#I normally wouldn't blog about events in my day
merspots · 1 year
Another reason not to let your cats free roam
TW: Animal injury (but hopefully the cat will be okay)
Well, I just had to rescue one of my neighbors' cats from dangling from a fence by her back leg :/ I don't know how long she had been stuck there, but hopefully not too long, and she's with her owners now so will be getting checked by a vet.
She was lucky that I seem to have an ear for crying cats, though, because no one else was out looking for her, not even the people in the houses on either side of the fence she was stuck in. I fear what would have happened if I wasn't one to go looking and she was stuck there until who knows when.
Just remember this when you let your cats free roam - it is very easy for them to get injured and for no one to find them until it's too late. So please don't let them if you can.
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thegreatyin · 5 months
who is the scoundrel? I see you posting about them(it? Idk) all the time but I haven’t figured out who they are
my fallen london OC! i made them by accident a few months ago and as you can tell ive very quickly developed scoundrel brainrot. it's a terminal illness for which there is no cure and the symptoms are instead of brain there is scoundrel.
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in terms of actual character rundowns, their full moniker is The Bandaged Scoundrel, though i tend to call them "the scoundrel" for short. their real name is D█████, but they'd sooner die permanently than respond to or even acknowledge its existence.
they are! a bastard! a rat! a son of a b___! a motherf______! they are vain beyond your wildest imagination and they think they're the most infallible perfect being in all of existence and they have the exact attitude of a saturday morning power-hungry cartoon supervillain on cocaine.
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and also, perhaps most importantly, they're Really Fucking Stupid. because of course they are.
they are resplendently awful. they are inevitably going to cause their own demise in an act of pure karmic retribution. they are a speck of dust in history that desperately keeps trying to insist they're actually a tornado. i love them dearly.
in loose conclusion while also acknowledging ive explained literally nothing; my goofy silly victorian london browser game player character that deserves to get timetraveled against their will to the 21st century specifically so they can get hit by a truck
#also their pronouns and gender are whatever you feel like that day#i usually use they/them or it/its for simplicites sake#ask#fallen london#im not gonna do the rundown on what FL is again bc ive answered asks abt it like twice already so you can look in the tag on my blog#all you need to know for the purposes of The Scoundrel is that it's an oc creation simulator with a few extra steps#i used to have an oc directionary post.. i should probably make a new one at some point. i post a ton about the fuckers anyway#other scoundrel trivia facts im not including in this post so it doesnt clog dashboards forever:#-their ethnicity is unknown but likely german or french#-they get comical levels of seasick on boats and absolutely despise zailing despite loving the profits of being a pirate#-they probably pay absurd amounts of money just to get the flowers in their hair from the surface#-the bandages cover every single part of their body except their face. they hate covering their face. they want everyone to admire them#they wear bandages all the time in such vast quantities for Other Reasons.#probably ranging from 'got sent to the tomb colonies so much they dont bother taking it all off' to 'wrote correspondence on their arm'#-their eyes are violant because they dipped them. In It. so they wouldn't forget a certain... Event involving cricket#they're really really normal.#also yes i doodled this chibi just for this ask bc im insane#if you ever wanna know more/get a proper answer just ask. im always foaming at the mouth to discuss my ocs#scoundrelventures
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delulujuls · 3 months
the right one | jacaerys velaryon
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hi, here comes the pt2 for the other one because i think i might actually be falling in love with jace lmao.
for the first time on this blog i tried not to use y/n mentioning because i know that not everyone is a fan of it so yeah, i hope i did well
also i know that the tension is immaculate here so i might write a smutty smut in pt3 eventually so lmk what you think!
summary: the hardened and hateful heart of the future king of westeros is no match for the tender and loving heart of the young prince of dragonstone. so it's not difficult to guess whose heart belongs to the young targaryen princess
warnings: swearing, mentions of threatening with a knife
pairing: sister!targaryen reader x jacaerys velaryon (ft. best-uncle-in-the-world daemon, aemond and this little menace to humanity aegon)
taglist: @gorlillaglue25 @aegonswife @fallout-girl219 @lyssaluvs @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @aleemendoza2425-blog @darkgvk @faeoffaith @slayraxes-blogs @lolilkkk
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The young princess sat at the table, but her mind was elsewhere. She didn't participate in the lively conversations, nor did she laugh and joke as she had the previous evening during the feast. Her gaze was fixed on her wine goblet, from which she had not taken a single sip. Her silverware was also untouched.
The girl's behavior did not go unnoticed by those present. Jacaerys, who sat across from her, immediately noticed something was wrong. He didn't have the courage to ask, so he was relieved when the king took that burden off his shoulders.
"Is something troubling you, dear daughter?" he asked, addressing her. The princess didn't hear his question at first; she only came to her senses when Helaena nudged her arm.
"I must have caught a chill," she replied, adjusting her high-collared dress. "My throat hurts."
Aegon wished he could sink into the ground. He remembered the events of the previous night vaguely but knew what had happened. He knew what he had done. He sat next to his sister just as they had been seated the day before but he saw her pull her chair away. She had every right to. He had gone too far.
The king didn't notice Aegon's broken nose, which had been tended to by a maester that morning, nor did he remark on Jacaerys' bruised brow, which he tried to hide under his dark curls. Small scuffles between the boys were normal, and since everyone was sitting at the table eating together, he figured nothing major had happened. He was, however, worried about his daughter.
Daemon was not as blind as his brother, who might have been somewhat blinded by his illness. Viserys, however, had long failed to notice what was consuming his family. Perhaps he simply didn't want to see.
"A sore throat?" he asked as they both left the dining room. "Really?"
"I don't know what you mean," she replied, avoiding his gaze.
Daemon, however, watched her closely, and her reaction only confirmed his suspicion that something was wrong.
"I'm sure I have something for that," he said, nodding towards the corridor leading to the right. His look indicated he wouldn't take no for an answer. The girl followed him without a word. When they were in Daemon's chambers, the princess knew that lies were unnecessary. Her uncle must have seen through her at the table.
"So?" he asked, closing the door. "I'm all ears."
"I don't want to talk about it," she said, looking at him. The prince now saw even more clearly her puffy eyes from crying and her chapped lips. "Besides, it's nothing significant."
"Nothing significant, yet you wasted a night crying," he observed, pouring wine and offering her a goblet. She shook her head, so he took a sip himself.
The princess looked at him silently. She had no arguments. Daemon knew this perfectly well.
The young girl sighed, accepting her defeat. She lowered her gaze and unbuttoned a few buttons of her collar, which was fastened up to her chin. She parted the fabric to reveal her fair skin, marked by a thin, bloody cut.
Daemon took a sip from the goblet and set it down, approaching his niece. He pulled the fabric aside a bit more, looking at her neck.
"Care to share how you got that?"
"Aegon is a maniac who should be locked up in the Sept and treated," she said bitterly. "A drunk who thinks he's the lord of the world, to whom everyone must bow."
"So, I hope you taught him a lesson in humility?" he asked, moving to the table and picking up one of the ointments. He unscrewed it, returning to the girl and taking some on his finger.
"He has the same mark on his neck."
Daemon chuckled, shaking his head.
"You are impossible, I swear by the Seven," he scoffed, applying the ointment to the cut on her neck.
"They attacked Jace. I couldn't let that happen," she said, frowning. "Those fools think they can terrorize anyone they want. It's not true!"
The prince smiled, sitting down after a moment and taking the goblet in his hand.
"You defended Jacaerys?"
The young princess blushed and looked away. However, she nodded.
"Then it's clear," he answered, crossing his legs. "Aegon is jealous."
"He's a complete idiot!" she said angrily, pouring herself some wine. "Maybe I won't marry him after all, and what then? Maybe they'll find me another husband?"
"I'm afraid the decision has already been made, little bird," he said, looking at her. Her pale cheeks were flushed with embarrassment over her lover and anger at her brother.
"We're connected only by blood and name, nothing more," she cut bitterly, taking a sip of wine. "I will never love someone with such a hardened heart."
"Not like Jacaerys, right?" he asked, glancing at her. He was smiling, but it was a sad smile. All he could do was pity his niece.
"He's a good boy," she said, pressing the cool metal of the goblet to her lips. "His wife will be the happiest girl in Westeros."
This, however, could not be expected by Aegon's future wife. The young prince hadn't learned much from the previous night's events, as he refrained from drinking only at breakfast. But when only the maids remained in the dining room, he emptied almost half a jug of wine himself.
"Will you tell me what happened last night?" Aemond spoke from behind him, causing the elder brother to almost spill his wine. "I know you didn't go straight back to your room."
"Are you following me?" he looked at him nervously, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"I was checking if you could make it back to bed in your current state."
The maids, who were cleaning up after breakfast, glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes. Aegon felt their gazes on him.
"Get out!" he shouted, gesturing for them to leave. Shortly after, the brothers were alone. Aegon sat heavily in one of the chairs and rubbed his face with his hands.
"I threatened her with a knife," he said quietly, feeling his confession burn his throat. "I threatened her with a knife while Helaena was asleep inches away."
He shook his head, reaching for the wine goblet. "If I had been more drunk, Helaena might have woken up in a bed full of blood with a corpse next to her."
Aemond only needed the first sentence from his brother. He took the goblet from his hand and threw it across the dining room. Aegon froze.
"This has to stop," Aemond said quietly and calmly, but sharply and firmly at the same time. "This has gone too far, Aegon."
The young prince rubbed his face with his hands and leaned on the armrests, pressing his joined fingers to his lips. His younger brother was right. He had crossed the line.
"You know I'm always on your side, but you threatened our sister," he shook his head. "I can't agree to something like that."
Aegon gritted his teeth and lowered his head. He felt tears in his eyes. He felt anger, regret, and guilt. But he wasn't angry at himself; he was angry at Jacaerys. He believed the fault lay with him, and if he hadn't been hitting on his sister, nothing would have happened.
"You're right," he sniffed. "I should kill that mongrel."
Aemond clenched his jaw. He didn't recognize the person before him. Had he been so blindly devoted to his brother all these years that he hadn't noticed what a monster he had become?
"You want to...kill him?" he asked, looking at him. He wanted to make sure he understood correctly.
Aegon nodded.
"It's all his fault!" he slammed his hands on the table. "If it weren't for him, none of this would have happened, and I wouldn't have raised a hand against that bitch!"
Aemond now saw before him not his beloved brother but a maniac wrapped in alcohol, hatred, and delusions. Tears were streaming down Aegon's face, but it was hard to tell their nature. Sorrow over hurting his sister? Anger? If so, at whom? At Jacaerys? At his sister? At himself?
However, Aegon wasn't the only one crying. In the doorway of the dining room stood their sister, who, drawn by the sound of the thrown goblet, had quietly peeked her head in. She had heard the entire conversation between her brothers and was devastated.
"You really are a monster," she said in a trembling voice. Two pairs of eyes turned towards her. Aegon hastily stood up, wanting to approach his sister, but Aemond firmly held him back, keeping him in place.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he sobbed, falling to his knees. Aemond still held him tightly, not wanting to let him do anything to their sister. Aegon was now unpredictable and had shown he posed a threat.
"Please, sweet sister!" he shouted, trying to free himself from Aemond's embrace "Please!"
The young princess took a step back, shaking her head and causing another cascade of tears to run down her cheeks. She couldn't believe what her brother had become.
Aegon fell at her feet, apologizing and begging for forgiveness, but she quickly left the dining room. She began heading towards Jacaerys' chambers, hoping to find the young prince there. However, he was busy searching for the girl just as she was.
They met by chance, bumping into each other on one of the staircases. Seeing her tear-streaked face, Jacaerys didn’t even have time to ask what had happened before she threw herself into his arms. He hugged her tightly, pressing her face to his chest.
“Hey, it’s alright,” he whispered, holding her close. “I’m here, it's okay.”
“Take me away from here,” she managed through her tears. She didn’t have to ask twice.
Not long after, they left the castle walls, which seemed to suffocate her. It wasn’t until the cold wind dried the tears on her cheeks that she was able to breathe. They walked along the stone wall towards the beach, not saying a word. The young princess clung to her nephew’s arm, who glanced at her from time to time, sincerely worried.
When they reached the beach, they sat on a salt-worn log cast ashore by the sea. Jacaerys pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the girl. She wiped her tears, staring at the waves angrily crashing against the shore. After a moment, she turned her gaze to the boy’s face, which looked at her with concern.
“Will you run away with me?” she asked, her voice filled with sorrow. “Far from here. Where the map doesn’t reach.”
The young prince smiled warmly at her and raised his hand, touching her tear-stained cheek and gently caressing it with his thumb.
