#I might make Larry to be the witness
doctorsiren · 5 months
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I’m still in the process, but I’m making progress
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wishingicouldfly · 8 months
Why I Believe Larry Is Real
It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my opinion essays. This week I was asked to justify my belief that Larry is real, and that Harry and Louis are together. It feels like it’s time. 
::cracks knuckles::
I’ve thought about how to reply to the demand, which came from someone on X (formerly Twitter). I cannot compel someone who isn’t inclined to believe in Larry to suddenly change their mind. If someone doesn’t want to interpret the signs the same way I do, that’s their prerogative. But that said, I decided to give some thought about how to answer the question. 
I’ve been inspired by IndiaAlphaWhiskey and her recent reply to a similar question. I loved the way she answered by talking about long term love and how it’s steady and doesn't need to have a lot of fireworks visible from the outside. It’s hard to put that into words that make sense to someone who hasn’t witnessed it. Here’s her original reply:
The reality is we do not have solid proof that they were or - as I believe - still are in a relationship. Nor should we. H&L are closeted celebrities who keep their private life private. They are closeted, so you won’t see them admitting to being in a relationship in interviews; that would defeat the point of being closeted. In fact, you may think you’ve heard them outright deny being together. Again, if you’re not looking at the clues, and you only want to take this at face value, you’re not going to see any other possible narrative. Full stop. If that’s the case, you’re not going to agree with me, and that’s fine.
If you really want to go down a rabbit hole, my friend @bkatie617 keeps a running spreadsheet on perceived coincidences in the current era. 
I can list out a hundred things that, to me, are coded messages H&L have signaled to either us or to each other. You can debunk/deny/laugh-out-loud at all of them, if you want. You might call something coincidence or debunk one or more of these pieces. And yes, there are things out there that aren’t true, that are completely coincidence or debatable – or wildly unbelievable.
I get that. In fact, I have a whole thread of debunks on my Twitter bio. My debunk thread focuses on factual, hard-proof debunks to help veterans and newcomers keep the story straight.
But there are a hundred more things that are real. Or at least open to interpretation. At some point, it becomes really, really unlikely that everything is a coincidence over the last decade, and you have to admit that H&L are in collaboration with their messaging. For me, once you admit they are in collaboration in their messaging, it doesn’t take a huge leap to believe they are together romantically. Why else would their teams coordinate messaging to the media and the masses?
Harry even said, in 2022, “There’s not many [clues and tidbits] that get left behind. Most of the time, they usually pick up on pretty much everything, along with a couple of hilarious coincidences that were never meant to be, never meant to be kind of clues in the first place that happen… end up being clues.”
Source: Harry Styles talks to the Morning Mash Up about his new single, 'As It Was', Coachella, and more (siriusxm.ca)
You don’t have to believe any of it. I’m fine with that. But because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean I’m not completely, unwavering, solidly adamant in my own belief that it’s real. Especially if you’re not providing any evidence to sway my beliefs.
Here’s what I think: I think Harry and Louis met and fell in love during X-Factor in 2010, began dating, and continued to fall while on the X-Factor tour and the recording of the first single and album. I believe they made it official in 2011. Over the years, they went through hard times through career changes, loss of family members, solo career ups and downs, differences in career trajectory, doubts and fears, and then the pandemic. I believe they weathered all that and are together and committed to this day. 
I think they live a private life and have no intention of coming out or going public any time soon. Harry said to Rolling Stone last year that he hasn’t publicly “been with anyone.” I also think, even though they are determined to stay private, they like the idea of some fans knowing and supporting them. Seeing their true, authentic selves. So, they’ve gotten good at messaging their truth to fans who want to see it and support it. 
Due to industry pressure and 'image' clauses in their contract, I think they were encouraged by record execs and management to keep their relationship quiet, but rebelled (as teenagers, young adults, and fools in love will do) by insinuating double meanings in interviews and signaling to those in the know ever since. 
I think the signaling started in One Direction days when fans began to pick up on the signs they gave each other - the secret looks, the thumbs up, their complementary tattoos. 
When they saw fans remaining loyal, despite the idea they might be gay/queer and together, the signals turned more outward and louder, with Harry’s blue bandana, lyrics, the rainbow bears, and more. I think it continues today with graphic t-shirts, even more lyrics, matching merch, intentional mirroring in stage lighting and costumes, and more. 
Evidence Larry are together Now
Understand that there’s no solid “proof” that H&L are together now. So, if that’s what you’re here looking for, you won’t find it. They are closeted still, both portraying a heterosexual narrative in the media.
My lens (admittedly biased) is that they are together and hint to us, but that most of what they do these days is for each other. Little inside jokes from across the world or across the room to show they are together. Despite them being separated for work a lot, I believe these little nods to each other helps keep their connection healthy and strong across the time apart.
What follows is a small sampling of what I think is intentional messaging from H&L, meant to suggest to those following that they are still together. Nothing is a proof. Nothing by itself is anything more than coincidence. But taken together, these along with other examples, show two men who are speaking through their actions, in my humble opinion.
They have strikingly similar patterns in their merch for FITF and HSLOT. 
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Harry’s merch looks like it would be comfortable at Louis’ show.
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Harry drew H and L on his trainers on May 10, 2022 on a pap walk in Italy. 
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Both Harry and Louis used some of the same songs for their pre- and post-show playlists. https://www.tumblr.com/bluewinnerangel/702446259292831744/do-you-see-any-commonalities-between-harry-and
They both had really intentional blue/green stage lights at their shows. For anyone who doesn’t know, blue and green were their respective assigned colors when they were in One Direction. Certainly not a proof on its own but coupled with other things adds to the intentionality.
Complementary stage outfits. See this whole thread by @grete418 on X. It’s tongue in cheek, but it demonstrates what I mean about outfits matching/complementing each other. https://twitter.com/Grete418/status/1536453046611369989
Harry dressed as Danny Zuko at Harryween 2022 (coincidentally, Louis’ one and only lead role in a high school musical). https://twitter.com/UpdateHLD/status/1587297649572585473
Louis namechecked his unreleased song “All Along” in September 2022 (here at about 5:20), which strongly references Harry and a concert they attended together.. https://youtu.be/D9NjoMuz5-s?si=eRB-FwLI9JveMK3N
Louis wearing his 'dancing man' top when the 'dancing Harry' figure is so well known.
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Similar visual themes like this. Same assignment, different execution. (Harry’s House/Silver Tongues):
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Louis’ new tattoos (2023) appear to be images already seen on Harry’s journal cover and eye motif from HSLOT, plus they add to the existing traditional nautical motif they share. 
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T-shirt in Music Video for Music for a Sushi Restaurant reading LT Seniors. 
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Louis used fan images of Harry’s tattoos as Spotify cover art in February 2021.
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Lyrics that seem to respond to each other, and/or have similar themes
Louis wears a rose (like Harry’s tattoo) on his shirt on 6/26/23…next night Harry wears a very phallic shaped rocket ship that looks a lot like Louis’ dagger tattoo. Seems like a call and response.
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Louis singing 7 by Catfish and the Bottlemen, on both his tours. The song begins, “Larry call a load of smoke in…”
Added: (5/29/24). Louis announces his "For Every Question Why" Live Stream event via Veeps on 5/27/24. Two days later (5/29/29), Harry turns up in Florence, Italy, wearing an Elmo shirt with the word Why? via Twitter: (1) Ali ~So Be It! on X: "Just leaving this here. https://t.co/Mdty8DRLDE" / X
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So there you have it. I could obviously go on for quite a bit, with many more examples, but I think this is a pretty good sampling. If you’d like to know more, or talk about it, feel free to DM me here or on X (@Rosann_1986). I don’t do this to try to change anyone’s mind. If you don’t believe they are doing these things intentionally, and aren’t curious or approaching this with an open mind, nothing I say will change that for you. 
