#I only took 5 photos during the concert because
yridenergyridenergy · 10 months
The wholesome-ish friendship between Shinya and Kyo
Their latest playful Q&A in Haiiro no Ginka vol. 100 has prompted me to compile examples of this weird but overall wholesome relationship that Kyo and Shinya have and which is not obvious at first.
Situation #1
In October 2017, Kyo gifted Shinya with a custom white version of a MadaraNingen one-piece. As far as I remember, that article of clothing was not available for purchase in white at all, to the public. And of course, we all know that Shinya prefers to wear white.
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Situation #2
I think that in response to Shinya sharing a video of him briefly playing with the minicars that were sold as tour goods in This Way to Self-Destruction, Kyo posted a story on Instagram of him revving up a bunch of mini-cars and persistently making them hit his phone propped up on a counter and displaying a picture of Shinya. At age 43. To which Shinya made an Instagram post vaguely hinting that: "Good children should not play with the mini-cars to hit someone's picture!"
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Kyo's Instagram Story "The proper way to use mini-cars" video
Shinya's translated response
Situation #3
In late 2022-early 2023, Shinya publicly celebrated his bandmates' birthdays via emojis on Twitter, and Kyo was the only one to respond, in kind.
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Situation #4
Kyo posted a cryptic picture of Shinya's video meeting with Mana in an Instagram Story and he has mentioned on Twitter at least once that he was watching Shinya Channel (the making of the FaFa onigiri).
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In the same vein, Shinya took his failed attempt at needle-felting a pink bunny in March 2022 and turned it into a miniature hammer-wielding bunny in October 2022, in response to sukekiyo unveiling their Mosaic Shoujo PV which featured Kyo in the killer bunny suit.
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Situation #5
This very old video of Kyo teasing Shinya by pinching the side of his dress, Shinya reacting by pushing Kyo a bit and Kyo falling into a robot dance in response.
Situation #6
The coffee maker. In one of the live talks held during the COVID-19 pandemic at concert venues, Shinya mentioned having a coffee maker which was of no use to him, and Kyo expressed interest in taking it from him. Later, in the Galacaa livestream talk between the two, it was revealed that Shinya had promised to give Kyo his coffee maker, but he never pulled through on that offer. Kyo, sporting a doodled face to hide his own, insistently questioned Shinya on this unreliability when the topic was brought up by fans in the comments. Shinya kind of struggled but ended up explaning that the coffee maker was really useless because of a defect, that it would not have been an appropriate gift anymore. But he forgot to update Kyo about it after he tried to contact the manufacturer. Kyo replied like: "Oh, alright then."
At some point, Kyo took the matter to Twitter, confronting Shinya about it with their respective member photos to illustrate the dialogue, and Shinya replied the same way.
Situation #7
In that same livestream, Shinya is so used to Kyo's bullshit by now that he completely ignores Kyo's doodle face sheet and casually leans forward to look past him and at the interviewer, sat on Kyo's right. After a while of this, the interviewer points out to Shinya that Kyo is insistently staring at him with this disturbing face, which is when Shinya becomes startled and nervously laughs upon realizing that, also making Kyo chuckle.
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Situation #8
More often than others, Shinya and Kyo are documented chatting on the chairs backstage while they wait for everyone to be ready to start the show. Maybe there's something to be said of how they are the two members of the band to leave the stage the quickest, while Kaoru, Toshiya and Die stay for a while to throw picks.
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Situation #9
Miscellaneous pictures of the two:
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Situation #10
Apparently it was Shinya's earbuds that Kyo used to play with the cat (also Shinya's?) in this famous old video.
Situation #11
Other interactions on Twitter include commentary regarding the song battles that fans were voting on via that same website, during live broadcasts from their manager Fujieda on Galacaa. Kyo and Shinya were the only two members reacting to the songs that were pulled out of the box, Kyo sometimes replying to Shinya's own tweets wondering what he meant or outright questioning his preference.
Another interaction consisted in Kyo copying Shinya's tweets regarding the release of their Phalaris album and twisting Shinya's cute comments into hellish versions.
Situation #12
Probably a bunch of elusive comments throughout the years, but here's an example of something that Shinya said about Kyo in a magazine interview.
Situation #13
In Haiiro no Ginka vol. 100, the members were asked to send each other member five questions. Some chose to personalize them based on what they actually wanted to ask of the others, while a couple decided to send the same questions to all, but members were not told who the questions came from. Kyo picked up on that anonymous part of the game and when answering Shinya's set of questions, he ended each of his short answers with a second sentence that can either just be the Kansai dialect for: "Aren't you Shinya!", or in other dialects, translates more to: "Shinya, you bastard!" hahah. From what I saw, nobody else hinted at who they thought the questions came from in their answers. In reverse, Kyo took up two of his five alloted questions for Shinya with the simple statement: "You don't know you're dead yet!", a quote from Fist of the North Star which is highly intimidating as it hints that someone has defeated the character so easily and lightning-fast that they are a dead man standing, their body having trouble catching up with the reality that they were slaughtered. Shinya, in response to that repeated tease, stubbornly replies in his polite and formal Japanese that: "No, I'm not dead." Their Q&A with the other members were not nearly that quirky.
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Situation #14
At his SERAPH birthday concert in 2023, Shinya said that his three treasures in life are:
Situation #15
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Kyo replying to Shinya's post featuring a very old picture of Kyo (which was however respectfully hidden by Phalarisu-kun) by pulling out the oldest/youngest postcards of Shinya he could find, also commenting to paraphrase Shinya: "Postcards that probably no one has anymore." His own postcard depicting him peeks from underneath.
Shinya replied to that with: "I tried to look for it but couldn't find it 🥺"
Situation #16
On Twitter, Shinya posted a photo with other artists which he explained as: "Yesterday, we had a birthday celebration for everyone born in February and March 🎂 Happy birthday everyone 🎉🎉🎉"
To which Kyo directly replied: "I wasn't invited." (born February 16th)
And Shinya responded with: "The DIR EN GREY guys are a bit mean 🥺"
Kyo never replied to that.
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Situation #17
Going to combine two things considering how long ago they were.
Shinya and Kyo were the first members of Dir en grey to meet, and the day right after I posted this compilation happened to be the 28th anniversary of when they first performed together.
There's also an anecdote that, way back then, no one in the band knew how to contact Kyo because none of them had his phone number, but eventually Shinya just casually revealed that he had it all along and said: "Oh I'll just call him"
Situation #18
Shinya and Kyo are the only members who are clearly dog lovers in the band, while Die and Toshiya are part of the cat team. Shinya used to have a dog (chihuahua?) and Kyo now has Pun-cha. Shinya recently wore a sweater with a dog on it.
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Situation #19
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In a tweet that Kyo has since deleted, he wrote that if there was one grudge he still held, it was that he never appeared on the cover of a Rockin'f magazine. Shinya also wasn't featured, so he added that while he doesn't have a grudge against them, he has declined interviews and comments for a certain magazine after that.
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Situation #20
During their European tour 2024, Kyo and Shinya embarked in a playful spat on Twitter, seemingly out of boredom while traveling on the tour bus. It was funny the way it culminated in both of them forcing the other to subscribe to their fan clubs to find out more. On Kyo's side at least, I didn't see anything related to that on kyo-online for real hah.
Situation #21
Shinya took the time to snap a picture of Petit Brabançon playing on the Yunika Vision screens while he was out solving a game, then posting that on Twitter and promoting Petit Brabancon. " I heard Kyo sing while solving a mystery in Shinjuku"
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He also made numerous mentions of the Petit Brabancon posters around Gorilla Hall in his video touring that venue:
... Did I miss any? And there will undoubtedly be more to come!
Thank you very much to shinyaburashka, mementoboni, lamenty45 and degtau for your help!
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black-swan-slaps · 1 year
Top 10 Sus Jikook Moments
There are way too many moments to possibly list, but my friend and I thought it would be fun to compile a list of sus jikook moments. 
10. 2021 Jimin Birthday Live
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Cute and flustered Jimin calling Jungkook? Jungkook coming immediately to spend time with his boyfriend? Hobi calling out why Jimin was in Jungkook’s studio? So many questions.
9. 2015 Award Show Back Hug
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Let’s be real, there are plenty of questionable back hug moments, but this one is particularly interesting. The fact that it was so early in their relationship. The fact that it took place at a public award show. The way Jungkook held onto Jimin and how they swayed together. The questionable looks from the other members. I see you jikook, I see you.
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Honorable back hug mention is the BE live and the way Jungkook caged Jimin for an incredibly long time with their matching hair. Exuding boyfriend energy to the max.
8. Cute Feet During PJ Run
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Honestly, this is just one of my favorite moments that makes me feel giddy. How comfortable they are resting on one another. The way they’re playing with their feet. Jimin’s surprised laugh when Jungkook plays along. And let’s not forget the special photo of Jungkook spooning Jimin.
7. “Let me give you a hug” Dance Practice
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Am I the only one who has watched this clip over and over? We get to see how even during work they are always having fun together. But how can we not swoon over Jungkook’s smitten face as Jimin fails to lift him, and the way his smile grows brighter when he lifts Jimin like it’s nothing. Jimin tries to lift him one more time, but fails and instead hugs Jungkook and nuzzles into his neck ever so slightly. 
6. Jungkook’s Snow Gift
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We should all know this moment. Bon Voyage season 4 in New Zealand. This is the beginning of Jungkook really doing whatever the hell he wants, and he disappears one morning to go on a mountain hike and returns with a chunk of snow, much to everyone’s confusion. He specifically waits for Jimin to wake up and excitedly shows and gives it to him. Jimin is, understandably confused, but we all understand the intent.
5. Malta Room Sharing
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I’ll be honest, finding out about this speculation was what thrust me into the world of jikook. (It doesn’t seem to exist anymore, but I had wandered across an analysis video a few years ago). Obviously, we don’t know anything for sure, but there are enough clues here, as well as in many other occasions, that make it possible jikook were room sharing.
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(And let’s not forget their cute Malta date)
4. Osaka Live
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Similar vibe to number 5, but cranked up to 100. I don’t need to go in depth into this, because we all know, but my two cents is that Jimin was in that room. (Just as he hid in Jungkook’s room during the 2019 NJ live). What were they doing in a dark hotel room with sensual music playing? Eating bread, of course.