“I haven’t been to the end of the map yet.”
The girl sniffed and lay down, resting her head on his lap. Jacaerys leaned down and kissed her cheek. He began to stroke her head, gently running his fingers through her hair. He wanted to ask what had happened when he found her crying. He wanted to ask if her mood at breakfast was really due to a sore throat. But he knew his questions were unnecessary and only thing that mattered was the comfort he could offer. The young princess gratefully accepted it.
She closed her eyes, listening to the whistle of the wind and the roar of the waves. After a while, the sound of the sea began to blend with the sound of the boy’s fingers gently moving through her hair. The girl’s bitter face took on a calm expression, and the tears on her cheeks dried. Jacaerys smiled softly to himself. He had calmed a dragon.
“Aegon threatened me with a knife,” the girl spoke after some time. Despite the heavy confession, her voice was calm. “He came to me at night, completely drunk, and tried to intimidate me.”
The young prince clenched his jaw, his whole body tensing. But he didn’t stop stroking her hair. The princess opened her eyes and turned her head away from the sea, fixing her gaze on him. A piece of her dress’s collar had shifted, and Jacaerys noticed the cut on her neck.
“I’m afraid to have someone like him as my husband.”
He cupped her face in his hand, leaning toward her.
“If you have fears, I’ll speak to the king myself,” he said calmly but firmly. “Either he will shake some sense into Aegon, or someone else will seek your hand.”
“No one will be brave enough, Jacaerys,” she shook her head, looking away. “They’ve already announced the news of the upcoming wedding to everyone.”
“I will be,” he said, capturing her violet eyes with his own. “I’m ready to fight for you, princess.”
The girl looked at him in shock, surprised by his words. She didn’t know what to say, but she knew what to do. She entwined her fingers in the prince’s dark curls and pulled him towards her, kissing him tenderly. She poured all the love she had inside into that kiss—a love that would never be given to the right person.
“And if they don’t want a fight, we’ll run away,” he continued, whispering into her lips.
“We’ll run away to where the map doesn’t reach.”
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ann1-wr1tes · 2 months
Tiring Exams
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Synopsis: You are dead set on studying for your finals that you don't notice when your boyfriend calls you...(I suck at summarizing)
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1,339
A/N: I dug up this old fic I wrote like last year. Hopefully this somewhat makes up for my lack of content and my nonexistence on this blog lmao-
You narrow your eyes at the paper in front of you. Your mind seems to be running so quickly but also somehow not at all? If that was even possible. You just focuses your eyes on the words that were on the paper in front of you and you swore this must've been your fifth time rereading this one sentence, but for some reason your brain just wouldn't put any of it together. None of it was sticking like it should!
You let out an exasperated sigh and rub your eyes and head tiredly. These damn final projects and exams were going to be the death of you. You also thought that if you had to reread this sentence one more time…you may just combust. Your mind just felt like it was bursting at the seams with overwhelming and frustrating thoughts. But alas, that was what exams were all about right?
You take a deep breath and look at your wall for a moment. Your eyes needed to look at something that wasn't a stark white piece of paper, covered in a jumble of words that you for some reason couldn't read or understand. You take a few moments to clear your mind and then you finally look back down at the paper and you reread over the words, this time they somewhat stick.
Your eyes continue to scan over the rest of the article and suddenly your phone is vibrating. You can feel the vibration going through the table and you are snapped out of you trance when you see the contact picture of your boyfriend on the screen of your phone.
You frown. Oh, how you wished that you could answer so badly. What you would give to hear Leon's voice right now but with a sad sigh you decline the call and toss it onto your bed. You couldn't have any distractions…..you had to finish this.
Leon felt his heart pick up just a little bit when you didn't answer his call. He knew that it was normal for people not to answer calls. Everyone had a life, you included so maybe you were just busy. Just for extra measure though, Leon made sure to leave a voice mail, telling you to call him back just so he could check in on you and say hi.
Maybe it was for the best anyways. He knew you had been busy lately studying for finals and he himself was busy with work, so no worries. That's what he tried telling himself.
Though Leon couldn't help it. After the events of Raccoon City, then Spain and so on, he didn't like to leave you alone for too long. He was always calling you, checking in on you, making sure everything was okay and that you didn't need anything. Even now, when he was always busy, he still tried his hardest to make time to just talk to you. To just hear your angelic voice that he adored so much.
But you were busy right now. No problem.
After that he busied himself with looking at files, documents, doing loads and loads of paperwork that practically bored him to death but at least he wasn't getting thrown around or hunted by B.O.W.S or zombies.
Little did Leon know, that right now you were also drowning in boredom.
Later in the day, he was about to go home and he still hadn't hear from you. As much as he tried to reassure himself that you were fine, he felt nervous. Usually you would have called him by now, or at least send him a text saying what you were doing or how you were, but he had gotten nothing from you and it was nearing dinner time.
Right when he got out of work, he immediately grabbed his phone and dialed your number as he made his way out to the parking lot to hop on his bike. He dialed your number and it just rang. You didn't pick up. To Leon, that was a big red flag and he decided that right when he got on his bike, he was gonna stop by your place to make sure you were okay.
He made sure to zoom over to your place as quickly as he could and with baited breath, he parked in your driveway and knocked on your door.
No answer.
He could feel his heart rate quicken as he knocks again and listens for any sounds on the other side. He doesn't hear any movement or talking coming from the other side and even worse, he doesn't hear the television going. It was silent and that did not sit well with him.
Leon didn't bother to knock again. Instead he bent down and lifted up your doorstep mat where he knew you kept the spare key to your house. Leon snatches it off the ground and is quick to unlock your front door and he rushes in, almost forgetting to close your door.
He calls out for you a few times, but there's still no response. That's when his eyes dart around your apartment, searching for signs of maybe a break in, or something gone wrong but everything is fine. Nothing is out of place, nothing seems to be out of the norm so that's when he rushes upstairs.
He opens your bedroom door and freezes. His heart rate is beating practically a mile a minute and he lets out a quiet breath of relief when he sees your smaller form, curled up in your bed fast asleep with numerous plushies and stuffed animals that he had gotten you.
Gosh he was just so worried. What if something happened to you? Or if you had gotten hurt? No…no…its okay, you are okay. You were just sleeping he tells himself. He takes a deep breath and quietly closes the door behind him as he glances at your table.
On your table lays all your project papers and even your laptop that is still halfway open and opened up to a tab that is full of the work that you had been doing all day. No wonder you were practically passed out. Seems like a lot of your energy was used on finishing those stupid exams and projects.
With a sigh he shuts your laptop and glances back at your sleeping form. It made his heart flutter a bit in his chest. You looked beautiful. Stunning even. It was just the raw look of peace on your face as you snoozed away, huddled up in a pile of blankets and stuffed animals. It was all quite adorable and Leon couldn't stop the smile that carved its way onto his face as he stepped a bit closer, slipping out of shoes and sitting them on the floor, next to your bed. He then shrugs off his leather jacket as well and rests against your bedpost.
As quietly as he could, he neared your bed and gently grazed your cheek with his thumb. It was just a little reminder to himself that you were okay and were in fact right there in front of him.
Now as sneakily as Leon can, he pulls away some of the blankets and slowly slips in behind you. You can feel a sudden warmth press up against your back and a big pair of sturdy, strong arms wrap around you from behind and pull you closer. Even in your sleep ridden mind, you know its Leon.
You shuffle a bit, not fully waking up but to where you are half asleep. You turn your body towards Leon and you grasp onto him, nuzzling your face into his neck with a sleepy sigh.
"You sure did tire yourself out, huh sweetheart?" Leon whispers gently. He laughs softly when you give him an airy whine as you nuzzle closer into him.
His hands trail up your back and he runs his fingers through your hair softly. It was moments like these where he just thought everything was perfect.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
Dreaming Of You
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PAIRING | Husband!Dad!Robert Downey Jr. x Wife!Mom!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | Life with your husband, Robert, and your three-month-old son, Joseph, has been nothing short of a dream, and you are grateful you get to live this life with him. When you find out you're having another baby after almost a year and a half later, you get a surprise of a lifetime, and the love between you and your husband only grows stronger because of it.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | RPF, established relationship, age gap, use of nicknames (Gorgeous, Bubba), referenced pregnancy, breastfeeding.
SMUT | Dirty talk, hair pulling, praising, breeding kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), cream pie.
A/N | @ccbsrmsf1 gifted me this idea after she had a fantastic dream, and it is an honor to turn it into a full story for you! This idea kept melting my heart while at the same time making it beat faster with every passing second, and I am incredibly proud of the result. I hope you love it as much as I did when writing it, and I thank you so much for sharing this! I love you 3000 💙
A/N 2.0 | This one-shot is proofread by @late-to-the-party-81, for which I'm very grateful! Thank you for all your support on my blog and your feedback because it took this story to a whole different level! 💙
EVENTS Masterlist | @anyfandomaubingo | Author!Reader Masterlist | @anyfandomfluffbingo | Secret twin Masterlist | @anyfandomkinkbingo | Cupping Masterlist | @sweetspicybingo Winter | The Nightmare Before Christmas
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Robert Downey Jr. Masterlist
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You have heard many stories about having a baby—many good, some not. However,  despite all that, you've been living on a blue cloud since your little boy, Joseph, was born a just over three months ago. Ever since he came into your life, he has brightened every second, and seeing the expressions softening on your husband's face is priceless. Every time he steps through your front door, you can see him visibly relax at the sight of his precious son, which warms your heart.
Robert has been under quite a bit of stress lately due to his busier-than-normal work schedule, but he will always make time for you two, for which you'll always be grateful. Family has always been very important to Robert, and since your son was born, he's been trying to be home more and more, much to your delight.
Right now, you're sitting on the couch breastfeeding Joseph—or Joe, for short—while watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, one of your favorite movies to watch all year round. While Joe happily suckles away, you hear Robert's keys turn the lock on the front door, notifying you that your husband is home again.
"Daddy's home, Bubba. Are you excited to see him again?" you ask Joe. He smiles with your nipple still in his mouth, which makes your heart melt a little bit.
"Oh, look at the two of you! Are my two favorite people having fun on the couch together without me?!" Robert asks with faux surprise, and it makes you chuckle. You look at him with a love-filled look, and he gives one in return as he sits beside you.
Before you got pregnant, you two were already very close and very in love, but your love has only increased tenfold since the birth of your son. He leans in to give you a soft peck on your lips, and the small gesture makes you feel very loved.
"We are. He got hungry a little sooner than usual, so I figured I'd feed him now so he wouldn't have to wait too long. How was your day today?" you ask with a soft smile, but his soft expression gives way to one filled with worry.
"I have to go to New York for two weeks tomorrow. I tried to get out of it, but sadly, I cannot, for which I'm very sorry, Gorgeous," Robert sighs, his brows knitted together as he looks at you with a regret-filled expression.
"Hey, it's okay. Maybe we can join you in the second week. I have to finish my manuscript for my new book this week, but once I send it to my editor, I have all the time to visit you with him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind seeing his Daddy again either," you say as you reposition him slightly to be more comfortable.
"That would be amazing, Gorgeous, but only if you're sure. If you'd rather stay home-" is all he can say before you cut him off with another kiss. You can feel him melt a little into your gesture, his shoulders losing some of the tension he held onto this entire time.
"I'm sure, Robert. I want to be by your side, and I cannot stay away from you for too long; you should know that by now," you say with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. He lets himself be comfortable by your side while looking at his son. He looks exactly like you, from the facial features to the hair and skin color, although you both suspect he will end up with Robert’s eye color. It's abundantly clear he combines your shared love, and Robert couldn't be happier.
"He's beautiful, isn't he?" you whisper, and Robert nods softly before letting his finger glide over Joe's cheek, feeling its softness against his skin. He already looked forward to coming home to you every day, but now that you have a baby, he definitely can’t stay away anymore.
"I love you both so much," Robert whispers in turn, and you give him a soft kiss on the top of his head. All three of you stay like that until Joe is done feeding; Robert takes him out of your arms to get burped and gives him a clean diaper. You decide to take a much-needed shower and take care of yourself for a bit.
"Thank you so much for taking over; I'll go take a shower and start dinner so you can have some much-needed baby time," you tell him, and Robert nods with a big smile. He wants to soak up every second he can now that his son is still small, especially since he's often gone due to his hectic schedule.
"I'd love nothing more, Gorgeous," he tells you, and you retreat to the shower for some personal time. Taking care of a baby and finishing your manuscript for your latest book is a challenge, and even though you love doing both with all your heart, you also know you wouldn't have been able to do it without his help.
