#I promise carly is coming next
blissfulalchemist · 1 year
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Stasia wir Galvus Enache
“Foul child, bastard and beast/O lost lamb, first to the feast/Come claim if you're able a spot at this table/Mild and meek, down on your knees/For hide and seek./It's time that we feed/Your heart is racing, blood is running cold/Your fractured will is whispering (fly away)/Far Away” -Scream by Masayoshi Soken
template by @unholymilf (x)
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celtic-crossbow · 6 months
Is It Easier for You to Say You Never Loved Me Anyway?
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Commonwealth (Pre- France)
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore; Angst; Poorly Written Smut
Summary: “We were built to fall apart and fall back together.” - Taylor Swift
A/N: Requested by @unhingedbiatch I hope this is what you were envisioning! Also, Leah never happened. Nope.
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It was two days before he was set to leave when he saw you walk through the gates of the Commonwealth. His heart roared, stomach flipping at the sight of you after so many years. He knew he couldn’t approach you until you had been processed into the community, encouraging him to find Mercer and put a word in to speed things up. He had to see you. 
Your relationship began as reluctant friends during the time at the quarry but blossomed into so much more by the time your eyes fell onto the prison. When your family found Alexandria, he was your everything. And you were his. The openness between you was never guarded, a secret garden where you each could travel when the world threatened to tear you down. 
But as they say, nothing lasts forever. 
The two of you separated after Rick’s death, Daryl unable to live with himself if he didn’t put everything into finding a body to lay to rest; you unable to remain in Alexandria under the knowledge that he was leaving you and had refused your offer to come along. He had broken your heart but you loved him no less for it.  
Now Daryl waited for you, a nervous energy culminating inside him. He still loved you. He had never stopped. He felt as if you had taken half his heart with you when you left for your own travels, never knowing where that precious piece of him had been taken or if you’d thrown it away once you realized that he was never good enough to trust with half of your own. 
When you walked out of the processing center a day later, he was there, having waited all night. When your eyes met his, they softened, your arms open before you could even reach him for the embrace both of you had yearned to return to during an absence you couldn’t take back. 
“I missed ya.” Daryl whispered into your hair, his voice a rasp. You held him tighter with a feeling of both your hearts becoming whole in the safety of one another’s arms. 
“I missed you too.”
It was as if you’d never left. 
Daryl showed you around, smiles abundant and given freely without a care of who saw him; a change you wished you’d been around to see manifest. Maybe you were seeing its birth, your unexpected return being the catalyst that gave him enough security for others to see him as you always had. 
You reunited with Carol and Judith, while meeting RJ for the first time. He filled you in on losses Aaron hadn’t already told you about. Promised you’d have plenty of time to catch up with everyone after the next day. You didn’t know then what that had meant. 
It wasn’t until later that night, you on his lap and curled into his chest while he stroked your hair, that the demons hovering unseen while the sun had lit the path outside clawed their way into the space between you. 
“Where’d ya go?” 
“West. Stayed a while in Missouri, then headed southeast. Tennessee was a train wreck but there were some good people there.” You drew your knees a little closer to your chest, making yourself appear smaller against him. “Did you find him?” Daryl dropped his gaze and shook his head. The knowledge that he had left you for something he had failed to achieve was almost too much to bear. 
“Did ya—did ya find someone out there?” He muttered, not yet finding the courage to look you in the eye. 
“No.” You leaned back your head to find him staring off the side. You knew that look. You knew him like the back of your hand. With a fingertip against the far side of his face, you encouraged him to turn toward you. “I wasn’t out there looking for a replacement for you, Daryl.” He dipped his chin in a quick nod. “Did you? Find someone, I mean?
“Nah.” You couldn’t lie: you felt like you had been holding your breath in wait for that single answer. “Weren’t lookin’ neither.” The smile you gave him was tender and reassuring, your fingertip still brushing his cheek. You had even missed the rough feel of the stubble he always seemed to keep. “M’leavin’ tomorrow.”
Your ministrations ceased. “What?”
“Maggie. She had some info; some leads for me ta follow.” The contrition you could hear in his tone was almost enough to stave off your anger. “S’somethin’ I hafta do.”
“Just like you had to leave me last time?” You swung your legs around to stand up. “Let me go with you this time.” 
He was already shaking his head. “Don’t know what’s out there. You’re safer here.”
“That’s the same bullshit you fed me last time, Daryl.” You were fuming now, pacing the area in front of him while he wouldn’t even meet your eyes. “I’ve been out there! I’m not staying behind again!”
“No! I had no say in this last time and it’s kept us apart for too long. I won’t do it again! Do you hear me? I won’t!”
“Didn’t know ya were gonna be here. Didn’t know ya even knew where to find me.”
“Aaron told me. I went to Alexandria first.” You knelt in front of him, ducking your head to urge him to look at you. “Please, Daryl. Please don’t do this to me again.”
“M’sorry.” He whispered. 
You remained there, staring at him in disbelief. You had just found one another only to be separated again. Using his knees to shove yourself to your feet, you grabbed your coat and the key to your temporary apartment. The door hit the wall from the force of you throwing it open. 
“Fuck you, Daryl.” You hissed. You didn’t bother closing the door, leaving him alone to listen to your retreating footfalls move further and further away. 
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Late evening saw Daryl packing the last of the things he would be taking with him. He knew he wouldn’t sleep, so he allowed himself several breaks. He was leaning against the kitchen counter chastising himself for not following earlier when there came a soft knock on his door. He had no reluctance to answer and found you standing on the other side. 
“Hey.” You attempted a smile that didn’t quite manage to form. “Can I come in?”
“O’course.” Daryl opened the door a little wider and stood back to allow you to pass him, closing it behind you. He wasn’t sure how to approach you or why you had come back in the first place. “Y/N, I—”
You held up a hand to request his silence. “I know you’re not going to let me go. And I know why. I won’t claim to understand it, but I have no choice but to respect it.” You watched his head drop, not in relief but guilt, despair. He just knew he was losing you again. It didn’t take long for you to cross the minuscule space that separated you from him. “I’ll wait for you this time. Here, in this apartment. I’ll wait.”
Those perfect blue eyes were wide with hope when he lifted his head; they searched you for any indication of a lie. When he found none, he nodded curtly. “Be nice to have ya here, knowin’ you’re waitin’ an’ mad at myself for makin’ ya.”
“Good.” You mused, stroking a stubbled cheek with your knuckles. When you kissed him, he froze, body rigid. You knew him well enough to press onward, your knowledge rewarded when he settled and his arms wound around you. Fingers found their way into your hair while the other hand drew you closer from the small of your back. You were breathless when you pulled back, rubbing your cheek against his. “I’ve missed that.” Daryl hummed, allowing you a brief reprieve before his mouth was on yours again. 
He walked you back toward the couch until the bend of your knees hit and you unceremoniously fell onto the cushions. Daryl followed your descent, chasing your lips. Palms on his chest, you pushed him back to shed your coat, your shirt following as he pulled his own over his head. As he worked his belt buckle open, you grazed your fingertips over the scars you knew by heart. Each ridge, each pucker, all a part of him. 
When he began to push his jeans toward the floor, underwear in tow, you sat back and raised your hips to rid yourself of your own, leaving your lower half bare, only a plain black bra shielding the last bit of skin. His hands were on your ribs, pulling you onto his lap while he simultaneously seated himself. He couldn’t stifle the groan when he felt the heat of your core over his erection, a feeling he had missed and never sought from anyone else. 
When you reached behind you to work open the clasp of your bra, the feeling of his fingertips on your sternum gave you pause. A new scar began in the valley of your breasts and stretched to your collarbone. It was left unspoken where you received it; a story for another time. You guided his hand to your lips, kissing the tip of each finger before drawing the middle digit past your lips. You hummed and swirled your tongue around the skin while shrugging off your bra. 
Daryl’s mouth was on you in an instant, his hand falling away from your lips when they parted with a drawn out moan. He licked the curve of each breast with practiced expertise, suckling at each nipple while your hands fisted into his mane; gentle tugs urging him onward. 
You began to ache for him in a fresh rush of heat. His hips jerked upward, jostling a needy whine from you. “Please.” You whispered, guiding him away from your chest to slot your mouth over his, chaste but hard. You kept your lips close, brushing his while you rubbed your noses together to maintain that contact. “I've waited long enough.”
The archer made a sound in the back of his throat, a growl that vibrated all the way down to where your heat slid over his cock. He need not release his bruising hold on the soft skin of your hips. He simply lifted you, shifted until the tip of him caught on your entrance and lowered you onto him. You remembered the stretch instantly, how your body always willingly molded around him. You were made for him, just as he was made for you. 
He panted against your lips, no doubt in restraint. It had been so long, he was shocked he didn’t spill inside you before you were fully seated. You, though; you were just grateful to feel him. You were both back where you belonged, however brief it may be. 
You moved first, a gentle rocking that made him hiss between his teeth. You didn’t stop, even feeling him begin to twitch within you. You feared how soon it would be over yet how you yearned to watch him fall apart. Daryl, on the other hand, was not willing for things to end so quickly. He worked his hand to where the two of you were joined and squeezed the bottom of his shaft. 
“Cheater.” You pouted, shivering when he chuckled against your neck. You felt his hand slide away, slick and warm, fingers wet when he pressed them into your hip again. He helped you sit higher on your knees only to drag you down, his hips thrusting up to meet you. The push and pull of him inside you, had your head falling back in a series of ah ah ah. 
He suckled a bruise onto one breast sliding his tongue over to the pebbled nipple, grazing his teeth against the sensitive bud, pulling sound after sound from you while he helped you bounce on his lap. 
“I missed you.” Distantly, you knew there were tears and your cheeks were damp, a sudden melancholy blending and twisting its way into the pleasure he was eager to give you. You dropped your head forward, smiling wetly when you spotted the moisture shining in his blue eyes as well. The kiss was hard, sloppy, full of need; it was a trade-off of years of absence and love and longing. 
His movements had slowed, calloused hands guiding you in a slow rolling atop of him. “Missed ya too.” His voice cracked, try as he might to keep his composure. It seemed wrong to feel the heat in your belly. Such a moment should be savored. You wanted to stop, keep him there inside you past the morning, never letting him climb on that bike. 
Your body disagreed, slowly but surely barreling you toward that precipice. You whined, burying your face into the crook of his neck. He wouldn’t allow your hips to stop moving, urging you toward release. 
“Wait.” He whispered, so soft yet with an intensity like you’d never heard from him before.
“I—can’t. I’m so close, Daryl. I need—”
He gripped your flesh, bringing you to a halt, willing you to look at him. When you did, the naked plea in his gaze took your breath away, extinguishing the steady build of pleasure to an ache that would never again be sated until he returned you. 
“Wait for me. Please.”
You nodded, drawing him against you to openly sob against his hair. “I will. I promise.” You held him there, the quiet shake of his shoulders against you; the hot moisture dripping onto your skin while your own tears fell into his hair. 
Why did you choose to return now? Why couldn’t you have come back years ago? He had been back from his isolation for so long, fighting and protecting all the people you loved and he had done it all without you. Because you were selfish. You followed your wounded pride as far away from him as you could. And when you came back, expecting he had moved on, actually hoping he had, he was waiting for you. 
And now you would watch him leave you again. On a mission that was not his to undertake. You would never be able to talk him out of it. Daryl had this drive, this desire to protect. He felt like he owed everyone to ensure their happiness. This was for Judith and RJ. They deserved their family to be whole. Daryl had raised those kids in your absence, the role of surrogate father taken on willingly. Now he would try to return to them what they had been missing. 
And you knew you couldn’t sway him. 
So you cried. He cried. And when your tears ran dry, still on his lap with him softening inside of you, you pulled back and cupped his face, red-rimmed blue eyes seeking comfort and reassurance. You smiled, a genuine small upturn of your lips, and kissed him. 
“I’ll wait forever if that’s what it takes. You just come back to me, Daryl Dixon.”
With a sharp inhale, he nodded while whispering his knuckles across your jaw. He was committing you to memory. Every freckle, every scar, the twinkle in your eyes, every line, every curve. He’d take it all with him. 
You didn’t even react when he lifted you and gently placed you on your back, slipping out of you in the process. It took three strokes to bring him back to hardness. He guided himself to your entrance and thrust inside in one fluid motion, dragging a moan from you with you arching into his chest. 
There was only desperation now, each hard thrust begging you to fall apart. And you would oblige. The way he slammed into you, his tip angled to probe that spot inside of you, had you clawing for purchase on his back, his shoulders, his arms. 
“Daryl—oh my god, Daryl—I’m gonna—”
“Please.” He whispered against your ear. You were a goner. The pleasure was so intense that your eyes rolled back, vision alight with stars and shapes as your body vibrated to ride each wave. When you began to come down, you were thankful. His thrusts were prolonging your orgasm, a gentle thrum of pleasure that kept going and going as he chased his high. With teeth clenched, he pulled from within you just in time to paint your belly with warm ropes. He groaned above you, body trembling with the struggle of holding himself up as he spilled. He was left a panting mess of tremors that somehow found the strength to pull away from you. 
He reached for his discarded shirt to gently clean you, having absolutely no intention of allowing you away from him to take care of the mess yourself. The task complete, he tossed the article to who knows where and sat back, pulling you onto his lap. There was a mutual hum of contentment as you melted into him. 
“I promise I’ll wait.” 
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Watching him ride away was probably the hardest thing you had ever done in your life. The last time had been filled with anger and a deep jab of betrayal. This time was different. You had conceded to watch this, made a promise to be there when he came back. 
He had held you, whispering in your ear while he smiled. It brought tears to your eyes. You nodded vigorously while he kissed you, laughing against his mouth. 
And then he was gone in a cloud of dust and the roar of an engine. 
But you would wait. 
You promised. 
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mountttmase · 4 months
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Winter Sun - Chapter 5
Note - lil early treat as the game is on tomorrow. this is probably one of my favourites so I’m super excited for you guys to read it. Once again thank you sm for being so lovely I just adore you guys 🥺 also I added in a anons suggestion last minute I hope you like it 🤭 and feedback is appreciated as always 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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You didn’t know if the heat was getting to Mason, but he could barely keep his hands off of you as the week went on.
Every night the pair of you ended up in one of the others room to let off some steam and you were beginning to wonder how you’d survive without him when the holiday finished. Even during the day he’d try and sneak you off if he could. Pretending you’d gone for a nap or to make a call so he could quickly make the pair of you cum and you couldn’t lie, you were having the time of your life.
It wasn’t just the sex though. He was right, you were his for the week and no matter where you were or what you were doing he was practically glued to your side. You were having the best week with him and all your friends and the little arrangement only made it even better.
You kept to your side of the deal too, making him breakfast and lunch if he wanted it. Treating him to ice cream when you were out even when he refused and making sure he always had his sun cream on but you knew he was secretly loving being taken care of in this way. Often finding him staring at you longingly as you made him something to eat like he wanted to pull you in and not let you go.
You felt good. Better than good, you felt wanted and needed and even though you both promised that the friendship came first and no feelings would be involved you noticed you’d started to slip.
You thought about him constantly when he wasn’t around, only feeling truly content when he was next to you and you felt yourself becoming in tune with the way he acted towards you. One misplaced glance or change in the tone of his voice had you spiralling but you were too afraid to say anything to him in case you made a fool of yourself so you kept it in. Trying to be as relaxed as possible around him.
You’d had a great week by all accounts though, getting drunk in the evening and soaking up the sun in the day and before you knew it there were only a few days left. Today was a little different though as you were meant to be having a girls day and Carly had arranged for the four of you to go pottery painting whilst the boys had their own thing going on but when you left you realised they were coming with you. Ben explaining that due to the weather their speedboat experience had been cancelled so they were tagging along to paint with you.
‘I’ve never done pottery painting, I don’t think I’ll be any good’ you told Mason as you all approached the building. Him holding the door open for you and you smiled as you walked passed him.
‘You decorate your cakes all fancy though, surely you can’t be too bad’
‘I guess we’ll have to wait and see’ you winked. Joining everyone else as a sweet older lady explained what you had to do.
Once she was done you were all allowed to go and pick your pottery, and once again you felt Mason brush up besides you as you looked for something to paint.
‘What are you thinking of painting?’ You asked him, eyes scanning the shelves for something exciting and you watched as he picked up a small stubby sort of vase before sending you a wink.
‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ he laughed before turning on his heel and making his way over to sit with the rest of the boys. Leaving you stumped before turning back to your only other hope.
‘Carly? Whar are you painting?’
‘Gonna paint Ben a mug I think, and maybe a little bowl for my cereal’ she mused, grabbing the biggest bowl she could see before taking it back to the girls table. You watched with a smile, knowing how much she loved her cookie crisp but your eyes were soon wandering over to Mason like they always did.
In the end you picked up a mug, wanting to paint Mason something too and then a mug for yourself before joining the girls. Sitting and gossiping as you let your creative juices flow and even though you were trying your hardest to paint something nice for Mason your lines were all wobbly and you thought it looked silly but you hoped it liked it.
