blank-ace · 2 years
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Obligatory Kanon drawing!
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After the Game, Fret somewhat didn't like when someone other than canon had red hair and wore purple. Canon compliant. Oneshot. Neo spoilers. KH DDD is canon to TWEWY in this fic. Though you shouldn’t at all have to really know KH to understand this fic.
For the most part… Fret got on pretty well after Kanon’s death.
It was tough, it really was, but he soldiered on by becoming the more authentic version of himself she had wanted him to be… hoping that that would be enough. And that if her soul did somehow exist somewhere, she might see that and be able to find some happiness there.
And Fret had the Twisters, of course—and Neku’s old friends Shiki, Eri, and Rhyme (who was also Beat’s sister, of course), who had really integrated themselves into the group. There was also sometimes the aloof Joshua—who helped Fret keep his head where it belonged.
That, and all the school work he had to do now, as thoughts about college and careers were coming up, and he needed to try and focus on that, lest he be forgotten.
So, for the most part, while Fret still of course mourned Kanon, he had moved on and was in pretty good spirits, considering.
…The only thing that really got him down, oddly… was seeing redheads like she had been also wearing purple. And at first, meeting the legendary Neku right after Fret had lost the girl of his dreams had somewhat been a thorn in Fret’s side, because he’d just looked at Neku’s hair and the color he so clearly favored and thought “Kanon.”
But, thankfully, those feelings hadn’t lasted. They’d had Shibuya to save, after all. And Neku more than proved why he was great to have on a team and why he was the greatest friend, and why Fret should try and let his ghosts go.
But then, Fret had met Shiki’s best friend “Eri”… who was totally cool, by the way, and a co-creator of Gatto Nero with Shiki, and Fret couldn’t even begin to tell you how much he admired her. Especially since she was so pretty and on point… but not conceded at all, and down to earth.
As fate would have it, however, she’d been wearing purple the moment Fret had met her at Shiki’s birthday party. So, they hadn’t started out well, even though it had of course gotten better, and Fret had almost come undone (as ridiculous as it was for him to still be so hung-up on Kanon, he knew).
Thankfully, Shiki had right away seen his shaking form by the punch table and had come and given him a hug, as she’d whispered sweet nothings into his ear. She had guessed accurately what Fret’s problem was, and held him—not even seeming to feel like he was ruining her party at all—while she rubbed his back soothingly. “It’s okay not to get over a loved one quickly, you know? I was certainly that way about Neku. And you have it so much harder than I did. No one will judge you for your emotions, Fret. And if you need to talk, we’re all here for you. I’ll even go get Mr. Mew for you to hold, as he always cheers me right up.” Shiki had said that last part while winking at him, and Fret had had to laugh then.
He may have been afraid of Mr. Mew when Tsugumi had been controlling him and attacking them with the doll, but now that Fret had seen Shiki with her own one more often than not, Fret was thinking he was a sweet little guy again, and could definitely understand why Shiki would think he was good therapy.
“…And I may mention to Eri that it might be a good idea for her not to wear violet anymore.”
“What? You don’t have to do that? I got used to Neku, so I can with her, too!” Fret had wanted to tell her instantly, but Shiki had already been off to get Mr. Mew for him to cuddle.
And despite everything, Fret had watched Shiki walk across the dance hall with a smile on his face. It felt good to be appreciated. It did.
And after that, Eri did stop wearing that color, and everyone seemed to prefer it that way. Fret did, for his own reason, of course… Eri did, because she didn’t even like it that much, apparently, and Neku appreciated it, who jokingly thanked Eri for getting off his turf.
So, everything was more than good for Fret when it came to those colors for a while… but then some girl named Kairi came to Shibuya: a girl with darker red hair than Kanon, it was true, but wouldn’t you know that she was also wearing amethyst?
At first, Fret had been ready to write this stranger off—just another tourist in Shibuya, that he just happened to notice walking past him—but then she accidentally ran into Beat… and it seemed to startle the girl. And good Lord, then she summoned a magic key-shaped sword to her hands, without even seeming to think about it. And she wasn’t even in the UG! (Though when Fret saw this, his first concern was that they had landed back there.)
And the moment Neku and Beat (who were with Fret to go to Molco, to get him some Tin Pins, because that was becoming a thing again) saw the redhead summon the weapon, they had both exclaimed simultaneously, “You’re a Keyblade wielder!” “Yous a Key wielder!”
Fret had had no idea what they were talking about at that point. So, Neku had hastily explained that Shibuya had actually been destroyed before—a time that he, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme had only recently gotten their memories back of—and when it had, Joshua had taken their dream fragments (the only thing that had been left of them) to another world, to try and bring them back. And there, they’d taken bodily form once again and met a “Keyblade wielder” named “Sora”, and another one named “Riku,”
Beat had then gone to explain that they’d both helped them out, and that they were probably even bigger deals than him and Neku, and Fret couldn’t believe it. Hell! He could hardly even fathom it. What would that even look like? But he didn’t have much time to try and guess, because Neku began talking to the stranger almost instantly.
“Are you Sora’s girlfriend?” Neku had asked her then, bold as you please, as he’d pulled the redhead back out of the way of pedestrians going to and fro from all the different shopping areas. “He told me that he was great friends with a redhead, who liked art like Shiki does… I think he was insinuating then that I liked Shiki back then, and I wanted to kill him for all the hints he dropped her, while maybe not realizing that he had feelings for you yet, but I think it was still there… If you are that girl he mentioned, I mean.”
And then the poor girl had had a single tear slide down her eye—and Fret almost wanted to kick himself for only being able to think “you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon. Why are you dressed like her?”, while he looked at her—and she explained to Beat, who was giving her a big old bear hug, but Neku too, that: “Yeah, I’m Sora’s girlfriend, Kairi… I’m looking for him, because he recently disappeared after he sacrificed himself to bring me back to life. I was thinking he might be here, or that there might be Heartless here that I needed to fight, but I don’t know.”
Neku had appeared to give much thought to all of that (crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes, Fret saw), before he finally met Kairi’s eyes with kind ones of his own. “Why don’t you come with me to meet Shiki? She’s another friend of Sora’s. And Keyblade wielders’ hearts can sometimes lead them to keys, right? Maybe there’s something there, if Sora used to tease me about us.”
And Kairi had gone with Neku and Beat to do that (while Fret had followed, aimlessly, feeling really curious, for sure, but also kind of despairing the whole way: he wasn’t going to lie). And then Kairi had found with Shiki’s help, the thing she needed that would help her lead to Sora, apparently.
It was a hockey puck, that Shiki said Neku had gotten her to help them remember old times together… And as soon as Kairi had come near it, her Keyblade had reacted—seeming almost to float over to the puck of its own free will, tugging Kairi along—and then an insanely crazy light show happened (where all of a sudden, the entire world around them had seemed to be nothing but darkness, with just a few pieces of light to speak of: coming from Kairi and the Keyhole that appeared in the sky, that she did acrobatics towards, in order to aim a laser from her Keyblade at it). Then, it was all over and the Buya returned to normal, but the girl was gone.
