#I need mod recs
skyrim-forever · 6 months
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Dust to Dust
An angsty drabble focused on Dream to celebrate reaching 100 followers. This has not been beta read but I briefly skimmed through it for mistakes. This was written in one sitting, & may be fast paced as I was very high energy while writing it. Trigger warning for character death! Happy reading!
At first, Dream doesn't even notice that his brother has stopped attacking. With all the chaos going on around him, attacks flying from every angle & shouts coming from different directions, it's not a surprise.
So Dream keeps fighting, not stopping until he's startled by a loud cry from Killer. "Boss!" A little shaken, Dream looks around himself quickly to make sure no one is sneaking up on him before looking towards where the yell had come from.
He spots Killer easily, seeing him crouched over...Nightmare? That can't be right though, Nightmare was just attacking him moments ago! It has to be some kind of trick, he thinks to himself.
But as the moments pass & the fighting dies down as more people start to notice what's going on, Dream starts to worry.
Had he actually hurt his brother? Why wasn't Nightmare getting up? He'd walked off Dream's arrows before, why was this one any different?
Dream stumbles towards where Nightmare lay, now surrounded by the gang that his brother had collected, subconsciously. He doesn't pay attention to his teammates yelling for him to come back to them, nor his brother's followers yelling at him to stay away.
The only important thing is that none of them try to stop him as he approaches, falling to his knees & putting both of his hands on Nightmare, bow long having dissipated from his lack of concentration to keep it from fading away.
Shaking his brother's shoulder slightly, as if that would make him sit up & say that it was all some horrible joke to make him feel bad, Dream whispers out a broken, "B-Brother?"
But there's no response, not even a groan or a twitch to show that Nightmare was even still alive. He had to be though, Dream couldn't have actually killed him, right? This was all some big trick, or maybe a bad dream, as ironic as that would be.
As unaware as he is, it takes a moment for Dream to register the body beneath his hands starting to dust, parts of his brother drifting away in the slight breeze slipping between the monsters surrounding them both.
Dream starts to tear up at this, a sob building as he frantically tries to stop it, to no avail. Muttering senselessly under his breath, drops of liquid magic drip down his cheeks as his hands & forearms become covered in more & more dust. "No no no no no-"
Panicked as Dream is, he doesn't register the whispers around him, both his own teammates & Nightmare's muttering about what was going on. Had Dream truly defeated his brother once & for all? It certainly seemed so.
Unable to contain it any longer, he bends down until his skull is resting against Nightmare's body & lets out a scream of anguish, fists clenching around nothing as the arm they previously clung to faded into dust.
Dream screams for as long as he can, panting for breath between sobs as his tears hit the dusting body of his brother below him, mixing with the dust & causing it to clump. As he tries to regain his breath, he finally registers the sharp pain all over his body & looks down...
Oh. It would seem that he was dusting as well.
Dream has the sudden urge to scream again, but can't seem to find the energy as he slumps over Nightmare's partially dusted body.
Perhaps this was his punishment for killing his twin, the one that he had grown up with & known for both of their lives. Perhaps this was mercy, allowing him to be with his brother again & not forcing him to live without the other.
Whichever it was, Dream had little time before he could no longer think, the pain of his body dusting away while still conscious consuming him. Before long, the only thing that remained of the two was a pile of dust & a single golden circlet resting peacefully on top.
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Nepeta: :33< easy jobs for women who cant follow instructions that pay 4 grand a w33k
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solvaldezart · 4 months
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I finally got my drawing tablet working with my new computer, so here have a MS Paint sketch of my dnd/BG3 character Izz since I havent downloaded Clip Studio yet
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asketho · 3 months
this drama is so i bet on losing dogs by mitski coded
Is this supposed to be a sentence?? Am I supposed to know what this means?
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not-poignant · 1 year
Do you have any stardew mods that you absolute *must* have (for any reason) or any QoL mods you'd like to recommend?
Hi anon!
I'm not really going to do a 'must have' mod list because you don't need any mods to play Stardew Valley at all, and actually many of my farms I never played with any mods at all. So instead I'm just going to list the mods I enjoy using the most, that make my time more enjoyable within the game.
