#I need to take more pics of him in soldier (like) clothes
chevvy-yates · 1 year
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⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Tank and cargo pants by cubfan82.
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canyonmooncreations · 4 months
ok uh, jumping off the simon don’t mind his girl being a slut when he’s on deployment, what about the opposite where his girl somehow pavlov dogged herself into only being horny when he’s in the room? like when’s he’s gone on deployment she never touches herself cause not even dick pics from him or even a vibrator can get her off, much less she even feels horny, you can put her in a room full of muscular naked men and she don’t even feel horny, but when he’s back her sex drive goes through the roof and she’s desperate to tears his clothes off. just, simon always hearing from other soldiers or even privates about the nudes their girls send them when they on deployment and he wonders why he never gets any, but our girlie is to proud to ever admit her frustration that somehow she can only get herself off if he’s physically with her, thus why he never gets nudes when he gone cause her sex drive is just, dead.
Ugh yes!! I love this! I hope you enjoy!!
Other side to this
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While all his mates brag about the sexy nudes they’re getting, Simon can’t help but get a little frustrated. Why doesn’t his little angel miss him? Why doesn’t she send him slutty little pictures?? He begins to overthink and leaves the conversation with his mates.
Meanwhile, his angel is simply existing and missing him. You are not horny. You’re just a little sad he’s gone.
You appreciates his well posed dick pics, but you just can’t get yourself to feel horny. You know you just need Simon. You need him, inside of you.
When Simon comes home, you can see the overthinking and stress on his face.You’re not sure why, but you know just what will fix him (and you).
Before his bag hits the floor, you’re on him. Lips to his, hands on his belt. You just can’t get him inside of you fast enough.
Simon is happy to oblige. He loves when you get needy. He can see the need all over your face. His hands find yours and pin them above your head.
“What’s wrong? Hm?” He voice laced with a mocking tone. He knows what you need, just wants to hear you say it.
“Si-“ your words are cut off as his fingers find their way inside of you.
“Hmm, what’s wrong?” He asked again. When you only answer in moans and whimpers, his fingers still. Whines escape your lips as he grins down at you.
“Si, just need you.” It couldn’t have came out more pathetic. His fingers begin again as your hips roll against his hand.
“Awe, did you miss me? Miss daddy? Just can’t feel needy without me here? Is that it?”
You’re nodding as you’re coming undone, soaking his hand. He doesn’t stop, keeps plunging in and out mercifully.
“Hmm? Is that why I never get any pictures of my little slut when I’m away?”
All you can do is nod. You’re so close to coming again. Between his fingers hitting the perfect spot and his belittling demeanor, you’re dripping. Absolutely soaked.
“My little slut can’t get her pussy wet, huh? Not unless daddy is here to do it for you? Is that it?”
When you don’t reply, he stops again. Eyes pierced into yours as his legs are holding you up against the wall. Fingers moving painfully slow
“Yes!! That’s why. I just can’t do it without you! Please, Si please!!”
“God! Please, daddy please!!”
And with that he’s letting you come undone, soaking his hand more. He removes his fingers and picks you up. He takes you to the bed with ease and strips. He lays beside you and helps you onto him. As he’s sinking in and out of your pussy, he just can’t help but smile.
“That’s right, show daddy just how much you missed him. Just how wet your pussy gets for me. Just for me baby”
You two have a long night ahead. By the end, Simon knows exactly why his angel doesn’t send him any sexy pictures while he’s away and honestly, he loves it this way.
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Finally Free
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warnings: angst, bucky being abused (implicit), auctioned and sold, nightmares
Summary: Bucky was ripped from your arms and taken by Zemo, and you vowed to spend every waking hour trying to get him back. You have tried for over a year, and your time has finally come when Hydra is auctioning off all the super soldiers for profit. This ends with you.
Squares Filled: vibranium (2023) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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Bucky is dying. You run as fast as you can to get to him but it’s like you’re on a treadmill. You can run as fast as you can but you’re not going to get to him in time. Bucky is getting beaten by men, taking every single blow as if he deserves it. He reaches out for you and you run faster if it’s possible. One of the men takes a knife and shoves it deep into his chest, piercing his heart.
“BUCKY!” you gasp awake.
You look around the dark room and realize you’re just having another nightmare. The fan spins above you but it’s not enough to cool your sweaty skin. The sheets are dark with sweat, your heart races a million miles a second, and tears roll down your cheeks on another failed day of bringing the love of your life back home.
Everyone hears your screams for Bucky but no one ever brings it up. There’s no need when they can’t do anything about it. They’re trying but it seems like all of your efforts aren't enough. The government wants him back just as much as you do but they can’t get to him in time whenever he does pop up. No, the only way you’re going to save Bucky is if you do it yourself. You have the resources, it’s time to put them to good use.
Since you can’t bear to be at home knowing Bucky isn’t going to be there, you’ve been sleeping at headquarters. It’s not ideal but you refuse to sleep in the bed if Bucky isn’t going to be there. You brush your teeth and run your hands through your hair to make it look less matted before smoothing out the wrinkles in your clothes. You haven’t had time to go back to your place and grab more clothes. Not that it matters anyway. You’re not going to rest until Bucky is back home.
Headquarters is running smoothly with everyone running around working endlessly. Most everyone is working on computers while agents run back and forth with paper files in their hands. Some see you and immediately shy away from your gaze which you can understand. Since Bucky was taken, you've been a shell of the person you were before.
Normally, you’re such a sweet yet confident woman who knows what she wants. You have to have thick skin in your line of business but you don’t let it change you into someone you’re not… Not until Bucky was taken.
“Have you found him yet?” you ask one of your trusted employees.
“Yeah, it looks like they took him to a secure facility in Siberia. According to our motion sensor cameras, they haven’t left.”
“Is there any way in?”
“Not in the way you want. This place is their home base. There is no way of getting in without a hoard of guards up your ass. You’d barely get in ten feet before either being killed or captured.”
“Shit,” you mutter.
“I might have your way in.” You leave Sebastian’s side and walk over to Jeffrey who is on another set of computers. “Through connections of the dark web, I got us invited to an exclusive auction in Egypt. He’ll be there.”
“How do you know?”
Jeffrey shifts in his seat uncomfortably. “They’re auctioning off all the super soldiers.”
Your heart twinges in pain. Bucky is over there right now suffering at the hands of Zemo no doubt.
“You got me in?”
“Already done. All you have to do is show up.”
You turn to address the entire room. “Alright, listen up. I need to know everything about that auction house--all of its exits and entrances, camera placement, and everything about their guards and their schedules. Do not leave anything out.”
Everyone gets to work immediately, and you turn to the big screen which has Bucky’s picture on it.
I’m coming for you, baby.
You and Bucky are the ones who started Winters, a company dedicated to infiltrating organized crime that specializes in black market trafficking whether that be for organs, sex, torture, and everything else under the moon. You two have saved many men, women, and children across the globe. When your business got to be too much, you hired men and women who had skills in order to help the business.
After rescuing people, you send them to your many anonymous safe houses located across the world. They are so off the grid that no one in the black market will ever find them. If they do, there are guards and procedures to deal with outside threats. When the victims are ready to move on, they are free to leave and return if they feel the need to.
While doing this, you have built such a highly respected persona so you can get in just about anywhere and buy just about anything, all without raising concerns.
Bucky was taken from your arms, and you screamed to him that you’d find him no matter how long it took. It’s been a year since that happened but you’re not giving up now. Not when you feel like you’re so close.
Cairo is such a beautiful city that you often enjoy but this is a business trip, not a pleasure one. You’re in your hotel room getting ready for the event, and you swipe your deep red lipstick over your lips. You grab the masquerade mask that only fits half your face, shielding the upper portion of your face so that only your lips are shown. If you want to continue your business, you have to keep your identity a secret. The only thing people know about you is your bright red lips. The mask on your face is solid black but has a lacy exterior to give it more of a mysterious vibe.
You grab the small earpiece that will remain hidden inside, and you’ll use your hair to cover your ear to conceal it even further. Please let Bucky be okay. It took a long time to fix what they broke.
“Jameson, do you copy?”
“Jeffrey, do you have eyes on the cameras?”
“I have eyes on the sky. Don’t worry. You’ll know about a problem before there is one.”
You continue down the line until you get through everyone confirming that their earpiece is working and online. Once you’re ready, you leave the hotel room and ride the elevator down to the lobby. There is a car waiting for you where Alexander and Jameson are. They’re your trusted bodyguards that Bucky entrusted with your life when he can’t do the job himself.
Alexander opens the door of the town car for you, and you slide in with both of them in tow. The ride to the auction house is short but filled with so much tension. No words are said because there is nothing anyone can say that can make you feel better.
When the car pulls up to the auction house, Alexander and Jameson get out first before you do. You walk to the front door to check in which goes without issue. The next step is the metal detectors, and your bodyguards are forced to leave their weapons behind that they can pick up when they leave. This is a weapon-free event except for the staff. It’s to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
You comply and are let into the main room where the guests are mingling. There are servers passing around champagne flutes as if this is a morning brunch instead of a highly illegal auction. You look at Jameson and he bends slightly so that your mouth is next to his ear.
“Make sure the exits are clear. I don’t want any issues.”
“You got it, boss.”
You grab a champagne flute with no intention of drinking it, and you stay close to the walls so that you can observe everything and everyone.
“If it isn’t the elusive Vixen. A pleasure to meet you.”
You look to the right and see the man responsible for Bucky’s demise. Zemo. Your blood boils inside your body. You want to strangle him for taking Bucky away from you. It’s a good thing your mask covers your eyes entirely otherwise he’d see the deadly glare you’re giving him.
“Keep your cool, Y/N. You’re so close. I know you want revenge but wait until Bucky is back,” Jeffrey says over comms.
He’s right. No good will come from attacking now when you don’t know for sure that Bucky is here. You need to see him for yourself.
“When I heard you were coming, I had to see you for myself,” Zemo continues. “I have something I think you might be interested in.”
“It better be worth it. You know I hate wasting my time.”
“It will be,” he winks. “I hope you have a good time at the auction.”
You and Alexander find your seats just as everyone else does. You’re holding a sign with your number on it so that if you raise it, the auctioneer will know who to put down if you were to win. Zemo walks on stage and introduces himself to everyone before getting started. A very short woman walks on stage and stands next to Zemo, just another super soldier for people to toy with.
“Let me introduce Exhibit A. Don’t let her small stature fool you. She is highly trained to infiltrate and destabilize any network from within. With a kill count of over a thousand, she won’t hesitate to get the job done. Her most significant kill is Osama bin Laden. As you can see, no organization is too complicated for her. Bids start at one million dollars.”
Almost everyone puts their sign up, signaling to Zemo that they’re all interested in buying her. You keep your sign down, only interested in one soldier. As Zemo ups the price, more and more signs go down until there is only one left.
“Sold to Number 57.” The woman is escorted off the stage only for a tall and muscular man to take her place. “Exhibit B…”
As far as you know, there are ten super soldiers that Hydra experimented with when they had Bucky under their control. When their most prized possession was free, they must have made more because Zemo auctions off twenty skilled and highly dangerous super soldiers. Each one that comes on stage brings your heart closer to your stomach when you realize none of them are Bucky. Jeffrey must be able to read your thoughts because his voice chimes in your ear.
“I know he’s here, Y/N. Just keep doing what you’re doing. I have Sebastian and Ricardo scouring the place looking for him. Don’t worry, they won’t get caught. I know how to keep my men hidden.”
You’re so lucky to have someone like Jeffrey on your side. He has never failed you before. When he says he is going to do something, he gets that shit done. Zemo finishes with the twenty-fifth and final soldier before announcing the end of the auction.
“Thank you all for attending. Buyers, please see my associates to arrange transportation for your purchases.”
You get up and place your sign on the seat just like everyone else did. Zemo almost trips coming down the stairs just to get to you.
“I have to say, Zemo, I’m disappointed in your selection.”
“I was saving the best for last. Only the most elite are able to bid on him, with you being first, of course. Follow me.”
You and Alexander follow Zemo to a hidden room in the back where even more guards and twice that of weapons are. This auction is good for more than just super soldiers, but this auction tonight was just to showcase them. To think these people are going to be roaming the Earth tomorrow for nefarious reasons makes your skin crawl, but you suspect Jeffrey has men already taking care of it.
