#I mean intellectually I knew it would be hard
jpitha · 1 year
Me: “I wrote a book! Maybe I can get it published!”
*reads QueryTracker for agents and other author experiences*
*reads average time to reply from an agent with a form letter rejection*
*reads what agents are looking for to sell*
*realize I didn’t write any of that*
Me: “oh no. Ohhhh no no no. Oh no.”
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kaledya · 1 month
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Constantine's character introduction:
Description: Constantine is the first child of Lilith and Lucifer, 6 years older than Charlie and the crown prince of Hell
-Constantine is rational as a person, he doesn't approach anything with emotions, he sees everything as a plus or minus or as moves on a chessboard.
-Constantine would probably tell you the perfect way out of your problems if you went crying to him for advice, but he wouldn't try to console you emotionally.
-Constantine has the philosophy that everything is fair game for victory, if victory is the result it doesn't matter how much of a monster he is on the road, for example if it means protecting Charlie he will gladly do things to make Charlie hate him and not regret it, after all his sister will be safe even if she hates him.
-He's calm and patient and proud and egoistic, and his pride and ego comes from the intelligence and power that he has in general. 
-Constantine is one of hell's foremost intellectually and is seen as having great potential even by his family. Even as a child he was able to grasp very difficult spells with ease and never had a problem memorizing spells due to his photographic memory.
-But this intelligence has a side effect Constantine can't feel emotions very well, he can't comprehend them very well, he can't empathize with someone, sometimes he even thought that Charlie inherited the angelic and humanoid parts of his parents (it could be said that Charlie has enough empathy for both of them). 
-And since he knew what hell was like, he knew that if he was powerless he would not be able to protect his sister or himself in the future, so for a period after his 20s he devoted himself only to his education and self-development. 
-As Constantine became more interested in politics, he taught himself how to be a snake with snakes, which again began to corrupt his own personality.
-It is really hard to get him angry, even when he is angry he keeps his poker face and never shows his emotions.
-He doesn't tolerate disrespect in any form and doesn't hesitate to punish anyone (except his family members and the people at the hotel (he knows that if he hurts Charlie's friends, it won't end well).
-As genius and calm as Constantine is, there's a mad genius underneath, sometimes spending weeks in his workshop and library researching and Charlie has to drag him out of there, or he can be brilliant at the hardest things and terrible at the simplest.
-Constantine is a really great wizard, often inventing his own spells and combining what he has (he may have blown up parts of the palace a couple of times, but on the bright side he created a repair spell).
Constantine is heterosexual, but he has never been in love, nor has he ever had a lover (he has the same capacity to understand love as a tree. He doesn't have) Lust has never been something that attracts him. For Constantine, it doesn't matter how attractive someone is, if that person can surprise him with her intelligence and see her as his equal, he will consider having a relationship with her, but lust is just salt on the dish.
in fact when Asmodeus asked him if he ever planned to make a lover he said "Lust is not something that interests me, my dear uncle, if one day I meet a woman who can surprise me with her intelligence and who I can consider my equal, I may love her. end of story''
After the disappearance of lilith, Lucifer didn't want to be so involved in royal affairs anymore, he needed a break, so Constantine started to take care of most of the royal affairs and this increased his authority a lot over the years and now all the nobles look at the prince as a king instead of a prince.
Speaking style: 
Constantine's voice is cold, he speaks like an British aristocrat from the 1800s, he chooses his words very well, he is a sweet-tongued snake, and he likes to analyze the other party and reveal their weaknesses in his speech.
Fun facts:
Since his eating habits have been transferred to his own palace, he usually eats cereal, fried chicken and dessert-like things, except for royal gatherings (I mean, he's half Angel, so he knows his health won't be affected by his diet, so he doesn't care)
Constantine has owl features, walks very quietly and can easily turn his head in the opposite direction. He has feathers on some parts of his body. His hands are like bird claws and he has great vision.
Since he and Charlie are half Angel, 4 hours of sleep is equivalent to 8 hours of sleep for them, but despite this, Constantine sometimes stays awake for days and tries to fulfill his need for sleep by sleeping for 2 days in a row (this does not exist at the moment, Charlie disturbed him and helped him to establish his sleep pattern)
Lucifer: Constantine had a close relationship with his father as a child, he saw him as a role model and loved spending time with him, constantly following him around the palace like a duckling. And he did his best to make his father proud, asking him to teach him new spells and enjoying their time together. But as the years went by, they started to have differences of opinion and so on. Now, especially after what happened between Lucifer and Charlie, they had a fight and never spoke again. Lucifer is upset about this, but Constantine doesn't feel much because he thinks it's the right thing to do, even though he loves his father to the core.
Later in the series, when Lucifer overcomes his pride and apologizes to Charlie, Constantine forgives him and the ice between them slowly begins to melt.
Lilith: Constantine was always closer to his mother and developed many of his personality traits after her example, and Lilith was very interested in her son's upbringing, taking care to raise him in a strict manner, teaching him everything she knew and showing him what kind of king he should be in the future.
Charlie: Constantine loves his little sister so much that he would burn every ring of hell seven times for her. And although he doesn't have much empathy etc., when Charlie is sad he is always there to support her as much as he can, he always treats his sister with respect.
When they were little the two of them were mischievous enough to do things to destroy the palace, so Constantine's most fun memories are the times she spends with her sister and as much as they love each other, like all siblings they sometimes fight or bicker, when they were little it was normal sibling bickering, when they grew up it was usually about Constantine's inability to take care of himself properly, but now, even though they don't see each other much, they often call each other and they have a really healthy relationship and even though their opinions may be divided at times, they both respect and value each other.
Serenity: Constantine describes Serenity as an interesting case. As an overlord, Serenity was the only one Constantine noticed because she was someone who tried to gain power through sweet talk and knowledge, not brutality, a woman who built her empire through mind games, and she did something surprising for a sinner: she spread her power not only to the guru ring but also to other rings, which is why Constantine found her intriguing.
When they first met at the hotel, they naturally got along well, but as time went on and they were both in the same areas because of Charlie, Constantine got to know Serenity better and realized that he liked spending time with this sinner, even though even he was surprised by it. Serenity was smart and cunning, Constantine rarely found someone who could keep up with him in conversation, and he and Serenity shared many hobbies, so over time their enmity turned into friendship and even months after they met Constantine invited Serenity to his palace. He really liked listening to Serenity's comments on his books or projects and they both really enjoyed those days but of course there is no real trust between them, one is a prince of hell and the other is an overlord but they still like each other's presence. 
Hotel residents: Constantine is neutral towards them.
Alastor: Constantine and Alastor have a relationship of respect, as long as Alastor respects Constantine, Constantine is neutral around him, he doesn't get into dogfights with Alastor like Lucifer did. And Alastor knows Constantine's authority, so he doesn't do anything out of line, but Constantine doesn't like Alastor, he knows he's not in the hotel for fun, and he finds it annoying that he's trying to get close to Charlie, but he doesn't see him as a threat, he just sees him as a fly that makes a noise, and he's waiting for him to do something out of line. But of course they have a lot in common in terms of personality and hobbies, if you don't include their positions etc, they could get along well in that way.
The relationship with sins:
Bee: Constantine loves his Aunt Bee very much, even when he was little he remembers like it was yesterday when he used to stay with Charlie and his Aunt Bee always did her best to keep them both happy and she was always kind to them and when they are with her he likes to forget all the royal stuff and have fun. Now Bee is one of the few people who can run up and hug Constantine at royal meetings.
Satan: Constantine grew up closest to Satan, who saw the potential for destruction in Constantine from the time he was young and wanted to guide him, and succeeded. Constantine's perception of power often comes from Satan.
Belphegor: Constantine likes to spend time with her. Belphegor is a women who studies medicine and science, so Constantine really likes to discuss these things with her.
Mammon: he doesn't like him, he thinks he's a clown.
Asmodeus: Constantine is not very close to Asmodeus, but he likes his uncle.
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privitivium · 3 months
quoting your fic 🥰
okay so I was reading your fic and idea popped into my head after reading "while staring into your eyes without moving any of his facial muscles. his creepiness makes you cum rather easily. ahemhrm."
I'm just imagining fucking smth in the house up like using the dishwasher and it overflows so water and soap coats the kitchen floor and the reader is just hiding in the back of the closet, listening for any movements. I'm just imagining him using the reader as a cocksleeve to make up for it after tracking them down 🫡
this has been haunting me in such a good way and i finally got the nerve to actually get my ideas down yayy!! quoting my fic makes me so shy,, got me like teehee ....*kicks feet* sorry for any mistakes :3
domtop motherly yan bf w subbot amab reader
cw, slight panic attack ?! , rough - mean mother., dubcon ish, he's just rough with you by pulling ur arm and stuff,,, overstim
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mother had tasked you to the dishwasher.
you knew how to start a dishwasher. you weren't stupid! all you had to do was load the damn thing and put in one of those little fucking soap thingies and close it and press the buttons a few times for the proper cycle when it starts trembling and foaming. w-what the fuck were you supposed to do now?!? you cant open it, trying as you might - but you can .. clean up, yeah?? yeah... yeah you can-! using the plethora of hand towels and occasionally a napkin before hearing the moderately mute steps down the end of rhe hall - h-holy fuck. you werent scared. no, why would you be? this is all a big misunderstanding... so why the fuck are you running away? almost slipping on your ass trying to skirt down the opposite hallway, trying so hard to keep your footfalls silent yet methodical ... hiding yourself in one of the guest rooms closet and having a slight panic attack - hands at your head and curling in on yourself on the spacious constricted roomㅡwhy were you so scared? mother was kind, sweet and loving. there was no reason to be so scared.
trying.. trying so hard to calm yourself down, knowing that mother probably already saw the mess of soapy water and is looking for you... or this.. could be paranoia talking, haha... he's probably cleaning it up, theres no reason to hide - you should go out there and help him, right? haha.. yeah... losing track of time, it must've been fifteen minutes or so of just rocking back and forth while chewing on your bottom lip and occasionally mutliating your fingers... urk-! feeling the vibrations of rather heavy steps down the hallwayㅡgod, they sound so angry. Even if they were just footsteps... whimpering to yourself in your little safe space as your tummy coils uncomfortably with guilt and nauseaㅡhearing doors open down the hallway. shrinking further, as it edges closer - and mother finally opens the door to the guest room you were hiding in... the footfalls near and you see the shadow underneath the doors... and to your surprise they slowly make their way from whence they came. huh. well... how soothing.
it would have been, if not for the fact mother simply tricked you. How smart... how intellectual. How... overused. yanking the doors open and you, following in suit. mothers grip on your bicep making you whimper as he pulls you wordlessly from your little hiding spotㅡnearly pissing your pants if not for the swell of irritating arousal blooming underneath your navelㅡ"augh-! holy shit m-mom, i can explain!" you squirm, grunting in displeasure as he tugs you harshly - silent throughout the ordeal, throwing you on the well-made bed that was never used for guests - before you were pulled back, sheets thrown to the sideㅡ
“a-augh.. mommy.. m-mommy, please..” your voice broken with tears and fright as you writhe on the messy bed; sheets thrown askew by mother's doing… “i'm sorry..!! i'm really, really sorry..!.!!” you squirm underneath his hulking body, he ignores your pleas without care as he was already in the process of yanking your pants down to your knees and hiking your hips up ;; face pressed into the bed, ass up; feeling a bit too nervous but ultimately could not deny your cock of such emotions..., dribbling, weeping in between your legs, unable to move in fear of pissing him off even moreㅡ
"you can't even load the dishwasher right.." he tsks, voice tense as he pulls you back into his thick arms - seated on the bed with you in between his muscular thighs; no warning as he starts unevenly stroking along your messy half-hard cock - jerking in surprise and writhing against him, "leaving me to clean up your mess... not that i have a problem with it, mmh..." talking so carelessly, so stoically while jerking you off at a fast pace so nonchalantly - hand lubed up in your drool, tears, and pre. his free arm slung across your shoulders and legs partially wrapping around you to keep you from squirming as muchㅡemptying load after load onto his hand and yourself until you were dry cumming, jerking your hips and sobbing into him,,, muttering soft pleas of "pl-ease, mo-ommy.. pleaseㅡplease i'll be good, i'm sorry i fucked up."
he was originally going to leave you to stew on the bed in your mess of cum and tears as further punishment.. but he can't help but coo at the way you pathetically call out for him - him, your mother... admiring your soft cock in his huge palm, shrunken after drawing out orgasm after orgasm... ah, he'd have to do laundry too, scolding you for making such a disgusting mess on the bed. he'd make it up to you, however. dipping in-between your legs and kissingㅡtonguing the head of your overtly sensitive cock, just to be mean... before making it up to you for real this time, even if you do quite deserve to be punished harshly..
