#I love how I can get away with punk and emo shit because that's literally my Sona's world
achillean-knight · 11 months
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So I have been designing....
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sanderstime · 1 year
My Favorite Headcanons
This is mostly for AU's that don't take place where they are all In the mind of the same person. A lot of them are appearance-based. This might be a ramble but yeah here. Logan: -He's the tallest of the sides. This guy in my head would be one lanky intimidating-looking mf then you turn around and find him geeking out over a jelly brand. -He likes to slick back his hair, not like completely but with a few strands left in the front... and he only doesn't style it like that when by himself or with people he trusts.
-He wears rectangular-shaped glasses.
-He's neurodiverse, I think he is very autism-coded and that's cool so why not make it fanon y'know?
-He learns how to help people through panic/anxiety attacks specifically because of meeting Virgil.
-He takes time to learn about other people's interests, or at least the basic rundown about it so he can understand and not be confused when they talk about them (Even when he refuses to participate in those interests or doesn't like them.)
-He memorized the entire history of Crofters, it's one of his special interests somehow.
-He doesn't like weddings, but he somehow ends up being the one keeping the whole event together.
-At parties, he's basically the guy who looks after everyone. Making sure everyone whose passed out didn't hit their heads, putting spare blankets over them, and driving his friends home all while mumbling what idiots they are, but endearingly.
-he likes small get-togethers with friends but not so much big parties.
-He's the kind of guy you need to warm up too, he seems standoffish at first but he truly cares and is very kind underneath the surface,
-He's *awful* at video games that aren't tetris or puzzle games, he will always lose at Mortal Kombat/Smash Bros/Ect but despite that he gets competitive. So he tries to avoid them.
-Likes to debunk cryptid/
-He's very average height. He's not really tall but he isn't tiny either.
-He has dark circles normally but he puts dark eyeshadow on top of them to hide them and because he likes how it looks.
-He has his hair dyed purple, yeah no surprise but in an AU where they don't all have the same hair... I think his should be a pretty purple color.
-Definitely utilizes his piercings. He wears black studs, and really depends but I like the idea of him having snakebites. Go full emo.
-He has freckles when he's out in the sun enough to have them.
-He's gotten each of the other sides to help him touch up his hair before. Except Remus, he knows Remus would try to dye it green.
-He has a special set of noise-cancelling headphones when he wants to be left alone and another set because he's worried he won't hear his phone going off or someone break in.
-He can't cook for shit, like he burns macaroni. He tried to put a plastic plate on an oven and he can barely make ramen. -He has a ton of blankets, one for each surface he would sit on in his home. -He owns a LOT of posters, most are of punk bands and nightmare before Christmas.
-Absolutely loves Spiders and Bats, has a pet spider duh.
-Despite talking a big game, and being into spooky things, he is a huge scaredy cat. He hides behind his hands or into the body of whoever is sitting closest to him(if he trusts them)
-Round glasses. Everyone does this already buy I love him having wire-framed glasses.
-Light brown hair. Like super light brown hair where it might as well be dirty blonde.
-Has all the freckles, the most freckles. Just give them all to him.
-He is really hard *not* to get along with, he tries to speak to everyone with kindness and treat them kindly- even if they do upset him.
-He is an excellent cook and baker, literally he makes goodies all the time and will give them away to his friends to eat.
-very supportive of his friends interests, he will be so confused but he will nod and smile and ask questions.
-He cries very easily, he'll cry at commercials, movies, shows, music videos, books, while everyone else is fine. They all support him though.
-He likes sprite. Idk he seems like a sprite guy.
-I don't have many headcanons for him
-has the most collectables or collections of any of the others.
-I imagine him being more on the shorter side but... he's pretty damn fit. Dude does morning runs while listening to Disney songs.
-Has the best voice of all the sides.
-He has a whole ass morning routine, like a special one with detailed skincare.
-Has the curliest hair of the sides
-This dude loves singing, he sings super loud while in the shower and constantly imagines himself singing in a concert. He sings any chance he can get, in the car, suggesting karaoke nights at any opportunity.
-The type of guy to sing you happy birthday everyday the week of your birthday to make you feel special.
-When he first meets people, he will often act charming and try to befriend them. Mostly just new neighbors, coworkers, ect ect. Just is a huge gentlemen.
-really only lets loose his more chaotic side when he gets to know others.
(I'll make another post with the dark sides later, but this is my thoughts here on the main four. :) )
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oatzimir-archive · 2 years
Larry Koopa info from my AU
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will update this later whenever I make new information lol
15 yrs | he/him | trans boy | aro/ace bi | 5'4" | autistic, ADHD, social anxiety, lactose intolerant
Larry Koopa
Arrogant, self-centered wannabe tough boy, secretly cowardice and shy. he can be pretty aggressive when angered, he's also very short-tempered. he has generally low empathy for others, and usually doesn't care for others (with the exception of his siblings, he cares about them a lot but has trouble expressing it.)
he can be a bit of a prankster like Lemmy, he loves to pull pranks on his siblings.
he is very easily distracted by the things that interest him, and it's also hard for him to focus on something, especially if there's a ton of things going on at that moment.
and like Lemmy, he is generally very naive, this is probably due to his age and his brain not being fully developed. but yeah, he is very easily tricked and fooled.
-selective mute / uses SL / Body language to communicate, usually in the form of charades.
Larry is very socially awkward and doesn't really like interacting with others that he doesn't know, plus not a lot of people understand sign language or charades which already makes it hard for Larry to communicate with them, and he can't really talk to them either as he's selective mute.
-being the youngest, he feels inferior to his older siblings.
-he is very athletic and sporty, he absolutely loves sports and most physical activity. his favourite sport is Tennis. he can be very overly competitive sometimes while playing, often getting angry whenever he loses.
-he is very fond of brushing/combing his hair, he spends literal hours on fixing and working on his hair and doesn't let anyone touch it. he is very overly protective of his hair.
-he uses a ton of hair products, his hair smells super nice because of it. his hair texture is also very soft and fluffy!
-he is very fuckin insecure about his looks, which is why he cares so much about his hair.
-he loves video games and watching cartoons with Lemmy. He loves playing Minecraft and Fortnite, and his favourite movie genres are action and fantasy, he also likes watching musicals.
-he loves to cheat, he loves to cheat at games and rig them.
-he absolutely sucks at games and is a very bad loser, which is why he cheats at most of them.
-he's very fond of music, he especially loves rock, metal, alternative, techno and dubstep music. he listens to Weezer
-Ludwug gives Larry piano lessons sometimes.
-he has a love for rock and punk fashion, he's also pretty fond of emo fashion.
-he can play multiple instruments, such as; the electric guitar, drums, piano and the violin. Ludwig pretty much taught him how to play the instruments.
-he keeps super hero action figures in his room.
-he loves hello kitty and DC super heroes.
-doesn't like to read actual books, instead, he reads comics.
-loves to steal, will steal your shit. he's very good at stealing things without others noticing, he's also very good at lock picking.
-prefers money over love.
-he knows almost all secret passage ways, entrances and rooms. he tends to use them a lot, usually to avoid others since he likes to be by himself a lot.
-has a long ass list of secrets from every person in the castle. he also stole Wendy's diary that one time, she found out who stole it immediately.
-a very light sleeper.
-doesn't like being away from his siblings for too long, he really hates it.
-tends to have a lot of nightmares, doesn't really like sleeping because of it.
-likes being in his room.
-he loves steak and all kinds of meat, he isn't all too fond of vegetables.
-he absolutely hates plain bread by itself, it makes him sick.
-he loves eating junk food and candy.
-he eats a lot. he also binge eats whenever he's stressed.
-he wishes to be more like Ludwig since he looks up to him the most. he also somewhat wants to be like Roy, he wants to be as strong as him someday.
-can easily tell who's lying, but he himself is a very terrible lier.
-has trouble picking up on sarcasm.
-he is very physically weak, but has a really good throwing arm.
-his handwriting looks like chicken scratches.
-he is very fond of the internet and pop culture.
-he is honestly the most innocent out of all the koopalings, aside from Lemmy.
-his favourite siblings are Ludwig, Wendy and Roy, as he looks up to them the most.
-he strokes his hair gently as a way to stimulate himself.
-when he was younger he had a lot of trouble with verbal communication, Lemmy taught him how to communicate through body language- basically in the form of charades.
-he hates loud noises, especially if it's sudden. he gets really easily startled and doesn't like it.
-Larry is somewhat an aquatic animal, as he can somewhat breath underwater, but only for a few hours.
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unusualsims · 2 years
I have to take a break so I don’t like explode, so musical tastes
Wolfgang is very into 80s goth & punk and will correct you if you refer to something as the wrong genre/subculture. He likes to pretend he wasn’t emo in high school but he literally named his cat after an MCR song. His favorites are The Cure and Joy Division, because he’s basic.
Gunther listens to the shit your dad listens to, he also listens to the genre of weird hipster music that cropped up in the 2010s, you know the one. Favorites include The Smiths (obviously), Talking Heads (obviously), and whichever “underground” band you’ve never heard of.
Morgan will listen to anything. If she can dance to it, she likes it. If she can’t dance to it, she will find a way.
Hugo listens to smooth jazz and Spanish oldies, but he’s pretty agreeable so he’ll probably enjoy whatever you put on.
Max listens to pop punk, mostly the songs about how life sucks or the ones about hating your dad. His favorite is Simple Plan, because he’s 15.
Lucas is at that weird stage of adolescence where he hasn’t really developed his own music tastes yet, he just listens to whatever his family listens to, or whatever gets airplay on the one popular music station in town. He has no favorites, but he likes songs with soft guitar, and he hates (most) love songs because none of them ever seem to convey the right feelings.
Lilith listens to emo because the last time she was up to date on pop culture was 2005, she’s also a fan of classic rock & grunge. Favorites include Joan Jett, Nirvana, and Linkin Park.
Caleb is an MCR fanboy, but when he’s working he listens to Britney Spears
Mila was big into punk in the 80s and grunge in the 90s, she’s also a fan of country and classic rock. However she will not shy away from that brand of pop manufactured specifically for moms to hear in walmart and go “oh I just love him”
Erwin is fan of classic rock but in a “refuses to listen to any new music” way. His favorite band is The Doors.
Nervous likes all music, he never heard any before he left the lab, so now he’s on a mission to listen to every genre ever made. So far his favorites are Ramones, The Cramps, Bjork (in a “she just gets me” way) and Rodney Alan Greenblat (which he listens to in public to calm himself down)
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themoonmunchkin · 3 years
Don't look!
Pairing : Bakugo katsuki x gn!reader, Midoriya Izuku x gn!reader, Todoroki Shoto x gn!reader.
Genre : fluff
Warnings : insecure reader, cussing, savage deku?, kinda angsty but overall super fluffy ^3^
Synopsis : you're insecure about your side profile but they're having none of it.
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Not gonna lie, he probably wouldn't even have known that this was an insecurity that people had.
So when you first start dating he wouldn't think much of it when you cover your nose while laughing or when you contour your jawline extra hard.
Until one day you start letting your thoughts get to you again, you think about how everyone around you have such a beautiful side profile.
You start wondering why Katsuki even bothers to be with someone as "ugly" as yourself, I mean has he seen his face.
But anyways you start distancing yourself from the world again, start hiding your face with your hair, have mental break downs in the night, refuse to take pictures and completely shut him out while thinking you're being subtle.
But no, no, no- my mans noticed...and he's currently having a full blown panic attack on the inside.
He's really worried at this point and starts thinking about what he's done wrong, he tries to talk to you but you're always making excuses and running away from him.
Now, he's had enough and so he quite literally barges into your dorm room and demands an explanation as he keeps shouting at you until....
.....he takes in your tear stained face with fresh tears forming at the corner of your eyes.
You were seated on the floor with a hand mirror clutched to your chest, the same one that you use to point out all your insecurities in, your phone is on the ground next to you with a picture of a model, her perfect side profile on display...the same one that you always compare yourself to.
Cue in a confused, angry and sad boom boom boy 😔.
Who the fuck had the audacity to make his baby cry hmm 🤬.
But then his anger vanishes just as it comes and before you knew it, he's shut the door behind him, quickly walks upto you, swoops you into his arms and cradles you in his lap.
"Ssshhh....its ok baby, I'm right here". Bakugo softly coos in your ear while running his fingers through your hair and letting his other hand rub your back. "Talk to me honey, what's wrong?"
You pull back a little and look up at him into his pain filled eyes that still hold so much love for you and that's when you tell him everything.
You tell him about how you've always hated your nose, how you've always wished you'd had a more chiseled jawline, how you've been bullied about your side profile by your peers and how you've never felt good enough.
He still doesn't get it because you're genuinely the most stunning person he's ever laid his eyes on, but understands how this is something that seriously bothers you and so he's gonna do everything in his powers to yeet those insecurities out.
Now Bakugo isn't one to lie or sugarcoat something, but he's also not someone who'll let you sit and hurt yourself like that.
He takes a deep breath, cups your cheeks in his hands and looks at you with the most earnest look on his face.
"Listen here baby, you're right maybe you don't have the most chiseled jawline or the sharpest nose out there-"
You winced at that a little but he was quick to speak again.
"I'm not done yet-" he closes his eyes and thinks for a second, words have never been his thing as he's someone who prefers actions instead but right now you needed more than just a kiss or a hug, you needed security and reassurance, so he takes in another deep breath and opens his eyes to look at you again.
"-just because you don't have those doesn't mean you're any less beautiful." He said with a smile as you curiously looked at him. You looked so damn cute to him all he wanted to do was pounce on you right then and there, but he held himself back for your sake and the next things he said made you fall in love with him even more.
"What you have suits your gorgeous fucking face, you don't have to change for any stupid extra and no one's opinion, not even yours is going to make me view you any differently or make me love you any less." He leaned in and gave you a chaste kiss on your lips that pretty much took your breath away and then he pulled back with a cute blush on his face.
"So from now on only listen to me okay and no matter what-" he kisses you again and pulls back a second time "-I will make you look at yourself the way I and so many other people look at you".
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Now he's had his fair share of insecurities and he's had a lot of people call him "plain looking" (which I still don't understand how when he's got some of the rarest and most beautiful features) even then those words about his looks have never really got to him.
But when it comes to you, he immediately knows something's up with all those self-deprecating jokes you apparently find to be funny.
