#I really need to make a masterpost of stuff for this au because so many posts don't show up on the tag
It's Third Life/Scarian Robin Hood AU time!!!!!
If you want context, I've already posted quite a bit about this au
I should really make a masterpost
Anyway, I've had some ✨️thoughts✨️
Prince Grian is well known in the castle for enjoying going out on walks unaccompanied unless it's by his handmaidens Pearl and Lizzie, no guards are allowed on his private strolls
He says they give him some peace and time to think outside of the chaos of the castle and tends to go on more of them during stressful times, often in a crisis if he is needed he can't be found because he's gone on a walk at the worst possible time with his handmaidens
They're just something those in the castle accept as an oddity of their Prince
In reality, there is nothing relaxing about these 'walks' as they're merely an excuse Grian uses to go and visit Scar and either spend time with him, or warn him of the Red King's plans in a time of crisis, especially if Good Times is in danger
The walks started when Ren first devised a plan to capture Good Times and Grian claimed he needed some 'fresh air to calm his nerves' before such a special mission was carried out (depsite the fact his role in the plan was to stand by Ren's side and watch). As soon as he was out of view of the Castle, Grian immediately sprinted to Magic Mountain to warn Scar and the rest of The Resistance. He showed up out of nowhere, with Pearl and Lizzie on his tail, blabbering about Scar being in danger and the King trying to capture him and making no sense. It took Scar taking Grian to the side and doing breathing exercises with him to calm the Prince down enough to explain coherently while Pearl and Lizzie caught the rest of The Resistance up on the problem. Together they then sat down and formulated a plan which succeeded in preventing Good Times' capture.
From then on Grian would use the same tactic to warn Scar whenever Ren and Martyn were plotting. Prior to this The Resistance and their spies had to rely on 'chance encounters', hidden notes and safe houses but with this new tactic they were able to meet up far more frequently.
Ren of course was initially on edge about sending Grian out of Dogwarts' walls unguarded but Grian argued he had his handmaidens, combat training and constantly being surrounded by guards is suffocating. And the more Grian went on his walks the more ok with it Ren became.
Grian, of course, begins to visit Magical Mountain more and more frequently with worse and worse excuses that nobody questions because they all know he's just coming to spend time with Scar. The only one who doesn't realise this is Scar himself who wouldn't dare question the excuses lest he give up his chance to flirt with his handsome prince.
So yeah, feel free to send in an ask, I'm always happy to rave about this idea
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its prosecutor jiang wanyin!!!! oh fuck!!! / gifs + au rambling below the cut / follow for more mdzs x aa crossover stuff :3
all the gifs i made (poses traced off franziska):
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hes so similar to franziska when you think about it. theyre both deeply insecure tsundere adoptive younger sibling of successful main characters. who carry whips. something something edgeworth choosing death and wwx actually dying also
his share code is HWFEFF if you wanna use him in a trial! you can't share backgrounds but heres the scenery from the donghua i used.
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the easiest way to put custom stuff into objection.lol is to send it in discord and then use the link from opening it in your browser :)
a whole lot of AU stuff
the art im making is for if mdzs was an ace attorney game, playing from WWX's POV to solve various mysteries/cases over the course of the plot. so this scene would be from turnabout goddess, which would loosely cover the dafan mountain mystery.
cases include:
Turnabout Revenge (Mo Manor, quick introductory first case)
Turnabout Goddess (Dafan mountain, the good times flashback)
Turnabout Saber (the man-eating castle (omg hiii nhs))
The Blind Turnabout (Yi City arc)
Turnabout Deviation (the Koi Tower conference, Empathy on NMJ ala turnabout memories or beginnings. opening cutscene is his qi deviation)
The Blood-Soaked Turnabout (second Burial Mounds siege, flashbacks: Xuanwu, Sunshot, YLLZ, Nightless City massacre)
Turnabout Lotus Seeds (testimony about JGY, tree scene, golden core reveal, bathtub scene. opening cutscene could be JGS' death but that would make it canon rather than ambiguous)
Turnabout Confession (Guanyin temple)
the problem with splitting novel!mdzs into turnabouts is that flashbacks are a huge chunk of the book but they don't have mysteries/ cases to solve so they've gotta be lumped together with present day stuff. imo? many of the flashbacks would likely have to be abridged so they could be retold ala DL-6, SL-9, or the fourth grade incident, where characters talk about it over some pieces of art. this is really difficult when theres a metric ton of unspoken, complex, and signifcant history between every character lmao
there's not as much of a problem with the cql timeline but i have not finished it. so.
the opening cutscenes in ace attorney always show the murder and/or the murderer plotting. the first cutscene of the game would be MXY summoning WWX, muttering about getting revenge on his family (it would also be good for him to mention the yllz being dead because that's how the novel starts.) cut to WWX's POV as he wakes up covered in blood and the investigation segment begins.
for investigations of monsters (goddess, saber, etc) the cutscene would be a scene of some poor throwaway cultivator getting their shit wrecked.
it would be cool to make a breakdown for JGY but again I need to review that scene cause I don't know who I'd base him on. maybe Vasquez or Dahlia.
tell me your thoughts!! i'm working off of a mdzs summary/ skimming the novel because i don't remember it too well so if i get anything wrong please yell at me
Jin Ling's sprites & Nie Huaisang's sprites / masterpost
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copperpipes · 6 months
What’s going on in your after dark AU
I think of it more as a post-movie fic in comic form with a bunch of worldbuilding headcanons but anyways
After Dark is the name of the comic, I've planned two parts, two arcs.
We are just entering the first arc of the comic! Backyard fairies!
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Its the farmhouse arc that was present in both the 2003 and 2012 iterations (I've watched both) in which the turtles (try to) heal after a big event, be it a failure or a victory. The surroundings of the farmhouse hold many mysteries, because the hamatos will never catch a break :/ poor guys
The parts of the arc will be more just like little one shots with a thin plot connecting them like in the show instead of the plot being the main focus, it thickens towards the end but overall I'm more exploring the world and the characters and what they've been through.
The main characters in this arc would be Mikey, April, Donnie and Casey because Raph and Leo got the film. Splinter and Draxum won't appear in this arc to deal with the aftermath in the hidden city because they believed the boys would be safe away from it (of course they were wrong). Cassandra has a clan of middle-schoolers to run in new york which was put on lock down, so she too in the end won't be able to visit :[
The episodes would be like this:
Mikey in wonderland- the focus is Mikey, he goes to explore the woods a bit because his arms ache and he needs a distraction.
Target practice- the focus is April, the exploration of her role in the predicament the hamatos are stuck along with a small theme of feminism and her being a part of the clan.
Five easy steps to build a tree house- the focus is Casey, he lost his home, and he realizes the turtles he grew up with are gone with it too, also a glimpse of his past and birth.
Its the IRS! but they're not after Donnie?- amateur timestress tries to impress her mentor, and draggs Mikey with her into the mess.
Germophobia- Mikey drags Donnie into the woods to meet someone he met there. Donnie isn't a fan.
Thats it for the first arc I think. There will be smaller stuff in between that'll show the details, how Raph and Leo are doing, what is up in NY and the HC (hidden city).
The second arc is the infamous tmnt space arrrrc
It'll be called star sailor ✨ the main focus in it will be Donnie :D it'll include the triceratons, fugitoid, many aliens and a lot of existential crisis :'] i think it'll be much more angsty and philosophical then the first arc and ooh can't forget the amount of body horror I've planned >:D
Man I should really make a masterpost
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cherrifire · 1 year
Archived in the Southlands: Martyn's Mix
Case #0211905-C
Original recording from Martyn Littlewood's personal supplemental tape.
[Martyn] Ello, ello! I'm Martyn Littlewood, also known as the Archivist. I reckon I've had that title for about 3 years now? And this is my new personal supplemental tape.
Word count: 2244
Be sure to read Case #0211905-A and Case #0211905-B before this one.
[AU Masterpost]
[Martyn] Ello, ello! I'm Martyn Littlewood, also known as the Archivist. I reckon I've had that title for about 3 years now? And this is my new personal supplemental tape.
But to start, this tape is NOT meant for research or theories. I get enough conspiracy theory rubbish at the Institute. Something destroyed the place I was living at with BigB and Grian. And if I have to think about that case one more time, I'll crawl into a grave and let the Buried claim me.
I genuinely just needed a personal tape of my own to ramble on to. Lots goes on in this massive brain of mine. I just need something to talk to and get those thoughts out. This could technically be used as a memory log? Something for me to just look back on later down the line. I actually used to keep a log like that before the Archives and I kind of miss it.
I'm going to leave this tape in my flat so I don't get it confused with the hundreds of other tape recorders floating around the Archives. Maybe I'll be able to catch some fun stuff of my new flatmate too.
Speaking of Ren, I'm going to try and convince him to grow more than just roses. He seems to know a lot about caring for flowers, so I wonder if I could throw him off his game with something completely different. Oh, maybe something we can eat would be cool! I'll mention it next time I see him.
Though, I'm not sure when that'll be. I've noticed he tends to go out a lot, but that doesn't surprise me. He probably gets invited to all sorts of parties and events. Probably for the best.
(a pause)
Oh, good grief! For the record, I am NOT turning this into a gross emotional audio diary either!
[Martyn] Someone knocked on the door today looking for Ren. I'd never seen him before but he said his name was Doc. The name reminded me of someone I used to know, but again, I'd never seen him before.
It's not unusual, people come by looking for Ren all the time. It's actually really sweet how many folks just stop by to check on him.
So sweet, it makes me sick. He's usually never here, but I always like to take messages and relay them back to him when I see him. It's hard to forget things nowadays, so it's not an issue. Though, I guess it doesn't really matter, since I like to change the message anyway, just because I can.
When Ren gets home, I'm going to tell him that Doc wants to make a diss track with him about Grian.
[Martyn] I wouldn't do it.
(Jimmy's voice is coming through a phone speaker)
[Jimmy] Martyn, I promise you, I'm quitting if you do it.
[Martyn] (laughing) Right, but I wouldn't do it.
(Movement is heard as Martyn starts to look for something.)
[Jimmy] (frustrated) No- but you're saying it like you are going to do it!
[Martyn] But I wouldn't though!
(something falls, making a 'thud' sound as it hits the floor)
[Jimmy] I can hear you rummaging through your things!
[Martyn] (wheezing) But I-
[Jimmy] If I walk into the archives tomorrow and you scare me with a stupid party popper again I promise you I will leave.
[Martyn] (wheezing) I just wouldn't though.
(another object falls)
[Jimmy] Martyn.
[Martyn] I wouldn't.
(something else falls. Martyn is probably doing it on purpose)
[Jimmy] STOP!
