditions. This is a WWDITS kink meme, and we want to ensure those characters have the spotlight! So if your prompt is mostly about the crossover property, or if the WWDITS character is simply one of a medley of different characters, it may be rejected. No Harry Potter, please.
Can I make my own kink meme for a different fandom using this blog as a template? Of course! We encourage this - please bring kink memes back to fandom!!
Who are the mods? Just some adult fans who long for the insanity that was LJ back in the day.
Mod the Impaler - they/them ModMilla - she/her
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zephyrchama · 3 months
you're one of my fav blogger in this app! i love to read your blogs during night time, that's the only time when i have a clear mind for imaginations! sometimes i even laugh at your blogs causing my mom to wake up and she'll shut me up. but if i'd ask you something... How do you even get ideas for your blogs? is there any particular story you've made that happened to you too? ilysm, have a great day or night :) ❤️❤️
Aaaaa thank you so very much!! ヾ(。・ω・)ノ☆゚♥ (I've made you wake someone up with laughter! What an honor! >u< )
I honestly never ever respected anybody to read my stuff. When I made my first post, I sat on it for days and wondered if I should really upload it, and just made this blog for self-indulgent reasons. I was super surprised! I'm still surprised every day!
Some of my ideas are based on real events! The toe-biting one (it wasn't a human though haha), high-pitched noise, sneezing (it's me, I'm determined to bless everyone who sneezes), long hair, unnoticed, those are a few based on personal experiences. I have a lot of ideas saved up to potentially write about in the future as well. I used to live in an international dormitory in Tokyo where there were young adults from all over the world living together in an unfamiliar country. We're all people and we were all similar, but everyone was raised in a different culture so we had these slightly different quirks, and I like to think that's what living with the Obey Me characters might feel like.
Some of the posts are based on internet memes, like chin on palm, false eyelashes, and confident Levi. Some of them are based on other shows, like Mammon's First Grimm and the Watching MC sleep post from yesterday. I read a lot of manga/webtoons, especially in the otome isekai genre. Sometimes I get spin-off ideas from those, but if I go into a new series specifically looking for ideas to write about then I won't find anything. The OM characters have certain popular traits, like the bookworm and the otaku and the tsundere, but they're also unique characters that express those tropes in their own way! So I don't like drawing too many parallels between the OM cast and similar characters from other media because I don't want to label all otaku, bookworms, tsundere, etc. as being the same.
A lot of people send me asks and I really have to respond to them! There are a lot of fun ideas people sent in that I've been sitting on for too long. I never know how long or short to make the responses and I don't want to disappoint people with really short answers if they were expecting something big, but that makes me hesitate and I wind up accidentally not responding. ;u;
Sometimes an idea springs into my head out of nowhere and just have to get it out right away. I prefer to write at a computer but the April Fool's Day piece and Hide & Seek came to me so suddenly I literally couldn't focus on anything else, dropped what I was doing, and immediately posted it from my phone.
this got so long, oh no. you can tell i like to ramble when I speak on the internet hghakhj. I may be taking a bit of a break from writing soon because a big anime convention is coming up and I'm working a lot on cosplay again. I want to post some longer fics when I'm back though so come August I'd like to work on those. If people read my posts and haven't noticed, I also write whatever's on my mind in the tags! Sometimes it's quips about the fic, sometimes it's updates about this blog, sometimes I'm just saying nonsense.
This got really long I am so sorry but thank you so much!! You too, please have a lovely day or night or week in general and thanks for letting me ramble on your post!
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hells-greatestdad · 7 months
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Hazbin Hotel is an adult animation with very mature themes and language. Because I'm not going to shy away from those themes.... if you're going to interact with me, please be 18 or older. I will block you if I find out you're a minor. to read: Why I do not interact with minors
The mun of this blog tends to make a lot of OOC posts. While they are also very active in making IC posts, they understand that excessive OOC is a turn-off to some. Frankly, they don't know how to stop - so if excessive OOC is an issue for you, consider not following.
Smut and/or sexually suggestive/explicit content will be tagged as #suggestive or #spicy. #spicy rp for smut threads. Will not RP smut with under 21s
This blog will primarily ship Lucifer x Lillith. This means that any Liliths who wish to get to autoship with my Lucifer. More on shipping below
While in some verses I write for, Lucifer did have sexual relations with Eve, I will never write him as cheating on Lilith. I simply don't think he would. In those verses, Lilith was aware of it, and may have even been a part of it. (There are also verses where this never happened. I will never impose this headcanon on any Eve muns. Our interactions will assume that Lucifer never slept with Eve at all, unless you want to interact with that headcanon.)
I am fine interacting with multiples of the same character!! Including Liliths, Charlies, etc!! I want to explore all that I can with all the characters!!
Please request a TW tag if you need it. I'll accommodate you.
Please reblog from source when it comes to ask memes and stuff that comes with an expectation of interaction. If you do reblog from me, pleaseeeee send something in first.
I am open to a variety of interpretations on Lilith... including potentially toxic ones. That said, I by default view their marriage as overall one that contains mutual love and respect, even if there may be significant challenges. So.... maybe talk to me, if you have something else in mind.
Stance on OCs and Personals Interaction
I ask that you DM me or otherwise contact me OOC about your OC before doing any serious writing with me. Give me an idea of your OCs story/backstory, what sort of interactions you picture for us or what you hope for - and let me give an honest reply on if that will work or not.
I am willing to give OCs a chance. I even have an OC as a ship partner.
Personal blogs:
Personals are welcome to follow, like posts, etc. Please do not reblog my IC posts, however! Please also do not reblog headcanon posts!! (Unless I tag it as #ok to rb)
I also welcome anon asks from personals who follow.
I first got into tumblr RP, starting an interest in it by being a personal blog following RP blogs - I understand that observing RP can be quite fun and entertaining.
Shipping: how it works for this blog
Default verse, Lucifer is with Lilith. They may or may not be temporarily separated. They also have an open marriage. (If preferred, we can discuss your Lilith and my Lucifer having a monogamous marriage. This isn't an issue, I understand not everyone likes the open marriage thing.)
