#I really liked him in Windwaker.
wren-key · 1 year
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A thief, a sorcerer, a king.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 4 months
I actually wanna get a few things out of the way first. I made these for when the game first came out, but just never finished them so I decided I'd post it for the anniversary. Second, IGNORE LINK IN THE SECOND IMAGE DONT LOOK AT HIM JUST FOCUS ON KOHGA.
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Bonus bonus:
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puppyeared · 2 years
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Hero of winds
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bokettochild · 3 months
random LU hcs before I go to church
Legend likes to draw, and while he uses it for practical purposes (he's compiling a bestiary of his own) he also likes to sketch random crap he finds while traveling
Hyrule weaves. Not fabric, since that's a bit legthly and requires materials he can't get or keep for long, but he's very good at making baskets and the like! When the rest go to his cave, it's just full of woven items, including his attempts at weaving a freaking chair. Hyrule is going to become Pier 1
Sky writes poetry but never shares it with anyone. Groose used to laugh at it when they were kids, and so he's very self-conscious about it (and not very good anyways). He does come up with some really, really good pieces though from time to time!
Warriors couldn't read before he enlisted. He had to learn, and did learn rather quickly once he had to, but he still did very much not grow up with books. He is, however, very fond of oral tradition and somehow keeps a library's worth of knowledge in his head, since he never knew how to write it down before.
Warriors loves folk tails and will use any excuse given in order to share them with the younger ones
Wind is a very proficient mapmaker. he's terrible at drawing figures or anything, but he's very good at charting things out and putting them down on paper
Wind has a great eye for photography though! He and Wild sometimes play a game where they have to find a particular item and take a pictograph of it and then they'll have one of the others judge which one is better. Wild's candids are usually better, but Wind has a talent from framing and using the light to his advantage that outshines Wild's.
Wind likes composing little tunes with the Windwaker when he's bored. he has accidentally discovered several magical songs and their effects in this manner. Sometimes Time debates if just teaching his the Song of Storms from the get go would have been better in the long run, since it would have saved them getting soaked so much
Four has a fascination with artistic metalwork. He can't do it himself, and often times can't understand how someone thought up the idea in the first place, but it gives him great delight to see various metal pieces/tools/items forged together into the oddest art pieces
Twilight claims he's no good art of any kind, usually blaming "these darn big paws o' mine", but the secret is that he's a talented embroiderer, he just doesn't consider it "art" in the same way the rest do. Most Ordon folks add stitch-work to things so he considers it standard practice, not exceptional.
Sky is also very good at stitch-work of all kinds
When Sky and Twilight discover their shared skill-set, they absolutely use it for evil (start adding little patterns and things on their brother's stuff). Is this competitive? They're Links, you tell me!
Time claims not to be very creative, but he's actually quite good at art himself! Just drawing, as his paintings have a very childish sort of color combinations and the like, but he's surprisingly very good with shading and proportions!
All the boys play music, but Twilight's a good hand on the fiddle/violin (but only for short periods) and Legend has a surprising preference for the piano/organ. They'd make an excellent duet if they actually managed to know any of the same songs
Wild cannot and should not play instruments, Hylia help your ears if he does. He's also not that great of an artist (look for JoJo's comic of him drawing a new tapestry, it's hilarious). He likes the art the others make, but in general, the best he can do it just making designs and patterns that always seem to resemble Korok puzzles.
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weepingtalecowboy · 8 days
Fanfic prompt: Legend is often shown as a siren or mermaid
And usually he has the ability to charm people with his siren voice
But you know what would be absolutely hilarious if he thought that Wind actually is related to mermaids as well
Because of the command melody (because if people portray the windwaker as a literal conductor of wind's magic it implies that the ability to control people comes from wind himself)
Him being in a Hyrule full of water
Going from
“It takes one to know one”
Like he sees Wind accidentally charm a trader and then take off with cheap supplies
And asks him if he knows that he is commanding people
Wind main while thinks that legend also has the command melody song
And also really wants to learn to control it (because the knowledge that you can accidentally use mind control is very unsettling )
And agrees happily
They bond over it
And legend tries to teach him how to swim with a tail
But Wind doesn’t have one
But he can hold his breath for a very long while (because he has the windwaker and can just get air out of the water if needed like air is literally everywhere on earth)
So Legend kind of takes him by the hand and dives with him instead
They have fun
And the whole situation is just
Legend: “I have connected the dots!”
Wind:”you haven’t connected shit!”
Legend: “I have connected them”
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Games I think the Romanceables would play
Tamarack: I feel like when it's winter, she craves that autumn feeling, so she'll play games like these.
Stardew Valley (Has only one save in the game, and tries to make her farm look pretty but she's more focused on keeping a routine in the game)
Minecraft (Building a little village and having an army of cats or dogs. Has built many treehouses)
Sky - Children of the Light (The one who is actively looking for player to share a candle with)
Qiu: He plays games later when he's older. Middle school he's become slightly more reserved, so having a game to destress by himself always helps
Animal Crossing "What do you mean you don't wanna look at my island? Guys."
A Tale of Crowns He seems like the type to enjoy prince x knight and multi-choice stories.
Detroit Become Human The amount of times he's almost had a breakdown just trying to make everyone happy.
Cove: He prefers classic games, nothing too big or a waste of money.
