#I must.. be calm...and take break.. (Struggles with taking breaks sometimes)
wayfinderships · 7 months
I wanna draw so bad but alas...I cannot 😔
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jewish-vents · 5 months
I was adopted by Jewish people and converted to Judaism when I was a teenager. The morality Judaism offers has guided me through navigating my personality disorder, my severe alexithymia, my impaired judgment and my bouts of irrational paranoia. My original family lost custody of me because they beat me senseless, starved me, burned me, broke my bones and actually killed my sister by beating her to death. My girlfriend, a goy, texted me images of alleged victims of the IDF that a single reverse Google image search would have showed her are victims of US military intervention in Syria. And she honestly said, "Sometimes I think it would be better if you hadn't been adopted so you weren't technically sort of part of Israel."
I've never been to Israel but I have been up all night and now, as the dawn breaks, I've come to the conclusion I need to cut her out of my life. My whole life I've struggled with outbursts of anger, it's a part of most Cluster B personality disorders. When she said that I wasn't angry. I felt hollowed out. It feels like she ripped the personhood out of me. Because if you care about a person's well-being, you would never, EVER look at them and go, "I think it would be better if you had stayed with literal child murderers rather than be Jewish, which I am going to conflate not just with Israel but with the image of the IDF spread online". I can't be angry because it's so cruel I can't wrap my mind around it. It seems unreal. I kept checking for hours, convinced I must be having a break from reality because of the stress. I kept thinking it must be a visual hallucination. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and this is going to be a very strange dream.
I know breaking up with her is going to hurt her very badly no matter how nicely I do it. We've been dating a very long time. But I want to have kids someday and I can't do it with a woman who would rather I be dead than be Jewish. I'm not a guy who does the whole "my partner's beliefs have to match mine" thing but I can't raise Jewish children with her. I can't even trust her to see me clearly.
It's taking everything in my power not to say anything to her until I can calm down enough to approach this from a stable place. In my entire life, I don't think a single thing someone has said has ever messed me up so profoundly in my life.
I'm sorry I'm rambling. I can feel that I'm all over the place. Feel free not to publish this if it's too long. I can't imagine how much stress running this blog is. You probably get a bunch of hate and garbage on top of the already hard job of reading everyone's pain. I hope you're taking care of yourself. Thank you for running this blog.
I'm so sorry for all of that. I think you're making the right decision to cut her out. It's very reasonable to worry about how she might treat any children you have in the future, but that was also an indefensibly cruel thing to say to you.
Breaking up might hurt her, but that isn't your fault. You need to take care of yourself. -🐞
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Can I request Fyodor, Jōno, Sigma, Tetchō, Yuki, and Kyo with a darling that enjoys solidarity? Pls and thank you❤️
Glad that I asked you before publishing this. For everyone’s information, it was meant to say that the darling enjoys solitude.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, manipulation, abduction, isolation
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78 @flaming-vulpix
Darling enjoys solitude
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎​Everything in life has its good and its bad aspects about it and the same concept applies to your preferences for solitude. On the positive side, it is quite delightful to have you already self-isolating all by yourself as Fyodor can keep very easily an eye out for you. But where is the fun? He is a terrible person who believes himself to do God's work yet the diabolical things he does surpass even the deesd committed by the devil himself. Fyodor sees it as a necessity to break you and shape you into someone new and he can't help but think that it might be less amusing to watch your life crumbling away as you prefer your solitude over the company of other people. Nevertheless, if you should be someone who is less prone to show your feelings very easily, he sees it more as a challenge than anything else to see how far he must go to finally shatter you to your core. It is a sick and twisted way of thinking but it is a deed that has to be done. After all you deserve all the suffering he is about to unleash on you.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️​Your preference to spend time alone is much appreciated and welcomed by Jouno who has always been far too possessive to let other people close to you. Whenever he seeks you out, he finds you most of the time alone and enjoys the fact that he can have your attention and company all for himself most of the time. Although it does increase his spite for the people you do actually keep close as he knows that they are very special to you if you bother to hang out with them. You are a fairly calm and composed person who enjoys their quietness and that is reflected in the relaxed composition of your heartbeat. As someone who can pick up on the emotions of others easily due to his enhanced senses, this only aids further in Saigiku's obsession as your emotions don't overwhelm him. Although similar to Fyodor he still has a sadistic streak and sometimes might try to trigger your emotions to go haywire to satiate his own desire. Your racing heartbeat is lovely to listen to at times after all.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸​Tetchou is fairly normal for someone who has an unhealthy obsession going on but if you compare him to people like Saigiku, it should be no surprise. On the other hand he is quite dense at times and may make wrong assumptions which is unfortunately what happens in your case. He assumes that your preference to be alone is because you have social anxiety, even if that may simply not be the case. Growing from this hasty assumption of his, he grows more protective over you to the point where he actually ends up isolating you even if you want to spend time with others. Convinced that he is doing you a favor, he ends up taking over every social interaction of yours as you aren't even allowed to order something from the staff in a restaurant as he instead insists on doing so for you. It may not look like much but it can very much turn into a smothering overprotective behavior where your social skills drastically reduce themselves due to the social isolation he puts you through.
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☁️​You give him almost constantly anxiety due to your withdrawn personality which has him actively struggling out of fear that you'd be annoyed if he would attempt to talk with you. He doesn't want you to direct any negative feelings his way as he is much too sensitive for that so instead Sigma starts stalking and spying on you to collect as much information about you as possible. Knowledge is a weapon after all and he hopes that by finding out more about you, he can find a suitable way to approach you without getting on your nerves. He is most likely overthinking it all yet it's not like someone could just explain this to him. He does learn to appreciate it more later on as he can spend all of his time alone with you without having to worry about you expressing unhappiness about the isolation due to your preference os being alone. As foolish as it may be, he even has high hopes that you will forgive him the abduction he is currently planning as you have never been a fan of being under people to begin with.
Sohma Yuki
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🐭​Yuki has been admiring you from a distance for a long time yet for multiple reasons he has never approached you before. Sometimes he wonders if you are someone like him though as he often sees you all by yourself, not bothering to mingle with other students. He wishes to talk with you yet his low self-confidence and his popularity have always kept him from doing so. When he eventually gathers the courage to seek you out and start a conversation with you, he only finds himself falling more for you. He feels comfortable and safe in your presence and the fact that most of the time you are by yourself only aids his secretly possessive side as he claims that time alone he has with you. Yuki quickly learns where he can find you when he feels the need to see you and sees it through that no one follows him so that no one can disturb the time he wants to have with you for himself. Things take a bad turn when he finds himself dependent on you though whenever he feels anxious or very stressed, leading him to suffer from a mental breakdown when he can't find you anywhere.
Sohma Kyo
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🐈​Kyo may not show it but he feels initially worried when he catches you most of the time away from others, instead sitting all by yourself. He wonders if people don't like you or if you are very anxious yet he soon comes to realise that you just simply prefer to be by yourself. It does give him relief to know that he has nothing to worry about yet it also makes it more difficult to approach you, even though he has sworn to not get to know you due to the deal he made with Akito. The heart does what it wants though and so he finds himself commonly hiding from your sight as he watches how you spend time by yourself, reading a book or doing some work for school. It isn't enough to quench the longing in his heart yet he reminds himself that staying away from you is for the best. Kyo is very protective though and whenever he overhears someone calling you weird for always being alone, he reacts defensive and brash as he lashes out on the students for talking about you like this.
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4rs0n1stt · 4 months
Talk To You //
Hopeless!Romantic!Donnie x Fem!Reader
author's note; kinda like a song fic (it's not) but yeah, super super late though!!  Donnie's POV btw!!
yes it's been a 3 months 😋
Synopsis; Donnie has been keeping an eye on someone, being a hopeless romantic and his ”bad boy image“ isn't particularly helping.
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I hate this, I really hate this. Einstein, fucking help me. I wasn't supposed to like her! I wasn't supposed to like anyone!! I do not have any romantic feelings to her. But every single thing that I researched said otherwise. Even my own brother says so!! Why does everytime I look at you I get so— vulnerable? Staring at your face always made me calm. Admiring? Ew. But— those little short eye contacts are indescribably astonishing to feel. Maybe just maybe?
I don't know. You're messing up my mind- you little—
"Gahh, what should I do?" I groaned and slammed my head onto my table, a pencil fell from the said table. I stayed silent, frustrated at this ungodly useless feelings I've been feeling. I couldn't take her off my mind. All day long, I daydream about her which takes most of my productivity a waste. I haven't done anything but think about that little twat.
Reflecting doesn't help at all, all I think was her and her! Thinking about now, I just don't know why you keep being calm even though I've been so mean to you. I shouldn't do anything stupid like that but I can't help it, I'm figuring this out.
Feelings are so complicated to feel and such an unfortunate thing for me to have something people call as “humane“.
"Hey Donnie! Someoneeee~ got pizza!! She has your favourite!" Leo yelled at the other side of my door. Disturbing me from my reminiscing of this said person. Leo always knew about what our relation—rivalryship (even if it's partially one-sided) is. And he uses it as an advantage to tease me, specifically—fucking with me up.
I wouldn't blame him entirely though, I liked and hated this feeling. He doesn't know anyway. I wouldn't blame him aswell, she's really...cool, I guess.
I stopped myself from thinking about her before it gets worse. I fixed myself, not just physically but mentally, it's an eager to make her impress. But she wouldn't be impressed as I have been mean to her.
As I went to the main room, I wasn't particularly sure where they were but as I, the genius, were right. They were all huddled up with each other. Apparently they missed her for being gone for 13 days, 56 minutes and 12 seconds-
Goddamnit it...
"Ughhh, finally!! Some break from that shithole." She complained, I wondered. She picked a sliced pizza on the placed pizza on the ground and sat at the bean bag. She sighed releasing the stress and pain from her back...I suppose.
"Girl. Spill everything."  Leo spoke excitedly like a girl's girl. Everyone gets their preferred pizza and/or pillows, blankets and sat with her. Curious on her new stories about her college.
I was really uninterested about school, but I find myself listening on her rantings about the latest drama, tea and struggles on her daily life of college. I somewhat don't understand her words, I don't care anyway. Her voice has always been nice to hear even if she stuttered sometimes.
But every flaws she had was attractive. It's...unfair. That she's so extraordinary and remarkable human that we happen to stumble upon. I looked at her longingly, eyeing her squinted smile, her pimples, her.
I wish I can talk to you.
To talk to you without any mean remarks towards her, to be able to hear her laugh and compliments towards my acts.
I want to be near her, to feel her presence all of the time. To spend time with her just like my brothers do. How I envy them, surprisingly.
It's so frustrating, it's been years. I've been struggling with my quote unquote "love" or "admiration" towards her. She must be a witch, no one can make me feel like a hopeless pathetic, lovesick dog!
Even if I wanted to confess, I wouldn't have the chance to, I'm way too vulnerable when we're alone. I get so shy and flustered to do it.
Let alone I'm horrible at confronting my feelings, I can even write a damn letter for Einstein's sake!
I just- can't do it now
I'm hopeless.
Yet I desire for you.
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author's note here; yes it's been months, i apologize deeply. literally fucking school is devouring my existence and motivation rn not to mention I have a deadline to finish (cough March 29 cough) and I haven't even started it.
credits to Rick Montgemery for his astonishing songsssssssssss
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katyahina · 10 months
Gascoigne's beast form stuff (ask reply)
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@ anon I decided to respond in this blog instead of my personal/rambles one, hope this is ok!
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(Model ripped by tokami-fuko on dA ( x ))
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I think this is a fair suggestion that his transformation might go even further, especially considering the fact that he not only barely has any fur, but also his skin keeps its color! Beasthood has a consistent trend of making skin that unnatural grey color:
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(LOVE that they bothered to give bestial hunter's normal form unnatural skin color too despite the fact that we can't see it in game! Sometimes their attention to detail is just.. something)
Amelia is probably the biggest pointer as we are clearly shown her human skin color on her hands in a cutscene.. In fact, arguably, Gascoigne is doing a bit better than average Huntsmen, or even better than the fellow Old Hunters (look at hostile Old Hunter mob and 'true' form of Bestial Hunter). He has been losing himself to the hunt and paranoia for a while now and finally lost it, but he doesn't have that much fur, his skin color didn't alter. (He also doesn't have horns unlike Cleric Beasts, Abhorrent Beasts and even Large Huntsmen, but these are not for all beasts so we don't have to count them!)
I think that Huntsmen are transforming gradually over time, consumed by blood and aggression, and their 'final' form is Scourge Beast type, when they become completely animalistic:
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I think it is valid to believe that Gascoigne could transform even further, there are enough reasons to think so! He is still too humanoid, all things considered! I will just move onto my personal interpretation now!
The thing about Cleric Beast-leaning Gascoigne is a really great topic of discussion! He already was a 'Father' (as in, religious figure) in his homeland, so, a cleric! As for Yharnam life, not only he was with the Healing Church once and quit it, but also his transformation happens extremely abruptly, that we only saw with Amelia!
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(Interviews: ( x ))
The thing about Cleric Beasts is that they're so horrible because they've been holding back for so long. I can imagine Gascoigne being the same, as someone struggling to hold back so much for his family. We just happen to meet him when he finally breaks, but the guy must have had a huge will power to last as much as he did. +Also, please correct me if this was debunked, but as someone who always uses hunter summons to examine their patterns I've noticed that Gascoigne is the only one who never even once uses Blood Vials? If this is intentional, it could be a further evidence of his self-restraint: avoiding consuming the blood being aware of its addicting properties!
But here is why personally I do not headcanon that Gascoigne could transform even further! Unlike average people that are turning gradually, with strongly self-restraining people whatever form they take when they finally break IS their inner beast, it its truest form! This IS already his "cleric beast" form.... And it is not all that big and scary or impressive, because HE didn't have as much evil to hold back as average clerics in Healing Church. One person's very worst won't be the same as another person's very worst, but I also think it psychologically "helped" him to waste some aggression in the hunt - something Laurence and Amelia didn't have!
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He murdered and part of the dark urges would escape through it, but he did not hunt in the same unhinged way as Ludwig either, so he is not transforming into someone as big and scary as him. He is just helping people! Not to mention Viola helping him to calm down with the music box when he was forgetting himself in the hunt. Just the right balance between what impulses to restrain and what to unleash!
My personal headcanon is that he cut the ties with the Healing Church over its corruption and wish to self-isolate and abandon the hunt (with the exception of its own walls), leaving the citizens to fend for themselves and defaming Oedon Chapel to bury the "proper" hunt as a concept. He was a honest man with a sense of justice and could not stand resorting to safety and not doing anything to help... But he still had religious principles of self-restrain and patience internalized; if not Healing Church ones, then those of the Church in whatever country he came from! It is also why whereas I believe that Cheric Beast of the Bridge was a Healing Church hunter too, since he drops Sword Hunter badge, he certainly avoided the hunt except for maybe defending Amelia, and mostly participated indirectly as the commander. (Honorable mention: Henriett that did the same, because her clothes imitate Old Hunters' set and she is a summon against Healing Church bosses, but she has Church weapons).