For your own mug you decorated it with little strawberries and daisies, this coming out a little better than Masons but you were clearly taking too long as the girl’s had gone to join the boys to show off what they’d made as you were finishing up.
‘That's pretty’ Mason smiled, taking up the seat next to you. ‘The mugs not too bad either’
‘Oh hush it you’ you laughed. Secretly enjoying his compliments and you knew you were blushing as much as you tried to hide it.
‘Sorry, but it’s true, I am a bit concerned though. Please don’t tell me you’ve spent this whole time doing that’
‘Of course not’ you laughed, nodding your head to the side and you watched his eyes light up at the Spider-Man mug you’d painted for him. ‘I know it’s not great but I thought it might look good on your mug tree I got you’ you laughed, referring to the one you’d got him as a house warming gift and you watched his eyes soften as they flickered back between you and the mug.
‘You painted that for me?’
‘Of course. Just another little thank you of mine’ you teased but you could tell he was touched that you’d made something for him.
‘I guess I should show you what I did’ he laughed, a nervous expression on his face as he went to retrieve his item but you were more than confused when he set it down in front of you.
This looked nothing like the vase he’d picked up before. It was covered in little hearts of all shapes and sizes, pretty flowers and a few cupcakes hidden in here and there plus a slightly bigger pink heart that had gwen Stacey’s pink mask inside. Making you smile as you recalled all the times you’d spent watching it together and you loved the way both of yours tied in together without you meaning it too.
You were just about to ask what it was when you noticed the word tips carefully written in a fancy font on the front and your eyes shot up to his nervous ones.
‘It’s for your bakery. Thought it might look nicer than the coffee jar you’ve got sat by the till’ he laughed and your heart melted instantly.
‘Oh Mase’ you laughed. Dropping your brush and pulling him in for a hug and he held you back just as tightly. Tucking his head into your neck as he was a little shy and your heart thumped at how lovely he had been.
‘Bit of luck I painted something for you now huh?’ You laughed. Pulling back to look at his flushed face before his eyes darted to the Spider-Man mug in between you.
‘I’ll treasure it forever’ he laughed before helping you pick everything up and take it over to where everyone else’s were. The lady let you know they’d take around a week to be finished and you all wrote your addresses down for each piece before going to grab a quick lunch so you could get back to the villa. The weather now changing and after your busy morning and early afternoon, all you could think about was heading over to your chair and blocking out the rest of the world.
Well everyone but Mason at least.
He was still in the kitchen grabbing himself a drink, promising to follow you outside shortly to join you and with a quick, sneaky pinch to his bum you took the few steps from the kitchen to outside.
‘You coming in, y/n?’ Ben called, motioning his head into the pool as you walked around the edge towards you but you shook your head. Heading straight for the lounge chair you’d claimed as your own so you could get set up with your book however Ben seemed to be having different ideas. Stopping you in your tracks with his hands on your shoulders and the cheeky smile on his face unnerved you. ‘Come on, I haven’t seen you in there once this week’
‘So? I don’t want to’
‘But you have to, it’s the rules’ he laughed, turning you so you were now facing away from him, his chest pressed against your back as he bent slightly before lifting you from the floor.
‘Chilly I swear to god, put me down’ you shrieked, voice full of fear but you could tell he thought it was all hilarious. Swinging you from side to side as you thrashed and kicked your legs, your breaths short and sharp like you couldn’t take enough air in and as your eyes began to sting from fear you couldn’t help but let out a frightened whimper.
‘No can do, everyone needs to go for a swim or you can’t say you’ve had a proper holiday’ he laughed, swinging you back one final time before launching you into the water.
Everyone’s laughter and cheering was suddenly silenced, all you could hear was a rushing noise as you tried to fight your way to safety. You didn’t know what way was up and what was down and the more you struggled the more lost you became. Your lungs burning as you resisted the urge to open your mouth and scream but you were so frightened you didn’t know what else to do.
I’m gonna die, the only thought that was rushing through your head but the sudden feeling of someone’s arms around your waist as they dragged you up and back to the real world knocked the wind out of you.
You were gasping for breath instantly, your hands gripping onto someone’s strong shoulders as you tried to calm your aching lungs before you felt their hand on you back so they could pull you into them. Your arms snaked around their neck as you hid your head into them and they rubbed up and down soothingly to try and relax you before pulling you flush against them with their lips to your ear.
‘It’s okay, you’re safe now. I’ve got you, yeah? I promise it’s alright’
‘Mase’ you whimpered, booming coughs erupting from you as you clung to him even tighter. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he held you to his chest tightly and you knew you were going to be fine.
‘I know, Muffin. I promise I’ve got you’ he told you gently as he slowly walked you to the steps of the pool, gently walking you out whilst you clung to him like a koala and once you were up the steps and on the side you let yourself slide down his body so you could stand on your own. You could feel him start to pull back, probably wanting to check you were okay but you were having none of it. Small sobs now poring from you as you realised you were okay, the shock of it all finally hitting you and the embarrassment of everyone having seen you flapping about like a wet fish made you hold him even tighter as you cried into his neck.
‘Y/n I-‘ Ben started from behind you but Mason was quick to cut him off for you.
‘Don’t, Ben. Just don’t’
‘I didn’t-‘
‘Ben I swear to god if you don’t fuck off right now’ Mason growled, his body going stuff as he pulled you impossibly closer to his body. ‘I mean what the fuck were you thinking?’ He roared, but you didn’t want to start and argument so you pulled back in the hopes he’d look at you. He looked furious, cheeks flushed as his brows pitched together and you could feel the anger pouring from him but you watched his expression soften at the sight of you.
‘Can we just go inside’ you whispered through your tears and without so much a look in Bens direction, Mason lead you into the kitchen and away from everyone else before picking you up by your thighs and placing you on the counter.
‘Are you okay?’ He whispered, holding you by the jaw so she could get a good look at you and even though you were still crying and taking in strangled breaths you nodded your head. ‘What happened?’
‘H-he threw me I-in. I p-panicked’ you stuttered out before he pulled you back into his chest so you could calm down. You knew you were fine but your heart was still beating out of your chest and you were thankful you had Mason to grip onto.
Once you were calm again you pulled back to look at him, a soft concerned expression on his face as he placed a soft kiss to your forehead and you couldn’t ignore the goosebumps that traveled over your arms at the gesture. His touch was grounding you more than you thought it would but the feel of his lips on your skin made you feel even better.
‘You really don’t like the water do you?’ He asked softly, a small smile on his lips and you shook your head softly as you rubbed at your eyes. ‘Can you swim?’ He questioned gently and you took a nervous gulp before answering.
‘No’ you whispered, wanting to look away out of embarrassment but his non judgemental stare settled you and your carried on looking into his gentle eyes.
‘Y/n’ he sighed, but you could tell there was smile behind his voice as he slightly scolded you. ‘You need to tell me things like that. How am I supposed to look after you if I don’t know?’
‘Sorry’ you chuckled but he just shook his head before pulling you back into his embrace.
‘It’s alright. Just as long as you’re okay’ he mumbled, pulling back to look at you and you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘I’ll be fine’
‘Good’ he laughed before dropping his head to press a light kiss to your lips.
You froze, that’s against the rules being your first thought but he didn’t seem to be reacting in any way so you kept your cool and acted like what he’d just done was normal even though it was anything but.
‘Do you fancy going out for a bit? We can head to the beach rather than hanging here, I just know if I see Ben I’m likely to throttle him’ he joked, squeezing your waist lightly and you agreed, still a little embarrassed about the whole thing so you let him help you down so you could quickly leave.
You tried to be quick, drying yourself off and changing into a new bikini and a pair of shorts before chucking on an over shirt and trainers snd meeting Mason in the hall outside your rooms.
He was dressed in shorts and a tank, clearly throwing his own outfit together pretty hastily but looking at him still made your knees weak. The fact he’d have his tattoos on show for you today too made your tummy flip so when he held out his hand you took it straight away before he led you outside and thankfully you didn’t see anyone on the way out. Following Mason with your head down and once you were out he steered you towards the main town.
‘Thought we could have a walk on the beach maybe? Or look round some shops?’
‘Sounds perfect’ you smiled, squeezing his hand gently as you followed him down.
You arrived at the shops first, the pair of you looking at all the trinkets and souvenirs before Mason asked if you’d like to play a game and you looked up at Mason with a confused expression.
‘Whenever me and my family go away we get each other a magnet’ he told you, head motioning inside one of the tourist shops at a giant wall of magnets. ‘You go in here, I’ll go into the shop opposite and we can buy each other one. You know, one that reminds us of the other’ he explained but your silence made his face falter. ‘Or if that’s weird we can just-‘
‘No Mason I love it’ you giggled, squeezing his hand before letting go. ‘I’ll meet you out here in a sec yeah?’
‘Okay’ he nodded shyly before you both went in separate directions. There were a few you were considering but in the end you picked up one that looked like a rooster as it reminded you of Nando’s and you’d seen them everywhere this week and once you’d picked up a few more things for people back home, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Carly’s name flashing up on your screen and you felt nervous instantly. She wasn’t around when the pool fiasco happened and you knew she was probably worrying where you were.
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You met him outside where he was looking at you with a cheeky smile before quickly swapping the little paper bags they were hidden in, both bursting into fits of giggles when you saw you’d bought each other the same one.
‘You fancy a walk on the beach? We can stay away from the water if you want’ he smiled but you just laughed and took his outstretched hand. Walking along the shore as he intwinted his fingers with yours.
It all felt so surreal, getting caught up in the moment even though you know you shouldn’t have, but the way he was acting so soft and caring with you made your heart flutter and you had to remind yourself often that he was still just your friend.
He stopped suddenly, pulling his phone out his his pocket before seemingly trying to take a picture of the sand in front of you and you were confused as to what he was doing until he threw a peace sign up in the air, looking down to see his shadow on the sand so you joined in as he took a few more. Both giggling away until he placed his arm around your waist and pulled you flush against his side before popping a kiss on your forehead and snapping a picture.
You looked up at him carefully, his bright eyes looking down into yours and the urge to kiss him was stronger than ever. He beat you to it though, planting another illegal kiss on your lips softly before taking your hand again so you could carry on walking.
‘You feeling better now, Muffin?’ He asked quietly, a hint of worry still in his eyes but it needn’t be there.
‘Much better. Thank you for looking after me Mase’ you told him sincerely, wrapping your arms around his waist so you could hold him close. ‘Sorry for ruining your peaceful afternoon’
‘Don’t be silly, I’d rather hang out with you anyway. I was thinking, maybe we could grab some dinner out? Unless you wanna go back, we can do that too’ he told you, rushing at the end like he thought he’d overstepped but you were enjoying your alone time with him so you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘No I like the sound of that. Maybe we could have a little picnic on the beach? I don’t think I’m looking too presentable to be sitting in somewhere’ you laughed, looking down and your thrown together outfit and still damp hair but the soft smile on his face relaxed you.
‘I mean I think you look great but whatever you want’ he winked, squeezing your sides playfully.
After another quick walk around the town, Mason pointed out a take away pizza place and put your order in before you popped into the small supermarket opposite to grab some drinks and sweet treats before taking your food back to the beach so you could eat and watch the sunset.
Even though you didn’t like the water, there was something about sitting by the sea and the sound of the waves that made you feel at peace. And sitting with Mason as you spoke casually about future plans and how he was looking forward to the rest of the season made your heart sing.
‘I know we haven’t known each other too long in the grand scheme of things, but you know I’m really proud of you, don’t you?’ You told him softly, watching the most heartwarming smile stretch across his face before he patted the space in front of him so you’d sit in between his legs. Once you were comfortable his arms snaked around your waist and you placed yours on top of his as he pulled you as close as he could to him. His lips by your ear so he could speak to you quietly.
‘I’m proud of you too, Muffin’ he whispered, the smile in his voice evident but you both started giggling as he kissed the side of your head. ‘I’m serious. You’ve got your own thing going on and you’re so successful and like I’m just so happy for you, you know? No one deserves to be happy more than you’
‘You deserve to be happy too’ you told him, moving your shoulders round slightly so you could look at him and you almost melted when his hand came to rest on your cheek so he could stroke it gently.
‘I am happy’
‘Yeah, I know it was a big choice to go up there and have everything change. And yeah maybe there are certain things I would of liked to of kept the same but I think it’s worked out pretty well’
‘I think so too’ you whispered, your smile mirroring his as he continued to gently stroke your cheek. ‘Though I miss having you around’
‘I miss you too’ he smiled
‘Hmmm me or my cakes?’
‘Your cake’s obviously’ he laughed, making you roll your eyes playfully as you looked away from him but he was quick to hold you closer and scatter kisses on top of your head until you looked back. ‘I’m kidding. It’s mostly you’
There was that feeling again, wanting to kiss him more than anything and you knew he felt the same because his eyes kept flashing down to your lips as they flickered all over your face. You figured you’d just take the plunge, he’d kissed you twice already today so you reached up and thankfully he caught on and met you in the middle.
Kissing Mason like this made you feel giddy. You were breaking every rule in the book but there was no intent behind it, just two people showing the other how they felt and you hope Mason could tell how much you appreciated him for everything
‘Thank you for this week, Mase, I was really worried about coming but I’m so glad I did. I’ll never be able to repay you’
‘You don’t have to thank me or repay me’
‘But I do. I really appreciate everything you do for me’
‘Well do you send me cakes a lot’ he winked, ‘and you're always there for my games, good times and bad you're by my side so I appreciate you too. More than you know’ he told you softly. A warm fuzzy feeling spreading over your skin and you didn’t have the confidence to look at him anymore so you faced forward as the pair of you snuggled closer and listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
‘Shall we head back? You’re starting to get cold and I don’t have anything for you’ Mason asked after a little while and even though you were content in his arms you knew it was getting late and you’d have to head back soon so you begrudgingly nodded.
‘Okay’ you whispered, taking a slow walk back with his hand in yours the whole way. When you got back, the house was silent and you weren’t even sure if anyone was in so you made your way down to your rooms after putting your leftovers in the fridge. Standing awkwardly outside your doors as he scratched the back of his neck.
‘You wanna come in here for a bit?’ He asked, making you raise your brows at him suggestively but he was quick to settle you. ‘Nothing like that, I just thought we could hang out for a bit. Watch a movie before bed?’
‘You sure?’
‘Yeah I just… I don’t wanna leave you yet like it feels weird to me’
‘It feels weird to me too’ you admitted shyly and your heart stuttered at his soft smile. ‘Listen, I’m just gonna have a quick shower, get changed and run upstairs for a water. You want me to get you anything?’
‘Why don’t you get us some snacks, I’ll let you pick’ he told you and with a final kiss to your forehead he let you go.
After your shower you found one of your nicer sets of pjs and you made your way upstairs but the sight in front of you made guilt rush through you. There was Ben, his face sat propped up on his fists as he leant against the counter and you could see how miserable he looked just from a glance.
You felt awful, you knew he hadn’t meant anything in a mean way earlier and when his eyes flickered over to yours you sent him a sympathetic smile.
‘You’re back’
‘Yeah we got back about fifteen minutes ago’ you told him as he sat up but he kept his eyes glued to the counter as he nodded his head and chewed on the inside of his cheek.
Without another word you made your way over to him, touching his shoulder so he’d turn a bit before pulling him into your arms. You felt him relax immediately as he held you tightly and you rubbed his back gently hoping to let him know everything was fine between you.
‘I’m so fucking sorry, y/n’ he told you quietly but you could hear the emotion in his voice and it was breaking your heart. ‘I honestly had no idea, I was just trying to have a bit of fun’
‘I know Ben. I know you didn’t mean it horribly and I’m fine I promise. I don’t tell people I can’t swim cause it’s a bit embarrassing but you didn’t know that’ you reassured him as you pulled away but kept your hands on his shoulders. ‘As for Mase I think he just got a bit scared but I’ve had a word with him. There wasn’t any need for him to speak to you like that’
‘It’s fine I deserved a telling off’ he smiled shyly and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. ‘You promise you’re alright?’
‘Fit as a fiddle’ you winked before walking over to the fridge. ‘I was more embarrassed than anything else. Like me, a full grown woman who can’t swim?’
‘Well if you fancy a lesson I can try and teach you. We can call it part of my apology’ he offered and even though you were petrified you wanted to do something to make him feel better.
‘You know what, I’ll take you up on that’ you laughed, shutting the fridge as you gathered your haul in your hands. ‘Let’s start in the morning’
‘It’s a deal’ he winked, a bright smile on his face and you felt better than you had all afternoon knowing you were fine.
‘I better take these down to his majesty’ you joked, motioning towards your full arms. ‘I’ll see you in the morning though, yeah?’
