#I love when I spend almost every waking moment studying for a test
the-cookie-of-doom · 11 months
Yeah so that was fucking awful
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callsign-rogueone · 5 months
deja vu - b.d.
Bodhi Durran x reader part of Bodhi and Darling's story 💗 words: 2.9k 🏷: set in the year before Fourth Wing (Bodhi’s first year). one tiny book spoiler but it’s not stated explicitly, hurt/comfort, anxiety, imagined character death (in a nightmare). mild dissociation, anxiety, nausea, fighting (challenge match), one very small injury, canon-typical peril and danger.
“I love you,” Bodhi rasps, closing his eyes. “I’m so… sorry…”
“No, no, hey, look at me,” you beg, hot tears slipping down your cheeks. “You’re gonna be okay, we’re getting you help, but you have to keep looking at me, okay?”
He doesn’t respond, doesn’t move or make any indication that he can hear you. He’s silent, perfectly still — he isn’t breathing. 
“Bodhi,” you cry, “Bodhi, please don’t leave me. Wake up, please.”
His heart has stopped beating. The love of your life, the man who had sworn to protect you, who you had sworn to love in sickness and in health and through the test of time, until the end of your days, is dead.
You feel like the air has been squeezed from your lungs, your breaths coming in choked sobs. 
“Wake, child,” someone interrupts — Sìoda. “It’s just a dream. It’s not real.”
You shake yourself awake, panting like you’d been running for miles. You look down at your palms, illuminated by the gentle moonlight filtering into the room -- they’re clean; not streaked with Bodhi’s blood. It was just a dream. Just a terrible dream, likely a product of the overactive imagination you’ve had your whole life, and your anxiety about the dragonkind exam you have tomorrow that you’re convinced you’re going to fail, despite spending all evening studying. 
“Your mate, and all of your brothers and sisters are safe in their beds,” she soothes, “as are mine.”
Oh. You still aren’t any good at shielding, so she’s been getting all of your emotions through the bond — you’d likely woken her up with your distress.
“I’m sorry,” you say in a guilt-ridden whisper. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“Don’t apologize, my child. Just breathe.”
You mop up your tears with the sleeve of your pajama shirt, and focus on deepening your breaths, trying to relax your racing heart.
“There are still a few hours until formation,” she says gently. “Get some rest. You’ll need it.”
You lay back down, gazing at the wall of gray stone beside you, counting the bricks and trying to find patterns in the texture until the exhaustion overtakes you, and you fall back asleep.
Thankfully, your subconscious doesn’t torment you with any more cruel sights. You wake up to gentle November sunlight warming your skin and birds chirping — last month, a pair of doves had made a nest in the tiny alcove by your window.
You get dressed quickly, sorting out your hair and straightening your uniform. You’re in the middle of lacing your boots when there’s a knock at your door, the familiar rhythm that you know can only be Bodhi; like clockwork, he comes down the hall to get you every morning so you can walk to breakfast together.
You unlock the door with your mind, something you’ve been able to do for the last week, breathing a sigh of relief when he walks into the room unharmed and smiling. You hug him extra tightly, tucking your head into his neck and holding him a moment longer than usual, comforted by the steadiness of his breathing.
“You okay, Darling?” he asks, sounding concerned.
You hum in contentment. “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
You don’t mention the dream, because nobody wants to hear about their own death, and it would be silly to bother him with something you’ve already gotten over — though you know the image of Bodhi bleeding out in your arms on the floor of that empty classroom will likely be burned into your brain forever.
He gives you an easy smile, shouldering your bookbag and gesturing for you to head out the door.
You’re comforted by the normalcy of the day. It’s almost too easy, too smooth.
Everyone is present and accounted for at breakfast, in good spirits — as good as they can be, in your current situation. Battle brief passes quickly, with no reports of catastrophe, though you know that they likely aren’t giving you all the information they have. The dragonkind test you’d been so worried about is much easier than you’d expected, and you have the rest of the afternoon off until dinner.
You don’t object as your squadmates suggest you use one of the empty common rooms to study in — the same one you’d seen in your dream. 
What would you even say? Sorry, guys, but can we pick somewhere else to be, because I had a nightmare last night that Bodhi died in this room? 
You shake it off, repeating Sìodha’s words in your mind as you crack open your textbook: It’s just a dream. It’s not real.
But then every word of the conversation going on around you starts to sound very familiar, like you’ve heard it before — like they’re reciting lines for a stage play.
It’s just a dream. It’s not real.
But this can’t be a coincidence. There’s too many similarities for comfort; the location, the timing — the sun is just starting to set — the exact page that each boy’s book is open to… you remember that, remember Sawyer’s book being open to a page with that same illustration.
“Have you done number four yet? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Let me see.”
You predict their replies with nearly perfect accuracy — because you’ve heard this exact conversation before.
What if it is real? What if you’re trapped in an endless loop like in one of the novels you’d read, where the leading lady has to live the worst day of her life over and over until she figures out how to change it? 
You could hardly bear to watch the light leave Bodhi’s eyes in that dream, and so help you gods, you are not going to see it ever again; you’re going to do something about it.
You’d read some theory in a philosophy book once that the flap of a butterfly’s wings can set off a chain of events that cause a hurricane. Would it be safer to stop this exact moment as it happens, or to interrupt now? Or was that dream really just a dream, and today will just be a normal day, or Basgiath’s version of normal, and you’re worrying over nothing?
“I don’t think that’s it. I think that’s the answer to number five, though.”
Those are the words. You’d almost missed them, too concerned about what’s going to happen in the next five seconds, but you should have just enough time if you act now. Sìodha seems to think so too, sending you a flood of urgency and panic.
You tackle Bodhi to the ground, wrapping an arm around his waist and putting a hand behind his head to cushion his fall as you both hit the floor. Your knuckles split on the impact, pain ripping through your hand, but all you can focus on is Bodhi underneath you — his eyes wide with shock, but still blinking up at you, his lips parted in a gasp, but not slick with blood, his heart racing, but not stopping. 
There’s a shout from beside you, the clatter of metal against stone, and the sounds of a brief struggle. Dain has the would-be assassin pinned in a matter of seconds, Sawyer helping him restrain her and haul her away, leaving you and Bodhi alone, still tangled up in one another on the floor, his eyes locked with yours.
He finally manages to form words, but not a complete sentence, still stunned. “What… How did you… What?”
“I saw this in a dream last night,” you answer, your voice wavering. “I saw you sitting right here with me, talking to Sawyer. You said that same sentence, and then there was a knife in your chest.” 
You look to your right, where it lays on the floor a few feet away — the exact shape and length as the one you’d dreamed of. “That knife.”
Bodhi’s eyes widen even further as he puts it together.  “I think that was your signet,” he breathes. “You’re a visionary.”
You finally let go of him, moving to sit by his side on the cold stone of the floor and staring blankly at the dagger. It had missed either of you by at least three feet, but had you acted a second later, or not at all… That doesn’t matter, you suppose. What matters is that Bodhi is alive; that you’d been able to save him, because you’d known what was going to happen and you altered course at the last second. 
You should be proud of yourself, but all you can think about is his words to you, and the implications thereof. If this is truly your signet, then you’ll have to watch this kind of thing happen over and over, and likely not just to Bodhi, but to the rest of your friends, too. But what if you can’t stop it next time? What if you see something happen to the twins? They’re a two-hour flight away, and you can’t abandon your post just because you had a dream that something bad happened to them. 
Will any of your dreams be just dreams anymore, or are you going to see all manner of terrible things every night for the rest of your life? How are you supposed to distinguish between dreams and reality, between the sleepy inventions of your subconscious, or the magic of your signet?
“I’m sorry, child. It is a powerful gift to have, but it can be quite cruel.”
You can hear Bodhi speaking, likely a thank you and some soft reassurances, but you don’t process the words. You don’t respond to either of them, still not fully convinced that this isn’t another dream.
The warmth of his hand on your arm starts to pull you out of that numbness. “Talk to me, darling.”
“I watched you die,” you whisper. “There was nothing I could do. I just had to hold you, until… I thought it was just a nightmare, but then it started happening in reality, and...”
You shake your head, eyes welling with tears that you try to blink away. You tell yourself that there’s no reason to be crying, no use when he’s standing in front of you, alive, breathing and talking and holding your hand, but you can’t stop the flood of emotion; confusion and relief and horror and several other things you can’t put a name to right now.
“Hey,” he coaxes, “look at me.”
You focus your gaze on him, on those soft brown eyes that still blink at you, the rise and fall of his chest.
“I’m okay,” he says softly, wrapping your hand around his wrist, mindful of your scraped knuckles. He positions your fingertips over his pulse, pressing them into the skin so you can feel the gentle beat of his heart. “I’m alive, because you saved me.”
You nod silently, warm tears slipping down your cheeks. 
He gathers you into a warm embrace, rubbing your back in soft, soothing motions. “I’m so sorry you had to see that, my darling girl. But the next time something like that happens, you tell me, okay? I don’t care if you wake me up at three in the morning, I want to be there for you.”
“Okay,” you whisper, resting your head against his shoulder.
You stay like this for a moment, just sitting with him and finding comfort in the warmth of his touch and the steadiness of his breathing.
“Do you want to go to the healers for your hand, or do you want me to wrap it up for you?”
“Want you to do it,” you answer softly, still feeling a little fragile. You don’t want to be away from him, even for a moment; you might work up the courage to ask if you can sleep in his bed tonight.
“Okay.” He presses a kiss to your temple, getting up to pack your bags.
Dain and Sawyer haven’t returned, likely still in Varrish’s office with the unbonded girl. You scribble a quick note to thank them, and to say that you’re done studying for the afternoon, leaving it on top of Dain’s book.
Bodhi picks up your bag, shouldering it along with his own.
He stops to pick up the dagger, sheathing it at his side, and you blink at him, confused. “You’re keeping it?”
“Of course I’m keeping it. It’s a memento of my first assassination attempt.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Only you could be so proud about someone wanting to kill you.”
He pulls you in closer, tucking you under his arm. “Not nearly as proud as I am of you. You should have seen it. I’ve never seen you move that fast in my life.”
Your cheeks warm in embarrassment, suddenly shy. “I was worried I’d lose you,” you say softly.
“You won’t ever lose me,” he soothes. “We made each other a promise, and I intend to keep it.”
“So do I,” you say quietly. “So do I.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You don’t have any more terrible dreams -- visions -- for the rest of the week, just a generalized sense of anxiety and insomnia, waiting for the next one and wondering what it’ll be, what terrible fate may befall one of your friends.
Each day that passes simultaneously soothes your anxiety and stokes it. If you aren’t dreaming of any terrible things, then they won’t happen, but what if you don’t dream them? What if you can’t see harm coming to them in advance, and thus can’t prevent it?
As soon as you enter the gym for Emeterrio’s class, it hits you again; that incredibly strong sense that something very bad is going to happen, very soon.
Bodhi sees your posture change, your normal relaxed and graceful presence tightening uncomfortably, and puts it together immediately, looking at you with concern.
“I have that feeling again,” you manage, forcing down the acid rising in your throat. “But this time, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
“It’ll be okay,” he soothes.
“You don’t know that,” you reply, still looking around, surveying the gym for anyone that could pose a threat to you or any of your friends, which happens to be every single person in the room. 
He takes your hand, and the feeling stops; vanishes completely, as if it was never there. Bodhi’s presence and his gentle touch have always been a comfort to you, often the only comfort you have, but nothing like that has ever happened before, a relief so intense and sudden.
Your gaze snaps to him, eyes widening. “How did you…”
He lets go, and the anxiety and nausea comes back in a tidal wave that nearly knocks you over. He lays a hand on your back to steady you, worried you’ll collapse, and the feeling dissipates again in the blink of an eye. Definitely not a coincidence.
“I think you turned it off,” you whisper. “When you let go, it came back.”
He blinks at you for a few seconds, processing. “Do you think that’s…”
“Laurent and Daneel,” Emeterrio calls.
Oh. That’s what you’re supposed to be worried about.
“Deep breath,” Bodhi prompts.
You inhale as deeply as you can before he moves his hand off of your back, and you aren’t hit with another tidal wave, just a normal, manageable level of anxiety appropriate for someone about to start a challenge match.
But as you step onto the mat, the anxiety fades into… something new. Confidence, like nothing you’ve ever felt before -- like you know you’re going to win this fight, without question, like it’s already been written down in the professor’s gradebook, and carved into history. 
You lower your head to your opponent in respectful acknowledgement, getting a snarl in response. Well, then. Maybe this will be harder than you’d thought -- but you still have that unshakeable feeling that you’re going to come out on top.
She makes the first move, a punch that you’re able to dodge easily. She tries again -- and you step to the side without thinking, avoiding the blow by a few inches.
You continue dodging and blocking, reacting naturally, almost subconsciously, not even thinking about your movements. 
You feel the same strange feeling you’d felt during the conversation leading up to Bodhi’s would-be assassination; you’d known all the words, knew what was going to happen because you’d seen it in a dream -- only you don’t remember dreaming any of this at all. It had been a total surprise that your name would be called with hers, the intense anxiety you’d felt being the only indicator, and even then, you’d been worried that it would be one of your friends in danger, not yourself.
Very interesting.
A slow smile spreads across your face as you realize exactly what is happening -- this is your signet at work, that familiar hum of power through your veins as you move, keeping you a few seconds ahead of everyone else in the room.
“You’ve had your fun,” Sìoda nudges, sounding amused. “Now end this, and end it well.”
The girl agrees. “Come on, you filthy fucking traitor! Fight me already!”
There’s a collective intake of breath from the quadrant as they wait for you to respond -- every eye in the gym is watching you, even the other cadets that are supposed to be fighting across the room, but you don’t move, don’t react to the comment, preparing for what’s going to happen next.
She hurls a dagger at you, enraged by your lack of engagement in this fight -- and your hand flies up to catch it, your fingers wrapping around the hilt and stopping it in midair.
Silence. Absolute dead silence.
You examine it for a second before you tuck it into your belt, looking back up at her. “Let’s fight, then.”
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peachycrxmes · 2 years
Indecent proposal
Part - 1
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Chapter warnings : Mentions of toxic boyfriend, toxic family, death, itty bitty fluff from bucky, fluff, angst, controlling and abusive parents, crying.
Words : 3.6k
Note: y/n : your name ; l/n : last name ; e/c : eye colour ; h/c : hair color
series masterlist
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Today is the best day of your life.Even better than the day you were born.You just haven't realised it.Yet.
It was a chilly night with a slight breeze now and then, which left goosebumps on your skin.You couldn't sleep thinking how your life's turning out.So, you decided to take a minute to yourself in the swing in your porch, rethinking how your life came out to be such a mess.You were done. Done with your stupid boyfriend who admits to not cheating, your manipulative parents who forced you to attend medical school and your devious relatives who were disappointed since the day you were born because you weren't a boy.You wanted to escape from them, and you were thinking of ways to do it efficiently when you saw a man in the house across your porch trying to get your attention.
He was waving his hands above his head but when you noticed him, he waved a gentle 'hi' and began walking to you, crossing the narrow path between.You took a few steps until you reached the last step tread on your porch.He was taking large steps now, noticing your approach.
And you were sure,as long as you were not dreaming, he is the most beautiful person you have ever seen.You were spellbound and when he reached almost just a step away, you seemed to break from your trance.But, when you looked at him again, you were sure you found your favorite colour. Those moonlit blue eyes felt like home.Little did you know, that it would become a place where you were loved and accepted the way you were and that took you in with open arms.
"Hi" you said, remembering that you never greeted him."Hi, um-you hungry?"he asked you, pointing towards his house and continuing, "- I made some chocolate fudge cake earlier and I-I would really like if you wanted to taste test..." he blurted out.Honestly, you were surprised by the question.This man just asked you to sample his cake.You hadn't eaten dinner earlier, because you knew dinner table would be a discussion of how bad you were doing in school and you could not bear to listen to them.So you decided to stay and study in your room.When time escaped you and your head started aching, you stepped out the front door and took a moment for yourself.When the half of the entire world around slept and you had a peaceful moment to yourself, he walked into your life like a dream and you hoped you would never wake up if it was."-Uhmm" you giggled uncertain of what to say, "Yeah... Sure!!" you replied and the next second you found him smiling from ear to ear.That smile, made you feel like you were finally alive, finally aware of the life in you.He smiled his eyes shining"I'll just go get it.....be right back-" he said and started running towards his house.
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He had seen you for the first time when your next door neighbors invited every single person on the block for their barbecue.It was just a few days after he moved into his uncle's house after his mother's demise and despite his introversion, his uncle forced him to spend some time, getting to know his neighbours.After reaching the party, and looking around his surroundings, a hand hit his back."You must be new, never seen you 'round here before..", a 40-something man introduced himself as, "Tony Stark"."Bucky Barnes, sir", followed with a firm handshake.As he was turning his head to apologize to someone, who bumped into him, his eyes caught sight of her and the whole world dimmed.She shone like a light when she smiled.Her eyes, the most beautiful pair of (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair.He saw you laugh with your friend.And God, how he wished the world would be quiet to hear it."Excuse me, loverboy!" Tony said, loud enough to attract a little attention.After a few clumsy apologies and the people around turned back to their own talks, his eyes found you again.You were now alone, with a distracted looking guy's arm around you, your face serious and expressionless at the same time.
"I said my name's Tony and not 'sir' " Tony continued, even though he had noticed everything." Okay...Tony"Bucky replied still distracted.Tony sighed,"You wanna know who she is?"."No-no, I intend to find out myself."he replied."Ah, so I guess you've got all the time in the world."Tony teased sardonically.
He had only taken his eyes off of you for a second and you were nowhere to be seen.He didn't even know your name and a bit of fear creeped up that he may never see you again.But, he was dead wrong.
In fact, he was delighted when he caught glimpses of you every day while he worked on the little garden,after his uncle insisted he trim the overgrown shrubs.He knew that you lived across his uncle's house when he saw you come out to meet the same guy you were at the party with.One day, he saw you on the sidewalk, sitting alone with a cap on your head and a drink in your hand.You looked a little down and when he finally decided to get up and walk over to you, despite his soil-covered shirt, you were already walking away from him and into your house.
He had finally got the chance to speak to you on this night when everyone else was asleep and he was finally content.He rushed to the fridge where he had put the cake and took it out patiently, closing the front door behind him and walking back over to you, with a smile brighter than the moon that night.
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You saw him walking over to you with the cake in his hand and you motioned for him to sit on the swing with you.As soon as you tried the cake,he looked on with a curious expression. Your eyebrows shot up with delight and he fell in love all over again.You hummed and closed your eyes enjoying the flavour.He wanted to kiss you so bad at the way your lips curved into a beautiful smile."I've found my favourite dessert!Thanks to you!It's incredibly delicious!!"you said, licking your lips."You a chef,huh?"you asked as he took a piece of the cake to taste himself."Well, I'm trying out new recipes and all, I've always wanted to be one since my childhood.."he said to you."You're not trying, you're thriving at this!!"you said and he chuckles.God, you were done for.You were in love.You talked the rest of the night talking about each other's life.
Most nights were spent with you talking to each other about everything you could ever think of.Conversation with him was easy and he really understood you in a way no one ever did.You knew he was special since you met him.He finally asked you out on a date and you agreed.You tried your best to hide your relationship from your parents because they didn't want you running around with someone else than a rich boy they chose for you.
Bucky would wait outside your college to pick you up everyday and you would go to watch the sunset and walk near the beach, goofing around.
He soon introduced you to his uncle who beamed at both of you saying,"You certainly look like you were made for each other!".
He made you the happiest person, with only the unconditional love and care you shared for each other.
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On one weekend, you had to go to a relative's place with your parents and he saw you leave and waited for you to return.You finally returned at 12 o'clock in the night.You missed him the entire day. It was the most uneventful day so far.You looked out the window after getting into your pajamas and was sad that you didn't find him or the light on in his room.As you let out a heavy sigh and walked to bed,you heard something tap your window.You went upto the window to see him standing at the bottom of the ladder smiling up at you and you returned his smile.He quickly climbed and his face was only inches from yours."I missed you.."he whispered."I missed you too, Bucky.."you admitted.Your shy eyes finally looked up at his eyes as he gazed adoringly at you.Eyes flitting to your lips once in awhile."May I kiss you?"he whispered against your cheek.You nodded lightly.
"Words, baby."
"Please kiss me, Bucky..."
His lips brushed over yours in the most slightest and intimate way, holding your chin with his fingers.He kissed you softly once, twice,thrice and one last long kiss that left you both breathless and heady.Your hands never left his cheeks as he pulled away.He whispered 'good night,baby' into your ear and brushed his lips against your cheek one last time and descended the ladder.You watched him as he put away the ladder and smiled at you as he left.Your cheeks hurt from smiling at the way he kissed you.This day wasn't so uneventful after all.
The next day, you lied to your parents saying you had to study for an upcoming test so they left you alone at the house saying they were going to visit someone from your family you definitely didn't want to see and you knew you would return late.Weekends were all about families in your home and you hated every part of it but now, they were precious to you because you could spend all day with Bucky.You went to his place shortly after your parents left and were going to help him cook a new recipe.You were intent on helping him anyway you can. He had asked you to knead some dough and you were in the middle of kneading your dough perfectly, when you heard his giggle.You arched your brow and asked, "What's so funny, B?"."You stick your tongue out when you concentrate." he spoke fast and broke into more giggles.You innocently moved towards him and slapped some flour on his face.Now, you were laughing too and he was intent on putting his flour covered fingers on your face.You were laughing and running around the kitchen at the same time, trying to escape him but to no avail.He picked you up easily and put you on the kitchen counter locking his arms around you and smeared flour all over your face as you admitted defeat.Your hands instinctively went around his neck as you relaxed from the fun you just had.He kissed you softly and slowly, lips brushing against your top lip and then your bottom, kissing you with every bit of love he had for you.Hands caressed your waist as he pulled you closer for every kiss.You hummed into the last kiss as you didn't want him to pull away.Foreheads rested against each other from the breathlessness of your kisses.After a while, he spoke out,voice raspy, "If it wasn't clear already, I'm in love with you, y/n.I fell in love with you since the moment I saw you and every moment leading upto this one,I love you, y/n l/n..." he confessed to you with eyes, heart and soul full of love. You knew it because you felt it too.You gazed up at him with the most joyous smile.If life felt this peaceful and happy with him, you silently wished to spend the rest of your life with him."Nothing ever felt as right as loving you, Bucky...from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special and would change my life for the better... -"you were about to say you love him when you heard rain out the window and you almost leaped from the counter and grabbing Bucky by the hand ran outside to feel the rain piercing your skin as you raised your head at the rain.You turned to him to see him smiling at the rain,"Have I ever told you I love you?"you asked,
"...No." he answered smiling.
"I do.I love you."you said as he approached you and kissed you in the rain.You could feel him smile into the kiss as you smiled through the kiss with him, you leaned into him and his hand held your waist while the other held your hand out as he leaned into you.Your life felt like a fairytale and you wanted to relive this moment forever.
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Today was the day you were going to meet his friends from his hometown.You put on a sundress as you got ready to meet his friends.You hoped they would like you.You snuck out the back door and towards him.He waited for a while, and as you approached him, he could not stop smiling and admiring you. Just like he did. Everytime.
As you walked hand in hand towards the park where you were meeting them, he noticed you were in your thoughts.He stopped, hand still holding you as he turned to you."What is it?"he asked.
"What if they don't like me?" You asked after a while.
"No way that's ever gonna happen." He reassured, his other hand coming up to brush his thumb against your cheek softly.He brushed his nose against yours as you beamed at him.
Soon,he spot them and they approached you.A tall blond man,a girl and another tall man came into your view."Hey, Buck!"the blond man yelled from the little distance."Heyy, Steve!!"he replied with the same intensity as you approached them faster now.They were all smiles when Bucky hugged the blond then, the red-head.Bucky introduced you to them as Steve introduced themselves."I'm Steve and this is my girlfriend, Natasha and our good friend, Sam".Each held out their hand as you shook them all and muttered a shy, "Nice to meet you.".
"So, you're the one making Bucky all cheery and nice nowadays."Sam teased as you chuckled at him." I see that you're still annoying as ever, Sam"he sighed and hugged him.
All of you got along real nice as you spent the picnic together.You and Nat got to know each other as the boys went to go get some food for all."You know, he's a really nice guy, Bucky...No matter what life threw at him, he stayed strong from a very young age.Yeah, I know they all seem like dumbasses and THEY ARE trust me.."she joked, "...But, they're the thickest of friends, nothing could ever separate them..They get through everything together and I admit that I love that about them."she said trying to make conversation.You knew that Bucky lost his mother, his only parent to cancer and that he missed her even if he tried not to show it.You knew he was hurting and if you could relieve all of his pain, you would without a second thought.He would tell you all of his childhood stories and there were none that didn't include his mother or Steve.You loved hearing about his childhood and all the times he mentioned his mother and how he learnt cooking to help his mom.Most of the recipes he learnt from his mom, he mentioned.
"You know, I never had any friends like that, it's comforting to see that he's got real friends, it makes me happy."you said.Nat looked at you and smiled,"Well, now you've got 3".You smiled at her.
Soon, you shared about your boring life apart from Bucky, and how he made your life the brightest it has ever been.Like the way when you wake up in the morning and you know you're in love and you get all joyful.You described your love as something that you never knew you needed.That you only knew how much you needed his love, when it wasn't there.And now that you could feel it in your heart,mind and soul it felt peaceful.Like for the first time, you found a home,where you were loved for being you, despite the flaws and scars.And Nat knew, that you were meant for each other, you were each other's home.
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Steve, Bucky and Sam were returning from ordering food, you and Nat coming into view as they approached.Steve knew that from the way Bucky looked at you, he was in love and he couldn't be more happy for his best friend.It was good to see him smiling after a long time."She's really great, Buck.Don't let her go."Steve spoke.
"I'm not planning on it, Steve..And, I..."Bucky looked down shyly, "...I think she's the one."
"I knew it!Good for you,man."Sam said smiling.
He gazed at you adoringly as you were chuckling at something Nat just said.He knew you were the only one for him, since the moment he first saw you, there was no denying it.
You've been together for almost a year now and he was more than sure that you'd be happy together.
All of you spent the rest of day clicking pictures and enjoying yourselves.You were as happy as ever as you found friends for life, all because of Bucky.He made your life brighter by the passing second than it ever has been and you loved him.You loved him so much, that it warmed your heart and soul.He belonged to you as you belonged to him.After a heartfelt goodbye to your newfound friends, you walked home together.He turned to you as you approached your street,"I'll see you at night."he said,holding your elbow to pull you close and kissed you, just as softly as you remembered.Your hands instinctively went into his hair as you pulled him close and kissed him.Your lips capturing his in the most gentlest way.He pulled away, smiling at you as you both hesitantly made it to each of your houses.
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Bucky went into his room to find the last thing his mother had put safely into his hand in her final moments.He was going to ask her, he'll wait a little more and when he knew the time was right, he'll do it.He stared at it as he thought about his parents and the love they shared even if it was for a very short time.He was eager to make a home with you, and live out the rest of his days as the happiest man on earth.He tucked it into a box and hid it away for later as he went downstairs to help his uncle make dinner for the night.
You went into your room to find your mom, looking through your photos, and she was holding up a photo of Bucky and you, staring at it emotionless.You were scared of what was going to happen so you just stood there until she noticed your presence."Mom, please... I-I can explain."you said, your voice already cracking because you know what was going to happen next."You know your dad is not gonna like this!When did you and Sean break up?!"she shouted at you.You hadn't even thought once about your rich and idiotic boyfriend in almost a year.Tears were already spilling from your eyes as you tried your best to answer than cry."H-he..."you blew out a breath to calm yourself."I broke up with him almost a year ago...mom...H-He was cheating on me...so I ended it.."you tried to say through sobs."You need to end this,y/n..Your dad is gonna know one way or another and he won't like this!"she approached and warned you."But...I...I love him, Mom..."you said your voice cracking as fresh tears spilled from your eyes."I don't care!!You're too naive to know what love is and you're staying in here till that boy forgets about you!!Until then, you are not allowed out!!I'm doing this for your own good!!"she yelled at you as she slammed the door to your room and locked it.You knew your mother was only a victim and not the monster because you knew your dad used to abuse her and treat her with no respect and you also knew you couldn't really blame her for trying to protect you from your father's claws.But it hurts more than ever to be treated like you didn't have any other choice but to listen to them since you were a child.You were heavily burdened by this but you couldn't just end it with him.You could never do that.And, you also didn't want to tell him about this.
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You dozed off, and you woke up only when you heard tapping on your window, you opened it to find Bucky already climbing the ladder.You stepped back to let him in without making a sound.His smile dropped when he noticed your tear stained cheeks and messy hair.You tried to brush your hair with your fingers to tame it a little and when you looked up into his eyes, you leaned into his chest and broke into tears again.You hated that you were a mess."Oh baby..."he said as he hugged you and pressed a long kiss to the top of your head.You were soothed but your shoulders were shaking from your sobs and he held you tighter,"Shhh... It's going to be ok, baby...I'm right here..."he held you as he guided you towards your bed.You pulled away from his arms but, before you could reach your cheeks to wipe your tears, he wiped them with his thumbs still holding you close.He hated seeing you hurt.He wanted to end your source of pain.
After some time, you told him everything that happened and he was devastated to hear it.He thought hard on what to do and he was sure of one thing, he's never letting you go.He knew what to do,he only hoped he was right.
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Taglist : @rebloggingmyrecs
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mrsmaxwelllord · 2 years
VIPEROUS – true self
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Pairing: Dark!Zemo X F!Reader
Sumarry: You arrive home only to find out that you've gotten pregnant by the worst man you can think of.
Words: 1,5K
Warnings: zemo is not so sweet in this one. unplanned pregnancy. loneliness. daydreaming. self-doubt. fear. drink-spiking.
A/N: First of all, i know that unplanned pregnancy isn't everybody favorite plot and I'M SORRY.
But you didn't thought I'd name a fic "viperous" and not write zemo at his fcking worst, did you?
previous chapter
You had discovered it pretty early on.
 After parting ways with the boys, you were feeling furious. You didn’t bother saying your goodbyes or listening to theirs, you simply held your bags and walked away from Zemo’s private jet; no turning back, no fake smile. Although, you could pull your pissed expression only for a few minutes, as soon as you turned a corner tears blurred your vision.
 Nonetheless, you went your way. In less than 24 hours you got to your home country and ten hours later you arrived in the dense rainforest you called home. It took you a few days to settle in again, to forget — or better, to ignore — the fateful events and get back to your routine.
 You stayed recluse at your house for a bit more than a month, before you had to come down to the nearest village; your supplies had their days counted and you could no longer postpone a visit to the hospital, the wound in your ribs had healed but the area was still too sore.
 You were expecting a broken rib or two, but the blood test they ran came out with a different outcome. One that you had no idea how to deal with.
 A pregnancy. You were about six weeks pregnant. It was very hard to understand the simple sentence coming out of your Doctor's mouth, it seemed impossible even; but you haven't used any protection the last time you were intimate with someone.
 It was obvious to you who the father was and it terrified you. Zemo was miles away running away from James and Sam after having managed to kill Karli Morgenthau and half the members of the Flag-Smasher. He didn’t know your whereabouts or condition, yet even the idea of him finding out was enough to make you shiver. His actions in the past decade made it clear that he loved his son, yet, you didn’t know how he’d react this time around with a woman he didn’t know nor loved – all while hiding from her own friends.
 You weren't sure if you wanted to keep it, but something was clear in that moment: he could never know, no one could.
 So after getting the exam result and making sure your ribs were okay, you scheduled a prenatal appointment with a discreet Doctor in a distant city and went your way home.
 You had a lot to think about. Parenting a child was hard enough with the help of others, but completely alone… Yet, you realised quite fast you wanted to keep it. 
 You also realised that you didn’t know shit about babies. You spend the first trimester of your pregnancy researching and studying everything you could, buying everything the internet said you’d need and having horrible nightmares almost every week.
 Because you were worrying about everything at once, three month went by fast.