Unpacking He cries
Tetris He stresses
Legend of Zelda, the Windwaker (my childhood fr) he's obsessed
Baxter: He doesn't play games, he claims. He's too busy going out and being busy, but if he ever truly had a rare moment or just by looking at him... he's choose these.
The Sims Self explanatory.
Hollow Knight He feels like he's one with the knight.
Stray Cats and Robots in a game? He's sold. Take his money.
Derek: Derek plays a lot of video games (a healthy amount), he loves it. I imagine he's played these games while you guys weren't together for a while :(
Until Dawn He got jump scared at least twice
Final Fantasy 14 if he has the time. it's a really long game. He plays either a Hyur or Hrothgar Paladin.
The Last of Us 1 and 2. He played the 2nd first though, and he was really upset at that choice when he finished playing)
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ganondoodle · 1 year
still thinking about that text post i reblogged bc it articulates so well what some of the bad vibes i got from totk that i couldnt really pin point that well (and still cant put it in my own words lol); botw is all about trying to act out an old legend and it backfires severly, and i SO hoped the sequel would then move forward or try to explore the reason why clam gan could even come back at all (which isnt really done in totk bc tbh as sad as im to say this ganondorf really is kinda just clam gan but he talks now and looks hot, other than his first human appearance he isnt rly humanized in any way, might as well been an evil cloud talking)
botw left me with the intense feeling that now it would move forward, in the present, we must not keep looking at the past as its done now, move and rebuild (hmmmmm windwaker anyone??) together with zelda now and i wanted to see where it would go so badly bc exploring hyrule with zelda as your companion would make room for SO much character interactions and to me it just feels RIGHT, in botw you were seperated for so long and were finally back together with your best friend and one of the only survivors from the main people hit by the calamity at the end, now you tackle the next catastrophy together-
and totk just kinda reverses it all, whoop zelda gone again lol, no no we must look FURTHER into the past and exactly play it all out again, which doesnt just feel repetetive but also like its back-pedaling what botw was themed around bc in botw it went wrong and had to try picking up the pieces and save whats left to save; in totk its like yeah this is the RIGHT way to reenact the past and as a supposed sequel it just feels ... off its like, imagine windwaker ending with you sailing off to search for new lands and let the past rest like the game directly tells you and then theres a sequel where you are back and suddendly are supposed to bring back the old hyrule that was flooded at the end of the previous game actually if totk was that you had to go back to figure out ok how did it end up like this and how do we solve it now in the present so it wont just restart again yEAH!! and while the game may seem like its doing that on the surface .. it really isnt bc turns out how to solve it is just ... kill the evil guy but HARDER and the reason it got this far is ... he was always an evil guy and the only mistake that was made was the divine god king not stabbing him to death immediately
its all so hollow and with all the other stuff i have ranted about its just .. man what happened here
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Um, I wanted to ask if you have any person headcannon about Wind having pirate habits, since, you know, he did travel with Tetra and her crew for a while. And also, how the chain would react to some of those.
First, I want to say sorry for taking centuries to answer this! I didn’t know how to answer and thought "huh, I'll vet back to that" and then got sucked up in another fandom...
I don't really have a lot of pirate headcanons for Wind. Big Brother stuff? Yes! Sailor stuff? Also that! Of what I adopted from fanfics at least..
I also haven't been able to play WindWaker...[but I will play the fuck out of it the moment I get my sticky hands on it] and just started on phantom Hourglass some time ago...
That is to say, I have some headcanons for him. (to really pirate but eh)
-I have my food habits headcanon, if you have seen it and Wild keeping taps on it.
-Or I love any and all headcanons with him helping Legend stay alive on a ship without loosing it.
-Him seeing ghosts (amd wouldn't that just hit hard if he could Shadow move in Four's -well- shadow. And yes seeing the champions around Wild is always a good hurt/comfort thing...or funny crack.)
[there is also this fanfic I loved from Link's in a Chain by Tashacee! Which you should check out! It is so gooda all their works are in my opinion but shhh]
I always love ready a well written Wind...so I have him in my head as not being afraid of showing his age in his actions but will sometime out do Time in Wisdom and match Twilight's 'overprotective Big Brother' energy with his own 'save and secure Big Brother' energy.
like he would straight up jumpscare them sometimes when he just goes Sailor Captain or Big Brother mode. Going all calm and filling the space as naturally as their oldest's.
I know this is not really what you asked but I have been sleeping on Wind for way to long and he deserves honestly better from me...
Hope this was still something!
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
Hi all! Bonus links updated! Which means I am back to ramble about it! :D
Hello hello!! :D
Hope you are all having a wonderful day (And if not maybe some rambling can make it better!) Bonus links is back with Homesick part 5.
Nuff said :D
Im kidding, but im also not kidding. This comic is wonderful and always so well done! I love it sm, also mandatory Loft my beloved, because he is the bestest boy in the worlds.
For the important stuff! All art belongs to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too! And I once again thank you for letting me do these.
You can find a link to the comic here!!! Please go and give the original post some love!
Now, Grab a drink, and some popcorn cause I am about to take you on a journey. Mainly a rambling journey, but a journey nonetheless!
Let's do this!
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Loft.... Loft are you remembering the same trip I am cause you looked horrified. Im sure he kinda had fun eventually but I remember the shenanigans.
