#I should really look into buying a damn sword
vidilpoge · 1 year
Ok so finally I bit the bullet and I decided to buy a new pair of "light" gloves. I am still using my first pair ever and to this point they are held together with three different types of tape, prayers and caked up sweat (still cleaner than lended stuff at my club). For drills, I am making do with the rapier gloves that came bundled with my kit and let me tell you the thick pleather material they have in the palm is awful for longsword. Very icky, no good.
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To me, these gloves are very sentimental and even if they are so structurally compromised everytime I put them on to spar I fear that would be the last, I will throw a fit if they break down for good.
I love the wear on used gear. I loved the way the soles on my training shoes where slightly asimmetrical at the end of my first year... The right heel a bit worse than the left, the inside of the left more smooth than the right one. The logo on the shirt crackly, after being washed so many times. The first time I saw at a turney a guy donning an old saber mask with the conductive layer completely turned green I was in awe.
This also reminds me how the black belt in japanese martial arts was just dirty. The longer you had been training the grimier was your belt.
The more worn down my protective gear is the more legitimate I feel in the fencing hall.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I fucking love it when people draw one piece characters as women. (I love Oda but his gender bending needs a little work.)
Like they would be so cool like it's just a bunch of butches and dykes studs and just overall tough broads on the sea.
Buggy would have blonde hair like he did in one of the movies. Rocking a side shave or under cut , she's definitely wearing something that leaves little to the imagination. It's all for show really under all that makeup and boisterous personality she's still insecure and riddled with self-doubt but she's faking it till she makes it and she made it. Not the way she wanted but you know success is success. She's a warlord
Mihawk is so elegant, She keeps her hair in a bun. She always wears loose white blouses with ruffles in a black corset. Her nails are long dark and sharp, with a lovely burgundy shade. she's never chipped them, never cracked them, and has never broken in them.
I love trans man crocodile but trans woman crocodile makes me go feral. She's tall with broad shoulders and strong arms, She used to hate how she looked but becoming a pirate she started to appreciate her features making her look more powerful and intimidating. She has a slip dress and a long fur coat always smoking a cigar. Her voice is so soothing but so cold at the same time.
Kid is a hefty woman tall and broad, quick to anger and will to fight anyone and everyone. Everyone thinks she wears makeup but she doesn't. She never learned how she kind of wants to, but she's kind of scared at my ruin her image. Her lips are just naturally that red. When she lost her arm she made herself multiple prosthetics one is just a practical one that is just a regular looking arm but silver with floral detailing and then the big scary one that she wears for fighting.
The red hair pirates is just a boat of tough broads looking for adventure and freedom.
Shanks is gorgeous! She used to have long red hair but was cut with a sword, It was a spur of the moment kind of thing she did it when buggy broke up with her. She's tough she's kind, she's strong and she never wears a bra. (None of them do really except for Benn)She's so protective around children. Every time Luffy runs up to her she always picks her up. Luffy doesn't have the scar under her eye because the minute shanks saw her with a knife It was on site.
Yasopp she has a whole collection of guns in her closet she's never happy with just one every island they go to she has to buy a new pistol or musket. She stores them Nice and neatly with her other values like her wedding dress. If Luffy isn't being carried by sharks it's yasopp. She's not as big as the rest of the women on the ship but she can hold their own in a fight her body is covered in battle scars.
Luffy: Where'd you get that one?!
Yasopp: that's from a bullet
Luffy: and that one?!
Yasopp: stab wound
Luffy: and what about this one?
Yasopp: oh....that's from a C-section
You know what, I just- I can't imagine fem Cross Guild in a way that isn't @/vonguilli's artstyle. That's the only fem Cross Guild I need. Especially Buggy, damn. The IT Girl fr. I wanna look like her so damn bad. Icon. The moment. But I must say that Buggy with an undercut, Mihawk with her nails done, and transfem Crocodile make me go insane. My beloveds. I feel things (lesbian thoughts) for them.
I hate when people draw fem Kid all skinny and for the male gaze as if Fem!Kid wasn't literally made for the lesbians only. I want a tall and broad big woman. Big chest. Big attitude. I want her to be able to pick me up with one fucking hand. I absolutely hate some versions I've seen of her. YOU KNOW WHICH GENDERBEND IS SMALL AND PETITE AND SKINNY? LAW. LAW. Law should be skinny and depressed and with greasy hair and her nails and badly treated and she has small boobs and short messy hair and she's so tired of living. Dressing with tops and big pants and not caring about a bra. She has eyebags and she's just so lazy to live properly. I love canon fem!Law because I'm a weak lesbian but my perception of fem!Law is not the way some people draw her. I know you were talking about Kid I apologize I am a very annoying Law fan.
Shanks,,,, Mother is mothering. The girl cutting her hair after a break-up. Lesbian behavior. Dramatic milf. I feel so many things for this woman. And Yasopp???? Girl I am down bad please. Guns are not my thing. Women?? Pirates?? With guns?? Yeah, no, that's so- Damn.
I could talk for hours about my fav genderbend designs in my head fr. My favs (in my own lil head) are Buggy, Law, Usopp, Doffy and Sabo. Like- Women. Girls. You know? haha-
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matthewsgreybubbles · 1 month
The pinky ring is not new one, hes been wearing it since hes done king knight on left hand(btw i looked up what it means when a man is wearing a ring on a left pinky and accroding to Google he is not looking for a relationship😄) and I have seen photos of a white ring and red ring and now the one that hes had on the jazz fest. Same for the necklase - first it was this sword looking silver “stick” thing or whatever and now its rumple. What i saw in the pictures from the jazz festival is that he had a ring on right ring finger. Look at the photo from today where he is hugging the statue.
And yes, i dont have nothing better to do than stalk what jewlery this man is wearing.
And dont even try to tell me that this man would buy some ring that is not a original and basic and something that anyone could get. he is anything and everything but same as everyone so why should his jewlery be any different. I believe that hes had them custom made and that hes a jewlery snob - lovingly.
Okay so there really is no ring drama at all. Damn those people on Twitter 😔
But I love the idea that he is wearing custom jewelry. Or that he is wearing jewelry at all. He is so COOL. Love some good men wearing pretty rings and necklaces.
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bitbybitwrites · 2 months
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Wanted to say thank you to the lovely folks who have been tagging me for Six/Seven/Several Sentence Sunday and WIP Wednesday for the past few weeks: @porcelainmortal , @annepi-blog , @daisyishedwig , @sunnysideprince , @itsmaybitheway
, @nocoastposts , @getmehighonmagic , @onthewaytosomewhere , @forabeatofadrum , @iboatedhere ,
@wordsofhoneydew , @duchessdepolignaca03 , @taste-thewaste , @14carrotghoul , @rockitmans . . . Thank you for thinking of me! 💖💖💖
Haven't written too much lately ( damn you Real Life getting in the way as always), but here are bits from two WIP ( one Klaine and one RWRB) for you all!