Thank you very much for an ask, it was interesting to think about and it helped me to shape my interpretation of the character better! He definitely has something in common with Cleric Beasts, but I just personally like to think that as a 'hold back and snap' kind of beast rather than 'gradually transforming' kind of beast, this IS his "worst"- Still very strong and fearsome, but far from how much evil the corrupt clerics held back! He is just a good boy!
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ursawastricked · 2 years
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Synopsis: your usually rather easy to work with, but recently Viktor has found himself easily distracted by you..a lot of you. Especially tonight, when you decided to wear that dress.
WARNINGS; Viktor x F!reader, fluff, fluff, fluff, Viktor pining mostly, only a hint of sexual tension of you squint
I didn’t proofread this bc I wrote it on a plane, have fun though
Viktor has felt his hands shaking for the better half of an hour at this point, his cane held in a white knuckled grip as he watch you casually stroll about the party.
His amber gaze had locked to your spine as soon as you walked back him after a short greeting..despite the heaven it seemed to see your bare skin, that dress surely was from hell, hand sewn by the devils himself.
The dress itself was classy, high neckline, form fitting sure, but that long leg slip was a crime. It crept up your leg, if you sit just right it would likely show a hint of your hip (or so Viktor had expertly theorized). But what was causing the most pressure in his knuckles, was the lack of back on the gown..a large view of your bare skin exposed to the air, ending just under your waist, it had been a long few hours.
He sipped his drink, taking his planned break from watching you, but that appears to be an exactly when you decided to approach, just when he had let his guard down. He nearly chocked when his eyes open to find you approaching, the click of your heels echoing across the hardwood floors of the ballroom before you tilt your head to meet his gaze, amused by the sudden panic that you caught flash over his features.
“Hey..enjoying yourself, Viktor?” You ask, settling next to him against the wall, taking the brief pause in wait for his reply to take a sip of your own drink.
He takes his time alright, at this angle he could see exactly how close the hem of your dress is from slipping off your shoulder if only with the assistance of an eager hand, a less shaken one. He at this point had also taken note of the deep shade of red on your lips, only a hint darker than the dress. He struggled through the thoughts, now registering the question and panicking at what must have been an eternal amount of time,
“Uh..yes..yes. The party it is,” he tried, he sure did, “lovely..” but his mouth failed him as did his gaze when it flickered over your exposed skin once more.
You give a light chuckle, turning further toward him and stealing away his view. He does a better job hiding the disappointment of not yet recognizing of that was indeed a freckle just above your shoulder blade.
“Well that’s a surprise, you hate parties don’t you?”
He offers you a light toggle of his head in reply, glancing away to find a new focus. God knows if he was to try and focus on you, his gaze would just find itself on the lipstick you wore again, and he wouldn’t risk you catching that.
He settled on the door across the way, sipping his drink again only to find his lips met with nothing. He lifted the glass to his eye line, inspecting to discover he had in-fact run out of his champagne. Viktor have a gentle huff of amusement, or disappointment, gesturing it at you as he would sometimes do in the lab with certain tools or noted when they had broken or been written incorrectly. And as always he found comfort in your light laugh.
You glance at the glass, confirming his suspicions correct.
“Poor thing..how will you ever survive the rest of the party without ur social crutch.” You tease, tapping his glass lightly with one finger and inspecting your own glass, still mostly full.
“I can socialize perfectly find without a drink” he insists, flipping the glass upside down in his hand to that he held it by the support now.
“Really? Because you have been standing here since the party began-“
“I’ve been distracted” he defends again, tilting his head at you lightly and swaying the glass. His gaze is calm until he sees yours change. Your eyes light up with curiosity and mischief as the weight of his reply fully hits you, and he feels the hit directly in his stomach as he does too.
“Distracted?” You ask, leaning closer to search his gaze for hints. “By what? Or who? Is it someone here?” You ask feverishly.
He’s screwed. You expect an answer and even in the event that there wasn’t one, which there most definitely was, you wouldn’t let up without one. And if he wasn’t careful his eyes would float back to your dress again, and he could not allow for that to happen. He had been so deliberate Bout his casual observation of you in the past few weeks. Ever since you had handed him those notes, and he had noticed just how pretty your hands were. Your nails painted in a deep red color, and the shiny gold rings on your fingers that only further complimented what he had noted was your soft looking skin.
After that it was your hair, you had been leaning back into your chair after about an hour of inspecting the current project, and you had ruffled your locks sending the tufts to flutter gracefully around the crown of your head. He had noticed how the movement reminded him of a butterflies wings, and that the stray pieces had fallen around your cheek, which he had earlier found were round like one of those old pinups he had seen in pictures as a teenager..and how they would get rounder when you smiled.
And Janna the smile, you smiled so much..you smiled at everyone, but every time you did he couldn’t stop himself from turning just for a moment to catch it, one day finding the lab so frustrating that he had decided to start noting whenever you smiled at him, just for mild entertainment. He counted twelve, mostly when you were joking or messing with Jayce and seeking his approval on the bad jokes, however number ten had been when you offered him the last bite of your lunch.
‘You haven’t eaten all day, come on I know you like sandwiches, eat it’ you had fought for fifteen minutes with him about eating the damned thing before he finally pulled off his goggles and gave you a tired stare before taking the simple pb and j and took the last bite dramatically in front of you. And you gave him that sweet smile..that soft smile. It wasn’t one of mischief or teasing, but if genuine satisfaction. That one was his favorite from that days count.
And now you were back to that evil smile, leaning closer to him then he had noticed and he could feel his heart rate rising to an unhealthy speed as he struggled to move, his body wouldn’t let him escape your warmth.
“No one..not- no it’s just-“ he struggled, he was struggling hard enough that he had leaned his weight off his cane and felt himself begin to tip over. His arms flailed, as his body attempted to keep him from falling, but found a new savior in your hand clutching his and tugging him up as you gave a sharp and fluttering laugh. He clutched your forearms, shuttering at the almost fall. But once his balance returned he couldn’t find it in him to let go just yet.
“You alright there? I didn’t mean to scare you that much” he panted through the finale of your laughing fit..he couldn’t help but notice didn’t pull away yet either. It was a divine moment, watching his settle your breathing and flicker your face up to face his. Your hair was out of place, curling over your round cheeks again..perfect.
You tapped his arm before he released his grip, swiftly attempting an apology before stopped him by tilting your glass toward him. His gaze flickered to it then you, as he adjusted his grip back to his cane.
“Have the rest of mine, I don’t like drinking much anyways” you offered, and without much thought he found himself taking the glass in his own hand, trading you for his empty one. For a second he had felt your fingers graze in the exchange, and as he thought you were soft.
You give him a a slight touch on his shoulder and then a tap on the cheek as you step away, “If you get bored of people watching, let me know” was your parting words as you strolled back into the social gathering, your back again becoming his main focus.
He watched you move away, again frustrated by how easy it was to get lost in how your spine moved before he glanced at the champagne in his hand. His cheeks flushed harshly at the presence of a dark stain kissed onto the glasses edge where you had drank from it. And with a deep shakily sigh, he checked for any spying eyes before hesitantly sipping from the abandoned lipsticks placement..he remained distracted for the rest of the party..and did in-fact lie when Jayce asked about why he still had the glass when they had returned home.
Update: you can read part 2 of this story right here
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flame-resistant · 1 year
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Research suggests that the inability to fall asleep without background noise could be related to a fear of being alone, which is often connected to abandonment issues. This fear can stem from past traumas or deeply ingrained insecurities.
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Another night in at your shift, the hospital was usually quiet (one of the benefits of night shifts). Sitting your things down, you could already see the red light on room 1003 blinking erratically as usual. Knowing the nurse before you hadn’t checked on the patient, a deep sigh left you. Though the thought crossed your mind on who would, he was a villain, one that destroyed half of Japan. However, at this moment he was a patient who desperately needed attention.
Knocking on the door softly, you could see the white-haired man stop pressing the nurse button on his bed. The room was quiet, and TV hours were limited to help other patients sleep, though this was a struggle with the Todoroki. It was as if he needed something to drown out the silence. Most of the nurses ignored his constant need, muttering things behind his back, that he deserved to suffer in silence. 
“Everything okay, Mr. Todoro-”
Well, it was better than when he first awoke in the ward. Sedatives were used on the regular to calm him down, glares sent the nurses way when they called him anything but Dabi. A nod was sent his way as you came over to check his vitals, well he seemed fine physically (the best you could in his state). Deciding it was something bothering him in his mental state, you looked down at the man as he picked at a bandage. 
“Can’t sleep?”
Blue eyes looked at the wall, a pout on his reconstructed lips as the male continued his silent tantrum. Sometimes it made you laugh to think he terrorized your country for a year. Still not getting an answer, you concluded that was the issue, knowing perfectly well he had a voice to correct you. 
“I can get some hot tea if you would like?”
Again silence was the response, though he was getting more fidgety by the second. Your brows furrowed at how he expected you to read his mind. As if you knew him well enough to know what he wanted, oh how wrong he was. Trying one more time, you pressed on. “The ward is quiet tonight, what if I stay just for a bit to help you sleep? We can talk?”
That seemed to perk his interest, at least enough to get him to face you. His pride did not let him admit he wanted attention, that the silence was a reminder of how alone he felt. Taking a seat on the window bed, you looked out the window to see the parking lot. Some people coming and going from the ER downstairs. 
“Are you going to talk or not?”
Breaking from your trance, you expected him to start the conversation, but once more he was reliant on your actions. As if he was doing you some favor by talking. Funny.
“Right...well, how do you feel?”
An irritated look was sent your way, silently telling you that was a stupid question. Okay, time for a new plan. Taking out your phone, you let the man see a picture on the screen. “This is my cat, he has some anxiety so he likes attention.”
Raising his brow, Touya eyed the picture, taking in what you presented. “What’s his name?”
You felt a bit proud of that, taking it as a nurse-patient bonding moment. Showing him another picture of your feline friend, you continued on. Going over the cat’s name and personality, more scrolling of pictures, his eyes never leaving your screen. 
“What does he do when you have to leave? Sounds like a shitty life.”
While he wasn’t wrong, always needing attention did seem pretty tiring. You kept your mouth shut on saying the cat reminded you of him. With your phone now away, you went over the usual plan for your cat. 
“Consistency helps, but I usually leave some sound on in the house so he doesn’t feel alone.”
“Must be nice, having such a pampered life.”
He almost sounded jealous of the cat, but that sounded silly. “Have you ever had a pet?”
Ignoring your question, Touya changed the subject. Probably not wanting to talk about himself or his past. “Can we just talk about stupid stuff?”
“Oh, sure.” The awkwardness didn’t leave, but you did as he asked. Going over your plans for the night and what you packed for lunch. He stopped talking, only listening to you go on. His eyes were closing by the second. Thinking he was finally asleep you stopped, though the man grunted for you to continue. Unsure what else to say, you looked back out the window and described the area. Hoping it would be enough to relax the man completely. “Some nurses are leaving, looks like they are talking. Maybe about their shifts? Looks like a woman is coming into the ER, she forgot to turn her car lights off...”
A good thirty minutes passed before you could hear his snores. A sigh of relief left you as you stood, happy he was getting the sleep he needed as well as the attention he was seeking. 
On your way out, you made a mental note to talk to the head nurse about adding an extension of TV time for certain clients. At least for now, he was asleep, the rest of the night ran smoothly, so when he woke up again you didn’t mind one more nightly talk. Maybe you’ll get to know the man behind the villain, the one called Touya.
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 months
hi!! if you're still taking requests I'd love to requests headcanons of the fellowship with a reader with adhd?
(if you need pointers of specific traits to include plz feel free to message me!)
thanks so much!! love your stuff :)
I tried to include spectrum of traits and just general experiences with adhd, but I definitely do steer towards my own experiences a bit. I actually found this one a little difficult so I don’t consider it my best, so I apologize.
The fellowship (+Faramir) x adhd!reader
-Gives lots of gentle reminders and subtle pushes
-He is very good about showing you while explaining something so it’s easier to understand
-Because sometimes just being told goes in one ear and out the other or just doesn’t even make its way into your brain
-He will listen to you ramble on about a hyper-fixation with no complaint
-Seriously he will always listen and never tone you out to be “background noise” (damn I need an Aragorn in my life lol)
-I don’t think he knows much about it but he learns fast and is very perceptive
-If you are very hyperactive and talk a lot he is super patient; and probably a little entertained
-I think that elves could be prone to sensory overload sometimes if they are really stressed, so he knows how to help if you experience this
-Will take you somewhere quiet and will give you something to hold to fidget with
-He may think your leg bouncing or fidgeting is done because you are stressed; which maybe you are; so he will try and calm you down either way
-Honestly I think he might not really do anything different, like he just is like “welp that’s y/n”
-But not in a dismissive way you know?
-If you drum your fingers a lot he will join in and create a little song
-He also isn’t bothered if you just talk to fill silence, even if you are just kind of narrating the obvious (I do this and am always told it’s because I must like the sound of my own voice, but he would never think this)
-He may be a little concerned if you just zone out randomly
-Will wave his hand in front of your face like “dude, you alright?”
-I think he may not be the most helpful in terms of organization
-But he likes to help you get some energy out so you feel less jittery
-He also isn’t bothered if you interrupt him, because honestly he does the same thing
-He understands that you don’t mean it to be rude, it’s just sometimes your mouth works before your brain can stop you
-He is so patient
-Feels bad when you are stressed and will help you with out standing tasks like cleaning so you can focus on whatever it is you need to
-He’s also really good at explaining things in a way that is easily digestible
-Like either very simplified or using comparisons to things you enjoy or are currently hyper-fixated on
-Very productive himself so he probably doesn’t initially notice if you aren’t
-However he will notice if you are forgetful about self care
-Did you forget to eat? Sam has a biscuit ready for you and he will make you eat it
-He will also help you make and keep a schedule if that is something you struggle with
-I think Pippin could have adhd so Merry has a good understanding about it
-He will make simple tasks into games to keep your focus
-This also helps to make tasks feel less daunting
-He will also be completely honest with you if something is becoming a problem
-“you can’t forget to turn off the stove because you remembered you needed to send a letter”
-I wouldn’t be surprised if he also had adhd
-I imagine he will start a bunch of tasks but never finish any of them
-You two can be dysfunctional together
-So either nothing gets done when you two are together, or you both hyper focus and will clean the entire house in a few hours
-He is really good at telling when you are overwhelmed
-Like if a task feels too daunting or you get choice paralysis
-He will break things down to simplify whatever it is you are struggling with, and will aid you in getting started (because let’s be honest, just starting is the hardest part)
-He will never let you get down on yourself for things you can’t control; “you are not lazy, you are overwhelmed”
-This sweet man would be super supportive and helpful
-He may feel a little overbearing sometimes but it’s just because he is worried and doesn’t want you to feel dejected or insecure
-If you ever feel overwhelmed he is right there
-He also is super smart and patient so he doesn’t mind if he needs to re-explain something or if he has to repeat that same thing multiple times over time
-Won’t judge you if you forget something and need to ask again (I always ask what words mean even if I have been told a million times and have googled it)
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Peaches and cream (leefelix)
"Oh come on! You cheated, you must have cheated!", "I did not!", "you threw turtle shells at me at the finish line!". Felix fake cries and whines, shaking the wii controller in his hands as he pouts and purses out his lips and you laugh full chested but also almost feel bad for him. Almost. It's not your fault he sucks at Mario Kart but still is so seriously competitive about it! You can let him win and gaslight him into thinking it was all his own doing for only so much time! You playfully pat his shoulder with fake sympathy and bat your eyelashes at him, "I'm sorry Fefi, you have to accept that you're just not that good", you snicker and he sticks his tongue out at you before taking a sip from his long forgotten iced peaches and cream tea, which he flinches at, squinting his eyes as he makes a disgusted face:"yikes, it turned into room temperature melted whipped cream and sugar, ewl", he comments, sliding the plastic cup away from him, even pushing it on the side with his foot as you guys both sit on the floor, your backs resting against the edge of the couch behind you. You chuckle and offer him some of your water but he refuses politely so you just take a sip and then sigh contently.