No one is going to be taking home a super soldier but you.
Two men step out of the way and your eyes land on Bucky who has a stoic look on his face. Even though he isn’t saying anything, you can see the emotion in his eyes. He wants to cry. He wants to fight back. Wakanda got rid of the trigger words that were stuck inside his brain, but you have a feeling Zemo has been trying to implement new ones into his mind.
Over your fucking dead body.
“Allow me to introduce the Winter Soldier himself. Was taken by Hydra in the 1940s where he was molded to fit our needs and turned into one of the most dangerous and highly skilled assassins this world has ever seen. With just the right price, he can kill anyone with such precision that no one will ever know he was there, has stamina that lasts days or even weeks depending on how hard you push him, and not to mention this beauty.”
Zemo grabs Bucky’s metal arm and slides the sleeve up to show off the cool metal.
“A pure vibranium arm out of Wakanda itself. That adds extra muscle to all of your needs. I’ll give you to him along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want. Unfortunately, since he is like a shiny new toy, the starting bid is at twenty million dollars.”
“I’ll give you one hundred million.” Zemo looks shocked and drops Bucky’s arm. “I do not want anyone else having him. One of my guards is handling the payment as we speak. Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal. I will tell the other bidders that he is no longer on the market.” Zemo nods to one of his henchmen who leaves the room. “I can have transportation arranged in any way that you like.”
You step forward and look at Bucky even though he can’t see your eyes.
“You are going to be my new favorite toy.” Of course, he doesn’t answer. It breaks your heart knowing he wants to cry. That’s a good thing in its own perverted way. They haven’t completely broken him if he wants to cry. “I’d like to take him off your hands if that’s okay. I like to deal with them in my own way, so I won’t be needing your transportation.”
“I understand,” he nods.
Alexander takes the lead and you make sure to place Bucky between you and him so that no one else gets any ideas. Instead of Alexander taking the normal way out, he turns and heads toward Jameson who has cleared the way. Once you’re out of the main room, you feel that you’re free to talk.
“Make sure Zemo doesn’t see a penny of my money,” you say to Jeffrey.
“Don’t worry, he won’t see a single one. You’re still in the blind spots of the cameras, but you’ve got maybe ten minutes before they reboot.”
“I only need five.”
Alexander meets Jameson at the very back who leads the group to the car waiting for you at the back. You open the back door and usher Bucky into the back of the car. Alexander is next but Jameson stays where he is.
“Make sure we’re not followed. Get out as soon as you can.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You get into the car and it speeds off before you can shut the door. Bucky looks around in confusion because he has never been transported in a town car before. It’s usually on ice and in a wooden box.
“Where are we going?” he asks apprehensively. Once you know it’s safe to do so, you take off your mask, revealing yourself to Bucky. “Y/N?”
“I told you I’d come for you, baby. I’m here. You’re safe now.”
Bucky doesn’t care if Alexander is in the back with you, he breaks down in tears. Alexander and Jameson started working for you after Bucky was captured so he doesn’t know who they are. You take off your seatbelt and slide closer to Bucky to hold him close to you. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and cries, mostly for his freedom.
“No one is going to hurt you again,” you promise.
Alexander takes out his phone to call Jameson but you don’t listen to a word he says. All you care about is Bucky and how he’s back in your arms.
“I tried so hard to be brave for you,” his voice cracks.
“It’s okay, Bucky. You don’t have to be brave anymore. I will make sure Zemo never finds you again. I’ll erase whatever shit he put in your head a second time. I know how to do it now.”
Bucky pulls back only to press his lips to yours. He is safe because of you. You vow that you won’t have any more nightmares of Bucky dying because he’s not. He’s back home where he’s going to stay for good.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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dreaming-medium · 11 months
Animals Without Direction Descriptions
Hello everyone! I figured a master post on how I see each of the members for Animals Without Direction would be smart this way we're all on the same page.
Each of these aesthetic pictures are a rough description of their outfits. They're not exact by any means. Take each one with a grain of salt. Most of the pictures are a lot fancier/over the top than how I see them.
Bang Chan
Jarl of Miroh
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I always picture Chan with his natural curly hair as the Jarl. He's always put together but has a very relaxed air and vibe to him.
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If he's ever wearing his armor, it's simple, yet very regal-- he is the ruler of the land after all. But most of the time that we see him, he's in a casual tunic and slacks.
Lee Minho
Jarl's Advisor
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I went back and forth on Minho's hair for this fic for a bit. But I settled on his longer brown hair. Specifically his brown hair that hangs in front of his eyes a bit rather than parted in the center.
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Minho is always put together in this fic. You will not catch him in casual clothing. He is always in darker armor/fancy tunics. He takes his job as Chan's advisor extremely seriously.
Seo Changbin
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Very much your typical Changbin look for this fic! (I'll take any excuse to post the right pic of Changbin, look at those biceps DAMN.)
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I always had this specific armor look in my mind for Changbin; I need this man's biceps out in battle. I can only picture the Skyrim Steel Armor when I write him in this fic, I can't help it. Additionally, I just know he would have beautiful gauntlets on his forearms.
Hwang Hyunjin
Court Mage
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Hyunjin's MAMA hair is just SO Elven I cannot get over it. His appearance was the easiest for me to settle on. Look at him in these pictures and tell me he doesn't look like a fire mage.
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Hyunjin's always in red mage robes with fancy clothes underneath. Like Minho, he is always put together. There's never a wrinkle to be seen in his clothing. Picture something like this but with a hood as well.
Han Jisung
Court Diplomat
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Fluffy brown haired Han Jisung has me in a death grip. I keep leaning back and forth between a darker or lighter brown, so just imagine somewhere in between these two looks for him. In his more relaxed moments, his hair will be on the curlier side.
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As the court diplomat, he typically is just in fancy clothes that show off his status. You'll never see Jisung in armor, he doesn't really know how to fight nor does his position require any fighting skill.
Lee Felix
Court Healer
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Blond mullet Felix says 'Elven' the same way Hyunjin's MAMA look does. Add the blue contacts on top of that and it's perfect for this story.
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Felix's wears restoration school robes during the day and while he's working in the Healing Ward. But when he's not 'working' he's in a casual tunic and trousers like Chan usually is.
Kim Seungmin
Court Rogue/Assassin
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Another look I went back and forth on, but I settled here. I thought about it a lot, but typically when I think about him in these scenes, he has his choppy bangs that hang over his eyes.
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Now, his rogue armor in my mind does have a lot of embellishments/leather straps/buckles. I know he himself usually goes for plain outfits and clothes, but he's also very practical and knows what he needs when he goes out on jobs. He needs all those pockets and hidden sleeves for items.
Yang Jeongin
Jarl's Squire
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Jeongin in the story has that boyish handsomeness to him that you can't quite put into words. He's not a child anymore by any means, he's grown and an official squire to the Jarl but he still has his naïve moments as he's still learning.
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Jeongin's usual armor in the training yard is something more casual and easy to move in; something you would see most guards wear. But then, in battle, his armor is definitely something more eye catching and elegant. He has to show off his status among the other soldiers.
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Girl thank you so so so so so much for writing yandere!Konig because LEMME TELL YOU I did not know I needed him until I stumbled upon your blog. Reading Just Friends was like a breath of fresh air, your characterization of Konig's character was AMAZING. Seriously, I think you've ruined all other Konig pics for me lol! I loved how unhinged and scary he was but also how caring and kind he was towards Engel <3
BTW have two questions regarding Konig in Just Friends!
1. How old is he in this fic? (apologies if you already mentioned this in the fic I have a terrible memory)
2. At what point in his and Engel's relationship would he finally allow her to look at him without his hood on? What kind of experience would that be for both of them? Also, what do you imagine him to look like? (sorry I'm now realizing this is more than 2 questions)
By the way, I just read Man-Sized and wow that was a phenomenal fic, I gotta say I love love love your interpretation of Ghost's character. I feel like Ghost is a tough character to write but you really nailed him!
Thanks in advance! (I'm gonna go binge the rest of your awesome fics hehe)
Thank you so much sweetie!! You shower me with compliments and I've read your message so many times, it always puts a smile on my face 💕 As for your questions:
1. Considering that this is an AU where König is not a colonel, and because some of his mannerisms are a bit boyish, I’d say König is somewhere around 27–32 in this fic...?
2. Removing the hood completely, even in Engel's presence, is super challenging for König because the mask is not only a comfort object, it's his shield against the world. He can't bear anyone to look at him and what's been done to him, he actually thinks himself a monster (a thought planted in his mind by his father).
I'm actually getting slasher vibes from Just Friends König's relationship with his mask; I don't know if you're familiar with the lore on Michael Myers (Halloween) or Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th), but the mask means everything to all of them and so it does to König. It transforms him into a hero, a soldier, an operator, a functioning human being. Without it he's reduced to scarred, vulnerable, weak man.
So... it will take time before he would take it off and even more time for him to be comfortable with hanging around without it (if that's even possible). But Engel has learned to love his scars, so I'm sure König will eventually lower down that shield when they're alone ❤️
I’d imagine the first times happen when they’re cuddling and Engel lifts the mask to kiss him. Days and weeks pass, more cuddling ensues, and König lets the cloth stay up longer and longer when he sees she’s not repulsed. Engel kisses his scars, caresses his face, tells him that he’s handsome and that she loves him – it doesn’t transform König from an abused, bullied, broken man to someone cheerful and outgoing, but it allows him to at least ease into the fact that there’s someone in this world who doesn’t fear or hate him. He's been blessed with a woman who doesn't think he's a monster, so he is even more convinced that Engel is a heavenly being because how else would she be able to touch and love him like this...?
(3.) I actually shared some pics earlier on what I imagine König looking like, but I'm having second thoughts about it which is why I don't want to share a link to that ask. It may sound odd but it's always been really hard for me to imagine what's under that hood! People seem to have so many different headcanons on what he looks like, I think it's really cool. I have nothing, I wish I had something 🥲 His face has always been just blurred, sensored void to me, the only thing I imagine is that König has dark blonde/light brown hair (he might prefer a short military cut because he's a freak for all things army) and that he has thin lips?
And she even tells him she likes it when he’s without the hood, tells that she likes to see his face and wants to just watch him and kiss him. König will eventually lose the hood more often when he’s with her. It's not for his sake, but hers. If Engel wants to see him, who is he to deny her? It makes his heart and chest tight, but he’ll just have to live with it. Besides, Engel’s lips and touch feel better than being inside that baggy darkness all the time.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
since it’s almost Hyrule Warriors anniversary…do you have any lttc warriors facts you’d like to share 🤲 also I’m going to draw him as part of my drawing links from different links meets thing I do for each game’s anniversary. It will happen I promise you so uh. idk if you have additional facial descriptors for him that you left in the other posts 🤲 but I’m pretty sure I can draw him accurately enough with the information already provided 👍 anyways, hope you have a good rest of your day!
- Zelda keeps trying to promote him and he keeps refusing and she’s so frustrated by it, but he refuses to accept a promotion for something he doesn’t believe he accomplished
- He genuinely thinks he’s so sneaky with the lifts he has in his boots, he’s genuinely convinced no one knows
- Proxi can acknowledge how much he’s grown, but she still sees him as her wet cat son who just desperately needed someone to look out for him. She’s very proud of him, but she still thinks he’s ridiculous
- It took him a hot minute to become fluent enough in ‘hyrulian common’ (english) to be able to understand fast conversations with slang in them and to be able to speak back and converse with other soldiers at that level because it’s not his first language (this is why he sometimes stares at people with an incredibly blank expression during the war, he doesn’t always understand what they’re saying). Proxi continued to speak on his behalf until he’d perfected a castle town accent as well because he didn’t want anyone knowing he didn’t grow up within Hyrule kingdom
-Regularly abuses the fact that the general public has a certain image of him in their minds, and when he does not meet that image he can literally walk around wherever the hell he wants without being recognized and it’s so good for his mental health. He’s still paranoid and worried, but people just don’t recognize him because they hear all the tales of a strong, confident young man and Warriors is actually fairly quiet and comes off as a bit shy, plus people just aren’t expecting the hero to randomly be walking around on his own. Without the make up, fancy clothes, and boots and all that, he can just walk around markets like a normal person, and without the green tunic, Mask can too. So he’d pretty regularly just take Mask around towns to buy sweet treats and they both got to experience what it might’ve been like for an eighteen year old to shop with his little brother
- During the war, he and Ravio got quite close. They’re a dangerous combination and make each other worse
- He and his Zelda are incredibly close, they’re extremely good friends and they like to get together every so often and just YAP
also for any additional descriptors: LTTC Wars looks pretty much exactly like how I headcanon LU Wars. He was deadass created from You’re A Part Of Me Wars when I one day sat back and went “oh my god at this point I’ve just made my own guy-” the main difference between LTTC Wars and You’re A Part Of Me Wars is that LTTC Wars grew up outside of Hyrule Kingdom surrounded by a different culture and he struggled a lot more with a language barrier when he went to Castle Town (while my version of LU Wars grew up IN Hyrule Kingdom and had to struggle with learning his mom’s side of the family’s culture while being unable to fully interact with it), and a few details of the war. But physically they’re the same guy, so my pfp pic could be used as an additional ref if you needed :) THANK YOU FOR DRAWING MY GUY I LOVE HIM VERY MUCH
i love to stick lttc wars and you’re a part of me wars in a room and see what happens, they’d both hate it but I think theyd have so much to say
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naerwenia · 2 years
Frozen Sea, part 1 of 2 - Simon “Ghost” Riley x f!Reader
18+, smutty at the end, 6200+ words
Blowjob, deepthroating, fingering, mask stays on, some Dominant/submissive themes and kinks. 
