#I love stories where one or two of the Links get upset or fed up and just leave
artemistorm · 1 year
Wild, as they'd dubbed him, had been traveling with the group of eight traveling warriors for a few weeks now.
It was strange, the group came out of nowhere and then sought him out to help them search for a band of black blooded monsters they were pursuing, supposedly through time. Something about destiny, reincarnation, divine charge, yadda yadda yadda, but Wild wasn't convinced that their quest was real and that they even needed him.
"You're a hero, just like us, you belong with us," they said. But did he really?
As they'd traveled from central Hyrule, up into Akkala, then working their way back across toward Tabantha, the others had shared their stories and it was clear that their experiences were different from his. For one, none of them failed their quests.
Wild didn't tell them the full story of his Hyrule--there was no reason to--only the basics. Kept his failure, the long slumber, and his amnesia a secret.
It happened constantly that the others would say something innocent--a remark on how populated their hometown was, or how pretty their Castletown was, or how they'd reclaimed the coastline from monsters--little things they meant nothing by, but it caused Wild a sharp sting of guilt.
Wild kept his face calm and his polite laughter lighthearted. Keep them from suspecting anything was wrong. It happened over and over though, and it was starting to wear him down.
It got to the point where all Wild could think about was how they would disapprove and dislike him if they knew the truth. His heart hurt all the time and he felt guilt weighing on his shoulders, making him sick to his stomach.
One day, he stopped faking being fine, he remained withdrawn, staying at the back of the line, watching the rest of the heroes handle themselves in battle and over the challenges of the terraine. He didn't offer advice and they didn't ask for it. It was clear the Chain didn't need Wild and he certainly didn't need them.
Wild always knew he could just leave. He didn't have to stand for this discomfort any longer. Just like any other undesirable situation--unexpected lynel, blood moon while in talus territory, thunderstorm in the middle of the night--he could just teleport away.
It was tempting--it would be so easy to teleport right then to a random Shrine faraway--but no, he'd offer them the courtesy of at least announcing his departure. Sure, he was Wild, but he was also a knight and he still had his honor.
That night he cooked for them some hearty meat curry with plenty extra for the next day. The Chain chatted and ate and thanked him for cooking. Wild meant to leave as soon as he'd eaten his fill, but he lingered, allowing himself a moment to enjoy having company for a little longer.
But then conversation turned to childhoods. Some had a happy one, some didn't, having started their journeys early or with trouble and trauma.
"What was yours like?" Wind asked him. "How was growing up here in this huge wild Hyrule?"
Wild sighed. He was quiet for a brief moment, then stood up.
"I'm done," he said.
"I'll take your dishes then," Warriors said, who'd been assigned dish duty.
"No, not like that," Wild shook his head. "I'm done with all of you. Done with whatever mission you're on."
There was a quiet moment as the heroes processed what he said.
"What? Why?" Wind asked.
"Listen, I'm not who you think I am," Wild said. "And you don't need me around. You all are perfectly capable on your own."
"We do need you," Wind objected. "You're a hero. You belong with us." Wild shook his head.
"We need all hands for this mission," Warriors, the Captain said. "It's been a challenge even for the eight of us. We really could use your help." Somehow Wild doubted that.
"What went wrong?" Sky asked. "Can we talk through whatever is bothering you? Give us a second chance?"
"No. I am done with all of you." Wild said with finality. He shouldered his shield and sword, everyone watching him awkwardly, but nobody stopped him. "I wish you all good luck on your adventure." He bowed to them slightly, force of habit from a time long forgotten.
"Wait what?! Are you serious?" Legend exclaimed, jumping to his feet.
"W--what about the pot?" Hyrule asked.
"Keep it, it wasn't mine to start with," Wild said. He opened the map on his slate and selected the tower for the Gerudo region, somewhere faraway and secluded from people.
"Goodbye," he said, turning to blue ribbons of light and was gone.
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bokettochild · 3 months
Hey! So I just really wanted to ramble about thoughts about the lu boys what have been in my head for a while and I would love to hear your thoughts!
If zelda or fable would ever have kids which she would. I feel like she would have like three kids two being girls and one being a boy and her youngest daughter I feel like would be attached to legend like his biggest supporter and gets supper sad when he leaves for adventures.
I think we established that legend is the younger out of the two siblings? If so I feel like legend would just follow fable around like a lost puppy just to annoy her and be like "Zel? Zelda? Sister? Queen of hyrule? Fable?" Ans just use all of her titles to annoy her. It got to a point we're impa had to hid all the swords from fable so she wouldn’t kill legend.
I feel like before we found out time was married to malon like with his ring? I fell like he would torture the boys endlessly like "have you figured it out yet? (Who's ever name they said) ah. No." And he would lead them kn to a wrong person.
Modern au thoughts.
I feel like legend would want to be on Broadway but he'll keep it to himself instead of telling malon or time his dreams only hyrule knows.
If legend did get on Broadway I know that warriors would the annoying brother and be like "at (what ever Broadway play) sporting (and would use the roll of the character legend was playing)" and post it on his Instagram.
Sry this is mostly legend!
Um... why are you apologized for primarily Legend content? Darling, that is what I LIVE for LOL
Yes. Fable would totally have kids who all adore Legend, and he is the best uncle ever. Utterly spoils them rotten, always tells them crazy (actually true) stories, but in an age appropriate fashion since he doesn't want to upset them. Irregardless of how many she has, the kids have all gone through a phase where they just follow him around endlessly and hang off of him like he's some sort of furniture. Fable of course makes sure they understand that sometimes Uncle Link has days where he's in pain and can't play as much,a nd they all turn into worried little ducklings on those days, but most of the time he's all game for whatever they've got going on. After everything he's been through, and losing the love of his own life, his nieces/nephews are his reason to keep going and smile every day. (If Fable knew having kids was all it took to see him happy again she would have done it sooner honestly)
And yes. Legend is younger, so he does do annoying things sometimes. They're both rather mature for their ages, but he IS a Link, so yes, he breaks into her room, takes her stuff, and tracks mud all over the castle. If they get too fed up with each other, they will spar and they're both scary good at it, but Zelda actually tolerates a lot of Legend's chaos, and he's pretty quick to know when he's stepping far enough to make her actually angry, which they like to avoid. her anger is scary and rabbits tend to be timid, no matter how good an act they put up.
Time totally messed with them all. He'd have told stories about gals all the time and name dropped so many people just to watch the boys scramble to determine if that was the fabled spouse or if it was someone else. That's how the bets started actually!
Legend is totally a theatre kid! Yes yes yes. And Warriors is totally that annoying friend/relative/sibling that makes a point to support him in the most annoying ways he can think of. Kind of a soccer mom about it, ngl
(If you like the idea of Legend acting though, I'd suggest you check out my Opera House AU, it's pretty good if I do say so myself, although it's mostly just brainstorming right now)
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
“Exhausted” Hisoka x Female Reader
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Hello anon! Thank you for this request! If you all did not know, I am celebrating my 100 follower goal! Click this link to view the prompts and rules. If you are interested, send me an ask and please note that this event will end on July 15th. Again, thank you for the feedback and awesome support. Let’s get into the story! I know I said I was going to start on Monday, but since I had some free time, I began today! FYI, the tumblr app needs to be updated. I cannot stand it that you cannot title your posts on the mobile app. Please fix this immediately, Tumblr.
Word Count: 1385
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♠ ♣ ♠ ♣
“I wonder if I can make it to the doorstep without falling out…”
Waves of invisible heat floated in front and above your windshield as the radiation from the sun made it worse. To your luck, the air condition on your car had gone out and because of the horrific car insurance rates in Yorknew, it was almost impossible to get it fixed. The heat worked but the A/C did not. How stupid, right? The world has been engineered that to make a stable living you have to work for nearly 40-50 years and then retire but with how the country is right now, you may not see retirement. All of these intrusive thoughts caused your brows to press angrily against your eyes as the heat made you sweat more and more. Droplets of water dripped from your forehead while your underarms smelt like the insides of a man’s underwear. Life was beginning to drag. Mr. (m/n), your manager, had assigned you to interview several people in and outside of your neighborhood about switching to your car company and applying for discounted insurance. That’s odd. Why can’t you, the worker, have discounted insurance for the company you work for?
Working for 48 hours non-stop almost drove you insane. As you approached a familiar street, your eyelids began to close.
“Maybe if I close my eyes for a second, I will be able to make it inside…”
For a brief second, the thought of your incredible, quirky husband popped into your mind. His “Kiss the Cook” apron was tied firmly against his bare waist. Cooking without a shirt on was quite idiotic but he felt as if it freed him from being restricted. One time he surprised you on a night with just the apron on, exposing his bare behind. His red wavy hair would fall behind his ear and down the back of his neck. His bangs were slightly curled in front of his face. Without making a single sound, he’d scoop you into his arms, make growling noises, and playfully throw you in the bed. A slight blush was painted on his freckled cheeks. This was his idea of being passionate, as every man has their own definition of the word. The sound of his deep, soothing voice made you smile indescribably.
“Ah, y/n! How was work, my dear-♠?”
There have been several instances where you have been exhausted but burdening your husband was something you didn’t want to partake in but still he wouldn’t mind if you had to vent for an hour or two. A loud blaring horn tore you from your 1 second day dream. A turning car was almost hit as you reached the intersection.
“Watch it, asshole!”
Well, now it's time to speed home.
It felt like the gray cloud over your head would not ever disappear until you pulled into your driveway. The grass had been freshly cut, flowers were being watered by the sprinkler, and the arch way of the front door had been painted. The sight of your wonderful lawn placed a large smile on your face. Taking a break from such a terrible week from work was needed and to see that you didn’t have to do any work around the house made you feel better. Before you could touch the front of the door, it flew open and you fell. Thank God you were caught by a pair of long, freckled arms because if you hadn’t, the tiles would have left many nasty marks on your face.
Your face was smothered in between his pecs. This was a normal occurrence. Since no one was in the house, he’d often walk around in his boxers cleaning, planting, or whatever he felt like doing. He placed his rather large hands under your arms and lifted you straight up so you could look him in the eye. His left thumb gently gripped your chin, his index finger underneath it.
“Welcome home, kitten. You seem to be tired-♠.”
Your eyelids began to flutter again as sleep was the only thing on your mind. Breaking away from his grasp, you placed your laptop bag on the couch and proceeded to the kitchen. Hisoka was silent for a second, puzzled as to why you did not give him a kiss. That was very unusual for you. He came running behind you like a lost puppy with his hands out ready to grab your shoulder.
“Is something the matter, y/n-♠?”
Slowly turning around, you sigh and fake a smile. Your eyes were still closed and the gray cloud seemed to reappear. Hisoka began to walk forward and sat down on your shared bed. Hiding your true feelings is a luxury you could not afford. Prepared or not, it was time Hisoka knew how you truly felt. At times he could be as stubborn as a mule but there were times where he was more endearing and understanding. Hisoka, again, placed his left thumb on your chin, a few inches from your lips, and looked deep into your weary eyes.
“Honestly, I am very tired. I’m exhausted. I think I am going to sleep for the rest of the day if you don’t mind.”
Hisoka smiled somberly. He had planned on going to the city's carnival with you but he’d have to miss out this time around. He didn’t want to go alone because he did not want to deal with fangirls and boys screaming and worshipping his godly figure. Although it fed his ego, he rather not deal with people who couldn’t take a hint.
The sweat from your face ruined your makeup. The mascara began to drip, you could see patches of your natural skin tone look much different than your foundation, and your lipstick was a little misplaced. Noticing Hisoka’s sad smile, you frowned.
“You see? I’ve made him sad,” you thought.
“Hisoka, I’m sorry for upsetting you with my troubles.”
Hisoka scoffed at your reaching assumption. He was a man that went through much worse pain than a little complaint nonetheless from the woman he loved.
“I’m not upset. Not in the slightest.-♠”
“Well, why do you look so disappointed?”
Hisoka smiled his usual smile while turning his head slightly to the left. He chuckled at your obliviousness. He took his right hand and placed it behind your neck. His piercing golden eyes nearly tore a hole in your soul. With the combination of his beautiful eyes, extended pecs, shaped torso, and smooth voice, you were destined to melt into your bed finally being able to sleep next to this hunk of a man. His long eyelashes batted a few times as he began to answer your question.
“How could you walk in here without giving me some sugar-♠?” His voice sent chills down your spine, causing you to voice a shiver involuntarily.
Your eyelids shot open and nearly squirmed when your eyes met his. For some reason, you stumbled to answer but managed to eventually mutter out a response.
“I-I’m sorry. I am so tired and I almost got into a c—-“
Hisoka’s lips crashed against yours. His moist lips positioned themselves in a way that if you kept yours straight, it would fit in perfectly. His right hand was placed on your lower cheek and jaw lifting your head just a tad more. His nose brushed against yours, causing you to smile just a little. Then again, Hisoka was so concerned about kissing you that he didn’t bother with asking what made you so tired and unhappy. He always thought physical contact would take your mind off of what was bothering you and it did temporarily but not entirely. Venting is what you needed and then maybe a kissing session would end the night off better. Breaking away, he looked into your eyes one more time before standing you up and proceeding to the kitchen.
“Now I have a question for you. What has been bothering you? I have all the time in the world-♠.”
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Hiiii! I absolutely love your writing. Could you do an imagine based off of your pregnancy one shot? Since H is incredibly private, would the couple be able to hide her pregnancy from the public and then announce it similar to like Kylie Jenner’s video diary of the whole experience? Thanks!!
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A/N: Ok I was OBSESSED with this request, but for some reason I found it very difficult to write, so I’m so sorry if it’s shit. Hope you like it <3
Word Count: 2,698
Requests are OPEN! If you have a request for a blurb, oneshot, imagine, whatever, Send me a message HERE!!!
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Friendly reminder to please like and/or reblog. It helps more than you think :)
Is Forever Enough?
From the moment Harry found out he and Y/N were expecting their first child, he knew he wanted to document everything. He had been in the habit of capturing moments throughout their relationship, mainly of big events, but from this moment on, he wanted to capture it all. Little clips of every doctor’s appointment, every craving his wife had, every heartbeat, and every little kick. He wanted video documentation of the life growing inside his wife’s belly and everything that happened during that time. They had waited so long for this moment, and now that it was finally here, he wanted to make sure they would never forget a single second of it. From telling their closest friends and family members, designing the nursery, their tiny baby shower, attended by the select few that were lucky enough to know their secret.
At first, keeping silent was a way to protect themselves in case Y/N’s pregnancy didn’t stick like their fertility doctor had warned them was a possibility. It took them nearly two years to conceive, and the thought of going through a miscarriage in front of millions of watchful eyes was terrifying. But by the time they became aware that they weren’t going to miscarry, they had gone so long without announcing it that there wasn’t a point to do it. Why ruin something that was so well hidden?
The decision not to announce their pregnancy to the public wasn’t a hard decision to make. Harry was private, anyway, and everyone knew that. He was rarely on social media and didn’t talk about his private life to many people, and those who he did talk to were very loyal and trusting. They just wanted to enjoy being pregnant without the prying eyes of strangers and it was fairly easy keeping it under wraps considering how private they were, to begin with.
The timing of Y/N’s pregnancy helped, too. The early part of her pregnancy was during the summer, so they could enjoy tropical holidays together without worrying about being seen because she simply wasn’t showing yet. But, towards the end, it got harder to conceal, like during award season in the fall when an oversized shirt or puffy dress couldn’t conceal the roundness of her bump and plumpness of her cheeks and lips. It was the first award season she hadn’t accompanied Harry to in years and people began to get suspicious.
That’s when the rumors of her possible pregnancy started. Of course, no one could prove anything. But that, along with the lack of sightings of Y/N was enough proof for some. Luckily, nothing more came of it other than whispers. Harry had stopped doing interviews when he first got wind of the rumors, so no one could catch him off guard in uncomfortable positions or having to lie to protect his wife, and he began to focus his attention back on his music, halting his pursuance of on-screen work for the time being until after their baby boy’s arrival. Instead, he was the man behind the camera.
For the most part.
There were times when certain family members or friends would pick up their camera and film some things for them, capturing little intimate moments of the parents-to-be. They even enlisted the help of Harry’s on-tour photographer, Helene Pambrun, to help film the birth of their baby. Though she focused mainly on photography, her knowledge of videography and style of filming fit exactly with what the couple wanted, and Helene was all too honored to be a part of the day.
And although the birth of their child was, albeit, a bit traumatic, they couldn’t have asked for a sweeter baby boy. Born on a frigid Friday evening on March eighteenth after twenty hours of active labor and an onslaught of chaos, Paxton Robin Styles was born, tiny, healthy, and beautiful, surrounded by family that already loved him so dearly.
The hospital staff was wonderful in keeping their attendance private, no one having a clue that they were even there. No news articles or whispers were heard of their newest addition to which they were grateful to be allowed to enjoy their first week home, getting acclimated to being new parents. They had fallen in love with him.
“Y/N!” Harry exclaimed, bouncing into the nursery on a Monday afternoon as his wife fed their son, his phone in hand, and a bright smile on his face.
Y/N looked up, surprised and slightly offended, “Don’t ever call me by my name again,” she joked, stroking their son’s cheek.
Harry laughed, “Sorry, love. But, look! It’s here!”
He held his phone in front of her face, playing the edited version of their pregnancy and birth journey in video form one of Harry’s editor friends kindly put together for them after the birth of their son. The five minute and fifty-one-second video filled with shortened clips of the last nearly ten months of their lives in becoming first-time parents. They watched it together, occasionally glancing down at their baby that had fallen asleep while eating in Y/N’s arms, in awe that this was their life.
Tears were streaming down both of their faces, and Y/N giggled, wiping her husband’s cheek with her free hand. He was an emotional being, she knew that, but she had no idea what the effect of fatherhood would be on her Harry. She couldn’t have picked a better partner to raise a child with.
“I think we should post it,” Harry said, causing Y/N’s eyes to go wide.
“Post it? Like...social media?”
Harry nodded, “Well, we can’t keep him a secret forever. People are already starting to talk. I’d rather announce it on our own terms than on someone else’s. We can still stay as private as possible, I’ve already talked to Jeffrey and my publicist about it. I just...he makes me so proud and I feel like I need to show people that.”
Y/N smiles sweetly at her husband, taking his hand that rested on the arm to the nursing chair and pulling it up to her lips, kissing it gently. “Okay. We can post it.”
Later that evening, the internet was in an uproar and their phones were blowing up like crazy, for on both of their Instagrams they posted a grey-scale picture of a name tag sticker that read “Hello, I’m: P”, captioned ‘link in bio’, where they were directed to a youtube link posted under Harry’s account.
As soon as the video began, Harry’s soft voice was heard, singing his version of ‘Lullaby’ by the Dixie Chicks in the background as unseen footage of their wedding a few years prior had fizzled into view, video of their first dance as husband and wife played while the tail end of a speech made by Harry’s mom, Anne, was heard over everything else.
“We are so incredibly grateful to have Y/N now an official part of our family and I wish you both years of love, health, and happiness….and giving me tons and tons of grandchildren,” earning laughter from the attendees, “I love you both to pieces. Congratulations.”
The video slowly changed to little snippets. Y/N running towards the beach, holding her hat tight on her head with one hand while the other was holding onto Harry’s hand that was at the bottom of the screen as the breeze whipped at Y/N’s hair and sarong, cut to a clip of the camera propped on the beach overlooking the two of them sitting in the sand, looking out into the ocean, Y/N’s head falling on Harry’s shoulder and him kissing the top of her head as the sun set.
Next was a scene during one of Harry’s tour where someone filmed Y/N at the front of the stage in a VIP area beside a few of their friends, dancing and singing along with Harry who stood in front of her, smiling and singing at her.
The next images were upsetting. When they first started trying, they recorded videos of themselves awaiting the results of their tests, hoping to capture the moment they found out on film. One after another, the video showed negative test upon negative test, wanting to document the struggle they faced in fertility, one of the main reasons they decided to post this video. If it helped just one person who struggled with infertility and gave them a bit of hope, they needed to show it.
They showed clips of Harry holding an emotional Y/N in his arms, her eyes filled with tears and a quivering lip as he kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. Until the next clip showed. A shaky still of a screen that read ‘Pregnant’ that panned up to show a reflection of Harry and his wife in the mirror, Y/N pulling the test up to her face with a smile while Harry looked down at his wife in pride, softly touching her flat belly.
Clips of an ultrasound showed, Y/N stomach looking more bloated than anything as the doctor slid the wand around on her belly, Harry filming while squeezing his wife’s hand. His voice could barely be heard over the music of the video as he cooed, “Is that it, right there? So little…”
They included a few announcements they made to family members. How they told Anne while on an end of summer family vacation with a little jewelry box that opened up to two little birds and an egg in a birds nest with a note that said ‘A little birdy told me you are going to be a Nana.’ making Anne burst into tears, hugging them. And when they told Y/N’s best friend by giving her an orange and saying, “That’s how big our baby is right now,” which caused confusion before the screaming.
Y/N had filmed mirror clips of her growing belly in the floor-length mirror that stood in the corner of their room and had gotten clips of Harry laying beside her bump, his hands rubbing her stomach, clasped on either side as he sang, or talked, or read stories.
“I can’t wait to meet you,” he could be heard saying before kissing the top of her bump, looking up and past the camera to his wife, smiling lovingly.
There were images of Christmas, Gemma having caught an intimate moment between the two of them, Y/N sat in between Harry’s legs on the floor, mugs of hot chocolate in her hands and still in their Christmas Pajamas, Harry’s cheek pressed against hers as he held up a blue Gucci baby suit in front of them, smiling and gushing about how small it was.
The couple’s silhouette could be seen in the dark light sky as they stood in the middle of the field, illuminated by the New Years’ fireworks that went off in the distance, Y/N’s belly pressed against Harry’s stomach as they kissed intimately amongst their friends.
A small baby shower inside one of their London country homes was next, littered with a few familiar faces along with some that were likely family members. Harry still sang in the background as the two of them opened gifts, smiling and laughing with each other, genuine happiness and love could be seen on everyone’s faces and a few people popped onto the screen to say a few words for the unborn baby.
“You have wonderful parents,” Y/N’s parents grinned, her mom getting teary-eyed. “I can’t wait to see the person you become.”
Anne’s bright, shining smile was next, “You’re going to do amazing things. You are so loved.”
“Hi, my sweet nephew! It’s Auntie Gemma,” she grinned, waving at the camera, “I can’t wait to meet you and snuggle you! I hope you grow up to be just as kind and loving as your parents. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.”
Harry and Y/N were seen in the background, Y/N eating a slice of cake while Harry casually kissed her cheek before stealing a bite of her food, earning a smile from his pregnant wife
Video panned over their newly renovated nursery, mostly designed to be gender-neutral with little hints of outer space; moon lights, a solar system mobile hanging above the cot, with a star blanket draped over the nursing chair. Harry moved the camera to Y/N who was hanging some onesies in the nursery closet, smiling and waving at the camera.
