#I promise the next update is all Kara and Lena but there was no getting through this time jump without acknowledging it in some way
rustingcat · 1 year
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They started working on the test immediately. Bringing both Brainy and Nia to draw blood, as Kara and Lena started loading materials and performing last minute check ups before their real full trial. Their preparations took longer than expected, both Lena and Kara had important day jobs to get back to after all. After work, they started testing the nourishment distribution system. Hopefully the main system they would need to update and temper with in the long run.
A problem with a delicate Foundation project called Lena away in the late evening. Kara insisted on continuing by herself as there was not much left to do, Lena agreed and promised she would come back as soon as she could. Lena ended up coming up to check on updates every time she had a minute before needing to go back to deal with another issue.
It was getting much later than Kara anticipated when she finished setting up the PF, checking the numbers twice before proceeding to the next stage. The excitement came back to her in full force when she faced the familiar UI once more.
Their first trial was about to begin, their first test to see if their machine was capable of creating life!
She happily pressed continue through the proceeding warning windows and activated the nourishment system. She watched in glee as one of the pods lit up, indicating its activity. A warm feeling spread in her chest as she felt her smile widening. That little thing would become a baby, a baby that would be so loved and cared for by everyone around them, they're gonna drown in it.
Kara wiped off a tear and checked the status of the PF, which should start its transformation into an active embryo pretty soon. The numbers seemed to be on par as expected as PF1 made its new home in pod number one, pretty fitting Kara smiled. It took her a second to realise her mistake.
Getting closer than necessary to read through the genetic data of the new embryo confirmed her suspicions. She accidentally processed her and Lena's genetic data. The baby being created belonged to her and Lena!
Kara took a step back in sheer shock, her eyes as wide as saucers locked on the screen.
"Hey Kara." She heard Lena's voice from behind her.
Kara turned quickly, moving her hands around frantically from the shot of anxiety that went through her system and swallowed hard while she did her best to look normal. She gave Lena her best reassuring smile, that might have showed a bit too much teeth. Luckily Lena was engrossed in her tablet, writing down whatever it was that needed her attention. Kara was grateful her mistake was yet to be discovered.
"How did it go?" Lena continued, finally looking up from her tablet to meet Kara's questionable gaze. "Did it process Nia's and Brainy's genetic data?" She asked, concerned. With the crisis she was dealing with she was probably desperate for some good news.
A small giggle left her lips as Kara swallowed hard. "All is fine." She lied, raising a thumb up to solidify her claim. She would be the first one to admit that her statement was not as convincing as she hoped it to be, but at least it wasn't 'I accidentally started a process to create a baby for us', which was honestly a win by itself.
Lena studied her for a second. "Are you ok?" She asked with concern.
"Yeah, yes. Definitely. Just… you know, excited. Yes, I'm just so excited." She nodded enthusiastically.
"If you run into any problems you–" whatever it was that Lena was about to say was cut short as the power for the entire building was suddenly cut off. The room was illuminated by the moon and the few computer screens that moved to work on the back up generator and the New Birthing Matrix that had its own personal power supply created specially for it.
"God dammit," Lena muttered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "I'm really sorry, I'll be right back." Lena stormed off the room and Kara selfishly wished she would exhaust all of her frustration on either her problematic project, or the people responsible to it so she wouldn't have the energy to be mad at Kara. Rao, she was terrible.
Breathing a small sigh of relief once she heard Lena entering a room a few floors down, Kara turned back to the machine.
Standing in the dark room, staring at the small pod illuminated almost exclusively by the twilight as the moon shined brightly through the opened window, Kara felt a shiver running down her spine.
Kara moved closer to the monitor, her fingers hovering over the termination button once again, only this time she would destroy something else, something more.
She saw them again, those flashes of small hands, chubby cheeks, and dimpled smile holding a small bundle of rags. A possible future. A future that had been haunting her dreams for months at this point. A possible future she suddenly desperately wanted to see to fruition.
Kara stepped back from the monitor to stand in front of the pod. She lay a hand on the protective glass, it was warmer than she anticipated. A small smile spread on her lips, knowing her hand was only inches away from their baby. She tasted something salty in her mouth only to realise she was crying. Rao, what a crazy day, a small chuckle escaped her lips as her tears became stronger. She was crying, she was standing in front of what she desperately hoped would become her first born child, a bizarre thought by itself.
Kara let herself have that moment, before drying her tears and turning back to the machine. She had still promised Nia and Brainy a child after all. It suddenly dawned on her, it would mean that their children could be born at around the same time! Give or take a few weeks, depending on the development of all the different species involved, but it would mean lots of conjoined birthday parties – if the kids wanted to of course – happy playtime together, and a chance to gain a true friend for life. Suddenly, this idea seemed like the perfect plan, she frankly wasn't sure why she hadn’t thought of it earlier.
Kara processed the second PF to pod number two, then lit up similarly to the first. They were already best friends, Kara smiled to herself, living next door to each other and all. "Be kind to your neighbour." She addressed her unborn child. And took a deep breath, exhaling slowly and turning back to the monitor.
She confirmed everything was okay with Nia and Brainy's data before letting herself sit down on the small couch in the corner of the room. In the dim twilight, Kara felt the dawn of a new era begin. Growing, in front of her eyes.
Kara wasn't sure how long she'd been staring at the pod before she fell asleep.
The morning sound that woke her up was not her usual alarm, nor was it the warm rays of the sun, but a loud voice that felt way too close to her face.
"Kara!" It rang in her ears, "Explain! Now!"
Read everything in order on AO3
Also, this whole fic was inspired by my little animation I did for last year's Supercorptober! This one right here
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oreoambitions · 4 years
Part 9 of 12
Parts 1-3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 5.5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Ao3 “It’s me,” Alex murmurs. Her voice is all but a whisper and still it sounds too loud in the empty stairwell of Kara’s apartment building. Alex feels like an intruder, like a stranger, like she’s suddenly stepped into an unfamiliar place of worship, and the quiet isn’t helping any. Her footsteps feel heavy on the stairs, her very breath clumsy and inconsiderate as she climbs.
Maybe this time won’t be like the other times. Maybe this time…
She lingers at Kara’s door with her hand raised to knock, and she listens. Knocking, of course, is a waste of time. If Kara is here, she’s already aware of Alex’s presence. And if she isn’t here, well, knocking on the door certainly isn’t going to summon her back. Alex knocks anyway, winces as the sound of it seems to thunder in the silence, strains her ears for anything, anything at all.
“She’s not here,” Sam says from the stairwell. She tosses Alex the car keys as she makes her way down the hall. “I parked us a couple of blocks down. You ready to go in?”
Alex shuffles a little and looks away. “Give her a minute. Maybe she’s got headphones on.”
“Alex. She’s not here.”
Alex knows this already, knew it before Sam dropped her off at the curb, knows it even as Sam gently takes Kara’s wedding bouquet so that Alex has both hands free to fumble with the keys. She knows it even without Sam’s x-ray vision or the super hearing, but it was nice to indulge in a little wishful thinking for a moment. A moment or two longer would have been nicer. She pushes the door open, and she pushes the thought aside.
Kara’s apartment is almost exactly as it was the night before she left for the cabin in the woods. A little dustier perhaps, and a little tidier. Alex has had increasingly less to do on her weekly visits, and so the throw pillows on the couch are meticulously straight and the handles on the coffee cups are all pointed the same way. Anything to prolong her time in this place where she can imagine that Kara has just stepped out. She’ll be ducking through the window any minute now, brushing something off the sleeves of her super suit, flashing Alex that cheeseball grin before she superspeeds into a pair of pajamas for movie night. Alex can almost see it all play out as she steps into the empty apartment. Almost.
Sam settles the wedding bouquet into a vase with steady hands and a studious expression, the perfect counterpoint to Alex’s trembling fingers and anxious wandering eyes.
“In the bedroom, you think?” she says. “That room gets the least light…”
“Sure,” Alex replies. She doesn’t rehash the argument they’ve already had about the flowers, though the tension of it lingers thick in the air. Sam feels that having the bouquet preserved was a gift, something Kara will be grateful for in time. Alex fears it’ll be the thing that sends Kara running again as soon as she returns, and she knows the fear isn’t rational, but then, neither was Kara the last time they saw her.
“Don’t forget about the succulent in the bathroom window,” Sam calls as she makes her way down the hall.
“Right,” Alex mutters. She nudges open the fridge door. Nothing has expired yet, but she and Sam have brought fresh groceries anyway. All of Kara’s favorite foods to rotate in, and they’ll take the old with them to be sure it isn’t wasted. And if Kara comes home - when Kara comes home - it’ll be one less thing for her to worry about. That’s all Alex can do about any of this now.
“How was Lena this morning?” she asks when Sam wanders back into the living room.
Sam makes a noncommittal sound. “She’s been better. Been worse. Can you hand me that tumbler?”
“I heard about the perjury trial.”
Sam hesitates at the sink just long enough that Alex doesn’t quite believe her when she says, “Clark will handle it.”
There’s a long silence between them then. Sam waters the plants and Alex considers echoing her reminder about the bathroom succulent but the words die in her throat as she wipes imaginary grime out of Kara’s spotless fridge. Rotate in a new carton of milk, a carton of eggs. Sam brushes dust off the door frames.
“Maybe she’s on Argo,” Alex suggests for the hundredth time.
“She’s not,” Sam says.
“Well what if she-”
“She’s not.”
She isn’t. Alex knows this, has been caught up on the details around Kara’s hastily suggested engagement to Ren-Ar, understands the implications of her decision to marry Lena anyway. It may be a long while before Kara can show her face on Argo without causing a scandal big enough that Clark and Sam would have heard about it even from Earth. Alex tries not to wonder whether Argo will still cooperate when it comes to protecting Lena from the law.
“We should check the Fortress again,” she says.
“Clark was there this morning. No sign of her. Kelex is still saying she hasn’t been around since before the wedding.”
“She could have asked him to-”
Alex bites back the words I’m sorry because Sam will only tell her not to be. “It’s been six weeks,” she says instead.
“I know."There’s another stretch of silence. Alex thinks she’s beginning to hate silence: the silence growing between the two of them, the silence in Kara’s apartment, the long silence over the coms line she keeps open for Kara all the goddamn time. Simon and Garfunkel were onto something when they said ‘silence like a cancer grows.’ She stands in the kitchen under the unbearable weight of it wishing there were something left for her to do here, and there’s nothing. There’s just Sam emptying the tumblr into the last of Kara’s houseplants, brushing a spiderweb from the windowsill as she goes.
"Lena still thinks she’ll show up to the gala next weekend,” Sam says. She doesn’t look up as she says it.
“Kara?” Alex doesn’t know why she asks. It’s not as if they could be talking about anyone else, but something about the way Sam refuses to look at her draws the question out of her anyway.
Sam shrugs. “It’s Lena’s first big public appearance since their marriage was, uhm, exposed.”
Sam shoots her a look then, brief and meaningful. “Exposed. Lena thinks Kara will make an appearance just to keep the press from noting her absence.”
“The press has already noted her absence from the entire planet.”
“Well, that was before there was a perjury trial on the horizon.”
Alex lets out a long breath. It’s absurd to suggest that Kara might be more concerned about the press seeing her with Lena than she is about the world seeing her in National City, but the more Alex thinks about it, the more she follows Lena’s line of thought. Sam has been here to wear the cape in Kara’s absence, and she’s done a passable job for someone brand new to the whole beacon-of-hope gig. But she can’t protect Lena from the press; only Kara can do that.
“You’ll text me,” Alex says. “Right? If Kara shows, you’ll tell me right away.”
Sam licks her lips, her eyes on the floor. “Actually, I was hoping you’d be there.”
“You want the DEO to run security?”
Sam laughs at that, and she looks Alex in the eye at last. “I didn’t say the DEO,” she says, and her tone is warm and still full of laughter in a way that makes Alex’s stomach flutter. She wants to look away, fearful somehow that Sam will see the nerves in her, will see her desire and affection and it will be too much. But Sam’s gaze holds her in place.
“I’m not exactly National City high society,” Alex says, tugging on the lapel of her leather jacket for emphasis. “And I’d make a terrible undercover bodyguard.”
“You do clean up nice though,” Sam comments, and Alex flushes. She flushes even worse when Sam adds, “You’d clean up even better if you’d let me do your hair.”
Alex does look away then. “Nobody touches the hair,” she mumbles.
Sam is suddenly close. Too close for someone who was just watering a plant clear on the other side of the apartment not half a second ago, and Alex wonders absently whether there was a super power involved in their sudden proximity. She looks up just in time for Sam to brush a daring hand across her cheek and through her hair and fuck. If there’s an Earth where she never stops doing that, Alex would like to go there.
“Nobody, huh?” Sam says.
Alex swallows, but no clever quip passes her lips.
“That’s a shame,” Sam continues, twisting a lock of Alex’s hair between her fingers. “Because I was hoping you’d be my date for the evening. Got a dress picked out for you and everything.”
Alex stumbles right over the word 'date’ and lands on, “You want me to wear a dress?”
Sam half shrugs, and then she locks eyes with Alex so intensely that it almost feels like a challenge. “Do you want me to wear a suit?”
Alex’s internal monologue is replaced by a distant warm buzzing as her gaze drops to Sam’s mouth. “Yes?”
“Good. Then that’s settled.”
And just like that the moment passes. Sam scoops up the bag of groceries rotated out of Kara’s fridge and pantry and starts towards the door. Alex stares after her for a long moment and then has to hurry to catch up before it’s awkward. Sam did say 'date,’ right? As in the two of them, together, possibly with romantic intentions, possibly-
“Alex,” Sam says without looking back. “The keys.”
Still on the kitchen counter. Fuck. In her defense, there are other things on her mind.
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stennnn06 · 5 years
The Power of Deliverance - CH 10
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you know, that story where Lena is Hades and Kara is Persephone, and it’s going to take everyone 100 years to catch up since the author is a slacker? 
CH 10 Summary: Lena enters dangerous territory in order to get answers, but she leaves with even harder decisions to make. Meanwhile, Kara notices Lena's condition is worsening and begs to understand the truth-- only to get more than she bargained for. On Earth, Alex takes drastic measures in the fight to save Sam, but time is running out.
When Lena and Kara encounter a familiar and stunning goddess, they are granted one moment of peace before the night takes a turn for the worst.
Read here!
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mrs-bartowski · 3 years
Brace for impact y'all cuz my brain is being Extra Rude this fine Sunday. OKAY, so...
What with Lena's new unemployment status, obviously we have all these hcs about her being unable to afford the penthouse and moving in with Kara.
Then of course we have all the accompanying hcs about Lena's time in the apartment between now and when Kara gets back (blanket sniffing, inability to sleep in Kara's bed, ready-to-pack corner of belongings so as to not alter Kara's home, and all those other super fun things that make me wanna cry).
I see all of those (and love them) and I raise you one: the Mxy tapes.
So, we see right after Mxy leaves when Kara picks up "The One Where Lena Decided To Work With Lex" which is what, in combination with her realization that telling Lena the truth always has "huge" consequences, motivates her to make that super OOC decision to absolve herself entirely of her guilt and tell Lena she'll treat her like a villain if she works with Lex, yes?
Now, what if that wasn't the only tape Mxy left behind? What if he left a recording of each of those alternate timelines because, after seeing Kara twist what she learned to fit her frustration over Lena's continued cold shoulder and hearing what she said to Lena, Mxy decided she might want to watch them again at some point to remember the real takeaway: she's fighting for the relationship that saves the world...
Kara found the tapes stacked on the coffee table when she got home, with a note that said "You found the magic. Now don't lose it." She wanted to get angry, but instead she just put the tapes in a box on the shelf under the TV and tried to forget about them.
Lena's hand shakes slightly as she slides the key into the lock, feeling the ghost of Alex’s hand rest gently on her shoulder as it had when she’d pressed the cold metal into her palm a few hours earlier with a silent offer and an encouraging nod. The door swings open slowly, and Lena is hit by a sudden wave of cold. Not temperature, but energy. It’s too quiet - no NSYNC on the speaker or Bachelorette on the TV. It’s too empty - no smell of fresh (slightly burnt) bread or yarn strewn all over the counter from Kara’s various crochet projects. It’s too...Kara-less.
Lena shakes off the feeling and slides her bag off her shoulder in the corner by the bookcase, careful not to knock Kara’s favorite cinnamon candle off the stool beside her, as she tells Alexa to play Nina Simone. She zips open her bag to pull out her favorite copy of Mrs. Dalloway and finds it missing. Realizing she must have left it in her desk drawer at LexCorp, Lena makes a mental note to send Brainy in after it tomorrow with the promise that he can change all of Lex’s passwords one more time before they leave the game for good.
Lena stares at the blank TV screen for a moment, dreading the thought of watching anything in this room without Kara’s head on her shoulder or in her lap. So, she crouches to look at the shelves of the TV stand, hoping to find at least one of the books she’d gotten Kara for her birthday last year wedged between the latest issues of CatCo Magazine and the recipe books Alex had gotten her in the hopes of spending less money on pot stickers every week.
She’s just zeroed in on The Color Purple when she notices a box she doesn’t recognize laying across the tops of the books on the other shelf. She reaches for it on instinct, then hesitates. She hasn’t touched anything of Kara’s since their falling out, and what if Kara’s “what’s mine is yours” rule no longer applies to her now? She considers leaving it alone and waiting for Kara to get back and explain, sliding The Color Purple toward her without taking her eyes off the box, before her curiosity gets the better of her and she caves, tossing the book onto the coffee table.
She opens the lid and starts at the sight of VHS tapes. Hasn't she taught Kara better than this? They'd converted all her old tapes to DVDs months into their friendship ("Kara, these things deteriorate so easily and the picture quality becomes awful, don't you want something that will last?"). She picks up the first tape and reads the label on the side: "The One Where Lena Doesn't Make It Back In Time." Her brows furrow as she stares, unblinking, at the title - demanding answers she knows only one person can give her.
She glances around, but doesn't see a VHS player anywhere, so she sets the tape on the floor beside her and picks up the next one. "The One Where Lena Can't Save Sam Or Herself." Lena shoves down her growing horror and discards the tape, hoping the next one will be less ominous. She picks it up and chokes back a sob as she reads: "The One Where There Are No Survivors."
Lena can't wait for answers anymore, so she gathers the tapes back into the box, grabs her purse and Kara's key, and heads to the closest library. Lena finds the old CRT sitting on a rolling cart in the back corner of the library, tucked between the stacks of kids' books. She pulls the first tape out of the box and slides it carefully into the slot.
