#I love raiju!
lunaris1013 · 11 months
It appears that McFarlane Toys has acquired the license to produce Pacific Rim merch. They're putting out a collection of 4" figures packaged with one of the PR comics. There are jagers and kaiju both.
But. Y'all.
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moonlitkilljoy · 2 years
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Raiju the kaiju: category IV, and number 1 in my heart
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cobaltperun · 25 days
Eternal Flame (10) - Sucker
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Cover by: @ortegalvr
Jenna Ortega x Female Reader
Summary: For her it’s a passion, for you it’s an accident. And as she continues shining brighter and brighter with each role you are left mesmerized, drawn to her flame and cherishing every time she lets herself be vulnerable with you.
Masterlist / First Part / Previous Part / Next Part
Word count: 3k
-I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things no one knows about you-
You got back to the apartment with a grin you couldn’t wipe off your face and papers confirming the puppy would be yours if no one could prove they were the owner. Still, while it was love at first sight between you and the puppy there was a much stronger reason for you grin. You could still feel the warmth of Jenna’s lips on your own. So, you went into your apartment, took a nice shower because you felt like the one you took when you first came back after rescuing the puppy wasn’t enough to wash off the scent of the river. And then, fresh and relaxed, you sent a text to Jenna that you were back and asked if she wanted you to come up to her apartment or if she’d come down to your apartment.
A minute later you didn’t get the message back, but rather a knock on your door. You opened and saw Jenna there, her hair tied in a messy low bun and as usual she was wearing comfortable, loose clothes. “Hey,” she looked nervous, and she was biting her bottom lip. “Did you get the dog?”
You let her in. “Not yet, they want to make sure it’s really a stray,” you said and led her into the living room, to the sofa. “I’m still trying to think of a name,” you admitted as you turned on the TV and turned the random music channel on. You and Jenna would usually watch a movie, but it’s been a long day.
“How about Raiju?” Jenna’s recommendation made your eyes widen. It sounded great, or maybe it was just the fact that Jenna was the one suggesting it that made it sound great. But it was fitting, your character was a lightning beast, raiju was the name for that beast, and you found the puppy while filming Wednesday.
“That’s definitely better than Time Devourer, the bane of all bones, the digger of all the holes and the vanquisher of my free time, actually the first. The actually is important, I think,” you joked causing Jenna to laugh at just how ridiculous your idea was. She leaned against your healthy shoulder and you wrapped your arm around her.
Once Jenna was done laughing, she got closer to you and placed her right hand on your stomach. You noticed her fingers trembled a bit, but you didn’t say a word. “So, are we going to talk about the kiss?” she whispered and looked you in the eyes.
“Yeah, we should,” you nodded, though your brain short-circuited when she licked her lips.
Jenna swallowed the lump in her throat, realizing you were letting her talk. You didn’t want to put her into a bad situation, and you especially didn’t want to pressure her into anything. “When I almost kissed you that night in your apartment, I told you we should forget about it,” she began causing you to nod. “You could have drowned today,” she looked down, averted her eyes from your own, but at the same time she snuck her left arm behind you and hugged you tightly and you couldn’t help but smile a bit as she rested her head in the crook of your neck.
“I know. That was reckless,” the adrenaline from earlier wore off and even though you jumped in to save Raiju you could admit it wasn’t the smartest decision. “I’m sorry I worried you, Jen, I really am,” though it hurt your shoulder a bit you still moved your left arm and hugged her properly.
“Does your shoulder bother you?” Jenna asked when she felt you tensing.
“A bit, I guess swimming didn’t help me,” you sighed, that was another reason why jumping in wasn’t smart. What was supposed to be a couple of days of discomfort and slight pain would likely turn into a couple of weeks. Still, you didn’t drown and Raiju’s life was worth the pain.
Jenna hummed and nodded. “Don’t force it,” she told you and you figured she was right and moved your arm back to your side. “See? That’s better,” she turned a bit and raised her right hand to your shoulder and began massaging it. “Is this okay?”
You tilted your head back and sighed in content. “Yeah, that feels really good,” and it did feel really good. “I’m fine with your decision. If you want to stay friends we’ll stay friends,” you assured her.
“You won’t fight for it? Us?” she asked, sounding almost disappointed.
You shook your head. “The moment you say no that’s the end of it,” and you truly believed in that. If both of you wanted a relationship and there was something else keeping you apart you’d fight for it, you’d fight tooth and nail. But if either of you just plain and simple didn’t want the relationship, then there was no fight to fight, only the decision to accept it and either keep hoping or try and move on.
“It’s not that I don’t want to be with you!” Jenna quickly told you and then groaned, realizing she just went and admitted that. “I just don’t… I keep thinking about what-ifs. What if we mess it up, what if it affects our careers or our careers end up messing everything up, what if we are better off as friends? Or what if we are too young? What if it would all be different if we just wait?” she told you, and you figured that was a part of it all, all those months ago. That and Jenna’s struggles to be vulnerable and completely open.
“What if we are the right thing started at the wrong time?” you offered a summary of what she felt and Jenna nodded.
“I don’t want to ruin what we already have,” she said and you nodded, accepting that decision. “But, I don’t want to regret not giving this, these feelings, a chance,” your eyes widened as she moved her hand up your neck and to your cheek. “I don’t know how things will turn out, but I want to give us a chance,” she moved up and you could see the question in her eyes, as well as the permission, so, you caressed her cheek and closed the distance between you.
You leaned your forehead against hers and your eyes met, her soft, dark eyes looking into your soul and you raised your left hand, resting it on her back. Jenna kissed your cheek and smiled when you pulled her a bit closer. “That’s not the most comfortable position,” you commented, she was on her knees, exerting a considerable effort not to put her weight on you and still hug you.
“Should I?” she looked down at your lap. “Can I?”
“Mhm,” you assured her as she nodded and straddled you. “Jenna,” her name fell from your lips like the softest sound imaginable.
Her thumb brushed over your bottom lip, pressed her body against yours and then she leaned in, kissing you on the lips and you felt your heart pounding against your chest at finally feeling her lips on yours for more than a few excruciatingly brief seconds. And you knew Jenna felt it too, the soft, gentle kiss, her fingers running through your hair, her muffled humming as you cupped her cheek as your thumb brushed along her jaw. It all felt so familiar, yet at the same time felt like you were going headfirst into an unknown you weren’t ready for. Still, despite that there was no uncertainty in your heart or mind as you gave into your hunger and deepened the kiss.
Jenna moaned into the kiss as you opened your mouth and teased her bottom lip with your tongue. She tilted her head, and opened her mouth, her tongue immediately meeting your own as she let you explore her mouth. Your tongues danced as you slipped your hand into her hair and loosened her bun and the feel of her hair, free and silky soft, drove you wild.
“Y/N,” she gasped, moaning as you parted for air, your lips still connected by a string of saliva. Her eyes were dark, pupils dilated, and her gaze filled with hunger and desire, and you had no doubt your gaze was the same as you kissed her again, just as intensely, just as passionately as before, until Jenna pushed you back into the sofa and latched onto your neck.
“Jenna,” you moaned, a chill running down your spine as her teeth scrapped against your skin. You could feel her smiling as she kept kissing you, her lips going from your jaw to your left ear and she gently bit your earlobe. “Fuck,” you groaned and kissed her neck, sucked softly on the side of it as she pressed harder against you, trying to remove any distance still between you. You could feel it all, every curve of her body, the heat of her skin seeping through her shirt, the warmth of her fingertips as she lightly scratched the back of your neck, encouraging you to keep kissing her neck as she moaned softly in your ear.
“Y/N,” she threw her head back, exposing her neck to you as you dragged your bottom lip up her neck and you could swear you could feel her heartbeat speeding up as you sucked on her neck a bit more desperately than you probably should have.
You pulled back and kissed the red mark, soothing it with your lips. “You might have to cover that up tomorrow,” you whispered, still kissing just beneath her jaw as Jenna swallowed hard.
Suddenly Jenna pulled away and you raised your eyebrow, not sure if you said or did something wrong but she pulled you to the side with a slightly mischievous look on her face. And you grinned, easily moving the two of you onto the sofa until Jenna was lying underneath you. “We should have done this earlier,” she smiled as you tucked a stubborn strand of her hair back in its place and she hugged you, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Better late than never,” you said when you separated, but Jenna just kissed you again, still hungry, in need of more. The two of you kept kissing, going from soft and quick kisses, to deep, passionate kisses involving lots of tongue and you quickly learnt that Jenna did not play fair. Every time you got a semblance of control she got handy, slipping her hands underneath your shirt and making you shiver as she slid her palms up and down your back, abs and arms. And seeing as you were holding yourself up you couldn’t properly return the favor. “Damn sneaky,” you complained before tugging gently at her bottom lip.
“Mhm,” Jenna confirmed, more to get you to continue than for any other reason. And you did, returning your attention to her kiss-marked neck and kissed the side of it, right at the most sensitive spot making the beautiful girl beneath you moan in approval. “Baby,” she grinned when you, despite the strain on your left shoulder, slipped your hand underneath her back and pulled her a bit closer. The light scratching on your back made you lower her, once more losing control to Jenna’s tactics.
She suddenly frowned and you stopped everything. “You okay?” you asked, concerned.
Jenna shook her head. “Sofa is uncomfortable,” she said and yeah, it definitely wasn’t the most comfortable piece of furniture you ever sat or spent time on.
“Yeah, it’s actually impressive you could stay on it as long as you did,” you pointed out, after all, Jenna’s been lying on it for about fifteen minutes.
“How about we just go to bed and continue? I mean just making out!” she quickly clarified with a dark blush on her face.
“Yeah, let me just,” you put your left arm around her and went to lift her up so you could carry her to the bedroom only for the sharp pain to make you decide against that. “Fucking shoulder!” you cursed and sat back down on the other end of the sofa, leaving Jenna lying there. Yeah, that persistent damn pain sure wasn’t going away any time soon.
“You okay?” Jenna immediately got up and checked on you, causing you to nod.
“I’ll be fine. You’d think I’d learn by now, but I just keep forgetting about it,” you said a bit sheepishly. “Sorry for ruining the m-,” you tried to apologize, but Jenna put her finger on your lips and then kissed you softly.
