#I may take awhile to answer tho
meowmeowraven · 9 months
Oooh, I'm loving the magical girl! reader requests! Could I request Himeko, Gepard, Jing Yuan, and Dan Heng with a reader who's capable of changing their body heat?
Warm and cold!
HSR Characters with a reader who can change their body heat!
Featured characters: Himeko, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Dan Heng
Warnings: lots of fluff! Angst and comfort on Dan Heng, many mistakes it's 2am, and you call Gepard Geppie and Dan Heng Danny
Notes: This may not be good 😭 i also have an unhealthy obsession with Jing Yuan.
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Honestly, i think that in the Astral Express it's a bit cold, since y'know, you're in space and stuff.
Let's be honest, the way she wears her jacket, doesn't really provide her warmth, so, she sits closer to you for warmth. <3
You finally came back from a mission on Jarilo-VI, to Himeko greeting you. She was sitting on the sofa, as usual, sipping out of her warm (burning hot) tea. "Welcome back, [Name]. How was your mission?" You look at her, move your hand in a waving gesture and answer. "Well, it was alright." You speak as you walk over to the sofa and sit next Himeko, not too far, but not too close. A few seconds later you notice Himeko, moving closer and closer, to the point she was leaning on you. "Himeko? Is there something wrong?" She looks at you and shakes her head. "No, not at all."
An evil idea popped in your head, you changed your body heat to freezing cold. Making Himeko flinch and stop leaning on you. "Pff, sorry sorry." You giggle, as you then change your body heat back to the warm one, and let her lean on you. <3
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Jarilo-VI' temperature is COLD. Very very cold. So, your body heat is usually really warm.
So, despite all the thick and warm clothing that Gepard wears, including his armor, he still tends to lean in closer to you because of your warmth.
You and Gepard were taking a walk through the District while he was off duty, stopping here and there once in awhile. "Geppie?" You call out for Gepard whose mind seemed to be in the clouds, as he was focusing on enjoying your warmth. "Huh? Oh, yeah what is it?" You then turn your attention to a cafe. "Let's go to that cafe!" Gepard turns his attention towards the cafe you were looking at. "Alright, sure." Once arriving at the cafe, you sit in the corner at a table that had a sofa which looked big enough to fit you and him, so you pat the sit next to you for Gepard to sit next to you, and he does just that. You both order hot cocoas, and Gepard ends up leaning so close to you, and became so comfortable that he fell asleep with his head on top of your own!
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Jing Yuan
Ah, the big sleepy general, this man would slack off from work each time he had the chance. Such as, taking naps, doing ANYTHING but work.
Imagine being Jing Yuan's cuddle buddy. Even better that you can change your body heat, he'd do anything for a cuddle session with you especially during winter.
Jing Yuan pulled(dragged) you out of work, just for a cuddle session which he masked as an important buisness matter! So you had to go, all that it actually was... Was just his need for his cuddle. You ended up laying on top of Jing Yuan, who laid against Mimi. He was hugging you so tightly as if you were a warm plushie! Can you blame him tho? At some point he was hugging you so tight that you had to wake him up cuz you almost couldn't breathe! "'Yuan.." you poke at his face, yet he doesn't budge. "JING YUAN!" You had to yell at him to wake him up. "Huh? Hm? What is it?" He speaks as if he isn't squeezing you alive. "You're squeezing me!" He released his grip, but just dozed of back to sleep.
Legend says that he never heard the end of it from Fu Xuan, not only did he slacked off from work, but also dragged you!
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Dan Heng
Imagine you and Mr. Grumpy sleeping together. And your body temperature dropping as you were sleeping!
Poor boy would be scared thinking you died, he had to shake you awake!
When you were tired, it was easier for you to let your temperature drop, as it wasn't consuming too much energy. Dan Heng didn't know that yet. You two were laying in bed. He was scrolling on his phone and holding you close to him, while you fell asleep, and your body temperature was slowly dropping, at some point, it started dropping so quickly that you scared him. "[NAME]! WAKE UP!" He shook you awake. "Danny..? What's wrong?" You looked at him confused. "Oh thank aeons, i thought you were dying!" That statement left you even more confused, as you were trying to process everything, Dan Heng hugs you. Soon after you hugged him and dragged him back to sleep, while running your fingers through his hair. "It's alright, i'm alright, go to sleep..." With a yawn you fell asleep and he did aswell a few seconds later.
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restinslices · 5 months
Can you write the Lin Kuei boy’s reaction to a surprise spa day by their spouse? Like it’s a rare day off and their partner’s surprised them with a nice day of rest and relaxation?
I’m on meds again and it has me exhausted so this might be short and some may have longer parts than others. I didn’t check. I’m finna go to sleep again
I wouldn't be surprised if he initially turned it down 
He expects things to pop off and for him to be needed so a spa day seems like it'll prevent him from being ready if he's called upon 
You don't take no for an answer tho
Grumpy the entire time but doesn't hate it 
He just doesn't wanna admit he was wrong and a spa day wasn't torture 
I think he'd enjoy things that don't take awhile or something that allows him to still move around 
Like, you know when someone is being waxed and they gotta lay there? I don't think that’d he something he'd enjoy 
Something like a facemask tho (put it on quickly then he can do whatever else while it dries) he'd enjoy more 
Some people get their nails done, and I don't think he's like “absolutely not!” but I don't see him wanting a color. He's a clear gel type of guy 
Now I will go back and contradict what I said earlier and say he'd enjoy a jet bath 
Has a shorter spa day than the others. At some point he's just like “yeah I'm over it”
“That wasn't so bad, now was it?” “It wasn't terrible”
Just say you appreciate it 
Kuai Liang
A spa day? Sure!
I feel like saying he'd enjoy the hot things (sauna, hot bath, them hot ass rocks) is stereotypical because the whole fire thing but imma say it anyway 
Probably enjoys activities that you can do as a team 
Like sitting in a sauna. You're together and you can chat 
Or bathing together 
Appreciates a bit of relaxation because his life? Stressful as fuck 
Especially if this is after Bi-Han's betrayal 
Definitely open to having another spa day. Whether it's a surprise or not 
I see all of them as clear gel guys tbh 
Also enjoys a jet bath, but honestly who dislikes a good bath?
Dislikes the whole face rubbing shit 
Why do I think this? I'm just tryna make them different. I think it's essential to be truthful in our relationship-
Yeah the spa day is for him but he checks in to make sure you're having a good time too
Makes sure to repay the favor. This could mean taking you out to eat after, taking you out another day soon, paying for the next spa day, getting you a gift, ect. Whatever you want. 
“How was it?” “It was great! Thank you”
Him turning down a spa day? Absolutely not. Do you remember when his last day of peace was? He doesn't 
Ignore that this is literally the era of peace-
Enjoys the little vacation and makes sure you know he's appreciative of you thinking of him 
You both wanna cater to the other and do what they wanna do first so you have to compromise and take turns 
You do what Tomas is interested in, then what you're interested in and then it keeps going like that 
Enjoys the steam room because smoke pun obviously 
I don't think he necessarily needs to chat the whole time, but he likes you still being near 
You MIGHT get him to agreeing to a little waxing 
Y'all know how men are. They're all big and strong but squeal when waxing is involved 
Milks the entire day for what it's worth. A jacuzzi? He's in there. Steam room? Yes. Massages? Absolutely. 
There's nothing he misses. You paid for it so he might as well do everything while he can 
Definitely wants to do it again 
“So I'm assuming you enjoyed it?” “You really need me to answer?”
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sharkiethrts · 1 year
[𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒐𝒐!]
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𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖬𝖯𝖳: 𝖽𝗈 𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝖿𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗈𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗇 𝗉𝖾𝗈𝗉𝗅𝖾?
𝙜/𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
: reader is a short life species, jing yuan is pining (ineffectively) at the reader, jing yuan is making old man moves
:427 words
It's not very often that the General would summon the Master Diviner herself to the seat of Divine Foresight. After all, her constant nagging is not something even a person who has lived millenniums can sit to and listen to.
"What is it that's so important that you called me over, General? Have you perhaps finally decided to make me your successor? It's about time, you know? I am perfectly fitted for the position of-"
Oh, that again. Jing Yuan makes a quick decision to cut her off before she decides to "remind" him of her very qualified resume through memorised paragraphs after paragraphs, "-I'd like you to make a divination for me, Fu Xuan. It's rather important and personal."
"Personal?" Fu Xuan pauses to think, before her face starts booming with much familiarised exasperation again, "Will you please stop wasting the Divination Commission's time again? Our time may seem like nothing to you, but we spend centuries to ensure the Luofu's safety and peace- just because you're bored from the Luofu's troubles, doesn't mean that you'd get to-"
"Please, Fu Xuan? This is rather important."
The General's unforeseen desperation completely catches Fu Xuan off guard.
"...What is it? Make it quick before I change my mind!" Fu xuan decides to make a cut for this time. Perhaps the General is stricken with a troublesome entity after sitting in the seat of Divine Foresight for far too long. Perhaps the General actually has a problem that may concern the comfort of the Luofu Xianzhou-
"It's regarding my lovelife. I'd like you to foresee it's fruits in the future," The general says with an infuriating smile.
Nevermind! Wait. Lovelife?
