#I love Edgeworth and I get what he was trying to do but. come on
candidateofloyalty · 1 month
Franziska’s insistence on perfection is an attempt to live up to her father’s legacy despite that legacy being built on lies and ruining countless lives including that of the person Franziska loves most. Accepting that she is not and cannot be perfect is a major step in her development into not only a better person but a happier one. And despite all of this, every time she declares her own perfection my immediate impulse is to agree with her
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illdothehotvoice · 1 year
I think ignoring the uh. problems with Spirit of Justice, I've come to the conclusion that I think my biggest issue with it is it really just kind of went "Oh! You want more focus on Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and it's characters? Sure, here you go! *retcons like. The entire game*"
Anyways I am about to complain a LOT about Spirit of Justice in the tags.
#ace attorney spoilers#Also I know this isn't soj but OH my god it's been like 2 years and there is still ONE retcon in dd that pisses me off to no end dshjgkfg#what do you MEAN Phoenix got his badge back because ''Edgeworth asked me to uwu''!?#Love it when capcom retcons Phoenix's biggest character growth moment in AJ and argueably the entire series#JUST to keep baiting Narumitsu dghjsdgn like. Y'all.#I am a Narumitsu enjoyer. Like. a LOT but even I can see when it's bad writing dhgjkdshukgjfdh#Ouuugh Phoenix retaking the BAR exam at the end of AJ shows that he's healing and he's growing and he has hope again#and that he's willing to give life in general another try. He's finally being positive#he's starting to be okay#and then Dual Destinies is just like ''Whaaaat? Phoenix Wrigth NEVER had depression! Here take some narumitsu moments B-)"#And we do NOT have time to get into how much they butchered Phoenix in 5 and 6 dhgjkdfd#I am a FULL believer that Phoenix shouldn't have been a lawyer again until at the EARLIEST 5's last case.#Also unpopular opinion: I actually enjoy Apollo's SoJ lore but I think it would have been better suited for a different character dghjkfhg#I am a sucker for found family but I am also a sucker for not changing characters until they are unrecognizable#Like the stuff in 5? That's fine. I am a Clay Terran fan sorry for liking a character who doesn't have any screen time lol dshjgkfg#at least that one was like. Realistic???#Like yeah Apollo can have a best friend we've never heard about that we grew up with that's cool I guess dghjkfgdsdg.#And SoJ had the right idea of like. Where DID Apollo come from?? but like. eeeeeeeeeeh????????#Oh sure let's have a case where Trucy get's accused of murder and Phoenix isn't picking up his phone that's cool.#Do not get me started on how Maya Fey was treated oooh my god dshjgkfsg#But like. introducing a secret member of the Gramaryes (even if his breakdown IS one of my favorites in the series)#oh my god...I forgot..that they.#THEY LITERALLY CHANNELED ONE OF THE VICTIMS OH MY GOD???? DL-6 WHO?? GREGORY EDGEWORTH WHO??#Me when I completely ignore the biggest event in the original trilogy that sets the entire fucking plot in motion#you cannot have the consequences of DL-6 without Misty Fey channeling Gregory Edgeworth#Also really love how they set up bringing Mia back and then. Didn't.#OH and also just. completely retconing Dahlia being exorcised put of Maya.#and retconing pretty much all the fey lore why the fuck not dhjgkdfgh#There is SO much more but SoJ is an entire game of just references to the games people like#but also whule referencing those things they are actively retconing them
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bittersnsweetz · 17 days
ohhh my god i just realised why i love narumitsu so much, despite the obvious (mutual pining, slow burn, one-sided enemies, to friends, to distant friends, to close friends, to lovers all that good stuff)
its BECAUSE they have a shared emotional journey that is so narratively satisfying to me that as im typing this im barely able to contain my stimming
phoenix defends miles, so convinced he can save him and is almost blinded by that fact because he knows edgeworth as so good and so pure and he totally definitely absolutely would never willingly hurt anybody and then he ghosts him for a year which phoenix obviously interprets as yet another person abandoning him, leaving phoenix to pick up the pieces, and that whole time phoenix is beating himself up because wow this is just like when he put all his love on the line for dahlia and it turns out she was just using him this whole time and the absolute mess of emotions that arises when edgeworth comes back, alive, with no apology whatsoever.
and then two years later phoenix loses his job and edegworth is trying so hard to help and be there for him while also juggling his prosecutor job and the challenges that arise from adjusting to a new justice-driven mindset, but phoenix is already closing himself off and refusing to talk about it because hes stingy and secretive and edgeworth has seen the stingy in passing but never to this extent, where he can tell that phoenix NEEDS someone but apparently that someone isnt going to be him. and he's on call with him one night and he hears trucy for the first time and hes mortified because so many complicated emotions and questions arise from that alone: "wright are you sane" "wright are you seeing someone" "wright why didnt you tell me about this so i could help you" and i do think edgeworth gets overwhelmed by all this at once, the secrecy, the daughter, the friend who visits phoenix every now and again, the lack of healthy communication. and suddenly everything that he thought theyve worked so hard to build together has come crashing down and theres nothing phoenix will let him do to help
and its the shared parallel of the initial proposal to help "let me defend you"/"let me be there for you" being completely rejected and the repeated efforts to do so being met with a sudden shift (prosecutor miles edgeworth chooses death/i have a daughter and a new friend who helps me now) and how its so difficult for the both of them to realise at the time that its for their sake that they're doing it, that neither of them are doing this to hurt the other intentionally (although for phoenix i definitely think theres spite involved, but not to the degree to which edgeworth ends up experiencing what he does emotionally), and the idealisation that gets completely shattered by reality
just. UGH. the full circle that is them, after everything is said and done, finding closure in each other again, however non-linear that journey is, and, this is important, CHOOSING to still stay with the other through anything and everything that comes to pass, and truly SEEING the other behind their professional masks. Seeing them entirely and not just the attractive parts. im rabid.
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cherrysweather · 9 months
can i rq edgeworth who has liiike a huge crush on fem reader :3 but reader is like super oblivious to it and she keeps accidentally doing things to fluster him 😭😭
Hellu anoon! I hope you're doing fine and that you take care of yourself! This is so cute, so I hope I wrote it well enough for you to like it ;v; Have a good day and remember the water! <3 -----------------------------------------
Miles Edgeworth x an oblivious crush:
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We all know that Miles becomes emotionally incapacitated when it comes to handling feelings different from discomfort, anger or simply his neutral state of mind;
So you can perfectly imagine how many times he stumbles over his words and blushes per se when he's with her;
To start a conversation he has to think about what to talk about, at least two possibilities of her responses, and how to continue it afterwards;
That's the exact motive why her behavior DOES NOT help him, at all;
He doesn't understand if she does it on purpose or if she's that unaware of his own behavior in her regard;
But, from many points of view, Miles doesn't dislike it completely, since it allows him to be somewhat more free without necessarily embarrassing himself, since she doesn't suspect anything;
He often buys her small gifts or takes her to eat after work, but even if he tries with all his strength (which he never can fully use), she always sees it as a "date" between friends;
She probably starts to doubt after Miles' continuous kind gestures, but it's also the last thing she wants to illude herself of, so that's the main reason why she believes anything Miles does for her is just form a friend to another;
So she just tries to reciprocate his affection;
When she finds some particular tea leaves, he's the first one that comes to her mind, so she buys them for him;
Whenever they're together, she likes to hold onto his arm or when they're in very crowded spaces, she holds his hand nonchalantly and just drags him;
She sends some photos of her days and always makes sure to wish him a good morning and a good night;
When she can, she comes to his office to keep him company if she knows that he has to work for many hours (and sometimes even falls asleep on his sofa);
U s e l e s s to say that Miles is even more confused and flustered with each of her actions;
Mostly when she proposes to help him choose the outfits of the day and, once together, she fixes every inch of his, from the shirt collar, that irregular fold on his jacket and her beloved hair;
Oh dear, she has to only skim his scalp to make his temperature rise suddenly, his hands trembling in his pockets when he feels his locks being gently pulled to be styled;
And, of course, the nonexistent distance between their faces (a thing that Miles tries to ignore by keeping his eyes closed);
And at this point, even a whole poster on which is written "I LOVE YOU" will leave her doubting.
"Miles look!" She tugged his sleeve and dragged him near the lakeside "There are little ducklings" She knelt immediately and tried to have a closer look at them "Maybe we should leave them alone; if the mother's around I don't know how she would take two strangers" He lowered himself and made sure she wouldn't fall into the water "I'm not doing anything, yet" She grinned and looked around to see if there was something to feed them "Don't- They probably aren't even developed yet to digest something that isn't water-like textured" He held her still when she tried to get up to take whatever she saw "But I wanted to hold one" She got up anyway and waved to the babies when they started to go away "We should adopt some ducks" She went behind him and hugged his neck, slightly putting her weight on his back "Some? I think one is more than enough, and I'm sorry to say but you'll be the one to keep it" He tried his total best to control the trembling of his voice and put his hands in the water to stop them too, from trembling and to at least try calming the hot wave that started from his face and went everywhere "But why! They're cute, maybe noisy and not exactly calm in the house, but they are soft" "Dogs are also soft, and are way more manageable than a duck" He stood up, attempting to get her to break away from him, but she remained hugged to his neck, on her toes "Just becaaause, you already had one and blah blah, we'll see who's truly right" She moved her arms from the neck to his chest, squeezing him to bother him and prove her point. The laugh that came from her mouth made Miles melt for a second, breathing to calm himself down and -HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW AND WHY- placing his trembling hands on hers, taking the courage to turn around and seeking to clarify whether something could actually exist, between those two.
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trlvsn · 1 year
something else i love about wrightworth is that they're not exactly the kind of "iconic partners in crime" duo who read each other's thoughts and act in perfect sync. they do fall into an energetically harmonious dynamic of sorts, but their roles, behaviors and thoughts remain entirely different, and that can never change, otherwise their relationship will have no point to it. they don't copy each other's moves: they are dancing a complicated dance and the roles have to be different for it to work. they are entirely separate beings that join forces for the result of a fair verdict, they combine rivalry and partnership fully understanding what they're doing, they work for the same result and believe in the same thing but they also try to achieve completely different results and have opposing ideas on how a case will go and who is guilty. god i wish gay people could be lawyers irl but alas ...
oh, and coming back to my first sentence, their understanding of what the other is thinking is. so weirdly circumstancial. like in court wright can be like "ha i know exactly what you're getting at but i have the evidence to disprove it before you even say anything" and when they're far from each other edgeworth can go "wow he is rubbing off on me why am i using his courtroom tactics" and they also had matching nightmares at a point in time but. when it gets 1% emotional or intimate they're the dumbest people alive and would explode if they tried to communicate properly. proving my point: unnecessary feelings line, turnabout goodbyes earthquake situation, bridge to the turnabout hug situation, the last jfa case in it's entirety being a mutual misunderstanding, literally any other moment because GOD they are awkward
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 5 months
Klapollo: Dissecting a song and talking about it's meaning
Franmaya: Snowball fight
Narumitsu: Edgeworth tries pie for the first time
BESTIE!!!!! HI BESTIE! So, all three of my fave ships, huh...? I can do that! Easy peasie!
Klapollo, 135 words
“Come now, Herr Forehead! You must admit, it’s the pinnacle of songwriting!” Apollo wasn’t sure how they had gotten into this discussion. One moment they were in bed together talking about music, and the next they were discussing song lyrics. Which then led to this ridiculous discussion. “Really, Klavier? “She’s indecisive, she can’t decide” is peak songwriting to you?” Apollo questioned with a brow raised. “Ja, of course! Is it not to you?” “Of course it isn’t! It’s repetitive! He already said she was indecisive, why would he explain what it means-” Apollo stopped as he saw the huge grin on Klavier’s face, shooting him a glare. “Wait, you’re just fucking with me!” “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Herr Forehead.” Klavier laughed as Apollo hit him on the head with a pillow.