Other ships taking place in the open marriage dynamic can either be romantic or sexual
(Please don't feel like shipping with my Lucifer means we need to write smut. We do not, esp if you're uncomfortable with it. Shipping is so much more than two characters having sex. I want to write the romantic stuff just as much.)
For non-LuciLith ships, there are a couple options:
They can be involved with my Lucifer within the open marriage dynamic. (Note, however, that Lucifer is not going to be seeing anyone during Lilith's absence. So this would need to take place in a timeline where Lilith is available.)
We can create a separate verse where Lucifer is no longer with Lilith - either divorced, or otherwise permanently separated
I am selective!!! What does this mean?
I am open to RPing with a variety of people, but find it necessary to vet interactions to a decent degree. You are free to approach, and I am NOT mutuals-only! But an interaction is not guaranteed. I need to be selective for my own sanity and mental health.
About the blog owner!
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Name: Collie
Faceclaim: Lassie from Meiken Lassie (anime adaption of Lassie Come Home)
Age: 30+
Pronouns: they/them
Info: I am diagnosed with "level 1" autism - the mildest form that exists. This is largely inconsequential in an online setting of communication, but it does mean that I tend to not take hints or understand sarcasm. You will often need to be more direct with me.
Experience in RP: been off and on with roleplay since age 17, starting on Skype in 2010 and have used kik, forums dedicated to RP, and of course... tumblr
Other blogs: @alwayschasingraiinbows (Charlie Morningstar sideblog! very low activity)
@appleduck000 (Lucifer's Twitter. sideblog)
Currently active event (later will be kept on as its own verse, assuming my muse survives):
#unholy crusade
Lucifer's Moral Compass
Headcanons list
(Autistic traits I write my Lucifer as having)
Verse info
Established Lucifer ships on this blog
Verses where Lucifer has kids other than Charlie
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I suppose you want to hear about...
Me! Hi!
So first things first, what is this blog? Despite this name, it's actually Not a Shadowheart exclusive BG3 blog. The name is just a play on a joke I made with some friends that there is a DEEP lack of Dark Justiciar Shadowheart and Dark/Jealous/Possessive content for her. While I, of course, get and love our precious, wholesome Selunite baby, there's a lot of untapped potential for her Sharran Side. There's already a whole post I made on why I think you can definitely pull off a Yandere/Obsessive Shadowheart if you're interested. Can find that post Here, if you're interested.
This blog will be
Astarion and Shadowheart focused. BG3 blog maybe a random aside thought?
Not everything will be Yandere/Dark
I would like to be heralded as a Meme Queen, thank you
YES, I write fanfiction too, there's no escaping us.
I have SO many prompts/ideas/drabbles to share with you guys too
Maybe an opinion or such, like the Yandere Shadowheart post
Requests? Don't trust myself to do them in a timely manner. Suggestions of things to write? All for those, hmu girlies
I write a longfic on AO3 called I Want To Live. You can find me... Here!
I also now write a story called His Star - His Queen and that can be found... Here! Or if you prefer to continue reading on Tumblr I have a master page I call the Chapter Index and the link can be found... Here!
My Tumblr name is different from my AO3. I have yet to transplant my drabbles to my AO3 but if you want to stalk and stare at the relative void of my page, you can find me Here! My name there is A Random Introvert.
My inbox is open in case you guys aren't aware. There's really no limit on what you could send in that I won't reply to.
My Masterlist can be found here!
If I'm perfectly honest?
I'm actually a Spawn!Astarion simp more
But I've always had a weakness for dark romance, yandere content, obsessive/possessive/jealous content, and Ascended!Astarion has that in SPADES. So does Sharran!Shadowheart and DarkJusticiar!Shadowheart just saying.
Hence why the profile picture and banner feature Astarion and Shadowheart. This blog is for both of them, as I simp both.
Now not to come across condescending or anything, I know most people are aware what a yandere is. But just in case there are some newbies/uninitiated in this sacred, unholy character trope. Never want people to feel awkward or unwelcome or even ashamed they don't know something.
There are many other tropes that tend to be interwoven into a yandere. It's hardly ever their only trait. You can learn the rest by reading that, and your own research.
Look, I may be a Spawn!Astarion simp but I'm very staunch in my belief.
This is above all a No Judgement - No Shame blog
We can all enjoy ascended Astarion or Obsessive Shadowheart or whoever else you want to make a dark character. We can, because we can all acknowledge that no one in a healthy frame of mind would actually want to be with a Yandere in real life. But here, in text and words, we can enjoy it for what it is. A fantasy. I have a partner (hi babe) who is the complete antithesis of a yandere. I am actively writing a double Yandere electric boogaloo fic on AO3. Which they actively read and I talk about often. Doesn't change that I want a healthy relationship. And if I ever got a hint that they were recreating the scenes I was writing, I would ***SPOILERS*** drop faster than Shadowheart's parents when she kills them that's dark and I'm not sorry nor feel bad for it ***END SPOILERS**
That said; I welcome you to this little blog of mine and wish to be welcomed to this fandom if you would let me.
I think we're going to have a lot of fun together
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m1d-45 · 7 months
Before I drop the actual ask I just wanna say if you had happened to sell your soul to like the devil or something to be able to write the way that you do (I wouldn’t be surprised, your bird!xiao stuff has me bawling my eyes out) then I would totally give you mine out of gratitude for producing such lovely works. Thank you for those!!
Anyways you can ignore this if it makes no sense or you simply don’t want to bother but I have an idea that I’d like you to consider that might be of some interest; I spent my 3am reading through the Shining Nikki Saga tag and it got me thinking about a creator from other similar games/medias. One that has been plaguing my thoughts in particular is a creator- especially Impostor!au- who’s from Honkai Impact 3rd.
A creator who’s a Herrscher, or maybe a Houkai beast or Pseudo-Herrscher the way that Benares is, or even just a standard Valkyrie.