Doesn't question you cause he doesn't want to scare you away, also because he trusts you to come to him if something is wrong.
But alas you and your stubborn ass refused to seek help from anyone and instead you chose to cope with yourself by putting yourself down in the form of those awful "jokes".
You've always tried to get yourself to stop this, but it soon became more than a coping mechanism, it was the only way you could hold yourself up without wanting breaking into peices.
That was dangerous.
But it's ok! It's still all fine and dandy until one day everything changes and you realise that all that self-deprecation didn't do shit.
Its Sunday today and you and your boyfriend Izuku have been walking around the shopping plaza for a while now.
The two of you were on a date, but you were also on a hunt for the new all might merch that your boyfriend has been fangirling about since forever. So far there was no luck on your end but y'all weren't about to give up just yet.
"OMG! I think I see it in there!" Izuku squeals cutely while pointing at what looks like a moderately big comic store that had an emo cyber punk looking aesthetic to it.
*Gasp*..."OMG! I think I see it too!! Let's go!!" and with that you grabbed his hand and were dragging your blushy stuttering mess of a boyfriend towards the store. It was adorable how easily he got flustered even after how the two of you were almost half a year into dating.
The two of you finally reached the store and stepped in, there it was the brand new neon tinted holographic Allmight figuring with working layers. Izuku's eyes sparkled as he ran towards it and immediately snatched it off the shelf.
"Yay we finally got it!" You cheered as you walked over to him and gave him a high five. The two of you had bright smiles on your faces as you talked about the figuring and walked towards the counter to pay for it.
You looked towards the counter where a young girl who looked about your age was working as a cashier, she had this bored expression on her face until she saw your boyfriend and it immediately changed into something you could only call as a flirty expression.
"Hey there handsome~ what can I help you with today~" she said in a sultry tone and gave him a wink. You and izuku were both puzzled at the fact that she not only just openly flirted with your boyfriend but also completely ignored your existence.
"U-um....er....we just need this figuring please". Izuku placed the box covered figuring on the counter and was about to pull his hands back when she quickly grabbed them and cupped them with her own hands.
"You sure, how about I give you my number and we ditch this place to go get coffee."
"Um -uh no thank you, I have a s/o!"
"Hmm...I don't see them."
"Well I'm right here and maybe you'd have seen me if you'd stop flirting with your customers and did your job properly." You said and at this point you were seething because even though she knew you were right there, she hadn't spared you a glance and pretend like you were completely invisible.
"Oh, so that's who you are....I was wondering why such an ugly person would be hanging out with someone like him-" she pauses and looks into Izuku's eyes with a bored expression "-you need to raise your standards, I mean have you looked at how hideous their nose is or how ugly their face is."
The two of you froze. Sure You've always made fun of yourself before but this was the exact reason why. You've always told yourself that if you'd make fun of yourself, you'd be desensitized to what others say to you but it's only now you realize that no amount of preparation would ever be enough to handle the real thing.
Shame. Humiliation. Pain. Fear.....This is what you felt at the momen-
"How. Dare. You." You turned towards Izuku and for the first time ever you were met with the most terrifying expression on his face. His eyes were dark and he looked...mad....like really really mad and you froze, the cashier looked like she was about to cry with the look he was giving her.
"I don't know who you think you are but you had no need to say whatever you just said and you are wrong because they have the most gorgeous facial features ever." at this he turned to you and softened his eyes a bit, he reached for your hand and gave you a gentle squeeze.
"I promise you sweetheart, you will always be the most beautiful person in my life and no one can tell you otherwise-" he looked at the slack jawed cashier with disgust and pointed towards her "-not stupid people like her-" he looked back into your eyes like you were the only two people in the store and pointed towards himself "-not me and lastly never will you ever tell yourself those kinds of words again even as a joke, got it."
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Always openly staring at you in the most respectful way ✨.
Even before y'all started dating he would always stare at you in secret, but hey! it's not his fault you were so irresistibly attractive all the time.
Uhm...so moving on, he is observant as heck especially when it comes to you but unfortunately he's just as oblivious T_T.
He's always noticed how you'd get shy and walk away whenever he'd stare at you for too long and genuinely thinks it's adorable at how bashful you get.
But truthfully.....you're mortified, paranoid even at how much he stares at you.
I mean yeah it's adorable to see him so whipped for you but you're always wondering if he's secretly bashing your side profile in his head and the thought makes you wince ever single time.
But you always tell yourself to not let your insecurities define Shoto or effect your relationship and besides Shoto isn't a cruel person, he'd never think of you that way.....right...?
Oh God, he's doing it again, he's staring at you and this time it truly is terrible because he is seated right beside you. The two of you are seated wooden chairs, side by side in the U.A. library.
Your textbooks and notebooks are spread out on the table in front of you. You're in a more secluded part of the library opting to study in a more private area and boy oh boy did Shoto take advantage of that.
"Shoto, could you please stop staring at me like that". You held your textbook upto your face and looked the other way.
"But I want to look at you". Shoto pouted slightly and furrowed his brows at your actions, he reached for your wrists and tried to pull them down and to much to your inconvenience, he succeeded.
You see, while you still had a bunch of work left to do, Shoto had finished about 15 minutes ago. You told him to go back to the dorms but instead of listening to you, he denied your offer and has been staring at you with the most unreadable expression on his face.
"Why can't I admire the one that I love the most". He slightly tilted his head towards the side and flashed you the most genuine smile. Damn him for being so adorable but that's not enough for your insecurities to go away.
"Because I'm ugly". You finally said softly with your head hung low and tears threatening to fall. You wanted to shrivel up in a corner and fade away for sounding so vulnerable but at the same time it felt so good to let your thoughts out.
"You're....what..." His eyes were wide and his jaw was set a slack. Now this took him by surprise, he had expected a lot of things but never once had he expected....that. He gently grabbed your chin and tilted your face to meet his. "Love, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met, why would you ever say that."
"Because I'm not beautiful, everyone has such a gorgeous face especially from their side. I don't and you don't have to lie to me to make feel better about myself. I know I'm ugly and I'll always be that....just let me accept that and be Shoto." You said with your voice slightly raised and shaky from the lump in your throat.
Shoto's eyes darkened a little and his grip on you tightened a little but not enough to hurt you. To even think that someone as precious as yourself could ever have such awful thoughts about yourself- how long have you been silently suffering like this all by yourself.
He cupped your cheeks with his hands and met your eyes with the most determined look on his face. "Darling, I don't know who said that to you or even if that's an inside voice but, I will absolutely never let you accept yourself this way."
"Everything about you is perfect, from those gorgeous eyes that i always get lost in," he kisses your eyes.
"-to that perfect nose that helps you breath so you could live by my side another," he kisses your nose.
"-to those delicate beckoning lips that I wish to kiss forever." he finally captures your lips in a breath taking kiss just to slowly release them and look at you.
"And besides, you know better than to call me a liar baby, you know that I would never lie when it comes to you so let's pack up for today and let me show you how much I love you and how utterly enticing you are."
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yungbludy · 4 years
the hills have eyes
plot ↬ being attracted to one overwhelming person known as yungblud is alresdy too much for you. adding mgk in the mix is even worse.
warnings ↬ there’s tension here yes yes, smut!! threesome!! fingering & handjobs, writing colson is so fun i didn’t realize how hot he was lol 😳, hint at something going on between colson & dom, dom & reader like each other, maybe a pt 2?
a/n ↬ i know y’all have been wanting this for the LONGEST, and it’s easily my most requested fic. enjoy it!
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When you left college with a degree in music production, you never would’ve expected to land in the studio of Yungblud, a young but upcoming artist with his own charm to set him apart from the rest. He was easily the most hyperactive artist you’ve worked with, someone with a truly pure heart that cared deeply for his music and his fans. It was a breath of fresh air, because out of all the artists you’ve worked with���big and small, you don’t think you’ve ever come across someone so genuine.
It was almost fate how you went from being in the studio with him every other week to nearly every day. He loved your presence; you made him see things differently, made him hear things he had never heard before. You made him feel smarter, more experienced.
A friendship blossomed. It was nice, because you didn’t have that many friends when you left college. Dominic introduced you to other people too, such as his band mate Adam, and they adored you. You were the calm before the storm of Dominic in their eyes. You balanced each other out, like some rock n’ roll version of a Yin and Yang.
Before you would hang out in groups. You, Dominic, and maybe a few other friends attending concerts or going to a restaurant together. You liked it—these people knew you and liked you, and you felt like you had a place.
You didn’t know when the... shift started. When it started becoming just you, and Dominic. When he texted you if you wanted to hang out at his place, (not a date or anything, just hanging out lol 🖤). When you still saw your friends, but you were seeing Dominic’s face more and more.
But you knew as soon as that started happening, that the feelings you had for Dominic—as a friend and as a partner, started becoming way too deep way too fast.
And honestly? It scared you. Your last relationship was in college and that didn’t go so well because you both had different outlooks on how you wanted to continue your life. You weren’t ever a relationship type of person and barely found yourself developing fucking crushes on people.
But you were crushing on Dominic. Hard.
As cliche as it sounds, being around him gave you literal butterflies. Seeing texts from him made you smile, and when his arms wrapped around you and he looked at you with all his teeth out, his eyes clenched shut—God. You were falling, and you were falling hard.
That was, until, Colson came into the mix.
You liked some of his music. You weren’t a big fan of “MGK”, and only really knew about him because of the whole beef he had with Eminem. You remembered that one song—fucking Wild Boy, being played in a few clubs and parties during college, but you didn’t have any liking towards him.
But... wow. He and Dominic together were a force to be reckoned with.
Colson was a good person. A loving father and a talented individual—not to mention he was also fucking hilarious too. Having him around in the studio guaranteed no bad days, because he could also make you feel better with a corny joke or a funny assortment of curse words.
You liked him, over time. Not to mention he was drop dead gorgeous, tall and tatted and pierced and just... fuck. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t intimidated by his presence.
But in reality, he was a sweetheart. A gentleman.
So why did you start feeling butterflies for him too?
Having a crush on two people just seemed so out of this world to you that you didn’t even understand it. It made no sense. You and Dominic had known each other longer, and you weren’t dumb—you knew he liked you back. But with Colson.. you didn’t know if those butterflies were in your stomach, or if they were somewhere were they definitely, definitely shouldn’t fucking be.
You were good at controlling yourself when it came to these two. It had been a few weeks since you’ve met Colson and two months since you met Dominic. They were working on music together—a song, that they didn’t know what to title yet, and you were right there, helping them with everything.
This also meant that they were together. All. Of. The. Time.
Having two extremely attractive men, men that you were also extremely attracted too together all the time was going to be very bad for your health. But all three of you had a main goal at the end of the day, and that was to make a song together. They wanted to make a song that pertained to them, that took both of their struggles and related them to each other. Being Dominic’s right-hand-man at this point, you were more than happy to oblige in helping.
But you just didn’t know what you were getting yourself into.
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“Maybe some shit that’s like, kinda emo, kinda not?”
“Kells, man... you need to /make/ that make sense.”
You can’t help the laugh that leaves you, smiling when both of their heads turn towards you.
“Y’all are just cute when you bicker.”
“Y/NNNNN,” Colson whines a little, his arms stretching to drape over your body. God, he has so many tattoos that you couldn’t possibly count them on your two hands and feet. “Help us. I’ve never been this stuck on a song.”
“Well, a mix of punk and rap, right?” You asked, humming as you scoot up to your monitor, going through a list of sample beats you always stored when songs were being made.
“That sounds ‘bout right,” Dominic spoke, both of his elbows being placed on his knees as he looked up at you. “Think that’s a perfect mix of us two, yeah?”
You picked out some beats—layering some, taking some away. While this process could be therapeutic to you, it could be also quite annoying, and it would’ve been if it wasn’t for the two grown men looming over your shoulder.
“What about this one,” you almost jumped as you heard Colson right near your ear, his voice powered into a whisper. He reached over you, his skin brushing against yours and you had to force yourself to look at the screen. Jesus Christ, you really needed to get laid. “How’s that?”
“‘ts good. I like it fo’ now!” Dominic joked, and a laugh rumbled in you stomach. “If we don’t like it, we could always change it tomoro or somethin’.”
“Okay, well, beats settled... now we need some lyrics.” you spoke, backing up a little—you would’ve backed up farther if Colson’s arm wasn’t on the back of your chair. “Got any?”
Silence. You rolled your eyes—you had told them days prior to come with lyrics. Nothing had to rhyme, but something to make an idea off of.
“Too busy clubbing to write lyrics-great.” you huffed, shaking your head as you stood to leave, but two hands reached out to stop you.
“Sorryyy, that’s our fault, really.” Colson spoke, locking eyes with you when you turned to look at the both of them. “Let’s make some together, yeah? All three of us motherfuckers. You know we couldn’t make up good lyrics without you anyway.”
You caved. Goddammit, he was so good at charming you and so good at fucking /flirting/. You found yourself sitting back down with a notebook out in just a few minutes of playful begging from the two of them.
“Since I watched The Hills Have Eyes for the first time yesterday with you two wankstains, I think that should be incorporated into here~” Dominic giggled, scribbling down the title of the infamous horror movie on a piece of notebook paper. “Where did all that shit happen, by the way? New York, Cali, Las Ve-“
“No, dipshit, Nevada. Did you watch the movie at all?” Colson huffed, reaching over to flick Dominic in the center of his forehead, in which the British male playfully bit down on Colson’s finger. The blonde grinned, and your eyebrows furrowed. What the hell?
“Nevada’s by Cali so we’re using California.” Dominic shrugged, scribbling more words down. “How’s... I wunna hide in the hills of California—but these hills have eyes, and I have paranoia?”
It took you a minute but you eventually nodded at it. “If we revise it a little bit then—yeah, that could work!”
“Awesome! Maybe you should get on your shit, Kells.” Dominic teased him, pink tongue pointing out at Colson, and your lips twitched.
“Fuck off.” Colson continued that grin—that little smirk, like they both knew something you didn’t. The day dragged on—more lyrics, more laughing, more inside jokes. By the time the session ended you were exhausted, your head kinda hurt, and you wanted nothing more than to head home and sleep, but Dominic stopped you before you left completely.
“Are you alright?” he asked, your hand in his as he looked at you with slight worry. His hair was pushed back, so he looked just too adorable with his forehead out and crinkled. He was worried. Worried about you, and that made your heart flutter.