“You didn’t. I do need you to take good care of your shoulder, okay?” she told you and sat back down next to you.
“Yes Ma’am,” you promised and hugged her.
You spent about ten minutes like that, just relaxing and occasionally sharing a kiss. “What should we do? About our relationship? I’d rather keep it private, but if you don’t want that I’m fine either way,” Jenna said eventually.
“Keep it private,” it was the easiest decision, hell, you weren’t even eager to share it with your costars, let alone go public with the relationship, you kind of wanted to keep all of this to yourself, and maybe a select few people. “I’ll leave it to you to decide who gets to know,” but you wouldn’t push that much secrecy on Jenna.
“I’m thinking about just telling my mom for now. Not even the rest of my family,” you raised an eyebrow at that. “I’d rather tell them in person,” you didn’t mention that was still almost three months away, since that was when you’d go on the holiday break from filming. Still, you figured the others weren’t as perceptive as Natalie. That woman figured you out damn near immediately, so you had no doubt she noticed something when it came to Jenna’s feelings as well.
“Are you worried about their reaction?” you asked and though she didn’t immediately respond, Jenna shook her head.
“I haven’t really told them I’m into girl, but I’m not afraid of their reaction to that. It’s more about, you know, our jobs, traveling a lot, probably spending most of our time away from each other. I don’t think they’ll be against it, but I also think they might be happier if I wasn’t with someone from the industry,” she explained and then her eyes widened and she pulled away from you. “I didn’t mean to like I want either of us to quit, or that my family would want that! I just, I mean, shit I can’t explain it!” she buried her face in her hands and groaned in frustration, but you already closed the distance between you and pulled her into a hug.
“Hey, I understand. It’s okay,” you assured her and smiled as she relaxed a bit.
“Whatever they say, I want to be with you. I, well, it would be hard to accept that they aren’t supportive, but-“
“Jen, you’re worrying in advance about something that might not happen. Stay in the moment with me, okay? We’ll cross that bridge when and if we get there,” you caressed her cheek and made her look at you. “Okay? One step at a time. How about we call Natalie first?” telling her not to worry about the future wouldn’t help much, but you hoped it would at least temporarily calm her down as Jenna nodded and pulled out her phone.
“FaceTime?” she suggested and settled down near you as you nodded. You’d give her a moment though.
Natalie answered after a bit, even though she was at work. When her child called that woman always, always responded, as long as she wasn’t saving someone’s life, and you admired that about her.
“Hey, mom!” she waved and smiled, and you could see how happy she got just by seeing her mother’s face. You were a bit away from Jenna, so the camera didn’t catch you, but you could vaguely see Jenna’s screen.
Natalie’s smile was equally as capable of lighting up the room. “Jenna, sweety, how are you? Is Y/N okay?” you flinched at that, so she heard about you nearly drowning. Fuck, just how worried was Jenna if she already called her mom and told her about it.
“We’re both fine, great actually,” Jenna smiled and turned to you, motioning for you to come closer to her, so you did and sat right next to Jenna.
“Natalie, it’s great to see you again,” you raised your hand and greeted her.
“God help me, Y/N if you pull something like that again I’ll personally come and give you a good scolding,” she looked genuinely worried about you and you really couldn’t get annoyed at that, even if you did feel like you were a bit too old to be scolded.
“Uh, mom, we have something to tell you,” Jenna interrupted the two of you, both to save you and to get to the point so her mom could get back to work.
Natalie looked at her screen a bit closer and just nodded. “You’re together,” it wasn’t even a question, it was a statement.
Jenna’s jaw dropped and you just stared, confused and shocked. “How?!” Jenna demanded.
“Your lips are swollen,” was all she said before she started laughing and you didn’t have to look at Jenna to know she was blushing like crazy. “Congratulations you two, honestly, it was about time,” there, Jenna’s mom approved, and you were sure the rest of the family would approve as well.
“Thank mom, love you,” Jenna swallowed hard, trying not to get too emotional at the moment.
You placed your healthy arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to comfort her, and you hoped Natalie didn’t mind, but judging by the smile on her face she didn’t mind the small display of affection and support one bit. And so the two talked a bit more, with Jenna saying she wanted to tell everyone else in her family when she gets back and Natalie reluctantly agreeing and respecting Jenna’s wishes.
A/N: Somehow the Fanta with Jenna's face on it came to Montenegro. I am equally surprised and happy and I may or may not be keeping that can.
Taglist: @lilbitdepressed27 @freakshow2501 @osnapitzmel1 @belatrixdragon @ijustlovemaths
@niqmandu @justspance @mirage018
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spaghettiposts · 2 months
Who are some of your favourite writers here?
That's a tough one because I love A LOT of them, but here are the ones that have stuck out to me.
Firstly I'll talk about some Wanda writers:
@mionemymind: one of the most compelling writers out there. I think I have a personal bias because we're similar and share similar interests (star wars lol), they've literally written a star wars based wanda fic!!! Apart from that they have really good one shots and stories. My personal favorite one shots have to be To Be Loved Is To Be Considered, The Actress & The Geek, and my personal favorite Blood Drive.
Aside from being a writer Mionemymind is also a really great person to the community and friends, and I can't tell you how many times I've smiled because of their reblogs. Truly awesome sauce.
@targaryenmarvel: From the moment her story "Fallin all in you" came onto my feed, I was desperately hooked. Absolutely one killer of a story and I can't wait for more. Really great writing and its just so perfect, that story meant everything to me at one point <3
@fortuositywritings: I love everything about this authors writing, but my most favorite thing about their style is the humor. It's so natural and well paced, it makes me smile without fail every time. They aren't as active, and I hope they're doing amazing but if I could let this author know that their series I Said No, and Love Bug changed my writing forever, I would do it in a heartbeat. They're one of the reasons I'm writing for Wanda here today.
@ziggyzolch: I discovered their fic on ao3 first and I've got to say it has me hooked. They deal with more serious topics on series and its one of my favorite parts about their style, honestly Your Prettiness is Seeping Through has got to be hands down one of my favorite series in 2024. Amazing work and great representation to those who need it.
And lastly @wandascosmic: I haven't seen much of her until today but her new series you belong with me has quickly become so special to me that I can't help but mention her. The humor between reader and Sam is amazing, but also the interactions between reader and Wanda have my heart aching so sweetly. I feel like a leech with how quickly I've sunk into this story, you belong with me is so sweetly written and I enjoy every second of it. Amazing work.
Now for the Jenna Ortega fandom, I think I have quite a list. There's so many amazing writers out there it's crazy, I'm always so well fed by both fandoms.
I've got to start out with the legendary @cobaltperun: I binged Lost, for 2 days straight. I was HOOKED. so hooked this story got in the way of my personal life because I couldn't stay away from my phone. I love the way you write Tara and gosh did the series kill and heal me. Aside from Lost, Woe out the storm is also such a sweet story. The whole concept Raiju is so interesting to me now and damn do I love a good slow burn. Im just so deeply impressed too by their rapid request process, and how much they get done, its moving.
Another legend @letorip: First I've just got to mention, his headcannons for characters are amazing and I'm CONSTANTLY having to restrain myself from asking for more because I would only continue. I highly recommend them, they're like stories in themselves. But aside from Headcannons, my personal favorite fic of his would have to be somethin' stupid, especially part 3. The whole series is a must read and gosh do I love the writing, its so beautifully described, every inch of it.
@ajortga: every fic of hers is a fucking BANGER. there's never a fic in which I'm left dissatisfied. I love it all, eat it all. When I find her on my feed, you know I'm immediately digging in. Everything is always so fluffy and nice and just makes a girl feel better yk? I completely recommend reading Cute and Absolute, My Girl, and Bear hugs. All super fluffy and heart warming fics, its crazy <333
@persevereforahappyending: This author stabs me, kills me, brings me back to life, and then stabs me again with angst but I go back every time. Specifically to their newest series A Legacies Secret which is. So. Fucking. Good. They really cooked with that one. Every Friday like clockwork I'm checking for notifications and I'm never disappointed. Their writing style just leaves a grip on you and the plots are so clever too, they're very unique and I love them. Luck Runs Out is another great series and damn I revisit that thing once every two weeks for a reminder on what true love really is.
And lastly but not least one of my newest favorite authors of all time is @honorarysimp: Uncanny Distortion was one of the best things I ever read, the plot, whilst held similarities to scream, had such a creative own twist to the authors imagination. I absolutely loved it, Tara and Detective made my day for weeks, and then came Rumor has it and now two others hold my heart, and break it, a lot. this series feels like its gonna hurt me. But overall Honorary simp is such an underrated writer and I really hope that more people will notice you out there and give you some more well deserved attention because God damn your fics are masterfully crafted and I don't even have the words to describe how much I adore them, all I can say is that I carved a space in my heart for Detective and Lucky.
that was longer than I intended but all of these authors came from the top of my head so they mean a lot to me. Tumblr is a way better place with all of these creative souls in it and honestly I wouldn't have gotten far without all this inspiration surrounding me ❤️
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kiame-sama · 19 days
Twisted Wonderland Monsterverse AU?
What monsters do you think each of the characters would be? (With the exception of the Beastmen, Mermen and Fae Characters since they’re technically monsters already)
These are a few ideas on what I think some of the characters might be (You can change these, since I’m mainly guessing)
I can definitely see Jamil as a Naga
Kalim makes me think of an Otter (So cute and adorable that you can forget that Otters are dangerous)
I feel like Vil would probably be a Harpy, specifically a Peacock Harpy (Very pretty, confident and can be aggressive)
Rook would probably also be a Harpy, specifically one of the Birds of Prey (He’s a Hunter after all) like a Peregrine Falcon or a species of Eagle
Idia would a God of Death, the Dead and Ruler of the Underworld and Ortho either being a Soul or Cerberus(?)
I feel like Silver would either be Human, Bear or a Bird, like a Barn Owl (They’re very cute)
Did most characters, some are more than a little obvious (given they are already creatures in Twisted Wonderland anyway).
Divus is a Selkie and is very protective over his fur.