They're not must haves, and I don't actually think just about anyone should use mods before they've played the vanilla farm/style of the game a few times (because that's also the best way to see if you'll need mods in the first place. I don't need them. I just enjoy them). The one exception is people who can't handle the fishing mini game. But I find that dead easy (except the octopus, fuck the octopus), so... I don't need mods for that anyway x.x
My main mods are the following that I use pretty much in every game no matter what (for these to work you will need another mod called SMAPI, and sometimes a mod called Content Patcher, each mod will tell you what it needs to run in the Requirements section):
Mini Obelisks - The standard obelisks look cool but are just too damned tall. This changes the size lol.
Hudson Valley Buildings - Look, there are a ton of reskins for the buildings in the game, I just like these ones.
Vanilla Tweaks - A texture pack that re-skins pretty much all of the objects in the game (fish / vegetables / fruit / nodes / minerals etc.), it's pretty!
Simple Foliage - One of the nicest tree/bush reskins, it's just pretty.
Quality of Life:
UI Info Suite - is one of my favourite QoL mods, because it just comes with so many different things that are so useful, and my favourite are that you can access the calendar and fetch quests from your standard menu, as well as the little pop ups under the day/time which tell you if the Travelling Cart is there, who's birthday it is, if it will storm the next day, and whether or not there's a new recipe. It also tells you which of your pets need petting etc. It pretty much made my Better Ranching QoL mod redundant lol.
Gift Taste Helper - Despite having like 1800 hours in this game, I never remember loved gifts, and in the heart menu, this allows you to hover over a username and see someone's most loved gifts automatically. So useful. Saves me visiting the Wiki 400 times in a playthrough.
NPC Map Locations - Tired of looking at the Wiki for their schedules? Just use this and you'll see all the people / where they are on the map. Great for gift-giving.
No Kids Ever - Your mileage may vary on this one but I don't want children in SDV ever with any of my spouses and I don't even want to be asked. This eliminates all questions around parenthood and means you can also turn the nursery into whatever kind of room you want. You'll never have to worry about kids. This is definitely a must have for me ;)
Ship Anything - It pisses me off that I can only sell weapons etc. through Marlon's because they open from 4pm and it's just inconvenient. Ship Anything allows you to ship swords etc. from your shipping bin, and also use your recycling bin. SO useful. Can also use it for furniture / wallpaper etc.
DeepWoods - One of my favourite 'end game' places and so enjoyable (and a good source of wood and hardwood), this is very much like the Skull Caverns, but instead it's the Deep Woods and 'what if there were levels of the Secret Woods and they were easy-to-really-fucking-hard.' The levels change, there's all these cool little secrets, but a warning, some of the monsters can oneshot you even if you're late game (have all the stardrops / Galaxy Sword in the Forge etc.). There are monsters here that are absolutely way more dangerous than *anything* you will ever find in the Skull Caverns.
This is kind of a cheat because wood and hardwood become so important in the mid to late game, so ymmv on how comfortable you are with something like that. But I love the DeepWoods. Just a warning, take a warp, because once you're past level 1, you'll need to warp home.
I've also started playing Stardew Valley Expanded but that's like 10-11 mods in total and tbh anon I only recommend going down that rabbit hole once you've played the vanilla farm a few times.
These days I will also occasionally play with CJB Cheats, just because I've played like 15+ farms now the 'hard way' and sometimes I want life to be a little easier, lmao.
If I needed to go without all these mods tomorrow, I could and I'd still enjoy the game, so none of them are 'musts.'
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thisbluespirit · 6 months
New seasonal challenge up at TARDIS Library, the Dreamwidth Doctor Who reccing community!
Simply comment in the sign-up post, receive 5 random characters (we have lists for New Who, Classic Who & various spin-offs you can choose from), then rec 5+ fanworks for at least 1 of those characters at the comm to complete the challenge, receive a banner, and share the love for some excellent fannish creative endeavours!
You will need a Dreamwidth account to post recs to the community, but they're free to sign-up for, with no strings attached, if you'd like to take part. <3
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makowo · 3 months
i hate when i see a minecraft server is having mod issues and im not an admin so i cant do shit. fuuucking give it to ME i'll know what the fuck is happening. i can fix her just fucking try me
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objuct · 1 year
how do y'all wrangle your townies btw (open ended question)
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Ace Ace Ace!!!!
