#Third Life Robin Hood AU
Currently brainrotting a Scarian/Third Life Robin Hood AU
Scar as Robin Hood (I want him to have an alias but I can't decide between Hot Guy or Goodtimes)
Ren and Martyn as King John and The Sherriff of Nottingham (aka The Red King and his Hand)
Grian as Maid Marion (I love the idea of him being like Scar's spy on the inside of the castle while they're dating and constantly worried for the others safety as a spy/outlaw ajdbdjskdn)
I'm thinking Mumbo could be Good King Richard
The Crastle crew are the villagers, with Cleo as their leader
Impulse is in both the Merry Men and Kings Court but is a spy for the villagers
At the moment the Merry Men are:
Edit: Impulse
Edit: Lizzie
The villagers are:
The Kings Court are:
Edit: Pearl
Edit: Lizzie
I'm not sure where I want lizzie to be yet...
Other ships would be Ethubs, Flower Husbands, Jizzie but the main one is Scarian
I decided to call the Merry Men 'The Resistance' and Scar, 'Good Times'
I also decided that Impulse is only spying on Dogwarts for the village and will occasionally help The Resistance if need be
I also decided to make Pearl Grian's handservent and Lizzie his 'Lady in Waiting' they are also both spies for The Resistance
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erdasmcnonsense · 2 years
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Ok lol I know I never post here, but have an unsolicited Scar for @overanalysingfandoms' Robin Hood AU! (hope you don't mind 😅)
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Strings of Fate
Soulmate!au. I mess with the canon timeline for the plot. Jason's an unreliable narrator, and I practice writing the Batfamily. ~2.2k words
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Jason Todd used to love the idea of soulmates. To watch a colored string form between him and someone he's only just met– knowing that they're going to be a part of him for the rest of his life– was a rush. A thrill that made him giddy every time.
His first soulmate is Batman. He'd never had a soulmate before that alley. It had made his skin itch when he heard other kids talking about their strings, beautiful ropes tying them to loving families that had existed from the moment they were born.
But now he understood the allure, the promise of having something that was his.
He'd dropped the tire iron in shock when a shimmering blue line formed between him and Gotham's Bat. Blue. So dark it was almost black. A blue glowing string that showed a family tie, one wrapped around the index finger of his right hand. (This will haunt him later, when he starts using the same finger to pull the triggers of guns)
The string didn't stop him from trying to run, but it did stop Batman from letting him go.
There's no hiding a string from your soulmate, and Jason likes to think he took Batman removing his cowl very well. (He did not. It took a long time to trust Bruce Wayne)
His second soulmate is Alfred Pennyworth. He's hardly had time to look around the famed batcave and grapple the fact Batman's his soulmate, when his attention is drawn by an elderly man carrying a silver tray. Another blue string. Lighter than his first, it's vibrant around his right wrist.
He's never had a grandfather before, he decides he likes it when the string shimmers as he turns pages of books, when he helps stir the batter for cookies.
His third soulmate is Batgirl. She's pulled him out of the way of a stray bullet, and he thinks he goes a little starry-eyed at the purple string forming on his right forearm. A friendship string. He's never had one of those before he was Robin.
He smiles brightly at her, and he definitely swoons when Barbara Gordan smiles back, nudging him towards the fight and telling him to keep up.
His fourth soulmate is Nightwing. Jason's only been Robin for a handful of months, but he's good at it. He's quick and knows the streets like the back of his hand.
He preens under Batman's smiles and affectionate ruffles of his hair. He wants Nightwing to be proud of him, too. He wants to live up to Robin.
So, he's not exactly sure what to do with the look on Nightwing's face. There's another blue string forming around his right thumb, this one so bright it's nearly neon. Jason's nervous. He hasn't been nervous for a long time.
But, Nightwing speaks up, nodding towards Penguins goons, "Think you can handle these guys?"
"I can," he tells his soulmate confidently, because it's the truth. And even if it wasn't, he's going to impress his new brother.
Nightwing smiles at him, and Jason ignores how strained it seems, "C'mon then, kid, try to keep up."
When Jason meets Dick Grayson, weeks later, his smile is less strained, and he ruffles his hair almost the same way Batman does. It's nice, and they take turns seeing who can do the craziest trick off the training equipment in the batcave.
He likes having a brother.
Jason doesn't meet any other of his soulmates until he's dead, buried, and alive again. There's no strings around his fingers and wrists when he wakes up, and nothing seems real as he slowly relearns his body.
He follows the blue line leading him to Thalia like a puppy. It's grounding, he thinks, to have something that was his again.
Then, he meets Damian. The navy blue string that forms on his left index finger doesn't help much. It just reminds him of what he doesn't have anymore. He flinches when Thalia tells him the baby's last name. He doesn't stay in Nanda Parbat for much longer. He's not much of a soulmate anymore, anyway.
He goes by Red Hood now. He's a crime lord and a villain and the million other things the news calls him. It's almost comical, that his third soulmate of his new life is the Bat. The dark blue string reforms on his right hand, and he doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
His fourth soulmate in this life is his replacement. In the future, he won't be proud of the way he reacts to the royal blue string that forms on his left middle finger. But in the moment, in the middle of the hurt and the rage, he takes it out on Robin.
He takes it out on Tim Drake, and the kid just laughs in his face even with the bruises and broken bones. (It'll make bile rise in his throat one day, when he learns how many soulmates Tim Drake has lost)
His fifth soulmate in this life is Nightwing. Five is more soulmates than he's ever had. Jason hides the fresh scar on his throat under armor and leather. He doesn't say anything when Dick talks. Only listens as he's told about the frayed, grayed string that haunted his soulmates after he died.
He swallows the knot in his throat when Nightwing admits quietly that he still has nightmares over the last tug he felt from Jason's string, before watching the blue fade.
Dick tells him to go see Alfred as he stands to leave, and Jason shoves down the bile that rises over it. (He definitely doesn't end up in Blüdhaven later that month on purpose. He definitely doesn't end up working the case with his brother by choice)
His sixth soulmate is Alfred Pennyworth. He leaves the exchange with enough food to last a week and a familiar glowing blue string.
He seeks out his seventh– third– soulmate on his own. Oracle hugs him as the purple string reforms. He doesn't have the words to explain the feelings stuck on his tongue. She maneuvers the wheelchair expertly. Babs gives him a comlink to the clock tower as he's climbing out the window and tells him to keep in touch. (He won't. Not really. But he does check in.)
Jason leaves Gotham after that. He gets more purple strings wrapped around his body then he ever believed he deserved to have.
The Outlaws mean more to him than he's willing to admit, and it's harder than he expected to watch them go their separate ways. He doesn't try to fool himself into thinking they feel the same way, even when he feels the familiar tugs of their strings.
His next soulmate is unexpected. She introduces herself as Spoiler, and he eyes the purple string matching the color of her cape forming on his left bicep wearily. He tells her to stay out of his territory.
He learns quickly that Stephanie Brown doesn't listen to anyone. She brings him coffee every time he starts to think she's going to stay out of Crime Alley.
He doesn't say much back when she visits. But, if he redoubles his efforts against Black Mask when she admits she knows how weird it is to watch a soul bond reform, it's not because the string means anything. (It is)
His next soulmate nearly makes him jump out of his skin when they first meet. Batgirl. Or Black Bat. He's not really keeping track at this point. She's taken out half of the men he was fighting before he's even realized she was there. He stares at her when she pokes at the blue string connecting him to her on his left ring finger.
He prides himself on not flinching when she pats his arm and disappears into the shadows.
Cassandra Cain shows up at his apartment unannounced more often than he likes, and he definitely doesn't enjoy her presence, especially when she calls him 'baby brother'. (He doesn't really mind)
There's a new Robin hovering at the edge of his territory, and Jason recognizes the blue string between them.
"Mother told me to seek you if I ever needed anything," the kid says, and Jason doesn't miss the shake in his voice that he tries to hide.
Jason knows he's not a very good soulmate, so he's not exactly sure why Robin is here instead of with anybody else. He lets the kid hideout in his safehouse anyway, and follows Damian Wayne dutifully into a nest of Talons the next night.
If he takes a few more punches than he would on his own, it's not because his little brother had bags under his eyes, or a stomach wound he tried to hide. (It is)
His next soulmate seeks him out with a purpose. The Signal. Duke Thomas nods at him as they both watch a blue string manifest between them.
