#I miss writing about momo and toshiro
So I was reading petrichor and this line really got me: "It occurs to her that if she didn’t know him, she’d likely be slightly terrified of him after seeing that." I was wondering if you're doing requests, could I please request a fic where Hinamori is a little afraid of Hitsugaya's powers or him? I guess I just love angst, but feel free to make it fluffy too. Thank you and happy blog anniversary!
In the Shadow of the Ice
Rating: K+ / General with mentions of violence and a bit of course language.
Setting: During the battle of Gerard vs Byakuya and Hitsugaya
Synopsis: After witnessing Toshiro’s new powers, Momo experiences an emotion she never expected to feel towards her childhood friend.
AN: this was such an interesting concept to write about. Admittedly, I put them in a stressful situation, so maybe some of the fear came from that, but still!
The barrier Momo casts is this unnamed kido, I thought it looked neat and decided to include it here.
Hope you enjoy it, anon!
Momo’s heart pounds in her ears. Gerard has gotten too close. Thankfully, his focus is on Senbonzakura’s petals that lash out various attacks upon him, but this is also causing him to move in their direction. he crushes buildings and debris in his wake.
Willing herself to look away from the looming threat, Momo focuses on her captain and pulls him up by the arm. “Captain, wake up!” she yells. “We have to move!”
Shinji mumbles, only half conscious. His eyes barely open to look at her and winces. Her kido hasn’t enough to have healed his head injury. She quickly loops one of his arms over her shoulders, almost losing her footing from how quickly she stands up..
“We’re getting away from here,” she says. “We need to get away before whatever that is gets here.”
Shinji lists his head in the direction of the giant Quincy, she too looks over as she begins to lead them away.
Senbonzakura continues to attack the Quincy as a figure sores into the air high above them. Momo swallows thickly at seeing Toshiro. His reiatsu engulfs most of the area, cold and piercing, unlike anything she has ever sensed before. He unleashes a wave of ice, but it misses the giant’s arm and gets plastered across a growing pile of debris. He arcs high and lands on a building with his back to her.
He’d been too far for her to see before now, but being a closer confirms he looks different. The wings and appearance of Hyourinmaru’s bankai had been an obvious change, but she can’t understand how he’s taller. She forces down the emotions that come and doesn’t put labels to them. She can ask him questions later, when all of this fighting of over and they’e rescued those trapped under the debris. Because they will all make it, she doesn’t dare think of the alternative.
She still can’t make out her friend’s face, but she wonders if he has sensed her and Shinji nearby.
In front of Toshiro, Gerard shuffles away from a sudden strike by Senbonzakura and closer to them, one of his feet completely flattening a building and crushing another in half. The resulting debris goes flying everywhere, with large chunks breaking through surrounding structures.
Momo lets out a staggered breath at the destruction. She clutches her captain’s arm tighter and tries to move faster. In less dire circumstances, she could flash-step while carrying him, but her own injuries impeded her and muscle fatigue is starting to set in. She can’t keep the rising worry out of her voice as she says, “Come on, Captain. We’ll end up getting caught in this.”
He tries to put a foot forward, but he slips, sending them both to the ground. He mumbles out a curse and an apology, but Momo doesn’t hear it over the destruction. She tries to focus on helping her captain up and not on the shadow that’s fallen over them and surrounding area. They’re within range of an attack. They can’t escape him now.
New plan, Momo decides. She settles her captain down against a piece of debris, trying to be gentle but ending up hurried. She ignores his string of curses and his attempt to clutch his head, instead straightening up and throwing her hands up in front of her. Most of her view of the sky is obstructed by Gerard. She can’t ignore her racing heart or the cold panic that runs up her spine. Hastily, she chants out the highest barrier kido she can cast. After the last phrase of the incantation, an iridescent dome forms over her and Shinji. It’s the strongest barrier she can conjure up, and suitable for the worst case scenario where they’re buried under debris; if nothing else, they’d have to wait until someone found them.
She attempts to control her breathing, but when the giant twists in her direction, she can only gasp. Without thinking, she looks to Toshiro. He’s looking at her. She can’t make out his features, but his posture is tense.
Behind him, a hand is sweeping towards him.
“Look out!” she screams.
Toshiro barely turns in time to see what is coming for him. He flings himself away and slashes Hyourinmaru in the air, sending a cascade of ice that encases most of Gerard’s arm and freezing it to the building he’d just been standing on. The giant lets out a roar as he tries to free his limb, and it shakes the area all around them, making smaller bits of debris vibrate and tumble down accumulating piles. Some of it hits up against the barrier, sending ripples through the surface, but it remains stable. Senbonzakura cuts the Quincy off, slashing and digging into the side of his head. Gerard bats the petals away with his free hand, scattering them in all directions.
So caught up in watching the fight, Momo yelps when Toshiro lands on the other side of the barrier in front of her and Shinji.
“You need to move!”
She doesn’t have time to be shocked by the change in his voice – however slight it is – or the fact he’s suddenly a grown adult. Being in his presence freezes her, causes her fingertips to go cold and her whole body to shiver.
“W-We can’t,” she stutters out. “C-Captain Hirako i-is…” Knowing she can’t get the words out quick enough, she gestures to Shinji.
Toshiro’s gaze flashes to his fellow captain, and he cringes. “Damn it.”
There’s another thunderous roar, causing Momo and Toshiro to look back to the battle. All the air leaves Momo as the Gerard’s hand sweeps down to the buildings in front of them. They’re destroyed one by one in seconds. Her whole vision is filled with a cascade of falling debris, coming towards her and casting darker shadows over everything. Her hearing is deafened up the sounds of small pieces bouncing off the barrier and the crushing of the debris about to fall on her.
Yet somehow, despite how fast it’s all happening, she thinks of Toshiro, in harm’s way.
Without a second thought she lungs to him, intending to pull him into the barrier. The moment her hands come out of the barrier and are centimetres from grabbing the back of his uniform, they burn. She barely registers the ice forming and crawling up her fingertips as she loses her footing. She screams, but she’s not sure if it’s from the burning cold or that Toshiro is about to be crushed.
And then it all stops.
As Momo topples, her widened eyes take in everything. One second, the debris is falling, and the next, it’s all stopped midair.
Her arms land outside of the barrier but the rest of her remaining within. Her palms smack hard against the now frozen ground. She gasps at the cold. “H-How…?”
She whips her head back up, and time stills. No, she hadn’t been seeing things. All of the debris is frozen in ice. In her peripheral, every piece and chunk has been entrapped by the ice, and formed what looked like a massive wave frozen in time. Most of the ground remains untouched, expect for a jagged circle of it around Toshiro. Thankfully it hadn’t gotten inside of or on the barrier; she doesn’t think to question why that is, too shocked by what just happened.
A crunching footstep makes her shift her gaze back to Toshiro. He’d had his hand raised, but he now brings it back to his side. Hyourinmaru thrums with power, and if she weren’t already on her knees, she’s certain the way his reiatsu flares would make her double over under its pressure. She’s on verge of breaking out in a sweat, trying to keep herself raised.
“Hinamori!” Toshiro crouches and starts to reach for her, but stops himself. He winces, regret briefly flashing through his eyes before concern returns. “Are you all right?”
She manages a stiff nod, because as the shock starts to wear off, it finally hits her. He had done this. He’d frozen falling debris into a towering wall of jagged ice with a wave of his hand. He’d been standing there as the wreckage and destruction fell towards them, knowing he could stop it all.
Her awe is outdone by something she never expected to feel towards him. It grips her in a tight hold, causing her heart race again and tremors to break out across her limbs. She keeps her still widened eyes on him and tries to speak, but only stammers come out.
His wings arc around and over the barrier, protective. “What’s going on?”
Something about the action briefly reminds her of the Toshiro it knows. “Y-Your reia-atsu!”
His expression twists for a second, then he looks to the ground. “I’m not flaring it.”
This is his normal reiatsu now? When had it changed this much? No, it must the creeping exhaustion, it’s wearing her down to the point his reiatsu is affecting her. But what if that isn’t it? How can he be this powerful? What is this power? When had he acquired it? Why is he an adult?
“Hinamori, snap out of it!”
The order makes her flinch. She’s struggling to regain her breath and she can only stare at him. What she feels towards him in this moment has taken over her, and it horrifies her.
“What’re you…?” He glances down at her hands and does a double take. “When did you touch me?”
She’d completely forgotten about the ice encasing her fingers. Now the cold returns, dangerously close to piercing her to the bone. “I-I didn’t.”
His leans forward. “Let me see --”
On a reflex, draws her hands back into the barrier and she pushes herself away, clutching her them to her chest. Clutching them, some of the ice breaks off and falls away. She didn’t realise she’d half turned from him until his frown vanishes, but doesn’t move to change her posture. She wants to say this is all because of the intense cold emanating off of him, but it’s not.
“I was reaching for you,” she says, her voice almost sounding meek. “You were focused on the debris, you didn’t see.” Behind him, the wave looms over them. He’d created it with a wave of his hand. She shakes her head. “How is any of this possible?”
Something breaks in him, causing his eyes to widen and a strangled sound to escape him. His lips are parted, but nothing else comes out. He’s completely still, even the rise and fall of shoulders and chest ceases. Momo can’t register what he’s feeling, too caught up in trying to understand her own.
It’s as he’s frozen along with the wave. His gaze eventually falls to Hyourinmaru, hiding his eyes under his fringe. Something about the movement is vulnerable, and she wants to say something, but nothing comes to mind. “Hitsugaya-kun…”
His grip on his zanpakuto suddenly tightens, and he sweeps his head back up. Gone is the vivid emotions from before, and in it’s place he puts on the air he uses for training new recruits. “I’ll explain later. Protect Hirako, and when he’s ready, you need to get as far away from here as you can.”
Without another word, Toshiro stands. Some of the ice on the ground cracks when he kicks off with a powerful flap of his wings. Something about that tugs on Momo’s mind, but she ignores is as watches Toshiro soar through the sky and back into the fight, effortlessly dodging the Quincy’s attacks and conjuring ice in a blink of an eye. This attack is more vicious than any of the others, the ice coming out as more of a stab than a wave. It pierces Gerard and forces him away from the area. His shadow disappears over her and Shinji.
The ground shakes around her, helping her come out of her shock. Toshiro and Byakuya are forcing the enemy away, she can resume healing her captain and then getting him to safety.
She brushes and shakes the ice off her finger tips. The fragments fall into her lap and melt into her uniform. She curls her fingers several times, trying to rid the stiffness and chill from them.
Keeping the barrier up, she casts a healing kido over the last of Shinji’s injuries. He’s awake still, and more conscious than before.
“Who the fuck was that?” he mumbles.
Her voice is caught in her throat, but she forces out, “T-That was Captain Hitsugaya, sir.”
Shinji’s frown deepens. “Shit…when did his reiatsu get that big?”
If he had been more aware and awake at the time, she wonders how he’d have reacted to seeing Toshiro in this adult form and with these powers. Would he have been as shocked as her? Would he have been fearful too?
That fear lingers as she glances over her shoulder at the frozen wall of debris. Even when she was still recovering in Twelfth Division after he had been tricked into stabbing her, she was never been anywhere near this fearful of him.
She continues to stew on it as she heals her captain, then as she brings the barrier down, and as they stand to move off and find somewhere safe.
With Shinji more conscious, she gets her answer to at least one of the questions she had from before.
 “How the hell did he do that?!” Shinji half yells, widened eyes taking in the frozen towering wall of debris. His gaze sweeps down the wave, then lands on the battle happening the far-off distance when multiple sheets of ice conjure up in thin air and strike Gerard. “What kind of power is that?” He looks to her. “Did you know about this?”
She shakes her head.
That makes Shinji raise a brow. “Thought he’d tell you of all people."
Maybe that’s what scares her more than the powers themselves. She knew he was training in caves somewhere in the Soul Society, but she never really asked about his progress. If this was the result of his training, how had he kept something so powerful under wraps? 
“Hitsu – Captain Hitsugaya rarely speaks to anyone about his training,” she explains. “I imagine Rangiku-san knew about this though.”
“Yeah, she’d have to.”
Shinji steps over a particularly large piece of debris. Momo tries to do the same, but ends up losing her footing. Shinji is quick to grab her by the arms, steadying her. He grimaces as he helps her right herself up.
“I-I’m sorry, Captain,” she says.
He releases her and grips his right side. It’s an internal injury, one that Momo can’t fully heal.
“Just stay focused,” he advises. “It’s a lot, I know, but we can’t get hung up on the small things…Well in this case, it’s not a small thing, but you get the idea.” He jerks his chin in the direction of where there’s still whole buildings and structures. “You can ask him about it later. Pretty sure we’d all be curious about how he came to be like this. Now come on.”
She nods and takes the lead. “Yes, of course, sir.”
They walk on in silence, but Momo wishes they were still talking. She tries to put it all aside, to focus on finding somewhere safe for her and Shinji, but it continuous to circle around and around in her mind.
The fact he could simply freeze anything he wanted to with a wave of his hand is frightening even of itself, but it’s not the only thing that makes her fearful. Combining them with a situation as dire as falling debris that seemingly couldn’t be stopped, in a form she has never seen him in and the fact she never knew he was capable of wielding such powers, it put a leaden weight in the pit of her stomach.
Was this how the children in the Rukongai felt towards him? Had he seen that same fear in her just now?
She thinks back on his reaction, on the emotions flashing across his eyes. It was a vulnerable look, one that was equal parts shock and confusion, and something else. Something that makes her bite the inside of her cheek, hard.
Her reflection is interrupted by a confused grunt from her captain.
“Captain what’s…?” She returns her focus to the battle, a long, safe distance away now. Even so, she can see why her captain is bewildered. The giant’s flesh seemingly falls apart as he tips inexplicably forward. More buildings are destroyed under the weight of his bones.
“What the --?” Shinji begins, but then Gerard’s flesh, now brighter beams, flies towards the top of the Palace.
“Must be Yhwach’s doing,” he mutters with a grimace. “Does this mean he’s winning?”
“It can’t be…” The possibility has always been real, but despite the odds stacked against then, Momo believed to her core that they would secure a victory over the Quincy.
“I can’t sense Ichigo,” Shinji says through clenched teeth. “What the fuck’s going on up there?”
“We should go and help them, sir,” she suggests.
He shakes his head. “We’d be useless the way we are now.” He takes in a deep breath, the  continues. “That kid isn’t weak. He always gets back up, no matter gets thrown at him. If he’s got Lieutenants Kuchiki and Abarai going to help, he’ll be fine.”
It sounds as if he’s trying to convince himself, but Momo nods. “They’re both strong.” She looks back to where the battle had been. She reaches out her senses, extending them beyond her usual limit. She clenches her fist as it begins to become too much. Just that little bit further…
She let’s out a relieved breath. “I can still sense them there. They don’t seem gravely injured.”
“At least that’s something.” He gestures to the piles of debris all around them. “In the meantime, I reckon we can start to look for Hiyori and the others. Their still alive, but they’ll need healing. Reckon you’re up for it.”
“Yes, Captain.”
They walk quickly over and between the ruins, following the faint traces of Hiyori, Love, Hachi, and Lisa’s reiatsu. Momo eyes Shinji’s injuries with concern after ten minutes of searching; aside from slow him down, they could reopen.
“Sir, maybe you should --”
Fast footsteps echo around them, bouncing off the piles of debris and still standing walls. If it weren’t for the reiatsu accompanying them, Momo would’ve had her hand on Tobiume in an instant.
Shinji grins. “Sure took their sweet time getting to us, huh?”
“With all of this wreckage in the way, it’s amazing they found us at all,” Momo says.
Byakuya appears from around a hill of debris, and stops when he spots them. It’s the most tattered looking Momo has ever seen him; even his tekko are coming apart at the seams and smeared with dirt and blood.
A movement from behind the captain distracts her, and her heart shudders when she sees Toshiro. He’s slouched over, the buttons of his coat done up in the wrong order and a sweat gleams on his brow. He’s exhausted, perhaps on the verge of fainting. But more than that, he’s himself again.