Did you see the new Chris Evans movie??? Its called Ghosted!!! And OMG the WHUMP!!! It is like a dream!! You say the name and it is there!! If you haven't watched it I highly highly highly recommend you do!! The whole movie is just 🤌🤌
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Ahh no I haven't seen it yet!!!! I've heard about it but I haven't sat down to watch it yet! It's got whump!? GOOD WHUMP!? AWESOME!!! Oh I'm definitely going to watch this movie. That all sounds amazing. And i love that there's appearances by Seb and Anthony!
Ahhh thanks for the heads up!!!!
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nightingaletrash · 2 years
So I plan on replaying all the Dragon Ages once I'm done with Origins and since I have a PC this time, definitely plan on modding. I'm happy that DA2 has mods that go through Vortex because that's what I use, but when I try to mod DAI with its mod manager, it has never worked for me and it makes me sad thinking I won't be able to mod DAI. It's been a while since I tried modding it, so maybe when I try again in the future I can figure it out, but all I remember is it just not working and I could never find out the solution.
DAI Mod Manager is out of date these days. You're better off with the Frosty Mod Manager, as it's generally more powerful and its what most people use. It can run DAI.mod files, though there's a few that won't work for mysterious modding reasons.
Frosty is pretty easy to use, you just have to direct it to DAI's exe, drop the mods you want into the manager, and then just add them to the load order. Just make sure you do the usual checking for mod requirements, compatibilities, any mod order needs, and that you have the required version of Frosty; it's best to grab the dl from the Frosty discord because then you know you're getting the most up to date version that mod authors have likely also been using.
Also, the game has to be run through Frosty in order for the mods to load, otherwise you'll just get the vanilla game. Once you've got your mods set up, just click launch and the manager will set everything up and start the game.
I use way too many mods for any given game, but I can give you some must have recs for DAI.
Enhanced Character Creation - unlocks even more sliders, cut content, and removes restrictions so you can customise your character even further.
Modded Hairs in DLCs - speaks for itself, just keeps most modded hairs from reverting to unmodded ones.
Party Banter Tweaks - makes adjustments to the delay between banters, gives a 50-50 chance between regional commentary and conversation, and fixes the long bouts of silence in some levels.
Immersive Starting Armours - it's a DAI.mod that works in Frosty, and it gives you some choice over what your Inky can wear instead of the default coat.
Increased Inventory Capacity + Quick Looting - speaks for itself, because who doesn't have an out-of-hand looting problem?
Less Shards Please - an Oculara Rebalance - reduces the number of shards in each area, as well as the number of shards needed for the temple doors. Makes that whole thing less consuming of the hours of your mortal life.
Complete War Table Operations without Waiting (Frosty) - exactly what it says on the tin. There's a couple of ops that are bugged and you have to wait a minute or two for, but otherwise you can complete missions to your heart's content 💜
I seriously had to restrain myself here, my modlist is ridiculous and these are just a handful of what I consider must haves XD
If you've got any other questions, lemme know and I'll do my best to help out ^^
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Featured Fic Friday!
Welcome to Featured Fic Friday! A day where I, or someone who suggests one, tell you about a fanfic that I really enjoy! Spoiler's under the cut! Today's featured fic is...
Starting Over by Clichely (Teen And Up, Complete)
Nightmare had lost. The multiverse had locked him away, and it seemed as if there would be no escape this time. But..there is. And now Nightmare has to do it all again, from beginning to end. Maybe things will be different this time. Now illustrated!
A bit of a long fic, I've never seen a fic with this particular concept before! As it may be obvious, I'm a big fan of fics centered around Nightmare, which makes this fic a good read if you're like me!
By the nature of the concept, the characters are a bit more fanon leaning than some might prefer, but this doesn't make it unenjoyable! The way the author writes the relationships between the characters is very goo as well, interactions between them making sense given their personalities!
Spoilers ahead!
I'm almost always a fan of Nightmare-centric fics, & this one is no exception! I love the concept of Nightmare travelling back in time, or well, technically to a parallel dimension, which the author executes very well!
It's very fun to read about what Nightmare decides to do differently in comparison to the first time he lived through everything! It's interesting to think that some things may just be fated to happen, even if the circumstances before it may be changed!