30 minutes later, with tears and too-cheap eyeliner streaming down her face, Lena picks up the last tape. "The One Where Lena Was Never Your Friend." And here she'd thought things couldn't get worse. Lena takes a deep breath as she inserts the tape.
At the sight of the ruin that meets Kara and Mxy, Lena stifles the urge to laugh. Of course this is what a world without her best friend looks like. This exactly how it feels now, and she's only been gone a few weeks.
Lena's breath catches as she hears herself ask "who's Kara?," the mere thought of a world where the reporter had never believed in her, never cared enough to love her, almost too much to bear. Her hand drifts absent-mindedly to her chest as she watches herself reveal a kryptonite heart, and for a moment she can hear the sounds of her own screams as her mother's experiments rob her of the last of her humanity.
She presses her hand closer to her heart, sure that it's stopped beating at the sight of Kara on the ground, in pain at her hands but still refusing to fight her. Feels it shatter when her worst self says exactly the same words she'd said to Kara in the Fortress when asked why she had pretended to be Kara's friend for so long.
And she thinks it might kill her, this agony that's filling her body like acid. She wonders for a moment if this is what kryptonite feels like to Kara. Because it sure feels like her skin is getting seared off her bones and there are nails in her blood and it sure seems like she won't survive watching herself kill her best friend as she lies helpless and desperate on the floor.
And when Mxy pulls them out, Lena's breath returns full force until she's hyperventilating because Kara is gone and she doesn't know how long it will be until they get her back; and she was terrified of what she'd become when she lost Jack but she survived because of Kara; and if this is what losing Kara without ever having her in the first place looks like, Lena has never been more afraid than she is as she realizes what will happen to the world if she doesn't get Kara back. What she'll do to the world if it dares to take Kara from her.
So, when she gathers the tapes and goes to return them to the box and finds a note at the bottom that says "You found the magic. Now don't lose it," Lena promises herself that, for as long as she lives, she will do everything in her power to keep the magic that is Kara Danvers in her life.
Alex knocks on the apartment door three days later and finds it unlocked. She pushes the door open and her hand drifts to her gun, but relaxes as she sees Lena's sleeping form curled up on the couch. Alex approaches a box she knows the contents of all too well and finds it open and empty on the table before she notices the VCR player and tapes strewn across the floor. She smiles softly as she recalls the image of Kara in the exact same position months earlier. And, as she carefully plucks the handwritten note from Lena's clutched fist, she smiles at the knowledge that, once Kara returns, no force in the world will be able to keep them apart again.
UPDATE: Ask and ye shall receive
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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i-am-robie · 4 years
 Thanks to @coffeeshib​ for letting me steal the amnesia + wife prompt... I couldn’t help myself. This is not what I thought would come out (content warning for canon typical violence and injuries), mostly this is just Kara being a whole entire idiot and Alex facepalming and Lena just being glad Kara is there for her, as her fake wife while she recovers from another quarterly attempt on her life:
“Supergirl! You have to go!” Alex is yelling at her as they roll Lena into the emergency room at National City General, but Kara is rooted to the spot - she can’t look away. Lena is pale, too pale, and there’s blood all over her dress, cuts and scrapes and bruises already blooming on every piece of exposed skin. She isn’t moving, isn’t breathing on her own right now; the only air making its way into her body is through the ambu bag being operated by a nurse, as women and men in scrubs crowd around the moving gurney, shouting orders. And all of that is terrifying enough, but it isn’t the thing that’s paralyzing Kara.
The reason Kara can’t move, the reason that she is barely breathing, is that she can’t hear Lena’s heart.
“Kara.” Alex is closer now, she steps gently in front of her sister, dropping her voice so that no one else can hear her. “Kara, you have to go, they’re getting away.”
“Alex - “ Kara takes a step forward, as if to walk around her sister, to head towards the doors that Lena and the medical team are disappearing behind.
“I know, Kara, I know,” Alex says, gentle and quiet. The doors shut, and Kara’s eyes snap away from it to her sister's face. Alex looks as terrified as Kara feels; she’s wearing an expression Kara has only seen on her before when it’s Kara who’s hurt. “You can’t do anything for her right now. But you can get the guys who did this.” She reaches for Kara’s arm, squeezes - the pressure is grounding. “You need to go. You need to go right now.”
So Kara goes.
She returns seven hours later, after dropping the men who carried out the attack on Lena at the DEO and declining to help in the interrogation. She nearly killed them, doesn’t think she has the stomach to listen to them talk. She’d still been in the field when the hospital reached out to let her know that they’d been able to stabilize Lena, restarting her heart, but that she hasn’t woken up yet. Alex had relayed the message to her, but now Alex only shakes her head when Kara asks if there are any updates.
Her sister pulls her aside when Kara says that she’s going to hospital to talk to the doctors, telling Kara quietly that she needs to go home and clean off her suit. When Kara looks down, she sees that Alex is right. She’s covered in blood - some of Lena’s, some of it the men she’s apprehended, none of it hers. It makes her want to sob.
But when she gets out of the bathroom after showering, pulling on soft joggers and a hoodie, Kara finds that she can’t settle. Every time she closes her eyes, every time she blinks, she sees Lena’s lifeless body in the rubble that had been her office, can feel Lena in her arms the moment her heart stopped, and the fact that Lena is supposedly stable doesn’t help at all because she hasn’t woken up.
What if she never wakes up?
Suddenly, Kara can’t breathe. Her chest is tight, the walls of her apartment seeming to flex and close in on her. Her heart rate speeds up and she’s taking choked half-breaths, clenching her fists and blinking away tears.
She can’t lose Lena like this, not after she worked so hard to get her back. Kara looks at the clock. It’s just after midnight. This is definitely not visiting-hours at the hospital, and Lena’s not awake anyway - but Kara needs to see her. Needs to know she’s alive.
Needs to hear her heartbeat again.
It’s all of this - the panic, the desperation, the single-minded focus on getting to Lena - that Kara will blame later when she’s trying to explain what happens next in the weeks to come.
The hospital is deserted except for the staff when Kara walks in through the main entrance and goes up to the ICU where she knows Lena will be. She heads straight for the desk at the front of the unit when she arrives, and introduces herself to a nurse before asking if she can see Lena.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Danvers,” the nurse says, and she does sound sorry in the face of Kara’s distress, “visiting hours aren’t until ten a.m.”
A man in a basketball sweatshirt and jeans walks past them, he scans a small badge that says ‘VISITOR’ in capital letters on a machine at the end of the desk, and nods at the nurse before he disappears down the hallway.
“He’s visiting,’ Kara tries, her voice bordering on frantic, “he’s visiting and I need to see her, you don’t understand, I’m not going to be okay if I don’t see her. Please, just let me...”
“I’m so sorry, honey, it’s immediate family only after hours.”
“I’m her wife,” Kara blurts out. “Please. I’m her wife.”
“You’re her…that’s not in the notes…” The nurse trails off, looking down at the computer in front of her.
“I’m her emergency contact, I’m her wife, please.”
““Oh, yes,” the nurse starts nodding, “I do see that marked here, they called you when she came in. Hmmm...Someone clicked the wrong box under ‘relationship to patient.’” She moves her mouse and clicks on something, then looks back up at Kara. “I’ve fixed that for you, Mrs. Danvers. Let me print you out a visitor badge so you can just scan it in next time.
Kara can feel her panic recede a little. She’s going to see Lena. The nurse takes a blank badge and feeds it into an electronic printer. She hands the finished product to Kara, then gets up and gestures for Kara to follow.
“Now,” the nurse starts as she walks Kara down the dark hallway, the lights on half since it’s night, “she looks a little rough, but I assure you, she’s receiving the very best care there is. Normally you would have been called for consent before we initiated the hypothermia protocol, but since she had an advanced directive on file already, the team went ahead and started it.”
Kara’s barely listening to her, has started to strain her ears for the only sound she’s wanted to hear all day. She nearly collapses in relief when she finds it, below the beeping and the whirring and the buzzing of the machines, unlike any other beat in the building. Lena’s heart is steady, slower than usual, slower than Kara’s ever heard it, but it’s there, rhythmically thumping away.
The nurse brings her to a halt in front of a patient room, Lena’s name on the board outside with a bunch of notations that mean nothing to Kara. She’ll ask Alex to translate.
“She’ll be cold to your touch, that’s alright,” the nurse continues. “The key right now is to try to stop or slow any of the damage she’s suffered as a result of going into cardiac arrest. She lost a lot of blood, and her left femur is broken, along with her right ulna, but there are a lot of reasons to be hopeful. We’ll know more in the forty-eight to seventy-two hours once the protocol is complete.”
Kara refuses to think about most of this. Lena is alive. She’s alive and she’s right on the other side of this door. She clears her throat. “How long...how long can I stay?”
“As long as you like, dear. We’ll round on her in the morning and if you’re still here you can talk to the attending. Also, we’ll be in to check on her, but most of the monitoring is electronic since she’s in a medically induced coma for at least the next two days. There’s a chair that reclines by the bedside, I can grab you a blanket?”
“Please,” Kara says. She stops with her hand on the door, turns back to the nurse. “Thank you.” It comes out wobbly.
“Of course.” The nurse smiles at her. “Go on in, I’ll be right back.”
Kara’s woken up by the medical team the next morning during rounds, just as the night shift nurse had promised. She blinks awake and rubs at her eyes, stretching and going to stand up when the team enters.
“Hi Mrs. Danvers, we saw you’d arrived,” a tall woman in a white lab coat says, walking over to Kara on the far side of the room and sticking out her hand to shake. “I’m Dr. Sheldon. We’ll do our best to bring you up to speed now, I’m so glad you were able to make it last night.” She gives Kara a warm smile. “Believe it or not, it really does make a difference when patients are supported, even when they aren’t aware of it.”
The team walks her through their care plan for Lena, how long she’ll have to remain like this before they start the re-warming process, what they’re concerned about and what they’ll be looking for. Her arm and femur have been set and immobilized, but it’s likely that the femur will need to be rebroken and repaired surgically if and when Lena does wake up. Given the invasiveness of the procedure, the delicacy of her present condition, and the unknowns about her cognition, that decision will keep.
When they leave, Kara texts Alex. If the doctors think that it will make a difference for Lena’s recovery to have her here, then she’s going to stay. She’s owed time off anyway. This is the best use of it she can think of.
Two hours later, the door opens, and Kara looks up from the bed, relieved to see Alex standing there, holding a backpack with the food and change of clothing Kara asked her to bring.
“Oh gosh, am I glad to see you,” she says, letting go of Lena’s hand and standing up. She walks around the bed to where Alex has stopped.
“Yeah, yeah,” Alex says, and she’s frowning at Kara. “You have some fucking explaining to do.”
“What?” Kara stops abruptly.
“What?” Alex parrots. She narrows her eyes. “Are you being serious…?” At Kara’s confused expression, Alex rolls her eyes and reaches behind her to shut the door. She walks over to Kara, pulling some take out from the bag and handing it to her, before pulling up one of the swivel chairs a doctor had been using.
Kara takes the food and goes back to her seat.
“So?” Alex prompts.
Kara looks up from the styrofoam container, already having broken apart her chopsticks. “So what?”
“What do you mean...Kara!” Kara freezes, chopsticks frozen in midair clutching a piece of kung pao chicken. There is real frustration and confusion in Alex’s voice. “Imagine my surprise when I sign in at the front desk and the nurse says that my sister-in-law is stable right now. Wanna tell me why the fuck you’re playing house to visit your best friend in the hospital?”
Kara sets the chicken down. “Alex…”
“Kara, you have ten seconds to explain why the entire staff thinks you and Lena are married and the answer had better not actually involve marriage or I swear to god I’ll…”
“They wouldn’t let me in to see her!” Kara bursts out. “I got here last night and I needed to see her, Alex, I needed to. And apparently it’s immediate family only and I panicked, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” Alex says, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes. “I know Lena is important to you, but Kara, you could have waited ten hours and seen her.”
“I couldn’t.” Kara looks down at her food, not hungry anymore. “Alex, I couldn’t. I almost had a panic attack after you sent me home last night. I couldn’t wait.”
“Oh kiddo.” Kara looks up at that, all the frustration is gone from Alex’s tone. Her sister lets out a sigh. “Lena’s going to get through this and she’s going to get better. And when she does, you have got to tell her how you feel.”
“She’s my best friend.” Kara’s mouth twists. This is not a new conversation, but the stakes seem higher with Lena in the bed beside her, unconscious and battered.
“She is,” Alex agrees. “But she could be more.”
And oh, Kara wants more with every fiber of her being. But more than that, she wants Lena in her life, wants the easy love and affection they’ve finally gotten back to. And she’s been worried about rocking the boat.
“And by the way,” Alex says, pulling her back to the present, “lying to medical professionals is not a good look.” Kara grimaces and ducks her head.
“I know,” she says, glancing at Lena, the ventilator moving her chest up and down slowly. “But they said it’s good for Lena to have someone here, talking to her, holding her hand, even if she doesn’t know. And you know Lillian isn’t going to do that. And Lex is the one who put her here...just let me do this, okay?”
Alex hums. “You’re so lucky I didn’t blow your secret.”
Kara looks over at her sister. “Thank you.”
“Some of us are actually good at lying under pressure. I’m surprised you didn’t tell them she was married to Supergirl.”
“Well I wasn’t dressed as Supergirl.”
“Thank god for small mercies.”
Lena doesn’t wake up for the next three days.
In the interim, all of their friends visit, but Alex has already warned them about Kara’s new relationship status and other than Nia’s constant giggles, no one comments. Kara doesn’t leave the hospital. She keeps vigil in the chair, occasionally leaving for short periods of time to go down to the cafeteria, or to stretch her legs.
On day four, Alex convinces her to at least go to the DEO to shower and check in with J’onn about  the duties he and M’gann are covering for her.
She’s just getting ready to head back to the hospital when her phone rings.
“Mrs. Danvers?”
“This is Dr. Sheldon. Your wife has woken up and she’s being evaluated now by neuro, but we wanted you to know first thing.”
Kara has to sit down in the middle of the DEO, the concrete hard and probably cold underneath her, but it’s better than the alternative, which was just going to be letting her knees give out. She closes her eyes tightly. “I’ll be right there.”
She flies back to the hospital, landing in a nearby alley and running into the building with just a touch of superspeed. She makes it onto the unit just in time to see Lena’s care team leaving her room and turning down the hall to the next patient, and as much as Kara wants to get an update from them, the urge to see Lena herself is too much. She walks through the open door and nearly runs into a nurse, who’s moving some of the equipment out, now that Lena is conscious. It’s a nurse Kara is familiar with, her name is Bernadette, she’s been on shift the last two days. Her eyes light up when she sees Kara.
“Your wife is here,” Bernadette says, over her shoulder before Kara can stop her. She smiles warmly as she turns back to Kara. “I’ll leave you two alone.” She slips past Kara and into the hallway.
“My…” Lena’s eyes go wide as she sees Kara standing helpless in front of the now closed door.  Her voice is still scratchy from the extubation. Her hair is greasy and all over the pillow, her right arm and left leg are completely immobilized, there are wires running through the top of her hospital gown, her whole body a tapestry of garish purples and greens and stitches. But she’s awake. Kara has never felt more relieved in her entire life, but it turns to ice in her veins as Lena struggles to speak, clearly confused. “My - my - oh god.” Her eyes start to fill with tears and Kara panics.
“No, Lena, no, it’s not - “ she starts saying, taking quick steps towards the bed.
“Oh god, oh god, Kara,” Lena chokes out, twisting a little in bed and flinching, “they said I only lost a week, they said my memory seemed okay, that there’s no - ”
“We’re not married!” Kara yells out trying to stop the clear spiral Lena is on. Lena’s eyes go wide, but she does stop looking like she’s about to start sobbing. “We’re not married,” Kara repeats, in a normal voice this time.
“Then why…”
Kara winces. “I might have told the hospital staff that we are. Married, that is.”
Lena looks wary, small and weak and confused in the bed, and she’s frowning a little at Kara now. It doesn’t even matter, though, because the feeling of seeing Lena awake is returning with every word she speaks, and Kara feels something in her chest open up. She has to resist walking over and climbing into bed with her and holding her, knows she needs to explain first.
In every single way Kara played out this moment all week in her head, not once is this how it went - she wants Lena to be smiling, to be okay, or at least as okay as one can be after coming out of a medically induced coma, with a number of near catastrophic injuries still to be dealt with. She certainly didn’t imagine she’d be contributing to the disorientation and isolation Lena’s projecting right now.
Lena’s eyes dart around Kara’s face. Kara takes a deep breath.
“The first night you were here, I had to see you.” She starts twisting her hands together, takes another step towards the bed. “And it was late, and even though I’m your emergency contact, they said no after hours visitors except for family and I panicked.”
“You panicked.” Lena sounds like she’s unsure how panic would lead someone to pretend to be married, and honestly, now that Kara is having to explain the decision, she’s not really sure either. The only thing she knows is that she doesn’t regret it. Would do it again, in fact.
“I knew if they thought I was your wife, they’d let me in to see you. And Lena, I had to see you. I had to. You were - “ Kara cuts herself off, can feel the tightness in her chest, closing around her heart like a vice. “Your heart stopped before I could get you to the hospital. The last time I saw you, I didn’t know if - “ A small sob works it’s way up her throat, and Kara’s eyes are burning. She feels a tear break free from her lashes. “I needed to hear your heartbeat.”
An unreadable expression crosses Lena’s face as Kara takes the seat by her bed that she’s occupied for the last week. To Kara’s great relief, Lena reaches out her left hand, lays it on the edge of the bed, palm up. Kara grabs for it with both of her own.
And Rao, the feeling of Lena’s hand, still cold, but undeniably warmer, squeezing back when Kara grips tightly - she doesn’t know how to describe this feeling. It starts a fresh wave of sobs in her, of relief this time, rather than terror.
“Hey,” Lena says, punctuating it with another flex of her fingers around the back of Kara’s hand. “Hey, I’m okay. I’m here. You saved me. I’m okay, see?”
And really, that just makes Kara cry harder.
“I’m supposed to be comforting you,” she chokes out.
“You are,” Lena says, disengaging their hands and bringing her fingers up to Kara’s face, wiping at the tears. “You are, god, I was just thrown. I thought...I thought, it doesn't matter what I thought.” She tries to laugh and ends up flinching.
“Oh no, are you okay, should I call the doctor?” Kara immediately reaches forward, lays a hand on Lena’s hip above the sheets and wipes furiously at her face with the other.