But Just. A creator who isn’t helpless after their unfortunate isekai. They pull up in Teyvat, get attacked by the forces of whichever nation they land in, and their first reaction is “oh haha okay- TAKE THIS SUBSPACE LANCE DUMBASS‼️”
ohhh you understand
first off, i’m glad you liked what i’ve written! thank you very much for the compliment
secondly, that’s very interesting! warning that while i’ve dabbled in hi3, i never actually played it that much (not my style of gameplay). that being said the idea of being able to access those powers while you’re in an isekai has a lot of potential
(obligatory note that while the universes of hi3 and gi are connected, i will not be acknowledging this anywhere else in this post)
(note two: that would be interesting, though. fischl and fischl…)
in terms of hi3, my mind is going to the “kill them with kindness? WRONG, herrscher of the void 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌” meme. this is all i have to offer.
lie. from my limited knowledge i remember a unit who’s abilities centered around painting- dude, the mech suits? good luck killing me when i am a literal transformer. swords don’t do shit against 4tons of steel.
in terms of other various medias, my mind goes to, as always, minecraft. isekai!creator with creative mode. ender pearls for quick getaways, invisibility potions, potions for speed and fire resistance (which will come in handy should they start to pull out witch trial pyres), flying if they’re in creative mode, fireworks and elytras..… honestly, depending how much of the base media you want to pull over into genshin, pretty much any other media would work. i’m also thinking of demon slayer (for the sole reason it has been discussed on this blog prior) and specifically giyu’s “dead calm” breathing, but any of the others will do. depends on the media and a bunch of semantics about lore, but i’m not going to get into that.
redirecting back to mhy games strictly because of star rail (was that out when i first got this ask? god knows but it’s here now), specifically ratio’s burst. imagine being a hunter, seeing a Suspicious Person about, and in response they simply. construct a building of stone and steel out of nowhere, sending it crashing down in front of your platoon. nobody’s hurt, thankfully, but the earthquake echoes.
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happyk44 · 1 year
Jasico prompt for @butt-puncher based off this tweet
Leo peered over Jason's head. "Who's XghostkingX?" His chin came to rest on Jason's shoulder. "Sounds likely a freaky dude."
Jason swiped away the notification and kept watching the dog training video Piper sent with the caption "You" and a pink heart emoji. "Just this guy who sends me recipes." Jason frowned as the video ended and typed a quick rebuttal back at Piper that just because the dog was a golden retriever did not mean it was him. "I don't know him."
Leo's breath went hot against his cheek. "Then why," Leo said, drawing out the "I" sound for as long as his breath lasted. He rolled over, locking his head backwards over Jason's shoulder, face to the curling and finally inhaled. Coughing briefly, he continued, "is he DMing you?" Leo flicked his cheek. "What, he is a potential booty call?"
Jason scowled. "I don't do that, Leo."
"You should," Leo huffed. "I got pegged on Tuesday by a hottie boom-booty and her boyfriend. All with the sweet send of a "You down to clown?" meme."
Rolling his eyes, Jason shifted ever so slightly and grinned when Leo slid off his shoulder and crashed to the ground. "You give all aroace people a bad name."
From the ground, Leo swatted at Jason's ankles. "Just because I don't get the attraction part doesn't mean I don't know what good feels like. And there are some angles only the thick fingers of a college football player can hit, alright?'"
Jason snorted and opened up Instagram. He switched to the messages section and clicked the top one. A link to a recipe popped up. Above it were a thousand other recipe links. No messages, no words, no comments.
Just other people's posts.
Jason didn't know who this Nico guy was. It was spring break in his sophomore year of high school. His step-mom dragged them all out to some meditative retreat that banned all use of electronics. It was supposed to be some kind of spiritual cleanse. All Jason remembered was doing yoga, eating really bland meals, and Thalia sneaking out of their room through the window in the middle of the night and coming back six hours later smelling like weed and wearing someone else's bra.
She had a lot more fun than he did.
But when he finally got his phone back, he had twenty-three messages from XghostkingX, all recipe posts from different accounts. He checked out the account, trying to figure out who "Nico" was. But the account was private. He checked out the recipes too. They weren't weird. Seemed like completely normal recipes. Bread, pasta, Mexican dishes, Indian dishes, pastries, keto, high protein, vegeterian. Pretty much everything except Italian.
Which Jason found interesting. He wanted to ask about it but...
He turned and flashed a sprawled out Leo the messages. "They're just recipes. He started sending them to me when I was on that no-phones thing with my family."
Leo snatched the phone from him and begin scrolling at top speed. "Wasn't that, like, five years ago?" Jason shrugged. Leo stared at him unamused. "Seriously, man? And you haven't said anything?" He shook the phone. "You don't even know this guy!"
Jason reached for his phone but Leo rolled away, spring up to his feet. "Leo, give me my phone."
"Just one second," Leo said, very clearly typing something.
"Do not talk to him, Leo!" Jason shouted, shooting out of his chair and towards his best friend.
"I'm just gonna hit him up!" Leo yelled as he scrambled away on his gangly twig legs. "See what's up!"
Jason grabbed a pillow off his bed and hurled it at Leo through the doorway. Leo squawked loud, without dignity, as it beamed him in the back of the head and knocked him down. Darting through the doorway, Jason threw himself over Leo. All the air fwooshed out of his lungs.
Grunts and grounds filled the air as they wrestled for the phone. Leo curled inwards of himself. Jason rolled him over onto his back. Leo kicked at him. Grabbing at his legs, Jason pinned him down and started tugging at his arms. He ripped the phone of Leo's hands and sat on his chest in retaliation.
Leo spread his hands behind his head and fluttered his eyelashes, before wheezing, "Why, why Mr. Grace, you're so forward."
Jason shoved his foot in Leo's face. Leo shouted and slapped it away with spluttering indignation. "Fuck off and suffocate, Valdez." He turned to his phone. His heart exploded in his chest. Panic induced upwards his throat. "Oh my fucking gods, Leo." He shoved both his feet into Leo's face again, kicking at his jaw.
Ignoring Leo's protesting yells, Jason scanned the string of messages in the chat. The first one started off okay. Yo, who is this? Then they slowly began to deteriorate into complete nonsense. Probably as Jason and Leo were fighting over the phone.
Crap, crap, crap, he thought, as he began typing out apologies.