Mild spring afternoons were your favourite, spring break was nearing and your free afternoons were either spent quietly studying at Felix's place or going on walks and shopping sprees with him or just laying on his floor just talking and talking, enjoying each other's company. Your friendship was almost a decade long, you were so comfortable and close many thought you two were dating even though it never crossed either of your guys' mind. Or so you thought.
Something subtle and quiet had been bubbling up inside you lately. Maybe it was the way his presence was always so peaceful and warm, his support stable and reassuring throughout your most recent years struggling through college, maybe it was the calmness and positivity he radiated through your hardest, most uncertain times of your early adulthood that had been making you thinking about him differently.
You weren't too sure about your feelings, you just knew you sometimes found yourself staring at the way his platinum blonde hair caught the sunlight, giving him the ethereal look of an angel, and the way his deep brown eyes just always looked so kind and somehow melancholic, the way he would smile and his entire face would lit up. It was the tiny details, really. It's not like you never counted the freckles on his face or stared in awe at the twinkle in his eyes or never melted a little at the sound of his morning baritone voice. You were always well aware of all that, it was just that lately everything had started to seep a little further into your thoughts and you felt some sort of yearning, a languor for him that wasn't there before.
"So, are you excited about your date next week?". Oh yeah. There was the infamous date. You were actually so nervous about it but for all the wrong reasons. You turn to Felix with a frown, shrugging your shoulders, "I wouldn't use the term excited, to be honest", "how come?", he asks, tucking his legs beneath him as he fully turns to you, resting his elbow against the couch, one hand sifting through his hair as he intently listens to you, giving you his full attention, "well… Three reasons. First of all I only agreed to it because he was being so persistent, second of all it's actually Rebecca's idea, this whole thing, she set it up cause he's her boyfriend best friend and I guess she got tired of me complaining about her never introducing me to her other friends so she thought the double date she initially planned would fix it. But I did not enjoy it one bit. She was all over her boyfriend and this guy would not stop talking about himself not even for a second. He barely asked my name and was a bit rude to our server at the restaurant… ", you trail off and Felix nods as a way of gently prodding you on, he frowns at the mention of your friend's friend mannerism and knits his eyebrows together when he sees you're now avoiding his gaze and have stopped talking altogether:" what's the third reason?",he asks and you nervously pull at your fingers, trying to gather the courage to reveal something even your other best friend Rebecca doesn't know, much less Felix, "I never been kissed. I never had my first kiss. Ever".
You should've known Felix really isn't the type of guy who judges and talks down to anyone so it doesn't come as a surprise when he keeps a straight face, he's almost unphased, you could say, if not for the slight single eyebrow raise, "okay? And I guess you don't want this guy to try and make any move on you? You don't want him to be your first kiss, which is understandable", he says calmly and you nod your agreement, "y-yeah. And I know I sound so pretentious and it is my fault I never had my first kiss and I know it's stupid cause really it is just a freaking kiss-", you pause your rambling, smiling bittersweetly at your own worked up self, "but it's just… I know it's meaningless in the grand scheme of things but I don't want to waste something I will only get to experience once for the first time with someone I don't really care about. Who's also really not my type. I should've gotten it over and done years and years ago but I guess I'm a super later bloomer", you chuckle, and again, it's that bittersweet kind of regretful chuckle that escapes your lips.
Felix smiles sweetly at you and shakes his head lightly, "there is no set time for anything, y/n. You are in your twenties and you never been kissed, so what? Plenty of people haven't either. It doesn't matter", he runs his hand through the front of his hair, pushing it back in that usual way that exposes his forehead and you catch a glimpse of his freckles up there, the faded dark roots at the base of his hair line, you blink a few times, trying not to get too mesmerized at how even the simplest, most normal things about him make him look so beautiful,"I like that you said you only get it to really experience it once, cause it is true. Things are only new until you get to try them and you must cherish that. You must make them feel precious to you. Just don't let them also get you stuck in super set ways",you nod at his wise words as he pauses, thinking about how much you like hearing about his perspective on things.
"I had my first kiss when I was 17 and everyone in my class already had it by the time they were 14 and I did not like it, but that's okay", he chuckles at the memory and you tilt your head to the side, smiling at him, "you never told me about it. How was it? Was the girl not nice to you?", you ask, resting your arms on top of your knees as you pull your legs closer to your chest, "oh no, she was nice. She was lovely. I think it happened at prom or something",he pauses again, the look on his eyes a bit dreamy, a bit distant as he reminisces of those times long gone, and he giggles softly and you notice the slight blush on the top of his cheeks as if he's feeling a bit embarrassed at the memory, "I think we were dancing to a slow song or something and I believe she was expecting me to make the first move so I kind of did, not knowing she had just had some of the garlic pizza they had for us from the food catering".
Your eyes go wide in anticipation and your jaw drops which makes Felix giggle even more, "oh my god", you manage, stifling a giggle yourself, "hahaha yeah it was tragic. You know how I sometimes also don't really think before I say things? Well, I told her. I saw she was leaning in again and I stopped her and told her she smelled of garlic and I really couldn't, I really wanted to make her happy and kiss her again but I couldn't and it was so awkward. She kind of understood and didn't go for it again but as soon as the song ended she left with her friends".
As much as it pains you to laugh at him you just cannot contain the full chested giggle that erupts from you but your glad to see him laughing with you, just as much. "Sometimes things just don't go our way", Felix says once you've both calmed down, "stuff like this happens when it's supposed to happen and you just have to kind of go with it. Don't put so much pressure on yourself and the hypothetical person who's going to kiss you first, it'll be okay. I survived, I survived a full on garlic clove", he assures you and you both giggle again.
A comfortable silence settles in for a moment, you rest your cheek on top of your arm and sigh, reflecting on his words: you know damn well he's right through and through, you just wish you could help the blooming nervousness tugging at your insides. Because you know, realistically speaking, that no other guy will be as understanding and caring as Felix is, you've avoided dates and guys in general cause you subconsciously knew they would've made fun of you for being so unexperienced. Either that or they'd taken advantage of you.
"Do you think I should give this guy a chance?", you ask after a little while, lifting your head up and tucking your hair behind your ears, "you could. He might have been just trying to impress you when you went on that double date. If you end up not liking him even a little bit, you walk away, especially if he tries to do something you don't want him to do", he replies, smiling reassuringly at you. Maybe you should just follow his advice. Maybe finally going out with someone else will get rid of that blooming languor you feel for Felix. "You look like there's still a lot troubling your pretty little head", he adds then, studying your face, searching your eyes for something that you can't quite pin point, you laugh nervously and shrug, "I guess I'm just nervous. That's all. I won't force anything to happen between us, if I do end up going on that date, but part of me is still a little scared I guess", "what scares you?", he asks quietly, scooting closer to you, "messing up. Not knowing what do to and making a fool of myself cause I just never dated anyone, cause my ninth grade boyfriend doesn't count", you confess, laughing half heartedly at the silly little memory of what were basically ice cream play dates with that kid from your chemistry class that only lasted a few weeks.
Felix playfully nudges your shoulders and smiles that radiant smile at you, the one that could melt ice on the spot, "you won't mess up. Kisses have no particular technicalities, it'll come natural to you in the moment", he says giggling fondly at you, but when he sees that genuine worry and unease on your face he stops and just looks at you for a moment, kind eyes taking in your features one by one, "I can be your first kiss", he suggests, his voice low and firm but still sweet. Your heart skips more than a beat then, and you try your best not to let it show, "wha-what?, he shrugs and smiles cheekily," I'll kiss you if it means it'll make you feel a little less scared, I can see this is weighting down on your heart quite heavily and I hate seeing you so sad and nervous. I'd rather not take this away from you, not take the surprise element away from it but I'd also rather you experience it with someone you can trust and that cares about you so you can be be done with it than have you living with the highest expectations only to have them destroyed by someone who you're not so keen on".
You have to subtly pinch the skin on your forearm to make sure you're actually awake. You stare at him with eyes so wide you're afraid they're gonna pop off, you swallow down the sheer nervousness in your tone before daring to speak up again, "you-you would do that for me? Where's the catch? ", you try to sound light hearted and cheerful, not at all like your heart literally just stopped functioning for a second, you put on your best smile and he laughs cheerfully as well, "there is no catch. You get to over come your fear and be done with this once and for all and I get to kiss a pretty girl. That's it."
The way he slipped that compliment in there makes your heart rate pick up again but you don't have time to dwell on it because Felix is already leaning in. Oh god. Oh god this is happening. You psyche yourself into firmly convince your heart you're not going to pass out but as soon as you see Felix close his eyes and barely parting his lips you freak out and bend your head down cowardly, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I - sorry", you mumble, feeling your cheeks flushing a deep shade of red as you breathe out loudly, shaking your head in frustration, but he only smiles patiently at you, "that's okay, take your time", he instructs calmly, his voice so warm and low and soft all at once. He waits for you to lift up your head again slightly and squints his eyes at you, and there's that twinkle in them, there's that softness you wish you had the words to describe, "can I touch your face?", he asks quietly, barely brushing your cheek with his fingertips, "I'll just hold you gently, like this", he continues, cupping your chin and then your cheek again, thumb brushing the blush on your skin, "mmmh, y-yeah", you nod briefly, appreciating the way he's trying to make you feel more comfortable while still giving you a little space to breathe and regain your composure, which you do. Finally forcing down the knot in your throat and looking up into his eyes: "you wanna… Uhm.. - you wanna try that again? ", you offer, your heart beating so fast It drowns out the sound of your own breathing.
Pillowy soft. Like impalpable cotton. Felix's lips are on yours in the most delicate kiss. And then they're on top of yours, his top lip gently tapping your bottom one until your tongue meets his. The tip of his nose presses into yours until he angles his chin slightly to the side and his tongue flicks on your palate as he inhales deeply. He tastes faintly like peaches and whipped cream from his tea earlier and he smells like soap and like his expensive cologne, a hint of the brownies you had baked that morning.
You feel his hand still warm on your cheek he caresses it once, his lips full and sweet on yours once more. And then it's all over in what both feels the quickest and the most eternal second ever. You are flabbergastated and breathless from the adrenaline but you barely catch the stupor that flashes so fast in his eyes before they turn to their former melancholic selves as he lets go of you.
"Wasn't so scary now, was it?". Felix shrugs like nothing happened and looks as unphased as ever. He smiles briefly at you but it doesn't seem to reach his eyes. You nod and look down at your hands, the pictures of the moment you and him just shared burning deep in your head.
When you get back home that night you feel like crying for no reason at all.
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Part 2, anyone?
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
A request for HCs
What do you think would happen if the Karasuno boys know that reader has like a childish crush on the adults in the court? Like she finds Takeda-sensie to be cute and adorkable or coach Ukai to be cool?
They're not stupid tho, they know that crush isn't gonna go anywhere. But her constant fangirling of either one of them behind doors sometimes gets to them, maybe even plant the idea to she's into older men. And they're unfortunately either a year below them or around her age (maybe she's even a few months older than them). Major blow if she's their close friend who often comes to watch them, and she keeps talking about their teacher/coach crush to them.
Ooooh fun! And I must say, she’s got good taste in adorkable Takeda.
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, mentions of murder, reader is into older men
♡ You’re a fan and part of the cheerleading squad, always coming to the games (big or small), so the team sees you often. Sometimes you even come to practice, just to talk to them and cheer them on.
♡ One by one, all of the Karasuno volleyball players fell for you, despite knowing that you don’t see them as anything more than good players and maybe friends.
♡ Still, it comes as a serious blow to hear that you’ve got a childish crush on Takeda and Ukai. And they hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.
♡ You wax lyrical about how cool Ukai is, with his dyed hair and the piercings he sometimes wears outside of coaching. You practically squeal over the adorable, awkward Takeda.
♡ It hurts even more that you don’t say anything like that to them. Sure, you’ve complimented their volleyball skills, but you’ve never complimented their looks or personalities.
♡ Tsukishima’s the first one to figure out that you might have a thing for older men. That’s a real problem for all of them because, not only are you a third year, but your birthday is even earlier than Daichi’s, Asahi’s, and Sugawara’s.
♡ Daichi is the cool, calm, and collected captain, but even he struggles to come up with a plan. There’s no way they could do something stupid like kill their coach and teacher- besides, Hinata and Asahi could never stomach it.
♡ Tanaka and Nishinoya are the most jealous, vying desperately for your attention but not receiving nearly enough whenever the “cool coach” and “cute teacher” are nearby. And they’re never far away.
♡ Sugawara’s the first one to suggest kidnapping you, but there’s a fight that breaks out over where they would keep you.
♡ Since Daichi’s the captain, they reluctantly agree that he would keep you in his house and the rest would just visit. 
♡ They act normally for weeks, gritting their teeth every time you say something like “Isn’t Takeda so adorable?” or “Coach Ukai’s looking hot today!”
♡ Kageyama nearly loses his cool when you confide in him that you desperately wish that one of the two older men would pay you more attention. Sugawara manages to diffuse the situation before Kageyama yells himself hoarse at you.
♡ Hinata’s most excited to kidnap you and Asahi’s the most nervous.
♡ Yamaguchi nearly cries every time you tell him how much you like Ukai and Takeda.
♡ They finally can’t take any more of your obsession with their elders, and they whisk you away.
♡ It’s just too bad if you like older men, because soon enough, you’re surrounded by younger men- and they plan to keep you with them for eternity.