“It’s the broken ribs,” Lena grits out, jaw flexing as she drops her hand away from Kara’s face and back onto the bed. “Fuck that hurts.”
“I’m just so glad you’re awake,” Kara says, leaning forward again and brushing some of the hair out of Lena’s face, trying to tuck it behind her ear.
That’s how Bernadette finds them when she returns, Kara gently touching Lena’s forehead, and rubbing her hip, the two of them so close that Kara might as well climb in next to her.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” she says, smiling at the two of them. “The attending would like to pop in with the head of ortho to talk about surgical options for your femur. Should I tell her to come back later?”
Kara moves to stand up, she doesn’t want to delay anything about Lena’s care, but Lena reaches for her hand again, and Kara’s powerless to do anything but lace their fingers together and sit back down.
Lena takes a shallow breath, “Can my wife stay?”
My wife. Hearing it come out of Lena’s mouth does something to Kara that feels a little dangerous, makes the room spin a bit. Her heart feels as if it’s expanding and being squeezed at the same time. My wife. My wife. My wife.
“Of course, she’s more than welcome to stay,” Bernadette says. “It’s probably a good idea, actually, now that there are care decisions to make.”
“Let me get this straight,” Alex says, her head in her hands. Kelly reaches out to rub her back. “You’re still pretending to be married, and Lena is playing along with it?”
Kara nods. They’re sitting down in the cafeteria while Lena gets a sponge bath, something that Kara is trying very hard not to think about. It’s been nearly three weeks, one major operation, and thankfully no more complications.
And Kara has been here through it all. She’s started leaving for blocks of time during the day (it turns out she didn’t have a month worth of vacation saved up and Alex had nearly had an aneurysm when Kara asked if she was allowed to use family medical leave act time), but she’s spent nearly every night in the hospital with Lena since. The medical team loves them, has started talking to them about how devoted Kara is. Maybe Kara’s playing into it a little, bringing flowers, and Lena’s favorite foods, and always, always touching her in some way when she’s in the room.
“You know they’re going to build her discharge plan around you, right?” Alex squints at her. “Have you considered that?”
Kara flushes. “Actually,” she brings a hand up to rub at the back of her neck, adjusts her glasses for good measure, “we’ve agreed that I’ll just move in with Lena for a little while. She can hire someone during the day, but I’ll be around at night and I can help with the rehab. So, um, it’s fine.”
“You’re both fucking idiots.”
“I’ve been home for an hour and I’m already regretting every choice in my life that’s lead to this point. This is humiliating.”
“Oh my gosh,” Kara laughs, “no it isn’t.”
“Kara, you’re washing my hair in the kitchen sink because I can’t even wash myself right now with this fucking cast and brace on.”
Kara grins, squirting shampoo onto her hand and setting the bottle down on the marble countertop. Lena is sitting in the wheelchair, left leg propped up on the supports. She’s leaning back with her head over the edge of the sink, rolled up towels supporting her neck and her eyes are closed. She’s frowning, but it’s the frown she wears when she’s trying too hard not to smile. It makes Kara want to kiss it right off her face. She takes a deep breath, instead.
Kara is just so grateful that she gets to see Lena like this, hair stringy from the hospital, oversize sweatshirt with one sleeve bunched up over the top of the lime green cast on her right arm. The post-surgical femoral fracture brace looks uncomfortable, but Lena hasn’t complained about it at all. So, fine, maybe this nearly debilitating urge to kiss her best friend, to ask her if the last few weeks could be real, instead of fake (not the marriage part, not now, anyway, but the relationship part sure), is getting more and more intrusive. That doesn’t mean Kara can’t continue to ignore it until Lena’s better.
She finishes washing Lena’s hair and if she takes extra time massaging in the conditioner and making sure the water temperature is absolutely perfect, well, that’s just being a good caretaker. She sets Lena up in her bedroom, then goes back to the kitchen to clean up 
“Ok, Lena,” Kara says, walking back into the bedroom. “You officially have zero edible things in your apartment. I’m going to make a list and head to the grocery store for supplies, ok? Your next meds can’t be taken on an empty stomach.”
“You’re underestimating my iron constitution.” Lena frowns unhappily in bed. “We can just order some, you don’t have to go.”
“I’ll be back in a jiffy, okay?” Kara smiles at Lena.
Sure, they could order groceries, but she wants to go get them, to pick them out herself, and bring them back. It makes her feel so good to be able to do things like this: wash her hair, go get groceries, make her something to eat. The best part of this whole terrible ordeal is that she’s gotten to take care of Lena, to show her, not just tell her, how important she is to Kara. It warms her up from the inside out.
“You sure I’m allowed to be by myself?” Lena teases, breaking Kara out of her thoughts. “I haven’t been left to my own devices in weeks now. Just imagine all the trouble I could get into.” She raises an eyebrow.
Kara laughs and shakes her head, drawn closer to Lena like a magnet. Lena’s tucked into bed, leg propped up on pillows to keep the brace comfortable, two books on the nightstand beside her, a glass of water within easy reach, and the next round of medications in a small porcelain bowl that Kara repurposed from the kitchen. Her hair is still wet from being washed, and although there are dark circles around her eyes, and her cheekbones are too sharp from the weight she lost in the hospital, Kara doesn’t think she’s ever seen anything more beautiful than Lena right at this exact moment.
She walks over to the bed and sits down next to Lena, reaching over to move the glass of water back from the edge of the nightstand and onto a coaster. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll bet you a whole order of potstickers that you’re asleep when I get back.” She reaches across Lena, adjusts the towel covering up her pillow to keep it from getting wet.
When she pulls back slightly, she’s startled by how close Lena’s face is to hers. Lena is looking at her with such unadulterated fondness, that Kara can’t help reaching up and tucking a wet tendril of hair back behind Lena’s ear. “I’ll be back so soon you won’t even know I was gone.”
“I always know when you’re gone,” Lena says, the corners of her mouth lifting up, her eyes crinkling lightly. Kara’s hand has drifted from Lena’s ear to the back of her head, her thumb brushing gently at the soft skin just below Lena’s jaw.
When she retells the story of what happens next later, Alex will roll her eyes and mutter under hear breath, but Kara will swear this is the truth: without even thinking about it, she leans forward and kisses Lena on the lips, quick and soft, then stands and turns to go, pulling her phone out of her pocket so she can start making a grocery list.
“You can drop the act now,” Lena says, a little stiffly.
“Huh?” Kara whips around, more at Lena’s tone than at her words, and looks at her in confusion. Lena’s face is bright red.
“Kara, we’re - I’m home, there’s no hospital staff to convince anymore.” She sounds a little upset and Kara, feels her forehead crinkle as she replays the last several seconds in her head: she moved Lena’s water, adjusted the towel behind her head, smoothed Lena’s hair, and…
“Oh Rao, oh gosh.” She takes a step forward, then back abruptly, as she realizes that she’s just kissed Lena on the mouth. She puts one hand on her forehead and the other on her hip, spins in a small circle. “Lena, I’m so sorry. I didn’t - ”
“It’s fine,” Lena says, her voice sounding calm and even now that Kara is having a meltdown, but her heart is doing some sort of high speed gallop in her chest and it’s giving Kara the impression that this is not actually fine.
Oh no, oh gosh… “Lena, I’m sorry, - ”
“I get it.” Lena cuts her off, holding up a hand to stop her. “The whole act, it’s a hard habit to break.” She drops her hand to the bed and laughs lightly, picking at the blanket. “Honestly I’m surprised we made it this long without accidentally doing that.”
“Accidently. Yes.” Kara’s nodding so hard, she feels like her head might come off. “It was an accident.” That might be a convenient way of putting it, but it doesn’t change the fact that Kara’s been wanting to kiss Lena, wants it to be as un-accidental as possible. And aren’t accidents things like tripping on the carpet, or spilling a drink at dinner? She may not have been thinking when she did it, but Kara knows there’s nothing accidental about that kiss.
But Lena’s giving her an out, and Kara can’t bring herself not to take it.
“I’m just going to - ” Kara gestures over her shoulder and then she flees.
“Alex, I kissed her.” Kara’s made it outside the apartment, but her heart hasn’t slowed down. She didn’t even bother making a list after walking out of Lena’s bedroom, just went straight to the elevator, dialing Alex before she’d even hit the lobby. Her stomach is squirmy, she feels like she might throw up.
“Finally,” Alex says, letting out what might be a relieved sigh.
“What do you mean finally?” Kara feels hysterical.
“I mean finally, idiot. Watching the two of you for the past three weeks has been the most painful experience of my life, I’m glad you finally did it.”
“She thinks it was because of the act!” Kara nearly yells. A man walking by looks at her, narrowing his eyes and giving her a wide berth. “She thinks it’s because of the act, Alex!”
There’s silence on the other end of the line for a moment.
“Kara Danvers, are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“No,” Kara wails. “I didn’t even mean to do it! Or, well. I meant to do it, but I didn’t know I was doing it. I was making sure she had everything she needed and then I was leaving to go to the grocery story and somewhere in the middle I kissed her! And she got kinda upset even though she said she wasn’t and she says it’s fine because it was an accident. And it was an accident, at least in the sense that I wasn’t thinking when I did it and god I didn’t even ask if she wanted to kiss me, but I meant it, Alex, I meant it.”
Kara can picture Alex right now: that tight, unhappy expression on her face, fingers pinching her nose between her eyes.
“Okay, I swore to Kelly I wasn’t going to do this, but that was before you lost your damn mind and kissed her.” Kara can hear Alex take a deep breath. “You need to go back upstairs right now and confess, Kara.”
“What?” Kara practically screeches. She spins in a circle. “No, this isn’t the right time. I’m supposed to be helping her, I’m supposed to be taking care of her, I can’t put this on her right now. What if she doesn’t feel the same, what if this ruins everything, what if - “
Thankfully Alex cuts her off. “That argument worked before you kissed her and decided to let her believe you didn’t mean to do it. And before you argue with me, you might not have known you were doing it, but you absolutely meant to do it, Kara.”
Kara is now facing Lena’s apartment and gently knocking her forehead against it.
“Kara, I heard that crack, stop headbutting the building.” Kara stops, keeps her forehead pressed to the cool limestone. Alex pauses, and her voice is gentle when she continues. “You gotta tell her, kiddo. You’ve been down the whole lying path with her before and while I don’t think this is the kind of lie that would cause her to try removing our free-will again, I do think that you guys decided on honesty as your way forward. You either own that, or you don’t.”
“You’re right. I know you’re right.” Kara squeezes her eyes shut. “If we can get through that, we can get through this.”
“That’s the spirit. And hey, if for some reason things don’t go well and you feel like you can’t stay with her? Kelly or I would be happy to swap out for you tonight. Just in case you need some space.”
“Thanks, Alex.”
“But Kara, I think you’re gonna be just fine.”
Kara doesn’t feel much better when she hangs up with Alex, but she knows her sister is right. She’s got to tell Lena.
And to be honest, Kara can’t imagine a world in which Lena would be upset with her for having feelings, regardless of whether they’re reciprocated. They’ll be able to work through this, even if it hurts for a while. She’s had friends fall in love with her before, and she’s always been able to keep them as friends afterwards. God, maybe Winn has some advice for me, she thinks.
So Kara takes a deep breath and goes back inside. Groceries can wait.
She’s trembling when she lets herself back into Lena’s apartment. It’s nerves, anticipation more than anything. She’s about to confess something that she can’t, won’t take back and it will change things between them, even if only for a while.
Lena looks up from her book when Kara makes her way back into the bedroom. She sets it down beside her hip on the bed and cocks her head.
“Well that was fast. Did Supergirl get my groceries?” She gives Kara a smile.
“I’m in love with you.” Well that’s one way to start this conversation. “And I didn’t kiss you accidentally.”
Lena’s smile drops, her eyes widening in surprise. Everything about her seems to freeze.
“Before you say anything, I need to get this out. I’m not telling you because I’m expecting anything. I don’t want anything to change, I mean, I do, clearly, but I don’t if that’s not what you want.” Kara squeezes her eyes shut and looks at the ceiling. She really should have thought this through. “I’ve known for a while, actually, I was just worried about what it might mean, if you didn’t feel the same way.” She drops her gaze back to Lena. “But then you almost died. And I pretended to be your wife. And I was planning on telling you once you’re totally recovered. Except then I kissed you without even thinking about it and I can’t lie about this, Lena. It isn’t good for either of us. So. Yeah. Just. Tell me what you need.”
Lena’s looking at her with an expression Kara can’t read, but she doesn’t look unhappy, or afraid, or upset...
“Kara, do you remember when that nurse told me my wife had shown up?”
“Yes,” Kara says, frowning, because she doesn't understand where Lena is going with this. “Of course I do, you were panicked that you’d experienced severe brain damage.”
Lena shakes her head, pats the space on the bed next to her.
Kara feels a weight lift from her shoulders: no matter how this goes, if Lena is asking her to come closer, then they’re going to be okay. She walks across the carpet.
“You’re right,” Lena says as Kara comes closer, “I was worried, but that wasn’t the only thing that made me panic.”
“What else was it?” Kara sits down and looks at her lap, bringing her hands together to fidget. She can feel Lena’s body heat next to her, but she doesn’t want to reach out unless Lena does it first. “Was it the idea of being married to me?” She laughs. She can laugh about this.
“No, darling,” Lena says. She reaches for Kara’s hands, smoothing her fingers across them to still them. Darling, that’s a good sign, right? “Kara, as terrified as I was that there was more damage, my first thought was that somehow I’d lost memories of us: of you falling in love with me, of dating and first kisses and someone proposing and a wedding.” Lena pauses and Kara stares at their joined hands. She hears more than sees Lena take a deep breath and let it out. “I’ve been in love with you for so long it broke my heart to think that those things had happened and I couldn’t remember them.”
Kara whips her head around to look at Lena. Her best friend is smiling, and her eyes are a little wet like maybe she’s overwhelmed and might cry and oh gosh, does Kara understand that feeling right now.
“You love me,” she says, feeling her own eyes start to fill with tears.
Lena nods.
“You’re in love with me,” Kara can’t help clarifying. This is something out of a dream.
Lena nods again.
“Can I…” Kara reaches for Lena’s face, trails her knuckles down Lena’s cheek and watches in awe as Lena leans into the touch.  “Can I kiss you now?”
“Yes,” Lena breaths out, smiling, and it’s blinding. “But only if it’s not an accident.”
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camslightstories · 3 years
Tolerate It - Part 14
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Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers. Female Reader.
Notes: hey guys! How are you all doing? Sorry I haven’t been updating sooner! This chapter took a lot of me, I hope you guys like it! As always I’m open for suggestions, opinions, comments, theories and more always. right now my requests are close because I want to get out all of the request before i open them again. Hope you have a great day, enjoy!
Taglist: @multi-images @captain-josslett​  @aznblossom​  @venteen   @coxmicbabygirl @lezzzbehonesthere
Flashback, Midvale 2009
The cold weather of Midvale had started to slowly hit your body as you ran through the field with the rest of your teammates. The sweat ran through your face as you ran along with the group. The bright sky slowly fading into the sunset as the 7 pm set in. The cheers of the tea could be heard as you guys got back to the center after 5 laps. 
Your mind never leaves the thought of your oldest sister being home from college, with hope and happiness in your heart at the thought of seeing both of your sisters. After all, it had been a rough year for you, and having your sisters with you was more than enough.
You were pulling your cellphone out to call your mom as you arrived at the dinner which was two blocks away from your school. Your soccer training shirt hanging on your body which had your last name printed on the back, while the grey sweatpants you had stolen from your oldest sister fitted comfortably and a little too big on you. 
You were already making a mental list of what you had to order, two chocolate milkshakes, one pound cheeseburger, and three sets of fries with bacon and cheese for Kara. one all American burger without pickles and extra cheese, a half strawberry and half chocolate milkshake, one set of unsalted fries and one set of fries with bacon and cheese for Alex. one set of only bacon fries, one set of nuggets, one cookie and cream milkshake with double cookies and one no vegetables cheese and bacon cheeseburger for you. The rule at the Danvers house was that if you guys ate junk food during the week, then the next day you all had to eat the greens, and well none of you could tell no to your mom after all.
It had been a while since you had come to the dinner, after all, it was where Lucy broke up with you. You couldn't help but have the lingering feeling as you entered immediately looking in the direction of your old spot finding it alone, sighing almost in content as you walked down the hallway on your way to the register only to see two familiar backs and the face of your redheaded sister. 
Her eyes had caught yours and without a second thought, you ran as fast as you could when Alex yelled your name. Tackling her into a hug makes you both fall to the floor, a beaming smile on your face as you hug tighter not wanting to let go. “Y/N!”
“Al!” You groaned happily as the two of you fell to the floor laughing.
Moments after falling into the floor, Kara offered both of her hands to pull you guys up but instead she ended up falling with the two of you after you and your oldest sister shared a knowing look. 
And as Kara landed on the floor you flung your arm around the blonde and the redhead hugging them as tight as you could while having a beaming smile. Happiness radiating out of you like sunlight and for the first time in the last couple of months, you had a genuine smile on your face.
“Mom! I’m home!” You yelled as your redhead sister gave you a piggy ride. Laughing when Alex winced at the sound of your voice is so close to her ear. Entering the house the first thing all of you heard was the voice of your mother. 
The four of you moved to the kitchen finding your mother in her glasses at the top with a computer screen full of numbers and diagrams. Your blonde mother didn't hesitate to get up greeting each one of you before speaking in a more motherly tone than before. “I see you guys dinner, just don't stay up too late”
The three of you nodded before Alex let you off her back. And as you went to throw yourself into the cushion. Your mom's voice ringed your ears before you could even think. “I hope you are not going to sit on the couch with training clothes ”
Straighten the posture you looked over to your sisters to see them trying to suppress the laugh that you heard after walking upstairs. Hearing your blonde sister yelled your name after you cursed when your feet entangled together making you fall in the last step of the stairs.
With the TV on, and Princess Diaries playing live. The three of you sat, well more like laid out between the couch and the solo chair which Kara’s boyfriend had claimed as his own every time you guys were in the living room. Your head was on Alex's lap as she moved her fingers through your hair as the movie went through. Kara was laying on the large puff seat trying to be closer to the food. 
One moment Mia was about to have her looks changed and the next the TV was on the local news showing the Midvale college in an emergency because of a fire on one of the floors. Neither Kara nor Kenny hesitated before exchanging knowing looks, you kept quiet as the anxiousness began to creep your stomach when you felt your redheaded sister stop her movements, the moment she noticed the looks seeming to catch with the situation. 