Franmaya, 240 words
One of the downsides of living in Los Angeles was the fact that it didn’t snow very often. Franziska missed it sometimes, the way snow blanketed the whole world in its pure white sheet, how brisk and cool the winter air was on her skin, the comfort of wearing winter clothes. Her and Maya Fey had decided to visit Franziska’s family in Germany, and Franziska had to admit, it was nice. It was nice getting to see the snow again. She still remembered when she hated the snow, and thought it was foolish. They do say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Franziska smiled at the sight of it, her aunt’s backyard covered in snow. That was, until she felt a snowball pelted at the back of her head. She turned around to the source of said snowball, smiling when she saw Maya grinning at her. “Gotcha, Franzy!” Franziska smiled, a plan forming in her head. “I really do love you, Maya Fey.” “I love you too Franzy- WOAH!” Maya yelped as a snowball hit her right in the face. Franziska snickered. “NOT FAIR, FRANZY! That’s cheating!” Maya said. “And so is hitting someone distracted with a snowball, Maya Fey.” Franziska replied. “Oh! You’re gonna get it!” The two laughed as they engaged in a fierce snowball fight. And as Franziska pelted a snowball at Maya’s face again, laughing when she pouted, Franziska knew that she was in love.
Narumitsu, 290 words
Phoenix could bake. That still surprised Miles to this day, even when Phoenix had baked cookies and brownies for him. Sure, Phoenix was a pretty good cook, but baking was different. Baking required an intense and meticulous precision, and that bluffer of a man was the opposite of precise. And yet, Phoenix could bake. There was no denying that. And he was a pretty darn good baker, too. Phoenix was just perfecting his recipe for strawberry pie, and he had asked Miles to taste test it for him. Miles was more than willing to, he was his boyfriend after all, and he always liked to see what Phoenix had in store for him. Besides, Miles had never tried strawberry pie, and he thought it’d be nice to finally try it. After hours of work, Phoenix was finally able to show Miles the pie that he had just baked. He carried it over to Miles, setting it down the table. Just by the way it looked it was already delicious, though looks really weren’t everything. “Here it is! And if it’s trash, please be honest with me. I wanna know what I’m doing wrong.” Phoenix said. “Of course, Wright.” Miles replied. Miles took a bite out of the pie, and his eyes widened as soon as he tasted it. It was incredible. The crust was perfectly soft and flakey, but not overpowering the sweet tart of the strawberry. Even if he’d never tried strawberry pie before, he knew this was the best pie in the world. Phoenix was staring at him, with wide eyes and flour on his clothes, face, and hair. “How is it…?” “It’s incredible.” Miles said with a smile. Phoenix grinned, Miles fell in love with that grin.
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skyefeys · 6 months
so fun fact, i'm playing the aa trilogy with a friend right now, and apollo justice with another friend. and second fun fact, i love voice acting. anyway here's a fun little breakdown of ten of my favorite voices to do, in no particular order!
1. cody hackins
i've been told i do a very good young-boy-in-anime voice. it's just very fun! originally he was very back-of-throat and kinda fucked up my voice to do, so i moved it forward more to not kill myself. it sounds virtually the same!
2. dee vasquez
i love the badass, cold woman archetype for voices. i gave dee a lower, vaguely gothic, vaguely transatlantic voice. she's one of those characters who changes tone as she gets mad and lets her demeanor slip, so that was interesting! typically i had her speak slowly and quietly, so when she's worked up, she gets faster and louder, and goes from that low-throat crooning to a more full voice.
3. alita tiala
i made alita vaguely russian, for some reason, but i went with it, because i fucking love accents. this fact will become clearer as this ranking continues. anyway, alita is another character who talks differently as her facade slips. initially, she has a timid, hesitant voice, with a very faint accent. when she gets angry, her voice becomes more stern and confident, and her accent comes out more!
4. lotta hart
accents, man. lotta's especially fun because you can just go fucking crazy with her, there's no restraint on her accent she's so extremely southern. her voice's pitch is pretty regular, so if i were to ever voice nicole, i'd probably give her a slightly higher voice for contrast - and because nicole has a sweeter personality, while lotta is more rough-around-the-edges.
5. olga orly
again: accents!! i literally didn't think i knew how to do a russian accent before her, but then i jumped into it and found out i do, somehow?? anyway, olga's fun because she has two completely different voices. her fake identity is higher pitched and timid, and thickly accented. her regular voice is just a bit higher-toned than my regular speaking voice, and she talks in a much faster and rougher way.
6. truly wright
truly just has a higher, cute voice, and that's fun! hers isn't complicated to do, either; i just pitch up. it's good that she's easy and fun, considering she's around all the time. maya is harder, mostly because she's a delicate balance - i don't want to give her a voice as high as trucy's, but i don't want to give her a voice as low as the one i do for ema. speaking of which...
7. ema skye
i haven't gotten to ema's case in the trilogy yet, but most likely, her voice will be a smidge pitched up from my regular talking voice. as for apollo justice ema, i gave her a lower-toned voice - similar to my own talking voice, maybe a bit lower. this is a nod to not only the fact that she's far more cynical than when she was younger, but also the fact that she can do a CONVINCING impression of kristoph gavin, so her voice must be in the lower range. i think about that a lot. aa4 ema also has a tone to her voice like she's not trying to put up any niceties - she just says what's on her mind. in that sense, she's a bit monotonous - but VERY emotive when she talks about science.
8. miles edgeworth
proZD has a video where he describes the voices he does for every ace attorney character, and he describes edgeworth as "not british, but he wishes he was". this is something i have in mind whenever i voice him. i'm not great with guy voices, since i can't go that low, so i focus on things like intonation and accents. edgeworth doesn't have an accent, per se, but he has one of those vague ways of speaking that i can only really describe as "fancy accent".
9. will powers
i like will's voice because i gave him a pretty unique way of talking as compared to everyone else. i'm self-taught, so i don't really know a lot of vocal terms, so bear with me while i explain this as best i can. will's voice comes from sort of closing my throat, and talking from the bottom half of my mouth. it creates this gentle, shyer, and nasal voice. and speaking of nasal...
10. wendy oldbag
now, i wouldn't say i'm GOOD at oldbag's voice, i could use some practice, but it's fun as fuck to do. it's EXTREMELY nasal, it sits right behind my nose. i find myself scrunching up my face whenever i have to voice her! and as a fun little detail, she's one of those people who pronounces the h first in words like what, why, and of course whippersnapper ;]
bonus: the judge
i don't get to voice the judge a lot, since he's one the three characters my friend has claimed, lol. however, this is my apollo justice friend, so they're not always there for me and my other friend playing the trilogy. my friend does a judge voice that i can only describe as slightly more civilized goofy from nicky mouse. now, i can't recreate perfection, so i went in a completely different direction with my judge's voice. i leaned more towards his anime voice - slightly husky, but not to the extent it is in the anime.
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wowowwild · 3 months
"Maya, what are you- Franziska?"
"Miles Edgeworth!"
"Miss Fey?"
"Phoenix Wright!"
"Alright, I think we've established who all is here, thanks.”
FranMaya has been secretly dating and WrightWorth is... They'll figure it out.
“Hey, uhh, so you’re going to be busy tonight, right?” “With the case? Yeah. Edgeworth is going to come over to help me, though,” He replied absentmindedly. “Oooh, Edgeworth? I’m almost sad I’ll have to miss it, but it’s probably good for you two to have some privacy.” “M-Maya! We’re not like that, and you know it. And where are you going?” “Unlike you, Nick, I don’t kiss and tell.” “You’re not even going on a date, are you? I bet you’re just going to convince Gumshoe to share what little noodles he subsists on.” “Hey, it’s your boyfriend who keeps cutting his salary, and if he wants to share noodles with me, then that’s his choice.” “You’re a leech.” “But you love me!” “Yeah, yeah. Now let me focus on this. If I can’t figure out where this case went wrong, my case will be ruined!” “Good luck with your nerd shit.”
This pleased Maya greatly.
MF: We’re on.
FvK: Are you certain?
MF: Absolutely. He is going to be soooo distracted he won't even notice. He also came to the conclusion that I'd be hanging out with Gumshoe which helps as long as they don't talk to each other.
FvK: He'd be hard pressed to speak with Scruffy on special noodle night. He will be eating microwave noodles that cost exactly $1.38 more and watching an old monster movie.
MF: He'll be hard pressed alright. It's also v cute that you know that.
FvK: It is not cute, it is impossible not to know when he so foolishly announces every single move he makes to the nearest set of ears. I do not, however, understand your first statement.
MF: I'll explain it later. See you tonight "at precisely 5:35 PM".
FvK: You shall.
Now the only thing left was to wait.
Maya was being ridiculous. Edgeworth was not his boyfriend. He totally could be if he wanted, but he clearly didn't want to. If Master of Logic Miles Edgeworth couldn't connect these dots, the world was doomed, therefore he totally knew and wasn't about that. Which was fine. He was still Phoenix's best friend and he wouldn't give that up for anything. But right now he had to focus on the case because once Edgeworth was there it was a 50/50 chance he wouldn't be able to think at all. If only he could figure out what was missing…
"Wright, honestly, you're going to make your back even worse leaning over like that." "Edgeworth! Uh, hey. I was just trying to figure out how this case is related to my current one, but I can't seem to get the pieces to fit." "You're hopeless." Edgeworth picked up the file and moved to the couch. "What are these notes? You think it was the same culprit?" Phoenix flopped down next to him. "Not the same, but related. I think this murder happened because that one wasn't properly solved." "I see… Assuming you're correct, do you think the victim in this case was the perpetrator in that one?" "Could be. I don't want to make too many assumptions up front and miss something." "Actually thinking things through for once? I'm impressed."
That smug grin sent butterflies to his stomach. What was he saying? Come on Phoenix, you can't lose it all yet!
"I always think things through, you just aren't privy to my grand plan." "Privy? I see that thesaurus I got you is going to good use." "Ugh," Phoenix grinned and playfully shoved him. "Now, Wright, if you continue your violent streak, you'll be the one who needs defending." "Would you defend me?" "I would tell Franziska to prosecute you and wait for the paperwork." "Aw, gee, Edgeworth, I didn't know you felt that way." Phoenix laughed. "Ahem, yes, well, I think right here needs more clarification, don't you?" Edgeworth turned so that Phoenix couldn’t see his face.
Right, too much, Phoenix. Keep it friendly but not too friendly. Edgeworth is doing you a courtesy by not calling you out.
"Yeah, I can't figure out what they were trying to hide." "Well let's think about what someone could gain and then follow to who that someone was."
They talked it over, pulled up more information, and plowed through any remaining questions fairly quickly.
“Wow, I’m feeling better about the case already.” “Aren’t you forgetting something vital?” “Hmm? Like what?” “Evidence, perhaps?” “Aw, you know me. I’ll scrounge up what I can and everything will fall into place when I get the culprit on the stand.” “Unless the culprit is the first witness, you’re going to have to actually put in some work to get them there.” “Sure, but I’ll find a way. And I do have some evidence, thanks. Making this case fit in was the last piece I needed. My client will be walking free soon enough.” “Don’t get too cocky now, Wright. You have an impressive record, I will admit, but feeling overconfident can make you miss even the most obvious of details.” “Trust me, I’m not overconfident. But if I went around lamenting how hard I’m going to fail, that wouldn’t exactly set me up for success either.” “I suppose not. What did you find, anyhow?” “You’re not going to believe what I found in the victim’s trash.” “The trash?!” “Not all of us have detectives on their side, you know. We’re lucky I was allowed to root around in there.” “I suppose…” “Now let me show you my case.”
Franziska von Karma was perfectly punctual as she was in all things. At exactly 5:35 PM she slipped through the door of Phoenix Wright’s foolish office and silently made her way to the back room Maya would be in. It was quiet with no sign of Phoenix Wright, but Maya had not said he had stepped out so she remained cautious.
Ever so quietly Franziska knocked on the door she knew Maya was behind. It opened softly revealing her date for the evening. This of course brought a smile to both of their faces. It was then that voices were heard coming from the kitchen area. Phoenix Wright had a guest. This must be why Maya said he would be distracted. As they moved to sneak out, however, they moved closer to the source and she began to feel that the second voice was very familiar…
She stopped in plain view of the kitchen, but their backs were turned to her. What in the world was her foolish brother doing there at this hour? Helping the foolish attorney with a foolish case? They had both taken off their suit jackets and rolled up their sleeves. How utterly foolish her brother was to be at this man’s beck and call but still refuse to announce his feelings.