Ghost has made it back to the British army, working as a Captain and an instructor in Special Forces. He takes part in a UN military exercise in the ass end of nowhere (aka Finland) and meets a young woman he finds more and more interesting as the week goes by.
Some cultural context: In Finland we have Soldiers’ Home, Sotilaskoti, which has everything from a small library to computers and a small cafe, where soldiers can go to do something else, have a bit of fun and relax. Each garrison has their own small Soldiers’ Home, and the place is known for their doughnuts and other pastries. It’s run by volunteers, which I used to be. It’s been a few years so I don’t actually remember all the details like how much the coffee and pastries were.
Also, looking through pics of Ghost’s gear was a weird exercise in trying to decipher what was the need for all the straps, why is he carrying shotgun shells while having only a pistol as a weapon, why is he not having things tied to his belt, but mostly it was fine, he’s just prepared for anything that may come. I don’t actually know much about military or the related vocabulary, but tried my best! 
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A frozen sea opened before his eyes. He could see the otherside, the mainland, and the ship that was supposed to come back to get him and his group, but it seemed like something was keeping the ship back. It was supposed to be back in five minutes, yet it hadn’t even started the journey back. A Finnish soldier was in his guardpost, speaking to a phone, but Simon couldn’t understand anything through the wind and snow. Then light footsteps came from behind, a young woman trekked through snow to the harbour of an army garrison, panting heavily after trying to run straight into the wind. Her face was red, at least what skin was visible, as the woman had layers of clothing around her, clearly very familiar with the weather. Her eyes met Simon’s, and a small smile made it to her lips, judging by the lines forming in the corners of her eyes.
“It seems I made it in time! I just want to get home as soon as possible,” she told Simon, who let out a sigh. 
“Unfortunately the boat seems to be late, so you have to make it in the cold a little longer”, Simon answered, a bit sorry for the woman that wasn’t here for the endurance training like he and his squad had been, but she seemed to be more than prepared to wait for her ride home, as her response to the news was to sigh dramatically and pull the scarf higher, over her nose. Simon pulled his balaclava further up too, fixing it to not feel like it was sliding down his nose. While it seemed to everyone that the mask was part of his face, he was sometimes reminded by the weather it really wasn’t, especially when wet snow was coming down and the wind from the sea was merciless.
The woman took a few steps closer to Simon, just to stand close. She didn’t continue the conversation, just standing there in his vicinity in a comfortable silence, looking at the man on the phone, looking to hear if something was wrong soon. To Simon it seemed like she wanted to ask something, but the snow and wind made it almost impossible to have a relaxed conversation without shouting, and then it would not be that relaxed, but it only took a few minutes to resolve the issue, as a more important issue came up.
“Sorry to inform you but the boat seems to be having difficulty starting up, so it might be better if you stayed on the island for the night. Sorry about that. We have to see what we can do about that, but there’s few rooms empty in the building next to the main one.”
Ghost could drink the free coffee or tea with the lunch and dinner they were provided, but he preferred to join other company leads at the cafe. Not just for the better tea and the importance of socialising with other professionals, but also to see the girl there. She was funny and her attention felt good to him, a masked man in his forties, as she was clearly pretty knowledgeable of military history and had a sharp tongue paired with a keen eye, but more importantly she was gentle and understanding. While she could not give him all her attention all the time, and he didn’t want to seem like he went out of his way to spend his time with her, she took extra steps to have a short exchange with him every day, even went out of her way to get him earl grey tea. 
When they met for the first time, she tilted her head, checking him from toes to the top of his head, clearly thinking about something. Cute, he thought, not too keen on dwelling on a random woman working the counter, so he kept on pouring himself some coffee since the tea in a pot was green and the small selection of tea bags were some artificially flavoured things he did not want to try. 
“You’re a private military contractor, right?” she suddenly asked him, making him stop and look back at her to get a better look. The woman was still just a regular person, dressed in a dress and an apron, hair held back by a bow. 
“You’re not wearing standard issue gear, while the rest of your troop seems to have a mix of British Army gear with Blackhawk straps and pouches, while you have a custom radio setup and… just a regular leather belt? Also, you have pouches for three different types of ammo. You’re here to train others, right?” She tried to explain herself, going on about his setup, noting things that were not clearly visible and even connecting him and his group, even when he arrived alone. To say the least, he was impressed. 
“Also, no regular military recruit is allowed to just hang around with a skull mask for no reason”, she laughed, making him smile a bit under his mask, as her comment was somewhat true, and very poignant. 
“I’m back in the British army, and yes, a trainer might be the closest word for what I do, so you’re correct”, Ghost said, letting her keep her wide smile. “Do you happen to have…” he started again, but she cut him off.
“No, we don’t have English breakfast or Earl Grey, but I’ll get them for tomorrow evening. Most of the tea is only for show, people here prefer the coffee”, she said, clearly having repeated the line today many times, as the international training exercise had brought many different groups to the relatively small military grounds in Finland. What it lacked in size was made up for in the challenging weather and environment.
“Seems like I’m not the only one picky about their tea”, Simon said.
“I should have just brought the tea with me, we knew the training mission would start today, but my job is to bake, not keep track of the tea”, she sighed, and told him the coffee would be a euro, including refills if he wanted. 
“How about the doughnut?” Ghost asked in a spur of the moment, realising he hadn’t had too many sweets in a few years, never really having a sweet tooth, but since these were freshly baked (by her), he might give them a try, and judging by the smile she gave to him, clearly proud of her handiwork, he knew they wouldn’t be that bad, except maybe for his heart. 
“2,50, and these are just made, steaming hot inside most likely, so be careful”, she answered, grabbing one from the display and giving it to Ghost on a plate. A perfectly round piece of dough fried in oil and covered in sugar that he took to the table with the black coffee. Other team leads were already deep in conversation, talking about the happenings today, and how they thought their companies did, what might be next, and some early miscommunications that might be beneficial to note between different international troops. At the table he became Ghost once again, only interested in making sure the troops always knew others had their backs, and making sure miscommunications didn’t threaten the mission. Only thing he was a bit uncomfortable with was how to define the chain of command when the operations were multinational and bigger than one squad made of people of different nationalities, as those were becoming harder and harder to justify. Accountability was easy to talk about, but difficult to implement, just like trying to figure who were the ones who should be giving orders. While he might be stubborn sometimes, he wasn’t dumb, and shared some of his own experience with the others, noting it might have been just a cultural miscommunication, since Americans tended to be more obnoxious and self-important, making the whole table laugh. He was right, other captains assured him, as having a random US force just dropping to a place and taking control of the place and chain of command was what they were known for, disregarding the international protocols. It was hard for Ghost to see the humour in the situation, it was more frustrating than anything else, but at least it captured the American mindset and led to a more in depth discussion on the matter. 
The next day, she was not there behind the counter, and Ghost felt a bit let down, but knew it might be better if she wasn’t there all the time. She must have life outside, and no matter how hard he tried to stop his thought there, few words made it to the end. ‘If I could be there...’  
“Missed me?” she asked suddenly, and Ghost almost spit out all the tea he had tried to drink slowly and spilled some of it in his lap, startled by the hand on his head trying to mess with hair that was covered with balaclava like the rest of his head. She smiled sweetly, clearly knowing what she had done, and grabbed a bunch of paper towels to help him clean himself, drying his pants the best she could. However, it’s not like she didn’t know the pants he was wearing were weatherproof, so her attempts to clean him were for nothing really, most of the liquid just kind of slid down his legs to the chair and on the floor. She knew what she was doing, and he made no move to stop her, pretending her help was necessary, even if it only managed to make him feel more aroused than anything. If she ever wanted to be a spy, she would be too obvious yet endearing enough to get anything out of a man. Yet here she was, in a country up in the ass of nowhere, volunteering to bake doughnuts for the local garrison and wiping tea off the pants of a British soldier.
That evening one of the Finnish instructors had stopped to talk with her, and Ghost was patiently waiting for his turn while sitting with other Captains. His attention was on the discussion at hand, but his eyes drifted to the side, looking if she had a minute for him, but apparently it wasn’t too obvious, as no one commented on his quick glances around. But it still felt wrong, as a twinge of jealousy gripped his heart when she laughed at something the man in front of her said. That was all it took for Ghost to stand up and walk to her, and to his surprise she moved her gaze to him and smiled widely, delighted to see him and ready to give all her attention to him, while he was ready to make her beg for it.
“I can make some tea, if you’d like?” she suggested while looking for her keys to the cafe’s backroom, adding “For the whole squad if you wish, since they had to stand there waiting for the ship too. You all must be freezing!” To her right, Ghost was looking at her red fingers rummaging through her bag, before looking up at his squad carrying their bags and gear to the empty garrison building for the night. “I’ll have to ask, but I’m sure they would like that. See you in twenty”, he calmly stated, following in the footsteps of his men.
It didn’t even take that long for Ghost to come back, knocking on the door when she was still in the middle of unwrapping herself of all the winter clothes, but the tea was ready and waiting. She opened the door, making sure to let him in as quickly as possible, though she had to struggle a bit to get the door to open, the storm and wind tried to keep the door closed tightly, like the nature itself wanted to isolate her, but Ghost helped to keep the door open wide enough for him to fit through and then helped her pull the door closed.
As soon as the door closed and Ghost caught a breath, she started dusting the snow off him, pushing herself up on her toes to reach his shoulders a bit better, only to realise she had trapped herself between the door and him, a man as large as the door and definitely more intimidating and unmovable. Like snow, she brushed those thoughts off, hoping he didn’t try to interpret the small hesitation as anything deeper, just the cold freezing her in place for just a moment.
“No friends?” she asked, hoping to start a conversation.
“I’m not good with people, and the boys decided to just get sleep”, Ghost joked flatly, getting a small chuckle from her. “More tea for me”.
“Just remember to take your shoes off, or you get just green tea”, she told him, manoeuvring out from the narrow gap between him and the door, having sufficiently warmed up by his presence and the realisation that she and Ghost were having a cup of tea together here, in a kitchen. A week was not a long time when the longest conversation you could have was around half an hour twice a day, and more often than not they only had  the 5-minute conversations while she put the kettle on to get him fresh tea. Both of them had responsibilities and she understood his were actually important, but now he was here just by chance, with nowhere else to be for hours, and for some reason, just her and him. 
Ghost was interested in her, and seeing how small she was compared to him when almost pinned to the door, how she had to get on her toes to reach his shoulders, it excited him. If he knew her better or was sure she saw him as more than an interesting friend, if he was younger and bolder, he might have pinned her to the door and kissed her, but for now he was content just being with her a moment longer. He might be dominant, but he was not pushy, and knowing his partner wanted it was part of the fun. They might struggle, try to push him off, and he might play with the boundaries, but he would make sure his partner was okay. All of it was emotionally difficult for both more often than not, and while he got a kick out of being the dominant one, mentally and physically, he wasn’t one to break others, it was for pleasure. Ghost knew he was flirting with his dark side when indulging in power exchange, but also knew that he would never find satisfaction in a master/slave dynamic, as there was more to a relationship than just submission and control. 