If you’re new here and you’d like to learn more, there are a lot of places to find master posts. Understand that you have to take everything with a grain of salt and come to your own conclusions. Here are a few places to start:
(2) Be a lover. Give love. Choose love. on Tumblr
It’s a beautiful war 🌈 (tumblr.com)
Great lyric analysis here: it's subjective - My song analyses Last edited December 22nd 2022,... (tumblr.com)
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coralcatsea · 6 months
what do alfred and arthur have in common? I think Alfred is more like Francis
-They're silly. Alfred more obviously so, but Arthur is as well. They both put on cat ears to 'prank' Japan and have random little races with each other just because. Hima himself said he can't decide if Arthur is a serious person or not.
-They're animal lovers. Arthur adopted a cat, named him Larry, and spoiled him. Alfred is literally depicted hugging a bunch of animals (including a gator) that the presidents had as pets. And he has a whale.
-Both grew up mainly alone. Arthur spent a lot of his childhood alone, so he assumes it's normal and tells Alfred he will be fine by himself, too. Arthur ends up away taking care of his own nation duties most of the time, and Alfred is shown just kind of doing things by himself.
-They have weird taste in food. Arthur's is either bland or burnt (though he's gotten better) while Alfred has all those neon cakes. Arthur also loves McDonald's and that cheesy American food he tried in the courtroom strips. They both love sweets as well.
-They like to tease. Arthur told Alfred with a big smirk that he might be a snakeman for Halloween, and Alfred is scared of snakes. They also lightheartedly teased each other over the phone about their political problems. Once when they were camping/spying at night, Alfred tried to tease Arthur about how the atmosphere felt like 'bloodthirsty monsters' were about to come out of nowhere. Arthur said if he were a monster, he'd avoid Alfred, and Alfred winked and said, "Well, it can get pretty dangerous around me!"
-They both like seeing each other in questionable/skimpy outfits, such as the Robin costume, a Rio Carnivale outfit, and Alfred's April Fool's outfit.
-They're both competitive. There's the whole Halloween competition they always have, and then there was that random race that I mentioned earlier.
-They're interested in old coins, as depicted in that strip about Arthur showing Alfred an old coin he found.
-They have a hard time being honest, and hide their vulnerability since they're sensitive to rejection. Alfred is tentative to admit how much Arthur means to him, like when Arthur was dying, or when he rejected Arthur's offer of friendship – despite very obviously wanting to be his friend given how much he goes out of his way to find excuses to hang out. In turn, Alfred's rejections make Arthur put up walls and come up with excuses of his own when he does things for Alfred, such as giving him food.
-They like showing off/impressing the other. Again, the coin Arthur excitedly showed Alfred. There were multiple times Alfred showed off during the Industrial Revolution, and then when Arthur was giving Alfred a tour of his country, he started texting his magical friends to come over the second Alfred expressed interest in wanting to see something fantastical.
-They're prideful. This goes along with the two points made above.
-The attention they give each other is mutual. Here's a whole post dedicated to the topic.
-Both love Halloween and scary things. They try to scare each other, Arthur has a tendency to sing creepy songs and likes ghost stories, and Alfred likes watching scary films and playing scary games even if they freak him out.
-Both love steampunk. Arthur got really excited when he found out Alfred shared this interest.
-They both have unusual friends. Tony, the whale, Flying Mint Bunny, and other magical creatures.
-They both like fantasy. Arthur watches fantasy movies and Alfred mentioned wanting to see fantastical things on his tour of England.
-They both like romanticism. Arthur is said to become a romanticist before he goes to bed and Alfred expressed an interest in romanticism on his tour of England.
-They both have experience as isolated countries. Arthur has his "Splendid Isolation" and the U.S. has spent a lot of time being isolationist as well.
-They're both intelligent. Arthur is described as sharp-witted and creative in his bio. Alfred is also creative, interested in archaeology, and is actually capable of reading the atmosphere, he just chooses whether or not to do so based on the situation.
-They value each other's opinions. England takes America's advice on how to improve his products, and America prompts England to give his plan a critique despite being sensitive to criticism. Also, Alfred wouldn't be sensitive to Arthur's criticism if he didn't care about his opinion.
-They like to please each other. Arthur often gives Alfred food, like ice cream and chocolate bars. In Hetalia Fantasia, Alfred planned and created an entire dungeon for months, only invited Arthur, and offered the prize of raising his stats extremely high if he won.
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[Trust Me]
[Jeremy Frazier x reader]
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[Summer: just as Jeremy Frazier thinks he's failed at a second life, he's give another chance. But at what cost.]
[TW: death, yelling, violence. Reader is called pale but not in "your white way" in a like your blood is gone, and is called thin but its because of how they died, sad ending, a very small talk of killing, ones self]
[Credit: Tim Burton, Michael Keaton, Larry Wilson, Danny Elfman, Seth Grahame-Smith, Miles Millar, Justin Theroux, Danny DeVito, David Katzenberg]
[Note:kinda prove read, i have dyslexia, spoilers! Had Mitski playing sooo... yea itll be a bit sad]
P.O.V. Jeremy Frazier
One second I'm going to the human world the next I'm falling. I close my eyes and hope it doesn't hurt to much when I fall, but it is hell so it probably does.
But the impact never comes, instead I fell someone grab my hand, then pull me up...... out of hell.
I look up theres a person, they has slightly blue lips like they had ate something with blue die, and there skin looks pale like there blood was drained. There face was hollow.
"If you don't sign this I'll push you back" that the first thing they say, pushing a paper in my face. "What?" I ask I know what they said, the question was more about the paper they handed me "fine" they said reaching forward and starting to push me "wait, WAIT! ILL SIGN IT!" They pulled me back "I'll sign it" I say out of breath, trying to calm down.
"Good, here" they push the paper to my face and a pen. I rech forward. "What is this for" I look over the paper but there's nothing. I feel them start to push me, "Ok! God!" I mean it's this or hell. So I sign, the ink of the contract shows up. It bleeds on to the page, It says I need to help them kill someone.
"Who do you want dead?" I ask. "Someone you shouldn't mind killing" they answer.
They walk off leave me sitting where I one fell. I started falling in them, disappointed they didn't slow down for me.
P.O.V. reader
I led him away from the boarding pass, plays. As we walk I gave him the plan "Ok so, all I need is to find him, you won't worry about the rest" I say, the less he knows the more he be useful.
"I might worry, I don't even know who I'm helping kill" he said. Like I didn't know he's killed before.
"What did this guy do, is he your ex or something " he talked again. I laughed "I said it's someone you should want dead that implies you know him, tell me who could you have a problem with" he thought for a second "Real estate, the police?"he asked.
"What? No...... I'm not even going to ask, forget it"
"can I ask another question" he asked. "You just did" "what do you need me for, and why me" he ignored my comment and asks anyway. "I can track people, plus other things, I mean I did drag you from hell. He knows this, so he trick me to sign something making,I can't use my soul to find him. But if I use the eyes of someone else's soul-" he cuts me off finishing my sentence "you want to use my soul to fined him" I nod. "And it just so happens your desperate for life, and I'm willing to post pone your death" I put quotes around death with, my hands, because he already died.
"And when were done. What will happen to me" I what a moment then answer "you can't avoid hell" and that was the end of the conversation.
We've stop for awhile. I tell him how we need a extremely high level of Spiritual energy, "Isn't all of netherworld spirituality" he said, and I explained that some areas had more energy like, the waiting room. The newest spirits had that just dead/closest to living energy. And it was very powerful.
And Regretfully so, I started likeing his Company. I even tried figuring a way to keep him alive. If I killed beetlejuice like pland, they I get him to fully trade lifes with the girl, that was with beetlejuice. He'd be alive like pland.
