#I once sent a very important to me song to my then-partner to share with her
athetos · 7 months
It’s not world-ending but one thing that irks me is when I show a friend an extreme metal song I love and they just say “it all sounds the same/like noise, I don’t get it.” I’m perfectly fine with the I don’t get it part, there’s genres I’m not a huge fan of obviously, and yeah, heavy metal is abrasive, that’s kind of the point. I also don’t expect someone to understand the insane variety in metal; while all subgenres typically have downtuned guitars and harsh vocals, that’s kind of where the similarities end. No, the thing that bothers me is that it comes off as rude and dismissive. There’s plenty of ways to say you don’t personally care for a song without being negative. For me, my go to is “not something I’d go out of my way to listen to, but I can see why you like it.” Because there is something there that my friend enjoys, and when I listen, I try to find one or two of those things. I like understanding why people are drawn to certain types of music.
(Also, if you say those things about rap, you kinda sorta might be racist. Please reflect on that.)
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minaramen · 11 months
Momo - 16 Idol Album - Part 3:  If I am with my loved one
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]    
Momo: Once I entered elementary school I started having football training very early in the morning, so I couldn’t go to radio calisthenics with my sister anymore
Momo: That must be the reason why, whenever I try to think about the past, all that comes to mind is about those days
Momo: Also, if we were so good to attend everyday, my dad would reward us with delicious juice!
Momo: While rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I used to hold my sister’s hand and go to the calisthenics exercise together
Yuki:... You have a good sister, don’t you? Despite being little children, you really sympathised with each other
Momo: W-what…?
Yuki: You’re always the same. You never really changed
Momo: Uh…because I always wanted to handle the situation by myself?
Yuki: Correct. But, well…I can’t say I don’t like this side of you as well
Yuki: Because not everyone can do it. There are millions of people out here who say they’re the loveliest in the world and it’s just fine-sounding talk
Yuki: However you, Momo, spring right into action for other people’s sake. And you do it in a wonderful, cool, proud way.
Momo: …Yuki….
Yuki: That said, I can’t forgive the fact you never talk to me
Momo: Yes… 
Yuki: I don’t want to be misunderstood, so I’m going to say it properly. I mean that I want you to share your pain and your struggles with me. That’s what a partner does, isn’t it?
Momo:...! Yes…! Yuki…! Your handsomeness level increased lately…! 
Momo: You even talked properly in order to avoid misunderstandings…
Yuki: Yes. I’m learning a lot
Momo: Ahah… well, I think I’m getting to like myself more lately
Momo: I caused you a lot of trouble, but I could protect people who are important to me and I’m having an optimistic talk with you, my special person, while sharing that*
Momo: Back then even if I could protect people, I couldn’t share anything with them
Yuki: …not even with your sister?
Momo: I just couldn’t. Maybe because she was family
Yuki: How are things going, lately? Are you in contact with her?
Momo: Ah, yes! We have a good relationship. But we both work, so there aren’t many chances we can meet
Momo: She sent me her feedback on what she watches on TV and opinions on Re:vale new songs
Momo: She even tells me the exact second of a scene from an anime she enjoyed the most
Yuki: I see. I’d like to meet her again, it’s been a while
Momo: Ahah! So you want to meet my sister on a regular basis!
Yuki: I just want to see your face when you're together with your sister. Sometime I want to taste your little brother’s face, and the Momose aura you had when we first met
Momo: S-so that’s what you think about when you look at us! It’s pretty embarrassing…!
Yuki: I don’t think I’d have the chance to see you being taken by the hand with a sleepy face, unless you’re with Ruri san
Momo: I’m not that much of a sleepyhead anymore! My name isn’t  “Yuki”...
Yuki: I was not like that years ago. I was the kind of child who would have gone to the radio calisthenics with a high spirit
Momo: What? You’re kidding 
Yuki:  I am
Momo: You scared me…! It’s heartbreaking when a handsome man lies as soon as he opens his mouth…
Momo: You’ve never done anything like radio calisthenics in your life, right?
Yuki: I haven’t. I don’t think I even knew there were something like that in the neighborhood
Momo: Well, if you’d have gone to the radio calisthenics you would have been just like you are when you’re on the stage, and everybody would be instantly thrown into an uproar
Momo: The old men who were playing gateball would have focused all their attention on you, and the old women as well, and all the children in the nearabouts too! And it wouldn’t have been radio calisthenics anymore. Definitely too dangerous…
Yuki: Radio calisthenics has such performance-oriented movements?
Momo: Uhm, well… actually, the way your arms go from around the waist to above may be considered a little scenographic…?
Yuki: Like this…?
Momo: Yeah! You’re good!
Momo: Fufu… ahahah! Ah, if only I was a Yuki… a Yukito kun’s neighbor, I would have taken you by hand and walked to the radio calisthenics together
Yuki: Is it okay to sleep on the park bench?
Momo: N-not at all…! We’re supposed to do it together! And then we could have a tasty juice once we’re done
Yuki: Isn’t radio calisthenics a children's activity?
Momo: It’s not only for children! There were also old men doing it
Yuki:.... then, when we’re old men, you’ll take me by hand and bring me to radio calisthenics
Yuki: You couldn’t do it in the past, but if you  get challenged in the future you can do it
Momo: I see… you’re right..!
Momo: I can do everything I couldn’t in the past, if I don’t give up and think I can succeed
Momo: Thank you, Yuki. If you’re by my side, I’ll get to like myself and become stronger
The end
* I’ve found this sentence really hard to translate into English, so if you find a better way to translate it  please let me know 
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jypbae7 · 3 years
Could you do a breakdown natal chart for Kun from Wayv?
Kun was one the most requested I got which was a pleasant surprise!!❤️❤️
(Not claiming to be an expert this is just for fun please don’t take anything too seriously!) Hope this is helpful and that you enjoy it 🥰❤️
Personality: Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, Taurus Moon, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Mars
Clearly a LOT of Earth sign placements but nicely broken up by the fire sign rising
Capricorn Sun has serious and long term plans for the kind of future they want for themselves and once they set out for it they seldom give up. Stubborn to a fault, but also consistent enough to actually persevere. They want the perfect job, reputation, partner, house, family, etc.
Leo rising is a bright, warm and outgoing personality. Lots of energy, creativity and flair. They enjoy having a strong core of friends that they feel understand and enhance their experience and effect on the world. Leo’s are known for being hardworking and as a fixed sign it offers a lot of consistency and determination. They are extremely devoted and loyal once they develop a bond and trust with someone. Though the passion can fizzle out quickly if they aren’t feeling the kind of attention and passion they want.
Taurus Moon is a very grounded person with more social charisma and approachability than Capricorns are known for. They also have a tendency to like bold styles, they have big dreams and goals and you’ll be surprised at how well they can attain them if they’re focused enough (Kun is a Capricorn Stellium so yes this boy KNOWS how to get shit done when it needs to be done) Taurus is also a fixed sign which along with the stubbornness everyone knows about also comes with patience and consistency making them really good leaders when added with their natural friendliness and perseverance
Capricorn Mercury indicates a strong preference for structure, somebody who tends to follow rules and feels uncomfortable breaking them. They tend to have authoritative energy and demeanor. Big ambitions and determination to succeed and excel in their chosen career. Spend more time thinking than they show with a generally very logical mind which can sometimes lead to a black & white perspective
Capricorn Mars - responsible, organized, secretly a thrill seeker, can come off as aloof or guarded when they are around new people or people who they really want to make a good impression on.
Non-Romantic Relationships: Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Mars
Trustworthy and dependable - the “dad” of the friend group who everyone calls when they have something serious to deal with
Platonic love languages: acts of service and quality time - he loves spending time with people with shared interests especially music. Also loves going out to different places such as different trendy cafes, movie theaters, museums - you name it.
Likes other thrill seekers who push and motivate him to get out of his comfort zone
Sense of humor is a lot more childlike and playful than one would expect from his serious and strict side
Capricorn energy is NOT to be crossed or messed with. These are the ones who are calm af and calculated when angry - this is when you know you are screwed. When Capricorn is calm and collected while enraged, ohhh boy, do they figure out ways to hurt you in the smoothest and most effective ways without so much as lifting their finger. Spare yourself the trauma and DO NOT LIE to him no matter what.
Romantic relationships and preferences : Aquarius Venus, Capricorn Mars, Capricorn Juno, Aries Eros
Aquarius Venus is outgoing, friendly and charismatic. They are attracted to interesting and unique people who stand out of the crowd. They like bold and spontaneous gestures and they will do them back for their partner as well.
Aquarians also dislike overly clingy/needy partners which Capricorn also isn’t a fan of either. These signs are all about independence, individuality, personal expression and achievement. Meaning that while they do yearn for a partner (especially Capricorn placements) they want a partner who is self sufficient and independent with their own hobbies, careers, dreams, goals, etc.
Capricorn Juno implies they’ll be a tough to nail down for very long because Capricorn wants only the best of everything and they’re always busy trying to excel at things and scoping out their options. So you’ll have to prove your worth to them before they are willing to commit because once they do it’s for the long haul
Capricorn likes natural ethereal beauty while Aquarius likes the bold - my guess is healthy mix of both. Natural looking and soft featured with some bold/unique traits like bright/bold hair or fashion style, a bit of spice/sass here and there is another secret pleasure
Be prepared for endless serenades and songs made and sent to you like love letters - whether he’s singing or composing a warm ethereal instrumental for you, his whole heart is in it
Love languages (most to least) - words of affirmation, gift giving, physical touch and quality time
Words of affirmation makes him feel really wanted and needed, he’s also really really good at giving it out to people he loves so if he’s doing it one sidedly it would hurt him and make him feel insecure.
Gives either unbelievably beautiful luxe gifts or unique/fun gifts and loves to surprise his partner with them often especially after time apart
Capricorns HATE wasting time they are hyper aware of how many hours in a day and how much can be done in a day. So, if he’s spending a lot of time with you, you’re very very special and important to him and he prioritizes this time very highly
Star gazing dates, beach dates, camping trips - this man will go out of his way to make sure every date is an experience. He is PREPARED, he has an itinerary in his mind, he’s looked up the travel routes and picked the best one. When you go camping he will FLEX with his efficiency and ability to handle the labor heavy tasks. This man will purposely wait till you’re looking to start chopping wood (not that ANYONE is complaining), put the tent up and have it filled with blankets and pillows galore in 2.00034 seconds because he practiced in the dorm living room with the others like a drill routine. (Lucas taught him how to chop the wood & still look hot while doing it)
Is the MOST polite and endearing person to your family and friends. Goes above and beyond to be the perfect partner around your family and they are unable not to LOVE him. Is especially soft and doting of any children or elderly relatives. And none of it is phony at all, he doesn’t know anyway else to even think. Respect, manners, and family are extremely important to Earth signs. They’ll probably end up liking him more than you but honestly you can’t even blame them
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(None of y’all ungrateful people better ever slack on Zaddy Kun’s visuals ever again!! If I don’t get to see his happy trail during 2021 I’m burning the SM building down once and for all)
18+ Preferences:
Aries Eros ooof - passionate, possessive and steamy. Pick their partners off instinct and energy - once they really like you they become infatuated and want to STAY that way. If it’s not the “I need you so fucking bad I’m gonna lose my mind” type of love they DON’T want it.
Leo Rising is a possessive as fuck placement thankfully when they get riled up or jealous they have the confidence not to get angry with you or insecure about it. BUT.... you‘ll still be awakening a whole new type of beast and quite frankly he will let you know that it’s all your fault as he holds you down and uses you like the stupid toy you are till you remember who you belong to
If he sees you doing anything even remotely domestic his Taurus Moon and Capricorn Juno will have his mind go from soft and warm thoughts to bending you over the kitchen counter and taking you right there without a care or second thought spared
Positions where he feels in in control are his favorite - he likes being on top of you, behind you and if he can pick you up and carry you while ramming into you best believe he will.
His favorite is position is missionary - likes to feel big and dominant he also wants to be able to see as much of you as possible and kissing you as much as possible from your lips to just about anywhere else he can reach. Will be staring at you 99% of the time with big smoldering eyes that don’t waver in the slightest. In fact if you give him eye contact back he’ll just be even more turned on
Now...this might be controversial but... Capricorn Mars usually suggests power play/dynamic kink - think rich powerful CEO who secretly fantasizes about being tied up and blindfolded. Not to say that is exclusively his main kink bc it’s definitely not, he is 100% mostly dom BUT with the right person he’d be more than willing and very excited to try it out - probably because they are always in control so it’s an adrenaline rush for them to relinquish it to someone else. Doesn’t necessarily mean an extreme level of being submissive even just simple restraints can feel very extreme for a bossy and in-control Capricorn
Aquarius Venus also likes breaking relationship “norms” and trying out new things. They are super fun and bright when happy so when he’s in love he’s in LOVE. Wants to sing about it 24/7 but is too stubborn to be clingy or needy. The type to smile during sex, especially when he’s on top of you or drunk. Don’t even get me started on drunk handsy Kun whining in your ear about how he just wants to sneak out of the party early.....bc I will genuinely never recover
Very vocal in the bedroom - gives his partner tons of praise. Completely loses his mind and is loud af when you kiss your way from his neck down to below the hips
Most of the time sex with him is more passionate than kinky, not lightening fast jack rabbit thrusts instead hard and deep rhythmic ones that make your whole body shake - Hungry makeout sessions, sneaky little hickeys where no one else will see, massages than turn into hours of love making, takes his time to hit deep and hard inside you, handfuls of your hair, gaspy whispers
When he is feeling more kinky it’s usually spur of the moment. In the car in the middle of a rainy night during a cancelled schedule or after an especially steamy date night where he decides to take you to a hotel afterwards
KING OF AFTER CARE (NOT up for debate) - cooks you an amazing meal afterwords or orders up a feast if he’s too spent to get up too, cuddled up in blankets watching a movie for the rest of the night afterwards.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s talk about ‘Friends’ by BTS
by Admin 1
Friends is the subunit song by Jimin and Taehyung (co-written and co-produced by Jimin) from Map of the Soul : 7 which was released in February 2020. Interestingly enough, the Korean title is actually 친구, a word that is only used for friends of the same age, which is how ARMY figured out that it had to be their subunit prior to the release of the album.
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On a very surface level, Friends is about the bond between Jimin and Taehyung recounting different little stories over the years, including the now famous dumpling incident which was first presented to us as a conflict that merely took up a few hours. Actually though it was a conflict that grew big enough that Jimin and Taehyung barely spoke to each other for two weeks and it culminated in Jimin getting drunk with Yoongi and then meeting Taehyung at a park at 4 am to make up. Yes, the same park at 4 am that Taehyung and Namjoon sing about in 4 O’Clock. That song, like many suspected, really was about Jimin and Taehyung as well.
But, while Friends might seem simple and fun on the outside, especially due to the upbeat melody and anthem like chorus, I think there is far more to it than meets the eye. Stella Jang, who co-wrote the lyrics, said in an interview with K-Pop Herald that BigHit sent her an email which contained the song as well as long stories about Jimin’s and Taehyung’s bond and based on that she was supposed to write short lyrics. She also had a friend, who is an ARMY, help her truly understand the depth of their bond. That alone to me shows that this goes far deeper than most might assume, and others wish for it.
Hello my alien We’re each other’s mystery Would it be why it’s more special
This verse for me is very interesting, especially since Jimin reclaims a nickname that people used to call Taehyung by which he hated. Instead Jimin turned it into something endearing, something that now belongs to them instead of others. It’s also noteworthy that that specific line is in English, not Korean, and he says my alien, so basically telling the listener that he takes some kind of claim over Taehyung, connects them in a way that anyone would understand, and unmistakably highlights that he’s the only one to call him like this because Taehyung is special to him, much the way you’d call someone dear to you/someone you love by an endearment such as ‘my darling’ or ‘my love’. 
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More below the cut:
The mystery part could refer to the early days of their friendship, the times when they were just getting to know each other and trying to figure out their dynamic and each other in a more general sense. We know they almost instantly became friends, stuck to each other and spent a lot of time together, despite constantly getting in little fights, but perhaps those struggles were what made the end result that much more special to them. Interesting to note is also how Jimin once said that when he saw Tae for the first time he experienced many different emotions (he didn’t specify which ones though), and how to this day he remembers Tae only wearing those red shorts and snapback and how even then he already looked like an idol/celebrity. 
But the line could also refer to something more recent, or something more overarching, like a secret about themselves that only they know about, that they share and guard together.
Someday, when these cheers die down, stay hey Stay with me by my side Forever, keep staying here, hey
Someday, when these cheers die down, stay hey You are my soulmate Forever, keep staying here, hey You are my soulmate
These two might just be the most important parts of the song, and the ones that seem to be the hardest to swallow for some. This is basically Jimin and Taehyung asking each other to stay together forever, even when (or especially when) their careers will be over and BTS won’t be such a main and overarching reason for them to stay by each other anymore, so to speak. It implies that what they have is something they want to last forever, that it reaches far beyond them just being two best friends inside a group, but that they are rather two people who found ‘their person’ in each other. They know they’ve found something one of a kind, once in a lifetime, and want to hold on to it, to each other. It’s also them proclaiming and reminding everyone once again that they are soulmates, that this isn’t just something ARMY made up, some shipping agenda or anything like it, but that it is truly the title they see most fit for each other, that it basically feels like their bond was destiny and they were always meant to be together. You are my soulmate is also in English, something that every listener will understand, something so important they specifically made it this way so you wouldn’t need to look up translations from Korean to get it.
Sidenote--somehow soulmate has become a very debated term in connection to vmin so lets look at the definition for soulmate that wikipedia gives us: A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust. Most of these are rather connected to the most traditional way in which people imagine soulmates, as in two people destined for each other, lovers perfect for one another. Of course there are friendship type soulmates, but those are far more rare in peoples minds. The point I’m getting at is that Jimin and Taehyung never defined which type of soulmate they are, and until I saw non-vminies have a fight about how they’re definitely just platonic ones, I never even really saw the word soulmate in connection with ‘platonic’. In a way you could argue that both sides are right, that they are both friendship soulmates but also romantic ones as well, their bond encompassing both. But in the end, of course, that’s something only they can confirm yet I thought I’ll mention it anyway.
Like your pinky, we’re still the same I know your everything We must trust each other Don’t forget Instead of an obvious thank-you, you and I — let’s promise that we won’t fight tomorrow, for real
These lines may seem so simple, short and sweet, but I think there is a lot of meaning to them, a lot that’s written between the lines and potentially only something they understand the true extent of. I know your everything is another reminder that they are each others secret keepers, each others closest confidants, their person to go to and laugh or cry or celebrate with. Jimin and Taehyung have something that is rare, one of a kind, and it’s something beautiful that should be regarded with respect and wonder since it’s close to a miracle that they met and formed their bond in such a manner. After all Jimin is from Busan and Taehyung from Daegu, chances are, if BTS hadn’t happened, they might’ve never met, though looking at everything BTS have said about each other, they seem to believe they were all destined to meet regardless if as members of BTS or as normal people. The same most likely would’ve also have been the case for Jimin and Taehyung, and Friends is a beautiful piece of proof of that.
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Many dismiss Friends as just a song about their friendship, but I think once you truly think about the lyrics and the thoughts that must’ve gone into it, you might change your mind. Even more so when you take into account what Namjoon said about Friends in his MOTS:7 vlive, how he wouldn’t even dare try writing any of the lyrics because he could never, ever do them justice, and how just thinking about the bond Taehyung and Jimin have, he gets goosebumps. That alone already says a lot, implies a lot of different things, very deep and (in my opinion) potentially more than just friends type things. There was also a moment during Bon Voyage 3 in Malta where Namjoon and Seokjin were at a restaurant together and somehow they brought up Taehyung and Jimin and both just shook their heads at how they are just--something, something apparently meaningful enough neither dared to voice it.
Friends might not be something you’d call a traditionally romantic or love song by any means, at least sound wise, but I’d argue the lyrics tell a completely different story, one of a bond that binds two souls, that combines friendship and love (both the love you have for a cherished friend, but also the one you feel for a romantic partner, I’d argue). The song, as well as 4 O’Clock are far more than meets the eye, you just have to be open and willing enough to see it.
After all Taehyung did say: “95z is love.” The biggest clue of them all.
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(Lyric snippets taken from 친구 (Friends))
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
Okay just because I fucking love your writing unmm something about Julie maybe reflecting on how Luke was brought to her, by the universe or her mom etc, and just fucking soulmate fluff. I loved your religion drabble btw!!
thank you so much!!!🥰
sorry for the delay :$ but i hope you like it!! (ps it turned out to be way longer than i anticipated, so, ya)
pps: you can now find this on my AO3 🤗
i think i dreamed you into life
   It was a Julie & Luke writing session, just like any other. They were sat, hunched over their shared journal on the faded black couch, too absorbed by the words and notes scribbled on the pages in front of them to pay any attention to anything else.
   Julie had just had an epiphany, finally finding the right words to lead them into the chorus following the first verse. With a stiff neck and a cramping hand, Julie stretched her arms over her head, sitting up for a second before collapsing back onto the back cushions of the couch. She heaved a large sigh, looking around and only just registering the low setting sun. They had somehow managed to lose track of time, again, spending well over what she assumed was 4 hours working on this one song. She shook her head, a small smile on her lips as she looked back at her writing partner, still fully focused on the journal in his lap.