She had poured them steaming hot tea, added a pinch of milk and half a teaspoon of sugar in his mug, and her own cup only got a hint of honey, while Ghost took off his coat and boots, revealing he had a basic black shirt and black trousers under his army greens. Both cups were a faded shade of pink, and while there were other colours too, she thought he would look cute with a pink cup, and to her delight, he looked cute with the cup in his hands, as it felt out of place in the hands of a broad man dressed in all black. For the first time, the girl had more than a second to look at his face, or more specifically his lips, when he moved the mask up, just enough to let him drink, and he let the mask stay up. 
There was a moment of silence between them when she was entranced by the small bit of his face she could finally see clearly, not distracted by the noises and movement around, but was brought back down as she realised he might want to sit on a chair or something. Close to a small panic, she looked around for something comfortable for him, but he stopped her.
“Anything is fine”, he told her, seeing the slight panic on her face, and he pointed to a pillow in a corner, “Do you have another?”
A sigh left her lungs, kind of glad he might just understand her better than she gave him credit for. She put her cup on a table and went to a small closet, looking around there a bit before pulling out a flat pillow and throwing it on the floor next to her own pillow, inviting Ghost to sit next to her on the floor. Before she could go back to get her tea, Ghost grabbed it and brought it to her, waiting for her to sit down before giving the cup back to her. He joined her on the floor.
“So, do you want me to call…” she started but didn’t get to finish the question.
“Simon”, he answered and took a sip of his tea, his tone noting it was not a discussion.
“So, Simon, where were you supposed to be tonight?” 
A sigh, she knew that one too well, feeling the answer before any words were said.
“Nowhere really. On a plane back to base, but I’m actually glad I got a chance to spend time with someone other than one of the men”, he told her, and she smiled back with her heart, her face letting him know she felt the same.
“I promised I would come back here tomorrow to organise the pantry again, but it seems like I have more than enough time for that. There’s not much at home, computer and books, and since I can’t work, I have time to help here”, she said.
“They must appreciate that”.
“They do, but spending most of my time with women between 50 and 60 is a bit lonely. Most of them had careers and good marriages and fancy houses, while I’m just someone who just wants to volunteer”.
He knew the feeling of isolation and knew how difficult it was to try and connect to others when the only thing connecting you was where you were, job, or something inconsequential like nationality or gender.
“I know that feeling. I rarely visit my family anymore. It sometimes feels like the only thing connecting us is blood and trauma”, he said, and before she could say anything he stopped her, “Don’t say sorry, it’s all in the past, and they are happier now.” A pause.
“But you have nothing to tell them when you see them?”
“Kind of”, he said, tilting his head in thought, “or it’s something they should not worry about.”
“But you have no one else to talk those things through, since those you know would understand were there with you and you don’t want to make them live through it again?” she offered, turning her head to search his gaze, wanting to see what he was thinking. He was looking away, so she kept on talking, sensing she was on the right track. “It helps to talk, it helps to find the words to describe what happened, to make sense of it all. I know you can just think about it, but saying things aloud is sometimes needed, or writing, that helps too”, she offered before moving her gaze away from him, taking a sip of her tea, before quickly adding, “I’m not asking you to tell me right away, not here, but if you ever want to talk, I’m just a call away”. 
Her words reminded him that they lived in different worlds, different countries, yet he felt like he might be able to talk to her, open up and be actually heard, but that wasn’t for today. The longing at that moment was for closeness, for human connection, and she was so close. All the thoughts in his head were screams, and he wished 
“You think too much”, he said, drinking the rest of his tea. Setting the cup down and lifting his arm to pull her into his arms, he let her rest her head against him while he wrapped his arm around her, reaching to pet her head a few times before putting his arm on her waist. There was no way for him to actually know if she wanted this as much as he did, but she let herself be pulled into his arms and let herself rest on him, letting out a long sigh.
“Don’t say–”
“I’m sorry”, she completed his sentence with a chuckle while he just groaned. Finishing her tea, she reached over his lap to put her cup next to his on the floor. For just a moment, she hesitated, stopping her hand from moving away from the cups, but she found her courage to take his free hand, lifting it to his lap before entwining her fingers with his. A small gesture that had so much meaning in it at that moment. If it had been anyone else, it might have felt like an empty gesture, but something so simple from her was soothing, a message she wanted to be there with him at that moment, just as he wanted her. A silent wish to be close, stay like this for a little longer.
Compared to Simon’s, her hand was so small and soft, but they fit together at that moment, just as she fit under his arm and in his embrace. Simon could feel her heavy breath and racing heart, and he did his best to calm her, stroking her hair and breathing steadily. It was as much for her as it was for him, since he had noticed their intertwined hands were resting on his stomach, close to his hips, and he could almost feel the weight of her hand on his hardening cock. The moment felt sincere, serene, yet both could tell in their minds that there was an undercurrent of need and expectation, and while she was still holding on to her walls, Simon needed to hear her, hear her say if he was right to see the same desire behind her gestures as he had burning in him. 
Simon could have been gentler, more subdued in his communication, but for once he let his instinct guide him. Slowly he withdrew his fingers from her grasp, savouring the softness of her hand and movements, but he never let his fingers leave her skin, just dragging the tips of his fingers over her hand to roughly wrap his hand around her wrist. To her, the grasp was burning, almost painfully tight, yet his gesture was like a silent whisper that he knew what she needed, what she wanted, and as he guided her hand down, just a hair above his crotch, letting her take the last step to feel him, feel his arousal. Both let out a gasp, and she quickly turned to look him in the eyes, questioning, and he gave her his answer as a nod, encouraging her to feel him. 
A shy smile made it to her lips, letting her fingers explore his body a bit more with each stroke. She could feel the heaviness of his erection, only hidden by the fabric of his trousers, as the shape of it became more obvious by the second. At the same time her eyes were fixed on his face, watching the shudders of pleasure reach his face, his eyes close slightly and lips open when her touch was the most pleasurable. Still, he found himself wanting something else, and to go there, he took her mouth for a kiss. It was rough, dominant, and left her breathless, moving her lips to get more of him and air, but only got his lips on her, letting his lips claim her, feeling their way around her mouth and lips. His lips were dry, rough, but most of all, pleading for her soft embrace. As their lips connected, he finally felt her connecting to him, pushing herself to meet his lips half-way, and like his, her lips were pleading silently for him to take control, hoping she had understood him. The kisses were indulgent, full of longing, and arousal, wanting to taste each other, but Simon wanted to feel his teeth on her skin, bite the skin, leave marks on her, and she wished he would hurt her. All she wanted was him to push her down and leave marks that would take days to heal.
Simon’s lips trailed down, kissing the corner of her mouth, to her jaw, touching it, feeling how it curved, how it connected to the skull, how he could control her every move just by keeping her head in place with two fingers, one on each side of her jaw. There was a satisfying sense of control in his grip, and as she whimpered, it was like he could taste her anticipation with a hint of fear. No matter how much he wanted it, how much he enjoyed the taste, he let his lips leave her skin, withdrawing himself enough to see her face but close enough he could hear her voice, almost sure it would be more of a whisper.
“Tell me to continue, and I will, I’ll go as far as you like and you don’t have to say a word as long as you now tell me you want this”, Simon said, hoping he was right.
“Please”, she whispered, looking to melt back in his arms, wanting him to push her to the floor, but her whisper was not enough for Simon.
“Words”, he said, unconsciously already slipping to his dominant voice, but it did the trick.
“Please, take me, Simon. I want you, I want you to be rough, just take me”, she managed to get out after few short and shallow breaths, sounding a lot like she hadn’t ever said those words actually aloud. The need mixed with slight hesitancy to actually say those words was sweet in her voice, but he accepted her words, ready to give in to the pleasure. There was still one thing he wanted to say: “If you want me to stop, tap me three times. Understood?” 
With her nod, he pulled his mask back in place and pushed her to the ground, pushing her dress up, revealing her simple black tights that to Simon’s delight were soaked already. With just one finger Simon teased her through her tights and underwear, yet pushed hard enough for her to feel it, making her squirm on the floor. That was enough teasing, neither of them could really take much more if they were honest, so Simon pulled her tights off with her underwear, as she helped him by moving her butt a bit, but Simon pushed her back down, keeping her pinned to the floor. He didn’t need her help.
After Simon removed those pieces of clothing covering her sex, clothing that kept him from directly looking at or touching, he moved to be between her legs, keeping her from closing them, which she unconsciously tried to do right after he stripped her. Instead, Simon took her leg over his left shoulder, keeping it tightly in place as he roughly teased her clit before pushing that same finger inside her. The sudden motion made her moan, almost scream, but it was clearly from pleasure, as her walls pulsed around his finger. Wet noises mixed with her moans as he started to move his finger inside her, while his thumb tried its best to stimulate her clit. It had been a while, but the moans she let out and the way she clamped down on his finger gave him the response he was looking for, and with a smile, he pushed another finger in her. There was a longer moan and his fingers gathered even more wetness, every slight movement bringing some of it out, dripping onto his hand and then to the floor. He needed to hear her cry more, moan more, so he curled his fingers inside her, eliciting different moans from her. Uncurling fingers, pulling out and back in, pushing them a bit further, twisting them to hit a spot that made her moan louder and curl her toes. His movements also made her writhe on the floor, making him take a tighter grip on her, using just a bit of his strength to make her stay still. He knew what he was doing, all he needed was her submission, even if he needed to help her give it to him, and hearing how she was left breathless by just his fingers, it was just enough for now.
The way her hips moved into his hands was making it clear to him she was close, and while his plan was to make her wait, earn the release, the plan was re-evaluated and modified to fit both of their needs better. As she was closing the edge, she was almost sure he might do a bit of edgeplay with her, but he did the opposite. Rather than leading her close to the edge of an orgasm and not giving it, Simon’s movements became rougher, harsher, as his hands movement became faster, he pushed as deep as he could and even added a third finger inside her, thrusting quicker. She was almost there, so close, just a small push away. The thumb on her clit did not stay there, as his movements were too erratic, but was replaced by Simon’s tongue, sending her over the edge, letting her come undone under his touch after being on the edge of an orgasm. All she could do was moan, delighted by the feeling, finally being able to let go, and cum. The high was fantastic, endorphins running wild, and she could still feel him there, just staying still, looking up at her from between her legs. As much as Simon wanted to look at her from this viewpoint longer, admiring her as she let the orgasm come and take her, he had more to show her. First he let his tongue leave her clit, but not leave without a long lick to taste her, to memorise her taste and scent. Second, he tried removing his fingers, pulling them out slowly, but she was still tightly gripping them.
“Too much”, she said, not elaborating, so Simon stayed still as she tried to catch her breath, but found that even small movements of his fingers made her squirm. It was cute, all about her orgasm was cute, and that she was so sensitive after cumming on his fingers, fucking beautiful. So rather than go on, he put his head on her leg for a bit, looking at her gazing lovingly at him, still a bit shocked by all of this.
A sudden, quick motion withdrew Simon’s fingers from her pussy with a small squelch, still connecting his fingers to her pussy through her arousal, and all she could do was yelp. Simon got up to his feet, stepped over her as he looked down on her. He really didn’t need to make it so obvious how much larger he was, how broad his shoulders were, or how small she was even when compared to the shadow of him over her, but she enjoyed the subtle show of dominance and control, maybe even more than Simon doing it. Seeing her vulnerable was what made him tick at that moment, and he decided to toy with her a bit. 
One leg on each side of her waist, he came down, squatting unceremoniously over her, eyeing her face. She seemed confused, but as he brought his still dripping wet fingers to her mouth, she accepted them into her mouth and used her tongue to clean his fingers, sucking them, and slightly moving her head to take them deeper. Rather than stuff her mouth with all three fingers, he put two in her mouth and used the third to smear her own fluids on her cheek, only to grab her jaw, keeping it still as he kissed her cheek, smearing his mask which he had moved back to cover his mouth. At the same time, she did her best to tease him with her tongue, moving it under his fingers, over and between them, but decided against being a bit bratty and nibbling his fingers, or even grazing her fingers against his skin. Simon set the tone and pace here, and her job was to enjoy it.