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yanxidarlings · 1 year
Hello there! I don't know if the inbox is open but could I request the Nordics (separate) with a darling (romantic) who just keeps questioning why they chose them of all people as they continue to try and leave them? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
matthias honestly see's his darlings insecurity as fishing for compliments - normally he would shower them in verbal affection, especially if asked, but assuming that this is just after getting caught trying to escape, he's a bit pissed. "i don't know, i could probably find someone better couldn't i" yes this little shit is using his darlings moment of self consciousness as manipulative ammunition.
his darling is probably crushed at his words, matthias feels a bit bad seeing how their face falls, but it's for the best. if things go as planned, his darling will start to put more effort into the 'relationship', and stops trying to escape.
or his darling could completely shy away from him after hearing his words, smart decision, darling, if he see's how dejected they are, matthias is going to feel really bad.
he didn't mean it, min elskede!, he was just in a bad mood, it's like when you're feeling insecure and try to up and leave!. please forgive him.
it's best not to drag this out any further, and take the apology and pampering, lest matthias starts to think his darling is attempting to manipulate him, and believe me, you do not want to entirely loose his trust.
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lukas wonders the exact same thing sometimes. he really tried to shake his obsession, it's not like he wants to be so attached to his darling but he is.
he doesn't answer his darling initially, too busy enchanting the basement to keep them from trying to escape again. this likely puts his already distressed darling on the edge, and might lead them to think he's decided to dispose of them when he doesn't come and visit for the next week.
the darlings words linger in lukas's mind; if he hadn't already kidnapped them, he might have tried to distance himself from them and focus on his responsibilities as a big brother and a country (to no avail), but he can't risk his darling going off and telling everyone about what he had done, so, in that week he decides to put his darling out of their misery.
finally, after a week, he re-emerges into the basement, with a tray of food in his hands, his darling is soiled and starving at this point, so they don't fight back when he hand feeds them the love potion infused fiskesuppe.
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tino's heart just about breaks upon hearing his darlings words - it all makes sense now! his darling does love him, they just struggle with insecurities, that he clearly desperately needs to address.
so, if his darling doesn't like physical affection, verbal affection or being smothered, they just made the stupidest decision of their life; tino now dedicates his days to boosting his darlings self esteem. best to go along with his self love boot cam, he'll forget all previous grievances.
but assuming 10 hours of standing naked in front of a mirror complimenting themselves just creeps them out, and they still want to escape from tino's clutches; they once again try to leave when the chance presents itself.
finland goes absolutely insane, no one can calm him down when he realises his darling isn't home when he returns from the latest world meeting - after all he did for them? were they even being sincere or was it all another ploy to escape?! throw all previous trust out the window, once he gets his darling back he's going full tiger mum.
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"who made you think this" berwalds instantly ready to throw hands, start a war, go viking mode. it's simply incomprehensible to him that his darling doesn't adore themselves as much as he adores them.
it must be someone's elses poisonous words corrupting his darling self image, probably denmark, or maybe prussia, germany and austria, or it could be-
if berwald hadn't kidnapped his darling yet, expect to wake up in his house the next morning - clearly his darling is being horridly abused by the people they surround themselves with to think that they aren't worthy of love.
whilst he wasn't planning on pursuing a romantic relationship with his darling, and was content in his position as their guardian angel, if it's what he thinks they need, he'll do whatever he must to ensure their wellbeing.
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here we have the angsty teenager, who immediately takes it as his darling mocking him. fine! be that way, he didn't even like them that much to begin with (lies). once he realises how immature he's being, he panics.
did he just ruin his entire relationship with his darling over his own insecurity? emil screams into his pillow when it occurs to him that his darling was being sincere. even if they weren't, he couldn't stay away from them for that long. if he wasn't already stalking them, he's picked up the habit now: they hate him so how else is he to get his fill of them?.
after a few months of being estranged, emil works up the courage to make amends. but it isn't the same, his beloved is on edge, they don't trust him like they used to. it drives him to absolute insanity loosing the closeness he once had with his darling.
he doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he just follows and watches them in a desperate attempt to get close to them again.
eventually, his brothers get concerned, lukas can't stand to see his baby brother so distressed, so he does what all good brothers do and puts icelands darling under a love potion. to emils horror. at first he thinks they've come around, but is quick to become suspicious of the sudden affection he's receiving.
emil will demand lukas undo the love potion, when his darling is back to their senses he's so embarrassed, he stutters apologies, as the door opens.
norway walks in with a suitcase, "here's all their stuff" "WHAT"
isn't norway a great big brother kidnapping icelands darling for him.
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way to reinforce kunuk's belief that he and his darling are soulmates, reader. just when he thinks his darling can't get any more perfect for him, they say this. it's kinda disturbing to see the heart eyes he gives them as they pour out their heart to him, probably sobbing too.
he immediately counters with his own belief that he isn't good enough for his darling, but he loves them so much that he's gotten past that to bring them together (kidnap them).
if anything his darling made him more attached to them, he goes from being attached at the hip with them to being their conjoined twin; if kunuk wasn't open with them before, he sure as hell is now. if he was, all boundries between him and his darling fade at this point.
kunuk also uses his darlings insecurity as a way to isolate them from others; no one understands them like he does, as no one understands him as they do, so what's the point of going to america's birthday bash when he and his darling could stay home and cuddle?
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shiplessoceans · 23 days
Hen saw it on Eddie's face when he turned his back on the happy throng of well-wishers in the firehouse. Watched the way his easy grin vanished, replaced by a grimace as his jaw tightened and eyebrows furrowed downward.
She jumped into action the moment she realised that his stricken expression was morphing into one of terror and that he suddenly seemed to be having trouble catching his breath.
In four quick strides she got an arm tucked around his waist, quickly and quietly ushering him away from everyone unnoticed. Eddies complete lack of resistance firmed her resolve that he was in trouble.
Eddie broke from Hen's hold, leaning against the wall inside the door of the captains outer office and felt his body succumb to the waves of wrong washing over him. His nerves felt like they were on fire, his mind raced and his chest heaved as he struggled to get enough oxygen while resisting his mind command to yell or hit something or run as far as his feet would take him.
He barely registered the press of fingertips against the side of his throat as he squeezed his eyes shut tight, god why wasn't there enough air? He was going to pass out if he couldn't catch his breath soon...
It took him moment to realise Hen was speaking in a low commanding tone, distracted as he was by the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears...
"Eddie? Eddie listen to me. You're having a panic attack but you're gonna be okay, okay? I promise. You are safe right now. Nothing bad is gonna happen okay? Eddie? Eddie I need you to look at me."
Eddie registered Hens words and worked to open his eyes.
Hen looked focused, not worried. And Eddie would trust Hen with his life, so if she said he was going to be fine? Then he would be. Simple as that.
Hen now had her hand on his chest, grounding him and she continued speaking in that same calm tone.
"It's okay, Eddie. It's gonna feel better in a minute. Take your time, you just have to wait for the adrenaline spike to wear off and it'll be over, you got this. Hey, would I ever lie to you?"
Eddie felt his heartrate slow and heaved a few shuddering breaths, each one a little deeper than the last as he managed to get the words out between gasps:
"Not....not about.... about this... I hope."
Hen chuckled and nodded.
"Theeere you go. Try to hold each breath for a second as it comes in, it'll help slow it down. Remember your jello technique?"
Eddie nodded and closed his eyes again, focusing on taking deeper and slower breaths. Tried to remember allowing his body to feel like soft jello and willing it to relax, body part by body part.
Time passed and sometime later Hen had taken her hand off his chest and his breaths began to even out again and Eddie opened his eyes to look at her, mentally preparing to put the wall back up. To reassure her that he was fine and this was a little blip, a simple backslide, that was all. Christopher being gone had obviously taken a toll and having Buck come in and announce that he and Tommy were moving in together must have just taken him by surprise but not to worry, he'd be just fine.
But the words die in his throat, he feels his adrenaline crash and seeing the compassion and sympathy and complete understanding in Hen's face breaks something inside him. The weight of the world falls back on his shoulders and he crumples.
Hen catches him in a hug as he breaks down crying, silently shaking and weeping into the shoulder of her shirt. Hen rubbed his back reassuringly.
"Shhh... It's gonna be okay."
He didn't respond, but Eddie knew she was wrong.
He had been an idiot and waited too long.
He loved two people more than anyone else in the world. His son and his best friend. His son who had asked months ago to be taken away from him, and the best friend he had only just realised he was hopelessly in love with.
And now, he'd lost them both.
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ms0milk · 4 months
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drive me like a madness, to the sea
bkg x water quirk!oc
"Fluorescent lights, hallway must, caramel and big brown eyes, melting together and at this rate forever waiting on the wrong side of a the party."
this piece was sponsored by the inimitable @ltadoriyuujl for the @ficsforgaza initiative! thank you sm for trusting me with your lovely Anika and for all your patience and guidance. cw seven min/heaven shenanigans including makeout + heavy petting, clothed grinding, manhandling, quirk use, brief description of alcohol use, aggressive banter, and implied audience. stevie nicks. one (1) miserable stint in a sweaty hallway and approximately thirty balloons. 5.9k
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Sometimes just touching pages in a book, leafing through chapters, is too much. Damp hands on dry paper– they jump and rub, grate like running fingers between bricks to test how smooth they'll get. Katsuki regrets the paper gift bag he picked, slowly deteriorating in his fist and tries not to linger on the drag of class textbooks or crisp study planners as he pulls a little moleskine from his pocket.
Jun 9
Mina’s, 9pm.
He clamps the A5 shut with his free hand and shoves it back into the depths of the hoodie he shouldn’t have worn. It’s the 1st. It’s 9:30, apartment 802. Why the fuck isn’t anyone answering the door?
The celebration in Mina’s new place thumps like caught fish and Katsuki tries to find new things to notice about the sweltering hallway, no windows, cobwebs under sprinklers, someone rattling around in the elevator a few stories down, and the errant blinking of a security camera, instead of blasting the door off its hinges. He shakes a stray blond strand from the sweat on his forehead and prays Mina can at least afford a box fan after scrounging the last few cents of the security deposit for this place from their penniless friends.
Katsuki doesn’t mind being sweaty. He doesn’t love being stranded in stuffy hallways, but he doesn’t hate the noise at these things; he mostly just hates the laundryproof reek of liquor and cigs but he’s not tapping holes in carpet for fun. Soon a distant dam will break and the floodwater hero he has no chance of outswimming will be perched on the opposite end of a loveseat six asses over capacity. She’ll be here, Anika, inevitable, thunderstorm. Sure, he doesn’t mind sweat but it’s her job to take note of wet things and he hates just how much it puts him at her mercy.
Before he can fish out his phone again to call someone inside, a bell kills the peace of the hallway and the muffled tumult of the elevator shaft bursts when its doors ding first and open, spitting out thirty-some balloons and a voice like high tide.
He doesn’t have to turn around to know it’s her but a choir of two dozen rubbing, kissing, squeaking rubber hellions makes the hair on his arms stand up so fast that he instinctively spins to bear his teeth to it.
“What the fuck?”
Anika, as if summoned by his own dread, struggles through the elevator frame and down the hall in the same black jeans she’s worn all spring and a too-big leather jacket that does nothing to help her manage her cargo. She shakes her head in an attempt to calm some static, “Fuck what? These?” and tips up to the balloons with her chin. 
“How are you showing up late with the decorations?”
“You’re just as late as I am.” Anika grunts, shrugging a purse back up her shoulder and dragging her supplies towards the door.
“Sans party essentials.”
She doesn't look like she just got off overtime but contrary to popular belief Katsuki doesn’t have the group chat muted: picking up a shift that afternoon but I’ll be there! Blah, blah. Plus, he knows that charcoal residue. She plays it off as eyeliner when she doesn’t have time to wash her face well in the agency showers. It’s gotta be on purpose, little things he knows she could fix but leave just to make him insane. A pencil with squeaky lead, the half dead hem of her uniform skirt– knocking a water glass over shared notes and leaving the paper dry but misshapen when her quirk sucks it all out again.
Anika doesn’t look like a tsunami, ambling closer in the tight space with a litany of balloons in tow and increasingly irritated he isn’t coming to meet her. She doesn’t look like the hero that apprehended a villain with their tears this afternoon and she certainly doesn’t look like a girl whose slender hands have ever knocked him unconscious. She’s grinning, practically growling through her latex bouquet when she finally manages the journey to Mina’s door and lets her bag drop off her shoulder to the doormat. She rolls her head towards him theatrically, “my hero.”
“Spare me,” Katsuki grimaces. He stares ahead and has entirely forgotten what he’s doing in the hallway besides bracing for a fist fight or doing his best to keep his head above her spicy summer perfume.
“You see my catch today?”
He considers and then grunts, fingering the binding on his notebook to give the hand in his pocket something to do instead of, again, breaking and entering. He did. Balloon static pours off Anika’s chest in waves and the cloy of it at the fuzz on his cheek almost makes him turn to face her. Like the hallway couldn’t get any stuffier. Earth would be too cramped if they were the last things on it.
“That why you’re late?”
She at least has the courtesy in this hell hall to push her ballooned fist away before leaning in close like she might have a secret to tell, “Gimme some credit Dynamight,” and, bad omen, he can taste the smile in her voice before he hears it, “or am I making you nervous?”
Everyday is the day that he met her, transfer student, water quirk, a poor matchup in his sparring class– every conversation or study session or close proximity since that day, has been the sudden agony of his defense peeled off of him like a skinned animal. He never considered how it might feel to have the life pulled from his pores, but her quirk makes it easy and the second she shows up he starts overheating. Is it that obvious? What else can he do but tilt his chin down to finally spare her a glance after so many weeks apart?
It’s a mess. Just a painters wash of freckles on cider brown cheeks and mischief close enough to bite. Anika was not built to treat him gently. Her hair, short, spikes like his with static and tickles the sleeve of his jacket as she waits for him to finally admit that she’s right. She presses closer, predator, purring on his shoulder. Fluorescent lights, hallway must, caramel and big brown eyes, melting together and at this rate forever waiting on the wrong side of a the party.
He rolls his eyes but doesn’t turn away and hopes a few of his teeth are still bared, “What am I supposed to be nervous about, huh? Your nine-week plateau at #12?”
But Anika is not like him. For all her attitude she doesn’t explode off the battlefield and he knows this won’t be the thing that suddenly makes her do anything besides draw the damp off her brow with the trace of a fingernail. She leans away, jostling giggling balloons, “That’s number seven to you.”
A single afternoon jump from twelve to seven should make #3 Katsuki shudder but he’d have to be brain dead to let his heart beat that fast in this heat. Anika, hurricane, bends to collect her purse and knocks on Mina’s door as she rises,
“And what’s in your bag?—or—wait,” and grins. She bats her black lashes up, up, sweat pearling at her temples and in wild baby hairs, “about-to-be-clutch. I know you’re melting that dumb paper handle.”
The inside of kiln is actually a very nice place to be, he concedes. It’s a place Katsuki knows he can’t truly destroy anything. He can’t get hotter than white fire and he could never be more destructive than her, so what could possibly go wrong in a firing oven? What could he do, explode? Cure a porcelain vase or two? She’ll flood the whole hallway, she’ll drown all the guests, there’s nothing he could do to break her. He is melting the paper handles. What here makes him angrier, the fact that she’s right or that he’s smirking too? Albeit, over a frown.