“I think I’m good, just a little tired,” you offered a reassuring smile, lifting your bag up to your shoulder. “Why?”
“You seemed a little out of it,” he remarked, keeping your hand in his as he started to walk next to you. This was normal—Dominic walking you out to your car, then watching you drive to your apartment after he gave you a kiss goodbye, of course; some of them were on your forehead, some cheeks, and most recently, he’s teasingly brushed his lips against yours, only to see you blush and frantically push him away. “Just making sure you’re alright.”
“I’ll be okay, Dom,” you snicker, but you just love the fact that he can see through you. See when you’re uncomfortable or feel weird. “Thanks, though.”
“Of course darlin’,” his voice has dropped in volume and when you look at him, his eyes are boring into yours. You blink. “Drive home safe, yeah?!”
Both of his hands grab your face, squishing your cheeks—and you sputter a laugh as he kisses all over your face. Covering your forehead, your nose, your cheeks—and finally resting at your lips.
It’s like time has stopped. You smile, feeling warm—his hands haven’t left your face and you can feel his warm breath against your mouth. He leans in closer, and you feel that familiar thrum in your chest, his lips brushing against yours one, two, three times, before he only pecks you and pulls away.
You don’t even remember closing your eyes, but when they open, he’s walking back into the building, leaving you feeling lost.
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To make it up for you for yesterday, the dynamic duo wanted to spend the entire day getting a good portion of the song done. This meant you had to wake up at nine am to be at the studio, something you were definitely not looking forward to, but you couldn’t complain about it. You three had a pretty good work ethnic, so you knew once you would get there, time would probably fly by.
You came to the studio in some fuzzy Hello Kitty pajama pants and a long sleeved shirt, not bothering to dress up too much since you would possibly be here all day. You didn’t look your best, but by the way Dominic’s eyes scanned you when you walked into the studio, you doubted he really cared.
“Well hello kitty-kat,” you heard Colson’s amused tone from the small couch by the door behind you, his body approaching yours to walk past you. His hand slipped over your waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. “Doesn’t Y/N just look the absolute cutest.”
“Shut up, asshole.” You grumbled, your cheeks hot as you ditched your slippers and made your way to your seat. You stretched, hearing some bones crack in your back, a tired yawn leaving your lips before returning to your sitting position and opening up your notebook. “So. Where are we starting today?”
When you looked up, both of them looked a little dazed—but the expressions disappeared in just a few seconds. That was weird.
“Welllll, I think I’ve got a title,” Dominic grinned cheekily, standing up with his hands clasped. “I liked what ya said yesterday... I think I’m good. That sounds pretty—American, doesn’t it?”
“Eh...” you started, but quickly took it back when Dominic’s face fell almost comically. “No! It’s not bad, but, I don’t know... how about another word, other than good?”
“Fine?” Dominic asked, looking at you with a smirk. Confusion racked through you.
“Okay,” Colson spoke up, reading over the page of lyrics with narrowed, concentrated eyes. “I think I’m okay.”
You contemplated it. It reminded you of My Chemical Romance, but there wasn’t anything wrong with that... their fans would probably like that, too.”
“I think I’m okay. Yeah, I like that.” you smiled, moving to your monitor to title the beats you already had. I Think I’m Okay.
“Perfect.” you beamed. “Now let’s get to work.”
The day went by pretty smoothly. Dominic and Colson worked better than you thought, and in your opinion, you were the icing to their cake. Being a producer meant you were there to perfect things—add something to make them sound just a tad bit better, to make the song flow just a little smoother. Perfecting the beats was something you absolutely adored to do, especially when you felt them both staring at the side of your face as you did it.
They admired you. And that sent shivers down your spine.
“Jesus fuck, ‘m hungry.” you grumbled. The clock above your head read two pm, meaning you had been here for six hours total. It wouldn’t have seemed like that if your stomach wasn’t grumbling like crazy.
“We can tell.” Colson joked, his fingers poking at your tummy. “Kitty’s talking to us.”
You knew it didn’t mean to be an innuendo, but you took it that way, and you’re sure Dominic probably did too with the expression that crossed his face.
“I’ll order some pizza.” Dominic sung out, British accent flowing through the air as he stood to grab his phone and leave. You had been alone with Colson once before, but that was before you recognized your attraction towards the male. Now, you were very, very aware of the fact.
“Cmon kitty, you’ve been sitting in that chair for hours and I know that ass hurts,” Colson smirked knowingly, grabbing your hands to lift you out of your seat. “Lemme help you stretch~”
“I don’t need help, you damn skyscraper.” You said stubbornly, but Colson paid no mind to you, grabbing both of your arms and lifting them above your head. It did make you feel much better, and you would’ve stayed in the position if his long fingers didn’t suddenly dig in your sides and under your armpit.
“I-get off of me!” you laughed loudly, squirming in his tight hold as he squeezed you even closer to his body. You could feel his chest press against your back, but you weren’t focused on it, just how much you were laughing from his antics.
“Hell nah! I’ve barely seen you laugh today, kitty~” he purred into your ear, and your thighs clenched. “Keep on fighting, nothing will happen babe.”
“Fuck you!” you shouted, successfully finding your way out of his grasp, but that didn’t stop him at all. He grabbed you again and while he did so, you were moving backwards—eventually landing you both on the small couch in the room. You wiggled your arms through his grip, letting your fingers dig into his sides in a similar manner—and your smile hurt with how loud he started laughing afterwards. You were sure after the short five minutes the tickle attack took that you were all over the place, and so was he—panting on top of you with both arms over your body.
“You’re an asshole.” you murmured against his shoulder, since his body was draped over yours. You wished it would’ve stayed that way, because he lifted himself, and you turned into jelly with how he looked at you—and that stupid fucking grin that spread across his face.
“Got you to laugh, didn’t I?” he asked, rolling off of you. The warmth that left your body—from your stomach, ribs, and a few inches below your bra, told you that the tickle fight was much, much more than that.
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A month had passed since that day. It was more then enough time for more tension filled encounters—more of Colson’s hands on you, more of Dominic’s teasing kisses. It had gotten so bad that you needed to excuse yourself in the middle of a session to calm yourself down in the bathroom, because holy hell. Those boys were a lot—and the fact you had the audacity to think about taking both of them at once. You literally could never.
The song wasn’t that hard to make. With a few more helping hands, plus your expertise and their work as well, it was nearly done. Final vocals just needed to be recorded and some cleans up—and then, I Think I’m Okay would be released to the world.
This Friday would be a night that all three of you would go out clubbing, but you decided to visit the studio to listen to the rough draft the two had recorded previously. You were in matching all black outfits which definitely wasn’t planned. The dress you were wearing was a bit out of your comfort zone, but you decided—why not? You wouldn’t be the only girl there and you knew you looked decent, at least.
“Wow,” you murmur, a little speechless as the rough vocals of I Think I’m Okay fill the studio at full volume. The lights are off because it’s dark, so the only source of light in the room is your monitor. “Wow. We fucked this up.”
“What?!” Dominic shouted, eyes wide. You laughed.
“Not in that way! I mean, we fucked this, in a really good way.” you said, excited, bouncing a little in your seat. “Fuuuck, can’t wait to release this shit.”
Colson’s hand is hot and heavy when you feel it against your thigh, playing with the hem of your dress. “Couldn’t do it without you, kitty.”
You swallow. No, not tonight. You were going to have fun tonight. Not be in a state of sexual frustration because of these two.
“Right,” Dominic hummed, and you freeze when his arm wraps around your waist, his chin on your shoulder. “Y/N, I never really thank ya properly for all you do for me, do I?”
“Huh? Of course you do.” you tell him, but you’re a bit distracted by Colson’s wandering hand. It shifts, moving to the inside of your thigh, rubbing softly at your skin. His thumb is close, too close to your pussy, but you don’t push his hand away, because you don’t want to.
You like it. You want his hand to come closer, just a little closer—
“I don’t,” Dominic whispers, those thick lips brushing against your ear, and you almost jump out of your skin. “I should.”
“Dom...” you whisper nervously, eyes widening when his hand slides to the middle of your back and up your spine, fingers locking at the zipper. The slide of your dress being unzipped goes along perfectly o the tempo of the song, and so does Colson’s molding of your thigh, his hand eventually finding way because your closed legs, pressing right up against your underwear.
“Think the kitty wants me,” Colson sighs huskily, and your jaw drops. Holy fuck. “Am I wrong?”
“Is he?” Dominic presses when you don’t answer, his hand somehow making its way inside your dress, finding its way to your sleeves and yanking them down. Oh, fuck. “Ya want us both, don’t ya darlin’?”
“Oh my god.” is all you can whisper, earning chuckles from both of the men who play so deviously with your body. Colson finds your clit with no help at all, pressing against the little bud, right as Dominic takes both of your breasts out of your bra and palms them hungrily. Two sets of hands touching you makes your head roll back, and you can only comply as one of Colson’s hands presses against your left thigh, spreading your legs open.
“Put your legs on the desk for me, pretty,” he whispers and you do so, heels still on your feet. “Mm, yeah, that’s good—damn, look at you. So fucking hot.”
To your surprise, it seems like Colson is doing most of the talking, since Dominic’s mouth finds itself on one your perked nipples. He sucks it into his mouth, making it all pert and wet and your toes curl against the velvet surface of your shoe.
“When I had you on that couch, I wanted to ram the shit out of you, even if you were wearing those stupid ass pants,” Colson tells you, slipping your panties to the side and dragging his fingers up your slit. You’re almost embarrassed from how wet you sound. “Had to remember the British cunt has a little crush on you, though. Didn’t wanna break his heart.”
“Fuck off, ya asshole.” Dominic’s mouth leaves your breast, cheeks red at the fact that he was just exposed like that. “I was gonna tell her that my fookin self!”
“You’re telling me she didn’t know?” Colson chuckled, one of his hands grabbing your chin to roll your head towards him. “Did you?”
“Mmf—I-I knew,” you murmured helplessly, your back aching as two long, thin fingers push inside of you, spreading themselves. “Always knew.”
“But I like you too, kitty, maybe like you even more than him,” Colson smirks, his mouth pressing against yours, and you bite down on his lip when Dominic bites down against your nipple. “Now we’re both gonna make our girl cum.”
Our girl.
You could cum from those words alone.
Colson’s fingers work magic inside of you, pressing further until you feel lightheaded, then easing themselves out and repeating the process. Dominic’s fingers find your clit, rubbing it quicker then the pink vibrator you used before even getting dressed. Your hands are against both of their thighs as your body grinds down against them, both of their mouths meeting yours at different times, kissing you or letting you moan out against their mouths. I Think I’m Okay plays over and over again with no one to stop it, hiding your loud sounds.
You’re close. So, so close, but you don’t want to cum without giving them some type of pleasure—so, to the best of your ability, you start to unzip their pants, bulges very angry underneath the fabric.
“Ooh, fook yeah,” Dominic whispers, taking his jeans off quickly and wrapping your hand around his cock, going cross eyed at the feeling. “Yeah, jerk my fuckin cock.”
Colson isn’t too far behind in revealing himself. You try to stroke them both, but you’re so overwhelmed that sometimes your pace quickens on one and slows on the other. Their bodies are pressed as tightly as they can be against yours, and sometimes wet fingers find their way against your neck, or grabbing at your chests—with wide open mouths against your face.
“I-I think I’m gonna cum,” your pant out, your hips rolling in circles and your grip on their cocks growing even tighter, causing them to make their own sounds of delight. “So close-“
“Cum, kitty kitty,” Colson tells you, his lips wrapping around your earlobe. “Soak this fucking chair, pretty.”
And that’s exactly what you do.
Dominic busts right after you, feeling your clit spasm against his fingers was enough to send him over the edge. Colson isn’t too far behind, getting extra leverage because of both of your cum covered hands jerking him off until he shoots his seed out as far as it can go. It’s a heavenly sight, and for the first time you hear him whimper—a sound that’ll be engraved in your mind for days.
You three sit there, panting, covered in sweat and cum. You lick your lips, your hearing picking up the two shifting to clean you up and dress you, much to your confusion.
“What? You think you were gonna cum once tonight and that would be it?” Colson chuckled, already helping you out of your chair.
“Just wait till we get to this club,” Dominic continues, his hand tightly groping your ass. “You’re gonna have the night of your fucking life.”
And you’re certain that you will.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
She/her, INFP, Hufflepuff. 5'2, curvy, but not overweight (yet, lol), blonde hair, blue-green eyes. My most defining traits are sarcasm, sense of humor and love of all animals. I'm a sarcastic little shit, but I'm never mean about it. Making people laugh makes me light up like a Christmas tree on the inside. Humor is how I cope with pretty much everything. Like I said I love animals and I have 2 cats, 2 dogs, 3 rats and a bunny. If I could afford it and had the space and the time I'd have so many more. 🤗Pet peeves, people who don't return their shopping carts, people who don't use turn signals. People who lack empathy or are rude make me want to go feral. Flaws, I can be passive aggressive. I don't like conflict so the things I bottle up come out that way. Also am too cynical and don't trust most people easily. Once I do though, I'm your ride or die. Lol. I talk (and type) too much sometimes. I've always been very insecure about my appearance and have never considered myself attractive. I have pretty bad anxiety, but if one of my friends is doing worse I usually go into mom friend override and I can do the thing then. I definitely want to take care of people I care about but feel pretty helpless to do so a lot of times. 😞 I love going to the beach (I live in Florida and grew up on the south Jersey shore), watching movies (love MCU and LotR) and tv, music (mostly pop punk/emo, but I love 80s, 90s, 40s, 50s, indie) and baseball. My favorite shows are Brooklyn 99, The Good Place, Pushing Daisies and Buffy. Oh and when I'm not broke AF I collect Marvel comic books. I have 4 boxes of them rn. I'm mostly a homebody but when I actually get to travel I love exploring new places. I love going to museums too. Mostly art, but I love learning about history and science so I like those types of museums too.
From Band Of Brothers I Ship You With:
George Luz
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Ship dynamic:
Chaotic Duo™
«‌There is no light at the end of the tunnel, so it's a good thing we brought matches.»
You need someone to keep up with that energy you got going on, and that someone is George Luz.
The heart eyes he gives you the moment you start talking... lord, have mercy. He gets teased constantly.
He won't tell anyone but he loves that your shorter than him. He also finds you extremely hot and that he does tell people. Honestly, the whole teasing situation is entirely his fault.