Sam is a Shadow man (we all saw that coming).
Vargas is a minotaur.
Trein is a sphinx.
Crowley is a Crow Fae (obviously).
Ace is a Satyr and thinks playing the pan flute is dumb.
Deuce is a Faun- basically a Satyr with better horns and a stronger sense of justice, known for helping lost travelers.
Cater is a water nymph and is often seen bothering Trey while he is resting in the waters of the lake of Heartslabyul.
Che'nya is a Bakeneko- cat creature that typically symbolizes bad luck. I think he would have two tails or a forked tail.
Trey is a Kelpie centaur and often seen with Riddle as they are good friends, or Cater riding around on his back despite the usual warning that comes with trying to ride a Kelpie.
Riddle is a unicorn centaur and he hates that so many tease him about being a 'girly' creature. Very gifted with magic and extremely proud, his mother was very strict about Riddle being the perfect unicorn growing up.
Jack is a Werewolf.
Ruggie is a Gnoll.
Leona is a Nemean Lion.
Azul is a Cecaelia- basically what he is now, an octo-merman.
Jade and Floyd are Eel Mermen (predictably).
Kalim is a Genie that genuinely wants to help people and grant wishes but always winds up granting wishes that have unfortunate unforseen consequences.
Jamil is definitely a Naga, but he is the Naga that protects Kalim's lamp and treasure since Kalim is a Genie from a long line of powerful Genies.
I agree that Vil is a Peacock Harpy. He loves to preen and make a show of fanning out his tail-feathers, very proud and wickedly smart.
Neige is a mourning dove Harpy.
Rook is a Drider- spider centaur- specifically a Huntsman-Spider Drider who is a master of spinning web traps and even hunting down his prey, as Huntsman-spiders (usually the males) are voracious wandering predators. (I headcannon all Driders can spin webs)
Epel is a wood nymph, specifically of the Apple tree variety.
Idia is a Shinigami. Technically still a death-god and likely a high ranking death-god given he is already descendant of a high ranking family.
Ortho is also a Shinigami, he is still the little brother of Idia despite what happened to him, so I'm saying he is still a Shinigami.
Silver is a Cervitaur- a Deer centaur- and is just starting to get more prongs on his horns, which Lilia is absolutely thrilled with and often teases Silver about.
Lilia is a Bat Fae.
Malleus is Dragon Fae.
Sebek is a Raiju Fae.
Rollo is a Fire Nymph.
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magicvicky1 · 10 months
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Get yourself a man that would slay your enemies in the name of love XD
Since the original is in spanish, here’s the translation:
“If you want, I can take care of cutting the throat of the leader of the Raijus”
“Heh, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a tempting proposition.”
“Why can't they flirt like normal people?”
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lychniis · 2 years
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raiden ei , ningguang , shenhe x reader.
“your love is reciprocated.” + “loyalty / i will stay by your side.” + fluff
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WARNING(S) : mentions of blood ( ei ), dead animals ( shenhe ) and a few slight sugar mama ( ??????????? ) implications and slight suggestive themes ( ningguang ). however this is mostly fluff and three women low key simping for you.
#main masterlist | flos anthalogy masterlist
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&& . ei | raiden shongun · ( the battle is over ; rest with me )
THERE WAS BLOOD on the floors of the Tenshukaku. 
Ei has seen plenty of it in her time alive, from the details of war and her countless campaigns. She has seen blood on you in those moments on the battlefield, but your loyalty always stayed unwavering and your resolve, unyielding. The stalking tiger, the Raiju who tears apart those who oppose her with claws made of cloudburst and a roar that invokes your thunderous wrath.
( Your name was one Ei cherished amongst her closest friends and a name those she reviles, grow to fear. )
It was an honor, you’d say, to serve under her, to fight for her, to lay down your final words in her name. It was an honor, you’d say but even with the centuries Ei holds in her hands and the never ending cycle of loss that she lay witness to, the traitorous thought of you turning into stardust ( just like everyone else, again and again and again ) still invades her mind during her moments of solitude, when the noise from Inazuma and Yae’s voice no longer berates her. 
Perhaps in the end, Ei was a weakling to fear something so unlikely. To fear the news of you never returning from a crusade, the news that she’d never see you again, that you’d turn into one of the many faces she now mourns for. Another friend lost to time, another absence that leaves a cold spot behind her.
There was blood on the floors of the Tenshukaku.
And Ei was afraid.
“Milady, you worry too much.” You assure with a laugh while the healers throng about your bleeding body. Your clothes were stained red and Ei see the handle of a spear gutting into your abdomen but you still smile ( and she thinks it’s radiant, even in the macabre state you were in ). She does not move though, quietly watching your wounds treated, the glow of hydro reflecting off of your face with a pale blue sheen. 
Ei did not know how to heal. It was Makoto who sealed your wounds and sang for you and Ei between a cup of tea and a platter of mochi. Ei only knew how to fight and wield her spear. In a situation that called for gentleness like her sister’s, she finds herself useless.
( She wants to help you, to ease your pain. The poison in your wound was hardly lethal for a spiritual being like you, but you still wince whenever you shift and your hand still twitches and your jaw still clenches. It shouldn’t hurt you but it does, just as watching you suffer so stings her heart. Ei know, she knows you hide more than you let on. And she knows she can only watch you suffer in uncomfortable silence. )
Once you were tended to and your torso was wrapped with linen, Ei sat herself beside you with a frown on her face. You raise your head a little, indecisiveness settling in your gaze. Ei tucks brushes some of your hair away with a sigh. 
“You worry me, sometimes.” she admits, her voice soft, like she was opening up her box of secrets and her thoughts, letting you catch a glimpse of the terrified woman beneath the stoic warrior. “Please, do not turn to such recklessness again.”
You hum, your eyes snapping shut for a brief moment. “I will try, Almighty Shogun…”.
She does not believe you.
A hand rests upon hers. Ei’s glances at you. Your eyes crinkle at the corners. “I won’t be leaving anytime soon, Ei.” Her name escapes your lips easily ( and she finds her cheeks heating up jut a tad bit, for you, a friend, a companion, perhaps more, perhaps… ).
She sighs, lacing her fingers with yours and she presses a gentle kiss on your knuckles. You pass her an embarrassed look but she cares little of it. The promise had been made and she mulls over the thought till she nods with contentment.
“I trust your loyalty, then.”
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&& . ningguang · ( the loveliest of treasures ; she holds close )
“EYES ON ME now.” Ningguang smiles, her metal tipped fingers raising your chin up to meet hers. The brush tickles as it paints a line of red over your eyelid but it was the act that seizes hold of everything that was logical and rational in your mind. Ningguang’s closeness, the softness of her hold, her own scarlet rimmed eyes, her smile —
She was golden; when you look at her long enough. Like the sunsets beheld from the Jade Chamber or the minted mora she so keenly seeks and adores. She was always golden, even as the young girl who you’d accompany to Yaoguang Shoal and share a hot snack with at the stairways of shops and bookstores. Ningguang, who was the face of beauty in Liyue’s streets, who captured hearts around her.
( You were one of them, from the start, from that moment she had taken your hand and whispered your name one chilly night beside a small campfire, with nothing but the stars and the sky above you two. )
It was her hum that brought you out of your wandering thoughts and back to reality. “It’s smudged.” she muses, completely unbothered by the mess of red at the corner of your eye. Wiping away the ink, she dips her brush back into the pot again and leans in closer. “Now, stay still…you keep fluttering your lashes and it hinders my work…” 
“Alright…” you could help but giggle, staying still and willing your eyelids to cease it’s nervous movement. You felt that coldness on your skin again and she began her work once more with meticulous detail. Her touch grazes against your chin then down, down, down to your neck, her lips turning up cheekily. “Ningguang…” you whisper with a breathless lilt and her scarlet gaze pins you down.
“Yes?” she teases, brushing up against one particular spot and your head jolts — you were laughing. She was smiling too, her head tilted to the side and her hair stroking your cheek softly when she shifts to place something on the marble table beside you two. You couldn’t see what it was, too focused on her cleaning the smudged ink off of you once more. 
“Oh dear…” her concern and annoyance was painfully false and it only served to make you laugh even harder, the humor in your chest rising and rising till you were reduced to nothing but a giggling pile in her hands. “You’ve gone and smudged your makeup again.”
“You know I'm ticklish!” you cry out helplessly. “You may as well have one of your servants do it for me if it bothers you so, no?”
Something flashes in her stare and you wonder if your mischievous words struck a little deeper than expected. Ninnguang always shrugged vitriol off easier than she made her money. She could hardly be bothered by it and she knows you were flippant in your intentions and delivery; a forgettable statement at best.
Your laughter ceases when you see her brow pinch and her painted lips purse.
“Hm, yes…” she hums, lifting your chin up. “I could do that…but I’m a terribly greedy woman and I hardly think I would pass up an opportunity to have you like this…” a pause. “...for myself…” she adds. 
You hardly expected that from her, how her voice seems to grow heavier as she whispers her ‘I love you.’ They were frequently shared words between friends, between you and her as an innocent gesture and an affectionate one. The ‘I love you’ uttered by the two of you hardly holds the weight of romance.
( You keep telling yourself that, that lie, even when Ningguang kisses your cheek, or buys you everything and anything under the sun, who lets you into her chambers and rests beside you, speaking of the days when you were both reckless children racing barefoot across the beach. )
“I love you too, mi-guang.” you reply. She stares at you, long and hard, face betraying no emotion whatsoever.
That was when you noticed the dragon and phoenix chopsticks on the table and the look on her face says everything.
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&& . shenhe · ( the warmth of a meal ; she missed it so )
YOUR FIRST SIGHTING of Shenhe, the crane girl was at the valleys of Juehyun Karst, a bouquet of Qingxins in your hand. She was a silver shape in the distant peak, with hair like star glitter and her spear at the ready ( strange, solitary, and so far away and alien ). The muffled scream of an abyss mage follows, then a palpable silence.
You wasted no time in packing your things and leaving. Death was not something welcomed yet.
The second time you saw Shenhe, it was in Liyue harbor. She was staring at a noodle stall with the intensity of a warrior who anticipates glorious battle. She also wasn't blinking either and the poor stall keeper, for all his modesty, was beginning to nervously sweat under the heat of her gaze.