When you walk down the stairs 30 minutes later, feeling refreshed and wearing a nice set of comfortable PJs—which consist of not much more than a pair of booty shorts and one of his shirts -Robert is sitting on the couch with his knees pulled up and Joe on his lap while playing peek-a-boo. Your heart skips a beat or two at the sight of your son's laughter.
As you listen to them bonding, you start on dinner, and it doesn't take long to finish cooking, seeing how you opted for a simple pasta dish today. As you do that, Joe is starting to get sleepy, so Robert decides to put him down for a nap.
"I'll be right back, Gorgeous. He just let out the biggest yawn I've ever seen him do, so I have a feeling he might benefit from a little nap. You were also feeding him early, so I think he's just being a sleepy little boy today," you look over at your husband and son, a warmth flooding through you at the sight and a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
"He didn't sleep much during his afternoon nap, so I am not surprised he's this sleepy already," you say, and Robert nods in understanding. Even though Joe usually sleeps like a champ, he's having an off day today and will benefit from having another nap now.
"Sleep well, Bubba," you whisper to Joe before giving a soft peck on his cheek, to which he gives a sleepy smile in return. While Robert puts him down for his nap, you finish dinner, and both finish eating soon after. The conversation flows naturally and is light, but it's the perfect way to destress for a little while.
"What do you think of having a cuddle session on the couch? He'll be out like a light for the foreseeable future, and I have missed you way too much today," Robert says as you put the last plate away after the dishes, his chest plastered against your back.
"Depends on the kind of cuddle session you're thinking of," you say as you turn in his hold, giving him a raised brow as you look up at him. He's quite a bit taller than you are, so you have to crane your neck a little, making Robert chuckle.
"I think you know exactly what kind I'm talking about, Gorgeous," Robert says, his voice dropping slightly as he does. He leads the two of you to the couch before sitting down and pulling you with him, and you cannot suppress a little shriek that comes out.
As he gets comfortable on the couch, you move to straddle his lap, and your mouths quickly find each other in a heated, passionate kiss. His fingers are digging into your hips as he grinds you over his growing erection, and soft whimpers are swallowed in your kisses.
"Missed you so fucking much, Gorgeous, you make me so happy, and I want another baby with you," he tells you, and your eyes go wide at his confession. Did he say what you think he did? You take a short moment to let it sink in, and your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you do so.
"I would love nothing more, Robert; I want at least three babies with you!" you tell him, and the smile on his face is indescribable. Lust quickly seems to take over his body as he pulls you closer, your hips grinding over his clothed member again while more soft whimpers escape, leaving you needing more, needing him.
"Robert, please," you say, and he knows exactly what you want. You scoot back far enough to free his cock; the tip flushed red as a bead of pre-cum is gathered at the slit. The veins running along have your mouth watering as you desire to run your tongue over them, and your pussy clenches around nothing.
Your shorts are pulled to the side quickly, allowing you to sink onto his cock as you take it inch by inch. Your walls envelop him completely and deliciously, making both of you moan in unison.
"You're so sexy when you sit on my cock, Gorgeous," he whispers with a lopsided grin as his fingers softly squeeze your hips, and you look into his deep, dark brown eyes when you bottom out. Your lip is pulled between your teeth to suppress a groan, being mindful that you won't wake up your sleeping son.
Once you've adjusted to his cock inside you, you lift yourself before bottoming out again, setting a slow pace for the two of you to enjoy while your fingers tangle into his hair, messing it up as you catch his mouth with yours in a slow, passionate kiss.
Robert's fingers are digging into the soft flesh of your hips to ground himself, not wanting to shoot his load right away. Even though you two had a lazy session of morning sex that very same day, you two will never get enough of each other, and this moment is evidence of just that.
"G-Gorgeous, please," Robert stammers out as his gaze locks onto yours, your eyes half-lidded as the pleasure courses through your body, his plea settling into the butterflies going wild in your body.
"Please, let me fuck a baby into you. You know I love it when you ride me, but for the love of God, let me fuck a baby into you," he begs, and the words are slowly sinking in as the pleasure builds rapidly.
As soon as you give him the go-ahead, your back hits the soft fabric of the couch, and your thighs spread of their own accord to welcome him back. Before he lines up with your entrance, he teases your clit a little with the tip of his cock, making your back arch as he does.
"That's it, Gorgeous, doin' so well for me right now. 'M gonna give you all the babies you want when you're this good for me," he says as he nuzzles into your neck, the scent of your apple-scented shower gel still lingering on your skin.
He stays still for a moment after bottoming out, reveling in the pleasure of your warm, tight pussy wrapped around his cock before he starts moving slowly, taking his time before sliding back in as if he's savoring every stroke of his cock inside you. It's as if he's committing every inch of you to memory.
"So tight, so perfect, Gorgeous. I'm so lucky you want to give me all your babies. Allowing me to stuff you full with my cum until it drips out and you're pregnant," he groans as he keeps thrusting in and out of you slowly, taking his sweet time as he makes love to you.
"You're so beautiful, and I truly got lucky when I met you," he says as he looks into your eyes, and you can see his love grow with every passing second. Your arms are slung loosely around his neck, your fingers softly gripping the hair on the nape of his neck as he speeds up his thrusts every so often, the pleasure in both your bodies building quickly.
"R-Robert, 'm close," you moan softly, and he lets you know he's close too, based on the soft groans tumbling from his lips. Your legs wrap around his hips to pull him even closer - his cock hitting your sweet spot with every thrust has your eyes rolling back as the pleasure comes to a high.
"M almost there, Gorgeous, I'm close too," he pants out as he picks up the pace even more, his moans muffled by your shoulder as he cums. You both fall over the edge at the same time, and Robert takes his time to ride out both your orgasms before slipping out and pulling you on top of him on the couch.
When Robert takes a deep breath before saying something, you can hear little Joe over the baby monitor, and with a satisfied smile, you look at your husband.
"You go get cleaned up, and I'll go take care of him, okay?" you say, and he nods. You climb off of him, readjusting your shorts and shirt while he gets off the couch, carefully tucking himself away before going to get himself cleaned up, too.
"You're the best wife and mother we could have asked for, you know that? And I cannot wait to add another baby to our family to make your dreams come true," he says as he cups your cheeks and leans in to capture your lips with a sweet, soft kiss. Another flood of warmth and love swoops through your stomach.
"I love you, Robert, and I cannot wait either!" you tell him as you walk to the nursery, leaving Robert with a content smile. You're lucky to have met him, and building a life with him is the cherry on top of it all.
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It has been almost a year since you and Robert decided to try and conceive again, and it took about six months before you got a positive test result. A few weeks later, you discover your baby is healthy and growing rapidly. But today is the day you will find out the gender of the little Nugget growing in your belly.
"Everything is looking good,” the sonographer says. “Are you excited to find out-" she cuts off suddenly and turns completely silent, except for the whirring of machines. A sense of dread fills you, and you squeeze Robert's hand. As you look at the baby monitor, your brows knit together, trying to understand what the sonographer sees. Your heart feels like it's sinking through the floor.
"Is everything okay with the baby?" Robert is the first to speak up, and you can feel a lump forming in your throat. For a moment, you're afraid your worst nightmare is becoming reality, but the sonographers next words confirm that nothing could be further from the truth.
"Well, yes. Everything is okay with the baby, but we read the ultrasound wrong the last time because you are pregnant with twins!" she says before profusely apologizing. All this time, you were growing two babies, and one of them is quite a lot smaller, so they have been hiding. You were growing a 'secret twin' of sorts.
"Can you tell their gender?" you ask, the relief evident in your voice. Your eyes are again trained on the monitor when she tells you the fantastic news, a flutter of excitement going through your chest and stomach as the words slowly sink in.
"You'll be having two wonderful, identical baby girls!" she says, and a huge relief washes over you. With these words, every ounce of worry washes away, and you look at Robert with tears. Not only will you have two more babies with him, but to have two girls at once is truly the cherry on top.
"I can't believe we'll be having twins! And two little girls; I think Joe will be happy to have two baby sisters to play with when they're older," you tell your husband, who has a huge smile. He's thrilled now, and you're happily sitting on a large, pink cloud.
Life couldn't be more perfect if you'd tried. With Robert getting another major movie role, your new book being published in a few weeks, and two babies on the way, you're going to have a busy life, but one you're looking forward to more and more every day.
"This is better than I could have ever dreamed of, Gorgeous," Robert tells you as you walk out of the doctor's office, your fingers interlaced with his as you do. Your free hand rubs your round belly, and a smile is stretched wide on your face.
"It's everything I ever dreamed of and more. Life finally feels perfect with an amazing husband like you, a beautiful son, and two more miracles on the way. Like I am exactly where I am supposed to be," you tell him as you're standing outside the doctor's office, the rays of sun shining down on both of you.
"I almost forgot how sappy you get when you're pregnant, but by God, do I love it. I'm lucky to have an amazing wife like you," he says with a broad smile before leaning in and capturing your lips with his. The rest of your life starts here, and you're looking forward to the day you'll be bringing your daughters home because that will be the day your lifelong dream has officially come true.
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masterjedilenawrites · 9 months
All I Want for Christmas
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Clone x Reader Life Day Exchange 2023
My gift is for the lovely @anxiouspineapple99! Hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful Christmas! 🎁❤️💚
Please go check out the @cloneficgiftexchange blog for all the other contributions to this great event! Fics are being posted all throughout today (12/16). Spread the love for fandom writers/creators by reblogging!
Fives x fem!reader | 2.8k words
Content: fluff, Christmas themes, snuggling for warmth, confessions, friends to lovers
Prompts: "Keep doing that and you'll end up on the naughty list." & "All I want for Christmas is you."
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It was a crisp and windy night, though you wouldn't feel the effects of the cold right away. Your eagerness for the evening's activities would fill you with enough warmth for a short while, as would the enjoyable company of your best friend, Fives.
You were surrounded by many friends and clones, a group of you who tried as often as possible to celebrate the year's holidays together. This year, not everyone would be on planet when Christmas Day came around, but you'd all managed to find a night earlier in the month to come together and exchange gifts, share good food, and, as you were about to do now, walk around the neighborhoods to admire the lights.
And while you loved all your friends dearly, it was Fives who you'd been most eager to see. You felt closest to him the most. You seemed to understand each other so well, falling into step right where you'd last left off, as if he hadn't been gone for the past several months. As if there hadn't been whispers that his unit had fallen under attack and may not be coming home this time, leaving you numb with worry. As if you hadn't realized you were in love with him when you heard he would come back after all, safe and sound.
"What the hell is that?" he laughed beside you as you passed by a house that seemed to be quite normal.
"What's what?" You gazed around but could only see the standard set up of dazzling lights and festive lawn ornaments.
Fives wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pointed to two reindeer decorations... that were stacked rather suggestively on top of one another. "That."
You could only momentarily process how close he was, how warm you felt being held like that, before you fell into sync with his laughter. It was a pretty funny thing to come across, especially as Fives began to muse whether the owners of the house set it up that way on purpose or if they were pranked. Either scenario was humorous. He then insisted on taking a photo of you with the indecent display in the background.
Though your laughter over the reindeer had warmed you up, the moment you two spent over it caused you to fall behind the rest of the group. You could no longer see them on the street, nor could you hear their lively sounds of chatter.
"They must have turned that corner up there," Fives said as you two started walking again. He was no longer holding you but was walking alongside you a little closer than before. Or, at least that's what it felt like. Maybe you were just imagining it.
There was a little bit of silence as you passed by the next brightly lit house and admired it. But Fives wasn't one to keep quiet for too long.
"So, what do you want for Christmas?" he asked.
You forced your gaze away from the pretty lights to look at him, noting a flush in his cheeks but deciding it must be the wind.
"What do you mean?"
He chuckled a little. "What do you mean? It's a simple question. What's on your wishlist this year?"
"I just thought... never mind," you shrugged, having thought he wanted to know what to get you, which of course was silly since your group was doing a white elephant exchange this year. "Um, I don't know. There really isn't anything I want, to be honest."
Fives knocked his shoulder into yours, accompanied by a dramatic gasp. "You don't want aaaa-nything? Impossible."
You just smiled and shook your head. "Yeah, not really."
"So you're good? You're perfectly content? Everything in your life is amazing and you're in need of nothing more?"
Of course the answer to his questions was a lot more complicated than the simple "Yep" you responded with. You were content in this moment, walking alongside your best friend, enjoying the festivities of the season in his company. But before this moment, you hadn't really been happy. You'd been worried sick by his absence, impatient to see him again, doubting that he'd be as thrilled to see you. You'd been nothing short of lovesick and you had no idea how to admit such a thing to him now.