You two probably start off as acquittances, given that you don't trust people easily and George doesn't want to pressure you into a friendship or more that you don't want.
You do love to have a laugh with him, which doesn't automatically bring you two closer but it definitely makes you find a seemingly superficial common ground.
Self deprecating jokes are your thing and that's fineee but maybe you two should seek help, just sayin'.
He's gonna talk over movies to annoy you, but literally just smack him and it'll shut him up, sending him into a fit of giggles.
Okay, here's how it's gonna go, because Luz is... Well, he's Luz, he'll apologize later, first let me explain.
You're going to be having one of those moments y'all anxiety ridden helpers have— the 'my mind cannot take this' moment, and you're going to spiral. Now, I don't know if it's Luz taking you aside or you walking away because You Need A Moment and Luz follows you.
Point is, it's just the two of you and he's going to try to cheer up his best girl; and he's gonna start saying all the good things about you (which is going to take a while).
He's gonna get extra hyped because you're amazing and no matter in which state you are at the moment, definitely not a good one though, he's going to leap forward and kiss you.
I mean, bet that brings you out of the mental breakdown but was that really the moment?
And that's when he apologizes. He's dying to kiss you again though, this time properly, and he tells himself he's going to think it through.
The moment comes when you're both cracking up because you two have this little competition of who can make the other laugh harder and you're a little too close, and he gets overly excited again.
Before he knows what's happening, boom, his lips are on yours. He pulls away and tries to apologize again but I mean, it was a good kiss and you're not having a meltdown so... ;)
He's kinda shocked when you kiss him but oh, boy does he enjoy it.
You tease him about it afterwards, like the sarcastic little shit you are. He doesn't get upset, of course; on the contrary, he returns the teasing.
Though it's gonna take more to break him than to break you, he's eventually gonna reach his tipping point too, and your mom instincts are going to kick in.
Let me tell you, he's never felt more grateful or at home than when you take care of him.
George likes to take you to the beach, because he gets to play with you in the water. Playing meaning he annoys you until you give him the same shit back.
You're gonna have a problem with the passive agressive part, because he does bottle things up as much as you do. You two have to work on that; maybe together it'll be easier.
He buys you comics for like half the price. God knows where this boy get the things from but we're not gonna question it.
You two are chaos personified. You know when two people fuel each other to the point where it looks like they're on drugs? That's the two of you.
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bunni-teeth81 · 3 years
Slender bros rewritten by me
Cause I want character development
(This is mostly Offender, trender, and Splendor. Also if you like Slendey/slender dad you might not wanna read this cause I do not make him a good guy in the slightest)
Possible tw for mention sexual assault, pedolophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia!
To start off, Offender is not a rapist, he isn’t a pedo, and he doesn’t fuck animals
He doesn’t do anything without consent, plain and simple. Him being all those things was a rumor started by someone he fucked in the past who got caught cheating. They said Offender forced them and the rumors have escalated since with his legend.
He actively avoids children cause he doesn’t like them. So he literally couldn’t be a pedo.
He doesn’t hate kids, he just prefers to not be around them.
He won’t fuck someone with kids unless the kids are out of the house and somewhere safe.
He’s wary about fucking 18 and 19 year olds and usually doesn’t
Occasionally if he sees a kid sad while he’s on a walk or whatever he’ll give them some daisies or something. Though they kinda just appear near the kid. He doesn’t actually go near them.
Though he will fuck old people. He has no problem with that. But he will go gentler cause they’re frail
He likes animals, but not like that. Like.. ew
He has a kind of respect for the dead, even people he’s killed to eat, so he’d never do that. Also it goes back to the consent thing. They can’t consent so he ain’t gonna fuck them.
He’s pansexual.
He’s very kinky, obviously. He’s willing to do pretty much anything in bed
He prefers to top but he has no problem being pegged-
Has tried every drug there is.
Usually just sticks to weed, alcohol, crack, shrooms, and the occasional LSD
Bath salts fucked him up majorly and he will never do them again.
He works for trender, who has a whole ass company (will be touched on later)
He helps trender make clothes for more alt styles (punk, grunge, goth, emo, all that good stuff) and he helps with lingerie (masc and fem. trender makes both. Offender tests it out and gives feedback on what could be added or changed)
He also finds models for Trender (there’s really no qualifications to be a model, you kinda just have to want to be one. Trender, his assistants, and other models will help fill new models in. And they never have to wear something they don’t want or pose a way that makes them uncomfortable. also theres do discrimination when it comes to models, any one of any race, body type, gender (or lack there of), sexuality, and age to an extent (depending on the clothes being modeled and (if parent permission is needed if they get it)) are welcome)
He also does side jobs like art (he does realistic art) plays piano or violin for songs, every so often he’ll join a strip club. Definitely has an OF.
He learned piano from his dad. Their dad made them all learn piano. His dad was very against him learning violin but his mother let him learn it (she knew how to play)
Their parents kept them pretty reserved from the rest of the world (particularly humans) for safety reasons. The brothers didn’t find out they were the only ones of their kind till they were like teens and went hunting for the first time.
Their parents suddenly disappeared when they were teens. They still haven’t found them and have no idea what happened to them.
Zalgo killed them cause the dad was constantly fighting him, so was the mom but less so.
There were originally 5 brothers, but one got murdered (It was Tenderman. Who wouldve been the oldest, then slender, offender and trender are twins, then splendor)
They don’t know how tender was murdered. All they know is they can be murdered. They still haven’t figured out how tho.
They do know that they can regenerate any part of their body (teeth and nails grow back almost instantly, limbs take longer, they can just put their head where it should be and the bone, muscle, skin, tissue and all that will pull back together, skin can either regenerate in about an hour or two or a couple days depending on the size of the wound. Their organs can regenerate but it takes like a month.)
Drugs don’t effect them the same way they do us. Our massive hangovers that put us out of commission is what happens after they do LSD. A regular hangover for us is what happens when they do coke or a drink shit ton of alcohol.
Offender has the highest tolerance, then it’s trender, splendor, and Slender has the lowest cause he hasn’t done drugs.
Splendor has tried them but doesn’t like doing them. He doesn’t drink much either.
Trender will do them every so often, usually with Offender. He either drinks or smokes a blunt usually. Shrooms are for special occasions, and LSD gives him major anxiety so he doesn’t do it.
Trender and Offender were the only ones to try bath salts. They don’t know what happened. Splendor says they disappeared for a month and murdered a shit ton of people. They almost got caught. And at some point Offender ate a whole ass headstone and took a chunk out of a mausoleum
Slender hunts whenever the hell he wants, he doesn’t care about being caught
Offender hunts every couple of months or so
Trender hunts about 2 times a year. He spreads out his food pretty evenly
Splendor hates hunting and usually Offender or Trender will do it for them. They’ll maybe hunt once a year.
Human food to them is like sweets to us. They can’t live off it but it’ll keep them from starving. If they don’t eat human for about 3-4 years they’ll start to starve, but the process is slow and would probably take a while to actually kill them
Trender, Splendor, and Offender try not to get caught or make suspicions rise. They just wanna live their lives.
The amount of people they consume and how long they stay in their human form determines their power levels.
Slender is the most powerful, then Splendor, Offender, and Trender is the least powerful (but they’re all still mega powerful)
Slender is never in his human form and consumes humans whenever he wants so he has nothing holding back his power
Splendor may not eat human much but they’re rarely ever in his human form. And if they are it’s not for more than an hour usually
Offender is in his human form about 50% of the time. He’s in his normal form at home or hunting and any other time he’s human so-
Trender is in his human form like 90% of the time since he spends most of his time at work (he’s a workaholic to the highest extent. When it becomes really bad is when Offender will step in and be like “hey let’s grab a drink and chill out”)
Offender and Slender’s relationship is like Raph and Leo’s from tmnt if their relationship was genuine hatred and violent
Splendor tries to med their relationship and makes times where they all hang out and have dinner together but to no avail
This is the only time Slender can be seen in his human form. He doesn’t want to go but for some reason he does
Slender is stuck in his ways
Their dad hated humans with a passion, and Slender looked up to their father and wanted to be exactly like him so the hatred rubbed off
Slender blames humans for his parents disappearing and Tender’s death. Tender was the brother he bonded with the most
Splendor used to be a really emotional kid and their father hated that so now they bottle up everything
Their mother tried to help as best she could
V support
Trender’s company is a fashion company that produces just about everything
And the sizes go up to 4 or 5 x
And the prices are reasonable and don’t go up with the size
Trender really doesn’t give to shits about money. If he could he’d just give everything he makes away but unfortunately he needs some money to produce what he makes.
He makes kids clothing, teens clothing, adults clothing in every aesthetic you can think of. Rarely will you see basic shit from him
He makes jewelry (real and fake (for the kiddies) and specifies very obviously which is which so someone doesn’t accidentally buy the wrong one)
He makes shoes!
His prices are usually around 10-25 dollars for clothing, sometimes 30 if it’s a specific brand (like Gorillaz or something. He doesn’t work with brands like Victoria secret, brands that have sweat shops, things like that. He doesn’t support them whatsoever)
His business is huge but he always listens to the people and tries to improve. And all his products are made ethically. He tries in every way possible to produce good products without polluting the earth more
Splendor usually only hangs around babies-young adults. They help them through rough home lives, trauma, and helps them find joy. They do everything they can to make them feel better
Splendor is the one who takes care of Sally. And they feels incredibly guilty for not being able to stop what happened to her, or punish her uncle himself.
Animals and mystical creatures are drawn to them and their home. They go to it for shelter and safety, as well as some food. But because Splendor isn’t always there they have a nymph friend there to look after everything.
Slenderman is the only one with proxies
Splendor is demisexual and bi, leaning towards men
Trender is queer and demisexual/demiromantic
Slender doesn’t love anything. Ever.
Trender gets annoyed easily but rarely ever gets pissed pissed (like original face altering pissed) if he does it’s either cause someone did something to his brothers or his models. And the unfortunate soul who did such will never be seen again afterwards
Offender doesn’t really get pissed pissed cause he usually either bottles it up or makes a joke out of it. It’s really only if something happens to his brothers that he gets pissed pissed.
Splendor has a list of people they wish they could rip to shreds. All of them parents. But they don’t want to do that to the children. They only intervenes and gets pissed pissed when the abuse gets physical or sexual. When it’s physically they’ll give the parent one change to never do that again. They’ll scare the shit outta them but won’t hurt them. If it’s sexual they kill them. Plain and simple.
Splendor started wearing pokadots to make the kids happy. Trender hates the suit but doesn’t comment usually
Splendor’s black hands are a skin disease their species can have. The skin is black and kinda ridged.
Splendor wears gloves because of their skin disease. the blood stains and they can’t get it out. Also they’re very insecure about their disease
Splendor put the bells on their tendrils so their movements didn’t scare the kids. They would always know when he was moving and where he was moving to so they’d be more comfortable. It was painful but it was worth it
Slender was in the woods when he was younger and almost got attacked by humans, but his mother came and saved him. (Her tendrils could be used as a shield)
Eden is not related to the brothers.
But eden looks a lot like their mother, so much so that Spendor legitimately mistakes her for their mother.
Slender’s human name is John (splendor had to come up with it on the spot leave them be)
Offender’s human name is Dimitri and I’ll die on this hill
Splendor’s human name is Faer
Trender’s human name is Quael
They can change their physical appearance to be fem or masc. like their body can change.
Slender doesn’t give two shits about pronouns
Offender doesn’t care but he/they/xem works
Trender goes by he/him
Splendor goes by they/them
(Im including Slenderwoman now so uh... 🤷)
Her hair is her tendrils.
She’s not part of the Slender bro family nor does she know they exist (though eventually she will. She’s way younger than them so)
Has met Slenderman tho. She hates him
Like genuinely hates his guts
She hates almost sharing a name with him.
Prefers to go by her human name; Eden
As long as you don’t use the pronouns he/him she doesn’t care.
She just kinda... appeared at the ripe age of 4? (She doesn’t remember anything past 4 so that’s what if feels like to her.)
Splendor is a switch and you can’t change my mind
Trender is also a switch
Slender doesn’t get any cause he’d kill them, purposely or not, being radioactive and all.
Eden is a top but can bottom is convinced
Offender, Splendor, Trender, and Eden can all control their radiation output so they can glitch tech when they chose and won’t hurt anyone
Slender could but doesn’t want to 🤷
They can be killed by their hearts getting impaled. The reason they don’t know that is because the skin will heal, but the heart can’t.
Offenderman’s real name isn’t Offenderman. That name was dubbed to him when people believed the rumors of him. But he kept it. He can’t really explain why but he did. And now he forgets it’s not his real name sometimes. Though he does prefer to go by Offender/Smexy.
Splendor calls him Offendy and he’s the only one allowed to do so
Trended has four arms, plus his tendrils. He can hide his second pair of arms like his tendrils but it takes energy
Getting their limbs/tendrils cut off only stings to them. They’re only in full on pain when their organs are involved
Eden’s blood has healing properties.
Someone can be turned immortal by being injected with one of the brother’s (or Eden’s) blood in large amounts. It’s extremely painful though.
Doing it slowly can ease the pain, so doing it over a week’s time nonstop will get the job done.
The injected person will be very weak after it for a couple days. A week. 2 weeks in worse cases.
The only one who’s done this is Splendor. They were dating a guy for a very long time and they told him about the procedure and he wanted it. After gaining back his strength he left Splendor. They’re not entirely over this even though it happened a long time ago.
They (mainly Offender and Trender) had to track him down and kill him. (Ya know, heart stuff)
That’s when they figured that’s probably how they could get murdered 
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k1rif4ngz · 3 years
BAND AU - Bakusquad as songs in my library + position in the band !
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Not requested but i thought of this while mid writing my one-shot lol
Feel free to request anything !
Warnings: none
a/n: please remember these are my personal thoughts so feel free to exchange your opinions too ! :D
work under the cut !
All together:
"Teenagers - My Chemical Romance"
Dont ask me to explain this one. They just seem like that one band thats literally so badass together i cannot explain how jealous i would be of them.
All together they're an Alternative/Rock band !
