#I realize i dont exactly make the gender obvious in this but like
roachesbf · 1 year
Heyy i hope your doing ok!
I wanted to request a Soap x male reader, its very similiar to your rabbit!Rudy x Jessica!male reader story but hear me out 👀
Male reader is hot af like dude be making people stare at him jaw dropped and shi, not only that but he smart as hell too, dude graduated from Harvard in the highest honour, wealthy af and he strong af too AND hes a total sweetheart to Soap but he abit cold to strangers.
So basically male reader was somehow able to convince Price to let him visit the base and everybody staring at him like "zamnn👀👀" but then male reader sees Soap and his cold and stoic expression completely melts and he just runs up to Soap and hugs tf out him and gives Soap some of the food he cooked for him and is just being cheesy af to Soap and then a strangers aprouches Male reader and tries to ask him something and Male reader goes "what😐" and then immediatly goes back to baby-ing Soap.
Soap Headcanons: Ft absolute whipped Male!S/O
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Somehow someway you’ve managed to secretly sneak your way into Price's spot of number one favorite. Being able to easily convince him to visit base and get a chance to see everyone again*cough*SOAP*cough*. He obviously knows why you want to go, practically everyone does but he doesn’t have it in his old man heart to say no so you always get your way. You always use the excuse of helping out like doing paperwork, or maybe training new recruits but you never do any of that!! Everyone respects you because of all your achievements…that's why it feels so wrong to tell you off when you’re caught babying Soap, not because you should be getting to work, but because they wish it was them.
It’s always awkward when you first show up on base because who wouldn’t want to talk to such eye candy, but at most you’ll give them the cold shoulder, or just tell them what they need before turning away from the conversation. Even when you’re sitting anywhere, you’ll impatiently tap your foot, as if you’re waiting for something/someone…AND THAT’S BECAUSE YOU ARRE, the entire time you’ll wait for him but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna be happy about it. It’s an absolute 180 because now you’re being all bashful and presenting him with homemade food and treats, holding him against you as you complain about how lonely it is without his loud personality. Soap is probably a physical affection type of lover, so he’ll have you in a headlock while singing praises on how much he missed you as well. 
When he's back and the two of you are together, he insist on training. Of course this gains the attention of others, and you feel the need to shoo them away, insisting that they must be here to oogle your man... "Laddie, Yer heid’s full o’ mince if you think they're checking me out??" and then you get offended because why WOULDN'T they want to check out your totally amazing boyfriend.
He’s completely oblivious to your favoritism as well, he acknowledges that you might like him more than most people because you’re together, but not to the extent that other people say. Even if he does witness this attitude change, he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world and will pretend to not notice when people complain about your favoritism. Price will complain about your attitude towards others, telling Soap to knock some sense into you and all he’ll say is “ I dinnae ken what you mean captain??”
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librarycard · 10 months
I thought i was done with talking about my chemical romance fandoms crazy gender essentialism and transmisogyny and misogyny in general but i have one more thing. actually two. because i have yet to discuss why this is so personal to me.
number one: i really, really hope you people don’t talk to trans women like that in real life.
number two and in relation to that: the way people (you know who they are, or you don’t, in which case consider this a general statement.) are about trans people, trans women specifically i should say, and have been talking about trans people on here in general, has been deeply concerning to me because what they’re doing has happened to me.
when someone is dealing with their gender identity, you dont just tell them what they are. You can make it a safe place for someone to come out WHEN THEY ARE READY just by being openly supportive and in arms with transness and the transgender community. unless a person is going through immense obvious suffering and cannot understand why that’s the case you should NOT fucking walk up to people and just tell them what they are because 1 you are not them and therefore can’t be sure 2 that isn’t your place and 3 everyone deserves to be able to figure out to what extent they would like to address their gender dysphoria and what their desired timeline for doing so is.
you can say IF THE SITUATION CALLS FOR IT “hey, it seems like you might be struggling with issues related to gender. have you heard of transgender people? if so, do you feel like addressing your problems through this lens might help alleviate your suffering?” <- or similar. of course, i figured this should be obvious to trans people, who typically (bar conservative “transmedicalists” who make for an entirely different conversation that i don’t want to have) know exactly how harmful the inherent association of physiological and sociological traits in human beings with gender identity (and, by extension, gender dysphoria) is.
but really just making sure a person knows it’s cool and awesome and most of all OKAY to be transgender openly if they want to is the most important. you don’t do this by telling them who they are but by exhibiting public love for and solidarity with trans people. it’s always supposed to be on their terms, not yours. if you realized you were gay or trans because someone told you you were, that’s okay. i’m ecstatic that you were able to discover that about yourself and i’m glad it did you more good than harm. but almost never does the situation call for that; as you should know, you are not the transgender monolith; there is no monolith; there is no straightforward path.
there is only support and solidarity, which is not the same as declaring that someone is x when they themselves have not clarified it or rather need drastic intervention for their mental wellbeing and are genuinely blatantly clueless. i promise you most people struggling with gender identity aren’t clueless and know they’re uncomfortable with the box they’ve been put in, so don’t feel like you should just go ahead and pick a different box.
now on the personal side: it was really harmful for me when someone who wasn’t even transmasc told me i was a transgender man and that i should just accept that. my gender identity was more complex than that and i was addressing it on my own terms at the time internally because it wasn’t the business of others. publicly, i told people i was okay with using any pronouns and i disclosed the name i went by, as well as telling people i felt kinship with transness, but that was it. (if you’re reading this as someone that is aware of the celebrity-stranger central to the discussion at hand, you may be familiar with their own similar public disclosures.)
the way that maleness was foisted onto me by (well meaning) others made me collapse in on myself. they used he/him pronouns for me and barraged me with questions about my comfort with she/they/etc, as if i did not know better than them.
in the end, i just wasn’t good at being a man. pursuing maleness made me feel worse about myself because it was incongruent with my internal experience. not always, of course, because i am mostly a masculine/gnc person, but there were key aspects of being a trans man i exhibited because people told me i was one that made me uncomfortable, and i, just wanting relief, chose to pursue that angle seeing as it was other members of the lgbt community that pointed me there. im from a small town in the bible belt deep south and i’d never seen the world, because my family was poor and conservative and there was nothing for them otherwise. my new college friends were from big cities and had seen much more of the world than i had.
in truth, i should have been allowed to figure it out as i would have liked to. these people were aware that i knew about transgenderism and related to it, and i had told them what pronouns i wanted them to use, but they continued to apply pressure onto me. to this day, years later, i am devastated that i was robbed of my path to self discovery as it might have come about naturally. i would have made some choices the exact same, such as hrt and top surgery, but the emotional gravity of what i experienced will always stay with me, and the insecurities that came with it are still being shaken off.
this is my personal experience, but i know other people have felt similar pressure to conform to what they’ve been identified as by outsiders who were flat out transvestigating them.
i’m trans; i love being trans; i love my transgender brothers and sisters, i love trans men and women, and i love gnc people and the nonbinary identity, which has more or less fit like a glove and allowed for self expression that has ultimately been the most comfortable for me.
i am not saying i am going to be the leading example of all trans people, but i am an example of the consequences of these kinds of invasive claims.
if you’ve made the conversation at hand a “we the gerard way transgender believers and knowers vs the deniers who claim gerard is male” you have lost, because that is not what people believe. I would say most of us are very comfortable associating gerard with transness because they themself have expressed kinship and solidarity with us.
i hope if you took the time to read this you take all i say in good faith and understand why this conversation has hit home for me so personally. i hope you were able to understand why i am so distressed by those standing on a soapbox preaching harmful rhetoric and practices. and i hope that people who have engaged in said practices perhaps discover that they are hurting a lot of trans people, out or not, and i hope that they express love for out trans women more than pursue what they appear to believe are “closet cases” or “flagging”. i hope we all learn from this as a community online and choose to engage only with gerard’s gender to the extent that they’ve verbally signaled they are comfortable with, which includes not assigning them labels, whether that be female, male, trans woman, cisgender, or otherwise, and at least when talking about them seriously, using their pronouns (no, i don’t think you lovingly calling gerard your girlfriend is the crime here. it’s why you do it that’s the issue; you aren’t doing it with solely affection but rather with a motive as well.)
just let them, as well as other people, especially those you might encounter in your day to day life, be themselves without argument or unnecessary investigation. just leave people alone about their gender identity, please.
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lesbianrey · 1 year
re: your pcos post. the way that hirsutism is one of the main criteria for pcos but i've never seen a clear definition of what exactly is considered 'excessive' vs 'normal' amounts of body hair...on top of that, the explanations of what is excessive or abnormal are EXTREMELY white-centric. i worried for a long time that i had hirsutism and maybe pcos (even tho i dont have irregular periods or cystic ovaries) because my body hair is dark...then i realized that everyone has hair covering their whole bodies, its just that some have it lighter, where it's almost invisible, and some have it darker. my vellus hair is darker cause i'm arab - and more obvious cause its dark hair on fairly pale skin. i am hairy in other ways too (like i have hair on my fingers and toes) but thats not excessive or abnormal, esp considering my ethnicity. it makes me cringe whenever a woman on reddit talks about how she's hairy, there's almost inevitably a reply about how she might have pcos/should get her hormones levels checked...being hairy is not a medical condition!! sorry for the ramble, this is a topic that gets me worked up c:
no you’re absolutely right let’s talk about it… I feel like people are getting toooo damn comfortable telling hairy women that they have disorders even when they are literally healthy & have no other symptoms with PCOS… i think in many ways its becoming a kind of a ‘safe’ way to tell someone that they’re ‘not a normal woman’ & reinforce dumb gender categories (which are 100% white centric) even further…and i agree i think it sucks Quite Frankly!