Wake is just happy to be here.
And poor wolf. He Frow up! (This made me cackle so much thank you)
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Wake really do be :3 Gives me cat vibes.
I love how expressive he is. He's so proud of himself.
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Oh my god, these two deserve the literal world I love them so damn much okay.
(Is this analysis just gonna be me hyping about all of these guys for 30 minutes. Probably, but that's what you signed up for so.... :D )
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Okay okay okay
So, Aryll has a joy pendant and this gives me joy, did wake give to her from his adventure? That makes me so happy.
And Tetra! Holy hell she looks so cool! Badass bitch over here and I am here for it.
Also, just to check, Thats Linebecks jacket, right? The one he wore in phantom hourglass. I dont remember seeing him give it to Tetra at any point in time. So, how is it she's come across it?
I assume it's just he gave it to her at one point and she wears it as a sign of respect?
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Ohno.... OH NO
Tetra looks like she is about to kill Ganondorf all over again, Also also, the background behind Tetra. Protective mode activated.
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This one, I am loving how it looks like water. I was literally screaming, though, you get that feeling you recognise something? It's something Something about the water.
I'll be back...
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(From Homesick pt3 - link here!)
Also the shadows? The way the light comes up from below her rather than above her at this point. The final fight had this in the final stages. A nice detail.
This is the face of fear
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Help him
Man is about to get killed, tetra is to be feared and I love her.
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She has a point. Stabbing Ganondorf in the head is what caused him to turn to stone, so for all she knows Ganondorf could be walking around right now causing havoc.
And how, casual Wake is about it is probably not helping.
I love how protective of Gran Gran Tetra is, (as she should be Gran Gran is wonderful) and she has a point Wake like the hell why are you bringing in shenanigans on your poor Gran Gran's birthday.
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okay im done
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Yeah, Wake go and see your Gran Gran. Can't believe you are late so rude to Gran Gran.
Also him tucking the windwaker in the back of his belt, a nice touch!
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Also, I know it's not meant to be a lil face, but I can't unsee the lil face on Tetras cheek. It's so angry and sad and I love it.
Tetra's inner demon is just as mad as she is
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Oh my god I love Gran Gran so much
She is actually beloved because she's so sweet! And Wake loves his gran so much I just ahhhhhh
I love them
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His little squishy face oh bless him.
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Linebeck, Linebeck please, he's lowkey their uncle. Look at how disappointed Wake and Aryll look.
Gran Gran you look wonderful.
Oh they all got towels thats so sweet
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Also I am loving the backgrounds, the inside of Gran Gran's House is just wonderful.
So here is some of the stuff I've spotted, which from my understanding come from a mix of Windwaker and Phantom hourglass.
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Yahaha! You found him! :D
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What I believe is the Town flower? I think that's right.
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A Ruto crown I believe!
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They went ice skating and thats adorable
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Look at this boy
How could you not love him?
Cause I do
Loft my beloved
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Me figuring out if this is saying Lie to my gran or Dont lie to my gran because of that hand.
Pretty sure it's Lie to my Gran. But I think it's funnier if it's, Dont lie to my gran.
Take it as you will
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Loft using Groose, he looks so nervous I love him,
Wolf picking Rusl makes me so happy. Man is a hometown kid.
Slate, the sweet darling boy. I love all of them very much. Also, with that smug face, he 100% knew what he was doing.
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This is the look of a man who likes you because his grandmother approves of you.
Also, I think I would literally die for Gran Gran i love her to pieces and if anything happens to her I will go on a rampage, (Affectionally, with a tub of ice cream)
This update was wholesome I loved it. AND THOSE BACKGROUNDS YES.
Background appreciation time
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Look at the detail on the boat!
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Even out of focus the fact that you can see the blades of long grass or the hatching on the window.
(ALso look at how sweet my blorbo is Loft beloved)
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I just love how much detail is in the house or on the tree to the right hand side here.
And the little flowers just outside I see you. so cute!
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Now inside the House is just so incredible looking.
The small details on the blanket on the bed, or the pictures on the wall. The fact that you can make out what they are at this distance is just so cool okay.
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Again, the details on the items on the shelf, or in the flowers in the top right-hand corner.
It's just incredible how detailed stuff is and I love it.
Love it so much!
Okay thats my rambles done for another update. Thanks for following along!
I hope you have a great day! :D
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 months
Hey, Equal Lady again. (If I'm ever getting annoying, please just politely say so. I will not take it badly.)
I'm not sure if I asked this already, but I was just wondering for the helstromism case & totally honest situation. If Equal Lady noticed how uncomfortable the Ganondorfs were with having someone basically peer into their souls. (Which, she can't really help. It's like reading. Something she does without much thought. The only way she'd really be able to stop it would be by just never looking at him ever again, which she isn't okay with.)
So, as a show of good faith & even trust, she offers to teach him some of the basics & if he decides that he wants to learn more, then she's more than willing to teach him. Meaning that she'd essentially be giving him the ability to be able to get a glance into her own mind.
Which, the being 100% honest with him part might be why she'd do that to begin with. From her perspective, she has nothing to hide, so why not?
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You shall never bore or bother me, dear Equal Lady. I enjoy the asks and thoughts! (Its getting to the time of night where I'm loopy and oatmeal brained, so my responses may be sloppy and silly.)