“We sensed you nearby,” Byakuya says, but she doesn’t turn her attention to him.
“Nice to see you too,” Shinji snarks. “You aren’t looking too good. You need my lieutenant to heal you? She ain’t Fourth Division, but she’s still good.”
Byakuya raises a hand as he comes over to his fellow captain. “There’s no need.”
Shinji jerks his chin in the direction of where their fight against Gerard had taken place. “What happened over there? Doesn’t look like you two took him out.”
Toshiro raises his head and begins to follow Byakuya, but freezes and straightens when his gaze meets Momo’s. His lips part, but nothing comes out of them. Momo swallows, also wanting to say something but nothing comes to mind. Her fear has tampered down. Perhaps it’s because he’s back to looking like how she knows him. It didn’t mean he was the same not after what she saw. Her heart tightens again, and she’s not sure what her expression is.
His lips close into a taut line, his frown deepens, and his eyes flicker away, returning seconds later only to look away again. His grip on Hyourinmaru tightens, and he pulls the zanpakuto behind himself, mostly out of view. His coat flaps as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, then half turns away from her.
This all went unnoticed by Shinji and Byakuya, who continue to discuss the battle and their next moves, but for Momo it’s all she can see.
The way his gaze wavers, the stiffness in his posture, the way Hyourinmaru trembles from the pressure of his grip. He’s suddenly so uncertain, so unsure what to do. She unknowningly stakes a few staggering steps towards him. As she does, from beneath his fringe his gaze briefly flickers to her, and he flinches. Her heart fractures, and for a beat she loathes herself.
He was hurt. She had hurt him.
How could she be fearful of him?
When he starts to turn from her, she scrambles up to a run. Her guilt is immense, enough to bring tears to her eyes. She thinks to apologise as she makes her way to him, but she’s conscious of the captains’ stares.
It’s not the only reason she runs to him, she realises. It’s that he made it. He’s alive, and he’s not physically hurt as far as she can tell.
He hadn’t even noticed her coming, head hanging low and hunched body half turned from her. She slows her steps as she nears him. “Hitsugaya-kun,” she says softly.
He whips his head to her, and she closes the gap between them. Without hesitation, she brings arms around him. He goes more rigid and a choked sound comes from his lips. He hug isn’t tight, easily breakable if he wants to step away from her.
She trembles. He’s freezing, but it doesn’t burn her.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she rambles. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Please don’t go.”
Eventually, his rigidity softens. “You were afraid,” he whispers hoarsely.
She pulls back. “I didn’t mean to react the way I did. I was confused, I didn’t know how you became like that, that’s all.” She can’t repress a sob. “I thought you were about to get crushed, but then you just…froze everything. It’s an incredible power, unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”
His eyes are wide, hopeful and desperately wanting to believe what she’s saying. He almost looks like the child she’d befriended decades ago. She raises her hands to his shoulders and squeezes them.
“But this isn’t about me,” she continues. “I hurt you, and I’m so sorry. Y-You don’t have to tell me about that power, I’ll understand if you choose not to. I’m just glad you’re okay.” A tear falls from the corner of her eye. The war might still be going on, but behind the guilt, she relieved they’d made it through that battle.
“I should’ve told you what I was going to do back there.”
“When the debris was falling, I should’ve told you what I was going to do. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”
She could almost laugh; it’s somehow absurd to her that he’d say something like that. “You know as well as I do in the heat of battle there are moments where we can’t go over strategy.” She gives him a soft smile. “Besides, even if you had told me, I still think I would’ve worried.”
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he whispers, “I’d never…” He quickly shuts his mouth, considering his next words. There was a slight desperation to his tone. It’s like someone desperately pleading with another to not think differently of them, and it’s so strange to see and hear this coming form him.
However, when he speaks again, it’s more neutral. “What you saw before was Hyourinmaru’s Completed Form. I can’t tell you about it now, but believe me, I will once this is over.”
How she desperately wants to know, but she nods. “I understand.” She lowers her hands back to her sides and gestures to a piece of debris next to them. “You should rest for now. You’re not injured, are you?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing serious.”
“But still –”
“You’ll have to heal those still underneath the wreckage, right?” He gingerly lowers himself to sit on the debris, using Hyourinmaru to keep his balance. “And if not them, then you’ll need all you can get to fight any enemies left. Save your strength.”
She wants to argue, but he’s right. She sighs. “All right.” Then, she bows. "I should've said this earlier, but thank you for saving Captain Hirako and I earlier. If not for you, we would've also been under the debris." She rises. "I'll check with my Captain and Captain Kuchiki on what our next move is."
She is about to go, but Toshiro’s voice, louder, than before, stops her.
“Hinamori...I didn’t tell you before because…” Toshiro shuts his eyes and his frown returns. He breathes in deeply, then silently out. "I didn't deliberately mean to hide something like this from you, or anyone, but it's...Those powers aren't mean to harm you, or anyone else other than enemies of the Soul Society. I'm still learning to control them, thought I had, but clearly I still need to..."
He's struggling, whether it's to find the right words or from fighting off exhaustion Momo can't tell.
She raises her hands. “It’s okay, we can discuss this later, like you said. The truth is, you didn't have to tell anyone if you didn't want to. I'm sorry if I came across as demanding to know why and how you got your new powers.” She kneels down to his level. "I also know you wouldn't hurt me, or any of us, if you can help it. If anyone can get a full grasp on their zanpakuto abilities, it's you, Hitsugaya-kun."
He let's out a shuddered breath, then bows his head. "It's 'Captain Hitsugaya', and you don't have to keep apologising. I just wanted you to know that anyway."
She can sense he wants to say more, so she waits.
“I don’t like that form, but I use it when I have to.” He raises his eyes to hers again. “If I were to use it again, how would you feel?”
The question makes her heart stammer. “W-Wha….What does it matter how I feel about it? You’re the one who uses it, and if you’ll need to use it, then –”
“It does.”
His conviction, in his voice and in his eyes, bewilders her. Why did he feel strongly about this? Is he worried he will frighten her again? Hadn’t she made it clear before this wouldn’t be the case?
She blinks as she gives her answer. “It would still be you, Hitsugaya-kun. I may have been afraid before, but I won’t be again.” She shrugs. “As is, there were various things that contributed to my feelings at the time, not just your powers or that form.”
Toshiro’s eyes shine with something she can’t quite place. It returns him to how she knows him, and the last of vulnerability vanishes from him. It might be that power he'd demonstrated, swirling beneath the surface of his eyes, but there's a warmth to it.
She had reaffirmed something, she suspects, but what it is she can’t be sure.
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neko-bri · 3 years
Hii!! Just want to say that I love your blog and that you are a sweetie! If I can ask, I would like to see your personal headcanons about hitsuhina or Hitsugaya (or both of them XD) , as I'm a huge fan from their bound Xxx
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Hii!!!! OMG just fkfhfkfkfkw this ask message made me smile! Thank you so much for sending this!!! I just...am crying so bad! I thank you anon-san!!! I love your blog too!! I am sure of it since you love hitsuhina too!!! < 333 they are one of my favorite ships ever!! * 3 * I want to write more drabbles of these two precious babies of ours! < 333 I am sorry if this was late!! ; a ; you are so precious!! We all can be friends with our love for hitsuhina!! < 333 I did find my old headcanons too from my old momo rp tumblr as well! * 3 * I may have made this too long with some headcanons. sorry sorry!!
Momo headcanon -- [ Growth ] For Momo as a headcanon I did have a few but one of them was I thought about how Momo looked at herself after Aizen's betrayal and her admiration for him was shattered. I thought that she wanted to become stronger with experience of that pain over what happened. To grow into someone who is mature and want to gain more experience but to also keep moving forward with time to gain new experiences. She is thankful for being able to look at herself with happiness and even the sadness, she could learn and cope with her feelings to learn to grow up. Her feelings for Aizen slowly diminish and her heart is set on new goals for growing stronger. As she met her new captain she wanted to share that strength to learn to be stronger so she can find the strength to never feel that again. Her Captain Hirako shares the pain of being betrayed and used like a pawn. Knowing Momo's pain and Toshiro knowing that Momo went through all that. His strength to protect Momo is what he strives for. I just thought Momo want to keep going and look back as a strength to see how far she has come. She is healing with time slowly but, will also open the door for her heart to trust again with all the bad experiences she faced and pain. She is such a strong woman to heal and also learn to walk forward.
____________________________ [Momo's headcanon] Hair cut || Headcanon
A new start. New life was beginning the day of all the heartache. The long hair had symbolized the time with a distant past. So long forgotten. Back then it also meant forgetting the love that was forged from becomming a fukutaichou  within fifth division along with a dearest love that has for long betrayed deep within this very soul. Symbolize of change the brunette had thought about how hair change and the appearance over starting over. A new light had shown on her with the hair clip given from a very special friend dear to her own heart. Not mentioning the name—-she had thought of moving past all the pain and everything that caused the cheerful shinigami to frown. Fresh start on how childish, naive, and foolish the very girl thought change was in order.
A new light has shine upon me… That is why I wish to change, to become a better person. This is my time to shine. _______________________________________________ [Momo Headcanon ] Trust
—-ღ Trust has many ways of words through your mouth. It can be a trust that no longer alive. Or this trust has been broken by a deep wound to the heart. That trust…had always effected the brunette when a sword by her admirater had broke her in half. That pain lived through her each day. Still remembering the way he use to smile at her, teach her things, show her how to become stronger. Those days—-were now gone with that trust completely destroyed. After her coma; the trust that normally would be able to surround the ones easily. Had been slightly putting Momo in fear. Fear to approach others or even to love. If she ever found it again; it take her time to slowly sooth the wound that was gravely wounded by the one who she once trusted… Hinamori had troubles giving that trust to the ones who use to be near her. Or new ones. Once she opened her heart; fear began to consume her between being used again like a tool. That is what eats her alive each day until finally breaking into million pieces.
Hitsuhina [Bonds] [Headcanon]
—-ღ Bonds… This word meant a lot to the brunette who created many bonds with her friends. One of them was a child along side her which she never forget. That person had kept at her side since day one. Hinamori still remains beside him even after everything. Blaming herself for what little thing wasn’t her fault. Her childhood friend, Shiro-chan still forgives her and continue to do so. How Hinamori could not understand his reasoning in forgiveness. It was something she always want to keep their bonds strong. Holding hand in, hand they will fight against anything that would try to break them apart. Never again would she wish to point her blade at someone who never gave up on her. He was the most important person to her. Still remaining as her precious friend that never will die out. For his forgiveness that made her smile to herself in the mirror. It was something she will never mistaken from his words. His words that helped her through so much. She will keep a good grip on his hand and forever keeping the bond that the two have created.
Never again will let it break apart…
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hinamoria · 3 years
Hitsuhina Week 2021 : Day 1
Hitsuhina Week 2021 : Day 1- Nickname / Hot and cold
Rating: K
Synopsis: Momo remembers the origin of her nickname: Bed wetter Momo
Word Count: 1801 words
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! My first participation at the Hitsuhina week is here. I hope you like it! I had fun writing it \(^.^)/
English isn’t my first language so excuse myself for any typos <3
“Shiro-chan!” Hinamori greeted cheerfully as she walked through the doors of the Tenth Division office. “We're going to eat yakitoris with Matsumoto-san and other lieutenants. Are you joining us? "
Hitsugaya, sitting at his desk, frowned at the famous nickname his childhood friend refused to forget, and declined the invitation.
"I have a lot of work to finish," he complained, putting an extra sheet of paper on the already tall pile of his desk. "Maybe next time," he added, afraid to upset his friend. "And Hinamori, for the umpteenth time, it's captain Hitsugaya."
"But Hitsugaya-kun, that nickname is perfect for you!" she replied, keeping her smile.
A perfect nickname from Hinamori's point of view. In harmony with the white and shiny hair like snow of her friend.
"Do you hear me calling you by your childhood nickname yet?” Sighed the captain.
Momo laughed lightly as she thought about it. "Bed Wetter Momo" was much less flattering than “Shiro chan”. Especially since it was referring to a single accident and therefore absolutely no more relevant today.
And yet, even though she wouldn’t like to be called that way again today, she still had a certain melancholy as she remembered the event where it’s from. Somehow, that night, Shiro-chan had for the first time given her a kind gesture.
It happened soon after arriving in Rukongai, when she was eight years old.
She still remembered the hustle and bustle, the lost people trying to get information about what was happening to them, and her in the middle desperately looking for her mom or her plush that she must have dropped something. It must be here. She remembered holding it during her last moments of life. So it couldn't be very far.
It was the end of her old life on Earth. Nowadays, it was just a vague memory. The faces of her biological family had gradually faded. She remembered that her mother had brown hair, often tied up in a bun. Momo may have subconsciously imitated her while growing up. But had she hazel eyes like her or were they a different color? She could no longer remember it.
A cholera epidemic had hit the country, killing thousands of people. Antibiotics did not exist at the time, so the chances of escaping it, especially for a child, were almost nil. Momo didn't end up in pain for long.
At the entrance to Rukongai, men and women dressed in black kimonos, whom she later knew as shinigamis, gave instructions to people around her. They were divided into groups. She was going to go to district number one, "Junrinan". She didn't know this place, but thought she heard the term "lucky" from a shinigami.
Looking back 100 years after, she understood how true it was. Especially after hearing Abarai-kun's stories.
Each person was taken to a different dwelling. Very little explanation was given. Sometimes locals sighed when they saw a new arrival, but others greeted them with a big smile. Her journey ended in front of a wooden house with a small earthen courtyard in front and two imposing shoji-style doors at the entrance.
A lady with gray hair tied in a bun opened the door and smiled at Momo.
"Is that the little new one?" She asked in a voice marked by time.
The shinigami nodded and left the area without another word. His behaviour may have seemed rude, but the little lady ignored it. Momo watched him go with slight fear, but returned her attention to the stranger who began to speak to him.
"Welcome my dear. What's your name? "
"Momo…" the child replied after a brief hesitation.
“Very well Momo. From today you will live here. Come home, I'll explain everything to you"
The lady held out her hand, which Momo took, and together they entered the girl's new home.
To say that the first few days in her new home were easy would have been a lie. Momo was missing her family. And she kept looking through the portal to see if her mother was going to cross the threshold and come to get her.
Her new grandmother was a sweet and warm woman. She gave Momo time to acclimatize without rushing her. She even offered her a small dog-shaped plush toy to replace her previous one. Momo appreciated the little attention and hugged the plush tightly against her at night.
However, living with Toshiro was more difficult. The little boy already had a strong character and did not seem delighted by the arrival of a new child in his home. He often spoke harshly to her, when he just wasn't ignoring her. Momo, luckily, didn't seem to take offense and came back to meet him all the more, determined to make him her new friend.
He didn't looked to be appreciated by the other children, who seemed afraid of his particular hair. Momo, on the other hand, was fascinated by their color and had repeatedly tried to touch them - usually receiving insults and yelling in return - which didn't stop her from doing it again a few days later. He reminded him of the old cat that resided in her neighbourhood on Earth. He had hissed on her each time she approached. But after a few months, he had accepted her affection. Toshiro would be the same, she could tell.
One night, about two weeks after her arrival, Momo had a terrible nightmare. The pain of her last moments on Earth came back to her. She heard her mom cry and pray, but she couldn't see her. She was terribly thirsty and hungry, but the nausea tugged at her so much that she couldn't take anything. It was the end. She felt death coming to seek her. When a new wave of pain pierced her body, Momo woke up abruptly, breathing heavy.
The pain was gone. But she still couldn't see anything. After a few seconds, a growl to her left signaled the presence of the white haired boy and reminded her where she was. Her grandmother must have been somewhere to her right. They used to stick their futons together and sleep three side by side.
She was safe, everything was fine.
Catching her breath, however, she noticed a new unusual detail. Her clothes looked wet.
She straightened up and inspected her bed with the palm of her hand. A stain of moisture permeated the futon, a small part of the blanket and the entire bottom of her kimono. She was taken aback for a few moments, then realized with dread that she had wet the bed!