‘Course. Have a good night y/n’
‘You too’ you smiled and with a quick kiss to your cheek you both made your separate ways to your rooms. You didn’t bother knocking when you got to Mason's room, walking in so you could drop the snacks and drinks straight onto the bed but after you’d shut the door and finally caught sight of him, your mouth went dry.
He was lying horizontally across the bed on his side, flicking through the channels to find something to watch clad only in a pair of tight black Calvin’s. As soon as you made eye contact he sent you a sweet smile, shuffling up a bit straighter before patting the space in front of him and it felt like your heart was going a mile a minute as he helped you get settled. His warm skin pressed fully against yours as he tangled your legs together and wrapped his arm around your middle, but it was the light kiss pressed against your temple that made you blush harder than anything.
‘Comfy?’ He asked softly, lips right by your ear casing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin, you just hoped he wouldn't notice and when he didn’t say anything you just nodded and let him hit play.
It was a comfortable silence, but then again you were always comfortable around Mason. The pair of you munching your way through your snacks as you absentmindedly watched the film that was on until you felt him reach for his phone. Tapping away for a few minutes before he placed it back on the bed until you felt your own phone buzz on the side table.
‘I’d get that if I were you’ he told you quietly. Eyes not leaving the tv and you thought it was a bit weird of him but you didn’t question it. Reaching for it to see who it could be but you were surprised to find it was Mason trying to airdrop you something. The first thing looked like a picture of you taken from behind at a beach bar the other day and you felt your heart race as you pressed accept.
You weren’t prepared for what was coming through to you though. A full album of candid shots of yourself from nights out and day trips that Mason must have taken sneakily and you felt your whole body flush as you flicked through them. Seeing yourself through his eyes a little and you’d sworn you’d never felt more beautiful than right now.
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‘Mason? What the hell is all this?’ You asked, looking up at him with a wide smile and you watched his cheeks turn the same shade of pink yours probably were.
‘Just some pictures I’ve taken this week that I thought you might like’ he told you. Trying to shrug it off but you knew he knew what he’d done was special to you. ‘I thought maybe you could use some for your daily instagram dumps you seem to love. Do you like them?’
‘I love them, thank you’ you told him. Pulling him towards you tighter and you shivered as he kissed your shoulder.
‘That's okay. I know the others were constantly asking the boys to take pictures and I didn’t want you left out. I’ve kept a few for myself though’ he teased. Making you laugh as you looked back up at him.
‘I suppose I’ll allow it’ you smiled. Reaching up to kiss his jaw before your eyes went back to your phone so you could look through them again and try and find your favourite but it didn’t take long for your eyes to go heavy. It had been a long and slightly stressful day and the warmth of Mason's body and the calmness that you felt about being around him was sending you to sleep quicker than anything. He must have felt it, moving you round so your front was now pressed against his chest with your head in his neck but you knew you couldn’t get too comfortable. Sleeping in the same bed was against the rules.
Not that you’d stuck to the rules at all today.
‘Just gimme five minutes and I’ll go to my room’ you told him quietly, the rumbling of his chest as he laughed waking you slightly but not too much.
‘Don’t be silly, stay here tonight’
‘But Mase-‘
‘But nothing. Just go to sleep, Muffin’ he whispered into your hair and you knew your skin was covered in goosebumps.
You didn’t say another word, just snuggled down further into him as he held you even closer. His hands absentmindedly stroking over your skin and lulling you further into sleep, the last thing you remember being his lips on your forehead as he pressed feather light kisses to your hairline.
When you woke up, you knew it wasn’t morning yet. The sky was a little lighter than when you went to sleep but your thoughts were confirmed when you quickly checked your phone and the time read 03:47am. You weren’t sure why you were awake but you quickly dashed to the loo, carefully untangling yourself from Mason as to not wake him but you saw his eyes open when you returned. You had been contemplating going back to your room but he opened his arms for you as you stood awkwardly and you couldn’t deny him.
‘Sorry, Mase. I didn’t mean to wake you’ you whispered, crawling back into his arms but you let him spoon you this time, smiling at the feel of his arms around you and his lips pressed to the base of your neck.
‘S’okay’ he whispered back, continuing to press small kisses over the bottom of your neck whilst he let his hands wander your body carefully and before long you could feel yourself getting turned on.
You weren’t sure if this was his intention or if he just wanted to feel you but you knew your breathing had gotten deeper as he began to massage over you waist and hips before finally taking your bum in his hands and you couldn't help but moan a little bit. Yes the pair of you had been touchy all day but you’d missed his hands on you like this and once he could hear how he was making you feel he started taking things to the next level.
It was your thighs next, hands reaching forward to massage them softly whilst he littered your neck with kisses and it wasn’t long before you felt him prodding you in the back which caused you to let out a little chuckle. ‘Shhhh’ he laughed, letting his hands travel inward to part them before hooking one up and over his body. Leaving you open for him to do as he pleased.
You felt you hips moving before you’d even realised, grinding your bum down onto him and the chuckle that left his lips would have almost left you embarrassed but you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel him again.
‘You just can’t wait can’t you, baby? So needy for me’
‘Please Mase’ you whimpered. Your spine tingling at him calling you baby but thankfully he didn’t want to make you work for it. Just as needy as you it seemed as he pulled your shorts from you and freed himself just enough to be able push himself into you. One arm wrapped around you to hold you close as the other hooked under your thigh to hold it up as he bucked his hips into you from behind and the kisses he was pressing to the back of your neck were driving you wild.
It was lazy and delicious, the pair of you taking it as slow as you could so you could just feel each other rather than chase your highs. Not having sex for the aim of getting off but just because it felt good to be pressed up against each other, to feel him rock his hips in and out of you just like he knew you loved whilst whispering the most heavenly praise in your ear.
You look so fucking beautiful
Feels like you were made for me, you know that?
Let me hear all those pretty noises you make. I don’t care if anyone hears us I wanna know how good you feel
You’re doing so well for me sweetheart
I’ve got you, let go for me gorgeous
When you’d finally come down from your high, you could still feel him pressing the most delicate kisses to the back of your neck until he was burying his face in there. Taking a huge breath like he was absorbing you in and couldn’t wipe the smile off your face.
The pair of you didn’t move, Mason just feeling heavier and heavier as he sunk into you even more. Falling straight back to sleep so you joined him knowing you’d hadn’t felt this content in the longest time.
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liked by masonmount, carlywlms_, benchilwell and others
Y/n a day well spent 🩷
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masonmount ✌🏻
y/n ✌🏻
declanrice that pizza look insane
y/n It was 👩🏻‍🍳😘 there’s a few slices in the fridge if you want some
carlywlms_ missed you this afternoon 💜
y/n I’ll be there to annoy you tomorrow 💜
okaylaaa omg the magnets 😩 @woody_ we need to get some before we go
y/n they had so many, it’s hard to choose 😭
woody_ I’ll take you tomorrow 😉
benchilwell 💛
y/n 💛
laurenfryer_ you didn’t want to show everyone your Spider-Man mug, no?
y/n I didn’t want to embarrass everyone else with my skills
lukeshaw23 tell Mase that’s not part of his meal plan
y/n It’s a one off treat 😉
masonmount let me tell you, I’ve had many treats this week 😌
__nads hope you’re having the best time 🩷 everyone’s asking after you 🥺
y/n thank you, i hope it’s okay going okay 😂
__nads sugar mumma is still standing 😉
masonmount can you post me up some brownies for when I get home please? Or just whatever’s left over tomorrow, I’m not fussy
y/n @__nads ignore him please 🙄
masonmount no no, she owes me
__nads I’m not getting involved in your domestic 😭
Tagged: @footiehoemcfc @prideofpd @yoursselo @chelseachilly @willow-writer-ivy @mm-vii @katharinanadiaa @mmountseb @carlottawllms @saltyheartnightmare @masonmtxo @harvestmount @chillymountsjess @treblebluesblog @pulisicsgirl @bluesswift @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps
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hockeyboysimagines · 7 months
Practice makes perfect
Warnings: Unprotected sex, please be responsible (that’s all this is really haha)
Ask and ye shall receive. A fun little Matt and Hallie piece for you guys, inspired by the last game. Expect chapter 3 of Fuck me like I’m famous to be out in. Day or so.
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“Does it hurt?” Hallie asked, leaning down to peer at his eyebrow and the bridge of his nose. There was little blood and the beginnings of a bruise but he seeemed fine otherwise.
“Nah. You’ve hit me harder than this before.” He said with a smile, eyes twinkling.
She rolled her eyes, embarrassed and crossed her arms watching as he got it cleaned and butterfly stitched.
Fighting in hockey never bothered Hallie, but watching him get jumped like that wasn’t exactly her favorite thing in the world either. She and Chantal had immediately grabbed hands when they saw him fall to the ice, and she hadn’t breathed until he was back up and yelling at Brady from center ice.
She hadn’t even planned on going to this game, but had been talked into it last minute, and was able to find care for the kids. She’d not expected the game to explode the way it did and she was a little surprised. She’d watched Matthew and Brady play one another before but this game was a little different. They both had the unique ability to agitate the other team but sometimes it just went too far.
Either way she was glad he was okay.
Especially after what happened during playoffs.
Watching him go down after the hit during the finals, and then stumble when he tried to get back up was probably the scariest thing that had ever happened to her. She was frozen in her seat, unable to move and when he didn’t return to the bench immediately she knew something was wrong. Though she argued with him, she couldn’t stop him from playing in the next game, and a huge blowout resulted when she found it was a broken sternum, and not a broken arm like he told her it was.
It was the first and only time since the first time that she considered leaving him and taking the kids. But then Hallie remembered what her life was like without him and she definitely didn’t want to go back to living that way, but he’d promised her that he would never do that again.
This thankfully was only two small cuts to the face and nothing more. He hopped off the table, gave everyone a small wave goodbye and they headed out of the medical room and down the hall.
“Who has the kids?” He asked after a second, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
“Carly. She’s visiting for the week.”
“Oh so the kids are at home.”
“That’s what I said. Why?”
“No reason. Just wondering if you wanted to make another one is all.”
Hallie’s mouth fell open and she let out a breath “Matthew-“
“Great. Glad we’re on the same page. Your hotel room or mine?”
Hallie spent the short ride from the arena squirming in the backseat of a cab. She’d jumped and gasped a little when she felt Matthew’s hand slide between her legs, fingers moving over the paper thin fabric of her leggings.
“What are you-?” She hissed eyes moving towards the cab driver, but Matthew refused to look at her. He was smiling a little, eyes not moving from the window as they drove.
She was biting her lip so hard she was sure it was bleeding as they pulled up to the steps on the hotel she was in, and he waved pleasantly to the driver and they walked in together. Her heart was in her ears as he stared at her from across the elevator, almost unblinking.
“Stop.” She said finally, eyeing him as the elevator moved agonizingly slow.
“Stop what?”
“Having eye sex with me from across the elevator. That’s what.”
He chuckled “Don’t worry. There will regular sex to be had soon, and if it wasn’t for that.” He nodded above her head at the camera “We’d be having it now.”
Hallie felt redness come to her face and coughed “In an elevator? What do you take me for.”
“What I take you for.” He said pushing off the wall and taking a slow step forward “Is the same girl who once let me fuck her in a bar bathroom, and then went back out like nothing ever happened. And that same girl also stuck my hand under her dress at the winter gala surrounded by important executives.” He same to stopping in front of her “Should I keep going?” He leaned down so he was eye level with her. He was giving her one of those nasty smirks he always did right before he ruined her.
She opened her mouth to respond and then closed it, shaking her head.
“That’s what I thought. After you.” He waved a hand forward towards the elevator door, which had now opened, and followed her out, down the hall and towards her hotel room door. She stopped and turned to pull out her key card, when she felt a hand slide across her abdomen, and warm breath under her ear. Hallie nearly dropped the key twice as his lips ghosted over the skin of her neck.
“The key won’t work.” Hallie said smacking it against the sensor on the door, sucking in a breath as his hand sank below the waistband of her leggings “I can’t get it to unlock-“
“I’ve got a key for your lock right here.” He whispered in her ear, body pushing her up against the door, sensor beeping as they almost fell in when the door unlocked suddenly. He had one hand on either side of her waist, spinning her to face him as he kicked the door shut and pulled her forward, lips finding hers in the dark.
Kissing her never got old, like each time was the first. He yanked her jacket off, tossing it away as she pulled off his tie and suit jacket.
“Take this off.” He breathed out against her mouth, pulling at the jersey she was wearing. As much as he loved seeing her in that Tkachuk jersey, he needed to see her in nothing. He couldn’t get her out of her clothing fast enough, ripping the jersey over her head and then tossing her down on the mattress. He grabbed the waistband of her leggings and pulled, yanking them down before he pulled his own dress shirt off, surprised when he felt her hands on his arms and she quickly spun him, seating him down on the bed.
“Shhhhhhh.” She said holding a finger up to quiet him “Let me take care of you.”
She reached forward, eyes still on his and slowly unbuttoned his suit pants, before removing them, his shoes and socks, and then leaned him backwards. He felt his heart rate pick up a little. Usually after a particularly rough game, Hallie let him get a little wild. It wasn’t often she took control but when she did.
It was always fun.
She was half in shadow as she stood, adjusting the band on her underwear and nodding for him to move up the bed. When he did, she reached forward, eyes flicking up to meet his as she leaned down and pressed a wet open mouth kiss on his lower abdomen. She gave him a better head rush than any fight or elbow ever could.
“Hallie I-“
But he was silenced when she stretched the length of his body and moved her mouth across his jaw and down his neck. She had one hand splayed across his chest and used the other one to tilt his chin back.
“So about that baby…” she whispered in his ear.
He had her flipped over on her own back before she could even finish her sentence. He was smiling, pinning each of her arms by her head and leaned into her face.
“Oh is that what you want.” He ran his hand down her arm, and across her stomach, and down into her underwear.
She jumped, back arching up and smiled a little with a shrug “I mean if you wanna give me one.”
“Another one?”
“How about we just maybe get some practice is?” She said tugging her hand free and running them down his back to the lower part, nails digging into his skin.
“Good plan. You can never have too much practice.” He whispered leaning down to kiss her.
She opened her mouth allowing him to push his tongue inside and she felt a heat erupt in her stomach that started to creep through her as he pushed her underwear down her legs and settled in between them. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as he pushed inside of her, for probably the 200th time, but the feeling it gave her never got old. His tongue slid across her neck, teeth biting down on her skin as his hand moved up her waist, fingers splaying across her ribcage. He pulled out and pushed back in, his own head falling forward into the crook of her neck.
He ran his hand under her knee and pulled her leg up, hitching it around his hip, pushing deeper as he did. She gasped and let out a moan. Her nails drug across the skin of his forearms, as she watched the muscles begin working in his abdomen. There was nothing in the world quite like him. “That’s the prettiest noise I’ve ever heard.” He whispered.
He pulled her up by the back of the neck to kiss him, crushing her mouth with his own. He threaded his hand through her hair, the thick silky strands wrapping around his fingers. Her body felt hot and tight and she was a little bit dazed when he pulled away to look at her.
“God you’re beautiful.” He whispered, eyes never leaving hers. He’d been saying that to her since day 1 and it never failed to make her melt into a puddle of goo, and today was no different.
She watched as he leaned forward resting his forehead on her chest and pushed inside her again this time deeper and faster than before. Her head fell back as she pushed her hips up to meet his, legs spreading wider. He had a firm grip on her left hip as he started thrusting harder, and faster. She felt white heat building between her legs and her body was tired and felt heavy. It she never wanted him to stop. He braced an elbow on the mattress next to her head and started to push faster.
“Matty oh my g-“ but her words became jumbled and she felt herself fall apart as she got hit with an orgasm that made her toes curl.
“Shhh kiss me.” He pulled her forward hurriedly, kissing her right through both of their orgasms until their breath had slowed, and she had no more air to give to him. He finally pulled away and let his head fall into the crook of her neck, trying to slow his breathing down. He gave a little shiver as he pulled out of her and laid next to her in silence.
“Well you’re welcome for the baby.” He said after a few minutes of the sounds of breathing filling the room.
Hallie started laughing and he smiled at the sound. He could only see her profile silhouetted against the lights coming from behind the curtain, but he had seen her smile at him enough to know what she looked like.
“You’re awfully sure of yourself on the first try.”
“I’m 2 for 2 babe. It’s not confidence, it’s just skill.”
“Well since you’re so skilled, I guess we don’t need anymore practice.” Hallie pulled the blanket up and turned from him.
“Woah whoa whoa, now hold on.” He reached across her to turn on the lamp “I’m confident in my abilities but that doesn’t mean mistakes can’t be made. We could always do it again, to be on the safe side.”
She smiled and looked at the ceiling in thought “Well. If you really think so then I guess we should. You know…for the safe side. You’re the expert after all.”
He reached forward and ran a hand over her collarbone, thumb stroking the base of her neck “What’s that saying? Practice makes perfect?”
“Well since we’re already perfect…” he said with a large cheesey smile.