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sweatervest-obsessed · 5 months
hiii!! congrats on the 500 followers 🤍 for your celebration, could i request 7 and 13 from the fluff prompts for spencer reid? thanks :]
I giggled when I read this request ABSOLUTELY.
7. Softly smiling at each other across the room; 13. Playing with the other’s fingers
“I will be right back” You kissed Spencer’s hand.
He smiled and nodded at you as you grabbed two champagne flutes off of a tray from a waiter, and headed across the room.
Today, you were receiving an award in recognition for all of your hard work on your research. It’s was a huge opportunity for you since it came with a research grant for you to continue your work.
Spencer could not be more proud of you. He told everyone in his line of sight about you and your accomplishment. The Team would have been fed up with hearing about you if they weren’t just as proud of you.
You had seen one of the benefactors enter with her wife, and wanted to be one of the first ones to greet her, thanking her for her generosity and belief in your work.
Spencer was barely barely pretending to listen to what Emily was telling Rossi, his focus trained on you across the room.
Feeling Spencer’s eyes on you, you briefly looked over the shoulder of the woman you were talking to and met his eyes. Spencer watched as your whole body relaxed slightly under his gaze.
He sent you a quick wink which caused the corners of your mouth to twitch with joy. The Butterflies in your stomach fluttered around.
“You two are so adorable it makes me sick”
Spencer snapped his head back to Emily and Rossi, rolling his eyes. “Thanks Em.”
The three of them laughed softly together.
“Seriously Reid. Where did you find this woman. She’s smart. She’s funny. And she’s intellectual?”
“Ha ha.” Spencer looked back over at you, only to find your eyes on him. You blushed slightly at getting caught and turned back to your own conversation. “But honestly, I have no idea. She is literally the coolest person I know—“
Spencer laughed slightly at Emily’s objection. “It’s true.”
Just then Spencer felt a hand on his back. He knew your touch better than he knew himself.
“What’s true?”
“Just how incredible you are.” He turned to face you, that bright smile of his coming back to his face.
You smiled warmly at the pair he was standing with. “I really appreciate you all coming, it means a great deal to me.”
Rossi took your hand in both of his and kissed it. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“You’re too kind Dave.” You were over come with joy, knowing that you were surrounded by people who cared about you. “Honestly, I’m just glad some psycho-socio-serial-whatever didn’t make you guys fly across the country.”
Just as Emily was about to make a snarky comment about how they would have fought tooth and nail to be at your event, the lights flashed and one of the presenters ‘kind requested everyone made their way to their seats’.
Luckily for you, your table was front and center, one of your least favorite places to be. Spencer was seated to your right, which was helpful since it meant you had to pass him on the way to the stairs to the stage.
He gently placed a hand on your thigh, which was bouncing with nerves and anxieties. It was hard enough to be confident about your work, but hearing someone else describe you and then praise you as an introduction felt a bit much.
But all of those nerves went away when you felt his touch. You quickly slid your hand into his, eyes still focused on the speaker at the podium.
Your other hand quickly found its way to his, and started twisting the band on his ring finger absent mindedly. At least you weren’t causing an earthquake with this habit.
Spencer loved when you fiddled with his ring or his hands. He loved the way you constantly needed to be in contact with him.
Now your fascination with his hands has a myriad of reasons behind it, including ones only said aloud during girls nights with lots of wine. But you loved how soft they were. You’d expect them to be riddled with paper cuts and scars and bruises, rough from handling guns or handcuffs or dropping to the ground more times then he’d ever tell you.
But his hands were the hands of a lover, not a fighter. And it brought you so much peace, just twisting his wedding band, and absentmindedly playing with his fingers.
You only dropped his hand when they called your name.
You immediately picked it up the second you sat back down from your speech, fingers intertwined with his.
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anisscarletstarlet · 6 days
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anakin skywalker, academic rivals (hc)
anakin was an asshole, everyone knew that. he never failed to flaunt his good marks, never missed out on an opportunity to remind everyone he was better than them, especially you.
no one really spent much time with him due to his obnoxious behavior, and you believed he didn’t want to spend time with them either, they simply wouldn’t satisfy his intellectual standards.
therefore he had a lot of free time to watch you do whatever it was you were doing around campus. he had memorized your friends, your favorite lunch, and what route you took to every lecture.
what you didn’t know was that before you switched to his major, he had never cared for his grades, but something about you was addicting to him, and he realized the only way to get to you was by rivaling your extremely hard to beat marks. he spent hours everyday studying, simply to become better than you.
and become better than you he did. sure enough, that’s when you first realized he was even in the same major as you.
sure it started off as a means to get to you, but it was in no time that the feeling of being better than everyone around him got to him. he felt high off of it, and you were just an added bonus now.
whenever you’d get a mistake on an exam, he’d sit you down and explain it to you, though you knew he was only doing so to boost his own ego, not knowing he was doing it because it was a blatant excuse to spend time with you.
“i know what i did wrong, skywalker” you’d groan, already on edge due to your shocking mark.
“no listen, look here, you forgot to multiply by three” your rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t help but let your gaze linger on his forearm where it was resting against the table, the sleeve of his button up pushed up. “but hey, an 87 isn’t bad” his tone was teasing, and suddenly you hated his stupid button up shirt and his stupid toned arms.
but when he got a mark lower than yours, it was like he couldn’t stand you or your stupidly perfect face. your smile that usually made his heart skip a beat would merely piss him off now.
and despite feeling good about it, knowing you finally beat him, even having to hold back from teasing him for it, you couldn’t help but feel bad.
he’d sulk around campus, sitting on a bench or a set of stairs completely zoned out, and you’d feel bad, knowing how much the marks meant to him, so you’d join him.
“you did well, skywaker” your tone was nothing short of sweet, but he simply looked away, scoffing. “you don’t always have to be on top of things, you know?”
“of course you’d think that” he looked at you then, waiting for your reaction. you frowned, you knew he was upset but he had no business taking it out on you? you’d stand up to leave, but he’ll grab your hand, stopping you. “listen i’m sorry, okay?”
and there was no one sweeter than you on campus, so of course you’d forgive him. you were going to prove him wrong anyway.
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mrs5sn0w · 6 months
Serenade of Shadows
I : A Dance of Shadows -> II : Whisper of Deceit -> III : A Symphony of Heartbreak -> IV : Fractured Reflections -> V : Shadows of Allegiance-> VI : Echoes of Decent
Series Masterlist
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Young!Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader
warnings: Arranged marriage, MILD ANGST, unrequited love, friends to enemies, enemies to lovers
Reader's surname : Flare
Time frame: Before, during and after tbosbas
Synopsis : In the events of Panem's political dynamics and the 10th annual Hunger Games, Coriolanus Snow and her find themselves entwined. Standing at the brink of an enforced union, 6 years later, their mutual trust unravels amidst a damaging misinterpretation, prompting Coriolanus to believe the wrong. As the glacial barriers guarding his emotions begin to melt, a revelation of profound feelings unfolds, initiating a sprint against time for redemption.
The Academy bore witness a friendship that would echo through the corridors of time. In the their youth, Coriolanus Snow and her forged bonds that transcended the boundaries of academic pursuits.
Their journey through the Academy was a dance of shared laughter, intellectual banter, and the unspoken friendship that defined their connection. She was a vibrant force of creativity, and Coriolanus Snow was no different.
"Coryo, have you ever wondered what lies beyond these walls? The world beyond our textbooks and exams?"
Snow, his eyes focused on the distant horizon, considered the question.
"The future is a realm of uncertainties, Flare. I prefer to focus on the present."
She persisted, her enthusiasm undiminished. "But what if we could shape our own destinies? Break free from the expectations of the Capitol?"
He regarded her, a hint of curiosity in his gaze. "Our paths are preordained but the Capitol is our life."
Their classes became a sanctuary of shared aspirations and mutual understanding.
As the sun dipped below the Capitol skyline, casting a warm glow across the Academy courtyard, she broached the unspoken realm of their connection.
"do you ever think about us? beyond the expectations placed upon us?"
Snow, caught off guard, allowed a rare smile to grace his stoic features.
"What do you mean ?"
"Forget what I said, the reaping day is coming, do you think they'll announce who's gonna get the Plinth Prize ?"
She knew it must be him who gets the prize. She knew he needed it more than she does.
In those fleeting moments, beneath the shadows of the Academy's pillars, a subtle dance of emotions unfolded.
His face sparked a smile, hoping that it would be himself who got the prize,after all, he wouldn't want his hard work to go into waste.
"I hope so..." he let out a long breath while looking at the smiling girl in her red uniform
Unbeknownst to him, she harbored a sentiment deeper than friendship, a quiet flame that flickered in the recesses of her heart.
Reaping day approached with a sense of urgency, the anticipation hung in the air, threading through the classrooms like an unspoken undercurrent.
One evening, in the dim glow of the Academy library, she dared to tread the delicate ground of vulnerability.
"I would really fail any exam just so you can get the prize, Coryo."
He met her gaze,
"Why would you do that ?"
She gently grabbed his hands
"you're the one who has every reason in this world to get it more than anyone, you're Coriolanus Snow, look at how far we've come, you're gonna be someone amazing in Panem."
His heart stopped beating, confused at how she was reacting. No one believes in him like she did. No one had faith in him like she did.
A gentle smile was plastered across his face,
"you're gonna be an amazing woman as well. Panem is going to look at you one day and be grateful that you are born into this world."
Their final days were a montage of shared dreams and sidelong glances, the unspoken understanding between them growing into something deeper.
Yet, in the delicate dance of emotions, Corio remained oblivious to the blossoming romance that she harbored.