“Is something wrong?” you step in, anxiously glancing between him and the silver girl ( and you think you’ve heard of her, of the adeptus of Aocang who exorcized the demons that dared sink their claws into hallowed ground ). The silver girl only huffs.
“That is none of your concern.” and then, she leaves the two of you behind with shared bewildered stares.
The third time you saw Shenhe, it was at Juehyun Karst again. She stands close now, close enough for you to see her impassive stance and feel her scrutinizing glare. As beautiful as the silver woman was, she was a terrifying creature, like a gilded dagger ( beautiful and sharp ). But you nod politely and quietly leave behind some of your spare lunch; a bowl of noodles.
The bowl was empty when you returned.
The fourth time you saw Shenhe, she was at your gate. You try not to scream when you catch sight of her tall frame, terrified that you may have sought out her wrath in some way. To be cursed or killed by an adeptus…the most you could do now was pray to any listening god for your safety.
She does not come any closer though and any monster foolish enough to wander too close was killed.
( She did catch your gaze once, when you placed a bowl of hot Banmian on your windowsill and retreated back, much like an inexperienced bumpkin handling a dangerous tiger. She wordlessly collected her food when your back was turned and returns the dish without so much as a thank you. )
The fifth time you saw Shenhe, she was at your doorway, with two dead fowls in her hands. You figured she must have liked your cooking because she holds the birds up with solemn expectancy ( and you were struck by how child-like she seemed at that moment, like she was waiting for a promise to be fulfilled, for a faraway dream that she deemed perfectly attainable ). You take them, anxiously glancing between her and her supposed gift.
“Will you cook some for me?” she asks, her tone still curt and apathetic, but you sense — just sense — a hint of hope and perhaps some longing as well beneath it all. Her frame glows white ( she looked like a lost spirit…perhaps she was a lost spirit ), her light blue eyes stay trained upon you. You nod.
“What would you like?” you ask.
“Noodle soup.” her answer was immediate, almost practiced and you wonder why she seems so fixated on that dish. “For you too.” she adds, pointing to the second fowl. You blink. That was...sweet...?
An hour later, you set the table and she helps herself, content with her meal. You do not question it; simplicity was a life you liked living and you doubt she was ready to answer any questions that were brimming up to the surface like scalding magma.
Shenhe keeps returning with food and with her visits, comes a comfortable familiarity. She’ll tell you about her studies under the adepti and you’d tell her about the harbor. You weave Qingxins in her hair when you think she isn't looking; when she knows you’re there, but she sees no reason to talk, you utter her name with a smile now rather than a nervous tug at your lips ( and it comes out easily, and it feels like silk on your lips ) and she tentatively grasps your finger with hers during evening walks. 
( The two of you witnessed a couple do so once during the Lantern Rite. It was the first time you saw her shy hesitance when it came to touching you, but she was gentle for a being who knew violence ).
“If anyone dares to bother you,” she declares one day. “Tell me of them and I'll break their legs.”
You raise a brow, mildly distressed. “Surely that's not how you confess your affections for me…?” you utter under your breath, drawing your free hand away from a paper kite. Shenhe frowns.
“Is that not romantic? From what I have read in books, the willingness to protect a loved one is viewed to be quite appealing…”
You stare at her this time, at Shenhe who stares back with a confused tilt of her head, at the girl who lived tucked away within the realm of the gods high in the mountains, at the warrior who bore too much emotion in a single body and knew so little about humanity, who comes home everyday with a dead animal as a symbol of her courtship.
“Just kiss me already.” you sigh, exasperated. Shenhe’s cheeks flush pink but she dips her head and presses her lips against yours.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
requested by : @muse-hub
raiju, in shintoism is actually the animal totem or comanion of raiden / narukami, the god of thunder. it's name literally means thunder beast and since it's species was never specified, there are a lot of iterations on what animal it was. a few popular ones are the wolf, the dragon and the tiger ( which is what i went for the reader here ). and yes, raiku, that tiger pokemon is actually inspire by raiju's tiger iterations. pretty cool, huh?
the dragon and phoenix chopsticks are usually given to married couples as a symbol of marital bliss and good luck. it's one of the reasons why zhongchi as a ship blew up so much, since zhongli gave childe a pair of the same chopsticks XD. while it is left ambiguous by hoyo, i'd like to think that this is either ningguang pulling all the stops and telling the reader to just flat out marry her, or is subtly asking them out.
the nickname the reader uses for ningguang is a play on words of sorts. some chinese nicknames shared between friends usually features a pun of sorts or a play on their names ( since chinese names can have similar pronunciations but completely different characters and meanings ). the name used means 'peaceful stroll'.
food in chinese culture is pretty important when it comes to forming bonds as well as to bring people closer. it plays a pretty significant role in festivals for this precise reason as well ( and i find it pretty fascinating since food in itself seems to share that universal value...at least in my culture as well. eating anywhere but at the table was considered pretty disrespectful ).
taglist — @x-zho, @dustofthedailylife, @deus-lapidis, @silentmothss, @nebulaera, @niverine, @aestellia.
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AINE © 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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257 notes · View notes
amatchinwater · 6 months
So, hey. 👀 I have a prompt. 👀 Actually, I have two, and I hope it's okay I'll send them in one 🥰
"“i’ll kiss you right now to prove i don’t feel anything for you” but the kiss proves the exact opposite"" for Stisaac
"i’m watching you date all these other people and i don't know what it is i'm feeling but it's definitely not jealousy" for Steo (preferably with jealous Theo because I love jealous Theo 😍 But you don't have to. I'm gonna love it either way. 🥰 )
Gods, I don't even want to think about how old this ask is 🤦‍♀️ but I finally got the second one done!! Thank you, babes 💚💚
Pairing: Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken Mason Hewitt, Tracy Stewart, Corey Bryant, unnamed OG male character,
Warnings: drinking, rejection, mentions of past Sterek, Stiles thinks he can drink and fuck the breakup pain away, irritated Theo, jealous Theo
Words: 3033
Prompt: jealousy prompt in ask, thanks again, Laura 💚
Ao3 link Masterlist
Do you know what it feels like to have happiness? True happiness. Only to have it yanked away from you with no hope of stopping it?
Stiles does.
Twice in his life, aside from his mother’s death, has it happened. Once in the form of his childhood best friend and schoolyard crush Theo moving away shortly after a death in both of their families. Right when they probably needed each other the most. The second, and arguably the worst, was Derek Hale breaking up with him and also leaving town…and the country. 
At least Theo kept in touch, Derek cut him off cold turkey. 
It hurt like a mother fucker.
Even now with a healthy pack and a good life, six months later, Stiles still doesn’t feel quite whole. Like the wound is still fresh without an ounce of scar tissue in sight. 
“Are you coming tonight?” Tracy asks, flopping on the couch next to him and setting her feet in his lap. “Or are you finally staying home?” 
He doesn’t miss the suggestion in the kanima’s tone. That Stiles should stay home tonight. But the fox won’t. A fact they’re both more than aware of. 
Stiles will go to the club like every other time. Searching for someone with a hero complex insisting they can help him forget his ex. They mostly do. For the duration they’re in the fox’s bed at least. The moment the post-coital haze clears, Stiles is missing Derek all over again. Feeling guilty for what he’s done for the hundredth time. 
Because that’s the thing about rebounding with a bunch of strangers that no one tells you about. You’re still the same broken shell of a person afterwards. Nothing changes just because you had an orgasm. You’re still hurt. 
“Of course he’s going,” Theo huffs, all but stomping off the last step.
And he’s right. Even though Stiles knows it won’t make him feel better, he can’t stop.
“When are we leaving?” The fox asks, making Theo scoff. “What’s your problem?” He asks, rolling his eyes towards his Alpha.
“Nothing at all,” Theo mumbles in annoyance from the kitchen. “I’m staying home tonight, let me know when you guys are heading back,” the Alpha stalks back upstairs without another word.
Right. Okay, Stiles should probably back up a bit. He mentioned having a healthy pack now. With Derek gone, it’s obviously not the Hales. But Scott isn’t his Alpha either. When Theo came back to Beacon Hills at the beginning of their senior year, he and Stiles reconnected as if he’d never left. He was an Alpha and quickly built a pack of stray supernatural creatures both Scott and Stiles didn’t even know existed. 
Well, they knew about kanimas. But not raijus or that were-jaguars were a thing. Or that there were creatures that could turn invisible! Nor that kids they went to school with were supernatural and right under their noses. Granted, Stiles was a human at the time and literally never would’ve known. 
What bothered Scott the most is hard to say. Unclear to which straw finally broke the camel’s back. It’s always possible that it was just a culmination of everything that got to the True Alpha. In part, it definitely had to do with the fact that Theo wouldn’t relinquish his title as Alpha because Scott asked him to. And he shouldn’t have either, in Stiles’ opinion. The coyote got his power fair and square by his Alpha passing it on. 
Then it boiled down to how close he and Theo became.
They were best friends before Stiles even met Scott. Even over the years when they stayed in touch, there never felt like distance between them. There’s nothing that Theo doesn’t know about. No secrets. 
At first it started with Stiles already having plans with the coyote. But eventually it progressed to Stiles forgetting about pack nights because he was with Theo. And then the Alpha asked if he’d think about joining his pack since he sees Scott so little and seems happier with Theo.
Saying yes had never been so easy. 
He even accepted the bite.
Because Theo was absolutely right. After Allison, there was always an uncomfortable air around Scott and Stiles. On the surface, the fox was happier.
Not happy. But happier.
So off to Sinema he goes. Pack in tow save for their Alpha.
“What are the chances I can get you to be my wingman tonight?” Josh asks, looping an arm around the fox’s shoulder. “I need some of that luck you always seem to possess.”
Any other night, Stiles probably would’ve said yes. But for some reason Derek is at the forefront of his mind tonight. And there’s something clearly pissing Theo off. So for the sake of not thinking about either Alpha, the fox knocks back his fourth- fifth?- wolfsbane infused drink courtesy of Hayden.