She rolled her eyes and grabbed him by the chain “Shut up and kiss me you idiot.”
He reached past her and grabbed the pull chain on the lamp, intending to spend the rest of the night doing just that.
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imightgetbetter · 2 months
living this life with you
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hiiiiiii. long time no see. not promising that i'm back back but i'm definitely in the market of doing some writing again and getting back into the swing of things. this is a fun little smutty thing about the day matty and the missus decided they were going to try to have a lil baba. i have crazy baby fever lately so i figure this would probably hold me over until i'm ready to actually have a child of my own lol but anyways! let me know what you think and maybe send in some ideas for me to write if you'd like <33 love you all i think of you often
Carly and Adam’s son is placed in your lap, happily chewing on an ice pop and cooing every few seconds at the taste. Adam and Matty are talking about something for the upcoming album, a plan for when they’ll begin recording and beginning the process for the next roll out. Matty smiles over at you, his hair growing in luscious curls, begging to be ran through your fingers. You can’t take your eyes off of him, off the way he looks so happy just being with his friends, off the way he looks so healthy, so full of life. He looks the best he’s looked in years, you’d say, and it’s making it impossible to keep your eyes – and hands – off of him.
“Come here, baba,” Matty says, bringing the baby onto his lap and giving him kisses across his cheeks and neck, earning a fit of laughter from the baby’s mouth. “You are so lucky he looks like Carly.”
“Ha ha,” Adam scoffs, shaking his head, grabbing his beer and taking a pull from the pint glass. “What about you two? When are you going to pop one out? Add another member to the band.”
“Don’t start,” Matty warns, shaking his head. “Your father is going to get me in trouble, Little Hann.”
Carly looks at you quizzically, a frown passing over her features as you shake your head, not wanting to get into this conversation here, in front of your friends. You and Matty have argued about this multiple times over the last week alone, a brewing debate and you knew that if you got into it today, it would be even worse. You were reaching your breaking point with this conversation, and you really can’t bear to do this in front of people you know so well.
“Carly, do you want to step inside with me? I could use another soda.”
“Sure, love.” Carly presses a kiss to her son’s head and grabs her glass and walks with you into the kitchen. She follows you in quietly and leans against the counter. “So, tell me what’s wrong.”
“Ugh,” you sigh, grabbing ice and setting your glass on the counter with a clunk. “Matty is avoiding the baby conversation.”
“What do you mean?”
“Every time I bring it up, he tells me that we’re not ready or that he doesn’t want to have the conversation, right now. It’s like he’s totally changed his mind about having kids and won’t bother telling me. I’m getting really frustrated by it. I’m not getting any younger! I’m ready to do it, now, you know? He’s home and we’ve got some time and who knows how long it’ll take, and I’m just frustrated.”
“I’m sure he’s just nervous, babe! It’s a big deal, you know. Maybe he wanted to have extra time just the two of you. I mean, he is quite selfish with you. Maybe he just doesn’t want to share you.”
“I suppose,” you hum, swirling your soda around in your glass. “I want a baby, though. Badly, Carly.”
Carly giggles, “I remember those days. The baby fever was crazy.”
“I feel like I’m insane. Like, I want to climb Matty like a tree, twenty hours of the day. If he’s around, I feel like I need to attack him. It’s great for him, and for me, obviously. I just, Carly, I want to have a little Matty baby.”
“Talk to him! I know that if you talk to him about this, like really talk about it, he’ll be on board. I mean, it’s you and Matty. It would be ridiculous if after everything you two have been through you couldn’t talk this out. Look at him with the babe, too. Of course, he’ll want one with you.”
“I suppose so,” you say with a sigh, looking out through the glass doors and admiring him from afar, the baby on his lap, the falling curls in his face, the way his voice immediately shifts to talk to the baby. It’s everything you want and you’re sure that Matty would be right beside you.
Matty stands up from his chair and takes the babe with him, Adam following closely behind. “Darling, I think we need to steal him.”
“I am not letting you take my son, Matthew,” Carly laughs, shaking her head and reaching out for her son, who babbles happily and reaches back for his mumma. Matty hums, wrapping his hand around your waist and kissing your temple, humming against you as he sets his hips behind yours. “You two could have one though.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Matty laughs, kissing your cheek and grabbing his keys from the counter. “We should get going. Adam, I’ll text you about the studio time this week.”
You look at him with confusion, pursing your lips together and shrugging your shoulders as Carly gives you a questioning look. Matty grabs your hand and pulls you out, immediately grabbing your face and kissing you, hard, on their front steps. His mouth is heavy on yours, his tongue gliding against yours, his hands moving down your body and cupping your ass in his hands.
“Hm,” you hum, pulling back with a giggle, your mind glossed over with his touch. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Hann got me thinking,” he hums against your lips, biting at your bottom lip as he pulls you in closer, your body pressed tightly against his.
“Thinking about?”
“I think I want one.”
“One what?”
“I think I’m ready, you know, for us to have a baby.”
You blink twice, pulling your face away from his and staring at him in awe. “You’re not joking, right?” You set your hands on his chest, pushing your bodies away slightly, just to get enough space to know if he’s speaking in the heat of the moment or if he’s serious. “Don’t, I mean, if you’re not serious, I don’t want to get into another argument about this.”
“No, darling. I want it. I want a baby with you,” Matty hums, leaning in closer and pressing his mouth just beneath your ear, kissing the soft spot on your neck sweetly, seductively whispering, “I want to make a baby with you.”
“Take me home. Take me home, right now.”
Matty laughs loudly, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the car, his hand pulling you into his chest once more to kiss you, your heart pounding so heavily in your chest, you’re sure he can feel it.
“My heart is beating so loud I can feel it in my ears,” Matty chuckles, closing the door behind him and waiting for you to settle into your side of the car.
“Mine, too,” you hum, closing your eyes to soak in the moment. “What made you change your mind?”
“Change my mind?”
His eyes don’t meet yours, but you can see the way his eyebrows quirk together in confusion. “About having a baby. You’ve been avoiding the topic every time I’ve brought it up the last few weeks.”
Matty rubs his hand over his stubbled cheeks, sighing and turning to face you. “Honestly?”
“Always want you to tell me honestly.”
Matty hums for a moment, “I’m scared.” The light turns green, and he turns back to the road and reaches to grab your thigh. “I have been working so hard at being a good husband and being a good friend and being a good artist in the last year. I am not sure I am cut out to be a good father. I love the babies we’re around. I love babies. And, by God, YN, I love you. More than anything. I want to do everything with you. I just can’t help but worry that things won’t be the same. We won’t have time for each other the way we do, now. I don’t want you to feel like we lose our relationship when we become parents. It’s just, it’s a bit scary.”
“My love,” you sigh, reaching across the console and pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Matty, why didn’t you just tell me that?”
“You seem so ready, darling. I didn’t want you to feel like I’m not ready. I am, I just, I’m nervous.”
“It’s okay to be nervous, baby.” You wait until Matty’s parked the car to unbuckle your seatbelt and reach over to grab his cheeks, coaxing him to look at you as you smile, your eyes wet with realization and pure, unconditional love for this man who has always done everything according to your timeline and your wants. “I’m nervous, I have no idea what we’re going to do, but it’s you. You and me. And there’s nothing I want more than to live a life where we can make something from how much we love each other. All the rest of it? We can figure that out. All that matter is that I love you. Unconditionally and forever.”
Matty looks at you softly, his eyes melting into your stare as he tilts his head and captures your lips in his, kissing you deeply. “Let’s go inside,” he mumbles against your lips. “Let’s go practice.”
You smirk against him, quickly following his lead as he clambers out of the car, unlocking the front door and taking your hand, pulling you inside after him. He takes your cheeks in his hands and kisses you, his tongue sliding along your bottom lip, teasing you, his hands reaching your back and ghosting across your skin, smacking your backside as you stumble backwards towards your bedroom, a fit of giggles and laughter following your steps.
It's hurried, the undressing as you stare at each other across the room, the way Matty shuts the door behind him and pulls his shirt over his head while you struggle to unbutton your shorts under his stare. He cocks his head to the side, laughing when you shake your head and mumble, shut up, and instead of helping you, he nudges you back against the bed and falls on top of you. It’s silly, to be nervous and excited like it’s your first time together all these years later, but there’s an element of newness to it that neither of you can really touch on, can really place. Matty lays beside you, letting you lead the way with his mouth on yours, easing into this. He wants to go slow, to take his time.
His hand ghosts along your stomach, teasing at your thighs, dragging his fingers along your wetness just enough to make you squirm beneath him. His fingers press against you, sliding across your most sensitive points until he hears a wantoned moan leave your lips, your kiss becoming deeper, more passionate, his hands working in circles on the nerves settled between your thighs. The sensations of it all are too much, the kiss, the pressure, the delicious pleasure moving through you, your body reacts so intimately, so happily to him. It’s like you were made to be in his arms.
“You are so sexy,” he grunts against your lips, kissing your harder as his fingers dip into your heat. You moan into his mouth, your eyes rolling back as every ounce of pleasure rolls through you, your body beginning to shake under his touch. “Come on, baby. I want it, please.” Your body instantly reacts, your climax washing over you uncontrollably as you kiss him.
“Get over here,” you laugh breathlessly, pulling him on top of you, your mouth meeting his easily as he leans down to kiss you. “I love you. Endlessly.”
“I love you more, darling.” His words echo through you as he slides into you, his moan etched deep into your soul as he begins to rock his hips against you, your thighs hitched as high as they’ll go, and your bodies connected ever so intimately. It’s so special, you think, to share this intimacy with the person your soul loves so deeply, so furiously. There will never be another person that feels the way you do about this man, about his love.
And you kiss him, so passionately, so fiercely, that you nearly lose yourself in the moment. All that matters is him and you and that fact that from today on, you are going to love him with the intention of being life partners, being parents. You’re going to experience a connection that only you will share with him, that only you will know. You will be bonded forever, permanently, in a person that is an expression of how much you love him.
“I love living life with you, Matty,” you say, clutching him close and blinking back tears. It’s something you’ve always thought, but never felt compelled to say until right now.
He kisses you, a kiss that could only mean, I feel the same, and you know that this is only the beginning.
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ughgoaway · 3 months
thinking about drunk teacher girlie out on a night out with the women of the 1975 and the drunk phone calls that follow, of course.
you sneaking off to the bathroom to call matty after a couple of guys hit on you, and it's just drunk rambling about how much you like him.
"and there was this really tall guy. like wayyyy taller than you-"
matty cuts you off mid-sentence, saying, "Alright, I don't know if I needed that bit of info, but -"
"SHH MATTHEW LISTEN. he was all like 'oh you're so hot you should come home with me', and I finally got to say 'no, I have a boyfriend.' Isn't that so cool!!"
"very cool my love," I like to think it's the first time you use the term "boyfriend" when talking about matty to him, so he gets a little flustered at you finally saying he's your boyfriend. but he doesn't put too much weight on it, considering the whole "drunk out of your mind" thing.
so yeah, it's early on in the relationship. And whilst obviously, matty knows you like him, but he didn't quite know how much.
"and I just think you're so pretty. I used to always tell my friends about your pretty curly hair." You ramble, slurring your words, but matty can still just about make out what you're saying, "I want to do your hair. Will you let me?" You perk up immediately at the thought, and matty can't help but lightly laugh at how excited you sound.
"Of course darling, you can do it tomorrow, yeah?" matty is already grabbing his keys as he talks to you, preparing to inevitably come pick you up
"Mmm, yeah. then we can have a shower together. and I can steal your nice shampoo, the lavender one." You're leaning against the sink as you talk, and you can feel yourself getting more and more tired with each word.
"Will you come get me matty, m'tired. and I wanna see you, my pretty boyfriend. " You complain, and before you even finish your sentence, you can hear the engine roar to life on the other side of the phone.
"Be there in 20"
matty manages to get there and soon wrangles you away from charli, who at first doesn't recognise matty and shouts at him for "kidnapping! wait, or is adultnapping?"
after minimal fighting and a lot of flirting from you ("Do you know you're like, really hot? a proper dilf. " "Yes darling, that's the 3rd time you've told me I'm a dilf, thank you though.") Matty gets you in bed, but before long, you start whining about your makeup being on.
"ughhh it's gonna be so bad for my skin. but m'too sleepy. oh well!" You try to flip over and burrow into the pillows, but matty stops you and pulls you to sit up before running off you get your makeup wipes.
"Nope, it'll only take 3 minutes, and I'll do it for you, sweetheart. You just sit there and look pretty, yeah?" You hum happily at being called pretty, and stay on the bed trying not to fall asleep sitting up.
Matty quickly searches his cupboards for anything you've left behind on your nights staying over. he stumbles across a pack of makeup wipes and briefly remembers you saying something about just them not being enough. But honestly, the way your eyes are drooping, he knows it's more about speed than technical skill at this point.
he gently wiped at your eyes, making sure to get the mascara off, "because I know it always burns your eyes, baby. just a few more wipes, I promise."
soon enough, you're passed out snoring on the pillow, and matty is getting you comfy before settling beside you.
now... the next day at school? hellish. 30 screaming 6 year olds + a killer hangover is not a good combo. and you almost feel like scolding carly for convicing you to go out, but to be honest, you were just as bad an influence.
matty brings you a coffee at lunch, "knew you'd be absolutely hanging, sweetheart. was no trouble popping in, really." he says with a sweet smile and a takeaway coffee.
you immediately have a few sips of the coffee, sighing happily as the hot liquid falls down your throat. you put the drink down after chugging a little bit too much at once, but that's forgotten as soon you pull matty into a deep kiss as a token of your appreciation.
After a few seconds too long with a little bit too much tongue for a kiss at school, matty pulls away a little bit dazed and blinking hard. "I'll bring you coffee everyday if that's the welcome I get, fucking hell"
So he brings you coffee whenever he can get away from then on, switching to herbal tea once you get pregnant with baby healy no.2 <3
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crushculture03 · 8 months
Tour Baby!
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Summary : You find out you’re pregnant while on tour with the band
Pairing : Matty healy x afab!reader
Warnings : Emetophobia , pregnancy, fluff, swearing, anxiety.
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You had been on tour with your boyfriend’s band, the 1975, for about 5 months now, it had so far been one of the greatest experiences you’ve ever had.
Lately things haven’t been so great, for the past week you had barely been able to get out of bed, all you could do was sleep, throw up and occasionally eat a few crackers. You thought it was a stomach bug at first, probably something you caught while in the crowd at a show, but when your period didn’t show up like it usually did, you knew it could only mean one thing.
That morning you woke up at 7am, an everyday occurrence for you as that was always the time whatever was inside of you got angry and decided it was time for you to spill your guts. You quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, quickly emptying your guts into the porcelain bowl. You knew you had to do something about this, waking up at 7am to puke your guts out isn’t a normal occurrence. You quickly dialed the number of the only person you knew would be up at this time, “Hey y/n!” Carlys cheery voice spoke through your phone. “Hey um are you free right now?” you whisper, trying not to wake matty, who surprisingly slept through the whole thing, “Yeah, is everything ok?” she asked, concern evident in her voice. “Kind of, I just need your help with something” you say, “Of course, I’ll meet you down in the lobby right now” Carly said, before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.
You quickly rushed out of the bathroom, making sure to be quiet while you grabbed your coat and wallet, once you had everything, you quickly headed to the lobby. You spotted Carly instantly and ran to her, “Hey Y/n! You ok? You look pale whats wrong?” she asked, “i-i well i think i may be pregnant” you mumble out, your stomach instantly turning at the words, “Oh um wow thats crazy” she says, a smile appearing on her face. “Yeah, I just need to take a test, I was wondering if you could come with me to get one? I’m nervous to go alone” you say, as you nervously twist your hands together. “Of course! And hey it’ll be ok I promise” she says, and pulls you into a comforting hug, “thank you carly” you whisper as you squeeze her a bit tighter.
You and Carly had returned from the store after buying about 5 tests, trying to get the most accurate results possible. “Ok so basically, and i know this sounds weird but just pee in the cup and dip each one in it and then we wait” she says, as she hands you a paper cup, you take it with shaky hands and slowly close the bathroom door.
You quickly follow Carlys steps, now waiting in silence as time passes by agonizingly slow, on the other side of the door you can hear carly and adams son laughing, and realize that could be you and matty very soon. But before you could spiral into your thoughts, you hear the alarm on your phone go off signaling that the test were done.
With shaky hands you quickly flipped the first one over, your jaw dropped as you read “Positive”, then you decided to flip the next, then the next, then the next, until it was the last one, all of them displaying signs of being positive for pregnancy. Tears started to form in your eyes as you took the information in, you didn’t know what to think, on one hand you were extremely happy, but on the other hand you couldn’t help but worry that this would throw a wrench into mattys career.
