#I see my friends tomorrow so we gon surprise
ghostickle · 7 months
Wandered target for a bit waiting to go for my blood tests and found a tech deck ramp set at 70% clearance and got it for only $4 im so excited
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Oh yeah also to be exact for stream purposes, average playtime from all 60 reviews is 10-12 hours, but total range is 8-15, double for a 100% playthrough. You do have to progress in the side content to progress in the main story (complete x missions/get x points/get to x rank type of deal), and you'll probably want to progress in the side content to level up since it's money-based and that's the fastest way to make money. I'm pretty sure the variance comes from getting sucked into the side content (probably not likely for your playstyle) or having trouble with the bosses at a lower level (they're apparently pretty hard this time).
It also looks like the Infinite Wealth demo is split into two (an adventure mode with the extra cutscenes and another one that's basically the demo we've seen around). Adventure mode Allegedly doesn't have proper saves at the time of writing (this was an annoyance for one reviewer so I assume it's long enough to warrant that), so it's worth taking that into account too. Anyway that's about it lol don't quote me on any of this because my brain just shut off after a certain point <3
OK BET TYSM CHAMP YOURE A LIFESAVER soooooo doing Quick Maths in my brain i might divide the stream up in two if i start playing at 4:30PM and i plan to marathon it.
ill take a break 3:45 - 5:45 saturday morning since that's a part of my regular routine and ill feel weird if i dip on it. I Dont Need Sleep but god forbid i skip out on all That apparently. plus it's a good break period to get exercise in and move around LMAO
going from 4:30PM -> 3:45AM's like.....10~11 hours... so that's about halfway through the game if i get entranced by side content... if we do somehow finish it all in one shot then we can just do the IW stuff after my routine.. epic.. it prob wont be any longer than an hour if that so stream- AUSPICIOUSLY THINKING- should wrap up around 7~9AM saturday.
#snap chats#and then when its all done ill take the longest nap of my life afterwards LMAOOOOO#jk. ill prob sleep for like. a minute. imagine if i did art stream later LMAOOO NONONO maybe sunday.. if im really ill bout it..#some are wondering Snap Are You Physically Capable Of Doing Thaat and to that i say Yes. Yes I Am.#i didnt grind out buzzsaw mill raids on gaiaonline over night for nothing.. im a Gamer in my soul... a bad one but a gamer nonetheless..#i did it for ishin i can def do it for gaiden- esp if theres an audience and i have people to chat with#also the Break Time will be a great cut off point for recording so people who can't/don't want to show up for the stream can watch it#see it's all going according to plan..... it's all going swimmingly.....#i like how generous im being with my gaiden time. girl we know im gonna suck and take longer LMAOOO WE AINT DOIN IT IN 8 HOURS#maybe ill 100% gaiden off stream or somn if the side stuff really ropes me in#also im late as balls answering this OOPS my friends came by the dining hall and we all chatted. and apparently im going to aldis tomorrow#DONT KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED but i needed something from the store#just one thing thats it.... i thought of buying snacks and the sort for gaiden but i aint gon subject people t me eating on stream#ill just go with my wack meal prep idea from before LMAO#anyway SIXTY REVIEWS THATS HEINOUS godspeed brother... thank you for your hard word ill do my best to make your work not go in vain#idk HOW but. i'll try not to be lame and low energy during stream I GUESS THATS ALL I CAN DO#boo about Money Aspect returning BUT ILL BE OPTIMISTIC. i wont let that sour me until i see it#i wonder how long the IW demo will be- what it'll HAVE if people are upset about the lack of saves#again i dont think it'll be terrible long- an hour is my min so id be surprised if it reaches two hours#it'd be epic if i could do all of gaiden before my routine since then i can cleanly divide the stream but we'll see
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the-dixon-effect · 1 year
Tomorrow, With Luck
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requested by: @taylormarieee which you can find here -> masterlist
A/N: sorry this took so long my love!! jet lag is a bitch 😭
summary: Daryl gets jealous when he sees Spencer flirting with Y/N.
era: season 6, pre-Negan Alexandria
pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader, a little bit of Spencer x fem!reader not too much dw
words: 1.9k
"What's up with that Dixon dude?" asked Spencer, who sat beside you on a pristine white bench near the perimeter of the walls. He'd asked you if you wanted to 'hang out' later after spotting you on watch duty earlier. Since 'hanging out' wasn't really an activity that you had partaken in for a long while, you decided to accept, fully understanding Spencer's intentions but playing innocent, just for the fun of it. Unfortunately, conversation wasn't really flowing and... well, you had other things on your mind. You watched as Daryl strode down the picture-perfect lane, glancing over in your direction and giving Spencer that sultry, disdainful look. The one he adorned, sometimes indeliberately, when he just didn't like the look of someone.
"He's my friend. He's a really good guy, probably my best friend, actually," you said, not meeting his eyes but instead tapping your right foot against the floor and rubbing your fingertips together. Spencer turned his head slowly, following Daryl's figure as he advanced further down the road, as though he thought he was a predator stalking his prey.
"Yeah, I know what that means. My girlfriend back in prep school had a 'guy-best-friend'," he began, raising his hands to form air-quotes. "We were together for a year, then one day she just dumped me for him," That doesn't surprise you.
"Mhm," you hum in response. In truth, you didn't care what Spencer had to say, but you got the gist. Whatever. No one cares about a pretentious piece of shit who got dumped years ago. Besides, your priorities are halfway down the main oad, where a certain archer looks to be heading home.
"Anyway," he pauses and looks around, searching for something to fill the silence. "Hey, you and I should go on a run together sometime. I reckon we'd make a great team,"
"Yeah, totally. Listen, I've gotta head home, curfew, am I right?" you muster your best fake laugh. "See you around, Spencer,"
"Hey, Daryl!" you call out, a few paces behind him on the sidewalk. Crossbow slung over one shoulder and backpack over the other, you can tell he's just been out on a hunt. In an attempt to make conversation, you idly ask him if he caught anything, to which he responds with a characteristic grunt, which you take as a no. Damn, no venison for dinner. He ignores you for the rest of the walk home, and you can't help but feel a little disheartened as your pace on the sidewalk flows out of time with his. He's normally happy to see you. He doesn't like to show it, but you know that you've broken down his walls when that little smile of his creeps up on his face when you're near.
What you don't consider, however, are the thoughts swirling around in that mind of his. What the hell is she doing with that prick Spencer? Does she like him? Does she like him more than she likes me? Shut up man, you know she doesn't like you.
Daryl can hear his brother's voice mingling with his own regrets. Ya' gon' chase after her, lil' bro? Always liked the sweet ones, didnt'cha. Daryl decidedly ignores the cacophony of voices weaving in with his own, and, after a moment of silence, asks you this, "What were ya' up to with that Spencer guy?" His voice is rough and smoky, thick with contempt and disapproval as his tone drawls straight out of his chest. You wonder what he's thinking.
"We were just talking. Super annoying guy, wants to go on a run with me but if I ever said yes I think I'd die of boredom,"
Daryl's eyes seemed to widen at your statement as they disprove his former worries. "You got nothing to worry about, Daryl," you chuckle.
"Stop," he teases, lightly punching you on the arm. He's smiling at the ground, and at the same time, failing at hiding it from you. How much you loved that pretty smile of his, the one that was reserved just for you.
A week goes by of the same thing happening over and over again. Spencer stops you in the street, engages you in some dull exchange, and Daryl watches you with hawk eyes and razor-sharp scorn. It took him this long to realise that what he was feeling whenever you so much as spoke to another man was jealousy. He couldn't take much more of this, watching and internally combusting at the way Spencer was looking at you. It's time he got the message.
On the particular day that Daryl decided to drill it into Spencer's brain, he was stood next to you outside your shared home as he watched him stride down the concrete sidewalk. What a dick, he thought, loathing those perfect curls and arrogant saunter. Not that he stood a chance, anyway.
"Hey, Y/N!" he called out, with that dumb smile plastered across his face as usual.
"Hey, Spencer," you said, with a quiet sigh. You turned your gaze over to Daryl surreptitiously giving him a look that said 'sorry'.
"Y'know, I was thinking, the weather's perfect today for that run I mentioned," he was right, the weather was perfect, and the last thing you wanted was to spoil a perfect day by spending it in Spencer's company.
"That sounds great, but I actually already have plans today with Daryl," you mustered a fake frown and gestured to the man by your side. That was partly a lie, you didn't have any plans except maybe just laze around and chat with your best friend.
"Come on, Y/N, fall's nearly here and you know we won't get blue skies like this for months!" Spencer announced. Your brows furrowed and you were starting to have enough of being bothered by this guy. Luckily, the hunter by your side knew how to handle him.
"Listen man, she dun' wanna go with ya'. Jus' leave it alone," he said sternly. Daryl straightened up and approached the tall man, ready for conflict, knowing that if it came to it, he could beat this guy's petty ass into the ground.
"Oh really? Why don't you let the girl speak for herself? Do you wanna come, Y/N?" he asked. You pursed your lips, smirking and searching for Daryl's eyes letting him do the talking. You sure were enjoying him standing up for you.
"Nah. She don't. Now leave her alone," he drawled, fists clenching and eyes narrowing as his gaze fixed on his features, imagining how satisfying it would be to break that perfect nose of his.
"You know what?" Spencer looks side-to-side before bringing his fists up and landing a blow that Daryl conveniently dodges. If there's one thing that Daryl is best at, it's being observant. Knowing when someone's pissed off and predicting the exact moment that they'll pick a fight.
Before you can react, Daryl scoffs and nearly knocks Spencer's jaw right out of place, the blow so hard that he falls backwards and lands on the curb.
"Shit, Daryl... you knocked his fucking tooth out," you mumble, leaning over Spencer's figure on the ground in an attempt to hide your smirk at the way he was being so protective over you. Blood stains Daryl's knuckles and Spencer's lips as you suggest taking him to the infirmary. There is deafening silence as you stumble over to the makeshift hospital with one of his arms wrapped around both of your shoulders.
You spend the rest of the day in your bedroom trying to distract yourself from the earlier events. You weren't sure if Daryl was avoiding you or checking up on Spencer in the infirmary. Either way, you couldn't get your mind off the way Daryl had defended you earlier that day, even if his actions were a little aggressive. You found it undeniably attractive, and part of you wanted to hear him explain himself to you. Has he always felt this... possessive? Was he... jealous?
Placing your book down on the nightstand, you stand up to get a glass of water and notice a little piece of paper that had been slid under your door. You pick it up and open it without consideration, and immediately recognise the messy scrawl to be Daryl's.
I'm sorry. Didn't mean to embarrass you earlier. That prick got what he had coming, but if you don't wanna speak to me, I get it. There's just something you gotta know. I love you. I have for a long time, and I should've said it sooner. I'm thinking it might be a little late now, but, I just needed you to know. I really love you, Y/N. I'm sorry.
You audibly gasp at his sweet little note, and suddenly feel a pang of guilt for making him feel as if you didn't want to speak to him. Taking another look at the letter, you admire his handwriting for a moment. The way his capitals mingle with the lowercases, the way his 'S' is just a tiny sliver of black ink on the thin paper, and the way he signs his name so handsomely at the end. This might have been the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for you, you think. You race out of your bedroom and down the stairs to Daryl's basement, his most likely hiding place, you figured. Unsure of what to say to him, you knock on the door, just eager to hear his voice.
The door opens and you two just stare at each other like idiots in love, a wide smile plastered across your face as you hold up the piece of paper in the air. "Uhh- sorry," Daryl says softly, also unsure of how to continue.
"Daryl, it's fine- um," you stare at your shoes, searching for something to say. Though words are lacking, the air is not awkward, but warm with anticipation. "Is this because of Spencer? 'Cause if it is, I'm really sorry if I let that go on too long, and I'm sorry you had to.. step in, earlier," you sighed, meeting those blue eyes of his.
"No, no, dun' be sorry. I just.. didn't like the way he was looking at ya'," he drawls, maintaining eye contact.
"So you were jealous?" you dare to ask, your tone laced with the smirk painted on your lips.
"Pretty much, yeah," he gestures to the note in your hand. After a moment of silence, the tension is thick and it occurs to you that there is only one way to break it.
You step a little closer to him, interlacing your hand with his as he rests in the doorway, dropping the note on the floor. He's still gazing at you, now with a little smirk painting the curve of his thin lips. You lean into him, taking your free hand and placing it on his cheek and filling the distance between you. God, he's so beautiful. Before he returns the kiss, he traces a calloused thumb over your soft lips, so gently that you find it hard to believe that this is the same man that defended you with such hostility earlier that day. He closes the inch of distance between you and kisses you softly, one hand resting on the curve of your right hip and the other finding your nape underneath a bundle of your soft hair. You return the sweet kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and tangling your tongue in his mouth and picking up notes of cigarette smoke and evergreen forest.
You pull away, only briefly, resting your forehead against his and panting quietly. "Daryl, the note.. I think- I think I love you too,"
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paisholotus · 11 months
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Now Playing: High-school~ Nicki Minaj
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Ashia's Pov
Miami, Florida
Tej called and said he has a big race tonight and invited me to join him. So that's where my sister and I were going. 
As I pulled up to Tej's garage, I noticed him talking with Suki. Suki and Tej were my first genuine friends I'd ever had; when I initially moved to America, I was badly teased because of my Trini accent. I introduced them to my siblings, and we've been inseparable since.
I turned off my engine and exited, gazing over to see my sister, Tirana, exiting hers.
"Hey, boo! How are you doing?" Suki asked as she hugged me. Tirana dapped up Tej and then walked over to hug Suki as I hugged Tej.
"Shia, lil sis, how you doing, baby?" He asked, swinging me from side to side.
"I'm good, boo, what's this? I'm hearing that you got a surprise for the racers tonight." I asked, my gaze suspiciously fixed on him.
"That's for me to know and you to, dot dot dot. You racing for me, tonigh?"  He asked, cheesing at me.
I shook my head and laughed. "Nah, I just came to chill. I got work tomorrow." I said, drinking my beer.
He rolled his eyes and glanced at Ty, saying, "What about you, big sis? You gon race for me?" He asked her.
She sipped her beer and shook her head, saying, "Hell nah, I don't want to take your money tonight." She said, cackling. 
Tej waved us off and proceeded to the other racers. 
"crush it,BABY!" I hugged Suki and told her to go ahead so they could get started. 
We sat on the hoods of our cars, watching Tej interact with the racers; he seemed upset.
"Aye! Listen up! Of course, some sorry Mfs called out tonight's race, so I had to call someone, but I still need another racer, so y'all better start calling!" Tej yelled while crossing his arms. Tej's money isn't something he plays with.
"Aye! Why don't you fill in, Shia?" Suki said.
I gave her a look, then at Tej, who was pleading with his arms outstretched.
I signed, grinned, and then nodded, telling Tej I'd do it.
"Aye! My number one racer, Shia, is going to race tonight, y'all. And she's taking y'all money, fo sho." Tej yelled, raising my arm, making me playfully shove him.
After getting back into my car and following everyone else, I got out and strolled beside Suki.
I turned around when I heard a commotion of cheering and clapping. A man driving a Skyline got out and stared at me. 
As we both stared at each other, I thought, 'Damn, he was fine.'
"Fuck!" Suki signed while plainly showing her defeat.
I asked, "What's wrong?"
"Brian, that boy over there. When I say he's good, Shia, I mean it like he might be your only competition. You know I'm good, yet I'll never be able to beat you. Brian is an absolute natural."
'Oh, he's famous over here, then? How come I've never heard of him?'
"Sup, Suki?" he asked as he glanced between me and Suki.
I didn't find many white boys appealing, but he was unquestionably the best-looking. His eyes were a deep ocean blue; he was the definition of a pretty white boy.
He approached Tej, dapped him up, and they began talking.
"Why don't we kick it a nickel?" he asked as he turned to face Suki once more.
"AY! AY! Nobody said anything about raising the stakes." Julius yelled. This dude has an issue with everything, which makes me roll my eyes.
"Well, in that case, why don't you ask these nice people to move back so you can go home?" Brian said, walking over.
I laughed a little and stared at a furious Julius.
As the crowd began to cheer, Brian's excitement increased. "OK! OK! OK!" They stopped talking when he yelled.
"OK, Julius, are you going to come on or what?" I asked. Nothing against Tej, but I ain't trying to be out all night.
"Aye! Puta, listen, this is not your discussion." He screamed.
I pursed my lips and peered around me to see who the hell he was talking to.
"HEY! WATCH YO MOUTH, BITCH!" Tirana shouted as she got off her car.
I turned back to Julius, glaring, and pointed at him. "Mi dun tell yuh bout dat bitch word kip IT UP an MI A SHOW YUH ONE!" I yelled at him.
He sighed, "OK, 38 large," and gave Tej the cash.
I inhaled deeply as we all lined up and grinned.
"Let's do this, bitches."
-Time Skip-
As the audience applauded for me, I stepped out of the car and grinned. I then turned to face Brian and grinned at him. He was a badass driver; I had to concede that.
Tej offered me ten bands, but I shook my head and spoke in his ear instead. I gave Tej and Suki a hug, then turned to face Brian as he approached us before heading back to my car.
We pulled off the lot and blew our horns, speeding down the street.
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
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Pairing: Yoon Hyunsuk x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationship, smau + written
Summary: Hyunsuk thinks you couldn’t see him on his birthday, the truth is you’re organizing him a surprise party.
Warning: None
Notes: I finally wrote my bub an imagine. 🤭❤️ Happy b-day to the loml. ❤️
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The timer of the oven went off, Y/n put her phone on the kitchen counter and grabbed a towel to take the two molds out.
She stacked them and started decorating. She wrote a ‘Happy Birthday, bubs 🤍’ on the center.
Y/n wasn't a professional baker but liked baking certain pastries since she was a teen. It was a hobby she enjoyed.
When she finished, she placed it carefully on a white box that had a ribbon. She took her bag, phone and car keys and walked out of the door, making sure to lock her apartment.
Then entered the elevator that went to the underground parking lot.
She opened the trunk and put the cake inside.
After that she entered the car, and put her bag on the passengers seat. Y/n connected her phone to the Bluetooth, and Sunshower by Epex started playing.
With that, she began her journey towards her boyfriend's dorm which was only 10 minutes away.
He certainly was gonna be surprised, because the last thing he knew was that she had a huge project she had to submit the next day and that was why she couldn't hang out.
Once she arrived, she parked right in front of the building. She took all of her things and entered the place.
She hopped on the elevator and went up to the 4th floor.
The doors opened and she bounced towards the familiar door. She knocked and a smiley Seunghun opened it.
“Y/n! You’re just on time.” He let her in and took the box.
“Thanks. I’m glad, I thought I was going to be late because of the cake. It took me longer to decorate it than I anticipated.” She set her bag on the couch. “Hi, Gon.” The girl greeted the older as soon as she saw him coming out of the kitchen.
“Hey, Y/nnie.” He smiled at her. “Baejin just told me they’ll be here in 20 minutes.”
“Okaay. Do you guys need help with anything?”
“Not really. We just finished decorating and the food is almost ready.”
“Oh, okay.”
The three of them sat on the living room coach and conversed for a while until Byounggon’s phone dinged.
“They’re on the elevator.”
“I’ll go hide. Don’t snitch on me.” She giggled and pointed playfully at them. Both of her friends laughed and nodded.
She ran to the nearest closet and closed the door just in time for the principal door to open.
“Happy birthday, Hyunsukie!” She heard the boys yell.
“Thanks, guys! What’s all of this?”
“Just as a small surprise party for our sweet maknae.” Gon responded.
“Okaaay.” Hyunsuk thought there was something going on since the leader sounded a little bit nervous and sweeter than usual but brushed it off.
“Come sit, we made your favorite.” Seunghun sounded like a mother, which, honestly, was so cute.
Y/n heard footsteps leaving the area she was in. As she heard chairs being dragged, she thought it was time to come out.
She tiptoed her way towards her boyfriend. Four out of five guys knew of her presence and were trying so hard not to laugh or being suspicious.
She put her hands over his eyes making him smile.
“Hyung, what do you think you’re doing?” He laughed.
“It’s not me, Sukie.” Yonghee giggled.
“Oh. Is it…” He touched her hands. “Y/n?” He sounded confused.
He turned around and when he saw her his face lit up.
“Sweetie!” He got up and hugged her tightly.
“Hi baby, happy birthday.” She had a fond look on her face.
“Thank you, love.” He still held her. “W-what are you doing here? I thought you had that very important project for tomorrow.”
“There was never a project, bubs. I needed time to make your gift” She didn’t reveal what it was. “And did you really think I wasn’t going to be with you on your birthday?”
“I thought it was weird since we always celebrate it together but understood that you were busy.”
“Oh my god, you’re so precious.” He giggled and turned red. Y/n hugged him tighter.
“I have go get your gift but I don’t want to let you go.” The girl spoke as she looked into his eyes with a pout.
“We can cuddle afterwards, love.”
“Okay, I accept.” They laughed softly.
Hyunsuk stopped holding her and she walked to the kitchen and took the cake out of the fridge.
She looked for candles and a lighter. She placed them on the top and lit them.
She returned to the dinning room with the dessert on her hands, a huge smile on her face. And placed it in front of her boyfriend.
They all sang Happy Birthday to the birthday boy while he thought how lucky he was to have that group of people in his life.
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ofcatnaps-moved · 1 year
she’s surprised that the other would describe herself as anything less than calm. as Queen, Amidala had been virtually unshakable - a trait that had gone beyond the façade of their many ruses & the personality of Queen, & had defined the very core of Padmé Naberrie herself. something cracking that resolve & getting under her skin was not to be ignored in the slightest. still, Sabé does little to react other than tap long, tanned fingers over her knee as she listens further. Anakin’s seeming devotion to the other is less surprising - Padmé had always inspired deep loyalty in all of her alliances & connections. Sabé herself had seen it in how the other had won over Mon Mothma & Bail Organa, & even how she had continued her service for Naboo here in the Senate while somehow balancing her connections back in Theed, as well as many other far flung places. no, a deep loyalty to the other would never surprise her, but that loyalty being held by a boy who had been all but nine years old & come from nothing... it was easy, how quick fixation could be construed as loyalty. 
‘ perhaps I could reach out to Kenobi, ’ Sabé proposes after a long, silent moment. ‘ I’ve only just returned to the city, but he was present when we change faces for our ruse on Coruscant before. it won’t surprise him to think we’ve continued the tradition - especially not in the wake of an attempt that claimed Cordé. ’ she would also very much like an excuse to walk the city & re-orient herself properly, but that was hardly worth mentioning. if there was any justice in the world, she’d never have to tell Padmé the details of the disappointment & frustration she’d felt on Tatooine, & how returning her felt like starting over in a way that was manageable. seeing Kenobi would also be the closest she could come to paying her respects to Qui-Gon for the time being. he might have a memorial on Naboo, but if she was to resume her duties as the former Queen’s shadow, her capacity to travel back & forth was about to be limited to what she could manage in secret or at the side of her friend. 
‘ my independence is mine to give up to you if I choose, ’ Sabé points out, finally shifting her legs a bit & pressing them down into the floor as she stretches. ‘ besides, I managed to find many, many moments for my own independence in your service, ’ the former handmaiden reminds her with a wink. ‘ no, I want to meet with Kenobi, and I belong at your side. there’s whispers of other things happening out there in the galaxy, and something is coming. Qui Gon would have said my being here is the will of the Force. I’m inclined to agree. ’ he had been with them for such a short time but the Jedi had left quite the impression on her. she found herself reaching for his serenity often - increasingly so, of late. to bring him up like this felt fitting. perhaps if he had survived, many, many things would be different. ‘ besides, a Jedi is hardly going to know how to conceal a dagger inside of an intricate Alderaanian braid, or that the same components used for blasting powder can be concealed in a makeup compact. I would argue that makes me more useful to you, ’ she winks.
‘ if it’s nothing more than childish dreams, Obi-Wan will know that distinction better than anyone, ’ Sabé offers after a long moment, finally pulling her legs up & getting to her feet in a fluid motion. ‘ conversations veiled in hypotheticals can be powerful. I think it’s best to get ahead of these concerns rather than letting them fester - especially when we have the Separatists, and other threats looming imminently. ’ a war with clones versus droids felt unusual even to her with all the things she had seen but she had heard whispers of what had happened in the time she’d been away from Padmé’s side. it seemed like anything could happen. ‘ why don’t you stay here tonight? some sleep would do you good, and tomorrow I’ll seek out a way to manage a chance encounter somewhere where Skywalker need not overhear. we’ll get to the bottom of this. ’
there had been a reason that the person Padmé needed in these stressful moments was her longest, dearest friend. it was also times such as this that she missed the close companionship that she and her troupe of handmaidens had shared in the palace and politics of her home planet. even then Tsabin had been her closest confidante, but she had been surrounded by a group of young women who had understood and loved her. she had been able to speak to them as her friends as well as her handmaidens, and it was that closeness that she missed when times were troubling. despite Sabé's thoughts of her unshakability, the senator was frightened at what all of this strangeness might entail. while her fingers pressed against the glass window that looked out over the place they called home, she pondered the words that Anakin had spoken. she herself had been overwhelmed by feelings of love and want at times, had felt herself in danger of allowing those same wants to explode out of her and ruin the world if she allowed them, but she had never dared defy the vows she'd made for those feelings. Padmé's sense of duty remained firm no matter what, and she would not allow Anakin's foolish childhood infatuation to have him thrown out of the Jedi and her to lose the respect she'd worked so hard for in the galactic senate.
the suggestion that Sabé be the one to approach Obi-wan was enough to pull a deep sigh of relief from the senator and she glanced back over her shoulder at the other woman, affection and appreciation warming her expression as she nodded her thanks. ❝ i'm sure he'd be glad to see you again too, our roles were so entangled back on Naboo, you and he had as much time in conversation as he and i. ❞ a sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips and she turned fully, now pressing her back against the cool glass and enjoying the sensation on her skin, still heated with her fluster. ❝ if the Jedi council has seen fit to raise him to the title of Master, i'm sure that he will be able to offer some perspective on Anakin that we can't quite get a handle on. you're right that he is the best person to tell whether this is just a childish flight of fancy gone too far and that just needs a firm nip in the bud or if it needs more dire consequences for the possibility of overthrowing one's vows so completely. ❞ worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, Padmé crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned, thinking deeply. ❝ in case it wasn't clear, Sabé, i would be more than honoured to have you at my side again. i've missed you terribly, and i always feel better knowing that you're close by. we really do belong together, you and i. whether it's the Force that wills it or chance, i'm glad you're here, and not just because of your usefulness. the fact that you're my favourite person in the galaxy is not the least of my reasons. ❞ warmth filled her tone, affection clear in Padmé's voice as she regarded her friend and allowed the knowledge of her returned presence to really sink in. she had never felt safer or more comforted than when her shadow was in step with her, not even with a Jedi posted at her door. no guard would ever replace the Queen's Shadow.
❝ i think i'd appreciate the place to stay for the night, ❞ she agreed finally. her apartment was safe enough, and her guard posts weren't going to allow her to be assassinated overnight (well, she hoped, at the very least) but there was something to be said for sharing a space with the other woman and how they could duck in and out of each other's personas at the blink of an eye. ❝ this is why i came to you, you know. you've managed to snap me out of the fluster and back into reason. i'm so used to matters of politics lately that the intimacy of his proposal threw me. we have to look at this like any sort of problem like the many we faced, and one of those ways is by letting you do what you do best, i'm sure. ❞
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
2. Lavender Bones
It’s time to move to the dorms and Sayomi already misses her brother and aunt, at least her new friends are there to help.
This is set in their first year
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Saturday, the day everyone moves into their dorms. The UA first years will officially be on campus and Sayomi was feeling a little nervous and Gon could tell. As her younger brother he felt it was important that she knew he could take care of himself and Aunt Mito.
Each morning since the beginning of school he would make her snacks to take to school, he’d made a charm for her and started making a small photo album of the three of them for her to look at when she feels lonely. He was a good brother and he knew it because Sayomi always told him.
>> The day prior <<
“Gon is Sayomi moving into the UA dorms tomorrow?” Gon’s best friend Killua asked as they walked to the Freecss household- Killua typically came over to do homework and have dinner on Fridays.
“Oh yeah she is.” Gon smiled. “Is Illumi?”
“Yeah. I think he and Sayomi are in the same class actually.” Killua said with a shrug. “He was talking about her and a few others yesterday at dinner.”
“Good things I hope… though it is Illumi so I won’t be surprised.” A new voice called making the boys jump and yell.
“Mimi you scared me.” Gon pouted giving his sister a light punch as she ruffled both their hair. “Is it true that Illumi is in your class?”