"Did you need something," Jason asks, and he definitely doesn't feel the familiar rush of a bond, of something that's home and his.
Duke just grins at him and asks if he's ever tried the chili digs on the corner of third and main. Jason's not sure why he lies and says he hasn't. They both eat enough that it makes them sluggish on patrol.
Jason's pretty sure he's faking his laughter at Duke's quips as he throws another punch at the unfortunate goons. But the number he hands Signal at the end of the night for emergencies isn't fake. (Jason tells him it's just a burner phone number. It's not the truth, and his personal phone is filled with more memes by the day)
Jason has more shades of purple and blue tied to his body than he's able to keep track of. (This is a lie) After dying a hero and becoming a crime boss only to become a vigilante, the idea of having a red string, having a partner, is something he hasn't thought about since he was a kid.
He doesn't need one, it. would only make his life difficult and the life of whoever he was tied to dangerous. So, when he meets your eyes in the streets of Gotham, surrounded by the motionless bodies of the men that tried to mug you, he freezes.
The familiar rush makes his stomach drop, and the bright red string connects his pinkie finger to yours. He blinks at you, and you blink at him. He wonders what you see.
It can't be anything good. He doesn't think any one of his soulmates saw something good when they found out they were tied to him.
It must be worse, so much worse, to know the universe thinks you're meant to love something terrible. He wavers when you step closer to him, and wonders vaguely if he should make a run for it.
You say a name, and his attention snaps back to you, "What?"
You repeat the name again and thank him for saving you. Oh. You're introducing yourself. Jason stares at you, frowns behind his mask at the uncertainty in your eyes, the nervousness and hopefulness set in your face.
"Red Hood." He says, as if it wasn't obvious. He winces silently at the way your face falls. He really is the worst soulmate, and you're a civilian. You shouldn't be mixed up with him. He might be some kind of masochist because he offers to walk you home.
He's definitely asking for trouble when he keeps showing up on your fire escape. He knows he's in trouble the first time he takes off his mask, knows he's in even more trouble when his stuff finds a home in your apartment, and yours in his.
He's waiting for things to go south when he accidentally spills that he has another soulmate to Steph over coffee on their favorite roof. Knows he's risking your safety when you're curled on his couch, and Cass comes over.
Knows the other shoe's going to drop anytime now, when you offer to dog sit Haley for his brother. Knows this is all too good to be true when Alfred offers to share his world-famous cookie recipe with you.
He's staring at the red string tied to his hand when Bruce offers him a tiny velvet box, a peace offering, Jason thinks, a show of approval for you. Not for him. He's still staring at the red string connecting him to you when you fall asleep against his chest that night.
He can't have it this good. He's never done anything that should have allowed the universe to tie him to so many people, to you. His eyes trail over the shimmering purple and blue strings. He tugs on the purple one around his right ring finger. Something soothes in his chest when Roy tugs back.
He focuses back on your string. It never really made sense to him, that whatever magic created the strings is always right about his soulmates. Even with all the ups and downs, the strings lead right back to his family, his friends, the love of his life.
Jason wants to be a good soulmate. He doesn't think he ever will. But he must be doing something okay, because you're cuddling against him and smiling in your sleep.
The myriad of shades and glowing strings eventually guide him to sleep at your side, and Jason silently promises to do his best by his soulmates. He drifts off with more vows of working up the courage to show you the little velvet box hidden in his jacket.
Part Two
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cloakedsparrow · 4 months
Jason’s Attack on Titans Tower Aftermath AU Ideas
1) Initially upon coming back to life (and then again after regaining his mind due to Talia dipping him in the Pit), Jason had a lot of nightmares about his brief but terrifying time captured by the Joker before his death. The nightmares had subsided to the point that he only got them a few times a month before he attacked Tim. Afterwards, though? He has nightmares every night for the first several weeks (and often enough afterwards), wherein his memories of being beaten by the Joker alternate between the memories of him beating Tim. The comparability makes him sick. He’s wracked with guilt but doesn’t know how to fix it.
When Tim recovers enough to return to his regular Robin activities, Jason avoids the kid like he’s still carrying the apocalypse virus. He doesn’t want to remember how much he hurt him or how much he enjoyed it. He’s afraid the kid will flinch away from him in fear and he has no idea what he’ll do with himself at the reminder that he probably scarred a child nearly as much as the Joker scarred him.
Tim finds this behavior suspicious because plenty of Rogues have nearly killed him and never avoided him afterwards. Therefore, he figures Jason must be plotting something and he won’t be caught unaware again. Jason does not understand why he cannot avoid the walking reminder of his guilt Robin all of a sudden.
The eventual confrontation does not go as either of them expected (Tim was not expecting self-awareness, chagrin, and remorse; Jason was not expecting easy forgiveness, understanding, and a borderline blasé attitude about the whole thing).
2) Some of the Gotham Rogues who like the third Robin (such as Poison Ivy, Riddler, Catwoman, Azrael -who is technically more of an anti-hero but close enough) learn that Red Hood had gone after the boy twice, and very well could have killed him on both occasions. They make it their personal mission to be as much (if not more) of a pain in Hood’s ass as they are in Batman’s. Hood has no idea why they all seem to have a personal beef with him at first and is surprised to eventually learn it’s because they all have a soft spot for the kid. He eventually learns why some of them like the Pretender and is so annoyed to learn that he’s actually a great kid and an excellent Robin. Now he can’t even misdirect his anger at the little shit.
3) Similar to the last, only it’s some of the street-level criminals who learn the Red Hood has temporarily taken Robin out of commission twice now…and could’ve taken him out permanently because slit throats and beatings that end in unconsciousness can easily go bad even when you know what you’re doing. They remember (with a healthy dose of fear) what Batman was like after the second Robin died. They remember (with no small amount of respect) what it was like when the third Robin was still reeling him back in. They all keep letting Hood know -in no uncertain terms- that no one is taking that kid out unless they take the Bat out first because no one wants to go through that hell again.
Jason needs some alone time to process the fact that his dad apparently lost his shit after he died and that Tim probably went through hell bringing the man back to something resembling his old self.
4) While he’s healing up after the attack, Tim has plenty of time on his hands to replay the whole thing in his head over and over again. He realizes that Jason is under-informed about the aftermath of his murder. Someone needs to fill in the blanks for him and, well, Tim already dragged one reluctant Wayne back from grief-fueled rage, why couldn’t he do it again? So he sets out to correct Jason’s misunderstandings, address the glowing green elephant in the room, and bring the undead asshole back home.
Jason is not prepared for the concern-fueled, unrelenting determination of his brilliant but somewhat feral little successor.
Bonus: Alfred, Barbara, and Helena are the only ones Tim allows to learn anything of his plans/doings. Alfred figures it out on his own and Tim doesn’t deny it. Alfred believes in the boy and he would very much like to have Jason home, so he just keeps his mouth shut and subtly prepares Jason’s room. Barbara, Tim figures would probably be the most likely to notice something, so he tells her what he’s doing. She understands Jason’s rage and decides to help cover for Tim in the hopes that they can stop Jason from doing anything worse than what he already has. Helena, Tim brings in because he needs someone more mobile than he is while he’s healing, she doesn’t have any history with Jason, and she’ll be less judgmental about some of Red Hood’s methods. She helps Tim because she doesn’t want him getting hurt trying to do it all on his own. Plus, she understands family.
5) Dick learns about everything. He’s pissed that Bruce didn’t tell him about Jason right away. He’s devastated over Jason attacking Tim twice now. He’s also overjoyed that his little brother is alive. All of these emotions lead to him deciding to confront Jason himself.
No plan. No backup. He’s just gonna find his wayward brother and wing it.
He does. Emotions run high. Words are exchanged. Several blows are, too. But in the end, he has his little brother back and taught him a lesson about hurting their baby brother. He’s calling it a win.
The boys all recover together at Dick’s place and don’t tell Bruce anything for weeks.
6) Red Hood: The Lost Days/Red Hood and the Outlaws/The Return of Ra’s al Ghul crossover. In which Talia decides to intervene after Jason’s attack on Titans Tower.
She’s seen Jason using his detective skills and inborn compassion to help all along. She knows he’s not a lost cause like her father. She’d tried using training and suitable targets for his rage to distract him until he can calm enough to think clearly, but if he’s attacking innocent kids at this stage, then she needs to step in more firmly. Either he had some sort of set back and will never forgive himself when he regains his senses and realizes he hurt a child… Or he’s becoming like Ra’s. In which case, she definitely has to stop him.