"Perhaps you'd like to retire and finally find a spouse?!" Fu Xuan's angry exterior has now been banished coincidentally by the chance she sees ahead of him (which is no chance at all- The general is awaiting her maturity, and unfortunately for Fu Xuan, she is showing none of it), "If that's the case-"
"-If this goes successful, I may just consider that very enticing option," But the general, like the lowlife he is, doesn't bother to correct her. Instead, taking advantage of Fuxuan's newly found interest to dig deeper into his current frustrations.
"Please do continue, general!"
Oh yeah, she's buying it.
"What do young people like these days? Perhaps my idea of chivalry is not theirs, but I find that my attempts of quality time doesn't seem to build any type of bond with them. It's quite a problem really," General sighs, his head leaning on his right fist- eyes shutting for awhile to recount his multiple (failed) attempts on flirtatious attempts towards you.
[General Jing Yuan: Pardon me, Lady [name], but I wonder whether you have the time to come to the Seat of Divine Foresight right now for a game of Xianzhou starchess?]
[[Name]: Idk if I can play that tho haha lol,,, what's with the "lady" anyway? u shld prolly do ur work general, unless you wanna get your ass kicked again by qingzu. say hi to her for me btw :p]
Not only he's having trouble trying to decipher your text messages, he's having problems trying to get you to at the very least, interested in him. I mean, why are you mentioning Qingzu so much in a conversation with him?
Even his offers to teach you received reluctant rejections. And Jing Yuan doesn't push because his late father taught him "the ways of a gentleman".
"What's your idea of a quality time anyway?" Fu Xuan butts into his thoughts, "Don't tell me it's playing starchess or reading up on the latest puzzles on Starchess in Xianzhou Magazine?"
Jing Yuan tries to reply, but his answers are stuck in a gaped mouth.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Fu Xuan lets out an aggravated yell. It's not hard to see that she's absolutely confounded by the General's lack of awareness regarding the "simple acts of wooing"- but she supposes it makes sense, after all, he has been alive for quite awhile. He doesn't like to disclose his age- but she is sure that it has reached at least a millenial.
He clears his throat, "...I suppose young people wouldn't find it quite appealing now that you have phrased it that way."
Fu Xuan sighs again, deciding to cross her arms so she doesn't impulsively maul the general's face for his dense outlook on courting, "How old are they anyway? If they are young, I suppose that they are around the two centuries old age range?"
"...Give it just about a few decades."
Fu Xuan swears that her eyes almost popped out of their sockets, "Are you talking about [name]?!"
The general's booming laugh is heard across the room, but his red face exposes his nervousness, "Now, now- keep it down. We don't need the guards hearing this."
Fu Xuan attempts to keep her composure once again, deciding that its best not to put the Luofu General's name to shame by exposing his ridiculously failure of a love life to the whole of Xianzhou. But she just can't help but point out, "They probably think of you as an old man, you know? Especially with the starchess talk and all- it's impossible to perceive underlying romantic connotations from invitations to a game of starchess- especially for a youngling."
The general's face turns sour and Fu Xuan braces herself for another attack, "Then I suppose my talks regarding my old age isn't helping at all?"
Fu Xuan thanks the eons above that she had made a conscious decision to cross her arms.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 months
Sorry about the last ask. I meant the AROFAM AU there, but thank you for answering both options.
Speaking of dating, has Caleb ever tried dating after Evelyn's death, or has he just given up thanks to his immortality?
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no need to apologize, just wanted to make sure
So, the idea of dating again is kinda complicated for caleb, it's not as if he's never considered it, i think part of him knows evelyn would want him to find happiness again if he found a new partner he liked.
at the same time though, the idea of re-dating is hard for a guy who strongly does see evelyn as his soulmate, nor is very good at courting in general.
at least in the canon of my au, evelyn and caleb's relationship slipped into romance just kinda naturally, they were friends first and they kinda eased into it.
As if one second they were hanging out, the next they were naturally holding hands. This was still at a time were caleb was raising philip, and that means he hadn't been super focused on finding a romantic partner at the time, putting more priority into his brother then into romance. They didn't exactly ask the other out, but at the same time they just kinda....knew this had become something closer.
So caleb's never really....had to deal with the idea of asking someone out, i think the concept of it scares him, that it's a betrayal to evelyn, or that he's setting himself up for more heartbreak....or more heartbreak for another partner when they find out the stuff he's going through with his brother and his condition.
He decided to just do what he used to and focus on taking care of his family, he and evelyn's family, and that's been enough for him for years. For him, he'll be fine if he just takes care of his family, they've always had his back, even at the worst of times.
But people come and go and things get more complicated as the world changes around him. His family and him still are together and they still love each other of course.
But obviously, as mentioned awhile back, they've been more distant with him lately, more secretive. He's felt a lot more outcast from his own family, and now that he's hiding his identity, the idea of dating again is even worse because a partner can't know who he really is or what he really is without that raising more concerns. (At this point, flapjack has been his biggest constant throughout the years of loss and heartbreak, and he loves that little bird with all his heart as a result)
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He's been hyperfocused more now on reconnecting with philip and bringing his entire family back together, cause he's afraid to lose either one of them at this point and he doesn't like the fact he's always in the middle of them. He doesn't want to be alone but he doesn't want to be forced to choose either.
Maybe as things finally calm he may consider trying again, but he has some hurdles to get through emotionally.
Tho i am SURE he's had more then enough letters of witches crushing on him as the crusader who would LOVE to get the chance for a date if he was willing.
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the-daiz · 28 days
Speed-o’-sound sonic, falling inlove?
Headcannon of how sonic would be if he fell inlove with you Speed-o’-sound sonic x reader genre: fluff, sfw A/N: THIS IS VERY LONG, I REPEAT, VERY LONG!!! Anyhow no joke I’ve obsessed with sonic for like 2 years now. Like non stop, its actually insane, I HATE THAT HE’S SO UNDERRATED MAN, i need more content of him 😞
There are only 2 possible answers: protective OR full blown unhealthy obsession (aka yandere)
me personally, I’m more leaning into the Protective maybe stalker-y instead of the obsessive sonic. Sonic in the show honestly navigates his emotions better than most of the people in my life so…
He’s hesitant at first, almost unsure of what the hell he’s feeling. That little flutter in his chest, that almost ghostly force that pulls his gaze towards you, that sharp yet gentle impale that strikes him in the chest whenever you catch him staring. It almost irritates him.
perhaps he was sick. Or maybe his subconscious was picking up on something dangerous emitting from you that he couldn’t sense…? Whatever it was, it kept pulling him back to you, whether it was to watch you walk through the streets as he hid in the shadows, (he convinced himself that you were up to something and planning for his downfall so he must keep an eye on you.) Or “bumping” into you while you’re grocery shopping. (He blushes when you wave at him) or even pass by your house and watch you as you sleep (wtf??? Well in his defense he only watches you for a minute or two then leaves haha)
When he picks up nothing weird about you, or nothing that would point to you being a threat to him, he starts becoming increasingly frustrated by these new set of emotions. He honestly takes a moment to himself to think, maybe while he’s training or taking a bath in a lake.
Sonic may have lived most of his life isolated in a ninja village, but it wasn’t like he never heard of romance (though he does detest it and deem it a waste of time, space, effort, strength, anything you could think of, really…) and he’s definitely seen it with how comfortable people are with PDA in the outside world.
but when he realizes… DENY AVOID DENY AVOUD, well, only for awhile, when he realizes that denying these feelings weren’t going to do anything but intensify them and even interfere with his day-to-day life. He decided he had to accept those feelings, and inturn, overcome them!
In order to overcome these feelings, he needed to understand why he had them to begin with. So he stalks you. Ten times more than he used to. Watching your every move, every decision, EVERY TURN. Picking up on every little quirk and action you did, the good ones, the bad ones, the embarrassing/awkward ones… and he found he was infatuated by all of them.
“why am I getting so much goosebumps these days… It’s like someones breathing against my ear.” -Y/N
Those minute-or-two stares at you while uou were sleeping, became longer as he memorized every smooth end, bump and feature on your enchanting face.
he tried to approach you after he realized his feelings, but oh, no, he did not expect his heart to be beating this fast, or his face to feel this hot, or his hands to feel this sweaty. When you spot him and give him a very normal greeting. He’s frozen in place and so incredibly hot. He dashes off with no further explanation, leaving you confused, but not questioning too much since he wasn’t the most normal individual from the start anyway.
Everytime he tries to say anything to you, he just stumbles and stutters, then quickly disappears in sheer humiliation.
He decides to just avoid you, but he can’t even do that with the way his mind keeps nagging at him about you. Constantly making everything he sees somehow trail right back to you. Oh do you see that? It’s a black bird! Y/N wore a black coat that one day. Is that a shoe? Mannn Y/N loves [shoe brand name]. *Sonic staring down at his hands* …Y/N has real nice hands- FUCK
One thing tho is that his interest in you doesn’t completely consume the rest of his life, he still can manage his life as normal as possible along with his training and rivalry with Saitama, it’s just a lot more of his time is spent thinking about/stalking you.
after lots and lots of trying , he found that he couldn’t get rid of the constricting feelings in his heart. And he didn’t even want to anymore, he almost adored how it made him feel. How you made him feel.
his love language is acts of service, he’s not good with physical touch or words of affirmation. So instead of trying to have a conversation with you, he starts doing more stuff for you. Watering your flowers when you forget (how does he know you forgot?? Creepy.) sweeping the dust away from your balcony with his speed. Or maybe help you with grocery shopping once he finally stops stumbling over his words as much.
