#I might delete this in the morning
crystallinestars · 6 months
I think Aventurine would be too afraid to ask you out directly, so instead he would get you to play a game with him. Can be poker, a coin flip--anything really. The only rule is that the loser has to do anything the winner wants.
Of course, Aventurine wins, and with a smug grin tells you to accompany him for the rest of the day. He asks the right questions to sneakily deduce where you would want to go if given the opportunity (aquarium, museum, the movies, etc) and takes you there under the guise of being curious what's so special about that place.
He splurges to dress you up in fancy clothes, pays for all your meals, and buys you anything that catches your eye. No expense is too big when it comes to pampering you, but he'll laugh it off as him trying to get on your good side with some bribing.
It is a date in all but name, but he'll never admit it is one.
Aventurine gives everything and asks for nothing in return, only jokingly teasing you about giving him a kiss in exchange. In reality, he doesn't expect anything as he doesn't want to force you.
Yet, if you give him that kiss he secretly yearns for, perhaps you can make him confess that there is more to this encounter than just fulfilling a bet. Perhaps you can catch a glimpse of the feelings he tries his best to hide when you're around, find a crack in that smug facade of his.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 11 months
how does one stop receiving death threats? asking for myself
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llegato · 1 year
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uh. me . runs away frantically
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aesthetic-uni · 2 years
It’s been a hundred days
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benevolentcalamity · 6 months
rant below
Is there a word for when your friend goes 'I think transgenderism is a disease on our youth and the LGBTQ+ community isn't oppressed because Sam Smith exists' and you are like 'Okay, love you, hope you grow from and overcome that hatred, but also fuck you sideways into oblivion' and cut her off
Cause that happened a while ago and I'm still salty.
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rainmothseventeen · 6 months
1:02 am
You know when you see a scene in a show or a movie or a YouTube video or something where there's that whole I love you no matter what and I'm here for you and I'll always accept you and you can talk to me shit and I'm just sitting here trying to cry quietly because it's sweet and all and I'm happy for them and I feel like I'm being a horrible person for complaining but I realise I just don't have that. Like, sure, I have friends who're accepting and shit but I know I'm very replaceable and no one really notices when I hide in the bathroom at lunch anymore and it hurts so much more when it's a family member, especially a parent, especially a fucking parent. Like "Hey mum, I'm queer." and she'll hug them and tell them that they're loved. I went out with one of my friends and his mum and she used my actual name and idk treated me like a person and I see the way him and his mum are and he's gay and she loves him so much and kisses him on the forehead and tells him she loves him and good for him but it just hurts. And there's that scene in stranger things season 4 with Will and Johnathan and their heart to heart and it makes me want to die. My brother's 11, I take care of him, sure, he's not gonna beat me for being gay but I don't have anyone to fall back on but myself. And it's always been like that, I always take care of others and myself, I've always been so fucking good at not asking for help. I'm not saying I even need help, I don't. I just, watching people be accepted and cared for and shit. God. There's so much wrong with me and I don't know what it really is. I gotta stop doing this. Like istg I'm not losing it but maybe, idk, I'm slipping, I'm fucking slipping. I'm so tired and I'm so fucking miserable.
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 years
Wanna know a few of the things I dream about if I ever marry and have my own family?
Family Bible time. Imagine my husband leading the entire family in prayer and Bible reading🥰
Reading my favorite books from my childhood out loud to my children (hopefully they won’t mind their mother’s pronounced stutter)
Having dinner at the table discussing how our days went and what God is teaching us in our Quiet Times
Glorifying God in my duties as a wife and mother
I really hope I’m able to experience these things some day🥹
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hoofpeet · 2 months
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Seeing how far I can push vent comics before they stop being relatable part 300... I am "going thru it" as they say.. doodles paired with a long journal entry once more 👍
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scalierpepper · 10 months
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necromancy is cool
I really struggled with this angle and I was too stubborn to give up so there's a lot of things that aren't quite right, but I want to call it done and I really like the composition so I send it into the tumblr void for you to see anyways ~~
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peaches2217 · 3 months
I need to write more Hopeless Romantic Mario. It’s a headcanon I’ve long held for him, but I’ve got to explore and lean into it more.
Mario, as a child, unironically loving sappy fairytales and princess movies because he loves imagining himself in the role of the prince, a dashing hero who always comes through for his dearest.
Mario, as a teenager, never really getting into the dating scene, if he dates at all; he’s convinced that The Universe will give him A Sign when he meets The One, and he’s perfectly happy to daydream and make plans for how he’s gonna be the best partner ever while he waits.
(Luigi trying to lovingly suggest that maybe The Universe is expecting Mario to put in a little bit of leg work too, because for how down-to-earth his brother normally is, he’s got this weird holdover about things like soulmates and destiny and he could be waiting ‘til the day he dies if no one else talks sense into him.)