It hadn't happened since she was three, how could she have done that now? She wondered ashamed.
Discreetly, she got out of the futon, holding her breath as she saw Toshiro move around in the futon right next to her. Luckily, he didn't seem to wake up.
Would Grandma be mad if she saw this? Was she going to be kicked out of the house? Who would want a messy child?
Trying to swallow back tears, Momo took the blanket and left the room discreetly.
With any luck, she would manage to hide her mistake and they would let her stay here.
First she needed clean clothes, then she would go and wash it all in the basin outside. As a final step, she would take care of the futon in the same way. And when asked tomorrow, she could pretend she spilled a glass of milk on the bed. If no one saw the stain, her excuse would be plausible.
After grabbing some new clothes, Momo went down the stairs of the house to go outside.
Luckily, the moon lit up the courtyard a little and allowed herself to orient without too much trouble. Momo found the basin and put the blanket in it. The cold water made the child shiver, who could now feel the tears running down her cheeks.
Looking back 100 years later, she realized how dumb she could have been to feel so bad for a trivial accident like this, but at this moment, the world was falling apart for her.
She changed, taking a little water to clean herself, then tossed the soiled clothes in the water as well. As she began to rub the whole thing vigorously, a voice startled her.
"What are you doing?” Toshiro surprised her from the doorway.
She turned in his direction, speechless. He kept his arms crossed against his chest, obviously waiting for an answer that took a particularly long time to arrive.
"I ..." stammered the little brunette. “I spilled a glass of milk?"
Her voice had risen in high pitch with a sobbing hiccup, making her assertion closer to questioning. Toshiro certainly wouldn't be fooled by the situation. He was young in appearance, but he was significantly older than her in age. And she realized her excuse was completely incoherent when said out loud.
But strangely, she heard neither reproach nor mockery from the boy who was looking at her seriously. On the contrary, his answer surprised her.
"I'm going to get your futon to have it cleaned too…" He said with a sigh.
And he disappeared for a good minute.
On his return, ditto, he remained silent. He helped her clean up and spread the ling. And when they returned to bed afterwards, he even gave her a bit of room in his own futon for Momo. The rest of the night ended without further accident.
The next day, she said with more confidence her story to her grandmother, who absolutely did not believe a word of it, but who accepted it nonetheless, afraid to embarrass her. When she went out to do some shopping, Momo turned to Toshiro who was finishing lunch.
"Thank you Hitsugaya-kun," Hinamori said in a small voice. "For keeping my secret."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied with his mouth full.
Then as he swallowed, he looked at the girl and let go with a smirk, "Bed Wetter Momo".
Momo froze in her seat upon hearing the new nickname.
"How did you call me?” She asked scandalized.
"You called me Shiro-chan a few days ago, remember? From today you will be "Bed wetter Momo" if you keep using that nickname ". He treated her, pretending to be interested in his bowl of rice. But the smirk he kept showing indicated the pride he felt right now in torturing her.
It was the start of a new friendship.
And he kept his word: he used that nickname for many years, and she kept on calling him Shiro-chan. It almost became a game between them.
And if today she was no longer "Bed wetter Momo", she treasured the memory of the first step Toshiro had taken towards her.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Apparently, if you send someone an ask, but then deactivate your Tumblr, the ask gets deleted. I got this from our old friend k-rukias, and fortunately, I already had it copied over, but anyway, that’s why this isn’t in the standard ask format. Anyway, k-rukias, I hope you’re still out there somewhere and there’s some way you can see this!
k-rukias asked:
you grasp byakuya’s character SO PERFECTLY it always makes me laugh out loud, especially your “Uncle B” stories. i’d love it if you could write more of the kuchiki-abarai family+ichika(maybe throw in some byakuya&toshiro being bffs) I SWEAR YOU DO THE DOMESTIC GENRE SO WELL one can tell you have kiddos 🥺💕
“Give Uncle Byakuya a big hug, Ichika,” Rukia instructed, stifling a yawn. “You’ll see him again on Saturday.” Despite the cheer in her voice, the second Ichika’s tiny face was buried in Byakuya’s chest, she shot her brother a thumbs up and a quizzical look.
Byakuya gave a very firm thumbs up in return. His inconsiderate adjutant was having yet another birthday, and Rukia had asked if they might hold a small family celebration at the manor this year. Byakuya wasn’t sure why. Surely the man would prefer not to see his commanding officer on his own birthday, but Byakuya loved his sister and had made the arrangements she requested.
Ichika finished rubbing her sticky cheeks all over the silk of his kimono. “Here, Uncle B,” she said, handing him a folded piece of paper. “It has to be just like this, okay?”
“Of course, my blossom,” he promised.
“No, it doesn’t,” Rukia mouthed to him behind Ichika’s back. “Okay, kiddo, you ready to go home and see if Daddy missed us?”
“I bet he fell asleep on the couch again!”
“We’ll find out! See you, Saturday, Brother!”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening, Sister,” Byakuya entreated her.
“If you have any questions, please call me,” she begged. “Or send a Hell Butterfly, or however you communicate with people these days.”
“I am very good at Text Messaging,” Byakuya assured her.
Rukia gave him an Extremely Disrespectful Look, which he tolerated, because she looked very much like Hisana when she made it.
“I will not have any questions.”
As his beloved sister and niece took their leave, he unfolded Ichika’s piece of paper.
He stared at it.
He had so many questions.
“I do appreciate that you texted before you came over,” Captain Hitsugaya informed him stonily. “But next time, could you text, like, more than a minute before you show up? Maybe wait for a reply?”
“Is now not a good time?” Byakuya asked. “Have I interrupted Squad 10 napping hours?”
“I just… would have picked up first,” Hitsugaya grumbled, trying to keep a stack of paper from falling off his desk. “And it’s always Squad 10 napping hours.”
Currently, Lieutenants Matsumoto and Kuna were sprawled out on the Squad 10 couches, snoring quite loudly.
“I have seen it worse in here,” Byakuya replied. “I am your,” he swallowed, “friend, and I accept your imperfections.”
Hitsugaya glowered at him. “What do you need?”
Byakuya spread Ichika’s instructions out on Hitsugaya’s desk. “Can you tell what this is?”
Hitsugaya’s eyes scanned the drawing: the lumpy creatures that might be rabbits, the crayon scribbles, the puddle of glitter. “Is this a test?”
“If it is, I am in danger of failing it,” Byakuya admitted.
“Ichika made this?” Hitsugaya guessed.
“I imagine the glitter gave it away.”
“Can’t you get Abarai to decipher it for you?”
“I cannot. I am hosting a ‘Surprise Birthday Party’ for him this weekend, and this represents Ichika’s vision of it. I need to identify the items in the picture so I can have them for the party.”
Hitsugaya nodded slowly. “Ah. These are probably balloons, then?”
Byakuya straightened up. “Balloons or lanterns? Or possibly the overhanging blooms of the wisteria?”
“You’re overthinking it. She’s five. It’s balloons. Can you ask Rukia?”
Byakuya’s mouth turned down at the corners. “Ichika’s art style bears a certain… resemblance to her mother’s. I am worried that if I ask for help…” he trailed off.
“Gotcha,” Hitsugaya replied brusquely. He sucked his teeth, and poked a finger at the page. “Well, this is obviously Abarai.”
“Yes, he is always distinguishable by virtue of the fact that she draws him three times as large as the rest of us.”
“Also, he’s the only one with pink hair and stripes,” Hitsugaya replied, raising an eyebrow. “Oversensitive, much?”
“I am only three inches shorter than he,” Byakuya grumbled. “The hair makes him look taller.”
“You are not getting any sympathy here, give it up,” Hitsugaya grumbled back. “He’s got a hat on, I think? A party hat?”
“Yes, I did get that far. We are all wearing hats.”
“Abarai also appears to either be wearing a lei, or he is in bankai.”
“A lei?”
“A flower necklace? We should have some around here, from the last time Matsumoto threw a luau.”
“Ah, thank you,” Byakuya replied. He had not actually expected Hitsugaya to be quite this helpful, and he wondered how he was going to repay the man’s patience in this matter.
“All this stuff on the table is… food, maybe? Gosh, I cannot tell what any of this is. These things look like fish, but they’re brown… taiyaki, maybe?”
“Oh, yes, I had figured that part out as well. Even I know that taiyaki is Abarai’s preferred celebratory food. I actually have a specially made mold--”
“You should make normal ones. Fish ones.”
“He likes Admiral Seaweed taiyaki.”
“It’s the man’s birthday, don’t make him pretend to like your weird taiyaki.”
“They have more crispy bits because of the arms and legs! He told me that specifically, in a complimentary manner!”
Hitsugaya gave him an Extremely Disrespectful Look. Unfortunately, the young man did not have the advantage of resembling Byakuya’s beautiful late wife.
Byakuya was distinctly Not Sure About This, but Hitsugaya had hit a wall and decided they needed to bring in ‘a bigger gun.’
Byakuya hadn’t actually set foot in the Squad 5 offices since Aizen’s departure. He didn’t have a lot of nice things to say about Aizen, generally, but at least the man had a classical taste in decor. Now, his former workspace more closely resembled the interior of an eclectic Living World coffee establishment for beatniks. One wall (but not the others) was painted orange, and covered in strange, stylized art that appeared to have been done by the captain and lieutenant themselves. The rug hurt his eyes. There was a beaded curtain.
“I don’t know why you thought I was going to have any insight on this, Shirou,” Lieutenant Hinamori grumped, squinting at the picture. “Renji’s the only one who can decipher these things.”
Byakuya could not help feeling the tiniest bit smug that he was not the only one who was sassed by his loved ones.
“Well, I figured you’d been to an Abarai birthday party or two,” Hitsugaya excused.
“Yeah,” Hinamori replied. “The grown-up ones. Unless this thing over here is supposed to be a tokkuri, and Captain and Lieutenant Kuchiki are arm wrestling, I can’t help you.” She frowned. “You’ve been to an Abarai birthday party, haven’t you?”
“They’re a little wild for my blood,” Hitsugaya excused. “And nobody likes drinking around their captain. I’ve been, but I usually leave before he starts bench-pressing people.”
“There are captains who come,” Momo pointed out. “And I doubt your presence would slow Matsumoto down, anyway, she’s impervious to that judgemental thing you do with your eyebrows.” She contemplated the paper. “What are these weird marks? Is this a speech bubble?”
“We couldn’t figure those out,” Hitsugaya admitted.
“Lemme take a look,” Captain Hirako, who was unfortunately present, announced. “Sometimes you gotta look at things from a different perspective.”
He turned the paper upside down. He turned it backwards. He turned it right side up, and turned his head sideways.
“I got nothing,” he replied. “Kid’s got good style though. And I think Momo may be onto something, actually. I went to Abarai’s last birthday party, and Kuchiki the Younger beat me at arm wrestling in an embarrassingly short amount of time.”
“It’s your noodle arms, sir,” Hinamori supplied. She stuck out her lower lip. “A different perspective, though, is not a bad idea. You know who you should go ask?”
Byakuya did not want to hear the answer.
“This is dango. This is katsudon. This is shaved ice.”
Byakuya was frantically taking notes.
“How… how can you tell?” Hitsugaya gaped.
Hachigou Nemuri regarded him with her serious, dark green eyes. “I have seen many of Abarai-chan’s drawings.”
Akon made a grumbling noise. “Abarai-chan’s drawing fuuuuu---udged up Nemu’s image recognition subroutines for months. I mean, it was a good thing, in the long run, I ended up implementing an entire art appreciation suite of dynamically created subroutines. It took me forever to figure out why she couldn’t recognize normal drawings of things, though.”
“What are these marks?” Byakuya asked, pointing to the funny squiggles hanging above everyone’s heads.
“Abarai-chan can’t write yet,” Nemu explained.
“Yes, I know that,” Byakuya replied.
“Writing is a form of communication that utilizes mutually understood symbols to convey an idea from one party to another,” Nemu recited. “Abarai-chan does not yet grasp the importance of a common dictionary in the delivery of information.”
Akon scratched his neck. “You’re saying Abarai-chan doesn’t know very many kana, so she just makes them up.”
“Correct,” Nemu agreed.
“Can you read them?” Hitsugaya asked hopefully.
“She does not employ a self-consistent character set.”
Byakuya and Hitsugaya’s eyes darted to Akon, who was unwrapping a piece of nicotine gum.
“She makes it up as she goes along,” he elaborated, cramming the gum in his mouth. “There is no translation.”
“Momo thought it might be a voice bubble, like in a cartoon,” Hitsugaya mused.
“Maybe it’s just a title to the piece,” Byakuya surmised. “Father’s Birthday Celebration’, for example.”
“Abarai-chan calls Lieutenant Abarai ‘Daddy’, not ‘Father’,” Nemu corrected.
“It was an example,” Byakuya bit off testily.
“This could be cherry shaved ice or strawberry shaved ice,” Nemu added hopefully. “Abarai-chan likes strawberry shaved ice, but I prefer cherry.”
“You are not attending this party,” Akon reminded her.
“I just thought Captain Kuchiki might be interested to know,” Nemu sniffed. “In case he felt like buying me a shaved ice. As a thank you for my services.”
Byakuya examined Ichika’s diagram and compared it to the celebratory items currently marring the beauty of his garden. He had the balloons. The hats. The dango. The taiyaki. Both strawberry and cherry shaved ice. “I think I have replicated everything,” he declared. “Have I missed anything?”
“You don’t have rabbit ears,” Hitsugaya replied dryly.
“The rabbit ears are symbolic,” Byakuya explained. “I am wearing the lei. You should put on a lei.”
“I am not putting on a lei. I am not in the picture at all, actually, so I think I should probably scram.”
“You could stay,” Byakuya replied, feeling a little odd about it.
Hitsugaya raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t this a family thing?”
Byakuya blinked. “Family gatherings are large, mandatory, and unpleasant. This is a small party and I am very fond of the Abarai.”
Hitsugaya just stared at him.
Byakuya squirmed. “The fact is… I am not good at things like this.”
“Of course you are. Ichika adores you. Rukia and Renji do, too.”
A normal person would have wrinkled their nose, or sucked their teeth, but Byakuya wasn’t really into making facial expressions, so he just made his usual one and stared off into the middle distance briefly. “Hisana was very good with people. At these times, I often think about how easily she would host a birthday party for a brother-in-law, how natural she would have been with Ichika. She loved children.” He contemplated the drawing. “I am sure she would have interpreted this perfectly, text and all.”
Hitsugaya, who did make facial expressions, blew air out of his cheeks. “If it makes you feel better, I can stay.”
“I would, very much, appreciate it.”
Seike, Byakuya’s chief retainer, shuffled out onto the engawa. “Lord Kuchiki, the Abarai are here.”
“Please escort them out here,” Byakuya replied, plunking a hat on Captain Hitsugaya’s head, and one on his own.
“It’s so unusual for Uncle Byakuya to invite us over on a Saturday,” Byakuya could hear Rukia’s voice before he could see her. His impression was that the ‘surprise’ involved in this party was a figleaf for Ichika’s sake. Abarai was a fool, but he wasn’t an idiot.
“What is this?” Abarai exclaimed as he and his family stepped through the doorway, although he did a genuine double-take at Byakuya’s flower necklace.
Ichika’s face lit up as she took in the decorations, the food. But then her expression turned to dismay at her uncle, standing still and awkward. He had missed something. It was the text. It was important after all.
Hitsugaya’s elbow jammed into his ribs. “Surprise!” the younger captain yelled. A voice bubble! Of course!
“Surprise!” Byakuya added, belatedly.
“Happy Birthday!” they shouted together, with Rukia and Ichika joining in a beat later.
“Well, I’ll be!” Abarai did his best impression of a surprised person.
“Were you surprised, Daddy!” Ichika asked, jumping up and down and tugging on her father’s hand. “Were you?”
“I was very surprised,” Abarai reassured her.
“Why is Captain Hitsugaya here?” Rukia asked, utterly befuddled.
“I heard there was shaved ice,” Hitsugaya excused very quickly.