There was still something he wanted, something selfish. Removing his fingers from her jaw and mouth, he used both of his hands to move her to sit on her knees, back against the wall. While some other man might have let himself support himself on the wall, Simon knew exactly what he was doing. He trapped her between him and the wall, forcing her to be under his gaze and comply, but at the same time, he didn’t give her time to even try to help, to take some control by using her hands to remove his trousers. All he did was remove his belt and drop it beside him, before opening his pants and letting them fall down. Simon, however, decided it would be for the best if she had some time to feel him and touch his cock, maybe even take it to her mouth to get him slick all around before moving to take her pussy.
Like clockwork, she moved her hands to touch his cock, hidden inside his underwear, stroking it, feeling the shape, and hardness in her fingers, soon to be rammed down her throat. But before he could do that, she looked up, pleading for Simon to let her move his pants to the side to get a better look and feel, and like a merciful god, he let her. Moving his pants down just enough to let her see his length in its full glory, tip of it glistening with precum, girthy enough to look like it might just suffocate her, but she was more than ready, yet used a moment to lick it, try making it lubricated for better access to her throat, at least making the first few thrusts easier for both of them. For most of the time Simon was a patient man, but not right now, as it took only a few inquisitive mouthfuls and practice moves how far she could go unaided before he took control back to his hands.
Slipping one hand into her hair and grabbing it, positioning his hand between her head and the wall, so as to not unexpectedly hurt her by being rough, Simon loved the view. Her eyes rolled back as he pushed way deeper than she had tried, yet pulled back immediately to give her the air she so desperately needed, before starting to move bit by bit further with every move of his hips, testing her gag reflex and finding the sweet spot he kept pushing just a bit, getting her to give him a bit more every time. When he could feel her throat constricting, he pulled away, only leaving the head of his cock inside her mouth for her to suck on and pleasure with her tongue, and then slowly pushed back to the same depth, pinning her in her place between his hips and the wall. 
To her, the sensation of choking on his cock and seeing only glimpses of him from the corner of her eye, but she could hear him, hear his quick breath and moans mixed in with his praises for her. Good girl, slut, cocksleeve, pretty princess, she could hear those words, but the thing that made her moan while deepthroating him were the small twitches of his cock she could feel on her tongue and in her throat, and her own moans made his dick twitch ever so slightly more. There was nothing more satisfying to her at that moment than feeling his arousal and adding to it, feeling how much Simon wanted her. It was much more than she could know, so much more, and he was stopping himself a step short of what he truly wanted, still testing he, but as she strained to open her mouth just a bit more for him to fit inside her mouth and kept back her gag, he knew she would be the one to help him indulge in his fantasies.
“Stay still”, Simon said, tightening his grip on her head before fucking her mouth quicker, with rougher, more violent thrusts he couldn’t stop, and at last, he pushed himself all the way in, making her gag around him as he came down her throat, but slowly withdrew from there to only have the head of his cock in her mouth. He was still cumming, coating her tongue, making sure she knew his taste and memorised it, and she did her part by letting it sit there while she did her best at cleaning him with her mouth, letting out a pop as his still hard cock left her lips. A swallow and she gave him a small kiss on the cock while he tried to catch his breath, finally letting himself be supported by the wall as he leaned to it. Rather than let him rest, she decided to tease him a bit more, running her tongue along his dick’s underside, the sides, even the tip with just the tip of her tongue. All Simon could think was cumming on her face, covering her bratty face with cum again and again, letting it drip down and mess her uniform, that green dress she wore everyday behind the counter, but for now he was content in looking at her satisfied face with mascara dripping down her cheeks with tears and sweat. 
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the urge to call Gareth a sweetheart and give him anything he wants cause he deserves the whole world
i get the same urge and i’m so sad i can’t do it every day 😭 it really is unfair
idk what it is about that boy but he needs to be held and told how wonderful he is and of course you’re gonna sprinkle in all those pet names cause he’s never had someone love on him that much
(Gwydion posting all those new pics on his insta is really making me crave a boyfriend again but like… just him 😂 i am not gods strongest soldier when it comes to that sweet boy)
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He never really knows how to act when you get all lovey dovey with him because he’s never had someone want to act that way with him before
He still gets all shy and flustered when you kiss his cheeks and call him sweetie, even after you’ve been together for a while
And you never get tired of seeing him get all red in the face when you tell him how much he means to you
He’s been so used to being the guy that girls ask out as a joke, so to know that someone adores him as much as you do makes him so happy
And you always make it a point to do it out in public so you know you mean it
Holding onto his arm when you’re walking together in the halls
Kissing him as much as possible while you’re at the mall and pass by a group of people from your school
His favorite is when you say ‘i love you’ before leaving when he’s around the guys
They’ll make fun of him of course, that’s just what guys do, but they’re happy that he’s so happy and that he’s found someone that loves him for him
You make him want to be the best version of himself that he can be
And once he gets more comfortable he loves getting to show you off to everyone that he can
Not to mention how much he loves it when you get all dressed up and look hot in front of his friends
He never gets jealous, but he does get a little possessive, and you find the perfect way to show everyone you’re with him even when you’re not around each other
He always gives you his clothes to wear, wether it’s his vest or a jacket when it gets colder out, and sometimes he’ll even give you one of his rings to wear
And he gets you one of those little necklaces with a pendant of his initial
And he’ll give you all kinds of other little gifts too
He always gets you a treat when he has to stop at the gas station to fill up his tank on his way to pick you up
He likes to find a way to get you interested in the things he likes, even if he knows you might think they’re a little nerdy, he still manages to make it appeal to you
And he loves getting to draw so every now and then he’ll doodle something cute for you like flowers or if he gets a bit more comfortable with it he’ll even draw you
You genuinely make him want to be the best boyfriend he can be so he doesn’t lose you, he loves you too much
He doesn’t ever want to make you think that he doesn’t care or that he doesn’t take your wants and needs into consideration
He’s never gotten to experience someone that loves him so much so he loves getting to sit with you and have those heart to heart conversations
Talking about if either of you have any problems or issues with anything, and if there’s no problems you’ll talk with one another about your day and just spend some nice quality time together
You’re his favorite person and he’s yours and he always wants to make sure that you know how appreciative he is of you and everything that you do for him
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itshermocrates · 2 years
A knight of the woods (skfs)
[Sfw, Fantasy Au Skfs + original pics]
Sukuna was an honorable knight once.
A knight kings from all kingdoms prided themselves on having among their lines, fightingt in their army. He was strong and fierce, capable of winning any battle, no matter how impossible it had seemed at first.
Under his command any man would fight until his very last breath, win against their enemies even as they slowly faded, bleeding out and getting closer to their death thanks to a mortal wound. There were no men like him anymore. Or that was what most lords and kings had said, praising his abilities and his service to their lands.
But all the blood staining his hands came with a price, with the curse of all the dead bodies he had torn apart, hunting the so admired knight every time he closed his eyes. But, what was more obvious, was this unstoppable anger that managed to take control of him from time to time, a fury he couldn't repress, adding new sins he wouldn't even dare to say at loud to the endless list he already had.
Sins that made him want to beg for forgiveness at the feet of every God he could name, even when he was fully aware of how some sins could never be forgiven. Those sins were the reason behind his punishment, what had managed to turn him into an exile, banished from every known land and every town his horse could ever take him to.
But after months travelling, he was tired. His bones were sore after so many nights resting with just the sky above his head; his armour was now covered in dirt, almost unrecognizable without its usual shine.
Sukuna felt the sweat dampening his hair after another long day on the road, his scars itched uncomfortably under the sun of an incoming warm spring, and the different layers of dirty cloths. This would be the first spring he would spend far from the finest tournaments the lords liked to celebrate when the winter came to an end. The first without basking himself in the cheering of the common people and the praise of the nobility. The first in a really long time, without enjoying the company of the most beautiful ladies of the land.
He needed a drink. He needed to forget what he had lost, but there was no tavern he could enter to, and no wine that could satiate his thirst.
After a while, the Sun seemed to get shy, it rays barely caressing his skin anymore, as he saw himself surrounded by trees. Before him he could only see the forest.
Just this dense layer of green matter. Forest and forest, and more trees, and grass, and bushes, and just every possible thing shining in that fucking green shade.
He had been on the countryside not much before, and suddenly, there was no clearing to be seen. Why was everything so fucking green?
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He felt intimidated for an instant.
But if he listened carefully, he could hear the familiar whisper only water could create as it flowed, apparently not so far from him.
A river, he supposed.
Well, he could defenitely wash himself and rub all the shame off his skin, maybe even drink some fresh water. He was, most likely, lost, but he didn’t seemed to be completely doomed. 
Sighing, he got off his horse and guided the beast towards the sound, as they both walked through the bushes, hoping to find the river before the sun started to fall behind the mountains.
There was still plenty of light, so he could see the ground he was stepping on, but the forest and its nature made him feel like he was surrounded by some powerful force, some sort of energy, like he was getting himself inside of a lion’s den. The sun was still high in the sky, but thanks to all the vegetation, there was not enough light for him to feel at ease.
And Sukuna had never believed in those tales some soldiers liked to whisper around the campfire, stories about spirits and creatures people assured they had seen. Beings living in the woods, mysterious areas just like the one he was exploring.
But now, completely alone and surrounded by that beautiful wildness, Sukuna started to wonder. Maybe he wasn't truly alone in that forest. Maybe there were creatures hiding in the woods, waiting for the perfect moment to attack careless humans like him.
Sukuna couldn't help but look carefully at every direction, searching for something, anything that could be an enemy and offer some reason to his paranoia, something that could explain why his instints felt so on edge. Any figure of an imminent danger would be more comforting than this utter loneliness.
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A he approached the river, he felt those waters, dark and mysterious, tempting him with its coolness. Almost like it could call him.
He kneeled before the flow, letting the metal pieces of his armour crackle against the ground as he got them off, slipping off his gauntlets and even some of the arm pieces that bothered him a little too much. Then he leaned over the surface to wash his hands and get the first mouthful of fresh water.
Groaning in delight after so much time without a drink that wasn't as hot as his own urine or much closer to mud than to an actual liquid, he felt like he was taking a sip of the gods’ sweet nectar. He was so enticed by the waters, by the easiness it brought to his sore neck and shoulders; he didn't notice the strange presence lurking in the river.
A pale figure emerging from the deepest part of the stream, looking curiously at the knight, still with his features half hidden by the flow. His skin was bright like the moonlight, and his face was framed by long strands of dark hair, it was just as black as the river's own wonders, and it was adhered to his features like moss attached itself to a rock’s surface.
When Sukuna raised his gaze, when his eyes fell over the creature's face, it wasn't his deadly coldness or the contrast between his skin and the liquid darknes enveloping him what amazed him; but those deep green eyes. Just as green as everything around them was, and yet, so incredibly unique.
Sukuna was paralyzed. He couldn't move a single muscle, too mesmerized by this extraordinary being. Not even when the creature, so similar to a young man, raised himself over the waters, only covered by a thin layer of white cloth, dampened and pressed against his body like a second skin.
His figure, every curve and soft mound, was presented to Sukuna like a gift from the Gods themselves. Such a beautiful creature, covered by intricate jewellery crafted with gems as green as his own eyes... He felt unworthy of his presence. And there was an aura around him, an energy of some kind that made it crystal clear, that announced he was not a human.
He was above them all. He was the river, but he was also the forest. He looked soft and delicate, but also sharp and dangerous. He was a force of nature, crude power contained in a tangible, exquisite body. And he didn't even have to lift a finger to prove it.
Sukuna already knew what he had encountered.
The same way he knew he had found his new master.
~The end~
[Reposted from my Twtt]
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thegeminisage · 1 year
absolutely looove being able to teleport somewhere super high up and just dive to where i need to be. peak gameplay. anyway i'm going to SIGH the tundra
I MADE A BIRD...i made a bird with an engine and batteries!!!! it goes up and down!!!!!!!!!
oh man you could fly ANYWHERE with enough juice.....anywhere!!!
it's not great at ascending but STILL
maybe with more fans on the bottom next time, but i ran out of battery power...
