#I mean they ARE a rockstar animatronic so
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I haven't posted them here before but man I have.. no consistent design for this guy- Anyways you ever think about how messed up Lefty's entire like, everything is? Being made for the soul purpose of holding the puppet, shocking them to keep them inside? Basically a walking prison? Cause I do <3 Alt un-shaded ver under the read more :)
Reblogs > Likes, Thank you! <3
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DNI if you support Sc*tt C*wth*n/are a Sc*tt C*wth*n apologist. Do not tag with "Thank you Sc*tt" or anything similar.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Different anon,but flip the narrative. Replace Gregory with Evan. Put the boy in the pizzaplex, what would he do?
okay so we don't know exactly how Gregory got into the pizzaplex in the first place; maybe he was kidnapped and brought there specifically by Vanny, maybe he was glitchtrap-mindcontrolled and only broke free during a venture in the pizzaplex before Vanny chased after him; we don't know.
If Evan were to be kidnapped and brought there by Vanny, I'm not sure things would work out in his favor. There's no way he's overpowering her. I think the most chance he would have in that situation is if Vanny wasn't in her A-game at the time; either she got distracted and allowed Evan to escape, or she got cocky and made a mistake.
But if we're talking about an Evan who just gets dropped in the middle of the pizzaplex at night (either after escaping Vanny, or through time travel or mindcontrol shenanigans), then honestly, I think Evan would get through it just fine.
Would he be hella scared throughout the experience and have nightmares and trauma afterward? yeah. But I do think he'd be able to survive.
A lot of Gregory's difficulties in his night at the pizzaplex were because he was trying to escape. He kept moving throughout the pizzaplex, moving between one possible exit and the next, drawing more and more attention to himself and getting himself into more and more trouble as he went. He was on the offense through the entire night.
But as fnaf 4 showed us, Evan is more of an 'on the defense' and not 'on the offense' kid. He tries avoiding Mike, and he tries holing up in his room and not letting any animatronics in rather than going after them before they can get him. Honestly, I think Evan would hole up in a hidden spot and refuse to come out until the pizzaplex is open again and he'd be just fine. Even if the animatronics and Vanny are looking for him, the pizzaplex is HUGE. Finding a little kid who doesn't want to be found isn't going to be an easy feat.
Of course, Evan tends to assume the best of people, so if he didn't have any reason to suspect Vanessa (which could be anything as obvious as seeing her with the mask/knife or as subtle as picking up on her having similar mannerisms to Vanny or overhearing Vanessa say she wants him "dealt with"), then it's possible that Vanessa might coax him out only for Vanny to kill him. Buuuut, on the other hand, Vanessa's personality comes off as abrasive, to say the least, in Security Breach, which Evan would hardly find comforting; he could decide that it's best to just wait for the place to open rather than come out, anyway. Or he might have just picked up on the fact that Vanessa is out to get him. It could honestly go both ways when it comes to whether Evan would trust Vanessa.
And now for THE question on everyone's minds when it comes to an au where Evan is the one in the pizzaplex: how the heck is this child reacting to Glamrock Freddy?
I mean, obviously he's terrified. A giant real life manifestation of his greatest, most abused fear standing right there and towering over him?? Evan is NOT having a good time.
But the Glamrock animatronics have phenomenal AI. I would be genuinely surprised if these guys didn't have protocols put in place to calm down any kids who are scared of them (scared little kids don't put any money in Fazbear Enterteinment's pockets, do they?). I don't know if Glamrock Freddy would actually be able to get Evan to calm down and maybe-kinda trust him, but it sure would be fun to see him try.
I mean, it would take Evan completely by suprise; this kind of thing would probably have never happened to him before. The more basic animatronics that we see in all other fnaf locations wouldn't have any ''don't frighten the kids'' protocols or dialogue in their programming (their ai obviously isn't as good, and putting those protocols in place isn't as intuitive in such small locations where the animatronics are so basic and rarely even leave the stage). And no one wearing the animatronic springlock suits would have been allowed to talk; just like modern day mascots, it ruins the illusion for all ages if the animatronics' voices are constantly changing as the person behind the mask changes, too. No animatronic is likely to have ever tried comforting Evan before. Well... to be honest, few humans have ever tried doing that for him, either. It would be a new experience in more ways than one.
Whether Evan begins to trust Freddy or not, there is NO way this kid is ever willingly hopping inside Freddy's chest cavity XD
(though, it would be interesting to see Evan hiding inside Freddy's chest cavity because his options are 98% likelihood of dying in an animatronic vs 100% likelihood of dying to Vanny; then Evan wakes up inside Freddy's chest cavity, and the thing that gets Evan to trust Freddy is that Freddy actually listens when Ev says he's scared and doesn't trust Vanessa...)
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sholangagaga · 1 year
Wait I thought that everyone knew in canon that Bonnie was decommissioned?
This is gonna be a long answer so I'll put it under the cut. Very slight spoilers to an easter egg in Ruin
Apparently there's some confusion about this in the fandom but to reiterate to everyone who doesn't know; No one knows that Bonnie was shattered and is still within the Pizzaplex
No one.
Not the technicians, not Fazbear Entertainment, not the other animatronics.
To everyone in canon, Bonnie just up and disappeared one day under mysterious circumstances.
But Lonnie! you ask, your eyes innocent and wide. That doesn't make any sense! How could a giant 7ft robot disappear???
Well, according to what we learn in Ruin, he didn't actually disappear. We as the audience know where he is and know what happened to him. Everyone else? They have NO clue.
Your first key in to this is when Gregory first sees Vanny and tries to inform Freddy. To which Freddy responds with There are no rabbits at the Mega Pizzaplex. Not anymore.
We've already seen the animatronics go through hell and back and still be functioning. We've also see how FazEnt is REALLY unwilling to change or fully decommission animatronics because of how much it'll cost unless something impossible to cover up happens (Ie. the Missing Children Incident, The Bite of 83 and The Bite of 87)
As far as we knew, Bonnie hadn't done anything that drastic. None of the Glamrocks have, so what on earth could warrant him not only being fully decommissioned, but also completely wiped from the face of the Pizzaplex?
We get the answer to this question in bits and pieces throughout SB in the form of the dufflebag notices. There are two (three if you're annoying like me) very interesting ones that allude to Bonnie's fate.
Re-Theme, MISSING, and Monty Mischief
What do all of these have in common?
Well, they tell a story, albeit a very patchy one, but a story nonetheless.
Now, its important to note here that while Bonnie was still active (either as a band member or after his retirement) Monty Golf was very much an established attraction. This means that Monty wasn't made or pushed into the Pizzaplex to replace Bonnie outright. He was just another animatronic who spent his time in his own little place and did his own thing.
In Monty Mischief, we learn about how we're to stop Monty.
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work.
Monty heads onto the catwalk every now and then, which is dangerous for him because the catwalks are prefaced by the blasters and Hurricane bucket. So, Monty is in danger of getting whacked off the catwalk and getting damaged.
In MISSING, we get our first clue into what happened to Bonnie on his final night active
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Now this notice doesn't explain much. But once you look deeper into it, you start to find some odd tidbits within the notice that doesn't make much sense.
At nearly 12:30am, Bonnie left his green room and headed East towards the Atrium (which is the big squarish space in the center of the Pizzaplex) To explain it better cause the map is a big nondescriptive, the Atrium is that huge area with the main stage and all of the tables that leads to each attraction
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Bonnie went EAST (or right) from Rockstar Row (which is the area right above the Atrium, where all of the animatronics themed rooms are) So assuming he was standing in his green room and he walked out, he would have walked down the rightmost path, where Roxy Raceway and Bonnie Bowl are located. (On the map, that would be the lefthand side. I know, that's confusing directions wise, but it would have been HIS right being the MAP'S left)
He went towards and entered the East Arcade (which would be Fazcade according to the map. The West Arcade is the Super Starcade)
Now, Bonnie left his room at 12:24 and got to the Fazcade at 2:40. That's almost 2 hours and 16 minutes of movement time.
Now we as the audience know that it doesn't take 2 and a half hours to clear a straight walking path. Gregory (and even Freddy) can clear that distance in less that 30 in game minutes. So what took Bonnie so long?
Normally I would say that maybe he was being stopped by kids or something, but this was well after closing. There shouldn't have been any kids or autograph opportunities, and unless Bonnie was walking at a snail's pace or in slow motion, it shouldn't have taken him so long to get to the Fazcade.
The next time stamp is even weirder. At 4:12am, Bonnie entered the Monty Golf (Directly across from Roxy Raceway on the righthand side of the map while below it is the Daycare)
It took Bonnie an extra 1 hour and 32 minutes to round the rest of the Pizzaplex (assuming he didn't stop and do something in the Fazcade) and end in the Monty Golf. And then from there, the name of the transmission is "missing" and there are no further time stamps, implying that Bonnie never left Monty Golf after that point and there are no further reads on his location.
So, he spent 3 hours and 48 minutes going to two specific points on the map only to vanish without a trace.
The next notice, Re-Theme, we get a bit of the aftermath of Bonnie's disappearance.
MANAGEMENT REPORT - The bowling alley needs a re-theme. While most of the Bonnie art was removed, kids keep asking, 'Where's Bonnie?' Do we have an officially approved response?
This is a notice from management themselves. Apparently, even though Bonnie hasn't been active for a while at this point, there still isn't a company approved response for WHERE he is. Not what happened to him, WHERE he could be. This means that after Bonnie entered Monty Golf according to the timestamp and never left, they must've searched the area and ended up being unable to find him, which led to them quickly changing gears and throwing Monty forward to take over. (Which is another discussion all together, I personally don't believe Monty hurt Bonnie, despite what the game wants you to believe)
In Ruin, we see what became of Bonnie and where he actually was after all of this time.