 The lovely lady who owned the grocery store you go to regularly became your acquaintance and gave you very good tips. Your most dear tea recipe — the one that could treat the worst of nauseas or anxiety — was given from her and even some sleeping position for when your belly gets too big. You were visiting her more and more, especially because your nightmare was making you kinda paranoid.
 There were two that seemed to never let you in peace. The first one involved the Avengers taking the baby away and was very simple, it was always James or Sam and you were left alone, crying. The second, though, was more stange; you had the baby in your hands, feeding him, and there was always a figure looking at you. Later, you followed their cry to a cradle, but it was empty and you knew exactly who took it.
 Most nights you wake up in a cold sweat. And you end up always thinking of Zemo. You tried your best to let it go, to forget about him but you were feeling really guilty and scared.
 In Madripoor, when you were in his arms, every concern you had seemed to go away and you longed for that feeling on a daily basis. You knew you couldn't have that. You didn't know where the hell he was, or wanted to be with a man who killed a child without any guilt. You agreed with Sam about Karli and really thought a solution could have been made if Zemo hadn't shot her – as you later found out.
 Sure, you wanted to feel the comfort of someone's warmth against you. You wanted to not have to think about the possible outcome of failing as a Mother. You wished you weren't feeling so alone.
 You wanted to have everything Helmut offered you in whispers back in that dirty town.
 However, you knew he could never leave the Raft if he ever gets caught and telling him of the child growing inside you would kill him because he couldn't be present. No matter how much you wished. So you resumed the little life you built for yourself.
 Sunbathing in the morning with a book in hand, eating healthy foods you were learning how to cook and visiting the small village down the hill once a week so you didn't feel so lonely.
 On the bad days, you liked to daydream about being someone's housewife; taking care of the chores got a lot easier when you were waiting for your husband to come back from work. Yet not even your silly little dreams could save you from the solitude late at night, when there was only your pillow with a cologne similar to his to hold on to.
 It was raining again — a thunderstorm this time. Lately it has been raining a lot, more than you had been accustomed to; not that you disliked it, you adored watching the lightning and thunder. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows you could see the sky clearly, the trees surrounding your house danced and howled as the thunder approached. 
 It was late in the night and you were terribly tired, but you simply could not let a thunderstorm go unwatched. In your childhood, you were terrified of them, you always ran to hide under your blankets with your teddy bear, but, somewhere in your teen years you became bewitched by the loud noise and the flashing lights.
 You were thinking of Helmut again, but, this time, something felt odd. It was almost like you could feel him thinking of you as well. A silly thought really, that you were connected somehow. You took a deep breath and rested in the chair.
 The idea of having a soulmate pleased you but the rational part of you knew you just wanted someone who you could trust fully and completely. A national terrorist couldn’t be that person. Especially not a dead one.
 Less than a week ago the news of him startled you, he had… died. They didn't specify exactly what happened in the little newspaper article except that the Winter Soldier had found Zemo after his attack on Captain America – well, John Walker – and that ended with his death. What was obviously a lie, James wouldn’t kill him. Would he? You were too afraid of looking deep into it. Perhaps… No. It hurted you to think about it.
 You reached out to grab your mug on the coffee table, but that felt like too much effort. In fact, everything felt overwhelming; you could not get up when you heard the front door keys moving, or when the sound around the house got close. Something was wrong with you, the tea made you way too sleepy. You tried to get up.
 When you turned around leaning on the armchair, your eyes got caught like a deer’s by the fleshlight on a road.
 There, standing at the door, the most frightful ghost of all. The soaking wet Baron stared right into your soul before smiling softly.
 “Liébling, what are you doing awake at this hour? Don’t you know it is bad for the baby?”
 You gasped and reached out for something on the coffee table, but ended up dropping the mug on the ground. The shattering startled you even more, in an attempt to get away you stepped into a piece of broken glass and fell down.
 The ghost of Helmut Zemo tried to approach, but upon seeing you hurt yourself further gave up.
 Now the palm of your hands were bleeding as well and you were hiding half of your body, still transfixed. The need to protect your womb was there, urging you to cover your belly with your hands or tighten the cardigan around you, but you resisted it.
 “I promised you I have no intention of hurting you. Ever” he whispered, taking a hesitant step.
 You couldn’t bring yourself to answer the ghost, shaking your head and raising your bloody hands to your face.
 “Liébling. Let me help you.”
 The sleepiness was now worse than before, you could feel yourself slipping away. Then you realise.
 “Helmut, what did you put in my drink?” He took the final steps to you and held you tight. The blood stained his shirt, but he didn’t seem to mind a bit, bringing your hand to his lips to kiss it chastely.
 “Don’t worry now. I’ll take care of you” he kissed your temple and your cheeks. Before falling unconscious, you remember thinking he still smelled the same.
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kunimikat · 4 years
How they act after you break up with them.
(I made sure to check but there might be small grammar errors, and this is a long one so strap in 🙇, but hope you enjoy angst+fluff here) but not me actually feeling bad for them after-
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Is more out of it then usual.
The reason you broke up with him is because you felt like it wasn’t a real relationship. And more like you sometimes got to talk during class, and sometimes out of school.
He writes in his a separate notebook of ways he could’ve done better
Starts comparing himself to other guys more often
Leaves earlier then everyone else to got to dorms.
Mumbles even more then usual, and sometimes the only person that can snap him out of it is Aizawa.
Sometimes takes it out on his friends
“Hey Deku!-“
“Not right now Uraraka.”
“Oi, Deku nerd, the-“
“Can you not right now Kacchan?”
“Midoryia! Would you like to study?”
“Maybe later Iida...”
Todoroki offered him soba but it resulted in Midoriya slowly slurping up soba as he looked into the void of people
He shut everyone one out and didn’t talk barely most of the week.
He’d take out a lot of his anger during training.
It somehow finally clicks into place how bad you feel and how much you miss him when All Might pull you aside and asks. “Uhhh...Is Young Midoriya ok? I’m getting real worried....ITS NOT LIKE I DONT WORRY ABOUT MY OTHER STUDENTS HAHAHA! HOW’S-
There’s 15 minutes of your life awkwardly telling All Might how all your classmates are doing.
Which made you want to jump off the top of UA at the moment.
You decide to head to his dorm and ask him about it, cause you feel like it’s your fault.
You walk in on him crying, clutching the shirt you bought for him on his birthday.
You almost dropped to your knees in guilt at the sight
You rushed over and sat by him, comforting him, though it wasn’t much as you started crying too.
Basically a crying festival for an hour.
“Please....Please Y/N I love you so much, I promise I’ll make it work, and I’ll do my best to make it up to you, just please...PLEASE don’t leave me.” You kiss him on the lips and then his hand, “Babe it’s not all on you, I promise I’ll do better this time too, I’m so sorry for being selfish, I love you, ok?” Another crying fest.
After you start dating again:
Always makes sure you’re comfortable, and checks into your dorm before he starts a study session.
Helps you with your work before his. ( Though you insist he doesn’t as he’s gotten points off multiple times for turning in his work late.)
Goes on dates every time you have some free space in your schedules. Somehow ends up in an All Might merch shop 80% of the time.
!!CUDDLE SESSIONS AFTER HERO TRAINING AT ALL TIMES!! Even in Recovery Girl’s office, though many times she bops you both on the head and tells you to get out.
(If you both like All Might) You both geek out over new All Might stuff, and his old interviews while wearing an All Might onesies.
(If you like a different hero) You could spend hours bickering on who’s best hero, pulling up recordings and articles on the. With you holding your favorite hero plushie and him wearing All Might pajamas.
And waking up early just to take a long route to school together.
Makes sure to say ‘I love you’ at every small moment, and compliments you, though he can’t take compliments himself-
If it’s a permanent breakup:
“I...I understand, but why?”
Tears well up in his eyes and he for once he keeps eye contact with you, without looking away
It takes everything in you to not breakdown
“I’m sorry Izuku, I just don’t think it’ll work out in the end.” He grabs your hand and holds it both of his. He puts it to his forehead, nearly on his knees at this point. You try not to cry with him, but you knew it wasn’t going to end up a happily ever after in the end. And you wanted to break it off before that could happen.
“Izuku, I know, I know, I’m so sorry, I wish it couldn’t end like this-“
“Then don’t let it. Please Y/N don’t let this end.”
You eyes welled up as you put a hand over your mouth while repeating ‘I’m sorry, so sorry Izuku’. You looked away from him as you slipped your hand out of his, you close your eyes painfully, the tears finally running down your face. You couldn’t help but look back one more time, and almost wanted to run to where he was and take it all back. He sat on his knees, his head in his hands as painful sobs wracked his body. You quickly leave the room, shutting the door behind you.
You both were pretty quiet and emotionless the whole week.
Midoriya was even worse then before,
It got to the point where sometimes he didn’t eat or sleep
He barely responded to anything anyone said
Hell, even Bakugo was worried at some point
Midoriya would always go back to his dorm and cuddle with the gifts you gave him while you were dating.
It took a long time for him to get over it, and even when he thought it did, he still gets emotional over it
Even after highschool it pains him to see your off doing your own thing without you at his side the whole time
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Quieter then usual
Is so deep in thought, sometimes forgets he’s in class or what he’s doing
During tests, or while working on assignments he’d be so deep in thought he didn’t realize he broke his pencil, or used his quirk on his desk
Instead of having his usual outburst on people he’d just walk off, or click his tounge and walk off
Even during Hero Lessons he’d be less calculated, and not as pumped up
When anyone tried to ask he’d just say “Fuck off, I’m fine.”
His grades slightly dropped
He had bags under his eyes, and had even worse posture then usual
When it came time to leave, he’d be the first one out, and no one could find out where he’d go
A permanent frown was on his face at all times (basically him most of time but with a deeper frown)
No one knew what to do at this point
It didn’t click with you until one day during Hero Lessons
He was sparring with Kirishima and all of a sudden he fainted
Everyone was surprised to say the most
You rushed with Kirishima to Recover Girls office
You both almost busted the door off it’s hinges
She wacked you both on the head but quickly tended to Bakugo, surprising you both as she checked on him
“Oh....I wouldn’t have expected this from Bakugo.” You and Kirishima had confused looks on your faces. “Well he passed out from exhaustion, which I usually see with that foolish Midoriya boy. This one usually keeps up with himself, something must’ve happened.” She cut herself off as she saw the look on your face that said it all. She beckons Kirishima to follow her out, as he still wasn’t getting what was happening.
You finally got a good look at him, and saw just how exhausted he looked. The bags under his eyes, his bruised body, and how pained he looked in his sleep. You hugged the non-bruised part of his arm, and finally let the tears you held let go. “I’m sorry Katsuki...I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.” Before you realized he woke up, he placed his free hand on your head, rubbing small and soothing circles on your head. “S’okay, let’s make this work.” You knew you didn’t have to say anything else as you both stayed like that until Recovery Girl came in to kick you both out.
After you start dating again:
Comes to your dorm everyday to get you up knowing you’d oversleep if he didn’t (also wants to see your sleeping face...not in a weird way)
Cooks you breakfast in bed on off days,
You guys cook something together when you have a movie night
Instead of yelling most times, he just makes sure he understands your side of everything before jumping to conclusions
Makes sure he isn’t too rough with you verbally (lol not sure physically)
Brings you to his parents house during some free time since you get along with his mom and dad well
Won’t admit it but adores the fact that his parents love you
Whispers ‘I love you’ when he’s made sure your ‘sleeping’ (you’re not, you just wanna hear him say it all shy like)
You guys go on training dates, where you both train together, then have a picnic where you just trained
Him being more open with PDA, like holding your hand, or laying his head on your shoulder, etc. just small stuff
He loves playing with your hair and twisting it around his fingers while cuddling or studying
You both cheer on your favorite hero during a fight on TV, or you pick a random channel on TV and you just listen to him rant how stupid something is while you lean onto his shoulder at 2am (somehow got him to stay up this late)
If it’s a permanent breakup:
“No...no...you can’t, you can’t be serious”
He sounded so broken. His fists clutched so hard you thought his bones would pop out
Anger was evident in his face, and he honestly scared you with the face he was making
“Y/N....are you joking?” You frown and step back a little, did he really think everything you said was a joke? “No Bakugo, I just think this isnt gonna work out in the end.” You heard him click his tongue, then just look at you in shock, then anger. He looked down, his bangs covering his expression. “So you’re just gonna end it like that? No working anything out, just break up? It was one fucking mistake Y/N.”
“Yeah one big mistake, you don’t suck faces with some other person on accident, Bakugo.” The venom in your voice slicing through the tension filled air. “Can you just fucking forgive me? I won’t do it again.”
“You said that last time, Katsuki, then you go and clown off again-“
Before you could get anything else out Bakugo already had his quirk going in one hand, and the other holding your shoulder down. You both looked surprised, even as he backed away. “No..nononono fuck Y/N baby I’m sorry-” you smacked the hand that reached out for you. You started packing everything, Bakugo’s eyes widened as he just stood in shock. Before he knew it you were leaving already.
“N...NO NO Y/N PLEASE, I’M SORRY-“ he grabbed you by the arm that reached for the door knob. You quickly shrugged him out of his grasp, and opened the door. “Goodbye Bakugo, I hope well for the next person with you.” And you slammed it in his face. He stood there, it’s like the emotions he felt before were completely wiped when you slammed the door on him. It was 8:03pm, he should start getting ready for bed anyway.
For a few weeks he was unresponsive, and only talked when he needed to
His movements were sluggish and he’d often stare at nothing
Bakugo didn’t even glare, or really do anything when Midoriya tried talking him
Or shittyhair, dunce face, raccoon eyes, or soy sauce face
They were all the same, and just molded into one voice every time someone tried talking to him
After a while he got over it, but he still regrets what he did
You helped him through so much yet he went off and did stupid shit
Even after highschool, he’d still keep up on you frequently through social media
Basically stalking you on there, guessing he never truly got over it once he felt tears subconsciously stream down his face as he saw you with someone else, happier.
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He felt like he didn’t do anything wrong, and he was confused at the throb in his heart every time you looked away from him or ignored him.
So he did ask you, and all you did was look at him like he just hit you.
Why did you look so hurt?
Todoroki shrugged it off, thinking you’d come back like you did after every fight you guys had
But you didn’t, and that’s what took an actual toll on him
More emotional
A permanent frown on his pretty features most of the time
All he mostly eats is soba
He didn’t know how to handle this in all honesty
Sometimes he’d just stare at you, and even when you looked back he’d just stare...
Sometimes he’s so out of it he doesn’t realize he’s either froze the entire classroom or was a living breathing radiator, or both (rip Momo, Satou, and Tokoyami)
He’d ask Midoryia for help but it came out as a fumbled mess most of the time:
“Midoryia...how do you hurt....them, a lot...without...? Can you help?
Midoryia is just like:
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(Sorry I had to add that in I was cackling sm from it)
“I think you should just talk to them Todoroki.”
That was harder to do then he expected, you mangaged to avoid him pretty well,
One day he was just fed up and as soon as the bell rang he took your hand and left the class
He takes you to an empty classroom, his left side nearly giving you frostbite
You were about to yell at him before you saw his broken expression
“What...what did I do for it to be like this?” You we’re now quiet as you saw the confused and hurt expression on his face. Him barely being able to control either of his quirks, he was shaking, yet still held a confused expression. It just clicked with you, Todoroki wasn’t used to the sudden emotions or feelings, and when one of the people he’d usually go to to talk about it wasn’t there, he started to crumble.
You hugged him tightly , not caring if his quirks messed up your uniform. “I’m sorry Y/N....I’m sorry I’m not enough, but-“ You cover his mouth as tears fell from your eyes and onto the ground or his uniform. “I- I-I’m so sorry Todo...it’s just you never gave me affection and I was being so selfish and petty about it, I just- I didn’t realize that you went through your own experience for it to turn out like this. It’s not your fault, and I love you the way you are Shoto.” Todoroki didn’t even notice the tears come down his face as you kissed him over and over again. A small ‘I’m sorry’ from you every time. His quirks calmed down and now you were holding each other in a random classroom. You’re heart nearly stopped as you looked up at him and saw a small, teary eyed smile.
After you start Dating again:
Todoroki was much more observant
He’d stay up late readings articles saying “How to understand emotions” or “Is there other good food then Cold Soba” wait-
Regularly gets you gifts, even though most of the time you make him return the stuff since he’s been getting so much with his dads card
Endeavor ended up yelling at you both in a 7/11 while you were stuffing your faces with a soba flavored chips
You both figured out a way to get Todoroki to express himself without words
He’d slightly activate his left side if he wanted any sort of attention, and his right side was if he was feeling stressed or upset
He subconsciously goes to your dorm now to check up on you to make sure you’ve had a glass of water, dinner or anything really (He just wanted a reason to go to your dorm)
You played with his hair once, and he’s never going back
When cuddling he’d lay his head in the crook of your neck, hoping to feel you playing with his hair
You push him to start taking therapy sessions to understand what emotions he’s feeling and how to express them
Takes you in your free time to an empty field just to hear you talk, and learn more about you
And he’d always wake up early and made sure to get a few snacks for you before you woke up and brought them to your dorm room (Last time he tried to cook he almost burned the kitchen down)
Overall Todoroki just loves giving you small head pats now, you don’t know where it came from but you didn’t complain
Poor bby stuttered so hard the first time he said ‘I love you’ you giggled
Ended up making him feel embarrassed and like he did something wrong, but you quickly kissed him/praised him
He can’t stop saying it now, one time you picked up his pencil, before you could hand it to him just a sudden “I love you Y/N” the entire class looked at you both in shock
Todoroki is the happiest he’s been.
If it’s a permanent breakup:
“Over? What do you mean we’re over?”
You felt so horrible by the the pure confusion on his face
But the rude things he said to you, over powering your want to get back with him
Lately Todoroki has been more protective, and rude. Insulting everything you do, belittling you slightly. It just added up and you were tired of it
Todoroki tilted his head to the side, deep in thought.
“Y/N your being on the dumber side again, are you hanging out with them too much?” You were taken aback by how nonchalantly he insulted you and your friends. “Excuse me? Todoroki did I hear you right?” You stepped foward leaning your head toward him. “Of course you can, or did Bakugo’s yelling make you not hear so well?” The fact he said it with no emotion, or nothing to it was making you clench your fist. “The hell has gotten into you Todoroki?” You shove his shoulder a bit. He frowned at you heavily making you flinch. “Well if you didn’t go and ignore me most of this week maybe I wouldn’t be like this. I usually hold my tongue but you’ve been rude this entire week.”
You stood there speechless. “Well Ex-fucking-cuse me Shoto. Maybe if you didn’t insult me all the damn time I wouldn’t ignore you, or wait for an decent apology.”
You drag out the last words as you glared at him, Todoroki giving one back. “I’m only telling the truth so you don’t look dumb. I’m helping you out Y/N, I thought you’d understand.” You scoff in utter shock, you couldn’t help the sudden urge to slap some sense into him. Now he stood speechless, the force in that slap causing his hair to look messy, and a red mark on his cheek. Tears were in your eyes as you clenched your fist, biting your lip from cussing him out on the spot. “Your lucky I don’t beat your sorry ass, just...just the the fuck out Todoroki!” You pushed him toward the door. He looked at you with no emotion in his face as he saw you start to bawl your eyes out. “Just...just get the hell out Todoroki, it’s over, we’re over.” He felt a pang in his heart, but choose to ignore it and just left.
It only actually came to him during the night as he was about to walk to your dorm after a nightmare, when he realized the entire conversation
He tried knocking on your door but you didn’t answer, even though he could hear your music
He went back to his dorm, sat on his bed and just had a full mental breakdown
Realizing his main emotional support that helped him through mostly everything was gone
He felt he said stuff his father said to you already which made it even worse
He tried texting and calling you but you had him blocked on everything
He repeated the entire conversation in his head, just now coming to how disgusting he really did sound
Todoroki for that whole week was an emotional wreck
During hero training if he was thinking about you or what he did he doesn’t notice poor Satou trying to get out of his wall of Ice.
Is always with Midoryia at some given time,
He kind of clinged onto people in his circle that gave him attention of some sort
When he some time passed he eventually got over it
After Highschool you both kept in touch, but it pained him when he saw you engaged and happy with another person
But he was happy if you were happy.
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Heyyy so this is probably the longest thing I’ve written since like my last Wattpad fanfics I used to do(yikes). But hope you enjoy, and don’t be afraid to request! I’m taking them now so go wild.
Sorry that they were all confusing it’s my first hcs+scenario thingy, but I have a few other things in the works so... 💃🕺
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bb / gg, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Jeon Jungkook is the lead singer in a rock band and failed his Biology class last semester, so he has to take remedial classes over the summer. You're the Biology TA, double major in Psychology and Biology, watching him freak out over his make-up exam because he had overslept. Both of you are surrounded by rumors. Does the title stand for bad boy / good girl or bad bitch / good guy? Who knows.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; not the healthiest dynamic tbh; slight angst due to perceived unrequited love; smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics, begging, scratching / marking, choking, handjob (he is still wearing underwear), multiple orgasms, cowgirl, hair pulling, edging / orgasm denial, cock ring usage, m-masturbation, cum-eating); non-idol!BTS – rock singer, sub!Jungkook x studious, dom!reader
yes, it's SOWOOZOO JK, both the first yellow tropical look and the shredded black shirt look; for those who wanted him to be dom!JK, there is a moment when he is but not in the way you think because that's how I operate
Jeon Jungkook was a bad boy.
Wore too much black, dyed his hair too much, had tattoos, always had girls hanging around him. Sang in a rock band on the weekends, played electric guitar, played the game of how-many-numbers-can-I-get tonight? Never gave a girl his leather jacket to wear but was happy to buy her a drink and flirt with her until she got hot with arousal.
You were a good girl.
Always wore a blazer. Crisp white dress shirt and pleated skirt underneath, usually in a dark color. Sensible heels, but always heels. Did too many units a semester because you were double majoring in psychology and biology. Always arrived to class early, always turned in your assignments on time, always turned in your tests early and aced that shit. Took physics with calculus even though you didn’t have to because it was the harder one and you wanted a challenge.
Against the wall, shoving a fist into the neck, lips to lips, teeth snapping, hand travelling down, whimpering pleas and harsh growls, keep crying, I like it, ecstasy and pain, nails to skin. Tearing clothes off, biting, marking, I own you, and then, yes, you do, mouth and tongue, aching pleasure, cocked eyebrow, mocking the pathetic whines and cries, stopping right before the end, no, please, I’ve been good, and, you take what you get, hand fitting onto the neck, squeezing the sides, eyes rolling back, skin to skin, bruising slaps that would be seen tomorrow in the mirror, traced with shaking fingers and pants of an open mouth, moaning at the memory of sky-high pleasure while lightheaded and thoughtless, desperate to do it again.
There was a rumor.
Everyone liked Jeon Jungkook. He had two smiles, an endearing one and a teasing one. Both encapsulated the kind of person he was, honest and playful. He always sang with conviction, he rapped with savagery, and his lyrics were always from the heart. He always hung out with his bandmates after their performances at bars and interacted with those that came up to him. No one ever said Jungkook was mean or rude in any way.
And yet.
There was a rumor.
A rumor that Jeon Jungkook was taken.
He was the kind of guy that always made sure a drunk girl got home safe even though he didn’t know them. Paid for their taxi and everything. He focused a lot on his music and writing lyrics he thought would connect with others while taking into account his band members. He always told the truth if a girl confessed to him, saying he wasn’t looking right now, that he was very sorry if she thought otherwise, that there was someone he was already interested in.
You slammed a hand onto the tabletop and Jeon Jungkook jumped, the shredded black shirt he was wearing falling down his shoulder, revealing his ink black tattoos on his tan skin. He was wearing a black tank top underneath.
“What’s with you? You missed the exam for your remedial class and you’ve spent the past ten minutes spacing out at your make-up exam,” you barked, pointing to his empty exam sheet. “You haven’t even filled out you name.”
Jungkook swallowed hard. “S… Sorry.”
You frowned. Why was he apologizing to you? Honestly, why did you sign up for this summer TA position again? Oh, right, money and credits. Hmph. It was really just an excuse for the professor to slack off while you did the tedious things like grading and watching over idiots that skipped class. Sorry, overslept. Hung over, probably, since this was the Jeon Jungkook. Rockstar, hottie, famous in his own way.
He could be Jesus Christ and you would still be scolding him for missing his remedial Biology exam.
“Fill out your name so at least I can fail you properly.”
Not that it mattered, since you knew who he was. He didn’t know you knew who he was, and you had zero incentive to inform him that you were indeed aware of the existence of black-haired, tattooed, chiseled-jaw, sparkly-eyed Jeon Jungkook, all due to the constant snide remarks that followed you in your wake.
You wouldn’t be such a bitch if a guy like Jeon Jungkook put you in your place.
Who the fuck was Jeon Jungkook?
This guy, this weirdo about to fail his fucking Biology exam in front of your face.
Impatiently, you rolled up the sleeves of your gray blazer and grabbed a chair, dragging it up to the table. You snapped the chair down and sat in it, smoothing your skirt. You liked to be neat. Even though university didn’t have a uniform, you liked to keep some sort of uniform for yourself. There was a sense of security in knowing you didn’t have to select an outfit every morning. Today, white dress shirt, gray blazer, pleated black skirt that hit slightly higher than mid-thigh. Every other outfit was some variation of this and, in the winter, you wore thick stockings.
You clicked your heels together under the table sharply.
He flinched at the sound.
Jungkook wasn’t looking at you. He was mumbling at his paper.
“I… I think I studied the wrong chapters…”
You clicked your tongue. Jeez.
His hand was shaking so bad that his pen was practically vibrating. You leaned over the table, grabbing his fist to still it.
Your bare knees hit his bare knees, mostly because he was wearing black jeans with giant holes in them. Jungkook froze, head snapping up, silver earrings jangling, black hair flying, undercut visible for a second.
“You want to pass this class or what?”
He nodded quickly in response.
“Good. I want to get out of here. Keep your mouth shut. Answer to the first question is A.”
His eyes widened.
“Are you… helping me cheat?” he whispered, terrified.
You cocked your head, letting go of his hand. “You said you studied the wrong chapters. I’m not spending forty-five minutes of my life to watch you panic and then ten minutes more failing you,” you replied lowly, dangerous edge to your voice.
“I… couldn’t… I mean…”
You shoved his knees open with yours, narrowing your eyes as he yelped, pleading look in those brown doe eyes. You pressed your knees on the inside of his thighs, keeping them open.
“Answer to the second question is C.”
When Jungkook didn’t move, you reached over and cupped his chin. Felt his racing heartbeat pounding through his veins, coursing through your fingertips. Stared deep into those eyes, lowering the octave of your voice, keeping his thighs spread for you under the table.
“Listen to me,” you murmured softly. “Okay, Jungkook?”
“O… Okay…”
And he did.
There was a rumor.
Nobody liked you. Maybe it was because of your high scores ruining the class test average. Maybe it was the dismissive way you spoke to people, almost demeaning. Most likely it was a combination of the two. Students talked behind your back all the time, spreading rumors. Friends? What friends? You had an average of twenty class credits a semester. You didn’t have time to make friends. And besides, why try to make friends when clearly nobody wanted to be your friend?
And yet.
There was a rumor.
You ignored such things. You didn’t need such distractions.
“It would be too suspicious if you got full marks. This score is high enough.”
“O… Okay…”
“Get on the table.”
Jungkook scrambled on the wooden tabletop as you pushed his exam aside. You were still sitting in your chair. Your head tilted, eyebrow lifting at his speedy response to your rather suspicious request.
“You listened.”
He blinked at you. “Uh… yeah?”
“Why?” you finally said.
Jungkook gulped. “Be… because you asked,” he mumbled, knees on the table, hands clutching his knees.
“You can just walk out and report me.”
He shook his head quickly, black hair flying everywhere. “I don’t want to.”
Your other eyebrow raised. He chewed on his lip, a flash of pink tongue in his movement.
“Tell me what you want. I’ll do it.”
You decided to test his conviction.
“Edge of the table. Spread your legs for me.”
Instantly, obediently, Jeon Jungkook surprised you by doing it, putting each leg on either side of you, chunky black sneakers hanging down. Shredded black shirt open, hands behind his ass, towering over you, and yet his eyes were watching you, waiting for more, begging for instruction.
You raised your chin, seeing his impressively muscular thighs and body displayed for you to take. He was so close you could smell his clean, dreamy scent, like a meadow in summer dusk, surrounded by peeking stars and blinking fireflies. Interesting.
But you didn’t need the distraction.
“That’s it. You can go now,” you said dismissively, about to push your chair back.
His legs closed in, pressing firmly into your upper arms. Your eyes flickered up to him.
Jungkook shook his head very slowly.
“Do what you want.”
You saw his chest rise and fall, his silvery voice deepening, pupils expanding.
“I know you want to do something to me.”
His erection was bulging against the zipper of his black jeans. Your eyes went back to his face. He shivered at your sharp stare. All of this was happening in an otherwise empty lecture hall, with you and Jungkook at the very bottom.
Just you and him.
You placed your hands on his thighs. He jumped a little, but scooted closer to you. You slid your hands up. You undid the button of his jeans, scrutinizing those brown eyes. He raised his hips to help you as you pulled the zipper down.
“You don’t know me,” you finally said, no inflection in your voice.
He didn’t look away. “I don’t care.”
“Hmm.” You smirked. “Bad boy, aren’t you?”
Jungkook shook his head slightly, but didn’t break eye contact as you pulled his pants to his knees and reached for his black boxer briefs. “No. I’m a good guy. I want to give you what you want.” You hooked your fingers over the waistband and nicked his skin with your nails, making him gasp, the pleasure evident in his tone. He did not try to hide it from you. “I want to be good for you.”
“Why is that?”
He hung his head a little.
“Something about… how you make me feel…” he muttered. His gaze finally faltered. You reached up and righted his chin, forcing him to look at you. Saw that Jungkook had a mole under his mouth, perfectly in the center. He had a nice shape to his pink lips. You tapped his cheek, nudging him to elaborate. “You… You’re so pretty… and smart… Everyone looks up to you because you have such good grades…”
You doubted that.
Jungkook probably had no idea that most of the school hated your guts.
You didn’t have classes with Jungkook, but you were sure he knew your name because your name was posted on the Dean’s List of the highest-ranking students of the university every semester. Also, you weren’t hard to miss. Every student moved out of your way when you walked through the halls, whispering behind their hands.
Jungkook brought you back to the present.
“I feel,” he whispered, voice trembling, gaze locking with yours. “I feel like I want to be on my knees for you.”
His skin was warm under your nails.
“Like this is where I belong, in your hands.”
You stood up.
Jungkook started, turning into a tight squeak as you placed your hand on his chest and pushed him down.
“Lift up your shirt with both hands.”
He did was he was told, revealing his toned abs and the lower half of his pecs, biting his lip, clutching onto his tank top, ears turning red as he craned his head to look down at you. You didn’t give him any satisfying response. His tan skin seemed to glow under the overhead lights. You studied his face.
Reached up and began to rub his erection through his underwear.
“A… ah…”
“Gonna make you cum like this.”
He shook his head quickly. “P… Please, no…”
You felt him swell and twitch under your hand. He was pretty big. Thick. Pretty boy with a pretty dick, probably. You rubbed the head with your palm, feeling his pre-cum leaking through the thin fabric. He wasn’t kidding when he said you made him feel some kind of way.
“Why not? Make you cum in your underwear and then you have to go all the way home covered in it. All dirty, just for me.”
His handsome face twisted with sinful pleasure at your suggestion, whimpers in his throat. His cock jerked with need, wanting it.
“O… Okay. Whatever you want.”
So obedient.
“So obedient, Jungkook,” you purred, rubbing faster.
He nodded. “For you. Only for you. Just for you.”
Was it just saying those things because he thought that was what you wanted to hear? Or was that how he actually felt? Surely not the latter, considering he didn’t really know you. You leaned over him, placing your free elbow on the table to stabilize yourself. You hadn’t even kissed him.
“You’re so hard for me,” your drawled, lowering your head, letting your warm breath float down onto his skin. “You want to cum for me, don’t you?”
