#I might sleep in I'm just overwhelmed idk
mrdrhenwardhykle · 8 months
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"Oopsie! Looks like ya missed me. I needed to get out of sight.
Meanwhile, enjoy the Drove of Stone-faces figure out their special scavenger hunt! You can't see me, but I can see how much fun they're having...
That's odd, isn't it. Why is he so pale. I haven't seen that screen before. And I didn't know Stoney smoked- he sure didn't smell like it anytime he got close enough. Hm...
We may have a relapse on our hands. hmhmhmhm!-
Ohhhh-and Poor Rayman. You know, his situation wouldn't be that bad if that STUPID Porkchop crew over there didn't mess up my playdates in the first place. Stone is at fault for this.
I suuuurrreee hope they can put him back together again.
Alrighty-I think I have alllllll the info I need about our pal. I'm done here. I'm tired. I need to go home now. I'll make sure to make a lot of noise when I leave the trees so I'm followed.
AAAAHHHH-I can't wait to be back home in my own clothing and bed. Orange is only good on me in Rainbow."
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Pom Pom is a virus/glitch formed by the scrapped side-scrolling arcade game from the early 90's “Pom-Pom Panic”. Pom Pom (the main character of Pom Pom Panic) for whatever reason gained sentience halfway during the game’s development. The game was cancelled halfway because the publishing company thought it was too bizarre of a concept and mascot character to gain interest. Pom Pom heard of the news and took it way too personally, as she literally cannot fathom why someone would think she’s ‘bizarre’-even to the point of getting ‘axed’. Prompted by the ‘poor judgement’ Pom Pom went rouge-breaking from her game to ‘axe’ any ‘approved’ game mascots/characters she thought could count as ‘bizarre’ like her.
Power Officer Stone:
Stone is the amalgamation of a couple things, exactly what people aren't sure of, but it's safely assumed that he's a mix between scrapped virtual PSA mascots, an antivirus/piracy program, and the anti drug campaigns they used to put in arcade games. Stone is the embodiment of anti piracy screens and uses all of his time to prevent virtual crimes and viruses. He also can duplicate himself and multitask. However, because of his frustrations against the fact that he can't really punish pirates in real life, he often bounces the punishment to the closest playable character. For that, he's infamous amongst most virtual realms.
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running-in-the-dark · 8 months
I'm finally almost done organising/putting away all the stupid shit I've bought recently - it's mostly all kinds of sewing supplies. I've got about a million buttons and zippers now. and lots of random fabric. a whole box full of sewing patterns. pretty much... everything you could ever need for sewing.
I've also not touched my (brand new) sewing machine since I tried it out in the couple of days after I got it. not once. because all the stuff that I bought made me feel so fucking anxious and guilty. and, well, I couldn't have used it anyway because there were boxes everywhere.
I've tried fixing the problem - I finally deleted the ebay app from my phone, for example. whenever I felt bad I'd just spend hours browsing ebay and bidding on stuff. I mean, the auction is gonna end in a week, that's not even real! I'm not buying things, I'm just saying hm well I'd pay this much for this, and then I might even win! winning is nice, it feels good! and I get a product, or even a box of products?! that also feels good!
except I bid on so. much. stuff. that the anxiety felt like it was killing me.
anyway. that part is fixed now. I did bid on a few barbies after that whole disaster, but that finally made me go, wait why am I doing this again after how shit it just made me feel?! so then I deleted the app.
but. I don't know. the real problems are still there and I don't know what to do about it.
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uglypastels · 1 year
Caught Me Slippin' | escort!eddie au
(a/n) yes, this fic is based on the Kiss Quotient, and, therefore also Pretty Woman. Thanks to everyone who voted on the poll for me to work on this fic. I had a lot of fun with it! So, even though its a bit all over the place, haha, I hope you still like it.
If you want to see more of this fic, please send an ask and we can chat about it but Do Not Ask For Part 2. This is a One Shot.
Summary: [modern!au] feeling insecure about your skills in bed, you decide to find someone who could help you learn. Except, when the guy actually shows up, a mistake seems to have occurred. Fortunately, you're both quite adaptable (or, at least, you try to be), and the night quickly takes off into unexpected territories.
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Word count: 13.2k
Warnings: SMUT. MINORS DNI. 18+ ONLY. dual POV. rich!female!reader. shorter than Eddie. self-consciousness. slight miscommunication - quickly resolved. swearing. drinking. awkwardness. [mention of infidelity, side characters]. non-monogamous relationship. smut. male sex work (obviously). slight dom! Eddie. inexperienced!reader. mentions of bdsm- bondage, sadomasochism. nipple piercings. nipple play. fingering. oral (f receiving). light pussy slapping. Eddie has an innocence kink. I'm probably not representing sex work 100% accurately, but this is [fan]fiction. You should always take it with a grain of salt. + apparently, kind of angsty, idk i guess I'm dead inside.
if you think I'm missing any warnings, please let me know, and I'll add them. if you do not like the sound of any of these- then this is not for you. do not read.
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All the errors left unlearned, oh
But I am the luckiest guy
Not the loneliest guy in the world
- David Bowie, The Loneliest Guy
What the hell were you doing? 
Sitting at a bar, which was mistake number two. One of many, for that matter. The third was ordering a drink you knew you wouldn’t drink but had picked when panic swooped over you as the bartender walked up. The red liquid looked quite pretty, but you could smell the alcohol the second the girl put the glass in front of you. An attempt at a sip was made, and you brought it to your lips, but the bitterness overwhelmed you. 
There was one thing you had gotten right, and that was at least picking a bar that wasn’t crowded. The music played at just the right volume, and people kept to themselves, to their booths and their tables. You tried to let your mind wander off, not to overthink– that would only cause more anxiety– but it always went back to what the people around you were talking about. You never meant to be nosy, and you never butted in… but it was entertaining what random strangers had to say to each other.
— You’re shitting me. 
— No, I’m serious. Sarah told me herself. She walked in, and there he was, fucking their pool boy. 
The table behind you erupted in a chorus of gasps. 
— Poor Sarah, though. 
— Yeah, well, she had been sleeping with her yoga instructor. 
How were people so comfortable talking about such things in public? Where everyone could listen in? You almost felt bad for this Sarah that her complicated marriage was being shared with the entirety of this small bar, surely then retold all across the city.
You glanced around you, side to side. The bar counter was quite long, with enough space for eight barstools to stand next to each other. Besides yours, four more were occupied. Having opted for the last chair, you were worried about someone sitting on one of your neighbouring chairs, but luck had been in your favour.
That is, until he showed up. 
Your first, and probably, the biggest mistake that you made that night.
From the second that Eddie sat down beside her, he could tell something was wrong. He always could with such things. As well as assume what might have been the cause of the problem. 
Her eyes widened, nearly doubled in size, as he sat down next to her. He couldn’t have made a mistake; she had sent what she would look like and be wearing, and the description was accurate. She should have known what Eddie would look like as well; that’s basically what the whole selection was based on, look, and yet… the way she stared at him… he had the urge to wave his hand in front of her to make sure she wasn’t going into shock. 
‘Hey,’ instead, he opted for a kind smile as he leaned against the bar, asking for a quick confirmation of her name, and took a moment to take her in properly while she defrosted and returned to reality.  She was cute, to his surprise, definitely not the type he would usually be coming across these nights. Pretty and young, but mostly, shy. The bar was definitely not in her comfort zone, and he had picked up on that the second he noticed het sitting there, back stiff in nerves, drink untouched except for the little straw she stirred around in circles mindlessly. At first, he thought, maybe it’s all an act. The shy and naive girl next door, he was into it, but no. Now he knew better; she was terrified. 
A few seconds later, when his eyes moved back up to her face, she spoke her first words. 
‘Who are you?’
There had been a mistake. There must have been. Whoever the guy sitting next to you was, he was not the guy you had paid for. 
Jesus that sounded so stupid. How could you have been so dumb thinking it was a good idea to hire a guy for the night. As if that would make you feel better, make all your problems disappear. 
The man blinked in confusion. Your reaction had clearly been a surprise. As he stumbled over his words, you took him in quickly. 
Long brown hair fell over his shoulders in messy waves. He had layered up, but not for practicality. You couldn’t see how the leather jacket or the denim vest over a thin t-shirt would help him against the evening cold, not to mention his ribbed jeans. Overall he looked like he had been directly cut out of an 80s rock magazine. Sure, some women must be into that kind of look; you couldn’t even deny he was pretty attractive, but it was not what you had wanted. Not for now. You needed something simple. Comfortable. Easy.
Those large rings and metal chains were most definitely not comfortable. Or simple. Or easy. 
Oh god. 
‘I’m Eddie,’ he stated, hoping it would clear something up, but her confused stare didn’t falter. ‘Didn’t you book…’ Eddie knew all the people around him were poking their noses into everyone’s business, so he tried to pick his words wisely, ‘... the appointment?’ Fuck, did he walk up to the wrong girl? He knew it would have been too good to be true to get an actual girl his age. People always lied on these forms. He was ready to apologise and walk away, but she answered. 
‘I did.’ Her eyes wavered again over him. ‘But not you. There must have been some kind of mistake, I–’ 
‘Is everything good here?’ The bartender walked up, towel across her shoulder, her piercing blue eyes digging right through Eddie. Her question had been directed at the girl, and she nodded quickly. 
‘All good, just a little misunderstanding.’ 
‘Alright then,’ The bartender sent Eddie another suspicious look before heading to the other side of the counter to take another order. This was fucking fantastic. Yeah, just great. 
‘Ok, so who did you think you were meeting?’ Eddie asked when the woman behind the bar walked away, slightly backing away from you, letting his shoulders fall.
You tried to remember the name of the guy who caught your attention last evening. Would the name mean anything to Eddie? You didn’t expect all these guys to hang around together...
‘Shit, yeah, ok, that makes sense.’ You could see all the puzzle pieces coming together behind his eyes. ‘He’s out on a date tonight as well. They must have sent us each other’s… wait,’ he quickly grabbed his phone. 
Eddie searched through his emails. It didn’t take long to ignore the few spam messages he had gotten since this morning. And there it was. The booking confirmation he had received. Having gotten them so often, he had read it on autopilot, not even realising that his own name was missing. All he had needed, he thought, was his client’s information. But there it was, literally the first two words of the email: Dear Steve… 
Oh, the office would have a field day with this. 
But some of him also could not wait to ask Steve how his date went. 
‘Yeah, they fucked it up,’ after a few seconds, Eddie had turned his phone around to show you an email. Even though you only needed the first two words to understand the mistake that occurred, you took the time to read as much of it as possible to make sure it was real. From what you could tell, it seemed legit. Just what business operated solemnly through emails… and apparently, not even automated ones. 
‘I’m really sorry for the inconvenience,’ Eddie apologised as he pulled his phone back and placed it into his pocket. ‘I can call the office and get you a refund. I promise you that this is usually nothing of the standard we usually operate at.’ You appreciated his professionalism. Despite never thinking you were that judgemental, perhaps you had actually judged him a bit too harshly at first glance. And he was quite attractive… 
‘No, wait,’ you stopped him before he could dial the number of his boss, or whoever was in charge. ‘Uhm… did your… friend… send you something? About his date?’ Steve was now, of course, also on the wrong job. Eddie looked up at you for a second, before glancing down again at his phone to check his notifications. 
‘No, haven’t heard anything from him. I guess the other person didn’t seem to care which one of us they got.’ he chuckled, which surprised you. Did other people not care about who they slept with? You get to pick a person for a reason, don’t you? 
‘I don’t need a refund.’ You stated after a short moment. Eddie glanced up once more.
‘Are you sure? It’s a lot of money–’ 
‘No, I mean, I would like to continue the night… with you.’ This was, for sure, getting out of your comfort zone, right? Being adventurous, getting a life, all that shit your friends nagged you about for years. Eddie smiled with the corner of his mouth. 
‘Alright then, would you like to get out of here?’ 
‘Yes, please,’ you let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, the volume in the space picked up quite a lot as more people entered, drowning out your conversation, but it was getting a bit too much for you. ‘Just… one minute.’ you stood up, heading to the bathroom, but Eddie called your attention for one more second. 
‘You forgot your purse.’ he looked down at the ground where your bag was lying. You gave him an awkward smile and picked it up before making your way to the back of the bar.
Closing the stall door behind you, you wished for some decent internet; thankfully, it wasn’t the worst. You didn’t bother trying to be quick about it. There was no doubt in your mind that he knew you were looking him up online. With shaking hands, you typed in the name of the agency where you had found Steve. They had a list of all their “models”, as they nicely labelled them, and you scrolled through them. There was the guy you had planned on spending the night with. You had picked him because he looked sweet, and hot, obviously, but with enough cockiness thrown in the mix to tell you he knew what he was doing. And the little sales pitch the website had written up for him to sell the fantasy worked well. You didn’t bother rereading it now, but it was something to do with “the sweet jock that knows how to take care of his girl”. It was extremely cheesy, you were more than aware of that, but cheesy was good. It was safe. 
Your friends would have probably laughed at you. 
They probably would have picked out a guy like Eddie. 
Speaking of the guy waiting for you at the bar, you found his profile. First thing first, the picture. That was definitely him; you recognised the unruly dark hair and brown eyes. He had several photos posted in his profile, like most of the men on the website, and they were of semi-professional quality: self-taken, but with a very nice camera and lighting. He had put effort into his presentation. First, there was the portrait, showing his handsome face, shirtless but cropped to the shoulder, revealing enough of the silver chain around his neck but not showing what was actually hanging off it. 
The following picture was a full-body pose, with clothes on that were not significantly different from the ones he was wearing now. No denim vest, but a different leather jacket on top of a black shirt. Dark denim jeans with a belt, buckled by what looked like to be steel handcuffs… had he been wearing that tonight as well? 
Your throat tightened up as you swiped to the next post, which was, of course, the obligatory nude. All the “models” had to have them, since that was basically what people paid for. If it wasn’t for the fact that the site saw itself as one of the “classier” agencies out there, the naked pictures would have been the only ones available. You, for one, appreciated the variety. 
Eddie was posed on a bed, on his knees. With one hand in his hair, and the other over his thigh, he didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Despite not even looking at the camera, the smug smile on his face told you he knew exactly what he was doing. He got you looking, and he knew you liked it. Yet, what you couldn’t stop looking at were the tattoos that covered his pale skin. Dozens of them, at least, varying in size and style, covering most of his arms, upper legs, ribs…
You scrolled on, remembering he was still waiting for you outside, but the next picture didn’t make anything better. 
It had been a session shot. You had stumbled across similar ones on your initial look at the website. The men posing out the act of some kind of intercourse. Different positions, different actions, whatever described their style in the profession. For Eddie, that included the shot of a naked woman in bed, the same bed in which he had taken the previous picture. Her limbs were spread apart, tied to the bed corners. Her eyes were covered with a black and white bandana, and the rest of the features tightened in bliss as Eddie was positioned between her legs. His mouth was right at her core. If that wasn’t enough, he had put some props up on display next to the woman; some extra handcuffs, a vibrator and what you assumed to be a flogger. 
What the hell were you getting yourself into?
She returned after a few minutes, and Eddie could immediately tell his assumption was right. The poor thing couldn’t look him in the face. She sat back down on the barstool, holding onto her purse, lip between her teeth and eyes on anything but him. Yeah, she had looked him up. 
In all honesty, he thought it was a good thing. He didn’t care for people who didn’t do their research into things. Saying that, as quite a spontaneous person, you couldn’t jump into things head first all the time. Sometimes, it was important to test the waters. Make sure there were no sharks swimming around.
‘I paid for your drink,’ Eddie remembered. She looked at him, stunned. 
‘Oh, you really didn’t have to.’ Did she seem apologetic? 
‘Please, its the least I can do, for, you know, being the wrong guy and all.’ He smiled, hoping she would return the favour. The corner of her mouth curved up the smallest amount, still quite unsure of the situation. 
‘Really, I–’ she was ready to get her wallet, most likely pay him back, but Eddie stopped her by placing his hand over hers. That made her freeze, look back up at him. Eddie felt two pairs of eyes on him. Hers, and the bartender behind him, most definitely reassessing the whole situation. Everything about this evening was going to shit. He could probably wave his perfect 5-star rating goodbye, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but he for sure as hell was not going to get put on any registers tonight. However, trying to seduce a stranger into bed with him when he is so clearly not the type for this girl… why was he even trying so hard?
He didn’t like using the term “vanilla”, it got too much of a bad rep, but that is what she seemed to be. Her clothes weren’t flashy, not even considering for “outgoing”. She wasn’t the type to go out and hook up, let alone get an escort. He wasn’t surprised she had decided to go for a guy like Steve. But Steve wasn’t here; Eddie was. He now had the job of taking care of this girl in any way she wanted him to.
‘Ok, shall we?’ She took a deep breath as she got up. 
‘Are you–’ maybe they should talk about this? He didn’t want her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. 
‘C’mon,’ next thing he knew, she grabbed Eddie by the wrist and whisked him off the barstool, dragging him along outside. It was early in the year, but late in the evening. The air was crispy, and the wind blew harshly. Eddie had definitely not dressed warm enough for the night, but that would have been an understatement for her. She would freeze in a few minutes. 
‘I got a room in the hotel just across the corner,’ she spoke, rather determined. Some people might have mistaken it for confidence, but Eddie saw the other signs. Her clenched jaw, her consistent avoidance of eye contact… she was putting on a brave face. And that’s how people get into situations they don’t want to be in. 
If it had been warmer, he would have stopped them on the street, but he had to get her out of the cold, so he let the girl drag him across the sidewalk to the hotel's entrance. It was big. The warm lighting reflecting off of all the decor, giving it a golden glow. 
She did not stop walking until they reached the elevator. She clicked the button, and the arrow above the doors pointed down. The numbers slowly descended from 14. 