"I don't buy it," he said, bumping playfully against you again. "There has to be something."
You finally came up to the corner you assumed your friends had turned down. You took it without thought, knowing it would loop back around to your friend's house. A house that was starting to sound really appealing given that a chill was settling back in.
"Clothes?" Fives asked.
"Like a nice scarf or a dress or something?" Oh, you realized he was still trying to figure out your Christmas wish list. "Or fuzzy socks?"
"I have plenty of fuzzy socks," you said. And with that thought, you realized your toes were getting rather cold, despite being wrapped in thick socks and boots. That then led to you recognize just how cold you were all over: your nose, your hands, your knees....
"Okay, then how about jewelry? Girls always like jewelry, right?"
You rolled your eyes as you dug your hands deeper into your pockets, searching for warmth. "I don't really need any more jewelry."
You weren't paying much attention to the lights anymore, instead picking up the pace so you could get back to the warmth of your friend's house sooner. Fives didn't seem to care about the lights, either. He was still trying to figure out your supposed Christmas wishlist.
"What about a box of chocolates?"
"I buy enough chocolate as it is."
"A candle?"
"Pretty sure half of the white elephant gifts in there are candles."
"Hm... You like games right?"
"I have enough games."
"Nonsense, you can never have too many games."
"Well, when your friends aren't around to play them with you, you can."
Fives was silent. You looked over to find he was watching you with a sort of sadness in his eyes. No, not sadness... guilt.
"I'm sorry," he said after a beat. "I wish I was around more..."
"No, no," you were quick to jump in, not wanting him to feel that way at all. "It's fine. It is what it is. We all know that."
Fives nodded but didn't seem convinced. He looked away, stared straight ahead, as you passed by the last house and arrived at your friend's. The change of course up to the porch seemed to snap him out of his mindlessness and bring him back into better spirits.
"A puppy!" he declared as you approached the door. Both of you were stomping your shoes against the wood of the porch to dislodge any dirt you'd picked up along the way. "No one in the entire galaxy could say no to a puppy."
You huffed out a laugh of defeat. "Okay, sure, I'll take a puppy for Christmas."
He laughed with you as you opened the front door. You expected a wall of warmth to hit you, accompanied by smells of food and chatter of friends. Instead you were met with dim lights, silence, and a cold that almost rivaled the frigid air you'd just walked in from.
"What the..." Fives joined your confusion in the entry hall, and then snapped his fingers as he realized something. "Kix said he knew someone in this neighborhood. They all must have gone there. We beat them back."
You vaguely recalled passing by a house with loud voices from inside, surely including voices from your friends, but you were too busy trying to warm your hands now to dwell on it further. Fives placed a gentle hand on your back as he scooted past you and down the hall toward the thermostat. He messed with it a bit as you shuffled into the little den off the entry. You were reluctant to remove your coat and scarf when it was still so cold.
"Hm," Fives frowned, joining you a few moments later. He flicked on a lamp on the table beside you. "Heat's not coming on. Something's broken."
"Can you fix it?" You tried not to let your teeth chatter.
"Yeah..." he trailed off and you followed his gaze to the fireplace on the opposite end of the room. His lips quirked, a sign he was going to get up to something. "Or... we could have ourselves a cozy little fire instead!" 
He shuffled around the sofa and started investigating the decorations on top of the mantle.
"What?" you asked as you stepped around the sofa as well.
"Ah ha!" He opened up what had looked to be merely a decoration of an old fashioned truck, but apparently doubled as storage for some matches. In no time, Fives had started a humble fire amongst the wood in the fireplace and was stepping back toward you.
"Take your coat off, get cozy!" he laughed in delight, sitting down on the sofa and patting the cushion next to him.
You reluctantly shrugged off your coat. You could feel little puffs of warm air from the fire but the room overall was still too cold to be comfortable. You let out an involuntary shiver as you joined Fives on the sofa.
"Uh oh," he teased, scooting closer. "Need to cuddle for warmth?"
You knew his offer was in jest, but you couldn't resist the thought, especially when your cheeks were already heating at an alarming rate just by sitting this close. Fuck it, you decided, and promptly slid your arms around his middle and pulled him close.
"Well okay then," he laughed in amusement, wrapping his own arms around you in return. He wasn't angry, which you took as encouragement and buried your frozen nose into the crook of his neck. You felt one of his hands come up to rest on the back of your head, keeping you in place for a wonderful, peaceful moment.
You warmed up fairly quickly, though your fingers still felt numb. Without thinking, you shifted a bit and slid your hands underneath Fives' shirt, seeking the warmth of his skin. His muscles tensed in response.
"Whoa there," he chuckled lowly. "Keep doing that and you'll end up on the naughty list."
The heat from the blush on your cheeks immediately shot through the rest of your body. You were mortified. Fives was your friend, what were you doing?
You detached yourself quickly and mumbled an apology. He was still laughing a bit so you joined in nervously, but not daring to meet his eyes. Not when you were this flustered. He relaxed back onto the sofa and draped an arm along the backside, just beside your head.
"So, um, what do you want for Christmas?" you asked, trying to get past your awkwardness and back to the easygoing state of your friendship, despite the ache deep within your chest that yearned for something more.
"Me? Oh, nothing much."
Now you looked over at him, balking. "Fives!" 
"What?" he grinned.
You swatted at him. "You just gave me shit for not wanting anything!"
"I said I didn't want much, not that I didn't want anything at all."
You huffed. "Okay, then what is this 'nothing much' that you want?"
His smile didn't completely disappear, just settled into something a little softer, more pensive. He cocked his head a bit as he looked at you, considering what to say.
"Would you be mad if I said that all I want for Christmas is you?"
You blinked at first, unable to come up with an other reaction. How could you? How could you process such a confession? Was it even a confession? Or was he just being cheeky?
You forced yourself to clear your throat. "Mad? Confused is more like it."
"Confused?" He smirked for only a second before settling back into that strange and soft look. "What's so confusing?"
"Uh... I mean..." you stammered through an awkward laugh. "What does that even mean? You want me... to do something? To... to... see me? You're seeing me right now..."
Your skin was still alight with a fire that seemed to burn brighter than the one in the fireplace. You were so flustered, and Fives was getting a real kick out of it.
"Calm down, cyare," he laughed, scooting a little closer and taking your hands into his. "I want you, as in, I want to... you know.. be with you."
He was starting to get a little shy himself, though you weren't really paying attention. Your heart was threatening to beat its way out of your chest, so you instead focused on the feeling of Fives' hands wrapped around yours. So warm, so firm. They grounded you just enough for his words to sink in. He wanted to be with you.
Now you felt like you were floating. That nasty knot that had settled into the pit of your stomach, back when you'd thought he wasn't coming home, was finally coming undone. Freeing you from its weight. Letting you soar with hope for a different kind of future with your best friend.
When you finally brought your eyes back up to meet Fives', you could finally see the blush in his own cheeks, the way his eyes searched yours for validation. He'd made himself vulnerable in a way he'd only ever been a handful of times with you. Like when he'd confessed how frustrated he was about the war, how angry it made him sometimes to think about it, how he secretly held dreams of one day escaping and living a normal life somewhere. You thought back to those conversations now, viewing them in a different light. You'd always wondered what his idea of normal was, if it included anyone else... anyone like you. And now you were starting to get an idea that it did.
"I'm sorry if this is sudden," he said quickly and quietly, filling in the silence you didn't mean to leave. "It's just... you know this last mission was... well, it didn't go very well. And it made me reevaluate my life. What I really want. And honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about you."
He gave a bashful smile and you returned it, easing his nerves just a little.
"I was really worried about you," you confessed, giving his hands a reassuring squeeze. "I didn't just want you to come back, I wanted you to come back to me. And I'm so glad you want the same."
You both laughed once more, though more out of relief than nervousness, and ended by resting your foreheads against each other. Fives then let go of your hands so he could bring his arms back around you and pull you close again. You let yourself rest against him with a contented sigh... and then bolted right back up as a thought occurred to you.
"Wait, you said you want me for Christmas?"
"Yeah..." Fives' eyes were wide with alarm.
"Just for Christmas? And that's it?"
The tension immediately left his shoulders as he realized what you were doing. He gave you a look and you used all your willpower to hold back your amusement.
"So when Christmas is all over, you'll be done with me?" you pushed on with the bit. "You won't want me anymore?"
"Ugh, cyare, please," Fives rolled his eyes and tried wrapping his arms around you again.
"I just want to be clear about this." Your voice was breaking, as was his own act to be annoyed. The two of you could never hold it together for very long.
"Of course I'll want you after Christmas is over," he said through a chuckle. "I'll want you for Valentine's and for your birthday and all the solstices..."
"So you only want me on holidays?"
"You're killing me here, you know," he grumbled into your shoulder.
You would've continued with your teasing, but just then the front door opened behind you, letting in your missing friends. Even if you and Fives had tried to act innocent, you wouldn't have been quick enough. Whatever they'd been talking about on their way in immediately changed into a chorus of gasps and cheers.
"Well it's about time!"
"Oh my god!"
"I knew it!"
You snuggled closer to Fives, in part to hide your embarrassment, but also to escape the wisp of cold air your friends had let in with them. Fives laughed along with the commotion while holding you, and it felt like the most natural thing, being in his arms like this.
"For the record," he later whispered into your ear, when things had died down with your friends enough, "I want you every day for the rest of my life. If you'll have me."
You smiled into his chest and held him closer.
"Of course. You're all I want, too."
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Reverse 1999 Analysis: Why did Jessica go with Vertin in the Green Lake event?
Note: This was originally an Ask but I feel like posts are easier to find in my messy blog. Also I can fix typos and make edits when new information comes out!
The answer to this lies in Blonney and Vertin’s proposals to Jessica. Blonney offered her a life as a human where she’d be forced to hide and Vertin offered a life as an arcanist where she can embrace her true self. The Green Lake event builds up to this conclusion in subtle ways more noticeable in hindsight. The main theme of the event is embracing your true self. This applies to Jessica as much as it applies to Blonney.
From the beginning of the event, we see how the humans treat Blonney. With limited access to the outside world, this gives Jessica her first impression of humans beyond Green Lake. They belittle and tease Blonney. In Jessica's eyes, Blonney is the most amazing person she knows (not that she knows many) and she still gets treated this way. Not only that but Blonney resented her arcanist blood because of this mistreatment.
If someone as amazing as Blonney is being rejected by humans, what hope could a Changeling like Jessica have fitting in? Instead, Jessica would rather make Green Lake a place they can be happy together. She expresses no desire to see the outside world.
Later, she meets Vertin and the others. She notes they are different from the people she normally deals with. They are arcanists who embrace their roots and the weirdness that comes with it. As the story goes on, the team falls into “roles”. Tooth Fairy is the mediator. Sonetto is the one who gets stuff done. Horrorpedia is an information bank. Vertin is the problem solver who puts all the information together with Horrorpedia's help.
While Jessica was acting the entire time, the team's reactions are genuine. Vertin being the emotional support after she kills the butcher and asking her what her wishes are later are genuine acts of kindness. Jessica even mentions she's grown to like Vertin when they are talking about wishes. This is important because while Blonney is lying to herself throughout the event (hating horror movies, denying her heritage, etc) everyone else has been straightforward and honest (too much in Horrorpedia’s case).
Then we have the ending. What makes Blonney and Vertin's proposals different?
It starts here:
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Blonney tries to bargain with her without truly understanding the problem. Jessica explains that in the time Blonney was away she grew up and changed. She doesn't want to wait anymore.
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Here Blonney tries again, making an offer she may not be able to uphold (parents). She lists a bunch of things she likes to do to try and convince Jessica but Jessica had a taste of the outside through Blonney's colleagues. Jessica brings up the fact one day her true form will be revealed and she'll be treated like a freak. She also doesn't understand a lot of the things Blonney is bringing up. Overall the proposal feels flimsy. Blonney is not only saying these things to try and escape. She truly wants Jessica to be happy too but she doesn't know how to accomplish this. Also, while Jessica loves Blonney a lot, it doesn’t negate the fact that up to this point Blonney has been in denial about a lot of things (though she shows a lot of growth). If Blonney doesn’t believe in her own words, how can Jessica?
Vertin tries another route with similar intentions. She walks Jessica through why it wouldn't work because even if she stayed, things would get stale for Jessica. Keeping people here is not the key to her happiness, it only numbs her loneliness.