“Uncle B did all of it, Daddy, just for you! Isn’t it perfect?”
“Of course it is,” Abarai snorted. “If Uncle B did it, how could it be otherwise?”
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wannabefamous-otaku · 3 years
and my thoughts....
I finally finished the anime Bleach and I even beat my friend! We both started it this year together and I just finished it tonight!
Bleach is an iconic 00s anime, that came out when I was in elementary school. Back then I had to sneak turning on Adult Swim every Saturday night or watch 3 part videos on Youtube. For me though, Bleach was just too long, just like Naruto, Inuyasha, One Piece. My attention for anime at the time couldn’t make it past 50 episode. So being able to watch all of Bleach on a binge was great! I feel that it has stood up to the ionic-ness of 00s anime and would recommend it. 
Now with that being said, I would say I didn’t complete the anime, after the New Captin Shusuke Arc I couldn’t continue watching the filler seasons. After the plot gets to Hueco Mundo the filler arcs took me completely out of the story and it made me feel a type of dread watching them. My momentum was  slowing down and I was unhappy with the anime. So I skipped the remaining filler arcs and powered thru.
My favorite Arcs were when the gang just gets to Hueco Mundo and Arrancar’s Fight Arc and the baddest Downfall of Aizen. These Acrs are where I think Bleach is at it’s best, its a good peace and great fight scenes. But I gotta say I have issues with the overall anime. There are just way to many characters and way too many plots. Everyone having a matching fighting partner was so repetitive and dragged out too long for some of the characters. I hated when the Arrancar’s came to the world of the living to fight the Captains, it was just too long and not epic enough.
Now I also want to say, it isn’t a bad thing having all these characters but (and I 100% know this is anime only and there is probably so much more detail in the manager) but I wish they put more of the details in! What’s with Gin and Rangiku, Momo and Toshiro, is there more back story on Kisuke and Yoruichi!? What’s Kisuke’s bankai, the Visors are now back as Captains?! WHAT WITH ICHIGO’S FATHER!? THE DADDIES! I need more back story on Ryuken’s power and hate for Uryu!
I am seriously missing these things! But my biggest beef with this anime is that they made Orihime USELESS. This was super sad and painful for me and I feel like it just continued the tone for female characters in anime, hot, kinda important but not overall helpful enough. I really wish there was something more to her and yes in the final season she can reflect an attack but that’s the FINAL SEASON. I also wished there was just some more romance in the anime, it was very power of friendship throughout and nothing was specifically shipped (other than Orihime’s confession to an unconscious Ichigo).
Now onto the final season, it was very disappointing. I was rolling HIGH after Aizen was defeated and was at peak commitment to the anime/story. Only to be faced with yet another filler arc that I didn’t even bother to watch a single episode of because I HAD to continue the main plot...
The final season was incredibility predictable and I lost all the heat I just had. I felt like I was waiting for the "big” reveal. I was getting worried counting down the episodes, like that’s all I get? This is the arc they are cancelling the anime on?! There were a lot of parts I liked, mainly in the beginning when Ichigo is forced to reflect on his new life, I love that he is selling himself for sport teams (the side jobs thing was super stupid and I still don’t see how that fits at all). I liked the toughened Orihime that wasn’t going to be a burden anymore. There was some good stuff but I still felt that the last season/arc was just poor writing and more repetition which lead to it being so predictable. Like, SIKE we’re actually evil! Fooled you all, AGAIN! ....
I found zero amount of comfort in the last episode and thought that it was super cheap to the anime fans. I really wish there was more than Ichigo looking up to the sky and fading to credits... like I don’t think we deserved that one Viz Media.
While there are so many parts of Bleach I loved and  feel it should be watched at least once, but that’s all I can recommend, once. I will not read the manga and I will never watch it again. If I ever have any questions I’m just going to look up info on the Wiki Fandom.
Now, I am looking forward to the new season this year even tho I have no idea what it is about but I hope I will get that comfort that I feel was lacking in the last few episodes leading up to the end. Anyway, onto the next anime!
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corisanna · 4 years
Reposting an ask because Tumblr broke it and won’t let me edit.
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I do think it declined, but not to the extent that it definitely should have ended after Aizen. That would have been a neat/clean ending, yeah, but the rest was salvageable imo. It was a matter of narrative choices. And I sympathize with Kubo for part of why they probably happened.
My thoughts on the later part of the Bleach manga always starts with thoughts on the IRL situation the author dealt with. That is always crucial to the product they put out and I do not want this to be a criticism of Kubo himself. So this will be in two parts. Also, it’s been awhile since I read the manga.
The first thing to keep in mind is that Kubo continued (was pressured?) to keep writing despite multiple bouts of pneumonia or other illness with only short breaks. I remember the unexpected hiatuses of weeks or I think even a couple months at one point as chapters came out. It was like eight years ago, though. I’m having trouble finding undeleted sources about them. Example of one I found:
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I write trash when I’m very sick. If I do write while sick, I do not share it until I can edit it while well. I got the impression at the time that Kubo was not afforded that opportunity. And I’ve only read parts of one of the after-manga novel Can’t Fear Your Own World, but it seems to me that he had a lot of the underpinnings to strengthen the story in his head and couldn’t get them out earlier. It’s what happens to me when sick, anyway. And also if I’m having general burnout.
A second problem is the pressure of deadlines. You know how fanfic authors often have irregular periods of time between posting because they have had interference from Real Life or they have writer’s block or they just aren’t happy with what they’ve written yet? That is a luxury of not being paid/contracted to write. Being able to tinker and tinker and tinker until you’re at least satisfied with what you’ve created is a luxury in serial writing. I’m currently sitting on a “complete” chapter of my fic in case I need to hop back and tweak it based on what the next chapter does because it’s an important point in the plot and I don’t want to break continuity. And I really am jumping back to change things. A couple years ago, I sat on like three complete chapters for similar reasons. Manga writers with deadlines do not have that luxury. If I had biweekly deadlines, I’d be posting continuity-breaking trash with terrible dialogue.  Hell, back in November I replaced every chapter of my big 400k word fic  with edited versions that strengthened character development and plot  underpinnings.    “Idk idk let’s throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks” is something both fic and manga writers do, but manga authors with tight deadlines don’t get to double back and pick stuff out.  
So. That said, here are my total amateur, in-no-way-an-authority, just-what-I-would-do-in-fanfiction  thoughts on the story:
Ichigo in denial of struggling with powerlessness while trying to move on was good. Xcution was interesting, though it could have used more explanation that apparently came out in a novel after the end of the series. I think we should have heard more about Xcution’s motives in-story and how Ginjo became a substitute shinigami. Just... a more solid framework.
TYBW was a mess. It’s been awhile since I read it, though, so my memory of a lot of fights is blurry. IIRC, one of the problems was good guys explaining their damn powers to the enemy instead of having them do an internal monologue for the readers. Too many enemies were given ridiculous powers that required deus ex machina to defeat or had missed opportunities to be resolved otherwise with use of other characters.
Take Giselle for example. Once she took control of Toshiro, that could have opened up a horrified rage for Momo, who grew up with him. Giselle’s power of spilling her blood on someone leading to body puppetry made cutting her with a sword a Very Bad Idea. But Momo’s zanpakuto had been shown as having fire powers that she could integrate with kido. She could have fought Giselle without spilling her blood or cut her with her shikai, sword wreathed in flame to instantly cauterize the wounds and avoid spilling blood. That might also prevent Giselle from reassembling herself. This could be after or during fighting Toshiro. The whole battle would invert the protective fury dynamic between Toshiro and Momo and be an opportunity to show Momo’s post-Aizen growth, especially if she was double-teaming with her new captain. Perhaps Shinji could keep zombie!Toshiro occupied with his disorienting shikai on top of sword fighting so Momo could use her fire on Giselle. It also could have drawn minor attention to the two shinigami who had grown up together somehow getting opposing powers-- fire and ice-- and having to fight each other. Something could have been made of that. It was a missed opportunity for character development and showing another female character be strong instead of implying it.
The Soul King and YWCH stuff was a confusing mess to me. Too much wasn’t explained. As I said, it has been awhile, but I remember being in a state of “LOL idk what is happening here” for most King’s Realm chapters. It probably didn’t help that I read it as it came out, with weeks in between chapters. I should re-read it. Or just watch the upcoming anime and hope for clarification.
I think it suffered from what I struggle with sometimes: thinking that because I have been thinking about and planning something intensely, I already wrote it. I just had to make two connected edits to my already-posted fic chapters this past week because I discovered I had left out a key line of dialogue when I went back to quote it and it wasn’t there. But once a chapter of manga is published, it’s hard to take it back. Maybe in the collected volume-- I know of at least one manga that redrew several objects that the artist broke continuity with-- but a lot of people only read it as it comes out.
In conclusion: The basis for a strong, compelling continuation post-Aizen was there, but suffered from external problems like illness and deadlines. IMO it just needs some tinkering to clean it up.
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shi-daisy · 5 years
Fateful Encounter
Hello everyone! So I likely won’t be able to write anything for tomorrow and so i’ll leave my final day message here. It’s been fun to participate in this year’s Hitsuhina week. Everyone in the fandom is so sweet and talented im glad to be a part of it. I’ll see ya next year form more material on our cute ship.
Ok so onto the fic. This AU is currently in development for me as it will have many ships, but since Toshiro and Momo’s roles are already taken care of, I thought they could be used in this one-shot. In this AU, Toshiro is a barista and Momo is a secretary. They both work at a college. I hope you like!
Hitsuhina Week Day 6 - Fate/AU
Fateful Encounter
"Yes, Mrs. De La Rosa, I shall take a break but only after I get these reports done. The whole group is depending on them so we must be on time!" Momo had her phone in one hand, her ice coffee on the other and a variety of book bags. As the secretary of the Science department at her college, she needed to make sure everything was ready for the new semester
The coffee shop was full. Many students were struggling to catch up on their subjects, along with teachers making their lesson plans. Momo was careful to evade the tables and get out of there as fast as possible.
She headed for the elevator before it closed however someone was running towards it.
"Keep the door open!"
Momo obeyed, pressing the button until the person came in. He was a boy about two years younger than her, he had white hair and a barista uniform, she recognized him by the name tag.
"You remember my name?"
"Of course, you're usually the one who makes my drink. I see you on the daily."
Despite being tired from the run, Toshiro looked happy. "You forgot your change back at the shop."
"Oh, that's right. Thanks for bringing it to me. I'm just really busy."
"I can tell. You look like I do during rush hour."
That made her laugh, but the happiness was short-lived. The elevator made a screeching sound and suddenly stopped, the emergency lights came on
"A blackout?! At this hour?! It can't be. I don't have much time."
She tried to hit the door but nothing happened. Momo began crying.
"Hey hey, no don't cry. People know we're here. My coworkers will call security." Toshiro tried to comfort her, softly patting her back.
Momo hugged him without thinking. "It's just, I have a report to make and- and I have to finish it tonight or-"
"You need to calm down Miss Momo. Look if you have spare paper I can help you. We can work on your report until we get out. Is that ok?"
With the anxiety subsiding Momo nodded. "Ok."
'This is why I don't like office work.' Toshiro thought as he finished another page.
He glanced at Momo, the secretary was immersed in her work, even though they were almost finished.
"I'm sorry," she muttered.
"Why do you apologize?"
"Had it not been for me, you wouldn't be trapped in this hunk of metal, writing a report."
"I don't mind. I'm glad I can help you. Besides I needed a break from my boss, she's a chatterbox."
Momo laughed. "I know. Rangiku is very sweet but she's a handful. Can't be worse than working with the wife of your ex-crush."
"Wait, what? How did that happen?"
"I applied to this college because the man I had a crush on was the head of the law faculty. Unfortunately for me, the only job was secretary of the science faculty. I soon found out the head of the faculty was his wife."
"That's rough."
"Not anymore. I've gotten over him. His wife is really sweet and he's happy with her. That's all that matters to me, I'll find someone that wants me one day."
Toshiro bit his lip. He couldn't tell her he'd been secretly crushing on her for months. The secretary was smart, kind, and very cute. Sometimes he felt flustered just by looking at her smile.
"You'll find your prince charming one day. Amazing women like you, will always find a good person."
"Thanks, Toshiro. That's so sweet of you to say."
The lights came back up and the elevator was moving upwards.
"Yes! This is perfect. I'm sure I'll be done with this in half an hour now. Thanks for your help Toshiro-san!" she hugged him.
Toshiro returned the gesture. "No problem. When you're done with the report...can I invite you to lunch?"
"I'd love that."
When the elevator reached the 4th floor, Momo stepped out with her things, she waved goodbye at him.
Toshiro waved back, letting out a sigh once the elevator doors closed. 'Finally, I asked her.'
He felt something in his pocket.
"Dang it, she forgot her change again."
"I handed everything to Anna just in time. She was so happy, and then promptly told me to take the rest of the day off."
Rangiku rolled her eyes. "That's cuz you're becoming a workaholic Hinamori-san," Rangiku told her. "I'm happy Annie let you early. Toshiro-san is giddy as hell that you have more time for your 'lunch'"
Momo jumped in her seat when she heard Toshiro yell at his boss.
"You better not be telling Hinamori any lies."
"What me? I haven't done anything Shiro~" Rangiku batted her eyelashes a few times and began walking away. "Enjoy yourselves kiddos!"
"Sorry about that. Shall we go?" Toshiro offered his arm. Momo wrapped her arms around his and smiled too.
"Sure! Let's head out."
What started as a stressful morning had become an eventful day thanks to her favorite barista. Maybe this could be the beginning of good things for both of them.
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hitsuhinalover · 6 years
Hitsuhina month 2018 & 30 days OTP challenge
Day 8: Spending the whole night awake
A/N: AU. Please read the warnings.
Warnings: Cancer, mentions of suicidal thoughts and depression. No character death, but they're still tough topics.
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.
Cling on hope
“I'm scared, Shiro.”
He knew it. Judging by the way she pressed her lips together and how her voice barely stretched above a whisper, she had same kind of gnawing feeling inside her like he did, freezing water in her veins instead of blood. He knew both of them had faces like ghosts', albeit she had lost her healthy blush in a time she got sick, way before hope started slipping away from their fingertips, making them chase after it.
“You'll be fine,” he replied in a hoarse voice, in a tone that to his displeasure held more fear than intended reassurance. “If your cancer has relapsed, you just fight it off again.”
A small noise emerged from her throat, one he recognized to be a muffled sob from experience. All the dark nights he had lain awake and held her tightly, hearing how she tried to cry without him noticing, her body wavering slightly. All the dark nights he had pressed his face against the pillow to muffle his own sobs, to let her finally get a little bit of shut-eye without nightmares.
She still laughed, still smiled  – but he wished she could do it more.
A doctor stepped into the waiting room. “Momo Hinamori?”
“It doesn't mean anything.”
She didn't reply, choosing to look anywhere else than into his red-rimmed eyes.
“Really, Momo. It doesn't mean anything.” A door frame jolted as his fist hit it. “I don't let it mean anything!”
She turned to face him, her red-rimmed eyes similar to his, but her face staying expressionless instead of harboring anger like his did. Well, not completely expressionless. He detected a hint of resign in her eyes, which made his nails press deeper into the skin of his palms.
“Please don't leave me,” he pleaded, feeling like a child who understood nothing about how cruel the real world was. Yet he couldn't find himself caring. “Fight. Fight for me.”
The lower lip quivering and eyes shining from held tears, she stepped closer and touched his hand. “If I said every breath I take, every morning I open my eyes instead of giving up, is completely for you,”  her other hand cupped his wet cheek, “I would be lying.”
A stranger could hardly notice a smile that appeared on her lips, and if he did, he could guess it was formed most from sadness – but it was still a smile. “I do it for me, too. I want to share many more happy moments with you, I want to live with you, grow old with you, do millions things with you…” Her voice hitched. “What I don't want is to promise something I can't possibly keep. I'll do my best, Shiro, but it's not completely my decision whether I'll recover or not.”
He nodded. Of course he knew that. If it was all about will power, resilience and positivity, cancer wouldn't even have dared to glance into her direction, not to mention try to take her for the third time.