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arty-cakes · 1 year
Mad and angry at how these two joke side characters try so hard to be heteronormative but they really aren't and that's where most of their misery comes from. not all of it but most of it, like it very much keeps them in the cycle, because they seem desperate to find a happy storybook ending and this is how they think they'll find it, by trying to be like the same characters that found that happiness. its never addressed but also painfully obvious with how much they don't fit in with the other npcs dear god these characters are queer coded to hell i could write an essay (i accidentally did)
its not even like bretta and zote are straight cis characters these two are bi and aro canonically but its more to do with the gender roles they're trying to replicate, and failing. they suck at it. he is not this emotionally stoic resilient lone knight he is in fact continuously fighting his emotional pain and if you give him the right attention he will stay forever. he'll get angry that you saved him or that he needed your help because YOU dont fit in his story. she's not a forgiving accepting loving damsel in distress she can take care of herself great and will also drop you like a hat if she sees even one flaw in you. because then YOU dont fit her story either. they care so much about their stories because they reinforce the identity they think they're supposed to have but they're also so disconnected with themselves BECAUSE of these gender roles that they dont realize it makes them miserable
the biggest cause for this is that they are lonely isolated individuals and dont understand or know enough about real people so they have to go off their storybooks and it only keeps them alone. its like you have to be stubborn about saving them and staying by their side so they can get that chance to change and thats exactly what the knight does. its stubborn as hell it will save them again and again and it will fight their dumbass crushes as many times as it takes to make them realize what they're doing is painful. and bretta gets that chance, she leaves the town that isolated her and goes to find something better, most importantly she gets experience. zote gets to stay alive, which is the best thing you can do for him. because now he might get to face his pain, whereas in death he never gets to overcome it, just escape it
its also very funny that when the game pushes them together in this fake relationship its purposely depicted as completely ridiculous and an obvious parody and you also have the chance to beat it to the ground multiple times. whereas the two more meaningful love stories that you get to help happen are mlm and wlw and completely unapologetic about it this game is GAY
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ludinusdaleth · 3 days
You reference your weight gain on t a lot, what are the changes like exactly? Signed someone interested in that sort of thing with hrt and in general
oh boy, well, a lot. full disclosure ive only gained about 50lbs on t and i want to gain more so this isnt a final form nor is it the end-all-be-all of a fat body - im chubby but i dont even have a belly overhang yet, though id love to.
-my weights primarily in my belly, thighs, a bit of my chest, and definitely my face. the first noticeable thing was growing a double chin very fast. t has not distributed weight from my hips yet, so i have some fat there, which, if it happened to others, may make them dysphoric. honestly, sometimes i am insecure about it, but my gender presentation is so thoroughly "looking thick as fuck in all ways including feminine ones" that if they got bigger i think id adore it
-i feel like i take up more space in general. i used to be able to slide between people and small entrances easily but my belly very easily gets in the way. i really dont mind
-it's kind of really comforting to be able to grab my belly and just squish & paw at it. used to be when i was underweight just trying to grab it hurt
-between a lot of extra body hair and the weight gain, and being in texas, god am i sweaty. which is maybe the worst downside to it personally because im an overheater. but it is at least a boon to realize i dont get cold easily anymore at all - it dropped below freezing last winter, and i didnt even change from shorts, when i used to shiver at 50°F. im a furnace!
-finding pants sizes will be your worst enemy. but if youre into it at least the battle of squeezing into something you bought a mere month ago can be quite sexy and a sign of progress
-i went from having what i call concave ass (none ass) to a decent one and it is insane to feel it jiggle when i walk
-it is insane feeling all my body jiggle as i move in any way honestly. i really, really love it, feels more natural than breathing
-if youre a trans guy whos fat or wants to be i think the question of boobs will be conflicting, so there is something a bit humorous about t which deflates & at times shrinks your chest, vs gaining weight which makes them big. as a very obvious mans tits enjoyer, im quite happy theyre about a size larger now (though i always had a smaller chest so)
-the elephant in the room is always about health. and in many ways im not at peak health - but thats not because of my fat. the most i could maybe connect with it is i have higher cholesterol than before, but is it because i have a belly due to a thousand different hormonal & life factors, or is it because im a little too obsessed with milkshakes & funnel cake? i really actually feel better health wise than i ever did underweight and i feel alive. stronger. confident. and also, folk who gain weight and are unhealthy deserve infinite respect. bodies are just bodies. they do what bodies will do. and we do what we do in our bodies. all of those combine to what we are. thats a neutral fact, not something to shame or be afraid of.
-fatphobia absolutely exists, but so too do folk who support you. if you can find folk in your life who want you happy and know about your journey it can be beautiful. when i met up with my friend a few months after i began hrt, the first thing they said to me after "hi" was "oh, youve really gotten bigger!" and it made my day, i still think about it. be it friends who squeal at your progress to friends who like to be risque and go "oh, lets grow your beard out more before calling you a bear, big boy", i think support is the best part of it. im eternally thankful.
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royalsy-queen · 8 months
Hello! I know you were asking op on that post, but I thought I'd offer the way I've anaylzed it over time and good points I've seen others make for you to see if it helps! I personally think will would be way more ready to bottom by the time he gets with mike. he's known how he feels for so long, and with that acceptance comes considering your preferences - especially as a horny teenager. me personally when I watch the show, nothing about will screams "yes I want to do that to mike", I think he leans towards "I wish mike would do this to me". I know some people like subverted expectations, and some fics explore it and shape that opinion, but I don't give that much weight because I prefer looking at the show! there's nothing wrong if there's an obvious choice yk?
There's also the fact mike for most of his life thought he'd be with a woman - aka giving during intimate times. he'd be more prepared for that and probably even itching/excited for exactly that sensation, which is lucky will is prepared for the opposite! And sure, some would say "well once he realizes he's not sleeping with a girl he'll want to do the opposite role!", no, I think given the time period he'll have a mental hurdle, and that's why will goes hell yeah don't even worry!
to use your words about mike being shaky and nervous - i agree and think that's why he wouldn't bottom at the start, there's more going on with that which is where me saying will is more prepared physically and mentally came from :)
And while he's still nice and soft, but not entirely shy anymore, I dont know if will is a total "take the reins" type either. In fact, I like helping people understand he can actually take the reins with mike's nerves, while receiving! it's easier for him to soothe mike by telling him he's okay. I think it'd be more stressful for mike who's had less time with his sexuality to immediately receive and learn how to prep etc. Op acknowledged in their post that will was bottoming and they had the right idea - mike would be so nervous (both would) but that's why it works with Will trusting him and is so sweet, mike's the perfect gentle boyfriend. Nobody is being babied, and Will doesn't need to prove that he isn't a baby through anyone insisting that he top. Will gets a lot of control over his experiences from the bottom too.
I see them switching eventually like you do, but I think I still see mike preferring to top and will preferring to bottom mostly. I personally dont find the desire to flip everything about mike and will that's established (for eg. mike happily protects will so it must mean it's turn for will to do it for mike etc) which I think people sometimes do in terms of their sexual life too.
actually I think people do that because they get worried they're stereotyping? especially with Will which... your not guys and it's okay even if sometimes it happens. like Will receiving during sex. nothing wrong with a stereotype at all! (Unrelated completely but this is also me sorta hoping people start embracing the fact will is gender non conforming in general one day, it's not stereotyping him when he is visibly gay!)
Sorry I word vomited here, I just enjoy discussing this! hope it wasn't too crazy or that i overstepped! ^-^
Hey! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I see your points and honestly they make so much sense lmao. I'm pretty sure Will has known about his sexuality for a long time, considering that Lonnie called him a queer when he was a child and Troy, who I'm assuming he's been bullying the party for a long time sadly, always went for their physical appearances, however with Will he always resorted to slurs about being gay. So yeah, Will has known for longer he was gay and Mike is honestly still processing that about himself, Mike would likely be the top most of the time. About Will "taking the reins", I actually meant it the same way you described! Will would be bottom but knowing Mike's probably so nervous he would gently guide him through the whole thing, telling Mike what he likes and what he doesn't, what feels good and reassuring him that he's okay and he can keep going most of the time, because like the headcanon said Mike would be the type to stop every 5 seconds to ask if he should continue lol. About the switch, I think it wouldn't happen until further down in their relationship, Mike always has been top but there's this itching curiosity of what it feels like to be "the girl" and to see a Will a bit more dominant than usual 👀
Personally I have even MORE headcanons about these two that are WAY more explicit, because I am a horny bitch lmaoooo
Thanks for sharing your thought process and don't worry, you didn't overstep anything. I enjoy word vomiting about Byler with people on the internet XD
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freckliephil · 3 months
Do you realize you have poc mutuals and it hurts that you have not said anything in support to the discussion, but instead said people should log off? People are mad but if you don't want to reblog vent posts you can still just... say the obvious, that people shouldn't be racist here. Otherwise saying you're not racist means nothing and does not make this space safer for anyone. And I really, really mean this in the most non-violent way possible. (Also fine if you don't answer this, just a heads-up anyway)
Im gonna be so fr right now and then im going back to work. Ive been on tumblr for 10 years. Ive been engaging in fandom for longer. i can say with complete confidence that fandom tumblr is not the hill to burn yourself out and die on re: activism and racial justice.
