#I should...cross-post to DW more in general
thehusbandoden · 9 months
Burnt -Dabi x Reader
A/n: felt angsty lol. I'll write an alternative ending or maybe a second part soon~! <3
General info:
Genre: pure angst \\ wc: 1,224 \\ posted: 01/03/2024
Summary: you gave the love of your life too many chances already. But this time? He crossed a line.. a line that should have never been crossed.
Warnings!: pure angst, no happy ending, spoilers of Dabi's backstory, Dabi's real name, arguing, toxicity, crying, mention of blood, suggested abusive childhood, trauma, gaslighting, manipulating, being badly insulted, being unable to apologize, flinching, being physically harmed, break up, shame, guilt, annd I think that's it! Pls let me know if I miss anything! <33
Alternative Ending- More Than Life Itself (Dw he doesn't get away with it, but it's fluff/comfort!)
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Hurt coursed through your being as you glared at your beloved, biting your lip in pent up anger. “Why can’t you just trust me?! I’m not going to hurt you Touya!”  
“Do not call me Touya.” He growled, his hands clenching into fists. “You’ve done nothing but use me. All you ever care about is yourself, you’re a lazy, selfish, manipulative, and flat-out disgusting woman.”  
You open your mouth to retort, but quickly close it, shocked at his words. You only want him to be happy. All you do is provide love, support, shelter, and safety for him. You haven’t left him no matter how many times he’s insulted, manipulated, or gaslit you.  
You gave him shelter in your own home, no matter the risks of police, heroes, or other villains. You sat there as he yelled at you, insulted you, and belittled you.  
But... this? 
This was too far.  
“Do you mean all that?” You murmur, your eyes lowering to the floor. Your lip started to tremble.  
Dabi sneered. “Yes. Every single bit of it.” His turquoise eyes were filled with pure hatred.  
“Then just leave me.” You murmur, your hands shaking.  
“What did you say?” Dabi scoffed.  
“If I’m such a terrible person, just leave me and find someone better.” You spit, your e/c orbs filling with tears.  
“Are you really crying? Pathetic. Maybe I will... I’ll find someone who’s a lot better. She’ll be gorgeous, loving, selfless, and best of all- completely opposite of you.” Dabi snickered, pulling his black combat boots on.  
You don’t say anything. A few tears strayed down your face. Dabi scoffed. “Good.” You whisper. 
Rolling his eyes, Dabi pulls on his long leather jacket and his large backpack stored with all his belongings. He came home only a few hours ago... you tried to tell yourself to stay quiet, but you couldn’t help it... 
“Did you ever even love me?” You whisper, a few more tears joining the first.  
Dabi paused, his turquoise orbs moving to the floor. He doesn’t say anything, hardly even breathing. Silence envelops the two of you for a few moments before he speaks. “I... don’t love anything. Or anyone.”  
More tears fell.  
“So what? I was just- a- a game?” Your voice shook. Your control began to tremble.  
“You were something to pass time.” He muttered, running a large hand through his black hair. “Nothing more.”  
A choked sob broke through your lips. “Nothing? Nothing else at all?”  
“Yes. You were nothing but a stress relief.”  
A second sob followed the first. You could have sworn you saw Dabi’s sneer falter for a mere second.  
“What? Did you really think I could love someone like you?!”  
“Just go. I would wish you misery-” your voice cracks, “-but you’re already cursed. You break whomever and whatever is around you. You destroyed us and you destroyed your fam-" -a loud smack echoed across the room. Everything but you and Dabi’s heavy breathing were heard.  
You stared at the floor, your cheek burning. You couldn’t believe that the man you once loved and trusted could ever do something like this... he was not only cursed- but a liar at that.   
Biting your lip, your tearful eyes meet Dabi’s cold ones. No one other than you wouldn’t be able to tell how he was truly feeling. But you knew that his eyes were full of regret, guilt, and shame. But he wouldn’t apologize. He never would.  
“Get out.” You whisper, clenching your hands into fists. Dabi’s mouth opened ever so slightly.  
“What did you say?” He asked softly.  
“I said get out.” You demand. Tears fell down your face, making your cheek sting further. You silently cursed at your vulnerability.  
“Oh, come on y/n- it wasn’t that big of a deal.” Dabi protested, reaching out to hold you. He was gaslighting you. Again.  
“No! It was that bad! You didn’t only slap me Dabi, you burned me.” Dabi froze, your words finally pulling himself out of his delusional state. His eyes widened as he eyed your bruising cheek- it was not only bruising but burned.  
His face fell in horror. He subconsciously reached his hand to your cheek. You flinch, and he slowly falls apart.  
“Y-y/n- I-I...”  
“Get out. Now.” Your gorgeous e/c orbs hardened in rage, and he finally realized how serious you were.  
“O-okay... I’ll go.” He murmured, moving his heartbroken orbs to the floor. “I don’t want to see you again. Ever.” You murmur, wrapping your arms around yourself.  
“Ever. You crossed a line, Dabi.”  
Dabi froze as he heard you call him his villain's name... you always called him Touya... you were serious. He yearned to apologize, to hold you in his arms as he coos at you, to fix everything he ruined.  
His body jerked forward, but he didn’t budge. Opening his mouth, he inwardly screamed at himself to just- do it. The words were at the tip of his tongue. 
Memories of his childhood flashed before his eyes- the screaming, the insults, the endless apologies left ignored, or even punished. Something inside him snapped and he just- broke.  
“Good. I’m glad. I��ll be much better without your pathetic self weighing me down.” He sneered, pushing you aside, sending you scrawling to the floor. “You’re pathetic. Did you think that I loved you?!”  
Another sob broke from your lips. “Out.” 
“Y’know what? Why should I? You get out. I’m staying.”  
“I pay for this apartment Dabi! I buy the groceries, pay the bills, buy the furniture, pay for the repairs- this is my place!”  
“And I’m going to stay. Now either shut up and deal or leave.” Dabi growled. You glared at the man, your fingernails digging into your palms.  
“Dabi- leave. You’ve overstayed your welcome. Not only have you physically harmed me- whom you swore to protect, but you’ve insulted, belittled, and totally disrespected me. I want you out of my apartment by-” you were interrupted by Dabi tightly grabbing your arms, his flames burning into your flesh. Hissing in pain, you push Dabi to the ground. He lets out a loud curse before shooting back up to his feet, glaring at you. His hardened eyes involuntarily softened as he met your teary eyes. His heart stung as he watched you fall into yourself, sobbing.  