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Vertin the problem solver addresses her fears of rejection, loneliness, and boredom. After this, she brings up the crazy things she's seen around the world to entice her interest. She is not using discos or malls to convince Jessica, but instead the dreams she has of music, meadows, and arcanist tomfoolery. She is offering her the life of an arcanist not the life of a human like Blonney did. Blonney is beginning to embrace her heritage, but she still has that human lifestyle etched into her persona. The things she offered are more associated with humanity than arcanum.
Then Vertin says this:
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She promised to give what she can offer. There are no grandiose claims like Jessica who thinks she can be everything someone needs or Blonney who wants to offer things but she doesn't have the means to realize them. Vertin is offering to do what she can. That is also why she is the only one able to make a promise. I don't even think Jessica used the word "promise" when she was making her offers meaning there is extra weight behind the word in her eyes. In Vertin’s department, she can truly be herself without fear of rejection or feeling like a monster.
Note: Jen and Jess are gay af for each other. I don't think Jess choosing to go with Vertin invalidates her love for Jen. Jennifer needs to come to the Suitcase once she graduates! Jess couldn't go to her, but she can come to Jess. It all works out!
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c0stiffen · 4 months
Howdy! I have a question about your blind Arven AU
Well, a few to be exact
1. Is there gonna be fanfiction or something for the AU, or is it only told through drawings (I do love your drawings btw!)
2. I know you did the Paldea kiddos, I was wondering what would Kieran and Carmine be like in this AU (I think that was mentioned on this blog, though I don't remember. My memory is not the best)
3. Would the story of ScarVio play out as normal in your AU or are there major story changes?
Sorry if its a lot, your au is one of my hyperfixations and it is kinda a comfort thing for me, so yeah-
I never thought anyone would say that my art would be someone's comfort-Hyperfix. THAT HIT HARD, THANK YOU!!
Now answering your questions…
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Is there gonna be fanfiction or is it only told through drawings?
I have one that focuses on the entire story of the game, including the DLC and the epilogue. I haven't posted any chapters yet, but I plan to post them on AO3. I'm doing it from the perspective of Nemona, Arven, Penny and the leaders of Team Star (base game). Cof cof mi AO3 Profile spam moment
Nemona's story doesn't change much honestly, but she is accompanied by Juliana and Florian.
The story of Team Star focuses on the academy's past, the difficulties of its members' disabilities and conditions, and a couple of other things. (For example, the fact that Giacomo before the events of the base game was able to talk and Penny did not need a wheelchair).
Arven's story focuses on how he tries to save Mabosstiff, his only friend, by himself. He only has his staff, a Smartrotom at the beginning trying to search for the Titan Pokemon. (Yes, he went down to Area Zero).
I have a couple of one-shots that I want to post based on some drawings I've been doing these days, some have to do with Giarven (I'm definitely the CEO for a reason) and the rest are cute interactions between characters (Like Nemona and Giacomo exercising their roles as president and vice president of the student council respectively).
For now I think I'll just make comics that tell some Lore facts, but I'm fine with the questions!
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What would Kieran and Carmine be like in this AU?
I've been thinking that Kieran is a boy who constantly had to be hospitalized for much of his life (I still haven't really decided what disability he would have), I haven't thought much about Carmine's disability in this AU so for now it's just like the Carmine canon, she cares about her brother (maybe a little too much) because she doesn't want him to get hurt. Kieran still loves Ogerpon here, the stories helped him not hate hospitals so much.
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Would the story of ScarVio play out as normal in your AU or are there major story changes?
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There are some changes in the story but it wouldn't affect the gameplay of the game to be honest, here are some story facts:
Turo and Sada Co-exist in this AU, they are both pokemon teachers but they have been missing for 5 years. (No contact with the outside world, not even with Clavell or Arven).
Giacomo and Penny were not disabled before the bullying.
The Starmobiles are adapted for the leader, example: Atticus's one covers him from the sun.
Juliana and Florian co-exist.
The academy claims to be an inclusive institution for students with disabilities. The majority are healthy students but a considerable part of the students have some disability or condition (usually so mild that it allows them to live day to day without many difficulties).
Saguaro is one of the teachers who is in charge of the education of students who must be in classes adapted for them. (Like Arven!)
Team Star and Arven are more related than in the canon game.
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teatimeweirdo · 2 years
+Genshin modern au headcanons+
note: ahhh my tumblr hasn't been working since yesterday, it wouldn't show my blog and the app would always crash when i tried to open my notifications TwT, I'm also trying around with new point of view so don't be to harsh
Characters: Scaramouche, Kaeya, Kazuha, Ayato, Albedo
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Flat Earther™/j
I can see him studying Biology at University
Ei and Yae raised him together, not well, but they raised him (he is a little brat)
in his off time he probably hangs out with Kazuha, because they have been besties since Kindergarten
listen what if he's a part-time, totally underpaid, McDonald's worker, who is absolutely done with everyone's bs (that's how he met you)
he totally didn't like you at first, but you were one of Kazuha's friends and Kazuha wouldn't stop bringing you around to meet with him, so the two of you were kind of forced to hang out eith each other
don't expect any nicknames from him, or random sweet texts or phone calls, I don't think scaramouche uses his phone a lot and he prefers physical affection in the comfort of you own home more then quick texts... although he will get a little sad when u don't text him all day
he probably would take you to the cinema for dates, he doesn't enjoy movies or people, but he enjoys the dark and quietness of the cinema (he sneaks in snacks)... he probably also likes the weird feeling of entering the cinema when it's light outside and leaving when it's dark outside
I also think he would quite enjoy just sitting in his room and playing video games, i doubt he has any that the two of you can play together, but he is willing to tale turns if you desperately want to play too, he enjoys cuddling while playing video games... not like he would admit it tho
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Kaeya lives of his dad's money, not that he's mooching of of him but he has difficulties finding a job, so he's currently building a career as a model, it kind of works... he has a bit of a following on his social media channels, but no product placements yet
listen as much as i want to make Kaeya and Diluc hate each other.... i literally can't, they just bicker like normal siblings (noone is allowed to talk shit about Diluc or Kaeya will fight them, Kaeya on the other hand is allowed to trash talk Diluc)
let's be real here, he probably wasn't the smartest kid at school, he probably nearly failed Maths or something
listen he probably speaks French, just like his father and brother, they're a very fancy family™
he probably met you while taking a photo, he was blocking your way... you asked him to move and he just sparked up a conversation with you
he tries to be cool about his little crush, but behind closed doors he is just a love sick puppy.... he probably asked his dad for advice (and maybe diluc, but diluc's advice wasn't very helpful)
congratulations you are now his personal photographer/j, no but seriously he probably takes on you very aesthetic dates so he can take pretty pictures... to be fair he has a whole folder with pictures of you :3c
he's the kind of person who texts you all the time... he would text you shit like "diluc just fell down the stairs, today will be a great day ❤️", he would probably call you in the evening before you go to sleep and then talk you to sleep
Kaeya is an outgoing person, he doesn't like just sitting around in his room, he would probably take you to a club if you're into that, if not he might just take you on a walk
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He's a musician, probably plays music on events and has a YouTube channel where he posts his music...I can also see him having studied philosophy in university for a short time before dropping out when he realized it just wasn't his thing
he's been besties with Scaramouche since Kindergarten and he has been raised by Ningguang and Beidou
Besides english he also speaks Chinese, which was taught to him by Ningguang
You met Kazuha at a relative's Graduation, the school had paid him to perform some music there.... you thought he was pretty handsome and decided to talk to him, it went pretty well and he even gave you his number in the end
his favorite type pf dates are probably spent in his apartment, when the two of you just spend some time together and watch a movie or show... he likes the quietness but the togetherness
he is more into calling than texting, he will just text you a few lines of poetry that flew into his head, he prefers calling because he insists that your voice is his inspiration
Kazuha has probably like 2 Cats called Luna and Artemis, he is a cat person and has a fear of dogs
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Ayato is rich, like rich rich... he's from old money, his family had been wealthy for years, so kind of all he knows is rich
he has a strained relationship with his parents, since they're pushing him to take over the company... he really enjoys his time with Ayaka she's his baby sister so he kind of always puts up with her shenanigans
he probably took economic courses in school, mainly because his parents kind of pushed him into it, but also because he wants to give Ayaka the best advice he can give
You two probably met on the train, weird place to meet ppl but trust me it works, the train was FULL there was barely space to move and he asked if he could sit next to you, it was a bit of a longer train ride so the two of you started talking to make things less awkward, in the end you exchanged numbers
Ayato prefers texting over talking mainly because he has a full schedule, he send you cute little good luck texts and photos of cute cats, you know the kind with lots of a hearts and blush with a cute caption
he prefers dates at home or at least somewhere in private, he is lowkey famous/people know that he comes from money and it makes him uncomfortable when people see him out with someone because there will probably be talk of the person he is with/you only being in it for the money
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Albedo is a university student studying chemistry, he got a scholarship for his grades...he makes some extra money tutoring children in chemistry
when Albedo was young, his parents were almost never around so he was pretty much raised by Alice (she basically was his mom at this point), he actually was so excited when he found out that Klee was on the way, he wanted to be such a good big brother
he enjoys going to places by train, because he likes to look out the window, it's hard to explain but he likes to see the scenery rush past him,.... he doesn't enjoy the other people on the train tho
you net him when babysitting Klee, Albedo wasn't supposed to be Home for a few more hours so Alice hired you as a babysitter, but as it turned out that someone canceled their tutoring lesson so he got to go home early, he decided to spend time with you and help you take care of Klee until the evening, he ended up giving you his number
Albedo dislikes both texting and calling, he mush rather spends his time with you instead of longing for you when just seeing a screen, although he enjoys it when you send him cute cat pictures
he likes study dates, or if you don't go to university he enjoys just sitting in a small Café with you, Albedo loves coffee and wants to share that with you, he doesn't mind if you don't enjoy the bitterness and has no problem with ordering some hot chocolate for you
Albedo also likes babysitting Klee with you, and Klee likes being around you because she can see that you make her big brother happy
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strawberrypinky · 1 month
i. is there a ship you wouldn't write a whole fic for, but love in the background? If we're talking companion characters, I do like Bloodweave (aka Gale x Astarion) quite a bit, but as a woman, I don't feel comfortable writing about a (male) homosexual ship. Love seeing the content, but I'll stay on the outside, appreciating the amazing Bloodweave creators, such as @shellytheleo and @calolily I wouldn't say no to adding that relationship in the background though.
ii. Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it! Considering I currently only have one BG3 fic, I begrudgingly have to recommend fire and ice - a Gortash x Tav fic, beginning around five years before the canon events of BG3 start. Idk what I like about, but I love being as unhinged as I can be with Gort, lol. Here's a sneaky sneak peek for chapter two bc Gort is absolutely not normal: A drow had tickled Enver's fancy - the woman small and slight, though far more voluptuous than his soon-to-be wife. She was pretty enough, even if she would have been hardly worth a second glance outside the tawdry meat market of a place he had entered. Her body, while graceful and smooth, hardly aroused any desire in him. He imagined another entity entirely beneath him, with skin more white and hair that shimmered silver and a voice as sweet as a lullaby, begging Bane to let Enver fill her up. The whore, whose name Enver had forgotten as soon as he had paid for her services, almost looked offended when the name 'Elodie' spilt from his lips in place of hers, but a single look silenced her before she could begin to speak. Pathetic, he thought, before he left the chamber, knowing Elodie would have never submitted that easily.
iii. Rec someone else's BG3 fic and tell us what you like about it! Oh Lord. I've done some fic recs a while ago here, and I stand by @gufu-vire "O, Fortuna" (cannot recommend it enough!), as well as "His Star - His Queen" by @random-introverted-blog, and all the others I recommended a couple weeks back. I still love them all. In Gufu's words, I am 'woefully illiterate' these days (seriously, my tbr is endless) and don't have many fics to recommend BUT I did start reading "dealbreaker" by @goodgirlgonebard which I have really enjoyed! I like seeing various takes on Ascended!Astarion, because while I will forever prefer the spawn route, his ascended ending has incredible depth in terms of morality, abuse cycles and power dynamic.
"Dealbreaker" explores the dynamic between Tav and A!Astarion as they try to navigate their feelings for one another post breakup and post-brain, both with wishes and desires of their own. The exploration of their desires and motives is both gripping and logical and I enjoy seeing it all play out.
