#oc x fellow honest
viilpstick · 11 months
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╰┈➤ 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫: If it wasn’t enough, they were ready to go back by the time they had to date, whatsoever even when faking they can’t stay in each other’s side, and that may or may not bring the past back up
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: Fellow Honest, Lacy Darling, Twisted Wonderland ocs
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Oc x canon, alcohol, puking, slightly mutual pining, suspense/cliff hanger
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: Slight angsty, mistery (?)
𝒂/𝒏: Silly second chance romance awhile fake dating (THERE'S SEXUAL TENSION RAAAH) <33 SO. MANY. REFERENCES. OMG.
Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3.
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The clock strikes six o' clock, the sun is nearly gone and the lights are turning on. Everything ready for Lacy's job event start. Awhile Fellow stood outside her house, waiting for her, so he would company her.
Obviously, Fellow had a few second intentions by accepting her invite, no ill tho. At least no longer for her. But his intentions were clear as the dark blue night sky. And what were they? Proof to Lacy he did change, maybe there were hopes for a second chance, mainly, a chance of doing things again, but, better.
Fellow patiently waited Lacy to open the door, before playing the door ring once again. With a blink of eyes he was pulled inside of her home inside closing the door behind them... This was easier than he expected.
Before shaking his head in shock, he sees the figure of Lacy wearing her cyan green like dress, a black bow as a belt. The cocktail dress didn't fully hugged her silhouette specially because the zip still not up.
"Can you help me?" Darling asks holding her dress to not fall.
A sly chuckle left his lips, as Lacy huffs turning her head away from him. His large hands carefully took the tiny zipper with the strings before pulling it further down. Just a playful tease of his.
"Up, Honest."
Fellow couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "Oh, right. Sorry, darling."
A throaty chuckle escaped his lips, watching her reaction, like a a fox watching his prey.
The long term sigh left her lungs. "You shouldn't use my last name to refer to me, specially when we suppose to fake date."
"I didn't used your last name, darling."
A silly wink and smirk showed up in his face, as he gives a low chuckle going waiting closer by the door once again. Lacy stood there, processing his words, before the confused expression turned into a blush mess in matter of few seconds.
"You!" She stays there flabbergasted taking her purse and opening the door.
He steps aside with eyes closed and an amused expression, letting her leave first, with a quiet: "Ladies first."
Lacy leads the way, as Fellow follows her behind, she hands him the keys of her car. "Well, I wonder… Was there actually no other reason you invited me?" The silence was held by Lacy as she doesn't answer. "Aside from your other friends being busy."
Fellow took the hint of understanding she wouldn't answer it. But, for his surprise, she opens her mouth to explain the why.
"Such a foolish reason, but, I wanted to see if you changed and if I would or could ever forgive you for everything."
"Isn't my word enough for you?" There was no answer for that, and he knew exactly why, her silence confirmed her words. "Can't really blame you, can I?"
The rest of the night drive was completely silence, there was nothing they could possibly talk about, right?
Fellow side eyed Lacy, just to take a look in her outfit... Actually, her in general. she didn't change as much from before he used to date her. But, sevens. How can someone be this stunning. Yet, there was a mental choice of his to not say a word about it.
The moment they both stepped into the party room, Fellow was no longer in Lacy’s side. Her head tried to find him around but nothing! Until a familiar voice speaks up calling her name.
"Lacy Darling! There you are!" Great! The last man that should see her without Fellow close to her. Her boss!
"Mister Feud’ Bougie!" She surprisedly gasps, trying to pretend to be calm.
"Ah, pleasee, don’t need for such formalities, Lacy. Only Levi is fine, and you know it." She softly laughs along with him with a small nod. "So, you told me you would bring someone."
Levi gives a mischievous jokingly expression with a smirk. As Lacy immediately panics inside, for Fellow completely disappeared from her point of view. "Ah! Right, you mean Fellow. He was just right here from now-"
"Pardon me, madame. Fellow? Fellow Honest? The man who got you in prison."
Her mind goes blank, she does forget sometimes they been through this. Actually no, she doesn’t forget it, she simply doesn’t want people to think she has once again giving in to Fellow’s charms.