Dabi kneeled to the floor, trying to make eye contact with you. “Listen y/n... I-”  
“Leave! Go! I don’t want you or your apology! Leave or I will!” You sob, gripping onto your shirt tightly.  
Dabi’s cold, broken, and at most times invisible heart- shattered.  
He did this to you. He was a monster... he was just like Endeavor.  
Nodding, Dabi stood up. He turned away, walking towards the door. He glanced at you once more before walking out. He could hear your sobs as he closed your front door. He clenched his hands into fists. After a few moments of listening to your wails of betrayal, lost, and hurt, he couldn’t take it anymore.  
He threw a punch to his cheek, cursing himself out as he walked away. Blood streamed from his eyes; his burnt tear ducts burning in agony as his body attempted to cry. 
He insulted you.  
He lied to you.  
He broke you.  
He burnt you.  
And the worst part? 
There was nothing he could do to fix it. 
Dabi's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here <;3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Alternative Ending- More Than Life Itself (Dw he doesn't get away with it, but it's fluff/comfort!)
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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jakowskis · 11 months
torchwood fanfic resources
so i'm a chronic livejournal archaeologist, and fixating on 2000s media is particularly fun for me because it means i get to go digging on lj / dw / old fanfic forums. below you'll find some of the excavations from my torchwood fixation (give it up for month 6!) it's pretty much got every comm i've ever stumbled upon and found useful, or thought others would find useful. it's largely fanfic-oriented, though there's some more generalized comms, too. i hope you guys enjoy!
i was originally going to include a link to my reclist on this post as well, but it's still a wip, so i'll just post that separately in the future.
general disclaimer: most of the content here is from 2006-2013 or so. period-typical attitudes may pop up in places. i'm not sure if most modern tw fans have witnessed the original fandom at all, but i felt a need to say this anyway, because i've seen some icky stuff. i've warned for anything notable. gwen bashing in particular may unfortunately pop up in some of these comms, especially in the comments, so tread carefully.
if you're new to probing through old lj comms, remember to always have the wayback machine on hand, because you're going to run into a lot of purged accounts and seemingly lost fics, but sometimes you get lucky and something's been archived :)
as of the date i'm posting this, all of these comms are still accessible, but if you're from the future and some have been deleted, again, go ahead and give the wayback machine a try. additionally, livejournal has a system that includes 'cross-posting' in which, if authors choose to (and the majority of them do, to get their fics more visibility), fics get posted to multiple comms at once. so chances are, even if one comm gets deleted, the contents will survive through other comms. kind of like how reblogs continue to exist even when the original blog is deleted.
finally, ctrl + f is your best friend if you have a specific ship/character/trope you're invested in, especially in comms with less than ideal tagging systems. if a comm does have a substantial tagging system, you can find all of its tags by adding '/tags' the end of the urls i've provided.
ok... let's begin :-)
assorted livejournal communities
✎ torch-wood: this is essentially a torchwood subreddit. it started before the show even aired, and one of the highlights of it is episode reaction posts (easily accessible on the right side of the lj) that document how everyone immediately reacted to the eps, which is pretty damn cool, fandom-history wise. only thing i should mention is there's quite a lot of gwen and owen bashing in the comments of some of those reaction posts, so just be wary of that if you love those two like i do, 'cuz it's a bit of a bummer.
✎ torchwood-three: this comm is an extremely cool then-daily newsletter (that still updates sometimes?!) that compiled as much fan-content as it could find into cleanly organized lists. the posts made immediately after new episodes aired contain reactions, discussions, meta, theories, new fic, fanmixes, just about everything. very very cool to go back and see the way the fandom was thinking as the show was airing and as they were getting to know the characters. here's a direct link to all posts made in late 2006, during the airing of s1.
✎ torchwood-fic: exactly what it says on the tin. desktop layout is easy to navigate, tags are all there!
✎ torchwood-fic's profile page also features a list of affiliated accounts that's pretty handy. it's worth taking a peek at, in case i've excluded anything in this post that you might be interested in.
✎ twgenrefinders: handy dandy comm where people would ask for fics of a certain variety & be treated with reclists, or hyper-specific fics... pretty cool stuff, ive got several threads bookmarked to sort through the links later. ofc, please note that some of the things people asked for might be stinky. particularly i've seen a lot of ppl requesting gwen bashing fics :/
✎ twstoryfinder: cousin to the above comm; here, people would ask for a very specific fic they'd lost. it's kind of fun to find fics through because you get someone describing memorable scenes + hyping it up, so it's different than just a standard summary. this one still gets posted on, too, which is crazyyy.
✎ tw-unpaired: for gen fics! no romance allowed! there's some good character studies + friendship fics in there. stuff's tagged by character + authors are even tagged, in case you find one whose writing you particularly enjoy. this is v useful for when someone's main journal has been deleted.
✎ torchwood-decaf: a comm where janto is BANNED. nah i'm kidding, it's not anti-janto, it was just made because janto is so huge that it overshadows everything else. pretty smart, tbh; wading through the sheer mass of janto content can be tiresome.
✎ jack-in-cuffs: for dark tw fic, or uber smutty tw fic. as a fan of dark!fic, there's some goodies in here, but of course it's not everyone's cup of tea. most of the writers included warnings, but if you go a little further back, some people weren't as courteous; navigate with caution.
✎ jack-owen: for fic featuring our captain and his (second favorite) doctor. i know this pairing's kinda divisive nowadays, but i enjoy it a lot. the comm's got a dismal tagging system and, ngl, i don't truly like any of the fics there (i'm very intrigued by jack and owen's relationship but i've never found fic that really does them justice, and i still haven't figured out how to write them myself) - but i'll include it anyway.
✎ odetojoi: for fic featuring owen in the middle of a janto sandwich, for those of us who are allergic to women (/sarcasm). there's an oddly impressive supply of fics of the three of them, and a good chunk of them can be found in this comm. (everytime i see this comm i think of a certain abbreviation found in p/rnogr/phy... but i digress)
✎ halfwee-and-tea: for ianto x owen fic. haven't gone through this one much, truthfully. i hate when comms have no tagging systems agh.
✎ owenharper-fans: a comm for the saddest undeadest bisexualest doctor around. also features a few burn appreciation posts, which is nice to see pre-pac rim era. mostly just features a shit ton of owen fic, particularly owen x ianto fic. mostly sufficiently tagged. if you need me once i post this, btw, i will be balls deep in this comm.
✎ the pro-owen alliance: another owen-focused comm - i think this one was made directly in response to owen bashing. haven't combed through this one much but it's got a fair amount of fics.