How I’d imagine he’d confess, is if you confronted him first, considering his over all personality and lifestyle, the way he acts towards youis definitely not normal, its not hard to pick up on that. He denies it at first, just for a little while cause he is kind of embarrassed, but after realizing this might be the only way to successfully confront his feelings, he does confess to you, but isnt really romantic about it. More like “Yeah, I’m interested in you.” And just looks elsewhere with his brows arched downwards as usual, waiting for whatever your response might be.
If he stays stuck with his feelings for you to the point he can’t handle not really engaging with them (and I mean like holding hands or being close to you in general…) he’ll confess, again with the same blunt attitude but he’ll be more awkward about it like, I kinda wanna hold your hand sometimes, or stand next to you, or stare at your face, I think?
or he just kills you (and falls into a deep state of depression, Ill write about that scenario later, maybe)
ANYWAY, when his feelings are reciprocated, he’s just like “why??” not because he’s actually confused on why you like him, well, he is a little confused, as he is not the typical lover boy… but he mainly just wants his ego to be stroked by the person he’s been crazy over for the past few weeks.
again, his love language is acts of service, (and quality time now that he can be as close to you as he wants to be), so he’ll mostly do stuff for you, get your handmade gifts, and little stuff like that. He’ll always sneak into your house through your window, even if there was no problem with him coming thriugh the door. And he just stays there with you. Whatever you’re doing, he’ll just sit there and watch you do it, as you talk to him about your day. It makes him feel at ease, and the warmth he feels sprout in his chest when your voice reaches his ears, or when your bewitching eyes gaze lovingly into his, it makes him feel like he’s about to melt at the spot.
one thing you notice is that he often gets a bit sleepy or dozes off when he’s with you, even if its the middle of the day. It shows how at peace and how off-guard he is around you.
He’s not the romantic type so don’t expect him to give you nicknames, unless they’re insults.
as unexpected as it may seem, he rarely ever hurts your feelings. He’s very vigilant, and has stalked you long enough to know what upsets you and what doesn’t. So although he may be protective and slightly possessive over you, your relationship isn’t really “toxic” or even unhealthy.
if you’re a yapper, then you’re in luck, he LOVES listening to uou talk or gossip or info dump, and he actually listens very well. He doesn’t talk much on his own, you guys can have long conversations though, that’s no issue. But long, solemn silences aren’t a foreign thing in your relationship
but also, when he does talk its mostly about himself, his improvements, and stuff, he lovess when you acknowledge his achievements, especially if he didn’t point them out. I told you, he loves having his ego stroked, especially by you.
as for physical affection…no PDA, lets just get that out of the way, but away from prying eyes… He’s desperate, rough, aggressive and so so needyyyy. His kisses make you feel like he’s searching for something in there istg, you have to tap him aggressively a few times on the shoulder to get him to pull away before you suffocate to death. A lot of the time, your kisses don’t just end at short, simple, cute “kisses”, they lead to makeout sessions quite quickly.
He’s the cockiest, most narcissistic bastard alive btw, loves teasing you like crazy… but that’s all I’m gonna say.
anyway he love love loves you and would kill for you, very very literally.
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him from one of the latest chapters omg he’s so pretty im kicking my feet and twirling my HAIIRIIRIRIRID
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midnightmah07 · 3 days
bare with me 😍-
in idia’s vignette, ace 100%, played “20 questions” with her awhile grim was away. And one of his questions were “do you really want to leave twisted wonderland?” Like 😀 girl couldn’t answer she froze but anyway i am going to do a scenario later on
this song is so bluecherry, like they like each other, but do they LIKE LIKE EACH OTHER???
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“And maybe we should stay friends” i think Ace doesn’t want to go out with Winnie bc he thinks that he may screw up and make her sad and making her sad would make him sad and they would part ways 😔 DID YOU GET IT?!?!
Okay onto the next thing:
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bonus points, bc he kissed her to shut her up after their show in VDC (before they lost lol), BUT IT WAS SO IMPULSIVE THAT WHEN THEY NOTICED JAMIL, GRIM, KALIM, DEUCE AND THE OTHERS JUST STARE AT THEM LIKE 😦 and then when Ace was mad bc they lost, she takes his hand and just “^^” WAITING FOR HIM TO CONFESS ANDNTHEN HE FINALLY SAYS IT.
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i just imagine ace’s head being this as he finally realizes he likes winnie hehejdgjwhdjsm
they are cute
also small hcs, maybe ooc, but who cares is bluecherry:
Winnie would write small love letters to Ace, before they were dating. But the love was so subliminal that he couldn’t figure so when she asked him if he read her letter he said “yeah, cool poem. you should show malleus.” AND SHE WAS LIKE “:(“
Ace would give her his jackets bc when he gets them back has her smell. Which is fresh fruity scent with caramel notes.
she knows how to sing and loves story telling, so ace when ace cant sleep he asks her if he either can come over or she can try to send an audio (she is like an old lady trying to do so)
he doesn’t like pda, surprisingly but he is the type of guy who screams “THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!” Everytime she does something badass 🥹
Ace keeps demanding Whitney could be allowed to join a club instead of cleaning the school with the staff.
i do think ace ask help for his big brother but he uses “a friend of mine” “you mean you, ace?” “A FRIEND OF MINE😡”
Double date daiggie and bluecherry would be iconic tho, like imagine Whitney and Daisy forgetting they have boyfriends in the middle of the date and start walking alone together awhile talking
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*ahem* ok I'm fine I'm normal. ((I'm not
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newtdrawz · 9 months
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(The picture is from pinterest and I do have it linked!!)
I got an ask for Dally & Two-bit friendship hc's but it got lost/tumblr kidnapped it away from me 💔😞 so I hope whoever asked this see's this 🙏
These two are actually so funny together and everyone just forgets that
With Dally's sarcasm and unhingeness(??) And Two-bit's humor and one off comments, I fear they may be the funniest duo in Tulsa 😞
Two-bit will comment on something or make fun of someone and then Dally comes in and just adds onto it, so now they're just going back and forth, feeding off of each other
They're even worse when they're talking about a soc 😭 they are RUTHLESS with their insults, they'll find things that someone didn't even know they could be insecure about
Truly they're an unstoppable duo cuz when they steal they almost always get away with it
Two-bit is known for stealing but Dally is also pretty good at it too
When they're working together to steal they could literally just take ANYTHING
If they really wanted they could probably steal a TV and get away with it 😭
Dally always says be sneaky but Two-bit always says "just act like you're supposed to have it and they won't take it from you"
They'll use each other as distractions too if they really need too
They somehow became the designated babysitters (aka make sure Pony doesn't get in big trouble or Darry will kill them and make sure Johnny doesn't get jumped again)
Since Dally always hangs out with Pony and Johnny (Mostly Johnny) and Two-bit always hangs out with them (Mostly Pony) they end up just grouping together
Sometimes all 4 of them hanging out turns into "let's watch Dallas do something illegal and see if he can get away with it" or "let's watch Two-bit do something incredibly stupid and dangerous and see if he lives"
As you can imagine Two and Dally are great entertainers
Whenever all 4 of them are together the most common phrase said is "Don't tell Darry"/"don't tell Darry that I let you do that" cuz let's be honest if Pony OR Johnny got into some serious trouble or hurt Darry would be enraged
These two are an unstoppable duo when it comes to fighting
In rumbles these two on their own or working together during a rumble are CRAZY, everyone better WATCH OUT 😭
These two become UNHINGED during a fight, especially when they're feeding off of each other's energy lol
These two also can plan pretty well, they'll discuss who is gonna stay by Pony and Johnny (if they go) and who's gonna be in the middle of the rumble
They prefer it when they both get to be in the middle of all the chaos lol
Two-bit talks while Dally listens
Two could talk for hours about literally everything and nothing and Dally will just sit there and listen
Once in awhile Dally will comment on something or answer a question if Two-bit asks him something but usually Two-bit is the one talking
One might think that Dally isn't listening or comprehending anything Two says but he is AND ITS NOT CUZ HE'S NICE (he is,, we've discussed this 😭😭)
Dally will remember things Two-bit might have said a week ago and Two-bit is genuinely surprised everytime, not because no one remembers things he says but because he knows he talks SO MUCH 😭
Two made Dally into a secret mickey mouse fan
If Two is at the Curtis's house and he's watching mickey mouse then Dally will just sit and watch with him
He's sat through so many animated shorts that he's actually a little excited when he walks in and Two already has it on
Two-bit knows Dally likes watching the cartoons too but he'll never say anything about it because he knows Dally will get embarrassed lol
Sometimes tho after they turn off the TV Dally will comment on it (Dal: I didn't like that episode. Two: ya didn't? Dal: No, I wasn't really watchin it but I didn't like the bits I saw.) (His ass is LYING he WAS watching it 😭😭😭)
No one really thought they were close so it comes as a suprise
I like to think they're pretty close with each other and try to hang out time to time
The rest of the gang didn't really expect them to be friends, since they're both pretty different
Dally has the broody loner front that he puts up while Two-bit is loud and almost EVERYONES friend
Two has definitely brought Dally's friendly side out more tho (only with the gang tho 😭)
OK 👏
I hope these were good and ofc we all know my disclaimer by now 😭 if these are ooc I am sorry 🙏😭 but yeah anyway these were really fun to do and these guys are a fun duo to think abt!!