The Reaping Day arrived, casting a pall over the top 24 students of the Academy. She wore a stunning nude colored corset dress, that embraced her curves, featuring sleeves that gracefully hug her arms. The dress emphasized her collarbones, adding an elegant touch. Her hairstyle complements the look with soft waves cascading down her shoulders, framing her face and enhancing the overall sophistication of the ensemble.
Coryo and her sat side by side, hearing the announcement from Dean Highbottom of the obligatory mentorship to the tributes. They sat as names intertwined in the cruel lottery of tributes.
A silent understanding passed between them, a shared acknowledgment of the dangerous journey that awaited. They did not know what they were getting into.
"District 8, boy, y/n Flare"
Her eyes looked over the screen of a boy named Bobbins, hope glimmered across her eyes, only wishing the best for her tribute.
"District 12, girl goes to Coriolanus Snow"
As Lucy Gray Baird is called forth as a tribute during the reaping day, her demeanor contrasts the somber atmosphere. She wore a dress that catches the light, its colors reminiscent of the wild.
Despite the gravity of the moment, the district 12 female tribute's gaze holds a spark of defiance, and her posture exudes a quiet strength. The curls of her hair cascade down, a vivid contrast against the muted tones of the crowd. In that pivotal moment, Flare knew that Lucy Gray stands as a symbol of resilience and individuality.
Snow and Flare locked eyes,
they were saying good luck internally to each other.
Snow and her were determined to make a winner out of their tributes.
She was impressed with how Bobbin managed to captivate the audience by explaining five different ways to kill someone with a sewing needle.
Then, when she was asleep during the night of Day one, unbeknownst to her, Snow had left the academy to the arena on a mission to get his friend Sejanus out.
Coriolanus Snow experiences a tumult of conflicting emotions when he killed Bobbin, Flare's tribute.
The act weighs heavily on him, and a sense of remorse and unease lingers.
Coryo grapples with the harsh reality of the Games and the choices it forces upon him, questioning the morality of his actions. The incident leaves an ineradicable mark on his conscience, he decides never to let this be known.
Especially her.
Her eyes widened, a sudden jolt coursing through her body as fact that her tribute died sank in. Her breath caught, a sharp inhale betraying the shock that gripped her. The world felt suspended, and disbelief etched itself across her face, a mask of astonishment and heart-wrenching realization.
There was no recording of her tribute dying, which is impossible. Bobbin could have not died suddenly.
Someone must've killed him.
Her brows furrowed, caught in the turbulent mixture of emotion. Confusion knit lines across her forehead as she struggled to make sense of the unfolding situation.
Then anger simmered beneath the surface, her eyes flashing with an intensity fueled by frustration and disbelief. It was a storm of conflicting feelings, each wave crashing into the next, leaving her torn between the chaos of confusion and the fiery surge of anger.
The air around her crackled with unresolved emotions, a volatile blend that painted her expression with a mix of perplexity and a smoldering indignation.
She eyed the boy who she had feelings for,
"It's not fair, there's no record of anyone killing him, the broadcast must've been frozen or someone must've sabotaged him" she insisted
With a remorseful gaze, he uttered, "I'm sorry, Flare," his apologetic words weaving through the air, a confession concealed as she remained oblivious to the intricacies of his furtive actions.
Her heavy steps lead her outside the room, a storm of anger in her eyes and a resolute determination fueling every step, driven by a resolute need to unravel the mysteries of what actually happened.
"I need to know the truth" She whispered in a hushed tones, slipping a bundle of cash to the shadowy figure.
As she gazed over the surveillance camera, a tidal wave of emotions crashed through her, leaving devastation in its wake.
Sejanus and Coryo running for their lives as Bobbin chased after them. She then witnessed the gruesome murder of her tribute and mentee. The betrayal cut deep, an unseen dagger thrust into the core of her trust. Shock mingled with disbelief, and a profound ache settled in her chest.
The echoes of their shared moments, the laughter, and camaraderie, now tainted by the stain of his actions, echoed through her mind.
Anguish painted her features, and the realization of his betrayal felt like the shattering of something precious. In that moment, innocence crumbled, replaced by a raw, searing pain that marked the end of the girl who once believed in him.
She whispered, "Coriolanus Snow, how could you?"
The elusive figure responded, "Truth has its own price, my dear."
Faced with an intricate choice, even in betrayal, she sought salvation for Coriolanus,
'Protect him, even if it means sacrificing Sejanus.' she said to herself.
The web of deceit tightened, capturing Coryo in the damning revelation despite her desperate gambit to shift the blame to Sejanus.
The clacking sounds of her heels sounded through the hallway as she made her way to Dean Casca Highbottom.
"I have something to report, Mr Highbottom."
As she began unraveling the narrative, detailing Sejanus's involvement, a chilling revelation interrupted her desperate plea.
"You do know that your dear Coriolanus has been involved in cheating." Shock seized her as the revelation unfolded – Coriolanus Snow, the very person she sought to protect, exposed for his deceit.
The weight of betrayal and the magnitude of his cunning unfolded before her eyes. In that moment, she stood frozen, grappling with the stark truth that shattered the illusions she held.
What more did he do ? Who is he becoming ? This isn't the Coryo she knew.
Dean disclosed Snow's cheating endeavors, providing Lucy Gray with a compact powder with rat poison and a handkerchief bearing his father's emblem.
Her efforts to shield Coriolanus crumbled in the face of Snow's deceit.
"You did this because you knew he killed your dear tribute ? Poor little girl, how stupid"
"How did you-"
"Oh I know dear, I know..."
Dean's stern words echoed the futility of her attempts to protect someone who had betrayed not only her trust but the very essence of the Games' integrity.
Then came the turning point, a twist of fate that would cast a long shadow over their friendship.
Dean's voice cut through the tense air like a blade.
"What about Lucy Gray ?" Snow worriedly asked
"I would be worried about your own future if I were you" Dean spoke
"Miss Flare, your dear friend, has been quite forthcoming about your involvement."
Snow, unaware of the orchestrated trap, felt the ground beneath him tremble.
"Flare?" he questioned, the word heavy with disbelief.
Dean nodded, his expression a mask of stern authority. His accusatory gaze bore into Snow as he spoke with calculated precision.
"Miss Flare has disclosed your attempt to cheat in the Hunger Games. She provided detailed accounts of your covert actions, betraying not only the trust of your fellow tributes but also the integrity of the Games."
Snow's eyes widened in disbelief, a storm of emotions churning within him. "Flare? She told you about this?"
Dean nodded, maintaining an air of authority. "Yes, Snow. She confessed, hoping to shield you, but the truth has an uncanny way of surfacing."
"Also, she was feeling rather....furious that you killed her tribute"
The revelation left Snow grappling with a profound sense of betrayal, as Flare's desperate gambit to protect him morphed into an unexpected accusation that threatened to shatter his carefully constructed world.
The revelation hung in the air, a sinister turn of events that spun a narrative of betrayal. The trap tightened, ensnaring Snow in a web of deceit orchestrated by the very person he trusted.
Accusations of betrayal surfaced, linking her to covert strategies that backfired in the arena. The Capitol, always hungry for drama, reveled in the narrative of treachery.
Betrayal, however, was a phantom that haunted the shadows of truth. Snow, consumed by the bitterness of perceived betrayal, severed ties with her.
The friendship that weathered the storms of academia crumbled, leaving behind the echoes of what could have been.
Emotions surged through Snow like a tumultuous tide, his initial disbelief morphing into an overwhelming sense of anger.
The disclosure of Flare's admission, initially perceived as a protective act, now felt like an unexpected betrayal.
Dean's words, delivered with meticulous precision, only added fuel to Snow's rising fury. The burden of betrayal pressed heavily on him, as the realization dawned that Flare, in her attempt to shield him, had unintentionally entangled him in her admission.
Snow's eyes glowed with resentment, and an intense anger gripped him, a blazing fire stoked by the unforeseen turn of events, jeopardizing not only his standing but the very core of everything.
---Present Day----
Stuck in the present, their eyes mirroring the weight of untold histories. The grandeur of their wedding day was now tainted by the lingering shadows of a friendship lost.
In the quiet of their shared existence, as the Capitol reveled in the celebration of their union, the dance through time echoed with the poignant melodies of what once was. Snow, bound by duty, and she, she trapped in a loveless union, were left to navigate the intricate steps of a dance that transcended the boundaries of past and present. The grand wedding, a tableau of splendor, concealed the intricate dance of hearts left in the shadows.
taglist : @randomgurl2326
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yellowflowerbub · 1 year
What are your thoughts on teachers aid!Sakuna x shy new student reader who is think thighs and the prettiest doe eyes sakuna has ever seen
꒷︶ ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
summary. exam day tension with sakuna
wordcount. 1.1k+
pairing(s). teachersaid!sakuna x shy!reader
tag(s). sexual tension, size + hand kink if you squint, mean sakuna, thick reader
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Scrapes littered with taps of pencil tips filled the class as everyone’s, including the professor’s, mouths were zipped shut. A scoot of a chair or cough breaks the majority's immersion from the test before they return their minds to focus on what was in front of them. 
The distasteful stench of stress within the room felt so thick you could practically see it looming around the crowns of everyone’s heads. If you were to blow in the direction of it, it would scatter like smoke but regather into a stronger put entity as if you gave driftwood to a bonfire. You sit fumbling with the edge of your pencil, your fingers sliding up one side of it to prod and poke at the eraser as your idle hand holds it in place; you happened to be lucky enough to finish the dreaded exam early.
“If you somehow finish before the bell rings just stay in your seat. I don’t need any unnecessary commotion distracting me from keeping my eyes on the rest of you.” Your professor breaks the unpalatable silence to loudly restate his test taking rule to then loudly hack a nasty cough as he returns to his seat.
The only pleasurable thing about looking down to the front of the classroom was seeing the teacher's aid who only glimmered brighter next to the grimy, loud, professor. He was very well dressed and carried himself with confidence that would’ve been obnoxious if not for his inhumane attractiveness. His muscles strained each and every shirt he wore, and the hips of his pants so suffocating that the rest of the classes rumored him to go out of his way to buy his dress pants a size smaller. He rarely smiled but on the blue moons he did, it was purely out of cockyness. 
He is a very intellectually intelligent young man but with an ego so large it made it harder to see him for anything else but his ego. Dare a soul insinuate in anyway that he might’ve been mistaken and he’d humiliate them in a way that made it difficult to combat, he’d completely overwhelm whoever stepped to him but people still found their hand being raised to correct him or ask for help because there’s just something so exciting about being treated like a fucking idiot by him.
You knew nothing of any of this as you’d just transferred. Of course you found him attractive, how could you not? But you knew nothing of how mean he was because your first days have been filled with nothing but back to back exams in his class, so you raise your hand with the intention of having Mr. Sakuna help you revise all of your answered questions like an oblivious idiot.
When he walks over to you, he swears you’ve called him over to spite him. Your eyes so widely blown it made him want to tear a hole through a wall. Or through you. It made him angry that some cute new student could make him so feral. Your sweet little voice calling out his name with the honorifics he encouraged everyone to refer to him with, your pretty plush thighs squeezing together while you fumbled with the hem of your shorts, and your round doe eyes peering up at him through eyelashes. He knew he could have them full with tears in an instant but you’d probably still look at him, somehow still innocently and it made his cock pulse. 
