#I need stampede season 2 to come out already
pocaarii · 1 year
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Old Trigun fanart of wolfwood and Vash
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eveningspringbreeze · 10 months
Madara's FS2 4* - Winter, in the Street Corners of Paris
Characters: Madara, Shu
Season: Winter
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Shu: Mm… Yaawn...
(Perhaps it’s from pulling an all-nighter, or perhaps it’s burnout from finishing my deliveries, but it seems I’ve been fast asleep until the afternoon)
(Fortunately, I have plenty of time to spare until I must work again. So as to maintain perfection when working, I ought to rest properly)
(Perhaps I could relax with a stroll—) 
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Madara: Excuse meeee!!! ☆
Shu: Gyoh!? M-mikejima….!? What in good heavens brought you here!? 
Do not bother me! Leave this instant! I do not want to have a barbarian such as you stampeding upon my atelier! 
Madara: Ahaha! This banter is so nostalgic! (1)
Didn’t we have a similar exchange back in Yumenosaki? If I’m not wrong, it was during Steamp— 
Shu: Non! I have no intentions of taking a trip down memory lane with you! 
You must have some business with me, right? Make it brief. 
Madara: Business, huh. And if “no” was my answer? 
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Shu: …………
Madara: Sorry, sorry! I was just joking, you don’t have to glare at me all scary like that! 
Basically, Leo-san needed something from me. 
Shu: Tsukinaga did…? 
Madara: Yep. Apparently he’s been taking good care of a pen case that he borrowed from you. 
So much so in fact that he accidentally left behind the case’s stationary in this atelier. 
Shu: He’d only taken a pen case? Well, I suppose he is dexterous.
And that’s it? You came all the way to Paris just for Tsukinaga? 
Madara: Nah, I already had some work here in Europe, so I’m just dropping by.
Shu: “Dropping by”? No matter how trivially you say it, Europe’s not a place you can just casually travel through. 
 Either way, Tsukinaga’s forgotten belongings are not here. 
I had to send some luggage to the Starmony Dorms the other day, and I crammed in similar items as well. It’s probably all the way over there now. 
Good grief, why must everyone forget every little thing here? If they want to spend time overseas, perhaps consider bringing in some caution alongside? 
Madara: Mmhm. Since both language and culture are different, the way to do things here are bound to contrast with Japan’s. There’s no harm in being attentive. 
But also this atelier’s got such a homely feeling to it, it really calms you down. Maybe that’s why everyone’s losing their belongings here ♪
Shu: I'm not happy to hear that. This place isn’t a playground. 
Seems to me that you’ve been on a fool’s errand. Are you departing Paris after this? 
Madara: Nah. I’ve got time until my flight, so I’m planning on relaxing ‘til then. 
….Hmm? Why’re you dressing up? 
Are you going out? If so, please allow me to join you ☆
Shu: I refuse. I cannot relax when I’m near you. 
Madara: Now now, don’t say that! A journey is not just about the companions you have, but the people you care for along the way! (2) Having a friend is better than none…♪
<one hour later> 
Shu: …Seems like there’s a weekend flea market going on. 
Madara: Ooh, quite the Parisian spectacle! 
As you may or may not know, Paris is the one and only homeland for flea markets. 
It supposedly originates from the multitudes of secondhand-goods being sold resembling a flea infestation! (3)
Shu: I’m aware even without your quips, so do not spout such things at me. Just imagining it makes my back itch. 
Plus, that isn’t the only theory regarding its origin. 
I personally prefer the theory that it comes from the saying that “there is enjoyment found in taking the the time needed to search for treasure in the same way one would search for a flea”.
Madara: Enjoyment found in taking the time to search for things, huh. Truly, it must come from the exceptional feeling of accomplishment that comes with finding that rare piece of treasure. 
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….Oh myyy? Something’s already caught my eye! 
This ceramic pot would be perfect for displaying plants ☆
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Shu: Hm. Is gardening a hobby of yours? 
Madara: I wouldn’t quite call it a “hobby”. 
I’m not sure who started it, but my dorm room’s filled with plants, so I like bringing in some new ones from time to time. 
“Excuse me, shopkeeper-san! I’d like to buy this pot—” 
Shu: (....Ooh, looks like his constant traveling has lent him a rather good grasp on French) 
 (The real thrill of flea markets is the haggling. You must put your negotiation skills to its truest test….) 
<ten minutes later> 
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Madara: —Thanks for waiting, Shu-san! 
Sorry for how long it took. I really hit it off with the shopkeeper. Before I knew it, we’d already talked for so long!
Shu: It’s alright. It’s good that your negotiations went well. 
It is of no concern to me what happens to you, however. But it would be a shame to watch an acquaintance get blatantly ripped off. 
Madara: Ah, so you were worrying about me. Thank you Shu-san, you’re a nice soul…♪
Shu: Don’t misunderstand. I simply do not want to feel unpleasant. 
Madara: Even then, that makes me happy to hear ♪
My haggling went great, so let me treat you to something as thanks for waiting.  
Tell me aaall about the specialties you’d recommend, Shu-san… ☆
Shu: Hmm… How about marron chauds— roasted chestnuts, then? 
It’s a winter specialty that you can find sold all around the city during the season. 
Madara: Sounds good! I’m sure it’ll warm us up. 
I can smell something fragrant over there, let’s go eat! 
TL Notes:
Shu’s lines aimed at Madara here is basically a 1-1 replica of a similar exchange in Steampunk Museum, which Madara tries to mention right after
Good old Madara idioms :] the original is 道連れ世は情け which doesn’t have an eng equivalent afaik? So I just used a shortened version of the meaning
This isn’t a correction or anything but Madara is so close to the actual most common theory… as Shu said there’s multiple theories, but one of the most common is that some of the goods sold in the markets were believed to have had actual flea infestations. I have never seen Shu’s theory before
This isn't proofread and was done in one go so feel free to correct me on anything!
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kimbureh · 1 year
Teamplay explosive as Ipsium, TBB S2E9&10
So far I managed to evade spoilers for season 2, but I picked up on fandom being sort of frustrated with the lack of Crosshair's appearances. Which, yes, it's factually true as of S2E10 Crosshair appeared in only one episode. But on the other hand, episodes 9 and especially 10 are direct metaphors for Crosshair's arc, the text itself all but says so.
But one thing at a time.
It's fascinating to see the Batch slowly disintegrate, because the conflict further reveals every Batcher's ideals and coping mechanisms. Wrecker is the sensitive one of the group, and when he tells Omega she will get used to Echo's absence, he's assuring himself with that just as much. He also begins messing up during the missions. Think of Wrecker in Clone Wars: his unpredictability is integral part of the team's successful exploits. Once Crosshair and the amicable rivalry with him is gone, Wrecker lacks focus during missions, even if Echo explains the plan to him over and over again. With Echo gone as well, his stabilizing influence is sorely missed, with grave consequences. When the stampede in S2E9 hits them, and they have to leave behind the ipsium, Wrecker chooses to save his friend instead of going for the riches, and is criticized by Tech.
Tech's coping mechanism is to cling to facts. They needed the ipsium, and Wrecker lost it. They end up being trapped in another mine. These are all facts, and under duress, more and more facts pour out of Tech. Their ship is gone, they're unable to track it, Echo can't be reached for help. All these things are facts to Tech, and he sees no harm in asserting those, even though this gravely upsets Omega. Omega's coping mechanism is to be and feel useful. Her ideals lie in seeing the Batch as a family, and she suffers because they don't act accordingly. Tech shares her family ideals, but voices an inability to act on them, as well as the need to stay pragmatic in order to not further destabilize the squad; Tech holds onto facts so desperately, he is unwilling to allow the emotional impact of the change to come to the surface, instead opting to compartmentalize the issue for a nebulous 'later'.
Hunter, I honestly have no thoughts about. At this point he is a pure plot device to me that will re-activate itself once Crosshair comes into play again. Until then, his sole narrative purpose lies in being an ineffective leader and well-meaning but ill-equipped father. His coping mechanisms? Sucking everything up, I guess. His ideals? Hell if he knows himself. His whole identity is arranged around Omega's existence, but not exactly in a familial kind of way, it's a rather desperate act and Omega seems to serve as a substitute for Crosshair.
Speaking of Crosshair. As I said, he doesn't appear in S2E9&10, but the story is definitively about him. Mokko and his exploitative mining operation is directly compared to the Empire twice, and Benni serves as a stand-in for Crosshair. Benni's arc affords him to reject being a willing part of his own enslavement; the great obstacle for him to overcome is personified in the slaver Mokko and his lies.
Transferred to Crosshair, this means he too can leave behind the Empire, if only he can overcome the obstacles. Which bears the question, who is Crosshair's Mokko? And the answer is, he himself is. Crosshair convinced himself that he has got no choice anymore, that he can't return to the Batch, that being a willing tool to the Empire is what he wants or at least what keeps him alive. The way for him to see through his own lies isn't by acquiring new facts, like Benni had to do by learning about Mokko's exploitative profit margins. But Crosshair needs to learn something still, which is (not incidentally) something Omega had to learn in the opening story of season 2: which is the ability to overcome one's shame (I've already written about this at length). Omega can be interpreted as Crosshair's inner child, and as such her character development prepares the path for Crosshair's development.
(pls not season 2 spoilers, I haven't fully watched it yet)
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Episode 9 Thoughts
TBB Season 2 Spoilers
Here we go! Another great episode with some good stuff to talk about so let's get into it!
Soundtrack is incredible as always. Loving the slightly western tones. It's kinda giving TLOU meets RDR2.
The planet designs this season have been awesome. ✨️
They're on a mining mission???
Well, work is work I guess. 🤣
I love that they're addressing the fact that Echo being gone means they need to reevaluate how they split up the team on missions.
They've worked with a squad of 4 before, but when one of them is a child that makes things a little trickier.
Omega misses Echo. ☹️
Same, girl. Same.
"Omega's a child. She shouldn't be living a dangerous life". *proceeds to make Omega extract highly explosive substances*.
Might explain why SW characters always leave the door open.
So much bickering between Wrecker and Tech this episode. 😬
The kids are struggling. They're children of divorce. 😔
I'm kidding, but they're obviously all about stressed out atm. They all need a spa day.
Also, is this the longest we've seen them spat with each other? We always had the odd frustrated comment but they're being particularly snarky this episode.
Echo, pls come back. It's all going wrong and it's only been 5 minutes since you left. 😭
Well that explains the weird Lion King cryptic tweet.
Poor Wrecker. 😭 He just got stampeded over.
Great, now we're all stuck in a dark cave. Wonderful!
Omega constantly trying to comm Echo. 🥲
He's doing important stuff, sweetheart, but I'm sure you can talk to him again.
Hopefully. 🥲
"What is your issue?"
Tech, honey. Nooo. 😭
I'm not gonna call him an arsehole for that because he didn't know he was doing anything wrong but oh dear.
I thought Omega was just gonna walk all the way down the mine for a second.
Brothers call each other out on their (even if unintentional) shitty behaviour and we love to see it.
Tech looks so cute with his eyes peaking through his helmet. 🩷
Omega, honey. You can't reach the thing. Stop reaching for the thing!
Tech jumping in straight after her even though he can't see what's down there. 🥺
Actually, I don't know why I remembered this bit just now but I gotta mention it. Echo is Havoc 4 and Omega is Havoc 5. Did they cut Crosshair out of the number system??? 😭
And if he rejoined, would that make him Havoc 6 or would he get his old number back???
Anyway, back to the almost drowning.
Hunter knows somethings up. 😬
I actually really love the use of Hunter's senses this episode.
I thought they were gonna find an alternate route, not have Wrecker and Hunter also go down the waterfall. 😭
Awww. Tech talking about his emotions!
I love that he's explaining to her that he processes emotions differently. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he works through them in a different way.
Crosshair mention as well! 😭
That fact that Tech says he has to respect both of their decisions!
Tech may not agree with Crosshair's choice to stay with the Empire, but he understands that it's his brother's decision. It reminds me of "Understanding you does mean that I agree with you".
Tech cares about both of his brothers and yes, he misses them, but he manages his feelings in his own way. 🥲
I'm worried about the Tech hate that's probably gonna come outta this episode though. Some people already don't enjoy his bluntness and I worry they're gonna come after him for being a "dick".
He just processes emotions differently!!! He's not a bad person!!!
Aw, no Tech and Omega hug. ☹️
Way to ruin the moment, Wrecker. 🤣
Green cloudy sky is giving Mando S3 promo. 💚
Ooooo, more drama with Cid.
Hopefully they'll finally pull themselves together and acknowledge the fact that she's basically just screwing them over.
Sexy Hunter's-hair-in-the-wind shot.
First time we've had a two parter this season where we've actually had to wait for part 2.
Overall, I really liked this episode! I know there's going to be people jumping on it saying "it's just filler" and "it isn't progressing the plot". Emotional development is development! Let them all talk about their feelings!!!
They're clearly all struggling a bit with Echo leaving. Everyone is tense and bickering with each other, and while I know the guys are talking about how they need to accept it and move on, they're clearly all thrown off by the whole situation. I'm also happy that they're addressing the fact that Echo not being there requires them to rethink how they split up the squad. Three adults and a kid is a hard group to divide up.
Omega constantly trying to call Echo for help breaks my heart. She misses him, we miss him, his brothers miss him. There's gonna be a lot of missing him until he comes back. ☹️ I do wonder how often they actually keep in touch with him, though. Is Omega chatting to him when she can normally, or is it just because they're stuck and need his help this time?
I'm also really glad to see more Tech development! Yeah, he screwed up with Omega earlier on in the episode, but he worked through it. He's not really used to this type of thing but he's trying. And he acknowledges that they're a family. 😭
Also, I didn't mention this in the bullet points because I only just remembered this but Omega using Tech's words at the end! About how they can find a solution like they always do!!! I love seeing the little bits of influence that all of the guys have on her.
But, yeah! Long thoughts post today. Didn't expect to say quite this much but I'm missing Echo and I'm a stickler for emotional moments so I really enjoyed this episode.
Now we just have to wait a week! 😭
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Finishing up Trigun volume twoooooo
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 2, Chapters 7-8 below.
Chapter 7: Demon's Eye
Look at this sassy pose. This man is not straight.
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I just wanna note that, even without Monev or E.G. AND counting Legato as one of the Gung-Ho Guns, this spread does NOT bring their number up to 12. Or even 11.
Midvalley sure is smiley....