3. GCF in Tokyo
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Enough said.
2. MAMA 2018
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What I would give to hear everything the man sitting next to them heard. Something was truly in the air that day. They were all over each other and incredibly lovey dovey. While we can’t know for sure what they actually said to each other, the look in Jungkook’s eyes speaks volumes.
1. Rose Bowl
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Are we surprised this is my number 1? There are so many moments that exist, but all jikookers come back to this one. There are so many questions about why. Why nibble the ear? Why confess his love? Why give a kiss? (We all know why). But the emotions are palpable, as they would be at the end of a high intensity concert. Jimin was emotional, and Jungkook went to console Jimin, as we know he usually does. Hanging onto Jimin’s back isn’t out of the ordinary, but Jungkook took it a step further. And put Jimin’s ear in his mouth. My assumption is that he was saying something, but ultimately decided actions would speak louder than words. To be clear, he says something first, pulls back, and then goes back in, catches Jimin’s ear, and then delivers a clear kiss to Jimin’s head. There’s no mistaking it. Jungkook was taking care of his baby. 
Honorable Mentions:
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Rainy day fight
“I was with Jungkook [at 4AM on his birthday]”
That award show moment where Jungkook is singing a love song to Jimin and Jin is staring at them lovingly. (There is a video somewhere, but I can’t find it. Please, someone find it. I think it’s from the melon music awards)
Jungkook waking Jimin up on In the Soop season 2.
Jimin breaking Jungkook’s mosquito net on In the Soop season 1. (And the spooning that occurred the next day.) 
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Black Swan Lift
Honestly, there are too many moments to mention. Please share your top sus moments!
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kaymarie-bell · 2 years
Diasomnia Book, Chapter 2 Translations [7, 22]
as always, my own translation. I am learning as I go, I do this out of love for the game. There will be mistakes.
Summary: Day of the party. The older Heartslabyul members say their farewells. Cater is *so* not avoiding feelings right now.
Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge
Saturday night
Lilia: Hello everyone, thank you all for coming to the “Lilia Vanrouge’s Farewell Party” today
Lilia: It’s been two and a half years since I entered Night Raven College
Lilia: The time I spent here was filled with days full of youth
Lilia: Today it’s my treat. Eat, talk, and make a fuss!
*clapping and cheering voices*
Cater: He-yo, Lilia-chan!
Cater: Cay-kun and Riddle-kun didn’t really want to show up empty handed so…
Cater: *Riddle voice* “Isn’t okay if it disappears during the party?”
Cater: So I had Trey-kun make a cake!
Lilia: Oh, Cater. Trey. Also Riddle. I’m glad you’re here.
Trey: I was in the same class as Lilia only after becoming third years
Trey: Your stories were always interesting.
Trey: Since we’re both vice-leaders, and I was able to consult and rely on you...
Trey:…I wanted us to graduate with together.
Lilia: I was the one who always enjoyed talking to Trey
Lilia: As a food lover, I was able to exchange opinions, and there were also many things to discover.
Trey: I was always surprised by Lilia’s unique recipes…haha…
Lilia: I am going to give the various sweets I learned to bake from Trey to the neighbors as a way of saying hello to them.
Trey: Oh, I see-…Please follow the recipe. And be careful about the measurements and temperature.
Cater: Lilia-chan!
Cater: I wanted to do a light music club graduation concert with Lilia after our internships…
Cater: And this is what you were planning?
Cater: I can’t believe that we’re going to say goodbye all of a sudden.
Cater: Well…It’s only natural that each meeting has its farewell.
Cater: But I still feel lonely.
Lilia: Cater, we’ve been together in the light music club since we were first years.
Lilia: Frustrating practices…members leaving one after another due to differences in musicality…
Lilia: Amid all that, only the two of us who are gentle boys remained.
Cater: That’s right. Since it can’t be helped, why don’t we have a session together?
Cater: I was so surprised when Lilia-chan started playing hardcore metal with a 5-string bass!
Lilia: Hahah. My heavy sound and your pop together…
Lilia: We created such an unique sound
Lilia: I still find it strange how nobody came to scout us to an entertainment company.
Lilia: The second year, Kalim, who plays the folk instruments, joined the rhythm team…
Cater: Ha ha! It was really chaotic in the beginning, but it was really fun.
Cater:…Lilia-chan, thank you for being my friend during these two and a half years. I’ll cherish the pictures we took together.
Cater: So, let’s take one last photo! Take a pic with me!
Cater & Lilia: *pose together* yay~!
*camera shutter*
Cater: #LightMusicClub3rdYears #FirstGenGentleBoys #BFF
Cater: …Post completed!
Riddle: Lilia-senpai
Riddle: Once again…thank you for your help during the interdormitory magift competition.
Riddle: I’m sure it would’ve been difficult for us to settle the matter on our own.
Lilia: What are you saying Riddle?
Lilia: It was only thanks to Heartslabyul’s Leader that we were able to resolve it without endangering the Diasomnia students or the audience.
Lilia: I will thank you again on behalf of Malleus.
Riddle: From here on, I will speak personally
Riddle: I belong to the same equestrian club as Sebek and Silver
Lilia: Of course I know that.
Riddle: They’ve always said, “we are what we are now only because of Lilia-senpai’s guidance.”
Riddle: If I had the chance, I would’ve liked to be taught equestrian skills by this senior…
Riddle: I’m very disappointed.
Lilia: Ha ha ha! They’re always exaggerating. Don’t take it seriously.
Lilia: I hope you will continue to hone your skills alongside Silver and Sebek.
Riddle: Of course. Lilia-senpai, please take care of yourself.
Trey: Be careful not to get hurt or sick.
Cater: Stay healthy even if you’re far away! Get in touch through magicam any time~
Lilia: Yeah. You too.
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jonghyunlesbian · 1 year
i am interested in your shinee concert experience pls show/tell me everything
sorry for responding late i had a Lot To Say and this took me a while! but yes !! i’ll do a read more because this will be long lol
so firstly i saw shinee in dallas for the fanmeet and for SWV! the fanmeet was july 31, 2016 (i have the official poster hanging up in my room lol) and the concert was march 24, 2017 (i get reminders that i took a lot of photos that day still).
so unfortunately i think my photos and vids from the fanmeet specifically might be lost to time? because i had a different phone and it wasnt an iphone however if i remember correctly it wasn’t very long only about an hour and a half and they only played about 5-6 songs since it was a fanmeet. they had a segment where they called fans onstage to guess what song was playing and they got to stand onstage with the members!! we also had banners we held up during the last song for taemin’s birthday ❤️ at the end end, the girl i sat next to had a poster saying she was minho’s biggest fan or something along those lines and i think shawols know he always stays onstage the longest after they finish to say goodbye to everyone lol so everyone around her was frantically waving their lightsticks to get him to see and he saw it and pointed at her and smiled it was sooooo cute!!
i dont have much merch from the fanmeet but i have the poster (its just their main photo from view with black text stating the fanmeet info on it)
i’ve had the same phone since december of 2016 so i def have the photos and vids from swv!!!! i went with some of my close friends at the time and my brother and i was SAWBING the whole time it was so embarrassing … anyway to warn anyone i was in an obstructed seat which at concerts means my view was a bit more limited (in my case i was at the very far left if the stage like last seats of the row situation). also this concert is very memorable to me because not only was it a full length concert (shineeworlds are notoriously like 3 entire hours) but i also surprised my brother with the tickets on his birthday the week before ❤️ he had literally no idea until then that we were going and we cried for like an hour when i told him LMAO
i have a BUNCH of shinee world 5 merch like i bought almost everything LOL and i’m soooooo glad i did in hindsight because i genuinely thought theyd tour more and obviously a lot has happened since march of 2017 so i’m really thankful to have had the opportunity and experience of seeing them ! if i ever want to move on from shinee merch i am 1000% raffling it off to tumblr friends !
in terms of the photos i’ll post i want to apologize because they are really bad quality 1. i had those obscured seats 2. i took most of my photos while recording too! 3. i can only post a few here but i took hundreds and a dozen videos!
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big takeaways from seeing them live were: onew sounds even better live than recorded! jonghyun is goofy and charismatic! key is so funny and spoke english the whole time and also his head was really big (i’m sorry diva but it’s true 😇 ily)! minho absolutely adores shawol and always has! taemin flows and dances like well oiled machine its beautiful! they are absolutely fucking amazing live, they put every ounce into every single song they perform and genuinely want to make the fans enjoy the experience its so fucking fun!!!
my last thing! here is the setlists from the fanmeet and from swv for archival purposes and in case anyone was curious!
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From Biting Apples to Embracing Galaxies: My Switch to Samsung
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For more than a decade, I've always been using the Apple eco-system. My first modern phone was the iPhone 5 in 2012 and it lasted for a couple of years until I upgraded to the iPhone 10 in 2017 after convincing my father that my phone was dying.
The proof: this photo of my phone bricking every 20 minutes when installing a new iOS when I was in university.
As time passed, the iPhone X has survived numerous trips overseas, journalism jobs, freelancing gigs, concerts, and dating attempts. But like all tech devices, this one is about to reach its end after an incident where it wouldn't turn on properly when it was being charged.
I had two options: wait for the iPhone 15 to come out or move to Samsung. And based on the article, it's quite obvious what happened next.
One last bite of the Apple - why I love the iPhone
Moving to a Galaxy device has to be the hardest decision I've ever made. My original plan was to save $2000 for a brand new Apple product because the Apple ecosystem is pretty good. I can copy a link or photo on my phone and paste it on my Macbook. Airdrop is pretty convenient. Also, my entire family became Apple snobs ever since the release of Airpods. Also, since I moved out from home, Facetime became the most used method of communication between family members because it was instant.
Another cool feature that the iPhone has is that is very easy to customize. From having an Animal Crossing dark mode theme phone to selecting a case, the choices are ripe for the picking.
Lastly, it's just very easy to use. Unless you're planning to do some complicated stuff like jailbreaking, using an iPhone as an everyday device is very simple. Left it somewhere? Use the "Find my phone" app and annoy the heck out of those who try to steal it. Want music? Drop the file into iTunes and it will sync via iCloud. It's that versatile.