I would have find somewhere different then the waiting room, to meany witness, this will definitely go against the laws of death. And when I brake them I can't be somewhere obvious. So i have time escape.
As we walk, the silence is ended by another question."How did you die" after the question he told me how he died as I can only assume a attempt to make me more susceptible to sharing. And It work "poison" I answered, but came no reply so I filled the silence "the person we're killing, he tormented my family but left me alone, they.... got bad I guess and in self defense I killed them. The cops showed up. I knew they won't listen, so I took the poison."
"It was beetlejuice, that who where killing!" He said figureding it out. "Don't say him name, especially when talk of his down fall"
"Are you sure you can do that" he asked "we're all ready died" I stop finding a spot with a lot of energy. "Some more then others" he Whispered, but i was to buys make a plan "Ok, so I will touch your soul. Now if my calculations are right, witch most likely are because I've been working on this for 146 years, 3 months, 12 day, it shouldn't you at all. Any last wish before we do this." He think for a minute. he seems, Conflicted "I would like say good bye to my dad and mom, one last time" I think for a moment. "Yeah ok"
He left on his owe, he would have to return because of our contract so I trusted him. I think of how I would never of know him if it wasn't for beetlejuice, maybe that clown wasn't all useless. Even if I can't track beetlejuice fiscally I'd watch him, wanting for a moment to attack, but him getting involved with the real world again mad it had, I only knew so much after that. It's funny how are greats blocks can fix the problem. I wouldn't even call Jeremy a problem. I'm happy I have him.
I made up my mind, I'll tell him that I'm going to get us free, and if he wants we can live together. And if he doesn't want me at least I helped. I use to call beetlejuice my unfinished business, but maybe it was being loved.
I waited and waited, I was getting worried what if the death force got him and he's back in hell, or what If beetlejuice knows and killed him. But just as the thought got worse he shows up again. "Hey sorry, mom talks so much" he laughed a little, he seemed a different. I couldn't plays my finger on it. Maybe he's scared of going to hell.
"Ok so-" I go on explaining what will happen and what to expect. "I won't be conscious, it'd be like I'm full energy" I go on. "Stand here" I reached forward and push my hands in to his soul, grabbing it. "This doesn't hurt right" I doble check, I know it shouldn't, but just to be safe "no.... no it's just weird" I smile "I can only imagine" I joke "Ok, I'm going to start, but I need to tell you something. I fond a way for you to live when we're doen, and maybe we can live together" he looks panicked, he stared talking but I cut him off "wait, it's a tra-" "Don't tell me your answer, think about it in till were done, I want you to want us" I smiled, unsure and scared, but hopefull.
The next few seconds where werid. My eyes rolled back and then I could see him, beetlejuice. He's in the human realm, at some kind of wedding. I pull out of the vision, the longer I'm there the more chance he'll find out. "Ok let's go" I say opening the door to the liveing world "wait-" he tried again "look I'm sorry if I made it werid, but it now or never. We can talk later" I say pushing him through the door, we open to a church, and I walk down the aisle, I could but find it ironic, this place was for heaven and life, but her I am with someone from hell about to kill for good.
"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejui-" Summon him, but he's already in front of me. "Here's real fun" he said, randomly pulling out popcorn, then spiting it out on my face. "They burnt my popcorn, oh well" he said throwing over he had "this way darling, It's time to die" I was so lost. How did he know I did everything to keep this under raps. How could he kno- oh. Jeremy. He wouldn't, right. I look over, he looked sad, he did. Is that what he was telling me, that I'd been out started again. Of course, maybe it'd be better if I just went to hell.
Beetlejuice Burped, and then made the officiant of th wedding move, probably because he, him self couldn't touch, the hole water. As it burned me I didn't scream. I felt nothing. "Stop with that face you'll make me feel bad" Beetlejuice said, with a laugh that said how "sad" he'd be. This were my last moments, I could only hope Jeremy made the right decision.
P.O.V. Jeremy Frazier
They're gonna and maybe if I wasn't selfish, we could live together.
That option seems better know........
Don't know what this is, but I put a lot of effort in it so. I know it's not to long, I have dyslexia so it's hard to write long Pieces, but I'll get there :> have a good day
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*bust in the door with Sinor Chonker in my right arm and a cup of cold brew coffee with churro creamer in my left hand*
Okay hear me out on this!!
Having Jeb and Oct with us is cool and talking to our favorite night guard through the mirror is an extra, but what if we could able to talk with the other crew with said mirror and talking to hysterical figure and introduce them to our friends and having to translate with some of them while in conversation as if it's a normal Tuesday
Like Huns being the awesome warlord be bit protective over mc and looking at Sebek and in translation if he did anything that we didn't like hell glady fight him
Or our favorite Pharaoh man ( who I have a childhood crush like come-on ) happily talk to us and seeing our new friends went to king mode on some because he wanted mc to feel safe and not get in to trouble with them
Talking with historical figures and talking about what they did in their time out is the open be both comedic and to the tw guys be horrified on some stuff out in the open ( like if a WW2 soldier making a joke about ww2 related stuff ) or give really organized military stuff to help mc with stuff like school work or their work around the school
I don't blame you for the crush on Ahk, Rami Malek is so fjwjfjejfj-
- BUT YEAH, TONS OF OTHER PEOPLE DEFINETLY USE THE MIRROR TO TALK TOO, not just Larry and Nicky but Teddy and Sacagewa like to make sure you're okay.
- I like to think some of the Twst Boys know what Attila is saying as he threatens them to protect you but like, others just think he's super cool looking and you try to soften his translation so they aren't so violent.
- BUT ALSO, ATTILA AND HIS HUNS LOVE MAGIC SO THE BOYS KINDA WIN THEM OVER EASILY but don't get me wrong, they're still very worried for you.
- You can also use them to teach the guys about history from your world. Like, you're telling them about cavemen and showing them and the cave guys are just super hyped to see you until they see that Ace has a hand on your shoulder and being the big brother figures they are, they just freak out and Larry is all: "How about we move onto Teddy next!?"
- I like to think that Teddy would definetly give Leona a pep talk or something. Like, Teddy having to deal with not being the real Theodore Roosevelt kind fits with Leona not being the crown prince and stuff and while their situations aren't the same, Teddy giving Leona some enlightenment.
- ROOK ENJOYS MOMENTS TO MEET ALL YOUR NEW FRIENDS, SO HE CAN SEE ALL THE BEAUTY. He 100% would be super flattering to Sacagewa and Ahkmenrah and how they must've been the pinnacle of beauty at their time and Sacagewa just being polite and Ahk being super awkward but happy to be there. ALSO, SACAGEWA AND ROOK EXCHANGING HUNTING AND TRACKING TIPS AND YOU'RE JUST THERE LIKE: "PLEASE DON'T-"
- They are exposed to more darker parts of your history and while not everything is sunshine and rainbows, when they hear about the wars and the atrocities, you just tell your dad to maybe move the mirror but they're also just so fascinated by how people from your world may not have magic but they definetly have the wits to create some serious fire power. Like, they couldn't fathom how wars without magic would be like and now they know and it definetly gives them a new look on your world.
- ALL OF THE EXHIBITS MISS YOU THOUGH. Dexter stealing the mirror from Larry so he can have you all to himself and throwing a tantrum when another of the Twst guys try to look at him. He seems to like Floyd though which is really concerning.
- You even show them things that you might have in common with their world. Such as European history, Persian history, and African history and it really sticks out to some students who are there like: "Wow, those buildings look similar to the ones we have here!"
- All of the exhibits definetly all try to tell you goodnight before morning, scold Jed and Octavius if they gave you any trouble and you tell them goodnight and watch from the mirror as the sun rises and they all go still. You miss them a lot and while it's fun to introduce the guys to your world, it only makes you ache for it more.