Next, they were laying in bed. It was dark and, but a glow from a nightstand shone and Y/N’s belly was visible, round and very pregnant, a few freckles near her navel, and the faintest linea nigra could be seen running from her belly button down towards the bottom of her belly. Their voices were barely audible over the music still sung by Harry. A little ripple on her belly cast from left to right and then her belly distorted a little as their baby boy kicked and pressed against the center of her bump, making the couple laugh and Harry’s hand appeared, softly rubbing where his son’s foot would be.
It changed. They were in a hospital now, Y/N in a grey and white spotted hospital gown. The camera was propped on a table filming Y/N  who sat on the edge of her bed, moving her hips from side to side as she breathed heavily, moaning, while Harry kneeled on the floor in front of her, his hands on her hips and squeezing to relieve some pressure. They were talking to each other, concern, and empathy clear on Harry’s face.
In the next clip, Y/N was laying back in her hospital bed, sucking on gas and air. Harry was filming this time, and his Anne could be seen this time, sitting on Y/N’s other side holding her daughter-in-law’s free hand. Y/N put the gas and air down, gave a thumbs-up, and smiled, “We’re having a baby today!” as her mother-in-law smiled brightly.
The footage faded to black before it flashed to Y/N looking at someone just out of view as the disembodied voice said, “Whenever you feel the urge to push, let us know. You’ll be meeting your son soon.”
It faded to black again, Harry’s singing more evident in these moments, louder, as the footage flashed back into focus. The camera was, once again, being propped up on a table. At Y/N’s head on either side stood Anne who was still holding her daughter-in-law’s hand, while Harry stood, back to the camera, mostly blocking the view of his wife as one hand stroked her hair and the other held her hand. The doctors could be heard saying, “Deep breath” before Y/N took a deep breath in, bringing her legs to her chest with the help of a few nurses that could hardly be seen, bearing down and pushing as the nurses counted and Harry said, “Great job, love. Keep going. You’re so strong.”
The screen went black. A doctor’s voice was heard saying, “One more big push.” Y/N could be heard taking a deep breath, and a little exasperated yelp before gasping from both Harry and Anne followed by the beautiful, gurgling cry of their baby. Harry’s sweet singing voice in the background of the video got louder and finally, the video came back into view of a little name card on the bassinet that read:
Name: P, Styles.
DOB: March 18th
Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz
Height: 20 inches
Time: 8:39 PM
The camera panned down to the top of a blue baby cap with a white embroidered ‘P’ in the center, moving as their son wiggled in his bassinet, the hushed reassuring whispers of his parents heard just behind the camera as little lip-smacking and coos could be heard from the baby.
The screen went blank as the song started to end and white words appeared on the screen.
“Welcome to the world, Baby P. We love you to the ends of the earth.
Mummy and Daddy”
@odetostep​ , @thurhomish​
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chloelucia13 · 3 years
Chapter 16: The Sauna Test
Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Henderson!reader
Prompt:  You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter summary: Eleven, Max, Nancy, and Jonathan had all grown more suspicious of you and Billy after what El and Max had seen, but when everyone gets separated, the monster decides to rear its ugly head in more ways than one.
Word Count: 3352
Warnings: some angst, some fluff, some action finally (in more ways than one!!), a lil bit of cheating, language, pretty normal stuff
A/N: And we're finally getting somewhere with the Jonathan and reader plot line!!! I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and as always, my ask box and requests and tag lists are open babies! Love ya!
Tags: @just-my-fandom @nightbu-g
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El couldn't let go of what she'd seen.
You being with Billy was weird enough and its strangeness had already burrowed under her skin, making her squirm. But the way you were acting, what she had seen that night when she was messing around, it wasn't right.
But what she had seen of Heather had made her downright disturbed. Sure, Billy was an asshole and she knew not to be around him, but he wasn't a murderer... right?
"Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?" Max told her, noticing the way that El had gotten lost in her worried thoughts.
El gave her a doubtful look and let out a huff. "It doesn't make sense," she grumbled.
"What doesn't make sense?"
"Heather. The blood. The ice... Y/N."
"Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now. And Y/N is probably trying to make Billy a better person or something. That has to be it. I don't know where that blood came from, but... we saw her. We saw them both. They're totally fine."
El stared at the wall, her brows furrowed. "What about Billy?"
"What about him?"
"He seemed wrong."
Max chuckled. "Wrong is kind of like his default. But it's nice to know he's not a murderer, because that totally would've sucked. Hell, maybe he seemed different because Y/N's making him better."
The two girls chuckled, and the conversation fell silent.
As soon as panicked panting sounded in the next room, Heather rose to her feet and walked over to the two people you held captive. Heather's parents.
You and Billy watched from afar as she spoke to her father, neglecting his pleas before stepping away and allowing you and Billy to replace her spot. Billy knelt in front of Janet as you knelt in front of Tom, both of you instructing them to stay still.
Simultaneously, you both rose to your feet and the three of you walked up the metal stairs. As you ascended the stairs, you could hear their pleas become drowned out by the guttural growls and snarls.
The next morning, you had awoke with a heavy pit in your stomach.
The image of Heather's overtaking was still etched behind your eyelids, and though you hadn't witnessed the other overtakings, you imagined that they occurred very similarly.
But the screams. You could never ignore the screams.
Silently, you slipped out of your bed and walked into the kitchen, pulling the freezer open and staring blankly.
The pint of strawberry ice cream from Scoops still sat there, perfectly untouched.
God, you wanted to sob. You wanted to scream. You wanted to go back to when your life was normal- well, more normal than this. Than being fucking possessed by this strange creature who was dragging you through hell.
You wanted to see your brother and his friends again. You wanted to see your friends again. Steve and Robin and Nancy and Jonathan.
You were mentally kicking yourself, realizing that you spent the past six months avoiding him and now you don't know if you'll ever see him again.
You closed the freezer and scrubbed at your face, only to realize that tears had soaked your cheeks. Quickly, you swiped away the tears and rushed back to your room, not wanting to risk getting caught by your mother and having that creature take over once more.
After locking the door behind you, you curled up on your bed and pulled the blankets over your body. Maybe if you slept, you wouldn't have to deal with all this pain and guilt.
Just as you were drifting off, the doorbell rang. Immediately, your anxiety shot through the roof, and you contemplated not answering the door, but then the doorbell rang once more. You took deep breaths and slowly creeped out of bed, unlocking your door and leaving your room before stepping up to the front door.
Peering through the peephole, your heart sunk to your feet when you saw who was outside. Jonathan stood there awkwardly, his head bowed and his hands in his pockets.
You began to slowly walk away from the door when Jonathan began to speak, his voice traveling into the house. "Y/N?" he called out. "Are you home? I drove by the pool and you weren't there. I just... I was wondering if we could talk?" He sounded stressed, maybe even upset.
Your emotions took over, and against your better judgement, you pulled the door open. You watched as his eyebrows rose in surprise at the fact that you actually opened the door. "What's wrong?" you hummed. "I thought you had work today."
He chuckled, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, that's uh... That's part of the issue," he coughed out. "Can I come in?"
You nodded, stepping to the side and allowing him to come inside before you shut the door behind him. Afterwards, you stepped next to him and the two of sat down on the couch. "So, what's going on?"
"I got fired. Well, Nancy and I got fired."
Your brows knitted together in confusion. "Fired? How? I thought you were doing amazing at the post!" You tucked your legs under yourself and turned to face him directly.
"I was, and I really liked it there! But..." He let out a sigh. "Nancy had answered a call a few days ago from this old woman, saying that all of her fertilizer was going missing."
Sounds like a newsworthy story," you teased.
"Hey, it's serious!"
You held up your hands in surrender, but a giggle slipped past your lips. "Sorry, sorry. Continue."
He let out a playful huff, a smile cracking at the corners of his mouth. "Anyway, she realized that the fertilizer was going missing because there were rats in her basement that were eating it and the rats... They were getting sick, or something." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Nancy and I went to investigate, and we didn't ask any of the higher ups because we knew that they would tell us that it was stupid. We went, and we realized that she was telling the truth. The rats had eaten whole bags of fertilizer."
"Okay, hold on, you said the rats were different? In what way?"
He shrugged, shaking his head. "I have no idea. It was like they were feral, diseased." He let out a sigh before continuing. "We went back to work the next day and Nancy told everyone about what we saw. Like we expected, everyone just thought we were being stupid. That she was some paranoid and lonely old woman who sucked us into one of her many conspiracy theories so she could spend time with somebody."
Jonathan paused, lost in thought with a deep line set between his brows. Silently, you reached forward and smoothed the line with your thumb, brushing some hair away from his face at the same time. "So you got fired because you followed a potential story?"
He shook his head. "We went back last night, and we found her in her basement. She had eaten the fertilizer, along with a whole bunch of chemicals that we found around the house. She was screaming about how she had to go back." He stared silently at the carpet. "Luckily, the ambulance was able to stabilize her and she's safe at the hospital."
You could tell how much guilt he was harboring, how heavy everything weighed on his shoulders. You rested your hand on his shoulder and squeezed, earning a small smile from him. "You saved her, Johnny. I don't think there's anything you should feel bad about."
A sigh left his lips. "Tom thinks that we abused his trust, and we fed into her delusions. So he fired us."
The mention of Tom gave you flashbacks to last night, but you quickly smothered them and instead gave Jonathan a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry."
"I drove Nancy home, and we... we got into a huge fight about everything that happened. About how I needed that job and she didn't, and she fucked it up for both of us. I-I said some things I didn't mean, but..." He returned his gaze to you finally. "I'm just hurt and guilty and confused about how I feel at the same time."
"Well," you sighed, letting your hand drop from his shoulder to his hand, linking your fingers with his. "I know that you both did what you think was right, and I know that you both were so concerned about this because you've seen things that make you worry that it could be something... Out of the ordinary." You scooted a bit closer, looking him in the eye. "But I also know that maybe you let Nancy drag you into this big mess, and you blame her for everything that happened. But Nancy has been going through her own problems, and maybe she felt that she needed to prove herself and her judgement was clouded by that."
He was silent for a moment, letting his eyes search yours as he looked for the words to say. "I should call her. Apologize to her."
You sighed. "Maybe. Or maybe you should let it sit for a bit, make sure you have all of your emotions lined up, because I know you both get a bit hot-headed when you're defending your actions."
He chuckled at that, his eyes dropping to your linked hands and gliding his thumb along your knuckles. "Y'know, Max and El came up to me yesterday, and they said they were looking for you. That they were worried about you."
You resisted the urge to stiffen, instead taking a deep breath and trying to stay calm. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yeah, they said that you were being really weird. That you were even hanging out with Billy. It even freaked me out a little bit. I... I guess that was part of the reason I came here, to talk to you. I wanted to make sure you were okay, and now I feel stupid for even worrying."
Please don't feel stupid. Listen to that gut instinct. Please.
"I mean, it definitely is a little stupid," you teased, nudging his shoulder. "I think those girls just have a bit of an overactive imagination. I'm just fine. Just normal old me."
"Thank god for that," he added, a full smile finally spreading across his face.
You returned his smile before rising off the couch. "Do you want something to drink or eat?"
He shook his head, also pushing himself to his feet. "No, I should probably get going. Thank you, though."
You nodded, walking him to the door and opening it for him. "Of course. Thanks for checking up on me, Jonathan, even if I didn't need it."
He stepped out the door and stood on the porch for a moment, eyes flitting over your face. "I missed you, Y/N."
A small sigh left your lips. "I missed you too. So much. Stay in touch, okay?"
He nodded. "Okay. Bye, Y/N."
"Bye, Johnny." With one final wave, you closed the front door.
After seeing Jonathan that morning, you had felt a sort of urge to see him again, a magnetic pull towards that boy who broke your heart.
You knew it was dangerous to see him, not only because he was now in a committed relationship with your friend (though after what he told you had happened between them, you wondered if that label would last), but also due to the fact that you had no idea when this creature controlling you would make you snap and do god-knows-what.
So you locked yourself in your room once more, staring at the ceiling as you laid on the floor and attempted to will this horrible longing feeling away.
To no one's surprise, it didn't work.
Your next idea was to go spend time with Steve, hoping that maybe he would talk some sense into you. You threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater and drove to the mall in the sweltering heat, not wanting to risk letting your skin bubble and sizzle under the sun like BIlly's had.
But of course, neither Steve nor Robin were working, and no one had heard from them.
Under normal circumstances, you would be worried about their wellbeing, but you frankly had too much on your mind concerning your own wellbeing that you didn't fret about it. Instead, you ordered a pint of strawberry and a pint of mint chip from the boy at the counter and hurried out of the mall.
Before you could even stop yourself, you had pulled up (in the
car you had finally gotten fixed) onto the rocky front yard of the Byers' house.
With a few mumbled profanities towards your impulsiveness, you grabbed both pints of ice cream and stepped up the front porch steps that creaked under your feet. You knocked at the front door and shifted awkwardly, turning slightly to glance at the setting sun.
You turned around to face Jonathan who stood at the door, now dressed in an olive green tee shirt and a pair of jeans. "Hi!" you hummed, smiling brightly.
"Hi," he chuckled, mirroring your smile. "What are you doing here?"
You shrugged, brushing past him and walking into the house. "I thought you might still be feeling down about today, so I wanted to bring you some ice cream. You still like mint chip, right?"
His eyes followed your figure as you walked into the kitchen and grabbed two spoons for the both of you. "Uh, yeah. Thanks...?"
You finally stopped moving for a moment to take in his confused state. With a sigh, you sat down on the couch, placing the ice cream and spoons down on the coffee table. "And after seeing you today, I realized how much I missed spending time with you. I guess... I guess I just wanted to see you again and catch up."
His look of confusion slowly melted into one of comfort and slight melancholy. "I missed you too. I'm glad you came over." We walked over and sat on the couch, his leg bumping into yours. "And I'm glad that you brought me ice cream."
You nudged his shoulder with yours, giving him a beaming smile. "You're lucky I remembered your favorite. I was just about to get some only for me."
He shrugged, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I don't mind sharing."
"I do!"
He laughed, resting his head on your shoulder as his shoulders shook with giggles. You laughed with him, but you were acutely aware of how close he was to you.
As your laughs died down, the two of you opened your individual pints of ice cream and began to dig in. "Have you talked to Nancy yet?" you asked before shoveling a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
He shook his head, letting out a sigh. "Not yet. I'm taking your advice and letting everything settle for a bit," he replied, leaning back on the couch. "I just... our argument made me realize a lot."
"Like what?" you mirrored his position, leaning back on the arm of the couch.
"I mean, I knew that we both came from different backgrounds and we would never agree on some things, but..." He poked his ice cream with his spoon. "I guess I never realized that though we've spent so much time together, she still has this idea that everyone has it as good as she does. That people can just throw away something that doesn't fit them perfectly because they have the money to do so." He lifted his eyes from his ice cream and up to you. "And maybe I'm narrow-minded too, spending time with other people who knew what it was like living without a lot of money."
You frowned as he spoke, slowly leaning forward to set your ice cream and spoon down on the coffee table. "Do you think that it could... hurt you guys in the long run? Knowing what she sees about the whole situation?"
He set his ice cream down as well, pulling his feet up onto the couch and crossing his legs. "I-I don't know."
Silently, the two of you searched each other's eyes with baited breath, a million thoughts racing through your head.
It was at that moment that your judgement took a back seat, and you felt that inky fog lurking in your mind.
You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. He let out a hum of surprise, but he made no move to pull away from you. Slowly, you moved your hands to the back of his neck and scooted closer to him so you didn't have to crane your neck. You huffed out a sigh of relief as his hands finally rested on your cheeks, his shoulders beginning to lose their tension as he finally relaxed into the kiss.
Just as you were about to deepen the kiss, you felt the familiar surge of black course through your veins, your skin beginning to burn as black veins snaked up your arms and neck.
As the pull towards the creature grew stronger, your lips fell from Jonathan's and you fought the creature for control.
Jonathan gave you a confused look when you pulled away, but he quickly pushed himself away from you when he noticed the inky veins that adorned your skin. "Y/N," he gasped, his eyes wide with panic and fear. You immediately pushed yourself off the couch and rushed towards the door, only for Jonathan to lurch forward and grab your wrist. "Y/N, what the fuck is going on!"
You snapped your gaze to him, feeling that fog slowly take over your mind as you fought to stay awake. "Let me go," you begged. "Please, I don't want to hurt you."
"Let me go, Jonathan!"
Your tone startled him, loosening his grip on your wrist just enough for you to slip away from him and out the door before the creature took control.
Jonathan began to pace back and forth a few minutes after... Whatever had just happened.
He knew those veins, those pitch black veins that flooded your skin. He saw them when he had to exorcise his own brother, and now another person he cared for so dearly was overtaken by that same creature.
When Will was fighting was controlled by that same creature, though, he didn't seem so... normal. Was it evolving? Learning?
That then made him question if it was even really you. Maybe it had learned your mannerisms, took advantage of the thoughts it had access to.
What if you didn't even want to kiss him, but that thing made you?
He shook the thought from his head. He knew you loved him, that you wanted to be with him. But he also knew that you wouldn't overstep since him and Nancy were still together, even though they had gotten in a fight.
But God, he'd kiss you again in an instant if given the chance.
With a huff, he sat back down on the couch and stared at the two half-eaten pints of ice cream, guilt and worry gnawing at his insides.
He needed to tell Nancy about what happened to you. Just not now.
You sat at the landing of the metal warehouse stairs, silently watching Heather patch up Billy's bloodied body as you thought back on what happened just minutes ago.
"The girl, was it her?" Heather asked, gently dabbing a damp cloth over Billy's shoulder.
"Yeah," Billy responded gruffly, his jaw set tight. "It was her. She knows now. She knows about me."
"Jonathan knows too," you voiced silently. "He saw."
He gripped onto Heather's wrist, stopping her actions. "She could've killed me," Billy continued, ignoring your statement.
"Yes. But not us," heather whispered. Silently, she turned to look over the rows of individuals you've sacrificed, people overtaken by the monster.
"Not us," you repeated.
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p---ink · 4 years
Author’s Note: First Chris Oneshot. It was supposed to be a blurb/drabble, but I think its a bit too long for that now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this filth. Also you ever get that feeling, where you feel like you've came up with an idea in your head originally, but also feel like you may have seen it somewhere else? Yea that's how I feel about this piece. So if you've read something similar to this, please link it and let me know so I can edit or delete this post altogether.
Summary: Chris greets you after a long day at work, with some TLC.
Word Count: 2.9k.
Warning: Fluff and Smut. Oral (female receiving), fingering, Semi-mean Daddy Chris, over-stimulation, multiple orgasms, and I think...maybe that’s it? Please let me know if I forgot something.
Disclaimer: Gif is not mine. 
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“The kids are asleep?” You whispered, when he held his finger to his lips upon your arrival. 
“Yea, I just laid Ezra down. That is one rowdy little person.” He said chuckling, leaning down to plant a kiss on your mouth. He held you by your waist to pepper more along your face. 
“Chris baby, you are a God-send.” You sighed, leaning in to his touch. “You will not believe the shitty day I had.”
“Hold that thought and take a seat, doll” he ordered, urging you towards the living room by your shoulders. “I’ll be right back.” He promised. 
You sighed as you threw your work bag down on the love chair beside you, kicking your shoes off in the process.  When you crossed the room to drop down on the sofa, the weight of today’s events crushed you instantaneously, as you waited for your husband to return. 
You’ve been married for six years, and he’s been good to you for all of them. Great even. He always listened, and almost never complained. How could he when he was usually away, due to his job? 
He was forever busy with filming, press tours and whatnot. It made him feel guilty to leave you and your sons so often. So any time he was at home for a break, he took full advantage. He spent time with his boys, and then the rest with you, spoiling you all with his love. 
Preoccupied with your stress, you almost failed to notice Chris taking a seat in front of you. He took hold of one of your legs, and that’s when you noticed your spa-kit placed next to him. 
“Baby, you don’t have to do this.” You cried, scrunching your face in relief when he rubbed your calf in just the right spot.
Chris flashed those pretty baby blues at you, along with that signature smug smirk. “You know I do. And you know I want to.” He said, before dousing his hands with oil. 
As he firmly massaged the coconut into your skin, you couldn’t help but marvel at him. Taking a pillow into your arms to hug, and hide your giddy smile, you reply with, “What I did I do to deserve you?”
“Well I would tell you, but I don’t have enough time, because you’ve got to tell me about what’s got my girl so upset.” He informed you with a stern look that read who do I have to kill? “Before you do that,” he started, placing your newly moisturized leg down before grabbing the other, “Choose a color.” 
You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, peering over to take a look into the open basket. It had an assorted amount of different nail polishes and products for nail care. Your favorite color currently decorated the bottom of the basket, and it made you recall the time your oldest son Jeremy spilled its contents over while playing a game of “paint” about a week ago. That boy. You thought, shaking your head playfully. Well I guess I won’t be choosing that one. 
After a moment of close examination, and scrutiny, you chose “White”, which made Chris immediately stop his measures against your legs, to peer up at you through hooded lids. 
“So its one of those days, huh.” He smirked. “I was hoping you’d pick that one.”
“What do you mean by that?” You questioned. You hadn’t known he preferred certain colors on you. 
“I’ll tell you later, but first tell me about your day baby.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. You were dying to get it all off your chest.  You spilled out your hearts content, as your husband massaged your legs, then your feet, and in between your toes. As he delicately removed the old paint from your last session, and proceeded to paint your feet, you were almost finished relaying the message. 
“…and its just like they treat me like I’m insane! But you know what? The way i’m always overlooked, and ignored, makes me feel like I am going insane. Every time I suggest an idea, its stupid. But let some asshat say the exact same thing, and they praise him like a god.” You complain, rolling your eyes, at your memories from your work day. 
Chris offered you the occasional nod or two, humming softly at your cries of frustration when needed. And as much as he wanted to offer his two cents on the matter, he knew that what you wanted most was to be heard. You just wanted to be listened to. And while you wouldn’t of minded him beating their asses, he knew you needed his tenderness. His love. His care. And so that’s what he gave you. 
“And you know why they do it right? It’s because I’m a woman! A black one at that. Lord Jesus, it pisses me off so much.” You sigh, finally bringing your eyes down to him, after they had been trained on the air and nothingness around you; you had a habit of re-living stories as you told them. “But honey, this has really helped out a lot.” You say, cupping his chin lovingly. 
“You know I’ll do anything for you doll. And fuck those sons of bitches. They’re idiots if they can’t see how amazing you are. If you quit, like I suggested a while ago, that’ll really show ‘em.” Chris exclaimed, applying a second coat of white.
“Now you know I love what I do. I just wish I was more appreciated is all!” 
He gave you a sympathetic look before saying, “well you know me and the boys appreciate you.”, running his fingers along the ridges of your toes to remove the misapplied dye on your skin. 
“I know you do baby. I mean look at what you’re doing for me now.” You said, gesturing towards the care he took with your feet. 
Chris just smiled in response. He only felt slightly defeated when you rejected his idea to stay at home. You told him many stories about the jerks you worked with. You were among one of the only women at your company, and you paid for that fact daily. You told him, how they would talk to you, and treat you, even though you had the same amount, if not more experience as they did. He didn’t want you to have to put up with that. He wanted you to kick your feet up and enjoy the life he would provide for you and the kids you both created. But, like the supportive husband he was, he honored your wishes to pursue your passions. He knew that was what made you happier at the moment. The time would come, where he could spoil you completely, though. 