✎ house-of-cooper: a gwen comm! made in response to gwen bashing. haven't gone through it, but i'm glad it exists.
✎ torchwoodcoffee: ianto comm! this one's hugeee. the majority of it's janto, but the pairings aren't tagged, which is really frustrating. about 6k fics on there, though! just untagged. fff.
✎ tw-femficfest: a comm for fic about any and all of the torchwood ladies. tagging's cleanly done & there's some handy fic round ups, too.
✎ tw-femslash: yuri!!! wahoo!!! a comm for f/f tw ships. there's quite a lot of fic on here, but unfortunately there's no tagging whatsoever. sigh.
✎ tw-classic: a comm for 'all things series one and two of torchwood'. was made after s3 and was popular around s4 out of nostalgia for the golden age <3 good amount of fic, discussions, etc.
✎ torchwood-house: this comm is, like, letterboxd, but for torchwood fanfic. basically a group of individuals who thought of themselves as having Good Taste would read Good Fic and then go in this comm and write a post about why they recommend it. it's well-made, easy to scroll through, and sells the fics v well, and it kinda gets you more excited to read them when you get to see someone hype them up with Fancy Words. it's like a little torchwood yaoi bookclub. we're eating quiche
✎ tw100: a drabble challenge; this thing's full of 100 word drabbles. ngl i hate drabbles but i'm throwing it in here anyway
✎ touchyerwood: i love kink memes... i love kink memes less when my favorite character/pairing is unpopular. the pac rim kink meme's been a blessing bc i'm a basic ass newmann - the torchwood kink meme? not so much. it's got a fair amount of shit, though, so maybe someone else will appreciate it. this one isn't the original, that one's been wiped off the internet, to my chagrin. keep in mind before digging that people in kink memes are horny & gross. that's your warning.
✎ reel-torchwood: for any and all movie aus... ok i have a bone to pick with this comm. i'm a big movie nerd, i love film, i've seen dozens of films i've thought would make good aus - i combed through this and there is not a SINGLE fic in there that piqued my interest. NOTHING. needless to say my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. i'm sure my experiences aren't universal though.
✎ torchwoodslash: ah, remember when we called it slash? gee whiz. i'm not big on this comm, it's not very user friendly + there's like no tags whatsoever so it's extremely hard to navigate. enter at your own risk & good luck, lol.
✎ rounds-of-kink: this isn't a torchwood-exclusive comm, but it's got a sizeable torchwood tag, which can be found here. pretty organized tagging system; makes me happy.
✎ tw-declassified: this comm was mainly used for running a 'torchwood bingo', which, i've been in other fandoms that do episode bingos and it's usually cute... this one confused me a little so i didn't bother peeking around too much, but still a cool little bit of fandom history.
✎ writerinadrawer: this was an annual torchwood writer's challenge that ran for four years... it's kinda hard to navigate but it does have some fic in it so i'm putting it here.
✎ dmarley-recs: a recs journal someone ran for compiling torchwood fic; it's got a l o t of recs on there, largely jack/ianto.
ok and straying from lj briefly for two other places to find fic...
✎ kink_bingo: this is a dreamwidth comm, and it's not torchwood-exclusive, so i've linked straight to the torchwood tag. this comm has a livejournal equivalent, but for some reason the tw tag is pretty barren on that one? not sure why. but on dw it's got a fair amount. the tagging system is rough, it tags fandom and kink but not pairing, which is irritating, and every post is hidden under a cut AND makes you go through a discretion barrier every single time (but probably only if you don't have an account? i'm not logged in) which makes navigation a pain. but i dunno, more smut, if you want it.
✎ whofic.com: this site is for doctor who fic, but it's got a very substantial amount of torchwood fic. i do not, however, like the formatting at all. i'm being overly nice; i HATE the formatting. it's very reminiscent of fanfic dot net but, like, worse. it reminds me of adultfanfiction dot org which was a NIGHTMARE to use. but! there is torchwood fic there so it's going in here.
aaaand there we go! that's all i have. i hope these prove handy! enjoy :D
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shegeekery · 7 months
Pretend there's a clever title here (intro post)
Update: I'm going to start putting links to my fanfics in this post as well. If you prefer reading on AO3, my author page is here. Splintered (DW/Loki crossover, 13,439 words) Dream Therapy (One-shot about Erik Selvig, 1,308 words) Misfits (Jane Foster & Loki in Valhalla, 15,714 words)
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Update: I have a side-blog for spiritual stuff now (@finally-learning-to-be-me ). This main blog is mostly for fandom and general stuff. Norse Loki and MCU Loki are two very different things in my mind, but it can get confusing if it’s all jumbled up together in one blog.
Guess I should probably introduce myself on this platform...
Hi everyone. I'm a geeky, AuDHD, NB, Gen-X software engineer and mom. I'm a long-time Doctor Who fan, but since the Loki S2 finale I've been completely obsessed. (I mean, seriously? David Tennant and RTD were coming back and suddenly all I could think about was Loki? How did that happen?) I just needed others to share with as I'm socially isolated and my family doesn't get into these things the way I do.
If you couldn't tell from my previous posts, I spend a lot of time thinking about (over-thinking?) certain characters. Nice to read all of your posts and know that I'm not alone in this!
I don't really get emotionally invested in ships, but I don't mind reading others' takes on them. Lokius, Sylkie, OB/Casey, whatever. It's all good. The only thing I actively avoid (in any fandom or in tabloids, for that matter) is anything that involves shipping real, living people. That's a line I'm not comfortable crossing. I've dabbled in writing fan-fic in the past and I think I may do so again in the not-too-distant future.
Other interests include studying history and connecting with other autistic folk online. I've stopped using other social media platforms, though — too much drama and not enough listening. Who needs it?
I know I'm older than the vast majority of people here and I'm more than a little self-conscious about it. I seriously considered not mentioning it at all, but I've spent most of my life trying to hide who I really am in a vain effort to "fit in" and just don't want to do that anymore. Hope that's okay with you all. Truth is, I've never connected easily with people my own age.
Views: social democrat, strongly pro-LGBTQI+ (one of my daughters is trans and nothing brings out the mama-bear in me like transphobic nonsense), anti-genocide, agnostic, anti-bullying of any kind.
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 months
Concubinage Behind the Scenes - ch.8
Another "behind the scenes" post from 2022 I forgot to cross-post from DW.