In the rundown Bonnie Bowl at the end of the alley, there's a sign that fell to block off the pin mechanisms against the alley wall. Deactivating all of the patpats (Wet Floor Signs) in the Ruin campaign will cause the sign to be removed, leading to a little rabbit (haha) hole. Going through the hole leads to a storage/recycling area for the bowling balls (I'm not bowling alley literate, its that machine that catches the balls and sends them back to the sleeve thing near the seating/scoring area so you can get your ball back)
And, laying there amidst the ruined machinery and surrounded by four patpats, is Glamrock Bonnie
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He's apparently been there for a while, but he looks relatively untouched from the decay and ruination of the other animatronics (probably because he wasn't moving around and instead was completely stationary) ((some people mention how he seems to be missing his endoskeleton/major machinery but this post isn't about what happened to him/how he was shattered, this is just about his disappearance and subsequent location))
The fact that Bonnie has just been laying here, untouched, his only company being a few bear-eared patpats, means that NO ONE knew he was back here. If the technicians or FazEnt knew he was back here, they would have repaired him. And we KNOW that they could repair him from any state of disarray or damage because we've seen and heard of this happening before (Monty with his broken legs, Vanessa mentioning to Freddy how they can "slap his shell onto another endo" if he keeps misbehaving)
And even if Bonnie couldn't be repaired enough to take the main stage again, they could at least repair his shell or make him a permanent fixture at the Bonnie Bowl and complete retire him without leaving him in the back of a bowling alley to rot away.
Now how he got back there, I've got a few theories but again, that's another post for another day. But it's a bit sad to learn that Bonnie never really disappeared. He'd been injured in some way and went back to his home to basically die, and no one knows what happened to him. Not even Freddy, who loved and misses him so much, who probably would have been so happy to learn that Bonnie was right there the whole time and all they needed to do was repair him
But he doesn't know.
No one knows.
And since that scene is an easter egg and not an actually scripted story event, there's a very good chance that no one will ever know Bonnie's final resting place.
And that's so very sad
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In defense of Montgomery Gator🐊
Yes im reposting this with new stuff because i can and because holy hell the gator deserves better.
Kindly asking you to stay civil if you decide to talk about this in the comments (i have seen some of y'all speaking about this and holy shit the name calling is just downright immature and rude)
So let's get into it:
Looking at the ruin scene it seems Bonnie was attacked at the bonnie bowl not in monty golf where he was last seen according to the missing report.
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Unless of course someone moved the body from Monty golf to Bonnie bowl WHICH would definitely have been picked up by the cameras don’t you think.
And about the rug under Bonnie, it matches perfectly with the pattern of East Arcade too! not Gator Golf.
Not to mention the wall before Bonnie being messed up and the smashed bowling ball above his head, which again makes it seem like he was attacked there.
And about the green stuff around his chest, it doesn’t really look like paint? more like mould/dirt. (and monty doesn’t have green nails)
If Monty attacked Bonnie there literally wouldn’t be a mystery to it. It would definitely have happened where everyone and everything can see and there would be footage of it. The camera not capturing the said attack already says a lot that there is someone trying to hide the evidence for something which would not be needed if it was just between two animatronics.
It would definitely be mentioned in the game if the two animatronics had beef between them, or even with Freddy. There are reports everywhere in the pizzaplex, about pretty much everything even the most useless crap and you’re telling me that there isn’t any mention of the possible fighty fight between the two loved animatronics at all?.
If Monty wanted to be the main star of the show why would he go after Bonnie and not the main bear? Plus they’re robots. We don’t see the glamrocks attacking each other, expect when Roxy attacked Mimic (or generally the staff bots who are outside of the glamrock system.) I think Montys programming would prevent him from attacking the other glamrocks.
Also if Monty hated Bonnie he would have definitely destroyed everything and everyone in that said ride which would have reminded him of bonnie with his anger issues and all.
And about the ride, Freddy being the only one without the spotlight shining at him doesn’t honestly mean much. It’s just Fazbear entertainment pushing the narrative the same way they did in gator golf minigame, Freddy considers Monty as his friend which is such an important detail many seem to overlook. And yes the ride is obviously just the handiwork of Fazbear ent. to tell the story of why Bonnie left, but it does not, and i repeat, it does not prove that Monty done didly killed him.
Just to put in my two cents into the whole Monty hating Freddy thing, i personally don’t take it as canon because despite what we see in the minigame (Freddy literally being in a dumbster) Monty didn’t make the game. It was programmed by the fazbear ent. pushing more of the narrative of their rivalry or Monty possible being made to replace him (like just how quickly Vanessa for example was eager to put Monty as a front man when she noticed Freddy acting funky before slapping his shell on to a different endo)
But that being said i’m not against the theory either, it could definitely be true that Monty doesn’t like Freddy , and if we take the minigame as canon evidence, and again in the monty ride where freddy is the only one who doesn’t have a spotlight on him, i think we can safely assume that Montys feelings towards Bonnie are true as shown in the said ride. (even if Bonnie retiring thing was bull)
Why would Monty willingly use the same bass as Bonnie if he hated him. (He wouldn’t)
Monty gets his claws after Bonnie already was out of the band so he could play the bass, which he has NEVER used or reported to have hurt animatronics nor people, only using the said claws to do damage against gates for example. In all his jumpscares he bites the player, if Mr. Gator would previously have attacked people/Glamrock Bonnie with his claws don’t you think he’d use that method again if it has been proven effective.
MAINT LOG: MONTY - Montgomery's Claw upgrades allow him to play the bass. Following performances, he mostly uses them to cause damage. The fence repairs are getting costly.
His anger issues started only after he gets the said claws the staff literally has a report of it in the game. He has always been bit aggressive but not in like ”murder kill murder blood!!” way but in a generic stereotypical rockstar way, like smashing his bass and such. Keep in mind we only see Monty when he’s already in the hunt mode for Gregory and not how he actually is towards the kids.
Again throwing my two cents into the mix, anger issues are a major side effect of grief and he didn’t have the said issues UNTIL Bonnie died. It can be more than possible that Monty is in mourning too just as Freddy is.
Montys mystery mix has never been stated of being USED BY OR AFFECTED Monty himself just because it’s named after him doesn’t automatically mean he was slurping it down like a mad gator. It messed with chicas and only chicas programming because it’s pizza flavored, it’s green for the branding is my guess, not because it’s infected with a mysterious flavor that will make you go goo goo muck. (unless it has been stated then please do tell me with receipts. Saw someone mention the mystery mix for some reason so im including this here)
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Chica's personality chip has always been a bit 'quirky', but the new Pizza Flavored Monty Mystery Mix Slushy Syrup has adverse effects on her programming. She has attacked patrons, employees and S.T.A.F.F. for it. It is recommended that Monty Mystery Mix should be recalled before we're inundated with lawsuits.
In the storyteller story when it ruins montys programming, it results on his violent rampages and eventually leads him be a shell of what he was, falling into depressive silences after the said rampages (this happens in the novel just wanted to point this out)
Monty frequently misses the main shows and prefers to stay above monty golf on the catwalks immediately debunking the ”wanting to be the best and stealing the spotlight” theory. He doesn’t like the limelight, the cameras are banned in gator golf hinting that he doesn’t like being photographed. Why would he kill someone for a spot he doesn’t even seem to enjoy? just food for thought
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work.
NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY - Warning: No flash photography. Items will be confiscated and kept in Monty Golf security office.
As money hungry as the fazballs entertainment is, logically why would they ever keep an animatronic who is WAITING for a lawsuit to happen instead of fan favorite animatronic.
Unless the said fan favorite animatronic gave them a reason to get rid of him-
And just as a bonus i'm throwing in that the way Bonnie was destroyed (his limbs literally being torn from his body) which happens to be the exact same way the mimic kills his victims, is quite a coincidence. Which i KNOW very well that gets into a fist fight directly with the fact that mimic has supposedly been locked in the cellar for years and years.
At this point Monty is just doomed by the narrative and here i rest my case. (unless i find new evidence to support this)
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avengerchuck · 9 months
Cec seems to be running this new ad campaign revolving around all the “new stuff” they’ve got, with the remodels and the gumball plushies and expanded menu all that junk. Listen I know we all love the animatronics but I’ve genuinely been having so so so much fun going to 2.0s I’ve never been to before, I went to my recently gutted childhood 2 stage and genuinely had a really nice time, when I expected the experience to be way more bittersweet and saddening. I dunno! It felt super natural! And, like, I don’t think cec would be pushing the remodel THIS HARD if it wasn’t successful with the general public. I was on here in 2018 crying over having just learned about 2.0s and reblogging saveourshows stuff all the time but. I’ve given it some thought, and I’m not that torn up about it anymore. Not like the old showtapes or huge catalogue of animatronic content on YouTube is going anywhere. I wasn’t exactly visiting a three stage every day to begin with, so my means of experiencing that sort of thing (online) isn’t going anywhere. Plus I really like the current show content :o)
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My blog is themed around, like, 2009 cec. It started off being ptt themed. Im really autistic about rockstar content. We can coexist!
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Untitled Roxy x Reader fic (hurt/comfort)
EDIT: A more polished version is now up on ao3. If you're re-reading it or sending it to someone, then the ao3 version is preferred, but it's not changed enough that I would necessarily suggest re-reading it again if you weren't already going to. <3
For some reason, last night, I decided that it was imperative I write and release a Roxy x Reader oneshot before Ruin. (ETA: To be clear I mean I wrote this before Ruin released, therefore it contains NO SPOILERS. <3) It's an idea I've had for awhile and was going to do as a comic but decided to expand it and write it out instead. I may post a more polished version to ao3 at a later date.