“Speaking of this,” You started, motioning towards your feet once more. “What’d you mean when you said “So it’s one of those days, huh”” You asked, putting on your best impression of him. 
Chris put on a smile that could light up a room, as a deep throaty chuckle erupted from his chest, and vibrated through your body via your feet. “Is that what you think I sound like? No matter, I’ll tell you what I meant. I can predict exactly what it is you need, and how you feel, based on the nail polish color you choose.” He said confidently, picking up a clear polish to apply the final coat.
“Is that right?” You ask, failing to take him seriously, even when he flashed that cocky grin and brow twitch that he often used to back his claims. “You’re so full of shit.”
“Seriously. I can. Listen.” He informed you, opening the clear polish, and brushing the access paint along the insides of the bottle. “I can prove it.”
“Fine! Go ahead.” You state, becoming intrigued.
Delicately holding your left foot against his knee, he starts explaining his theory while applying polish. “You see, when you choose a pale blue or orange, I know you just wanna forget about things with a movie or a cuddle session. Forest green or black, when you feel like throwing a couple of shots back with your girls at a bar. Mauve and a nude of any kind are your favorites, and you request them when you need to feel in control, classy, or sophisticated. And you always choose a soft pink, or yellow, when you need a happy reminder, or a burst of energy and inspiration. Lavender, is a color I wish you’d choose more, since it represents your happiness. Gray, is a color I wish you’d choose less, since it means you’re sad. And then there’s plum purple and candy apple red, two colors I can’t get enough of. You want those, when you’re feeling sexy. See, baby I can read you like an open book.” He declared, moving on to your second foot. Feeling quite sure of himself. 
You just stared at him in awe. Then you realized he didn’t mention, the one he just spent  ten minutes applying. “You forgot about white.”
“Oh I didn’t forget angel.” He corrected, smirking as he finally finished painting both feet. “I’m just waiting on your toes to dry.” After he says this, he begins to sensually blow cool air on your toes. 
“Chris! Tell me what it means!” You pout playfully, growing fed up with his secrecy. Also tickled from the air he blew. 
“Fine. But be quiet, you don’t wanna wake those little demons.” He warned, fixing you with a stern look that made you erupt into quiet giggles. He always made you laugh with his juxtaposed funny-seriousness. He was seriously funny. “White is my absolute favorite. You wanna know why? Its simple, and doesn’t drown out your pretty personality. It goes with every outfit, purse, and hairstyle. You wear this color, when you’re frustrated. Exasperated. Annoyed. You choose white, when you need me to wrap those pretty little legs around my neck, so I can make you cum till kingdom come. Or until you see, ‘white’. Whichever comes first”. He finished, staring at you seriously all of the sudden. A thick silence had befallen the two of you, and you almost didn’t know how to escape it. 
After a moment, you break out into a smile, despite Chris’ unmoving features. “Are you sure that’s what I want? Or is it something you want?”
“It’s what you need.” He affirmed, finally matching your expression, only his smile held a lot more lust than yours. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“I’ll tell you something alright, Chris. I think you paint my nails entirely too much.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle, moving to pack up the spa kit, before saying “So in other words I’m right.” He rises to his feet, peering down through his long lashes with a knowing grin, before turning to leave the room. But not without saying, “Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you what you need.” Leaving you an anxious mess.
You start squirming in your seat, waiting with anticipation for him to return. You try to sit in your sexiest pose, but it makes you feel awkward. Then you start to wonder if you should remove your underwear. But you know he likes doing that. You even wonder if you smell okay, after such a long day at work. A million thoughts race through your mind, and you barely register his presence when reenters the room. You slightly jump, when you feel his warm hands brush against the nape of your neck.
“Shit baby.” Chris laughs, as he rounds the couch. “I knew it was bad, but I didn’t realize how bad. Let daddy, handle this for you.” He says kneeling back in front of you, knees tucked firmly under his person. He smoothes his hands over the expanse of your soft supple skin, leaving a burning trail of desire in his wake. When he hooks his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties, your breath hitches as the cool air hits your moistened sex. 
You lift your thighs and legs, so he can carefully remove the lace without ruining his handwork on your feet. When Chris surveys your dampened panties and inhales their scent, his grin grows wider. “You’re already this wet for me?” 
He gives you no time to answer as he’s pulling you closer to his face, by your thighs. The sudden movement caused a whimper to escape your throat, soft sound making his cock harden. He’s working his kisses up against your thighs with a quickness, ready to produce more sounds like the last. 
Your head’s position on the couch has you feeling a bit awkward, and you go to say  “This is uncom—” but cut yourself off with a moan, as he dives his thick tongue between your petals, writing love notes against the skin.
“What’s that, doll?” Chris asks, hot breath dangerously close to your bud.
You just mewl in response, wetting his beard with your juices, as he eats you like you’re his last meal. “Right there baby.” You groan, grinding yourself against his mouth when his tongue darts against your nub. 
“Right here?” He questions softly, repeating the same gestures, sending a jolt through your body that makes you buck against his face. 
Your words leave your throat, as he sucks harshly against the problem areas, shocks of pleasure emitting through your person. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he adds his fingers. First two, but then three as he starts fucking your pussy. 
“D-daddy!” You cry, voice coming out shaky as you writhe against his lips and fingers. His actions have you climbing up the couch. 
Then he removes his lips, warning you to keep quiet. “My babies are upstairs, I’m gonna need you to keep your pretty mouth shut.” He commands, placing your soaked panties between your lips. 
As he quickens the pace of his fingers, and makes his tongue dart from left to right relentlessly against your clit, you approach your first orgasm of the night, and he knows it too, when your hole clenches around his fingers. 
He smiles, and tells you how proud of you he is, but he isn’t done with you yet. 
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Your muffled moans ring through your ears, as you clamp your teeth down around your underwear. Your jaw was becoming slack from keeping it open so long, and you were feeling sore.
Chris was still continuing his assault against your sex. He had long moved from his position on the floor, and now sat beside you on the couch. 
He had your legs sprawled open, keeping them from closing with one hand gripped on your thigh, and the other rubbed fast and hard circles against your clit, while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“What number was that one, baby? Five, six? I lost count after the third time, when you squirted on daddy’s chest.” He growled, biting his lip, as he quickened his pace against your nub. “Do you think you can do that again?”
You moaned in protest, shaking your head from left to right, as you approached another orgasm. You couldn’t take anymore pleasure, your sensitive bud was going through too much.
“What’s that baby? I can’t hear you.” He teased, face as serious as it could be. He was testing you. You knew not to remove the underwear, or you’d be there all night. When you made no moves to pull them out, he did it for you, a string of spit connecting your lips to the fabric.
You immediately pleaded with him to ease up. “Daddy I don’t think I-I can take an-nymore.” You cried, now a blubbering mess.
“You don’t think you can take anymore?” Chris repeated, mocking you. “Well that’s too bad. Daddy thinks his princess looks too pretty when she’s cumming. So suck it up, because I’m not stopping until we have to replace this couch.”
You  felt that familiar coil in your stomach again, threatening to snap, as you threw your head back. You were a sweating mess now. You had hair glued to your face, and neck, and your shirt was drenched, as it clung to your stomach. But still, it wasn’t quite as drenched as your pussy, thighs, and couch cushions were. 
Chris was as hard as a rock, but you knew if you touched him, he’d get angry. He wanted to play with you, until you were begging him to stop.
“What happened today at work again baby? What was it Chad said to you? I bet if I have you fucked out like this every night, I’d be the only man on your mind.” He whispered against your ear.
Your stomach began spasming, as you clenched painfully around nothing. This would be your last one too, before your body gave up. 
Tears streamed down your cheek, as you contorted your face into the sexiest expression Chris had ever seen. And then, just before your screams of pleasure could rip through your chest, he covered his mouth over yours, as you squirted all over his hands, your thighs, and stomach. When you finally opened your eyes, you could only see white, before your vision came back into focus.
Massaging the wet, between your folds, Chris bought his fingers up to your lips and said “open.” And you did, sucking all your juices from his digits without breaking eye contact. “Attagirl.” He praised, wiping your tears away. Feel better now?” He asked, small smirk playing on his lips.
You nod tiredly, throat dry from your previous activities.
He brushes your sweaty hair behind your ears before saying, “Good. Now, let’s paint those pretty pink walls white, too.” 
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queenof-literature · 4 years
Hi all! This is the forth story in my Wild’s Story Hour series, which was originally requests that were sent in, and soon turned into its own series! I’ve been writing this on and off for a few months now, so I’m so happy to post it.
A little note: My Tumblr has been very wonky lately. I’m not sure about y’all, but every time I search for recent in the Linked Universe tag I get spammed with completely random tags not even related to the point where I can’t even see LU content. This is the only tag that’s like this for me. So please know that I’m not ignoring anyone, it’s just been quite laggy and slow for me to get notifications as well.
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Thank you all for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy!
"Thanks for dinner Wild!" Hyrule exclaimed before digging in. Wild heard similar sentiments as he passed out mushroom and veggie rice balls, with some fruit crepes on the side. An odd combination, but that’s apparently what happened when you traveled with a group of eight others. In Twilight’s Hyrule they had found a relatively safe and secluded place for the evening before the sun had begun to set, so Wild took the extra time to put more effort into dinner. The others used to tell him that he didn't need to put so much effort into dinner, they were fine with rations and quick meals over a fire. However after they learned that cooking was what Wild would consider a passion, they allowed themselves to be fed without complaint. If Wild enjoyed it, who were they to stop him. The delicious food was certainly a bonus.
After thanking Wild the group settled around the fire, relaxing into the evening lull Wild had begun to find comforting long ago. He was never expected to talk, he could just sit in peace and listen. And if he chose to talk, which was becoming more frequent as time went on, the others always listened. 
But after the… incident when Wild sang Kass' song, no one had asked him to tell anymore stories. After the first night of 'Wild's Story Hour' as Hyrule called it, Wind would often jump on his back and ask questions about his Hyrule. If Wind was anything, he was curious. That trait seemed to be amped up since Wild's Hyrule also had Rito and Koroks. Now though, Wind bit his tongue and kept quiet.
Wild didn't want to admit that he missed it.
He never thought he would miss talking, especially telling an entire story over a campfire. Talking used to feel like giving pieces of himself away, and if he gave too much he would be empty. Now he felt relieved every time he talked about his adventure. Wild loved seeing his brothers’ reactions to his tales, and the more he talked the more weight was lifted off him. That must have been what Warriors was talking about when he said that sometimes it helped to talk to others.
Wild missed it, but he didn't want to bring it up. It was embarrassing, and he didn't want the others to feel forced to listen to him. He was trying to get rid of that mentality but it was hard.
Wind felt guilty too, Wild could tell. Wild wasn't sure the little pirate had ever seen Wild so far gone in panic and anger. He hated that any of them saw him like that, let alone Wind. It wasn't the little pirate's fault, he didn't know that bringing it up would cause Wild's panic, not even Wild himself knew. It hadn't affected their friendship, but Wild didn't want Wind to feel uncomfortable around him at all. 
Before he could cucco out, Wild signed for Wind to sit with him when he could. Wind smiled and nodded, quickly finishing his conversation with Four before making his way over.
"Yes, Wild?" Wind asked eagerly, but Wild could still see the apprehension under the surface.
"Are you okay?" Wild asked, skipping the small talk he wasn't good at. 
"Of course! Why?" Wild resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Getting Wind, or any of the Links, to admit something was wrong was like pulling teeth. Although, Wild guessed he didn't have much room to talk…
"You've seemed upset lately. Did I do something?" Wild once again got straight to the point. If Wild did anything to upset the younger, he wanted to fix it. And he wanted to fix it now.
"What? Of course not, Wild! I'm sorry I made you think that. It's just… I feel bad I guess.” Wind sighed out, his shoulders slumping out of his fake eagerness. Wild winced slightly, knowing what Wind was talking about. Wild had one of his… attacks, in front of everyone. It started innocently enough, with Wind being curious about a song. It ended with Wild yelling and sobbing about his failures a century ago. 
“That wasn’t your fault.” Wild stated firmly. “You didn’t know what was going to happen. No one did, not even me.” Wild trailed off slightly at the last part. Wind’s face had perked up slightly, but he didn’t look completely convinced. 
“Wind.” Wild said gently, getting the younger’s attention. “I wouldn’t have sung if I didn’t want to.” Wild paused before admitting the next part, slightly embarrassed. “I like talking about my adventure. It feels nice.” Wild felt his ears turn red, but Wind didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he looked happier than he had in days.
“So… everything is okay? Do you forgive me?” Wind asked hopefully.
“There’s nothing to forgive.” Wild reassured. “Of course everything is okay.” 
“Can I…” Wind trailed off from his question, but Wild knew what was going to be asked, and he simply nodded and smirked, opening his arms slightly. Wild caught a flash of Wind’s face, a large beaming grim, before a body launched into his arms from across the log, squeezing the life out of him. Wild squeezed just as hard back, thankful that the matter was behind them. Wild could feel eyes on them, and turned to meet the mirthful gazes of his companions. Wild simply glared at them, warning them not to say anything. This was between him and Wind. But the other Links were simply thankful everything was all right. 
“Hey Wild?” Wind’s muffled voice rose from Wild’s chest.
“Hm?” Wild hummed, biting back a smile.
“Do you ever wanna tell another story for us? It’s okay if you say no.” Wind asked into Wild’s tunic. Wind used to bite back on his hugs and physical touches, afraid it would be seen as childish. But after it became more common around camp, and after the other Links understood that Wind simply came from a home where hugs were a common display of affection, Wind didn't feel the need to hide it anymore.
“Yeah, anytime.” Wild smiled.
“Now?” Wind questioned hesitantly.
“Sure.” Wild confirmed, searching through good memories of his adventure. Like an arrow, Wind launched off Wild’s chest, and Wild shoved down his disappointment at the loss of warmth.
“Guys! Shush!” Wind yelled, a hush falling over the camp besides a few grumbles about being interrupted. “Wild’s gonna tell a story!” He shouted in excitement, ignoring Wild’s shocked face. By now, Wind really meant right now.
“Did you inform Wild of this?” Legend asked, smirking at Wild’s shocked face.
“Of course! I asked him!” Wind scolded, turning back around and sitting on his and Wild’s shared log, ignoring Legend rolling his eyes. Wild saw Twilight shoot a look over the fire, silently asking if this was truly alright. Wild gave him a reassuring look and a nod. The camp was once again quiet as they all looked to Wild in interest.
“Uhh. What should I talk about?” Wild questioned awkwardly. It was always so awkward at the start.
“You always ask that, talk about whatever you want.” Legend crossed his arms, and lowered himself to the ground, back against the log.
“There’s two divine beasts left. You can talk about one of those?” Hyrule spoke up beside Legend. 
“Okay, Gorons?” Wild suggested. The Gorons were a fun people to be around, and if Wild was honest, he wasn’t ready to touch on the subject on the Zora quite yet. That was too close to Mipha. Mipha wasn’t necessarily a secret, but it was a topic he was still sore about.
“Gorons sound fun. Don’t we all have Gorons in our Hyrule?” Four questioned, receiving nods and noises of confirmation. 
“Didn’t Twilight wrestle them?” Sky questioned, receiving blank looks from the others.
“I’m sorry Twilight what?” Warriors’ shocked expression almost sent Wild into a fit of laughter. He couldn’t blame the man though, Wild was just as surprised when Twilight told him about his adventure with the Gorons. 
“And you didn’t tell me?” Wind’s cried in betrayal. 
“Uhh, I needed my iron boots to do it.” Twilight tried to soothe the outbreak of awe.
“That doesn’t matter with Gorons. Those make you heavier, even someone with above-average strength couldn’t beat a Goron with iron boots.” Four smirked from beside Sky, who was watching the chaos he caused unfold. 
“I told y’all I learned how to wrestle in my village!” Twilight shouted with no heat. 
“You didn’t tell us you wrestled a Goron!” Wind yelled back. 
“He also burned a building down.” Time spoke up, biting back a smile at Twilight’s betrayed expression.
“I told you that in confidence!” Twilight yelled. 
“Wait and you give me shit for lighting things on fire?” Wild cried out. Now this was the first he had heard of that. 
“You do it for fun!” Twilight tried to defend himself through the uproarious laughter. 
“Why did you do it then?” Wild questioned. 
“That’s not important!” Twilight huffed. 
“Maybe we should call you Wild.” Legend joked.
“Hey don’t you dare-” Twilight began before being interrupted by Four.
“As entertaining as this is, I think Wild was going to tell a story.” He reminded.
“Yeah! Wild talk about the Gorons!” Wind ceased glaring at Twilight in favor of looking at Wild. 
“Okay, okay.” Wild said after he was done laughing. “Well you guys know my Death Mountain is really hot with all the lava.”
“Understatement.” Warriors mumbled.
“So I had to pick up some elixirs from Foothill stables and drink them on the way up." Wild started, relaxing into his story as he went.
“Don’t your elixirs only last a couple of hours?” Hyrule titled his head.
“Yeah, why?” Wild questioned. 
“That looks like a long and rocky road. What, did you just run through the whole domain?” Hyrule joked, pausing when he saw Wild bite his lip. “Wild!” Hyrule yelled in realization.
"What? I didn't have any other choice! I had plenty of elixirs!" Wild defended.
“What if you ran out?” Four chided with a snort.
“Then I’d teleport away.” Wild shot back.
“Don’t extreme temperatures affect your slate sometimes?” Warriors smirked. 
“I… would deal with that when I got there.” Wild huffed at the laughter that came from the others.
“Yeah a lot of your plans involve that.” Legend mumbled.
“Anyway.” Wild interrupted before the conversation could lead to discussing his battle tactics. “I kept running up the path and there were a lot of fire monsters like moblins, and keese and chuchus-” Wild continued.
“Don’t the chuchus in your Hyrule explode?” Hyrule asked once again, eyes shining in excitement. 
“Yeah! If I throw bombs at them then I can make a huge explosion! Especially the big ones.” Wild confirmed with a grin.
“No, you two are not having a competition of who can make a bigger explosion when we get to Wild’s Hyrule again.” Time already knew where this would lead. It was best to nip it in the bud now.
“Awe.” Wild and Hyrule groaned. 
“We never get to do anything.” Wild mumbled with a pout.
“You were saying?” Time lifted an eyebrow. Wild huffed once more before continuing his story. 
“Right. It was a long walk and of course I wasn’t going to risk taking a horse. There were a lot of cliffs along the path and since I didn’t have much time I took the straight path. Then I accidently ran into a Talus!” Wild grinned at the rest of the group’s groans. They had some run-ins with the larger monsters in Wild’s Hyrule, and while they all had tough enemies, Wild’s had some of the largest monsters that were considered relatively common.
“Volcanos have molten rock, how did you miss it?” Warriors joked.
“It was molten rock!” Wild defended. “It blended in perfectly.”
“Wait wait wait.” Four waved his hands. “Your Taluses are also made of magma and volcanic rock?”
“Yep.” Wild confirmed, laughing slightly at the various looks of surprise the Links always held when they learned of new monsters their own Hyrules didn’t have. The other heroes had been near Eldin, but not quite near Goron City enough to see an Igneo Talus. Hopefully they were never dropped off near Death Mountain. Wild didn’t really want to wake up on fire.
“Are there ice and electric ones too.” Legend groaned.
“Ice ones.” Wild answered. “Those ones are really hard to see.”
“Ugh, remind me to watch my step.” Legend rolled his eyes.
“Will do.” Wild deadpanned. “Luckily I had some ice arrows so it was okay. Eventually I made it to the Southern Mine. That’s where the Goron mine for ore!" Wild explained. "I even met another Hylian there! He had some of the Flamebreaker Armor that you get in Goron City.” Wild had shown the group his Flamebreaker Armor before, and some had even tried it on, including Four.
“Oh? Did you seduce this Hylian for clothes as well?” Warriors raised an eyebrow.
“No I did not!” Wild crossed his arms, glaring at the rest of the now laughing heroes. “I’ll never live that down will I?”
“Nope.” Warriors and Legend smirked at Wild’s glare. 
“I asked if I could buy it, since he was heading down anyway.” Wild spoke over the chuckling Links. “He said he would give it to me if I caught him 10 fireproof lizards so he could make elixirs. I saw a bunch of lizards while running up so I caught enough.” The rest of the group nodded, they too had to do some… irregular things for important items.
“How do you catch that many lizards that fast?” Wind tilted his head. “Aren’t they quick?”
“Oh yeah. If you’re not careful they’ll scurry away and bury themselves in the mountain side or under rock. I had to crouch and hop around.” Wind laughed at the image of Wild moving around like that. 
This was nice.
“Is Goron City far away from the Southern Mine?” Sky asked.
“It’s not too far, but after I got a part of the armor and started approaching the city, Vah Rudania, Daruk’s divine beast, was circling Death Mountain and started launching giant fireballs so I had to dodge them and sprint up to the city.”
“Giant fireballs? Why would the beast attack you?” Hyrule asked. 
“Well I’m not sure if Rudania meant to do it since it was circling the volcano, but Rudania was terrorizing Goron City like Medoh was terrorizing the Rito, so I think it was because of the Calamity.” Wild hummed in thought.
“They were infected with… malice, right?” Four questioned, remembering Wild’s pictures of the large pool of intimidating… something. It was apparently a manifestation of the Calamity, and Wild had said it burned whenever he touched it, especially with the Master Sword in hand. Four remembered even the pool looked evil. Pure black roots took hold of whatever was around it, mixed in with deep shades of reds and purples. Wild also told him there was an odd sound it made that set him on edge.
“As far as I know.” Wild nodded, thinking back to the pools of malice in all the Divine Beasts. “Back 100 years ago,” The group perked up in both excitement and worry. It was rare Wild talked about 100 years ago. Both because he couldn’t remember it, and because it had pained him for so long. “The other champions rushed to their Divine Beasts. The plan was I would protect Zelda, and return to defeat Ganon after the Divine Beasts weakened them. Zelda wanted to come with me, since she still believed there was a chance to awaken her power. She always pushed herself so hard…” Wild trailed off for a moment, staring into the fire. Twilight almost began to rise, believing Wild to have slipped into another memory, but Wild shook himself out of it quickly. “Help never came. The Divine Beasts were taken over by malice, and while they piloted themselves the champions were killed by Blights that Ganon had created to directly match their strength and exploit it. And well… you all know how the story ends.” There was a heavy silence, no one knowing what to say, including Wild. Wind scooted over on the log and leaned against Wild gently, showing his silent support. Wild smiled down at him, then at the others around the fire.
“It’s okay.” Wild told them. “Let’s just keep talking about the Gorons?” He proposed.
“Cub…” Time started, not quite knowing how to get his message across. “Talk about whatever you want to. Anytime.” Time finished, hoping Wild knew what he meant, and judging by the smile he did. 
“Thanks, Old Man.” Wild said earnestly, thankful for the comfortable warmth at his side.