Time for Personal Opinions!
Ganondorfs will never turn down an offer that will grant more power or skills. They are diligent students, though they vary on why they will learn just a smidgen.
Windwaker would learn for the fact its something to do in the downtime, something to learn. OoT would learn to use against the people who come in contact with him, to learn secrets, for blackmail. TP would use it against the Twili and for use when he became king. Hyrule Warriors would use it to see if his "allies" were actually allies, and if found any treachery, would slay them immediately.
Now for What ChatGPT says:
The reactions of the different Ganondorfs to the Equal Lady offering to teach them helstromism, especially in the context of addressing their discomfort with her ability to read them so easily, would vary greatly based on their unique personalities. Here’s how each Ganondorf might respond:
Ganondorf from "The Wind Waker"
Reflective and Melancholic:
Initial Reaction: He would initially be taken aback by her offer, both intrigued and wary of the power she’s offering to share. The idea of learning to read her as she reads him would appeal to his introspective nature.
Good: He would appreciate her honesty and the gesture of trust. Learning helstromism would become a bonding experience, deepening their connection. He might find comfort in the transparency and mutual understanding it could bring.
Bad: His melancholic nature might lead to moments of self-doubt, questioning whether he wants to peer into her soul as she does his. He could occasionally withdraw, needing time to process the depth of their connection.
Quote: "Your offer is unexpected but welcome. Let us explore this together, and perhaps in understanding each other more deeply, we will find the solace we both seek."
Ganondorf from "Ocarina of Time"
Proud and Domineering:
Initial Reaction: He would likely be suspicious at first, wondering if this is a ploy to manipulate him further. However, his curiosity and desire for control would push him to consider the offer seriously.
Good: As he begins to learn helstromism, he would come to appreciate the power it gives him. This newfound ability to read her would balance their relationship, satisfying his need for dominance and control.
Bad: His pride might lead to clashes, especially if he feels she is holding back or if he struggles to master the skill as quickly as he’d like. He might become frustrated if he perceives any hint of patronization.
Quote: "I accept your offer. This power will only strengthen our bond and our dominion over all who oppose us. Together, we will see through every deception."
Ganondorf from "Twilight Princess"
Ruthless and Calculating:
Initial Reaction: He would be highly intrigued, viewing the offer as an opportunity to gain an edge. His calculating mind would immediately see the strategic advantages of mastering helstromism.
Good: He would respect her transparency and willingness to share such a powerful skill. As he learns, he would become more attuned to her thoughts and emotions, potentially leading to a deeper, albeit guarded, connection.
Bad: His ruthless nature might lead to a relentless pursuit of mastering helstromism, potentially pushing her to her limits. He might also remain perpetually wary, never fully trusting her despite her honesty.
Quote: "Your willingness to share this knowledge speaks volumes. I will learn your craft, and together, we will be an unstoppable force, seeing through every lie and deceit."
Ganondorf from "Hyrule Warriors"
Aggressive and Assertive:
Initial Reaction: His initial reaction would be one of surprise and skepticism, but his assertive nature would drive him to accept the challenge enthusiastically.
Good: He would embrace the learning process with vigor, appreciating the new dimension it adds to their relationship. This shared experience would likely strengthen their bond, making him more protective and affectionate.
Bad: His aggressive nature might lead to impatience and frustration if he finds the learning process slow or difficult. He might also struggle with balancing his newfound insights with his assertive personality, potentially leading to conflicts.
Quote: "Teach me, then. Let us see if I can master this skill as you have. Together, we will be a formidable pair, unchallenged and unrivaled."
Wind Waker Ganondorf: Appreciates the gesture of trust and sees it as a way to deepen their bond, though he might occasionally withdraw to process their connection.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf: Initially suspicious but eventually embraces the power and balance it brings, though his pride might lead to occasional clashes.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf: Sees the strategic advantage and respects her honesty, but remains cautious and calculating throughout the process.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf: Enthusiastically accepts the challenge, finding it an exciting way to strengthen their relationship, though he might struggle with impatience.
Each Ganondorf’s reaction is deeply influenced by their personality, balancing their desire for power and control with the opportunity to connect more deeply with the Equal Lady through shared understanding and trust.
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint faces Link from Wind Waker. Who do you like more?
Dokja Propaganda:
"hes just everything to me. you dont understand. i type out orv characters so much that my phone will autocorrect 'just' to 'hsy' and 'okay' to 'kdj'"
"vote kim dokja he lives in my brain rent free top floor penthouse suite 24/7 room service etc"
"kdj sweep hes my savior hes ruined my life hes my favorite"
"dojka is a whore. vote for his scheming gay ass"
"he's literally a father figure to these kids AND he has this homoerotic rivalry"
Link Propaganda:
"ok so link is like the best character ever imo cause have you seen what he looks like in totk he's so gender and ahhh and he's really cool and I love him so so much <333 and oot link is really cool and he's my whole childhood, and I love skyward sword and wind waker link cause they're so expressive, and I love twilight princess wolf link I just love all versions of link so much<3 only exception is the version from the philips cdi games he's so goofy"
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occasionallyprosie · 8 months
"The Storm and a Siren"
Wind was elated to be back on Outset. The problem? The last portal separated the group and he had to search the whole Great Sea to find them.