“Sadly yes I have to see his face every day..” she said dramatically.
“I’m surprised you haven’t thrown anything at him yet.” Killua snickered- bringing up a memory from when they were younger and she began throwing Illumi’s pins back at him… good times, good times.
“Why do you have a rivalry with him anyway?” Gon asked while scratching at his chin.
“I dunno he doesn’t like me and I don’t like him that’s kind of all there is too it. Mostly because he treats Kill in a shitty way.”
“Everyone in my house does except my grandparents.” Killua said with a shrug.
“Now that won’t do.” She gasped using her quirk to pull the boys into a hug with her. “We shall go home do homework and then watch a pre quirk movie… let’s go!!”
>> Saturday <<
The last box was in the UA moving van and all of the Freecss could safely say they would miss each other- sure she’d come to visit every other weekend but it’s hard being away from family for so long.
“We’ll miss you Mimi.” Gon said hugging him sister tight, Killua only giving her a fist bump before stalking back towards his family home (around the corner in quite the extravagant home compared to the Freecss humble apartment).
“Hey, I’ll miss you too. We’ll see each other every other weekend so I’ll still be around.” Sayomi says, jumping a little as Aunt Mito grasps her in a tight hug as well.
“Oh sweetie I’m so proud.” Their Aunt says, smiling softly- definitely having no tears in her eyes as she did.
The mover honked his horn, signalling for her to go. It was time.
“I love you both. Message me every day and call me on weekends!” Sayomi yelled as she rushed into the passenger seat, waving at her small family as she leaves.
Time for her adventure to start.
It was amusing in a way, seeing everyone shuffle around to find their dorm room and make sure they had all of their belongings. Sayomi was aware she was the only one who’d actually come via moving van but that’s because Aunt Mito didn’t have a car and none of them had anyone to drive them (well technically she could have come with Illumi but that’s beside the point).
Pulling out her belongings and placing them under a sign with her name on it she sighed. This would be a long process; she could already tell.
“Freecss.” The brunette spun around to be faced with Illumi of all people.
“Zoldyuck.” She responded.
“May I help you bring your items to your dorm- I have already finished.”
Sayomi paused… and then she blinked slowly.
“You? You want to help me?”
“Yes. Is this a problem?” The boy’s empty eyes seemed… confused almost? She wasn’t sure.
“Considering we aren’t particularly amicable I am surprised.” She answered.
“My father suggested it.” Illumi responded. “He said you and I should attempt to be cordial for the sake of our brothers… and becoming heroes. You would make a valuable ally with your quirk.”
Sayomi blinked again.
“Okay yeah whatever. We can friendly I suppose.” She sighed. “You can grab the box labelled school.”
“Understood.” Illumi said before reaching for the large cardboard box. “Do you know where your room is yet?”
“No I hadn’t looked at the chart yet I just got here.”
“She’s on my floor.” A new voice called, turning again this time to see Hisoka grinning as he made his way over, Chrollo right beside him.
“Same with me, floor three.” Chrollo added. “I believe you will be Machi’s neighbour.”
“Pink haired girl in seat one right?” Sayomi questioned. Chrollo nodded.
“Yes that’s her. May we help you with your boxes too? We’ve already put ours away.”
“You don’t want to unpack them all?” She asks.
“We can help you bring these upstairs before we do that.”
“What Chrollo said.” Hisoka grinned as he was grabbing her box labelled desk and misc.
Chrollo grabbed one of her clothing boxes while she grabbed the other, leaving only her suitcase left- which Hisoka offered to take as well (apparently her desk and miscellaneous box was light anyway… it was not light considering all the crap thrown in there).
“You didn’t bring much.” Illumi noted as they walked inside- taking note of where her room was as they did.
“It’s enough for now. If I need anything I’ll get a note and go back home.” She answers as they step into the elevator.
“Is there a reason you don’t have much?” Hisoka asks.
“Unlike Pin boy here I’m not rich.” Is her response. One the pink haired teen nodded at.
“He does have an unfathomable amount of wealth doesn’t he?” Hisoka snickered, earning himself an emotionless glance. “Honestly if I had that much money I’d buy a shit tone of gum and candy.”
“Gum and candy?” Sayomi found herself asking and almost immediately regretting it- she’d barely known these boys for a short period of time but she learnt fast that Hisoka liked the sound of his own voice… though he wasn’t the worst in that regard- just weird.
“When I was younger my favourite brands of candy and gum got discontinued and I was so excited to have a quirk that seemed so similar to it- hence my quirks name Bungee Gum and having a power up I have called Texture surprise stupid names but they make sense.” Hisoka admits as he stares at the elevator doors.
“Huh guess I can’t say much.. my quirk is called Tug of War because when I first got it, it was a super weak form of Telekinesis.” She hums, acknowledging his story with her own little bit of fondness. That didn’t mean she found him comfortable to be around, he still got well into her personal space and she can tell even now he’ll do that considering he knows where her dorm room is.
“Mine is called Pins and Needles.” Illumi added, as blunt as ever.
“What about you Chrollo?” Hisoka grinned, now leaning back towards the bandana wearing teen.
“Mine is called Skill Hunter I can copy quirks and as long as they go in my book I can hold onto them for as long as possible… so I suppose I can hunt for quirks.” Chrollo mused. “Sayomi your quirk seems interesting I’d love to hear more about it.”
Sayomi laughed at that. She doubted it was that interesting being simple telekinesis.
“It’s just telekinesis, nothing special.” She said just as the doors slid open.
“I disagree telekinesis is quite powerful and you must have a large range considering the quirk assessment test Mr Shinsou gave us.” Chrollo added, gliding forward to meet her pace.
“I suppose?” She said quietly, face pressing into the box to hide her reddening face.
After a moment of silence, silence Sayomi was thankful for, they reached what would be her dorm room. Her name was placed in the slot on the door, Sayomi Freecss, in bold lettering.
She sighed, Sayomi didn’t want her last name to define her- and if anyone here did recognise it she would deny any relation to the bastard that was her and Gon’s father.
“Sayomi?” Hisoka poked her from her stupor with a weirdly innocent looking expression- he almost seemed worried for her.
“Sorry. It’s weird is all. I’m used to living with my Aunt and Brother.” She answers with an awkward grin.
“The brother that’s friends with Killua right?” Hisoka asked. She nods.
“The one and only.” She replies, dorm room door swinging open as she presses against it.
The room wasn’t bad. She had a bed, desk with a chair, draws and wardrobe, it was more space than her room back home at least.
“The rooms are small.” Illumi said, voice as usual void of any emotion or care.
“This is big compared to my room back home.” She tutted. Illumi only hummed in response.
“They are good rooms.” Chrollo stated. “Hisoka and I are around the other side, Illumi is on the second floor.”
“Cool.” Sayomi responded as she pushed her box onto the unmade bed before opening it and pulling out what the boys noted was sheets and blankets.
“Let me help.” Chrollo says placing his box on the ground beside Illumi and Hisoka’s- who had dragged her suitcase towards the far corner of the room.
Chrollo was quick in pulling at the sheets, placing the cover on the mattress with ease before helping her tuck her sheet into the bed frame as well, leaving Sayomi to pull on pillow covers and throw the quilt over the bed.
“Well that’s done.” She laughed. “I’ve never seen a bed made so fast.”
“Ah I figured you’d want to sit down before actually unpacking.” The dark haired teen said scratching the back of his neck.
“Hey question.” Hisoka interrupted, having the three others look at him expectantly. “You guys know what hero names you want to have yet?”
“I haven’t thought of one.” Sayomi answered first, shrugging as she continued. “Maybe Kinetic? But I dunno, telekinesis quirks are hard to give a hero name too.”
“Kinetic sounds cool.” Hisoka answered with his usual wide grin, the star and tear on his face seeming to crinkle as he did. “I’m thinking The Magician.”
“Why?” Illumi asked.
“Well besides my Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise I quite like my cards.” The red head shrugged.
“Nah I can see it.” Sayomi adds.
“I have not thought of a name. Perhaps something similar to pro hero Phantom Thief.” Chrollo spoke up. “As you said it’s hard to find a name for my quirk.”
“My mother suggested Hypnos.” Illumi added.
“Like the god of sleep?” Hisoka asked.
“Yes. Since I can use the pins to manipulate anything I had found that people tend to fall asleep and act more like dolls than anything so Hypnos could work.”
“Yeah I don’t see why not.” Sayomi shrugged. “Anyway, you guys should go get your dorms sorted, I’ll probably only take out my necessities and organise the rest over time anyway. Plus I need to call my Aunt and brother.”
“Oh yes. I apologise for encroaching on your room.” Chrollo said, bowing deeply as he did.
“It’s fine.” She laughed.
“Well I’m not sorry. I hope you know I plan to annoy you to no end.” Hisoka teased. Sayomi only rolled her eyes.
“I shall see you around.” Illumi said before vanishing out the door.
“Good chat.” She snorted. “Anyway I’ll see you guys at lunch.”
“Alright then.” Hisoka groaned before offering her a cheeky smile as he guided Chrollo out of the room- her door swinging shut behind them.
With a groan Sayomi flopped onto her bed, phone in hand as she sent a text to her aunt saying she was there and safe.
This would be an interesting year; she had no doubts about that- but alas she would make do and become a hero worthy of her little brother.
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faeromancenovels · 2 months
Bodies Call (2024) Part Three
“I told you you could talk to him.” Miani swirled her wine in her glass, smugly looking at Aira as they made their plates.
“We barely talked.”
“He ain’t spending that money on just any ole’ body and you know it.”
Her eyes shifted from Mia to Zen, already in the conversation pit rolling up while Johari told another one of his stories. She felt that jealousy again, the wine letting her mind wander so far that she barely noticed their eyes meeting until Mia said her name. 
“Oh bitch.” Miani clutched her pearls, quite literally. “You know I ain’t stupid, right? Y’all fuck before you got here?”
“Mia! No!” The two whisper yelling broke their eye contact. “I swear we didn’t, he waited downstairs.”
        If she had, Aira was sure she wouldn’t have shown up. She reached for a chocolate covered strawberry, biting into it to settle her nerves. 
“Well, you need to handle that, it’s like I can smell the horny in the room.” 
“You’re the one who requested red wine.”
The night carried on harmoniously. Everyone was stuffed, drunk and on their second jay, enjoying the music and each other’s company. The other two guys, Roman and Derek, Johari’s friend’s from back home, were playing uno on one side, and Mia was busy entertaining Kia and Isabella.
It was then that Zen leaned over and passed the jay to her, his hazy eyes slipping down to her lips, a moment she caught. She took it from his hand, muttering her thanks and looking at him with shy, but equally hazy eyes. The smoke in the room made his skin look like velvet, and as soon as he looked away long enough, she took her chances eyeing his lips in return.
Another hour went by everyone eventually getting sleepy, the blankets and pillows coming out of all sorts of storage containers. Aira got cozy on the far end of the pit, pulling her bonnet over her curls and pulling out her phone to scroll on for awhile. The cushions next to her sunk down, and her eyes yet again met Zen’s.
“You hitting this?” She didn’t understand how he rolled so quickly, she couldn’t get the hang if it.
“Sure.” She sat up, letting him sit closer to her, Zen taking his chance to get comfortable, his arm thrown over the back side of the couch while he lit the third and last jay of the night.
  Aira sat quietly, admiring the amount of heat coming off of him.
“You really ain’t got a man?” The question caught her off guard, turning more to face him.
“Why do you keep asking me that?”
He smiled, took a drag and passed it to her before he looked at her and muttered,  
“Just surprising. I thought you had one.”
“What’s surprising about it?”
“I only ever see you with Miani. You don’t go out or somethin’?”
            Aira passed the jay back to him, watching him take a longer hit than she had. She could’ve sworn he was getting closer, feeling their sides meld together, she realized he had. 
“Sometimes. I don’t come over on your side of the city that often though.”
“Mm.” He took a moment, blowing the smoke through his nose,  “Slide with me tomorrow night. Miani’s already coming since Johari’s going.” 
“Where? The club?”
“Yeah. Come out, I gotchu,” He passed it back to her, a small smirk on his face, to which Aira looked away from his eyes. 
“You don’t have to do all that, I can pay for my drinks.”
“I know, but I aint ask.”
    She paused, her eyes meeting his again, half of her was a little turned on by his assertiveness, and the other half didn’t want him to know that. She took a hit, maybe two before she spoke again, trying to put her words together. 
“Okay, I’ll go.”
“Here, put your number in my phone.”
Zen wasted no time, and Aira felt a wave of confusion as she took his phone and put in her number. When she handed it back, Zen handed it back again.
“If you don’t gon head and save your number.”
Their silence was, surprisingly, comfortable. Aira felt the space fill with his cologne, sandalwood. She picked the scent out quickly, having recognized it from her  childhood. He always smelled so good, she hated that she broke her neck every time he walked past her.
She hadn’t noticed his eyes on her, a smile on her face that seemed almost accidental.  She couldn’t deny it, she felt the tension between them building, but she wouldn’t make a move, opting to test the waters by leaning into his side. 
  His arm dangled down from the couch, fingers grazing her shoulder before they came to her arm, a new type of heat emitted from her face. The wine was catching up with the weed, a yawn coming from her.
“You mind, if I stay over here?”  
Aira shook her head, closing her eyes for what she thought was only a second. 
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swbumblebee · 3 years
Mace Windu, Master of the Order and one half of the Jedi’s only time-travelling duo, looked at the clock.
It had been a depressing kind of evening. Plo had something on and Depa was away, he’d been left with his paperwork and messages and one sad glass of wine.
He sighed. Ah well, tomorrow might be more fun, may as well turn in-
He froze, frowning as his thoughts were interrupted by the person slowly approaching his door. He’d recognize that presence anywhere, but it was a little…off.
He didn’t make it to the door before the chime went off four times in quick succession.
“Yes, alright I know you’re there” the bemused Master grumbled, opening the door to reveal the now familiar face of twenty-three-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Mace stopped short in the doorway. The young man in front of him looked awful; hair sticking up all over the place, his face the same colour as the white wall a part from the starkly dark circles that hung beneath glassy eyes, and there was a smattering of stubble on his chin.
His horror must have shown on his face as Obi-Wan flushed awkwardly, flashing a very quick tight smile.
“Hello. Sorry. This is a mistake. Goodbye.” He said quickly starting to turn away and flee.
Mace sprung into action.
“No Obi-Wan –“ he managed to grab hold of his arm before the young Knight could escape. “I’m sorry, I’m pleased to see you, do come on in” he said genially whilst practically dragging the young man into the room.
“Oh no it’s alright I know you’re-“
“Never too busy for you” Mace said firmly, the internal panic rising with every word. “Sit down”. The push he was aiming for turned into rather more of a shove in his desperation to get his charge safely on the squashy sofa.
“Mm thanks.”
Mace observed the man before him, a suspicion creeping into his mind.
“Where’s Master Plo?” Obi-Wan asked looking around, slightly more animated than usual and genuinely surprised that they weren’t together.
“He has his own rooms you know” Mace answered tartly.
All he got was a rather dubious look in response.
“Obi-Wan” he said slowly, pouring a glass of water from the pitcher on the caff table. “Have you been out drinking?” the Master asked lightly.
The knight covered his face with his hands before admitting.
“ I have had a drink. Yes.” he confirmed slowly. “s’ my anniversary.”
Mace stalled in confusion.
“Your…anniversary?” he clarified.
“Mm Hmm.” Was all he got in the way of an answer from the usually articulate man.
Mace dithered. Plo was so much better at this kind of thing!
He allowed the silence to stretch, mentally going through the high-carbohydrate food in the kitchen and the time it would take to feed to the inebriated young man.
“Qui-Gon agreed to train me ten years ago today. Again, I mean. He kind of had to but still. It was nice.” He volunteered, staring at something on the wall in front of him and seemingly forgetting who he was talking to.
Mace blinked.
“Obi-Wan, I don’t understand.” He said softly, unwilling to break the spell; he’d never known his friend to volunteer this much information, in either timeline.
“Melida/Daan.” The younger man answered blandly. “Ten years ago. I Arrived, kriffed it all up, he had to come get me, an’ I made him train me again.” He said, flippancy entering his tone.
Mace looked at him in horror. Melida/Daan, how had he forgotten? It was a chapter in his and the order’s history that he was deeply, deeply ashamed of.
He looked at the capable, strong person currently melting into the sofa next to him and released his sadness into the Force.
“Obi-Wan, my friend” he said gently “that’s not how I remember it.”
Large blue eyes turned to him, accompanied by a confused frown.
“I remember a brave child, determined to follow the force at great, great cost to himself, determined to save as many lives as possible.”
“But I didn’t-“
“I’m sorry”. He cut the young man’s excuses off, turning to look at him solemnly. “We made a grave mistake, you should never have been in that position, and I am so thankful that you were so strong and clever and talented, and you came back to us.”
Predictably, Obi-Wan looked away, silently and slightly awkwardly contemplating the glass of water in his hand.
Mace pressed his advantage.
“And I do not believe, that in his entire life, anybody made Qui-Gon Jinn do anything.”
The mention of his Master’s name had the young Knight taking a deep shaky breath. Still, he looked down at the glass in front of him.
Mace barely resisted the urge to give him a hug.
“Being your Master was the honour of his life, and he took you back because he was appalled at himself for ever letting you go.” Mace explained gently, wondering when to reign himself in.
Reassurance, support and care he and Plo could do, mind healers would have to do the rest. Who, this time around, Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to see come hell or high water.
They sat in pregnant silence for a few long moments, Mace politely not noticing the man next to him struggling to get himself under control.
“He was very proud of you.” He continued quietly. “Hells, getting him to shut up about you for five minutes was damn near impossible.”
As predicted, that earned him a watery smile and a hiccup as finally, finally, the usually so reserved and wooden young man leant ever so slightly towards him, and Mace didn’t hesitate to do the rest, pulling him tightly into a messy hug on the sofa.
It was a breakdown that had been a long time coming. Obi-Wan had taken everything so far firmly in his stride, adapting himself and his life to accommodate his grief and his new responsibilities, but this was always going to happen. A very small, selfish part of Mace was very proud, and grateful, that the fiercely independent Knight had sought him out (he and Plo, he supposed) for comfort and care. They were making headway in their mission!
“Shhh I know, that’s it” he said encouragingly, having a vivid flashback to a heartbroken Depa in this exact same position once upon a time as he stroked a skinny back and projected comfort and acceptance into the force around them.
They stayed like that for Force knows how long, Mace eventually entering a vaguely meditative state until Obi-Wan shifted against him, flushing as his stomach rumbled.
“Oh, sorry.”
The older Jedi nearly rolled his eyes and made a mental note to warn against drinking on an empty stomach, but untangled himself all the same and headed to the kitchen.
“Anakin is with Madam Skywalker?” Mace clarified as he returned with a plate of tubers and another pint of water.
Obi-Wan nodded, taking the offerings gratefully.
“’till Primeday.”
“Good, stay here tonight” he instructed, leaving no room for excuses he knew were coming, by throwing a blanket over the vulnerable young man on his sofa.
“…thank you Master” came the unexpected, and rather quiet response.
Mace smiled as he left the room, making a note to return with an emergency bucket the moment his companion was asleep.
Lying in his bed he fished out his communicator to keep his co-conspirator in ‘Operation Kenobi Support’ in the loop.
‘OWK staying here tonight. Having a wobble. Bring extra breakfast - M.’
Not a second went by before he received a response.
‘Telling me now? Coming Over. P.’
‘OK, he’s asleep. M.’
‘Coming anyway. Should be there! P.’
And then a moment later
‘Should have told me at once! P.’
Mace grimaced. Vaguely, he felt bad about the coddling Obi-Wan was sure to get when Mace filled his partner-in-time-travel in. But not as bad as he felt for himself, at the prospect of the earful Plo was going to give him the moment they were alone.
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the-atlas-sister · 3 years
A simple mission. That’s all it was supposed to be. Protect Mina. But now here you were. In the home of two teenage boys, who were apparently Kurapika’s (your partner) friends. 
“Well, we should show you the rooms you’ll be staying in,” Killua said, crossing his arms behind his head. “Gon, you take y/h/c-”
“And I’ll take Crazy Hair,” Killua finished, ignoring me. 
“Okay,” Gon smiled. “Come on, Y/n.” 
“Oh- no, wait-” I began before Gon grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the main room. “I should really help escort Mina-”
“She’ll be fine with Killua,” Gon stated, looking over his shoulder and smiling reassuringly. “He’s a trained assassin.” 
“He’s 16,” I said in disbelief. 
“It’s a long story,” Gon chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. “Here’s the room!” 
He stopped in front of a simple wooden door. He released my wrist to open the door for me. 
“Thank you,” I said, smiling slightly. 
“Your welcome,” Gon said, returning the grin. “I know it’s not all that big but I think you’ll like it.” I nodded respectfully. “Come in!” He placed his hand on the small of my back before pushing me into the room gently. “See, there’s the bed-” he motioned to an average size bed with simple sheets. “There’s the table and the lamp-” he pointed to the table next to the bed. “And the dresser! Although I don’t think there are any girl clothes… oh no! You don’t have sleeping clothes! Just that suit. I’ll help you and Mina go shopping tomorrow.” 
“I’ll just sleep in the suit, thank you, Gon,” I said, pausing his rambling. 
“No, no, no,” Gon said, shaking his head. “That’d be incredibly rude of me as a host and my Aunt Mito raised me to be polite, especially to pretty girls.” I blushed deeply at his words. “Stay here. I’ll be right back!” 
“Um-” I opened my mouth to protest but Gon had already dashed out. Oh... kay, I thought. I took a few steps into the room, my eyes scanning it. It was nice and felt like a simple room in any vacation cabin. I sat on the bed, letting out a relaxed sigh at the softness of the mattress. 
“Found something!” Gon yelled, rushing back into the room. He held a black hoodie and a pair of sweatshorts. “The sweatshirt’s mine and the shorts are Rey’s. I think they’ll be more comfortable than that suit.” 
“Oh- um, thank you,” I said, blinking in surprise. 
“No need to thank me,” Gon said, giving me a closed eye smile. 
He smiles a lot, I thought. Like your complaining, a voice from the back of my head teased. 
“Here,” he handed me the clothes. “I’ll give you some privacy.” 
“Gon, wait,” I said as he approached the door. He hummed and turned to look at me. “I… don’t want to admit it, but I might need help protecting Mina,” I said, looking down in embarrassment. “I want to know you and your grumpy friend can protect her.” 
“Believe me Emeri, we’ll protect her,” Gon reassured me. “Pinky swear!” He held his pinky out like a child. I hesitated but looped our pinkies. “I hear by swear that Killua and Rey and I will help you protect Mina!” he sang, moving our hands up and down. “I pinky swear so if I lie you can stick a thousand needles in… my eye!” I stared skeptically at the boy. “And seal it with… a kiss!” I blushed at his words- but Gon only pressed our thumbs together. 
I stared at him as he released my hand, not knowing what to say. 
“Your weird,” I said aloud. 
“Yeah, Killua says that a lot,” Gon said, sheepishly giving me a close-eyed smile and rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, goodnight!” 
“Goodnight,” I said, watching as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. 
I let out a breath, glancing at the clothes I had placed on the bed. I began tugging off my suit. I pulled on the shorts and sweatshirt, surprised by the softness and warmth of both… especially Gon’s sweatshirt. 
I blushed at the thought, before getting into the bed. 
This is so stupid, I thought, staring at the dark ceiling. I should be focusing on my mission, not a cute boy. I’m not in some stupid fanfiction. (haha, that’s what you think)
This is an excerpt from a book I wrote just for fun
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teamddixon · 3 years
A New Normal - Part 2
Summary: Set in the future of the TWD timeline, this story follows Daryl, Y/N and her brother through their journey in the world of the undead. It wasn’t like Daryl to let people in to his heart easily, but it was Y/N’s smiles that had captured him completely, and before he knew it, there wasn’t a scenario Daryl could think of about his future that didn’t have Y/N in it.
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A/N: Second part of A New Normal is here! Check out Part 1 here. Just a quick note, for readers who can’t relate to having an older brother, Andrew can be read as an older cousin, or a friend. He doesn’t have to be a biological brother. :) Comments and feedback are appreciated! As usual, photos/gifs are not mine, but any mistakes in this are certainly mine. Hope you enjoy this second part! It’s doesn’t have a lot of action going on but hope you like the fluff!
Daryl loaded his crossbow with the arrow he had just dug out from the walker’s head and slung it across his back. Y/N watched him from the sidelines and got increasingly intrigued by him. Daryl’s hardened and tough exterior was evidence of a man who looked like he had carried the weight of the whole world on his shoulders all his life, yet beneath that shell sat an inkling of a kindhearted and tender man. She didn’t know Daryl, but she felt safe with him, as with Andrew. Daryl had after all just saved her from a walker.
“Ya gon be okay alone out here?” Daryl’s stern expression was now softer, gentler. Despite having just met her, Daryl was worried about Y/N going on her quest alone. It was almost like an occupational disease after years of taking care of people around him. Daryl immediately felt a strong sense of responsibility for her, like he wanted to do anything in his might to keep her safe for as long as the world allowed. He was almost instantly attracted to her, like a moth to a flame – or a walker to brains. It wasn’t that he had no faith in her survival skills, but because the world – or whatever was left of it – needed her smiles. He needed her smiles and he needed to protect it at all cost.
“Yeah, I’m going to be. My brother shouldn’t be too far from here.” Y/N wanted to leave, but there was a disconnect between her brain and her legs. She continued to stand exactly where she was, across from Daryl. A part of her didn’t want to say goodbye. She felt a strong, undeniable pull towards him. And Daryl hadn’t moved from his spot either.
Daryl held on to Y/N’s gaze, his mind racing to think of the right words to say. He didn’t want to come off as a creep wanting to follow Y/N, but he didn’t want to see her leave either. Silence hung thick in the air between them. Y/N cleared her throat in an attempt to break the silence, although she had not exactly thought of what she was going to say.
At that very moment, Daryl’s ears picked up the sound of rustling leaves and breaking twigs not far from where they were and the sound was coming from all directions behind them. The low growls were getting increasingly noticeable, so was the smell of rotten flesh in the air. From the sound of it, Daryl estimated the herd to be at least 20 to 30 walkers. The earlier tussle between Y/N and the walker must have attracted the herd’s attention to their location. His instincts immediately kicked in and his very first thought was to get Y/N to safety. On his own, he would have easily taken all of the walkers down, but he wasn’t about to risk Y/N’s life.
“Let’s get outta here.” Daryl’s urgently called. Y/N turned and saw that walkers were fast approaching them, their jaws hanging like starved animals. They were both in plain sight of the walkers. Daryl pointed towards the direction in front and gestured for Y/N to run. Quickly and steadily, with the knife firmly in her hands, she followed behind Daryl without turning back. As Daryl ran, his mind was focused on one thing – Y/N. Ever so often he would turn back just to check if she was still there. Through the rush, Daryl saw that her smiles were gone now, replaced by a look of determination and fight.
Daryl moved quickly and silently with Y/N hot on his heels until he spotted a secluded area that would hide them away from the walkers. It was a tiny opening obscured by a thick foliage and just about enough space for two adults. Grabbing Y/N by the arm, Daryl shoved her inside the opening before joining her. Y/N watched in bated breath as the walkers staggered right past the spot they were hiding, completely unaware of their whereabouts. Soon, the sound of their growls became softer and softer, until she couldn’t hear them anymore.
Y/N finally let out the breath she was holding and looked up at Daryl just as he turned to face her. A soft laughter escaped Y/N’s lips, which made Daryl’s heart swell and his heart rate increase. He looked away quickly, afraid that his face would give him away if the sound of his heartbeat against his ribcage doesn’t. Standing face to face with each other, Y/N was suddenly extremely aware of the lack of space between her and Daryl. Her head was almost touching his chest, and she could feel it moving up and down with his panting breaths. There was a rhythmic sound of a constant thumping, almost as if someone was playing drums right inside of Y/N’s cochlear. She later realized that it was the sound of her own heartbeat that she was hearing, which she attributed not to the run she just had, but to the feeling of closeness between them. There was no way they could have caught the sound of each other’s heartbeats over their own. Although the walkers were now long gone, they continued to stay where they were, the absence of space looked as if they were both stuck together. Daryl closed his eyes for a second, mentally willing his pounding heart to slow down. When he opened them, he saw Y/N looking up at him, her expression unreadable.