Mina Ashido:
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"Crushcrushcrush - Paramore"
I feel like she'd BODY this song </3 Her style of performance (personally) would fit paramore's concept so well #girlboss. Her and Denki are probably the most energetic in the group. The showstopper; all of her stage outfits bring attention wherever they are and definitely brings in a lot of attention (male + female). She's also very flashy, always exaggerating her movements and amplifying the environment; you can count on her to liven up the crowd. She helps a lot in concept making and bringing new ideas to the table. You can thank her for all of their bizarre and new concepts.
She'd be either lead vocals or electric guitar + backup vocals !
Bonus !; Theres a mina fanclub because how favored she is and bakugou is SICK of the attention they get when they're out in public. She loves it.
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"Happy song - Bring Me The Horizon"
Definitely more of a hard rock kinda guy. Probably listens to songs like this 24/7 before any of their gigs ! Though he listens to music like this, he's probably the most laidback in the group but he'll join in on the fun! THE LEVELHEADED ONE. if the others go too far, he'll be the one going after them and apologizing for whatever stupid shit they did. Lyrical genius, he focuses mo re on the songwriting and composing for the band (ofc they all try to work together though ! hes just a little better at it)
Definitely the bassist and does some backup vocals !
Bonus!; He knows how to play almost any instrument since he loves writing and is open to anything ! LOVE <33
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"A Match into Water - Pierce the Veil"
ok i said i wasnt gonna use this song bc its so popular for him BUT IT FITS SO I FOLD !! Definitely listens to this kind of music no matter the occasion, i also feel like he'll dress like how emo/punk people did back in 2010 but like- pull it off yk? The most energetic in the group, THE COCKY MF !! just bc hes pretty with all of his piercings he always gloats how everyone in the crowd is there for him which he receives a hard smack in the back of the head for (everyone say thank you bakugou). He also works on branding the group rather than the actual songwriting process.
He'll most likely be the lead singer + another guitarist when he's not flirting with the crowd.
Bonus !; has a bright ass tongue piercing so whenever he sticks it out on stage, the crowd goes CRAZYYY.
Eijirou Kirishima:
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"Can You Feel My Heart - Bring Me The Horizon"
Probably one of the heaviest rockers in the group (alongside bakugou). He definitely is most naturally intimidating of the group due to his intense getup (leather, hella face piercings + tattoos. Also i hc him being tall as FUCK and with all of those muscles too? yeah no id be running AWAY if i saw that mf on the street at night.) . ANYWAY, although hes the most naturally intimidating person there is, hes actually the nicest one of the bunch. Never misses a moment to help the stage crew for anything they need, and constantly checking on all of the bandmates. I LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH Definitely helps in the composition and production of songs.
I see him switching of drums with bakugou (DRUMMER KIRISHIMA <333333) and a bassist/another guitarist.
Bonus ?: since he he has such a rough voice and cant really sing smoothly, whenever they have more hardcore songs, you best know that he's behind that mic tearing that shit up !
Katsuki Bakugou:
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"Hayloft - Mother Mother"
ok yk i had to give him this song i mean COME AWNNNN NEOWWW. He definitely is one of the crazy rock enthusiasts of the group. The least but most levelheaded of the group (idk if that made sense-) KEEP AWAY FROM ANNOYING CROWDS!! All of them have to watch him because if he hears one thing, its over for everyone. Although he's such a natural standoffish person to his bandmates, he does care for them. He may call half of their ideas stupid and crazy (read; Mina and Kaminari's) but he does consider their thoughts and input for songs/concepts. Another one of the composers and tries to help song write but Sero keeps on saying his lyrics are "too aggressive and malicious" which he believes is stupid.
Switches off the drums with Kiri but prefers to stay on them. He also knows how to play every other instrument so hes able to fit around in any area.
Bonus !; The most tatted of the group. Definitely has a lot of chest/back tattoos and arm tattoos here and there. He usually wears those sleeveless muscle-tees so theres like hundreds of fancams of just his peck tattoos (pretends hes annoyed by it but his ego is just boosting every time he see's one.
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© 2021 k1rif4ngs All Rights Reserved.
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starrygalaxy04 · 3 years
Songs That Remind Them of You (MLQC Headcannons)
Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Elton John)- Victor is a sucker for romantic-style music, and this song is no exception. He can't help but imagine dueting this song with you whenever it plays softly in the background while he's making your favorite caramel pudding.
Adore You (Harry Styles)- He would never admit it, but this man just wants to shower you in affection. His favorite moments are when he gets to hold you in his arms and he can just gaze at you with the insane amount of joy, admiration, love, and unfiltered affection that only you get to see. He's been searching for you for a very long time, and he's going to cherish every second of being with you.
Still the One (One Direction)- He would never admit he ever listens to this song because like hell is anyone going to find out that he listens to boy bands, but this song's lyrics strike all the right chords with him. He loves the message it sends because its the very message he will always reiterate to you when you feel like you're not enough or he could do better. Its you, its always been you.
Dark Side (Kelly Clarkson)- This man has a hard time knowing that you love him and are blissfully unaware of the monster that lurks just below the surface. He often finds himself wondering if you would still love him if he were just Ares, or if you would leave after you found out all of the things he had done for the sake of progress. But every time you wrap your arms around him or smile at him, all those worries melt away because he feels true emotion when he looks at you.
Its Gonna Be Me (NSYNC)- He knows that anyone in this world can have you, and it would kill him if you chose anyone else besides him. So he wants to make absolutely sure that he will never even have to think about letting his beautiful butterfly go. He is forever yours, and you will be forever his, even if it takes an eternity for that to happen.
Line Without A Hook (Ricky Montgomery)- This song mainly applies after Lucien no longer remembers MC, because I feel like it accurately describes how he feels. He knows MC doesn't trust him and is purposefully being distant, but at the same time the feelings that the other him felt are slowly trickling in and before long he's wishing that he could fix whatever it was that was tearing MC up so bad inside. And he knows that as he is, he's no good for you. But that doesn't mean that he isn't going to ignore the voice of reason in his head like the other him did and try his hardest to be what he once was for you.
Fight For This Love (Cheryl)- Kiro knows that with him being a huge pop idol that sometimes the pressure gets to you. And he wants you to know he is always there and will be there next to you to fight through the thick and thin. He always wants to be with his favorite person ever, and will do whatever it takes to make sure that you're okay and he can be there to experience everything life has to offer with you, and to assure you that you are worth it.
100% Pure Love (Crystal Waters)- True to the name of the song, everything that Kiro feels (well almost everything, if you get what I mean) comes from the purest parts of him. He always wants you to be the happiest you can, always making sure that you have a bright smile on your face. And he knows what you two have is something people could only dream of, and having you in his arms is the best thing that ever happened since he met you again at that convenience store.
Price Tag (Jessie J)- He knows that when you two are together, nothing else matters. He knows you're not with him just because he's Kiro the superstar, but because he's Kiro. The bubbly 22 year-old who has an affinity for sweets and puppies with an adventurous streak. And he knows that if you two are next to each other, you wouldn't need anything else to have a good time.
Treasure (Bruno Mars)- Honey, you are the center of this man's universe. He had treasured you since the first day he laid eyes on you, and wanted nothing more than to be by your side. And now that he is, he is over the moon. He may not be able to shower you in lavish gifts like some of the others, but every single moment you two spend together more than makes up from it, whether its a picnic under the stars or a midnight flight.
What A Man Gotta Do (The Jonas Brothers)- This brings back some of his older memories, back from the high school days. He was so shy when it came to you, and he never even knew how to approach you the majority of the time. So he always watched from the distance, wondering what he could do to get you to notice him. The song allows him to reflect on those cringey memories with a smile, and let him enjoy the fact that you were his, even after all that had happened.
Loving You Tonight (Andrew Allen)- This man can't wait to come home and just lay in your arms, or have you lay in his arms. His favorite moments are the ones of pure domesticity, things he never saw between his mother and father when he was younger. It feels so pure and freeing, and just so right. He loves every moment of it, and wouldn't have it any other way.
Popular Monster (Falling in Reverse)- While Helios is indeed a person, Helios is somewhat of a character that Kiro is playing. Its the side of him that he can't show to the world. He has killed people to protect others, to protect you, and in that way, he's exactly as the title reads, a popular monster.
Therefore I Am (Billie Eilish)- As Helios, he knows that everything relies on technique and execution, so he has completely shut out emotional functions for the most part, except when he's around you. But because Kiro is such a good actor, its very hard to tell. He knows that he's that bitch, and is not afraid to prove it, being blunt about literally everything. But he also knows that you have the perseverance of a God, to the point that its stupid, but as you build the confidence that comes with the identity of your Evol, he sees you growing in a way that he could have never taught you as Kiro.
Cigarette Duet (Princess Chelsea)- Helios knows that he can't associate with you as much as when he was Kiro because Black Swan is a bitch, but one thing he always wants to make sure is that you haven't fallen down and devolved into bad habits. The one thing that didn't leave Helios was his ability to care specifically about you, and even thinking that you would get into a habit that would harm yourself makes his blood boil. So he always makes sure you've remained drug-free and that you see him just enough that it won't get him in trouble and can give you comfort.
No Roots (Alice Merton)- Shaw's idea of you is something much like how Victor saw you in the beginning. Someone who thrust themselves into something way over their head and now had to deal with the consequences of it. The only reason he believed you was because he knew of things (the man has his ways) and decided to help you because he found you just interesting enough that he thought it might be fun. But he found himself envying the fact that you didn't have a past in this world, and that you were free to do whatever you pleased without a reputation preceding you. He didn't like the fact that it caused you pain, but thanks to his asshole of a father the idea sounded a little too good to him.
Sad Girl (Lana Del Rey)- Shaw often found you moping around at first, mourning the fact that you had lost everything. But in the end, he was the one who helped you get over it, getting you back to your normal self. He still catches glimpses of that depressed look in your eyes, and always makes sure to lighten up on the teasing when he does see it. He never got the chance to be a kid and grow up properly, so he couldn't fathom exactly how hard it was for you. But he still tried.
White Tee (CORPSE)- We all know Shaw would be more into the punk style, and his music taste is no exception. He likes listening to mostly emo style music, and dabbles into a little bit of everything when he feels like it. However, this song mixes together his anger at the world for giving him such a shit childhood and the fact that with you he feels like he can start fresh. Because even though everyone else falls into the same category with him, you were different, and he wanted to explore that kind of different.
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everlastingfable · 3 years
did someone say douxie yet? if not then douxie for the ask meme
What I love about them: how this dumb character managed to hit so many of my favorite character characteristics. Like British, has magic, medieval/renaissance style clothes, emo/punk style clothes, fire associated, cat lover, loner, little shit, parent(s) dead.....
But also how he really tries so hard to save everyone even if it means there's a greater chance of failing because if there's the chance to save one person, he'll take it. Everyone's worth saving no matter how unimportant they may seem. How he thinks that he's just "a nobody" but that doesn't stop him from trying to do what's right. He's such a different protagonist from the others, because he wasn't chosen (like Jim) nor was he born into royalty (like the Tarrons), he's just doing what's right, carrying the burden, because it's the right thing to do.
I can't fully express how much I love the scene in Lady of the Lake when Douxie frees Nimue. He lets her go because it's the right thing to do. He straight up goes against Merlin and risked forever messing up time, because she should not be imprisioned.
I also love how he's so quick to give his love to other characters. Like he was willing to risk the world for Jim, he barely knew the guy. He lets people into his life with such open arms, but at the same time he's so reluctant to really see himself as part of their family. Like he doesn't expect them to reciprocate. And they didn't as rott showed. But he isn't just all sunshine and rainbows. He's also a scam artist, he will trick and mess with people, and enjoy it. He's not a perfect person in the slightest. He's incredibly clever but also very dumb (magic fire :D). He is over confident, but also has a low self-esteem.
He's also very pretty
What I hate about them: how quickly he made me fall in love with him, and how he grabbed me by the jugular and I was obsessed with him for weeks afterwards like I could not think about anything else it was literally brain empty only Hisirdoux. How he had to be kept secret for trollhunters s3 and all of 3below so we couldn't get fun glimpses of him being a wizard in Arcadia because it had to be a surprise for wizards. Then wizards got shortened and there's a constant itch for more and we didn't even get more in rott and this itch will never go away
Favorite Moment/Quote: how in the world am I supposed to pick one? Just the entirety of Dragon's Den especially the moment when the music picks up and Douxie raises Merlin's staff and says "Do it. Destroy it." and he's trying to be brave but he's also so afraid and grief-stricken. And his expression when the staff was breaking with the tears running down his face for the millionth time and he's crying
What I would like to see more focus on: I would give so much to have more moppet.... I wish we could've gotten more of Douxie and Merlin's relationship after Merlin finally started showing that he cared. I wish we could see Douxie be a rockin' master wizard. I wish we got to see him living his life in Arcadia. Like what were his nightly monster hunts like? How much of the magical on-goings in Arcadia did he know about? Did he have any other friends???
What I would like to see less focus on: nothing I will take anything more Douxie please I'm starving
Favorite pairing with: no one aroace Douxie for life. But really, I like that Douxie's story doesn't focus on romance at all, but found family. I don't think I've ever seen another show that was so explicit on how found family is just as valid as biological family. "Family isn't just who you have, it's also who you're with." And that is so important to me, where I don't want to pair him with anyone romantically, because it has such the strong potential of overriding the importance of found family.
Favorite friendship: gotta reciprocate... Steve. There wasn't really a reason why, but they were mean to each other at the beginning of wizards. It was so so lovely to see their friendship progress in the background. Like we went from Steve calling Douxie names to being the one to support him after that fall. Also, throughout the entirety of wizards, Steve never once said Douxie's name. He's called him: college dude, dumbledork, mr. magic man, dude, man, and nothing else. I don't think Steve knows Douxie's name tbh....
NOTP: fjkdsalfa;sfa zouxie
Favorite headcanon: (copy/pasting this from the discord server) that limbo is actually the light realm which is like the shadow realm but light-based magic users can access it. Douxie wasn't aware of this and has been using it as his own personal trash can. Merlin wakes up after 900 years and enters the light realm to find all of Douxie's garbage
Merlin: Hisirdoux, what did you do to the light realm?
Douxie: the wot?
Merlin: the light realm *opens a portal and inside you can see glimpses of Douxie's embarrassing old photos and music, and the various monsters he's been chucking in there
Douxie: ......