“Y… yes, please…”
“You want to be my toy?”
You pressed your lips to his bellybutton, feeling the smoothness of his skin, tasting it. He moaned at your kiss, your swift tongue flickering out to that delicious skin, whining when your teeth nipped at the softness. Fuck, he tasted so good that you wanted to mark him. Looked so fucking good that you wanted to mess him up, mar him with temporary imperfections on the perfection that was Jeon Jungkook.
With breathless, lustful conviction.
You licked up his abs, increasing the intensity and speed of rubbing the engorged head of his cock, the pre-cum already soaked through and creating a slippery surface, turning Jungkook’s pitched whines to deep moans, a melody that filled up the entire lecture hall until was the only thing you could hear, Jungkook’s moans as you bit his skin, his moans as you sucked on his skin, moans as you kissed the hard muscle, cries for more at you left marks, pleading for you, sweet and beautiful, clutching his shirt so tight that his knuckles were white, the black tattoos of his right hand standing out, his cock throbbing in your hand, his hips rising to hump your palm, your name on his lips, over and over and over.
“Gonna… gonna cum…” he panted, sniffing slightly, cheeks flushing pink. “Gonna cum like how you want me to, all over my underwear…”
Your fingertips touched his side, seeing him stiffen and then shudder at your gentle caress.
“Do it,” you murmured. “Show me how good you are at listening, Jungkook.”
He bit his lower lip, jaw clenching, squeezing his eyes shut, tipping his head back into the tabletop, whining your name in his chest, your palm working him, slick and hot and hard, pulsating under your roughness. With a sharp moan, his lower lip popped out of his teeth, dark red and swollen, small mole quivering.
You felt it and heard it, the unmistakable jolt and squelch as his orgasm splattered inside his boxer briefs, drenching the fabric, drenching your hand, his embarrassed whines as he realized what he had done but still humping your hand, forcing out every last twitch of dribbling cum, causing you to smear it everywhere, coating the sensitive head and adding to the pleasure, his cheeks flushed red, eyes squeezed shut to savor the pleasure and avoid looking at you.
You crawled onto the table, still holding his cock through his soiled underwear, squeezing it, free hand slipping under his head and lifting him, his eyes weakly opening, scared and anxious, but all you did was lean down and kiss him, pressing your lips to that pure softness, exhaling his name into his mouth, his scent staining your hand, his cologne filling your nose, your whisper in his throat.
“Time for you to go home.”
Jungkook thought you would tell everyone.
You did no such thing.
Instead, you ignored him.
He would see you three times a week and, three times a week, you arrived with the professor and left with the professor. Jungkook tried much harder to attend classes, but you seemed not to care either way. He would come to the front and collect his assignment and find that you had marked it up exactly like everyone else, red marks all over his incorrect answers. You didn’t even look in his direction.
The next exam was coming up quickly.
Part of him considered skipping exam day to have one-on-one time with you again.
He jumped, jerking his head towards the hall, confused. Somehow, he had heard your voice. Or rather, did he imagine it? His teeth sunk into his lip, placing a hand on his forehead, confused. His head was confused. He couldn’t think straight. Why had he done such an embarrassing thing with you? Even you had told him to leave and report you. But Jungkook just couldn’t. Not then and not now. He had asked for it.
He still wanted it.
Nobody knew. Everybody thought he was a cocky, womanizing playboy. And he was, but not because of the sex. It was only because he was bored and that was all he could get. There was power in being on top.
And there was power in letting go.
You were bad for him.
He was a good guy.
You were a bad bitch.
And nobody knew.
A hand slapped down on his shoulder and yanked him around, the loose short sleeves of his yellow tropical shirt flaring out, making his sunglasses rattle on his face. You narrowed your eyes at him. Instant shivers down his spine at your stern gaze.
“Are you deaf?” you snapped. “I’ve been calling your name for the past minute.”
“I… S-Sor–”
You waved a hand dismissively, grabbing his right hand and slapping down a post-it into it.
“Chapters for the exam, including the date and time. Do not miss it this time. I will not let you make it up and fail you on the spot.”
You turned on your heel, letting go of his hand.
His left one shot out and circled around your arm, his rings pressing into your skin.
You jerked your head towards him, glaring sharply. “Don’t touch me.”
And you yanked your arm out of his grasp, but his legs made the choice for him, following your swift strides, his backpack hanging off one shoulder, clutching the post-it and his last strands of sanity.
“Please, wait.”
“What?” was your curt response, not looking back at him.
“Please do it again,” he gasped breathlessly, unable to stop himself.
“Do what?”
“Have your way with me.”
You stopped walking.
Jungkook walked straight into your back and banged his nose on your head. He winced, stepping back and rubbing it gingerly. He didn’t register you turning around until it was too late and you were right in his face. You raised your chin and eyebrow simultaneously.
He blinked rapidly, his tinted sunglasses halfway down the bridge of his nose.
“W… Why? Did you not like it? Was… was I bad?”
You let out an amused scoff.
The side of your lips curved upwards.
He had made you smile, even if only a little bit. Just that small thing was enough to feed his courage.
“I…” Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat before he spoke again, voice still a soft whisper in his embarrassment even though no one was around to eavesdrop. “I can be better. I can do better.”
He thought you were going to walk away again.
You reached up and plucked his glasses off his nose. Folded them neatly and tucked them in his tropical shirt pocket. Then your eyes found his again and he knew something was different. He could see you clearly now, his vision no longer clouded by sienna.
Now, Jungkook could no longer stop it.
He could feel it all over him, coursing through his veins, arousal like fire. Something about you and something about him. Jungkook could sense the danger, but he didn’t want to run even though he knew he should. He had heard the rumors surrounding you. They could be true.
And yet.
“I want it,” Jungkook breathed, inviting himself into the danger. “I want you. I want to be your toy.”
Your discerning expression didn’t change.
You reached up and gripped his chin, digging your nails into his soft skin.
He whimpered in his chest, moving closer to you.
“What’s my name?”
His brows furrowed, saying your name hesitantly.
You pulled his chin down so he was eye-level.
“Next time you say my name, I will be choking it out of you.”
Everyone thought Jeon Jungkook was the kind of guy to grip your wrist with his left hand and your throat in his right, his lips against your ear and his sweaty chest against your back as you slapped your ass into his crotch and fucked yourself with his rock-hard cock, his smirk in your ear as he provided you with a certain type of encouragement.
“That’s right, you want this dick, don’t you? Show me. Prove to me you want it.”
His fingertips tightening against the sides of your neck, listening to your pathetic cries and moans as you tried to squirm against him, brain running out of oxygen due to lack of blood, running out of thoughts, running out of pleas as Jungkook gripped your wrist, deep snarl against your hair as he roughly finished himself off using your body because that’s all you were, someone to be used by him and nothing more, neck suddenly released with a breathless gasp and shoved face first into the sheets with his right hand splayed on your back, his tattoos and your orgasm crashing down on you, his growls staining the air and a fierce jerk of his hips to spill into your tight hole and leave you moments after, nothing but a discarded toy in his eyes.
You thought.
That was what everyone thought when Jeon Jungkook stood on stage, flipping his dark violet microphone between verses and smirking like a devil, truly in command of every thought and every pair of eyes on him, surrounded by a heavy bass line and deafening drums, guitar solo tearing through the moment to emphasize the next of his lips nearing the mic again, entrancing the crowd with his beautiful lips and talented tongue.
No one knew.
You were riding him hard and fast, torn condom wrappers and used condoms littering his bed, back-to-back orgasms, his head pressed into his pillows, your hand around his neck, the other leaving long lines down his chest, scratching him so hard that it dotted red, blooming lines of pain.
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop, f-fuck…”
Jungkook was hoarsely whispering, clutching his sheets, black hair soaked with sweat, raising his chest to your nails, whimpering, punish me, punish me, punish me, and you muttered plainly with a sharp edge, you talk too much, your grip tightening again, pressing onto the sides of his neck, cutting off the blood flow, and Jungkook moaned gratefully, eyelids fluttering, the slap of your hips to his louder and louder, filling up his whole bedroom, rattling his bedframe, fucking him so hard he was slowly sliding up to his headboard.
Your name fell from his lips in pure ecstasy, back arching to shove his whole length fully into you, thick and hard and twitching with need, your slick walls clamping down on him, fitting to him with a hiss. He began to match you, breathless, lightheaded, world hazy, moaning from deep in his chest, I love you, and your reply was only tightening your grip, your hand and your pussy, harder, harder, harder.
“Aren’t you such a good guy?” you scoffed sarcastically, letting up for only a second to let him reply, blood rocketing back into his brain, flooding him with oxygen, and Jungkook sucked in a lungful of air, reeling.
“N-No…” he panted. “You’re the good girl… you’re always s-so… so good to me…”
His eyes locked with yours hazy with lust and love. You almost looked away out of instinct.
“You a-always remember… what I like…” he managed to choke out.
You left him when you were done using him.
You pretended he didn’t say those words to you. There was no point in acknowledging the nonsense that he said in the middle of being choked and barely functioning. You tapped your pencil against your textbook.
You caught yourself thinking about him.
Jeon Jungkook.
Your eyes flickered to the clock. Late at night on a Friday. He was probably at a bar. You watched the second hand of your plain silver clock tick, tick away. You never asked to watch him and his band perform even though Jungkook always made it a point to text you the address and the time.
It was obvious Jungkook didn’t want you to be his secret.
He wasn’t really your secret either. You just saw no benefit to letting anyone know there was a connection between you and Jeon Jungkook. After all, you were just using him.
You stopped tapping your pencil.
Stared at the second hand.
Heard the voices of the rumors poisoning you, saying the things they said.
She thinks she’s so much better than everyone else because she’s a nerd.
The only reason she has good grades is because she fucked that one professor.
I heard she dated him.
I mean, there’s a reason he left in the middle of the semester, right?
He had a wife!
Your eyes flickered down.
The tip of your pencil lead rolled across the page, leaving tiny pinpricks of granite.
There was never any evidence because nothing happened. Nothing happened between you and said psychology professor. He left in the middle of the semester because his wife had a miscarriage and he wanted to be with her. It had nothing to do with you. You had long discussions with him about life and existentialism, hanging out during his office hours.
Sometimes, you felt bad.
Had you kept him from his wife? Would it have not happened if he just skipped his office hours and didn’t spend them talking to you? These were irrational, foolish thoughts. They made you guilty even when there was nothing to be guilty about.
He was a nice guy, mid-thirties. Everyone liked this professor.
They blamed you because they didn’t know.
Only you knew, because he told you with tears in his eyes and thanked you for being his student.
You didn’t tell anyone, because he did not owe you an explanation and you were not going to divulge someone’s personal business that they had shared with you in confidence. You watched your reputation crumble and fall apart, watched friends ostracize you, because you didn’t tell them anything and they didn’t believe you. You watched yourself turn bitter and hateful.
Just tell the truth.
There was no truth to be told.
You put your pencil down.
Closed your eyes.
Remembered Jungkook’s face.
Your hands were in his hair, pulling hard. His hot breath was in your face, arms shaking as he held himself up, fucking you into his mattress with whines in his chest, begging you, begging you, begging you.
“P-Please… let me cum, please…”
You liked to watch the sweat clinging to his high cheekbones and neck, jaw glistening with tension, feeling his strong body between your legs, his twitching hardness sliding into you repeatedly in rough, hard smacks, squeezing him every time he was fully sheathed inside you, vibrations coursing through you every time he came down.
“Not until I’m done,” you growled and he whimpered, pleading look in those brown doe eyes, black pupils expanded, unable to cum because a vibrating cock ring was restricting his orgasm, keeping him hard but unable to climax, sending thundering pleasure through him and into you. He watched helplessly as you gripped his hair, hissing sharply as another wave of pleasure overtook you, closing your eyes to savor it, savor his swollen cock twitching inside you as he felt the intense massage of your pussy walls closing around him, throbbing around the head and driving him insane, moaning pathetically because he couldn’t follow suit no matter how desperate he was.
Jungkook didn’t ask if you were done.
He just kept going because you told him he couldn’t cum until you were done.
And you didn’t say you were done.
You stared into those brown orbs, hazy with lust and full of conviction to be good for you.
Desperate to be the best and the only one, not knowing there was no one else because no one else wanted you like the way Jeon Jungkook wanted you.
“Pull out.”
“You heard me,” you exhaled, throbs of pleasure still trembling through you. Your hands slid down, cupping his chin, nails digging into his sweaty cheeks. “Obey.”
With a pained whine, Jungkook obeyed, pulling out of you, his cock covered in your juices, wearing a condom and the black cock ring. You reached over with one hand to press the button on the remote to turn in off.
“Take it all off. Let me see your cock.”
He reached down and slowly pulled the cock ring off, taking the condom with it, whimpering at the sensitivity, his tone hitting a lovely pitched groan as the silicone squeezed the base of the head. His whole body was shaking as it fell from his hands, the veins on his length standing out, head purple-red and angry, white pre-cum slowly beading at the tip, and his face, looking down at you, waiting for your next move.
Cock waiting to be used.
You tapped your chest.
“Cum on my tits.”
You cut him off.
“You’re going to cum on my tits and then you’re going to lick it off while I watch.”
He listened.
Jungkook straddled your waist with his thighs, muscular and defined, right hand wrapping around his cock, sweat making the tattoos on his forearm and shoulder glow in the low light, smelling like sex and musk, his core tightening as he touched his overstimulated length, using the lube of the condom and his own pre-cum to add to the pleasure as he began to stroke himself, moaning as you lifted your hands and cupped your breasts, pushing them together, his eyes on the curve of your cleavage and points of your hard nipples sticking out, and then your face, an indifferent look with a cocked eyebrow, taunting him, unimpressed by his timid grip on his cock, so he squeezed harder, tighter, embarrassing cries falling from his mouth, living for the smirk that slowly began to form on your lips.
It empowered him somehow, that smirk, the little inkling of satisfaction that Jungkook wanted, needed, craved, knowing he was doing well, being good, furiously pumping his aching cock over your pressed-together tits and he couldn’t last, couldn’t help it, too overstimulated and too turned on, too in love with this to prevent himself from tipping over with a hot gasp, spilling streams of sticky white lines over your breasts, spreading them everywhere, making a huge mess because he wanted a huge mess to clean up, shoving the head into your cleavage and shuddering at the sensation of warmth to his scorching heat, able to feel the pulse of the engorged tip dripping out what was left, shivers up and down his spine, the words falling from his mouth that he never stopped saying even though you never acknowledged them.
“I... l-love you…”
He stayed like that for nearly a full minute, but you didn’t tell him to get off.
His eyes were closed, savoring the feeling.
Slowly, Jungkook gingerly removed himself, lowering his body over yours, tongue sliding out, touching your skin covered in his cum, his taste, mine, no one else’s, him on you, lapping it up, salty and bitter and yet he loved it, loved that you told him to do it, loved that you let him paint your skin with his orgasm and now his saliva. He didn’t care that you never said anything to his I love you, didn’t care that you seemed to pretend he never said it, because he would continue saying it when he was with you, hopeless as it was.
It was the small things that kept him going, sucking his own cum off your nipple and wrapping his lips around it, hearing your soft sigh of pleasure, feeling the tap on his thigh that instructed him to scoot up, the small thing of your hand closing in on his spent cock, sending sparks of pain but also pleasure, moaning into your skin as you massaged his balls with your fingers, knowing that he could take more pressure and roughness because he had just came, the small thing of your thumb rubbing the sensitive slit, his face pressing into your breasts, smearing his cheek with his cum and saliva, sliding across your slick skin because of the intensity of the high it gave him, the pleasure and the pain, his right arm coming up to wrap around you, tattoos cradling your torso.
“I love you…” he whispered to your racing heart under his ear, lost in the rhythm of your heartbeat and the firmness of your touch. Jungkook did not care if you hated him saying it.
He would continue saying it as long as he was with you.
“What are you doing?”
He placed his hand over the bottom of his phone and smiled at the cute girl that was talking to him at the bar.
“Sorry. I have to take this call. It’s important to me.”
He didn’t hear her response, because he backed away, bowing lightly, pressing his phone back to his ear.
“Ah, never mind, Jungkook.”
“No, no. What is it? Tell me.”
“You’re at a noisy place. It’s Saturday night.”
Jungkook pushed through the people, mumbling his apologies and straining to hear your voice over the thundering bass. “I finished. Well, we finished. We’re only drinking. I can leave at any time. I’ll just text the guys to bring my equipment back for me. Where are you?”
“Forget it.”
He opened the door of the club as the dial tone rang in his ear.
Looked up.
Your hand dropped to your side. You were still in your white dress shirt and navy skirt, dressed exactly like you were when at school minus the blazer. Jungkook’s eyes widened. He was in a torn-up long-sleeve shirt with the right sleeve removed, showing off his tattoos. His black hair was wild and half-wet, and he was wearing tight leather pants.
You clicked your tongue.
“I said forget it,” you repeated hollowly.
You sighed and turned around, skirt swishing in your wake.
“Wait, I’ll come with you–”
“Go back to where you belong, Jungkook.”
His hand closed around your forearm, holding tight.
“I belong with you.”
You stopped walking, silent.
“What is it? Tell me.”
You scowled. “It’s dumb.”
“So am I, remember?” he chuckled, his hand slipping down, squeezing yours. “I’m not very good at school.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment. Cars and people brushed past, but Jungkook was focused onto on your stillness, watching your eyes seemed to be thinking about many things. You hadn’t pulled your hand out of his yet. By now, Jungkook knew that if you didn’t want something, you wouldn’t be shy about telling him right away.
You started walking again. Jungkook was still holding your hand.
“It was just a moment of weakness,” you mumbled under your breath.
“A guy…?”
You didn’t answer.
Jungkook squeezed your hand. “It’s okay,” he murmured tightly. “I understand.”
He did not. He wanted to cry.
Your eyes shot to him, pinning him in place. “You don’t understand, Jeon Jungkook. You understand nothing.” You pulled your hand out of his and Jungkook let go, trying to hold his pain, trying not to breathe because he was preparing himself for the inevitable, the moment you were going to break his heart and, if it was right here and right now, then so be it, because he had said how he felt repeatedly and there was nothing more he could do than that.
He loved you so, so bad.
Jungkook knew he shouldn’t, that it was madness, but he did anyway.
But you surprised him.
Your sharp gaze softened.
“You know what they say about me. You have to know,” you exhaled, shaking your head. “You must know the rumors.”
Good girl gone bad.
Jungkook frowned. “About you and the professor?”
He watched your jaw clench.
“Does it matter?” he asked.
Your eyes shifted, not quite looking at him.
“Whether something did or didn’t happen, what does that have to do with me?”
And now you looked at him, guarded, not letting him know your thoughts.
“You…” He swallowed, trying to press the lump down in his throat. “You’re just using me, right? It doesn’t… doesn’t really matter, because in the end I don’t matter to you anyway… right?”
He did not want to cry and yet he did, because he knew he loved you. It was the small things, the way you never let up on him even in class, the way you picked days that were never the weekend and never before exams, the way you would brush your fingertips on his knuckles before leaving when you thought he was asleep, the way on the last time, the last time you were together, that you pressed your lips to his forehead when you thought he was asleep, running your fingers through his hair.
Jungkook was standing outside this bar and there were people he knew walking past, seeing you and him, but he kept his eyes on you, because the only one that mattered was you.
The one he belonged to was you.
He had decided that when he climbed onto the table that day.
He stuck his hands in his pockets and let out a heavy breath. “If people say things about you, then they say things about you. Whether it’s the truth or not doesn’t change the fact I love you. It doesn’t make me love you less,” Jungkook said, speaking at his usual volume, because there was no reason to whisper the truth. “Even if it’s pointless and crazy, I want to be with you until the day you don’t want to be with me.”
His smiled and blinked back tears.
“Even if that day is today, I will never regret it.”
In this cruel summer, you could have ruined his reputation. You could have told everyone the kind of person he really was and you didn’t. You could have spread embarrassing stories of the things you made him do and you didn’t.
Even if he didn’t matter to you, Jungkook was confident that you weren’t a malicious person.
You rubbed your forehead. “The rumors will come to you.”
Jungkook laughed. “So what? I heard a rumor that I removed two ribs so I could suck my own dick. I admit, I considered doing it after hearing that.”
You scowled, but Jungkook only smiled in return. He could see the tension falling from your face with his comment. You clicked your tongue and tilted your head, as if to say, can’t be helped.
“There’s no other guy,” you muttered. “There’s just you and you’re dumb.”
Jungkook blinked rapidly, confused.
“You say it over and over and make me think about it all the time.” You sighed heavily, running a hand through your hair. “I’m not a good girl. People pushed me away and I stayed there instead of trying to repair the burned bridges. I don’t even think I want to repair them. Who knows what will happen next? I don’t think it would be a good idea to put you through that shit.”
You sucked on the inside of your cheek, looking at him apologetically.
“You’re not the bad boy everyone says you are. You’re a good guy. You should find a good girl.”
Is that what you think? Jungkook chuckled, taking out his hand and rubbing his nose thoughtfully.
“I don’t want a good girl.”
He stepped toward you, lowering his hand and his head so that he was eye level with you.
“I love a bad bitch who can push me around and makes me their toy.”
He tilted his head, small curve on those beautiful lips, tiny mole underneath appearing with every smile.
“Which can only be you, you know.”
Jungkook didn’t try to kiss you. He only wanted to look into your eyes so you knew his conviction.
“I love you.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’ve heard you say it.”
He nodded. “And I’m going to keep saying it until the day you leave me.”
Your eyebrow lowered and you gave him an indifferent look.
“Hm. I wonder when that will be, Jungkook.”
You leaned in, but before you kissed him, he heard the whisper against his lips, felt the shape of yours as they brushed against his, words he prepared himself to never hear from you, words that he thought you would never say, and that was fine with him, because you showed it, and that was enough.
He thought.
“I love you.”
And then your lips on his and his tears fell onto your cheeks because Jungkook wanted to cry all this time and he could not stop now, knowing that he was so, so in love with you and you finally, finally said it back to him.
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Girls need love
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Paring: Aran ojiro x f!reader
Summary: having a big mouth sometimes works out.
Tags: fwb to lovers, frenemies tsumu, big bro suna, use of weed, tw: pregnancy scare, soft freaky dom aran, use of word bunny and every other pet name, gives himself a handjob with your hands, daddy kink, cunt slapping (with his dick), oral sex, creampie, squirting,  hurt/comfort <3 , unrequited love
wc: 4.5k words of filthy, tooth rotting smut.
a/n: thank you @explvrer for proofreading!! —part of the Love Club Love Collab !!!!!!!
18+ Minors DNI
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The pink and orange was reflected as you looked out the window . The clouds looking like they came out of a painting along with the man next to you. The smoke coming from the back of the car to you as you inhaled the comforting scent, hearing tsumu and suna arguing over who got it next.
Your gaze turned to him. Eyes lingering on his hands gripping the wheel, his arm taking up all the space on the console as you wanted to so desperately hold onto his hand, so warm and comforting as the dirty thoughts rushed into your head.
You softly shook your head, suna tapping you on the shoulder asking you if you wanted a puff, shaking your head again before tsumu said “you should've drove so aran could smoke.” 
“Ay, shut it.” Suna replied, slapping him on the back of his head, as you heard him groan and apologize.
“It's fine, we still got the whole night.” his warm gentle voice let out. The way you pouted “don’t wanna drive.” when you all went out, looking up at him with your puppy dog eyes, immediately saying “ok”.
You took your place in the passenger seat, as usual, grabbing the aux with tsumu quickly whining “fuck no!” because you always played some indie love songs while he was tryna listen to travis scott. 
“What?… Valentine's day is tomorrow, lemme get in the mood. Don't you have a girlfriend, you should understand.” which successfully shut him up for the time remaining. 
It was obvious he doted on you, but they just put it to the back of their head because they did it too. But suna knew what was up, even letting it slip to samu, saying that the way your eyes lit up around him and the way he held you close definitely meant y’all were atleast fucking.
Which was right. 
And he confirmed it when he walked into the same bathroom that he ‘saw’ your legs wrapped around his friend through the crack.
Mumbling out an “oops” as he was about to close the door before he saw you crying, his big brother side coming out as he decided to open the door fully, sitting next to you. 
He understood what was going on as you let it all out while he waited with you, luckily finding out that the test was negative as you finally calmed down, and he kept his word keeping it a secret.
Your eyes turned form the darkening sky to him. His vision was on the road as pulled onto the exit to drop them off. His cool eyes, so formal, contrasting his appearance. The heat in your body rising as your eyes never left him.
Thinking about how it started after one night when you were a little tipsy, seeing girls all over him as they took his precious, well-needed attention from you. Your tiny brain grasping how attractive he was from this perspective as a man and not a ‘friend’ while you watched his teeth shine though his smile 
Admiring his glowing skin under the dimmed lights and his tall big frame towering over yours was all you needed to get on your tiptoes and put your lips on his, the taste of the chapstick being engraved in you memory. It not taking long for his hands to wrap around your waist, picking you up and taking you to the guest room leaving you bedridden for the next day.
Fortunately it wasn't uncomfortable the next morning as you put it in your head, “its only awkward if you make it” . Waking up with a headache, recognizing the bed as his from the times you studied here in highschool. The sheets holding you back as you were borderline tucked in, finally freeing yourself letting them fall off, being stark naked in his room already feeling the pain grown in your tummy.
You just sat on the edge of his bed, holding the sheet to your chest warming your cold body waiting for him to come back. And on queue he walked in, only in his grey sweatpants hugging him just right, trying not to ogle him as he walked up to you, stroking your forehead before handing you an advil.
“You okay?”  He asked, wondering if he was talking about your physical or emotional state.
You let out a forced giggle, “yeah”, trying to lighten the mood as you tired to calm your nerves.
The words “wanna do this again?” slipped past your lips, not realizing you would regret this, falling for him quicker than any other man you've been with. Not knowing just the sight of him would make your knees weak and tremble, not knowing the pain of never being able to take it further.
Not knowing that you’d be crying over him every time you left. Always being a reminder that you were just a ‘plaything’ and he could cut you off at a moment’s notice.
He grinned back, lips turning up as he leaned on his hands to get closer to you “Well... you on birth control?” 
You all got out of his car, chatting a little before they left getting on the train. The words “love you” leaving his lips, voicing it in a friendly way after saying goodbye, and even though it wasnt directed at just you still made your heart race.
You had no claim over him besides the marks you left, the indent being printed skin deep as your nails dug in his flesh. The only remains of the nights you’ve spent together. Waving goodbye as he walked back to you, just you two alone now, the way you wanted it. 
“You wanna spend the rest of the day with me princess?” Already knowing the answer from the way you were squirming under his touch as he smirked, bending down into your ear, his hand resting on your side.
You leaned in for a kiss before quickly pulling away, dragging him to the car with a giddy smile on your face. Wanting him to feel as neglected as you were right now; so what if you havent got rawed for three days, it was a long time when you had someone like him doing it.
“Missed you daddy” you mumbled into his ear, your tone of voice changing to soft and sweet just around him as he started the car, longing to be touched as you clung onto his rough hands that were so soft on you.
His lips hovering over yours, dragging them in as his breath touched yours. “Missed you too baby”. His grip on your hand got tighter, bringing it down to his crotch. “Look what you did to me pretty girl. You know what you're doing with that little pout on your face.”
Your smile was the brightest it had been all day, hearts in your eyes as he drove back to his place, his hand covering yours on your thigh, fingers reaching far past yours as you felt them gripping you, inching closer and closer to your needy little cunt.
Not wasting any time getting inside as you started stripping the instant he closed the door behind him. Throwing off the heavy sweater keeping you warm, pushing him down on his bed as you moved your body, feeling it up in the pretty lingerie you wore just for today. 
“I know you love to show off.” he muttered as you bent over, shaking your ass is his face while he was leaning back admiring his view. “But c'mere sweet girl.”
You did as you were told and almost skipped up to him, wrapping your arms around him. Holding his face in your chest as he started placing wet open mouthed kisses on every inch of skin he saw. 
“jiro, please.” you whined out after your neck was sore from all the attention it was getting, wanting to direct it somewhere else. 
“you want daddy’s dick that bad, princess?”
Just the lewd tease of his voice had your pussy clenching, no shame left in your body as you reached out for him, your newly done nails gently grabbing onto the collar of his shirt. Grip tight as ever, your body so tense from trying to hold self back.
“So impatient baby, you got me for the rest of the night, m’not going anywhere.” He chuckled at your greedy little hands making their way up his shirt. Your lips met his again as his hands gripped onto your ass, sliding his fingers under your panties.
“Wanna make you feel good.” you whispered into his mouth, heart racing as his hands made their way up to your lower back, leaning into him. “Wanna make you cum.” He stopped his hands where they were, his clear eyes meeting yours, face having no shame in sight.
“fuck, baby.” he groaned, his tounge sliding into you mouth, your lips getting more angry at his biting while you palms were running down his to his cock. Your tiny hands wrapping around it though his boxers, running through his head if you knew how filthy you looked right now.
You pulled them down, whimpering at the sight of it already so hard, wrapping your hand around his cock as much as you could, the precum acting as lube. Using both your hands as you started moving them, looking straight at his face to see if you were doing a good job.
“Fuck, you're such a good girl.” he said, his hands resting on your back as you puckerd you lips letting spit fall onto his fat head, knowing he loved how slopy you got him. His breath choking as you moved one of your hands down, caressing his balls. “my good girl.” 
Your wrist getting heavier with each stroke, trying so hard to keep it going because his moans were so heavenly. And the way his cock was throbbing and twitching against your palm only made you grow slicker. Wanting to do your best to prove that you could take care of him, that you were the only one he needed.
“stay there, s’okay i got you.” His hand wrapped around yours, engulfing it completely as he started using yours, moving it up and down, his eyelashes fluttering as he could barely keep them open as you count help but stare, wondering what did you do to deserve a man like him.
His groans weren’t helping your situation too while he was guiding your hands faster as you could tell he was getting closer, squeezing your palm a little tighter with all the drive you had left until he came, thick white ropes being spread onto both your hands. 
Your thighs clenched around his, almost coming with him as a little whine escaped. Eyes rolling back as you grinded against him, leading his big hand up to your mouth, sucking it in as you licked around his dirty fingers. “Fuck youre so wet”
You adjusted yourself, now laying on the bed as you were trying to calm down, leaving you legs open as you twithced under his gaze. “Was thinkin bout you daddy... couldn't help it”
He groaned as his hand moved toward your ankles, holding them up in the air with his strong arms as he rubbed your swollen nub with his free one. Your cries and moans being music to his ears  whiel your pretty body was bouncing under him as his fingers worked their way up into your cunt, you walls pliant around him as you let him abuse your clit, unconsciously letting out lewd sounds.
Your voice is cut as he lets go of them, diving his head right back in kissing your clit. Fucking his fingers back into you, angling them to hit your g spot, the rule in the back of his head that he had to make you come more than him taking over. 
You should be embarrassed how he has you legs spread open with the sound of your wetness, but you aren't, empty of every thought except of him making you feel good.
He knows how you like the feeling of him curling into you after fucking you so many times, knowing eachothers bodies inside and out, but something he can never catch onto is when you squirt.
Always coming as a surprise to him and you. Not knowing what causes it, from it being him bottoming out, to just whispering dirty shit into ear while fingering your cunt. But he loves the look of relief painted on your face, the shame being long gone as you could only feel pleasure with him.
Your mind goes white, orgasm rushing into you while you tried to push his chest away with your feet. Sobbing as his fingers didn't stop, body thrashing. It felt so good, your daddy always making you feel so good.
But he just kept  going, fucking them into you even harder while his tounge flicked up and down on your clit, making you come harder and harder each time, resulting in a mess all over his chest and the sheets beneath you two.
Your blurry vision made out his handsome face, body soaked from you slick, both of you catching your breath as he wiped your eyes before kissing you, knowing how bad you wanted it.
Yes, it was a rule at first that you two wouldn't kiss, or do anything else too intimate, but that went out the window the night he was fucking you chest to chest, forehead to forehad, neither of you being able to resist the urge to connect them. And it hasn't caused any problems, yet.