“Ya okay?” He asked, as they finally stepped out of their hiding spot with Daryl fussing over the cuts on Y/N’s face and arms from the sharp branches. “Ye – Yes, I, uh, I am.” Y/N whispered. Seeing the way Daryl fussed over her, making sure she wasn’t scratched or bit anywhere made her cheeks burned. For some reason, she tried to hold her breath, as if afraid that even the slightest movement from her would break the moment. Without missing a beat, Daryl reached out to touch Y/N’s face to examine the cuts she must have gotten when she was squeezing through the foliage. That simple act, which would have been natural for most people, shocked even Daryl himself. His old friends wouldn’t have pegged him as someone who would easily show his affections for a girl he just met, and yet there he was. “How about you, are you okay?” Y/N finally breathed, to which Daryl simply nodded in response.
“I, uh, should go. I need to find my brother.” Quite a long time had passed since Y/N was separated from Andrew and as much as she enjoyed these moments with Daryl, she didn’t want Andrew to worry.
That was the moment Daryl knew he had to say something. It was now, or never. He needed to see Y/N again and to know she was safe, at least until she found her brother. In the current world they were in, tomorrow was not a given nor guaranteed. He may never see her again if he didn’t say what he wanted to say. “I’ll go with ya.” He half-grunted, half-whispered, evading Y/N’s eyes while pretending to be busy adjusting his crossbow.
Surprised, yet strangely elated with Daryl’s preposition, Y/N smiled. There were no words required. A bond had been forged between them and while they didn’t yet know, they were about to be bound together like each other’s new family.
Andrew soon came into view, not far from where Daryl and Y/N had started off from. He was visibly stained with blood all over his body. Seeing her brother again, Y/N dashed forward and threw him a hug. “Are you okay? Are these blood –“ Y/N gasped.
“The walker’s.” Andrew replied, relieved to see Y/N. When the herd came through moments ago, Andrew had been worried. The herd came from the direction where he last left Y/N more than an hour ago and he couldn’t help but worry if she had managed to evade, or at least fight them. He took down the walkers with ease, and quickly traced his trial back to look for her. From a distance, he saw her running towards him with a man next to her, his disheveled hair obscuring his face. He immediately reached for his gun, a weapon he only use during emergencies, ready to shoot, but the look on his sister’s face had been… happy, smiling. She hadn’t seemed afraid of the man at all, nor did she looked like she was under any kind of threat. Still, the sudden appearance of the man kicked in all of his protective instincts.
“Who are you?” Andrew asked as he stared directly into Daryl’s eyes, gun trained on Daryl’s forehead. Y/N was all he had, and if he had to kill someone who was a threat, he would have no qualms. Daryl on the other hand had made no moves to reach for his crossbow. 
“’M Daryl.” Daryl nodded at Andrew.
“He saved my life back there. Twice.” Y/N quickly interjected, tapping on Andrew’s arm to lower his gun. Andrew shot his sister a look, but his hand remain raised with the gun. “Are you hurt?”
“No I’m fine. Just some cuts from hiding from the dead but otherwise fine. Look at me, I still have all my limbs!” Y/N smiled and spun around with her hands in the air, her light chuckles filling the spaces between them. Andrew nodded and looked back at Daryl again, holding the gaze for a moment before lowering his gun and returning it to its holster. Daryl watched as Y/N twirled around, her loose pony tail flying behind her like a kite in the sky. His heart felt full again when he saw Y/N’s smile and hearing her laughter ringing in his ears. It was enough to light up even the darkest of times he’d experienced and he wondered where that smile had been in his life all along.
“I think we should move together.” Y/N steadied her footing and proposed the idea to Andrew and Daryl. Daryl had proven to be an experienced walker-killer and was quick witted, but most importantly, although Y/N didn’t want to admit it, she just can’t bear to say goodbye to Daryl. Where they are living in now, it wasn’t like she could just call him on the phone to meet up at the coffee shop down the street any time they wanted. Any day could be their last day on earth, and she wasn’t ready for that day to be last time she saw Daryl again. She was afraid of Daryl’s rejection, but she was even more afraid of her brother rejecting her preposition. Trust don’t come by easy, not when the alive were more dangerous than the flesh eating corpses.
It wasn’t like Daryl to allow people in to his heart so easily. He was happy and contented on his own and he’d rather be that way, so he could avoid the heartbreak when someone left or died. Just like so many others who were still surviving in this crazy world, Daryl had had his fair share of losses. People he loved, people he cared for, so cruelly taken down. But he was conflicted. On one hand he really didn’t want to part with Y/N, but on the other, he was so afraid of opening his heart to her, only to have his world torn apart someday. He weighed the cost in his head and finally decided to risk losing Y/N later than losing her now without even trying. Daryl held Y/N’s gaze and nodded in agreement before turning to look at Andrew.
Y/N’s heart and spirit immediately lifted upon seeing Daryl’s simple nod of his head. She got to see Daryl again, and even if it was only for another day, it would have made all the difference. She turned to look at Andrew, silently anticipating, praying. She understood the risk it involved, inviting a stranger into their midst. While Y/N had never been a hundred percent accurate with her character judgement in the past, she gravitated towards Daryl naturally and her instincts told her he was a trustworthy guy. Y/N nudged Andrew’s arm lightly to elicit a response and finally Andrew nodded too. “Thanks for saving my sister back there.” Andrew called out to Daryl, and Daryl nodded in response. “But if you tried to harm my sister in any way, I would not hesitate to kill you.” Andrew leaned in towards Daryl and whispered.
Even after years of being alone, it wasn’t hard to get used to Y/N’s presence in his life. She was like a rare flower in a land of the barren, her energy bringing hope to an otherwise hopeless future. Every day in this crazy world, new walkers were made when people died and there never seemed to be a way out of it. But having each other was all they needed to not just simply exist, but to live. Daryl, Y/N and Andrew travelled together for weeks, scavenging new camps left by now-walkers, hunting for animals, looking for shelters.
Just within the first week, it was already easy for Andrew to completely trust Daryl seeing the way he looked out for Y/N. He was quiet yet absolutely badass when dispatching the walkers and keeping them out of Y/N’s way. He was resourceful and almost anything he touched could be used creatively and effectively as a weapon. Andrew could see that Y/N was smitten, she once spent an entire afternoon naming random objects and betting with Daryl that he could turn them into a weapon. “I bet I can throw you a cotton ball right now and you would have made it into a deadly bullet or something.” She laughed, her admiration for Daryl exuding like the noonday sun.
Andrew felt assured with Daryl looking after Y/N. He could tell there was a spark between them and he could tell clearly that Y/N liked Daryl as much as he liked her, although the two of them had never openly admitted it. Andrew had never seen Y/N so happy like she was now since the day shit hit the fan. Daryl and Y/N grew closer and closer, and even though Daryl still wasn’t the type to show physical affections, Andrew swore he caught Daryl attempting to hold Y/N’s hands on multiple occasions.
Travelling wasn’t easy. A journey that would have taken them 3 hours took them 3 days on foot. It was a stroke of luck one day that they found a car that still had some kind of fuel in it, and it was even more of a miracle that when travelling down that winding road in the car, Daryl spotted a motorcycle abandoned along the side, almost hidden from sight. He quickly got out of the car and picked up the motorcycle to check its state. There was a hint of a grin on his face, which Y/N caught a sneak of, when he realized the motorcycle was working.
Y/N grinned, watching Daryl from the side as he admired the two-wheeled metal like a kid who had just been given an unlimited cartoon time. “Can I ride with you?” Y/N chirped excitedly, bringing Daryl’s attention to her. She turned to look at her brother, who rolled his eyes at her in response. Daryl looked at Andrew too, waiting for his approval. He would love to bring Y/N on a ride, but he was worried about overstepping Andrew. Daryl’s worries were unfounded though because there was no way Andrew could say no to Y/N. And he knew he could trust Daryl to keep her safe.
“Hop on then.” Daryl said as he threw his leg over the seat like second nature. Y/N laughed excitedly as she did the same. It had been years since she had last ride pillion on a motorbike. The pure excitement was like finally getting into the roller coaster she had been queuing hours for. She snuggled in onto the seat behind Daryl and waved to Andrew who was now in the driver’s seat of the car next to the bike.
Y/N wasn’t afraid to let herself laugh out loud. The sound of the engine was louder than her laughter anyway. She grabbed tightly onto Daryl’s waist with one hand, and raised her other hand in the air, enjoying the cool breeze kissing her cheeks as Daryl brought her down the road. It felt so freeing with Daryl there with her, the sound of the engine and winds in her ears drowning out the hungry calls of the walkers.
Unknown to Y/N, Daryl’s face was positively flushed. The gentle pressure and the warmth of Y/N’s arm around his waist gave him comfort, a comfort he didn’t know he was yearning for until he met her. A comfort that felt so much like home that it was unnatural for Daryl who had never felt the comfort of a home his whole life. He never knew he would find this simple comfort in the most unlikely of worlds. Bit by bit, Daryl was learning to receive intimacy from another person because of Y/N. Slowly but surely, the walls he had built were coming off brick by brick, mortar by mortar because of Y/N. He watched Y/N through the rearview mirrors and saw her beautiful face looking skyward, her eyes closed and a contented smile on her lips and his heart swelled. He wanted to freeze time at that exact moment where it was just him and Y/N, and none of that dead shit happening around them. The irony though, had the undead not happen, he probably would have never met Y/N.
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To Love is the Greatest Gift
1. The Return
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pairing: obi wan kenobi x f!reader (past!din djarn x f!reader) characters: f!reader, anakin amidala-skywalker, padmé amidala-skywalker, mentiones of din djarin, obi wan kenobi, others word count: 2.6k+ warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of rent: the musical (death, second chances) uh... I think that’s it? summary: au!it’s never been the right timing for you and obi wan kenobi; maybe this time will be different. a/n: i started working on this story so long ago it’s ridiculous, but I suddenly had a surge of motivation to continue this story after some tragic family news. this was also very much inspired by @martlands and their amazing obi wan stories, made me want to write my own and here it is
all || next
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“You broke up?”
One would think that the immediate reaction to someone asking if you broke up with your significant other would be to cry or begin to ask them what could have possibly gone wrong. But that’s not the reaction you give. 
The reaction you give is just a shrug and a strong pop, as you spoon more gelato onto the little spoon his twins love collecting. “Yep.”
“After only three weeks of dating?” Anakin doesn’t know why he’s surprised, but he is. This is probably the shortest living relationship you’ve ever had. “Why?”
“Why not?” you answer easily, nonchalantly and you know it frustrates him. “It wasn’t working out, so we decided to call it quits.”
Not even a month ago, you had been genuinely excited about finally getting out there and meeting someone new, and even more excited when you were telling him all about this person you met while out with some old friends. You had said, word for word, “he might be the perfect contender!”
Where did all that excitement go?
You sigh, finally looking up at him and away from your white chocolate gelato that's just to die for. “Ani, it’s fine. It just didn’t work out. It happens.”
He grimaces. “What happened between you and Din��“
You bristle at the mention of your ex, narrowing your eyes and his widen in defense. You know what Anakin and Padmé think of him and it’s not entirely pleasant (particularly from Anakin’s part). It’s completely unfair. Din is lovely, sure a little socially awkward, but lovely nonetheless. “Has nothing to do with why Gar and I ended things.”
“Nothing,” you reiterate with a bit more force and he sighs, lifting his hands in defeat while holding his own cup of gelato.
“Okay. Okay, I’m sorry.” And then, like a light switching, he turns playful. “Was it his name that turned you off—Gar?”
You resist the urge to groan and roll your eyes. “Oh maker, you are annoying!”
You huff as you make the trek back to the trolley that’ll take you both up to the observatory. The rest of your conversation is forgotten as he navigates it towards continuing to tease you and the latest exhibit you had helped set up.
The Coruscant Observatory is one of the most popular attractions in the city aside from the Exotic Animal Sanctuary (where most zoologist work to help rehabilitate wild animals before reintroducing them back into the wild, only housing the ones that have been assessed to not be able to function in the wild on their own—which are unfortunately many).
Your place of work is known for its large, ground telescope; its monthly constellation exhibits; the multiple planetarium theater rooms that house lectures, activities, star projections, etc.; and its Astronomer Q&A program where visitors can ask astronomers questions and even get a tour of the space station.
However, most of your days are spent in your office, planning for the next exhibit or actually executing them with your team; meanwhile, Anakin spends them in tech, sometimes maintaining the telescope, other times helping with IT issues, but mostly making sure the theater rooms worked perfectly for their 4D immersion.
(You like to joke that out of the two of you, he has it easiest; sometimes he’ll run by your office to get to another part of the building while you’re doing something and you’ll yell out, “slacker” and he’ll respond with, “you just work too much”.)
“Are Padmé and the twins stopping by today?”
“Not today, maybe tomorrow,” he says as you both step out of the trolley along with a few tourists. “I think today they decided to stay for some school thing.”
“Shouldn’t you know what that school thing is?” you chide him out of jest.
He scowls, there’s hardly any heat in it and it makes you grin. “It’s a music performance that the CN Theater is putting on.”
“Ah, and we all know how much musicals bores you.”
“I just don’t understand them,” he murmurs defensively as you climb the few steps leading to the entrance. The two of you smiling and greeting Rex at his security post and bypassing the ticket gate with your IDs.
“You mean you don’t have any taste,” you tease.
“It’s weird! I mean, most of them are all about tragedies and betrayals. What happened to the good ol’ romance and happy endings?”
“Not all of them are tragedies, Casanova.”
The main rotunda lobby is full of people milling about, looking at maps or the foucault pendulum in the middle of the room. Low chatter fills the room, shoes clicking and clacking against the marble flooring.
“Name one.”
Spotting the trash can and recycle bin, Anakin holds his hand out for your disposable cup and spoon and throws them away in their proper bin.
“Rent.” There are probably better examples, but you had been listening to the original cast album the night before and have all the songs still stuck in your head.
“Don’t two characters die?”
“Angel and Mimi.” You nod. “But Mimi is brought back to life by Angel, and is given a second chance at life.”
“She may have been brought back to life, but that doesn’t take away from the fact she died.”
“I’m not arguing with you on that, I’m just saying the ending was hopeful—not necessarily a happy ending, but it left you thinking—maybe things can get better.”
“And that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for—“
“What you and Padmé have?” you ask him as you both reach the door of your office.
He pauses, mouth opening and closing before finally rubbing the back of his head sheepishly and saying, “Yeah.”
You smile, genuine and happy for your childhood friend. Who would’ve thought that years ago when you introduced them, they’d be here years later—married and with twins. You and Anakin sure as hell didn’t. For most of your childhood, you both believed you’d live out your life on Tatooine, hang with the same friends you’ve known since your pre-kinder days and eventually get married to each other—much to the dismay of your parents—because of benefits or whatever, until your parents decided they wanted to send you off to a private school in one of the major cities, derailing your and Anakin’s plan (for the better, if you’re being honest).
“You’re still coming over for dinner, right?”
“Yeah,” you answer, unlocking your office door with your key. “I have a meeting that might go over the expected time, but I should be able to make it on time.”
“Just let us know,” he says, rapping his knuckles against the door frame. “But you better be there! We have some planning to do!”
You roll your eyes and wave him away, promising he and his family will definitely see you at five. With a hearty chuckle he salutes you and leaves the door slightly ajar, just like you usually do. It’s your “you can come in to ask me questions, but knock first, please” visual telling.
With a soft exhale, you drop yourself into your creaking office chair, eyes landing on the first picture on your right—a younger you, only 18, fresh out of your uniform smiling wildly with a large bouquet of flowers that you can still distinctly remember the smell of.
“I am in love!” Padmé exclaimed, squealing in absolute delight at the flowers put in your hand.
Blue eyes crinkled with amusement, staring down at you. “Are you?” His voice was low, teasing and almost smug. He had obviously heard the gasp that escaped your lips when he presented you the colorful bouquet created with your favorite flowers that his father grew in their little garden.
“Irrevocably,” you answered, not able to hide your smile as you gently held it against your chest and smiled up at him. “They’re beautiful, Obi. Thank you.”
Obi Wan’s arm is wrapped around your shoulder, caught in the action of a booming laughter. He was always laughing in pictures. There isn’t a single picture you have of him that he isn't smiling.
Your finger gently trails over his smiling face. Maker, you miss him.
Is he still traveling? Or has he finally settled down again? Will he show up and spring some unexpected news on you again? Stars, you hope not. Shit didn’t go as planned last time and it probably wouldn’t again.
Your hand falls limply and you swivel in your seat, looking out the large glass window overlooking the majority of the city and sigh softly—an exhale of wary hope and sadness.
A bird soars by your window, it’s wings flapping effortlessly, diving before flying higher and away.
He’s not coming back. You know this. Coruscant just isn’t the same anymore. Not when he feels this city has taken everything from him.
One more year visiting Gui Gon without him.
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The meeting runs longer than it usually would, just like you had expected. Checking the time, you let out a curse and quickly throw your belongings into your car.
Without wasting time, as soon as you switch on your engine, you place your phone on the dock and say, “Hey C-3PO, call Padmé.”
“Calling Padmé,” your phone’s AI answers through the speakers of your car.
“Are you outside?” Is how she greets you. There are loud noises in the background, children squabbling about something or another, and Anakin’s weary voice trying to rally them. 
You snort, pulling out of the undergroundparking lot. “Not yet, barely got out of my meeting and am on my way.”
“Please hurry, the twins really want to see you and are dying from hunger,” she says, amusement in her voice and not at all trying to hurry you. “They might start eating Anakin soon.”
“Hey, don’t bite that!” He yells from a distance.
“Hurry, please!” you hear over the phone—Luke. “I miss you,” he says, closer now. Which you immediately reply saying you miss him too, almost cutting off the next voice.
“And I’m hungry!” Leia’s voice follows his, practically yelling into the phone.
You laugh fondly, just imagining the childish glee on their faces at your scandalized gasps and your exaggerated “me too” answers.
“Leia, no yelling,” Padmé scolds her, gentle and kind. “Softer, please.”
“Sorry,” she says. “I’m hungry,” she repeats, softer, almost a whisper.
“Give me twenty minutes and I’ll be there,” you promise. “If not, you have my permission to start eating your dad.”
Leia and Luke break into a fit of laughter, yelling something away from the phone to Anakin, who once again lets out a loud, “Hey!”
Padmé chuckles, moving away from the voices of the children tackling their father and their play fighting. “Take your time, we’re not in any hurry to start eating. The kids had a hearty lunch and a snack after school.”
“What about you and Anakin?”
“We’re fine, don’t worry. Just get here safely and we’ll see you soon.”
You end the call with one last reassurance from her and let out a loud sigh when your car comes to a stop behind a long line of glaring red lights—traffic. You hate traffic.
You might be surrounded by blinding lights and different models of vehicles, but it leaves you alone with your thoughts, the low hum of your engine and music from your stereo drowned out by the chattering in your head. 
It’s never just one thing that you think about. It can go from one thing to another, to all of them trying to climb over eachother and be the most present: your friends; your family; the dog next door; Din and Baby; cinnamon apple cookies; the beach house in Naboo; sneaking out of the prep dormitories at 2am with Padmé keeping an eye out and Obi Wan holding his arms out for you; rose gardens and peach tea; freckles on blushing skin; drunken singing in a small living room; 21st birthdays crying in a bathroom stall; that stupid movie quote about choosing life; death; but sometimes (most occurring) it’s Obi Wan that weaves into every thought.
He’s a constant plague in your mind, has been since the first time he left Coruscant in search of himself. 
Sometimes they’re pleasant thoughts, memories kept in a nostalgic trunk that you occasionally like to sift through. Other times, they’re not so pleasant; those are the ones you constantly struggle with, try to push into the recesses of your mind and keep them under lock and key. But for some stupid, strange reason, your mind only ever remembers the bad, even when there are better things to dwell on.
“I just—I just don’t understand why you have to leave—Obi. Obi!” you practically yelled, watching him move around his room, grabbing and throwing things he pulled out into his duffel bag. “Listen to me!” 
He didn’t stop, not until you reached for his duffel bag and plucked it out from his hands. He stared at you, his duffel bag carelessly thrown to the floor with his clothes spilling out. 
Your breathing was labored, a sick feeling swimming in your stomach, words stuck in your throat now that he wasn’t hiding his beautiful blue eyes from you—his devastatingly heartbroken eyes. “I have to,” he finally said, breaking the silence. “I need to leave. This house—this city, it's suffocating me. I can’t—I can’t stay here anymore.”
“Obi… Obi, please.” You can’t leave me. You can’t! Please! Please, Obi.
“I need to do this for me, darling. I’m sorry.”
You should’ve fought harder that night, should’ve convinced him to stay, but instead you helped him pack again with tears obstructing your view and sobs escaping your lips. Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t have lost him.
No, your breath stutters as you lean back into your car seat, there was nothing you could’ve done. Either times. He had made up his mind long before that night.
A car honks their horn to your left and you jump, eyes focusing once more on the red lights of the car in front of you. You wipe at your face harshly and straighten your spine. 
That was years ago, little one. Shake it off. 
Sighing softly, you look up at the street name and make a turn onto the Skywalker residence street, your shoulders relaxing when their two story home comes into view.  
Shake it off.
Parking isn't easy to find in their neighborhood, not when it’s so close to the observatory and some of the most visited parks in the area, but you manage to find one just two cars away from their house. 
Gathering your things, you lock the door behind you and quickly make your way down the sidewalk, phone in your hand and typing out a message that you’re here.
It’s while you’re hitting send that you don’t notice the body in front of you, staring up at the house with an almost wary expression on his face, or how his eyes widen when they see you. It’s not until you collide into his body, soft with a fleece cardigan, that you notice him. Embarrassment begins to boil in your blood as you quickly apologize to him, berating yourself for not being more aware of your surroundings.
“Kriff, I’m so sorry—“ you start, but the apology catches in your throat when you look up.
“Hello, there.” Blue eyes, so soft and kind, like the ones you once used to dream of stare back at you—so unlike the pair of eyes you saw years ago. “It’s been a long time, darling.”
You can’t shake him off.
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hellowkatey · 3 years
Ghosts of the Past: the continuation
A continuation of what happens after Obi-Wan sees Nield twenty years after Melida/Daan. Anakin finds out his former master's rough apprenticeship beginnings, Obi-Wan faces some unexpected consequences of his past when Ahsoks gets hurt, and Nield addresses some regrets.
Read ch. 1 here | Read it all on AO3
Anakin is in the middle of combing droid parts and blaster dust out of his hair when there's a knock at his door. Considering Ahsoka is having a sleepover with Barriss, he just spoke to Padmé and she is at her apartment waiting for him, and Obi-Wan is supposed to be on a campaign, he has no idea who could be showing up at his door this late at night.
Watch it be a council member giving me some random task that'll ruin my night with Padmé.
The door buzzes open, and he's surprised to find it is indeed a council member ready to interrupt the night with his wife. The council member being Obi-Wan.
"Hello to you, too, Anakin."
"Aren't you supposed to be in the middle of a battle?"
It looks like he's just walked off the battlefield. His robes are dirty and singed in places where blasters blew right through the material. He at least took off his armor, but from the dirt still smeared across his cheek, that's pretty much all he's done. Anakin's confusion quickly turns into concern. It's unlike Obi-Wan to show up anywhere looking rough for wear, even if it's just to see him. The knight's worry raises as he realizes his master grips a handle of Corellian whiskey in his right hand.
"Ended the battle early," he says distantly. His eyes are a little glassy and cheeks tinged pink. "Are you going to invite me in or do you want your dinner in the hallway?"
"Dinner?" Anakin looks to his former master's other hand and realizes he's also holding two bags of Dex's take-out. "Oh. Right, sorry," he steps back, and Obi-Wan strides into his apartment.
He's acting weird. That as much is obvious. Anakin tries to brush up against his master's shields to get a feel for his mood, but they're tighter than usual. Another red flag.
"The 212th was granted a week of leave before our next campaign," Obi-Wan explains, setting down the bottle and bags on Anakin's table. Anakin slips into his usual chair as Obi-Wan sets a bag of food in front of him. "Their's starts tomorrow, but Cody took over the debriefing so I could make it back early." Obi-Wan sits now, unwrapping his own burger. He stops when he realizes Anakin is still staring at him, food untouched. "What, do you not order a double burger and curly fries anymore?"
"What's going on?"
The Jedi Master raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Can I not come visit my former padawan?"
"Are you seriously going to act like you aren't being weird right now?"
"I'm acting as I normally do, Anakin."
"You left the front early and you started drinking without me. What's wrong, Obi-Wan?"
Anakin expects him to get defensive. Expects him to turn on Master Mode and lecture him about respect or whatever. But instead, Obi-Wan sighs and sets down his burger.
"I want to tell you a story, Anakin. A story that..." his eyes flicker to the bottle of whiskey, "requires a little bit of loosening up on my end."
Somehow him being honest is more worrisome than if he did get defensive and lie about it. So Anakin stops arguing with him, nods, and goes to the kitchen. He takes the moment to send his wife a quick message that he would probably not make it over for the night since Obi-Wan needs some company. Padmé will understand. Anakin returns with two cups, one with ice and the other with ice and some cola. He hands the one with only ice to Obi-Wan.
"You're freaking me out," Anakin says as he adds a small amount of the whiskey to his soda. How the hell can he drink this stuff straight?
His former master smiles. "No need to freak out."
"What is it about?"
"Well if you allow me to speak—"
"Okay, okay. Let's hope this story lives up to the suspense you've created."
Obi-Wan grimaces, taking a long swig of his drink before clearing his throat. "When you were a padawan, you used to always ask me about what missions I was going on when I was your age. Do you remember?"
Anakin leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, but you never actually told me."
Obi-Wan shakes his head. "No, I didn't, I know. I always felt bad about not telling you. You were quite the pouter. But I convinced myself that telling you about my early missions would do more harm than good."
"You're freaking me out again, Obi-Wan."
"Just listen. Before the war started, there was a rule that younglings had to be chosen by a Master by the age of thirteen. If not, the youngling was reassigned to one of the other Jedi corps."
"In my case, I was assigned to the AgriCorps."
Anakin leans forward as disbelief courses through him. "Wait, wh—"
"I aged out," Obi-Wan interrupts, not meeting his eyes anymore. Instead, he stares out the window beyond Anakin. "Qui-Gon considered taking me as his padawan but decided against it. In his words, I had too much anger within me. So the Jedi reassigned me to the AgriCorps on Bandomeer."
Anger? Obi-Wan? "That doesn't make sense."
"It's what happened," Obi-Wan whispers. "I began as a Jedi farmer, and Qui-Gon coincidentally came to Bandomeer for unrelated Jedi business. That in itself is a long story, but I was captured and Qui-Gon came to save me. He then decided to train me."
"Obi-Wan why didn't you tell—"
"This is the preface of my story. So you understand the context of what happens later." Anakin leans back again, biting on the inside of his lip with nervous anticipation. If this is just the background, how bad can the actual story be? "So Qui-Gon and I did not start on a good note. He had no interest in training another student. His last padawan fell to the Dark Side... and was actually the one who captured me on Bandomeer. Needless to say, he was wary of me in the beginning."
"But he warmed up to you, right? You and Master Jinn were close when I met you guys."
Obi-Wan presses his lips into a thin line, finally looking Anakin in the eye again. "Eventually, yes. We found common ground and he grew to be like a father to me. But due to my actions, that did not happen for a few years."
He pauses, taking another sip of his drink, and then gesturing to the untouched Dex's bag. "Your food is going to get cold, you know."
"I know." Anakin ignores the food.
"We were sent on a mission to Melida/Daan," Obi-Wan continues. "It was a planet in the midst of a civil war. The Melida vs. the Daan. Or, so we believed. We were there to retrieve a Jedi that had failed to check-in. She was trying to negotiate peace between these groups, but we discovered it was not just the Melida and the Daan fighting one another. There was a third group. All the children from both sides had left their families and formed their own side. The Young, they called themselves, and their mission was to bring and end to this multi-generational war."
Anakin vaguely recognizes the name Melida/Daan from his history classes but remembers nothing else about it.
"We found the missing Jedi. She was hurt, so Qui-Gon was eager to return to the Temple. But the Young were pleading for our assistance. He told me we couldn't help them. I disagreed, and we had an argument. So he gave me an ultimatum. Either I come with him, or I stay to fight with the Young."
Anakin's eyes grow wide. "Master, you didn't—"
"I stayed."
"But he came back right? He dropped off his friend and came back to help you!"
The silence that falls over the room says what Obi-Wan doesn't. The Jedi Master resumes staring out of the window.
"I fought with the Young for nearly a year."
"How old were you?"
Anakin doesn't like the pause that comes before his master's answer. "Thirteen. Fourteen by the end."
"You were a kid," Anakin mutters in disbelief.
"I was, but... I was one of the eldest. There were seven-year-olds who were wielding blasters. Eleven-year-olds were dying in bombings. Friends that I loved dearly died in my arms, and other friends found ways to blame me for deaths I could not control." Anakin can see the tears brimming in his Master's eyes. His own hands are shaking.