‘I know you looked me up.’ Eddie started, having no idea how to introduce the topic fluently. 
‘Ok.’ She was biting her lip nervously. 
‘So I know you know what my usual gig is.’ They both watched the numbers go down. 7… 6… 
‘So we’re on the same page.’ She glanced up at him; he could see it in the reflection of the metal doors. 
‘I don’t think we are.’ The elevator pinged open as Eddie said so. They walked inside. 
‘What do you mean?’ She finally looked him in the eye, only momentarily, but he saw that some of her fear slowly faded as she pressed the button to her floor. 15. 
‘That, yes, I usually am pretty rough with my clients,’ he couldn’t hide the smile on his face, but could anyone blame him? He enjoyed his work. ‘But that’s because they want me to be rough.’ He looked at her intensely. Not to intimidate her, but to show her the seriousness of his words. ‘I don’t do anything that you don’t want me to do. You paid for an evening with… well, not me, but it’s all the same. If you get your money’s worth from a good pounding, I’m more than happy to oblige. From cuddling and watching a movie? All fine by me.’ 
It’s all the same. 
But it wasn’t, was it? They weren’t all the same. 
‘What about you?’ you asked just as the elevator opened on your floor. Eddie let you walk through first. Now, you couldn’t look away from him, letting your head almost spin around a whole 360 to get your glance at him. 
‘What about me?’ He had his hands in his pockets. Suddenly there didn’t seem to be anything scary about him. His hair was soft. His jacket, while not exactly winter-weather proof, looked cozy. The patches on his vest were hand sawn. With an image of him sitting at home, sewing them on, one by one, you got a sudden urge to ask about them, but who did that? Surely, in your situation, questions like that were out of bounds. 
‘What do you like?’ 
‘That doesn’t matter,’ he chuckled, which confused you. 
‘Doesn’t it? I might not be the most knowledgeable about the whole sex thing, but… shouldn’t both people involved be getting off? Doesn’t that make it better?’ You had reached your door. Weirdly, from having focused on the conversation as you walked, you didn’t feel any nerves unlocking the door. The room was dark, and you switched the light on. The nerves still didn’t bubble up. You could do it.
‘I suppose so– wait, you’re not a virgin, are you?’ 
You shook your head no. 
‘Ok. not that there is anything wrong with that. Everyone’s living life at their own pace, I just don’t feel comfortable with that kind of responsibility. No one’s first time should be with….’ 
‘A professional?’ you raised your eyebrow, suggesting a possibly more classy term for what he wanted to say. 
‘Nice.’ He smiled, and made his way over to the bed. You watched him get comfortable on the edge as you took off your light jacket. Your arms were freezing from the cold air outside, but the hotel room was cosy. Not to mention, the nerves were heating you up once more by the second. This was it. Eddie spread his legs wide, almost calling for your eyes to look at his thighs and how they stretched the material of the jeans. 
When your eyes moved back up to his face, you were terrified to see that he was staring right back at you, devouring you with his gaze. He definitely saw you checking him out. But it was becoming harder to concentrate when you looked at how his large hand grazed over the faint stubble on his face. 
‘C’mere,’ he said with a nod, and thoughtlessly, you followed his order. Eddie took you by both hands once you were close enough and placed them on his shoulders, then let his hands settle on your waist. His eyes found yours for a quick check. When you gave him the green light with a smile, he immediately mirrored it and asked: ‘what were your plans for this magical evening?’ He briefly tightened his grip on you and kept moving his hands up and down lightly as you tried to respond. As if that wasn’t hard enough with his eyes staring deep into you. 
‘No, uhm, nothing special.’ You didn’t need special. Special meany complicated, and you just needed someone to help you out with the basics. 
‘Making it special is kind of my one job, you know,’ he pulled you in for a hug so that his face was only a few inches away from your stomach. His arms now enveloped your frame, hands comfortably positioned over your ass. A complete stranger was hiking up the hem of your shirt, touching your bare skin underneath it. ‘So, what is it that you want?’ When he pulled up enough of your shirt to actually reveal the skin underneath, he placed a soft kiss on your side. That feeling alone felt electric. He kept on leaving fluttering kisses over your middle. It was a strange sensation as well as a pleasing one. So simple, and yet it had a great effect that you couldn’t quite explain. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you tried to concentrate on Eddie’s question as his kisses continued. What did you want from this night? But should you tell him the complete truth? Wasn’t there some way to avoid the embarrassing details? Then again… how could he ever help you with your needs if he didn’t know what they were?
‘I want…’ you gasped lightly when his teeth grazed your skin. For some reason, that pushed you over the edge to just put everything you worried about out there. You were already here, in this hotel room, with him. Fuck it. 
‘I want you to help me be good at sex.’ 
Eddie didn’t mean to stop. He saw in her reaction that that had been the wrong thing to do. She must have seen his widened eyes and taken it for judgement, while really, it had just been a small surprise. He wasn’t exactly used to people asking him to teach them how to have sex. 
‘Sorry, uhm, nevermind. Just ignore me.’ She scratched at her neck while looking away. That won’t do. Eddie had to fix this before they would do anything else. 
‘No, wait. Let’s… let’s talk this through for a moment.’ He led her by the hand and let her sit on the bed next to him. ‘Get comfortable. Is there anything in the minibar?’ he noticed the small fridge in the closet across the room and hoped she would understand his question to ask permission to use the service provided in the room. 
‘Go ahead, take anything you want.’ 
‘Living large, are we?’ He cocked his brow before making his way over to the minibar. The selection of drinks was quite understated for a place like they were in. two cheap beers, a small bottle of champagne and two sodas. From what he had gathered at the bar, she didn’t seem to be a big drinker, so he grabbed a beer and a soda can. ‘Here.’
‘Oh, thanks.’ She didn’t look up at him as she took the can from him. Fuck, what was she embarrassed for? He doubted she would speak up in the conversation by herself, so just started out with a question. ‘Why do you think you need help with sex?’ She said she wasn’t a virgin, so she’s had experience. With a glance at her hands, he saw no ring or sign of regular wear of one. That, of course, didn’t exclude the option of a boyfriend or a partner. Maybe even a guy she just wanted to impress. The possibilities were endless, and for some strange reason, at the thought of her having sex with someone else, a strange feeling started gnawing at Eddie’s guts. 
‘Because I’ve had sex a few times and so far it’s been awful.’ She sighed. ‘But I know that, to get better at it, I would have to go and endure endless dates to find a guy who would want to sleep with me, but then what if I do meet a great guy but just put him off because I’m shit in the sack?’
‘Don’t you believe that, if you did really find the right guy, he would help you? Or not even mind your alleged lack of skills “in the sack”?’ Eddie asked, taking a sip of beer. She just looked at him with a look that told him everything. Right. Men are egoistic scum. She had a point.
‘Sorry, you must think I’m insane.’  She tapped on the top of the can. The metal ticking sounded hollow in the quiet room. 
‘I really don’t.’ If it wasn’t for the fact that he had a moral spine, he would have happily told her about some of his other clients. 
‘Yeah, but I’m just wasting your time talking your ears off with absolute nonsense,’ she tried to laugh at it, lessen the tension. 
Eddie leaned over the bed on his elbow. ‘Don’t you know that escorts are the new therapists?’ 
‘Wasn’t that bartenders?’
‘I brought you your drink, didn’t I? Call it a 2-for-1 combo deal.’ He put his beer in the air for a toast and took another sip. ‘And I was serious earlier. You already paid for the whole night, so I’m all yours, sweetheart’ He hoped that didn’t sound dismissive. The last thing he wanted to do (again) was to upset or offend this girl, who genuinely looked and seemed amazing. The idea of her not being able to find someone for herself, having to go down the process of finding someone like him to make her feel good… 
‘Are all the guys at your agency this nice?’ she looked up from the lip of her can, bringing his mind back into the room.
‘No, Steve is a giant dick,’ Eddie laughed.
‘Right, while you have one,’ she teased.
‘Ha. Funny.’ He pointed at her in appreciation before taking a sip of the beer. ‘But I suppose you’re not wrong.’ She had seen his pictures; she knew what he had in stock. He wondered what she thought of it– sure, she might not have been ready for his regular repertoire, but that didn’t mean “never”.  But what he wanted to know the most, which felt like the biggest surprise, was what did she think of him? For the first time since he started this gig, he wondered what she thought of his appearance. Did she like his tattoos? Was his hair too long, maybe? Were his clothes too shabby? Perhaps it was because she had not actually picked him. She had chosen Steve.
Oh, Stevie. They couldn’t be more different. 
‘Are you sure you’re ok with me… being here?’
‘I am.’ You didn’t know what else to reply to that question. Of course, the night was not going anything like you had expected. Until two hours ago, you were planning to have some alright sex with, what you could describe as a “regular hot guy”. Instead, you were on the bed, fully clothed, drinking a coke next to a Metallica reject. Was it too late to still do any of the things you had initially paid for, or was the mood entirely ruined? Did people recover from going into highly personal and dramatic tangents in front of the escort they had hired? 
‘Ok, cool. Just… making sure. Fair warning, I might do that a few more times through the night.’ The idea of still having an entire night to spend with Eddie made you really happy. Even if you didn’t know what to do with him in this small room. With a large king-sized bed in the middle, and not much else but the essential hotel decor, the room was perfect for exactly the reason you had booked it and not much else.
Just as you thought it was getting a bit too quiet between the two of you and had wanted to speak up with a question, Eddie opened his mouth to say something as well. So you also simultaneously apologised and let the other person say their piece. 
‘No, go ahead,’ you nudged him. Whatever he had to say would probably lead the conversation better.
‘I was just wondering, when you said “help be good with sex”, which aspect are we talking about here? Just regular? Oral? Foreplay? Like, what are we talking about here?’
‘Uhm, pretty much everything.’ You winced at yourself. So far, all your attempts at intercourse had been not great. It always felt awkward and uncomfortable. The guys would get what they were there for and didn’t feel the need to wait around for more. And if it kept on happening, then the math was simple, wasn’t it? Just look at what the overlapping factor was in all the situations. It was eventually your friends one night, after a few bottles of wine, who suggested the idea of just hiring a guy to teach you what to do. It would be so much easier. No feelings, and they know what they are doing. Foolproof plan. 
And somehow, you still managed to make things complicated and weird. 
‘Now see, I don’t believe that,’ Eddie smiled. There was no way she didn’t know how to do anything. Especially since most of it was just pure instinct. There is a reason why people call it “messing around”, and it’s not because of any guide or formula that one should be working off of to get it right. 
‘Well, then you should ask the other guys.’ Again with that little smile, trying to undermine her own feelings. 
‘No, fuck them. I bet they didn’t even make you cum.’ He accused. Her lack of response was enough of an answer. Eddie could bet his entire wage that she thought it was her fault they didn’t get her to climax and that… that actually pissed him off. How often had he had his clients tell him how their husbands, the men supposed to take care of them, never bothered to fulfil their one simple and honestly fucking delicious duty? A thought sparked in his mind, and he couldn’t keep back the grin that sprouted up with it. 
‘What?’ she asked at the sight of his smile. 
‘Have you ever?’
‘Ever what?’
‘Had a climax?’ 
‘Oh,’ the way she got shy talking about it, to Eddie’s embarrassment, turned him on. The best thing was they didn’t even have to play pretend. ‘I mean, I think?’
‘You think?’ He raised an eyebrow. 
‘Yeah, sorry,’ she cleared her throat, ‘Uhm… I’ll just be right back.’ And having said that, she ran to the bathroom. 
As she closed the door, Eddie pondered on the idea of undressing. It would speed things up, possibly breaking the icy wall that closed her off. With one naked person in the room, it was hard to think about much else, which meant less to worry about. But he didn’t think she would actually appreciate it. No, she needed to take it slow. And he would happily guide her through it all. 
You splashed some cold water in your face. There had been no reason for you to run out of the room like that except for being a total chicken. The way Eddie was so open and comfortable, talking about all of that… brought out a new fear in you. One you didn’t know you had. One you couldn’t even identify. You just knew you had to get out from under his gaze. Those big brown honey-glazed eyes. 
Why the hell did you leave the room? He was sitting so close to you. Your legs were nearly touching. He still sat with his legs spread, basically inviting you to get between them. And what do you do? Run away. 
You splashed some more water onto your face. 
There wasn’t much makeup on your face to begin the night, and whatever you had left of your mascara and blush was wiped off with the towel you grabbed. One more look in the mirror to ensure no grey ink streaks down your cheeks, and you were ready to get out again. 
Just one big breath in. and out. 
The bathroom door handle moved silently, and you pulled the door open to be met with Eddie’s chest. He was standing right in front of you. 
‘Oh, hi.’ 
‘Hey, just wanted to make sure you were ok in there.’ He knocked on the door frame in a delayed manner for extra effect. Knock knock. You noticed he had taken off his vest and jacket. Just in his t-shirt now. The sleeves ended right at his biceps, revealing the sleeves of tattoos he hid underneath all those removed layers. 
‘So are you alright?’ he asked when you didn’t respond to what he had said earlier. The question pulled your thoughts out of the clouds and your head up to look him in the eye. 
‘Yeah, yeah, just…’ your mouth was extremely dry. One more second and no words would be leaving it ever again. It was just gonna have to come out now. Then, with a quick exhale,  you admitted. ‘I’ve never had an orgasm.’ From Eddie’s reaction, it didn’t seem to have been any news to him. Like it was the most normal conversation, which, given his job, it probably was. You tried to ignore the thought of him and the many women he must have helped. 
‘Well, I would be more than honoured to change that for you.’ He took a step forward, and the proximity forced you to look up at him to see his eyes. 
‘Is that a rehearsed line?’ Apparently, your one outburst of truth led to the pandora’s box in your brain, and now you couldn’t shut up, saying the first thing that came to your mind. And unfortunately, it was still filled with the images of him with other people; him making all of them feel ecstatic. 
Luckily, Eddie laughed at your presumption. His head tilted back, and when it came back down, and his eyes were once again locked in with yours, his lips pulled up into a smirk. One of his hands found its way up to your cheek before he leaned in. you were ready for him to kiss you, but instead, his breath lingered over your skin. So close that you should have been able to touch him, and maybe you did. Because there was something that made your mind a thick haze, impossible to navigate through. Everything spun around you except for Eddie.
‘So what if I did rehearse it?’ his words hit your jaw as he hovered over you, then whispering directly into your, he asked: ‘What if I’ve already planned 10 different ways in which I want to make you writhe underneath me? Would you mind that?’ Would you mind? 
Whatever for? 
In a shaky breath, you spoke the only thing you could think of at the moment. 
‘Kiss me.’ 
Eddie didn’t need to be told twice. 
He must have been grinning like an idiot, and he could only hope it didn’t put her off as he brought their lips together and kissed her. Deeply. Passionately. 
The hair around her face was slightly wet, as was her jaw, telling him she had just spent the last minute splashing water in her face. She tasted sweet, like the coke she had been drinking earlier. 
Her hand crept up to his collar, shyly grabbing at it and pulling it down, revealing the slightest inch of the tattoo on his clavicle. Not that she would see it, having closed her eyes the second their lips connected. 
Eddie let one of his hands find its way back to her waist. Holding on to each other, they stumbled back onto the bed. She let out a whimper as Eddie’s knees hit the edge of the bed, and he fell backwards, taking her right down with him. 
It was a slow tear-away, leaving both in a haze. Eddie watched her sit up straight, straddling him and keeping him locked. If she moved, she would feel how hard he was getting. 
‘I assume kissing was not on the agenda of the lesson?’ He brushed some of his hair out of his face. 
‘Well, if you have any tips–’ she tugged at the bottom of her shirt. A nervous habit, probably, but all Eddie could think about was how he wanted that material as far away from her as possible. 
‘You’re joking, right?’ She must have been. The kiss, though brief, had been… he felt alive after it. His chest was tight as he caught his breath. ‘Fuck, c’mere.’ He pulled her right back. It might have only been one kiss, but it had been more than enough for him. He was already hooked. 
His lips were slightly chapped, but not in any way to make you feel uncomfortable. Nothing that some chapstick before going out into the cold couldn’t solve. You could smell the bitter beer he had just drank, and despite the drink having been cooled, it brought a warmth out in you. This heat swam over your cheeks and the parts of you that he held close. His hands were now back to playing with your shirt. The material was creeping up over your stomach, up up up…
‘Can you take your shirt off first, please?’ she asked nervously once the second kiss parted. Her small voice sent sparks flying down Eddie’s body, directly to his dick.
‘Yeah, ‘course.’ All he could do was smile. She shuffled down his legs to give him space and remove the shirt. There was no way she didn’t feel how tight he was getting in his trousers, but she didn’t show any reaction to it, eyes focused on his chest. Eddie looked down at himself. He had almost forgotten about those. 
‘You have piercings?’ 
He kept on forgetting to update his pictures on the website. It was such a hassle. Taking the time to plan it all in, preferably with someone else, so he could have some action shots. There was the editing, and then he would have to send them into the office so someone could actually upload them… he just couldn’t be bothered. As much as he was meant to keep his clients aware of what they were paying for, it was selfish of him to love their surprised reactions. Just now, the way her eyes immediately locked in on them in surprise. How her hand lightly fought against reaching for him. 
‘You can touch them. It doesn’t hurt.’ He took her hand and placed it right over his chest. She immediately regained control over her body, and her finger lightly traced over the silver bar. Eddie’s body tightened for a second in bliss. ‘See? It feels fucking good, actually.’ He hadn’t meant to whisper the words out or for them to be so shaky. It was supposed to be a light joke to keep the tension away, yet it pulled the atmosphere down to something intense and sultry. Hopefully, it wouldn’t scare her away.