"Well, yes. But, he changed- I mean! I fixed him— That just sounded worse." She puts a hand in her head. With a deep sigh, she stops talking trying to justify.
Levi sighed as well, by the fact that she really searched any guy she could find just to prove the point she needs to take a break.
"Darling, I hope you under that what I am worried for is your constant workaholic habit, I didn’t wanted you finding a random man and fake date him just to make me happy. You should go out more and see the outside world."
She stays in silence looking to the floor. "I appreciate your worry, sir."
The ingenue tone of her voice wasn’t a malicious thing, it was simply her way to respond when people worried for her, why are you worrying for her? She never worried for herself before. He smiles slightly still worried, but decided to keep the professional and not push her further, leaving her alone to search for her one and only date.
Lacy searched around the party for Fellow, just finding him talking to another woman. No, no, I know what you are thinking, she can't be jealous? You are right, she wasn't specially because he wasn't flirting, he was applying another of his classic puppet play. How infuriating this man was so effortlessly!
A low chuckle was heard from a woman by the bar.
"You can never tell when he'll show up, but when he does gives you plenty of trouble. Doesn't he, darling?" She was a blonde woman, light blue eyes and blue eyeshadow, her trumpet dress in a beige shade.
"Excuse me?"
"Fellow could be describe in more ways then one, couldn’t he?" The blonde one asks herself. "You were the one who went to jail thanks to him. Haven’t?"
"How much do you know?" Lacy asks the question more in a curious way than scared of how much information that woman holds.
"You know, a little this, a little that. His name is really famous, some for good things, other for not so great things." She approaches Lacy handing her a cup of wine that the barista just served. "Well, darling, he is a tramp. Nothing in this world can change him, not even you."
The fact that she was right, send a shiver down Lacy’s spine.
She stays quiet as the blonde woman lives her with the cup of wine in her hand, staring down to the floor. Just to noticed the cup had a small note with a hand writing, Lacy carefully reads the paper and her eyes immediately winded in shock.
That woman, does in fact, know a lot.
The next thing she knew Lacy was completely drunk, laying on the table in a state of half sleep, vulnerable as ever. No one, yet, dared to step close to her, Fellow guarded her as if her own body guard.
Only two people dared to step close to her and him, Lacy's friends. A short beastman with black and grey hair and a long goatee, with a tall beastman with long mustache brown and blonde hair with glasses, both with a worried expression, but once taking a better look at who accompanied Lacy their expression changed into a curious.
"You, young man, aren't you the owner of playful land?"
"That's precisely me, yes."
They look into each with a side eye and angry expression. "You...you mongrel!" The short one exclaims, they turn to the drunk Lacy who raises her head putting her hand in her head for minimum support, a hand of the shorter one puts a hand in the woman's back, awhile the tall one gets to her left side.
"If this person is annoying you, Miss Lacy--"
"--We'll gladly throw the rascal out."
"That won't be necessary. Jacob, Tobias, thank you."
The two man huff as their cold eyes look up and down to Fellow with an annoyed expression. A deep sigh went out Lacy's lungs, with Fellow taking her hand. "It's better if we leave, you are clearly not well."
Not even resisting, Lacy follows him making their way out of the party, it was already late either way.
Fellow stopped outside, walking to the parking lot with a drunk Lacy on his side. He stops when she drops her high heels on the floor, he kneels down taking both heels raising his head to her as, and to his biggest surprise she leans to kiss him, and for the more he wanted to lean in, he backs down, away, standing up and holding Lacy so she wouldn't fall.
Not only she was drunk, she didn't had conscience of her own actions, plus she would never kiss him again, not drunk, not sober.
"You didn't even forgave me, dear. Don't do this to yourself, at least not with me, at least not like that."
"Don't think I didn't saw, you trying to scam that girl. But, I did forgave you."
He laughs "Such nonsense..." Looking into her eyes he saw a sober serious side of her, a genuine feeling. The silence stablished down, as Fellow's eyes go to the floor, awhile helping Lacy to go back to her home.