   They were so alike sometimes, it scared her a little. How could they be so perfect for each other when they were never meant to meet? Cross paths? She often found herself wondering about the way they were brought together, the reasons they were in each others’ lives. But then as soon as her mind wandered towards the mysteries of the universe and its guiding powers, she always ended up spiraling - no matter how she looked at it, Luke and her were somehow meant to be. Fated. Star crossed....whatever.
   Her train of thought would always start off innocently enough - she was part of a ghost band. She could see ghosts (well three particular ghosts, at least) - the only lifer who could without Caleb’s help (as far as Willie could tell). She had never really been one to believe in the supernatural, but she was now so intrinsically involved, that she frequently wondered whether everything about her life wasn’t just a dream. Maybe after years & years of practice, she had managed to hone in her daydreaming skills to a point that allowed her to create a world that sounded a little too much like she was the protagonist in a movie or a show. This couldn’t actually be real life, could it? Her life?
   The couch shifted, Luke reaching over to grab his guitar, testing out a line before placing his guitar back on the ground, and crossing out a whole section. No, she doesn’t think her mind could have ever managed to dream up Luke.
Don’t get her wrong, there were definitely moments where Julie felt just as normal as she used to. She’d forget that the boys were anything other than her lovable, goofy bandmates. Normal teenage boys, messing around and playing music in her mom’s studio. But then she would look up and see bright hazel eyes staring back at her, and she‘d unexpectedly be hit again by the storm of emotions that washed over her the first time she had accidentally walked through Luke. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before. She had felt cold, then warm, and then this peculiar feeling of being....whole. Like she had just come home after a long tiring trip. She couldn’t describe it properly even if she tried, but the only thing that came close to summing it up was home.
Julie closed her eyes, trying to recreate the feeling, bringing it back up to the surface.
Her logical side knew soulmates was just a term used to romanticise romance, she knows that, but whenever she remembers that feeling, just like she is now, she wonders whether she had somehow felt his soul in that kitchen - sneaked a peek before latching onto it. These thoughts made it harder to hold onto logic.
Ugh, she was spiralling again. Julie lifted her hands to her face, rubbing furiously at her eyes, trying to dislodge some of the thoughts clouding her mind. She could feel a headache coming on, and that was the last thing she needed right now. She rolled her head back, resting against the old cushions, and looked at the floating chairs on the ceiling.
Her mother. Didn’t her mother always tell her that there was more to the world than meets the eye? That it wasn’t always wise to think only with one’s mind, but to trust your gut, your heart?
It used to be comments like those that led Julie to believe that her mother was more than just her mother. Could Rose have been an angel in disguise all along? Fate, Love, personified? Julie would be lying to herself if she said she had never thought about her mother being the key instigator behind the boys’ presence in her life. She just somehow knew that Rose had handpicked these boys, and sent them to her. Sent Luke to her. She had known that Julie would need divine intervention to pull herself out of her slump, and who better to do that than the one person, the one soul in the universe that perfectly aligned with hers?
Julie rolled her head to the side once more, staring at Luke’s profile, his brows drawn, deep in thought. If he hadn’t died all those years ago, if he hadn’t eaten that unfortunate hotdog, this never would have been possible - they never would have met. Julie shuddered at the thought, her heart and soul aching in protest.
A connection of heart, mind and soul, her mother had told her. “They really do exist, mija” she‘d say, but Julie would only smile and nod, never truly believing that soulmates were real, that they were part of the universe’s grand design. But now-
Oh. Soulmates.
“Did you say something?”
Startled, Julie blinked herself out of her daze, realising too late that she was thinking out loud.
“N- no, no, nothing. Just uh- just thinking of the next verse, you know,” she chuckled awkwardly, avoiding Luke as she tried not to fidget. “Always working!” She pointed to her temple, immediately regretting the movement, cringing at her awful attempt at a cover up.
She could feel Luke’s unwavering gaze, focused on her as he sat up, pushing the journal onto the seat next to him. He shifted, turning towards her, even as she continued to face forward. Her cheeks were definitely getting warmer. Not good.
“Did you-” she saw him tilt his head to the side from the corner of her eye, “did you just say Soulmates?”
A lie was on the tip of her tongue, ready to burst, but as she reflexively slid her eyes to meet his, the words died out before they could be vocalised.
He was looking at her with a peculiar look in his eyes, a slightly awed expression etched on his face.
“I- I was just thinking...” She stuttered, unable to take her eyes off of Luke’s, even as her fingers fiddled with the loose threads of her jumper.
“You know,” she lifted her hands, gesturing at the space around them, trying to be as vague as possible. “Life.”
Eyebrows shot up, disappearing under his orange beanie.
“Life? Really?”
“Yes. Life. Just..you know, how things change. Like the way you grow up thinking one thing but then something happens and it completely changes the way you see the world around you, the way your beliefs...shift.” She shrugged, trying and failing to seem nonchalant.
“Hm, deep thoughts for a Saturday afternoon.” He studied her for a second, before cocking his head to the side. “Any reason this led to the conclusion of Soulmates?”
Julie shifted uncomfortably, trying hard not to look away even as she felt her cheeks somehow growing even warmer.
“I...I was just thinking about my mom. And things she used to talk about and believe in with a certainty that always...confused me I guess. How could she believe in something so easily, when she couldn’t even see it? Feel it?” Julie diverted her gaze, choosing to look at her mom’s piano instead. Her voice took on a quieter tone, almost reflective as she continued with her new train of thought. “What if she wanted me to believe again? What if she had somehow found a way to not only get music back into my life, but to believe in love and fate and-“ Julie stopped short, her eyes darting back to Luke - his face was now frozen, showing her nothing of what he might be feeling.
Julie suddenly felt very silly.
“Never mind,” she laughed awkwardly, trying to play it off as just silly musings. “My mind was just wandering, but now I’m back and maybe we should just get back to that second verse...” Her voice trailed off, Luke’s face still giving nothing away.
Crap. She just made it weird - this is what she gets for letting her mind go down the rabbit hole that is the universe and its misguided mysteries. Way to go, Julie.
   Just as she was about to jump up and flee to her bedroom, hoping that maybe her floor would do her the courtesy of swallowing her up, Julie felt the couch dip further down to her right, Luke’s knee pressing up against her thigh. Resisting the urge to look at him, her eyes flickered to her fingers, to their journal and then back to her mom’s piano.
   “You know,” Luke spoke up, voice soft, almost a whisper, “I never gave fate much thought back when I was alive. I always figured a person forged their own fate by believing hard enough in what they wanted and then working even harder to get there.” He reached over, grabbing hold of her right hand, ceasing the fidgeting motions of her fingers. “Even when it came to my soul, I only ever considered it when thinking about music and the power it had over me and my life. If music was so important, wouldn’t it mean my soul was constantly connected to it? My instrument, an intrinsic part of who I am?”
   He went quiet for a few seconds, prompting Julie to turn her head back towards him, as his calloused thumb started rubbing gently against her knuckles. His gaze, which had been glued to her face the entire time, was now locked on their hands.
“So I always figured I was “fated”, I guess you could say, to follow that connection I had with music, and just see where that took me.” His fingers were now tracing little circles on the back of her hand. “But then we died, and became ghosts, and it changed the way I think about things, but at the same, my core beliefs remained the same. I’m still not sure about fate, and the role it plays in how things are dictated in my life, but I know that music is still such a major part of me. Because, I mean, if that wasn’t the case, how could you have possibly pulled me back from the dead and down to earth by playing our song? How could you, a lifer 25 years after I died, have been the one to pull me back, and make me feel alive again?” He shook his head before he continued. “And every time I ask myself these questions I just come back to the same conclusion,” he stops for a second, lifting his eyes back up to hers. “You embody music to me. You, Julie, have always been what my soul was connected to - not my guitar, not just music in general - but you, my own personal musical goddess.” His lips tilted up at the corners at his last words, his eyes boring into hers.
   “So yeah, I know what you mean about not necessarily wanting to believe in something unless you can see it or feel it. But at this stage, how could I not believe in soulmates when you’re right here, somehow a part of my life, 25 years after I’ve died?” He shook his head again, his smile getting a little sad. “We technically never should have met, would have never crossed paths, but fate....fate had other plans for us I guess. Our souls just couldn’t bare being separated, and the universe just....found a way to rectify that.” 
   Julie could do nothing but stare at the beautiful boy in front of her, her mind trying to process the prose he just recited to her. Almost as if by reflex, Julie slowly lifted her hands up, cupping his face and held onto him like he was the most precious thing in the entire world - because he was.
Luke mirrored her actions, his eyes soft, as his fingers traced her cheeks, wiping away tears she didn’t even know were there.
And just as she was about to let loose the words that had been rattling around in her mind ever since he had stumbled into her life, Luke beat her to it.
“I think we might be soulmates, Jules.”
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Vampire Town {Lestat de Lioncourt x Reader}
Requested by: I’m so sorry, I couldn’t find the conversation so I can’t remember. :( Wordcount: 2778 Summary: Happiness and Love can appear when least expected.
During the long span of your life, a lot of your nights had been sent in solitary. You wandered through the world, seeing the beautiful sights of history; the architecture, the music, the literature, the wars, but never had anyone to share that with. Until you came across the broken form of a blonde vampire - Lestat. “Oh, my dear, my dear,” You said, sensing the poor vampire. Broken, without a home, ready to give up on his life after his partner had left him. You sat on the stoop of a burned down mansion beside him, tore your wrist open and forced him to drink from you. He became greedy, which you encouraged. You had just fed on three mortals, willing victims who walked away just as safe as they had come, just a little anemic. You put your hand on the back of his neck and tilted his head back, letting the blood pour down his throat. You squeezed a few more drops, and he let you go, hanging his head upon your shoulder like a hungover human.
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You took him to the abode you were staying in. Nothing so gothic as what Lestat may have been living in, but a home nonetheless. A three-story brownstone with a basement that concealed your coffin. You put Lestat into it before the dawn arrived, and looked down at him with a tilt of your head. He was a very handsome vampire, and would only look better with more blood flowing through his veins. He would need a trough-full, however. You would need to wake early to prepare that for him.
Your long fingers stroked his face, turning it towards the candlelight to get a better look. His skin was pale, his hair flaxen. He had been through a lot of pain - even his sleeping face showed that. It may take a dozen nights, perhaps, to get him to peak performance. But you did love a challenge, and were a sucker for a disaster of a person. Loneliness had grown old along side of you - why not try something new for once.
It took some time for the vampire, whom you learned to be named Lestat, to look alive again. Or, perhaps, a little less dead. He was far too beautiful to ever be considered a human being. Those dull creatures, though you were one of them once, bored you with their generic looks. You enticed a few of them towards the house, let Lestat feed. You found out one thing about him instantly - he was absolutely vicious when it came to feeding. Not at all as elegant as his demeanor might make it seem. And you allowed him to finish victims to nearly the point of death, then disposed of the bodies yourself.
“You seem to be feeling much better,” You said, joining him in your parlor. It was just you and he, as you knew no one else in New Orleans. You had only stopped here because it was where the first boat you came across was going. “How could you give up on your life like that?”
Another thing you learned about Lestat; he was very convinced of his own righteousness.
“It is my right to give up my life if I so wish,” He hissed, despite the blood dripping from his mouth. You did not say anything to contrary, just licked your thumb and plucked the droplet from his face. You let it rest on the tip of your tongue, savoring the flavor. “Who are you to try to bring me back?”
“You may call me y/n,” You said with a soft smile, ignoring his harsh tone. “I am noticing that you are alone, but you are well versed in talking to people. Were you a social one, Lestat?”
He was quiet for a little while after that, in some sort of reflection. He stared at nothing, and you left him to that, sleeping in a box rather than your coffin for you still allowed him to take over yours. That was the most intimate gesture that you had ever given to someone. You had shared your clothes with him, even, until you had gotten him some of his own. He looked as pretty as a painting in your white blouses, in your long dark skirts. In this world, for the first time, you had someone to share everything with.
His perpetually bad mood never bothered you. Nor did his dramatic nature. Because you knew that one day, he would either open up to you, or he would leave. You would prefer the first. But would have to quietly accept the second.
But after two years, a blink of an eye for someone like you, he opened up. He told you all about Louis, about Claudio, about Armand. About the reporter whom he had turned who was who-knows-where. About Marius, even, and how he had turned which was further back than you had expected him to go. And so in return, you told him about your loneliness, about how you had traveled from town to town and only run into a few like you. You did not know your maker. You didn’t remember him, or her. You didn’t even remember where it was that you were changed, only that you were high up in the mountains. Why you were there, you could not recall either. But you did not dwell on the mysteries of the past; only your present time.
And on Lestat, because for the present, and forseeable future, you were stuck with him. Lead a stray dog to a home and you have a pet, as you’ve heard someone say.
Half of the candles in the parlor remained unlit, for neither of you needed much light in order to see in the dark. Lestat had one of your hands in his as he lead you in a waltz around the room. You could not stop smiling - a facial expression that you hadn’t used too often over the years. A dance! You’ve never danced before, hence why Lestat was currently giving you a lesson. You were even wearing a gown that he had gifted to you - custom made in one of the best shops. He still had his connections in the city of New Orleans. A real vampire’s town, as you had discovered.
“You are a natural!” He praised with a smile of his own, showing off his glinting, sharp, white teeth. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”
“I’ve never had a partner. I haven’t met many of our kind before and dancing with a human just seems so...” You struggled to find the words. “Slow.”
“Very slow indeed,” Lestat agreed. He had picked a roses from the garden, and had them in a vase to add something living to the house. He now took one of them, and stuck it into his mouth, the thorns cutting at his lips but he did not have a care about that. You laughed at that - what a silly vampire you had ended up with.
“How is the pain, my darling?” You asked, licking your lips at the sight of that little bit of blood.
“Agonizing,” He droned, swinging you around into a spin, then returned you into his strong arms. The blouse that he wore, another thing custom made, was of a silk fabric, and felt soft upon your cheek. You suddenly remembered what it was like to cry, just from that light touch. Agonizing - you recalled what that felt like. It had been well over a century.
“The same as when you were betrayed by your love, Louis?” You questioned. Lestat cut the dance short, but he still held you.
“I don’t wish to talk about him any further,” He said, harshly. “There are more important things in my life now! I am free of him and his ... whining. I am being treated in the way that I deserve. And you - you are finally being treated as you deserve.”
Lestat wielded compliments as a weapon. He used them to distract you from asking further questions. And it worked, every time. You sighed contently as  he kissed your hand, then went up your arm towards your shoulder, then all the way back down. You could feel his cold lips through the fabric of your sleeves. It made you feel like a flower bulb in Spring, sprouting up for the first time from the damp dirt into the beautiful world above.
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“You flatter me deeply, Lestat. You are better than I deserve.”
He spun you around once more, and you continued to spin in the middle of the room, arms outstretched as he watched you. Thanks to being a vampire, you did not feel dizziness like the humans did, and could outdance them all if you so wished. Lestat was a grand teacher. He then caught you, then dipped you low to the ground, so much so you could smell the dust of the floor.
“No, that is what you are to me.” His fangs were exposed as he smiled down at you, a fearsome image for anyone else, but not for you. You smiled back at him, and held him tightly as he brought you back up to your feet, humming along with the song.
“I should get cleaning this place, Lestat. It takes more than dancing to make a house a home.” You let go of him to go and grab a broom, but the blonde vampire grabbed you again. Ever since he had opened up to you, he loved to be in your presence. And it wasn’t something that you were going to complain about after being alone for so long.
“Don’t tease,” He said, holding onto your hands with his long fingers. “I’ll hire us a thousand maids, so you don’t have to get these wonderful hands dirty.” You let out a child-like laugh of glee at his amazing words. You were a sucker for them, mind the pun. “And a thousand more dresses for if you get a speck of dust on this one.”
“I don’t need a thousand dresses, Lestat. I could live in rags as long as I still had you.”
Five years later, you and Lestat still resided in New Orleans. It was a town of pleasure, of magic, of long nights - and plenty of swampland in order to hide bodies if you went too far with any victims. You did your best not to, but sometimes temptations swept in and you nearly drank to the point of death. But apart from that, you were living in a near-domestic bliss.
“Now, why are you doing this when you don’t get cold?” Lestat asked, walking in from the outside world with coins in his pocket and a well-fed look on his face. You were holding knitting needles in your hand, working on a shawl pattern that you had seen a woman working on last time you were out shopping. He kissed the top of your head and placed a bag on your lap before you could even answer him.
“I like to keep busy - it keeps eternity interesting,” You insisted. You set aside the knitting and started to examine the shopping bag that was on your lap. “What is this?”
“Why don’t you open it and see?” Lestat asked, with a cocky smile. You looked at him with amusement, then delicately opened up the bag. Inside was something ... something fabric. You pulled it out then stood with it in front of you. A long black gown - the color that you always wore, and which Lestat said you wore so well - and it was made of the softest velvet that you had ever felt. He looked pleased as you brought a sleeve to your face to feel the fabric even better. “Do you like it?”
“It’s wonderful, Lestat, thank you. What’s the occasion?”
“It is the anniversary of the day that you found me. The day that everything changed,” He held his hands up in the air as if he were an actor on a stage, something that you always found entertaining. You loved encouraging the odder aspects of his personality, just as he did the same for you, even when he could not understand.
“What a cheerful gown, I’ll wear it on our next night out.” You exclaimed, twirling with it. Though you would never be able to see yourself wearing it in a mirror, you thought that you would feel beautiful in it. And Lestat would tell you that you were. He was growing predictable in the most wonderful way.
“Why not today?” He questioned, approaching you and held it onto your body to emphasize how lovely you would look in it. “Wear it to bed with me. I want to feel it upon my cheek while I sleep.”
“I wouldn’t want it to get wrinkled... oh, alright,” You said, seeing his earnest expression. He helped you out of the simple dress that you were wearing, one that you had picked yourself. He was much more into the luxurious fashion of the day, favorite bright colors that made him stand out. You were not so flamboyant, and preferred to let him be the center of attention rather than yourself. It worked out well, though you did get occasional glances from other ladies, wondering how someone such as yourself had managed to gain the love of such a charmer.
You wondered the same thing yourself.
As his fingers tickled at your spine, as his hair swept against your face, you questioned how you could have grown so lucky. Were the years of isolation just a pre-payment for the years of happiness that you were having now?
You stepped into the new gown, and he pulled it up, over your thighs, your waist, your bust, your shoulders, and smoothed everything down so it draped you perfectly. He must have came home just in time, for a flash of lightning came through the windows, and the rumble of thunder. The sound of rain upon the roof and on the sidewalk. “Music to my ears,” You said, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“A most marvelous lullaby,” Lestat said, unable to stop feeling the fabric. The seamstress must have put a lot of work into this gown, for it fit you perfectly, emphasizing your waist and bust in a way you haven’t seen before without a corset, and fell to the ground without pooling at your feet. “May I take you to bed, beautiful?”
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“Oh, you divine charmer,” You said, pressing your hand upon his cheek. He whisked you away, down to the basement where your coffin lay.
A while back, you had traded in your usual sarcophagus bed for something much better. It was Lestat’s idea initially, complaining about the long, cold days alone inside of a tomb. It had been an unexpected surprise when he actually did something about it, instead of expecting you to do so. When you came home from a feeding and a walk, he presented to you the double coffin. It was exactly as it sounded - two built into one, with room for both of you, and no inner wall to keep you apart.
He held your hand to help you climb inside, then followed you right in. Velvet dress on velvet interior; it felt both warm and rather sexual. With the lid closed, and the two of you in complete darkness, you felt confident, wrapping your arms around your blonde lover and pulled him close.
It took you some time to realize that this was the love that you deserved. That you were worthy of affection and love, despite all of the years that you had gone without it. And you were just lucky enough to find it with another vampire, so the only limit that you had was not time, but imagination.
As for Lestat, you had truly saved him from the misery that he had put himself through after Louis. He was ready to lock himself up for a hundred years or more, just to avoid the pain. To take the sleep of the immortal ones and awake in a brand new age. But this one still had a lot to offer, that much was clear with you. He never thought of that; only that he would remain in a state of purgatory, rather than a life of shooting stars and velvet gowns.
He was glad he stayed in this Vampire Town.
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sirdust · 3 years
 more striker analysis/rambling bc i just. won’t shut up
this dude is actually deceptively tough to figure out in some ways. i don’t think he’s going to be as complex as our main characters because, frankly, you don’t hire a voice actor that expensive for a character you plan on spending a whole lot of time with. that doesn’t mean he has no depth though.
i’ve already talked at length about how he’s class-conscious but cruel, which makes him in some ways more threatening than if he was cruel but unaware. i really am starting to think he has a superiority complex with the way he talks about and treats other imps, because while he’s initially friendly, he’s clearly disdainful of them by the end of the episode. see: calling himself and blitz superior, kicking a random audience member in the face, etc. you get it by now
even though the majority of his antagonism is directed at moxxie specifically, his attitude toward blitz is also interesting. even though they tie at the games, his song suggests that he considers himself the only winner, and he calls blitz a rodeo clown behind his back, which makes it seem as if he doesn’t respect him. he also lies to him about why he’s trying to kill stolas and actually manages to pinpoint his exact insecurities after a very brief time of knowing him, which is interesting. and they are similar, they’re both imp assassins who have deals with the goetia family, and my current guess is that stella is the source of striker’s angelic weapons (in parallel to how stolas is the source of the grimoire for blitz). so it’s possible striker understands what blitz is up against and how it’s affecting him in a way nobody else blitz has met before does. the problem is, like i said, he’s using that against him.
i really do think striker is out for himself. he’s aware of the oppression imps face, but he’s internalized the idea that imps are inferior and he needs to distance himself in order to be on the same level as those in the upper echelon of their society. at the same time, by doing that and by working for someone who actively wishes to maintain the status quo, he’s playing into the system, and i wonder if that’s what he doesn’t realize. if he does then he’s really just purely mercenary, but it’s interesting to think about.
but i also want to get back to his relationship with blitz, because even though i don’t think he truly views him as an equal, he does seem to think more highly of him than he does moxxie (or at least recognizes his strength, and recognizes that strength could be useful to him). there is one thing i saw pointed out though that i hadn’t really considered and it does... throw a bit of a wrench in what i was reading into this character before now. 