BAH i missed the island i was about to drop onto bc of the blood moon >:(
oh my god this thing has a ZILLION tears on it and i dont have snowboots girl HELP
at least theres not a bunch of fucking lynels here this time, i thought, before getting attacked by a fucking bear
oh my god i FOUND IT........that took ages
ok. im bracing myself once more
to clarify i have watched three seconds of this memory. i saw ganondorf and had to put my face in my hands and scream. ok. unpausing now. god help me
no. wait. i need to watch that again
girl that was number TEN??????? oh my god. i'm literally gonna get a guide. in order from now on no matter WHAT!!!
first of all. FIIIRST of all. is sonia like....dead lmao rip lady
SECONDLY. i realize im having a hard time divorcing ganondorf from matt mercer. uh oh
ALSO THESE ARE THE SHOTS FROM THE TRAILER...maybe i was meant to see this now, given where it is placed...love a good nonlinear story. im still gonna try to do them in order though my heart feels ready to jump out of my chest
i still don't know if we're calling him "demon king" and he has the glowy hair and scaly look if this "counts" as demise. what a fun philosophical question. where does demise end and ganondorf begin??
he is sooo hot btw. im so sorry. he's so hot
nintendo was SO careful to cut out the zonai soldiers from the trailer footage...you'd never imagine it was from the distant past...i love how they all wear theee zonai clothes...i wish i could wear mine always
redeads WHEN btw
i thot that was the end of the cutscene but then HERE COMES RAURU........
YOU TOOK FOR GRANTED THE GODLIKE POWER YOU HAD IN YOUR HANDS..........girl thats literally the triforce. he made the TRIANGLE SYMBOL WITH HIS HANDS thats been zelda headcanon for sooo long
idk if it was anyone else's but it was mine. it was in my fanfic that i wrote when i was 14
"you tried to control me, rauru..." so i know nintendo would never give us good guy ganondorf but i am clinging to the scraps to build my own canon about it later. he sounds as though he was Wronged. im choosing to believe this
literally thot zelda was about to take a pic but she's just transporting them.........clever girl <3
but if rauru and sonia are both dead or about to die...surely they had a child who could go on to have children to eventually lead to zelda...so like is the baby human looking or. sorry this is just so wild to me. they literally didn't have to make him animal-like
ok i see a shrine nearby but then i am getting the HELL out of this tundra
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Been researching (pics and scenes) about Ichiji for the fic and commissions and realized he might not be THAT modified... And I mean, he is most like Reiju than Niji and Yonji... And I strongly believe this kiddo will be taking the throne sooner than expected 💁🏻‍♀️ Judge you have your days numbered...
#1: THE EYEBROWS ARE LIKE SANJI AND REIJU'S. He is indeed like Sanji. His brows does not curl the same way, while Niji and Yonji's do. (More noticeable when little because of the hairstyle). Maybe this kid wasn't acting like that because he lacked emotions, but because just like Reiju, he needed to mask it... or maybe (knowing who is Judge and who is him compared to in the real world) he was even brainwashed to act like the way he acted, perhaps even more pressured to be the example as being the first born.
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#2: Ch. 844 of WCI (posting this, but if you haven't get there pls beware of SPOILERS of WHOLE CAKE ISLAND ARC) "THERE IS A KING"
Of course, him being the male first born is the one who is supposed to be the next king, but... this scene gives a different vibe. Ichiji sits there and says "there is a King" speaking about himself and not about Judge... he is literally claiming the throne when his dad was showing signs of weakness...
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#3 "Sparking Valkyrie" and the connection with the Operation Valkyrie.
At this point we have no doubts who is the equivalent of Judge and Germa 66 regarding real history. In case you didn't know, the Nazis.
So, Ichiji, being the first born is indeed the General Officer of Germa army. One of his attacks, Sparking Valkyrie (the one he used against Oven) has the name of a HUGE plan during the WWII: Operation Valkyrie.
The plan was at first an emergency plan to control possible breaks in civil order and to assure the continuation of the Nazis. They were fearing the bombing of their cities by the Allied and/or civil uprisings...
But then... some German Army officers, Generals and Colonel modified the plan in which the idea was no other than disarm the SS (yes, the SS the strongest and worst ones soldiers, those with a double S AND A SKULL on their belts and uniforms... you know just like the raid suits have, that actually ICHIJI DOES NOT HAVE) and arrest the Nazi leaders once Hitler (Judge) was killed in another plot called the 20 July Plot.
#4: Different clothing.
Mind you, I am not sure about this point, yet it is notorious. Ichiji does not wear a black cape like his brothers. His cape is white while the others are black so that's the first difference.
Also, as mentioned in #3 his belt is also different. All brothers have their emblems related to their powers WITH the skull, while Ichiji does not have it.
Who else has feelings and does not have such belts and cape? Reiju.
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Maybe Oda was trying to show us he is indeed... different?
So, what if since Niji and Yonji are being held hostage at Toto Land, Judge decides to leave them behind? And perhaps, who knows? clone them? or something similar?
How would Reiju, but mainly Ichiji react to that?
Maybe, specially him, would be PISSED at his dad. And what if that motivates the initial plan? What if Ichiji and Reiju rescue their brothers and Ichiji becomes King earlier than expected by... you know... killing that mf Judge.
Perhaps, the Strawhats-Heart alliance will gain potential allies for the last war against the gov! (because, let's not forget Germa was kicked out of the WG...)
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
🖊️ 🖊️ 🖊️ 🖊️ feed me with loooooooore !!!
it's four pens, so I assume it's for the four boys.
Hm what to tell you, that you possibly do not know yet? xD
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I have something to tell about Thyjs but gushing about this would be wrong so I sit and think right now for something else as a post with a ptsd topic will be for another post.
What I love about Thyjs is when I imagine him talking, he always has his Dutch accent somehow. Like he can talk and understand English perfectly, but still a lot of words he speaks with Dutch accent and because he is not used to talk all English only, he throws in Dutch words as well. With Ryder around he can do that because Ry as a German might understand him easily but I imagine Vijay, Jay, Arki and others just looking at him stupid having trouble to follow/understand. Idk, I find it extremely funny when I imagine it.
I do headcanon as well that Thyjs, since he's mostly well reserved and talks less when with the squad, he may sound a little quirky when he actually says something that is supposed to be funny since he's not used to showing lots of emotions (yet) as he shut them down during his Militech career which has to do with the mentioned ptsd together with some emotional numbness he has experienced during his soldier career. He has yet to relearn it.
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Ryder – seriously – him existing is all I need. <3
My little precious pixel boy. Writing his backstory made me love him more and more. And I'm so happy that so many here on tblr like him, too! Because I feared he would not be liked as he comes in black and looks often frightening (I know some people have had respect and were also scared of me in a way bc they told me xD) But I've read so many tags he's a favorite amongst other ocs they like and that makes me super happy and also very proud.
What else can I tell?
Ryder likes to take fashion-like pics. He's done it in the past (together with the BD stuff) and loves to pose in front of a camera (even though he has problems talking to strangers and forming bonds/relationships). When he can pose in cool (or naughty) clothings he feels different and somehow he loves the attention for that moment he’s got. I can imagine if he didn't become a merc (and wouldn't have his problem called BEAST) he would have become a model for dark fashion. So if you are in need of a model for dark clothes, give Ryder a call! :D
Ryder collects 'useless' things. Like things that are just maximal for decoration. He's got a huge collection of various gemstones and crystals. Some he placed around in his apartment. He also has a beer collection of unopened bottles from all over the world. Totally useless as he doesn’t drink them. They are all banned in a cupboard because they took too much room on visible shelves as Ryder needs to have everything ordinary.
I like to headcanon, that Thyjs is a little careless about his own stuff so he won't place his shoes where they belong after taking them off, leave his clothes in the bathroom on the counter or hung lose over a chair. His cartridges and ammunition boxes often stand on the couch table and I see Ryder always cleaning up behind him as he cannot stand to see the things where they do not belong. So once Thyjs is away or in the shower Ryder turns into a cleaning machine and Thyjs will never find his stuff again so he's got to ask Ryder later. I imagine they might get into a little argue here and then but nothing wild. Thyjs just accepts Ryder’s compulsion as Ry is super stubborn anyways and after all this is still his apartment (but they do share the rent once it’s decided Thyjs stays).
Sometimes however Ryder may have enough and tell Thyjs a little grumpy that Thyjs should clean e.g. the dishes when Thyjs starts his "Talk dirty to me, lekker ding!"
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Jaysen likes to klep things from his friends just for fun, to watch them search for it all day long amuses him to no end just to go in like it "Hey I think I've found what you searchin' for?" x) Like when Enzo lost a tool to work on his car and swears he's placed it there but cannot find it – first few times he may never assume Jay could have taken it on purpose. But the more Jay does it, Enzo will see through that I assume x).
Anyways, what I want to say with it, is that Jaysen likes to do mischief amongst his friends and he often doesn't care if they find it funny or not (most of the time it is the latter). He will always be the little devil in the squad causing mayhem and bring the team trouble but Vijay will remind him not to do this and that, but then Jay will be like "I do not take orders by my little brother!" and laugh. Vijay doesn't take this of course. It can end in them fighting for who is stronger, while the others just watch and one of them says "siblings …"
It definitely feels weird at first having 'a brother' for real for both of them. Jay knew about Vijay, V not but yet still it felt weird from the moment they saw each other as they are identical twins. You can just very well distinguish because they do have different optics and cyberware and Vijay chose to have a beard. But in the past Vijay looked exactly like Jaysen minus the optics and eye cyberware. If Vijay didn’t have his accident getting him the artificial thyroid Jay and V would even sound almost the same when speaking.
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Vijay was studying Marine Biology at NC's university for the first two years, as he intended to go back to his hometown afterwards to help maintain sea life in the ocean near Monterey, that is currently the only place left where you can still see animals in the ocean or in the aquarium because the bay is under a special protection project in the process to regain some animals as well.* The city has a huge storage with every sea animal's DNA to revive and clone.
I just love the thought of Vijay being a marine biologist, helping the best he can to revive the sealife and keep it alive in the rare places that aren't polluted, yes. If he didn't went to be a merc he would definitely do that – dedicate his whole life to this, even risk his life and still would make use of his netrunning skills as I see him being able to hack whaling/fishing ships to make them immovable so they can enter it and capture the gonks who e.g. catch sharks just to cut their fins off.
Vijay is also very sensible about the topic of eating fish in general. And he hates literally everyone who supports shark finning just by eating shark fin soup. Do not dare to mess with him on those topics – you will lose, no matter if he would do that job or not. He's read himself into it all and is an expert since it is one of his 'free time' activities to still educate himself about this and he gives a lot of his earned money to the Aquarium and other animal rescue facilities so they can continue on with the goal to revive extinct species because that aquarium is not for tourists anymore as it used to be (in our real life).**
*This is my very own headcanon as I know almost all sea life seems to have gone extinct but I refuse to accept this, even sharks didn't die in my canon, sorry not sorry.
**I stood in front of it and wanted to visit it but didn't have enough time as I had only one day to explore Monterey and the area around by bike. I would still visit it even though I am not a fan of zoos and aquariums anymore (Tokyo zoo opened my eyes a few years back) and do not support it. But I'm still curious how they keep the animals there and how big the tanks are. I mean they will never be appropriate as appropriate for wild animals is only liberty. But I want to have a final comparison to European and Asian zoos/aquariums. So I would still visit that one. And then watch and learn/study how the animals behave in their tanks and cages.
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callme-barnes · 3 years
Drunk Crushin’
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*GIF is not mine*
Summary: You have a night out with the girls to get your mind off of your ex. Now your in the tower confessing things you wouldn’t be if you were sober.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader (with powers)
Word Count: 1,842
Warnings: None
A/N: Please do not repost my work anywhere! I wrote it for Tumblr so it stays on Tumblr. I’m trying to get back in the swing of writing things because well, I love writing. It’s been literal years since I’ve written anything so please be kind. I kind of just put this out as it goes. I don’t want to think about it too much or I will never publish anything. Anyways, for this pic I gave the reader the ability to manipulate nature but it doesn’t play a huge part in it. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy otherwise!
The euphoric feeling of the satin dress on your skin was mixing in nicely with the feeling of too much alcohol in your system. The alcohol heightened the smooth sensation on your skin and the music caused you to sway from side to side to the rhythm, flashing lights dancing across the exposed skin of your legs, arms, and chest. Natasha and Wanda surrounded you, the pair of them a lot more sober than you were.
“Y/N/N...how are you feeling?”
You managed to open your eyes at hearing your name, although it sounded muffled due to your intoxication.
“I feel...amazing! Who...who needs men. Right? Right!”