"I may still be hurt, but I've learn to forgive. I know what you went through, I just... Don't justify your actions for it."
"You know abou-"
With that she pukes on the floor falling unconscious in his arms, Fellow held her waist carefully placing her on his shoulders. He not only sighs, but wonders, what does she knows from before they met?
Once Lacy wakes up, she doesn't remember nothing. Last night was so blurry, she can't remember the last time she had so many drinks. Her phone had a text notification.
"My dearest, Lacy, I am actually being honest when I tell you, thank you for inviting me, I know if it wasn't you boss literally bossing you around, you wouldn't do it, but I indeed had fun with you. Don't forget to drink some water, you were completely drunk."
The message went blank as ever, specially after the coma.
It change the meaning of it... Was it intentional? The words hit her harder than she could imagine.
"By the way, you puked, the one who took care of you was a friend, sure you remember and still talk to Little Miss Canaveri. Yet, he didn't seem to like the idea of you inviting me."
She stays laying there and comes up with a conclusion, he did not meant what she thought of.
"Stupid grammar errors."
Because that was really a silly mistake made by a coma?
"By the way, see you soon in Playful land and if you need any help to tight up a dress again... Well, just call me ;)"
Lacy scoffs at the message, turning off her phone and tossing it aside. "Stupid fox."
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revivemyreverie · 17 days
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there was going to be a serious artwork with this but i got bored so uhm. have fun to the 2 lucefellow fans out there.
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midnightmah07 · 24 days
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First Maisie and Fellow art how we feeling
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fell-e · 15 days
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Happy Birthday to my Beautiful wife💕💕
lukewarm greetings to everyone else
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sorry, straightforward individual, but ive got eyes for jamil and jamil only
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the-ramshackle-prefect · 11 months
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rollo haters dont go after fellow honest bc he has pretty privilege...
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✨ let’s do a twst trade ✨
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Hello ^^;;
This might be coming out of the blue. I’m typically a very private person and tend to stick with social circles I’m already familiar with.
Recently, I’ve been thinking that it would be nice to put myself out there and interact more! I can get easily overwhelmed, so I thought a good way to go about this is to do a handful of art/writing trades. This keeps the number low and conversation approachable, and I think that’d help slowly ease me into being more comfortable interacting and participating in community events.
***UPDATE: Trades now closed, thank you all for the interest!***
Here are the parameters and other important notes (setting these for my own comfort and lifestyle):
This will be a Twisted Wonderland themed trade because that’s the one thing we can guarantee to have in common.
I’ll write a fic for you! Minimum 1-2k words (but I tend to ramble so it could easily go higher than that), starring at least 2 characters (I can write more, but let’s not go too crazy and ask for all 22 NRC students in one fic).
I CAN write platonic, romantic, angst, fluff, yandere, AUs, etc.
I’m okay with writing any and all TWST characters, including staff, RSA students, family members, and other NPCs.
Of course, OCs are also welcome! I’d love to learn more about yours.
Be prepared with references for your OC(s) if applicable. This could include illustrations, but at the bare minimum should include a written explanation of who the character is, their personality, likes/dislikes, and relationships with canon characters.
There are limits to what I will write, as I am uncomfortable with some subject matters. For example, I’m not willing to write anything pregnancy-related. We can discuss my “no goes” in more detail if we decide to trade!
Upon request, I can do a simple digital piece of art OR a washi tape illustration (you won’t receive the physical piece, just a picture of it) for you. I believe most people know me more for my writing, but I wanted to keep these options on the table!
You trade me a fic of your own OR an artwork of roughly the same quantity/quality. As the saying goes, “what you give is what you get.”
We will talk and agree before we start on our pieces what each of us will generally provide at the end. (For example, a 5k word fic for a full color waist up illustration, 1k word fic for a black-white doodle, etc.)
You have to be okay with receiving a vague prompt. I like to be surprised, so I’ll probably just give you a list of general themes, ideas, and characters I like, then set you loose to see what you come up with.
You can be as specific as you like with your own prompt for me though—I’m flexible. Let me know what you don’t like as well so I can avoid including those elements.