Its absolutely disgusting and unacceptable that poc phannies are getting sent slurs and anon hate. Idk how else to put it - it sucks and im disappointed its happening in a fan community im part of. But like, idk what exactly there is for anyone to do other than be aware of what you can, not be a dick, or log out? Like, idk what is being asked of me other than to not actively be a racist asshole myself?
Tumblr sucks, i fucking hate it here 80% the time, this place is a literal nightmare echo chamber and it’s hardly gotten better if at ALL in the decade ive been here. Idk if this is noticeable, but i really dont spend a lot of time here in general. I just started a full time job in a new field, i have partners and friends and a busy ass poly schedule that leaves me like 2-3 hours a day of downtime IF THAT. Sometimes i use that time to browse tumblr or shit post with my friends, but being active on tumblr and staying up to date on the goings on of people i dont know or talk to online is reaallllyyy not my priority. I literally dont read OR make posts on tumblr over 3 paragraphs as a pretty loose rule - this is not my news source, nor is it somewhere i want to go to read or engage in people’s tumblr brainrot induced lukewarm takes about real issues that require things like nuance and self awareness. I got a Gender studies degree for that. I have my real life community for that. Yall dont know me and i dont know you, and respectfully, im not getting paid to keep up with these things.
I fully stand by my statement that we should all just log out. I dont want poc phannies to burn themselves to the ground fighting with idiots who wont change, at least not in this setting or this context. I dont want people, either random white phannies trying to avoid blame OR dan and phil themselves, to put out half hearted statements about racism. This shit is serious, its complex, and it’s not something i personally can commit to changing or even keeping up with IN THIS CONTEXT. There are more pressing issues in the world we live in for me that have nothing to do with fandom or tumblr politics or fucking dan and phil. I’ll acknowledge that it fucking sucks, and im genuinely sorry to the poc phannies who are getting the shitty end of the situation as they often are. i dont want anyone to be run out of phannie tumblr nor do i think the solution to racism is to just go “oh well, people never change, time to give up and shut up” BUT i also really dont know what this call to action is really for if the issue at hand is…anon hate?? dan and phil not *maybe not going to latam or asia on a tour?? stuff dan and phil said a long time ago?? Like, correct me if im wrong, but those really aren’t issues in my control, and as much as i wish anyone’s words could have a real affect on them, they just wont. All you can do is reduce harm with the tools at hand - turn off anon, build community with people you trust and get to know them as people and not URLS, literally log of and go get some air, find communities you can have real dialogue and action within. Thats all i know how to cope, and all i can recommend doing.
Im not trying to be an ass or say this isn’t important, i just really dont think the answer to this issue is to go into people’s ask box and demand they say something when you literally dont know them or their lives. not everyone has endless time to engage in complex discussions on tumblr, and i really truly believe begging people to say SOMETHING is completely unhelpful when these issues are so sensitive. I really hope things change and i wish i had more time to actually get into it or form helpful, productive opinions other than this, but i dont.
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gravechimera · 5 months
making a seperate blog for this because i dont feel like my main one is safe for this specific topic. please do not try to guess or out my main here. this is a blog where i specifically talk about gender thoughts & confusion i have, because i dont have resources to talk to anybody in real life. as of writing this i am questioning whether or not i am transfem/a girl, i currently call myself agender on main but in reality im still dealing with the question of whether im full on transfem or not.
for the record i am a teenager in highschool, i began questioning my gender when i was 11 years old, there were some obvious signs before then but i didnt necessarily have the knowledge or words to piece those together. ive identified as various nonbinary labels over the past few years, starting at demiboy then shifting towards countless xenogenders*, starting off with space themed ones then becoming more accustomed to cutesy pastel themed ones. i actually used to run a blog that coined terms like those, i ditched it but it definitely still lingers. now im agender on main & questioning transfem on the side, basically i slowly & extremely hesitantly accepted the fact i dont feel like a boy. ive only recently considered falling under the girly umbrella somewhere near the beginning of highschool when i had started realizing that lots of my favorite content creators are also trans girls, most notably patricia taxxon.
(*yes, i do support xenogenders & neopronouns.)
but i dont necessarily feel like a girl either? ok well sometimes i do but in a way that rejects most ideas of what girliness is? i feel like theres a distinction between wanting to do typically girly things like paint my nails, wear dresses, etc & actually feeling as though i am a girl or would be happier living as one. i dont like being called he/him pronouns (not like i have a choice) but i also dont like being called she/her, i usually gravitate towards they/them, it/its & any *edgy" neos like bone/bones & bat/bats. my relationship with femininity distinctly goes against traditional femininity, both cis & trans forms of the sense. i have a sorta emo furry thing going on as opposed to the usual pink cat thigh highs bridget stereotype.
i am unhappy being percieved as a boy, but terrified of being percieved as a girl due to all the societal troubles that comes with it like getting hit on by creeps, stared at, groped, all that shit. not to mention im already black, diagnosed autistic & a furry, why add another target on my back? i feel like the term girl doesnt even describe me all that well, its deeper than that. but neither does nonbinary despite me clearly not falling under or even believing in the gender binary most of the time.
theres also a part of me that wants to just ditch this question along with the concept of gender as a whole, hence identifying as agender on main. most times i do see binary gender norms & the like as bullshit, but the feminine feelings creep up like a tarantula & i begin questioning myself, while still despising the idea of gender. i think part of this hatred towards said binary comes from the fact i am therian/identify as nonhuman & see human binary concepts as something holding me back. from what exactly? i dont know, it just is.
also related to my therianthropy, i find myself conflating species dysphoria with gender dysphoria & confusing myself because of it since the thoughts directly contradict eachother. one moment i find my body hair ugly because its masculine, then the next i find it ugly because i wish i had more to emulate fur. one moment i wanna be socially percieved as feminine, then the next i dont even wanna be percieved as the same species as anybody around me. it makes exploring my gender really confusing because the thoughts attack eachother while also trying to attack me.
i will say though that the nonhuman thoughts are way stronger than the feminine urges. i dont care about feminizing my voice in the slightest apart from my aspirations towards being a voice actor, i dont shave nor do i want to, im indifferent towards my gen*tals because nobody in public should be seeing or thinking about them. however i do absolutely despise being referred to as the name i was given at birth, alongside any possible variations of it, including neutral or feminine nicknames/alt spellings/etc. i would much rather be called either scarlet, chimera*, or cherry, all of which i picked because they both suited my emo theming, i hadnt even thought of how girly any of them sounded while picking them.
(*chimera also happens to be the name of a notorious creep within a fandom im in, complete coincidence. i might refrain from going by that so i dont get mistaken for them.)
theres also this conflicting second hand antidysphoria, i guess? specifically towards people that remind me of the very things i despise about myself. i have a sort of obsessive fascination with the idea of how somebody could find solace in the very things that plague my existence, for example transmascs that pick my deadname as their new chosen name, those with interests in media thats been permanently tainted in my eyes due to abusers, etc. theres a weird beauty in it, it makes me want to sort of embody them in order to lessen the burden those things have on me. i know if i explained this to somebody directly theyd assume im a freak or something, which is honestly a somewhat reasonable take. just putting it here for more background i guess.
what do you people think? is this a normal case of gender questioning? do any other queer therians experience this weire conflicting double edged dysphoria? am i a fucking lunatic? am i just a confused child being brainwashed? let me know & feel free to ask questions.
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cas-coding · 1 year
My brother in christ...your post about trans Jack was so real fr fr.... like, cas not understanding the minutia of gender and the trans experience for humans but understanding that Jack is a boy and just leaving it at that. I got it as (forgive me if I'm wrong) Cas learning everything he knows about the topic from Dean who is pretty cagey about it and uses as few words as possible when he has to discuss it. Cas knowing that its a human taboo to discuss things like this without the person briging it up themselves and jack not knowing it was something he had to ask about, not knowing how humans understabd it. Cas knowing that Jack being a boy is indisputable but not knowing that Jack himself doesn't know this in the sense that he doesn't know anything about gender and everything, he just knows he's a boy. God, something about trans dean being a dad to trans Jack is just so gkdigstsotsots.