He pulled back, taking in your appearance, still so needy, Your body adapting to his, as you could last for more than a few rounds now. “What you want doll, gotta tell me.” He looked with lust in his eyes as he waited for the answer, spreading your lips open watching the mess drip out of you.
“Fuck me, please, jiro,” you choked cathing the tears in your mouth, as he was quick to give you want youwanted, after your pretty voicedbegged for it, replacing his fingers with his cock. Resting it on your cunt, slapping your it on your clit a few times to see you squirm before placing his tip inside you.
“daddy s’too big” you whined as you bit down on one on of the fingers you put in your mouth, trying not to wince. You would've thought your cunt would've followed along with the rest of your body, but even when you were a soaking mess it still barely fit.
“Aww baby, but you're dripping so pretty for me, you gonna take it like a big girl?” Your eyes rolling back as he shoved it in more, pushing it back far enough to have you whimpering.
“fuck, sweetheart, so tight,” he groaned with your face in his neck while he was trying to ease you into him. Your whines getting more vulgar by the second, body finally taking him whole as his cock was kissing your cervix.
You wished you hadn't slept with those other guys trying to fill your void, them not even being close to getting you off, just wanting to feel someone's. Not knowing you prince charming was right in front of you all this time. 
 Did you regret the guy you lost your virginity to? no. Was he a bad person? no. Did he fuck you right...no. But at least you were slightly experienced, wanting to do your best to please him. Worried that he'd get tired of you one day and find someone else.
But he made you feel it all over again, the way his cock stretched you out as he gently worked his way into you. His vision shaking as his thrusts get rougher, your trembling arms reaching up for him as he just ignores them. 
“My sweet girl sounds so pretty when they're getting fucked.” he muttered holding back a groan, his thrusts getting faster as he knocked the breath out of you along with the word “my”. The possessive claim had your mind spinning while your hands gripped onto his skin so tight you know you leave a mark, not wanting to let him go.
“You love this cock?” You could feel him say against your breath, the soft vibrations of his lips catching your moans as you brushed your lips against his.
It didn't take you a lot to admit it, a “-yeah”, quickly escaping from your dry lips, covered in spit, a mix of his and yours soothing them.
“You love the way i'm splitting you open, pretty girl?” 
Getting overwhelmed by the pleasure, your emotions grew with it not being unusual for you to cry while he was fucking you.
 Of course you loved the way you could barely take his cock, the way just looking at it made you mind go hazy. Your legs shaking as you didnt care about trying to control them anymore.  You loved the way that you were the only one who could make him feel this good, doing you best to maintain it that way. 
“Yeah, fuck..L-love you “ you sobbed out, fat tears running down your face, not even registering in your brian what you said until you noticed he stopped his movement. It clicking after his eyes turned from hazy to clear, his expression in shock, only visible to you after all this time you've spent together.
“Fuck” you muttered, tears falling even more as you tried to move your limp body away from him. But he held you still, not pulling out, trapping you as your eyes grew wetter and wetter, nose sniffing from embarrassment.
“What’d you say?,” he asked, moving his body away from you. The feeling of disgust rising in you, hating yourself for letting those words fall from your mouth. The way he pulled away made you crumble, bringing your hands up to your face trying to hide the best you could.
Throat closing, your dry eyes swelling again, “m’sorry … fuck, i didn’t mean to say that aran.”
“hey....angel, look at me.” He said, stalling. Not knowing exactly what to do but wipe your tears, not wanting to see his precious baby upset, breaking his heart to see you so distraught. He stopped after you finally calmed down enough, his thumb still stroking your cheek as he moved your jaw to look up at him.
“Say it again.”
“Wha-” He pressed his lips against yours, “tell me that again, fuck baby. You drive me crazy, you don't know what you do to me. I haven’t been with anyone since we started fucking.”
 Your eyes red as your face slightly twisted in confusion, too tired to express itself fully. “Don't cry.” he whispered, foreheads close again. “it's okay, I got you.”
“C’mon baby, just tell daddy what you want and i'll give it to you.” he said, edging you on, wanting to prove it to you in the only way he could.
“w-want...you daddy” you mumbled after some time, wiping your eyes as your head was still tuned into your arm.
“Good girl” he muttered. “I'll make it all better.” his hand wrapping around the back of your neck to keep your eyes on him. “all you have to do is cum on my cock, you can do that for me, right?”
“yes, daddy." the only words to leave your lips as you try to be on your best behavior, knowing that bad girls didn't get daddys dick or get to cum. 
“still so tight, bunny.” He said, pushing himself into you again, lips besides your ear wanting to let you know good you made him feel. “already creaming on daddy’s cock”
“Who’s is this baby?” The question sinks into you along with his hands as his fat cock is splitting you open, his thumb tracing circles on your clit. Face flushed with a newfound pride growing along with the burning feeling under your skin. “Yours jiro, belongs to you daddy.”
“That's my good girl,” he cooed, kissing you open mouthed on your lips, lingering there before he pulled away. Your heart swooning at the affection and attention. He still fucks into you hard, his hands feeling up every inch of skin on your body, stopping at your soft tits, pinching your nipple as you whined out. 
“Look at you,” he huffed out, “Brain not working huh? You like my cock that much, sweet girl?”
“Y-yeah, like it... like you” you mumbled out, your words being slurred as you feel the heat rise with every stroke.
“I know sweetheart. Is that why you’re drooling all over the place? Does it feel that good, bunny? Having my cock inside you?” he smirked as a groan escaped his lips, slowing down making sure to hit every spot.
He drags out of your throbbing cunt so painfully slow, forcing you to feel every inch of him. His hips angling different, fucking you rough as thrusts back in just as slow, teasing. He pulls you closer, his cock pressing against your cervix
“Yeah, daddy loves you and this tight little pussy too.” His deep warm voice making you melt, your cries growing more erratic after every word left his lips. 
“Jiro, daddy wa- wanna come… together” you sniffled out, swearing you could feel the tip of his cock against your womb. 
“Yeah baby? You sound so pretty wanting me to stuff you full.” Your parted lips, eyes struggling to remain open, letting out silent moans as he was taking it all in, his ego rising knowing that he was the one who had made you like this.“don’t worry, sweet girl, daddys gonna take care of you, as always. just lay there pretty.”
“Ple-, p-please.” you begged, voice trembling, tears rolling down your cheeks as you clung onto him. He brought your legs up and pushed them towards your chest, folding you in half, as you tried to find a new place to place your hands.
“Wanna- cum, ple” you hiccuped, nodding off into the kiss. Mind in a whole new world body going limp again as he grabbed your arms and wrapped them around his neck hanging on there, wrists stuck together as his head is so close to yours.
He’s mumbling out some nonsense as you can feel him starting to throb inside of you, kissing up your neck until he’s tugging on your lips.“You gonna cum again, give me one more?”
You can’t even respond, letting out some deformed moan, because if it wasn't obvious your pussy belongs to him, you belonged to him.
You came together, feeling his cum rush into you nonstop, so hot. His cock jerking inside your soft body. Keeping his eyes on you loving how your thighs twichted and fluttered, his hand resting on your back arching as you let out your final cries.
You feel so weightless, the only thing keeping you grounded is his hands on you, his mouth on your cunt, not even realizing he pulled out, licking it up wanting to show you how pretty the mess you made was.
He comes back up to you, knowing that you wanted to be kissed and coddled as your emotions were foggy. Opening your lips with his thumb, his tongue covered in your cum making its way inside your mouth as you easily accepted it. His hands wrapped around your jaw as he finally broke free.
Your whole body was sensitive, so sore after being with him but this time even more, whining as he laid you beside him snuggling into his arm. He just chuckled, before giving you a gentle hug, already tired.
“You wanna wash up?”
You hide your face in his arm, using the cool feeling of the room as an excuse.“no, dont pull out.”
His laugh was soft as he turned you two onto the side so he could face you. “You’re so spoiled.”
“I wasn't lying earlier… I, love you.” He said, the weight on his chest feeling burdensome that he made you feel like this for so long. You stopped moving completely along with the hand resting on his chest. You turned and looked into his eyes.
“Well, why the hell did you say anything!” you pouted as you turned your messy worn out head towards his.
His mouth opening to apologise but you got to him before he could get a word out, kissing him so hard,that he couldn't breath. Your body now on top of his, your whimpers from his cock nudging inside thinking he’s being eaten alive, never wanting something more.
You finally give up as he turns disgustingly sweet, cupping your cheeks as he keeps pecking your entire face, staring at you like you were the only thing in the world, making you breath hitch. “I love you, too.”
“Baby?” he asks quietly after you two just laid there for what felt like hours. His hand tracing patterns all over you from your neck down to your back. “You here?”
“Yeah” you lied groaning out as you rubbed your eyes that you could already tell were swollen.
You looked up at him, his hand pulling your head into his chest, realizing he must've put the blanket over you two, feeling so comfy again that you were nodding off. “Hold on baby, lemme ask you something.” he chucked out sttoking your forehead
“Wanna be my valentine?”
You nod the fastest you have your entire life, a fat smile appearing on your face as you hid into the comforter as he let you cling to him all night, never being able to say no to you.  You breathing growing quieter and quieter until he can barely hear it, and that's when he can finally rest too. You loved him and he loved you.
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theirbbygirl · 3 years
Second Lead Syndrome
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Word Count: ~8.7k words
liked this? there’s more on my masterlist!
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Comedy, Female reader insert
Description: Y/n and Minho have been friends for more than 2 years now, but suddenly she begins to see herself as the mere second lead in Minho’s story. Will she be the rare second lead who gets her own happy ending?
Warnings: some crying, themes of unrequited love (if there’s anything that I missed don’t hesitated to let me know!) 
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I’d only ever encountered Second Lead Syndrome in the dramas I’d watched. Wanting the girl to end up with the second lead who was so obviously the better and healthier choice, but like every avid watcher of kdramas, it's more than likely for the main leads to end up with each other, that was just how it worked. What I never thought I’d encounter was seeing it happen before my own eyes and experience it firsthand.
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Life was never supposed to be a kdrama. Life was supposed to be simple, a straight line, going from point A to B with no complications. But life never really went my way did it? It just had to throw in one variable, one man that had too much influence on my life. 
I couldn’t remember the first time I met Minho. It was probably sometime in the first grade when his family first moved in next to mine. But alas, we were both too young to remember exactly what sparked our friendship. One day we were strangers and the next we had given our parents a near heart attack when we both went after a stray cat on the way back home (my mom’s words, not ours).  From then my memories were filled with him, just us besties hanging out like anyone would with their best friend. First party, first mental breakdown, first drink, all with him. Soon enough we were in our final year of University, and ultimately, adults. 
The Minho I knew was laid back, not too extroverted but not too introverted either. While I completely contrasted him, always anxious about something, wanting perfection to the T, and completely and utterly introverted.  Our friendship, moving into University, sparked a lot of questions. You wouldn’t typically find the introverted straight-A student with the borderline badboy tsundere walking and laughing in the halls together, spending practically every waking moment together. But Minho didn’t care, and neither did I, so we moved through life pretty easily. 
One of the few things we had in common was our love for cats, and when we both foudn out there was a cat cafe just a few minutes walk from our campus, you best bet we spent too much of our time and money there. Studying, hanging out, anything you could imagine. If we weren’t in one of our dorms, we were more than likely to be in the cat cafe. 
Every day after class we’d go there and we’d complain about our least favorite professors and how lectures would seemingly last for longer than they should. Additionally, Minho had almost become akin to my own dormmate with how much time he spent in my dorm. He’d come in whenever he wished, stealing my frozen pizzas and sodas, using my Netflix account on my TV to watch weird National Geographic shows and make random comments like “that snake looks just like Kim Seungmin,” or “look its Hannie” whenever a squirrel came on screen. Minho was always there when I needed a drinking partner after bombing a test or assignment, pouring me shots of soju until I passed out and bringing me to my bed and tucking me in whiel he would sleep on the couch to make sure I wouldn’t do anything stupid in the middle of the night. 
Although, more people knew Minho’s name than mine, but that didn’t bother any of us. We continued on being friends as usual, and it felt like nothing would change that. Life was moving in a straight line like it should’ve always been.
At least, that’s what it felt like until February, just a few months before we graduated. 
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I make my way to our usual spot in the courtyard after buying an iced coffee and a snickers bar from the vending machine next to my classroom, I walk up behind Minho sitting on a bench when I find him staring out in front of him instead of looking at cat videos on his phone like he usually does. Slowing my walk, I trail my eyes to the vague direction he’s facing and see that he’s looking at Kim Seungmin and a girl chatting outside the classroom. I ignore the thought, opting to think that Minho must’ve spaced out thinking about how he would irritate Seungmin next class. I plop down next to him when he still doesn’t take note of my arrival, so I get right next to his ear and blow cold air into it, snickering when he jolts in surprise. 
“What was that for?” He whines, fake annoyed.
“You got lost up in your thoughts for a certain Kim Seungmin there.” I snicker some more, opening my snickers (hehe) bar.
Just as I’m about to take the first bite of the sugary goodness, the chocolate bar gets snatched out of my hands and a certain Lee Minho takes an obnoxious bite out of it, not even giving it back but eating it like it was his. I pout, watching him devour my snack, knowing that I couldn’t do anything to get it back. 
“For your information, I was not thinking about Kim Seungmin.” He says pointedly, slightly muffled by the chocolate in his mouth.
I sigh, knowing I wasn’t going to get that chocolate bar back any time soon, and open my iced coffee. “So what were you thinking about then?” I ask before taking a sip.
“Don’t know, spaced out.” Is all the answer I get and I highly doubt him, but I brush it off anyways and don’t pry. 
Minho and I slide into our usual conversation about assignments, plans for the week, and everything under the sun. We talk about how he’s planning to visit home the next day and stay for a weekend and how excited he is to see his cats after a long time, I unknowingly smile at his ramble about how talkative Dori is, and just sit back and listen. I never took into account how healing it was to just watch and listen to him talk, the sultry of his voice and his little exclamations of frustration or excitement that came once in a while. I had to catch myself from staring when he turned to look at me, having asked me a question I didn’t catch.
“Sorry what was that?” I ask.
“Am I that beautiful for you to have lost your hearing to my handsome face?” I couldn’t just tell him that that was basically what had happened, it would inflate his ego by too much and reveal everything I’d hidden thus far.
“The heck? No, I was thinking about how great it would be to get some peace and quiet while you’re not around this weekend.” I lie, having Minho around is the only thing that brings me entertainment that isn’t endless sappy kdramas on my laptop, but he can never know that. 
Minho scoffs, says something under his breath that I don’t quite catch, then turns back to me. “You love me.” He says with a pout.
“Unfortunately I do.” 
That was the first of many inconspicuous confessions. 
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It was nearing 3 or 4 am and I was about halfway done with another kdrama when several knocks resound through the small living space. Knowing exactly who it is, I only shout back “you know the code!” and moments later the door opens. 
I don’t bother to get up and greet Minho, this exact scene has happened too many times for either of us to care at this point, and it doesn’t surprise me that the moment he enters he shouts, “Honey I’m home!” like we’re in some cheesy romcom. 
“Mhmm, welcome home, leech.” I enunciate the last word purposely, but I know he won’t bat an eye at the term. I continue to chew my popcorn while he wanders through my cabinets, looking for snacks. “There’s chips in the cabinet next to the fridge and sprite in there too. If you want more food order Chinese takeout.” 
“I don’t have my wallet.” I can practically hear his pout from where I sat, eyes unmoving from the TV screen. 
“You know where mine is, but you have to pay me back.” A few seconds pass with no response until suddenly he’s next to me and kissing my cheek.
“I loveeee you!” He says too sweetly, retreating back to the mini-kitchen to order takeout.
“Mhmm, I love you too.” I say, not loud enough for him to hear the confidence missing from my tone. 
Continuing to watch the episode of in front of me, I remain in my comfortable position, only moving to lift my legs when Minho comes back to sit on the couch under my legs and the blanket. 
“Oh you’re watching this one?” He asks, reaching into the bowl of popcorn I offer him.
“Yeah, didn’t have anything else to watch so I put it on since everyone seems to like it so much.” 
“Mm,” he hums while also indulging himself into the scenes playing in front of him. “You’re probably team potato guy, right?” 
“What kind of question is that? Of course I am!” I scoff.
“I don’t know, I still think she should end up with Jae-eon.”
“Are you crazy? He literally leads her on like every playboy and is ruining her mentality by not defining their relationship.” 
“Yeah, but they’re so cute together, and you can totally tell he feels something for her.” He argues.
“Just cause they’re cute together doesn’t mean they’re good for each other, the entire guy is a walking red flag, I don’t understand why she doesn’t just walk away when she’s had experience with a shit boyfriend.” I sigh.
“You, have major second lead syndrome.” He points an accusing finger at me.
“So what? It’s for good reason, the main lead is toxic as fuck and you can’t change my mind.” I upturn my nose, turning back to the TV and continuing to watch the episode. 
The mentioning of the second lead sends a flurry of thoughts into my brain for a reason I can’t comprehend. Sometimes the main leads aren’t that bad but still we want the main character to end up with the second lead, maybe out of our own natural selfishness because we prefer the second lead more. I shake the thoughts away, trying to convince myself that kdramas were only works of fiction and too cheesy to be real, yet for whatever reason I always felt a connection with the second leads, like our emotions directed to our crushes were the same, because I knew that I would always be the second lead in Minho’s story. 
Minho’s name was always called out more times than mine was growing up, which I didn’t really mind until our hangout time would be seriously cut down because he had to hang out with other friends. Don’t get me wrong, I loved that he had friends, but there was a little bit of selfishness in me that wanted him to myself.
A new drama and a few episodes later, plus Chinese takeout, lead to our eventual demise. We both fall asleep on the couch in less than comfortable positions and wake up with stiff-neck, us groaning at the pain. 
We continue on with our usual morning routines, taking turns freshening up in the bathroom before heading out for breakfast at Paws and Pastries since we were both too lazy to make food ourselves. Besides, hot coffee in the morning plus good sandwiches AND cats? What more could you ask for?
When we enter the cat cafe I notice a familiar face behind the cashier, it was the same girl Seungmin was talking to on Friday, and the same girl I caught Minho staring at. We walk up to the cashier, I order my food first, a simple breakfast sandwich with a coffee to go with it and wait next to Minho to finish ordering. 
I made the mistake up glancing up at his face as he was telling his order to her, Ahra, her name tag read. There was something in his eyes that glinted that I had never seen before, not when he talked to Han and not when he talked to me. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of emotion in the middle of my chest before forcing myself to look back down, inserting my card and paying for everything. I sent the girl a thank you and a kind smile after she told us our food would be right over, and both me and Minho went over to our usual table in the back corner next to the cat’s jungle gym and right up next to the window. I get lost in my thoughts while we begin playing with the cats we were so accustomed to. 
Like most second leads, I knew exactly what my feelings were. I was practically an adult, how could I miss the fast beating of my heart or my clammy hands whenever I was around him? But again, like most second leads, I knew I’d never get a chance with him, not when everything we did together was purely platonic. It was painfully obvious that I’d be stuck with an unrequited love for who knows how long, and I couldn’t just detach myself from him all of a sudden to get over my feelings because a) he’d notice and force me to tell him what was wrong, ultimately leading me to tell him that I had feelings for him, and b) the moment I would come back or see him for even just a second I know I would develop those feelings all over again. Neither of which were choices I was willing to take so I suck it up and see him every day, ignoring everything my heart was telling me. 
I look up from the cat that I’m petting in my lap and look at Minho again, only to find him staring at Ahra who was taking people’s orders with a perfect pearly smile. It was in that moment that I knew, I had just found the female lead of Minho’s story.
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3 weeks go by in a similar manner. Minho and I see Ahra around campus a few times and with some twisted fate, she’s on the clock every time we go to Paws and Pastries. Minho, being his smooth self, easily gets himself acquainted with her. They laugh and giggle so naturally and can slip into conversation so easily I’m almost envious of Minho and his non-introverted self. 
Not being one to try and stop fate, I watch it all happen. Telling Minho to ask her out already and teasing him about how lovesick he gets when he sees her nearby or at the cafe. I know Minho likes her when he blushes or gets defensive whenever I mention her in our conversations even though he’s never explicitly told me himself. I put on a face in front of him whenever these conversations come up, not wanting to get in the way of his happiness. 
One day some of our friends want to meet up outside of campus, we make plans to meet up at a bowling alley, ready to have fun until the late evening hours. Seungmin brought Ahra along with him, asking if it was okay to invite her since they were friends. Everyone agrees and we all meet up as planned. When everyone gets there, including Seungmin and Ahra, we introduce ourselves, Minho not having to introduce himself and easily speaking with her like they always did whenever running into each other. All the the boys have raised brows and mischievous smiles as they watch the interaction between the two, but only one looks at me in concern. 
A majority of the night passes by with laughter and teasing, how Chan was terrible at bowling this night and Minho easily beating him despite never doing too well on our previous adventures to the bowling alley. I spend the night with the rest of the boys, while Minho and Ahra spend time getting to know each other even more. There’s a point in the evening where I see Minho hold out his phone to Ahra to exchange numbers, I can hear her giggle when they take a selfie together, probably for her profile picture. I have to turn my head away quickly to ignore the cracking of my own heart when Minho puts his arm on the couch behind Ahra, he does it so naturally, yet he’s never done it with me. I will my thoughts to focus on the game and not on Minho, not noticing the same pair of concerned eyes until they speak up.
“Are you alright?” Hyunjin asks. 
“Hm? Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” My voice cracks halfway through and I try to hide my sad eyes, even though I was fully aware that Hyunjin had probably noticed that something was up.
“‘Cause you seem pretty affected by that scene over there.” He motions to Minho and Ahra with a nod of his head. 
“It’s nothing, Hyun, just nice seeing Minho talking to more people.”
“Y/n, you know he talks to people all the time, and you’re not nearly as affected then as you are now.” 
“Hyunjin, really, it’s fine.” I try to convince him but he says something that lets me know that he knows.
“You like Minho.”
“What? No that’s absurd I-“ He looks at me pointedly, and I sigh in defeat. “Yeah, okay, you got me.”
“Why don’t you say anything? Clearly it hurts you to see him like that.” He refers to Minho getting cozy with her.
“Hyunjin, it’s clear that everything we have is platonic, he even called me his sister several times. And who am I to get in the way of him getting into a relationship? That’s not my place to say anything, especially when his last girlfriend was 2 years ago.” 
“I get that, but shouldn’t he at least deserve to know? He says that he knows everything about you, but there’s one thing that he doesn't. You know practically everything about him, isn’t it a little unfair?” 
“We have choices as to what we share with each other and what we don’t, it’s his choice to tell me what he wants to and my choice to tell him what I want to tell him. Besides, he hasn’t even told me that he has a crush on Ahra yet.” 
“So maybe he doesn’t then.” 
“Hyunjin, just look at him, he’s a puppy in love.” I glance back over to Minho and Ahra sitting parallel to us. Minho is smiling brightly, more brightly than I had seen in a while and I can’t help but let my lips upturn at the corners just slightly in another sad smile. 
Hyunjin sighs next to me, and I look back to him. “I’m sorry y/n, I really wish he would end up with you instead of her, it doesn’t seem fair to you.”
“Hey, don’t say that, Ahra seems like a nice girl, she and Minho will get along great. And nothing in life is fair Hyunjin, that’s just something you come to accept.” I say, getting up. “I’m gonna get some drinks, does anyone want anything?” I ask everyone.
“Cola!” “Me too!” “Me three!” “A lemonade please.” A few of the boys shout back.
“Anything for you guys?” I turn to Minho and Ahra. They both shake their heads. “Okay then, I’ll be back in a minute guys.” I smile at the group before going to get the drinks. 
While walking away from the group I let a teardrop fall from my eye, wiping it away just before I order.
Life’s unfair, that’s just something I have to accept. 
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A week goes by and Minho’s talking about how he and Ahra message often, how he thinks they get along well and he’s gonna ask her out.
Another week goes by and they’ve gone on their first date, he takes her to the beach and they have a picnic. 
Two weeks after that they’ve gone on several dates and are officially boyfriend and girlfriend, I don’t even find out separately at this point, I find out with the rest of the group over dinner.
A few days after that Minho calls off one of our late night binge watching sessions, texting me an apology and that Ahra needs him. I tell him it’s okay and to send my regards to her. 
It’s a week and half after and Minho regularly calls off our meetups at the cafe after school or at one another’s dorms to tend to Ahra. I tell him it’s fine each time and to not feel bad. He did the same today, and I sit alone at our usual table, mindlessly petting a cat in my lap while zoning out into in my mug of coffee. 
All while this happens, I watch, and I let it happen. I don’t fight for him because it didn’t feel right, sometimes second leads let their love fall for someone else, and that’s all it felt like I could do. 
Fighting for Minho felt selfish, especially when I knew I had no chance and he’d already fallen for Ahra. I couldn’t suddenly come out of the blue and tell him “hey, I have feelings for you,” when he’s already dating Ahra, I’d look like a major asshole if I did. All I could do was watch and see how we begun to drift farther and farther apart. 
With Minho being absent more often, I don’t get to tell him much. Like the internship offer I got to continue pursuing graphic design in Itaewon. I got the email almost a week ago, and I had two more weeks to decide if I was going to take the offer. With nobody to consult about it with I continue to push it to the back of my mind, not wanting to deal with more stress just yet. 
Just as I’m taking another sip of my coffee a familiar head of long blonde hair enters the cafe. My head tilts to the side in confusion as he scans the room for someone when he meets eyes with me, he makes his way over and sits in the seat in front of me and doesn’t say anything.
“You’re rarely on this side of town, why are you here?” I ask Hyunjin first.
“I heard something from Ms. Kim in our art class and needed to know if it was true.” He says seriously.
“What…” I feel like I know what he’s going to say, but I ask anyways. “What did you hear?” 
“That you were offered an internship in Itaewon.” 
“Hyunjin I-“
“Is it really true? She said you had two more weeks to decide, how come you haven’t told anybody? Does Minho know? Are you gonna leave? What about-” He begins to spurt out question after question and it’s almost too much for me to handle.
“Hyunjin!” I raise my voice just slightly to get him to stop but I have to turn it down again when the volume of my voice makes a few of the other customers’ heads turn. “Calm down, yes it’s true, yes I have two more weeks to decide if I’m going or not, I didn’t know how I would tell any of you, no, Minho doesn’t know and I don’t plan on telling him.” 
“Are you… Are you gonna take the offer?” He asks slowly.
I prop my elbows onto the table as the cat leaves my lap and my head drops into my hands as I sigh in exasperation. “I don’t know.” Tears are gathering in my eyes as I think about it. 
“Y/n, have you thought about the offer at all?” 
“Yes and no.” I don’t need to lift my head to sense Hyunjin’s confusion. “It’s hard to think about it when you’re watching your crush of 2 years date someone else while you’re also trying to finish up your senior year. But it’s also all I can think about when I’m alone, which I find myself a lot, thinking about having to find a place to live in Itaewon and transfer and mentally prepare to leave you all here, but if I don’t take it then it’ll be even harder to find an offer like this. It’s all I can think about and also something that I can’t bring myself to think about, Hyunjin.” I lift my head and my teary eyes meet his own. 
“Y/n…” His voice breaks saying my name.
“I think I’m going to take it.” I pause. “Once I finish all of my final assignments the only thing I have left to really worry about is graduating and finding a job, and I don’t think I can take watching Minho and Ahra anymore Hyun, I don’t think I can stomach it. I’m happy for them, I truly am, but it’s also affecting me and I don’t think I should ignore that anymore. If I’m in Itaewon I have a job and I won’t have to worry about feelings anymore, two birds with one stone.” 
I see the hesitancy in Hyunjin’s facial expressions before he speaks. “If that’s what you think you should do, then I’ll support you all the way. But shouldn’t you tell Minho about this?” 
“I’m not, because if I do, Minho is gonna find some way to get me to stay and I’ll crumble and stay because he affects me the most.” Hyunjin merely nods in response. “Hyunjin, you are the only one that can know about this, okay? I can’t have everyone else know this, especially Minho, okay?”
Hesitation again, and then, “Okay.” 
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Hyunjin keeps his promise, he keeps the secret of me leaving from everyone. Even as graduation inches closer and our group begins to talk more about job searching, what comes next, and similar topics, the two of us keep it a secret. Whenever they asked me what I was thinking of doing next I always just told them “oh probably looking for internships nearby,” and no more questions are asked. 
Minho and Ahra were still very much in love, even more than before, if the growing absence of Minho’s presence was anything to go by. I barely saw Minho anymore, maybe catching him at the end of the hall every once in awhile, but he was always walking with Ahra so all I could say was “hello” and “goodbye.” 
Each goodbye begun to hold more and more weight as the days passed. Even the short ones I would tell Minho after passing him in the halls. I couldn’t even conjure how I would tell everyone, maybe send a letter to each of their places? A text message? Tell them after the graduation ceremony just before I left for the train station? I thought about how I would say goodbye as I begun to pack up my dorm. Graduation was nearing, I had already turned in all of my final assignments, and all there was left was to pack. I would leave after the ceremony ended, sometime in the afternoon. I wouldn’t even get the chance to properly celebrate being graduates with my friends because I was leaving in the afternoon. I’d get situated in my new apartment in Itaewon and get accustomed to new life outside of Gimpo. 
The thought of leaving panged my heart harshly, I had never left Gimpo permanently before. Sure, I had gone on trips to the US and Singapore and Seoul before, but I had never moved from Gimpo. I was born and raised in Gimpo, met Minho and all of our friends here, so the thought of moving for the first time did something to my heart. I attended all of our group hangouts with a nostalgic mindset, remembering the first time we all met, when we all got wasted one time on a Friday night after some big exam week. I look around our table of friends and think about how much I’ll miss all of this when I leave for Itaewon. 
Another thing that panged my heart, Minho and I distancing. I knew it was coming, Minho and I didn’t text or talk about hanging out anymore. He walked Ahra to her classes now, and had dates with her after class instead of meeting me at our cafe. Eventually I stopped getting apology messages, and stopped expecting him at the cafe anymore. I couldn’t blame him, Ahra was his girlfriend and I accepted that long ago. Instead I just played the supportive friend on the sidelines, and I’d continue to play that role for as long as I had to. 
It came to be the night before we graduated, and all of us minus Minho and Ahra were sat around a table in one of the restaurants we frequented, it wasn’t too late in the evening, and we all just sat in silence after finishing our food with bottles and glasses of soju now sitting in front of us. A majority of our meal was full of reminiscing, talking about memories that crack everyone up and left smiles on our faces. 
“So, we really graduate tomorrow, huh?” Changbin says when the table quiets down.
“Yeah, I guess we do.” Chan says quietly. 
My eyes tear up and I begin to sniff without control, the weight of my department tomorrow weighing heavily on my shoulders. Hyunjin puts an arm around my shoulders and gives me a tissue, whispering “it’s okay, it’s okay” to me while I try to calm down.
Everyone looks at me in confusion before Chan speaks first. “Y/n are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I just…” I trail off, not sure what to say.
“Do you want to tell them?” Hyunjin asks softly.
“Tell us what?” Seungmin says this time.
Hyunjin looks to me first before nodding, and I begin to spill my secret. “I got an internship offer.” 
The table erupts in cheers and I get congratulations thrown back at me before I can even continue.
“But…” Immediately everyone silences and looks to me in expectation. “It’s in Itaewon.” 
There’s a tense air that falls around us. “What?” Felix says in disbelief.
“You’re not leaving us, right Noona?” Jeongin asks from another part of the table. 
I look to Jeongin with sad eyes, smiling sadly. “I leave tomorrow, after our graduation ceremony.” There’s some gasps around the table.
“What?! Y/n, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Changbin blows up and Chan has to place a hand on his shoulder to restrain him.
“I didn’t want every time we met leading up to graduation to feel like a goodbye, Bin, I couldn’t handle that. So I kept it from you all so there wasn’t this tension every time we met.” I explained.
“Does Minho know?” Seungmin asks this time, and I shake my head.
“Y/n…” Han says worriedly.