(chapter | DW post | previous posts)
This chapter marks the conclusion to the conflict arc. Despite Lin sending Arst to get healed, Arst's opinion of him doesn't improve, mainly because Lin didn't actually make it clear that was his intention when he sent him to Minah lin learn to communicate pls
That's mainly because they didn't really trust each other yet. Sure, they'd been taking tentative steps toward a potential friendship, but they were not close enough to share their feelings freely. Lin now thinks that Arst looks down on him for being weak, like everybody else (not that he's wrong in this particular moment tbh), so while he feels bad for what happened to him, he's not particularly eager to talk to him anymore. Plus, Arst's barely concealed hostility makes him hard to approach.
Arst, on the other hand, still believes the worst of Lin, and it's made worse by the fact that they had become friendlier just beforehand. He expected that his time as Lin's concubine was going to be terrible, so when the possibility that it could be better than expected presented itself, he was happy to seize the chance... only to have all his hopes dashed the next day. So he's feeling extra bitter about it. Maybe, if they hadn't eventually cleared their misunderstanding and repaired their relationship, he would have ended up snapping at some point.
Arst is a very strong fighter, but unlike Xing, who enjoys crushing those weaker than him, he loves competition, and finding worthy opponents. He loves strong people, but it's not just about physical strength or fencing skills—anyone who tries their best is worthy of respect in his eyes. In fact, he'd much rather fight a weaker opponent who gives their all than an arrogant strong one like Xing.
When he faces Lin again, Lin is determined to prove himself. He wants to show him, in his own way, that he's not a coward, that he can still fight even if he's not very good at it. Lin rejects the opening for a quick victory, he wants to make this fight worthwhile, even if Arst might end up faking a loss at the end.
And despite all his misgivings about him, the part of Arst that loves competition and challenges responds to that, and he ends up fighting seriously for a moment before he remembers the act he's supposed to put on.
That means a lot to Lin. Especially now that he knows what Arst is risking by fighting him seriously. He feels there is an opening for them there, a step toward some level of understanding.
Arst of course doesn't see it so generously, he's full of pent-up anger, and ends up going at him with full force. Lin'll definitely get a nasty bruise from that, but it's nothing a trip to Minah can't fix. In the moment he's more concerned about what's going to happen to Arst afterward, and what he can do to stop it.
Due to not being taken seriously, and his own insecurities regarding his qualifications to fulfill his role (we have to thank Lars' constant disparaging remarks and abuse for that), he rarely uses his authority. But it's not that he has none. If given the chance, he knows how to give orders and use his rank to his advantage. And he's well aware of the intricacies of court hierarchy. Even if people don't respect him, they respect his rank as the heir unless they know Lars won't back him up, hi Yan & Xing. So if he tells Li not to touch Arst, he knows he'll have no choice but to obey.
(Slight digression, but he'll start preventing Li from going after other trainees too if they fight him seriously, tho in effect it probably won't happen much, as he'll keep letting them pretend to lose for some time to lay low.)
Anyway, Arst should be glad to avoid a beating, but since he has no idea what Lin's really planning, he feels actual fear. He's not a character who gets scared easily, but he's not completely immune to fear. And Lin, right now, is an unknown entity, one who he can't read, and that worries him. He's well aware of how ruthless the ruling clan is, and the possibility of being brutally tortured is not nil. Due to their particular circumstances (especially with Lin saying he'll take care of it at home), the thought of rape crosses his mind too. In a way, not knowing what's going to happen makes it worse.
Lin, of course, had no intention on following through with that threat. He sets them up for a shogi match as a last attempt to show Arst that he's not completly useless, that there are things he's good at too (and also because he wants a bit of payback for all his losses; winning at something feels good).
Despite his earlier reserves, Arst gets into it. Especially because, like... it goes rather fast in the chapter's narration because I'm not describing the whole game move by move, but shogi matches can easily get long. Sometimes players spend several minutes thinking up their moves. So that's time for Arst to calm down and start feeling more at ease, especially when playing the game seriously requires him to put all his focus on it, so he puts his worries aside.
I love shogi (only rarely play it tho orz), and I especially love the symbolism it can bring to settings and characters like these. Wingul speaks in chess-like terms a couple of times, and Rowen mentions playing shogi with Gaius in X2, so I think there's good evidence to show this is a game he and Wingul likely played a lot together. It fits them, and it's a good way to let out their competitive nature. So, having Arst and Lin play it was a given.
And, in this instance, it's a way for Lin to open a line of communication. Arst eventually gets a clue about his true intentions, and that makes it easier for Lin to finally open up about how he's feeling, and what's been going on. And, this time, Arst believes him. You'd think he's a bit quick to trust him, after all Lin could be lying. But:
Gaius is an excellent judge of character. We see it with the Chimeriad of course (and Wingul especially), but also the party; he's good at seeing potential in people.
So, when Arst started getting an inkling that Lin was unlike his father... he was right. And though he revised that assessment after what happened with Li, finding out that Lin had nothing to do with it just confirming his first instinct. It just makes sense.
Lin's just spared him an unfair beating, and has made no move to hurt him now, so his actions seem to back his words.
Arst doesn't fully trust him yet, they don't know each other that well after all, and there is a lot of clan history that Arst can't just easily ignore, but it's a start. As much as they both hate their current circumstances, if they can get a somewhat positive relationship out of it, it'll make it more bearable.
Arst also desperately needs friends and allies. Firstly because he's a very sociable person, he's used to being surrounded by people he has a good relationship with, but also because he's alone in the vipers' nest. He won't survive long on his own. Meanwhile, Lin is more of an introvert, who usually keeps to himself and has few friends (Nils and Minah are the only ones, really, plus his mother), but a part of him is yearning for someone else to acknowledge him. And Arst is in a special position to do that. Plus, it's better when the hot guy you live with isn't looking at you like he's about to murder you ;)
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esa-marie · 4 months
I like making spotify playlists so heres a masterlist.
I'm still updating a ton of these and if you have any suggestions for characters/ prompts i would love to hear it
Shirt music with success of upon people || Flesh Cousin || Regretevator
Mostly compiled of songs that are utter nonsense, or fit the idea of a disconnect between your mind and your body.
Toxic construction Yaoi || Mannequin mark and Wallter || Regretevator
Songs that are pining, but also sad. bc divorce.
I just love to dance || Big Mama || ROTTMNT
Big Mama talks about dancing a lot in rottmnt. I threw in lots of girl disco and some more evil-vibed songs, ofc. (I love her sm im a #1 big mama defender)
FUCK YES! || Karlach || BG3
Karlach's story means so much to me. lots of songs to do with fire/ inevitability/ general badassery.