Maya couldn’t help herself, Fran’s face seeing Edgeworth there was too much. A snicker or two made it out, catching Nick’s attention.
"Maya, what are you- Franziska?" "Franziska?" Edgeworth whipped his head around. "Miles Edgeworth!" "Nick!" Maya whined a bit at being caught. "Miss Fey?" "Phoenix Wright!" "Alright, I think we've established who all is here, thanks," Phoenix noted. “Miles Edgeworth, what are you doing here?!” “I could ask the same of you, Franziska.” He stood and took an awkward posture, suddenly unsure of himself. “I- well- I asked first!” “Wait, Maya, I thought you were hanging out with Gumshoe.” “Actually I said I don’t kiss and tell and you assumed some things I let you believe.”
Phoenix looked to Edgeworth incredulously.
“That is a strange thing to assume from the context.” “Well I didn’t think she had an actual date!” “What can I say, Fran and I just have it more together than you.” She gave each of them a meaningful look. “And what about you, little brother? Have you finally announced your feelings or are you foolishly clinging to your safe deniability?” “Come on, Fran, we’re gonna be late if we try to start that conversation now. Let them sort it out.” “Hmph. Our reservation has saved you this time, little brother. Let us away.” Franziska pivoted and offered her arm to Maya. “Away we shall.” Maya took her invitation with glee.
Miles Edgeworth regretted a lot of things in his life. Preserving his friendship with Phoenix Wright rather than admitting to romantic feelings was not one of them. Or so he told himself.
“Did you know they were dating?” “Hmm? No, I was not aware. Though that would explain where she disappears to whenever she’s here.”
Hopefully Wright wouldn’t ask for clarification as to what she was talking about.
“So, uh, you have feelings for someone?”
He jinxed it.
“I don’t know what she’s talking about. She seems to have gotten an idea into her head and you know as well as I, there is no dissuading her.” “Edgeworth… You don’t have to hide it from me. You know I’ll support you no matter what. I think it’s great you found somebody you like! You should go for it!”
If he was so supportive, then why did he sound so upset?
“It’s really neither here nor there. He’s not interested.” “Oh… I’m sorry. That really sucks.”
And yet he sounded more happy at that than his previous statement. Maybe he was nervous at the thought of being left behind? Larry only seemed to pop back up when he had been dumped, though Miles hoped Phoenix knew him better than that. Nothing would ever be more important to him than the bond they shared, even if years down the line someone else captured his heart. Which was unlikely, for the record.
“It’s really nothing to dwell on.” “I suppose. But just so you know, I think you’re a great guy, and you deserve someone who can give you everything you want. This guy is a total loser for not seeing that.”
Oh, the irony.
“For what it’s worth, I’m kind of in the same boat, so if you want to talk about it…” “Really?” He tried to hold back his shock a fraction of a second too late. Phoenix looked confused and responded slowly, as if he was piecing something together before he revealed who the true murderer was. “Yeah, actually. It’s uh, my guy’s not interested either. Which is totally fine! I love being friends with him, it just, uh, kind of sucks. But it’s fine! And I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything.” “Your ‘guy’ is a ‘total loser’ as well, then.” “Ah, you think?” Phoenix chuckled. “I do. You are the best man I know, with more passion, determination, and heart than seems possible. Anyone who spends even a moment with you can see that.” “Oh… Say, Edgeworth…” “Yes, Wright?” “Uh, I mean… This is awkward. I’m just now getting the feeling that I might have been wrong about something.” “About your case.” Phoenix looked confused, as if he had entirely forgotten why Miles had come over in the first place. “No, not the case. Just an assumption I had made.” “You should know better to assume. Weren’t you just saying that earlier?” “In my defense, a significant amount of evidence pointed towards my assumption being correct, but I had failed to consider one unlikely option.” “Is that so? What conclusion have you come to now, then?”
It was bound to be profound and earth shattering, as all of Phoenix’s revelations tended to be.
“Am I your guy?” “W-what?!”
Damn that man and his brilliant mind. Miles should have kept his mouth shut.
“I am, aren’t I?”
Why did Phoenix seem so… excited?
“Please tell me if I’m right or not… Well, I’m always Wright, but-” “Yes, you are correct,” Miles cut him off to avoid hearing that joke for the millionth time. “Ok, so then I have a big question, what made you think I wasn’t interested?” “… What?” “I mean, I’m just wondering. Since you’re my guy, too.” “I’m- You- What?!” “Yeah, This whole time I thought you could tell so I figured you weren’t interested, but clearly I was wrong. About multiple things. But so were you, so you can’t make fun of me.”
That was a little bit too much. Though it did explain what Miles had picked up on earlier with Phoenix’s words not matching his emotions. And the more he thought about it, much of Miss Fey’s teasing could have been implying Phoenix had romantic feelings for him. And it wasn’t like that was all Miles had struggled to piece together when it came to Phoenix. Retroactively, this explained a lot.
“Wright.” “Edgeworth?” “You’re telling me… You’re telling me you have romantic feelings for me?” “Uh, yeah. A lot of feelings in general, but romantic ones are in there. And you?” “Yes. I also have those kinds of feelings for you.” “Great! … That feels like it was too easy. Like something dramatic should have happened. Do you think one of us is about to die?” Miles gave him an incredulous look. “What are you blathering on about?” Phoenix paused before breaking out into laughter. “Well I’m glad nothing’s changed!” “I wouldn’t say nothing,” Miles mumbled. “Oh, right. Can I kiss you?” “What?!” Miles felt a heart attack coming on. Maybe Wright had been… right. “Too soon, huh? That’s ok. I can wait.” “That reminds me, how long exactly have you felt this way?” “Oh, uh, haha…” Wright trailed off. “That’s actually kind of embarrassing. Um, you know how we knew each other for like, 4 months back then?” “Wright… You can’t be serious.” “I mean, that was just a silly childhood crush, but it was a really formative time for me. And when I saw you again in the paper… Crush renewed. Becoming a lawyer was probably 50% because of you and 50% to save you, so… yeah… And you?” “I’m… I’m afraid I can’t say quite the same, though I can’t deny those 4 months were formative for me as well. It wasn’t so immediate when I saw you again, either. It crept up on me… and then you did save me. And I couldn’t deny it any longer. Feelings for you had started to grow.” “Oh wow. So we’ve been kind of silly waiting around this whole time. No wonder Maya and Franziska are so annoyed with us all the time.” “Mm. That would be a fairly sound hypothesis. I think I would like to answer your question, now.” Miles could feel himself blush as he turned away, not quite confident to say what he wanted while looking Phoenix in the eye. “Huh? What question?” Idiot. “You can kiss me. Phoenix.” “O-oh. Ok! Yeah!”
Maya had a fantastic evening with her lovely girlfriend whom she adored. They had accidentally stayed at the restaurant until closing time, talking and laughing, trying to get as much time with each other as possible. She had figured Nick would be in bed by the time she got back since he was practically geriatric, but she was surprised to see the lights still on, and-
“Hey, isn’t that…” “My fool brother’s car?” “… How safe do you think it is to go up there?” “… You know my hotel room has a hot tub-” “Sold.”
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months
In Justice We Trust (88252 words) by thesavagesabretooth
catch up here
With Simon Blackquill and Athena Cykes assigned as their psychologists, the Phantom and Fulbright must grapple with their identity, their deeds, their future, and their love for the twisted samurai whom they betrayed.
All the while, Edgeworth and Wright find their relationship tested as they walk the narrow path between pursuing real justice, and the dark age of the law.
December 25, 6:45 am
Miles had requested one of the hotel conference rooms so that he could bring Phoenix up to speed on the case– given the lack of time or appropriate space to do so any earlier. He'd sent Kay to go fetch some bagels and coffee for the meeting, and he flipped through the paperwork from his briefcase, adjusting his reading glasses.
There was a knock on the door, and the man behind it didn't wait for a 'come in' before he invited himself.
Phoenix Wright swaggered in, in his shirt sleeves and suspenders, with his signature blue coat tossed over one shoulder. His hair wasn't gelled back yet, hanging instead in untidy damp locks around his face and over his eyes.
He yawned, clicking the door closed behind him. "Morning, Edgeworth."
"Good morning, Wright." Miles looked up at him rather appreciatively, leaning on his hand and taking in the view. "I see my request caught you just out of the shower."
"Hey, you jump, I ask how high, eh?" Wright walked over and put his arms around Miles' shoulders, leaning over him from behind the chair.
Miles laughed and nuzzled his face against Phoenix's warm, freshly shaved cheek, the gentle scent of his aftershave and shampoo mingling. "You most emphatically do not do that, Phoenix. But you smell nice, so that's something."
"Well, as long as I've got something going for me, huh?" He smiled that big, stupid smile of his, and Miles grabbed his chin and pulled him into a rough, insistent kiss. It was the first one he'd managed to steal in days, and he was determined to enjoy it. Phoenix's tongue tasted of peppermint, and he made a soft noise as Miles bit and sucked at his lips.
When he finally released him, Phoenix took a deep breath, and batted his eyelashes. "Why, Mr. Edgeworth, how terribly scandalous!" he cooed in a falsetto.
Miles rolled his eyes. "Every time, Mr.Wright. And worth the potential scandal every time."
Phoenix leaned on him. "You spoil me, Miles."
"After the way you've behaved lately? I absolutely think I spoil you. You'd better be ready to really earn that badge I got back for you." He traced his fingers over Phoenix's jaw softly. He'd been hurt– terribly hurt– when Phoenix had said he wouldn't go to bat with him on this case, after everything Miles had done for him. But he could never stay angry at Phoenix long. It was that puppy dog look of his.
Phoenix leaned into Miles' touch and nodded, closing his eyes. "Consider me ready, Miles. But you already have the others here, what exactly is the plan?"
"For starters, I'm keeping you on a leash this time. You're going to help me investigate some of the more behind the scenes elements here."
"Oooh, investigating is my favorite part," Phoenix grinned.
"Don't think I don't know it," Miles chuckled. "Really, you would have made a better detective than a lawyer, Phoenix."
"And what about you, Miles? I'd say the same."
Miles adjusted his glasses, and smiled, bashfully. "Yes, well, we all have our roles to play, don't we? What use is playing detective if it's for a corrupt system?"
They'd talked about it before. About washing their hands of the whole thing and doing something like joining interpol, or opening a detective agency. But Miles couldn't bring himself to do it. He couldn't bring himself to give up trying to piece back together the broken shards of their legal system.
One day. One day he could retire and leave the politics behind, and just do the fun part. Maybe he could even get Phoenix to come with him.
"So you say, Miles," Phoenix murmured. He nuzzled him like a cat– and they both froze when there was another knock at the door.
The door swung open, and in walked Kay Faraday, her arms laden down with a few paper bags and a balanced tray of three coffees in cheap, but sizable, paper cups.
“Gotcha the coffee, boss! And bagels. Hope you like onion, it’s all they had le–” The young woman paused, before flashing a grin. “Knew you’d probably show up, Mr. Phoenix. Got you a coffee too!” 
Miles flushed, and pulled away from Phoenix, who did the same, straightening his tie. Kay knew about him and Wright of course, but that was no excuse for such unprofessional behavior.
Miles cleared his throat and smoothed his hair. "Ah, yes, thank you, Kay. I appreciate the effort. We're just about to go over the facts of the case."
Phoenix grinned, tugging at his cuffs. "Hey, Kay. Been a while."
“Been a long time, Phoenix. How’s the office? Still run in the tyrannical grip of your daughter?” Kay asked with a snicker as she dropped the bags on the table along with the coffee.
She’d changed over the years…even if she was still ever the playful thief, she’d still grown up in a lot of ways. She had her hair in a loose bun today, pinned down with a pair of ornate sticks..
“I didn’t miss the brief?” 
"Not at all," Miles said, spreading his hands. "It was just… smalltalk. Have a seat."
"The smallest," Phoenix chuckled. He pulled out a chair for Kay on Miles' right side before sitting down at his left.