The confrontation doesn’t exactly go smoothly, but Talia’s not Bruce nor is she a fifteen-year-old. She can handle anything Jason throws at her. And she’ll persevere because failing this boy simply isn’t an option for her.
Once he’s burnt himself out, she gives him more information she managed to dig up on Tim Drake. She can’t tell him exactly how the boy came to be Robin, because no one other than Batman and Robin likely know, but she can drive home the point that he’s an innocent child who is just trying to help people, the same as Jason had been when he was killed. Jason is horrified once that sinks in.
He asks Talia for help. Different help than what she’s been offering so far. The kind that will help him control, if not be rid of, the rage that his murder and the Pit left him with. So she takes him to the All-Caste. He trains. He heals. He teams up with some old friends and becomes a different kind of hero than Batman or Robin, but a hero nonetheless.
When Ra’s returns and decides he needs Damian’s body after several others fail to contain his tainted soul, Talia asks Jason for help. He agrees to take Damian to Bruce. Of course, he doesn’t realize what a spoiled brat the pre-teen is until they’re already on the way. Or that he’s Bruce’s biological son.
7) The other Teen Titans don’t take kindly to Jason drugging them and attacking one of their own. Instead of leaving it for the Bats to handle, they decide to track Jason down themselves. Kon, Bart, and Cassie naturally focus more on the whole ‘you hurt Tim again, we hurt you’ angle. Vic and Kori are cautious (they aren’t going to let any of the teens get hurt on their watch again) but a little more understanding. They want to protect the Teen Titans, but they also want to help Jason.
They explain that they didn’t put a statue of him up because of how much his death hurt Dick. They didn’t want him to keep seeing it and being reminded of the little brother he believed he failed. They tell Jason about the fights he and Bruce got into. Of the attempts both of them made on the Joker’s life. Of the way Dick feared he’d lose his father as well until Tim came along to save him.
Finally, they invite him to join the new Teen Titans, with the understanding that he isn’t going to be left alone with any of the younger members for a while, and under the condition that he agrees to see Kori’s psychiatrist in Metropolis.
He agrees.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I love all these additions so much. Thank you both, this AU has been near and dear to my heart for a long while and I'm so happy to find others who genuinely enjoy it and add on their own ideas to it.
I especially love the idea of Tim going missing for a while and all of Gothem going to hell because they think that Batman finally snapped and killed not just Red Robin, but Robin The Third and Jane Doe. The villians used to be not so bad, doing schemes about at the level of the animated Batman show, but now? Now that they believe that Batman killed the Robin who saved them right after finding out that the poor bird had been a sex worker since he was Robin? Oh no. Fuck that. They are ratcheting it all the way up to Arkham Games level of difficulty.
Catwoman won't even look at Batman.
And not just for Batman! They hear the rumors of what Nightwing took from him and Two Face and Ivy *sneer* at Dick. They hear about Red Hood trying to kill him on more than one occasion, shooting him and beating him who knows how many times and Black Mask and Penguin are suddenly aggressively trying to take bites out of his territory. They hear that Robin has made attempts on his life multiple times and nearly succeeded at least twice and he might very well be the one who put the bird in the ground and not even Harley will pull her punches on him anymore.
But then. Then the Bats dig themselves *even deeper* when they admit and even beg people to believe them that *they didn't know*. They didn't know that Tim was a Sex Worker. And they don't know what happened to him. They swear they don't. And isn't that just a kick in the pants? This group of people who pride themselves on knowing everything, who call themselves Worlds Greatest Detectives, who can solve their crimes before they even commit them and they missed something so utterly massive about one of their own? Batman claims that he didn't know about Red Hood or Robin trying to kill Red Robin and just makes it even worse for himself.
Batman claims he didn't know Robin or Red Hood tried to kill (more than once) Red Robin????
I hope someone pummels him for that comment. Yikes, Bruce.
I do like the au of different rogues going intense in their crimes as retaliation. Only some of them would do it for RR while others would use the chaos as a chance to further their own agendas (idk how sneaky Black Mask is, but I figure he'd use the distractions to silently build his resources).
Your AU is cool and interesting to think about! Poor Alfred might get a heart attack, though.
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Part 5 - dare not preach
Dp x DC AU: Regent!Jazz & Vigilante!Jazz
Masterlist Part 4
"And If I had the answers I'd have written them out so I could tell you what to do and what this thing is about. But all I've ever learned comes second-hand and I dare not preach what I don't understand." -Make A Move by Icon For Hire
Content warning: briefly implied child abuse (Vlad is not a good guy by any definition),
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Time was lost in between bouts of consciousness, flashes of pretty eyes and fire hair,  soft muttering and gentle caresses against his skin soothing his aches. 
Jason was caught between heaven and hell, wracked with agony behind his ribs one moment and healed with persistent warmth the next, a never ending cycle. 
He wanted to scream. 
One bout of semi-clarity was of some citrus concoction on his tongue, gentle murmurs of a woman by his ear before she kissed him again, forced something down his throat again. 
He both loved and hated that woman. She felt familiar in a way that made his bat-honed paranoia rear its ugly head, the instinct to survive in his gut a heavy weight, but she brought him peace in the same moment she could damn him. 
He caught his name once, his real name, spoken by her as he swallowed dutifully, a spike of want in his heart almost a welcome change from the pain by that point. 
Jazz spoke with the Lady frequently as the Red Hood, Jason, healed in her bed. 
The elder spirit, regal in mannerisms and aura, demanded the Regent to aid this one vigilante, this one knight and Jazz had finally figured out why. 
It was so obvious when she had all the puzzle pieces, the depth of occult knowledge both in her brain and at her disposal should have been her first resource used to dig deeper, but she’d allowed Danny and Frostbite to assume (and let her assume) that the Red Hood was an awakened Liminal who was recovering from corrupted Ecto in his system. 
The Red Hood had been Jason Todd-Wayne, the second Robin- bright light of Gotham- and he’d been murdered by the Joker. 
Unburied in my soil. 
Jazz groaned in self-contempt as she paced the graveyard of Gotham’s Crime Alley. It was decrepit and uncared for, not like the higher class cemetery of Gotham proper where the Rich and powerful are buried. She what’s spent the better part of three days researching her new bedmate roommate once he’d been stabilized enough to be on a consistent schedule for ecto-infusion. He’d be unlikely to regain full consciousness for another month or so, but he would recover fully. 
That was, if he understood what he had become in his near-fatal collapse. 
(Thanks to Jazz and her rash actions.) 
The Lady had been cryptic when speaking of Red Hood at first, but with his recovery and development of a strong proto-core Lady Gotham was eager to aid the Regent in making her once Robin adjust to a world-changing consequence once again. 
(At least this time he would have support.) 
Not only was Jason a Liminal with an indisputable death-claim, he had been a- a Revenant whose continued existence was a mind boggling happenstance of circumstance that was one in a infinite chance of ever happening again. 
The Lady claimed him. The Lady gave a bit of herself to resurrect her bright Light, the one who shouldn’t have died so young, not while he deserved happiness for the hope he brought to so many. 
(Damn it all.)
He clawed himself out of his own casket, to be found by Talia Al Ghul of all people… then survive the Lazarus Pits in body, with only Pit Madness to show for it? 
(It was a callous way to think about it, but Jazz knew that it had also given him his freedom in many ways, that Jason wouldn’t have if he was still just a Revenant.) 
(Did the Al Ghul know what she had found that night in dreary Gotham?) 
(Was she aware she had given Jason Todd a third chance at life- however much of one being death-claimed by Lady Gotham could be called a life.) 
The Lady, wistful once assured in the Regent’s anger having passed, swore an oath that Jason would never be forced to be a Knight again. 
(Jazz reveled in the understanding that Batman, Bruce Wayne, was destined to be Gotham Knight for his mortal lifetime- possibly beyond.) 
(Had he sworn his fealty by accident in his grief? Or had his donning that ridiculous gimmick been enough of a bind to tie his soul to the Lady?)
(Regardless, for his inaction, Jazz privately reveled in the satisfaction of the true consequences of his choices.) 