Fate spins along as it should || Withers || BG3
This one is the most WIP bc im sourcing a lot of the songs from old 13th century manuscripts, which is harder than it sounds.
Various White Knight Chronicles Playlists ( Cisna , Ceasar , Eldore , Yulie , Leonard , Kara , Setti/Grazel ). Since the fandom is actually incredibly small I might make a separate post for their playlists.
OC and others under cut!
'What is it?' 'Home.' || Zael Stormveil || BG3 tav
Zael is my first tav when I started playing BG3. Im developing her more as I play, and started a tag for her on this blog
Was I sweet once? || Anatasios || BG3 Durge
Even though I havent finished my Zael run, I started a Durge run. Still more WIP than other playlists, and is about resist!Durge
Comin' atcha live from Avalonia! :3 || Elliot || LBP OC
Elliot, also known as console kitty, is a tv celebrity in avalonia! Ill spare you the rest of their lore for now, but their playlist is full of silly goofy songs, and songs about not feeling good enough, for whatever reason :)
Spidersona [Spider: Null] || Eve || Project Eden
My spidersona universe (Project:Eden) uses a different titling scheme than my other playlists. Anyway, Eve was a computer program who was ejected into reality. She now has to figure out how to be a human, and what being a human really is.
The Lizard || Lilith || Project Eden
Eve's best friend, who knew her when she was just a program on a laboratory computer. She has a corruption arc :3 (dw she gets better. Kinda.) gentle songs, and some not-so gentle songs
Doc Ock || 'Ock || Project Eden
A scientist who was employed at the same facility Eve was created. calculating, colhearted, cynical. at least for now (enemies to lovers??? P). Science songs and love songs, ofc
The Goblin || Goby || Project Eden
His tagline is "Imitations Limitations"-- a fish man cyborg amalgamation that was trying desperately to mimic the structures of pre-awakened Eve. But, that didn't go well, for him or the scientists. Not nonsense, but definitely songs that teeter on insane.
You said you know a guy? || Vance || Rottmnt OC
Vance is a scavenger, they go above the hidden city and 'scavenge' for things to sell below. Energy is his name, an he lives up to it.
You dont know me. || The Ghosts Official Playlist
I have several WIP projects, and Pastries and a Poltergeist is one of them. The ghost inhabits this old, run down, 70s house and is trying to get Maya to move out. but she wont. Melancholy 70s
I need this. || Maya Dufour's Official Playlist
Recent college graduate, she's about to find out why this house was insanely cheap. Stubborn. WIP.
This is a story about beginnings || The Librarian's Official playlist.
Ill spare the story for The Dead World for now, but The librarians playlist is a lot of epic orchestral and some medival songs sprinkled in.
Squash and Stretch || Cross || AVA/AVM OC
Living in-between a sketched figure and a stick figure, Cross is ever stuck in limbo. lots of video game songs/ songs to pick them up.
GameDev!Donnie || TMNT SONA Official Playlist
Gamedev is stuck in the world of video games for now. He doesnt mind a ton, although he misses his brothers sometimes. Filled with upbeat/happy video game songs
Monsters? That's Outrageous! || Gwen || Doors OC
WIP, but songs relating to the timeloop shes stuck in or the game itself.
Got it!! || Tracey || White Knight Chronicles OC
Songs for when your not the main character but still trying to be useful.
Technically I have more OC playlists but I think that's good for now ahjhkdbSAhkadk
GET SHIT DONE (via killer video game soundtracks)
Over 40 hours of video game music (as soon as i finish a game it gets shoved into this playlist. I might reduce it in the future but I like the absurdity of how big it is)
She blinded me... WITH SCIENCE!!! || Silly songs about science
Specifically songs referring to science. This started as a Donatello playlist but then i fully committed to the bit. This is also technically my most popular playlist for some reason lmao.
A New Ghost Town
WIP playlist for a fanfic I may never make (each song is supposed to be representative of a chapter/ the chapter titles) (if you wanna know its dp and Gravity falls crossover)
Again, you'll see more playlists than this on my account (shared) But heres the tip of the iceberg :)
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2018 post because I still want to and it’s on my to-do list
I'm sure at this point no one but me cares considering we're fully two months into 2019 but whatever, I want to record it for posterity, because there were a lot of things in 2018 that I did for the first time and that's kind of important. (”this will be brief!” I said, you know, like a liar.)
I finally got a tattoo. I've been talking about it for years but never figured out exactly what I wanted or where, and even once I figured out what I wanted ("all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us," which has been important to me in different ways for years) I didn't know exactly how I wanted it to look, because it can be tough to make text tattoos look good and I’m not an artist or a graphic designer. and then Scully was diagnosed with kidney disease and I realized, oh yeah, his paw print, there's an obvious one. my tiny little semi-colon (of which I apparently never took a decent picture) was also pretty obvious once I started looking for something small I could do as a test tattoo, although the way things worked out I got them both at the same time. the whole process was...kind of odd? but instead of just talking about it I finally actually made it happen, and it hurt but not, like, unbearably, and now I have a piece of my furry little boy that goes everywhere with me, which was especially important after he died.  
I did way more political volunteering than I ever have before. I always feel like I'm not doing enough and compared to people who volunteered with campaigns every single day, I guess I'm not, but I still did a lot in 2018 compared to any previous year: lots of donations to multiple Democrat candidates and progressive organizations, textbanking for several candidates across the US, sign-waving and even phonebanking for the Alaska Democrats, poll watching on election night for the Alaska Democrats, at least a few hundred handwritten postcards to voters for a few more candidates, data entry for the campaign against a local bathroom bill last spring (I keep forgetting that happened in 2018 too because, you know, 2018 was about a decade long), going to several local anti-Kavanaugh demonstrations and the like, leaving lots of voicemails for my legislators and bugging other people to do the same (with varying levels of success), and maybe other stuff I'm forgetting. which is all good, because actually doing shit is vastly preferable to just going "wow everything is terrible and we're all gonna die" both in terms of actual impact and my mental health. the unfortunate part is that after doing as much as I did for the 2018 midterms--whether or not I really actually did enough, whatever "enough" might be--I got pretty well burned out, especially because...all the candidates I did the most work for DID NOT WIN so that made it feel kinda pointless (even though we took back the House and I was so relieved about that I could’ve cried). especially locally where Alaskans did the stupid thing and 1) kept Don Young and 2) elected a Trump wannabe with almost no experience as our governor because he made promises that any idiot should've been able to see he wouldn't be able to keep. but...I still worked hard for causes and people I care about, and I devoted a pretty significant amount of time and money, and I got out of my comfort zone with last-weekend phonebanking, and none of that is nothing.