“What do you need help with?” His voice sounds like gravel and honey. Smooth yet deep and quite commanding.
You stutter, the words you wanted to say caught at the edge of your tongue. Now you were just embarrassing yourself.
“What is it? C’mon, speak.”
“Could you um, look over my questions?” You spit out, “I finished already and I wasn’t sure if you- if I got all my questions answered correctly.”
“There ya’ go, it wasn't so hard now was it?” He scoots a bit closer to you and you tighten all of your joints; your heart beats to a quicker tempo from the cockiness laced over his baritone voice. Your pretty full eyes gaze up at him in wonder and he swears for another time that he'll loose it.
“Alright, now…” He begins to walk you through the majority of the first page questions, skipping over the bulk of which he believed to be correct. His rough fingers traced the words he spoke as he spoke them, and your eyes followed after them intently. 
"Wait, could you go over this one again? I know I got it right but I was mostly just following what that book said. I don't actually understand it." You spoke quietly as to not have your voice heard by anyone other than Mr. Sakuna.
"Mm," His hand is placed over your knee for a moment, the fiery heat of his palm leaves a feverish burn over your skin before it's replaced by the chills of the classroom air. Your skin felt as if it missed him despite only tasting a second of what he gave you, "I don’t really feel like holding your hand through this exam. You’re a big girl, I’m sure you can figure it out on your own.”
“But I really do need help, sir.” You plead, “Is there maybe another time I could come by?”
You had to have been doing this on purpose. Did you not see how his veins pumped from how hard he gripped the table? Did your wide eyes not catch how he licked his lips and bit the bottom one? 
You were too shy to notice. 
You felt so intimidated from the close proximity of his burly body right at the back of your chair. His face practically delved in the crook of your neck as his silhouette casts a shadow over your work space. You could almost feel how warm he is, how his chest bumps with his heart, and how his breath skims the shell of your ear. You are absolutely too startled to check to see what caused this heavy breathing; you swear if you meet his eyes you’ll faint so instead you opt to keep your own eyes locked on the paper and your ears on the instructions he spoke driving the teacher’s aid too close near the edge of insanity.
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a/n: whew. sorry this is so short, i just wanted to have this knocked out before new years day is over
Feedback and Reblogs and Appreciated!!
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
Hey Abigail, I don't know if you'll see this, but I just wanted to say it. You were not out when I started questioning my own identity, and honestly you came out online only a month or two after I finally started to admit to myself that something was off (transgirl - honestly even now I still have a hard time admitting it in any real way on or offline; slowly been getting better at it, found a few friends who accept me online), and it took me so long to admit that. I just wanted to say and ask you one thing each. Question first - How did you admit it internally? Like, I guess I mean... ugh brain why don't you work? Let me start over; I, personally, doubt every little thing I think and feel... I gaslight myself, and I have no real idea how to stop. I just wanted to ask if you had anything like that happen when you questioned, and if you did, if you have any advice on how to stop? Sorry if this is too personal a question btw, I understand if you don't answer for that reason. But yeah. Now what I wanted to say... thank you for being here. For being a voice I can look up to, and for just... being you. It's nice to see someone like me being their real self and being proud and everything... so, yeah, thank you. Thanks for reading if you have, sorry its so long, I tend to ramble, as you could probably guess.
Sounds like the question you're grappling with is "What if I'm incorrect?" which is one I considered briefly after I came out to myself. I knew intellectually that people can have strong feelings about things that turn out to be incorrect, so I thought it would be worth weighing that possibility even though emotionally I had no doubt at all. I asked a trans friend of mine about it (Mia Mulder, as it happens!) and she gave me some very good advice - who cares if you're incorrect if you're happier and better this way? If you're incorrect you can detransition: no harm or shame in trying something out for a few years or even longer and then going, "You know what, this isn't it." Do you want it and are you happy?
"I'd rather have a good time by accident than a bad time on purpose" she said
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xuchiya · 1 month
this song is one of my favorites and this was played while my team and i were having fun showcasing our prototype on our university week and yeah .. it is meant for my crush so too bad he didn't hear my message bc he wasn't there .. jk
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fluff (based on a real life experience)
   as i walked around, smiling and handing students flyers of our work, who were walking around looking at the computer science and engineering inventions or prototypes created by groups of amazing individuals with intellectual minds.
"hey girly!" almost dropping the flyers, carla—one of my good friends tackled me in a hug. i chuckle, wrapping my arms around her small figure, "hey how's the booth? how many signatures did you guys have?"
she puffs an air out, rolling her eyes, "gosh as much as I want to pass, this is hard. we're still at 50 signatures. what 'bout you guys?"
i look over my shoulders to see 2 of my group mates missing while the other 2 explain our work to wandering and curious students. i turn back to her, "not sure to be honest, ron and james are missing so we could still be around 30? not much."
"oh ron and james? they're holding the guest book paper before they leave." my head clicked immediately and laughed quietly, "smart bastards."
"martin saw what they did and is going around the campus too. anyways ..." her voice trailed off. i look at her confused, leaning on to my other hip, holding the flyer close to my chest "what?"
her lips curled up, bumping her hips to mine with a teasing manner, "wooyoung is walking around ... he's checking out all of our prototype." my eyes suddenly widen at the mention of wooyoung.
wooyoung is 4 years ahead of all of us hence the level year he is, which he is now graduating soon. because of the pandemic and short incomes, wooyoung stopped his studies until both of his parents got back up and let him continue his studies, even though he is already a few years behind though his other friends have work or have their own business, they didn't let wooyoung felt that he is out of place just because he is still studying. they knew his story and they understood him well. good friends indeed.
"oi! you're smiling like crazy, you're in love again ah!" she teases, slapping my bicep playfully. i scoff, turning around to walk back to my booth, "stop and I am not—it's just a happy crush."
as soon as i place the flyers down and face her, my two members plus her look at me with 'oh really?'. i pick up some discarded candy wrappers and threw it at them. they laughed at my reddened face, "geez girly if it wasn't for the heat index here in Manila, we would assume it's for wooyoung."
 i turn away from them, grabbing my aqua flask and drinking the ice cold water defending the scorching heat of Manila’s summer. turning the mini fan brought by james, using the back of my hand– i wipe off the sweat trickling down the underside of my chin and jaw. as the days go on, so does the excessive heat, working outside is difficult to do without breaking TOO MUCH sweat.
  “here.” a voice called out, i look up and to my surprise, wooyoung crouched on the same level as i was. i stared at him then to his extended hand where a handkerchief was reaching for me, my brows furrowed, “huh? no no i don’t want to. i mean thank you but it’s like .. i mean personal hygiene?” 
 i rambled without realising it until he chuckled softly, he moved forward– patting the sweat gently. the small distance we had, had my heart flying off the cage of my chest and the heat that was burning people’s skin was now all over my cheeks as wooyoung’s hand, surprisingly soft and gentle, held my sweaty face. his touch sent a jolt through me, and i could’ve sworn his thumb brushed against my cheekbone. a blush crept up my neck, and i stammered, unsure of what to say with our faces so close.
  his touched lingered as he pulled away, his eyes searching mine with intensity that made my breath catch, “do you have an extra hanky?” i cleared my throat, pointing at the handkerchief wrapped around my hair, “no, i was in a hurry because i had to set up our prototype that i forgot to bring my clamp or my hair tie.”
he hums, “have you eaten lunch?” once again i spoke, “no …” he clicks his tongue, standing back up, i followed his figure to which i saw him approach my group mates and spoke to them. my head was all over the place, his touch, his voice and the way he cares for someone. so much luck for that person he will be with, breaking my heart in the process that this is all just a stupid “happy” crush, nothing more and nothing less—nothing to take serious. i sigh, shaking my head and scolding my hopeful heart.
“you’re so blind girly…” my head snapped towards carla, she smacked my head gently–playful way. i pout, “what? I’m not trying to hurt myself by giving myself false hope that he feels the same way.” carla sighs, “he wouldn’t go beyond those boundaries if he doesn’t feel the same way or he wouldn’t do those if “friends” act so much beyond that.”
“carla is right.” carla and i turned to wooyoung with a smile, perfect timing, my stomach growled loudly, shattering the silence. my cheeks burned with shame as carla claps as she cackles beside me. wooyoung raised his eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes, “look’s like it is telling me you did not eat breakfast to.”
i scoff, looking away,”told you i’m in a hurry…” i heard him chuckle before i saw his hand reaching out for my wrist, pulling me up, “huh?”
“i ask for your groups permission to let you eat first then after that they can eat.” i turn to my group mates to see them giving me a thumbs up, then looking back at wooyoung, “are you not busy?” he shakes his head, “i can make space for our first date.”
   And that my folks, is how he had taken me breathless by being effortlessly romantic and being a sweet gentleman.
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youledmehere · 1 month
what did Rick's vows to Michonne mean?
“its a broken world michonne, and you’re the only thing that puts it back together…”
now im no real intellectual and i like rambling but i’ll try to explain my thoughts. (i would love to hear yours!) on one hand i think you can see this as him saying the world is broken, they’ve suffered a lot. especially in this place in time with him being gone for so long and everything he’s had to endure he’s lost even more faith in the world and at times even himself. he’s been broken down for so long but being with michonne, she just makes everything better. she is a source of strength, motivation, and gives him what he needs to keep going. she makes things make sense even in the middle of the apocalypse. being with her makes everything worth it again. loving her completes him and the world is more bearable.
on the other hand i think you can also see it as him saying he knows the world is terrible. the reality they live in is harsh, cruel, painful... from the different people they meet, the situations they find themselves in, to constantly having to lose good people over and over. but despite all that ugliness michonne is STILL someone who wants to make the world better. he recognizes that she is someone who continually chooses to find solutions in all these bad situations not just because she can but because she genuinely wants to. she’s always been someone who wants to improve the broken world even when it’s hard. she has constantly been a voice of reason and someone he’s leaned on when making big decisions. it’s interesting that he proposes after jadis kicked the bucket and michonne told her that she and rick were going to try and stop the CRM and inform the city about everything that has been happening. he knew she wasn’t just saying that to rub salt into the wound, that she meant it because she can’t just stand by and let the CRM continue how they were operating. she knows what they’re capable of, was gassed herself and lost her new friends. even though she desperately wants them both to just go home to their children, they have to try and stop this evil force. it’s nothing new to her (or them) to try and do the right thing because down to their cores they can’t be those people that just look the other way, let bad things happen and not try to help. i think it shows us more how rick views michonne specifically or at least how highly he regards her. she’s something good in a bad broken world.
til my last breath i am yours = self explanatory. he loves her. only wants to be with her. he’s her husband until the day he dies.