“Guys, I know I’m not the only one that’s noticed that me and Minho aren’t that close anymore, so I haven’t really gotten the chance to tell him. But I told Hyunjin this a long time ago, that I wouldn’t tell Minho specifically, because there’s some things that I need to figure out and if I told him he’d find some way to keep me from going, or even worse, follow me. At least with Ahra by his side he won’t follow me to Itaewon.” There’s nods all around the table, understanding where I’m coming from.
“We’re gonna miss you a lot.” Felix sniffs and I coo, getting up from my seat to wrap my arms around him from behind. 
“I’m gonna miss you all too.” I sniff with him, a few tears escaping my eyes. 
Chan comes to join our hug, then Han, then Jeongin, and soon enough everyone has joined the group hug with me in the middle. All of us are crying, and I had never felt more loved than that moment. 
Eventually we break away from the hug and return to our seats, everyone dabbing at their eyes with tissues and sniffing. 
“Let’s all stop crying, tonight is a night to celebrate, all of us graduate tomorrow, and our dear Y/n got an internship offer in a big city!” Han holds up a drink and we all do the same, cheering and clinking our glasses together and celebrating the night away. 
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The next morning I get ready for graduation early, putting on my makeup and doing my hair, and sending a message. 
to: [cat dad who’s a leech :D]
hey, can you meet me at p&p in thirty?
My heart picks up the pace as I send the message, I didn’t expect him to answer so quickly yet his message pings my phone within 2 minutes. 
from: [cat dad who’s a leech :D]
sure, i can be there
to: [cat dad who’s a leech :D]
sweet, i’ll see you there
I turn my phone off and take a deep breath, we still had a few hours before we had to be at the school for our graduation ceremony, I’d have to leave just a few minutes after the ceremony ended which wouldn’t give me enough time to tell Minho, so, I made the painful decision the night before to tell him in the morning. I’d do it in our favorite spot in the corner of our favorite cat cafe, tell him the news slowly and hope that he takes it well. 
I leave my house and 15 minutes later I’m in our usual booth, my coffee order sitting in front of me and the cats all wandering around as there weren’t too many people since it was relatively early in the morning. I already bought Minho his typical Iced Americano and it sat in front of me, awaiting it’s owner. 
10 minutes later Minho arrives and makes his way to the table, sitting in front of me, smiling, unknowing of what’s about to happen. 
“Hey.” I smile at him.
“Hey you.” He smiles back brightly. “Sorry I couldn’t see you guys last night, I took Ahra out for dinner last night on a date.”
“It’s completely alright, how are you guys?” 
“Pretty good, things are going okay right now.” He answers.
“That’s good.” Nervously I take a sip of my macchiato in front of me, my leg bouncing in anxiety. 
“Y/n? Is everything alright? Your leg’s bouncing pretty fast right now.” Curse Minho and the fact that he knows so much about me, he reaches out for my wrist and checks my pulse, quickly noticing how fast it’s beating as his brows furrow in confusion. 
“Minho, there’s something I need to tell you.” I say, retracting my wrist from his grip. He doesn’t answer me but instead tilts his head like a cat does when it looks at its owner questionably. “I’m leaving.” 
“What?” He asks.
How could one look so endearing, head tilted and eyes full of emotion as I break the news to him? I ask myself. “I got an internship offer for a company in Itaewon, I accepted it and I’m leaving for Itaewon, today.” 
“You’re leaving today?” He says in disbelief, sounding out of breath.
I nod and continue. “After the graduation today I have to catch my bus. I didn’t have any other time to tell you so I had to tell you now.” 
“You’re… You’re just telling me now? Do the others know about this?” 
“I only told them last night.”
“You couldn’t have thought of telling me sooner?” He starts to get angry.
“Minho I-“
“What happened to telling me everything, huh? What happened to when we used to know everything about each other?”
“Minho, those days are long behind us, you have bigger priorities now, like putting your focus on your girlfriend, Minho. I couldn’t tell you because I knew you’d do something rash, and I didn’t even tell the others until last night because I knew every time we’d see each other it would be like preparing for the day I leave. You and Ahra have something so great going on for the two of you right now and telling you that I was leaving would take you away from that, and I can’t do that to you or her. Ahra is an amazing girl, and you have her now.”
“Will you at least visit?” His eyes are full of tears, some of the first I’ve seen in years and I hate that I’m the cause of it. 
“I don’t know yet, there’s some things I need to figure out myself first, before I can visit. But at some point maybe I will, when I’ve figured things out I’ll try visiting from time to time.” I offer him a sad smile. 
After a few moments of silence I get up from my seat. 
“We still have a graduation left, Min, I’ll still see you then.” I ruffle his hair and walk out of the cafe, no more secrets but one weighing down on my chest. 
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The Graduation ceremony passes by in a blur. One moment we were listening to the speeches of each of the professors and the next we were tossing our caps into the air, cheering as we became alumni of our university. 
Our friend group met up in the front of the school, taking pictures with our parents and congratulating each other. Eventually, the time comes and I have to go. 
Our group stands in a circle, unmoving, as we all look at each other. 
“I’m gonna miss all of you so much.” I say in tears as my voice breaks.
“We’re gonna miss you too, Y/n.” Hyunjin says. At his words everyone gathers into a group hug full of tears and the weight of a goodbye on our shoulders. 
“You better promise to visit us, okay?” Felix holds me by the shoulders and makes a point to look me in the eye. Not trusting my voice, I nod and he brings me into one more hug. 
I hug each of them individually, saying a few words, before I reach the last person. 
I hug Minho and look into his eyes for the last time for a while.
“I’ll miss you.” He whispers.
“Me too.” And that’s all I can say. 
I leave the campus for the last time, hopping in my car to head to the station and start anew.
Second leads always leave in the end, they leave and let the two main leads have a happy ending. That’s what it felt like I was doing, and I couldn’t tell if I was content with my choice or not. 
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Two and a half months in Itaewon passes quickly. 
The move into my new apartment was smooth, and it was odd to be in a bigger space than a small dorm room. It felt like I had more space than I knew what to do with. 
My internship was moving along smoothly as well, everyone I had met so far were really kind and taught me a lot. I was worried about feeling out of place but I had met a few other girls not much older than me who helped me feel at home. 
Being alone in a big city was unnerving, but what made it so much more comfortable was the addition of a cat that my parents had bought me as my graduation gift. She was a chartreux cat who I named Luna because I had always dreamed of naming my first cat that. My parents covered most of the costs of basic things like cat toys, a scratch post, her bed, and similar things. I thanked my parents endlessly when they came over to my apartment a week after I had moved in and gave me Luna. I wasn’t gone for too long during the day and always left food for her, she was great company when I came home and worked on projects late into the evening, curling up into my lap like the cats at the old cafe used to. She was my best friend in a city I was still getting accustomed to. 
I hadn’t talked to the guys much, I’d talked with them a few times in the group chat about how their job searches were going and trips they were planning to take soon. It was nice talking with them every so often but all of us were still pretty busy moving onto the next chapter of our lives. 
I hadn’t talked to Minho since I left, I’d assumed that he and Ahra were doing well, but that’s all that was, assumption. None of the boys talked about him and I couldn’t understand why, but I never asked since I was supposed to be moving on from my feelings in the first place. I thought I had been doing pretty well until something would come up that reminded me of him, like his favorite song would play in the cafe I bought my morning coffee in and spent my breaks at, or snapchat would send me “Today, 1 year ago” memories of him and me fooling around at Paws and Pastries. Whenever that would happen I’d be sent back to square one, and it felt like I’d never move on from Minho. 
I was on my way out to grab a coffee and spend my off day walking around, maybe looking into a few shops when I got a call from Hyunjin.
“Y/n! My favorite girl, how are you?”
“Hyunjin? What’s with the call?”
“What? Can I not call my friends from time to time?”
“Not when you’re notorious for calling your ‘friends’ after you’ve done something wrong.” I sigh.
“That was one time! Besides, it wasn’t that bad.”
“You dragged Jeongin to a party! And got him wasted!” 
“One. Time. Y/n. It was one time.”
“One time is enough for you to be in trouble for life, Hyun.”
“Okay, whatever, but I was meaning to ask you, what’re your plans for today?” 
“Me? I was just planning to go out, today’s my day off so I was gonna visit this one cafe and see some shops, why?” 
“No reason, what time do you think you’ll be home?” 
“Maybe five?”
“Great, okay, I have to go now, Han’s calling me, bye!” Hyunjin hangs up before I can ask him what’s with the weird questions.
“Hyunjin- Oh great he hung up.” I put my phone in my pocket before looking down at Luna who’s stretching near my legs. “Your uncle Hyunjin is quite the odd one, isn’t he Luna, hm?” I ask her and she meows back in response. “Weird indeed, but that’s just how he is. Mommy’s gonna spend her day out and then she’ll come home and we can watch the TV together, okay? I’ll be home soon.” I pick up Luna and set her on her little bed before ensuring everything is safe and make my way out the door. 
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I spend the day eating at a large cat cafe that actually had an assortment of books with little reading areas while the cats roamed around everywhere. It was much bigger than the cafe in Gimpo, but I would always correlate that one with home. 
After I spent a bit of time reading there I went out and explored the shops for a few hours, bought some new jeans and a few blouses plus some makeup things. I got Subway for lunch and explored just a little bit more before heading home. Instead of going straight home, I decided to take the long way, going through the streets not minding the extra weight the few shopping bags I was holding in my hands gave me. The sun was just barely beginning to set as I walked into my apartment complex, getting into the elevator and pressing the button for my floor. 
I walk down the hallway to my door and am surprised when a familiar figure greets me there. 
“Minho?” I say as I walk closer. 
“Y/n!” He says happily, bringing me into a hug. 
“What are you doing here? Actually- Wait- Don’t answer that, do you wanna come inside?” I ask him.
“Sure.” He responds. 
I unlock the door and bring my bags in, setting them by the door. “Luna! Mommy’s home!” I call out automatically.
Luna meows and comes out of the bedroom, walking her way up to me before I pick her up. 
“You got a cat?” Minho asks.
“Yeah, parents brought her to me about a week after I moved in.” I put Luna back down and she moves to sit on the arm of the couch, her favorite spot to sit when the sun goes down.
“And you named her Luna,” He smiles fondly. “You always wanted to name your cat Luna.” 
“I’m surprised you remember that.” I chuckle. “Do you want some coffee?” 
“I’ll get that brewing, just give me a few minutes, you can take a seat on the couch and make yourself at home!” I tell him as I quickly retreat to the kitchen.
I have to take a few breaths when I’m far away enough from Minho, my heart beating just as fast as it would when I was around him back then. It was clear I hadn’t moved on at all. 
I brew the coffee as promised and wait next to the coffee machine with two mugs ready. A voice chimes in behind me.
“Your place is much bigger than the dorms.” He chuckles.
“Tell me about it, it was so weird buying more furniture than I was used to.” I laugh with him. 
The machine finishes brewing the coffee and I pour it into the two mugs, putting it on a tray with creamer and sugar before bringing it all to the coffee table in front of the couch. 
Minho and I take seats on the couch, separated by a bit of space between us while we sip on our respective mugs.
“So,” I start the conversation. “How’s home?” 
“Not too bad, same old same old, the guys being annoying as usual, you know?” He says.
“Sounds fun.” I chuckle. “And work, have you found anything yet?” 
“Not yet, I’ve got a few applications out, but I’m still waiting on some answers.”
“I’m sure you’ll get them soon.” I respond. 
An uncomfortable silence sets over the both of us, and I run my free hand through Luna’s fur who’s situated herself in my lap this time. I take a long sip of my coffee before asking another question.
“How’s… How are you and Ahra?” 
“Oh…” He trails off. “We broke up a few weeks ago.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that…” I had no idea that he and Ahra had broken up, in fact that was the completely opposite of what I thought had happened since they seemed to work together so well. 
“Yeah, it was a mutual thing. We didn’t really feel that kind of connection anymore, you know? So we just, broke it off.” 
“Are you okay?” I ask Minho.
“Me? Yeah, I’m actually not as affected as I thought I’d be, I don’t know if that makes me a cruel person or not but I was only sad for the first week or two. Nothing too bad.” 
“I see.” Another silence settles between us. This one is longer, more tense, there was something Minho wanted to ask but he wasn’t sure, and I couldn’t depict what question he was going to ask.
“Actually, I came her for a reason.” He says.
“And what reason is that?” I ask hesitantly.
“For answers.” My brows furrow, answers for what? “There’s something Hyunjin told me recently and it got me thinking, and I wanted to hear it from you if it was true.”  
I finish my coffee and place it down delicately on the coffee table, trying not to show how nervous I was with how badly my hands were shaking. “I’ll see if I have answers for you then.” 
“When you told me you were leaving, you said you had some, things, to figure out on your own. What was it that you had to figure out?” 
I take a moment to decide exactly how I was going to answer his question. Did I want to expose my feelings to him just yet? “Just, feelings.” I say vaguely.
“Just feelings for somebody.”
“Is it Hyunjin?”
I pause for just a half second, and apparently that was all Minho needed. “I guess Hyunjin’s big mouth was right after all.”
“Wait- What? What are you talking about?” 
Minho takes a long sip of his coffee before finishing letting out a sigh after swallowing, he slowly sets the mug on the table before making direct eye contact with me and silently killing me with the suspense. “Minho please just say something you’re killing me here.”
He only chuckles in response. “Hyunjin told me not too long ago that you took up the offer to work here because you were going to sort out your feelings, for me.” He says sweetly as I suck in a breath at his last words. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Minho-“
“Now now, Y/n, we shouldn’t hide things from each other anymore, should we?” His sweet, sultry voice was affecting me greatly as he leaned closer to me on the couch. I gulp and silently curse when Luna, the only thing keeping me sane, leaves the comfort of my lap for her scratch-post. 
“Minho…” I let out quietly.
“Tell me, Kitten, is it true?” He asks once again. 
“I-“ My voice catches in my throat when Minho leans in ever nearer, still making direct eye-contact with me. “Yes, it is.” I sigh out and Minho backs away. 
“He was right.” Minho whispers while my gaze drops to my hands that I fiddle with in my lap at the secret that’s let out. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry.” I whisper.
“Why are you sorry darling?” He asks softly and uses his thumb and forefinger to tilt my head up by my chin. 
“I couldn’t tell you because I knew you didn’t feel the same, and then when you got together with Ahra we drifted apart because it hurt me to see you with her. Then I left and told you about me leaving so last minute. I made you cry, Minho, and I hate that I did. But I couldn’t see any other way out of it. I hurt you because I was cowardly and didn’t want to be selfish by telling you and having your attention move off of Ahra, when I was really being selfish by not telling you and hurting you in the end.” More tears escape my eyes as we look at each other.
“Princess, no…” He cups my face with his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears. “I’ll admit, it did hurt when you told me that you were leaving the day of, but I understood where you were coming from. Because you were right, I would have done something crazy to keep you by my side. Do you know why?” He asks, and I shake my head, still crying. “Because I need you by my side, kitten, even when I was dating Ahra I felt off but just didn’t pay any mind to it because I had her. But now I know it’s because you and I were drifting apart, I found out when after you left and me and Ahra broke up because I felt empty. I couldn’t text you to just come over anymore because you’re farther away from me now. I lied earlier, I said that I sent out some applications for jobs but didn’t get any answers yet, right?” I nod. “I got offered a job as a software engineer, here, in Itaewon, and I said yes.” 
“Why?” I whisper.
“Because I want to be near you, I need to be by your side Y/n, because I love you.” I let out a sob at his confession and he coos, bringing me to rest my head on his chest and rubbing his hands on my back and running them through my hair. 
“I love you too.” I say after a few minutes. 
Minho brings me out of his hold, and cups my face again. For the first time, he kisses me. His lips brush over mine before deepening the kiss, taking full charge of it yet somehow still being soft with me. His kisses were nothing short of addicting, and I knew I’d be in love with him for a long time. 
In that moment, kissing the man of my dreams, I remember that it may be rare that a second lead gets their own happy ending, but it’s not unheard of. Sometimes the main lead and second lead do end up with their own happily ever after. 
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Notes from the author: I have FINALLY posted something y’all 😂 took a few months but she’s here, and she’s dishing out something at least. I don’t know how often I’ll be posting again, esp with school and whatnot, but I do know I need to drain out my drafts because phew, it’s getting a little full in there. 
But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this fic! I’m pretty sure it’s one of the longest I’ve written if not the longest. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad, I’m probably a little rusty but we can fix that (i think)
if you want more I still have my old stuff up on my masterlist on my account! hope to see you around :))
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weebswrites · 3 years
Heyy! I recently came across your blog and a absolutely love your writing! 🥰
Would it be possible to request an angst hc with the Obey me brothers? So maybe the bros were having a bad day and they lash out at the MC. The MC leaves them alone and the brothers don’t hear from them for hours and think MC just doesn’t want to talk to them but in reality MC got attacked and is barely alive. And maybe MC summons the brother with what little strength they have left so the brother is met with an MC laying in front of them almost dead.
Ah I’m sorry I know this is a lot so feel free to ignore this if it’s too much! Have a good day :D
The Demon Bros Saving Your Life (this will have swear words and light descriptions of violence so if that makes you uncomfortable read at your own discretion pls I love u guys)
“MC, please just leave me alone” he spat, trying to stay calm but losing his patience quickly
“Lucifer, I’m not letting you shove me away. You can do that to your brothers, but not to me” you insist, remembering your conversation where he said to ignore him when he tried to push you away
“I’ll do what I want to you, human, don’t forget your place” he boomed, so loud your eyes reactively filled with tears
“Fine, do what you want” you mutter at him before storming out, slamming the door behind you
He knew he fucked up, but wasn’t in the headspace to chase after you, so he stayed in his office and worked. He’d apologize later
You ran out of the HoL, just wanting to be out of Lucifer’s reach for a bit. You decide to go to Purgatory Hall to visit Simeon, your best friend outside of the HoL, but take the scenic route there to clear your head a bit and calm down. Before you know it the sun is setting, and figure you should get to Simeon’s sooner rather than later.
“Hey, aren’t you Lucifer’s bitch” you hear from an alleyway, and suddenly you’re just as annoyed as before. But you know better than to engage with any demons that are egging you on like that, so you keep walking
Then you’re grabbed from behind and slammed against a brick wall, hitting your head roughly against the surface
“Fuck” you exhale, vision already blurring
“Think you can ignore me, human? You’re weak here, nothing” the demon drove a fist into your stomach, causing you to cough
“I’ll show you not to come back to the Devildom ever again, filthy human”
By the time he was done you were a bloody mess crumpled on the ground, in the fetal position to protect your vital organs as much as you could, but you felt yourself losing consciousness
The demon spat on you before leaving, laughing as he walked away. Your body was in so much pain, and you felt yourself losing your grip on reality
You could felt your lips moving as your vision turned to black, and your last coherent thought before blacking out was realizing you were summoning Lucifer
“I...summon the Avatar of Pride...” you inhaled as much as you could, but his name came out a whisper, “Lucifer”
You saw his legs appear before you lost consciousness, thankful you were actually able to summon him
“What the fuck” was his first comment, as he didn’t see you at his feet, but as soon as he did he felt his heart shatter
“MC! Fuck, MC. MC?” he shook you very lightly, and when you didn’t respond he went into overdrive. He picked you up gently in his arms after examining where you were most badly injured, as to not make anything worse
He was in demon form from the moment he saw you, wanting as much of his strength at his disposal as he could have. He flew you to the nearest hospital (idk if there’s a hospital in the devildom but there is now) and demanded you be placed in the best care possible, and also made it very clear that he wasn’t going to leave your side
He watched as doctors sewed your wounds closed and put an IV in your arm, unable to take his eyes off their every move. After a few hours, the doctor turned to Lucifer
“They should wake up within a few hours,” the doctor said before leaving
“Thank you. Please mail the bill to Lord Diavolo and I’ll take care of it” he said, figuring that was easier than having to fill out the HoL on paperwork
He was then alone with you, and he scooted his chair next to your bed and took your hand in his, holding it gently
“I’m so sorry, MC” he whispered and pressed his lips to the top of your hand as he tried not to cry
He sat there for what felt like hours, but just twenty minutes passed before he felt you move slightly
Your eyes fluttered open, and you took a moment to adjust to the lights
You felt warmth around your hand, and recognized it instantly, looking to your side and locking eyes with Lucifer
“Luci” you whisper, voice hoarse from not having used it for hours
“MC, I’m so sorry” his voice was soft and you could tell how distraught he was, “I never should have snapped at you, it was out of place and rude and I’m sorry” he rambled on like this for a minute, and you just appreciated his genuine care for you as you listened to him speak
“Lucifer” you cut him off, “Thank you for taking care of me. I forgive you”
“Just get a job! Then your brothers won’t shit on you all the time” you suggested. Mammon had come to you venting about how some of his brothers had ganged up on him again and demanded that they pay him back. You were more understanding than you probably should have been with him, but wanted him to be proactive and get himself out of this on his own
“It isn’t that easy! Damnit MC, I thought you understood me!” he snapped, and you decided you should just let him cool down
“Look, Mammon. I’m always here for you with this, but you can’t keep complaining about this and not doing anything about it when there’s an easy solution. I have to go study with Satan for a test we have, so I’m going to go meet him. Text me when you’ve calmed down”
You meant it to be caring, but his mind was clouded, and he took it as you pitying him and running away - his greatest fear
“Fine!” he huffed, turning his back to you
You were saddened by this, but genuinely had to go, so you turned and left, thankful for the bit of time that you knew Mammon needed alone to clear his head
You were walking to the library, in the middle of a text to Satan when you accidentally bumped into another demon
“Shit, my bad” you apologize, but the demon had no intention of letting you get away with that
“A human, eh?” he grabbed your shirt collar and instantly drove a fist to your jaw
“What the fuck” you tried to say, but couldn’t really speak
The demon punched you a few more times, and you thought that they had the strength of Beel with how much it hurt
Your body was tossed to the ground and kicked before being abandoned, and you wished you didn’t take the back way to the library
“I summon the Avatar of Greed, Mammon” you whispered, hoping your words were enunciated enough for the summoning to work
“MC!” he noticed you instantly, crouching down and putting a hand on your arm, “MC what happened. Wait don’t talk, can you stand?”
You began to sit up, which he took as a yes, and he wrapped his arm around you to help you stand
He studied your injured face as you stood, and wished he had the power to heal you instantly
“Come on MC, the hospital is close”
“T-Text Satan I’m not coming” you handed him your phone, not wanting Satan to think that you ditched him
Mammon exhaled a laugh through his nose, “You’re always thinking of others, MC” he commented, “We really don’t deserve you”
You just shook your head, feeling like you didn’t deserve the joy the demons brought you
Mammon stayed by your side until you were completely healed, which took a few weeks. He even signed up for a job with Akuzon DC. It was the most selfless you’d ever seen him, and you thanked him for his kindness once you were healed with a gift card to his favorite store
“Just stop! I get it, you have other friends, I don’t care. Go have fun with them” he snapped. Levi hadn’t slept in about 48 hours and you could tell
“Levi, please sleep. I’ll be back in a few hours” you try to comfort him, but he isn’t hearing it
“Whatever, MC”
You’re hurt by his attitude, but know he’s just exhausted. You turn to leave and plan to head back to him a bit sooner to spend extra time with him (quality time love language lookin demon) (also the avatar of envy but that’s not as funny of a joke so)
You were planning to meet with some classmates to study, but you ran into a demon on your way that had been bullying you for being human for the whole semester
You hadn’t told any of the brothers because you didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but you were worried suddenly what the demon would do to you outside of the school grounds
“Hey, it’s the human” she snarled, stepping in front of you to stop your path
“Sorry, I’m busy” you tried to walk around her, but she had no intention of letting you go unscathed
“Not so fast” she stomped her foot over yours to stop you and shoved you back against a light pole nearby
You felt the cold metal slam against your spine and grunted in discomfort
“Can’t take a little pain? That’s too bad” she said, taking you by your shirt and  throwing your body on the road
She kicked your body for what felt like minutes while spitting insults at you, before leaving your weakened body on the ground
You tried to get up once she was gone but screamed in pain, not able to move a muscle
“I summon the Avatar of Envy, Leviathan,” you said, tears starting to run down your face at his name
“Levi, Levi please, help me” you whispered as he appeared
“MC, I’m here” he kneeled down beside you and inspected your body, “I’m here, don’t worry”
“Levi” your hand tightened around his jacket, “Help”
He picked you up, maintaining your position in his arms, and took you to the hospital as fast as he could while keeping you comfortable
He stayed by your side as much as he was legally allowed to while the doctors cared for your torso and x-rayed your foot. After a day or so you were allowed home, and he insisted that he stayed by your side until you were completely healed
“MC, I’ve asked you eight times to leave me alone, I’m clearly trying to read, can’t you take the hint?” he sighed exasperatedly and waited for you to leave, not intending his words to be so harsh but he figured you’d be fine
You were not fine! What the fuck Satan.
“Fine, screw you then” you retorted and left, slamming the door behind you
He realized that you weren’t fine, but wanted to finish his book. Then he’d apologize. But when we went to your room later that night to talk, you didn’t answer.
“MC, come on, open up. I’m sorry for earlier, can we just talk?”
Beelzebub was walking by, “I haven’t seen them since this morning, they left the house crying” he said awfully casually, “I never saw them come back”
Satan felt the blood drain from his face and he ran out of the HoL, ignoring Beel’s “I’m sure they’re fine now!” from behind him
He barely made it out of the doors before he was summoned, and he was confused before he realized the only way he could be summoned was by you
As soon as he was there he saw you, thrown against a dumpster, barely able to hold yourself up
“Satan” you called, voice weak, and he was at your side in less than a second
He stood in front of you and you got on his back, wrapping your arms over his neck
“Tell me what happened. Who did this” his voice was firm and you could almost feel the anger radiating off him
You muttered a name under your breath before resting your head on his shoulder, trying everything you could to not pass out
“Satan, talk to me. I can’t stay awake”
That scared him, so he walked to the hospital a bit faster, but gently still as to not cause you any extra pain
He started telling you about his book since that was all he did that day, but it ended up turning into a long apology for pushing you away and raising his voice earlier. You would have cut him off but you didn’t have the strength to, so you just listened to his words, noticing the thought he had clearly put into them throughout the day
“Satan-” you started, and he instantly stopped to listen, “I forgive you”
He was silent, a sense of relief and appreciation for you washing over him and he thanked you for your understanding of his anger as you arrived at the hospital
Similar to Lucifer, he demanded you to be seen by the best doctor there was on staff, price be damned. He watched intensely as the doctor checked you out, eyeing them up and down to make sure they were good enough and treating you with the same care he would
Once you were released he had Diavolo send a car to drive the two of you back to the HoL, where Satan had had your room prepared with new pillows (the kind you mentioned liking from his room, as well as new ones of the ones you had), freshly washed sheets and duvet, and a cup of your favorite drink waiting for you (he definitely didn’t bribe his brothers to get your room ready, not that it took much bribing)
In addition, each of the brothers had pitched in to get you flowers and a stuffed animal that you’d mentioned wanting, a few weeks ago. The sight of it all made you tear up, and you wrapped Satan in the tightest hug he’d ever gotten
“I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, MC, but I just need some time by myself,” he said, and you could tell he was losing his patience
“Are you sure?” you offer one last time before leaving, wanting to make sure he really wanted to be alone
“Yes! I am!” he snapped, and you felt bad for pushing
“Sorry, Asmo. Feel better” you leave and take care to close the door as quietly as you can on your way out
You were having a bit of a bad day yourself, so you decide to go walk around the devildom and let the fresh air clear your head
Which ended up being a bad idea, as you ran into one of the demons that always hit on you in one of your classes.
“Hey, MC, you finally aren’t with any of those idiot brothers” he approached you and tried to touch your arm, but you pushed it away
“Oh, they’re fiesty. I’ll have to teach you a lesson” he spat on the ground next to you and before you knew it he pushed you against a wall and was punching you senseless
It felt like he’d never stop, but eventually it did, and he left you to bleed on the road. You tried to stand up, not thinking your injuries would be that servere, but you couldn’t move. You sighed and closed your eyes, exhaustion suddenly washing over you
You knew you probably had a concussion and some broken ribs, and that you shouldn’t lose consciousness, so you did the only thing you could think to do. You summoned Asmo.
“I summon the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus” you spoke, and there he was
“MC! Babes, what happened? Where are you hurt” he knelt in front of you and looked over your body
“Ribs...and my head...” you whined, leaning forward for him to take you in his arm
Asmodeus was stronger than you realized, and he picked you up easily and started walking you back to the HoL. “Let’s get you laying down and I’ll call a doctor” he said gently, “Then Satan and I will take care of the idiot who did this”
Until you were healed he was by your side, bringing you anything you even thought of wanting and getting the classwork you missed from your classes
“Hey Beel, what’s up!” you walked into the kitchen and greeted your favorite demon cheerily
He grunted, usually a sign that he should be left alone, but you wanted some Beel time and figured you’d just be cautious and give him his space
“How was your day” you asked innocently
“Not now, MC. I’m not in the mood” his voice was firm, and you took the message
“Got it, I’ll leave” you said apologetically, and left the kitchen. You were a bit upset by him pushing you away, but knew he just needed space. You decided to walk to get takeout for dinner, and made your way to the restaurant on your own.
That was a mistake. You weren’t even halfway there when you figured later you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time
“Is that a human? Here?” you heard from across the road, and sighed, hoping to get off easy
“Hey, human!” the demons walked over to you and you stopped, deciding to at least acknowledge them so they’d think they could insult you and move along
“Wow, I’ve never met a human in real life before” one of them smirked, “I wonder just how weak they really are”
“I wouldn’t test it, just because I’m a human doesn’t mean I don’t know some demons who would make your lives miserable if you hurt me”
The other demon scoffed, “You’re lying. What demon would befriend a human”
You were getting irritated at the attitude being thrown at you, so you decided to fight back with a little sass of your own, “Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, and Lord Diavolo, to name a few” you smirked and crossed your arms
“Bullshit” one of the two demons got in your face, “there’s no way a demon like that would look twice at you”, and before you could begin to think of a comeback you felt a sharp pain in your side
You looked down to see a gash in your side, thankfully seeming to not have hit an organ, but it was still bleeding pretty badly. You didn’t know what to do, but didn’t really have the chance to do much because a few strong punches were delivered to your core immediately after
“Fuck” you mumbled as you crumpled to the ground, and heard the demons laughing as they walked away. You felt yourself bleeding pretty heavily, and knew you wouldn’t be able to make it back to the HoL
“I summon the Avatar of Gluttony. Beelzebub” you said, hoping you remembered how to use your pact correctly
He appeared before you and you let out a sigh of relief, then wincing in pain at your own action
“MC!” he instantly took off his grey hoodie and pressed it to your wound, “There’s an underground hospital close, is it safe for me to lift you or can you walk”
“I think I can walk, but can you keep an arm around me” you ask, and he obviously does
You get to the hospital and are instantly checked in and brought to a care room. Beel holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as tightly as you need as your wound is sewn up, and then the nurses give you pain medication for the next few weeks
You didn’t know the names of the demons who hurt you, but Lucifer found out easily with his many connections, and he and the rest of his siblings, along with Lord Diavolo, made sure that the two demons never so much as thought about you ever again
“Belphie, please let me in” you knocked on his door again, not knowing what had caused him to storm off in the first place
The door opened, but before you could say anything Belphie was talking
“MC, I’m fucking pissed right now, and the last person I want to be around is you” his voice was sharp, and you almost teared up at how genuine his words seemed
“Fine, okay, I’m sorry for trying to help” you responded before turning and running down the stairs from his room in the attic, wanting to give him space but also run away from him
You were going to try not to cry, but as soon as you stepped outside the HoL you couldn’t hold back anymore. Sniffling, you walked to the park nearby to sit at a bench and think. You pulled out your D.D.D. to text Beelzebub and ask him to check up on Belphie, but didn’t even unlock it before someone sat down next to you
You didn’t recognize who it was, and you wiped under your eyes as the demon began to speak
But they didn’t say anything near what you expected. Well, you didn’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t to be called a filthy human by a stranger
The demon proceeded to call you names, but you were too mentally exhausted to fight back, so you just sat and listened as they tried to get a reaction from you
“What, aren’t you listening to me? Stupid human” and the demon started punching you. Hard.