Sorry if this was impossible to understand, my brain is fried from uni exams but your trans dean makes my brain go bzz bzzzzz
oh my god thank you so much i literally love reading your comments,,,, strap in for my long analysis where i share every detail of my thought process with you akdfjdalgj
i've been absolutely devouring trans!jack fics lately and i felt like the thing they always get wrong is that cas doesn't understand human gender and i really don't think he ever will. i'm so glad the detail that he learned everything from dean and realized how essential gender is to some people from dean came across, because that's exactly what i intended!! cas just knows that it's really important to dean that he's a man and dean hates talking about how important it is that he's a man, so cas applies the same rules to his conversation with jack
obviously biology is weird for jack because he's half angel but the general thing that kind of went on with him (and i didnt find a way to fit this in the first draft but it might go in the ao3 version of this story, but who knows when i'll get that up) is that he feels like a boy but got his concept of gender completely from his bond with cas, so he molded himself after cas. the bits of cas he can't see... well he assumed he and cas had the same bits. they do not. but jack's grace starts to fade and he gets his period and ugh,,,,
usually i dont like writing sam because he always feels kind of awkward to me (chalk it up to jarpad's bad acting, because sam really is a cool character) but here he felt like he had a purpose??? he is essentially pulling jack back to earth and being kind of a mediator for it all, knowing dean is the better option for something like this because sam is the one who helped dean through his trans discovery, and just knowing that it's not his place to speak on it because he doesn't understand. i eat up trans!sam fics but he's written as cis here for a reason,,,,,,, and it kind of pained me but he was doing the actual intelligent ally thing: he called a trans person and was like hey! you're gonna be better at this than me, and i care about this person, so i'm calling on better help than i can give,,, and honestly i adore him for that
finally dean??? where do i start with dean.,,,,,, he is so repressed. deeply. and i tried to write it so that was obvious, the way he kind of stumbles his way through the biology lesson and says that it's awkward and tries to wiggle his way out of it but he also knows it's not about him. he understands that jack needs him, and he isn't forced to come out to jack, isn't forced to tell him anything personal, but he does, because he knows it will help jack. selfless!dean for the win,,,,,, because at his core, dean is a caretaker and im so mad that they didnt do that in the show between jack and dean. i feel like dean is meant to nurture and raise and take care of and coach jack and i took my opportunity here. dean kept the conversation light and i just loved the silly scene where jack is like "im not a real boy" and dean is like "well am i a real boy" and jack is like "yes of course!!" and dean is like "haha checkmate" obviously thats not the dialogue but i feel like that is peak dean and jack and i hate that the show didnt give that to us. anyway
tldr everyone in the show is trans even tho sam was cis ally here, cas will never understand gender, jack is going thru it, and dean is a caretaker at heart
also i love you have a wonderful day i loved answering this <33
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gaypleasantview · 2 years
dirk (and dustin if u want) for the ask meme? :3
hell yeah!!
Sexuality Headcanon: gay, i enjoy other headcanons for him too but the version of Dirk that lives in my head is definitely homosexual/homoromantic, just feels so right to me. im thinking of putting him on the asexual spectrum somewhere (where is my drink) probably demisexual. his type is probably straight up someone like Dustin if we're being honest here
Gender Headcanon: trans guy! came out as a kid long before Darleen passed away and got lots of support from his parents about both his sexuality and gender <3 i don't know if he realized both around the same time but he knew himself pretty well pretty early on, good for him
A ship I have with said character: ever since i realized the possibility of Dustin/Dirk it has changed my life lol. like it was really always there and it's such an obvious set up but it went completely over my head like it did for most of us i guess, the way maxis seemingly intended is good too because Lilith/Dirk feels like a very exciting couple to play with if you see Dirk being attracted to girls/whatever gender you hc Lilith as. D&D live in my mind rent free tho. it's an easy enemies to lovers for me and some would argue that trope is overdone but there is not nearly enough content about these two that fit the trope perfectly sooo i wanna make that content. speaking of Dirk in this relationship, at first he admits Dustin is cute but hates the dude's attitude so he's gonna be in denial about his Dustin situation for the longest time. he's probably gonna be the one to make this actual relationship happen even though he's gonna be scared. but when Dustin opens up Dirk starts feeling really comfortable with him and falls in love deeply
A BROTP I have with said character: easily him and Lilith, in my hc she's a lesbian and they are fake dating while actually being besties so they don't even have to pretend much. these two are an opposites attract situation too but their energies match so well?? i should probably make them other friends though because no one has more than 2 friends in my stories 😭 i mean Dirk's also good friends with his dad but. yeah
A NOTP I have with said character: this must be about romance but i don't have much to say so i'll talk about enemies instead in this question. well i dont believe he has enemies aside from Dustin and that one's not exactly fitting for this question as we already know so probably no one lol. Dirk doesn't like Angela too and i never realized until just now btw that his relationship with her after he gets with Dustin is gonna be REALLY AWKWARD
A random headcanon: he's a giant bookworm, tries to be the best at everything and is quite grumpy, i feel like he would be very successful in college because he's just a shining star however you look at him. absolute delight (but can be a bitch). he loves cats and the color purple (i actually thought of making it his signature color but he's already assigned blue by maxis so im confused). also a big taylor swift fan
General Opinion over said character: gives off rainy vibes but is actually such a sunshine. i love him so much and im so glad i discovered how great of a character he is a few years ago, he's a certified son of mine (it's actually crazy to think that if he's a teen he's younger than me... like that is a noticeable age gap. huh)
Sexuality Headcanon: i would say the definition that feels right to me is homosexual/biromantic, sometimes i think it could be one or the other but i always remember that it doesn't have to because sexuality is a wide spectrum and im very happy to represent someone who has different romantic and sexual attraction! his gayness is powerful and i also cherish the girl-liking side of him and i think it's beautiful. i don't know if he's allosexual yet but i feel like he's probably demiromantic i hadn't even realized that until just now! im excited
Gender Headcanon: im still wondering about this, i see him as a guy and currently as cis, i really like the idea of him being trans but given how i hc him and his family i feel like by the age of 16 he would be unlikely to freely express himself or maybe even discover himself at all? he's quite emotionally repressed and doesn't give himself time to process his feelings so he probably wouldn't even know what the feeling means if he had it. hmmm
A ship I have with said character: Dirk ofc. Dustin didn't know he was gay and likely had inner homophobia but after meeting Dirk he knew what was up and he embraced it (after they stopped hating each other first heh). he had a pretty wonderful relationship with Angela so i like these two a lot together but with Dirk it's just a whole another story. Angela is like a comfort place and with Dirk it's like a rollercoaster and Dustin is just addicted to the feeling. he will be the first one to make a move but it's gonna be in a bit of a stupid way of course because he's secretly really awkward so it'll take time for them to actually see what's up
A BROTP I have with said character: Angela. she helps him with the kids and just generally spends so much time with him and they genuinely love each other so much as bf and gf but then as friends too, the breakup is hard for Angela but after some time it definitely gets better and they are just a great couple of peeps who care for each other :) i would say i need to get Dusty other friends too but i'll be honest with you i don't even think he has any. poor boy i gave him like 2 or 3 nice points
A NOTP I have with said character: Lilith hates Dustin and wouldn't engage 😭 she learns to tolerate him but imagine these two put in a room they would fight to death
A random headcanon: Dustin is a huge family boy and the only times he is genuinely expressing his feelings is when he is with his little siblings. Brandi and him have a weird relationship that is full of fights but in its core their relationship is not the worst, she's a loving mom just not very good at it. he probably has some obscure hobbies but i don't remember which rn. he likes sports (sadly). he's a very angsty teen and 100% listens to angsty teenage music in his room. he's gonna be such a great man in college when he matures and starts being honest with himself about things and this is the best glow up ever
General Opinion over said character: i love Dustin. i am so proud of his growth and bravery <3 he is kind of a menace in the beginning of my story, super mean but i don't want to throw him under the bus because his soul is so beautiful. wait is that bus thing even a saying or did i make that up. anyways boy needs therapy and hugs
thank you so much for the ask!!! this is really long but i love talking about them <3
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teeto-peteto · 10 months
…Out of curiosity, what’s your least favourite skin line?
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ah i see... blood, i like that.
Ok so i hate Riot and i like destroying like a kaiju with rabies so, i consider a skinline something that has at least 2 sets, cause saying Zenith Games would be repetitive and we all know that was a literal crime. So if i had to say one, Project.
Okay, the first release of Project was good, i dont really remember if i saw the release when i started playing, but the initial skins were good. The colors were well put on, the whole mecha but prothesic but futuristic stuff was well glued together, the designs were neat! They were simpler, but well put together. The only itch i have is that they made women have like, at least the half down of her face uncovered while the men champions get all their face covered. But yeah, Riot making gendered accentuations in skins, we have been knew, it keeps happening.
Master Yi and Ashe were cool when they came out eventually, again i think they are neat (gendered nonetheless) and Yi had cool interactions, Ashe had that toggle where she uncovers/covers with her hood when surrounded by enemies or being alone, wich is cool for a legendary skin from back in the day.
Vayne, Vi and Jhin were also good, Jhin is iconic, i think Vayne has a good skin, Vi went kinda on the irrelevant hole but its a neat skin nonetheless. See this is exactly what happends in all of the skinlines riot has exploited. They make good shit until they realize they can milk fans EVEN MORE and then start to get lazy.
I dont understand the downgrade with the next skin set. It was hideous, they made Pyke so dirty with a literal scam skin that recycles the default animations a lot of the time but still costs 15 dollars, and the whole story was very mushy imo. The gender remark on the skins started to get frustrating. Cause of course Irelia is pink cause shes a woman and she's also showing her face, Fiora was pink. Katarina is also pink. Jinx is purple thank god but thats probably because she was released alongside Irelia because in another case they would have made her PINK cause she's a GIRL. On the other hand Akali is there and everyone has ONE colour just not to mess up with the palette but they give her BLUE hair and RED weapons. Honey just pick a damn fucking colour you cant have both.
Since then everything has been crashing down, honestly i cant remember when did Katarina and Ekko appear but they were before Pyke and his gang release and i dont think they are bad skins entirely i just think its obvious that Kata is pink. At least they also show Ekko's half face.