Throwing a wink at the raiju, Stiles says, “watch and learn young padawan.” He can’t focus on fully helping Josh right now. But if he pays attention, it could work out for him.
It did with Corey and Mason.
Grated, Mason was so far gone on Corey, he didn’t really need to do much to get the human. 
Feeling that last cocktail settle in his blood, Stiles makes his way towards the dancefloor. It wasn’t until after Derek that the fox realized just how much he likes dancing. Or the fact that once he loosens up, Stiles is actually pretty good at it too. Moving through the sea of gyrating bodies, he finds himself a nice little space off the center.
That’s his trick. He’s close enough to the outside that someone sitting down can see him. But he’s also enough in the crowd that people on the dancefloor have eyes on him too. The more visible you are, the more chance you have of taking someone home. 
It takes no time at all for someone’s hands to find his waist. Stiles doesn’t even bother to push people away anymore. Company is his goal after all. So when the person pulls him close, grinding the fox against him, Stiles lifts his hands up, curling his fingers into their short strands. 
When the song changes, the body behind him makes no effort to move. So Stiles takes the initiative to turn around, see who’s interested. He’s surprised to find someone who looks like they could be Derek’s body double. It’s almost scary. But it deals the deal for the fox. Determination setting in to take this guy home. Maybe one last hook up, this time with Derek Lite, will be just what Stiles needs.
“Hey, handsome,” the fox lightly slurs over the music, “what are the chances I can get you to go home with me?”
Blunt and to the point.
Works every time.
The hands fall from his waist, the stranger’s face softening. “I’m sorry,” he leans in, not knowing that Stiles can hear him perfectly. “I was just looking for someone to dance with and you’re really good. You’re not my type, sorry.”
“Right. ‘Course, have a good night,” Stiles says, biting his remark away. The ‘you rub your boner on me but I’m not your type, huh?’ stings the back of his throat. The fox leaves the dance floor, making a beeline for the exit. 
That always works.
It didn’t work on Derek either.
Okay, that’s just fucking rude. The voice in his head has no right to say shit like that. Derek wasn’t some guy in a club. He was a good Alpha and brother who left town to protect his sister.
That doesn’t help it sting any less that an essential carbon copy of the Alpha rejected him.
The fresh air hits his face and all of the alcohol Stiles consumed makes itself known He’s not going to throw up, but he feels how much he had to drink. The fox doesn’t stop moving until he gets to the alley on the side of the club. Crouching down, Stiles puts his head in his hands.
He should be over this by now. Why the fuck does it still hurt so much? The fox’s eyes sting with tears. Drunk or not, he’s not going to fucking cry.
He won’t.
A hand rests on the fox’s shoulder, Josh’s scent filling his nostrils. It’s a comfort like no other. Stiles doesn’t know what he’d do without the raiju. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“He broke me,” Stiles snaps, looking up at his best friend with blurry eyes. “I’m broken, Josh,” the fox sobs, tears spilling down his cheeks. He said he wasn’t going to cry, dammit. But here he is, one simple question from the raiju- one he could’ve said no to- and Stiles’ drunken brain releases the floodgates. 
He feels pathetic.
“But you’re not,” Josh speaks softly.
“Yes, I am!” Stiles sniffles, angrily wiping his face dry. “I’m not his type,” the fox scoffs, “Derek left me.”
“Okay, well fuck both of them. They’re idiots if they can’t see how great you are.” Josh looks at him earnestly, “but I also don’t think sleeping with a bunch of nameless faces is going to make you feel better. Kinda seems like it’s been doing the opposite.”
“Excuse me?”
“Look,” the raiju sighs, “I’m not trying to piss you off or control you. I’m just trying to help you. It’s kind of my job.”
Josh is right. Stiles knows that. But how else is he supposed to get by? Who else is going to want someone as damaged as him?
“How about instead of hooking up with everyone you can,” Tracy rounds the corner of the building, “you take a look at what’s right in front of you.”
Stiles, rather drunk and confused, looks at his best friend who is indeed in front of him. 
“You mean Josh?” Don’t get him wrong, his best friend is rather easy on the eyes. But that’d be like dating his brother. No, thank you.
The raiju laughs.
“Oh my god,” Tracy groans, scrubbing her face in aggravation. “You are not that dumb or blind,” the kanima scoffs. Stiles gives her a blank stare and shrugs. “For the love of- Theo! He’s in love with you, you idiot!”
Stiles’ heart stops.
“Bullshit,” he snorts. “Theo doesn’t even look at me like that.” If he did, Stiles would’ve tried something with his childhood crush a long time ago. Theo’s hot and nice and actually cares about him. He gently hits Josh’s arm, “tell her to stop fucking with me.”
Josh pulls a face, lifting a shoulder, “she’s not.”
Stiles’ heart stops again.
Then he laughs. A full on giggle fit that doesn’t stop even when they get him in the car. Laughs as he explains his behavior to Mason and Corey. But when they pull into the driveway and they give him the same look Josh had, Stiles sobers up real quick.
They’re home.
And Theo’s inside.
Who doesn’t like, but loves him. 
What’s breathing? Stiles has forgotten how to do it, but he’s pretty sure it’s something that’s supposed to be automatic, not a conscious choice of inhaling and exhaling.
“Uh, hey guys,” Mason’s voice echoes beside him in the back seat, poking his shoulder.
“What?” Josh asks, putting the car in park.
Tracy actually turns around, “oh shit.”
“What?” The raiju repeats, looking behind him, “shit. Stiles?”
The fox is frozen, staring at the house. Full of alcohol and nervous energy. “He’s going to think I’m a whore,” Stiles mutters, his brain running a stomach churning montage of all of the people he’s slept with. 
All the while Theo knew about and said nothing in the way of disapproval. Unless you count his attitude. 
Gods, Stiles feels like such an idiot.
The kanima cackles. Actually cackles, “oh, honey. If anything Theo is just jealous and upset you’ve never let him grace your bed.”
“Why do you think he was so upset tonight?” Mason asks, rubbing the back of the fox’s neck. Even as a human he understands how to calm them down.
That would explain the Alpha’s attitude, sure. But still, “Why did he never say anything?”
Everyone in the car gives him a shrug.
“Guess you’ll have to ask him yourself,” Corey says, leaning over Mason and Stiles to open the car door.
“What?” The fox looks back and forth and before he knows it, the couple shoves him out of the car. If not for his supernatural reflexes, Stiles would’ve eaten the concrete.
“We’ll see you in the morning,” Josh yells through Tracy’s open window.
The car door slams closed, tires squealing in its haste to get out of the driveway before the fox can react.
“Dicks,” Stiles mumbles, turning and facing the house. 
His body really wants to go into flight mode. Guess it’s time to put his big boy pants on. His heart picks up, fingers shaking trying to use the key to unlock the front door, one thought nagging him.
Has he been hurting Theo this whole time?
“Dammit,” he squeezes his eyes closed, pushing open the door. The only sound inside the house is his Alpha’s heartbeat. Too quick to be sleeping. A page turns. “Theo,” Stiles calls out, closing and relocking the front door.
Please don’t ignore him.
There’s a pause followed by a sigh, “In my room.” 
His heart is thundering in his chest. Yes, the revelation from the pack sobered him up, but the fox isn’t sober. There’s still a buzz in his head and a slight wobble to his legs. Stiles very carefully walks up the stairs to the Alpha’s room. The one right next to his. At least their walls are soundproof, so unless a door is open, you can’t hear shit. 
Meaning Theo never had to hear Stiles with the people he brought home. 
The smallest of consolations because Theo still knew they were there.
When Stiles makes it to the Alpha’s room, Theo is propped against his headboard reading Catching Fire. No shirt on and gray joggers. He is a sight to see. Why the hell did Stiles never even flirt with the guy? He’s more than aware of how hot Theo is. Maybe the fox just didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Or step over any pack bounds. 
Excuses, honestly.
“Hey,” Stiles says a breath above a whisper. His tipsy brain says the best course of action is why not try for some flirtatious humor to break the tension? “You waitin’ up for me, handsome?” The fox leans against the doorframe with a grin.
“No one warming your bed tonight?” Theo asks in a sour tone. Not even bothering to look up from his book, simply turning the page. 
Alcohol takes control of Stiles’ tongue, “I was hoping you would.” 
It’s unmistakable. The rush of arousal coming off the coyote. His fingers twitch against his book. “So they told you.” But Theo still doesn’t look up.
“They might have informed me that I’m a moron,” Stiles says, stepping over the threshold. “That I had someone much better right here the whole time.”
That gets Theo’s attention. He looks up from his book, eyes flickering red for the smallest of seconds.
He’s getting to Theo.
“I don’t want your pity,” the Alpha closes his book. “You’re only here because it’s convenient. A fall back because no one came home with you.” Theo’s voice is full of something Stiles can’t quite place. Anger? Sadness? His words hurt just the way that Theo must hurt when he says, “You don’t actually want me.”
The fox snorts, filter nonexistent, “Are you jealous that people come home with me?”
Theo tosses his book on the nightstand, getting up from his bed. The fox is ready to drool. All he needs is to get his hands on the coyote. But Theo stays just a step away, “I’m watching you fuck all of these other people and I don’t know what it is I’m feeling,” Theo’s heart skips. “But it’s not jealousy.”
“Liar,” Stiles says confidently. Never once feeling so bold and so fucking nervous at the same time.
The Alpha scoffs, giving him a tongue in cheek smile. When their eyes meet, Theo crosses his arms to his chest, stepping closer, “I’m not lying, sweetheart.”
Stiles’ mouth dries out. Throat clicking when he swallows. Does the Alpha realize how he looks and sounds? He is growing determined to get Theo to crack. He’s putting on a face so that Stiles won’t know he’s getting to him.
As if he can’t smell it.
Unless Theo’s trying to be done.
The fox gets an idea. He nearly purrs at the thought. If Theo wants to drop it, he’ll let him. But if he doesn’t…
“Okay,” Stiles quips, “if that’s what you really want. For the record, it’s not pity, I’d never have stepped foot in the club in the first place had I known you had feelings for me too. But I guess I’ll just leave you be then” He turns to leave, ready to walk away if that’s really what the coyote wants. 