“Well um…” Wild began, thinking about where he left off. He appreciated that everyone waited to let him think, and didn’t interrupt him. “I finally made it to the city. Since it’s made from the materials they have up there it’s made up of a lot of rock and metals, but it’s still great to look at! They work hard on their signs outside their shops and the children always roll across the bridges over lava. There’s also a whole bunch of statues carved into the mountains.” Wild made large gestures solely with his left arm, since his right was still held captive by Wind. 
Time leaned his chin into his hand. It was always interesting to hear about the boys’ Hyrules from their perspectives. Some Hyrules like Wild’s had very little to no government, and Time enjoyed hearing how different civilizations had gotten by. 
“I got to meet with their leader, um, the ‘Boss’ of the Gorons. His name is Bludo. He’s really grumpy, and he has a bad back. He told me that him and someone named Yunobo would use cannons to scare off Rudania-”
“You have cannons too?” Wind looked up, always excited to hear how similar his and Wild’s Hyrules could be.
“Mhm!” Wild nodded. “Do you all not?”
“I had air cannons mostly.” Four spoke up, among some murmurs of confirmation among half the Links. It seems Time, Warriors, and Hyrule didn’t have cannons in their Hyrules.
“Since his back was bad I had to go find Yunobo, who disappeared after running an errand for Bludo to get medicine for his back.” Wild continued after briefly explaining how cannons work. “I just had to follow the path up to the Abandoned North Mine. Since Rudania started terrorizing them and monsters infested they stopped using that one as much. There was a Goron watching the area and he told me to not touch the Boss’ cannons.”
“And let me guess you touched the cannons right away didn’t you?” Sky asked, clearly amused.
“Yes I did. There was one right behind him.” Twilight let out a snort, quickly trying to muffle his laughter at Wild’s playful glare. Time too, was greatly amused by Wild’s antics, although his mind wandered a bit. All of these names for the Divine Beast’s names always sounded so familiar. Was it possible Wild too was a part of Time’s hero line? His Hyrule was far larger than the others, though. He wouldn’t be surprised if Wild was in a timeline of his own. Or perhaps somehow the land had changed and Wild was just far, far into the future. Time shook his head slightly and tried to tune back in. He really needed to stop trying to understand how complex time and time travel was.
“The cannons are so fun up there! I could roll my round bombs into them, and they had enough power to blow up a whole monster camp.” As Wild rambled on about all the ways he could use his bombs around Death Mountain, including cannons and carts, his eyes practically sparkled.
“I finally found Yunobo.” Wild got back on track with his story. “He was trapped in a cave-in and I got to use the cannons to get him out. When I went to check on him, he had some sort of orange shield surrounding him, and he was really timid.” Twilight mused on that for a moment. That sounded like how Wild described one of his champion powers.
“I had to run back to Bludo after that, and he told me about Daruk. I looked up at the stature of him and I finally remembered him, at least a little bit.” Wild had a small smile on his face.
“What was he like?” Hyrule questioned. 
“He was really kind, as far as I could tell. He joked around with me a lot and he didn’t even care that I never answered. He said he would protect Hyrule to his death.” Wild’s smile turned bittersweet. “I think he always forgot I wasn’t a Goron, or he didn’t care, he would smack my back hard enough to send me flying.” Wild chuckled lightly. 
He seemed to be fond of Daruk 100 years ago. Daruk appeared to understand how much pressure was crushing down on Wild, yet he never showed pity or disdain. He even teased him about it. Wild could remember a faint feeling of excitement when being told he would be seeing Daruk’s progress, so he assumed the Link of 100 years ago enjoyed his time among the Gorons, no matter how short it was. 
“Awe yes I remember that well. I distinctly remember running away screaming when the Gorons wanted to thank me for helping them.” The camp cackled at the image of a younger Time running away and screaming.
“Bludo asked me to find Yunobo again, since his back was still hurting him.”
“Good to know everyone in every Hyrule is so needy.” The veteren scoffed.
“Turns out that Yunobo works with Bludo because of his powers he got from Daruk, the forcefield I was talking about. Yunobo hops in a giant cannon along Death Mountain, and Bludo launches him at Rudania.” Wild explained.
“That… sounds dangerous.” Sky laughed a little.
“Yeah… but Daruk’s shield is indestructible! Only problem was the guardian sentries surrounding the mountain.” 
“The what?” Wind raised his head from Wild’s shoulder to look at the older boy.
“Rudania sent them to guard the area once we finally arrived at the base of Death Mountain.” Wind nodded and plopped his head back onto Wild’s shoulder, no one daring to tease either of them, even in good fun. “If they caught me with their lights, they would send magma bombs right onto the path!”
“And how do you know that? Did you get caught?” Warriors asked, slightly surprised Wild would get caught. He could be quite sneaky when he wanted to be.
“Well I was curious…”
“Wild!” Warriors pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I ran back to the base after I tested it and Yunobo had his shield!” Wild defended against the groans and muffled laughs. “Besides I was about to launch someone out of a cannon I wanted to know what we were up against. I avoided the sentries the rest of the time, and I had to whistle for Yunobo to stop and go, and there were some Moblins on the way up.” The rest of the group could imagine that climbing Death Mountain, especially one as large as Wild, while avoiding sentries, fighting monsters, and whistling for someone to stop and go would be tedious. 
“Everytime I fired Yunobo from the cannon Rudania fled further around the volcano, and we made it all the way to the top!”
“Did you set off anymore sentries?” Twilight questioned.
“No!” Wild frowned. “I’m not completely reckless you know!” Wild stated, not appreciating the silence that followed his statement. “I’ll have you know I made it all the way to the top!”
“And how did you get into Vah Rudania?” Time raised an eyebrow.
“I…” Wild started boldly, before realizing exactly how he got into the Divine Beast.
“You what.” Twilight narrowed his eyes.
“I… jumped.” Wild shrugged the shoulder Wind wasn’t resting his head on. “Once I got into-”
“You jumped where.” Time smirked. That bastard, he knew something was up and he was gonna sic Twilight on him! Wild would find a way to  get revenge later.
“Vah Rudania was in the middle of Death Mountain so I used my paraglider-” Wild once again tried to brush this portion of the story off.
“You jumped into the middle of an active volcano?” Four cackled, the first one to understand what Wild was saying and showing an odd lack of restraint.
“Wild.” Twilight chided in ‘that voice’.
“Don’t ‘Wild’ me you lit a building on fire!” Wild defended.
“See Time! This is why I didn’t want you to tell them!”
“How did you know your paraglider wouldn’t burn up?” Warriors lips quivered under the strain of covering a grin.
“I would deal with that when I got there!” Wild claimed once again, trying not to focus on the slight flaws in his argument.
“How? How would you deal with that?” Legend threw his hands up at his friend’s stupidity.
“I don't know Legend. I never got there so I never had to deal with it, since it turned out fine.”
“What happened next?” Hyrule asked, covering for Wild and moving the conversation forward. Wild held back a fond smirk, he’d have to thank Hyrule later.
“Glad you asked, Hyrule!” Wild ignored any other questions. “I heard Daruk’s voice telling me I had to go find the terminal as usual, but this time inside the Divine Beast was pitch black.” The group had finally stopped asking questions and started listening to the story with interest.
“I had to get rid of pools of malice by shooting the eyes, and I had to light some areas up. Once I reached the terminal there were some places that opened up so it was lit up again.”
“Did this one rotate like the other Divine Beasts?” Legend asked from his place against his log. 
“Yeah I could control it with my slate like the other ones. There were all kinds of puzzles like the last beast, like this one where I had to light my arrow with blue flame and shoot it through a hole in the door, then-”
The rest of the Links listened intently  as Wild went into the intricate details of the different puzzles within the beast. They were always interested to hear both about the Sheikah technology of Wild’s world, and how he had to use what was available to him to solve them. As much as they teased Wild for being stupid and reckless, he really was intelligent, espeically when it came to logic and puzzles. Twilight remembered how some markets in his Hyrule had little puzzles made of wood,each one requiring moving certain pieces to unlock different parts. Twilight had never been particularly interested in them, but he wondered if Wild would be, if Twilight found one complicated enough. He’d have to get away from the group and find one whenever they ended up near one of his markets. Perhaps even Four and Sky would be interested in getting their hands on them and taking them apart.
“-and I finally got to the last terminal and unlocked it.” Wild continued, barely pausing to breathe. The group wasn’t sure if he was aware of how much he was talking, or how rapidly, but they didn’t dare interrupt. “Fireblight Ganon manifested, and had the power to throw huge fireballs. But he had to suck in everything around to create them. So I threw my bombs into his mouth and blew them up. Other than that, I just had to get up close.” Wild described the fight in an almost casual sense, even though it seemed these blights were pieces of Ganon himself. It seemed some blights were far easier than others. 
“When Daruk appeared, I still only had one memory of him, but he seemed as kind as he had been in my memory.” Wild had a small smile. “After freeing the beast I got teleported back to Goron City, and Vah Rudania took its position against the Calamity alongside, at the time, the Zora domain’s beast.” Wild explained. “Bludo thanked me, even though he hadn’t really understood what I did. I said goodbye to Yunobo, and, uh, that was that.” Wild ended his story as awkward as always, wincing at his own words. His throat, still unused to talking so much for such a long amount of time, felt as though he had swallowed sand.
“Thanks for the story, Wild!” Wild looked down at the sailor, something shining in the younger’s eyes he couldn’t quite place. 
“Yeah! I always like hearing about how your guys’ kingdoms compare to mine.” Sky smiled, kindly shuffling and reaching over, handing Wild his water pouch. How he knew Wild needed it, or when he even got a hold of it, Wild would never know. Wild nodded in thanks and began sipping at the water, resisting the urge to chug it all in one gulp, as everyone’s voices blended slightly, creating a warm atmosphere.
The group continued to discuss different topics, going off on different tangents relating to Gorons and their Hyrules, all of which Wild was perfectly content to just listen, occasionally answering questions directed at him.
With the warm weight against his shoulder, and the comfortable but lively chatter surrounding him, Wild allowed himself to just exist within the moment, feeling himself relax further.
“Hey Wild?” Wild felt the head against his shoulder stir, and Wild looked down to meet a fellow set of blue eyes.
“Thanks for the story.” A relaxed but genuine smile reached Wind’s expressive face.
“No, Wind. Thank you.”
Very minor spoiler for Age of Calamity: The fact that BOTW/AOC Link canonically eats rocks is beautiful to me.
Wild loves puzzles, change my mind.
I like to write Wild how I play video games in general, which is just screwing around and seeing what happens.
I’m sorry if I get anything wrong about other Hyrules. I’ve played a good amount of the Zelda games but it’s been a long time since not a lot of them are on consoles I have :(
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writing-gifts · 4 years
okay im back with the 7th part of the incubus!doppio au! this chapter is really long compared to the other ones!
also I made the decision to make reader asexual in this story, I mentioned it on my blog already but saying at again since it’s mentioned this chapter. so there definitely wont be any smut in the future 
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List of parts
@wasabi-mommy @mistabrainr0t @the-average-mastermind 
It’s been 2 weeks since you last saw Doppio. He was most definitely avoiding you since you snapped at him, kind of. You realized you had upset him right after it happened too, but you didn't expect him to stop visiting because of it.
So when you weren't at work or trying to socialize with coworkers, you were by yourself. Being alone wasn't necessarily bad, but the whole time you'd end up dwelling on Doppio and stressing yourself out.
You tried to consider the positives, which there was one; Diavolo hadn't shown up either. But still, you missed your friend. And at this point, you were fed up with your thoughts going in circles. So instead of moping around your living room today too, you decide to go to the only other person you know nearby.
Retracing the steps you took with Doppio to get back home after your visit with the local witch--Was he the only witch in this area? You didn't know--you find your way back to the clearing in the forest with the giant lake and cabin.
Bruno looks surprised to find you at his door but lets you in. “I wasn't expecting you to come back.”
You shrug.
"By the way--" he says, "--it would be best not to wander too much in this forest. Many fae reside deeper within it and we don't want you running into any of them."
You nod since you didn't plan on going anywhere you hadn't been shown before anyway.
The comfortable looking couches around the fireplace are just what you need after that long walk. But as soon as you fall back into one of the loveseats, something sharp pricks your ass.
"Ow!" You shoot up and turn around. "What the hell…?"
A small pin you hadn't noticed was already occupying the seat. You pick it up and when Bruno sees what's in your hand he sighs.
"Okay, which one of you did it?" He sounds exasperated but stern.
There's no response and you wonder if the witch is talking to himself.
His brows furrow and he frowns, clearly frustrated by something.
He takes the pin from you. "Sorry about that ____."
"Uhh, it's fine? Accidents happen." You make sure there's nothing else in the seat and sit down. "...Who were you talking to?"
"My kids."
"You have kids?" You have never heard any noise or seen anything in the house that would imply that. Were they hiding?
Bruno drops the pin in the drawer of the small, wooden table next to the couch. He then takes a seat in the loveseat across from yours. “Well in a way. It's more like I just let them reside here.”
You were still confused but Bruno continues speaking before you can inquire more.
"Why'd you decide to visit?"
"I'm going to be honest. I was feeling a little lonely."
"No visitors?"
You rub at your arm and your slight frown becomes a full pout. "Yea…"
You didn't even have a certain cat anymore to help break the silence at home. Of course you weren't going to admit that part.
"Well that's not necessarily a bad thing."
"No. I already told you I want Doppio to stay with me, so it actually is."
Bruno hums. "I'm just trying to help you ____."
"You think you're helping me? Things don't have to go your way you know."
The witch looks completely unfazed by your words. “One day you'll understand and hopefully without you getting hurt.”
You deeply exhale. Talking to Bruno reminded you of a brick wall and you couldn't even find it in you to get mad.
He raises a brow. "What?"
“You're stubborn as hell.”
"The same goes to you."
The two of you are quiet after that and the witch watches you. You felt like he was trying to see into your head and it made sitting still hard.
“Do you need something?” you ask.
“You're the one in my house ____.”
“Yea but you don't have to stare so hard...”
“You came here for another reason. Tell me.”
Caught off guard you take longer than usual to respond. You didn't know how Bruno could tell but it was best if you just said what you needed to instead of beating around the bush.
"Okay...I did. I was wondering about the exorcism, but not for Doppio--for Diavolo." You look down at your lap. "Do you think it's possible to exorcise him without hurting Doppio? I'm not even really sure how their whole situation works to be honest.”
You look to Bruno wondering if he had any answers.
"....A demon possessing a demon--that's what's most likely happening."
"Huh? That sounds strange."
"It is very peculiar, but I can't say it's impossible. So maybe there's a way to do an exorcism like you wanted."
Bruno's familiar swims by, above the fireplace and his eyes follow the eel. "Leone told me you two don't get along," he mentions.
"Me and Diavolo? Well yea. I'm sure you know he wants to kill me."
"Yes." His eyes land back on you. "That's why I'm not completely onboard with your idea."
"Okay but don't you think it would be better to at least get rid of one demon who definitely wants to hurt me instead of none?"
"I can't guarantee it; there's a chance it won't work and we'll only piss him off. Then you'd possibly be in more danger. It would make more sense and be much easier to get rid of both of them."
You frown but you weren't giving up. "Diavolo already has it out for me though. So not trying because of that is kinda pointless."
The rebuttal you just gave was weak and you weren't sure you could come up with anymore. So the longer Bruno takes to reply the more nervous you become.
"Listen, I'm not saying I'll do this but I'll at least look into it," he finally says.
You perk up. Even though you couldn't say he seemed convinced, you could at least work with it!
"T-Thank you! I'll even help!" You stand up eager to start. "Where do you want me to look first?" you ask.
From then on, you spend your off days at Bruno's home looking for any information about exorcism within his many books. A lot of which were in languages you didn't understand.
Surprising to you, Bruno turns out to be pretty good company when he isn't actively trying to get rid of Doppio. And you quickly find yourself enjoying coming over. It was the perfect distraction too.
You also now had the chance to really take in how cool the witch's house was. It felt like you were at the aquarium whenever you walked through it! So at first, you did a lot of that whenever you needed a break. Bruno's familiar which you found out was named Angeela, would swim along with you and keep you company. And even though there were no other fish it was still really relaxing.
But soon, strange things started to occur. Doors closing behind you. Items falling on top of you. It happened one too many times and started to freak you out so you brought it up with Bruno. It seemed to stop right after that though so you shrugged it off and decided to focus more on researching from then on.
During one of your visits, you focus a little too hard and accidentally end up staying too late. And there's no way for you to traverse back home safely so Bruno insists you stay in the spare guest room.
After dinner, you're ready to quietly head to bed for the night, but while you're cleaning your face, Abbacchio walks into the bathroom.
You raise a brow at the cat. You'd only seen hints of him this whole week. "What the hell?"
"Is there a problem?" The cat jumps up on the counter barely looking your way.
"Yea, you just walked in here without warning. What if I was changing you weirdo?"
"Then you wouldn't have left the door cracked open."
You roll your eyes and go back to what you're doing. "Where did you even come from?"
"None of your business. You don't want me around you anyway so it shouldn't matter."
"I said my house. I don't care what you do outside of it."
You wash off your hands and grab the tooth brush Bruno gave you. It's quiet except for the sink water running and the sound of you brushing your teeth. But you feel like you have to talk with Abbacchio in the room.
You spit in the sink. “Umm...is there something you need from me?”
The cat’s tail twitches before he answers. “Just making sure you don't do anything stupid."
Your lips purse. You were literally just trying to get ready for bed.
"Okay?" You go back to brushing.
The cat huffs. "You should stop trying to keep Doppio around. You're literally wasting time--"
“Ah, that's why you came in here," you interrupt through a mouthful of foam. You spit. "....I don't understand why everyone keeps doing this.”
"Doing what?" The cat sounds and looks irritated.
"Telling me this and that! I'm going to stay with Doppio and nothing you, Bruno, or Diavolo say is going to chase me off."
You expect to get lectured some more but Abbacchio glares at you. "Please don't tell me you aren't actually in love with him?" he asks.
"What are you talking about? I just want to stay with him because we're friends."
"You barely know him. It must be 'love'...or lust."
You shake your head. "Lust's definitely not it."
Abbacchio tilts his head but you weren't exactly in the mood to explain asexuality right now, especially to a feline, so you leave it at that and go back to brushing your teeth.
He squints at you. “Okay then. You're definitely in denial about your feelings though.”
"Can't friends care about each other--"
"Yes but that takes years. You're ready to throw your safety to the wind for someone you've known for a few months. You need to be careful before this crush gets out of hand."
You let out the most frustrated sigh. "Doppio wouldn't hurt me. I trust him."
"Hmph, you don't even understand this world but you think you know better."
You pause unsure how to respond. You wanted to say something back but he unfortunately had a point. This supernatural stuff was still new to you and you were honestly processing it kind of slowly.
Since you knew you weren't getting in the last word with Abbacchio and you were tired of being scolded by a cat, you rinse off your toothbrush and leave the restroom.
You open your eyes and stare at the unfamiliar ceiling for a several seconds before getting out of bed. You forgot to bring a glass of water with you and there was no way you would be able to get back to sleep with such a dry throat. So you creep out of your room.
The blueish glow from the tanks help light your way down the hallway to the kitchen. You see Angeela pass by before turning back and swimming along with you.
You smile before whispering. "Just getting water.”
The eel continues to follow you all the way to the kitchen. You rub at your arms once you enter to fend off the unusual chill in the room. Unfortunately, this was common in Bruno’s home. You suspected a draft problem but the witch didn’t seem to care.
Angeela swims out of view while you hurry and look for a glass so you can get back to your warm bed.
Once you find one in the cupboards, you fill it with water from the sink's tab and quench your thirst before filling it again. You move to leave but stop at the kitchen's entrance and look back at the refrigerator. You might as well eat something while you’re here.
Ready to grab the leftover food Bruno made for dinner, you open the fridge and scream. The glass you’re holding falls from your hand and shatters on the floor. And you slam the fridge door shut.
Abbacchio’s the first to appear in the kitchen. “There better be a good reason you’re yelling!"
“Something in the fridge--A HEAD--I don't know!”
Right after that Bruno rushes in. “What's wrong ____?”
“Something weird in the fridge--a head! I was just looking in the fridge because I was kinda hungry!”
Bruno pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fugo and Narancia come out now!”
A second passes before something phases into form in front of the annoyed witch. Then right after something small and sparkly flies out from behind the dish rack next to the sink. But you've barely registered the second thing cause there’s a little ghost kid standing there!
He had a tealish glow and you could see right through him.
A shiver runs up your spine and you want to run out of this cabin.
“Do either of you want to explain why ____ says they saw a head in the fridge?” Bruno asks. His breath is visible from how cold it's gotten.
The ghost looks down at his feet avoiding eye contact. The glowing light next to the ghost didn’t seem keen on answering either.
“Brats,” Abbacchio says before walking out of the kitchen.
"Narancia t-told me to…" the ghostly child's voice sounds watery and distant.
Bruno sighs before looking at you. “I’m sorry.”
“I...It’s okay,” you lie.
And you guess Bruno can tell because he stares at you strangely before speaking again. “Well I suppose I should introduce you to them since we all are here. This is Fugo." He points to the ghost. "And this is Narancia.”
You risk getting closer to the glowing small creature flying in the air and realize that they look like a shrunken child with wings.
“A...pixie?” you ask. You can barely believe your eyes but should you be surprised at this point?
"I think...I need to go to sleep," you say.
“Okay,” Bruno says, understanding. “Are you sure you're fine?”
“Uh huh.” You’re about to speed walk to the guest room, but remember the glass on the floor.
“Oh wait do you have a broom?" you ask the witch. "I-I'm sorry…”
“I'll take care of it.”
You nod and go back to your room. You wouldn't be wandering around Bruno's home again at night, if you ever stayed the night again that is.
When you open your front door to walk out, you immediately tense up in surprise. Doppio's standing there, holding the key you gave him.
" ____--"
The both of you stop talking.
The incubus frowns and fidgets with the key in his hand. "Er ____...I'm sorry for keeping things from you! I really missed you.”
You hum but can't get any words out. For some reason you felt uncomfortable and timid.
You clench your hands next to your sides and force yourself to speak. “I shouldn't have said what I did and especially not that harshly. I-I'm sorry and I missed you too.”
Doppio seems to relax but you stand in place awkwardly, struggling to make proper eye contact.
“That's okay ____. I understand why you were upset.”
"Yea but still…"
"Um, is it okay if we hug?" Doppio asks.
His expression is shy but he doesn't look away which makes you smile. You nod and open your arms. Your friend walks into them wrapping his own arms around you and giving you a squeeze. He smells like something sugary but you can't place it.
Once you're satisfied, you let your arms drop and pull away from the incubus.
“Do you want to come inside?”
He tilts his head. “Weren't you heading somewhere though?”
“I can go later. It’s not urgent.”
Doppio nods and walks past you inside. You shut the door and the two of you sit down on the couch.
“So what were you up to the last several weeks?” A question that you hoped would make any left over awkwardness disperse.
“I was on business for the boss.”
“Of course...Maybe he’ll finally stop being so angry with me.”
Doppio looks confused before his eyes widen, "Not that type of business!"
“Oh! What type of stuff then?"