You also wonder what happens to the first dimension, the one that Nightmare is originally from! I personally like to believe that they coexist with the new dimension, even without Nightmare there to stabilize it!
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nomaishuttle · 2 years
ohh butter lass i do wanna play sdv
#I got a thang for taking notes IN THE GAME ! im rly liking jt.. its helping me cut down on paper#bc everytime i play sdv i end up making 5 lists every season#but now i only need likee 1 piece of paper.. si that i cn plan out my planting + harvest schedules#i like t decide th layout of my plots before i even start itis fun.. ive never done one in th formation im using rn :DD#i think i stopped on umm spring 15.. and everything wsngoing awwsome :DD#I RLY SRSLY CANT PLAY I HAVE WORK TMRW. BUT OGIGKHKH#its my first time Actually playing with mods.. i like dabbled a couple years ago but i got overwhelmed#n i have a Pretty good amt but theyre modtly judt little tweaks . AND SEASONAL OUTFITS :DD#its also my first time using a recolor and i rly like it :] im using vibrant pastoral recolor#but im using umm. the daisynikos eartly recolor for ui#i ws using it 4 everything Buttt i didnt rly like how much th interiors + houses got dulled down...#i am a little bummed bc i did love the idea of the map changing based on season.. BUT that wouldnt have worked anyway bc i have the umm#th one where it shows ppl on the map so u cn find them.. so th map is changed anyway#bummer tho. BUT i do love the vibrant pastoral bc it adds little seasonal decorations which i find saurr cute#n then im using seasonal outfits - slightly cuter aesthetic... i rly rly like it :]]#i like how umm. bc some seasonal outfits mods that ive seen just completely get rid of the villagers og outfit#and i dont rly like that sobsob.. so i like that th one i use keeps their ogs but just has them wear it during 1 specific season if that#makes sense :DD#basically mods mods mods i love mods...if anybody has any recs lmk :]#i lot of th mods r likee. for late game.. i got one t go on dates wth yr spouse which i think is so cute . n 1 to help customize the kids#I RLY WANTED th one that allows yr kids t Actually grow up n go t school#but th portraits that come with it r not at allll vanilla styled. so i couldnt... super upset abt it#but also well. it wouldve annoyed me if my kid grew up to be vincent and jas age while nobody else aged#i rly rly rly would love if somebody would add in like.. an aging mechanic#I GET WHY NOT BC THATD ACTUALLY BE SOOO MUCH. BUT YK..#i havent ever actually gotten too far last year 3 bc it just gets so stagnant...#i also got umm. 2600 canon friendly dialogue expansion.. whatever that mods called#so im excited abt that :DD
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earthenterran · 5 months
downloading MODS for mele
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jalopeura · 11 months
i love it whan a thief looks at me and my storm atronach and my vampire fox and teldryn and tedryns flame atronach and kaidan with his big sword and aurlyn with her staff and sword staff and goes 'yeah i can definitely shake those people down for some money'
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platinumaspiration · 1 month
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4t2 EA Guitars
Well, in the midst of the Lovestruck conversion saga with tvickiesims, I took on the guitar and after about an hour of "what does this mean?!" to myself while reading the instructions, I converted a guitar! I found it easy enough to convert the entirety of TS4 guitars so here, I give it to you.
You will need argon's custom instrument mod for these to be functional! You also need to grab/select the guitar at the base of the stand/holder.
Download - SFS | MF
credit: argon
details below the cut:
BG Freezer Bunny Blues hobbies > creative | 1 rec | 489 poly | 1315 simoleons
Grim's Ghoulish hobbies > creative | 8 rec | 571 poly | 740 simoleons
Pied Piper Acoustic + Rock Legend Signed hobbies > creative | 6 rec | 578 poly | 940 simoleons
EP14 Twilight Noes Resonator hobbies > creative | 15 rec | 856 poly | 740 simoleons
EP16 Mi Amor's Acoustic hobbies > creative | 12 rec | 578 poly | 700 simoleons
GP01 StickiMo Travel Acoustic hobbies > creative | 5 rec | 635 poly | 740 simoleons
GP11 Rockmeister Syzygy 7000 hobbies > creative | 6 rec | 521 poly | 1475 simoleons
BG Carved Guitar hobbies > creative | 1 rec | 614 poly | 150 simoleons
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