I joined a gym and started going there fairly regularly. as usual I want to qualify this, because "30 minutes on the elliptical once or twice a week" is not exactly an amazing workout, and I haven't been as good at going regularly since I finished TAZ: Balance, but like...it's still a new thing that I went out of my way to do, and it was a positive change toward taking care of myself physically.
related: I...finished a podcast? I'm bad at podcasts (see also: I'm two or three years behind on Welcome to Night Vale, the only other podcast where I've listened to more than one or two episodes), but the Balance arc of The Adventure Zone is amazing and it basically let me trick myself into wanting to work out so I could listen to more. (unfortunately, Amnesty and MBMBAM haven't been as effective this way, I think because MBMBAM is hilarious but there's no narrative and therefore no "oh shit what's gonna happen next" suspense, and Amnesty is great but it's just...less zany, I guess. constant zany goofs are great for distracting me from the fact that I'm doing generally unpleasant physical activity.) now maybe if I could find a site like GoodReads for podcasts, which apparently doesn’t exist yet, maybe I’d do better at remembering and then listening to all the podcasts I’ve heard of that interest me...although I still don’t know what would be useful for workouts to give me that all-important combo of zany goofs (made by people who are not horrible) and suspenseful narrative. 
I got back into conventions and cosplay for the first time in six years, which is kind of dumb because I was never that deep into cosplay in the first place and I'm still not, and the vast majority of cons I've attended have been tiny local ones...but I did do several attempts at varying levels of quality starting back in college, and I put together some complicated-by-my-standards outfits for SDCC 2012, and then I didn't do any cosplay at all until last year when I semi-spontaneously decided to go to ECCC. I only did two for that one (AoU Wanda, and Avengers Academy Loki) but they involved more actual work than any previous cosplays and I was pretty proud of how they turned out. and then I kind of went "oh hey, cons and cosplay are fun, I forgot", so I did a very simple cosplay for one tiny local con and two that were much more complicated (Stuttgart Loki and The Final Pam) for our larger local con, and it was a lot of work and I'm not 100% happy with how I looked as Pam but the handful of people thrilled to recognize me made it worthwhile. also my Loki staff is damned cool and I look great in suits.
I got contacts! for the very first time! LITERALLY JUST FOR COSPLAY! I've worn glasses since I was about two so I don't remember my adjustment period and I've never had much desire to try contacts, and with past cosplays I just kind of shrugged and wore my glasses anyway, but after ECCC I wanted to Do It Right so...I got contacts. it kind of sucked actually! after the week or so where I was supposed to wear them to get used to them, I literally have not worn them except for the local convention! it turns out contacts will never be a great idea for me because astigmatism is wacky! but now I have contacts I can use for future cosplays, and it's another new thing outside my comfort zone where I went "you know, actually, I could do this thing" and then I made it happen, which is...sort of a big deal for me.
I played Silent Hill 3 and 2, in that order, which is not that big of a deal but still feels like something of a milestone for me, because a) actually finishing a game is embarrassingly rare for me and b) I feel like...they're so well known and such a part of gaming canon, so to speak, that finally playing a couple classic games I previously only knew by osmosis is sort of significant actually. also I love them both in different ways, and discovering a new favorite game series is always fun.
I said goodbye to Scully. this was...not a fun one, obviously, and in fact those last few days were completely fucking awful. but, well, it was a big thing that happened, and it was new in my experience. like I said (a lot) at the time, I realize it's a sign of how lucky I've been that Scully was my hardest personal loss so far, but that doesn't change the fact that it was, and...of course it was hard and horrible. he was my furry little boy, he was unquestionably family, he was a huge part of my life every day for 9 years.  I took care of him as well as I could for as long as I could, and then I made the most compassionate decision I could, and for the most part I was able to focus on remembering the joy he brought me instead of just how much it hurt to lose him. (I've also said this before but I think dealing with Loki in Infinity War helped with Scully, because I'd already done some work on my unhealthy tendencies toward hopelessness in the face of, you know, things ending.) and then I found Hazy, and that's been hard in different ways but she's also worth it, and I think I can train her enough that other people will actually get to see how silly and adorable and sweet she is instead of just BARK BARK BARK.
I more or less kept up with my writing goals of posting at least one new thing a month? I guess this is an accomplishment rather than a first, since it's something I've been mostly successful in doing for the last few years, but it's still notable. also it does involve a first, because until I will kiss you till your breath is found I'd never written anything even semi-explicit (well, I very vaguely described a couple sex scenes in my Crimson Peak fic a few years ago but that was...VERY vague) and then I wrote several thousand words of fucked-up dubcon sort-of-p0rn and fairly shortly followed it up with another one. so that's a thing I've done now I guess. (is it actually explicit if you never really, directly reference anyone's genitals but it's still obvious what's happening and also it's fucked-up sex stuff? I don't know but at this point I'm definitely still too squeamish to use certain words in my fics. is that because I'm hella ace or because I grew up hella repressed in purity culture? BOTH PROBABLY)
and then there are my goals for 2019! or rather the rest of 2019 but it's cool because I got started on a couple of these pretty much right away!
cut my hair real short. already done! in fact this was basically the first thing I did in 2019, because I made the appointment Jan. 1 and got my hair cut Jan. 2! kind of like the tattoo, this is something I've been wanting to do, and talking about wanting to do, for ages and I've never actually gone for it; the shortest I've gotten my hair cut was basically chin-length, more than once, because I'd go in like "I kind of really want a pixie cut or something similar but idk if that would work on me without adding a bunch of time and Product to my morning routine so maybe I shouldn't?" and the stylists were always like "yeah you shouldn't, a good pixie for your face shape is not wash-and-wear hair" so I never did it even though I kept wanting to just...cut all my fucking hair off. and then this December I kind of went, wait, I got a TATTOO with less angst than this and that's permanent. I CAN CUT MY HAIR. IT GROWS BACK. so I got all my fucking hair cut off. it's not perfect because a short cut really does take more maintenance, from what I'm told (I got it cut the first week of January, so...probably I should have scheduled a trim by now), and I really would prefer to continue paying almost no attention to my hair while still looking generally okay, and the bits in front fall in my eyes and piss me off if I don't pin them back (I did buy the hair wax stuff the stylist suggested that was supposed to sort of lightly anchor it in place but it just never worked for very long, so...pins), BUT it is very nice not constantly catching my hair in my purse strap and stuff like that, and also I'm more visibly queer with short hair and that's definitely a plus.