When he finds all of them but their veteran, he's questioning why he even worried and got into an argument with Tetra over finding them as soon as possible.
When they finally find Legend, Wind remembers that even heroes are not exempt from the cruelty of the sea and its inhabitants.
Febuwhump 2024 | Prompt 5: Rope Burns
Read on AO3
Warnings: mentions of rape (mentioned but did not/will not take place, nor come close to), Wind curses a lot
Wind wasn't sure what to do. To start with, he was back home, but that wasn't the problem.
His problem was that the portal that brought them here was one of those damned separation portals. He didn't know where any of his brothers were and that was his problem.
Tetra, thank the Ocean King, was on Outset when he showed up. After he explained to her the situation and figured out none of the other heroes ended up on Outset, they set out to find them.
It wasn't too hard, just time consuming even with his control of the winds. Tetra hated magic near her ship, but after a rather heated argument that had him cashing in one of his only favors as well as snapping at her in a way he'd never done before because "his brothers might be dying!" She let him use the Windwaker, but refused to let him fly them.
That was good enough. He blew storms away from their path, gave them a strong wind to keep them going.
They found Twilight on Horseshoe Island, and comically Hyrule on Fairy Island where the Great Fairy was rather reluctant to let him leave despite Hyrule hightailing it to their ship the moment he mentioned it.
They came up on Diamond Steppe by day seven and, no storm in sight, saw a huge blast of lightning take out a Big Octo. ONE HIT! It turned out to be Sky and Wild, the latter having made a raft that they'd tried to sail off to find them. They were both grinning like idiots and waving when they realized it was Wind, Twilight, and Hyrule. Wind wondered how Sky was considered a responsible adult when hE FUCKING SMITED A BIG OCTO!
Day eleven they reached Tingle Island where Time was, and not unlike Hyrule, their leader had sped to the ship the moment he was made aware of its existence, going far away from the main resident who gave the island its name.
Sky wanted to smite another Big Octo, saying he'd never summoned lightning before and he wanted to try again. Tetra was the one who vehemently denied him, causing everyone else to sigh in relief, except for Wild and Hyrule who egged him on.
Though, it weren't for the fact they were on a ship, Wind probably would've been doing the same.
Day twenty one, they found Warriors on Dragon Roost Island with three Big Octos smite... smitten... smote? STRUCK BY MAGIC LIGHTNING by both Sky and Hyrule.
Wind wondered why he had been so worried about his brothers. Ocean or not, they could handle themselves.
They made landfall at a market isle, Wind staying on ship while the others went to gather supplies. He scoured over the map, the searched islands, and wondered where in the ocean the scholar was. Legend was still nowhere to be found, though the Forsaken Fortress was still un-searched...
He really didn't want to go back to the Forsaken Fortress. But that and the reefs hadn't yet been searched. He supposed they'd do that next, he hoped--
Shit! He didn't tell them he was out of potions too!
Wind quickly left the ship, he hadn't been the only person on it so it wasn't unguarded, and went toward the market.
He found the potion stall easily, having memorized where it was a long time ago. As he was waiting for his potions to be filled, he overheard some chatter.
"Hey, did ya hear? Ol' Cap'n Jones caught a gen-u-ine selkie."
Wind's interest was immediately piqued, he had traveled across the entire Great Sea and hadn't met a single selkie, the Red Lion had said they were myths.
"No," was the response. "I don’t believe that fer a moment."
"Yeah? Well listen closely, brother." Wind spotted the two people talking and saw them lean toward one another. They were dumb to talk about this in public, but... "He's gonna do a whole display t'nite. An' he ain't known f'r bein' a lovin' lover. I 'eard he's gonna--"
"Here ya go, Link. Three reds, greens, and coupl'a blue. I didn' know ya used magic."
Wind heard a bark of laughter from the men as they walked off, but he gave the potioneer a smile. "I don’t, but some of my crew does and you know it's good to be prepared."
She laughed. "Ain't that the truth. And lose that fancy accent 'round here, kid. It's only gonna get ya in trouble."
Wind snorted but he waved and left.
A selkie... Wind was no stranger to the darker sides of the world, thirteen though he may be, he was also a pirate and had seen plenty of gruesome things even outside of his adventures. It was nice to act otherwise around the other heroes, but he had grown up around sailors who loved to talk about their conquests, especially when they thought he wasn't listening. And in their defense... he was supposed to be asleep, in his bed, on the other side of Outset, but that's not the point.
The point was, there was a Captain Jones somewhere on this isle and he was gonna rape someone. Selkie or not, Wind was not letting that happen.
Now if she said she was doing it willingly, then he was hightailing it out of there. But as the legends go, selkies never did anything willingly except run.
Lightning-happy older brothers in tow, Wind snuck through the docks. There was only so many ships on or by the shore, and even less that were active enough to have a public show ongoing.
Finding it was easy.
Seeing it was awful.
The selkie, and Wind realized it was more of a siren than a selkie, probably a mistake of communication, was hanging by their arms above the deck like a giant fish on display for the whole marina to see.
They were huge too, a regular sized human torso covered in scars, long blonde hair coming down just beneath their shoulder blades, but the tail was probably seven feet alone and was a iridescent deep to pastel pink that glittered in the warm lantern light.