He growls something in response, not important. A curled lip suits her, cocky like a feral cat. His friends get crinkle-eyed smiles and pats on the shoulder. They got to link arms with her on the way to class and they get to hold her hands during hospital stays where she coos and kisses them better. Katsuki gets this, an exclusively mischievous shimmer like glass on the backs of her dark eyes. She’s swimming in that stupid leather jacket. “Well what.”
“Were you gonna knock or are we starting a rival party in the hallway?” Anika adjusts grips on her purse and decorations and wipes at her forehead. Where her fingers graze, sweat pills and pulls gently behind them off of her skin and patters to the floor where she directs it, but the balloons don’t love being jostled and Katsuki continues to hate the sounds they make.
He winces, “already tried.”
“Music’s too loud.”
“Perfect, I’ll start setting up out here.”
“I sent a text,” he rolls his eyes and again lets the silence of the hallway descend as he rotates rankings and pearls in his mind.
“What’s wrong with you today?”
What’s wrong with him today. Hm. What? “Eh?” Katsuki blinks himself back into the hallway, back beside her and two dozen balloons, back in her perfume, back caught in a trap, looking, watching the shapes her eyebrows can make when she isn’t glaring—
Anika frowns, “you’re being a freak.”
“Fuck off.”
“Fuck you, what’s your problem? You’re extra quiet, get hurt on patrol?”
It’s time for this door to lose some hinges. Katsuki lets his phone drop back into the soup of his pocket lest it catches a loose spark and leans back, “I’m fucking tired— unlike the rest of you shits, I catch more than one villain a day.”
But it’s not enough, it’s not thrilling, he’s no longer interesting and Anika tucks a charged piece of hair as far behind her ear as it’ll reach before turning away. She knocks again and the vibrations of Mina’s party fill the silence.
The balloons are no longer charming and Katsuki’s losing his grip on his bag. He’s drowning, side by side and not trying to tread in the miserable hallway beside her.
Anika pinches her purse on her shoulder with her chin and fishes her phone from its depths while droplets of sweat pluck themselves from her skin to fall in a pretty ring around her. Irritated or glowing with joy, Anika always looks the same. Face of a hero, Katsuki supposes, even stranded in his company. She concentrates constantly, more with the bridge of her nose than anything else, crinkled asymmetrically between her eyes. She watches wet things and she is never wrong.
“Fucking Hanta—” she growls and pulls her phone away from her cheek to dial another number. “If you don’t—” But she doesn’t get to finish.
Katsuki’s hand jumps damp from his pocket and flies for red balloon strings as he turns. Anika startles, propelling her balloons even faster towards the spiked sprinklers above, half dropping her phone, and fully dropping the the sweat from her brow into an eye. The first pop is horrid in the silence. Like Katsuki’s heart could beat any faster. He jerks the bundle of strings down from the stucco ceiling and flies so much closer to her than he meant to, faces mirrored in sickly light— pop! The second comes quickly, worse, but not so much worse than the third— Pop pop! Four more bursts rattle the sticky hallway and Katsuki winces every time, but Anika only stares, one hand on her eye and the other still holding an ever-wilting and only partially floating bouquet, through the noise above them.
Mina’s door soars open, purple lights, music, burnt pizza, and he and Anika both turn, tucked into one another. Her hunched and biting back laughter and Katsuki grimacing, mid lunge for party decorations.
Kaminari grins as Katsuki’s bag fails— rips right off its soaked handle, plops to floor— and leans against the door he opened.
“Bombsquad’s here.”
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Katsuki perches at the edge of the kitchen only just barely still in Anika’s field of vision. He’s miserable, obviously, and nursing his headache with a beer.
“Drinking it would help more.”
He glares before the words even leave her mouth, to his group of friends and Anika perched among them, sprawled out on Mina’s unfurnished floor. He grips the asahi pressed to his forehead a little too hard and its uncracked tab wheezes with pressure. He’s already finished two. Anika knows better than anyone what a lightweight he is and how much he hates it— how much he hates a lot of things these days.
Mina, Sero, Kirishima, Uraraka, Momo, Kaminari and some kids from old class-B cluster in the living room where a sofa should go and more importantly, in the crosswind between two windows. There’s a fire escape Katsuki keeps eyeing from his storm cloud, but Shinsou’s been out there smoking with half-n-half for the past hour. Drinks splash, groups laugh, and music floods the little one-bedroom in waves from genkan to linen closet. Anika slipped her phone in the aux line up when her friends finally pulled themselves away from go-fish long enough to let her and Katsuki in. It’s been a little less Party Rock Anthem On Repeat and slightly more Fleetwood Mac’s Greatest Hits since. Smells like school. She lets Mina pull her in by the shoulder while she fills a smitten Kirishima in on details from her sidekick gig and an apparently psychic new neighbor.
Parties after work are like falling asleep in her parents’ backseat. The white noise of people she loves, though, there are fewer mcguyvered margaritas on family roadtrips. “Be right back,” Anika smiles into her friend's ear and kisses her cheek before rising on a mission for ice. Everyone’s distracted today. Maybe it’s the heat.
Katsuki growls at anyone who walks past and almost gave Deku a heart attack when he came out of the bathroom, so much so he splashed the blond with freshly washed hands and got kicked into the fridge.
“Can I reach for the freezer or am I gonna get a black eye?”
“Try me.”
Katsuki doesn’t crack as she approaches, but still moves to let her close. 
“You know,” she coos and breaks the seal on crisp frozen air, “When a puppy’s too aggressive you’re supposed to play with their paws.”
“You fucking drunk?”
Anika smiles into the artificial breeze and directs six ice cubes out of their tray with a finger. Even Dynamight, elven in his rage, can’t be bothered to quip or fight today. Can’t even be bothered to go home. What planet did everyone ship off to without her? They can’t let guests in, can’t check their phones, can’t mix a decent drink or queue any good music— Why’d Mina throw this party anyway? Graduation was ages ago. Why did she need balloons twenty minutes before this was all supposed to start? Katsuki simmers beside her, resting his hips on the rounded edge of the counter.
“You feeling particularly territorial?” She drags an ice cube over the back of his hand as she closes the door and ducks slightly to avoid recoil. His forehead beer shrieks with more pressure but neither ice nor punches fly.
“M’not your dog.”
“Not with that attitude you’re not.” She plucks a floater from the counter and dumps it in the sink behind them. He’s got no bark today, nothing’s made him bite.
Katsuki glares over his shoulder into the small sea of people chattering and setting games up on the floor. He glows. Fairy lights fizzle at the base of his neck where sweat stains the ripple of back muscles and his cotton t-shirt. Every part of him is heavy and polished. He is intentional even with his back turned. A skull hoodie hangs in the entryway and Anika can pick out his shoes from thirty others because of how particularly he lays them together. She lifts her hips over the counter to sit. He’ll let her closer. He always does even if only to get in striking range.
“You’re soaked, short-fuse.”
“First day with eyes?”
Can he feel her eyes tracing his throat? His waist is so narrow compared to his shoulders that the hem of his shirt hangs slightly over his jeans, a black belt hugging milk skin in Mina’s obnoxious colored strip lights. Katsuki reeks of caramel. He finally turns back around. “Don’t look at me like that.”
Anika pretends like she hasn’t been watching and flicks the tap water on to fill her cup, “Like what?”
“Like you’re starving. I’m not in the mood.”
“You’re fucking delusional,” she huffs, nursing water, “You’re the mutt here not me. And I’ve been eating, unlike someone whose too focused on looking cool to join the goddamned party.”
“Not in the mood.”
“When are you ever.”
Katsuki’s beer finally cracks when he drops it on the counter. The two heroes hiss without a/c in an apartment they don’t realize is watching them. Always a fist fight, he is always just one wrong look away from snapping or bursting but never storming away and today is no different even if he tries to feign disinterest. He can’t pretend forever in their kiln for two. She’ll wash away the clay.
“Not starving like a dog you fuck, starving like the ocean. You’re breathing all my goddamned air so go back to your wasted friends.”
“I’m keeping one company right now.”
His jaw puffs as he grinds his teeth, “Just leave me alone.”
“You’re avoiding me.”
“Bump up a few ranks and suddenly you think you’re the people’s fucking princess—”
“—you’re not the center of the universe tsunami.”
“Why’d you even come if you’re just gonna sulk in here away from everyone?”
“I’m doing an infinitely shittier and shittier friend a fucking favor being here and putting up with interrogation practice from the worst bad cop in the country wasn’t part of our agreement.”
Katsuki’s asahi sits four good steps behind him for how far he’s leaned into his frustration and Anika’s legs part to accommodate him at the sticky lip of the counter. His white knuckles go pink. It’s been two weeks since she’s seen him outside of a television screen and nine since they’ve been alone. Finals and a nasty burglary at their internship agency. The last two awake in a 3A study session and the first awake on the last day of school. Catching the sunrise, they’d both lied.
“You’re beating the shit out of anyone that comes into the kitchen, just go home if you hate it here so badly.”
“I can think of something,” he growls, closer, “that’ll make me hate it less.”
“m’not letting you kick Deku again.”`
He stops short of shouting but it’s too late to hide from her now. He forgot he was trying. “You got your ice now git, back out to sea or wherever the fuck you stir shit for a living.” Stevie fucking Nicks moans somewhere in the thrum of their friends and their friends and those friends’ terrible mixology skills as clear liquor stings every nose in the room and both of the kitchen monsters pretend like their ears aren’t hot with drink. From another party, another planet, Katsuki bobs under her spice just once, glaring— how could he not, she’s one breath away pressed back into the counter between his arms and curling her own fingers over his without looking away.
“Still soaked,” Anika hisses and a door slams somewhere as Katsuki snatches her wrist with Dynamight strength to keep her quirk from killing him.
Sparring with her is suicidal, the only way to win is in close quarters after Katsuki has enough ammunition hidden to hold her tight and detonate. He’s knocked them both unconscious fourteen times. She’s won conscious twice and tonight might make three because Anika’s grin explodes cheshire with her back on kitchen tiles and a dripping hand crushed at the wrist.
It hurts when she wants it to, when the sweat leaves too quickly or explodes while she’s stealing it. She can be gentle. She is gentle with him, the water fell off of his knuckles as if he wanted it to and floats in pools like the tide on her palm.
“Have it back,” she purrs and before she can flex her fingers, before Katsuki can lunge, someone whistles from the living room.
“You’re up, bombsquad.”
Suddenly the apartment is infinitely larger than it should be, stretching and winding with two bad tempers at one end and the rest of their old classmates ogling at the other, fingers on their noses. Shinsou pokes a head through the window and all the sweat drops from Anika’s hand to the floor.
The linen closet, the walk-in beside the bedroom door, hangs open in white light with Momo and Jiro scurrying out to much fanfare. Uraraka must have been the one who slammed the door open because she stands beside it now bashfully checking the wall behind it for holes.
“Nose went, sorry guys.”
Katsuki backs off before Anika can kick him and more quickly than he’s moved all night, reaches for his hoodie.
“Not so fast Kats!” Kirishima grins. He’s humoring Kaminari’s burnt pizza with one hand and rubbing his nose with the other on a makeshift cardboard stool beside the window. Doing a favor for a friend, huh? Anika slips off the counter when she understands, finally understands the whole weird evening. Shitty margaritas keep her from exploding and in fact help her reach out for a rapidly escaping Dynamight. “Katsuki!” Kirishima whines again, “Please!”
“I told you he wouldn’t!”
“Leave them alone,” Momo tries to soothe but Jiro covers her mouth and kisses the back of her palm.
“Hey,” Anika whispers because she knows if it’s anyone, he can hear her through white noise, even tossing on a jacket and kicking on his shoes. The crowd boos and she presses closer “Katsuki.”
“Fuck off! M’not playing juvenile drinking games.”
“Thought you weren’t drunk,” she pushes just a little too far and resists flinching when the hero jolts back around, crackling, snarling. Her hand lands on his chest instead of an arm when he pressed in and the force pushes her back.
“You knew. Fuck ev—!”
“I didn’t Kats—“
“Going home.”
“I’m—” she doesn’t want that, “I shouldn’t have teased—” and grips the fabric over his heart just a little bit tighter so he won’t leave without a fight. “It was too much. Can I just talk to you for a minute?”
“Seven minutes!” someone hollers from the living room and then wheezes from a blow to the head.
“Whatever, can we just talk for seven minutes? God knows when I'll see you after tonight.”
Katsuki’s frozen mid-hoodie to glare, hunched; damp little hands on his chest where he can’t hide his heartbeat. Anika wipes a running pearl from the curve Katsuki’s collarbone. No quirk this time. It’s faint but Sero murmurs into a bad drink, “Scared she’s gonna steal his secrets or sumthin and take his precious ranking.” There are some grumbles, nods, and Shinsou snorts and ducks his head back out. Right, suicide.
"Start the timer,” Dynamight growls.
It takes four seconds for Katsuki’s hoodie to hit the back wall (and whip Denki with the zipper) and for the kitchen monsters to cross the humming room towards the linen closet. “Seven,” he spits to the closest onlooker, Uraraka, who startles and juggles her phone in her hands a few times before getting a hold of herself. Katsuki slams the door behind his company without looking back and there’s an unspoken consensus that this wouldn’t have been such an excellent idea sober.
It wouldn’t have happened sober, it barely happened tipsy and Anika tries to gauge the difference between gin and water in her veins before fumbling for the lights. Immediately, the skin between her thighs is damp. The heat of such a tight space would be unbearable if it weren’t for a little stained glass window and the crosswind from under the door, but still, she considers in the dark, it’s miserable. Momo’s bodysuit was stained gray from sweat and Jiro wasn’t just pink from a kiss or two.
“They’re trying to kill us,” she huffs, and cracks the little window before pulling on the light. Katsuki beats her to it.
He’s a dick but he’s not belligerent, and more than anything he’s made to be a hero. He made himself to save people, his parents made him to love him and his friends love to have him. Anika loves to have him. Even if he takes up all the room in this box with his overworked chest and red glare, it shouldn’t matter how weird he’s acting and she shouldn’t be so childish.
“Short-fuse,” she sighs, and turns. Apologies suck, but she’s not a student anymore, she’s not a intern, she’s not even in college, she’s a hero, they’re grown they’re busy, and she’ll devolve forever into immature goads cos he’ll let her. They don’t have enough time anymore to be kids or be close or pretend. “Katsuki—”
He sighs too, and dips too far down for her to stop him, eyes closed, to brush his lips over hers. His exhale tastes like hops, warm oats in the second Anika gives herself to think before she raises a startled hand and swings, claps it perfect center, into Katsuki’s cheek. The whole affair is noisy like they’re two crabs boxing in a paper bag. He stumbles into a towel rack, clutching his face, Anika holding her own and both of them staring, both of them slack jawed, as someone turns her music down outside.
“What the fuck!” She squeals after getting a grip on the windowsill behind her.
He can’t back up any farther than the doorframe and with his back on wood Katsuki, barks “I could say the same!” holding tight to his red face.
“I— I was trying to a apologize first!”
“First?! You were gonna kiss me anyway but when I beat you to it I get a concussion!”
“No— well, wait— apologize before you, you could—!” 
“Could what!”