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leohtttbriar · 5 months
Someone brought an overhated character poll to my dash about Kai Winn and im literally so sad about the responses. I knew there were people who hated her but it's really baffling to me how maybe 10 people tops acknowledge her past and the reasonings behind her choices, they just see a space Karen.
oh dude, i'm sorry that sucks. and "sad" really is a simple but fairly complete word when it comes to the character of winn adami, huh.
like. i think a lot about how she's the most normal-looking woman on the show. she is also, simply, normal. she is faithful and political and appears and acts in ways far more familiar to us than most characters. even the fact of her alien-faith hardly serves to alienate, given that she is faithful in the way we might be--without true expectation of ever meeting the divine in this life. while kira can seem more like a fictional character when she speaks of the prophets, due to her proximity to them, winn sounds like the person accosting you on a street corner to talk about the rapture.
that's the thing, though, isn't it. about the "karen" phenomenon in general. there is nothing uniquely bad about middle-aged white women--nothing that makes them uniquely ungovernable in social spheres in ways men aren't. in ways everyone isn't, in some way. (merely anecdotal evidence, but my own experience in the service industry made me far more wary of men in their 30s wearing patagonia vests over dress-shirts). winn adami is a normal sort of frustration to people. one they encounter in the day-to-day. the political conservative who stands outside of planned parenthood and tells girls not to throw away their everlasting souls. the pentecostal women speaking gibberish in church, gesturing to the heavens with their out-of-fashion french manicures, who brought a tater-tot hot dish with extra kraft cheese to the pot luck. the women with cross-walls. with like. so many crosses. the women with leathery tans on the aging skin of their arms and neck. the women who quietly walk into voting booths around the world and choose "safety" over anything else, whether or not that "safety" is real.
at least. that's who people think winn is. setting aside the fact that most people don't truly know the kinds of women listed above, that it's unlikely they've spared a single ounce of pity for women like that ever in their entire lives, winn is not exactly pitiable in this way. she is awash in power. she is intelligent. she thinks. she would stand in a voting booth and choose "safety" (whether or not it's real) but she's not the lady wearing a t-shirt that says trump could grab her pussy if he wanted. she's not one of the many blonde women on fox news. she's not even sandra day o'connor or any other female conservative intellectual. because she's a metaphor.
we don't know her real-world politics because she's a fictional character in a fictional universe leading a fictional world. we know she's a conservative because fights very very hard to maintain the status quo regarding her bajoran religion and its teachings. but we don't know how any of that can be truly allegorized to conservative policies in the real-world. the main tension being: conservatives in the real-world base a lot of truly evil policy on a made-up divine figure interpreted through thousands of made-up hermeneutics and it is materially all Not Real. in ds9, the prophets are actual beings who affect reality. winn's said and done things on the show that sound like something an annoying woman with a turquoise-cross around her neck would say at a utah city council meeting about creationism and "inappropriate books." she also says things that a woman would say at a protest against the racist and paternalistic policies of the british museum. all we know of her as a political figure is that she is conservative. and like, power-hungry and desperate, but those aren't essentially related. she wants to conserve. and that encompasses more than one thing.
which means that people, when they see her, simply aren't thinking. they react to a woman who looks as she does. who speaks like a politician. who makes decisions that are unfair. but, exactly as you said, the show grounds her. they give her a past. they richly flesh out so much about her. they have her acting too rationally sometimes for someone of her professed faith. they have her acting completely irrational as her gods reject her again and again. all while she clings to them with a faith that endured actual torture at the hands of violent imperialists who yet attack her planet and yet attack her and yet she has to speak with as the leader of bajor.
and it's hard to see (beyond the obvious) why this character receives so much vitriol when you have characters like garak and dukat and kira who all are considered charming and beloved in some way or another, while still being as complex as they are. (and i don't even think dukat is all that complex.) even sisko has some moments that, if i lived in his world, i would be somewhat repulsed by--like when jake begs him to let the prophets go and sisko embraces the cosmic over the request of his son. (again: the prophets are real though, so my "repulsion" is more a reaction against people i see as priests, who i find in the real world, as a rule, awful.)
so. it's definitely sad. because the level and kind of hate bestowed upon this character really does seem to be a symptom of a much larger issue: of course, misogyny.
also that people don't tend to think.
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deluweil · 2 months
I think I realized what bugged me with Buck's coming out story in 7x04.
It's that he's "rewarded" for "bad behavior".
Don't get me wrong I was probably one of the loudest advocates for Bi!Buck, and I'm deliriously happy we got that.
But the fact that 7x04 went almost exactly the same as 2x01, behavior wise, that bratty, how am I not the center of attention? I'll show you your place, (the respect your elders crap) was very disturbing for me.
Like, aside for the fact that Buck finds out that he likes to be railed by boys as well as doing girls, there's no real character development here.
He knew, intellectually, at first that he was jealous of the attention Tommy got from Eddie, which really, considering everything that predated that was completely understandable that Eddie will look for that friend to do stuff with that they both enjoy somewhere else.
At first, it was the "She sees me," and as we can comprehend from "welcome back to the world of the living Buck, you were missed." Means that Buck was absent from their lives while he handled his death in the form of a relationship with a death doula, that he immersed himself in, completely leaving Eddie to deal with his trauma and loss, of Buck's death, and the consequent heartbreak of Buck choosing Natalia, on his own.
And now Eddie finally has that new friend, who's so much like him, to hang out with, that is worlds different than Buck and suddenly wide awake Buck realizes he's "losing" his best friend.
And I'll be the devil advocate for a minute and ask the Theo (teen wolf) question, come on Buck was he really still your best friend?
Because Eddie and Tommy have been hanging out for almost two weeks? (Though pretty sure more, considering that they have the basketball get-together more often than not and Chimney was probably the one who introduced Tommy and Eddie) it reached a level where Christopher met and loved Tommy (because seriously dude's awesome) almost instantly, but Buck didn't know that until he babysat Christopher and the kid told him about it.
Which makes me ask, where was Buck all that time? Absent? Taking Eddie for granted in that he will always be there?
Eddie has kept his mouth shut through a lot, Buck's sprem donor adventure, the death doula, the she sees me line, through months of separation because Buck cut himself off from everything they were outside of work.
On the surface, they were fine. But Eddie loves Buck enough to welcome him with open arms to everything, Vegas (you know he would have been ecstatic if Buck could go with them), basketball, babysitting Christopher which is world's different than 3x05-3x09.
He even forgives Buck immediately for railroading him on the basketball court.
Not mentioning the whole posturing at the firehouse, I have yet to manage to watch the entire scene (or 2x01 posturing) without cringing and fast forwarding it.
When Tommy goes to see Buck, he's there to figure out what is happening and to apologize in his and Eddie's names because THEY didn't mean to exclude him?? (In the two weeks they were building a friendship? And it's not like Eddie didn't invite Buck to play basketball. It's that Buck didn't want to.)
And Buck, even though Maddie told him he was wrong in what he did, didn't go to see Eddie and apologize. He immediately assumes that Eddie wouldn't want to see him.
First off, that's crap, he made you his son legal guardian, and second, at this point, you're a grown ass adult, do the right thing and even if he's mad at you call to APOLOGIZE!
It's not hard, it's supposed to be the easiest thing in the world, you hurt someone you love, you apologize.
How did Gibson tell Maya in Station 19 after she hurt Carina (emotionally) "You'd be surprised how far an apology can get you".
Buck should have apologized.
Now that kiss was something else, Tommy was super sweet and Buck proved himself to be an adorable bossy bratty bottom, the railing will be epic.
BUT! That relationship will come at Eddie’s expanse. This time excluding Eddie.
So not only Buck was mad that he was excluded, he's the asshole who befriended his best friend's friend cause he wanted the attention (of whom? Will be debated for months around this fandom) And now he excludes Eddie from his life again and disconnects him from the new friend he made.
That is isolation. Because as experience taught any of us, when our best friend gets a boyfriend/girlfriend they are busy! Either dating them or doing them or both.
Trust me I have had enough breathy phone calls answered by my gay best friend to learn to text first, and it didn't matter how many time I told him to stop answering during sex.
My girl friends knew better, but they also didn't call back until after they broke up with whoever the dude of the month was.
So yeah, I am mad on Eddie’s behalf, because Buck has not only done to him what he hates being done to himself, but he also reverted in the behavior to Buck 1.0 in 2x01.
I wish the Tommy/Buck pairing will be sweet and fun and explore new avenues for Buck.
But I want to see some growth damn it! Being out as Bi is brave.
But it is not a character growth if the people around you get hurt so you can get your way.
A lot like the lawsuit story (which, by the way, I was on Buck’s side for that one) but this is different, this is 4 years later and so many things happened.
Eddie went to therapy, and he reacts differently to certain situations now, when 5 years ago, he would have lost his head.
Buck did therapy, but nothing was solved, he's still reacting the same way he did in S2 and I am over it.
So yay to Bi!Buck!
But I wish the writers didn't make so that the growth won't be as significant as it should have been with giving him the same patterns of crappy behavior he exhibited in 2x01.
And there is no, "you're badass under pressure brother" here to cultivate Buck’s praise kink, just a kiss from Eddie’s friend.
Eddie who is sitting injured at home, alone, again (no, Marisol doesn't count) and Buck hadn't even apologized to him, but he was rewarded for making googly eyes at the wrong guy, because it's perfectly normal to be this jealous over not getting the attention of someone you just met, over the attention of your best friend of 6 years.
I understand this may offend a lot of people, but I had to get it out of my system.
No offense is intended, I just call it the way I see it.
I feel like Bi!Buck deserved a better intro story than what it got in 7x04, that kiss shouldn't have been made bittersweet, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one seeing it.
Anyway, I'm hoping for some kind of resolution and at least a heartfelt apology from Buck to Eddie in the next episode, coz it doesn't look like Buck will go to Eddie to apologize.
He and Marisol will stumble onto them at the restaurant and then there will be the whole why didn't you tell me drama, and I love you anyway thing, and it will all be about Buck, again.
Which fair. But does not absolve him railroading Eddie physically to get God knows who's attention.
Even Tommy didn't think it was about him, he literally asks bewildered "My attention?" I love him even more for that by the way.
And Buck should tell the firefam on his own terms, not because he has to.
But we reach another point, where the boys talk about their relationships with their significant others, only when they are forced to, again. Which is not normal at all for any kind of best friends.
Anyway, if you managed this far, thank you❤️
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trashytoastboi · 10 months
Hi mate! :D If ya have time, Can i ask hcs for Hawkins, Law, Kid and Killer reacting to seeing s/o's face for the first time?, (male, pirate ally s/o) Since his very conscious of the big scar on his forehead reaching to his chin and why he always wear a mask
Hiya! Of course! Sorry for the long wait on this and hope you enjoy 🍞🍀
Headcanons: Hawkins, Law, Kid, Killer x Male! S/O – Reacting to seeing their S/O's face for the first time
(Male Pronouns)
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Basil Hawkins
🔮 {Name} and Hawkins had hit it off so well that Hawkins fell pretty hard in a short amount of time. He truly was so charmed by {Name}, his personality and his little quirks or his witty sense of humour all became points that Hawkins really enjoyed about his partner. Some people brought up the curious question if Hawkins had even seen {Name’s} face as having it constantly covered created a very mysterious impression of him. 