But she smiled and leaned in again for a featherlight kiss. Fuck, she could kiss. It was like a gift from the gods themselves. A little piece of heaven. If this was how she kissed every guy, Eddie couldn’t comprehend how they didn’t line up for more. And then her hand kept moving, slowly tracing the ink on his body. Her fingernails grazed over the drawings. Perhaps it was a placebo, but he had always considered the tattoos to be more sensitive than the rest of him. The soft touches made him shake in need of her. 
‘What do you want me to do?’ he asked, nearly out of breath, mind spiralling with everything he wanted to do to her. He couldn’t keep it in a straight line anymore. Meanwhile, he was supposed to be the professional here. Meanwhile, she expected him to teach her… he was absolutely fucked. 
And then her following words only made his situation worse. 
‘Just tell me what to do, Eddie.’ Somehow, he missed the exact moment when her lips travelled down to his jaw. It must have been some kind of joke– there was no way this incredible woman did not know what she was doing. 
‘Fuck, baby.’ He groaned. He actually groaned. Eddie never did that during his sessions. It just wasn’t something he thought he could do with his clients. It turns out he had never been this turned on by any of them.
It made sense. How often did he think up hour scenarios before meeting the ladies? How often did he imagine he was with someone else? He had thought that maybe, because of the rules of his job and the frequency of his sessions, that maybe sex just wasn’t really anything for him. Not that he didn’t enjoy his job or regretted ever going into the business… money was good, and he was good at what he did. Yet, it was still a job. And jobs could often tire a person out. Maybe he had become desensitised to it all. 
But this proved all of his theories wrong. He was entirely in the moment. Aware of everything that was happening between him and her. Nothing between them was new, or necessarily exciting, and yet it felt like nothing he had felt before. Nothing but kissing sent him down a road he could never return from. 
And now she wanted him to tell her what to do. Yes, in the teaching context, he understood. But was she even aware that this would not be that far from the ordinary things he did in his sessions if they had just removed that context? Just add in some leather and handcuffs. 
‘Take your clothes off, baby.’ He spoke softly, not wanting to roll back into his regular role. This wasn’t that, he reminded himself. He didn’t want it to be that. 
When she started to pull her shirt up, he quickly took over. ‘No, wait, go slower. Take your time.’ Fuck, please take your time, he internally cried out. He didn’t want this night to end. It all felt like a dream, and he didn’t want to get dressed and wake up. He didn’t want to leave because once he did, coming back was not an option for him. 
You followed his instruction, slowly pulling your shirt over your head. Focusing on him. Looking at him prevented you from getting too much into your head. After all, it was hard to think or worry about anything with someone like him, half-naked, under you. You traced his tattoos. They were all black and white, the ink scratchy and uneven on most as if done at home.
Not precisely stick and poke, but not from a studio either. A pull at your heartstrings made you think of how much money you had paid. How much he needed that money… See, hard to think of your own insecurities when looking at him.
Eddie moved up to lean on his elbow. You were sitting still for too long; he must have sensed something was off. With a gentle touch, he stroke your bare skin. You were both shirtless, though you still had your bra on; his hand was sneakily moving up to the strap over your back, ready to unclasp it.
‘What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, sweetheart.’ It must be some kind of trick he was pulling, something he learned over his experience on the job because of the way your whole body fluttered at the sound of the little nickname… it must be a trick. But there was nothing you could complain about either. 
Once again, your mouth worked faster than your brain, and before you could tell yourself to shut up, you answered with the first question that came to your mind. ‘Do you do anything else… besides this?’ a second later, before he even had the time to react, you butted in with your own response. ‘That is probably way out of bounds. Sorry–’ 
‘Only a little bit,’ he was taking it lightly with a chuckle. Clearly, with no intention of stopping what the two of you had been doing, he littered your jaw and neck with kisses between his answer. ‘I’m in a band. But garage gigs don’t exactly pay the bills.’ You felt him tremble with a laugh against your neck. Eddie had by then sat up and kept you in place on his lap with a tight hold. As he kept kissing you, you let your body speak for itself, closing your eyes and trusting your instincts. Somehow you knew what felt right and what didn’t. Your hips moved of their own accord, grinding against Eddie. You tried not to think about what you were doing, knowing you would just start to freak out and freeze. Instead, you thought of Eddie on stage with his band, imagining him in all the different positions, trying to figure out which instrument fit him best. 
As if he could read your mind, he said, ‘I play guitar.’ His hand had now officially made its mark on your bra, grabbing the backstrap, and wringing it until it unclasped.
‘That’s hot.’
‘Yeah?’ The bra snapped open. Eddie took it upon himself to slide the straps off your arms. You threw the item off to the side of the room, and Eddie didn’t waste a second to bring his attention to your breast.
Had no one ever touched her properly?
All that Eddie did was kiss her tits, and she was almost coming undone. He felt a pang of terrible guilt on behalf of his entire sex. How the fuck did no one make her feel good… not only that. How did men make her feel as if she was the problem? That she had to step her game up and learn. If he ever got his hands on one of those assholes– woah. Calm down. 
‘Yeah,’ you gasped out the small word. ‘So- so hot.’ It was hard to keep a sentence straight when he had his full attention on your nipples.
One preoccupying his lips, while the other was cupped by his large hand. He was rough in his touches, pulling and squeezing, but not in any way that felt too much. On the contrary, you needed more. More of him. 
He switched from one breast to the other in his movements. Then when he pulled away, he kissed you again. Then, he looked you in the eyes, a false seriousness covering his features. 
‘So, let that be lesson one: foreplay. Extremely important before any kind of sex.’ 
‘But… I didn’t do anything?’ You blinked. It was true, wasn’t it? He had been doing most of the work; meanwhile, you hadn’t done anything for him. But Eddie frowned.
‘Oh, baby, you did plenty.’ His hand reached down to his own trousers. ‘You feel this?’ When you hesitated, he took your hand to guide it over his crotch, where you could clearly feel the outline of his dick. ‘Yeah, that’s all you, sweetheart.’ He was so cocky, so confident. 
He kept on talking. ‘And let me ask you one more question.’ For this, he leaned in to almost whisper the words against your hot skin. ‘Are you wet?’ 
‘I don’t know.’ 
Eddie clicked his tongue in disapproval. ‘I think you do know, but let me check then, hmm?’ You weren’t sure how he did it, but he brought you underneath his body in one fell swing. You were now lying on the bed, and he slid down to sit on his knees at the end of the bed. ‘Professional opinion and all, right?’ 
‘Right.’ You hid your face in your hands to laugh. What the hell had you gotten yourself into?
Eddie reached for your hands, making you look down at him. 
‘I wanna see your pretty face.’ But, God, speaking of pretty faces, his smile might have been one of the most beautiful sights in the world. He could have been a model, probably… and yet… 
You didn’t want to look at him, however, when he started unzipping your trousers. The button opened up, and you heard the zipper move down, releasing the tension of the material around your waist. Eddie tapped your hip, telling you to move them up. Once you did so, with one big tug, he pulled the pants down to the middle of your thighs with one big tug. It took him three more to get them off entirely. The next second, the trousers were in the corner of the room, along with your shirts. 
‘Oh, baby,’ his syllables were long, dramatic, playful. ‘You are fucking soaking through these.’ You felt your back stiffen at the feeling of his fingers on you. Two, his pointer and middle fingers, slowly tracing down over the thin cotton. Then he’d roll them back up, letting his knuckles press the slit.
‘Fuck, can’t wait to taste you– can I taste you, baby?’ He asked, eyes pleading you for it. 
‘You don’t have to,’ you responded. The air in the room seemed to be turning colder and sent shivers over your arms. 
‘I know I don’t have to.’ Eddie scoffed, teasing. ‘Let that be lesson two then: if a guy doesn’t want his mouth near your pussy, then you shouldn’t come anywhere near his dick.’ He growled out the last words, and his hand had such a tight grip on your panties, that, with one quick move, he tore the material in two. 
‘Eddie!’ she shouted. 
‘Shit, sorry.’ He got too carried away in everything. ‘I’ll pay you back.’ That’s when he glanced down; it was like his memory was instantly wiped. ‘Oh, fuck yes. Fuck you got the cutest pussy I’ve ever seen.’ He left a kiss a few inches above it and slowly made his way down. His fingers returned to the slow up-and-down motion he had done before, and each time, he let himself go deeper. Her body tensed up, and breathing hitched in her throat until it came out in a soft moan. 
‘That’s right,’ Eddie said before one last kiss on the most crucial spot. And this kiss lasted. After a few seconds, he practically made out with her clit, as his fingers entered her.
That is when her hand reached for his hair. The touch was enough to make him moan against her. 
‘Oh fuck,’ she moaned loud, eyes tightly shut in pleasure. Keeping his fingers deep within her, Eddie mused:
‘That’s right, baby. Does it feel good?’
‘So good.’ She dug her nails through his hair, nudging him on to continue whatever he was doing. 
Even though you had not meant to pull at his hair, it was all much more of an impulsive action, Eddie groaned out against. He pulled you in closer, sending the vibrations from his body right through yours. 
You had expected, thinking up this plan of hiring someone to teach you sex, that it would be much more formal. That the guy would give you step-by-step instructions on how to do things, tell you everything directly, and you would follow. Maybe that is how it would be with anyone else, but with Eddie, he made you feel it. Without saying a word, you knew how to listen to him. Through his reactions, you knew what to do. His moans encouraged you to pull his hair, to close your thighs around him. Meanwhile, your response spurred him to go, let his fingers move harder, his tongue slick deeper through you. 
‘Fuck, Eddie, fuck.’ You felt that feeling inside you, the build-up. It wasn’t familiar, for you had only experienced it very few times, mostly on your own. This tension deep within you. It grew, quickly reaching its tipping point. 
Eddie’s free hand fastened itself onto your leg; he seemed to have lost himself in you. Then his eyes moved up, locking right with yourself. A part of you wanted to take a picture of what you saw in front of you and cherish the memory forever. His honey-brown eyes glazed in need of you. This spark of all-knowing deviltry. 
Your whole body tightened as you felt it coming, tighter and tighter, like a rubber band ready to snap.
But instead, Eddie let go of the band as he pulled away from you to accompany your last moan of his name.
A whimper left your mouth, and pleads were ready to follow it, begging him to not stop. Not now. Just a few more seconds. 
‘Lesson number three,’ he wiped his mouth– which was glistening in the room's warm light– with his thumb but never wiping the smug smile off his face. ‘Tease, tease and tease. The longer you keep them waiting, the sweeter their reward will be.’ 
At this point, you could not imagine it being so sweet, as all you felt was a horribly empty feeling, deflating your insides by the second. 
‘Everyone likes that?’ You asked.
‘Hmm, good question.’ Eddie got up to remove his belt. He made a spectacle out of it, sliding the whole strap from between the loops, then throwing it down to the ground. ‘It does probably depend on a person, what their limits are. How much they can last and take.’ Like a showman, he made you watch. Made you wait. ‘I’m sure some people would rather just get on to the final act.’ 
‘Not me?’ you asked as he pulled his jeans down along with his boxers.
Just like the picture. 
‘Hmm,’ with a pondering expression, he fell down onto the mattress beside you. ‘Not you.’ 
‘What makes you say that?’ It took all your willpower to keep looking into his eyes. He, however, wasn’t as courteous. His eyes roamed over your naked body as his hand found its way back between your legs. A quick snap. He slapped your clit lightly, but it was enough to immediately sent a spark through you, nearly bringing you back to the spot of tension. 
‘Just a hunch.’ He slapped you again. 
She was so fucking sensitive. Like a little porcelain doll.
For good measure, and the fact he couldn’t get enough of how her body moved when encountering intense pleasure, he gave that pussy a third and final snap. Maybe he would have kept going, he certainly had not felt like stopping any time soon, but it was when her hand reached for his. Fingers around his wrist. Her eyes closed lightly, mouth parted just a tiny bit, enough for her to whisper his name. 
‘What’s up, sweetheart,’ he leaned in his lips almost on her cheek again. She didn’t respond. ‘Lesson four: always use words. I don’t know what you really want unless you tell me.’ He left sloppy kisses over her face as he dictated. ‘So? What. Do. You. Want?’ He punctuated each word with a touch
‘Fuck me.’ 
‘Of course.’ He had expected her to play around with the words, make him pull it out of him, but no. So, he got up and reached for the wallet in his jeans. He should have checked sooner. This had been too much of a risk, but luckily, the silver foil stuck out immediately. 
She had sat up again to watch him rip the packaging open. 
‘You’re making me feel really unprofessional right now,’ he chuckled to himself whilst pulling the condom out. ‘I have a whole box in my bag with the rest of my stuff.’ He had planned to get it out of his car after meeting her at the bar, but then everything had gone a bit to shit, hadn’t it? 
‘I have a box… in my bag,’ she said, for some reason almost embarrassed. 
‘Someone’s eager, huh?’ Perhaps he didn’t help, but really, he was talking about himself. Eddie could immediately imagine himself being with her for the rest of the night, the entire fucking week if he could, but something told him that after this— that would most likely be it. It was better not to stretch a good thing out. She paid for him to teach her the basics, not exhaust her to her limits, perhaps scare her off of sex forever.
‘No, I just–’ did she notice he was joking? Either way, she hid her face in her hands, laughing at herself. Eddie took the moment that she wasn’t eating him alive with her eyes to get a few pumps in. it wasn’t even needed; he was rock hard; it was just a routine at this point. He let his head roll back a little back as his hand moved up and down, then got on with putting the condom on. 
‘How should we uhm— how do you want—’ you looked for a good way to phrase it as Eddie got back into bed. 
‘Anything particular in mind you wanted to get a hang of?’ he asked. You shook your head no. Stupid. You should have done your research. Come more prepared. 
But could anything prepare you for Eddie? It didn’t seem likely. You could have come in with a four-volume guide, and he would have probably thrown it out the window and shown you a whole new world. 
‘Then we’ll just see where the night takes us, why don’t we?’ He positioned himself on top of you. Arms on each side of your shoulders, stomach hovering over yours. As you both breathed in, you could feel his muscles. He put his weight on one of his forearms as the other hand reached back down between you, moving his fingers in a circular, steady motion. 
Too occupied with how good his touch on you felt, there was no real thought going through your mind when you pulled his face closer to you, kissing him deeply. Your noses pushed against one another. Your fingers rooted down between his hair.  
Eddie spread your legs wider apart, creating the perfect position for himself. 
‘You ok?’ he asked, lips practically still on yours. 
‘Mhm.’ You hummed, but Eddie clicked his tongue, pulling away a few inches to look at you a bit more focused. 
‘Mm, remember rule four?’ 
You didn’t want to remember. You didn’t want to think. All you wanted, needed, was him inside you. But you answered: ‘use your words? Let them know what you want.’ 
‘Good girl,’ he kissed you softly. ‘It also goes for consent. Probably should have made that the first lesson, but what can you do? Make clear what and when you want something. If the guy doesn’t listen– I don’t know, kick him in the nuts.’ 
‘Got it.’ You nodded. 
‘So, let’s try it out.’ He didn’t move, just waited for you to speak. 
You took a deep breath. ‘I want you to fuck me, Eddie.’ 
‘There we go. Feels good, doesn’t it?’ His hand returned to rubbing your clit as he moved around above you, getting in the proper position. ‘Quick lesson five: it’s fucking hot when girls say shit like that. So don’t be afraid to get dirty.’ Slowly and carefully, he let himself sink into you. His length filled you up, spread your walls. It was a perfectly tight fit, making it impossible to hold anything in. 
‘Dirty and loud.’ Eddie stayed still, letting you get used to the feeling of him. ‘Don’t hold it in, baby, ok?’ 
‘O-ok.’ Your breath was shaky. Once used to him, you placed your hand on his chest. His hot breath burned your skin.
Eddie kept a slow pace, letting both of you ease into the rhythm of being together, but eventually, you felt your body loosen up. Finally, it wasn’t enough anymore. Was he holding himself in? Could he tell you needed more but was waiting for you to tell him? Teach you your lesson. 
‘More,’ the word was nearly just an exhale, but it was enough for Eddie. He kissed you passionately with a smile, and he plunged deeper inside you. From then on, his thrusts were harder, faster. He grabbed your leg and pulled it over himself. The new change brought in a whole new angle, letting you feel him through your entire body. 
The pleasure was intense, and beautiful. Your mind was scattered, so you didn’t even feel your teeth graze over your lips, locking in your voice. But Eddie noticed. 
The second he caught it, something in Eddie’s mind switched on. As much as he tried to contain that part of himself, keep it away from her, he couldn’t. It was fucking primal. 
He thrust harder than he did before. His hand found its way to her cheek, squeezing it– not too tight, he pulled himself back quickly, but strong enough to show her he meant it– and his words came out in a growl. 
‘What did I tell you, baby? Don’t hold it in.’ A few more deep thrusts left both their bodies shaking with each move. ‘I want to hear every pretty sound that comes out of your mouth.’ His thumb pressed against her bottom lip, and, without another word exchanged, she parted those beautiful lips and granted him access. 
She fucking moaned around it and sucked her own juices off it. Could she taste the sweetness? He hoped she could. He was jealous of every person that ever got to taste it, but he quickly let that thought sink away as he had more pressing questions. 
‘Now, where did you learn that?’ He smiled when he pulled his thumb away, his hips only slightly rearranging the pace as he spoke calmly. 
‘Sorry, was that wrong?’ She blinked. Genuine fucking naivete. Eddie could barely hold it in anymore. 
‘Only in the sense that it got me this close to blowing my load before you got even close.’ He quickly regained his speed.
From that point on, she didn’t hold back. Her moans were beautiful. The sound of his name comes directly from the centre of her pleasure was like hitting the jackpot. If only he could live off those cute noises, he’d be the wealthiest man on earth. The luckiest. The happiest. 
What the fuck was wrong with him? 
But shit were her tits a sight for sore eyes. Looking at them, he couldn’t go a second without touching them. For a moment, he got scared he was too rough, but then the claws came out– almost literally. Her nails dug into his back. It would leave marks, and Eddie couldn’t wait to see them when he looked in the mirror the following day. 