"Um...making sure people stick to agreements. I don't think you'd want me to go into detail."
He gives a bit of a forced laugh. So you move on.
"Hey, you're okay right?” you ask.
“Like you're not dying or anything? Diavolo said you would just lose your powers, but I just want to make sure.”
“Oh that. Yeah, I'm okay! I don't need sex to stay alive...”
You nod. “I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around this incubus stuff--well demon stuff in general." You suddenly remember the events that happened at Bruno's house recently. “Actually, supernatural stuff overall. Soooo...just wondering, is it possible to exorcise a demon out of a demon?”
He grimaces slightly. “____, what are you trying to do?”
“I'm just speculating, but maybe we could get rid of Diavolo.”
Doppio's eyes widen. "N-no way. Why?"
”Don't you want to? He's literally leeching off of you.”
You liked Doppio...a lot and you wanted him to stay by your side but dealing with his alter ego frankily sucked. You had been able to tolerate him (barely) but after not having him come in and threaten you for the past couple weeks, any qualms (if there were any to begin with) about getting rid of Diavolo were gone. You just needed to get Doppio onboard.
“I don't know…I know he can be a lot but he's not all bad.”
You stare unbelieving at him. “Doppio, I think you might be codependent. He's literally the worst type of person.”
He avoids your eyes. "Well technically he's not even a person--"
“Demon whatever, he still sucks.”
"I don't think this is a good idea ____. He might be listening right now!"
That wasn't about to stop you. And even though Doppio didn't like to act like it, he had more control over this body than his "boss". The fact that Diavolo hasn't appeared to rip you apart proved that.
“If it doesn't work you can put all the blame on me. He won't hurt his own vessel anyways.”
“I'm not worried about me ____."
You smile a bit at his concern. "If we get this to work then you'll never have to worry about me."
Doppio sighs. "I guess...How are you even planning to do this?”
“Well, I've been visiting Bruno while you were gone.”
The incubus immediately looks disgruntled.
“Don't make that face okay. I actually managed to get him to consider doing things a different way.”
“B-But what if he's just using this as a way to get our guard down?”
“We are just researching. I haven't agreed to anything just yet. I really just want to know if it's possible…And wouldn't it be nice to have your own body?”
Doppio nods but still looks unsure.
“So let's just see what happens?” you say hoping to give him that little push he needs.
"Well if it's just research...it can't hurt to look into it?"
You nod and smile. “Right! I'll let you know if anything comes up.”
57 notes · View notes
fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Pavlov’s Mice and Cameo
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So thanks to Tumblr nerfing my ability to make an admittedly absurdly long post combining the previous episode rewatch with this one, I had to do this entry in two parts.
But at least now we’re in for the real treat: The first episode in airing order that’s animated by TMS Entertainment. And hey, even the Animaniacs show itself seems to acknowledge that this is special, because theme song rhyme is…
We're Animanie! Totally insane-y!~
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Pinky and the Brainy!~
…which hasn’t been done since their debut. So this is gonna be fun.
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Might as well get this out of the way, then, since this episode obviously involves Ivan Pavlov. I think most people who know of Pavlov through cultural osmosis pretty much know him as just “that one scientist who got dogs to respond to the sound of bells as if they were being offered food”. This is what happened, but it’s only part of the story. In reality, Ivan Pavlov was doing research on the physiology of digestion in dogs and he noticed one day that the dogs he was studying started to drool in the mere presence of the lab technician who regularly fed them even if the technician didn’t have food with them. Pavlov developed a way to redirect the dogs’ digestive juices outside of the body so that they could be measured, and then he ran some conditioning experiments to see if he could get them to salivate in response to external stimuli that had nothing to do with food, like ringing a bell.
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The year in the title card, 1904, was the year Ivan Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize for the previously mentioned experiments, which he published the results of in “The Work of the Digestive Glands” in 1897. Basically, by 1904 he was done with his work with dogs and he moved on to experimenting with mice…at least according to this article in National Geographic by Virgina Hughes.
With that, let’s begin the episode proper.
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“At the dawn of the 20th century, Russian scientist, Ivan Pavlov, trained animals through his technique of conditioned reflex” says the narrator as we zoom in on a laboratory with Pavlov and our lovable mouse duo.
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“Time to earn your dinner, my little mousey friends!”
It’s interesting how Pinky is the one that flinches uncomfortably at the loud sound of the gong while Brain simply snaps into his conditioned response. And that response? Uhhh…
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“I’m a little teapot, short and stout.~”
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“This is my handle, this is my spout.~”
(Is he…you know…?)
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“When I get all steamed up, hear me shout!~”
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“Tip me over and pour me out.~”
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Oh no… This is a cute and funny scene and all, but when you know about Brain’s canonical issues with how he hates not being in control of a situation and all the traumas he’s endured (for those of you not in the know, yes, Brain does have a lot of trauma in his backstory that we learn about much later, both in the 90s spin-off and the reboot) regarding both general control and losing family and friends…there’s a bitter tinge to this scene.
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He’s so embarrassed and humiliated.
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He takes the cheese but he is positively fuming with rage, and I can’t exactly blame him from what I know about him.
This is made all the worse by Pinky’s innocent reaction to Brain’s little song and dance.
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“Hahahahaha! Wonderful! Hahaha! EGAD, Brain, I could watch you do that dance all day! Haha, narf!”
For Pinky, this is harmless silliness and he gets to see Brain sing and dance and “have fun”, which is not a usual occurrence. But for Brain? Well...
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“You have watched it all day, Pinky. Sixty-one times, to be exact. It’s a conditioned reflex to that infernal gong.”
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“I’m powerless to stop it!”
Well, Brain, at the very least it’s not like you were a part of a more inhumane experiment like one regarding, say, learned helplessness or anything. …Oh wait. Whoops. (For those sensitive to animal abuse, I suggest refraining from clicking on the second link, and caution against clicking on the first if even more clinical text descriptions of such would upset you. The third link is spoilers for the reboot.)
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All that aside, it seems like it’s Pinky’s turn. He gets the more traditional bell chime for his stimulus.
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And the result is him going into an uncontrollable and very enthusiastic Slavic folk dance.
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With violent results. I hope you appreciate that last screencap, as the animation goes by so quickly I had a lot of trouble isolating the part where Pinky kicks Brain and he goes flying.
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Pinky is all too happy to get a reward of cheese, his favourite food, for doing something that he has no memory of.
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“What’cha doin’ over there, Brain?”
“Contemplating your afterlife, Pinky.”
That’s not exactly fair, Brain, you know he has no control over this. To Brain’s credit, though, he doesn’t bop him or anything for kicking him involuntarily.
Pavlov leaves, playfully saying that he hopes the mice dream of cheese tonight, and the mice are immediately down to business.
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“At last, he’s gone.”
“Now we can begin our conquest of the world!”
We’re already back to it being “our” conquest of the world, eh?
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“Behold my latest creation, Pinky: The Vacuum-o-nator.”
Brain has never been good with naming things, has he? At least, not so far. I wonder if this will continue throughout the franchise?
Pinky is certainly very happy and impressed, though.
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“It uses reverse air pressure to vacuum everything toward it.”
You know, I was just about to roast Brain for thinking that making a very odd version of a vacuum cleaner was such a brilliant thing, but then I remembered that this takes place in 1904. The vacuum cleaner as we know it was “invented independently by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth and American inventor David T. Kenney” in 1901 according to Wikipedia, and portable vacuums were available to the general public starting in 1905.My apologies, Brain, that actually is very impressive.
Although, this all hinges on if the viewer considers episodes that take place in the past and/or at different locations than Acme Labs California to be mere Alternate Universe/What If? stories or Brain and Pinky using some kind of time machine to go to a different place and time for these episodes. (Before you tell me that this is just a cartoon and sicc the Please, Please Get a Life Foundation on me, I do this to have fun and maybe educate myself and the reader along the way. I promise I have a life. Barely.)
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“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Pinky?”
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“Uhh… Yeah, Brain! But where are we gonna find rubber pants our size?”
Pinky, that’s… Listen, folks, don’t make the same mistake I did and google “rubber pants”. It’s not what you think it is. You will be disappointed.
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Seems like you’re enjoying yourself there, Pinky.
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“No, Pinky. We’re going to use the Vacuum-o-nator to steal Russia’s crown jewels!”
Man, the animation for even this one small proclamation by Brain is so, so good. Brain standing authoritatively and holding the pen like a scepter or spear, the grand sweep of his arm as he says “no”, the serious and slightly menacing expression on his face, a violent and grabby swing of his arm on the word “steal”,  and a dramatic point and look up towards the sky when he finishes. TMS does great work, folks.
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“Narf! Genius, Brain!”
Look at Brain’s satisfied smile at Pinky’s simple compliment. Remember what I said earlier about Brain going through his explanations to show off to and  impress Pinky? At this point I’m absolutely convinced that that’s why Brain turns up the theatrics more than necessary when going through his plans. After all, Pinky is (oddly and rather sadly) the only one in-universe who thinks Brain is a genius and a good person.
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…Of course, the effect can sometimes be lessened by subsequent innocent bumbling.
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“Turn it off, Pinky.”
He says this so exasperatedly yet so deadpan at the same time, it’s great.
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“Oh! Right-o!”
Even Pinky immediately knows that he fucked up.
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“Zort! Whew! Wild hairdo, Brain! Heh heh, I like it.”
He even pets Brain’s “hairdo”, aww. And though I personally could take or leave the ‘do, I like the pointed, sharp look this mishap’s given to his ears.
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“Now I feel cleansed.”
Okay, this one might have been a little too much, Brain.
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“But Brain, aren’t the crown jewels always guarded by giant Cossacks?”
Well, Pinky, from what I know Cossacks were usually used extensively in the police force and as border guards during this time, so I guess that’s possible?
Brain picking the lock with the pen is a fun little detail.
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“Don’t worry about the guards… For tonight, Pinky, at precisely 1 am, there’s a total lunar eclipse. “
Again, this is probably not a thing the average person could look up quickly and easily in the 90s and the writers most likely didn’t care about accuracy here, but there were no total lunar eclipses in 1904. There were some penumbral lunar eclipses in March and September of that year, though. Just a fun fact for you folks.
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“The Earth’s shadow will completely cover the moon, blacking out all of St. Petersburg for a period of 30 seconds.”
Brain…?!? Brain, how did you get the diagram on that piece of paper to animate like that? What kind of Harry Potter-style magic bullshit is this?
I know this is a cartoon and all and I’m not truly upset but this honestly came out of nowhere and made me do a double-take.
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“In that brief time, we will sneak past the Czar’s guards under the cover of darkness and steal the crown jewels…for he who controls the jewels controls Mother Russia!”
More dramatics!
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“But…I thought your mother’s name was Désirée?”
I love Brain’s pose here. Very grumpy and sassy.
As for Pinky’s comment: We do get to meet Brain’s parents way later in the spin-off, though neither are addressed by any name. I’m taking this joke as canon anyway because it’s funny.
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Well, well, well… Looks like we’re shaking things up a bit with an inking instead of a bonk. That’s gonna be a pain to get out of his white fur, though.
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“Soon, Pinky, I will rule Russia…so from now on, call me Czar.”
Another sassy hand-on-hip pose.
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“Right-o, Brain!”
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“—eek! Czar Brain!”
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“Come along, Pinky… Conquest awaits!”
Nice to know that despite the inking, Pinky’s still following him anyway. Plus he’s doing it with that fond look on his face again. Hmm…
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What follows is a cute and ingenious sequence of Brain launching Pinky and himself through an open window via the spring force of a mousetrap. It goes by very quickly, but I just wanted to highlight a few things I managed to notice while pausing through it. Kudos to the animators again for these little details.
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Pinky’s the one that wraps one arm around Brain’s shoulders so that Brain has both hands free to spring the mousetrap properly and so that they’ll be launched together.
Interestingly enough, Pinky’s the cautious one who braces for impact right away while Brain gleefully flies through the air with his arms outstretched.
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The “camera” changes perspective and while Brain is still boldly flying forward with confidence, Pinky is still worried but has now opened his eyes as they fly towards the window.
Pinky’s still holding onto Brain and the Vacuum-o-nator as tight as he can. As they get closer to the window, however…
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…Pinky seems to realize he’s going to smash into the wall above the window if he doesn’t let go, so he lets go of Brain. Brain doesn’t realize where his trajectory is taking him.
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Pinky angles himself downward and through the open window, but it’s too late for Brain.
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WHAM! RIP, Brain.
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But his pain is not done! It looks like Pinky’s landing was in the soft snow. Meanwhile, Brain slides down onto the window and through the opening, only to bash into the lid of a garbage can, much to Pinky’s concern.
Then Brain falls headfirst into the snow.
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And finally, Brain is clonked on the head by the same garbage can lid, which makes a loud gong noise. Someone get this poor mouse some Aspirin.
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But since there was a gong noise, you all know what that means!
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Cutely, Pinky joins in on the dance in the middle of it.
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“Ha! Oh that was fun, Czar Brain! But let’s give it another go, right? Only this time with feeling!”
Man, that side-eye at the beginning from Brain…
Pinky’s body language is great in this episode, too. The gleeful flapping of his arms and feet and the “with feeling” gesture are fantastic examples of his more open and energetic nature coming through.
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Oh hey, there’s that one shot of Brain being ticked off used in the spin-off theme song! I can’t exactly blame him for his anger here. He just went through a lot of pain in a short amount of time and was then involuntarily made to humiliate himself. Pinky doesn’t mean to be mean here—he genuinely wants to have some sing and dance fun with Brain—but it’s gotta sting to have the humiliation highlighted.
Pinky still doesn’t deserve a bonking for it, though. But it’s slapstick, so he’s fine.
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Heh, “deliveries to rear” indeed.
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Oh, are those jingle bells on a sleigh that I see?
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Uh oh…
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“No, Pinky… Not now!”
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It cannot be stopped, Brain. He must dance!
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Another quick detail as Brain launches himself at Pinky’s midsection to either topple him over or hold him still to get Pinky to stop.
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Alas, Pinky’s dancing is too strong.
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The face of regret.
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His punishment is swiftly thwarted, though.
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“…That was unpleasant.”
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They take a different and more uneventful ride on a hay wagon to the palace.
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I love the exaggerated perspective going on here.
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“We made it inside, Brain!”
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“…’Czar Brain’.”
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“Czar Brain.”
He says it so quietly and sweetly, aww.
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“Yes, Pinky. There are fleeting moments when I even amaze myself.”
I…don’t know if it’s much of an accomplishment yet, Brain. Settle that ego down a bit.
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Oh, that’s some classic Looney Tunes-style sneaking animation there.
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Wait, why is the door to the treasure room just open behind them? Czar Nicolas II, what gives?
Speaking of…
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Hello, Czar Nicolas II. I hope you’re enjoying your “eclipse party”. You only have another 14 years or so to live it up, after all.
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“In just a few minutes, it’ll be totally dark and scary. OooOOoo!~ But don’t anyone touch me, I have cooties!”
I, uhhh. Okay, then.
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Same, boys. Same. Best to get down to business.
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“Behold the crown jewels of Mother Russia, Pinky. World conquest will soon be ours!”
Again, world conquest is “ours” and not just Brain’s. Also you can just tell Pinky’s thinking “I’m going to wear so much of this jewelry!”
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“Now, Brain?”
“Not yet. Wait for the total eclipse.”
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Speaking of…
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“Complete darkness, Pinky. Start the Vacuum-o-nator…”
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That gonging noise is an interesting choice for a chime. Surely this ornate clock is only an omen of good things for our duo.
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Pinky, you’re swooning again. And Brain…
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Oh no.
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Another clock! Who’d have thought Russian nobility loved clocks so much? This one has a more pleasant bell chime, though.
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…Oh NO!
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Well, looks like things are going to hell pretty quickly.
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Goodbye, boys.
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Goodbye, Czar Nicolas II! You might wanna look out for a man named Grigori Rasputin in the future, okay?
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Nice hat, Brain.
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“Whu--? The eclipse is over? Narf! What happened, Brain?”
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“Zort! I mean, Czar Brain.”
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“We failed again, Pinky… But just wait until tomorrow night!”
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“Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?”
“What else, Pinky?: Try to take over the world!”
It was a nice try, boys, but honestly I don’t know how you were going to fit all those crown jewels into that tiny improvised vacuum bag, anyway.
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One last cute little detail in this episode is our mousey duo jumping up with enthusiastic determination in front of the silhouette of the moon on the last note of the theme reprise. One day, you guys. One day…
Oh! And before I forget, have another short cameo from “Plane Pals”. It’s a tiny one.
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Pinky and the Brain steal a sheep off of an airplane. For what purpose? Who knows? But that’s it. I’m kind of wondering if the writers wanted to make a running joke of them making cameos to steal random things for world conquering purposes and just sort of gave up.
Anyway, so ends our recap for this post. It sure was a long one, but what can I say? There were some very cute details that needed to be shared. Have we learned anything new this time? Well, I mean, besides historical trivia.
Brain thinks both he and Pinky are great actors, despite his own near inability to lie and keep up an innocent pretense. Oh, he can be sarcastic, sure, but he can’t seem to manage to stop himself from revealing that he’s out for world  domination whenever he has an audience.
For the first time we see Brain’s annoyance and humiliation resulting from him being a lab mouse. Though it’s on the more subtle side at the moment, Brain seemed extra grumpy and violent during that last     episode because of the conditioning he’s unwillingly gone through. I’m     curious to see if there are any more examples of this before we reach an  episode touching on his origin story. Or…one of his origin stories, at     least. There’s around four of them last I checked and all but one of them  can reasonably fit into the others.
Pinky is truly beginning to show how much he adores Brain, which is nice. Beforehand we knew he was down with his world domination plans for whatever reason and also that he thinks Brain’s plans are great and ingenious. Now, though, we’ve gotten to the point of him literally swooning at Brain and his plans. Something’s definitely brewing there.
Next time: We get some more substantial cameos, join our mouse duo on a Fort Knox heist, and meet a new character that is both pretty important to the “lore” of the show going forward…but also doesn’t appear in person after their introductory episode until the very end of the Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain spin-off run.
See you then!
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
As long as you’re my Valentine, I don’t care
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Hyunjin
Caregiver: Jeongin
 Noone’s POV.:
Valentine’s day was approaching fast and this year it would be special to two members of Stray Kids. For Hyunjin and Jeongin it would be the first Valentine’s together as a couple. The dancer knew how much the maknae hated Valentine’s day and had promised himself to change the younger’s mind this year. To Hyunjin it would be the first time to spend this day of love in a relationship. It had only been a few days ago, that Jeongin admitted why he hated this day so much. In the past, he had found out that his ex-girlfriend cheated on him, right when he was about to pick her up for a special date. When the older learned about this, he was furious. How could somebody be so harsh on such a sweet and loving boy? He would make it right, from this year on Jeongin would only have positive memories of this day and maybe someday he could forget about the bad ones.
Jeongin was scared. He knew Hyunjin has always been treating him better than his ex-girlfriend ever did. Still, he couldn’t help but be scared. The vocalist knew how excited the older was and felt guilty, guilty that he was bringing down his boyfriend’s mood. He was glad Hyunjin’s heart was still pure and hoping to keep it that way, the maknae was determined to make Valentine’s day special for the older. Since it was the first Valentine’s the older would spend with a boyfriend, Jeongin decided to push his own hurt back and make the day memorable. He had already talked to his hyungs, who’d help him prepare. They planned a picnic in the park, where Jeongin had chosen a spot close to a few trees. Despite the branches, the sun would still reach there and hopefully warm the ground a bit. They had a thick blanket to put on the grass and Jeongin packed two additional sweaters in case the weather would be colder than expected. He made eggrolls, strawberries covered in chocolate and also took a box of pocky, knowing the older liked it. The maknae did really well preparing all those things by himself. He really only needed his hyungs to occupy his boyfriend so it would by a surprise.
Hyunjin himself had many thoughts on how he could make the day perfect for his dongsaeng but when the date got closer, the maknae had announced he’d choose where they’d go and Hyunjin better not plan anything because he already had. The dancer was a bit surprised but if it made the younger happy, he’d go anywhere with him. He was a bit irritated when on the morning of the 14th, Chan came to his room claiming he had to talk to him about upcoming choreographies that would have to be made. Hyunjin was to upset at the leader to notice the older suppressing chuckles. “Relax Hyunjin, we’ll be done soon. I want to go on a date with my boyfriend too, so we’ll finish this off quick”, the oldest lied, keeping on his act and waiting for his phone to vibrate with a text from Jeongin, that would tell him the youngest was done setting everything up. The young vocalist had already made his way to the park in the early morning, after putting on a warm yet cute outfit and some makeup. He always claimed, he wasn’t cute but when he was with his boyfriend, it was a different story. The older loved it when Jeongin dressed cutely. The blanket was spread out, the basket with food in the center, so it wouldn’t be blown away by the wind. The maknae was lucky that the temperatures rose early this year, causing flowers to bloom earlier than usual. Getting an idea, he ventured around the park and picked some wildflowers that he then tied into a small bouquet. It wasn’t the overly cliché kind, consisting of only red roses but rather held a charm of childish innocence. He had just tied the flowers together when his phone vibrated with a text from Chan.
Are you almost done? Your Romeo over here is getting whiny and ya’know, I have somewhere to be soon too.
Yeah, I’ll call him to meet me in a second
Sorry for holding you back from your own date and thank you so much hyungie
The youngest then opened his boyfriend’s contact and hit the call button. It didn’t even take two full rings for the older to pick up. “Innie! Channie-hyung just wouldn’t let me go!”, the dancer complained. Giggling the younger admitted: “Hyung, he needed to keep you busy for a while, so I could prepare something for you. Can you meet me at the park gates?” – “I’ll be there in a second, cutie!” – “I’ll be waiting, you better not stand me up”, Jeongin teased, walking towards the gates to meet his hyung. The call ended and not long after, he could see his boyfriend jogging towards him. ‘He really did hurry’, the maknae chuckled.
Hyunjin came to a stop right in front of Jeongin panting a bit. The younger intertwined their hands, kissing the back of his boyfriend’s hand before leading him into the park. The dancer was slowly catching his breath as they walked and swung their hands a bit, a wide smile on his face, excited to find out what his boyfriend had prepared. “Happy Valentine’s, love”, Jeongin smiled as he handed the older the flowers he had picked. They both sat down on the blanket and Hyunjin thanked the maknae for the flowers. It was true, he loved the aesthetic of wildflowers more than any type of cliché bouquet, the only problem was that Hyunjin and flowers didn’t get along well in general. He was touched by the gesture and had no heart to tell the younger, that flowers might be the worst gift he could have gotten him, so he smiled through the increasing itchiness in his eyes and at the back of his sinuses. They ate their eggrolls and talked, catching up on each other’s life because they had been quite busy with different schedules lately. When they were done, Hyunjin had already ducked away to sneeze thrice and Jeongin was getting a bit worried. He hadn’t been spending much time with his boyfriend recently and was afraid the older had gotten sick, hiding it because he didn’t want to cancel their date. The dancer repeatedly assured his that he was fine and the maknae didn’t want to ruin the mood by pressing on, so he produced a box of pocky from the picnic-basket. “You know, I always wanted to know how well we could do at this game”, he blushed, taking the pocky between his lips. With a smirk, Hyunjin leaned in, only taking slow small bites to tease the younger. They were almost kissing at this point, when suddenly the dancer’s breath hitched and he pulled away to catch two breathless sneezes against his wrist. “Bless you, really 3cm, I thought you could do better”, Jeongin teased, after taking the remaining pocky out of his mouth and examining it. Blinking away the itchy tears in his eyes, Hyunjin pouted: “I’m sorry, let me try again?” The younger giggled, grabbing a new pocky. Soon, the game turned into a make-out session, from which the older had to pull away first. His nose had gotten really stuffy and he needed to catch his breath.