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I'm not the anon who asked for having a crush on you prompt but can I request for the same with Hassel, Brassius and Larry please?
••{Hassel, Brassius and Larry having a crush on you}••
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Sometimes he avoids you because of how flustered he gets around you
Makes sketches of you when he gets the chance
He keeps talking about you to Brassius
He wants to give you an Applin but honestly he can't decide if he wants you to understand it or not
I think there would be 2 scenarios of his confession (if you were to not figure it out yourself)
The first one is he one day just can't handle it and blurbs it out
Second one is Brassius gets tired of watching him struggle and just walks up to you and tells you about it
Pretty much no one was shocked it was pretty visible
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I think he'd be pretty straight forward about it
Also takes it very calmly it you reject him
Definitely gives you and Applin of you're Galarian
He winds up making a few statues that make him think of you
Some of them might actually he of you but most of them are just things and abstractions that make him think of you
Very passionate when talking about his love for you
Incredibly happy to finally have a muse and someone who will listen to him talk about his art besides Hassel
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He's very good at hiding it
Probably asks some people working at the Treasure Eatery for advice
When he asks you out it's something classic like taking you to a restaurant or giving you flowers
He has repeated his confession before a mirror several times
Buys you gifts from all the jobs he has
You might even witness the rare phenomenon of him smiling when near you
Sometimes you may even see him trying to get out of his comfort of all things average for you
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ailendolin · 10 months
I've been thinking about the next Christmas Special and what some parts of the synopsis might mean:
"The Ghosts soon realise, however, that they may have more in common with Betty than they first thought."
Since Betty thinks Button House isn't safe (maybe because she's witnessed ghost activity?), I think it's possible the ghosts might start to believe they aren't safe. Either they realise just how much of her daily life Alison has to lie about or hide from her living family and friends because of them. Or something physically dangerous happens (like Robin accidentally making a light bulb burst and almost hurting the baby) which makes them agree with Betty that Button House isn't safe with them around.
"The whole experience inspires the Ghosts to reflect, and a big decision awaits them all."
If they ghosts believe they're a danger to Alison and her family in some way, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started thinking Alison would be better off without them. That doesn't necessarily have to mean they're going to will themselves to move on somehow (we know it doesn't work like that) but they could still find ways to disappear from Alison's life. The grounds of Button House are vast enough for that. I could see them making the decision to leave the house, thinking that's what's best for the Coopers, and the episode ending wirh Alison going after them and telling them they're her family too and that she wants them in her life.
Alternative speculation #1 (aka wishful thinking on my part)
As someone who absolutely adores the Plague Ghosts, I could also see the ghosts realising there's nothing more important than family because of Betty. They see the lengths Betty is willing to go to to make sure Mike, Alison and the baby are safe, the love that's behind everything she does. Perhaps that will make them realise there are people in their afterlives they haven't treated as kindly as they should have - namely Humphrey and the Plague Ghosts - and they'll vow to do better in the future. With Humphrey, that's easy. They'll make a point of including him. But what if they decide to ask the Plague Ghosts to move upstairs? To officially become a part of the family? That would be a huge decision and also something they've never done before (Larry, I think, mentioned there'd be an unexpected tonal shift).
Alternative Interpretation #2
The reflection and big decision could also be about Alison telling Betty about the ghosts. This ties in to what I mentioned at the beginning - that the ghosts realise how much Alison has to hide from other people, even her own family. Upon reflecting on what that will mean for the rest of her life, they could come to the decision that Alison should tell Betty the truth. This would also be something we haven't seen in the show before. Off the top of my hat I can only remember two moments when Alison told other people about her gift: 1) when she wanted to appear crazy in front of Mike's friends to get Mike out of the cult meeting, and 2) when Kylie was there and she realised they share the same gift. As far as we know, Alison has never told anyone in her family about the ghosts so her telling Betty would be a huge deal.
Obviously, this is all speculation. It's possible none of this will happen; it's also possible some things will but for different reasons, under different circumstances or in different ways. There is so very little the synoposis actually tells us - no mention of Baby Cooper, for example. Is Alison still pregnant? Will she give birth at home? If the baby is already born, will it play a key role in Betty's arc about Button House not being safe? Why is Mike's father not mentioned, or his sisters?
I love that we know so little and have so much room for speculation. For me, that's almost as fun as getting to see what actually happens.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hey clan was wondering if you could do a fic or hcs about reader finding out Larry is a missingno because they used to live in Kanto?
Yesssss I honestly love that Missingno!Larry theory to the moon and back
Being born and raised in Kanto, you were caught up on the many myths and legends shared around the region. You've done a lot of research on the Pokémon associated with them, believing all the tales to be true.
But while most libraries and websites displayed stories of the legendary bird trio and the feline genetic experiments...there was one particular Pokémon seldom mentioned by even the oldest Kantonians.
One that was so bizarre and otherworldly that it could hardly be described as a Pokémon at all.
That was Missingno.
It piqued your interest, although it took a good while to find people who witnessed this creature...and even longer to find anyone willing to share what it looked like, as no photos of it existed anywhere.
But the responses weren't what you expected, as they claimed to have seen different forms of it.
One person said it resembled one of the ghosts seen in the Pokémon Tower, while a few theorized it was a haunted Aerodactyl or Kabutops skeleton seeking revenge against poachers.
The only thing these accounts had in common was the alleged location of Missingno: along the eastern coastline of Cinnabar Island.
And so you set off on a quest to find it, with your Lapras assisting you in the search as it surfed along the coast.
After some time, you finally encountered Missingno's true form.
It could only be described as incomprehensible--a clump of computerlike glitches forming the shape of a backwards "L".
You didn't even know how a thing like this could exist. But it was real, and you made sure your pokedex scanned it, revealing its number was "000" and some other unusual information about it. Such as it being a Normal/Bird type.
Not flying..but bird.
At the time you were too anxious to catch it, fearing that the stories of it corrupting people and Pokémon were true, and that it could wipe out all the progress you made on the dex. Even Lapras was terrified, as it nearly threw you off its back upon seeing the creature, so you sailed back to shore with the data entry secured.
That was all the evidence you needed.
You've helped the puzzled scientists with studies of this creature a great deal with what you've gathered, although they got ambitious about capturing it themselves and enlisted your aid in tracking it down, calling it "Project: Missingno".
You initially objected to that; they never confirmed it as being a Pokémon, so trying to catch and control something they didn't quite understand yet seemed like a terrible idea...
But to satiate your own curiosity, you led their expedition team to Cinnabar weeks later, following the exact same path that took you straight to Missingno's habitat.
Yet it was nowhere to be found, much to your confusion. Nothing but sand remained.
Maybe somebody else caught it.
Regardless, Project: Missingno was terminated right there and then, and the town's interest in it died down rather quickly. Even the scientists who once obsessed over finding it suddenly dismissed your evidence as "glitches", saying your pokedex was corrupted and needed a reboot.
They were sure quick to scorn you when yesterday they praised you for making a "historic" discovery.
But you knew for a fact Missingno was real. You believed in it.
If it truly was a Pokémon..then perhaps more of its kind were out there in the wild. They might be simply hidden away.
Yet even after you visiting a few other regions, they had extremely scarce information on it..oftentimes none at all.
You began to think it was only a legend meant to stay in Kanto.
Then you took a trip to Paldea to study the Treasures of Ruin and got the most surprising lead..
"Where are you taking--?! Oh...y-you just wanted to eat here, huh?"
"Zarrr!" Licking her chops, your Cyclizar smiled as she stopped short in front of a nice restaurant within Medali City. It was labeled "Treasure Eatery".
"Fancy name." You mused, stepping off her back and walking up to the menu posted outside, reading over what this place had to offer. "I guess we afford some "fine-dining", huh girl?"