Dude. Legato's messing with people's brains in a whole different way now, apparently. I mean, he sticks out in a crowd, so it's particularly weird that they don't remember him. Come to think of it, how did that little street girl notice him if others didn't? Did he just... let her to make his point?
LOL, WW offering to give Legato a message for Vash....
They've only known each other for a bit, and already they're standing back to back.
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Bye, Mr. Bondage Cross! I'm sure you, someone who featured on the cover of the volume, will not show up in any sort of meaningful way again in this entire series.
Vash seems suspicious.
Does... he smell Legato? I want to think he can smell Legato. I'm sure he's smelling, like, the big pile of rotting corpses... but it's funnier if he can smell Legato.
No one wants to talk about the terrifying man in a white coat.
It's... noteworthy that Vash has only described Legato by his clothes and not by his clearly strange-colored hair. He did the same when describing Legato to WW on the bus.
Yup, there's the blood he was smelling. These long shots with Vash in the foreground and devastation in the background....
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Sudden lady!
Hello, Dominique! Glad you could join us! Now, if you'd please take a seat over there....
Nice of her to provide some context for the blood. I doubt Vash will be super-pleased, but it's still better than the alternative.
Yyyyyup. Vash is still Vash.
Dude. Vash. Rude.
Oh, she does have the same kind of coin as Monev.
Vash is gonna have a hard time of it here.... Story of Trigun....
Oof, no one wants to go on a full-out pilgrimage every time they go to church. Too many stairs.
Heh! That window looks like....
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WW is correct. They are being quite rude with this welcome here.
LOL, Vash pussy shot.
"That wasn't humanly possible." Well, then, we need to consider other options, don't we?
Ok, I flipped back through the panels just to be sure, but... like, how in the HECK were we supposed to tell she's teleporting when she opens her mechanical eye??
Even if they miss, having a gun go off that close to your face seems unsafe....
I appreciate the level of detail that leaves the snaps he's missing off.
When your opponent is acting so weird you're momentarily caught off-guard and forget you're supposed to be killing him.
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I forgot until just now that Vash is still running around sans one (1) arm.
Chapter 8: Fifth Moon
CW: Sexual abuse/assault reference/imagery
Shit, I recognize that title and I don't like it.
I figured they were leftover slavers because of their freaking leg poofs.
Oh, good. They cleared it up pretty quick.
They keep calling the thing on Legato's right shoulder a torture device, but the only use I can think of for it is stabbing himself in the face when he moves wrong.
Stampede seems to have forgone the name "Chapel" for perhaps a more apt name. I wonder if "it "Chapel" will show up in Season 2?
Dude. Dominique. Overreaction.
Wait, did Vash just pass out?
No. No. Doctor bad. No doctor. Please send back. Surround the place with apples as a warding circle.
Who's this tall lady??
WW already having a crisis of conscience? Good good.
That's the real struggle, isn't it, Wolfy. VERY interested to see how Stampede handles this.
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And I thought normal pregnancy was gross. Plants are on a whole other level.
Scary Vash is scary.
I'm sorry, I'm laughing so hard at Legato crying over Knives' rebirth. I know I shouldn't. This man's obsession just amuses the hell out of me sometimes.
Long-haired Knives! Long-haired Knives!
NM, Legato. I apologize for laughing. Long-haired Knives really is that beautiful.
If only the stomach stretch retreated that fast. Or... dissolved into a bunch of feathers shojo style. I'd take that, too. And I haven't even been pregnant.
We have no real idea where Vash is relative to Knives (aside from "in the same city"), and Vash is still screaming at him.
First glimpse of Vash's slutty windowed top.
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Vash isn't wrong. AND he deserves to be slapped. Meryl is also right. Neither of them are listening. This happens a lot when everyone is shouting.
LOL, she hurt her hand on Vash's hard head.
Heheheheheh, Meryl has a cruuuuuuush....
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It's interesting how, for once, as Vash goes forward with full intention of embracing his status as the Humanoid Typhoon, he's not wearing his iconic coat.
Iconic Vash back shot. I don't know why, in all the times I've seen it posted, I never thought to look at the color of his hair. I always assumed this shot was from Maximum. Even though I'm sure I read this volume back in the day. I just remember NOTHING from it.
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Legato sure looks happy to see him. And heyyyyyy, someone in the background there has a big-ass cross....
Legato's getting a hell of a head-pat here....
ROFL, no one appreciates how much work it is to be a yandere. Knives shows up and he's like, "Screw you, Entire Con-Based Questline. And you, the quest-giver, in particular."
Ugh, I love love love this.
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Knives really gets incredulous about Vash trying to shoot him. Also, My man needs to find himself some pants.
Legato looks kind of like a crushed spider here. He looks like he's still conscious, too, so I'm sure that's fun for him.
Of all the versions of Trigun, this version definitely has WW being the MOST clueless about the nature of Vash and Knives. Not in a "that's beyond me and I don't wanna know" way. In a "WTF did I get myself into, I don't think this is what I signed up for" sort of way.
Ugh, this interchange. It says SO MUCH about their relationship....
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In the story up to this point, Knives has been built up to be this terrible, terrifying bad guy. But now that he's here, his primary concern seems to be Vash's well-being. Aside from his incredulous face when shouting at Vash for pointing a gun at him (again), his expression throughout this whole scene while he's focusing on Vash has been so soft.
Oop, all softness gone.
Something something body horror. Could you imagine having your whole being shift against your will at the touch of another person? If so, I'm sorry, 'cause the only things I can think of that do that are... trauma.
I do want to note that, should this come up in Stampede, they've set it up much better there. The very first time Knives and Vash have an encounter there, Knives touches him, and... it's not this bad, but it absolutely has an effect that Vash seems helpless to resist.
Something something rape imagery.
Heh, they're trying to save Legato.
All these folks were gathered here to supposedly help and protect Knives, and Knives is about to repeat the July incident even though everyone else around them would likely die.
Dude. Knives. You clearly don't give a shit how it feels to Vash. Ash Lynx had a whole speech about this kind of behavior in Banana Fish, and let me tell you, it did NOT conclude with people who behave like this harboring anything resembling love for their victims.
Dude. Vash, no!
Yes, he would.
Oh, babygirl Vash.... That's not the case.... Rem would tell you the same if you told her that.
WW looks... concerned.
Yeah, now they all have a constant reminder of what Vash the Stampede is. All they have to do is look up.
I really wonder how this will go down in Stampede given that they wrapped the aftermath, in particular, into the initial arc. Having Vash disappear for an additional two years seems unlikely.
Heh. The coat. Good luck, Coat.
Author Bonus Chapter: Welcome to the Future
It's funny to think of someone saying Nightow has no inner fire when one has a feel for the themes of Trigun. Just because someone isn't in your face about it doesn't mean they don't burn.
Tea heals so many woes....
Isn't this the story of any creative....
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Dude, that's not a fortune. That's just life. In the internet age, you don't even have to leave your house to meet interesting people. May it indeed be fun.
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dbphantom · 2 years
So I rewatched ep1 and 2 of Trigun Stampede with my friend and it got us thinking about the upcoming plot/structure of the show, namely if we get a season 2 what's gonna be the catalyst for it
AKA we have a very specific wishlist for this show and watch it be thrown out the window when episode 3 airs lmao
Spoilers under the cut
No, seriously, those virus explodey things are a total wildcard. Anything could happen! It's so exciting! But here's our take (big thank you to @moscovus for being a great friend and nerding out with me tn):
We were talking mostly about the map and the structure of the world, and because July is still around and hasn't happened yet, if The Destruction will happen during the show. Mainly because it feels like the map will start showcasing the party's adventure across it as the season goes on, and we can't help but notice July is placed perfectly on the right across from our party's starting place, with an orphanage smack dab in the middle. Plus there's a landmark with its name cut off on the far left which seems... Sus. That or the version of the show we watched was just ever so slightly zoomed in. Either or.
So the main theory is that the season 1 finale will be the events of July and Vash will get his iconique 60 bil bounty at the end of s1 because of Knives, leaving season 2 (+??) to cover the already written events of the story. Basically s1 is going to be introducing characters (a little out of order from what we're used to, but still), getting us used to the world/story, and then setting up/paying off with the July incident. So maybe that will be when the whole plant/angel arm reveal to the audience happens in this iteration (or maybe that will be a mid season finale type deal). Then the rest of the main story events will play out in s2 (+?????).
We're thinking changes mean Roberto + Meryl will be in July when the destruction happens and most importantly Roberto will die (or otherwise be written out) as the end of his character arc. My friend suggested his arc being him becoming less jaded as they follow Vash around and learn about Love and Peace. Specifically, we think Roberto will die so that in season 2 (if we get a s2, that's the HINGE) Meryl will get a second partner in Milly because We Want Her Back
Also in general we've come to the agreement that even if Wolfwood is introduced immediately [aka next episode] if he dies this season it's going to feel like an any% wolfwood dies speedrun with how fast everything seems to be progressing. That plus how young he looks, we're thinking maybe we will get a timeskip (kinda like the 5th moon incident timeskip) after the s1 finale (again, hypothetically/hopefully the destruction of July) and we'll actually get to see him change designs bc of the super fast metabolism stuff. AKA this is our plea: bring his tits back.
Also, if July happens during the season finale, then Knives will need time to incubate and heal. What better time to do that than during a between-seasons timeskip.
Anyway. Yeah. Wishlist:
Season 2 pls we love this so much already and we want MORE
July is the season 1 finale
Roberto dies/is written out and is replaced with Milly after he gets satisfying character development
Bring back Vash's 60 billion. 6 million sounds SO WRONG
Wolfwood doesn't die until post season 1
Short timeskip after season 1 into season 2 to set the stage for the 'main' manga plot
If July happens and Knives has to regen after getting blasted/bested then a timeskip would make sense right
Feral plant Vash please we love the feathery baby limbed body horror and cg is the perfect medium for this scene to finally be animated
Don't fuck her up please
That's it
Okay actually that's a lie we also wanna see Tessla, Domina, and Chronica animated
But not the truck scene please
Realistically we know our wishlist probably isn't happening given we got a trailer with all the gung ho guns fighting already and what looks like Knives going all-out and they probably wouldn't have animated s2 stuff for a season 1 trailer but man we can hope right? Like maybe they'll just introduce them all before July and Knives is just throwing a temper tantrum like he often does 🥺 I mean he's still gotta make the plant collective and the ark so so so maybe he hasn't started yet despite physically stealing all the plants so far 😭 like if July is the s1 finale then there can still be a big flashy fight and everything, he will just regen after during the timeskip between s1 and s2 like he does in the manga 😭😭 <- is not coping great, clearly
Also, just for the record, it's been a couple months since I've last consumed the manga and the og anime, so forgive me for any inconsistencies or incorrect info, my memory isn't the greatest. I only have room for borderlands lore in here
Odds are, they're probably not following the manga's story, or changed it so significantly that none of this speculation actually matters. We will see!! After all these virus injector explodey things are totally new, so who knows where tf they're taking us next. We certainly don't. We're just having fun with it.
Just as an overall thing, this is us assuming season 1 is going to be 12 episodes. If it's 24, then maybe July will be the mid-season finale and 13+ will be after a timeskip.
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it-fits-i-ships · 3 years
Combing through every single episode of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous for Yasammy moments to write meta analysis about part 4 (parts 1, 2, and 3)
Once Yaz is inside the lab we see her frantically looking for the antidote, getting more and more panicked the longer it takes her, we even see her get so frustrated that she starts throwing things and when she sinks to the floor she looks ready to have a full-on breakdown, it’s only when she notices the medical case and has that spark of hope that she gets up to continue her search, this combined with the sheer relief she experiences when she doubtfully opens the case to find that it does in fact hold the antidote really goes to show just how seriously Yaz takes this mission, I think that Yaz would take this kind of mission seriously if it were any other member of the group as well but not to this degree, it’s clear she cares very deeply about Sammy, she collapses in on herself and starts crying a little bit as she clutches that case to her chest, her world has been in danger of completely falling apart and she just found the one thing that can save it Yaz is a real ride-or-die, especially when it comes to Sammy, she is willing to put herself in so much danger just to make sure that Sammy is safe, she jumps the river in one go (despite the realized risk of her landing wrong on her bad ankle), as she’s sitting there cradling her injured ankle she remembers the first time Sammy offered her meaningful support, encouragement, and affection, she remembers how Sammy says she never gives up when it comes to friendship, Yaz knows deep down that Sammy would never give up on her and she sure as hell isn’t going to give up on Sammy, this reminds her what she’s fighting for and she gets back up, Yaz yells at the scorpius rex, basically telling it, “Come at me, bro,” Yaz is done taking shit from anyone, nothing is going to stop her from getting back to Sammy with that antidote, not even a freak of nature franken-dino with venomous spikes, during the final stretch of her journey, tired, injured, and terrified, Yaz trips and has several more flashes of memory in a row of moments where Sammy was saving her or hugging her or telling her that she’s her best friend in the whole world As I said in the last post, the term best friend is often used in children’s media to reference closer relationships between same-gender pairings in a way that adds queer subtext so it makes sense that this last part of Yaz’s flashbacks feels like a love confession from Sammy (albeit an indirect one) Yaz clearly loves Sammy too (even if she hasn’t consciously realized it yet) as she is willing to risk everything to save her and fix their relationship, when she gets back near the fort and sees how grim and somber the atmosphere is she musters every last bit of strength she has and pushes herself to the finish line, she is immeasurably worried that she will be (or already is) too late and she’ll lose Sammy forever, even after Brooklyn administers the antidote it takes a while for Sammy to show any kind of improvement so Yaz gets even more anxious and desperate, she even admits that she really does care about Sammy and she didn’t mean what she said before, she needs Sammy to know that, this scene reminds me a lot of the scenes in shows and movies where someone’s significant other is in the hospital and the healthy one gets very upset and refuses to leave the injured/sick one’s side When Sammy does wake up we are again treated to her perspective, the first person she looks over to is Yaz and the first thing she does is casually great Yaz (which is just adorable, as is Yaz’s genuine relieved smile after finding out that Sammy’s going to live), Yaz does everything she can to help and support Sammy, from checking on her when she first starts sitting up to supporting her while she’s walking to trying (and failing) to improve general morale in Sammy’s stead, ultimately Yaz’s plan to improve morale just freaks everyone out but the fact that she’s trying for Sammy’s sake is really sweet Also, can we just talk about the fact that Yaz has her hand fully on Sammy’s thigh when she asks how Sammy’s feeling? Or the way Yaz practically melts into the hug Sammy gives her?