They both calmed down a bit and enjoyed the early spring sun. “Innie, I’m cold”, Hyunjin whined. “Oh, I packed some extra sweaters”, the younger smiled but when he reached to grab one, he was tackled. The older smirked: “Why would I need another sweater when I can just cuddle you?” Jeongin ended up with his head in his hyung’s lap as they fed each other chocolate-covered strawberries. The maknae was finally questioning his hate for Valentine’s day and wished to spend every following one with his ‘Jinnie-hyung’. Said hyung was sniffling more frequently, trying to discreetly rub his nose against his sweater. “Hyung, are you sure you’re ok?”, Jeongin whispered, linking their fingers together. The dancer wanted to fight to insist on being fine, but the hitch in his breath kept him from saying anything. Sitting up, Jeongin took a closer look at his hyung, whose eyes had become distant, lips slightly parted before he twisted to the side with a wet sounding sneeze. He didn’t dare remove his hand from his face, when he looked back up and the younger got the hint, handing his boyfriend a tissue, so he could clean himself up. While the dancer tended to his nose, the maknae bit his lip, thinking. He noticed the redness not only around the older’s nostrils but also around his eyes, lashes dotted with irritated tears. “Sorry”, Hyunjin sniffled, shoving the damp tissue into his pocket. Jeongin frowned, giving him a questioning look: “You’re not sick, are you? It’s your allergies acting up and I managed to pick something that’s bothering you, didn’t I?” – “I-I … Sorry, Innie”, the dancer mumbled, glancing at his hands, ashamed. “Why are you apologizing?”, the younger whined, “I made you suffer, I should be the one apologizing. Why didn’t you say anything?” – “You were so happy and the flowers looked so pretty”, the older sniffed.
Rolling his eyes, Jeongin walked away and took the flowers with him. When he returned, the flowers were gone. Hyunjin was close to tears, so the maknae wrapped a comforting arm around his hyung’s shoulders soothing him: “Hey, I took pictures of it, so you can look at the flowers without them setting you off. It’s ok, hyung. Sorry for not considering that.” The dancer buried his itchy face in his boyfriend’s chest, only to pull away sneezing again. “Let’s go home and shower. These clothes and the blanket will go straight in the wash”, Jeongin decided, “You’ll take an antihistamine and we can watch all those overly sappy dramas you’re always talking about.” – “Nooo, I don’t want to leave yet”, Hyunjin whined, “And the antihistamines always make me sleepy, I don’t like them.” The maknae chuckled and stood up, holding out a hand to pull the older up as well. When he had packed all their things together, he looked at his boyfriend, finding him all pouty. “Oh, come on, hyung!”, he sighed, tugging at the older’s arm. The dancer just shook his head: “No, I don’t wanna go yet.” – “Hyung, we are going home now! This is for your own wellbeing, so I’m not arguing with you. We’re leaving and that’s final!”, Jeongin said firmly. He took their things in one hand and used the other to pull his upset boyfriend along. ‘Innie’s being all domineering…hot’, Hyunjin smirked, allowing to be dragged back to the dorm. He was actually glad, the younger was leading him since his vision was blurry from the tears and his eyes kept fluttering shut with held back sneezes.
The dorm was empty since all the members had gone out on their respective dates. The maknae abandoned the basket in the kitchen, only taking the blanket to the bathroom and shoving it into the wash. Their clothes soon followed as the couple stepped into the shower together to wash all the pollen out of their hair. Jeongin was having a pretty hard time to stay focused, Hyunjin was still sneezy and the younger could see his boyfriend’s abs tense with every single sneeze. The dancer noticed but didn’t say anything, only smirking to himself. “Inniiiee? Could you wash my hair?”, he asked, blinking at the maknae with puppy eyes. Grabbing the shampoo, Jeongin laughed: “Bend down, you big baby!” Lathering the other’s long hair with shampoo, the younger massaged his scalp well, scratching it lightly. The dancer was almost purring, a satisfied look on his face, before he returned the favor.
When they were done and went back to their rooms, they exchanged hoodies and dressed in their most comfortable sweatpants. Hyunjin waited on his boyfriend’s bed. They usually cuddled there because the dancer insisted it was much more comfortable than his own. Jeongin soon joined him, carrying a small tray that he set down on the bedside table. He brought two cups of warm cocoa, the remaining pocky and some antihistamines. The older smiled at the maknae’s caring side but frowned when he was handed the medicine. “I know, hyung. They make you sleepy and you hate it but, they will make your eyes and nose less itchy and you will feel better soon”, Jeongin promised, holding up a hand to silence his hyung’s complains. Hyunjin tried the puppy eyes again, pouting: “But Inniiee, I wanted to make this Valentine’s special for you, not sleeping most of the day.” – “It already is special, because I spend it with you, hyung. If you sleep through most of the day, I don’t care. As long as you’re my Valentine, I don’t care. Plus, I don’t hate the antihistamines as much as you do because they make you even more clingy and cuddly than usual and that’s so adorable”, the younger smiled, cupping his boyfriend’s face and kissing the pout away. He sat down on the bed too and the older finally took his medicine. Drinking their cocoa and nibbling pocky, the couple reminisced the beginnings of their relationship and their first dates. By the time their cups were empty and all the pocky was gone, Hyunjin was almost passed out with his head on Jeongin’s shoulder. With a fond look, the maknae, helped the older to lay down properly, so they could cuddle for the rest of the day.
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kiarcheo · 3 years
A Whole New World    2/10
Jane and Kat find out there is more to each other…and to the new world they have found themselves in.
Read on Ao3 too
AN: I have seen Anne’s date of birth ranging from 1501 to 1507, and Jane’s between 1504 and 1509. For the sake of this story I consider Anne born in 1501 and consequently dying at 35, and Jane being born in 1508 and dying at 28.
Kat came back at 18 and Jane at 22, Anna, Cathy and Anne in their late twenties, and Catalina in her early thirties.
It becomes a regular thing. Sometimes it’s a museum Kat has already visited, sometimes a new one on the list she keeps of places she wants to see. They often make a day of it, treating themselves to lunch (usually at Jane’s initiative, since Kat tends to forego eating in favour of whatever has caught her interest), exploring parts of the city unknown to them.
One evening, close to dusk, they are walking through an empty park when Kat stops. ‘Have you ever wanted to try them out?’
‘Try what?’ Jane follows the direction of Kat’s gaze. ‘That?’
‘They look like fun.’
‘They are for children.’
‘Who said that? Besides, there are no children around...’  Kat trails off, eyebrow raised waiting for a response.
‘You know what? Why not?’
Kat lets out a small squeal before grabbing Jane’s hand and dragging her towards the playground.
‘Remember when you said “who said that they are just for children”?’ Jane asks as they are sitting on the platform, feet dangling down, recovering their breath and cooling down.
‘You mean, like, half an hour ago?’
‘Smartass.’ Jane gives her a look, before pointing to a sign. ‘Children’s Play Area. Only children under the age of 12 may use this play area.’
‘Well, technically we haven’t been back for that long?’
Jane shakes her head amused. Kat is so cheeky and she would have never guessed before spending so much time with her.
‘So what was your favourite part?’ she asks after a bout of silence. That is another thing that changed. Before, silent moments were much more common and awkward, now their quiet spells are rarer and yet infinitely more comfortable.
‘You falling off those.’ Kat motions with her head towards the monkey bars, getting a glare in response. ‘What about yours?’
‘The slides, I’d say.’
‘Yeah, they are nice. But too short, don’t you think?’
‘I know, right? By the time you pick up speed, you’re already at the end,’ Jane agrees. ‘They should make them longer. Adult-sized.’
‘Wait!’ Kat whips out her phone. ‘Let me...’
And Jane lets her. She has learnt that Kat's curiosity is insatiable. If she stumbles upon something she doesn’t know or doesn’t understand…she has to look it up. So many times, when their fellow queens mention (usually complain, actually) that Kat is always glued to her phone, Jane has been tempted to tell them that most of the time she is learning something new...but if Kat had not told them – not even if she would probably spare herself their scolding – then it’s not her place to tell them.
‘They exist!’ Kat exclaims angling the screen towards Jane. ‘Look! They even have playgrounds for adults!’
They look together at the photos for a while before Kat taps on a Wikipedia link, her first port of call every time. ‘Amusement parks,’ she starts to read the entry aloud before being interrupted by a text notification popping up on the screen.
Kat groans as she reads it.
‘Curfew,’ Kat sighs. ‘Apparently it’s late and they are wondering why I’m not home yet.’ She knows it’s because they care but... ‘Did you get one too?’
Jane checks her phone. ‘No.’
Kat sighs again. ‘One dies young once and she is forever treated like a baby.’ She notices the look Jane is sending her. ‘Please don’t start.’
‘I didn’t say anything.’
‘I can't make a joke that everyone freaks out thinking I’m depressed or having a breakdown or a flashback or something.’
Jane remembers clearly one of those occasions. They had been discussing nightmares and how everyone seemed to have them except Kat, who had commented that perhaps losing her head had meant losing everything that had been inside that too. She also remembers very clearly thinking that the reactions had been a bit disproportionate compared to Kat’s offhand tone and casual demeanour.
‘Sometimes a girl just wants to be self-deprecating. Or joke about her own death without being psychoanalysed and having people wanting to talk about your trauma.’
‘I get it. I said once that I had no time with Edward. I was just...stating a fact. I was not looking for pity or anything. But they tripped over themselves to reassure me that I was still his mother – which of course! – and that I’m still a mother now. And honestly. One has a child once and she is forever just a mother in everyone’s eyes. Don’t get me wrong. I wish I could have seen Edward grow up. Wish I could have been his mother. Properly. But I wasn’t. And out of all of us, I’m the one who had less time with children. Besides you, I was the youngest one to die. So I have no idea why everyone thinks of me as this motherly figure?’
Aware that she has been ranting, Jane chances a look at Kat, who has a peculiar expression on her face.
‘What?’ she asks, feeling self-conscious.
‘I’m just thinking how happy I am that you joined me that day at the museum.’
That had been the true start of their relationship, despite having lived together for many months prior to that.
‘You mean you're happy I caught you sneaking out?’
Jane knows what she means, though. They would have never thought, and even less found, they had so many things in common. Or that they could get along so well and have so much fun together.
‘I was not sneaking out.’
Jane merely looks at her.
‘I thought nobody was home. It was just out of habit.’
‘So all the other times you sneaked out.’
Kat doesn’t reply, knowing Jane is doing it just to annoy her. They had a similar talk the second time they went to a museum together, Jane asking why they were sort of hiding their trip. It was not that Kat thought they would stop her if they knew she was going out. But she just didn’t want to deal with their questions. About where she was going, why, why she was going alone, when she was coming back...Just easier to leave without them knowing and then simply tell them she had been out if they asked having noticed she had not been home. In their defence, they knew better than to pry and as long as she was home safely, they would let it go despite being curious.
‘I know you’re the one in charge of our museum days,’ Jane starts, ‘but I wanted to run an idea by you.’
‘Of course we can go to a museum of your choice. You don’t need to ask permission or whatever.’
‘Wait before agreeing.’
‘Is it the Tower?’ Kat winces with a grimace, trying to think of places still standing that Jane might be wary of asking her to visit.
Jane stops rummaging in her bag, her head shooting up. ‘What the fuck, Katherine??’
The younger girl is so lost in unpleasant memories that she doesn't even react to Jane’s swearing nor her full naming her. ‘Hampton Court?’
‘Why would I ever do something like that?’ Jane recoils. ‘God, no! The Clink.’
‘The prison! Not the-’
‘Brothels?’ Kat completes, eyebrow raised in amusement. Then she nods, almost to herself. The area had been known for two main things…the prison and for allowing usually forbidden activities.
‘Yes. I mean, they made a prison museum. You know I like true crime and–’
Yes. That had been a surprise. When Kat had asked if there was something she particularly enjoyed reading and learning about, like she loved history, that had definitely not been the answer she had expected. Jane must have known that, considering how much she hummed and hawed before caving after Kat had called bullshit – literally – on her non-committal answer.
‘–I think I’d like to– but I don’t want to, like, trigger you?’
‘What’s inside, exactly?’
Jane finally finds what she has been looking for in her bag and hands her a leaflet.
‘You know what?’ Kat takes a look at it. ‘We can go and you can...scout it out?’ She doesn’t see anything upsetting in the pictures, but there will be so much more in the museum that they can show in a single leaflet. ‘You can take a look before me and if you think there is something that might…disturb me, you tell me and I’ll skip that room?’
‘I mean, you know I'm not too fussed about death and stuff like that as long as it’s not too bloody. Or neck-related.’
She is not too keen on watching documentaries with Jane, but she doesn’t mind listening to her talking about them. Or about whatever serial killer or unsolved crime she is currently reading about.
‘Thank you.’ Jane squeezes her arm, hoping Kat knows it’s not about agreeing to her request, but for her trust. ‘On an unrelated note...food?’
Jane’s constant preoccupation with food is another thing put down to her supposedly maternal instinct, a desire to make sure everyone is well-fed. The truth is…Jane loves eating. Being able to enjoy doing so without the ever-present worry of looking unladylike. Discovering new foods. She doesn’t eat a lot, but she needs to eat often, or she becomes…hangry, it’s what Kat called it. And it is only polite to ask if the others are feeling peckish too and want to join her. Moreover, she knows it’s one thing she can’t rely on Kat for, seeing as she is prone to skip meals if there is anything else she deems more important or interesting.  
‘Do you think Catalina would consider this as traditional local food or...?’ Jane wonders aloud as she dips the churro in the plastic pot holding the chocolate sauce.
‘Possibly? Even if they were not invented by Spanish shepherds but brought by the Portuguese from China like some say, I think everyone agrees that by the 16th century they existed in Spain. And look, Romans had fried pastry, so, if not exactly that, something similar. And naturally cacao came to Europe after the Spanish invaded the Americas, so it arrived in Spain first, although if it was just after Cortés, Catalina would have been already in England…so she might have never tried churros with chocolate? Not sure when they started to combine the two, to be honest…’ Kat trails off. ‘What?’
‘Next person who says you’re stupid, I’ll deck them.’
Kat chuckles, bumping her hip into hers. ‘I appreciate the offer.’
‘It’s not an offer, it’s a promise.’
‘Ever thought about getting a car?’ Jane asks after they have been walking for a while.
‘Why? Tired? But not really. Honestly just the idea of getting into one and driving it myself is kind of terrifying.’
Jane nods. It sounds a bit like airplanes for her. It still boggles her mind that humans can fly. And she knows they are mostly safe and all, but it doesn’t mean she is keen on trying them out for herself.
‘I thought about getting a bicycle and learning how to ride,’ Kat continues.
‘Why don’t you?’
‘Yeah, and where would I hide it?’
‘Why would you need to hide it?’ Jane is puzzled enough to ignore Kat’s tone verging on the sarcastic rhetorical question inflection that usually implies someone had just asked a very stupid question.
‘With the potential of me getting hurt? Straying away, getting lost, or whatever? I don’t know if you have noticed, but the others tend to be a bit overprotective.’
And a bit is a euphemism. Don’t get her wrong. It is nice to have people caring and worrying about her. But she spent a lifetime fending for herself. And yes, she had her struggles, and the end might have been inglorious, but Anne wound up the same way and yet nobody questions her…or her capabilities. And okay, that might have something to do with age, but nobody cared about that before, and she had been a bloody queen (and quite a successful one, if she says so herself, at least before her past caught up with her)! Still, she doesn’t want to think how worse it would be if she had come back younger than she had been at the time of her death like the others did.
‘What are you thinking about?’ Jane asks, realising she is miles away, lost in thoughts.
‘How weird it would be if we had come back the same age we died. Well, besides me, obviously.’ She hopes she’ll be there to see it in person, but she can’t really think about Catalina as a 50-years-old woman or Anna in her forties. ‘And about how there is a fine line between heart-warming care and overbearing concern.’
Because, back to the point, she might have been more or less successful, but she is used to rely just on herself and getting by, not to have four other women, Jane to a lesser extent, being overly concerned about her. For certain matters, at least. Because for other things they seem perfectly happy to…perhaps not ignore her, but surely leave her to her own devices, without trying to get her involved. And she is often more than content with it, she will admit that…except that often it also leads to remarks about how she spends all her time at home, always in front a screen, and perhaps she should go out more? And then instead of standing up all night on her phone, she would tire herself out and sleep?
‘So you don’t want to check this out?’
Kat had not even realised they were walking past a sporting goods store.
‘Look! You could easily hide that.’ Jane points out to a small, colourful, tricycle, clearly meant for children.
‘Ah ah. Very funny.’ Sarcasm is heavy in Kat’s voice, but she follows her in.
‘What about this?’
‘A unicycle? Really? Have you ever seen one of those around, in public?’
Jane takes a moment to think about it. ‘Don’t think so.’
‘Exactly. Because they belong in the circus.’
‘One might say our house is a circus.’ They certainly have some chaotic days.
‘And you a clown.’
Jane gasps in mock offence. ‘I miss the days when you were afraid of me.’
‘I was never afraid of you. I was indifferent. And thought you were a stuck-up bore. Also, I know you don’t miss it.’
‘True,’ Jane admits easily. ‘Joking aside. We could put them in the shed?’
She had said once that she didn’t mind taking care of the garden and suddenly she had been left in charge of it, gardening apparently a passion of hers she didn’t even know she had. She supposes that it was deemed an appropriate hobby for boring old plain Jane (and yes, the fact that it is her actual name and not just a phrase in her case does not escape her), just like embroidery. She enjoys both of them, sure, but she is fairly confident the others think that’s all she does, no other interests – oh wait, there is cooking, or at least making sure that everyone is eating too! – which is something she tries not to dwell on too much because that’s frankly a bit (or a lot, depending on how she feels on the day) insulting.
‘We? Them?’ Kat raises an eyebrow. ‘But yes, we could store them there, but not really hide them if anyone happens to look inside. And certainly not two of them.’
Still, they continue to peruse the store.
‘What about these?’ Jane calls Kat’s attention, holding a pair of rollerblades up. ‘I’ve seen kids with them, can’t be that hard, can it?’ she continues once the girl comes over, looking interested.
‘Shoes on wheels? We’re so gonna die.’
Jane starts to put them back, slightly dejected, but Kat snatches them up. ‘Let’s do this.’
‘Yeah?’ She looks at her, tentative grin on her face.
Kat nods with gleeful smile. ‘Absolutely.’
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shockdowndefiance · 3 years
1, 7 and 11 for Allison Shepard and her preferred love interest?
Answering from this post here. Not specified which sections so I'm going to do one question from the top 3.
This is for Allison Shepard and Kaidan Alenko
How did they first meet?
In a Systems Alliance base in Jacksonville, FL, where Kaidan and Joker were joking/veering on mocking who their new XO would be, when Kaidan notices a Staff Lieutenant* in fatigues and with a sea bag over her shoulder. He doesn't think much of it - this is an Alliance base (one of the busiest on Earth, up there with Vancouver, Shanghai etc.) and being his polite self he asks her if he can help her with anything.
Allison doesn't say anything for a moment, eyeing him up, then Joker, then the ship, then back to Kaidan. As soon as she starts to speak all the pieces fall into place and he instantly recognises her the moment she says "Staff Lieutenant Allison Shepard. I believe I'm your XO."
* Yeah I got fed up with the ranks as they are in game/canon, so I made my own system. Shepard is a Staff Lieutenant, Kaidan is a Lieutenant, Ashley is a Gunnery Sergeant as of ME1
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Allison. No question about it. It's not that she's necessarily the more forward or outgoing of the two, but being a War Hero (and before that, daughter of a First Contact War veteran) she's more than used to plastering on a smile, making casual small-talk, and lending an ear to someone for one task or another, but always making sure to never promise anything completely.
As of ME1 Allison's been in the limelight for near-on seven years, received invites to multiple high class events (and when a tour of hers accidentally or accidentally overlaps, oh I'm so sorry I would have loved to come but duty calls) and is basically the Alliance's biotic, N7, and later Spectre poster child.
Kaidan is definitely the more withdrawn of the two, though he opens up enough around close friends and maybe a little alcohol in the mix. When he and Allison are out about their relationship, I imagine that he is quite affectionate in parties, always wanting to be by her and touching in some way (hand on elbow, holding hands, knees touching).
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Hoo boy. I have a playlist of 88 songs, totaling almost 6hrs. This does cover the entirety of Allison Shepard's story up to (and a bit beyond the Reaper War) so not all of them are romantically linked. Of the ones that are, these are my favourite/tell the story in the best way:
Mass Effect 1:
Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love - more for the melody and the title than the lyrics themselves. Allison is a Spacer, so there's a bit of romanticism around stars, the galaxy etc. around their relationship.
Sixx A.M. - Starts (Explicit Lyrics) - "Do you wanna go to heaven tonight...Do you wanna be my lover tonight...Do you want to see the stars before they fall". The romance scene between Shepard and Kaidan on the way to Ilos. Again a cosmic-linked song but the moment I heard this it became the Shenko song for me. Remember this one
Black Stone Cherry - Remember Me & Johnny Cash - Hurt - "Today was a hard day, I still can't believe that all of this is true...When I am gone, will you stay strong, don't cry, this is not a dream. When heaven calls, and stars they fall, believe, will you remember me?" & "What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know, goes away in the end"
AKA the ooof ow my heart songs. Needless to say this is after the destruction of the Normandy SR-1, both from Kaidan's viewpoint. The relationship between the two of them wasn't expressed, so while Allison's family can grieve and mourn in public, Kaidan cannot - and even to a point where he can't be that upset over his CO, can he?
Mass Effect 2:
Shinedown - If Only You Knew - "If you only knew, I'm hanging by a thread, the web I spin for you. If you only knew, I'd sacrifice my beating heart before I'd lose you." This is Allison post-Horizon, when things are heavy. She's pulled her head above water somewhat, but Horizon pulls her back down.
Shinedown - Through The Ghost - "Speak of the devil, look who just walked into the room, the guilted and faded notion of someone I once knew. All the perfect moments are gone, all the precious pieces are wrong." This was originally an ME3 song (Vancouver) but story-wise this now places at the end of ME2, when Allison is heading off to Aratoht. Hackett sends along Kaidan and this echoes her feelings when she sees him.
Mass Effect 3:
Sixx A.M. - Stars (Cinematic) - I told you to remember this one. In any official soundtrack this would be a reprise, the same song but in a more mournful way. Allison and Kaidan are now officially together, and while the spark of what was back on the ME1 is still there, the galaxy being at risk puts a damper on their ability to take time and enjoy being with each other.