If it weren't for the ropes tied tightly around their arms, hanging them over the deck as they thrashed and probably burned their arms with the ropes, Wind would've called the siren a thing of pure oceanic beauty. They were something some sailors spent their whole lives in pursuit of.
Their tail hit someone who came far too close.
"I thought you said they'd be trying to bed the prisoner," Hyrule whispered, the four of them hidden behind barrels. "Nobody could bed a fish."
Wind shrugged. "I told you exactly what I heard, wording and all. They also thought it was a selkie but that's a siren, or a mer. Selkies are seals in water, or out, and can shed their coat to take on a human-like form. There's some myths of an in-between version, but those are scales, not blubber or fur. It's probably just a show off of his catch and maybe some torture."
"Doesn't matter," Wild interrupted. "That's a sentient creature, maybe even a descendant of your Zora who adapted to living in the water unlike their Rito descendants."
"We'll get them free," Sky assured. "We're not even close enough to see their face. Let's get closer first."
Wind nodded. He led the way and they slipped closer, hearing laughter and jeering and admittedly lewd taunts but also a lot of violent ones echo across the docks.
They drew closer and Wind chanced a look.
He could see the siren's face.
"Oh fuck," Wind breathed.
"It's the vet!"
It was Legend. Hung with rope by his arms, with huge tail from the waist down, that streak of pink in his hair was much more prominent and it plastered against a soaked face. He snarled, amethyst eyes crazed and he looked feral.
Wind had never seen their composed scholar like that, and based off the wounded noise from Hyrule, the sharp inhale from Wild, and the snarl from Sky, they hadn't either.
Legend swung himself and his huge tail smacked someone else and sent them off the ship and into the water. He bared sharp fangs.
"Alright! Time for the main event!" Someone declared, walking down from the stern. If Wind had to wager a guess, that was Jones.
Legend visibly faltered, Wind never expected to see fear flash in his brother's eyes. Not that one's. "Legend" and "scared" should never be in the same sentence, unless it was that he scared someone else, and yet...
"He looks scared of him," Hyrule whispered, and he was absolutely right.
Legend looked downright terrified of Captain Jones.
"Oh hell no," Sky snarled. "Not my kid."
Wind couldn't warn him that storming up on a boat of rowdy pirates here for entertainment was not a good idea before Sky was boarding the ship.
"Ohhh, that's not good," Wild said and Wind wholly agreed. "Those guys are not surviving."
Sky shoved his way, new lightning powers crackling off him, through the crowd and onto the deck.
Legend had twisted to look at him and Wind saw his eyes light up, heard his melodic thrill that must've meant happiness or something.
Sky stood right between Legend and Captain Jones. "I'll give you ten seconds to cut him down before I do it myself and sink your whole ship while I'm at it."
The laughter was insulting but Wind nudged the others.
"Come on. We have to get the scholar down and get him clear before the sky knight actually smites the place."
Both their eyes widened and came to the same conclusion he did that a siren--a Hylian transformed into a siren or not--would not handle an electrical attack well.
"I'll cut, you catch, wait for Chosen's signal."
They moved quickly.
"Now look 'ere, we captured that siren fair an' square, you ain't got a lick ov'a right to 'im. Get your ass off mah ship before I throw ya off."
Legend snarled, twisting.
"You want rights?" Sky demanded. "You want to throw around threats?! Fine."
Sky moved forward.
"My right? First, he is not something you can have a right to, secondly, he is mine. I have equal claim over him as a parent does their child." He drew his sword, pointing it to the clouded sky. "As for threats? How about a promise. I'll strike this boat with lightning and drown every single spirit but my own on it."
If it weren't for the electricity crackling off Sky, Wind knew the crowd would've laughed. But the Chosen Hero radiated danger and the air smelt of ozone.
Jones did laugh. "That's a neat trick there, brat," his voice turned sharp and harsh. "But everyone knows magic died in hylians centuries ago. Back when the flood took this world."
Sky snarled. "Then it's a damn good thing I'm from centuries ago."
Wind swung his sword and sliced through the rope that held Legend up. Something yellow exploded and Hyrule and Wild flew past on a barrel, snatching Legend before he finished falling.
Wind leapt over the side just in time as lightning crackled through the sky and ripped apart the ship.
He swam to shore and found Legend back to Hylian and clothed (did the transformation steal his clothes too?) but shaking.
Hyrule was hugging him, Wild putting some kind of paste on reddened arms.
"'M sorry, 'm'sorry--"
Wind hated this. Legend was one of the strong ones, he had told very few stories but each one had Wind feeling sick because Legend had been younger than Aryll when he started.
Now he looked like the kid he probably was never able to be, and that was coming from Wind, who had gone on half as many adventures at a young age.
"Shh, it's okay, it's alright," Hyrule insisted.
"Goddess, this is bad," Wild groaned. Legend flinched and jerked his arm, Wild let go easily. "No, it'll heal, I promise. It's just--I've never seen rope burns this bad."
Wind drew closer. "Vet?"
Legend looked up sharply. "S-Sailor--No, no, I can't--"
"It's okay," Hyrule insisted. "You're allowed to be weak, Veteran. You’re allowed to hurt."
"No, no--I'm sorry, I can't--Please, it hurts--" Legend choked on a sob.
Wild gave Hyrule the bottle of gel and gestured Wind away, as they moved Wind spotted someone running along the beach toward them.