Jazz, who’d been pacing a strict line in the uneven row of headstones, came to a rest at the grave of the once-Revenant who now lay in her bed. 
Jason Todd 
He’d been only a year older than her little brother when he’d been murdered by the Joker, buried under a name that was half-complete. He was a Wayne in life, but not in death? How hypocritical of the old bat, to not give him the courtesy of giving him the hyphenated last name if he wasn’t going to bury him in the Wayne cemetery. 
What would it have been like if Danny had a grave, complete with a stone and inscription? 
(The portal was his grave. He’d died there and the house was his graveyard.) 
Would it have been up to Jazz to choose the words to describe her little light, the brightest star in the galaxy, the one reason she had for getting up in the morning… or would her parents have cremated him and put him on a shelf to prevent a corpse from ‘piloting’ his corpse? 
(Jazz still had nightmares about Danny’s death scream. The portal ripping him apart in the same moment it fused him back together.) 
(Into something different, something more.) 
(He was her little brother, the same one who she spent her birthday money on to get those ridiculous glow-in-the-dark stars.) 
(They’d spent hours forming constellations on his ceiling.) 
How does one paraphrase a life? 
Would Jazz start with his name, his preferred name, or with his date of birth? 
Would she put down ‘dearest brother’ or ‘missed’, ‘Be at peace’? 
No. Jazz knew she’d give the most important pieces of what made her little brother the brightest star in the sky- 
Danny, per aspera ad Astra.
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Danny had an unconventional memorial tucked away in the remnants of the Fenton lab, underneath the debris of what was once a strange machine to a world unseen. 
The portal was built into the wall with ample access space in the rear for intended maintenance, though it was not required once the portal was completed and functional. 
Jazz left flowers for Danny in that maintenance space three days after she first saw his transformation, yellow tulips, though she didn’t know the impact the action would have later in life. 
Once a month, Jazz would return to replace the dried flowers, dust away the cobwebs, close the door, rinse and repeat. 
Christmas was particularly complicated in the Fenton household, but the first year of Danny’s half-life was the worst Jazz could recall up to that point. 
It wasn’t the eerie lack of ghost attacks (thanks to her not knowing of the Truce then), or the winter storm being harsher than any other Amity Park had faced in previous years… No, it was that Danny had died, while nothing and everything changed. 
Jack and Maddie still screamed their arguments about Santa Claus, loud and proud for the world to be privy to. 
Jazz had extra tutoring to take up for Christmas presents. 
Danny… Danny still had to fight a ghost. 
Ghostwriter wasn’t a malicious ghost in nature, far from it in fact, but he was never a fan of her little brother. 
Jazz overheard Danny tell his friends about his ‘storybook adventure’ and she had to sleep in the access space for the night, just so she didn’t wake anyone with her crying. 
It wasn’t right. 
That thought repeated on a never-ending loop in her head as she tucked her growing limbs into the cramped space, eyes shut tight and the darkness shrouding her in safety. 
(That had been the first nightmare of her own death to come, fingers frantically searching for a pulse as she woke in the dark.) 
Perhaps she should have never left that darkness. 
Because then the anger that had been building inside of her would never have been unshackled after the release of the tyrant king. 
Jazz had been a patient girl her entire life. It was a necessary evil when raised by scientists to follow in their footsteps, though she had no intention to make her life into any imitation of her negligent parents, she learned those lessons at the knee of Maddie Fenton, who had given her life to the pursuit of ecto-science. 
(Built a very strange machine to a world unseen.)
When Jazz failed to achieve something, she observed and struck when the opportunity presented it. That’s how she’d survived ghost attacks for so long, escpecially when it was her own dinner- that and the ingrained knowledge to strike hard and quick when it was required. A paradox of a hunter and a hunted, but that was Jasmine Fenton’s upbringing in a nutshell. 
Jasmine knew Vladimir Masters was a bigger predator than she was capable of hunting as a young girl. 
(Jazz was just a little girl when Vlad became obsessed with her and her mom.)
(Only the dead truly knew what an older man could do to someone so much smaller.)
It was a waiting game that morphed as she grew, bones sturdy and teeth sharper as Ecto-contamination finally settled into her molecules- Death-claimed, Liminality. Vlad was a false halfa, just as he was a false friend to her parents and a false business man, but as long as he stayed out of her way in caring for her little brother than she would not destroy him. 
(She was a patient hunter.)
Pariah Dark was the final crack. 
(It needed somewhere to go, all that anger, all that rage.)
Jazz had been patrolling the outer limits of the ghost shield now that Amity was returned to the Living Realm, anxiety in her gut as Danny had yet to show from his battle against the tyrant king. 
He had obviously won if they were all safe, right? The mech suit would boost him enough, but could it really kill what was already dead? 
Hidden in the embrace of familiar shadows, Jazz witnessed Plasmius carrying an unconscious Danny over his shoulder and a…crown in his right hand. 
Not only had the bastard released the King for the Crown of Fire, he’d damned them all for the same item he’d stolen in the aftermath.
Jazz’s next actions weren’t borne from Vengeance, they were unfiltered rage.
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Vlad had died that night, Jazz believed wholeheartedly, he died before she locked him in his casket- a since soldered shut Fenton Thermos. 
Thing was, Jazz didn’t recall what happened between them- all she could really remember when thinking of that time frame was a green haze that was so similar in color to the damned portal. 
One moment, Plasmius had Danny and the Crown. The next, he was a beaten man in his human form with no rise and fall of his chest to convince Jazz he was alive. 
Was it concerning? Of course. Jazz never wanted to hurt anyone, especially not in a blackout rage state. 
(How times have changed.) 
Would she ever mourn Vlad? No. He deserved a far worse fate than a second death. 
(His sins were numerous.) 
If his casket would later be given to Pandora, the trusted Mentor of the Boy King’s Regent…. Well, where better to keep a body hidden than with a Matriarch who understands the sins of man? 
(Pandora had always believed in Jazz, the Regent’s soul was far too bright to be snuffed out without a war.) 
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Within the Infinite Realms, the Regent was called many things- titles that held little meaning to the one in question, but offered weight to her authority. 
The Lady of the Acropolis, for her mentorship with Pandora and position of respect among the populace. 
First Knight of the Star King, would be granted once her Regency was over and Danny was crowned. His epithet as ‘Star King’ was a beautiful homage of a lost dream. 
Death-Claimed Champion. 
It made the Regent grit her teeth when addressed as such, especially when she lived in Gotham presently- the city of Lady Gotham’s Knights… her Champions. 
Jazz had survived to adulthood as a highly contaminated Liminal, no patron to claim as her- Not even Pandora counted even though they shared a teacher/student relationship. 
Would Jason, Red Hood of the Alley, be able to handle managing his territory without the backing of a patron claim? The Lady did swear that the once-Revenant was no longer bound to her service, which meant he could pack up his gear forever if he wanted to.
Though that was highly doubtful. 
Jason was a strong willed man to lay claim to his haunt so quickly and hold fast for so long. Jazz shared her haunt with Danny, but that was only because he was the powerful Halfa and future King. His Haunt would never be challenged by a competent opponent, not in Gotham at least. 
Perhaps Jason would be willing to unite their haunts? 
It was a common tradition for older ghosts to allow weaker ones to share their haunt for protection, but that didn’t translate well to the Death-Claimed. 
(Jazz had a hunch that Jason was so in tune with his haunt that he instinctively knew when she or Danny stepped foot across his boundary.) 
(They tried not to linger, out of respect of another’s haunt of course.) 
Then again, Jason was the Baby Liminal between the two of them. Danny and Jazz should be offering him to share a haunt for protection. 
(Jazz couldn’t help but wonder what Jason looked like as a child.) 
(She would bet almost anything that he was an adorable kid.) 
(Would their kids be so cute?)
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There was a slight lilt of sadness that lingered over the daytime hero, Signal, that Danny almost choked on his Death Wish. 
The coffee, that is. 
Little late on the literal bit. 
Gotham (city, not the Lady) was an ever-gloomy fruit basket full of ghastly vibes. You see it and you know you’re in for a bad time, but that’s typically at night. 
So what was up with Sunshine Child? 
Yeah, he was clearly human and allowed to have off days, duh, but for it to hang like a shroud of storm clouds over Sunny? Yeah, no. That shit needs to be gone, like yesterday. 