(Martyn laughs)
[Martyn] I think my favourite thing about Tim is that I could tell him anything and he'll think I'm messing with him. I told him today that I was looking into a case about a cult dedicated to darkness. His immediate response was:
(mocking) "That's not funny, Martyn, stop it!"
(Martyn laughs)
(a pause)
I’ve known him since we were kids, but Jimmy doesn’t know me enough to tell when I’m joking, I guess.
Ah, wait-
(a pause then a light knock on the door)
Come in!
(door opens)
[Ren] Hey dude, is there a reason your rent paperwork has a completely random name on it?
[Martyn] Oh, Martyn Littlewood isn't my legal name. It just sounds cooler.
[Ren] That checks out. I looked at the name on this thing and was like "who is this loser?" 
[Martyn] (laughing) I'm a different person now. My loser days are behind me.
[Ren] Well, thanks for letting me know, Phillip Watson.
[Martyn] Don't you dare!
(Ren laughs as he closes the door.)
[Martyn] If he starts calling me Phil, I swear to God-
[Martyn] That play Ren's been rehearsing, The Rise of the Red King–it's starting to grow on me. I remember helping him practice a little the day I moved in, but I'm forcing him to let me help more since I caught him rehearsing it on his own again.
He was in his room just repeating the lines quietly on his own. I imagine he was only holding back so as to not disturb me, but the unfortunate curse for the beautiful Archivist is I hear everything.
Which means I heard the awkward silence between each line he read out. So I took it upon myself to start responding, to fill that gap.
He said something like, "and as you know, every king must have a hand."
And I, charming as ever, poked my head in and said, "two is preferable, so you can hold things."
Then he continued, "I can think of no greater person than you." 
And the accent he chose for this character was like a mix between Scottish and Irish with like a bit of pirate. It was so bizarre. I'm doing the best I can to imitate it but I just can't do it like Ren. And I-
(door opens)
[Ren] Good afternoon, Martyn.
[Martyn] Good day, my liege.
[Ren] Martyn, will you do the honour of being the Hand of the King on this fine day?
[Martyn] Oh my word. Do I get a little pin badge?
[Ren] Definitely, dude.
When a kingdom is formed, loyalty must be proven. Later there will be a test for you. And if ye pass, it'll be ye and me to the end!
(Ren clears his throat and returns to speaking normally)
It's shopping, your test is grocery shopping. I'm heading out, did you want to come?
[Martyn] Only if you do that voice in public.
[Ren] You're insane, dude.
The King likes it. And you shall follow in his footsteps! Today, both our mettles will be tested.
[Martyn] Oh geez. I don't think my metal is very dense, so I'm gonna struggle.
[Ren] Alright, chat over. Let's get out of here, dude. But um- are you recording this?
[Martyn] Ah-! 3 years and I still always forget to turn these-
[Martyn] Good evening, my liege.
[Ren] Hand of the King. To what do I owe the pleasure?
[Martyn] The carrots, m'lord! It will be a bountiful harvest!
[Ren] Oh, dude! No way! Show me right this instant.
[Martyn] I took your teachings and successfully grew a small handful of carrots. Come see!
(a pair of footsteps then a sliding door being pushed out of the way)
(Sound of dirt shifting as a carrot is pulled from the soil)
[Ren] (excited, high-pitched) Oh! Dude! Look at that!
[Martyn] That's right boss, fresh produce right here in our garden. They're a little small, but size isn't everything.
[Ren] Let's get these out of the ground and wash them. We could make a carrot cake with these!
[Martyn] This is why you're the boss. I would have never thought of that.
[Ren] (laughing) But what's a King without his loyal Hand?
(the recording starts while Martyn and Ren are in the middle of laughing)
(there's the sound of cake batter being aggressively stirred underlining the recording)
[Ren] Martyn, you're wasting batter!
[Martyn] You said to mix well!
[Ren] Dude! Not that well! You're getting cake giblets all over the kitchen! Stop it!
(Martyn and Ren laugh)
[Ren] (mocking) Statement of Ren Diggity Dog
I have no idea what you actually do at the archives, but I bet that's what you sound like.
[Martyn] Dude! What are you-
[Ren] Yes, I'd like to talk about my strange roommate-
[Martyn] Ren, don't even joke like that! Now give it here-
[Ren] You always use this to record me anyway. Why? Is it your personal audio diary?
[Martyn] No! That's not what that is!
[Ren] Then what is it?
[Martyn] How about you just hand it back and-
[Ren] (laughing) You're deflecting, dude! Oh, this is definitely a diary.
[Martyn] (laughing) Ren, give that-
(all sound is muffled as if through a wall)
[Scar] Knock knock!
[Ren] Scar-
[Scar] Ren! It's been a while!
Oh man, I missed this place. It's been, what? Four months since I last saw you?
(a pause, then Scar laughs)
As talkative as always.
How's your new roommate? I haven't seen the Archivist in ages! Is he good?
(a door opens and Scar's voice is no longer muffled) 
Oh wow. There's a lot of interesting stuff in here.
(Scar hums something as he thinks)
(he starts to rummage through Martyn's things)
Ah! There it is.
Ren, you won't miss these, right?
[Ren] No- No, you can have them.
[Scar] Wonderful. Pleasure doing business with you, Ren.
(extended silence)
[Martyn] I thought I could trust him...
(a pause)
(Martyn makes a frustrated sound and tosses the tape onto his bed)
(fading as he walks out) Ren, did you touch the thermostat again!?
(door opening)
[Ren] Sorry, Martyn.
(Ren sniffs the air then he enters the room)
(extended sound of papers being rummaged through)
[Ren] There you are- erm, whatever you are.
Statement of Pearl Moon. Okay. I can work with that.
(a pause then footsteps approach)
[Ren] When did this turn on?
[Martyn] (whispering and panicked) Ren has been standing on the other side of my door for an hour now. Waiting...
I don't know what he wants. I know he's been taking Hunt statements, but I have no idea why. I can't even tell how far gone he is or why he's hunting m-
(a knock on the door)
(Martyn holds his breath)
(extended silence)
(distant footsteps as Ren walks away)
Yeah, fuck that. I'm not sleeping tonight.
(distant sounds of screaming, everything muffled as if through a wall)
(there's a collection of a dozen heavy footsteps all quickly getting further away along with the screaming)
(Ren and Martyn are also muffled through the wall)
(Ren is laughing, hysterical and manic)
[Martyn] Ren, get a hold of yourself!
(Ren continues to laugh)
[Martyn] Hang on, I'm just going to grab a few random statements then we can go!
[Ren] (distant) Take your time!
(sound of a small handful of papers being picked up)
[Martyn] It's going to be fine...
(Martyn takes in a deep breath)
(he releases his breath, quivering like he's cold)
(a pause)
[Ren] (whispering) Martyn passed out the moment his head hit the couch. The statements he read helped heal his wounds a little. They're still... bad, but at least he's sleeping through it.
Me, though? I think I'm going to be awake for a while.
So I'm trying what Martyn does. Talk complete nonsense into a tape just to turn thoughts into words. I had to grab his audio diary from his room since the one we had ran out of tape. I'm sure he won't mind this one time. Plus, I know he listens back through this one all the time and I...
I kind of want him to hear this.
I guess first, Martyn looks terrible. I'm staring at his filthy face right now from across the room. He's covered in dirt and his sweater is completely ruined. Although, I guess that's my fault. But he's been wearing that same sweater for months now. Good riddance, I say.
I'll find him a proper style when he's ready to go out again.
(Ren chuckles to himself then pauses)
Only if he wants to, of course.
(another pause)
I think... I think he's stuck with me now. After my... change, he said the hunt was over but... I know he only put it on hold. I can feel my blood waiting, itching for him to run so I can chase him down again. He said he wasn't going anywhere but...
[Martyn] (groggy and distant) Ren?
[Ren] Oh- Martyn. I'm sorry, did I wake you, my friend?
(movement as Ren gets up and walks towards Martyn)
[Martyn] No. I've been up this whole time. Listening.
[Ren] I didn't mean to keep you up, dude. My bad.
[Martyn] Can I have the tape?
(the recorder is passed to Martyn)
Ren, did you know the cold is typically an attribute of the Lonely?
[Ren] So what's your theory on the snow back at Dogwarts, then..?
[Martyn] My current theory is that you're too much of a social guy to be attracting the Lonely.
(a pause)
[Ren] Oh, Martyn...
[Martyn] I meant it, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you.
[Ren] It's you and me to the end.
[Martyn] Yeah. To the End.
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exiledelle · 9 months
i was originally planning on having more sprite edits n stuff for this but unfortunately i think too many of my thoughts would be too hard for me to sprite, at least not currently, but. since i dont want to be spending months on this:
like i mentioned in the original post, after clovers slaughter of a decent part of the underground, and progress toward breaking the barrier being shot back to square one as a result, the royal guard essentially goes into a panic, putting out a mass recruitment.
much to the relatively-newly-crowned empress, undynes, dismay, this includes papyrus. wouldnt be a good look for her to turn down such an enthusiastic volunteer, especially not when the guard is in desparation.
but shes still biased, and doesnt want to see him hurt, so she manages to position him as a royal watchman instead of a guard. instead of capturing a human, his job is just to keep watch, help anyone who needs help in the forest, and if he manages to spot a human, all he needs to do is report the sighting to the rest of the guard. pretty simple and fitting job for him, and hes still very enthusiastic about it!! plus he gets a neat ranger uniform, so win-win (the design stuck)
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once frisk escapes the ruins though, and clover chases after, papyrus notices somethings not right before hes able to send his report. theres TWO whole humans, which would surely make undyne and the guard happy, maybe send him up a couple ranks too, but...
his job is also to HELP people. and clearly, frisk needs help. so in a conflict of interest, papyrus opts to help frisk find safety deeper into the woods, and only reports clover, to try and keep them at bay
realizing way too late the kind of threat they are, and that theyre too far gone for his usual approach of trying to talk them down like he does in undertale. he'll attack clover, but only when they have him and/or his friends cornered and its absolutely necessary. papyrus IS tough, so he can at least stall them, but he also knows his best chance is to find an opening to flee (he still has to protect frisk, after all), and that a prolonged encounter isnt really in his favor
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unfortunately, being a watchman, as well as undyne being busy with empress duties, means he doesnt have as much time for his usual Spaghetti Training, so he falls back to rations of dinosaur egg oatmeal (calling them rations makes it sound cooler to him), which he gladly shares with anyone
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...he gets a little overexcited though. its fine, this is normal for him, dont worry. also, the oatmeal survives this.
also in case youre wondering about sans: hes....actually pretty much the same, all things considered. hes happy papyrus got into the guard, tags along to his outposts, pulls his usual pranks, that kind of stuff. this isnt a sans au (and i dont really want it to be), so theres like. not a lot of emphasis on him, and theres not really going to be. he'll still like. timestop to drag papyrus and frisk out of danger given that hes there, cuz he does want to help protect them both, but hes not going to go all out on clover, at least not right away, and not without backup or a plan.