1.) From my final chapter for Falling For You (Klaine Secret Santa 2023 Fic) (Psst . . cc @mynonah)
“Good lord, Cooper, “ Blaine said as he tried to walk into the living room with the tower of precariously balanced, yet beautifully wrapped boxes in his arms.  “Did you buy everything in the store?” “It is the holidays, “ Cooper announced loudly.  “And if I wish to spoil my family, then so be it.” He removed his winter coat, handing it over to Kurt.  “You may find a little something under the tree for you too, as the newest part of our jolly crew. “  Cooper winked at Kurt.  “Just think, when you two becomes official, then I can really start some fun gifts.  But if nothing else, I think you and Squirt will both have fun with what I'm giving him this year.” Kurt blushed at the thought of “officially” becoming part of this crazy Anderson-Lopez clan in the future. Blaine stared at one of the presents in his hands and then at his brother.  “Wait.  Cooper, is this gift something that should not be opened in the presence of a 6 year old?” Kurt’s eyes widened as his head whipped around to stare at Cooper, who looked like the cat who drank the proverbial cream. “Maaaaaaaaybe . .  .” Cooper sing-songed gleefully as he sauntered away towards the kitchen. “Batteries are included.” He chirped happily over his shoulder to them. Kurt and Blaine both glanced at the shiny box warily, half expecting it to start vibrating on its own at any minute. “Should . .should I ask? Do I even want to know?” Kurt whispered. Blaine sighed as he placed it down among the presents around the tree, nudging it around to the back where it was hidden well.  “No, no you do not.” he muttered.
2.) From the phantom touch of your hand (RWRB Fantasy/ cursed tattoo! AU)
No one dared approach the hooded figure who appeared in the doorway of the inn that night.  As he entered, a hush fell over the room while everyone watched the stranger shuffle across the room to sit alone at a table closest to the fire.  His eyes were ice blue, his stare hardened, and his mouth set in grim line. The visitor's clothes bore witness to many a rough day upon the road. There were mud-caked boots upon his feet as well as a worn leather jerkin and breeches upon his frame. He sat hunched under a faded cloak that looked like it was once a thing to be coveted, but was now near threadbare in patches: it’s fine metallic embroidery dulled and its rich color faded. The stranger scowled at anyone who dared look his way, a thin scar that marred his fair skin rippling along his jaw as he did so.  There was a sword strapped to his waist which gleamed bright as its razor sharp blade caught the the reflections of the flames - its presence a visible and deadly warning for all to stay far enough away. A brave small boy scurried over to deposit a bowl and some bread in front of the visitor.  The swordsman tossed the child a coin for his trouble. “Ale, sir?” the boy inquired. Henry shook his head.  He had to keep his wits about him.  There would be time enough to drown his sorrows at the bottom of a tankard.   Later.  Once he and Alex made sure this blasted curse was lifted.
Tagging ( but no pressure of course) : @kirakiwiwrites , @madas-ahatters-world , @little-escapist , @gleefuldarrencrissfan ,
@gleefulpoppet , @hkvoyage , @esilher @datshitrandom @myheartalivewrites ,
@madas-ahatters-world , @spaceorphan18 , . . and open tag for anyone else who wants to share any projects their working on. 💖💖💖
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mcflymemes · 1 year
AS SAID BY IRON BULL  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age: inquisition
all right, nice going with the weird magic fire.
today is a good day. today is a very good day.
hey, that’s some good armor.
i’m proud of who i am. i hope that’s not a problem for you.
you may not have noticed, but i’m not a finesse fighter.
let’s look around.
feels a bit like i’ve been living a lie, and now it’s coming back to bite me in the ass.
something’s funny about you.
i can see you don’t want to talk about it.
bet you looked good doing it, though.
i’m a people person.
good place to get ambushed. watch your back.
stabbed in the back. poor bastard.
stings a bit. thanks for asking.
if you take away all the mystery, it’s not quite as hot.
make sure you undress them with your eyes... respectfully.
oh, now you’re just being mean!
they don’t make a thread strong enough to hold your tongue.
nothing creepy about a bunch of old abandoned caves. nothing creepy at all.
not real curious about whoever did this, thanks.
want a hand with that?
next time we’re alone, i’m going to pin you down and do things your body won’t believe.
i’d offer to help you get rid of that frustration but... you know. i’m in a committed relationship.
i wouldn’t mind the view.
hey, i don’t hate you. you and me? we’re good.
thanks, i appreciate the advice.
you know, i really like hitting things.
all right, don’t hurt yourself.
well, then, go wild you two!
i might know a bit.
hey, are you as turned on as i am right now?
i mean, if you’re going to brood, you might as well reap the benefits.
what’s the most limbs you’ve ever cut off something in one swing?
now that’s a view. gets your blood going.
i’m a firm believer in no-pants fridays.
or we can go find some bad guys who need to die.
wait wait, i’ll flex a little for you. make it easier.
these big muscled hands could tear those robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grip.
let’s mess with it and see what happens.
do you want your silky underthings back, or did you leave those as a token?
i’m not judging. i was gonna say you’re pretty good at it. i can’t pull that off.
they weren’t ready for us.
thought you’d appreciate that.
i should make a cake.
you’re pretty good at blowing guys up.
didn’t think you were the kind to bed your way to power.
oh, this is gonna be fun. the old team together again to kick some ass!
looks like dragon territory. oh, this is gonna be good.
this was supposed to be about hitting things, remember?
do we just smash it all, or what?
really damn pretty, though.
so... about last night.
we’ll figure out and make it right.
oh, is that not where we’re going?
i’d buy you dinner first.
i would conquer you.
you’re good with that sword.
hey, no hard feelings.
quit with the stinkeye.
you’re about the most dangerous person i know.
when this is over, i’m gonna need somebody to hit me with a stick again.
i avoid any job that could turn out like this.
you want to watch, don’t you.
you learn a few things about walls after knocking enough of them down.
we’re gonna waltz inside and pick up what’s there?
someone can fix this, right?
i could do some of those flexes you like.
all i’m saying is... you ever want to explore that, my door’s always open.
just remember, anything poking up from the water could be a horrible monster acting like a stick.
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Kicho's Main Story Ch. 13 Part 1 Dramatic
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. SPOILERS under the cut.
I've been rushing all these translations because of my exams, so expect a lot of mistakes.
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Kicho: ".........."
Motonari: "Hey, don't stare at me like that. You betrayed me first."
Motonari: "Well, I hope your naivety will make you suffer in hell."
Kicho: "I give up."
Motonari: "Ha?"
Kicho dropped his pistol to the ground and quietly raised his hands.
Motonari: "What's this all about? Did you come here to beg for your life?"
Kicho: "Yeah, you should too."
Motonari: "Ha! That doesn't make any sense."
Motonari: "What the!?"
Motonari: "Guh!"
Motonari: "Damn it! Where the hell are they shooting that big cannon at?"
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Kicho: "Guh. Of course, it's aimed at us."
Kicho: "That man really does bring more than expected to the places I don't like."
Kicho: "But thanks to him, I don't have to beg for my life anymore."
Motonari: "Did you get that sword from one of my men?"
Motonari: "Interesting. Then let's kill each other."
Motonari's blood-red eyes twinkled, and Kicho's face contorted as he caught the heavy slash of his sword swinging.
Motonari: "Heh? Are you injured somewhere? You must have gone through a lot of trouble just to get here."
Motonari: "Then let me make it easy for you!"
Motonari turned his sword and struck several slashes.
Kicho: "Ugh..."
Motonari: "Hey, hey, don't collapse. Is that all you got without a gun?"
Motonari: "You're a top-notch shooter, but you're never going to beat me if you rely on that."
Motonari: "You're the kind of guy who gets distracted when blood rushes to your head."
Kicho: "I doubt that."
Motonari: "-----!"
Taking advantage of a momentary opening, Kicho sharply aimed at his vital point.
Kicho's hand felt the blade cut through his flesh, and blood fell silently onto the grass at Motonari's feet.
Motonari: "Damn it!"
Kicho: "Before this is settled, let me tell you that I don't consider my actions to be just."
Kicho: "But I swore to live and to protect myself."
Motonari: "You're saying a lot of fancy words!"