Fun fact: Roxy was my first FNAF crush, before SB even came out. So Ruin will have many chances to break my heart.
Word count: ~3200
When the Pizzaplex burned down, none of your colleagues had seemed particularly interested in returning to the ruins. You could understand…some of the techs arriving for the morning shift had been caught in the blaze, and while there were no casualties, there had been some injuries. Yourself included.
After a few weeks in the hospital, the burn mark across your face was just an angry red scar, and the singed hair you’d had to cut off had regrown enough for you to wear a slightly uneven pixie cut.
The other techs said you were crazy to want to go back. The future of Fazbear Inc was uncertain, and the animatronics themselves were just that. Animatronics. Machines. Not worth putting yourself in danger for.
But you’d come to consider Roxy a friend. Sometimes you thought she considered you one, too. She didn’t seem like she would readily admit such a thing even if it were true.
She had at least liked you as a tech, if not as a person. You were the only one who could do her pre-show checks and weekly maintenance without ruining her hair, at least according to her. According to the other techs, Roxanne’s hair was always fine.
You quickly learned that to Roxy, “fine” was equivalent to a reprehensible failure. A disaster. A complete horrific mess. 
You didn’t think your experience with costuming (specifically wigs) in your college’s theater club would ever be something you used after you graduated, but life is full of surprises.
You wander through the corridors of your ruined, burned out workplace, flashlight in hand. You have a few guesses as to where Roxy might be. You desperately hope she’s okay. The structure is mostly intact, but there are a few collapsed portions and fallen bits of decor. You think as long as Roxy had been able to avoid the worst of the heat, she’d be mostly alright.
You make your way to Rockstar Row, your workboots crunching on the debris as you walk.
As you approach Roxy’s room, you hear something that makes you freeze.
For a moment you wonder if another tech, or perhaps some urban explorer or rubbernecker is in here with you. Then you recognize the voice behind the sobs.
Roxanne is crying? You’re more surprised than you probably should be. But you’d seen behind her mask a couple times. Behind the vanity, haughtiness, and borderline entitlement, you had occasionally glimpsed a profound insecurity. Beneath it all, you don’t think Roxy actually likes herself very much.
You swipe your badge on the door, and it actually dings and slides open. Or tries to. Something jams it halfway and you have to wedge yourself into the doorframe and push the door open the rest of the way.
Roxy, who had been sitting at her vanity, head in her hands, perks up. Her ears twitch as she glances around. “Who’s there?” she calls out.
You open your mouth to speak, only to leave it hanging open in surprise as you see how badly she’s damaged. So much of her exoskeleton is missing, exposing the endoskeleton underneath. Her hair is a tangled, singed mess and her tail isn’t much better. But most horrifying, her eyes are completely gone.
“Who’s there?!” Roxy repeats, a growl in her voice as she stands up and starts stalking towards you. You can hear the servos and joints in her body creak in protest as she moves.
“R-Roxy, it’s me!” you say before hastily blurting out your name.
She stops, her ears twitching and her claws grasping at the air. At first you think she’s baring her teeth at you, but you quickly realize her broken faceplate has put one side of her mouth in a permanent snarl.
She huffs, turning away. She skulks back to her vanity, plopping down in her chair and burning her broken face in her shattered hands. “What do you want?” she mutters.
You tense, taken aback. “Wh-What do you think I want, Roxy?” you ask incredulously, slowly moving towards her. “I-I wanted to know you were okay. I wanted to help you. I was…terrified you’d…been destroyed,” you say quietly, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She pulls away with a growl. “I have been destroyed! Just--Just look at me!” The rage in her voice doesn’t fully mask her despair, nor does it completely hide her fear. Fear of what? Of what could have happened? Of how close she came to being permanently deactivated?
Her command was clearly rhetorical, for she lowers her head further, digging her claws into what remains of her scalp.
“Roxy…all this can be fixed…” you say gently.
“No it can’t!” she snaps. “I already checked. Parts and Services is a pile of rubble now.”
“Well…what about the loading docks? Maybe we can at least find some new eyes for you…”
She scoffs. “Oh good. Then I can see myself. Because feeling all this isn’t bad enough,” she sneers, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“FINE!” she growls, pushing back from her vanity abruptly. If the chair weren’t screwed into the floor she surely would have toppled it over. “Fine. Let’s just go.”
You flinch nervously, nodding. Remembering her blindness, you quickly say, “Okay. Here,” you say gently putting a hand on her arm.
“Don’t touch me!” she snaps, though she sounds somewhat less defensive and a bit…nervous? Embarrassed? With a huff, she adds, “I’ll just follow your footsteps.”
You bite back a sigh. “Alright,” you say patiently.
You lead the way out of her green room towards the long stairway down to the loading docks. You’re not about to risk trying to take the elevator.
“Here, careful on the stairs,” you say, gently taking her arm again. This time she allows it, albeit with some reluctance as she gives you what probably would have been a withering look if her faceplate had been intact.
It’s a long way down and neither of you want to rush. The sound of your softer footfalls and her heavier ones as you both pick your way down the stairs echoes through the stairwell.
Thud. Clunk. Thud. Clunk. Thud. Clunk.
You watch her carefully. She seems too focused on making it down the stairs to be too sulky for the moment. Small blessings, you suppose. Still, the silence is only stretching out your descent.
“It sounds like one of your knees is out of alignment,” you say eventually.
“The left one,” she confirms a bit gruffly. “I can manage.”
“I can see that,” you say gently. “It took me awhile to notice something was even wrong. You carry yourself well,” you say, smiling a bit.
Roxy grunts in acknowledgement, but doesn’t preen even a little at the praise. That’s unusual for her…compliments usually cheer her up.
“Maybe I can find a new hinge while we’re--”
“Why are you doing this?” she cuts you off.
“W-What do you mean?” you ask, stopping in the middle of the flight of stairs.
“Don’t play dumb. You know what I mean,” she says. Before you can speak, she continues, “This whole place is finished. Nobody’s coming back to rebuild. What’s the point of you patching me up?”
“I told you, Roxy…I was worried…” you start as you resume your climb down the stairs.
“Because I care about you!” you say, exasperated as you reach the bottom of the stairs. You keep your hand on her arm as you make your way down the corridor, and she doesn’t protest.
She snorts. “You care about a pile of scrap?”
You wish she could see the glare you give her at that. “You are NOT a pile of scrap! You’re just a little scuffed.”
“More than a little,” she huffs.
You sigh. “Okay, maybe a little more than a little,” you admit. You force a smile. “But hey…I’m the perfect tech, remember? If anyone can get you fixed up, it’s me, isn’t it?”
You weren’t normally any kind of braggart. Roxy had been the only one to ever call you the perfect tech, though you feel like that was almost more a point of pride for herself rather than for you. As if she were praising herself for being deserving of the best tech more than she’s praising you for being the best tech. But you still liked hearing it…and sometimes it really did seem like she was directing the praise at you.
Roxy turns her head towards you, her ears swiveling forward. It’s hard to read her expression with her broken faceplate, but eventually one side of her mouth ticks up into a small smile. “...Yeah…” she admits softly.
You squeeze her arm gently, careful to not touch any of the sharper broken off bits.
Once you get to the loading dock, you guide her to sit down on a crate while you look through some of the recent part shipments.
The fire had somehow spared much of this place, but the collapse of P & S had rippled partially through the area and several patches of ceiling had fallen, knocking over piles of crates and leaving the whole place in disarray.
Eventually you find a crate that has the P & S stamp on the wooden slats, and figure that’s a promising place to start. You grab a crowbar and begin trying to pry it open in any way you can.
Roxy’s ears perk and she turns towards you. “What are you doing?”
“Trying--urg--to get this crate open,” you grunt.
She stands and walks towards you. “Let me,” she says. She reaches towards you, trying to determine your position.
You take her hand, your fingers weaving in hers for a moment before you guide her hand to the crate.
“Thanks,” you say, stepping aside.
“Well…pretty silly to make a human do all the heavy lifting,” she says, digging her claws into one of the planks. The wood splinters and creaks and is readily ripped free.
You smile weakly. “You’re right…these arms would never have a fraction of your strength,” you say. Jokingly, you lift your arm and flex…only to realize Roxy won’t be able to see it.
Probably for the best. It was a dumb joke anyway.
She snorts, actually preening a bit as she pulls another board free. “Even busted…” she agrees softly. Her tone is slightly melancholy…as if she doesn’t fully believe it.
She pulls another board free, and you put a hand on her shoulder. “I think that’s enough for now,” you say, guiding her back to the crate she had been sitting on before.
You begin pulling the smaller boxes from the shipping crate, cutting them open and rummaging through them, looking for anything usable. 
Once again, the silence stretches on.
After finding nothing useful in the first two boxes, you glance back at Roxanne. Her hand is over her face, her middle finger slowly tracing the cracks near where her eyes had been. The quiet isn’t doing her any favors.
You shove the box you were looking through aside and pull out another, cutting it open. “Roxy?” you break the silence.
“Mm?” she grunts, still more focused on her faceplate than you.
“You…d’you um…remember that time we ran out of driver bots and that angry dad yelled at me?”
She pauses briefly, turning her head towards you. “What about it?” she asks before going back to feeling her faceplate.
“You remember what you said to me?”
“I called you an idiot.” Was that a touch of guilt you detect in her tone?