Fell free to add onto these or ask for more hcs!! I really like doing these type of posts for characters!!
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~Stray Kids reaction to if you asked them to call you daddy~
Summary: Exactly what it says above
A/N: Gender isn’t specified so it can be read as whatever you want it to be. 
Again, my spelling and grammar is not very good so ignore that and I’m always open for feedback, my requests are open but I may take awhile to answer them, sorry to the people who have sent them in and I haven’t gotten around to doing them yet I promise I will soon!
18+, DNI if you are a minor!
Poor boy thinks he misheard you
“Umm, what? Can you say that again?”
You repeat yourself
and he flat out short circuits for a minute, lookin at you with the blankest expression
it takes him a minute-to process and comprehend this new information you just dropped on him
Finally, he’ll turn completely red
stuttering over his words ‘n all
nervous and embarrassed and kinda turned on
I don’t think he’d be particularly into it-
no he would be-
but he would much rather call you mommy or smth
definitely would call you daddy if you asked him to
and would find it kind of hot it just wouldn’t be something he’d probably ever think about of you didn’t first
Would be totally shy about it and it probably wouldn’t be a domestic thing at all, just in the heat of the moment or when he’s trying to tease you
But think about how pretty Channie would be, sitting between your legs in front of a mirror as you stroked his cock
“Such a pretty thing, aren’t you baby?” you purr, “so so pretty, who do you belong to pretty boy?”
Shivering, he nearly yells “y-you daddy! On-only you!”
Felix on the other hand would be super into it
Has most likely fantasized about it before and so when you brought it up he was more than happy to indulge
I think that honestly whether it’s a mommy kink, mistress, master, ma’am, sir, whatever tf you want, he’d be super into it
I think he’s especially into mommy and daddy tho
Idk, smth about the nurturing role you take on really gets him going
he just wants to be taken care of by you
He’d get all blushy and cute when you told him to call you daddy for the first time 
but under that sweet little flush, he’d be planning something
so be ready for this boy to come up to you during the day-whether it be in public or just at home, he’ll innocently lean into you and  whisper “Daddy~” into your ear
I mean, he’s a brat-or at least tries to be-bc the second you fix him with a glare he’s dropping to his knees begging for forgiveness
So be ready for him to tease you a lot and make little plays in attempt to get punished by you
Honestly, I think it would play largely into his manhandling kink, especially if you worked out a lot or were just really strong
just pick him up when your kissing him
he will keen
scream daddy so loud the neighbours would think you’re praying to the heavenly father or some shit if they hadn’t already heard your other escapades
I’m really sorry if you’re religious, but let’s be honest what are you doing reading this if you are?💀
Honestly, RIP to your neighbours 
And rip to anyone who witnessed that time Lixie accidentally moaned out daddy not so quietly, gripping your arm as he came from the vibrator up his ass 
at a very public restaurant
Anyway-what I’m trying to get to the point to here
he’d love it,
be so into it
and have literally zero shame about it
Another one that would be really into it
But this time it would be brought up a different way
bc let’s be honest here,
little jinnie was already fantasizing about it
getting his ass wrecked by daddy<3
before you even got around to telling him you already discovered that he was into it
Well, you see
you came home one day, having gotten off early and wanting surprise your boyfriend
and then you heard noises coming from the bedroom
long story short,
you walked in on him touching himself, whimpering out combinations of daddy and your name
begging daddy to touch him<3
wasn’t hard to put two and two together
“want daddy to take care of you jinnie?”
he will freeze in place and is straight up mortified, refusing to talk about it or even acknowledge that it happened
after LOTS of convincing, promising, and having to assure him that he wasn’t any less of a man and that you wouldn’t love him any less he finally told you himself
and then you told him that that was great bc you were going to tell him you wanted him to call you that already
relief set in instantly and all traces of embarrassment are gone 
poor thing gets all red and you notice the bulge in those tight ass pants he always wears as he gets hard again
and whimpers for daddy’s help
banging my head against a wall rn
Especially loves it when you bend him over your leg as a punishment, rubbing the plush skin of his ass, teasing and sensual
He whimpers, moaning for more as you whisper filthy things into his ear
“Such a pretty painslut for daddy aren’t you?”
“How is daddy making you feel, bunny?”
“Count each hit for daddy, sweetheart.”
It’s just so fucking hot to him
And to you
so he’d be into it
but tease you constantly about it
Like-when you told him-
he had to fight to keep composure
definitely took a looong cold shower after
But again, he’s a brat at heart and will take literally any and every chance to piss you off
So you better expect he’s gonna not only make fun of you and lowkey mock you for it but also look at you judgementally when you tell him to call you it
if his eyes aren’t already rolling into the back of his head
Deep down tho
somewhere in there under all that brattiness
Under all of that exterior that tries his very hardest to provoke and rile you up
is a very sweet Lee Know
That just wants to be taken care of by daddy<3
and you better believe that he’s SO into it
and when he falls into subspace (a rare occurrence in itself) he’s whining, whimpering
BEGGING for daddy to wreck him
he just wants to be used like a little toy for your pleasure
as he screams daddy at the top of his lungs
He’d mockingly call you it all the time
but feels so warm inside when he does and maybe, eventually you can get him to say it in a domestic setting unironically 
if you ever get to that point, he will not mutter it outside of the privacy of your own home for anyone other than you
God bless that one time you went to pick him up from dance practice early and decided to watch as they finished up
when they were done you walked up to him, bringing him into a hug despite how sweaty and gross he was
gushing about how good he did, his ears turning red at all of the praise you showered him with
and when you were done, with his whole damn chest he said
“Thank you, Daddy.”
poor baby
I think he WOULD if you really wanted him to
Would be lowkey judgemental about it
I don’t think he’s even really into calling you mommy that much, 
more into mistress or master
goes along with the whole wanting to be called puppy thing, yk?
When you sat him down and told him 
bc let’s be real, he’d need to sit down and talk about things before you do them
mans wants to do research and everything before getting into it
Anyway, back to the point
You tell him that you want to experiment with him calling you daddy in the bedroom
he couldn’t even hide the shock and judgement written plainly across his face 
would tell you he was fine with it
we don’t kink-shame in this house
but he couldn’t even lie convincingly
terrible terrible poker face and would actually feel bed when he could see you were bummed at his reaction
and so would at least try to get into it for you
try everything at least once right?
and I think that eventually his head would associate the name with pleasure so he would like it and get some form of pleasure by saying it to a certain level
but at the end of the day just wouldn’t totally vibe with it
will downright refuse to call you it any other time
just in like, the heat of the moment
Again, he will WHOLEHEARTEDLY call you master or mistress 
would probably call you that domestically
and would probably end up calling you that majority of the time instead, whether it’s by accident or on purpose
but it’s fine 
bc he looks just as pretty calling you master as he does calling you daddy
Would he try to call you it?
Will he do it all the time?
Would he yell it while he’s getting fucked dumb?
Probably not
would call you it EVERYWHERE ELSE
outside the bedroom ‘n all of that
but the second he gets too into it
it’s back to mommy or noona
Boy has an issue
and it’s that he’s a mommy’s boy
no matter what, 
at heart, 
when you’re railing him into the mattress, making him cry from the overwhelming pleasure you give him,
as he drags blunt nails down your back, leaving marks he’ll gaze at lovingly later, sobbing into your neck while begging for more
it’s mommy he’s begging
Lowkey funny
Bc it’s all “Daddy, please!”, “Daddy touch me!**cute pout**”, “Daddy!” 
until you hit his prostate
it’s like a switch, 
there’s no more of that. his brain straight up malfunctions and his body melts 
it’s mommy now
or noona
It’s not that he doesn’t think calling you daddy is hot or anything
Hannie finds it insanely hot
and gets incredibly turned on whenever either you refer to yourself as daddy or he does
just at the end of the day he’s a momma’s boy
and i don’t think it really depends on your gender even, he’s going to end up calling you mommy at some point
and it’s when he’s getting fucked so hard he’s seeing stars
Okay, I can see this man being super into it
I think that it’s less what the title he calls you is, but how it makes him feel
if that makes sense?????
Like, the more humiliating it is, the better
if you called him pretty girl at the same time or something
Just play with his nipples and
“Such pretty tits for daddy~ such a pretty thing, right babygirl?”
“Yes daddy! Just for you, such a pretty girl for you!”
brain exe. has stopped working
He likes to be roughed up and i think that calling you daddy would play into that largely
I also think that he’d tease you with it 
just a little
Whispering things into your ear in public, smirking at the fact that you can’t do anything to him yet
when you get home just tie him up and tape bullet vibrators to his sensitive nipples
watch as he squirms, whining for his daddy to touch him
but you only watch him, smirking as you call him your slutty little girl, just for you
He just cries and mewls as he comes untouched from that
taking a sharpie or marker or anything and writing all over his body with it 
Things like ‘Daddy’s toy,”, “Property of daddy”, “Use me daddy″, “Play with my pretty parts<3″, ”Pinch here”, “Rub here”, etc
Then make him get on his knees and circle him, taking pictures of him all covered up in your words
He’d never even imagine that he ever could like it
whenever he saw a daddy kink in media or porn he’d be cringing, thinking it was weird
that was, until you 
until you leaned down to his ear, mid grind, voice lust-filled and husky, sending shivers down his spine as you whispered into his ear
“You gonna be good for daddy babyboy?”