You slowly walked out of the bathroom, making your way into the bedroom where Adam and carly were reading their son a book, you smiled at how cute the young family was, and thought how that could be you and matty soon. Carly spotted you from the corner of her eye, instantly looking up at you ; “Soo” she asks, “i’m pregnant” you mumble out, not wanting to look up at her. “Y/N! Thats amazing! Congratulations” carly said, popping up from the bed and engulfing you in a hug, adam got up as well to hug you. “Thank you guys. You um you don’t think matty will be upset right?” you ask the dreaded question, “Of course he won’t, one he loves you and two for the past month he hasn’t stopped talking about wanting a kid. He’s going to be absolutely thrilled Y/N trust me” Adam says, quickly reassuring you. “You’re right, It’s just crazy you know? Like we wanted kids in the future, but looks like the universe had other plans” you chuckle, as you place your hand on your stomach. “It’s funny how that happens” carly jokes, “Well I should probably go tell him, what a way to wake up someone right?” you giggle, before hugging both of the Hanns goodbye and heading back to your room.
When you walk in you see Matty propped up against the headboard mindlessly scrolling through his phone like he does every morning. His head turns towards the direction of the door as he hears it close, “Baby!” he calls out, “Hey matty” you say, quickly walking up to sit by him in bed. “Everything ok? I woke up and you weren’t here” he asks, gently grabbing your hand and rubbing soothing circles with his thumb on it. “Yeah, I’m good I promise” you say, sending him a weak smile, but its no use lying to him, he can easily read it on your face that you’re far from ok. “Baby i know somethings up, what is it” he asks, now pulling you onto his lap, tucking your head into the crook of his neck as he rubs his hands up and down your back, trying to soothe you.
“I- well, fuck it” you whisper, pulling the test from your hoodie pocket to show matty. You see his eyes go wide as he recognizes the piece of pastic in your hand, “You-you’re pregnant?” he asks, “yeah” was all you could muster up. You see a wide grin form on mattys face as he instantly tackles you in a hug, “Holy shit baby! This is amazing, oh my god we’re having a baby” he yells as he cups your face in his hands and smashes his lips to yours. You couldn’t help but cry tears of joy, seeing his reaction made all the worries and doubts go away.
“We’re having a baby” you whisper, pulling away from the kiss, “Darling I’m so fucking happy!” he says, immediately placing another kiss on your cheek. “Me too, but matty this doesn’t ruin your career right? I feel bad, you’re on this tour for atleast 3 more months and I don’t want this to ruin anything” you mumble.
He takes your face in his hands once more, “Baby listen to me, this is not going to ruin a damn thing, i would end this tour right now if I could so we could spend the next months as just the two of us preparing for our baby” he states, you nod your head in response and lean up to kiss him. One of his hands slowly make its way to your stomach, “I love you and this baby so much” he whispers, “We love you too” you say back, the dopey smiles never leaving either of your faces.
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Unrequited love - Matty Healy x f!reader
Extra part II
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A/N: This whole series is the definition of 'I wasn't planning to...but...' sooo I wasn't planning to finish it today but here we are. THANKS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN about all the support!!
Warnings: jump scared?, swearing, FLUFF, typos.
Word count: 2.6 K
It wasn’t usual for the girls of the group to spend time without the boys, although from a time to the present they started to feel like it was necessary. Partly why, Charli, Y/n and Carly joined by the little James Hann were hanging around Charli and George’s home. The other reason was to spoil James without the rest of the band trying to have his attention. 
Even though James was almost 7 years now, he was the little baby for the entire group. All of them loved Hann’s kid a lot and spoiled him rotten.
“Mom, stop! I’m a big boy!” James tried to stop Carly, who was trying to give him a kiss on his cheek. 
She protested, “No, you’re still my baby.”
“I’m not!” he fought back. 
“Until you are legal to drink, get in jail or a tattoo, you’re going to be my baby boy.” Carly continued to tease him. The sight from the other side of the table was a heart-warming one for Charli and Y/n.
Charli said to him, “I promise I’ll help you with the tattoo, James.” winking her right eye.
“Really?” James asked excited about it. 
James’ mother and her friend shouted at the same time, making Y/n laughed, and a puzzled looked appeared on the kid’s face. 
“Stop confusing him.” Y/n interrupted the bickering.  “Come here, I’ll protect you!” she instructed him to come closer, opening her arms wide. 
James ran towards Y/n, who engulfed him in a big hug when he was beside her. 
“Can we draw like last time?” James waited for her answer, expectant. 
Y/n didn’t wait for a second to reply, “Of course.”
James took her hand, forcing Y/n out of her seat. Together they started to walk towards a big hall, she knew where it went. 
“Use whatever you want from the studio!” Charli shouted from behind them.
The two women fell into a nice chat, not only talking about their partners, adding an innocent pinch of gossip to keep the interesting conversation. Charli was engrossed telling her about the latest one going around their circle, when Y/n’s phone started ringing. Charli took it without taking a look at the screen.
“Y/n!” she called her.
“Your phone is ringing!” 
“Who’s calling?” she said, appearing at the end of the long corridor.
Carly stayed silenced, when Charli screamed, staring at the phone. “What?” she exclaimed into a thick English.
“What?” Carly mirrored her. 
Charli instantly gave her the device, so she read out loud,  “Baby M? And a…rat? What the fuck?” 
Before Carly could call Y/n again, Charli gained the device back and took another look. A mischievous look appeared on her face, while her fingers went directly to the green button.
“Charli, no-“ Carly tried to stopped her but it was too late.
“Hello?” Charli asked. 
“Hi? Y/n?”
Charli instantly knew who it was and wanted to laugh, even though she contained it. She was going to have fun with it as long as she could.
“No, I'm her friend. Who’s this?” Charly continued. 
“Sorry, can’t hear you.”
“Piss off Charli!” Matty finally exclaimed. 
Charli let out the biggest chuckled, “Oh my god!” she managed to say next. 
“What?” Carly asked beside her. 
“Is Matty!”
Matty groaned from the other side, “Get Y/n on the phone!”
“Let me see.” Carly placed Y/n’s phone on her ear.  “Hi?”
“Hi Carly, can you put Y/n on the phone?” Matty was more polite now that it was sweet Hann’s sweet wife.
“It’s him!” Carly opened her eyes wide, staring at Charli.
“I told you!”
“What’s going on here?” Y/n interrupted their moment, appearing in the kitchen area. 
“Y/n’s here. Hold in line!” Charli said to Matty in a teasing voice. “I’ll communicate her with you, baby M, in a second. Thank you for your patience!”
“Fucking finally.” Matty replied at the other end of the line.
Y/n figured out what was happening with them and her phone right away. She took it in her hand quickly, moving a few steps away from the girls.
“Fuck.” she muttered. “Hi?” 
“Hello, baby.” Matty breathed out.
“Are you okay? It’s urgent? Because I have the Scotland Yard officers staring at me waiting to interrogate the hell out of myself.” Y/n said, feeling two pairs of eyes in the back of her head.
“I was trying to ask what you wanted to order for tonight.” Matty let her know it wasn’t that serious. “Go and tell them.” He told her laughing. 
“I’ll call you later.”
“Okay, baby.”
Y/n turned around, staring at them in silence. 
“You have a lot to explain!” Charli broke the silence. 
“Right.” Y/n said, defeated, coming to sit at the table.
“Y/n?” James’ voice came from the studio, calling for her.
“Coming James.” She shouted, smiling wide at the girls. “he’s-“ she pointed towards where the studio was. 
“No, you stay here!” Carly stood up. 
“I won’t break your son's heart, Carls!” Y/n explained, walking away.
“You can, I allow you!”
Y/n shrugged her shoulders, “I guess I’ll tell you guys later.”
“Are you two a thing?” Charli interrupted.
“Oh my god!”
James shouted once more, “Y/n!”
“Be right there, James!”
“I knew it!” Carly said.
“What?” Charli and Y/n stared at her friend, rejoicing herself about the new information. 
Carly glanced between them,“Oh come on!” She turned her body to look directly at Charli “We all knew they were going to end together sooner or later. Remember we used to bet-“
“That’s a lot of information, Carly” Charli protested between her teeth.
“You what?” Y/n inquired them, surprised.
They talked at the same time, “Nothing.” 
“I can’t believe you!” She turned around. 
Carly stopped her, “What? It was a matter of time and a bit of fun for us!” she tried to defend the group. “I can’t believe you’re part of the girlfriends' club now.” she tried.
“I wasn’t invited before?”
“Y/n!” James was getting impatient, his drawing partner was absent for so long. That’s why he meet her at the middle of the hall where she was standing talking with the girls.
“I’m sorry I was-“ she was going to excuse herself, when the boy interrupted her. 
“In the time you were gone, I draw this.” he gave her a piece of paper with a big drawing in the middle.
“Let me see.” Y/n took it. “Aww, it’s so beautiful!” she truthfully told him. James blushed.
“It’s you and me, and you’re reading that book you brought went mommy and daddy went out.” he explained, looking up at her admiring his work of art.
“James, I love it! I’ll hang it for everyone to see!” Y/n promised, going after to hug James. 
He innocently asked, “I can go to your house to see it?”
“Yes, and we can read another book!”
Carly and Charli shared a knowing look. 
George’s girlfriend dare to whisper, “I think not only one boy of us is in love with her.” 
The whole group was once more reunited at Y/n house for a dinner before the boys had to return to tour and the rest have their own things to deal with. 
Y/n already served dinner, a homemade casserole, everyone enjoyed making jokes and teasing each other. 
She was leaving plates at the sink, so they could serve dessert, when a pair of hands sneaked around her waist. Y/n recognized Matty’s touch right away. 
“Hi, handsome.” she greeted him.
Matty left a kiss on Y/n’s neck, “Hi, I miss you.”
Y/n giggled, “I’m sitting just beside you.”
“I know, not close enough.” Matty pushed his chest further into her back, proving what he was saying. 
“You’re so needy.” she teased him.
“And you love it.”
“How did you know?” Y/n turned around inside his arms.
She inevitably thought about the night of her birthday when they almost kissed, and now they were there about to do it freely. Knowing very well that they loved each other more than friends.
“Because I know you like the back of my hand.” Matty’s chest full, proud to know so much about her.
Matty went to kiss Y/n, after missing her for the entire night. Y/n shut her eyes, feeling her arms and legs tingling. She didn’t know when the effect was going to stop, and she aimed for never. Every kiss was like the first for them.
“What the royal fuck?” Ross stopped at the kitchen door, gripping the bread basket between his large hands. 
Matty and Y/n broke apart, although Matty rested his left hand on the small of her back. It was the time to tell the rest of the group, he was ready to scream his love for Y/n to all the people around him. 
“Ross-” Matty started slowly.
“What’s going on here?” he looked between them.
“What happened?” Adam interrupted them, coming from behind Ross.
Ross left the basket in the middle of the aisle kitchen, screaming “Matty was sucking Y/n’s face!” 
“Why are you screaming?” George was the second to interrupt.
“Care to explain, mate?” Adam glanced directly at Matty. 
Even though he was ready, once he tried to explain, “We- we’re kinda…” he didn’t know where to start.
“We’re together, guys.” Y/n clarified for the rest of the band.
Ross folded his arms, “For real?” 
“For real.” George said instead of Y/n or Matty.
“You knew?” Ross looked at the drummer of the band, in awe. 
A smirk appeared on Hann’s face, “It was obvious.” which surprised Y/n and Matty because they thought they were very cautious about it. 
“What?” Matty stared at Hann, trying to figure out what he was saying.
“We all knew it was a matter of time…”
“Yes, but still…” Ross protested.
“Why you lots are clucking like chickens?” Charli joined the rest of the group in the kitchen area.
“Y/n and Matty are together…and George knew…” Ross was the one that informed her.
Charli turned to look directly at George, “You knew?” 
“Yes, but-” George tried to defend himself.
“You’re sleeping with the dog!” she warned him.
“Charli, you knew as well!” Y/n sided with George.
George’s face changed with this new piece of information. “Care to explain, babes?”
“I found out days ago. When you?” Charli dared him.
Charli stared at his face, and proceed to walk out of the room. 
“Babe-” George followed her.
“I knew it was going to happen, but this is surreal.” Ross expressed his thoughts out loud.
Matty strengthened his grip around Y/n’s waist. He felt so relieved to be able to show his love so openly, even when it was a small gesture. 
“How did you know, Hann?” 
“I bumped into you guys making out in the kitchen studio…didn’t notice me. I chose to keep my mouth shut and see how you guys acted out. It was funny.” Hann said, leaving the pair with their mouths hanging open.
“What was funny?” Carly made her appearance in the room.
“Matty and Y/n making out in the kitchen. Do you remember?” Hann reminded Carly about it.
“Oh, yes!”
“Carly, you knew?” it was Y/n’s time to be stunned.
James’ mother shrugged under Y/n’s scrutiny, “Hann told me?”
“What about not telling everyone?” Ross interrogated Adam.
“She’s my wife!” the guitarist tried to defend himself.
“Come here, Ross.” Y/n said after taking a look at his still stressed face. She walked far from Matty, rounding Ross’ big form, “You’re still my favourite” she mumbled into his chest.
“Excuse me?” Matty wasn’t happy with Y/n’s affirmation. 
“Where is the dessert?” James barged into the kitchen. “What’s going on?” he took a look around all the grown-ups. 
“Uncle Matty and aunty Y/n are boyfriend and girlfriend.” Carly explained him.
Y/n returned to Matty’s side, waiting for James’ reaction. 
“Oh.” he said lower, staring at the couple.  “I’ll wait for the dessert at the table then…” he excused himself, exiting the room. 
Hann glanced at Carly,  “What was that?”
“He’s a little crush over someone…” she moved her head pointing to Y/n.
“For fuck’s sake!” Matty groaned loud. “I’m not sharing, Y/n.” he warned her.
“Don’t be mean.” Y/n hit him playfully, “I’ll talk with him.”
James was seated on the chair he occupied the entire night, staring at George and Charli chat at the other side of the glass. The couple was sharing a cigarette and chatting playfully, leaving behind any resentment of the secrets in the group.
“Hey.” Y/n took a seat beside Hann’s son.
He turned his head around to look at her, “Hi.”
“Dessert is coming. A little late, but it's coming.”
“Are you okay, James?” Y/n inquired. 
“Are you mad with me?”
Y/n chose to not say more. She wanted to give him the time to express his worries –if he had them– peacefully. 
“Since Matty is your boyfriend now…” James started slowly, shy. “Are you going to stop reading and drawing with me?” he twisted his fingers, not looking up at Y/n’s face.
“No! Never!” she gained his attention again. “I won’t stop being your friend, James!”  Y/n reassured him. “Do you want to stop being my friend?” 
“Never!” James smiled wide. 
“I’m so relieved!” Y/n told him. “Come here.” 
Y/n was side hugging James when the rest of the grown-ups returned to the table. 
Matty took a seat at the other side of James. “Here’s your piece of cake, Jimbo.” the frontman left a slide of chocolate cake in front of him. 
“Thank you!” James tanked him before stuffing his face with it.
Matty couldn’t help to look at Y/n. She smiled at him, making his heart skip a bit.
It was hours past James’ bed time, when they group moved to Y/n’s living room. James was deeply asleep on Carly’s lap, she was chatting with Ross and Charli meanwhile Hann and George went outside. 
Matty and Y/n were cuddling on another couch, in front of them. He had his arm around Y/n’s shoulders, keeping her close. 
“You’re really sweet with James.” Matty said, kissing her hair line. 
Y/n looked at James’ looking like an angel while sleeping, “I love that kid.”
“Me too.” Matty agreed. “I hope this doesn't sound bad, but I think you’ll be such a good mother one day.” he stated.
Y/n turned her head to look at Matty’s face, “Why?”
“You’re super tender and caring, baby.” Matty ran his hand between Y/n strands of hair. 
“Are you getting all soft, Matty?”
“Only for you.”
“Thank you, babes.”
“What about me? Do you think I can be a good father?” Y/n noticed the note of worry between his words. 
Y/n sit up properly, caressing his right cheek with her hand, “I do, Matty. I think you’re going to love the soil your kids walk. Always wanting to give them all the best, be the best parental figure…I know you’ll do anything for them.” she was fully convinced of it. 
“For our children.” he cheeky said.
“If you’re not the mother of my babies, I don’t want to have kids…”
Y/n rolled her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder, “That’s a lie.” her eyes heavy with sleep.
“It’s not!” Matty dissent. “I want everything with you, Y/n.” he gazed down at her face. 
Y/n settled on his shoulder, “Me too, I love you.” she said before falling asleep, leaving a speechless Matty. It was the first time she said it out loud. 
He couldn’t wait to remind her about it in the morning. Adding how much he loved her himself.