Or the way she keeps taking, like, every opportunity to touch Sammy (rubbing her shoulder and her back, wiping the extra water off her face, etc.)? I’m sorry, there’s no heterosexual explanation for that combo The way that Yaz holds and protects Sammy during the stampede, the way that Sammy clings to Yaz with both hands (fingers tense and digging into Yaz’s arm), and the way they huddle close to each other suggest that they are both dealing with some direct trauma, Sammy just narrowly escaped the clutches of death at the hands (spikes?) of a dinosaur and now here they are possibly about get trampled (again), she still doesn’t feel good and she turns to Yaz for comfort, likewise Yaz is still very much aware that she almost lost Sammy and she had to leave her in order to get the antidote so she wants to make double damn sure that Sammy knows she’s there and that she’ll protect her, when it comes time for them to run Sammy has a moment of self-doubt, Yaz knows that Sammy needs her to snap her out of it in her own Yaz way (as opposed to trying to be overly cheery and positive like she was earlier) Yaz continues to offer gentle touches to comfort Sammy on the boat and when Sammy finds out that Ben plans to stay on the island instead of coming with them on the boat, she also uses physical touch to share Sammy’s excitement when Ben decides he actually does want to come with the rest of them on the boat, she also continues to protect Sammy from the onslaught of dinosaurs they have to unleash to get rid of the shady guy working with Dr. Wu who made them leave the boat, Yaz pulls Sammy out of the way of multiple dinos and holds her close Last but certainly not least, when they finally get back to the boat and leave the island we get this absolutely precious moment where Sammy is sleeping and Yaz comes over, looks at her, gives a contented/relieved sigh, and smiles one of the warmest smiles we have ever seen her smile, if that’s not the face of someone in love I don’t know what is, here they are finally safe, Sammy can rest, Yaz doesn’t have to worry about being immediately by Sammy’s side all the time to protect her from danger and she can just enjoy being around her I suspect that in season 4 we will likely see their relationship develop further because of them having some time and space on the boat (and possibly wherever they go next) to process and confront their feelings and, given that Brooklyn canonically asked if Sammy has a crush on Yaz, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that they might even canonically end up in a romantic relationship Anyway, Yaz and Sammy are in love, thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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killian-spey · 3 years
Death Would be Kinder [ch.1]
Words: 2626
Fic Concept: Jenny Calendar’s sister spends some “quality time” with the Season 2 Vampire Squad. [Ch.1 takes place in BtVS S2 Ep14]
TW/CW: Kidnapping, Violence, Nightmares.
AN: Check out the [Prologue] first if you haven’t already! :D
Tags: @prose-for-hire , (Comment below or send an ask to be added!)
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You had run through the sewers for hours before you pulled yourself out of a manhole halfway across town. Escaping from the factory had worn you out completely, and you made your way home, hoping that Angel and Buffy had done the same.
When you got home, Jenny was asleep on the couch. It looked as though she'd been waiting up all night for you. You tucked a blanket over her and took her empty tea mug to the kitchen before going upstairs, where you flopped into bed and immediately found sleep.
You opened your eyes in the dark and two stormy grey eyes were staring into yours. You sat up confused as your eyes adjusted to the dark. A moment passed, then a new pair blinked into existence; they were blue, cold and unmoving. Their faces grew recognizable and a pit of anxiety grew in your stomach. Spike was leaning against your window sill. Drusilla was laying on your bed, reaching for you with one hand. You stumbled backwards with a yelp, falling onto your floor. Yellow eyes flashed once in your peripheral and then everyone was gone, just as quickly as they'd all appeared.
As you stood up, you found yourself in the factory. It was brighter here, but cold and empty. You spun, looking for an exit. Flashes of images knocked you off balance like punches. A red dress, flowing ribbon, blonde hair, black hair, crooked smiles, pointed teeth. Bells rang in your head, you saw a wheelchair, then painted red nails, then a ridged face. Your head was spinning. You were spinning. Faster and faster until you felt nauseous.
It stopped suddenly. A single thought pierced your adrenaline-rushing head. Soon-
You opened your eyes with a gasp, staring at the ceiling of your bedroom. It was morning and your alarm was going off. You stayed there a few minutes, snoozing the alarm so you could let your heart catch up with reality -or rather slow down to reality- before you got ready for the day and hopped in the car with your sister. Seems Buffy wasn’t the only one having bad dreams about vampires that should've been dead. Lucky you...
As it turns out, Buffy and Angel didn’t check in after last night’s screw up at the factory; thankfully Buffy came into school a couple minutes later to confirm she was still alive. The same couldn’t be said for Angel though, so tensions were high among the Scoobies while researching the Judge.
You were asked to use your artistic skills to draw the Judge to the best of your memory while the others looked into tomes with written references. The world tended to pass you by when you were drawing, so you almost didn’t notice when your sister left the library. She had been summoned by your Uncle, but for what you didn’t know. Not long after, the lights went out.
You stalked out of the library, seeing Xander, Willow, and Angel in the lobby of the school just down the hall. Willow was making her way towards Angel when-
“Willow, get away from him.” Jenny came from the left, holding up a cross as she stepped towards Angel. Oh. Oh no. You pulled a stake from your belt and called out to Willow as calmly as you could muster.
“Willow, walk back towards me.”
“What are you two talking about? It’s just A-”
Angel lunged forward and grabbed Willow by the neck. Familiar yellow eyes peered out of the darkness of the hallway as Willow yelped, struggling against the choke hold.
“You’re not Angel anymore, are you?” Jenny walked closer to Angel.
“Wrong. I am Angel, at last.” He pulled Willow back away from Jenny, “I’ve got a message for Buffy.”
“Why don’t you give it to me yourself?”
The two of them exchanged words and fought, allowing Willow the opportunity to escape Angel’s clutches and join your huddled group on the outskirts of the fight. Buffy got shoved into the water fountain, dumbfounded as Angel walked out the door laughing. The fight was over as quickly as it started, and a blanket of stunned silence covered the whole group. After what felt like an eternity of numb, unmoving shock, you and Jenny gave each other a knowing look. You’d failed. Angel was gone.
You don’t remember how long you’d been sitting in the library, vaguely listening to the group tell Giles about the confrontation with Angelus. Jenny was trying to keep Giles from panicking, and you sat numbly with your guilt. You only looked up when Buffy fled the room, Giles calling after her. You wanted so badly to apologize, but if Buffy ever found out what you’d known, she might kill you herself. You excused yourself from the library, mumbling to Jenny that you’d be in the studio back home.
The garage door creaked as you lifted it. Jenny had given you one of the car bays to use as an art studio while you lived in Sunnydale. Your studio was one of the only places you knew where you could truly be alone with yourself. Jenny had never judged you or your art. Ever since your parents died, she’d stepped up and been supportive of you. You brushed your hand along the top of your canvas stash, picking a large, almost square canvas and setting it on your easel.
Painting had been a way for you to cope with strong emotions for as long as you could remember, but with the events of today you felt lost. You sat on your stool in front of that blank white canvas for what must have been hours. You eventually decided that nothing could convey what you were feeling in the moment, so you decided to paint something the opposite.
You used cream-white, gold and rust to block out a background; it was light, idyllic, and serene. It would be a white-stone conservatory, full of hanging candles and lanterns with a mezzanine balcony covered in ivy. Over that you dropped bright, vibrant tones of yellows and reds and greens. You blocked them into the spaces you would put dancers in flowing gowns and painted blues where you would place their partners. It would be full of life. You stood back a moment, studying. The scene was missing something; joy and innocence, maybe. You place a few, short splotches of pinks and light yellows for younger girls. They were running in a small stampede, weaving through the forest of colorful silks on the dance floor- chasing after fairies or some magic that existed only in their imaginations. There it was. You had vague shapes and a vision, and you were intent on chasing it.
You painted all through the night, and well into the morning. Jenny had left for the school hours ago, but hadn’t said anything. The painting was finally done. You sat in your stool and wiped your hands on your jeans. It was done, you had worked for hours, you had cried for Angel, you had smiled for the imaginary children, and for a moment you were satisfied... Then you noticed it.
In the center of your painting was a lone dancer. She wore a red gown with dark lace over the bodice and had equally dark hair. Your painting was somewhat post-impressionist, preferring interesting shapes over pinpoint detail, but it was unmistakable. In a ballroom of strangers, you’d painted her. Drusilla. You didn’t know what to think about that.
You stared at Drusilla in the painting, stuck in an introspective daze until a creaking sound pulled you back to reality. Your uncle had opened the garage door and stepped into the studio bay with two cups of coffee. You pulled up a stool for him and he handed you one, sitting beside you in front of the painting.
“Janna called,” he began cautiously. “She is on her way home with your friend, Buffy. I don’t know how, but she knows.”
“She’s going to hate me for this,” You scanned the sweeping lines of a yellow skirt somewhere else on your painting, trying not to let the tears prickle at the corners of your eyes.
The door to the garage opened behind you both and you looked down into your mug, anxiously tapping your nail against the ceramic. You couldn’t bear to look Buffy in the eyes, your guilt returning in full force.
Your uncle lit a pipe and stood up as he spoke,
“She told me you would be coming. I suppose you want answers,”
“Not really.” The voice wasn’t Buffy’s.
You snapped your head towards the door to find Angelus leaning against the door frame, blocking your exit. You scrambled, picking up a fistful of wooden paint brushes off your work table in a desperate search for weapons. You spun back towards Angelus just in time to watch him snap your uncle’s neck. An arm smacked against your leg as he dropped onto the concrete floor- a sensation you would no doubt remember the rest of your life. You snapped a large paintbrush in half to give it a pointier edge, but Angelus grabbed your wrist before you could even make a move on him. This was the sickening moment you realized just exactly how tall Angelus was. Exactly how far above he loomed over you.
“Ah, ah.” He tutted at you with a smirk. “Wouldn’t want to go angering the guy who holds your life in his hands, now would you?” He twisted your wrist until you let go of the brush, then wrapped his other hand around your throat and pushed you onto the worktable.
“You know, it really is embarrassing that you’re so darn fragile!”
He was laughing, but he was right. In comparison you were a mouse fighting a lion, you had no chance against him. You clawed fruitlessly at his hand, but he just squeezed harder. Your vision was already fuzzing out, and it was getting difficult to even see Angelus’ face clearly as he taunted you.
“Oh, stop squirming, you’ll be unconscious in a minute, kid. Lucky for you, I need some bait. So you get to live for a while, isn’t that exciting?!” His voice was giving you something tangible to focus on, but it was no use. Another moment and you were unconscious.
Your head pounded like a drum when you woke up. You opened your eyes, but it took a while for them to adjust to the dim light. You tried to rub your eyes, but your hands were tied down to the armrests of the chair you were sat in. Your eyes darted around for any sign of Angelus, but found none. Everything was empty. Silent. Against your better judgement, you called out into the empty factory.
You waited. No one responded, but you felt you were being watched.
You didn’t know how much time had passed before you heard a small, soft melody coming from behind you. Humming. Your heartbeat kicked up a notch as you scanned the room.
“I can hear you going pitter-patter from here,” Drusilla had spoken from a place you couldn’t see. You heard each of her footsteps click closer and closer behind you until you could feel her standing just inches away. You let out a shaky breath and she shushed you quietly.
She ran her hands through your hair, dragging long red fingernails across your scalp. She began detangling your hair with her fingers, idly humming once again. You let your head tip back as she picked lightly at a particularly bad snag, dismantling it and continuing her exploration of your hair. By now you’d noticed you were crying, silently terrified and unnerved by the ministrations of the vampire behind you. She yanked a new snag in your hair and you couldn’t help the small yelp that escaped you.
“Is the doll hurting?” She pulled her hands away when she realized you weren’t going to answer her. She walked agonizingly slowly around your chair, stopping directly in front of you. “It’s rude to ignore people.” You stared at the floor, avoiding her gaze. You did notice, however horrified, that she was wearing a new, yet familiar, red dress with black lace.
You could feel her staring down at you, almost willing you to look at her. When you didn’t, she dropped to her knees to meet your eye line, resting her cheek on your knee. You studied her face as she ghosted her hand up and down your left thigh, occasionally picking at the smatterings of paint that were still all over your jeans.
“You’re an artist. I like artists,” She picked up her head and you chuckled nervously as she looked at you. In a morbid way, you were glad she liked you, whatever that meant. It might mean I live a little longer.
You looked up at the ceiling uncomfortably, then scanned the room for an escape, for something, anything you could do. She dragged her finger from your thigh up to your neck as she looked up at you. For a moment, you were scared she’d slice your throat, but she wrapped her hand around your jaw and pulled your face down gently to look at her.
“You’ll be my little pet Artist. We’ll have lots of fun together,” She stared into your eyes with a dangerous smile. She rubbed her thumb against your jawline -her hand still holding your face as she stood up- until she burst into a fit of giggles. She dropped your face and pulled her hands together, close to her chest, as she walked backwards a few paces.
As if she’d sensed him coming, Spike rolled into the room and stopped his chair just next to you. Drusilla gracefully perched herself on Spike’s lap and after a few minutes of flirting, Angelus came down the spiral staircase with the Judge, who voiced that he was ready to leave.
“About time.” Spike gave Drusilla a kiss and told her to have fun.
“Too bad you can’t come with, huh?” Angelus was taunting Spike and -despite your fear- you were studying the interactions for a better understanding of the relationships at play. Spike was staying behind under the pretense of watching you, but it was a thinly veiled jab at his current handicap. You watched silently as Angelus practically stole Drusilla off Spike’s lap before they left the factory. Spike stared at the doorway they'd left from for a while before he glanced back at you, staring at him. You dropped your eyes immediately, but it was too late.
“What are you lookin’ at?” He wheeled himself to the other side of the table.
“I won’t be in this chair forever. I’ll get back at him.”
“Of course you will.”
He squinted at you, probably just as surprised as you that’d you’d actually spoken back at him. He turned his chair and got up close to you again, murder glinting behind his eyes.
“Are you being funny? ‘Cause I could kill you in half a second, you know.”
“No, no jokes,” You shook your head at him, weakly lifting your hands within your restraints in surrender. The last thing you wanted was for him to prove just how tough he still is.
“Good, cause I would,” he pointed his finger at you as he continued on, “...kill you, I mean.”
“Right.” You squinted, processing.
“You’d do well to remember that.”
You pressed your lips together and nodded awkwardly. He stared at you about 7 seconds longer than he needed to before huffing and rolling off to another room. As soon as you were alone, you sighed in relief and stared up at the ceiling; only one thought in your mind.