And Neku and Beat explained that that seemed to sometimes happen with Keyblade wielders—they’d both seen it with Sora and Riku—as they would sometimes get taken away to where they were meant to go next, before they really got to say goodbye. But they both assumed she was fine and gotten what she needed, and definitely seemed to be hoping it, too.
But Neku, Beat, and Shiki had definitely bonded with Kairi that day… and about a year later, she was back in Shibuya to visit them with Sora and Riku… and well, maybe a whole lot of other people. There was yet another girl with red hair, wearing amethyst…
And while Fret was kind of glad to see them—and was thrilled that Kairi had gotten her happy ending and she could just come her for funsies to see everyone now—he couldn’t help sitting in a park bench in Dogenzaka, sighing, as he watched the whole thing unfold.
“Hehehe. You’re in quite the mood. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were turning into Neku…” Someone else had come to sit by Fret… and one quick look let him know that it was none other than the Composer of Shibuya himself… and that he had better get it together, before the guy threw him into another Game to improve himself, like he originally had with Neku.
“Oh, uhh… Hi there, Joshua. It’s good to see you,” Fret said, putting a hand under his chin and regarding the other boy—god—with mixed feelings. “Did you see that ice is really in this season? And diamonds almost match your light blue shirts, right? I feel like if you started wearing some diamond necklaces, you’d be even more stylish than you already ar-”
But Joshua halted Fret’s attempt to somewhat butter him up, with a hand held high and a small smile on his face. “There’s no need for all of that, I assure you,” Joshua promised, violet eyes locking onto Fret’s and that, too, making the youth think of Kanon some. “If you want her back, why don’t you just ask me?” Joshua asked rather smug now.
And it was too much. All too much. Fret wanted to believe that Joshua could actually bring her back for him… but what if this was a trap? And what if Joshua meant it now… but Fret somehow made him changed his mind, when he begged him to do so and thanked him for it. What if he didn’t do everything to code?
Tripping over his words now, as he ran a hand through his hair, Fret asked, “I mean… I would love it. If you want to, and don’t think it’ll hurt Kanon to be back, I’m all for it. But can you really do that? Wouldn’t you maybe get in trouble?”
At that Joshua “hmmed”, and Fret panicked—feeling like he’d ruined his chances for real here—and he was about to kiss the Composer’s feet to try and be on his good side again…
But it seemed like Fret had started fretting over nothing, as Joshua giggled and flipped his hair once. “I’ve brought Players who didn’t win back after a corrupt Game before, so it wouldn’t be the first time. Kanon’s Soul did seem quite promising to me for a few reasons there, so I’d be interested to see how she would shape Shibuya…
“And as of now… I would not get in trouble, dear Fret. But thank you for your concern. Heh. I am the senior of a lot of angels on the Higher Plane. And right now, the ones above me are actually very much interested me and my methods, for halting Shibuya’s purification twice, but having it turn out better both times for it. So, I imagine they’d let this one slide.”
Fret was near tears at that point; of course he was… And okay, maybe he was actually crying now. It was just that this was all he had ever dreamed of after they’d gotten out of the Game, of course… Because despite what he told himself… Fret did still love Kanon. And wouldn’t it be great, to actually get back one of the friends that Fret had lost?
But now Fret had to wonder, as he scratched his neck awkwardly, “All those gingers I saw in purple… was that a hint from you to me that I could get Kanon back?” Had Fret been looking a gift horse in the mouth all this time?
Joshua was laughing once more, as he urged Fret to get up and go make nice with the Keyblade wielders, who—if Fret was hearing it right—were telling all of Fret’s friends about urban legends they had heard of in a place called Twilight Town… and then Nagi chirped back about the ones they’d seen in the Game, and Rindo and Beat jumped in to help her out with that.
Huh… Perhaps Fret really was missing something over there. And was Joshua, too?
“Usually, I wouldn’t give an answer… I would say it’s above your pay grade, or that the world is whatever you want it to be… But, no. I was not prompting you to make this choice about Tachibana Kanon. Though things seemed to work out rather nicely for you, wouldn’t you say? So you’d find the strength to ask me about her?”
“I- I do,” Fret admitted, looking down at the pavement—and then all the buildings around him—and thinking that for a concrete jungle… Shibuya was actually a masterpiece, and might have actually been heaven, as far as he was concerned. “So, when will Kanon-"
But when Fret looked towards Joshua once more, the Composer was already gone.
And Fret… he didn’t see Kanon for a while after that. And he imagined it probably felt like what Rindo had gone through (and somewhat Fret himself; all the Twisters, really), when Josh had first brought Shokie to the RG.
About four months later, Fret was beginning to dread that Joshua had forgotten his promise, or that it was impossible to bring Kanon back, after all…
And he was at 104, checking out all the new selections there, when he heard a voice behind him, “So, Fret… do you mind telling me how you really feel? And no sugarcoating it! I was proud to see how you grew, after all. And you can’t disappoint a lady by covering it up some, if you went to all this trouble to bring her back, y’know?”
Fret dropped the black hat that he’d been about to purchase (that was maybe so light black, it was actually closer to purple), as he turned around to face that voice and ran towards her to embrace her.
Author’s Note: So, the other redhead who goes with Sora and the crew to Shibuya in this story is supposed to be Ariel—in a “The Worlds Are Starting to be Reconnected” idea—and it’s mainly because she wore purple seashells (though a shirt here, of course). Not even gonna lie. But if you don’t like that, you can imagine it’s an OC… that Sora and Kairi had a daughter… or just completely ignore that part. It’s up to you.
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dorksmithery · 4 years
1, 2, 6, 10, 15, 17, 23, 34, 41, 44, 45, and 50? :O
1: How long have you been in the fandom?
I’ve been a huge fan of the show since childhood but I’ve only really started interacting with the fandom as a whole for a year give or take
2: Favorite character?
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Gee I wonder who it could possibly be lmaoo
6: OTP?
If you know anything about me, its that im mutishipping trash and OTP to me means One Tremendously long list of Parings If I had to pick one though, I’ll die for Poly!Marina and Aiacos/Shion/Dohko/Kagaho Oh look even when I’m supposed to pick one I can’t decide lmao
10: Favorite God/Goddess? (Hades - Athena - Poseidon- Odin-ETC)
Let’s go through all of them shall we? (I’m an indecisive bitch so this is the best you’re getting)
Odin – I don’t know shit about him outside of the train wreak that was SoG. Pretty dope god, eventually found a female host which. HELL YEAH, YOU GO GIRL. His odin cloth thing is pretty boring, I don’t like the design, but he’s probably the god who did the least war crimes. Pretty chill dude
Poseidon – sea thot. Must I say more? 10000000/10 bless his foppish host. Boring though and doesn’t do much in the story other than want to go back to sleep which, yknow, mood.
Athena – I…. I don’t like her. Saori and Sasha I like but Athena, not so much. I don’t hate her, but I don’t like her. She did some really questionable things, she continues to do very questionable things, and she doesn’t fit the bill of a benevolent goddess. Also. Why are you just throwing your saints into battle mindlessly?! Aren’t you the goddess of strategy led warfare?! Make a fucking plan for once in your reincarnated life
Hades – Idk what to make of him. I think he’s chill enough that I can’t blame him for sticking a sword into seiya’s chest. I would’ve done that 100 chapters earlier. Hes not bad, he obviously cares for his spectres and he has a giant dog. But at the same time, I don’t know enough about him to make a concrete decision on where he stands on my like list
15: Why did you join the fandom?