“Third time's a charm,” he reminded with a weak smile before scooping her up and placing her on the couch. She had always been light, but now he had to be careful that the wind wouldn't blow her away.
“This time, it'll go away for good,” he swore with a fake cheeriness in his voice. Funny. Usually, it had been his companion who had always tried to believe that everything would turn out to be fine, or at least they could survive from their problems. “I could contact the doctor I talked you about, she's-”
“Shiro.” Even her voice was tired. “I'll try my best, but if the worst happens–”
“I can't call her anymore, it's quite late already, but I could start writing an email.”
“– I want to know you'll be okay. So, could you think about picking up a new hobby? There are some group chats for the people who have lost a loved one to cancer, aren't there? Could you try something like that?”
“Are you hungry? Well, you should probably try to eat something anyway. I can–“
“Shiro, please listen to me.”
He stopped, but kept his back turned. A moment later, he started speaking in a wavering voice. “I...I don't want to think about the world where you don't exist, Momo. I don't want to live in that world.”
Behind him, he heard first a gasp, then her tense voice. “Take your words back,” she ordered. “Promise me...promise me that you'll move on after...you can't just throw your life away, Toshiro! If anything, you should live for both of–“
His nails were pressing crescents into the skin of his palms as he turned swiftly to face her. “Don't you try to guilt-trip me!” he shouted. “You're the one who's fucking leaving!” The last word was barely audible under his sobs.
“Shiro,” she whispered, tears sliding along her own cheeks, too. She reached for his hand, pleading. He let her take it and tug him to sit down next to her. When her hold on his hand slacked, he took her hand in his.
“Shiro,” she repeated. Instead of looking at her face, he looked at their joined hands, her bony hand  so small in his. “Could we talk about this in the morning?”
With a startle, he turned to stare at her, not sure if he had heard right. Usually, they both wanted to solve their fights as soon as possible. Neither of them wanted any disagreements lingering between them, not when she had been healthy and definitely not after she had got cancer.  
Was she too tired to care anymore?
“We talk about cancer all the time. Lately, have we spent even five minutes without starting to talk about it?” She paused, not for a dramatic effect but for getting her uneven breaths back under the control. “Could we pretend for some time that there's no cancer and spend time as a normal couple? This night?”
Of course he had missed the things they did as a couple, when neither of them was continuously feeling both physically and emotionally lethargic. However, he had thought they could do them again once she would have recovered. He had hoped that if they believed hard enough, it would happen.
“But you need sleep to get better,” he worried.
“I'm scared, Shiro,” she confessed, her voice tight. “When it's dark, it's so easy to think I'll never open my eyes again.” No matter how much he tried, he couldn't find words to reassure her. Not when his fear was same. “We can sleep in a day, can't we?”
He gulped once, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat before saying, “Okay. We'll spend this night doing things we used to do, without mentioning new treatments or support chats, or anything related to cancer.”
A smile flashing on her face made the lump in his throat ease a little bit. “I'll first cook us something,” he suggested.
He didn't say anything when she was hunched over the toilet seat, vomiting her meal. His hand massaged her shaking back. Even though he felt his own hands trembling, his chest constricting, he didn't say a word about new treatments they should try.
He had promised.
Instead of looking at him, she stared at the tiles. Judging by the glazed look she had in her eyes, she was holding back tears. Arms wrapped around herself, she tried to protect herself from disappointment.
“So,” he started, “what do you want to do first?”
Every smile she gave him eased his pain a little bit. No matter how small, how fleeting.
After he had found her dusty art supplies, they sat down in the living room, she at the table and he in the arm chair, the fireplace behind him. She looked gently the supplies in front of her, running her fingers over them, brushing dust away.
“I don't know where to start,” she confessed. Her gaze moved from her supplies to him and back.
“Start where you want,” he replied. “We've got the whole night.”
Finally, she picked up a pencil and lowered it carefully on the paper. With a glance to him, she made a couple of lines before stopping and staring at him again.
“It doesn't have to be Mona Lisa,” he reassured. “You don't even need to show it to me if you don't want. Moreover, I still prefer your first drawing of me to your most beautiful ones.”
“It was terrible,” she said, shaking her head at the memory. “I wasn't able to get shadows right and your eye color was wrong, too.”
His quiet voice matched the soft look in his eyes. “But it was the first.”
“You can't change your expression all the time,” she reprimanded him, but a corner of her lips was tugged upwards. “From now on, keep smiling.” Keep smiling even if I wasn't here.
Seeing her head lowered and shoulders slumped, he wondered if their idea had been good, after all. What if she saw everything they did only as something she would soon have to give up? All the doctors and net forums and handbooks had announced how important hope was. She couldn't let go of hope, not yet!
As her pencil started drawing lines and her gaze traveling between him and the paper, his shoulders relaxed. He mirrored the smile he saw both on her lips and in her eyes. She wasn't giving up. She was falling back in love with life.
Then she wanted to go stargazing.
“No,” he said, arms crossed. “Absolutely no.”
“We always used to go stargazing! Here, in Madrid, in Paris, in Venice...” she had a far-away look in her eyes, a dreamy smile on her lips as she looked back to those shared moments under the night sky. It was unfair. How could he possibly say no when she smiled so happily?
“You'll get a cold,” he tried to reason. “And you know how dangerous it'll be.”
“It's summer,” she insisted. He had been happy when drawing had seemed to give her some energy, but now it turned out to be a drawback. Once again, she had energy to be stubborn.
“Fine,” he finally sighed. “But you've to wear enough warm clothes,” he warned.
“Don't you think I need one more scarf?” her muffled voice joked.
“Hmm, you may be right,” he admitted, his head tilted as he studied her. She had a beanie, mittens, two scarves and a coat so thick that he could have pretended there wasn't only skin and bones under it, but a person with a normal weight.
“No, no, no, I'm warm!” she hurried to reassure him. “But I don't know if I'm able to walk to the top of the hill.”
“You don't need to,” he said with a grin. “I'm going to give you a piggyback ride.”
“Look, there's the Watermelon Prince!” she shouted and pointed at a vague bunch of twinkling stars.
Even though she wasn't able to see it while staring at the night sky, he rolled his eyes. It was a habit, okay? “How do you even remember all those ridiculous names?” he asked, looking at her silhouette.
She glanced at him, a knowledgeable smile tugging the corners of her lips upwards. “Don't you  remember them?” she asked. Without a reply, he turned to look at the stars, too.
His hand found hers, fingers curling around her mitten-clad hand and squeezing. We'll survive from this, his hold seemed to say. You'll survive from this. Don't leave me here alone.
“I'm quite sure the Watermelon Prince is over there,” he replied and pointed at another constellation.
When they went back inside, they were both hungry.
He didn't want to suggest that they would eat. Of course, they both needed to eat. But what if she just vomited again? The night might not have recovered her, but at least it had given both of them a little bit more hope.
“Should we...should we eat something?” Even though her voice was quiet, he startled – he hadn't expected her to ask, because she was scared to lose hope, too.
Shoulders stiff, they sat on the couch, throwing glances at each other and at the clock that ticked forwards, not caring about their tension. Finally, when it was clear she wasn't going to vomit, she broke the silence. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
“You aren't too tired?” he asked. “We can go to sleep if you want.”
They were both tired, yawning every once in a while, but it wasn't that kind of lethargy they had felt ever since she got cancer. Their tiredness resulted from all the fun they had had instead of sleeping.
For awhile, she was silent. When she finally spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. “I don't want this night end yet. I don't want to go back to the reality yet.” Although there was sadness in her eyes, they looked much more alive than they had looked in ages. “Do you?”
No, he didn't. He didn't want any more days without her smile, more days filled with tears, more days she would do nothing but sleep. He wanted time they had left to be like that night – or, better yet, like the time when she hadn’t been sick. More happy moments with her, that was all what he wanted and needed.
“Which movie?”
“Do you remember our trip? It didn't go as well as theirs,” she mumbled, her head resting on his shoulder.
With a laugh, he replied, “I still think you misread the timetable.”
“I didn't!” She was going to say something more, but then she glanced back at the screen. Her feigned annoyance changed into genuine awe. “Wow! Look at that, Shiro!”
With widened eyes, she stared at the screen. Green foliage, massive rocks and blue sky raced past the protagonist as she was hang-gliding. Apart from her hair being messed up by the wind, the protagonist looked like the woman whose eyes were glued on the screen: eyes twinkling from mirth, teeth flashing as she laughed.
“Next summer we could go hang-gliding, too,” she suggested, still grinning. “It looks so funny!”
Even though he stared at the screen, his attention was no longer on the movie – not that he would even see anything through his blurry vision. His mind was playing her words over and over again. She wanted to go hang-gliding. Next summer.
When she had been at her worst, cancer almost claiming up her life, she had stopped talking about the future. After she had gotten better, she hadn't always wanted to discuss even the day after tomorrow. She hadn't believed she could be alive then. She couldn't cling on hope anymore. Now, however, she was making up plans for the following summer, expecting they both would be able to follow them. Hoping.
“Yeah,” Hitsugaya whispered. “That would be lovely.”
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luxandnyx · 6 years
HitsuHina Day 2018 - Confession, Fluff
I wanted to write about Books but sadly it didn’t get picked as a theme so this story is still mostly about books but there’s also confessions in it so I hope it’ll be alright. 
And so, here is my submission for HitsuHina Day 2018! :)
MOMO FINALLY CLOSED the book. The tears she was trying to keep from falling freely rolled down her cheeks now. It's so heartbreaking. Ah, my chest hurts so much!
She just read about two star-crossed lovers who never got a happy ending even after all the trials they had gone through. Ultimately, they lived their lives separately, their memories together the only thing they had left to keep.
She let herself cry some more before she looked down at her desk, remembering the paper works she had to deliver. She immediately ran her sleeve through her face to wipe the tears away. Then, she stood up and walked out of her office, the documents safely tucked in her grasp.
SHE ARRIVED AT the tenth division's office. She knocked softly at the door before stepping inside.
The white-haired captain addressed her without looking up from his reports. "Hinamori."
"Hey, Hitsugaya-kun."
As of the moment, the prodigy didn't have the energy to correct her lack of deference for him. He had pulled an all-nighter to finish the work that was supposed to be done by his sluggard vice captain.
She walked up to his desk and put the papers down. She leaned towards him to examine his face closely. His face started to heat up from her proximity; he backed away a little before he gazed up at her.
"What?" he asked, a little irritated.
"Hmm. Did you sleep last night?" she questioned, worried about his well-being.
"Why?" she pressed.
"I have a lot of work to do," he paused, finally looking at her face completely.
He scanned through her features and noticed her swollen eyes. Worry quickly filled his system and threatened to consume him.
"Why were you crying?" he bluntly asked, hiding his concern in the process.
Her eyes widened; she didn't think her previous episode was still evident on her face.
"I, um, I was reading a book."
His eyebrows rose, showing his confusion. "And?"
"Oh, it was a really sad one! And . . ." she trailed off.
"What?" he asked as relief washed over him. He was grateful it wasn't something so important.
She was sniffing now, her tears foreboding to fall once again. "It was so sad. I mean, why did things have to end that way?" she squeaked.
He panicked; he wasn't sure how to console her. So, he said the first thing that came to his mind. "That's ridiculous. I can't believe you're crying over some made-up story."
She looked a little shocked. Did he just say that? She swallowed and smiled weakly at him. "I-is that so?" she uttered, "I-I have to go now. See you around, Hitsugaya-kun." She turned around and walked swiftly to the door. She didn't see him reaching out to her as she hurriedly run out to the hallways.
MATSUMOTO SLIPPED THE door open. She went inside the fifth division's office, looking for the raven-haired girl.
"Hinamori! Where are youuu?" she called out in a singsong voice but nobody answered. She looked around but found no one. Oh, she must've gone out.
The door suddenly opened, revealing the younger lieutenant. Matsumoto ran up to her, enveloping her in a tight hug.
"Oh, Hinamori! I was looking for you!"
"What for, Rangiku-san?" she said after the voluptuous woman let her go.
"Let's go eat lunch with the others!"
This just might be the distraction she needed at the moment. With nothing better to do, she answered with a smile, "Alright, then!"
FIVE PEOPLE OCCUPIED the table at the small restaurant, just outside the Seireitei. The cheerful chatter around her made Momo's spirits lift up, albeit a little.
The server finally arrived with the food they ordered. Abarai, Hisagi and Kira were planning on drinking alcohol but decided they'd save it for the night. Matsumoto prompted Momo to come with them later to drink sake but she kindly turned the woman's offer down stating that she cannot hold her liquor.
They talked about random things while eating. Momo just listened to them, content with just knowing they were all doing well.
"Hinamori-kun. What have you been doing these days?"
She was a little surprised at the mention of her name. She looked up to see Kira smiling at her. "Um, nothing much. I was almost always occupied with work . . . and oh, I am finally back to reading books after getting a slump for a while," she replied, getting enthusiastic.
The others listened to them briefly before continuing with their own topic, debating over where they would party later.
"Oh yeah? I'm also reading a lot lately," Kira replied, also becoming excited.
"I actually just finished a good book this morning. And I really liked it despite it being a little . . . on the melancholic side," she finished with a sigh.
"Oh. Um, can I borrow that book? I'll also lend you some," he said happily.
"Really? I'd love to!"
And so, they continued conversing about their book preferences. Momo was finally feeling light-hearted as she found someone who enjoyed reading just as much as she did.
IT HAD BEEN a few days since Toshiro and Momo last talked. Truth be told, he was worrying about her. He was afraid of the possibility that he might've hurt her feelings because of the stupid words he had said.
"Matsumoto," he muttered.
The blonde woman slightly sat up from her comfortable lying position on the couch. "What is it, Taicho?"
"Have you seen Hinamori lately?"
"Ah, yeah. Why?" she paused before continuing, "Do you miss her? I can ask her to stop by here." She winked.
His face started to heat up a little. "N-no," he stuttered. "I'm just worried about her."
"Well, you always are," she stated matter-of-factly.
"So, how was she?" he inquired.
"Well . . ." she trailed off, trying to remember what the peach girl was occupied on recently. "From what I can remember, she and Kira were always together lately, talking nonstop about books and books and books." She smiled mischievously. "Who knows? Maybe they started to like each other seeing they have the same hobby and all."
With that, the distinguished captain of the tenth stood up from his seat, barely controlling the sudden pangs of jealousy that raged inside him. He looked sharply at her lieutenant and hissed, "Tell me you weren't serious."
"But it's true!" she defended herself. "If you don't believe me, then go see for yourself." She was now feeling a little scared because of the strange glow that emanated from her captain.
With a sudden gust of cold breeze, he was gone, leaving Matsumoto shivering from the chill. I hope Taicho won't do anything rash now.
HE READ THE words that were elegantly engraved on the cover of the book out loud, "'To The Stars'." He flipped through it, wondering what on earth he should do now. He decided to start reading the story, completely forgetting how he was able to get his hands on it.
He flash stepped towards the third division with an iron will. He traced the minimal amount of spiritual pressure a certain pale blond-haired shinigami was giving off. Shortly after, he found who he was looking for.
Kira was leaning on the wooden railing just outside his office. On his hand was a heavy-looking leather bound book. He was too absorbed in reading that he didn't notice the approaching footsteps of an enraged taicho.
"Kira," he growled.
The lieutenant looked up to find a very frightening Hitsugaya.
"E-er, Hitsugaya-taicho."
A confrontation soon occurred between the two. It didn't take long, though, for the captain to get the truth out of the scared fukutaicho. He was glad to find out that nothing was going on between Kira and Hinamori.
After successfully acquiring what he came for, he strode off with a triumphant look. On his hand was the object that caused Hinamori's gloomy disposition earlier that week. Now, he was about to find out why so.
IT WAS A beautiful afternoon, light rain stirring the temperature with the right amount of coolness, making everyone feel some calm and peace. Sure, it also made them drowsy but for those bookworms by heart, it was the perfect time to read.