Sorry for that, it was my friend, he was wondering why you keep DMing me even though we don't know each other. He sent the text and closed out of the app before planting both feet beside Leos face and flaring down at him.
Jason bonked him again then twitched as his phone buzzed. The notification read XghostkingX sent you a message. Leo squirmed under Jason's weight. "Did he respond? Is he telling you why he keeps sending you messages? Is he hot?"
Leo batted his eyelashes Sweetly. Jason bonked him on the head with his phone. "I am going to eat you one day, Leo."
"I don't care what you do to me, so long as I get to come first," Leo said.
Jason swatted at him as he opened up the text.
Haha, no problem. I was wondering when you were going to say something. I'm Nico. Sorry for all the recipes. I was sick with the flu and couldn't remember how to save them to my notes app. I meant to send them to my sister, but I messed up on her username. I'm dyslexic. Powered through it but it does get worse when I can't think straight. Actually using speech to text right now. Filling in the punctuations after the fact. Anyway, you never said anything so I just kept saving there here to refer back to. Kind of easier than opening my notes app all the time to be honest.
Another text popped up. A picture this time. Followed by a series of more pictures. All of food. Jason recognized some of them from the recipes he'd clicked through out of curiosity. The plating was different. A little less professional, but they looked just as good as they had in the videos.
Some of the photos had a cute boy in the background. He presented the plates with a shy look on his face. His dark shaggy hair was pulled back in a few photos.
Some of my successes, the next message read.
Quickly Jason texted back, Is that you?
Yeah, Nico's reply read. My sister took them to send to my grandma in Venice. I usually just photograph the food. I have other pictures on my page. You can follow if you want.
Jason didn't hesitate before replying, Okay.
He clicked Nico's username and hit the follow button before waiting patiently. A second later the page opened up for him. Nico had a lot of pictures of food, dogs, paintings. There were few pictures of him as Jason scrolled mindlessly through his accounts. The ones that did feature him were always flocked by two other girls - one white and tall, with a braid tucked over her shoulder and fierce eyes, the other short and black with a wide smile, typically tucked under one of their arms.
Jason clicked on a picture of what looked to lasagna roll-up but much fancier and sent it to the chat. That looks good. I don't remember seeing a post for it.
That's my grandma's recipe, Nico typed back. It's a chicken cannelloni. Trade secret though. Can't give it to you. There was a brief lull before another message popped up. But I could make it for you, if you're interested. Make up for spamming you these last five years. Laughing face emoji.
Jason paused. Then, Does it travel well? Who knows if the USPS will keep it fresh.
My dad lives in the Bay Area, Nico replied with a laughing face emoji. And I'm here for the next couple months. Another brief pause while Jason's mind caught up with the air in his lungs. If you didn't want people to know where you lived, you shouldn't post pictures of yourself at university. Congrats on your win by the way.
A deep heat crossed Jason's face. So Nico had checked out his page? What did he think of the personality Jason exhibited through carefully selected photographs and captions? Did he think he was cool?
Beneath him Leo was still struggling and wheezing. Jason ignored him as he typed. I'd be creeped out, but that cannoli thing looks too good, so yeah, why not?
Nico's reply was a cute smiley emoji. Here's my number, he wrote. Call me when you wanna come over. Takes a while to make the pasta from scratch but I'm sure I can keep you entertained. Another smiling emoji.
Jason swallowed around his rising emotions. Sounds good. I'll let you know when I'm free.
A thumbs up and another smiley face.
Finally, he slid off of Leo's chest and landed on the hardwood floors. Leo inhaled dramatically then coughed rapidly before flipping over to his stomach. He groaned as he pushed himself up to his knees. Jason exited the chat.
"So, you getting that dick or what?" Leo drawled. Jason shoved him back as he laughed deliriously.
"Shut up." He pushed up to a stand and dragged Leo off the floor. "He's gonna make me one of his recipes."
"Ahh, dinner date."
Jason cuffed Leo's shoulder before wrapping him in a headlock. Leo laughed boisterously and didn't fight back. Instead he licked a long line down Jason's arm. Jason rolled his eyes and pinched his ear before letting him go.
"It's not a date." He smoothed down his shirt and began looking through his calendar. "He's just trying to make up for spamming me these last five years."
"Uh huh," Leo said, with a twinkle in his eyes that Jason sometimes loved and sometimes hated.
"Yeah, uh huh," Jason muttered back.
Another notification popped up. Without a second thought, Jason clicked it. A picture of a small cake with elaborate icing work and chocolate drips. Nico was in the background, crouched low so all you could see was his face, flour in his hair, a little bit of icing smeared on his cheek. He was smiling wide, eyes glancing up at the person taking the picture. Underneath the photo were the words, For dessert?
Jason hearted the photo immediately and wrote, Sounds good. It looks delicious.
Leo leaned over his shoulder. "He does look pretty delicious."
Jason swatted him away, cheeks burning. "Fuck off, Valdez." Leo cackled behind him before jogging back into Jason's bedroom. Jason turned back to the photo. Nico did look really nice. Messy in a cute way.
Maybe if Jason played his cards right, he could score more than a free dinner and a cute dessert.
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grimmkinkmeme · 6 months
Welcome to the Grimm Kink Meme
Doing our part to reintroduce kink memes to the fandom ecosystem!
Credit to @wwdits-kink-meme for the idea and for their generosity in allowing other fandoms to use their blog as a template to start additional kink memes!
This post will be updated with frequently used tags for ease of navigation on mobile.
Questions? Check out our FAQ! (also under the cut for mobile users)
What is a kink meme? A kink meme is a public (usually nsfw) prompt thread, originally popularized on LiveJournal. One person will throw out an idea that they don’t or can’t fulfill themselves in the hopes that it will spark creativity in someone else. A kink meme can be as simple as pairing + trope, or a full well-thought-out AU.
How do I submit a kink meme? Use the ask button on this blog and it will go into the queue! You can submit anonymously (traditional), but it will be posted either way - make sure you click anonymous if you don’t want your face on it!