You tried to fight back at first, but compared to the strength of a demon you couldn’t really do much. Once you started losing consciousness the other demon left you to sit, laughing at your wounds
You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t want to bother Belphie if he was still in a bad mood, but you needed help. You pulled out your D.D.D. and saw a text from him, reading: ‘MC, I’m sorry. Please come back, give me a chance to explain’
As you couldn’t move, you realized your only option was to summon him, so that’s exactly what you did
“I summon the Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor” you suddenly got nervous, unsure why since you and Belphie were so close, but you knew he’d help you no matter what
“MC? MC holy shit” he sat next to you on the bench and you instantly leaned into him and started sobbing
“MC I’m so sorry, this never should have happen” he had an arm around you
You sniffled, “It isn’t your fault, I was just clearing my head” you reassured him, still hurt by his previous words but not at all blaming him for the other demon’s attack
He brought you back to the HoL and gave you ice packs for the bruises that were starting to surface, making sure you had everything you needed for the next many days until you were healed
A/N: This took me longer than I thought it would to write but I also kept taking breaks and had three classes today lol. But here it is !!! I love writing angst hehe so this was really fun
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All Secrets Have a Habit of Coming Out
Hello all, this was for @iiblueberry-15ii
Hope it's all you wanted from your request :)
Ron Weasley x Male Potter Reader
Word Count: 1464
Just a little note, I only know a cursory amount about Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, just what a quick google search could reveal so it might not be the most accurate, but I did my best, so I hope this ticks the box for what you wanted @iiblueberry-15ii
Everyone may have only known his brother's name when they first entered Hogwarts, but Y/n Potter had worked hard to fix that.
He had always been smaller and more frail than his twin brother Harry due to a rare condition that had affected them during pregnancy called Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome.
Essentially an imbalance during development made Harry receive more blood (and thus nutrients) than he gave back.
If this had been explained properly in a caring and loving environment, Harry might not have felt so guilty about it. Unfortunately for the twins, they grew up with their Aunt, Uncle and cousin, all of which took every opportunity to cause them pain. It had been spat at them one day when they were much younger that it was all Harry's fault that his twin brother wasn't as healthy as he was.
This all lead to Harry becoming incredibly overprotective of Y/n. He couldn't take more than two steps outside of Hogwarts during winter without Harry pushing extra scarves and coats into his arms and telling him to rug up more. Guilt was a great motivator, and Harry felt awful that Y/n was weaker than him physically.
Y/n couldn't play quidditch either because his lungs had suffered during development as well.
Y/n had, in his lower moments, like when his older brother (by like ten minutes Harry!) won a game of quidditch, or came back from some fantastic adventure that he had forbidden him from joining them on, allowed the hate to take root just that little bit more.
But he would wake up the next morning and realise that it couldn't possibly be his brothers fault. It was just an accident of life that this had happened.
He would be reminded in every class that there were some things that he could do that Harry just couldn't. His brother might be naturally talented with power for his magic, but as his favourite saying played through his head he would think about that instead. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.
Y/n truly shone in classes too. He worked just as hard as Hermione at his studies, and it paid off. Often, when they got back essays or test results they were the top two in the class.
This naturally made the two a lot closer, as they were practically a built in study buddy for the other.
As they were getting older and reaching the age that people started to notice the other gender (or their own in Y/n's case) other guys would come up and ask him about Hermione.
Y/n couldn't believe the stupidity of his own gender sometimes. That had been the forth time today that he had had to fend off another guy who only wanted to get into the female bookworms pants while getting their homework done for free.
He stormed back into the Gryffindor common room in a huff.
He landed with a thump on the couch beside Ron and pouted.
"Guys suck."
Ron looked up from his homework which was looking rather untouched.
"I could do with a break anyway, been at this near five minutes. What's up Y/n?"
He sat back up closer to the other boy, giving him his full attention.
Ron wasn't sure what it was about Y/n, but there was just something that made him want to spend all day staring at him, or listening to him talk about the things that made him get all excited. He made the cutest faces when he got all worked up, eyes shining brighter than any star in the sky.
Okay, so he knew why he felt that way, heck, he had even acted on it. He still couldn't believe his luck when Y/n had agreed to go on a date with him. Of course they had had to pull off some pretty fast talking to get their friends to stay behind without it seeming like they wanted to be alone.
Ron focused back in just in time to see Y/n narrow his eyes at him.
Oops, he had noticed that he wasn't paying attention to him.
Ron cringed slightly.
"Sorry, was just thinking."
He cast a furtive look around the room, but they were pretty much alone right now. He was sure that wouldn't last.
Y/n just looked curious now.
"About what?"
Ron shifted awkwardly. Feelings weren't really his forte.
"About how I must've used up all the luck I had stored up for the next few years just to get you to agree to go out with me."
Ron sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck, knowing that he was blushing.
Y/n was blushing when Ron had managed to gather up enough courage to look over at him.
They went to move closer, but their moment was ruined by the portrait entrance slamming open to let in some other Gryffindors.
Y/n and Ron had stayed up much later than anyone else. It wasn't unusual for Y/n, but Ron knew the only way it wouldn't look suspicious for him to stay up was to pretend to be engrossed in a game of chess. He had thought of his homework at first, but then realised that he was usually the first one to give up, so working on it for hours unprovoked would be almost more suspicious than anything else he could come up with.
By the time that midnight rolled around Y/n and Ron had been alone in the common room for just under an hour. In that time they hadn't moved closer. They didn't want to risk it when people might still be remembering that one last thing they had accidentally left in the common room. Nothing said guilty like two teenagers springing apart as someone comes down the stairs.
It was Y/n who made the call. He stretched and shoved his book into the bag before moving over to the couch.
Ron could take a hint, no matter what anyone said, and followed Y/n over.
They sat looking at each other for a minute, just taking the other in.
"It's pretty exhausting hiding this, huh?"
"Yeah," Ron answered. "I sort of thought it might be kind of fun, but it's mostly just tiring. Can't really enjoy spending time together when we're constantly looking over our shoulders."
Y/n gave a half smile.
"Still worth it?"
Ron grinned back and reached out for Y/n instead of answering.
"Can I kiss you?"
Y/n nodded too fast and almost fell over.
Their lips met while they were both still laughing.
They didn't keep laughing for long. It had been a long week for them both, and they hadn't had very much time alone lately.
Things were just about to get more heated when they heard a noise from behind the couch.
They froze, still looking into each others eyes, then they pulled away from each other faster than either of them had ever moved before.
"Yeah, bit late for that really."
Neither of them had hear Harry's voice sound so cold.
Y/n turned to face his brother who had apparently walked in on them making out.
Well, at least everyone was just as embarrassed as each other judging by the blush on Harry's face.
Ron and Y/n watched Harry silently from opposite edges of the couch.
Harry clenched his jaw several times before seeming to try to calm himself.
"Ron. A word."
Y/n cringed. Well, it had been nice knowing Ron, but Y/n was pretty sure he would be helping to bury his body soon.
Y/n watched as Ron and Harry made their way over to one of the windows. He pouted, he couldn't hear anything from where he was. He sat back and crossed his arms as he waited for Harry to come back and deal with him.
Harry was so far past mad he didn't have a word for it anymore.
His little brother, who was smaller and just generally more frail, was apparently down here making out with Ron.
What the hell were they thinking?
And hiding it, Harry was sure neither of them had been thinking properly.
"What exactly did you think you were doing with Y/n?"
He stated each word as clearly and calmly as he could, but he could still hear his voice shaking in his rage.
He waited for Ron to start explaining himself, but just as he opened his mouth, Harry decided he didn't much care what he had to say.
"Look, I think it was pretty obvious what you two were doing, but let me just say, as Y/n's older brother and the only member of his family who cares about him, if you ever do anything to hurt him. Well, I'll show you exactly why I'm considered a threat to Voldemort."
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someonestolemyshoes · 3 years
Hi! Have u done any pregnant Hanji and overprotective daddy Levi already?? Yep i think im craving for more domestic levihan family, im sorry 😭
Im a bit new here in the community, and when i read ur works, i fell in love with it already, thank you for existing!!! 💖💖💖
Hello anon! Thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoyed my other fics :3 Sorry for the very long wait for this one, I've been struggling to find the time/motivation to write lately, but I'm feeling a little better and I figured I'd get to work on some of my prompts. Starting here!!
It ended up a little less domestic and a touch more angsty than I had originally planned, but only for a moment--happy endings all round! 
Warning: this does start off with non-graphic depictions of nausea/vomiting, I hope that doesn't bother you!
Hange had been feeling unwell for days.
It wasn't an uncommon occurrence—Hange tended to wake up feeling nauseous some days, most often when she'd neglected to eat a decent meal the evening before—but this was the fourth morning in a row now, that Hange found herself bent over the toilet bowl in the early hours of the morning, heaving up nothing but acid and empty air. 
She retched until her stomach ached. There was nothing left to bring up, but her gut still rolled unpleasantly and there was a telling tremor under her tongue that warned her it might be best to stay in the bathroom a little while longer. She settled heavily against the wall to catch her breath.
It didn't make any sense. For most of the day, Hange felt fine. A little tired, maybe, but that was only to be expected after spending half the night every night on the bathroom floor. Tonight, no doubt, would follow the uncomfortably familiar routine: Hange would dry-heave a little longer, until the queasiness abated enough for Levi to convince her to come back to bed, and then she would toss and turn, too warm beneath the bed clothes, until she could fall into a restless sleep. She'd wake up feeling a little groggy, a little bleary, unreasonably hungry, but after a coffee and some breakfast she would feel well again. Perfectly normal.
Like clockwork, Levi appeared in the doorway just as Hange had flopped herself back over the toilet. She felt his palm, cool and soft, press against the back of her neck. Hange gathered her hair back from her face with both hands, braced her elbows on the toilet bowl, letting out a groan of discomfort as her stomach twisted, threatened to revolt again. Levi's thumb rubbed soothingly against her neck.
Sure enough, she brought up nothing more, but she gagged plenty, and found herself gasping for breath by the time she leaned back against Levi, aching and exhausted. His lips pressed into her damp hair.
Levi was as silent as always. His touch was pleasant, his presence welcome. Hange needed the hand he offered to pull her to her feet, needed his reassuring grip at her hips as she brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth out. Her quaking knees felt unstable beneath her. 
He lay facing her after they got into bed. Hange was sprawled out atop the covers, shifting restlessly to find the coolest patches on the bed. Levi watched her for a moment, then said, "This isn't normal."
Hange only grumbled.
"You said you'd book an appointment with the doctor."
Hange grumbled again. Levi ticked his tongue and rolled to lie on his back, staring at the ceiling.
"Call tomorrow."
"If I didn't know better," Hange said sluggishly, "I'd say you were worried about me."
He scowled and rolled onto his other side, his back to her now.
"No, just sick of waking up at half four every morning to drag you back to bed."
Hange managed a small, wicked snicker, but shuffled across the space between them and pressed an apologetic kiss to the back of his neck.
"Must be dreadful," she said. Her voice sounded raw, hoarse. She buried her nose into his hair and took a long, deep breath. Levi grunted, but reached back and pulled her arm loosely over his hip. He knotted their fingers together loosely.
"Call them, Hange."
Hange gave his fingers a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
"I will."
Hange prided herself on being a reasonably intelligent person. She had two degrees, was working towards her doctorate, and already had her name on a small handful of peer-reviewed research papers. She spoke multiple languages, read dissertations for fun, kept a (in Levi’s words) disgustingly realistic human skeleton in a box under the bed for study purposes, and had spent the better part of the last 26 years of her life studying human biology and physiology.  
How she had not predicted that she might be pregnant was almost unfathomable. 
She left the doctors office in a daze with an appointment card and several pamphlets in hand. She had been referred hastily to a midwife and the hospital would soon be sending out a date for an ultrasound—“As soon as possible,” the doctor had said, “since you’re not sure how far along you are.” 
The thing is, Hange had been on the same birth control pill for years now. Forgetful as she may be about many, many things (like eating, and bathing, and washing the dishes and taking out the garbage and and and), Hange was religious in taking that damn pill at the same time every single day. She had never missed it, not even once. Without a regular cycle, Hange had no way of predicting when they had conceived, and the doctor was eager to make sure no essential landmarks in her antenatal care were missed, if they could possibly help it.
The thought had never even crossed her mind. It seemed ridiculous now, in hindsight. The sickness was one thing, but now that she thought about it, there were a whole host of small oddities that Hange could easily attribute to pregnancy. Lethargy, and bloating, heartburn, and she had been peeing more than usual—Hange groaned, and scrubbed her hands over her face. She should have suspected, at least. Should have put the pieces together sooner. 
But, stupid and naive as it may be, she hadn’t thought it possible. Why worry about it, when Hange had taken consistent precautions to avoid it? 
She felt queasy the entire bus ride home. 
It wasn’t that she was against the idea of having children. One day, maybe. When she had finished her doctorate, got herself a steady, well-paid job. When she and Levi had moved out of their tiny, cramped apartment into somewhere bigger, somewhere more suited for a family. 
And god. Levi. 
This was something they’d never really talked about. For his part, Levi never seemed all that interested. He was good with Hange’s nieces and nephews, and Erwin’s son adored him, and he hadn’t showed any express dislike for children, but—well, tolerating other peoples little brats and raising your own are two very different things. 
What if Levi didn’t want the baby? What if he did? Hange wasn’t even sure herself what she wanted to do about the whole situation—what if she didn’t want it? What if, after some reflection, Hange decided now wasn’t a good time? Could they even afford a baby right now? Hange’s money was tied up in her education, while Levi was just making ends meet at the office. They got by well enough with just the two of them, but add in a baby? A whole other person, entirely dependant on them for support? Hange could barely feed and bathe herself, some days, never mind responsibly care for a child. 
By the time the bus pulled up near the house, Hange felt more distressed than ever. Levi, at least, was at work until the evening, so she had a few more hours to herself to mull everything over, but the entire situation made her stomach clench and churn unpleasantly with every new thought. 
The prospect of having a child was terrifying. The prospect of not having this child was nauseating. 
Levi had left the flat in pristine condition when he had left for work, but Hange barely had the energy to feel even a little guilty as she shrugged off her coat and kicked off her shoes, leaving both strewn about the floor. She dumped her bag and made her way sluggishly through to the bedroom. 
Levi had made the bed. The sheet was stretched flat over the mattress, the pillows perfectly fluffed and set against the headboard. Hange’s nightshirt, one of Levi’s old, baggy shirts, too stretched and threadbare for him to wear, had been folded neatly and left on her side of the bed, her slippers lined up smartly with the bed frame. For some reason—hormones, she told herself—her eyes watered, and a lump swelled in her throat. She sniffled pitifully as she stripped off her clothes and pulled on the shirt, clambering into the bed and tugging the sheets until the cocooned around her. 
Hange passed the rest of the day tossing and turning in bed. She tried to nap, but her mind was too restless, occupied with thoughts of the baby, with the concept of having to tell Levi when he came home. She could try to lie, say the doctors had done some blood work, that she was waiting on the results of some test or other, but Levi knew her too well. She could never lie to him, and her despondent state would give her away before she had the chance to say anything. 
The sun was beginning to set by the time she heard Levi’s keys in the door. She felt exhausted, head aching with all the thinking, considering, weighing up her options; with running over every possible outcome she could imagine. Keeping the baby, getting rid of the baby, Levi not wanting the baby, Levi leaving over the baby—every scenario she could imagine was worse than the last. There was only one idea that she had hardly dared entertain, in fear of disappointment if things didn’t work out. 
She heard Levi call out for her, but gave no answer. She listened, curled up in a ball on her side, as he shuffled around, no doubt picking up her coat and shoes from where she had abandoned them. And then he made his way towards the bedroom, steps soft on the plush carpet. The bedroom door creaked open. 
She made a small, warbled noise under the bedclothes. Levi came to sit on the bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight. His hand found the curve of Hange’s hip. 
“How was it?” 
Hange made another noncommittal sound. She wiped her nose and eyes on the sheets, but didn’t dare show her face just yet. She wasn’t ready. She had never prepared for this conversation, never even imagined it before today. It was too soon. Not enough time to rehearse. 
Levi’s hand moved to her back, rubbing lightly up and down her spine, before dropping to the mattress behind her. He leaned over her, and she felt his lips press warm and gentle to the point of her shoulder. A fresh wave of tears poured over the bridge of her nose and down the side of her face. 
She tried to be quiet, but something—the shake of her shoulder, perhaps, or the shudder of air as she tried to take a steadying breath in—gave way to her crying. Levi moved off the bed, but Hange felt his fingers prying lightly at the sheets, pulling them down until he could get a good look at her face. He was kneeling by the bed now, face level with her, and he looked at her with worry pinching deep creases between his brows. 
“Oi, what’d they say?” 
Hange bit the inside of her lip and rubbed her damp cheek on the pillow. If Levi was bothered by her using their bedding as a tissue, he didn’t show it. He simply looked at her, eyes darting over her face, searching. It occurred to Hange then how this must look to him. She had gone to the doctors due to unexplained, violent sickness, and now she is in bed, hours later, still crying about whatever news she had received. 
“I’m fine,” she said. Levi’s tense shoulders relaxed a fraction, but his face remained pinched, frowning and concerned. Hange wanted to tell him quickly, simply, like ripping off a plaster, but the words would not come. She opened her mouth, but her throat constricted painfully. 
Eventually, she said, “my bag. There’s some stuff in my bag. Have a look.” 
Levi gave her a somewhat quizzical look, but stood, dropping a quick kiss to her temple before going to fetch the bag, and dipping his hand in to fish out the contents inside. 
Hange watched with her breath held and her stomach clenched as Levi pulled out the handful of leaflets and turned them over, looking at each one in turn. His eyes widened fractionally as comprehension dawned on him. His lips pressed into a thin line. Leaden weight settled in Hange’s gut. She curled into a tighter ball, pressing the bedsheets over her mouth and nose, waiting for him to gather himself enough to say something. 
After a moment, he spoke. 
“That’s all?” 
Huh? “Huh?!” 
Hange disentangled her arms from the sheets and sat up, staring at him. Levi moved to sit on the edge of the bed again, a scowl back on his face, though there was an intriguing flush high on his cheeks as he whacked her lightly on the top of the head with the leaflets. 
“Stupid four-eyes,” he said, exasperated. “Crying like that. I thought you were dying.”  
“I’m pregnant.” Hange said the word slowly, carefully, in case Levi had somehow misunderstood. He had the audacity to look at her like she was stupid.
“I can see that.” 
“And you have nothing more to say about it? That’s all?” 
Levi shrugged a little at her. Aside from the small patches of colour in his cheeks, Levi seemed wholly unfazed by the revelation. 
“It’s just a baby. We can handle a baby.” 
“That doesn’t terrify you?” 
Levi scrutinised her for a moment, before he said, “are you scared?” 
“Yes? Yes! How are you so calm? We can’t afford a baby—we don’t have the time for a baby? Where will they going to sleep? We don’t have a spare room. Can we get time off work to take care of a baby? How will we pay for childcare when we can’t be around?” 
“Hange,” Levi said, putting a stop to her rambling. He watched her with a pinched stare. “Do you not want it?” 
Hange had spent the majority of the day mulling over this same question. Staring a family was a huge, life-changing commitment, something that required  careful forethought and planning. They had not had that luxury. Hange was pregnant now. She had doubts and fears, more than she could ever express, but the idea of simply having a baby—of having this baby—wasn’t upsetting. In the small, brief moments she had allowed herself to imagine a future where she and Levi were parents, where they weren’t wanting for money or time, where things were well, she felt happy. Giddy. The prospect was almost exciting. 
“It’s not that,” Hange said earnestly. “I do—I’ve been thinking about it all day, and I—I do want it. But I just—we had no time to prepare. We have no savings, we have no space, I’m a mess. How are we supposed to take care of a tiny person? Babies are hard work, Levi.”
“You’re already hard work.” 
Hange laughed weakly, and wiped at her face again. Levi pressed a kiss to her raw cheek. 
“We’ll figure it out,” he said.
Hange leaned into him, sighing quietly. 
“Is this the kind of thing we can just figure out?” 
Levi hummed, shrugging his shoulder. His fingers skimmed up beneath Hange’s shirt, splaying over the small of her back and pulling her closer. 
“Why not? We’ve done a good job bullshitting our way through everything else.”  
Hange laughed lightly and bumped the side of her head against Levi’s.  
“This is different, Levi. This is a person. A tiny little person who is going to need me and you to do everything for them. What if we can’t do it? What if we mess up?” 
“Hange.” Levi pulled back a little and his hands came up to grip either side of her face, forcing her to look at him. “Stop. I know all that. But if you want the brat, and I want the brat, we’ve got no choice but to get on with it.” 
“I know, I know, but—wait, you want the baby?” 
Levi maintained eye contact with her, but it seemed to take a concentrated effort to do so. The flush of his cheeks deepened a little and his lips quirked at the corners. No doubt to compensate for the show of emotion, he pulled his face into his customary frown. 
“It’s fine,” he said. Hange fought the urge to roll her eyes and caught his hands as he lowered them from her face, pulling them into her lap. 
“Are you saying that because it’s already too late, or do you want to keep it?” 
Levi’s face took on a look of constipated strain. He curled his lip as though in distaste, then hooked a hand around the back of Hange’s neck and pulled her face to his abruptly, smacking a kiss to her lips. He let his forehead settle against hers and stroked his thumb over the hinge of her jaw. 
He fought to keep his tone neutral, but Hange could hear the happy tremor in his voice as he said again, “It’s fine.”
For the first time since hearing the news that day, Hange allowed herself to feel excited. To accept the idea that she and Levi were about to start their own bizarre little family. That Levi was still with her felt incredible enough, but to know that he was pleased—it was more than she could ever have hoped for. Hange gave a wet laugh and kissed him again. 
“Are you allergic to looking happy?” Hange asked as they broke apart. Levi clicked his tongue and pulled back to flick her square between the eyebrows. She laughed a little louder and leaned to wipe her runny nose on his shoulder. Levi muttered under his breath, but didn’t push her away.  
“Okay,” Hange said, after a moment. She sat back and pushed her hair back from her face. “Okay. We’re having a baby, then.” 
Levi’s rubbed the smile from his lips with the back of his hand, nodding. “We’re having a baby.” 
Hange sunk down to flop back over the pillows. Levi looked down at her, head tilted, chewing the inside of his lip. Hange reached up to brush his fringe off his forehead, warmth spilling in her chest when he held her hand close and turned to kiss her palm. 
She smiled a little playfully, and freed a leg from the sheets to dig her toes into his ribs. 
“If I’d known you wanted kids I would have been significantly less stressed, you know.” 
Levi quirked a brow at her. 
“I’ve told you that before.” 
“No, you haven’t.” 
“I have. At your sisters wedding.” 
Hange racked her brain, searching for the conversation. She remembered the occasion, and she remembered that she and Levi had somehow ended up babysitting Hange’s family brood. She remembered Levi, wrestling to keep her youngest nephew on his lap while the eldest, still only five or six at the time, was clambering up the back of his chair, sticky hands tugging at Levi’s collar. Hange fought hard to recall more of what was said, but could remember nothing at all of Levi announcing that he had wanted one of his own. 
“You said these brats aren’t so bad,” Hange said slowly. 
Levi nodded at her. Hange waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t, only looked at her like there was nothing more he needed to say. 
“That’s it? That’s your idea of telling me you want kids?” 
“The hell else could I have meant?” 
Hange dug her toe at him again but Levi caught her foot this time, pushing it firmly down onto the mattress. Hange reached for him with both arms instead, curling them around the back of his neck and tugging him down quickly. He toppled over her with a quiet oof, and Hange rolled them quickly, straddling his waist and dropping her weight down onto him. 
“That is the kind of thing you say clearly, Levi! These brats aren’t so bad—you’re ridiculous!” 
Levi wrestled with her arms a little longer before giving up and bringing his hands instead to rest low on her hips. He watched her with a curious expression on his face, something open and soft, and then his eyes roved down to her abdomen and his thumbs brushed inwards, beneath the hem of her shirt, stroking over her lower belly. 
This time, he didn’t fight his smile. 
He reached up and pulled her down by the neck, and kissed her soundly. Hange melted against him, welcomed the press of his tongue between her lips, shuddered pleasantly when he nipped at her bottom lip. She went with him willingly as he rolled them both over, nudging a knee between her legs and settling his weight against her. 
She was spreading her legs to make space for him, when he paused suddenly, and pulled back, leaning over the bed and scooping through the discarded back of leaflets. Hange, winded and dishevelled, watched him incredulously as he flicked through the contents of one, then tossed it aside and opened another. 
“What are you doing?” 
Without looking up, Levi replied, “Checking.” 
“Checking what?” 
“I wanna know if we can still—” he waved a hand between them, and went back to searching. 
“We’ve been—” Hange mimicked his gesture, “—up until now anyway.” 
Levi looked up at her, looking mildly horrified. He held up one his open leaflet and said, “You’ve been drinking alcohol, too. You’re not supposed to do that. And look, here—you’re not supposed to overwork. You’ll have to take on less hours at the university. And you’ll eat. Proper damn meals. Every day.” 
Hange flopped back against the pillows, eyes rolling, watching as Levi picked up each new leaflet in turn, pointing out every little adjustment that Hange would have to make. 
“This one says you should get eight to ten hours sleep per night. Every night. And not so much coffee, the caffeine’s bad for the baby.” 
The baby. It sounded surreal. It sounded ridiculous. Levi shifted to sit against the headboard beside her after opening the chunky little What to Expect While Expecting volume Hange had been handed while leaving the doctors. He seemed thoroughly engrossed, and seemingly unaware when one of his hands reached out to pull Hange’s hair free of its ponytail and sink into her hair. She hummed happily as his nails scraped over her scalp. 
Things were still scary, and Hange was still uncertain about how this whole adventure might turn out. But Levi was still with her, and Levi was happy, and that—
—Well, that was good enough. 
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tripleaxeldiaz · 3 years
elmosolyodni for the wordstuck prompts 💕
elmosolyodni: to slowly break out into a genuine smile when being overcome with emotions, like love or utter happiness.
read on ao3
As much as he wanted it to be, as much as he wanted it for himself, Eddie’s never been great at romance. 
His proposal to Shannon was more like a suggestion, a stuttering statement that tumbled out of him when she showed him the positive test six months after their first date. And he didn’t give it much thought again — didn’t have time to think about it — until a couple months into his tour, when his team was swapping stories about wives and husbands over dinner and someone asked, “So Diaz, how’d you pop the question?”
The fact that he didn’t have a story to tell stung more than he thought it would.
He tried to make it up to her — bought her flowers when he was home, took her out for their anniversary every year, but between parenthood and redeployment and the growing chasm between them when he came back the second time, any notion of romance felt harder and harder to hold onto. And when she left, amid the panic and shame and anger, there was also a sadness, a resignation that the romance he’d quietly craved just wasn’t meant for him. He had bills to pay, a kid to take care of, a life to rebuild. Sweeping gestures from him or for him no longer seemed important.
That all changed when he met Buck, as most things in his life did.
Even before they started dating, Eddie wanted to do things for Buck. He wanted to buy him the shirt in the window display that reminded him of his eyes, wanted to make sure that they always had his weird Icelandic yogurt in the fridge for when he stayed over, wanted to wrap him up when he got that broken look on his face and remind him that he is loved by everyone and especially by Eddie. It was a physical need, one he felt in his gut every time, but he’d shut that part of himself off so firmly that all he could do was hope it didn’t linger too long. Buck needed a friend, and he’d be damned if he did anything stupid enough to ruin what they already had, what they’d already built.
It took a bullet ripping through his abdomen to make him realize what a terrible idea that had been.
But a year later wounds are healed, PT is long done, and he wakes up next to Buck every morning feeling happier than he has in almost a decade. He gets to buy the shirt for him, stock up on yogurt, and press himself into Buck’s space until his eyes get their spark back. He can fantasize about the house they’ll buy or the dogs they’ll adopt once Chris moves out.
He can see a titanium ring in the display case of the jewelry store at the mall and perfectly imagine what it would look like on Buck’s finger.
And he can make it all the way to his truck after buying it before the panic starts to set it.
He doesn’t register driving to Maddie and Chim’s until he’s frantically knocking on the door, hoping he heard Buck right and that Maddie’s off today taking care of a sick Jee-yun. The door flies open, and he sees Maddie’s face go from pissed to surprised to confused as she zeros in on the velvet box held limply in his hand.
“Uh, Eddie, that’s really sweet, but there are a lot of reasons why this would never work.”
His laugh is borderline hysterical as he gently pushes into the apartment. “It’s for Buck, but I— we haven’t really— I don’t even know if—” He doesn’t realize he’s pacing until Maddie takes his elbow and steers him to the couch, hands him a glass of water, and pushes him to sit.
“Breathe. Drink,” she says, and he does as his mind keeps spinning. She sets the empty glass on the coffee table and sits in the armchair across from him. “Okay. You want to propose. That’s a good thing, right?”
“Of course.” It’s the best thing, at the very top of a list of things he thought were untoppable.
“Have you guys talked about getting married?”
It wasn’t so much a conversation as a shift in language — one day the phrase “if we get married” changed to “when we get married” and neither of them thought twice about it because it felt so right.
“Sort of,” he settles on.
“And you’re sure he’d say yes?”
“Yes.” There’s few things in life he’s ever been so sure of, no matter what his earlier panic was making him think.
“So what’s the problem?”
He slumps back on the couch, hands running through his hair. “I don’t know how to do it.”
Maddie squints at him. “Eddie, it’s a pretty hard thing to mess up. And you’ve already been married, so don’t you have some practice?”
“That was different,” he says. “Shannon was already pregnant, it was more like a to-do list item than anything else. I didn’t even get her a ring until a couple months later.”
“Well you’re already a step ahead there, so that’s good.”
He sighs, pulling the ring box out of his pocket again and opening it. The thin line of silver running through the black glints in the sunlight, and he can still picture Buck wearing it so clearly, he’s just not sure how it gets there. All he knows is this aching need he can feel in his chest to make sure that however he does it, it’s enough — more than enough — that Buck knows exactly how deep his love runs, exactly how desperately Eddie needs him in his life and by his side.
Maddie moves to sit next to him and takes the box, and Eddie falls back into the cushions again. “I just want it to be perfect for him,” he says quietly. “Romantic. All the stuff people dream about when they think about getting engaged. But I have no idea how to do that.”
Maddie studies the ring for a minute before shutting the box, pressing it into his hand until he looks her in the eye. Her gaze is steady, piercing, and very (scarily) reminiscent of her brother’s. “You are asking him to marry you. It’s already perfect.” The reassurance helps, and it’s easy to smile back at her when she squeezes his hand. 
“But,” she says, reaching for a pen and notebook on the coffee table, “a little romance never killed anyone, so let’s make some lists and figure out what you do and don’t want to do.”
Lists sound good. Eddie can work with lists.
“Rule number one,” she says, already scribbling, “no sporting events. Nothing kills the mood faster than seeing your face on a Jumbotron…”
In the end, none of the lists really matter.
Because two weeks later, they’re sitting on the back patio after dinner, night air cool and lit up around them by the lights Chris insisted on hanging for his last backyard sleepover. Buck’s going on about a patient who tried to insist he could do CPR on himself, and Eddie’s hypnotized by his enthusiasm, the expressiveness of his hands and the joyful blush on his cheeks. He says something that makes both of them laugh, bubbling through the quiet of the neighborhood, and Eddie knows, immediately and with every part of him.
He has to ask Buck now. It’s not the candlelit dinner and walk on the beach he’d decided on with Maddie, nor is it even close to as big and bold as anything else they’d come up with. But none of that matters now because his skin is buzzing and his heart is pounding and he doesn’t want the ring burning in his pocket a minute longer — he wants to swear himself to Buck right here, in this moment that is extraordinarily ordinary and perfectly them. This is a story he wants to tell people over and over, to their family and friends and anyone else who will listen.