“Hey, Sunshine!” Danny called out with a false cheer. It was too damn early in the morning for real cheer, are you mad, but Signal didn’t seem to notice as he approached the lawn chair the Halfa had decided would be his new throne. 
(At least Jazz would find it funny.) 
“Hi Danny. Can I help you with something?” 
Danny took a loud sip of his coffee before he went straight for the throat, “You’re doom and gloom this morning, Sunny. Whose bones do I need ‘ta steal?” 
“No, no, it’s fine. Just…” the meta Hero trailed off, voice tired as he let himself relax for a moment in Danny’s presence. 
(That’s right, Danny’s just a friendly civilian teenager with anger issues, right?)
(Oh he would be cackling at that lie when he had a moment to himself again.)
“My brother is missing.”
Danny blinked. 
“Your brother? One of the birdies?” He tried very hard not to pull out any of his jokes about traffic lights and Stabby Robin, but at least he didn’t sound condescending? 
“Sorta. Red Hood… he went off grid about a week and a half ago.”
(Yeah this isn’t something Danny should be privy to.) 
(Like at all.) 
(It’s not like he was housing the guy in his home right?) 
(Oh wait.) 
“Yikes, Sunny. That sucks, ‘m sorry.”
Signal sighed, “Yeah, thanks Danny.” He paused again, studying the canonical adoption bait that was Danny Fenton before he dropped a bombshell. 
“Batman thinks he’s dead.” 
(Danny almost cackled in manic glee at that statement.)
(Overshot the mark there, Bats. Yikes.) 
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Danny happily waved goodbye to his meta friend, a dorky salute with his coffee cup in commersiation of a shitty hour of the day to be awake, before he leaned back in his lawn chair and yawned. 
“Oh, what drama. Jazz is gonna kill me all the way if she finds out.” He said out loud to no one in particular. The occasional shade that kept him company didn’t bother to move at the sound of his voice now that Signal had left, but it did let out a mournful trill that made Dannny chuckle. 
“Yeah, yep, you’re right- when, when, Jazz finds out.” Danny laughed again, “Worth it.” 
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Yeah, I wasn't expecting so much angst either, but apparently, that's my jam, because I literally cannot write anything else. Well, anything that doesn't sound like two robots trying to mimic humans at least.
This was supposed to be a more upbeat entry and look how epically I failed. I had to put a content warning up top because I wrote/heavily implied that Jazz was abused by Vlad due to his obsession with Maddie.
In other news, I have a playlist now for what songs I listen to while writing this. It's called 'Guns & Sword: Jazz on' 'cause 2am me thinks she's clever.
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wonderbutch · 8 months
brief details about the characters in my red hood!stephanie brown au fic
Jason: spent the first part of his “second life” with the league, came back to life and gained his cognitive ability back naturally instead of via lazarus pit, raised alongside Damian by Talia. roughly 18. he’s happier and less angry (think world without yj, sort of) than in canon, due to the support of Talia and healing without the pit (fuck grant morrison), currently trying to handle being home again and is keeping it together for Damian. still holds a small amount of animosity towards Bruce.
Damian: similar to canon, except he grew up with Jason around as a big brother figure, still a bit abrasive towards the other bats but he doesn’t hate tim, and isn’t as obsessed with the whole bloodline thing due to Jason being his brother. looks up to cass a lot. he’s just a kid!!!!
Bruce: same as canon really. he feels immensely guilty about jason and steph’s death. is staying home mostly with jason and damian, hence why cass is doing most of the grunt work with steph in this fic. he did know that steph was back and was “handling it” until cass and tim realised she was back as well
Tim: has been bearing the weight of being the third robin for a very long time. he becomes closish with jason and jason does not try to kill him. jason would die again for this kid. finds out steph is back with cass and its cass and tim who work on the case primarily. There Will Be Angst
Cass: angry at bruce for not telling her that steph is back, feels personally responsible for stephanie being like this. is aware that steph “chose this” for herself though. again, There Will Be Angst.
this is not the most original au, people have done and written it before me. but i hope that when i write it itll come off the way i intend as my own take on it. feel free to send me asks!
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Reverse Robins AU but instead of just the Robins it's the entire Batfam. I'm talking switch Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Damian, and Duke and watch what chaos ensues
Wise grandfather Duke dispensing life advice left, right and center
Batman!Damian raised by assassins only to choose a better way, completely dedicated to his mission and equally awkward around kids (Richard! What has possessed you to climb on that thing?)
Perfect oldest daughter Cass, the one who made Damian think he could maybe handle more kids
Genius Tim, BFFs with Cass, who just needs love and attention so badly and is so good at finding trouble on his own... Joins the family unofficially
Wild hellion second child Steph (eventually becomes Red Hood) who makes Damian realize he absolutely should not acquire more kids
Mischievous third child Jason, who watched Steph fight to save her hometown and wants to follow in her footsteps as well as he possibly can after her "death"
Unstoppable Babs, who puts on a costume under her father's nose whether they want her to or not. Also joins unofficially
Wild fourth child Dick, a pure ray of sunshine and bad puns
Quiet and intense Bruce, Damian's biological son who lost his (previously unknown) single mother in an accident that might not have been so accidental
And finally... Youngest adopted/fostered sibling Alfred, British snob and horrible influence extraordinaire
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hello, i would like to hear about the titans fantasy au O.O
Oh man, you really shouldn't enable me like this... but if you insist!!
Alright, here's the setting: We're in some weird Lord of Rings/DnD fantasy setting with various magical creatures and inconsistent technological developments. Were tunics worn at the same time as ball gowns? Were carriages used at the same time as broad swords? I don't know! And I'm not doing any historical research! It's just haphazardly medieval!
Donna, for the most part, is relatively unchanged. She fits into this setting rather well. She is the demigod daughter of Zues, warrior in training, third in line to be Queen of the Amazons. At 13 years old she is a new arrival from her island nation and she is hoping to learn monster hunting (she's hoping to learn by doing). The one condition of her joining Diana was that she was supposed to stay with Diana at all times. Both of them nodded and smiled in agreement when their mother, the Queen, said this. Both immediately parted ways once their boat hit the shores of this new and exciting world.
Speaking of new and exciting, the King of Atlantis' ward is tagging along for the first time to see the surface world. Garth is fascinated (and a little terrified) and he's hoping to learn new types of magic! The Crown Prince (his older brother) Koryak says that he will make a fearsome mage one day and he really doesn't want to let him down. Garth imagines that one day his brother will rule as King and Garth will be there at his side as the Head Mage. He really has to work on his skills to get to that point though! Hence studying abroad. He's also... maybe... looking to meet some friends. Or any friends, really. He doesn't have any and he's heard good things.
Lord Richard of Gotham is so tired of politics. His... 'father' is the Crown Prince, next in line for the throne of Gotham. Not that anyone, including Bruce, is happy about it. The Kane family has had the crown for centuries and now, because the King only had daughters and Bruce's mom had the audacity to marry a Wayne (their rival house), they stand to lose it all. Thankfully, Bruce's status as Crown Prince is only temporary. As soon as Princess Kate Kane is married off, her husband will automatically be next in line. (Although they've sure been taking their time with that. What's the hold up?) So Bruce doesn't have to ever worry about being King and Dick (as Bruce's totally legitimate love child that Bruce didn't make up to make sure Dick could inherit everything if he ever died, don't do the math on their ages) doesn't ever have to worry about the throne at all. Sure, he's technically second in line but it's as far away from reality as a nightmare and just as scary. For right now all Dick has to worry about is being a squire, going on adventures and learning how to be a great knight! What could go wrong!?
Crown Prince Elroy is fucked. Seriously fucked. The old Crown Prince Oliver saw Roy at an archery competition and decided 'Yeah, that one.' Ollie offered him a room, food and all the arrows he could ever want. When Roy found out that Ollie was taking a page out of Robin Hood's book, Roy was overjoyed. The two of them had a blast stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. It was great! And then Ollie's father, the King, found out. He disowned Ollie, not that Ollie cared, and life went on as normal with one major giant exception. The King didn't have any other children (legitimate children anyway) and Ollie was now disowned. So the King legitimized Roy as Oliver's bastard child and heir. Or, sorry, Elroy because apparently 'Roy' wasn't fancy enough. Now Elroy is the Crown Prince. Elroy is under lock and key so that Ollie can't influence him. Elroy is being forced to study. (The King promised him that this was just to make Ollie see reason but Roy isn't so sure... the King is putting a lot of effort into his training...) The only saving grace is that Roy is being sent away this summer to learn sword fighting. Archery is 'a cowards sport' apparently and Roy 'needs to expand his horizons'. Well.. they certainly agree on that last one. Roy is making a break for it and he's not coming back.