Both Kenny and Kara got up, sticking with the blunt excuse that they were going to the library to get some homework done, and before Alex or you could say something the two of them were out of the house. 
Your anxiety hadn't calmed down since the moment the local news started to play, and it felt as it increased every second that went by. You knew what Kara and Kenny were up to, you knew the high school couple was the anonymous ‘superheroes’ the town had been written about for weeks. Your anxiety had gotten worse since Alex left and when you saw your blonde sister get out of the college with smoky hair, it had gotten even worse. 
You couldn't even bear the thought of either of them getting hurt. With Alex beginning away from home, from where you could know she was safe and with Kara moving around recklessly with Kenny, whom you didn't trust wasn't helping either because it was the fact running around your head yelling at you and remaining you, you could lose them. 
To say that Alex was mad was an understatement, especially after she learned from a very annoying reporter that this wasn't the first time your blonde sister had done something reckless. And with Alex murmuring every five seconds, you could tell she was livid, you knew your redhead sister enough to know she was about to explode because she was scared, worried, and more. Just like you, she couldn't lose anyone else, she was not going to let it happen again.
Midway through the silent riding which Alex sat straightly driving while your blonde sister sat in the back of the car while you tried to keep the calm of the situation as much as you could. You started to play with fingers nervously after Kenny received the Danvers glare from Alex which made the teenage boy immediately excuse himself, running away.
Your mind was so out of your head, you didn't realize you guys had arrived until her yelling voice invaded your ears, and the sound of the closing door broke you out of your trance. 
“You don't get to do this, you can’t do this!”
Outside of the car, in front of the garage shelves both of your sisters stood arguing. The heated argument overwhelmed your ears as you watched them. As both of them stubbornly argued with each other, you got out of the seat and walked up to them when Kara made the wrong comment to a livid Alex with a newspaper in her hand.
“Well, who reads the newspaper anymore?” Kara said jokily to your redheaded sister who just shook her head in response. 
“Guys?” You said as both of them keep quiet glaring at each other. In a blinking moment, Alex starts to walk away only to be stopped by Kara. 
“The real world is about responsibilities about doing what's the best for your future and those you care about,” Alex says softly to your blonde sister, which seems to trigger the blonde as she steps back offended.
Kara yells after letting out a sarcastic laugh “That’s what I'm doing, I'm being responsible with my powers! And staying here with Kenny is part of that”
“No, Kara! What you are doing is irresponsible and stupid.”
“You've been in college for two years and you have all the answers?!” The blonde reproaches as she takes a step back from your oldest sister.
“No, I have seen what the real world looks like”
“Okay, then enlighten us with your precious knowledge Alex”
“Kara” You murmured only for her to hear as she kept her stubborn stance.
“There is so much more than this town, there is so much more than using your powers to save people. There is a whole world out there in which I'm happy and I'm more than sure you are going to be too ”
“So this about college now?”
“You just got accepted to the college of your dreams, you have already decided what you wanna do but you haven't told him. You are thinking of sacrificing what you want and what's best for you, don't you see it?!” The redhead yelled 
“This is the thing I'm supposed to do, save people.”
“Dammit Kara, just accept that NCU is the best for you. Please, this is the best for you, let yourself go for it. Do it, I promise it's going to be the best decision of your life, it was mine and I can't be happier to be out of this town just like you are going to be.”
The moment the words left your oldest sister's mouth, the understanding and accepting silence from your blonde sister. Your eyes strained with tears which you try to blink away before trying to walk out of the garage until the voice of your sister pulled you out of your path.
“Y/N?” Kara commented as they watched your back almost walking out of the garage before turning around.
“I'm not going to just stand here, hearing you guys because I'm trying to hold on to something as the two of you want to get out of here without any second thought” You explained to them, keeping your distance. 
“You decided of going to Stanford in a blink of an eye, like if you couldn't even stand to be here anymore. You come when you have to, mom was worried so you came that it’s why you didn't go to Europe but you are counting the minutes to get out of here”
“And since you started to date Kennedy, I never see you anymore. It's like you are here but you don't want to be because don't think I didn't see how your face lit up the moment NCU’s acceptance package came. And now you don't wanna stay but you don't wanna break the boy's heart! And I'm given false hope every day by the guy that you are going to stay but the truth is that you like Alex can't wait to get out of here”
Finishing with your lip trembling, and the obvious tears coming down your cheeks as the last few sentences made your voice crack. “I'm tired because all I feel and all I see is you guys wanting to leave just like he did. And I'm happy for you guys because you guys are happy but it's killing me inside” 
You didn't even wait for their response before turning around rushing through the house immediately, passing through the kitchen unacknowledged your worried mother as she watched you rush with running tears with both of your sisters walking out of the garage with sorry expressions on their faces after you. 
Both of your sisters sat on the kitchen island silently as your mother watched them closely, both of them would take turns trying to walk upstairs to see if your door was finally open only to fail as neither of them went up more than two stairs. 
Your mom watched them under glasses as she kept working letting them think for a few minutes before she would intervene. She had heard everything from the garage and she had seen that it was worse than before the moment you ran upstairs with tears streaming down your cheeks. 
Seeing Alex come back for the fifth time to the chair scratching her scalp as she sat, and seeing Kara stop eating the cookies she had baked yesterday made her get out of her chair as she spoke. 
“I know, and I understand you girls. Because I have experienced it but just think for a moment and try to understand her position?” 
Alex and Kara nodded calmly as your blonde mother spoke. Both of them were a little bit more relaxed than before as your mother began explaining.
“She is scared, and her coping mechanisms are not the best. It's scary for her because she is feeling you guys are leaving her just like Jeremiah and Lucy recently did. She is trying and sometimes things work for her and others don't but just like Kara she tends to hide her emotions if it means keeping someone she loves happy.”
“We’re not leaving her” Both of them whispered immediately to themselves questioning how you could think they would leave you.
“And she doesn't understand that you guys are going to leave and come back because some part of her is screaming at her that you guys didn't stay because she made you leave. She doesn't realize you guys are going to come back because she believes that if she believes you guys are not leaving forever then she will get her hopes up, which hopes are going to fall along the way”
“Just like they did with Lucy and Dad” Alex concluded watching Kara put her forehead on the island with sadness. 
Alex nodded at your mom’s words before getting up and walking out to the backyard leaving your blonde sister with your mom in comfortable silence.  “Give her time, she has always needed it and that's the way she heals we can't force it but we can support it”
Your mom knew your sister well enough the blonde was blaming herself as she kept her head down. Your mother rubbed her back comfortably as she waited for Kara to lift her head. 
“I- I should have known” Kara sobbed into your mother’s chest as your mom comforted her while the blonde cried. 
The blonde said her voice cracking in the middle as the tears kept streaming down her cheeks.  “How could-.... How could she think that? How could I let her think that?”
“Honey, it's not that easy she can't help her insecurities especially with what has happened recently”
“I should have been here, I shouldn't have assumed i- ” She started shaking her head as she got up off the stool only to be stopped by the soft voice of your mother putting her hand on your sister's shoulder as she spoke. 
“Kara it's not your fault, it’s no one's fault. She needs to believe you guys are not leaving her, that you guys are going to be with her always no matter what but now she needs time. Sweetheart, she is processing it, she needs to be ready to hear the truth”
Your blonde sister nodded without a second thought before seating back on the stool starting to eat a cookie from the batch.
You sat on the disorganized desk with homework overflowing the table, only to be ignored as you kept playing the guitar with headphones glaring your ears with music as you played. Your soccer uniform was barely inside the laundry bin with the rest of the room full of cables on the floor, drums at the right side of the desk, and the guitar rack at the side of the bed. Your camera was sitting at the end of the bed table with the accessories while the basketball and the soccer balls remained at the side of the door. 
You heard more than once your mom saying ‘Messy room, messy mind’ and until now you hadn't noticed the truth to her words. Your mind was over the place, your trust and abandonment issues coming to play at the worst time of the day. 
You couldn't help but kick yourself remembering what you had said to your sisters, you couldn't stop the voice inside your head screaming at you because of your selfishness. 
How could you break down and ruin their happiness, you didn't want it to hurt, you didn't want to think about them leaving because if you did it hurt you, it broke you. And you couldn't ignore it as much as you tried to.
‘You can't just ignore yourself hurting, Y/N’ That's what your therapist said to you months after losing your dad. And deep down you knew it was true but you had seen the smiles on your sisters' faces, you couldn't just be an obstacle to their happiness. 
After letting everything out of your system, you knew it was normal that they would leave and come back. You wanted it to believe but you were scared to do so. Because if you did and they leave forever then you knew you were going to be devastated, they were a big piece of you just like you were theirs or that's what you hoped for.
The soft knock on your door pulled you out of your head, The grumpy feeling in your stomach didn't help the situation the moment you saw both of your sisters standing at your bedroom door looking very sorry. 
Without a second thought, you left the door open, walking to the bed and sitting looking at your fidgeting hands on your lap as they continued to do the same. Kara at your right side and Alex at your left, the room overtook a complete silence for a few minutes before Kara spoke first.
“We are not leaving you” She claimed reassuringly 
The lump in your throat felt heavier as they waited for your response, the silence which overwhelmed the room made you feel worse. Alex and Kara had shared a look as you kept looking at your hands before throwing each one an arm around your shoulders hugging you closely.
“We are not going to leave you, we are going to be here for you, always” Alex whispered into your temple after you kept silent but grabbed the redhead's arm. 
With bloodshot eyes, you looked up to meet both of your sisters before you asked quietly afraid of the answer. “You promise?”
Both of them met your eye and you could feel their concern the moment their watery eyes met yours. They hadn't seen you like this since the breakdown you had months after your father’s death, the day you first went to the therapist and it scared and hurt them more than ever. 
Kara and Alex without hesitation stakes out their hands with their pinky up, as you hesitantly pinky promise as they spoke simultaneously. “We promise”
Flashback ends
Sweat running down your face as you stood in front of the brunette archer, her face running with blush as she kept punching and dodging you. Her baby hairs sticking out of her ponytail as she kept going. The only sounds heard in the place were the shaky breaths the two of you released every once in a while
Thea remarked as she blocked your punch with her arm “Come on, princess that's all you got?” 
“Actions speak better than words, speedy” You responded softly as you dodged the last three punches the brunette tried to throw while capturing her fist and twisted enough so she couldn’t get out of your grip without hurting her. 
A sly smirk on your face as she struggles, finally after a few seconds you let go stepping backward. The Queen woman pushed back a little harder before grabbing the sticks from the side of the wall seeing you do the same. 
“You know now that I see it, you do have good bone structure” She murmured loud enough only to be heard by you as she scanned your exposed stomach. 
You shook your head as the words left her mouth, immediately beginning to hit her with sticks. Both of you missing a few times, scratching yourselves or the other with the stick.
Both of you were so concentrated in the sparring neither of you noticed the entering presence of Oliver until the man entered the mat with sticks and kept it going. The vigilante didn't hesitate in any of his moves and didn't wait either when Thea fell to the floor with a groan after getting hit by him in the stomach. 
One moment the two of you were scratching, hitting, and blocking each other with the sticks, and the next the two of you were throwing good old punches. The two of you stopped the moment Felicity yelled for an emergency in the City Hall, neither of you commenting the way you had furiously gone for each other like people usually did in the Russian Mafia fighting clubs, for blood.
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intouandbeyond · 3 years
but then you found me (and everything changed) - Supercorptober 2021
It's Fall. Lena, now a 3rd year medical student, and Kara, in her last year of her Journalism Master's program, are starting a new semester in the midst of the ongoing COVID pandemic.
Continues from but what if this shit is love (can i get your number)?
31 moments in their relationship, based on the Supercorptober 2021 prompts. Mostly domestic fluff (but who knows 😉) tied to the plot I’ve been wanting to continue for so long, but haven’t had much inspiration to do so lately, until now.
SUPERCORPTOBER 2021 MASTERLIST: 1 (below) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Begin Again
1. Happy
After 18 months, they meet again at the place that started it all.
(read on ao3)
It’s been more than a year since they last saw each other. Eighteen months, more or less, of texts, phone calls, video calls, care packages, and online hangouts. Eighteen months of pretending that their situation is not slowly killing them inside.
Their relationship started out quite fated. From awe at first sight, to mutual gay panic and pining, to unintentionally going on the wrong blind date (much to their benefit), to hot dates and soft moments in between their busy schedules. Everything seemed to be going great.
No one could have expected a pandemic to ruin the progression of their budding relationship.
They were given a week off school when news broke that a suspected virus has been circulating around the world. Kara saw it as an opportunity to visit Midvale since she hadn’t been home in such a long time. Lena, on the other hand, chose to stay in National City. It’s only a week anyways, she thinks, it’s not like she’s needed back home.
Then, right in the middle of that one-week break, the WHO declared that the virus has caused a global pandemic, and the whole world was suddenly in a standstill. All establishments and institutions halted operations, health protocols were immediately updated, and restrictions were readily enforced in a matter of days.
Kara was stuck in Midvale, and Lena in National city, indefinitely.
The first few months were hopeful, optimistic. Naively so, because by the 6th month, their hope started to dwindle. They’ve already started a new school year, fumbling through the new online delivery of learning and assessments. They celebrated their anniversary through an online date somewhere in the middle of the 8th month. Then, the next thing they know, by the 9th month, it was Christmas and a whole semester of online school just flew right past them.
By the 1-year mark, they were furious and exhausted, and not just because of the pandemic. Restrictions were eased and cases shot right back up the charts. All the while, harsh half-meant words were exchanged, both of them tearfully pleading to take a break. It's back to square one, more or less, for them and the rest of the world. But by the 15th month, they’ve ended a whole school year of purely online classes. Finally, a breather from many toxic months of school. Finally, a renewed sense of self not constrained by the expectations tied to online school — that it should be easier, that one should still be able to perform at their very best despite everything that's been going on — even just for a while.
Then there were promises of the next school year possibly having a system for mixed learning — having both online and face-to-face classes. This, along with the fact that a good number of vaccines had already been doled out, brought them out of their rut of hopelessness. They’re still furious at the government though, furious but hopeful. Hopeful enough to finally swallow their pride and process their fight, their time apart, and how it felt to function while missing a big part of their soul. They reconnect and restore, each working harder than ever to be better, for both their sakes.
By the 16th month, Kara tells Lena she plans on moving back to National City in a few months. As hard as Lena may seem to try, she can’t wholeheartedly convince Kara not to, for her safety. (“But why? It seems much safer in Midvale.” “It might be, but school is starting again soon and I need a side job.” “You can work online, Kara.” “I know, but really, I want to be closer to you too, Lena.”) So, Lena relents, it’s not like she can stop Kara from doing what she wants (she doesn’t want to anyway. She misses her way too much to do so.)
Less than two weeks before school starts for both of them, coincidentally, Kara made her way back to National city and, as planned, was now staying with Alex in their studio unit. That day was a long one, for both of them. It started out with sending a barrage of texts to Kara, reminding her of her passport, her ID, her boarding pass, mask, hand sanitizer, and not to fall asleep on the plane so she can be aware of her surroundings. Kara updated her when she arrived at the airport, right before she boarded the plane, and once she landed, just like she promised. Her last text of the day was of the moment she arrived at Alex’s place. Kara sent her a selfie with a sleeping Alex in view and finally, Lena feels like her heart is at peace, knowing Kara is safe and close by.
Once Kara has had at least a whole day of rest and is finally settled in Alex’s place, they agree to meet up at The Commons, the same café they used to frequent, back when they still had classes on-campus. It’s exactly a week before school officially starts but Lena can’t seem to feel any more thrilled than she would usually be for the new semester, not when Kara trumps it all.
Lena can feel the excitement of finally being able to see Kara, to hold her hand, and be in the same space as her. It seeps down to her bones. Even though they were both vaccinated already, she knew hugging and kissing was still off the table, at least until they both got tested and quarantined (just to be safe). She doesn’t mind that much, since this reunion was more than she could ever ask for after being isolated for so long.
So, being the first to arrive, Lena sat at the same table they shared the first time they met, and many times after that. It’s where she first met Alex. It was also where they had their first double date with Alex and Kelly who recounted the unplanned yet fateful blind-date set ups they made; Kara with Callie, and Lena with Sara. They prided themselves on how it still led to two couples that night, just not the ones they first planned for, since Callie and Sara actually ended up together as well. It was also where they saw each other last, before the pandemic, studying for their midterms for the second semester. Now, it’s where they meet again, and Lena just knows it’s going to be equally as memorable.
Even with that mindset, nothing could ever prepare her, though, for the elatedness she feels when she finally sees Kara in the flesh. She was sporting new eyeglass frames, a comfy blue sweater to fight off the autumn chill that began to settle in, beige skinny jeans, low-cut, white converse sneakers and a KN95 mask. Her previously long golden curls were now unruly waves of shoulder-length, and Lena knows this, having seen this new Kara on their too-many-to-count video calls, but nothing could ever compare to the real thing.
“Lena, hi!” Kara excitedly greets her, almost bouncing in her every step closer.
“Hi, Kara.” She breathes out, her lungs still catching up with the effort she planned to put into her words. How could she not be breathless with Kara looking at her like that? Beaming blue eyes that were just as excited as her fluttery heart.
Kara’s twinkling eyes suddenly got muddled with confusion, then worry though, and the sudden shift broke Lena out of her reverie.
“Why, what’s wrong?” Kara asks worriedly as she sits down in front of her. “You look like you’re about to cry.”
“No- nothing is wrong. I’m good.” She reaches over the table to quickly take Kara’s hands in hers to reassure her. “I just missed you so much. You have no idea how happy I am to see you again.”
“Oh,” Kara says, with her own eyes gleaming under incandescent light. “I think I do.” Kara squeezes their hands in return; warm and snug and right. “But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“I promise.”
It takes everything in Lena not to leap out of her seat and kiss Kara, all risks be damned. Instead, the med student in her prevails as she stays put, resigns to be patient enough to wait, and, like a moon with its sun, just basks in the comfort, light, and joy that being within Kara’s presence brings.
29 notes · View notes
“Okay so is everyone clear on the plan?” Alex looked around the DEO mission briefing table, hands flat on the surface in her most commanding and authoritative stance.
Nia and Brainy nodded, Nia with her arms crossed and Brainy with his hands steepled in front of him in a serious manner. Kelly rolled her eyes but nodded too.
“Good.” Alex gave a curt nod and pushed away from the table. “We will meet back here at 19:00 hours for the debriefing.”