No matter how much it might hurt.
Theo’s hand curls around his wrist. “Don’t you dare walk away from me,” the Alpha growls, words charged and breath thick. “I can’t-” Theo takes a controlled breath, sounding small and vulnerable, “I can’t watch you walk away again.”
“Then don’t,” Stiles whispers, unable to properly breathe either. “I’m yours…if you want that,” that fox turns around meeting rubies. 
“Not just for the night, sweetheart,” Theo sounds like he’s begging, yanking the fox close. His arm wraps around the small of Stiles’ back, keeping him there.
Stiles gulps, imagining this very situation since he was a kid, “However long you want me.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep,” Theo tells him, eyes still glowing red, fingers twitching against his back. 
“Try me,” Stiles retorts, kissing Theo’s response away. 
The Alpha doesn’t pull back other than to drag Stiles to his bed. 
Needless to say, Stiles doesn’t return to Sinema again unless it’s with Theo on his arm. Nor does he sleep in his own room anymore. Theo’s room became theirs. 
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characters in the showdown!
I will be posting the brackets for part 1 soon
Characters in bracket
Part 1
Venom from Vemon
Sidon from BOTW
The Creature from The Shape of Water
Cthulu from H P Lovecraft
Ursula from The Little Mermaid
Rem from Death Note
Undyne from Undertale
Pyramid Head from Silent Hill
Dracula from Bram Stroker
The Kraken
Charon from Hades
Bowser from Super Mario
Goliath from Gargoyles
Harpy Eda from the Owl House
Smaug from The Hobbit
Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean
The Snatcher from A Hat In Time
Demona from Gargoyles
Emperor Belos from TOH
Billy from Hocus Pocus
Lunar Guardian Warwick from League of Legends
Slender man
The Xenomorph from Alien
zoe from monster prom
Medusa from mythology
Red Prince from Divinity 2: Original Sin
Winged Lion from Dungeon Meshi
the devil from the arcana
the high priesttess from the arcana
Angel of Death from Hellboy 2
punitto moe from overlord
zenberu gugu from overlord
shasuryu shasha from overlord
Yog Sothoth from hp lovecraft
the snake king from SnakeMan
jotunn from the ritual
William Birkin mutant form from Resident Evil
Hammerhead Sharkman from Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy
Radu from Seventh Son
Ghost Rider is from Ghost Rider
Drake from Blade Trinity
Sharktopus from Sharktopus vs Whalewolf
Felix Rosa the whalewolf from Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf
Scylla from Mamula
The Trench from Aquaman
Tao Tei from The Great Wall
White Spike from The Tomorrow War
Subject 20 from Forbidden World
The Gill-man from Creature from the Black Lagoon
surtur from Thor: Ragnarok
raiju from pacific rim
otachi from pacific rim
trespasser from pacific rim
knifehead from pacific rim
scunner from pacific rim
ink from bendy
the projectionist from bendy
Death from Discworld
Heavy from Alien Outpost
Leshy from COTL
Brooklyn from Gargoyles
Broadway from Gargoyles
monster x from godzilla final wars
gigan from godzilla final wars
Leomon from Digimon
Garudamon from Digimon
cave of wonders from Aladdin
azhdaha from Genshin Impact
osail from Genshin Impact
The Behemoth from Final Fantasy
Apollomon from Digimon
The Werewolf from the Doctor Who episode Tooth and Claw
The Beast from the Doctor Who episode The Satan Pit
Yugo Ogami from Bloody Roar
Venom possessed Thor from avengers assemble
Lake Yokai from Sailor Moon
Wither storm from Minecraft Story Mode
frankenstein's creature from mary Shelley
Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas
sloth from bayonetta
malphas from bayonetta
madama khepri from bayonetta
madama butterfly from bayonetta
labolas from bayonetta
gomorrah from bayonetta
diomedes from bayonetta
alraune from bayonetta
Hunson Abadeer from Adventure Time
Gummy from Gummy and the Doctor
Ln'eta from Sucker for Love
The crow mauler from fear and hunger
Te Ka from Moana
Alastair Crump from Haunted Mansion
Creeper from Minecraft
Springtrap from fnaf
The Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow
Clem from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Tuunbaq from the Terror
Indrid Cold's Mothman form from The Adventure Zone Amnesty
Urskeks from The Dark Crystal
urZah from The Dark Crystal
SkekSil from The Dark Crystal
Shina from Bloody Roar
Roxanne from fnaf security breach
Yautja from Predator
Undersea Gal from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Uranus from Bloody Roar
Gado from Bloody Roar
Shenlong from Bloody Roar
Rengar from League of Legends
Lunar Guardian Nasus from League of Legends
Jon Talbain from Darkstalkers
Angela from Gargoyles
Minotaur from greek mythology
spot from across the spiderverse
Lord Arum from The Penumbra Podcast
Abathur from starcraft
The Beast from Over the Garden Wall
Ultimecia (final form) from FF8
M'aiq the Liar from Skyrim
MELON from Beastars
Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect
Carnage from Marvel Comics
Blaidd from Elden Ring
Jzargo from Skyrim
Durnehviir from Skyrim
zinogre from monster hunter rise
scp 2521 from scp foundation
Part 2
werewolves from skyrim
the rajang from mhr
dimple from mob psycho 100
Maximus Lobo from X-Men
Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls
The Red Bull from The Last Unicorn
Lord english from homestuck
grim from the grim adventures of billy & mandy
the lorax
Stricklander from Tales of Arcadia
Darkness from Legend
Mr Mirrors from Fallen London
Kokushibo from Demon Slayer
Moon presence from bloodborne
Simone Lenoir from Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Peitha from Guild Wars 2
the grinch (jim carry) from how the grinch stole Christmas
the aliens from space invaders
clickers from the last of us
goomba from Mario
the wendigos from until dawn
Sheeva from Mortal Kombat
The Stalk from Saga
Mileena from Mortal Kombat
King Ghidorah from Godzilla: King of the Monsters
kolivan from voltron legendary defender
spriggans from skyrim
Red Guy from dhmis
Dragon from Shrek
The Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth
The Faun from Pan's Labyrinth
King Boo from Mario
Cerus from Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure
Orthax from The Legend of Vox Machina
The Balrog from The Fellowship of the Ring
Hexxus from Ferngully
beast from beauty and the beast
Lady Dimetrescu from resident evil village
Discord from My Little Pony
Narinder from Cult of The Lamb
cheshire from bayonetta
Asterius from Hades
The Emperor from Baldur’s Gate 3
lynels from botw
Sully from Monsters Inc
Paarthurnax from Skyrim
Ryuk from Death Note
Hermaeus Mora from Skyrim
Hellhound from Supernatural
Astaroth from Soul Calibur
Nemesis from Resident Evil 3
the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home from Welcome to Night Vale
Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors
astel, naturalborn of the void from Elden Ring
Kang and Kodos from The Simpsons
Licker from Resident Evil
Mr. X from Resident Evil
Mouth Of Sauron from Lord of the Rings
Laudna from Critical Role
Wiggly from Black Friday
Count Orlok from Nosferatu
Harry the werewolf from scary godmother
Barnaby from Billy Bust Up
Pride demon from dragon Age inquisition
Raziel from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Draco from Dragonheart
The Unusual Hilichurl from Genshin Impact
Serleena from Men in Black II
The Devil from Good Omens
Koh from A:TLA
The Enderman from Minecraft
Medusa from Greek Mythology
Enjou from Genshin Impact
Roz from Monsters Inc.
Swamp Thing from Swamp Thing
Cheetah from Wonder Woman
Killer Croc from DC Comics
Juggernaut from Deadpool 2
Hellboy from Hellboy
Hraesvelgr from Final Fantasy XIV
e. aster bunnymund from rotg
Toothiana from rotg
Lorelai from Vainglory
Amael from Vainglory
Phinn from Vainglory
Toothless from HTTYD
Papa Titan from The Owl House
The vampire from the Halloween Ring Pops box
Odahviing from Skyrim
Ganondorf from Tears of the Kingdom
Randall from Monster Inc
Papyrus from Undertale
Mettaton from Undertale
Jack from Jack in the Box
WereGarurumon from Digimon Adventure
Stormfly from HTTYD
zubeia from the dragon prince
Revali from BOTW
Mipha from BOTW
Red Dragon from Dungeons and Dragons
Black Dragon from Dungeons and Dragons
Silver Dragon from Dungeons and Dragons
Brass Dragon from Dungeons and Dragons
Baphomet from Dungeons and Dragons
Count Strahd von Zarovich from Dungeons and Dragons
Lolth from Dungeons and Dragons
Asmodeus from Dungeons and Dragons
Demogorgon from Dungeons and Dragons
Chernabog from Fantasia
Glamrock Freddy from fnaf
Mind Flayer from Dungeons and Dragons
elijah volkov from camp here and there
Abe Sapien from the Hellboy
The Wood Sprite from Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
Battle Beast from Invincible
Skelly Schelemeus from Hades
Kugo Sakamata from BNHA!
Genn Greymane from World of Warcraft
Dragon form Zhongli from Genshin Impact
Francoeur from A Monster in Paris
Childe foul legacy form from Genshin Impact
The Corinthian from The Sandman
Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Kaiju No. 8 from Kaiju No. 8
Sabrewulf from Killer Instinct
Piccolo from Dragon Ball
Sans from Undertale
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1-up-chump · 1 year
Hello! (^-^) I saw your post in which you said that you would be happy to talk about pre-MK1(2) Raiden, and so I have to ask: Would you be so kind to share your headkanons about Lord Raiden?👉👈
So my HCs for raiden mostly have to do with a backstory/lore addition thingy ideas for a story. Its all in my head and not written down concretely so it may be a mess.
Raiden as a young god was fierce, and scary to anyone who gained his ire. Luckily he was pretty reclusive and traveled slowly. His brother fujin, on the other hand, was more likely to interact with mortals and cause mischief. Contrary to what mortal kombat set up, Although young god fujin interacted with mortals more, it was only for his own amusement.