Kay Faraday took a seat, leaning onto her hands as some of her dark hair fell across her eye “Guess it’s time to get down to business, eh? So you can have some more time for smalltalk later~..” 
December 25, 7:00 am
Miles coughed as Kay teased him.. "Yes, ah, anyway… the best place to start is with the dead agents."
She watched as he pulled a folder out of his briefcase.
Kay Faraday glanced at the folder with a low sigh. She’d gotten long used to bodies, they’d always seemed to crop up wherever she and Miles had gone together. They never got any easier to deal with, or any less sad to see…but she was used to them.
“Got any names for us, boss? Or is Lang keeping them hush?” 
"That'd be pretty inconvenient if so," Phoenix mused, leaning on his hand.
"Hardly," Miles rolled his eyes and presented to glossy photos– one of a tan skinned man with glossy ringlets of black hair, the other blond, blue eyed and clean cut. "Agent Angelo St. John, and Agent Layton Fish. They were the closest agents here in Cauli when Lang sent word to watch the airport."
“Bad luck. Guys are sleeping with the fishes and running with the angels at the same time. One bad job, ” Kay murmured. She leaned over to look at the pictures thoughtfully. “what’s the scene look like?” 
"Not good." Miles set his jaw and showed another picture. Two vehicles, both burned and twisted almost to unrecognizability. 
Phoenix whistled. "I'll say. Did they find any bodies?"
"Two. Interpol has their forensics working on dental records. I'm planning to have Ema lend us her expertise at the scene."
"So we don't even know if these are our guys," Phoenix said.
"Not one hundred percent, no. But Agent Kelso has confirmed that one of the vehicles matches– well, matched– the car that the agents left in."
Kay’s eyes lingered on the damage from the fire. “So it’s pretty likely, unless someone’s playing one heck of a trick on us. “
Phoenix weaved his fingers together. "We've seen some pretty good tricks. But there's always evidence."
"There's always evidence," Miles agreed. "I'm sending most of our people to the scene to look in person today, while some of us take a different tactic. I'd like to do some investigating at the airport itself and see if we can get anything from the security people."
Kay nodded seriously, leaning on her hands with a grin. “Might turn up something. Might turn up more if you let me slip in there and dig around their security files.” 
"Kay, don't even suggest anything illegal to me today," Miles said firmly. "We're here by the grace of interpol. We do things by the book– that goes double for you, Phoenix."
He held his hands up and grinned. "What, me? Do something unethical? Never."
“And who from Interpol’s here?” Kay puffed out her cheeks. “I mean…Agent Lang always let me do my thing. And it’s not like either of his subordinates are gonna give me crap for unconventional tactics.” 
Miles crossed his arms. "if you clear it with Lang you can do whatever you want, Kay. If you clear it with Lang. His favorite agents are with him too, if you'd like to give wheedling them a shot. Meanwhile, Phoenix and I are also going to be following up on our main target."
“Ooof.” Kay grimaced. “I mean, Badd’s a pushover when it comes to me, but…” the other one…she had some complicated history with. Besides, she’d probably just laugh the request off.
“Yessir. “ She sighed, and grabbed a bagel “sounds like you got a day chock full of adventure.” 
"Adventure is one way to put it," Miles murmured. He pulled out another picture. It was a wide shot of the airport's baggage claim, the same one they'd been in last night. "This is the picture that Agent Kelso sent back before the disappearance of her fellow agents. It was just enough to make a positive ID."
"A positive ID, huh?" Phoenix rubbed his chin, and squinted at the picture. There was a pair of figures circled in red marker. A blond, bespectacled older man meeting with a slim, dark haired figure in large sunglasses. The older man's face was turned toward the camera, and his features were visible.
“So that’s the guy, huh?” Kay whistled low under her breath “...and the person in the shades, that’s the one Kelso had been tailing?” 
Miles nodded. "The one in the shades is the one Kelso followed from LA to Cauli, yes. The bomber at Fulbright's apartment. And the other– the blond– we think that's the one that the Phantom referred to as 'specs' during questioning."
"Specs, huh?" Phoenix asked. "You said you got a positive ID from this picture?"
"Interpol ran the data for hours," Miles nodded. "It came up with a man named Gaius Lovelace. Dual British and Zheng-Fa citizenship. He runs a consultancy business and manages a hedge fund."
“Bet he’s hedging his bets that we aren’t going to find him and kick his ass six ways from Sunday.” Kay grumbled, before quickly adding. “with the law, I mean!” 
"With the law," Miles agreed. "We're going to see if we can pick up his trail here in Cauli somehow, while Interpol is investigating his residence in England."
"Sounds like a hell of a case, Edgeworth," Phoenix said with a little smile.
Edgeworth smirked back. "I knew I could get you interested, Wright."
Kay stretched as she stuffed her bagel into her mouth. A moment later, she dared to ask the question. “So what should I do, boss? Given it’s date night for you two.” 
The noise Edgeworth made was hilarious.
December 25, 7:30 am
Halblicht caught his breath as he watched Apollo's receding figure leave the cafeteria. Everyone was staring at them. The staff were staring at them.
That was a disaster.
Simon's hands were on his shoulders, and he looked up to see the prosecutor's gaze following Apollo as well. And Athena was still interposed between himself, and the world.
It could have gone worse, I suppose.
"Still with us, Half Bright?" Simon demanded, glancing down at him.
"For the moment." He fixed his sunglasses. "Ms. Cykes, you didn't need to do that."
“No, Robert.” Athena’s voice carried a tremor that was hard to identify the root of, but she stayed standing between him and the retreating Apollo.
“I did. You’re my patient. I promised to help you, right? Part of that’s not letting my friend beat you to a pulp because he’s lost control of his emotions.” her voice dropped into a quiet murmur “...it wouldn’t be right.” 
Bobby reached out, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Ms. Cykes, I accept your commitment as a staunch fellow ally of justice– but he could have hurt you."
Their eyes watered and Robert almost staggered under the weight of Bobby's wave of concern and gratitude.
When Athena turned towards him, there were tears in her eyes and a smile on her face that didn’t quite reach them.
“He already did, Bobby. Didn’t even have to land a punch.” She shook her head, and her shoulder shook under his hand “...it was a risk I was ready to take. I’m stronger than I look, I could have taken it. I didn’t want him to hurt you anymore…or to hurt himself doing something he’d regret..” 
They rubbed their chest. It ached. Apollo had hit them right in the same place that the bullet had.
"I appreciate it, Athena, but…"
Simon scoffed. "What's done is done. Athena threw herself into harm's way for, perhaps no good reason. But who among us can say we've never done the same."
"I suppose," Bobby murmured. 
Is he including us in that?
I have no idea.
They glanced across the table. Investigator Skye had been there when this began– was she still?
Ema had shot up in the confusion, and was halfway across the cafeteria as Apollo vanished. The last sounds of her calling out to him died in a low growl as she ran her hands through her hair.
“Great, fan fucking tastic. Great. Awesome.”
Simon frowned deeply, as he followed Halblicht's gaze."Well. I suppose we have the table to ourselves now. And Mr. Justice is aware of the situation. So whatever else may be the case– mission accomplished."
“Yeah..” Athena’s voice was hollow as she pressed her hand to her face. “Mission accomplished.”
“...” Ema tugged at her hair just a little bit ahead, hissing under her breath. Eventually she stormed off to a table, where she grabbed a bag of complimentary chips “I’m getting ready for the damned investigation.” 
"I guess we all should…" Bobby sighed heavily and finally seated himself as well– noticing that only now did Simon take his hands off him. The prosecutor didn't acknowledge it, merely sitting down next to him. "I'm sorry about the scene…"
It was inevitable, really.
Maybe, but I'm still sorry. I hope Mr. Justice can… calm down, at least.Ema vanished out the door, and Athena dropped into a chair. 
“...it’s my fault," Athena sighed,"I should have explained it better…or just bitten the bullet and dealt with Miles being angry with me and told him sooner.” 
Robert pushed their glasses up. "Frankly, Ms. Athena, we probably should have gone to Mr. Edgeworth and let him handle it. but what's done is done."
“What’s done is done,” she echoed, looking at the door. “But I think I’m out an investigation partner for the day.” 
"Well, it's irregular," Simon said, leaning on one hand and starting to pick at his breakfast again. "But this is an irregular situation. Why don't you just investigate with us?"
Athena looked up at them with a blink “...the defense and the prosecution working together, huh? Not a bad idea…”
Bobby smiles. "You two do make quite the impressive team. And anyway, we don't even know who you'll be representing yet, Ms. Athena. I'm sure there's no harm in it."
“That’s true.” Athena finally smiled again, rubbing the back of her neck. “no harm at all…and anyway, the prosecution needs to start learning to share anyway.” 
"True enough," Simon agreed with a smirk. "Much as I enjoy mysterious ways, now that the dark age of the law has started to crack, things might change."
Bobby stood to get himself some coffee. It already felt like things were changing.
Charging in had definitely been the right thing to do.
"Where are you going, Half Bright?"
They stopped frozen and turned toward Simon.
We should probably have asked permission…
"Ah, just to get some coffee, sir."
They waited for the rebuke.
"Good, get me another cup."
Bobby wasn't the only one who felt a small sting of relief.
December 25, 7:30 am
Trucy and Pearl had slept in a bit compared to everyone else. Trucy had woken up to a message on her phone from her Daddy to go and have breakfast without him, because he was in a meeting with Mr. Edgeworth.
“Looks like we’ve gotta go it alone this morning, Pearl.” she’d said as she tied her hair into its usual low ponytail. “Daddy’s busy with Mr. Edgeworth, so we’re gonna have to scrounge for ourselves.” 
Pearl had put her own hair back up in it's complicated coiffure the night before after it had dried, and she was sitting on the end of the bed, kicking her feet, and watching as Trucy finished getting ready. 
"You say scrounge as if there isn't a whole hotel restaurant, Trucy," she giggled.
Trucy fluffed her hair, letting the cluster of locks fall down to frame her face in a curl on one side, before she turned with a sweep of her cape as she fastened it over her shoulders.
“A whole hotel restaurant for us to scrounge and forage in…only us, our wits, and daddy’s hotel tab between us and a good balanced breakfast.” 
Pearl giggled and hopped up to her feet. "I think it might actually be Mr. Miles' hotel tab in this case. Or maybe even Klavier's!"
“You know what that means, Pearl.” Trucy offered her hand with a grin “...we don’t have to worry about going ham. Daddy’s broke, but Mr. Edgeworth is loaded.” 
Pearl giggled and took her hand. "Let's go ham then! Or at least get ham. I don't want to be stuffed to the gills when we go meet Klavier, after all!"
She giggled and tugged her toward the door.
Trucy followed her with a laugh. “That's true, that’s true. Alright, we’ll make sure to at least get ham and maybe something sweet on the go, and then get going to see Klavier. I’d like to be able to dance, at the very least.” 
"Dance huh?" Pearl asked as they hurried down the hall. "You think he'll invite us to?"
Trucy squeezed her hand. “I mean he’s a musician, I think he’d be offended if we didn’t wanna!” 
"Truuue, but I didn't know if he was gonna do anything actually musical in this commercial," she mused. She paused waiting for the elevator. "You said it was for a brand of soft drink, right?"
“You…” Trucy rubbed her chin. “you think he’d agree to do it if he wasn’t gonna get to rock out? What? Is he gonna prosecute someone in it?”
Pearl stepped into the elevator. She mirrored Trucy's gesture, rubbing her own chin. "Well I mean I kind of just thought he was going to open a soft drink 80 different times in 80 different takes and go 'ahhh, so refreshing!' or something."
Trucy stuck out her tongue. "Blehhh… First of all, he’d get a stomachache. Second of all, that’d be lame. There’s no pizzazz in that. Where’s the magic? Where’s the light and sound? Nobody’s gonna wanna drink their stupid soda if it’s just a guy opening it, looking sick because it’s his hundredth soda and going ‘yum, it’s good, buy it, dummy’, you know?” 