“Um… babe?” Kelly put a hand on Alex’s forearm and leaned towards her and Alex softened, smiling dopily at her. “Our dinner reservation is for 6:30.”
“Yeah and Brainy and I have a date too.” Nia looped her arm through Brainy’s, grinning.
“Yes.” Brainy looked pleased with himself and subconsciously leaned further into Nia’s side. “We are going paintballing.”
Alex hummed. “Okay well everyone just keep the group chat updated and we’ll meet up tomorrow.”
They dispersed and the plan was set into motion.
Phase 1 - Alex
Alex strode through the halls of the DEO with purpose, rubber soles of her boots not making much sound. Part of her envied the intimidating click of Lena’s heels but J’onn had shut down her suggestion of adding studs to the bottom of her boots, claiming it would undermine the stealth aspect of the design.
She entered her little office and flopped down in the chair, propping her feet up on the desk. She dialed Kara’s number, chewing on a jolly rancher from the secret stash in the drawer that Kara thought held boring paperwork as it rang.
“Hey Alex. What’s up?”
“Hey Kara. I - … where are you? Shouldn’t you be at CatCo?” The faint sound of traffic and the wind crackled through the phone speaker and Alex frowned.
“I’m just on my lunch break.”
“Oh.” Alex glanced at her watch. There was still an hour before phase 2 so Kara would probably be back at CatCo by then. “Ok. So what are you doing tonight? Sorry again that I can’t spend tonight with you.”
“No it’s fine - you have fun with Kelly. Lena and I were just going to have a movie night together.”
“Really?” Her eyebrows rose. That was easier than expected.
“Yeah, well neither of us was going to spend Valentine’s Day with anyone else so…”
Hm. That was going to be Alex’s argument. At least Kara was unknowingly cooperating with the secret plan.
She and Lena were getting insufferable with their heart eyes and yearning and so Alex had decided to take matters into her own hands with the help of their friends. (Kelly had been somewhat reluctant but Alex promised they wouldn’t push Kara or Lena to do anything, they would just… gently direct them in the direction they all knew they were heading anyway.) And so Mission: Get The Idiots Together was born. … Along with the group chat where they complained about the two idiots in question.
“Well ok then. Have a good day.”
“You too. Bye, Alex. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Alex hung up and leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers together and feeling like a Bond villain. Ah yes, it was all coming together now.
Phase 2 - Nia
Nia: Guys it’s all falling apart already
Nia glanced around the CatCo bullpen again, leg nervously bouncing. Her phone buzzed in her hand and she looked back at it, totally-not-suspiciously under her desk. It was a reply from Alex.
Alex: What?? What’s going on?
Nia: Kara’s not here
Alex: She told me she was at lunch over an hour ago! She must be back by now
Nia: Well she’s not! What do I do???
Brainy: Do not worry - I have just just seen her exiting L-corp and she informed me she was heading back to CatCo.
Alex: Ok great. Nobody panic.
Kelly: You guys are taking this way too seriously
Nia: Ok I’ll just do it when she gets back
Alex: Oh btw Kara said they’ve already planned to have a movie night together tonight so that makes our job easier
Brainy: Wait - if they’re already meeting tonight then what is the purpose of my visit to L-corp?
Phase 3 - Brainy
Brainy frowned down at his phone but at that moment the elevator dinged and the doors slid open on Lena’s floor. He stepped out, putting his phone away and nervously smoothing his shirt. Improvisation. He could do that. This plan definitely wasn’t going to end in disaster.
He nodded politely to Jess and she smiled. “Hello. I am here to see Lena Luthor.”
Jess bit back an amused smile and picked up the phone on her desk. “Miss Luthor? Querl Dox is here to see you.” She put it down after a moment and gestured to the large double doors. “You can go right in.”
Brainy nodded again in thanks and moved towards the office. Perhaps they should have drafted Jess into the plan.
Lena stood up and rounded her desk with a slightly confused yet genuine smile as he entered. “Brainy. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
He cleared his throat, standing awkwardly in the middle of her office. “I just came to see you. As friends do. Which we are.”
Lena’s eyebrows climbed almost imperceptibly. “Right. Drink?”
Brainy shook his head and she moved over to the side of her office to pour herself a glass of water. “So… I hear you and Kara are having a movie night tonight.”
A little bit of water sloshed over the side of the glass as Lena was pouring it. She had a faint blush on her cheeks when she turned back around which was odd because the AC in her office seemed to be working fine.
“Yes. Well we assumed you would all be too busy to join us. Are you and Nia doing anything tonight?” She sipped her water and moved back to lean against her desk.
Brainy lit up at the mention of Nia. “Yes! We are going paintballing.”
He spent the next half an hour talking about his date with Nia and Nia in general until they both had to get back to work.
Phase 2 (attempt 2) - Nia
“Kara!” Nia slid up to walk along beside her as she stepped from the elevator into the bullpen.
Kara smiled and started walking towards her desk. “Hey, Nia. What’s up?”
“Nothing! I mean… lots of things. The sky, the ceiling, …clouds.”
Kara looked at her a bit weirdly and she laughed awkwardly.
“Anyway… just came to see how you are, mentor.” She lightly punched Kara in the arm.
Kara raised an eyebrow, looking down at where Nia had punched her before slowly sitting down at her desk. “I’m good. Thank you.”
“Great! Oh by the way,” Nia smoothly segued into her part of the mission with complete subtlety and absolutely no suspiciousness, “I accidentally double ordered flowers and chocolates for Brainy. I figured I’d give one lot to you and maybe you could do something with them.”
She rushed over to her desk and grabbed the bouquet of flowers and heart-shaped box of chocolates waiting there, depositing them in front of Kara.
“Oh wow. Thanks Nia.” Kara grinned up at her before picking up the box of chocolates and peeling off the sellotape.
Nia’s eyes widened and she tried not to scream in panic as Kara opened the box and just started eating the chocolates. Kara offered one to her with a smile and she managed to croak out a “no thanks” before she ran off back to her desk to inform the group chat of the latest development.
Phase 4 - Kelly
Kelly sighed as her phone blew up with notifications of her panicking group of friends. How this had ended up being her life was a mystery.
The elevator slowed and opened to the bustling CatCo bullpen just as she saw Kara disappear through the emergency exit at the back. She sighed again and got straight back into the elevator, unlocking her phone.
Kelly: I’m guessing Kara just got called away for a Supergirl emergency?
Alex: Sorry
Kelly: Phase 4 failed
Alex: Shit. Brainy, I need you to take over phase 4 when Kara gets back to the DEO. Kelly, you just get to L-corp.
Nia: Wait but if I’m now going to L-corp to give Lena chocolates instead won’t it be a little suspicious that we’ve all suddenly decided to to go visit her on the same day?
Alex: Shit you’re right. Ok, Nia, you take over phase 6 while you’re at L-corp and Kelly, you come by Kara’s later for phase 4.
Phase 4b - Brainy
Brainy stared at his phone, unsure whether he was still supposed to be attempting phase 4. Before he could ask, Kara strode up beside him and sat on the desk he was sitting at.
“Did you see how hard I hit that guy?” Kara grinned, swinging her legs.
Brainy gulped, quickly turning off his phone and sliding it back into his pocket. “Yes. Very impressive. Is Alex back yet?”
Kara shook her head. “She and the backup team are just on their way back with the bad guy.”
He nodded. Right. Motivate Kara to tell Lena about her feelings. He could do this.
“Did you know that the mortality rate of unmarried people is much higher than that of married people?”
Kara’s head snapped over to him with a mildly horrified expression. “What?”
Perhaps that was not the right starting point. “Well… maybe that means one could keep someone they care about from dying so much by… marrying them?”
Kara chuckled. “Unfortunately I’m not sure marriage is a cure for death.”
There was a sadness creeping in behind her eyes and Brainy began to panic even further. Making Kara upset was definitely not part of the plan. He blurted out the first thing that came to mind to try to cheer her up again.
“Do you want to see a video of baby pandas that Nia sent me?”
Alex gave them a bit of an odd look when she got back to see them laughing at videos of pandas rolling around but Brainy would say improvised phase 4 had been a success.
Phase 2.5/ 6 - Kelly Nia
Nia strode into Lena’s office with her most friendly and least suspicious smile.
“Nia. What a surprise. You and Brainy in one day.” Lena stood and gave Nia a brief but warm hug.
She was wearing a jade sheath dress that brought out the green in her eyes, with sleeves that came down to just above her elbows. Her usual deep red lipstick was missing, replaced with a natural colour (or it may have just been lip balm). Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and had been left slightly wavy rather than perfectly straightened. At least they didn’t have to worry about making sure Lena looked good for tonight.
“Hey Lena. I just came by because I ordered too many chocolates for Brainy and I thought maybe you could have one to give to someone or something.” She sat casually in front of Lena’s desk, pulling another box of chocolates she had bought on the way over out her back and setting them on the desk.
Lena sat back down with an amused smile. “How thoughtful of you. Thank you.”
“You know,” Nia relaxed back into the chair, looking off into the distance in a completely normal and not at all overly dramatic gesture. “I’m so glad Brainy and I talked about how we felt. We’re so happy together and I can’t imagine how much I would have regretted not saying anything. You know… because we’re so happy together now and we wouldn’t be if neither of us had said anything”
Lena nodded slowly. “I’m glad you’re both so happy together.”
“And you know, we should always speak our minds.” She adopted the persona of a motivational speaker, channeling her inner Kelly. “Because we can’t let ourselves be silenced, Lena. You are a powerful woman with a great mind, great hair, and a jawline that could cut glass.”
“... thank you?”
Nia placed her hand over Lena’s on the desk, nodding seriously. “You’re welcome.”
And with that she stood and strutted out of the room.
Nailed it.
Phase 7 - Alex
Alex turned up at Kara’s just after she got home. Kara opened the door, looking very confused at the sight of her sister.
“Alex? What are you doing here? Don’t you have to get ready for your date?”
Alex pushed into the apartment, patting Kara’s arm on the way past. “I just came to see my little sister beforehand. Make sure you’re doing okay.”
Kara closed the door with a raised eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Alex shrugged, dropping her bag onto the kitchen island with a clunk. “Well I just wanted to see you since I can’t spend the evening with you. I didn’t want you to feel alone.”
Kara glanced at her watch. “Oh. Ok. Well Lena’s going to be here soon so you don’t have to worry.”
Alex waved her off and moved into her bedroom, flicking through the clothes on the rack.
“... what are you doing?”
Alex ignored her, picking out a neat navy blue button down. “Hey, why don’t you wear this? I haven’t seen you in it before.”
Kara frowned. “I’ve definitely worn that around you before.”
“Well I don’t remember.” She shoved the shirt into Kara’s arms and directed her towards the bathroom. “Put it on for me.” She decided Kara’s beige slacks were good enough, not wanting to push too far. Her hair was already perfectly curled in a half up half down look as though she had only just done it so that was fine.
Kara appeared again a moment later in the new shirt looking confused. Alex interrupted her before she could say anything.
“Brrrr. It’s cold in here.”
Kara frowned. “Is it?”
“Yes. Us humans get cold, you know.” She moved into the kitchen, not taking any questions. “You should light some candles.”
“Candles? To warm my apartment?”
Alex ignored her, rifling through cupboards for matches. She found them with a bunch of Kara’s own candles. A rather large number of candles actually that all looked new and smelled nice. Looks like she hauled all those candles over in her handbag for nothing.
Kara helped her set up the candles nicely around her apartment, continuously glancing over at her as though worried Alex had sustained some kind of head injury.
Alex was saved from having to come up with a more plausible explanation by a knock on the door.
Phase 4 (attempt ?) - Kelly
“Kelly? What are you doing here?”
Kelly hugged Kara and made her way into the now softly glowing and smelling faintly of sandalwood apartment. “I came to see you. I know how hard it can be for some people on Valentine’s day if they don’t have a romantic partner. But it’s completely normal and we shouldn’t be made to feel any less for it - in fact there are plenty of people who never have a relationship and lead very happy and fulfilled lives.”
Alex elbowed her in the side, smiling innocently.
Kelly cleared her throat, pushing back at Alex a little. “Although we also shouldn’t be afraid to look for a relationship. It’s important to be honest with ourselves and others, and sometimes things that seem scary can actually be okay and very rewarding.”
Alex nodded along beside her and Kara looked between the two of them.
She nodded slowly. “Right.”
Another knock at the door drew Kara’s attention away and Alex sighed in relief, holding her hand up to Kelly for a sneaky high five which she returned with an eye roll.
Kara’s voice took on a breathy awed quality that only ever appeared around Lena as she opened the door. “Lena. Hi.”
Lena smiled shyly, ducking her head. “Hi.”
Kara stepped aside to let her in, taking her coat.
“Hey Lena.” Alex waved at her.
Lena’s eyebrows rose slightly. “Alex. Kelly. I thought you two had a date?”
Alex nodded excessively, taking Kelly’s hand. “Yes we do. And we should really be going so that we’re not late.”
They awkwardly sidled between Kara and Lena out of the apartment, looking one last time between them before smiling and walking off down the hall.
Alex grinned as she heard the door close behind them. “Do you think it worked?”
Phase …???
They were just leaving Kara’s building when Nia and Brainy came running up to them.
“Alex! Kelly!” Nia doubled over, hands on her knees and breathing hard as she reached them. She thrust her hand out towards them, bouquet of roses clutched in her fist. “Kara forgot the flowers at CatCo.”
Alex gasped and snatched them from her hand, turning to rush back inside. Everyone else ran after her, taking the stairs two at a time. They stomped down the hall to Kara’s door and Alex pushed it open, all four of them bursting in.
Kara and Lena were locked in an open mouthed kiss in the kitchen, Lena pressed up against the island as Kara gripped her hips, thumb slipping under her shirt. Lena’s hands were tangled in Kara’s hair, pulling her closer in a decidedly non-platonic way. A bouquet of plumerias sat on the island behind them and the dining table was laid romantically with a meal that looked to be from France.
The pair sprang apart at the loud bang of Kara’s door against the wall, Lena ducking her head and pulling her lips into her mouth as Kara moved slightly in front of her as though attempting to hide that they had just been thoroughly making out.
The four in the doorway gaped at the scene before them.
“Well. I guess the plan worked.”
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Fever Dreams part 2
NOTE: Ok I know i always say this, but once I'm done typing its late at night and I'm beat and falling asleep on my laptop. I’ll correct the errors tomorrow. but I promised Julia I would update this tonight. hope you like it y’all.
You wake up a bit disoriented, you feel warm again, but the good kind of warm. It’s dark outside and you close your eyes but take a deep breath and you know you are curled up against Kara. You bury yourself into her warmth listening to Kara steady heartbeat. You feel groggy but you can feel movement on your other side. Alex
 Alex: “Is she okay?”
Kara presses her lips to your temple and knows you are not as hot as before. You tend to move during the night when you are sick, so you just try to find Kara’s embrace.
 Kara: “Yeah, she is definitely way cooler to the touch, I think she is just trying to cling to me because she is now feeling cold” - Kara speaks in a very soft and low tone trying not to disrupt your sleep.
 You feel a hand on your cheek and temple, definitely Alex. Her hands are always cool and soft a touch you can distinguish immediately. Still you are more asleep and awake, and you don’t like being awaken before you have to, you grunt in your sleep and move further into Kara trying to get more skin to skin contact. Kara seems to understand and adjusts you so you are lying below her collarbone and her loose sleep top is moved a little you can rest your face into her warm skin.  She then grabs your waist and pulls you closer and begins her soothing patting down your spine. You give a content sigh and you drift off once more.
 Alex: “yes definitely cooler to the touch, and for the way she is clinging to you she is indeed feeling a tad cold”
 Kara nods and leans into y/n head to smell her hair. “you think she is sick or something? She was so hot Alex and it happened so fast” – Kara softly whispers to Alex
 Alex: “No, I don’t think so. I noticed she was a little flush in the face while we were at the DEO, she was stressed out and worry about us. I think this is the result of psychogenic fever, a stress-related condition which causes a spike in the core temperature. We need her calm and relax; she may be clinger to us due to the fact we are the ones that caused her stress. Let her sleep, its still quite early. If you feel she starts to sweat, or her heart rate increases wake me up. I have an alarm to check on her if her temperature rises by then she will need another suppository.”
 Kara just nods and a lone tear runs from her eye into y/n hair “ I just hate that she is hurting because of what I do” –
 Alex: “I know sweetie, so do I. she is okay and will be okay. she cares too much and because of it, it hits her harder. She just needs sleep, keep her calm and relax and she will bounce back in a few days. I promise Kara” – Alex gives a reassuring squeeze to Kara’s arm.
 y/n moves again, making the Danvers know they need to stop their ramblings. All three Danvers ladies fall back asleep for a few more hours.
 Kara wakes up feeling her skin a bit damp, y/n is sweating, and her temperature spiked once more.
Kara: “Alex. Hey  Alex. Wake up ” –
 Alex: “I’m up, I’m up-“ Alex groggily wakes up and turns the light on and faces her sisters.
 Kara: “she feels warm and she is sweating”
 Alex grabs the thermometer and waits for it to beep. 100.7 F
 Alex: “its high but no worrisome. Lets try to lower her temperature with a cold compress” –
 Kara nods and hold y/n gently while trying to make her lay with her back in the mattress. But y/n is having none of that and clings harder to Kara.
 Kara: “sshh …sshh little one. You are getting hot again, we need to lower your temperature”.
 Alex: “keep holding her Kara, I’ll get the water and cloths.  You just stay with her; we need her calm.”
 Kara just holds y/n closer and reassumes her soothing patting down her spine and places a soft kiss to her temple. Just providing the comforting touch y/n is craving from her and also glad she doesn’t have to let go oh her baby koala sister just yet.
 Kara: “Im so sorry you feel bad my little munchkin” –
 y/n: “that’s okay. I have you here with me. I’m good” -you mumble into her skin.
 Lena walks into the room, carrying a few items with her and places the into the nightstand.
 Lena: “good morning beautiful ladies. Good morning love” Lena presses a kiss to Kara’s lip and leans down and touches your face tenderly on your cheek and temple “Good morning sweet girl. Alex told me you woke up a bit warm. She just got a call from Jon and I told her I could bring the things you need . She told me you need to drink this y/n. it’s a fever reducer. And a glass of water. Then Kara here are the damp cloths and water”
 Lena pours a red liquid into a measured little cup, Kara moves you a little so you can take the medicine properly.