‘Eddieee,’ it came out so shaky, so desperate. He could tell she was getting close. It took much less than expected. He had a thousand things in his head that he still wanted to do with her, show her, but even he realised then it was wishful thinking. His own words from minutes ago reverberated in his mind. 
You’re making me feel really unprofessional right now.
He was ready to burst, and it only took a few minutes in missionary. Usually, he could go for ages.
Then again, he hadn’t been this turned on in a long time. 
‘You close, baby?’ He asked and almost hoped to hear yes; Eddie didn’t know how much longer he could last, and if he came before her– he could never live that down. 
But she was lost in him, too far down to appropriately respond. That wasn’t good. Eddie slowed down a bit. ‘Hey, hey, you alright?’ 
‘Yes,’ you took a deep breath, ‘please don’t stop. Not now.’ He was making you feel incredible. In a matter of a few minutes, you felt like you had reached the seventh heaven. Absolute bliss. 
But perhaps you didn’t feel how much you actually felt. As good as it was, this overwhelming sensation pulled you away from everything around you. When Eddie brought you back, with the softness of his voice and the touch of his hands, only then you realised how far down you had been.
‘Are you sure? We can take a break.’ Eddie’s eyes searched your face for any signs of trouble, but before he could spiral, you halted him. A few deep breaths were all it took for you to be present. 
‘I’m ok. Thank you.’ You kissed him. Whatever anyone would say if they heard about your plan, this was how you knew you had made the right choice. Or perhaps how you knew that the universe wasn’t always against you. Tonight, it brought you Eddie. Whether it was a freak accident or not, you would never regret the choices that led to it. 
Eddie continued what he was doing, giving you all his attention. To all of you. You didn’t feel like an inch of your body went down forgotten. Meanwhile, he was all you could think about. It was like the world around you dissolved. A fire could have burned down the entire room, and you don’t think you would have even noticed. Not with Eddie’s cock deep inside you. He didn’t falter. Each thrust was full of him, hitting the perfect spot. Mind-numbing, toe-curling and… 
Soon, you felt that feeling again. That tightness inside you. This time even tighter than previously. It was to be expected that Eddie knew what he was talking about. The longer the wait, the better the reward. And to think only a little time had passed since the two of you entered the hotel room. Not much time at all compared to how much you wished you could be with him. Was it insane? Probably, but you didn’t care.
You just wanted him, and you would take as much as he could give you. 
Eddie could feel how close she was. 
It had definitely scared him when he saw how far down she had been, already blaming himself for taking it too far. He had been ready to pull the plug and return her all the money. It didn’t matter if her payment had actually gone to his account; he would make sure that his fuck ups were compensated. 
But she was fine. Like a little firecracker that she was, she kissed him, wiping his whole mind clear of anything but her. Her and that sweet, sweet taste. 
It didn’t take much longer for breathing to break up in quick succession. Moans got louder, likely uncontrolled, and her grip on his tighter. Her nails dug into his shoulder just as he loved it. 
‘C’mon baby, come on.’ He encouraged her to lose all of her control. Lose herself to the pleasure. She needed to know how it was to be treated right. He needed her to know. And he didn’t know how much more he could keep it going. His last few thrusts still reached the deepest parts of her, and got everything out of her he wanted, but he felt himself lose his momentum. With each second, it was getting harder to concentrate. 
‘Oh my god-’ she whimpered as she released underneath him with a high-pitched scream at that. As much as he wanted to hear all of it, he kissed her to mute it. There was no need for the neighbours to get concerned. 
Though from all the other noises they made, from how the bed shook and banged against the wall, they would make the correct assumption. 
Not much later, as she was still coming undone, Eddie let himself reel in the pleasure. Then, stilled within her, his lips on her neck now, he came. When he pulled away, he wished he could have left a mark on her, but he knew that would be a step too far. 
‘Thank you’ were the first words to come out of her mouth when he discarded the full condom in the trash. He wasn’t sure what to do now. He didn’t like feeling naked post-sex, but he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. Maybe she expected more. If so, he could give it to her, but he just wasn’t sure– 
‘It’s my pleasure,’ he sat on the edge of the bed, just in reach to place his hand on her leg. They were both covered in sweat, naturally, but the cold was taking over. ‘You should get under the covers.’ The last thing he wanted was for her to get sick.
‘Right.’ She pulled at the corner of the blanket– always a much more arduous task than necessary in hotel rooms when they’re tucked in deeper than the pits of hell. As soon as she pulled the white sheet over her body, Eddie regretted his choice of words. It was probably the last time he would have seen her naked, and he didn’t even take a moment to appreciate what he had in front of him. 
He found his underwear, which was almost kicked under the bed. When he resurfaced, her face was full of worry. The furrow of her brows was enough to tell him that. 
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked as he covered himself up. 
‘I’m sorry.’ 
‘I don’t understand.’ 
‘I didn’t do anything. I asked you to help me figure this out, and we just–’ 
‘No, hey, hey.’ Eddie practically jumped into bed next to her. Cupped her face in his hands and made sure she looked at him as he spoke. ‘First of all, if this is how you feel, I should be the one to be sorry since I clearly didn’t do my job. So I’m sorry. But you have no reason to think you didn’t do well. This was amazing.’ He could only hope she knew just how much he meant his words. That she could trust a complete stranger with words as much as she did with their bodies. 
‘No, Eddie, it’s not that you didn’t teach me anything, but I– there’s still so much I don’t know. Fuck, I still have no idea how to suck a guy off.’ 
Eddie cursed under his breath. Just from those words, he could feel himself twitching against his boxers. This girl was going to be the death of me. She kept on talking. 
‘Would it be ok if we do this again? Not as an accident this time, I will book you.’ 
He wanted to say yes so badly. But he had to keep his mind clear as he answered. ‘I don’t think that will be a good idea.’ fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He wanted to punch himself in the gut. 
‘I try to keep a strict one-time, no repeating clients policy. It makes the job much easier,’ Eddie explained. 
‘No, I understand.’ Having to do this with the number of people he does… you couldn’t imagine how that was. How other people would be with him, and what could have happened for him to make such a rule in the first place. 
‘I would say you should try Steve for real, but I don’t believe you need any “sex lessons”. 
‘Right,’ you scoffed away the comment, but Eddie was persistent. 
‘I mean it. I can tell that you have a whole talent in there for this shit. You just need to find the right guy to bring it out in you because whoever you’ve been in the past, clearly, they weren’t doing it right. Then you will learn everything else you want to learn by yourself. Basically like you did now.’ He gave you a kind smile, and you tried to replicate it. 
‘I did need you.’ You couldn’t look at him as you said it.
‘Ehhh– not so sure about that. For a while, I thought you just wanted me for my body.’ He fell over to his back, hand on his chest as if he had just been shot. ‘That shit can hurt, you know.’ He was so dramatic and made you laugh so easily. You had never expected anything like that to happen that night. 
A body to adore was one thing, but he might miss her smile even more. 
‘Are you feeling alright?’
‘Why do you keep asking me that?’ She blinked. Eddie pushed down the anger he felt at all those morons that had not treated her right before.
‘Let that be your final lesson then,’ he pushed down another instinct, this time to make a cheesy reference that she might not get. There was no need to make the mood weird or awkward now. Eddie cleared his throat. ‘Lesson… what number are we on, six?– Lesson six: aftercare. Just check up on yourself to see if you’re able to carry on afterwards. While always quite vital, the more intense the session, the more important the aftercare. It keeps you stable.’ 
She nodded in understanding. ‘So, how would that look?’
‘Well, let’s see…. Are you sore? Do you need anything?’ Once again, he was mad at himself for going into this without his usual stuff. While his bag was mostly filled with toys that might be a bit too much for her, he also had plenty of shit to make her feel better if needed. 
‘No, I don’t think so.’ 
‘Ok, do you need something to drink? Eat?’ Before she even replied, Eddie lunged for the can of soda she had discarded on the desk opposite the bed. The bubbles would have mostly flattened by now, but it was still a liquid to drink. 
‘Not really,’ she said as he handed her the can and took a small sip. ‘Ok, maybe a little bit.’ They both smiled as she emptied the can of its last chug. 
‘More?’ Eddie asked as he tried to read it off of her. 
‘No, I’m good.’ Just like before, she started tapping on the can. Now empty, it sounded even more hollow. 
‘And was everything alright? I was scared I might have gone too far at one point.’ 
The way you could see the genuine concern and worry in Eddie’s eyes made you want to wrap your arms around him, kiss him, and never let him go. To think that a few hours ago, neither of you was even aware of the other’s existence. That you weren’t supposed to be aware, that it was all a giant coincidence. And that after tonight… that would be all that it ever was. 
Here was this fantastic man taking care of you better than any other guy had. 
Sure, you paid him to do it, but something in you, call it a freaky instinct, told you that that was just who Eddie was. He wanted to take care of you. 
Maybe that’s why he went into the business. Who could really tell?
‘It was perfect,’ you told him because it was. 
‘Ok, good.’ He nodded, smiling shyly. It was the first time that night that you saw a crack in the confident front of the guy. 
‘Really, thank you.’ You reached for his hand, and his eyes followed it. He looked as your fingers lazily intertwined while you watched him.
‘You, uhm, you should probably go to the bathroom. Make sure you wash all of me out. Make it a standard practice, really.’
‘Will do,’ your voice wasn’t hoarse, yet you whispered. It suddenly became hushed in the room. It could have been quiet all this time, but it was then that you grew aware of it. 
You didn’t want to leave the bed, or Eddie, just yet, but you knew you should listen to his professional advice. Everything he had told you so far felt like the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe you also knew of them already, maybe did it too, but it only made sense when it came from Eddie.  ‘Don’t leave yet, ok? I want to say goodbye.’ The idea of him being gone when you came back felt gut-wrenching for many reasons, but all unknown. 
All Eddie did was nod. 
When you returned, he had just put his shirt back on. His belt was in his jeans loops but not yet fastened. Was it weird to watch him get dressed? It felt more like a thing real couples did, which you were far from. It felt stranger doing so whilst you were still completely naked, so you grabbed the fluffy white bathrobe on the bathroom shelf and pulled it on, tying it tightly around your waist. 
‘That’s me then.’ Eddie scratched the back of his neck, looking around, most likely checking if he didn’t forget something. A part of you hoped he did. He would realise it only hours later and rush back to find it. That this wasn’t the last time the two of you would meet. 
A girl could wish. 
‘Right.’ You put on a brave face as you made your way to the door. ‘Thank you again. For everything.’
All Eddie did in response was nod with a tight-lipped smile. 
The door was open now. He was already on the threshold. Compared to the soft glow of your room, the corridor's light felt jarring to your eyes. Just like that, it was over.
You could not believe this was the end. It ended as quickly as it started. A whole whirlwind of… everything, really. 
Before you could stop yourself, one last question burst through your lips. 
‘Is Eddie your real name?’ You immediately regretted your entire life, couldn’t believe you had done that. ‘I’m so sorry, just ignore me. I don’t know why I said that–’
But Eddie beamed. He took your hand in his. ‘As real as anything tonight was.’ and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. He started walking before your wrist even hit your hip. 
You couldn’t watch him walk away, so you closed the door and your eyes before he went too far. A minute later, you cursed to yourself.
The whole aftercare thing- You never got to ask if he was ok.
the end.
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thank you so much for reading!! if you want more of where this came from, check out my masterlist. - also made a lil playlist based on this fic, told through taylor swift songs
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Eddie (smut, 18+) taglist part 1:
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deputyrook · 7 months
Impressions- 4/? Mark Hoffman x Psychic!Reader (18+)
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You're a reluctant psychic. He's a detective. And a serial killer.
(Welcome to the point of no return.)
Word count: 4147
NOTE: I have made an executive decision. The reader has a vagina. In other news, this chapter is explicit.
The fic is now 18+ (but why are you reading a saw fic if you're under 18...?) If you don't like smut uhhh idk skip through this one, I guess. Sorry!
WARNINGS: Explicit sex, degradation (minor), manipulation, corruption, stockholm syndrome, general saw levels of horror.
When you wake up again, you do so suddenly, with a gasp. It's like you're taking your first deep breath of fresh air after being trapped underwater.
"You're awake!" Kerry says with a gasp of her own, the sound of her voice coming from the right of where you're lying. Cushioned in blankets and bandages, you feel a little restrained, and have to fight the desire to rip yourself out of bed.
It takes another moment for your awareness to fully kick in. The world remains dark. Your ability to see is simply gone, snuffed out like a candle.
Instead, you can feel. You can tell Kerry is there, to your right, but also that Mark Hoffman is sitting somewhere off to your left. You feel his presence like a beacon- roiling aggression under a composed front, with a deep sense of pride. His concern is sharper than a knife point.
But is it concern for you, or concern for what you might say, now that you've woken up?
Stretching out from your point of origin, you can feel pinpricks of presence, almost overwhelming in number. Fleeting emotions of loss, panic, sorrow, hope, and anger flit past you, but you're able to keep your distance from them, without getting sucked in to the whirlpool of other people's feelings.
That's new.
"Hey Ally," you croak, your voice hoarse, "How about that, huh? Looks like I made it onto Jigsaw's radar."
You feel Kerry's guilt before she speaks, pouring out of her. Gently, she reaches forward and takes your right hand into hers. My fault, my only friend, first Eric and now this. And I wasn't even the first to notice-
"Um, where's Prawn?" You ask, touching your wrist gingerly with your free hand. It's itchy, and you can feel thick gauze wrapped around your wounds. By the smell of disinfectant and the sound of distant beeping, you're fairly certain you're in a hospital bed.
"He's fine," Kerry says, her voice wavering and watery, "I've been watching him. He's been worried sick, you know."
"I guess that makes three people, at least," you say, nodding your head over toward you guess Mark Hoffman is sitting. Off in that direction, you hear the rustle of clothing, like someone is sitting up.
"You can see me?" You hear him ask, groggy and confused.
"No," You reply softly, "Lucky guess."
"There was no tape left behind," Kerry murmurs, brushing her thumb over your knuckles, "We don't know why you were taken. Usually, there's a tape. Were there any instructions left for you? Any clues that you can remember?"
"Christ Kerry, they've just woken up," Mark mutters. With a creek of his chair, you hear him stand, and then a slow sound of heavy footsteps indicate to you that he's walking over to your bedside.
He's been sleeping by your bed, you note. Probably because he's worried you're going to break down and tell Kerry- Mark Hoffman is working with Jigsaw and he burned out my fucking eyes!
"You know how he likes to play with the detectives hunting him, Ally," You say instead, dodging the question about the tape. You have no idea how to answer that. "I'm your best friend. And..."
You pause, mid-sentence. Frustrated, angry, and more than a little hysterical, it's dawning on you now that you're never going to see again. It's at least partially the fault of the man to your left.
But when Mark reaches out and takes your other hand into his, turning it over to trace a spiral shape into your palm, your stomach still flips. The mounting attraction and sexual tension between you hasn't vanished just because you're pissed off and hurt.
"And we're seeing each other," Mark adds, simply, "Makes sense he'd go after you."
"Sorry?" Kerry sputters. She actually lets go of your hand, she's so shocked, "What the hell happened to not interested?"
"I knew you'd make a big deal about it," you mumble, going with the lie as your cheeks burn. You hate lying to Kerry, and not just because you hate lying in general.
"You told her you weren't interested?" Mark asks, and you think you can hear a hint of real amusement in his tone.
"Well, I could tell it was a lie," Kerry replies, "but-"
"HELLO?" You raise your voice, cutting her off, "Jigsaw victim? Serial killer targeted me? Deep, deep trauma? Not allowed to make fun of me right now!"
Kerry laughs, and you think you can hear a note of relief in it.
"This is why I love you," She says fondly. "Jigsaw would never be able to kill you. You're the most resilient motherfucker I've ever met. Who jokes at a time like this?"
"Yes, rub in how weird I am right now," You reply, wrinkling your nose. You let go of Mark's hand and push yourself up to a seated position, and then throw off your blankets. Sliding over to the right side of the bed, you sit on the edge of the mattress, suddenly unsure of yourself.
The entire world is still out there.
"Hey, that was a compliment," Kerry says, "You might want to take it easy, though. For real, you've been through a lot."
Heavy footsteps walk around to the edge of the bed you're sitting on, and you can feel Mark Hoffman, standing in front of you. As you reach out, you feel an arm to steady you, and you grab hold of it as you pull yourself up. Beside you, you hear Kerry stand as well.
"Why are two of the three lead detectives on the Jigsaw-Investigations-Unit hanging out by my hospital bed, anyway?" You ask, brushing her worry off, "Shouldn't you be out there casing the s- wherever I was found?"
"Consider it cased," Kerry replies with a sigh, missing your slip-up, "You're our main lead right now. We're going to need to take your statement at the station, once you feel well enough to go."
Mark Hoffman is a stable anchor to lean on. Looping your hand through the crook of his arm, you consider the endless, vast sea of darkness surrounding you. In the far-off distance, various abstractions graze against your awareness, different from the more localized flares of feeling.
You focus and reach out to one of them, with a slight tilt of your head.
A flash, in your mind, of a man and a woman you've never seen before, side-by-side. Her, with dark tightly curled hair, full lips, and decisiveness like an arrow. Him, with a strong jaw, dark eyes, and a barely contained mania that threatens to leak out from the seams. He knows the water just as you do. Neither of you will drown.
You don't know who they are, but you know they will be important.
"Did you... sense anything?" Kerry asks hesitatingly, as though worried asking the question will offend you, "When Jigsaw took you, or when you were in the trap?"
"Too much," You answer cagily, "But I didn't have time to make sense of it. I was a little distracted by the looming threat of death, in my defence."
"Fair enough," Kerry replies wearily. Something beeps, off by where she's standing, and she curses.