You laugh weakly, nodding. “Yes. But you remember why?”
“For letting a loser like that get under your skin,” she says plainly.
“Right,” you say, smiling. “I think about that a lot, you know.”
Roxy scoffs. “Really? Freddy said I was too rude,” she says. If she had eyes she would have rolled them.
You let out a gentle chuckle. “Well…maybe a bit,” you admit, earning a slightly sulky huff from her. “But there was truth to it, y’know? And I think about it a lot. It uh…it’s…helped me. Deal with people like him.”
She cants her head, one ear flicking curiously. It’s a cute expression even with her broken faceplate. “It…did?”
“Yeah,” you say, pulling out another box and opening it. “I-I mean…you were right. I knew he was a loser but I still told myself his opinion meant something. But it doesn’t, y’know?”
“Yeah,” she agrees quietly.
The conversation lapses again, and you try to resist the urge to slow your search in order to come up with a new topic. Luckily, it is Roxy who picks the next topic.
“You remember that time a birthday party ran long, and I was late getting back to the recharge station?”
You freeze. Oh you do remember. You remember that evening well. The animatronics tend to get a little quirky when their battery dips below five percent. Something about a power save mode cutting power to random systems. Usually mobility, but somehow, their…inhibitions, for lack of a better term, also seemed to go by the wayside. As far as you know nobody ever quite understood why, but it was a little like getting loopy from lack of sleep, or even a bit tipsy.
Roxy smirks, hearing your stunned silence. “You do.”
“Y-Yeah…I…I wasn’t sure if you did, though.”
“I remember the important parts.” Before you can start to wonder what the “important parts” are in her mind, she continues, “You’d finally used that salon voucher I gave you for your birthday. Gotten your hair done. Actually wore it down. I never understand why you hide such long pretty hair up that bun.”
You fluster a bit. “Th-The dress code--”
“Oh, you do it without the dress code,” she scoffs, flicking a hand dismissively.
You clear your throat awkwardly, pausing to rub at your cheeks as if you can wipe the blush away. “W-What’s your battery at, by the way?”
She snorts. “Just an idle wondering?” she smirks. “It’s twenty-two percent.”
So it’s not her low battery talking…
Roxy continues, “You know…if you can find a set of replacement eyes…I wouldn’t mind seeing your hair down again,” she says, actually sounding wistful, of all things. You don’t know if you’ve ever heard her sound wistful.
You sigh softly, running a hand over your chopped off hair. “Y-Yeah…” you say, noncommittally.
She glances at you questioningly, sensing something in your tone. But before she can comment, you cut open another box, and find it has the spare eyes you’ve been looking for.
“Found the eyes!” you say. Some of the happiness in your tone is genuine. You grab two amber ones, going over to her. “They’re just standard optics, so you won’t see as well as you’re used to, but…it’ll do for now,” you say, guiding her to lay on the floor.
Her smile fades slightly and she nods, reality setting back in. Despite your claims that you could repair her, she wasn’t convinced she’d ever be as good as she was before. “Guess it’ll have to,” she mumbles.
You put a flashlight in her hand and position her arm to shine it down on her faceplate, giving you light to work with. Your toolkit is beside you, with some extra lengths of wire and soldering iron to work with. As you cut away the burned wires, murmuring apologies whenever Roxy flinches, your mind drifts back to that evening.
Her power had been at one percent when you finally coaxed her into her recharge station. Before you did, though, she had leaned down and pressed her lips to yours. You think she had been trying to nuzzle your cheek. Even “drunk” you don’t think she wanted to kiss you like that.
Neither of you had ever spoken of that night again, until today. She must not remember the kiss, you decide. She wouldn’t bring up that night at all if she did.
The truth is you’ve carried a small flame for her ever since then. Or perhaps a little longer, if you were more honest with yourself. Nothing you couldn’t ignore most of the time, of course…but something that had occasionally managed to put a bit of warmth in your heart when you allowed it to.
But none of those silly little what-ifs you’d allowed yourself to daydream of would ever come to pass now.
You wire in the eyes, then carefully fit them into their sockets. As they come online, the attached eyelids blink shut against the light.
You quickly turn away, keeping your back to her as you pack up your toolkit. “Th-They working okay?” you ask. It’s silly to turn away like this. You can’t possibly delay her seeing your scar for more than a couple minutes. Why even bother trying?
She moves the flashlight out of her eyes and sits up, looking around. “Yes,” she says. She pauses. “...Better than I thought. I forgot the standard optics still have night vision.”
You laugh weakly. “Another thing you have over me, then,” you say in what you had meant to be a good natured tone, but you couldn’t quite keep the melancholy from your voice.
Roxy catches it and glances at you curiously. She stands up, then reaches down a hand to help you up.
Well. No more putting it off.
You bow your head slightly as you turn to take her hand, letting her pull you to your feet. When you stand before her, you finally lift your head to look into her eyes, giving a small, tentative smile that borders on apologetic.
Roxy stares down at you, her mouth opening slightly in surprise. “Wh-What…happened…?”
You sigh, glancing away slightly. “I-I…got to work early, and…I was upstairs when the fire started. It…spread so fast I…had to cut through some pretty bad areas. I-I mean. I guess, something like that…I-I don’t really remember…” you say, your voice starting to shake.
Roxy’s hand is on your cheek, turning your face back towards her as she examines your scar.
You feel your face growing warm. “I-I don’t know how I got the scar, really…The EMTs found me passed out in the employee parking lot.”
Roxy smiles sadly. “You were strong enough to save yourself.”
You blush deeply at the compliment, lowering your gaze. “I-I guess so…”
She runs her thumb over the scar, tracing the ridges of the shiny, discolored skin. “Can it be repaired?” she asks, her tone more gentle than you’ve ever heard from her.
You shake your head, resisting the urge to nuzzle into her palm as you do. “Not…really. My hair will grow back and the scar will probably fade a bit, eventually, but…it’ll…probably be pretty noticeable for the rest of my life…” You feel tears brimming at your eyes and force out a weak laugh. “C-Can’t really…uh…s-switch faceplates on a human…y-y’know?” you say in a wavering tone.
Roxy hums quietly, bringing her other hand up to cup your other cheek. “No need,” she says, lowering her head and gently nosing at your scar.
Your breath stills at her words, your eyes widening in surprise. You’re almost not sure you heard right.
She pulls back, smiling down at you tenderly. “You’re still beautiful,” she murmurs, leaning down and pressing her lips to yours.
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
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(OK. THINGS FIRST, DO FORGIVE ME IF YOU SEE SUDEN STRANGE CHANGES IN THE ART STYLE, I swear to my mama I made all of these, just that I've been drawing this concept idea for the past 2 years and I somehow completely changed from my own art style for these sillies towards the cardboard cutouts that the game has us to offer. So if there's any confusion, the first image up there is the latest from a few weeks.)
So I had this concept AU idea where I wanted to explain WHY the Sun and Moon can be completely separate while Eclipse is just cast away from the whole 'brotherhood' the fandom has created. And BECAUSE I haven't seen anyone do this back when I had this idea, I decided to make it my own!
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Eclipse in this AU appeared way back when the pizzaplex was being built. Small variations of iconic attractions such as a smaller version of the atrium, a half-cut area of Rockstar Row and Bonnie Bowl which was, at the time, the biggest attraction at the in-construction were all located within the upcoming glamrocks with their beta versions. Back at that time, Eclipse was somewhat of a prototype for the present-day daycare attendant we all know and love. They began to work around a smaller version of the daycare, being introduced to the children with both daytime and naptime protocols to ensure their safety and fun in Superstar Daycare.
Eventually, though, the pizzaplex began to grow bigger and bigger, to the point where more clients of all ages started to watch the early performances of the beta Glamrocks. Due to funds increasing and higher-ups becoming much more daring, a new attraction was set up near the daycare, this being known as the present-day Theater where Sundrop and Moondrop were introduced as its performers. Working as entertainers and jesters for comedic acts, especially for the adults who dropped off their kids and went off for a bag of popcorn and a soda to watch the sillies on their performances.
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Sun and Moon as Jesters:
Sun back at the time was his usual joyful and happy self, yet one full of ego and quite self-centered if you must say. As Sun was given the role of the main character in the majority of his performances, he kept the idea that everything must be according to what was planned. Perfect, clean and nicely done, he thinks that the smallest mistake could ruin his "character arc" and much rather be scrapped on set in front of all his fans than admit that sometimes you just have to get off your fantasies and set yourself in real life.
Moon on the other hand, oh boy, that guy wasn't any less good. As the antagonist of the majority of the performances, he grew a 'villainous wanna-be' personality. Where he tries to prank you, trick you, and make pathetic yet silly obstacles before laughing away in an 'evil' laugh. I mean... what would you honestly expect? This is Moon who we are talking about you guys, there's no way this guy can be a calming presence to be around, not even before the virus situation.
At first, Eclipse seemed a bit shocked and wary about how there were suddenly two completely identical modelled animatronics that resembled a lot of him living just near his daycare. At some point, they didn't want to be involved in whatever these two jesters were.
But as time went by, admittedly Eclipse grew attached to the twins. Having an older sibling bonded with them as they were the ones making sure those two imbeciles wouldn't go at each other's necks for dumb reasons like a scrip, a mistake in their performance on stage or even just a simple argument. Which they had. Multiple times.
Things were always a ruckus with the jesters. They hung out on their after-hours, helped each other with their usual routines for the day, and even there were rare occasions when Sun and Moon were invited into the daycare. That, of course, was where Sun learned how to adore arts and crafts. Seeing the beauty of art from his own viewpoint. As for the Moon jester? Well, he learned about disciplinarity, the need for perpetual rest and most wholesomely, he grew to like naptime due to Eclipse's soft lullaby that they would spread to every kid alike. Although too proud to admit, he is slightly jealous of Eclipse's calming nature. In a good way.