Oh. My. God.
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derivativealigner · 4 years
Well I haven’t watched sp all the way through for about a decade now, so I thought it was time
Sometimes I wonder how accurate the fandom is when it comes to how we interpret the characters. Like, why is Stan a football star so often in fanfic and why’s Kyle always the smart one? So I thought I’d rewatch the show and make notes along the way to see where the source of all these interpretations is. I also wanted to see if I could get some fun info to analyze, but season 1 is pretty sparse in that regard so there’s not too much of that in this post, but I’ll make a post for all the other seasons too as I watch them
In summary, it’s established in season 1 already that Stan’s a star quarterback and an animal lover, Kyle’s an A+ student, and Kenny is poor and knows a lot about sex and doesn’t have many qualms about doing crazy shit. Cartman is a bit weird since he’s mostly just a naive brat in this season, but he and Kyle have a mildly antagonistic friendship already
I have all my notes under this cut. They include a bunch of small details and other observations. I also listed every Kenny death just because
Ike has freckles
Cartman says “Weak!” and “You guys” and “Seriously” a lot from the start, also “Kickass!” He doesn’t say weak or kickass much in the later seasons iirc
Stan says “Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here” three times in this season but they dropped that catchphrase pretty quickly
Bebe got named in episode 2
Stan’s been an animal lover since s01e03 Volcano since he won’t shoot a bunny or anything else. He does shoot Scuzzlebutt at the end though
Cartman’s a pathological liar but in a childish way
Randy got named in s01e03 Volcano (and it only got worse from there)
The mayor went to Princeton
South Park is next to Mt. Evanson
Kenny will literally drink gasoline
Stan’s a star quarterback in 3rd grade
Clyde’s voice is wrong as hell in S01E04 Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride and he has a dog, Rex
Garrison says Kyle is an A+ kid
Shelly seriously abuses Stan, punching him, throwing him, maiming him with a lawnmower
Cartman had a pot-bellied pig called Fluffy
Cartman’s mom smokes crack and has sex with strange men
Dr. Mephesto is probably a Buddhist since he says “Thank Buddha” instead of “Thank God”
Clyde’s voice gets kind of fixed in S01E06
A guy called Mr. McCormick is killed in a protest, launched and splattered against a network building. He doesn’t look like Kenny’s dad though
Zombie Clyde attacks Bebe, rude
Wendy gave her costume contest prize (2 tons of candy) to hungry children in Nairobi
Cartman’s mom is on the cover of Crack Whore magazine. “Back do’ ho… Five on one action!” is the headline
Cartman genuinely cries at Kenny’s grave after the whole zombie thing but gets over it because of candy
Stan knows his mom’s credit card number and has no problem using it to adopt an Ethiopian child (the boys wanted a watch that came with the adoption, they weren’t doing it to be nice)
Cartman calls Stan a vas deference, Stan doesn’t know what that is so Kenny says “Dude, it’s a pipe for your peepee” (according to a transcript). Kenny sure knows male anatomy
Kyle sniffs Kenny after Cartman asks why poor people smell like sour milk and Garrison says “idk eric they just do”
Cartman thinks poor people should die and decrease the surplus population
When the boys get Starvin’ Marvin delivered to them, Cartman says “Hey mom, we found an Ethiopian, can we keep him?” and his mom says “Sure, hun.” She rarely says no to Cartman
Kenny’s dad is an alcoholic who drinks scotch according to Cartman. I mean, Mr. McCormick is seen drinking in multiple episodes and has a hat that says SCOTCH so it’s probably true
Kenny’s family says grace
Craig’s first appearance is S01E09. Also, S01E09 is the first time Kenny doesn’t die (Coincidence? I THINK yeah but it’s still fun)
Clyde got named in S01E10
Clyde and Bebe both spit on Pip’s face, friendship goals <3
Cartman and Kyle have their first fight at Cartman’s birthday party because Kyle didn’t give the right gift. Cartman slaps his face and  screams “I hate you! I want you to die! Die!” while on top of Kyle who’s not really fighting back
Satan throws a fight with Jesus after everyone except Satan bet that Jesus would lose, which leads to Satan winning everyone’s money. Mr. Garrison says “What a mean thing to do!” and Jimbo says “He is a jerk!” and I thought it was quite a laugh so I wrote it down
In S01E11 Tom’s Rhinoplasty Bebe and Wendy are sitting in the swings together and generally appear together throughout the episode, then Bebe gives Wendy a makeover so they’re bffs obviously <3
Craig first appears in the classroom, though not sitting down, in S01E11
Wendy’s not happy about Ms. Ellen taking Stan away from her, she says “Don’t fuck with me! Stay away from my man, bitch, or I’ll whoop your sorry ho ass back to last year!”
Kenny gives Ms. Ellen a scrumptious looking sausage as a valentine’s gift and giggles deviously. Wendy’s gift to Ms. Ellen is a dead animal
Even Kenny doesn’t know what a lesbian is
Wendy’s grandma died in S01E11
Wendy gets Ms. Ellen killed by hiring the Iraqi government (?) to put her in a rocket and shoot it into the sun, then she and Bebe have a pool party (very cool, they wear sunglasses 😎) and watch the rocket hit the sun
Cartman and Pip play a game of kicking each other in the nuts until someone falls. Cartman calls it “Roshambo”
Kenny has a sack of marbles
The boys aren’t fans of Barbra Streisand, but Stan is a fan of the Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway (he’s not a quarterback anymore, he’s an American football executive and the president of football operations for the Denver Broncos of the NFL according to wikipedia.)
Officer Barbrady is a fan of Fiona Apple (who was 20 at the time and had only one album released called Tidal)
Ned knows how to pilot a helicopter
Kyle’s mom is a fan of Streisand unlike literally everyone else, she even gets an autograph from Mecha Streisand
The boys are fans of Robert Smith, the lead singer of The Cure. Stan says “Robert Smith is the greatest person that ever lived!” and Kyle says “Disintegration is the best album ever!” and Cartman says “Robert Smith kicks ass!” and Kenny’s dead so he doesn’t get to have an opinion
Cartman has tea parties with his toys: Polly Prissypants, Clyde frog, Peter Panda, and a dragon called Rumpertumskin
Kyle wants to make fun of Cartman for the tea party but Stan stops him because he’s concerned that Cartman needs help
Craig is in front of the school counselor’s office in S01E13
A young miss Cartman drinks like a motherfucker at the 12th annual drunken barn dance where Cartman was supposedly conceived
Stan lets Cartman borrow his bike like a good friend
Garrison wanted to have a threesome with Chef and Cartman’s mom. I don’t know why I’m making a note of this but uh… yeah.
Cartman’s mom has had sex with everyone at this bar that Garrison’s drinking at, including principle Victoria, the mayor, Father Maxi, and Jesus (and maybe Kenny’s dad since he’s at the bar but the camera doesn’t pan to him when Garrison says they’ve all slept with Liane). Later Gerald Broflovski is a possible father to Eric, so he fucked her too. Also Mr. Mephesto and his friend Kevin, that little guy, are candidates along with a lot of other people, including the 1989 Denver Broncos (and Mr. Tenorman is included in that later)
Cartman doesn’t make fun of Kyle for being Jewish much at all in this season even though the Christmas episode is all about Kyle not celebrating
Clyde and Token appear very early on and Clyde has always been in the classroom (along with Bebe, Red, Kevin Stoley, Wendy, and Pip and uhh DogPoo too I think). Craig appears later in the season and Tweek’s not in season 1 at all, so Craig’s gang isn’t really a thing yet
And here’s a list of the ways Kenny died in this season. He dies in every episode except episode 9, and he dies twice in episodes 2 and 3. Altogether he dies 14 times
S01E01 Killed after alien shoots him, cows stampede over him, then cop runs him over which finally actually kills him
S01E02 Killed in a play by a falling teepee, then a second time shot by Garrison which sends him in the air and he gets impaled on a flagpole on the way down
S01E03 Killed by a volcano rock that burns him then rolls on him but he’s alive again in the end but gets shot by Ned’s gun that he drops and it accidentally goes off
S01E04 Gets his arms and head torn off in an American football game
S01E05 Stan’s clone punches Kenny into a microwave where he gets cooked alive
S01E06 Death touches Kenny
S01E07 Kenny gets crushed by a Russian space station and turns into a zombie because he gets Worcestershire sauce in his veins, then Kyle chainsaws zombie Kenny in half, then zombie Kenny rises from his grave and is crushed by a statue and a plane
S01E08 Kenny is killed by a bunch of turkeys. His eye gets plucked out. It’s dark blue
S01E10 After Kenny gets turned into a duck-billed platypus, Jimbo and Ned shoot him
S01E11 Ms. Ellen throws a sword through Kenny’s face
S01E12 While Mecha Streisand and a giant robot Leonard Maltin fight, Kenny plays with a tetherball and gets the rope wrapped around his neck and it strangles him
S01E13 Kenny gets stuck on a go kart and it drags him around but stops and he’s still alive! Too bad the go kart stops on train tracks and a train runs him over. Stan’s grandpa sends a video of the event to America’s Stupidest Home Videos and wins $10,000
If you read all that, first of all hello. I’m not new to the fandom even though this is the first thing I’ve posted on this tumblr blog. I’ve been writing a fanfic called Caffetamine though so I’m not a complete non-entity. Anyway, I’ll watch season 2 soon and post my notes on that too probably.
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omegatheunknown · 3 years
AEW Double or Nothing 2021
In which the spirit of WCW is alive in confusing and delightful ways and we are left to parse whether overbooking and extracurriculars are offset by having actually very good wrestling happening at the same time.
- Lessons learned from Revolution on the production side? Maybe just cool it on pyro, though the rappelling adventure in the Stadium Stampede showed some of that now-characteristic 'trust us it'll look better on TV' flair. Hot crowd tends to paper over most woes, and the crowd was pretty hot. My one gripe is that the casino theme is hanging around like yesterday's takeout containers. Nothing wrong with clinging to a theme, I just think it's time for season 2. My suggestion? Under the Sea.
*Pre-Card Serena Deeb (C) v Riho for the NWA Women's Championship (***1/2) - Serena Deeb's star has finally risen. She's a remarkably consistent technician and she can get a match out of anyone at this point. She's working at the level of Mercedes Martinez or Madison Eagles at this point, it's amazing that she was overlooked or considered fit only to be a coach for so long. With the NWA belt she has this new swagger, she's basically everything Tessa Blanchard might bring to the table with none of the downsides (Serena has a lot of friends and seems like a lovely person, even!) - Riho's back and here to stay. Her time in Stardom didn't do much for my evaluation of her, which is that there are many better wrestlers that would be better representatives of the joshi style and she's merely pretty good. - The match was very good. Serena showcased a champion's aggression against a sympathetic Riho, they really work well against each other, Deeb's technical prowess against Riho's flexibility led to a very dynamic finish.
*Main Card Hangman Adam Page v Brian Cage (***1/2) - Here the shenanigans start. Brian Cage is on Team Taz, Team Taz has nothing else much to do tonight, so why wouldn't Team Taz flex their muscles, bait us with HOOK, etc? (Because it would be nice to have some variety in the card in terms of a match where one competitor stands across from another competitor?) - Hangman is (checking notes) yeah, still over as fuck, as befits the Anxious Millennial Cowboy. Cage terrifies me, he's a child's drawing of a body builder. He do be very agile for a man of his immense musculature tho. They match up well, Page is biggish for a flyer, Cage loves to play catch. Nothing much to write home about, other than Hangman's beautiful moonsault to the floor and what was overall a very good curtain jerker. - Okay fine, I am curious about Cage's reluctance to lean on the goons, Starks can't come back soon enough.
The Young Bucks v Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston (***) - I will not be referring to Mox & Eddie as (The) Wild Things because it gives me 'he calls it the wacky line' flashbacks for some reason. - The Bucks have to cheat and abuse Rick Knox's attention span constantly to be on even footing with Mox & Eddie, which is a clever sort of thing that gets washed out by the appearance of LG and Karl Anderson, which again, is cool in a vacuum but was the story of the evening. - Pace was weird - repetitive in eliminating Eddie, then Mox fights back, failed hope spot, Bucks team up, Eddie saves x2/3 in a row. - Mox, unlike Cody (in so many ways,) will probably actually be taking some time off with Renee, which is the kind of thing I would prefer not to know in terms of booking, but they really uh, put him down on the canvas here, and it felt pretty finale-esque.
Casino Battle Royale (n/r, but on the balance pro) - Any changes to the theme of the PPV would likely include changing up the nonsense suit format of these largely joyless slogs. - Obviously anticipating a NJPW talent, or... I dunno, actually -- Lio Rush was a surprise. Got in a quick demonstration of his otherworldly quickness, and you know what, there's probably a fun place for him in AEW. He'll need some friends, of course, feel like Team Taz might fit his temperament. I wonder if he was aware of the Mark Henry news... - Christian does not need to win this kind of match to get a title shot, obviously, but that said it was super lovely to use him to give Jungle Boy the shine. Jungle Boy would be a license to print money if he was even as big as Hangman. - Could register some continued griping about how Penta is not getting his due in AEW but he also literally was dressed as the Joker so I'm low on sympathy on this one particular night.
Anthony Ogogo v Cody Rhodes (*) - I did not like this. It's hard for me to read jingoism as a face move to begin with, and Cody's was egregiously tone deaf and kinda silly yet delivered without a trace of irony because Cody doesn't do irony on purpose, ridiculous neck tattoo aside. - Great argument to be made that Ogogo just isn't experienced enough to be winning matches against Cody. But like, what are we doing here? Cody needs to take some time off, maybe. I thought that's what was happening when he had his mini feud with Penta that really just ended in quick decisive Cody win. I though maybe Cody was being turned when QT and The Factory snapped-- sure, they're a group of impotent player 2s, but Cody is an out of touch elitist with a callous and manipulative streak. Alas, also no. America #1. - Cody is approximately 8 times as tough as Billy Gunn based on his weathering of the one punch man. Match ran a bit long given how little there was to go on. Cody gigged? Quelle surprise. - Cody had the best match on the card like, 3 out of the first 4 AEW events or something, and that was all booking and storytelling. I do hope Cody follows Moxley's lead into a little sabbatical.
Miro (C) v Lance Archer for the TNT Championship (**1/2) - Card's hossiest hoss match, a quick burst reminiscent of a car wreck. Absolutely hit on what it should've hit on but a little slow moving considering it went all of 10 minutes. - I will not complain about Jake the Snake, who I love. And also the gimmick spot, with Miro very astutely yeeting what was definitely a snake in a bag (surely.) back down the tunnel.