"I have to run," She says, "Our tech guy just got in and I have to brief him on the investigation. Hoffman, are you able to take them to the police station for the statement?"
"Sure thing," He responds, "I was hoping we could talk, anyway."
"Right," Kerry remarks. There's a long pause, and she adds with a grumble, "So weird. I don't know how to feel about this."
You fake a grin, and wave her off. As soon as you sense her presence fading, along with the sound of her footsteps clicking down the hall, you turn to Mark Hoffman, let go of his arm, and whack him on his broad chest.
"You son of a bitch," you hiss, whacking him again.
"Hey, hey-" He snaps back, grabbing your hands and holding them firmly in place before you can hit him again, "Stop it."
"I should tell everyone," you whisper angrily, "You took my fucking eyes, Mark."
"John Kramer took your eyes. You think I wanted to put you in that thing?" You try to break free of his grip on your wrists, without success.
"And you just do everything he says, is that right? Two hundred and fifty pounds between him and Amanda both, and you were helpless?" You say, yanking your arms free. Your brain buzzes with the desire to hurt him the way he's hurt you, and you conclude that it's not by hitting him again.
"You think Angela would approve of that?" You whisper to him, "Do you think she-"
Strong hands reach out and shove you backward. You hit the wall, hard. It's disorienting, and with no way to anticipate it or brace yourself, pain blossoms across your back. You feel Hoffman press you against the wall, one of his hands grabbing you by the jaw.
"Watch your fucking mouth," he snarls, keeping his voice low. It's a dangerous tone, and you can't help but feel satisfied, knowing that you're managed to get under his skin. Once again, you've caught a glimpse of the predator hiding under his cool exterior.
Pressing in so close to you, you can smell him, a light scent of amber and cedar cologne. Trying to catch the breath that's been knocked out of you, you can feel the rise and fall of his chest, panting, so close that it's brushing against yours.
A different sensation floods you, your anger melting into molten arousal. The tension between you feels wound to a snapping point, your blood flushing to your cheeks and causing your skin to tingle. His grip on your jaw is tight, almost painful, but you tilt up your chin ever-so-slightly, baring your neck.
You feel like you're going a little bit insane, frankly. Who could blame you, after what you've been through recently? Your body shouldn't be reacting like this, not when you should be furious with him.
But fuck it.
"Or what?" You whisper, "You going to teach me a lesson, Detective?"
Your taunt seem to hang in the air, and although you can't see Mark's reaction, you hear a noise of frustration escape from him. The hand holding your jaw moves to tilt your chin up.
"You've got a smart mouth," He mutters angrily, the pad of his thumb brushing against your bottom lip. Mark leans his face in close, and you can feel his breath on your neck. One of his thighs presses forward, between your legs. Pinned against the wall, you couldn't wiggle out of this if you wanted to- and you don't want to.
"You really sure you want to test me?" He murmurs in your ear, both a threat and a promise. With your heart beating so wildly that you're sure he can hear it, you try to shift, but his weight against yours keeps you pressed firmly in place. The friction from his thigh, and the heat of his breath on your ear, causes you to let out an embarrassing little groan of pleasure.
"Not your smartest idea," Mark lets out an irritated huff of breath, and another beat passes between you before he continues, voice rough. "You know, I've wanted to fuck you since the moment I met you, sweetheart."
Fuck. Heat and need crawl up your spine.
"When you were threatening me in your car?" You ask a little too breathlessly, with a raise of your eyebrow. Gathering your bearings, you slip your arms around his shoulders, holding onto him.
"Yeah," Mark answers, lips and teeth grazing your neck, and you shiver. You need more of his mouth on you, now.
Mark freezes, seeming to be momentarily distracted by something.
"Door's open," He mutters to you.
"It is?" You whisper back in worry, grabbing the fabric of his jacket and squirming in his hold, "Can you...close it?"
"You don't want anyone else to see you like this?" He asks with a smirk in his voice, pulling back. You can almost feel his eyes running over you, looking you up and down, "Only me, huh?"
He pulls back not a moment too soon. You can feel another presence approaching your room, and you tap his shoulder hurriedly.
"Someone's coming." Regrettably, and with a grunt of annoyance, Mark lets go of you, taking a step back. You miss the warmth of his body immediately, but you hear someone enter the room not long after.
"Oh, you're up!" A male voice calls out, alarmed, "Detective, please save your questions for later," Footsteps walk over to where the two of you stand, and the voice adds, "I need to check your eyes. Assuming everything looks...stable, there will be some paperwork to go through, and then you should be cleared for discharge."
You hear Mark sigh. An alarm rings out- from his phone, if you had to guess- and he quickly turns it off. Something about the noise nags at your awareness, like you know innately that something is off about it.
"We can do the statement at the station tomorrow. But let me know when you get home," Mark remarks, before adding, "I'll see you later."
And then he's gone too, leaving you with the doctor in a darkened world.
"There's a lot we should go over," The doctor tells you sheepishly, "Things are going to be very different for you, now."
You have a feeling he's right.
You are supposed to have a long, cold shower when you get home. You are supposed to come to your senses, re-evaluate your choices, and examine what the hell you thought you were doing earlier.
After thinking it over, you are supposed to realize you're acting rashly, being ridiculous, and playing with fire- you can't want Detective Mark Hoffman, knowing what you know about him. What he does to people, and what he did you.
That... does not happen.
By the time you've fumbled your way through your apartment door, cane in hand and sunglasses on, your desire for him has increased tenfold. It only increases further when you realize you're alone in the apartment, with not even your cat to greet you- Kerry must still have Prawn at her place.
It all seems horribly lonely, all of a sudden. You'll never again see your cat's sleepy expression, or the soft fur on his belly when he rolls over. You won't get to look at the art pieces hung up on your walls, or curl up on your couch to watch a movie in the same way as before. As you stand in your entryway, it dawns on you that you're not even sure how you'll make dinner tonight.
Right now you're feeling helpless.
Hmm. Had you thought those words before?
You may be Kerry's only real friend. But she is also yours. And you could use someone to help you adapt to your new circumstances. You could call her, and she would come over to help you. Make you dinner, clean up your place.
But if you're being honest with yourself, Kerry isn't the person you want in your apartment right now, and you don't want to work on adjusting your life. You want Mark here, to fuck you within an inch of your life and make you forget, paradoxical as it is.
Carefully, you make your way over to your couch. It takes a couple of tries with your cell phone, but with the accessibility features turned on, you eventually find Mark's number.
You hesitate.
If you sleep with Mark Hoffman tonight, that's crossing a line that you're not going to be able to uncross. What would Kerry think, to know that all along, not only have you known who the secret Jigsaw accomplice is, but that you chose to fuck him after you found out?
It's not the heat of the moment, anymore. You are here, alone, with a clear head and the time to reconsider and back out of this. You can even just visit Kerry, grab your cat, and skip town. If you keep messing around, you're going to end up actually helping a serial killer- if you're not already.
The notion doesn't bother you. Not as much as it should.
"Hey. I'm at home," You say into the phone, trying and failing to sound casual, "You remember my address, right? I could... use some help. If you're free." You pause, and add in for good measure, "It's the least you can do. You know, considering."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be there soon," Mark Hoffman replies curtly, before he hangs up the phone.
You try to tidy up before he arrives, kicking the clothes you can find into your closet and gently putting away some dishes. What use are psychic powers if you keep nailing yourself on your kitchen island every time you walk past?
It isn't long before you feel Mark's presence entering the edge of your awareness. You can sense him, and the electric feeling up pent up energy as he approaches. What's the radius on that? You'll need to experiment, later. The thought of him approaching makes you nervous, your heart fluttering in anticipation and early arousal.
You open the door for him just before he goes to knock on it.
"Hey," You say, "I know, the glasses are a new look, I-"
He is shoving you back into the apartment, mouth pressing against you before you can react. Walking you backward, he is kissing you insistently, aggressively. A hand on your waist squeezes, keeping you exactly where he wants you. Heat seems to radiate from everywhere he touches, sending a heady need coursing through your body.
Mark leaves you momentarily. You hear your apartment door closing and latching shut, and the click of a lock. Then he's back, his mouth on yours again, hard, unrelenting kisses leaving you dizzy.
Every movement is dominant, unyielding. Mark Hoffman leaves no quarter as he groans into your mouth, a low and hungry noise.
"You want me to take care of you?" He groans, low and rough against your mouth, "You need me to fuck you until you go dumb, baby?"
You let out a needy whine in the affirmative, nodding your head as you clench your thighs together. His hands grip your hips, holding you tight in a way that makes your entire body tremble. You know that your face is burning, and it's embarrassing, how quickly you're falling apart under his attention- and he's barely even touched you yet.
Suddenly his hands have left your hips, and you feel a palm flat on your chest, pushing you back. Your lower back stings as it smacks against the kitchen island, and once again, you're pinned. Exactly where he wants you.
"Mark," you gasp out. You can feel the warmth of his body, so close to yours, but he doesn't touch you yet. You reach out your hands to touch his broad chest, running them across the fabric of his shirt, but he doesn't reciprocate.
"What do you want? Use your words," He murmurs into your ear, condescending and teasing. Shame makes your cunt clench.
"Touch me, please-"
"That it? You just want me to touch you?" He mocks. You can hear the wolfish grin in his voice. His hands trail up your body and under your shirt, sliding across your smooth skin. Surprisingly deft fingers pinch one of your nipples, rolling it in a way that makes you cry out and grind your hips forward, frustratingly, against nothing.
"Jesus, Mark," You snap, desperation straining your voice, "You're a dick. I want you to fuck me until I forget my name, is that better?"
He actually laughs, before sliding a hand down the front of your pants. Another gasp falls from your lips, followed by a ragged moan as his fingers slip past your underwear to find you soaked. Calloused fingers tease you as you lean forward, your forehead resting on his shoulder.
Bliss electrifies your body, and you can't stop the whimpers and gasps that escape from you as you as Mark harshly encircles your clit. The pace is merciless, and you squirm under his touch, the pleasure mounting quickly.
God, but you can't even think. You hold onto his arm and moan his name, a sound broken by lust.
"Fuck," He hisses with a groan of his own, "Can't wait any longer."
With a yank, your pants and underwear are around your ankles. You barely have time to step out of them before Mark has flipped you around, bending your body over the kitchen island. His movements are forceful, almost brutal in their execution.
Mark's body leans over yours, and you can feel the press of his hard cock through his pants as he lays his body over yours to speak in your ear.
"You're so fucking needy. You're going to take me so well, aren't you sweetheart?"
It only takes a moment for him to pull back and undo his pants. A jagged, filthy moan is torn from you as he presses his cock inside of you, and with a snap of his hips, he fills you completely. His hands grip your hips so tightly that you're sure they're going to leave bruises across your skin.
His cock feels perfect inside of you, so thick and full that you're sure it's going to drive you insane. It's going to ruin you.
Gripping onto the edges of the kitchen island for purchase, you whimper as he begins to move.
His weight bears down on you, the hard edge of the counter nearly cutting into your stomach. You can't find it in you to care, not with the way that Mark starts to thrust into you, setting a ruthless pace.
He fucks you hard.
"Mark," you eke out, barely able to hold onto the counter. Your entire body jolts with each snap of his hips, slammed again and again against the surface. Heat is building in your stomach, burning through your core.
"Come on baby," He says, voice almost hoarse with lust, "You're making me feel so good. Come on, come on, come on my cock."
A hand reaches around your body, and his fingers find your clit again. They rub harsh, hot circles into your skin. The sensation is overwhelming, the pleasure taking you to the edge of your release and then kicking you over it. You feel utterly helpless, utterly undone.
You writhe under Mark Hoffman, coming with a cry.
And your reality seems to crack apart. A million futures narrow to a thousand, and as you breathe, you feel the world breathe with you. You feel Mark behind you, inside of you, his cruelty and his oppression, the hunter, the killer, the lover, the sinner-
It's going to rain blood down upon him. Upon you both.
With a few more brutal thrusts inside of you, Mark grunts as he reaches his own climax, slowing to hard, deliberate strokes as he spills inside of you. You moan weakly, already sore, as he continues to move until he's fully spent. Eventually, his movements stop, and you can feel as his cock finishes pulsing inside of you.
Slowly, Mark's hands let go of your waist. He pulls back, off of you, and steps away.
You peel yourself off of the counter and stumble over to your couch, laying down as you catch your breath. After a few minutes, you hear Mark sit down beside you. A hand grazes your leg, touching it almost affectionately.
"We should have used a condom," you mumble.
"Yeah," He agrees, "Doubt you regret it, though," and you have to admit, he's right about that.
You sit in a comfortable silence together for a while. His hand strokes your calf, his fingers running up and down the bare skin of your shin in a soothing motion. It feels good. Calm, after the ferocity of the sex you just experienced.
"I think... I've got to go to the bathroom," you say suddenly, sitting up and surprising yourself with your words.
"I'm not stopping you," Mark replies, and you shake your head.
"No- no, the underground one. The Jigsaw one," You shuffle on the couch, turning fully to him, "I think... I don't know why, but I think I'll be able to find answers there. About the third apprentice."
Mark hums in thought.
"John doesn't know that you know about that," he says, "He and Amanda will be gone pretty soon. And I sure as hell want to know about any secrets waiting for us."
"Then we'll go," You say decisively. You think of your vision of the two other mysterious figures later, and the rainfall of blood. Suddenly, you feel exhausted. And hungry.
"...We'll go tomorrow."
A/N- I'm thinking there are one, maybe two more parts left in this story. I had a tricky time writing this chapter, so please leave a comment if you enjoyed! <3
TAG LIST: @icarusinstatic @honimello @haven-is-happy @karmaswitch @the-jester-calamity @teamhawkeye @thebrideofcaliban @mjrkime @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @mrs-hotforhoffman @aliengutzstuff
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Ohh ohh I’ve literally wanted to read some sweet tired cuddles with Aaron Hotchner! Like something where you’re both so tired that your conversation isn’t really making sense, but you’re forcing yourself to be awake to enjoy the cuddles
word count: 1.5k
warnings: idk how but somehow I missed the cuddles part because I got too excited but I'd be happy to redo it with the cuddles I'm so sorry sdcs
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Aaron was tired, exhausted, to be frank, with the whole team around him already asleep, he was confused why he couldn't convince his mind to rest, to give in. With his head laid back against the jet, he watched the ceiling, counting the lights, sighing in frustration, and once again when his phone vibrated on the table daring to disturb his already fleeting peace, that was until he saw your name pop up on the screen and it was shameful how quickly in prompted a smile.
"Hi, bear," you breathed as soon as he picked up, your voice was sleepy, quiet, yet laced with the same level of excitement it usually held when you spoke to him, and his heart soared.
"Hi, honey," his voice mimicked yours, although you were sure it had a completely different reaction than it did for him, a shiver running down your spine. He checked his watch, a brow furrowing when he saw the time. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" it was a familiar reprimand, one he'd give you a thousand times over but you could hardly be blamed for your own insomnia. "Is everything okay?"
You were at his place, habitually stopping by Jack's room to check on him after walking down to grab a glass of water, you paused at his door, smiling as he clutched a stuffed animal- yours, actually, he'd stolen it a few months after you'd moved in but you weren't all that bothered by the crime.
"We're fine, I just can't sleep," you were whispering, he knew why, another smile finding his lips at the thought, he could picture it so clearly. "That bed is awfully big without you," you yawned, padding back to the very bed you were dreading to be in, the covers a right mess from all the twisting and turning you'd been doing while trying to fall asleep.
"I'm sorry," and he was, terribly so, you were always eager to cuddle, a sort of fiend for it, much more since you began living together so he could only imagine how unhappy a big lonely bed made you feel. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm having terrible luck trying to sleep without you too."
"I can tell, can hear it in your voice," you pulled his pillow against you, breathing in his scent, letting it surround you, careful with the phone still against your ear. "And it doesn't help, at all," he scoffed, it was a soft sound and you wouldn't know but he could feel himself growing even more tired as if the very sound of your voice was lulling him to sleep, and now, despite himself, he had to will himself to stay awake.
"You can hear it, huh?" he was teasing, sinking back even further against the seat, looking over to find the blanket you'd insisted he take along on every trip, just in case.
"I can," you nuzzled further into his pillow, balling up around it, looking out at the window through the curtain which you'd left open despite his constant reminder not to. "Your voice gets so low, it's always low, but when you're tired it's slow too like you're taking a little breath between each word- and your lips drag a little, can't hear that but I know it's happening."
"Smart girl,” he breathed and then he heard it, your little profile of him being far too on point. He pulled the blanket onto his lap, hesitantly, but he then realized why you were so persistent to have him take it, you'd sprayed it with your perfume, very generously, not enough to overwhelm him but just enough to trick his mind into thinking you were there next to him. Not next to him, no, if you were with him you'd have already maneuvered yourself onto his lap, as impossible as the act might seem with the little space provided, you'd find a way.
"You still there?" you were whispering again, for his benefit this time, though you'd very selfishly prefer that he stay up talking you to sleep, you knew he needed the rest probably more than you did but just maybe he needed to hear your voice more- you definitely needed his.
"Always," he didn't sound very convincing, but you grasped at the reply, smiling into his pillowcase as you checked the time on the clock next to his bed. "Did you have dinner?" silly question, of course, you did, Jack needed to eat so you would too, he checked anyway.
"We did," he was right. "We had some pasta concoction Jack helped me make- I saved you a plate, didn't even realize until I put it into the microwave."
"Oh, you did? Did I get a note too?"
"Obviously," you giggled, maybe you hadn't realized how hopelessly you'd been missing him until the little admission. "We miss you, you know," you informed him and his heart soared again, we miss you, his people, his family, it was enough to make an overtired man wish he could make time fly faster just so he could get to you sooner. "Oh, I bought you a shirt," you backpedaled, shy at the comment, very lovesick of you to tell him that in the middle of the night, sickeningly sweet- he lived for it. "Maroon, think it'll look very handsome, very dreamy," you were digging your grave deeper, his little laugh made it worth it.