"Qui-Gon did come, though, didn't he?"
"We were so close to peace, but we were only kids. Warfare and diplomacy require different types of decorum. I called the Jedi to help us finally end things. The council sent Qui-Gon."
Anakin deflates.
"We negotiated peace. This time I returned to the Temple with him, but he was not pleased with me. I had made almost all of his worst fears about taking another padawan come true."
"You didn't turn to the Dark Side or anything, though!"
"I left the Order, Anakin," Obi-Wan lets out a shaky breath. "The council was reluctant to accept me back, but thank the Force they did. Qui-Gon on the other hand... He took me on a whim, and when I defied him it was like a slap in the face. I was placed on probation while he decided if he was going to continue as my master. Evidently, he eventually did forgive me, but it was a long, painful road."
Feeling constricted in his seat, Anakin stands, pacing into the living room. He's learned so much information so quickly. That his master almost wasn't a Jedi? Obi-Wan Kenobi, council member and Jedi Master was almost a farmer? Qui-Gon Jinn left his thirteen-year-old padawan in the middle of a war for a year?
It doesn't make sense yet he can feel his former master's anxious energy clouding the Force. He isn't lying. Anakin turns to the man waiting quietly for him to say something. Though he has so many questions, the first that pops out of his mouth is: "Why are you telling me this now?"
"We had a diplomat make an emergency repair stop on my flagship just before this last battle. A representative from what is now Melidaan."
"The... unified planet, then?"
He nods. "His name is Nield, and I fought alongside him in the war. It was the first time I'd seen him since. It was also the first time in years I'd really talked about the war out loud, and... I realized I've been ignoring this for almost twenty years now. I avoiding telling you because I didn't want you to be disappointed in me like Qui-Gon was—"
"Master! Disappointed in you? I would never—"
"You are so much like him, you know," Obi-Wan says with a wistful smile. The glossiness in his eyes is even more prominent as the alcohol starts to settle in.
"You think I'd leave you in a war zone?"
A soft smile appears on his master's face, "Technically you have. On a number of occasions, actually."
"Those were sanctioned abandonments."
Obi-Wan chuckles, wiping his eyes on the back of his sleeve. "You have all his best qualities, Anakin. And some of his more annoying ones, but I've chosen to forgive those."
The knight walks over to the window with his back to Obi-Wan, arms folded across his chest. He's still overwhelmed by this new information. Unsure of how to feel. Sympathetic? No, Obi-Wan hates it when people pity him. Angry? He has the right to be frustrated that Obi-Wan has been lying to him for years. Letting him believe that he was this perfect padawan with a perfect apprenticeship...
But the overwhelming emotion that is hitting Anakin is not pity or anger, but guilt. Because a part of Anakin has always held onto the secret belief that things would be different if Qui-Gon Jinn had lived. That Master Jinn would have understood him in a way that Obi-Wan just can't because he was model Jedi.
He's been wrong all this time.
Anakin is suddenly thrust back to a time when he himself was a padawan feeling the galaxy pull him in a different direction. He told Obi-Wan he was going to leave the Order after their mission. And Obi-Wan still stayed by his side. Still treated him the same and protected him. It was ultimately Obi-Wan's unconditional support that persuaded Anakin to stay with the Jedi. Would Qui-Gon have done the same for me?
For the last ten years, Anakin has told himself that Qui-Gon would have stayed by his side. Now, he isn't so sure.
"I'm sorry," Anakin finally says, slowly turning around. Obi-Wan is quick to rise from his seat and approach him.
"I did not tell you this so you pity me—"
"I'm sorry I doubted you," Obi-Wan falls silent. "And for all the times I pushed you away because I didn't think you understood what it was like to feel like a screw-up... Force, I was horrible sometimes! Why didn't you ever tell me?"
The Master steps closer, placing his hands on Anakin's shoulders. "I truly did not think it would help. Or that you would think I was discounting your feelings, and I would never want to do that."
"What about your feelings?" Obi-Wan swallows hard, obviously not expecting this sort of question. He squeezes Anakin's shoulders, smiling softly.
"I am still learning how to confront them. And this— confiding in you— is part of that process."
Anakin can't hold himself back anymore. He closes the gap between them, throwing his arms around Obi-Wan and hugging him tightly. And Obi-Wan does not hesitate to hug him back.
There was a time when Anakin was a young padawan when he believed his Master was the greatest Jedi who ever lived. Sith Killer with a silver tongue, Obi-Wan Kenobi. A valiant knight and an even better teacher. He's always looked up to Obi-Wan. Saw him as a father figure. Though that giddy feeling of pride for his Master faded as he grew, Anakin feels it now just as he did when he was ten. Obi-Wan is by no means the perfect Jedi he's always believed him to be, but Anakin prefers it that way. Somehow it makes him even better.
Waging battles in desolate landscapes was one thing, but when the fighting spreads to urban areas, Obi-Wan is always on edge. There is something fundamentally wrong with tearing through the middle of a city with tanks and cannons. It's so easy to distance oneself from the reality of war. Easy to see the tall buildings and duracrete streets as either cover or a tactical liability. Obi-Wan just sees family homes left vacant. Stores and restaurants ransacked and abandoned. The amount of desolation depends on the length and amount of resistance the locals put up against their Separatist occupation.
And this city has been under the thumb of the droid army since the beginning.
Tesha Prime was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nestled in the middle of Separatist-controlled planets, it stood no chance of maintaining its independence. It's estimated they were under secret occupation as early as the Trade Federation blockade of Naboo, but their pleas for assistance were stifled until recently.
Obi-Wan one came to Tesha Prime as a padawan. One of Qui-Gon's side missions-- he enjoyed their specialty textiles and made a detour to purchase a friend a throw blanket. Its capital of Taloona was a beautiful city, advanced in technology but maintained the vintage glamor and elegance of their Old Republic architecture. Walking the streets now, it pains his heart to see crumbled buildings and durasteel military structures taking over the once picturesque skyline. War has tainted the rich history of this planet. Basically erased it. As the Jedi General moves swiftly through the waves of droids, diverting blaster shots from his valiant soldiers trying to free this city, he cannot help but be reminded of Melida/Daan.
Melida/Daan was an urban planet much like Tesha Prime. Completely different in their architectural inspirations and cultures, but violence does not discriminate. Rubble looks the same no matter what it used to be. He remembers Melida/Daan in the hastily painted graffiti urging for resistance against their aggressors. In the sound of bombs causing duracrete walls to collapse. In the yells of pain and the shouts of orders as medic clones traverse the battlefield to pull their fallen brothers out.
Obi-Wan grimaces, biting on his bottom lip so hard he tastes blood.
Seeing Nield and telling Cody and Anakin about his early exposure to war has brought about an unexpected consequence. Remembering. The nightmares of seeing Cerasi's murder and holding children as their life Forces faded away plagues his nights. Sometimes he will awake with a start, his first instinct to reach beside him where Nield used to sleep an arm's length away. When he doesn't feel a warm presence nearby, Obi-Wan begins to panic until he turns on the light and realizes he is not in the barracks of the Young, but in his quarters aboard his star destroyer. He's not thirteen, he's thirty-six.
Try as he might, though, the memories of his youth are not leaving him alone. He's been distracted by the flashes of Melida/Daan in battle before, but Taloona is messing with his mind more than usual. The city air smells the same. The wrecked streets feel the same beneath his boots. Obi-Wan is just thankful that his training allows him to shove his anxiety aside. He releases it into every moment of calm he can find. He must stay on his game for his men. For the people of Taloona and Tesha Prime.
But it's a shrill gasp of pain exploding through the Force that makes Obi-Wan tunnel. He whirls around from his place atop a fire escape and can see Ahsoka on street level with the 501st's battle route. Her eyes wide and arms wrapped around her chest as her knees buckle and she falls to the ground. The air leaves his lungs as though he's been punched.
"Ahsoka!" he yells as he leaps from the fourth story of the fire escape. The 501st has begun to regroup to compensate, Rex barreling through the crowd to reach her. Obi-Wan gets to her first, pulling himself between her and the front line and tucking her into his lap.
She's so small, he realizes. So young. Barely older than I was.
"You'll be okay," Obi-Wan says, cradling her head in the crook of his arm. He blinks and there's blood everywhere, dear Force, where did this blood come from?  He presses his hands to the center of her chest where the blood seems to be pouring out.
"Obi-Wan?" the voice calling his name is distant, but he ignores it. I need to stop the bleeding. He squeezes his eyes shut to keep himself from vomiting.
"Do you hear me? You'll be okay, Cerasi," he whispers.
"Master Obi-Wan?" Louder this time. Closer. A warm palm rests against his cheek and when he opens his eyes Ahsoka is staring up at him with deep concern laced in her features.
She's awake? That can't be! The blaster shot... the blood... No, there is no blood. There never was. Ahsoka is lying in his arms, a scorch mark on the breastplate of her armor, but it didn't go all the way through. He blinks through the tears in his eyes. This is not Melida/Daan. I'm not there anymore. I'm thirty-six, and the war is over. This is the Clone Wars. Ahsoka is Anakin's padawan. I'm not thirteen. Melida/Daan is at peace. Nield is alive and well.
"General?" Another voice. He looks up and realizes he isn't alone. Captain Rex is giving Ahsoka a stim, glancing up at the High General every so often. Cody kneels next to his brother, more focused on Obi-Wan as reality slowly creeps back. Though he cannot see his face beneath his helmet, he can feel Cody's patient understanding. These men unfortunately know the look of someone lost in a time other than the present. And Cody is one of the few that knows exactly where his mind has gone.
"General Kenobi, are you alright?" Cody attempts to get his attention again. This time Obi-Wan nods, trying to relax the tension in his muscles.
"Yes... of course," he looks down at Ahsoka who's hand slips from his cheek. It reminds him too much of the way Cerasi's hand dropped like dead weight as her heart stopped. He shakes away the memory. The stim is setting in, clearing the cloudiness of shock from her eyes. "Are you alright young one?"
"Yes, Master Kenobi, it just surprised me. It's a good thing I had on armor for this battle."
Obi-Wan swallows thickly. The Young never had real armor. On such small bodies and without adequate medical attention, nearly every hit was a lethal one. He smiles, slowly sitting her up. "A very good thing indeed."
The battle felt like it droned on for days. Perhaps because a rotation on Tesha Prime is thirty-four hours. Or because Obi-Wan completely immersed himself in the Force, letting his instincts take charge over his mind. Obviously, his mind was not to be trusted. He's just thankful his brief blur into the past didn't cause more of a scene.
Obi-Wan walks through the aftermath now. The shooting and the bombings have ceased, but sometimes silence isn't any better than the sounds of war. At least focusing on the battle kept his mind occupied. Now he buries himself in his cloak, tucking his hands away so nobody can see they're still shaking.
"Master Kenobi?" the voice is soft, unimposing. Obi-Wan turns to find Ahsoka standing a few paces away. She's out of the armor now and in her usual clothing. Like Obi-Wan, her cloak is draped around her as the night finally settles in to cool the heat of the day. Despite the scare from earlier, she looks unharmed.
But she looks younger than Obi-Wan usually notices her to be. Maybe it's the too-big cloak that swallows her lanky adolescent figure. Or the timidness on her face that is not characteristic of his grand padawan.
"Yes, Padawan? How are you feeling?"
She catches up to him and matches his pace. The Togruta shrugs.
"Tired. A little sore, but Kix says none of my ribs are broken. Just a little bruised."
"And Anakin, have you seen him yet?" Anakin took charge of the air raid, leaving Ahsoka to command the troops from the ground. Obi-Wan hasn't run into him yet, but he expects his former padawan to come looking for him once word gets around about Ahsoka's close call and Obi-Wan's... strong reaction.
Ahsoka shakes her head. "No, but he commed me. The fighters are just going to go back to the hangers. The battle went on for so long they need to refuel."
Obi-Wan pinches the hairs on his chin. "Of course, smart of him. No need to waste fuel to land and take off again," he glances over at the padawan with a playful smirk. "Though don't tell him I said he was smart. After the stunts he pulled in the air, the last thing he needs is an ego boost." The padawan chuckles softly, but her smile fades quickly. They walk in silence for a few moments before Obi-Wan rocks into her to nudge her to the side. "I can tell something is troubling you, young one."
"Master Kenobi... who is Cerasi?"
Obi-Wan's own smile disappears. "Where did you... hear that name?"
"You called me Cerasi... when I was shot. I didn't even realize it at first, but I remembered and... I don't mean to pry, and you don't have to tell me, I was just curious--"
"It's alright Ahsoka," he stops her rambling, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. They stop walking in the middle of a market square and he leads her to sit on the edge of a large fountain. It has long run dry and is half-decimated, but it is a place to stop. "Cerasi was a good friend of mine. And she... was hurt in a very similar way to you, but unfortunately, she did not have armor to protect her."
"So she's..."
Obi-Wan nods.
The padawan exhales shakily, her fingers brushing against the place the blaster would have hit her. "Were you... there when it happened?"
He nods. "I was."
Her hand rests over his and she squeezes his fingers. "I'm sorry about your friend, Master Kenobi."
"It was a long time ago. I'm not sure why I said her name."
"It happens. Sometimes I almost accidentally call you Master Skywalker. Or I call Anakin Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan smiles. "Oh, I bet he hates it when you do that."
"I keep telling him it's a compliment but he doesn't want to hear it."
They both laugh. Obi-Wan lets the peace and lightness of the moment settle around his body like a warm blanket. While he hates the fact that padawans are fighting in this war, he also loves their resilient presence. Ahsoka never fails to make him feel better, even when she isn't actively trying to.
"I'm glad you're okay, Ahsoka. Though I will be more insistent you wear that armor from now on. We can send your measurements to have you properly outfitted in gear that won't hinder your saber technique."
"But Master, then I won't have a good reason to not wear it."
"But it'll make your Grandmaster worry about you less."
Ahsoka sighs dramatically. "In that case, I guess I could learn to work around it."
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and tucks his hands back into the sleeves of his cloak. "I swear, you and Anakin are going to be the death of me one day."
"Not if you wear your armor, Master," she says with a wry smile. Ahsoka glances at her comm and stands.
"Is Anakin asking where you are?"
"Rex. I told him I'd help with the med evacs," her blue eyes flicker up. The universal silent plead for dismissal.
"Go on," the general nods.
"Are you sure you're okay, Master Kenobi? I can tell Rex I'm sitting with you."
He stands and places a hand on her shoulder. "I am. We can talk more after dinner."
Ahsoka smiles and takes off running back toward the evac zone. Her cloak billows behind her as she disappears around the corner. The Jedi Master exhales a deep breath he wasn't aware he was holding.
Nield, two drinks already warm in his belly, walks into the quiet cantina with the perfect amount of confidence to get through what he's about to do. It doesn't take long for his gaze to rest on the two cloaked figures seated at the bar. Before he can convince himself otherwise, the diplomat crosses where the two men are seated.
When he ran into Obi-Wan Kenobi two standard months ago, Nield was shocked at how the scrawny Jedi had changed after so many years. While it should not have been a surprise— he himself had changed quite a bit as well— in his head, Obi-Wan was still a thirteen-year-old with a horrible haircut and a pretentious amount of self-importance. (Nield has been to enough therapy since his warring days to realize his hatred of the young Jedi was a lot of his own projection. It did not change the way his mind remembered the boy that was once his companion.)
But alas, Kenobi grew up into a Jedi Master and a High General. When they spoke those months ago, Nield congratulated him on achieving his Jedi rank. They spent many nights during the war talking about the people they wanted to become once the fighting was resolved. Nield remembered Obi-Wan's anxieties over whether or not he would try to return to the Order that left him behind.
He questioned the second rank he had achieved, though. High General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Nield wasn't questioning his qualifications— Kenobi was a natural-born leader, even as a kid. There was no doubt he excelled at his position. What he questioned was why. Why would he want to take on that role again?
That led to a much longer explanation. One that Nield walked away deciding the answer his old friend was avoiding was simply: I did not want to go to war again, I had to.
Obi-Wan, of course, had the same question for him. Travel the galaxy was his previous answer to the question: who do I want to be when I'm not fighting a damned civil war? It wasn't what he told the others of The Young, but a secret desire he confided in Obi-Wan while they chatted to keep one another awake on watches. Nield wanted to be a nomad. He wanted his home to be among the stars rather than a planet or civilization.
"And you became a representative for the very planet you wanted to put behind you forever," Obi-Wan had said with the same smugness Nield gave him.
"I do get to travel."
"I suppose. But it isn't living among the stars."
They ended the night with the conclusion that they both failed their childhood dreams in some ways. But what is adulthood, if not living to find things to regret?
For Nield, he ironically walked away from his reunion with Obi-Wan with new regrets. Which is what brings him to this random cantina on Keitrum.
He doesn't need to try and get the attention of the Jedi General— as he approaches, Obi-Wan Kenobi's stool swivels around. There's confusion in his tired eyes and furrowed brow, and then he relaxes, a small smile on his lips.
"What a surprise," he muses, causing his companion to also turn around. Nield recognizes the shaggy dark hair and piercing gaze of General Anakin Skywalker almost immediately. "What brings you to Keitrum, old friend?"
"Definitely not the same reasons as you," Nield says tightly, eyeing the armor they were keeping hidden beneath their billowing robes. Well-used armor, tainted with dried blood and oil stains. Obi-Wan is clad in a more complete ensemble of shoulder, chest, arm, and leg pieces, while the younger General appears to only sport the shoulder and chest armor. Oh, the false security of youth. They look as though they came straight from the battlefield to grab a celebratory drink. Nield suspects that is exactly the case.
"Friend of yours, Master?" Skywalker says, curious eyes flickering between the two of them.
"Something of the sort," Obi-Wan replies, leaning back so they can see one another. "Anakin, this is Nield, a Representative of Melidaan. I met him—"
"When you were part of The Young?" The wide-eyed General finishes, suddenly looking his age. Nield raises an eyebrow at Kenobi. So you told him after all.
"Yes, we... fought together."
"And against one another," Nield adds.
"Yes, that too, I suppose."
Nield settles down on the opposite side of Kenobi and listens as he explains to the young man the nature of their... history. Though Obi-Wan gives him a charitable amount of leeway and understanding for his actions, Nield can't help the guilt that builds as the story goes on.
Especially as Skywalker keeps looking his way with increasing outrage and obvious protectiveness over his former Master.
"...after Cerasi... died," Obi-Wan says in a softer voice. "we had very different approaches on how to proceed."
"You wanted revenge?" Anakin asks Nield with off-putting intensity. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
"I was angry," he glances at Obi-Wan. "I thought about it a lot, though. How the people who killed her needed to pay. Obi-Wan had to help me get out of that mindset. It wasn't what she would have wanted."
Now it's Obi-Wan's turn to look surprised. They'd avoided recounting the specifics of the war when they last talked, and that's exactly what Nield regretted. He never got to tell Obi-Wan he's sorry for the way their friendship splintered back then. The war, the death— it changed him for the worse. It aged his soul, made his heart turn to stone. It took many, many years to come back from the shell of a person he became.
"We were kids," Obi-Wan whispers, a creak in his tone.
"I'm still sorry. You did nothing but help us when nobody else would. You were always one of us, no matter what I said as a punk kid. You were one of us, and honestly, the best of us. Your name still comes up among those of us that remain."
The Jedi Master stares at him for a long moment before staring down at his drink as he swirls it. Skywalker assumes being a wallflower, switching between fiddling with the commlink on his wrist and monitoring his Master's facial expressions.
"How many?"
"About half from when we last saw you." A moment of silence. Nield lets out a breath and then continues. "Not all gone, just not living on Melidaan anymore. They attended university. Traveled. Got married and moved away."
Neither say it, but he knows they both are thinking it. We fought so hard for a peaceful home. Leaving seemed like a dishonor to those who died with the dream of growing old on the land they left their family for.
But Obi-Wan left too. And Nield does not actually blame him nor anyone else for leaving.
"I hope they're well."
Skywalker's hand suddenly clasps Kenobi's shoulder. "Ahoska and the men are here. I'm gonna go tell them to put their drinks on your tab."
"Anakin, don't you dare, the accounting department was so angry with me last time!" he calls after him, but the young General has already disappeared into the thickening crowd. Obi-Wan sighs and looks back at Nield who can't help the amusement on his face.
"So that's Anakin Skywalker."
"In all his glory, yes."
"He reminds me of you as a kid."
"Oh Force, don't tell him that. I'll never hear the end of it."
Nield laughs. "I'm glad I got to meet him. Put a face to your stories."
"I take it meeting my former padawan is not the reason you have come out of your way to find me. Nor is this the coincidence you make it out to be."
"Perceptive as always. I just realized we skirted around the obvious when we last spoke. Pretended that I didn't alienate you from the Young after you devoted everything to help us."
"Like I said earlier, we were kids, Nield."
"And like I also said earlier, I'm sorry. That's why I wanted to see you again."
Obi-Wan smiles, holding out his hand. Nield shakes it. "I'm sorry too, old friend. I'm glad we got to see one another again because I needed to thank you. You and one of my officers convinced me to finally tell Anakin about the war."
"How'd he react?"
"Better than I anticipated. But now every free moment has turned into storytime."
Nield recalls the few fond moments of the war when Obi-Wan would sit in the center of the room and tell all the younger kids a bedtime story. An attempt to thwart the nightmares away. "You were always good at telling stories."
"Apparently so. I usually draw quite an audience."
"It helps though. Talking about it. Doesn't it?"
The Jedi General nods. "For the most part. Though I see our war everywhere, now."
"The dreams?" Nield asks. Obi-Wan frowns. That's a yes. "The war can't be helping. Every time a speeder backfired I thought I was..."
"Back there again," The Jedi finishes for him. "Yes... Our recent terrestrial battles have not been helping."
Nield cannot imagine what it must be like to be back in the middle of a warzone. The fact the galaxy is at war at all was enough of a trigger for the flashbacks to his youth. It's why he takes his duty as a representative so seriously. He will do anything and everything to keep his home away from this conflict.
But his friend does not have that luxury. Nield waits for Kenobi to meet his eyes again.
"It still affects me, too. Bad days come out of nowhere. No matter how many times people tell me 'recovery isn't linear' it still surprises me. But before I knew it, I had more good days than bad and even the bad days didn't compare to what they used to be. It'll get better, Obi-Wan. I promise you it will."
Obi-Wan holds his stare. He's harder to read now than when he was thirteen, but Nield can still recognize the look in the Jedi's eye when he trusts someone. Though Nield doesn't feel he deserves this trust, for Obi-Wan's sake he's glad he's willing to listen.
"I will remember that," the Jedi says softly. "Thank you."
Nield raises the drink that was placed before him at some point. Obi-Wan does the same. The words come tumbling out before he can think of anything else to say. "To our brothers and sisters in the trenches... and the pursuit of peace."
The chant feels acidic on his tongue.
"We fight for our future, and the lives those who have died deserved," Obi-Wan continues. He hasn't forgotten it either.
"To unity."
"To freedom."
"To the Young," they say together, voices barely carrying beyond the space between them. Their cups clink together, and for a moment they're back in the lookout station. Kenobi, Nield, Cerasi, and half a bottle of red wine they found when pillaging an abandoned home for supplies. They didn't actually drink the wine-- it was obviously rancid. But that cheer they made up between giggles and dares to taste the sour beverage became their battle cry.
He tries to sip his brew but it tastes like that damn expired wine. For some reason, that makes him smile. Somehow the moments Nield cherishes the most lie among the worst points of his life. Perhaps because Cerasi never made it past the war to record over the old memories with new ones. Perhaps because Obi-Wan disappeared before Nield could come to his senses.
But for some reason, he's been granted another chance. Nield isn't sure what he did to deserve such a gift, but he'll accept it. Kenobi sits next to him, washing away the bittersweet chant of their youth with a brew.
Another survivor, and now, a friend once again.
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sekceesimps · 4 years
A Rose Made of Chains Ch 2
a/n holy crap! thank you guys so much for all the nice comments and positive feedback about this story. This is the best Christmas gift ever. Hope you enjoy! Chapter 3 out tomorrow (Tuesday) night. 
Sincerely, Coffee
teaser.     Ch 1    Ch 3
teaser for part 2,    Ch 4,     Ch 5
Kurapika (aged up) x reader x Chrollo
warnings: This chapter does get very violent and angsty. If physical branding and torture triggers, you please don’t read  
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Don’t scream. Don’t scream. You silently chanted to yourself after waking up from a horrible nightmare. For once you wake up before your torturer has a chance to dump water on you. There were no windows or other sorts of indication about the time. You analyzed your surroundings. For whatever reason, you felt motivated to fight this time. Your “room”, if it could even be called that, was made up of a small charred blanket on the ground to act as a bed, a rickety looking bucket, and a sturdy chair being held up by thick gray shackles. Just looking at the iron chair sent shivers up your spine, it was where most of the torturing had been taking place after all. You had tried using your nen ability when you had first gotten here, but it had proved futile, as it seemed that there was something that forced zetsu upon you. It wasn’t like your nen could do anything  to escape to begin with. You had no issue with being a manipulator. You were an incredibly talented and special user according to Kurapika himself. Your nen ability was being able to manipulate and influence the movement of light. It made you incredible with stealth and diversions to help your friends, but terrible at actually being able to fight back. Your ability was too weak combatively, it was kind of why you were even here in the first place. Mumbling, you continue looking for a way out as your mind goes back to the day you were taken. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
That day had started so beautifully. You had woken up to sweet humming from Kurapika as he lazily flipped through the pages of a book. After passing out on the ground next to his hotel bed the night before, he had graciously pulled you up next to him. His long arms hold you close to his warm body, making your face flush, an action only reserved for lovers, but he did so nonetheless with you. 
“Good morning, Y/N'' he greeted and put his book down. You’ll never forget the joyful glint in his eye, one that was becoming less and less common to see, as his face nuzzled into your neck. It was times like this when you wished that you could just tell him that you were his soulmate. Unfortunately, you couldn’t do that to him now. He was busy planning on what to do with the spiders. You had helped him with this plan, but he often made it clear that he didn’t want your mind to be burdened with the violence of his future actions. “Can you go to the store? We don’t have much food left and I’m tired of eating junk with Gon.” he mumbled against your neck. 
“5 more minutes,” you whined and cuddled closer against him. His warmth was intoxicating and the heavy smell of lemongrass that came off of him made you want to stay next to him forever. You don’t want this moment to end. You never get to see Kurapika smile and you’ve never seen him so vulnerable as he is in the mornings. You’d never admit it out loud, but you love to fall asleep on the ground next to his bed, knowing full well that he’s much too polite to leave you down there alone. 
“Get up, lazy” he answered and untangled his arms from your body. You know the two of you aren’t dating, but it sure did feel like it on mornings like this. “I can’t come with you today  because Leorio wants me to help him with something. Make sure to get breadsticks! Oh, and don’t forget to get something sweet for Killua” he snaps you out of your thoughts.  
“Alright alright. I’ve got it, do you need anything else,” you remarked as you dragged yourself out of the comfort of his bed. It creaked softly at the shift in weight. He shook his head and wished you goodbye. 
You never made it to the store that morning. After you had left the hideout, you stupidly decided that you wanted to take the scenic route to get groceries. Unfortunately, the scenic route at 8 in the morning is also a dangerous one. With no one out on the streets yet, safety in numbers dwindles down to ominous empty and open areas. Soft footsteps and the feeling of eyes burning into your back were felt as you made your way quickly through a quiet alleyway. You had thought nothing of the dangerous feeling until you were shoved onto the ground. You were a hunter, a natural born fighter too. However, you weren’t wise enough to anticipate an attack and bring a real weapon. It honestly didn’t come as much of a surprise when you had been quickly overtaken by three shadowy figures. You were quick to spring to the defense and had managed to give up a small fight until the tallest figure muffled your screams with a large cloth. Being pinned to the ground and knocked out was not what you had expected on your peaceful trip to the store. I’ve got this, you thought to yourself as your vision blurred and you slipped into the black abyss. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
Finally! You shriek in your head. You had found a small curved nail in the corner surrounded by dust. If you could just use it to break the padlock on the door you’d be out of your dingy room. Your inner clock was warning you that it was almost time for the water wakeup. An even better but more risky idea suddenly popped into your head. It’s going to be risky you think, but I’ll have to fight my way out of here if I have any chance of leaving. You clutch the nail in your sweaty hands and lay back down on your “bed”. The door handle lowers slowly, slowly. Creak, the hinges squeak, you close your eyes, pretending to be asleep. Footsteps come closer. You jolt up before the man can react. Surprise and luck on your side. With one sharp movement you stab the nail into the short man’s upper thigh and run as fast you can. You would have made it out too if a new woman hadn’t grabbed your collar and knocked you to the ground.