Wanda couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her lips at your response
“Babe maybe we should have you drink some water. You’ve been on the dancefloor for hours” she mentioned in slight concern but also was amused at how carefree and happy you were in that moment.
“I’ll take...I’ll take another shot” you said blissfully, looking at Natasha and Wanda before you reached over and moved your arms around each of their shoulders
“Thank you guys so much...I...I needed this so much. I can’t believe...believe he would do something like that. I mean...what...what the fuck was he thinking?! And in my bed for fucks sake”
Wanda and Natasha moved to walk you towards a small corner booth, Wanda excusing herself so she could get you some water.
“Don’t worry about him babe. He was a fucking asshole. I couldn’t stand him. If I had a chance to cut his head off I would”
Y/N laughed to herself as she leaned into Natasha, resting her head on her shoulder, her own head spinning.
“I love you Natasha. And you Wanda!”
Wanda laughed at your coo and she slipped into the empty seat next to you helping you get your water bottle open
“I love you too babe. Now, let’s get you sobered up just a little and get you back to the compound”
You don’t even know how the conversation was started due to your head not really remembering any complex thoughts, but your mouth was running as if you knew exactly what you were talking about.
“He’s...holy fuck, if I could get my hands on that man. He is probably...probably the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on. I’m glad he managed to get into this era because...I mean, the 40’s didn’t appreciate him much”
Natasha had her arm wrapped around your waist, your heels clacking on the hardwood floor and your dress had ridden up dangerously short above your thigh. You were smiling to yourself as images of Bucky Barnes flooded your mind, your intoxicated brain flashing the most sinful, perverted thoughts.
“Have you seen the man workout...when he’s all sweaty and...out of breath”
Wanda set your stuff down on the counter with a small smirk on her face as she listened to you go on about the super soldier, having known all this by now. She had always agreed not to read your mind but you didn’t exactly make it hard to notice sometimes. She was pretty sure everybody in the tower knew about your crush on Bucky.
“Sorry Y/N, you’re the only one who has noticed that I’m afraid”
Natasha set you down on one of the stools, Wanda moving to stand next to you to keep you upright. You swayed a bit to yourself, looking around in a haze.
“Oh come on! Don’t tell me. We’ve all been in the same room with the guy! He once took his shirt off during a sparring match with Steve and I haven’t stopped...thinking about it since. But you gotta....you gotta shhh because my boyfriend would get mad if he knew”
Natasha laughed slightly as she took some snacks from the cupboard noticing Bucky walking into the kitchen Before he got a chance to ask what you guys were up to, you let out a scoff as you looked over drunkenly at Wanda
“Oh wait….I almost, forgot! I don’t even...have a boyfriend! Not anymore. Fucking bastard. He...you know what. Fuck that guy. I think I’m pretty hot, I am a...I can make life grow with these hands!” you say as you hold up your hands in front of both you and Wanda, Wanda reaching over and grabbing onto them causing you to lean into her chest, your eyes looking up
“You think...you think I’m hot don’t you Wanda?”
Bucky watched the display in front of him, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge then looked over at Natasha
“What’s all that about?”
Natasha ate a chip and looked over at Bucky speaking quietly, “She found Leo in bed with another woman this morning”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up, a bit in surprise but more so in disdain. He figured that’s how that guy would go out. Bucky would constantly see his wandering eyes when you would bring him around, even go far as catching up all up on some girl once. Leo had just laughed it off and said it wasn’t what it had looked like before before walking back to you. Since that day Bucky made sure to keep a close eye on him, which put Leo on his guard and just made it harder to catch him
“Asshole. How did she take it? Why didn’t she tell me?”
Natasha looked at Bucky with a knowing stare, “You know why she didn’t tell you. She hasn’t exactly been that open about her relationship since that day you told her you caught him on some girl at the BBQ last year”
Bucky drank more of his water and sighed, his gaze moving up to see you interacting with Wanda. He couldn’t help the slight smile that was on his lips as Wanda pushed hair from your face and spoke to you in a quiet, calming voice.
“Whose Natasha talking to? Hey Nat! I’m the drunk one here you’re not supposed to be the one talking….to yourself”
Natasha smiled in amusement as she ate more chips from the bag, “I’m not babe, I’m talking to Bucky”
Your eyes widened immediately as you straightened up from Wanda’s body and fumbled around with your hair, “Holy shit! Why didn’t you...tell me. Wanda how do I look?”
Wanda let out a laugh and shook her head as you loudly whispered to her, her hand going to hold onto you and smooth out your hair
“You look lovely Y/N/N”
You looked in Bucky’s general direction, a smile on your face at his words. You brought your chin to rest on your open palm on top of the counter, your eyes closing and opening so you could try to focus
“Y/N, Wanda and I are going to get out of this clothes and we’re going to bring you a change of clothes. Are you okay with Bucky for a few minutes?”
You let out a soft grumble in agreement, your eyes now just staying shut.
“Yeah. I mean as long as...he doesn’t take off his shirt because I wouldn’t remember it in the morning and that would be...a waste of a strip tease”
Bucky laughed a bit as he walked over and stood next to you to keep you upright, “Don’t worry doll my shirt will stay on”
Wanda and Natasha laughed to themselves before making their way to their rooms to change. Y/N felt her body sway to rest against Bucky’s torso, her head on his chest before Bucky moved to rest a hand on your waist
“Come on Y/N we should get you in a more stable seat”
You groaned as Bucky helped you up off the stool and made his way to the couch
“Bucky, you were right. I’m sorry, I should have...listened to you”
Bucky moved to set you down on the couch, taking a seat next to you “Right about what sweetheart?”
“About Leo...he was, he’s an asshole. That day at the BBQ, I knew...I knew you were telling me the truth. I just..do you know I had caught him talking to other women all the time? On his phone, when we went out. I just...I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want it to be true”
You moved to lay your head down in his lap and sniffled, “I tried everything, he just...I should have accepted that he didn’t want me”
Bucky moved his hand to push your hair out of your face, his other hand resting around your form “Don’t beat yourself up Y/N/N. He never deserved you. He’s an idiot if I’ve ever met one. And I’ve met many. If you want I can go scare him for you. You know, rough him up a little bit”
You laughed softly and shook your head, “It’s okay. Thank you though”
Bucky looked down as he continued to run his hand through your hair, watching as you held up one of your hands, “I should’ve choked him out with a vine when I had the chance”
He let out a loud laugh at this, his hand reaching up to take yours and set it down on your hip, “Calm down there Little Shop of Horrors”
Nat and Wanda entered the living area, clothes in hand, “Alright little lady let’s get you out of these clothes. Thank you Barnes”
Bucky helped you sit up, getting up when Wanda and Natasha sat down,“Bucky can’t leave. He smells nice, and he’s comfortable”
“Bucky can’t watch us change you sweetie. Remember, waste of a strip tease?”
Bucky smiled and turned around as Nat and Wanda helped you out of your dress and into a large t-shirt and shorts, “It’s okay I’d strip for that man any day”
Wanda scoffed with a laugh, Bucky’s smile growing into a happy little smirk at your words
“He’s still in the room lady behave”
“Oops, sorry”
You let out a drunken giggle as Wanda and Nat finished up, “Alright Bucky you can turn around. You’re welcome to join us. We’re just going to pop in a movie so we can keep an eye on her for the night”
Bucky nodded as he took his seat next to you again, letting you get comfortable in his lap again, his hand finding a comfortable spot on your waist.
“Psst...hey Nat you think I...got a chance with Bucky?”
Bucky looked down with a small smirk since Natasha was on the other sofa turning on the TV, “Absolutely doll”
You let out a content mumble of ‘thank god’ before stretching out your arm across Bucky’s lap.
“You know she’s not going to remember any of this when she wakes up right?”
Bucky looked up at Wanda before looking back down at your form
“Oh I know. That’s what’s going to make my days so much better for what I have planned”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Imagine...J2 Doing A Shoot For You
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Pairing: Jensen x photographer!reader x Jared (J2 x reader)
Warnings: language, implied future smut
“Male model sons of bitches,” you mumbled under your breath as you caught a great picture of the boys in their suits looking surly as fuck. You’d never get over the fact of how damn good Jensen looked in maroon. God you were going out and buying him a freaking new shirt right after this shoot. Then there was Jared in that tight and slim blazer that showed off just how damn lean and strong he was. Jensen had always been more solid but recently he’d gotten absolutely jacked for his Soldier Boy role, bigger than you’d ever known him to be. Meanwhile Jared was taking the opportunity of working from home in Austin more to lean out and just one touch of his bare torso sent shivers down your spine.
Being sandwiched between the two of them normally was the death of you. Being sandwiched between them now? Jensen holding you, Jared pressing against your back, the two of them caging you in, raw strength and power just fucking radiating off of them. 
You barely remembered they were standing there in the hot sun until you snapped out of your daydream, Jensen rocking back and forth on his heels. You caught a few candid pics before they noticed and went back to posing for you, listening to you instruct them of how to stand and what moves to make.
“Alright can you guys sit up on the ledge over there? I want to get a few family ones for just us while I got everything set up,” you said.
“Only if you sit in some of them,” said Jared. You gave a thumbs up, letting them situate themselves before you took a few. You set the camera on the rapid timer and joined them, taking a seat between them before they started sharing you back and forth, both in a big pair of laughs before the timer clicked that it was off.
“I think that’s good enough for today. I’ll go through them and send you guys some of the best ones to add to your portfolio’s,” you said. 
“The benefits of having a professional photographer for our girl,” said Jensen. He kissed your temple when you went over to your camera and made sure it was all set before turning it off. He lingered and you glanced up, Jensen leaning over and brushing his lips against your ear. “Don’t think we didn’t notice you staring. Like getting to play dress up with us don’t you?”
“Maybe I do, Ackles,” you said, Jensen humming to himself.
“Behave or we won’t tell you what to do later on,” he said, oh so lightly tickling that spot on your neck that drove you insane. You turned into it, Jared wandering over and smirking. “Always putty, isn’t she?”
“Damn right she is. Even more so when she gets to take pictures of us,” said Jared, brushing his thumb over your lips. “Down girl. We’ll play at home. Maybe even wear these matching maroon shirts you seem to love so much.”
“Fuck me,” you breathed out, Jensen sliding a hand down, dipping under the band of your underwear. He pulled away at the last second and you whined. “No.”
“Gotta change and pack up your gear before the weather rolls in,” he said, pulling back with a devilish smile. He grinned as he walked away and back towards the SUV where his other changes of clothes were. You batted your eyelids at Jared but he shook his head.
“Sooner we clean up sooner you get what you want,” he said. “We’re so stealing these shirts by the way.”
He pecked a fast kiss to your cheek and took off with Jensen, leaving you staring at their backsides as they walked away.
“Damn. I might need to take a few more pictures of you two in those matching shirts and some tight little boxer briefs just for myself.”
“Better hurry up, Jackles,” called Jared. “Sounds like Y/N wants to do another photo shoot at home.”
“Only if I get to take some pictures too,” he smirked, looking back over his shoulder.
“Male model sons of bitches,” you mumbled, rolling your eyes but smiling none the less at what the rest of your day had in store.
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Headcanons for Yandere!Philippines
Disclaimer: Hetalia does not belong to me.
This idea came up because I find the lack of yandere Philippines x reader...disturbing. please forgive me mga kababayan
Also take note, never ever let this happen to you.
How he falls for you
Perhaps you are a country, city, newspaper or even a regular human.
He might have spot you at a tourist spot while he was taking a selfie.
At first he thought he just wants to playfully flirt with you and perhaps just be friends.
But then he notices how you seem to genuinely enjoy his food, complimenting it automatically without him asking if his food is the best because of course it is, his cuisine is a mix of East and West, of course it be the best.
Then his obsession kicks in when you constantly talk to him, always giving him priority. Whatever subject he has on hand, it takes first in your conversations.
You always click "like" in his photos and often comment them. No matter what social media or which, he would gush how you like his pic.
Does he take you?
Without a doubt.
He wants someone to praise him, to give him attention 24/7.
Also why would you need others when you have him?
He has smaller islands and can easily... Make people look the other way.
Perhaps he has some help from one of his adopted kin and thus the house he has is equipped with wifi despite being so remote. He needs his daily selfie and vlog dammit plus facebook.
How does he treat you?
He would without a doubt treat you like you are already lovers.