Hinamori was on her living room, sitting on the couch and doing her most favorite thing in the world — reading. Pausing for a while, she reached for her steaming cup of coffee and sipped from it. She started to daydream, imagining another world in her head, adding it up to the myriad that were already there. She thought that if she were to live a hundred lives, those wouldn't still be enough. Ah, the power of words, making one wonder if there were other universes out there, waiting to be unfolded.
She was immediately pulled out of her reverie when a knock sounded on her door. The visitor didn't wait for her permission before inviting himself inside.
She stood up. "Hitsugaya-kun . . ." she uttered, surprise showing in her voice.
"Hinamori." He sounded out of breath, like he was running just moments ago (which he might have been).
"Why are you here?"
He didn't answer but reached out his hand to her. When she looked at it, her eyes widened a fraction — he was handing her her book.
"H-how?" she stuttered.
He smirked at her. "I already read it, if you might be wondering. It was . . . good."
Hinamori was dumbfounded now. Did I hear him right?
"What? You aren't gonna ask me my thoughts about it or something?" Hitsugaya asked, amused.
After thinking for awhile, she considered his offer and smiled up at him, and said,"Tell me, then."
"First of all, I want to apologize for the things I said; I was clearly wrong." He paused and tried to read her expression. When she didn't say anything, he continued. "This story . . . I admit isn't something new to me but the way the writer told everything, it felt real, like he was speaking from his own experience. Also, I'm not going to do the same mistakes he did."
"What mistakes?" she wondered.
He stepped forward, towards her, leaving only a small space between them. "I'm not going to lose the one I love," he spoke in such a gentle way that made Hinamori's heart skip a beat.
Her breath caught in her throat. She remained speechless, only able to stare at the deep color of the ocean that was his eyes. The warmth she found there caused the butterflies in her stomach to flutter wildly. He isn't confessing to me now, is he?
"Yes, I am."
His voice startled her. "H-huh?"
"Yes, I'm confessing to you now," he repeated her words, amusement evident in his eyes again.
"WHAT?! Did I . . . Kyaaaaa!" She turned around, away from him, embarrassed that she had voiced out her thoughts for him to hear.
He laughed quietly, the sound of it enough to make her shyness go away. The very presence of his laugh was a rare thing to happen so she cherished every single one of it.
She turned to him, clear brown eyes meeting turquoise ones. A smile started to brighten her features while it slowly reached the windows to her soul. "Hmm . . ."
"What?" Hitsugaya asked, confused.
"Well, it took you long enough to say it." She laughed and the soft sound of chimes filled the room.
"H-how? Did you . . .?"
"I love you too, Hitsugaya-kun," she said, interrupting him. Her heart was beating so hard that she felt her chest might burst open.
He just stared at her; his face heated up like fire had burned it. She loves me back. I can't believe it.
He remained silent for an agonizing minute.
"Shiro-chan?" She was getting a little worried now. Could she possibly said the wrong thing?
"Yes, Bedwetter Momo?"
"Are you okay?"
He pulled her close, looping his arms around her. "How can't I be? The girl I love loves me back. What more could I wish for?" he said in earnest.
She hugged him back and listened to the comforting beat of his heart. It was racing as fast as her own, assuring her that he, indeed, loved her.
After a few moments she asked him, "So, how come you have the book? I lent it to Kira-kun two days ago."
"Does that really matter now?" he muttered, getting a little irritated at the mention of the third division's lieutenant.
She tried to pull away from him a little so she could see his expression but he didn't let her.
"You know, we can read books together. You don't need anyone else to do it with you." He paused. "I can be . . . um, your . . . book buddy or something," he added, embarrassed at the term.
"Really? I thought you hated crying over books? I do that a lot," she whispered.
"As long as it's you, I don't really care."
She brightened up. "Alright then! So from now on, you'll be my Book Buddy Shiro-chan!" she exclaimed, excited at the thought that they'd spend more time reading together.
"Oi, oi. I didn't say you could call me that! It's still Hitsugaya-taicho to you!"
"Whatever, Book Buddy Shiro-chan!"
"Ugh. She's always so stubborn," he mumbled to himself.
She then took him by the hand and led him to her room. She started to look for books that she deemed as good reads.
"Here, this one's good! Oh, this one too! And that one!"
And so, Hitsugaya ended up with a lot of books more than he could possibly carry. Even though he now had an added activity to do, he was happy — for he was doing it for his Book Buddy Bedwetter Momo-chan.
- The End -
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hanayomemomo · 6 years
👫 cause why not?
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
1.  The first time Momo encountered Grimmjow was directly after the events of the Quincy War.  The members of the Fourth were spread thin - still mourning the loss of their beloved Captain - so any and all Shinigami who could perform healing kido were called to assist.  Momo happened upon Grimmjow, still unconscious from his injuries.  A bloodied heart clutched in one clawed hand.  When she attempted to remove it, he woke just long enough to set his piercing cerulean eyes on her - and utter one word - before passing out again.   “Mine.”
2.  Their second “meeting” was another of circumstance, just outside of Kisuke Urahara’s shop.  She had stopped in after a visit to Orihime, to pick up a few things that Captain Hirako ordered and take back with her.  As she approached the entrance she spied a large, rather haggard looking Tom cat - sitting just off to the side of the entryway - missing half an ear, scarred flesh seen clearly through the fur that covered it.  When she got close enough to see around the corner, she saw Grimmjow crouched low - head bent down, his feral features seemed almost peaceful - fingers ruffling the fur beneath the cat’s chin.  Noticing her presence, he stood up quickly and pointed at her. With a growl, he said,  “You saw nothin’,  you got that squirt?”
3.  They became tentatively acquainted after she heard him raising a ruckus while on her way to the Tenth Division, to deliver a bento box of freshly prepared yakiniku to Toshiro.  He was raving about, looking highly agitated - screaming at the top of his lungs for Kenpachi Zaraki, issuing a challenge to fight - something she could not allow to happen.  She called out to him, “Hey!  You want to try some of this instead?”  Thinking it was another who was willing to sate his need to fight, he turned to find her.  A box of barbecued meats in her hand.  “It’s good.  Made it myself.” Snatching the food out of her hand, he grabbed a handful and shoved it in his mouth.  Without bothering to wait until he had finished chewing he said, “Tch.  Yeah.  It’s alright….you got more kid?”
4.  After that day, any time Grimmjow comes to the Sereitei he looks for Momo - carrying some kind of meats from the World of the Living - to ask her to cook it for him because he “is gonna need his energy to fight Kenpachi”. Which she has come to understand is his way of saying that he liked the way she does it, and when she laughs or makes a comment at this, he usually responds with;  “This don’t mean we’re friends…or that I like you…so don’t get cute, kid.”  
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neko-bri · 3 years
Drabble~ Scars [HitsuHina]
Hi hi!!! It's Bri Bri here! I worked on this but, it is rusty due to me not writing for a while. I do hope you like it and I know it may be bad. I hope you enjoy the drabble! I love these two so much!! Momo and Toshiro have been my ship for a long time since first starting Bleach. I loved their interaction and also, I wanted to write more on my ship! < 3
Each night it was scary. To sleep alone, feel the blankets laying on top of her. The warmth of the soft fabric against one's skin. Fingertips squeezed against the blanket in comfort. Twisting and turning on the bed. Feeling tears creating in her eyes. The fear of being alone. Terrified of that dream she had over and over. Her love her admiration taken away. By the one she trusted, the one who gave her hope. He...ripped it with that blade through her chest. Stabbed. Blood leaking out in pain, that blade struck in her chest. How could he do this...? Why did he do it? Her heart is broken over the fact he lied to her. Lied to everyone and used her. The tears fell even more. In the darken room, where she slept after being let free to go. Those nightmares don't go away. They don't! 
"Was it my fault...? Could I have not noticed due to my love and admiration?" Hinamori whispered those words. Not understanding she still questioned why he did it. Knowing in her heart he never loved her. She was nothing but a doll to him. To be used like a doll on string like a puppet. It was then---she heard a noise due to her screaming. Someone came inside it was Toshiro her childhood friend who came.
"Oi, Hinamori wake up!" His hand lightly touched her shoulder trying to wake her. He came to see her like they were planned to do. To watch the stars together just like they always use to do as children in the rukon district. The brunette would quickly sit up with full on tears down her face. "No!!" She panicked sitting up on the bed. "Don't hurt them!! Don't do it!" She yelled out when two hands gripped her shoulders tightly. "HINAMORI!!" Momo eyes widen in shock, her eyes blurred with a vision of watery tears. "S...Shiro-chan..?" Her whisper had a cracked tone in her voice. 
"Hinamori..." The white haired male spoke full concern for her. Knowing full well what she gone through even suffered from him due to Aizen's trick. He left a scar on her that could not be erased. Nor could he ever forgive himself for it. Quickly wiping her tears away, both of her hands would wipe the watery tears. "W...What are you doing here, Shiro-chan?" She asked in a more calm tone. Toshiro let out a sigh, soft yet a little frustrated that she forgot. 
"Didn't you want to see the stars? You came earlier to ask and I came here to get you." His tone was gentle yet calm. He knew she missed going even if it was a little before bed. It brightened her mood. 
"Oh! That's right...I after finishing my paperwork I.." Recalling her earlier tracks with coming in her room to nap after her Taichou Hirako had ordered her to finish up the work which she knew he wanted to listen to his jazz music. Of course she scolded him. Still---she was looking forward to watching stars with Shiro-chan. Staring at Hinamori Toshiro had his teal eyes look into her eyes full of worry. "Hinamori...are you sure you are alright? You were having another nightmare weren't you?" He didn't let his voice show any panic but, truthfully he felt she was dreaming of the past again. Hinamori couldn't deny it. She knew Shiro-chan would always worry. He always did look out for her. Never would she want to worry her best friend. "Ah...no Shiro-chan I was just having a dream about Hirako-Taichou. He was...giving me all his work again. It was no---" 
Just then Toshiro raised his voice to stop Momo. "Hinamori, I know you were having one because I heard you screaming!" He spoke loudly but full of worry. Seeing her kimono it did show the scar she gotten from him. His teal eyes looked full of sorrow, of agony for what he did. Tears fell down her face, looking at Toshiro with sadness. "Shiro-chan.." Not wanting to worry him. No! She never wanted that...never in her mind did she wish for his sadness. "I...didn't want to worry you. I...just..." she suddenly felt arms wrapped wound her tightly. Pulling her into a embrace, feeling her body just lay against his chest. His arms wrapped around her back, not too tightly as he knew she was fully recovered. However, her nightmares still came back. Some nights they were gone some nights they weren't. He often tried to come check on her. 
Grabbing onto his Haori, tightly her fingers trembling against him. Her breathing rapidly going faster. Feeling her body slowly relax, smelling the scent on Toshiro. It was relaxing, calming, even putting her heart and mind at ease. "Hinamori, don't deal with this all on your own! You know...I will be here." His words spoke in a soft whisper. 
How can I have her feel less alone? Why does she always do this? He has to protect her from any pain. Knowing full well she was scared to trust. He knew that and yet...
Tears fell down her face, sobbing onto his black shihakusho. Taking a deep breath, her lips stopped quivering. "Shiro-chan...I...I..." she stopped when Toshiro just kept her in his arms. "Hinamori... You don't have to tell me now. Cry out your tears." He would hear Momo cry again knowing she bad a bad nightmare and he didn't want her to stress more. He didn't want to see her in pain. 
Minutes had passed after Momo lifted her head off of Toshiro's chest. Her chocolate eyes staring into his teal eyes. Seeing he was relaxed and only worried about her. "Shiro-chan, thank you for letting me cry. I...just didn't want to worry you. I always wanted to keep this to myself." She would speak knowing he would always tell her it was alright to speak with him.
Just then a flicker lightly flicked her head. "Hinamori... you bed wetter! I will always be willing to listen no matter what is going on! You always did forget." He would sigh slowly before continuing, "I know it isn't easy...just know I will never leave your side no matter what happened in the past. I will always forgive you." He spoke softly, his words full of gentleness. Momo would rub her head, feeling the slight pain but she would smile hearing his words. She knew he never would even after all that happened, he was always there and never would abandon her. Her eyes widen in a slight anger. "Shiro-chan!! I am not a bed wetter!! I don't do that anymore. What am I to do with you?" Her eyes soften before she smiled at Toshiro.
"Thank you...Shiro-chan." Momo said when Toshiro would glare. "What did I say Hinamori! You are to call me by Hitsugaya-Taichou!" He said when she looked at him in surprise. "Ah, yes...I forget but, Shiro-chan." She said in a soft tone to stand up where she would fix her robes. Walking to go towards her door. Hearing footsteps behind her it was Toshiro who walked with her to go outside on the roof where they often watch the stars. "I did ask you to come view the stars with me didn't I? Thank you, Shiro-chan."
Once they both used flash step, sitting on the roof with carrying soft pillows for their bottoms. Just for extra support, a warm smile appeared on the brunette face. Her chocolate eyes stared up at the many lights in the darkness sky. They glimmer with a light that calmed her worried heart. The scars will not fade however they will always remain there. A reminder of what transpired. The pain and yet growth. The growth in maturity of learning to heal slowly and forgive. Momo would never hate Toshiro for what has happened. That day when he stabbed her due to Aizen's trickery. She often touched the scar with one hand. A smile appeared on her face, taking a deep breath when she let her head lay on his shoulder. She did not blame him nor hate. The scar reminds her of their bond remaining strong even now. 
Toshiro did not move---he stayed still to feel the warmth from Momo. Her warmth of being alive, being here with him was all he needed. Watching the stars together since childhood. That was enough for him. It was more than enough...he will always make sure she was safe and here with him. He would see Momo eyes closed to relax against him. His head would rest on top of hers as his smile was shown. The starry skies, the cool night air, mixed with the quiet of the crickets chirping. The light wind breeze as Momo fallen asleep comfortably on Toshiro. He remained there watching the stars where he will remain to be near her. 
       Always protecting her...always here. 
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kirby42280 · 7 years
Waterfall Eclipse II: The Lost Clan - Chapter Eight
I’m back with the next chapter. Enjoy!
Just a couple of notes:
1. If you haven't read the first part to this story, you may want to. You might miss jokes that I may reference, etc. This story starts pretty much right where the first part ends. Find part one here: Fanfiction.net / Tumblr / Wattpad
2. I finished WE-I back in April 2016, which means my captains and lieutentants don't really match up to what Tite Kubo did in his manga. I am keeping my list for the most part. The only ones I got right were Rukia Kuchiki and Isane Kotetsu. If you would like me to write up a list of my captains and lieutenants, leave me a message and I will reply. If I get enough requests, I may make a side chapter that shows it.
Summary: Hitsugaya Rani is back with the next step in her story - finding out her the history of the crest on her hairpin. Along with suffering from a series of nightmares that somehow link together and the research of one ten-year-old, Rani finds out the truth about her past and what it may mean for her future.
Waterfall Eclipse II: The Lost Clan
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six  Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight:
Rani was worried. Her captain wouldn't say why the two of them were heading to Squad Eight after they had their lunch. The two walked in, and instead of heading to the office utterly confusing Rani even more, Captain Kuchiki led her to the Squad Eight practice field.
"Why are we here?"
"You'll seen soon enough, lieutenant."
"That was less than helpful." Rani muttered as she rolled her eyes.
"Did you say something?"
"N-nothing Captain Kuchiki." she replied nervously and embarrassed. She then noticed Captain Abarai and Lieutenant Nakano waiting for them.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Lieutenant Nakano?"
"I'm sorry? Do what?" Chiharu asked dumbfounded as her captain burst out laughing. "Captain Abarai?" she asked semi annoyed as she furrowed her eyes and brows at him.
"I'm sorry, Nakano, but you should at least try."
"Try what?" Ranu asked. Then the realization hit. "Wait - you don't mean for Chiharu to go against Captain Kuchiki, do you?"
"Yes." Renji answered.
"Yes, Captain Kuchiki?" the Squad Eight captain replied with an evil grin.
"You lied to me, didn't you? Your lieutenant has no idea."