To keep things fair, we’ll both hold onto our pieces and exchange them at the same time.
Regarding my written piece, it will be in a Google Doc for you to access.
This is NOT first come, first serve. I can only realistically take on 3-5 trades at this time depending on interest and complexity. If I turn you down, it’s nothing personal!
Priority will be given to mutuals (chances are that there’s more likely to be common ground if we’re already following each other).
Preference will be given to those indicated as adults in their blog intros/profiles (this is just what vibes the best with my personal communication style)
Be patient!! It may take me a few weeks or more to complete my part.
Be aware that doing a trade with me does NOT necessarily mean we will become best friends, and nor should this be the expectation 😅
If you’re okay with the above and are interested in a trade, please DM me! In your DM, you should indicate some prompts/ideas for what you’d like me to write. Please wait for me to respond; do NOT assume that I’ve accepted the trade request just because you’ve messaged me.
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liviavanrouge · 11 months
Harmless Joke
Livia: Wanna hear a joke!
Fellow: Sure, it'll be the last one you ever tell anyway
Livia: If I go missing you're gonna die!
Fellow: Huh...
Livia: Malleus and Maleficia Draconia will come searching for me and oh dear, if they trace this back to you...
Fellow: ...Draconia...
Livia: *Grins smugly* JUST KIDDING! Harmless joke!
Fellow: I hope it is...
Vil: Potato Cub sure knows how to scare her enemies~
Leona: *Grins* That's the thing I'm proud of the most!
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shiocreator · 10 days
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Various doodles i have done, @soratsuart inspiring me to draw fellow and gidel out of insanity, moth and the flame joke, incorrect quite generator thats just accurate, and for that last one if ykyk (only sora understands the joke.)
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mahs-dumpster · 23 days
a/n: I don't have a title for this one and for some reason I'm kinda shy about this so. I'll just post this and move on. Yup. Uhh tagging @4necdote bc I mentioned this to her
cw: fellow honest should be a content warning tbh; oc x canon (Maisie x Fellow); possibly ooc because I still haven't read Playful Land
words: around 1k
He couldn't take his eyes off of her, not after hearing her sing so beautifully on that stage. Her voice was high pitched, but it was soft and almost heavenly, it almost never went off tone, whenever a mistake was made she covered up so masterfully and wonderfully that it made it seem like the song was being improved. Every word seemed to captivate the audience — captivate him — and make them hypnotized, in awe of what they were experiencing at the moment.
That's why, to Fellow, he couldn't help but stare at the jazz singer who was currently drinking all the way across from him at that bar. A few minutes ago she looked like an angel, — in a way, she still does — almost ethereal… but now, she seemed human, like she could be reached, and Fellow wanted more than anything to talk to her, to use the charisma he had been building over the years to his advantage, not for a scheme like usual, but to get her attention, to make her beautiful blue eyes look at him. 
He needed to hear that voice directed towards him. 
As Fellow got up, with an idea as to how to approach her in mind, he saw that another man apparently had the same thought as him. He clicked his tongue and sat back down, not wanting to be pushy and try to fight for her attention, not wanting her to have this view of him before he even spoke.
The redhead glanced at them ever so often, curious as to how their interaction was gonna go. He saw as the man’s words seemed to make the cat beastwoman cringe, a wrinkle showing on her delicate features, and a twitch of her fluffy white ears; he tried touching her waist, which caused her to push him away, seemingly making the man angry. It was then that Fellow decided to take action. He walked straight towards the two after asking for another drink, a plan to shoo the man away, but before he could reach closer to them both he heard a loud groan, followed by a sound of satisfaction that came out of the singer’s throat. She had stepped on his foot, irritated with his advances and tired of repeatedly saying ‘no’.
Before Fellow could laugh though, he saw how the guy lifted his hand, his eyes widened in shock and anger as he quickly left the drinks there and ran towards the two, his hand holding the man’s wrist. 