Smiling, you patted her head, and in turn she grinned and licked your cheek. "Hahaha, that tickles." You snickered. "C'mon. I think this is the place that can alter your tera type with a quick meal, too."
Surprisingly enough, you've become well-acquainted with Paldea's many customs and Pokémon--among them being the Cyclizar you found. She helped you get across the vast region and out of many sticky situations with the unusually aggressive Tauros herds.
You noticed that the flying taxi cabs carried by groups of Squawkabillies was the main source of transportation, but the idea of riding a motorcycle dragon-type seemed astronomically cooler.
In a way, it reminded you of the bikes you always rode in Kanto.
Once you both entered the Treasure Eatery, you patiently waited behind who appeared to be an academy student ordering something to eat.
But after the host hollered out their order to the chef-
A battle court unexpectedly appeared in the dining section.
You and Cyclizar jumped back in shock, becoming even more confused at what the host declared:
"Congratulations! You've passed the Gym Test! Are you ready to challenge the Exceptional Everyman himself, Gym Leader Larry?"
'Huh? A gym battle...is here??' You were bewildered.
Last time you checked, the gym building was back outside: a tall, bright, and white structure with the logo plastered on the front. But then you remembered that you're not in Kanto anymore, and Paldea probably had its own gym customs.
Ordering a "secret menu item", however, did seem quite odd for a gym test...
Shrugging, you headed further in, securing a spot where the court was in perfect view. You passed by Larry who, sure enough, looked much like any ordinary business man. He was rigid in his movements, and monotone in his voice, even as you overheard him praise the challenger for passing his test.
Everything about him was plain and simple.
Regardless, you were eager to see the battle. So you ordered Cyclizar a dish of grilled fish, while you ate your own meal and watched the fight go down
Larry first sent out a Komala, who was swiftly struck down by the challenger's fighting type, before he sent Dundunsparce out next.
Although it put up more of a fight than the last Pokémon, it went down just as quickly. Yet Larry didn't seem all that concerned with losing, even as the staff and patrons tried getting him riled up, demanding something more exciting.
However, you immediately noticed something quite...off about him that made you do a double-take.
When he tossed out his final Pokémon, a Staraptor, his throw seemed unusually aggressive this time around. And it may have just been your imagination...but you swore on your life you saw a familiar pattern of glitches flickering around him, and his head becoming entirely detached from his body for a split-second.
Only then did you see his emotionless expression briefly change to one of panic, almost physically recoiling at the pain. Though it was quickly masked as he made eye contact with you, before refocusing on the match and terastalizing Staraptor.
Nobody else seemed to notice, but you knew exactly what you saw, as your Cyclizar began hissing and snarling in distress...much like what your Lapras did that fateful day.
It's obvious that she realized the same thing as you..
That Larry's physical body had become unstable, as if he were a living glitch masquerading as something else...
Just like it did.
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creative-soul-22 · 1 year
I watched all 3 Night at the Museum movies!
1. I liked all 3 movies, they were all good!
2. They were all really funny, I laughed a lot!
- Favourite movie:
Hard to tell, but I maybe the second one. Yeah I guess I liked that one best.
- Favourite Character(s):
Jedediah! He's such a cool cowboy and such a buddy you could hang out and really have a good time with him. He's def the one who invites his friends to the saloon (imagine him and Octavius at the Saloon). And of course, I know he hates it (sorry, Jed) he's tiny and cute and I would totally cuddle and kiss him and adore him because he's a small figurine! (@professional-termite would snatch him and run away because tinyyyyy boiiii)
Very close second is Akmenrah! He is a very distinguished, elegant son of a pharao and he is really kindhearted. I like him.
Teddy Rosewelt! He is so caring and such a father to everyone it's heartmelting. Robin Williams, may he rest in peace, was the perfect cast for him because, well, that's how I always saw Robin Williams. As a loving, caring father who encourages others and wants to make everyone feel special and who is there for others when they have a problem (maybe because he was always casted for these roles?).
- Favourite relationship(s):
Larry's and Jedediah's friendship! They are such bros and they really care for each other, it's so cute!
Jedediah's and Octavius' friendship! I know you ship them, and I totally understand why. I see it. But for me it's more like Jed and Octavius ARE a little in love with each other, and maybe would want to make out BUT also don't want to change their relationship so they decide to be bros. It's bromance. Brotherhood with a romantic touch (That's just how I see it please don't kill me!!!).
The exhibits and Larry growing to a big found family!
- What I liked:
The opening scene of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
How natm 3 adressed the "returndiscussion" (as we call it in Germany). It might never went beneath the surface (which is indeed a bit of a pity but it's okay), but still it adressed and paid attention to it. And that's important because this has become a thing for museums nowadays (gonna put this in a seperate post for further discussion/explanation)
The whole lore/story arch about the tablet
Jed and Octavius in Pompeii (I just wish it wouldn't have been by the time it went down because they were finally in a place in the right size for them and they would have really enjoyed Roman citylife, especially Octavius, he almost felt home there)
The opening show for the new planetarium because it's magical (I just wish it wouldn't have been interrupted by the tablet loosing it's magic causing everyone to glitch)
Amelia Earheart's adventurous spirit (she's just an AU Giselle, not only, but mostly because it's Amy Adams)
Abraham Lincoln (I wish he and Teddy had met!)
Dick van Dyke! It's always a pleasure seeing him so this was a nice surprise. Pretty sure it was the best day of their life for the residents of the retirement home when Dick van Dyke came in to dance with them to "Shake your booty".
Everytime Dexter was cute with Larry or anyone else (hugs!!)
Akmenrah's mum, she is pretty
Ben Kingsley playing Akmenrah's dad (that wasn't the only time Ben played a pharao, right? He played a pharao in another movie? Can't put my finger on it rn)
Akmenrah being together with mumy and daddy after 4,000 (?) years
All 3 movies ending with a party - creates a full circle
The Night at the Museum main theme (epic!)
The little bird-thingy before the xiangliu (forgot it's name but it's cute)
Somebody listening to Abba's Dancing Queen on the bus
Jed and Octavius using the internet/phones (the machine for the comments! Commentmachine!)
- What I didn't like:
Everytime Dexter was peeing on somebody/something (Ewwww!)
Everytime Dexter was mischivious
The way the museum director was depicted (seriously, what was that? Messiest character arch ever - if there even WAS a character arch?)
The solution to the problem with the tablet (for real guys that thing looses it's magic and all it takes to fix is to put it in MOONLIGHT?! Okay then how about you put it on the roof of the museum like a solar panel so it can charge like a glow in the dark sticker everytime the moon shines on a starry night?)
The museum director holding the tablet at the end of natm 3 whilst grinning like Dexter (seriously, after what we've seen from him, he knows what the tablet can do - which is no longer in HIS museum - and you're telling me he's not up to SOMETHING?? I'm not buying it.)
The tablet staying in the British Museum (I know they want Akmenrah and his parents to be together and I really like it BUT how do you explain this to the Museum? "Oh, we're leaving the mummy and it's tablet here, you know, the mummy's their son so we think it's nice for the family to be united. They might be very precious artefacts but we'll present them to you. You can have them.")
The ceremony being interrupted by the corroding tablet which caused the exhibits to glitch (this was the ONLY! moment of glory for Larry and the exhibits in public and it turned into a disaster - heartless filmmakers!)
Tilly's and Larry's cringey talk when we first meet her (annoying! Also, her name is Tilly... Jennifer Tilly namedrop here!)
Jed being picked up like a kitten (ruuuude!! And humilliating!)
- What I found hilarious:
The notion of dinosaurs just being doggos who want to catch sticks might not be historically accurat but it's totally funny
The cuts everytime Jed and/or Octavius did something epic to demonstrate how small they actually are (although it's a bit rude)
Octavius in the pillory and Jed watching it like "ooh"😎 by the time the sun has come up so they stand there until the sun goes down
Abraham Lincoln snatching Kamunrah's army as if they were pigeons and them disapearing to where they came from just like "Nah. We're out."