I don’t know to be honest. I usually don’t have a reason why I join a particular fandom, I just do because I like the media. But for StS it’s a little weird since I knew about it since I was young. I guess I just wanted to push out some artwork that it did for the show and slowly got swallowed into the fandom ahaha
17: Saddest character death?
This is hard ahaha I usually don’t get sad over character death
Uhhhh I guess Io, especially since the scene leading up to his death was really well done. I was genuinely sad to see him go because you knew he was willing to sacrifice his life to protect what he believed in. it was just really unfortunate to see that his final sacrifice was a desperate attempt to push a camel through the eye of a needle
23: Moment that made you cry?
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Shion’s second death. The anime expanded on that scene so beautifully. The music especially during that scene tugged on my heartstrings slightly. I didn’t actually shed tears, its very rare that any piece of work can get me to shed genuine tears, but this one really punched me in the gut
34: If you could bring a character back to life, who would it be?
Ooooh I don’t know. I felt like all the characters died for a reason so I wouldn’t really bring anyone back
BUT, I do want to know more about the silver saints, Lacerta Misty in particular so I’d bring him back just so he can brag about how beautiful he is
41: Character you would give more Screen Time?
I’m cheating here and I know it but my very very predictable answer is The Marina. More specifically, Kasa, Io, Baian, and Krishna. God I wish those four would have gotten more screen time, it would have been amazing. I want to see the Marina as a family too. We get to see the Saints as a family, the Spectres as a family, even the Asgardians as a family, but the Marina are scattered all over the place during their arc and never really interact with each other. That’s such a waste of potential right there when you could have gotten so much good interaction out of these stupid idiots
44: More wasted character?
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His tactics and his ability were so cool and was so effective. He took out all the bronze saints damn it. He had so much potential to wreak havoc and destruction. He was probably intelligent enough to probably catch onto Kanon’s plan to betray the Marina and that was such a waste of potential. His design is also really unique, in a cast of pretty boys you have someone who isn’t conventionally beautiful but still kicks ass. I love his character to death honestly and I wish we could have seen and explored more of his character
45: NOTP?
I’m very flexible about shipping. I don’t mind age difference ships like Aiolos/Shura, I do enjoy some incest ships (Thanks pale for writing That One plant twins fic), and enemies to lovers trope is my lifeblood now so spectre/saint ships is something that I really like. I guess the one ship that I’m kinda iffy about is Kiki/Mu, but to those who ship it, more power to you.
50: After Saga’s death… who would you nominate to be the New Pope?
I knew you’d ask this lmao
I like to think that the pope seat stays vacant until the events of Omega, but if I had to choose someone to take the seat, I’d like Marin to done on that ridiculous robe. She’s proven to be righteous and follows faithfully under Athena while making her own decisions that sometimes challenges the boys to step out of their comfort zone. She’s taught people before, although how well is debatable, and she wouldn’t separate the future gemini saints since she’s already experienced what it feels like to be taken away from a sibling so no gemini drama for that generation. Also a female pope, hell yeah
Ask game questions can be found here
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It's rapong time for you, Haiji!
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*The gang burst into the building.
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Hey! What the hell?
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Hey boys. Sorry, but we’d like to speak with the manager?
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Ok “Karen...”
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Who the hell do you think you guys are! This is private property!
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We’re the Future Foundation. And I’m Komaru Naegi.
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It’s her alright. She’s a little older, but I remember her from the speech 8 years ago...!
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Betcha don’t recognize this leg though, huh? Yeah, your boss did this to me.
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We’re taking him down. Now!
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Listen, no one else has to get hurt here, just let us past...
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We...We can’t let them do this...
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If Haiji sets those bombs off...Innocent people will die. Are you really so sane that you’d allow that to happen?
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Shut up! Like we have a choice!
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Those kids ruined our lives all those years ago! We deserve revenge!
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Just because you deserve revenge, doesn’t mean you should take it.
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They’re not gonna budge...
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Guess it’s time to run the gauntlet...!
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Wait, we’re actually gonna fight!?
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That’s crazy! I don’t wanna hurt these people!
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We don’t have a choice Yasu, they’re not gonna let us pass!
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Sorry if we sound useless, but Kanon and my hacking guns won’t work on these organic people...
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Right, so it’s up to us is it?
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Kehahahahaha! Playtime!
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G-Get them!
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*Kibin suddenly rushes forward and smashes one of the adults in the face with her fist.
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*She then grabs another and, like a pro wrestler, flips him over and throws him onto the one she just knocked down
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Woah! You’ve got moves, whoever you are! But I can do better!
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*Genocide Jill runs in and grabs one of the adults by the scruff of his neck. She then begins to spin around in a circle, hitting several other adults around her and knocking them over.
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Jill! You probably didn’t hear me earlier, but don’t kill any of these guys, ok!?
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It’s ok! None of ‘em are handsome enough for me anyways!
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You bastard!
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*Another adult runs at Kuripa, and tries to kick him. Kuripa catches his leg, and stabs his sword through his foot, pinning him to the ground. He the, with a mighty swing, snaps the leg that he caught, before roundhouse kicking him and knocking him over, plucking out his sword as he does.
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Uh! Um...H-Hey dude, I’m really sorry about this!
*The last adult takes a swing at Hiro, who moves out the way and bonks him on the head with his baton. He then swings it like a bat and knocks him out.
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That all of them?
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Hell no. There’s gonna be so many more on the upper floors...
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That’s what I was afraid of...
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Look, there’s no way this was gonna be a leisurely stroll to the top. Those guys may have been reluctant, but no one person is exactly like another. I wouldn’t be surprised if every able fighter in Haiji’s gang was in this building...
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“Able Fighter” might be a bit much...
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Really though!? There’s only 6 of us, and probably 60 of them!
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Haiji’s a desperate man. If Kuripa’s right, it wouldn’t surprise me.
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Why are you surprised Yasu? You came here knowing the risks.
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That’s true but still...!
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Omaru and I have weathered worse storms several times. And today, there’s another 4 guys with us!
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That’s true. There’s always a possibility that we’ll win, right? We should take our chances.
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Holding onto hope, huh?
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Come on Omaru, let’s go! Can’t let the rookies think they’re pulling all the weight here!
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Got it!
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Let’s go...
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The hell’s going on here!?
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It’s the Future Foundation! They’ve already taken everyone out on the first 4 floors!
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What!? No way!?
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They’re after the boss...! If they get past us-!
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*The man yelps as a pair of scissors fly past him and cut his face.
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Thanks for that useful tidbit of info!
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Say goodnight!
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Don’t let them get past!
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Ok, that’s it...I’m not just gonna sit back anymore...!
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Yasu! Help me with this one!
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Huh!? Ok!
*Yasuhiro runs up to the nearest goon and punches him in the face. He then lifts him up by his legs, and Kanon takes a run up and knees him in his skull!
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*Kuripa’s shout reaches Kibin in time, as she turns around and spots a man running at her.
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Not today...!
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*The man takes a heavy swing, which Kibin ducks out of the way.