Raiden was dragged into helping mortals by his other fellow shinto pantheon when the elder gods contacted them. Raiden's first interaction with a mortal was in mortal kombat as a demonstration from shinnok (who at the time wasn't fully evil/did evil things) and raiden lost due to his own arrogance. The mortal was a middle aged woman who was exceptionally skilled with a bo staff, she inspired raiden to fight mostly with a staff and prefer it to any other weapon. She was his first unofficially trained warrior, although she was trained by inari first in preperation to fight against raiden.
So raiden has a fondness for older women, but women warriors in general. Needless to say this mysterious milf left quite the impression on raiden (did he fall in love with her? Thats a question lost to time)
Raiden's second humbling moment came from bo rai cho, as raiden was ment to travel earthrealm and meet the mortal masters who would train warriors to participate in the very first mortal kombat earthrealm would face. Raiden and bo rai cho first met at a tavern, got wasted, raiden was mad and fought bo rai cho for putting him through all these hijinks, and then lost bc bo rai cho kicked his ass with drunken style. And ever since then, the thunder god and drunken immortal were best friends.
In the very first tournament to defend earthrealm, they lost the first rounds badly. And raiden firsthand felt the taste of what mortal kombat brought. But in the final rounds one of his warriors saved the first tournament and became the first mortal kombat champion of earthrealm. Shang tsung.
But shang tsung had many personal problems that raiden could not understand as a god, and due to miscommunication and mishandling of emotions, along with dealing with the aftermath of shinnoks betrayal and slaying of many of his fellow gods. raiden drived a wedge between him and shang tsung. And that would cost earthrealm dearly in more ways than one. For shang tsung brought them their first victory, and their first betrayal and defeat.
Raiden learned from his mistakes and trained the great kung lao, became more sympathetic with mortality and his training less harsh. But Although the great kung lao defended earthrealm greatly, alas he was unprepared for greater threats of outworld. Great kung Lao was ultimately no match for prince goro.
Bitter defeat after bitter defeat, raiden was desperate for warriors. And ultimately when the turning of the modern ages came, raiden yet still, saw hope. In three young boys, liu kang, chan kang, and kung lao descendant of the great kung lao. Either one of them held potential to be the new mortal kombat champion, the protector of earthrealm. But so did many a warrior before them...
Raiden at this point in the time became more like what we see in the 95 movie or defenders or the realm. Wise, stubborn, a bit cheeky, but hopeful.
But enough about story, time for more personal hc! (Put under read more for convenience)
Raiden hates coffee and loves tea, will playfully give you shit for drinking coffee.
Kid thunder is actually raiju, the thunder beast that is raiden's furry companion. He had transformed into a youthful miniature version of him in recent years, raiden does not know why they do that. Johnny cage had given raiju's nickname out of misunderstanding that the thunder beast is blood related to raiden. Raiden is confused but accepts this.
Bo rai cho is actually not really from outworld and is from earthrealm. But he disclosed both times that fact while drunk, only raiden knows the truth. Raiden does not disclose the truth because he thinks it's amusing to see people guessing.
Raiden adores spicy foods, almost to intolerable degrees. He remains completely unaffected by the spice. It unnerves even his brother, fujin. His favorite food is spicy chicken karaage, which is basically fried chicken.
Raiden does not care about sexuality nor gender, he's a god and his true form is condensed electricity in the form of an oni-like being. But he's definitely masculine above all else.
Raiden is of yang (order, light) orientation but in a destructive manner. Fujin, his brother, is yin (chaos, dark) and opposite of him. But they love each other and have a strong brotherly bond. When fujin arrives, his brother is not far behind. Hence why fujin was depressed to be left guarding the sky temple alone while raiden trained warriors to protect earthrealm from mortal kombat, but fujin does not tell a single soul this fact.
Raiden and fujin are the only gods left in earthrealm. The other gods have not yet reincarnated, and several gods in other realms are unknown or dead and also awaiting reincarnation.
Raiden used to admire cetrion before she eventually lost his trust as well as the rest of the elder Gods.
Raiden has a complicated relationship with all of the ninjas, to varying degrees amongst each one. Raiden keeps his opinions about them to himself, lest he accidentally inact Mortal kombat...
Raiden adores children and protects them especially fiercely. Tries to make them feel comfortable and protected.
Raiden likes taking long hot baths.
Raiden does not like asserting his divine authority when unnecessary. Over the centuries he's learned that divinity is overrated, but he cannot help feel some satisfaction when using his power towards those that earned it. Good or bad.
Raiden has a strong bloodlust connected to his nature to destroy with light. It took many years to repress and hone this, only failing when shinnok's influence brought out those traits. Raiden has once told fujin that if he ever were to fall down such a path again, if it threatened earthrealm, to kill him. Without hesitation.
Raiden's hatred of shang tsung is not only out of resentment for betrayal, but of guilt from causing shang tsung down such a path. Raiden regrets and represses, shang tsung has forgotten the exact reason why he resents raiden in such a personal way beyond foiling his ambitions.
Raiden hates walking around when he can teleport. Raiden is lazy in certain areas.
Raiden has a dry sense of humor, as well as crude Although he tries to be appropriate.
Raiden sees kung lao as much a son as liu kang, and sonya and Johnny as well.
Raiden hates anything even remotely related to the nether realm, which makes his relationship with hanzo hasashi as an ally very... interesting.
Raiden wears a headwrap to not only hold his hair back in practical komabt use, but because he is lazy to tie it up in another style.
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jujumin-translates · 11 months
Event | Ayakashi Summer Festival | Chapter 8
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Misumi: It’s almost time for GOD-za’s performance.
Misumi: Aren’t you gonna go meet up with all of them before the show, Madoka?
Madoka: I sent them a message on LIME, I think that’s good enough. Besides, they already told me that I didn’t have.
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Misumi: Eh, why?
Madoka: Because they knew I was going to spend time at the summer festival with you, Nii-san, so they told me to just have fun with you all the way up until the performance.
Misumi: I see! I’m glad that everyone in GOD-za is so nice to you, Madoka~.
Madoka: Yeah, they are really good to me.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Looks like the staff members in charge of the stage have everything good to go, time for me to go take a seat and watch GOD-za’s performance.)
Izumi: (...Ah, it’s Misumi-kun and Madoka-kun. Fufu, they look like they’re getting along so well just sitting there talking with each other.)
Izumi: (It’s nice seeing them be together in their own little world, so I’ll make sure to stay out of their way. I’ll see if there’s anywhere to sit over there.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: I’m triangularly excited~! I wonder what kinda story GOD-za’s performance is gonna be~.
Misumi: Huh? What’s wrong, Madoka?
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Madoka: All the other troupes were so interesting on stage, so I’m just a little nervous…
Misumi: With your story and GOD-za’s acting, I’m sure everything will be okay!
Madoka: …Right. I believe in everyone, so I’ll believe in myself too. And most importantly, you believe in me, Nii-san.
Misumi: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Raiju: “…”
Izumi: (A raiju is looking down on the ground from up in the sky…)
Raiju: “...I’ve had my eye on that big mountain for a while now…”
Raiju: “He’s always sitting in that spot all by himself…”
Nekomata: “…”
Nekomata: “Hm, thunder… Is it going to rain?”
*Louder thunder*
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Nekomata: “Uwha.”
Raiju: “Phew…”
Nekomata: “…? What are you? A dog?”
Raiju: “What did you say? I’m a raiju, not a dog!”
Nekomata: “Hmph, what are you doing here?”
Raiju: “I was looking at this place from up above, and I took a liking to this spacious, high mountain that’s completely free of humans.”
Raiju: “However, why are there no humans?”
Nekomata: “Because I scared, threatened, and drove all the people who were living here away.”
Raiju: “Why?”
Nekomata: “It doesn’t matter why because it’s not any of your business.”
Raiju: “Hmmm. …Well, whatever, I like it here, so give me this mountain.”
Nekomata: “I’ll have to decline.”
Raiju: “Then I’ll just have to stay here until you give me the mountain.”
Nekomata: “What a pain. I’m still not giving you the mountain. If you really want to stay, be my guest.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Raiju: “Hey, hey.”
Nekomata: “Shut up and stop following me around!”
Raiju: “C’mon, don’t be like that. What are you going to have for dinner? What do you usually do for food around here?”
Raiju: “Hey, hey, do you catch fish in that river or something?”
Nekomata: “Ugh, stop bothering me already…! If it’ll make you shut up, then fine, I’ll answer your questions!”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Raiju: “Hey, why do you always sit in the same spot?”
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Nekomata: “...Before I became a nekomata… I was just a normal cat.”
Nekomata: “And the person who was my owner then slept there.”
Raiju: “...I didn’t realize.”
Izumi: (The nekomata tells the raiju about his past…)
Izumi: (Even though the nekomata was annoyed by the raiju at first, he eventually becomes more comfortable around him and begins to open up…)
Nekomata: “…? What?”
Raiju: “I’m sensing something bad…”
Nekomata: “Sensing something… Humans? Looks like they’ve come to take the mountain back.”
Raiju: “Way to go, Kitty. You’ve got good ears.”
Raiju: “Hmph, let’s kick these humans back to where they came from. Thunderbolt…!”
Nekomata: “Stop! You’re going to hurt them!”
Raiju: “Gh!? Why…? Aren’t you the one who drove them off this mountain in the first place?”
Nekomata: “...When I was just a normal cat, my owner and their neighbors always treated me kindly. I loved them all.”
Nekomata: “So I don’t want them to get hurt and I don’t want them to die either.”
Nekomata: “...The reason why I drove all the humans off this mountain was because I was incredibly distraught because my owner had just died…”
Nekomata: “Humans die too quickly. I just didn’t want to have to go through saying goodbye like that again.”
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Raiju: “You…”
Raiju: “...I see. I don’t know what that feels like, but I respect your feelings.”
Izumi: (The two of them try to hide so as to not be found by the humans arriving on the mountain. However, they are unfortunately found.)
Nekomata: “I’m the one the humans are after. I’ll act as bait and you make a run for it!”
Human A: “You greedy nekomata! Give us back the mountain!”
Human B: “You’re the one who drove us off of the mountain!”
*Blade slashes*
Nekomata: “Uugh!!”