“Now, there. That isn't very gentlemanly, is it?” Fellow said, his joking manner present as ever but his voice was firm. He pushed the guy, standing in front of the smaller woman who watched the situation with curiosity and shock at the audacity of the guy for trying to hit her. “I suggest you better leave. You wouldn't wanna get in trouble here.” 
It was a threat. Fellow’s fangs showed as he pronounced every word, his eyebrows furrowed with irritation. The guy grumbled something he couldn't care less about and walked away, then, Fellow finally sighed and looked behind him, a bit of worry in his eyes. 
“Are you, uh… are you alright, miss?”
“Oh.” The singer came back to reality and slightly bowed, a sweet smile on her lips as she nodded. “Yes, I’m ok. Thank you for helping me out, mister…?”
“Fellow Honest at your services, your ladyship.” He bowed playfully, making the woman giggle. It was music to his ears. “I have been keeping my eye on you ever since I saw your performance a few minutes ago.”
“Ah, I see. And what did you think of it, mister Honest?” 
“I can hardly speak my mind without knowing the name of the lady I talk to, can I?” Fellow said, his hand extended in a silent encouragement for her to introduce herself. The girl took his hand a bit hesitantly, but curious nonetheless.
“Well, alright." She started. "My name is Maisie Bows. Thank you for listening to my singing earlier today.”
“Maisie.” He tried, and realized he loved how the word rolled off his tongue. He hummed as a smile showed up in his face, then he brought her hand to his face, kissing gently the back of her hand. “A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” Maisie let out a laugh, a more genuine one, and he noticed her cheeks getting red. She seemed to be delighted with their interactions, not being able to contain the smile on her face even after she stopped laughing.
“My, aren't you quite the charmer, mister Honest.” The woman joked, and Fellow couldn't help but chuckle, his hand never leaving hers. “Now, your opinion on my performance…?”
“It was one of the best I’ve ever heard.” She lifted an eyebrow as if she didn't believe him. “I promise, or my name isn't Fellow Honest.”
“I guess with a name like that you really can't lie.” Maisie sat down again on one of the benches at the bar, retrieving her hand from his grasp, and Fellow immediately missed her touch. “So. You came here just to play hero and compliment my singing?”
“Actually, I was coming here to offer you a drink.” He confessed, walking towards where he left said drinks, offering one to the woman sitting in front or him. “That is, if you would let me.” Maisie stayed quiet for a moment, as if thinking it over.
“I… don't really accept drinks nor food from strangers.” Is what she said, but he could see there was more in her eyes, a certain yearning he couldn't quite comprehend. He’d be a fool to simply give up when he saw that.
Fellow left the two drinks at the bar and called the bartender, looking at Maisie once they came closer. “If not, then let me pay you one. Your choice.” Maisie smiled and leaned against the bar, looking over at the options of drinks and pointing to one specifically. Fellow immediately ordered it and started drinking the one he already had in hands, not before curiosity struck him. “May I be so bold and ask for a dance as well, miss Bows?” 
Maisie turned to Fellow, she tried to contain a laugh but failed, she bit her nails as she pondered over his question, then she looked at him.
“We’ll see how this conversation goes.”
“Fair enough.”
Maisie stirred in bed, the sound of her alarm clock bothering her sensitive hearing. As she turned it off, she sat up on her bed, a hand on her face as she remembered her dream, or better yet, her memory.
Her hands went to her phone, quickly opening the gallery and finding the small folder of photos she was not able to delete. A finger went over a picture of her and Fellow on a date, her wearing his stupidly big jacked as his arm was around her shoulders.
Maisie's eyes stung.
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wysteriadelights · 10 months
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And guess what?? They got MORE COMM CLOTS OPEN!!! PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT!!!