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...he has his knife during this entire fight and doesn’t, like, use it. granted, in this particular scene he’s using it as a distraction so he can wrench the barrel of blitz’s pistol towards moxxie, but we don’t see it knocked out of his hand during the subsequent action sequence or anything (unlike with blitz’s pistol) so we can assume he still has it by the time he gets away. arguably there were no opportunities for him to get stabby, but deliberately showing that he has his knife is interesting to do here from a writing perspective, because the fact it doesn’t play a key part in the fight itself seems more noticeable upon revisiting.
maybe the reason he doesn’t stab him is so he can maintain some potential emotional leeway, but he does point his shotgun at him and moxxie during this fight with seeming intent to kill. i don’t think he really had plans to let blitz get away from this encounter, so his seeming restraint here is strange. in the end, the fact he doesn’t use his knife could possibly be an oversight, but it’s too interesting to ignore.
that isn’t even to mention the fact that he mockingly calls him “blitzy” at the end, which is a nickname that stolas has always meant to be affectionate but blitz takes as condescending. its usage in that scene could actually imply many things, but here are my primary takeaways:
1) this was originally pointed out by some lovely person whose account i cannot remember for the life of me, but it contrasts with the usage of “blitzo” by verosika and fizz. whereas “blitzo” encapsulates the ways blitz is dissatisfied with his past, “blitzy” encapsulates that with which he’s dissatisfied in the present.
2) it’s, again, condescending. striker implies that by relying on other “weaker” imps instead of rejecting solidarity with them to pursue his own interests, blitz is equal to “weaker” imps, and any exceptional skill he may possess is rendered moot by his place in society. that’s how the higher-ups in hell already view the situation, anyways, so striker is once again using his insecurity against him.
3) arguably of less importance but still interesting, the overt attraction blitz has to striker throughout the episode serves to place him in the role of pseudo-love interest as well as rival. having striker use the nickname coined by blitz’s main love interest draws the contrast between their attitudes towards blitz to the forefront. stolas is above blitz in terms of class, but he seems to like blitz for who he is (he’s still the only character he’s shown to be attracted to), and his prejudice is born out of ignorance and not malice. striker actually share’s blitz’s class interests, but seems to value him on the basis of how useful he could be as a partner in crime and maliciously exploits his anxieties about life at the bottom.
(i forgot how i was originally going to end this, holy shit this got long)
so yeah. to sum up, while i don’t think we’ll be seeing striker too many times throughout the series, this character is becoming more interesting the more i look back, and his relationship with blitz really does present an interesting question for blitz as a character. at the same time, it may serve to provide striker more depth later, but we really have to wait and see since his behavior has sent contradictory messages to us as the audience. not in a way that feels unintentional, just difficult to parse without further information.
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wesokkasimp · 4 years
mine (jealous!femreader x firelord!zuko)
A/N: ok so i kinda wrote this one really quickly so please forgive me if it’s not mind blowing but i have a problem with over editing things so i really tried to keep the editing at a minimum. 
word count: 1768
warnings: mild swearing, reader is lowkey bisexual (yes i projected my crush on mai into this fic what about it)
Ever since you and Zuko started dating publicly, you had been going to a lot more events. Being the Fire Lord's partner had its responsibilities, and appearing publicly at parties, galas, festivals, you name it, was the first on that very long list.
But this event in particular was very important. This would be the first Fire Nation gala Earth Kingdom residents, besides Toph and the Kyoshi Warriors, would be invited to after the disaster with the Yu Dao colony. Even though a compromise had been reached, tensions were still running high between the Zuko and Earth King Kuei. Your courtship with Zuko had only worsened the tension, mostly among Fire Nation citizens. They didn’t like the idea of Zuko dating an Earth Kingdom citizen, much less one from a lower class like yourself. After all, the Fire Lord was supposed to date a nice, Fire Nation girl from a nice, rich, noble family. 
But tonight, that didn’t matter. You were bent on enjoying yourself tonight. Zuko had introduced you to Team Avatar a few months ago, and while you had befriended the entire group, you especially clicked with Suki, who coincidentally was who you were chatting with. She was currently telling you about her latest adventure when someone caught your eye.
“And that was the third time I had to take Sokka to get his stomach pumped-”
“Who’s that?” you quipped, suddenly becoming very aware that you hadn’t seen Zuko since the start of the evening.
“Oh, with Zuko? That’s just Mai.” Suki answered as she began telling you about the fourth time Sokka got drunk out of his mind. But you had tuned her out.
You were aware of Zuko and Mais past relationship, just as Zuko was aware of all your past flames. However, no one ever cared to mention just how beautiful Mai was. But they had broken up years ago, not long after the Hundred Year War. You knew this. You knew Zuko didn’t still have feelings for Mai after what- four? Five years? You also knew Mai had moved on and was now dating a certain Kyoshi Warrior with a very pink aura. You knew this!
But knowing didn’t stop your stomach from dropping when you noticed Zuko laughing with Mai. You knew you were being ridiculous. You knew Zuko was sincere when he told  you how much he loved you, how you were his one and only every night before falling asleep in your arms. You knew how he couldn’t care less about the public's thoughts on your relationship. But that didn’t stop you from clutching your glass with a vice grip as you watched Zuko and Mai chat, catching up with each other.
“Hey! Are you even paying attention?” The Kyoshi Warrior snapped, bringing you back to reality.
“Hmm? Oh, sorry. I just, uh, got distracted.” you replied sheepishly.
Suki’s eyebrow quirked, clearly confused at what could have been distracting you. However, the bamboozled expression on her face quickly morphed into a smug one as she followed your line of sight, a smirk taking over her painted face.
“Oh. Y/N. Don’t tell me you’re jealous.” Suki giggled.
“Absolutely not! Why would you think that?” You squeaked, a blush creeping up your neck. Your tone was not a convincing one.
“Really? Do you think that little of me? I know jealous when I see it.” Suki chuckled, her eyebrows raising suggestively.
Before you could embarrass yourself anymore, the string quartet got back from their thirty minute break and began playing a slow, sweet song. 
Suki decided to spare your dignity this time as she saw you eyeing the former couple.
“Go on, Y/N. Get your man.” she sighed.
You didn’t need to be told twice as you set down your drink, dead set to get to Zuko before the song was over. However, the gala was packed, making it very hard to maneuver through the crowd. After bumping into various Fire Nation nobles, probably making them think even less of you than they did before, you finally made it to where Zuko and Mai were chatting. That is, were chatting a few minutes ago. Now, they were nowhere to be found. Confused as to where they could have gone, you began looking around the gala before spotting them.
On the dance floor.
Your eyes widened, then narrowed. The mere sight of another woman dancing with Zuko made your vision turn red. You didn’t care that they had both moved on. You didn’t care about the coos of affection Zuko couldn’t seem to stop whispering into your ear whenever he was near you. All you cared about was the fact that Mai was getting handsy with your boyfriend.
Deep down, in your heart of hearts, you knew where these feelings sprung from. Insecurity. Even before you made your relationship with Zuko known to the public you often wondered if you were enough for him. Zuko didn’t think your nationality or status mattered, but it seemed everyone else did. Now that your courtship had been made known to the public, you were constantly being reminded by articles, nobles, hell, even Zuko's own advisors, that you would never be enough for him. No one ever said anything to your face, of course, but it didn’t take a damn detective to figure out what the glares sent your way and the whispers when no one thought you were looking were about. I mean really, a Fire Lord, a decorated war veteran, with… you? You could barely open a jar by yourself, and while Zuko may find that endearing, it served as yet another reminder that you would never be enough for him.
But that didn’t matter right now. You didn’t feel like playing therapist with yourself. All that mattered was getting Mai, that gorgeous minx, away from Zuko. 
You strutted to Zuko with a determination you didn’t know you had. You were a woman on a mission. Normally, you’d probably think this over a bit more, especially at such an event. But not tonight. Tonight the mighty Fire Lord needed a little reminder of who he belonged to.
Just as the song was ending and Zuko began to lead Mai off of the dance floor, you tapped his shoulder.
“Hey.” you barked. Whoops, that was way louder than you intended.
“Oh, Y/N! I’ve barely seen you all night. Where have you been?” Zuko inquired, as if he hadn’t just been dancing with another woman.
“Around,” you muttered.
“Oh, how rude of me! Mai, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, Mai, my, um, ex.” Zuko stammered as he realized the incredibly awkward hole he had just dug himself into.
“Hey. Nice to meet you.” Mai drawled as she looked you up and down. Even in your jealous haze, you noticed that she didn’t look at you the way most nobles did, with hatred in their eyes. She looked intrigued by you, if anything.
“The honors mine. Zuko, we need to talk. Sexy, we’ll continue this conversation later.” you stated with your normal confidence, enhanced by the alcohol.
As Mai watched you storm off, Zuko in hand, her eyebrows raised in surprise. She was not expecting the obviously jealous lover of her ex-boyfriend to call the woman she was jealous of sexy. It was quite amusing, really. This Y/N had certainly piqued her interest. Who knows, maybe if Ty Lee and her didn’t work out and you and Zuko ended up separating she’d give you a shot.
Meanwhile, once you’d led Zuko out of the ballroom and yanked him around the corner, you glared up at him, crossing your arms.
“What is this all about? And why the hell did you just call my ex se-” you cut Zuko off with your mouth, pressing a harsh kiss to his lips. Zuko’s gasp of surprise quickly turned into a moan as you pushed your tongue into his mouth. You continued moving your mouth against his, finding a steady rhythm while bringing your hand up to pull his neck down. The other found its way to his chest while he rested both his arms around your waist. As you drew more moans out of your boyfriend, you decided you had gotten your point across.
You pulled out of the kiss slowly. Zuko whined at the loss of contact. Bringing your mouth up to his ear, you breathed two words.
“You’re mine.”
Zuko’s needy expression turned concerned. 
“Is that what this is about? Are you jealous of Mai?” Zuko sighed as he rested his chin on your head.
Your jealousy faded away. Shame replaced it.
“Oh, spirits. I made such a fool out of myself,” you groaned. “I cannot believe I just did that! I was so caught up in getting to you that I completely abandoned all etiquette. I shoved nobles around, Zuko! I-I called Mai-”
Zuko cut off your rambling with a quick peck to your lips, much softer than the last kiss you shared.
“Hey, don’t start spiraling. This gala’s full of people. I’m sure no one even noticed,” Zuko murmured into your ear.
“But people do notice, Zuko. People notice what I do, analyze the living fuck out of it, and hate me for it,” you blurted. Oh wow. You did not expect to be bringing this up with your boyfriend tonight, yet here you were.
“Y/N, you know I don’t care what anyone thinks about our relationship,” Zuko stated as he slightly pulled away from the embrace to get a better look at you. “We love each other and that’s all that matters.”
“It’s not, though! How can I date the leader of a nation when the nation's people hate me?” you snivelled.
“The Fire Nation doesn’t hate you, Y/N. They’re just not used to you. This whole integrating of nations thing is very new, especially for us. But I’m sure they’ll start loving you in no time. How could they not?” Zuko reassured, his hand coming up to cup your jaw tenderly.
“You really think that?” you whispered, looking into Zuko's eyes as if they were the most beautiful sight in all the four nations. To you, they were.
Zuko leaned in for the third kiss of the night, and in that short moment, the world was only you and Zuko. No snarky nobles, no condescending articles, not even an ex that kind of turned you on. Just Zuko's warm, soft lips moving with yours in harmony.
“Does that answer your question?” Zuko murmured in your ear as he pulled away.
“Yeah,” you sighed. “It does.”
ahhhh my first oneshot! honestly, i didn’t think my first oneshot would go this smoothly. i did have to leave it alone for a little after the first 800 words because it wasn’t coming along great (the conversation with suki worked wonders imo) but i think it came out pretty well! thank you the the anon who requested this- it was a wonderful prompt! just a reminder- i am still taking requests for h/c and oneshots. love y’all xx
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orsuliya · 3 years
Dear General, just talk to your wife!
Let it be said: any male hero who interferes in his partner’s reproductive ability without her permission and/or knowledge is usually immediately cancelled in my eyes. That is certainly the case for any piece of media set in modern times. Fantasy/historical heroes get a bit of leeway depending on the cultural context, although not always. But the thing is, just as there are no blanket excuses, there are also no blanket condemnations. And you know what?
I do have to give Xiao Qi a get-out-of-immediate-cancellation card in this case! But not before examining his motivations and all mitigating circumstances. To be clear, I’m up to episode 37 at the moment.
So prepare yourself for Five Reasons Xiao Qi Is Very Much Not Cancelled (But He Certainly Deserves A Very Stern Talking To And Then Maybe A Hug).
To recap: Xiao Qi was told that Awu’s health is fragile and while she is able to get pregnant, any pregnancy is very risky and a considerable danger to her life. Upon hearing this he is visibly moved; three months later, when Awu comes back from the temple, there is a re-do wedding at the Yuzhang Manor, during which Xiao Qi announces that Wang Xuan is going to be the only woman in his life. At some point – either at the temple or after the wedding – Awu starts taking medicine prescribed by the Imperial Physician. The medicine, as Auntie Xu later discovers, is actually a tonic, which can be used to prevent conception. Eventually, though, after a year or two of continuous use, it will render a woman infertile for life. As of episode 37 (41 if I choose to trust the raws) Awu does not know what is going on.
And now onto the list!
1. The man is probably the most panicked he has ever been in his life and his mental state is not that great at the moment.
The first thing to remember is that this whole ‘let’s make Awu infertile’ decision is not taken in a void. It is not a case of an isolated event; the choice comes at an end of a veritable Trauma Conga Line. The exact timeline is very muddled, but in the last few months (up to a year) Awu has been: kidnapped, rescued, attacked by assasins, forced to deal with a rebelling city and then a siege, sent straight into a murderous conspiracy and then recruited to deal with a coup… and only then she was put in the very centre of a second coup courtesy of Daddy Wang. Which caused her to lose her child and her mother on the same day. And let’s not forget all the broken illusions about her family and her first love. That’s a lot to deal with and she is pure steel with a spine of titanium, there is no doubt as to that. But she is not the only one who’s had a really hard year.
From the kidnapping onwards Xiao Qi has been with Awu on this road; more often that not away from her physically, true, but from the moment he declared her his wife who will share his life and death…? He’s been in 100%. And being the strong, dependable, ride or die guy has taken its toll, one way or another.
It is quite noticeable that with every Big Damn Heroes moment he pulls off he gets more and more affected. The bridge rescue and its aftermath? Cool as a cucumber; the guilt and responsibility is certainly there, no fear though. Breaking of Huizhou siege? He’s proud as hell of her accomplishments, but he really came at the very last moment – she was getting ready to be killed rather than taken hostage. And there is this noticeable undertone of relief there. The Red Wedding? By then he is panicking. Hard. Which he readily admits, so it’s not pure conjecture. This man, who has never been afraid of attacking armies and not really afraid of death either, is scared as f***. Mind you, it’s not like he’s ever had anyone to be really scared for before; his soldiers are a different case altogether. And this time he was late, which makes for a really fertile soil for various ‘what-ifs’ during those two days when Awu is unconscious. He was late despite basically pulling off a miracle and risking entering the capital with only 10 000 troops.
And then and only then Daddy Wang pulls out all the stops. Two days of watching his unconscious wife is nothing compared to what happens then. First she runs into the middle of opposing forces, completely disregarding any danger to herself. For him (and her father, but that is beside the point)! I am sure that Song Huaien relayed her words to Xiao Qi once the dust settled. Then... Princess Jinmin dies and Awu starts bleeding.
After… After he claims responsibility for Princess Jinmin’s death. There is no doubt he is feeling doubly, triply responsible for the miscarriage. He can’t really help his wife. And he is grieving for their child. Not only for Awu’s sake, but for his own too.
It all culminates with the Imperial Physician telling Xiao Qi that there is another battle to be fought, one which Awu will probably enter with minimal hesitation and in which he is not going to be able to pull a Big Damn Heroes rescue. So in that moment he clutches at his heart… And – at least I think that’s the moment - takes a split-second decision: NOT AGAIN. Everything after that? He’s only holding to a chosen course.
2. He is feeling guilty as all hell and is overcompensating hard.
Xiao Qi is the epitome of a hyper-responsible hero. And not in the ‘Woe is me, everything is my fault!’ way that brooding heroes tend to veer to. No empty anguish or dramatic self-flagellation there! He is very matter of fact about both his responsibility and perceived guilt. Soldiers die under his command? He will honour their memory and take care of their families. Awu gets kidnapped by his personal enemy? He will admit his guilt without any excuses and offer recompense. Princess Jinmin becomes a victim of a stand-off that he did not even provoke? He will take the blame and then redeem himself by swearing an oath that he will not fail to protect Awu. And he takes his oaths very, very seriously, otherwise the Ma family would have a Really Big Problem.
All that responsibility comes from both his own character and the force of habit. Nobody ever worries about me, he says. To his soldiers he is the strong, infallible one and so he keeps this facade intact despite knowing it’s a load of bull.
So this hyper-responsible man has unwittingly sent his wife into danger, into battle (!) three times already (kidnapping, rebellion in Huizhou, Zilu’s coup) and was part of the reason she entered the fourth one. And while she has acquitted herself brilliantly every time, she paid a very steep price for saving him/the Empire. In his mind, he owes it to her and to Princess Jinmin for it to never ever happen again. And so he is not going to send her into the battle of childbirth for anything under the sun! The thing is, Awu is brave as hell and would enter it willingly in a blink of an eye. So he is arranging things so that she can never do that in the first place.
3. Xiao Qi is trying to spare Awu from mental and emotional anguish. It’s a pattern and one wildly spiraling out of control.
It’s really, really starting to show that Xiao Qi is used to being regarded as the infallible one, the one who must always find a solution and save as many people as he can. And while it is not a problem in Ningshuo, when he needs to tell Awu the truth about her father (and still he hesitates!), it tends to come through quite strongly in moments of stress and/or danger. Which is understandable, I think. In Ningshuo the stakes are not as high, everybody is safe and they are in the middle of Xiao Qi’s fortress, the very centre of his power. If there is any place he feels safe and at home, it’s right there. The capital is a wholly different kettle of fish; even on his first visit Xiao Qi is – quite reasonably – wary and on guard. For him the capital is behind enemy lines. So he reverts to his Infallible General mindset more and more: he keeps telling Awu things, but not all of them (money) and not always immediately (Hulans asking for a bride). Which is really stupid of him since Awu is in many areas just as smart - if not smarter - than him.
It’s not only the Infallible General mindset, though. In fact, that is the least of the problems there. By this point the panic is really setting in and so is the guilt. There is one more thing, though. Xiao Qi has this tendency towards self-deprecation. He does not wallow in it, but the undercurrent of his perceived social inferiority emerges from time to time, moreso in the capital. And it does factor in his behaviour; I sense that he has this need to keep deserving her. Coupled with devotion, it pushes him into a very touching, but also potentially dangerous single-mindedness.
Saving Daddy Wang by kneeling all night long clearly shows that Xiao Qi will stop at nothing to spare Awu’s heart, life and health. Personal pride? Enmity towards Daddy Wang? Political expedience? Disregarded completely. So what’s a year or two of lying if it means Awu lives? He’s set himself a Goal: protect Awu, just as he promised before Princess Jinmin’s grave. And it’s really been blinding him since.
Notice that he did not tell her about saving Daddy Wang either. She had to find out from His Imperial Spudness! True, it all worked out fine then, but whatever his reasons, he still did not tell her. And yes, I get that his reasons were really noble, but! But it is still a pattern, one that I hope she will break him out of rather sooner than later.
4. He is making a great sacrifice too; hear me out! And he does not leave himself an out.
This is the kind of argument that launches a flaming discussion, so please, be gentle. Anyway, we are not going to speak of whether any man has the right to make unilateral decisions about his wife’s body, that’s neither here nor there in this case, since it does not really enter into consideration in the drama itself.
What is clearly very important in the drama is the idea of family lines. The Wang and Xie families are all about this idea of legacy and bloodlines. Bloodlines are Important: propagating the bloodline is Wang Su’s main duty and both families fight over whose blood will sit on the throne. This clan mentality is clearly a Very Serious Business. Admittedly, Xiao Qi is an outsider to the clan-based society of upper classes. But even though his primary social group consists of his brothers-in-arms, he is very acutely attuned to the idea of family being the most important thing. It shows in many aspects of his life: in the care he gives to his soldiers’ families, in the consideration he gives Awu when she encounters another heartbreaking truth about her relatives and in the way he seems to take for granted that she will not stop caring for Daddy Wang no matter what. Also, he clearly likes kids, the mysterious shadow child gave us this much.