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idontwannabreakdown · 4 years
Ariel’s Outfits in Icon For Hire (Part Five)
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Outfit one
So this one is really just her normal clothes. She is in pretty dark colors here (which really isn’t anything new) but like for this song is pretty perfect. People often associate mental illness with dark clothes so this helps with that. I like that she’s wearing a hoodie. It probably doesn’t mean much but it gives her a way to keep herself warm (literally and figuratively). She can pull her hood up to like protect her from the outside world if that makes sense. I think the fact that these are just her regular clothes is also important because it shows that this is a normal for her. It’s not like in Supposed To Be where she was in the easiest outfit possible because she couldn’t put the effort in. She’s dealt with mental illness long enough now that this is her normal. She’s not modifying her life to make it easier, she’s doing everything the way she usually does. And I think is a huge part of the song. I mean she straight up says, “I kinda hope there’s something wrong with me. I kinda hope this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.” So like, yes, this is her normal. And adding to what I said about not modifying her life, she can’t. She has to pretend everything is normal when it’s not and this is shown later in the song with another outfit, but I’ll get to that.
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Outfit two
So I love this jacket so much and don’t even get me started on the eye shadow!!! Okay but like in other videos Ariel has joked that she uses this jacket to keep people from hugging her. So like, I’m wondering if it’s kinda serving the same purpose here. She might be trying to push people away. I know that when dealing with a mental illness you either push them away because you don’t want to hurt them, or you don’t want them to feel burdened by you, or you don’t even realize that you’re pushing them away. Either way, the spikes definitely do keep people away. I also feel this could maybe show how some people who choose to make their mental illness their whole identity repel others. Like the whole song is about mental illness and the weird culture or scene that it’s become so it seems fitting.
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Outfit three
Here it is! The one that made us all lose our shit! So like the placement of this outfit is the most important thing. We finally see this outfit at the repetition of the “I know I’m not my thoughts...” line. This (and I’m sure most of us picked up on it) goes right back to what I was saying about outfit one. She has to pretend that everything is normal. She can’t show any weakness. She can’t let on that she’s sick in any way. And I think this really says a lot because like, a lot of us in certain bandoms (this one, mcr, fob, etc.) we often find ourselves in situations where we’re helping someone else with their mental illness when we haven’t even gotten our own under control yet and that can be so damaging. This outfit does a really good job of fighting the stereotypes around mental illness too. Like, a lot of people think that it’s always the emo, the goth, or the punk kids that are sick because of how we dress, but if you pretend that everything is normal no one suspects it, especially from a therapist like Ariel is supposed to be here. This whole video is a masterpiece
Curse Or Cure:
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Outfit one
So this is one of my favorite outfits. It makes me think of how during scripted she would always wear tutus with combat boots. Like the whole punk-princess thing is just so her and I love it! Expanding on the hole princes thing, this is a very, very princessy. It definitely looks like something a child would wear to play dress-up. @iconarmyhellyeah​, @ouransisters​, and I have talked before about how this song could be about running from different parts of yourself and learning to care for your inner child and I think some of this comes into play with the outfit here. Every time we see this outfit is when she’s running or when she’s interacting with the child. I think that this outfit shows her embracing her inner child, something which is incredibly important for recovery
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Outfit two
So the two important parts about this outfit are when we see it and the color. We see this outfit the most during the chorus, which is probably the darkest part of the song. She’s scared of herself, of what she might do, how much more damage she’ll cause and if any of you guys have been in that situation you know just how scared and dark it makes you feel. The fact that this outfit is black makes it very clear that this is the darkest part of herself.
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So, you can’t see it in this picture, but the lace on the stomach makes me think that it’s the same shirt as outfit two. Really the only thing I want to focus on here is the sleeves. I like that the way the lines cross each other kinda look like she’s tied up. We know from the song that she feels trapped by her emotions and fear and I think that the sleeves help show that
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deerfests · 3 years
( 001. the young pope/the new pope || 002. lenny/brannox || 003. sir john brannox ) && ( 001. space force || 002. malloraird || 003. dr adrian mallory ) && ( 004. the new pope/space force )
just for the heck of it, and because i’m greedy ☺️
fandom ask
man wth that's a lot... 😂😂😂
Okay, off we go~
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: + The Young Pope/The New Pope
Favorite character:
Sir John Brannox, because I love the emo pope. He's got so many issues, and he's lovable for it.
Least Favorite character:
Um... I guess I don't know. I don't want to offend anyone.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I only have 2-- Sofia Dubois/Sir John Brannox and Lenny Belardo/Sir John Brannox. Judge me if you must *shrugs*
Character I find most attractive:
Lenny and Brannox gotta fight over that one. I like how both of them look.
Character I would marry:
My hand in marriage is saved for Trench, exclusively, and he's not even a character in the show. Sorry. 🤠
Character I would be best friends with:
Gutiérrez but that's cuz he's a nice man and stuff. The dude would be swept away by me doing bs and just end up enduring it, not because he likes me. Let's be real. Nobody in the show would like me enough to befriend me! Unless I somehow weasel my way to Brannox, and we bond over being sad bastards but I don't think I have the energy to deal with his moping...
a random thought:
I feel like Adam's grave fucked up the timeline, nothing adds up. I'm sorry, but how old is Brannox supposed to be?? I am confused.
An unpopular opinion:
I don't obsess with some characters the rest of the fandom seems to, so I guess that's my unpopular opinion.
my canon OTP:
Sofia Dubois/Sir John Brannox
Non-canon OTP:
Lenny Belardo/Sir John Brannox, because imagine how fun that'd be!
most badass character:
Fck, I feel it's Lenny in The Young Pope. He's just out there destroying things.
pairing I am not a fan of:
I don't desire to put a bullseye on my back.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Hmm, I feel like Adam is an easy pick cuz for real, they did fuck up the timeline with him.
favourite friendship:
Lenny and Gutiérrez
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
Nobody!! AH, that would screw me up big time.
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: + Lenny/Brannox
when of if I started shipping it.
Like love at first sight, I fell for that shit since I saw them doing the world's most awkward prom picture. I mean, look at it:
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And then I was pissed off... I watched the whole season and while I enjoyed it, I didn't get nearly enough interactions! But what I got, I treasure... Even if it probably tricks you into thinking this ship's dynamic is different than what I actually headcanon for them.
my thoughts:
Lenny would fuck up Brannox so badly. Then probably feel guilty about it to some extent, and try to do something about his incredibly low self-esteem. :) This is the only sfw thought I have.
What makes me happy about them:
:)) wouldn't you like to know.
I love, love, love the energy they would have, ok!? Imagine, the constant contrast of Lenny and Brannox! Just...imagine.
What makes me sad about them:
Lenny's dead. :((
Also, Brannox has no self-esteem. :(
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
IF there was fanfic of them, which there is none of, I checked-- I would be annoyed if somebody thought Brannox had any power to hold over Lenny. Also, IF there was fanfic, I would not hesitate to read it even if it was garbage, but there's none.
things I look for in fanfic:
Actually existing fanfic. There's none. I gotta write that shit myself, and I'm trying, but it's hard!
My kinks:
:)) I can't. I'll get shadowbanned. Lenny fucks him up, let's just say.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Sofia with Brannox, death with Lenny, I guess?? I'm quite happy how the show ended, but I've never been one to want my ships to be canon, most of the time.
My happily ever after for them:
They quit the clergy, I guess, and Lenny lives with Brannox in the estate and they slip into an awkward but working relationship? Brannox gets over his problems and so does Lenny.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you + Sir John Brannox.
How I feel about this character:
I feel I got into it before, but I love him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ah, this is a repeat. Sofia and Lenny, both in their own verses, never together at the same time.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Not in the mood to put a bullseye on myself~
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
We got to see him interact more with ghost!Lenny. Like the scene at Adam's grave, just replay it 100x more.
my het ship:
Sofia and him.
my fem/slash ship:
Lenny and him.
my OTP:
Lenny/Brannox. But that might be cuz I love suffering and pissing people off.
my OT3:
my cross over ship:
my kink:
He has a praise kink.Probably cries during it, too.
a head cannon fact:
*gently puts a hand on Brannox's head* This bastard can fit so many obsessive thoughts in himself!
Also, sorry tumblr user sirjohnbrannox, I am stealing all your headcanons about him.
His parents probably mainly hated him cuz he was a non-straight punk, then started drugs to deal with his problems, and genuinely I feel like he's a little bit...how do I put this, not stable cuz of that. Adam was a perfect son, John meanwhile ended up traumatized and soft and scared. He has no self-esteem cuz his parents fucking sucked and played favorites!! And also probably blamed him for Adam’s death, I guess.  Fuck Brannox's parents!! I don't want to see them!!
my gender bend:
I don't have one, cuz I don't like them~
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: + Space Force
Favorite character:
Dr. Adrian Mallory, duh.
Least Favorite character:
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I literally only have one ship, Adrian/Mark.
Character I find most attractive:
In this episode of Dickie sets up ridiculous fights: Adrian Mallory vs Mark Naird. For whoever of the two, I actually find most attractive. Because I don't know, but boys are good.
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
Adrian, but only because we're both could be judgemental af... together!
a random thought:
Man, I hope they didn't make Malk shave for season 2. I'd hate that.
An unpopular opinion:
I don't care that much for Fuck Tony, I'm sorry. He's fine, I just-- don't really see the appeal of him. Maybe, just maybe, I'm too much into old men.
my canon OTP:
I...no? IDK!? Ali/Chan is cute, I guess and they're canon.
Non-canon OTP:
Adrian/Mark, which probably will never be actually canon and we'll keep getting ship baited.RIP. Good that I don't care about my ships being canon all that much.
most badass character:
pairing I am not a fan of:
I do not care for Ch*ntony. RIP. Not a NOTP but I just don't see it.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Erin Naird. I understand where's she's coming from, but my god.... they really wrote it poorly.
favourite friendship:
Mark and Adrian in the canon lense I guess.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: + Malloraird
when of if I started shipping it.
When tumblr user sirjohnbrannox didn't shut up about it.
my thoughts:
It's cute, but my kinky hands will continue rubbing off on it.
What makes me happy about them:
Adrian being head over heels for a dense fool.
What makes me sad about them:
Nothing, cuz there's nothing sad in the show? Or at least nothing I am emotionally invested into enough to actually be upset about?
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Y'all really think Adrian is vanilla? Y'all really think Adrian is anything but a brat?
things I look for in fanfic:
I am interested in a plot, that has a build-up for these two. So...my fic, In Need, which I am still working on. Cuz I literally stopped after my life fell apart and I couldn't handle the daunting comments. Anyways as I was saying. In Need-- except make it good.
My kinks:
:)) I don't want to get shadowbanned but Adrian is not vanilla, let's just say.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Just keep Mark with his wife, I don't care. Adrian, anyone but Jerome. It was painful to witness Jerome. I'm sorry, but how do you write Adrian-- a fairly not too stereotypical gay man? And then write him to be with somebody like Jerome, which just comes off as "oh shit we need a character for this and we didn't establish anyone!"
Also-- Jerome/Adrian is, unfortunately, canon-- why does the wiki make it creepy and one-sided?!!?
My happily ever after for them:
Maggie gets out of prison, runs off with her guard lover (which I'm actually fairly certain will happen), and Mark slowly enters a relationship with Adrian which actually results in both of them widening their views on things and getting along.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you + Dr Adrian Mallory
How I feel about this character:
He's pretty cool. Fun.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I literally only ship him with Mark, cuz Jerome gives me the worst vibes that make me actively partake in Jerome erasure.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
404 BrOTP not found.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
The man's a brat.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish he would have sung that song about Mark, and it would have actually been one side and nobody would have figured it out (so no photo kissing at the end) lmao cuz that'd -- now that'd be cursed and fun. >:3c
my het ship:
He's canonically gay so none. Unless season 2 decides to make him bisexual, this will continue.
my fem/slash ship:
Him with Mark.
my OTP:
Him and Mark. God, doing these memes is getting repetitve.
my OT3:
my cross over ship:
Lmao none. I mean, c'mon I don't even like crossovers 99% of the time.
my kink:
:DD are you trying to get me shadowbanned, bud.
a head cannon fact:
I have none that I can share here, or at least none springing to mind... but can we all agree that people saying Adrian is a spy or he has intentions for Space Force's downfall, is so funny, because it's literally not that deep. He's just gay and in love with Mark, how much do the r*dditors gotta overthink the damn show? It's not even that good to overthink!
my gender bend:
NO, I don't like them.
004 | send me 2 fandoms and I will give yo my crossover OTP + The New Pope/Space Force
None of these, I am not answering this, cuz this is the worst crossover ever conceived by man and I don't even like crossovers enough to begin with and my laptop is dying from heat--
no? ok.
Imagine poor ol' Brannox meeting Adrian. Goodbye.
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IZ week 2020
so i wasn’t gonna do this because I didn’t think the prompts were very good for writing to, but I remembered the last day’s prompt was “role swap” so I decided to do something small and quick for it. this is all 7 days in one post. the first and last ones are drabbles and one of them is an au idea
@invader-zim-week​ here u go!!!
Day 1. Angst or Fluff 
Zim’s denial skills are god tier, but even they have their limits.
Drabble. I think this is the turning point for my eventual found family au
“When are you going to get it through your thick head that the Tallests aren’t coming?” Dib flings his arms out wide in his exasperation
“They’re just…!” Zim fumbles a bit, clenching and unclenching his fists. “The Armada is a million light years away! It takes time to travel that far, obviously. It took me six of your months to get here from Conventia and the Massive is further away from here now than that. They’ll come! You’ll see! And then you’ll be sorry!” Zim’s face is drawn tight. He’s tense all over, shoulders drawn up to his jaw, antennae pressed flat to his head, and normally Dib prides himself on reading Zim like an open book, but he’s too far gone in his own annoyance to see the warning signs.
It’s because he doesn’t see these red flags that Dib proceeds to stick his own foot in his mouth with his next words. “Maybe if you weren’t such an idiot and opened your eyes, you’d see the truth—that they dumped you here to get rid of you.”
“YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT?” Zim explodes, planting his tiny hands in Dib’s chest and shoving. The boy lands painfully on his ass. “I’m not stupid, Dib.” His name is spat like an insult. “I know they don’t care about me! Why do you think I try so hard?”
Dib gapes at Zim, looking up at him for once, stunned into silence. “I.” He swallows. “You know?”