Tagging: @jagz72 @deamus-liv @mrspeacem1nusone @sofaritsalrightt @soci4lc4sualty @thefemininemystiquee @hswannaknow @louweasleymalfoy @indierockgirrl
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whiterosekiszka · 2 years
Cold Shoulder
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Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, SMUTTY smut smut, explicit sexual content, oral (f! receiving), fingering, unprotected penetrative sex (pls use a condom i am BEGGING you), slight angst, Jake is kind of an asshole in the beginning (sorry!!)
a/n: I was listening to “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon while writing this, so do with that what you will!! This has been something that I have been wanting to write for a minute now, but i’ve always been insecure of my writing!! I want to thank Kellyanne ( @babyhoneygvf ) for believing in me!! With that being said, pls go easy on me, this is my first fic.. and thank you!!
You stood in shock as the man pushed past you, mouth hung ajar, eyes wide flitting back and forth from his two brothers, who just shrugged. Josh was the first to speak as he threw his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as he walked with you to the bar, “Don’t even bother with him, mama, you know how he can be.” That didn’t stop you from looking back in the direction he went, your eyebrows furrowed out of confusion. As you sat down next to Josh, you huffed out, your chin ending up in your palm, mindlessly watching the bartender move effortlessly around. “I just don’t get it.. What have I ever done to him?” On the other side of you, you felt their younger brother take a seat, calling out for the bartender and ordering three shots. “You, Sunny, haven’t done a goddamn thing. He just has a stick up his ass.” Handing off the shot, Sam threw you one of his contagious smiles, “You look like you need one of these.”
Several shots later, you were beginning to feel that fuzz in your brain. At some point, Jake had finally returned, and you couldn’t help your wandering eyes. Every now and then, you caught yourself staring at him.. The slight pang of jealousy surging through you as he mindlessly flirted with other girls. You shook your head as you took a rather long swig of your drink. You shouldn’t be jealous.. It was one very drunken night.. Years ago. With an audible sigh, you pushed yourself off of the bar stool, reaching for Josh’s hand. “Let’s go dance.. We all know you’re the only one around here that knows how to have a good time.” You tugged at his hand with an audible whine, dragging Josh towards the center of the bar. “Alright! Alright! I’m coming mama, let up!” He laughed out, following close behind you.
You had been friends with the Kiszka’s for as long as you could remember. You got along with all of them.. But the twins had been your best friends due to you being the same age. Well, at least Josh was. You never had an issue with Jake. In fact, the two of you used to be inseperable.. That was until you found yourself in a messy situation with him. You two were drunk, and it didn’t mean anything. At least that was what you told yourself. After that night with him, he didn’t pay you any mind. He hadn’t been the same Jake towards you that you knew and loved.. So it stung after every encounter with him. You would watch him from afar, missing those silly little interactions with him.
That was the case here.. Your heart ached as Josh’s arms wrapped around you, wishing it was his twin. Resting your head on his shoulder, your eyes were glued to his brother, his laughter filling your mind as he wrapped some random girl around his finger for the thousandth time that night. You could never admit it to yourself, but you had the smallest of crushes on the man. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t so small, but it’s not like it mattered.. He had just discarded you anyway.
“Sunny..” you were pulled out of your thoughts with Josh’s velvet voice and his hand splayed across your back, the other gripping your chin gently to force eye contact. Shaking your head, you wiped a single tear away from your face, “Sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m okay I promise.” Giving him a reassuring smile, you tapped his arm to pull away, “Do you need a drink? Because I sure as hell do.” You laughed out lightly before heading back to the bar, ordering two drinks for the both of you. Just as you were turning around with both of them, you ran directly into someone, causing beer to spill all over them.
“Oh my god I’m so sor-” as you looked up you were met with Jake, face red with anger. “Can you watch where the fuck you’re going?” Jake pushed your hands away from him, rolling his eyes as he tried to wipe himself off. “Jake.. I’m sorry.. I didn’t know you were right there.. Let me help.” Grabbing a couple of napkins, you reached out for him, yet all he did was take the napkins from you. “I don’t need your help Y/N. You’ve already caused enough problems.” Dropping your head, you nodded. Suddenly feeling overwhelmed, you slipped past him, tears rushing down your face as you ran to Josh, who had been watching the entire thing. Practically falling into his arms, he held you close, hushing you, “It's time to go, isn’t it?” All you could do was give him a nod before he was walking you out to his jeep.
During the ride, Josh convinced you to stay the night at his and Jake’s place, noting how Jake was probably going to be off with some girl all night. After minutes of fighting it, you just gave in, seeing that he was driving the complete opposite direction of your apartment. Once at their house, Josh set up a makeshift bed for you on the couch before saying goodnight and disappearing into his room for the night.
You laid there, tossing and turning for what felt like hours. Thoughts flooded your mind, replaying the entire night. You almost didn’t notice Jake was home until you heard the fridge opening and closing. Thinking it may have just been Josh, you peeked your head up and over the back of the couch. A gasp slipped past your mouth, seeing Jake standing there shirtless, sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he drank water. He must’ve heard you because he turned to inspect where the sound came from. In an instant, you shot down against your back, hoping he didn’t catch you. With your eyes shut tightly and a hand over your mouth, you heard him clear his throat, his feet padding across the hardwood.
Opening your eyes, all you saw was Jake leaning over the back of the couch, a smug grin plastered on his face as he looked down at you. His hands clenched gently against the back of the couch and you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander to his arms, up to his face. “I can’t get a break from you, can I?” he finally spoke, now low and much raspier than normal. All you could do was shake your head, which caused him to roll his eyes. Pushing off of the couch, he disappeared again, making you curious. Sitting up, you watched as he found his way back into his bedroom, a sigh falling from your lips as you flopped back onto the couch.
You contemplated following after him, and after a few minutes, you let the worst of options get the best of you. Untangling yourself from your blankets, you were a little too eager to get up and pad down the hall in the direction of his room. Building up the courage, you knocked lightly, but with no answer you huffed. Looking down at the knob, your fingers found the cool metal, twisting gently before pushing the door open.
Jake was perched on his bed, back against the headboard as if he were waiting for you the entire time. This made you furrow your eyebrows, being the first to speak up “Why didn’t you just answer the door?” Jake was wearing a smile, a cocky one at that, as he shrugged. “Where’s the fun in that?” Nodding his head to gesture you in, you closed the door behind you, making your way over to the bed. “Why?” “Why What?” Jake tilted his head as you sat on the edge of his bed, your eyes finding him after a moment. “Why have you been so cruel to me? Why did you just toss me away like I meant nothing to you? There’s endless questions.”
Shifting in his spot, Jake dropped his face from you, the confidence he once was full of immediately gone. “Jake, why can’t you just answer me? I deserve to know. I deserve answers from you. I lost my best friend with no explanation.” Pushing his hair out of his face, Jake leaned over to you, his hands coming up to your face. “Because if I had to spend everyday with you after that night, I’m not sure I’d be able to stop myself from doing this.”
All at once your senses were flooded with him. His lips were pressed against yours, engaging you in a deep kiss and you felt it everywhere. You felt your stomach doing flips, your head spinning, and the dull ache in your core. Never did you think that you would get another moment like this with Jake, so you let it happen. Your hands found their way into his hair, fisting at the roots, causing a low groan to push past his lips and into your mouth. Jake let his tongue run along your bottom lip, urging it open. With his tongue exploring your mouth, and fighting against yours, you crawled into his lap, straddling his waist. You couldn’t help but let your hands drag down against his chest, nails raking along, the kiss growing deeper causing a small whimper to escape you. Rutting your hips against his, your core pressed perfectly against his half hard, and ever growing cock. This got to Jake as he pulled away, his head falling back against the headboard, “Jesus fuck, y/n.”
In one swift movement you were on your back, smiling cockily up at Jake before he dived into the crook of your neck. He sucked and nipped at your skin, causing a slight moan from you to fill the air. “Please.. please, Jake..” you squirmed under him as he slipped your shirt up past your breasts and over your head. “I knew it..” was all he said in return as he admired your body, hands coming up to squeeze your breaths gently, his thumbs toying with your nipples. “Did you do that on purpose? Did you want people to see you didn’t have a bra on?” You let out a gasp as he leaned over you, connecting his lips to one of your nipples, his tongue swirling over it before sucking it into your mouth. “Maybe just you..” you sighed out, pushing yourself up into him. You felt Jake smirk against your stomach as he kissed downward until he reached the hem of the sweatpants Josh had let you borrow.
Soon enough, Jake was dragging your pants along with your panties down, discarding them elsewhere in the room. You had been too lost in your thoughts to notice that he was completely naked now, laying against his bed as he kissed wet, open-mouthed kisses up each thigh, alternating when he felt as if one was being neglected. Your head lolled to the side when you felt his lips growing closer to where you needed him the most. A sigh of relief fell from your lips as you felt him finally lick a hot stripe up the center of your core, before pulling away only mere centimeters “you know.. to say I missed this would be an understatement.” Rolling your eyes in pleasure as he got back to work on your clit, you couldn’t help the moans that filled the room. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him in closer, which caused a groan from him that vibrated against your core. “Jake.. please… I- oh my god..” suddenly his calloused fingers slipped into you, working at a relentless pace as he ate you out, syncing his two actions.
It wasn’t long before Jake had you wreathing under him, your back arching into him and that familiar feeling building low in your stomach. Squeezing your eyes shut, you cried out, tugging at his hair. “Come on.. cum for me, pretty girl.” All it took were those words for you to snap, your orgasm hitting you hard as you tightened and came around his fingers. Faintly, you heard a low groan come from him, and if your eyes were deceiving you, you were almost positive that he was rocking his hips against the bed.
Jake worked you through your orgasm, his fingers pumping slowly in and out of you before coming to a stop once you were back in the same room as him. He smiled up at you as he sat back on his knees, his fingers immediately finding his mouth, sucking them clean. His eyes never once left yours, a devious glint shone in them when he moved to hover over you, hooking your leg around his waist. Leaning down, Jake pressed a hungry kiss to your lips, licking into your mouth. You let out a whine, your hips rolling up into him. “Please.. Jake I want your cock.. I need your cock.” You furrowed your eyebrows as he just laughed at you, shaking his head. Reaching down, Jake slipped his cock along your folds, earning you a gasp as he caught your clit. As you mumbled half incoherent pleases, Jake smiled. “yeah? Is this what you want? Where do you want it, pretty girl? Maybe right here?” All at once Jake was bottomed out in you, his cock stretching you out, causing a perfect burn in your core.
He didn’t move until he saw you nod, his hand gripping at your thighs to push your legs up against your chest. At first he was slow, all too observant of your reaction before he picked up his pace. Once he knew you were comfortable, his hips smacked against yours at an unforgiving pace, causing uncontrollable moans to flood out of your mouth. Your hands gripped tightly onto his biceps, nails digging into the warm skin, leaving crescent shaped indents on his arms. With the feeling of him overwhelming you, your jaw fell slack and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. He knew what he was doing, he knew at that moment that all you could remember was his name, and that’s how he wanted it. But why?
Pulling your legs flush against this chest and over his shoulders, Jake groaned at the feeling of you squeezing around him. “This is my pretty little cunt. It was made for me. Only me..” he sent a particularly harsh slap to your ass which caused you to yelp out, “Who does it belong to?” Crying out, you shoved your arm over your eyes, your orgasm building back up and fast. “You, Jake! It belongs to you!”
With a groan, Jake's hips faltered, knowing just how close he actually was. Flipping the two of you over, you were now straddling his waist, his cock still and twitching inside of you. Setting your hands on his chest, you huffed out as you looked down at him. “Ride me. Make me cum.” You hummed out in response, your hips beginning to bounce against his cock, slow at first but soon bouncing eagerly. Between his cock slipping in and out of you, and the unexpected bucks from him, you were on your way to spiraling again, but as soon as his hands found your breasts, you were almost doubling over him. “Oh my god, Jake.. I-I..” you couldn’t even finish your sentence when a particularly hard thrust caused you to scream out. “Go on.. cum.. I’m right there with you.” Jake sounded so fucked out and it did wonders for you.. at once it all snapped and you were cumming around him, seeing stars. It didn’t take Jake long to catch up with you as he forcefully stilled your hips, moaning out as his cum filled you to the brim with you leaned over his chest, sobbing in pleasure.
“That’s it, baby.. you did so well” Jake wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back as you came down from your highs. Once you were quiet, catching your breath, Jake slipped himself from you, placing you onto the bed next to him. “Let’s get you cleaned up and some water, huh?” He hummed gently at you as he leaned over, pressing a sweet, gentle kiss to your lips, which you returned in best efforts. Standing from the bed, Jake pulled his sweatpants back on, and smiled at you before disappearing out of the room. You could tell that he wanted to get back to you as quickly as possible, because it seemed like he was gone for merely a second. Handing you a bottle of water, you perched up on your elbows to take a sip as he wiped you off with a wet rag, a smile adorning his face as he watched you.
“What?!” You huffed out before flopping back against the bed. After a second, Jake was there with you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you in close to his chest. “I didn’t say anything, Sunny.. just admiring you” you hummed contently as you nuzzled into his chest, tracing along his skin with your finger, smiling at the nickname the twins adorned you with when you were ten. “Hey Jake?” “Hmm?” He lazily ran his fingers through your hair and you knew his eyes were closed. “Why did you get so possessive?” It took him a moment to answer, and you almost thought he had fallen asleep, so just as you were about to give it up and doze off yourself, he answered.
“We’ll talk about it in the morning. Goodnight, baby.”
part two
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heyyallitssatan · 1 month
I have had a thought
Ik scary but hear me out
I have a new ending for twilight
So everything exactly as it does in the original, until Bella gets turned, at which point she realises she doesn’t actually love Edward anymore
All this time his throwaway line about how everything about him is meant to attract her (I don’t remember if this was ever explained or not, it’s also midnight so I’m not gonna check, just roll with me here I promise I’m going somewhere) was true
It really was just a chemical reaction and, somewhat accidental, manipulation from him, once she’s a vampire that disappears, his charms aren’t charms anymore cause he’s not trying to attract her, at least subconsciously, cause she’s not prey anymore, everything that makes him alluring when she’s human can range from unimportant to blatantly creepy/disgusting now
The juicy part is, that everything that’s happened in the og has happened still, they still have a kid together
Bella is trying to sort through becoming a mom in about three months (once again next to zero memory of watching this so this is all a guess) and being a vampire now, which while it’s something she’s wanted for a long time, it’s also a huge life altering change, and now on top of all of it she has to deal with not finding the man she did it all for attractive anymore
She’s trying to sort through these feelings, trying to decide if she still loves him, was her love just a chemical by product of her attraction, can those things exist separately for her?
And as she’s trying to figure it out, bam giant threat to her new family and daughters safety, so all of her feelings are going back burner to deal with this, and by some miracle they made it out alive, so she still has to deal with this, and her old crush who she has also realised she feels literally nothing for now has imprinted on her daughter, whatever the fuck that means
Then Bella decides she needs some time to sort this all out, her and Edward aren’t going to be romantically or sexually involved for awhile, after renesme ( you know in this au im also changing her awful awful name, idk what it should be, but not that, I’ve seen Carlie tossed around, that’s cute, let’s go with that) is all grown up, Bella is gonna take a long vacation to visit people, see the world and find her place in it, without Edward, then come back and see if they feel anything or if they just remain co parents and friends
She’s still apart of the family no matter what though and they will fight you on it
They had a meeting of who they would take in the divorce (it was mostly a joke, emmet maintains that he picks Bella, Rosalee agrees)
Edward was not happy about this arrangement, Alice and Rosalee yelled at him for a long while about it, Carlisle tried to talk to him, Esme too, even Jacob through his hat in as the other boy who Bella ditched (made things so much worse) but it was emmet and jasper taking him to the woods and beating him up for an hour while yelling “respect women” that convinced him
It can end however you want, them together or not, i don’t think that part matters as much as her getting to grow as a person outside of their relationship and making sure after all of this that it’s what she wants, she could obviously do that with out this au, but I enjoy it, so have my rambles and let me know what you think
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Magia Chap. 4-Sara's 'Other Friends'
Next chapter, and a Sara-focused one! This one was my favorite to write! Maybe because Sara is one of my favorite characters, and I wanted to shed some light on what she’s been doing behind the scenes.
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
As Sara was walking to her office, she answered her phone and sighed, “Hey Winnie.”
“Hey, Sara,” Winnie replied. “Listen, I've been realizing you're lacking in souls. You said you had that Lewis kid in mind and I don’t see his soul.”
Sara sighed, “Look I’ll get his soul as soon as I can. Things have…come up, recently.” She explained.
Winnie growled, “Well you better hurry up!” He snapped.
Sara flinched on the other side of the phone, whimpering a bit.
“Litho doesn’t like waiting. I promised him a soul, and I better see one, or else he’s not going to be happy.” Winnie explained, before hanging up on her.
The female founder groaned in frustration, as she decided to go to her office, cool down, and think of what to do before Winnie or Litho did something to the facility. Sara was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t realize she bumped into her old teacher and current engineer, Eric.
“Oh, sorry Sara!” Eric apologized, struggling to hold the stacks of papers in his arms.