So it is not out of the realm of possibility that he would really like to have a child of his own. And why wouldn’t he? Awu may have trouble bearing him children, but there is nothing stopping him from taking a concubine or a dozen for this very purpose. Any other man in this drama would have (maybe except Zilu…?). And the society would not judge him, especially if the truth about Awu’s condition came out. It really is not a monogamistic society. Moreover, since Daddy Wang is not in the picture any more, nobody can even try to force Xiao Qi to keep to one bed (or poison his concubine…), not with his current position and power.
And what is the very first thing he does after Awu comes home? He declares – in public and with great pomp! - that Awu will be his only woman, thus staking his honor and reputation on all his children being hers. Which with the tonic in play means that there will be no children. It is a decision he takes very deliberately and in direct response to the previous events and the Wangs’ fall from grace. In fact, I wager this whole monogamy clause is a way not only to quell the rumours and stop any scheming families in their tracks, but also to keep things fair as much as it is even possible. Awu will not have children, well, neither will he.  
5. He is setting himself up and preemptively hogging all the guilt and blame.
The short yet very poignant exchange with Pang Gui in episode 37 makes it clear that Xiao Qi knows quite well he is going to be found out sooner or later. Sure, he would rather that Pang Gui kept mum about everything, but in reality he leaves it wholly up to his judgment. Which tells me that Xiao Qi is not willing to ‘kill’ for this secret. In fact, it might suit his plans if it were to come out… though not at the moment. Maybe after the requisite year or two, once Awu is no longer in any danger. Relying on what we know about his character, I think he is wholly prepared for the truth to eventually come out and then to take all the blame. And I mean ALL the blame. As in: Awu will have no reason to blame herself for her fragile health and thus inability to bear children, if it’s actually Xiao Qi’s fault. He will have gotten her infertile, so her actual ability to give birth safely will be immaterial. She will put all her anger on him and not on herself, and anger he can take, it’s her getting quiet that he can’t cope with. And to hell with what it does to their marriage, she will be alive. Is it stupid, stupid thinking? Sure. But quite probable when you’re dealing with a man this hyper-responsible and clearly unused to family dynamics.
And that’s that. Do I think he is being a single-minded fool? Sure. The man is not perfect after all! Does he need to talk to Awu? Of course, but I get where his unwillingness to do just that comes from. Is it going to bite him in the ass really, really hard? Oooooh, is it! But Xiao Qi is not cancelled and if Awu forgives him, then so should we all.
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Bury Me Face Down
A Max Phillips x Reader BTVS AU One-Shot
Summary/Author's Note: You are a Slayer. One girl born into the world for the sole purpose of hunting down the paranormal and keeping people safe. But what happens when the Order you work for sends you a Vampire to be your mentor?
Okay. I caved. An idea that stemmed entirely from my wife @vaxxildan and was pushed upon me by a few of my favorite people. (/Cough/ Stevie, Rachel, & Ash) so, fuck it-- this is part of my Follower Appreciation Week. I love you girls. This is a ONE SHOT for now. I may do drabbles or another part if inspiration strikes but I have a lot going on at the moment. [Title Song]
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Pairings: Max Phillips x Slayer!Reader Word Count: Warnings: R--Blood, language, death, violence, stabbing/staking, sassy douchebag vampire Max in all of his glory, sexual tension/themes
"And I haven't seen him in five days! He's a good boy--gets straight A's! He's going to be a lawyer, you know?" She blew her nose into the overused tissue in her hands as you slid the entire box across the desk and she mumbled her thanks.
"What was he majoring in?" You said, trying to connect to the crying mess of a woman in front of you.
"Philosophy." She blubbered out and as she blew her nose the man sitting next to you let out an undignified snort.
You glared at him and he tried to turn the laugh into a cough before motioning to the client. "Excuse me," he apologized with a nod. "Please continue, Mrs. Garcia." 
"Ms." She corrected, batting her big, watery, doe-like eyes at him.  "I'm divorced."
Unbelievable. This suburban soccer mom was crying to you to find her missing son, and she still couldn't resist putting the charm on your partner. You knew this was the effect he had on normal women, but it still never ceased to baffle you. He gave a small smile and another nod, correcting himself and addressing her by the title she offered and asking her once again to go on with her story. 
"Like I said," she put her hands in her lap and played with the pleats of her skirt. "I haven't heard from my sweet Jason since last week." 
"Did anything new happen to him the last time you spoke?" You asked, jotting down a few quick notes on your yellow pad of paper. 
"No, I don't think so. Wait--" she said, abruptly making you look back up. "He met a girl."
"Oooh, nooo," your business partner said next to you, his voice sounding full of utter despair, drawn out just enough that the client would think he was sincere while you knew he was mocking her. You kicked his foot under the table and he bit his lip. 
"Do you think that's important?" She asked hopefully and you made another note. 
"It's hard to tell, Ms. Garcia. Anything else?"
"He said he has been feeling really tired all the time. Like no matter how much he sleeps, he is always so drained." 
"Maybe he has mono."
"Max." You hissed, kicking him again as the woman blew her nose loudly. 
The truth was you knew what was wrong with her son. It was the same thing that had been wrong with five other boys at the community college on the other side of town. All of their parents had sat across from you in this office, begging you to find them and bring them home safely. 
Max cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter in his chair. "Ms. Garcia, does your son play sports?"
"Why, yes," she nodded. "He plays varsity soccer. He's on a scholarship for it."
"Ah, I thought that might be the case," he nodded and you wrote it down. Max never took notes and it drove you up the fucking wall. 
"Is that a clue?" She asked, hopefully. 
"Just trying to find out as much as we can." You looked at the photo that she had brought, and felt a little saddened. Should you tell her that her son was dead? That he wasn't coming home? As you looked at the smiling yearbook photo of such a handsome young man it really struck you that you were tired. So very tired. "May we keep this for your file?"
"Of course. I brought extra." She said, somewhat proudly as she patted her knock off Michael Kors bag in the chair next to her. 
Max glanced at you and saw that you had retreated back into your thoughts. After six months of working together, he knew when it was time for a breather. He looked back to the client and adjusted his suit coat before standing up. 
"That's all we need for now, Ms. Garcia. We will be in touch if there is anything new or if we have more questions." He walked around the table and waited for her to grab her purse before he led her to the door. 
"You have my number, correct?" She looked up at him with hopeful eyes as he towered over her. 
"Yes, it's in your file." He gestured back to the table. 
"Feel free to call me, anytime. And I mean...anytime." She touched his yellow pocket square on his chest and he chuckled deeply. 
"Of course," he said, moving her hand off of him like it was something slimy and undesirable. She didn't seem to notice.
You rolled your eyes as the door clicked shut behind her and Max leaned against it with a heavy sigh. "Really?" You asked and he raised an eyebrow.
"Do you have to do that?" You ask, gesturing to the door. 
"I was absolutely, one hundred percent, professional."
"Ah, yes, I forgot you cannot control the hordes of lonely women that throw themselves at your feet." You scoffed, gathering your notes and the papers from the Garcia file and stacking them neatly. 
"It isn't my fault that my powers don't work on you. If they did then maybe you would believe that I didn't have any control over that situation," he waved his hand in a circle indicating the woman who had previously been occupying that space. 
Max was right about that. Since the day you met, his telepathic powers of suggestion had failed to work on you, and it wasn't for his lack of trying. You had chalked it up to your natural Slayer resistances. Just another talent in your arsonal to go with the above average strength, extended life span, and ability to get your ass handed to you by the undead and walk away without so much as a limp. 
He shimmied out of his suit jacket, hanging it on the coat rack before moving back to the desk and sitting on it. "Besides," he grinned down at you, letting one leg hang off the table and leaning in close. "She's not my type."
"Get over yourself, Phillips." You rolled your eyes and walked over to the swivel chalkboard, turning it from the blank side that clients got to see, to the side that was full of your current notes on the situation.
"Ouch, back to the last name?" He put his hand over his heart like he was in pain. "Come on, Pookie. I thought we were past this?" 
Six months. Six whole months had passed since the Watcher’s Council had sent the most arrogantly frustrating man you had ever met to your doorstep. Max Phillips was, on the outside, the definition of most of the Watchers you had had the pleasure of meeting. He was intelligent and well read, but he was also vain and meticulously well dressed. His three piece bespoke suits were always pressed and tailored, his tie was always bright and made a statement, and you could have seen your reflection well enough to do your makeup in his leather shoes. His brown eyes sparkled as brightly as his jeweled cuff links, and his charm was only matched by his wit. The only unorthodox thing about him was that he wasn’t human. 
Before Max came into your life you were under the impression that vampires weren’t allowed on the Council. And until Max, that had been true. It went against everything they had stood for for the last thousand years or however long they had been in business. That business being to hunt and eradicate people exactly like Max. But someone on the council had fucked up--and fucked up big time. It was their fault Max was the way he was, and to make good on their transgressions they cut him a deal. Instead of death, they restored his soul, made him a Watcher, and after five years of service, he could be a free man...err, free undead man?
“Why won’t you just cut to the chase and tell her that her son is either dead or a vampire?” he asked and you shook your head. 
“We’ve been through this, Max,” you said thumbing through the file and getting familiar with everything you two had learned from your new client. “If we told them that, it would scare them off--we have to hold out hope.”
“I mean, sure, if you want to give them a nice comfy sense of delusion.” He shrugged and started to turn but stopped on his heel. “I’m still charging her our full rate.”
“You’re heartless.” You looked up from the file and narrowed your eyes on him. 
“Yes, exactly,” he gestured to his chest and said slowly like you were hard of hearing. “V-am-pire. Remember?”
“I meant your lack of empathy for humans never ceases to shock me.” 
“Honey, I was an asshole before I was turned,” he continued to hold his hand to his chest. “I may have died but my personality carried over into the afterlife.”
“Lucky me.” You gave him a large smile that was entirely too much teeth. Everyday with him was exhausting, just once you wished you could find a way to shut him up. Peace and quiet. A Max-less thirty minutes to hear yourself think would have been the best present he could ever give you. 
You moved to the chalkboard and taped Jason’s picture next to the line of other dead college boys. Of course there was a chance that Ms. Garcia’s son was still alive, but you seriously doubted it. By the time they came knocking at your door, most of the time, it was way too late. You had lost count of how many times you and Max had already solved the case before you even got up from the table. The two of you would share a knowing look as the person on the other side of the desk told their sob story, and by then it was all said and done.  
Max picked up a piece of chalk and blew the dust off of it distastefully. “Who still uses chalk? Can we at least get a smart board?”
“We can’t even afford a dry erase board, Max.” You took the chalk from his hand and tried to ignore the lingering brush of his fingers against the back of your hand. 
Times had been tough. You had opened this little detective business out of necessity for money, not many places were hiring someone with your specific background and skill set. But there had been an alarming increase in the amount of vampire related deaths in this small town, and that was something you could help with. 
“You asked if Jason played sports,” you said, writing your notes neatly next to the boy’s picture. “Was there a point to that question?”
“There is always a point to what I say.” He grinned, unclipping his cuff-links and starting to roll up his sleeves. 
“Okay, okay,” he held up his hands in surrender as he leaned his ass against the desk and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Write this down. The first kid played football--”
You started a list at the top of the board and wrote down each sport as he ticked them off on his fingers.
“Then we had lacrosse,” he tapped a different picture on the board. “Track. Swimming. And then--” he tapped his finger on the last boy in the row and bit his lip. “What was this one?”
“Ultimate Frisbee.”
“Right!” He snapped his fingers and shook his finger at you in conformation. “The one you thought wasn’t a sport.”
“Because it’s not.”
“And that’s where we disagree.”
You rolled your eyes and finished writing the list of sports off to the side. Crossing your arms, you shook your head. This wasn’t much to go off of--all victims had been junior or senior boys, all played sports and had the reputation for being stereotypical jocks. But despite what little they all had in common, so far they had all met the same end--left in the middle of the woods, completely drained of blood. 
“Look on the computer,” you said. “See if there are any cemeteries close to the university.” Max sat behind the desk and opened up your laptop, typing in the password and clacking away at the search engine. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “How do you know the password to my computer?”
“The same way I know you’re wearing that t-shirt bra for the fifth day in a row,” he mumbled without looking up. “I’m observant.”
You looked down at your chest on instinct before glaring back at him, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. “Well, cut it out.”
“As you command, sugar tits,” he smirked and before you could say anything he turned the lap towards you and pointed to the map of the university. “There are four cemeteries within hunting distance--but I say we start with this one.”
“It’s the only one with a mausoleum. Doesn’t matter the flavor of vampire--we all gotta sleep somewhere when the sun comes up.” He smiled, looking somewhat proud of himself and the expression almost made him look endearing. Almost. 
“Good job, Max.” You nodded before moving to write the address on the chalkboard and put it in your phone for later. 
“Oh, say that again--but slower.” He pouted his lips and pretended to give a full body shudder and you contemplated punching him. 
“Get some rest,” you tossed him the manila folder to put in the filing cabinet. “Eat,” you nodded to the mini fridge that contained his snacks from the local blood bank. “Be ready to go by nightfall.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, giving you a small salute after catching the folder. As you grabbed your car keys off the hook and your jacket off the coat rack, you could almost feel his eyes on your ass. Nothing in the world could have made you give him the satisfaction of letting him know though, but you did slam the front door a little harder than normal on your way out. 
The cemetery on the other side of town was just like every cemetery you had ever been in since you took on your role as a Slayer over a decade ago. You thought things were simpler back then, but looking back you weren’t entirely sure how you had lived this long. Slayers were notorious for burning bright and dying fast. They were an intense flame that danced with danger so often the odds were never stacked in her favor when it came to living to see the next sunrise. 
It was these odds that took your first Watcher from you. He was everything Max wasn’t. He was soft spoken, kind, and he cared for you. Against the Watcher’s code, he became the father you never had and in the end it had gotten him killed. Maybe that’s the reason they sent you Max in the first place, you needed someone to look after you that was a little more sturdy--a little less human.
You shined your flashlight on the ground as you and your partner walked another line of gravestones. This was your third lap around the plot lines and thankfully Max had been quiet for most of it. 
“You think she’s going to show?” he asked, putting his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
“She?” you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Call it a hunch,” he shrugged.
“Oh, I gotta hear this. Please share your theory, Detective Phillips.” You tried to scoff but it turned into a laugh as he smiled sheepishly. 
“All the victims are male. All of them are jocks--most likely douchebag muscleheads--”
“Are you familiar with the type?”
He ignored your quip at his expense and continued talking. “I’m guessing we are dealing with a female vamp, scorned by an ex boyfriend and now that she has the power to do something about it, every poor sap that resembles him is getting the ax.” He drug his thumb across his Adam's apple and made a ‘ack’ noise in the back of his throat. 
“Solid theory,” you nodded, having to hand it to him.
“I’m also guessing she’s freshly turned by how messy the kills are and the tearing on the bite wounds.”
“Tearing? The police reports didn’t say anything about tearing.”
Max nodded and looked down at his shoes as the two of you turned the corner of a new row of gravestones. “Vampire fangs are like hypodermic needles--hollow on the inside. Let me show you.” You both stopped and he turned to face you. He held up his first two fingers and curved them down to imitate fangs, placing them on the side of your neck. “If done correctly and you bite straight down, then pull straight back up once you’re done,” he mimicked the action with his hand, pressing the blunt edges of his nails against your tender skin, making your arms break out in goosebumps. “The bite is hardly noticeable.”
“And if you pull out too quickly or to the side, it tears the skin?” You asked, swallowing hard and letting your shoulders relax as he moved his hand away from your neck. 
“Exactly,” he nodded. He held your gaze for an extra moment before clearing his throat and the two of you continued the path down the middle of the road that led to the mausoleum. “Unless you’re an experienced vampire, you don’t have the control to keep the bite that clean.”
“Charming,” you grimaced and he chuckled.
“What? Does a big, bad slayer like you not enjoy talking about fangs and blood?” He teased and you stayed quiet. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t like talking about those things, you lived those things, fangs and blood were a part of your daily life. It was that you weren’t particularly fond of hearing him talk about those things. Lately the moments it became increasingly apparent that Max was undead had started to make you uncomfortable. But like all thoughts and feelings you didn’t fully understand, you pushed them down and compartmentalized them until they faded away. 
A crash of glass came from the back of the stone building and you thanked the universe for saving you from having to answer Max. The two of you looked at each other and you dropped your shoulders to let your leather jacket slide off into your hands. 
“Show time?” you asked, putting the jacket over a small statue of an angel with outstretched arms. 
“Absolutely.” Max mirrored you with his suit coat. He left the cuff-links at home to make it easier to roll up his sleeves. He adjusted his tie and tucked it into his vest for dramatic effect and you fought not to roll your eyes. He cracked his neck and if you weren’t staring at him you would have missed the flash of yellow amber that engulfed his normally brown irises. You were never going to get used to that.
You had a wooden stake in the holster on your thigh, freshly sharpened and ready for whatever was about to come around that corner. You hoped this was the vampire that had been killing all of those boys. You hoped this was the night that the two of you could finally stop this string of murders and crying parents.
“Take right, I’ll take left,” you nodded your head in each direction and watched as Max returned the motion before disappearing into the shadows on his side of the building. 
With eyes and ears straining for any sign of movement, you were careful of your steps. Your boots found easy purchase on the soft, marshy ground as you scanned the treeline on the other side of the pointed wrought-iron fence. Freshly turned baby vamps were your least favorite. There was a certain level of feral-ness to them that made them more dangerous. They lunged, they fought, they bit and scratched without abandon. Their actions were unpredictable and sporadic as they literally fought for their life with about as much coordination as a baby deer with too many teeth. You knew the myth that baby venomous snakes were deadlier than their parents--well, it was actually true when it came to vampires. 
Another sound came from the back of the building and you quickened your pace. Just as you topped the small hill at the back of the crypt a blur of white hit you at full speed like a freight train. Your back hit the ground hard. The dull pain of a stone or something blunt on the ground blossomed  between your shoulder blades and took the air from your lungs. Whatever had hit you landed on top of your chest, making breathing more difficult than it already was.
“Fuck!” you gave a strangled gasp and threw your forearms up to cover your face and neck. 
Just like you expected, it was a vampire. If it was the one you were looking for, that didn’t matter right now. All that mattered was getting it off of you. 
It’s blonde hair fell around you as she hissed and spit and flashed her fangs. Her face was grotesque, pinching in the middle towards her nose, her cheekbones sat way too high up on her face, and the curve of her eyebrows arched in an almost cat like way that made her skull look perpetually angry. Her yellow eyes looked sickly and diseased, the black of her pupils forming into an elongated slit.
You pulled your fist back the second she closed her mouth and punched her in the jaw. She reeled back a bit but it didn’t get her off of you. “Have you been killing those boys at the university?”
“They got what they deserved,” she snarled and you nodded. 
“That answers that.” 
Max had been right and you were never going to hear the end of it. You pulled your knee up and tried to press it into her chest. With the right amount of leverage, she toppled backwards and you held onto her letting the momentum pull you to your feet. You stumbled and caught yourself on a gravestone catching your breath before she grabbed you by the hair and slammed you into the marble wall of the crypt. You bit your lip, refusing to cry out and instead said through gritted teeth, “Where's Jason? Where’s your new boyfriend at?”
“Dead,” she smirked, pinning your arm behind your back and leaning in to whisper against your hair. “Where’s yours?”
“Right here!” Max said as he barreled into her and took her to the ground over one of the benches intended for visitors and mourners. He grabbed her by the base of the neck and snarled in her face as he bounced her skull off of the sidewalk. 
His face was contorted much like hers and as you slowly got to your feet, you forced yourself not to look away from it. That was the real him and you didn’t see it as often as you probably should in order to remember that. You pulled the wooden stake from its holster and started walking towards them.
“Max!” You called and he looked over his shoulder and caught your eye. 
He looked at the stake before giving a short nod and flipping the two of them over. He braced his arm as he held the snapping, snarling woman away from his face and you stood over her. With a raise of your arms and a quick line of sight to make sure you hit the heart, you brought the sharp piece of wood down into her back and felt it go through to the front of her chest. 
She screamed, jaw widening before her entire body exploded in a cloud of black dust that quickly dissipated into the night air leaving no trace of her existence. You let out a hard breath and held out your hand to help Max stand up. 
“Thanks,” you said, as he took it and got to his feet. 
“Any time.”
“She got the jump on me. I’m off my game.” You shook your head and silently cursed yourself for letting it happen. 
“I see that.” Max motioned to your cheek and you watched as his pupils dilated like a great white shark. His face was once again the smooth perfection that it always was, but his eyes stayed that alarming yellow.
You touched the apple of your cheek and it felt wet, the bright red drops of your own blood sat on the tips of your fingers. “Shit.” It was as if bringing your attention to it made a dull ache settle on the side of your face. “I guess she got me against the stone.” You nodded back to the pillar of the crypt and went to wipe it off on your jeans.
“Wait,” Max said curtly as his hand shot out and wrapped around your wrist. The muscles in his neck twitched and if he had a working heart you were fairly certain you would have been able to hear it from where you stood. His tongue licked his bottom lip slowly.
“Max--” you cautioned, starting to pull your wrist back but his grip tightened. 
“Tell me to stop,” he said, flatly.
It wasn’t a command, it was a challenge. If you wanted him to stop, he would, but he was banking on the hunch that you didn’t want him to stop. He knew that after months of back and forth, of testing each other, and pushing one another’s buttons, it was bound to come to a head eventually. If you were being honest with yourself, Max fucking Phillips was the only constant thing in your life recently, and that should have scared you to death. 