🔮 The mask did have some difficulties such as eating and drinking restrictions, {Name} mostly ate by himself as the mask was not flexible enough to eat with it on. Hawkins never really minded so long as {Name} was comfortable. Hawkins being himself over held immense curiosity for anything unknown to him. Earlier on in the relationship he had the impulsivity to ask his cards for reason, even considering scrying to learn of {Name’s} appearance. Though he decided against it in respect for his partner. 
🔮 {Name} cautiously looked around the room, making sure no one was around before he took off his mask. Desperately needing a drink of water to ease his thirst in the oppressive heat wave. The mask was hot enough without the heat wave making it feel like an oven. His face was covered in sweat and he felt like he could breathe properly. {Name} reached for a towel to wipe the sweat, failing to notice when Hawkins had walked into the room and for the first time locked eyes with his partner without the mask. 
🔮 Hawkins is surprised to see {Name’s} face. By all means he really found {Name} attractive, but seeing how he panicked and tried to cover his face made Hawkins worry. “I didn’t want you to see it…” {Name} murmured sadly. The thing in mention was a rather prominent scar on his face, one that ran along the length of his face. So many people avoided {Name} and mocked his appearance that it became easier to conceal everything. He grew to hate his reflection just for the sight that was reflected back. He always assumed that others would hold an even harsher outlook. 
🔮 Hating oneself was not exactly a foreign concept to Hawkins, and while he could say from where he stood that {Name} shouldn’t have minded the comments of others he knew it was not as simple when on the receiving end. {Name} tried to awkwardly shuffle to where he left his mask and ended up tripping due to the poor visibility. Hawkins helped {Name} up and passed his mask to him. Hawkins felt a sliver of happiness finally being able to see the face of the one he so dearly loves, but his happiness is irrelevant if it caused {Name} so much distress. 
🔮 {Name} secured his mask on. Hawkins placed a kiss on the mask, an affectionate gesture the two of them developed. “I know it’s hard for you my love, but truly, you are still so beautiful in my eyes” Hawkins awkwardly said, attempting to comfort {Name}. Seeing his efforts really made {Name} happy, he felt a little more trusting and confident in slowly getting used to the idea of showing his face a little more around Hawkins. 
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Trafalgar Law
🍄 Seeing someone with an out of ordinary fashion sense, was actually pretty normal amongst the various pirates. {Name} didn’t stand out even when wearing a mask that entirely concealed his face. Law is a very thoughtful person, physical appearance didn’t hold the first and foremost consideration of his partners. He wanted someone who resonated with him on an intellectual and emotional level. 
🍄 {Name} had yet to work up the courage to show Law his face. {Name} knew Law, and knew that Law most likely wouldn’t react badly when he discovered the scar on his face. {Name} flinched every time he thought about revealing his face. Picturing Law’s disgusted face or his expression when he saw his scar, {Name} pulled himself back and away from the idea of showing his face. 
🍄 Unfortunate for {Name} but a situation in which Law saw his face did arise. Law noticed his partner being out of sorts that in turn led to discovering that [Name} caught a cold and was running a very bad fever. Law had the savvy to get {Name} to bed to rest as quickly as possible. Law insisted on him removing his mask so he could have water, medication, and breathe properly without the masks’ obstruction. Law was not in any way rude about it, but was a bit forceful purely out of worry for {Name}, he did offer to leave the room or turn around if it would make {Name} feel better. 
🍄 {Name} could feel the genuine concern from Law over his health and decided to remove his mask. The entire lead up felt nerve wracking, so much so he wanted to hide or cry. It had been so long since anyone saw his face, and {Name} dreaded the idea of Law feeling repulsed by his appearance. After he removed his mask he averted his gaze, waiting for the gasp of shock and horror. {Name} felt a cool hand press against his forehead. “Your temperature is really high.” Law stated with a worried tone. 
🍄 Law smiled softly, his hand cradling {Name’s} face. He understood {Name’s} hesitance to show his face due to the large scar that ran from his forehead to his chin. A rather deep and grizzly scar that more than anything had Law concerned over how badly it must have hurt {Name.} Not only in the physical sense but in the psychological sense to completely conceal his face for years. Without thinking Law leaned in and softly kissed the scar, {Name} backed away slightly out of surprise. 
🍄 {Name} felt so reassured that all of his worry and expectation was shattered by Law’s honest and gentle affections. Law didn’t flinch or think it was disgusting, rather he showed concern and sadness for the reasons that had to do with his care for {Name}. Law comforted him with constant reassurance and telling him how handsome he looked. It created a safe space where {Name} slowly felt he could be accepted and grew comfortable enough to start removing his mask around Law.
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Eustass Kid
🛠 Kid is direct and insistent that even if he didn’t care about {Name’s} face since he already liked him, he still wanted to sate his deep rooted curiosity of seeing {Name’s} face. Kid would never force {Name} to show Kid his face, but still he sometimes would tell {Name} about the kind of ideas he formed in his mind of his appearance. The lizard man was an interesting theory but {Name} did outright deny that one. To give Kid a crumb, something hopefully enough to satiate his curiosity {Name} explained how he looked, his features, some random marks or how some people have commented on his appearance. 
🛠 “So you’re a handsome bastard and you’re bragging about it?” Kid replied after his takeaway from {Name’s} explanation. “I also have a really large scar…It doesn’t look so nice…” {Name} explained running his fingers over the mask where his scar lay underneath. Kid stared at him with absolute shock, he frantically gestured to his face showing off his own scars. “So you don’t like my scars?” He asked, {Name} stumbled over his words saying it was different. 
🛠 “How so?” Kid questioned, well it came apparent in the way they regarded their scars. Kid wore them proudly, boasted the fact that he clashed head on with an emperor of the sea and survived with his life, one arm lighter and covered in the evidence tattered all over his body. Even if it hurt, it stung his pride that he lost in the first place he turned them into his point of pride. [Name} was the opposite, his scar became a point of insecurity and shame, he covered it and hid it away from others and himself. 
🛠 “So, are you going to show me or what?” Kid grinned, almost trying to challenge {Name}. Well, nothing to lose, Kid was practically covered in scars and it probably wouldn’t be anything new for him to see. {Name} slowly removed his mask, feeling awkward and a little regretful that he gave into Kid’s provocations so easily. Kid closed the distance to look at {Name’s} face from close up. Kid sighed. “It’s a crime covering up a face like that. Your scar barely affects how good looking you are.”  
🛠 “What..?” he muttered, confused over what Kid said so plainly. Kid’s hand grabbed {Name’s} face and pulled him into an unexpected and deep kiss. Kid grinned, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.” {Name} could feel the heat rising to his face, trying to process the last few minutes of compliments and the sudden kiss. “Oh? You can make a face like that huh?” Kid jeered, his grin only growing wider as he loved seeing the diverse reactions {Name} had to offer. 
🛠 Kid made a point of asking and encouraging {Name} to have his mask off around him, of course he relentlessly teased and flirted with {Name} including a stolen kiss or two. Kid’s abrupt and nonchalant attitude towards {Name’s} scar actually made him feel better about it, realizing that it did not encompass everything about him. There was so much more to him that just appearance and with Kid’s constant comments about how {Name} is actually good looking. 
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🍜 Killer and {Name} occasionally got a few odd looks when they went on dates, two fully masked men awkwardly trying to eat or drink with their masks on without removing them. Killer and {Name} could equally agree they had a deeper understanding of their insecurities, more so than others. They often confided in one another about the things that troubled them or what they didn’t like about themselves. These discussions usually ended in a lot of back and forth of one another trying to explain that they were more than their insecurities. 
🍜 Killer and {Name} had been discussing the possibility of encouraging each other to remove their masks. In their own space when they each had the courage to do so. People may not have understood the courage that hiding behind a mask provided, or that you may have seen a person in a more genuine manner when they could differentiate themselves away from what they disliked. 
🍜 The act of showing each other their faces held a much deeper meaning than just curiosity, it was a form of vulnerability and trust between them. “One, two, three…” In unison they spoke, counting to the moment of their reveal. {Name} and Killer removed their masks. The surge of self-doubt came up. {Name} was happy to see Killer’s face, the joy of which eased his own distress. Killer looked up to {Name’s} face, he saw a large scar and could see {Name’s} aversion to his gaze. 
🍜 Killer didn’t want to dismiss {Name’s} insecurity over his scar, but on the same hand he failed to see anything wrong with {Name}. He is still as wonderful as he always has been in Killer’s eyes, if anything more so now that he had a face to put to him. Killer’s hand reached up to touch the scar, running his fingers along its length. “I know this won’t mean much, but your scar isn’t everything. You still have some of the prettiest eyes I’ve seen, and…-” Killer was cut off by {Name’s} laughter, “I appreciate it Kil” Seeing how Killer recited this like a romance novel actually convinced him all the more of the sincerity and truth all the more. 
🍜 {Name’s} initial worries had easily been laid to rest, though he still couldn’t deny that years of his growing distaste towards his appearance would not be so easily overturned. He found comfort in Killer’s attempts to reassure him and his awkward arguments of convincing {Name} that he was still so wonderful, regardless of his scar. Killer had an almost resonating understanding of how deep insecurities could go, how deep they could burrow in your mind and entire identity. He is still determined to try to encourage and comfort his partner. 
🍜 Killer and {Name} started to spend time together without their masks, getting used to the idea of being more comfortable without them. Killer grew a little more affectionate with this deeper sense of trust and intimacy. Not to mention having easier access for the occasional kiss or two. 
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akutasoda · 3 months
Not the biggest Dr.ratio fan but Damm me if he isn't fun to write about...
I BET this mf way of showing love and care is by not only teaching you, but also by actually being patient with it DGBDVDNS
It was not new information the fact that Veritas Ratio did not tolerate idiocy. He couldn't even bear to look at someone he deemed as a moron.
But you were a... strange case. Not the dumbest person Veritas had ever met, but also not someone who would have caught his attention. At best, you could be considered "average," and at worst, "teetering to stupidity."
But even with your lack of outstanding intellectual skills, Veritas' attention was still piqued by you. Call him a hypocrite or a fraud, mention his double standards when it came to you, and he wouldn't care.
It started with something small. Veritas occasionally approached you and begrudgingly helped you comprehend some of the statistics in your reports. And he never failed to point out how much of a hard time you were having with something that was so simple for him.
"Are you struggling with this subject?" "Really?" The familiar condescending tone in his voice made you only lower your head slightly in shame.
He found it annoyingly amusing to see how you acted around him. It was almost charming in a way, how much of an airhead you were sometimes. But he couldn't deny how frustrating it was to see how his words entered and immediately left your head.
Gradually, you could notice more changes in his behavior towards you. Going from him just giving you advice from time to time on how to do your work, to him outright teaching you.
"Wrong answer again." His voice echoed. His gaze felt like two daggers ready to jump you at any moment. How many attempts have already been made? Three? Four? You couldn't remember. "Are you even paying attention to what I am saying?" The answer was no.
"I've had students with ADHD who paid more attention than you." He wanted to say, but a small voice in the back of his head didn't allow him to do so. He couldn't bring himself to say such mean things to you.
With a long and heavy sigh, Veritas pressed the bridge of his nose before leaning closer to you. "I'll go over the subject again, pay attention this time because I won't repeat myself anymore." Even he knew it was a lie, that for you, he would go over his explanation as many times as possible. Not only to make sure you understood it, but also so he had an excuse to spend more time by your side.