 Y/n: “good morning Lena” – you give an adorable yawn and take the medicine from Lena and drink the red liquid and grimace at the flavor “cherry flavor my ass, that is awful”
 Lena and Kara chuckle at your antics but they feel relief at seeing you in better spirits.
 Kara : “I know , but I bet its better this way. Don’t you think. Kara jokes a little patting you ass cheek”.
 y/n: “hey hey no making fun the ill. That’s rude “– you once again turn into a koala on top of Kara to continue to sleep. When you remember something- “Lena, Kara told you were making chocolate chip pancakes” – you pout adorably towards Lena and give her your best puppy eyes.
 Lena-. “sweet girl you don’t need to make those eyes. She chuckles- I will gladly make them for you honey. – she softly touches your face and hairline. I’ll go start on that while you stay here with Kara so she can cool you down a little before breakfast”
 You yawn and rub at your eye. “Okay, thank you. I’ll sleep for a little while” – you are practically asleep once again.
 Lena exist the room while Kara starts to hum a song. She adjusts you on her chest and torso. And runs the cool cloth down your cheeks, arms and wrists. You feel goosebumps form in your arms and try to move a little feeling a bit chilly.
 Kara: “ssh baby. Just relax and close your eyes. If you feel a little a little chilly means its working. Just try to sleep for a little while and I will wake you up as soon as the pancakes are ready”
 You close your eyes and barely hanging on the brink of consciousness “pinky promise?”
 Kara: “pinky promise munchkin.”
 Kara continues to use the cloth against y/n warm skin. After a while Kara notices the body on top of her is cooler once again and the goosebumps in her arms will help her to reduce the temperature. Kara set the cloth down the nightstand and starts to run her hand down y/n spine. Making small and broad circles all over the back. Just enjoying the feel of her baby sister against her, this is not just calming for y/n, this is also very reassuring and comforting to Kara. The blonde super hero closes her eyes while continues with her soothing touches and listens to her baby sisters steady heartbeat.
 After a while Alex returns to the room and wakes Kara and y/n for breakfast. Which is just a quick affair of pancakes, cholate chips and lots of maple syrup. Everyone eats their breakfast. Alex was needed at the DEO and Jon was arriving in a few minutes to take her in and she told her sister she would be back soon. And to contact her the moment Kara noticed anything wrong with y/n. Lena was also needed at L-Corp and left mentioning too that anything that if they needed anything to call her emergency line.
 Kara was more than capable of taking care of her baby sister. y/n was practically asleep on the table after three pancakes. Kara picked her up and brought her to the couch, where they lay down, y/n on top of Kara finding the perfect spot.
 You were getting fussy and grabbing at your sister’s pajama top. Kara moves you a little so she can once again open her top bottoms and you relax against her and sigh in content.
  A couple of hours later Alex returns to the apartment and finds Kara and y/n still on the couch. Kara watching a movie with very low volume and y/n passed out on top of her.
 Alex: “Hi sweetie. I’m back. Was she asleep the entire time? – the red headed woman runs her fingers through y/n hair and places a kiss to her cheek and forehead checking for a fever.
 Kara: “pretty much. Woke up for a minute like an hour ago, I gave her a little Pedialyte she was thirsty and passed out again.”-Kara says in a very low voice while running her hand down y/n back.
 Alex: “She is going to be sleepy most of the day. Is the combination of the fever and the medication and well, that she was tired and now she is able to relax completely. Do you want me to take her if you need to move a little?”
 Kara: “Naah I’m good. I like holding my little koala. She is so sweet, well even more when she is not feeling good. Why don’t you sit and rest for a while? You too look tired too. Come one, plenty of space on the couch” – the blonde woman indicates Alex to sit down.
 Alex does sits down next to her sisters, grabs y/n feet and places them on her lap while she finds a good spot. As soon as she is sited, she feels sleep to pull at her. “Ok I’ll sleep for a bit; we do need to talk to y/n once she is better and the fever is gone. I also think we need to come up with a plan to avoid getting her into this same situation”
 Kara: “Yes we can do that. But let’s just rest for a bit and we can revise this a little later. You need sleep and this little munchkin here is out like a light. Lets just enjoy the peace and quiet for a moment”- the blonde woman says to her big sister with a warm smile while holding y/n close to her and enjoying her gentle snores and warm body against her.
 Kara doesn’t receive a response, when she looks up she finds her older sister completely passed out already. looks down at her baby sister places a soft kiss to her head. The blonde smiles and closes her eyes too. Might as well indulge in a little nap time. they still have things to talk about but all that can wait, right now they are together they have each other. Stronger together. and with that thought in mind the blonde woman drifts off to sleep.
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Alright, I'm back on Tumblr. I just had to mourn a 6k word Supercorp Fic that I forgot was sitting in my Ao3 drafts for a month and Ao3 deleted it. I was stupid and didn't have another copy and now I feel like life isn't worth it anymore.
Anyways, I'll probably update my two other Supercorp fics real soon. I promise.
For now, have this Supercorp one-shot...
"Luthor, you seen Ponytail?" Snapper asked as he quickly approached Lena Luthor.
Lena scoffed at the blatant disrespect. She was standing beside Supergirl; the Super checking for injuries even when Lena was on the sidelines and she was the one on the field. The rubble and remnants scrunching under Snapper's stomps.
Supergirl immediately turned to Snapper as if to say something but Lena cuts in, "Excuse me?“
"Ponytail, have you seen her?" Snapper repeats in a gruff irritated voice.
"You're addressing me." It wasn't a question, it was an observation.
"I did say Luthor didn't I?" Snapper deadpanned
"If I were you, I'd think twice using that kind of phrasing when talking to the person who owns 70% of shares from the Company you work in. The person who can make you editor in chief to just a copy machine errand boy in less than a nanosecond." Snapper visibly took a hard gulp. There was no stopping Lena, though.
"Or you know, I generally wouldn't talk like that, if I were talking to a Luthor. Because the way you spat their name implied a lot, and I know for a fact those implications are true. So, if I were you I'd be careful."
Lena's eyes were molten emerald glinting in annoyance. Snapper's lips curled into a response but Lena cut him off, "Oh, and also, refrain from calling Kara Danvers, 'Ponytail'. She wrote you a Pulitzer winning piece. The least you could do for her is address her by her own name. If I ever hear you call her that again, your name will never see the glory of a by-line again. Am I understood?"
Snapper looks stunned for a moment.
“Yes, ma'am." He finally manages to grit out. He turned around and started muttering protests under his breath that only Supergirl heard.
Something along the lines of, 'Entitled heiress' and 'abuse of power'.
"What?" Lena asks at the look of Supergirls face. She had red, red ears and a prominent blush on her cheeks and Lena swears there was something unreadable in between those blue eyes.
"I-I uhm- You didn't have to chew him out like that." Supergirl manages to sputter out, Lena watches in amusement as she raises her hand to her face as if to fidget with a non existent pair of glasses. Supergirl settles for clenching and unclenching her fists at her side, instead.
"Oh, but I did. He deserves it."
Supergirl was acting more and more out of character by the minute, gone was the confident hero and in her place a stuttering, fidgety Kryptonian stood.
"Something the matter, Supergirl?" Lena drawled out.
"Nothing, no, yeah it's uh nothing. It's just you do know that's Catco's editor-in-chief you just chastised, right?" Supergirl mutters. Lena raises an eyebrow at her behavior and then a lightbulb moment happens. She puts two and two together.
Lena slowly, saunters into Supergirl's personal space; so close that she hears the hero's breath hitch.
"Did you find my display of power hot, Supergirl?“
She feels Supergirl tense next to her. And Lena slowly backs away, waiting for an answer.
"I uh - uhm. Hot? NO. No, I mean-Ms. Luthor what? Yes. I mean-uh—"
"Itwashot.” Supergirl strings the syllables together tightly, Lena raises her brow again, “So hot.Yes. You’re very hot when you intimidate men." Supergirl seems to let her tongue slip. 
Lena couldn't believe it was possible for an alien to reach Supergirl's shade of red, right now.
Apparently, it was so very possible.
"Hm. Well, that's interesting to know." She says and gives Supergirl a trademark smirk.
"But, if you'll excuse me," She leans into Supergirl again and changes her voice to low and sultry, "I have to go and meet my girlfriend, now. I sure do hope she isn't late or else I'm going to be so angry. She's going to miss a devastatingly hot, hot surprise."
Lena makes sure her lips graze the shell of Supergirl’s ear and her nose softly traces the hero’s jawline as she slowly moves back.
When she completely leans away, Supergirl's eyes are blown and Lena can't help the smugness that courses through her.
"OH! Uhm In that case, I should let you go. Yeah, uhm I should be going too. Now, yes, right now. I should be going, now. Goodbye!!"
It was adorable and Lena was finding it all too amusing. Supergirl moves away from Lena and starts walking backwards as she gives her a little wave.
Lena watches as Supergirl clumsily trips over some rumble as she walks away and takes to the skies.
Lena was safely in her limousine when the comms in her ears crackles to life.
Oh, she's forgotten about those.
"Please, do not flirt with Supergirl when both your comms are on. Supergirl, I do not want to know who or what you find hot. And you, Luthor, I don't need to hear my sister getting a hot surprise. Jesus Christ, this is why I didn't want you together on the field."
Fuck, she's also forgotten the fact that Alex Danvers is the DEO Director with a direct communication line to the both of them.
She sighs out an, "Apologies, Director Danvers. Rest-assured it will never happen again." She hopes the CEO voice wouldn't give away her embarrassment right this moment. Three seconds after her apology she hears roaring wind on the other line.
Author’s Note: Hi, y’all lovely people! Hope you enjoyed that little blurb. Poor Alex. And also, I really, really need to see Lena Luthor out on the field side by side with Supergirl in S6. Supergirl might be a hero but she’s weak when it comes to Lena Luthor blatantly power tripping over men.
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emutempo · 3 years
Zero to Hero (domestic SuperCorp one-shot)
Summary: Lena gets off work early and thinks she’s going to surprise Kara on date night…
Posted to my Ao3 here.
Notes: I'm kinda new to SuperCorp and this little one-shot popped into my head and refused to leave until I wrote it out. I've never written SuperCorp before so hopefully it’s not too ridiculous and you liked it. If you did, let me know! And if you didn't, I guess you're welcome to let me know that too? More notes at my Ao3 link.
Lena sighed louder than she meant to. She was stuck in a conference room with her team of lawyers presenting her with a tedious update on the contractural affairs for her latest acquisition.
She’d been through so many of these over the years, each just as dull as the next. But, Lena valued every person working for her and she hated to seem like was bored or not giving them her full attention. Lena loved running L Corp and she was not the kind of CEO to sit by and take a paycheck without putting in the work. But she thrived in the lab, looking through a microscope and in the boardroom making deals. Not so much with power points crammed with legalese in tiny fonts. But, it was hard to focus and her mind wandered again...
Tonight was date night with Kara. Dinner at 7 and a movie on the couch after. For tonight, Kara had insisted on cooking her mom’s lasagne recipe, one of the few carbs Lena let herself eat without restriction. At least, I’ll work off the calories later tonight with Kara.
 Lena fought the corners of her mouth to keep them neutral. She didn’t want to have to come up with some excuse for why she was grinning like a cheshire cat about multi-million dollar deal structuring. Although, she was looking forward to the acquisition of the new company’s tech… Shit, focus Lena.
 Luckily, when Lena brought her eyes back to the power point, she realized no one had noticed her day dream. And when she was sure all eyes were on the power point, she glanced stealthily at her watch — 4:57PM. Oh thank God. She had a video conference call at 5PM. Although she was itching to get home to Kara, she was glad for the excuse to get out of this meeting even if it was just for another meeting. Lena waited for the right moment to interrupt…
 “My apologies gentlemen but I have a meeting in a few minutes in my office. Could we pick up with the horizontal integration plan on Monday? I am really grateful for all the hard work you’ve been putting in on this deal and I’m personally very excited for this acquisition.”
 The lawyers nodded and thanked her for her time. Lena shook their hands as she left the conference room and walked briskly back to her office. Only one more meeting and then I’m home with Kara.
 Lena pulled out her tablet and opened an email with some tech mock-ups. She turned the corner, heading to her office and approached Jess’s desk, where Jess is just getting off the phone.
 “Did we set the call up for video and screen share, Jess? I know it’s last minute but I want to share those mock-ups we just got from R&D with Mr. Garcia.”
 Jess turns to her computer and pulls up her calendar, “Actually Ms. Luthor, Mr. Garcia had to reschedule. His assistant just called. He had a family emergency. His father had a heart attack.”
 Lena stops in her tracks, stricken for a moment. “Oh no. What hospital is he at?”
 Jess shakes her head. “I’m not sure but I can find out?”
 Lena nods. “Yes, please if you can. And when you do, please send him some flowers. I’ll send you a note to include.” Lena took a step to her office but turned back to Jess, “And if you can find an update on his condition, let me know. I’ll have our doctors look at his charts and see if we can offer any help.”
 Jess nodded and turned back to her computer, picking up the phone and dialing as Lena heads back into her office.
 Lena’s brow creased, worried for the man and his family. She had only met with Mr. Garcia a few times but she was struck by his humility and clear love for his family. When he explained the motivation behind his prototypes meant to help his daughter with mobility issues, Lena teared up. Listening to him describe watching her laugh and smile as she played with other kids, never minding her body’s limitations… it had hit Lena hard. 
 Lena turned to her desk and typed out a quick note to Mr. Garcia and sent it off to Jess before logging out. Whatever she could do to help Mr. Garcia, she would.
 With her things collected, Lena headed out of her office and said good night to Jess. She rode the elevator down to the garage and climbed into the car waiting for her. With the lull of the car rolling down the street back to her place, Lena slipped back into her memories and thought about why she had teared up in front of Mr. Garcia.
 But she didn’t have to think about it much at all. She knew why: Kara. Lena finally understood what it felt like to have something as precious as having Kara in her life. Before she met Kara, she'd been a vault of emotion, never showing a drop of it to anyone. But since Kara... well. She had trouble holding back, even in front of potential future colleagues. Damn you, Kara. Even now, sometimes she still couldn’t believe she and Kara were together. Like… together-together.
 When they’d first admitted their feelings for each other and took their first steps in their relationship, Lena would often become overwhelmed with anxiety. Consumed by the fear it wasn’t real. That she’d just imagined Kara confessing her feelings for Lena, Kara kissing her so sweetly the first time, Kara staying the night for the first time…
 The fear would take over so intensely that Lena would stand in front of her or Kara’s apartment door, terrified to knock. Terrified Kara wouldn’t be there… or worse.
 The first couple of times, Kara had rushed to the door to find Lena having a panic attack, struggling to catch her breath and paralyzed with fear. So, Kara had started listening for Lena’s heartbeat when she was on her way home and made sure she was at the door, waiting for Lena every time. It had taken a few months and quite a few therapy sessions with Kara to overcome the anxiety but eventually the panic attacks stopped.
 But, even though the attacks stopped, Kara didn’t stop showing up at the door when Lena would come home — even after Lena assured Kara that she didn’t have to do that anymore. It had become one of their ‘things’ and for Lena’s part, her heart sang every time Kara met her at the door. It was the part of her day she looked forward to most.
 The sound of the partition lowering in the car took Lena out of her reverie.
 “We’ve arrived, Ms. Luthor.”
 Lena slung her purse over her should and thanked her driver before leaving the car and shutting the door. Suddenly, she remembered again... she was coming home early and hadn’t bothered to text Kara a headsup. It’ll be a surprise then… Well, not exactly. Kara would have heard her coming. Lena smiled to herself as she pictured the look on Kara’s face when she heard Lena approaching. She didn’t care if she surprised Kara or not but, just in case, she would try to calm her heart and not give herself away…
 Lena walked across her lobby at a brisk pace, nodding to her doorman before entering the elevator and pressing the PH button for her penthouse. As the elevator rose, taking her closer and closer to home and to Kara, Lena took deep breaths and focused on calming her heartbeat, failing a bit when the elevator dinged and stopped at her floor.
 Quietly, Lena took out her keys and unlocked her door slowly. To her surprise, Kara wasn’t on the other side, waiting for her. Before Lena can set down her bag and keys, she hears music carrying from the kitchen…. Is that gospel music?
 Lena closes the door quietly, and strains to hear the music as it fades out. There’s a beat of silence and just as Lena things the music's off and opens her mouth to call out to Kara, she hears the vibrant notes of another song start up…. Oh. Oh my God.
 Lena can’t stop the fat grin that’s quickly growing across her face. She sets down her bag and keys. Then tip-toes down the foyer as we hear Kara’s voice start to sing over the track.
 “Bless my soul! Herc was on a roll. Person of the week in ever Greek opinion poll.”
 Lena slowly leaned around the corner to find… Kara wearing an apron, spatula in hand as she sings and acts out the lyrics. Lena watched in awe as Kara mimed brushing dirt off her shoulder as she sang...
 “ What a pro, Herc could stop a show.”
 Swinging the spatula, Lena watches Kara karate kick into the air, as she sings with some gravel in her voice…
 “Point him at a monster and you're talking SRO.”
 And Lena bit her hand to stifle a giggle. A grin of admiration and total love in her eyes.
 “He was a no one. A zero, zero.”
 Kara made a zero with the index finger and thumb on her non-spatula hand and pumped her hand in the air to each ‘zero.’ Then she made her hand into a ‘megaphone’…
 “Now he's a honcho, He's a hero! Here was a kid with his act down pat.”
“From zero to hero in no time flat. Zero to hero just like that.”
 Kara snaps her fingers and grabs a glass dish. She bends over, giving Lena a very nice view as she opens the oven door and places the dish on the rack, singing all the while. 
 “When he smiled, The girls went wild with, Oohs and aahs.”
 Lena can’t help herself. She oohs and aahs silently along with the lyrics, never taking her eyes off Kara. So this is why Kara didn’t hear her.
 Lena recognized this song from one of their many Disney nights even though she wasn’t totally sure which movie it was from. Hercules, was it? But Lena didn’t have much time to think on that as her favorite part was coming up and she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself.
 Ever since the first time Lena had sung along to Part of Your World with Kara on one of their other Disney movie nights, she promised herself if she could ever elicit that kind of look from Kara again — one of pure awe and adoration — she would. Lena watched Kara close the oven as she sang…
 “And they slapped his face, On ev'ry vase… On—”
 Loud enough to be sure Kara heard her, Lena sang out…
 “On ev’ry vahse”
 Kara whipped around and squealed in surprise, almost knocking over a large Peppermill next to the stove top. A flash of her stealy eyed look crossed her eyes for the briefest moment before they landed on Lena. Then, a flash of embarrassment at getting caught singing and dancing so intensely.