“Even I know--it’s a shame to waste a single drop of Slayer blood.” He brought your fingers to his mouth and held your gaze as he wrapped his lips around them, hollowing his cheeks gently and sucking the small amount off your skin. You bit your lip and blushed as he freed your fingers with a gentle pop and hummed. “Just like I thought.”
“What?” You asked, hating how breathy and soft your voice was.
“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”
The groan that came from the back of your throat was downright shameful but you wanted to do anything in your power to wipe that look off of his face. If you looked insufferable up in the dictionary, you knew there would be a picture of Max, but that didn’t stop you from raising up on your toes, putting your hand behind his neck and crashing your mouth against his. He closed those unnerving yellow eyes and dropped his head slightly so you didn’t have to stretch as far. When you felt his large hands settle on your hips, you knew it was game over. 
Max tasted just how you thought he would, like expensive liquor and a twinge of copper, the latter not being something you particularly wanted to dwell on. You gave up control of the kiss and let his tongue slip inside your mouth and taste you as well. Fair is fair. When you tried to pull back his head followed you like a dog on a leash and you gripped his hair to keep him at a distance. 
“Oh, boy--” you said, any anticipation you felt was mixed with the regret and trouble that would undoubtedly come with kissing Max Phillips. 
He chuckled deeply and wet his lips again with his tongue, the action plucking the chords of things low in your body. “Oh, boy, is right, sugar tits.”
“Shut the fuck up,” you sighed heavily and shoved him back against the concrete before devouring his mouth with your own again. Maybe if he didn’t speak you could pretend like whatever was happening wasn’t the end of the world as you knew it. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he mumbled against your lips as he bent his knees slightly and put both hands under your thighs. As he lifted, you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. Once your arms securely around his neck, another moan bubbled out of you when he flexed his hands on your ass. 
You thought you would never hear the end about his theory being right about the vampire, but this--this was a whole new level of trouble. And trouble was never something you wanted or particularly went out of your way to seek, and yet, it always seemed to find you.
Tag List: @stevieharrrr​ @winters-buck​ @zeldasayer​ @rae-gar-targaryen​ @sendhoots​ @seawhisperer​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @robbinholland​ @scorpionsandhoney​
If you want to be added to my permanent tag list please let me know, I need to get one together for my one shots and stuff. 
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Hi! I sent a matchup request like 3 days ago so I'll send it again in case your computer didn't save it!
I'd like to request a 🍰 please.
I'm female and I use she/her pronouns. I'm mostly attracted to men but I'm fine with anyone. My personality type is INTJ-T and my sign is Leo.
As for appearance I'm 5'0 and pretty curvy in terms of chest and thighs. My hair is very curly and it's bleached right now. My skin tone is like tan and my eyes are dark brown.
I'm ambiverted but more of an introvert. I'm pretty responsible and mature and I'm often the mom friend or therapist friend in my friendships. But I'm also not afraid to call people out and can be a little blunt. I also have a hard time opening up to people and it usually takes quite awhile before I'm comfortable doing that because I tend to bottle things up. I also tend to get ignored a lot so if I was in a relationship having someone willing to listen would be important to me.
I enjoy drawing and writing and I sing sometimes but more as a hobby than anything serious. My favorite books are The Little Prince and Heartless.
I really like your blog! ❤️
🍰 for @ajistired077
Romantic Matchup
Daichi Sawamura
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How yall met
Suga has introduced you to two!
You and Suga had always been super close friends since you both were very much so the mom friends
So one-day Suga wanted to introduce you to the team
You had walked in and Daichi's jaw almost dropped
Did a goddess just walk into the gym????
Omg you were beautiful
Apparently, he wasn't the only one who thought so…
You had Tanaka and Noya hanging off of you within seconds
Embarrassed he contained the two 2nd years and apologized to you
You had thanked him for helping you with a warm smile
Omg this man could not get any redder
And our boy Suga noticed
Now he had a new mission
Cupid Suga was gonna make you fall in love
It started off simple
He would invite you and Daichi to hang out with him
You would all hang out and have a blast
And when you and Daichi started to get comfortable with each other
He slowly started removing himself from this little equation
He would always have to take a rain check whenever you guys were supposed to hang out
Oh but don't worry about him!
In fact, why don't you two still go and hang out
Eventually, you and Daichi caught on to what Suga was doing
But neither of you could deny that you had fallen for the other
And oh boy yall had fallen HARD
Suga chalked it up as a win when you and Daichi walked into the gym hand in hand
What they love about you
He loves how mature you are
Daichi has always had trouble connecting with other teens
And it's because he's so mature!
And all of his past relationships usually failed because his partner refused to take the relationship seriously
But you were different
You were much more mature than the other kids at school
Like shit even Daichi had to remind you to be a kid for once
But still
He's really glad he's found someone who on his level when it comes to that
He loves how blunt you can be
You very rarely sugar coat things
And often just call it out as it is
He loves this because bluntness to him equals the truth
So to him, you just always speaks the truth
And honesty is something very important to Daichi
So he's very grateful for the bluntness
Favorite things to do together
He likes to just sit and read with you
He really just likes spending time with you
Nd he really likes to red good book
So put two and two together
BAM you got daichis favorite thing in the whole world
If you let him hell want to cuddle while you both read something
He loves to have DEEP conversations
As stated before you both are very mature
Which leads to very mature conversations
But daichi lives for these moments
Because he gets to see a whole new perspective on something that he never would've thought about before
Random Hc
You said you wanted someone who could be patient when it comes to you opening up?
Well then daichis your guy!
He understands how it's not always easy to open up to someone
So he always takes it with a grain of salt
He knows you would never hide anything from him
So why should he worry
Oh and you said you wanted someone who would listen to you?
Daichis got ya covered!
When you start opening up to him more
This man is all ears
He never wants you to feel like he's ignoring you
So he always makes sure to stay engaged during all of your conversations
He keeps all of the drawings you give him
He likes to show off your writing to anyone who asks about you
He keeps a Polaroid pic of you in his wallet
Leo + Capricorn
If they meet in the right moment, Leo and Capricorn might get along very well.
The main problem in their relationship is the set of priorities they might not share, and the passion or determination that both of them have.
It is not an easy job, reconciling Saturn with the Sun, but it brings great benefits when it is done.
The structure Leo could get and the creativity they might build on together could lift them to exactly what they desired, however their relationship might end.
They differ as much as the Earth and the Fire, but when they share a common goal, they are unstoppable.
Overall Aesthetic
Old souls
Fly me to the moon
Loves gonna get you killed
I just wanna be the one you love
Can't help falling in love
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laceyeb · 3 years
Because I’m determined to be excited about this season of DWTS (and I genuinely am!), I’m going to try to post much more about this season than I did last season and start sharing my opinions now! Starting with the cast thus far of course, with my excitement ranking out of 10 because I do what I want.
Jojo Siwa and Jenna - 1000/10
As soon as I heard about Jojo being with a female pro, I started manifesting Jenna with all my heart and I am sooooo excited!!!! I’m not saying that ANY female pro on this show is even remotely homophobic in any way shape or form because I do NOT believe any of them are. HOWEVER... If I had to pick one female pro who I feel like would be most “onboard,” it would be Jenna. (Or Sharna, but I’d prefer Jojo with Jenna just because Jenna is younger.) If this sentiment/how I expressed it comes off problematic, please let me know because that is absolutely not what I intended and I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. Anyways... I don’t know if I’m anxious, excited, terrified, curious, overjoyed, etc. etc. etc. Perhaps all at once. I can’t wait to see how this goes and how it is received. I’ve already had a small rant about the target demographic of this show, but I’m choosing to be optimistic. I would definitely prefer that they don’t spend the ENTIRE season talking about the ground-breakingness. First episode, yes. Very important, very groundbreaking, etc. Then I’d like this to just be normalized. I don’t want them to be treated any different than any other couple. I just want them to be like everyone else. I don’t expect them to change the entire world, but this is still very very important and I am very very excited. And anxious. (Also not my anxiety acting up when I sent my mom the rumored list so far and her response was “I’m disgusted.” She’s apparently “disgusted” by the fact that there are people on the cast she’s never heard of. As if we haven’t been doing this for 30 seasons now.)
Sunisa Lee and Sasha - 8/10
I did not pay any attention to gymnastics during the Olympics (aside from the general news I stumbled upon on the internets) because all my waking hours were focused on soccer, but she’ll obviously be great. I would not say that Sasha is my favorite pro, but they’ll likely be a great match. I need to find some interviews of her or something to get a sense of her personality. I’m excited though because I’m sure they’ll be fun to watch.
Kenya Moore and Brandon - 2.5/10
I’ve never heard of her, so I have no opinion. I do have a soft spot for Brandon though. Is she like well known? Popular? Likable? Dancingly inclined?
Amanda Kloots and Alan - 6.5/10
You know I love Alan with my whole heart, so that automatically gives them some points. I recognize her name and that’s about all I’ve got for her. In the little bit I see (I’m just using the Kristyn Burtt article for this), she seems very excited to be there. Dream come true and all that. I will always give anyone a chance if they come in with such a good attitude.
Olivia Jade and Val - 5/10
Right in the middle 5/10 for this because I just don’t know what to expect. Like are they going to edit her packages sympathetically or actually sympathetic AND convincing? Do I feel any excitement for her to be in the spotlight like this? Not really. But she might surprise me. Val can really do no wrong, though, at the risk of starting an uprising, I’ve kinda lost interest in him as a pro as of late. No real reason. Just feel like there’s other pros I care more about/am more invested in.
Matt James and Lindsay - 5.5/10
I’m very excited to have Lindsay back, so let’s start there! It feels like it’s been about 27 years since we’ve seen her, despite the fact that she posts about 4 hours of IG stories a day and I happily watch every second. I don’t know a whole lot about Matt aside from the fact that he’s a Bachelor guy. I don’t think I’m exactly thrilled about what little I’ve seen and I don’t know what he’s like personality-wise. But at least Lindsay is back and seems happy so far.
Iman Shumpert and Daniella - 2/10
I’ve never heard of this guy and could not care less about basketball, so I don’t even have a reason to get excited. I’ve got nothing against Daniella at all, we just don’t know her that well yet. Is he well-known/likable/have a likelihood of dancing skills?
Jimmie Allen and Emma - 9/10
I don’t know a great deal about him personality-wise either, but I’m already excited! I love Emma, I love a country singer on DWTS, I love getting to see someone on the show who I already know. Very excited all around! Can he dance? Who knows! But I look forward to finding out! He’s got a few great songs that I absolutely adore and I need to make a playlist! I think they are going to make a good pair and I’m glad he’s with a pro I really like (aka not Cheryl I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️).
Brian and Sharna - 11/10
Sharna. Sharna’s man. Sharna in love. Sharna happy. What else could I possibly ask for?! I wondered if they would partner them together or not. In a non-pandemic world, maybe not. What with married pros living apart from each other for the season, they would have to too if they weren’t partnered together. Not that they deserve any special treatment. But if they don’t HAVE to be apart, why have them be apart you know? It’s going to be really entertaining to watch Sharna post about her “partner” for the next two weeks when we all know it’s him. Believe it or not, I have not followed their relationship really super close and they also don’t post an excessive amount together (which I have no problem with because people are entitled to their privacy and what not), so I’m excited to get to see so much more of them together! If Sharna’s happy, I’m happy. Can he dance do we think?!
Christine Chiu and Pasha - 1/10
Uninterested. No idea who she is and like with Daniella, I just don’t know Pasha enough to get that excited. Again: Is she likable/popular/dance-inclined? Beats me. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Mel C. And Gleb - 4/10
I like Gleb more than most do, but I’m not obsessed by any means. (I mean, he’s not Sharna.) Nothing against any Spice Girls, but I’m fairly neutral on the whole. She will likely be pretty good and probably fairly popular. I look forward to seeing how she does, but I’m pretty much take it or leave it with them. It’s entirely possible she could be the dark horse I fall in love with by like week 3 and then decide she’s my favorite of the season.
Melora Hardin and Artem - 10/10
I’m VERY excited. I’ve already posted about her a bit, but oh boy I’m excited! I’ve seen exactly ZERO episodes of The Office, but I know her and LOVE her from The Bold Type aka one of my most important Gay Awakenings™️. (There were several...) I love me some Artem and he will be a great match with her as well. She’s definitely going to be one of the older pros this season (though I think she’s in her 50s which is decidedly not OLD old), but I know she has Broadway experience. I would love a week 1 foxtrot to put her solidly in a 3 way tie for third place with 4 7s and then coming in week 2 with like a samba that she absolutely nails (8,7,7,8) to prove she really can do it all. (It’s possible I’ve been watching this show for too damn long.)
Mike Mizanin - 1.5/10
I will not call him “The Miz.” I do not know this man and I do not care. Put him with Cheryl and send them home week 1. Ok wait. I’ll be nice. I definitely know NOTHING about him, but maybe he’s a fun and pleasant person. We’ll see. And if he is, I might entertain the possibility of calling him “The Miz.” (Whenever they have anyone from like WWE, UFC, boxing, or anything like that, I just do not care because I don’t know anything about them. But Paige VanZant was my actual Gay Awakening™️, so I try to keep an open mind.)
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I was asked to search for a missing Norwegian girl caught up in the Moonies – Petra
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▲ Me as an au pair in 1989.
In the mid 1980’s at the age of 21, I was an au pair in California, United States. I lived in Mill Valley, a fancy neighborhood north of the Golden Gate bridge.
In my free time I used to go to the Swedish Church, located on Hyde Street between Lombard Street and Fisherman’s Wharf, in downtown San Francisco. The church was a safe haven for au pairs and other folks from Europe who had gone out to explore the big world.
One day I stumbled into two Norwegian siblings who had come to the States to look for their younger sister. Some years before she had been caught up in a Korean cult called the Unification Church and they were very concerned about her well-being since they’d lost all contact with her.
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▲ Mr. and Mrs. Moon greet the Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa. A handshake that according to the movement legitimized Sun Myung Moon as being the Messiah.
Sun Myung Moon founded the Unification Church. He passed away in 2012; he was a self-proclaimed Messiah who said he had met the biblical Jesus and now had his mandate to establish God’s Kingdom on earth. [ LINK to Moon and Jesus ]
As a Moonie you serve Mr. Moon, also referred to as ‘True Father’. You do this by recruiting new members, raising money to the movement and eventually you marry a partner chosen by Mr. Moon.
A true win win-situation for the cult.
 If you are truly blessed you can give away your children through adoption. This is a true win-win situation, because by doing so a childless couple somewhere out there finally becomes a real family and you can once again give ‘True Father’ your full attention without the distraction of a child. This is the ultimate proof of love and devotion.
The cult had a recruiting base downtown and a training camp in the mountains a few hours’ drive north of San Francisco. Since the siblings would not be welcome into the cult’s surroundings, they asked me if I wanted to make my way into the organization by allowing myself ‘to be recruited’ by the cult. Hopefully, on the inside, I would be able to locate their sister, so that they could take action and arrange for her to be kidnapped and deprogrammed by a special team that was standing by. And oh, could I barely wait!
The Preparation I prepared myself by watching interviews with ex-members on videotape so that I knew what special treatment I could expect.
I learned about how love-bombing – overwhelming and unmotivated love and attention – in combination with little sleep and a tight schedule would serve their purpose to indoctrinate me and make me one of them.
I also met with psychologists and deprogrammers who showed me things I should be aware of, and take precautions against.
The plan was simple.
We would arrange for me to be picked up by a Moonie in Union Square in downtown San Francisco – a place where they recruit many new members. I would then agree to come along to their student camp in the mountains.
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▲ Union Square in San Francisco
Once in the camp I would take a lot of pictures, without attracting unnecessary attention. Lots of parents around the world had children hidden in the cult, and if I could return with picture proof that their sons and daughters were in the camp, captors stood ready to steal back the young people to their families.
Most important of all was that I went home when the weekend camp was over. I was under no circumstances allowed to stay after the four day long camp ended. Though, I was told that both the car and the phone were always ‘broken’ on the last evening of the camp – to prevent people from leaving. The reason was simply that they occasionally needed more time to break some of the visitor’s mental defenses.
The Recruitment

One Saturday we got to work. I dressed myself typically Swedish (neon-colored shorts), took a visible stand at the square, unfolded a big tourist map and waited. All supervised by the kidnappers who stood at a safe distance.
After approximately 15-20 minutes I hear a voice behind me; ”Hello?”
I turned around and meet Ted for the first time, my ticket into the Unification Church.
By coincidence the next camp started next Thursday
Did I need help, I seemed lost? Was I only passing through? Ah, I came from Sweden, that’s sounds nice. Ted told me that he belonged to an international Student organization.
And by the way, would I be interested in sharing a cup of coffee at their office nearby?

A few hours later I had finished my coffee, seen the picture of the Organization’s founder on the wall and met countless of smiling students who all spoke inspiringly of a camp in the mountains.
By coincidence the next camp started next Thursday. Ted asked me if I wanted to come along. Of course I wanted.
After a few hours’ drive in an old minivan filled with young people, we reached our destination – Maacama Hill.
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▲ The girls’ building at Camp K, Maacama Hills
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▲ The kitchen at Camp K
The pace was rapid right from the start with early mornings, late nights, and intense activities all day long. I was not left alone for one second.
New boys were constantly shown attention by the sweetest Moonie girls — and new girls shown the same by the most charming Moonie boys.
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▲ Camp K leaders, Susan on the left.
As time went by, the small talk more and more turned towards existential questions. Had I ever thought about the meaning of life? Was I satisfied with my life?
Then we were introduced to the first lecture in the class room. Participation was voluntary, of course, but not going to the lectures was simply not an option.
Soon we spent more time in the classroom than we did on the volleyball court. The purpose of the teaching was to prove that Sun Myung Moon was the new Messiah.
Now it was getting really hard to do this spy thing. It was emotionally hard. I felt as if I was betraying the new young people in the camp since I saw them becoming prey for the cult without being able to warn them. But how could I?
I had been sent into the camp with a mission and I simply could not reveal my true identity without endangering my assignment.
And besides, what would the leaders do if they found out I was a spy? My quest was to take as many pictures as possible, lay low and get a ride home on Sunday night. Period.
▲ Lecture on the Divine Principle: “Jesus failed, since he died on the cross, right? So a new Messiah would have to complete the Mission, right?” (Picture: HERE)
Everything became more intense as we got closer to Sunday. The generally held “Good to see you” songs at breakfast were replaced by religious songs with lyrics about the ‘True Father’. A short prayer was held before every meal and the discussions became more personal and intrusive, the breaks got shorter and the lessons longer.
On the Saturday evening we had a barbecue on the river bed. When all the sausage and marshmallows were eaten, there was a revival meeting.
▲ I am wedged between two Moonie friends. (Picture: HERE)
Two dark-haired sisters sang religious songs with empathy, and with tears running down their cheeks, they explained how they had found the true meaning of life in the Unification Church.
▲ Happy sisters. (Picture: HERE)
Then one of the leaders gave a short sermon with such passion that the fire next to him faded in comparison.
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▲ Camp K mini-store
How did Petra get out?
Full story and more photos:
Camp K, aka Maacama Hill, Unification Church recruitment camp
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie)
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
My Time with the Oakland Family Moonies – by Peter from New Zealand
Testimony of Ingo Michehl – assault by Japanese leader caused lung collapse
The Moonie recruitment camps in Northern California
Resources for Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships
‘Misunderstanding Cults’ book
 – Introduction and chapters by Benjamin Beit-Hallami and by Benjamin Zablocki
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exosmuttytalk · 4 years
Just Dance
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Characters: Chanyeol, female OC
Genre: Fluff, hurt and comfort (kinda?)
Word count: ~2400
Summary: Following a round of her favorite videogame, Chanyeol makes the best effort to prop his girl up.
A/N: Originally, this was going to go a different route with a different main character, but then I thought about my friend @blogmariasan​ and wanted to write something for her ~
How cute does he look in that gif tho
The rapid beating of your heart in your ears and the loud music coming out of the speakers were strong enough for you to miss the noise the front door made when it turned on its hinges. Or the rummaging at the hall as he left the keys at the usual spot on top of the dresser and hung his coat on the hanger.
“Oh, so that’s what you do when I’m not at home, hmm?” his voice came from the doorstep to the living room, where you had moved the coffee table out of the way to make enough space for your workout, standing in front of the TV. “Fraternizing with our enemies.”
The high amount of energy your body stored at the moment combined with his voice startling you sent you practically flying across the room and into the sofa that had been pushed backwards. Sweat dripped down your back and you could feel blood rushing to your already flushed face.
The subject of dance came up fairly often in conversations with Chanyeol, who would sometimes need reassurance when he compared his own dancing with some other of his band mates, but who you’d never let watch you dance. Not on purpose, of course.
Dance is one of those things that do not matter to normal people. Everyone’s been to a club or a party at least once, has made a complete fool of themselves and then has gone home, hopefully having had fun. Not you.
When you were a kid, almost all your female classmates had enrolled in some sort of dance classes: ballet, regional dances, hip-hop, you name it. You knew many people who were part of an amateur band that learnt and performed their favorite artists’ dances. You weren’t one of them. At those end of year performances at your primary school, you’d always be left at the back, fulfilling the inconspicuous roles of trees, random animals, or the time when you had gotten quite a share of the spotlight as a door knob in a musical version of Alice in Wonderland. Coordination was just not your forte.