Jed in the cage like a little birdy (although I feel sorry for him but he looks just like a little titmouse in there - yeah, @professional-termite : snatched again!!)
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finexbright · 1 year
Soni, I was having a larry breakdown and I just need to ask something. I feel like louis and harry love each other extremely much and would do/give up anything to save their relationship/ marriage. I feel like they love each other much more than 'normal' couples, do you agree? Because i feel like I might be putting them on a pedestal or something. But I mean that they were so young and decided to get full body tattoos for each other (a life long bond, louis said that), they have written countless of love songs for each other, they had to actually fight for each other, they found home in each other and they have a bond they understand. Not to mention the fact that Harry literally said in an interview that he loves love and he loves the fact that after falling in love you are a team (he loves it more than the actual falling in love process). Then the protecting each other’s solitude quote and is you're best friend 'just do it" (get married). Like??? Normal couples don't have THIS deep type of love right? So am i exaggerating here or not?
If i'm exaggerating it's probably because I have indian parents and they never show each other love🥲
the way i see it, they met when they were teenagers, when you feel too much of everything and amidst the chaos of the band and the fame, they felt safety and comfort within each other and clung onto it. it's like in a world of screaming colours and sounds, they became each other's quiet solitude and felt calm. nothing about their relationship is "normal" given the fame aspect of it but they navigate through it using the only way know : through songs. and as i said, there's always an exaggeration and hyperbolic hint to it.
i do think that sometimes we put their love story on a pedestal because it does seem a bit cosmical, but at the end of the day, it's just two boys who met when they were very young and fell in love and never looked back.
above everything else, we need to always remember that whatever they do - tattoos, songs and the quotes - they're doing it for themselves and not for us. it's their way of expressing love for each other and we're all just bystanders. it's as simple as going to a farmer's market and you glance around your surroundings and see that the world is filled with love. and harry and louis happen to be two simple people in love. i think it's very important to remember that it's their life and we're just witnessing it and that all of the things they do aren't necessarily for us, we're just lucky enough to be along for the ride.
as for normal couple and love, i think everyone has their own idea of expressing love and navigating through a relationship. my friend's boyfriend brings her flowers every single time he comes by, and now that they live together, he still makes sure that the flower vase is never empty. we don't normally get gajra (jasmine) in delhi so everytime my dad goes to south india, he makes sure to go to shops right before leaving for the airport to get fresh gajra for my mum. my friend's girlfriend loved orange lays and so everytime he went to see her, he'd get a packet for her. i think what i'm trying to say is, while some people give flowers, others write songs and it's still love and it's still just as deep and it's still strong.
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eutravels · 1 year
Doctor Who: Redacted
So, more than a year after the release of this audio series, I've decided to give it a go. I've listened to the trailer and so far it's great! I'll give each episode a review and publish it all when I'll have listened to the whole piece.
If you don't wanna get spoiled, you might want to skip the ep by ep review straight to the end of the post to read my overall opinion on the series.
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Episode One: SOS
The episodes are pretty short, so I felt like this one went very quickly. Nothing much happens however there's already so much mystery and interrogations, I'm already hooked! There's also quite an important amount of background development for at least one the main characters. I find it really easy to like them from this first episode only since they are written and acted so naturally. I already love Cleo, whom I guess is the main character. Shawna and Abby are just a lovely little funny duet that works really well, and oh my god, Shawna's clearly in love with Abby, I can't wait to hear more about that.
I liked that L.I.N.D.A. was mentioned since the setting is really similar to this iconic story and it kind of makes it canon that the L.I.N.D.A. organisation survived the Love and Monsters events.
Also, oh my my my, I LOVE Rani I can't wait to hear more of her in the next episodes, I didn't know she was in this!
Episode 2: Hysteria
Oh this one was great as well! Certainly not as good as the first one in terms of character work, but there's a lot happening!
The references to the previous events from the TV show are great but also so frightening because you can really see the consequences of these events on the lives of the direct witnesses. I guess the two characters we met so far are the ones we see in the actual episodes (that journalist girl in Partners in Crime and that doctor who gets interviewed at the end of Smith and Jones). The latter one's story is pretty sad, I wish I could have given him a hug :(
Can't wait to hear the next one!
Episode 3: Lost
Oooooh some answers! But more questions...
It's really getting a lot more mysterious and I'm completely involved in the plot!
I don't have much more to say at this point, let's see what Episode 4 brings!
Episode 4: Angels
Yay! A whole episode referencing Blink! The return of Larry! With clothes hopefully this time!
Apparently he's not married to Sally, as the end of Blink pointed towards a romance between the two characters, but that's fine.
He said the Doctor's turning against them. What does it meeeaaaaan???
It's great to have the girls altogether in one place, even though now they seem to be in a bad position... I'm turning on the next one right away, I need to know what happens next!
Episode 5: Interrogation
I'm glad it was just UNIT because now we got to have Kate again and that is GREAT!
Also, Cleo is such a badass, she slayed this whole episode.
The tension kept going up throughout every interrogation until the climax, and just when you thought the episode couldn't be more interesting than it already was, this enigmatic guy comes in and makes Cleo speak out her bad bitch speech.
Episode 6: Recruits
A lot happens in there! Finally the Doctor appears briefly, the team is arguing, what is going ON???
The soft reveal about Cleo's father means he met the Doctor, maybe he's someone we know from the show, or a victim of one of the events from the show.
Too many questions!
Can't wait for episode 7!
Episode 7: Requiem
Oh the Doctor's finally back.
So much happens but at the same time so little does. There's only three episodes left, we've barely heard the Doctor, we have no answers...
I don't know if it gets me hooked or frustrated but I need more! All I know is that time flies by when I'm listening to this, the dialogues are superb, amazing writing and direction. It kind of makes me want to read Dawson's books!
Episode 8: Ghosts
This one was proper scary! So Requiem was Madam Vastra? I'm kind of sad they couldn't get Neve McIntosh to come back for the part but it helped not spoiling the reveal to me so that's a win I guess.
I know that there's a second series but I kind of hope the story gets wrapped up by the end of this one so that it makes a whole. We'll see!
Episode 9: Rescue
Actually we don't know a lot but we do know more. It's great!
I was NOT expecting Cleo to be Redacted and it's really an interesting twist that may give the finale a lot of work to do.
I can't wait to here about it!
Episode 10: Salvation
Oh the finale was so good, I didn't expect such a satisfying ending.
Cleo not joining the Tardis makes a lot of sense because she has a lot to deal with at home, she has to reconnect with her mother and learn to forgive her and herself for what they did to each other, it's not an adequate moment to fly off in the universe.
I'm glad I could finally hear 13 a bit more, and she was as great as always.
Abby and Shawna!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!! I wasn't sure their relationship was going to end up this way so I'm happy for them!
Great end, I love it!
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Fanart by @dykepaldi
How lucky were we to have this last year! And to think I only caught up with this now! It's a wonderful piece of free media from the Whoniverse in a very well known format for the fans, but directed in such a fresh brilliant modern way! It's important to mention how important this piece is to the LGBTQIA+ community, because the main director and producer, the main writer and the members of the main cast are all part of our community. I, as a cis gay man, am not represented (I think) in this play, but it was still so emotional to me to see such bold and open trans and sapphic representation. I love that for our community and in hard times like these, it's great to be reminded that safe spaces exist. And if like for me, your safe space is just anything Doctor Who related, you know that despite the bigotry you may find around you, Doctor Who is there and cares about you.
Storywise, it's clearly written by fans, for fans, and they meddle, they play with the TV show's events, I love it, I absolutely adore it. Some parts of the story feel more hard-hitting than others do, but the overall arc is just brilliant.