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cringecannon · 6 months
I’m obsessed with the idea of there being some Normal Person ™️ who was kind to Astarion when he was a vampire spawn that maybe he’s a little unhealthily obsessed with. Maybe they’re a bartender at one of the establishments where he picked up victims for Cazador, maybe a seamstress who gave him thread for his embroidery or to patch up his clothing, maybe just someone who had kind words for him and didn’t try to hit on him, who knows? But it would be verrrrrry interesting to see an Ascendant Astarion encountering that Normal Person again, maybe deciding to “reward” them for being kind to him when he was nothing. Though I’m not sure if his idea of a reward would be what they would consider a reward….
(Also as an aside, I love your writing! I check your blog daily and my friends and I are constantly sending each other your Gortash and Astarion posts like “wake up, babe, new cringecannon dropped”)
He wasn't entirely sure why he was so enamored with you. To put it bluntly, you were just so... plain. Unassuming. Normal. Sure, you were nice. Plenty of people were nice to him though, and he didn't spare them a second thought. He watches you over the chalice of wine in his hand, seated in a dark corner of the bar.
Dark eyes follow the movement of your fingers as you carefully flip the page of whatever book you're reading. He glances up to your mouth, memorizing the twitch of your lip as you half-smile at some thought. Vanity rears it's head. You must be thinking of him. You had spoken to him for maybe a minute, one transaction out of hundreds, but how often did you get to see a face as pretty as his?
Not often, he hopes. A bolt of insecurity cuts through him. He feels pathetic, desperate. It sickens him. He could take anyone in this tavern home with him, and he's not going to sit around and let you make him feel inferior. His eyes settle on some pretty thing sitting alone at the bar and takes his wine with him, swaying over to his mark. Out of the corner of his eye, he tries to see if you're watching. You're not, staring down at your book like it's the most important thing in the room. He refuses to let you deflate his ego. His master wouldn't want you anyway. He'll waste no more time obsessing over some boring nobody.
He does, though. Watching you becomes a treat for him. Speaking with you when he shops becomes a whole event. The last time he saw you, you'd finally started to recognize him. A warm smile lit up your face as you reached for the exact kind of thread he always comes in for. It was fate, of course, that he'd be abducted the next day.
That first night in camp he wonders if you'll miss him. If you'd think about him as fondly as he thinks of you. Reality crashes in, and the fact that you probably won't is bittersweet. He had been playing a dangerous game with you. Any closer, and Cazador probably would have found out. You'd have been just another thing to take away from him. It was safer this way.
He doesn't think about you much after that. Facing death everyday tends to do that.
It's not until Cazador's blood has long since dried on his hands that he thinks of you. He washes his skin absentmindedly, trying to remember all that he could about you. It wasn't much, honestly. He didn't know your name, but he knew the kind of books you liked to read and the way your eyes shined when your hand touched his when he paid for his thread. It was a start. No one else in camp had kept his attention long. He needs someone to sit by his side and look good for all eternity, and you'd do just fine.
That settles it, in his mind. When the elder brain business is over, he'll start courting you. He thinks he should start by buying the shop you work in. Get rid of the owner somehow, and then he'll give it to you. Once you fall for him (and you will, because you're just too perfect to be so ungrateful after receiving such a thoughtful gift), he'll invite you to live in his new manor. If you're a bit more stubborn, it won't matter. He's not yet sure what hovel you live in, but he's sure you'll appreciate the upgrade.
He sits up a little taller, a small smile on his face as he dries his hands. Should he make you his spawn before he marries you, or after? On one hand, it'd be the perfect way to start the honeymoon. On the other, if he turns you early your cooperation would be guaranteed. He hums to himself. Decisions, decisions. Honestly, it's too soon to worry about it. He has the rest of his everlasting life to woo you. No point stressing over it now.
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dailyoyo · 5 months
GGs ranked by how quickly they would resort to murdering their friends if they were stuck in a timeloop (Real edition)
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my sincerest fucking apologies to pseud for what ive done to their blog.
THAT SAID: on account of this being very long and very grim to the point that most of it is too grimdark to even be funny anymore i am putting it under a readmore. This is a half-joke half-serious post about the ggs getting stuck in a time loop and murdering each other so like. you get what you click on.
also these are all specifically based aroudn our interps/jet set radio paradox obviously so bear that in mind lol
RULES TO MINIMIZE VARIABLES: only one of them knows they're in a time loop, each is a separate scenario where the listed character is the one who knows and remembers. they do not know why the loop is happening and they do not know how to stop it. the span of time the loop happens is relatively normal, though dangerous enough events happen (maybe just normal jsr stuff) that people may accidentally die during it depending on the exempt character's actions. everyone who dies during a loop is alive again when the date rolls back over. everything is back to square one. no consequences. 14. Pots pots is a dog, even if a highly intelligent one. assuming he can even grasp the idea of a time loop (unlikely) i believe it is even further unlikely that he would recognize it as a bad thing. very possible he just stays in the time loop contentedly forever 13. Soda it takes like a week (or until the first "someone dies and comes back") for him to even notice he's in a timeloop (general apathy/depression?). but when he does notice he's pretty together about it. obviously he wants out but he's literally got all the time in the world, he doesn't need to do stupid traumatic shit just to see what happens. he's got this.
12. Jazz WHY WOULD MURDER EVEN BE PART OF THIS EQUATION WHAT THE FUCK? shes not gonna kill anybody and would think its super fucked to even raise the idea. how is that supposed to help. That said. she does keep repeatedly explaining she's in a time loop almost every loop and it is getting to the point that she kiiiiinda wants to strangle someone or two as stress relief because by god is she stressed. she Won't, she's got more sense than that, but. But…
11. Boogie i think she never really goes full murdermode or anything and the very idea of that happening would shock and disturb her, but surprisingly early on she gives into the impulse to push one of the other ggs into traffic (it doesn't matter anyway, right?) and watches them get ran over. and she's like O_O oh jesus fuck that was horrible. and she never kills anyone again during the loops but it HAUNTS her and makes her nervous abt the idea that she COULD do it again.
10. Gum she's mostly level headed, i think, so she wouldn't be quick to resort to madness. but give her enough time and she starts feeling desperate and does some scary shit in the hopes that maybe somehow they'll at least remember next time. like more than anything i think it's the isolation of it that gets to her. maybe she doesn't progress to outright intentional murder, maybe she only tries it once or twice to see if it fixes anything (it doesn't). while she doesn't go full-blown axe-crazy she DOES become incredibly dangerous and desperate to just not be the only one who remembers.
9. Garam while his nerves end up aaaabsolutely shot and he loses all his patience to see the same day happening over and over, i think it would honestly take a while for him to become a danger to the ggs. he'd rather take out his stress on Literally Anything Else. that said he'd reach a point where he accidentally kills someone for real (whether a gg or an unrelated party) and it fucks him up reallll bad, but whether it fucks him up in a "fine whatever i can kill people who cares" way or a "I NEED TO BE CAREFUL THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN HOLY FUCK" way depends on the circumstances.
8. Beat honestly? unless something in particular causes him to suspect one of the ggs is responsible for the loop, it takes a while for it to even occur to him that killing his friends is an option. like maybe he might end up killing the GGs' enemies and maybe even rivals, but if you brought up the idea of killing his FRIENDS to him he'd be like "wait huh??? but why even????" that said, though, keep him in there long enough and he might develop a severe god complex and start doing it purely to power trip.
7. Combo putting him in a time loop i think would really be the last straw in his miserable life. maybe he deserves the right to kill someone at this point really. while he focuses intently on trying to find a way to break the loop, as it all begins to grate on him he really just stops giving a shit about much of anything. the murder isn't a constant thing, more like one or two good ol' kill em all style breakdowns, and obviously it only makes him feel sick to his stomach when the date rolls over, but what can he even do about it?
6. Clutch he tries to play it cool at first and not think about it too hard but it isnt long before a sort of prey animal panic is invoked in him and hes like. I gotta get outta here. I gotta get out of here. Oh my god i gotta get the hell out of here. and it doesn't help that hes really not close with these guys yknow. and any concern from the ggs he reacts to with escalating violence until he reaches the point he's killing them multiple times in hopes that gives him a way out. eventually he just gives up
5. Corn at first the thought of killing his friends doesnt even cross his mind but he becomes increasingly desperate to understand what's happening and soon enough it's a last resort. it's all very methodical testing the limits of the loop and himself, not explaining anything to anyone else because they'll forget anyway and becoming increasingly hostile and isolationist. he doesn't want to but He's out of options. He has to FIGURE IT OUT.
4. Roboy what bothers him more than anything else is the feeling of helplessness over the whole thing and even if the others COULD help him he's not going to try to get their help. he kills the other ggs to feel less powerless, like he has any sort of control over the situation, and all it does is make him feel worse and worse and worse. maybe eventually reaches a point where he starts deleting his memories of the resets in the hopes this breaks the vicious feedback loop but all it does is ensure the cycle never ends.
3. Yoyo If you put yoyo in a situation where nothing he does matters and none of his actions have consequences he will do increasingly crazy dumb shit because it's not like it matters anyway. and he will undergo EXTREMELY RAPID psychological decay that DOES end in him killing members of the ggs just to see what effect it has both on the loop and on others' psyches. and he will just assume that the loop is forever and ever with no way to ever break it.
2. Cube cube upon realizing she and she alone is in a timeloop will rapidly come to the conclusion that she is in actual literal hell. everything wrong with her will come to the surface at once. she will suffer a severe psychological break SO fast and the streets will run red. maybe she's enjoying it. maybe she isn't. but she is convinced this HAS to happen. and that she deserves it. 1. Mew As soon as Mew finds out that deaths don't stick she's going to massacre all of the GGs just to see how it feels. just once. to try it. it's fine. it doesn't matter. Where did she get that higurashi cleaver
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bonus: with the way i joke about zero beat maybe he doesnt even notice hes in a time loop until After hes maimed someone to death. i dont know man. im lying. who fucking give a shit
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ootpositivity · 6 months
Hello all! Normally I wouldn't post anything other than Out of Touch Thursday on this blog, however considering the immense importance of this cause, and the fact that at the end of the day the purpose of this blog is to put something positive in the world, I think making a post like this is more than appropriate.
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A very funny and talented streamer group, Radio TV Solutions (RTVS) hosted on @wayneradiotv's Twitch channel, is doing an all weekend long fundraiser event to raise money for the people of Palestine!! It's currently live right now!
For more information about the event itself and how to donate, you can go to http://rtvsfundraiser.live. That link has a plethora of links to donate at, as well as instructions on how to get your donation added to the tally and your donation message read on stream! It also has the schedule of events for all 3 days!
You can also check out the announcement posts on twitter and tumblr , and of course go to the stream itself for more info.
This blog with its 272 followers is by far the largest internet following I have ever had, and even though its not that big I wanted to take the opportunity to use this platform that I have to spread the word and help however I can to support this cause. I personally have been a huge RTVS fan for years now, ever since HLVRAI came out in 2020. It truly warms my heart to not only be sharing the love of a community that I have called home for so long now, but to be unifying people for a supremely important cause in the process.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who follows this blog! I love seeing your reblogs and comments about how this cheered you up on your Thursday, thank you all for paying attention to my silly little OOT blog, you da best <3. I've been meaning to clean this blog up a little and also write a little "manifesto" if you will about why I wanted to make an OOT blog and why its formatted the way it is ever since I made it, so expect that sometime soon as well.
I love Out of Touch Thursday, I love RTVS, and I love helping Palestine be free.
I hope you all have a wonderful Friday,
and from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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realm-of-rosie · 2 years
Hi hiiii! Hope you're having a good daaaay!! I wanna make a request with Zhongli, Childe, Diluc and Raiden! If it's possible! Or it can only be Raiden and Zhongli if it's too much! It's a scenario where the gn!reader had a nightmare or they can't sleep so they (Genshin Impact characters) went to the balcony and danced without music, swaying till their s/o is falling asleep on their shoulders and they just adore their s/o's face. Hope this isn't too much to ask! Please take care of yourself!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
💭 night terrors !!!
[ mentions of nightmares, crying, screaming ]
i. genshin impact [ zhongli, childe, diluc, raiden ]
ii. comfort + scenarios
iii. blog rules | masterlist
iv. hello to you!! it has been quite a slow day on my end, and i wish you're having a good day! thank you for requesting (my first request coming back i hope i can deliver), i hope you don't mind that i switched up some parts so it wouldn't be repetitive for all of them, and this is not too much at all! much platonic love to you <3
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[ zhongli ]
"hush my dove, i am right here,"
zhongli's embrace is firm but nothing in comparison to the death grip you had on his arm, trying to ground yourself back to reality and the pillar of a man next you. his hand moves to pat your head, gently pulling you to lean against his chest when you look at him all teary-eyed and his chest rumbles as he hums.