"Yes, I lied. No, she doesn't know - or well, didn't. She does now."
Rani and Chiharu glared at the cocky captain before them. They each wanted to strangle him.
"I'm gonna kill him." Chiharu said calmly after taking in deep breath. "We'll need a new captain, though."
Rani turned to her friend and smiled. She also let out a chuckle.
"I'll help." she whispered to her friend. "Captain Abarai, do you really think your lieutenant is ready to go up against Captain Kuchiki?"
"Yes, but obviously only shikai against shikai."
Chiharu groaned and then turned to the visiting captain.
"We don't have to do this, Captain Kuchiki. My captain seems to have lost a few screws over the past few days."
Byakuya nodded.
"I think that it is best if we delay this until you feel comfortable. If Abarai wasn't a captain, I would probably drag him by his ear and punish him."
"No worries. I can. He may be a captain, but he sure as heck doesn't act like one most of the time." Chiharu teased.
"I have trust that you'll get him in line." Byakuya stated and then did an about-face and started to leave the practice grounds.
"Well, this isn't fair. I really wanted you two to battle." Renji whined causing the two girls to stare at him. "What?"
"You, Captain Abarai," Rani started, "are despicable." she finished. She then grabbed Chiharu's hand and led her off the practice field via shunpo.
"I can't believe he did that." Chiharu stated in disbelief as she and Rani walked into the office. "Scratch that. No. I can."
"Are you sure you want to be his lieutenant?"
"Eh. Maybe Momo will have a few ideas. She wants to meet for dinner tonight with you, me, and Rangiku."
"Okay. See you at the restaurant. I should get going. My captain will be waiting."
Chiharu smiled and Rani made her way out the door where she ran into Captain Abarai. Rani just shook her head and went on her way.
Once back at Squad Six she found her captain back at his desk, just seated it seemed.
"Would you have battled her if Lieutenant Nakano knew?"
"Yes, because that meant she thought she was ready. Captain Abarai said she was and asked us to come this afternoon."
Rani nodded and had a small smile on her face.
"Thank you for not forcing her to. I know how strong she is, but she still has a couple of weeks of practice to go before she might be ready."
"Mentally she's not. Physically she might be. I am aware of this. I know how strong I am, as do you."
Rani went back to work and at the end of the day was exhausted. She made her way over to the restaurant and met with the ladies. She noticed the Squad Eleven lieutenant also hanging around.
"Lieutenant Kusajishi."
"RANI! How are you!" the child-like lieutenant greeted as she ran over to Rani and gave her a hug.
"I'm doing well."
"I can't believe you turned out to be that lost heir. AND I can't believe you decided to not reinstate the clan. What's going to happen to the manor?"
"I'm not sure. Where is everyone?"
"We beat them here. Kenny's hanging with some of the guys. And we both really love our gifts from Lady Lily. Kenny hung his in the office. He said he'll hang mine in my quarters for me."
Rani smiled.
"She'll be happy to hear that."
The other three showed up moments later and the five went in and sat down. Mid-way through their meal, and after Chiharu and Rani explained what her captain did to her, he walked in and grinned. Yachiru motioned for Renji to come over to her and he obliged, kneeling down in front of her.
"What's up?" he greeted with a smile and receiving a smile in return.
Yachiru didn't miss a beat before she hit him on his head, and hard. All the girls laughed, and a couple of the guys who came in with him.
"OW! What was that for?"
"You're an idiot Renji."
"Why is he an idiot?" Lieutenant Hisagi asked confused.
"Because do-do here almost had Chiharu battle Captain Kuchiki."
"Rukia's -"
"It wasn't her. It was the other Captain Kuchiki." Rani interrupted Lieutenant Kira.
"Say what?" the two lieutenants said in unison.
"You heard Rani. I am less than pleased with my captain, and speaking of which, why are you even here?"
"I can't have a drink or two with friends?"
"You definitely shouldn't." Momo commented. "There's a captain's meeting in the morning, bright and early."
"Crap! I almost forgot about it."
The guys excused themselves leaving the girls in peace. The five enjoyed their meal and eventually headed on their way home.
Rani walked into an empty house almost forgetting that Toshiro was in the Living World on duty. She made herself a cup of tea and sat down at her desk. She pulled out some paper and a quill and ink jar. She started to write, although at first she wasn't sure what she wanted to write. Eventually she chose to write an autobiography and made a list of all of the important events in her life that she wanted to include. She decided to start with what she describes as "waking up" at the front gates of the soul society where she was found and claimed by the Tómasus and proceeded from there.
Four hours later, she was only partially done and decided she should call it a night or else she might never get to sleep. She put the papers into a portfolio in her desk and washed her hands before going to bed.
When she woke up, she was dragging. She realized it was her fault alone and dealt with the ramifications it might bring. Luckily for her, she wouldn't see the captain until after his meeting. She headed to the office and made herself some tea and started on her work. An hour in and she headed to the dojo for her training session with some of the members.
The rest of the day was pretty routine and no real problems surfaced. Rani was headed home before she knew it and she decided to take a relaxing hot bath before bed. She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes.
"You know, you put yourself in a very compromising situation."
Rani screamed before realizing it was her husband who said that.
"Seriously?" she asked as he laughed at her.
"Now that I got your attention, and scared you half to death, are you okay?" he asked as he sat down on the edge of the bathtub.
"I'm fine. Just had a training session today, but other than that I'm fine."
"No bad dreams while I was away?"
"Nope. I did miss you though."
"I missed you too."
Rani smiled as she looked at him.
"What happened to your neck?"
"Huh? Shit! I had a nasty battle with a Hollow. I must have missed that."
Rani half smiled as she started to stand.
"Hand me my towel."
Toshiro did as he was told and she got up out of the tub. She walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the kit that was under there.
"Take this to the bedroom. I'll be right there."
"Or you could -"
"Shut it. Go." she ordered.
"Yes, ma'am."
After getting on proper clothes, she met him in the bedroom and took care of her husband carefully.
"You know our Reiatsu will heal us right?"
"Yes, but you don't need a scar there of all places. Now shut up and let me be a wife."
Toshiro let her do first aid on him and once she was done, he put the kit back in the bathroom. He came back into the bedroom and handed her a bag.
"What is this?"
"Let me know what you think. I can always run back down to the Living World and grab a new one."
Curious, Rani opened the bag and pulled out the cloth that was inside.
"This will work. It's fine." she replied after realizing it was a kimono for Yoshi's wedding. "I have one that kind of matches."
"Good. Although is wearing a matching outfit a good idea?"
"Matching no. Complimentary, yes. It'll be fine." she answered as she folded it back up and put it in the bag.
"Good. When do we leave for the wedding?"
"Three weeks from Friday, actually. The wedding is that Saturday, but they wanted us there a day earlier for whatever reason."
"Okay. I just want to make sure I put in the correct requested time off." he commented. "And then after Saturday we go on our vacation, right?"
"Yes. The much needed vacation. I'm trying to get all of my work done ahead of time, but I know when I get back I am going to have a pile about as tall as Lily." Rani joked.
"And then three weeks after we get back will be Lieutenant Hisagi's and Kiyomi's wedding, right?"
"Crap. Yeah. I'm going to be busy with her, I can feel it."
"I thought she didn't want a large wedding."
"She doesn't, but she wants to do some wedding related events, like a bachelorette party."
She looked at her husband and noticed he had a confused expression.
"I can't understand her sometimes either, so don't feel bad."
Three weeks later they were headed to the Takayama Clan household with minimal luggage. They decided that they would make a quick stop in between trips to drop off the kimonos and pick up the other luggage since they were only staying two nights at the Takayama Manor.
"Would it be bad if I said I was nervous about this?"
"Relax Toshiro. It'll be fine. They aren't as intimidating as the Kuchikis." Rani said trying to reassure her husband.
They were led inside and were greeted by Lady Sugi.
"Rani! And this must be your husband, Toshiro."
"Please Lady Sugi."
"You guys can drop the "Lady" stuff while you are here. I don't mind, even if I am older than you. Let me show you to where you'll be staying. Dinner will be in a couple of hours, but I'll come and find you."
"In a couple of hours?"
"We eat late here." she explained. "It's fine. It will give you time to look around the manor and get yourselves acquainted with it."
"Thank you."
"Hopefully we don't get lost." Toshiro teased.
"I might just want to nap though." Rani commented. "We both got up early and went into work earlier than normal before leaving early."
"This is true."
"Well, feel free to do which ever you would please." Lady Sugi said as she climbed a few steps and then opened a door. "This will be your temporary residence while you are here. I hope everything is in here that you will need."
"Thank you again." Toshiro said.
She left them alone and Rani made her way to the bathroom first to change into one of the kimonos she brought with her.
"Why change? And should I?"
"You can stay in your captain's garb for dinner. Tomorrow you'll need to wear the other kimono. Sunday you can wear the captain's robe again when we head back to the house before going down to the Living World."
"Okay, if you say so." he said unsure.
"I do." she joked. "I'm going to lay down for a bit."
"Do you want me to join you?"
"It would be nice." she said with a smile as she sat down on the couch.
Within minutes she was fast asleep. An hour and a half later, he woke her up so she could freshen up and look decent for dinner.
The dinner with the family went by fast, much to Toshiro's enjoyment. The wedding the next day was an affair, for sure, but Rani was pleased that she decided to attend. The happy couple's extended families never approached Rani about the Sutahomu Clan, which she was grateful for. She asked Lord Takayama about it, and he told her he never said a word to anyone that she realized who she was. That it would be a secret he will take beyond his grave.
The following morning, although they were suffering from a minor hangover, Rani and Toshiro said their farewells and goodbyes and headed back to their home to switch out luggage and head on their vacation.
"You still didn't tell me where we were going." Rani stated as they entered the Dangai Precipice World.
"And I won't tell you until we get there." he teased.
"Which means it's either where we went on our honeymoon or the other frequent spot of ours." she concluded.
"And what if it is one of those places?"
"Don't get me wrong Toshiro, I am not complaining, but I kind of hate surprises."
A little while later they arrived at the resort, after stopping to get their Gigais at Urahara's shop, that she and her friends loved to visit. He checked them in and they headed to the elevators up to their room.
"Is this the same room from that one time?"
"It might be. I'm not sure." he answered as he put the suitcases to the side. "But let me ask you something."
"Mmm? What?"
"Did you bring that bikini?"
Rani slowly formed a smile.
"I may have. Did you want me to wear it?"
"Maybe." he said as he wrapped his arms around her. "But tell me something else."
"Mm?" she mumbled as she was about to kiss him.
"What the heck was 'Operation: Flabbergast'?"
She stopped millimeters from his lips and went wide-eyed.
"Oh..umm..that.." she stammered and cleared her throat causing him to laugh. She took in a deep breath before answering. "I'm not really quite sure how to explain that one to you."
"I can always ask Umeko or Kiyomi, though, right? Or Chiharu?"
"You'd better not. That would be just mean."
"Then you tell me."
"UGH!" she moaned and tried to get out of his embrace. It didn't work. "So, it was Rangiku and Kiyomi who actually bought that bikini you seem to love so much for me for that trip where we were interrupted by the Hollows and Menos."
"I remember that. You saved my life going against Captain Kuchiki's orders."
"Yeah, well, I wasn't a fan of the bikini. Thankfully they also bought that cover-up dress." she continued. "Anyway, it was Kiyomi's thinking that if you saw me in that bikini that you wouldn't be able to say two words to me due to being in shock."
"Who came up with the name?"
"I do believe it was Kiyomi again, even though they tried to think of a better name, nothing more fitting came up."
"It didn't work."
"Not that day, it didn't. In a way it kind of did the next trip or so that the girls and I took."
He tried to think back to the other vacations.
"It was the one right before my Third Seat promotion party thing, you know, where I got stuck to the floor."
"The one where we happened to be staying in the same hotel that Abarai happened to book for you?"
"Yes. That's the one. Remember now? Your eyeballs, according to Chiharu, popped out of your sockets after I took off the cover-up."
Toshiro cringed at the memory, and his expression caused Rani to laugh.
"And now that I made you bring up something embarrassing that also embarrasses me in a way, shall we never mention it again and enjoy our small vacation down by the water?"
"Sure. Let me change."
Rani opened up her suitcase and pulled out the previously mentioned bathing suit and cover up and headed into the bathroom to change. She came out moments later and he went in to change.
They headed down to the beach and set up their towels on the sand not far from the jetty.
"Shall we go in?"
"If you want to."
They walked hand in hand down to the water's edge.
"Aye! That's freezing!" she exclaimed when the water hit her bare feet.
"Shut up. I know. You aren't bothered by it. But look at my arms. I have goosebumps."
"Well, there's one way to get used to it quickly if you're up to it."
"Diving in?" she half-jokingly asked receiving a nod. "Might as well."
She cringed as the two slowly walked into the water. Once they were waist deep he dove under and she begrudgingly followed suit.
"Okay. That may have been a bad idea." she commented after coming up and fixing her hair so it wasn't in her face and walked over to him
He waited for her on a small sand bar that had formed, but he was sitting so it seemed like it was deeper.
"It's better if you just sit here. It's quite calm, but you're still under a decent amount of water."
"High tide?"
"Nah. It's going out. It will get shallower within a few hours."
"I guess that's a good thing." she commented. "So, what exactly is new about these Gigais that Urahara gave us this time?"
"I'm not quite sure. He didn't really say. All he said was that we would know when the time came."
"That's very unhelpful."
Toshiro smiled as he pulled her towards him into a full on embrace, with her head on his chest.
"Although I may have an idea. And I will tell you what later."
A little while later, they opted to get out of the water and head back to their beach towels and warm up in the sun.
Not soon long after they went back to their room and relaxed before calling room service and calling it a night.
The spent the week relaxing by the pool, on the beach, and walking around the shops and area of the hotel. As soon as it was over, they were back in Squad Ten and Rani decided to take care of the laundry since it was one of her scheduled days off anyway. Toshiro, knowing his lieutenant probably did nothing all week, decided to pop into the office to see what work he could get a head start on before his full day in the following day.
The following day, Rani went to Kuchiki Manor, as per the norm, and two days later she went back to work and the routine for Rani. She also met with the girls to discuss the vacation and Kiyomi's upcoming nuptials to Lieutenant Hisagi.
Chapter Nine
Well that’s it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.Thanks for reading!
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Fanfic Semi-Weekly Roundup 10/11/2020:
 Less than a month since the last one!! I’m doing better!
This is not literature class, I am allowed to enjoy a somewhat meandering real-world AU about Ikkaku and Yumichika being sweet boyfriends. If you would also enjoy such a thing, may I suggest Yonder Heart (and Somber Lover) by @whiteduck6​ (I am pretty sure this is the correct person), where Ikkaku tries to support Yumichika through the cruelties of high school? Or if, that, perhaps, is too stressful, I also enjoyed The Beating of Our Hearts (Is the Only Sound), where they plan their wedding, featuring Yumichika and Uryuu collaborating on men’s tailoring.
Or maybe you want to read one where Yumichika is a merman? Legs by KnightoftheCrow is very cute and features ~ mood boards ~.
Forecast, by @hajike​ is an extremely cute HitsuHina story that takes place at the boozy aftermath of Rukia and Renji’s wedding. If someone is going to write about Renji drunkenly gushing about his love for his beautiful wife, you know I was there ten minutes ago, but the true hero of this fanfic is Kira, who spends the entire time passed out under a table.
There was a companion pair of nice stories about Rukia and Renji slowly getting together after the war by @peguimaraes​ : The Dog that howled at the star and The Star for which the dog howls.
While we’re on the subject of dogs, you did go read "Dogs are stupid" - Soi Fon (with her fingers crossed behind her back) right? It’s by @shamelessllamapeanutthing  and it is very cute and features a responsible view of pet ownership and also I did an art for it.
Before the devil knows you're dead , by rotten_panda has a pretty grim name, but it’s really just a story about Yumichika, Ikkaku, and Hisagi having a rough time making sense of their lives after the Quincy War. Do I love a fic about dude friends helping each other navigate difficult times? I do. Also features a scene where Renji and Rukia are cute at a bar, I am an easy woman to please.