Pearl rubbed her neck as the elevator descended. "Um, I super agree with you Trucy, but I'm not sure that's how commercials work. I'm also not sure why I know more about commercials than you…"
Trucy flushed a brilliant red, huffing. “I…I…every commercial I’ve ever been in’s been exciting! That’s all! Geeze!” 
The elevator stopped at the first floor.
"Have you been in a bunch?"
“I’ve been in one.” Trucy waved her hand back and forth in the air, still holding Pearl’s. “It was for the Wright Anything Agency!” 
"Ooooooh. Well, then it's no surprise it was exciting!"
The door opened and she tugged Trucy out and toward the dining hall.
Trucy followed close behind, grinning as she went .
“We didn't have food, either, but if we did I wouldn’t have wanted to waste it, you know? So obviously someone’s gotta drink the sodas that Klavier doesn’t….maybe he actually gives them to the crew so he doesn’t get sick? I dunno.” 
"Ooooh, maybe. That'd be nice, right?" She pushed the door to the dining room open. "After you!"
Trucy dipped into a curtsy with a grin. 
“why thank you, Pearl.” she winked “you know how to make a girl feel special…” With that and tip of her hat, she slipped into the dining hall. 
Slipping into the dining room, Trucy realized there was almost nobody in there. A couple of people off to one side Trucy didn't recognize, and Athena sitting with Simon Blackquill and some other guy.
And that was basically it. No Kay, no Gumshoe. No Apollo.
“Uh…..” Trucy stopped short with a raise of her eyebrow under the brim of her hat. “...where the heck is everyone? Polly shoulda been here by now. He never misses breakfast.” 
Pearl rubbed her neck. "More breakfast for us I guess? Maybe he already ate and got going?"
Trucy watched her look around the dining hall, and her gaze come to rest on the mystery man sitting with Athena and Simon.
She leaned on Pearl’s shoulder, staring along with her with a puzzled tilt of her head. “Who's that guy?” 
Pearl chewed on her thumb, and looked distracted. "Gosh, um… that's a good question..."
“He kinda looks familiar…like I saw him somewhere recently.” Trucy mused with her chin against Pearl’s shoulder. “..what’s up, Pearl? Do you recognize him?” 
"Um…." Pearl chewed on her thumb again. "Why don't we get some breakfast."
Trucy glanced between Pearl’s expression and the mystery man tugging at the edge of her memory. 
“...Yeah uh.” She eased Pearl towards the breakfast buffet tables, “let’s maybe do that and we’ll sort it out together.” 
December 25, 7:45 am
As they were finishing up with breakfast, Athena noticed Trucy and Pearl pause in the doorway, before they headed over to the buffet area.
“Hmmm,” Athena’s brow knit as she nibbled down a piece of bacon. “Why…are Trucy and Pearl here?” 
Simon looked up. "I'm sorry, what?"
Athena pointed to them at the buffet table with her slice of bacon. “...Trucy and Pearl. They’re over there. They were staring right at us for like….3 minutes before they wandered over there. Why…why are they here in Cauli?”
Halblicht looked over his shoulder curiously as well. "Trucy Wright, yes? And the other girl… wasn't she involved in the orca case?"
“Yeah, that’s right! She was the penguin whisperer…because she fell down in a bunch of fish.” She laughed into her hand. “She’s a spirit medium from Kurain , I’m pretty sure. She’s really great.” 
"A… spirit medium?" Halblicht's expression was unreadable, but Athena felt a brief flicker of odd, twisted emotions from him anyway. "How unusual."
“Yeah…her cousin was part of that whole case back in the day that proved the existence of ghosts, you know.” Athena mused , leaning on her hand. “She was possessed by the vengeful spirit of a multiple murderer..”
The restaurant’s door slammed open, carrying with it a cheerful, if very sleepy sounding, salutation.
“G’morning, fellas!” Agent Kelso called out, as she adjusted her sunglasses in her hair. “Can the Edgeworth party come with me?” 
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squeeze-the-lemon · 11 months
How come no one ever told me just how good Rise from the ashes is like what?!?!
Maybe it's because this is the first case I've played where I haven't known how it ended (I watched the anime first I'm sorry) other than the Layton crossover (it's validity as an ace attorney game is debatable) so it's amazed me just how much I've enjoyed this game
Like why is it all so good
In honour of this newfound love here's a list of all the things I enjoyed from the game (spoilers obviously):
• Ema - she's fun. Not to say I didn't like Maya but it's fun watching Ema fangirl about her interests
• Scientific analysis - why is this so cool. I get to examine the evidence! Heck yeah. I actually prefer it to the magatama but that's because I have the same reaction as edgeworth does with is 'noooooooooooo' anytime I see a psyche lock because some secrets should remain secret
• Edgeworth - what's going on with Edgeworth I loved him in the previous cases but he's really shining now we get to see more of his personality AND HE GOT TWO NEW SPRITES IM LIVING FOR IT and he's so snarky like 'the lunchladys uninformed notion is duly noted' OKAY and his half assed objection because don't tell me how to do my job thank you very much and when they try to introduce new evidence and he goes um actually that's not something I will be accepting for the time being so thanks but no thanks
• King of Prosecutors - HE EMBARRASSED
• Resignation - this post is turning out Edgeworth heavy but can you blame me the face that Edgeworth was planning on resigning because he felt betrayed by the system I guess and then there was all those rumours THAT WERENT EVEN TRUE (to an extent, he didn't know) and it's just so sad and I know how he ends up but still
• luminol spray and fingerprints - like with the scientific analysis this is just so cool it's giving professor Layton where you tap the screen frantically looking for hint coins but instead of looking for hint coins we're looking for blood
• Gant - I'm sure there are posts that can better explain the point I'm trying to put across but the fact that he was able to make threats in court right there in front of everyone and still be considered reputable and even untouchable says something. Also I know he's not a great guy because of the stuff he did but somehow his last moments are pretty wholesome when he looks to the future that is phoenix and Edgeworth and it gives you hope you know
• letter - I know what it says but damn Edgeworth really left everything and told no one
So yeah I've been playing this game non stop and I really enjoyed it it was so so good
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sevenyeargap · 1 year
welcome to my very own analysis of edgeworths character and insane rambling on why i write him Like That. first of all i want to rec one of my favorite essay on political theory/legal philosophy of possibly all time aka the discourse on voluntary servitude by la boétie (which you can read here, its also a fantastic text to read in these coronation/anti-monarchy times)
anyway, if you don't want to read it (although it is quite a short and clear read), the main thesis of this essay is that basically a corrupt political system/dictatorship (here called a tyranny) doesn't stay in place because people are afraid of change and rebellion, but because people don't want anything to change, and they're satisfied with their condition, therefore complicit with the system (see also MLK's quote on white moderates "but the white moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action'")
the tl;dr here is that a system stays in place because no one does anything to change it, and people prefer turning a blind eye to the situation but its not because they're afraid of a new system, it's because they're scared of what it will take to get this new system.
with that being said i think that edgeworths anger and resentment at the legal system post turnabout goodbyes wouldn't be directed at the system right away because he upheld the system. he loved it! (which btw is so so much worse than killing his father. he didn't kill his father but he's complicit in enforcing a terrible legal system!!!!!!!! awful)
and miles loved this system!! i think that even at the worst point of his bratworth era he still believed he was Bringing Fair And Real Justice and was doing The Right Thing. but what happens when you realize this system is deeply, incredibly flawed? when you've spent your whole life fighting for it? deliberately ignoring the ugly parts of it in favor of maintaining a perfect win record?
that's when you choose death!!!! (literally or figuratively depending on how you analyze it.)
i looooove edgeworth celebrating his not guilty verdict but he would start thinking about what he's done. which again is so much worse than simply killing his dad. like he literally says that in rfta
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and thats so??? fucking sad!?!!! because how is he supposed to trust in himself now??? phoenix (no matter how good his intentions were) HAS entirely destroyed his whole worldview!!!!!!!! and thus the unnecessary feelings line but you can read more about my thoughts about that line here (tl;dr this line for me a) challenges his views (see supra) b) didn't phoenix "steal" his dream of becoming a defense attorney, in a way? phoenix had the chance to move on and change things for the better but miles... didn't.
ANYWAY edgeworth gets angry at individuals, after turnabout goodbyes, because he hasn't realized how deep the corruption runs yet - he's angry at phoenix, at misty, at everyone who either failed to protect him (misty, mvk, the mvk household, maybe even his own dad for """leaving him behind"""???) OR tried to protect him from this system (phoenix, maya - because how dare they challenge his views on this system he has oh so loved?) also you can read this post here because it really summarizes my feelings about his aa1 arc
every day there is a new media where two people are fighting together for a system. they both come to realise the system is flawed, and while one of them tries to take the system down, the other decides it is still necessary and must be protected at all costs. why is it always the first one who becomes the villain? who is deeply sympathetic but goes too far in their quest for justice? i think for once it should be the second one who is trying so hard to protect the system they believe in that they slowly slip into tyranny
i dont really have a conclusion here but i will say that i think The Note and edgeworths year off were necessary (as tragic as it was) for both edgeworth & phoenix because theyre insane they need some time to think about how much they don't know nor understand each other anymore at this point in time. anyway. thanks for reading?!! i hope this made sense. mwah!
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missobjection · 2 months
The Unfathomable Phoenix Wright Pt. 1 | miles x phoenix
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Synopsis: in which Wright becomes a little too attractive for Edgeworth to deny what he wants Phoenix to do to him.
Word Count: 4898
A/N: here it is. part one of my first wrightworth smut. i promise part two will come shortly after, just give me time! school + work are tag teaming me and my free time is constantly threatened by sleep. anyhow, please enjoy this and thank you! feel free to submit any asks or requests on any wrightworth or y/n perspective writings. or just to yap!
Warnings: part two WILL be a smut so prepare yourselves. this part is simply kinda romantic, teasing, kinda smut
Someone needs to do a study on Defense Attorney Phoenix Wright. 
Today was a big day for Phoenix, as he was planning to conclude two murder cases in just a few hours. The night before, Miles had to watch his spikey-haired lover pace all over the apartment, his eyes revising his case over and over again. The conservative prosecutor even tried to make a joke, claiming that Phoenix will cause a draft in the kitchen with all his pacing. But Phoenix could only nod before continuing to analyze his papers. 
But Miles didn’t quite realize how attractive Phoenix was when his entire focus was dedicated to his work. In the morning, he woke alone to just a small note on their bedside table. Left early to court, love you lots, was written in it. Miles couldn’t help but nod, sending silent praise and prayer to his poem as he faced both cases. 
Upon arriving at the courthouse, Miles noticed there were more bailiffs and police than usual. After going through the metal detectors, he walked down in stride with his briefcase into his office. His flow was quickly interrupted when he noticed a small rose on his desk. The delicate flower was partnered with a note signed by the very apple of his eye; 
Let's have lunch after my first case. Sorry in advance if I’m late. Maya and I are working hard. Feel free to overlook any of my cases today. Your presence might guarantee my win. 
Smiling down at the note, Miles promptly folds it up and hides it away in the pocket of his crimson suit. Taking him up on the offer, he prepares a small case he’s on to bring to the courtroom to study while supporting Phoenix in his own case. 
As he approaches the courtroom, several policemen and Gumshoe greet him at the door. 
“G’morning Mr. Edgeworth,” Gumshoe hums, his voice as bombastic as ever. “How are you doing today?” 
Miles simply nods, “I’m well, Detective. How are you?” 
Gumshoe simply shrugs, “same old thing, pal. The judge just called for a 15 minute recess, so we’re waiting to be ushered back in.” 
“Is this Wrights case?” 
Gumshoe nods, “he’s been breezing through the case like it’s nothing. It’s only been an hour, and he’s managed to rule out all other possible suspects. It could only be Ms. Cente. He’s just trying to figure out the motive.” 
Miles pointed to the courtroom door, “did Wright step out?” 
“He’s just outside in the yard.” 
The crunch of the freshly mowed grass gave Miles some sort of miniature solace. The air was fresh, and the sun danced just enough not to hurt the eyes but still warms the skin. There were several benches scattered around the large patch of land, but Phoenix was someone that Miles could always find, even in the largest of crowds. 
But Miles quickly found himself a little too warm, and that was not the fault of the sun. 