(also i say timestop and not teleport just because thats my own interpretation of the grillbys scene, and him having attacks start and end in seemingly random spots during his fight, i dont think its definitively canon or anything, but i still lean more toward timestop than simple teleportation)
WITH undyne busy though, papyrus is assigned a different captain to answer and report to.
someone... ...nyafarious... within the guard.
she will come later though. once i can make a sprite or two, and have more details ironed out. (should probably also start making a masterpost for this au at some point)
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by-glass-and-waves · 1 year
oh dude dude what do you MEAN "sorry guys who are looking for delicious Courtship/Restart goodies" I LOVE DEPRESSION QUEST, and i love the fact that theres someone else out there that has a runaway narinder AU
the idea of a completely power hungry lamb who disregards narinder as a person is so uncommon, i dont think ive actually seen that dynamic played out in a story/hc tbh ??? so i am LIVING for this, it truly is the spice of life
n like letting him runaway n waits for him to come crawling back??? absolutely maliciously delicious content
but nARINDER OH NARINDER angry, break down, self imploding beloved!!! again there isnt enough completely broken down ISOLATED(emotionally) conceded narinders, so many au's have him conceded, but they always including the lamb trying to get him comfortable and okay, never narinder just being tolerated and treated like property or a trophy and i love that fucked up dynamic
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
either way the idea of narinder self imploding to the point of complete isolation (running away) is such a good idea, im living for it !!! and the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
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WHOA I was at work and I was like "I got an aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" oh man I'm glad you really like the idea! I think I did see some fics like this (well not Narinder dips fics)
I will let you know that these qs making me go "wait hm this would fit into the AU better than my original ideas" so please bear with me!! at any rate omg aw thank you for loving these idees maybe I should just masterpost and mark spoilers for whatever comes to mind here also this is gonna be a long answer post pardon me
so spoilers for Depression Quest and Courtship I guess?
also trigger warning: depression, thoughts of self harm, mentions of mental breakdown
So this is me not reading cotl shit in like, literally months in order to try to preserve my headcanonideas like a loser but damn whoaaa I'm happy that you really like this AU
The initial idea actually did have just plain old Lamb being all okay bb i'll be here waiting for you when you ready I won't push you, I'll let you run away and live your life bb just want you to be happy uwu like they did want Narinder to love them back but they were fine with just making him happy and brought back the Bishops and stuff so they could reconcile but as said before, things didn't seem the same for them
Then as Courtship took form I kind of moved those kinds of feelings Lamb had to the new AU and really honestly removed them from the equation because I wanted to focus on Narinder and Getting Over It™ and just living his own fucking life instead
What did remain was Narinder's complete and absolute breakdown when he locks himself into the house they built for him and his eventual escape. Like goddamn, I was like this man needs to break
The amount of broken furniture, crying and screaming onto the floor and bed, throwing items at whoever manages to get into the house, laying down and staring at the ceiling in a catatonic state, etc
I liked the idea of him meeting other people and them remarking on his fallen status or having to hide his identity when interacting or going to public places and it's pretty much how I came up with the Ratoo encounter/friendship
Imagine Kudaai laughing when he requests a scythe and giving him the smallest, lightest one for his weak upper extremities
addendum: like after escaping he does get better like he runs into kudaai and gets scythe at least but he still sucks since his hands/arms more likely to spaz more when he exerts himself too much (aka combat)
Imagine Narinder trying to stay inconspicuous when he goes to Plimbo's stall at the Lighthouse, etc
Once the idea of resurrecting the Bishops came up around the time I started writing Courtship I kind of went, tbh Lamb would only do that to get Narinder back and then that idea of the Lamb just stuck
The Lamb knew where he was the entire time. The Lamb let him think he was finally free from them. The Lamb decided to uproot his life when he thought he finally found peace (by reintroducing his siblings) and from there the Lamb became the kind of famous hero/whatever who would 100% use Narinder as a trophy SO and show them off while he feels awful and drinks every night to cope
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
So initial idea was that Baal and Aym weren't crazy about it but came around after Lamb invited Forneus for a visit, then they would be like yes Master should see how good Lamb is
Now thinking it over, it could have a good twist to it:
Baal and Aym think that Narinder should come around because Lamb is a good person and his life would improve
In this, his guardians become his jailers. They've become the ones most actively working for his "rehabilitation", and Narinder hates it because he knows it's another way for the Lamb to break him. He's thinking that it's their mortality that made them cave so easily.
Once Narinder makes it out, they want to make their presence known once they find him, but Lamb explicitly commands them not to until they say it's time. So they go and check on him and obvs this is stwess for Narinder since he feels like he's being watched
Still though, Depression Quest is more Narinder-based than Narinder/Lamb relationship-based because it's him trying to live in a new Lamb-ruled world while trying not to show off his shitty power level or something, Lamb didn't really pull up much once he gets out except for really sending Baal and Aym to keep tabs on him and maybe probably when the Bishops are resurrected but even then it's just like... there's still this kind of sad underlying everything.
So fun fact: a few of Courtship's ideas originated in Depression Quest! Such as the shared love for gardening/camellias by Leshy and Narinder, and the relationship/dynamic between Kallamar and Narinder. I don't know why but their relationship felt fucking devastating once I came up with it hence why I think Chapter 9/Kallamar's quest in Courtship has been my favorite to read and write so far.
Courtship and Depression Quest do share quite a few things, so I'm worried I might echo too much of the same shit should I actually come to write it. While writing out this answer I posted an unedited bit on a prototype for Leshy quest and you may see some parallels to the one for Courtship :o
the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
pls show me when you done I want it I'm so glad you like it and yes Ratoo and Narinder friendship is one and only
I think there was more but it's like 2am and I have to wake up in like 3 hours and I think I should just do a fucking masterpost on these AUs
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shnowbilicat · 1 year
Tumblr media
I've thought a lot about the ghost kids that roam my FNAF AU and thougt about writing down some of the concepts I'm pretty set on owo
Like that the ghost kids actually age because why the fuck wouldn't they? And also how adult ghost work n stuff, cuz Rick, Keith and also pretty much my two Purple's exist as adult ghosts, living corpses idk X'D
And I would also want to make a small masterpost about all my current ghosts/haunted creatures and what the names of the kids are and who they are haunted by and stuff! owo
Standard ghosts that don't have any unique features or powers. Just a bunch o' haunted robot furries ewe But I liked giving them names similar to their animatronic so yeah :'33
Freddy Fazbear - Frederick/Freddy Bonnie - Bill/Billy Chica - Charlie Foxy - Felix
Golden Freddy - ???; unique case, has A LOT of powers, like doing ghost stuff with a material body, etc. probably due to being the bite of '87 victim
Also mostly normal haunted robots, except for a few …
Mangle - Maggy, a single soul split into two personalities between the main and the second head, though it's still one consistent soul
The Puppet - Jack; the VERY FIRST victim and the only soul that hung onto the mortal plain for such a long time that his soul expanded until the Puppet found him, making him one of the most powerful ghosts, next to Goldie. AND he's soul bonded with Alex, giving Alex some pretty neat magic and supernatural powers of his own owo
SpringTrap - WAS haunted by the Purple Man, but once Vincent managed to split himself off, the remnants of his soul woke Springy up to be his own thing
Phantoms - Literally every Phantom is basically an alternative, split off part of the kids' soul … just being in a perpetuate teenage stage of being rowdy, know-it-all, drunk and … you get the picture X'D
All Nightmare Animatronics are actual animatronic monsters and not nightmares. Their living being exists because of Keith sharing his blood/soul parts with them, similar to Vincent and Springy, and are loyal to Keith that way
Nightmarionne/Marion - Claims to be the cumulative desire of all the victims to bring Vincent to justice, even if most kids don't have that desire anymore
Nightmare BB and Nightmare Mangle - Not loyal to Keith as they do not share his blood/soul bond and were made after Marion ordered him to create them. Marion might've shared some of the desire to kill with them to bring them to life
Every Animatronic has shards of different souls clinging onto them, giving them the desire to kill. As time went by these shards fused into one soul in each bot, while the programming of them kept these souls to go completely haywire.
Ennard - Is a whole seperate entity and a mess of MANY broken soul. Curiously, without any clear programming to this mess of an endoskeleton/s, Ennard is the calmest of them all
Vincent the Purple Man - Pratically got forced to haunt his own corpse and SpringTrap, maikng his actually ghost powers limited on how long he can use them and hold that form, but he's still really powerful regardless
Rick the Shadow Man - Quite literally haunted the darkness around him, and due to his deep hurt and pain of being betrayed by his best friend he's REALLY powerful as well
Keith the Nightmare Man - Fell into a deep coma after dying; while having the potential to be powerful, Keith would need to go under very hard training to 'awaken' that side of his ghost form powers
PG - Similar to Vincent, got forced to haunt his SpringTrap and corpse, but was taken away and 'saved', only to be tortured the heck outta him, making his form and powers limited as well, but also some aspects are 'glitched'.
Alex Winter - NOT haunted, but has pretty much a 'pact'/soul bond with Jack, sharing his powers of the undead and supernatural and basically unlocking his own soul/ghost powers while being alive. All of it is party, restaurant and/or animatronic themed pff
All former guards like Mike, Jeremy, Fritz and the Phone Guy/Scott have the potential to be vengeful adult ghosts.
And Animatronics of PizzaSim and SB are not listed here cuz either OMG TOO MANY CHARACTERS or saved for future projects oWo
Also I blame a friend on DA for making me wanna put some concepts down for my own AU after pretty much a decade of having it owo
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ouatnextgen · 1 year
Hello five people who will look at this blog!
Here is a general overview of what's in this AU and some of what's changed in canon. I won't be re-explaining the entire show (I don't hate myself that much) but when it becomes relevant and/or I have an idea, I will put it here. Like I said in the description, let me know if you need anything tagged
If you have any questions about this AU, the characters, the ships, please ask me! My dumb brain can't remember everything I've come up for from this AU, and answering questions helps me cement everything in my head.
I will use "#the season 7 rewrite" and "#the next gen verse" for my stuff, "#other people's ideas" for other people's stuff, and "#adjacent" for stuff that won't really fit into either category.
This is a queer friendly space. This AU includes trans and non-binary characters, characters in same-sex relationships, aromantic and asexual characters, and queer M/F presenting pairings. If this bothers you, leave and come back when you're a better person.