It's a timing coincidence that I started listening to this less than a week before the release of the second series but honestly I'm not sure if I'll give it a go considering how Ella Watts was kicked out of the production without a word and being replaced by James Goss (whom I love) who certainly does not have a hard time finding his voice in the Whoniverse. I don't understand this decision and I'm really disappointed. Watts apparently responded with class and dignity but I'll have to say that the BBC are kind of backstabbing her after she created the whole project that was so successful in the end. Just... not cool...
I like Goss' works so maybe I'll listen to it some day, but I think I need to process the info first.
To end on a much more positive note: listen to this. You need no knowledge of any other spin off or eu stuff, and it's free on the BBC app worldwide. You're in for a great time if you haven't listened to it already.
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sweetlarrybaby · 3 months
hey everyone :)
i’m looking for someone to beta-read my new & ongoing money heist / casa de papel larry fic. it’s still a work in progress, but i would love an extra opinion on what i already have / am currently writing.
i assume it’s going to be a long-ish fic, because the universe of it kind of requires it, but i’ve never written anything that was more than 4K so i’m mainly planning to see where this is taking me !!!! i realise as i’m saying it that it might be the worst ad ever written for a beta reader !!!!! but pls give me a chance !!!!!!!
all in all i’d love an input from someone outside of my brain. lol. what i need most imo is someone to grammar-check what i’m writing (although i don’t think i’m that bad but just in case!!!!!), rephrase some stuff (because english is not my first language), just someone to give me constructive criticism on the plot & character backgrounds + development etc etc etc !!!!
(you don’t need to know much/have watched la casa de papel imo !!!! even better if u can give me opinions on my plot etc without being biased by the series :) )
thank you thank you thank you :)
here’s a little snippet of what i already wrote for the fic:
Suddenly, a scream pierced the tense silence. One of the hostages had tried to make a break for it and was quickly subdued by Winehouse. She’d roughly grabbed her by the hair, maintaining her at arm’s length while Lennon strode over.
As soon as he reached both women, Winehouse let go of her grip, Lennon taking over by claiming the woman's arm with a violence Harry had never witnessed in his quiet life. The sheer force of his grip made the woman cry out in pain, her eyes wide with terror.
"What did I say about staying calm?" Lennon's voice was low and menacing. The woman whimpered, clutching her belly protectively.
She was pregnant.
Harry must've realised it at the same time as Lennon did, because the latter dropped her arm a second later, as if burned.
Harry felt a pang of sympathy for her, and an unsettling fear settling in his stomach.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Lennon said, his voice regaining a semblance of calm as he addressed the room. “But if you don’t follow orders, I won’t hesitate.”
The woman nodded frantically, tears streaming down her face. Lennon gently guided her back to her spot next to Harry, and Harry instinctively reached out, his arms coming to cover her shoulders, as if to shield her from danger. Although he knew he couldn’t.
Lennon's demeanor had shifted as radical as life goes to death, from violent enforcer to reluctant guardian.
Harry almost had whiplash, as he was sure the rest of the hostages could relate.
He couldn’t help but believe Lennon’s words to be a lie, though. They were all going to end up hurt, in one way or another.
ps: lennon is louis’ alias !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dynared · 5 months
Well, it looks like certain sections of the Transformers fandom aren't too keen on the idea of a Transformers/GI Joe crossover, citing the usual talking points (military propaganda, the Joes not being successful) in not wanting it to happen in any medium, film, animation, or otherwise, while also going after the perceived new direction for the franchise via Skybound. It's worth poking some holes in it just because I happen to be a fan albeit one who acknowledges that the franchise has made a LOT of errors, just like Transformers has. To wit -
Yes, Snake-Eyes: Origin bombed at the box office. I blame bad direction (It was the same guy behind RIPD liberally using shaky cam when he had actors like Andrew Koji, a guy who crushed a role originally written by Bruce Lee for himself in Warrior, Iko Uwais from the Raid films, a series that was so awesome Netflix regularly recruits the director and crew to make new films every year or so, and the fight coordinator behind the Rurouni Kenshin movies) but Rise of the Beasts was also considered something of a failure at the box office. In fact, the Q4 2023 report from Hasbro listed GI Joe toy sales as a bright spot when everything else save Legacy and Studio Series Transformers toys was tanking. https://investor.hasbro.com/financial-information/quarterly-results
The franchise is well aware of its stereotype as military propaganda, which is admittedly something every military comic, show or the like has to struggle with, the duality that war is hell (and it is) but tanks and jets are cool. Larry Hama, himself a Vietnam War veteran (specifically an EOD technician) took the original writing job of Joe partially so he could have a main writing credit, and partially because he didn't want the franchise to be an overly jingoistic mess. Numerous issues go over problems with the government and its handling of veterans, and "A Letter from Snake-Eyes", the final issue of the original Marvel run is a very candid and somber reflection on what being a veteran entails, where Hama is very quick to dispel the romanticism behind it, even if he, through Snake-Eyes, ultimately concludes he had no regrets about serving.
There's definitely a greater feeling from a lot of the people who were happy with the direction of IDW1 and even Earthspark that the Skybound comics and now the movies is going away from dialog-heavy, reference-heavy materials in the fandom in favor of something more casual friendly, or something that will entirely appeal to as some have dismissively called it, a "dudebro" audience. That they're going to cancel Earthspark and replace it with the equivalent of GI Joe Extreme (which existed, and was terrible), or be entirely focused on the humans. And considering how much time the human characters have had in other Transformers movies, why not have them be humans the audience might care about, instead of generic archetypes?
There's definitely this fear of an undesirable element "taking over" the franchises it seems like. That because this appeals to people outside of the IDW bubble, you're going to get this shallow 90s experience full of guns and military propaganda, when it's Transformers through Michael Bay, not GI Joe, that's arguably guilty of that. Or that if Earthspark got canceled, it's going to be replaced by a male-targeted show that eschews any form of representation in favor of action and stereotypes, probably with an ending sequence like this that replaces the main girl with the Baroness.
I think there's a happy medium here, especially as both franchises are keeping Hasbro afloat at this point, even if they are facing setbacks in multimedia outside of comic books.
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alarrytale · 7 months
I really admire Gina’s presence here since her blog was my first one to follow after I became larrie and most of the larry knowledge including HL’s sexualities, industry and pr tactics and closeting I learned from her blog. And as much I appreciate and respect all her opinions and povs, I also noticed how she suddenly switched to “I don’t know if they are still together, sometimes I think they are and sometimes I think they don’t” opinion + sometimes holds her opinion back on H’s sexuality as well saying that he’s just queer (like if there’s a possibility in her believe that he might be bi/pan) and however he label himself, the most important is that he’s happy. And tbh reading this opinion switches as a still quite new larrie is just making me anxious as long as my opinions and believes are based on what old-days larries, who witnessed it all, say. But I also noticed she just started to hold her back with such a bold opinions like you, Marte, have that they never broke up/hooked up with someone else if they had some breaks and that they are both gays. So she might be bold in her believes but she doesn’t write it anymore because it became an opening a can of worms for her since she’s popular and her asks are the most flooded with antis/gf harries/trolls opinions. So imo she just decided to step on brakes, not because she’s not firm in her believes anymore but because she’s just that popular. But that’s just what I observed in the past year, there were days when she had word larrie in her bio which she also changed.
Anyway I’m still happy she’s there just like you and have a patience and kindness to answers asks because I couldn’t imagine being larrie who believe they are still together and witness their stunt shenanigans and their gaslighting on us on my own.
P.S.: I really hope we’ll get Nouis reunion since they both play the same festival in Berlin and Louis even liked Niall’s post recently and we know how much excited Louis got in Nov that he might see “my Niall” for that RS event. I’m manifesting!