How do I fill a kink meme? Any way you like! Submissions are open for you to submit your prompt fills directly to this blog, but you can also do any of the following:
Reblog the ask post and put your fill in the body of the reblog
Make your own original post on tumblr and link back to the original prompt post
Post your prompt fill to AO3 or another fanfic archive and post a link on tumblr
Whatever you do, we just ask that you link the prompt on your creative piece and/or reblog the submission with your piece included or linked (whichever applicable). If you are putting an explicit fill in reblogs, please remember to add a community label if the original post doesn’t already have one!
Can I fill/submit an NSFW prompt if I am under 18? No, you should not do this. Doing so not only endangers you, but the adults in fandom as well. We can’t stop you from seeking out certain content if you want to see it, but you should not be interacting with adults on sexual topics.
Can I fill a prompt with art? Absolutely! If your craft is drawing, painting, crocheting, stop-motion, needlepoint, cosplay, etc. and you are inspired by a kink meme, we encourage you to participate! We also encourage adding alt text to any images.
What content do you allow in submissions? All ships and kinks are welcome - yes, even that one. Prompts not related to Grimm will be rejected. Venting, character-bashing, or incomprehensible prompts will be deleted. Transphobia, racism, misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, or ableism will get you blocked.
How are kink memes tagged? Tags will include any and all ships, kinks, applicable tropes, and potentially triggering content to the best of our ability. If something is missing or you would like to request a certain trigger tag, send an ask! Every possible trigger may not be tagged for, however, so it’s important to remember to protect yourself and your online experience.
Can I submit SFW prompts? Of course! Despite the name, kink memes aren’t just for porn.
Can I submit prompts with characters from the Grimm tie-in novels, comics, and games, too? Of course!
Can I submit prompts with my OC? No, but not because there’s anything wrong with OCs! These prompts are for someone else to fill, so it has to include characters they know.
Can I submit reader-insert or y/n prompts? Yes, as long as the other characters are from Grimm!
Can I submit crossover prompts? Not at this time.
Can I make my own kink meme for a different fandom using this blog as a template? This kink meme was created using the WWDITS Kink Meme as a template with permission of the generous mods as stated in their FAQ. I encourage you to check out their kink meme if you’d like a thorough starting point!
Who are the mods? Right now this blog is run by Jujubiest, one lone Grimmster who misses LiveJournal kink memes. If at some point we have additional mods, we will list them here.
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I how you are well.
I like you enough and feel safe enough to send this to you without the fear of getting crucified. Is Seven really a song worth of a Grammy? Like it's a pretty average song with multiple remixes. I personally didn't think Butter or Dynamite were worth a Grammy either. Maybe dynamite slightly because it was a shock to get a song like that from BTS plus a cultural reset of some sort but I feel the same way about them the way I feel about Seven. Generic song that could be passed as white people singing for generic radio if there wasn't noticeable accent. Plus the reason we have been able to stay on number one is because we have do many versions similar to what Dynamite and Butter had. It's not really a cultural reset of any sort. Now people might come at me and say I am an anti but I am not really. I feel like BTSs musical set standards are so bloody high. A song like Black Swan deserves a GRAMMY. Even a song like ON does but I don't know if I think their English songs do. The quality decreases a lot with their english releases. I found seven to be the worst out of those releases but PTD to me was equally as bad. I once apologise if I come across rude and antis but honestly, that's exactly how I feel. I hope I didn't anger you too much BPP.
You really shouldn't be so concerned about potentially pissing me off. For one thing I'm just a fan like you, what I'm saying is fair game to be picked apart if there's a better argument. And two, it takes a lot to actually piss me off. I'm not sensitive to seeing the members I like and BTS as a whole get dragged through filth because I know they're the real deal. Also don't take pointers for my opinions from k-pop stans on Twt/Tumblr in any case.
That said, I agree with you Seven is a garbage song compared to everything else we've gotten in Chapter 2. I said as much when I first talked about it.
Everybody can see what BigHit is going for here: a catchy summer pop tune to register enough in the wider American consciousness so the Academy sees a win for JK as the only reasonable option.
The mistake the suits in BigHit are making though, is that they've not first done the work to find out what will make a memorable mark in the American mainstream consciousness today. Is it a catchy, inoffensive, sugary song from another high-tenor male singer with his chest out and his pants saggy?
People have made memes and compilations of that exact type of song. It's a working formula but, BigHit failed to note the sorts of artists that formula works for. For BTS, it's going to have to be something with more oomph. The problem for BTS is their fluency. They make sick music but converting that cadence and lyricism to English, can be difficult. Usually, this is where a good A&R guy would come in. Someone who has kept his fingers to the pulse to know what the public wants before they say it, someone who knows the people making the sort of engaging music BTS self-writes and produces. But so far that person has missed the mark.
Seven is a very well-made song. I actually stream it often for enjoyment now with the versions (Explicit, Band, and Festival mix), but American mainstream has heard a song exactly like it every year for something like 2 decades now. JK deserves better than that.
I'd have loved something grittier, maybe a song referencing cigarettes and blunts since he might be into that anyway. Like, JK can do angsty. We've seen him pour every emotion into those bunny eyes to steal hearts and attention. I wish they attempted something more daring than Seven for JK, though I understand why they ultimately chose it.
It'd be nice if they rethought their strategy IMO, because that's the only problem here. BTS have still got it. I just played, in order, RUN BTS, Dis-ease, FTMR, My Universe (Suga's remix) - all songs released in the middle of the PET, and they're all very good. Finding an English song with that spirit shouldn't be difficult for a skilled A&R agent. BigHit needs to get better bang for their buck.
The Grammys as an institution doesn't have the cache it used to. It very much is a local award, and my interest in continuing to know what goes on is tied only to the melodrama that is Bangtan's chances there. Plus a few other groups'. The Grammys are already so shit that if we're keeping it a buck, they deserve a song like Seven. Masterpieces like SMF Pt 2 and Change Pt 2 are beyond their range. That's music that's best heard in an arena, where you're surrounded by other fans and having the time of your life. That's not music you subject yourself to watching that stuffiness and ads marathons for.
Okay I'm rambling lol.