"do you want to talk about it?"
"no, please," you reply almost immediately, curling more into yourself, "not now when the images are so...vivid in my head, i honestly just want to forget about it,"
"of course my love," zhongli kisses the top of your head tenderly, "whatever makes you comfortable,"
despite the comforting patting on your back, the humming, the ever-loving kisses on your head, your mind does not let you sleep and the way you squirm, looking over your shoulder and his intently gazing at the non-existent shadows in the corners of your room untouched by the light of the lantern on your bedside table does not go unnoticed by zhongli.
"would you mind standing for a little?"
puzzled, you stare up at him, "...why?"
"indulge me," is all he says and because you trust him, you do, albeit on shaky legs.
you tighten your embrace on his arm in a moment of panic when he grabs the lantern and holds it in front of him and in your eyes was a looking of pleading for him not to leave you in the dark and his own eyes soften, "i swear, i am right here, and i would never, ever leave you alone in the dark,"
zhongli picks up his vision from the table on his side of the bed and offers it to you, the soft glow leaving you mesmerized, and when you took it in your hands, it emitted an energy that made your hand feel warm.
you wordlessly allowed him to lead you to you to the balcony under the starlight of a quiet liyue (if you ignore the occasional noises coming from the restaurants filled with drinking parties of course). your boyfriend caresses your cheek when you face him, pulling your arms to wrap around his neck while his snaked around your waist and he started to sway in beat with a song playing in his head - a little awkward, but you smiled wider than before, so that was all that mattered to him.
"you're so warm," you murmur, laying your head against his chest, "it's nice,"
eventually, your eyes start to droop, at some point, you shake your head to rid yourself of the drowsiness in you and zhongli chuckles, "tired again?"
"no," you huff stubbornly, "i want to stay like this for longer,"
your lover smile fondly, "whatever you want," his thumb traces your lips, the beauty marks on your face, engraving it to memory as he does everytime you stare at him with your eyes twinkling in the light so full of love and a sensation of safety felt in his presence, "your wish is my command,"
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[ childe ]
sleep doesn't always come easy to childe.
on normal nights, what kept him up was the incessant buzzing of crickets or cicadas outside and sometimes, in the events that he did manage to fall asleep comfortably beside you, the slightest sounds from the creaking of the old window under your room to the clip-clopping of horse shoes on the paved street would wake him up. during those days, his eyes would flutter open then back close almost immediately at the lack of danger surrounding you both.
but tonight, your scream had woken him up, sending him into a deep pit of panic. the sheer terror in it had childe jumping out of bed, rid of any sort of fatigue and set adrenaline coursed through his veins, weapon out, sharp eyes scanning the dark room for any unfamiliar silhouettes peeking out.
"childe," your meek voice made him sigh in relief, relief that you were alright but when he looked at you, his heart dropped and his weapon followed, allowing him to scoop you up in his arms.
"ajax," you hiccup with a much softer, shakier voice and your boyfriend paid no mind to how your tears soaked his shirt or how you gripped him with so much force that it hurt. childe could take it if it meant you would feel better.
"ajax, i was so scared,"
"it's alright darling," childe mumbles against your hair, rubbing your back and rocking you gently from side to side, "i've got you, i'm here, you're safe,"
you inhale and exhale deeply and shakily a few times, keeping your hand curled around his shirt like you were afraid he would disappear and the nightmares would come after you if he let go.
"oh, look," he says, pushing open the curtains of the window next to your bed and you attempt to turn and face what he was looking at as best you could with your hand full of his shirt and childe chuckles, pulling your hand off of his clothes so he could curl his nimble fingers around them before kissing your knuckles, "darling, i am not going anywhere, i promise, now look or you'll miss it,"
so you do look and when you turn to the window, you come face to face with the most beautiful sunrise you have ever seen - the soft yellows, pinks, purples, and blues creating such an aesthetic scene that you let out a gasp and childe chuckles.
after a while, your heartbeat has calmed down, the air is filled with your gentle breathing and chirping birds, and the rays of sunlight started trickling into your room.
"well, shall we go get breakfast?" childe asks, only to get a small snore in response, he breathlessly laughs, "alright, i shall go get breakfast then,"
after careful maneuvering, you are back under the covers, face smushed so adorably against the pillow that when your boyfriend looks, he falters in his mission to get breakfast, instead setling next to the floor to coo and plant featherlike kisses on your face.
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[ diluc ]
more often than not, diluc was away at night, mostly when you were asleep to ease the stream of questions and concerns that he really did not want you to have to worry about. which sounds quite suspicious without context, but rest assured, he always made it home to you (granted he would be a little battered and bruised from performing his nightly duties to mondstadt and its people as the darknight, but you didn't question it).
one night, he comes home to the lights shining through the windows of the dawn winery and diluc freezes mid-step. given the time, no one should be awake anymore and concern began to seep into his skin, prompting him to hasten his pace, dashing through the foyer and ignoring the dark empty rooms in the first floor trying to make it to you.
the door to your room was open just a crack, light pouring into the hallway and if diluc was being honest, adelinde's voice telling you to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth did little to comfort him, and he practically burst into the room where he saw adelinde sitting on your shared bed next to you, still in her nightgown, gently rubbing up and down your back.
"what happened?" he demands, shedding his thick upper jacket before rushing to your side, "i am so sorry -"
"i just had a nightmare love," you reply weakly, smiling at adelinde as she slips away and out of your room, "really, i'm fine,"
"no, you are not fine," diluc frowns, dabbing at your sweaty forehead with the damp cloth on your bedside table, "darling, come here, let me hold you,"
you slump in his arms, shaking, and diluc grabs your chin gently, lifting it so your teary eyes met his, "now tell me, who's frightening you? what scares you?"
you look away but he runs his fingers - gloveless and warm, so very warm - down your face, "tell me, and i will chase them all away so you don't have to worry about them anymore,"
"...it was just a silly nightmare," you argue weakly, "it isn't a big deal,"
"of couse it's a big deal," diluc tuts, "look at the state it's left you in,"
he listens attentively, quietly nodding and letting out hums as you recall the scenes you saw in your sleep and when you finished, he sighs again, cupping your cheek, "i am so sorry i wasn't here to comfort you from the start,"
"just hold me, and we can call it even,"
"deal," he lifts the blanket so he can get in to cuddle you, but you shake your head.
"except i'm not sure if i want to sleep just yet,"
"are you sure?" nod "alright, come with me then, let us go clear your head so you can get some more rest,"
you accept his extended hand and diluc guides you through the hall, down the steps where adelinde stood anxiously, sighing in relief when you walk past.
"thank you adelinde, please go and get your own rest now, i've got them,"
adelinde nods and curtseys, bidding a quiet good night before retreating to her room and when it closes with a click, diluc turns to you, "would you like some hot chocolate? and then we can cuddle to your heart's content,"
at the glint in your eye, he smiles, and when you both arrive in the kitchen, he begins to pull out the ingredients and utensils out of drawers and cabinets like it was second nature, and you tell him as much.
"nightmares are not uncommon in the manor," he explains softly, almost melancholically, a second of silence before he continues.
it's excting to watch him work, a serious expression in his face as he measures, stirs, and chops with rolled up sleeves and hair tied in a high ponytail, so entrancing, like clockwork.
"here, would you try it if it's not too hot -" he turns and you'd fallen asleep at the dining table, diluc chuckles, returning the drink to the pot and covering it before sitting across from you.
the blanket - his blanket - was sliding off of your gently rising and falling shoulders, mouth slightly agape that your breathing came out in quiet puffs. he pats your head, brushing off strands of hair (if any) away from your face so it wouldn't tickle you awake.
"i am so sorry i was not here," diluc mumbles, admiring how calm you looked now, a stark contrast to the terror-filled look on your face when he last saw you.
you say something, slurred by sleep, and he freezes when you nuzzle more into his touch, "...'ove you, s'much,"
he chuckles again, this time in disbelief, but he walks over to your side, leaning down to your ear and whispering, "i love you, to the ends of teyvat and beyond," diluc watches you smile in your sleep and he swears he just fell for you all over again.
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[ raiden ]
"ei," she hears you timidly call from the doors of her office (if you could call it that, throne room never sat right with either of you anyway), "are you busy?"
"never too busy for you," she closes the scrolls she was looking at and immediately opened her arms, beckoning for you to be close to you, which honestly was all you wanted right now.
"dearest, why, you're trembling, come here," ei embraces you, tutting, "i promise you, it is safe in my arms,"
"i had a nightmare," you swallow thickly as you attempt to bury yourself more in her arms, "i couldn't find you so i came looking for you, but i thought you were busy,"
"again," ei cups your face in her hands, "i am not and will never be too busy for you, you hear?"
at your nod, she smiles, "would you allow me to keep holding you? you're still trembling so much,"
"i'm not ready to talk about it yet," you answer her unspoken question, "it was a stupid nightmare, i don't know why it's bthering me so much,"
"there's no need for you to explain your feelings to me now, try to go back to sleep, i'll ask for some of the workers to bring some blankets and sheets here,"
"i don't think i can fall asleep after that," you shudder.
"well then, what can i do for you that can help you now?"
"hmm," you think for a second before a lightbulb goes off in your head, "you know, i've always wanted to try dancing with you,"
ei's eyebrows shoot up, "have we never danced together before?"
"no, i don't think we have,"
"should we remedy that right now?"
"yes, i think we should,"
"very well," she shrugs before standing up and helping you do the same, "however, i must tell you that dancing is not a strength of mine,"
"that's alright, it's just us after all," you smile, "and it isn't mine either,"
so hand in hand, on waist and shoulder, you sway together in the middle of the wide, empty room. you giggle when she almost trips over her own feet and in that moment, the nightmares have long stopped plaguing you and lurking about in yor thoughts.
ei, on the other hand, felt her heart race faster and faster with every sound of joy that escaped your lips. yes, it was unbecoming of the archon of inazuma to act as she was in front a mere mortal, but you were granted the highest honor she could grant any mortal - you were her lover.
you were so focused on your feet and the way they were moving in a messy, unchoreographed dance, but ei was staring at you. your eyes and the joy in them, your lips pulled in a smile (cheeks probably starting to strain from how much you were smiling), how your body curved perfectly to fit in her hold, just, everything about you and the ways you made her feel. tummy turning and heart leaping, mind befuddled and cheeks warm. everything and anything acquainted with the form of love she had for you.
no music, just the sound of your feet on the matted floor, and you pull her into a kiss, "you were right," you say.
"it is safe in your arms."
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inquisimer · 1 year
fic recs
On this fanfic writer appreciation day, I'm going to take a moment to be sappy and sentimental. Whether I knew it or not at the time, fanfiction has gotten me through some Shit™. Even when I had no motivation to keep going irl, I could always count on ffn or ao3 to have that next chapter, that beautifully crafted one shot, that comfort fic that would make an awful day worthwhile. And when I say I could count on ffn or ao3, I mean I could count on the humans behind the usernames who were posting little pieces of themselves online for all the world to share in. So thank you - to my favorite writers, to those I have yet to find, to the ones who write long fics and the ones who write one shots. Thank you to the consistent updaters and the ones who've never posted anything at all. Thank you for being here and I hope you keep going, whatever fic writing means to you.
I've been lucky to meet some amazing people through this hobby and it's opened up spaces to me that I didn't even know I needed. Places of support and kindness and sharing and community and I wouldn't trade the friendships I've made there for anything else.