“N-No it’s fine. I should’ve looked where I was-” Sara was cut off as she froze as her eyes glowed pink.
Sara saw she was no longer at the facility, but in the forest, facing a burning house. She was horrified, stepping back away from the fire. She couldn’t run, or do anything just watch the fire burn as a familiar scream rang inside..
“HELP ME! SOMEBODY PLEASE LET ME OUT!” Eric screamed, banging on the door.
“Eric?” Sara asked. She stepped back, she didn’t want Eric to die. Out of everyone in this plan of immortality, she wanted to spare Eric. “N-No. Winnie…why…why him?”
“CARLY?! ANYONE!?” Eric screamed, begging for help.
“N-No! Eric!” Sara screamed as she tried to rescue him only for the roof of the house to collapse, cutting Eric’s cries off.
“ERIC NO!” Sara screamed, as her eyes went back to normal. She breathed heavily seeing she was back at the facility and not facing a burning building. 
“S-Sara?” Eric asked.
Sara slowly turned to see the older man, looking horrified. The papers he was holding fell to the ground.
“S-Sorry. I-I just…” Sara stuttered as the thoughts of Eric in a house fire plagued her mind.
Eric went over to her and hugged her tightly, shushing her and rubbing her back, “H-hey. It’s been a stressful few months, you and your friends need to take it easy for the day.” He said, in a soothing voice.
Sara sniffled and nodded, hugging Eric back. “A-Alright.” She replied.
Eric let go of the hug, ruffled Sara’s hair, and kneeled down to pick up the papers, “Once I pick all these papers up, I’ll let Lewis and Oliver know ok?”
“Okay,” Sara replied. She walked back to her office slowly, shut the door, and locked it. She slowly sank down to the floor pulled her legs close and buried her face.
At that point, Wiatt was right that she and Lewis did have powers. She wasn’t sure what Lewis’s was yet, but what she saw was a vision of Eric dying. She thought to herself, “Is my power time-related?”
“Wiatt, this is all your fault. You fucking idiot.” Sara whispered as she cried.
Sara quietly cried for about half an hour before calming down. She wiped the tears from her eyes pulled out her phone and called Winnie back. She had some questions to ask him, and hopefully, he’ll have the answers. Sara put the phone to her ear and waited for the Pegasus animatronic to call her back.
“This better be important.” Winnie groaned.
“It is.” Sara replied, “Where are you? I need to speak with you in person.”
Winnie smirked, “You know where I am,” He said.
Sara’s eyes widened knowing where Winnie was located. She hung up, unlocked her door, and looked around hoping no one saw her before stepping out of her office and headed towards the maintenance room. She looked around one more time before going in and shutting the door.
“Are you alone?” Winnie asked.
“I am,” Sara replied. “I made sure of it.”
Winnie groaned and stretched his body, tired of sitting around like he was broken. “Ah, finally! I hate sitting around like some rag doll.” He exclaimed. “So did you get the soul?”
Sara shook her head, which disappointed the Pegasus animatronic. “Before you get angry I have a question.” She stated.
Winnie groaned, “Not again Sara.”
“It’s important and I’ll get back on track with helping you.”
“Fine,” Winnie grumbled a bit, but Sara couldn’t make out what he said.
Sara pulled out her phone went to her photos and showed the most recent photo of Wiatt’s Jewelry Box. “Does this look familiar to you?” She asked.
Winnie looked at the photo and his eyes widened in shock. “Hey! I’ve seen that box before!” He exclaimed, “It was a family heirloom given from my grandfather to my father. What’s it doing in your hands?”
“It’s not mine. It’s Wiatt’s.” Sara replied, putting her phone back in her pocket.
“Who now?” Winnie asked, tilting his head.
“Just some friend of Lewis. He’s not my friend.” Sara answered. “Hey brought over this box, opened it and somehow all of us are acting strange.”
“Well, for starters, did your family ever open the box?” Sara asked. If Winnie mentioned he and his family had it then sure she’ll get answers about how to cure her friends.
Winnie sighed, “We did, but all there was, was jewels. You couldn’t wear them, so we just let them sit on the high shelf as a way to organize books.” He explained.
Sara was surprised Winnie’s family opened the box, but nothing happened. So, why did something…magical happen?
Sara sighed, “Well for us…and this might sound crazy, but I think my friends and I got powers from the box.” She admitted.
Winnie stared at the female founder like she had two heads. He then snickered before going into full-on laughter, surprising Sara. “Oh, that’s rich! You, the other founders, and that Wiatt kid got powers from a box!” He laughed. “What’s next, one of those boys is my grandson!?”
Sara gave a light chuckle as if he wasn’t wrong.
The pegasus animatronic calmed down, and let out a sigh. “Alright, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll speak to Litho about this issue and see if he can issue you more time or let me do all the work.” He explained.
Sara sighed, “Thank you, Winnie.”
“Don’t thank me yet, Sara. Litho will still be angry about you not doing your job, and would probably make you do it for him.” Winnie said, inching close to Sara’s face. The female founder was frightened till Winnie pulled away and went off to where Litho was stationed.
Winnie walked towards a hidden area of the facility, an area that hadn’t been built yet, and the only thing there was caution tape. Despite working alongside Litho, Winnie was still  nervous talking to him.
“Uh…Litho it’s me.” Winnie spoke up.
A black shadow with multiple eyes appeared towering over the animatronic.
“Carlos? What brings you here? Is Sara doing what she was told?” Litho asked, calling Winnie by his former name.
“Uh…no, but she did ask me a weird question,” Winnie answered.
Litho glared as he circled around Winnie like a predator stalking its prey. “Why is that little pest so incompetent!?” He shouted, surprising the animatronic. “I thought I had that incompetent fool wrapped around my finger the day her life came tumbling down!”
“Well, uh…you’ve been around for a very long time Litho. So you must have knowledge of Sara’s question?” Winnie asked.
Litho glared, “this question better be important.” He spat.
“So, does a Jewelry Box with gems containing magical powers sound familiar to you?” Winnie asked, giving a sheepish smile.
Litho glared, but hearing about the Jewelry Box did sound familiar. “It depends, describe it for me.” He said.
“Well, it had four jewels painted on the lid, the box was wooden brown and rectangular in shape, and oh there was a red jewel that looked like your eyes,” Winnie explained.
Litho’s eyes widened before turning into a deep glare as Winnie described the box in full detail. Litho then leaned in closer as he growled at the Pegasus animatronic. “And none of you took it!?” He growled.
“W-Well it’s under the hands of a kid named Wiatt, he opened it and Sara thinks she, him, and her friends have powers or something,” Winnie replied, nervously.
Litho growled and used his puppet strings to pull Winnie close, his eyes glowing bright red. “That box is the reason why I LOOK LIKE THIS, you parasite!” He yelled. “It was the first time I was defeated, before meeting…”
“Meeting who?” Winnie asked. “The kid with the violin?”
“What do you think, Nicholson?” Litho asked.
“Oh. I get it now.” Winnie answered.
Litho dropped the animatronic to the ground as he continued to ramble about the Jewelry Box, “That box was created many years before I met that child. The four of them tried to stop me, but it wasn’t enough for them. Frankly, they're gone now.” He explained before chuckling.
Winnie brushed himself off as he looked at the demon, “So now what? Do you still want Sara and me to create immortality, or-“ Winnie was cut off by Litho.
“OF COURSE I STILL WANT YOU TWO TO HELP ME, YOU PEST!” Litho shouted, making Winnie flinch. Litho then calmed down and continued, “But keep an eye on Sara, her friends, and Wiatt for the time being. I’ll find the victims for you, in hopes it keeps Sara in line.”
“Yes of course,” Winnie replied. “In fact,” he smirked, “I may have someone in mind.”
Back at Eric’s office, Eric finally picked up all the papers off the ground and got them all organized. “Phew…finally got things done.” Eric sighed. He turned around to see Carly, relaxing on the couch in his office as she played a game on her phone.
Eric smiled but was soon interrupted by a text. The text was from a number he didn’t quite recognize. Thinking it was a spam message he was going to delete it until he saw the message started with:
“Hey, the Director here…”
Eric opened up the message and read it:
“Hey, the Director here! I left some important documents over at the household of Mr. Lewis Bright. Please go pick them up as soon as possible.”
Eric sighed and got up, which caught Carly’s attention. “Where are you going?” Carly asked.
“Got a message from the director.” Eric groaned. “He wants me to run by Lewis’s house to pick up paperwork.”
Carly got up, “can I go with you?” She asked.
“No Carly, best you stay here and keep an eye on Lewis and his friends,” Eric told her.
Carly groaned and rolled her eyes as she went back to playing her game.
Eric rushed out of the facility passing by Lewis, who was confused as to where his former teacher was running off. “Eric, where are you going, darling?” Lewis asked.
“Oh, the director texted me that I needed to pick up some important documents at your old home. I’ll be back.” Eric said as he rushed off in his car.
Lewis was confused, did Eric forget to take his medication again? He knew his former teacher had poor memory, but he started to take medication which helped at times. However, there were days when those poor memories would randomly kick in, even if he did take his medication. However, that’s once in a blue moon.
“Lewis,” Sara said. “Where is Eric running off to?”
“Something about some files being left at my house by the director.” Lewis explained. “However, I don’t recall any files left by the director.”
Sara’s eyes widened remembering her memories from her powers earlier. She hated remembering that, however, it was all connected…
The house in the woods…Lewis’s house was in the woods.
Eric…Eric would be in that house…and then…the fire…that dreaded fire.
Sara snapped out of it and ran after her former teacher, “Eric! Wait!” She yelled.
“Sara! What’s going on?!” Lewis shouted, confused where his best friend was going.
“No time to explain! I need to stop Eric, he’s in danger!” Sara yelled as she jumped into her car and went to Lewis’s home, hoping to make it in time to stop the older man.
Lewis stood in shock and confusion, “now what’s going on with her?” He asked.
In the shadows, Winnie snarled and glared at Sara. “What are you doing Sara?”
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finkinthisfrew · 9 months
Anything (Pt. 23)
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cw: unreasonably angsty lol
Chapter 23
The automatic doors opened before us, a wave of cool airconditioned air wooshing over us as we stepped through the doors into the airport. I held onto Matty's hand tightly as we all walked over to the check-in terminals in somber silence. I fiddled with the sleeve of Matty's hoodie, which he wore with the hood up, along with a baseball hat in an effort to attract less attention. Luckily it seemed like no fans or paparazzi had gotten word of the band's flight time this morning. 
Matty scanned his passport in silence, then wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we waited for his baggage tags to print, leaning down to kiss me. Our faces were dark, unable to keep up the cheerful charade the other four were feigning.
Ross, Adam and Carly all laughed at something George said as the boys all popped their suitcases on the conveyor belt that swiftly whisked them away. Matty and I lagged behind, knowing every step of the check-in process was one step closer to saying goodbye.
We all walked over to the security line. Suddenly, it was time for farewells. The boys all knew to keep things light and quick. 
Adam hugged me first. "It'll fly by, I promise," he said, knowing that the only thing on my mind was being apart from Matty. As sad as I was, I was grateful for his attempt to comfort me. Adam was always so sweet to me. "We'll all get drinks when you come see us. It'll be fun," he smiled, and I nodded my head before I felt a pair of hands twist me around.
I was met with George's big goofy smile as he gave me a big warm hug. "I can't wait for you to come to see the show next week!" I smiled at his earnestness as he continued. "I hear the band's pretty good," he said with a wink.
"Yeah, I can't wait either. I hear the lead singer's an absolute babe," I tried joking, forcing a laugh, glancing at Matty with a little smile. He smiled back, his lips stained with sadness.
"That's actually just a rumour, it's the drummer who's the real catch," George said with a devilish grin. Then he smacked the brim of Matty's hat below his eyes before swooping in and planting a big loud kiss on my cheek. Before Matty could do anything, George jogged down the security line, out of harm's way yelling "Later Anna, later Carly!"
I turned to Ross, things suddenly feeling a bit awkward. Luckily it seemed he knew not to press any of Matty's buttons while he was in this state, so he simply gave me a quick hug and said "Stay safe, alright? See you in a week!" before smiling and walking off to catch up with George.
Then, the dreaded moment came. 
Matty's arms enveloped me, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, burrowing my face in his chest. I couldn't hold back any longer. Hot tears streamed down my face, staining his grey hoodie. He held me as I shook, swaying lightly, unwilling to let go.
I reached up to kiss him, feeling his tears run down my cheeks as our lips met. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't say goodbye. It felt impossible. My lip started to tremble uncontrollably. Matty gathered my face in my hands, our teary eyes meeting.
"Do you remember how you told me you accepted this residency over all the other ones? Because you thought you needed to leave Canada to come find yourself?" Matty asked between sniffs.
"Yes," I whispered, blinking away tears that wouldn't stop coming.
"You've already found yourself. You never needed to come looking- you've been who you were looking for from the beginning," he said, his voice wobbling. I nodded in response, knowing he was right. "You are so gorgeous, and talented, and kind, and funny, and smart, and caring, and loyal, and giving... You never needed to change. All you needed was someone to hold up a mirror for you."
I nodded again as tears continued to fall.
"I got you something," Matty choked between tears, reaching into his pocket. 
He handed me a little black velvet box. Inside was a locket on a thin, delicate chain. The locket itself was a simple circle, one side silver, the other gold. Each side was engraved with a letter- an 'M' on one side, an 'A' on the other. I opened it to find both sides inlaid with small mirrors, an inscription written across them which read 'When we're apart, you'll find me in the home I've made in your heart - M'
"For those times when you feel like you can't be brave or strong, and I can't be here to feel that for you... you'll know I'm here always, holding up that mirror for you," Matty said, his voice cracking with emotion.
I stifled a sob, unable to respond for fear of wailing. Matty understood, wrapping his arms around me as I clutched the locket tightly, throwing my arms around his neck. He buried his face in my shoulder, shuddering.
After I steadied my breathing, I hiccuped, then whispered in his ear, "I think I came to find you. Something inside me knew..."
He nodded his head against my shoulder, unwilling to resurface.
"Thank you, Matty," I whispered. I wasn't just thanking him for the locket but for everything. He knew.
"Of course," he breathed. "Anything..." his voice trailed off. I knew what he meant to say.
I nodded, blinking away tears that wouldn't stop coming.
We tightened our grip around each other, clinging to each other desperately.
A moment later, Adam tapped Matty's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, mate, but we're going to miss our flight," he said gently.
"Fuck it," Matty said angrily, "Fuck the flight, I'll take the next one."
Adam shook his head sorrowfully, "The next flight isn't until late tonight- we have to be at sound check at the time that it leaves." Adam looked at Matty apologetically, "I'm sorry, Matty."
Matty ignored him, his eyes travelling over my face in a panic, desperately trying to memorize every part of it. "Anna, I love you so much." His face screwed in pain as his tears fell. "I love you always, everywhere, forever," he said, emphasizing every word.
"I love you too, Matty," I sniffed, holding back another sob. "Every second of every day. Forever." He nodded at me, clutching my face in his hands. "I love you," I said firmly.
Then, he kissed me. He kissed me so deeply, so passionately, I felt his love course through my entire body. I felt lightheaded, but I didn't care. I didn't want it to end. I needed it not to end.
"Matty," I heard Adam say once more.
Ending our kiss was hard. Watching him walk away was even harder.
Adam had his hand on Matty's shoulder as Matty walked away sideways, not breaking eye contact until he reached the end of the security line where he only briefly looked away to chuck his things angrily in a bin before walking through the sensor. He turned back to face me, and I watched as his heart broke. He gulped big breaths, tears pouring, covering his mouth with his sleeve-covered fist. Then suddenly, he was gone.
I couldn't breathe.
I stumbled to the glass wall next to me, bracing myself against it. My legs felt weak- everything felt weak. I let myself drop to the floor, the tears pouring steadily. I knew Matty meant the world to me, but I didn't realize until now just how much he meant to me. He wasn't just the love of my life- he was everything. 
Carly came over to me and held me as I cried, hugging me and telling me "It'll be okay. You'll see him soon." I couldn't respond, I was too upset. She patted my back kindly, telling me, "I'll give you a moment. I'll wait for you over by those seats." I barely heard her through my sobs.
Nothing had ever mattered to me more than Matty. That felt scary, but it simultaneously was the most beautiful thing I'd ever experienced. I felt so lucky. But even more heartbroken. 
Deep sobs left my body as I shook, my hand clutching onto the locket like my life depended on it because that's how it felt.
Suddenly I heard the sound of rapid knocking on the glass behind me. I groggily looked around, my emotional state pulling me out of reality. I heard my name shouted, muffled. I turned around to see Matty standing on the other side, his eyes puffy and wet, his face tear-stained. I stood up immediately, frantically taking in the sight of him. 