Florence + The Machine - Bedroom Hymns - pure romance scenes song. Nothing else to add. Smutty lyrics.
Conchita Wurst - Heroes - "So let the walls come down and the colours light up the sky. We could be heroes, we could be heroes, tonight. Where the hearts break loose and love is like a battlecry, we could be heroes, we could be heroes, tonight".
This one takes a bit of explanation. On the approach to Earth for the final assault, in the small hours of the morning, a thought pops into Kaidan's head. He turns to Allison and simply says "Let's get married." Allison half-laughs but goes "Sure. When?" and 30mins later they're in the shuttle bay, wedding officiated by Joker.
This song (or at least the chorus) is what I imagine whenever I think of that scene. Allison and Kaidan do quick vows, exchange simple fabricated rings, and prepare for the assault. Their wedding day, not that they know it at the time, is also the day the Reaper War ends.
And Beyond...
Black Stone Cherry - Sometimes - "Couldn't we pretend that I'm fine, and this ain't my life. It's not the way it ends for me. Couldn't we pretend, you're not gone, you're still here, it's not true. It's not the way it ends for you.". I spent so long swapping this and Remember Me (in the ME1 section) around and I think I am happy with their placement.
The Reaper War is over. Casualties are many. Allison Shepard is in the hospital, in a medically induced coma, with multiple injuries. The Normandy and her human crew are reported as MIA with no one knowing their status.
This song is, in my mind, a duet sung between Allison and Kaidan, Allison on Earth and Kaidan who-knows-where in the galaxy. They both believe the other dead, and this is them both wishing that this is not the case, that maybe the other can find a way back to them.
In short, another ooof ow my heart song
Skylar Grey - I'm Coming Home Pt. II - I'm sure this is on a lot of people's lists. The Normandy systems are functioning, they're going to make it to Earth, and Kaidan finally gets in contact with the Alliance in London. He discusses what happens with the brass, and turns his head and hides a sigh when yet another higher up is introduced to him.
"Alenko. Good to see you again."
"Allison?!" His eyes snap back front and centre. She's alive, standing in front of him in the QEC. It's a hologram, but it's her. She's alive, on Earth. They made it. Both of them.
And the blood will dry Underneath my nails And the wind will rise up To fill my sails So you can down and you can hate But i know no matter what it takes I'm coming home, I'm coming home Tell the world that I'm coming home
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dessarious · 5 years
Old Scars and New Beginnings Pt27
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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“Is Miss Marinette feeling better?” Alfred’s voice pulled Bruce out of his thoughts and he couldn’t help but wonder what better even meant in this case.
“She’s responsive and calm for the moment. I believe it was the loudness that set her off earlier. We’re going to need to keep track of everything that triggers her. I have a feeling it’s going to be an extremely long list.” Her parents had made her afraid of everything but helping people it seemed.
“I’ve already set up a shared document that everyone can read and add to. I’ve texted it to everyone’s phone. It has columns for both triggers and things that keep Miss Marinette calm.” Bruce pulled out his phone to find the link and found that the boys had already added their own notes.
“Penny and I can help with that if you give us access.” Jagged was frowning at an entry Dick made about reacting poorly to being touched by unknown males.
“Do you know why she has an issue being touched by men?” The man’s face hardened at Bruce’s question and he wasn’t certain he was going to get an answer.
“Her parents told you she slept around right?” Bruce just nodded. Jagged looked like he was on the verge of murder. “Before they stopped her business she got a call about a quote. They gave her an address to go to. When she got there…” He had to pause and take deep breaths. Bruce wasn’t even sure he wanted to hear where this was headed. “When she got there a man was waiting for her. She managed to subdue him before he could do more than give her a few bruises thank god, but ever since she’s been skittish around men she doesn’t know.”
“And why would that make her parents think she was sleeping around?” Alfred asked the question. Bruce was too furious to talk. He couldn’t even see straight at this point.
“When the police got there the guy said he’d just answered an online ad. Someone set it up with Mari’s name but there was no way for them to trace who actually posted it. Everyone just assumed she’d set it up and chickened out at the last moment, or was trying to get sympathy. There was a lot of bullshit going around at the time.” Bruce could only glare at the wall.
“Her parents actually believed that?” Alfred’s voice was deceptively calm but Bruce knew the man about three seconds from hopping a plane to Paris. Bruce didn’t want to waste the time but he could make a phone call…
“By then everything was already so messed up. I don’t know what they believed or said to her but she changed after that and not just with the way she acted around strangers. She wouldn’t go anywhere alone. She insisted on other people being present when she opened any type of correspondence. Text, e-mail, didn’t matter what it was. She wouldn’t look at it by herself. It’s like she felt she needed a witness for everything that happened in her life. I wish I could say she was wrong.”
“Any thoughts on who set her up?” Bruce eyed Alfred warily. If Jagged had a name that person very well might disappear in the next few days. As much as he didn’t advocate killing there were certainly times to look the other way.
“Plenty of thoughts but no proof. If I knew for sure I would have fed them to Fang a long time ago.” Bruce let out the breath he’d been unconsciously holding. The more he found out about Marinette the more certain he was that he’d done the right thing. There was no way even his kids could be worse than what she’d already had to deal with. He was dreading having to tell Selina about this though. If there were many more things like this in Marinette’s past he wouldn’t be able to stop her from burning Paris to the ground. He wasn’t even sure he’d try to stop her at this point.
“I’ll make sure Jason knows to tell Syd she needs to back off anyone who tries to crowd her.” Alfred looked amused and Jagged actually laughed.
“I thought you didn’t want that kid around Mari.” Bruce frowned at Jagged.
“That was before I knew she’d need a bodyguard. No one messes with that girl and if she’s with Marinette, she’ll get the same protection.”
“Master Bruce is quite right. Miss Sydney is very capable. For now though I have a surprise for Miss Marinette if you think she’s well enough for it.” Bruce raised an eyebrow at Jagged but the man just shrugged.
“What kind of surprise?” Bruce knew that Alfred wouldn’t do anything to intentionally upset the girl but at this point they didn’t know what even half of those things were.
“A good one.” Because that was helpful. In the end Bruce had to trust Alfred’s judgement. He just hoped he wouldn’t regret it later.
When they walked into the room he was shocked to hear Marinette giggling. Selina was recounting some story involving Dick and Tim but he couldn’t pay attention to it. As far as he knew this was the first time Marinette had relaxed enough to laugh. Now he really hoped Alfred’s surprise didn’t set her back. He froze in the doorway slightly afraid of what Selina would do to him if he startled the girl. Jagged had no such reservations.
“What’s so funny?” Marinette turned and immediately drew in on herself huddling closer to Penny. Any signs of laughter wiped away in an instant. He hazarded a look at Selina but she just looked concerned.
“I was just filling Marinette in on some of the insanity she agreed to be a part of.” That was the understatement of the century. Forget their other lives, all his kids were disasters anyway. For all she’d been though Marinette was probably the most normal, even if it turned out she was a superhero.
“Miss Marinette.” Alfred had stepped past him but Bruce simply stayed where he was. He knew he made the girl nervous, hell she still hadn’t called him anything besides Mr. Wayne yet. The furtive looks she shot at him didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. “I’d like to show you something.”
“Okay.” Her voice was soft. Anyone else would have asked what it was but she just accepted it. Maybe her parents had punished inquisitiveness as well. Just the thought made it necessary to calm himself down. Alfred took her hand and led her to a door opposite the bathroom and closet.
“This house was originally set up for occupants to have suites of rooms, generally two or three.” She’d tensed as they neared the door and Bruce thought Alfred was talking to try and calm her down. “Your room is connected to a second that was originally used as a sitting room. I decided to convert it for your use.” He opened the door and reached in to turn on the light. Bruce couldn’t see Marinette’s expression but he heard her surprised gasp.
The room was split into sections. Around the large window were a couple of cushioned chairs to take advantage of the view into the gardens. It would be a good place to draw, read, or just get lost in thought. Next was a section that was obviously meant for design. There was a work table with a sewing machine as well as shelves and drawers full of fabrics, threads, buttons, and who knows what else. Last was an area obviously meant for study. It held a desk, office supplies, her school books, a laptop, and finally a new cell phone. Even for Alfred it was impressive that he’d managed to set this up in one day.
“Well, what do you think?” The question came from Selina and Marinette turned just enough for Bruce to see tears in her eyes and a hurt expression on her face. She didn’t answer, but rather just kept shaking her head. Everything in him screamed ‘abort’ but he needed to understand her reaction.
“Marinette.” She looked at him and there was so much raw pain there. He was going to ask her what was wrong but it seemed like such an inadequate question. He also wasn’t sure she’d give him a straight answer. She’d looked hurt. Why would… the answer hit him fast and hard. He walked over and knelt down so he’d be at her eye level. “This room is here for you. Everything in it is yours. I know your parents wouldn’t let you design or use electronics, but those restrictions don’t apply here. Do you understand?”
The poor girl looked so confused. It was too much too fast. She’d been denied everything she loved from her passion to her friends to her parents affections. She couldn’t wrap her brain around the thought that she could have any let alone all of it back. He really should have pressed Alfred more about this surprise. He didn’t have the first clue on how to backtrack from this either.
“How about we start with one thing at a time okay?” He made his voice as gentle as possible and it seemed to help.
“Okay.” The response was just rote at this point but he’d take it. He stood and held out a hand which she hesitantly took. He led her over to the desk that was obviously meant for school. This would be the most familiar, the easiest to accept.
“These are all the things you need for school, though I’m sure Selina will be happy to take you to get some more personalized supplies if you want.” She shot him a scared look at the last part. Was she afraid of taking up Selina’s time, or frightened that the words were a trap? This was exhausting. She kept eyeing the phone and laptop like they were going to bite her. “You’ll need the computer for school, but you don’t have to only use it for that. If you want someone with you at first when you use it to make sure everything you’re doing is acceptable you can ask any of us, alright?”
“Okay.” She still seemed uncertain but the offer of a chaperone of sorts seemed to set her at ease. Maybe Jagged was right when he said she needed witnesses.
“This phone is for you as well.” He picked it up and put it in her hand. She actually started shaking. “All of our numbers are programmed in it as well as a few others Alfred thought you’d appreciate. The GPS is active so that we can find you just because Gotham is a dangerous city and if there’s an attack I like to be able to find everyone.” Again she relaxed slightly. Everything in her life had been monitored for so long she didn’t know how to react when someone wasn’t watching her. She began looking through the contacts and her face turned into a confused frown.
“Are Adrien and Chloe’s numbers in her so I don’t accidentally answer if they call?” The question was timid, like she thought she’d be punished for not understanding on her own. Because of that it took him a moment to process what she’d actually said.
“Why would you think that?” She hesitated and refused to look up. When she did answer it came out in a mumble as though she didn’t want to be heard.
“Because I’m not allowed to talk to them.” Bruce felt a headache forming. This situation was so surreal for him. He knew how to deal with kids who pushed boundaries and broke rules. He did not have any clue how to make a kid stop following rules that had been put in place by someone else. He gently put a hand under her chin and forced her to look up at him. The fear in her eyes made him physically hurt.
“You’re parents didn’t allow you to talk to them but your parents aren’t here and they no longer have a say in your actions. Their numbers, along with Jagged and Penny’s are in your phone so that you can talk to them. Whenever you want.” Her expression went completely blank. Shit, he broke her.
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oboevallis · 4 years
hello can you do one of: Amelia and Link have a big fight so Amelia goes to sleep at Merediths with the baby for a while but they end up fixing things with Link after one or two weeks
leaving home
thank you so much for the prompt!!! im not sure if this makes any sense so im sorry about that, i hope everyone is doing well and staying safe
Link quietly opened the door to their bedroom, finding his girlfriend fast asleep, their son in his crib right next to her. He smiled and kicked off his shoes, too exhausted to change into his pajamas, and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend.
“Get off of me.” Amelia snapped pushing his arm off of her.
“Jeez, sorry.” Link said, slightly offended by his girlfriend. His department was a mess at the hospital and he had to go in to help things run smoothly, and Amelia was obviously upset about it but when confronted she insisted she stay home until after her maternity leave was up.
Link flipped onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. Before and during his girlfriends pregnancy she had loved to be touched non-sexually and sexually, but since their sons birth she’d be pissed if he got anywhere near him. At this rate he was surprised they were sleeping in the same bed.
“Why are we even sleeping in the same bed?” Link asked turning to face his girlfriend.
“Wow. That’s all you can think about. All you can think about is sex.”
“No!” Link defended quickly, he was worried for his girlfriend this was nothing like her. “That’s not it! I’m worried about you, your love language is physical affection. And since Scout’s been born I’ve barely touched you.”
“Just let me sleep.”
“Maybe you should go back to work.” Link suggested he wanted to try and work this out with her.
“I don’t want to go back to work.” She bit back at him, now fully awake.
“You obviously do.”
“No I don’t!” Amelia said this too loudly causing their son to start crying. “Now you’ve woken the baby up!”
“I’m not the one yelling.” Link defended himself.
“We were both peacefully sleeping before you came in here.” Amelia sighed standing up, and instead of picking up their son she walked into the closet.
“What are you doing?” Link asked as he sat up to tend to the crying baby.
Amelia threw her duffel bag onto the edge of the bed and threw her clothes aggressively into it.
“Babe, come on. What are you doing.”
“I’m leaving I can’t take this.” Amelia zipped up the bag quickly and took the baby out of his arms.
“You can’t take the baby. He’s ours.”
“Watch me.”
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business.” Amelia slammed the door behind her. Link sighed and laid back against the bed. He assumed she was just going to her sisters. He had no idea why she was acting like this, it was totally unlike her.
“Is it okay if we stay here?” Amelia asked, a groggy Meredith who opened the door.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, absolutely great. Picture freaking perfect.” Meredith stepped aside to let the tired mom in with the sleeping baby.
“Zola’s occupied your room though.”
“I don’t care I’ll sleep on the couch.” Amelia sighed as she set the car seat down and put together her sons portable crib in the living room.
“Did you have a fight with Link?” Meredith asked sitting on the edge of the couch as her sister placed the baby in his crib so he could get some sleep.
“I don’t know.” Amelia confessed standing up to grab a blanket from the linen closet.
“You don’t know if you had a fight?” Meredith chuckled.
“I don’t know anything.” Amelia said laying down on the couch and draping the blanket over herself. “I’m too exhausted I just want to sleep.”
“Okay.” The general surgeon got up from the couch, shut off the lights down stairs and made her way back to her room. Worried for her sister.
“Is Amelia at your place?” Link asked breathlessly as he caught up to Meredith in the parking lot.
“Yes she is. What the hell happened for her to need to come to my place at three in the morning?” Meredith asked crossing her arms.
“I don’t really know she just got so mad and left with the baby. Is she okay?”
“For the most part, I mean she seemed upset, not the worst I’ve seen her though.” Link sighed in relief. “Why are you even at the hospital, your on paternity leave.”
“I’ve just gotta do some paperwork and post ops and stuff. My service is a mess.” Link waved to her before walking into the hospital.
“Have you spoken to Link?” Maggie asked the neurosurgeon as she fed her son.
“A little bit, he knows the baby’s okay.” Amelia smiled sadly whilst stroking her sons cheek.
“Have you two talked? Like about what happened?” As much as she loved her sister she had been there for three days and couldn’t imagine the couch was comfortable for her.
“No.” Amelia sighed as she adjusted her son to ensure he was eating. “The problem is he doesn’t see what he’s done wrong.”
“And what is it that he’s done wrong?” Maggie asked cautiously, she heard Link’s side of how the night played out and it seemed that she just wanted personal space which she totally understood but there was obviously more to the story.
“Ugh.” Amelia rolled her eyes, annoyed no one realized what was wrong. “My department is covered, I’ve got Tom and Dr Metta on it. Before I went on maternity leave I had everything in order. Link just put it all on Nico and then he accepted another job, so the ortho department is scrambling so he has to go in to keep things in order.”
“He said you were okay with him going back to work.”
“It wouldn’t of been an issue if he had made sure his department was in order. The only reason he’s back at work is because he didn’t make sure everything was in order before he left. The deal was to take maternity leave together to take care of Scout.”
“Have you told him this?” Maggie asked sitting down next to her at the kitchens table.
“No he should realize! I kept telling him to make sure his department was handled before the baby was born and he didn’t!”
“Do you want to go back to work?”
“I mean obviously I miss work, but I want to finish my maternity leave. To make sure Scout’s okay and adjusted.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Wait until he apologizes.”
“I don’t think he realizes he did anything wrong.”
“Well he should realize.”
“You need to talk to him about this.”
“I know.” Amelia sighed, suddenly feeling embarrassed about how stubborn she had been.
The doorbell then rang and Maggie went to answer it. She made her way to the door, opening it to find a concerned Link.
“Amelia!” The ortho surgeon called out as he walked into the house and finding her and their son in the kitchen. “I think I know what I did wrong.”
“You do?” Amelia asked relieved.
“I was talking to a patient and she was talking about when she was breastfeeding her daughter and by the end of the day her personal space bubble was burst. So I’m sorry for bursting your personal space bubble. Scout’s all over you all day, so by the time it’s night time you probably just want to be alone.”
“No that’s not what the issue is, but that does explain a lot.” Amelia admitted, she hadn’t realized that’s what her issue could be regarding people touching her at the moment. “Regardless if you honestly can’t see the issue than there’s nothing to talk about.”
“Just tell me what I did wrong, and I’ll fix it!” Link begged, he hated that he had hurt her unknowingly.
“You’ve been irresponsible.” Amelia admitted as she burped her son.
“Okay.” Link sighed in relief, and sat down across from her at the kitchen table. “How have I been irresponsible?”
“I vividly remember constantly reminding you to make sure that your service was covered and in order before Scout was born, remember that?”
“Yeah, but-“
“No, there’s no but Link. It should’ve been done so we could both be with Scout that was the deal. We’re parents now we have to make sure that everything is organized and in order so we can make sure Scouts needs are met first.”
“I’m sorry, I really am. I just wasn’t expecting Nico to leave.”
“You recommended him for the job!”
“Okay, that’s true but I thought he was going to stay until our maternity leave was up.”
“Okay, but even so leaving a fellow alone with a whole service? It’s a lot of work. I left my service to Tom and gave Dr Metta the cases that needed consulting. I made sure everything was an easy transition for them.”
“Your right. Your totally right.” Link dipped his head in embarrassment.
“I know I’m right.” Amelia smirked.
“Okay I’ll talk to Dr Bailey and distribute the rest of my cases to the other attendings.”
“Okay.” Amelia smiled. “It’s a little late since your picking up the pieces of your department. I just want you to make sure things are in order for our son, you know?”
“I get it. I’m really sorry again, next time I do something stupid tell me okay?”
“Next time listen to me.” Amelia smirked.
“Now can I hold my son. I haven’t seen him in three days.” Link held his arms out for his son.
“Yeah here you go.” Amelia smiled looking at her son and boyfriend together.
14 notes · View notes
kissjane · 4 years
OH NO THEY WERE ROOMMATES / Very much unshort fic
#14 from this prompt list (I had to scroll waaaay down to get this link...)
Listen, for some reason these last few prompts from the list don’t wanna play nice. I have no idea whether this is any good, but at least it’s finished. I’ll settle for it at this point. Five to go!
We’re roommates but we’re falling for each other
It had started as a quick white lie, to get the boys off his back. They kept pushing him to go talk to any boy who looked at him a bit too long, or to give his number to basically any barista or waiter ever, or to go on a blind date with Basile’s cousin.
So Lucas had told them he had a thing going with his roommate.
Which was definitely not true.
But not because Lucas didn’t want to.
He’d had a crush on the handsome boy since he met him when he first came to look at the apartment with Manon. It wasn’t the biggest one he’d seen, nor the cheapest, but it had, well, other advantages, so to speak, so Lucas had been quick to co-sign the lease. If Manon suspected his reasons, she hadn’t said anything – but she had smiled when Lucas had come up with his fib.
Sadly, his fantasies of cooking together with his roommate, watching movies cuddled up on the couch, and slowly falling in love, had turned out to be a pipe dream. Eliott was mostly in his room. On occasions, he liked to blast dubstep. Lucas had soon figured out that the dubstep meant that Eliott was, uh, entertaining. The number of girls Lucas had walked in on early in the morning, before his first coffee, was staggering, and had quickly led to him putting up all his vague romantic ideas of his roommate.
But by the time Lucas was forced to come to the sad conclusion that the cutest boys were always straight, he’d already kinda committed to the story he’d told his friends, and so now he was stuck with it.
So every time he fantasized about another domestic moment of fluff with Eliott, he told himself it was for a good purpose. The girls were always bugging him for details about what he and his roommate were up to. They had declared them to be made for each other, and the discussions about their ship name were still in full vigor with no hint of them losing interest any time soon.
So Lucas provided.
He and Eliott had cooked pizza from scratch together, getting covered in flour, and accidentally setting off the smoke alarm because they were too busy making out to pay attention to the oven. Lucas ignored Emma’s eager question as to whether they had showered together to get rid of the flour dust.
Another time, he and Eliott had gone grocery shopping together, and Eliott had spun the cart on which Lucas had been standing so fast Lucas had fallen off, luckily into a pile of cardboard boxes. He’d still made Eliott kiss it better on each and every faint bruise as soon as they’d gotten home.
Or the time when they had held a Star Wars marathon, arguing about who was sexier, the young Han Solo or Dameron Poe, when Eliott had turned off the tv and complained Lucas was forcing him to compare a bunch of actors, when Eliott clearly had the sexiest boy of all in his arms.
The girls cooed at every concoction he fed them. In all honesty, it became hard for Lucas to remember none of this had actually happened – until the next scantily clad girl tiptoed through the hall on the way to the bathroom, bleary faced from the lack of sleep.
So after a few months of happy bliss, Lucas felt he had no choice but to break things off with Eliott. It became pretty painful to come up with lovey-dovey tales, and his fantasies were more and more often getting into… less family-friendly territory, which he wasn’t about to share with everybody.
His friends were a bit astonished at the news, and Lucas supposed it was weird, since he never even hinted at any trouble in paradise, but he shrugged it off, saying it was amicable, a joint decision, and he wasn’t even going to move out.
The downside was obviously that, after a few wonderful weeks of peace and quiet when everybody was coming around to the end of Lucas’ first relationship, Basile’s cousin came back into the picture.
Lucas tried to hold off, but he had no excuses left. And anyway, Eliott was playing dubstep almost every night, although Lucas hadn’t really encountered any pretty girls lately, and it grated Lucas’ nerves. It was time to admit he would never have Eliott, all his beautiful daydreams notwithstanding, so he might as well give somebody else a chance.
So he went out with Marc a few times. He was kind, and he had grey eyes, which Lucas recently discovered he had a thing for, so that was a plus. He was also a bit boring, and he tutted at Lucas disapprovingly when the latter tried to ride the bus without validating his ticket, but other than that, he was pretty okay.