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Kuripa! No!
*Kuripa motions as if he’s going to slice the mans head in two, as he swings with the sword, but at the last second, he flips the blade, using it as a blunt weapon instead. He knocks the man out.
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I know what I’m doing!
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Anyway....My turn!
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Jill! Back me up!
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Roger, dodger! Let’s kill da ho!
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*Another man runs at Komaru from behind. Komaru ducks, and Genocide Jill rolls over her back and kicks the assailant in the head. Komaru also uses her iron leg to kick the man in the stomach, sending him hurtling back.
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Shit! They have guns!
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*The gunman aims at the others, but before he can pull the trigger, Kibin suddenly kicks the gun out of his hands and lifts his body above her head.
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Open that window!
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Huh!? Wh-Why!?
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Just do it!
*Komaru hurries to open the window.
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*Kibin chucks the man out of the window, like throwing a javelin!
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Is...Is he gonna be ok?
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Yeah, provided he doesn’t land on his head.
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Ah! Big guy!
*A large man suddenly bursts in, wielding an entire small sofa as a weapon.
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That...That man...!
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That’s the guy who bolted me down while Haiji cut off my leg!
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...! You......
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What-What the hell! Get away from me!
*Against his word, Kuripa plants his sword in the ground and runs up to the large man. He raises the sofa above his head, attempting to bring it down on Kuripa’s head, but the green haired animator kicks him in the ribs. The sofa slips from his grip, and as it does, Kuripa jumps up and grabs it in the air.
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*He uses his momentum to bring the sofa down on the guy, immediately knocking him out!
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Woah! Nice one Reaper!
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Oh shit...!
*Kibin’s surprise is understandable, as another goon rushes at her, wielding a sword of his own!
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Taste my blade!
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Ugh! Wah!
*Kibin dodges the mans swings, careful to not let the blade graze her.
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*Kuripa spins around to gain momentum, and then lobs his sword towards the Enigma Assassin.
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Oh! Thanks!
*Kibin forward rolls to avoid her opponents blade, and then grabs the hilt of Kuripa’s sword while it’s still airborn. She holds it behind her head to block the blade coming down on her.
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No. YOU taste MY blade!
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Um...It’s MY blade! It’s MY sword!
*Kibin ignores him.
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Hey! Asshole!
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*Kibin and the thug clash swords, but as they do, Kanon suddenly runs up, and charge tackles Kibin’s opponent. He’s knocked off balance, and then Kibin downs him with a precise slice to the chest!
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Hm...Thank you.
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It’s no problem.
*The rest of the gang all group together.
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Hey...Is everyone ok?
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Yeah, somehow...
*Kuripa reaches as Kibin gives him his sword back.
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Yeah, I’m alright. But we should definitely get a move on.
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Towa-Tosser should be up ahead, right?
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Yeah...this is it, huh?
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Let’s go beat the shit out of him...!
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nanamicide · 4 years
You are there, beyond despair - chapter 3
Read on AO3
To say Kanon was adjusting to her new life in the Hagakure household would have been a lie. No matter how she looked at it, it was clear to her that she wasn’t. Still, as much as the constant cigarette smell made her sick, she had never thought about leaving. There were some moments during which she’d think that she deserved better, or that she should seek her parents already – but there was something stronger keeping her where she was. It’d been weeks and she had no idea what it was, but she couldn’t deny its existence.
Despite all of this, falling asleep and not waking up in the middle of the night was getting harder on her. It had now been a couple of days since she’d been able to get a full night of rest. And she was tired, cranky, and anxious. She couldn’t help but think that something was wrong with her – that she was losing her mind.
It had nothing to do with Hiroko’s loud snores. Even when Yasu’s mother was working the nightshift at the local hospital, she still woke up in a pool of cold sweat several times a night. The only issue with that was that she had absolutely no recollection of a nightmare or dream of some sort. It all seemed so random – as though she was genuinely losing it.  
That night, Hiroko was, as it was often the case, fast asleep while Kanon tossed and turned on the old mattress. She stayed still on her back and closed her eyes, hoping that if she did this long enough, she’d finally be able to fall asleep. She was so exhausted from helping Yasu clean his room, so why couldn’t she just get the rest she so desperately needed?
She opened her eyes and sighed deeply, staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before closing them again. That was when it happened – when she finally understood the reason why she hadn’t been able to rest. Leon Onii-chan was haunting her.
Big, bright blue eyes were angrily staring at her, as if she’d done something unforgivable. Kanon tried to look away, but there was no escaping the boy’s furious glance. Even keeping her eyes open wasn’t making him go away. He was there, with her, in the room. She tried to talk to him, hoping she’d be able to gain some sort of control over the situation, but no sound came out of her throat. Instead, she felt as though she were choking on air.
Y-you’re mad at me, aren’t you, Leon Onii-chan? She mentally asked, shaking as she attempted to face him. Why? At l-least tell me what to do… I swear I’ll do it for you if you tell me what it is. You know I’d do anything for you, right? Even the impossible.
Her vision became cloudy, as though she were drifting off to sleep. Still, with how tense and scared she was feeling, she knew there was no way she was falling asleep right now. Something else was happening to her – something she couldn’t understand; something her cousin was putting her through.
Her perception became clear again a few seconds later, showing the Ultimate Baseball Player’s corpse.
And she woke up. She did not scream, though. She just silently sat up, tears uncontrollably streaming down her cheeks. What the hell just happened? I swear I was awake…
Kanon took a few deep breaths in a failed attempt to calm herself down. But there was nothing she could do about it – her entire body was shaking, and she couldn’t erase the image from her memory. Her cousin was tied up to a pole, looking like he’d had a million baseball balls thrown at him with the strength of giants. She had not seen his corpse, and she’d never asked Yasu to tell her about how he’d died, but she got the feeling that something about that vision was real. This was how the boy she’d loved ever since she was a child had died. And it hurt. It hurt so much to see him like that.
She hugged her knees to her chest, letting all her tears out. She’d already done a fair share of crying over what had happened to him when she’d found out he was dead. Why was this suddenly happening again? And why were the visions and nightmares more intense than they’d been back then? This didn’t make any sense to her. Time was supposed to heal wounds, wasn’t it?
Or maybe I was actually awake, and this was just Leon Onii-chan’s ghost trying to tell me something? I should… I should ask Yasu about this, I’m sure he’d know about this type of stuff. He claims to hate all that occult jazz, but as a clairvoyant he must have the answers.
The brunette quietly slipped out of bed and out of the room, making sure not to wake Hiroko up. Yasu would probably be groggy and cranky when she’d wake him up, but she’d be able to deal with this. Besides, this was important. Not knowing would keep her up again, and she really, really, needed to get some sleep.
She quickly crossed the distance that separated her room from his, no longer trying to be quiet, thinking that the man would wake up in a better mood if she didn’t have to shake him awake like she used to back when they were alone in Towa City. That was also why she knocked on his door – not once or twice, but five times – before opening it and walking into his room.
He’s so handso—Wait, what the hell am I thinking? Kanon told herself as she shut the door behind herself, looking at him. She’d seen him sleep before, but there was something about how he was lying there and how the moonlight was hitting his skin that had made her cheeks grow warmer. I’m being ridiculous. I just came here to ask a few questions, not because seeing him makes me feel better or whatever.