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oha-yuu · 11 months
People are on the "Apologize to Rollo, Fellow is much worse!" train, meanwhile I'm here goin' "My Yuu has two hands-"
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neoninky · 3 months
TWST Shenanigans: League of Antagonists (and some actual Villains)
I'm back with another long winded, stupid thought that I may draw some day but in the mean time, here's this lol (also spoilers for my Sacred Crown fics if you haven't read them?? Just FYI)
Scene: Antagonists from canon TWST side events all hang out in a bar and talk about how they fucked with the main characters for reasons unknown
Ashton Vargas: *reminiscing about the Camp Vargas event(s)* HA HA Man you should have seen their faces! We gave those punks a good ol' fashion trauma haunt in the woods. Classic. Divus Crewel: And we looked damn good doing it too. *Camp Vargas Part 1 and 2 Crewel definitely made those costumes* Vargas: Sigh...of course we got a temporary dock in pay to help provide the whimpier ones with therapy sessions but eh totally worth it. Random group of fairies all sharing a bar stool: *makes a bunch of tinkly noises talking about the Fairy Gala* Translation: That's cool but we almost ruined the entire school's ecosystem because we gave into our baser instincts and stole the mage stone cuz it was shiny... damn those kids for crashing our party with their incredibly well made outfits and near flawless sashays (Crewel: I would be more upset if not for the fact I finally got Kingscholar to have proper posture for at least 14 hours.)
Ghost Princess Eliza: *still boohooing over the Ghost Marriage event though technically she is happily married in the end* I just wanted to marry my perfect prince after years and years and YEARS of waiting!! What's a little first-degree murder in the name of true love?! (Fairies: damn gurl / Crewel: that's a mood.) And those horrible boys just kept coming to ruin my wedding! Accosting me with their unprincely behavior! What kind of man doesn't have a legendary sword or a faithful dog that comes at his beck and call?! (Vargas: she does make a good point...) Oh well, in the end, I did find my real prince so it all worked out. We'll be returning for the baby shower they promised to host! (Crewel: the school and every person on campus has at least three restraining orders against you...) - jaunty music suddenly starts playing out of nowhere and the entire room groans - Fellow Honest: *cane twirls his way on screen, ready to spill the deets on the Playful Land event* Trauma, theft, delusionally murderous courtship? That's cute. I suckered a whole group of those dumbasses into a human trafficking con disguised as a theme park! And I did it so well that I basically hijacked 90% of all social media for MONTHS while doing it! Everyone: *disgruntedly* we KNOW Fellow Honest: *much smug* Did I mention how I also cursed the whole place to turn them into wooden puppets if they broke the backward ass rule system I put in place as well? (Vargas: dude what the actual hell?) Sigh...and it would have all gone off without a hitch if it weren't for those damn kids fucking up the entire park (Crewel: our students are pretty much all assholes, yes.) ...I mean sure, in the end, I did tell my shitty boss to suck it and encourage those brats to do exactly that. But then they dared to extend a hand of friendship and understanding to ME?! Entitled, fancy boys with their fancy schmancy education *grumble grumble* Vargas + Crewel: *side-eye glance at each other at the mention of a shitty boss* ..... *both take long sips of their drinks*
Rollo: *appears with sudden intense mood change in the atmosphere* Hmph. I understand your contempt for those frivolous magic users completely... (Fellow: THANK you!) ...I invited a select few of them onto my campus under the pretense of uniting our schools in harmony and camaraderie. In actuality...I wanted to destroy them by taking away their magic and then wiping magic off the very face of the planet. Fellow Honest: ...ok well damn that's a bit harsh- *the group of fairies moves as far away from Rollo as possible*
Rollo: and I would have gotten away with it too. Had it not been for that Malleus Draconia *name said with such distain Rollo might as well be a friggin Batman villain* ...on the other hand, I did completely get away with it. Cuz they tried to guilt trip me by letting everyone believe I was this upstanding person who isn't capable of heinous acts. (Fellow: HA stupid) ...that is until karma bit me in the ass and then my childhood magical dragon friend that I don't absolutely abhor ended up bonding with the magical dragon that I hate with every fiber of my being... *talking about my OC in Her Devoted Throne hitting it off with Malleus lol* Crewel: To be fair, if watching your BFF get with your sworn enemy after you tried to commit mass genocide of magic is the worst thing to happen, you are one lucky bastard.