If you enjoyed the time I wrote a drabble about all the lieutenants working in a mall, do not miss He was a Punk, She did Ballet by @rangikulovesyou . In general, I would put Kira at a 5 on the Kinsey Scale, but I do ship Kira/Hinamori, primarily in a “Kira crushed on her as a teen/that ship has sailed” way. This is adorable though-- Izuru works at a Hot Topic and Momo works next door at a Claire’s. It is very early aughts nostalgic, which you know I love. Izuru keeps doing idiotic things for Momo, like letting her pierce his ears, and adopting a kitten and I am here for it. Also, Kira drives a Honda Civic and for some reason Byakuya is the manager of the Hot Topic???? Anyway, I love this fic, just, like, an unreasonable amount.
I will read any crack fic that features people group chatting, and Dead People in MY Group Chat?! by femisis is very, very funny. The latest chapter featured the lieutenants freaking out because they don’t know what happens to dogs when they die and all the captains dodging the question. I am easily amused.
I like a locked-room mystery, and I am intrigued by Princess of Rejection by KatInnRotato. A bunch of Bleach characters harboring secrets board a ship and sail off into cursed waters.
I have been reading a lot of GinRan lately, even though I don’t really like GinRan (sitting through 1st grade distance learning is really boring) but I am enjoying The Best Mistake by @1nerdylibrarian. The description is slightly misleading, I think-- it’s a what-if where Rangiku gets pregnant, so she and Gin get married, and Toshiro is their child. Between that and the title, it sounds like it might be fluffy or mushy, but Gin is absolutely a goblin with his own agenda and now a very, very powerful child. I have no idea where this is going, but it’s an intriguing story and it updates frequently, what a blessing!
Gosh I like a story about Byakuya and Rukia and their koi! Tightened Ties by @stephanericherthanyou brought peace to my troubled soul for a brief and wonderful moment.
Now, for your ff.net throwback... I spent, like, half this week reading The Other Side of the Door by Raconfleur. It’s a ByaHisa roleswap where Hisana is the Kuchiki and Byakuya is from Rukongai. The galaxy brain of this??? Anyway, most of it is just Academy shenanigans, and it is the sort of low-stakes, mac-n-cheese of fanfiction I enjoy reading, not for its literary merit, but just for comfort. The last two chapters go off-the-rails intense, just like the last long-form ByaHisa story I read on ff.net. The author never finished it, but at least did the kind thing of summarizing how the last chapter was supposed to go (although how they were going to fit all that into one chapter is still boggling my mind). You could also stop reading at Ch 18, and assume they eventually find Rukia and live happily every after. That would probably be for the best.
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sinalaking replied to your post: “sinalaking replied to your post “1/2 (me again, sorry)since I ❤ ur...”
I personally think she would be in the 2nd division (tho Idk about rank yet), but I wanna know what you think about where she should end up.  I think her relationship w omaeda & soi fon (her superiors) would be one of vague irritation but eventual respect and maybe even acquaintances/friend-ish. Regarding her relationship w other shinigami I think at bc mostly everyone knows ichigo she would be hesitant to rlly talk to anyone lest they ask about why ichigo's little sister is a spirit in the soul society since ichigo is all about protecting ppl close to him so how did he fail in letting her died? Tho I think they main ppl she would eventually become friends with would be matsumoto, momo, izuru, toshiro, & maybe renji and byakuya.  Starting with toshiro I think they would remember each other but under the circumstances they meet again they wouldn't be close for a while, since toshiro wouldn't know how to comfort karin & karin wouldn't want to talk about it.  Matsumoto I think would be one of the first ones to approach her and given her personality & natural charm with ppl would help karin feel more at ease & would lighten the mood w how shitty karin would be feeling & they would eventually become really good friends.(skipping momo & izuru bc u already explained them & I don't wanna write that much ^^") Since byakuya pays no mind to gossip around the seireitei & doesn't make it a habit to meddle in other ppls affairs, I think him finding out about karin's death would be a surprise to him but seeing as his only real connection to ichigo is rukia he would remain neutral on the subject (I'm not that good at explaining this but I hope u see what I'm getting at) & I see him becoming a good friend/mentor maybe to karin (like venting to him sometimes/her asking him for help in training). Renji I'm kinda iffy abt bc he's a close friend of rukia & ichigo but I wanna know what you Think about his relationship (or no relationship with her) with karin. Oh! And before I forget, what do you think about the headcanon of karin hollowfiying like ichigo does, do you think that's possible? And if you do, do you have any headcanons for hollowfied!karin?
I put her in the fifth. I headcanon Shinji, Momo, & Toushirou suggesting she go there & that’s a lot of weight in that direction. She ends up in the top 5 seats pretty quick too thanks to her connections & her power.
But I think the second suits Karin nicely!! It’s a wonderful place for her to utilize her skillset. I do think Sui Feing & Oumaeda’s demeanors grate on her but I also think she’d understand she’s not there to make friends. BRUUUH imagine her as the head of the Detention Unit!! I think with her history in toxic environments, she’d know how to cope with & diffuse the tension in the Maggot’s Nest & if not she’s still skilled enough to suppress dissonance.
All lovely friendships!! I’m soso underappreciative of platonic MatsuKarin. But Rangiku would be very good at cheering Karin up. I think Karin would get a lot of relationship advice from Rangiku, esp with her blunder with Gin. They’d drink & mourn together, but they’d also have A LOT of fun together. I imagine Rangiku persuades Karin into a lot of new experiences.
I think platonic ByaKarin is cool too. I do see what you’re getting to. Byakuya & Ichigo don’t bond the same way as Rukia & Renji to Ichigo. While I think the respect Byakuya would hold for Ichigo would initially make Karin wary, I think he would be her first step to mending things with Rukia & MAYBE Ichigo latelate into her career. Like, after he dies late.
Truthfully, I think Karin harbors very mixed feelings about Renji. On one hand, Momo & Izuru trust him, but Renji is close to Ichigo & Rukia & to top it all off personality-wise Renji is very reminiscent of Ichigo. I would like to think he would be of great help to Karin as she’s sorting out her feelings about Rukia & Ichigo directly & indirectly. That said, I think Momo & Izuru would want to be with Karin for the first little while to get her out if something upsets Karin.
To my understanding, Ichigo hollowfied in the Shattered Shaft & then basically forced himself back, & his hollowfication was an anomaly. I mean, Zangetsu is both Ichigo’s zanpakutou & hollow. I don’t headcanon Karin as hollowfying, but for the sake of this headcanon, with Karin’s stress accelerating her hollowfication-- yes, I do think Karin would struggle with hollowfication. Thankfully, Rukia would tell the pertinent individuals about Karin’s near miss with hollowfication & tell them what to look out for. & this time Kisuke is prepared so I imagine that issue would be resolved fairly quickly.
Outside of that, though, I don’t have many hollow!Karin headcanons. I think she would become a Vasto Lorde very quickly possibly in the shape of a honey badger but I don’t have much else. I’d love to hear if you’ve got anything, though.
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missstormcaller · 8 years
WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU Part 6 Full Translation.
Part 1
edit: doi I forgot to write the title properly.
6th sector -  Ryotei* "The safflower".
(*A fancy traditional Japanese restaurant)
In Eastern end of the 6th sector, there is a block of noble residences standing in a row.
The head of the Kuchiki clan - one of the four noble families - have for generations, shouldered the responsibility of squad 6 captain, the squad building for that division exists in the 6th sector, and the Kuchiki clan are purveyors of various long standing shops that are lined up side by side there too. For that reason, nobles wishing for fine quality goods all set up residence here, the common soldiers have dubbed this wealthy sector "Kizokugai (Noble city)".
"Hey Yamada... Is this really the right place!?"
The 4th division's vice captain Kiyone Kotetsu asked Yamada Hanataro, the third seat of the same squad, who  was concealed behind her as they walked.
"It's a prime location, it should be right....but...."
Hanataro timidly followed Kiyone whilst checking the electronic correspondence that he received from Kuchiki Rukia, many times over.
As they passed through bamboo thickets and advanced on a straight  gravel covered road, the Sukiyamon* (*Sukiya architecture style gate) came into view. Before the lattice door there was beautifully brushed lettering that said "The safflower" and paper covered lamps cast a soft light on its surroundings.
"Th... This is the place.... isn't it... "
"We're already late for the get together, there's nothing we can do but go in."
As Kiyone made up her mind, she raised her hand to the lattice door. The wind blowed and bamboo leaves rustled.
"Lieutenant... I already have a stomach ache...!"
"Keep a strong spirit Yamada! Otherwise your internal organs will be twisting apart as soon as we enter!"
"Uuuu... I'm afraid.... "
"We are vice captain and 3rd seat! So even if you are going in and out of such a high class establishment, it's not at all strange! That's right, it should not feel strange! It's alright, it's alright!"
Whilst encouraging themselves, they opened the sliding doors and took a step inside.
The entrance of the restaurant was at the end of a stone pavement where both sides were dotted with paper lamps arranged in a row, and before that a pink kimono clad nakai* was waiting for them. (*Nakai -  like a waitress/hostess at ryokan restaurants)
As the figures of the pair entered her vision, the nakai respectfully bowed and said "welcome, please come."
The pair bowed their heads slightly as they walked hurriedly on the stone pavement.
"uh... We have an engagement with Kuchiki..."
"Yes, we have been informed, Kotetsu sama, Yamada sama"
Without any doubt, their names were indeed invited to the restaurant as expected, they both exhaled a breath of air in relief.
"I will guide you, please, this way."
Led by the elderly nakai, they advanced through the corridors facing the gardens that had been arranged to magnificent levels of detail. The amber of the polished floorboards shined.
After crossing the corridors where huge koi fish were swimming atop a pond, they were shown into a private room.
"Here it is....your guests have arrived."
The nakai called out through the (fusuma) sliding panels, to which a reply of 'yes' came from the inside.
The nakai slid open the panels noiselessly, with smiles towards Hanatoro and Kiyone, "Everyone is here now".
"Kotetsu dono! Hanatoro!"
Rising from her zaisu chair, Rukia greeted them. Beside her, Abarai Renji also stood, with a bow he said "Thank you for coming when you are so busy!"
"eh? What's this, what are you talking about!? Everyone is coming aren't they!"
The familiar shinigami placed themselves around the extravagant low table placed in the middle of the spacious tatami room.
"Glad that you could make it~!"
"Thank you for coming, Kiyone san, Hanataro kun."
Rangiku Matsumoto waved her hand and Hinamori momo swiftly bowed her head.
"Yo, Kotetsu! How's the 4th squad?"
"Isn't it fun working in the same place as your older sister?"
With a laugh, Kiyone said "fairly!" in reply to Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika.
"Yamada kun you were promoted. Congratulations."
Kira Izuru congratulates Hanataro who shyly touched his hand to his head.
"Th....Thank you very much, Lieutenant Kira... !"
Observing that scene Hisagi Shuhei spoke.
"Oi, that was a while ago! Did you not see the seated members register that came out after the Great War? That was very hard to produce you know... !"
"I'm looking at it properly. It's just that his face is merely different since the promotion."
"That's true, today is the first time seeing you after the great war.... I think."
"Did you not meet at the times of your physical examinations? It seems every soldier has been made to go to the coordinated relief station."
Renji asked Izuru who replied "I'm exempt from physical examinations."
"This guy gets examinations at the department for research and development, so it's ok.... Haven't you read captain Kurotsuchi's research paper?" Hisagi asked.
"I have read it but.... What's it like coming back to life and then becoming amazingly strong?"
"You are truly an idiot."
"Zero reading comprehension."
Rangiku and Hisagi said in lightning quick remarks.
"e-eh? Why? what’s wrong?"
Rukia patted Renji on the back and said "I'll explain later..."
"Well, don't stand there forever Kiyone and co, sit here!"
That said, Rangiku pointed to two empty seats next to Hinamori.
"But Rangiku san, we cannot decide such things as our seating arrangements can we? Like the head of the table or the foot of the table."
"Now now, there's no need to be so formal! I think it's okay if we put the captains in front of the tokonoma*! Right Kuchiki?" (*Tokonoma = alcove were art or flowers are displayed)
"Yeah.... It is. If that's alright with everyone.... "
Opposite Renji and Rukia, a slightly disgruntled Hitsugaya Toshiro who was placed at the other end of the table, nodded in agreement indicating that it was no problem. Kiyone and Hanataro sat down and all seats were occupied.
Curiously enough, against the tokonoma, the right hand side of the low table was entirely male members, the left hand side was three women + hanataro. Watching as Rangiku laughed saying "Hanataro is also on the girls team!", Yumichika shook his head thinking 'good grief'.
"You're a 'girl' yourself, you're a bit old for that kind of thing don't you think."
"Hold your tongue Yumichika! Do you want me to knock you out!?"
"Come now, Rangiku san! Yumichika san also, please stop it's no big deal!"
Kiyone rebuked, Yumichika shrugged his shoulders and said "understood".
"Ahem." Renji stood up straight and puffed out his chest to speak.
(Saying "ahem" was clearly absurd)
(Should have said more than just cough "ahem"....)
(don't think this "ahem"  is a meaningful word.....?)
Rangiku, Hitsugaya and Hisagi thought.
Renji, with a nervous expression, looked around at all who were present. After also standing up, from the tension, Rukia's cheeks were slightly flushed.
"T-today, thank you for sparing your valuable time for us."
Rukia's voice sounded shrill and nervous. Her cheeks became increasingly red.
Renji inhaled a breath of air.
"Actually about that, we.... "
Everyone unconsciously stopped breathing due to the tension in the air, the pair's heartbeats could be heard.
"We, are getting married!"
Renji declared, together they bowed deeply.
To be continued...
and then that rr illustration is inserted right here!
edit 2: T_T I just noticed I missed a line no wonder the bit around the end sounded a bit odd to me. ANYWAY FIXED.
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Do you think we'll ever get the Bleach anime back soon? I have to admit I'm excited about it if only to see Momo (AND THAT MOMENT) animated again, and sometimes the animation staff gives us crumbs by adding in a little extra. It's also criminal how it's so difficult to get Hinamori Momo merchandise, which are almost non-existent. T^T
Lately the anime has been on my mind too! This is supposed to be the ‘Year of BLEACH‘ so I think there was a general perception that the anime would come out this year. I hope I’m proven wrong, but I think at this rate it’ll be next year or even the year after :( I imagine COVID is a big contibuting factor as well for why we haven’t heard anything/progress being slower than normal, but I haven’t looked into how COVID has effected the anime industry in Japan. The best I’m hoping for is a trailer or a teaser, ANYTHING!  I’m still excited to see it, mostly for Toshiro Momo (AND THAT MOMENT). I just seriously hope they add in scenes! I need to know if she saw the matured form or not (even if it’s a freakin’ still frame, I’ll take it!), her reaction to seeing Aizen, her reaction to hearing the 10th division are not coming with them to the Soul Palace - so many moments that can be animated!
And yes, Momo merch is so hard to come by, she deserves more :( She barely has any figurines, and even though it’s rare, I still keep my eye out for this rare set with her and Toshiro. I hope one day Funko Pop decide to release a Momo bobble head, like they did for other BLEACH characters. I’m not a big fan of them, but I would totally buy her one! I also hope one day. Before COVID I would keep an eye out at cons for the Nendoroid Toshiro, and a small part of me hopes Momo will get a Nendoroid figure too.
Sorry if this was a ramble, I miss Momo and Toshiro so much ;_; If it’s any consolation, there’s one positive thing to take from this: we at least know an anime is coming. There was a time where we thought we’d never see BLEACH again, but now we have an anime to look forward to. And with the new anime there’s normally merch to go with it - especially imagine for Toshiro, but there’s also the possibility of Momo. There’s also the community on here, which I think will be bigger and louder leading up to the anime :D I keep my love for hitsuhina alive by writing fanfic I want to see them in, and I hope in some way my writing helps other fans to keep their love for the ship alive too. Hang in there, the anime is closer now than it was years ago.
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