Ignoring her inner voice, she sat down on the edge of his bed and gently shook his arm. She knew that she had to be a little rougher if she wanted to wake him up quickly, but there was something about how peaceful he looked – about how pure the moment really was – that made her not want to disturb him.
Fuck, this wack shit again? Really? He only looks good right now because he’s not talking. As soon as he opens his mouth, it’s like whatever he has going on for him in physically speaking just disappears. I need to quite being so soft.
And so, she started to vigorously shake her friend to wake him up, just like she used to in Towa City. And just liked that, Yasu jolted awake, covering his mouth as he quickly sat up in bed.
���Hey, it’s just me. No need to be so scared,” she sarcastically cooed.
“What the hell was that for? Did you wake up thinkin’ we were still runnin’ from the Remnants of Despair?!”
“No, no, but I need your knowledge.”
Yasu looked at the alarm clock that was sitting on his bedside table and sighed. Just as she thought, he was all cranky because she’d woken him up.
“At 2 in the morning?” He asked, rubbing his eyes. “Can’t this wait until like, noon? I’m tired.”
“I… I wish it could wait,” she whispered, looking at the ceiling. The fact he’d more or less asked what she wanted from him had brought back the image of her dead cousin in her mind. “Say, Yasu, are ghosts real?”
“Ghosts? Are you kidding me, Kanon-cchi?” He laughed, making her pout. “Didn’t I tell you that the occult is bullshit?”
“You might have mentioned that but I…” She frowned, stopping mid-sentence. If he didn’t believe in ghosts, how was she supposed to tell him about what had happened to her?
“Hey, what’s wrong? I know the lighting ain’t good in here, but you look like you—”
“Like I saw a ghost, right?”
“I guess, yeah.”
“It was Leon,” she blurted out, no longer caring if he took her seriously or not. She had to tell someone about this – it was the only way for her to get it out of her mind. “I… I didn’t see his body after he was murdered but like, this totally looked real and he just… He was so mad at me and like—”
Yasu pulled her close, and she didn’t have the energy to protest. At that point, even though she’d thought she felt better when she stirred him out of his slumber, she only felt like crying. Any type of comfort, even from that idiot, was welcome. It couldn’t hurt to be getting a hug from a friend, right? It didn’t mean she was forgetting Leon. He wouldn’t be angry about that – he’d have absolutely no reason to be.
Wait? Leon? What about the Onii-chan? She thought, silently crying as she buried her face in Yasu’s muscular chest. Am I… Am I really moving on? Am I forgetting how I felt towards him?
“You’re okay, Kanon-cchi,” he murmured, his fingers gliding through her hair. “It was just a nightmare, okay? I get them too. It’s hard to deal with the fact people around you are dying, especially people you love.”
“B-but I think I… I think I’m forgetting, y’know? And I guess that’s why he’s so pissed at me?” She sobbed, looking up at him. “It just isn’t fair because he had to die like this and I’m j-just here… I’m just here moving on and forgetting stuff about what we had and like—”
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I don’t think you’re forgetting. I may be stupid, but I don’t think we can forget the people we lost to the Tragedy. But we… Ah, I’m gonna sound just like Naegicchi here but I mean, he probably isn’t wrong when he says these things. We owe it to them to move forward and not lose hope, so their deaths won’t be in vain.”
“You think so?”
Kanon was still crying, but there was something about Yasu’s words that was resonating within her, somehow. She’d never really analysed the situation in terms of hope and despair, but for some reason, him saying that the people they loved would have died in vain if they lost hope made sense. It was an optimistic and positive take on all the things that had happened, and she liked it. Coming from someone else’s mouth, she would have just thought it was wack, but coming from Yasu, it only sounded genuine – like something she could actually believe in.
“I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about that stuff. I tend to leave that to the others, but I mean it, yeah.”
“Thank you, Yasu, really,” she breathed in his scent, finding extra comfort in their physical closeness. “I’m glad I… I’m glad I talked to you.”
This would be the perfect setting for a love confession in a Shoujo manga or in a light novel, wouldn’t it? She thought, her body relaxing as Yasu stroked her back. But you don’t love me, do you? And I don’t love you either.
“Yeah, I’m glad you talked to me too. I should have noticed that you were losing sleep over som—”
“No, it’s fine. I didn’t know myself until tonight,” she explained. “But um…,” Kanon hesitated for a moment, unable to face him. She knew what she wanted to ask him, but she didn’t want it to come off as strange. “Like, I’m totally feeling better and stuff, but do you mind if I stay here tonight? I’m scared I’ll just have a nightmare again if go back to my room.”
The young man remained silent, probably considering it.
“It’s not weird, is it? I mean, we’ve had to sleep in the same room before so it’s not like it changes anything between us or whatever,” she added, nervously chewing on her lip as she looked at him.
“Huh? Yeah, you’re right. I guess it’s okay if you sleep here and stuff.”
Why the hell do I want to kiss you?
“Thank you, Yasu,” she mumbled, pulling away from him to lie down next to him.
Just what are you doing to me, Yasuhiro Hagakure? were Kanon’s last thoughts, as she peacefully drifted off to sleep.
She doesn’t need to know that she might have actually seen a ghost, Yasuhiro thought, staring at the ceiling. I don’t need to feel guilty about lying to her and saying ghosts aren’t real. She needed sleep, right? I did the right thing.
He turned to her, his heart racing in his chest. Even though she had just told him they they’d already slept in the same room before and that this wouldn’t change anything between them, he still got a hunch that things were already different. It was subtle, but he could feel it.
First of all, they were sleeping in the same bed. Second, he’d hugged her much longer than necessary. Third, he hadn’t been bothered by the fact she’d woken him up in the middle of the night to talk to him about what’d she seen.
Well, maybe nothing changed and it’s normal for people who saved each other’s lives to be this close, huh? I might just be reading too much into it.
Yasuhiro took a deep breath, hoping it would quiet down whatever thoughts he was having about the girl who was peacefully sleeping next to him. He had never denied that she was attractive, but as soon as she’d basically thrown herself into his arms for comfort, that had been the only thing on his mind – well, that and how much he wanted to protect her and make sure she was okay.
Even now, his attempt to rationalize what had just happened stemmed from the fact that the thoughts didn’t seem to want to eave his head. As soon as he took as much as a short glance at her, he was reminded of how pretty she just was.
But this can’t be more than physical attraction, can it? We’re so different, there’s no way we could ever be more than friends. I don’t think she’d ever even want this. I’m not even sure I want this. When she’s not vulnerable like this, all we do is clash and fight because I’m saying stupid things that hurt her. She doesn’t even know I genuinely care about her. She probably thinks I’m doing this because of something silly like survivor’s guilt, or her money. Hell, it might have been the case at first. Now I’m just not sure anymore.
What do I want?
What does she want?
What are we?
The clairvoyant tried to find the answer to these questions through whatever divination powers he had, but no vision came to him. He’d learned time and time again that forcing it was pointless, but something within him was urging him to find the answers – as though if he didn’t figure it out now, it would be too late for him to make the right decision and finally be the main character in his own story.