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famousfilmsfan · 8 months
Bad business owner. Or not?
Bryan: Hello, and welcome to Fazbears favorite and only game show. Bad business owner. Or not? We have two contestants. Lefty and Rockstar Freddy both from my location.
Lefty: Sup tv world! Hi Molten!
Freddy: hello.
Bryan: it’s a simple game. I’ll bring fazbears owners out here and you’ll guess whether the company sees them as a good owner. Or a bad one
Lefty: Yeah seems simple, I’m pretty good at telling the difference
Freddy: Yeah we know what a bad business owner looks like
Bryan: Do you? Hehe. Anyway. Kai come on out!
A guy wearing a lettermen’s jacket came out.
Bryan: Ring in as soon as you have a a guess. Give them their first clue
Kai: Okay. I support my animatronics hobbies
Lefty: I..oh that’s actually confusing. Because you want them to have fun or because you can make money off of them?
Bryan: I don’t know you’re the expert. Give them another hint
Kai: I buy all my animatronics cell phones.
Freddy; for them to have fun or to track them?
Bryan; I love this! Hehe give them their last clue.
Kai: God I love machines
Freddy: Okay. He’s a good business owner
Bryan: Sorry that is incorrect.
Freddy: What? He said he loves machines.
Bryan: Yes but he was talking about *shows a picture of the scooper* This machine. Yeah.
Kai walks off stage and is replaced with a more proper looking man with a kind face
Bryan: This is Orel. Who comes from Utah.
Lefty: The normal or Mormon part?
Bryan: I can’t say. Give them a clue
Orel: I follow my animatronics on twitter and other social media sites
Lefty; Okay that a trick right? He did that to spy on them right?
Bryan: Maybe.
Orel: I support the CEO when he stands up for his beliefs
Freddy: which ceo?
Lefty: and which beliefs?
Orel: My favorite line is the rockstar series.
Freddy; Starting when?
Bryan: Okay then. Give them their last hint.
Orel: Last month I had to stop my animatronics from teaching kids stuff from a book they found online
Freddy: I know this! He’s a bad business owner!
Bryan: Wrong again!
Freddy: How?! He stopped them from teaching kids a book.
Bryan: yes. And that book? The anarchist cookbook.
Lefty and Freddy: Oh.
Bryan: Okay time for our last guest. Micheal come on out
Micheal comes on stage. It’s Micheal Afton.
Lefty: Wait is he?
Bryan: Maybe.
Micheal: I run 17 locations, my animatronics are all able to do whatever they want, and I continuously donate to charities.
Bryan: No guesses?
Lefty: I mean. It’s so obvious but this game is weird
Micheal: I’m Micheal Afton. Son of William Afton.
Bryan: He’s the son of William Afton.
Lefty: this is real tricky.
Micheal: I’m a good business owner.
Lefty: Good business owner. He literally just said it
Bryan: Sorry wrong again!
Lefty. what?!
Freddy: He literally just said it.
Bryan: True but the company recently decided that anyone related to the Aftons must be given a bad business owner status.
Micheal: What? That’s the first I’m hearing of this. But whatever I am a good business owner
Bryan: Not according to the company. When we come back we’ll decide if this building *shows a Fazbear location* Is owned by a good owner or not.
Lefty: Oh! Where is it? The city or off the highway,
Bryan: You really don’t get this game huh?
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amazon160 · 9 months
Top five animatronics at the moment-
1. Lefty
Love his design, especially the red and bits of yellow on black. He fits in with the Rockstars but is just disturbing enough to get along with the Scraps. Also love his lore and because Charlie ends up possessing him, we can include HER backstory
2. Funtime Freddy
He is so chaotic I love him. His voice has to be my favorite out of all fnaf. Love his mechanic in the games and he’s been up there with the favorites since I first got into fnaf
3. Daycare Attendant
When I say DCA, I mean ALL of him. Sun, Moon and Exclipse. They are all in the same body. I love the bits of lore we get about them and the contrasts in personality they all have. Their design s are iconic and the voices are real good.
4. Withered Bonnie
Love his voice lines and humor. His design has to one of if not the scariest out of all the animatronics.
5. Molten Freddy
He’s a silly little gremlin. Basically Funtime Freddy but either even more insane or more wholesome. But he’s fun to draw cus I like drawing little fluffy parts sticking out of his body here and there.
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whore-mel · 4 months
Y'all I'm back into my Michael afton phase. (I keep switching in between fictional crushes) So I'm going to write some head canons for him. Cause people see him as a rockstar fuck boy bully who's a jackass and the most handsome/popular boy in school. Sooo this is how I see him 🥰🥰
Michael afton head canons!!
He's bi. He sees hot punk woman and like: DAYUMMM. Then he sees his best friends and he's like: OHHHHH
He's a nerd. I mean. Come on guys. His dad is a business man. So obviously he was like: "if u fail math. I'm gonna shove a calculator up your ass." And then Michael is like : "😦".
He does play an instrument. Probably guitar and drums. And he is trying to make a band. Usually he and his friends play in Simon and Anissa's basement. (Anissa is chica bro, Simon is just a college student who is her brother)
He's not only a nerd. But a geek or a dork. Idk. He plays DND and he reads marvel comics and he likes math.
He skateboards. Like any time anywhere. Just likes it.
ABSOLUTELY hates dogs. Cause when he was 12. A Chihuahua absolutely ripped his shin and ever since then..he hated them. And is absolutely terrified of them.
He sucks at flirting. But his dorkiness got him two bad bitches. He also doesn't know how.
He started bullying Evan after Elizabeth's demise. Cause he says "it's Evan's fault he should've taken care of Liz". Even though it was Michael's responsibility to take care of his elementary school siblings.
His hair isn't long but isn't short. It's messy and he usually keeps it back by a metal hairband.
His go-to outfit is jean shorts and the grey tank top. 💀💀
He screams like a girl.
He's an artist, and he usually draws people around him.
He nags alot. Like alot.
He's definitely a golden retriever boy. He's all jumpy and smiley.
He smiles with his teeth and he probably has either dimples or freckles. Maybe both
He has tons of scars from dumb accidents or small injuries, usually on his legs.
He absolutely loves winter. Cause he gets to throw snow at his friends and no school. But he loves summer more.
He's the type of person to eat tons of junk food and not gain any weight. So he eats a lot.
He has braces. He says he needs them because he took his father's British teeth.
He prefers his mom's side of the family.
He was named after his grandfather, William's dad.
He's the type of person to text you "I FELL DOQWN THE STAIRS."
He has multiple bracelets and hairbands on him, cause "what if someone needs one!!"
Even though he has a skateboard and prefers a skateboard. He has a bike.
he loves chewing gum and popsicles. But he hates how fast they melt.
If you and him have never spoken and he randomly finds you walking down the street and he's bored. WELL! You're his friend now, whether you like it or not!
He's extremely extroverted, but he's bad at making friends somehow.
He's the type of person to gasp when he thinks of something great. Like "GASP! What if..." Y'know?
He's not the athletic person. He doesn't have abs or anything. But he's lean and his body in good shape because he helps his dad with the heavy metal and fixing the animatronics.
I don't think he ever thinks about sex. Most of the time just "DND..did I do my math homework..oh yeah..yeah I did..did I feed Elizabeth? No. Who cares..she'll feed herself. WAIT....where's my watch..? Oh it's on my wrist..forgot." I think that's what goes on in his brain most of the time
He's definitely a virgin. He stayed a virgin until he reached college. And he stayed a virgin until he died.
I think that's it. Idk tho. But here's my view of Michael afton!!! AHHHHHHH
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tydhl · 4 months
Th’ell ya’ doing here, lady? (Monty x reader)
Chapter 2. Who th’ell are ya’, lady?
Oh no!
It looks like you’re not a registered character in the Plex’s system, how unfortunate.
Good thing Montgomery Gator here realized you aren’t human! He will be in charge of escorting you back to the daycare.
Warnings: Mild swearing.
Headcanons used:
Monty is glad to be a rockstar but is jealous of Feedy being fan favorite.
Monty is very gentle with children.
“It’s past closing hours, lady, what th’ell ‘ya doing here?”
You stared up at the much larger animatronic, optics widened in terror. If your voice box was operational, you’d probably be screaming by now. You felt your CPU buzz loudly inside your chestplate, frantically calculating an escape route while you stood frozen. The gator was massive, being a good few feet taller than you, and looked like he could easily bench press a car if he wanted to.
You shakily brought your hands up and in a placating gesture and shook your head, trying to signal that you meant no harm. You glanced behind the gator, trying to judge the distance you’d have to run if you could slip past him. This only seemed to aggravate the already aggressive animatronic.
Monty felt his security module continuously ping his processor on the steps he needed to take now that he has located a trespasser to ‘keep Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza Plex a safe place for all families to enjoy.’ He blinked at her rapid movements, becoming irritated if not confused on what you were trying to convey other than a frantic gesture.
He internally pinged Vanessa about the situation, needing a human employee to process any human infringement. 
Bringing his attention back to the shorter animatronic, he spoke up. “You stay here, an officer is going ta come talk to ya’ on how you’ll be processed fer trespassing on private property.” He said, pulling back a bit as he kept his harsh gaze on you, the response automatic and robotic as ever.
You winced at it’s scowl aimed towards you. At the mention of an officer getting involved in the situation, you began to panic. It hasn’t even asked who you we’re! 