“Feitan, did you let this little mouse out? She looks a little lost.” you looked up at her serious face. Her lovely pink hair smoothed up into a ponytail. With wide and begging eyes you  pleading with her silently to let you go. She looked past you and glanced at your torturer instead, who was grumbling on the ground with his bleeding leg.                                
“I’ve got it from here.” he replied as he got up. “Time for something new anyways. The little mouse isn’t screaming as much as she used to.” he made his way over to you and grabbed the collar of your shirt roughly from her. You make yourself as limp as possible, trying to stall your impending doom. He was a small man, so it surprised you by how much strength he had as he dragged you back into your room and secured the heavy ropes onto your arms, securing you back  into your chair. 
This time he pulled a dark brown belt  and fastened it around your head and stuffed it into your mouth. You let out a muffled yelp in protest to this intrusion. This man had done so many unspeakable things to you. You had been burned heavily, close to drowned, had fingernails ripped out, but each time you had prided yourself on staying as strong as you had. You were unbearably tired of fighting. It had been so long since you saw the sun. You would give anything to have rays of light touch your skin again. 
“I have to admire your strength. Many don’t last as long as you have. Will you join the phantom troupe? Will you join us?” your torturer asked curiously. You shake your head in a vehement no. “That’s a shame. I hope the boss doesn’t mind that I do this.” he replies nonchalantly as he takes out his many knives. This time though he has something different. This time, he has an iron. 
You barely flinch at this point when he begins expertly cutting up your skin. There was a certain art that was in the way he opened up your delicate flesh and created such pain and terrible marks. For what seemed like hours he did this, ripping apart barely healed wounds, creating new ones, all the while he smiled and kept asking those four annoying words. You briefly considered entertaining him and saying yes. No! You refuse to do that. 
He removes the belt that acted as a makeshift gag, asking those four words again, “Will you join us”. You boldly spit your blood onto his face and smile wickedly. This seems to egg him on as he takes a lighter and begins warming up the iron. You hadn’t seen it before. It was beautifully shaped and at the very end you saw what looked like a… no. It couldn’t be. The more you looked at it, the more your stomach hurt and rage began building in your chest. At the end of the iron was an expertly crafted 12 legged spider. You hadn’t realized it but the rage had turned your eyes into the most passionate crimson. A shade that you refused to show anyone who wasn’t trusted. Your torturer smiles, “The boss always liked those eyes”,  as he quickly shoves the leg of your pants up to leave your thigh bare and open. The iron was sure to be hot now. The reality of the situation was setting in as the man tugged your gag off and said happily, “be as loud as you want”, before he shoved the iron onto the area beneath your soulmark. Pure pain, white hot pain blinded you. Your only form of agency now in this hell was to be quiet. You knew that sleep was taking you again as your vision darkened and your head nodded off as you passed out. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
Panicked breaths tore through the silent room. Your ragged gasps for air breaking the peace of the pitch dark stillness. As your eyes slowly adjust you try to calm yourself, you focus on your soulmark and the level-headed blonde that has the matching one. It started to feel like reassurance but now it’s become a mark of pain and conflict. 
“How are you feeling?” a calming baritone voice spoke through the darkness. As he steps forward you take in his menacing appearance. He was tall and had the funniest looking coat you’d ever seen. It was fur and looked expensive. His whole appearance and tone just screamed wealth and power. He was a man who was clearly sure of himself. He’d come to visit your torture sessions several times before already. Each time he would stand close to the shadows, just out of sight, but still close enough for you to catch a glimpse of his outline. He never said anything, choosing to watch you instead. His smoky gray eyes are always on you and drinking in your appearance. 
“I’d feel better if you just let me leave” you whimper softly. The ropes that a spider had secured on you when you had gotten here were digging roughly into your skin. You felt like your aura was constrained and it was hard to breathe. 
“You know I can’t do that darling,” he all but purred, the pet name setting your face on fire with blush. “all you have to do is say yes.” he continued, coming closer and closer to your face. You do your best to move away from him. “Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer. It truly is a shame that we had to meet like this.” he had his finger raised now and languidly stroked the less bloody side of your cheek. 
You whimper softly at his movement. His intense ashen eyes felt like they were piercing your soul. “All you have to do is say yes and all of the pain can go away,” he grinned down sweetly at your pitifully shaking form. 
Your tangible fear seemed to edge him on as he got closer and closer to the side of your face. “I don’t want to,” you stated in a last attempt of defiance. 
His warm breath was fanning across your bloodied cheek. “Oh, but you will.” He remarked casually before leaning down further to your flushed body. 
His lips were soft and they had meshed well against your own dry ones. This was the first sign of  comfort you had been given in your time here. You refused to kiss back at first, but he was right, you would give in. As he politely nipped your lip, asking for permission to take it further, you couldn’t help but take it as a sign. A sign to cling onto any warmth you could get. You had no idea if you would see this man named Chrollo again. A part of you screamed that you were betraying your soulmate, but the hungrier and more desperate part of you cried to let him comfort you. 
You pulled your head back. “I’m sorry. I don’t know anything about you.” you mumbled and bit your lip. Missing the warmth that the raven looking man had provided you with. 
He smiled sadly and sighed, “That is unfortunate. I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after that. We have some time to get to know each other before you join me.” He backed away from you and let a hand linger in your H/C hair. Pressing his lips lightly against your hand, he let you go and left the room. The heavy door slammed shut and the lights flickered off as he left. 
Wind, you thought to yourself. He smelled like the fresh and intense wind that came after a hurricane. He tasted like a small dash of sugar and fresh fruits mixed in the best tarts. You determined that you liked these new feelings. They weren’t foreign but they were still unfamiliar to you. You want to experience more, but that would hurt your soulmate wouldn’t it? You yearn for him with all your soul, but your body can’t help yet yearn for the raven haired man who offers you protection. The ghost of comforting warmth lingers on your lips as you start to feel uncertain about your future here in the spider’s den. 
a/n hope you enjoyed the tieback to the teaser and first appearance of Chrollo. The reader and Chrollo are going to have a very complex and intricate relationship that will be explained much more later. Next chapter will be in Kurapika’s POV and will be the last chapter until we hit another milestone. thanks everyone! 
Also very sorry about the formatting. I don’t understand spacing at all, I hope it doesn’t bother anyone too much. 
askbox is open if you want to talk or leave requests. 
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alj4890 · 3 years
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(Ethan Ramsey x Olivia Nevarkis) (Olivia Nevarkis x Drake Walker) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Open Heart Crackship Series
A/N This is the finale to this miniseries. Thanks so much for indulging me in this crackship of mine. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did imagining it💗
@jooous​ ​ ​ @krsnlove​ ​ @nomadics-stuff​ ​   @twinkleallnight​ ​ @motorcitymademadame​ ​
Part 6
December 30th, Cordonia's Royal Palace...
Tomorrow night’s event might be the first ball in the history of Drake's years in Cordonia to actually cause a certain excitement. He usually put up with the pomp and traditions to simply be with those he cared about. For years it was to support Liam, then going meant he could hang out with Riley, Hana, and Maxwell.
And then there were his activities down in secret for a year with Olivia.
He knew she would be arriving soon. Her absence from Cordonia had been one he felt more acutely than any other. His failure in telling her how he felt about her, his inability to have a civil conversation, even his voicemail had kept him fixated on this date.
He intended for this new year to involve a new relationship with Olivia. He simply needed to find a moment alone with her.
Which as he entered the drawing room Riley and Liam used frequently for their closest friends, he realized that was going to be more difficult than he originally thought. All their friends had come home for the ball.
"I can't believe they gave us that ridiculous moniker." Thomas shook his head.
"The press isn't always known for their intelligence." Liam said, fighting a smile.
"Thomanda." Amanda laughed just saying it. "It sounds like some weird foot fungus cream."
"The press have had five years to come up with anything better than that." Thomas wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders. "They should have combined our last names. Brunt is more tolerable than Thomanda."
Maxwell rolled off the couch laughing. "We now have to come up with crazy couple names for all of us."
"We were given Riam." Riley replied. "Personally I prefer Liley, but Riam stuck."
"Naxwell or Madia." Amanda said between giggles while pointing at Maxwell and Nadia. "That's your couple name."
"Naxwell sounds like a snack cake or cookie." Riley added with a chuckle.
"We are sweet." Maxwell responded, cuddling Nadia close.
Hana sighed at seeing them all so happy together. "What would mine and Rashad's be?"
"Rashana?" Riley offered.
"Oh I like that so much better than what I thought." Amanda laughed. "I at first thought Hahad."
The group burst into laughter while more couple names were bandied about.
"So what do we dub Olivia and Ethan?" Liam asked.
"Ethalivia?" Hana offered.
"Olithan?" Maxwell added.
"Oooh! Olithan!" Riley exclaimed. "Sounds like a sea monster. Olivia will love it!"
Drake tried to ignore what was being said as he joined them.
Maxwell noticed his frown and immediately changed the subject.
"Hey," he said over the lingering chuckles. "What's everyone's resolutions going to be?"
"Get married." Rashad grinned at Hana.
"That's your plans for next week." Maxwell winked at them. "What are you going to resolve to do this new year?"
"Spend time with my husband." Hana replied with a slight blush.
"I think more time with our significant others is what we will all resolve to do." Liam added.
Drake bit back a bitter retort. At least they knew they would have their significant others. He was praying for a chance to talk to his.
Olivia stood in front of the mirror one last time to check her reflection. It was strange to see the same old features once more in the all too familiar guest room when she felt so changed. Stepping off the plane and seeing Cordonia's capital didn't affect her like it once did. Somewhere, somehow, she had moved on past the pride of her title and country.
She still loved her home, but she now knew she was capable of so much more than merely being the Duchess of Lythikos. She wondered if the changes would be visible to anyone else. If no one noticed it, she at least had proved it to herself.
Her gaze left her reflection to focus on Ethan finishing dressing. Her lips curved at the red shirt he had pulled on with his black slacks.
She wondered if he knew he had chosen to wear her house colors.
He glanced up and noticed her staring.
"Is this the wrong thing to wear to dinner tonight?" He asked.
"No." She walked over to him.
Ethan paused in buttoning his shirt when she looped her arms around his neck.
"What made you choose this shirt?" She asked, threading her fingers in his hair.
His lips curved as they brushed her cheek. "Thomas told me about ways we men can show our support for our noble ladies." He tugged her closer. "I thought I should start out as I intend to for my fiancée."
Olivia cupped his cheek with her left hand, her eyes darting toward the sparkling proof that she was marrying the man that held her. Their lips met in a tender kiss that made her want to forget about joining anyone else and simply stay here alone with him.
"Shouldn't we hurry?" Ethan asked when she began to toy with the buttons of his shirt.
His hands moved along her back, searching for her zipper.
"We should." She pressed another kiss to his lips before easing back.
Her smile was warm as she admired him. "Red is a good color on you."
"As long as you approve." He finished buttoning his shirt.
Olivia handed him his tie he had set out earlier.
He looped it around her waist and used it to pull her close.
"Doctor?" She chided. "You have a king and queen waiting to welcome you."
"I think you know who I think deserves my attention." He leaned his forehead against hers. "Are we telling everyone tonight?"
"About our engagement?" Olivia asked.
Ethan nodded. "I want you to have all the excitement and whatever they do here to celebrate when a duchess gets engaged."
She rolled her eyes. "I don't need a ball, Ethan."
Her heart softened once more when he whispered he wanted to give her everything she deserved.
"We can tell them," her breath hitched when she felt his mouth against that special spot under her ear, "if you want to."
"I want to." He muttered against her skin. "I want everyone to know we are together." He lifted his head and smiled at her. "I want them to see how proud I am that you chose me to marry."
"Ethan." Her frown firmed. "Don't you dare make me emotional right now when I'm about to see everyone."
He chuckled as he let her go. "Very well, duchess. I'll behave."
She hmphed while returning to the mirror to retouch her lipstick.
Once they were both deemed presentable, they left their chambers and gathered Naveen to take downstairs.
While the buzz of conversations filled the room, Drake escaped to the wet bar.
"Would you mind pouring me a glass of the Pinot Noir?" Regina asked, joining him.
"Yes mam."
She cleared her throat. "Sir Drake, I--"
"Just Drake, mam." He reminded her.
She smiled at his insistence she not use any honorific. "Drake, is something wrong?"
He handed her a wine glass. "No mam." He poured the wine for her. "Why do you ask?"
"You seem a touch distracted."
"I do?"
She chuckled. "Yes. Usually by this time you would have called a halt to all the talk of weddings and romantic, as you call it, nonsense."
A hint of a smile appeared on his face. "I guess I've been tuning them out tonight."
"I see." She patted his arm. "I'll leave you to your thoughts then."
He straightened up when Olivia stepped into the room, flanked by Ethan and the other doctor Drake had yet to meet.
The older of the two men had a friendly smile on his face that disappeared when he saw Regina.
"Gin?" Delight flooded his surprised facial expression. "Is it really you?"
Everyone looked back and forth between the Queen Mother and Naveen.
"Did he just call Regina, Gin?" Riley whispered.
"I've never heard anyone call her that." Liam whispered back.
Regina had her hand pressed to her heart. "Naveen! You're the Dr. Banerji Lady Olivia talked about?!"
Naveen met her in the middle of the room, his hands taking hers.
"What is going on?" Olivia whispered.
"I haven't got a clue." Ethan whispered back. "Naveen did a fellowship here when he was fresh out of medical school. Maybe, the two met during that time."
"It seems they did more than meet." Olivia pointed out.
"After all these years," Naveen said, "You are still just as beautiful as when we met."
Regina's blush and almost girlish laughter made everyone eager to hear more.
"We both know that is not true." Regina replied with an elegant wave of dismissal.
Naveen's smile grew when he felt her squeeze his hand.
Remembering their audience, the two let go of one another.
"You two know each other?" Riley asked, loving their flustered states.
"We met when I first came to Cordonia." Naveen explained. His gaze softened on the Queen Mother. "I didn't know my way around and had gotten horribly lost when a lovely young woman pulled up in a convertible and took pity on me."
"In a convertible, huh?" Maxwell was already imagining a young Regina with her blonde hair blowing in the breeze as she pulled over to help a young, handsome doctor. "Then what happened?"
Regina's blush grew. "I offered to drive him back to the house he had rented and one thing led to another and we--"
"I begged her to be my tour guide during my stay." Naveen explained to keep her from having to reveal too much. "It ended up being the best summer of my life."
She shook her head while smiling. "It was the last time I was ever able to be free to do and act as I wanted."
"What happened, mam, that changed all that?" Hana asked. "
"My first official social season began that fall. Adelaide was being courted by Godfrey and my parents insisted I do all I could to put our family in the best light possible so that an arrangement could be made between the two." A brief sadness passed over her. "Once that started, I was sent from one house party to the next then began a tour through Europe on diplomatic endeavors. Before I knew it, two years had gone by and Naveen had left Cordonia by the time I returned."
The older doctor grimaced. "I had been accepted to Edenbrook and was unable to find Gin to tell her."
Ethan quietly studied Naveen, wondering if this was why his mentor had never married.
"Well, now you two can catch up," Nadia encouraged. "Without worry of having to part."
Regina didn't bother to hide her happiness at that thought. "I would love that."
"So would I." Naveen added.
Once all the introductions were made, the group fell into smaller ones to talk.
Keeping mostly to himself on the other side of the room, Drake couldn't take his eyes off Olivia. She seemed so different than the last time she had been in Cordonia. Not just in appearance, but there was something else there he couldn't quite identify.
She had left her hair down in loose curls. He couldn't recall when he had seen her do that here. He had once heard her say that her hair down could be used against her if an enemy were to attack.
She must have lost that worry.
Olivia almost appeared more approachable. Her smirk didn't hold the same bite it used to. She listened without too much sarcasm to the conversations going on around her.
She looks soft.
Drake took another gulp of his drink. Where had that thought come from? Olivia Nevarkis was many things, but soft? Impossible.
He noticed that Ethan remained close to her. The little touches going on between them irritated Drake. Ethan would occasionally touch her back when turning to say something to her. Olivia would respond in kind. He would brush a lock of hair over her shoulder. She would place her hand on his arm when pointing out something.
All innocent, yet all given with hidden meanings.
The smiles they shared. The heated glances. The--
A sparkle on Olivia's hand caught his attention.
No, it can't be--
"I have an announcement." Olivia raised her voice. "I wanted you all to be the first ones to know."
Drake felt his insides go numb as if his body knew the pain that was about to happen and wanted to try and spare him.
"Ethan asked me to marry him." Olivia looked up at her doctor. Her smile, so unlike any in Cordonia had seen, was tender and full of affection. "And I said, yes."
Everyone spoke at once their delight and rushed to hug and congratulate the couple.
All that is except Drake.
His empty glass slipped through his fingers and thudded softly on the floor.
Did she listen to my message? Did she decide to not give me a chance to apologize in person? Why would she choose him without first seeing what we could have?
Maxwell slipped away from the laughter and teasing of Team Olithan. Swiping up his friend's glass, he placed an arm along Drake's shoulders and led him back to the bar.
"She didn't give me a chance." He muttered to Maxwell. "I told her I wanted to try and she instead picks that doctor. She didn't bother to even say she didn't want me."
Maxwell poured him a strong one and handed it off. "I know." He sighed softly. "I'm sorry, Drake."
Drake downed the contents, poured another, then after it was gone he drank one more that was filled to the brim. "Don't be." He slammed the empty glass down. "If you have to feel sorry for anyone, feel it for Ramsey." He jerked his chin toward the couple. "He's the one stuck with her."
"Drake, I think you should still try to talk--"
"No thanks." Drake snapped. "What’s left to say?" He shrugged. "I dodged a bullet."
Maxwell gave up arguing. He didn't know what to do as Drake became angrier.
"Better go give my congratulations." He grumbled while making his way across the room.
"We'll announce your engagement at the ball." Liam told the couple. He pressed a kiss to Olivia's cheek and shook Ethan's hand. "May you both find the same happiness I found with Riley."
"I need details!" Riley exclaimed "When and where did this happen? How did you propose?"
Olivia chuckled. "Ethan asked me at his father's home when we went to spend Christmas there."
"How sweet!" Hana exclaimed. "We can start planning your wedding while we are all together."
Olivia's friends began to talk over one another to give possible opinions of wedding venues and dates for the ceremony.
Only Ethan noticed the tension forming in Olivia's body. He soon saw the reason for it approaching.
"Congratulations." Drake said.
"Thank you." Ethan answered when Olivia instinctively stepped closer to his side. "I'm still surprised she said yes." He smiled down at her.
"You shouldn't be." Olivia told him.
"Liv's right, Ramsey. You shouldn't be surprised. Give yourself another day or two and you'll see why." Drake drawled. "The only thing nobles aspire to around here is marriage."
"Drake." Liam admonished.
"What? Isn't that all that was thumped into your heads as children? Even Hana admitted to being trained from a little girl on up on how to catch a husband." He continued.
Hana's cheeks burned as she averted her eyes from everyone.
"Of course, Olivia wasn't so fortunate when it came to knowing how to catch a husband, was she?" Drake smirked at her. "Her mother died before she could begin the training. Guess it was a good thing she went ahead and married you off to a terrorist, huh?"
"That's enough." Ethan warned. "You're intoxicated and should go to your room and sleep it off."
"Is that your medical opinion, Doc?" Drake narrowed his eyes at him. "Or is it you're worried I'll say something to embarrass you and your --"
"Excuse us." Olivia wrapped her fingers around Drake's arm, making sure to dig her nails into the tender flesh under his arm. "Walker and I need to clear something up."
She yanked him towards a door that led out into a small courtyard.
He wrenched his arm from her once they reached a nearby fountain.
"What in the hell was that?" She snapped.
"What?" He taunted when she merely glared at him. "Couldn't take the truth, Libby? Or are you worried that your doc can't?"
"In there," she hissed, "is the man who actually defended you to me after our last fight."
"Did he?" Drake folded his arms. "How endearing."
"Ethan is the man I want." She stated. "Whether you can accept that or not is your problem. It is not going to be mine!" Her narrowed eyes held his own. "I personally don't know if you and I can be friends after everything that has happened. I was going to try and at least be pleasant around you, but your little act in there has made it impossible."
"Who cares?" He muttered. "You didn't care about how I would feel after I ripped my heart out and laid it at your feet just so that you could waltz back home with your new love."
"You already knew my choice!" She shouted. "You saw how much he meant to me in Boston. I told you there was nothing between me and you and yet you stand here and show the world once again what a jackass you are." Her breathing was accelerated as she tried to calm down. "This is why you and I never had a chance. There's too much resentment from years of the two of us fighting."
"There wouldn't be if you had given me a chance." He told her. "Some time to try and be what you wanted. Instead you accept the first marriage proposal you ever got."
"I ACCEPTED BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH ETHAN!" She raised a trembling hand to her head, completely frustrated with his refusal to give up. "He makes me feel a way I never thought possible."
"I don't want to hear about your sex life." Drake snapped.
"I'm not talking about that!" She shoved Drake away from her. "I'm talking about how he makes me feel as if I am the most important person in the world. He actually respects me. Cares about my opinions--"
"Clearly a glutton for punishment." Drake drily remarked.
Olivia gave up trying to explain. Using moves she hadn't had to in her months away, she swept Drake's legs out from under him, sending him tumbling backwards into the water fountain.
His head shot up, coughing and sputtering water out of his mouth and nose. "What the hell was that?!"
"That is the end of this discussion." She stated in a monotone voice. "I'm marrying Ethan. I'm going to have my own happily ever after. I expect you to keep your distance from now on. We might share the same group of friends, but you and I are nothing." Her green eyes flashed a warning. "We aren't friends, acquaintances, or even enemies." She stepped away from him. "Because I respect my enemies, but you, I can't even find the energy to be disgusted with you right now."
"Olivia, wait--" he tried to get out of the fountain and chase after her. "I--"
She walked back inside and quietly shut the door, as if he hadn't been speaking at all.
The next few months flew by. Hana and Rashad's wedding was deemed the perfect way to start a new year. Cordonia's research hospital had it's ribbon cutting ceremony a week later with both the press and nobles exclaiming over the state of the art facility. Under Naveen, Ethan, and Olivia's management, patients were being treated by some of the best physicians from around the world.
Word soon spread and numerous medical journals did pieces on the findings and styles of treatments given there. In every interview, Ethan gave Olivia the credit for everything that they were accomplishing, reminding the world that it had been her idea in the first place to create such a hospital.
She didn't think she could love him more than she already did until he did that, once more helping heal her Nevarkis reputation. It had been a long time since she had wished for a knight in shining armor to come along and fight for her, and here he was, fighting along the battlefields of the press that she had always felt at a loss over.
While Olivia balanced her duchess duties and those at the hospital, she planned her wedding. Ethan, no matter how exhausted he was, would stay up late giving his opinion on the party size and location. The two became even closer to one another as they discussed their life together, the possibility of children, and the roles they were playing in both the medical society and the nobility.
They decided on an intimate ceremony in one of Lythikos's oldest chapels. Liam was to conduct it, with Olivia requesting Amanda as her matron of honor and a very pregnant Riley and Hana as bridesmaids. The two mothers' to be cried together over the sweetness of it all from the moment they were asked until Ethan kissed his bride.
Ethan asked Naveen to be his best man and Thomas as a groomsman. He and the director had only grown closer in friendship as the ladies they were committed to spent so much time together. Thomas was helping him learn how to balance his future duties of Duke of Lythikos along with his chosen career. He reassured him that he could indeed have it all and be content.
Needing one more groomsman, Ethan left that choice to Olivia. Maxwell volunteered, to help take the pressure off of her, and was soon fitted for a new tux.
Drake never received an invitation.
He had tried to apologize. He even cornered her before she left the palace for Lythikos and managed to sound sincere, but it was no use. She was done with having him in her life. There was no anger. No sadness. Nothing. Just like she had told him.
He knew it was his own fault. All of it was. Somehow he had ruined what could have ended up being the best thing in his life. Seeing how Olivia was in love and knowing it could have been him on the receiving end, it hurt worse than any insult she could ever give.
He should be happy he wasn't invited to the ceremony. It was a mercy, whether she meant it as such or not. Seeing her dressed as a bride and saying her vows to another man would have been beyond his ability to calmly accept.
So he did what anyone would do the day of their love's wedding to another.
He left Cordonia for America.
Drake decided he would stay away for an indefinite period of time. Liam had Riley by his side so he wouldn't feel guilty over abandoning him. All of their friends were happily settled with their significant others. He was finally free to see what his life could be without nobles and putting Liam first.
A few years went by. During this time, babies were born. Drake had sent handmade rocking horses to Hana and Riley when he received the news of their sons' births. He next was picking wedding gifts for Maxwell and Nadia and then, to his great shock, one to Regina and Naveen. More babies were born, including word of Olivia and Ethan having a daughter.
That text from Maxwell had left him feeling a loss be hadn't thought of.
Drake decided to test the waters and start dating again. He thought this would be a chance to see what he really wanted from a potential spouse. Nothing too serious ever came from these attempts, but they did help slowly ease his heartache.
He would get the occasional visit from those he had left back in Cordonia. Phone calls and texts were a normal, everyday occurrence. Then one day, Savannah found out she was pregnant again and asked him to come for a nice long visit to Ramsford.
The moment he stepped off the plane and caught the hint of apple blossoms in the air, he knew this would always be home. He closed his eyes and simply let the feeling wash over him that this was where he was meant to be, where he was always meant to be.
He decided to stop and see Liam and Riley on his way to Ramsford. The couple were with their children at Valtoria along with some of their other friends.
Including Olivia and Ethan.
When Drake stepped out of the car, he could hear the laughter and squeals of young children playing out back. He went down a gravel path lined with lilies, only stopping at the sight before him.
Children, five years old and under, were chasing each other all over an area that would put most playgrounds to shame. Slides, climbing walls, bridges, jungle gyms, everything a child could want covered two acres of land.
He was able to identify most of the children without much thought. He had received tons of pictures through Christmas cards and texts, but he didn't need them to know who belonged to whom.
Liam's two sons with their golden hair shining in the sunlight were easily picked out. The little princes were soon joined by a boy that could only belong to Hana.
He then noticed two little girls that looked exactly like their mothers once had so many years ago. The dark haired one was clearly Thomas and Amanda's. And just like her mother had done at her age, the little girl was playing with another who had the richest set of red hair Drake had ever seen.
The three year old looked like she had been fashioned in Olivia's very image. Even her green eyes could narrow in an all too familiar irritation when the boys' rough housing got too close to where she was playing.
And just like her mother, her smile blossomed when she saw her father walking over.
Ethan leaned down to pick her up. His own smile was bright as he spoke to his daughter.
Whatever was said had the little girl eagerly nodding her agreement.
He turned to see Olivia staring at him in surprise.
"Hey, Liv." He greeted.
"What are you doing here?"
"Savannah asked me to come for a visit." He explained.
"Ah." She placed her hand on her baby bump when another kick happened. "How have you been?"
"Good." He motioned toward her belly. "Boy or girl?"
"We don't know." She smiled down at her stomach. "Just like with Erin, Ethan and I decided we want to be surprised."
"Congratulations." He said sincerely. "I know you always wanted a family." He looked back toward where her little girl was. "Looks like you and Ethan know what you're doing."
"I think we do." She finally smiled at him.
"I'm happy for you." He managed to say and realized that it was true. If he couldn't be the one she ended up with, at least she had gotten what she wanted most out of life.
"Thank you." She stepped around him and continued toward the play area.
Ethan had been watching for her and began to make his way over to help her down the slope safely. She paused, knowing he would only worry if she tried to go down it on her own.
"Yes, Olivia?"
"It's good to see you again." She smiled once more at him then went on and took her husband's arm.
Drake watched as Ethan tenderly brushed a kiss to her temple. The two laughed at their daughter having had enough of the boys' antics and chasing after them to give them a piece of of her mind.
As he stood there alone, he realized that though there was a faint echo of what could have been, he was finally able to watch them without it hurting.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
Future Past
(Luke is approximately 14 years old)
Lothal was a bit of a strange place to stop, on account of being so bustling with the Empire’s presence. However, for some reason, Ben had insisted on a short stop there and lured him in with that mischievous smirk he would get sometimes and a mention of a surprise. And Luke supposed, he could use the distraction. Of anything, really.