"The salt water irritated the burns bad, and you said your water's toxic, so we're waiting to clean them before Hyrule heals them," Wild explained. "Fastest way to somewhere safe?"
"Just straight back to the market town," Wind said as Sky ran up. He turned to him. "He's over there but--"
Wild grabbed Sky's arm before he passed him. "Be careful. It... It would probably be better if you switched with Rulie. The Scholar isn't taking this well, and between the burns and... he seems to think he can't be vulnerable in front of us, that doesn't help."
Sky nodded firmly. Wild let go of him and he crossed the last ten feet in an instant.
Wind didn't know they were ancestor and descendant, but Sky had claimed Legend as his on that ship and Oceans, whoever said the ocean was dangerous and violent clearly had never seen Sky get protective of those he cares about.
Sky dropped to his knees in front of Legend, and soon Hyrule was shifting backward and Sky was wrapping Legend up in his sailcloth, promising safety and assuring him that he was right here.
"Can you carry him, Skyloftian?" Wind asked. "We should get back to the ship, get our Scholar fixed up."
Sky hummed softly. He murmured something to the veteran hidden in his sailcloth and whatever his response was had to be something of an affirmative. Sky stood up carefully, arranging Legend in his arms in a way still that the sailcloth blocked him from view.
Wind couldn't see Legend anymore, but if he was honest?
He really didn't want to.
Event Masterlist
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yengstr · 1 year
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Been listening to Steeplechase and really love it, so I doodled some of the characters
Montrose - I love characters who have alter egos/disguises so I knew he’d be a fave right away. I liked Griffin’s description of Hexadecimal from Reboot for the mask Beef - Arms arms arms, I have no idea what kind of tattoos he’d have tho, just know he has a lot. Drew him once with a tiny shih tzu ponytail and haven’t gone back Emmerich - Literally just pictured Otacon with a mustache, love the way Clint plays him, such a good character
Also bonus Sclabethany, Kenchall and Poppy, who is just a male version of Grandma from Windwaker 
Hope to do animatics in the future! 
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theoldaeroplane · 6 months
I inbox you the following: I must know what compels you about Link. I trust that he is Good and Excellent, but I simply yearn for an essay on what little niche trait makes you wanna fandom the fuck out of this little guy. 5-10 paragraphs of hyper fixated ramblings preferred, but not required.
ohhh starkid you've given me A GIFT. a GIFT.
So some background first, I think. I've always liked the Zelda games, in the way you play a mainstream game and are like "yeah that was good!" I played Ocarina of Time and Windwaker as a kid. I played Breath of the Wild when it first came out and had a fun time with it. Yeah. Good games! Fun mechanics. Characters seem a little flat, but they aren't why I'm here. What was the story again? Oh, right---yeah, they gave Zelda an actual personality that doesn't start and end with "princess" in the new one! She's a scientist! How neat.
Then Tears of the Kingdom comes out. I've just gotten a Steam Deck for my birthday and wow, turns out you can emulate TOTK already?? I try it out immediately. It's janky, but I love messing with emulators, so I keep going. I certainly don't have the cash to buy TOTK properly.
And in TOTK, for me, it starts with Zelda. It starts with this young woman barely out of her teens being flung into a horrible, frightening situation, and being forced to make an absolutely terrifying choice. And it turns out if you start looking at her more closely, that choice only becomes more and more viscerally upsetting as you incorporate things about her from the previous game.
It got me invested, and I still adore Zelda. I could probably write just as long a deliberation about her. But we're talking about Link.
I read a little bit of BOTW fanfic back when it first came out. It was almost all Sidon/Link stuff, because I liked the ship for a number of reasons, and one evening after another night of mainlining TOTK I decide to go look and see if I can find some that I remembered being good. I did, and they were still mostly good! But there was one in particular, with one line in particular. "You're Always Almost There," by Polyhexian. (On mobile so no link, sorry!)
'One hundred years ago,’ Link signed, 'A Guardian shot me through the chest,’ he grimaced as if in pain from even mentioning it, 'I died with everyone else, and then someone else decided to bring me, and only me, back to life to fix everything, to save everyone. I have to stop the Calamity. I have to save Hyrule. I have to fix the world. I am not a real person. I am everyone’s unfinished business.’
I had read it before. When I read it this time I closed my browser, opened Typora, and started writing. It wasn't more than a random narrative sifting through half collected ideas, and I neither finished nor posted it, but it got me started. A few weeks later I started writing To Be Well, which among other things directly addresses the idea that Link does not think of himself as a "real person"---and that he isn't sure if he wants to.
As I've written him, I've found more and more about him and his setting that fascinates me. Part of this is certainly that Link is intentionally designed as a "placeholder" character (word of God is he was deliberately designed to be androgynous to make it easier for more people to project on him). At first I was really fascinated by his relationship with Zelda, and wanted to look at that through a queerplatonic lens. In doing that I found myself trying to work through some problems of my own, which it turns out is just how I write fanfiction I guess: projecting! Huzzah! I decided to lean into it, and wrote "You do not have to be good," which is a story that takes some liberties with the canon to explore the subject of toxic purity and the toll it takes. Also, the logistics of kissing someone with a beak.