The two blades danced and sliced through the air.
Just as they were about to collide, Kicho's blade deflected the oncoming strike and slashed at Motonari's abdomen with blinding speed.
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Motonari: "-----!"
Motonari: "Guh! Aaaah!"
Motonari grunted and fell, holding his stomach while Kicho looked down at him, holding his right shoulder, which was starting to bleed.
Kicho: "Is it really over this time?"
Kicho: "Guh..."
Breathing painfully, he collapsed to the ground helplessly.
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I finished wrapping the last bandage and looked up.
(Huh? It was so noisy outside, but now it suddenly became quiet.)
The people also noticed it and looked anxiously at the doors.
(I hear footsteps. Who on earth is that?)
Oda soldier 1: "Report!"
Oda soldier 1: "We seized all the rebels who fled to this town and recovered their weapons."
Oda soldier 1: "We also received the same news from the other units!"
Townspeople: "-----!"
Mai: "Thank God!"
The hall instantly erupted in joy after hearing the report.
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After hearing the good news, I left the place to the Oda soldiers, who had come in turns and headed for the rendezvous point we had decided upon beforehand.
Ranmaru: "Ah, here she comes. This way!"
Mai: "Ranmaru, Nobunaga!"
Upon spotting the two, I got off the horse and rushed over to them.
Mai: "I'm glad you guys are safe. Are you hurt?"
Nobunaga: "We're fine."
Ranmaru: "How about you? Are you okay?"
Mai: "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks."
Mai: "By the way, where's Kennyo?"
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Nobunaga: "If you're looking for Kennyo, he won't return here."
Mai: "What?"
Nobunaga: "This agreement is temporary."
Nobunaga: "I guess he decided that if the rebellion had died down, there was no longer any need to join forces with us."
Nobunaga: "He disappeared with his followers after leaving the weapons he took to us."
Mai: "I see."
(So the truce is over. They will try to kill each other again someday.)
Ranmaru: "Lady Mai."
Ranmaru called my name briefly, then narrowed his eyes gently.
(So I don't have to worry about it?)
(Then I hope we can meet again someday, somewhere.)
Mai: "Do you know what happened to the others?"
Mai: "From what I've seen, it looks like there's still no one else in the group except for you two."
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Ieyasu: "You're blind, then."
Mai: "Waah!?"
Startled by a voice from behind me, I turned to see Ieyasu and Masamune.
Mai: "I-Ieyasu, don't just appear out of nowhere."
Ieyasu: "I just came back as usual. What were you doing in Sakai to be startled by something like this?"
Ieyasu: "I'm surprised you lasted more than a day with your slowness."
Masamune: "No, it's because of her slowness that she was a pretty good choice."
(I'll just keep quiet about the fact that I almost blew my cover pretty quickly.)
Mai: "Welcome back, both of you. You came back safely, which means..."
Masamune: "Yeah. We recovered all the weapons stored in the harbor."
Masamune: "Right now, the soldiers in my unit are taking them off the ship."
Ieyasu: "If it had been a little later, they would have been spread all over Japan."
Mai: "Thank goodness. Good work, guys."
(Now, all that's left is Mitsuhide and Kicho.)
(I wonder if they're both safe.)
I felt relieved after seeing everyone was safe.
(I can't wait to see Kicho.)
(I want to touch him, feel his warmth, and make sure he's alive.)
Ieyasu: "There's no need to be so fidgety. They'll be fine."
Mai: "But..."
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Masamune: "You know what they're like, so just sit tight and wait."
Ranmaru: "Speaking of the devils. Lady Mai, look over there."
Mai: "Ah!"
From a distance, I saw two horses running toward us. One of them had a fluttering white coat.
(That white horse… It's Kicho's horse!)
Feeling uneasy, I stopped in my tracks when I saw no one on the white horse and instead saw two figures on Mitsuhide's horse.
(Don't tell me...)
Perhaps noticing that I had started to run, Mitsuhide pulled the reins back, and as the distance drew closer, I could see the person behind him.
Mai: "Kicho!"
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My mind went blank as I saw his blood-soaked haori and weak, limping body.
Mai: "W-Why...?"
Mitsuhide: "Calm down, Mai. He's still breathing. He's just unconscious right now."
Mitsuhide: "I found him lying by a big tree when I came and got him."
Mitsuhide: "I'll take him to the tent, so can you take his horse?"
Mai: "Okay."
(Kicho is alive. This is not the time to panic.)
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After carrying Kicho together, Mitsuhide quickly closed the tent's entrance.
Mai: "Wait, don't!"
Mai: "Kicho is claustrophobic."
Kicho: "It's fine. It can be avoided depending on some conditions."
Mai: "I see, that's good."
Mai: "Wait, Kicho!? You're awake."
Kicho: "Yeah, for quite a while now."
Mitsuhide: "That was a fine nap you took, Kicho. Wait, no. Maybe I should say it differently."
Mitsuhide: "At any rate, it was a success. Good for you."
Mai: "What...?"
(So it was all an act? I was really worried.)
Kicho: “Mai!”
As I was about to collapse, he supported me and held me up, his large hand gently caressing my back.
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Kicho: “Sorry. Don’t worry. I heard your voice.”
Kicho: “I didn’t do this out of meanness.”
Mai: ��Yes. I know. You’re not that kind of person.”
Mai: “But sorry. It’s going to take me a little while to sort this out.”
(Even though he was breathing, I was still really worried.)
(I almost lost myself when I saw him swaying on the horse like a doll, looking so beat up.)
He quietly took me in his arms as I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest, clinging to him with my overflowing feelings.
Eventually, the sound of his heart and the gentle warmth of the room gradually calmed me.
(I’m glad he’s okay.)
(Just knowing that is enough for me.)
Mitsuhide: “.............”
Mai: “............”
Mai: “Sorry, Mitsuhide.”
Mitsuhide: “No, don’t worry about it. It’s good that you remembered that I’m still here.”
Mai: “Ugh, sorry I got caught up in our own world.”
Mai: “Um, anyway, how did you end up pretending to be unconscious?”
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Mitsuhide: "This was the only quickest way to give the three of us a place to talk privately."
Mai: "I see. What is it that you need to talk about?"
Mitsuhide: "I'll leave it to you to decide whether Kicho's story is true or not."
Mitsuhide: "I'll decide on the disposal of this guy after that."
Mitsuhide quickly raised his gun and pointed it at Kicho.
Mitsuhide: "Then let me ask you a question. Why did you intentionally let Motonari escape?"
Mai: "Huh!?"
Kicho: "I knew it was about that."
(If he's not denying it, then it's true that Motonari ran away.)
(Why did he do that?)
Kicho: "I didn't let him escape. He escaped."
Kicho: "It was only temporary, but we were both out cold."
Kicho: "After regaining consciousness, I couldn't move due to blood loss, so there was no way I could stop him."
Kicho: "By the time you arrived, his men had taken him away."
Mitsuhide: "Then how do you explain this? When I arrived, you seemed to be talking to each other."
Mitsuhide: "I couldn't hear it, so I have no idea what you were talking about."
Mitsuhide: "Did you arrange a prearranged escape plan?"
Kicho: "No. There's already no need for me to work with that guy."
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Kicho: "That's why I had to say something one last time."
Mitsuhide: "Oh? And what was that?"
Kicho: "That's..."
Kicho thought for a moment and then glanced at me.
Kicho: "Mai. I've already revealed your identity to Mitsuhide."
Kicho: "There are now two people who know about the future.”
Mai: "Huh? Really!?"
(When did they talk about it?)
Kicho: "That's why, as long as it's just for this occasion, there won't be any problem."