Everybody who knew you knew that as well. Including your boyfriend, who had found out about your slight incompetence when it came to being a protagonist and to moving your body in a graceful manner quite early in the relationship, when he had taken you as his companion to a family wedding. As enthused as always, he dragged you across the room to the dance floor, and knowing many of his family members were scrutinizing your every move, you had no option but to dance with him. Thankfully, one of his uncles was a nurse and was able to examine your ankle and determined you had only sprained it. As soon as he heard that, all the worry he had been sporting on his face since he saw you trip and hit the ground, disappeared. It was instead replaced by a slight mocking expression that only grew bigger when his grandma patted him in the back and told him you were nice but he needed to teach you to keep a bit of balance. What a beautiful family introduction.
Wasn’t that funny though? You wouldn’t trade your life for anything in the world, but you would have preferred if dance wasn’t such an important aspect in your partner’s life. Being energetic as he is, Chanyeol would usually blast music while at home, didn’t matter to him whether it was his own music or someone else’s, and dance around while doing chores. He’d do it in the car as well.
“Dancing is very fun, baby, you still haven’t found the perfect song for you.”
Just watching him prance around the house made you unbelievably happy, but you never let yourself get into it. As much as you watched and enjoyed every single one of his performances, and for many of them, you’d learnt the whole choreography, you didn’t allow yourself to get carried away beyond a gentle sway.
The thing is you loved dancing. You actually loved to the point it was your main form of exercise. Who doesn’t love getting carried away with their favorite music? You just were aware of the quality of the movements you produced, so you refused to do it in front of other people.
“I wasn’t doing anything with your enemies! And they’re not your enemies, you’re just petty!”
You stood back up and forcefully pulled the sofa back to its original place. Then, you turned off the game console without even worrying to save your progress and left the controller on top of the table a bit more harshly than necessary and left the room in a huff.
When Chanyeol asked you to move in with him, you knew you wouldn’t have as much privacy as you used to do living in your tiny one bedroom apartment, but you didn’t particularly mind it. By that point, you had already spent plenty of time at each other’s homes and he was an easy going person, so you felt at home. Besides, his busy schedule kept him out of the house most of the day; so you felt at ease. Even more so when you discovered, in a party with his band mates where he pulled it out as an entertainment safe bet, that he had unlimited access to one of your favorite videogames. So now, whenever he was out and you wanted to exercise, you’d turn it on and dance on your own, enjoyed yourself and bumped into enough stuff around the house Chanyeol would always enquire about the bruises on your legs.
His brows furrowed when he heard your snappy tone and you made your way out of the living room.
“Babe? What’s wrong?” He followed you into the bathroom where you struggled to get out of your sweaty workout clothes while at the same time avoiding his gaze from scanning your flushed face. “You’ve already been living here for long enough, you can use anything here whenever you can, you know that?”
“It’s not that!” You responded, annoyed and in the verge of tears.
He waited for you to come out of your t-shirt to grab your hand and pull you back into the bedroom, where he sat in the middle of the bed, cross legged and making a space big enough between your legs for you to fit in comfortably. You flinched when his fingers started sliding down your still damp back in soothing movements, but couldn’t help but dive into his comforting hug.
“So now you’re gonna tell me what’s got you all up in arms today, hmm?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Yeah, but you know keeping bad things in will get you nowhere. Why are you angry? You seemed so happy when I came in.”
“I am not angry…” you said in a low tone while you tried to hide your face against Chanyeol’s chest.
“So what is it?” He cupped your face in his hand and raised your head to look at you. As soon as his eyes fixed on yours, you felt another wave of heat hit your cheeks. “Are you blushing?” You could almost hear the gears grinding in his brain as he connected the dots. “Is it because I caught you dancing?”
You let out an undefined sound that served as an affirmation and took your eyes away from him.
“I remember how embarrassing it was for you at Hee’s wedding, but there’s no one else but me here. You can enjoy yourself without a problem!”
“It’s not that… I can’t dance in front of you.”
“But why not, baby? I will do it with you, it’s fun!”
“I just…” you hesitated, but the expression on his face as he waited was enough. “I am a bad dancer, okay? I know that.”
He nodded with caution, not wanting to make you feel worse with his acknowledgement.
“Is there a problem with that?”
“Of course there is a problem! You dance for a living”
“Well, I do other stuff too, but it’s a pretty big part. What does that have to do with this?”
“I love you, okay? I really like seeing you perform and I know you love what you do. But sometimes I wonder if I’m good enough for you,” you finally confessed.
“What?” his voice was higher pitched than usual to express his confusion. “Where is this all coming from?”
“I sometimes think…maybe if you see how bad I am at this, you will compare me to your other friends who also dance and think you can do better than me.”
“Are you really telling me you’re scared of me leaving you for someone who dances better than you?” his voice kept raising in disbelief.
“Well, if you put it that way! Just listen to me! You are always around people who are more talented, better looking and who have more interesting lives than me. I have none of that. How am I supposed to feel!?”
Chanyeol leaned back into the mattress and pulled your body along with his, so in the end, he was lying across the bed on his back with you on top of him, resting you face against his t-shirt. You rose up your gaze at him and saw him staring at the ceiling with a blank expression, while his fingers never stopped drawing random patterns against your bare skin.
“You know, when I first got into this I was an awful dancer.”
“Yeah, in comparison with Jongin or Sehun, there’s nothing I can do in terms of dancing even now. They were so much better than I was, and not just because of their natural talent. I’m a terrible dancer. My legs and arms feel too long to be controlled and collected as they are when they dance. All that you see now is the result of years of practice.”
“I have never been too self conscious about it because I trusted myself enough, but I remember there was this girl at the training centre who always made comments about my dancing. She was a bit older than I was and she used to tease me about it all the time. She wasn’t very nice.”
“Is she still mean?”
“Oh, maybe she is. I haven’t seen her in years, I ended up debuting with the guys but she never got to that point, despite the fact she had been training for years at that point.”
“That’ll serve her right,” you shrugged.
“Yeah, well. I try not to think a lot about it, because I can still hear her snickering while I performed.”
“I’m so sorry about that,” you hugged him softly from your position and his arms returned the favor around you.
“It’s okay. The thing about this is that I know how you feel. I know how hard it can be to face the world, expose what you have and to be confident enough that it’ll be good enough. But some people around us are more than willing to tear us down over our smallest mistakes, so it’s quite unfair that we do that to ourselves too. That’s what helped me get over it.”
“Yeah, but now you are a quite good dancer and get paid to do so! Why would I show something I know I am bad at?”
“Because you actually enjoy it! Allowing yourself to enjoy things is part of being kind to yourself, and that’s something you need to work on.”
You let out only a soft sigh as a response.
“You know you’re the most beautiful thing that’s ever been in my life, right?”
You propped your head up by resting your chin against his chest, looking him on, silently. His hand caressed your hair.
“Sometimes I have bad days too. Sometimes I’m sad or angry. Or frustrated, because I am not getting where I want to be. But then, I come home and see you around. Maybe you’re in the kitchen, or you’re working on your laptop, or playing with the dog. Doing whatever. Just by being there, you make my day brighter. You make me smile and laugh. You support me when I need to. You get me in ways barely no one else does and I get inspired by you daily.”
His confession left you speechless for a while. Of course, you knew you were in with Chanyeol for the long run. You’d gone through terrible enough times together when your relationship was made public, so now you weren’t going to give up and neither was him.
“You’re so beautiful and so good I don’t even care about other people anymore. Yeah, I have many beautiful friends and coworker. But they have nothing against you, doesn’t matter how much prettier you think they are. Besides, my grandma loves you very much despite your stellar introduction to the family; that can hardly be beat.”
A small tear managed to slide its way down your cheek when you closed your eyes and laughed wholeheartedly to the mention of his grandma, but he didn’t notice. Just seconds after he’d finished his speech, he’d sat up on the bed, kissed your forehead and started rummaging through the closet.
“Here, wear this one!”
He tossed you one of his older t-shirts, with the name of his group written on the back, worn out and soft, before stripping off his own work clothes and searching for more comfortable stuff.
“I’m a bit rusty lately, so it’s a good thing you were already working out, we can help each other.” You were still sitting on your bed, t-shirt in hand but in your underwear, not sure what to do. His head popped up behind one of the doors when he noticed you hadn’t moved and his eyes scanned up and down your poorly covered figure, with a cocky eyebrow raised and a smirk. “Or we could head into the shower and I could teach you some of the moves we do under artificial rain… but only if you want, of course…”
A/N: It probably wasn’t made clear enough, but the song OC was dancing at the beginning would’ve been a BTS one, if those were included in the game, which I’m not sure of. BTS and Exo are not enemies and they probably even get on fairly well with each other, so take it just as a joke
Other Chanyeol shenanigans 
Holidays   (OC/One Shot/Fluff-Smut)
Experimentation    (Chanbaek/One shot/Fluff-soft smut)
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
The Other Woman
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CEO Mark X Receptionist Reader
Word Count: 11K
Genre: Angst with a fluffy ending
Warning: Cheating, mentions of sex, insecurities
Summary: What started as a one night stand with your boss turned in to a secret love affair. In the beginning, your relationship with Mark was strictly just sex. Only a couple of months later do you realize that you made the mistake of falling in love with him and the worst part, is that he’s already in a relationship.
A/N: Hey guys! So I stumbled upon the song “What She Thinks About Me” by Chloe X Halle last night and I literally wrote this in less than a day (which is why it might suck ass LOL) but it’s whatever. I love their entire album y’all should totally go check it out. I just want to say I am totally against cheating and having affairs. (If you no longer love your partner, deadass just leave why continue hurting and lying to them?) I don’t know how this story came about but like I always do whenever I listen to a song for the first time, I got inspired and this was the product. I hope you all enjoy! (I’ll also be starting up work and school here soon so I won’t be able to write as much but I’ll try my best)
I wonder what she thinks of me when you're coming home I know that she smells my perfume under your cologne I wonder what she thinks of me when you stay awake After you make love to her, but I'm still on your brain
I'm not the jealous type, I like the other guys I wish you all the best, I'll help you pick her dress Then you can both go to Paris, you live in the lavish I'm actually happy for you So tell me, tell me, baby, all of this is crazy You've done this before, so who are you to judge me, me? It's never wrong when you're in love
As the two of you were getting closer and closer to your highs, it seemed as if everything surrounding you seemed to heighten as well. Both your moans and his only got louder, the closet mirror was fogged up entirely, the sound of skin on skin slapping against each other bounced off of your walls, his grip on your waist only tightened which you were sure would leave a mark and your bed continued to creak with each and every thrust. 
You and Mark were going at it for almost four hours. No matter how tired you were, or how your legs were practically jello because of how relentless and rough his pace was, you didn’t know when the two of you would be able to make love to one another again. You knew he must’ve felt the same way since he was the one that indirectly hinted at fucking you for multiple rounds. 
When you felt him hide his face in your neck, you knew he was about to cum. You’ve had sex with Mark countless times to know when he was about to release, so you whispered sweet nothings in his ear before leaving chaste kisses all around his face. Once you felt his warm, creamy liquid fill up your velvety walls, you absentmindedly let out a whimper. But it wasn’t because you were upset that he came, no; you loved it whenever he filled you up to the hilt with his cum. You were upset because once the two of you called it a night, he was going to leave you and return back to his apartment. The one he shared with her. 
“Come on baby, I know you’re close. Fuck, you’re so beautiful y/n. So fucking tight—so wet. I can never get enough of you—come for daddy.” 
He brought his fingers down to your wet and over sensitive pussy, shoving two of his fingers in to your entrance as he continued pushing himself in and out of you. There was nothing you loved more when you were having sex with Mark than when he would use both his fingers and his well endowed cock to bring you to your orgasm. To your dismay, you found yourself releasing your juices all over his length and his fingers, earning you a delicious moan from his pretty pink lips. 
“That’s my good girl. I’m gonna miss you so much y/n.” He brought his hand up to your cheek and cupped it ever so gently before connecting your lips together. During most of your hookups with Mark, you were usually the dominant one. You’d always lead your love making sessions, you were almost always on top and you were the definition of dominant. 
Since Mark was always the one everyone depended on, he loved whenever you took charge in the bed room. He was always telling his employees what to do, so he enjoyed it whenever you would make him beg to cum, or if he wanted you to suck his dick, he’d have to beg for it. You were the only person Mark ever submitted to; but tonight, you allowed him to do whatever he wanted to you. 
“How long are you going to be gone for again?” He brought one of his hands up to your hair and began running his fingers through it before plopping on top of you. 
“Ew Mark! Gross! You’re all sweaty and heavy. You’re crushing me!” His adorable little giggle against your neck sent shivers down your spine and it was in the moments like this; after sex or during pillow talk right before the two of you would fall asleep that you’d find yourself wishing this could be your reality. That you and Mark could be more than what the two of you actually were. That he would come home to you every night and stay with you, not leave the minute he filled you up with his load and left not too long afterwards. 
What started as a late night together in the office turned in to a steamy love affair between the both of you for the last six months. Although you loved how things were going between you and Mark, there were some days that you would regret this entire situation. It’s not that you ever regret falling in to bed with Mark the first time that led to fucking him almost every other day whether it be in his office, one of the storage rooms at his company, in either of your cars, or back at your apartment. 
Mark Tuan was a dangerous addiction; an extremely bad habit that you couldn’t find yourself to quit no matter how terrible it was. What made things even worse, was that you had no intention on ending things between you and Mark anytime soon and you could only hope and pray that neither did he. You tried to lie to yourself for the last few months that you were in it strictly for the sex, but deep down you knew exactly why you were staying around for so long. Sure Mark was an amazing and generous lover in bed, but you could have sex with anybody if you really wanted to. You made the mistake of falling in love with him and you were screwed. 
Mark was going on a trip to Paris with his girlfriend of two years and no matter how hard you tried not to let it bother you, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You didn’t think you had a right to be jealous. He was in a relationship; you knew exactly what you were getting yourself in to the minute he threw you on to his desk and attacked your body with wet and impatient kisses. Deep down, you knew it was wrong. The first time should’ve been the last time. He was your boss for God sakes; but you were selfish. 
You loved the way Mark took care of you. On the night of your first hook up, you stayed back at work to help Mark with a very important contract that was due by midnight. Since you both finished early and turned it in to your client three hours before they needed it by, Mark ordered some food with the intention of celebrating. However, while you were waiting for the food, the two of you began to talk slowly and as time went by, Mark began to inch his way over towards where you were sitting until your thighs were practically touching each other. 
Before you could process anything, you felt his lips on yours and it was such a breathtaking feeling. You’ve kissed quite a few men over the years, but there was something about Mark that warmed up your body in ways that no one has ever done before. Red flags went off in your mind the minute he smashed his mouth against yours; you knew he had a girlfriend. 
She came to visit him every now and then and she was such a sweetheart. She always said hi to you, complimented you on your outfits and even brought you pastries on a few occasions as a way to say thank you for always being there for Mark when he needed it. You didn’t even want to think how she would feel if she were to find out that her boyfriend had you pressed up against the window in his office as he fucked you doggy style with your breasts against the cool glass. Nor did you want to know where she thought he was every time he found himself with you. 
From what you heard throughout the office, you were aware that she was very intelligent. Not only did she have her masters in political science, but she was also one of the valedictorians of her graduating class. You could see why Mark was with someone like her; but he reassured you that he only continued his relationship with her because of the relationship he had with her dad. 
Her father was an extremely successful businessman and he’s been one of the company’s biggest clients even before Mark took over his dad’s position as CEO almost two years ago. He was afraid of the backlash he would get from breaking up with her, but you thought cheating on her was even worse. However, you never questioned Mark about his intentions ever. Nor did you beg him to leave her or question what he thought of you and your relationship together in fear of losing him. 
For someone so smart, his girlfriend must have lacked common sense. Did she not wonder about his whereabouts? Who did she think he was texting and calling in the wee hours of the morning? When you and Mark took a month long vacation together across Polynesia, did she not question exactly what kind of business he was going there for? Did she not see the scratches on his back that you left whenever he went animalistic on you? And what about the hickeys you’d leave on his neck every now and then by accident when you took things a little too far? How dense could someone be? 
It was obvious Mark was having an affair. You didn’t even realize how obvious it was that Mark had another woman on the side until one of your colleagues gossiped about hearing him having sex with someone in the conference room while they knew his girlfriend was away on a family trip. Every time Mark’s affair was brought up, it seemed as if everyone was talking so negatively about you; but you couldn’t blame them. 
What a whore. Such a slut. Home wrecker. She’s obviously only with him for his money. Somebody should tell his girlfriend. I don’t care that he’s my boss, what he’s doing is wrong. 
Each and every word felt like a stab to your chest, but they were right. You were a home wrecker. A pathetic bitch who slept with another woman’s boyfriend. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to stop. You were just as hooked up on him as he made it painstakingly clear that he was for you. In the beginning of your secret rendezvous, Mark would only reach out to you strictly for sex. It never bothered you, you enjoyed messing around with him and as bad as it sounded, the idea of fooling around with someone who was taken excited you. It was thrilling and exhilarating. 
However, only a month after the two of you began your affair, Mark started calling you and texting you once the both of you went home. He confided in you with his worries about the company, some self doubts and insecurities. You were shocked to say the least the first time he called you crying because everything was getting too much for him to handle. Everyone expected so much from him and sometimes he wished he didn’t take over his family’s company and would have preferred going in to his dream career as an architect. 
Out of all the people Mark knew and all the friends that he had, you were shocked that he trusted you enough to tell you everything that fell from his lips that day. He went on for almost two hours and from that day on you decided you would do anything in your power to be there for him and to help carry the burden for him so he wasn’t suffering alone. Then came the gifts; he claimed it was a token of appreciation for all that you did for him, but each and every time he bought something for you because he claimed he thought of you when he saw it, your heart would always flutter at the idea of him thinking about you other than when the two of you were having sex. 
It was wrong; it felt so wrong yet it felt so right. Nobody you have been with loved on your body like Mark did. Nobody got you screaming and squirming so easily the way he did. Nobody got you on your knees with him fucking the living shit out of your mouth like he did. Nobody had you running back like a lost puppy like Mark did and that’s when you knew you were fucked. You found yourself contemplating on multiple occasions whether or not you should allow this to continue. 
Not only was he hurting his girlfriend who seemed to really love him by the way she constantly checked up on him, made him meals to make sure he was eating and bought him things he needed, but he was fucking with your mind as much as he was with your body and driving you to the brink of insanity the longer this continued. 
You were never the jealous type; you never had a reason to be. When you got in to a relationship; whether it be a friends with benefits situation or an actual relationship, you made your partner aware that you should be the only person in their life and you proved your worth with your patience, generosity, kind-hearted personality and most importantly, in bed. Most of your ex-boyfriends were hooked on you like a drug, the exact way you were currently acting towards Mark, but you could never hold a relationship for more than a couple of months. 
You had a tendency of getting bored with someone and the constant routine that came with relationships. This was the longest you were with anybody and you weren’t actually with them. You’ve never been a side chick or a mistress before and because you knew Mark was only using you for sex, or at least that’s what you were sure he wanted you for, you didn’t feel the need to get jealous over his girlfriend. 
You were meant to help him with his carnal urges and burning desires whereas she took care of him in ways that only girlfriends should be allowed to. But the longer you allowed your relationship with Mark to continue and the deeper your feelings grew for him, the more you’d feel the green monster of jealousy on your back each and every time she was brought up in a conversation or whenever she came to the company and would kiss him in front of you. 
It made your skin crawl and you wanted nothing more than to walk up to him, pull her away from his embrace and show her that she wasn’t the only woman in his life. Hearing that the two of them were going to Paris for her birthday made you want to throw up. Not only was he going to be gone for two weeks, but they would be alone together in one of the most romantic cities in the world. Even if he’s never told you whether or not they were intimate, seeing as how she was his girlfriend, you were sure they had sex every now and then. 
It didn’t matter if he had you, if a man was horny, they’d fuck whoever they wanted to just to get themselves off. Knowing how easily Mark would get turned on, you knew there was a chance that the two of them would probably be intimate at least once during the trip. Especially since they were going for her birthday. There was one time you found love bites on his chest that you knew you didn’t leave, but you couldn’t be bothered. She was his girlfriend. He may have been fooling around with you, but at the end of the day, she was the one who got to wake up next to him and go to sleep in his warm embrace. 
“Hmmm, you weren’t complaining just a few moments ago when my sweaty chest was pressed up against your shoulder blades as I blew your back out—you would think with how many times you hit me that you’d be this rough in bed. The trip is two weeks long. But don’t worry, I’m gonna make sure to call you and text you whenever I get the chance. And expect some gifts; Paris has a lot of cute shit I’m sure you’d love. Maybe you and I can plan to go sometime soon. We could visit the Louvre and the Champs-Élysées, get some rose shaped gelato I’ve seen you looking at on Instagram a couple of times and then I could fuck you at the end of the night in our hotel room while we look out at the Eiffel Tower. It would be perfect.” 
You gave him a small smile in attempts to hide how heavy your heart was knowing he was going to be away for what you felt like was going to be a long time. Although you wanted to be happy hearing that he planned on contacting you and buying you gifts, you couldn’t find it in yourself to give him a genuine smile or to act like nothing was wrong. You wanted to tell him how you felt. It was at the tip of your tongue, those three little words that could either make or break a relationship. 
You had a huge feeling it would be the reason why Mark decided he no longer wanted to continue your affair. That’s why you kept your mouth shut. You’d tell yourself that you would give up on him completely if he told you that he felt nothing for you, or that even if he did harbor any feelings for you, you weren’t worth leaving his girlfriend and losing one of his top clients for. You were just a convenient fuck y/n, get over it. 