Dr Britt Baker, DMD v Hikaru Shida (C) for the AEW Women's Championship (***) - Picked up a lot of steam toward the end but seemed a little toothless (heh) until the last five. - Shida 'deserved' some more time as champion in front of crowds but also it's time to let heel Britt reach her peak, I can't even imagine how obnoxious she can be as the champ, it's going to be great.
Sting & Darby Allin v Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky (***1/2) - Such is the power of STING that I feel like I might be underrating this match... I mean it was an okay match about very simply getting some revenge and the sixty year old man did a very subdued Code Red and a slightly less subdued dive. He's also Sting. They missed an opportunity in calling it the 'Scorpio' Death Drop, but the main takeaway here is you see something like this where it's The Icon and you start to understand why WWE trots out their legends to come out of incredibly still kick ass without bending their knees. - The difference, I guess, is that Sting is absolutely being used to build up Darby Allin, whereas it's not like the fed brought back Goldberg and his attendant aura to pump up... anyone but Goldberg?
Kenny Omega (C) v PAC v Orange Cassidy for the AEW World Championship (****) - Off the top I have to say I'm very sad that the rest of the Galaxy's Greatest Friends were seen only very briefly, nice of them to bring OC's backpack. - Also have to point out that PAC's promo featured one of my favourite jokes, that Kenny must be short for Kenneth as a sort of legal/birth name belonging to a professional wrestler. (See also: Samoa Joseph) - And Mr Cassidy certainly did try in this match, ragdoll sells and all. Kenneth and PAC are absurd talents who bring aerial, power and technical maneuvers in equal measure and OC is not doing any of those on the same level, but he picked his spots, showed his genre savvy and hung in there to the point that he wasn't just the fall guy. - The extracurriculars continue in a match that was already a little overboard for silliness due to asymmetry... I think if you're the Invisible Hand it would've made sense to save up all your tricks for this match, but who am I to question the golden goose? - Sure, Kenny and Don ran the classic heel manager interference spot and taking out the ref in desperation spot but having to take out the ref because PAC wouldn't break the hold is fun, as is the stupid/inspired sense in running the 'smash opponent with the belt' spot four times so as none of your heavy gold prizes feel left out. (I love that AAA Mega Championship, they weren't on TV so we get to see it?) - "Fuck You, Don," indeed.
The Inner Circle v The Pinnacle in 'Stadium Stampede II' (***1/2) - This one had to grow on me for two reasons, first that it's usually pretty unforgivable to co-opt the main event spot from the championship match, and second to law of diminishing returns on dumb gimmick matches. - But grow it did. There's a full on meat locker? Commentary will refer to a cardboard cut-out of Shahid Khan as Tony Khan's father (that's canon now,) and Jericho will lovingly pat it? Konnan happened to be the DJ at whatever night club there is a Jaguar Stadium? Spears surrounds himself dramatically with chairs and his hoisted by his own petard? - Ultimately it comes down to letting Sammy shine. His involvement with the Inner Circle has sometimes come at the cost of being able to showcase that prior to AEW he was an ascendant talent in PWG, on his way to Ricochet level feats of acrobatic excess. Still feel like Sammy could've/should've been the one tossed off the cage a few weeks ago, but even better is being the guy getting the pin in the ring.
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Always be Yours-5
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Word Count:4,476
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part I did of the same title. Follows Dean and Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: During a hunt a spell results with Dean tapping into his more k-9 nature
Warnings: ridiculousness along with the usual
After the interruption by Sam the night after Charlie left you expected Dean to find a moment to ask you whatever it was but it seemed as if he intended to act as if that moment had never happened between the two of you. Your bruises healed and with Kevin's mini vacation being over life in the bunker went back to as normal as it ever was.
You had just walked into the map room where Sam was sitting at the table when Dean walked in from the hall "Wow" you cut your eyes at him as you handed Sam a cup of coffee than sat across from him with your own "What?" Sam asked turning to look at his brother. "Kevin, I just poured some buffalo milk down his gob twice" you stifled a laugh. Poor kid was still recovering from Branson. "Buffalo milk?" Sam asked and without thinking you spoke over Dean "Hangover cure-all. Has everything in it except buffalo milk" Dean raised one eyebrow at you knowing what he meant and Sam not but luckily before he could comment on it Sam said what you were thinking "How is that kid still recovering from Branson?" "What can I say he's an amatuer. The slippery nipple shots at the Dolly Parton dixie stampede nearly killed the guy" "Not the slippery nipples" you muttered into your coffee and made both boys look your way with matching smirks before Sam told Dean he may have found a case.
"Are you sure you're up for a case Sammy?" Dean asked and you braced yourself for the ongoing back and forth where Sam would assure you and Dean both he was feeling fine and Dean would express his and yours concerns because the two of you actually knew what Sam's insides were like. "I am Dean. Look, Kevin's back on the heaven spell. Crowley's locked up so we should be out there doing what we do best. Plus we have Y/N here so three hunters are better than two"
Dean glanced your way but you kept your eyes trained on the coffee swirling around in your cup when Sam asked him "Are you at least going to listen?" Dean finally looked away from you and waved a hand "Go ahead" You turned to look at Sam as he started reading from the article "Taxidermist named Max Alexander crushed to death. Nearly every joint in his body dislocated, every bone broken. Poor guy is a human pretzel. You tell me what's got that kind of strength" "A demonic luchador?" Dean offered and the eye roll Sam gave him was deep enough you were certain Sam saw his own brain. "Shop's a couple hours away in Enid Oklahoma. We should at least check it out. Y/N you in?"
You looked up and shrugged "Sure, why not" Dean still hadn't said yes or not so Sam pushed "Unless there's some reason you think we shouldn't Dean" When you stayed quiet Dean finally let out a breath "Meet you both in the garage in twenty"
You sat in the backseat of the impala doing your best not to look Dean's way so you busied yourself with talking to Sam,double checking emails from other hunters and even fussing with your suit jacket. When baby finally came to a stop outside of Mounted Treasures Taxidermy you were relieved to get out of close quarters. Maybe you needed a break from the bunker too? You'd decide after this case.
You fell in step behind Sam and let out a low whistle when you saw the words "DIE SCUM" written in what you hoped was just red paint on the side of the building. Dean cut his eyes at you "Subtle isn't it?" Sam pointed out a symbol on the end of the letter M. It was an upside down triangle with a paw print inside. "I don't recognize it" you said before Sam took a photo "We'll look it up later"
Dean opened the door and motioned for you to go ahead so you smirked "Age before beauty" he rolled his eyes but stepped inside so you walked in between him and Sam. The interior of the building was even less welcoming than the message on the wall "The creep factor just skyrocketed" Dean muttered and you nodded in agreement glancing around at all the mounted animals lining the walls.
When Dean spoke the officer who you were assuming was in charge of the scene turned and spotted the three of you "Woah woah woah" You knew the drill so you had your badge out before Sam did the introductions "Agents Michaels, Deville and Jameson" motioning to Dean, himself than you in turn. The officer immediately turned a lot friendlier "The body's already went to the morgue just wrapping it up with Dave Stephens" then explained that Mr Stephens was who discovered the body. You glanced at the back room then back to the officer when he added "Sure a shame. I used to go hunting with Max. He was a real good egg"
"Sorry for your loss" Dean told him and you nodded in agreement. The officer thanked you both so Dean then said "Mind showing my partners around? I just got a couple questions for Mr Stephens" The officer nodded "Ok, Come on"
You walked in behind Sam and spotted the "Game of thrones" themed animals on the desk and nudged Sam. He picked one up and turned getting Dean's attention. If looks could actually scold anyone the look Dean threw at you and Sam was Bobby level scolding so you smirked then took the animal from Sam and replaced it with the others. You turned back to Sam "So emf? Hex bags?" he shrugged "You take emf, I'll look for the bags"
After a few minutes with no luck you and Sam headed back to the front room. Dean excused himself from Mr Stephens and the officer when he saw the two of you coming. "Excuse us"
"So?" Sam asked. "We got a thief jonesing for animal parts, a pagan symbol and a human pretzel" Dean said so you replied "Yeah it sounds all witchy but there's no hex bags or proof of anything we normally deal with every being here" So Dean shrugged "Well let's keep digging" then you noticed him look up at an owl that was on the wall before he added "Just not here" You looked at the owl then back at Dean "Did he insult you? Should I defend your honor here?" he smirked "I just don't like the way that thing's looking at me"
You were walking back to baby when Dean cut his eyes at you "Y/N, you good with one room or do we need two?" you shrugged "I'm fine with one" so he nodded "One it is"
Dean was going through his bag and you were coming out of the bathroom when Sam said "The symbol in the graffiti..It's not wiccan, It's copywritten" You walked over to where he was sitting on the foot of one of the beds and leaned over his shoulder to look at the screen then up at Dean "Local animal rights group, Enid's answer to PETA" Sam turned the screen around and Dean read over the screen "S.N.A.R.T? You got to be kidding me" "Well it makes sense that an animal right's group would have an axe to grind with a taxidermist" you offered pushing off Sam's shoulder to stand back up.
"Why? The animal's already dead" Dean asked and Sam responded "Yeah but hunters are what keeps them in business" Dean rolled his eyes and Sam added "Now the question is are those bleeding hearts actually witches or just hippies?" "What's the difference?" Dean asked and you laughed under your breath "We can shoot the witches?"
Gentle Earth Vegan Bakery was listed on S.N.A.R.T'S website so that was where you all headed. When you stepped in the door Dean looked around then said "Always knew I'd find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery" you tilted your head then said "Just wish I would've packed my leather jacket just to screw with them" and was rewarded with a wink from Dean and an eye roll from Sam.
Sam sniffed and his nose scrunched up "What's that smell?" "Patchouli" Dean answered and when you and Sam both looked his way he added "Mixed with depression from meat deprivation" you shook your head then noticed that the guy behind the counter was wearing sunglasses so you nudged Dean who followed your line of sight "Know who wears sunglasses inside?" You asked and he answered "Blind people and douchebags?" you shrugged "Point for the eldest Winchester. Sammy try to keep up"
You followed the boys to the counter then spoke "Olivia and Dylan Camrose?" the man and woman behind the counter looked your way "Yes ma'am?" "You two are members of S.N.A.R.T.? correct?" you asked and Olivia smiled "Founders and Co Presidents actually" then held up a pamphlet "Can we interest you in some literature?" Sam shook his head politely so Dylan offered a flax seed scone that was wheat, gluten and sugar free. "I'm gonna stop you right there" Dean interrupted "We're here to investigate the death of Max Alexander, local taxidermist" "He's dead?" Olivia choked out and appeared to be genuine. "You knew him?" you asked and she looked at Dylan before answering "Ish. Small town"
"Well he was murdered last night and a S.N.A.R.T. logo was found at the crime scene" you told her and wished she'd take those damn glasses off so you had a chance of catching a reaction of some sort. "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" Sam pushed looking between the two of them.
Olivia and Dylan were a bust. Turned out while they were tagging the taxidermy place the night before they got spooked by a hissing sound and ran into the alley where they ended up getting maced. You didn't miss the irony of it but remained quiet when they removed their sunglasses to show their faces.
With no other leads you headed back to the motel to change and dig a little deeper because the "mace" on Dylan and Olivia didn't look like any macing you nor Sam had ever seen.
You sat across from Sam while he typed into his laptop and took the beer Dean offered you. "Necrosis" Sam announced so Dean asked "Necrosis?" "Premature death of tissue, that's why their eyes were all messed up and it's not caused by mace" "Then what caused it?" you asked while Dean leaned over Sam to look at the screen.
"Blunt force, radiation, venom" Dean read off. "As in snake?" you asked and Sam shrugged "Taxidermist was constricted. Olivia and Dylan heard hissing and they were sprayed in the eyes" "By venom" you finished and took a sip of the beer.
"So we talking some sort of freaky ass snake monster?" Dean guessed sitting next to you on the chair and you shook your head at him but refused to move. Sam looked between you two then shrugged "Maybe but the weird thing is, snakes either envenomate or constrict. No snake does both" "Correction, freaky ass mega snake monster. Awesome" you scoffed which made Sam chuckle and offer "Could be a vetala?" "Yeah but they're not afraid to sink their fangs in" Dean brushed off the suggestion and you agreed "Taxidermist was bite free. Doesn't fit the profile"
Sam sighed "So we call Kevin? get him to look some stuff up?" "Best option we have at the moment" Dean agreed.
With nothing else to do for the day Dean went to grab some food so all of you could eat and attempt to get a little sleep. You were sitting at the table in the room and Sam cleared his throat so you glanced up "Yeah?" you could tell he was wanting to say something but also not risk you getting upset at whatever it was so you stared at him expectantly "Just say it Sam"
He scratched behind his ear as he stood up and walked over to sit across from you "Is there something going on between you and Dean?" you didn't have to act in that moment because you were honestly confused "Huh?" he shrugged "Lots of conversations just from looks being passed back and forth. Dean worried about you leaving the bunker. The couple times I've walked into a room and the two of you jump apart.." You shook your head "There's nothing like that going on Sam. Just when you got so sick after the trials I guess it just pushed me back fully into your lives and then after the two of you talked me into moving into the bunker we're close quarters and all" He didn't look too awfully convinced but nodded nonetheless "Ok, I mean I just wanted to say I wouldn't have an issue with it. You both deserve someone to make you happy and if that happens to be each other.." you held up a hand to cut him off "We're friends Sam. That's it" about that time the door opened and Dean walked in carrying bags of food and soda and looked over at you and Sam "You two good?" you nodded "If you got my cheeseburger we are" and Dean grinned and held the bag out "Got your one and my three"
You ended up sleeping in the same bed as Sam with you under the blanket and him sleeping on top of it. When you woke up Dean was making coffee and looked over "Sleep good?" you glared at Sam's side of the bed since he was already in the shower "Fucker snores, next time you're scooting over"
He smirked at that "Anytime you want in my bed just say the word" you bit the inside of your cheek to stop the warmth from spreading through your face, caused by his words then climbed out of the bed "Can I have a cup?" Dean held out the one in his hand "Here, we take it the same and I'll just grab me another one" you took it with a smile and teased "Dean Winchester dances and gives his coffee to a damsel in distress" He laughed "Sweetheart you may be a damsel, there may be times you are in distress but I haven't seen a lot you can't handle"
By the time you made it out the shower Dean was knocking on the door to tell you to go with the fed suit instead of usual jeans and t-shirt. There was another body on the ground at the animal shelter.