But as my phone was quickly on its final breath, as well as the cost of living crisis, waiting for the iPhone 15 was no longer a valid option anymore. So I had to say goodbye to these nifty features and swap to Samsung.
What it was like making the switch
I bought the Samsung zFlip 4 during the End of the Financial Year sale, without realising that the zFlip 5 would be released 2 months later. Big oof. The reason I got this phone is because the 512 GB model cost $1300 AUD. The case was $10 from Telstra. I got a cuter one for $100 from Caseify.
If I were to buy the iPhone 15 (or in my case, the iPhone 14 Pro), the 512 GB model would have cost me $2400 + the cost of a case and the cable for the highest speeds. In case you were unaware, the 15 models only come with USB 2 speeds. WTF?! Also, there are the MagSafe accessories like chargers, which would cost even more.
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The reason I chose to get the Samsung zFlip 4 is mostly because it's a flip phone and Samsung marketed it as "bending the laws of physics." Another reason is because of BTS. As a BTS fan, mostly a Suga stan, I learned that the K-Pop star will not hold Apple devices. I remember seeing a TikTok where a fan disguised her iPhone to look like a Samsung and the rapper was shocked until he held it on stage.
I was, however, warned about getting this Samsung model from my aunt. She told me that the battery life is bad and that Apple lasts longer. And she only uses her phone for the most basic usage - calls, text, and Facebook. But based on my experience, the battery isn't that bad… unless I use it for Pokemon Sleep.
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Transferring my data from an Apple to a Samsung device is easier said than done. For starters, it nearly took a whole day for the transfer process to be completed. Second, I needed to use a wireless charger for one of my devices because it took so long.
When it came to the user interface, while it's somewhat different, some similarities made using my new phone not that difficult. It perhaps took a week to get used to the new functions and gestures.
I also liked the new camera. It's much more vibrant in my opinion. Much better than the iPhone X if I'm being honest. And there were times I did try filming like it was an old camcorder due to its flip functionalities.
If I have a complaint, it's that my game saves (except for Pokemon Go and Sleep) aren't transferable. This means all that effort I've placed in Tiny Tower for a year and a bit is gone and I would need to start over because the game is synced to Apple's Game Center. However, all of my texts since my senior year of high school made their way to the new device. WTF?
Also, not all the apps transferred to the new device, which makes sense since some of them were discontinued. But finding the APKs for them became a challenge, especially for a photo editor that I've been using for years. Thanks to the subscription model, it's been removed from the app stores.
Final Thoughts
Swapping to Samsung was probably a good decision to make. For starters, I'm no longer bombarded by my family's group chat messages since I no longer live with them. Second, I can text my boyfriend photos through NORMAL TEXT, not Facebook and discord. The amount of memes I've missed during the earlier parts of our relationship due to device differences was a massive pain and now it's all convenient.
While it's a shame I no longer have access to Siri, adding songs to a Samsung device is much easier compared to Apple since it is basically like a hard drive.
I will miss the Apple ecosystem though. iCloud and Apple Notes are super handy. Airdrop is pretty cool. And the new iOS features in the latest system look super appealing. However, these features are something that I would rarely use. I just need a phone to play games, go on social media, take photos and videos, and make phone calls. I won't be making 3D models of my room.
Looking forward to spending the next 5 years with this Samsung device until I have to make the switch once more.
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
Here's the promised Def Leppard/Mötley Crüe concert experience post <3
Under a read more because I don't want to hit any of you with this giant wall of text, videos and photos without any way to skip past lol
I arrived at the venue with time to spare, saw many people in just black bandshirts (for comfort which I totally get. Not everyone's as extra as me who dresses up like he's Mick Mars' stunt double in the 80s lol)
I sadly had to throw away my umbrella. It wasn't allowed inside the pit. I get it, hazard and whatnot. The 4€ fee to have someone look after it and only a half hour window to get it back after the concert ended seemed not worth it for a cheap umbrella so buying a new one on monday it is.
I got myself a shirt as soon as I got in. The choices were not great, gotta admit. Mötley Crüe seem to be going for some japanese-esque Samurai-inspired graphic for their new era (felt like an Iron Maiden copy-ish thing to me, not my thing)
The rest of the black shirts were meh, either too plain or prominently featuring John 5. The only shirt with Mick on it was a pale pink and was 5 bucks more expensive than everything else. All shirts and tank tops, both for Mötley Crüe and Def Leppard, were 45 bucks each (rip my June budget fr), bandanas were 25 bucks, basecaps and limited edition signed prints 35 bucks, etc. The Mötley keychains were all sold out by the end of the night, else I would've gotten one of those. My Iron Maiden keychain from 2018 is looking a bit worn and I would've loved to have a new one but oh well. I can still try and DIY one myself. I wanna get more into bleach-painting and patch making and embroidery anyway so it'd be great practice!
I had a t-shirt and tank top by the end of the night lol
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After the initial shirt purchase I still had ample time for a toilet break (and a sip of free sink water) after almost 2 hours of travel time and found a nice space in the crowd somewhere in the middle distance from where I could see most of the action on stage.
A local rock radio station did the pre-gig music entertainment. I also met 2 nice dudes who are in a band called Nathanael and play Victorian folk metal! They handed me their business card and I will definitely check them out as soon as I can, maybe even go to one of their gigs soon?
Between the rock radio station signing off and the start of the actual gigs they played some other songs to keep the crowd entertained, Fox On The Run by The Sweet among others! A personal mini highlight 🦊💕
Mötley Crüe was up first and they took their sweet time to actually get on stage.
There was a pretty long classical music piece playing before their proper intro sequence.
The official start was supposed to be around 6.30 pm but they got on stage at sometime around 7.30pm? My inner punctuality freak was not amused but it is what it is lol
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I loved the song selection, knew almost all of them but had trouble singing along for reasons other than my Swiss cheese brain. Not sure if it was intentional or just very unluckily adjusted speakers but most of what I heard of the songs was the droning of the subwoofers. Most of Vince's vocals and a bit of Nikki's bass, John's guitar and Tommy's drums were drowned out by the reverb of the sound system and the overwhelming boom of the speakers. Kinda disappointing. It also rendered the audio of most of the videos I filmed during their set useless. But ah well.
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As this was my first time seeing Mötley Crüe on stage I have no idea if it's a common thing for the sexy dancer ladies to have their own mics and sing some of Vince's parts? It didn't matter much due to the aforementioned "subwoofer drowning out most of the sound" issue lol
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And how could I forget the tits cam zooming in on the crowd, at dear Tommy's request. I guess if you're famous enough you can simply ask to see your fans' tits and most of them happily oblige. I've never seen so many tits out in the wild/on the big screens, it was strange. But it firmly cemented just how wildly asexual I am. Although I am capable of appreciating some nice boobies from an aesthetic point of view no problem, they don't do anything for me beyond that haha
Strangely, the only song the audio was fine on was Home Sweet Home. I really wish I could've heard more of Vince's voice in the other songs like that :')
John 5's formal intro was an almost 2 minutes long guitar solo, not sure how to feel about that. Like yes, he's good, he has the skills, but. Eh.
(Loved the violin bow on guitar strings intro to Kickstart My Heart tho, that was kinda cool :P)
Nikki and Vince introducing their older more well known songs with "Wanna hear more of our old shit?" rubbed me the wrong way? On the other hand Nikki said the band loves Germany (he even waved the German flag on stage) and loves the crowd so, eh. I guess I'm a weenie and that's just how they are haha
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Also got a little sad about them changing some of the lyrics to Smoking In The Boys Room (from "my buddies Sixx, Mick and Tom" to "my buddies Sixx, 5 and Tom") and the caricature and logo on the screens near the end of their set featuring John 5 instead of Mick. I wasn't quick enough to get a photo because the sadness of a new Mick-less Crüe era hit me full force in that moment. Can't help that my brain is hyperfixating on Mick Fucking Mars and that I missed him dearly all night long :'))))))
At least they didn't cut him out of any of the 80s footage video edits playing on the big screens during some songs. It would've been pretty asshole-ish if they did. Like completely erasing him from their band history.
On a lighter note: Vince introducing Nikki as his brother, who he has known for over 40 years, and their little in-sync swaying back and forth with the mic stand and bass respectively moment with them laughing and talking and exchanging smiles and grins was super cute :') <3
Also Tommy receiving a small bouquet of roses, smiling, and then proceeding to stuff them down the front of his pants lmao
And that was that for Mötley Crüe
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A little break in-between, enough time for another trip to the loo and afterwards sip some more water from the sink like an animal (not gonna pay anything over 5€ for a puny little cup of water from the overpriced beverage stands, no sir)
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Def Leppard were in another league compared to Mötley Crüe! Their sound was PERFECT. Very harmonic, powerful, you could hear everyone SO WELL!!! None of the pesky subwoofer problem the Crüe had, and they all looked like they had so much fun!!! I'm not as well-versed with Def Leppard's discography and all the band members (yet), but everyone looked great in their stage outfits! The lights and background videos were so nice too!!!
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And they played the 2 songs I do know (Foolin' and Pour Some Sugar On Me)
but also a bunch of songs from the album they worked on during the worst of the pandemic years. Which also sounded very good!!! I'm actually considering buying that new album if I see it out in the wild for a decent price.
The background video montage for Photograph was so adorable with all the pictures from the band's history, from the late 70s to present day. They were all such adorable babies back then and seeing all the photos gave me the same warm fuzzies as looking at old band photos and candid shots online does <333
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Very much a 180 to Mötley Crüe in every regard, Joe Elliott thanked us in German and English, and told us the band loves us <33
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I might actually try to get more into Def Leppard now that I've seen how awesome they are on stage <33
The crowd for Def Leppard was a little older and less rowdy, a very welcome change. Still a bunch of almost blackout drunk people, sloshing their beer everywhere and bumping into everyone around them. One major thing I dislike about bigger concerts tbh.
I also got a bunch of compliments on my hair, make up, and outfit throughout the evening <3
Even got called Nikki (and Mick, after informing people of my style influence) a few times lol
A couple older folks said they admired my style and that you don't see many people like me anymore and that I should keep doing my thing because it's so cool to see :')<333
[Some comments bordered on some icky misogynistic topics tho, like "oh girls nowadays are too prissy and not as cool and rock-n-roll and bold and rough-and-tumble as they were in the 80s/like you", etc.