There's this weird ass change (i didnt read the lore nor i care but...) were they were like robots at first and there was also human characters and now they're just HUMAN CHARACTERS or human characters stuck in ANIMAL MECHA SUITS im loosing a braincell typing this. Project Mordekaiser? They said it was the best skin in the whole game. Im not anyone to interfere on their opinion and i think their opinion is great but here's my angry opinion: Bullshit, fan inflated, male character oogabooga, if they did same with a female character everyone would be zzz. Project Renekton is eh? Project Warwick is also an eh? No clue why they started with a lets make the animal characters in project and put guys inside like. They dont know about the springlocks wink wink. I often forget Sejuani exists in this universe but yeah she has a robot pig. Or is it a guy in four inside a pig suit? Tell me cause i didnt get the memo quite well. Senna is purple cause making her pink was going to be obvious and anyway doesnt fit her aesthetic but its also a forgettable skin, at leasy you can pair it with Lucian, her face being shown of course cause yeah Riot being creative. Project Sylas is HIDEOUS i've never seen such a terrible concept of a skin he's just himself in his canon outfit but with changed colours and they keep trying to sell it to me for 10 dollars. Project Varus is literally the same as Akali but less painful, honey just pick a colour you cant be blue and yellow. Icky.
In conclusion: Girls in mecha futuristic suits show their faces cause they are too pretty to be covered even when there are laser blasters and stuff falling from the ceiling. Sylas is shirtless and thats his entire personality in the skinline. They made Pyke dirty (honestly this is my most painful statement, im drying my tears with my Project: Pyke and his 7 chromas). There are guys inside animal suits but Bristle is there so i just raise my eyebrow in confusion. Mordekaiser being the best thing to ever happen to humanity after the discovery of fire according to the fans. Etc
Anyway, set in on fire.
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junietuesday · 1 year
I know exactly what you mean as a bisexual who reads a lot of zelink fanfics. I feel like it's the most glaringly obvious when it comes to nsfw fics. It really brings people's biases about gender roles out when they write smut. You can kind of immediately tell when a fic was written by someone who was brought up with conservative christian ideas and still has those ideas vs a queer or non-religious author by how they approach things. It's very obvious. It's suddenly "no sex before marriage" or something of that ilk or it's suddenly painfully obvious the author has only watched porn aimed at men and has no other reference about how sex works. I also can't help but notice people are afraid to state the male character "moaned" it always has to be "groaned" for some reason. Like "moaning" is somehow less masculine or something? I also hate when people make Link a complete horndog. I don't mind people giving him the occasional realistic intrusive teenage boy thought, that's just embarrassingly relatable when done right, but when people make him this sex god who goes around sleeping with everyone in castle town or something to make him more "manly" I just. Ugh. I wish they'd realize there is nothing wrong or "less manly" about a guy having no experience with girls. To say nothing of how they make Zelda uncharacteristically meek and demure. People seem to be weirdly afraid of ~emasculating~ the androgynous elf guy who canonically crossdresses or ever letting him be vulnerable, something that is important in relationships.
YES LITERALLY ALL OF THIS. esp the thing abt it being so much more prevalent in nsfw fics. like they really need to make link this hypermasculine virile animalistic sex god, and zelda this shy fainting flower to his manliness. like this is zelda, did we even play the same game if you think she’s not headstrong and enthusiastic and shes Anything but meek to link in the memories, and link is just a goofy somewhat-guy, i just cant reconcile this cishet manly man version of link w his softness w her in the cutscenes and, yknow, all the gender he has going on. ive even seen fics when its like, the idea of link being Not cishet gets played for laughs, like “his masculinity being tested” by anal(????? hello??) and zelda full on laughing at link for having kissed a boy once and link denying it as a phase when he was young…… girl im sorry but not even getting into the homophobia there, zelink is (t4t) bi4bi it just is. you can really tell when the authors still buy into cisheteronormativity from the characterizations getting put second to the gender roles, and from even the descriptions of their bodies being almost objectifying to match conventional beauty standards from movies (its always link’s bulging rippling muscles or zelda’s feminine curves and “womanhood”). its so jarring to get used to less cishet romance writing in fanfic compared to some mainstream media, only to get reminded that those cishet romance writers are here too lmao. at this point i just stick to the few zelink authors who actually get them right and dont really go diving through the whole tag
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lavenderjacobs · 4 years
fluff alphabet - Sapnap
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➳ wc; 2,1K (she’s a long one lol)  ➳ pronouns; gender neutral<3 ➳ song reccomendation; heart eyes - coin
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A=Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a partner?)
nick’s an ass guy and you can’t convince me otherwise. he’s also just loves your thighs and your stomach. he loves how soft your skin is, and how good you smell. whenever he’s sad he just rests his head on your stomach while you tangle you fingers in his hair. 
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B=Best memory (Their favourite memory of you)
he cherishes your first kiss so much. he just has such a soft spot for that memory. the moment he finally found out you felt the same about him, the moment he finally found out what your lips against his felt like. it’s just something he had looked forward to for forever, and to him, it was perfect. 
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C=Cuddles  (What type of cuddles do they like?)
sapnap is a WHORE for cuddles. if it where up to him, you two would just lay in bed all day, tangled in each other’s arms. after a long day, he just wants to hold his favourite person and fall asleep with them, so he just wraps his arms around your waist while he uses your chest as a pillow. but if he’s in a chatty mood, he’ll just talk your ears off, ranting about something he finds interesting, while you’re all snuggled up in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
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D=Dirty mind (Do they have a dirty mind?)
I mean, come on. it’s sapnap. we all know he does. he gets *excited* very easily, which can sometimes get in the way when you two are just trying to cuddle. he just has such a soft spot for your body and has to have his way with you once certain ideas have entered his mind. 
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E=Effort (How much effort do they put in the relationship?)
nick would definitely try his best. honestly you don't care if his plans actually turn out the way he intented them to, it's the thought that counts. and nick knows that. but theres just something about you that makes him want to spoil you and treat you like a princess. so prepare yourself for fancy dates, him making you your favorite food, all that type of stuff.
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F=First date (What was your first date together)
arcade date arcade date arcade date. sap is super competitive and I feel like he would thrive in an arcade. he would play it off like he was just trying to proof how good he was at the arcade games. but he'd just love to see how hard you would be trying to beat him. obviously he'd let you win a lot, and when he collected enough tickets, he would get you the biggest prize he could find.
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G=Gentle (How gentle are they with you?)
it....depends???? lmao. nick CAN be super gentle with you, he’s pretty protective of you and would never want you to get hurt, so he’s definitely very careful not to do anything to hurt you. but sometimes his instinct just kinda takes over and well, he can get pretty rough. 
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H=Hands (Do they have nice hands?)
hmmm nick has like,,very manly hands,, if you know what i mean. i dont know, they're just so rough but yet so pretty??? and they're like really big compared to yours so when he holds ur hand, yours looks so tiny in his. and omg he won't shut up about it. "LOOK AT YOUR HANDS THEY'RE SO SMALL🥺"
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I=Impression (What was their first impression?)
he just thought you were so ~cool~. like he immediately knew he wanted to be your friend. he was just so in awe of how funny, chill and charismatic you were. and it literally took two days for him to develop a crush on you. his friends would notice this right away and tease him about it so much omg.
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J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous often? If so what do they do?)
YUP. nick gets jealous so easy yup yup yup. jealousy, protectiveness, possessiveness, you name it. you two would often get in fights about this, but most of the time you would just think it’s cute how riled up he gets. he doesn’t get mad at you (because you’re his precious little baby and can do no wrong in his eyes :D) but god help the souls of whoever tries to flirt with you, because they’ve got a hell of a storm coming.
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K=Kisses (What type of kisses do they like/give?)
god nick’s such a passionate kisser. or at least he can be lol. he loves the way your face fits into his hands, and how soft your lips are. so he definitely is a fan of just some wholesome passionate kisses. but damn this man gets sloppy when he wants to. his lips constantly trails off to your jaw, neck and collar bones.
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L=Love  (Do they show their love?)
i feel like his love language would be like a mix between words of affection and physical touch??? he’s definitely very verbal with his love for you. he doesn’t shy away from saying i love you or letting you know how much he appreciates you in any other way.
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M=Memory: (Their favourite memory in general?)
there are certain moments where nick just sits back, watches, and realizes how amazing his life is. and how grateful he is to have you. for example, you were playing minecraft on his pc, and your house kept getting blown up by creepers, he found it adorable how mad you got every time. he just watched you play, while sitting on his bed. after a while, you looked over at him, and caught him staring. “what?” you asked after letting out a soft chuckle. he felt like he was gonna explode from how much he loved you. 
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N=Nickname  (What nicknames do they call you?)  
i’m getting very strong “baby” and “doll” vibes from nick. he loves baby-ing you and smothering you with other loving nicknames. just any petnames that show how much he loves you he’s all for. he would also love calling you “pretty” or “beautiful” for obvious reasons. 