Wally is a young apprentice working for his Uncle Barry. He's learning how to make medicine and treat wounds and find useful herbs. At least, he's learning that sometimes. A lot of his time is spent being a delivery boy. Uncle Barry says that's an important part of any medical treatment, actually delivering the medicine. Wally thinks that he just wants him to burn off energy. Regardless, Wally spends most of his time delivering medicine and he does it well. It helps that he can cross the continent before most people can blink their eyes. He can't tell anyone that though. Barry has made that part extremely clear. As far as their patients are concerned, Barry is a local doctor who just lives outside of whichever town they're in. There's a lot of things Wally can't tell people. Like how his eyes glow and magic lights up on his fingertips when he's excited. Or how he doesn't really like hats, he just has to wear them to hide his slightly too pointy ears. He gets it. He does. He's heard the whispered stories of fae, the hushed talk of changelings, he's read the old cracked tomes on the Elven Folk. He knows what people will think he is. But he isn't. He really isn't. He's just... Wally. And sure, he might be a little bit odd but he's just as human as the next guy, he swears!
Donna finds herself left on the doorstep of the greatest monster hunters in this new world. Garth is accepted to shadow some of the best defense mages ever. Dick finds himself stopping in with some fellow Knights (he is soon to be one after all) on his way home after a particularly hard mission. Roy finds himself shipped off to learn sword fighting from some 'trusted experts'. Wally is on a routine delivery run to drop off some supplies for his Uncle's good friends. Whether it's fate or something far more sinister, they all find themselves at the temple of the Knights of the Emerald Flame. Sir Hal Jordan, who was not ready for the sudden onslaught of children, panics and gives them a mission to get them out of his hair.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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roxannepolice · 4 months
Outside the boundaries of the universes lie the raw realities, the couldhave-beens, the might-bes, the neverweres, the wild ideas, all being created and uncreated chaotically like elements in fermenting supernovas.
Just occasionally where the walls of the worlds have worn a bit thin, they can leak in.
And reality leaks out.
Thank you, sir Terry, for once again providing me with an excellent opening quote for a Doctor Who rambling. That probably has nothing to do with the fact that both DW and Discworld fall into the Gulliverian satire poetic.
So yeah, about what's grown to be called a Truman show theory, and I cannot stop making it clear, me critically poking at it is not me hating it especially if Ruby's story ends up throwing shade providing metatextual insight on the mystery baby extravaganza of 2010s (am I the only one who thought that Splice looks like Rey?).
But the problem is, how far would the revelation go? Is it just the endgame for the season? Did it start when Fourteen invoked a superstition at the end of the universe, as the text implies? Or does it go further back, as the Newton and apple story is unreal, too (HOT TAKE: THEY'RE IN VOLTAIRE'S BRAIN. THE CRITICISM OF ORGANISED RELIGIOM CONFIRMS THAT). Or was it already there when Fourteen regenerated in new clothes (he does talk of "canon" in the Dalek Mini-sode)? All of this is just digging deeper into figuring out just how clever the Cave is. But let's dig even deeper, shall we?
Ok, maybe it's Flux. Flux definitely messed up a lot of things, such as replacing Russia with Sontarans. Except...
There's Robin Hood in season 8. And not just a guy called Robin Hood, it's the Robin Hood of legend. Twelve is explicitly confused by that.
In fact, fourth wall breaking was probably most recurrent in Twelve's run.
Though let us not forget Thirteen looking straight into the camera to explain humans must recycle or else we'll turn into props.
Hey, remember how in Let's kill Hitler Eleven is like "The British are coming" and Hitler reacts with fear? In 1936? When the alliance between Third Reich and UK looked like a very realistic prospect? When the Windsors were enthusiastic over what was going on in Germany? PROPAGANDA MUCH?
Bashing on the royals will definitely go down better than my next point on this anarcho-communist coffeeshop AU website, but if you guys think the Red Army's involvement in WWII was fresh faced boys so filled with faith in equality for all people that they came to fight its eternal enemy of fascism then no. Nonononononono. No. NO. Go read about Ribbentrop-Molotov pact NOW. Sincerely, a person living east of the Berlin wall.
Seventh era is also when we get a hint there's a Doctor Who show on BBC.
I'm not going to go through every single time DW has leaned into a made up version of events (wonder if the Doctor ever changed their mind about Mao Zedong, though), but you're getting the drift, but there is one last point to be made.
Nero didn't start the great fire of Rome. The eternal city was a densely packed stack of wood and would go up in flames quite often, though the one from 64 CE was a particularly nasty one and putting it out could have been coordinated better. Still, the idea Nero intentionally started it is 100% made up.
Why should this be important? Well, The Romans are from the 2nd season of Classic Who, from 1965. While we're at it, season 1 historicals are also based more on simplified ideas about Marco Polo, the reign of terror, or Aztec human sacrifices (Barbara Wright Victorious, my love) than true facts (probably because documentary about everyday life of the Aztecs would work better as a way to get children to sleep than to get them hooked on history), but that's more a matter of how than what. In case you want to somehow reconcile this via the Pantheon, then the Toymaker first appeared in season 3, and that after the Doctor visited the Trojan war and Vicki stayed there with Troilus as actually faithful Cressida.
So. The thing about Truman show revelation is. It's either groundbreaking on a last episode ever, goodbye yellow brick road, level, or not meaningful at all. I just can't see it work as a seasonal endgame, because if the episode from 2023 is in unreality, then so is the one from 1965. Just, where do you go from here? It's either waking up in the crude reality or. y'know. acknowledging the convention, which is what the Truman show theory kinda set out to negate in the first place.
Again, I genuinely want to discuss! I myself am never sure if hot take posts are open to discussion, which is why I made a separate post, so I want to make it clear, I want to have the holes in my own rambling explained!
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symphonic-scream · 6 months
⭐️ for persona 5 aus?
Okay since you gave me a star and asked for P5 and I've gotten a feel for the kind of AU's you like based on when I see you in my notes (HI BESTIE!!), I'm bringing back my first ever arcana swap
And for the first time ever, I'm gonna talk about the Beta Version
It all started with Chariot Makoto and Lovers Haru. I'd just read an unfinished fic with Lovers Makoto and World Haru, and well, I wanted to try something like that
At first it was a Fool Futaba, so it was goober first year with their only friends being the gayass third years. Magician Akira, for the hilarity of sassy cat
Yusuke became the Fool when I got attached to the idea of Yusuke and Haru being friends, from another fic again. This one had them get legally married to give Yusuke groceries before staging a divorce. So. Foolsuke
Cap, my bestie, of course suggested the brilliance of Devil Akira, so. I needed a new Magician, someone to be the straight man to the chaos I'd created. So, Goro
Anyways that's the history of it lemme go off a bit
So it's Foolsuke, his Thief name is Jester. He's not as strong of a personality as Joker, but he makes up for it with his drama, his poses, his long speeches of Justice and Rebellion. He wears the Shujin uniform normally for the most part, but his blazer is always open
Magician Goro is a bird in the real world, but human in the Metaverse. His Thief name is Crow, though his bird form is a robin. He has the prince outfit Goro has in P5, and instead of the Monabus, there's a white limo, a bird emblem on the hood
Chariot Makoto is tired of being told how to feel, what to do, how to live. She's stepping out of her sister's shadow, since she's already been cast out after lies spread by a certain teacher. Top grades, low attendance, leather jacket and uniform pants. Her Thief name is Knight, and at the end of the day, she's perhaps a little too self-sacrificial
Lovers Haru feels alone for so long. When her dad calls, it feels like he's not really listening. Would he even believe her, if she told him about how a certain teacher treats her? She's tired of not standing up for herself, but to gather the courage, she just needs someone, anyone, to hear her call for help. Or, for her to witness an extreme... Her Thief name is Eros, and she hates seeing good people hurt
Emperor Futaba has been lied to her whole life. She thinks her foster father Madarame is a good man, who just needs a hand with programming sometimes. She thinks her mom died naturally. She thinks she doesn't need anyone else in her life. Only when forced to witness the bloody truth, does the rage within burst free. Python, that's her thief name. She'll make sure those that cloud the horrible truth are paid what they're due
Priestess Hifumi plays Shogi, attends student council meetings to improve her reputation, and trusts her mother isn't up to anything. Then, weird things happen to the students around her, and the nicer items in her home disappear. Kaneshiro's strings control Shibuya like a puppeteer, and it takes her too long to see the strings lying across the Shogi board, pulling at her peers and mother. She goes by Rook. A great planner, she's more than eager to prove she earned her wins after all
Hermit Ryuji lies awake, remembering the smell of booze, the shouts of a bastard man, the pained scream of his mom. He feels the phantom pains where his right leg used to be, and is now a stump that ends at the knee. On good days, he streams video games, with a digital avatar. On bad days, he can't forget that he's the reason his mom isn't around. He asks for help from people he's never met, and opens up for the first time since Tae Takemi first took him in. Compass guides them from his floating ship, his prosthetic a cool ass pirate peg, and he feels helpful when he shoots canonball boosts at his friends
Empress Ann is the face of teenage beauty, both in Europe and Japan. She, hates the flashing cameras. Her parents are up to something behind the flashes, and she's ignored it for too long. Though, her deadline approaches fast. They want to scurry back to Europe, take Ann from school and have their doll of a daughter model for the highest bidder there, escaping their sins in Japan. Ann becomes Puma, a thief who wants to bring back the passionate parents she remembers
Justice Yuuki shoots two palace leaders. His podcast is toxic, and his audience grows by the day. Behind the scenes, he's an attack dog, a chain wrapped around his neck, held tight by Shido. He tricks the Thieves, has them call him Gamma. On November 20, he looks Yusuke Kitagawa in the eyes and pulls a trigger
Faith Kasumi Sumire is a dancer. She's a Shujin for ballet, moving with such grace and delicate passion that she's destined for greatness. Only, something's wrong... But that's not a big issue, Dr Maruki is helping her recover after she lost her sister.