Hi, anon 💜
I think it's very important to make up your own mind and do your own research on all these topics, and not rely on different blogs to tell you what you should believe and not believe. That includes me. I think it can be difficult when you haven't experienced things in person and in the context of which it happened, and the source material is gone or the bloggers that sat on the info have left the fandom. It can be hard to know where to look and who to ask for guidance. However, there are still blogs with plenty of info, blog archives and timelines that can help you make up your own mind and help you put things in context. They're just not active anymore. So the blogs that are still active gets a lot of attention and asks. That doesn’t mean their word is gospel. I see many younger blogs here giving out wrong info, because they weren't here to experience it. There are also hardly veteran blogs who are still here to contest the info being wrong. That means the veteran blogs who're active gets a lot of attention and their opinions are more valued than others. That's both a good and a bad thing.
I'm very confident in my opinions because i have been here almost every single day since 2012. Both on twitter and tumblr. I was here during all the highs and lows. I'm also very clear about what i don't know or feel like i can't confidently make a decision on because of lack of info. I also very much believe in diversity of opinon and hearing different points of view. It's fine to have different opinions or different beliefs. Us larries aren’t a homogenous group of people. So we need to respect each others differences of opinons. We don’t need to reach a consensus. We also need to respect people having a change of heart or not wanting to take a stance on a subject because they don't have enough info to be confident enough in their opinions.
We larries take a breath and we get a ton of shit from antis. So i do understand why people are not always so bold and confident about their opinions. Some anons won't take "i don't know/i'm not sure/i have no opinion" as an answer. They need to know for sure and they need that assurance from the blogger. That's hard to deal with sometimes and a lot of responsibilty when you know the asker will take your word as truth. I wouldn't worry as much about what this or this blogger believes about this and that. Build confidence in your own opinions. You might know more about a subject than i do or what another blogged does. If a blogger succumbed to all the gaslighting, changed their opinons and left the fandom you wouldn't be as lost if you've made up your mind independently of them. You wouldn't be alone in your opinion either, there are loads of people still here who shares them. You just need to find them.
No one knows the full and whole truth here. We're all bound to be wrong about some things. So don't rely too much on others, find what makes the most sense to you and what your gut tells you and stick to it regardless of others opinions.
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anticonspiracist · 2 years
I can't understand one thing. You have made this blog dedicated entirely to larries and their theories. You study their posts, their thoughts, you interpret their opinions according to your own perspective, then you tell everyone how according to your perspective their opinions and theories are wrong. You keep an constant eye on larries, you try to understand what they are doing and why they are doing it, you are really putting up time and effort to understand the actions of a particular group of people (I don't want to call this obsession but that's what it seems to be).
You do everything you can and spend time on larries. You think what you see according to your perspective is totally correct and nothing else than that can be correct. Your opinion is the ultimate truth according to you. You do not question anything that appears at the surface and neither you want anyone to question anything. But are you really sure what you think is the ultimate truth. I mean I can't understand that if you think that you are absolutely correct and nothing can deter your beliefs then why are you afraid of people who actually wants to talk to you. You do not post ask that comes across as threat to your theories and people might see other side of things. You just conveniently pick lines up that will support your beliefs and you answer them and if someone reblog your posts and question your beliefs publicly you just block them. @back-to-louis did the same thing. I witnessed that.
After seeing all this you really think picking certain things up done by larries, then manipulating the whole thing, and presenting it to people set in accordance to your perspective is really being an anti conspiracist? This really seems to me like you are just entertaining yourself and seeking attention and you think you are special and different and just because you are against a popular belief. Like what kids do in school. They try to do something different then other kids so that they can seek attention and they can be termed as "special" , "different". You obsession is really very insensitive. I think you might belong to that anti group who can do anything to make larries vanish. The type of antis who abused FIMQ, the type of anti who called Louis and said I hope you die, I hope your son dies (it was a solo harrie and an anti). I really think you need to get​ over this obsession. Get help of you want. It's ok to seek help. This dense hatred towards a particular group of fandom is not healthy. Just think about this.
against my better judgment, i'm responding to this.
you clearly don't understand the field of psychology. that entire area of study is about trying to understand why human beings act the way they do. ???? should every psychologist "seek help"? SORRY for being interested in conspiracism, i guess i'll stop because it hurts your feelings when i say your beliefs are wrong??
(larries don't have theories, btw. theories are falsifiable and scientific. larrie beliefs are unfalsifiable and mimic religious beliefs so. no.)
as for the allegation that i'm the type of anti who abused ellie aka freddiesmyqueen? FUCK YOU. i was actually around when she made that fucking horrible video and i spoke out against her alleged doxxing WHEN IT HAPPENED. shows just how much YOU know, doesn't it?
if you don't even know the VERY BASICS about what i've done on this blog and on shit-larries-say before that, why do you feel like you should send me an ask like this? why do you feel qualified to explain my behavior? you just wanted to create an easy-to-hate enemy so you made up a bunch of shit to make yourself feel better.
tell me, what motivates you to write something like this? could it be the discomfort that comes from seeing information that contradicts your belief? you have to resolve that discomfort so you do the easy thing, which is explain away the disconfirming information? (it'd actually take some effort and introspection to truly wrestle with the implications of louis tomlinson actually being a father, wouldn't it?)
but oh, that's right, i'm just "obsessed." uh huh. so are all these researchers, right?
grow the fuck up and get to school.
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caralara · 2 years
The current take in fandom is that HL want to be closeted. That their behavior indicates that they have no intention of coming out any time soon. And tbh I can definitely see how people are coming to that conclusion. What I'm struggling to understand is that if Harry and Louis truly want to be closeted and for the Larry rumors to die then why are things still the way they are. What I mean by that is why is there still the signalling and the obviousness from them both. Louis didn't have to act the way he did for the beginning few weeks of his tour last year, being very blatant about Larry stuff. Their stunts could look more convincing if they truly wanted them to. So sometimes I struggle to marry the idea that they want to be closeted with their actions that sometimes say otherwise. They literally could go completely silent in regards to any and all Larry for like a solid year and I am sure the rumors would die down a little bit if the fans were not being fed anything. So why continue to do it? I guess maybe they like having that support and people seeing them for who they really are but then that takes me back to having people see them for who they really are sort of defeats the purpose a closet. So idgi.
Well, to me, them „coming out“ individually or together really is for the GP, not for me. Like, I know already. We know already.
We joke about Harry having come out a million times, but he kind of has - to us. Both of them are queer coding, which is to signal to the queer community and find support in them without having to go through public scrutiny which isn’t a safe space.
To me, they’ve found a good way to communicate with us, find support in us, show us they are just like us, and it finds the people that are in the community themselves, and I think that might be enough for them for now, to know they’ve got the support of the people that are important to them. I don’t see Louis having the need to come out to potentially homophobic people.
So to me it makes perfect sense. They’ve found a good balance of keeping up the communication and finding the support in their fan base, while enjoying the privacy that the closet allows them (at least rn). To me, they’re not signalling „Larry is real“ with the goal of „just wait a little longer, we’ll come out soon and proof you right“ but as a „we see you seeing us for who we really are, thank you for the support and loving us the way we really are,“ as a way of everyday life, not leading up to something. I’ve made my peace with the very real possibility of them never coming out. Makes my experience and recognition of their queer coding any less valid. To me it’s a „I see you and you see me and we witness our truths together in this life and that’s all that matters.“
For Harry, I can see that he might want to come out, for himself and for others, but that’s unlinked from Larry coming out.
So yeah… I don’t see the „not coming out“ as something negative, as long as it seems they’re content with it. I also see that it used to be different, and that there certainly was a time where they wanted to come out.
In the end, for me, it is most important that they are navigating their closet and their potential coming out happens exactly how they want it to happen. Their control over the entire situation has been taken away so much, so that’s my #1 priority.
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