What makes Link compelling to me is ... what do you do, when you aren't allowed to be a person? What do you do when you've been told all your life things are like this and this and this, and that you must behave thusly?  What if you learn it was never true? How do you go from "perfect" to "real"? What does it even mean, being a person? How do you start? Is it even worth it?
I feel like I'm only scratching the surface, haha. I also love Link for whatever the hell he's doing with gender, and I've been having an absolute blast writing him as predominantly communicating via sign language. I'm playing fast and loose with a lot of things that only get half-mentioned in canon, and having a good old time playing in the sandbox of Hyrule. They're huge games and there's a lot of space for me to set up shop!
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tododeku-or-bust · 4 months
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More Zelda AU!
Their combined friendship theme song is the Spirit Tracks theme/overworld theme, btw! I think it's a lovely tune that captures how steadfast they are towards their goals. It's also very innocent; they're still kids, so even though they're on this massive journey, they're goofballs and they act like it.
Anyway! So Calix! If Philia and Kairos have a Windwaker inspired journey, Calix is living on Twilight Princess Time and it's Serious.
Calix is a Prince, a gorgeous young man that the capital and kingdom love, yes? However, he's also still an amateur. He's not cut his teeth on any real battle, nor has he really been involved with direct politics. And he's taken it upon himself to try to get more involved with both, so that his brother the King (Astyanax cameo!) can take his presence more seriously.
This is because the elders that surround Astyanax are... Not trustworthy. Ever since their father died and he took over, they've been in his ear whispering doubts and sowing seeds of distrust. Calix hates it. Not only does he love and miss his sage older brother, but there's something Wrong happening.
There's been reports of increased unrest with more monster sightings and attacks, especially towards the outer perimeter of the kingdom. Calix genuinely believes that if he can investigate what's going on, he can bring that evidence to Astyanax and MAYBE break him out of the elders' ideas that "things are fine".
He's not quite sure where to start, which is why one night he's out in the woods hunting with some of his guard. They hear something swift and large rustling the bushes, and there's a suspicion that it must be a monster. Calix lifts his spear, and hurtles it.
Not only is it not a monster, but it's a tall, beauteous young woman. A young woman who's got his spear trapped in her furious grip- caught at top speed, right out of the air- glaring at him for the audacity, chest heaving from the near miss.
A queasy mix of fear, awe, and something burning hot runs through Calix at the sight. She's even got the moonlight and the faint breeze.
This is when Kairos jumps out of the bush, and it only takes him a couple seconds to realize what's going on. Philia slams the bottom of the spear on the ground as Kairos explains why they're here (they didn't have enough money to buy lodging, and they're used to hoofing it in the woods anyway). They were looking for food when they heard noise.
He claims they're looking to speak with the King, and this is when Calix realizes his opportunity!
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candycryptids · 4 months
🦇 biggest material fear (ie heights, bugs etc)
Hiii omg sorry this like, the next evening I conked out @u@
So! This is such an interesting question I’ve never actually thought about it before 🫢 (how exciting)
Chuu has a fear of pits where you can’t see the bottom, and quicksand. Not that quicksand is often actually a danger in day-to-day life, but the idea of being sucked under and- dying, essentially. Surprisingly ok with deep water and heights, though.
Tuesdays fear is deep water, because… he can’t really, ah, swim. He sinks, like a stone. And he’s not so much afraid as he is creeped out by things that are not human but DO have human-like faces. Like [Deidar] or the [Fishman] from Windwaker (worse, if they don’t behave in a human fashion, or they come close but it’s Wrong)
Mochiie has a fear of bug stings/bites- he’s not allergic, but he knows enough about toxins to be alarmed if he doesn’t know what just got him. 🫢 yet he’ll still handle bugs, just… cautiously.
Tangy is afraid of Magitek War Machina. Over time she gets to the point where she doesn’t seize up at the clunk of their heavy mechanical legs or the whirr of their engines, but it still sets her fur on end. Going to Chuu’s workshop is an overwhelming hellscape (so it’s good their meetings were in a quieter part of the FC house…)
Colette claims she’s not afraid of anything. Not a damn thing. She’s very freaked out by spiders, though, in a ‘set the whole house on fire’ kinda way. Someone else has to safely remove the poor creature before she DOES accidentally burn the house down casting Flare. She’s been getting better, but it’s down to a very rapid exit of the room no matter the case. [Belladonna] in Saint Mocianes Arboretum was a nightmare- but at least she was allowed to blast it to pieces.
Ishi’li … mm.. They’re tough. Before Eorzea he was afraid of cockroaches? Freaked out by the sensation of bugs crawling on him too. But after being in Eorzea and camping a bunch and getting slimed/torched/waterboarded/blown about/All the other crazy shit that happens to the poor WoL in battle… cockroaches don’t seem so scary anymore? The Gnath are literally giant talking bugs… I think they’re afraid of real deep water though. Like where you can’t see the bottom? It’s hard to say he’s afraid of Krakens but I think he might be a little bit.
Levraut is freeze-sometimes-faint afraid of Dragons. If it’s anything bigger than a Chocobo his knees are rattlin’. He tries to put on a real brave face about it, but…. It’s a hard hurdle to cope with. Their teeth, the vaguely sulfuric hint to their breath, the piercing eyes, the ripping talons…. Yeah, he just can’t. Au’ra are fine, after he’s met a handful. But the first one… 🫢 they had to get him smelling salts.
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