Trying to think how this guy would confess his feelings ヽ(o´3`o)ノ
and i totally agree! he wouldn't have any other idea on how to express his feelings but he wabts to show he cares.
i can just imagine how he'd want to be so condescending. so mean and rude to you like he normally would be to anyone else, but the little voice inside of him screams at him not too. he knew he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he actually insulted you - his students would know ratio at his worse.
reminds me of that one voice line where he talks about how the' most annoying thing about idiocy is that you can't explain it to an idiot'. however it wouldn't be annoying if he had to explain anything to you but he's so in denial and so confused on how to properly express his feelings that he instead offers his undivided time and dedication. he may be intelligent but he's not that emotionally intelligent when it comes to feelings, love particularly.
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
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pairing: jake sully x reader
summary: in which you are forced to be in the same vicinity as jake sully for months
warnings: none!
word count: 3.9k
author's note: yay another chapter!! :))
AO3 | prev | next
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It had been a few weeks since the last time you had stepped foot in Hell’s Gate and ever since your conversation with Quaritch. Still, you had sent a few vague video messages for Grace and the newbies about the culture of Na’vi. The videos were mostly for Jake since Norm seemed well educated on the culture and language. It was easy for you to do and get out of the way one day a week. This was you being the tutor that Quaritch tried requesting. And technically you weren’t disobeying orders. But you did find yourself a loophole to avoid the Gate and Jake Sully all together.
That was until now.
“Tinkers…” Grace sighed.
“Hell no, Augustine!”
You never thought you would find yourself yelling at Grace in all the time you’ve met her. It almost felt wrong. There was so much respect between you two, there was just never any way that you thought you’d be arguing with her this hotly, this irritated. Sure, there had been clashes in the past but those were tame and intellectual.
Now it was almost like a child snapping at their mother for the first time. You didn’t want to but your frustration and irritation had built up over time until it finally made you explode.
“He’s found and met the Omatikaya people, Tinkers. This could be our chance to rebuild a relationship with them if we do this right.” Grace's voice was cracking through the radio that you held in your hands. “And to do that we need a good set up, a good foundation away from the Gate. We have to have some distance, especially from Parker and Quaritch.”
That had made you stop. Your hands, which had been previously tinkering with your project, stopped moving as you focused your attention on the radio. “Why?” The question had come hastily, making you cringe at yourself. “I mean, what does this have to do with Quaritch?”
Grace responded in a lowered voice through the radio, “For some odd reason, I feel like you already know the answer to that, Tinkers. Which also explains your sudden attitude toward Jake. Yeah, don’t think I haven’t noticed, kid.” You rolled your eyes, knowing she was talking about your obvious steps to make sure you didn’t interact with Quaritch’s new puppet. And your lack of a response only confirmed Grace’s guess.
Really, there was no point in denying it. Grace knew you. And she knew Quaritch just as well as you did. She knew the tense relationship between you two, it was hard not to over the years of you being on Pandora. Which was one of the reasons why Grace had taken you under her wing, which was why you had always followed her around like a lost puppy in your first few years in Pandora. There was no hiding anything from Grace Augustine, especially when she decided to look after you when no one else would.
“And you think bringing everything up here, crowding my space…” Despite yourself, you glanced down at your project which was nearly finished.  “How is this a good idea again—”
“We’re coming, Tinkers.” Grace said sternly. “You can stay cooped up in your lab all you want but we’re still coming, and kid, sorry but you’re going to have to deal with Sully’s presence whether you like it or not.”
She wasn’t wrong. Yes, your lab was connected to the mobile link station Site 26 which Grace and the others were free to use if they wanted. But this lab was your solitude, your own world of secrets.
You didn’t want Quaritch’s little spy anywhere near it.
“Meet you up there, kid.” Grace said before the radio went silent.
For a moment, you stared at Project Pandora. Then you got up and started cleaning up the desk you had been working at for the past few hours. Carefully, you placed the project in the cabinets beneath the desk and closed it, locking it with a padlock.
Perhaps you were being a bit paranoid but you couldn’t risk it. Hell, you couldn’t even risk Grace seeing it either. She’d try to talk you out of it if anything.
Hours had passed until the helicopter had arrived with Grace and the others. Despite your previous annoyance toward the new situation, you went out to greet them as they got off the helicopter.
“Hope you took care of the place since I left.” Grace commented as you fell into step side by side with her. “I’m not going to see a whole hoard of shit everywhere, will I, Tinkers?”
“I know how to clean my own shit.” You grumbled when stepping into the station. “If anything you’re more messy with me. Most of you shit is in there anyway.”
Grace rolled her eyes, setting her things down at an unoccupied desk. Norm trailed in, looking around with wide excited eyes. “So you’re telling me you’ve been staying up here in the Hallelujah Mountains for months now? How are you not amazed by this every day?”
You shrugged as the link beds were rolled in, “I guess you get used to the view every day.”
That wasn’t necessarily true. Still to this day you found yourself always amazed at where you were and how you often remembered that Earth was nothing compared to this. And that you didn’t miss the former planet one bit.
Norm shook his head in disbelief, “Have you ever explored more of this place?”
“On my own? No.” You found yourself chuckling self-deprecatingly. “Pandora may be beautiful but it's also dangerous, especially for those unskilled to handle it.”
As soon as you said that, Jake wheeled in. He took in his surroundings the same as Norm until your gazes connected. There was an unreadable expression on his face when he nodded toward you in acknowledgment, “Doc.”
“They haven’t killed you yet, I see.” You hummed, raising a single brow. “Can’t really tell if I’m impressed or disappointed.”
He gave a sarcastic smile, “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Doc. Have any more half assed advice for me?”
“Yeah, right up your—”
“Alright, kids.” Grace interrupted, glaring at the two of you. “If we’re all gonna be stuck here together for the next few months, we’re gonna have to suck it up and get along or else this whole thing is for nothing.”
You roll your eyes, before leaving to go back to your lab. That was your only place where it would be your solitude after. Seconds later your lab door opened and in came Grace who already wore a maternal stern look on her face upon looking at you slouched in your desk chair.
“Why are we even still working with him?” You hiss in Na’vi. “It’s like you said on the radio, you and I both know he’s working with Quaritch. We can’t trust him!”
“He will start learning their ways and they will accept him if we play this right, Tinkers. Think about it. Sully could be our chance to rebuild our relationship with them, to get them to trust us again.” Grace glanced over her shoulder at the now closed door before continuing. “And if it works maybe things will start to fall in place when it comes to Quaritch.”
You stood, shaking your head. “You have too much faith in him, Augustine. Whatever relationship you think we could salvage with them, it’s gone. They will never trust us again after what happened. And now letting him enter their clan as an outsider, lying to them, that is what you think is going to help?!”
Exhaustion fell onto her face as she placed her hands on her waist, switching to English. “You’re gonna have to trust me on this one, Tinkers. I need you to work with me here, I need you on my side.”
This was too reckless. All of it. And no matter what you did to stay out of it, somehow you were always dragged back into it. You were always hurt again. You didn’t want to be hurt. You didn’t want what happened last time to happen again. Not to the Na’vi. Hell, not to Grace. You can’t stand seeing her heart broken after what had happened again.
“He is not on our side.” You whispered, pointing to the door.
Grace did not respond and the conversation soon ended when Norm called for her. Before leaving your lab she gave you one final stern look, “Play nice. This place is about to be stuffy, kid.”
The first couple of weeks, you mostly kept to yourself in your lab, working on your project, video logging for yourself, or just other smaller projects. Just to keep yourself distracted and away from the main station. When you did come out of your lab, you’d mostly speak to Grace and Norm and kept your interactions with Jake to a minimum. Which most of the time included snarky remarks and or cursing at each other.
“She keeps calling me, skxawng.” Jake muttered one day while eating his breakfast before he’d hop into the link unit as usual. During his stay here, you had learned that Jake had met Neytiri, the Omatikaya clan leader’s daughter. You recognized the name mostly because you had met her in the past, her and her mother Mo’at, the Tsahik of the clan. It had been a while since you had seen either of them. “What does it even mean?”
“Moron.” You muttered, eating some of your yogurt.
“Yeah, right back at you, little shit.” Jake retorted.
Norm shook his head, hiding an amused snort behind his bowl of breakfast. You turned to Jake and raised your brows, “Skxawng, means moron, asshat. Though it’s pretty fitting for you, don’t you think?”
“Bite me.”
“Very mature.”
“Both of you sound like children!” Grace snapped from her spot at the desk in the corner. “For god’s sake, you’re adults! Act like it!”
“Tell that to her.” Jake commented.
You flipped him off.
But as time went by, you can admit that Jake was making bits of progress when it came to integrating into the Omatikaya. Some days, when you wanted a break from spending so much time in the lab, you’d be sitting on one of the cots watching Norm struggling to teach Jake the language and get easily frustrated at his slow learning.
“Oel ngati kameie.” Norm repeated for what sounded like the hundredth time that evening. “I see you. You almost had it on the ninetieth try.”
“Fuck off.” Jake rolled his eyes. “Oel ngati—”
“No, no, no!” Norm grumbled while you hid a smile behind the book you were reading.
“I’m saying exactly what you’re saying right now!”
“No you’re not—you know what?” Norm breathed out a sigh before pushing away from the table he was at, “Let’s take a really, really long break, yeah?” You watched as Norm exhaustedly rubbed his face and left the room, mumbling to himself in frustration.
Jake huffed and went quiet for a while. Right now it was just the two of you sitting in the room. You made no move to say or do anything, mostly just kept to yourself like you had been for the past week. While reading, you heard him start to mumble the same phrase over and over again, though his pronunciation was wrong each time.
And despite wanting to ignore him, your need to correct him eventually won.
“You really do have a thick skull, huh?” You commented. Jake turned his wheelchair away from you, pettily ignoring you. “You're sooo funny. Apologies for trying to help.”
“And since when have you ever tried to help me?” Jake snorted, glaring at you over his shoulder.
“Did you not watch the videos I sent you?”
“Fuck off.”
A small, amused smile tugged at your lip before you closed your book. “Quaritch did tell you to listen to me, make sure you survive and whatnot. Or are you not taking orders from him anymore?”
Jake didn't reply right away, instead he turned his chair so that he was facing you again, studying you with an unreadable expression. “You hate him.”
You scoffed, “Great job, Sherlock.”
Jake tilted his head, giving you a look, “He’s mentioned you a few times. Asks about you.”
Not really wanting to hear any of this, you got up and grabbed your book. “We’re definitely not having this conversation, especially not with you of all people.”
“Okay, then make something clear to me.” Jake called, rolling after you. “I don’t get it. He acts like the two of you are close and treats you like a family. And then there’s you, you can’t even stand to be in the same room with him.”
Now you were scowling and turned back to him, “Yes and it’s been a pretty great relationship so far. What’s your point, Puppet?”
He frowned at the nickname but continued, “It’s because of the school, isn’t it?”
That, you hadn’t expected. Really, you didn’t even know that he knew about that. Then again, Grace might’ve told him at some point. Still, the question threw you off. Enough that Jake could read the expression on your face, which confirmed his question without you having to say anything.