Thank you everyone for helping make that space possible💜
And now some fic recs! Because my sappiness has sources and you should all check these out (or at least mark them for when you have spoons later):
Things my heart used to know (things it yearns to remember) by NiriKeehan (@nirikeehan)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Cullen Rutherford/Female Lavellan | Rated: T | 3,647 words Unquestionably one of my favorite pieces, a gift I received as part of the DAFF Discord Server 2023 OC Swap event. NiriKeehan beautifully captured the rocky relationship between my oc Neria Surana Lavellan and Cullen and filled in gaps in their history that I'd been struggling with since her inception. Set after the Inquisition arrives at Skyhold, Neria and Cullen work to find common ground despite their tumultuous past and the insanity of their present. Features: Cullen is good at his job, idiots in love, mage-templar dynamics
Cinnamon by Exalted_Dawn (@exalted-dawn-drabbles)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Calder Eikmann/Talena Ethera | Rated: M | 2,870 words My go-to fluff piece!! Calder and Talenna snuggle and share a sweet (and spicy) moment of peace. Oh, and Calder implies that Talenna (a Dalish elf who has left her clan) is part of his family and his mom thinks so too (I'm super normal about it). Features: tooth-rotting fluff, elf-human relationships, masterful dialogue, love is stored in the apple cider
Lead Her Through the Darkness by BECandCall (@warpedlegacywrites)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Gen, Female Lavellan | Rated: T | 3,121 words A beautiful character study of the moment @dreadfutures' Ixchel Lavellan chose her name. BECandCall does an incredible job with the internal monologue of a child and her prose and symbolism are expertly and beautifully crafted. Features: character study, genfic, ancient ruins, Evanuris, descriptive and immersive POV
last man standing (perhaps) by havvke (Wintertree)
Dragon Age: II | Carver Hawke & Charade Amell & Female Hawke | Rated: T | 6,749 words I'm a little insane about Charade Amell and how little we get of her in canon, so this gift I received as part of the 2023 Platonic Ideal Exchange was an absolute treat. It explores Charade's relationship (or lack thereof) with both Carver and Hawke, expands on her role with the Jennies, and packs a punch with the grief that is almost a given in any story about Hawke. Features: Warden Carver, new POV of canon events, canon-compliant exploration, families of choice
the things we carry by patho (ghostsoldier)
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall | Daud, The Whalers | Rated: T | 4,158 words *shows up ten years late to the Dishonored fandom* *subjects you all to it anyway* so like. I know everyone followed me for Dragon Age. This is a Dragon Age centric blog. But it's my rec post and these Dishonored one shots have been clawing at my heart SO go play the games and then come back and read these fics 😂 This one is just absolutely heart-wrenching angst, as Daud and the Whalers deal with the aftermath of a tragedy. Features: found family, found family but slightly to the left, grief & mourning, betrayal, death, hurt/no comfort
the four times daud summoned a whaler who was totally unprepared for it (and the one time they were) by patho (ghostsoldier)
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall | Daud, The Whalers | Rated: T | 1,705 words Unlike the other Dishonored fic on this list, this one is just fluff, fluff, and more fluff. I am a huge fan of when writers interpret game mechanics into narrative format and patho does that SO well here, I could literally picture this happening in the game and it was just a joy to read. Features: found family, humor, begrudging father-figure, slice of life
Long Fics:
Dead Pasts and Dread Futures by youworeblue (@dreadfutures)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Female Lavellan/Solas | Rated: E | Chapters: 170/170 | Complete | CW: depressive & suicidal themes It is flat out impossible for me to articulate a recommendation for this fic, but hell if I'm not going to try anyway. Ixchel Lavellan's story starts with her suicide - and continues with the journey of how she gets better. It is such a rare thing to find a story of recovery that captures the ups and downs, the highs and lows in a way that resonates with reality, but Blue does it. I don't know how, but she does it. Ixchel struggles, she doubts, she despairs, but she always finds a way forward. Despite or in spite of all the world throws at her, she tries to trust and she tries to hope and she keeps fighting. It's a story about choosing hope, even when no one would expect you to. It's a story of platonic love and empathy and morality and theory and lore and minor characters and so much more that I could fill an entire post with this fic alone. This was one of the first DA fics I ever read and it's one I've come back to over and over again. Because it's the kind of message you need to hear that many times and every time I read it I fall in love with Ixchel, her story, and the world and narrative that Blue has crafted a little bit more. If you only have the spoons to invest in one long fic, this is the one💜 It, and the sequel The Brave Guide, are absolutely worth your time.
A Fool's Death and a Hard Choice by RosellaWrites (@rosella-writes)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Loghain Mac Tir/Morrigan | Rated: M | Chapters: 12/12 | Complete A masterful exploration of what the reunion between Loghain and Morrigan who completed the Dark Ritual during Origins would look like. RosellaWrites has the biggest brain ideas about characters that most people gloss over or vilify - including me! I was such a Loghain hater before they started me chewing on his character and this fic is no exception. They interpret Loghain's harshness and Morrigan's aloofness into the multifaceted, heart-breaking characters that they are. This fic will win you over and break your heart exactly when you expect it (and again when you don't). Features: Warden Loghain, Kieran, Morrigan is a good mother, appearances by Hawke, Merrill, Zevran, and Mahariel, character study, beautiful descriptive prose
Boundless by Exalted_Dawn (@exalted-dawn-drabbles)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Calder Eikmann/Talenna Ethera | Rated: E | Chapters: 7/? | Ongoing We get so sparingly little of regular life inside the Circle of Magi, I'm a slut for fics that explore that environment. In this one, Ed explores what is "normal" for a circle mage and how Talenna, as a Dalish elf forced into the Circle, experiences, handles, and fights back against that. Talenna is a spitfire and she plays off the other characters that Ed created in a tantalizingly intense narrative. A must read for circle mage, Templar, and Dalish lovers alike! Features: day-to-day life in a Circle tower, mage-templar dynamics, hurt/comfort, star-crossed lovers, fluff and angst
Letters to the Dead by Demarogue (@demawrites)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford | Rated: E | Chapters: 7/? | Ongoing This one is for the ones like me, who broke up with Solas and ran off to see if you could romance Cullen afterward - you can! It's great! And also super heartbreaking if you think about it. And Demarogue has clearly thought about it. Told through a narrative in the present and letters that Niva Lavellan writes to an absent Solas, she weaves a tale of loss, grief, mourning, and (ultimately) recovery, with enough humor to break the tension along the way. Features: solavellan breakup, post-Corypheus battle Inquisition, unresolved tension of all kinds, beautiful exploration of how Cullen would feel about being Lavellan's rebound, idiots to lovers, friends to lovers
Keeping Secrets by ElvenSemi (@elvensemi)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Original Female Character/Solas | Rated: E | Chapters: 114/? | Ongoing Another one of my comfort fics, no question. This fic is heavy on the plot in all of the best ways - ElvenSemi's OC Emma is the linguist that the Inquisition hires to translate the dragon tome for Frederic of Serault. I love when authors fill in the gaps of canon or bend the canon details to fit their own ideas like that and it works SO well here. Emma is smooth and awkward and clever - she's well thought out and full of surprises and ElvenSemi writes with a strong voice that's a joy to read. It's the Inquisition behind the scenes, from the perspective of one of the people they're sheltering, rather than the higher ups who are running things (although there's certainly some of that too). Features: Skyhold lore and meta, lore and meta in general, the slowest burn Solas arc, lots of Bull/Chargers content, a very well done Sera subplot, so many minor characters in the most interesting ways, sad Tabris content, literally the Worst™ Inquisitor and Hawke ever (affectionate. kind of.), scary Leliana & Cassandra, bestie Dorian & bestie Varric, bards! so much barding, angst and hurt/comfort to the MAX
Temperance and Templars by NiriKeehan (@nirikeehan)
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Female Trevelyan/Cullen Rutherford | Rated: M | Chapters: 4/? | Ongoing A Jane Austen-inspired AU where Cullen is a private Templar hired by the Trevelyans to keep their mage daughter under control without taking her to the Circle. Cullen has other orders from his superiors, of course. I love a canon-adjacent AU (where the characters could be like this, even if they aren't actually) and this is no exception. It's a light and fluffy story for the most part, and explores what Cullen and the Inquisitor's dynamic might have been like if they were a bit younger (and not responsible for saving the world from multiple crises). Features: mage-templar dynamics, nobility, protector/protectee dynamics, lyrium addiction, political intrigue, Cullen has PTSD
From the Depths of the Void by kawakaeguri
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Cullen Rutherford/Original Female Character, Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan | Rated: M | Chapters: 94/? | Ongoing Another one that's heavy on the plot in a very well done way! It also does one of my favorite things, which is weave together a character's arc across multiple games, namely DA2 & DAI. Liviana is a slave in Tevinter until she escapes and makes her way to Kirkwall. This fic tells the story of her stumbling, failing, learning, and growing, from where she enters during DA2 through Inquisition. It expands on the gaps between games and kawakaeguri's ideas about how that might of looked are clever and inspired and keep you on the edge of your seat while you read. Liviana as an OC has an incredibly well done backstory, that is both fleshed out and consistent throughout the story and will have you falling in love with her as I did. Features: well-developed platonic relationships galore, DA2 crew so well written, Liviana and Fenris bonding over Tevinter Slave Experiences™, a brief Liviana/Sebastian fling that explores learning what love is (and what it isn't), well-developed friendship that predates the romantic relationship, tie in of events from the comics, narratively satisfying reworking of canon backstory, character growth in so many ways for so many characters, well-structured subplots
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daemondaes · 4 months
name: che
height: 5'3-ish. close enough to average. i can reach the top shelf, and at the end of the day, that's what matters.
nickname / s: chebureki, chechival, cheeble, chevalier, jam.
nationality: californian. 😎
favourite fruit: peach. 🥹🙏 strawberry is second. grape is third.
favourite season: spring? the benefits of summer hours with less of the summer heat. fall is nicer for layering tho
favourite scents: gasoline, bread, vanilla, citrus, books.
favourite animals: baby hippos (only baby), small dogs (esp chihuahuas), cows.
tea, coffee, hot cocoa: green tea, or else coffee with milk and, if i've been good, a sprinkle of cocoa powder.
average hours of sleep: uh. probably like 4-5 if i have to be somewhere in the morning, 8-10 if i don't.
when my blog was created: this incarnation? my earliest post was apparently 23 may 2020, so we're coming up on that 4 year anniversary 😏 but the first standalone cherry blog was from 2016? the oldest muse on here to originate on tumblr (ciel) emerged in late 2011. the oldest oldest muse on here originated off-tumblr in like 2008/9 on gaiaonline (talking abt u, naux).
# of followers: i normally wouldn't answer this, but i will tell u now that it is 365 just because that's such a satisfying number? got a buddy here for every day of the year 😎 that's a lie tho bc the number is broken and doesn't really fluctuate no matter how many people i gain or lose LOL i'm pretty sure like 4/5 people on the list are inactive tho, so please help me make more friends
random fact: my bedroom is ridiculously girly, soft pinks and pale greys and whites with gold accents, loads of pillows and plushes and decorative doodads, but i myself dress almost entirely in black. it's a little like putting wednesday in enid's room. not quite sure what that says about me.
favourite food: the humble tuna sandwich. i'm counting lemonade as a food here, just so i can add it in. i like lemonade even more than i like tuna.
favourite t.v. shows: flcl, dead boy detectives, good omens, i love lucy, king of the hill, the simpsons, lupin iii.
favourite movie: my letterboxd top 4 are some like it hot (1959), ghostbusters (1984), mad max: fury road (2015), and back to the future (1985)...but if i could have a fifth, it would be austin powers (1997).
sexuality: i like girls a lot more than i like guys, but i'm too busy and too broke to even think about that 😤
pronouns : she/they/any? idc abt labels and boxes, but it's weird that u're talking about me when i'm not there /:
favourite book series: howard the duck 😏 did you think i'd really make it to the end of this without mentioning him? this is also my chance to plug fly by night by frances hardinge, and its sequel, fly trap (or twilight robbery in the UK). there's also the monster blood tattoo trilogy by d.m. cornish that i desperately wish i'd held on to because it's apparently out of print now! my blood boils every time i remember. it would be remiss if i didn't mention a series of unfortunate events, just because i do think it was very influential for me. i'm about to reread the saga of darren shan/cirque du freak for the first time since middle school, so wish me luck 😤
favourite video game/s: god, fuckin...idk, tetris? roblox??? i'm not a gamer at all. i can't play anything unless i'm playing with a friend. that's a lie, i played baldgate3. the only thing i play is the sims 4. i'm trash
favourite subject: [scuttles around on all fours, twitching and foaming at the mouth] school bad! school BAD! (my three passions are history and fashion and film, but i don't love the academic system. Cs get degrees, etc. my own degree was in creative writing, and now i'm trapped in retail hell, so be smarter than me, kids! except also i hear even stem is useless these days? society is crumbling so bad, i—)
guys or girls: i prefer drawing guy faces and girl bodies. idk what u're getting at here
last time I cried: last night, conveniently
what I should be doing: taking out the trash, cooking up curry, cleaning the bathroom, polishing my spanish and diving into mandarin, writing, drawing, job hunting. continuing my goal of watching 365 movies this year. sweeping up the feathers of my cockatiel, galileo, because it's Moltin' Time. the usual 🤷‍♀️
favourite fandoms: i actually don't participate in fandom LOL i just lurk. chat about stuff in discord—DMs, not servers. i have so much art and music in my head, but i don't have the mobile dexterity and stamina for it anymore. maybe one day...
tagged by: @hatchetsfield (thanks, pidge!) tagging: anyone who learned a thing about me from this
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