And yes, I let everyone think I'm a girl. Not worth it trying to correct tipsy and/or drunk off their asses metalheads in a loud crowded venue. I don't really pass on a masculine day; much less dressed to the nines, face slathered in theatrical 80s make up and hair backcombed and hairsprayed to hell and back.]
On my way to the train station I got to talking with some other tram passengers heading home after the concert, an older couple and two guys around my age. The couple had pretty cool battle vests, all covered in various pins and patches. One of my favourites was the Zappa For President patch on the lady's vest which made me think of @feeshies , really wish I'd asked for a photo :')
The guys my age roped me into going to a strip club with them instead of going straight home. They even covered the entry fee for me, so I didn't have to pay anything! They were very respectful and I was free to go whenever I pleased. It was interesting to see pole dancers/strippers up close in real life and not only on TV, but it's definitely not for me lol I'm too aroace and neurodivergent for this. The ladies had some badass pole skills tho! Effortlessly dancing in 10 inch platform stilettos and with barely anything covering their bodies? I could never! Kudos to the ladies!
Anyway, it was good I decided to head home around 1am, I could already feel the joint pain creeping up on me. it's full-blown throbbing and piercing agony, 7/10, now. I only got 3 hours of sleep before the aches woke me up the first time orz
But hey, 3 hours and a bit of dozing here and there are better than nothing. I spent Sunday taking it kinda easy, only did a few chores around the house, and went through all the photos and videos i took (111 files in total) of course! I weeded out all the blurry and shaky ones and the few good ones should be peppered throughout this post!
Hope y'all had a good Sunday and Monday <3
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Salla, 26, Helsinki, Finland
"i consider myself a part of the overall mcr tumblr community. i haven't really made an effort to form deeper friendships inside the fandom yet but i start every day scrolling the dash like reading the morning newspaper just like everyone else and i mostly contribute by frank-posting in the tags section."
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 3-5 years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 2-4 Favorite album: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: Yes
Which date of the tour did you attend? 06/14/22, Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sweden
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? for this show it was easy because the venue was an amusement park and there were unlimited season concert passes that grant you access until the park's at capacity. i got mine a couple days prior to the show and my friend got hers on our way there from the airport.
Did you attend with anyone else? i went with my best friend of 10+ years who's part of the reason i got big into mcr
Did you camp out? Yes
If you camped out, how was that experience? Was it worth it? it was worth it in the end. overall it wasn't a bad experience just a little disorganised when it comes to the number system. venue security were lovely though.
What did you wear? skinny jeans and a mesh long sleeve with a fluffy top on top and a beret all in black obviously
Where were your seats? pit, 2nd/3rd row, frank's side
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? deathwish and house of wolves (back to back no less, i was so out of breath)
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? deathwish! this was my third and last show and they didn't play it at my two previous shows so i was desperate to hear it live that night and i did!
What was your favorite moment from the show? probably mikey smiling at people in the crowd during the bridge to famous last words. he wasn't just glazing over people i felt like he was really looking at everyone's faces individually and it felt so special. that song live always makes me cry so i was just sobbing and smiling back at him at the same time haha. an honourable mention to gerard making fun of mikey for taking a photo of the crowd for his instagram.
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? there was a rainbow in the sky and everyone started pointing at it and going "rainbow, rainbow, rainbow" and it took so long for gerard to figure out what was happening. they all looked so confused but when they finally got it they all, frank in particular, really cracked up about the fact that people just really wanted them to see the rainbow.
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? i Finally got the boy zone shirt for my friend (third time's a charm) and the skeleton long sleeve for myself
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? something like that definitely! it's like for two hours or so you're teleported to somewhere beyond space and time where the only thing that exists in the world, the only thing that matters is that moment and you feel so connected with the band and everything else just disappears.
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? towards the end of the show there were people taking advantage of the fact that people let them come to the front to get water and they just stayed there and didnt go back to their original spot. cutting in front of someone isn't cool and makes you look stupid.
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? 100% yes. i became a fan the summer before the halloween comeback announcement so when i thought of my chem i thought of the revenge era because that's my favourite and most of the content circulating my part of mcrblr at the time was from that era. seeing them so full of life and excitement and love this tour has completely changed it for me though. this is the reality of my chemical romance, they're back, they're better than ever and they're not going anywhere.
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? respect each other, don't cut in line, look out for the people around you and have fun!!!
Anything we didn't ask that you feel obliged to share or talk about? whenever i got a little peek of ray through the crowd he was shredding all of our faces off
Thanks, Salla! She can be found on Tumblr at @poolsofblood.
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 7: Quarter To
1 month later…
Bass Concert hall
Radio Music Company Concert.
I am a little antsy seeing Jensen for the first time in 5 years. We haven’t talked at all since Jared and I broke up it was too painful. Both he and Jared insisted on me coming though. Everything is still fresh for my relationship. We also still have the looming threat over our heads. Noe thinks it is Gen that is behind all the notes and everything. I think she’s right but why though. When I met her, she was so kind to me. Wolf is in sheep's clothing and she has a ton of connections. Gen could easily get access to anything. Noe found out something chilling her biological dad owned the studio of the movie that she worked on with Jared. With the research, we’ve done. Gen didn’t grow up with her dad. Maybe he helped her with everything out of guilt since he was never there for her when she was a kid.
This concert is amazing Jensen and Steve have really done well.l I feel bad for not keeping up with him. It wasn’t healthy though for me to be around anyone close to Jared. Noe is the only one who respected my boundaries on talking about him. Well, until the threats came about.
“So this last song is for two of my best friends. A song about second chances it’s been a hard bumpy road for them. When you have a love like there’s it will always find its way back.” Jensen said with a smile.
I lean my head on Jared’s shoulder. He obviously knew about the new song. No wonder why they were so insistent on me coming.
The words are our story and it’s clear Jared helped him write it. Just when I thought he couldn’t surprise me he does it again.
We go to talk to Jensen after it’s over.
“That was amazing. Thank you for the song. I said as I hugged him.
“Thank you, sweetheart and no need to thank me. I’ve missed you we need to catch up. Double date at my brewery with Holy and me after this what do you say?” Jensen replied.
“I’ve missed you too. Jared and I would love you two to join you. I just need to make a quick trip to the restroom.” I said.
Relieved to see that it was empty I check the lock on the stall before I enter. 
I quickly wash my hands after I am done I am halted from my exit by a gun pressed to my back.
I look up in the mirror and see it’s Gen with a dark look on her face. It almost looks demonic. At the moment it confirmed everything. 
She won’t get the best of me I won’t let her.
“You leave Jared and you keep your life. If you don’t, you’ll die and don’t worry I’ll be there to comfort him either way.” Gen said.
“Gen you know you shouldn’t hold the gun so close to someone’s back because they can do this.” I replied as spun around and wrapped my hand around her wrist.
Applying just enough pressure on it to have her drop it to the ground.
While I’ve got a hold of her, I kick the gun into one of the open stalls
Afterwards, I sweep her legs out from under her. Gen falls backward with a hard thud.
“You sure are full of surprises. Go on Y/N shoot me. You know you want to after what I’ve done.” Gen taunts.
“You aren’t worth going to jail.” I said as I reached into my pocket for my phone to dial 911. 
“Before the cops, I have something to say. I can't believe you fell for those photos. Jared never cheated on you ditz. Those photos were staged he was drunk during the afterparty. So I did I took my chance to split you guys up. At least part of my plan worked you and Jared broke up. I really enjoyed seeing you fall afterwards too.” Gen said with a smirk.
 “You are just sick bitch.” I replied.
The sound of sirens alerts Jared to something that has happened here. He tries to get to me but the cops stop him.
After talking to the cops they hauled Gen off to jail. I’m finally able to run into Jared’s waiting arms.
“Darlin I am so glad you are okay,” Jared said as he gripped me.
“I am okay I can handle my own,” I replied.
I breathe a sigh of relief that this whole mess is behind us, and we can start fresh.
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news4usonline · 2 years
Rihanna and the Super Bowl halftime show
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PHOENIX (News4usonline) - The name Rihanna speaks for itself. She is a music superstar. She has evolved into a global brand. She is a fashion and beauty icon. She has climbed her way into billionaire status financially. So what can Rihanna add to her already impressive resume? Performing at halftime of Super Bowl LVII in Glendale, Arizona.  “The Fenty highlighter is definitely helping today because I have yet to sleep,” Rihanna remarked at the start of the Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show press conference at the Phoenix Convention Center. “We were working at the event all last night, and I kind of just stayed there and prepped. Somehow, I’m here at this press conference right now.”
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Rihanna taking part in the Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show press conference on Feb. 9, 2023. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline When it comes to artists performing during halftime of a Super Bowl, not only is this the biggest sports stage in the world where the best of the best come to play football at its highest level, entertainers also have the pressure of living up to the billing and the hype. There have been some notable hits and misses for the intermission show.  Prince, Michael Jackson, Beyonce & Destiny Child, Janet Jackson, and Super Bowl LVI that featured Dr. Dre, Mary J. Blige, Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar, and 50 Cent round out the Top 5 best performances. Topping the 2022 Super Bowl halftime show with Lamar, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, 50 Cent, and Blige is a tough follow-up act.  But no worries, Rihanna is here. Even though it has been years since she last took the stage to do a major concert, Apple Music and the NFL don’t have any qualms about whether Rihanna can deliver. And in a big way.  Lately, it’s been Super Bowl or bust for Rihanna. She admitted during the crowded presser that she’s been so locked into her performance that she has pretty much put everything else on the back burner.  “I’ve been so focused on the Super Bowl, I’ve totally forgotten that my birthday is coming up. I totally forgot about Valentine’s Day. I’m just like, ‘Super Bowl, Super Bowl, Super Bowl,’” she said. “So, a lot of preparation, a lot of moving parts. And this week, this is the week that it really is being tested.  “Everyone, we’re just tightening up everything. Everybody’s dialing in, everybody’s tuning up, and a lot of moving parts. I mean, it’s literally three to four hundred people breaking this stage down and building it back up and getting it out in eight minutes. It’s incredible. It’s almost impossible.” While it seems to be a daunting task, Rihanna is nonetheless thrilled to be a big part of Super Bowl LVII.  “I don’t know if I could do that in eight minutes,” said Rihanna. “But we’re excited to do the Super Bowl. We are. We’ve been working on it for a while.” Delving into her Fenty Beauty line and being a mother has largely shelved Rihanna’s stage being able to perform for years. With that said, landing the Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show gig was the right opportunity for her now, she felt.  “It feels like it could have only been now,” Rihanna said. “When I first got the call to do it again this year, I was like, ‘You sure? Like I’m three months postpartum. Should I be making major decisions like this right now? Like I might regret this.’ But when you become a mom, there is something that just happens where you feel like you can take on the world. You can do anything. The Super Bowl is one of the biggest stages in the world. So, as scary as that was because I haven’t been on stage in seven years, there’s something exhilarating about the challenge of it all.” Rihanna shared with the audience full of media members that part of her success is not being shy about putting her stamp on what she wants, whether it’s her music, beauty line, or performing at the Super Bowl. 