Straight up loses his shit 
That word became his life-line
repeated it over and over like a broken record
begging for daddy
to ruin him
to touch him
to please, please let him cum
it would be so fucking hot
For both of you
but afterward-
after you’d cleaned him up and everything suddenly he realized what happened
queue extremely confused innie, staring at the wall blankly
like ?????
‘I never though that it could be that hot????’
Still winces whenever he sees a daddy kink anywhere other than when he’s calling you it
saying it to you makes him feel a certain way that porn could never convey properly
Innie would come up to you while you’re sitting on the couch
get on his knees, on the floor, resting his face against your knee or smth
the insides of your thighs if you let him pls do
not even in a sexual way, he’ll leave kisses across your skin and look up at you with hearts in his eyes
‘N say 
‘I love you daddy.”
Then it does become a sexual thing 
as you spend the rest of the night making him scream
just reciprocating that love<3
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I'll give a TW for SA here bc it is in the story, and im sorry, but I will have it as the 6, 7, and 10 bullet points if you want to skip. Mainly 6 but 7 and 10 may be implied.
Anyway this is what I remember:
They were friends for awhile, specifically mentions their age gap like 14 reader / 17 simon when they were growing up
Which I think was when it was mentioned she had a crush on him/told him when they were hanging out at that age and he rejected her by calling her an idiot and to get that idea out of her head
Reader in the beginning has a hard time making herself cum/thinking she was broken
She works at a bar
Doesn't have a lot of money, ate cup of noodles that simon wasn't happy about (he gives her money for groceries)
She is serving a table of drunk rowdy guys right before she leaves her shift and they rip her shirt and grope her. Her boss gets mad at her and makes her apologize
Her coworker gives her a hoodie to wear
She cries a lot, simon comes to check on her bc she didn't answer her phone and he holds her
He asks her what's wrong she says bad day, and he's like "I don't know what's worse that you're lying to me or that you feel like you can't talk to me about what happened" ? Not verbatim
He ends up seeing her shirt when she takes off the hoodie and she goes throws up and then showers
He stands guard at the door
Gets her to eat a little
Eventually, she tells him before they sleep
Next day they're on the couch and she's thinking about kissing him. Goes to shower again and then nap??
I read a little past that point, I think Simon goes for a walk?? But I was working on food and not really paying attention, lol. It was really long I think that was little over half way of that part.
I'm currently scrubbing through my FYP on tumblr, seeing if it'll pop up again. I'm so sad, I was so invested 😢 I've tried so many combinations to search it too with no luck. Although I have found several other posts that I'm now adding to my reading list. So if ya see me reblogging your stuff that might be why.
I also definitely found the fic bc someone sent an ask about it and it was a blurb or something about a part of the story I think.
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pagodazz · 7 months
Dudeee i fr didnt know people publicly like wrote nsfw shit on like tiktok comments about the cast of emh and im so glad I never saw that like i only ever saw stuff like “I can fix him” “writing abt him in my diary and kicking my feet” 😭 like the wildest thing I saw was probably like. Edits w mildly sexual audios!!!
I think most ppl posting these comments and commenting r like kids?? But Jesus it’s so insane it’s so easy for younger ppl to pull ts bc today u have suchhhh an easy access online :// like idc if u write/read fanfics but I gotta say when ppl start writing abt like rape n shit it makes me queasy so I can’t imagine the actors learning abt that, hope ur doing well tho!! Thank you for bringing awareness to this!!! I think people always go too far w actors like fine write fan fictions of the character but actors is wild
Ranted so much I’m so sorry omg I’m so sorry no one I talk to know my niche interests 💔💔
IM DOING WELL I hope u are too!!!
and I'm honestly very happy that so many people are seeing my post about this situation, because it's just starting to get worse especially since some of these edits are getting 20k+ likes from people who DO NOT KNOW THE MEDIA AS WELL... it's so aughh,,,
The actor of Vinnie was just so upset when the fics w rape started to be written, since he was VERY active in the fandom, I mean he even used to answer DMS and shit for questions but. do you see him anymore 😭😭😭 no bc... he had minors being predatory towards him?? it's so. wild.
I try to post about this topic again and again and this is the FIRST time one of my posts has actually gotten alot of attention, I think it might be do to the fact I felt just so frustrated when I wrote it. I had delt with seeing multiple TikToks in a row with sexual audios and videos talking about how big a characters ass his and how they wanna have sex with them and it's just. AUGH. like 😭😭😭⁉️⁉️⁉️ keep that to ur DMS.
and don't be sorry about ranting !!!!!!! I don't mind being a space to dump some thoughts sometimes!!!! if you ever have emh questions or wanna share some of ur thoughts my asks are open!!!! I'll always try my best to answer them,,, it may take me awhile since I've got alot going on in this head of mine, but!!!!!!! I love hearing people talk about things they enjoy!!!
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merakiui · 7 days
HELP ME YOURE CHILL you did accept my request actually . like right after I sent that !
I was sitting there for awhile after like 🧍‍♂️ oh wow I hope mera didn't take that the wrong way and thought I was just trying to get her to accept my request 😭 bc it was damn near immediate. tbh I thought you wouldn't answer that at all so that eases my brain a little. I am in your friends list tho! Lurking! I truly hope you enjoy my maxed jade 💜💜 he's my pride and joy :D! Even if you don't know which one he is lol
Speaking of actually!!! That twst Halloween thing... the leaks were deleted bc the poster got scared iirc (understandably so. as if work got back to aniplex/disney theyd probably make the game harder to datamine which is a Pain),, but they're still being kinda circulated around in private dms n stuff. So you'd have a hard time finding them if you Dod look for them really. I saw them and I do agree with the other anon though :-)!! I think you'll like it (also,, considering we're still slowly getting through the cast?? I don't think jade would be the ssr just bc he's already had one 💔 ohh but I do also hope for another event jade soon. my silly little creature I miss him!!!)
- :3 anon
Oh I did wanna add to my ask abt the leaks that we don't have the full cast yet?? So tbh it's still mostly up to guessing who's even getting ssrs, etc 💔
Aaa I'm hoping for a Floyd ssr this year personally since he doesn't have one yet . but there's no telling if he's even there this year :-( !!gosh I hope so. Especially looking at that little freak in the preview with the two heads and rolling pins?? Tho tbh?? Could just as much be like. Trey! He's missing an ssr too and he bakes!! Lots it could be aaaaa I'm so excited :D!!!
- :3 again
- - -
OH what unintentional timing!!! Σ(°ロ°) I'm happy I friended you!!! It would've chewed my intestines if I didn't and you were still waiting for me to add you back. T^T but it's a relief that's not the case!! Thank you very much for the max Jade!!!! I will use his power to charge into battle (gathering guest room supplies LOL). May my tako be of use to you!!! <3
I had to physically withhold from searching out the leaks, as difficult to find as they may be. I genuinely opened my writing notebook and started scribbling just so I could prevent the temptation from creeping up on me. >_< feeling like Rollo when he sees ankle for the first time....... </3 AAAAAAA I AM TOO CURIOUS. OTL
👀 oooo now I'm even more excited if you also think I will enjoy it!!! Knowing me and how easy I am to please, I already love it and I don't know anything yet. ^^;;; my heart may not be able to handle how amazing the event is sure to be!!!! AAAAAAAAA >0<
💔 not another SSR Halloween eel..... one can dream. I'm continuing to cling to the hope for Coral Sea event with SSR Jade. Aaaaa but I'm also hoping Floyb gets the SSR for this event!!! Or any of Savanaclaw because they've yet to have a Halloween SSR. :D I've been turning all kinds of characters over in my head trying to determine who might get the SSR (or SSRs if it's more than one). So many thoughts.......
Although I do hope at least one of the eels is part of the cast for the event!!!! Or Azul....... on second thought, they should just put all of the fish in the event (shameless favoritism). (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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supersecretnerd · 9 months
Sorry for spamming the Octonauts tag, but might've gotten an answer for what those characters name are (providing both the untranslated version and translated version since Google can be funky sometimes) (from this post!: https://weibo.com/1461326595/ModG350Zk)
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So in Chinese the Octonauts is translated to small column (or at least to my understanding), so the field small column is basically a different group separate group from the Octonauts that work with field animals instead of aquatic animals.
I think Flying Fox (飞狐队长) is just a nickname cause googling it in English led to me getting bat species and when I copy pasted the Chinese name I just got something about a military thing called flying tiger? Maybe the nickname is based on that one image I shared of him swinging on a vine? Regardless, as implied he's the leader of the field organization.
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And Agu (阿古) is a hedgehog! He's a timid mycologist!
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I was also able to find a book summary from here! (https://weread.qq.com/web/bookDetail/21f32470813ab7940g017daf)
For reference: Gua Chi is Kwazii, Xie Lingtong is Shellington, Captain Buck is Captain Barnacles, and Doctor Pi is Peso
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And then I think 'oh I'm finally done researching this-' WELL NOPE THERE'S MORE CHARACTERS. I found a commercial posted on Tiktok for the book series and-
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I haven't begun to scratch the surface. It just doesn't end.