 (From appearance fees and royalties, Our Herc had cash to burn.)
 But Lena knew Kara wasn’t actually embarrassed. This wasn’t the first or even hundredth time Lena had watched Kara sing her favorite Disney songs… in the car, in the bathtub and the shower, at the gym with Lena, on walks in the park, lying in bed, waking up together, falling asleep together.
 And Lena loved every second of it. Especially when Kara would carry Lena on trips into the sky to dance under a meteor shower or just lay in the clouds together under the stars. More often than not, Kara would sing to her. Sometimes it was When You Wish Upon a Star. Or Somewhere Out There. But Kara’s favorite to sing to Lena was I See the Light. Lena still hadn’t seen that film yet but there was something hopeful about it and the way Kara looked at her that made all of her anxieties melt away. Made her believe that she and Kara’s love for each other was as eternal as the stars.
 But Lena didn’t have long to linger on the thought before Kara’s embarrassment was quickly replaced by a big, golden smile and a blur whooshing across the living room. Before Lena realized it, Kara had captured Lena in a hug and peppered her face with kisses. They stared happily at each other for a half second before Kara pulled back with a twinkle in her eye. Lena giggles because she knows what’s coming.
 ( Now nouveau riche and famous )
 Kara throws her head back and snaps her fingers as she sings…
 “He could tell you, What’s a Grecian urn!”
 Lena giggles and playfully swats at Kara’s butt, pushing her back toward the kitchen, following a couple steps behind. Kara turns so she’s walking backward to the kitchen, still singing and dancing but now with Lena as her audience.
 Lena’s grin grows as Kara smiles through her singing. Miming the lyrics, Kara puts her hand up to her forehead like she’s searching for something…
 “ Say amen, Ah there he goes again, Sweet and undefeated.”
 Kara flashes 10 fingers at Lena…
 “And an awesome 10 for 10!”
 Kara bit her lip, trying (but not really) to hide the smirk on her face as she brought her arms up and flexed…
 “Folks lined up, Just to watch him flex…”
 Lena bit her lip, HARD, and shook her head. Kara knew what she was doing and stopped trying to hide her smug look as she bounced her shoulders and puffed her chest to…
 “And this perfect package, Packed a pair of pretty pecs. Ow.”
 Lena couldn’t help it anymore. She shook her head and locked eyes with Kara while she slid her blazer off in that sexy way she knew Kara liked. Now it was Lena’s turn to look smug.
 “Hercie, he comes, he sees--”
 Kara froze as the song continued in the background. She caught Lena’s eye and tilted her head slightly. Lena could tell she was listening for her heartbeat. Not that Kara needed to. She didn’t need her super hearing to pick up on what Lena wanted.
 Kara’s eyes shot up to Lena’s once she heard the pace of Lena’s heart pick up. And at that, Lena turned and walked straight toward her bedroom. Lena didn’t need to have super hearing either to hear Kara scrambling to turn on the oven timer or to hear the ripping sound of Kara tearing the apron off.
 (He showed the moxie brains, and spunk
From zero to hero a major hunk
Zero to hero and who'da thunk)
 Lena barely made it into the bedroom before a whoosh of sound rushed in behind her, slamming the bedroom door shut. Lena grabbed Kara and pulled her in close. 
"How long do we have on the lasagne?"
Kara leaned in, hovering her lips over Lena's, "forty-five minutes."
"Great. More than enough time to work up an appetite before dinner."
 (Who put the glad in gladiator?
Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Isn't he bold?
No one braver
Is he sweet
Our fav'rite flavor
Hercules, Hercules ...
Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Riding high
And the nicest guy
Not conceited
He was a nothin'
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero
He hit the heights at breakneck speed
From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
Now he's a hero
Yes indeed!)
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megurine-san-7u7 · 4 years
From the ashes we will rise - Part 1
The music was low, barely reaching the top floor but loud enough to fill the office with its soft tune.
Inside the office where she spent most of her time, the youngest Luthor was pacing around the place while putting her belongings in the box in her arms.
There weren’t many things she cared for, and the few she did were inside that office. Each of them carrying memories she longed to never forget.
For starters, the old ivory chess set that was passed from generation to generation, from Luthor to Luthor, until it ended in her hands. The chess set was old but very taken care of, that it appeared to be good as new.
Lena remember her father’s gentle smile every time she won their matches, the proud glint in his eyes and the gentle cares he would do to her hair. Or when Lex would tell her about his newest inventions, when he was still young and Superman wasn’t known yet, how he’d always say “I’ll win next time.”, whenever he lost. Or how Lillian’s lips would slightly turn upwards in a halfway smile, “You’re getting better. Good.” Her mother would say.
When Lionel gave her the chess set after her victory number 46 against Lex, Lena couldn’t have been happier.
“You earned it. I’m proud of you, Lena”
His words were still fresh on her mind, one of the few happy memories she had of her family.
Lena took the set in her hands and placed it carefully inside the box she was carrying.
A sigh then left her lips.
There was only one place left to check for her belongings, her desk.
Turning around towards the desk where she spent so many hours checking reports, her gaze fell involuntarily on the framed photo atop the desk. The glass was cracked, but the photograph could still be seen perfectly.
Kara and Alex’s smiles mocking her from there.
And Lena wondered how many times they had laughed at her.
The last noncriminal Luthor in their pocket. Playing her like no one ever did, making her believe they trusted her but they were lying all along. An act to keep an eye on the youngest Luthor.
The ire burned in her veins, but the sorrow cut deeper than that. A lump formed in her throat, and the tears clouded her vision.
She had given them time to tell her. Her heart wanting to believe their friendship wasn’t a lie. But Kara only kept lying to her face, every single time!
Enough was enough, and Lena couldn’t stand it anymore.
She needed to leave, go somewhere her name wasn’t dragged through the mud. A place where people would leave her alone, instead of looking at her like she would go nuts -like her brother did- at any moment.
Lena couldn’t stand to be in National City anymore.
So, she did what she always does.
Since Lena was too important for both L-corp and Catco, she couldn’t just pack and leave the city.
The young Luthor formed a perfect plan, and it took her a week to perfectly prepare each step.
Sam would be taking charge of all L-Corp major decisions, Jess would be helping the Arias as CFO. And CatCo, Lena couldn’t even stand the thought of owning it anymore. So, she sold the media empire to another person who had betrayed her.
Maybe between liars, Andrea and Kara would get along.
It didn’t matter, Lena didn’t care anymore.
It was time for her to finally focus on herself.
The youngest Luthor had planned her leave of absence very meticulously. So that a certain caped hero wouldn’t be able to come bother her anymore.
No, it was time to cut ties with all those who had hurt her. It was time for Lena to take a break from her shitty life.
Taking the broken framed photograph, the Luthor threw it to the garbage bin. And for a moment she stood frozen in place, her eyes fixed on the smiling faces in the photo.
Her trance was broken by a voice behind her back.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Sam’s tone was soft and sad.
Lena turned around and looked at her friend. Sam was leaning on a wall next to the door, her arms crossed and shoulders dropped in defeat.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be downstairs and enjoying your promotion party?” The Luthor said lightly while taking her important belongings from her desk and placing them on the box.
“How could I celebrate? You’re leaving…” There was bitterness in her voice.
“You can figure it out, Lena. You and Kara can talk and-” the desperation was clear in her tone, but was soon cut off.
“She lied to me! They all did!” Lena exclaimed, looking hurt at her friend. “And they keep on doing it…they smile and lie to my face as if it is nothing…Kara-” Her voice trembled and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. “Kara smiles and tells me she’d never hurt me, but at the same time she lies to me and uses me…”
Sam was quick to close the space between them and envelop Lena in a tight hug, letting the Luthor hide her face on her shoulders.
“I can’t stay here anymore, Sam…I can’t stand it.” Lena said while clinging to her only friend.
“I know, I’m sorry…I just-” taking a breath in and out, Sam tried to control her own tears. “I’ll miss you…”
“I’ll miss you too, Sam…but I have to do this.”
Lena was the first to pull away from the hug, and Sam reluctantly let her go.
“I understand…” Holding back her tears, the Arias was quick to add “Just promise you won’t disappear on me. Promise you’ll keep me updated on what’s going on with you.”
“I promise…” Lena said with a small smile that soon grew into a big smile at the heavy relieved sigh her friend let out.
“Alright then…” Sam smiled too and then took the box in her own arms.
“Sam-” Lena tried to protest.
“I’ll take you to the airport.” The Arias said firmly and Lena knew not to fight on it.
“Fine.” She said with a heavy sigh and a roll of her eyes.
Sam smiled at her little victory and turned around to leave the office.
Lena, however, stood rooted on the spot for a couple of seconds. Her eyes falling on the trash bin one more time, and then lifting her gaze to the clock on the wall.
Looking at the hour and doing a quick calculation in her mind, she turned around and left the office as well.
Kara should be receiving the Pulitzer at that moment. Meaning the hero would still be occupied for a couple more hours.
By the time Kara would come looking for Lena, the Luthor would be long gone.
It was time for Lena to start over.
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kassies-take · 5 years
Thorul Over Luthor (Part 5)
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A/n: okay yeah sorry y’all. The season of giving is over I was suppose to update this during the holidays but I never got around to it.  Well actually I had a spontaneous idea that changed the course of the story.
Warning: Love, Sister Teasing
Lena Luthor x StepSister!Reader, Supercorp
Word Count: 1538
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
You lounged on the couch as Lena ran around her loft looking for her notes.
“(Y/n/n), Alex is going to pick you up for D.E.O training. I’ll stop by at lunch. Did you want me to bring food to you guys, or go out for lunch? Just let me know later.” Lena walked around the counter to your spot on the couch and moved your feet off the glass coffee table. “Where are my notes!” Lena went back to trashing the apartment.
You sat up before you noticed you had your feet on the notes this whole time. You knocked on the glass to get her attention, when you had her attention you shifted to hide behind her notes. 
“My notes!” She gasped before leaping across the living room to grab her notes. “Where were they?” 
‘Under my feet.”
“Under your fee- now my notes smell like feet,” she teased. 
‘My feet don’t smell!’ You gasped in in silence.
“I think the whole National City say otherwise,” she continued. 
‘If that’s the case, then we better sacrifice someone to save the whole city!’ you grabbed the papers out of her hands, before chasing after her to make her smell her smelly notes. 
That continued till the bell rang at the entrance, Lena stopped in your path which caused you to bump into her with her notes in her face. Your triumphant smile brought a smile to Lena’s lips as she moved to open the door.  
“Hi Alex, (Y/n/n) is ready. Beware of her smelly feet.” She whispered the last part. 
You crossed your arms in disapproval with a glare before you smiled, hugged Lena and kiss her on the cheek. Alex wrapped an arm around you, having what seemed to be a conversation she was having to herself to the outside world. 
As any DEO agent, you were to begin training with hand-to-hand combat. There wasn’t that many crimes that went through National City, that led to more time training with Alex and Winn. It was nearly lunch when Kara decided to drop in. 
‘Hey Kara,” you waved. 
“Hey little one, beating Alex’s butt yet?” Kara hugged you.
“Very funny Kara,” Alex rolled her eyes. 
“Hey! Now, that Kara is here maybe we can run the experiment to see if she can control people’s powers when she intercepts.” Winn beamed holding a tablet in his hand. 
You jumped for joy at Winn’s suggestion, you clasped your hands together and pouted at Kara. 
“I’m fine with it.”
You jumped into Kara’s body leaving your body still. Your excitement took over and you began fangirl. 
“Oh my god! I’m Supergirl!” Using Kara’s arm you felt around her arms. You began to feel weightless, the feeling of your feet slowly leaving the ground took you off Kara’s arms. You flew into the air flying in a figure eight path, laughing. 
Alex and Winn looked in concern as you began flying higher and higher towards the ceiling. You didn’t have time to try Kara’s other powers when the training room door open at the same time you hit the ceiling. Kara felt heavier now, like something other than Earth’s gravity was pulling her toward Earth. No surprise that in the midst of trying to land, you tackled Lena still in Kara’s body. Then you felt a feeling you did not want to feel towards your sister so you left her body. 
Kara and Lena both blushed red. Neither of them wanted to leave the other’s embrace, but it also didn’t help that Lena couldn’t move till Kara did. Winn secretly gave you a high five as the two practically had heart eyes. 
‘What’s for lunch?’ You spoke through everyone’s minds. 
“Oh, um, uh.” You , Alex, and Winn raised your eyebrows at the stuttering mess of your sister. “If it’s alright if I take (Y/n) out for lunch? Bring her back after?” 
A unanimous yes echoed the room before it fell into silence once again. 
“Uh Kara,” Lena’s eyes quickly darted towards Kara’s strong arms. 
“Oh. Yeah! My bad,” Kara pushed herself off the ground and Lena found herself missing her touch. 
You and Lena left the training room, once the door shut behind you Alex began to tease her sister, like you did with Lena. 
“Way to make it more obvious, Kar.”
“I didn’t do anything. That was all (Y/n)!”
“You know (Y/n) can feel your emotions when she intercepts you.” Winn left that comment in the training room as he made his way back to his desk. 
Kara’s eye widen. “ALEX, THAT MEANS (Y/N) KNOWS. WHAT IF SHE TELLS LENA?” Kara panicked.
“Kar, (Y/n) didn’t have to intercept you to know you like Lena.” 
“Is it that obvious?”
“You might as well write ‘I like you, Lena’ in the sky.” Alex left the training room. 
Lena was still flustered, that was mainly due to the fact that you were teasing her. 
‘You are so in loveeeee’
“I am not. And Kara doesn’t feel the same way.” 
‘Who d’ ya think you’re kidding? She’s the Earth and heaven to you. Try to keep it hidden. Honey, we can see right through you. Girl, ya can’t conceal it. We know how you feel and who you’re thinking of.’ You sang still connected to Lena’s mind.
Lena stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to turn back towards you. “No chance, no way! I won’t say it. no no!” 
You smirked as Lena unconsciously finished the song. ‘You swoon, you sigh why deny it, uh-oh.’
Lena ignored you and continued walking towards Noonans. You continued skipping around Lena singing. 
‘At least out loud I won’t say I’m in love’ Lena thought before you jumped higher and wrapped her in a hug and a goofy grin. 
‘Oh my god! You’re in love!!!!!!!! When you and Kara get married I called maid of honor! And when you have kids, you don’t have to pay for a babysitter! Although if you ever think of having sex, please don’t do it at our place.’ 
“Get out of my head, now. N! O! W! Right NOW!” Lena’s blush deepened as you only kept skipping and shining your smile. 
‘Thorul 1, Luthor 0′ You said before the walk was quiet.
You had lasted the rest of the walk, waiting in line, ordering food, waiting for you food and till you took the first bite of your chicken burrito wrap - filled with avocado, tomato, black bean & corn salsa, cheddar cheese & zesty pepitas dressing , wrapped in a spinach tortilla. 
‘Lena, what is love?’ 
“Are you seriously asking that right now?”
‘I mean Alex has Maggie, James has Lucy, J’onn has M’gann, Winn has Lyra, heck you will probably have Kara.’ 
“Huh,” Lena paused before she placed her wrap down on her plate. “Think of it as a snow globe.”
‘Snow globe?’
“Yeah, to most people it’s just a round glass object that gives the allusion of fake snow. But if you really think about it, when a snow globe is customized it captures the perfect moment. It’s a perfect life, the glass makes you feel protected, safe from any danger.”  
‘Is that what you feel for Kara?’
“Not only Kara, love.” She held reached across the table to hold your hand. “I feel it with the best sister in the world.”
You smiled back, already planning to get a snow globe for Lena. And that was exactly what you did the moment Lena dropped you off at the DEO. Unfortunately, the DEO became busier at the moment as there was an alien attack downtown. You were excited to put your skills to the test but then disappointed when Lena didn’t let you. 
An angry Luthor was something to not mess with. 
‘Thorul 1 Luthor 1.” You mentally counted. 
You spent your DEO time customizing that snow globe you were going to get once it was finished . 
It was about a week when the snow globe came in. You were working on some tech with Winn when Alex stormed her way towards the two of you with a box in hand. 
“What is that?” Maggie asked. 
“I don’t know, delivered to (Y/n) Thorul. Next time you need something delivered, could you put your address and not the DEO’s we are still a secret organization.”
‘But I couldn’t put my address or Lena would know.’
“Some type of sex toy?” Maggie bluntly asked with a smirk. 
‘No, it’s a snow globe.’ 
“Snow globe?” Winn, Maggie and Alex questioned. 
‘Yup, for Lena. She said it makes her feel protected and safe. Can you give me a ride Maggie?’ 
“Sure, kiddo.” 
‘In the front this time?’ 
“No promises.” 
Lena had made it home before you. The apartment was a mess, but it was a good kind of mess. A mess that showed that it wasn’t just her living in the place, before you arrived it was all white, now it had color, and framed pictures. Lena decided to rest her eyes for a bit before she heard the door clicked open. 
“(Y/n). I’m glad you’re home, we’re having take out. I don’t feel like cooking.” She stood up and faced the entrance. 
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marvelsdc22 · 5 years
The Professor And I (pt. 14)
Intro: Hello, lovelies!! Hope you guys are having a good day/night!! Enjoy this next part!! :)
Note: Y/N is gender neutral. Lena is a professor. Y/N is a student.
Word Count: 2115
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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“No… They found him dead” Lena said, looking at you and watching as your eyes widened “What? That means I’m safe… We’re safe, right?” You asked, looking at her and lacing your fingers together, furrowing your brows when she shook her head “He’s been dead for weeks, long before the fire at the Student Union… They just found him by a river, hidden away in some bushes” Lena said, looking at you and pulling you closer to her “That… That means we’re back to square one then, I thought if we found him it would all stop” you said, pulling away from her and starting to pace, her watching you for a few moments before standing up and pulling you into a tight hug “I know, but there must be more to this… They’re doing an autopsy on him now, they said they’d keep me posted on what all they find” Lena said, rubbing your back and kissing your head as you held onto her and buried your face in her chest “We’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise” she whispered, running her fingers through your hair and just holding you until you calmed down “Lets head back to the living room, yeah?” She suggested after a few minutes, smiling when you nodded and pulled away, lacing your fingers together before the two of you went back to the living room.