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Rihanna attending the Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show press conference on Feb.9, 2023. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline “I’m definitely not one that’s worried about coming off too bossy,” Rihanna quipped. “I’ve been bossy all my life ever since I was a little girl I promise you this…like helluva annoying, too. I know some people get irritated, but, you know, it’s riding on me. There are a lot of people who are part of this show, and a huge part of the reason why this show is going to be as incredible as it is. I couldn’t have done it without them.  “But you know what, at the end of the day, if it flops or it flies, my name has to stand by that. So, I really get involved in every aspect of anything that I do, whether it’s the Super Bowl, whether it’s a makeup product, whether it’s Savage Lingerie. Like whatever I do, I’m that annoying girl who’s going to talk about everything. I want to see the copy on the website. I want to name every lipstick that I make. Like, I care about it. I love it. I love it.”  Read the full article
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5sosxqueen · 2 years
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~Part 1~ , Part 2 > , Part 3 >
This story is just going to be in Michael's point of view. It is one of my all-time favorites that I have written.
Warnings: depictions of illness, bad grammer, and awkward pet names XD
Written in 2018
Word Count: 2164
Updates every Tuesdays and Thursdays
Also Available on Wattpad and AO3!!!
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Part 1:
Michael's p.o.v:
"Ok boys gather 'round! Today we have a photo shoot at 11:15am, a signing right after that, sound check at 7:30pm, and a concert at 8:00pm. You guys will be ok to walk around and explore the city during your free time, as long as you watch the time." Matt explained to us and I internally groaned while the others cheered loudly.
I hadn't been feeling to great since I woke up. My stomach's been in knots and I have the beginnings of a headache. I don't want the other lads to worry about me, so I've kept it to myself.
"We have a couple hours until the photo shoot. What would you guys like to do?" Aston said jumping onto mine and Calum's shoulders causing me to have a shock of pain course throughout my body. As if the headache and stomach ache weren't enough already...
"Ok first things first. Get off me and Michael. It looks like you're hurting the poor guy." Calum said causing Aston to let go of us which I was beyond thankful for. "Now then none of us have eaten so why don't we go to a café or whatever's close by and maybe walk around and see what we can find." I felt my stomach flip at the mere thought of food, but I agreed anyways.
We walked for about 5 minutes before I had to stop. It was sweltering hot out here which wasn't helping my head and stomach in anyway. The boys were talking amongst themselves and hadn't really noticed I stopped. It took a couple of seconds before Luke looked back at me, laughing about some joke, his face immediately dropping at the sight of me. I put my hand up to my head and tried to ignore the twisting in my stomach. I hadn't even noticed they stopped and were looking at me until Luke walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder causing me to jump slightly.
"Sorry bud, you ok?" He said with a slight frown.
"Ya this heat's causing me a headache. I'll be fine though." I said dropping my hand and continued on with the walk. I was trying my best to keep up with both the speed they we're walking and the conversation.
"Michael there's a café right there. We will get you some water and we will all have some food. That should make you feel better." Luke said with a smile. I wasn't paying attention because the heat was causing me to have random dizzy spells. One in particular, right outside the café, had me stop once again to get my bearings. I felt myself sway and Calum rushed over to me and tried to pull me inside. Before he could my vision went black and I felt myself fall.
I opened my eyes a couple seconds later in Calum's arms. I put my hand to my head once again. "What happened?" I asked.
"I think you blacked out mate. Ash can you go inside and see if you can get a wet rag and and a water bottle?" He asked and Ash nodded and went inside. He came back a couple minutes later with both requested items in his hands. He placed the rag on my head and put the water bottle to my lips. I took a couple sips greatfully. "You ready to sit up or do you need a bit?" Calum asked.
"Give me a sec please." I said. I felt my stomach flip again and swallowed thickly, taking a deep breathe. I opened my eyes. "Ok ready." And Luke and Calum gently sat me up.
"Here try to drink some more. Will you be ok to do the photo shoot? We only have an hour and a half before it starts." Luke asked handing me my water and placing the rag on my neck.
"Ya I should be fine. I don't particularly want to do the signing, but I doubt I can get out of it." I said before taking some more sips. They knew it was true. Management could be complete dicks. I felt a stabbing pain in my head and my stomach flip yet again and quickly closed my water bottle.
We sat there for a couple of minutes. "Let's get you inside mate." Ashton said and everyone helped me stand. I got a bit dizzy and grabbed onto his shoulders for support. "You alright?" I nodded and they led me inside and to a table. One of the employees came over.
"Are you ok Michael? I saw you go down... Which you guys handled beautifully by the way. If there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask." She said. I looked up and her she was clearly a fan and she was genuinely concerned.
"Thank you. Umm, what would you recommend? And would it be too much trouble to ask if you or any of the employees have anything for a headache?" I asked wincing at the pain.
"Of course not, no trouble at all. I would recommend the Classic BLT, but we have other sandwiches and salads as well."
"What do you have that is light on the stomach?" I asked and the lads all looked at me. They all suddenly asked me if my stomach hurts at once. "No it doesn't hurt per say, I just don't want to risk eating anything heavily loaded with grease and end up queasy considering that episode a few minutes ago." I lied, raising my hands in defense.
"Ok. We have some soups. I could make you some. I would just need to know which one you would like. And here's a menu for you boys." She said with a grin.
"I'll have some clam chowder thanks." I said hoping I made a good choice.
"Coming right up. I'll be back to take your orders in a couple minutes."
I was not looking forward to trying to eat. My stomach extremely uneasy. She came back as promised with my soup. "Here you are, Boston style clam chowder in a bread bowl and two Tylenols. Now are you guys ready to order?"
"Yes, I'll have the terragon chicken sandwich with some green tea please." Luke said as I reluctantly took a bite of my soup.
"I'll have the curried chicken salad and a water." Calum said with wide eyes making everyone laugh.
"And I will have the Classic BLT and a raspberry tea. Please and thank you." Ashton said with a smile as she wrote all of our orders down.
"Excuse me. Where's your restroom?" I asked feeling awfully gaggy.
"Down that hallway and to your right." She said.
"Thank you." I stood up carefully to avoid a repeat of earlier and puking all over the café floor and sped walked to the, thankfully single person, bathroom. I locked the door and leaned against the sink trying to get the nauseous feeling to pass. I turned the tap on and tried to focus on my breathing. I suddenly gagged very harshly and rested my head in my hands with my elbows supporting my weight. My mouth filled with a lot of saliva and I couldn't swallow it without gagging so I was forced to spit it out. I gagged for several minutes and heard my phone go off. "Shit!" I heaved and only brought up stomach acid, but I felt the nausea subside finally and looked at my phone. 'You ok in there???' Ash texted. I put my phone back into my pocket and made sure the sink was rinsed out before walking back to the table.
I somehow finished my soup and started nibbling on the bread bowl when the other boys finished. I took the tylenol and went to pay. I pulled out the $47.36 the meal cost and the employee put her hand up. "Don't worry about it. It's on the house. Make sure he feels better lads." She said happily. We all thanked her and left.
We decided to walk to the place that the photo shoot was being held since it was only 5 minutes away. The lads we're right eating helped my head and dizziness, but it only succeeded in making me feel way more queasy. I felt better after throwing up a bit, but now it's much worst and I really regret finishing the soup.
We got into the building and into the photography room without any problems. I saw some chairs in the large room and sat down with my head in my hands.
"You ok Michael?" Calum asked walking up to me. I nodded and got back up walking over to the photographer.
"Hello you must be Michael." She said and I nodded.
"I was wondering if I could go first I haven't been feeling to great." I told her and she looked at me sympathetically.
"Of course sweetie. My name's Margaret by the way. If you need to stop at any point let me know." She said and I nodded and thanked her. "Ok can you go over there and make a sexy pose for me?... Perfect! Good job Michael. Now sit down and laugh. I know it's hard to force especially when you don't feel good. I'm sorry babe. Good, good. Ok now take a bow." I did everything she asked of me, although my stomach was trying to protest every second of it. Once I finished I went to the couch I found and rested my eyes until the lads we're finished with there singles.
They came over to the couch and saw I had fallen asleep. Calum and Luke took that as an opportunity to talk to Matt while Ashton watched me.
Around 15 minutes later they woke me up. "Hey buddy. We have a surprise for you." Luke told me.
"What is it?" I asked kind of concerned as to what it might be, because of how out of the blue it was. I sat up slowly and accidentally let a groan slip, but nobody seemed to notice.
"Calum and I told Matt what happened earlier and he called management. They agreed to letting you out of the signing and sound check." Luke informed me. 'Thank God' I was feeling significantly worse after that nap instead of better. I smiled to let them know I heard. I didn't dare move. I was not only very dizzy again, but I kept feeling my stomach trying to expel it's contents once again.
"Breaks over guys let's get started on your group photos." Margret told us. I groaned again as everyone helped me up again and we went back over in front of the camera. "Ok Michael go ahead and sit in that chair sweetheart. Calum sit in that one. Ashton and Luke, you guys stand behind them. All of you make the meanest faces you can. Now go wild and do something crazy!" At that moment I felt bile quickly rising up my throat and held my hand up, signalling to her to wait. I frantically looked around the room and found a large bin in the corner.