He stared at you for a moment longer before he noticed that you weren’t quite…well, human.
“…What in the—?” 
He jerked his head back to get a better look before quickly running a full body scan. When his system revealed to him that he was, in-fact, talking to another animatronic, he didn’t quite know what to do.
Why weren’t you in his database? Surely they would’ve added the ID of a new member to the plex when they issued you. …Or maybe not, heck, this corporation isn’t known for being the nicest to their… assets. 
The gator stared at you for another tense moment before stepping back, letting go of the recharge station. A flicker of embarrassment was present in his face but was quickly masked by a scowl.
“Who th’ell are ya, lady?” He asked, crossing his arms as he stared you down. “I ain’t ever seen ya ‘round here before.”
You began to sign frantically, using your digits to convey what an answer to what was asked of you.
‘I’m the Daycare Attendant’s helper! Sorry if I intruded, I didn’t mean to wander so far or know that it would cause any problems.’ You looked up at the gator animatronic apologetically, after you gave him your name, equally embarrassed as you held your hands close to your chest.
Monty felt his scowl soften a bit when he realized you couldn’t speak. His optics quickly caught on to your ASL, already having been downloaded in his programming as a part of the ‘PCA’ part of his purpose during events. He decided not to comment on your lack of speech.
“You from the Daycare, huh? You don’t look as creepy as those clowns, heard management’s gonna to do something ‘bout their faceplates soon.” He replied, tilting his head to the side as he grimaced at the thought of the Daycare Attendant’s appearance. 
Whoever designed their likeness sure didn’t know what they were doing, those bots look creepy as hell. They did them so dirty. He quickly linked a quick picture of you and your name into a file for later. 
“Didn’t even have ya in my system. I’m guessing you’re new then.” He added, letting out a hiss of pressured air past his nostrils in a pretend huff.
That made sense. The human staff you’ve interacted with didn’t seem particularly interested in any of the bots. To leave out coding your addition to the animatronic staff does seem like something the would do, even intentionally.
“Moon’s allowed to come out of the Daycare during his rounds, he must be near Roxy Raceway by now. Sun, on the other hand, his programming won’t let the bot set foot outta the place, heck, I don’t think he can even think about doing so.” The gator mused, feeling himself relax slowly while he pinged Vanessa once again, this time to take back his request.
“I don’t know nothing ‘bout you though, if ya can or can’t.” He said, his scrutinizing gaze remaining fixed on you as he waited for a reply.
You blinked once, twice. Adverting your gaze, knowing full well that your programming doesn’t exactly specify whether or not you’re allowed to leave the daycare. You do, however, have a high clearance than Sun, being that you can leave without your joints locking up as soon as you crossed the Daycare doors.
You shrugged, deciding to change the topic.
‘You’re pretty intimidating, all the animatronics here as tall as you?’ Okay, maybe not the best way to divert the subject, but an attempt nonetheless.
The gator snorted at your words. If there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s being intimidating. He brought a hand up to tilt his glasses down his snout and gave the shorter animatronic a grin. “Most of us, yeah, we’re pretty tall, modeled after th’ same endo.” He said, sliding his purple shades back up his snout.
‘Well, I may not be tall, but I am softer than most animatronics here. They gave me a complete silicone casing and memory foam pads on my hands.’ You signed, bringing your hands up for demonstration. ‘You can see for yourself.’ 
Monty’s smile faltered at your trusting gesture, looking down at her extended hand with a surprised expression. His jaw clicked shut as he processed your offer. You was offering to let him touch you. Him? Slowly, the bulky animatronic brought his clawed hand up to gently rest it in yours. Despite his reputation for being a destructive individual, the gator animatronic can be gentle. He’s gentle with the children, he’s never hurt one. She was true to her word, her servos were, in-fact, soft, silicone coating her palms.
A slow thumping noise was heard behind the gator and he quickly pulled away, an embarrassed expression painting his mostly static face. His tail had been wagging, and he mentally cursed the the programmer that had decided to add that involuntary reaction into his software. He looked away and crossed his arms, scowling once again.
You quirked a brow in amusement at his abrupt motion, effectively putting some distance between the both of you. 
“Yeah, well, ya should probably head back to the daycare if ya aren’t on patrol, it’s dangerous out here.” He grumbled.
You agreed, it was probably best for you to return to the daycare. However, you’d like to catch the gator’s name before you left, he was the first person outside your daycare duties that you’ve meet, after all.
‘Right, of course, but, before I leave, may I get your name?’ You signed, waiting patiently for his reply.
He glanced back at you, narrowing his eyes. Did you really not know who he was? Did you not know who the band was? Wait…then that means you don’t know who Freddy is, or about his reputation, which also means that you can’t compare him to Freddy like everyone else. The opportunity just walked right into his very hands, an opportunity he’s not going to miss.
Monty turned to face you, brining a clawed digit to tilt his bright, purple shades down and winked at you. “Name’s Montgomery, Montgomery Gator, but ya can call me Monty, doll-face.” He said, knowing this is his shot on making a memorable introduction with his southern charm.
You felt your fans kick up a notch at the pet name, but payed no other mind to it.
“I’m the band’s bassist, you could say I’m a fan favorite, got my own golf course an’ all.” The gator drawled rather arrogantly, brining his hands to his hips as he grinned toothily.
“You should come by some time, I’ll show ya how ta play, it’s on the house.” Monty offered smoothly, looking down at you through the violet hue of his signature shades.
You smiled at his offer, perhaps you should make going out of the daycare part of your routine. It would be a nice change. 
‘That would be nice.’ 
His grin widened.
As you turned on your heel, you hesitated. You really didn’t want to get lost again, and Monty did seem like a person who knew the place well. Turning back towards him, you signed.
“Nah, don’t worry about it, I know this place like th’ strings on my bass.” He said, brushing you off as he brushed one of his hands over his mohawk in a causal manner. “I can help you out, easy, wouldn’t want you to run into any other members of the band and throw yourself into a locker or something.” Monty teased, a loud bark of laughter escaping him before as he walked past you, already making his way to the Daycare.
He also didn’t want you running into Freddy, but the gator would never admit that. If you met him, he’s certain she’d realize how much of a mess the Gator actually is plus how much better the bear was compared to him. You’d forget all about Montgomery Gator. He can’t let that happen, he won’t let that happen. Shoving the dark thought back into the depths of his processor, he focused on the situation at hand.
“‘Sides, Moon can cover for me, he does owe me one.” The gator added as he looked back at her from over his shoulder with a grin.
“Get over here, short stack.” He called, gesturing for her to follow him.
You quickly followed after him, running to catch up to the larger animatronic. Falling into step beside him, you glanced up at the gator. His color scheme was a lot different to Sun and Moon’s, his attire as well. While the Daycare attendant sported s circus themed outfit, the glamrock wore a much more eighties-esque type aesthetic, reminiscent of the 80’s rockstar, David Bowie.
He glanced down at you and you adverted your gaze quickly, embarrassed to have been staring. Deciding that the floor was much more interesting, you kept your eyes glued to the tiles. The gator chuckled, much to your chagrin. Monty was used to the attention, either good or bad, having eyes on him wasn’t a new feeling, rather just as normal as recharging for him.
As you two passed the band’s green rooms, you perked, pointing at the show rooms as you turned your head to look up at the gator. 
Using your other hand to sign at him simply, you asked. ‘Your friends?’
“Hm? Oh, yeah, that’s where th’ band and I have our showrooms.” Monty replied, keeping his optics trained on you for any other signs. 
His tail slowly swept back and forth behind him, another indicator of his better mood. The gator’s eyes landed on Freddy’s room, and he fought back the urge to bare his teeth, instead, smiling down at the little lady.
“Maybe I can show ya ‘round some time, give ya a tour and all that jazz.” Monty added, glancing at his room’s door. 
The bulky animatronic grimaced a bit, optics quickly switching to his room’s visual feed. He’d have to get a S.T.A.F.F. bot to clean up the mess he made after his temper tantrum earlier in the day. He returned his gaze back to the shorter animatronic as they neared the Daycare entrance. 
“If you’re lucky, I might even take a picture with ya.” The reptilian animatronic said with a grin. “You’ll be a certified Montgomery Gator fan!” 
You clapped your hands excitedly, relying more on your body language and actions to get your mood across. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? 
When your eyes landed on the Daycare’s doors, you balked. You didn’t want to end your conversation with Monty just yet, you’d just gotten to know him. 
‘Will is see you again?’
The animatronic gator blinked down at the you, surprise evident on his face as his optics widened. You wanted to see him again? Him, Montgomery Gator? Suck on that Fazbear!
With a toothy grin, he brought his hand to your forehead, flicking your faceplate, making you lurch back with a surprised expression. “Sure ya will, doll.” 
Stepping back, he looked past the netted wall that separated the daycare from the gift shop area. “Say hi to Sun for me, alright?” Monty said, returning his focus to you.
You rubbed at your forehead, watching him with narrowed eyes. This made Monty grin wider as he continued.
“And don’t let me catch you wandering where you shouldn’t, just ping me if you need someone to—” he gave her a mischievous grin, “‘assist a new bot with directions’.”
He quickly found your data signature in the Plex’s network and shot you a quick message, just a simple ‘hey’. “You can use th’ network to message me after hours or during your break, usually only security guards use it, but it’s pretty nifty for us bots to stay in touch.” 
You jerked a bit at the message popping up in your visual feed before grinning, giving him a thumbs up. 
”I’ll see you—“
The daycare doors opened suddenly, cutting the animatronic gator off. You both turned to look at what had interrupted your little conversation.