“I was gonna explain!”
“You hadn’t even done a fucking thing yet what would you have explained?!”
“You— no, explain myself!” Seven minutes is an awfully long time Anika stares, fingers to her lips. She hadn’t thought about what to do after apologizing, or how badly she needed to kiss him. Needs to kiss him. “I was— I just, miss you.”
Katsuki howls before freezing, before his face drops from harsh lines to one smooth stare.
“I haven’t seen you! I don’t get to see you, at home, at work, and when I finally do you won’t even talk to me. You won’t—” Anika swallows and tilts her head side to side before trying to look back up. She fingers a short piece of hair by her ear, “You don’t like parties, you don’t like anyone but Kirishima I don’t know how I’m supposed to see you anymore and I finally get the chance and I act like a second-year, I— you— you were lying. I knew something was wrong— or you were thinking about something or— er— and I was just so excited you actually came, I would talk to you about anything, you could told me about paint drying, but you’ve been acting so weird all night and I just,” Anika heaves, her hand falls from her mouth and takes up the job of a fist, “I’m sorry.”
Katsuki flinches, slightly more wide eyed than sobriety would usually allow him, a foot or two away from one of his favorite people and the cling of her summer perfume. “You’re not an idiot,” he sighs.
“You’re not listening!”
“I’m always listening.”
“You’re never getting a fucking apology from me again.”
“I don’t want one.”
“Gun to my head.”
“I never want another, don’t apologize.” This closet is not up to code so Katsuki moves slowly to avoid splinters and another blow to the head.
“I shouldn’t have used my quirk,” Anika sneers, “I’m sorry.”
“Stop it.”
She pushes off the back wall, “M’sorry for teasing you about that dumb paper bag,” freckles and sweat mixing. She has never been wrong.
“I’m sorry you’re stuck in here with me.”
Every thought is one inch closer, “I’m not.” Until Katsuki can lift his hands just and inch and her jaw is there waiting to fit perfectly into them.
“It’s your turn.”
“I’m not sorry.”
She sucks her teeth but lets him closer.
“I’m not sorry I kissed you, I’m not sorry we’re fighting—”
Her freckles shift with her cheeks and she wets her lips, “It’s hard unless we’re fighting, huh?”
“I like fighting with you,” he bites, hint of a smile, like he couldn’t possibly get the thought out fast enough. “I just, I don’t know how anymore. We don’t live together, we don't work together—”
Anika smiles back, “How long?”
“Two years.”
“How long left?”
“Five minutes.”
It’s enough, she traces the back of his clammy neck and dips into a kiss.
Katsuki did his homework in the common room on nights Anika made dinner. He didn’t say anything when she clipped her hair short, though she only got compliments if he was somewhere in the room. He was always in the room, the first hero to respond to a call for backup, the last person home after a drunk night out, grumpy but inevitably the one you know will answer a text when someone can’t walk on their own.
She always imagined him more timid than this, to kiss, a nerd too nervous to hold hands, but Katsuki presses as deeply as she’ll let him and they both fumble towards a wall. Four legs tangled, he holds the back of her head away from wood and glass and bites a lip to keep her close. Anika wraps her fingers in his tshirt to stay standing, suckling, kneading, begging for him to lose slightly more composure and make some noise for her. A tongue across his teeth gets her what she wants. Katsuki grabs her wrists and throws them over his shoulders so she has something to hold when he hoists her off her feet and onto the top of the step ladder.
“y’move too much,” he growls knowing she can’t hear him, knowing he might not have even said anything and melting a little when her tongue slips gently under his. He has to cup her cheeks to keep from falling over. He’s not close enough. Anika pulls him the only place he can still move, crumbling on top of her and poised on the steps of a shitty metal stool. He fits between her legs like a puzzle and she gasps into his mouth when he rolls too deep.
“Bad sound?” he startles and settles again when Anika shakes her head with her hands in his hair. Not bad, not drunk, not gentle, she wants to watch him fall apart but she’ll cherish a dark closet on a sticky night if that’s the best the universe can do on such short notice. He holds his weight as much off of her as he can in the tight space and the subtlety of his strength gets steam trickling from her ears.
He drags a thumb over the swell of her lip to catch his breath in the heat but she shudders and chases his hand with her tongue. God, if he was clammy before. Anika clutches his shirt and his wrist and for more than a second Katsuki skewers commons sense to the wall. She sucks just hard enough to pull the tip of his thumb past her lips. Too hot, it’s too hot, Katsuki is soaked, sweat floods the swell of his chest and drips between his knuckles. He doesn’t need to see to know what kind of face she’s making as she takes his fingers in her mouth and the thought stalls him just long enough— wet, swirling— to— tight— whimper. Katsuki snatches her jaw with his fist and buries his face in the damp of her neck. Salty, she trembles when he kisses her there and makes a frazzled sound when he growls.
“Don’t,” he groans with slightly more sense, “my quirk—"
“I’m waterproof.”
“Y’rnot bombproof.”
“Well don’t light a candle,” she grins into the dim and him with her, dragging his lips from her ear to her throat and sinking his teeth into the pulse of her perfume.
He likes the sound she makes when he bites even more so he does it again. Again, he pulls the fragile skin between his lips and soothes over the welts he makes with his tongue when her fingers start to dance on his chest. Between her lips and her collar bone he rises to kiss her and falls to bruise her on the path that makes her breathe loudest and when she finally has to cover her mouth he pauses and kneads harder. How quickly would her breasts warm in his fingers? How quickly would she—
“Katsuki,” Anika huffs above him and his eyes dart to hers, glowing black in the moonlight. “How long?”
“Don’t care.”
She drags her fingers over his forehead and claws through the front of his hair without another word. Her nails are heaven on his scalp. As much as he hates to look away, his eyes roll and she swallows, sinking off the steps and into the crook of his neck. Better, her lips are better than her nails and when her hair tickles his chin it’s all Katsuki can do not to dissolve around her. Anika works gingerly and she pulls the collar of his shirt down to reach the parts of him she wants. His ear, throat, the vibrating skin above his heart, all bloom in pink bruises while her nails rake his shoulder. He manages to drag his hands up her waist and bite his own tongue to stay quiet, but hardly more than that. Melt into her lips when she lets him. They sink together into a spot between stacked towels and a previously functional laundry horse and forget for the next however long that there will be things to talk about in the world outside of Mina’s linen closet. Forget sleep, forget work and shitty apartments, forget clothes— Katsuki's hands glide over wet skin and under the hem of Anika’s top. Every inch closer is the drum of her heart and her clumsy desperate fingers tugging at his belt loops in gasps caught between their lips.
“Alright, jesus!” Mina’s pop pink voice shrills in a sudden wash of light and fresh air and her kitchen monsters startle on the floor. “Party foul! No fucking in the closet.” Katsuki’s hoodie sails over Mina’s shoulder from the crowd and onto Anika’s head.
His tshirt is a v-neck in four different places and Anika’s hair spikes in every direction but the one that she styled it in after work. Black charcoal is smudged on all fours walls, on every clean sheet on the shelf, drips in streaks and fingerprints over the bruises at both of their throats and generally illustrates the whole incriminating scene.
“Happy?” Mina’s overliquored drink rolls her eyes for her and she turns back around to the stunned crowd, spilling a little onto Sero, “everyone happy? Can we please have normal parties now? One’s that don’t gamble with my security deposit.” She turns again, overshooting it, ignoring the hands Kirishima hovers right over the spot her head would land if she tipped over, “And you two, did we fix you or was was this a terrible idea?”
Katsuki blinks up. Anika tightens her lips and Shinsou pretends not to watch through the window but smiles nonetheless in a puff of smoke on the fire escape.
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kodared · 1 year
☆ Welcome home Neighbor~! ☆
Human Reader x Welcome Home!
Something is wrong with this House, and it wasn't the atrocious color scheme.
Chapter 7/?
Word Count: 3,762 Out of 20,428
Julie quickly abandoned brushing your hair, practically throwing the brush on the couch as she lept off of it, taking off in the direction of where you assumed her room was. 
You moved to pick up the brush from the couch, scooting yourself to be more comfortable as you brushed through the back of your hair on your own, 
You had to admit, Wally and Julie did do a good job of getting most of the knots out, but some were harder to get than others sadly. 
Seeing as Julie was absent from the couch, Wally moved closer to you again, both of your arms practically touching as he stared at you, the buzzing behind your eyes suddenly didn't feel comforting anymore. 
Wally stared at you for a minute or two longer as you brushed the knots out of your hair, struggling with a few of them before he spoke, 
“are you excited to meet home?” 
You tried desperately to focus all your attention on your hair, pleading internally for him to stop staring at you, your hands shook as they held the hairbrush. 
“I mean yeah, They’re Julie's friend, and Julie seems nice so,” 
Your words felt clunky and scattered as they left your mouth, Wally staring made you anxious, and you didn't know if it was because of your normal anxiety, or the fact he might be the reason you were here to begin with. 
“they're my best friend too,” 
Wally leaned back on the couch, breaking his stare for a moment as he sunk into the soft plush of the sofa. 
“there was this one time me and julie were painting, and home, being the trickster they are, moved one of their shutters to splash paint on me!” 
Wally broke out in his monotone laughter again, if you had any comfort from Wally looking away from you it just left. 
“Wait, Home is an actual home?” 
You put the hairbrush in your lap as you, regrettably, made eye contact with Wally again, you knew you were currently living with talking puppets, but a sentient house? That was a whole new world of insanity. 
“ha ha ha, yes, of course, i live with them after all.” 
Suddenly it all clicked in your brain. Home was the red house in the center of the Town with large eyes, and worst of all Wally lived there. 
“neighbor? are you alright?” 
Wally waved his hand in front of your eyes, you must have dissociated and never noticed. 
“Haha, uh yeah Im alright Wally. Sorry, this is all new to me,” 
A pathetic excuse, but it seemed to calm Wally. Your hands busied themselves with picking at a few loose threads on the clothes Sally gave you, they shook as you tried desperately to calm yourself. 
“So, your hair…” 
You tried to busy your mind with more questions to Wally, you didn't know a whole lot about him after all, and he still had his hair curlers in, though he began pulling a few out. 
“Do you have to style it in the morning? Or is it just like that?” 
Wally hummed lightly as he thought before speaking, 
“well, i take a shower, then i curl my hair, then i have to gel it and sometimes i use hairspray..” 
Wally seemed to enjoy talking the most about his hair routine, you zoned out until Wally was finished going into detail on his complex hair routine in the morning. 
“Wait, you have a shower? I thought you guys were felt and didn't really.. Need those,” 
“ha ha ha, what a silly silly thought neighbor,” 
Removing the final curler from his blue hair, he set them all on Julie's table before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a makeup mirror, moving his hair into the proper spots before he would need to gel it, 
You had to admit, he looked nice with his hair down, 
“what are we supposed to do if we get paint on us? leave it? we need showers just as anyone else would,” 
…You would have to ask Howdy when you got home later to use his then. The feeling of dirt on your skin became very irritating very fast. 
“Well, that's good to know I guess,” 
You pulled your legs up on the couch, curling in on yourself while you picked at your nails, removing any dirt that may have been stuck from the previous day. 
“what are those?” 
Wally once again was back to breathing down your neck to your dismay. He practically leaned on you as he hovered his hand over your arm, almost as if he was asking to touch you, 
You allowed him, not seeing a reason to not let him as you moved your arm to his hand. You could swear his smile got wider. 
“wow, you humans really are intricate,” 
Wally moved from your arm to your wrist examining your hand, focusing his attention on your nails specifically. 
“why are the tips of your hands harder than your skin?” 
He tapped at your nails with his finger, and you couldn't help but giggle at his childlike wonder at how you worked, all of the neighbors acted excited to know more about you it seemed.  
“Well those are nails Wally, they're kinda like.. Claws, and they grow a lot, so does my hair,”   
Just as you finished speaking with Wally about your nails and hair, Julie came running back into the room, holding various cans of paint in her small arms,
“C'mon, cmon!! I can't wait to give Home a good ol’ Spa Day!” 
Wally stood from the couch to help Julie with the various paints she was holding, he tried desperately to flip his hair out of his eyes, and he failed, miserably. 
So being the kind and anxious person you were, you quickly pulled his bangs from his face, trying to not think about it too much as you walked to the door to hold it for them. 
Wally seemed to appreciate your kind act as he gave you a friendly smile that was somehow brighter than normal. He walked beside you and Julie as you walked to Home, and oh boy you were not excited to meet home anymore. 
You moved one of your hands to hold the bridge of your nose, feeling the hum behind your eyes pick up in frequency as you approached the red house. 
Desperately trying to console yourself before you would be forced to speak and interact with Home, you took a few deep breaths, composing yourself as you approached the red house. 
Julie was walking to a song in her head as she walked with a bounce, it reminded you of how a cartoon character would walk, she turned to you, her eyes practically sparkling.
“Are you excited to meet Home? I'm excited, that's for sure!” 
Wally turned around too, you suddenly felt very pressured to feign excitement. I mean it would be rude to not, Julie was friends with Home and Wally lived with… in…? 
With. Wally lived with home, 
“Uh.. Yeah, I am..!” 
You forced yourself to smile, the corners of your mouth twitching in betrayal to the joy you were feigning. You just hoped neither of them noticed,
Julie smiled and went back to walking at her upbeat and charismatic pace, while Wally's eyes lingered on you a while longer, You looked anywhere but at him. 
It didn't take long to approach Home, with Wally calling out to them as Julie practically dropped the paint she was holding to run and hug the side of the house, 
“Home!! It's been too long..! We have this amazing idea..-” 
Homes shutters creaked as they waved them in a fond greeting to Julie as she continued to ramble, Wally smiled fondly as he walked past Julie to the front of Home, 
You followed behind Wally reluctantly, trying to convince yourself Home might be chill, maybe you were being too anxious, after all this was a world full of puppets. 
You couldn't be more wrong, unfortunately.
The trees and flowers surrounding it did nothing to distract you from its eyes. They were big pools of black emptiness, with no pupils.
 A faint black ink seeped from the bottom of the windows, leaving an uncanny valley to creep into your head the more you stared. 
If Wally was talking, you weren't paying attention. He set down the various cans of paints as he waved his hand in front of your face, 
“neighbor? it's rude to stare..” 
You snapped out of it as Wally focused his attention directly on you, 
“Oh, sorry Wally, it's.. nice to meet you... Home,” 
Home waved the front door, clicking and shutting it a few times as Wally smiled,
“they say hello,” 
Julie made her way to the front of the house, the paint cans clinking together as she focused on not spilling them. 
“You can understand them?” 
 To you all that Home sounded like a series of clicks and creaks, but maybe it was Morse code..? 
Wally let out a laugh, 
“haha, of course i can silly, me and home talk quite often actually,” 
Surprisingly that didn't creep you out as much as you thought it would, it only made sense for Wally to begin to understand Homes way of speaking after a while. How long had Wally lived here anyways..? 