It had been hard; so soon after Ben had forced Boil to leave them. Boil had been Luke’s friend, in a way that he had never had before. He and Ben didn’t stay on a planet long enough for Luke to actually make friends, but Boil had stayed with them for months and it was turning into routine. It became normal. Even squishing him into their little ship wasn’t too bad; Luke was just too happy about just having someone else around. Of course, Qui-Gon stopped by once in a while, but he couldn’t hold his form for very long and generally, he only came when he had something to teach. Luke had been so happy for those couple of months, having someone around to talk to and help and teach and be taught by. He loved Ben, of course, he did, with so much, but there was a difference.
And suddenly that was taken away.
And Luke had been very upset.
After Boil had been sent away, Luke didn’t talk to Ben for nearly a week and even after that, it was only necessary exchanges between them. Which led to their trip to Lothal where they barely made it past the strict incoming traffic regulations and landed in the middle of nowhere.
Meditation, Luke presumed with a frown and the roll of his eyes.
Ben took nothing with him, just gestured for Luke to follow him out into the grasslands. And, as of course, he did, and they walked in silence through the tiny civilization which he knew would be leading out into the actual, literal, middle of nowhere. At least, until Ben had spotted something that had interested in him. After telling Luke to stay where he was and the younger man returning that request with a long, irritated whine and near rebuttal, Ben had left him in the market, hidden away in an alley until he got back.
It wasn’t just hard because of Boil leaving, although that was the core of it. It wasn’t just because Luke had lost pretty much the only friend, he had made that he knew Ben would trust. But Luke had been a bit bitter towards his guardian. Things were a bit more strained than usual, and Luke was holding onto his feelings. The ones that were so upset and angry that he felt like sometimes he could just explode.
Because he finally, finally, had a friend that Ben would approve of. Sure, he was older like Ben, but it was a start, it was something. It was even a person that Ben cared about and trusted. But then he just sent him away and Luke was struggling on forgiving Ben for that.
Lost in thought and his bitterness, Luke was a bit too late to notice the being creeping up on him but realized just enough for avoid the stun coming his way. He didn’t get a good look at his opponent who tried to flip him…only for Luke to bring the being with him and flipped him as well.
It hurt. And no doubt it hurt the other guy too.
The ensuing fight was rather brutal, and Luke had a feeling if he hadn’t been shown so many hand-to-hand moves by Boil, he would have lost. Well, if the fight had gone on any longer than the few moments that it had, he probably would have lost. At least, if Luke hadn’t used the Force. But that would blow their cover.
It was sharp and ruthless with fast strikes that were almost always some kind of hit, whether or not it was the area that it was intended. And for absolute certain, Luke knew he would hurt and be so sore tomorrow. Well, if he liveduntil tomorrow. And by the way things were going with this fight, he wasn’t entirely so sure he would.
The two of them had stopped so abruptly that they both stumbled, nearing falling over one another as they tripped over themselves to stand up and move away, one from the other. Luke felt like he was coughing up the dust the two fighters had kicked into the air, but it was difficult to get enough air in his lungs. He was tired. Ben and another trooper, longer hair and a bandana were standing in their sight line, looking quite unimpressed and frowning, expectantly.
“General Kenobi?”
Luke’s head whipped around to the side, where his opponent was, eyes wide and shocked. The man had ripped off his dark helmet to stare and Luke tried to prevent his double take. Because…. well, because he looked like Boil. Well, not exactly. He didn’t really have much in the way of hair and his skin was a bit ashen, but they looked so similar. Meaning this was a clone. Luke glanced back at Ben and the other man. Another clone.
“Echo,” Ben greeted, quiet and soft with a slight bow. His presence softened at the sight of this former soldier that he knew but he was still guarded, shielded. Luke struggled to understand this sometimes, but Ben had believed the clones had betrayed the jedi and killed all of his family and people for well over a decade. That caution wasn’t just going to go away. But he was trying, and he did his best. “It is good to see you alive and well.”
“Is it?” the clone – Echo – sputtered, obviously a bit surprised at the statement. “Because I have a hard time being glad to see…people like us, knowing what happened.” Luke knew what he was alluding to; how could he not. Everyone knew what had happened, even though there were different stories surrounding it, depending on who one heard it from.
“I know about the chips,” Ben swallowed as his eyes softened further in grief, something misty and far away, like he wasn’t quite in the present. It was for everyone involved, rather tragic. The jedi dead and the troopers brainwashed; the galaxy gone and under the tyranny of the new Galactic Empire. “We found out a few months ago. I am so sorry.”
“I feel like I should be saying that to you,” Echo muttered, shaking his head while the other clone just looked between the both of them. He wondered who he was exactly and how he knew them. “I shouldn’t be surprised you are alive. The 212thalways had rumors about you.”
“Rumors?” Ben mused, an eyebrow raising curiously.
“Yeah. Some of them thought you were unkillable.”
Ben scoffed with several different and varying emotions running through it, some Luke couldn’t quite identify with any amount of certainty. “That is rather ridiculous but, I suppose, their faith in me is… it would have been nice, if things hadn’t worked out the way they did,” Ben said. “I hear you are chasing a bounty. On Luke and myself.”
Echo blinked and shot a glance at Luke before turning back to Ben. “Uh… yes sir. Although, in our defense, we didn’t know it was you.”
“No worries,” Ben shrugged and tucked his hands into the large sleeves of the overcoat of his robe. “And I think you can drop the sir. I am no longer your superior officer, much less a general.”
Echo just smirked faintly. “Of course, sir.”
“Hunter and I just wanted to make sure you and Luke didn’t kill each other,” Ben responded, his tone filling with a form of amusement. “Would you mind keeping him company or entertained while we speak?”
The trooper just nodded. As the two of them walked off to have their talk with the assurance that the clone and boy did not, in fact, kill one another or would for that matter, Echo turned back towards Luke and tried to smile, offering his good hand for Luke to shake. He did, of course. It was only polite. “Sorry about, ya know, hitting you in the face, kid.”
“You can call me Luke,” the younger boy replied but he forced himself to look at him. It was a bit difficult with the similar facial structure of his friend. They looked virtually nothing alike aside from that. Boil had more hair and a bit of a scowl, and his presence was oh so vastly different. Neither were bad or better, but it just kind of made Luke miss Boil. “I’m sorry for nearly busting your vambrace,” he added, gesturing towards the slightly sparking tech inside. Echo just winced but then shrugged and pulled up his other arm which…had a machine attached to it.
“I’ve got it,” he added as he started to poke at it. “Those moves looked familiar. Considering General Kenobi knew about the chips, I guess it is safe to say that you two came in contact with some troopers.”
Luke nodded.
“Anyone I might know?”
“I don’t know in particular if you knew them,” Luke replied as the two of them walked through the little marketplace, slow and steady. Echo continued to work a bit on his partially broken vambrace, and Luke kept his gaze on the varying items that were out for sale in the market. “Commander Cody and Sergeant Boil we found on Vader’s ship.”
The clone paused and stared at him, just kicking up as he stopped in his tracks. Luke paused enough to glance at him, a bit startled. “That…is a lot to unpack. I’m going to skip over the whole Lord Vader thing for now. Cody is alive?”
Luke hesitated and looked away. “No. He’s not.”
Echo sagged in disappointment, but they continued to walk. “Oh…so you…you learned some stuff from the other guy, Boil.”
“He was a part of the 212th, Ben’s immediate battalion,” Luke explained. He didn’t know if Echo knew in particular but he just thought it would be best to clarify. “He was with us for several months before Ben sent him away. He taught me some things and told me a ton of stories. About Ben and the 212th, about Cody, about him and his brother Waxer and all the others.”
“You like stories?”
Luke tried not to look sheepish when he nodded in affirmation.
Echo just grinned. “I have plenty of stories. And trust me, they are some of the most insane and fantastical stories you will hear. My brother, Fives, and I were amidst all sorts of action alongside our general. They called him the Hero with No Fear and he was…something else. His name was Anakin Skywalker.”
Luke barely got to hear a fraction of what Echo had to offer and it just made him even more upset when Ben told him they had to go their separate ways. He wanted more. He needed more. Echo was fun and his stories great and they were about his father! Oh, he wanted to know more!
But Ben was stern, and Hunter was anxious to get back to the rest of their party. Luke somehow convinced them to give the two jedi a ride to their destination, which Ben very reluctantly finally caved to. Luke had a few more minutes and he would use it to the best of his ability. Their destination, as Ben pointed out, was a fairly natural looking structure for Lothal’s environment and the two clones had left near immediately after dropping them off. Luke’s heart just felt heavy.
Ben explained that it was a Jedi Temple and that they would both have to use the force to make the entrance known. It took them a fair amount of time, possibly due to their conflicting feelings on the past events and Luke’s bitterness. But, eventually, it happened and the Temple unraveled to reveal its door way, coming up from the ground.
Ben didn’t say a word.
They walked in. It was musty and disgusting but there was a brief and faint scent of freshness, possibly from someone opening the Temple recently. At least before the last two hundred years. Luke voiced this out loud.
“I would believe so,” Ben hummed as he looked around, running a hand along one of the pillars with a kind of sad reverence. “This is a Jedi Temple and I do believe we will find some guidance here.”
“Guidance for what?”
“Whoever knows,” Ben replied, letting the torches light up in small flickers of flames that lit their way. There were a few skeletons around the floor near the columns. Neither of them tried to look at them, rather avoided them and kept walking deeper. “The Force may use the Temple for varying lessons for any one of us and it is a good place to be to learn something. I dare say you could use some guidance that is not from me.”
Luke just glanced away and swallowed.
It hadn’t been easy between the two of them, that was for sure.
“Are we…splitting up?”
“Your journey is your own,” Ben replied, calm and kind, although there was something underneath that Luke couldn’t identify. “Just as mine will be mine. Why don’t you start that way? It smells less musty.”
Luke glanced to where he gestured. “Okay,” he replied and looked back to Ben, but he had already disappeared. Even for someone at his age with as much grey hairs as he had, he was surprisingly quick and sneaky. “Okay,” he repeated to himself with a sharp exhale. He turned towards the doorway and took one of the torches before heading in.
He didn’t know how long he walked or how he lost his torch. For a while, he was in the dark. Everything was so silent it was eerie and rather disturbing, making Luke exceptionally uncomfortable.
And then. And then things changed.
And that change was so sudden and so real and the reason he was here seemed to mush in his mind. He didn’t exactly remember where he was or what exactly he was supposed to be doing. But he stopped when he felt it. Luke stepped into a gorgeous garden, grass tickling at his legs, soft and lush with the crashing of waterfalls bubbling over his ears. It was a sound he would never get bored of; ever since the first time he had seen one. There were walkways winding around the land, with patches of flowers and a few trees, full bearing of fruit and leaves, dotting the grounds. It was so beautiful.
He wanted to know off his boots and just…relish in the feeling.
It was warm here. Not the kind of heat that was oppressive and ongoing and just made one want to lie down in their room and not move, ever. But the kind that would come and go just enough for comfort, something of joy and kindness. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, taking in those good feelings and the brisk freshness of the air.
There was a joyful shout, and he opened his eyes. Ther were children running over a hill chasing one another and reaching out with huge grins on their faces and sparkling eyes full of laughter and playfulness. Luke blinked.
And then again.
There were…people here?
He paused and stared in wonderment. Maybe…maybe they were jedi. They were in a Temple. Right? That was where he was. Right, right, he and Ben had went into a Jedi Temple. Made sense, perhaps, that there would be remnants of jedi here…right?
Maybe there were survivors.
Survivors, Luke thought numbly. It sounded too good to be true. He had to find Ben. He had to tell him what he had discovered.
“Luke!” a voice called, cheerfully. He spun around and stared at the being, blankly as a he strode up; a Kel Dor if he wasn’t mistaken, walked to him, hands tucked into his sleeves, similar to the way Ben did when he was wearing a large cloak. “Initiate Luke,” he corrected with a chuckle and although his face was incapable of smiling with the mask that he wore, Luke was pretty sure he was grinning on the inside.
“Initiate?” Luke echoed, questioningly.
“Yes,” the being chuckled again and gestured to him up and down. “The step before becoming a padawan, of course.” Luke looked down at the light-colored tunics he was in. These…were not his clothes.
“I can be a padawan?” he murmured.
“Of course!” the Kel Dor teased but he sounded warm and kind, although a bit surprised on Luke’s questioning about his place here. “You have done very well in your classes. You are well on your way to becoming a great jedi.”
“There are no more jedi…besides Ben,” Luke replied numbly as his mind sparked. Of course, Ben. That was what he was supposed to do. He needed to find Ben, tell him about this, about these…jedi he had discovered. At least, Luke thought they were jedi.
“Nonsense, Initiate,” the Kel Dor said, with a light shake of his head, amusement filling his voice. He waved around the garden, gesturing to other beings that had now entered and were mingling around. There were so many, of different ages and appearances and species. Most were speaking to one another, in groups of two to several. “There are many,” he assured as he made Luke look. “And you must only choose.”
“Choose?” he sounded too much like an echo.
“A master.”
Sure enough, some of those around were speaking with children that were dressed like Luke. Some were hugging, being led away by the respective masters with their hand or appendage in the other’s. They were choosing and being chosen, Luke realized. Initiates being chosen as padawans. Initiates choosing their masters.
“I can choose?”
“Well,” the being pointed out as he put a hand on Luke’s shoulder. He nearly startled; only Ben and Boil had generally touched him. The Kel Dor didn’t seem to notice. “It is a mutual thing. However, I was hoping to ask you.”
“Ask me?”
“To be my padawan,” the master suggested and turned to face him straight on. “You are kind, driven and compassionate. You would do well under my tutelage. What do you say, Initiate? Would you like to be my padawan?”
Luke stared for an embarrassingly long time because that just…it seemed impossible. He had always wanted to be a jedi; especially a padawan, for as long as he knew what a padawan was. Ben never technically denied him outright or said no. Rather, he would just tell him how dangerous that term was, and they had better not speak of it again. Luke didn’t always listen. “I…I’m sorry, sir – master – but I don’t think so. I need to find my guardian.”
“Unfortunate,” the master hummed, shaking his head and he sounded genuinely disappointed. Luke hated doing that to him but something about this just didn’t seem right. Something else at play. “Good luck, I suppose then. I hope you find what you are looking for.”
“I’m looking for Ben,” Luke replied, glancing around. When he turned back, the Kel Dor was gone. It was like he had disappeared right out of the thin air. After what Luke had seen Ben do, he couldn’t be terrible surprised if the jedi had been capable of that, but he thought it was rather unlikely. “This is rather strange.”
“Quite not,” someone else said. Another master was behind him again and Luke turned around towards him. He was older, with long greying hair.
“Master…?” he questioned.
He frowned. “Master Drallig. Better work on that memory, initiate. A master will not want to train a child who cannot even remember their name.”
“Yes master,” he replied.
“You are up next.”
“The Exhibition match,” Master Drallig frowned deeper. “Come on, initiate! Get your head in the game! Prospective masters are watching.”
“Of course. Of course,” Luke nodded and jogged off to where the master gestured. Even though he had no idea where this was, what was happening or what exactly he was supposed to be doing, his body seemed to know, and he just moved with it. He spent hours in the exhibition, sparring and fighting against other students, moving on to next rounds as he won bouts.
It was like he had been training and readying himself for this for his entire life. And it was an amazing feeling.
Luke didn’t know if he won the exhibition match or, rather, if anyone had or could. He just remembered doing several fights and moving on until he found himself back in the depths of the garden again, away from the tournament itself and amidst other masters. He was having an increasingly difficult time reminding himself that this wasn’t real and his goal here.
All he knew was that this was his chance to become a padawan.
He just had to find someone that felt right.
So, Luke went through the garden, every so often someone asking him to be their padawan but none of them felt quite right. Or perhaps they felt too right to be true. It hardly mattered; something niggled in the back of his mind, reminding him he had a goal and a purpose. He just kept forgetting what that was exactly. He was getting desperate. Nothing felt quite right. But he was running out of time and options. It was getting harder to say no. By the time Qui-Gon Jinn came around with his request, there were barely any masters left. He was so kind and gentle and a familiar face. Luke wanted to wrap himself in the cloak like he did with…
Luke stuttered and took off, leaving Master Jinn without an answer. Rude, perhaps, but Luke was running out of time. He had to find Ben. Because Ben. The light that appeared before him was blinding and devastating but Luke knew. He knew. It was his father.
“Hey kiddo.”
Luke swallowed. This…this was something he had always wanted. To meet his father. It seemed like an impossible dream. Because it was. Impossible.
His father began to speak and oh! Was Luke so starstruck! It was his father! The famous jedi! The hero with no fear! Ben’s friend, his brother…
Luke stopped.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked out. “I can’t talk. I have to find Ben.”
His father stared at him with a serious frown, his face perfect and smooth, with the locks of his hair framing his face that made Luke too easily calm. He looked right; perfect. Like Luke had always imagined his father to be. There was something missing about his face, but Luke couldn’t quite put his finger on what. He supposed, at this point, it hardly mattered. “Isn’t this what you always wanted? Your greatest dream? To meet me? To talk to me?”
“I have to find Ben before it’s too late,” Luke tried to reason, and he found it difficult to tear his eyes away from his father to look around for his guardian.
“So, he’s more important than me? I am your father!”
“And I want to be a jedi. Like you. Like Ben.”
“I can teach you, I can teach you much better than that insecure relic of an age long gone,” his father insisted, determined and strong. Luke’s brows just scrunched together with a deepening frown because that didn’t quite sound right. His father loved Ben, they were friends, brothers. He couldn’t imagine him saying something rather rude and disrespectful like this about him. “I am your father.”
“I know,” Luke replied with a hard swallow. So much was running through his head. It was so hard to keep track. “But this…I need to do this. I want to be a jedi and that means sacrifice. Letting go.”
His father reeled back and scowled, his eyes blazing with heat and color and lines scratching into the sides of his face, barely noticeable but it was almost all Luke could see. “You would trade this – everything you ever wanted – me, the jedi, this world, for him?”
“This isn’t real,” Luke responded, sadly as he forced himself to stare at his father, into his eyes. Direct and resolute. “And Ben…even if he wasn’t destined to be my jedi master, I would choose him every time,” he backed away, one foot after another. It had started out slow, but he knew he didn’t have a lot of time. “I will still dream of truly meeting you,” he said and then began to run. It was all he could do to keep himself from staying, from staying and losing everything else but the feeling of dreams. All he could feel was the heat burning into his back as he ran off. And he just kept running. His feet began to ache, and he tripped over them in embarrassing frequency.
Still nothing. There was no one in sight of the garden anymore.
“Ben! Please!” he begged, finally tripping to a halt. He nearly fell, exhausted and out of breath as he tried to catch up. He didn’t have much more time; it was running out. “Please. Please. I just…I just want to be a jedi.” His chest started to heave, and tears threatened to overtake his vision. “Please.”
There was a brief silence.
“Well, if a jedi is all you wanted to be, there were plenty of masters willing to teach you. I have no doubt you had plenty of offers.”
Luke scrambled to turn because that voice; oh he knew that voice. “Ben!” he cried, happily, tears coming out in relief as he caught sight of his guardian. He looked a bit younger, less weary. The bags under his eyes were less noticeable and the only real wrinkles around his face were that in the corners of his eyes from smiling.
“Hello, Beacon.”
“I want to be a jedi,” he promised as he got closer to him. “I hope you never question my commitment.”
Ben hummed. “You have made your desire to become a jedi rather clear. You had plenty of chance. Master Koon, Master Jinn, even your father.”
“You saw that?”
He smiled but shrugged. “You said no to all of them. Why?”
“Because of you.”
“I’m holding you back?” he asked, incredulously. He looked torn and almost offended, almost horrified at the prospect. It was laughable to Luke but apparently Ben had taken that very seriously. Luke wondered what that meant; why he would react in such a way.
Luke choked out a laugh and shook his head, rather vehemently. “No Ben. Never. I didn’t want anyone else. And I know it’s important. You are always my choice. You were always my choice.”
Present Past
Iyah, one of the slaves that Siri and Luke had freed from the little temporary quarters that the troopers had been held in had a hiding place for them until the group figured out what to do next. Siri still had her disguise of a slave trader and with all the traffic and bustle of the up-and-coming auction, it was easy to move and blend in with the crowds when Luke and Siri’s smoke bombs erupted upon Luke’s presence being found missing. Iyah’s former master had died as of recently and she was in the auction house because her master’s family was going to sell her. It would be some time before the rest of the family went through all of his things and house, so they had a fairly secure hiding place until then. Luke didn’t think that they would be at the house that long.
The smoke from their little distraction is noticeable, even to those out in the streets and far from the palace but they were practically harmless. Just enough to mask their presence and allow them to escape. Wrapping the troopers in cloaks, they moved through the curious crowds that watched as the smoke puffed from the palace windows and doors.
The house that Iyah brings them to is out of the way and not something that someone would come to immediately, as it is just a bit off the streets. The other slaves mostly huddled on their own, leaving the jedi and troopers to their own devices but Iyah just eyes Luke up, warily and announces her intention to make food for everyone as she comes back to bring them a first aid kit; probably one that she knew her master had on hand. Most beings had something of the sort.
“You don’t have to do that, ma’am,” Captain Rex tried to assure her quickly, in some attempt to convince her that she had nothing to fear from them; that she had no obligation to feed any of them.
Luke met her eyes for a moment, and she frowned at the trooper, but she doesn’t say anything. She just turned and nearly stormed back to the kitchen.
Fives was itching to speak, to ask for answers. Luke didn’t have to be force sensitive to know how eager and pressed he was for such things. He didn’t want to explain everything at the moment; he hurt, and he was tired, but he knew it was inevitable. Eventually, Fives could not quite continue to keep it all in. It hadn’t been long. Most of them were still trying to just catch their breath.
“I think it is about time you tell us what is going on,” Fives started, his jaw clenching. If nothing else, Luke had to admire his persistence and pursuit for answers and justice.
Luke sighed and tried to sit up further. They were all on the floor, mostly collapsed over themselves in their exhaustion but Waxer helped him and let him lean against his solid shoulder. “I can tell him about some things, if you want,” he suggested, gently.
The boy knew the trooper was being genuine. Boil had told Luke so much about Waxer in the months that he had with him, and he didn’t seem to downplay how kind and good Waxer was. Luke hoped he could keep him alive, if only for Boil’s sake but he couldn’t help but value him above and beyond. He hadn’t been around for long but trusting Waxer felt near like second nature.
“I knew you were keeping secrets,” Fives frowned at the Lieutenant, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. Waxer, took it in stride, barely shrugging and projecting a show of simple acceptance. Fives kept going with a stream of questions and a demand for answers. “What do you know? What is going on? Does this have anything to do with what happened with Krell? Or why we were put under him and not ourGeneral. Or how about the fact that General Kenobi came back to the Resolute on a stretcher?”
“One at a time, Fives,” Rex interrupted, flatly with a tired sigh. It perhaps, wasn’t exactly the right thing to say at the moment.
“And you, you have been keeping secrets too,” Fives shot at him, his frowning deepening. He was so frustrated and scared; Luke could feel it. He couldn’t entirely blame the trooper; the situation was intense and strange. Sometimes with one’s most intense emotions, in the moment, they could not be shielded. It was easier for a jedi because they trained for that sort of thing, but most other beings didn’t even know the existence of shields; not really. “You know it as well but decided, hey, let’s not tell your troops. Maybe some of them would still be alive if you had.”
Rex’s jaw clenched and Luke lurched forward, ready to defend. It wasn’t his fault and Luke hardly thought it mattered knowing what he knew would have changed anything. Luke hadn’t known specifically Krell was a traitor or any specifics on the Umbara campaign but that didn’t make the losses they encountered hurt any less.
“Enough,” Master Tachi nearly barked. She was still standing for a moment and towered over the rest of them, coming back from getting some pillows and blankets from the others. They weren’t great, probably not even that comfortable, but it would do. “This is getting none of us anywhere. I am certain they all have good explanations for what information they have and the lack of flow of it.” At the very least, she seemed to believe it.
Luke shook his head, mostly to himself, and tried to organize his thoughts and what exactly he would say. He didn’t want to tell the 501st, only because of how close they were with his father and due to Palpatine being around his father all the time… secrecy was crucial. “Look, okay,” he started, trying to catch up with himself. It was not particularly easy. He didn’t even know if they would believe him. Others had taken it fairly well; the 212th’s faith in Ben and Cody’s reasoning was helpful, as well as Master Vos’s abilities. But most of these guys were from the 501st; Luke didn’t know if they had that type of faith or belief. “This is…the galaxy depends on total, complete and absolute secrecy. Absolute. You cannot tell anyone,” he stressed as best he could.
“Why not?” Jesse asked, genuinely curious.
“We have to be very careful on the flow of this because there are people we cannot trust and I don’t know all of them,” Luke started to explain, his voice nearly rocky as he spoke. He didn’t particularly want to because well, it was complicated and in all honesty, he had no idea what exactly all he would be revealing to these people. “I don’t know all the people I cannot trust in this time,” he tried to clarify with a bit of a wince. “Some of the 212th knows a bit of what I explained, but for the most part, only Master Vos, Commander Cody and maybe Ben…er Master Kenobi knows most of it.”
Rex tensed up a little, his eyes turning a bit sharper as he stared at Luke at the mention of his closest brother. Luke tried to ignore the shielded feelings Rex was hiding. They weren’t exactly the most positive ones and Luke’s heightened ability with the force let him see, even through some of the thickest of shields. It wasn’t something he particularly liked but sometimes it seemed too apparent for him to ignore. And in Rex’s case, he found out that one of his closest brother was keeping secrets from him. “Cody knows all of what you know?”
“I explained some things to him,” Luke confessed, not quite meeting Rex’s eyes. He barely got to know Cody at all in the future; as they were only with one another for an hour or two, but he had heard plenty from both Ben and Boil. “Please don’t get mad at him. It’s my family. I’m sorry. I asked him not to tell you.”
“Why?” Rex replied steadily, keeping his voice completely void of too many feelings that Luke could feel. “You seemed like you trusted me.”
“I do,” Luke insisted quickly and then, embarrassingly enough, his mouth ran off with him. “You aren’t the breach.”
“The breach?” Rex’s brows creased as he stared at the boy. “Who is?”
“If you act strange, Skywalker will know…” Luke drifted off, uneasily as his hands shuffled in his lap his gaze turning down. Speaking of his father was strange, especially when he was very strict on not letting anyone know what Anakin was too him. He still had to wrap his own head around all of this; he didn’t need everyone else’s opinions and thoughts on the matter yet.
“No way. NotGeneral Skywalker,” Fives insisted, nearly moving to stand up to make his point. Both Jesse and Tup pulled him down to keep him sitting but Fives was absolute. “He is loyal to the Republic; whatever happened… it is not his fault.”
Luke ignored him, fiddling with his hands. It wasn’t completely complicated he thought, at least, the line of who should and should not know the future, but it was complicated for Luke. Being in the era with his father, when he is so young and not completely evil and trying to kill him and such, it was strange. It would only be stranger when Ben came to get him, and he had to explain why he wasn’t geekingout over the fact he was getting to meet the man. “Look, a lot happened and a lot more that I don’t know. And then the Chancellor will get wind of things,” he replied, slowly, unsure how this would end up going. It was certainly an intense accusation and not one he was completely sure how others would react to. “He is not someone we can trust.”
There was a brief moment of absolute silence.
And then…
“You can’t be serious?”
“What are you trying to say?”
“This is absolutely ridiculous!”
“He’s the leaderof the Republic.”
“Why don’t you want him to know?”
“How do you know about this?”
“What happened?”
“What did he do?”
“The Chancellor…how bad is it?” Siri asked, her voice rising above the others; something stern but calm and solid. Luke wasn’t entirely sure if it was actually louder or just something he could hear better over the others. She looked over at him, believing and serious. It was hard to wrap his head around. She just…believed him. She didn’t even know who he was. He didn’t know how she had that kind of faith in him or why she did, but he was incredibly grateful.
“The worst you can imagine,” he choked out.
Siri paused and took a seat near him with a few moments of silence to mull this over. Everyone let her have the moment, trying not to stare as she took what time she was given to think about things and come to her own conclusion. “The Sith master,” she guessed, her jaw clenching as she said it and glanced up at him. He nodded. “How do you know this?”
He hesitated and glanced at Waxer, who nodded encouragingly, and then Rex who just stared, ready and knowing. Luke turned back to Siri, eyes glazing over the others while he could vaguely feel Waxer’s presence near him. “Well…” he started, shifting, still uneasy. He sighed and then took another breath, readying himself for actually saying it again and the fallout of what he was about to reveal. “I guess the simplest way to say it is that I am from the future.”
“Now I know you’re kidding,” Fives shook his head as an only partially amused smile stretched on his face, but he turned serious and partially irritated as he continued with a scoff. “That is your big secret? Some sort of sick prank? What was this? Some terrible plan convoluted to try and get Dooku’s attention or something? I have no idea what your plan or goal was but guess what? It didn’t work.”