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O=Over  (What happened the one time you ‘broke up’?)
nick HATES fighting with you, but once you two get into an argument he can get pretty carried away. he’s definitely the type to let his emotions get the upper hand on him. raising his voice a lot, stuff like that. but the second you leave to get some space he just breaks down. sliding down the wall and resting his face in his hands, just letting all the emotions out. he never meant to hurt you. when you came back to him, ready to be enclosed in his arms again, he had a hard time letting you back in. he just felt like he didn’t deserve you after he treated you like this. it took some convincing, but once you broke down his walls again, it was like he gave you all the love in his body. just smothering you with “i’m sorry”s and kisses. 
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P=Parents (What would they be like as a parent?)
dilfnap dilfnap dilfnap  omg he’d be such a good dad. like just very caring and loving, but also strict and stern when he needs to be. he’d constantly be telling stories to the kids about the absurd adventures him and his friends would get into, and omg the dad jokes he’d make. idk maybe it’s my daddy issues but dad sapnap lives in my mind rent free. 
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Q=Quirk (Something special about them)
he loves holding your hand. especially in public. if you’re in a crowded space, he just holds onto you very tightly as not to lose you. or if you two are just going on a walk together, his hands would just feel so warm and soft around yours. and omg he loves it when his hands are in his pockets, and you put your hands in there with him, and intertwine your fingers with his. hmmm he gets so soft when you do that.
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R=Romantic (How romantic are they?)
i- uh- I MEAN HE WOULD TRY he really would, and again, that’s all that matters. I feel like he would be the type to try to prepare a whole surprise dinner, he would cook all the food himself, he would set the table all cute, with candles and shit, but just completely ruin the surprise by accidentally giving it all away by saying something or just behaving very obviously suspicious. 
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S=Sad (What are they like when they’re sad?)
he just gets really quiet. he would never want to bother you or be a pain in the ass by complaining to you. but obviously you notice when something is wrong with ur bby boy. a sentence like “are you okay?” or “what’s wrong?” would immediately send him over the edge, burying his face in your chest, trying his best to supress his sobs. but he eventually calms down, and once he does, he’s able to just rant to you about whatever is bothering him.
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T=Together (What are they like when you’re together?)
i feel like it would really depend on his mood, like he could be either SUPER chill, just wanting to savour the time you two had together. or he could be really hyper, constantly talking, wanting to do all kinds of activities with you. he’d be the literal definition of :D
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U=Understanding (How understanding and empathetic are they?)
very. i just get such empathetic vibes from him. he’s such a good listener and he’ll just listen to you talk whenever you have something to be upset about. he never invalidates your feelings and omg he’d give the best advice. 
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V=Value (What do they value most about the relationship?)
he loves that he can 100% be his self around you. there’s no part of his personality that he feels like he has to hide, or tone down, whenever he’s with you. you also aspire him to be his best self, he just wants to be the best boyfriend in the world. all his friends have noticed this too, you bring out the best in him.
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W=Wedding (Would they want marriage? If so what would they like?)
eh. if you’re a person who really values marriage, he’d 100% do it for you. but it’s not like he HAS to. he gets a bit scared by the idea of this whole big event, where everything is about you two, he would way rather celebrate the love you two have in the comfort of your own home, just the two of you. the one thing he would love about a wedding, would be seeing you all dolled up, walking down the aisle, omg he’d be the proudest man ever to be able to call you his.
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X=X-Ray (How well can they read you?)
the SECOND you start to feel sad or depressed in any way, nick notices immediately. he knows you better than anybody else, and he knows exactly what to do to cheer you up. it’s like his superpower. if you’re feeling anxious he’ll just wrap his arms around you really tightly, holding on to you until you calm down. and when you’re sad, and in need for something to cheer you up, he’ll take you outside for a walk in the park, or he’ll just sit in bed with you, watching your favourite show. 
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Y=Yuck (What they would never want in a partner)
he hates when you flirt with his friend, even when you’re very obviously joking. his jealous ass can’t deal with that lmao. he also gets super pissed when his friends make flirtatious jokes towards you, they know how much it gets on his nerves and that’s really the only reason they do it. but omg he gets so pissed when it happens. 
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Zzz (How do they sleep around you?)
nick would be the cutest sleeper ever omg. he doesn’t like to admit it, but he loves being little spoon. he loves resting his head on your chest, while you play with his hair, patiently waiting for him to fall asleep. 
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stoneworldsimp · 3 years
what’s mine is not yours —a request
platonic senku x reader
warnings: swearing, anxiety, talk of insecurities and worries, gender dysphoria
your name!
your name!
your hands slapped to your ears, eyes shut tight. i can’t take this so early in the morning.
the voices from your dream had lingered longer than you would have liked. it reminded you it was time to face another day, to endure another long long day and night of hearing the wrong things.
maybe if i went and lived on my own again…i wouldn’t have to deal with it—no. senku needs me. he needs me…what does he need me for again? you rolled onto your stomach; your pillow rustled as you flopped it on top of your head. he doesn’t need me. i’d rather be lonely than hear everyone say some bullshit about me.
everyone in the village knew you as a miss. yuzuriha made you more neutral clothes upon request, but everyone assumed you were tomboyish. luckily, no one read more into it; it was nice to dress comfortably, but it was like no one else understood. why were they still calling you a girl? and the older folks, you knew they meant well! but you couldn’t help but feel like their constant “sweet girl”s were making fun of you at this point.
i can’t do it, i can’t do it, they’re making fun of me right now, as i think. as i exist!
you felt a tear trickle down the side of your nose.
oh, you’re kidding. crying? again? is this—
a knock on your door halted your thoughts; you quickly flipped back and sat up in your bed on the ground of your hut, and wiped your face quickly. you lightly slapped your cheeks to stop yourself from continuing crying.
“it’s me. can i come in?”
senku’s voice brought some sort of relief; personally you felt it was better for him to come in at such a time than anyone else.
you took a deep breath. “sure, but i just woke up. i’m staying under my blanket.”
senku laughed behind the door. a small shove was made and it opened, revealing a quite chipper senku. he liked to come early in the morning when the rest of the village was quiet.
his smirk faltered once he saw your face. you believed you hid your crying well; you didn’t think to check your red eyes or stinging cheeks.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, his words much gentler than when he asked to come in.
damn. how could i not realize i was so obvious?
with a deep breath, you whispered, “senku.. we’re pretty good friends, right?”
he snickered. “of course we are, way more than that asshole gen.”
his voice was closer. you laughed as well, and wiped your eyes clear. he slowly walked over and sat down on the floor next to you. senku was looking at you, really looking at you; it was intense, almost if he was making sure his closeness or anything about his presence wasn’t bothering you.
“okay…i’m about to say a lot of stuff. let me know if you need me to explain more, or if i’m talking too much. or—“
your words halted as senku put a hand on your shoulder, a smile light on his face. “all ears.”
you smiled back softly. “okay. so—back in..our time,”you gestured between the two of you with your hands, “i told my family and friends i was, uhm… nonbinary. like i don’t feel male or female, i use they/them pronouns; all that good stuff. still feel that way now. and, for quite some time, they didn’t believe me. not in a direct ‘you’re lying’ way, but more of ‘i don’t understand it therefore you shouldn’t understand it’ type of thing. i got a lot of shit from people who weren’t my friends, too. but with my friends’ support and getting more confidence after coming out, my parents were able to kinda see it. but yeah, it took quite some time. probably like.. eight months? even then, i had to remind them constantly, ‘not a daughter. please don’t call me she or he. please don’t call me a woman.’ but we were getting there. and right when we got petrified, right when it happened, i saw the look on my mom’s face.
“we were talking about me and my identity and it was like something had clicked in her brain. like, she knew exactly what i meant and how i felt when i said what it meant to be nonbinary. i don’t even remember what i said specifically, but i remember her expression as if she were standing in front of me right now. i was so hopeful i’d see her again, her expression got me through my petrification and even helped me break out of it. but of COURSE, i didn’t ever see her again after i woke up. and then i almost lost my own sense of self after being by myself for probably a year.. i was under the assumption i’d never meet another person again, so when i did run into your village—i had this gross feeling of dread. and i realized it was the same feeling that basically lived inside of me before i came out.”
you sat up straighter and looked away from senku. “it’s like, i have to rebuild my identity all over again. people always say you shouldn’t care about what other people say, but i can’t help it. i’m a sensitive person. i get hurt easily, no matter how hard i try to thicken my skin. they all, they all just use ‘she’ and ‘her’ and ‘that girl’ so often, it feels like they’re making fun of me, like they’re constantly telling me i’m not who i say i am. and i can’t tell them senku, being nonbinary was confusing for so many people in our time, i hardly believe they’ll understand it now. sure, my parents were fine, but it took a while before they got it. i can only imagine how long it’ll take for everyone here.”
senku was quiet. have you over explained yourself? was it too overbearing? in all honesty you’d only been good friends with senku a short while; you should have waited at least a little bit longer before letting him in on something so personal—
“it all, it all kind of makes sense now.”
huh?! “what?”
“what you told me, i think i get it now.”
you gave him a look up and down. it was possible, but you didn’t think there was much of a chance that senku would be so..cool with it. not right away. you expected some form of silent treatment for at least a day or two, so he could collect his own thoughts.