Mega Change: Hope and Alice are now twin sisters, and Alice takes on more of a role like Rapunzel in Tangled. More on that below.
Ships: Since shipping is...what it is, I decided to lay out all the main ships that show up in this AU, either Next Gen ships or canon. Don't like, don't read ect, ect
Captain Swan
Rumbelle (potentially past, I'm workshopping a bit)
Belle X OC (potentially)
Outlaw Queen (past for a bit, but Robin's coming back, don't worry)
Glass Believer
Curious Archer/Mad Archer
Cygnet Scholar (Hope Swan-Jones x Gideon Gold)
Sleeping Prince/Prince Squared (Neal "Leo" Nolan x Philip II)
There are some other ships as well, but these are the main ones. I might make a post of all the ships eventually, because making up ship names for this fandom is really fun.
Rewrites: This section's gonna be a doozy, so I'm splitting it into three sections; Timeline, Character, and Plot
Timeline *sounds of crying come from the distance*
Timeline and ages are two of the worst documented things in this show. I'm not even going to try with the older characters, but for the younger characters, an attempt was made, starting with Lily's birth and abandonment in 1982, Land Without Magic (LWM) Time.
My AU takes place twenty years after Season 1, so around 2031 LWM Time.
Some of this is headcanon, and most of this is probably wrong, but this works for me, so don't correct me and make this even more complicated than it already is plz.
Lily is born to Maleficent and Zorro
1983: Storybrooke’s Creation
Emma is born to Snow and David (October 22nd)
~eighteen years later~
Henry is born to Emma and adopted by Regina three weeks later (August 15th-September 1st)
~six years later~
 Roland is born in the EF to Robin Hood and Marian (February)
~four years later~
2011: Season 1 (October-December)
Henry is ten
Alexandra is born to Ella and Thomas (October 29th)
2012: Season 1 (January-February)
          Season 2 (February-???)
          Season 3 a
2013:  Season 3 b
Neal Nolan is born to Snow and David (May)
Philip II is born to Philip I and Aurora (July)
Season 4 (November)
Season 5 (December)
Robyn Hood is born to Robin and Zelena (December)
2014: Season 5 (January-??)
          Season 6
Gideon is born to Belle and Rumplestiltskin (March)
Hope and Alice are born to Emma and Killian (April)
Alice is kidnapped by Gothel (May)
~seven years later~
Benjamin is born to Snow and David (January)
Charles is born to Thomas and Ella (February)
Arabella is born to Philip I and Aurora (August)
Lucy is born to Henry and Jacinda (August 15th)
~five years later~
2031: Twenty Years Since Season 1
Character: I am not a huge fan of the multiverse, let me just say that now.
Trying to retcon everyone I liked from Season 7 into the same universe as the rest of the show was daunting (I'm looking at you, Jacinda) but the way I see it is this: Like the show said, there are so many different versions of fairytales out there, but there are also similar fairytales that have nothing to do with each other except common tropes (like Allerleirauh and Cinderella for instance.)
So maybe Alice Liddell and Alice Jones can exist in the same universe, because while they both are called Alice and went to Wonderland, they have totally different stories.
(This entire block of text was mainly about the whole Jacinda/Ella and Ashley/Ella situation)
Alice Jones (mega rewrite incoming): Alice is the twin sister of Hope (older by thirty minutes), and is the daughter of Emma and Killian. She is the new Savior. Gothel kidnaped Alice when she was a month old, and raised her in a tower in the Enchanted Forest for twelve years, just like Rapunzel in Tangled.
When Alice was twelve, she overheard Gothel saying that she was kidnaped, and was able to use her powers to escape. She tried to portal home, but ended up in Wonderland, because her favorite book was Alice in Wonderland, and so she considered it 'home.'
Alice lived in Wonderland for four years, until Will and Anastasia found her and took her to Storybrooke, where she was reunited with her family.
I also thought the whole "hey look at my Guardian OC, they're even more powerful than saviors and they can't be affected by dark magic and they have unlimited power and-" was suuuper dull. So, Alice is a Savior, just like her momma. And this way, it creates a dramatic irony that Gothel, who took Alice to save her own skin, ended up taking the Savior who is destined to destroy her.
Gothel: tbw
Regina: So, it's been a while since I've seen some of the later seasons of OUAT, but as far as I remember...Regina never wanted to be queen, right? Obviously she regrets not being a good queen to her people, but becoming queen was always what Cora wanted for her: Regina herself just wanted to be loved.
So I found it kind of odd that, at the end of Season 7, Regina became the queen of every realm. As cathartic as it is for Regina to receive the title of "The Good Queen" rather than "The Evil Queen," I kind of feel like this is a hollow attempt to give Regina her Happy Ending (after A&E killed her actual Happy Ending off, of course.)
I really feel like the best ending for Regina would be for her to remain Storybrooke's mayor. She can still be a leader and make up for her mistreatment of her people, and I feel like she can do that even better as mayor; she can hear them out and take their criticisms much easier as mayor than Queen. Additionally, being the leader of a smaller town means that the love of her people means something more. Ruling over millions of people from several realms doesn't exactly give anyone the warm fuzzies, yah know?
AND being mayor would give her more freedom and self-expression away from her mother's influence, so that way, she could have her cake and eat it, too.
Snow and David: I have to say, the later seasons (even the seasons I actually liked) did Snow SO dirty--and no, this isn't about the Lily thing. I won't turn this into a rant, but just know that that is my position as of now.
Snow and David still have their farm, but Snow is Queen of Misthaven now. She operates mostly out of Storybrooke (for plot reasons) and she, Regina, and the other rulers of the Kingdoms regularly team up and advise each other. Neal (Leo) is their heir, as Emma turned it down.
Jacinda: Here's where it gets complicated.
Jacinda is SUCH a pretty name, I always thought it was kinda sucky that it was Ella's "cursed" name. So in this AU, Jacinda is her real name. Original Cinderella (Ashley) gets to keep Ella because 1) She was here first and 2) Ashley is a way lamer name than Jacinda.
After much thinking and stressing, I have decided that Jacinda and Ella are still both Cinderella...sorta. Jacinda's story will be reminiscent of the Grimm's version (with some OUAT twists) while Ella's will be based of Perrault's version. The only things I'll switch are the shoes, since Jacinda's whole ship with Henry kind of revolves around GLASS slippers. (In the Grimm version, they were golden slippers, which I will give to Ella instead)
To make things simple: Jacinda never gets a Fairy Godmother, there's a pear tree involved, no pumpkin coach, there are three balls, birds, and glass slippers.
Ella has (had lol, thanks Rumple) a Fairy Godmother, a pumpkin coach and animal coachmen, a single ball, gold slippers, and the nickname Cinderella.
Does it make sense? No.
Is it important to my Next Gen Verse? Also no. So I ain't stressing it.
Jacinda's and Ella's Families: Another easy one. Ella gets the Tremaine name (she was here first, and her story aligns better with the Disney movie) while Jacinda's is changed to Belfrey.
Also, I thought that the whole "Rapunzel is also Lady Tremaine" thing was dumb as all hell, so that just straight up doesn't exist. To keep it simple, I used Victoria and Ivy for Rapunzel and Drizella, and just shortened Anastasia to Ana, because there are both an Anna and an Anastasia in this universe.
Many other characters remain the same: Tiana and Naveen, Facilier (except his and Regina's thing), Hansel turning evil for no reason (I thought that was hilarious) and a few others who don't matter.
I will add more to this post as I think of things.
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thatscottster24 · 2 years
@chaoticjos28 is my Alt! I made it bc I got locked out of my main Google acc lmao
Hello, my name's Josie and I'm your normal aroace teenager! I write stories, draw, and make characters! I am a demigirl and go by she/they pronouns.
I'm also currently dabbling in music and FNF modding :3
Key to my tags:
- #josies queue bc i'm lazy - Queued posts and reblogs
- #josie's character chaos - OC stuff, usually shitposts
- #josie art josie art - Art tag
- #F-For me? 🥹 - Fanart tag
- #rambling to the wall - Random rambling/text posts that don't fall into the lower two categories
- #welcome to rant corner - Negative rants and vents about my life. here so u can filter it out :3
- #checking the mailbox 📬 - Answered asks! Sometimes I will forget my inbox exists tho (<- on mobile)
Social Links:
Discord Server (feel free to join, it's kind of dead though)
YT Channel (I barely post here)
Twitter (barely active)
Toyhou.se (For all of my characters!)
Reddit (barely active due to the blackout, only still have it bc there's a few subreddits I desperately need as lore + info obtainers)
Ao3/Archive of Our Own (I use this for stories, you'll need a registered account on there to access them though)
Wattpad (For the peoples who don't have Ao3 accounts that want access to my stories and fics)
Art Blog (because I want my art to get more traction and not buried in my reblogs)
General Art Tag
Stories that I am currently writing (clicking on the names leads to their story masterposts!)
Doki Doki Expanded (DDLC OC Story)
Friday Night Funkin': Fandom Crossover/FC
Friday Night Funkin' Void-Sides
Friday Night Funkin' Highlights
The Protectors
Neverending Nightmares (+ After-Story)
The Experimental Journals
Cross Console Clash (crossover AU between Deltarune, FC, and Neverending Nightmares)
Among Us: Crew 1429
Current Fandoms (you'll see a lot of reblogged art, stories and other stuff of these, as well as my own fanart for it as well)
FNF (currently one of my main fandoms and hyperfixations)
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Anything Minecraft related (albeit barely, I'm very much involved in the fandoms there)
Undertale Yellow
I am known by my friends for making way too many OCs (earning the title of 'The OC Collector') and am also angst hungry as I am always traumatizing said characters
Feel free to send me asks of my characters, I really enjoy talking about them :3
NOTE ON ASKS: I have anon off as to prevent creeps from getting away with saying weird shit and not getting blocked. It hasn't happened yet but I'm using it as a safety measure so if you're more comfortable with anon I am sorry ;-;
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thewordworrier · 2 years
October 2022 Writing Wrap Up
Words Written:  30,776 words. Ehhhhh, it’s not my best month but it’s also not my worst. I’ll take it. Things I’ve Worked On: Oh boy. Things worked on, then things published. ~ OTPtober Prompts (A prompt list I found on Instagram, and shared with Robin, which inspired her a little. You can find the Instagram graphic, and the first of her prompts here ish.) I’m writing these out of order or I would’ve posted them as I went. I don’t know if I’m going to make a masterpost for these or just list them normally. I have to finish them first.) ~ A lot of little bare bones scene blurbs for various AU/fics I have in the ol’ GoogleDocs. There’s actually a lot of ‘NormalAU’ stuff in there - stuff with Shelly and her kids, stuff involving the American Leg of the 2022 Tour (because yes I’ve written stuff based on that already too; gonna have a little series for that. It might be kinda porny/smutty though, because that’s where my brain’s gone. But hey!) ~ I Mean This - I’m Okay I started this in September I think - it was the last Something New I was working on, I believe. Finished and published it this month. I’m actually really proud of this one and I wish it was getting a little more love on AO3. But it’s not FrankxGerard and it’s not smut so, it is what it is. ~ It’s Not The Way I’m Picturing Started and finished this one this month. Finally decided to work on an idea that had been floating around in my head for ages. ~ You Knew The Entire Time Thank you, Miss Swift and your release of Midnights. Think this one took me about three or four days’ of writing. November Plans: ~ Well, it’s NaNoWriMo so, those daily words - 1,667 words a day. I’ll definitely get the 500 a day. 1,000 if I’m lucky. Full word count by the skin of my teeth. ~ Ideally, I’ll finish the Origins Fic, with some of the 50k to spare. I don’t think it’s gonna need that many words, but then again, I said that about CMBFTW last year and... Look at how that went. If it needs it then, so be it. If it doesn’t, I have other things I can work on. ~ I think I want to finish the OTPtober Prompts next month too. They’ll give me something to switch between when my brain goes “I need a break from this.”