“He’s not lying,” Waxer insisted, leaning towards Luke and forward towards Fives at the same time, protective and relentless. He calmed himself but continued, just as strong and solid and ready. “Originally,” he glanced over at the boy. “Luke was born a little over a year from now, right when the war ends.”
“We have a year left?” Checkerboard whined.
“Who wins?”
“The Sith win,” Luke pushed out because it was the truth. Everyone else had been losers in this war because even though the jedi and troopers did everything they could to protect people, it was still a trap. Mostly for the jedi of course, but for this, in this, it turned out just as horrible for the troopers as well. “No one really wins but him. Trust me. The galaxy after the war is so much worse.”
“The Jedi….” Waxer sighed and Luke took his hand, squeezing it, gentle and assuring. Luke hadn’t been around at the time; he hadn’t been a jedi. But Waxer, even though he was technically around, he had taken it even worse than some of the others. Even the prospect of this happening, to them, to anyone, was horrifying. But it was something that it appeared he needed to get through. “The Jedi are killed, virtually all of them. And we do it. There are…some kind of chips in our brains that make us practically droids and we kill all of them.”
The silence was palpable.
No one could even completely imagine the implications of what he was saying.
“It’s gotta come out,” Rex said suddenly, shuddering out of his stupor. Fives reached out for him, but Rex jerked out of the way, and he stood up, as if that would make some kind of difference. “I work closely with Commander Tano! She’s fifteen!”
“We have to wait until we get back to the ship,” Waxer answered instead, looking up kindly and understanding. “We can’t do it now.”
“I need it out,” Rex muttered.
“Can’t you just use your jedi magic to get it out?” Checkerboard asked.
“I…” Luke shifted. “No. I can’t. I have the power but not the precision. Me and Ben, we had to do it together when we didn’t have medical equipment. I did it by accident with Boil.”
“How did you do it with him?”
“I uh…kind of slammed him into a wall,” Luke replied with a sheepish look.
“If you and General Kenobi were able to do that, can’t you and General Tachi do the same thing?”
Luke winced. “No. Not that she isn’t capable, but we don’t know each other, not like that. It’s hard to explain.”
“General Kenobi will be here quickly,” Waxer assured. “And when he does, we can get out of here and you can get the chip out.” Afterwards, Luke got himself around to talking a bit more on what was going on, although not giving quite enough as he did in the first time around with those in the 212th that Commander Cody had brought with him. The troopers popped in with questions that Luke tried to answer the best he could, but Master Tachi stayed quiet, waiting and listening quietly.
“He lived through it,” Siri says, near inaudibly, shaking her head. The troopers were talking amongst one another, although he wasn’t entirely sure what they were talking about; he just stared at the master. This was kind of amazing, he thought, getting to meet so many people that he had never thought he would be able to. His father, Master Vos, Master freaking Siri Tachi. “The genocide and devastation of the jedi; our people. Of course he did. As if he hadn’t gone through enough.”
Their gazes met and he tried to shoot her a small smile.
The door opened and Iyah brought them a few trays of food. Luke recognized the meal; he had seen it once in a while when Aunt Beru helped out fleeing or freed slaves back on Tatooine when he was a child. He accepted it gratefully with a quiet thank you in another tongue and they ate for a moment in quiet and peace, although the knowledge about the chips were still hanging over their heads. Every time someone tried to say something, they were shut down within moments.
By the time they were done with the meal, Master Tachi politely excused herself and Luke as well, to his surprise and pulled him out of the room. It was a flimsy excuse that Luke thought sounded rather ridiculous, but the troopers seemed to buy. Maybe this was a jedi thing. He hoped he would get to learn. She took the first aid kit with her and sat him down at a table away from the others.
“Come on, take off the armor,” she said.
Luke blinked but did what he was told.
“Dooku gave you some nice robes,” she murmured but barely waited a second for an answer. “Take them off please. I know you have a wound underneath there. You want to tell me how you got it?”
Luke continued to do as he was told and tried to wrangle himself out of the dark robes, after he carefully set aside the armor pieces in a pile nearby. “A lightsaber. He wanted to watch me fight Krell again.”
Her eyebrows creased. “Krell? As in Pong Krell?”
“He’s a traitor,” Luke muttered.
“Why were you with him?”
“We fought on Umbara. I…we almost won,” Luke replied, as she started to clean and disinfect the area around the wound. It hurt to move, most of the time, and he hated looking at it. Vaguely, he wondered if it would scar. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He explained how Krell had set up the troops during the campaign and how Luke had just barely stopped it in time, although not early enough it seemed.
“You were alone?” she noted with a frown.
“Ask. I know you want to,” Luke just smiled, faintly.
“You know who I was,” she continued, barely sparing him a glance.
“Yes. Ben…uhm… Obi-Wan talked about you,” he nearly ducked with the embarrassment. No one knew him as Ben around here, no one but him. He would have to get used to calling him by his given name. Or, if he was really lucky, perhaps Master Kenobi. Or something of the sort. Long had Luke wanted to be a padawan – Ben’s padawan – but things were doing so fast and so far, he tried not to cling to that type of hope.
“You can call him Ben,” Siri shrugged, lightly as she smiled gently at him. “I understand who you refer to.”
The conversation wasn’t exactly light at all times, but it bounced around a lot. Neither of them had a particular direction they were going through, although, of course, it would mostly be about Obi-wan. He was really the only thing they both had in common. What Luke knew about her wasn’t a whole ton as a person, as Ben tended to tell him the best and most amazing things about the people he loved, but Luke was not against getting to know her now, while he still could. He had no idea how long he would be able to stay in the past; if this was his present now or if he would have to return to his own. “He carried around your warming crystal every day,” Luke said instead, trying to catch Siri’s eyes. He did and she looked down at her necklace, a thin rope that wrapped around a near pulsing and slightly luminescent crystal.
She looked back up at him and stopped for a moment to stare.
Luke didn’t know what it meant but he knew what to say. “He loves you.”
Ben was full of love. It was something that Luke had known for a long time. How different it must be, as Ben in this time and place had so many people to love that were still alive. The entirety of the Jedi Order, the troops he had befriended, his other friends across the galaxy, those he had loved in a slightly different way… it was no longer the kind nostalgia and memory type of love that Luke knew.
These people were alive now; at the very least, some of them. This would change so much. And he couldn’t wait to feel that type of love in Ben for this time. He was kind, of course, even when they were on the run. Luke could feel it when they met people, especially those Luke knew. Any troopers they came across, Cody and Boil and Bail Organa. And Master Vos; oh, Luke had remembered how happy Obi-Wan had felt; the love he had projected. Luke rarely questioned Ben’s love: he tried to show it in many ways that may have not always been the most apparent.
“I’ve known that for a very long time,” Siri replied, her voice quiet and kind. She hesitated and smiled to herself, as if remembering something amusing but important. “He loves so many, so much. It often brings him so much pain.”
No matter what Obi-Wan lost, he still kept being himself, in the light, was still giving out his kindness. “He told me about you,” Luke confessed, his chest warming. He never really got to talk about this, as Ben was almost always the only person he could talk to. It just wasn’t the same.
“What did he say?” She couldn’t help her curiosity, looking up at him with an amused but cautious glance, her lips curling up just enough.
He matched her expression. “I can’t imagine you being unable to guess.”
She grinned, her smile widening into something more mischievous. “Indulge me.”
“He knew you well, the longest I suppose. At least, it seemed like it, out of the people he loved in that way,” he explained, his smile softening as he thought back to the things he had learned from Ben over the years and what he could pull out of the older jedi. There was times Ben was easier to get answers from and other times Luke had to beg for something; anything. He didn’t like to guilt trip, but it was easy sometimes, there was very little else to do when they were in hyperspace, stuck in the tiny little space that was their ship for so many years. “You knew him, well, perhaps better than most, I think. He seemed to think so. He’s sad a lot of things. How talented you were with a lightsaber, strong willed and independent; determined and so focused. He said you were beautiful and had short blonde hair and liked jumpsuits. And you know, the obvious, that you were amazing.”
Siri choked down a laugh.
Luke didn’t give her enough time to answer and continued, glancing down at his hands and stripped his gloves from them. “I asked him about those he had fell in love with after I asked about my mother,” he explained quietly. “I don’t think it was easy for him to talk about that, considering his past, but I was young. I didn’t understand and I…I wanted to know.”
“Who is your mother?”
He shifted around, suddenly uneasy. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Master Tachi because of course he did. Even if he didn’t trust her just from what Ben had told him and such, she had helped him, had gotten him out of Dooku’s clutches and helped him rescue the troopers. But this was a whole different level and honestly, Luke had never had to deal with this before. His parents, they were alive, and he had to deal with that, eventually. “It’s complicated.”
“It’s someone Obi-Wan knew,” she mused, unfazed by his inability to give a straight answer. “Rather well, if he had such answers for you. If he could describe her and tell you about her in a way that would make you ask.”
“Master Tachi,” Luke warned, swallowing heavily.
“Senator Padme Amidala.”
Oh wow, she was good.
“How did you know?”
“I am rather observant,” she shrugged. “Comes with the job, I suppose. One has to be in my line of work. I’ve met her a couple of times. Obi-Wan has talked about her too, as he often is around her and working with her. At least, more than some others. Between those things and when you saw collars on the clones…” she drifted off, pointedly. He swallowed nervously, glancing down.
“Your initial anger was Skywalker. Something almost personal and hot; I could feel it through the Force; it burned through my shields, even though we do not have a bond. It was easy to know, and I know it well, as I have trained around Skywalker plenty of times before. The cold fury, however, was Obi-Wan. You didn’t scream and hit something; you weren’t exactly calm, but you weren’t crazy either; just furious. It is something I have seen him do to hide his anger when he was older and it is very cold. But how you handled it? With the righteous fury and reckless abandon, with making a snap choice with little plan? To free the slaves, you could and get them out of there? I’ve seen that kind of thing before when I have been in Senate meetings or hearing about them even. I’ve seen it before. That is all Padme Amidala.”
Luke looked up to stare at her in some kind of awe because he had barely told her anything about his parents. He had barely told anyone anything about his parents. Cody knew simply from knowing Obi-Wan and remembering a holo he had shown. Master Vos knew it from Luke’s own memories. But Siri, she simply deduced. Ben wasn’t kidding when he said she was amazing. It made the boy wonder about the others Ben had known as amazing and how great they were in their respective talents. “I…you are as good as Ben says,” he confessed.
“That’s nothing,” she shrugged, and Luke had to believe it. Or, at the very least, Siri herself believed it wasn’t that impressive. Luke couldn’t quite tell if it was confidence or ego or simple honesty; he didn’t know her or anyone else for that matter, like that. “Obi-Wan and I…our padawans were around the same age,” she explained, and brought back up bacta patches to put on his wound to help it heal up quicker and cleaner. “We did missions together. Trained together. I’ve known Skywalker as a teenager. You have his sandy blonde hair and unstoppable drive.”
He really hoped that was a good thing. He had only ever really had Ben’s perspective and thoughts on his father which were a bit skewed. It wasn’t that they were wrong, but Luke knew for certain that he didn’t tell him whole truths, not nearly as much about the faults. It had taken Luke quite some time to understand exactly why. The fact of the matter was Ben had wanted Luke to love his father, to know him as his best self rather than the faults and monster that he eventually became. It had been hard to swallow for some time and Luke still wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about it; it was something he continuously had to work through and was. “Wow…you really figured that out quick.”
“With your whole-time travel thing,” she leaned back a bit to get a better look at his wound and brought out the bandages to keep the bacta on, as well as clean alongside the wound itself. “And Obi-Wan knowing your parents so well to tell you about them….I was just open to any possibility. That is hardly the craziest option.”
“I’m not my father.”
She glanced at him, certainly a form of understanding in her gaze. He wondered what that meant. How she could understand such a thing, from which he was feeling. It was something he had to tell himself since he had learned what his father had become. Before that, he wanted nothing more to be like his father. Ben had told Luke some of the most fantastical things about Anakin Skywalker and how much Luke would have been loved by him. How much he was loved. Ben didn’t generally make comparisons between them like that; it was rather a seldom occurrence. But after learning Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader, the beast that was constantly chasing and trying to kill them; it had taken Luke a length of time to come to terms with several different things that were connected to that. Whether or not Anakin Skywalker was evil or not, Luke wasn’t him. He shouldn’t be him. Luke should be Luke.
He was still trying to figure out who that was.
“Of course not,” Master Tachi assured readily. “You are Luke.”
“No, I mean…” he sighed. She was right, of course, but that wasn’t quite the point he was trying to make. But, as the moment passed, she seemed to understand still.
“I understand,” Siri nodded. “You are not Anakin Skywalker and similarities or comparisons between the two of you doesn’t mean you do or say the same things. Blood is not everything.”
He nodded and glanced away as she got up to start wrapping around his shoulder and torso, weaving between his appendage to get the best available lock for the bandages with the best range of motion. For some reason, the conversation skipped over again. He didn’t really want to talk about his father; he knew that would certainly be coming in the future. “I hope he came back with me.”
“A coma was mentioned,” she hummed but he could feel and hear the under currents of concern shifting through her voice.
“Yeah. He was in some kind of unexplainable coma when I…. left,” he said carefully. If she noticed his hesitation, she did not seem to be inclined to mention it or point it out. “I’m pretty sure he is awake now. I just don’t know if he came back with me.”
“He won’t abandon you.”
Oh, she sounded so sure.
“Perhaps,” he choked out instead.
“I will not either,” she nudged him, his good shoulder, from the back. He caught a glimpse of a ready and determined smile. “Would you like a partner?”
He chuckled, his chest softening as the conversation turned a little gentler. He quite enjoyed and appreciated the change of pace. “I think Waxer might get offended,” he pointed out. It was a joke, because of course it was. He didn’t know how Waxer felt, not exactly. But he did seem rather inclined to stay by Luke’s side and that was also something he could appreciate. He had plenty of experience with other clones, but it had always been so short, save for Boil’s time with them in the future…past? Luke’s past. But Boil hadn’t been allowed to stay. Luke had been rather upset with Ben for quite some time after that.
She laughed, completely unbothered and unoffended by the notion. “We can make a squad. How does that sound?” she asked, tightening the bandages a little. It was uncomfortable but he knew the pressure would be better in the end.
He grinned, trying to turn his head towards her. “Save Galaxy and Destroy Sith Squad.”
If anyone could help him destroy the Sith, he couldn’t be surprised if she ended up being one of them. Of course, there were others he would like on that squad too.
“SGaDSS,” she snickered as she finished up and came back to his front to tie it off. It was some kind of silent and mutual agreement and they high fived. Both of their hands were sweaty, from the heat and warmth of the planet but his heart was soaring that it hardly mattered. She was a jedi and he got to meet her. He got to meet another of Ben’s friends, loved ones. “You talk kind of like him,” she said after they stopped laughing and sat down, settling against the wall. She had brought over some pillows and blankets from closet in the corner so they could lean against them instead of just the hard floor and wall.
“Who? Anakin?”
“No,” she chuckled, waving her hand. “Obi-Wan. He could be so sarcastic, so quippy. He could verbally keep up with anyone. The way he jokes with and about his troopers. The way he follows those he cares about into the fires of Hell,” she glanced away and shook her head, once again almost lost in thoughts and memories. “Just… part of the reason he is a good person to be around, to be friends with.”
He and Ben had talked a lot about love and compassion and kindness. The different types and the roles they could play in life. But love was still love, in any form. No one was higher or more important than another. It was a lesson that Luke had found solace in. “He always told me that loving someone was enough. Time and distance don’t exist when it comes to love.”
“Apparently he is very wise in the future,” Siri hummed and suddenly he was leaning against her. He was tired, because of course he was, but this was easier, just leaning on her and almost ready to fall asleep or something. He had been tired a lot lately. He wondered if it was because of the time travel. At least he hadn’t been in a coma, like Ben.
“He doesn’t…” Luke drifted off, trying to find the words but his mind was starting to get heavy. “Always make sense but he tries.”
“That’s Obi-Wan for ya,” Siri chuckled and scooted a little closer to him, possibly to make things more comfortable for either of them, or both.
“This will be the longest I have been around a jedi that wasn’t Ben,” Luke muttered.
“It hasn’t even been a day.”
Well, considering he had only met one jedi before and that was for a very short time, it wasn’t exactly hard to compete. “I have met one other jedi and it was barely for an hour,” Luke replied with a huff. “I was in a galaxy so dark, so few jedi. But here, in this time, here I have been around Skywalker, Ahsoka, Master Tiin, Master Vos… I…”
“Quinlan was there?” Siri asked, suddenly interrupting and a bit surprised.
“He came to help Ben, I’m pretty sure,” Luke replied, his heart catching pace and moving a little quicker than normal. He liked Master Vos; he was very interesting and was the only other real jedi he had met in his own past. And Ben seemed to really care about and love him too. But if he was a danger to Ben… Why? Is that…bad?”
“No, not at all,” she shook her head, blonde hair swaying a bit. “They just haven’t hung around each other for a while.”
“They’re friends.”
“Yes. Very much so,” she paused and studied him, glancing down at her shoulder where he was resting near her. “You should take a nap.”
“What? Why?” he snorted but even he knew it was obvious. He was tired.
“You heal when you sleep,” she replied bluntly and then paused before continuing, like she needed to have some sort of explanation and clarification. “We have a medic friend.”
“Bant,” he hummed. Another person Ben knew and loved and talked about. He wondered if she was still alive; he didn’t remember when she died. If she was still around; he would like to meet her. They could probably exchange notes on their caring regiments for Ben.
“She’s right,” a new yet soft and familiar voice creeps into Luke’s ability to hear. Both of them glance up in the door way where Waxer was standing, partially void of armor with his arms crossed against his chest, frowning disappointedly. He shook his head and was very clear about expressing how he felt. “And I’m not happy you didn’t say something about being hurt.” He barely gave them a moment before he walked over and asked for permission to sit next to them. Luke practically took his arm and dragged the trooper down to their level. He was so warm, and kind and his presence just curled around his. Even though there were only half a dozen troopers, it was an overwhelming sense of good feelings and warmth that Luke wasn’t used to.
Luke didn’t talk much, his brain becoming heavy and tired as the moments passed on until he was barely conscious. At some point, another trooper came in, but Luke’s eyes had already been closed as his mind started to move towards sleep mode. There was talking and footsteps. Luke tried to reach out into the force, towards that warm something that had entered, and he heard a door shut. A few chuckles.
By that time, he is sound asleep and knows nothing.
The second part of the explosion was what woke them as it was very audible and even shook the ground what they were laid upon. It shook them awake for certain, even before one of the former slaves – the woman that made them a meal before – ran in started spouting hurried exclamations in a language that Fives didn’t actually understand.
The younger jedi, Luke, was practically draped across any trooper he could get close to, as well as the other, older jedi, practically clinging to them. He was embarrassed when he awoke, tucked near Lieutenant Waxer but no one said a word. Only silently untangled themselves from the boy and got up as the woman continued to babble.
They were on their feet within moments, although Jesse’s legs were tangled in the scratchy blankets, and he fell over himself. Tup couldn’t help but chuckle as he and Checkerboard, from the 212th, helped untangle him and get him up.
“What’s happened?” Captain Rex asked.
The woman continued to speak but the Captain just glanced around helplessly. He, like the rest of them, didn’t know the language that she was speaking and apparently, she didn’t have a translator either; hand held or implant.
General – Master – Something Tachi stared at the woman intently and nodded. “She said that something has exploded; she is fairly certain that it was the palace.”
“Did you explode the structure?” Checkerboard choked out.
Master Tachi just scoffed. “No. The devices that Luke and I planted were of the smoke variety and they have long gone off. There is not a way that ours could have brought even part of that building down,” she insisted.
“Do you think it was the Republic?” Jesse asked, catching his breath after his battle with the blankets and pillows.
The jedi frowned but thought about this for a moment. “I doubt it. It isn’t generally the jedi way to just explode entire government buildings, even if they are the headquarters to a slaver queen,” she paused and said a few things to the woman. After an exchange, the woman left, although Fives wasn’t entirely sure what was said. “Get ready and get dressed. We have to figure out what is going on and how to get out of here. Or, at the very least, contact someone.”
Everyone nodded, readily. She had nothing to get ready about herself and said a few things to Luke, quiet and under her breath. He started to grab his robes and armor pieces and started to put them together as she strode out of the room.
Lieutenant Waxer glanced at the boy, curious with a silent question. “She’s going to try to see if she can get contact,” Luke replied as he worked with surprising efficiency. He did stumble over some pieces of the armor, not quite used to such things, but the 212th Checkerboard, quickly moved to help him.
After a few minutes, they were all ready to move and they excited the room towards the door in the front of the building. Master – General – ugh something (Fives had no idea what to call her) Tachi was messing with some radio, working intently. He didn’t dare to ask if she was having any progress with it.
Luke stopped at the door, keeping it closed, and reached out, with his eyes shut and taking a deep breath. After a long moment, something sparked, and the boy started to bounce on his feet. “He’s here!” he cheered, chattering excitedly as he continued to repeat the phrase.
“What are you talking about?”
The boy’s eyes were shining so bright, Fives almost felt like he was blinding but he bounced around the room, nearly flying outside of the door before holding himself back and spinning around towards them again. “He is here! I can feel him! Ben! Ben is here!”
“General…Kenobi…” Lieutenant Waxer tried slowly.
Luke nodded, vigorously. “Master Tachi! Siri! Ben…Obi-Wan is here!” he called out. The jedi glanced at him with a blink.
“I’ve got some lines,” General Tachi said, instead although she smiled faintly at him. “There are reports of slavers getting injured and stealing slaves. Someone with a light saber.”
Luke paused and frowned. “But I have his saber.”
“I’m sure he borrowed someone else’s,” General Tachi assured as she stepped closer to him. “You did say Quinlan was with him and well, Quinlan works just fine with a blaster too. So, I’m sure you are right, and it is Kenobi.”
He nodded. “We have to go.”
“No! We have to get back to him!” Luke insisted as he started to move again. “We have to get to him as soon as possible. There is so much to do, and danger and I have to help him!”
“Iyah said it is chaos out there, we need to be careful,” General Tachi tried to reason carefully.
“I can’t wait,” Luke shook his head and before any of them knew it, he was out the door.
General Tachi cursed in a language Fives didn’t know but both the 212th boys had raced after Luke without a moment’s notice. The general groaned. “I have to get my equipment and pack it up. Can you…”
“We’ve got it sir,” Captain Rex nodded, curtly and glanced at the others left. “Let’s move boys. Cover the padawan commander’s back. Jesse, stay here with the general…”
“Not a general!” the jedi called back.
“Give her any help and protection that she needs,” the captain finished. Fives clasped his hand with his brother before Jesse tailed after General Tachi and the other ran off after the runaway jedi padawan youngling person.
It was chaos in the streets. So many were fighting. There were pieces of debris that had fallen even as far as they had gotten and some, slower, still falling yet. Ash and dust billowed everywhere, obscuring the skies. Luke and the 212thboys were already a bit far ahead, but they were rather easily noticeable to the eye in the off white and battered armor of the troops.
“He’s just as bad as Skywalker,” the captain muttered under his breath and ran full speed through the crowds in attempt to catch up.
Fives just grinned at Tup and pulled on his helmet before following.
Oh but those were the best kind.
Fives didn’t know when it happened but eventually droids started showing up. Getting through towards the palace is more difficult than expected and eventually, they even get a chance to catch their breath when they run into alley ways and abandoned houses and structures. Everyone seems to be fighting everyone, from droids fighting slavers to slavers fighting slaves to slaves fighting droids and slavers. It is a whole mess, and it is easy to get off track.
Which they do.
They end up out of the way of the palace which made Luke very frustrated. They could all feel it. Perhaps it was a jedi thing, Fives thought. He trusted Skywalker with a lot; he was a good man. There were times, however, Fives felt as though he could feel his emotions in any given situation. Well, he shouldn’t say that. In any high stakes or near-death situations. Or anything that involved Senator Amidala.
Luke’s frustrations are practically palpable, and it nearly makes Fives feel that way too. He is fairly certain it must be a jedi thing because no way is he normally feeling like this, even with the situation that they are embroiled in. He’s panicked and scared and desperate.
It is a lot more chaotic than even Umbara and often times, the group keeps losing one another for moments or even near hour at a time. There is no battlefield, no ground to take. There are no real sides. It is just unbridled and intense chaos.
Rumors begin to swirl around about lightsabers and the jedi. Some slaves from the palace running with panic, screaming about several men in light sabers fighting one another and the death of the queen. Fives didn’t think Luke could get anymore worried and desperate.
He was very wrong.
Fives wouldn’t blame Luke for what was to come next.
Brothers died in battle no matter where they were. It was a fact of their lives, and he knew that the jedi did their best. They just couldn’t save everyone and even then, sometimes they could – and did – lose their own lives in the process. This was a battlefield of a different breed, Fives thought. He almost thought they would survive this.
He should have known better.
Fives didn’t really know Check but that didn’t mean his death didn’t hurt.
And he knew it had hit Luke pretty hard too.
The moment he saw the trooper go down; they both knew it was over. There was no way the soldier could have survived that shot. But even though Luke had fought in the battle on Umbara with Lieutenant Waxer’s platoon, a group of soldiers that included Check, his reaction was not something any soldier should have advised.
He stopped and stared, frozen in place. Shocked and unmoving, as if unable to comprehend anything going on around him in the world. Captain Rex shouted something, possibly for Luke to get a hold of himself, possibly for one of them to get him out of the line of fire. Fives, of course, couldn’t do anything about the former as of yet, but he could do the latter. Running across the field from his cover, Fives literally tackled Luke down to the ground and behind a stack of crates near a door. Without a word or anything, he practically dragged the boy into the house.
They were lucky, no one was home.
Leaning Luke upright against the wall in a sitting position, Fives closed the door to give them a few minutes and gave the rest of them a short brief on the comms. As of currently, Luke was in no shape to keep moving. He asked for the jedi, perhaps she could help him, but General Tachi was a bit off with Lieutenant Waxer and Jesse. It would be quite a few moments before she could get to them. She simply ordered for them to find cover and stay put. They needed the break, possibly a nap, and for Luke to come back to them before anyone could make another run for the palace. It always seemed so far off; it would still take quite some time.
“Luke,” Fives tried with a frown, pressing a hand against the boy’s shoulder on his pauldron. Tears were starting to come from the boy’s blue eyes, steadily and finally, the first emotion finally came up. It wasn’t much but it was something. “Look, I know this is tough. Losing someone you care about, no matter how long you have known them, it’s…it’s heart breaking. And in war, where people die it’s even worse because you don’t…you don’t have a moment to stop and grieve. You don’t have a moment for burial or saying goodbye. It’s something you try to prepare for but… you can’t.”
He was in front of him before sitting down himself next to the jedi-in-training, or whatever he was, and sighed, taking off his helmet and setting it aside.
“I’m not trying to scold you or anything, but this is war, and we are going to lose people,” Fives tried, unsteadily. “And we don’t… it often happens so fast. There is no time for goodbyes and even less time for grief, in the moment. I lost…I lost my brother really fast. He did something…. something that I would have been the one to do and it just…one moment he was right by me and the next he was gone. Explosion and we had to move, there wasn’t a second to spare.”
Luke’s face started to scrunch up and Fives counted that as a win, although his feelings were mostly tied up in the memories. The boy blinked and stared at him, like he wasn’t completely sure. “Echo?”
Fives stared right back at him, his head whipping around, eyes wide. Because…he hadn’t said his name. “How did you…”
An explosion went off and the glass of the window above them shattered, spraying the contents and other debris into the house and over them. Luke threw himself over Fives in an effort to protect him from the flying debris which Fives, absentmindedly thought was a little amusing and ironic.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” Fives muttered without his permission. The door busted through and both of them startled, soon to be relieved as it was only Tup and Captain Rex that came through.
“You guys good?”
“Yessir,” Fives grumbled as he got out from underneath Luke. The boy responded but Fives’ ears were ringing and he couldn’t quite make out what he had said.
“General Tachi wants us to wait for her, get some rest and so we can regroup,” Tup relayed.
“I heard,” Fives sighed and glanced around. “The place looks pretty abandoned, at least for now.”
“Most people who aren’t fighting are hiding in their homes,” the captain responded, also taking a look around. He gestured to Tup, who went to make sure and secure the perimeter. “So, my guess is that they are still out there fighting or dead. General Tachi shouldn’t be too long, but she also said we don’t have to wait up for her. Take a nap she said.”
Fives scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I guess I’ll find some blankets and pillows and a good large room to hole up in.”