Throughout his life, Yasuhiro had never exactly been popular. Growing up in a poor town without his father had made him different from the other kids, even the ones who went to school with him. He’d always been deemed weird by his peers, and as such, had never been close to girls.
Kanon was probably the complete opposite. Being the only daughter of one of the most important people in the Japanese entertainment industry, and as good-looking as she was, she most likely always had a lot of boys pining after her. This meant that unlike him, she probably knew what she was doing when she’d asked to share his bed for the night. This also most definitely implied that he didn’t have to think about these things, because they didn’t mean anything more than what she’d told him when she woke him up – she was scared and wanted support. After the Tragedy, he was the only person she was relatively close to.
He didn’t need to overthink this. All he had to do was ignore that unknown, warm, fuzzy feeling in his lower stomach and go to sleep.
That’s right, he finally concluded. Nothing’s happening here. I just got carried away for a bit because it’s late at night and I’m half asleep. We’re just friends – friends who wen through intense and terrifying things together in the span of a few weeks. It’s normal for us to be close.
He looked at her one last time before closing his eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep, realizing that no amount of thinking about what their relationship really was and meant could no stop him from thinking she was beautiful.
It really wasn’t the outdated gyaru outfits and makeup. It was Kanon-cchi who was beautiful. He now was completely sure of it. Maybe he’d tell her – maybe this was part of the things she needed to not be haunted by her memories of her cousin anymore.
I’m just trying to be there for her, were Yasuhiro’s last thoughts, as he peacefully drifted off to sleep.  
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knybits · 5 years
A Murder of One
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Akiko says fuck “Do no harm.” She talks to a man important to others before talking to the man important to she.
Previous Chapter | Origin | Next Chapter
“Let me get this straight… You’re banned from seeing him ever again?” 
“Well, on the bright side-?” 
“There is no bright side.” 
“...I got to meet Oyakata-sama!” 
Kanon sighs, face in her hands as she looks at a messy Akiko. The hems of her hakama is a little ripped and it isn’t tied right, there’s a missing button from her usual poofy blouse, and her hair looks like a mess. 
She’s eating some bread and cheese, crumbs on her face as her crow pecks at what’s fallen on the table.
Kanon doesn’t even want to ask.
“Hey, but I said sorry before it happened!” 
“That doesn’t mean you can just go to the water estate to rip out Giyuu’s hair! What happened to ‘do no harm’?!” 
A good few hours earlier, Akiko is seen with a small bundle of food tied to her back and her leather physician's bag in her hand. Kanon looks at her with a tilted head, hands folded behind her back. She doesn’t remember making Akiko food. 
“Where are you going?” Kanon asks, and Akiko jumps. 
“Kanon… Whatever happens… I’m so sorry.” 
Akiko runs out of the house after that, hobbling a little under the weight of her bag. She has to hold it with two hands, and she curses her weak arms. 
A good hour later, Akiko arrives in front of the water pillar estate. The aura to commit a crime oozes from Akiko and she makes a mental list of her weapons- ahem, tools, in her bag. 
“Tomioka-san?” Akiko knocks on the door, “Sorry I’m not Kanon, but can we talk? It’s important.” 
There’s no answer. Akiko furrows her brows. She can see him sitting, looking at the door with slight fear, through a sliver of a crack in the door. Her eyes narrow in on his figure, and she notices that he doesn’t have his katana on him. 
He could probably still mess her up though. 
“I’m walking in,” she deadpans, and she watches him jump a bit. Her bright smile is disarming, and Giyuu doesn’t know why she looks so happy to see him. 
“Good! You’re home! I’m gonna kill you now.” 
Ah, that’s why she looks so happy.
And she’s not kidding. 
Giyuu easy dodges some flimsily thrown scalpels, disarming her easily and tucking her under his arm like he did Shinobu a couple weeks ago. 
“I know you’re mad-” 
“Uh, YEAH. My fiance is alive and you didn’t tell me!” 
“I forgot who he was. Also, I didn’t know his name and you didn’t give me a physical description.” 
Kakushis arrive to the water pillar estate under frantic orders, only to find the two tumbling around the tatami mats. Akiko is going absolutely feral on Giyuu and yells at him for bringing her so much pain. Giyuu takes it like a champ, but he doesn’t suffer any injuries. Akiko gets hurt the most, honestly. 
The kakushis have to rip Akiko off of Giyuu, Goto asking her what’s wrong and promising her some snacks and a free therapy session later. She resists for a while, until a kakushi pleads for Giyuu to knock the poor girl out. 
He does as he’s told, a swift hand delivered to her neck, and the last thing Akiko sees is the guilty look on Giyuu’s face. 
When she wakes up, she’s not at the Butterfly Estate. She’s laying in a garden, the shade of a tree protecting her. There’s light humming nearby, and Akiko blinks to readjust her sight. 
She sees Giyuu seated patiently far away from her first. Then, she sees a man with long hair and a serene face. His eyes are dull, and Akiko concludes that whatever is making him look so sickly must be why he’s blind. 
“Tamura Akiko has awoken,” Giyuu states, and the man stops humming. He smiles at the direction of Giyuu’s voice, nodding his head in thanks. 
“Thank you, Giyuu. You may go now.” 
A fuzzy feeling awakens in Akiko’s chest and she stands from her spot underneath the tree, slowly walking towards the man. He hears her footsteps and waits patiently, hands folded in his lap with a smile on his face. 
“Come,” he pats the wooden floor next to him, “sit beside me.” 
She does as she’s told, and she doesn’t feel any anger in her heart anymore. The aura this man radiates is soft, and Akiko can’t find it in her heart to hate Giyuu right now. She even feels a little bad for Giyuu, but she shakes her head at the thought. 
Three years of agony and suffering can’t be excused nor forgotten. 
“I’m so glad I get to meet another one of my lovely children. You’re worked so hard to save so many,” he says, and she smiles weakly. 
“The demon slayer, yes. I commend you for your service.” 
Akiko tilts her head in confusion, “But I’m not… I’m not a demon slayer.” 
The man offers her another smile, and Akiko’s heart skips a beat. 
What happens next makes her heart stop completely. 
He suddenly holds his arm out, and Akiko nearly screams at the crow that lands. 
She backs away uneasily, sweating profusely as the man pets the crow. 
“This is Miruna, by the way. Your crow. A kasugai karasu for demon slayers.” 
Miruna looks at Akiko before hopping off the man’s arm to land closer to Akiko. She shakes at the sight of her own crow, breathing highly irregular and shaking down to her bones. 
“I’m sorry for attacking Giyuu but just get that thing away from me,” Akiko quickly rambles out, closing her eyes when Miruna tilts her head at Akiko. 
The man chuckles lightly before looking to the source of her voice, “May I see your hands?” 
Akiko rushes to his other side, away from her crow, before doing as she’s told. His grip on her hands tighten when she struggles to get away, Miruna flying onto the man’s shoulder closest to Akiko. 
The man starts to hum again, and the crow relaxes on his shoulder, closing its eyes. Akiko stares at it with wide eyes, breathing slowed significantly to the point where she might not even be breathing at all. 
“Feel better now?” 
“You’re going to die.” 
He laughs, shoulders shaking as Miruna is disturbed from their peace. 