“What’s wrong baby? Why are you tearing up? Did I hurt you? Fuck y/n I’m so sorry—“ Yes he hurt you, but not in the way he probably thought he did. The pleasurable soreness in between your thighs was a pain you enjoyed; a pain you could endure. The pain in your heart however was something was was causing you to slowly fall apart. 
“I’m fine Mark, I think I’m just tired. Are you gonna leave now? Should I walk you to the door—“ He released a soft sigh and furrowed his brows; something you weren’t quite used to. 
“Trying to get rid of me so soon y/n? I um—I was actually planning on staying the night tonight but I can leave if you want me to.” It was rare for Mark to stay the night once the two of you were finished having sex, but you loved it whenever he did end up sleeping over. 
There were a few times he actually stayed for or even made you breakfast and when his girlfriend went on business trips, he’d spend the entirety of her absence at your place. You found yourself questioning the status of your relationship countless times. It took you months to come to the realization, but you couldn’t help but feel as if you were no longer just a fuck to Mark and the minute you accepted the fact that you were in love with him, you knew you wouldn’t have any romantic feelings for him if he didn’t give you a reason to. 
He knew exactly what he was doing whenever he would send you memes or videos he found funny. Or when the two of you had to stay back to work on a project and actually focus on the project, he would constantly ask how you were doing, if you were thirsty or hungry and if you needed a break. 
When you had a problem at work, he’d send you kind-hearted and supportive messages to raise your spirits and secretly bought you sweets from the coffee shop downstairs. Every time the two of you were apart, whether it was because he was on a business trip you couldn’t tag along on or you went home to visit family, he would always call you and text you because he claimed “your voice was extremely soothing” and “made him feel at ease.” 
You didn’t think there was a chance that he loved you, but you were confident he cared about you and held some kind of feelings for you. Feeling him wipe the few tears that fell from your cheek caused butterflies fill up your tummy. Why did he have to do such intimate and romantic things to you only to leave you and return back home to the arms of another? 
“No, no—you can stay. I’m just never used to you staying the night. I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy going to bed with you in my arms. I‘m fond of your company and I sleep better whenever you’re here. Plus, you are leaving me for two weeks, so I have to make the most of the time I have with you.” 
This was the first time you were admitting things you felt was considered taboo in your affair with Mark. Why were you acting so clingy? He’s been away on business trips many times, but this was the first time he was going away with her. You weren’t sure of how they acted together behind close doors, but you did witness the look of boredom on his face whenever she would call to talk to him. There was one time where you and Mark luckily had just finished a quickie in one of the storage rooms and returned back to his office where she was already waiting for him. 
You pretended you were there to work together with Mark on a proposal and thankfully she bought it and didn’t question your disheveled look. You could tell she wanted to be alone with Mark, but she didn’t ask you to leave. It wasn’t like Mark was going to allow you to anyway. When you stood up and excused yourself in order to give them their privacy, he stopped you completely and told you that she wasn’t going to be there for long. He didn’t look at her the way most boyfriends would look at their girlfriends; nor did he really react whenever she would kiss or hug him. 
You were sure he kissed you as if it was his life duty to do. He hugged you as if he would lose you if he were to let go and you’ve caught him looking at you in what you assumed was adoration and admiration a few times. Why couldn’t he come with a legitimate reason to want to break up with her? He had many successful clients, why was it so important to continue his partnership with her father? Unfortunately, you’ve heard him tell her he loved her but his “I love you’s” always sounded so insincere; as if he was only saying it to impress her. You didn’t think much of your words, but after he went silent for a couple of minutes, you knew you fucked up. 
As you were right about to try and explain your sudden confessions, he cupped your cheek with the palm of his hand and lightly placed his lips against yours. This kiss was different than most of them. The word gentle and delicate weren’t in his dictionary. His kisses were always so needy, so passionate and full of electricity. No matter how many times Mark has kissed you, you’d melt in to a puddle every single time. 
This kiss in particular was not one you were all too familiar with. It’s as if he was hesitant, or scared even to deepen the kiss. For someone who was drilling in to you like a bunny rabbit over an hour ago, this was new territory for you. He continued to kiss you so gentle and feather-like while bringing his other hand up to your neck. 
The longer the two of you made out for, the more it hurt thinking about being away from him. When you felt his growing erection up against your thigh, that’s when you decided to pull away; you weren’t physically prepared for an eighth round even if you were craving him yet again earning yourself such a cute groan of disappointment. It surprised you when he placed his forehead against yours and pressed a soft kiss on your nose, but you weren’t complaining. 
“I hate—having to leave—you. I wish I could stay over more often—I just—I don’t want to look suspicious—I know. I’m so fucking hypocritical and if I’m being honest, the thought of being away from you even if it’s just for a short amount of time fucking sucks y/n. I really like staying up and talking to you after we make love and I’ve never told you this, but you make me feel safe. You make me really happy y/n and I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me. I’m thankful for all that you’ve done for me and continue to do for me. I’m really lucky to have you in my life. Y/n, I really shouldn’t say this but I—“ 
Hearing the ringtone sound off made your skin crawl. You didn’t even need to look at his phone to know who was calling. It was in his facial expression and the way he threw his head forward in to your chest before groaning. It’s as if she knew he was with someone and that he was on the verge of telling you his true feelings for you. You were so close to screaming out of frustration and wanted to pick his phone up before he could and throw it at the wall. But you didn’t want him knowing of your feelings. Shit would hit the fan as soon as you were to act on them. 
You could tell he didn’t want to answer it; he let the phone ring while leaving sloppy kisses across of your chest. Your hands absentmindedly made their way in to his hair as he continued to show love to your breasts, nipping and sucking gently on your hardened peaks. The vibration of his soft laughter against your nipples made you stifle back a giggle yourself. Mark never failed to make you laugh at the most inconvenient times but that was one of the things you loved about him so much. He brought one of your breasts in to his mouth while massaging the other one with his palm and began twisting your sensitive nub earning himself a breathy moan. 
You selfishly allowed him to continue; breast play was one of your favorite types of foreplay during sex and Mark was very vocal about how obsessed he was with your breasts and how much he enjoyed loving on them. To your dismay, his phone began to ring a second time. You wanted him to ignore it and with the way he continued to fondled your mounds, you knew he was planning on doing so himself. However, the guilt was eating away at you. It wasn’t the first time she called during one of your love making sessions. 
One time she was right outside his office waiting for him to come back from what she thought was a meeting. Little did she know he was right inside his office with his hands gripping and kneading on your ass as he guided you up and down his cock in a quick manner. You felt bad for her. If it were you, and your boyfriend was having an affair with his receptionist right under your nose, you would be devastated. So why did you feel no remorse the longer you continued fooling around with her boyfriend? 
Was it because it wasn’t you who was being made a fool of? It wasn’t you calling to see where he was at two in the morning, it wasn’t you waiting patiently outside of his office to go and get lunch with him while he was pounding himself in to another girl. But you also weren’t the one he was taking to Paris for her birthday. You weren’t the one he introduced to his family as his girlfriend. You weren’t the one he bought a puppy for because she had always wanted one nor were you the girl who had his promise ring around her neck and maybe that was your karma. You would never be his. 
One day, they would settle down and get married and you would be nothing but just a brief lapse of judgment; an honest mistake Mark made with his other head. Even if they didn’t end up together, he would find someone else. Someone who’s father was extremely rich and successful and could help in supporting Mark’s company. You were just a mere receptionist. You weren’t anything special. As much as you didn’t want to think about it, you knew that one day he would get tired of you and end up leaving you in the dust. 
“M—Mark—maybe you should—mmm—answer the phone. It might be important.” He let out a frustrated grunt and playfully brought your nipple in between his teeth before releasing your breast from his mouth and placing a quick kiss on the corner of your mouth. 
“Hello? Everything alright? Oh I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you—I needed to stay back here at the office and go over a couple of contracts and proposals before we leave tomorrow. You called me ten times already? Shit sorry—my phone was in my briefcase. Yeah I’ll be coming home soon. All my stuff is packed anyway—alright—get some rest. See you soon. Love—love you too. Bye.” You weren’t ready to hear that four letter word fall from his lips even if you knew it was coming. 
He was with his girlfriend for quite some time now, it was only natural for them to say it to each other. But you knew Mark didn’t love her. Not only did he show disinterest in her when you’d watch them interact, but he wouldn’t have allowed your affair to continue if he really did love her. The thought of cheating on her, breaking her trust and hurting her would have bothered him; but it didn’t. He continued to fool around with you; continued to love on your body, continued to sneak out of his place to be with you. Why was he continuing to lie to her, to himself and pretend that he genuinely cared about her? You felt yourself tensing up at his sweet words, words that weren’t being used towards you. 
Why did you let things get this far between you and Mark? It was inevitable to gain feelings for him and you were aware that your affair was dangerous. He got exactly what he wanted from both you and his girlfriend; it was an ideal situation for him but for you, you were sure it was going to tear you apart. When you looked up at him, it was obvious that he knew hearing him tell her he loved her had some type of effect on you. He looked at you with such sadness and a hint of what you thought was remorse. 
“Baby—“ You shook your head; not wanting to hear what he had to say. The question of what he was about to say earlier was at the tip of your tongue, but you didn’t want to make matters worse and stayed silent. 
“You should go Mark, you gotta be up here pretty soon. We don’t want her going out to look for you.” Before he could do anything else and end up making things even harder for you, you got up and made your way to the bathroom to clean yourself up a bit and to take a breather. A laugh of disbelief fell from your lips when you took a look at yourself. Your hair was messy, your cheeks were pink and you had bruises all along your body. When you began washing your face and brushing your teeth, you heard the bathroom door creek open and you felt him before you saw him. He wrapped his arms lazily around your waist and placed his chin on your shoulder. 
“After you’re done, can I hold you for a couple of minutes?” You should have said no, but you found yourself leaning in to his chest and nodding against his neck. Two weeks without Mark was going to be hell, you just knew it. And it wasn’t just the sex you were going to miss, you’d miss the intimacy, you’d miss holding him and being held by him. His contagious laughter and breathtaking smile. You were going to miss the way he’d comfort you when things were hard at work and his reassuring words that you were doing the best you could. You were going to miss him. 
He placed a gentle kiss on the juncture of your neck and giggled at the many hickeys he left a few hours prior. His scent was strong; you always loved his cologne and you were sure you probably smelt like him. But there was a hint of your vanilla perfume on his chest and it made you wonder, did she not hug him? Did she not kiss him or did they not lie close together in bed for her to smell your scent on him? She had to know there was someone else. If she had any idea, she was probably just allowing him to continue his affair because of the love she had for him. 
The second you finished brushing your teeth and putting on moisturizer, Mark threw you over his shoulder and playfully slapped your butt before bringing you back in to your room and roughly throwing you on your bed. 
“You’re so beautiful y/n, I can never get enough of looking at you. I’ll try my best to contact you and send you pictures and promise me you’ll do the same please? I expect three nudes a day. And try not to pleasure yourself while I’m gone. We all know only I can get you to go crazy with just my tongue alone. I’ll probably end up flying back home as soon as we land. We’ve been away from each other on many occasions, I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time leaving you right now. Kiss me baby.” 
The two of you made out for a couple of moments; it started off rough and passionate, the need to touch each other was constant and every time he tried to pull away, you’d reconnect your lips together. He left a few more gentle pecks on your lips before looking around your room for his clothes that had to be somewhere on your floor from when you practically ripped it off of him earlier. A mischievous smirk rose on his face when he saw your panty on the ground and he picked it up, placing it in his back pocket. 
He sent you a wink and whispered that it was for safe keeping to which you laughed at. You decided to walk him to the door and you could feel tears building up knowing that he was actually leaving and you couldn’t stop the voice in the back of your mind telling you that this might be your last time together. For all you knew, two weeks were enough for him to actually develop feelings for her; to actually return the love she had for him. If he spent enough time alone with her, he could come to the conclusion that he was content with just being with her and that he no longer needed you. 
He pulled you tightly against his chest all the while leaving gentle kisses in your hair. With one more long, sloppy kiss on your lips, he was gone. You decided to mope around for the rest of the day, staying in bed and taking as much of the warmth and his scent left on his side of the bed while watching sad love movies on Netflix and only going to the bathroom if you really needed to. The rest of the week passed by extremely slowly. Worked seemed as if it went on for hours. You were so tempted to go in to his office but you forgot he wasn’t there. 
While he was away, he tried his best to contact you in any way possible whether it was text, or sneaking away to the bathroom in the early hours of the morning to face time you. But the two of you had a few obstacles in the way. First came the time distance, if it was morning in Paris, it was night time in California and he would go to bed right as you were heading to work. It only got more and more difficult for you as the days went by. 
I wonder what she thinks of me when she sees that mark On your neck, oh, no, I didn't mean to got that far I wonder what she thinks of me when she sees my name On your phone screen, you drop everything just for me
You know behind the scenes you tell me everything I know you don't forget how much you needed me? And while you do enjoy Paris, your loving is careless But it's not ever with me
Unfortunately, only a week after he left, you woke up with the most excruciating pain in your left abdomen. You quickly assumed that it was just period cramps, but never were your period cramps this painful before. You went in to work as if nothing was wrong, you accomplished everything that Mark had scheduled for you to do while he was away; but the pain was still there and only two hours in to your shift, you passed out on your desk. 
When you woke up in the hospital with multiple tubes in your arm, you were confused and waited patiently for a nurse to come in. Looking at your phone to see what time it was, you noticed the few messages Mark sent to you and your heart warmed at the notifications, but you didn’t have enough energy to see what he said nor did you feel like responding. Just a few minutes after waking up, the on-call doctor came in to explain to you exactly what had happen to you and to see how you were doing. 
Hearing that you were not only dehydrated but malnourished didn’t surprise you. You had no appetite whatsoever and you felt pathetic since a lot of it had to do with Mark’s absence. You couldn’t eat nor sleep knowing the many possibilities that could happen during their trip and the lack of hearing from him took up the entirety of your thinking. The doctor also informed you that your water deficiency caused you to develop a kidney stone. That’s what was causing you so much pain. 
Right after your doctor left, the nurse told you that you could either get it surgically removed but that you would have to stay at the hospital for two more days or you could go home and wait for it to come out naturally, but there was a 50% chance you would need assistance so you decided to go with the first option. Since they had to prep you for surgery, you had to go one day without eating and the amount of medication they were giving you on an empty stomach caused you to go in and out of slumber. 
For the first night of your stay in the hospital, you asked one of the nurses to inform your workplace that you would be out for a few days in which she told you that they already gave you the rest of the week off to heal. You were so focused on resting and trying to get the stone out that you failed to notice the many messages you were receiving from Mark. Although he was on a trip, HR left him a voicemail that you passed out at work because they could be liable for your collapsing if you decided to try and get worker’s compensation. 
To say Mark was worried was an understatement. His mind was filled with the thought of you even more than it already was. Sure he was already missing you and counting down the days till he returned back to you, but now his mind went to your physical well-being and he couldn’t stay on a trip meant for celebration knowing that you were suffering all alone in the hospital. Not hearing from you was quickly driving him insane. Were you okay? How much pain were you in? Why were you not able to respond to him? He couldn’t help but think that something bad had happened to you; which is why he found himself giving his girlfriend an empty apology while telling her that something terrible happened back at work that he needed tending to. 
He didn’t even care if she was going to return back with him, the only person he cared about in that moment was you. As soon as he packed everything in his bags, he was right about to storm out the door when his girlfriend arrived to their hotel. He attempted to reach for her to pull her in to his embrace, but she did the unthinkable and placed her hand out in front of her to prevent him from touching her. 
“Y/n—you’ve been having an affair with y/n haven’t you? Be honest with me. You can try and lie to me all you want Mark I already know the truth. I’ve actually known for a while now, but I didn’t want to say anything until I gathered up all the information to prove your infidelity. I had a gut feeling you were cheating on me the longer you stayed back in the office. You used to continue your work at our apartment, but then you started staying back and I realized it was right after she started working there. Then there were the phone calls in the early hours of the morning; I understand that as a businessman, you have clients all around the world with a huge time difference. However, I don’t think you call any of your clients baby nor do I think you would tell them that you couldn’t wait to hold them again.” 
For someone who had known that their significant other has been unfaithful, she was extremely calm which worried Mark. He knew that she was going to find out sooner or later and he knew there were consequences to his actions, but he didn’t know what she was capable of. He was scared that if she were to tell her father, he would do whatever he could to take down Mark’s company; the company his parents worked so hard on to start. All because he was in love with someone else—wait, what? 
“You’re not exactly all that secretive either. The love bites, the scratches on your neck, the bruises; you and I haven’t been intimate in months so I already knew you were seeing someone else. I should have known it was y/n. CEO’s are notorious for sleeping with their secretaries since they’re constantly around each other and I see the way she looks at you with so much admiration and dare I say it—love. She looks at you like you’re the most amazing human being—the way I wish you would look at me. I’m sure if I were to catch you looking at her, you’d have that same exact gaze. As much as I didn’t want to, I snooped around your phone yesterday and read a few of your messages, that’s when I knew she was more to you than most receptionists. I don’t—I don’t know what to say. I really don’t know how to respond to this. Sure I’m angry, but I can’t hate you no matter how much I want to. I can’t force you to stay in a relationship you’re no longer invested in. I still don’t understand why you continued to stay with me. You should’ve left the minute you began fooling around with her.” 
As he saw the tears building up in his eyes, his heart hurt for her. She didn’t deserve this. She was a very kind and warm-hearted person. She did things for Mark without hesitation or complaining. He was always his main priority and all she wanted was him to be happy; specifically with her. She was right. Why did he allow himself to continue lying to her and taking advantage of her trust knowing he no longer felt anything towards her? How could he allow her to continue giving him the world on a silver platter knowing he was doing that for you? 
“I wanted to confront you once I came to the conclusion that you were cheating on me but I was so scared to lose you. I prayed and prayed that you would one day find it in yourself to stop your affair and to find love again with me but look Mark—you don’t even have to say what happened at work I know it has to deal with her. You love her. As soon as you got the message you’ve been so worried and so antsy it gave me anxiety. If it was another one of your employees, you wouldn’t have given two shits but because it’s y/n, you’re willing to leave our trip to go be with her. I bet you wish it was her that you were here with, not me. Go Mark, I can’t continue staying in this relationship anymore knowing where your heart lies. I hope she makes you happy. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you.” 
It wasn’t that he didn’t care for her; the two of them knew each other for years and he did love her for a little while until you came in to the picture. When Mark first hired you, he found himself stealing looks from you every now and then. He’s seen and worked with many pretty women before, but there was something unique about your beauty that captivated him in ways nobody, not even his girlfriend has ever done before. The longer he worked with you for, he learned how hard working and dedicated you were and he admired how you were willing to do anything and everything he asked of you. 
Mark knew he was fucked when he started craving your presence when you had a day off or once you left the office. He’d find himself wanting to learn more about you and wanted to text you and call you for reasons outside of work. He should’ve ended it with his girlfriend the minute he found himself looking at you in ways that a man in a relationship shouldn’t look at someone else. 
He should’ve thought about leaving her when he pictured making love to you every time they were intimate. When he’d go on trips and see little trinkets, he no longer thought about buying them for her; he bought them with you in mind. For weeks, he tried to convince himself that he just enjoyed what a wonderful employee you were, not that he had any sort of feelings for you. But as soon as he roughly pushed all the papers off of his desk to lay you on top and rearrange your guts, it was in that moment Mark accepted that what he felt for you went beyond just appreciating how you were as an employee. 
He was in shock with how she was acting towards the entire situation. He expected her to yell, to scream, to cry and instill any type of pain on him yet all he got was silence and he didn’t know what was worse. Honestly, he would rather have her be angry with him than to have the silence and tension filling the air. A part of him wanted to reach out to her, to apologize for being such an awful boyfriend and that she deserved better, but nothing came out. When he came to the conclusion that he should just let things end the way the were, he took his things and left the hotel room, calling a taxi before sitting down in the lobby. 
Mark was aware that he was handling this all wrong and he hated that he felt no remorse, but it was probably because he no longer held any feelings for her anymore and he just couldn’t stop thinking about you. Deep in his gut, Mark had a feeling that his now ex-girlfriend was going to tell her father everything in hopes of ruining their company’s relationship, but then again she didn’t seem to be the type to do such a thing or so he could only hope. Her words began to replay over and over in his head. 
You love her. You’re willing to drop everything to go and be with her. Mark knew he was in love with you. He’s known it for quite some time and he found himself contemplating on telling you how he felt on many occasions, but he knew he couldn’t have done that. Not only was he in a relationship, but he didn’t know where your heart lied. For all he knew, you were only having sex with him to please him because he was your boss. However, he knew that wasn’t true. He also couldn’t force you to reciprocate his same feelings knowing that there was no way the two of you could be together. 
Mark knew he was in love with you when your love making sessions turned in to him staying over and learning how to make blueberry pancakes because it was one of your favorite breakfast items. He knew he was in love with you when he took you to Japan for a conference once and saw you help carry groceries for an older man who looked as if he was struggling. He knew he was in love with you when he found out good news and wanted you to be the first person to know. He knew he was in love with you when his parents asked how his girlfriend was doing and his thoughts wandered to you instead. 
When he got the message that you had fainted, his heart sank to his chest and he felt like he was about to throw up. It was a feeling that he’s never felt before. Sure, there were times in his relationship where his girlfriend would get a cold or the flu and he would try and help her in any way possible, but he never felt worried for her the way he was practically suffering at the idea of you in the hospital. He was in one of the most beautiful cities in the entire world and he wanted nothing more than to fly back home to be with you and to nurse you back to health. 