“I, uh, noticed the pictures with you and Grace’s avatars, with the kids.” Jake continued but a lot more carefully than before. “Grace told me about, um, Sylwanin and the other kids that died.” You winced terribly, barely able to hide it as you turned your gaze away from him. It had been awhile, no, a couple of years at least since it first happened.
You just never bothered talking about it again, never bothering to go back into your avatar form unless you absolutely needed to. Those deaths had weighed down on your shoulders forever.
Jake was still watching you as he spoke, “You blame him.”
“They were on his orders.” Was what you said, willing your voice to remain firm. Crossing your arms, you continued through gritted teeth, “If he ever thought of me as family he wouldn’t have allowed that to happen that day. Those were my friends he had gunned down.” You turn to look at Jake, frowning. “Could you forgive that?”
Surprisingly, his response was immediate. “No.”
Quietly, you watched him the same as he did you. And then you stopped, not wanting to read into anything more. Not wanting to discover anything more despite the growing doubt settling in as this conversation kept going.
“What else has he said?” You found yourself asking after a while, quietly. This now surprised Jake. “About me?”
Now it was his turn to look away from you for a moment before shrugging, “Says you guys used to be close, practically an uncle to you or something, I don’t remember.”
You nod, not protesting that. Despite everything, that was true. Your parents were both dead. Quaritch had known them both and you since you were young. He was a family friend. An uncle. The only person that cared for you that was left in this world.
And with everything that had happened between you two, that’s what broke your heart the most. No matter what, he was the last one left for you.
You walked toward the door to your lab but stopped before glancing over your shoulder toward Jake.
“It’s oel ngati kameie.” You pronounced slowly, doing the hand movement along with it. “You’ll get it at some point.”
“Wait!” Just as you opened the door, Jake had wheeled closer. “The way you say it, it’s different from how Norm did it.”
You shrugged, “Norm’s a bit too formal with his translations. Spend a little time with the Na’vi and listen to how they communicate with each other, that’s when you start to sound like them.”
Jake grinned a bit, “Why don’t you teach me? Call it a truce, you and I. Let’s make this work, yeah?”
“I don’t know.” You hummed stepping into your lab. “I still don’t like you very much.”
He raised a brow, a smirk on his lips, “You’re warming up to me though.”
“In your dreams, Puppet.”
“Video log, 100-something…I don’t know but I miss you guys.”
You say quietly to the camera. It was around night time in Pandora. The other should’ve been fast asleep by now or Jake was still in the link bed, parading around the forest with his avatar.
“It’s been a few months…since I’ve logged in, I think. I know I should be keeping up with them. And it’s been five years today since you guys left…Mom, I’ve improved and kept your work going. Hopefully I’ve done you justice…you know…I can’t exactly replace you. Your brilliance…everyone looks to me now that you’re gone…I don’t know how to feel about that. I’m not ready for it-I really don’t understand how these people think I could live up to you….”
There was a muffled sound outside of your lab. Someone was probably moving around. Whoever it was, you waited for a few seconds before you didn’t hear anymore thuds. You turned back to the camera.
“I think it was a mistake leaving me to Quaritch…and I know he’s one of your oldest friends Dad, but…this isn’t working anymore. Pandora has really shown me the truth. Something I was too naïve to notice before…but now that I do know the truth, I’m not sure….I’m not sure if I was ready for it…”
Knowing that these videos were being watched by the higher ups, you decided to cut the camera off before the tears came. The last thing you wanted was for them to see your vulnerability. To see how much their mission practically broke you. They wouldn’t have cared anyway. But it was embarrassing to imagine either way.
All you knew was that you never wanted them to ever see you cry. You would not grant them this.
The last thing they would see of you was not tears. No.
It would be a grin made of gasoline. And the fire you started in your wake.
Norm and Jake were arguing. You didn’t know what about but if you had to guess, it was probably Norm getting frustrated with Jake while he was supposed to be helping him with the language. And you were betting Jake was responding back like the smartass he was.
It wasn’t long before Grace jumped in to scold them like a parent. Now it would’ve been entertaining to listen to the three of them go at it, but they’re dumb fight was distracting you from your work, which was in itself a sin.
When the fighting never ceased, you gave up with the work you attempted to refocus on and stomped out of your lab. Outside of it, Jake and Norm were back at the small table in the corner going at it while Grace scowled and snapped at them from her spot across from them.
“—it’s like you’re trying to be dumb on purpose! How can you not get this?!” Norm snapped.
Jake scowled, “Kind of hard to listen to you when you’re talking out of your ass!”
“My god! Am I just surrounded by children these days? What the hell is wrong with you two?!” Grace glared at them.
You stood to the side and watched as they fought, both annoyed and intrigued.
Norm suddenly stood up, “You know, I don’t get it. I’ve studied and prepared myself for this for several years and he gets this chance in one go, why? What the hell has he done to even earn his place here?!”
“Spellman—” Grace sighed.
“So you're jealous?” Jake smirked, leaning back in his chair. “What, mad that I got the chief’s daughter and you got horseshit?”
You could tell Jake was just trying to get a rise out of Norm and the latter took the bait easily, “I deserve to be out there. I fucking speak the language—”
“Quaritch chose him.” Grace said simply, growing tired of the fight. “There’s nothing we could do to change that. And complaining about it sure as hell isn’t going to solve anything.” She then looked at you with a frown and spoke in Na’vi, “Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to add anything to this conversation?”
You shrugged indifferently, “You seem to have a handle on things.”
“Would the two of you stop that!” Norm snapped exasperatedly. “I can understand you! You’re not being secretive by talking in another language I know!”
Grace frowned, “Nobody said anything about being secretive, Spellman. Take a deep breath, alright? Yes, you are good at the language, which is why I need you to help Jake out here.”
Norm glared at Jake. Jake glared back, raising his brows provocatively.
You rolled your eyes before smacking Norm’s arm, “Go. I’ll take over.”
Grace raised his brows while Jake stared at you curiously and another expression you couldn’t make out. “You sure, Tinkers?”
“If it’ll get the two of these idiots to stop arguing, yeah, I’m sure.” You say, replacing the seat Norm had been sitting in before.
Norm scoffed, “Whatever.” He disappeared in the back.
“Let’s see here.” You say, looking at the notes that Norm had scribbled down. “Eywa ngahu.”
“What, no hello?” Jake grinned at you.
“Eywa ngahu.” You repeated sternly.
Jake rolled his eyes, “Eywa ngahu.”
“Good, good.” You nodded before glancing down at the papers, “Jesus, what is this handwriting?”
Jake leaned forward to get a better look at it, a little too close for your liking. He pointed to one of the phases, “Oel ngati kameie. I see you, right?”
You nodded while Grace from her corner of the room narrowed her eyes at him, “Just a few minutes ago you were struggling with it when Norm was teaching you.”
Jake shrugged innocently, “I guess I learn fast.”
“Bullshit.” Grace scoffed. She glanced from you to Jake with a strange yet knowing look before shaking her head and going back to work. Muttering under her breath, “Idiots…”
Now it was your turn to narrow your eyes at him. Jake just continued to stare at you innocently. You glanced back down at the papers noticing the red marks next to some of the phrases.
“Those were the ones we were gonna come back to.” Jake pointed out when he saw the question practically forming on your face. “They were the ones I struggled with the most.”
“Mmm.” You said for a moment. “Let’s go down the list. Ngaru lu fpom srak.”
“Ngaru lu fpom srak.”
“Fyape syaw fko ngar?”
“Jake Sully.”
You blink and Grace makes a sound that was suspiciously close to a snort. “You understood what I said?”
Jake nodded, “Yeah, it was a lot clearer when you said it.”
Bullshit. You pushed the papers away and leaned back in your chair, “Jake, were you purposefully acting obtuse just to get rid of Norm? Because if you were, that has got to be the most idiotic shit I’ve ever witnessed.”
In the corner of your eye, you could see Grace sneaking a look toward the two of you, waiting for a response.
“It’s not idiotic if it worked.” Jake winked, leaning forward on the table.
You shook your head in disbelief. And despite yourself a smile grew on your lips, “You’re such an asshole, Puppet.”
“I know. But you’re still here.”
“Shut up.”
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @erenjaegerwifee @ssc7514 @cheari
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moonspirit · 1 month
what do u think the alliances favourite form of media is? (books, poetry, music, movies etc.) now that they’re able to freely enjoy such things
Oh well xD I have some strong opinions on this one.
For Armin, his fascination with books will not cease, obviously, and good for him if he finds a library he can spend all day cooped up in, reading about wonderful new things. But also, I like thinking that he's gonna enjoy music a lot. Once he gets his hands on some records, and the Alliance hauls a gramophone into their house, he's going to really become a music enthusiast. I see him bonding with Pieck over their mutual love for good music.
(also. Once he discovers a new machine or contraption or invention, it's over for everyone.)
Annie - well @aquietjune introduced the image of Annie being a movies lover, and it's been stuck in my head ever since xD It's just adorable to think she enjoys going to watch the moving pictures and can spend any amount of time there. But aside from this, while I think she's not much of a book person, I like the idea of her enjoying crossword puzzles a lot. She'd like to have something to keep her mind busy and they're good for that. Ofc, this means Armin and her can have dining table dates where he's reading a book and she's doing a puzzle and he helps her with words when they're being particularly difficult.
Jean - XD oh god. I imagine this guy likes activities that exude an air of elegance and class. This could be painting, or an interest in fine art, and poetry, museums, art galleries, the like. I think he'd also enjoy the movies and maybe he and Annie could go together for a few (tho she's not having any of his intellectual put-on opinions on them).
Pieck - she's gonna be a plant lady 100%. There will be so many plants in her room and in the house that a giant leaf is smacking everyone in the face wherever they go. I just think she's going to find some comfort raising baby plants especially if we consider that she's the only real "odd one out" in the Alliance. She's lost everyone she knew and loved and is a newcomer among the others. But! There's also the music! She's got good taste in music and I imagine she's going to find some closeness with Armin in this interest.
As for Connie and Reiner. See, I really think they'd enjoy festivals and carnivals and board games and shooting games haha xD Not that any of the others would enjoy them less, but they're the first to make a beeline if there's something going on somewhere. Reiner canonically enjoys playing chess too (if I'm remembering right, he used to play a lot with Armin during their cadet years). Connie would enjoy mimicry and jesting shows(?) a lot (plenty to laugh at) and I think Reiner would also enjoy romance novels a lot and get too involved in the drama. I just like making fun of him a lot sorry
Not related to media but I think taking care of pets would help them all, but Reiner in specific. Not going into details here cuz that is another tangent, but for someone with so many suicidal thoughts and ideations, finding joy in bonding with a dog or cat or any animal really, would be good for him.
Falco and Gabi? - they probably love everything! Though Gabi is too restless to sit in one place for anything too long lol. Falco would probably get great book recs from Armin.
Levi - leave the man alone in peace, he's got a tea shop. (But I also hc that he likes the radio a lot)
Mikasa? - I think she'd also like radio broadcasts a lot, and going to plays. I have a very hard time getting into her headspace 🥲
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