Kicho: "There's something I've been hiding from that man for a long time."
Mai: "What have you been hiding?"
Kicho: "Nobunaga's purpose is to achieve unification and make Japan prosperous, while Motonari's goal is to continue the turbulent times and make the country a land where no man rules over another."
Kicho: "What they stand for is completely different. Therefore, they're in conflict."
Mitsuhide: "Yeah, that's why we're in this situation."
Kicho: "But I knew an alternative way for a country to realize the will of both sides."
Kicho: "It's to abolish status and rank and adopt a parliamentary system."
(Is that...!)
Kicho: "Mai. You know it very well."
Mai: "Yes, just like they do in future Japan."
Mai: "It will be difficult to achieve this in a country that’s not yet united, but I'm sure we can build a nation based on the will of everyone."
(If that's what everyone is after, we need a discussion, not a war.)
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Mitsuhide: “I see. If Japan will eventually become a country like that, I can’t say that it’s an impossible plan.”
Mitsuhide: “And you didn’t tell Motonari about it to achieve your goal.”
Kicho: “Yeah.”
Mitsuhide: “...........”
Mitsuhide: “Mai, what do you think?”
Mai: “He’s not lying.”
Mai: “I know what he’s saying, and that he is on our side.”
Mai: “No matter what happens, I trust him.”
Mitsuhide: “Is that so? But that decision of yours is based on your personal feelings.”
Mai: “Ah…”
(He’s right. He’s not going to believe me.)
Kicho: “Don’t worry about it. This guy probably didn’t mean that in the first place.”
Kicho: “Mitsuhide, don’t be too mean. Mai takes everything seriously.”
Mitsuhide: “Yeah, I just wanted to tease her.”
Mitsuhide: “Oh well. I’m the one who said I’d leave the judging to you.”
Nodding lightly, Mitsuhide quietly lowered his gun.
Mitsuhide: “Your life is saved, Kicho.”
Mitsuhide: “But failure is a failure. We will continue our search for Motonari.”
Kicho: “Yeah.”
Mitsuhide: “Then, I’ll return now to Lord Nobunaga. Those of you who are injured may sleep soundly here.”
Mitsuhide waved his hand and walked out of the tent.
Mai: "Ah, wait!"
I ran after him and grabbed his sleeve in a hurry.
Mai: "Um, thank you so much."
Mitsuhide: "What? I don't remember doing anything worthy of a thank you."
(I knew he would say that.)
Mai: "There are a lot of them."
Mai: "But I don't want to list them all and hold you back, so I'll just leave you with one."
Mai: "Thank you for coming back alive."
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Mitsuhide: "..........."
Mitsuhide: "I see. Your skill in winning people's hearts and minds is quite terrifying."
Mitsuhide: "You may be the best spy in the Oda army."
Mai: "Is that also one of your highest compliments?"
Mitsuhide: "No. The opposite. It's not a compliment."
Mai: "What!?"
Mitsuhide: "Being under your spell is like hell."
He took my hand and stroked it gently with his fingertips.
Unsure of his intentions, I looked at his long, strong fingers and saw numerous scars that seemed so painful just by looking at them.
Mai: "U-Um..."
Mitsuhide: "This world is hard to live in. That's why I thought there was nothing you could do about it."
Mitsuhide: "But you never broke. You faced it, and you reached out."
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Mitsuhide: "I have no intention of taking you away."
He gently pulled away without a second thought.
(Is it rude to think that I might be thinking something?)
Unable to say anything, he turned his back to me.
Mitsuhide: "The injured need rest and someone to look after them."
Mitsuhide: "I'll leave the rest to you."
Mai: "Okay."
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After fetching water at a nearby river, I returned to the tent, and Kicho, who had been lying down, sat up.
Kicho: "Sorry."
Mai: "Don't worry about it. The wound on your shoulder still hasn't healed, and you've reached your limit."
Mai: "By the way, do you want me to leave this entrance open?"
Kicho: "No, it's fine. Keep it closed like before."
Mai: "Okay."
(True, it's better to close it so he can rest.)
After closing it, I went to his side.
Mai: "I got some clean water. Would you like some?"
Kicho: "Yeah, thanks."
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Kicho: "Mai."
Mai: "Yeah? What is一mnn…"
After taking the bamboo flask, he tilted it to take a sip, held me close, and kissed me.
I swallowed the cold water that flowed into my mouth, and he slipped his slightly cold tongue inside it.
Mai: "Mnn...ngh..."
We sweetly intertwine our tongues together, bringing the heat back up again in our touch.
After a long, suffocating kiss, Kicho slowly pulled away.
Mai: "Haa...Kicho?"
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Kicho: "I just remembered something I have to do."
Kicho: "Sorry for worrying you, but I need to confirm it."
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Previous Part╏Masterlist╏Premium
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jennyandvastraflint · 3 months
Xena Reactions S3Ep3
We start with a dude dramatically running away from war... EW. ARES. He just keeps getting uglier
Damn strong armour. Is the armour possessing the guy?
Cheerful start really
Damn they wanna hurt some guy. Was that Gabby
Gosh Xena and Gabrielle are so gorgeous
Is she gathering criminals for a mission XD
"I am no lady" either way gender.
Xena introducing them
"Just men?" 😂 Gabrielle asking the good questions
Going up against Ares... Blergh. Ares can go choke on his own ego.
Oof, village laid waste
The armour looks so stupid honestly...
Love how Xena's SWORD broke but not Gabrielle's staff 😂
Oh fuck the pretty one was hit
Oh. METAL! Not medal... Yes that makes more sense (auditory processing issues hu)
Blacksmithing fancam
Hate that pretentious guy
"Wow, nice ceps!" He is GAY. He is so down to suck Ares's dick...
BOOMERANG (Sokka is foaming at the mouth in jealousy)
"Cos I'm gonna kill her" no you won't. Shut up and suck Ares's dick you war simp
Gabrielle commanding them as she should.
Boo for them ignoring her.
"Murderers guarding murderers"
"Were they murderers before they met you?" OUCH
"Am I really who I am, or am I what you made me?"
They're playing their funny guessing game again
Jesus can these murderers CHILL
Gabrielle looking, then going NOOOPE
Please these idiots are still standing there
Ahaha they're guarding each other cos none trusts the other to not kill them
"But what are you here for?"
"You know what men are like" lesbian
Ahaha he just fell asleep
"But you're going to buy them"
Yuck, I wouldn't wanna be stuck with that guy either
"I think I've never been part of a true disaster before" "Cynic"
URGH the sexist prick can go die in a ditch
Ew what kinda straight sex shit is this
"Men are so easy" shdhshd
Gosh he's annoying.. Why r all the men in this annoying
And he grabbed Xena...
"That's gotta be uncomfortable" 😂
"Is this a private get together or can anyone join in?" Oh she knooows
She's happy they're working together
AHAHA She sensed Ares
Why is Ares' beard so fucking UGLYYYY. Like it literally got worse
Ares you snitch. Why are you telling her. Bro as if THAT isn't also interfering?? 😂
Uhhhh... Whomst?
Damn they throw bombs
Gabrielle ur so amazing
Xena I love you sm
Damn. She's defyyying gravity
Mmmmm, dudebro sexist is sus af
Urgh... They tricked her...