“i’m gonna say something, and i need you to listen. yeah?”
you stared at him like your brain short-circuited. what the fuck is he gonna say to me.. oh god, he doesn’t wanna be friends anymore. but he’ll be too nice to kick me out of the village. but it is his village—
“hey, hey…are you with me?” you both sat facing each other now, and his hands rested on your shoulders.
just hear him out. “yeah. all ears.”
he smoothed your shoulders with his thumb. “you’re just as valid as everyone out there. i know you’re scared, but believe me when i say they will not be mocking you in any way. sure, it might take a while for them to understand, but theyre not going to give up just because they dont get something right away. it took me a few months to fully convince this village i could help them, and even then, there were still a few who didn’t fully understand the experiments and contraptions i made until a while later. i know that isn’t the same as your situation… but what i’m trying to say is that they will try their best to know you, the real you. they aren’t going to mock you; if anything, they’ll have lots of questions to ask you.
“also, you have me, you have gen to help out in case you don’t have the capacity to answer everything yourself. i’ve a few things about gender before the stone world, and gen definitely knows a lot of things that are relevant to it as well.
“everyone here… they’re all so eager to learn, i highly doubt they’ll be unaccepting. they’ll be curious. and they’ll be happy you’re letting them in on something that is so important.”
tears had made their way down your face and on your clothes halfway through his mini-monologue; you didn’t notice him continuously wiping them away until he was finished. “it’s going to be okay. trust me.”
with a quiet sob, you pushed yourself into his arms for a hug.
“thank you.”
you knew he wasn’t particularly one for any type of physical contact, but he gladly accepted. for the occasion, he thought. his arms slowly wrapped around your slightly shaking body as you tried to calm down. neither of you spoke for a few minutes; only your soft sniffles were heard in the hut.
“senku, i think that was the most i’ve heard you talk about something that wasn’t directly related to science,” you laughed into his neck.
he laughed back. “i had a lot saved, since there were moments i could tell you were kind of uncomfortable. i didn’t want to force you into talking about it either, so i just waited. tried to figure out what i was going to say. it had to be good.. you are one of my closest friends, after all.”
both of you embraced each other a little tighter. “i hope all of this helped, i want you to live here with none of those worries. especially after so many months of having it bottled inside.”
you nodded in response.
today.. today will be the day i tell everyone not to use what they used to call me; that won’t do at all anymore.
today, i’ll tell everyone my name.
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a-dragons-journal · 3 years
i dont "kin for fun" but through tiktok i found out about the whole kin for fun vs actual otherkin... situation ig? im having a really hard time taking it seriously... maybe im just burnt out and bitter from dealing with the worlds current events, and maybe its because on tiktok the only people i saw mad about it were white people, but you're the most reasonable person ive seen talking about it (a lot of other posts have this odd tone that 12 year olds on tiktok saying kin is the worlds greatest opression and it weirds me out) so ig my question is just... why exactly does this matter? why does it matter enough to post about and care about and not just ignore? /gen
Hey! I don’t blame you for being a bit weirded out by it, we’re a weird subculture and we’re well aware of it! xD I appreciate you taking the time to actually look into it past your first knee-jerk reaction, especially considering burnout and the state of things.
I’m not totally sure if you’re asking why otherkinity matters or why the “kin for fun” being wrong matters, so I’ll answer both - they’re pretty well tied together anyway.
The short version:
Otherkinity is an identity. It’s who we are, we can’t choose to pick it up or put it down, and it comes with struggles - though no, ‘kin are not systematically oppressed (though we are pretty badly bullied and, at this point, pushed out of our own words and spaces).
What people calling roleplay/relating to/projecting onto characters “kinning for fun” does is steal our words, make them meaningless, and in doing so, make it difficult or impossible for us to find each other. If someone says “I kin [x],” I no longer know whether they mean “I am [x] on an intrinsic level” or “haha I relate to this character a lot”. I no longer know whether they actually share my experiences or if they’re going to turn on me and call me “crazy” as soon as they realize I’m not exaggerating or joking or roleplaying. It’s done massive harm to the community as a whole because it’s become difficult to tell whether someone is actually ‘kin or if they’ve misunderstood the whole thing - and because antikin rhetoric, which I’m seeing more and more in KFF spaces, hurts far more when it’s coming from inside what you thought was a community space than when it’s coming from self-labeled “antikin.”
There are other words for roleplaying and relating to and projecting onto characters. Hell, there are words for strongly identifying with-but-not-as characters/things, though usually KFF people don’t even seem serious enough for those to fit in my experience. I’m really not sure why these people are so determined to steal and misuse our words, words that were specifically created to mean something else, when they already have their own and are just refusing to use them. (Or, hell, if you don’t feel like those fit, make your own. We did. It’s your turn to put in the work. (General you, not you-the-anon, of course.))
An analogy, if that still doesn’t quite land for you:
Consider, for a moment, the transgender community. I am aware this is a dangerous thing to say, but bear with me. Obvious CW for hypothetical transphobia up ahead is obvious.
Consider if you were part of the trans community (I don’t know if you are or not), having finally found a word to explain why you feel the way you do about yourself, why your experiences don’t seem to match up with those of everyone else around you. Having found a community, a home, full of other people like you, people you never would have met if not for words like “transgender” and “gender dysphoria/euphoria” that were created specifically to describe your experiences.
Now consider if people suddenly stumbled across your community for the first time who were not trans themselves. They see community jokes and lighthearted posts out of context, because Tumblr and Twitter aren’t exactly conducive to making sure people find the Transgender 101 information posts first. They don’t bother to do further research, assuming they understand: ah, these people like to crossdress! They like to pretend they’re a different gender! This seems like a fun hobby, I want in!
They begin to post things like this. They post photos of them crossdressing and caption them “hi, I’m [name], and I trans men!” and things of the like. Suddenly the concept of “transing for fun” seems to be everywhere - and it’s not at all what being trans actually is, but these people either don’t know or don’t care. When actual trans people try to politely correct them, they’re accused of “gatekeeping” - and to be clear, this is not “nonbinary people aren’t real,” it’s “transgender means you identify as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth, and you’re self-identifying as the gender you were assigned at birth 100% and telling us this is just a fun hobby for you, therefore you’re not trans, you’re crossdressing or doing drag or being GNC. That’s fine, but it’s not being trans - you have other words to describe that, use those.”
(Yes, I am aware these things have a history with the trans community - please just ignore that for the sake of the analogy and bear with me on the slightly simplified version of this. “Kinning for fun” does not have that same history with the otherkin community.)
...And then the response to those attempted corrections, in some corners, turns into “wait, you ACTUALLY think you’re another gender? idk that sounds pretty unhealthy, maybe you should see a psychologist or something :\” and “you’re taking this too seriously.”
I imagine, in this hypothetical scenario, you’d also be pretty fuckin peeved.
(Obviously, in this hypothetical scenario, systematic transphobia would be an issue as well, which isn’t the case for otherkin - again, you’re gonna have to bear with me on the simplification for sake of analogy there.)
(EDIT: this is not an anti-MOGAI/exclusionist argument, this is “you’re literally telling me you don’t fit the definition,” explanation on that here)
The long version, which is probably still worth reading if you have the time and energy:
Otherkinity is... pretty core to who I am, who we as a group of individuals are. We live with being otherkin on a daily basis. Many of us spent a long time feeling different and disconnected and not understanding why until we found the otherkin community. Even people like me, who don’t share that experience and still had social connection - I’ve still had to live with weird differences that I had to learn to mask when necessary; instincts that don’t line up with human society well, feeling body parts that weren’t there and that no one else ever seemed to have, things that other kids grew out of because it was just make-believe for them and I... didn’t, because it was never make-believe for me to begin with. Oh, sure, I played make-believe too - I played warrior cats and house and all those things with the other kids, but there were things that weren’t play-pretend for me too. I didn’t have an explanation for it for a long time - it was just how I was, I was weird, and fortunately for me personally I was okay with that (many of those with species dysphoria or more trouble connecting with humans have more problems from that than I did).
And then I found the word “otherkin.” And suddenly everything fell into place, and I had an explanation for the things I’d been experiencing, and there were other people like me. Something I’d assumed didn’t exist. I found others who shared my unique experiences, who were talking about how to cope with the instinct to growl or snap jaws at people instead of expressing annoyance in a human way instead of just saying “that’s weird, don’t do that”, who were talking about dealing with phantom wings and tails, who understood me. I wasn’t weird, I wasn’t broken, I was exactly what one would expect from a dragon living in human skin. I found an explanation for myself. I found a home.
That is why otherkinity matters - it is who we are, it’s not something we can walk away from (certainly not most of us, anyway), and it’s something many of us need the support of the community to help deal with on a daily basis. Being a nonhuman in human society isn’t always easy, but it’s not something we can just magically stop being - it’s core to who we are, we (generally) didn’t choose to be this way, and we (generally) can’t choose to stop. Which is fine - the vast majority of us can cope with it just fine, with a little advice and help and space to be our authentic selves in. We found each other, we built this community from the ground up to make a space and words to make finding each other easier - or possible at all.
Thus we come to the second half of our story.
It was only a couple of years ago that the “kin for fun” trend started getting big. It had existed before that, of course, but it only started going mainstream two, maybe three years ago, from what I can tell. Suddenly people were treating “kin” like it meant relating to, projecting onto, roleplaying as, or just really really liking a character or thing - not being that thing, which is what it actually means. Not long after that, it became hard to tell whether someone saying “I kin this” meant they were that thing, that they were actually part of our community - or that they really really liked that thing and either didn’t know or couldn’t be bothered to learn that that wasn’t the case for us.