“Sunshine! I’m so glad you’re back, I got worried when I couldn’t find you anywhere! Moon went out to look for you and—…” the sun-themed animatronic tilted his faceplate when he noticed the band’s bassist standing next to you. 
His milky white optics seemed to darken, though perhaps that was just the lighting. “Oh! You brought the gator…with you.”
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sholangagaga · 1 year
What do you think happened to Glamrock Bonnie, using all of your info that you gathered through the game? your analysis on Bonnie's disappearance was really indepth
I was putting off this ask for a while because I wanted to properly gather my thoughts (and I wanted to replay Ruin like another 2 or 3 times just to make sure I got all the lore I could) but I think I have a grasp on what I want to say
BTW, Spoilers under the cut per usual, also, this theory is going by the premise of Ruin's ending. I'll reference my previous theory as well. This is also a carry over of this post.
Now, I had said in that previous post that the three Dufflebag notes told a patchy and incomplete story. Because to me, they do. But in order to decipher the story they tell, you need to think about what was happening in the Pizzaplex during that timeframe. (there's also a couple more Dufflebag notes that help the story as well, I totally forgot to put them in my earlier post)
as I said before, Bonnie and Monty were already co-existing at this point. Bonnie was the bassist, and Monty was just an animatronic with his own attraction (like how Foxy is the animatronic at the theatre and Sun/Moon/Eclipse are the animatronic for the Daycare)
Now I'm gonna preface all of this theory and information with the fact that I do not believe Monty killed/attacked Bonnie.
I simply don't.
I know what the OG Security Breach story wants us to assume, but from a logical standpoint, it simply makes no sense.
Now, let's go through this chronologically. There will be some conjecture here using the information we've seen outright, so please don't strangle me if this doesn't necessarily match canon or what-not.
First, Bonnie was the original bassist of the band. Alongside Freddy, Roxy, and Chica, they were the original cast. (I don't know why Foxy wasn't part of the original band. Maybe he WAS, long before Roxy took over, or maybe they decided Foxy would be better in the theatre/child area since prior incarnations of Foxy weren't considered bandmates, they were simply side attractions for kids)
I think it's pretty safe to say that Monty was enamored with Bonnie in some regard. At the very least, he looked up to him. In the Gator Golf attraction that shows you Monty's rise to fame, you see Monty playing something akin to a bass or a banjo all alone in his swamp. He was a One Man Band, as they say.
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I think his One Man Jug Band probably played in the Gator Golf, maybe he had his own little party bookings there judging by how popular his attraction is. (Like how Roxanne's parties can be booked at Roxy Raceway/Glamrock Salon or Freddy's parties can be booked at the Atrium and main stage)
At some point, Monty became acutely aware of the main band and the stardom they enjoyed. Of course he did, they were the main focus of the Pizzaplex, and the main band had their own greenrooms along Rockstar Row, the FNAF equivalent to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, if we had to compare it to something in the real world.
It seems very obvious that Monty looked up to Bonnie. Bonnie, who shared the same instrument as him, who probably was friendly to him and maybe gave him some pointers on how to refine his playing.
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You can see Monty looking up towards the band, but his gaze is localized on the star and Bonnie. Bonnie is also the only one looking at Monty. I think that, at least at this point, they were on good terms in some regard.
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Now, for what happened to Bonnie. When we look at Bonnie's body, you can see that he was apparently clawed open and parts of his endoskeleton and machinery was removed and taken away.
You might be thinking, "Well, he got clawed open. So that means that Monty did it, of course."
and You'd be wrong.
If you recall, Monty got his claws in order to play the bass. Now why would he need to play bass if the band was still full and there was no need to replace Bonnie since he was still active? This is mentioned in the note MONTY UPGRADE
MAINT LOG: MONTY - Montgomery's Claw upgrades allow him to play the bass. Following performances, he mostly uses them to cause damage. The fence repairs are getting costly.
So, whoever clawed up Bonnie couldn't have been Monty. And if Monty had clawed up Bonnie, why did he rip out his hardware when he'd have no need for it?
Now what exactly happened to Bonnie can be tracked through his last night active in the Pizzaplex. Seen in the notice MISSING, we are able to see Bonnie's final movements.
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Now I went into deep analysis of this in my post explaining how Bonnie is considered missing in canon, so I'll summarize it here.
Bonnie spent 3 hours and 48 minutes following a specific path in the Pizzaplex only to disappear after entering the Monty Gator Golf attraction. It took him 2hr16mins to enter the Fazcade from Rockstar Row, and then 1hr32mins to get to Monty Golf.
There's no reason it should have taken Bonnie so long to move from Point A to B. So there must've been something that he was doing during that long walk.
So my theory is that Bonnie was already injured when he exited his green room and started his journey towards the Fazcade.
My reasoning for this is mostly because of how long it took Bonnie to get to the Fazcade, but also because it doesn't make sense for him to take the path he did in the first place in the middle of the night.
I believe Bonnie sustained his injury and then left his greenroom to find help or someone to help get him to Parts and Service. He trudged his way to the Fazarcade and then went towards Monty Golf. And then something happened in Monty Golf that must've fully incapacitated Bonnie, making it so that he was unable to leave. And then at some point, he was abandoned at the back of the Bonnie Bowl and left to rot.
Now, as for what attacked him, I'm a bit up in the air about it since I don't know what exactly is the true canon-line for the game. I've heard some people imply the Burntrap and Blob ending was deemed noncanon and instead the ending of Ruin involving the Mimic IS the true ending. That confused me because the Mimic didn't appear at all in SB (as far as I recall, and I poured over that game pretty intensely) and in the Ruin ending, you see the area where the final battle against Burntrap took place. (And this isn't even touching on what exactly Malhare/M.X.E.S is, I'm assuming hes some remnant of Glitchtrap?)
After playing Ruin (and using Ruin as the main plotline) I have two theories of what attacked Bonnie.
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Bonnie was attacked by the Mimic (who does have huge, sharp claws) in an effort to either build on itself or repair itself, and then maybe followed or lured him across the Pizzaplex towards Monty Golf. And then it fully shattered him there, maybe using the Hurricane Bucket that was mentioned in the Monty Mischief notice. Then in an effort to hide the "body" and be able to take it apart without technicians or FazEnt getting in the way, the Mimic brought Bonnie so the back of the Bonnie Bowl and further removed his endo and parts.
My other theory is that Bonnie injured himself. Remember, Monty didn't have claw upgrades by that point so he couldn't have been the one to claw open Bonnie. But you know who DID have claw upgrades? Bonnie.
I think in some way, Mimic or some glitch entity (maybe Malhare/M.X.E.S) got into Bonnie's head in an attempt to lure him somewhere secluded so they could harvest him for parts, but Bonnie fought the conditioning much like Freddy had and ripped himself apart to get these strange voices/entities out of him. And then he wandered the Pizzaplex presumably looking for help before he was finished off in the Monty Golf and brought to Bonnie Bowl to be harvested.
This would explain Bonnie's injuries, why the Mimic (or Burntrap if you want to go that route) looks so brand new and put together, and also why Bonnie apparently disappeared without a trace.
There's another notice in the Dufflebags that seemingly adds more to Bonnie's fate, Understudy
MANAGEMENT REPORT - With Bonnie out of commission, we are making Monty the new bass player. Parts and Service has already done the proper adjustments. This could be a good thing. Monty could be even more popular than Bonnie.
This notice apparently takes place before the notice Re-Theme since it takes place DIRECTLY before Monty gets established as the new bass player in the aftermath of Bonnie's disappearance/shattering. However, Bonnie being "out of commission" doesn't allude to anything about his actual fate. It must be that Bonnie disappeared suddenly, and in an effort to smooth things over and re-complete the band, they pushed Monty into the role. As we know, repairing and fixing an animatronic is not a hard thing to do. There's no way Bonnie would be so destroyed that it'd be impossible to put him back together, and from what we saw of Bonnie's condition, it was certainly bad but it's not like he was completely turned to ash or destroyed and unrepairable. They could have repaired him if they got a hold of his body. But it was apparent they didn't, and they had no idea where it was. So instead of rebuilding/remaking an entirely new shell and endo from scratch, they simply grabbed the next best thing and put him into the role.
Which explains why Monty seems to openly use Bonnie's old props, like his glasses and his bass. Monty never had a problem with Bonnie, he idolized him. And after his idol disappeared, he took his place and used his props to allow Bonnie to live vicariously through him. Not to mention how maybe Monty feels responsible for Bonnie's disappearance since it happened in his own attraction, but if Monty was the one who hurt Bonnie then I sincerely doubt the other animatronics would be okay with him taking his place and using his props. Especially Freddy, who was the closest to Bonnie.
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creeky-cricket · 1 year
How the Freds react to you calling them your 'boyfriend' in front of the others for the first time
+ sun and moon >:3
slower updates cause lack of motivation, but rest assured ill get back on these as soon as I can >:3
Normal Fred: I feel with him, if you were to ask him if he was comfortable with it he'd say he was pretty much indifferent, or that he didn't care if you chose to. and in ways that's true, but I don't think he ever actually thought about it. he just knew that that's what was supposed to happen. However, when he actually heard you saying it to the others for the first time from the other side of the main area, he couldn't help but get distracted from what he was doing, letting his attention glide over to you. Only turning back when you catch his eye. This also gives him a huge ego boost, so don't be surprised if he saunters over and starts teasing you about calling him your 'boyfriend but really he couldn't feel more special.
Toy Fred: He'd cry seriously? I think he'd be one of the most emotional. Not going as far as to cry per se but definitely getting close to it /hj no matter who you’re saying it to he'd probably gush to them later, telling them how cute you were and how lucky he was. Not bragging, just being appreciative.