It wasn’t that hard. The place wasn’t very big and eventually he found a living room space where the hard furniture could be moved to the walls, reinforce them and barricade any windows and doors. Unless someone came in with a full tactical team, it should hold out for at least a few hours. By the time General Tachi got to the house, flanked by Lieutenant Waxer and Jesse, Luke was half asleep but tried his best went they came in.
The Lieutenant was holding Check’s helmet and Luke burst into tears again.
They left the two of them alone for a moment. Well, it was a bit longer than a moment. Fives explained a bit on what happened with Check and Luke’s reaction. Luke may have been used to running and fighting and even conflict, but he wasn’t not used to the realities of war. Not like this.
They came back in after quite some time. Luke was already lightly snoring and fast asleep against Waxer’s shoulder, who was half asleep himself. And so, they made a perimeter around one another for moments of rest over the next several hours.
It is barely an hour in and already Luke is tangled up and cuddling with several troopers, as if reaching out and trying to be in contact with as many of them as he could.
“If no one else is gonna say it,” Jesse started, keeping his voice rather quiet as to not awake the young’un. “I ain’t gonna lie, is it strange that he is all…touchy and cuddly? I didn’t think jedi were…really like that.”
Everyone looked over at General Tachi, who frowned and took a breath, her lips twitching. “He is…touch started but not quite either. It is difficult to explain because jedi are very different. But one of the reasons the jedi start so young, adopted young and raised together is so they can form bonds with others like them. It is often necessary for healthy development.”
“But Luke…he wasn’t raised like that,” Waxer realized, glancing down at the child before looking back up at General Tachi. He looked quite worried and concerned. After only a few days of knowing this child, he was already so attached. Fives wondered if that was normal for him. “So he doesn’t have those bonds.”
“Luke’s presence is latching onto other jedi and connected beings,” General Tachi continued. “He has several fledgling bonds which help his… starvation but considering Obi-Wan and him were constantly on the run, Luke probably didn’t get much time with them and so they either faded or remained very thin; barely there. He’s already formed some type of connections with you.”
“All of us?”
“Luke’s presence in the force is starving for connections,” she added, and Fives could tell there was a hint of concern in her voice, although she mostly kept emotions out of it. “It won’t interfere with you or anything and if left unattended, it shouldn’t grow.”
“It helps him?” Waxer asked.
General Tachi nodded, a bit gravely. This was a rather serious topic, Fives realized. “It is partially why he is even more cuddly than normal, even for a jedi.”
Waxer held Luke close, as if that would help. The boy just huffed into his shoulder. “And…if the bond…if it does grow stronger? Is that okay?” he added, looking back up at General Tachi, eyebrows scrunched together as his concern became more and more evident on his physical features.
General Tachi just nodded.
“Even from a clone?”
“Especially from a clone.”
“What does that mean?”
“Obi-Wan could explain it better,” she confessed with a small sigh. Luke’s arm sleepily touched hers and she moved a little closer to him. “I don’t have a clone attachment or much experience with you.”
“Can you try?”
“I’m not sure if anyone, you or anyone really understands how well the clones and the jedi connect with one another, fit together, how easy it is to share bonds with,” she started, making sure to look between all of them. “Your warmth and light in the Force…as Obi-Wan tells it, although different individuals, is clicks very well with our own. This is rather quite unusual for non-force sensitives. Obi-Wan told me once it’s like we were made for you, that we were meant to be together in some way.”
“They used to say on Kamino,” Rex said quietly. He hadn’t been speaking a whole lot as of late, listening quiet and with purpose and the mention of Kamino brought both nostalgia and bitterness to all of the troopers. Their brothers were still there but it was not generally a good place to be. “We were made for the jedi.”
General Tachi thought about this and hummed. Perhaps it was agreement or disagreement or neither, Fives wasn’t sure. She was hard to read and hard to understand, much more so than their own general. “Perhaps. But I don’t think it is one sided,” she swiped Luke’s bangs to the side, gently. He exhaled again. “Many of the jedi will continue to choose you. Obi-Wan continues to choose you. It is a new galaxy and things are changing. If you will have us, we will gladly stay with you.”
“I don’t know anyone except the jedi who have cared anything for us,” Lieutenant Waxer confessed. “And I can’t speak for everyone of course, but I think we would rather be with you than any other people in the galaxy, if we had to choose.”
“You should get some sleep,” General Tachi said instead, glancing over towards the window that Fives and Tup had already blocked.
“We should set up watches for the next few hours,” Rex replied, leaving the previous conversation with ease and picking up the new one just as easily.
“Do not worry. I have it covered.”
“You can’t do it by yourself.”
“Oh yes I can. Just….trust me on this one,” she winked.
When Luke wakes up, he is drowning in a clone cuddle pile and practically has to claw his way out, his face completely red and flush with embarrassment. He is sputtering by the end of it but tries with all of his skill and work not to wake them up while trying to get himself out of the pile.
Master Tachi glanced at him from the side of the pile, out of the sleeping troopers and smirked at him, amused. “Sleep well?” she snickered.
Luke just blushed and glanced away, moving towards her as quietly and gently as he could.
“It is nothing to be ashamed of, Luke. You are an empath and crave connections naturally,” she pointed out. It wasn’t something that Luke didn’t know, in particular, but it was different here and now. Things were still dark but still so much lighter than the time he was from. There were others to connect to so close and actually around. It was so much. “It just seems so extreme now because you have never had so much before and now, there is much to have.”
“It…it’s been just Ben and me for a long time,” Luke confessed as he sat down next to her, hugging his knees. He glanced over at his armor piled over in the corner and reached for the closest pieces. “Before that it was just Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru but I don’t think they quite…understood.”
“Many do not,” she hummed.
“I love Ben,” he added, quickly. It was the truth; Ben was the only person he had with him, everyone else was gone forever or deceased. “He…he is pretty much all I have. It is hard without him around. I…I just have never been around so much….”
“Light, warmth?” she suggested.
“Hyperspace is cold, and we are not planet side a lot,” he explained. He tried to talk about a bit on their situation, in the future, past, whatever. It was easy to talk to her. Maybe it was because she was a jedi. Perhaps it was because Ben knew her and told him about her. Maybe she just was easy to talk to for him. “Ben is very warm, but this is different.”
“Everyone feels different, especially jedi,” Master Tachi assured. “You have been starved of that. It is why we raise out children in creches, together.”
“Ben told me about creches,” Luke hugged his knees tighter as he clipped the shin guards to his lower legs. He didn’t look at her, rather thinking about so much all at once. “I think I would have liked it.”
She nodded and the outer wall shook a little. They both glanced towards the little window on that side of the room. The conversation was over, Luke thought to himself. It wasn’t long; he wished he could talk more with her, but it was clear. “The fighting is getting close again,” she pointed out with a frown. “We should move.”
Luke nodded. “Any ideas on where to go?”
“I have been working on establishing communications with Obi-Wan’s ship,” Master Tachi explained as she grabbed some of her own gear and began putting it on. Her radio was in the corner, and she glanced at it as some kind of gesture to guide his gaze towards the appliance. “They are being pretty tight lipped, and I don’t have his codes.”
“Probably don’t want Dooku to get any information,” Luke added. Whether or not this was the truth, it made sense anyways. He wondered where the Count was now and if he was making problems for Ben and the troopers. “Do you think they have troops on the ground?”
Master Tachi paused and frowned again. “Not sure. This place isn’t Republic friendly or even wants to be,” she replied as she stood up, finishing putting on her own gear, so different from what Luke and the other troopers were wearing. “The Jedi have taken out the Zygerrian slave empire before but…everything was different then.”
He didn’t know exactly what that meant, in particular but he followed her, putting on his smaller pieces and Master Tachi helping him clip on the gorget. “If they take out the enemy ship, I think they can drive the Separatists away,” Luke said. “I only saw one up there, I don’t think they were planning for an invasion.”
“I think you are right.”
“I have no doubt the palace is in chaos, but I don’t think there is any order for power players. No one seems organized. We might be able to get there. That is probably where Ben would look since he was following Dooku.”
“That level of chaos could mean lack of leadership,” Siri murmured as she messed around a bit with her portable radio. “The queen may be incapacitated or dead, meaning there would be a power vacuum.”
“That would also mean less guards, we could probably slip through. No one is giving orders,” he added.
“Or too many are for any type or organization.”
“Even if Ben is done looking through the palace, he would still be around that area,” Luke said.
“He is not going to just give up,” Master Tachi nodded. “Especially not with Quinlan with him.”
“So, we head towards the palace then.”
“The closer we are, the easier it will be to get communications with the Republic – or better yet – Obi-Wan’s fleet,” Master Tachi added with a grin growing on her face.
“The closer we are, the more likely I will be able to feel Ben better,” Luke added with a matching grin as he brightened up, significantly. He just needed to find Ben. Things would be okay if he could just get to him. “Don’t try to lie to me and say you don’t have a pretty strong bond with him too.”
“He is one of my closest friends,” she admitted.
“Look at you two,” a new voice piped in with a chuckle. Both Luke and Master Tachi glanced around. The troopers were all at least awake with vaguely amused expressions. A few were even moving towards their armor piles to get ready for moving out at a moment’s notice. “Makin plans without us,” Jesse added.
“Thought you could use the extra beauty sleep,” Luke grinned, cheekily.
“You little brat,” Jesse teased.
They talk a little while everyone gets ready and dressed. Master Tachi gave them a short rundown of what they were going to be doing; moving back towards the Palace. There was some apprehension, going back to that horrid place. Luke completely understood, even just thinking about made him rather upset, skin vibrating for the need for justice. If it was his choice, no one would have to go anywhere near it again. But he had to find Ben. They had to find Ben and they needed to get off of this planet.
The little group had left soon after, quiet and out of the back door, away from the chaos outside. The fighting and struggling had not ceased exactly, as there were still slavers, slaves and droids still fighting amongst one another. Luke kept Check’s helmet clipped to his belt and no one said a word about it.
They couldn’t exactly avoid the fighting and conflict and eventually, they had to move towards the more main roads to make their way towards the palace. They avoided them, of course, whenever they could. By the time they had to get to the main road, which was a straight shot to the palace, they were about knee deep in conflict.
It kind of amazed him how easy they worked together. Master Tachi had never really worked with these troopers before barely – if any – either. Luke himself had only fought alongside Waxer and only for a few moments, the other troopers as well. But the five boys they had with him and Master Tachi, they had quickly adapted to the way they moved and the way they worked. Moving with the troopers was easy, even though there weren’t many of them. They didn’t a fairly good job keeping up with him and Master Tachi and although neither of them were actually used to working with troopers, they seemed to blend well together when it came to helping each other out and having each other’s back.
Master Tachi had a blaster on her, and he knew she wouldn’t bring out her lightsaber unless it was absolutely necessary. Ben had been the same way during their travels. It often times brought unwanted attention.
Luke, on the other hand, didn’t have another weapon and he had a much larger and passionate need to fight and protect. He made arcs with Ben’s light saber like he was born for it. Perhaps, in some ways, he was.
The loss of Check was a heavy weight, but they kept moving.
The young boy from the future wouldn’t let anyone die on his account, not with this. There were six others with him – he could keep them alive. He had to keep them alive. He did not leave them and kept them within his sights the best he possibly could. It was hard to keep them together as they seemed to have the same idea about one another. Luke caught a blaster shot with the force that came too close to Jesse’s face for comfort. Tup shot a slaver that was coming up on Luke’s six.
Getting so close to the palace, they stayed tight knit until the courtyard was in place. They paused in an out-of-the-way alley to come up with a plan, right outside of the palace perimeter. “It is absolute and complete chaos out there but I can feel Ben,” Luke said hurriedly, his voice rising in excitement and plenty of eagerness. “I can sneak in and since I can sense him, I’ll be able to find him quicker. I’ll bring him back.”
“I don’t think that’s a good…”
“Look, I got this, okay?” Luke insisted and didn’t wait for an answer. He ran out of the hiding place and leapt on top of the building nearby, racing across the rooftops up and away from the fighting crowds down below. Eventually he had to get back to the ground as he got inside the palace courtyard where the battle started to thin out a little.
He reached out in the Force and tried to concentrate. He could feel Ben. He knew he could feel him.
And then…
The yell was raw, screeching into the stormy chaos of the battle, as if his voice alone was desperate enough to demand the person of his desire to be returned.
“Luke!” it tried again, near at the top of his lungs.
Luke couldn’t help but perk at the sound of his name. Oh, how he hoped that it was real, that it was his voice and not his wishful thinking or the screams of another being. The being that he so desperately wanted it to be.
“Luke?” the voice called out tentatively.
It was real! It was Ben’s voice!
The youngster jumped back into the fray of disorder and conflict without a second thought. “Ben!” Luke shouted back as he fought harder against the chaos, clawing his way through anyone and everyone. His saber was off now, clipped to his belt. Because now, he didn’t need it. He fought through the crowd with his hands and the undeniable power of the force, forcing his way through them with enough strength to make others even jump out of the way.
Then he saw him. Because even though it had been fifteen years and Ben’s appearance was so different; not that weathered and oh so greying older man that Luke knew; he could recognize him. It didn’t matter that his hair was a brownish ginger instead of the grey and white. It didn’t matter that his skin was younger and smoother instead of washed out and wrinkled. It didn’t matter that he was in armor pieces and under robes rather than the larger cloaks and well-used clothes. It didn’t even matter that his eyes were bluer now, had more color instead of the tired and older gaze Luke knew.
None of that mattered. Luke would know him anywhere, no matter how much of his physical appearance may have changed. He would never forget. He never could.
Tears were pricking at his eyes then, but they weren’t quite clouding his vision. He choked out the name before charging towards his guardian. Ben may not have known what Luke was going to do but he quickly figured it out. Luke ran and leapt at him with no small amount of abandon, with all the excitement and relief coursing through him and all of the desperation and fear washing away, out from his bones.
He was pretty sure that he was crying, and it did not matter. In that moment, nothing mattered but him. Because Luke was no longer alone. Whether or not everything was real, whatever Ben knew or did not know, it hardly mattered. Luke was no longer alone and all he wanted was to be wrapped up in Ben’s robe in the way he did when he was younger. He wanted to tell Ben of all the things that he had been through and all the things they could do now. Now that they had this chance. This chance to change everything and save so many.
“I know you can catch me, old man! You don’t have any grey hairs!”
And he does; Ben catches him and wraps his arms around Luke so tight, he doesn’t think the older man will ever let go. He doesn’t really want him to. Because in this moment, he doesn’t have to worry about anything. Ben is here. It doesn’t matter if he remembered Luke or not. It doesn’t matter what Ben knew or what he didn’t. He held Luke like he always held Luke, with strength and love and compassion. Like Luke had nothing in the world to worry about ever.
“You remember me.”
He didn’t know if he was right or not. Rather, it was a guess, but Ben just chuckled and curled his arms around Luke, secure and tight. “I could never forget,” he whispered, and Luke held on even snugger, wrapping his limbs around his guardian and locking his face in the crook of his neck, brown ginger hair tickling his face. “Foolish child, running off into war,” Ben mumbled with a fond huff.
“I had to try and save Waxer,” Luke said, exhaling the best he could. He felt out of breath and like he may never get it back. “I’m not sorry.” He wasn’t, he couldn’t quite be. He just wanted to help them in any way he could. He couldn’t save Checkerboard and that was going to haunt him, but he tried to make sure he remembered about all the other ones that he had helped. He had kept Waxer alive. He helped stop Krell’s massacre. He had tried and tried and tried.
“I’m not upset,” Ben assured quietly. Distantly, Luke could hear a small explosion go off. He was glad that he had found his guardian in a spot where there wasn’t blatant battle going on. “You just scared me near to death. I’m an old man, Beacon, my heart can’t take such things.”
“You’re over 15 years in the past you dummy,” Luke choked on near tears, but his chest was bubbling with laughter, something of relief and amusement. “You aren’t even old,” he paused and snuggled just a bit closer, so thankful and unable to let him go at the moment. He would, soon, of course. There was a lot of work to do but he would keep the minute. “I’m so glad you are okay.”
“I will never abandon you.”
Something in his chest loosened which helped him loosen his grip, even if only a little bit. That reminded him, Luke thought as he gave out an actual audible chuckle. “I have the very best present for you,” he murmured with a smile, amusement swelling.
“Oh? How fortuitous,” Ben rumbled, just as entertained as him. Luke didn’t know if anyone was watching or around, but it didn’t matter. Not to him. All there needed to be was Ben and him. Even if only for a minute. “As it so happens, I have a gift for you as well.”
“You got me a present?!” Luke cheered, surprised and excited as he perked up and leaned back to look at him. Luke could see the smirk that was forming underneath Ben’s mustache and beard, a twinkle so apparent in his eye. “What is it?” he asked.
“You will have to wait until we get back to the ship,” Ben chuckled as he let Luke down back to the ground.
“I bet my gift is better!” Luke boasted, his smile sly and knowing as he leaned back on his heels with the slyest grin he could muster. He didn’t think there was anything that could be better than bringing Ben back a loved one and he knew it.
“Oh?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in that way Luke had seen so many times before. “I don’t know…” he drifted off with the shake of his head. He sounded very sure of himself. “My gift is pretty impressive, if I do say so myself.”
Luke’s eyes sparkled and he took Ben’s hand, firm and secure. He was just getting more and more excited. He couldn’t wait to see Ben’s face when he showed him the person that Luke had come across because oh! He had brought back someone Ben cared about; someone he hadn’t seen in over a decade and half. “Come on! I left her with the troopers.”
“Her?” Ben echoed, questioningly, but Luke wrapped his hand tighter and practically dragged him across the courtyard, through some of the sides of the conflict before he brought him back to the little structure that his team was hiding in. He got down the alley and called out to the troopers. Waxer was the first to turn, the others following close behind as they realized who was coming up to them and putting their weapons down.
Waxer tore of his helmet and all Luke could see and feel was near absolute relief. “General!”
“Master!” Luke called out as Ben finally stopped, unable to move forward.
Because he saw.
Ben was staring, Luke noticed. His glanced between the two of them, uncertain about what would happen next, but he couldn’t help but feel excitement nearly overcome him. The female master grinned at the sight of them and walked, firm and with purpose, her face scraped up and dirty from fighting and finding rest in the little, out of the way places they could. As she came up to him, Ben reached up, hesitant and rubbed some of the light layer of dirt from her cheek.
“May I?” he murmured under his breath.
Luke’s own caught.
“Of course.” Even though she was expecting it, Luke could tell she was surprised by Ben’s hug and how tightly he wound around her. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Kenobi?” she hummed as she relaxed a little into the embrace.
“You have no idea.”
“I do. At least a little. Luke told me.”
“Tachi!” a new voice cheered, and Luke glanced around. It was Master Vos, and he was jogging towards them with a couple others, a mix of troopers and jedi. Well, one jedi. He hadn’t even realized that there had been troopers and the jedi master around when he found Ben, much less of them following the two of them. “I knew it had to be you,” he snickered, turning to lean against the wall, as if he needed a brace to prevent himself from falling over with his laughter.
“Vos,” Master Tachi replied in a mock flat tone but even Luke could feel and see that she wasn’t nearly as unimpressed as she made herself out to sound. “At the very least, you kept Obi-Wan alive.”
“Hey! You weren’t there when I was trying to convince him this was time travel and not a Sith trick or torture,” Master Vos shot back, grinning wide. Neither of them was actually upset or mad or anything negative really at one another, but it was rather amusing to watch them all interact. It was funny; Luke had a bit of a hard time seeing them as such close friends with Ben.
“Well, you seemed to do that at the least,” Master Tachi huffed with a smile as the two of them leaned back and she crossed her arms over her chest for some kind of effect.
“Is everyone here?”
“We lost Checkerboard in the fight,” Waxer stepped up for a short report as Luke glanced away, his chest heating up in grief and shame. Ben put a hand on his shoulder, warm and soothing. “The other troops that were taken are accounted for.”
“Commander Cody went back up to the ship to help Sergeant Barlex fight off the Separatist ship and it appears they are doing well,” Master Vos explained, pointing upwards into the sky where they could just make out two ships, mildly obscured by the clouds and atmosphere. There may have been others, but they couldn’t be seen from the ground. Luke didn’t know.
“The Zygerrians are winning the fight with the droids too,” Rex mumbled as he looked between the jedi masters. “But they are an absolute mess. There is no organization; just fighting for fighting’s sake.”
“We have a lot of work to do,” Luke added in, firm and determined. He wasn’t wrong. Beyond this, with their chance, there was so much to do if they were going to save the troopers, the jedi and the galaxy. “We should convene with the Jedi Council, create a plan and get to work on saving the galaxy from the Empire and the Sith.”
Ben chuckled, lightly as he shot Luke a glance, a single eyebrow raised a bit curiously but Luke could feel his shields tightening a little more. “Oh, should we?”
“We do need the help,” Luke pointed out, red with embarrassment as he looked away as he realized what he said and how he said it. “R-Right.”
The jedi master just kept snickering. “Yes,” he glanced back at the others and got a look at the other jedi behind him. Luke hadn’t even noticed him come up and his breath caught in his chest. Ben perked and looked back at Luke, looking so genuinely kind and nice. Luke’s heart fell a bit. “Luke, I’ve heard you met your…”
“Anakin Skywalker,” Luke interrupted, rather loudly, in a rare show of disrespect. He tried not to let much of anything slip past as he tightened his shields as best, he could, staring at his father with his jaw set. He had to figure out how to play this. Honestly, he had to figure out how to deal with this, especially now, in the time and situation that they both were in. Ben didn’t know that Luke knew. Knew who Anakin Skywalker, his father, became. “Yeah. We’ve met.”
Ben turned confused and it was so wounded and genuine that it near physically hurt Luke to see him respond like that. “Luke…you…know who he is,” Ben said, his response slow and measured, deliberate. Cautious.
Luke hated it. “I do,” he nodded, staring just barely at Anakin.
“I am rather, confused, Luke, why…”
“Could we talk about this, later? Perhaps in private?” Luke fidgeted, glancing down at his gloved hands, his voice quieting into something that others, unless standing right by them, wouldn’t be able to hear. Luke never thought he would have this change, to have to be in this type of scenario. Luke never thought that he would meet his father as Anakin Skywalker, not after knowing what Vader had done and how many times, he had chased them, nearly killing the both of them. He had to figure out how to deal with and what to do with the change and knowledge that he had.
Ben’s brows were drawn but he nodded, solemn. “Of course. Later,” he responded, still careful and curious and worried. “But we will talk about it. This is most unlike you.”
Luke sighed, inwardly in relief. This was not the time or the place or in the right company. He couldn’t talk about this with his father actually in the vicinity. He didn’t know how he would react and there was so much more to do. “I know,” he flipped the hilt of Ben’s saber towards its owner. “This is yours. I’m sorry I borrowed it without asking.”
“Keep it for now,” Ben replied, pushing the hilt back towards him. “I’m glad you did. My crystal is willing to work with you, as always. Hopefully, in this time, you will be able to create your own.”
Luke perked subtly.
They all caught it.
“I think it is about time that we got off of this…. planet,” Ben said, carefully, trying to keep the disgust out of his voice.
“Agreed,” came a chorus of voices in near unison.
“Commander Cody can get a ship down here within a few minutes,” Master Vos announced, already messing with his commlink. “But we have to get to a nearby landing platform.”
“Shouldn’t be toohard,” Luke replied. “We’ve got four jedi, a handful of highly competent troopers and a guy who is not half bad with a lightsaber.”
“That…is how you are describing yourself?” Ben said, an eyebrow raising curiously. Luke shrugged as the troopers made a quick perimeter around them, ready to move out whenever given the order. “You know, with where and when we are, the Jedi Order is still around,” he pointed out.
“I want to help you keep it that way.”
“I know,” Ben nodded, solemnly. “I am fairly certain I can convince the Council to let you in the Order, if, of course, we happen to stay here. You’d have some catching up to do but you have been trained quite a bit and I think you have enough training to be picked up as a padawan.”
Luke felt his entire body freeze. “Picked up?” he choked out.
Ben kept his gaze completely void of any telltale emotions or thoughts; his shields as tight as they could be. “Of course. You are very talented, Luke. Kind, compassionate, determined and so eager to learn. If this is still what you want.”
He just stared back at him because…because he inferred that he wouldn’t be Ben’s padawan. That just…he wanted to be Ben’s padawan. Luke remembered the vision and trial he went through in the Lothal Temple. This was…it was always supposed to be them.
He would just have to prove himself. “I still want it,” he stated, firmly.
Ben nodded.
“We should get going,” Master Tachi popped in, speaking slowly, glancing between them with a varying range of emotions screaming across her face. They agreed and without another turn of phrase, they ran off.
Getting to the landing pad was easy. There was Luke, four incredibly talented jedi and a handful of insanely amazing troopers that could practically carve a path without hardly breaking a sweat. And it was right in time. The gunship landed just at the moment they came into view. They jumped in and off they went up towards the flagship which was beating down at the lone Separatist ship it was battling.
Commander Cody was waiting for them, along with a few others, most of which Luke recognized. There was Kix and Helix and…
“Boil!” Luke grinned with all the happiness and eagerness and relief he could project into the name. The trooper always looked surprised when Luke said his name like that and sure, this Boil didn’t have the same experiences with and without Luke that the older one did but he was still Boil. It didn’t matter.
He smiled though, warmer than most would expect with his shoulders sagging just a bit. “Hey kid. Sportin’ the armor pretty good.”
“I’m sorry I took it, but I had to sneak onto a gunship,” Luke shrugged before practically bowling the trooper over, Waxer hot on his heels. He was laughing and clasped Boil’s shoulder in greeting as the latter tried to get a handle on the squid-like hug that Luke gave. “I had to keep Waxer alive.”
When he got back to the ground and stood back, Boil’s brows were furrowed, and he frowned in realization. He glanced at Waxer, and they exchanged looks. Luke wasn’t entirely sure what they meant.
“All of you are going to need a check up and scan,” Helix butted in, Kix right at his side. They looked almost like twins. Well, really only for the fact that they had the same displeased expression on their faces. Luke tried to hush down his laugh.
“I will hand them all over to your capable care,” Ben assured as he walked closer to the group. Master Vos was whispering to Master Tachi which ended in them both snickering, almost uncontrollably. “But I do have a gift for Luke, if you don’t mind waiting a moment to take him.”
Helix shrugged. “Fine.”
Ben glanced around at the other troopers. “Did Gearshift come with you?” he asked as he got closer to Luke and wrapped a thin cloth around his eyes, making sure he could see a thing. Luke just scoffed good naturedly.
“Gearshift!” someone called out.
There were footsteps from a human and…something else. A clacking noise. A lot of them actually. It stopped and there were a few other quiet noises. “Can I loooooook??” Luke’s voice came out in a near whine. A few chuckles erupted from those around him.
Ben was standing next to him as someone untied and took off the blindfold. And in front of Luke, in Ben’s hands, was the cutest little BD explorer type droid Luke thinks he had ever seen. Washed in grey and gold, it’s little head looked up at him and squeaked in a binary Luke wasn’t entirely sure he understood but the meaning was clear. Plenty of curiosity.
His heart practically stopped. Could it be? No way.
No way.
“Is this…” he drifted off, unable to form words. He glanced at Ben, eyes wide and near pleading. “Are you serious?”
“I happened to have found her on the ship that we hijacked on our way here,” Ben explained with one of the fondest smiles Luke had ever seen up on him. “I helped fix her up, Anakin helped fix her up and she needs a bit more tweaking and probably a program update, but I thought you might like her. We talked a bit and she claimed she will give you a chance. She’s had a bit of a difficult time and would like a memory wipe, but I think you two will get along.”
“You got me a droid?!”
“I’m not sure if I would say got. I didn’t exactly pay for her or anything. Rather…liberated, in a way,” Ben pointed out.
Luke reached out his hands to let the little droid hop into his palms. He nearly felt like crying. “She’s so cute,” he whispered as she beeped at him, quick and excited. “I…can’t understand what she is saying though. Not fully.”
“It’s coded binary. Don’t worry, that can be changed in the programming.”
“Can we keep both?”
“Yes? But why?”
“I’d like to learn it. I think it would be fun. What’s her name?”
“Her designation is BD-42, but she claims to be amendable for changes.”
Luke hummed and stared at his new little droid friend. This was just… a dream. There was no other explanation. “Hmmm. We will have to brainstorm, won’t we, girl? I’m sure we can come up with something fantastic that is very you.” He looked up at Ben and he knew his eyes were sparkling because, well, they had to be. “Thank you, Ben.”
“I did promise you a droid at some point.”
“I think…. I think we might be a good team,” Luke agreed. “And we have a lot to do with an uncertain amount of time to do it.”
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