train Hazy. this is a work in progress. it took a while to get signed up for an actual class and then I had to go with one for reactive dogs specifically, and so far I've only been to two sessions, just one of which involved Hazy, and then I've been trying to do other stuff at home, and...well, it's a work in progress. but she's a good dog who just needs to learn to chill a little bit, and I should've trained Scully and didn't so I'm trying to do things right this time.
specifically, I would like to get her trained enough that she can accompany me to Pride in June, wearing her adorable Wonder Woman harness and cape. given that she is not great with individual strange humans and strange dogs, taking her into a big crowd of both would definitely result in a screaming meltdown if I did it now and it may or may not be realistic to hope I'll be able to get enough improvement on that in time. but that's the goal. if it doesn't work, there's always next year, I guess.
also, I want to make myself a flying ace costume for Pride. this may or may not be much more complicated than I anticipate.
speaking of costumes, I'm planning to go back to both local conventions this year, and I imagine I'll reuse my Stuttgart Loki outfit at least once but it would be nice to do at least one other new cosplay. Heather/Cheryl from Silent Hill 3 seems like it should be straightforward but Value Village hasn't provided me with any of the pieces yet so who knows.
post more to @alaska-gothic​ because I have a bunch of cool photos I'd like to have a place to show off (and I've taken a lot of new pictures, some in VERY cold weather, for this exact purpose)
finish more games. in practice this might turn into "play more short games while continuing to neglect long games" but I want to make my list of completed games longer and I also want to PLAY MORE GAMES in general because it's a thing I really like, and it's possibly the only thing I do that's purely for my own enjoyment, and I want to make more time for that. also I want to finish SWTOR’s existing singleplayer content because, I mean, it’s an eight-year-old(!!!) MMO so its remaining time is probably limited by default and it’s fucking ridiculous I’ve been a subscriber for at least seven years without even finishing all the class storylines, what the actual fuck Past Me. (I also want to make more time for console games specifically, because those are almost definitely easier on my body and I can do them while cuddling with Hazy on the couch. unfortunately this also generally requires me having the place to myself, which is kind of a rare thing that is also necessary for comfortably working on customs or writing, so...opportunities are limited.)
speaking of games: finish buying the parts to upgrade my computer and then upgrade my fucking computer, and also back up my fucking files
finish a long fic? or honestly if I can even finish more short fics that would be great. really just...make progress on the WIP list. especially if I can finish some IW-specific fics before Endgame comes out. that would be super cool of me.
get another tattoo. I still want that LotR quote but I don't know how I want it to look so who knows when that might happen. HOWEVER, I've been wanting something queer, and I very much loved Foxflight Studios’ "we fight as one" design, and when I asked the designer if she was okay with me getting it as a tattoo she said yes. so at least with that I wouldn't have to figure out a design. I do of course have to figure out a) where I want it (ideally, somewhere normally covered by clothes but where I can see it if I want to, and where a person might conceivably keep a real dagger) and b) how much more it's going to hurt/cost than the paw print considering it would have to be bigger and it has a lot more colors and linework.
do some travel around Alaska. I've lived here for nearly my entire life and I really haven't seen that much of my own state. more importantly there are a few extremely cool places within theoretical driving distance, like Kennicott, Igloo City, and abandoned military installations near Seward, and I want to visit them. @erlkonigstochter and I had vague plans to do this last year and it never materialized (although I did visit Nike Site Summit on my own), so...this year I intend to try harder to make that happen, especially since I have no current plans of traveling out of state.
put more stuff on Etsy (and figure out how to advertise them?). in particular there are a bunch more things I want to repaint in various Pride colors, in part because those are way easier than custom Funko figures. of course, a lot of these things are kinda technically copyright infringement which means somehow I have to figure out how to make more sales of the easier things without drawing the attention of any corporations (and/or shift my focus to things that aren't under copyright of some kind but that's probably more complicated).
but also do more personal projects. I have so many partially finished custom figures, and so many other figures I bought specifically to customize but haven't touched since, and it would be cool to actually...do something with some of those. especially because several of my WIPs/plans are more Lokis, and I need all the Lokis, and there are not many more left that I can buy.
figure out how to motivate myself to work out more and keep up with PT exercises, see above re: needing a  better replacement for the magic of TAZ Balance whoops
get a therapist and work on ADHD issues, because I'm increasingly convinced that ADHD issues are at the root of the vast majority of my other issues (depression, anxiety, etc.), and that I would be immeasurably improving every aspect of my life if I could make some progress on that aspect. the difficulty, of course, is that finding a therapist is kind of complicated and difficult, and also I don't really want to add yet another regular appointment to my schedule when I already don't have enough time after work to do all the things I want and/or need to do, but...this one thing could go a long way toward helping me actually do all those other things, so obviously this is a time investment I really need to make. although probably not until I've made serious progress with Hazy's separation anxiety because that also makes it hard to go places after work. so uh, I guess we'll see. in the meantime it might be smart if I tried to figure out some kind of self-guided therapy thing I could do. I'm sure there's...something.
just, like, be more intentional about...things. in general. this is a bad goal because it's very nonspecific but it is slightly more specific than "generally do better FFS" so at least there's that.
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For One More Hour or One More Day
Dukeceit Week Day 6: Horror/Comedy
Remus and Janus work in IT, and Remus never fails to make Janus' life a bit more exciting than it should be. Janus wouldn't have it any other way.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 1416
Warnings: swearing, typical Remus-levels of implied sexual content. 
@dukeceitweek <3
[06032021 Network Node Down- - Dee Why ]
Janus stared at the next ticket in his queue. He didn't even have to look at which tech wrote it. He just knew. He picked up his phone and dialed. 
“'Sup, DeeDee?" 
"Because they use ancient technology and refuse to upgrade, that's why." 
There was a beat of silence on the line. Janus didn't need to see him to know Remus was grinning like a maniac. 
“Oh, JD, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about," Remus said finally. His voice was laced with barely-contained glee. 
“Uh-huh, sure," Janus replied dryly. He watched on his screen as an incoming call diverted from his in-use line. "Do you want to clarify for me, in excruciating detail, what, exactly, it is that broke this time? After all, if it's something I can fix from here, it would save the company an awful lot of money. And you know how I love saving this company money." 
“You don't feel like taking work calls either, huh?" 
“Ree, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."