“Of course, I know.” Zim’s voice is a low hiss and his eyes are narrowed to slits. “You don’t get banished and then just get over it. You don’t get put on trial to defend your life, forced to relive your worse mistakes, and get sentenced to death, only to be saved by freak miracle, and never acknowledge it happened.” Zim takes a deep breath and crosses his arms over his chest. Dib supposes he means for it to look intimidating, but it looks more like he’s holding himself together. “I’ve always known.”
“Why do you try so hard then? If you’ve always known there was no point?” Dib has to ask, has to know, has to hear the words from Zim’s own mouth.
Zim purses his lips and turns away. “There was always a point.” He falls silent for a moment, one antenna twitching up a bit in thought. “I just… I thought if I was just a little better, if I accomplished something important for once, that… I don’t know, that maybe I’d.” He pauses and grits his teeth. “Maybe if I actually managed to take over this filthy planet I’d be worth something for once.”
Day 2. Be Gay Do Crime (LGBTQA+ headcannons)
Dib is bi/pan/demi-ro, Gaz is lesbian, Zim is ace/demi-ro
Dib seems like the kind of guy that would both take whatever kind of relationship he could get, but also appreciate it. Dib isn’t afraid to work for what he wants and isn’t afraid of things that are “not normal” so I see him being the type to not care about the gender of whoever he eventually decides to date. However, because Dib’s been burned in the past, he would need a deep and sincere emotional relationship to see someone as a potential romantic partner.
Gaz is just a big lesbian. Girls, man.
Zim is ace all the way baby!!! He’s just not interested, and sure, part of that is me projecting, but it just feels right for Zim to just… not care. He has no interest and doesn’t care for sexual attraction regardless of whether or not Irkens do/can/will have sex or not. On the other hand, Zim has expressed a softer side before and I can see him being able to maybe eventually develop romantic feelings for someone if he actually manages to get close enough to them for those kinds of feelings to even emerge. It would take a lot of time and a deep, meaningful friendship, but Zim has shown he’s capable of love. He just has to let himself feel it.
  Day 3. Fandom Appreciation
Found family fuck yeah
I’m still in the process of thinking about how I wanna go about my found family au so here’s just some initial ideas
After ETF, Zim self isolates for a bit. The florpus hole was his Last Ditch Effort plan and had it succeeded, he knew he would have been destroyed too. He was okay with it. He had made peace with it. However, it failed, and now he’s forced to reflect on said failure
The Massive doesn’t escape the florpus. They’re gone, completely. If they the ship does manage to get out, it’s not in one piece
I initially couldn’t decide if The Trial should come Before ETF or After but I think im gonna say before so the Massive doesn’t have to come back lmao
Before too long, Zim jumps back into the planning/scheming swing of things, but his ideas are never more than petty crimes and being a huge annoyance
Dib gets really annoyed with him and they have a big argument
Zim finally admits to knowing of his own Defectiveness
Dib reluctantly feels bad for him and backs off a bit to let Zim have his space
Zim, however, sees this as a betrayal and redoubles his efforts to get his attention
Somewhere along the way, Skoodge comes back and Zim backs off of Dib a bit, having someone else to focus attention on
Dib eventually begins to offer Zim his hand in friendship (phrased as a truce at first) and they finally make steps towards getting along
They realize they actually really like being friends
Zim eventually realizes that he’s made a life for himself, outside of the Empire
Eventually Zim, Skoodge, GIR, Minimoose, Dib, and Gaz form their own little family and explore space and hunt cryptids
(I love cryptid hunter and space exploration aus holy shit)
Day 4. If IZ had a different setting/time period
Cyberpunk??? Sure
Potential idea maybe.
Cyberpunk dystopian future
Aliens and humans intermingle, both on and off Earth
The Irken Empire has gotten bigger
Technology is advanced and cybernetics are widely known/produced
Idk man I don’t know a lot about cyberpunk, maybe this should be more for the aesthetic
Day 5. Aesthetic
Big shrug man idk
Headcanons, thoughts.
I’m a big fan of fashion Zim, and whenever I get the chance I give him clothes that are both cute and comfortable
Galaxy print leggings are a personal favorite of mine to give him
One time I wrote a little ficlet/oneshot where he wore a skirt. I should publish that some day
Uhhhhhh okay so. Dib has veeeeeery big early 2000s emo/punk vibes tbh
Scene kid GIR always makes me laugh
Gaz could pull off pastel goth like no one’s business
I’ve been here long enough to witness emo/scene hair wig Zim and his eventual fall lmfao
Pretty much everyone that redesigned them back in the day gave Zim emo kid hair that fall perfectly over one eye it was WILD
 Day 6. What if IZ was a different Genre?
Uhhhh does “fantasy instead of scifi” count?
Potential idea maybe. (oops it ended up being a fantasy/modern magic au haha ooooops)
Instead of being an alien, I had the idea of, maybeeeeee Irkens are like. Elves maybe, or perhaps some kind of fae. (I don’t know much about fae, oops)
Okay bear with me here, this is all coming together in real time.
The Irkens (which is what I’m gonna call their clan or faction or subrace or whatever) still want to be the rulers or something over the humans/other mystical beings. This world of magic is hidden from humans and they live blissfully unaware. There are invaders all over the place, using magic and glamors to trick humans into thinking they’re also humans. Zim is one such invader and just to happens to end up in Dib’s town, whereupon he enrolls in Dib’s school, pretending to be a transfer student.
I have no idea why or how the Irkens invade or what methods they use, but since my biggest experience with elves is through DND, I’m going to say they’re functionally similar to certain DND elf races.
So anyway, Zim ends up in Dib’s class and Zim’s glamor just Doesn’t Work on Dib for whatever reason (maybe Dib passed his Wisdom saving throw while literally everyone else failed, idk) and so Dib can immediately see Zim for what he is.
Dib is still into paranormal type stuff, though in his world, he’s less about cryptids and aliens and more about the magical species/world(s) that he KNOWS exists. His big goal in his au is similar to canon in that he wants to expose it all for recognition and love from his father.
Zim, meanwhile, he just wants to prove himself, just like canon. I can’t decide how I want the Irken hierarchy to go in this au—that’s something to think about later, when I have more time—but whatever it is, Zim is either a) not very good at it, b) not suited for it, c) ridiculed for not fitting in to it, or d) a combination of any or all of these things. (or secret option e) he rejects it but has no where else to go. On the other hand, it maybe be none of these things.)
GIR is here too though he’s probably not a robot. Maybe he’s another kind of magical being, or, hell, maybe he’s just Zim’s little brother. I’d be okay with that.
Gaz can also see through glamors but she just doesn’t care. Tak shows up at some point to get revenge, and Skoodge also shows up at some point to stay with Zim and be his friend.
Zim is bad at blending in at first, but he eventually Does get better, since he’s not totally isolated from other Irkens here and he also doesn’t Look like an alien.
(I’m thinkin’ elves in this au look Mostly human but with a few differences. Since I’m biased and this is MY fantasy world, damnit, elves are just. Really Pretty. Ethereal and elegant and graceful (for the most part—there are always exceptions) and they’re also great at magic. Maybe Zim isn’t all that great at magic, I dunno. I’ll figure something out.)
This ended up being less of a genre change and more of a whole ass au, lol oops
Day 7. Role swap
Chanting: human zim au human zim au human zim au human zi
Drabble. This is for an ongoing species swap au that i’ve had in development for the last few years. i haven’t posted anything for it yet, but I’ve thought about it a lot
Dib freezes as Zim points the plastic water gun at his head. Zim’s eyes are narrowed, lips pursed, and he adjusts his grip almost nervously. Behind him, Gir is holding a bucket full of water balloons and a pair of neon green star shaped sunglasses. It’d be cute if Dib wasn’t aware of how painful Earth water is to his Irken skin.
Zim finally lowers his gun slightly. “I want some answers, alien.” He looks Dib over with critical eyes. “Who are you really, and why are you here?” He reaches back and Gir hands him a water balloon with a big smile. “And you better tell the truth or I’ll bust this over your big head.”
Dib grimaces and watches the balloon. “My name Dib, and I’m a scientist. I’m an Irken, from Irk, and I’m here to learn more about life on this planet.” He holds his hands up, hoping to placate the human gesture for surrender. “I’m not here to harm you or anyone else, promise.”
Zim huffs. “Yeah right. I bet you just came here to laugh at the locals.” He puts on a mocking voice and waves the gun and balloon as he speaks. “‘Stupid, stinking humans. They can’t even travel beyond their own moon, yet. What morons. I bet they descended from pigs with how horrible and stupid they are.’” He jams the gun against Dib’s chest. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Dib bites his lower lip and looks away. He can’t deny he hasn’t thought something similar since arriving on Earth, but Zim didn’t have to be so crude and blunt about it.
The two are at a standoff for almost a minute before Zim blows out a long sigh and steps back. He turns to put the balloon back in the bucket, gives Gir a pat on the head, and shoots Dib one last glare. “Stay away from me, Dib. I have enough problems to deal with without having to worry about whether or not it’s safe for my brother to go to school or if I need to watch my back while walking my dog.”
“I wouldn’t hurt you,” Dib says, a little put out.
Zim scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. I know better than to believe it.” He turns and tries to smile at Gir but it comes out a little twisted and sad. “C’mon Gir. Let’s go home and get Minimoose and take him to that dog park you like so much.”
Gir gasps and lets out a cheer. “Can we go get ice cream afterwards?”
Zim gives a little laugh, smile turning a bit more genuine. “Yeah, sounds good.”
As they walk away Dib can’t help but wonder why he ever thought Zim was an Irken himself.
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: A Vested Interest
Daltonfic Big Bang: Week 3, Day 5, Dwodd 
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
“Fuck off!” Derek yelled, looking across the large, white and glass hallway of the Ohio Brooks Parker Galleria Mall to the Hot Topic.
“What is it?” Bailey asked, not turning from his sink full of dishes. He was up to his elbows in coffee mugs and dessert-stained plates. “Is Sebastian coming up to ask for another job application?”
“Shut up Bailey, you know it’s only because he thinks Julian’s hot, not because he wants to work here. And no; it’s not that asshole.” Derek gestured across the hallway; Bailey couldn’t see it because he still had his back turned, uncaring. “It’s that fucking asshole and his boyfriend!”
“You know, the assistant manager and that hipster guy!”
“Oh Dwight?” Bailey asked. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re fucking again!”
Bailey made an amused noise. “Good for them.”
“Good for them!?” Derek exclaimed, “What the hell does that mean?”
“Well, if you could get laid at work you would.” Bailey said, hiding his laughter. “I’m glad you don’t for the record; I don’t want to clean that up, but it’s a little funny.”
“Exactly- how is it that the goth who isn’t even in charge of that place is getting laid and I’m here in a fucking Starbucks like a loser?”
While Derek was ranting, he was ignoring the girl at the register. Bailey shot her a look, commiserating before drying his hands to take her order.
“And if we’re really splitting hairs here Bailey, shouldn’t he, I don’t know? Be doing his job? Instead of letting his little hipster boyfriend fuck him in the changerooms?”
Bailey rolled his eyes, grabbing a larger sized cup for their customer and waving her panicked look aside. It was the least he could do since she was putting up with Derek’s ranting.
“Jeez, Derek if it bothers you so much, just join in our betting pool and you at least could make some money off it.” Bailey said, steaming the milk like it was just another normal day. Which, working with Derek for at long as he had, it kind of was.
“Betting pool?”
Their customer interjected, “I’m from the Barnes and Noble next door; we’ve got it going with us, Clay and the boys in the store, Bailey and y’all, and then then Chels and the Pet Co. downstairs for how long it’ll take the manager to catch them.”
“All those people know? And Ryan still hasn’t figured it out?” Derek asked, confounded.
She shrugged, “Yeah, well, Pet Co. was waiting for the two month mark to send Ryan upstairs at the right moment; but Todd and Dwight were just talking; I’m thinking Clay ran interference so the bet’s still going.”
Derek looked caught between anger and intrigue. He looked at her with a scowl before, “Put me down for fifty bucks on two weeks from now. Ryan’s not an idiot, he’ll realize.”
“Not if he spends all his time downstairs with the fish tanks.” Bailey pointed out.
“Why is he even managing a Hot Topic if he loved animals so much?”
“He’d never sell anything if he worked downstairs, that’s why.” Their customer pointed out, wandering back to the Barnes and Noble with her drink. “Good luck boys!”
Oh it’s on, Derek thought, not realizing how difficult a task it would actually be to accomplish.
Two months of this nonsense aside, Dwight Houston had not set out to completely disregard professionalism and decorum when he got this throwaway job at the mall. His mother raised him better than that- or so she kept saying. He was only here for the sole purpose of keeping his car and proving he was responsible- nothing more. If he had enough knowledge of alternative culture to tell people why Hot Topic was the worst place to shop, that wasn’t his problem. He was merely the solution.
When Todd Hendricks, or “Hipster Guy” as he referred to him for the first two weeks in his head, walked in, there was no master plan to get back at his manager for promoting him in this insanity. No, it was only a short conversation, based around Todd’s utter incompetence.
“If she’s a real goth, she will not want anything we sell here. This is emo shit, New Oracle in Glensdale is the real space for crystals. This is just plastic and Yellow 33!” Dwight shook the fake silver jewellery at the customer and his wide rimmed glasses, plaid shirt, and rough, red scarf. “Your sister will not like this.”
“But that’s why it’s funny. Because it’s not authentic.” The customer (who would be known as Todd) said. “She’ll hate it and it’ll be hilarious.”
“It’s offensive! You say she’s a witch, then it’s doubly offensive.” Dwight said, motioning to put the piece back up on the highest shelf with the pole hook.
“I’m her brother, she’ll know it’s a joke.” He argued. “I’m not here to rock your goth purist boat.”
“I am not a goth,” Dwight said, putting the offending piece out of reach. “I am a post-industrial punk with spiritualist leanings; its completely different.”
“Sure.” Was the response, grinning like he’d not proven anything.
Dwight groaned, “Clay, back me up here; the Vampire Diaries spinoff jewellery is not something we should be promoting to any self-respecting goth.”
His part-timer, Clay Rizzo, poked out from behind the piercing display where he totally wasn’t trying to steal new lip rings. “I don’t know Dwight; I am one of those emo pieces of shit, so maybe I’d recommend it?”
“I get no support around here!” Dwight said, stalking to the back of the store. “Impossible!”
Todd looked over to the part-timer, decked in the unofficial uniform of all black and a hundred emo-band pins. “I think I’m dropping by more often.”