As he has the Spanish genes, expect him to be very... Loving. And with the American genes he gets hungry very, very easily. (If you know what I mean)
Couple pics are a must.
He does the cooking and gardening for you. After all, he is a good boyfriend di ba?
He randomly flips flops between his Catholic views and his Westernized views on how you act. (True fact) for example, he doesn't mind doing the deed before marriage but public kissing? Oh no no sir this is a good Christian server! So expect some inconsistencies when he is affectionate with you.
Definitely a chill type of boyfriend at times, when in his calmer moods he be just chilling with you under the umbrella.
If he is mad.
Expect chaos, this is the personification who fought against numerous battles despite the odds. The one whose jungles made a certain soldier get caught easily. The one who has the balls to fight Yao on Im Yong Soo's soil and wins.
He would glare at you, his usual jovial smile drops immediately. Maybe you tried to run, talk to another man or just had smack his phone off his hand.
Whatever the case, expect his eyes to narrow and slowly the room feels cold.
You have no idea what happened as to what occurred but you have the feeling you shouldn't do that again.
How does he shows his affections?
He would do the harana, which is the local version of a serenade.
Would just hold you tight in his arms.
Sometimes holding hands.
As stated above he cooks, he shows how much he adores you by cooking the best versions of his cuisine.
He randomly beso beso you, which is kissing you by the cheek.
If fem y/n, expect him to try to be a macho macho man by attitude. Will carry you bridal style and wall pin to kiss. If male s/o, expect more tight hugging from behind and being escorted in lieu of carry.
Beach dates! Resorts!
He would pick out the best clothes for you as you are his significant other and thus must look as fabulous as he does. The pictures must be perfect!
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fuckinsteverogers · 4 years
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Rating: 18++++++ Seriously, come on. You know the deal.
Warnings: Dick pic, nudes, size kink, bucky being a jealous beefcake, sam being low key annoying af, steve mentioned, tony mentioned, fluff at the end.
Synopsis:  You’re on a dry spell and looking for a good fucking from one of the burely members of your team, and when Bucky notices you haven’t considered him, he takes it in his own hands… Literally, in the form of a dick pic.
Author’s Note: Welp, I’ve got a whole list of fics I should be writing, but this was because I saw a photo that a Tumblr I follow reblogged and well... I couldn’t help myself. It’s kind of shite, but oh well. I hope you guys like it.
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You and Bucky have been friends from the moment Steve brought him home, but you’d never considered him as an option, even with T’Challa helping in relieving Bucky of Hydra’s hold on him, knowing his trustworthiness.
Even when you went searching for someone to take away the ache between your thighs, you never looked at Bucky and seriously considered him as someone who could take away every ache, stop your thighs from rubbing to relieve the pressure, stop your fingers from finding your soaking centre and ridding yourself of the uncontrollable arousal.
Bucky noticed your wayward eyes, scrapping across Sam and Steve, even Tony, but never him; not that you noticed him noticing you. The plan was to show you what you’re missing with not considering him, to show you what you’d miss with Sam and Tony, to show you that he can fulfil your primal needs unlike Steve who would only want to ‘treat you right’. Bucky could surely treat you right, but he isn’t going to do that in the way Steve would; cooing over how gorgeous you are, which you fucking are, or holding you tight against him while he fucks you slowly, softly, romantically.
Bucky wants to hold you tight against him, sure, but he wants to fuck you with reckless abandon, give you what you so desperately need... A good, hard fuck.
So, when Bucky noticed Sam’s hand graze to wrap tightly around your upper thigh, sending your body into shivers, he knew he had to work quickly before Sam actually got the balls to do something other than simply touch you and grin about it.
Moving from his seat on the stool, he dismissed himself to his bedroom, keeping the door open until he noticed you walk past towards your bedroom... Alone.
Grinning at Sam’s pussy attempt at flirting, he thinks; what will do the photo justice? What will make her come running to me the moment I send it through?
His eyes flicker up, closing in around the empty bottle of wine that Natasha had left in his room the last time they watched a movie together; clearly not his because it’s a waste of time drinking the shit when it doesn’t do anything to him.
He moves across his room, buzzing with anticipation, the blood from his face travelling down to his crotch, hardening the behemoth to full length. Bucky grins to himself as he shuts his door, pushes his pants to the floor, kicking them off and holds the wine bottle against his erect, throbbing cock.
The contrast is incredible, just how fucking big he is. He wasn’t small before the serum, but now, he was a fucking giant; he thinks that to fit inside your small body he might have to use an entire bottle of lube and loosen you with his tongue first.
Without regret, he takes the photo, snapping it with his free hand, and throws the wine bottle onto a pile of clothing. He attaches the photo into a text message addressed to you, he thinks a moment and then types out the message. His cock throbbing at the thought of being inside you soon, feeling your warm, throbbing wetness, feeling the ridges grind against his steel-like cock.
Your phone buzzes across the room from your position on your bed, your fingers buried inside yourself, moans drawn from your mouth as you try and satiate the desire in your belly.
You’d been ready to fuck Sam the moment he touched you, but he wanted to play hard to get and you weren’t willing to wait, convincing yourself you’ll make yourself cum and then go find your Captain and beg him, even get on your knees if you have to, which surely would make any man’s blood start pumping to his nethers.
The thought makes you giggle as you stand up, your fingers slipping out from inside you as you pull your hand from your pants. You tap the screen of your phone and look at the messages someone has sent you.
Buckinator: Sent a Picture.
He always sends you pictures, of landscapes or of the team, or simply a selfie that he likes, so it wasn’t uncharacteristic.
Another message comes through before you have a chance to look at the picture.
Buckinator: Come get me if you want me.
You scroll up after reading the message and click to download the photo, and what graces your eyes all but makes you faint, your knees get weak and your entire body turns to liquid, because holy fucking shit, he is fucking big.
Will he even fit in you? Will it hurt? Of course, it fucking will, but with how your body vibrates with arousal, you don’t fucking care. He could bruise all the skin on your body and you would not fucking care.
There’s no decision-making process, you had been ready to fuck your superior, but this, you hit yourself for never thinking of Bucky; of course, Bucky. How had you never thought of it? The delicious soldier, the beefcake, the man that could lift you up and down his gigantic cock with ease.
You run to your bathroom, wash your hands and don’t bother to change from your simple cotton panties and a big t-shirt, because you doubt they’re going to remain on your body much longer with how fucking hard he is.
You don’t even knock when you get to his room, you enter and throw yourself at him, earning a pleasantly delicious grunt from his lips.
“Doll,” He says, silky smooth.
“Shut up,” You reply, shoving your mouth against his hand wrapping a secure hand around his length, feeling the rock hardness in your palm. “I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait.”
You ramble against his lips, lifting your shirt with your free hand, breaking the kiss to toss it across the room, and shove your panties down and do the same.
“So sexy,” He mumbles as you mount him, sitting on his lap, your thighs on either side of his. His hands roam across your hot skin, feeling, caressing, cherishing the short time he has with you.
You groan at the praise, it sending shockwaves through your body, down to your stomach, achieving in producing more lubrication to help take the wine bottle sized cock you were currently hunched over.
“Lube,” You whimper when the tip of his cock brushes across your clit, swollen and aching to be touched. Bucky passes the bottle he had beside him, clearly knowing you’d come running, and usually, you’d never be so blatant, putting yourself completely in the hands of someone else, but not having a cock inside you almost a year has been driving you fucking crazy.
You squeeze practically half the bottle into your hand and lube him up, wiping the excess on a discarded towel and shift until you feel him scrape against your entrance.
You lift your eyes to look at Bucky’s, losing yourself in the blue, trying to be brave enough to lower yourself.
“Slow, doll. I’ve got you,” He comforts, fitting his flesh arm underneath your ass, supporting your weight which is probably something you won’t be able to do once you feel him enter you.
Nodding, you begin to lower yourself with the help of Bucky’s arm, gripping his shoulders and scrunching your eyebrows up at the stretch.
It doesn’t hurt too bad, just an ache from the large intrusion, but Bucky helps take your mind off of it as his head drops forward, groaning into the valley between your breasts, his hot breath sending shivers down your body as you continue your descent.
“So fucking tight, doll,” Bucky groans, as if you don’t already know, because anyone would be tight around his cock.
You bury a hand in his hair as you feel the tip of his cock hit your cervix; luckily just as you seat yourself onto his lap fully. If this isn’t an indication to you, then you don’t know what is. Though, Bucky vocalises it before you can even start thinking again.
“Made for me, doll. Fuck, sweetheart. I fit perfectly in your tight, little pussy. You were fucking made for me,” He groans deeply from his position between your breasts. His arms wrapping fully around you, the coldness of his metal one incredible against your blazing flesh.
“Help me, Buck,” You reply, squeezing his shoulder. You don’t trust your legs to lift you up and down on him. The ask makes him lift his head, looking into your desperate eyes. He nods shakily, tightening his grip on your small body, lifting you up and down, up and down, until you’re a flurry of tears and screams.
“Holy fucking shit,” You say, throwing your head back as Bucky thrusts up into your bounces, moving in rhythm to send you into a boneless mess.
“Gonna move, doll. Better position,” He says, and the promise is fulfilled the moment he shuffles, still connected to shove you onto your back on the bed, and begins his assault on your body.
Thrusting sharply into you only proves to draw a scream from the back of your throat, your body withering beneath his as he grips your hips in an attempt to keep you still. Your orgasm draws closer the more he thrusts, the harder he smacks into you, the more he groans and spews dirty words.
“I’m so close already, sweetheart. Your pussy is so fucking good,” Bucky is staring down at you with lust blown eyes and you want to feel him cum, you want to cum with him.
You nod, moving to fit your small hand between your connected bodies, and rub against the swollen, abused clit. The pleasure makes you throw your head back and screw your eyes shut, feeling his cock assaulting every inch of your insides and your fingers push against the button that’ll push you over the edge.
“Cum in me, Buck. Please. God, you feel so fucking good,” You ramble, words spewing from your mouth as you get closer and closer to the sweet, sweet release.
“Doll, Jesus. I’m going to cum in you soon. Are you going to cum with me?” Bucky asks. You flicker your eyes open to look at him, a gasp falling from your lips as he wraps his arms underneath your back and lifts you against him in more of a riding position, but you have no control. He’s sitting with his ass against his feet, holding your body securely against him, bouncing you on his cock and thrusting up into your body.
You bury your face in his neck, your fingers still assaulting your clit as the coil in your belly begins to tighten dangerously, and you feel your release move quickly to full-blown euphoria.
“Bucky. Bucky. I’m cumming,” You scream into his skin, your entire body starting to tighten and tense, as the coil snaps and your body begins to clench and unclench around his.
You feel his hands scramble to keep you against him as he slams his hips into yours a final time and bites down onto your shoulder to keep from screaming out his release.
You’re stuck in a world between euphoria and relaxation as your body shakes against him, the aftershocks of your orgasm rattling your body, as you roll your hips down against his cock, drawing it out until the last second, feeling the spurts of his cum release inside of you.
“Fuck,” He says simply. You bury your fingers in his hair as he sits back on his heels and holds you tight against his chest, your legs tangled around his waist.
“Feel free to send more pictures like that,” You say finally, brushing your lips against the skin beneath his ear. He shudders at the words and the action and just secures his arms tighter around your soft body.
“Will it result in this?” He questions, kissing the bite mark he’d left on your shoulder. A warmth fills your stomach at the sweet kiss and you lean back to look at his face.
“Undoubtedly.” And it goes like that, he sends photos at the most inappropriate times, so you sleep with him every day, fucking yourself down on his cock, orgasming and screaming to the high heavens, the team begin to complain about the screaming so Tony gives you and Bucky your own floor.
One day after fucking each other into a state of almost comatose, he asks you if you’d like to see a new movie out. You are shocked, not thinking that was an option. You hit yourself again for not thinking of Bucky as a companion rather than just a fuckable supersoldier.
Two years after your first date, he asks you to marry him. You stare down at the velvet box with his mother’s ring in it, and furrow your brows, never thinking that this was something you wanted, but it’s Bucky and he is everything you’ve ever needed, not only because he satiates your needs, but because he is your need.
You say yes and it’s a flurry of tears and screams from the team. You marry your best friend in the most beautiful white dress and wake up the morning of the first day of your honeymoon in a pair of cotton panties and a big t-shirt, which he rips off of you and fucks you until you scream.
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