Anyway, Seven is what Jungkook got and he's done a phenomenal job with it. Opening a Tiktok account and using it to promote Seven was brilliant. His voice is very good on it and the choreo kinda slaps. So, not being a total grouch, I hope Jungkook gets some recognition. Seven has good chances and I hope it works out for him.
I'm not holding my breath though. If another group gets a nomination, I'm nearly certain they'll be winning it over JK. Just my little unpopular opinion.
I hope that regardless of what happens at the next Grammys, more ARMYs develop a firm apathy for anything related to it, regardless of whether results are positive or negative for BTS. This is getting to be a major drag when we should be focusing more and positively on the guys.
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ach-sss-no · 5 months
Things I do if i'm stuck on a WIP
I keep seeing memes about people fighting with their WIPs so maybe you could use some handy weapons?
Some of these are passed around pretty often, but they're in here again because I personally found them useful, as opposed to the common advice I see passed around that has never helped me whatsoever, also, you never know when it's someone's first time seeing something or when it might be worded in a way that makes it more understandable.
Some of these are more useful when you have some options for how to proceed with your story but can't decide on one, and won't be as helpful if you can see no way to proceed.
These are intended primarily for writing and many don't really have other applications I can think of, but some of these strategies should also work for any creative thing you're trying to do that is not progressing in the way you want it to.
Disclaimer: Sometimes none of these work. Good luck!
CRIPES, I'm Stuck
Tell someone (or pretend to tell someone) who does not know the inner workings of your story all about your story problem in as much detail as you can articulate. The more detail the better, including what events led up to this point and what you want to achieve going forward. Go all the way back to what the main premise is, even. When I do this I often end up figuring out the problem while I am describing it and never even send the message, which is why this can be an imaginary conversation if input from another human is not desired and/or available for whatever reason. You can also tell your problems to your cat, dog, tarantula, or Pokémon team! BONUS: Those things are all cheaper than a therapist!
If you have multiple ideas for how to go forward and are paralyzed because you can see no greater or lesser value in any of them, great news! The machine can be trusted! (Disclaimer: The machine cannot be trusted) Go to random.org and use the list randomizer to scramble your potential plot options. Pick the one on top. If you realize you're unhappy with it, examine why. Whatever reason why you've decided you don't like that option after all will help guide you towards what you should be doing instead.
Got any kind of two option yes/no, pass/fail, success/disaster question? Flip a coin! This can be done digitally if you don't have coins lying around (I usually don't myself).
There is also the tried and true method of dice-rolling, which can also be done via app if you don't have dice of the desired type or you've lost yours.
Really stuck? Showrunner's challenge.
This is both the least efficient one and the thing I do the most often. Writing a scene? Not sure how it should go? Just write different versions of it until something sticks.
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Every time you feel unhappy with the scene, back up to the point that led to whatever you're not jiving with, cut it, and start over from there. I recommend saving all of your different versions so you can reconsider or do some horrific Frankenstein cut-and-paste later.
Like I said: horrendously inefficient. it doesn't have to be pretty... it just has to exist.
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Go do something else totally unrelated to writing. Just go do something else you enjoy. Just take a break. Your brain may actually fix your story problem when you ignore it and let it run in the background, and if it doesn't, you get a break. No downside! Chances are, you've heard that before. I'm telling you again because I so often fall prey to the 'but my break will be more satisfying if I fix the problem first' well, it's not getting fixed and I am not equipped to fix it right now or it would be fixed already, so it's break time now.
Work on another project that seems more fun to you at the moment. Battering your head against your current WIP because you think you "should" work on it instead of whatever shinier idea is in your head is probably not helping you progress on that project. Working on something else as a treat may jog your brain to unstuck you from your main idea, and if not, it will lead to a new creative product existing, and even if it never gets finished, you've tricked yourself into thinking art is fun again. No downside!
There's nothing wrong with adding [placeholderlmao] and going on to a part of the story you like better. In fact, knowing what happens later may help you fix the problem point (assuming you don't already know because you either don't work from an outline, or your story has diverged so wildly from the outline that it's not helpful anymore)
Depending on the length of your project and whether you have already declared parts of it off-limits this may not apply; but if you don't want to go forward right now, it may be a good time to go back and edit what you already have written. Sometimes when I do this I will see a stray idea I mentioned earlier that I can follow up on now, and that gives me a new path forward. I'll also sometimes discover that, while my current story problem is manifesting at my sticking point, the cause of it happened much earlier and needs to be addressed farther back in the story (and once that's done I'm not stuck anymore!) Just like pulling crabgrass out by the roots.
Did you have an outline that has stopped tracking with your story? Maybe you should go look at that outline and revise it to the new version, or at least remind yourself of what you thought was important to put in it. If nothing else, doing this should help you think differently about your story.
That's right! There are millions on billions of stories out there. Just like infinitely variable humans are built upon skeletons that look very similar, your story is uniquely yours, but its underlying structure probably follows a pattern that other stories with similar goals have used since human communication began. So go look up a story you enjoy that includes a similar scene to the one you're struggling with, and look at what it did to fix the problem you're having. Chances are, there's a way to map that onto your story while keeping your version unique, or at least you can get some helpful hints. Do expand beyond the medium you're working in. There's a lot that novels/movies/games/etc do differently, but basic story beats and interactions between characters are pretty consistent things across anything that's telling a story. If I'm looking for a model for a scene, I always look for something with a similar plot, theme or character dynamic that I thought was done well.
Alternately, do you know of a story that tried to do what you're doing and failed spectacularly? Go look closely at that and see why it's not working. Then ask yourself how those problems could have been avoided. The solution you arrive at may apply to your story as well, or at least lead in the right direction. Alternately-alternately: Do it wrong on purpose for the fun of it and fix it later (or don't fix it later)
Just have no ideas? Hang out with stories with the vibes you want until something clicks. When I was doing this fancomic, I watched The Emperor's New Groove a lot.
Well, there you go. If you think I missed something- which I absolutely did, because the creative process is very individual and there are some highly successful things I never, ever do and can't speak on because I am restricting myself to things I have personally done and found helpful-
-please add it on to this post, and make it longer and longer until no one is ever stuck on a WIP ever again (✿◡‿◡) because they are all too busy reading this infinitely long post to start any projects!