Clay gave him an evil grin. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
From there it escalated; Todd coming in multiple times a week just to annoy Dwight. Well, that’s what Dwight assumed until Todd asked for his phone number.
“What? Why’d you want that?”
Todd looked at him like he was an idiot. “Because I’ve been flirting with you this whole time? Were you not…”
Clay, unknown to the two of them, was watching with Robin and Jake from behind the t-shirts. They were supposed to be executing the planogram; but why do that when there was drama to observe?
“I was not.” Dwight said robotically. “Uh, okay, that’s…”
“I literally looped a tie around your neck and pulled you in, and you didn’t realize I was into you?”
Clay, who remembered that exchange, had to be smothered with a Haven shirt but Jake to stop him from making noise.
“In my defence, I’m not used to people flirting with me.”
“If you’re not interested, that’s fine. I just thought-”
“I’m not not interested?” Dwight interjected before Todd turned away and walked out. “I’m just, uh, not used to … this?”
“I can work with that.”
It somehow progressed, in spite of Dwight’s inherent awkwardness. Jake, Robin, Jasper, and Clay respectively waving the pair off whenever Dwight took his lunch break now.
“They grow up so fast.” Clay said dramatically while Dwight gave him the finger. Todd just smiled at his conspirator and told them to take care of the store. Not that he worked there. He was there often enough he’d take to reminding Dwight about stock orders, schedules, and that Jake had a family dinner coming up so someone had to get it covered. The store had never run so well as it did when Todd started dating their assistant manager.
“Where did you guys put the Manic Panic?” Ryan Cobb, actual manager of Hot Topic, called out from the stockroom. “There should be a packing slip for a 3 pack of each colour, but all I see is overstock of those short-shorts!”
“I don’t know, ask Jake,” Dwight said, standing on a step ladder with Jasper spotting him. “He was in last night when the delivery came in.”
“I’m asking you. How can you be my assistant manager and not know where the hair dye is? We have that Chang girl coming in later and I promised her we’d have her order in!” Ryan called. “I’m going on break, that dye should be on the shelf when I get back.”
Ryan left, once again for supposedly fifteen minutes- but the entire staff knew he’d be gone for the rest of the day downstairs to play with the parakeets Pet Co. just got in.
“Oh, you’re in trouble.” Robin said, amused.
“Shut up.” Dwight muttered. “I bet Jake just put them somewhere weird. Call him and see what’s going on.”
“I’ll call him. He told me nothing came in last night though.”
“Perfect, just fucking perfect.” Dwight groaned.  
“What’s wrong?” Todd asked, coming in with a cardboard tray of drinks. “I just saw Ryan go by, if he’s actually in the store for any minute I’m scared the place will burst into flames.”
“Once in a blue moon, it happens I guess.” Dwight admitted, climbing down the ladder to receive his kiss on the cheek and the green tea Todd brought for him.
“What’s happening?” Todd asked, taking his own coffee off the tray and pushing the sugar-laden third and fourth cups to the part-timers he’d been subtly converting to his side. Jasper particularly grabbed his eagerly, gushing thank yous.
“Jake might have lost a delivery.” Dwight paused, “Or not? I don’t know about the warehouse, but they’ve been fucking up recently anyways. I swear I can’t find last night’s order but the stockroom does look like shit…”
“You have a computer? There should be a record of orders received and rejected? I know not everyone still does things hard copy.” Todd suggested.
“It’s in the manager’s office!” Robin volunteered. “Not that we’re allowed in there. It’s for Ryan and Dwight only.”
“Well, they can’t fire me so I don’t care about that rule.” Todd said, taking a sip of his coffee and beelining to the back room.
Dwight scrambled to follow him. “No! No! No customers in the back!”
“Oh come on, if Ryan’s going to get mad at you about it then I might as well try to help.” Todd said, finding the tiny room easily and placing himself in the desk chair like he owned the place. “Password’s hottopic123, very creative, not hacking proof at all.”
“It’s a formality, that’s why it’s on the post-it.” Dwight grumbled, reluctant to admit he was grateful for the help.
“Okay, well according to your emails it’s right there. They’re not sending it because of the USPS strike. I don’t know why Ryan didn’t notice that.” Todd said after a few open tabs and a control+f.
“Oh that’s why.” Dwight grumbled, pointing to the open tabs on tanks for tropical fish. “He was distracted.”
“Why is he in charge of a Hot Topic if he doesn’t want to even work here?” Todd asked, looking through the pages. “Like, if you’re desperate you could work for the raptor sanctuary; they’re hiring.”
“Wait, you know the raptor sanctuary?” Dwight asked, intrigued. “I have an owl there.”
“I’m sponsoring Rowena, the prairie-”
“Merlin.” Dwight finished. “Yeah, she’s the one who the workers are teaching how to do the flight tricks right?”
“Yeah.” Todd paused, “You’re Castiel’s sponsor? I thought that name was stupid.”
“It’s not stupid! It’s a good name!” Dwight said before realizing Todd was joking with him. “Oh, okay.”
“So, if Ryan is going to ignore the email in his inbox in favour of spending all his time at Pet Co. I propose we do something to get him back.” Todd said, spinning around in the chair and closing the door to the office. It was more like a cupboard with how much room there was.
Dwight looked at him suspiciously. “What do you mean?”
Todd locked the door, “You’ll see.”
Robin wasn’t sure what was happening until he went to knock on the door and heard it. Shit. Maybe Dwight was cool.
First thing he did was tell Jake over the phone, who told Jasper, who told Clay- who told literally the entire mall by the time he’d made it in for his closing shift.
“Who knew the dude had it in him.” Jake said, punching in, careful to give the office door a lot of room. “I mean, I would do that but Dwight’s always struck me as a bit of a-”
“A nerd?” Jasper supplied.
“I’m so proud of my dads.” Clay said, already on the top of a stepladder switching out t-shirts. “Like, I can’t use that office so I don’t give a shit- but it’s also hilarious. How long do you think it takes Ryan to notice?”
“First, they’re not your dads.” Jake said.
“Todd gave me a gold star for my pins last week, they’re my dads.” Clay said, half joking, but mostly trying to annoy Jake.
“Okay, fine. Secondly, Ryan isn’t going to notice shit. If he hasn’t notice you’ve been stealing lip rings to wear while at work he is not going to notice Dwight’s boyfriend fucked him in the office.”
“Or did Dwight fuck him?” Jasper asked.
“I don’t care.” Jake dismissed the comment. “Either way, it’ll be, like a year before Ryan realizes something is up.”
Clay grinned, “Care to put your money where your mouth is?”
“You’re on.”
The pot, by the time Pet Co., Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, and Radio Shack got in on the action, was somewhere around $400. The only ones unaware, were the couple in question and Ryan Cobb.
“Shit, Clay! This isn’t what it looks like.” Dwight said hurriedly, Clay pulling open the curtain to the change rooms enough to poke his head in.
“Really? Because it looks like you’re just passionately embracing Todd.” Clay shrugged, “I could be wrong.”  
Todd would have normally made a quip back, but he was too close to reply. “Uh, not a good time.”
“Well, you’ve got almost no time at all for this quickie because Ryan is on his way back. AKA, he’s on the elevator and if you’re here balls deep-“
“I will curse you so hard-”
“You’re already hard, I get it. Put some pants on, wrap it up.” Clay said, flipping the curtain closed. At least the two of them were polite enough to not make any of the part-timers do cleaning duties on these occasions.
Either way, Clay has a vested interest in not alerting Ryan right now. The pot was up to $800 now, and he would need that for next semester’s books. College was expensive.
In the end, it wasn’t Ryan who caught them; it was the night security guard who got them outside in Dwight’s ridiculously out of date Chevy. With an ‘indecent exposure’ strike on his record, Ryan had to let Dwight go. The betting pool wasn’t sure if this meant the bet was on, or off.
The next week, when he found Todd wandering past the Hot Topic to the men’s bathrooms with one lanky, gothic boyfriend in tow- he shot Todd a thumbs up and informed the rest of the mall the game was still on.
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
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yungblud-fics · 5 years
teenage heartbreak queen (part one)
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based off the song teenage heartbreak queen by palaye royale (🅱️ussy 🅱️op)
warnings: literally major angst, mcr trashing (it pained me to write), language.
summary: dom has been in love with his best friend since before he can remember. when yoi start to change after your boyfriend comes into the picture, will your relationship tear you both apart?
part 2
She used to go
She used to hide and not let me know
the school's power couple. that's what everyone called them. it made dom sick to his stomach to his best friend with that dick head. she was so smart and could tell his emotions in an instant but god was she was so fucking oblivious.
Now I wait
While she's in bed and sleeps all day
(Wake up)
things had changed since they had gotten together. the jock of the school and the infamous introvert. he was the definition of a sterotypical teenage boy--played football, rugby, lacrosse. total asshole energy. you were polar opposites but 'opposites attract.' 'maybe that's why dom didn't get the girl.
she sat in the back of the classroom, band t-shirts and skinny jeans. she was never one for parties, preferring to sit at a cafe and listen to live music.
that all changed when they got together. everyone said they would be together forever. eventually she stopped holding dom's hand when she was nervous or excited. she stopped dancing like crazy when she knew people were staring. it all just stopped.
She used to dance
She used to cry as she held my hand
Oh no we used to say
We won't ever change change change
you went to parties instead of staying home with a record player on like usual. you stopped sleeping at dom's house every friday night. you started to listen to trashy rap.
you weren't the same but your mom had known you still listened to the same punk rock songs in your room late at night. she knew you still read graphic novels in your free time. she also knew you only hid those to keep the relationship healthy. and she had told dom this weeks ago because she knew he could get anxious.
I fell in love with my best friend
She fell in love with you instead
'cause she's a teenage heartbreak queen
Oh it's me and my misery
dom missed the old you. as he bolted out of his last pediod class, swarms of students filled the halls. thursday's were hard at school. he usually just wanted the week to be over and done with, and more than anything he wanted to skip friday's knowing you wouldn't be there with him.
he didn't know when he started to feel things for you. he just knew that as sophomores, he was in love with his best friend.
maybe it started when he moved and you were the first person to talk to him. maybe it was when he fell on the playground in second grade and you cleaned up his cut. maybe it was when he first came to your house in fourth grade and showed him all your band posters on the walls.
I fell in love with my best friend
Now she is sleeping in your bed
'cause she's a teenage heartbreak queen
Now it's me and my misery
dom saw you closing your locker so he ran through the crowd of teenagers and teachers and smiled brightly once he got to you.
"hey n/n!"
"hey dom," she said awkwardly, her boyfriend latching onto her arm. dom's smile slowly faded as he realized you weren't as excited to see him as he was you.
It's not the same
The way she used to say my name
Now she's strange
"wanna come ova' tonight? we can dance to three cheers fo' sweet revenge all night," he laughed knowing it's your favorite mcr album (wink wonk).
he saw you smirk and that small gleam come back to your eye bringing a matching smile to his face.
It's outta hand 'cause something's changed
Something's changed
She used to dance
She used to cry as she held my hand
Oh no we used to say
We won't ever change change change
"i'll be over at si-"
"that lame album? that's some gross emo music. babe, do you really like that shit?"
"i guess not really," you shrugged as you felt a burning pain in your chest as those words slipped your mouth.
"good, cause we're gonna go for a drive tonight." just as he was about to walk away, he leaned down to your ear and whispered, mocking dom's accent just loud enough for him to hear, "and not with pretty lil' london boy."
once he walked off, the look in dom's eyes gave you an aching pain. he swallowed back the lump in his throat, running a hand through his hair, in an attempt for it to look neater but failed as it fell back in front of his eyes.
I fell in love with my best friend
She fell in love with you instead
'cause she's a teenage heartbreak queen
Oh it's me and my misery
"m-maybe some other time," he managed to spit out before turning away from you. you grabbed his hand which always made dom's heart flutter, but this time, he simply looked at your hands and slowly pulled his back to his side.
"we can still hang out tonight. what's the big deal?"
"the big deal is 'm fookin' in love with ya for years and ya don't see how much it kills me every time i see ya with him. he doesn't deserve ya and he's a total twat. the way ya feel when your favorite song comes on the radio is the way i feel whenever i'm around ya," his eyes were glassy but he wiped it away with his sweatshirt sleeve.
I fell in love with my best friend
Now she is sleeping in your bed
'cause she's a teenage heartbreak queen
Now it's me and my misery
"dommy i didn't realize," tears almost fell down your cheeks but you wouldn't let them.
"of course ya didn't! cause you're obsessed with him. when was the last time ya slept over? and don't even get me started. ya love mcr, and because he said it's shit ya suddenly hate em'!"
"that's not why i said it," your voices were slightly raised as the dismissal bell rang out through the hallway.
"then why?" dom screamed.
"because why? because ya love him?" he spat. you didn't say anything more. you didn't need to. you simply walked away and out the school doors knowing that your best friend now hated you.
dom stood in the same spot. did i just lose my best friend? she just walked out. a few tears had fallen and he couldn't hold them in. tightening the straps on his backpack, he went out the doors you had been just a few seconds ago and made his way home.
I loved her madly but she went away
I can't believe that she won't see my pain
Though I'm not with her, I have lost my mind
I love her madly 'til the end of time, no
he didn't call that night. he just let whatever happen, happen. everyone had been concerned about you since you had gotten into the relationship.
dom just stared at the ceiling, occasionally humming a song that popped into his head. the sounds of the heater ran through his ears, a scented candle (oops) filling the room.
I fell in love with my best friend
She fell in love with you instead
'cause she's a teenage heartbreak queen
Oh it's me and my misery
his cell phone began to ring and he took a deep breath before answering call.
"hey. can i come over?"
"uh," dom looked to his right at the bedside clock seeing as it was 10:45 (22:45), "it's late?"
"sorry, i didn't mean to bother you i just--nevermind."
"no, tell me."
"i just need a dom hug."
"come over whenever," he sighed into the phone then hung up.
even in an argument he couldn't have just left you hanging. no matter what he promised himself he wouldn't leave you.
I fell in love with my best friend
Now she is sleeping in your bed
'cause she's a teenage heartbreak queen
Now it's me and my misery
part 2
A/N: hehe cliffhanger. i'll post part 2 when i can! i've had this in my drafts cause the song was stuck in my head for so long. also, sorry this is so angsty.
side note: i'll properly tag it tomorrow.
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