The body was of the guy who worked the front counter at the shelter. He had claw marks down the side of his face and according to the cops all the cats that had been registered at the shelter were now missing. "So yesterday snake monster, today killer kitty?" Dean scoffed and you cut your eyes at Sam who said "I don't know" Dean stopped both of you and pointed at a pen "Doesn't that mutt look familiar?" "He's from the first crime scene isn't he?" you asked and Sam doubled checked the clipboard on the pen and nodded.
"So he's been at both crime scenes, suspect?" you asked looking at Dean who agreed with you by saying "Could be a skinwalker or a shapeshifter" "Doesn't really look like a monster to me" Sam was looking at the dog but Dean had already dug a silver coin out of his pocket "One way to find out" Dean squatted and called the dog to the gate. He rubbed the coin behind the dog's ears but there was no reaction. "Well at least the pooch isn't the killer?" you said about the time the officer from the first crime scene walked up and the taxidermist's dog started barking until the officer took his hat off. He spoke to Sam but Dean noticed what you did especially when the dog once again started barking when the officer put his hat back on.
"Can we borrow your hat?" you asked and he handed it over. You held it right over Dean's head and the dog started barking until you pulled the hat down. You cut your eyes at Dean then handed the hat back. The officer snarled "Good luck getting adopted" at the dog and you had the strongest urge to punch the damn cop.
Sam read the clipboard again "So Colonel's not a suspect" "He's a witness" Dean confirmed. You squatted down and scratched Colonel's head "You speak sign language buddy?" he whined at you and tilted his head so you could scratch further. Sam perked up "No but there may be another option" and pulled his phone out. You curiously looked at Dean who shrugged until Sam said "Hey Kevin, it's me.. how do we speak to a dog?"
The shelter let you take Colonel with you so you sat in the backseat of baby with him laid across your lap back to the motel.
Kevin called back with the spell about the same time you made it back to the motel so Sam was currently combining the ingredients? while Dean sat across the table and you sat on the floor next to the table with Colonel. "So it's an Inuit spell?" you asked. Sam looked up from the bowl "Yeah, who knew the men of letters had its own eskimo section?"
"And it's supposed to let us communicate with the Colonel?" Dean asked looking at the dog who had his head laying in your lap where you were sitting leaned against Dean's chair. "Yeah..well that's the plan" Sam plucked a few hair from the Colonel then explained that it was a sort of animal/human mind meld which meant if it worked whoever drank it would be able to read the Colonel's thoughts.
You watched Sam pour the foul looking concoction and was glad when Dean grabbed it "I'll do it" he looked into the cup and at the face you were making "Doesn't look so bad" he downed it in a gulp and his entire face twisted for a moment "I was wrong"
Dean read off the spell but the Colonel barely moved. Dean tried to talk to him but to no avail so it was decided to get some lunch then call Kevin for more ideas.
You were sitting on the foot of one of the beds when Dean looked at the Colonel "What?" "What?" you and Sam echoed. "Shut up! It's working" Dean clarified then looked back at the Colonel "Say that again" after a moment Dean said "Dennis DeYoung's not a punk" you were more than a little lost but amused that the dog was apparently arguing with Dean. "Dean! Focus!"
"Oh yeah" he looked back at the Colonel "Hey boy, what were you trying to tell us about the coyboy hat?" you and Sam sat watching the scene unfold which even though the two of you could only hear one side it was clear there was a full conversation happening. "and the pothead too?" Dean asked and Sam glanced at you then turned his attention back to them. Sam threw a balled up napkin in the trash and told Dean to ask about the cats. Dean threw the paper back to Sam then asked about the cats. "I don't want this" Sam told him then chunked the napkin again.
You laughed when you realized that the mind meld was more than talking when Dean once again retrieved the napkin and said that the guy who was doing the killings smelled like ground chuck, soap suds and old lady cream. Sam finally held up the napkin "Dean, what are you doing?" Dean scratched his head in the same spot the Colonel had kept urging you to scratch on his "I don't know"
When Dean started beating on the window yelling at the mailman you fell over on the bed laughing "Dean's a dog dude!"
While Sam called Kevin to check side effects on the spell you sat between Dean and the Colonel. You weren't really paying attention to either until the Colonel bumped your knee so you absentmindedly scratched his head. It made you freeze when Dean let out a light whimper and you looked to see he was looking at your other hand "Are you serious?" he looked at the colonel "He's being smug that you're scratching his head" The colonel looked up at you and if you'd ever seen a dog laugh it was in that moment so you scooted over so you scratch Dean's head too. He let out a contented sigh and laid his head over on your thigh.
Sam hung up and arched an eyebrow at your current position so you stopped scratching both of them despite the whimpers so he could explain the spell's side effects which was what Dean was experiencing.
A few words were passed between Dean and the Colonel and you had to laugh again when Dean announced "I don't have the urge to sniff butts" "Dean?" you asked and he seemed offended "No! Sam how long will this last?" "Kevin doesn't know" he replied and you ran a hand across your face, as if your life could get weirder.
Dean pulled a candy bar out of his jacket pocket and you grabbed it out of his hand "Woah! What the hell Y/N?" you motioned to the Colonel "Dogs can't have chocolate Dean. Do you really want to test it?" the Colonel looked at you and let out a sharp bark so you looked back at Dean "What'd he say?" Dean glared at the dog then answered "He said you're cute for a human and smart" "Aww, thank you" you cooed rubbing the Colonel's back and could've sworn Dean let out a light growl of all things? Sam looked between the three of you then said "Let's head back to the shelter to see if we can find more clues because I swear Dean's getting jealous over a dog" "Am not" Dean argued but cut his eyes at the Colonel as he spoke.
After you and Sam having to de escalate an argument between Dean and a pigeon you were in tears from laughing as you climbed in the backseat with the Colonel and it only got worse when they both wanted to hang their head out of the windows.
When you got the shelter Dean argued with the Colonel for a second before saying "Y/N, he wants you to hold his leash" you winked at the Colonel then grabbed his leash as you climbed out and held the door open for him "C'mon big guy" he climbed out behind you and looked up at Dean who glared at the dog. "Quit being smug you asshole"
Watching Dean interrogate dogs was somewhere between just weird and the absolute best entertainment you'd had in years. A yorkie turned out to be a star witness and wanted a belly rub from Sam in return for information. You stood there watching Sam scratch the yorkie while chewing your bottom lip to not laugh. Apparently the whatever you were after had a sweet tooth for cats according to the yorkie.
The burlap sack the guy had taken the cats from the shelter in had "Avant-Garde Cuisine" written on it so that was finally a solid lead along with a vague description of the guy.
When you were about to leave Dean said "Hold up" and passed you the Colonel's leash then went back and opened all the cages. You shook your head with a laugh when he said "Ok, now let's go"
You were once again herded between Sam and Dean as the three of you walked into the restaurant after Sam picked the lock. In the first office you found a photo of "Chef Leo" who wore a cowboy hat like the yorkie had described along with a frickin pharmacy worth of pain meds.
You were going through a drawer when Dean said "Did you hear that?" you glanced at Sam the shook your head "No?" "Sounded like little kids" Dean explained so you stood up straight and strained your ears to no avail.
It turned out to be a cage of rats who lead Dean to the fridge that contained everything from cheetah liver to grizzly heart while Sam found a shamanism spell book. According to the book whatever animal organ you ingested along with the right mix of hoodoo and spices resulted in the temporary gain of the power of that said animal.
Meaning owl brains for IQ, Cheetah liver for speed..etc
A clanging drew all of your attention so Sam killed the only light in the room and you all pulled your guns and flashlights then headed out into the hall.
The hall was empty so you moved into the kitchen clearing each corner carefully. There was a lone cook so when he asked who you were Dean said you were all from the health department for a surprise inspection.
He told you all that the reason the restaurant was closed was due to the chef having a private party and would be there any minute. "In that case you're shut down" you ordered and glanced at Sam who added "You're clearly in violation of penal code eight fourteen" "You heard em! Out Now" Dean barked out and they quickly moved to comply.
Dean took the front, you took the halls and Sam took the back to try to find the chef. Working plan was to simply empty a clip into his head and hope for the best.
After a fight with the good chef Leo resulting in Sam getting knocked out, you getting slashed on the arm and Dean calling in an entire pack of dogs as assistance the good chef got exactly what he had coming.
When Dean ran back into the kitchen you were crouched over Sam trying to wake him up. "C'mon Sam!" "Y/N!" Dean hollered so you shouted "OVER HERE" he slid to a stop at your side and crouched next to you "He's alive Dean" he let of a breath of relief when Sam finally stirred. "Thank god" Dean helped Sam to his feet then looked at your arm "Do you need stitches?" you shook your head "I don't think so"
The three of you made it outside in enough time to see some bloody dogs running away from the heap that had been chef Leo.
After getting the Colonel adopted out to Olivia and Dylan you hit the road back to the bunker. The only unfortunate thing was chef Leo had put some doubt in Sam's head by asking what Sam was. From what you and Dean could piece together Leo had slit Sam's throat and Zeke healed him. Wasn't like the two of you could tell him that so instead you convinced him that Leo was simply out of his head.
When Dean pulled out onto the road he shot you a look in the mirror and you met his gaze fully. "It'll be ok" you mouthed and he smiled then turned his eyes to the road.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278
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shadowsong26fic · 4 years
Coming Attractions!
I know I usually do this on the first Monday of the month, but given that this month starts on a Tuesday, I don’t feel like waiting that long.
As always, feel free to comment/let me know what y’all are up to, what you did last month, what you plan on doing this month, we can do an Open Question Night, etc.
Also, plugging my Discord server, as I have done in the past--again, this is basically just a (theoretically) more interactive extension of this blog. It’s pretty chill/quiet for the most part, but I’m happy to talk there if you want.
All right, here we go!
So, you may have noticed that my NaNo posts...didn’t happen. That’s because I basically did not meet any of my goals last month--I got a pretty strong start, and then between some IRL/personal life things that happened, plus missing a couple days and not getting back on the horse, so to speak...yeah.
I did get one piece done--a Zuko-centric Avatar: the Last Airbender AU Outline, with the point of divergence being the stampede during the Ba Sing Se arc. Check it out, let me know your thoughts!
Anyway, that was last month, and now it is a new month, and I have Plans and High Hopes for actually Accomplishing things!
I absolutely genuinely for real this time plan to get the last chapter (or two) out in the next week or two. There’s a fairly long section with Bail and Ahsoka and Moonshot (Rex and Leia joining them towards the end); and then a scene with Palpatine and Lavinia; and then a final wrap-up scene from Padme’s POV.
After that, as I’ve mentioned before, things will work a little differently. I’m going to start posting Arc Eight: Escalation alongside Arc Seven Point Five: Preludes. Preludes will be in a separate fic, and will be seven stand-alone short stories taking place during the six-year timeskip between arcs Seven and Eight. They may or may not be presented in chronological order, and they’re a bit more plot-relevant than the stuff that turns up in Bonus Content. A lot of them deal with integrating Rebels content (the first one I have planned takes place two years after Arc Seven and will focus on Kallus); and I’ll probably deal with Maul and Infernalis’ successor. I’m still finalizing all the details for what I have planned here (especially since it can’t mirror Rebels entirely, partly because season 2 alone will be...wildly AU; but also because I have Plans for Thrawn that involve him not being kidnapped by space whales, lol). If there are any specific things you think I should touch on in one of these seven stories, let me know! But bear in mind that it will be limited to seven stories, so I may not do it or I may make a simpler/condensed version for Bonus Content instead.
Anyway, if you’ve been counting the years, you might be able to guess what the titular Escalation in arc eight is :D
That being said, I don’t expect to get any of this out until sometime in January at the very earliest.. I’d like to get a bit of a backlog worked up (so I stop having, multi-month hiatuses between chapters <.< ), and given other things I have planned (see below) it may take a bit of time until I’m ready to post. I’ll put out an update post with a planned schedule/etc. somewhat closer to when things are actually going to get going.
I have picked the story I’m going to do for this, hurray! ...I’m still kind of. Like. Searching for the actual Plot involved, but I know what I’m writing about, so we’ll see where it goes :D It is not OFLAM, which I do intend to keep working on/get out there at some point (which I know I’ve been promising for literal years now but shhhhh).
Anyway, for the story in question, I might already have the minimum wordcount for the first checkin on January 10, (I haven’t counted, but I’m probably close, if I count all the fulltext I have; I doubt all of it will make it into the final story, but we shall see), but I’m hoping to be a bit more solid than I am right now by then.
Apart from the outline I mentioned above, I have a couple projects in the pipeline, now that I’m back in this fandom. I’m hoping to have some significant text done on at least one of them to start posting next year.
My primary focus is probably going to be an Avatar Zuko storyline I’ve been poking at for a few months, but I also have a long epic tragic romance starring Lu Ten that will hopefully materialize at some point.
Additional AU outlines are also a possibility! They’re a lot of fun, whatever the fandom I’m doing them in XD
Hoping to get some done this month, as always; I didn’t get anything put together last month, but--again, life intervened.
Also, would you guys be interested in seeing some of my original stuff here? I know I’ve linked The Phoenix before, which is a crossover between Star Wars and one of my two primary origfic worlds (and also...pretty much the only time I’ve actively written Vader as Vader, lol...), but I have A Lot more. There should be links in my index post to the archives (which...I need to update...), but I’m always happy to share more!
And...I think that pretty much wraps it up! Focus this month is probably going to be on SWBB and the AtLA stuff, once I finish Precipice, but I’ll probably bounce into the upcoming arcs in Precipice!verse as well, and some original things. Maybe fill some long-overdue prompts/asks...
But, as I mentioned at the top of the post, I also like to hear about what you guys are doing! What have y’all been up to? And/or Open Question Night?
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margoshansons · 5 years
Desperate Measures: 13/?
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Summary: the hundred stands their ground and tries to save what little population they have left. Bellamy and Reader get separated.
Notes: this is the finale! if you want season 2 let me know but I’m gonna take a break for a while until the new year. 
“You know the first thing I'm gonna do when I get to the beach?" Miller's voice wove itself through her ears, having moved up to the middle of the pack.
"No, what?" Y/N asked, letting out a hiss of pain as she dragged her foot over a tree root, turning to face her friend.