Not long after that, it became relatively commonplace to hear phrases like “otherkin are ruining kinning!!” and “you’re taking this too seriously” and “idk, if it’s that serious for you that sounds unhealthy. maybe you should get some help :\” (all directly quoted, or as exactly quoted as I can remember, from things KFF people have said to me or people I know).
It is a special kind of hell, I think, to be told “you’re taking this too seriously, that’s unhealthy” by people who are taking words created to describe your experiences, not theirs, and misusing them to mean something that you do for fun on a weekend instead of something that’s intrinsic to your being.
Perhaps more importantly, like I’ve said, it’s making it almost impossible to know whether someone who says “I kin [x]” is actually ‘kin or if they’re misusing our words to mean something else entirely. The entire point of words is to communicate ideas, and once you start misusing words to mean something totally different than what they actually mean, that communication falls apart and suddenly we might as well not have those words at all. Especially when the community is small enough and obscure enough that we’re starting to be outnumbered by the misinformation. We’re being run out of our own words, words we created to describe our experiences specifically - because we’re a small community that the wider internet can easily drown out by sheer numbers of people who either don’t know any better or don’t care to learn.
That’s the harm it does - the harm it is doing, right now. That’s why it’s important enough to post about. That’s why it matters - because we’re fighting desperately to hang onto our own words so that others like us can actually find us. Because we’re seeing young nonhumans go “this isn’t a kin, I actually am this” and screaming “No, I’m so sorry that this is what the misinformation has done to you, that’s exactly what otherkin means, you have a place here, please don’t let these non-’kin misusing our words drive you away from the very community you’re looking for and that you belong in.” Because we can’t even communicate effectively about our own experiences anymore except in semi-closed spaces like Discord servers and forums (and the number of Discord servers overrun with KFF people is absurd).
......This got very long. Hopefully it at least explained why it matters so much to me and others a bit better ^^; Thanks for hearing me out, and thank you again for looking into this beyond your initial knee-jerk reaction - I really do appreciate it.
(For further reading, if that text wall didn’t blow you out of the water completely, I recommend my “kin for fun” tag, which has more posts like this in both short and long form.)
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icantspeakspanish · 3 years
Being Seijoh‘s queer manager - Headcanons
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Ship: Platonic!Oikawa x Platonic!Reader / Platonic!Iwaizumi x Platonic!Reader / Platonic!Hanamaki x Platonic!Reader / Platonic!Matsukawa x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: actually none. It’s just fluff and maybe the 3rd years flipping of some mean people
A/n: I recently can’t stop thinking about headcanons to that, so enjoy I guess🕳🚶
Coming out to them
Oikawa Tooru
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Okay listen
Oikawa pays SO MUCH attention to his friends
Like, if you’re looking at a person longer than u look at other people, this mf will notice that right then and there
Don’t worry, he wont just point that out
Maybe he‘ll drop some dumb comments like the dumb clown he is, but he wont spill anything
Oikawa is going to be more observing
One day you just hang out with him
and this shithead has a fucking plan
I do not kid you when I‘m telling u he has a whole maSTERPLAN??😀
both of you are on your own phone, you scrolling though Instagram liking memes about ur closeted sexuality and laughing inside, I see you
Then Oikawa plays on purpose one song
„Me and your girlfriend playin' dress up at my house..“
You immediately freeze
🎶👹Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious👹🎶
You literally try so hard to sent a gaze on Oikawas phone without him noticing
You see in the upper corner of your eye how Oikawa is grinning SO BOLD AT YOU BYE
Brb, just getting a tomato to complain it to your face❤️
Tbh, he wasn’t even sure till you turned red like there ain’t no other choice
You just acted obvious as fU-
Oikawa will deadass laugh at your confused face, but then hug you
„Why didn’t you say anything? I could‘ve get you a significant other so much earlier???“
Slap him pls
After you tell him that you just felt really anxious or something like that, Oikawa will hug you again
He will tell you that he loves you no matter what and that he‘s sure the team will too
Oikawa will absolutely get you like a pride flag to surprise you
He‘s so proud of you and happy you told him🥺
Oikawa will literally look in public out for a partner for u 💀
Put a leash on that piece of crap, or I will
If you’re part of the asexual spectrum, Oikawa will make sure no one is making you uncomfortable and to know your boundaries about jokes, touching, etc.
Will text u things like
Hit him
„If you have to reject this dipshit one more time, I‘ll let Iwaizumi and Kyiotani go WiLD😐“
Love him
„If you wont make a move on them, I will🤨“
Throw him off a bridge
Oikawa is always going to be there for you, ready to let his fangirls flip off everyone who just looks the wrong way at you
He just loves you and wants u to be happy🥺
Iwaizumi Hajime
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Iwa isn’t suspecting anything
Sure, he cares about you, but he doesn’t care about which gender u love
He doesent think that is any of his business, he just wants u to be happy and treaten well and taken care of
Pls I love him
since Iwaizumi wont suspect anything, you’ll have to make the first move into this conversation.
So when you and Iwa walk home after practice it seems like the perfect time
You don’t know how to start, so you sorta just blurt that shit out
„What‘s up?“
„I‘m ____“
Your legs stop moving
You look at him like 👁👄👁
he be having the audacity to stop walking and ask you what’s wrong
„Did you understand what I just said?“
„Yeah, why?“
Y/n.exe stopped working
Iwaizumi.exe crashed too
„What else am I supposed to say?! You’re my friend, I don’t care which gender you having sex with!“
He ain’t good with words I‘m sorry🧑‍🦯
Will ruffle you’re hair and tell you not to worry, he can beat up any gender😩👌
I actually don’t think he‘d ask you questions. He doesen’t want to make you uncomfortable and just googles about it if there’s anything he doesen’t understand. Iwaizumi is actually pretty invested and wants to learn about your sexuality since one of his closest friends just came out to him.
If anyone is being rude to you, Iwaizumi will pop off
If he’s shopping or smth like that and sees something with pride colors / your flag colors, he will buy that and give it to you
Definitely ready to beat up anyone who tries to insult you because of your sexuality
Radiates big protective dad energy and wants to meet your partner before y’all go out
Iwa just wants you to stay safe
10/10 would recommend marriage 💯
Hanamaki Takahiro
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„Are you gay?“
You look pale into his face
„Is that a yes?“
I don‘t even know why, but he would definitely know
Not your sexuality EXACTLY, but he knows you ain’t straight
Makki also uses that as an explanation and tells you you didn’t looked hetero from the start
Excuse you-
He‘s just a natural i guess
You tell him then what your actual sexuality is and Hanamaki is so chill about it
Will smile at you and tell you that he‘s proud of you and maybe apologizing for blurting that shit out of the blue
If someone is making you uncomfortable in anyway, Hanamaki will hunt them down to make them apologize
he will sent you some lgbtq+ memes and capture it with „That reminds me of u“
Matsukawa Issei
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Hear me out
He makes jokes often
and since you (as seijohs manager) hang out with them often, both of you joke often
like y’all have some insiders, you give joking answers to his jokes
so when you and Mattsun went out to get drinks, he was joking as usual
„He/she’d be a great fiancé. dont you think?“
U look in the direction he’s pointing and see a friend group who’s chatting
„Naaah. His/her friend looks hotter“
u actually said that without thinking and as soon as you realize u started to blush and look to him
Matsukawa still looks into that direction.
„you’re right, they got that dumptruck“ BYE
„Matsukawa Issei, I knew youre an ass dude!“
pls y’all are so casual
after that he asks you if you meant that and really are interested in this gender
„wait that’s ___, right?“
you nod a bit surprised because you didn’t expect him to know the name of your sexuality
Matsukawa looks intimidating like Iwaizumi, but he‘d joke around with your date tbh
but if they’re being shitty to you, Matsukawa won’t hesitate to sent them to hell
as long as they won’t hurt you physically, he will make so mean jokes, always pick a fight with them and is SO sarcastic towards them💀
mattsun also made you a playlist with like pride songs
Going to a Pride parade with them!!
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He will absolutely wear a pride flag and be SO proud
he‘ll tries to make some friends for you so you have some people who‘re like you
hes a dumbass, sorry<\3
when you ask Iwaizumi to come with you and the team, he will firstly act annoyed and like he doesen’t want to go but Oikawa drags him anyway dw
if there’s like rainbow ice he will buy it for you what a sugar daddy
Iwaizumi will act annoyed and bored for most of the time, but as soon as you look two seconds away from him and turn back around, this men has rainbow flags on both of his cheeks🥺
someone also gave him a small pride flag and he’s swinging it since then the entire time GOD I‘M SO DOWN FOR SOFT IWAIZUMI PLEASE
some guys talked to him because they thought he’s 💅🏻 and hot and Oikawa let out a scream BAHAHA
Iwa explained himself so politely tho<3
ofc he and matsukawa bought this thing with what you can draw those rainbow flags on your cheeks and they put it on Oikawas, yours, Iwaizumis and their own face
actually they have now rainbowflags all over their body because they think they look cool🧚‍♀️
and they will protect you from creeps <3
remember when I said Mattsun made a playlist for you? Oikawa‘s blasting that shit and dancing to it ofc he danced with you duh
after that day, Hanamaki changed y’all’s gc name to „y/n‘s protection squad“
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