“Why do you say that?” He inquires, and Akiko blushes with embarrassment. 
She turns away, hand relaxing in his hold, “My eyes… They’re cursed. That’s why. The minute my eyes see a crow, someone dies.” 
He hums at her explanation before smiling. The crow hops down right in front of Akiko, and he feels her tense up again. So he continues to sing under his breath, and her shoulders relax. She allows for him to lead her hands forward, though Akiko still jumps at the feeling of soft feathers against her slightly cut up hands. 
“Not so cursed now, hm?” 
Akiko leaves the Ubuyashiki estate with her bag of food and physician’s bag, names and faces memorized in her mind, a crow perched on her shoulder, a warning, and a dangerous proposal. 
Said girl turns her head at the sound of her name, and she smiles gently at Tanjirou. He looks utterly exhausted, his body bruised lightly in random places from what Akiko can see. Despite his fatigue, Tanjirou still looks more worried for her than himself. 
“Are you okay?” Akiko starts first, “You’re all battered up!” 
Tanjirou laughs weakly and the two walk down the hallway together. He nods his head before explaining, “Sumi, Naho and Kiyo have been hitting me with futon beaters so that I can learn to do the full concentration breathing all the time.” 
Akiko raises her brow, watching the way his chest and shoulders rise to confirm that he really is doing the full concentration breathing. He’s not lying, but she worries at the method. 
“But besides that, I heard something happened between you and Giyuu-san?” 
Just at the mention of his name, Akiko grows a bit irritated. She wishes for Oyakata’s humming, but the look on Tanjirou’s face is enough to ease her nerves. 
She sighs in defeat, “Let’s talk about this on the engawa. I’ll ask Kanon for some snacks.” 
Zenitsu and Inosuke are still moping around the medical ward, and Akiko knows that Tanjirou and she are at risk of being overheard by the blonde. But when she checks in on the two in silence, she finds that Zenitsu is curled up next to Nezuko’s box. Inosuke snores loudly, and she rolls her eyes. 
Tanjirou is already waiting for her by the engawa, head turned to face her before she even rounds the corner to the garden. There’s some matcha tea waiting for them, and some of Akiko’s favorite rice crackers. 
He doesn’t say anything. Akiko appreciates that he’s okay with waiting for her. 
Birds fly by, and Akiko hears her crow caw nearby. Tanjirou doesn’t smell her fear anymore, and he only wonders as to what happened. 
“I met Oyakata-sama,” she starts, and his eyes widen. 
“You did?” 
“Mhm. He called me one of his children. He has a nice voice.” 
The conversation falls silent again, and Akiko feels awkward. There continues to be pauses and moments where they both don't know what to say. Their rhythms are struggling to pace with each other, and there are times where the sailor has to leave for the ocean. 
“But I went to find Giyuu to fight him.” 
Tanjirou raises a brow, but he Akiko’s scent indicates that she’s being completely truthful. 
Sure, he understands that Giyuu is a hard person to approach, what with his aloofness and cold personality and blunt tone, but to want to fight him? And for Akiko of all people to want to fight someone? 
She can see that he wants to know why, so she continues, “He told me you died.” 
“Really? He did?” 
Akiko nods, taking a sip from her matcha before closing her eyes, listening to everything around her. Tanjirou continues to watch his fiance, trying to redraw Akiko’s imagine into his mind. 
“I never got the letters you sent to my grandmother, and Tomioka-san telling me that you died put me through three years of emotional hell. And then...” she opens her eyes the barest amount, lashes brushing her cheeks and a sliver of sunlight peeking out, “you came back.” 
He falters, mind going blank when she turns to face him. He’s caught in her eyes all over again, and it’s almost as if he’s being pulled in.  
Tanjirou is drowning in liquid gold.
His insecurities rise to the surface and Akiko can see them plain as day. 
Zenitsu wakes up to the sound of nails on a chalkboard, and he grasps his ears at the severity of the sounds. It doesn’t take much energy to realize that Akiko and Tanjirou are out of sync, and they’re struggling. 
It’s been three years but he can smell the city life radiate off of her. The brushing of shoulders in Tokyo, a smell completely foreign to Japan that Tanjirou has to assume it’s what other countries smell like. It’s her western blouse that throws Tanjirou off the most, as he can smell that it’s most likely been imported or bought overseas. 
A modern woman. 
When they were kids, he thought he would support the family he would have with Akiko. She’d be great at teaching the kids and taking care of them with her medical knowledge, and they would live comfortably. 
But she smells so strongly of independence, verging isolation, and Tanjirou is afraid that she doesn’t need him. 
Doesn’t want him. 
Akiko can see through the rise and fall of his chest that his breathing has quickened, and his heart rate is speeding up. It’s different from the concentration breathing she sees from Kanao, so there’s something wrong. 
And she wants to hold him close to her.
He looks so stressed and overwhelmed and she knows that it’s because of her. Because of them. 
He can smell how dancers step on each other’s feet and the pain they feel between Akiko and he.  Akiko can see the artist fail to encapture their vision onto canvas, failing their model and enveloped with defeat. 
Even Zenitsu can hear the orchestra fail to follow the conductor, and the panic that ensues. 
Still, Akiko quietly reaches out. 
The hands supporting her behind her back are an exact mirror of Tanjirou’s sitting form. One carefully extends, and the tips of her fingers loosely find a way to become woven with his own. 
Tanjiou blinks, snapping out of his panicked state to look down at his hands. They’re laced together ever so slightly, her fingers finding the opening gaps of his spread out ones. 
He hates to think it, but she smells closer to him both physically and figuratively now. 
And so he smiles, his breathing reverting back to its full concentration breathing for practice and his heart rate decelerating from it’s erratic one. Tanjirou further pushes his fingers through her’s, tightening his grip and absentmindedly tracing her thumb with his own in circles. 
They’re flushing red, looking away from each other, but they decide to scoot closer so that Akiko can place her head on his shoulder. They were always close in height as kids, but now Tanjirou is significantly taller than she, and her head rests comfortably in the crook of his neck. 
Tanjirou still can’t understand Akiko and Akiko continues to look for a version of Tanjirou that doesn’t exist, but for now, at least now, the dancers glide across the floor and the artist completes their masterpiece with the help of their muse. 
Zenitsu can hear their hearts beat as one, like that of a symphony.
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everybody say THANK YOU @wittlecowokie for this new update bc their drawing of akiko made me pumped af :,,) (although i have a bunch of chapters already prewritten thanks to my hiatus) 
tanjirou isnt trying to dismiss akiko’s independence!! he’s rly not guys, and i gotta try and make that clear here. she’s borderline ab to isolate herself thinking that’s what independence is, and doesn’t realize that she can and should rely on others. tanjirou relates this moga ideal with her isolation and worries for her, since he doesnt know all too much ab the new modern woman. 
also 👀👀👀 a proposal??? wonder what thats all about mmmmmm
sorry this chapter felt a little all over the place,,, im trying to figure my writing out lmaooo  
hope you guys look forward to the next chapter!