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ccaptain · 9 days
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NAME: sam!! yes with the !!. imperative (i'm joking) but I also respond to Zack!
PRONOUNS: she/her, they/them!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: until I'm comfy giving you my discord IMs will have to do!
NAME OF MUSE(s): Kaeya Alberich. in fact, multiple Kaeya Alberichs. In his Fatuiverse, he named himself Ambroise Petrov. ...... I have a lot of verses ok-
BEST EXPERIENCE: OH, MAKING HIM A FUCKING. HSR VERSE. so many more interactions and people interested in my essential appropriation in the Enigmata path and lore..... sorry hoyov.erse. this is mine now. i'm making him friends and ships and i move the lore now
- Do people still read an heartfelt, emotional reply from their partners and don't come yelling in their DMs about it as soon as they can?? That's the highest thing that puts me off on my list of Things That Put Sam off and you won't get the same effort off me if this happens consistently! sorry.
- everyone but me has square icons...................... where is the rotund. where is the round. PLEASE @ MY FELLOW ROTUND ICONS COME TO ME I'M AFRAID (I love y'alls icons im jk)
- If you start acting weird/spiteful because you assume my actions are sending a message you don't vibe with, your best bet is coming to ask me directly what I was trying to do/say. Me reblogging an ask meme/headcanon I made multiple times during the day is not to desperately attract your attention and coercing YOU specifically into sending me one: most of my rp partners have wonky timezomes but still want to read what I wrote/try to interact and this is faster than sending links to 8+ people. If you don't plot with me/send me ask memes, then there'll always be next time. Don't overthink it and don't make it weird, I exist in my own space and do my own things and I'll be happy if you want to vibe with me.
MUSE PREFERENCES: muses who have been damaged emotionally and still come on top of it ''well'' while hiding some sort of traumas...... muses with masks, multiple layers. onion muses that get vulnerable and get peeled layer by layer, painfully raw by the end of it. muses with skewered morals who learn with surprise that they can think in other ways than the ones they've been taught. in fact, H:SR Kaeya is an amalgamate of everything I like in terms of muse's personalities smashed together
PLOTS OR MEMES:  MEMES. faster to plot on, versatile, takes the awkwardess of the first plot off entirely if we're trying to interact, and I can adapt them to almost anything. I wanna say both, but plots are harder to start due to busy lives expecially if those require a starter :( i wanna say that we can mix both... start a plot with an ask meme that turns into a thread. that I can do and is a very good compromise for me
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: 4 paras for each reply or assume I have been alien-napped by weird beings and switched with an impostor who wasn't left a script to follow to impersonate me.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: EVENING... if i'm not drawing or chatting with people or playing, I crack my fingers after my afternoon nap and kick in gear. lock in. ..... then I get distracted but that's another story
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): HOOO BOY I HOPE THE FUCK NOT. maybe i'm more like Wriothesley in terms of muses despite his blog collecting dust: I cope healthily and am normal? I think??
tagged by: i stole it from myself. ultimate thief level tagging: HMMMHMMHMHM who hasn't done this already... mmmmm @predvestnik and @dupliciti as usual but also @aguilareye @glacialswordsman and everyone else who would like to join in!
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buckera · 4 months
You can ignore this if you want to but since you're also a bucktommy and buddie shipper I felt that I could share this with you.
Do you know the meme of Thanos and Gamora from Avengers Infinity war? The one that says:
-did you do it?
-what did it cost?
That's how it will feel if buddie goes canon in the future. Yes, buddie has happened but for it to come canon other things happened like:
Creator, writers, and producers being bullied
Actors that played love interests being bullied
Oliver and Ryan being bullied and criticized
Other cast members being bullied
Leaving hate comments on every single media platform
Sending death threats
Bullying other fans (including multishippers)
And I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting some stuff
Having watched the show since s2 and shipping buddie since then, i have to say that if they become canon, I will be happy but it will definitely be bittersweet giving everything that has happened. I will for sure stay away from here because I know that the amount of posts making fun of others will be unstoppable.
Sorry for coming to your inbox with this, as I said, you can ignore it. I guess I just needed to vent or share this with someone. Sorry!
ngl I considered ignoring this but I thought I just say this one thing:
all those things have happened and more. and if buddie goes canon those things will stay with it, yes. but if it doesn't go canon? those things will stay with us still.
shitty behaviour is unfortunately a part of any fandom and the bigger it gets, the more it happens. this fandom has a specific issue when it comes to women in general, but especially love interests, which now include a man(/men potentially).
these people are loud, hateful, annoying and they can sour anyone's fandom experience, including the people working on the show.
there will always be push back from the other fans though and after the usual flare ups (big storylines, certain interviews, etc) most people become tired of entertaining these brainless dickheads and they get blocked and muted by so many people that they lose what little power they had in the first place and possibly end up leaving the fandom because they're no longer getting the response they are looking for.
and for the people who love spreading their misery:
harassing other fans, creators, crew, actors, etc. will never be okay. idgaf if you think someone else's opinions are stupid, or the ship you like isn't canon and others dare to like the canon ship or vica versa, you do not go and send death threats to them, nor do you leave hateful comments and an assortment of threats under social media posts of those people or other fans or official accounts.
and I'm sorry to say, but I'm a 100% serious: if you can't handle a multimillion dollar TV show not doing exactly what you — a single person amongst the millions watching — want, without a meltdown and online bullying and harrassment... unless you're literally a child, that is a major, major developmental and socialisation issue and it requires professional help.
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ctheathy · 11 months
Fukase w/ Reader who lives under a rock
Fukase x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author's note: I keep falling in love with these very specific dynamics that I create LMAO. All of this is just so very stupid
Fukase/Reader [Romantic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Fukase has beef with Len like always
The literal memelord degenerate and the most naive person on the planet when it comes to online platforms. If anything, you're asking for the redhead to bully and tease you to no end. He's going to be after you constantly. And I mean constantly. Fukase is already a naturally teasing person to begin with, but if an innocent soul such as yourself manages to come around? He's going to be in absolute awe. At first, he's going to find it so strange that whenever he makes these very obvious and humourous remarks, that you just don't get it. Especially when talking about the current trends that have been popular all around the platform. It gets to the point where he ponders if you've ever even laid a finger on a phone, much less having having taken glances at the internet. He ends up finding it absolutely adorable that you're so unsophisticated in a way. You're pure. Like- the complete opposite of what he is.