Kasumi makes a decision. Puts away the glasses that don't help her, ties up her brown hair. When the Thieves ask her what she wants them to call her, she answers with Scarlet
Okay I'm sorry about the long paragraphs here's some little bits for the other arcana
Hierophant is Tae Takemi, with her experimental coffee shop, and her adopted son
Fortune Shinya. He stands in the shadows at the arcade, tossing a few coins. Says he knows a way to change your future. He never messes up the script given to him by his mom's strange boyfriend.
Strength Morgana. He starts human, and when he finds himself again, he becomes Monster Cat
Hanged Man Kawakami. She got into some bad stuff after believing she led to a kid's death
Death Lavenza is a recent med school grad, who's younger sisters call themselves drug dealers, when really they just help Lavenza with some basic pharmaceutical stuff
Temperance Sae. A teacher, who didn't believe her sister over her coworker. She feels like a failed teacher, and failed sister
Devil Akira! He runs the school newspaper, known as the Tea Party, it's. Unofficial. He hangs out at the gay bar, Crossroads
Tower Kaoru Iwai. He posts an ad looking for a high schooler to teach him how to be more sociable. He says it's to get girls, but he's building up the courage to try to reach out to his dad
Star Yoshida. He sits in the park, playing chess with anyone who will sit and talk with him. He has many regrets, and honestly just wants to meet someone who will talk with him
Sun Ohya. A reporter who feels like she's lost her voice, doing what she's been told, not reporting what she believes. Teaches Yusuke better ways to phrase his wording and shit
Moon Shiho! Local discord mod notices the weird kids in her class being extra weird, and decides to be their social media manager. She's the one that asks them to help save their Empress, her girlfriend
Judgement Sojiro. Still working as, an agent of sorts, he's highly trained in interrogation. He feels weird about using his skills on a high schooler...
I love this swap so much,, I miss you Chaos Arcana Swap
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I think I've finally figured out the Flower Husbands part of my Scarian/Third Life Robin Hood AU
I'm going to make them both nobles
Jimmy comes from a noble family that's fairly close to the king, but not close enough that they're regular members of his court. They probably go to court about once or twice a month, so Jimmy knows everyone there and is particularly close with Prince Grian, his servant Pearl, Martyn and Joel. Especially after his older sister, Lizzie, becomes Prince Grian's lady in waiting.
I think I'm going to say Scott's parents are ambassadors from a different kingdom and so occasionally work with King Mumbo or other members of the Royal family at court but not at all frequently, especially after Ren takes over for Mumbo. They probably only really go when fancy balls or banquets are happening. So Scott does know a few people in court but isn't really close with any of them.
Although, when his parents were in boring ambassador meetings with Mumbo, Scott sneaks down to the local villiage with Xornoth and has befriend Cleo.
I think Scott and Jimmy meet at balls and parties while trying to get air/away from the other guests. For Scott because he is tired of the constant socialising, the masks everyone puts on and the overall fakeness of noble society at these events. For Jimmy, he's just awkward around people and doesn't really know how to make small talk in the way Scott does, plus, he's hiding from Grian who's trying to prank him because that's the Prince's only source of entertainment at these balls.
Scott and Jimmy probably first meet on a balcony overlooking the royal gardens and hit it off pretty quick. They both fall hard and fast for the other.
The only issue it, they're both of marriageable age and neither of their parents would be willing to accept their union. Scott's because he is expected to marry a man from his home country and Jimmy's because they want Jimmy to marry someone higher on the social ladder.
So Scott and Jimmy continue to date in semi-secret. Their close friends and siblings like Grian, Joel, Cleo, Lizzie and Xornoth know. Things happen in the background, notably the start of Good Times and The Resistance. The only impact that has on Jimmy's life is him being able to tease Grian about how he thinks Good Times is attractive (which he denies profusely) and, more notably, Joel betraying Ren and joining The Resistance, meaning his and Lizzie's engagement is 'broken' in official terms (they're still secrerly together but can't risk Lizzie being branded a traitor too).
This is bad for Jimmy as the only reason his parents had been more lax about his lack of engagement was that Lizzie was going to marry one of the King's inner circle. With that 'gone', they betroth him to Fwhip, the son of a wealthy noble who Jimmy has only met once or twice and, while they get on, neither of them particularly want to marry the other.
On Scott's end, his parents arrange a marriage between him and Joey, a noble from their home kingdom who Xornoth meets and the two fall head over heels for eachother.
Scott and Jimmy, thoroughly distressed by everything falling apart around them, confide (read: have a mental breakdown) to their siblings.
Lizzie tells Jimmy that he and Scott could always just run away, and if they're nervous about that, the group that Joel just joined is looking for members and would be happy to take them in. Jimmy actually quite likes this idea and discusses it with Scott who is unsure and goes to Xornoth for advice. Xornoth encourages them to do it and says they're happy to take on the betrothal to Joey because they like eachother, a lot.
So Jimmy and Scott do just that and Scar welcomes them into The Resistance with open arms. Joel is delighted to have someone to make fun of and Grian is happy to finally have someone semi-rational (aka Scott) in The Resistance full time to prevent Scar from constantly making risky plans which almost lead to him being caught.
And they live happily ever after
For more of this AU please check out some of my other posts, or the Scarian Robin Hood AU and Third Life Robin Hood AU tags
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alternis · 6 months
also the really fun part of third eye au is that a) the drakes still get introduced as 'the family who took the last photo with the graysons' except in this case this is foreshadowing that they too will die, leaving dick the sole survivor - left to mourn people who he never really knew but who were kind enough to send him the last memory of his family in hopes it would bring him comfort (probably leading into nightwing becoming a stronger presence in bat comics, meaning tim was still involved with bringing nightwing back into The Family in this universe)
B) very likely 'The Drake Murders' happen about when lonnie is getting pivoted into being the next robin, equivalent to 'rite of passage', so recruiting/adopting him might have been the B plot to the event
c) in the alternate publication history the story ends with the teenage son to wealthy parents, who bruce fails to save, being an open-ended "almost certainly dead, but no body ever found" spectre haunting the narrative for fifteen real life years.