And that’s how he found himself on the couch in his flat one evening. Marc and he had watched a movie – Lucas had nixed Marc’s suggestion of Star Wars vehemently – to the soft background music of dubstep coming out of Eliott’s room. It had been weird at first, but it had grounded Lucas somehow – Eliott was never going to be interested, and it was best if he remembered that and didn’t forget that Marc was here, and rather into him if the heated make-out session they were currently engaged in was to be believed.
Neither he nor Marc noticed the sudden appearance of Eliott in the living room, until the later coughed apologetically.
“Uh, sorry… I didn’t realize you had, uh, company, Lucas,” he stammered.
Lucas immediately let go of Marc, and blushed, then mentally berated himself. Eliott himself probably had a girl in his bed, so why would Lucas not be allowed to bring anybody over?
“Uh, y-yeah, no big deal,” he said, as soon as his vocal cords functioned again. “Uh, Marc, this is Eliott, my roommate. Eliott, this is Marc, my – uh…”
“Lucas’ boyfriend,” Marc cut in, a bit smugly. They’d never discussed their status, but Lucas supposed Marc had just made it clear where he was standing. He didn’t know how he felt about it.
Eliott stared at the two of them, his eyes wide. Lucas didn’t know what was going on.
“Uh, is this – is this a problem? We could go to my room, if you want…”
He hoped the problem wasn’t that he had brought home a boy. He realized he’d never talked with Eliott about his sexuality.
Eliott seemed to be slapped out of whatever daze he’d been in.
“Oh! Oh, no,” he quickly replied. “Please, it’s no problem at all. I’ll just… grab a drink and leave you guys, then… Bye, uh, Martin?”
“Marc,” Marc answered pleasantly, pulling Lucas close.
Lucas watched Eliott retreat into the kitchen – he whipped his eyes away as soon as he realized they were trained on the other boy’s ass in his tight jeans – and then returned his close-lipped smile when he passed them again on the way back to his room. The volume of the dubstep was turned on fractionally, and Marc wanted to continue the heavy petting, but somehow, Lucas wasn’t really into it, and though Marc clearly was angling for an invitation to spend the night, Lucas didn’t extend one.
He said goodnight to Marc, and went to his room. He sat still on his bed, his knees pulled up, his arms around himself, wondering how on earth he had gotten himself in this situation. Maybe he needed to move out anyway. It was clear his crush on Eliott, stupid and one-sided as it was, hadn’t died, and maybe it wouldn’t as long as he lived here.
A knock on the door brought him back into the here and now.
At his “Yes?”, the door opened, and Eliott stood right at the threshold, his hands wrung together.
“Uh, Lucas, I was wondering… Uhm, please don’t take this the wrong way, but, uh… I thought about earlier, and maybe, if it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle, I would indeed prefer it if you went to your room with your, uh, boyfriend in the future.”
The last words came out in a rush, and Lucas wondered if he heard them right.
“Excuse me?”, he uttered, painfully polite.
Eliott mumbled the same sentence as before, this time so low Lucas had to strain to hear it, but there was no doubt Eliott was actually saying what he thought he had been saying.
“Are you saying I can’t bring a guy over to my own flat, that I pay rent for, unless I go to my room with him? What the actual fuck?”
Eliott blushed.
“It’s just… You don’t have to, obviously, but maybe it would be easier for both of us…”
Lucas glared.
“Easier for both of us? How do you figure that, exactly?”
“I mean, you wouldn’t have to worry about me walking in on you…”
“I wouldn’t have to worry about that?” Lucas really was upset. Just because Eliott wasn’t interested in him, didn’t mean he had to be such a douchebag about other guys maybe being so. “Are you sure it’s not just about you? Your straight innocent eyes can’t handle two guys making out, is that it?”
A blush appeared on Eliott’s cheeks, and Lucas deflated. So Eliott was indeed uncomfortable with the idea. The moving out plan became more and more alluring by the minute.
It was silent for a long beat, and then Eliott spoke up, enunciating clearly.
“I’m not straight.”
“Huh? Don’t give me crap. I’ve seen most of your one-night stands. Very female, the lot of them.”
“Yeah, I know…” Eliott chuckled a bit self-deprecatingly. “I’m pan, though. I’ve been with guys too, just not…recently.”
In all honesty, the Lucas of a few months ago would have been elated to hear this. Right now, however, it was more a question of adding insult to injury. So Eliott was into other boys, just not into Lucas. It was this epiphany that drove him to bitterness.
“Yeah, well. At least girls have been doing it for you, then.”
“What? What do you mean?” Eliott sounded genuinely confused.
“All the dubstep. Have you even spent one night alone this month?”
When Eliott froze, Lucas almost wanted to take back his words. Eliott didn’t owe him any accountability.
“Uh, I’m sorry about the dubstep. I haven’t been seeing anybody for a while, but I… I kinda kept playing the music. I don’t know why.”
He was not looking at Lucas as he spoke, and he fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt.
“Oh. Well, it’s none of my business anyway, so, uh –”
“What if I wanted it to be?”
“What if I wanted it to be your business?”, Eliott repeated. He sounded unsure, but he stared straight at Lucas.
Lucas didn’t answer, sitting on his bed open-mouthed. What was Eliott trying to say? The other boy took a deep breath, and gingerly sat down next to Lucas, far enough not to touch him, but close enough to feel his warmth.
“I, uh, I brought over only girls recently because there was this one boy I was trying to get out of my head. And when that didn’t work, I didn’t want him to suspect anything so I kept playing music. It’s stupid, I know.”
Whoa. Lucas tried to unpack all of that in a logical manner, but he failed spectacularly.
“You played dubstep so I would think you had a girl over?”
Eliott nodded.
“And you brought only girls home because…”
“Because boys weren’t doing it for me, not when they weren’t you. Not that the girls were working out, either.”
There was honesty and vulnerability in his voice, and in his eyes.
“But why… why didn’t you just talk to me? You avoided me all the time… We hardly ever even spoke before now…”
“I know. I just, I crushed so hard on you, from the moment you came to see the flat. But I had no idea you were into guys… I thought the girl you were with was your girlfriend. You two seemed so affectionate.”
“Oh, uh, no, she’s one of my best friends, and an ex-roommate, actually. But I’m gay, so, uh…”
Eliott sighed.
“Yeah, I figured that out now. And it sucks, because maybe, if I had just made a move sooner… But it doesn’t matter. You have a boyfriend, and I’ll have to learn to live with that.”
Oh crap. Lucas had forgotten all about Marc.
“I wouldn’t call it that… We went out a couple of times… Mostly because it seems I was applying your tactic to try to get over a certain somebody I was crushing on… Somebody I too thought was straight, what with all the girls he was bringing home…”
He let his words die off, looking at Eliott.
It took him a few seconds, but then he turned towards Lucas, shifting slightly closer. Their legs touched, and it burned Lucas through Eliott’s jeans and his sweatpants.
“So, uh, if that guy promised not to bring over any girls anymore, could you be persuaded not to see Marc anymore?”
Lucas pretended to mull it over.
“Maybe if he also promised he won’t play dubstep if I ever end up in his bed, I think I could be, yes.”
Eliott laughed.
“I won’t have to play anything if we stay in your bed.”
And that sounded like a perfect compromise, so Lucas toppled Eliott and pressed their lips together.
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The 13 Scariest Paranormal Investigation TV Show Episodes You Need To Watch - And The Links To Watch Them For Free!
As a paranormal blogger, I’m used to fangirling with other occult-obsessives about anything that’s spooky. 
It could be a scary movie. It could be a ghost they’ve seen first hand. It could even be an urban legend that frightened them to their very core! Either way, they always have a turning point in their life that pushed them towards the paranormal. 
My epiphany was different.
Sure, I’ve always had this constant connection with otherworldly spirits - but it was developed by one thing: paranormal documentary TV shows.
Most Haunted, Ghost Adventures, Celebrity Ghost Stories…
Each and every one made me want to be there with them!
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I wanted to wander ‘round castles for a living. I wanted to read ghost stories everyday and explore the history behind them. I wanted to connect the dots and explore a new, hidden world.
It’s for that reason that I’ve decided to share my love for these shows with you, dear reader.
I’ve brought together the best episodes from Most Haunted, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lockdown, Celebrity Ghost Stories, Ghost Hunters and Paranormal Witness, explained the ghost stories that are the centre of the episodes, and have even provided links (and the terrifying timestamps) to the episodes. 
All you’ve got to do is press play!
Oh, and leave a comment on which one traumatised you the most…
Now, let’s get spooky.
#1 - The Dorothy Puente Murder House - Ghost Adventures (S12, E3)
Ghosts give me the heebeejeebies. Demons make me want to hide under my quilt and cry to a Sigrid song. But it’s stories of entrapment that really fuck me up. 
This is one of those stories.
Dorothy Puente was a landlady who ran a boarding house in California for elderly and mentally disabled residents. Don’t be fooled by her charitable exterior, though - what was happening inside the boarding house was a very different story. 
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Puente was a serial killer who committed 9 murders - a number which is still disputed to this day - throughout the 1980s, and then cashed their social security checks. 
Whilst there are a number of details to this case, I thought I’d leave that to be discovered during the episode. 
Nevertheless, I thought I’d wet your appetite with some seriously traumatising tales:
In 1985, she hired someone to do wood panelling in her apartment. Not only did she give him an old pickup truck that I assume contained traces of evidence of her crimes, she asked him to build a 6-by-3-by-2 foot box. In non-maths terms, that’s the dimensions of a coffin. 
Claiming it was full of books and other small items for disposal, she journeyed with him to a local dump to dispose of these, uh, books, and stopped him before they reached the local area to dump the waste.
She directed him to instead drop it into a river cause that’s not suspicious at all.
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But suspicions were roused when she began repeatedly hiring a local homeless man to do certain tasks like digging the basement and removing soil from it, or putting concrete in the garage. It was when he disappeared that the pieces began to connect together. 
Given the dark details behind the case, when Zak Bagans and his squad rocked up, they were on the receiving end some of the most striking paranormal activity they had ever witnessed:
Featuring EVPs crammed full of aggressive growls and demands for them to “Get out!”, or Ovilus Voices spewing words eerily similar to the murders and how the bodies were disposed of, this investigation stays true to what happened there.
But outside of the equipment used, the physical effects on the investigators was incredible!
One medium felt a choking sensation believed to channel the feelings of victims being force fed sleeping pills and then left to die in the Death Room. And the other? She drew a picture uncomfortably similar to a spirit seen by a tenant of the house - the spirit of Dorothy Puente. 
The other physical contact experienced includes pain felt in Zak’s lower back, as well as Zak entering this trance like state from which he fell off the bed!  
Here’s the episode:
Want to seem some spooks, like, right now? 
09.10 - an EVP with Peggy, the resident who sees Puente’s spirit frequently.
13.10 - a medium begins to sense spirits and experiences some shocking effects.
17.30 - a medium produces pictures of the spirit she senses.
25.20 - EVPs in the backyard - where the bodies were buried - answer some of the questions that still go unanswered. 
30.20 - Zak Bagans begins to exhibit extremely peculiar behaviour.
#2 - Idaho State Tuberculosis Hospital - Ghost Adventures (S18, E10)
Whispers, children and angry old men.
No, it’s not the title of Fall Out Boy’s latest album - it’s just a few of the current inhabitants of The Gooding Inn.
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Once a TB hospital that was shut down in 1976, this building has witnessed its patients literally choke and drown in their own blood as their lungs fill up. 
But what’s seriously scary about this episode is the effects on the most recent residents of the inn:
Not only was the housekeeper clearly upset about her encounter with an angry male ghost, she clearly feels the negative energy such spirits embody.
But it's when the current resident is interviewed that the reality of this location is realised. Two of her children had died whilst living in the former hospital, forging a strange link that is explored in the episode.
Yet before I spoil the whole show, here’s a taste of what’s to come:
A playful child spirit and a woman with a child make their own appearances, as well as the strange tale - and even stranger spirit - of Anton Beaver.
Ready to watch?
Here’s the episode:
Looking for a quick fear fix?
These are the timestamps of note:
05.25 - Zak Bagans starts the show with the housekeeper’s own tale of the hauntings she’s witnessed.
10.00 - One woman recounts the potential impact of the hauntings on her family.
12.15 - a paranormal investigator brings his own footage and experience of activity in a passage from which gurneys and wheelchairs would bring in the patients
16.00 - Zak Bagans researches those who died there - and creates a sudden shockwave of paranormal activity across the building.
21.50 - a weird non-human noise is heard when a dark shadow appears.
32.00 - pranks set by a spirit of a former child patient begin to haunt the team.
#3 - 30 East Drive - Most Haunted (S18, E1 Halloween Special)
Take a look around my blog - no, seriously, look at what I write about: old manors, haunted abbeys, demonic forests… They all seem to stand out. And I think that’s what makes this tale - and this episode - quite so scary.
Welcome to 30 East Drive, a council house nestled in Yorkshire, England.
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It started in 1966. The Prichtard family had just moved into a new home when they started to notice rather peculiar occurrences:
A fine layer of dust fell on everything in the house, puddles would appear from nowhere, even if one was cleaned up, the tea dispenser would go off randomly, and items would levitate!
Given the evident paranormal resident, clergymen were called to exorcise the house. 
They were not successful. Holy water would leak out of the walls, ghostly hands would appear and ‘conduct’ the hymns being said to remove him, faces were slapped and people were pushed. Despite the rather playful poltergeist at first, this spirit slowly became more aggressive:
The daughter, Diane, began to find scrapes and bruises appear on her body, and was even dragged up the stairs by her hair! It was eventually deduced that this could be the spirit of a Monk whose body was discarded down the well that the house now sits on. Why was he thrown down a well?
Because he - or perhaps his twin brother - raped and murdered a young girl.
And as he is often seen wearing black robes, the house was given labelled the Black Monk House. Fancy a watch? You’ll be spoiled for choice then - Paranormal Lockdown also had a stay in the house.
Here’s the Most Haunted Episode:
“But, spookyllama, where are the timestamps?”
I couldn’t find any timestamps of note because the activity in this episode is constant!
Within the first 1 and a half minutes, a marble is thrown, echoing one of the most common hauntings in this house. Knives were also found sticking out of sofas, as was a crucifix jumping off the bed. 
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#4 - The Wentworth Woodhouse - Most Haunted (S17, E6)
Our next episode also features a ghostly monk, but this time we see activity beyond marbles being chucked at cameramen. Indeed, this episode is just as iconic as the former - this is due to the controversy surrounding the evidence captured in this video.
One of the most famous hauntings of the Wentworth Woodhouse is the first earl of the house walking down the main stairs of the house. Only he’s headless. And they claimed to capture this footage:
This footage only taps into one component of the paranormal activity seen in this house, however.
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This house has seen centuries worth of aristocratic family feuds, deaths and drama which still roam its halls. Whether its footsteps, ghostly laughter or opera singing, it seems all past residents never actually left. 
Yet aside from the earl taking a nightly stroll, the scariest spirit has to be a ghost that stands still during his hauntings, leading many people to think he’s a statue. 
Specifically, the most haunted locations - aside from the library - are the George VI quarters. With shadows tracing the walls and dark figures standing in the doorways, the Most Haunted team were certainly not alone.
You can see the episode here:
Want a speedy scare?
28.00 - a door rattles and sounds as if its being opened, only its not - it’s locked and there’s no handle.
30.00 - The team hears a whistle, so they whistle back. What happens next is mind-blowing…
50.00 - The crew hears a couple of footsteps follow them around a part of the house.
#5 - The Washoe Club - Ghost Adventures (S16, E7)
The Ghost Adventures team might have investigated this wild-west location 3 times, but it gets no less spooky as time goes on. The oldest saloon there, The Millionaires’ Club, is the centre of the activity as a former exclusive saloon for rich businessmen.
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Upon Zak Bagans and his team’s final return, they are reduced to tears by the activity witnessed.
This activity includes the spirit of a prostitute who committed suicide in room 77, a full-bodied apparition in the ballroom, a brick thrown in the basement and a women, Lena, haunting the staircase.
The episodes in particular have also captured EVPs saying their names: “Zak, look out”, and "Nick, Zak, coming..., they're scaring me".
Ready for a trip to the Wild West?
#6 - Hinsdale House - Paranormal Lockdown (S1, E5)
If you thought these buildings were scary, wait ‘til you hear about the Hinsdale House. Question is, what separates it from the other contenders? 
This is a demonic haunting.
Considered this generation’s Amityville, the whole property exhibits signs of activity an exorcism couldn't rid it of: mysterious phone calls, chanting from nearby woods, animal hybrids and full bodied apparitions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this house.
Lucky for us, the Paranormal Lockdown team spent 72 hours here, investigating the hauntings both during the day and night.
Within the first 7 minutes of filming, an abundance of flies fills the house, not unlike horror films that trace the stories behind houses just like this. The following emotional impact on Nick further forges a link to the supernatural. 
Featuring choking, consistent EVP’s saying Nick’s name and even Lorraine Warren on the blower telling them to get out of the house, negative energy is an understatement for this house.
You can watch it here:
Head to 25.00 if you want to see their investigation of the forest - including the Gregorian chanting that is claimed to still echo on this former Native American burial ground.
28.00 - when Katrina asks spirits to go to Nick and show their presence when he’s in a different room, the spirits follow orders.
Unfortunately, the spooks don’t end when the credits roll:
Nick claims spirits from this house followed him home and told him to go to a little house tucked away in England.
And that house was 30 East Drive.
#7 - 30 East Drive - Paranormal Lockdown (S2, Halloween Special)
So, we know Most Haunted’s verdict of the Black Monk House - what about Nick and Katrina’s?
Having spent 100 hours there - one of the longest amounts of time they’ve been in lockdown for - they witness apparitions, marbles flying across the house, a scar appears on Katrina’s stomach, and even a murder attempt by the spirit.
That’s right - a Grandfather clock is pushed over, nearly killing Nick! 
You can watch that happen here:
#8 - The St. Augustine Lighthouse - Ghost Adventures (S2, E19)
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Haunted locations aren’t just famed for paranormal fanatics like me rocking up.
It’s the history which matters. 
And this haunted lighthouse is celebrated for its history with its own museum denoting the things it was witnessed as a part of America’s Oldest Port. And with multiple people living and dying on the property, the subsequent variety of activity is what sets this lighthouse apart from, well, non-haunted lighthouses!
But it's that history repeating itself that makes this one of the scariest episodes included on this list: a woman in white roams both the nearby forest and the top levels of the lighthouse, a man walking in uniform wanders round the basement, and spirits make use of the famous staircase that fills this building.
Have I piqued your interest? You can satisfy your supernatural needs here:
Check out the walk through of the lighthouse and description of the main activity at 05.30.
19.45 - you can hear the chattering of multiple spirits on the staircase - and you might even see someone - or something - walking down it, too.
24.00 - this is the most incredible evidence they’ve ever captured - trust me.
#9 - The Stanley Hotel - Ghost Hunters (S2, E22)
Famous for inspiring the Stephen King classic, The Shining, this hotel is infamous for its real life haunted history. First opened in 1909, the 420 rooms - including an underground cave system - hold many ghosts who still make regular appearances.
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Room 217 for example, once belonged to a housekeeper. Often visitors to this room notice their luggage is unpacked, items moving, or the lights flickering. Oh, and she’s not a fan of couples sleeping together in the same room, either!
After that, why not visit the Concert Hall? Haunted by a spirit who was once believed to be an usher, you may hear a voice telling you to leave, a nudge, or even see flashes of light of his torch.
You might even hear the giggle of a child echoing down from the attic, a former nursery.
Question is, why is it quite so haunted? There’s 2 claims behind this: the crystals in the cave system below the hotel channel the energy, and the staircase is a vortex for ghosts, allowing them to come and go as they please.
Ready to see what happened?
#10 - The Rain Man - Paranormal Witness (S1, E6)
Ghosts and spirits, demons and death; all the episodes mentioned in this post stick to relatively confined notions of the spiritualistic and pagan religions. However, this episode takes us further than I ever expected.
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Paranormal Witness is a show - a bit like Celebrity Ghost Stories - where paranormal stories get retold and acted out.
And this episode follows a young man, Don, who becomes possessed by his abusive grandfather. Having displayed the typical signs of possession, he then began to have strange encounters with water. 
Water began to seep from the walls, and then from the ceiling. But this wasn’t water - when someone touched it, it felt sticky.
It was only when Don was stuck in a trance, that water began to go upwards, towards the ceiling, and pots and pan began to rattle.
When religious rituals were used to cleanse Don, the water was directed towards the bible and person performing the cleansing.
This was only the start of Don’s new powers. And they were to intensify during his final stint in prison.
Hungry for more? Check out the full episode here:
#11 - The Haunted Highway - Paranormal Witness (S1, E2)
Like I said: Paranormal Witness doesn’t stick to the typical hauntings we see. And this episode involves a UFO.
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This story - without spoiling the episode - revolves around a mother and son who go missing in the desert. With a relative’s strange dreams pointing her to where they might be and a medical mystery twisting the tale, all that is left is one question:
What really happened in the desert?
You can watch this episode on Amazon for £1.89.
#12 - Celebrity Ghost Stories (S1, E9)
This episode featuring Morgan Fairchild, Lili Taylor, John Salley and Vincent Curatol is considered one of the scariest episodes of this popular episodes from which paranormal experience are acted out.
Here’s the synopsis to tickle your tastebuds of terror:
“A young Morgan Fairchild is abused by a spirit when she moves into her new husband's family home; an unidentifiable stranger comes to John Salley's aid during a nightclub shooting; Lili Taylor hears unexplained noises when she goes on retreat.”
You can watch this episode on Amazon for £1.89.
#13 - Pendle Hill - Most Haunted (S6, Halloween Special)
Pendle Hill might feature as a hiking opportunity in the Pennines, but it actually has a history - and a haunting - to boot. 
Back in the early 17th century, a family of peasants were believed to possess a variety of paranormal powers. And the effigies they made of human hair and teeth didn’t make them appear any less suspicious, either!
The Pendle Witches, as they were known, were arrested, tried and then hung on Pendle Hill.
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The witches never left the hill, however. 
Not only did the neighbours of the Pendle Witches experience and die from mysterious illnesses, to this day supernatural activity has stuck close to this location.
Teeth have dropped onto tables during seances, and unnaturally frequent rainfall on the hill is a common occurrence. 
So, what did the Most Haunted team see when they visited the site?
Acorah was apparently possessed by a witch, and a table and a glass smashed during the seance. Oh, and the whole cast and crew felt as if they were being strangled at certain points during filming.
Were they experiencing the final moments of the Pendle Witches as they were executed for their crimes?
You can check that episode out here:
Or, you can have a speedy spook, instead!
30.00 - the equipment batteries drain, a classic indicator of paranormal presences.
32.00 - Acorah begins his readings of the area, and clearly becomes quite emotional and intense when describing the spirits he sees and hears.
45.00 - Acorah exhibits strange behaviour, and is on the receiving end of harmful spirits.
59.40 - Acorah sees a spirit - or perhaps an otherworldly being.
01.48.00 - the team perform the seance.
Now it’s time to hear what you think.
Which episode are you watching tonight?
And did I miss any seriously-spooktastic episodes out?
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