He placed his hands on the glass, and I mirrored him, placing my palms and fingers directly over his. I could almost feel the heat of his hands, triggering more tears. He looked down at me, tears streaming, his nose running down his face. He placed his forehead on the glass, the way he would when he would kiss me. I pressed my forehead against the glass where his was, pushing my body desperately against where I could see his. It wasn't enough. I cried, his body already too far from me. I needed more. 
We looked at each other desperately. Then I reached my lips up towards his, kissing the glass. He kissed it back. I couldn't feel his lips, but I felt his love. It shot through the glass like a bullet, straight past my lips and into my heart. 
"No!" I heard Matty yell behind the glass. George and Ross were pulling him away, Adam standing in the distance, looking at me apologetically. "I love you, Anna! I love you!" Matty yelled out.
I banged on the glass, screaming back, "I love you, Matty!"
I clutched my chest in pain, sobbing, crouching to the ground as Matty stumbled away backwards. Our eyes didn't break once, looking at each other, mouthing 'I love you' over and over until they reached another doorway.
Then, he was gone.
My heart tore in half, Matty taking the other half with him. The pain was unimaginable, I couldn't handle it. I collapsed on the ground, crying silently, holding myself. I rocked back and forth, unable to escape this endless pit of sadness. I don't know how long I sat there. Any minute without Matty felt torturously long. It felt like I sat there forever.
Eventually, Carly came over to comfort me, helping me up and guiding me back out to her car in silence. She drove us back into the city, putting a hand on my knee which I had against my chest, hugging my legs tightly. I continued to stare out the window, not even noticing the cars flying past us in the opposite direction. I noticed nothing. I felt numb. 
"The first time was the hardest for us too. But it gets easier. I promise," Carly said softly. I turned to look at her, offering her a smile of thanks, but I'm not too sure it looked genuine. Nothing felt okay right now. I knew it would eventually, but right now it felt like it might never again. 
Carly smiled at me with understanding and left me to my silent crying. I was grateful for her not pushing further, but something in me knew that she wasn't right. I knew that we were different. That being apart from Matty was never going to get any easier.
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tgarrett26 · 1 year
I have an idea for the plot that he would show up with Scott or Carly at stage door after a show, but a prompt would be if you had certain quotes in mind or something./// I have no idea but that is up to you probably a singing lyric from Hamilton who lives who does who tells your story 😅
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
It’s always been common for your family to attend your show, they’ve been to many performances of Phantom Of The Opera where you play a young Christine Daae. The show is a classic in many means which means it’s an Evans family obligation. But since the show is coming to the end of its long, over three-decade run, they’ve made it their mission to go to at least one weekly show.
Today was a Tuesday (luckily not matinee) night performance where it’s Chris’ turn to attend the show. It’s typical for him to be busy, but after missing his turn for the past three weeks due to a filming complication, he was able to come just the day after they wrapped.
After the long show-of many to come-you come to the East stage door while the cooling feeling of toning liquid and moisturizer make your skin tingle in the chilling weather. Family isn’t always allowed backstage right after shows, but the security team has always been good at permitting your family to hide when crowds get too close or demanding.
After you’ve signed autographs and taken so many pictures you have light spots in your vision, you look past the road to see your oldest siblings, Chris and Carly. He’s holding a small bouquet of flowers with a nervous smile on his face while she’s beaming by his side, her arm linked in his.
Without any worries, you flee from the building and run past an alley of New York traffic to pounce your siblings. Chris manages to catch you while Carly laughs to herself and gently holds your arm as it’s around your brother.
“You did so good in there. It was hard to believe it was my baby sister up there until that grin took over at curtain call.” he muffles over your shoulder
You wiggle in his grasp, thrilled with excitement and joy at the fact that your brother is home.
“I told you I was coming tonight, didn’t I?” he asks and laughs
“Yes! You did, but you know after those times it’s no promise.”
“Well, it’s a promise now. I’m not due back until the spring, so you’ve got me for the next couple months.”
You only hug him tighter, truly having trouble believing he’s actually here after so much time away. He reciprocates the action, wordlessly grateful he’s back with his family and away from the cramped trailer he’s had to stay in for the past several weeks and months.
“Ma’s waiting back at the hotel for you. She told me not to tell you, but I figured it’s much less a surprise than my being here.” he reasons as you both pull away
“Nah. But I’m glad you told me. I would have thought she’d sneak into my apartment.”
“That’s Scott and Shanna’s thing-and occasionally mine.”
A smile tugs on you as you adjust the strap of your duffle bag over your shoulder, but your older brother takes it for himself, soon extending his right hand with the now smooshed flowers in it.
“Hold these instead.” he suggests
Your smile only gets bigger, grateful not only that your brother and sister are here, but that they’re as kind and welcoming as any kid would hope for. The three of you begin your walk, trailing down street by street as lights and strangers fill the city for the night.
“They’re limp.” you mention as one flower bends at the stem
“Well, maybe next time take them from me before you trample me on the sidewalk.”
“Where are we going anyway?”
“Dinner. I may not be the mature one of us, but I bet our girl hasn’t eaten a good meal in a while. And before you say you eat just fine-don’t pull that ‘take-out’ line on me again. It didn’t work on dad and it’s not gonna work on me.” he explains
“It was Scott, actually, but okay.”
“Haha.” he fake cackles
You shake your head and look off and away, trying to ignore the fact that while a good amount of New York didn’t know or didn’t care who you are, your brother has to hide under a ball cap. The fact that people have to do this as a precaution, in order to maintain personal space from strangers who don’t obey manners or boundaries, makes me feel unwell.
“I brought cookies from Shanna’s though.” he adds
“For the sake of yourself, you should hope you didn’t eat them.”
“One, but I was tired from the drive. Okay-two but it was because I got up too early for the hotel’s breakfast. She sent like ten though, you can spare a few.”
“Christopher Robin!” I exclaim and smack his left hand
“The only reason she’s not wrestling you after that is because she cried calling you last week when you were gone for Thanksgiving.” our sister mentions
“Carly! How could you?!” I worry somewhat jokingly
“It’s alright, Honey. You just missed him is all, it’s okay.”
I try to brush it off, but our brother seems to detect something and takes my bag from his left shoulder to place it on his right. He puts his left arm around me and continues to guide us down the road, leading us to dinner as the mature one of the group (surprise).
“I’m only letting you keep that there because I’m always wishing you were somehow here again.” I mutter
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ughgoaway · 7 months
Omg how does teacher girlie meet charli and Carly !!! I feel like she’d really get on well with Carly but charli would defo bring out her younger wild side, they’d be the ultimate girl group
this is so fun to consider!!!!
I think you know carly through school, Little hann goes to the same school you work at and you trained in his class so you've met both carly and Adam at various parent's evenings.
at your first one you were really fucking nervous standing at the front of the school greeting parents and just listening in for the actual meeting. you didn't say anything but smiled and nodded along with the teacher you were working with. After carly and Adam finished their meeting carly came up to you to have a quick chat.
"Hi! sorry to bother you, but you just seemed so nervous I had to say something. From what we've heard from our little one, he absolutely loves you. you're doing a great job, don't worry. " she soothingly places her hand on yours, and in that moment, you feel on the brink of crying.
you simply smile at carly and say, "thank you" and she can hear your shaky voice and see the mist in your eyes, so she doesn't say anything more just gives your hand a final squeeze and walks away.
you don't meet charli until a few months after you and matty are official and George is hosting a New years party.
you're standing in front of the mirror, stressing about what to wear as matty sits on the bed and insits you look beautiful in everything.
"You have to say that, you're my boyfriend." You say exasperatly, staring you decide this dress is shit too and pull it over your head.
"See, I think you should just wear that," matty says, standing up and coming behind you in the mirror, wrapping his arms around you.
you scoff and say, "Matthew, I'm in lingerie." You pause and stare at him in the mirror where he has on a cheeky smile and just nods assuredly.
"Please, as if you could cope with everyone seeing me like this. can you imagine knowing George has seen me in my underwear? You'd never let it go, " you say, smoothing your hands over his.
"mmm okay you're right. but honestly, baby, you'll look great in whatever you choose. don't stress too much, it's just George and charli." matty says with a shrug. he begins to walk away but spins around when he hears you shriek.
"WHAT. YOU DID NOT TELL ME CHARLI XCX WOULD BE THERE." You're looking at matty dumbfounded.
"I just assumed you knew!! we're going to George's house... where she lives... for a party... that she is hosting." As he explains his reasoning, you only get more and more stressed.
"But now there's even more pressure!!! she's like one of the hottest women alive??? I don't have anything to wear oh god-" You start pulling every dress out of your wardrobe and dramatically throwing it on the floor
After spending another 30 mins choosing a dress, you anxiously arrive, but any anxiety melts away when charli greets you with an enthusiastic, "Oh my god, hi!!! so great to finally meet the girl. matty has been obsessing over!!"
matty scoffs and tries to hide his embarrassment at being so blatantly called out, you simply scoff and say, "Oh I was just as bad, my poor friends are fucking sick of it!!"
charli laughed, dragged you away to get a drink, and you guys soon became close friends.
not long after you and charli became friends, you also grew close with carly, "the 75 wives and girlfriends have to stay close!" she'd said when you first went for coffee as a group.
it became a ritual when the boys were on tour. If you were all free on a Sunday morning, you, carly, Little hann, and charli would all go for a coffee.
if the boys were home, they might join you, or sometimes they are strictly banned if one of you has something to complain about.
"sorry matty you can't come! George has proper fucked charli off and she's about to slag him off for the next hour, and you're not trusted to not snitch!"
"What! that's bullshit! what if I promise I won't tell? " he says, pouting slightly.
"Mmm... Still don't trust you. Bye!" You say giving him a quick peck and running out of the house.
and when it's a weekend where can you all get pissed? absolutely you're going out.
drunk dancing until 3am, getting mcdonald's at a ridiculous time and all cackling so hard they kick you out for being too noisy. because it's breakfast time and all the grumpy businessmen are trying to get their 5am cappuccino, and you're all laughing about the time you and matty got caught in a green room on tour.
matty is very well versed in coming to pick you up from either the Hann House or Charli's. you always have sunglasses on and feel like death, and matty always has a cup of tea in a travel mug for you.
he loves how easily you bonded with them both. Your wild party girl side is so fun to see after he'd only ever seen you be professional (well... mostly). he loves how great you are with carly and Adams son, watching you interact with him and annie does give him wild baby fever.
speaking of baby fever... do we think teacher girlie and matty have any more kids??? I haven't even thought about it, but hmmm...
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the-daydream-queen · 1 year
Loki Imagine
Summary: I don’t even really know what this is, it kinda popped in my head and here we are. Long story short, Tony Stark is your uncle and you’ve snuck Loki into your room. Also if you listen to Carly Rae’s Run Away With Me it definitely helps set the mood for this one. 
*My work is not to be taken or used anywhere else without my permission. Reblogs, likes and comments are always welcome and much appreciated. Thank you to all who read my work, and recommend it. It means a lot! 
“Loki stop tickling,” you laugh. “We gotta be quiet, remember?”
You hear a knock on your door.
“Shit, be really quiet and don’t move,” you whisper.
You throw some leggings on over your shorts and open your bedroom door a crack.
“What are doing you in there?” Tony asks.
“Nothing, uh, just nothing, yeah,” you try to keep your voice straight.
Tony gives you a look that says, ‘I know you’re up to something.’ “You’d better not have a boy in there!”
“Really Uncle Tony, I’m not causing any trouble in here,” you say.
“Of course you’re not,” he says skeptically.
“Alright fine, you caught me,” you begin. “I was watching funny videos.”
He rolls his eyes. “Alright, just be careful.”
“Thanks Uncle Tony,” you say closing the door.
You listen to hear his footsteps fade away. “That was close.”
“A bit of a thrill wasn’t it?” Loki teases. “I mean you are an adult you can have whom ever you’d like in your bedroom.”
You jump onto your bed, curling up to next to him. 
“You’d think but that’s not the case when you have an overprotective uncle.” You huff. “I need my own place soon.”
Peter barges into your room.
“Peter, why!?” You exclaim at the interruption.
“Mr. Stark told me to keep an eye on you,” Peter explains.
“And you listened?” You question.
“I don’t wanna disappoint Mr. Stark,” he says.
“You need your own place very soon,” Loki whispers so only you can hear.
You squeeze his hand thinking of a way to escape the awkward situation.
“Peter, I’ll give you $50 and do all your homework for a month if you promise to 1.) not tell my uncle that Loki was in here and 2.) forgive me for my next act of rebellion.” You take out some money and slip it into his hand. 
“Okay,” Peter answers. 
“UNCLE TONY! THERE’S A BOY IN MY ROOM!” You scream grabbing Loki’s hand and dragging him out your bedroom window and onto the balcony. You unroll the rope ladder you’d made previously and start climbing down. 
“You coming?” You ask looking up to see Loki’s astonished expression.
“You’re a mad woman, do you know that? Brilliant, but a mad woman.” He follows you down.
“Darling, a mad woman is exactly what you need.”
You both take off running as soon as you touch the ground.
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delilahdoesthings · 11 months
kiss me slowly one more time
Read here at Ao3
“She left you a note up in the studio.” 
Freddie had never run so fast up those familiar steps up to the studio. He opens the door and- oh my god. Carly stood there, looking the most beautiful he had ever seen her, next to Spencer’s sculpture. Which was covered in photos. The very same photos that were supposedly lost in that freak fire. 
“How did you-“ 
“I had Socko’s cousin Gizmo fix my hard drive.” She said meekly. “We spent so much time on bad memories the last couple days, I thought we owed it to ourselves to look at some good ones.”  Freddie couldn’t believe his eyes.  He stood for a second, gazing at the pictures and-
“Oh my god.” He said. “I could be my son.” Freddie’s heart was racing. What was going on here? This had to be more than just looking back on the old times. Maybe it was…No, he thought to himself. Do not go there. It was only bound to bring more heartache. 
“Don’t you remember?” She asked with a smile. Freddie tried so hard not to let that smile melt his heart, and failed miserably. She would always have that effect on him. “That was the day you named iCarly.” How could he possibly forget? That was the day that cemented his place in Carly’s life forever. 
“I- internet.” He said with a smirk. “Carly, you.” 
“Who else would have thought to put them together?” She asked. “You were the one who named the show in the first place. And, you were the one who told me I could do it on my own. You jumped in front of a taco truck to save my life.” And he would do it all over again. “And then you said we should wait to date until the whole hero thing wore off, except Freddie, you’re still my hero.” 
This could not be happening. This had to be a dream. There was no way Carly, the woman of his actual dreams, could be standing here saying words he had been longing to hear the last ten years. Because if he was honest, this right here was why his marriages, his other relationships, hadn’t worked out. He could pretend he was over her all he wanted but at the end of the day, she was Carly and he was Freddie, and there wouldn’t ever be a day in his life where he didn’t love her with all his heart. 
“You’re the person I can always count on.” She continued, blissfully unaware of just how fast Freddie’s heart was beating just now. “You’re the person who makes me laugh. And you’re the person who pushes me to do the things I need to do even when I really don’t want to.” 
“Like updating your phone.” Freddie interjects, hoping to add some levity to what could possibly be the best moment of his entire life, if this was what he thought it was. 
“Too soon, but yes.” Carly said, and Freddie smiled.  “And since I’ve never actually said it…and you deserve to hear it…And…okay good talk.” Carly said nervously, and turned to leave. Freddie reached out and grabbed Carly’s hand, and pulled her closer. 
“Hey.” He said, his voice cracking. “You can do this.” He swallowed. His palms were sweating, his heart racing, and Freddie felt like he was going to pass out. This was actually happening. 
“I like you, Freddie Benson.” Freddie’s heart stopped. “And I wanna be with you.” 
He pulled away from her, and the crestfallen expression on her face made him immediately want to grab her hand again and pull her close. Made him want to kiss that sad look right off of her face. But this was important. What he had to say could make or break them.
“Carly, I need you to know.” He began. “Being your friend is not a consolation prize. It is…the best thing that I get to be.” His voice cracked. “If we try this, and it doesn’t work… I can’t lose you.” 
“I promise, no matter what.” Carly said, stepping forward. “You never will.” 
Freddie’s breath caught in his throat. 
“Is this really happening?” He asked, because in all honesty, he still wasn’t one hundred percent sure this wasn’t a dream. Carly liked him, and she wanted to be with him. It felt like every single dream he’d ever had was, in this moment, coming true. 
“I hope so.” Carly said. “It took us long enough.”
Carly wrapped her arms around Freddie’s neck, and kissed him. Freddie had thought a lot about kissing Carly over the years, playing back memories of their brief relationship and the kiss right before she left for Italy. But those daydreams paled in comparison to kissing Carly as adults who were finally on the same page. Her lips were soft, and feeling her waist beneath his hands was a feeling he was sure he would never get used to.
“Ooh.” Carly said when they pulled apart. “Let’s do that again.” 
“In 5…4…” They kissed again, this time more passionate than the first. 
To answer his own question, Freddie thought, this was really happening.
And it was perfect. 
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