Phoenix stood near the farthest bench, stretching and taking a few breaths. His blue suit jacket rested on the backrest of the bench while Phoenix remained with his white dress shirt. Clearly Miles could not see any skin, but the way the shirt fitted his back was actually getting to him. He could see Phoenix’s broad shoulders, but in particular his scapulae was defined and eye grabbing. 
He was always a fine, toned man. Phoenix was never one to exercise a lot, but he was extremely active with a good diet. And with the stretching, Miles could really make out the outlines of the muscles in his back and his arms. Even the quiet grunts that escaped Phoenix were doing a number on him. Miles felt himself getting butterflies. 
“Mm?” Phoenix just turned his head, his back still facing his anxious lover. “Oh, Edgeworth. Why didn’t you announce yourself?” 
Miles quickly recollects himself and slowly walks over, “it seems you were releasing some stress. I didn’t want to take you out of that.” 
“‘Preciate that, but you didn’t disturb anything,” the spiky-haired man hummed, “in fact, I’m better now that you’re here.” 
If there was anything Phoenix could best Miles in, it's flirting. That man flirts like he created the language of love. Miles tries to calm himself down by rubbing his hands in his pockets, but nothing is quite calming the problem he’s developing. “Is the case going well?” 
“It is,” Phoenix replies curtly, turning his whole body around to face Miles completely. Oh. Phoenix’s shirt was unbuttoned by quite a sum. Miles could see the center of his chest, and a tease of his collarbones. How unprofessional and tantalizing. “I have a hunch but I need to be completely confident in it.” 
When Phoenix is actually serious, it was something that deserved to be in a museum. His brown-gray eyes were so alluring that not even a clown’s jokes would fly by. His voice (unknowingly to Wright) lowers in such a way it was as if he could seduce the jury to give him whatever verdict he pleases. In this mode, according to Miles, he was unstoppable. 
“Is there anything you’d like to go by me?” Miles’ offers as he takes a seat on the bench. His nose fills with the natural scent of the trees, and Phoenix’s cologne. He smelled of pine and smoked spice. “Perhaps I can put to rest that hunch of yours.” 
Phoenix smiles before shaking his head, “no offense, but I’d like this to be an all-Wright win.” How punny. Phoenix finds himself a seat beside his partner and leans back a bit. Miles watches him hang his hand on the bench’s back and flutter his eyes shut. “It’s a shame that I’m doing these cases when it’s such a nice day out. We could have left early to have dinner.” 
Miles shrugged, “I don’t mind having a late dinner. You’re not an early sleeper anyways.” 
“I just wanted to enjoy the sunset with ya, that's all,” Phoenix casually hums. Miles only stares at the man, the two sitting in comfortable silence. Phoenix’s jaw is particularly sharp at this angle. Miles’s thoughts were going everywhere, every file cabinet in his mind getting shot up. Then, Phoenix opens his eyes and brings his watch to his eyes. “Ah, it’s time.” 
“You’ve been studying all the evidence,” Miles subtly encourages, “what's fact is fact, nobody can deny that.” 
Phoenix raises his head and nods, “it's not the evidence but rather the delivery, Edgeworth. If I don’t say it with certainty, nobody would be convinced by it, regardless of how true it is.” 
A simple “mm” can be heard from Miles. Then, Phoenix gets his heart once again. He fishes out a little lip balm tin from his pocket. Though Miles protests it being unhygienic, Phoenix cannot get behind chapstick. But that debate has long rested, and honestly to Miles’ favor. He watches his lover gently rub around the palm with his middle finger, the tip of it shiny with petroleum and menthol. Slowly, he slides said finger across his bottom lip first, before transferring to the top lip from the corner of his mouth. He makes sure both lips are coated well before massaging them together. 
“Take a photo, Edgeworth,” Phoenix teases, “it’ll last forever, you know.” 
Miles scoffs to cover up his embarrassment, “did you wash your hands before putting your fingers in there?”
“Do I give off the impression that I’m not clean?” Phoenix begins with a playful frown. He begins to stand up, to Miles’ disappointment. He wished to spend at least another few minutes with him before he had to return to work. “Anywho, I’ve gotta get back to court. Will I be seeing you?” 
Miles tries to tease him back, “I have a lot of work to do today… but I should be able to pencil you in there somewhere.” He watches as Phoenix begins to walk back towards the courtroom. Phoenix rubs the finger he used for his lip balm against his pants. “Wright, don’t rub the residue on your pants.” 
“Ah sorry,” Phoenix says without turning around. He brings his hand up in the air and waves. “Next time, I’ll rub it against you.” And with that, the blue suited attorney left his partner in absolute shambles. Miles, with his hand completely over his mouth, spent a few more minutes alone to wait out the crimson hue on his cheeks. Will his body ever calm from attraction? Who’s to say. 
“The defense may begin their cross examination,” the Judge announces. 
Miles sat comfortably towards the back, as he wanted to try and do a bit of his work he brought with him inside the courtroom. He was on the left side of the courtroom where the defense resides. He could see the glimmer of uncertainty on Phoenix’s eyes. His hands anxiously flicked at the corner of the page in his work seeing his partner think up how to win the case. 
“When I came into the bedroom, the back of his right ear had been completely bloody,” the person being questioned, Ms. Indy Cente, testified quietly. Her voice was shaky, but even Miles was quick to realize that she wasn’t being honest. 
“Hold it!” Phoenix immediately started, his finger wagging at the anxious suspect. “How did you know that they were bleeding behind the ear? Did you walk around the room?” 
Payne was quick to interject, “Mr. Wright, we already established that the only prints found walking into the room at all were your defendants. Ms. Cente clearly didn’t walk into the room at all.” 
“So how is it possible that she saw the bleeding behind his ear?” Phoenix quickly countered. He picked up the photos of the crime scene. “The cause of death was internal bleeding. Despite the impact to the back of his head, the victim's bleeding was extremely brief. But you’d have to flip his head to see it. The blood was quick to dry, and never dripped onto the carpet.” 
Ms. Cente froze for a moment before responding, “his head was leaned over to the side.” 
“Not according to these photos,” Phoenix replied, holding the same photos of the crime scene. “You would have had to turn his head over yourself in order to see that.” 
“Objection!” Payne jumped on Phoenix’s words, “that would imply that she would have had to touch his head. But there are no fingerprints anywhere on the victim's body according to the autopsy.” 
“Wright,” the Judge hummed. Miles felt a bit anxious, considering this case was finally nearing its end. He wasn’t sure if Phoenix would be able to get to the conclusion he’s seeking. “Can you explain how it would be possible that she would know about the wound without touching the victim or entering the room?” 
Phoenix pauses for a moment. Miles watches him tentatively, leaning forward as he watches his lover think up of a possibility. If she never stepped foot in the bedroom, nor touched the victim, then that means she… was already in the room. The small lightbulb appeared above Miles’ head, but by the time he looked up to meet Phoenix’s gaze, the spiky-haired man had already been smirking.
“She never entered the room because she was already in the room,” Phoenix suggests simply. He tapped gently at his bottom lip in thought, something that was doing wonders to Miles’ body. “The reason she knew about the wound was because she was the one who caused it.” 
“Let’s say that was true, Mr. Wright,” Payne begins, “if there are no fingerprints at all on the body, how would she have caused his death? She would have had to push him.” 
Phoenix sifts through the evidence of the case before lifting one of interest. “In the last few days, I’ve been asking friends and loved ones of the victims about him. I’m told he’s an extreme germaphobe. So much so that when we checked the apartment, we found a huge container of slippers, and a small shoe board at the front of the door. From the looks and sounds of it, he usually told his guests to put the shoes on the board, and change into any of the slippers.” 
“What are you getting at, Mr. Wright?” The Judge asks curiously. 
“What I’m saying is that she and the victim were already together in the room. From what the crime scene looked like, they probably had quite the night with one another,” Phoenix theorized curtly, as to not speak anything beyond PG. Ms. Cente immediately straightened her back a bit. 
“So we had sex, so what?” The testifying spouted. “Why would I kill someone after such a lovely night?” 
Phoenix quickly looked over at Maya, who quietly gave Phoenix a reassuring nod. Phoenix looks down for a moment, his eyes flickering in thought. Miles leaned even more this time, hands knitted together beneath his chin. Come on, Wright. Miles wished to just jump out and give Phoenix the answer.
But then Phoenix looks over at Miles, and winks. 
“I have a good idea for the motive, but it may be a little vulgar, Your Honor,” Phoenix begins. He slams both hands on the table, his lips forming into a confident grin. This was the Phoenix that Miles was itching to see. “I think you became infatuated with the victim.” 
Ms. Indy Cente was appalled, giving Phoenix a disgusted look, “are you crazy? I knew him for no more than 10 hours. To fall in love with a stranger is only in fairy tales.” 
“I don’t think so,” Phoenix begins calmly. “I was very curious about the injury on your forearm.” 
She winces, but quickly draws her arm to her chest, “wh-what about it? This was caused before this case.” 
Phoenix nods, “I agree, it must have happened before. I went to the bar where the two of you met, and asked for some footage from the last few days.” Ms. Cente goes pale. “It seems you two met long before your supposed ‘first meeting.’” 
As expected, the Judge requested for the footage to be played in front of the court. On the TV, a week prior to the victims' fatal end, was a recording from right above a bar. The victim was standing at the bar, leaning on it slightly while speaking with the bartender. From the looks of it, the bartender also fancied him back. Then, a brown-haired woman joins them at the bar and begins to talk to the victim, who doesn’t react to her advances. No matter how many times she rubs against his forearm and bats her eyes, the victim couldn’t care less. It was then that the victim grabbed her forearm and pulled her away, watching her appalled expression before leaving in tears. 
“Are you stupid?” Ms. Cente insults right after the end of the showing, “you can see that I’m not a brunette. That can’t be me.” 
“Oh but it is,” Phoenix hums amusingly. He takes out her phone and reveals a few photos from her gallery. In there lived many photos of her with long, brown hair. “You bleached your hair blonde to change your appearance. It was minimal, but from a drunk person's perspective, they wouldn’t recognize you. You made sure to find him again at the same bar, since he frequents there, and made sure he was drunk enough to not ever realize.” 
“And you’re claiming that she got her injury from this incident?” Payne questions with a skeptical look. “You can’t even prove that it’s her.” 
“Besides the fact that it is the same arm that was injured, there’s another thing about Ms. Cente that makes her easy to identify.” Phoenix walks out and pauses the footage right at a certain moment. He points to the very top of her head, revealing a brown spot on her scalp. “Ms. Cente has a pretty big birthmark on her head. Of course, when she was brunette, it wasn’t as obvious. But you can see how different it looks from the rest of her light scalp.” 
Ms. Cente immediately puts her hands on her head, scowling towards Phoenix. 
The Judge looks over at Phoenix confidently, and nods his head, “please tell us how it all happened, Mr. Wright.” 
Miles anxiously rubs his knees, tentatively watching Phoenix as he returns to his table. He gives Maya a small smile before refocusing himself. His sudden stoic eyes held conviction, and his body language was unformidable. He won. 
“The suspect, Ms. Cente, meets the victim once again at the same bar,” Phoenix begins. He shows the footage of that night, where the victim was clearly very drunk as he could barely walk and tipped over a few drinks. Moments later, Ms. Cente (now blonde) is seen holding the victim by his arm and walking out of the bar. “They meet once again, and this time skip the small talk and immediately find their way to the victim's home. Ms. Cente takes off her shoes, puts on his slippers, and the two share an intimate night. Then, the morning off, the victim wakes up before Ms. Cente, and realizes it's the same woman from a few days ago. Ms. Cente is woken up, and the two immediately find themselves in an argument–” 
“Objection!” Payne interrupts, “Judge, Mr. Wright is reaching!” 
Phoenix smirks at Payne before resuming, “and it would seem the argument didn’t go in Ms. Cente’s favor. When the victim was trying to leave his own room, she stopped him at his tracks and stood between him and the door. But the victim proved uncooperative, so Ms. Cente kicks him down. The victims floors are made of a material similar to concrete, so when he fell, it was immediately fatal. His skull was completely shattered, but only a small cut came to show outside injury. It was a cut right behind his right ear.” 