I shot of the chair and tried to sprint to it, but to my dismay another stronger wave of dizziness caught me off guard and made me lose my balance. I fell onto my knees and vomited profusely onto the floor. I started shaking violently. I felt hands on my back as I continued to get sick.
"I feel so sick..." I said right before another massive round poured from my mouth onto the floor.
"I know honey, you're ok. You're going to be ok." Margaret sushed me and rubbed my hair gently before getting up to grab someone to clean the mess.
"Michael we are getting you back to the bus. I'm going to see what I can do about moving everything to another day you are way too sick for this." I heard Matt say and walked away as I was reduced to a massive coughing fit. I continued dry-heaving and coughing for 10 minutes before I could finally sit back. I laid down onto Calums lap and he smiled sadly.
"Are you feeling any better after all that?" He asked and I quickly shook my head no with a gag. I sat back up and closed my eyes so I wasn't looking at the puddle of sick under me. I dry heaved again and spit the access spit into the puddle. "I think you got it all up buddy." I shook my head again. I felt vomit shoot up my throat and a wretch turned into a heave bringing up more of my brunch. "Damn. Get it up Mikey." He sighed rubbing my back. Ashton grabbed the chair I was sitting on during the group photo and luke lifted me up once I got a break and sat me on it. I immediately leaned forward with another wretch.
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captain-alex-grayson · 2 months
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My y2k emo dreams when I was little was to have a room like those teen girls with all the posters and stuff papering their walls.
I think I'm finally achieving that in my room at 25 years old.
The Mulan poster is from my dad's best friend, my late uncle beaky. He gave it to me in a black frame that I promptly beat the shit out of. I replaced it just Tuesday and it makes the wall brighter and allows me to add more gold frames. My maternal Uncle (my favorite and only bio uncle) passed in April. He had this low quality Edvard Munch print in a frame, it's a canvas like paper modpodged onto particle board. I wanted a frame but it's 11 1/2 by 13 1/2 which is custom and I'm poor so I used sticky velcro on the wall. Looks good right there.
In my closet I actually removed what was stored up there because it was from when I was like 5 so I vacuum sealed the stuff and stashed them away to utilize the shelf for figures. We have a type writer that doesn't function and is so unkempt that it's not worth fixing so I'm tossing it soon. In front of it is the sour apple intellectual property waterparks vinyl I got with that AP bundle. Holding it up is a die-cast model car that I put together myself like 19 years ago. I've got a wonder woman 5 by 7 from denver fan expo a few years ago (kaela kroft art if yall like star wars that's what she's known for). Hidden behind the bunny is my coffin terrarium with owliver on top. Got a tiny lego cyberman in the closet too bc it doesn't bring joy. There are 3 rows of funkos on the bottom layer, the second almost goes 3 back across and the top only goes two deep. They are organized bottom left to bottom right: Rivers Cuomo (music) Party Poison Gerard Way (music) Sox (film) The Hex Girls (nostalgia). Middle left to middle right: Patrick Stump (music) Pete Wentz (music) Number Five (comics) Laid Back Inosuke (anime/manga). The top right to left: Viktor Krum (Film) Buckbeak (film) Severus Snape (memoriam). In front are flowers I have dried. I really like vintage ceramic decor and target has been feeding me so we got that cheeky lil guy. The box has some of Pinky's fur to keep him with me since he passed in January and the photo behind the box is of Pinky. Then there's my mad hatter hat being protected by the shittiest 2012 fashion choice a burgundy fedora bc Taylor Swift did it and so can I. I looked fucking dumb it is not wearable and I'm tossing it soon. I'll someday have details on my bookshelf but for now just know that I had a loft bed until 2016 2017 ish. So my dresser was under the bed and I had space for my desk bookshelf and storage chest. I didn't want to take my frames under my sconce down so the bookshelf went in the closet.
I started adding sentimental things to my wall above my desk when I was 15. It was small but as I went on vacations and to concerts with friends I started a collage wall. My mom made the puzzle and it's glow in the dark and also not glued together lmao. My white board has a reminder to wear black and an awsten knight sticker being held up by magnets. I actually used to have a full sized Sirius Black wanted poster and that magnet replaces it. There's a picture of me and my sibling Binket from my late uncle's house and a turtle magnet my mom got me. That picture of pinky is roughly near the spot he was on my loft bed when I took that picture. I like the art in red vines boxes so I kept that. The envelope was from my grams during lunar new year. The white envelope has some papers I made in high school that just live there now. That feesh! is a post card from Saga Japan and was given to me by a guest from Saga when I was in 6th grade. I've gotta replace that marvel poster with the updated one or I just have to take it down because it's not a full reflection of my comic interests any more. Underneath that I have texts from last night Borderlands edition, a Captain America vintage promo poster on printer paper with a pewdiepie duck stuck to it. There's a funny insta story from awsten knight to the left of Borderlands and Pinky in a halloween costume under that. We have a little Vaughn that is looking toward a Rhys. Rhys is to the right of the cap poster. Then there's a row of bands I need to see live. I have Da Vinci's Demons texts from last night from my high school locker with blink 182 and fob mixed in. Got a micro burrito and micro totoro with 3 concert tickets. And I'll stop there bc I'll post close ups later.
I custom framed my signed parx poster and Geoff's signature goes off the page so I'm gonna fight him. Next to it is Rawrly and Pohly's Silly Lillies Monet remix. Under is a picture of me and my mom and me and Bink then we have me and my dad. I also never took down my 2016 2017 Newt Scamander cosplay reference photos and a soda exploded and they just live there now.
My beloved posters. The Gotham one is new, batman is my favorite vigilante. The AC Unity trailers reminded me of Backstreet's Back (Alright) so I got the poster and that's the only AC poster they had bc it just came out. The Last of Us is from my first con. Back when Denver Fan Expo was called Denver Comic Con. I love this poster and it has never laid flat for me so I might be forced to frame it soon. Heath Ledger was my favorite Joker and the best fake Knight I had ever seen and this poster was an immediate snag. I got wall clings from when I worked at Hot Topic and Isabelle is my comfort character, I didn't realize how much I found peace when playing New Leaf until the Isabelle obsession started. Below all that and back at the beginning we have an old Lost Boys poster from when the film was released. It was my mom's. Next is the Duran Duran poster, also my mom's. The crusty DC poster needs either an update or a replacement I'm not sure yet.
Yes I have a tv tray in my room. Yes I have plans to fix that. No I haven't found a way to fix it my ps5 cord is too short. Also those crayons are from like 2001.
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fannationdaily · 7 months
I just wanted to come on here to say thank you for being so paitent with me . Besides stream party results and stream parties rest of my posts will be the rest of the concert pictures From Friday until finished . All of nerv's have been posted 🤗 There's 3 more to be uploaded.. Archers,Savage hands and the opening band. I didn't know them much but I still took a few pictures of them lol I wasn't expecting 4 bands so my storage wasn't big enough for 400+ pics 😅 but I took 300+ pics 🤪🙃🤣 still sorting them I'm sorry for the long wait. This shows me from now on to sort in files while at concerts during free time . You live and learn lol. People have also asked about the watermark vs logo. I did this because I knew posting my logo takes time.. like 5 seconds per photo so that would take much longer so I did watermarks instead which automatically happen. For those photos without it.. those came from video captures /pics taken during video. 🤗 Then I will be adding more featured artists soon I can't wait for y'all to hear them. I will also be updating artist of the month soon as well. 🤗Many have asked about my counter on my site as well for privacy reasons it is private and Only time I ever login to the site is to update code. I don't look at any info as it's a privacy reason to me. I know many counters display info and many have no problem with it but it's a safety matter especially for artists who visit my site [thank u for informing me FYI] It was leaking enough info to disclose approximate location of studios etc.. which is private! I also only login to update password every few months. It only counts a view when people go to the site. Tumblr is like Twitter/X where many interact yet few actually visit profiles lol and it's been counting from last year. 🤗 I hope this answers questions I've been receiving about the counter and when rest will be uploaded.. I have 200+ to upload with a limit of 10 per post so it'll take some time this means 20+ posts of photos lol until all are posted I won't be posting much of anything or answering anons because post limits and not wanting to spam feeds . I hope you all understand. Thank u all for continuing to support my site by visiting it and thank u for supporting the artists that I promote. 🤗 I'm a fangirl free promoter. This means I help promote other artists on Twitter/X,spotify,instagram,here on tumblr,"word of mouth" etc.. Many artists have tried to pay me to promote them but I don't accept payment. I'm not a professional promoter and I promote to simply help artists. 🤗 I also am aware it's been a long time since I've been promising more artist reviews my schedule has been insane lately but I promise it'll be worth the wait. These artists are truly amazing. They have no clue I'm reviewing their music until I do. I always send artists a screen shot of any review I make as artists should never have to feel like they have to come to my site to see their review . 💖 Lastly featured artist takes a while to update because the pictures have to be approved by the artist for copyright and respect to the artist reasons. When considering an artist I dm them and ask if so what picture they'd like and they either send it or they send it saying to wait due to copyrights and needed permission to give me permission lol. It can be complicated but yes all are approved by the artist.
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bluejayfilms92 · 7 years
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The Joshua Tree Tour  May 26, 2017 Arlington, Texas
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tinydestinybear · 2 years
Hi, I’m not sure if you’ve already done this but I can’t find it on your masterlist so I’m assuming not! I would love an NSFW version of the Candid Photos collection!
hellooo, thank you for sending in the request! i hope you enjoy reading, please send across feedback! this is a collab with @watermelonlovershigh because i absolutely love their ideas and wanted to do this together with them 💕 
warning: 18+, nsfw content
w/c: 910 words
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1. I think it’s pretty much evident that Harry has a lot of recordings varying from soft, casual morning sex you have to pure filthy ones too. They don’t make up for your absence when he’s on tour but definitely help him out whenever he misses your touch.  