“well! ill be back soon neighbor, i must gel my hair before it dries,” 
Wally walked to the door and Home politely opened it for him, Homes eyes going cross as they tried to look at Wally before closing the door behind him. Leaving you and Julie alone with Home. 
“As i was saying Home! I have sooo many blues that I think would look darling on your shutters!” 
Julie sat criss-cross on the ground in front of Homes… eye? As she popped open a few cans of paint. The smell reminds you of when you had to paint your old room. 
You tried to desperately shake off the feeling of being out of place, sitting down didn't calm you either. You still felt like you were being analyzed and picked apart, but Home wasn't even looking at you. 
Oh but when they did... It was a whole different story. 
Your hair stood on end as Home took its attention off of Julie. Staring at you. You suddenly felt small as the smell of the warehouse somehow hit your nose. 
Visions of Homes' old Rusted eyes that were forced shut from years of wear and abandonment danced across your vision. This all felt too much. 
You lightly stimmed your hands as you desperately tried to calm down. You were fine, Julie wouldn't let anything bad happen to you after all, right? 
Looking up at where Julie once was, you saw nothing. Julie was gone. Leaving you alone with Home. 
You stood quickly, tripping over your feet as your vision became more spotted, Black spots pranced around your vision as you swear you could have seen Red strings attaching themselves to nothing in Homes eyes. 
An empty void. Filled with nothing but swirls and Red, you were its next victim. 
Your legs shook, and the ground beneath you somehow felt uneven and like it would collapse at any minute. 
You had to get back to Howdy. 
You took off in the direction of Howdys shop. Who cares if Wally and Julie would look for you later, you needed to get somewhere safe.
Before you could get far, however, you felt the hum behind your eyes increase. Feeling like a swarm of bees behind your eyes, no. Wasps.
 Stinging at your brain as you tried to think of ways to escape. 
You collapsed. Your heart felt as if it was practically beating out of your chest. 
Your hands gripping desperately onto the soft grass, trying to get your bearings as your eyes felt like they were swirling. 
As the pain amplified in your head,  you gave up. Laying down on the grass as you felt something faintly grasping sharply at your Ankles, you had no energy to fight anymore. 
Before you slipped under the warm blanket of unconsciousness, however, Your brain was quickly snapped out of the spell it was under as Homes door swung open. 
You turned around, your head feeling faint as you saw Wally standing in the doorway, his hair faintly in the position of its usual Pompadour, stray hairs fell in his eyes as he panted. 
“Neighbor! Are you Alri..-”
You didn't give him a chance to respond. Practically crawling away from him before you could kick yourself back up on your feet, Running straight to Howdys. 
You could faintly hear Wally yell after you as you picked up speed, barely brushing past Eddie as he walked to his Post Office. If he said anything to you it was Ignored. 
Practically falling onto the glass door of Howdys shop, you gripped firmly onto the handle. Scared of your shaking legs collapsing. 
Howdy was nowhere to be seen. Tears prick at the corner of your eyes as you could hear Wally and Eddie yelling after you, You slammed the door shut without care and took off to Howdys Office. 
You run to the bathroom and click the lock shut with inhuman speed. This was the only place with a lock that you knew of, and you needed space. 
You wanted to go home. You collapsed onto your butt, pushing yourself away from the bathroom door as you felt a cool breeze hit your skin. 
You shook as your hands slammed over your ears and a ringing picked up in them. You were scared, and as much as you wished Howdy was here, you couldn't keep burdening him with your issues. 
You could now hear Wally outside the door, oh how you wished it was Eddie instead. 
“Neig…bor? If you can hear me, say something,”
As he spoke his voice sounded.. Different. It no longer held a calm tone to it, he sounded worried. 
You stomped your foot in response, you didn't feel verbal as of now but you wanted to hear what he had to say. 
“Good..! good, i know you must be.. scared.” 
Understatement of the year ladies and gentlemen! You rolled your eyes to no one.
Wally sighed before continuing, 
“would you mind if i came in? it will only be me, eddie went to franks,” 
Again, you wished Eddie was here instead. The kind mailman wouldn't hurt a fly, Wally, however, you didn't know. 
…If he lived with Home he may know something though. 
You scooted closer to the door, pressing your back against it, 
“I'd rather talk with the door closed... Your staring is creepy.” 
You didn't feel like sugarcoating right now, your anxiety would normally do so if you weren't so amped on adrenaline, and probably hunger. 
Wally laughed an airy laugh, this laugh felt different from his other ones though, he sounded.. Normal. 
“Haha.. what if i promise to keep my eyes on the floor?” 
A thump hit the door as you felt something push against it, seemed like Wally was getting comfortable. 
You heard shuffling, 
“what if i say please?” 
You lay your head on top of your knees, groaning at Wally's poor attempt to persuade you into opening the door. 
“....if you open the door.. i can tell you what happened with home.” 
Your head snapped up from your knees as you almost hit the door in shock, you quickly stood and unlocked the door on shaky knees. 
“You need to tell me everything you know.” 
Wally looked up from his spot on the floor as he flailed to stop himself from falling as the door opened. 
Suddenly his smile didn't seem that forced, and his messy hair looked natural, 
It took you and Wally a few minutes to settle in the bathroom, it was a bit awkward sharing the small space with someone you once held distaste for, but here you were. 
“So, spill puppet man.” 
You stared at him with hopefully the same intensity he once did to you, it seemed to be working as he averted his gauze. His hand raised to fidget with a few loose strands of hair, 
“you must understand, home is good at heart.” 
“I didn't ask that.” 
Your posture went rigid as Wally went to Homes defense. If Wally was going to act like Home was a good guy after what just happened you would go back to sulking. 
“right, sorry.” 
Wally met your eyes again as he stopped fidgeting and clasped his hands in his lap, 
“home wants us all to be happy, this place is made to be happy,” 
His eyes met the floor again as he continued, 
“so, sometimes when home meets someone who… isn't. happy,” 
Wallys' hands picked at a few loose threads, looking as if he was reminiscing on a bad memory. 
“they try to fix it. they bring them here, or they try to fix you” 
Suddenly you couldn't breathe. 
“So Home brought me here?” 
Wally looked at you, his nonexistent eyebrows creasing in worry and sadness,
“yes and no, see-” 
You stood, all feelings of anxiety practically flooded into the floor as you became angry, 
“What do you mean Yes and No.” 
Wally grew nervous, feeling the tension rising in the small space you both occupied at the moment, 
“dont get the wrong idea Y/N..! i didn't know this would happe..-!” 
“You didn't know this would happen..? What do you mean You?” 
Wally grew more anxious. He looked like he was about to cry, which is when you started to try to calm yourself down. Taking deep breaths and dropping the fists that your hands had formed impulsively. 
“Wally, I need you to be honest, did you have something to do with how I got here?” 
Wally didn't need to say anything, you already knew from the way his pupils shrunk to pinpricks. He kept trying to form a sentence, only to fail. 
“Wally. I need to get home, how did I get here?” 
Wally let out a nonexistent breath that he seemed to be holding, 
“i.. i don't know much myself. Home, in a way to protect us, blocks our memories.” 
Of course he didn't know, this was just your luck. 
You slid back down the wall holding your head, your fingers digging into your various locks of hair as you groaned. 
“Wally you need to tell the others. This isn't right, they deserve to know.” 
“what makes you think they don't?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at Wally, feeling anger bubble in your chest, 
“Because who would be okay with this? This... This is inhumane! Having memories wiped..? All in the vain attempt to be happy!?” 
Wally sighed as his head drooped, a few stray hairs falling out of the loose pompadour he once had. 
“neighbor you must understand, this place is safe. there is nothing to worry about here, everyone is friendly, why wouldn't you want to stay?” 
Wally had you there, this place did seem miles better than the life you lived in your town. 
“Because I have a life at home, Wally. My Home. And I don't exactly fit in here. Yknow, because I'm not a puppet” 
You raised your hand to point a finger at him, 
“By the way if I turn into a puppet, the nonexistent crime rate here is gonna skyrocket.” 
Wally again let out a genuine laugh before speaking, 
“no, no you won't turn into a puppet, honestly i don't know where home found you, your nothing like we’ve seen before.” 
You groaned and dropped your pointing hand, 
“Great so I'm basically still as lost as I was yesterday. This is getting nowhere.” 
Wally stood and moved to sit beside you, putting his hand on your shoulder,
“if it makes you feel any better frank may be able to help, i can ask if we can speak with him tomorrow,” 
“That seems to be the best bet sadly,” 
You both flinched as you heard knocking at the Bathroom door before a familiar voice spoke, 
“Y/N..? Are you in there?” 
Wally stood quickly as he dusted himself off, straightening his cardigan before attempting to fix his hair the best he could, you tried to stifle a laugh at the man's obsession with his vanity.
“Yeah, me and Wally are in here Howd’s,” 
You walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it widely to show Howdy you and Wally were, in fact, in the bathroom. 
Howdy smiled and gave Wally a fond smile, before focusing his attention on you, his eyes going wide with worry. 
“Y/N! Are you alright, your looking pale..” 
One of his hands shot to your head while the others gripped onto your arms, he seemed scared that you were going to faint at any moment, 
“Ah.. I'm alright Howdy, just had a bit of a panic attack, Wally helped me though,” 
Wally walked beside you and gave a smile to Howdy, 
“it wasn't any trouble at all, just helping where i can,” 
Howdy finished analyzing your face and holding a palm to your forehead to acknowledge Wally fully, 
“Thank you Wally, I must have been too busy organizing the Stock to notice Y/N enter the Shop,” 
Howdy stepped away from the door to give Wally and you room to exit, Wally walking ahead of you, 
“again it was no problem howdy..! happy to help,” 
Howdy laughed before jabbing his elbow into Wallys' arm, 
“You're also happy to help yourself to some apples..! Isn't that right Mr.Darling?” 
Wallys' smile curved mischievously as he walked out of the Office, leaving you and Howdy alone in his Office, 
“..What happened to get you so shakin’ up Honeybee..?” 
You met Howdys eyes again and he looked concerned as always, you wished you weren't such a bother to him. 
“The usual, Wally talked me through it though, but I'm still nowhere closer to getting home.” 
Howdy walked closer to you, putting a comforting hand on your back, 
“If it makes ya’ feel any better, Poppy made you a blueberry cupcake, Her baking always makes me feel better at least,” 
You giggled as your anxiety ebbed from your body at Howdys comforting gesture, 
“Sure, can't wait to try the Towns famous bakers cupcake,” 
Wally stepped into the dark living room. His hands still fluttered around a few loose threads before Home shut the door behind him. 
A flurry of Slams came from his bedroom door.  
“Wait..! Im happy..! They didnt do anything, i promi..-!” 
Woo!! Another chapter ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง im happy to have this one out before the Weekend begins!
Don't forget my Requests are open for Oneshots and Headcanons!
Keep an Eye out for This weeks Oneshot!
Howdy X Reader (Angst)
Psst.. hey you... Do you wanna get Chapters the second they come out? Check out my Ao3!
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solomons-poison · 1 year
May I request the datables helping a reader who's broken something? Broke my wrist recently, and could do with a little comfort
Dateables Helping MC with a Broken Wrist
A/N: I'm so sorry to hear that happened, I hope everything heals up quickly for you! I've never broken a bone before but I can imagine breaking something you use fairly often is incredibly annoying. I hope you enjoy this!
Featuring: GN reader || Diavolo x reader, Barbatos x reader, Simeon x reader, Solomon x reader
Warnings: none
Honestly, he hasn't encountered someone with a broken bone that couldn't heal from it pretty quickly, given he's surrounded by fellow demons. So when he hears what happened to you, he's very curious about the average time it takes to heal, the things you have to wear to help it heal correctly, and just overall wondering about human physiology, he's full of endless questions. He's got endless resources at his fingertips, so if there's anything that you need during the healing process, he's happy to get it for you, sometimes even going above and beyond to the point of ridiculous.
If it was your dominant/writing hand, he might hire someone to write your notes for you from class, even if you protest it. He'll also happily abandon his paperwork to be with you, assisting you with things like if you're struggling to reach something, holding groceries for you, tying your shoes for you, etc. Honestly, he's just excited about being able to dote on someone for a change, instead of the other way around.
Despite his excited demeanor, he really is worried about you. As mentioned, he's used to beings that don't even blink at a broken bone, so dealing with a seemingly fragile being is very new to him. But he's eager to learn more about you and what he can do for you to make you feel better.
It is second nature for Barbatos to take care of others, so when he hears you're injured, it doesn't take any thinking to include you in that group. In fact, although he'd be loathe to admit it, he finds himself prioritizing you over his Young Lord, not that Diavolo minds at all. In fact, he likes seeing Barbatos in this caring, doting mode.
He'll set you up with a fancy physician thanks to the castle connections, to make sure you have everything you need to heal properly and keep an eye on your healing process.
He'll make for you nutritious foods rich in protein and calcium to help you, doing lots of research on human world foods that would be aid the healing process the best. But he'll be sure to sneak in some sweet treats for you, too, to boost your mood. He hates seeing you in pain or your mood soured by what had happened, especially when hears how mental health can affect physical health and healing. So he wants to make sure all your needs are taken care of.
Simeon is, as always, the resident sweetheart. He's so worried about you when he hears about your injury and comes rushing to your side as soon as he can. It's only after you've assured him a minimum of several times that you're really ok, will he finally calm down
He's more than happy to assist you during class/at RAD, helping you take notes even if it's not your writing hand that was affected. He'll also carry your books for you, sometimes even showing up at the House of Lamentation early in the morning to walk you to the school, and then walking you back home at the end of the day.
If he really wants to be sweet, he might even try to feed you his cooking and baked sweets that he's obtained from Luke, making you tea and just providing you lots of comfort during this time. This also includes cuddles and sometimes he'll even kiss your wrist cast with the sweetest smile on his face. He knows it must be rough recovering from this, and he just wants to be by your side the whole time.
He will offer to fix your broken bones with magic. Up to you if you accept. 🤷‍♀️
No but really, he'll take the opportunity to be a cheeky gentleman, following you around and helping you out wherever he can. Although it's just the one wrist that was affected, he'll still pull open doors for you, pull out your seat for you to sit down, offer to help you get dressed if he really wants to be cheeky.
And of course, if you're in any discomfort, he'll be making you potions to provide some comfort, or even obtaining human medicine, anything to make you more comfortable during the healing process. He'll also try to make you "nutritious" food similar to Barbatos, but the other Purgatory Hall residents will have to intervene to distract him so you don't die of something unrelated to your injury. He's just worried about you, but he'll use his aloof attitude to cover up his own worries and hopefully help you feel more at ease.
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skepsiss · 11 months
His People. Chapter 2: Like. Lust. Love
No one asked for this, but the idea wouldn't get out of my brain so I wrote it. I need to take a break tho but don't want to leave this without sharing. It's almost 3,000 words, so breaking it up into part 3 should be fine.
Lil' Monster Eddie. In the first chapter we see how Eddie has come back as something less than human. He doesn't have his memories and he is struggling a lot to interact with people "appropriately." In this chapter, Steve and Eddie are spending one on one time together and Eddie might... get a little carried away.