"I'm not usually handsome, am I?" another stupid question, you scoffed at him. "Was that a scoff?"
"A small one. You know you're very handsome, always," you were getting drowsy, wiping at your eyes, begging them to not betray you now, you had more to say, you hoped he had too. "Don't let me fall asleep," you begged him.
"You should fall asleep, it's late," hypocrite, he couldn't lie to himself, he wanted you to stay awake too, talking with you was comfort, a guilty pleasure, he'd never get enough, always greedy. "You'll be tired tomorrow if you don't."
"It'll be worth it," you quipped and he couldn't agree more. "Did I tell you that I miss you?"
"You did. I miss you too," a second passed, and you yawned, it somehow broke through the phone to him, he brought his hand up to hide it, smiling as Spencer rolled over in his sleep, nearly falling off the couch. "Why maroon?"
"It'll make your eyes pop and it'll make it impossible not to stare at you," you knew what he'd say, thought you'd beat him to it. "I always do that anyway."
"I haven't noticed," he definitely did, his smile gave him away, you could hear it, knew it well enough to picture it. "Bet it'll look good on you too," he conjured the idea, he was very right.
"You think?" your cheeks burned, very rude of him to be charming you all the way from another city, over the phone no less. "Because it's maroon?'
"Because it's you," you giggled again, he was drowning in the sound, and he subtly brought the blanket higher, breathing you in, heaven, he thought. "We're talking in circles," he informed you, but you knew, couldn't care less because at least you were talking.
"I don't care," you paused, another yawn and you could tell you weren't going to be able to keep up this fight for much longer. "I love you- in case I fall asleep, I wanted to tell you."
"I love you too," he decided to be selfish, he'd make up for it tomorrow. "But I'm not going to let you fall asleep."
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La Squadra NSFW headcanons because I'm feral ♡
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Cut for length (and content ofc)
- Literally one of the most vanilla guys you'll meet in the Mafia. Don't get me wrong my man has his kinks but he's pretty bare bones
- Contrary to popular belief he's not a big fan of blood play and doesn't like to mix work with intimate affairs. He does have a bit of an oral fixation (giving and receiving) and really likes saliva though
- His member is pretty average sized actually. I mean compared to this mountain of a man it may look a bit small but trust me, he knows how to use it
- Does in fact have a cock piercing. It's a magic cross, have fun looking that up. Apparently it helps stimulate too
- His favorite position is cowgirl
- Sleeps around a lot tbh but really wants to settle down with a special someone after leaving the gang
- Honestly I would not trust him with aftercare he thinks it's lighting a cigarette with a glass of (insert liquor because idk wtf Italians drink)
- Super lazy but can be a really good brat tamer if you push him
- Doesn't have a daddy kink but loves being called "Sir" and likes a power imbalance
- Will smack that ass and it will hurt
- Will fall asleep after finishing his glass but will at least offer to cuddle
- Dreams of becoming the perfect man in bed. But I mean he's already got 5/5 stars with aftercare so he's halfway there. Like he can be buck naked and shaking but he'll still ask you if you're okay and try to comfort you afterwards
- Has the BIGGEST dick in the group I won't take criticism or notes my man is PACKING HEAT he just doesn't know how to use it (yet) take caution
- Low-key a masochist and likes to be bossed around but can be a little fragile, please be good and make sure to check up on him uwu. If things get too heavy he might try to force himself to do something to the point he ruins the experience for himself :( communication is key with him
- On a lighter note he VERY MUCH enjoys queening/kinging and will gladly let you sit on his face
- Okay yes he likes pet play are you happy. Luckily he's a major bisexual switch so it can go both ways. He likes being your good puppy <3
- STOP GIVING RISOTTO THE SIZE KINK WHEN IT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO THIS KING HIMSELF. He WILL use his Stand on you when you least expect it because he's an ass this is your warning
- Like stated before big switch energy, is a nasty dom when he wants to be but will only bottom if you soft dom him because he does not believe in equality
- He FALLS ASLEEP IMMEDIATELY afterwards and he SNORES because he HATES HIS S/O /j
- Also really loves oral and giving sloppy head. Mf DROOLS EVERYWHERE
- Likes to act like a bad bitch but loves when he gets pampered like he will melt if you play with his hair
- Another switch (like most of the JoJo cast but whatever) but it's easier for him to bottom because he's lazy.
- LOVES receiving overstimulation for some reason like suck this man dry until he cries he'll be living it up. Safe words exist for a reason and he use it to his (dis)advantage
- VOICE KINK !! All types of noises from you can get him off. With good ole' Lulu it's important to be vocal, tell him how you feel, make noise, dirty talk, the whole nine yards
- Has a little issue with self worth so like praise this baby, worship this baby, he'll be in heaven
- Shockingly? Pretty good with aftercare
- Oh my god it's so easy for him to get overwhelmed and he HATES IT I'm begging for your sake treat him gently
- Easy to fluster because he's pretty new to relationship stuff and he'll need you to show him the ropes. You could very well be one of his first, sex is very intimate for him and he'd like to stick with one person
- Low-key bites
- Due to Stand reasons his limbs are very cold, he will use this against you
- I said Risotto was vanilla but man Ghia might take the cake, he's a bit of a stiff when it comes to the bedroom, but that isn't always bad. He likes good old missionary and making sure he takes care of you, but if he's overly stressed he'll give you the reigns for the night
- If all goes well, and he isn't overstimulated, sex actually really helps him relax, he's a lot more bubbly afterwards and likes to stay up with you, talking, drinking water (but not eating anything because he refuses to have crumbs in the bed)
- Has the WEIRDEST fixation on bodily fluids like I get where he's coming from but WHY
- As smooth as a baby. Everywhere. We think he waxes but we haven't seen proof yet. He's also got a pretty dick.
- Ribbons, ropes, chains, leather, he's a really big fan of restraints as long as there's a safe word and you're both on the right track
- Totally down to try anything, just ask. He's eager to please.
- Yes.... He has a breeding kink. He wants a big family
- Idk what you call it but pls pls pls let him suck on your titties while you jerk him off. He can die happily
- Really likes the 69 position (with him on top)
Sorbet & Gelato
- Buy one get one free, you cannot get one without the other let's make that clear. They're both sadistic meanies and will not let you top
- Double penetration or spit roasting is a MUST
- Being in a relationship with each other for so long they've gotten good with aftercare, Gelato is more touchy feely while Sorbet is all about snacks and vitamins
- Sorbet bites, Gelato fucking claws. They're both very into marking you up everywhere and love the embarrassment they get from you
- They love you, they really do... But sometimes they can get a little caught up in the moment with their own makeout sessions
- Afterwards you all just collapse into a pile of limbs lol
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jacks347 · 3 months
Would the listeners survive a zombie apocalypse? (In my slightly sarcastic, completely subjective opinion)
Idk man, I'm bored and got time to kill in church so here we are
(Tagging this is going to be a nightmare-)
(Edit from the future: It was. It really was.)
For sake of my sanity this isn't all the listeners, just the ones I'm still actively keeping up with (I'll get to the others...eventually)
Angel - Solid maybe. Out of all the unempowereds, definitely has one of the highest chances. But it would take an extreme streak of luck.
Babe - No...I'm sorry but no. Would be like one of those extras that you see eaten in the first minute of a horror movie.
Sweetheart - Probably. Can a zombie detect someone invisible? Sweetheart is smart enough to survive, they'll be fine.
Darlin - Yes if they have Sam to hold them back from sacrificing themself for the "greater good". No if they're left completely to their own devices.
Lovely - Depends on the version. Pre Adam, no. Pre Inversion, maybe? Post Inversion, definitely. Hard to die to a zombie apocalypse when you're a) already dead and b) literally immortal.
Treasure - Okay, I know Treasure is the newest addition to the roster and we haven't had a lot of time to see their personality develop but as of now? Yeah...no.
Freelancer - They'll do it on -3 hours of sleep simply out of spite. Freelancer has been through enough, they're just tired. They'd survive but begrudgingly.
Honey - Honey would survive out of spite and spite alone. Would definitely have that baseball bat from The Walking Dead.
Guardian - ...you're kidding, right?
Darling - Yeah...no. Soft bby would never.
Faithful - Possibly? That stubborn attitude and medical abilities would help but has absolutely no combat training so ehhhhh, it depends.
Paradise - If she can break a pirate crew out of space Fort Knox and wrangle Yargwynn, a zombie apocalypse is pocket change. Paradise would own an apocalypse.
Partner - I swear I'll stop bullying the new additions. Once they're worth not bullying. The man made the zombie apocalypse, I guess we're gonna find out if he survives won't we? I'm not hopeful though.
Asset - No one in ATW even knows how to do basic math, the only way any of them survive is through sheer force of which they might actually be successful. So maybe.
Raven - Yes but she would have a mental breakdown about it so she would not be the same on the other side.
Slash - ...seriously?
Guest - Hm, a trained vampire slayer in a zombie apocalypse, I wonder what would happen! Obviously she'd be fine.
Intern - Entirely dependent on who they're trying to keep alive. If it's just them, probably. If it's them and the rest of their merry band of misfits, no.
Future Wife - You're funny. RIP my girl, no one will know her husband broke the fuckin timeline for some pancakes.
Agent Schäfer - Once the shock and panic wore off, yeah she'd be fine. Hope she doesn't get eaten during that freeze.
("Where's Lass?" When Desmond returns for more than five minutes, come talk to me about listening to Blue Infinity)
Pack Mom - Definitely. We already know she's a deadly shot and wasn't afraid to shoot a living person, a dead one would be fine. She will be perfectly fine.
Lass - Yes. Not with as much overwhelming power as Pack Mom but she'd get through it. I mean...she has formal sword training, I think she'd do okay.
Little One - Probably not. Out of the original Frosthaven romances, they are the least likely to survive. They'd put up a good fight though.
Lamb - Yes and no. Physically, she'd be just fine. Mentally, I don't know if she could do it. Slipping back into that killer mindset might just drag her under.
Chester's mate - Probably not. Out of all the new Frosthaven romances, they're the most average. They'd try though.
Harlow's roommate - No. I love them but no. Not our slightly stupid boat captain.
Caltraxus' TA - Yes and they'd hate it every step of the way. Would survive completely hungover if that was an option.
The Doctor - Probably? If not by her own merit then definitely through someone else cause everyone needs a doctor in the apocalypse.
Beau's mate - Yes. Literally fought a bear once. She will be just fine.
(The lack of fandom names for Nomad's listeners saddens me greatly. And also makes my work so much harder)
This was so dumb but I had fun so :P
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
okay this is lowkey dark but?? how would you think dazai would react to his captive darling trying to unalive herself? would it give him a wake up call? would he punish her? get softer/more doting with her?? idk idk i was thinking about it like he wants to protect her from everything, and now he has to protect her from herself? aaaa
𓏲 ˖. pairings. . . dazai x reader
𓏲 ˖. summary. . . dazai reacting to his darling committing suicide
𓏲 ˖. warnings. . . suicide, death, drugs, general yandere themes
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dazai is absolutely the kind of yandere who's afraid of losing his darling, so he's taken every precautionary mesure to makes sure that doesn't happen. he would do anything if it meant you were safe and in his arms — and he honestly thought he did that, because he never could've imagined you would be a threat to yourself.
his stomach drop when he saw you lying on the floor, unconscious and with a pill bottle in your hand. he cursed as he fell down over you, slapping your face gently a couple of times to see if you'd wake up. when he got no response, he placed his head on your chest and he actually cried.
the thought of losing you made him sick to his stomach — he nearly vomited as he held onto you like you'd just disappear if he let go. the only thing that kept him from having a full on break down was the faint beating of your heart. he knew that if he didn't get tou medical attention right away you might actually die, but he just needed to hold you close for a little bit longer.
when you woke up, he was next to you, holding your hand and resting his head on your stomach — looking at you with a sad, broken gleam in his eyes. but when he noticed you were awake, he quickly sat up and held you face in his hand, careful to be as gentle as possible because he was so afraid of hurting you.
"i'm so sorry," he whispered, on the verge of tears again. "i'm so, so sorry, sweetheart... i never wanted to hurt you, i just... i wanted to keep you safe." he pulled your body against him, listening to your steady breathing — proof you were alive and okay. he felt relief when you hesitantly placed your hand on his back.
dazai will definitely change after this incident. he'll be gentler, softer, sweeter, more considerate towards you and your feelings. he'll still be clingy, especially after almost losing you, but if you're feeling overwhelmed he'll back off a bit. he'll control his bad tendencies as much as he can for your sake, and things are generally just much better between the two of you.
not everything changes though. you're still held captive, in fact he he's even more restrictive than before. locks everywhere. cabinets, doors, windows. and anything potentially dangers that you could use to hurt yourself is taken away too. he'll make sure you never get the chance to try leaving him ever again.
in the case that your suicide attempt succeeds, dazai will go through extreme withdrawl. he'll close himself off from the world, lose sleep, rarely eat, things like that. and when the pain of losing you gets too unbearable, he'll kill himself too. the same way that you did because he wants to feel as close to you as possible when he dies.
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© 2022 by hheizoukiss ━ all rights reserved. plagiarism is strictly prohibited. comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated.
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nicothedingus · 4 months
spud headcanons because i'm bored
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a lot of ya'll liked my wallmark headcanons so here's some spud headcanons <3 there might be some Sarah ones in here too. idk
gentle giant who cares about wildlife. has helped a chick that has fallen out of its nest at least once
lives in the woods near the camp, usually sleeping in a cave or in trees. sometimes visits Sarah and sleeps outside her cabin/on the floor inside
viewed as a cryptid of sorts by people who don't know of the gnarpian attack. there's probably ominous photos of him circulating online at this point
Sarah has set up wind chimes around the camp because 1. Spud likes the sound 2. it helps him remember where the camp is
probably purrs. loudly. if he can make bubble noises i think he can purr and chirp and make other noises okay
learned methods of nonverbal communication so he can still communicate with Sarah when he's overwhelmed :)
tries to socialise but regrets it afterwards
eats out of the trash near the camps mess hall i think. that or he steals the marshmallows. fiend
certified silly straw enjoyer. Sarah has a few because he probably can't drink from cups otherwise. they will have hot chocolate together
has a kandi bracelet with Sarah's name on it. so he doesn't forget it. yeah i know canonically he doesn't remember her very well but i'll always see them as besties still <:)
whenever he gets hurt Sarah gives him cute bandages i think. she covers him in stickers in general
sometimes when he explodes he just. disassembles. he doesn't die his arms just fall off. Sarah has to stitch him them back on afterwards (inspired by this adorable post)
scars. lots of them. has a big vertical one on his torso
went bald after ripping all of his hair out due to the stress of what happened to him, but it's been regrowing well!
wobbles a bit whenever he moves
HOLY SHIT THAT'S A LOT if you guys want more headcanons ummm please do say so my brain is rotting!!!
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mono-dot-jpeg · 10 months
new universe - y. welt
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summary; while you didn't mind playing hsr, you didn't want to be in hsr!
genre/extra tags; headcanons, isekai! reader, father figure! welt back in action, fluff, angst???
[platonic] [16 years old! reader] [gender neutral! reader]
a/n; never wrote for isekai'd reader but im down to try. this is probably gonna be unintentionally angsty bc idk abt u but no matter what world im waking up in, im gonna lose my shit too.
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you played quite a bit of hsr
you had your fair share of liking a bunch of characters, gambling on them just for that 0.001% chance of feeling joy that you finally got that character
and you liked the story and all
but you didn't want anything more than that
so imagine the absolute panic of waking up like you were trailblazer.
march's face near yours sending you into freeze rather than flight or fight
"march step back, give them time. they just woke up."
you literally go through the 5 stages or grief as you slowly realize, oh shit, im not home anymore
and then it sinks in again
and then you start crying.
you're stuck in denial as you cry your eyes out
you're stuck in a fantasy space world where you are just as powerless as a citizen npc and you know there's a bunch of enemies in game that look really painful to deal with
you dont even realize that you've been taken to a room to wallow in peace.
welt's room to be specific.
you calm down after a while, sitting down in embarrassment bc oh fuck you just cried in front of some of your favorite character but to be fair you might be stuck in this world which does almost send into another panic
but welt comes in at the right time
"i'm sorry we didn't wake you when we found you, but we wanted to make sure that you weren't injured. do you remember anything of what happened?" he speaks calmly, making you feel calm in return
"i only remember my name.." you're really lucky to know that you speak the common language in this universe, or maybe they just know it. "i don't know what happened and..." your body shakes, feeling overwhelmed. "i don't know... 'm sorry."
he shakes his head. "you did nothing wrong. we didn't think or account for this. it's okay. it's okay to be scared. we're here to help you."
and it kind of breaks your heart bc you don't think there's a way to get back to your real home.
"would you like to know how we found you?" he hands you some water to drink.
you nod weakly, drinking the water.
and he explains how they found you in a different planet and stuck in a forest. "so you don't remember anything else?"
you hesitate. "i don't..i-" you close your mouth. "i don't think you'd believe me."
"it's okay if you don't want to tell me. but are you sure you don't know where your home is?" at the mention of home, you feel your eyes water.
"my home isn't where you think it is." you whisper weakly.
you don't elaborate and he doesn't expect you to elaborate.
"thank you for telling what you wanted to tell. i'm sure you're still scared and worried. and that's okay. but this does mean, you don't have a home.."
and he ends up taking you in.
you stick with him for a long while. it takes you a long time to get used to everything.
eventually you do get somewhat accustomed to it all.
with welt by your side you feel a bit more safe and less scared.
but on those nights where you remember that your normal is not the normal of this world, you find yourself looking for welt.
it's just silent comfort, just having his presence around you makes you feel better as you lay down by him as if you were a younger kid.
you just let him read his books as you wait for your body to make you sleep.