He'd begin to make commentary all the time when you're even in the same area as he is. He makes these remarks that he knows you won't understand, wanting to have this ‘special language’ to mess with you further. The confused expression on your face whenever he does making it more that worthy to him. Fukase would purposely push you in situations where he'll for example begin the first few words on a trending song, expecting you to finish them; only for you to look at him like he just exposed the secrets of the universe, to the point where he swears he can see question marks appearing above your head every time. You don't want to know how loud the guy laughed when you couldn't get the reference of ‘Hit or Miss’
Though, as surprising as it may sound; he is quite determined to keep you the way that you are. He never explains any of the jokes or references he makes and he won't allow anyone else to do so either. There have been tons of times where he quite frankly started a fight because someone member of the Meme Squad, probably Len, decided to explain the whole shebang to you with a grin on his lips. A smile which he quickly got smacked off his face after Fukase took a hit with his wooden cane. Definitely an unnecessarily overprotective partner and wants to protect your pureness, even if your naiveness is too ridiculous for words at times.
Ah right. Did I mention that he quite frankly spams your device with any kind of considerably decent memes he has on his mobile? That's quite literally what your gallery is all about, just random pictures and supposedly memes that you still don't understand just laying there to rot in the back of your inventory. Will constantly send you vines and such as well, but atleast he's thoughtful enough to make sure the contents remain appropriate. In fact, there has been a scenario where he accidentally did send an unsuitable meme for your sake and he just ran towards your house in midst of the rain. Banging on your door and soaking like a pathetic little stay cat and demanding your phone so he could delete that thing from your device for once and for all. He may make a fool out of you for not understanding his preferred type of content. But if anything, he's certainly the ridiculous one considering how desperate he can get in order to keep you safe from his and his friends’ attitude.
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
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NAME : Izzy
PRONOUNS : they/them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : I'll hand out my discord here and there, but you can reach me by DMs.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Clint Barton, and then I've got a handful of other blogs; but Clint will literally devour my soul and I can't write anyone else when this happens (it's happening)
BEST EXPERIENCE : Honestly, this come back to tumblr after being away for like 3 years. The friendships and dynamics I've built with Clint on my return has been amazing, and I'm also very glad people like how I write him, cause I've pretty much picked up comic Clint and said "he's mine now. i'm giving him a whole new arc/plot/story to explore and away from canon" and people are buying into that. Thank you so much everyone! I love all my friends and writing partners here so much <3
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Uhhh, pet peeves? I don't quite get what's with people not liking posts anymore or using the reply/comment feature more, like if you see someone posting an hc. Take a second to read? Give it a like or comment a heart even, if you're really that pressed to control your likes..... Dealbreakers, I haven't encountered anyone, I guess it'd be just if I pushed to write or make smut centric, but no one is doing that.
MUSE PREFERENCES : I like characters that have an internal struggle (lol that could be anyone). I don't know. I try to write so many types of characters, but characters like Clint I always come back too. Honestly, whatever is the character type that's been Clint Barton and Pepper Potts.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Memes are usually good to start, but I definitely wouldn't mind doing more plotting and giving a general direction to a thread. Although, really memes are great, and I truly appreciate those who send a bunch of memes, or don't mind treating some memes as one shots ( i love one shots ; just look at the length of some of my ask responses )
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both. I want more shorter threads right now, but I have a knack for getting wordy and writing long things. This is why length matching does not matter, as long as there is enough substance to continue or something to help move something forward; a shorter reply to a longer reply is good; just as I tend to take a shorter thing and get longer with. This is also why I tend to like or mention with meme responses, like you can just reblog/save this and treat this as little one shot/drabble I wrote for you. I also tend to do the same.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : I don't get a lot of work, I am home all the time. So i'm bored a lot. So literally anytime, although I have a tendency to write a lot more late at night. For me, why I'm not writing is usually mood, or I don't have a very good set up for writing long haul; so if my neck, back, or hands and wrist start to cramp up cause my sit down to write isn't a good position/only position. That usually defeats me; like after I post this I will probably take a break, stretch, keep on my break and write a bit in a few hours.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Yes and no / I don't know. I know I'm the type of neurospicy where Clint Barton has rotten my brain for like the past 15 years or something; and I've been writing him for like 10 years; that I'm probably funny like Clint is, but who actually knows lol. I try to be normal and healthy with muse and mun separation; even if his whole recovery arc is very important and real to me; and I will live in the delusion that is what I am getting from the comics as in I will just write it myself on my roleplay blog (this is a joke; legally I have to say that I think)
tagged by; @danversiism evil boops you infinity, ily tania <3
tagging: lol im suppose to tag people; if you wanna expose yourself, do it. flash the dash. i'll probably read it and like it.
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thwipsnapped · 25 days
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@webxfshame sent 🚢 for me to fill out the following form for our muses. bold all that definitely applies, italicize what could potentially apply.
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do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( i'm open to plotting or winging it; i am very low maintenance lol )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: I love Gwen & Peter together, so I'm biased as all Hell for this ship haha. When it comes to my Gwen who takes influence from 616/TASM/Spectacular Spider-Man, I can see something really sweet, either plotting out an AU where Gwen survives OR filling in the time before her death. When it comes to my Earth-65 Gwen, I'd love to play around with the idea of two people who lost the original version of their partners, somehow finding each other and building upon that dynamic? Like, if Gwen lost her Peter and Peter lost his Gwen, what does building a relationship look like? Lots of angst and hurt/comfort opportunities here as well. :) I don't see a toxic dynamic existing between them, but I could see the nature of their relationship being toxic, if that makes sense..? Like an unhealthy coping of clinging to each other because they've lost each other before? idk!
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