(also I think it's so funny they just slapped the 3d models with the book drawings on there at the end / maybe the other characters are fake, cause some of the videos on there do just slap on random images; can only know if I figure out a way to view the books and that may take awhile / the fox and hedgehog, along with bug and rabbit seem legit tho)
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hxllo-nana · 4 months
Thanks for answering my last Ask!
Now to finish the more Asks I had planned (hence the 1/?.).
It is interesting, looking at the stickers again. Phantom is the only one w/o a spot of red, which I think kind of fits them, considering Phantom's kind of well, weird (and dead) status in DR.
Also really interesting Dust Sans and Frisk and Dust Sans and Phantom parallel each other a lot in terms of backgrounds and poses. While Dust Sans and Papyrus don't really as much. Though, that is kind of fitting in a way. Paps and Phantom kind of parallel each other too. Don't know if any of this was intentional, but I still thought it was cool. (Talking about the Dead Ringer stickers again).
It is cool u are still working on the Hazbin Hotel Undertale AU btw! But I understand u have been busy. I am excited for more of that, and ofc, the next episode of Dead Ringer, whenever that ends up being!
(Not mentioning Bonnytale here, because while I am excited for that, I know it is not going to be for awhile. For the reasons u gave. And/or etc. Understandably so).
Also, just wanted to ask, I know it is not super likely, considering how Dead Ringer is, there probably isn't a ton of time to really show them (which, totally understandable), and u do what u want w/ DR ofc; I am curious to see whatever u do, whatever that may be. Even though I have a feeling my heart might get emotionally destroyed in coming episodes. I love darker, horror-y, etc. stuff, but I can also be quite the softie sometimes. It is a funny mix!
Anyways, just wanted to ask if we may see Muffet and/or Grillby (I think Dust Sans left Undyne at Grillby's?? I am not sure, can't completely remember) some/etc. in Dead Ringer? Totally get if we don't though and like, I don't need to show up at all, I am happy with the characters being focused on and stuff already, and there is also always other series's (that I have seen stuff involving the character(s) with those series in some form). I am just curious.
Last thing, just wanted to ask if u have checked out TS!Underswap!? It is a super a great fangame u can find on like Gamejolt. That is a take of Underswap, but more so keeps the OG personalities of swapped characters. But the new roles/role swaps creates really cool twists w/ the characters and the Underground itself (the Underground is very different because of these role swaps, and because they decided to swap the seasons of the areas too, which causes the areas to be quite different too). They also want to expand and/or try to expand on characters and stuff too.
Anyways, it is really cool, with a lot of mysteries actually, actually quite horror-y and stuff too like OG UT (and DR) could be too, routes, choices, fun gameplay, and some really great takes on characters
(like Sans/Crossbones, Chara, and Muffet are so great. Paps, Asgore, Burgerpants, and the bits we see or know about Alphys and Asriel sound fun and/or look cool too. Flowey is very, different, for various reasons, 1. being they are not Asriel, because he is alive, but Flowey is great too. And the Temmie(s) who have swapped places with Flowey are great and sometimes quite terrifying too. Just great takes on characters all around!) and good, fun OC's too.
So yeah, just wanted to know (I know u have been busy though) if u have checked out TS!US! If u haven't, u totally should if u ever get the chance. I get if u don't want to and/or can't though!
Alright, I am done with asking Ass once again (for now). See ya, and I hope u are doing fine! 2/2.
For the stickers
1. Papyrus and Phantom are both in the same picture, being that the scarf is red. Sans does not have red for-
2. Sans and Papyrus are facing one path while Dust is facing the other, both are facing back of Dust. Sans has the same pose as Dust because even tho they are facing different paths t-
3. Grillby and Muffet may get a special appearance, maybe not
I’ve heard of TSUnderswap, i wasn’t ever a fan of the swap one so im not sure if i’ll like this one too. It’s a nice concept tho and there’s some cool things about it, i’ll try to check it out more if i can
i’m doing alr, thanks!
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
A big part of taking care of someone who is sick is just keeping them company because it is so isolating.
So I have sped through a lot of media this past few months while sitting with my sister. And I’ve read while waiting in the hospital and doctors offices.
Here’s the new stuff I’ve just watched and read: (if you wanna talk more about any of them hmu in the ask box. It may take me awhile to answer but I want the asks even so!)
Barbie. I loved how weird this was. We need more weird blockbusters. I loved seeing a creative team with so many women win so big.
The Bear. This show was a little too real but so well done. I would die for Syd. My sister and I have incorporated “Heard, chef” and “Yes, Chef” into our daily lexicon.
Good Omens S2. When I tell you I was SCREAMIN at the finale. Season three is not a want, it is a need. Right up there with oxygen. Bless Tennant, bless Sheen, bless Gaiman, Netflix hear our prayers.
Breaking Bad rewatch. My thoughts could fill a novel. If anyone wants more, drop an ask. But for these purposes, my only thought is that I will never comprehend people who watched this for Walter White and not for Jessie Pinkman.
Justified Primeval: Deeply enjoyed watching Raylan Givens tussle with a child just like him 😂. Also his chemistry with Carolyn was fuckn fire, I loved the ‘grown an sexy’ vibe. And YESSSS to that epilogue.
What We Do in the Shadows (tho not the finale yet) I will be completely honest I watch this for Guillermo de la Cruz. No thots head empty just Guillermo.
The Witcher S3: My sister actually actively dislikes the show 😂😂😭 so I wasn’t gonna watch it to the sound of her unsolicited critique. So, I went to my friends house to watch it. But turned out my friend’s Husband Joined Us. He is nice but he talked over it SO MUCH. (Like did you know that some of the buildings don’t have windows in the wide shots but then in internal shots, windows galore??) Bless his heart. Point being, I need to watch again.
Ladies First. I’m a big fan of women in hip hop so this documentary series was a MUST. It was great but it left me wanting more. I want a series for every year of women in hip hop. Incredible. Also I found some new artists to listen to.
Pacific Rim rewatch. The movie is just as much fun ten years later. The concept of drift compatibility is top fucking shelf my friends. Top. Fuckn. Shelf. Also, is this the only GDT movie where the monsters are actually the bad guys? 😂 I think it is.
Heartstopper. I watched this mostly because I wanted to spend time (virtually, alas) with my fandom wife and she is obsessed with this show. Glad queer teens have this. The main actors have amazing chemistry, and are super lovable and talented.
One Piece live action. I needed something lighter after being gutted by Breaking Bad so I turned to this show. Am now obsessed with Roronoa Zoro.
I Read:
Pageboy, Elliot Page
Under the Whispering Door, TJ Klune.
Velvet is the Night, Silvia Moreno Garcia
I am Spock, Leonard Nimoy
The Entire Murderbot Diaries series re-read for like the seventh time. This is like my therapy. By Martha Wells.
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sigmashuffle · 1 year
I have a question!! So I’m a long-time BSD enjoyer but I haven’t read nearly as much of the manga as I would like. I’ve seen all of the anime though, most of it multiple times through. I didn’t realize until looking at the comments on Danny Motta’s video at how much people fucking hate Fukuchi and his sword. Up until this point I’ve thought it’s cool as hell and he, along with the sword, bring something kinda new and fun to the series.
HOWEVER, I know BSD is FAR from perfect and there’s a lot of dumb shit that faithful manga readers have a better perspective on. Would you mind explaining why Fukuchi and the sword are such a sore point? I hope this isn’t too much to ask. I just really want to know.
Hi anon! Its not too much to ask at all!
Unfortunately the answer to that is best explained in the context of ALL the issues I have with the manga/show so... this is going to be v long... and im done giving this show more credit than it deserves but don't take it that seriously lol I hesitate to even consider my pov to be on par with the average manga reader but ig we'll see how my opinions hold up after i post
And disclaimer: I don't mind answering this but ONLY with the context that this is 100% my opinion (as of late, bsd as a whole has just been REALLY bugging me so im just gonna take this opportunity to explain my gripes since most of them apply to or tie greatly into fukuchi's character/design/motivations/development)
I simply don't want anyone to come for my head bc of anything I say here tho, bc I feel like I may disagree with a large portion of the fanbase but WITH THAT SAID...
***from this point forward there will be a few spoilers from s5e11***
Here are my gripes with BSD...
1. BSD and its "magic system"?
bsd powers suffer from what i like to call a "lack of scope"
granted this could be due to the fact the story isnt complete HOWEVER im sure any anime fan can tell you this story doesnt feel like it is leading anywhere its just... going... (ill get to the awful pacing later)
for comparison sake im going to also talk about The Case Study of Vanitas since it is the world I have the most experience in
what does BSD not have that VNC does?
simply put, the magic system doesnt reinvent itself character to character
in VNC if you have an ability it is EXCLUSIVELY connected to "manipulations of the world formula" which is essentially elemental control (fire, ice, gravity, etc.) based on a sci fi version of chemistry (alchemy, if you will) and this rule applies to EVERY CHARACTER in VNC
its a structure that starts developing from the beginning
BSD however introduces a WHOLE NEW magic system for each character
some character abilities are similar, yes, and can be classified as such, but many cannot be classified
again a magic system doesnt NEED to have strict rules (its actually more boring that way if the rules are too simple) but it DOES need RULES... and solid ones
otherwise its tempting to use the MAGIC system to fill in PLOT RELATED gaps
and if that system isnt defined, well, to me that looks like lazy/sloppy/illogical writing
if you like the whiplash of not knowing whats gonna happen next, fine, (i did for awhile too!) up until the unpredictability started to come from powers that as a whole look like an authors way of trying to write themselves out of their own plot hole
ie: time travel
specifically time travel that isnt introduced FROM THE BEGINNING...