"thank you welt." you can't help but mutter.
and his reply is just a gentle pat on your head, a sign of him always listening to you and caring for you.
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writing-whump · 6 days
Woww thank you for the accident fic I was one of the fans who asked for it 😄 maybe it was not fun for you as much as other but I really enjoyed it (guess I'm a huge fan of those kind unexpected drama and sacrifice lol) Tbh, I don't want to bore you, or mess your schedule and attention but I can't help myself! Well, ok, I admit I'm a drama-addict and love to read other's reactions to it. Sorry for insisting!!
So it's just a tiny request, it really doesn't have to a fic-long as usual (if you want to write that way of course it's way better for me lol) I'm just curious about how would Isiah feel and think when he found out about the accident. I understand that this kind of trauma can be healed easily for wolves and not a concern, and Hex&Arnie got through it well, but it could be worse, right? Idk maybe Arnie would feel stressed about it afterwards and worry about Hex even though he's already healed. He might also blame himself for what happened as he was driving? Anyways, would you consider write another part stress sick Arnie and caretaker Isiah?
I mean, this is fitting, since Arnie doesn't get stress sick, but he gets stress migraines. And we didn't have him with Isaiah as caretaker for a while...here you go🥰🤗
Stress migraine
Arnie really wanted to have fun today.
Hector was sleeping third day in a row already, tyring to get his shadow back up after all the healing. Nobody really knew, since Hector wouldn't want the pack to know and refused to call anyone.
Arnie understood. It was usually just the two of them, when something bad happened to either. Hector never let himself or Arnie find out if they had other people they could trust.
But now they had someone like that back. Someone they could call.
Other thing was that there wasn't really much to tell. Hector was fine, the car was getting fixed, Arnie wasn't hurt very much. What was he supposed to make a scene for, when there was no proof something even happened?
He caught himself looking for the little wound in his hair in the mirror just to make sure he didn't dream the whole accident up.
They had a scheduled meeting with Isaiah on Saturday though and Arnie figured it was a good opportunity as any to get out and distract himself.
He wanted to stop waking up to the fear he was back at the car or keep checking Hector every 30 minutes like he would start coughing blood out of his sleep all of sudden.
No, this was good.
Isaiah took him on a tour around Vienna. He said it was a scandal Arnie didn't get to see the center yet and that he didn't know all the sights by memory now.
Isaiah definitely did. They took Tram D around the main ring of the first district. Many important things were all after each other, parliament, city hall, the two giant museums of natural history and art history right across each other, the giant theater, the Butterfly House...
Isaiah refused to take a car, when everything was so well-connected and they spend the day on foot, from one park to another, one big street to another.
Isaiah seemed to have a thought out plan of switching between greenery and impressive buildings, talking all about the style of architecture, how many times they were rebuild, who famous lived there.
Arnie was so overwhelmed with all the information he stopped putting it together halfway through. He took comfort from just Isaiah's relaxed mood, his zealous voice and ardent expression.
Everything was all good with the world again. One could believe it, listening to him.
Somewhere around midday they went to get lunch near the Schonenbrun castle and gardens, Isaiah treating him to schnitzel and cake for good measure. He never let Arnie pay for anything when they were together.
"I have the same inheritance as you do," Arnie objectdd as he took a sip from his cold brew coffee.
Isaiah smiled. "Yeah, but we will start this talk once you make your own. Rich or not, there is nothing like earning your own money for the first time. Your effort, you decision."
"So you want to pay for everything with what you earn?"
"The assistance job I got at the uni pays well. I also helped out with a city planning project last year that had very good funding."
Arnie leaned back in the chair. "That's cool. What about your whole wolf helping activities? Hector says you get called to things all around the city. Do you get any pay from that?"
Isaiah took a spoonful of his chocolate lava cake. "No, I don't do that for money. I like helping out."
"You shouldn't be doing that for free though, when it takes so much of your time. Or is it the contacts and favours you gather that way?"
"Isn't it worthwhile and helpful when you can give people things without having them pay for it?"
"Yeah sure, but that's sustainable if you actually use all the money you were born with. If you were born with it." He was getting the impression Isaaih didn't like relying on anything that came from their father. "Besides, don't people take skills and advice more seriously if they have to pay for it? If you give it for free, they might not take any interest at all. It's a way to show them something is valuable."
"What exactly would I call it? Hello, I have experience that your shadow is entirely manageable with the right kind of training, but your pack doesn't seem to know, so come and listen to me?" Isaiah shook his head. Way to insult the pack and trivialise the wolf's problems.
"You have expert training from leading packs of the West. If you wanted to make that systematically accessible through courses or stuff, I think people would find it easer to find you. You could even prevent most of the problems the packs and human authorities call you to."
Isaiah chuckled. "You aren't the first one to suggest something like that. Matthew said something similar. Even Seline said I could make it a job. I don't know. I like working in the academic environment as well."
"It's not like you would have to choose between one or the other. Plus academic jobs are pretty instable I hear."
"You didn't even start uni yet and you are hearing about uni conditions?"
Arnie shrugged. "Lots of protests about the Mittelbau and the time constrained chain contracts around lately." Apprently 80% of the academic workforce that didn't have safe professor status worked under conditioned contracts, always afraid if they were going to be prolonged or not and if they wouldn't have to move to another town just to get a job they specilized in.
"It's impressive you can understand it. You still thinking about law school?"
"Yep." Hector was very careful about not mentioning it too much so Arnie wouldn't feel pressured, but he knew Hector would find it useful. Even wolves had to respect the law.
And Arnie would love to feel a bit more powerful around them.
"You are still studying it too?"
"Additional classes and courses, yeah. It's not my main subject, but it's useful in practice."
Arnie hummed, satisfied with the prognosis of that. He wanted to know useful important stuff.
They talked some more about law and different teaching styles of different faculties.
Everything was going well, except the sun was becoming a bit too much and Arnie's temples were starting to pulse.
Why now? He finally relaxed, finally forgot about what happened at home...
His stomach flipped at the reminder. He was pleasantly full just a minute ago, but now it felt like too much.
They paid and strolled around the gardens, when Arnie said: "Let's sit in the shade for a bit?"
Isaiah gave him a puzzled look that they barely got up and Arnie wanted to sit down already, but complied.
For such a historical sight, there were lots of people chilling on the benches in the shadows. Lots of trees planted for that purpose aside all the magnificently styled flowers everywhere.
"It's really hot today," Arnie said, tugging at the collar of his buttonup. Short sleveed, but still.
"There is a good ice cream stand nearby. I'll get you some." Isaiah patted him on the back as he left.
Arnie slumped back on the bench, relieved to be out of sight for a bit. He didn't want to ruin the tour that Isaiah planned out so carefully, but his head was positively pounding.
He didn't get a headache after the accident. That was weird in hindsight. Usually, when something stressful like that happened, he would absolutely get one.
He must have been too worried for Hector to let himself relax enough for it to set in. Veins must have finally opened from their tense contraction, and that's what made it painful.
Cold sweat was gathering at the back of his neck. His right temple felt like someone was putting a drill to it, while the other was held in a crushing grip.
The sunlight was so blinding, even though he was in a nice shade. He felt goosebumps on his arms, as his lovely lunch churned inside him.
Arnie leaned forward, planting his elbows on his knees as he swallowed heavily against the saliva pooling in his mouth.
His stomach let out an angry whine, cramping up. Arnie hid his face in his hands, taking quick shallow breaths. Not now, not now, not now.
He groaned as his lunch roiled inside him, sniffling. There weren't many people around him in particular but this was still a public space. Beautiful gardens under a tree with a view of the castle, no less.
A burp snuck its way past his lips. His upper lip was covered in sweat now too. He could taste the salt as he licked his lips.
Arnie knew from experience it would only make him more miserable to fight it. The pain in his temples pulsed in synch with his heartbeat.
When he looked up from his hands, the sunlight pierced his eyes even stronger. The pain in his left temple spiked and Arnie heaved, pulling his feet more apart.
He swallowed the first retch down, but the second almost made him choke. Letting his head hang between his knees, he burped, the third wave bringing up the cake and the cold coffee onto the ground.
His brain was buzzing in his skull, so he kept his eyes closed, completely giving in to the sensations. Another wave of puke landed between his feet. Arnie only hoped his shoes wouldn't get dirty.
"Aww kiddo. What happened to you?" He felt Isaiah's cold hand against his nape. Isaiah discarded the two scones of ice cream on the ground at the sight of him, sitting down gently next to him.
That's when another wave of yellow brown puke found its way up, tasting of the potato salad and meat. Arnie groaned, back arching as he vomited up the longest stream yet.
Isaiah held his shoulder to steady him, rubbing up and down with his thumb. "What happened? Did you feel sick suddenly? Or before? Is it the sun?"
Arnie burped emptily, spitting at the pool between his feat. The smell was making him nauseous still.
"I thought we took enough breaks in the shade. Maybe I miscalculated. You are sweating all over."
Arnie sniffled, his nose running. He kept his eyes closed still, the pounding in his head worse whenever the tried to open his eyes. He tilted towards Isaiah's voice blindly.
Isaiah obediently filled in the spot, letting Arnie lean against his shoulder. "Shhhhh. All good now. We will cool you down and you will feel better in no time."
Arnie sniffled again, curling into Isaiah's clean cologne, probably leaving a trail of snot behind. "Head hurtsss."
"I know, buddy, I know."
"...wanna go home."
Isaiah nodded over his head. "I'll call a taxi. We can go to my place too..."
Arnie shook his head. "Home." He wanted his own bed, his curtains, his medicine, though it would probably take a bit for his stomach to settle enough for it.
Isaiah was quite as they waited, only wrapping his arm around Arnie and helping him up when the taxi came. It was more or less a blurr for Arnie, who was glad Isaiah took over so eagerly, masterfully, despite not even knowing what was wrong.
As they sat in the back of the car, Arnie buried his face in Isaiah's chest, trying to muffle the sounds and light as much as possible.
"You will be okay. Just breathe."
"I'm sorry I ruined the trip."
"You didn't, you didn't. Should have chosen a later hour. With this heat-"
"Not the heat," Arnie sighed. "Migraine."
Isaiah tensed underneath him. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Miragine. It's fine. Not...not your fault."
"Since when do you get migraines?" Isaiah said in a strangled voice.
"Since I was 12? Or 13? Something like that." He moaned quietly as the car took a turn and jostled him.
Isaiah tighed his grip around his torso. They sat in silence for a while before he spoke again. "How often do you get them?"
"Not regularly anymore. Something...usually something triggers it."
Isaiah's hand went up his arm, gently sneaking into his sweaty hair. When Arnie leaned into the touch, Isaiah started rubbing at his temples gently.
"What triggered it this time?" Isaiah asked softly.
The car jostled them again, making them both jump up and down on their seats. Arnie tensed up, then buried his face against Isaiah's neck with a moan.
Isaiah held him as tight as he could without making it painful. Arnie fought against the growing pressure behind his eyes, lips pressed together.
Isaiah's voice was so soft and concerned in his ear it got the tears spilling down Arnie's cheeks. "I-it's nothing. Nothing really happened. We-we just-" He sobbed quietly.
"We-we were in a car accident with Hex. Three days ago." He felt the coldness wash over them as the car came into the underground parking place of their apartment complex. Arnie blinked, leaning back, blinking his eyes open in relief at the darkness.
He looked at Isaiah with teary eyes. "I-I was driving and it wasn't my- but Hex, he- protected me and got super hurt and, and he is fine now..."
Isaiah watched him carefully, green eyes of the same shade meeting his. They seemed to have a glow in the dark from how intensity he focused on Arnie.
"But I was really scared, you know? And it's stupid to be upset about it, cause nothing h-happened-"
"It's not stupid. It was scary and horrible, no matter the outcome. I'm sorry that happened."
"B-but I shouldn't be upset, right? Cause we are fine, we are both fine-" His breath hitched with another sob as another tear ran down his cheek. Some part of his brain wondered how the taxi driver didn't say a thing, waiting for Arnie to cry his eyes out on his backseat.
Isaiah brushed some sweaty blond hair away from Arnie's forehead. "And that's important that you are both healthy and okay. But it makes perfect sense you are upset too. You are allowed to get scared and worried."
Arnie's face twisted with another sob as Isaiah petted his hair gently, carefully watching him for any signs it was making the headache worse. But the pressure was really going down as Arnie let the emotion go, through words and tears.
"We didn't have to go out today if you were upset," Isaiah said.
"I wanted to see you though. And we had it scheduled..." so it was the best opportunity.
"If you called me, I would have come. We don't have to just meet when it's 'scheduled' or when you need help with something serious, you know?" Isaiah was still combing Arnie's hair away, when he started to look through his pockets with their other hand, manifesting a paper towel out of nowhere. "Here."
Arnie wiped his face and carefully blew his nose.
"I want to know when something happens in your lives. Good or bad, big or small," Isaiah said, no trace of reproach in his voice, though he sounded firm. "I want to be in the picture."
Arnie felt better hearing it somehow. It was like a permission to call him, even when the trouble wasn't real. Even if it was just Arnie wanting to talk.
The younger boy took a shaky breath, offering Isaiah a shy smile.
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darkcircles4lyfe · 4 months
hi hello ive just come from your enneagram 9 izuku post and i am just OVERWHELMED with joy & excitement after reading it, everything you said just feels so RIGHT!!
(i am a nine myself & have always felt weirdly attached to izuku in that he felt soso similar to me in such a weirdly specific way but i couldn't really explain why i just Got Him until now, so thanks for that little boost of validation lol)
with your post in mind, i couldn't stop thinking about this line from 412 and it got me curious if you had any additional thoughts on it/read it the same way i did:
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the moment i read this line i immediately took a screenshot & filed it away in my Important Izuku Moments file, like idk! the wording of it, the way he's talking about shigaraki but could SO easily be talking about himself, that honestly devastating panel of the tears in his eyes...
we've gotten plenty of hints about izuku's emotional suppression (that 'heroes dont cry' scene with iida & todoroki, his flashback of all might telling him to 'stop being such a cry baby' during the afo fight, the whole 'control your heart' plotline...) but THIS line in particular feels so significant for some reason. maybe cause this could easily be izuku recognizing himself in/through shigaraki? maybe bc it is so close to izuku acknowledging the lid hes put on his own sad & lonely past? maybe bc this is the closest we've ever gotten to izuku saying i'm not okay, even if he isn't actually talking about himself yet?
im trying really hard not to ramble too much in your inbox lol, but everything you said in your post about tomura & izuku really hit home for me, i think you're so right about them. and this line in particular is what makes me think we really are going to see some version of tomura being the one to finally break through (Decay) izuku's emotional blocks & barriers (something something locked door imagery), and that just makes me really excited. for both of them :')
YAY!! I’m so glad to hear you resonated with it. It’s otherwise a bit of a “if you know you know” sort of situation, and it felt good to actually explain it.
I had a “!” moment with that panel too, and also when he says he’s determined to break through Tomura’s barrier, expose and acknowledge his pain.
My immediate thought was, “Oh hey, I’m definitely not making this shit up after all, because Horikoshi is obviously intending to confront the concept of bottling up your emotions/your past. He literally just stated it. We're on the same page.” While it didn’t directly confirm anything about Izuku, it's at least something he is aware of, which is an important first step. There's a line in Sleeping At Last's 'Nine' that I was thinking about a lot as I was writing the latter part of that post: "I'm just trying to find myself through someone else's eyes," which speaks to a need for Tomura to be Izuku's mirror, so that he can see himself.
Also, the revelation that Izuku is clinging to the idea that everyone has a "human heart" deep down is pretty clearly applicable to himself too, implying that he's dealing with a lack of self worth (a lot of Japanese fans were talking about this, and I think it doesn't come across as easily in English). I really love how Kudou clarified that Izuku is not naive for this. It's not the same as being blissfully ignorant to how cruel people can be. It's more like, "I need to believe in the worth of others or else I can't believe in myself." That's... so painful and beautiful.
I'm also excited for what comes next! Very soon!
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ravenwitch45 · 4 months
Can you please do headcanons for poly Beelzebub x Male Reader x Loona? Could be an interesting dynamic lmao. Thanks for your time, I love your stuff!
(Whew! Damn I am sorry this took so long, I had such a mess of a few months, and getting absorbed and overwhelmed with my rp blog. Which is why I was silent on HH despite it ripping my heart out XP But I'm back! Let's do this, I love this idea. I love some Poly relationships, and first time for Bee, something to celebrate I guess, hope you don't mind if it kinda turns out treating the reader as Vortex, idk if that'll happen but I feel it might, but I will still try!)
(PS not sure if you mean this as Loona and Bee not being together, but are with you, but with how you phrased it, I'm going with all together, hope that's okay)
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Male Reader in a Poly relationship with Beelzebub and Loona
The Relationship is certainly like a rollercoaster, but not in a bad way.
Bee's eternal party girl attitude is well balanced by Loona's preference to take it slow and not draw too much attention to herself, and you being a good middle point things work pretty well despite two very different situations being your most common dates
High party life and chill dates like movies, walks etc, give a lot of ways for you guys to get used to eachothers quirks and interests.
Though I wll say, despite your both being pretty modest people, Bee loves showing you both off, just how she is but she tries to keep a low profile if you request it, just so you can recharge your social batteries when you need. Though she can still overdo it
You and Loona are pretty humble, you don't brag about being in a relationship with a sin, and if they haven't heard, you can expect some slack jaws when Bee shows herself, one time you and Loona are pretty darn smug and proud.
Bee is pretty darn protective of you too, not that Loona isn't as well, but due to her powers, Bee can be a good bit more intimidating and scary. If your protective too, then it's quite the scary throuple to mess with.
No matter your species, you love how soft both your girlfriend's fur is, though of course your respectful in touching it, be it bashful or or affectionately so.