YUCK. DISGUSTING. I hope she gets to murder him
I love Gabby
Yeah true but y'know, a bit too many men for my liking, and a whole bunch of others stand around doing nothing about it
They really just want money, hu
Is he gonna free them
Ayoooo double double crossing
Ahsdhsh she used the Doctor strategy. Get captured cos breaking out the cell is easier than breaking into the whole thing
EW. ASSAULT. DISGUSTING. Someone give her a wife
"Hey that's not how a princess fights" gosh get some perspective, man
"Amazon Princess" YOU TELL HIM
Something something the old Xena showing for a moment
"Why does everyone wanna kill me?" Honestly it's very understandable
"I'm not leaving!" "Like she said"
Ares is like lmao bye have fun dying, loser
All the steaaaam, brilliant. Gotta be pretty hot in there
YEESH That gotta hurt
"Look after Xena, okay?" awwwww
"I'd sooner fall for a toad" valid
"You're Gabrielle" AAAAAH ❤️
"Question is who would I be without you?"
Ahaha them bickering
Ok so as a whole the episode was very, very meh. I liked the Xena/Gabrielle moments tho
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
I'm not usually this awake at this hour, but sometimes one gets a migraine, and even having the massive spoilers I have for this volume, I'm finding others trickling in, so let's get through a bit more of this before I have to attend morning work meetings.
I'm a profeshunal.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 10, Chapters 4-5 below.
Chapter 4: Death Omen
As if we haven't had enough death omens since... like... volume 2 of the original manga....
Am I gonna get to watch these two move in beautiful tandem for a fight again? Please say yes.
What are you talking about, Vash? This is the perfect time for reminiscing!
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You're gonna do what now, Wolfwood? My dude, don't be prideful here. That already almost got you killed once in this volume. Just let Vash help you.
THAT'S RIGHT, YOU TELL HIM VASH!!! Not like Wolfwood could stop Vash from helping, anyway.
Ohhh, shit, we're gonna go there now, are we? *deep breaths*
What a time for Vash to remember this scene. Strange that this is what he thinks of when he thinks about how close they've become. But perhaps that's when he realized how much Wolfwood genuinely cared about him. Also, I love how this memory interjects this sudden quietness in what's a very chaotic scene.
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Vash is thinking about all the things Wolfwood has told him about why Wolfwood kills. As tragic as it might be, sometimes there are things one can only protect using extreme measures. One should always seek alternate solutions, if one can, but sometimes that's just not an option.
I'd bet good money that what Vash is specifically debating here is what extremes he's willing to go through to protect Wolfwood.
Yeah. There it is.
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Heh, we get that line, and then we have Vash catch Wolfwood in almost an embrace. You can't tell me Nightow didn't know what he was doing here.
Ohhh, he can sense it in Wolfwood's body. His mans is not doing good.
This... this isn't the in-tandem fighting I wanted to see.
They've awoken angry protector Vash.
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Man, he almost headshot Razlo. I feel like that might be the closest Raz is gonna get to a warning shot.
Hahahahaha, I was under the impression it was Wolfwood telling Vash to destroy someone in this panel. It just doesn't seem like something Vash would say. But they done really pissed him off.
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Wolfwood gets how much he means to Vash here, too. Finally, these idiots understand each other, but... of course, it's a bit late in the game, isn't it.
Heh. Wolfwood's gonna give Raz an appropriate dressing down from his older brother.
Raz doesn't buy it.
The third arm is still stupid, but the layout of this panel is bomb.
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That's so many bullets. Raz is getting his ammo from the same nebulous void that generates the unending ammo in Hellsing.
I always love seeing Wolfwood use the Punisher as a shield instead of a gun. There's something about the subversion of its intended purpose that just hits the right spot for me.
Chapter 5: Final Battle
This chapter title sucks. How dare it be the final battle. There are still four volumes to go....
Oof, there go Wolfwood's sunglasses. Matrix rules say he's in for it now.
Shoot, the gun didn't fire. But... does the Punisher even fire that way??
Raz makes Wolfwood look so small...
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Did Wolfwood just disable one of Raz's Punishers?
Damn, kicking the empty magazine into Raz's chest is a crazy move.
RIP dumb metal arm. A very good tactical move since it's the one arm Raz can't regenerate.
Vash is just... watching. He knows this is what Wolfwood wants, but he doesn't look the least bit happy with this situation.
I'm not sure if it's Raz or Wolfwood speaking here, but if it's Raz, he sounds like someone who's trying to keep themselves psyched up when they're very clearly losing. If it's Wolfwood, then Wolfwood is just taunting him, since he's clearly already taken the upper hand.
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Who knows what's happening in this panel. I assume they're sparring with the Punishers like they're giant swords.
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So many bullets....
Heh, Wolfwood's using the ammo belt itself as a weapon.
I appreciate how the Punisher's diminishing stability here reflects Wolfwood's physical state. He's going down, but goshdarn, if he isn't making use of every resource at his disposal, even if it's in very non-traditional ways, to make sure he gets the job done.
Dang, he done fucked Raz up.
LOL, Raz gets it. Bit late, bro.
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Seems like the only thing that's incensing Raz more than the thought of dying to Wolfwood is the thought of not dying to Wolfwood. That Wolfwood might show him mercy in the end.
Or maybe he just doesn't want to go out via something as simple as a punch to the face.
That'll do for now. I'll save the rest of the pain for... later....
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell
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Okay, very well >:)
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This is mostly how would they look and I can pretty say that Luffy, Zoro and Sanji in the crew have A LOT of scars of different types. And I'm too damn flustered to draw Nami and Robin because they would JUST BEAUTIFUL-
And I don't know yet how would Franky and Chopper would look but I do have some clues.
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This is more like a practice of drawing Luffy because- I can be wrong but as far I know , pirates actually prefered do not drink any alcohol or/and throw a big loud parties because that alcohol's kick can make the crewmates less aware of the possible danger around and won't be able to defend the ship properly.
Usually , only beyond feared and truly powerful pirate crews could , first - afford themselfs a real good drink and second - make parties where ans when desired 'cause only really big and powerful marine ships and another pirate crew like them would try to fight them.
About the Devil fruits. In the AU exist as an Forbidden fruits of the Devil except - you cannot find them in the treasure chests or in another pirate crew/marine bases , or even steal it. You only either buy one (that is mostly how pirates get it but not always successfully 'cause they might be scammed with a colored regular fruit) or you can inherit it from killing then consuming the blood of the previous user.
However , the thing about it being Forbidden is that you can't not consume it. Either away or another , once you found it - you must eat it or it will take your ability to swim as of you dared to reject such an offer of the Devil.
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Now about the Strawhats specifically. They aren't truly monsters but they are also would indeed be terrifying and cruel.
Luffy as a captain would be rumored as insane and would be feared by not only pirates and marines but also people from the different parts of the world. He would be famous for not killing his enemies but breaking them in the literal sense. Every single one of them that was against him or his crew ― has either absent limbs or broked bones that are beyond repair.
Zoro would be known for scarring and disfiguring his enemies. The sheer and raw strength and durability that he has would make his sword style absolutely vicious. He is also most feared by both marine , pirates and by other people but as an man that uses nothing but ― his strength , BIO , speed and swords. Moreover , every single enemy compare to Luffy is never left alive unless Luffy himself asks him not to. And every one of them that are left alive ― has an great amout of scars on their back , stomach and around the face.
I don't know if I should tell about the others but this most of it. :")
Luffy especially looks great! I would say the rumors about him being insane are true though, Luffy is batshit insane on a good day lmao
Idk what you have planned for Franky, but maybe he could be something like an illusionist? Kinda like Oz from the wizard of oz where everyone thinks he's this magical powerful entity when in reality he's just got a lot of nifty contraptions. Just an idea lol
If you want to share more then I'm definitely listening!