2. Whenever you send unsolicited nudes to each other, he’ll probably have the best reactions. Let’s say you send him a picture of you in bed wearing a lace teddy  *** and here’s how it goes:
Haaaang on a second I love this You’re so sexy m’love Now please, pick up my call baby gotta see you for myself. Miss you so so much
3. There are some days Harry feels like edging himself and the best way to do that is by watching videos he took of him edging you. The videos contain him rubbing your clit until you're seconds away from coming and then he'd remove his fingers, leaving you very much edged. Or in some videos, it's of him holding a vibrator on your clit, sometimes dipping it into your dripping cunt, and then removing it before you come. So as Harry watches these videos in his hotel rooms, as soon as he edges you in one of the videos, he'll remove his hand off his hard and throbbing cock to edge himself. It can last hours or minutes, just depending on his mood or schedule.
4. Harry absolutely loves taking pictures and videos with you, of you so there are hundreds of them, even candid ones when he just sets up the phone at a corner - one where your head’s resting on his chest or his resting on your boobs on the couch or on the bed on a lazy day or even his rings print on your ass after a hot night. He’ll probably have short videos of you kissing with soft background music and he’ll watch it when he feels extra lonely and misses your kisses.
5. Harry has to self pleasure a lot when he's away on tour and the only way he can manage to get off is either looking at photos or videos of you during sex that's he's taken for this purpose. When he has a little extra time to unwind and masturbate, he enjoys looking at this specific video of you where it's just your face. Harry loves seeing how your face scrunches up in pleasure and the way your eyes gloss over. It really gets him going.
6. You both enjoy recording and don’t feel pressure coming with it so when you try out new toys and film a few days later when you’ve adjusted to the toy, it brings even more pleasure. Rather than just giving pleasure when you’re both away, it also highlights your relationship journey with him and how you’ve explored different boundaries with him. 
7. Sometimes Harry never actually filmed you during sex but more so had his phone picking up the audio only, screen black. He enjoys listening to this audio when he has some time to take an extra long shower, including some self pleasuring. He'll connect his phone to a speaker and while he's in the shower, the sounds of your beautiful moans echo through the hotel bathroom walls, helping him to jerk off.
8. Typically Harry watches a video of you giving him a blowjob before one of his concerts if he's got a raging boner and needs it to go down before going up on stage. If you were physically there with him, you'd be giving him a blowjob in person. But without you there, the video Harry took of you on your knees, deep-throating his cock will work. He'll sit on the toilet in the dressing room and with his lubricated hand, tug his foreskin up and down his shaft until ropes of warm, sticky cum shoots out his head.
9. Most of the videos saved in his camera roll are filmed in the comforts of your home but when you both wanna enjoy the thrill, you film it in public, especially bathrooms. Maybe he’s carrying a vibrator with him and he’ll put it on for you before you leave and adjust your outfit, “Love you, you’re so pretty. Will make you feel good at home if you get through it today.” And when he sees them while on tour, he misses you even more because as much as he wants to give you pleasure and enjoy that thrill again, you’re not there by his side. But well, you both make up for it when you reunite.
10. Being on tour without you is tough and sometimes Harry feels sad and horny, leading him to wank off to his most favorite video of you. A video that barely has any picture but mostly sounds. And it's the sounds of your love making. The love making you had right before he left for tour where you shared your love for one another in sweet kisses and sensual touches. Soft praises and loving words. He'll have the phone beside his head, on his pillow, and have his hand under the duvet, masturbating his cock off while tears run down his face. It may not be the most euphoric orgasm to come out of this session but it's one that will temporarily fill the void in his heart from missing you. Harry just can't wait until he sees you again because he's going to make love to you over and over again.
watermelonlovershigh’s masterlist | tinydestinybear’s masterlist
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harrystyleseditsx · 3 years
If you need me
SUMMARY: A one shot of where y/n experiences something that reminds her of her traumatic past and Harry’s 5000 miles away
based on the song If you need by julia micheals
WARNING: Angst with fluff :) 
pairing: Harry Styles x uni y/n 
wordcount: 2.3k
A/N: Welcome to my first fic, I needed to write something to get in the flow to write my 2000 word story so here it is :)) ily guys <3 (also would you prefer y/n or an oc, please let me know!!)
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Y/N was very happy about how her morning had been going.
She had woken up early, worked out and made her favorite breakfast. She had also gotten herself some flowers to celebrate the fact that she had submitted her 10 page essay early. The only thing that would make her morning better would be face timing harry but she knew it was 1 pm here meaning it would be 9 pm in London where Harry was and he had a concert to perform. She threw on one of Harry’s treat people with kindness hoodies over her sundress as she headed to the library that would often get chilly or she was just always cold as harry often teased her. She smiled as she remembered harry telling she would overheat if she continued to wear zip ups and pile blankets on herself even during summers. 
She had by now almost reached the library when she suddenly bumped into someone causing the other person to drop some of their stuff. “Shit, I’m so sorry. I should have paid more attention-” it felt as if the words were stuck in her throat as she glanced at who she bumped into. 
“Oh hi Y/N” Asher taunted, her ex. She hadn’t seen him since the break up when he told her that he needed space and took off to France only to send her the infamous break up text. And, here he was 6 months later, looking the every bit same. She felt a feeling of anxiety creeping up on her as she started playing with her fingers trying to stop when she saw Asher’s eyes drop to her hands. 
“Are you nervous y/n? Always played with your fingers when you were” he said with a hint of smugness, as he reached his hand forward trying to grasp hers. She immediately pulled back, crossing them against her chest as she took a deep breath. 
“What are you doing here Asher? Aren’t you supposed to be in France?” she snapped at him, her nervousness quickly turning into anger. Asher raised an eyebrow as if surprised at her response. 
“Been keeping tabs on me?” he smirked. “Well forgive me if I wanted to know where my boyfriend, sorry, ex-boyfriend ran off too on our 1 year anniversary” she scoffed.
“Finally grew a backbone y/n?” he drawled looking her up and down. Y/N had never felt the urge to pull someone’s eyeballs out more than she did now. She found herself thinking what she ever saw in this piece of shit. She snapped back to reality as she heard him droning about something.
“..you need me, so I’ll take you back-” he was in interrupted as y/n threw her head back laughing. When she looked at him again, he had an annoyed look on his face. “I need you? Well, I’d like to inform you that you’re wrong again. I don’t need you, I don’t need anyone. I managed myself when you left and I’m doing so now too. So, you can see yourself out of my life again” she reiterated. Asher now looked furious, he lunged forward and grabbed her by her wrists as she tried to free herself from his grip.
“Is all this attitude because of her famous singer boyfriend? Yes, I know all about him. Is he telling you that you’re beautiful? or that you’re important? because news flash, you’re not y/n. You’re worthless, stupid, ugly and you’ll be nothing without me. You’re a whore” he growled. Y/N felt herself flinch as she heard his words before she composed herself and kicked him in the balls. His grip on her wrists loosened giving her the perfect opportunity to attack. She grabbed him by the back of his neck and jerked it forward, raising her knee and smashed his face against it and then shoved him backwards. She heard Asher yelp in pain as blood gushed out of his. One of his hands was on his dick while other on his nose. She felt a sense of pride and satisfaction rush through her as she looked at him. 
"You bitch, you broke my nose. You'll pay for this" Asher yelled at her. She decided it was best to kick him one more time for good measure and she did, smiling as he groaned in pain. "No, you listen to me. If you ever come near me again or try to hurt me I will fuck up your life and I'll get my famous singer boyfriend to help too" y/n taunted as she turned out to head back to her apartment, she had never been more glad to have her apartment be a 5 minute walk from campus. The whole incident had taken a huge toll on her.
She locked her room as soon as she entered it, leaning against the door as she slowly sank to the floor. She took a deep breath before the sobs broke out. Her entire body was shaking as she wrapped her arms around herself trying to feel as if she wasn't alone in the world. Y/N picked up her phone to send a text to harry but she try made her feel even more shitty. What if he realized she wasn't worth it, what if he had enough of her breakdowns. She pressed her nails into her palm, hitting herself to try to stop herself from feeling too much. She had come so far and now all it took was one interaction for everything to come crumbling down.
She didn't know how long she had been sitting like that but her phone rang, she looked at the clock to see it flashing 5 pm. Realizing that it must be harry on the phone, she got up and rushed to the bathroom, quickly washing her face, she laid down on the bed so he could only see half of her face and then accepted his call.
Harry appeared on the screen all smiley and sweaty. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. All she wanted to do was hug him. "Finally picked up, huh? I thought y'were gonna leave me hangin' lovie" he teased her. "I'm sorry, my phone was on silent" she said softly.
Harry realised the change in her demeanor, his smile turning into a frown. "Y'alright honey? Not even showin' me y'pretty face" he said to her. She tried to smile as she moved the camera a bit so he could see more of her face. "I'm just tired H" she whispered. Harry had been moving around, probably trying to find a quieter area. He shut the door behind him as he entered what looked like his dressing room.
"Have y'been cryin' y/n?" he questioned as he saw her red nose and faint traces of year marks on her cheeks. y/n knew there was no point in lying because it was pretty obvious. "Yeah, I didn't do very well in one of the assignments my economics professor had assigned but I'm fine now" she told him adding a smile in the end to make it more believable and maybe Harry would have believed her had he not caught a glimpse of the nasty bruise on wrist as the sleeve of her (his) hoodie slipped down when she was pulled the hood up. Harry was furious and the visible anger on his face made y/n want to curl up.
"What the fuck is that y/n?" he questioned furiously. "What are you talking about? "y/n replied looking genuinely confused. "The fucking bruise on your wrist” harry snapped, by now he had lost all his patience. No one gets to hurt his lovie. 
Y/N was at a loss, she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want him to worry about her but she couldn’t come up with anything to say. “Asher came back, he cornered me and when I tried to go, he grabbed my wrists” she mumbled, playing with the hem of his sweatshirt. She dare not glance his way, afraid of his reaction. After a minute of silence, Y/N glanced at her phone only to find the screen to be blank. Had he hung up on her? She stared at the blank screen of her phone in disbelief. She felt as if she was having an out of body experience. Opening her gallery, she started scrolling through the numerous photos and videos of her and harry. It was at this time that she was grateful with her obsession of taking pictures and photos. A few tears escaped her eyes as she realized how much she missed him and how he probably didn’t want to talk to her ever. Was he going to break up with her? Y/N’s heart clenched at that thought, she put on harry’s playlist on her spotify and laid there. 