The next morning, you woke up to the sun in your eyes since your blinds weren’t closed all the way, groaning some as you pulled your pillow over your head to block out the rays and snuggling back more against Lena when you heard her laugh “Good morning to you too” she chuckled, pulling you closer to her and taking the pillow off your head so she could press a kiss to your neck “Too bright” you grumbled, unwillingly opening your eyes before turning in her arms and pressing your forehead to hers “I have to update my parents” you said, closing your eyes and you having been keeping your parents in the loop of everything happening “We will” Lena assured, pressing a kiss to your lips and the two of you enjoying the company of one another “Girls! Time to get up!” You heard your dad shout, causing you to groan and open your eyes “We should listen, he has a habit of barging in if we don’t do as he asks” you chuckled, moving to get up when Lena pulled you back down and gave you a heated kiss “Sorry, just needed one more” she said, smiling at you before getting out of the bed first and leaving you wide eyed before your dad barged into the room “I said up” he said, watching you jump and roll off the bed and onto the floor “Dadddddd” you groaned, blushing as you heard him and Lena laughing at your dismay.
Once you all finished breakfast, you were sitting with your parents in the living room, Lena beside you and holding your hand “So, Lena got an update last night on the whole Mon-El situation” you said, looking at your parents and feeling the mood shift to a more serious one “What’s the update?” Your mother asked, looking between the two of you and listening as you relayed what Lena had told you the night before “So you guys don’t know who it could be?” Your father asked, rubbing his chin as he thought about all you just told them “Y/N saw the guy who attacked her at the Student Union at the diner, but by the time she told me he was already gone… We’ve been keeping an eye out for him” Lena said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to her side “Do the cops know?” “Yes, I told them about it after everything calmed down that night” you assured, resting your hand on Lena’s leg and looking at your parents “Keep us updated, okay?” Your mother asked, reaching over and taking your free hand “I will, don’t worry” you said, giving your parents a smile and squeezing your mothers hand, the four of you sitting in silence until Kara’s puppy came running in barking and jumping on each of you in excitement, causing the mood to shift and making you all laugh.
Later on that day, you were showing Lena around your home town since she hadn’t been there before “This was my high school, not much to it since it’s pretty small” you said, gesturing towards the school as you drove by and raising an eyebrow when you heard Lena chuckle “What? What’s so funny?” You asked, glancing at her as you stopped at a stop sign “I’m just imagining a fifteen year old Y/N starting high school for the first time” Lena chuckled, taking your hand and bringing it up to her lips to press a kiss to the back of it “I wasn’t little, I was only a little shorter than I am now” you said, blushing some and glancing at her “Uh-huh, that’s not what those pictures that your mom showed me earlier say” Lena said, watching as you blushed even more “She showed you?! Oh man” you groaned, sinking back against your seat and wishing you could just tuck yourself in a corner and hide for the rest of existence as you heard Lena laugh “Oh come on, it’s cute” she promised, giving your hand a small squeeze “When I meet your family I demand baby Lena pictures” you said, laughing some and glancing at her when she went silent “Hey, you okay?” You asked, pulling into a parking lot and parking before you turned in your seat to look at her “I’m fine, just… Family is a touchy subject for me” Lena said, looking at you before looking around “Hey, an ice cream shop, lets go in” Lena said, not giving you the chance to answer before she got out of the car and headed to the ice cream shop “Guess we’re getting ice cream” you sighed, getting out as well.
Once you were inside and ordered your ice cream, you sat down next to her in a booth and looked at her “You know you can talk to me, right?” You asked, looking at her and wincing when she took a frustrated bite of her ice cream “I know, Y/N, I don’t want to talk about it” she snapped, her Irish accent more prominent with her angry tone, causing you to scoot away and focus on your ice cream “Okay” you said softly, shaking your head and the two of you eating your ice cream in awkward silence, only being disturbed when your phone went off “It’s Kara, I gotta take this” you said, glancing at Lena as you got up and not noticing her roll her eyes “Fine” she said, a hint of jealousy mixed with the anger in her tone.
“You just saved my ass” you answered once you stepped out of the shop, shivering slightly as you stood outside and shoving your free hand in your coat pocket “I did? What’s going on?” Kara asked, you hearing shuffling on her end which told you she was stretched out on a bed, you relaying all that had just happened between you and Lena, leaning back against the building and glancing through one of the many windows to look at Lena who seemed to be focused on her phone while she idly ate her ice cream “Why is she so upset about that? I mean I get her mom forced her into a marriage, but I figured she got along with the rest of her family” Kara said, you having told her because she was your best friend so you told her everything “I don’t know, she refuses to talk about her family with me… Now that I think about it, there’s a lot that she doesn’t talk to me about” you said, averting your gaze from her as you thought about it more “Do you know why?” Kara asked, knowing that she could have a good reason and looking up when Alex came into the room “I’m putting you on speaker” she warned before setting her phone on the coffee table after she hit the speaker button “I don’t know, every time I bring up something she doesn’t want to talk about she just yells at me or gets snappy” you said, sighing some and closing your eyes “Maybe you should talk to her about this?” Kara suggested as Alex sat down next to her “Or I could teach her a lesson for hurting you” Alex said simply, receiving a glare and a smack to the arm from Kara “I’ll try to talk to her about it later… I think we both need a cool down period” you said, shivering more when the wind picked up “Anyways, what’ you call me for?” You asked, knowing she had more reason to call than hear you rant “Oh! Alex and I will be there for Thanksgiving, is it okay if we crash at your place the day before and after?” Kara asked, knowing that it’ll probably be an all-day thing “Yeah, I’ll ask my parents and I’ll text you… I’m gonna go, it’s freezing, and I’d like to go back inside” you chuckled, the three of you saying your goodbyes before hanging up.
Later on that night, Lena had given you the silent treatment most of the day and currently you were finishing discussing Thanksgiving with your parents “You’re okay with helping cook, Lena?” Your mother asked her again, watching as Lena smiled and nodded “Of course, I don’t mind helping, you guys are allowing me to stay here for the week so it’s the least I could do” She said, smiling at your mother while your father looked between the two of you curiously, noticing you two were sitting farther away than usually and there was no form of contact between you guys “Alright, looks like it’s all settled, we should get to bed, gonna be a lot of running around tomorrow” your mother said, smiling and standing up, kissing your head and Lena’s on her way out while Lena got up shortly after her “Have a nice night Y/F/N” she said, giving him a smile before she went towards your bedroom “Everything alright, Y/N?” Your father asked once he heard the bedroom door shut, you sighing and running a hand through your hair “Yeah, Lena and I just got into an argument is all” you said, looking at him and watching him nod before standing up and kissing your head “Everything will work out, you and Lena love each other, there’s no denying that” he assured, making you smile as he headed towards the hallway “Hey dad?” You said, watching him peek back around the corner “Thank you… I love you” you said, giving him a smile which he returned “I love you too, Y/N/N”.
After sitting in the kitchen for a few more minutes, you sighed and got up, about to head for your room before you stopped since you knew Lena probably didn’t want to see or speak to you, so you grabbed an extra pillow and blanket from the hall closet before making up a bed on the couch and shutting the lights off before you laid down on the couch with a sigh, you managing to drift off for about an hour when you woke to someone shaking you “Five more minutes” you grumbled, rolling over and burying your face in the back couch cushion “Y/N” Lena said, shaking you once more before you sighed and rolled over to face her “Yeah?” You asked, reaching over and turning on the lamp by the couch so you could see her “Why are you sleeping out here?” She asked, you blinking a few times to focus and noticing her eyes were red and puffy and her nose was red “You’re mad at me, so I slept out here to give you space” you said, looking at her and rubbing your eyes before you stretched “Just because I’m mad, doesn’t mean I don’t want to sleep with you” Lena said, looking at you and tugging on your arm to try to get you up “Wha-?” You asked, giving a small yelp when Lena rolled her eyes before she lifted you up with an arm behind your back and one under your legs, causing you to wrap your arms around her neck “You’re much stronger than you look” you commented, resting your head on her shoulder and hearing her chuckle as she carried you into your bedroom.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​ / @5aftermidnight​​
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wondertrashh · 5 years
Wrong Royalty (One Shot)
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A/N: Hey guys! So the last two days I have spent my nights reading imagines and I really wanted to write some. So here is just one of them. I’m using these imagines to get back in writing because I haven’t had the motivation to write the last few months. So eventually, I’m going to update my multi-chaper fic. I tried to keep the Reader genderless so everyone can read it. Enjoy! And let me know if you would like to see more.
Lena Luthor x Prince!Reader
Word Count: 1,679
Lena was sitting in her apartment rereading the same sentence that she has been reading for the pass 5 minutes.
“Oh my Gods, my love. You have been staring at that same page for almost 10 minutes. Take a break and come here.” You said from the couch. It had been painful watching Lena stare at her paperwork. At first you ignored it thinking that she was just taking her time reading. That was until she started to bounce her leg and Lena only did that when something was bothering her.
“I’m fine, (Y/N).” Lena said without even looking at you.
“You’re bouncing your leg. So, come over here and tell me what’s wrong.” When you mentioned her leg that was when Lena finally looked at you. You can tell that she was obviously stressing about something. So, you smiled and held out your arms hoping that she would take your advice and take a break.
With a sigh, Lena got up and crossed her living room to lay in your arms. She would never say it out loud, but Lena love being in your arms. They made her feel safe and secure and plus you have some killer arms. She doesn’t know how your arms are so buff because you barely workout, but she didn’t care.
“I’m worried about meeting your mother.” Lena whispered.
“Oh, my love. I understand why you would be worried, but my mom already loves you. She always asking about you when I talk to her.” You reassured your girlfriend. You completely understood Lena’s worry considering who her mom is. But, your mom loves everyone as long as they are not a threat to your wellbeing, which Lena isn’t.
“You sure?” Lena looked up with uncertain in her eyes and all you could do is smile. You originally came over to tell Lena who your mom was. However, after seeing how nervous she was about this, you decided that it would be better not to. If she knew that she was dating her role model’s kid, she would have a panic attack.
“I’m positive.” You kissed her.
Lena was positively annoyed. Her last meeting with the board did not go well and gave her a migraine. Now she just received a text from you informing her that you can’t make it to lunch because of work. She knows that your job demands a lot sometimes, but it still sucks when it cuts into your lunch dates.
Jess opens her door in the middle of her mental rant with an apologetic look.
“Miss Luthor, I know you do not have any meetings scheduled till 2 but Diana Prince from Prince Enterprise is here and would like to know if you can fit her in?” Jess hurriedly explained.
Diana Prince? As in THE Diana Prince? Lena couldn’t believe this. This has to be a dream.
“Miss Luthor?” Lena realizes that she hasn’t gave Jess an answer yet.
“Uh, yeah you can see Ms. Prince in.” Lena said while tiding up her already clean desk and standing up.
“Lena Luthor, thank you for seeing me last minute.” Diana Prince says with a huge smile when she walked in.
“It’s really no problem. It’s a pleasure meeting you.” Lena replied while shaking Diana’s hand. Wow she has really nice arms. How does she have time to run a company and get such buff arms.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I really hope I’m not taking time away from your lunch.” Diana said while sitting down. She really does look apologetic for coming in unannounced. It made you smile even wider knowing that she is as nice as everyone says she is.
“No, it’s quite fine. Usually I would have lunch with my partner, but they couldn’t leave the work. So, what brings you to my office today?” Lena asked. Prince Enterprise is in France, so she has no clue why Diana was in National City.
“I just couldn’t wait to meet you and I was hoping I wanted to come talk to you, one-on-one, before dinner tonight.” It took a second for Lena to fully understand what Diana just said, but when she did her face paled. Wait, she was meeting (Y/N)’s mother tonight for dinner. Diana can’t be their mother, right? No, can’t be. If Diana Prince was (Y/N)’s mother, they would’ve told her. Plus, (Y/N) and Diana doesn’t even have the same last name. But, if Diana was (Y/N)’s mother, it would explain why they have the same smile, the same friendliest to them, look the same, hell, they even got the same buff arms that Lena loves so much.
“Oh, dear (Y/N) didn’t tell you I was their mother, did they?”
You and Lena were at your apartment waiting on your mom to arrive. She texted you earlier letting you know that she was going to late because she was in the middle of something for her mission with Supergirl. You don’t really know anything about the superhero side of things. It wasn’t really your style. Yeah, sure, your mom taught you how to be an excellent warrior and you have the same powers as her. That’s what happens when you are a child of a demigoddess. But you prefer to live a normal life without thinking about the hero stuff, so you leave it to your mom, and she is perfectly happy with it.
“Hey darling, guess who I met today.” Lena said out the blue taking your attention away from what you were cooking, and you turned to face her.
“Um, I don’t know, the Queen of Genovia?” You replied sarcastically hoping to make her laugh because this the first time you two talked since she came over.
“Wrong royalty. Try Diana Prince, CEO of Prince Enterprise.” Lena said with a coldness to her that’s only used for business. Oh, my Gods she knows, and she is pissed. Why did your mom go to LCorp? She came out here to help Kara and the DEO with a mission.
“Lena, I can explain.” You said panickily, ready to explain everything but you were interrupted before you could.
“What you going to explain, (Y/N)? How you didn’t trust me enough to tell me who your mother is? Is (Y/L/N) even your last name or you been lying about that too?” Lena started asking questions that you were not prepared to answer so you looked at her speechless. It was until you saw that she started to cry that you spoke.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. My love, I do trust you. I trust you so much. I didn’t tell you that Diana was my mom because I wanted you to see me as a normal person. I been viewed as everything but normal since I was a kid because of my mom and then I met you and you didn’t know who I was and treated me how I always wanted to be treated. I had every intention of telling you the truth the last time I saw you, but you were so nervous about the dinner I didn’t want to make it worse. It was wrong of me to keep her identity hidden. I should have told you in advance instead of letting you find out when she walked through the door and for that I am sorry. Also, yes, (Y/L/N), is my last name.” You explained shamefully. You knew that not telling Lena was not a good idea, but you didn’t think that she would blame herself for your mistake.
“I don’t care who you are or who you are related to. Just like you never cared I was a Luthor. I just don’t think it’s fair that you could hide behind the fact I’m not well informed in French celebrity gossip while you knew everything about my family and me. How you think it felt for me to find out from your mother that you kept this hidden?” Well, you definitely screwed up. You went up to Lena and hugged her.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t have any intentions to hurt you. I shouldn’t have kept anything from you especially since you been so opened with me. I promise I won’t keep anything else from you. I’m truly sorry. Could you forgive me, my love?” You pulled away far enough so you can see Lena’s face. She wasn’t crying anymore but you can tell she is still upset.
“Well that depends, other than you being a part of one of the wealthiest family in the world, are you hiding anything else?” She looked at you with all seriousness and you knew that if you said no then you were dooming this relationship. So, you take a deep breath.
“My mom is also Wonder Woman and I got powers.” You look at her with all seriousness and the room is strangely still and the air feels thick suddenly. Lena just look at you for what seems like forever until finally she laughs.
“I was expecting you to say something so much worse than that. But the fact that you are a child of a superhero explains so much now. I have been trying to figure out how you’re so buff despite the fact you barely workout and you eat enough for a small army. Also, I always found it weird how you say Gods instead of God. I guess Zeus being your grandfather explains that.” Lena continues to laugh, and you just smile at her. This woman never ceases to amaze you.
“So, we’re good?” You ask.
“Oh, I am still mad at you, but I’ll get over it.” She smiles at you and you remind yourself to thank Aphrodite the next time you see her for bringing Lena in your life. Just before you could kiss Lena the doorbell rings.
“Look’s like my mom is here. Are you still nervous about meeting her?” You look at Lena and saw the confident businesswoman that you loved.
“We met already, remember?” She said. You smile and went to go open the door.
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Hey I hope your exams went well and progress is being made on the next chapters of your fanfics. I love your writing! That being said, I've never seen Supergirl. Tips for someone just getting interested in it (seasons/episodes to avoid or skip, ect)?
Hi there!!!
Wow, thank you so much! ❤️
I'm just baffled you liked my writing even if you haven't seen the show!! Do you find it clear enough? Is it confusing at times? Both chapters are aaaalmost ready! I'm itching to update them!
Hmm, I would definitely watch the first season. It's a bit out there, it's very cutesy and happy, but still enjoyable! And the characters are great! (Watch Cat Grant in action and get back to me about how great she is!)
I also kind of liked season two because there's a lot of Lena Luthor, and she's amazing! Kara's also in a relationship, but it didn't bother me that much, tbh. Also, a lesbian relationship featuring actress Chyler Leigh from Grey's Anatomy! I really liked season 2 😍
I personally skipped big parts of season three and all of season four. I would watch episode 1, 2 and 4. Four especially has some cute scenes, like a girl's night and stuff. I definitely recommend season 3 episode 6 because it's a wonderful episode that stands out. It's basically a big flashback episode with a young Kara and Alex. Too cute.
A real Kara/ Lena episode is 3x12. You can also just elect to watch their scenes on Youtube, which is what I did to keep up with the show for a bit, without actually having to suffer through the parts I didn't like.
If I can spoil just the tiniest bit, I stopped watching season three because of a terrible straight romance. Like, a guy who proclaimed to hate someone for a full season just magically starts dating said person without any chemistry being present? Not my thing. The relationship between Supergirl and Lena Luthor also sours, which made my heart ache :(
A big plus for season three is a very cool villain, called Reign. For me, that didn't make up for the things I mentioned, but that's really for everyone to decide for themselves.
I don't recommend (but please, don't listen to me if you don't want) watching past the Christmas party episode (which I think is episode 9) because that's when all the bad things start happening. But if you like the villain storyline, that's when everything gets interesting.
I would recommend watching some Kara/ Lena scenes on youtube! They're almost all on there per episode!! You can see whether you like the dynamics, the characters etc.
Personally, I think the characters are just the best part of the series. They're fun, loveable, and have great chemistry. There's also so many ships to like and love! Really, so. Many.
The first two seasons of Supergirl are light-hearted and fun, while from season three onwards, it gets a little darker.
Season four features legendary supervillain Lex Luthor, so if you're into comic books, that season might interest you. The revelation in the last episode leads to basically the entire plot of season 5.
I started watching season five, because the premise definitely interested me, but I'll have to get back to you on whether or not in pans out to be worth it. So far, it's been bumpy.
I would recommend the series if you need something 'silly' to watch. It's definitely not great television, but it's rather enjoyable :)
Anyway, thank you for such an interesting ask! I hope my answer helps, let me know if you need more tips or episode recs! I promise the chapters will be up soon. ❤️
Lots of love!!
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