2. Fukuchi and his "deus ex machina" sword
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time travel is NOTORIOUSLY difficult to pull off and especially by my standards
I have watched Doctor Who since 2008, before I even knew what tumblr was I was doing my own solo fandom stuff (basically just watching a LOT of youtube video essays) but basically I have high standards when it comes to time travel in stories
Amenogozen has the POTENTIAL to be a great weapon if used in a logical context... but theres one thing the sword (and BSD as a whole) does not follow
time travel is TRICKY mostly bc it has consequences... in BSD fukuchi gives nothing in exchange for his powers
lets even toss time travel aside for the moment
what is Fukuchi's innate special ability? Mirror Lion... (read below)
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its essentially an attack multiplier of x100 at CLOSE RANGE
lets say your average untrained human punch is 150psi (pounds per square inch) which is the pressure equivalent of a point 100m below the surface of the ocean...
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with Mirror Lion's multiplier you get 15,000psi which would be 10,000m or 10 kilometers
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a pressure equivalent to the deepest part of the ocean (i dont need to remind you how powerful water is... we all know about oceangate)
dont even get me started on his motivations too
im glad we got backstory for him in ep 11 and im sure we are just supposed to sum up his motivations into "he was willing to pay the high price for world peace" but tbh royally fuck that
dont TELL me thats what he believes
PROVE to me how you made that conclusion
also the only reason he even dies is becasue he wants fukuzawa to kill him... we dont have any sense of accomplishment for stopping his scheme because NOW the scheme has been PLOPPED right into fukuzawa's lap which fukuchi intended to do from the start... apparently
and this seemingly retroactive decision-making is a problem A LOT of bsd characters have, especially the one and only character i hate THE MOST... *drumroll*
3. Osamu fucking Dazai
oh boy...
I have thought long and hard about Dazai... im not going to lie, after ch109 and ep10 I was about to admit Dazai might actually have grown on me BUT
this was all erased after 6 minutes into ep11 when he was confirmed to indeed NOT be dead
Dazai just *knows* everything thats gonna happen
Chuuya was never a vamp... he knew this... and somehow his ENTIRE escape plan was just hinging on that? bc yknow... hE kNeW fRoM tHe bEgiNniNg
His character is paper thin, with motivations that do not translate to his actions
and frankly... im tired of it...
additionally... if sigma doesn't survive, all of Meursault was literally useless... so why pick him for nikolai's prison break game?
even if he does, it means the ONLY thing we get out of the arc is information about fyodor... as to WHAT information, who knows... but regardless, a villain arc that has been going on for TOO GODDAMN LONG (40 chapters?) should have a resolution that isnt "i knew what was gonna happen all along"
we spent the whole time being SHOWN that fyodor and dazai were of equal intelligence levels... or at least higher than what dazai was used to dealing with
if dazai could just predict shit like this from the beginning why was fyodor a villain for so long? makes ZERO sense, dazai would've defeated him AGES ago... what makes THIS time any different?
also... why is he even suicidal? yeah ok the author was... but like... why make it such a present character trait?... so we can fake kill him over and over? idk
can you tell i dislike him?
I am a "show dont tell" girlie
ALL BSD DOES IS "TELL TELL TELL" ...its infuriating
almost every power/special ability has an element of "trust me bro" ok SOME OF THEM DONT but most of them do
ie: atsushi is a tiger (what does that even mean), kenji gets strong when he's angry (ok hulk?), and THIS JUST IN we STILL don't know how fyodor's ability works... and now he's DEAD?... we also dont know almost any detail about sigma's ability and he might ALSO be dead
but thats only regarding abilities...
when it comes to writing stories using people of high intelligence it is VERY difficult to not get into the aforementioned "trust me bro" mindset which BSD does REPEATEDLY
im not listing off every example but off the top of my head is one scene from s4...
ranpo explains his plan for saving yosano loosely involved "replacing the engine [of an armored vehicle] with an electric motor and playing engine sounds over the speakers so no one noticed" ...and only i can pick this claim to shreds lol (i engineer electric vehicles for a living) but this is so wrong on so many levels...
Internal combustion engines and Electric motors are IN NO WAY EQUIVALENT
ranpo would never be able to power a vehicle the size of an armored truck with a motor that he installed an hour before the truck was put to use... he just wouldnt... the vehicle is too big... ugh *facepalm*
and dont even get me started on batteries...
if you want to write some *genius move* at least TRY to do some research to make the action believable
thats like saying "oh yeah i ran out of gas so a threw a couple AA batteries into my gas tank until i could make it to the station"
5. Manga Readers' POV
especially for a monthly released manga
i am relatively new to anime and manga... like late 2020, so I am part of the "new gen" I guess you could say so i know i dont have any right to complain about pacing in comparison to like... the dressrosa arc of One Piece
with that said, not enough in bsd BUILDS on itself
it all feels like a self "one-up"
its been too long since any of my large questions have been answered
honestly its rare that any of my questions are ever answered because the narrative rarely follows logical progression anyway and any scenes thats ARE useful are cut from the anime
characters do not *develop* their powers, they just simply ARE
whatever ability you are born with limits what you can do and thats that... which leads me to...
6. Types of Ability Users
the most coherent thing i think i can speak on so this will be short lol
there are 3 types... i think (excluding lightnovels, i have not read 15, Stormbringer, or any others)
(1) natural abilities (ones that can be nullified by dazai or stolen like in Dead Apple)
(2) human/god fusions (chuuya) -> but this can ALSO be nullified???
(3) when an ability isnt an ability (it CANT be nullified) -> ie: whatever the fuck Lovecraft is
Sigma -> ??? (he could be part of the natural ability category but like... it feels weird to put him there)
but... there is never a comparison between these types so im not even sure of this "list" is exhaustive
this is just another way the story is leaving open ways to dig itself out of a plot hole... which isnt fun... bc now there are no stakes... there are no rules... its disorganized chaos where anything can happen
everyone will always be fine because there is a way out of everything
and thats BORING... and for me, downright infuriating
fukuchi likely falls into the first category... but then again he's also using a tool from another ancient ability user... so does he even fit there?
7. Anime Adaptation
and i know why...
BSD is so thin on STABLE plot the story would feel like its dragging if Bones wasn't animating at the pace they are (see Manga Readers' POV)
so to try and counteract the feeling that nothing is happening they are cutting "irrelevant" scenes BUT ALSO important portions relevant ones (ie: aku's death)
do all the plot points from the manga happen? by definition, yes... but the nuance the manga has is lost almost entirely
Atsushi doesn't physically throw an injured Aku's arm over his shoulders... Aku doesn't smile upon his demise... Aku doesn't reach out through the fog of the fire extinguisher (the adaptation of this scene was personally my last straw)
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and then we have the new anime content...
why did we tack on an additional fight? zero context... didn't even tie up loose ends from fukuchi like...
is sigma alive?
are chuuya/dazai/nikoali still in france? europe?
is fyodor going to return in some way? (we know nothing of his motives, ability, or MOST importantly, what information did he learn from Sigma??? his ability is an EXCHANGE so why even have that happen if they are both dead anyway?) why would you fucking kill off a character like this
WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS ENTIRE ARC??? The mere reason I'm asking this question is, in and of itself, unacceptable
we MAY get an answer later... but its been 20 episodes... why the fuck dont we know anything about the arc we just completed? ...ludicrous
Final Thoughts
BSD does not have enough reliable rules in its magic system to form a solid foundation of... anything
Fukuchi is a disjointed character trying to do too many things at once, he doesn't have solid motivations, and his arc provides more questions than it answers
Osamu Dazai is not a character... he is a plot device used like a saving throw in DND
BSD frequently insults my intelligence to cover it's ass in its storytelling
being a manga reader is like taking 30 days to rip off a tiny band aid... the pacing is unbearable
even with the end of fukuchi's arc now known, there was no sense of accomplishment in defeating him bc technically we didnt… he gave himself up... so the sword was just to make him overpowered... it was pointless
the anime adaptation was rushed, scenes cherry picked, and plot narratively thinned into water... there was no depth this season
In my opinion...
There are very few redeeming characteristics about BSD now
The few meaningful scenes we do get in the manga are overwritten by later context that negates any emotion initially associated with the scene
even with the end of fukuchi's arc now known, there was no sense of accomplishment in defeating him bc technically we didnt... he gave himself up
Dazai is the worst written character I have ever read
It is very likely i drop this story entirely
If I seem salty/upset/etc. its because I am. However is NOT directed at you, it is simply a manifestation of my disappointment in this story.