She must have fallen asleep because she woke up to the sound of pots clanging. Her heart sped up, no one besides her and harry had the key to her apartment and harry wouldn’t- 
She threw the blanket covering her aside (which had not been there before) and rushed to the kitchen. And sure enough there he was, her boyfriend, with his back facing her. Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes, he came here for her. Harry  turned around to see her standing in the entryway of the kitchen, crying. He reached her in three quick strides, pulling her in a hug. She tightly wrapped her arms around him, fearing he might disappear. Harry pulled back after a few minutes, cupping her face in his hands he gently brushed his thumb over her cheek. 
“Gonna properly tell m’what happened now bubs?” he urged. Unable to say anything at that moment Y/N just nodded. Grabbing her hand, Harry led her to the sofa, grabbing her by the waist and seating her on his lap. He patiently waited her to start talking. For a while Y/n just played with his hair, then she took a deep breath and told him everything that happened. She could feel Harry’s grip tightening on her hips, not to the extent that it was painful, when she told him what Asher had said to her. 
“M’gonna fuckin’ kill him” Harry cursed when she had finished. “I already did some damage” Y/N told him, smirking as she remembered Asher’s face. Harry looked at her questioningly, “I might have kicked him in the balls and broken his nose and added another kick for good measure” she admitted. Harry grinned, “that’s m’girl” he said proudly, pulling her in for a kiss. They sat like that for a while with Harry telling her about tour and she filled him in with other things that she had forgotten when they had their facetime sessions.
Y/N told him that she wanted to report Asher, in case he ever tried to pull shit like this again. Harry not only told her but also showed her how proud he was of her, how brave she’d been and how much he loved her in multiple ways. 
The next day they headed to the dean’s office, where Y/N saw two officers sitting outside. Luckily there were several camera’s in the hallway where Asher had cornered Y/N, so by noon, with all the available proof, she’d gotten a restraining order against Asher. If her were to come within a distance of 6ft with her, he’d serve jail time. As they left the dean’s office, Y/N saw Asher standing , she could feel harry tensing up, so when Asher looked Y/N up and down and smirked, Harry lunged forward punching him in his already swollen nose. Asher yelped in pain, he tried to fight Harry back but by now the officers had restrained him, taking him away. 
Back at the apartment, Y/N tended to Harry’s bruised knuckles as she felt a hollowness knowing he’d be leaving soon. By the look on her face, Harry knew what she was thinking about, he took the cotton swab from her hands, placing it on the table before he kissed her. 
“I’ll be back soon, it’s only a matter of two months now and by then you’ll  graduate and I’ll be done with tour and we can  have everyday to ourselves” harry told her, wiggling his eyebrows. She lightly smacked his chest, pressing a small kiss to his lips. “I know, It’s just that sometimes I miss you” she commented. “Only sometimes?” Harry pretended to be offended, “Well a bit more than sometimes” she retorted. “Just a bit more? I miss you so much, it hurts” he admitted. Her shoulders slumped a bit as she pulled him in a hug. “I love you Harry” she whispered and heard him softly whisper I love you too sweetheart. 
That evening Y/n drove him to the airport, they knew they couldn’t outside for long so Harry pulled her in a kiss before he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “Promise me you’ll tell me anything that happens, I don’t care if it’s just a paper cut or not. Just don’t hide things from me, If when you need me I'll be there" he blurted. “I promise” she said firmly, showing him she was serious. She didn’t want him to worry but he’d eventually know something was up and it was better to sort things out. He kissed her again before he went in the airport. She stood there until he was no longer in her sight before she sat in her car and started driving off. 
Her phone chimed, picking it up she saw that Harry had sent her a image. It was a very poorly drawn graphic of a guy lying on the floor with a crooked nose and blood around him that she assumed was Asher and a girl stood over him wearing a superhero cape. He had written, ‘my hero’. She smiled fondly before sending him a picture of her reaction as she increased the volume of her radio and driving off. Soon. 
This is my first time writing a harry fic/blurb. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also, I’ve turned on the asks (I didn’t know they were off) so you can send in your requests!! Thank you :))
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jjheejz · 3 years
What is Fate?
[Part 5/5] WOH concert and after
WOH Concert (3-4 May 2021)
- The fact that they even have a grand scale wedding ceremony drama concert
- GJ did not attend ZZH's first solo concert, but both of them have their own concert together for the first time
- Chinese have a traditional tradition of calculating auspicious dates (metaphysics). It can be calculated commonly for when to move in to a new house, bury a deceased, open a business, hold a wedding etc. 3 - 4 May were auspicious dates for Wedding and marriage registration.
- The concert was held at a stadium in Su Zhou, but the entire city was blatantly supporting everything and anything about WenZhou like it's New Year's Eve. Eg. Building, helicopter banners, bus advertising, drone show, lantern display, subway endorsement, city's official account using WOH quotes applying to safety regulations, curated photo booths, life sized figurine of WenZhou (YouKu kept it as prideful display at their office entrance after the concert), crowds of fan support and cheers etc.
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Drone show snippet:
- Both of them were given the center of attention for the entire 2 days of WOH concert. It was WenZhou/JunZhe concert in disguise as WOH concert.
= This gave them both the opportunity to show what they feel for each other openly (whether as WenZhou themselves or as JunZhe)
- To have a stage to be what they are* and have fun, while being accepted and greatly supported by a sea of Mountain people (山人), no matter how one sees it, it's an extremely touching form of support for them
*Disclaimer: obviously they weren't 100% themselves, mindful of the fact that this stage was monitored by important media bodies (not exactly sure what kind, but somewhat government-ish regulators I presume), but their gaze and body language is just as natural as what they are.
= The fact that the country in general is not open to this kind of relationship, yet they were in a place where most of the people were supportive.
- Yes, there were some important bodies (or eyes) during the 2 days concert. Which was why all the actors and actresses were warned. For whatever reason they chose to continue in their own way, it's daring consensus of support. And for whatever reason the regulators didn't do anything (there weren't any big news at all from them), is also a miracle.
- They had the opportunity to sing a duet on stage, live. For the audience, GJ's singing skills started from November 2020, ZZH likes GJ's singing, and 5 months later, they have a duet on stage.
- Official acknowledgement of cpfans
= First in history where the recognition was officially verbally mentioned in-person. You can say this fate belong to the fans.
- ZZH had the opportunity to vow a promise to GJ witnessed by X million of people in the stadium and those watching livestream, that he will always be there for GJ. He did not only vow as a companion to GJ, in ZZH terms, he actually vowed "I will love you forever" [ZZH on 'love' saga]
- The in-ear mic had the voices of the backstage crew's coordination. ZZH took it off early, but GJ was still wearing them during the exchange. That itself is a stressor as the backstage coordinator must have warned extremely sternly and loudly and GJ was shakingly nervous. When ZZH was giving this vow (which in the concert BTS release, we see him say "Don't I have a segment to speak to WKX?" Note, it's WKX, not GJ), the backstage crew was cursing and swearing when ZZH went with "I have things to say to Jun Jun." (as WenZhou, they have a disguise/a shield, with direct GJ, it's just...danger danger red light) Try imagine being the backstage crew and going all mad and crazy over what ZZH said that moment.
= ZZH's daring courage to say things like these was probably built up from his sportsmanship, hot-blooded passion from his past. It's beyond my peasant mortal's comprehension.
- Supporting Cast shenanigans and warnings for them, link here
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- After the concert was over, solo fans expect the main leads to break up even as co-workers or say, being even in the same frame. This expectation is extremely strong in the industry for years. The same goes for JunZhe despite this time many are cpfans but they do know this prevalent expectation. So imagine crying over the vow and the next moment, just hours after the concert, JunZhe is happily sticking to each other singing in the same frame as if they did nothing big a few hours ago. They sang a phrase together with this lyrics: 30% arranged by fate/god, 70% arranged by hard work. A love for perseverance will lead to success/winning.
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= Debunking expectations, breaking many years of industry's common consensus successfully. They invented after after-sales CP service.
- Stage, endorsements, film scripts, major public events, variety shows, top brands etc. Poured in, and although it's all solo events, we see traces of the other half.
- Aside from that, we now see social media exchanges (almost always for the other half), brand endorsement captions (almost always about the other half), official brands partnering with each other because of them (despite being legit competitors) etc.
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- The word 'support' or at least 'love seeing them together', is the general reason CPfans are fans of them. But to both GJ and ZZH, it really goes beyond the word itself. Acknowledging is just the beginning. ZZH does take LLD to heart and GJ is very interactive with LLDs in his own quirky way.
*From the [Star X Moon Saga], to the developed feelings because of this drama and actually accepting their feelings, to the fact that the pitiful budgeted amount for WOH was not well received at all before it was broadcasted but boomed records in the end, to the open shipping support by the production crew/casts/general media/fans/brands/cities, to the climbing successes and mountainous opportunities opened for GJ and ZZH overnight, everything was unprecedented and unexpected, but they all dramatically happened to the two of them in a span of one year.
A fan went to a temple to check out JunZhe's fate. You can only check for one person and she checked for GJ. She passed her result to a Master and he immediately tell her to give up because that person is taken and turned away. The fan quickly corrected and say she's actually checking for someone else, the master turned back and checked her read again and said, everything is aligned to their favour, it's blessed by the Gods. (If I can find the full article again, will add on more but that's the gist, surfing in China made me love Google's search engine algorithm so much more).
A few other fans who 抽签 (Chinese praying tradition - simply put: draw a stick of varying luck). They all got the bestest of luck for JunZhe. (Reading the readings, I'm just...in awe...I...)
= Borrowing the meaning of another famous novel title, to me, this is a true "Heaven's official blessing" pair.
-------End of series-------
🌻To returning readers: Updated info are in purple for your easy references!
🌸Part 1 - Before filming here
🌸Part 2 - During filming here
🌸Part 3 - After filming, before broadcast here
🌸Part 4 - Broadcast/Promotion period here
🌻Upcoming: JunZhe Saga series
🌻[Ongoing updates] Will add if I remember or found new ones - last updated 220721
🌻For long posts like this, I tend to look back for grammar and phrasing mistakes (sometimes info updates), so when you reblog for future references, do keep in mind that there may be updates in the original post! :)
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