A smile burst across his face, "I'm gonna go surfing,"
She let out a laugh at the silly goal, wondering if it was a viable option on this hell planet. She had given up on those small dreams the moment Jasper was speared. She had so many. She wanted to climb a tree, go swimming, hike until her feet got sore. Instead, she was running from murderers with spears. The camp halted, and she caught a glimpse of Octavia's hand near the front of the pack
"What is it?" Y/N asked, pulling herself upward and releasing her grip on Miller's shoulder.
Jasper wondered the same thing, lowering his gun before asking, "Why are we stopping?"
"I don't know."
"I don't see anything."
Silence blanketed the group, soon broken as silver flew their way, a blade lodging itself down the middle of Drew's face, their position given away. Miller and Y/N shared a look before looking forward again, the crowd beginning to stir.
Jasper readied his gun, "GROUNDERS!" He bellowed, joining the rest of the gunners in protecting the camp as they scrambled back toward the dropship, back toward their safety net. Miller picked up Y/N in his arms, handing her off to Bellamy as the stampede persisted, taking his place next to Jasper as a protector of the delinquents.
The gate shut behind the last of the group, Drew's dead body collapsing to the ground as his eyes stared blankly upward, fear the last emotion he had felt.
"Where are they?" Bellamy asked, placing her down on the wall next to him, "Why aren’t they attacking?"
"Because we're doing exactly what they want us to." Clarke joined them, shooting Y/N a confused look at the closeness the two shared. She rolled her eyes, making sure Clarke understood that now was not the right time for this. They turned back to Bellamy, "Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive."
Octavia piped up, "If it's just scouts we can fight our way out." She was ready for a fight, whether it was inside these walls or out, she wanted to fight something.
"I agree with Octavia," Finn commented, breathless from the run back "For all we know there's one scout out there."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "They’re grounders, do you really think they'd only send one?" Her words came out harsher than she meant to. She was tired of running. She was tired of hiding.
"Clarke, we can still do this." Octavia interjected, a pleading look on her face."
"Looking to you princess," Bellamy chimed in, sending an expectant look Clarke's way, "What’s it gonna be?"
Clarke locked her gaze with Y/N's, heart pulling at the sight of her injury. It was doubtful she and Raven would make it in the first place, but now? They needed rest, they needed to survive. She dropped from the wall.
"Lincoln said scouts, more than one," She reminded Finn, "He said 'get home before the scouts arrive' they're already here."
She sent a harsh look at Bellamy and Y/N before walking away to help Raven into the dropship. Y/N shared a smile with Bellamy, pulling herself up as they met each other's gazes.
"Looks like you've got your fight." She told him. He nodded, shouting orders at the gunners while Y/N hissed in pain, trying to ignore the bleeding coming from her leg. Just because it was good to walk on, didn't mean she should do it.
"Come on" Bellamy gestured forward, "We gotta get you to the dropship."
"Wait!" She stopped, tearing herself out of Bellamy's arms to approach Miller, pulling him into an embrace. "Don't die. Please."
"I won't" He promised before pulling away, playing lieutenant to the gunners of the camp.
"Come on," Bellamy told her, hitching his arm around her once more before dragging her into their new metal coffin.
"We've got 25 rifles with 20 rounds each, give or take." Bellamy explained, his eyes shifting back and forth between the table and Y/N, making sure she was okay, "Roughly 500 rounds of ammo." He explained to Clarke and Finn, placing his hands on the table, "While you two were gone we made some improvements, thanks to Raven and Y/N, the gully's mined."
"Partially mined," Raven spoke up, her voice cracking in pain, "thanks to murphy."
Anger stirred in his chest as he remembered the events of the morning, the asshole holding a gun to Y/N's head and forcing her to say things she probably didn't even mean. He shook his head forcing that thought out of his head as he returned to the problem at hand.
"it’s the main route in so if the grounders use it, we'll know." Bellamy explained, "They also built grenades."
"Not many," Y/N spoke up this time, hissing in pain, "Again thank you murphy." She gestured to her leg when she said that.
"We'll make 'em count." he promised her, "If the grounders get through the gate guns and grenades should hold them back."
"And then?" Clarke asked, as if there was any other plan.
"Then we close the door and pray." Y/N leaned against the table, finally able to walk on her injury. "It's the only choice we have."
"The ship won't keep them out." Clarke continued to protest, looking between the two leaders, as if there was some secret they refused to share. Instead, Bellamy locked eyes with Y/N, catching the determination swirling in her own while he contemplated the smirk that crossed her face.
"So we won't let them get through the gate." She told Clarke. Her confidence was almost enough to transfer over to Bellamy. Almost.
"You said there's fuel in those rockets right?" Clarke turned to Raven, ignoring the promise Y/N had just made. "Enough to build 100 bombs."
Raven shrugged, "I also said there's no gunpowder left."
Clarke shook her head, sending a blazing gaze toward the mechanic "I don't want to build a bomb. I wanna blast off." Bellamy furrowed his brow in confusion, watching the three women discuss their new plan.
"Draw them in close, fire the rockets," Raven muttered, a smile tugging at her lips.
 "A ring of fire." Y/N whispered excitedly, her eyes lighting up at the prospect.
"Barbecued grounders, I like it."
"Can you do it?" Finn asked.
Raven and Y/N shared a look, speaking a different language than the others before turning back to the group, "You give us enough time, we'll cook em real good."
"Hey" Bellamy caught her by the arm as she moved to push herself into the bottom half of the dropship, "Be careful okay?"
"I will" She nodded, glancing at the gun he held at his side. "You too. You need to stay alive you hear me?" She pressed, her tone urgent. "I need you to stay alive."
He nodded, eyes flickering downward before his lips graced her cheek, the soft touch pressing against her, releasing unknown endorphins in her brain as she closed her eyes, leaning into the gesture. The two leaders stared at each other, unable to grasp exactly what that meant for each other. 
"I had to do that." He whispered softly, eyes scanning her face as his throat moved up and down. "Just once."
"You're coming back." She assured him, both of her hands intertwining with his as their foreheads touched, eyes closed in prayer. "I won't let you die. I promise. I'll run down to hell myself and pull you back to the living if I have to."
Bellamy chuckled, meeting her gaze as the two broke apart, "Well, I'm glad to know I have my very own Orpheus ready to fight against Hades for me."
She playfully pushed his shoulder at the reference. "Shut up, you're such a nerd."
Their hands intertwined, the laughter died down as the sound of war drums was heard through the camp. She swallowed, her nervous gaze never leaving his own as he curled her hand against his face, pressing his lips to her palm before marching off to war.
The plan was going about as well as she expected it to. Raven couldn't move, so it left only her and Clarke to find the igntition system and get everything hooked up.
"You have to find the wire that connects the manual override--"
"To the electromagnet, I know" Y/N yelled up for the third time, finishing Raven's sentence.
"I thought engineers were supposed to know this." Raven joked, and Y/N cracked a smile at the attempt at banter.
"Just because we know the theory doesn't mean we know how to apply it." She admitted, searching the bottom half for the wires.
Raven paused before continuing, the silence lasting unusually long as she struggled to find the right words to say to the engineer. "I'm sorry Y/N." She spoke into the air, causing the other girl to freeze. Y/N sat on her knees, biting her cheek as Raven continued to rant. "I'm sorry I got your mom floated, I'm sorry I slept with Bellamy, I'm sorry I've been an ass since I got down to the ground. I'm sorry I didn't try harder back on the Ark, I'm just--I really need you Y/N, more than you know."
Silence filled the dropship, Clarke refusing to look at any of the girls participating in the conversation.
"You have so many people down here supporting you, and I just--"
A beat passed over the three girls. Y/N glanced upward, eyes locking onto the woman she had known since birth.
"Hey Raven?" She gulped.
"I forgive you."
Laughter floated down to the hull of the dropship as Clarke and Y/N continued, a smile tugging on their lips as Raven spoke up again. "That's a relief, I thought I had to let you sleep with Finn to even things out."
Clarke turned away at the comment, sending a shy smile to her friend before stripping another wire, the bright color a beacon of hope, "I found it!" She shouted upward.
"Now follow it to-"
"The override panel." Y/N finished examining the wire, her smile dropping into a frown, "I would except it’s fried. Totally useless." She let the wire drop down, hanging her head as her hands rubbed themselves on her knees in disappointment.
"You know how to splice a wire?" Raven asked, her voice seeming further and further away. Before any of them could respond Jasper's voice came over the radio, telling the gunners to hold their fire.
Raven's voice became reinvigorated as realization struck her, "Jasper can splice!"
Y/N grasped the radio from Clarke, pushing the button to call him, "jasper, we need you in the dropship now."
"Negative," Bellamy replied, "we can’t give up the west woods."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "The woods are mined Bellamy," She reminded him wondering why she fell for such a lovable idiot, "Now Jasper get in here."
It didn't take him long to splice the wire, and Y/N was almost impressed with the record time it took.
"Okay, got the good wire ready to graft on what’s next?" He asked, being met with silence. Y/N creased her brow as she turned her gaze upward, shouting through the hole in the ship.
"Raven?" She called still not getting a response. Worry panged against her chest, sending her heartbeat skyrocketing as she scrambled up, pushing herself on the edge, facing Clarke as she took the pulse of the now unconscious girl.
"Is she?"
"Not yet," Clarke assured her, worry still lingering behind her eyes, "but soon."
Y/N felt her breathing quicken, heart crushing itself at the thought of losing Raven. She couldn't. Not when she had just gotten her back. She pushed herself back down, looking Jasper directly in the eye.
"Finish it." She ordered before pulling herself up, scooting her legs out of the hole to stand up and face the grounders with Clarke.
"Current to magnet to valve to barbecue" Jasper repeated to himself over and over, the words fading as she met Miller at the front of the dropship.
He called out to the gunners, "They're gonna blow the gate everyone inside!"
"No" Y/N urged, knowing they needed more time, "gunners stay at your post," She shared a concerned look with Clarke before the blonde called out to the unarmed delinquents.
"the rest of you inside, now" She ordered, everyone following suit, their footsteps trampling against the silver protective metal. Everything halted as a boom rang from the sky, causing everyone, even the grounders to gaze up at the inky sky, multiple ships burning up from entering the Earth's atmosphere.
"Is that from the Ark?" Fox asked, her eyes wide.
Y/N stared up in awe, finally recognizing the shower of ships for what it was. "That is the Ark" She murmured, before heading back into the dropship, her hope restored. They weren't alone. They never were.
Marcus could be alive.
Vera could be alive.
Sinclair could be alive.
She joined Jasper down in the hull, helping him connect the wires to the necessary inputs and outputs while the grounder army grew closer. Miller's voice tore her from the now finished job.
"Clarke, Y/N, they’re taking down the gate." He warned, his gun clicking.
"Good," She pushed herself upward, carrying the remote with her, "cause we did it. We think."
She shared a hopeful look with Jasper before standing back up on the floor of the dropship, the pain in her leg nothing but a dull annoyance.
"I'm closing that door," Miller told her, as he walked toward the lever.
"Wait!" She called, pulling him back, an incredulous look crossing her face, chest tighetening as she realized Bellamy hadn’t returned yet. "We’ve still got people out there, Bellamy isn't back yet."
She and Clarke ran outside, yelling for everyone to get inside. The camp had erupted into full on chaos, the last of the gunners running into the ship as she scanned the horizon, almost missing him as he ducked back in from the bushes.
"Bellamy!" She called, running forward before being stopped by a charging grounder, Miller's rifle ending his charge and saving her. He grasped her arm, pulling her down next to Finn and Clarke. Their eyes met across the battlefield as Bellamy tried to race toward the dropship.
Toward Y/N.
"Bellamy run!" She called out in a panic, hoping her voice was loud enough to be heard over the raging battlefield. She couldn't lose him. Not after everything they'd been through. She needed him alive. She needed him.
Only one thought rang in her head as she forced herself to watch Bellamy's trek back to the dropship, mowing down any grounder that got in his way.
I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you.
He was her reason for living. He was her reason for surviving. He was the only reason she cared enough to stay alive anymore.
She sat there helplessly as Bellamy pulled out his gun on the leader of the grounder army, his gun clicking and Y/N's stomach dropped, her blood running cold as realized that Bellamy was out of bullets.
"NO!" She shrieked at the sight of the leader pounding Bellamy's face with the hilt of his sword. Bellamy stood helplessly as the leader continued throwing punch after punch, until eventually, he collapsed, "He's killing him" Her voice quivered, unable to stop the tears from gathering in the corners of her eyes.
Finn grasped a gun from the nearest delinquent, firing off a round as he ran forward to try and save Bellamy, Clarke's voice calling after him. "No Finn no!"
The two women watched as Finn tackled the grounder, giving Bellamy an open shot to lunge at the leader and land a few punches in.
Miller broke them out of their reverie, "Clarke, Y/N you can’t save everybody let's go." He pulled the two of them backward, scrambling to the dropship as Y/N sat there, Bellamy's gaze latching onto hers. Her eyes pleaded with him, told him he could make it. But his gaze was urgent, reminding her of the promise he had made before he left. 
He wouldn't die.
 And she would make sure of it. 
He nodded toward the door, eyes softening as if to let her know it's okay. That he'd be fine. They will see each other again. Her heart thudded against her chest, the battle forgotten as she continued to focus on the fact that Bellamy wasn't going to make it.
"Now!" Miller fired his gun at the hive of grounders running through the almost empty camp, Clarke and Y/N pulling each other back into the dropship, the latter running toward Jasper to set up the ring of fire, while Clarke stood by the door, pulling the lever to close the door. It was official. Bellamy and Finn weren't going to make it. Something in her snapped, sending an uncomfortable numbness coursing through her veins, heart groaning in pain.
She had no time to focus on that though, because she was staring directly into the painted eyes of Anya, who had somehow managed to board the dropship at the last second.
"Y/N, now" Clarke ordered, never taking her eyes off the grounder. Y/N nodded, flipping the switch, reeling backward in shock as nothing happened. Jasper repeated the order out loud one more time and Y/N caught one word they had forgotten about.
"We need current." She spoke aloud, grasping onto the magnet as the rest of the delinquents turned their anger toward Anya, beating whatever strength she had left out of her.
Miller grasped a gun, pointing the barrel at the grounder, "She deserves to die" He yelled, malice lacing his voice. Clarke tore the gun away, four words dripping from her mouth, reminding them of who they were in the first place.
"We are not grounders"
Y/N connected the wires to the magnet, the ground rumbling underneath them as flames spewed out from every direction, burning every living thing in its path. She breathed a sigh of relief as the dropship fell on the ground once again, her leg pain returning as she drew in a sharp inhale. The doors fell open and she settled in next to Raven, unable to stand from the effort of the night.