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sillygoofyqueer · 6 months
AFTER AN ACCIDENTAL SLIP OF MY FINGER, I POSTED THE RESPONSE TO AN ASK FROM @/veigascc WITHOUT FINISHING. SO. UH. THE ASK WAS ALONG THE LINES OF: 'Have you ever thought about having Cross as Hercules? And what Greek gods would Fell sans and Swapfell (purple) Sans be?' First of all, thank you so much for sending this ask in, I really appreciate you showing an interest in my headcanons! Anyway, onto the good stuff: - Until you mentioned it, I didn't really think of Hercules (Heracles in Greek mythology) as a potential for Cross seeing as he is most famously known for being a Greek hero more than a God. But, through some further research, I've learned that Heracles actually did become a minor God after his death, and now I do believe that Cross would make a great Heracles, based on the fact that they both (in my opinion) have had to face a great many trials just because they are alive and wish to stay that way. Heracles was hated by Hera because he was a son of Zeus and evidence of one of Zeus' many affairs, and Cross has to fight back against X-Gaster because he wishes to be his own person and is going against the path meant for him - which is very poetical. The fact that Heracles was once driven into a state of madness that was induced by Hera and killed his family in that state kind of reminds me of how Cross ends up killing almost everyone in Xtale in timeline X after everyone turns against him and he realises what the X-event demands in the comic. Of course, they both realise what they've done and hide in different ways (Heracles being tricked into performing the 12 labours to repent for his 'sin', and Cross still trying to convince himself that his world is still there, despite the fact that it's clearly not). So, I think Cross would make a really good Heracles, the only issue is I think I'd need more development of Heracles as a god to want to fully switch up my headcanons. - Fell Sans as a God was a difficult thing for me to discern due to the fandom's perception of him compared to the canon perception of him, but I think he is best linked to the Greek goddess of death, misery and sadness, Achlys. I know, how joyful, lmao. I believe this because in canon, Fell is presented as an emotionally broken guy who was attacked by Asgore to the point where his magic (or powers) are uncontrollable. In all honesty, he seems like someone who radiates misery even with his façade of a sarcastic guy who doesn't care about anything - shown through self-deprecating jokes and a lack of regard for his own safety. So, linking him to the goddess of misery makes a lot of sense to me, because she is presented as someone who radiates misery and hopelessness, said to be the 'mist that fogs or blinds mortal eyes', often in death. I could take a more violent approach to Fell's characterisation due to the nature of his actual AU, but I find this much more interesting to think about. - Swapfell Sans was also super hard to characterise as a god - mainly because there's so little information about his canonical personality, which makes it hard to link him to a Greek God. However, I have learned enough about him to know that he's like Swap, but he's much more violent and reckless, so the idea of excited, frenzied violence, if you will. So, after some research, I can link him to the Greek Goddess of violence - Hybris (also spelt Hubris). There isn't much about her, but she was quite literally known as the personification of violence and reckless pride; she can be linked to Swapfell through the idea that he is so reckless and sure of himself that he will attack anyone and he is seen as feared by those in Snowdin. He shows no concern of violence and also seems to revel in it, much like Hybris! I would love to elaborate on this more, but due to the lack of information on both of them, this is the best I've got right now. I hope this was interesting for you to read!!! (you can find what is basically a masterpost of this headcanon series here)
0 notes
writingwithcolor · 3 years
I'm writing an AU of a movie that takes place in the 1880s USA, where a travelling white character and a Jewish character are waylaid by Native Americans, who they befriend. Probably because it was written by and about PoC (Jews) the scene actually avoids the stuff on your Native American Masterpost, but I'd still like to do better than a movie made in the 1980's, and I feel weird cutting them from the plot entirely. I have a Jewish woman reading it for that, but are there any things you (1/1)
2/2 1880s western movie ask--are there things you'd LIKE to see in a movie where a white man and a Jewish man run into Native Americans in the 1880s? I do plan to base them on a real tribe (Ute, probably) and have proper housing/clothes and so forth, but right now I'm just trying to avoid or subvert awful cowboy movie tropes. Any ideas?
White and Jewish Men, Native American interactions in 1880s
I am vaguely concerned with how you only cite one of our posts about Native Americans, that was not written by a Native person, and do not cite any of the posts relating to this time period, or any posts relating to representation in media. 
Sidenote: if you want us to give accurate reflections of the media you’re discussing, please tell us the NAME. I cannot go look up this movie based off this description to give you an idea of what my issues are with this scene, and must instead trust that the representation is good based off your judgement. I cannot make my own judgement. This is a problem. Especially since your whole question boils down to “this scene is good but not great and I want it to be great. How can I do that?”
Your baseline for “good” could very well be my baseline for “terrible hack job”. I can’t give you the proper education required for you to be able to accurately evaluate the media you’re watching for racist stereotypes if you don’t tell me what you’re even working with.
When you’re writing fanfic where the media is directly relevant to the question, please tell us the name of the media. We will not judge your tastes. We need this information in order to properly help you.
Moving on.
I bring up my concern for you citing that one—exceptionally old—post because it is lacking in many of the tropes that don’t exist in the media critique field but exist in the real world. This is an issue I have run into countless times on WWC (hence further concern you did not cite any other posts) and have spoken about at length. 
People look at the media critique world exclusively, assume it is a complete evaluation of how Native Americans are seen in society, and as a result end up ignoring some really toxic stereotypes and then come to the inbox with “these characters aren’t abc trope, so they’re fine, but I want to rubber stamp them anyway. Anything wrong here?”. The answer is pretty much always yes. 
Issue one: “Waylaid” by Native Americans
This wording is extremely loaded for one reason: Native American people are seen as tricksters, liars, and predators. This is the #1 trope that shows up in the real world that does not show up in media critique. It’s also the trope I have talked about the most when it comes to media representation, so you not knowing the trope is a sign you haven’t read the entirety of the Native tag—which is in the FAQ as something we would really prefer you did before coming at us to answer questions. It avoids us having to re-explain ourselves.
Now, hostility is honestly to be expected for the time period the movie is set in. This is in the beginnings (or ramping up) of residential schools in America* and Canada, we have generations upon generations of stolen or killed children, reserves being allocated perhaps hundreds of miles from sacred sites, and various wars with Plains and Southwest peoples are in full force (Wounded Knee would have happened in 1890, in December, and the Dakoa’s mass execution would have been in 1862. Those are just the big-name wars. There absolutely were others). 
*America covers up its residential schools abuse extremely thoroughly, so if you try to research them in the American context you will come up empty. Please research Canada’s schools and apply the same abuse to America, as Canada has had a Truth and Reconciliation Commission about residential schools and therefore is more (but not completely) transparent about the abuse that happened. Please note that America’s history with residential schools is longer than Canada’s history. There is an extremely large trigger warning for mass child death when you do this research.
But just because the hostility is expected does not mean that this hostility would be treated well in the movie. Especially when you consider the sheer amount of tension between any Native actors and white actors, for how Sacheen Littlefeather had just been nearly beaten up by white actors at the 1973 Academy Awards for mentioning Wounded Knee, and the American Indian Religious Freedom Act had only been passed two years prior in 1978. 
These Native actors would not have had the ability to truly consent to how they were shown, and this power dynamic has to be in your mind when you watch this scene over. I don’t care that the writers were from a discriminated-against background. This does not always result in being respectful, and I’ve also spoken about this power imbalance at length (primarily in the cowboy tag).
Documentaries and history specials made in the 2010s (with some degree of academic muster) will still fall into wording that harkens Indigenous people to wolves and settlers as frightened prey animals getting picked off by the mean animalistic Natives. This is not neutral, or good. This is perpetuating the myth that the settlers were helpless, just doing their own thing completely unobtrusively, and then the evil territorial Native Americans didn’t want to share.
To paraphrase Batman: if I had a week I couldn’t explain all the reasons that’s wrong.
How were these characters waylaid by the Native population? Because that answer—which I cannot get because you did not name the media—will determine how good the framing is. But based on the time period this movie was made alone, I do not trust it was done respectfully.
Issue 2: “Befriending”
I mentioned this was in an intense period of residential schools and land wars all in that area. The Ute themselves had just been massacred by Mormons in the Grass Valley Massacre in 1865, with ten men and an unknown number of women and children killed thanks to a case of assumed association with a war chief (Antonga Black Hawk) currently at war with Utah. The Paiute had been massacred in 1866. Over 100 Timpanogo men had been killed, with an unknown number of women and children enslaved by Brigham Young in Salt Lake City in 1850, with many of the enslaved people dying in captivity (those numbers were not tracked, but I would assume at least two hundred were enslaved— that’s simply assuming one woman/wife and one child for every man, and the numbers could have very well been higher if any war-widows and their children were in the group, not to mention families with multiple children). This is after an unknown group of Indigenous people had been killed by Governor Brigham Young the year prior, to “permanently stop cattle theft” from settlers. 
The number of Native Americans killed in Utah in the 1800s—just the number of dead counted (since women and children weren’t counted)—in massacres not tied to war (because there was at least one war) is over 130. The actual number of random murders is much higher; between the uncounted deaths and how the Governor had issued orders to “deal with” the problem of cattle theft permanently. I doubt you would have been tried or convicted if you murdered Indigenous peoples on “your” land. This is why it’s called state sanctioned genocide.