And there you have my opinion... in way too many words... thanks for sticking around if you made it this far im impressed bc i am salty as hell lol
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viilpstick · 11 months
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╰┈➤ 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫: If it wasn’t enough, they were ready to go back by the time they had to date, whatsoever even when faking they can’t stay in each other’s side, and that may or may not bring the past back up
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: Fellow Honest, Lacy Darling, Twisted Wonderland ocs
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Oc x canon, alcohol, puking, slightly mutual pining, suspense/cliff hanger
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: Slight angsty, mistery (?)
𝒂/𝒏: Silly second chance romance awhile fake dating (THERE'S SEXUAL TENSION RAAAH) <33 SO. MANY. REFERENCES. OMG.
Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3.
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The clock strikes six o' clock, the sun is nearly gone and the lights are turning on. Everything ready for Lacy's job event start. Awhile Fellow stood outside her house, waiting for her, so he would company her.
Obviously, Fellow had a few second intentions by accepting her invite, no ill tho. At least no longer for her. But his intentions were clear as the dark blue night sky. And what were they? Proof to Lacy he did change, maybe there were hopes for a second chance, mainly, a chance of doing things again, but, better.
Fellow patiently waited Lacy to open the door, before playing the door ring once again. With a blink of eyes he was pulled inside of her home inside closing the door behind them... This was easier than he expected.
Before shaking his head in shock, he sees the figure of Lacy wearing her cyan green like dress, a black bow as a belt. The cocktail dress didn't fully hugged her silhouette specially because the zip still not up.
"Can you help me?" Darling asks holding her dress to not fall.
A sly chuckle left his lips, as Lacy huffs turning her head away from him. His large hands carefully took the tiny zipper with the strings before pulling it further down. Just a playful tease of his.
"Up, Honest."
Fellow couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "Oh, right. Sorry, darling."
A throaty chuckle escaped his lips, watching her reaction, like a a fox watching his prey.
The long term sigh left her lungs. "You shouldn't use my last name to refer to me, specially when we suppose to fake date."
"I didn't used your last name, darling."
A silly wink and smirk showed up in his face, as he gives a low chuckle going waiting closer by the door once again. Lacy stood there, processing his words, before the confused expression turned into a blush mess in matter of few seconds.
"You!" She stays there flabbergasted taking her purse and opening the door.
He steps aside with eyes closed and an amused expression, letting her leave first, with a quiet: "Ladies first."
Lacy leads the way, as Fellow follows her behind, she hands him the keys of her car. "Well, I wonder… Was there actually no other reason you invited me?" The silence was held by Lacy as she doesn't answer. "Aside from your other friends being busy."
Fellow took the hint of understanding she wouldn't answer it. But, for his surprise, she opens her mouth to explain the why.
"Such a foolish reason, but, I wanted to see if you changed and if I would or could ever forgive you for everything."
"Isn't my word enough for you?" There was no answer for that, and he knew exactly why, her silence confirmed her words. "Can't really blame you, can I?"
The rest of the night drive was completely silence, there was nothing they could possibly talk about, right?
Fellow side eyed Lacy, just to take a look in her outfit... Actually, her in general. she didn't change as much from before he used to date her. But, sevens. How can someone be this stunning. Yet, there was a mental choice of his to not say a word about it.
The moment they both stepped into the party room, Fellow was no longer in Lacy’s side. Her head tried to find him around but nothing! Until a familiar voice speaks up calling her name.
"Lacy Darling! There you are!" Great! The last man that should see her without Fellow close to her. Her boss!
"Mister Feud’ Bougie!" She surprisedly gasps, trying to pretend to be calm.
"Ah, pleasee, don’t need for such formalities, Lacy. Only Levi is fine, and you know it." She softly laughs along with him with a small nod. "So, you told me you would bring someone."
Levi gives a mischievous jokingly expression with a smirk. As Lacy immediately panics inside, for Fellow completely disappeared from her point of view. "Ah! Right, you mean Fellow. He was just right here from now-"
"Pardon me, madame. Fellow? Fellow Honest? The man who got you in prison."
Her mind goes blank, she does forget sometimes they been through this. Actually no, she doesn’t forget it, she simply doesn’t want people to think she has once again giving in to Fellow’s charms.
"Well, yes. But, he changed- I mean! I fixed him— That just sounded worse." She puts a hand in her head. With a deep sigh, she stops talking trying to justify.
Levi sighed as well, by the fact that she really searched any guy she could find just to prove the point she needs to take a break.
"Darling, I hope you under that what I am worried for is your constant workaholic habit, I didn’t wanted you finding a random man and fake date him just to make me happy. You should go out more and see the outside world."
She stays in silence looking to the floor. "I appreciate your worry, sir."
The ingenue tone of her voice wasn’t a malicious thing, it was simply her way to respond when people worried for her, why are you worrying for her? She never worried for herself before. He smiles slightly still worried, but decided to keep the professional and not push her further, leaving her alone to search for her one and only date.
Lacy searched around the party for Fellow, just finding him talking to another woman. No, no, I know what you are thinking, she can't be jealous? You are right, she wasn't specially because he wasn't flirting, he was applying another of his classic puppet play. How infuriating this man was so effortlessly!
A low chuckle was heard from a woman by the bar.
"You can never tell when he'll show up, but when he does gives you plenty of trouble. Doesn't he, darling?" She was a blonde woman, light blue eyes and blue eyeshadow, her trumpet dress in a beige shade.
"Excuse me?"
"Fellow could be describe in more ways then one, couldn’t he?" The blonde one asks herself. "You were the one who went to jail thanks to him. Haven’t?"
"How much do you know?" Lacy asks the question more in a curious way than scared of how much information that woman holds.
"You know, a little this, a little that. His name is really famous, some for good things, other for not so great things." She approaches Lacy handing her a cup of wine that the barista just served. "Well, darling, he is a tramp. Nothing in this world can change him, not even you."
The fact that she was right, send a shiver down Lacy’s spine.
She stays quiet as the blonde woman lives her with the cup of wine in her hand, staring down to the floor. Just to noticed the cup had a small note with a hand writing, Lacy carefully reads the paper and her eyes immediately winded in shock.
That woman, does in fact, know a lot.
The next thing she knew Lacy was completely drunk, laying on the table in a state of half sleep, vulnerable as ever. No one, yet, dared to step close to her, Fellow guarded her as if her own body guard.
Only two people dared to step close to her and him, Lacy's friends. A short beastman with black and grey hair and a long goatee, with a tall beastman with long mustache brown and blonde hair with glasses, both with a worried expression, but once taking a better look at who accompanied Lacy their expression changed into a curious.
"You, young man, aren't you the owner of playful land?"
"That's precisely me, yes."
They look into each with a side eye and angry expression. "You...you mongrel!" The short one exclaims, they turn to the drunk Lacy who raises her head putting her hand in her head for minimum support, a hand of the shorter one puts a hand in the woman's back, awhile the tall one gets to her left side.
"If this person is annoying you, Miss Lacy--"
"--We'll gladly throw the rascal out."
"That won't be necessary. Jacob, Tobias, thank you."
The two man huff as their cold eyes look up and down to Fellow with an annoyed expression. A deep sigh went out Lacy's lungs, with Fellow taking her hand. "It's better if we leave, you are clearly not well."
Not even resisting, Lacy follows him making their way out of the party, it was already late either way.
Fellow stopped outside, walking to the parking lot with a drunk Lacy on his side. He stops when she drops her high heels on the floor, he kneels down taking both heels raising his head to her as, and to his biggest surprise she leans to kiss him, and for the more he wanted to lean in, he backs down, away, standing up and holding Lacy so she wouldn't fall.
Not only she was drunk, she didn't had conscience of her own actions, plus she would never kiss him again, not drunk, not sober.
"You didn't even forgave me, dear. Don't do this to yourself, at least not with me, at least not like that."
"Don't think I didn't saw, you trying to scam that girl. But, I did forgave you."
He laughs "Such nonsense..." Looking into her eyes he saw a sober serious side of her, a genuine feeling. The silence stablished down, as Fellow's eyes go to the floor, awhile helping Lacy to go back to her home.
"I may still be hurt, but I've learn to forgive. I know what you went through, I just... Don't justify your actions for it."
"You know abou-"
With that she pukes on the floor falling unconscious in his arms, Fellow held her waist carefully placing her on his shoulders. He not only sighs, but wonders, what does she knows from before they met?
Once Lacy wakes up, she doesn't remember nothing. Last night was so blurry, she can't remember the last time she had so many drinks. Her phone had a text notification.
"My dearest, Lacy, I am actually being honest when I tell you, thank you for inviting me, I know if it wasn't you boss literally bossing you around, you wouldn't do it, but I indeed had fun with you. Don't forget to drink some water, you were completely drunk."
The message went blank as ever, specially after the coma.
It change the meaning of it... Was it intentional? The words hit her harder than she could imagine.
"By the way, you puked, the one who took care of you was a friend, sure you remember and still talk to Little Miss Canaveri. Yet, he didn't seem to like the idea of you inviting me."
She stays laying there and comes up with a conclusion, he did not meant what she thought of.
"Stupid grammar errors."
Because that was really a silly mistake made by a coma?
"By the way, see you soon in Playful land and if you need any help to tight up a dress again... Well, just call me ;)"
Lacy scoffs at the message, turning off her phone and tossing it aside. "Stupid fox."
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