When your all together and the night approaches, and you shuffle into bed, it's a very relaxed atmosphere, the bed is warm, as all the bodies you hold eachother close, but noones overheating as Bea's liquid tail wraps around you all.
If it takes long for any of you to get to sleep and anyone has something to vent about, you have two great confidents in a safe space, as sleep takes you, and another fun day awaits in the morning
(Hope I did this okay, getting used to this again, so hope I'm not too rusty XP)
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eskumii · 2 years
soft yandere!incel!izuku midoriya + darling who's a famous pro hero
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TITLE: " SHE WANT ME FR " — navi.
NOTES: literally ascended into the air mid sleep cycle to write this and it's kinda different than what i usually write so forgive me i'm feeling a little silly goofy rn ,, nsfw below the cut!! idk why this keeps not showing up in tags :( so frustrating, i reposted like three times already man edit: works now lol
PAIRING: soft yandere!incel!izuku midoriya x pro hero!reader
GENRE/AU: izuku is quirkless and works a boring office job, rookie pro hero!reader, izuku is a pervert + woman hater + literally delusional smh
CHARACTERS: izuku midoriya (20), reader (19)
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imagine incel!izuku who's obsessed with you, a promising new pro hero just barely debuting into the infancy of her career.
incel!izuku who, at first, isn't interested. you're another female pro hero, so what? he's rather partial to it; you're only really getting attention because you're a female. once everyone sees past the pretty face and nice thighs, you'll be irrelevant.
incel!izuku who falls in love after seeing one leaked picture of you pre-pro hero era, where you're makeup-less with messy hair and in pajamas. having been uploaded to one of the deep web forums he frequents, he expected an overwhelming amount of hate but, instead, everyone thinks you're even more attractive. izuku stares at the picture long and hard—actually, maybe he's beginning to see what they mean. he bookmarks it and revisits it often.
a few days later, it's his new lock screen.
incel!izuku who keeps a journal full of all the information he's gathered on you so far; from height and weight to your favorite food and color. he watches all your interviews and jots down the timestamps in which you do something cute—not that he doesn't just rewatch the whole thing later, anyway. he'll vehemently deny being a fan of yours because oh, you're not that cool, but at least you're cute! he can't possibly let people know how far into the rabbit hole he is, not a chance.
incel!izuku who begins scouring the internet, looking for erotica content about you to consume. sometimes he'll even write his own, pouring out his fetishized fantasies onto the notes app of his phone. how he'll tie you up and have his way with you—whether you want it or not—because a woman should always take responsibility for being so carelessly screwable!
he totally jacks off in a bathroom stall during break at work because he gets so turned on while scrolling through your pictures when he's supposed to be filing papers. he'll sigh in relief when he finishes all over his phone screen, which displays a picture of your face, before cleaning up his mess.
truthfully, izuku knows his growing obsession with you is unhealthy. but, but, he was the same with all might when he was a kid—there's no harm in looking up to a pro hero, is there? besides, you're a woman, so it's only natural your slutty, skin-tight pro hero outfits would give him such raging hard-ons when he doesn't want them to! aren't you ashamed of yourself, walking around in such tasteless outfits? if you were his wife, he'd never let you leave the house. ever.
incel!izuku who's such an avid fan that he collects everything that's you-themed. he buys all your limited edition merch: shirts, posters, trading cards, cups, body pillows. you don't even want to know how many he's had to replace from cutting holes in them and pretending they're you when he's horny. a huge portion of his salary now goes to catering his embarrassing addiction to you. you should be grateful for having such a loyal, loving fan, no?
as if reading his thoughts, your management team announces that you'll be having a fan meet-up. izuku is so ecstatic that he's among the first people to pre-order tickets the second they're released. he dreams about shaking your hand or even giving you a hug, and how your soft your body will feel against his. he can't wait to touch you and just be near you; he's not sure he'll be able to control himself.
when the meet-up day rolls around, izuku queues up in the line and waits his turn to meet you. he's almost trembling by the time he reaches the table where you're sitting, smiling so adorably at the little kid that's rambling to you excitedly. the sight is precious—he wants that to be his kid one day.
a few minutes later, it's his turn. izuku walks up to the table, stiff as a board, and crouches down so he's eye-level with you. he's blushing intensely and your eye contact with him is making him feel so hot. you smile at him, and he begins to feel a touch light-headed.
"hi! thanks for coming," you reach out for a handshake. "so sorry the line's so long, we didn't expect so many people to come out!"
izuku can hardly speak. unsure of what to say, he simply nods and shakily reaches out to grab your hand, the anticipation almost sending him over the edge. and when your hands do finally intertwine, he immediately and unexpectedly gets a boner. a euphoric feeling runs through his body like lightning, striking his heart as if an arrow. seeing you in person is so much better than the pictures.
as you go to pull away, you can't. his grip is so tight that you literally have to wrench your hand away. he's staring at you with such a concentrated focus that you're not sure he's blinked even once since he came up to you. you're a bit weirded out now, so you try to end the meeting quickly.
"ah, well, uhm, what's your name?" you ask hesitantly, popping the cap off your marker so you can sign a poster for him.
did you just ask for his name? his name?
"i-it's i-i-izuku midoriya!" it comes out of his mouth in a shrill tone and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to you.
"i-zu-ku... mi-do-ri-ya..." you repeat his name slowly as you sign both his name and your signature at the bottom of the poster.
each person gets five minutes with you. izuku doesn't say much. it's completely awkward for you when your questions go unanswered and you're instead being stared through with those jade green eyes of his. when five minutes is up, you wave goodbye and blow a complimentary kiss, as it's apart of your trademark. you literally couldn't wait for it to be over.
izuku doesn't take his eyes off of you until he's escorted out of the room by the staff. his heart is beating out of his chest right now; did that even really happen? did he actually touch you? it sinks in slowly but surely. he did! he touched you! your hand was so soft and fit so perfectly in his. like it was meant to be. and the way you looked at him? he resists the urge to palm himself through his jeans.
you're such a sweetheart, too. not like other low IQ women who just ignore him when he's trying to be nice to them; come on, you even asked for his name! you really are different from the rest. not to mention how good you smelled, it's a sure sign you know how to take care of yourself. he'll have to find out what perfume you use so he can spray it on his body pillows.
he just can't wait to go home and brag about it all on his online forums and the fan sites he's recently joined!
but first, the tightness in his pants is increasing to crazy levels of uncomfortable. he excuses himself to the bathroom to take care of it, still giddy from the fact he had just been face-to-face with you mere moments ago. as he unzips his pants and begins almost violently rubbing one out, he stares intently at the poster you had given him with bated breath and a gaze ripe with lust.
that's right, incel!izuku uses the hand you shook to jack off, just to cum all over the poster that you gave him. he's literally drooling as his fist is rocketing along his sensitive length, milking himself for all he's worth. shuddering in pleasure from his orgasm, he smiles dazedly at the poster of your face now slick and sticky with his semen.
what a bad girl, making him go to such lengths! making him so horny and needy with your alluring eyes and adorable smile! how dare you steal his heart and walk around looking the way you do, knowing he can't have you the way he wants. what a whore. you should be the one getting him off and making him feel good!
it's all your fault, darling. don't blame him when he breaks into your house while you're sleeping next.
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coffeebanana · 4 months
Word Tag Game
Thank you for the tag, @saiikavon!! (the words i'm supposed to hunt down are...catch, hope, dream, cry. Let's see what I can find!!)
catch : found this in a prpr ladybug-shows-up-at-adrien's in the middle of the night for cuddles after a nightmare oneshot i...started and keep forgetting about 😂
They fell silent again, for long enough that their breaths fell into sync and Adrien’s heart finally remembered how to beat. An overwhelming feeling pulsed through him—something golden and wonderful, too profound to catch hold of. He was so lucky to have her in his life—his Ladybug, his Marinette. So lucky that sometimes it terrified him. He knew all too well how quickly happiness could disappear.
hope : OH it took me a while to find something for this one but...ehehe. this is from a little ficlet i started where marinette died...that i'll probably never finish but abfkdsjdj
“I hope she is,” Emma says. And she’d been silent long enough he'd wondered if she was drifting off to sleep, so it takes him a moment to remember what she’s talking about. Is maman watching? It’s a nice thought. Adrien’s not sure he believes it. But maybe it’s better if she’s not—how lonely she would be watching her family go on without her? How guilty, even though it wasn’t her fault?
dream : this is from my tropes akuma wip...the trope they got hit with is "there was only one bed" teehee
Chat hesitated. “I just want to be clear, I’m not suggesting we do this, but…you asked what might happen, and in the honour of being completely honest—” “We should try kissing,” she interrupted. Chat gaped at her. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to pinch himself through the suit, but he needed to find a way. Because this had to be a dream. It had to be. Right?
cry : this one feels like cheating, because this line almost certainly getting cut, but here's something from the draft of entangled ch4
At some point, she couldn’t tell which of them was crying more.
Okay...no pressure tags for @blur0se, @mostmagical, @kasienda, @ladyofthenoodle, @heartfulselkie, @lesbitorte, @asukiess ... i want to tag more but i should leave names for everyone else 😂 and IDK how many ppl i was supposed to tag. or how many new words i'm supposed to choose. i'll go with four since that's how many i had, but feel free to use as many or as few as you want: breath, help, unfold, smile
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breathlesslink · 9 months
Chapter Four — Truth
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[chapter warnings: cursing, dark past, hints at depression/grief, death topics]
t.o.c ; << | >>
a/n: hi everyone thanks for being so patient w me i know i’m bad at updating regularly idk what my issue is. also this chapter is for sure just a filler to get the reader’s backstory and motivation it’s literally ALL dialogue thank u love u
Pissed was an understatement.
You knew your sleep felt too fulfilling. You felt it in your dreams that you'd been sleeping for too long.
Link had chosen not to wake you for your night shift, opting to sit on a stool next to your bed with a book lying around the stable the entire night.
You felt off, wondering why chirping birds had woken you from your slumber instead of Link, before shooting up in the bed and looking around. It was getting light outside, the clock on one of the support beams of the stable reading "6:20".
Beside you, Link dog-eared the book page and tilted his head innocently. "Are you alright?"
"You!" Your head whipped around to him, "You didn't wake me up!"
"You needed sleep."
"So do you, asshat."
Link shook his head, putting the book down and standing up to stretch. "I slept for 100 years. I'm fully rested still."
You rolled your eyes. "As if."
Still slightly seething, you kicked the blankets off, shivering as the cool air hit your legs. You quickly put your socks and shoes on, grabbing your bag and getting ready to travel. Link was already outside readying the horses, and he handed you an apple for breakfast.
Taz and Epona seemed to follow the trails by heart now, which made it incredibly easy for Link to multitask looking at the paper map. He lifted the sheet up to you, pointing at a specific spot that was marked with an X.
"This mark is supposed to be Zora's Domain." He explains, "It'll probably take a while to get there, especially if we try to just catch stables to rest. Hate to break it to you, but we might be coming upon our first camp."
You groaned, half playfully and half not. Who could blame you, though?
"Goodbye, warm bed." You slumped into Taz's neck, earning a small chuckle from Link. "Are we going to the tower first? To get the actual map on your little gadget?"
"The Sheikah Slate? Yes." Link squinted at the map for a second time. "Before that, though. I want to head back to Impa to talk to her about my memories, so maybe we can take a shortcut through Kakariko to cut down time."
"We'd have to turn back and go down the other trail." You replied.
"It's like, a 10 minute ride back. You'll be fine."
"I'm not complaining!" You gasped, feigning offense. "If anything I'm, uh, rejoicing."
Link quirked an eyebrow. "About what? You can't be that excited to spend more time with me." He teased. The longer you spent with him, the more sassy and talkative he's become. Your only choice is to rival his sarcasm with your own.
"You're gonna make me hurl." You shot back, "In actuality, I want to ask her some things too." Sensing Link's silence as a motion to continue, you did. "She had to have known my parents before my siblings and I got taken. We lived in Kakariko. So maybe she knows something about the night it happened or anything that could lead me to Hiro."
You were silently kicking yourself in the rear for not thinking of it before, when you were originally in Kakariko. If Impa had been the Chief 100 years before your existence, and has been since then, then surely she knew of your family.
Link nodded, not pushing further. He'd figured out by now that your past was something you weren't ready to talk about. You both turned the horses around and headed back up the road, basking in a comfortable silence as you traveled towards the village.
Impa spoke to Link first.
You were allowed to stay in the room this time, as Link had told her you were traveling partners. It was interesting to watch from the sidelines as the two spoke of Link's missions— the Divine Beasts, Ganon, regaining his memories.
It all seemed so overwhelming to you, and yet Link stood firm. Ready to give his life again for a country he didn't even remember. You admired him for it.
It made your own mission seem smaller in comparison, so when Impa sent Link out to run errands for her for you to speak alone, you felt like a bug. Just waiting to be squashed under scrutiny. But that insecurity faded quickly as the door shut behind Link and Impa regarded you with a warm, familiar smile.
"It's been quite a long time, hasn't it?"
Relief flooded your system. She remembered you.  "Yeah." You let out a breathy laugh, "It has. I, uh, actually have some questions. About that night."
"It seems as if trauma does not discriminate with repressed memories, does it? Whether it be an abduction or a hundred-year-old injury."
Pressing your lips together, you agreed once more. You struggled to make the words come out of your mouth. Too many questions floated through your head, and you couldn't choose which to ask first. As if sensing your unease, Impa spoke again.
"I'm assuming you'd like to know what happened."
You nodded. "It's been so long. Even if I did remember it all, it would be fuzzy."
"You were eleven whenever the Yiga attacked Kakariko. Your brother was eight, and your sister was only two." Impa started from the beginning, her eyes continuously assessing your reaction. "They came in the middle of the night, and lit the town ablaze. The people of Kakariko evacuated and met up at the mouth of the mountain, where the entrance to the town is, and did a headcount. Your entire family was nowhere to be found."
"What happened to my parents?" You were aware of the implications, and figured they had moved on from such a traumatic event in their life. Perhaps they had moved to another village to escape.
Impa averted her eyes, which confirmed the worst for you. "We found their bodies, but we could not find you three. We thought that perhaps the flames burned so hot that you all were gone without a trace, but soon after, a few Sheikah soldiers went undercover at the Yiga hideout for intel. Calamity Ganon is close to being back, so the Yiga have been more active.
We found files pertaining you— they had been watching for years. Waiting for a moment to strike. We wanted to get you out, but the Yiga had you all so heavily guarded. It was nearly impossible. One day, however, another mission went undercover and couldn't find you. That's when we heard of the escape. I figured it was only a matter of time until one of you came home."
You didn't speak for a moment, letting it all sink in. They were actively trying to find you. "Why us? We were just kids."
"100 years ago, before Calamity Ganon's return, your great grandfather was the top researcher of Sheikah technology. He worked alongside the King of Hyrule, Princess Zelda, and myself to prepare for the battle ahead." Impa smiled fondly, as if she was remembering the good times with your ancestor. "For some reason, the Guardians just listened to him. They activated at his touch while dead to everyone else. They were finicky things— still dangerous, even back then. And yet they'd listen to everything your great grandfather did.
The same went for your grandmother, and then your mother. My guess is that the Yiga believed one of you possessed the same gift of controlling such uncontrollable energy that our ancient technology contained. They wanted you on their side, so they could easily control it whenever the time came."
Reeling. That was the only word to describe your mental state.
You'd spent years— captive and free— wondering why. Why such things happened to you, how you played into these little plans that the Goddesses gave you. It almost felt comforting, though, when there was doubt. An idea that the Yiga grabbed you for no reason, or had the wrong people.
"How did you recognize me? It's been eight years."
"You're the mirror image of your father, dear." Impa gestured to the right of her, to a picture on the wall. You cautiously walked towards it, nervous to see whatever the frame held, yet fear was soon replaced with an entire flurry of emotions. 
Happiness, nostalgia. Grief. 
It was a family of five-- your family. You held Kimi against your hip, smiling a toothy, child-like grin as the baby version of your sister sucked her thumb. Hiro sported his signature pout, the picture taken while he was in the middle of rolling his eyes. Very typical. 
What stuck out the most, however, was your parents. Their eyes were shining so brightly, and their smiles matched. Your mom was looking at you and your siblings with absolute adoration. Your father looked at her in the exact same way. 
Your heart ached.  
They loved you so much. They probably gave their lives protecting you, Hiro, and Kimi until the very end. 
"This was taken only days before the incident." Impa explained, "It hangs as a memorial, but I want you to take it. Keep it as your own memorial now, in remembrance of not only your family, but also for your journey." 
"My family isn't entirely gone. I  found Kimi, just not Hiro." 
Impa sighed. "I cannot help you there, but he is out there. An old lady knows it all." There was a twinkle in her eye as she winked. "Another thing. Rely on Link more. He speaks highly of you." 
"He does? I haven't done anything, though--"
"100 years ago, Link was regarded as the Silent Knight." Impa all but interrupted you, presumably to keep you away from the route of self-doubt. "He never spoke to anyone. It took the Princess ages to even get a sentence out of him. I know not if it has to do with him simply forgetting who he used to be, or your presence, but he is open. Talkative. Relaxed. I saw him smile for the first time during our talk today, and it was when he was telling a story about you. Link is opening up to you, and it would help your journey so much if you did the same." 
You looked back at the picture frame on the wall. At first, you felt so much despair thinking about the family you'd lost. You hadn't even thought about what you gained. 
Your family in Gerudo-- Romah, Olu, Ashai, even the newest Chief had made your acquaintance during your stay. Impa. Link. 
People were there to support you, even if they weren't your family. They were found, not given, and chose you. Going out of their way to love you. 
And as you took the picture out of the frame and folded it into your pocket, thanking Impa for her time, you smiled. A real, genuine smile. The first one in a very long time. 
"And don't forget to pull your collar up on the back of your neck!" 
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