This is not counting the Black Hawk War in Utah (1865-1872), which the Ute were absolutely a part of (the wiki articles I read were contradictory if Antonga Black Hawk was Ute or Timpanogo, but the Ute were part of it). The first official massacre tied to the war—the Bear River Massacre, ordered by the US Military—places the death count of just that singular massacre at over five hundred Shoshone, including elders, women, and children. It would not be unreasonable to assume that the number of Indigenous people killed in Utah from 1850, onward, is over a thousand, perhaps two or three.
Pardon me for not reading beyond that point to list more massacres and simply ballparking a number; the source will be linked for you to get an accurate number of dead.
So how did they befriend the Native population? Let alone see them as fully human considering the racism of the time period? Natives were absolutely not seen as fully human so long as they were tied to their culture, and assimilation equalling some sliver of respect was already a stick being waved around as a threat. This lack of humanity continues to the present day.
I’m not saying friendship is impossible. I am saying the sheer levels of mistrust that would exist between random wandering groups of white/pale men and Indigenous communities wouldn’t exactly make that friendship easy. Having the scene end be a genuine friendship feels ignorant and hollow and flattening of ongoing genocide, because settlers lied about their intentions and then lined you up for slauther (that’s how the Timpanogo were killed and enslaved).
Utah had already done most of its mass killing by this point. The era of trusting them was over. There was an active open hunting season, and the acceptable targets were the Indigenous populations of Utah.
(sources for the numbers: 
List of Indian Massacres in North America Black Hawk War (1865-1872))
Issue 3: “Proper housing/clothes and so forth”
Do you mean Western style settlements and jeans? If yes, congratulations you have written a reservation which means the land-ripped-away wounds are going to be fresh, painful, and sore.
You do not codify what you mean by “proper”, and proper is another one of those deeply loaded colonial words that can mean “like a white man” or “appropriate for their tribe.” For the time period, it would be the former. Without specifying which direction you’re going for, I have no idea what you’re imagining. And without the name of the media, I don’t know what the basis of this is.
The reservation history of this time period seems to maybe have some wiggle room; there were two reservations allocated for the Ute at this time, one made in 1861 and another made in 1882 (they were combined into the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in 1886). This is all at the surface level of a google and wikipedia search, so I have no idea how many lived in the bush and how many lived on the reserve. 
There were certainly land defenders trying to tell Utah the land did not belong to them, so holdouts that avoided getting rounded up were certainly possible. But these holdouts would be far, far more hostile to anyone non-Native.
The Ute seemed to be some degree of lucky in that the reserve is on some of their ancestral territory, but any loss of land that large is going to leave huge scars. 
It should be noted that reserves would mean the traditional clothing and housing would likely be forbidden, because assimilation logic was in full force and absolutely vicious at this time. 
It’s a large reserve, so the possibility exists they could have accidentally ended up within the borders of it. I’m not sure how hostile the state government was for rounding up all the Ute, so I don’t know if there would have been pockets of them hiding out. In present day, half of the Ute tribe lives on the reserve, but this wasn’t necessarily true historically—it could have been a much higher percentage in either direction.
It’s up to you if you want to make them be reservation-bound or not. Regardless, the above mentioned genocide would have been pretty fresh, the land theft in negotiations or already having happened, and generally, the Ute would be well on their way to every assimilation attempt made from either residential schools, missionaries, and/or the forced settlement and pre-fab homes.
To Answer Your Question
I don’t want another flattened, sanitized portrayal of genocide.
Look at the number of dead above, the amount of land lost above, the amount of executive orders above. And try to tell me that these people would be anything less than completely and totally devastated. Beyond traumatized. Beyond broken hearted. Absolutely grief stricken with almost no soul left.
Their religion would have been illegal. Their children would have been stolen. Their land was taken away. A saying about post-apocalyptic fiction is how settler-based it is, because Indigenous people have already lived through their own apocalypse.
It would have all just happened at the time period this story is set in. All of the grief you feel now at the environment changing so drastically that you aren’t sure how you’ll survive? Take that, magnify it by an exponential amount because it happened, and you have the mindset of these Native characters.
This is not a topic to tread lightly. This is not a topic to read one masterpost and treat it as a golden rule when there is too much history buried in unmarked, overfull graves of school grounds and cities and battlefields. I doubt the movie you’re using is good representation if it doesn’t even hint at the amount of trauma these Native characters would have been through in thirty years.
A single generation, and the life that they had spent millennia living was gone. Despite massive losses of life trying to fight to preserve their culture and land.
Learn some history. That’s all I can tell you. Learn it, process it, and look outside of checklists. Look outside of media. 
And let us have our grief.
~ Mod Lesya
On Question Framing
Please allow me the opportunity to comment on “are there things you'd LIKE to see in a movie where a white man and a Jewish man run into Native Americans in the 1880s?” That strikes me as the same type of question as asking what color food I’d like for lunch. I don’t see how the cultural backgrounds of characters I have literally no other information about is supposed to make me want anything in particular about them. I don’t know anything about their personalities or if they have anything in common.
Compare the following questions:
“Are there things you’d like to see in a movie where two American women, one from a Nordic background and one Jewish, are interacting?” I struggle to see how our backgrounds are going to yield any further inspiration. It certainly doesn’t tell you that we’re both queer and cling to each other’s support in a scary world; it doesn’t tell you that we uplift each other through mental illness; it doesn’t go into our 30 years of endless bizarre inside jokes related to everything from mustelids to bad subtitles.
Because: “white”, “Jewish”, and “Native American” aren’t personality words. You can ask me what kind of interaction I’d like to see from a high-strung overachieving woman and a happy-go-lucky Manic Pixie Dream Girl, and I’ll tell you I’d want fluffy f/f romance. Someone else might want conflict ultimately resolving in friendship. A third person might want them slowly getting on each other’s nerves more and more until one becomes a supervillain and the other must thwart her. But the same question about a cultural demographic? That told me nothing about the people involved.
Also, the first time I meet a new person from a very different culture, it might take weeks before discussion of our specific cultural differences comes up. As a consequence, my first deep conversations with a Costa Rican American gentile friend were not about Costa Rica or my Jewishness but about things we had in common: classical music and coping with breakups--which are obviously conversations I could have had if we were both Jewish, both Costa Rican gentiles, or both something else. So in other words, I’m having trouble seeing how knowing so little about these characters is supposed to give me something to want to see on the page.
Thank you for understanding.
(And yes, I agree with Lesya, what’s with this trend of people trying to explain their fandom in a roundabout way instead of mentioning it by name? It makes it harder to give meaningful help….)
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erotica iii, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Min Yoongi has been wanting this all this time. Him. His female roommate. The shower. Water everywhere. Time to play.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, smut (fem reader, shower sex, fingering, handjob, m-receiving oral); non-idol!AU; pretty damn fluffy; Yoongi’s POV
indeed, I heard the song and I needed to write this immediately. don’t have to read the previous chapters, but they explain why this smut is significant. yes. I just called this significant smut.
part i | part ii
now playing - drown by baekhyun
Min Yoongi was pretty sure he had never been so hard in his entire life. 
He was quite satisfied with masturbating. Him and his right hand? Well acquainted. No introductions needed. Some mental simulation by reading some smut and he was good to go. Words got him off better than waiting for a video to buffer. Also, nothing was worse than watching something that instantly turned him off. Don’t even get him started on involving other people. Yoongi did not really like other people. No, no, better to stick to the written stuff. 
Yeah. Well. 
What if said writer of the written stuff was right next to him all along?
What if said writer of written stuff was with him in the shower right now, head tipped back, water cascading down her naked body, curving into rivets as it slid down her breasts, dripping off her large nipples, slipping between the curve of her legs?
His female roommate. 
The one he thought was nothing but a nerdy grad student studying Clinical Psychology. The one who was also the author of the erotica blog he had been reading for, er, far too long. Then she found out. Long story. 
She wrote it, in fact. 
She lowered her head, hair glossed to her scalp, lips parted, lashes covered in droplets, wet, delicious, beautiful.
Yoongi was very sure he'd never been so hard in his entire life. 
Did he maybe have some kind of weird water kink because he witnessed her masturbating with the bath faucet? Literally right here, in this very bathroom?
Long story. 
See above. 
She licked her lips, pretty pink tongue twirling in the air. They were close. So close. Her hands slid up his naked chest, tracing his skin. He gasped as her fingers spread out. The water was warm, falling around them, steam rising in soft wafts.
Why couldn't he breathe? Every fucking time. How did she do this to him every time?
"You look so good in the shower..."
He lashes lifted, peering up at him. 
"Why, thank you, Yoongi-ssi."
Ugh, even the way she said his name, like it was her favorite song on repeat, like it was her favorite meal to order, like it was as good as sex itself. 
"I suspected that's why you asked to shower together."
His ears burned, but her hands snaked around him, pushing his body up against hers. He moaned her name softly, pressed against her wetness, her large nipples rubbing into his chest, his rock-hard cock sliding in between her wet thighs. So good. Oh, so fucking good. 
"Look at me."
His eyes opened halfway, blinking away the water as he watched the showerhead pour down on her back and shoulders, small smirk on her lips, chin tipping up so she could bring her face close to his. He loved this. This closeness. Yoongi did not like people, but this… to him, she was her stories themselves, alive, every fantasy and dream he ever had, from words to reality.
"You ready?"
She wasn’t some random person trying to get something out of him.
She was erotica.
"Y-Yes..." Pause. She didn't ask, but the word came out. "Please..."
She reached up and pushed his wet black hair back, flattening it against his scalp. 
"I... I don't look good like that..."
She took one of his hands and slipped it between her legs. Gasped with him as his fingers touched her core, so hot, the wetness different there, thicker, more viscous. 
"You look good all the time," she breathed, cupping his hand with hers. "To me, you are so, so sexy, Yoongi."
She pushed one of his fingers into her folds, moaning against his lips as he sank into her slickness, his cock rubbing against their joined hands and her soft thighs. Her lips pressed against his, kissing him deeply. Sensual and unreal, pumping his finger inside her as she kissed him, taking another and sliding it in as well, tightening around them, fuck, he could feel everything, so wet and warm. Her walls closing in around his joints, pulsating and intense. He took over the pace, pushing in and out of her. Sweet cries into his mouth, mingling with her kisses, so many kisses, her free hand holding his waist, nails digging in. Her hand wrapped around his cock and stroked him, pressing the sensitive head against her smooth thigh, lubricated by the constant water raining down, down.
Yoongi was drowning.
Drowning in her body.
He did not think it was possible to want to please another body so much, even more than his. She moved so perfectly, rolling her hips into his hand, kissing him almost sloppily because of how much he was making her moan, her hand matching his pace, jacking him off as he got her off. Her sounds were addictive, the way she panted his name, needy and intoxicating, lifting her leg so he could thrust in deeper, feeling her clench around him, so tight, so hot, her juices sliding down his hand. The sound of her pussy squelching with every plunge, so dirty and yet so sexy at the same time. The sound of her hand furiously stroking his cock, pleasure shooting up his core, the head further stimulated by her thigh, pre-cum smearing on her skin and mixing with water.