Withered Fred: like Freddy, he'd seem indifferent, but for him, he genuinely didn't really care. if it made you happy to call him he wouldn't be averse to it. if he was honest he started calling you his 'partner' shortly after you started dating, he just loved to know that you were his and vice versa. However, when he does hear you call him it for the first time, he'd walk over and wrap an arm around your waist/shoulder and just stand and listen to you. I mean, you're one of the only reasons he comes out of parts and service anyway. but this just makes it so much more special.
Funfetti(FT Freddy): he'd probably be the first to call you his 'partner' in front of the others, feeling obligated to make sure they knew that you were his. not in an overprotective way, but an overprotective way if you get what I mean - He doesn't want to overwhelm you he just doesn't want the others to think they can get away with hurting you. He also just really likes to see you flustered. With that being said, the first time he actually hears you refer to him as that I don't think he'd hold back in expressing how he felt, gushing over you cause 'nnaawwwhh cupcakeee! That was so cute!'
Penny(Rockstar Freddy): I feel like he would be very on edge with it at first. 'what would the others think' sort of thing. 'what would happen to you? what if they take you away?' he didn't want you to get hurt from this. but, eventually, he'd cave. finally telling you that it would be okay, but only if you were sure. By this point, a lot of people already knew about you two dating so it wasn't really untamed waters, but in his mind, it was better to be safe than sorry. But, the first time he hears you call him that, to Bonnie who honestly didn't even really care that you two were dating his ego kicked in big time. but not before he took a moment to just appreciate you. a small smile on his face before he walked over.
Lefty: I think his reaction depends on who you’re saying it to, if it's to one of the other workers, he'd do what he normally does, stay away and stay quiet. If it was to one of the other animatronics that he didn't really talk to? He'd just hang around, maybe a little bit awkwardly, he just wanted to be somewhere near you. And then, one of the animatronics he did talk to? He'd already be near you as you said it, a smile spreading on his face when you did. Looking down at you with a look of fondness. and if it was just Penny you bet your ass he’d be rubbing it in his bitchless face /hj
Glamrock Fred: He would be indifferent to it, but not in the way original and withered are. he just genuinely wouldn't mind if you were to call him that. it would probably take a while for him to stop calling you by your name, even if you did start. Though, the first time he heard you call him your boyfriend he seemed normal in front of others, maybe a little more clingy. Once you were alone, though, he'd begin to gush about it. telling you how much he loved you, and how cute you were. However, this is definitely the start of his cheesy boyfriend puns era. 💀
Sun: The others? What others. They never visit him, so why should it matter.
moon: he's barely ever out of the daycare to hang around with the others without you there anyways, I don't think he's the type for pet names in front of anyone else anyways, but if he were to hear you call him your boyfriend (for the first time especially), whether he was just on his rounds or he was there beside you his reaction would be the same. a mischievous grin, standing up straight facing you, looming over you before leaning down and speaking to you with a low tone. best part? he didn't really care if the others saw, or heard, he just wanted to fluster you for the fuck of it. and, if you were lucky, you could end up being taken back to the daycare where Moon would set you down on a pile of blankets and cuddle you while you talked
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televisionbodiez · 8 months
hey <3 i also love monty the biggest amounts and i think you should share your awesome thoughts about him (and his awesome friendship to gregory) with me and the world okay??
pls pls pls begging-
- The quote "im not a violent dog, I don't know why I bite" reminds me of Monty SO MUCH. He is so prone to anger but he hates that side of himself. He can't control it. And being self aware of his anger just makes him feel even worse. He wishes that he could he softer and nicer, he just hates how he is so much. Monty feels stuck and is always longing for a more peaceful existence.
- As a way for him to cope with his anger better, Fazbear Entertainment started to require that he goes to the daycare and hangs out with Sun. Think of it as unofficial "anger management."
- Sun has experience with dealing with emotional kids so it is genuinely good for Monty !!! He gets to participate in arts and crafts and the kids there are excited over him !!!!
- it's funny to think about him looking so oversized when sitting at the arts and crafts tables surrounded by all of the kids
- Initially, Monty REALLY REALLY HATED GOING THERE. AND WAS REALLY MEAN TOWARDS SUN, but Sun still remained nice and friendly because he was eager to befriend Monty nonetheless
- AND THEY DID END UP AS FRIENDS!! In their own time, Sun had opened up to Monty about how he deals with difficult emotions as well. Monty hearing someone else endure something similar to his struggles was eye opening
- Roxy and Monty are so siblings/bffs, they absolutely gossip with eachother and Monty let's Roxy practice makeup on him
- Monty's "rivalry" with Freddy is one sided and VERY unserious, Freddy is so friendly with him and Monty gets all grumpy (but he does like Freddy, he just doesn't want to admit it. He's his self proclaimed "enemy")
- I have a headcanon that depending on the animatronic, they're programmed to work better with a certain age group and Monty is more targeted towards older kids and teens
- Monty loves cute things but he really wants to keep up his cool Rockstar persona SO HE HIDES HIS LIKING TOWARDS CUTE STUFF.... but the rest of the glamrocks can see how obvious it is when kids give him gifts and his tail starts wagging over recieving a Hello Kitty plushie or something
- so he isn't the best at dealing with little kids and gets awkward at times
- BUT YOUNGER KIDS SEEM TO LIKE HIM SO MUCH. he reminds them of a dinosaur AND KIDS LOVE DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- even if he's all awkward with the younger kids it's okay, the kids find it funny and he gets more familiar with dealing with them as time goes on
- With him and Gregory, both of them would end up being so mischievous at the expense of the other glamrocks,, they would absolutely pull really stupid pranks and test out stupid things
- Monty is like the fun uncle who encourages Gregory's recklessness WHICH IS A NIGHTMARE DUO FOR FREDDY WHO GETS SO CONCERNED ABOUT GREGORYS SAFETY
- but tbh I think Monty and Gregory are less like an uncle and nephew and more like an older brother an younger brother
- like they tease eachother and will argue over dumb things😭
- thinking about Monty and Gregory getting temporarily banned from the daycare because Monty was trying to throw Gregory into the ballpit from as high as possible
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its-sanrio-official · 6 months
Fellow Doctor Who and FNaF fan!! Do you have a favorite doctor and a favorite animatronic line?
Ouuuuuuuu I gotta think. It's been a bit since i've watched doctor who so i cant give you a fave yet, gimmie a bit. But as for fave line? hmmmmmmmmm. Do you mean like voice line or group of animatronics like rockstars or glamrocks
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Can you possibly do something with either glamrock Freddy or your OC Ah'kari comforting someone after a seizure?
I shall do my best. I'll do glamrock Freddy since he's the most well known but I can do another one for Ah'kari too if you want💕
Glamrock Freddy Comforting Someone After a Seizure
TW: Seizures and mental health mentioned
If you'd know the bright flashing lights of the show would be too much you would have sat them out. You'd gone without a seizure for months and thought you'd be able to handle a little concert. Unfortunately for you, you seized a few moments in and the show was quickly stopped. Freddy Fazbear himself came jumping off the stage into the crowd to catch you and keep you from hurting yourself much to the happiness of the multiple children around you.
Coming too from a rather long and bad seizure, headache the size of Texas and California combined, you see an orange colored room with the lights around you dimmed thankfully. Standing a bit away from you, standing in front of the huge glass that looks out onto rockstar row, you spot Freddy Fazbear, his orange casing shining in the dim light of the hallway in front of him.
Seeming to have noticed an increase in your heart rate the star turns, quickly noticing you're awake and staring at him. Smiling happily the large bear approaches saying,
"You're alright! I was worried you wouldn't come out of it but your guest profile states that we shouldn't contact a hospital unless a seizure goes beyond the 5 minute mark. Your seizure was 3 minutes and 21 seconds long and seems to have impacted your breathing and brain function." He explains, getting down to your level and keeping his voice down in case sound may cause another one.
Groaning, you try your best to sit up but your now weakened body refuses to allow this, causing you to fall back down. Freddy catches you quickly much to your surprise and slight embarrassment. You didn't want the star of the show meeting you at your worst.
"I-I'm sorry......I didn't mean to cause trouble." You manage, words slightly slurred from your brain still trying to get it's shit together. The idea that you'd possibly cut their performance short made you sick to your stomach. It was all your fault and you felt like shit. You should have been more careful. As if he were able to sense your distress somehow the bear gently holds your hand.
"You're alright superstar, no one is angry with you. They're just glad you're alright and so am I." The animatronic states with a genuine smile. His glowing blue eyes, which he intentionally dimmed to avoid triggering you again, stay on you. "Please don't feel bad for something you cannot control."
With that you start to cry, earning a concerned look from the bear. People always made you feel like your seizures were an inconvenience. That you having them was your fault and you could control them. Having someone genuinely care about you was completely new to you and you couldn't stop the rush of emotions you were feeling. Reaching out towards the bear, he immediately understands what you're asking and gently picks you up like he would a child, your legs wrapping around his midsection and your arms going around his neck. One strong arm wraps around you and the other holds you up as you lay your head on his chest, crying your eyes out. This was all just a lot and you couldn't really think of what you're actually doing for the moment, enjoying the strong embrace that made you feel safe and protected. If only you got a feeling like this every time you had a seizure, maybe they wouldn't be so scary.
Eventually coming too from your crying haze you look up at the bear, realizing what you're doing and immediately apologizing for being such a baby. The bear simply smiles, continuing to hold and hug you.
"It's okay superstar, I'm here if you need me."
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