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zikozumi · 1 year
Red Umbrella
Roronoa zoro x gn! Reader
|866 Words|
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Rain pouring softly on the roof tops, walking by all of the apartments on the street. Sun peaking through the grey clouds in the sky that are causing the down pour. Red umbrella standing tall over you, protecting your head.
Have had terrible sleep that night before you were still tired but we're making an attempt to see the market that was going on today. Slowly after a 20 minute walk you made it to the small sized market. Looking around a stand caught your eye, soft lavender flowers that were in bunches. You walked closer your eyes not leaving the flowers, thinking of buying some. Unfortunately you were ripped from your thoughts when your body hit another person.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." You manage to get out before looking up to the person you hit.
"No don't worry about it." The man that had green hair said.
Feeling embarrassed you looked down and continued to the stand. Stopping once realizing you knew the man from the papers.
'𝘞𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦.'
You slowly look back to the man that was already standing there looking back at you.
'𝘖𝘩 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘐 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵, 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨'
Looking away from his gaze, picking out a bunch of lavender from the stand and giving the man a good amount of money. Without thinking you quickly walked away because the man you had ran into was walking closer.
You continue to walk around picking up fish and some fruits to go with some chocolate you had gotten the week before.
Walking home once the rain had let up and was just a sprinkle. Clouds still slightly covering the sun. Comfortably walking in silence until making it to your apartment, walking into the house and putting stuff away for later. Heading to your room you got into comfortable clothes and put the dirty clothes away. Head perking up when you hear a knock on the door.
Curiosity getting to you enough to head to the door
'𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯? 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦' you huffed a breath thinking of how bad that could be before stopping in front of the door. Slowly opening it and peaking out and seeing that green hair and stopping.
"Damn I'mma die huh" you say out loud on accident. Looking him up till your eyes reach his.
Cheeks slightly pink from the man's looks
"No your not. You left this at the stand" he mumbles handing out a red umbrella that looked tiny in his hands.
'𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵'you look down slightly in shame then shugging it off.
"I am so sorry you had to bring this back to me, um would you like to come inside?" You offer not fully understanding what your saying yourself.
"Yeah, sure. Thank you" walking into your apartment, putting his swords down.
Staring at his hand as he puts his swords down, you realized you hadn't realized he had swords.
'𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 ' you say to yourself in your head
"Should you like something to drink I have water, juice, wine and some beer.? " you say looking at the fridge.
"Can I have some beer, if it's no problem with you." He states at you get two out for the both of you and sit down in the living room.
"I forgot the bottle opener, let me go get it." He follows suit after me.
As I get the opener I can feel his soft breaths on the back of my neck. Slightly flushing at the feeling of the man being so close to you.
"Ok, here you got. " handing him the opener and going the back the the living room.
After a while you both start to get comfortable and start talking about your own lives.
"I have this captain, he's really stubborn and want to be pirate king. And we also have this stupid cook" he continues talking as you stare at him. He slowly starts to realizes and stops.
"What's wrong? Am I talking to much?" He slightly worries.
You shake your head in disapproval. "No not even close just realized if it wasn't for that umbrella, I wouldn't have met someone as amazing as you" you laugh towards the end of your sentence.
You can see the soft smile, sitting on his lips.
"I have to go before it gets any dark or I'mma probably loose my way. " you smile at him and nod.
"Ok, oh hold on. Here" you grabbed the red umbrella and hand it to him.
"So no matter what you have to visit to give it back" he nods as you walk to the front door where he opens the umbrella.
"Oh one more thing" he starts, pulling you under the red umbrella and kissing you on the lips.
"There, hope to see you soon" smirking as he walks down the steps leaving you in your own thoughts.
"That damn red umbrella"
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Fable'ing like the fable gamer I am
"Idk where brightwall even is"
"So I'm gonna explore"
"Okay but seriously... the 3rd game is basically an AU"
"I'm shaking hands with everyone"
"Love me, damnit"
"What the fuck, in the loading screen it said I have 6 STDs???? I've held hands with people what the fuckk????"
Game: see this sign?
Me: yup
Game: that's where you're going
Me: that's where the-
Game & me: glowing trail goes
Game: and you should follow it
Me: yeah I know
Me: hehe >:)
"Found a 5 silver key chest"
"I have 1"
"I found a normal chest with an amethyst, hell ye"
"The potion I got was so my dog got an expert in all things"
"My dog, Reaver, is cashing in! I got lots of coins now!"
"Yum, fried wolf"
"This game reminds me so much of dragon age inquisition"
"800 coins now, before I left the lil settlement I had 60..."
"A cave? Well... ofc I'm gonna go in there"
"Where's the hobbs tho? They've basically removed all enemies"
"Okay I can't do anything in the wolf cave"
"I have to press home, start button on the controller, B to exit and only then can I save without going to sanctuary..."
"A door want me to bring another hero, aka I need another person online..."
"Ooo bandits, I don't have a sword so I don't wanna do that rn"
"Who's burying all this gold and gems?"
"Every forth second this dog finds me either coins, clothes or gems"
"Not complaining really..."
"Ooo I found another entrance to the cave I couldn't go further into"
"Huh... maybe the isn't the same cave"
"Okay... so the cave I found, there's a silver key chest... with 15!!! Keys, I have 3"
"1469 coins... I'm thriving!"
"Alright, this cave is called 'chillbreath caverns' now I just gotta remember that for later"
"Ooo gold key"
"I found the first entrance and it is the same place, wow"
"Alrighty, going to the quest place"
"It also doesn't look the same"
"Honestly, if it had been like 100 years and not like 20(?) I'd accept it, but like...?"
"Its like they've taken the names and some characters and put it in a completely different world"
"Alrighty, I'm going into the city, what's up city folk, I am also a city folk, a normal farmer city woman"
"I sold all my gems etc, so now I have 16 507 coins... damn"
"I'm handshaking EVERYONE"
"Actually... this reminds me more of the 1st game"
"Ew... there's the gnomes"
"The character designs remind me more of fallout 3"
"Why is there coins in the bookshelves in the library school?"
"Theres a lot of chests and hollowmen here"
"Secret, I found a secret~"
"Zelda vibes again"
"No... no nonono not the music box bro I'm sobbing why!"
"This is actually my ringtone"
"Which is horrible ofc"
"Imma just walk around it for chests"
"Okay... I'm clicking it"
"Was it always that big?"
"Wtf video Logan looks even worse"
"I wanna find a fable buddy so we can play through fable 2 and 3 together, I used to have that :( but we broke up many years ago"
"Opening up all chests cuz I've been super friendly hehe"
"Be friends with people so they can give u things"
"... and this is why I'm always a raider in fallout... isn't it"
"Walter is just drinking while I'm doing hard work"
"Gotta fix my outfit since I'm gonna go buy people's houses and charge them insane rent"
"Hmm what screams corrupt? I have no pink suit-skirt tho"
"Okay I look emo... huh, I kinda look like my old classmate... I should show her a pic"
"Alrighty... Walter where ya at"
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Gintama Sentence Starters: Funny Edition
Gintoki: "Blah blah blah... Put a lid on it. Are you in heat, or what?" "I mean, I get so cranky if I don't have sugar." "Was your sister raised by a gorilla or something!?" "Ow ow ow ow ow!! What did you do!? Is that my brain leaking out?" "I-it should be okay, you know... Wake Up TV's astrology segment said... I'd be lucky this weekend." "Whoever ate it, raise your hand now, and I'll only kill you three-fourths of the way." "Can't you say something like, 'Leave me, ____, you go on ahead'?" "How long are you going to go on and on and on like some stupid, gum chewing, Kyoto girl on her cell phone?" "SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE, FREAK!" "So, what do we do now? Can we touch your ass or something?" "Clearly you're the one who needs help! You can't do jack shit!" "GIVE ME YOUR BALLS." "'Is this love?' My ass!" "It's all my fault. If only I hadn't gone to pachinko! I'll repay you by doubling it in pachinko!" "Believe in yourself! Believe in the dick of the owner you believe!" "You have an ultimate move, even though I don't? Isn't that unfair?" "T-Toei Animation's gonna kill us!" "What? I never said I was talking about you. You actually thought your family was rich? You actually call yourself Richie Rich?" "Mr. Kakashi from Class N had his Sharingan stolen after school yesterday." "Hey, bitch. I'm done with Kingdom, so get me all the volumes of Terra Formars within three minutes, or I'll have your head." "I'll curse your family for seven generations, damn you!" "It was far too large to be called a sword stuck in my ass."