*Arrows fire*
Izumi: (The nekomata is captured by the humans and assaulted with their weapons.)
Raiju: “I’ll never forgive those bastards…! Time to take things into my own hands! …But the humans… Shit.”
Izumi: (The raiju makes a move to attack the humans to save the nekomata, but remember the nekomata’s words, he holds back.)
Raiju: “How can you possibly love people who are doing such terrible things to you? How do you not want to hurt them…?”
Raiju: “Goddamnit…!”
Raiju: “I’ll just have to do things my own way…!”
Izumi: (The raiju decides to use thunder as a way to scare the humans into leaving.)
Izumi: (The raiju’s feelings towards the nekomata are well expressed.)
Raiju: “Nekomata! C’mon, Nekomata! I’ll save you, I promise…!”
Nekomata: “...I’m handing… This mountain… Over to you…”
Raiju: “…Gh.”
Nekomata: “This mountain is full of memories of me and my owner… Take good care of it…”
Raiju: “I will… I’ll protect it with my life.”
Nekomata: “…”
Izumi: (The nekomata watched as the raiju nodded before taking his last breath…)
Raiju: “...Snf… I c-couldn’t save you… I wish I had a little more time with you…”
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Raiju: “Uuh… Uueh… AAGHHH!”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Your story was really good, Madoka~! I knew I’d love this one, just like all the other stories you’ve written!
Madoka: Nii-san… Thank you.
Misumi: No problem! Ah, it’s almost time for me to go get ready to go on stage.
Misumi: It was only a little bit of time, but it was a lotta fun going around the festival with you, Madoka!
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Madoka: I had fun too.
Misumi: Ehehe, I’m glad~! Well then, I’m off!
Madoka: I’ll be watching MANKAI’s performance from here, so break a leg.
Misumi: Yeah, I’ll act my hardest! Make sure to get excited for our play~!
Misumi: (...I’m really glad that I get to meet up with Madoka and talk normally like this again. It’s really fun!)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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Okay I know I know obvious joke "they just got back together but of course divorce is looming again" but like
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Like this isn't a confontation you don't expect. When I first read this I thought "Oh, Snively is undermining him and trying to bring back the Iron Queen". It's not hard to come up with that one. After all, Robotnik knows Snively (and the other grandmasters) are all conspiring against him. In fact, he finds that enjoyable. So he only calls one of them out when an assassination or plan of usurping him fails (like when he caught Snively in the act of tampering with one of his Metal Sonic's).
But it turns out Mr. Eggman over here is being...dramatic. Yeah that's one word for what's happening.
Because...the only proof he has that Snively is being "treacherous" and not "falling back into line" are tapes of his conversation with the bride of the Raiju clan. And what did Snively do? He just asked how the Iron Queen was doing and where she was imprisoned (he did love her after all), and he rightfully gets exasperated at the idea of him calling the Dragon Kingdom proving his treachery. Sure, the signs are there if he wants to retrieve the Iron Queen, but he clearly hasn't yet done so. And she's not going to be as powerful as before even if he did, so what's Robotnik afraid of?
He can’t be afraid of the Iron Queen taking his forces again.
So he's afraid of...what?
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Mr. Flynn. Sir. Is Robotnik afraid of Snively leaving him? He's the one always telling Snively how he knows he'll come back, how he can't resist trying to use Robotnik to take power.
But before now, even if Robotnik was right—even if Snively does always come back to save his own hide, to get the power he craves, because he just can't help coming back to this little relationship—there is a new variable now. Hope, his only family? He'd ensured her safety, so Snively had no problem joining back with his uncle then. But Snively has fallen in love with someone else. Whether the Iron Queen was using him or not, he loved her. He believed she would allow him to achieve his dream of ruling without putting up with his uncle—a man who'd been neglecting his forces and losing their trust, neglecting the battle over his territory at hand, neglecting everything but his personal fight against Sonic, neglecting him (Snively), all because he couldn't handle one of many losses to Sonic the Hedgehog. Robotnik, purposely or not, pushed Snively away. And Snively opened himself up to love with Regina (the Iron Queen), because she wasn't neglecting him, she would say nice words to him and appreciate his assistance, she made him believe she loved him too.
And I cannot understate just how much his secret thing with the Iron Queen prior to her taking over was treated...almost like he was cheating. Dimitri even threatens to expose his romance (and their talk of treason) to Robotnik before Snively assures him that Regina can help out the Dark Legion.
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(Note the end usage of "your very violent uncle finds out about your little love affair" rather than the focus on Snively conspiring against Robotnik)
This is all to say that the new variable in our equation is that Snively had fallen in love with the Iron Queen.
And this is a threat to Robotnik—to his control over Snively, and to being able to keep him.
I implore you to go back to the third image I posted in this post.
"Say it's over. Say that your little romance with the Iron Queen is over. Give her up. Here. Now."
It's hard to also not interpret this as jealousy. It would be enough to keep them apart, to keep telling Snively the proof of how the Iron Queen was just using him. It would be enough to tell him that it's over and expect him to follow orders.
But this "little love affair"? He wants Snively to prove it to him that it's over. He wants Snively to prove, right in front of him, that he'll only be loyal to him (and perhaps that he'll only keep trying to take power through him).
Jeez he's like a jealous partner demanding their date never goes back to their ex ever again and in fact denounces their ex so they can feel assured that their date will be devoted only to them (because they're also insecure and demand control)
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But...I think this panel makes it clear that Robotnik doesn't have Snively as he once did. Their little game of Snively trying to usurp his seat of power and him foiling that plan and Snively running away to save his hide before running on back for the comforting familiarity of working under dear old uncle? It'll never be the same again. And it's clear to Snively that making him denounce his love completely, as if he's not allowed to even live with that love, even if he never betrays Robotnik or saves the Iron Queen, is crossing the line for him.
I'll be interested to see how this next divorce unfolds.
If you're still reading after that, I only created this readmore so I could scream over...this
I don't have much to say it's just...packed with so much
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The comedic timing of Robotnik freaking Snively out.
Snively, once again, getting to laugh and go on about how pathetic his uncle is (oh how the tables have turned).
Snively trying to lord over Robotnik just how much better his life is now with Regina compared to him.
Robotnik not only telling Snively that Regina is playing him and his feelings for a fool, but doubling down and asserting that Snively cannot love purely, because he's a coward who cares about his hide.
To Robotnik asserting again that Snively will be back, because he always comes back.
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teramancers-devlog · 11 days
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Type/A : Thunder Type/B : N/A Diet: Large Mammals, Birds, Reptiles. Avg. Height: 6'0"/ 183cm
"Elecouga live solitary lives up in the highest peaks of Annowa's beautiful mountain range, only meeting with one another during their breeding seasons. In ancient times, people believed that they alone were responsible for all thunderstorms, though we've known for quite some time that they're only the cause of 1/3rd of thunderstorms." - Dr. Neil Ayerg
"It is my hypothesis that these creatures are creations of a shadow government unknown to society at large, I mean HOW ELSE would such a creature just spontaneously grow those big metal thingies on its back? They must be some sort of surveillance device, i mean with such keen eyesight and living in just the right spot to see the whole nation, what other purpose could they possibly serve?!" - Anne Dromeda
This guy is a bit odd for the fact that he wasn't really based on anything in particular. Just sorta popped into my head one day. Might've been some kind of Raiju influence in there though. I love my little lightning homunculus.
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themaddisco · 15 days
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I'm trying to come up with ideas for powerups or magic items. Mostly this is what I came up with. I haven't came up with a power for the Quantum amulet yet. I'm having trouble deciding which ones are better, and I'm only going with a few. Jewel of Eternal Love: Generates a field of good energy and good magic, it negates evil energy, dark magic and misery. A whole town keeps this in a spot to feel good mainly. Perfect against demons and beings powered by hate and misery. Mask of Infinity: Scares of evil spirits, it mainly floats around you like a satellite. It scares monsters stiff like (Medusa turning people to stone) so they can't attack or move. Miracle Crystal: Grants a miracle form. A super form that can exceed beyond given limits. Quantum Amulet: ??? Lamp of Eternity: Shines a massive light that light up entire areas, it also destroys shadow magic and dark entities and reveals stuff.
Wand of the Saint: Breaks curses, spells and bad luck. It negates evil magic and energy and can free people from possession. Jewel of Invisbility: Makes anyone invisible to evil beings. The only thing is that your still visible to friends and family. Arcane Hourglass: Stops time for a minute, stopping monsters and hazards like ghosts or fires. Ankh of Revival: It can revive and heal anyone injured or killed. It doesn't work for malevolent entities though. Hyper Crystal: Grants hyper abilities and hyper form. Making anyone faster than anyone granting bullet time like speed. Amulet of the Dragon: Allows the person to summon the power of the Dragon. Amulet of Raiju: Allows the person to summon the power of Raiju. Lightning Orb: Allows you to create, manipulate and shoot lightning for electrifying attacks. This lightning uses a special energy magic that hurts malevolent beings and breaks their magic.
Lights of Magicus: A legendary source of mystical power renowned throughout the galaxy. Grants a shine armor super form and upgrades weapons. But it allows you to share it with friends and family. Why hog all the power when you can have your friends join you by giving them the same amount of power. Teleportation Orb: Teleports people in and out of places, if you get eaten by a monster or get trapped in an object or pocket dimension, you can teleport easily right out, even bring friends, family and stuff with you. Armor of the Guardian: Protects anyone from any kind of attacks or projectiles. It can deflect projectiles back or sometimes make enemies yield to you.
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cobaltperun · 24 days
Chapter 10 and the talks about raiju really made me miss WOTS🥲🥲🥺🥺
Also would love to read enemies to lovers in your writing!!
Yeah, trust me, I don't think anyone misses WOTS as much as I do. Can't wait for season 2 to finally be out so I can come back to that story.
And yeah, you'll be getting that enemies to lovers story really soon. 😁😁
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bifags · 2 years
ive discovered a new love for mayhem ever since i picked up raijus harness btw. theres something about hard countering most offensive supers thats so beautiful like the deflected supers show up as you killing them with that super in chat so its likeee. i got a dawnblade kill and a silence and squall kill in the same match. it rules
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