Yoongi didn’t even care if he came or not.
He just wanted her to cum on his hand.
“Cum for me,” he breathed against her lips. “Please… need you to cum for me.”
Her lashes lifted, droplets falling onto her cheeks, mouth open and panting. Staring into his eyes, hers glazed over with lust, pupils dilated, wet hair sticking to her face, humping his hand, pumping him at the same time, warm water drizzling down on them.
“Yoongi, fuck…”
The first time she had been able to say his name as she came.
Yoongi would remember it forever.
She tipped her head back, eyes closing, moaning deeply, pussy throbbing around his fingers, gushes of thick liquid pouring out. Even though the water was washing it away, he could still smell it, sweet-sour and lovely, still rolling her hips all the way to his knuckles to ride out her orgasm, letting him feel her walls pulsating and massaging his fingers.
The image was so sexy that Yoongi gasped, his cock twitching in her hand as she kept pumping him, increasing the speed now, the hand on his waist holding her steady as she brought her fucked-out gaze back to him.
He did that.
“You’re so fucking beautiful when your body is wet.”
Yoongi didn’t know if he was delusional or what, saying things like that, but he did anyway, because she made him feel so fucking good, so fucking sexy, and all she did was look at him.
“Want to watch your face when you cum,” she purred, pressing her forehead to his. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Yoongi shook his head. If he was braver, he would have said, watch me, but he wasn’t and he was too fucking close to talk. It wasn’t his hand and it wasn’t his pace, but pleasure radiated everywhere, mixing with the warm steam, all his muscles tensing as he stared into her eyes, focused on him and only him.
His teeth sunk into his lower lip, whining as he came, shooting onto her leg, thick white strings dribbling on her skin for only a second before the water washed it away, a single second that burned into his memory, the perfect picture of his cum painted on her thigh. He could feel it all over, the moment of euphoria, taking over him, his legs shaking. She leaned in, kissing him lightly, before she slid down, dropping to her knees. Took him in her perfect mouth, hot and wet, the sensitive head draping onto her tongue, soft lips closing in. He moaned, lost in the small licks and gentle swirls that shot sparks up his spine.
“H-Holy fuck…”
She stayed like that, delicately licking his softening cock all over, probably for a good few minutes. Yoongi looked down, gasping at the sight of her wet hair and spread thighs. She popped her mouth off his cock and kissed his balls, light pecks. For some reason, that felt good too. Everything she did felt good.
She stood back up, pulling him to her by the waist, kissing his jaw, nuzzling his cheek with her nose.
“You want to make this a regular thing?” she whispered against his neck.
“Hah…” Her kisses made it so hard to think straight. “What?”
“The shower,” she chuckled, catching his earlobe with her teeth. Yoongi moaned, hands resting on her waist. “Showering together.”
Fuck, yes. “S-Sure.”
She smiled against his skin. Pressed her lips to his ear.
“That’s good.”
Yoongi couldn’t wait to read what she wrote next.
He would definitely jack off to it.
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Hermitopia AU Conclusion
The last ask has been answered, the masterposts are complete, and (although art, writing, and Discord discussion are still accepted and encouraged) it is finally time to officially wrap up the Hermitopia AU! Because this was such a massive event - and no small thing to moderate - there will be a pause in blog activity for a day or so before the inbox will open for regular headcanons again. I apologize in advance for the wait!
In the mean time, I would just like to say: I am so, so thankful to everyone who participated in the AU. Your ideas and your creativity have made this blog a better place, whether you sent in one headcanon or dozens, and I am constantly in awe of the energy and enthusiasm of this community. Thank you, all of you, for making this universe we’ve created as vast and as interesting as it turned out to be.
Below are a collection of my own ideas, for those of you who like a satisfying (but still not entirely closed-ended) ending. These events take place as many days, months, or years into the future as you need them to make your own ideas work, and none of them are set in stone. You can take all of them, some of them, or none of them as truth if you want to...but either way, it has been an honour to build on a project like this one alongside you all.
And with that...the Hermitopia AU concludes! Finished, or barely begun, like so many good projects are. Have a great day everyone, and happy headcanoning!
- Mod Shade
"People of Hermitopia."
The man on the screen shifts, running a nervous hand across his bald head and squaring his shoulders. The broadcast quality is unstable, but it's more than enough for every citizen in the city to recognize who's speaking.
"This is your Concorp Branch Director, Cub. As I'm sure you are aware, I am the head of Project VEX in this city. You all know the VEX initiative as groundbreaking, life-saving, a shining success and a step towards a new era for humanity...and some of you may even see me as a hero for creating it.”
He closes his eyes, a brief look of pained remorse crossing his face. For a moment, he looks utterly defeated, almost small in the face of his impromptu audience of thousands...but finally, he fixes the camera with a steady gaze once more and begins the great unravelling.
“Maybe it was all those things, in the beginning. Maybe *I* was, once. But today, after far too long, I have some confessions to make...."
- For years, Cub had been desperately scrambling to hold the tatters of his life’s work together. Project VEX had started so well, and he had poured so much of himself into it, that when the failed experiments and rebellions became more and more frequent he was unable to accept a change of course. He covered up the project’s failings to maintain funding and public image, but mostly to maintain his own image to himself - that he was still the hero he’d set out to be and create at the project’s start. However, his denial was wearing on him heavily, and eventually he had a breakdown and decided to go public rather than keep drowning the city in lies.
- This breakdown was prompted by xB, who after his own moral breakthrough, confronted Cub and urged him to stop withholding knowledge and truth. xB also informed Cub of his own unknown truth - that the unintended power of his presence was the thing that was keeping the experiments successful when Cub was around. This was the final straw in breaking through Cub’s denial
- Along with Cub’s broadcasted speech, files were released to the media containing proof against most if not all of Concorp’s falsehoods. Many names were cleared of crimes that had been pinned on them, including Beef, Impulse, Doc, Cleo, and the majority of the other Unrestrained and Unaffiliated former VEX trainees that the company had tried to cast away
- Understandably, it took a very long time for the chaos to die down and all that information to be processed by society and the justice system. It may be years before the community can see some of their heroes in the proper light again, but at least they are now free to begin rebuilding their reputation without being labeled as villains and traitors.
- Those who actually did commit villainous acts are given a fair trial, with consideration for their motives and the new Concorp information as extra evidence
- The VEX program is withdrawn by Cub’s superiors and put under a strict review. It is reborn after a massive restructuring, with a new director, new limitations on what experiments can and cannot be attempted, and a greatly extended screening and training program to reduce the chances of graduates becoming villains. The new project will produce far fewer heroes with much subtler powers at first...but if that is the cost for the safety and stability of the city, then most people would agree that it is a small price to pay.
- Cub is not permitted to work on the new Project VEX in a management role, ever again. It’s a harsh blow for him, to have to watch his dream from the sidelines...but he knows he gave up the right to guide it when he abused the control that it gave him. At least his superiors allowed him something to do while he awaits trial: he is present (although guarded) at every new VEX trainee’s first experiment, lending his power to increase their chances of success.
- Mayor Scar resigned willingly. Nobody had enough evidence to accuse him of anything, and he didn’t plan on giving them a reason to look by trying to stay in office. Instead he chose to make his exit from both Concorp and government matters complete, at last. Or so he thinks. Who knows? Maybe he’ll learn what most of the people he’s helped to manipulate have already found out: that connections and old grudges don’t easily lose their grip.
- Scar is replaced by TFC, voted in by almost unanimous community support and funded by donations from all the people he’s saved over the years
- The greater Convex company offers a choice to the survivors of the old program: Come to work under their new, more honorable system, or take a generously large settlement and be free to build new lives
- Team ZIT declines the job offer, pooling their payment and using it to buy a shiny new base together for their independent hero venture. There are still a handful of real villains to fight, after all, and there are bound to be more once people start successfully copying Concorp technology. Now that Impulse is back at their side, they wouldn’t give up their roles saving the community for anything - but they’re done with being used by some guy behind a desk. From now on, justice and bravery will be their only guides!
- ...justice, bravery, and TFC, that is. He isn’t their boss by any means, but the more experienced hero does drop by often between his mayoral duties to make sure the youngsters stay out of trouble and in one piece.
- The nHo, according to all official records, took their settlements and split up, leaving Hermitopia far behind. However, Team ZIT suspects that the vigilante life hasn’t left them so easily. They’d be the last ones to report the odd sighting of a whipping vine or a distant masked figure, though - unregulated as they are, the nHo’s shady methods for a good cause prove useful from time to time. (And their base has really good tea. Okay, maybe it’s a little bit more than “the occasional sighting”...)
- Ren settles back into his meadow cabin, but after that massive release of info and a long, LONG period of processing, he now has Iskall, Stress, and Cleo as regular visitors. Every morning he wakes up and forgets for a moment that it’s real, that they’re really alive and with him again...but they are, and he is happier than he ever thought he would be again.
- Jevin and Mumbo visit the cabin occasionally. It took a while for Mumbo to get his memory back, but he now remembers all of his friendship with Iskall and Grian, and they come together for fun and shenanigans regularly with the rest of the cabin crew.
- Grian still spends his time looking for his clones, but honestly, he doesn’t mind. The adventure always did hold more meaning than the conclusion for him, and now, he has friends to help out!
- False disappears into thin air to wait out the fallout of Concorp’s information release. She snags herself a quiet job and a small apartment on the outskirts of town, fully intending to return to her mercenary work just as soon as the dust has settled...next week, maybe. Or the week after that. Or maybe, once the garden has been fully planted. She’s really enjoying having time for stuff like that now...but she’ll get back to work, really, she will! Soon.
- Joe and Cleo tearfully reunite through xB, and Joe becomes another frequent visitor to the cabin. Cleo also visits Joe’s base in the time exclusion zone, but she really prefers the cabin. Time skips are disorienting, and they make her want to sneeze.
- Keralis and Void come to an agreement. Xisuma isn’t entirely clear on what that agreement is - something to do with an allowance of cookies from Biffa’s bakery in exchange for not killing anyone - but he’s more than happy to be less sore and tired all the time.
Hermitopia is making progress. Real progress, this time - not just the breaking of humanity’s limitations, but breaking them with true heroic care, with the good of everyone in mind. There are some hurts that will never fully heal, mistakes that can be learned from but not undone, and yet...now there is a path, a way forward. It won’t be easy, but a kind and gentle future waits for them, welcome and well deserved. They will figure it out, together.
And together, they will step forward, into the new world that each of them has helped to create.