“So without touching him, how did she know that he was bleeding there?” The Judge questions. 
“She hid herself in the closet,” Phoenix says simply. “The closet has quite the gap at the bottom of the doors. The closet also allows you to lock it from the inside. I’m told by his family he has trauma from house robberies in the past, so he made a two way lock for the closet in case of a break in.” 
“A-and how are you so confident that this is all how it went?” Payne stammers. “It was your client, the defendant, who ‘found’ the victim and called the police.” 
“The two never locked the door,” Phoenix puts out, “and my client is his neighbor. If the victim is so careful, why would he not lock the door? That would raise suspicion for anybody.” 
Ms. Cente’s face turns crimson, “but that’s not…” 
“The police couldn’t open the closet doors because you locked it from the inside and hid out until they left,” Phoenix pressed. “And I bet on everything you have the keys.” 
“No… no no!” Ms. Centes eyes were lightly coated with tears. Then, finally, the tears rolled down her face. There, before the eyes of the jury, she burst into tears. “He liked me! We met for only a few minutes, he bought me a coffee to replace the one he dropped! Why would anyone go through that kinda trouble!?” 
With that, Phoenix allowed for her to supplement his guess with exactly what happened. The Judge looked horrified, and Payne couldn’t help but sweat buckets. Phoenix looks over at Miles and gives him a grin. Miles quickly looked back down at his work, praying his bangs covered his cheeks. 
It was already around 5 when Miles took a step back from his desk and allowed himself a long sigh. He leans his head back against the chair, with eyes closed and concentration on the beating of his heart. He allows his legs to finally stretch out, the heels being the only parts of his feet to touch the floor. 
Today was a long day, especially considering how much he couldn’t get done due to the endless desire to be near, and support, Phoenix. It was unbelievable how that man could make him so unproductive. This entire day felt wasted due to his uncontrollable attraction for that half-assed attorney. But oh, how Miles could no longer deny that man's abilities. 
He was not only a great friend, but an amazing lover and a reputable lawyer. Phoenix is someone who, despite all odds, will find the truth no matter what it takes. His earnesty is what Miles wishes he maintained after his father had passed. Everything that he wanted for himself, he can now live vicariously through Phoenix while also having an easier time accepting that he is a prosecutor. 
Phoenix Wright is a man of too many talents. To the world (and Miles’ initial impression), he was nothing but a reckless man just barely getting along. Now, to Miles, he’s almost perfect. 
Just the thought of him made him melt a little more in his chair. His broad shoulders, sharp jaw, defined nose… his physical attributes were beyond what Miles would ever have imagined. He was so scrawny and ridiculous when they were younger. For Phoenix to become so… so… 
“Hey Edgeworth, you in?” The sound of his muffled lover behind the door popped him out of his fantasy. Recollecting himself, Miles sits up and clears his throat awkwardly. He wouldn’t want Phoenix ever seeing him slacking off at work. He would never let him live it down. 
“You may enter,” Miles invites monotonously. The door opens, and the man of Miles’s dreams appears before him. 
Phoenix runs his fingers through his air as he puts down his briefcase in one of the seats before taking a seat in the other. His legs are far from one another as he leans against the back of the chair comfortably. He emits a satisfying sigh, which transforms into a yawn as he crosses his arms and stares at Miles listlessly. His eyelids hung just enough to shoot an arrow at Miles’s heart. 
“You don’t have to wait you know,” Miles hums, forcing himself to concentrate on the nothing that's displayed on his monitor. “I might be here a little longer. I… lagged a little behind today.” 
“That’s actually what I’m here for,” Phoenix hums, his voice slightly raspy due to winning both of his cases as well as his exhaustion. “I wanted to apologize for asking to watch my cases today. I imagine I backed you up in a lot of your work.” 
Miles waves him off, “no need. I made my choices, don’t worry yourself so much over decisions you didn’t make.” 
“But I did influence.” 
Miles rolls his eyes, “don’t flatter yourself. I had to see how you do without me being your opposition. I was curious.” Miles’ hand reaches for the mouse, and quickly opens another case he was working on so he could keep himself from looking at his lover. “You… did very well today, Wright.” 
Now he’d done it. Phoenix was now activated, and his once tired body was now full of fuel. “Me? I did well?” Phoenix gushed, his eyes shining like a puppy. Dammit, Miles thought to himself. Now he’s inflated his ego. It was rare for him to give Phoenix such direct compliments. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to, but rather for him, it is like showing his affection. Something of which Miles is still learning to do. 
Phoenix rises from his seat and sways his way over to Miles. Miles listened to his steps grow near, but he kept his eyes on his computer. He won’t be so tempted by Phoenix’s advances, even if he admitted he was ready to be melted. Then, tips of fingers were found tugging gently at Miles’ ear. He could feel himself go hot. 
Then, lips tease his ear, “thank you for the kind words, Miles.” Then, soft lips nip his ear. Miles could feel his entire face begin to burn. Is the A/C even on? Phoenix finds himself behind Miles, leaning down so his hands could explore Miles’ torso. Amused, Phoenix begins to unbutton his shirt, fixing the collar as he did so. Miles felt fingertips caress his collarbones slowly. 
“W-Wright,” Miles begins, “we… should go home first.” 
“Mmm, ‘m a bit… impatient,” Phoenix’s sultry voice speaks quietly in his other untouched ear. He barely touches his body, the tips of his fingers just barely levitating over his abs. Goosebumps begin to take over Miles’ body. It was the urge to stop him but also the inability to do so that put Miles in a cycle of uncontrollable desire. “You’re so warm, m’love…” 
“Please…” Miles felt the tent in his suit trousers. His vision was going blurry, the screen now being diluted to just something bright. He unconsciously begins to thrust upward, wanting nothing more than for Phoenix’s hands to find their way there. “Wright, I’m… h-hey!” 
Phoenix’s index starts to rub the tip over his pants, not quite giving Miles what he wants, but teasing him of the feeling he yearns. The spiky-haired man could only smirk, listening to the beautiful music of his lover's low moans. His palm joined in, finally giving his length the rubbing it desired through his pants. His thumb in particular resumed loving on his tip, feeling a bit of precum blot right under it. 
“Does this turn you on, Miles?” Phoenix spoke into the side of his neck. His nipples harden from just the tone of his voice, but his whole body is reacting to the feeling of his speech against the back of his neck. “Thank you for coming and watching me today. Nothing makes me happier than having your eyes on me, and only me.” 
“Y-you… Wright, n-not here…” Miles feels his tongue burn from asking Phoenix to stop. He’s very close to just asking him to do him right then and there. But they were in his office, and it was inappropriate. “W-we shouldn’-- Wright!” 
Phoenix’s fingers find themselves at his fly, slowly dragging the zipper down. Immediately, his member jumps into view, covered now only by his white boxers. Miles could feel Phoenix’s eyes on it, practically bruising his bottom lip in temptation. This body was his instrument, and he could play it perfectly. 
“But you make no effort to stop me,” Phoenix whispers in his ear before pecking his cheek. Miles looks down as Phoenix finally frees his member. His large, calloused hands find their way to it, with Miles unable to hold his mewl. “Look at how much you want this… how much you want me.” 
Precum slowly rolled down his member in beads before making a consistent stream. Phoenix watches his lover buck into his teasing hands. Miles stubbornly looks away, with one hand over his mouth and the other holding Phoenix’s wrist. Not stopping him, but rather making sure his hand doesn’t leave his cock. His index finger now directly rubs his slit, causing Miles to writhe. He uses the precum to wet one hand so he could wrap it around his begging dick. The other hand follows suit and massages his balls. 
Miles could never best Phoenix in this. All these years of being touch deprived, only for his childhood friend to end up taking (and keeping) the honor of being his first, next, and last. He felt dizzy, his body lusting under Phoenix’s hands. He couldn’t stop himself from thrusting in his hands, the bumps of Phoenix’s callouses creating a friction that had Miles dying for more. He wasn’t rubbing fast enough, and Miles feels like he could yell at Phoenix at any moment to go faster. But as his thoughts and horniness battled, he felt a loss of touch. 
“Let’s go home, yeah?” Phoenix hums quietly. His hands give Miles’ shoulders a squeeze before he starts helping him back his briefcase. 
Miles, with his face completely red, could only glare at Phoenix. How? Or rather, why? He may as well have kept going! But instead Miles finds his hands fumbling to put away his hand on, and becoming presentable once again. His chest heaved up and down, his heart unable to calm down from all he was feeling. Anger, annoyance, desire and dissatisfaction. Phoenix teased him so well that he’s not even sure if he could drive them home. 
Miles makes an effort to not meet Phoenix’s eyes, for he would be met with a smirk too amused and satisfied. Clearing his throat, Miles begins to shut down his computer and fix up his desk. “You should pray we do not get into a crash.” 
“With how much you love your car? I’m confident we’ll make it home perfectly fine,” Phoenix jokes. Taking both of their briefcases, Phoenix takes the lead and walks out of his office and towards the parking lot. 
Miles could only roll his eyes, contemplating whether or not Phoenix will finish what he started. It was the realization that Phoenix was truly in control of him today, for if Phoenix decides not to finish him, Miles won’t sleep a wink. But if he does… 
“Jesus Christ…” Miles murmurs to himself, adjusting himself once more before meeting his lover in the car and pondering his fate when they get home. 
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box-dwelling · 9 months
So I can't animate or draw well enough to do this but I do think the world needs a Krisnix No children animatic. So a breakdown/story board plan and idk maybe I'll make it as practice for some of the comic stuff I want to do.
I hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us: Edgeworth and Maya desperately trying to contact Phoenix who is ignoring their calls. Maybe including Edgeworth insisting that Phoenix would never forge evidence to lead into the next line
I hope we come up with a fail safe plot to piss of the dumb few that forgave us: Phoenix forging the ace and then a reference to SL9 dagger to hammer home what that would mean to Edgeworth
I hope the fences we mended: Kristoph being the only vote in favour of him
Fall down beneath their own weight: Kristoph doing the small manipulative smile with the diary page in the background
And I hope we hang on past the last exit: Phoenix meeting Trucy
I hope it's already too late: Kristoph watching Phoenix losing the badge
I hope the junk yard a few block from here some day burns down: the courtroom burning
And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again: Phoenix going to Europe with Edgeworth
In my life: warmer colours come in as we get a little close up of Edgeworth seeing Phoenix and smiling
I hope I lie: warm colours gone Kristophs black psyche locks
And tell everyone you were a good wife: Phoenix telling Edgeworth about Kristoph while smiling. Colours are muted but still brighter than the rest
And I hope you die: back to black. them dining. Kristoph speaking
I hope we both die: same but Phoenix speaking
I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow: Kristoph killing Zak (not the best line for but idk what else to put and this works for the general narrative flow)
I hope it bleeds all day long: Phoenix in the detention center
Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises: trucy, with Apollo entering in the background
We're pretty sure they're all wrong: Phoenix getting decked by Apollo
I hope it stays dark for ever: Kristoph in his cell, wanting to keep what he did in the dark
I hope the worst isn't over: Phoenix post turnabout trump working on Mason
And I hope you blink before I do: spilt screen of Kristoph reading in his cell and Phoenix working on Mason
And I hope I never get sober: Grape juice on the desk beside Phoenix's computer
And I hope when you think of me years down the line: Phoenix in his new suit with the full WAA found family.
you can't find one good thing to say: Athena finds the nail polish bottle, Phoenix scowls while Klavier gets a hug from Apollo and Trucy looks forelorn
And I'd hope that I ever found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way: Phoenix getting his badge back
I am drowning, there is no sign of land, You are coming down with me, Hand in unloveable hand, And I hope you die: Kristoph screaming this as he has his breakdown
I hope we both die: Phoenix putting away the hoodie and putting the beanie on the shelf and pouring the grape juice down the sink. Symbolically killing that version of himself
Writing this out I do really want to do it but if anyone else beats me to it, I'd love to see it because I am Bad at Art and while this could be fun practice seeing someone more skilled make this would be awesome too, though I'd appreciate being tagged so I can see it
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specialagentartemis · 10 months
Having listened to the Graphic Audio full-cast audobook for All Systems Red, it was fun but I have some thoughts about the voice acting and direction. So now I’m just daydreaming about “if I had Billionaire Money I would buy the audio rights to TMBD and direct and produce another full cast audio version with voice actors handpicked and paid lavishly by Me.”