...until this universe's equivalent of 'under the hood' where batman is trying to work a case, and finds out about a mysterious agency that deals in investigations and information and toes the line between 'morally grey' and 'actively works with villains'. he and oracle are on the outs so he digs into them solo, has a representative of this agency reveal their knowledge of his secret identity to try and get him to stop digging, and instead sets him on a globe-trotting mission facing off in a battle of wits and mindgames with a dark mirror of his detective-self,
which ends with the shocking unmask-reveal twist that the mysterious voice on the phone and the sole-force behind the 'third eye' agency is actually a very alive timothy drake. and then the 'he figured out their secret identity thanks to something we set up fifteen years ago' bombshell, alongside 'this character who has been sporadically haunting the narrative as a symbol of bruce's failure is alive and downright hostile to him' i think the internet forums would have exploded.
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crows-murder · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
sorry this took me so long to get to asfjsfkd. ty for the ask krow!! 💕
i already made one of these here so now i just gotta find five other favorite fics asjdsksk (who knew this could be so hard lmao)
the spillways of your soul
She trips over a root hidden by the snow and swears loudly. “Do you want them to hear us?” Damian grouses. She sends him a vicious glare. “You try running in the woods in the dead of winter wearing high heels.” Damian wrinkles his nose, but thankfully doesn’t make any further comments. Steph doesn’t move for a few minutes and instead focuses on catching her breath. - day 9: sleeping in shifts
i just really love writing Damian and Steph centric fics, because their dynamic is so fun and so interesting to write.
A look into Tim's life from the day his fire magic first manifests up until he becomes Bruce Wayne's third Robin.
this is from my urban fantasy batfam au!! my most beloved. it's SO indulgent and its so much fun to write. i hope to write something else for this series sometime soon <3
you're just a little bit too much like me
Steph had reluctantly agreed to pick up Damian after school because Dick was busy. She absolutely did not agree to get kidnapped and ransomed with Damian of all people.
another steph and damian centric fic!
Bury Me Facedown
Tim wakes up buried six feet under the ground.
another buried alive fic, because they're just far too much fun to write. it's such a good angsty trope and i eat it up every time
Late Night Encounters
Not long after Jason comes back to Gotham and asserts himself as the Red Hood, Tim meets Jason in a diner late at night and by some miracle he doesn't recognize him. After another chance meeting where Jason still doesn't make the connection between him and Robin, Tim decides that this might just his chance to get to know Jason Todd.
this fic is my baby, but different from all the other fics i call "my baby". this one truly holds a special place in my heart no other fic will hold, because it was inspired by my other writer friends for this fandom, and i remember all the excitement surrounding this fic as i was writing it and sharing snippets of it. i've grown a lot as a writer since i wrote this one, but i'm still really proud of this fic <3
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thesnailtail · 7 months
i was dared to ask about the phantom thief minori au in the tags...
can we have details?
(also this au seems really cool)
;; well!!! >:D (also thank you!!)
;; small warning: later on there is a mention of hospitalisation and overworking yourself to the point of hospitalisation
;; minori and mizuki are partners at the start, two silly thieves doing silly things. the two detectives on their case are haruka and an! minori and mizuki's aliases are clover and amia.
;; the main way i can describe the next bit is: phantom thief minomizu -> ??? -> profit (domestic mizuan happens)
;; minori's reasoning for becoming a thief is that if she gets enough money from the things she takes then she can use it to make the world better right? robin hood reasoning. - haruka and an did notice the odd correlation between the heists and a sudden decrease in other crime and social problems in the area. but this thinking does lead to some unintended consequences later.
;; so now minori is the only phantom thief left in the area and haruka is the one trying to work out what the heck is going on with this case
;; then later on after haruka runs in on minori escaping and they have a very quick chat, minori worries that she offended haruka. so she calls up mizuki to give her a letter who then gives it to an who gives it to haruka.
;; that then leads to minori and haruka meeting on the roof of that detective agency and having a short little talk, mainly consisting on minori saying sorry over and over. haruka offhandedly mentions that she doesn't get paid enough for this job. so she goes to the building the next morning to get another letter from minori, this time with "just over four months of good paychecks for her" in money.
;; typical phantom thief shenanigans insue then minori almost gets shot. ive not explained it but my personal belief is rui was testing out the gun in his phantom thief card and minori happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. so she falls off of a rooftop and haruka catches her. luckily she's in casual clothes otherwise that might not have ended so well.
;; after a while this is when haruka and an get to fight. so canon haruka has problems overworking herself, well. well, haruka has to be reminded by an to eat, drink and sleep. she does the first two. she has not slept in a good week and has a caffeine dependency. so her and an argue (during which haruka is a jerk about it) about the state of her wellbeing until haruka collapses in the middle of it. and this kids is why you should take care of your health!
;; in the time when haruka is recovering in hospital, minori doesn't do any sort of heist because she feels bad. she thinks that she was the reason this happend. thought she visits haruka, saying that she was thankful for her catching her when she fell off of the building. and hey here's those unintended consequences from earlier! minori gets stuck in a loop of thoughts that are basically: she thought she was helping people, only for someone to get badly hurt because of her, so was she really even helping in the first place?
;; so when haruka gets back to her normal life, an is constantly worried about her at work. minori gets word from mizuki that she's alright. so she does one heist and no one comes.
;; she does another. and no one comes. she does a third and finally haruka shows up. so minori is absolutely panicking about if haruka's okay and haruka is just mildly annoyed at the fact this case is still ongoing. minori apologises for the problems she caused for haruka. at some point part of minori's disguise (probably the mask) falls off and haruka realises that one of the people who visited her most in the hospital was the person she's been chasing for the past 7 months-ish. yeah.
;; still working out how parts of it go on from there so im just gonna copy this bit from what i said earlier: phantom thief minori -> ??? -> profit (domestic minoharu happens)
;; other plot points im working on fitting in:
- minori gets her money from selling the things she steals to miku. miku encourages theft!
- married couple shizuai, they're a thing. main museum minori keeps stealing from so haruka has to deal with them a lot. in her sleep deprived state and it's not fun for anyone.
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 months
Red Hood Time Travel AU: Angst Edition
(TW: blood, gore, death, Jason's Ethiopia scene, Joker [y'all, it's rough])
Through the power of magic fuckery, Jason gets transported back a few weeks before his fifteen year old self goes to Ethiopia. Figuring that he has a little time before the explosion, he decides to fix a few issues early.
He skips his way past Talia's assassin defenses, scoops up a growling and stabby child, and then sashays his way to Gotham.
Not wanting to be interrogated, he leaves the kid on Wayne Manor's doorstep wrapped up in a green bow. The words "Congrats! It's a boy!" are taped to his forehead.
While Bruce is dealing with the new kid, Red Hood forgot to account for the tension between Batman and Robin. Instead of trying to fix their relationship, the appearance of a new kid pushes young Jason out even faster. Red Hood only finds this out after dropping off kid Tim.
Cursing, Jason desperately chases Robin all the way to Ethiopia. He chases him to that damned warehouse.
Seeing the younger version of himself get slammed with a crowbar, watching the scene from a third person's point of view (but still an older Jason's POV), causes the man to freeze. He's watching the worst time of his life being replayed and he can't move. He can't announce his presence to Joker.
After all his training, after the showdown with Batman and the clown, Red Hood can't even step into the light. What if the monster sees him? What if it turns that bloody, dripping metal on the older version of himself?
Who is Jason anymore? Is he still the kid wrapped in chains begging for his dad to save him? Is he the man available to save himself but incapable?
Each grunt of pain, the choked cries, and the slap of flesh breaking they all numbly hit Red Hood's ears. At the same time that he tensely watches Joker's every move, another part of him is barely aware of where he is.
He must make some noise, perhaps a cut off whimper or a scuff of his boot, because manic green eyes flicker away from their prize. Glee lights up lime colored eyes as the Joker's hand twirls the crowbar. Blood droplets fly from the metal as the clown steps towards a trembling man in red armor.
After the first hit, the first drawn-out laugh, Jason loses time. He comes back to himself on the floor next to the child version of himself. The teen hasn't noticed that Red Hood is responsive again. This allows the man the ability to watch realization and then resignation settle on the kid's shoulder. They both know that the timer and their injuries will not allow them to escape. They're going to die thousands of miles from home, from their dad.
Through the twinge in his arm, Red Hood reaches his hands to the young bird. He frees him from the chains so that his finally moments aren't as trapped. Two broken hands hold each other as they both stare up at steel beams. Twin breaths sluggishly cough out, and the timer beeps ever closer to zero.
Any second now, Jason will die. At least this time he isn't alone.
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