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
Back again with more questions about the au!! XD
And don't worry, we all love your long responses!! The more you say about the au the more interesting it becomes :D
Do Skeppy and Bad need to eat? If so, do they have favourite foods and can they cook?
Does Skeppy have pets of any sort? Does he like animals or have any that he particularly fears? I find the idea of Bad comforting him after a not so nice encounter super cute!
It's pretty obvious they hate the littering teens but what about little kids. Does Bad often lure then deep into the forest to see all the prettiest flowers and cute animals? Has he ever tried to adopt one before realising that wouldn't be a very good idea.
Does Skeppy get defensive about the forrst when he's in the town, like cutting off people who try to say it's a horrible place, or is he good at controlling his emotions?
Do either of them actually need sleep or is it just for fun (or in Bad's case a way to pass time). Does Skeppy ever sneak into the forest depths to nap alongside Bad? Is Skeppy considered short by humans? I assume Bad teases him for being tiny since he's pretty damn tall/large (defending on form) himself.
Also do you have a favourite animal? N who's your favourite to draw in this au?!
Once again, so many questions '>_<. I always look forward to updates for in the dark, all the extra bits are so cool to learn about! I'll probs have even more after a while too haha. Hope you have a great day!! <3
Oh, that's a relief! Gonna ramble freely now :D
And, yes, hello, the questions! (with doodles now!)
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1) Food.
Bad doesn't really need rest or nourishment (his health is connected to the forest), but he indulges in both. Sleep, yes, he uses to pass the time (or have dreams, for the heck of it). And the desire to get food or hunt is part of the instincts leftover from all the times he connected to the forest animals for a long time. Desire to eat food though is purely his own, as a person and not a spn creature :D
Back when he was a human, he could cook pretty good, and I bet his favorites were pastries and steak. Nowadays, in the forest, he can eat meat pretty much any day, raw or otherwise. So, after being awake and coherent for long enough time, and reconnecting with himself a bit, Bad will miss eating baked stuff way more than any other food.
And, yes, getting fresh muffins is one of the reasons/leverages Skeppy might try to lure Bad to hang out in the town.
Rat eats and sleeps too, but Bad isn't sure if she does it out of necessity or habit.
Skeppy, oh, he is one of those people who can burn water. In part, the blame goes to his nature - or his lack of control over it - chaos inducing tendencies do not go well with following recipes.
Which is unfortunate, seeing how he does need to eat, and sleep, and so on. Sure, he can last way longer without any of those things than a human would, but he still needs them to survive.
So, his favorite food is pizza, and all home-cooked meals stayed in the past, when Skeppy still lived with his family.
2) Sleep.
So, yes, Skeppy needs to sleep! But I'd say he will not go out to the forest at night for it. Not at first, at least.
First time, he just stayed out for a long time, very far back from the forest's edge. And the forest is so dark, it’s hard to judge the time in it at evening hours… By the time Skeppy noticed that it got very late, the whole journey back would’ve taken him too long to get a good rest at home. But, really, he didn’t have to make it. Nothing in these woods would hurt him, as long as Bad is around, and he’s… here, Bad’s around. And he knows the best moss-covered nooks between the roots, and is very, very warm all the time, and is kinda worrying anyway… Bad knows his woods are safe for Skeppy, but he doesn’t want him going around town at night when Skeppy is distracted and tired.
And this is how the first sleepover happens: with Skeppy declaring he’s stealing Bad’s cape to burrito himself in for the night, and (after the pretend-fight about it), doing so while Bad is still wearing it. It turns out for the better though, because the cape is not that warm, even if cozy, but Bad very much is. Enough to sleep nicely through the night, and dream of the vastness of the forest, the quiet peace of earth underneath, and of the tree branches reaching for the sky, to pass on the wishes tied to them further.
Bad doesn’t sleep that night, just watches over the snoring cape-caterpillar snuggled to his side (in a very not-creepy way, oh no). He puts some old dry leaves in Skeppy’s hair to make fun of him in the morning, and totally doesn’t scare him, when Skeppy half-wakes up early in the morning to a glowing milky white eyes of not really human looking Bad staring right at him.
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Next time Skeppy stayed out in the forest for too long, and had to spend the night, he maybe did it almost kinda half consciously on purpose. Because he wasn’t sleeping well, and the loneliness and the stress of life were getting to him a bit, and. He is very much touch starved. And the dreams he had in the forest last time were pretty nice too. Like resting so close to Bad let Skeppy feel what he feels, perhaps? Anyway. It was nice. But he couldn’t just ask for stuff like that right upfront then, so the shame and creativeness lead his way.
At some point he will ask to sleep near Bad upfront, though (:
3) Kids.
Oh, little kids Bad doesn't mind. Also he remembers too much about being human to lure kids away, or think having one at the forest will be a good idea :D I'd say, if some little kid gets away from their parents or a common walking path, Bad could lead them back instead. Send them to chase after a bunny or a pretty butterfly, leading the child back to safety.
Bad never shows himself to the kids, and there is a bit of self-deprecation in this. Just like there is a bit of kindness in the way he treats people, despite always showing how angry and done he is with them.
That is a weird, interesting contradiction Skeppy is very fascinated with.
4) Height.
Skeppy is short by human standards :D And his less human form is even shorter, so Bad absolutely makes fun of him for that. Oh, I'm sorry "lightly teases him, with no mean intent to it at all" (c) Bad, smiling with all his long, sharp teeth
5) Skeppy and the townsfolk.
After knowing Bad for a while, knowing how Bad sees the forest, and how, despite his anger, Bad still can't help but watch out for some people of the town too... Yes, with all that, Skeppy will find himself getting angry at times over people bad-mouthing the forest.
But he can't really talk back here. After all, it was him, and his mischief that reawakened old rumors, old fears, made people more paranoid about the forest than they were before.
Skeppy's little pranks took hold, and him being in town and going around the forest doesn't let people forget how scary and dangerous this place can be.
So yeah, before he lets himself properly call out someone about being mean to the forest, Skeppy gotta face all that. Fun times :D
6) Favorite animal and fav. character to draw.
I think I like to draw Bad more, because he can shapeshift, and the horns/branches are fun to twist around :D But I liked doing Skeppy's reality breaking effects too!
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And idk if I can pick one favorite animal :D I just really like snakes, cats, orcas, and all corvids.
Thank you, this ask really made my day! Even if it took me a bit to answer it XD
In The Dark - masterpost
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stonefreeak · 3 years
I absolutely love your chancellor kenobi series and am so grateful that you've written so much of it, you have sparked much joy for me. I wanted to ask your advice as someone who has written & published a large AU with many moving parts. How do you choose what order to publish things in? Do you have an outline that you stick to, do you publish as you write it, do you go with the flow?
Hello! Thank you so much, I'm glad to hear that you enjoy it!
Now, I could probably tell a few horror stories about how I was structuring my files and writing early on before @veilofadyingstar clowned on me enough times to get me to not write more than 5 different fics in the same google doc, separated only by headers (yes really), but I don't think that's very conductive to your questions, so I'll leave it at that, lol.
Chancellor Kenobi (CK) started as directly-into-tumblr ficlets. As in, I wrote everything directly into the text post editor and then just tagged it and pressed save and that was that.
It was also, early on, sort-of-not-really a prompt fic. Basically, I started by writing a ficlet on an idea, and then people wanted more of that ficlet, so they sent me asks. Sometimes they did manage to hit on what I imagined would happen, sometimes they didn't (in which case I would tell them what actually happened). I have so many asks still that I planned on replying to with a ficlet but just forgot, which is why my inbox currently has 156 messages in it, lmao (sorry everyone who sent me an ask!)
Back when this was the format CK was in, back in December 2016, I posted ficlets in whatever order I wrote them. I updated daily back then, sometimes even twice per day. After 10 days of this (so on the 13th, with about 10ish ficlets to the story) I asked if people wanted me to collect everything in a masterpost, which they did, at which point I had to go back and actually double check the order of events.
This was all so early on in the story that I just posted ficlets as I wrote them, haphazardly adding them into the timeline where they belonged, without caring about posting order at all.
I had an idea of what would happen, and as it grew more complex and I got further into the story, I realised that posting things out-of-order wouldn't be feasible anymore. The ficlets were becoming far too context dependent (because of the complexity and details of the plot) so even though I was still writing ficlets in the order of "whatever strikes my fancy", I now had to wait with posting until it was actually the next bit of the plot, this is when my updates started to slow down a lot, because yeah...
I started writing down an outline of events, but I never finished that, and I've since lost it lmao. So the actual plot, the story, the details... all of that lives only inside my head. I'm mentally keeping track of everything.
Which, honestly, I don't think I recommend that LMAO
After all, keeping it all in your head means that if you forget something, lmao, it's gone. bye bye
However, I did mention fairly recently that I'd done some organising of my files where I properly placed files out in order and name them, which now kind of works as an outline, lol (I use a writing subscription service for a gamified writing experience called 4thewords). However, there are a few blank files in between the named ones because I know I need more stuff in there in between the named events so it's not really a proper outline either.
So. I still write the fic out of order, which is something I can easily do due to the format I'm writing it in: interconnected ficlets as chapters. This means that I have ficlets that are far in the future of what I have posted, but they cannot yet be posted for the simple reason that the plot is now so complex that things need to be posted in order, otherwise it won't make sense.
As such, I no longer publish as I write, though I used to. At this point, the fic has grown too large and has too many moving pieces for that to be feasible.
Generally, I usually like to finish a fic before I post it, because that means that I can go back into early parts and edit them if need be (say I come up with something cool I need to foreshadow, or I realise that I mentioned something too early, or I realise I introduced a plotline I dropped so it's better to edit it out etc etc). That's not really possible with CK anymore (though, I mean, I guess I could go back and secretly edit stuff and pretend like nothing's up, lmao) so it's entirely possible that this fic has some inconsistencies etc (though I do my best to ensure there aren't any, there's always the risk I've missed something).
Writing CK and sharing it with all my readers has been an amazing experience, and I dearly hope people are not only willing to stick with me to the end, but also that they will feel like the pay-off was worth it.
For some people, finishing a fic before posting doesn't work because they need engagement to keep going, which is absolutely valid! For that, I think having a more structured outline is very useful in order to keep things clear and avoid accidental plot holes. It's no guarantee of course.
Ultimately, how you post and how you write comes down to you as an individual writer.
For me, it's rather flexible. Sometimes I write things in a strictly chronological order from start to finish and that's it. Sometimes I skip around in the story and need to make sure I leave very large empty spaces (metaphorical or literal) so I know where there's missing content that need to be written before the story is finished.
All of this is of course very much personal to me, and what works for one writer might not work for another. But I hope it gives you some help and some insight, perhaps.
Happy writing, anon!
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