The cast being:
All Systems Red:
Murderbot: Kevin R. Free is the voice of Murderbot to a lot of people. I would think very hard about this but it would be a foundational return to form. However I feel like I want to reach out and find a non-binary VA because it's a niche that's been tragically underrepresented in Murderbot VAs. I joked before about Vico Ortiz playing live-action Murderbot but do they want to try their hand at voice acting?
Mensah: Cecilia Lynn-Jacobs. Voices Captain Lovelace on Wolf 359. Has incredible talent and range and does the Intrepid Galactic Explorer so well.
Pin-Lee: Emily Woo Zeller. An audiobook narrator I've consistently liked.
Ratthi: Stephen Dookie. He plays the part of Polites in Epic: The Musical and he's excellent in a very sweet, upbeat, friendly way.
Gurathin: Sungwon "ProZD" Cho. I'm picturing somewhere in the range of his Miles Edgeworth voice for this.
Arada: Michelle "Vixy" Dockrey. She's a singer not a VA but her voice sounds so nice.
Overse: Tanja Milojevic. Her range is incredible.
Bharadwaj: Rukhmani Desai (Captain Tripathi, The Strange Case of Starship Iris. She has that calm, reasonable, rational, desperately kind character voice she plays well in Starship Iris that I think would go well for Bharadwaj)
Volescu: Zach Valenti. The vibes are right.
Additional voices by Tanja Milojevic and Zach Valenti. Yes all of them.
Artificial Condition:
ART: Janelle Monáe and I mean it
Tapan: ItMe of InCo Podcast
The ComfortUnit: also ItMe because an important part of listening to faer acting is realizing in awe how fae voices so many characters at once and make them all sound distinct.
Tlacey: kinda thinking Ariela Rotenberg. she does smugly confidently evil very well. However we cannot discount casting ItMe for this role also
Additional voices by Tanja Milojevic and Zach Valenti.
Rogue Protocol:
Don Abene: Emma Sherr-Ziarko. She also deserves to be an intrepid space leader again.
Miki: ItMe again in InCo Season 2 Updated SAWA mode
Wilken: me. I want a part. I could totally be a badass evil space assassin
Gerth: does Gerth even have any lines.
Additional voices by Tanja Milojevic and Zach Valenti.
Exit Strategy:
Serrat: Zach Libresco. this casting + Janelle Monáe as ART were what drove me to make this post in the first place.
The Combat SecUnit: Ellen McLain in GLaDOS mode. All 2 lines it has.
Network Effect:
Amena: Ishani Kanetkar (The Strange Case of Starship Iris, The Godshead Incidental, excellent VA for a proud and curious but scared young person)
Iris: Jordan Cobb (Janus Descending, Primordial Deep, excellent VA for a gritted-teeth calm scientist in a strange and dangerous place)
Seth: Avery Brooks (I know it is not the 90s anymore. but. Captain Sisko. I can imagine <3 )
Martyn: Alexander Siddig / Siddig El-Fadil (Dr. Bashir). They're TV actors but! I want them as the Ship Captain Husbands
The rest of ART's crew: other podcast VAs I love who I haven't come up with a role for yet. Kristen DiMercurio, Beth Eyre, James Oliva.
Supervisor Leonide: Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova on Babylon 5 <333 )
Eletra: Michaela Swee who is very busy working at An Actual Hospital but I have a billion dollars in this dream scenario so I can pay her to take a day and record like 4 lines
Ras: Zach Valenti. This is very important.
Three: Jackie Andrews who plays R. J. McCabe on Starship Iris and Elinor Lopez on The Pasithea Powder has the right Vibes For This
Zach Valenti as the Additional Voice of every goon and target who gets the shit scared out of them and/or dies.
Fugitive Telemetry:
Indah: Molly Olguin maybe. she could Be Indah. Absolutely means we need Jackie Hedeman to have a role in FT too.
Tifany: Michelle Agresti (Wolf 359, Arden)
Aylen: Tracey Sayed (also Arden)
Jollybaby, Tellus, Balin: I would open the floor to the delightful Murderbot fandom. Who wants to voice a Preservation bot
Additional voices by--well you know the drill.
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cherrysweather · 10 months
hi!! i'm unsure if ur still taking asks or anything, but i was wondering, if you still are, if you could write phoenix/miles with a nerdy s/o? just the type to ramble about random details from video games to things like star trek or even horror movies, they always have these little trivia facts they seem to have ready and manage to tie into the conversation.
of course if you're still doing asks!! thank you and have a wonderful day!!
Anon helluuuu! I'm sorry you had to wait a year +, but know that I really loved this ask and wanted to write it so much! I don't know if it could be useful, but I already wrote some headcanons about Edgeworth with a gamer S/O (It's this one!), so I hope you'll like this, if you still follow this blog! Thanks again and drink some water! --------------------------------------------------------------------
Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth x Nerdy!S/O:
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Phoenix Wright:
Phoenix per se isn't really a fan of something in particular;
Sure, Maya taught him the ways of the Steel Samurai, Trucy taught him some magic tricks, but he prefers to not spend all his time and energy on just one thing;
But even so, he doesn't judge you, since sometimes he also understands how passionate you could be;
When he visits you, he always tries to understand what you're doing, and why it's so captivating;
Even after hours, film after film, game descriptions one after another, he just can't remember it all;
However he loves playing games with you and, depending on the film, watching your favorites and hear you afterwards explain all the detail he surely missed, the messages behind, each character personality and backstories...
Whenever he see a new film released that you might be interested in, he takes the opportunity to spend some time together doing something both of you can enjoy;
Surely, most of the time is the other way around, since you always watch out for every new announcement about a game, a film or a serie, so most of the time you're faster than him in asking to go to the cinema or buy a new game;
Whenever he can set aside some money, he happily buys you something in the lines of your passions;
The funniest part is however when you two start talking about a certain topic, and every five minutes it changes;
Starting from how the day was, to a new information you discovered about that particular character of that game, but then he answers telling you of that case where he defended someone with that exact same hair;
And it goes on;
But most of the time the talking is led by you;
He doesn't particularly hate horrors, but he surely prefers something that doesn't reminds him of any of his past cases;
So he gladly stars a quite long exchange of opinions whenever you finish to see one together.
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Miles Edgeworth:
Miles probably knows a pair of films that you really like;
The rest? A mystery;
Whenever you start to rant about how that game could have had a way better sequel, he urges to find something else to do and listen to you "in the background";
Otherwise, he only comes out of there confused, speechless and sometimes with a headache;
He's taken by surprise each time you explain to him in the smallest detail how that game somewhat represents society, and the protagonist of that game is the perfect hero of who knows what kind of literature;
Don't expect him to sit alongside you while a horror film is playing;
And if he does (surely on his will) he won't watch it entirely;
In the years you two were together, Miles discovered a new way of falling asleep if he couldn't on his own;
He calls you and asks about some details or explaining of the most recent thing you played;
This is both to try and enter your world and to use your voice to empty his head and relax until falling asleep;
The first time it happened, you thought he found you boring or logorrheic, but he really just finds your voice relaxing;
And it's so cute when you get so hyped over something;
So you got along with his strategy, since you know too how difficult it is for him to fall asleep, and when he calls at impractical hours, you first check that he's ok, then just ramble about something;
Miles just puts his phone on his pillow and tries to get some sleep, answering you with "mhmh" or simply "mh" while he's awake;
Whenever he can, he does some research on what he remembers you nominated during the day and notes something of it, just to try and have a conversation with you;
Miles also tries to understand how you tie an argument with another with so much sense but at the same time with so little sense that he wants to learn to connect two things so far away from each other.
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smoozie · 2 months
...life series ace attorney au?
colour me intrigued.
I've already explained the jist of it here and expanding on some defense/prosecutor duos I enjoy here
I am so excited to talk abt this!! Feel free to ask more questions! I'm using this ask as an excuse to talk abt design ideas regarding the lawyers!
Starting off with Gem, whose design I've already finished!! She has a similar silhouette to Apollo's angsty Dual Destinies design with her (green) jacket over her shoulders because of the shawl(?) In her hc10 skin and witch skin. I gave her a white button up with a yellow tie since a lot of her skins have yellow/gold accents. I also gave her a corset because of the corset for her empires skin (now sure what season, I haven't watched her empires u-u). I've given her a single glove as a reference to her hc10 skin and to Athena's single glove, since I think Athena and her share some fun similarities. Finally she has some grey pants (Capcom give these lawyer women pants!!) And brown dress boots.
Unfortunately, Gem's design was the easiest for me! I'm trying to keep the defense side relatively simple as you'll notice in aa they tend to be (rip Athena). I don't want everyone in a basic suit tho so I am trying to mix things up a bit. Would love some suggestions! As for the others, I have some ideas
Scott's S1 Empires skin is actually perfect! It's that multicolored tunic that could easily be depicted as a suit jacket with a white dress shirt underneath. Could be fun to mess around with what kind of shirt he's in or a neck accessory besides a tie. Other than that I haven't got much for him. Ace attorney lawyers also tend to be strongly color coded, so a multicolored suit may break that aa feel, but uh it's more fun <3. I may end up playing around with the colors anyway.
Mumbo's design is actually the easiest. I had more fun with Gem, hence why she was done first, but Mumbo is already wearing his ace attorney suit design lol. I kinda want to play around with it a bit more, but I may end up settling on his self imposed aa design.
Scar has an extremely unique problem for me where he actually has too many fun lawyer-adjacent skins. Particularly his hc8 and limited life skins. They are both very iconic to me but would be difficult to actually mesh into one deisgn. Additionally I ADORE the color pallette of his secret life skin (og, but red is good too) but I'm not sure if I could include it. Altogether Scar is the hardest!! If I pick one route I feel like I'm losing so many possibilities! And I don't want to just copy one skin of his, like Gem I want their to be numerous references to different skins. May have to study the aa wiki defense attorneys to get some better in-universe outfit ideas.
I've been having some trouble with Grian as I wanted to include his iconic sweater without breaking the prosecutor vibe. The prosecution tends to have more wild or whimsical (see Nahyuta) designs. However, I think Grian may end up on the more simple side of the prosecutor spectrum, Edgeworth is a more simple prosecutor anyway and Grian is Edgeworth-adjacent. Come to think of it tho, his poultry man skin looks stupidly similar to Gregory Edgeworth. Could do smth with that maybe hmmm.
Etho's design is actually pretty straightforward from his skin. And he only has one to work with haha. What I'm picturing looks a lot like Godot's outfit, he even has a mask on lol. I'm probably gonna try to make it pretty unique, but it is hard to resist the urge to just turn those sleeves into a button up and that green into a suit vest.
Joel is one I'm trying to play around with more. I've perused his skins and haven't had any stand out as super lawyer-y. His default is fun enough to work with tho! Gem's comment of his weird vest thing as a corset is making me consider giving him a corset (he and Gem can match!). I'm trying to distinguish him from Shrek as much as possible while still keeping recognizable elements from his default. All in all I think he'll be fun.
CLEO oh BOY am I excited for Cleo. I'm thinking a lot of Franziska's silhouette with Cleo, focussing on extravagant sleeves, particularly relating to that blue dress skin of Cleo's. I'm also thinking of Nahyuta's detailing. Cleo's skins, to me, give the perfect amount of inspo without spelling anything out. I'll probably stick to her usual color pallette, but playing around with her 80s skin colors could be fun! Cleo is very exciting for me!
Finally, Pearl. When it comes to Pearl's design, her top aa influence is Barok van Zieks. I adore his cape and would really like to use it as a reference to scarlet Pearl. I also really like his soldier-esc getup underneath it, and while I wouldn't go as heavy handed with it, I am tempted to take some bits. I also really like Lana Skye for Pearl as a design reference, but mostly for her sprites. Pearl will not be crazy corrupt like her, but I would like to draw some parallels
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