Shinpachi: "Sheesh!! You hide a filthy soul behind those beautiful eyes!" "You two think that anything with a mustache is Mario, don't you!?" "Why are you pretending to break your bones!?"
Kagura: "Don't need a license to hit and run, yessir!" [text] Good morning. Your poop is very smooth today! "We're not toilet paper for you bastards to wipe your asses with!" "Behold me, the 30,014th shogun!"
Hijikata: "You wanna sleep permanently? Huh?" "Why leave the party, pal? It's a nice fight. Let's have some fun!" "What do you mean you missed!? Hey! Look at me!" "Okay. Don't come back." "Then how about a handshake? I'm a real Bentendo fan." "You Zega fans should be quiet and play your Creamcast, stupid. Keep waiting for your sequel to Shenmue, stupid." "I'm going to defeat Breeza!" "Hey, just give me some balls. You have some, right?" "Have you heard of a penile break?" "I'll lick the soles of your sandals or anything you ask me to!" "You can use the tepid kiddy bath over there. It's probably your style." "I don't remember allying with you, either. Crazy bitch." "You're not innocent, are you!?"
Okita: "He doesn't look hurt, but trust me he's suffering inside." "Just so you know, I was supposed to work really hard today, but I took the day off." "Isn't he stereotypical? He thinks he's Vegeta. He's planning on casually joining in." "Go buy me a Yakisoba pan, and JUMP, too. Of course, you pay for them." "I'm going to investigate whether the octopus balls actually have octopus meat in them." "I'll cut right to the chase. Could you let ____ fuck your robot girl over there?"
Other: "Look, you just keep your mouth shut." "Your heart isn't big enough to embrace their wonderful flaws, and that's why you aren't popular with the ladies!" "A leader must use any means possible to lead his organization to victory. As such, you'll play Uno with me! Because I'm good at Uno!" "____ made me pay 108 yen for a Yakulk the other day. Did they make you pay, too? It wouldn't be fair if I was the only one who had to pay." "Quit acting like you're a leader already, damn errand boy." "To remove this apparatus, either go to your nearest church or withdraw 3 million yen from an ATM and deposit it to my account." "If sorry was enough, seppuku wouldn't exist in the world." "In my country, '(insult)' is just how we end sentences. I wasn't implying anything, (insult)." "Is she a man or Orochimaru?" "Quit talking about my butthole like it's some parking stall!" "The hell are you doing in my house!?" "Why are you sneaking into my house in the middle of the night to make fried rice all dramatic-like!? And turn off the damn music! It's bothering the neighbors!" "You're the one... who bent me over."
Other (Multiple Lines): "Now we can't use the 'I wanna eat your cooking' line." "Oh, well. Skip a few steps and go with 'I wanna eat you' instead." "That's skipping too many steps! What kind of irresponsible advice is that!?" "I'll help you outta there. 'hee, hee, hoo' got that? Together now. 'hee, hee, hoo'." "I'm not a pregnant woman, you moron!" "This is ____, and this is ____. Understand? Let's write them down ten times each." "Oh, fuck you!"
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nei-ning · 16 days
Finally back home from psychologist's visit! It went well and fast, thank God! Tho I was so anxious about the meeting last 3 days, shitting myself to death and not being able to sleep almost at all, I took full Opamox to calm me down.
I took her a pile of papers which she had sent me to fill and bring back. I also had my Autism list with me (3 pages, printed on both sides).
At some point, when I was filling some other papers at the meeting, she went through my answers. We spoke about them and then she gave me one last paper to fill (autism test) while she read my Autism list. (I got high points from the official autism test paper)
She was blown away how GOOD that list was, ahaha! She said I had done super good job on it! :D I said I got really into it, writing down EVERYTHING which is me! My list, translated in English, can be found HERE. (EDIT 1.6.2024. There accidentally was wrong link, but it's fixed now!)
But after all the papers etc. little chitchatting, she said to me I could try "reward yourself method" whenever you get something done (like brushing teeth which is HUGE struggle to me!). I instantly thought that won't work on me since I know getting a sticker after brushing my teeth is not a motivation or a reward. I don't give a shit about the sticker :'D She also said I could spoil myself by buying myself things I want. I said that's not a problem, never hasn't been. I DO SPOIL myself! <3
She also asked about me and my daydreaming. I told her I do it 24/7. I honestly do! I'm in fictional world all the time! And I like it. It makes me happy.
She also thought that my lack of energy / motivation to do anything could be because of my health - which it can't be since I was in blood test + other tests last autumn and all was fine. She also said that because I'm middle-aged soon and have overweight, I should go to walk / exercise since I can die young. I said I've never given it any damn if I die young or not. I live my life as I want and die when my time is up. I'm not interested on "torturing" myself to be healthy and living to be a 100.
Lastly, she said I will meet her and specialist (doctor) on 11th of next month to see where we head next. However, she already hinted that she won't be able to help me more than this but she wants to consult specialist. It can turn out that I'm sent to bigger hospital to see specialist neurology doctor.
She also suggested me, since I'm miserable living here in this area, that it would do me good to move away. I said that is a possibility now that I don't have cats but I also said I want to stay here as long as needed to get this whole mental health thing of mine solved. But at the same time, as much as I would like to move, when I start to get deeper in it, looking for new place etc. I get even more horrible anxiety than staying here where I currently am. So I choose "less bad" by staying in uncomfortable area than heading in completely new place where I would freak out, shitting myself to death with anxiety etc. This is kind of a double edge sword.
Edit: Not to mention, would I get miserable in new place after 2 years of living there, like what happened in my current place? (been living here since 2012 and 2 first years were amazing and nice but years after them? Nope. At all.)
But let's wait and see what happens next time!
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shummashum · 4 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch11 [7~11]
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oh… you sure? that would be great! welcome welcome
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what zz what are you looking at any complaints?
So they headed into the courtyard.
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if you have any complaints, speak out man nothing will change just by glaring at her like that she won't know if you don't tell her~
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eeh is he in bad mood~??? I don't know about it at all~~?????
Anyway, Al suggested that they take turns attacking and defending each other to practice protective spells, and everyone agreed.
how about setting penalties? this is how it's supposed to be fun how about the loser buys a meal
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oh well but don't be too serious about this this isn't a competition nor a test pretty please
So well… according to their words, today they're gonna focus on armor spells rather than barriers.
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oh… then judgment skills will be crucial in this area turning the buff on when the attack comes in and turning it off again when the damage time ends this is good! sounds interesting
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but it's a little different from the image I had in mind I expected something like parrying, but it was just applying a buff rather than that
Anyway she waived her wand while reciting the words and touched the tip of it to her other arm.