The universe must still be trying to make up for the hell it put him through last year, because the playlist coming through their portable speaker changes to something softer, romantic, and Eddie takes his chance before he talks himself out of it.
“Dance with me,” he says, standing and offering his hand to Buck. 
“I’m sorry, are my stories boring?” Buck laughs as he takes his hand, folding into Eddie’s space like he’s always meant to be there, arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him close.
“Never,” Eddie says, and he pauses, because the one thing he and Maddie didn’t talk about was what he actually wanted to say to Buck when he asked. And now that he’s here with very little preparation, the huge, all-encompassing feelings he has for Buck refuse to be wrangled into a few measly sentences. None of the words he can think of feel big enough to capture how deeply his love runs, and he can feel his skin start buzzing for a much more unpleasant reason.
Hands squeeze his waist, zoning him back in and focusing him on Buck, on the crease between his eyebrows and the worry around his mouth. “Everything okay?” he asks, because he always knows when Eddie gets lost in himself, sometimes even before Eddie figures it out. 
Buck knows him better than he knows himself. He doesn’t need big, poetic monologues for Buck to understand what’s going on inside his head.
The buzzing changes again, fueling his determination as he slips his hand into his pocket. “I love you. So much it’s almost scary. But I’m more scared of spending the rest of my life without you,” he holds the ring up between them, “so will you marry me?”
Buck freezes, stopping them both from swaying with the music. Eddie watches his eyes flit between the ring and Eddie and back again, holding his breath as he waits for an answer. Finally, Buck’s eyes lock on Eddie and stay there, a soft smile growing and growing until it’s so incandescently bright that Eddie’s afraid he might have to look away or risk losing his vision.
And then, just as quickly, Buck drops his hands from Eddie’s waist and runs back into the house.
Eddie honestly isn’t sure what to make of this, the only thought running through his head being what the fuck just happened here. But then Buck’s running back outside, still smiling and not-so-secretly holding something behind his back, and now it’s Eddie’s turn to glow.
“You’re joking,” he says quietly, cheeks already hurting from a smile that feels permanent and eyes feeling a little wet.
Buck shakes his head, his eyes shining too as he holds up the velvet box. “Bought it like a month ago when Chris and I went to buy him a new backpack, I had to bribe him with a new video game to keep him quiet. I haven’t even gotten a chance to tell Maddie yet.”
Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if the sheer amount of joy coursing through his veins was making him float a couple inches off the ground. “Is that a yes then?” he asks.
Buck’s laugh is loud and sharp, and Eddie can’t think of a more perfect sound. He takes the ring out and tosses the box aside, holding it up next to the one in Eddie’s hand. “Only if you’ll marry me too.”
It’s a flurry, then, of rings on fingers and breathless kisses and whispers of I love you, I love you so much. The whirlwind settles and they start swaying to the music again, holding each other even closer, and Eddie revels in the new weight on his hand that ties them together. He feels light and loved, completely enveloped in this romance that he’s finally able to give fully and receive just as well. 
Buck takes his hand and places a kiss just below his ring, and Eddie knows this is just the beginning. They have a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of them, and Eddie finally feels like he deserves it.
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sleepy-belphie · 4 years
Hello! I don’t know if you’re doing headcannon requests but if you don’t mind could you do something along the lines of “the brothers find out mc likes to draw and drew the brothers”
Hi! I am doing hc requests so thank you for sending this in! It was actually really fun to write, I really hope you enjoy it <3 Got a little carried away with this one too lol
Tags: @kawaiiblack
He’s doing room checks as usual
And you left your sketchpad/drawing tablet out on your desk
You catch sight of it a bit too late and can only watch as Lucifer moves from your dresser to your desk
He pauses as his eyes spot the sketchpad/tablet
He picks it up and looks at it before glancing at you
“May I?”
You nod and nervously watch him go through your work
His face is unreadable as he goes through drawing after drawing of him and his brothers
It feels like an eternity before he finishes
“Do you do commissions?”
It takes a moment for you to register what he’s said
“I’d like to commission you.”
If you do traditional art he asks for a 30x40 of him and his brothers
If you do digital art he asks for a colored, full-body piece of him and his brothers
He lets you decide how much you want to be paid
But he thinks it’s not enough so he pays you 55,000 Grimm
The 30x40 piece hangs in his study
The colored, full-body piece is printed, framed, and sitting on his desk
He bursts into your room one night when you’re finishing up a drawing of Satan and Asmo
You’re not fast enough to hide it from him
“Is that Satan and Asmo? Oi! Where’s my drawing!?”
Before you can show him anything else he’s speaking again
“N-not that I care! It’s hard to capture this perfection! I can see why you haven’t drawn me!”
He tries to act unbothered, but you can see past his tsundere ways
Once he’s done declaring how unbothered he is, you show him some pieces with him in it
He grabs the pad/tablet excitedly and snatches it from you to marvel over your work
“This is actually really good, ya know? I bet we could make some good Grimm off your little talent.”
You can practically see the dollar signs in his eyes
But you tell him that is not happening and take your pad/tablet back
He’s a bit mopey about it for a little but eventually lets it go when he sees you aren’t budging
When he does have a little bit of Grimm he does commission you for a small piece
The brothers’ eyes almost bulge out of their head when they hear that Mammon actually paid you for work
“What!? The Great Mammon can be nice sometimes! It doesn’t mean anything!”
It means a lot actually
But you’re a pro at reading between the lines with Mammon
He’s on social media when he sees a drawing on his explore page that he’s absolutely in love with
The art style? Immaculate. He wanted to see so many of his favorite game and anime characters in this style
He imagines Ruri-chan in your art style and his brain just *internet dial-up noises* for about five minutes
He goes to the artist’s profile and starts scrolling through all their posted work
He pauses when he comes across a drawing that looked suspiciously like him in his demon form
The face was blacked out but the serpentine tail, the horns, the diamonds on the neck, the side zipped hoodie
It had to be him
In shock, he scrolls back to the top of the profile and checks out the bio and name of the artist
He is greeted by a very familiar face and name
He is in your room less than 2 minutes later
“You! Y-You did this!?”
You almost drop your pad/tablet thanks to his outburst and abrupt entrance
You look at the DDD that was shoved in your face and slowly nod
You thought he was gonna blow up at you for posting a drawing of him, even though his face wasn’t in it
You are very wrong
Levi becomes your #1 source of income
The moment you finish a piece, he is commissioning you again
You worry that he’s draining his bank account because he tips you very well
But he isn’t bothered at all by it
All of your pieces are on display in his room
He also posts all of your art on his social media and tags you
Your page explodes in popularity and the commissions are rolling in from his online friends
You had no idea otakus pay so well
Mammon is very jealous of the amount of Grimm you have piling up
One day he asks you about your hobbies and you tell him you draw
“What do you draw?”
Cue internal conflict on if it’s weird to tell someone you’ve been drawing them and their brothers since you’re always around each other
He senses your hesitation and like the smart ass he is, he’s able to guess exactly why 
“Would your hesitance be because of the subject of your art?”
He knows too much for his own good
You decide it’s best for him to see it instead of telling him
Being a fan of literary art, you were worried he may be overly critical of your fine art
He was not the type to sugarcoat anything
However, he simply smiles and hands your pad/tablet back
“You’re incredibly talented, MC.”
A few days later he asks you to tag along with him while he handles something
That ‘something’ is going to feed some stray cats he’s come across
“MC, I’d like to commission you. I’ve found homes for these cats but I want something to remember them by. Will you help me?”
How can you say no to a man holding four cats in his arms?
You take some photos for reference and make four different pieces for him
When you give them to Satan, you swear you’ve never seen a bigger smile on his face
He framed them all and keeps them on top of his bookshelves
He found out through Levi’s social media
He commissioned you for a piece of him and the protagonist of a game he recently started playing
This piques Asmo’s interest and he wonders if you’ve ever drawn him before
He approaches you when you’re in the kitchen grabbing a drink
“Hi, darling. I saw the piece you did for Levi and naturally if you’ve done one of him you’ve probably drawn my beauty as well, right?”
You decide to show him since he brought it up
He’s gushing over all of your art
No, seriously, he is praising you so much even the tip of your ears start burning from your blush
He commissions you to draw him in many different ways 
Him in his bedroom, him in the bath, him as a mermaid, him as an exotic dancer
He comes to you with so many different ideas
He tests your limits but you actually like that
Beel is rather stoic, but he doesn’t mean to be
It was his resting face and smiling was usually reserved for eating yummy food
But you wanted to practice drawing him with different expressions
Beel’s welcoming manner gave you the courage to approach him and ask if you can take some pictures of him to use for a reference
He’s shocked you wanna draw him but agrees with the condition that he gets to see some of your other work
You show him different pieces of him and his brothers and he’s smiling the entire time
“These are all so good. I didn’t know you could draw.”
He commissions a piece of him and Belphegor and one of all seven brothers
But he also asks if he can watch you draw them
You both spend quite a few nights together
You drawing and him munching on snacks and feeding you some every once in a while
His presence is actually pretty calming so you ask him if he minds staying around while you work even after you finish his commission
Beel being Beel, agrees to keep you company
The night usually ends with him carrying you to bed
Sometimes, he takes you to his bed to cuddle
Belphie was actually the first brother you drew
You came across him asleep in the attic once and he looked so perfect
Your fingers were itching to draw him, so you did
It became a routine for you to head to the attic and draw him while he slept
You always crept out before he woke up
You thought he had no idea of your little practice sessions
But one day you looked down to fix a mistake you made on his nose
When you looked back up you saw Belphie staring right at you
“You know, if you’re gonna draw me the least you can do is show me.”
You try to stammer out an apology as he sits up
“Oh, I don’t care. You don’t make noise or anything, I’m just very hyperaware of my surroundings. So I know when someone is in the same room as me when I sleep.”
He moves over to you and looks at your pad/tablet
“Hm, not bad MC. Show me your other work some time.”
Then he goes back to his sleeping spot, curls up, and falls back asleep
You sit there with your pencil/stylus in your hand, trying to wrap your head around what just happened
But he didn’t seem disturbed so you continue drawing
When he wakes up you show him more of your work featuring his brothers
He asks if he can have a quick sketch you did of him and Beel 
You jokingly say he has to pay for it
He actually pays you for it
He puts it up in his room
It’s nice to see when you visit him and Beel
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Hey. Hey you. Idea time.
Teacher aus, not enough. Like after the whole Mr. WasTaken stuff where Dream was acting like a teacher and everything!? Just imagine a whole school Au!
Techno teachin English and he adores his kids but he’d be damned before he admits it. That one teacher who’s like “learn from history before it repeats itself.” Hates being forced to do a Shakespeare unit.
Sapnap teaching P.E. And encouraging even the less athletic kids to at least do something physical in his class. You know he pulls a prank with the Fitness Gram Pacer Test more than a few times.
George being a history teacher, I don’t know he just super fits the vibe of that one teacher you always adore who’s like “don’t worry too much about this class.”
Bad boy halo as a science teacher, man’s is the kind of teacher to give candy out to the kids who answer the questions so he can encourage attentiveness. (He teaches physical science and Skeppy teaches geoscience across the hall)
And like, much much much more, but the most important part here,
Could you totally do a reader x Dream where Readers an English teacher and Dreams a Maths teacher? :)
With all the love- 🌻 strikes again.
🌻 you have my whole heart. All of it. Because you literally have requested my dream au (pun sort of intended). Literally like this is going to be so self indulgent because I love this with my whole heart and the amount of times I have fantasized about this (especially with me studying to be an English teacher and Dream with his statistics and stuff) is too many times to count. So you literally have given me an excuse to be hella self indulgent on my own blog and I could kiss you on the mouth for it. This is a few like headcanon type things and a little bit of plot at the end. 
I do have my own ideas of what role everyone has in the school and if anyone is interested I will definitely post those too! But for the main part, you just need to know the reader is an English teacher and Dream is a Math teacher. (But also completely agree with our beloved’s ideas about some of the other boys here and I definitely have assigned everyone their own subject haha)
We’re going to just start out with this general note: Everyone in the school ships you. Teachers, Staff, Students, Principal Philza, all of them want to see you and Dream end up together. You two hang out and playfully flirt all of the time. 
Dream is almost late to school every morning. He has a horrible sleep schedule and so it causes him to wake up 30 minutes before he needs to be at school. You know this and so every morning you bring Dream coffee and something for breakfast. A donut, fruit, oatmeal, scone, just a little something to help him get until lunch. He is very grateful for it and always accepts your offer. When you first started doing it, he always felt really guilty about it. But you kept doing it and refused to take his money and so he came up with a new way to pay you back. 
You two share the same prep period. Prep period, if you didn’t know, is a free period that teachers have where they don’t have a class to teach and they can use it to lesson prep, prep materials, grade papers, or just relax. So your prep period is two classes after lunch and so you always get a little bit snackish around this time and so in order to pay you back for you bringing him breakfast, Dream brings you a little snack every day. Something small, bag of chips, granola bar, some crackers, just a little snack to get you through the rest of the day. You two also spend your prep periods together. Sometimes you chat about your days, students, lessons, standards you have to meet. Sometimes you two just work in silence on your respect tasks. Usually if a student wants to talk to you during your prep period and they can’t find you in your room, they immediately check Dream’s right after because that’s where you would be. And the same for him and his students, if they need something and he’s not in his room, he’s definitely in yours. 
You two also have lunch duty together. You two are in charge of monitoring the cafeteria and making sure that there are no fights breaking out, no food fights, just making sure everything is okay. So often times, you two take a walk around the cafeteria and just watch all the kids until all have been seated, and then you two grab some lunch for yourselves and eat together. Sometimes, kids will come over to where you’re sitting and chat with you, a lot of the time when that happens they’re trying to push you two together. You just roll your eyes and laugh them off. 
You two crash each other’s classes all the time. For random reasons too. It started when Dream had left a few copies of a worksheet on the printer and you just so happened to print some things and pick them up. His classroom was on the way to yours and so you decided you would be a good co-worker and drop them off for him. So you did, not bothering to knock before you enter. All eyes snap to you as you walk into his classroom. Dream is in the middle of teaching. His arm is extended as he points to something on the blackboard. His emerald eyes meet yours and he looks shocked but he smiles. “Teacher Y/L/N… Is there something I can help you with?” You smile back at him and hold up the worksheets, “Sorry to interrupt. Left some on the printer Mr. WasTaken,” you tell him, walking over to his desk and setting the papers down. “Ah. Thank you, I appreciate it.” You give him a small shrug, “Of course. Have a good class. Pay attention!” You call to the class cheerfully before heading out and heading to your own classroom. 
That day you opened a door you couldn’t shut. Every once in a while now, while you’re in the middle of teaching, the door will swing open and Dream will waltz in with a paper or something in his hand and go over to your desk before giving you a wave and a wink and heading back out. So you decided to do it too, even if you have nothing to give him. Students look forward to your classes now because they never know if the other one of you will make an appearance. One time, Dream walked in and you were so engrossed in teaching that you didn’t even notice. He walked over to your desks and took a seat and just lost himself in watching you teach. About 10 minutes later there is a knock on your door, startling everyone out of their focus. The door opens and there’s Tommy with a wicked grin on his face. His eyes immediately find Dream and he smirks, “Mr. WasTaken… Would you like to join the rest of us in class?” Dream manages to keep the blush off of his face, but he is internally dying. To save some embarrassment he says, “Yes I’ll be there in just a moment. I had a question for Teacher Y/L/N and I didn’t want to interrupt. Go back to class Tommy.” Tommy rolls his eyes but complies. You rush over to Dream and duck your head near his and speak in a low tone, “I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize you came in, what was your question?” Dream is a little baffled and thrown off, because he doesn’t have one. “Oh. I’ll just come back later and ask. Sorry for the interruption.” And before you can say anything else, he’s out the door. 
You and Dream often charapone school dances. You two, much like when you have lunch duty, patrol around and make sure everyone is having a good time but is also behaving themselves. Students are always trying to push you two together during this, asking Mr. WasTaken if he’s going to ask you to the dance or at least ask you to dance. He always laughs and says no, no he’s not. Until one time he does. 
He definitely gets his students in on it. He buys a bunch of flowers and has the students line the hall making a path from the entrance doors to his room. So when you arrive in the morning and begin your usual path to his room to drop off breakfast, you’re surprised to find a line of students offering flowers to you. You carefully take each flower and make your way down to Dream’s room. When you get to the end you find Dream standing there with a cheesy grin and an even cheesier sign. ‘I would love it if you could say that you was taken to the dance by Mr. WasTaken.’ You can’t help but let out a laugh and nod at the sign. “Yeah?” Dream asks to confirm. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll go to the dance with you Mr. WasTaken… by the way, it’s you were taken to the dance,” you tease him lightly, reaching out and giving him a small hug before handing him his breakfast. He takes it, rolls his eyes, and hands you the sign. “English teachers.” 
The day of the dance comes and you and Dream arrive together. He picks you up from your house and brings you a bouquet of flowers, red roses and sunflowers. Your outfit would match his and you would look stunning. It would literally take Dream a few tries to snap out of the trance you put him in. But he’s the perfect gentleman, opens the car door for you and closes it before getting in and driving to the school where he does the same thing, opening the car door and helping you out before closing it. 
You two would have arrived a bit earlier before the dance actually started to make sure everything was taken care of. You two would definitely jokingly get your photo taken by the professional photographer that they hired for the event. It was a joke, but the picture came out so good and was just too good to pass up. 
You two don’t leave each other’s side the entire night. You two just stick side by side the entire night, just watching the kids. You two join the students sometimes on the dance floor, vibing to the fast pace songs they played. Every time a slow song came on, the students tried to push you together and get you to dance together. “Who asks someone to be their date and doesn’t slow dance with them?” But you two just ignore the students and shoo them off to dance with each other and stuff. It’s not until they announce the final song of the night does Dream actually finally get bold enough to ask you to slow dance with him. Your face heats up at the extended hand and the hopeful look on his face but you accept it and the two of you dance. You somehow manage to end up in the middle of the room and even though there are plenty of people slow dancing, all eyes are on you two. You don’t care though. At some point, you lean forward and rest your head on Dream’s chest. You could very clearly hear his heart racing faster than you would think possible and you can’t help but wonder if it’s because of you. 
As the song ends, you manage to pull your head away from him. You look up at him and find him already staring at you. You two just stare at each other for a few moments before Dream makes a bold move. He carefully leans forward and presses his lips to yours. You immediately kiss back, ecstatic that your feelings were returned. Around you, the entire gym bursts into cheers and applause and “FINALLY!!!!” 
You pull away from Dream, giggling a little bit at the reaction of everyone. Dream doesn’t let you get far though. He tilts his head forward and connects your lips once more. “I just got you, I’m not letting you get away from me that easily.” You just giggle at that and kiss him back. 
You two don’t pull away until the song is completely over. When you pull apart and look around, you find everyone staring at you. Some students even have their phones out and were recording you. The two of you just laugh and roll your eyes. “Dance is over… Get out,” Dream jokingly calls out to everyone causing waves of laughter to rumble through the crowds as everyone snaps out of their trance and begin to move. You and Dream stay to help clean up a bit after the dance before the two of you leave, this time hand in hand. 
Dream would drop you off at home. He walks you to your front door and waits as you unlock the door. It’s quiet for a moment as you two try to figure out the next step. Dream finally clears his throat and offers you a sheepish smile. “I’ll see you Monday then?” You almost immediately answer with a ‘yep sounds good’ but stop yourself. “Actually… If you weren’t too busy, do you want to come in and watch a movie or something?” Dream grins at the offer and nods. “I’d love to… Thank you.” 
The two of you head inside and just hang out for a while. You watch movies and cuddle on the couch. It gets to be really late and you refuse to let Dream drive home this late so he sleeps on your couch. The next morning you have a nice breakfast together before Dream tells you he really should get going, he still has some tests to grade. You of course understand that teacher grind and so you walk him to your door. Dream gives you a kiss before heading out and telling you he would see you tomorrow. 
Walking back inside, you find his suit jacket laid over the couch. You decide to hold on to it. You’ll see him tomorrow anyway, you’ll just give it to him then. So the next morning rolls around and you arrive at school, the suit jacket adorning your shoulders. It makes everyone stop, look, and smile. You don’t even notice really. You make your way to Dream’s classroom, walking right in as normal. Dream glances up to see who it was before looking back to his work but he immediately looks back up in a double take. And he just stares. You extend the breakfast out to him and he doesn’t take it. Just stares. You’re confused. 
“Dream?” He extends a finger and points at you, “You’re wearing… that’s my… that’s mine.” he manages to stutter out. You look at your shoulders and realize. “Oh. Right. Sorry. Here,” you say, trying to shrug off the jacket and hand it to him, but he stops you. “No, no, no. It’s fine… It’s better than fine. It looks good. Keep it on… Please?” He sounds so genuine that you pull the jacket back on, over your shoulder. “Okay… I’ll see you at lunch?” You ask, heading toward his door. He gives you a grin and a nod, “It’s a date.” Well that’s new…. But not unwelcome. “It’s a date.” 
You two begin dating shortly after that. You also find out that there were two betting pools going on. One between teachers and staff and the other between students. The teacher that won? Techno. The student? Tubbo. Had you found out sooner, you probably would have been offended but now it just made you laugh. Your new relationship didn’t change anything really. You still did all of the things that you usually did, you just now could kiss each other. You definitely didn’t do PDA in front of the students for obvious reasons, but you two couldn’t be happier.
Thank you again so much for letting me do this  🌻 anon. This was very self indulgent and just thank you :)
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Hot Springs - Lucifer x Reader
Warnings // 18+/NSFW, praise in the form of “good girl,” oral sex, female reader Word count: 2.6k
Happy hot springs theme day 💦 Here’s another Lucifer piece about getting eaten out at the hot springs because horny writing brain go brrrr. I hope you enjoy. I am also terrible at coming up with titles
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I can’t sleep.
You groan inwardly and sigh, turning your body to stare at the ceiling, your eyes practically glazing over. To your left, Mammon snores loudly; a sound akin to a chainsaw, and something you didn’t even think he was capable of.
“Ya gotta sleep next to me, MC! If any of my brothers even try to touch a hair on your head, I’ll kill ‘em.”
“Fine, fine,” you agreed hurriedly, already pulling the blanket over your head, gripped with exhaustion. “Goodnight, Mammon.”
I should have brought fucking ear plugs.
You roll over to your right side, where Levi sleeps peacefully, clutching his Ruri-chan body pillow close to his chest. You’re pretty sure you can hear him mumbling her name every so often, and your eyes squeeze shut in frustration, knowing that the likelihood of actually achieving a deep, restful sleep is growing lower by the second as you inhale deeply.
With a groan, you rise, feet padding softly across the smooth, wooden floor. Perhaps a soak in the onsen would make you drowsy and relaxed enough to actually be able to sleep through all the surrounding noise. Grabbing a towel and pausing briefly before leaving the room, you look down at yourself. A minuscule, though beautifully ornate silk robe barely covers your naked body; although it was customary to enter the hot spring completely nude, you couldn’t help but feel extremely self-conscious. Thankfully, Diavolo had rented out the entire place for the night, so no other beings were there, save for the demon brothers.
And, thankfully, everyone else was still asleep. As much as you love the demon brothers, sometimes it felt amazing to have a few waking moments to yourself, and the idea of spending that alone time in a steamy, relaxing hot spring? Bliss.
Carefully opening the sliding doors leading to the spring, careful to not wake anyone, you step out into the onsen. Steam rises steadily from the hot water, caressing your face as a slight breeze carries wisps of it towards you. The tension already begins to loosen from your neck and shoulders, taking in the sights of the artfully-placed rocks and trees around you. Slowly, you walk towards the stone steps leading into the water and dip your feet in, testing the temperature. Perfect.
You look back over your shoulder for a brief moment before you begin to untie your robe and open the front. Despite the warmth radiating from the water, a shiver passes through your body at the sudden exposure to the still slightly cool night air. You shrug the robe the rest of the way off, folding it carefully and setting it on a nearby bench, along with the towel.
Knowing it is customary to be clean before entering the spring, you wash off at the bathing station situated near the sliding doors, careful to remove any traces of soap before finally stepping into the hot spring. A deep, satisfied sigh escapes you as your body submerges beneath the warm, tranquil waters. Steam rises up towards you and your eyes close as you sit, tipping your head back to rest against the side of the spring. Your face turns up to the perpetually night sky of the Devildom, the light of the moon illuminating everything around you in an almost ethereal glow; stars, scattered across the sky, glitter like moon dust, looking almost as if they’re sparkling.
“Are my brothers causing mischief, my dear MC?”
The voice rings out, disturbing your fleeting serenity as you startle with a gasp. Your eyes open quickly and you look around in a panic for the source of the mysterious voice before your gaze settles on the demon standing at the edge of the spring, wrapped in a short, blue robe.
“L-Lucifer?” you manage to gasp in surprise. “I thought you were asleep. What are you-”
“I should be asking you the same question, my dear. Shouldn’t you be getting some rest?” Lucifer retorts. He can sense your shock, and he smirks inwardly, keeping his expression neutral.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you mumble. “Mammon snores like a chainsaw, Levi was having dreams about doing who knows what to his body pillow, and I just...wanted to relax…”
“An excellent place you’ve chosen to come to do so, then. Although we are in the Devildom, Lord Diavolo had to have an onsen of our own developed after experiencing a traditional one in your world, in Japan. The waters here are not geothermal as they naturally are in Japanese onsens; however, magic can replace virtually anything we are unable to replicate. The effects are still much the same, as evidenced by your relaxed state before I, unfortunately, disturbed you.”
The smirk tugs Lucifer’s lips upwards, though he quickly replaces it with a chuckle and a cordial smile, his eyes closing briefly before they open again, setting his intense crimson gaze upon you. Realizing you are fully naked beneath the steaming water, the blood rushing to your face and making the temperature of the water seem almost chilly in comparison to the heat in your cheeks. Thankfully, the water is opaque, masking your nudity, though you can’t help but squeeze your legs together and crossing your arms over your chest in a feeble attempt to mask the fact.
Lucifer chuckles softly once more, moving to loosen the strings of his robe.
“Would you mind if I join you, MC? It seems I am in need of some relaxation as well,” he asks, his voice a low timbre, as though teasing in its slight lilt. “Though it is not customary for men and women to bathe together in Japanese hot springs, we do not typically adhere to that rule here. Of course, I will respect your wishes if you decline and wish to bathe privately.”
“N-no, it’s fine,” you stutter in response. “Feel free.”
“As you wish, then.”
Your eyes widen, gaze transfixed as Lucifer finally loosens the knot holding his robe together in the front. The silken, azure fabric hangs loosely on either side, and the prideful demon smirks once more, noting your enraptured attention. Teasingly, he slides the robe off his well-defined shoulders, pausing to tilt his head and flash you a knowing smile.
“Enjoying the view?” he purrs.
With a loud cough and a swallow, you turn your head to gaze directly in front of you, studying the intricate shrubbery and not dignify his remark with a response. 
Don’t look, don’t you dare look. 
The heat rushes back to your cheeks and you force yourself to tilt your head back, only relaxing when you hear Lucifer step into the spring. Bringing your head back forward, you see him seated across from you in the steaming waters, a wolfish grin on your face.
“I should come here more often,” Lucifer remarks casually. “It is absolutely lovely not to have someone getting into trouble and disturbing my peace and quiet.”
He’s naked under the water. Naked. I wonder what he- 
You feel your body tense at the intrusive thought and are unable to stop yourself from groaning softly, clapping a hand over your mouth as you realize you’ve completely given yourself away. Lucifer’s grin deepens, and he leans forward as those beautiful, deep garnet eyes bore into yours.
“You look a bit tense there, my dear,” he coos. “I can offer a shoulder massage if you’d like.”
“Oh, u-um… that would be nice,” you admit.
“Come a bit closer then, my dear. I may be a strong demon, but even I cannot stretch my body that far,” he teases.
Nodding slowly, you rise ever so slightly, keeping your arms tightly crossed in front of your chest and careful not to expose any more of your body from beneath the opaque water. Up close, you realize Lucifer is even more handsome, and you can feel your heart pounding beneath your rib cage, thump, thump, thump. You turn around, back facing him, grateful for the sounds of the small stream of water flowing steadily in a fountain by the spring masking the sound of your heartbeat, loud enough that surely he would be able to hear.
He brings his hands to your shoulders, moving closer. At the touch of his hands and the feel of his proximity, you start. Chuckling, Lucifer begins to knead the tense muscles with careful motions, using his thumbs to work out the tight knots he can feel beneath your skin.
“Uncross your arms for me, my dear,” he instructs. “You are carrying so much tension, and I cannot help you properly when you are not relaxed.”
With a sigh, you drop your arms to your sides, resting them in your lap. Lucifer’s touch is relaxing, satisfying, and you can feel the tension begin to melt from your shoulders as he continues to work the tender muscles. Blissfully, your head drops back, hair fanning out in the water as a soft groan, almost like a moan falls from your lips. The demon smirks as he continues his ministrations, moving even closer to you, though you barely notice the heat of his body nearly right against yours, your eyes closed in peaceful relaxation.
“That’s a good girl, stay just like that…,” he instructs.
Lucifer’s praise causes your heart to race even faster, your eyes opening as you feel your thighs pressing together. He notes your reaction, leaning forward to press a soft kiss into the delicate skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder. You shudder in pleasure, letting out a definite moan this time, finding yourself leaning back against him, your back nearly pressed to his chest. Grinning against your skin, he nibbles gently at first before biting down a bit firmer, his hands continuing their work on your shoulders.
“Such a good girl…”
Lucifer’s hands move from your shoulders to trace a path down the generous curve of your waist, his mouth finding purchase on your now relaxed shoulder as he presses another kiss there. One hand reaches up to thread his fingers into your hair lightly, tugging your head to the side before crashing his lips against yours in a feverish kiss, much like the water and the skin of your bodies. The kiss is deep, intimate; it speaks a thousand words full of want, of need, of dark desire without a single utterance. Your tongues dance with one another as soft gasps of pleasant surprise and arousal escape you and him, your thighs squeezing together under the water, now wet in more ways than simply being submerged beneath it.
Biting your lip and pulling away from the kiss, Lucifer’s hand moves to your bare breast, groping it lightly before rolling your nipple between his thumb and index finger, savoring your sweet moans. His cock twitches, already hard and pressing against your back. Grinning, he tugs at your hair again, tilting your head back until you look up at him; eyes half-lidded, nearly glazed over and blown-out with lust.
“Naughty, naughty girl,” Lucifer teases. “I offer you a relaxing massage, and you turn it into anything but. I suppose I’ll have to find another way to ease the tension in your body. Especially-”
He pauses, moving his hands to caress the soft, fleshy skin of your inner thighs, briefly teasing a few fingers between your legs before pulling them away, relishing your lewd gasps.
“-right here. Yes, it seems you are very much still tense. My, my, we certainly will have to remedy that, won’t we, my naughty girl?”
“Y-yes,” you whimper, pressing your back harder against him. 
Suddenly, you are teeming with need, nearly keening at the thought of having Lucifer between your legs. In one swift movement, he picks you up, quickly turning you around to lift you out of the water and set you on the side of the hot spring. Feeling the sudden difference in temperature, you shudder. Droplets of water glisten in the shining moonlight as they travel down your body. He grins at your shudder as he begins laying you back gently and spreading your legs, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh before biting down into the skin, pausing briefly to admire the indentation of his teeth that will surely welt and leave a mark behind later.
“Don’t worry, pet. I’ll be sure to warm you up,” Lucifer says, biting down once more. “Now, lay back and relax for me.”