Chapter 1
Rate: T CW: Slight non-con/con, mention of gore, memory loss, miscommunication.
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They were seated on the bed in Steve’s room, the smells and warmth almost oppressive. Everything smelt like Steve with a tinge of chemicals behind it. Clean. Eddie liked it. He liked the differences even if it was a lot, and he got used to it soon enough.
Eddie was stretched and lounging with his arm under his head and his chest to the mattress, flipping through one of Steve’s magazines. He found them fascinating, even if he didn’t really care for the subject matter. It was more the high gloss images and the way the men and women were positioned across the page. How he’d flip a page and there would be a wall of text, but wedged in beside it would be a man holding a baseball bat, the words perfectly blocked out around him. He liked them a lot and Steve had been kind enough to invite him over so he could look through his collection. 
Steve himself was seated with his back to the headboard, his legs stretched out so his feet were near Eddie’s head. He was reading one of the magazines, not flipping through the images nearly as quickly as Eddie was. Steve was reading and considering the page while Eddie watched his brows pinch in or raise with interest every once and a while. Expressive. He was taking his time to move from page to page and Eddie wondered if the subject matter was really all that intriguing, staring unabashedly at him.  
Eddie liked looking at Steve.
He wasn’t sure why exactly, but he’d stare sometimes at Steve and feel at peace looking at him. It was different from how he felt when he looked at the rest of the party. He felt possessive of all of them–protective and soft–but Steve was different. It was as if he had a calming presence to him. It felt the opposite compared to how Eddie felt after he ate. How he’d feel energetic and moody as if he was excited in the most destructive way possible. But around Steve, it was the opposite. 
Eddie didn’t remember a lot about Steve. 
He could remember Dustin–Henderson, as he was supposed to call him–and shared many memories with him. He remembered the band and he was often charmed by the memories that randomly popped up when he was around them. He could remember Mike, Lucas, Erica–he remembered a lot of them, but for some reason, he couldn’t remember anything about Steve. 
He wanted to be around Steve though, he liked it, and he liked it when Steve looked at him too. 
Steve must have felt his eyes on him because he glanced up from the magazine and looked at Eddie.
Eddie smiled, keeping his mouth shut so his teeth wouldn’t show, but still wanting to express his joy in Steve looking at him. 
“What?” Steve chuckled, flipping the page of his magazine as he smiled back at Eddie. 
“I like watching you. You look nice,” Eddie complimented as a means to explain why he was staring. 
“Uh… thanks,” Steve replied, the hesitation in his voice obvious before he looked back down at the page.
Eddie blinked at him and slowly sat up, feeling a little anxious all of a sudden. 
“Is that weird?” he asked, uncertain. He hadn’t really nailed this whole… social interaction thing. He’d often overstep or overshare and someone would have to explain why to him. He was learning all the rules slowly, but it was a lot to keep track of.
People liked compliments. Saying them was fine, right? Was calling Steve ‘nice’ not appropriate? 
“A little,” Steve replied to Eddie’s question, but he sounded good-humored even if there was a bit of awkwardness in his tone. “You’re not supposed to say that stuff out loud.” 
Eddie frowned, not really understanding what he meant by that. He had to keep it to himself? That didn’t seem fair. 
Steve must have caught on to Eddie’s confusion because he looked up from his magazine again before sighing lightly through his nose. 
“You shouldn’t really say ‘I like looking at you,’ a lot of people find that creepy,” Steve explained, pressing his lips together. 
“Oh,” Eddie answered, feeling badly, “did I creep you out?”
“It’s fine, just be careful who you say that stuff to.”
Eddie nodded and sat back with his legs crossed, trying to commit the ‘taboo’ to memory.
“Was the compliment okay?” Eddie asked, feeling like he needed the clarification.
“Uh… sure,” Steve replied, hesitating before trying to explain better. “Guys don’t really… say that stuff to each other.”
“Oh… why not?” Eddie asked, feeling like he was being annoying. Steve’s face was turning a bit red and Eddie didn’t really understand why. 
“You just… don’t?” Steve frowned, obviously flushed, “you save it for… someone you like.” 
“I like you,” Eddie replied quickly, not wanting Steve to think he disliked him for some reason, especially not when Eddie wanted to be around him so badly. 
“No, Eddie,” Steve sighed, sounding a bit exasperated, “not like that. Not like how you like Mike, or Dustin, or Nancy or someone. It’s different, you like them differently.”
Eddie frowned, not really understanding what Steve meant by that. There were different levels to liking someone? He supposed that made sense. He had felt a difference between people when he was around them. He felt differently when he was with Nancy compared to Mike. He liked being around Mike more, but he liked Nancy fine; he wanted to listen to her and didn’t feel as resistant to doing the things she asked compared to Mike. He liked them both, but he couldn’t really compare the two of them–but they were still nothing like Steve.
“I like you different,” Eddie explained, shifting onto all fours to crawl up toward the headboard where Steve was sitting. “Different from everyone else.”
Steve frowned deeper and Eddie tilted his head with curiosity at that. Why wouldn’t Steve want to be told he was liked?
“I mean, how you’d like a girl,” Steve tried to explain, shifting one of his legs so it was tucked up closer to his chest. 
“A girl?” Eddie asked, continuing his ascent up the bed before kneeling by Steve’s hip. 
Out of all the girls he knew, he didn’t feel any specific way about them. He liked Robin, he liked Nancy, he liked Max and the mothers of the people he knew, but nothing specific stuck out to him about them. “So… I’m supposed to tell Robin that she looks nice?” He asked, not thinking that compliment was untrue, but he had never felt compelled to tell her something like that.
“No, not Robin,” Steve sighed and Eddie watched as he shifted away ever so slightly, the motions almost imperceptible. Steve wasn’t looking at him anymore and Eddie felt a pit form in his stomach because of that. He wanted Steve to look at him, he liked that better. 
“I like you more than girls,” Eddie offered as an explanation, “look at me…”
He could see red breaking out across Steve’s face, making his freckles look darker and the lines in his face look softer. Eddie had never seen something like that before, red…. 
He reached for Steve slowly, wanting to see him properly as Steve lulled his head a bit back in Eddie’s direction. 
“It’s a different kind of–” he began saying, stopping when Eddie held his cheeks. His face got redder and Eddie felt his eyes go a bit wide as he felt how warm Steve was under his touch. It was different than other times–then when he’d touched Robin’s face to retrieve a loose eyelash or poke fun at Dustin. He was so warm. 
Eddie felt his breathing get a bit heavier and his pulse pick up, the feeling a muddled mixture of how he felt after he ate and how he felt just being around Steve. It made his eyelids droop and his skin prickle, his mind reeling as it started to connect dots. 
He could… remember something. It was ephemeral and hazy, different from how he usually remembered things, but it was there. He could see it in his mind, especially as his gaze shifted to look Steve in the eyes. 
He’d done this before. He’d held Steve like this. He could see it–he could see them–the two of them pressed against one another, the vague outline of Steve’s body in a dark room. The thrill and excitement of wrapping his arm around Steve and feeling him tug his hair. His body–their bodies–unclothed as Eddie touched him. He could remember Steve’s face being red just like this and he could remember kissing him. Oh… he wanted to kiss Steve. 
“I remember…” Eddie said quietly, the sound of his own voice odd to his ears. 
Steve was staring at him, not moving, and Eddie could hear the sound of his heartbeat pounding away in his chest. He wasn’t scared, but there was some kind of emotion there that Eddie didn’t understand. He couldn’t really focus on that though, his body felt electric with these memories, with how dreamy they made him feel. 
Like. Lust. Love. He didn’t really know, but he understood those words–had them in his brain all of a sudden. Steve was different… very different. 
Without delaying anymore, Eddie closed the distance between them, kissing Steve on the lips and feeling him recoil slightly in his hold. 
“Eddie–” Steve sputtered slightly, his hands going to Eddie’s shoulders. 
“It’s okay,” Eddie breathed, kissing him again, licking his bottom lip, “my teeth–it won’t… it’s okay.”
He wouldn’t hurt Steve, he never would, and he knew unless he bit down Steve didn’t have anything to worry about. 
He leaned in closer, pushing his tongue into Steve’s mouth and feeling his stomach clench at the sensation. He’d done this before. He’d felt this before. It was so familiar; he knew what he was doing without having to think about it. 
He was shifting closer to Steve, moving so he could almost lay on his chest as he sat against the headboard, feeling so at peace and so excited at the same time.
“No–Ed–” Steve started to say between kisses, his hands still on Eddie’s shoulders. 
“It’s okay,” Eddie reassured again, letting his hand drop to Steve’s waist and brush up and under his shirt, feeling the roughness of his skin. 
Steve squirmed, his own hand dropping to Eddie’s wrist to hold it. 
Another memory filtered through Eddie’s mind, one that felt sharper and tinged with fear and sorrow. He could remember Steve getting hurt and he could remember how scared he had been to see Steve like that. The blood and the gore of it all. How he had wanted to comfort Steve and kiss him as they walked through the forest together. He had wanted Steve to be okay. To take care of him. 
“Does it hurt still?” Eddie asked quietly against Steve’s lips, raising his hand away from the rough skin, afraid that he wasn’t healed enough to be touched there. 
“What? No, Eddie–” Steve replied and Eddie kissed him again, glad to hear that as he brushed his thumb over Steve’s stomach. He loved the feeling of Steve’s stomach: the softness of his hair, and the smooth skin underneath that made way for raised, rough patches of scars. 
“That’s good,” Eddie mumbled into the kiss, his eyes already closed without realizing it. Steve was still squirming under him though, restless and energetic.
Steve had been right. Liking someone was different than liking someone and Eddie wanted to reassure him that it was the latter. He couldn’t say he lusted him, so Eddie scraped his brain for the phrase he needed to express his feelings. 
“I want you,” Eddie breathed, the phrase sounding appropriate enough as if it communicated the right feeling. 
“I like you–different,” he tried to speak between kisses–between having his tongue as deep as it would go into Steve’s mouth–as he easily moved against Steve’s hold. “I want you… I wanted you… I remember… I wanted you when you got hurt, I wanted you.”
Steve’s squirming lessened slightly and Eddie shifted closer, letting his legs splay out behind him so he could hook his knee around Steve’s leg. 
“You were–” Eddie breathed, breaking the kiss, but continuing to hold Steve’s face so they were nose to nose, “--nice to look at… then too. I thought you were nice to look at.”
He remembered giving Steve his vest and how he had thought he looked good like that. How he was bloody and bruised, filthy and wet, but Eddie had wanted him so badly. He had settled for looking at him and he had thought he looked amazing. Badass. He liked Steve. 
Steve was frozen in his hold as Eddie stared at him, breathing against his mouth as he felt this flurry of remembered emotions. It was so much to process, but every second he remembered more it made his body tingle with warmth
He pecked Steve quickly before moving his hand over one of Steve’s scars and ducking down towards his stomach. Steve jolted and Eddie gasped as his lips touched his waist and he felt the skin break out in bumps under his touch. That was new. Goosebumps. They were contagious and Eddie felt the hair on his arm stand up as his skin was painted with them. 
“I’ll be gentle,” Eddie said softly, speaking against Steve’s skin before he felt Steve’s fingers in his curls. He made a sound in the back of his throat, approving of the touch until suddenly Steve’s grip tightened and he was yanked back by his hair.
Eddie hissed with pain and he watched as Steve brought his legs up to cover his stomach, one of his knees wedging firmly between their chest. 
“Eddie!” Steve exclaimed, holding Eddie’s head back and away from himself.
“Ow—Steve,” Eddie whined, frowning deeply, noticing the wild look in Steve’s eyes for the first time.
“Stop!” Steve said firmly, sounding angrier than Eddie had ever heard him.
“All…alright,” Eddie mumbled, a little shell-shocked as he stared at Steve. Had he hurt him? He didn’t mean to. Touching like this was supposed to feel good. He had felt good touching Steve, but maybe Steve hadn’t?
“What are you doing?” Steve asked, finally letting go of Eddie’s hair and pushing back and away from him until he was standing beside the bed. 
Eddie stared at him, unsure how to answer that question or if he was supposed to. 
“Kissing?” Eddie replied, shrinking in on himself slightly. Maybe he had just been doing a bad job of it. So bad that Steve didn’t even know what he was doing. 
“No—-Eddie,” Steve sighed, putting one hand on his hip while the other went to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
He was panting and Eddie could still hear Steve’s heart pounding, even from where he was seated. Steve smelt different too. He smelt… heavier. He liked the smell, it made him want to get closer… but he stayed seated, starting to squirm slightly as he waited for Steve to explain.
“I thought…” Eddie started, feeling as if he needed to explain, “since we’ve done it before…”
Steve looked up at him sharply, his brows creased and pressed in. He fumbled for words, his mouth opening and closing as if he was trying to push the sounds out of himself. 
“What?” he asked finally and the question made Eddie’s back straight and his shoulders bunch up to his ears. 
“We what?” Steve asked, his tone sharp and starting to truly frighten Eddie.
“Kissed… and… more,” Eddie explained, leaning back as he pushed across the bed, away from Steve, some of the magazines clattering to the ground behind him. 
“We’ve—” Steve started, staring at Eddie with wide eyes once again. “No, we haven’t!” 
“We haven’t?” Eddie asked, unsure of himself, his heart pounding out of his chest in a completely different way than it had been moments earlier. “I thought—I remembered us…”
He didn’t like the way Steve was looking at him, it was intense and nothing like how he usually was. He didn’t like this Steve. 
“That—-we’ve never–” Steve groaned and turned away from him, rubbing his hands over his face a few times. He was pacing in the room, the sound of his groans muffled by his palms as Eddie continued to push away until he was in the corner of the bed. He tucked up against the headboard and pulled his knees up, making himself smaller. 
That didn’t make sense. He could remember kissing Steve. He could remember touching him and seeing his body–he could remember all of it. The memories weren’t sharp–they felt wispy almost–but they were there. They were different compared to Eddie’s other memories, but Steve was different so it made sense for them to feel different too. But he couldn’t put a time or a place to these memories… he couldn’t produce the adjoining lead-up to them kissing. It was as if these memories were removed from time and space… why didn’t they make sense?
Eddie's eyes snapped up toward Steve, his blood running cold as he realized what all of this meant. 
Fantasies. They had been fantasies. 
These memories hadn’t actually happened, they weren’t real, they were things he had conjured in his own mind. They had been private. They were never things he was supposed to act on….
Eddie felt his face heat up and he touched his own cheeks as he realized that the sensation was. Embarrassment. Shame. Overwhelm. He had been embarrassing to Steve. He had kissed—
“Fuck!” Eddie yelled, the word jumping out of his mouth and shocking him slightly before he pushed his face into his knees. 
His shout had surprised Steve and he had seen him turn towards him before Eddie was covering his face from shame.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Eddie muttered, his voice loud but muffled still by his own hands. “I’m sorry—forget about it—you can just forget about it. Please forget about it. I’m sorry–”
--To be continued in Chapter 3. Picking right back up from here--
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