Actually, the night before he left, he decided he was going to tell you exactly how he felt about you and the L word was about to fall from his lips until his girlfriend called. Whenever he would tell her he loved her, it felt like such a chore and he would only say it so that she wouldn’t get suspicious if he didn’t but when it came to you, he’d find himself accidentally slipping sometimes because he did genuinely love you and he wanted to know it. The hour before your surgery, your nurse explained to you everything that was going to go down and what the aftercare for patients who had kidney stones were like. 
Everything she said went through one ear and out the other. You just couldn’t wait to get out of there. Hospitals were your least favorite place to be; even more so because you were alone. An hour later, you were being prepped for surgery and they had brought you in to an extremely bright room. The nurse put some tubes inside of your mouth which were filled with anesthesia and notified you that you would fall in to a deep sleep for a few hours while the urologist took out the kidney stone. 
When you woke up three hours later, you were informed that the stone was successfully taken out and that they inserted a stint in your uterus that you had to leave in there for a few days to help restore your kidneys. You were in so much pain and even if you were asleep for over three hours, you wanted to go back to bed. You felt your eyes getting droopy and the nurse who was bringing you back to your room giggled at how tired you were. 
“Oh y/n, your boyfriend is here. He’s very handsome and he looks so professional. Poor thing looks so worried though. It’s like he hasn’t slept in days.” With all the strength you had, you looked up at her in confusion. Boyfriend? You didn’t have a boyfriend. The only person she could be referring to was Mark because he was the only man in your life at the moment and he was away in Paris probably having the time of his life with his girlfriend. However, when the nurse had you stand up from off of the wheelchair and helped you walk in to your room, the figure slumped on the chair near your bed quickly caught your attention and made your heart sore. 
What was he doing there? He still had one week left of his trip, or what you assumed. Since being administered in to the hospital, you had no clue what day it was. When Mark heard the door open, he quickly lifted his head and wasted no time farting over to where you and the nurse were. He didn’t even let the two of you walk to steps before he picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the bed. 
“Wow what a gentleman. This one is a keeper y/n. I’m sure he’ll take amazing care of you once you’re out of here. Don’t hesitate to buzz us if you need anything but if I’m being honest, I’m sure everything you need is in this room. It was nice meeting you Mark sweetheart.” Once the older lady left the room, you looked at his crestfallen expression and immediately brought your hand up to cup his cheek. 
“What are you doing here Mark? Your trip—“ he gave you a sad smile and placed a gentle peck on your lips. God, you missed the beautiful man in front of you. 
“My silly girl, you had me worried. When I got the call that you were in the hospital, I went insane. I jumped on the first flight back and came straight here as soon as I landed. You weren’t answering any of my calls or texts so I just assumed the worst and nobody at the company seemed to know exactly how you were doing so I took matters in my own hands. Are you alright? How are you feeling? The nurse said you got a kidney stone from dehydration. I’m gone for one week and you forget how to take care of yourself. I uh—there’s something I have to tell you. Quite a few things actually. But give me a couple of moments to really take you all in. I’ve missed you, so much and to hear that something happened to you made me sick to my stomach. Scoot over, I want to hold you.” 
You looked at him in awe. Did he just admit to leaving Paris just to check up on you? He put his entire trip on hold to come and make sure you were okay. You couldn’t process the information but it did make you scream internally at the idea. After making room for him on the bed, he pulled you up against his chest and began running his fingers through your hair. Was this really happening? You had to be dreaming. What exactly was in that gas that they gave you to fall asleep? When he noticed the look of curiosity on your face, he let out a snicker and left a kiss on your forehead. 
“She broke up with me. We were at dinner when I got the call and I rushed back to the hotel with intentions of returning home. I explained to her that somebody collapsed at work and that I needed to take care of it but I didn’t say who. However, right as I was about to leave, she stopped me and that’s when everything came out. She’s known for months that I’ve been having an affair, she just didn’t know how to approach me about it and I guess she wanted proof before accusing me. She’s seen our messages, the hickeys, the scratches on my back, found a few of your things in my bag and apparently there was lipstick on my collar one night after I came back from your place. She took it quite well. I actually expected her to throw things at me, hit me or scream at me but she didn’t do anything. I’m sure she’s probably upset about it and I’ll probably pay for my mistakes later on, but it was worth it—you, you are worth it.” 
He brought his thumb up to your cheek and began drawing circles against it to help calm him down. But if anything, the skin ship was adding to his anxiety of how you were going to react to his love confession. 
“I know I probably sound like a complete asshole, and what I’ve been doing to her is wrong. Hell, what I’ve been doing to you too was just as bad and I’m sorry y/n. I’ve been taking advantage of you for these last couple of months and I’m sorry. I’m sure it was hard for you, having to be with someone that was already in a relationship and I don’t know how you feel about me or our affair, but I want you to know that you mean everything to me. I am in love with you y/n. I have been for a while now; longer than I’d like to admit actually. It was never just sex to me. I liked you from the day I met you. You radiate this bright and bubbly energy, you’re always there for me whether it be for work or for personal reasons, you made me smile for the smallest reasons and whenever things got tough for me, the thought of you made everything better. You’ve captivated my heart in ways that I didn’t think were possible. For years, I felt like something was missing in my life. I didn’t know what it was, even after I got in to my relationship I still felt so empty. The day you came in for your interview with that breathtaking smile of yours, I knew that you were going to be someone special in my life.” 
You were sure if you were to see yourself, you’d probably be as red as a tomato. Each and every one of his words filled your stomach with butterflies. This man left Paris to make sure you were okay, what more could you have asked for? 
“By the way, I’m taking you to Paris once you’re completely healed. Don’t get me wrong, it was extremely beautiful and the food was amazing, but my experience there was shit because I wasn’t there with you. Oh, and please don’t feel like you have to reciprocate my feelings—I really don’t deserve it—I don’t deserve you. At all. You’re a wonderful person y/n. Honestly the most ethereal being I have ever met. I want to be with you, I want you for as long as time permits me to. As long as you’ll allow me to. I know it’s a lot to take in and if I’m being honest, I only prepared this speech on my way here from the airport, but every word I’m saying is sincere. My feelings for you is sincere and the love I have for you, I can’t even describe it. I feel like I’m being consumed by the ocean and that I’m drowning but I don’t want to stop.” 
You didn’t know how to respond to all of that. You wanted him to know that you felt the same exact way. That you were upset with how things turned out between him and his girlfriend but that you were excited to see how things were going to end up between the two of you. Not once in your affair did Mark force you in to doing things you didn’t want to, nor did he make you feel like shit for what you were doing with him. Mark was your home. He meant just as much to you as he claimed you did with him. With all the strength you had, you flipped both of your bodies so that you were straddling his lap and smashed your lips against his all but gently. 
You wanted him to feel the immense amount of passion that you felt for him before explaining yourself. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss before pulling away to catch your breath. It was going to take some getting used to since you were his secret lover, but you wanted him completely and you were going to allow your relationship to bloom without any worries or regrets. 
“I love you too. So much Mark. I’ll admit, I didn’t want to get involved with you in the beginning only because I hate home-wreckers. I hate cheaters and mistresses and I hate people who stay in relationships and claim to love their significant other only to cheat on them behind their back. The first time should’ve been the last time but I’m really glad it wasn’t. I never thought I was good enough for you, so I pushed the thought of being with you to the back of my mind. You’re a CEO of a very prestigious technology company Mark. I’m just a receptionist. I heard about your girlfriend a week after getting hired and I didn’t think much about it. You were just my boss, I never looked at you in a romantic light until that fateful night we spent together. I let go of all my beliefs and my sanity and I was selfish for allowing us to continue knowing you had a girlfriend. The guilt ate at me each and every time she came in to the office knowing I was fucking her boyfriend behind her back.” He giggled at your choice of words while rubbing your lower back. 
“I just—I couldn’t help myself. I know it was selfish but I loved being around you. I loved spending as much time with you that I possibly could. I wanted to be there for you; for every up and down; every trial and triumph. I wanted to be the one you’d run to when things got rough. I wanted to call you whenever I was feeling down and just needed someone to talk to. And don’t even get me started on how much I love kissing you and how badly I wanted to kiss you while we were working knowing I’m not able to do so unless we’re behind close doors. When you confided in me that first time, I was overwhelmed with excitement. It meant that you trusted me enough with your demons and the problems that no one knew about. I think I realized I was in love with you when I wanted to be yours. My family and my friends would ask me about my relationship status whenever we’d talk and I had to stop myself from telling them about you because you weren’t mine to claim or flaunt off. Even when she would come to the office, it took every bone in my body not to walk up to the two of you and kiss you in front of her so that she knew she wasn’t the only one. God, I sound like such a pathetic bitch and it’s all because of you asshole.” 
His laughter immediately filled the room and he playfully pinched your cheek before motioning you to continue. “I’m sorry for not responding back to you and since we’re putting everything out there, you’re the reason why I’m in the hospital right now. Before you say anything—I couldn’t do anything while you were away because not only did I miss you so much, but the idea of the two of you alone made my skin crawl. The image of you fucking her replayed over and over in my mind and practically drove me to the brink of insanity. So I was barely eating and drinking any liquids which led to exhaustion, malnutrition and my fucking kidney stone. I hope you never question the love I have for you. If only you knew exactly what I had to go through during my four days here. I love you Mark and I would love to be yours.” 
He grinned widely at you and pulled you down against his chest so that your bodies were smashed together and connected your lips together. You could get used to being the lucky girl who got to love the devastatingly handsome man in front of you. To your dismay, you felt him pulling away from your embrace but before the whine could fall from your mouth, he placed his finger against your lips to prevent you from saying anything. 
“Do you know how long they want you to rest your lower region for? I’d like to make love to my beautiful girlfriend without the risk of breaking something—what? ONE WEEK WITHOUT SEX WAS TORTURE Y/N. Oh, and I’ve never touched her more than once since you and I started seeing each other. There was one drunken night but that was a mistake and I pictured you the entire time. Now, are you going to ask your doctor when we can fuck again or should I? Don’t give me that look baby you’re forever stuck with me.”
So tell me, tell me, baby, I know this crazy You've done this before, so who are you to judge me, me? It's never wrong when you're in loveTell me, tell me, baby, I know this dangerous You've done this before, so who are you to judge me, me? It's never wrong when you're in, you're in love
Tell me, tell me, baby, I know this dangerous You've done this before, so who are you to judge me, me? It's never wrong when you're in, you're in loveIt's never wrong when it feels right I'll hold you close and pretend you're mine I'll be the sun against your skin I'll be there when she's not listening
You can call me crazy, boy Oh yeah, we'll both be crazy, boy Tell me you love me, 'cause I just wanna be your baby Well, that's the price I gotta pay I wonder what she thinks of me
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simp-for-mha-men · 4 years
𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕤: 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 (𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕚 𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
A/N: My first piece of writing! I hope that all of you enjoy it. I LOVE IT! (also a Denki stan, so ya know) I totally believe Denki is the kinda person to create friends only AND in person. Without further ado, here ya go.
Genre: fluffy fluff with mutual pining 💞
Word count: 2.3k
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itzElectric has joined the chat
Denki Kaminari was once again on his phone, searching for the person who he began talking to only months ago in a future-hero chatroom. He remembered he slid into IceStorm’s DMs with a cheesy pick-up line: Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice. A classic one-liner he hoped wouldn’t scare the person on the other side of the screen away.
IceStorm ended up responding to the DM almost immediately, commenting on how the Titanic wouldn’t appreciate that opener. Denki knew from that simple reply that he and IceStorm were going to get along just fine.
IceStorm, whose name he later found out was (y/n), was an all around perfect human being. Seriously, they were. Denki swore to the Bakusquad that if you looked up the definition of perfect in the dictionary, (y/n)’s tag would be next to it.
Their quirk related to the online name they chose for themselves. The fact that they could not only produce ice from their body but also turn any bodies of water, like clouds or lakes, into ice was fascinating to the electric boy. He, in turn, shared his quirk with (y/n). He even sent a video of himself in full “Dumb Denki” mode, to which he received an audio clip of them laughing hysterically as a reply.
The two online friends shared everything with each other. When (y/n) broke up with their first boyfriend, they talked with Denki the entire night over voice chat. When Denki started doubting himself and his placement in UA’s hero course, the future ice hero immediately gave him a million reasons on why he was going to become a great hero.
It took Chargebolt only 3 months to realize that he had developed feelings for his online friend after sending that fateful DM. He couldn’t tell (y/n) though. No way. If he did, they would probably block him, maybe even delete their account and create a new one just to get away from him for good.
How did this happen you might ask? Well, it began when (y/n) and Denki found out they were the same age. They also both wanted to become pro-heroes, obviously. Plus, all of their interests lined up with each other. It was as if fate pulled them both together through an internet connection and an obsession with Tik Tok memes.
Snapping out of his trance, Denki realized he had been zoning out for a few minutes to recount how he met his current crush. He was so head-over-heels for a person he had only ever heard and not seen that he didn’t even check if IceStorm was online.
Doing just what his brain thought of, he clicked IceStorm’s profile in his friends list and saw what he wished to see the most. Next to a green dot read the words Status: Online, making Denki’s heart rate speed up just a bit.
Instead of waiting for more time to pass, and considering it was almost 2 AM on a Friday night, he DMed the ice maker.
itzElectric: hey.....you lowkey left me hangin in the main chat 😔
He hoped, prayed, and wished that (y/n) would respond. He wanted his partner in crime. His meme expert. His muse. He wanted another audio clip of them singing songs horribly off-key or laughing at another ridiculously stupid Tik Tok. He wanted his heart to flutter in his chest just a bit more. He wanted to feel them in person. He wanted...no, needed to video chat with (y/n).
They had known each other for a total of 8 months, and graduation was coming up for the both of them. If he could video chat with (y/n), maybe he could work up the courage and ask to meet them at the café near U.A. It had the best pastries, something that he knew they would love.
itzElectric: something up? you know you can tell me anything 
Very rarely did it take you more than a couple of seconds to respond to the blonde. It worried him. What if something had happened? What if you were doubting yourself? What if you had gotten injured? What if you were--
Suddenly, his phone vibrated. He never had picked it up faster in his life. As he looked down at the message he had just sent, he felt his face heat up slightly when he read your response.
IceStorm: nah nothing’s wrong. was someone worried about me? lol 🥴
He was so happy you couldn’t see his blushing face. However, little did he know the reason you didn’t meet him in the chat room was because you were thinking about what to say. Also, you were blushing as well.
Going to Shiketsu was a big deal, and you never wanted to get distracted. When you met itzElectric online, everything changed. You began developing feelings. It was an issue, but it was a very, very good issue. You had never seen his face. All you wanted to do was video chat with him. If you could video chat with Denki, maybe you could work up the courage and ask to meet him at the café near U.A. It had the best frappes, something that you knew he would love.
You felt your heart rate pick up when Denki responded to your previous message.
itzElectric: obviously. if you died or something, who would make me feel better about myself? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
Denki began questioning his latest reply. It sounded clingy, he thought. He might as well have just dug his own grave. Who would say something like that?
IceStorm: awwww is my bb giving me a compliment 💘
Your heart soared with emotion. This man, separated by a screen, was your world. You could never have him, though. If you did, he would get freaked out. Besides, you knew he was a flirt with how many pick-up lines he got your opinion on. 
itzElectric: well.....since your online, i wanted to ask you something kinda important
Denki knew he shouldn’t be typing anything to them. He knew that this could make or break their entire relationship. In a couple minutes, he might be blasting The One That Got Away by Katy Perry and crying. Despite this, he waited for (y/n)’s reply.
IceStorm: sure. what’s up?
itzElectric: i feel like we have a pretty strong connection....so can we maybe see each other
You might as well have gone into cardiac arrest. This man, the man you’ve had a crush for 4 months, just asked you to meet him. Or was it a video chat request? Maybe just pictures? You needed clarification before you freaked out even more.
IceStorm: what do you mean? like in person or....?
Denki froze. In person? YOU wanted to meet HIM in person? That did not catch him off guard. No, totally not. It punched, kicked, and threw him off guard. That wasn’t suppose to happen. He wanted to video chat then meet up with you. Could this happen out of order?
IceStorm: yo....pika? gonna answer me? 
The electric boy typed before his brain could tell him to stop what he was doing.
itzElectric: can you video chat right now?
He wanted exactly what you wanted. The months of banter over chat and stupid voice memos led up to this, but you couldn’t believe it. The two of you could never be together. Denki had to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. There’s no way a catch like him would still be single. Still, you typed your response out immediately.
IceStorm: yes
Your phone began vibrating profusely due to the incoming call. In the moment, you forgot to turn on any lights. Leaping out of your bed, you scrambled to turn on the lamp that was on your desk. You then turned on the one next to the bed. Then, you did the unthinkable: you answered the call.
When the phone stopped ringing, Denki saw you. Oh my All Might.....why didn’t he do this sooner? He was floored by your looks. You were even better than perfect. Your face held a soft expression that made him turn almost as red as a tomato. Your hair complemented the irises of your eyes beautifully. It was as if you weren’t even human. You were just an angel visiting him for a brief moment.
You were seeing him in the same light. His blonde hair and bright yellow eyes made a fire ignite in your heart. He held a goofy grin, one you had imagined many nights before falling asleep. However, you were very far off. His entire persona was fixated in that grin. It was absolutely phenomenal.
“Hi,” you started, letting out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding.
“Hey,” he responded.
Denki was speechless. You were enamored. This was everything you both wanted.
“So,” you began, “should I call you Denki or itzElectric?”
“Whatever you want.”
Denki wasn’t using his brain anymore. It was as if he short-circuited himself without using his quirk. He was responding to everything you said from his heart. It was all out of love for you.
You giggled a bit, bringing the electricity user back to his senses.
“Why all of this suddenly?” you questioned.
“I wanted to see you.”
“No. I,” Denki paused and inhaled, “I needed to see you. To hear you. To just be with you.”
Your face became flushed as if you had been training for the past 5 hours. The guy you had fallen so hard for needed to see you? He wasn’t acting flirty or overly comedic. He was peaceful and had a glint in his eye. Could it be--?
“D-dude! You can’t just s-say things like that,” you stammered in the best voice possible.
Denki was whipped for you. He glanced at the clock and realized it was 2:18. He needed to be up at 7 for a morning run with Kirishima. He’s run on no sleep before from talking to you all night, but tomorrow was going to be a strenuous training day. He had to get everything off of his chest.
“Listen,” Denki said, “(y/n), I really--”
“N-no. Just w-wait a minute,” you cut in.
Two very different emotions coursed through you both. You felt a sense of purpose, bordering on the edge of extreme shyness. Denki felt nervous, bile already threatening his throat.
“I like you,” you stated.
His eyes grew the size of dinner plates. You did not just say that. He just had too much caffeine before bed. Wait, he didn’t have anything with caffeine before bed. 
“L-like as m-more than a friend. You’re really cool, and I want to see you,” you ended.
When you realized he hadn’t said anything, you panicked. Trying to cover up your embarrassment, you just started spewing out word vomit.
“You know what? Forget I said anything. It’s clear that you are totally not ready to talk about that. I mean you probably have someone else in mind, right? I’m not the best looking. My jokes are subpar. I mean, I’m not even that confi--”
“In person?”
“Do you want to see me in person?” Denki asked.
He was floored. The person, who he had feelings for, liked him back. For the first time in his life, the pick-up lines and corny jokes worked. He was truly himself and still got the prize: love.
“Yes,” you replied. “I really, really want to see you in person.”
“You can on one condition.”
You tilted your head, clearly confused by his statement. He chuckled at this and continued talking.
“You have to let me hold your hand.”
“I like you too, IceStorm.”
Your online username coming out of his mouth made you smile so wide. It also could’ve been the fact that the guy you fell so hard for reciprocated your feelings.
“Want to meet at the café near your school on Sunday? At around 1?” you blurted, hoping that wouldn’t be too soon for him.
“Absolutely. Speaking of which,” he began, “I need to test out my newest pick-up line.”
You rolled your eyes, faking distaste, but on the inside, you wanted nothing more than to hear it. After all, he felt the same way about you. It was bound to make your heart soar even more now.
“Do you like coffee?” he smirked. “Because I like you a latte.”
You couldn’t help bursting out in laughter and blushing profusely. He, in turn, laughed with you and felt butterflies in his stomach. This continued for a couple of minutes before both of you could catch your breaths and refocus yourselves on the conversation.
You were ecstatic. He was elated. You actually did it. You admitted your feelings to the one guy you never thought you could have. You were everything to him. He would electrocute the whole world just for you to smile if necessary. It was as if fate had finally done its job.
Forgetting about his morning run with Kirishima, Denki started a new conversation about the latest Tik Tok he saw. You replied with your usual sarcasm to which he pretended to be mortified by your opinion.
It went on for hours. The two of you were genuinely happy. Hopefully, Denki would ask you on a date soon. Maybe, you might have to, but who knows.
Suddenly, in the midst of talking about plans after high school, a knock sounded on Denki’s door. He glanced at the clock and realized it was Kirishima.
“Be out in few!” he yelled, jumping out of bed.
He threw his phone down, which still had the call going, and got dressed at lightning speed. Once you had calmed down from laughing at his urgency, he picked up the phone and said something you’ll never forget.
“I’ll see you soon, my wonderful snowflake. Zapping out!”
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