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petitenicolita-blog · 6 years
A Rainy September
Summary:  For the majority of her life Kagome has been the underdog. With a twin sister that hates her, a father that is presumed dead, a brother that's always getting into fights and a mistake from the past meeting at once, it can only mean one thing; hell for this little miko. Add into the equation that it's senior year and you have one hell of a roller-coaster ride about to begin. Please enjoy this updating story and feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, questions or even critiques!
Chapter Two: Behind the Scenes
"Yo," Kouga's deep voice spoke up suddenly, "didn't Kagome say this place had live music every night?" His sharp eyes were roaming the now filled up cafe as he took a few sips of his black coffee.
Inuyasha was surprisingly the one to respond, "Yeah, makes you wonder what poor bastards the wench is able to trick into playing here?" His sharp canines glinted against the beams of the soft lights to illuminate his playful grin.
The chatter in the building quieted down considerably as soon as Kagome walked onto the miniature platform.
She was dressed in a black high-waisted skirt which ended halfway down her thighs, a pair of simple grey vans, and a matching grey halter top that had the frilled sleeves falling off her pale shoulders. Her raven locks were trapped within a messy bun atop her head now.
A smile naturally found its way to Kagome's lips as she spoke, "Hello ladies, gentlemen and flea infested pups," her hazel eyes landed on the seated forms of Inuyasha and Kouga. Her little nickname had the majority of the audience chuckling, Sango and Miroku included.
"I'm guessing you all are curious as to who I'm introducing tonight, right?" When the patrons began to clap loudly in confirmation, Kagome couldn't stop the proud grin from stretching across her lips.
"Since you're all so excited," She began with a playful wink to the customers, "I'm very proud to welcome our very own Kanon Wakeshima to this humble cafe."
The people once again began to applaud excitedly as the woman walked onto the stage beside the teenager.
Watching as the lolita took a seat towards the front of the platform, her cello looking far too massive for her petite frame, the two women nodded to the other. Their genuinely kind smiles warmed the patrons of the cafe to their cores.
As soon as Kagome's feet were back on the marbled flooring, Kanon rose the bow in her hand, tugging it along the strings at the neck of her instrument as her slender fingers made delicate and precise work with practiced synchronization.
When she separated her lips to begin singing, the hauntingly beautiful tone of her voice sent shivers down the spine of many in the building.
"The softly flowing white and parched clouds passed by and I, coloured grey, merely kept staring at them as they slowly vanished out of my sight."
Kagome quickly made her way towards the counter to watch the show for a little while with her two childhood friends. The three of them sang along softly, completely oblivious to the intense gazes of one specific dog and wolf pair.
"Woah," Kouga managed to whisper out finally. His breathe had been caught in his throat as his crystal blue eyes shone with admiration at the girl he'd known for nearly their whole lives.
In the twelve years of their unique friendship, the wolf had rarely ever seen the spit-fire girl truly relax around anyone. For some reason, apparently unknown to almost everyone, Kagome rarely ever let her guard down. She never let anybody in.
It was as thought she was scared of something otherworldly.
He couldn't help but flinch as Kagome's body dramatically popped forward in sync with the sudden tap to the side of the cello. The music picked up in pace for only a moment.
"Now onto the sand castle that I'm building from the stars which I've been collecting, my faint prayer spills and drips down as the ocean waves, lying in waiting to sweep and trip you under."
The music ceased for the briefest of moment's as Kanon's deep chocolate pools glazed over in unspoken remorse. Her gaze locked onto the pale wall by the entrance as she hollowly sang, "A world of darkness, a world of silence."
Everything in the decently sized cafe became silent as further emphasis of her previous line. The seconds seemed to drag on painfully before her pale fingers once again made quick work of the thick strings as well as the bow.
"Although my disappearing prayer is being stirred up by the wind, I will not let that fire go out. No matter how many times I rebuild the sand castle with my frosting hands tangled up in busyness-" Kagome hopped off of the counter as soon as Mikado held his hand out for her to grasp. He expertly spun her around, watching with amusement as she hummed the tune effortlessly. "-the ocean waves lying in wait and just keeps sweeping it all away towards you."
Hating that he was breaking up the beautiful sight of his niece finally relaxing and enjoying herself, Yato walked up to the pair. His thick and wrinkled fingers ran through his greying brown locks. His deep voice whispered into her ear, "You're needed outside, child."
Kagome simply nodded her head and grinned at her friend before turning on her toes to sneak out the cafe's front door. The only proof of her departure was the soft jingle of the bells hung above the glass gateway.
As soon as the younger twin departed from the cafe, Kikyo entered and only briefly scanned the patrons before making her way over to the seated demons. Her small frame instantly slid along the leather seat to take her rightful place beside her boyfriend of three years.
"Oi, Kikyo," Inuyasha threw his head in the direction of the window to their left. "What's the matter with the wench?"
The elder Higurashi's deep brown pools scanned the area outside the window with curiosity before landing on the scene. She couldn't help but release a sigh and rub her temples in annoyance.
"That," she mumbled in disappointment, "would be our younger brother."
A dangerous smirk danced across Kagome's lips as she gracefully made her way through the shadows to her younger brother's nasty brawl. He was currently trying to block an incoming blow from the much older man.
Not giving the two men any time to process the newest addition to the group, she shot her foot out and connected the heel of her toes with the back of the man's leg. The force of such a kick caused the poor fool to fall to his knees with a sharp thud. His gasp of pain and surprise was the only sound in the alleyway for a few seconds.
"Shit," Souta cursed himself for not noticing his sister's presence early. The younger froze, as if his frame remaining stiff would fool the elder into thinking he wasn't there.
Before he could think, Kagome's pale fingers grasped a chunk of Souta's rich brown locks tightly and gave a sharp tug, pulling his back flush against her smaller frame. His voice cried out in protest, "What the hell-" he couldn't suppress the visible flinch when his deep brown pools locked with hazel glowing in disappointment.
Souta held his eyes shut tightly after seeing his sister's hand begin to rise.
Instead of feeling the slap he was expecting, however, Souta felt the hand trapping his hair suddenly let go and place itself atop his head instead. The hand that was only previously raised now had it's arm wrapped around his neck, trapping him in a deadlock.
"You idiot!" Kagome growled out, "Didn't I teach you better!?"
She suddenly let go and took up a fighting stance before him. Her feet were spread shoulder length apart, knees slightly bent. Then she rose her arms to demonstrate her coming point, "It's all in the elbow."
"Here's what you want to do," she began to explain, "hold your fists close to your chest. Your dominant hand is gonna want to be slightly further out. Then, when you punch, you want to make sure your elbow remains bent at least a little bit still."
After showing him what to do, Kagome watched as her brother quickly caught on and began to mimic her actions.
Kagome nodded her head and easily caught Souta's last punch. Suddenly, her hazel pools began to to shine with a thin lining of ember, an overly sweet smile plastered onto her sadistic lips. "Good job, little brother," she whispered innocently.
"K-Kagome?" Souta stuttered in fear of what was to come. "What's wrong with you?"
The elder sibling tightened her grip around the closed fist before she suddenly spun him around, pinning his front half up against the brick wall of the cafe. She casually held his arm behind his back.
"Don't you ever worry me by getting into useless fights, you sick little bastard." Kagome growled dangerously into his ear. Her other arm came up to wrap around his neck, holding him in place until he decided to admit defeat and submit to her.
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