Obeying his command, you lay your back flat against the cool stone, your heart continuing to thump like someone is revving an engine. Lucifer teases a few fingers between your legs, his thumb circling your swollen clit, eliciting a loud, lewd cry as he does so. Pressing a kiss to your pelvic bone, he gently sucks the skin into his mouth and biting into the skin there, intent on leaving more marks. He moves to the other side, repeating his actions before lowering himself down between your legs to your wet, dripping core, practically quivering in anticipation. He smiles before his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your core until he reaches your clit, swirling it tantalizingly slow around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Lucifer’s lips close around it, sucking. Your back arches, reaching your hands forward to weave your fingers into his hair. Bucking your hips against his face, he smirks, moaning into your skin and continuing to suck on your clit, alternating between stimulating it with his tongue and lightly grazing his teeth across it.
“Good girl, so good for me,” Lucifer moans. “You taste so fucking sweet, pet.”
Sliding two fingers inside you, he curls and pumps them skillfully to press against your sweet spot. A louder, more high-pitched moan falls from your lips, taking his name with it as it echoes across the otherwise serene tranquility of the onsen.
“L-Lucifer- ah, it feels so good-”
Frantic with desire, you begin to roll your hips rhythmically towards his face, increasing the pressure of his tongue and fingers. Lucifer slides a third finger into you, desperately savoring the delicious sounds of your desperation as he, too, can’t stop himself from moaning into your skin. He laps at your sweet essence, eager to taste all of you, to wet his cock between your tight, warm walls and help ease his own tension between his hips, a fire stirring in his belly.
“Lucifer!” Crying out his name in a wanton gasp, you begin to feel yourself tighten around his fingers. “Lucifer, I-I’m going to cum-”
“Good girl,” Lucifer groans. “Cum hard for me, princess.”
His praise pushes you over the edge, immense pleasure washing over your body in waves as you writhe against the stone, arching your back. Your body jerks forward, slightly, and your lips part to scream in pleasure, his name falling from your lips over and over, growing in volume and pitch with every syllable. Grinning, Lucifer slowly slides his fingers out of you, pressing a kiss to your clit as he pulls back. You whimper at the loss of his fingers, aching for the sensation of him filling you once more. He reaches for your arm to slowly pull you up to a sitting position.
Standing from the water and moving his hands to your hips, he lifts you up to pull you close to him, hips perched on the edge of the spring against the rock. Your bare chests press together as he lifts your legs, resting them against his shoulders. He slides his cock into you with ease, and he groans, tipping his head back briefly at the feeling of your wet, warm heat gripping him so tightly. You moan, fingers curling against the wet stone beneath you as you finally gain the much-need stretch of his cock buried between your legs.
“I believe I have some tension of my own that needs to be worked out.”
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coltsbitch · 4 years
figure it out ~ colt grice x reader
colt grice x reader; 6.5k words; nsfw summary: colt is determined to proving himself in any test, even if that means figuring out why you were staring at him...?
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“I suppose congratulations are in order.” You smile when Colt jumps slightly at the sound of your voice.
“So, you heard?”
“Magath made sure to come tell the rest of us after you got pulled from training. Wanted to remind us we’re still scum, maybe even a little bit more so since we weren’t chosen.”
It probably wasn’t the best thing to say, you can already see Colt feels badly, as he rubs his neck, “I’m sorry. You know, the Cart and Armor titan successors will be selected soon enough.”
“It’s okay Colt, it was never in the cards for me. Not being in your class and all.” You shrug, giving him a sly smile thinking of how hard he’s been training these last few years, desperate to redeem his family’s betrayal to Marley. But you suppose that’s something the current Beast titan has in common.
“I wouldn’t give up hope yet.” He flashes you a grin that makes you feel weak in the knees.
But with being so dedicated to inheriting a titan, you know Colt has never so much strayed an eye off his goal. No use dwelling on those smiles he sends your way.
“Well, I’m sure with being selected you can finally ease up on the studying and training that’s consumed your life, if you wanted to go get a soda or something?”
You already know your answer when Colt’s face screws up in that apologetic look he gets, “I’m supposed to be meeting with War Chief Zeke.”
“Really not waiting a moment for this training to begin, huh? Is he going to tell you all the secrets to being a titan?” You tease, hoping your disappointment is masked in your voice.
Colt laughs slightly, “Not sure, but he told me to bring a catcher’s mitt.” He gestures to the leather in his hand.
Speak of the devil, you see the War Chief rounding the corner, “Colt.” He calls out, not bothering to come any closer.
“Well, don’t let me keep you.”
Colt looks over his shoulder, and then back of you, seeing what maybe your mind is wanting to be a flash of regret in his eyes, “Another time, okay?”
You smile and nod as you watch his retreating form. But another time will probably never come, just like it hasn’t every other time he made that promise. It’s pathetic the way you throw yourself after him, every other warrior candidate thinks the same thing. You’re not sure if the ignorance or the whispers hurt more.
Whispers that Colt definitely has never heard, too focused to give petty gossip the time of day. Which you’re thankful for, you’re not sure how you would handle Colt knowing about your massive infatuation with him. But with the way things are going, it’s likely he never will.
Kicking a rock and huffing to yourself you turn down the street to return to Liberio.
“Who’s the girl?”
It’s been almost three months since Colt was selected to inherit the Beast Titan. And while Colt knows there’s still over two years until his terms starts, he wonders if there will ever be anything more than playing catch with War Chief Zeke.
Colt throws the ball back, “What do you mean?”
Zeke just raises an eyebrow, his eyes drifting to the line of warrior candidates where you stand, clearly sneaking peaks at the two.
“Oh, her?” Colt drops his hand, his focus on you instead of the ball heading his way, “Ouf!” He groans, bending over trying to catch his breath from where the ball had knocked it out.
“Never take your eye off the target.” Zeke is standing before Colt, hand outstretched.
“Right.” Colt stands grabbing the War Chief’s hand, his eyes drifting to you, where now you’re openly watching, concern on your face. Colt sends a smile, more of a grimace, your way before following Zeke.
Zeke puts a cigarette between his lips, lighting the end. He takes a deep inhale, smoke wafting around Colt’s face, “You never answered.”
“Oh. She’s just a friend from my warrior class.”
“Watches you a lot.”
Colt doesn’t respond because he doesn’t know what Zeke means by that. You don’t watch him, at least, not more than you watch any other person. Right?
“You don’t notice?” Colt shakes his head, “Well figure it out.”
“Sir?” Colt cocks his head.
“Part of being a Titan Warrior is being strategic. Knowing what the enemy is thinking before it even crosses their mind.”
“I’d assume she’s still hurt she wasn’t selected to inherit your titan.”
Zeke lets out a mixture of a laugh and scoff, “I’ve never talked to the girl and I already know that’s wrong. Consider this your first test. Report back to me tomorrow.”
Colt nods eagerly at the thought of impressing the War Chief tomorrow, now he just needs to find you and get an explanation, even if he isn’t too convinced you were even looking at him in the first place.
Colt waits for you outside the gates of the training grounds. He watches as you and another warrior candidate come closer, the smile on your face is a pleasant sight. He likes when your eyes crinkle because of how wide your smile can get. But that’s not the point right now. He needs to focus on the task at hand.
“Colt!” You call out as soon as you spot him leaning against the wall, waving your arm wildly.
He waves back as you split off from your friend.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” You’re a little breathless from jogging up to Colt, hoping you didn’t look too desperate to be in his presence.
Colt smiles and rubs the back of his neck, “Yeah. War Chief Zeke has me in a pretty tight schedule.”
“Well, you seem to be free now.” You comment off handedly, you know he’s probably on his way to another meeting or another training, just passing by and decided to say hi.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m here. I was hoping we could go for a walk or something?”
“Wait, really?” You ask incredulously, this man has never had a free minute in his life. And now that he does, he wants to spend it with you? You might faint.
“Unless you have somewhere to be.”
“No!” You shout, making Colt to jump slightly, “I mean, I’d love to.” Nodding too much, “How about you show me around the barracks? I’ve always wondered what it’s like to live in style.” You laugh.
“Okay but believe me when I tell you it’s not much.”
“Lead the way.”
Colt smiles and turns leading you down the block to the giant brick building.
The two of you catch up about the things he’s missed since being pulled from training. The different candidates that have dropped and joined. He tells you about all the things he’s learning, which isn’t much.
“It’s just a lot of playing catch.” Colt opens a door leading to his private dorm, “I mean we talk while we do it, but not how I imagined it going.”
You follow behind him into the sparse room, there’s the bare minimum of furniture, as most Eldians are lucky to even have. “Wow, you sure know how to decorate.”
Colt smiles, “I still try to go home as much as I can. My parents are proud, but I know Falco misses me more than he lets on.”
“A truly selfless big brother you are.” You nudge him with your elbow.
“Ah.” Colt grimaces, hand flying to where your elbow dug into his stomach.
“Are you alright?”
Colt huffs a laugh, rubbing is side, “War Chief Zeke’s throws sure pack a punch.”
“Was that from yesterday? When the ball caught you in the side?”
Colt nods, “It’s no big deal. Just a pretty nasty bruise.”
“Well at least let me look at it. I did rank higher than you in our first aid training.” You reach for his side before he turns away from you.
“Why were you staring at me yesterday?”
You freeze your movements and feel your face heat up, “What are you talking about?”
“War Chief Zeke says you were staring at me. Why?”
Mortification is all you can feel right now, “I wasn’t starring at you! And besides, I just felt bad that you got nailed in the stomach because you weren’t paying attention!” You all but stomp your foot. There’s no way he noticed you since he never has before. Which means War Chief Zeke must have pointed it out, which honestly might be worse than Colt noticing on his own.
“It was just a question. There’s no reason to get upset.”
“I’m not upset! And you’re being an idiot!” You know it wasn’t the best comeback, but you didn’t know what else to say. With that you turn around and fly down the hallway, ignoring Colt when he calls after you.
“She said she wasn’t starring at me.”
“Hmm?” Zeke doesn’t look up from the papers on his desk.
“Well, I tried to complete the test you assigned me yesterday, but she said she wasn’t staring at me, sir.”
Zeke looks up and studies Colt for a moment before sighing and leaning back in his chair, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. Colt feels a rock settle in his stomach. It’s the first time the War Chief has really asked anything of him aside from playing catch and he’s let him down. He’s going to be stripped of titan before he even gets it, and his family will be at risk, maybe even more so than before. Falco will have to become a warrior to save them now. That’s something he was hoping to avoid, but it could already be too late for Colt anyway.
Colt is broken from his thoughts when he realizes Zeke is laughing, “Sir?”
“Don’t tell me you outright asked her?”
“Well.” Colt trails off, “I figured a head on tactic would be most successful.”
Zeke laughs to himself, rising from his chair to open a window, “One of your highest marks was in tactical and strategic planning, but I guess that only applied to categories of war.” Zeke pulls a cigarette, “Have a seat, Colt.”
Colt sits as the War Chief rounds the desk, smoke clouds in his wake. “Do you know much of the person who possessed the Beast before me?” Zeke leans against the desk.
“Tom Ksaver, sir.”
“Yes. Tom helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life, was more of a father to me than Grisha ever was.” Zeke takes a long drag, “I’d like to help you that way in the years I have remaining.”
“Of course, sir. I’d truly appreciate it.” Colt nods.
“Well, let’s start with yesterday. How exactly did you figure out that she wasn’t staring?” Zeke has a smile on his face like he knows something Colt doesn’t. Which isn’t necessarily uncommon, but Colt feels like he’s missing something here he should know.
“Well, I had given her a tour of the barracks, and she was asking to examine the bruise on my side from playing catch and I asked why she was looking at me then anyway. As you pointed out, sir. And she told me she wasn’t.”
Zeke takes a last drag from his cigarette before putting it out in the ash tray, “Let me get this straight. The two of you were alone in your room?”
Colt’s eyes widen, “I’m sorry, sir. I should have asked for permission before bringing her in there.”
Zeke continues, not even acknowledging Colt’s apology, “And she was asking you to remove your shirt, which is when you decided was the best time to question her stares?”
Zeke’s silence bares down on Colt, and he’s about to break the silence when Zeke let’s out a deep hearty laugh, “I’m assuming the years you’ve spent as a warrior candidate have had you focused on your training and nothing else.”
Colt nods, slightly confused, “Of course sir. I wanted to redeem my family’s sins against Marley.”
Zeke nods, understanding all too well, “And you’ve done it. The next inheritor of the Beast Titan. It’s safe to say the Grice family is in good standards.” Colt nods as Zeke continues, “And you’ll have plenty to learn now, and I’ll try my best to prepare you. Most will come on your own, long after I’m gone.” Zeke pauses to pick up the baseball that always sits on the edge of his desk. “Doesn’t mean now’s the time to slack off, but I’m sure a little excitement in your life could do you well.”
“I’m not sure I follow.”
“The brightest can truly be the densest.” Zeke mutters to himself, “If I were a betting man, I would say she has a schoolgirl crush on you.”
“What! Me?” Colt shouts.
“Who knows, might not be exactly schoolgirl either. I’m assuming you’re aware of the sexual innerworkings between individuals?”
Colt feels his face go red, this is not what he thought warrior training would entail.
“Colt. The second you were selected to inherit a titan, your life became a countdown. Don’t waste the moments you would regret.”
“I thought Warriors didn’t bother with things like that for the same reason exactly.”
Zeke hums, throwing his ball into the air a few times before placing it on the desk again, “Now that is something we can discuss at a later date. But as for now, I’d say take the day to make amends with your friend.”
“Are you sure, sir? I only just arrived.”
Zeke scoffs, “Please go.”
You barely had the energy to make it to the training grounds today. Laying in your bed all night replaying the Colt’s words in your head made sleep elusive. Not the typical thoughts of Colt that kept you up at night.
Never in your life had you been so embarrassed. Maybe you should drop out of the Warrior program all together. It’s not like you’ll ever inherit a titan anyway, and if you found a job in Liberio it would be easier to avoid Colt for the rest of your life.
Well, you suppose it would only to be about fifteen years of hiding, and then his term would come to an end anyway. The thought makes your stomach churn, and you wish it had never entered your brain in the first place.
The day drags on. When you’re finally free, you say quick goodbyes to your friends hoping to get home and crawl into your bed until you can erase the mortification from your consciousness.
But that’s going to be hard with Colt standing at the gates just like yesterday. Hoping to make yourself as small as possible you duck your head and try to hurry past without him noticing.
But your plan is unsuccessful when you hear your name being called behind you.
Stopping in your tracks you turn around, Colt just a step behind.
“Hey.” He says, “I wasn’t sure if you saw me back there.”
“Must have missed you.” You give a tight smile, “I’ll see you around though.”
Turning around you’ve decided you will be going home to curl up in a ball and die, but your hand is tugged back.
“I was hoping we could talk about yesterday.”
“What’s there to talk about?” You fight the heat building behind your cheeks.
“Well, I think I said some things that might have upset you, and I wanted to apologize.”
“You didn’t upset me. I just had remembered I needed to get home is all. Which is also where I need to be now. So, I’ll see you around Colt.”
“I was thinking we could go get that soda finally. I know I always say next time.” He gives you that lopsided grin when he knows he has someone caught, and you’re sure you’re actually going to go weak in the knees.
And a tiny part of you hates yourself for not being strong enough, “Okay.”
It’ll be sunset soon, and you know you should be getting home soon, but you’re laughing at Colt’s impression of Magath and you know these moments will be worth it even if you get shit from one of the gate guards.
“I am sorry if I upset you yesterday.” Colt says, abruptly.
You pause before answering, wishing Colt hadn’t brought this up again. “It’s okay. I might have overreacted anyway.”
He stares into your eyes, and you think he’s searching for something before looking back at the street in front of you two, sighing, “I’m just trying to do my best. And I feel like I’m falling behind, and that any second everyone will realize they should have picked someone else.”
You scoff, “Well that’s just wrong. You were basically the top of our class in every subject! I don’t think there was or will be anyone else who has dedicated so much time to the program.”
Colt doesn’t answer, eyes now at his hands, clearly lost in thought.
You nudge his shoulder, “You okay?”
“War Chief Zeke thinks you have a crush on me.”
You freeze, feeling your stomach dropped, “God! Do you believe everything he says?” You shout.
Colt jumps at your outburst, clearly not expecting it, “Wait!” He puts his hands out, like he was preparing for you to run away, “I didn’t mean it like that! I mean he did say that, but I was just wondering, I guess if you did?”
“What do you care anyway?” You fold your arms.
Colt groans, “I don’t know. War Chief Zeke basically told me to stop wasting my life and to figure it out.”
“So, do you want to know for yourself of because War Chief Zeke told you to?”
“Would it be bad if I said both?”
You roll your eyes and huff, “This is why you’ve never realized! You’ve always been so focused on inheriting a titan, that you never realized what was right in front of you!”
Colt frowns, “That’s not fair. You know why I’m doing this.”
You feel horrible for a second, “I didn’t mean it like that, Colt.” You whisper, sitting down again. You groan before dropping your head into your hands, “Everyone else has picked up on it. I’ve never even spoken to War Chief Zeke and he knows.” You meet his gaze, “I mean, am I that invisible?”
Colt opens and closes his mouth a few times, “I wouldn’t, I mean that’s not-” Colt trails off. “I’m clearly fucking this up.” He sighs, shoulders dropping.
You sit there in shame for having spilled your guts out and Colt can barely get a word out. Hiding for the rest of your life is starting to look better and better.
“I think you’re stunning.” You whip up your head, but Colt is still looking at his locked hands, “I think you’re intelligent, and so kind, and this amazing person.” He looks up at you, “I’m an idiot for ignoring that, and I want to try showing you how sorry I really am.”
“Oh.” You can barely whisper, mouth slightly parted.
Colt’s eyes flick between yours and your lips, “Is it okay if I kiss you?”
You nod, afraid to say anything that might break this moment. But your heart is thumping so loudly you’re sure he can hear it.
His head leans in towards you, and your eyes flutter close waiting for his lips to touch yours. Instead, you feel a sharp pain on your forehead.
“Ow!” Rubbing your forehead, you see Colt is doing the same.
“Shit.” He mutters to himself, he looks up, face redder than you ever thought possible, “Sorry I’m so helpless.”
“Colt.” You press a hand into his cheek, this time guiding your mouth to his. And you don’t close your eyes until your lips are firmly pressing against his. He isn’t moving against you, more like he’s shocked still.
Taking the lead, you wrap your hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. He gasps at the feel of your tongue sliding against his lips, and you use the opportunity to slide it in.
This is about as far as you’ve gotten with anyone, so you aren’t quite sure what to do next. But Colt seems to have returned to the moment and has some intuition, because he meets your tongue in his mouth with his. Swiping his over yours several times that has a chill running down your spine.
You feel one of his hands grab at your thigh, pulling you closer while the other slides to cup your face. He continues wrestles your tongue with his and it’s making you a little dizzy. And suddenly you feel his teeth nip at your bottom lip that has you gasping a moan.
He pulls away, both of your chests heaving like you just ran laps around the training field.
“That was nice.” You say, cringing at how awkward you sound.
“Really nice.” He keeps fluttering his gaze between your eyes and lips like he wants to go back for more.
“So-” You trail off, not quite sure what to say.
“You know,” He starts, “It’s getting pretty dark out. You should probably just stay the night, that is if you want to?”
Your mouth drops slightly, “Yeah. Okay.” You give him a small smile.
His hand has moved from your thigh to grab your hand, and stands pulling you up along too, “Okay.”
You smile interlocking his fingers, “See? You’re not completely helpless.”
“What do you- oh. Oh.” Colt’s face flushes, “I didn’t mean it like that, I mean, unless you want to me to mean it like that.”
Squeezing his hand, you take a little pity on the boy, “Let’s just go.”
And now you’re sitting side by side on his bed, exchanging small kisses between giggles.
“Do you think this could be easier?” He asks between kisses.
You pull back, “What?”
“I mean, like if you sat in my lap, or something, I guess.” Colt trails off, embarrassed for even asking.
“Okay.” You push Colt to sit back further on his bed and straddle his hips, “Is this okay?”
Colt doesn’t answer. Can’t answer. He didn’t realize how warm you would feel in his lap, and how dim light from the single lamp would make your eyes seem more vibrant. But he does give a slight nod and you return your mouth to his.
Shifting slightly to reposition more comfortably, you feel his bulge brush against you. The sensation sends a tingle through you, so you try it again. Maybe a litter harder than last time because now Colt lets out a quick groan while bucking up into your body.
You gasp at his sudden movement, surprised that you elicited such a reaction.
Both of you pull back to look at each other. And there’s some unspoken communication happening between the two of you because he’s pulling you down on top of him and you’re reaching for the bottom of his shirt while he’s running his hands along you sides and kissing your neck.
After you get all his buttons undone, he pulls away for moment to tear of his shirt and pull the under one off over his head.
You sit back, feeling his hardness that seems to have grown press into your ass. You’d be more interested in exploring that, if you weren’t so memorized by all the skin Colt just exposed you to.
You flick your eyes up to Colt’s quickly, seeing he’s waiting for you to make the first move. So you begin your assault on his neck, running your tongue along his collar bone, biting at his skin that earns you a squeak.
Your hands have been tracing his stomach, scratching and rubbing at the hardened muscle. You continue to scoot further down his body, now straddling his thighs.
“Wait!” Colt straightens and grips your hand that was edging closer to his belt, “It’s just, I’ve never really done this before.”
You smile and shrug, “I figured, but I haven’t either.”
“No.” Colt says, his face grave, “Like I haven’t really even done things with myself, like that.” His cheeks are a dark pink and you can’t help but wonder what other parts of his body are flushed.
“Oh.” You straighten, realizing just what he meant, “So, you’ve never thought about things like this? Even at night?”
Colt flushes and grumbles, “Kind of hard when I shared a room with Falco.”
You smile, “That’s okay. I think I’ve thought about this enough for the both of us.” Pressing a quick kiss to his lips, and then continuing to his neck, enjoying the small whines pouring from his lips, “I’ll take care of you.” You whisper into his shoulder, loving the shiver that dances across his body.
Pushing gently on Colt’s shoulder, he lays back onto his elbows, his gaze never leaving you as you scoot further down his body until your face to face with his groin.
You check once more with hands on his belt buckle. When you get a small nod, your fingers have never undone a belt so quickly. You pull at his pants and briefs, Colt helping by lifting his hips just enough to free himself.
And then you’re met with the glorious sight of his erect cock, already leaking from the slit. You can’t help but run your fingers along the shaft.
Colt lets out a sharp gasp, grabbing at you, unsure if he wants to push you away or ask you to do that again.
You never believed the others who said boys would react that easily, surely it took more than a few soft touches. But here’s Colt, looking at you like you’ve single handedly tilted the world on its axis with that single movement.
You sit up on your knees and Colt whines, but he quickly appreciates the action as you start to unbutton your own shirt, throwing it onto the pile of growing clothes on the floor.
You tentatively reach for his cock, a hand wrapping around the base, “You’ll tell me if I’m doing something wrong?”
“I’m pretty sure everything you do is going to be perfect.” Colt has his eyes on where your hand is grasping him. You smile at how transfixed he is. You lean down, still looking at his face waiting for him to make eye contact.
When he does you take the head of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue while still locked with his eyes.
Colt breaks first, throwing his head back, unable to feel and look at the same time.
You laugh slightly, sounding more muffled with your mouth full. You continue to suck, rotating your hand in tandem with your mouth. All while Colt moans helplessly.
“Wait, wait.” Colt gasps, his hands on the side of your head, gently pulling you back, “I don’t want to end it there.”
You smile coyly, “You want to fuck me, Colt?”
“I would, I mean, if that’s what you want to?” He’s still panting, looking quite the sight.
Nodding, you pull yourself up. And Colt reaches for you, kissing you deeply which surprises you because your mouth is filled with the taste of him.
His hands run up and down you side, squeezing you when he gets to your hips, “Are you going to take this off?”
“Okay.” Rolling off and onto your back, you shimmy out of your pants and throw them on the ground. You know Colt is staring at you. You feel a little shy under his gaze and avert your eyes to his clothing situation.
“Are you going to take yours off?”
“Shit.” He mutters, “Right.” Colt stands awkwardly pulling at his pants that makes you giggle and has Colt laughing with you.
When he’s completely naked, Colt joins you on the bed, capturing your lips. You feel his hardness pressing into your thigh with the way he’s straddling your leg. His kisses continue to the corner of your mouth, your cheek, and trails down your neck until he comes to your bra.
Looking at you for permission, you nod and watch as he pushes the fabric off your shoulder and does the same to the other side. You reach behind yourself to undo the clasp, shyly pulling it off. You’ve never been so bare in your entire life.
“You’re beautiful.” Colt breaths, a hand coming up to cup your breast. He pushes up to his knees, his thigh brushing against your covered center, and the friction makes you moan and roll your hips back against the hard muscle.
You meet each other’s eyes, both a little startled at the reaction. Colt recovers quicker than you, pressing kisses to the top of your breast, a hand still pulling and massaging the other.
He presses his weight further into you, the pressure sending jolts of lighting straight through you.
A cry leaves your mouth that you try to cover with your hand, biting into the flesh of your palm.
His hand slip further down your body until it’s dancing at the edge of your panties.
“Take them off.” You whisper, eyes fixed on the ceiling above you.
You notice Colt pause his movements and then after a beat hooks his fingers on either side, slowly pulling them down your legs. His hot breath fans over your stomach, thighs, until he’s sitting back on his heels between your legs.
His cock still painfully erect, but he’s focused on you, eyes flittering between yours and your newly displayed cunt. He places his hands on your thighs, rubbing them up and down, closer and closer to where you both want them to be.
Colt hesitates, “Will you show me what to do?”
You nod taking his hand and guiding it between your legs with your own. Placing your fingers over his, you guide him in a circular motion, “This feels the best.”
He watches the motion of both your hands. And you have to hold back a laugh because his face is so intense like he’s studying for an upcoming exam.
You remove your hand, allowing Colt to find his own rhythm.
He rubs a few circles before looking back at you for your reaction. But you don’t have to say anything because the heaving of your chest and hand grasping at the sheets is all the answer he needs.
Colt continues rubbing you while returning his mouth to one of your breasts.
You can hardly breath with the way his fingers are pulsing at your nerves and his warm tongue sloppily flicking your nipple. You gasp when you feel a slight pinch that must have been teeth and cry out, “Fingers!” Colt’s face jumps up with confusion written across it, but he doesn’t stop his movements which makes it hard for you to explain, “You fingers. Put them in.” You’re rotating your hips in tandem with his hand, thrusting wishing for something to fill you up.
Colt must understand because a second later you feel a finger rubbing your opening. You’re about to complain again when Colt decides to take mercy and pushes one inside.
It’s all over for you there. The sudden stretching paired with his constant movements on your clit and warm body pressed into you, it sends you over the edge. Colt doesn’t stop though, lost in the look on your face. He couldn’t bear to move his eyes right now, not when you’re crying out like that because of him.
He can feel you pulsing around his fingers even though he’s barely moved them.
You cry out, trying to lock your legs together, but his body stops you from barely being able to move them, and you have to grip his wrist to rip his hand off of you, the stimulation being too much.
Panting heavily, you feel Colt withdraw his finger, and you whine at the loss. But then you see Colt sucking the finger into his mouth, wet with your slick. You almost cum again at the sight.
“Can I do what you did for me?”
You smile at his eagerness, “Maybe later? Right now, I really want you in me.”
His eyes widen at your boldness, “Oh, okay. Umm, how do you want to do it?”
Sitting up you grab his cheek for a kiss, the taste of yourself filling your senses. Gently pushing his shoulder, Colt lays down giving you the opportunity to swing a leg over his hip, “Is this okay?”
“More than okay.”
You smile before slowly grinding your slit along his cock. The feel of your slick coating him has Colt gasping for air. Reaching between the two of you, you grasp his cock, holding it as you line yourself up.
You slowly lower yourself on to the tip of his cock. The stretch burns more than you thought it would, and immediately pause the movement.
Colt freezes, going rigid under you that causes a pulse in your cunt, “Are you okay?”
It’s hard to find the words to explain the pain but also the pleasure and desire to go harder “You feel so big, Colt.” 
“Oh.” He blushes, which earns a giggle from you. And it’s a slow process after, only taking a little bit of him in at a time.
Colt can barely utter a word, too transfixed on all of you. From your wide eyes to tits in his face and cunt slowly sucking in his cock. He has to clench his eyes to avoid ending this all too soon.
You exhale sharply when he finally bottom’s out, his cock is splitting you in half. And he looks so sweet under you, so you can’t help but to caress the side of his face, fingers dancing along his cheek, “You’re doing so good.”
His jaw is dropped and digs his hands into the flesh of your hips to ground himself. “Please.” He whines, “Please move.”
“You have to be quiet for me baby.” You slowly rise on your knees, hands planted on his chest for balance, before slamming down harder than you meant to, both of you letting out a groan, his louder than yours. You lean down and let your lips brush over his ear, “Unless you want the other warriors to hear us?”
Colt’s eyes snap open and search yours frantically. It’s clear the thought turns him on if the twitching of his cock is anything to go by.
You hum as you rock forward, “Want everyone to know how good you’re giving it to me right now? On your first try and you already have me creaming all over your cock.”
Colt doesn’t answer, can’t answer. Captivated with sight of his cock repeatedly disappearing into your cunt, sucking him in over and over and over.
You use your free hands to pull at your nipples, twisting the sensitive nubs.
“Please.” He mutters, eyes screwing shut, “I think I’m going to cum.”
“Not yet baby.” You tilt your head back, you’re almost there, and it feels amazing. You can’t believe you’re actually going to cum with Colt’s cock inside you. All the nights pretending it was your fingers could never match up to this.
“Slow down.” Colt holds your hips tighter, trying to change your movements, “You have to slow down.”
“Just a little bit longer.” You take his hands and hold them above his head, “Can you be good for me just a little bit longer?” Colt’s eyes are wide on yours as he gives a slight nod. You smile leaning down to capture his lips, tongue sliding along his. He groans into your mouth and you know you’re getting him closer and closer to his edge. And it really isn’t your fault when you clench around his cock, earning a strangled gasp he’s barely able to choke out.
The world shifts suddenly as you’re flipped onto your back with a squeak leaving your mouth.
Colt pulls out to stand on his knees before wrapping his hands into your thighs hard enough that it’ll surely bruise and buries himself back into the hilt, knocking the air out of you.
“I. Told. You. To. Slow. Down.” He punctuates every word with a hard thrust that has you seeing stars.
“Colt, please!” You cry, reaching for him to pull him into a kiss but he only grabs your hand, trapping it between his and the bed, getting a little more leverage as he continues to pound into you.
Colt doesn’t say much, focusing on holding off his impeding orgasm until he can get you there. He hitches your leg higher around his waist, giving it an almost stinging slap, but you get the message and wrap both your legs around him, locking your ankles.
He slides his hand downward until he reaches the bundle of nerves you showed him earlier, and presses begins pressing tight circles into it.
“Yes, yes!” You begin to pant, your legs starting to shake from the pressure building, “Don’t stop!” Suddenly you tense up, legs locking in place and eyes rolling into the back of your head. You feel Colt work you through the orgasm, stroking that spot inside you again and again that you swear makes you cum for a third time that night.
Going limp, you let your legs fall to the bed and head lull to the side. Colt’s thrust become more erratic before he pulls out, pumping his cock once, twice, and spills out. Warm ropes hit you stomach and breasts. You don’t even have time to think about it before Colt is collapsing on top of you, harshly panting into your neck.
You both lay there, sweat cooling on your skin that makes you shiver slightly.
“That was,” Colt trails off, still trying to piece his brain back together. It makes you smile to see him so off kilter for once.
Bringing your hands up to his jaw, you pull him back slightly, “Yeah, it was.” And press your lips to his, not really kissing since you’re both smiling too much.
And that smile stays on Colt’s face all through the night and next morning as he walks you back to the training grounds. Only widening after you press a kiss to his lips before quickly ducking into the building.
“So, you worked things out with your friend?” Colt looks up to see War Chief Zeke behind him smoking a cigarette, and Colt can’t help but blush at the fact Zeke might have just witnessed your goodbye, “No need to be flustered.” Zeke drops his cigarette on the ground, stomping out the embers, before tossing the extra catcher’s mitt into Colt’s hands, “Nowhere near as graphic as what we all had to endure last night.”
And only then is when Colt’s smile finally falls.
But maybe you can get it back later tonight.
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