Rollo: Oh I'm barely as horrible as they are... *scene pans over to another group seated in the Really Fucked Up OC Villain section*
Queen Alva from Her Ivory Crown: I not only gaslighted and emotionally abused my own daughter into working herself to the bone to prove herself as the heir to my throne, I then threatened her and tried to take everything she fought for away from her the minute she had a meltdown and wouldn't marry the boy I picked out for her. Not to mention potentially damning my own Queendom by trying to deprive them of a far better queen than I in the future....now I'm divorced, shunned from society, and living alone in the countryside, forced to do my own housework *has to fetch her own fainting couch so she can dramatically swoon* Zehn Cavaliar, the 'boy' in question: ...yeah I wouldn't take no for an answer so hard that I harassed the crown princess into an Overblot state which could have killed her. I also attacked and injured her while she was in that condition. Her new boyfriend got all his friends to kick my ass before and after I lost everything.... *has the expression of someone going through a Vietname flashback* Don Muraeni from Her Lost Voice: *sitting in a large fish bowl on the counter as a shriveled up sea polyp* I literally paid and sometimes forced several women to bear my children - who I let abuse and murder each other all in hopes of earning my approval btw. I even killed a guy who owed me money and then took his wife and child, made said wife have another one of my kids - who I also abused and forced to do underhanded tasks through the majority of her childhood. I also tried to use my son to get at my sworn enemy after not shedding a single fucking tear after his brother was brutally murdered by said enemy...*stops to think* More child abuse. Collecting siren mermaids and forcing them to be sex workers. Trapping my wife for several years while letting her children believe she was dead....so yeah all that backfired horribly and now I'm trapped as this weird lil slug thing until I die. Or something. Ghost of Don Muraeni's right-hand guy, Proteus: I was a total creep who abused his power and was brutally murdered for it in the end. Also I stole magic from a defenseless, traumatized child. Everyone else: *staring at all of them in horror* .....JESUS CHRIST
Dark Fire is hot but Hell is hotter *sips tea*
Also tagging people for reasons @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @wysteriadelights @nuitthegoddess @victoria1676 @1ndigowitch
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revivemyreverie · 11 months
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ty twst new halloween event for making me delusional once again ft lucero
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midnightmah07 · 11 days
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Alexa play Promise by Laufey
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daydadahlias · 1 year
sorry i’ve just stumbled across your blog after reading one of your lashton fics, but is it just me or is this fandom very y/n fic focused… (people say rpf is bad when y/n is RIGHT THERE) anyways from an outside view (i don’t want to be rude!) this fandom i think struggles with the fic fests and things because there are no “main” ships, if that makes sense. idk sorry you’re an amazing artist and it makes me sad you aren’t able to participate in all the fests you want!
so!! thank u for popping by!! im now going to disagree with pretty much everything you've just said!!
so, first and foremost, yes, I do think we have a large x reader population here (as is the nature of any rpf-based fandom) but I dont think that relates at all to fic fests, especially considering that none of the fic fests I've even seen done in this fandom have allowed x readers to participate.
And also, please don't come into my inbox talking shit about other writers ever, it's not cool <3 x reader is no less valid than slash fic <3 and it is quite simply just a matter of personal preference. No matter what, people are writing what makes them happy, and it's pretty shitty to talk down to it.
second - as I have said a plethora of times now - this fandom struggles with fic fests currently because of the lack of writers/readers and engagement. No other reason.
The fact that we don't have a main ship is actually what has, in the past, made fic fests so accessible and fun for everyone!! because we all get to write what we want!! and having no main ship actually inspires MORE community, not less.
third, I appreciate the concern for me but also I'm totally fine not doing fic fests! i don't really like putting deadlines on my writing, in truth, especially when im so busy in other areas of my life rn. Ive just been getting a lot of asks about it lately from other people expressing interest (which has really thrown me for a loop tbh lol) and I've been explaining why there aren't any being hosted right now.
HOWEVER, if someone wanted to host a fic event, i see no reason why they couldn't. No one's actively stopping them. It's just a matter of... would anyone want to join if they did host it? and, based on the interest form one of our previous fic hosts made earlier this year, the answer is no!! no one really has the time or motivation these days!! and that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.
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