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oh… but this is an increase in magic defense this has nothing to do with physical defense, right? if someone attacks his arm with a sword, it's useless
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it's like that… a wand in one hand and an enchanted arm in the other instead of a sword in one hand and a shield in the other
So they began their practice.
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I see his actions are filled with emotion isn't it too obvious?
well then let us do the same be ready, Klaus!!
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nah why are you aiming at Al follow my lead! attack the ex-prefect!!
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aha… element is just a bonus, and power decides everything in the end
Al declared that now it's his turn, and…
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she lost,,, is this all you have? why didn't you at least try to stop it it's no different from a batter getting on the mound and striking out without even swinging the bat once, don't you think
Anyway, when Al proposed to move on to the next round…
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this guy has no morals
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they're gonna flip out,,, emergency emergency another Ch7 again
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oi oi oi oi you guys promised to focus on armor spells, not the barriers besides that guy is attacking Al himself, not his wand what's wrong with him,,,
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well you shouldn't miss this the scene where the angelic Prefect and the mighty Emperor spar with each other using magic? this is so fucking rare
go for it, Al!! let us clearly inform him of the fate of the one who starts the fight first!!
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As Klaus launched another attack while pledging to win…
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holy mama now even physical attacks appear and you damn asshole you think you have the right to say 'against the rules' stuff now? look back on your actions first sighsigh
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uh eh erm why the bgm wait wait wasn't that "I never said I could only use magic" just a half-joking
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if you're always going to end up like this, then just don't be together why are you guys willing to be in the same place when you know it will end like this
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but we should call him, right? oi!!!!
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uh… no!! honestly I'm way more worried about you though
welll… okay I really really truly don't want to leave you alone, but if you say so…..
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the-white-soul · 4 months
*Flowey enjoys his ice cream with the others, looking into the distance where Layer and Merg ran off.*
So Merg can’t be hurt or murdered at all? Or were they just bluffing? I feel like it was a bluff because then Merg wouldn’t have felt intimidated enough to run away. We should see if we can really hurt them next time!
Seriously though, don’t they get to you with what they say? Clover… Merg… anyone else who talks to us like that… I’ve tried to manipulate people’s minds like that too. But that doesn’t mean I’m desensitized from when I’m the flower on their sword’s end. You seemed pretty upset, so I figure it’s the same with you. *He bites the inside of his cheek and turns away so he can make a partial lie.* Not that I’m actually concerned… but you’re doing okay, right?
(Kara) "If you're going to tell a lie so obviously fake don't bother making it in the first place. I am a teenager, I'm never okay. But to the average teen yeah I'm fine. Although they are bluffing a bit. Merg can technically not get physically harmed, but if he dies in game he can never play Undertale AU's ever again. So yeah he's much more scared then he's letting on."
*Layer shows up hiding their tears with their hair but it almost doesn't matter.*
(Kara) "Oh my gosh what happened to you. Do you need some Ice Cream too? Hey can you give them a umm what do you like?"
(Layer) "A chocolate soft serve. *They think Might as well enjoy this last moment with them.*"
*They buy the ice cream and Layer eats it like they're at Jesus's table in the last supper. Every bite is as important as the last savoring every bite and enjoying it more than even Chara would.*
(Kara looks at them when there finished) "Oh my even I could tell you enjoyed that. So what happened?"
*Layer's hand is shaking with such force, they know their's one way to solve the undergrounds problems for a while but they've never killed an Undertale character let alone one who personally befriended them.*
(Layer) "You know that I do things for good reasons most of the time right? Well I am the player who came to stop others. To be honest sometimes even I question my morals. I mean look at myself I'm talking to lines of code all my life. If I were anyone else I'd be sick in the head. But no. It's me, Layer."
*Layer says this and realizes acting insane might calm them down so...*
(Layer) "You and I are a bunch of freaks!!! We go around destroying others fun for our own personal gain! Holy shit it feels good to yell! *Looks at Noelle who is crying* Oh the poor little princess, what do you need? Someone to actually care about you for more than your power and your looks? Everyone like that is dead!!! BY YOUR HANDS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! And Flowey, the predictable little flower. You and I both know that your middle name might as well be hypocrite, Jesus fucking Christ!!! You complain all the times about people doing the wrong things well guess what you forced people to be tortured hundreds of times because you were freaking bored. Here's a tip, if it's boring JUST CONTINUE THE GOD DAMN FUCKING STORY!!!"
*Layer now feeling better takes out there sword and challenges Kara*
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
I might not finish this one tonight, we'll see, but the last one was a cliffhanger and I no longer remember how it resolves!!
[edit: I did finish]
s1 ep9 no princess left behind
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awww I know she's being evil but still
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You know damn well Hordak would want to know it was actually Catra, you manipulative bitch
it'll be easier to do these now yayyy
wait they buzz a lot. hm. like, constantly.
Angella: I never should have let her leave this castle
That's....a little much
"As a leader of the rebellion" you haven't been doing shit lately tho that's actually been Glimmer and Adora but whatevs
OH SHIT i just remembered one of my fave moments in the entire show is in this episode. hghhhh anyway you'll see lol
The buzzing in the headphones is A Problem. >:(
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"sorry for eavesdropping on your crying :D" you know it was Sea Hawk's idea to pose dramatically
Okay I'm just amused by this screenshot (after Sea Hawk lies and says he's an inspector and Scorpia appears to buy it)
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just. look at her.
"Harmonious teamwork with Entrapta can be...a challenge." and Entrapta NODS she knows this about herself it's fine
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it's not YOUR black garnet >:(
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i love her
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i love her (example 2)
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bow's emotional intelligence wins the day (...and also wins them intelligence in the sense of information)
(actually the scene later reminds me of situations where you're just sort of polite to a dude in a situation where you can't leave, like working a cash register, and he just tells you his whole life story and you're just like...I didn't ask...why are you doing this.)
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I mean, she's not wrong
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Does anyone have just like, a list of every time Adora does this kind of self-sacrificial shit
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this is gonna backfire on you so bad
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*squints* am I the only one seeing parallels to "conversion therapy."
"this isn't the REAL you, I'll make it so you were like before" (aka when you were faking being cishet)
also HAS SHE DONE THIS BEFORE I forget I think they talk about it later??? fuck
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more face-touching!
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that's the power of love, bitch!
(also how many screenshots have I accidentally saved to "documents" instead of clipboard? they used to all auto-save to my desktop and I've never cleaned them out, which means I have literally thousands of images on my desktop, which I never look at, ahahah)
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--and my heart rate just shot through the roof lol
no you don't understand
this moment is one of my absolute faves in the whole fucking show
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She's SO FUCKING PISSED, and she's realized that Shadow Weaver will never ever reward her efforts, and she hates Shadow Weaver SO MUCH, and she'd rather help Adora in revenge at this point, fuck it all
And think about it--handing Adora the sword means Adora's going to leave again. And she still does it.
ALSO Catra didn't overhear that Shadow Weaver was going to try and wipe Adora's memory. I'm...not sure Catra would've helped them leave if she'd known that. Oof.
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(yeah yeah it's technically because she hates Shadow Weaver but also bc she likes Adora, she's just refusing to acknowledge that)
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Her expression as she watches Adora transform is something else. She still (understandably) sees She-Ra as part of what took Adora away from her. She also knew damn well what Adora would do the moment she got the sword back.
It's such a fantastic character moment, and ALSO, bonus, it's hotter than hell.
so good
Oof, I forgot that's why they abandoned Entrapta there--they really did think she was dead.
Anyway I rewound and watched the sword-dragging scene again
A few times
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