Red smoke clouded her vision and her alarm bells went off. Unable to run anywhere, she pulled herself back underneath the dropship, placing the panel above her head as she ignored the burnt smell of rocket fuel filling her lungs, the smoke seeping through the cracks as she pulled Bellamy's jacket closer to her, snuggling into the warmth as her consciousness slowly faded away.
and we’re done!! I’m so happy to have finished this before the end of the year! Please remember that I am a human with a life and I cannot respond to people’s requests all the time. If you want me to do that, then you’d have to pay me and I want to keep this free.
Permanent TAG LIST: @begonbirds @iamaunicorn4704 @galacticstxrdust​ @darkcrystal-wolf​
DM TAG LIST: @chloe-skywalker @im-a-writer-right @clarkewithameme @shatteredlovesick @your-typical-giggle @rhyxn @amongthewildthingss @furiouspockettoad @niammain @cxddlyash @lena-davina @kaylinfayezink @gingerxarmy @super-marvel-dale @travelnottogoanywherebuttogo @nerdbookish @valeskasecco @strangerliaa @simsvetements @molethemollie @thebookisbtr @im-a-stranger-thing @jordangdelacruz @oopsiedoopsie23 @multifandombookstore @okj232 @asian-male-enthusiast @minigranger @jooheonbee​ 
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gra-sonas · 4 years
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S2 of Roswell, New Mexico is underway, and Michael Vlamis is back to gracing our screen as the lovable Michael Guerin. Not only did he film season two, over the last year Vlamis has been incredibly busy, making The Black List for his script “Blue Slide Park” with Kyle Anderson, and also releasing a successful mer.ch line with Blank Clo.
We got the chance to talk to Vlamis recently about the second season of Roswell, New Mexico, writing, what he’s binge watching, and more.
Nerds and Beyond: You bring such passion and emotion to all of your scenes. How do you distance yourself from that and take care of you? What do you do to get into that headspace?
Michael Vlamis: To be honest, I’m not good at distancing myself, but part of me likes that. The more I feel, the better the performance, so bring on the pain! The idea that art imitates life has been very apparent for me when it comes to my work. It’s exhausting at times, but always worth it.
Nerds and Beyond: How hard or easy was it to slip back into Michael Guerin?
Vlamis: Like riding a bike! 6 months of being him every day in season 1 set the foundation I needed. Plus, once you’re surrounded by the cast and back on set, it feels like you never left.
Nerds and Beyond: What was your favorite scene to film from Season 2 that we’ve seen so far?
Vlamis: Now, you’ve seen episode 2, so I’m [going] to say the final scene of episode 2 with Maria. That was a heartfelt apology that had a lot of fight, but also a lot of love.
Nerds and Beyond: We’ve already seen Michael in a downward spiral; pushing people away, drinking, etc. after the loss of Max and his mother. Is this going to continue to have a profound impact on Michael throughout the season?
Vlamis: Definitely. He’s a mess. Hopefully over time he’ll learn more about his past and have some peace, but that might not be for a little while.
Nerds and Beyond: How do you think the loss of Max has impacted Michael and Isobel’s relationship?
Vlamis: Max is supposed to be the savior. Now, Guerin feels he might have to be that. And he hates it. But even though I’m wrestling with that feeling, I know I’m all Isobel has left and I’d do anything for her, so the death of Max has to bring us together.
Nerds and Beyond: One of the things we loved most about the Season 2 premiere was the quote, “I want to be good for somebody.” Is there still hope for Michael and Alex?
Vlamis: The hopeless romantic in me says, of course! When you love someone the way they loved and maybe still do love each other, there’s always a chance.
Nerds and Beyond: Have you enjoyed getting to explore more of Michael’s nerdier side (like with technology/science)?
Vlamis: Haha, oh yes! It’s a challenge. I love working with the blow torches, moving heavy machinery with my mind, and getting scenes with Liz and Kyle, so for sure, bring on the science! It’s only tough when I have no idea how to pronounce certain words!
Nerds and Beyond: Did you all approach Season 2 any differently knowing you had a Season 3 to continue the story?
Vlamis: That’s a good question! I can’t speak on everyone else, but I’m assuming it puts people at ease, allowing them to give their best performance. I guess it could also make people lazy, but I didn’t witness any of that on our set. If it did anything, it motivated us to keep striving for greatness.
Nerds and Beyond: Is there anything (we know you can’t spoil!) that we can look forward to regarding Michael or his storyline coming up?
Vlamis: Episode 5 divulges a lot about Michael’s past and what happened after Michael didn’t go off to college. I’m excited for all of you to see that. Oh, and finding out the truth about my mom is pretty special!
Nerds and Beyond: Moving away from Roswell, we know you wrote a script about Mac Miller. Are there any other scripts or projects you’re working on that you can tell us about?
Vlamis: Oh, yes! I’m always cooking something up. I have a Halloween comedy called COSTUMES REQUIRED set up at Seth MacFarlane’s company, Fuzzy Door Productions, and a comedic TV show, MUSIC THEORIES, set up at Stampede Ventures, which has the AMERICAN VANDAL showrunner, Dan Lagana, attached to showrun. I’m really excited about both of those projects. There are other scripts of mine floating around as well, so we’ll see what happens!
Nerds and Beyond: Everyone loved your mer.ch line. Is that something you’re planning to do again?
Vlamis: 100%! It was sooo much work, but the entire process was extremely rewarding. I already have all the design ideas worked out and was going to release the new line soon, but this pandemic has set everyone back. Either way, it’ll be coming by the end of the year 🙂
Nerds and Beyond: What are you watching right now? What’s something you recommend people can binge-watch during this time?
Vlamis: DAVE! It’s an FX show that you can find on Hulu. It’s hilarious.
Nerds and Beyond: How has being in Roswell, NM affected your life? Have you been recognized a lot more in public?
Vlamis: Definitely, but nothing too crazy. Some weeks I’ll get recognized more often than not and other times, nobody says anything. I have no problem living a normal life. Even when fans come up to me, they’re very respectful. It’s rare that someone makes you feel uncomfortable. But ask me again in a few years!
Nerds and Beyond: We here at Nerds love diving into nerdy things people love. So, below, we’ll have a few questions and answer the first one that comes to mind.
Favorite Disney character: Vlamis: Goofy!
Favorite musical: Vlamis: The Book of Mormon
Favorite book: Vlamis: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Favorite animal: Vlamis: Monkey
If you had a patronus (from Harry Potter), what animal would it be? Vlamis: A lion! They’re badass.
Favorite quote: Vlamis:“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde
~ NerdsAndBeyond
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: Every Crazy Aqua Face in KONOSUBA
  This article written by Joseph Luster was originally published on April 30, 2020
  Like any good story, KONOSUBA -God’s blessing on this wonderful world! starts out totally low-key and gradually intensifies from there. Alright, I can’t even pretend that’s remotely true, but if there’s one thing we’ve scientifically determined, it’s that Aqua’s already pretty crazy facial expressions get even crazier over time. 
  If you haven’t watched this delightfully ridiculous anime in a while, or at all — seriously, now’s a great time to start! — we’ve got the overview you’ve been dying to see: Every crazy Aqua face in KONOSUBA! These are in chronological order, starting with KONOSUBA Season 1, Episode 1, and moving all the way through the finale of Season 2 and including both OVAs. Truly, this gallery is a blessing on OUR wonderful world. 
  WARNING: There WILL be KONOSUBA spoilers, in that we WILL spoil all of Aqua's absurd reactions. 
  Aqua Ramps Up in KONOSUBA Season 1
  How else should a goddess — useless or not — react after finding out the ridiculously embarrassing way our lead protagonist Kazuma died? Getting isekai’d may sound like fun, but not when it comes at the cost of your dignity. Aqua eventually composes herself, but it isn’t long until we’re treated to a season full of absurd reactions and unforgettable faces. 
    When the shut-in otaku you’re dealing with makes the one choice you didn’t expect:
      When you find out everyone isn’t worshipping you exclusively: 
    When the all-powerful God Blow move fails to faze a giant toad:
    When Kazuma tells you he just netted a cool million as a reward:
    When you get busted for being Megumin’s explosive accomplice: 
    When you’re seconds away from using Kazuma’s tracksuit to kindle the fire: 
    When Kazuma completely KOs you with a door in a haunted mansion: 
    When you realize you’re the reason the mansion was haunted in the first place:
    When you absolutely insist on eliminating the succubus Kazuma ordered for himself: 
    When some shut-in NEET drains your holy power so a two-bit lich can save the entire town: 
    When you definitely didn’t eat half of Kazuma’s yakisoba bun: 
    Aqua Knows KONOSUBA Season 2 is About to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.
  When you support Kazuma but aren’t trying to join him in the slammer ...
    … but you’re all about a good ol’ prison break:
    When the court seizes your most prized possessions (seriously, I was gonna drink that well-aged booze!):
    When Kazuma’s new snipe skill is all that stands between you and another toad’s belly:
    Ah, yes, that all too familiar feeling:
    When every little noise in a dungeon shaves a day off your life:
    When you’re desperate to tell Darkness what a scumbag Kazuma has been while she was gone:
    When you can’t hold a straight face to save your life:
    When Darkness’ ideal romance monologue leaves you speechless:
    When Kazuma refuses to stop being a dumbass:
    When you’ve had enough of dungeons:
    When you might be in the biggest trouble ever:
    When Kazuma surprises you with a legit strategy:
    When your actions complicate yet another simple Kill Quest:
    When you can picture Kazuma slapping adventurers’ faces with wads of cash: 
    When you lose a round of rock, paper, scissors and it’s TOTALLY UNFAIR:
    No, seriously, Kazuma’s a shameless cheater! 
    It’s gotta be some kind of special cheating ability! Quit pulling my cheeks! 
    When a stampede is heading your way and it’s probably your fault again:
    When you make, like, 30 souls rest in peace, including Wiz's:
    When you’re trying to live your best life as a goddess and Kazuma confesses unforgivable sins: 
    The story of Aqua’s life:
    When you REALLY need Darkness to back you up in front of your followers: 
    When those same followers don’t believe you’re who you say you are:
    Getting stoned by your own followers … This one’s gonna sting for a while:
    Especially when they accuse you of working for the Devil King and kick off a literal witch hunt: 
    When you finally find the source of all your haters:
    When Kazuma is ready to give up on the most important mission ever:
    When, at the end of the day, you just DON'T MESS WITH AQUA: 
    When you won the battle of the hot springs but somehow managed to screw up in everyone else’s eyes: 
    When you think Season 2’s over but a bunch of annoying ghosts get the drop on you:
    When awakening the beautiful girl golem was definitely not your fault:
    And just like that, Season 2 is over! Hey, there’s always the KONOSUBA: Legend of Crimson movie, which you can watch on Crunchyroll right now! 
  Did we miss any crazy Aqua faces? Let us know your favorite from the world of Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!, AKA the glorious KONOSUBA, in the comments! 
  Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
By: Guest Author
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Jump Festa 2016 Special
Hey ya’ll ! So I’m getting the BNHA withdrawal feels for doing my recaps, so I decided to recap this fantastic OVA from 2016, in between season 1 and 2, that gives us something of an unofficial sequel to the USJ arc. It’s absolutely fantastic and more people need to see it - so I figured I’d recap it for ya’ll! Here goes:
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So the setup for this is that the UA kids are doing the rescue training they never got to do before on account of Villain Invasion, here at the good ol’ USJ.
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They’re gonna save mock victims, basically. Deku Iida and Ochako are are all needlessly dramatic about this, but then...
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LOL they’re the ones to be rescued.
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BECAUSE IT’S YOUR DESTINY KACCHAN. (Wait a sec, didn’t he already save Deku’s life once before this at the USJ?)
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Ooh Todo/Momo teamwork! Yay!
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EarlyRoki is so pleasant.
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Momo is as always the best. 
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Uraraka can’t stop laughing at how over-the-top Iida is. Definitely not making me ship them any less.
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Cue my daily round of jealousy, this time over Tokoyami, for getting to have Deku squee over him.
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More Iichako laughter.
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That’s not what his fangirls seem to think.
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Hm, this seems to be the moment that launched Deku/Tsuyu as a pairing. I really don’t see much in it, besides them being friends, and opposite genders; otherwise I don’t think people would see much in it. But hey, this is cute!
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Now for assignment #2! Basically what they did in Part 2 of the PLE. I’m sure Todoroki and Bakugou will be great at this.
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Ooh Todoroki angst! Did he delibreately find the angsty-est location he could just to ensure he looked the most dramatic?
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OH GOD. Poor traumatized darling. Don’t worry, you’re only about 10 episodes away from the Healing Fight of Deku’s Broken Hands.
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Todoroki then gets ambushed by a villain who hung out in the USJ the whole time. Apparently.
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Deku is so good he even makes Mineta slightly more tolerable and even useful. 
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Iida jumps in to save Uraraka (and Jiro) from the stampeding villain. Shipping pings again!
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Todoroki: The Worf of BNHA.
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He’s got ya’ll. It’s hopeless...except...
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As always he’s just badass AF.
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Deku takes the opportunity to once again display how well he knows his Kacchan and how much he admires him, as ya do. This is about to get real shippy, real fast. 
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We’re not extras ya loudmouthed dear.
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Deku continues to be starstruck by his BF. But is also inspired by Kacchan’s daring to come up with a plan.
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And what a plan it is!
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Don’t expect him to ever quit. (you kidnapped his crush, it’s war)
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You Say run is playing in this scene, BTW, and as always it’s giving me chils. Hot dayum.
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As per use, Deku does the rescuing part perfectly and Kacchan the fighting part - but as Deku points out later, Kacchan basically read his mind and followed his plan. 
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All according to keikaku.
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Deku could be looking at the two cute girls everyone ships him with...but...
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He’d rather look at Kacchan. And think about how he basically read his mind.
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And fanboying over him for a bonus. Did I mention O-T-Freaking-P?
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Oh and the ‘Villain’ was All Might BTW. Wow All Might. Wow.
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And Todoroki was in on it. Wow Shoto. Wow.
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Deku is way too forgiving.
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Todoroki then proceeds to brood some more, but about Deku this time. Tododeku shippers have some fun with this. Next season it’s all you.
So that’s the Jump Festa OVA. It’s honestly fantastic and feels like a real episode of the series. I accept this as the official bridge between the USJ and the Sports Festival arc - in my head, anyway, it’s canon. It’s a ton of fun and really exciting, and if you’re a BNHA fan , don’t miss it.
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