Mario, as an adult, falling into some strange storybook-looking world and meeting a particular princess, and oh wow, his heart’s never raced so hard just by looking at someone. And though he’s instantly smitten with her, he cares less about sweeping her off of her feet and more about learning who she is, what drives her, what her favorite foods are, where her mind wanders off to when she’s bored or stressed.
Mario, who has always been in love with the idea of being in love, learning firsthand that romance can be just as mundane as it is magical — and coming to cherish that mundanity above all else, because it’s the little moments that teach him more about her, about himself, about them, and it’s all just so priceless.
Just! Hopeless Romantic Mario who remains a hopeless romantic all his life and it works out beautifully for him! Hear me out!
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enlitment · 11 days
I don't want to sound like an apologist for anything but I feel like it should be acknowledged that the question of morality in different periods of history is complex and not easy to answer.
If you do say things like 'marrying an underaged person was totally okay back in the 1700s so what they did was totally fine actually' it definitely does ring alarm bells (as it should!)
That is not the exactly the same thing as saying 'considering the historical context of the era this person lived in, their behaviour would have likely not been considered too far out of the ordinary'. And I believe you can probably replace this with people's views of slavery or domestic violence and get to a pretty similar thing.
Is it dark and depressing? Sure. It's also, to the best of my knowledge, often fairly accurate.
I mean, I would have to do an actual research on this particular question to make any more definite statements. But just look at Ancient Greece's societal norms concerning relationships. That is definitely a challenge any historian needs to grapple with, but saying that every other man living at that time was a monster just isn't very useful, and doesn't feel like great academic work either.
Sometimes you would need to take a step back and try to look at these issues with more of a dispassionate curiosity to try and understand them. (As with Ancient Greece - what role did these relationships served? How did they influence the Greek culture? The structure of Greek society? etc.) That doesn't mean you renounce your own sense of right and wrong.
I feel like the best approach would be to acknowledge your modern perspective and clearly mark it in the text (something like 'by our modern standards, this would of course be seen as...' or even focus on writing articles from the perspective of the affected/opressed). But then also write about the way such behaviour would have been viewed in the time it took place. This does not, in my opinion, excuse the behaviour - it just helps to put it in the necessary context.
The bonus of this approach is that it allows the historian to highlight when someone's behaviour is genuinely considered morally reprehensible even by the standards of the time (something like 'even in a misogynistic society, his treatment of women was marked as particularly reprehensible' -> well better than that but it's also midnight, I'm tired and I'm sure you get my point).
There is also the possibility that some behaviour that is considered totally okay today will be seen as completely reprehensible by someone reporting on it hundreds of years from now. Something to keep in mind as a historian.
TL;DR definitely don't want to excuse any problematic behaviour but I think we should treat the question of moral norms in history as the complex and difficult issue it is, rather than jumping to conclusions
(also saying that someone's opinion is automatically unworthy because they haven't taken history classes at a university level just feels kind of elitist. Sure, an understanding of historiography and a critical approach are incredibly important, but it is not impossible to get at least the basic idea just from your own reading. And in any case, it is better to explain it rather than to dismiss the person's opinion altogether.)
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princesskkfish · 5 months
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Here have a raph
More concepts
It’s currently midnight and I’m so tired
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havent drawn rhis dude in while here's a doodle
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bamsara · 2 years
idk where that post is that talks about the casualness of queer love just existing in public but the feeling of hearing a woman say 'my wife' or some guy saying 'my boyfriend' while telling a story and it being nonchalant and not needing elaboration is something i cannot decribe because that was not common ten years ago
anyway I'm watching the news and the guy news anchor is talking Live about how bad the flight cancelations due to weather are and telling a story about how him and His Husband were stuck at an airport for a while and I am filled with love
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lemongogo · 1 year
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amourcherie606 · 2 months
lmao i normally dont do talky posts but i just want it to be known, that as a indigenous oaxacan (aztec) i fucking hate natlan LIKE!?@ im dropping genshin-or hoyo related games in general its so upsetting and downright shameful what theyve done with natlan.
PLEASE do NOT speak over indigenous voices!! this isnt just latinam cultures involved, there is Maori, Nigeran.- so many other indigenous cultures that have opinions on this. just because one latino says something doesnt mean it covers the majority.
natlan has blatant colorism. plain and simple. yes there are white people in latam BUT THAT IS NOT THE MAJORITY. black and brown people exist and these cultures mihoyo is pulling from happen to have a large majority of said people.
just because they are a chinese company doesn't excuse this- its rude to assume all of china is colorist / racist, especially since CHINESE FANS THEMSELVES have been complaining about hoyoverse's colorism! Genshin literally has dark-skinned npcs, npcs that are way darker than their playable cast that are OFC enemy npcs. there is no excuse for this. genshin is a global game. hoyoverse prides themselves on cultural research and accuracy, yet when it comes to sumeru or natlan they suddenly mix and mash cultures.
i didnt mean to ramble about this but HRGHRHG i used to enjoy hoyoverse games but its hard to enjoy something that actively shits on your entire culture alongside others.
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