[06142021 CRITICAL | Device failed Availability and Latency checks - Dispatch Requested]
Janus sat in his truck for a few minutes, cross-checking the address across his e-mail, Slack, and the ticket itself. And yeah, they all matched. This wasn’t a repeat of that time Remus had changed the address on the ticket from 96th St. to 69th St. as a joke. 
(Janus had almost gotten mugged. He was still a little salty about that one.)
But this time, all the addresses matched. The problem was, he was parked in front of a restaurant instead of the usual office building, and that just didn’t seem right. He opened up Slack on his phone. 
Janus D’lyre: Are you sure the address is right?
Remus Rey: Yeah, it’s right.
Janus D’lyre: It’s a restaurant. 
Remus Rey:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Janus D’lyre: Are you positive it’s right?
Remus Rey: I just write the tickets, Dee, I don’t do a background check. Just go in.
Janus sighed. He got out of his truck, hefted his tech bag over his shoulder, and went inside.
It was a nice restaurant. Very fancy, with a goddamn chandelier hanging over the front lobby. Field engineers weren’t required to dress in a suit and tie, but Janus did by habit- and he was glad he did, because he would feel like a horrible slob standing here in jeans and a polo.
“Can I help you?”
Janus looked over to the host, standing at the counter with a bright smile that only looked 52% faked.
“Yes,” Janus answered. “I’m here about the network issues?”
“Oh!” The host- his name tag read ‘Patton’- brightened up a bit. “Yeah! Remus is waiting for you, this way!”
“Remus is what?”
It was too late. Patton had already darted around the counter and off into the dining area. Janus sighed and, regretting every life choice leading up to this exact moment, followed.
Sure enough, Remus was waiting for him. Patton led him to a quieter area of the restaurant, where Remus was sitting at a table. Well, sitting was a generous way to phrase it, because in reality, he was tipped back on the rear two legs of the chair, combat boot-clad feet up on the table. He jumped up eagerly at the sight of Janus, and somehow managed not to fall backwards and crack his skull open. 
“Hey! You made it! Thanks, Pat!” 
“No problemo!” the host replied with a grin before heading back to the front counter. Janus briefly considered that he might be having a fever dream right now.
“Remus, what the fuck?” 
“Told you it was the right address!”
Janus glared. “That is not what I’m ‘what the fuck’-ing you about.”
“I mean, I’d prefer me fucking you-”
“Well, you work so hard, DeeDee,” Remus said calmly, as if he wasn’t standing in the middle of the fanciest restaurant on this side of town, dressed in his usual tank-top and leather vest combo and probably mashing dirt into the plush red carpet, and definitely doing something that should get him fired. “I thought you could take a break, and we could have a nice dinner.”
No, he wasn’t doing something that should get him fired. He was doing something that should get them both fired. 
“You’re joking, right?”
“Kinda a lame joke.”
“Remus, you had me dispatched to a random address for a fake problem, to have dinner with you on company time?”
“‘Course not, who do you think I am?”
Janus did not dignify that with an answer. He turned to walk away.
“Jannie, wait!” Remus darted around the table to get in front of him. Janus stopped, and glared. “This is Roman’s restaurant! It’s not a random address, he’s an actual client.”
Janus’ glare lessened. Ok, sure, they did have some smaller commercial clients. And sure, Remus had mentioned his brother’s restaurant was using them as tech support now after a bad experience with a different company. But- “It’s still a fake problem, Remus.”
A shit-eating grin spread across Remus’ face. “Nah. I unplugged the router.”
Janus snorted in a totally dignified manner. “You didn’t.”
“I did.”
“...Well, I suppose… I’d better investigate the issue. Couldn’t be solved remotely, hardware problem and all.”
Remus held out a hand. Janus took it, and let Remus lead him back to the table.
“Great, cause I already ordered!”
[06192021 Switch is problematic. Unable to get into the switch || Serial No. 111-0203-2018]
Janus very calmly cleared the ticket, set his work phone to away, pulled out his personal phone, and sent Remus a text. 
Jannie-D: I know you’re upset I didn’t let you fuck me last night. Get over it. 
Remster: i will not 
Virgil Caligo: yo are u and remus like good?
Janus D’lyre: We had a small argument last night. Why?
Virgil Caligo: [image attached]
Janus sighed. Virgil had sent him a screenshot of a ticket update Remus had just posted.
[06292021 Ticket #00679 Update.] ‘The device is not only unresponsive to simple ping requests, but is being kind of a jerk about it. 100% package loss, a tragedy. Device was confirmed to be connected to a working power source, but they all say that, so who can really be sure. Dispatch requested, please confirm maintenance window. Actually showing up would be great, too.’
Janus hastily typed a message to Virgil. 
Janus D’lyre: Did you take that one?
Virgil Caligo: ya. logan didnt see dw
Janus D’lyre: Thanks. You can transfer it to me, I’ll take care of it. 
Janus leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples. What a comedy of errors this day had been. It was the last time he’d forget he and Remus had a date night planned, that’s for sure. 
Remus sighed when a priority ticket popped up in his queue. He was having a grand time ignoring his other queues in favor of sculpting a rather elaborate dick out of the green Play-Doh he kept at his desk, but he really did not feel like getting bitched out by Logan for missing a priority ticket. Grumbling to himself, he stuffed the Play-Doh back into its tub and opened the ticket. 
[06292021 Ticket #00679 Update.] ‘Likely a hardware bug. Possible remote fix with reset and reconfigure. Device information missing from online records. Please check file and update record.’ 
Fuck. Remus hated pulling files. What a pain. He trudged his way upstairs to the records room, which was always dark and depressing because nobody ever went there because who the fuck used physical paper in 2021?
But when he unlocked the door and pushed it open, the light was on. And every surface was covered in flowers.
“What the fuck?” Remus asked the flowers. They didn’t answer. But, at the small desk near the door, there was a stack of green boxes from his favorite bakery- and on top of that, he saw an envelope with his name on it. Eagerly, Remus tore open the envelope. 
Inside, he found a single sheet of Janus’ fancy stationery paper, the kind with the little holographic snakes along the edge that he only ever used for special occasions. And on that paper, one single sentence, penned in Janus’ elegant, flourishy handwriting: Ok, you can fuck me tonight.
- - -
[06292021 Ticket #00679 Update.] ‘I take it back, the device is no longer being a jerk, and I love the device very much.’ 
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astriiformes · 3 years
Fighting at least some of the “I’m annoying about my interests and should shut up about fandom things” brain angst by finally digging up and filling out an old fic writer’s meme that I was tagged in by @raemanzu​ way back in the laptopless wilderness days (and thus never got around to at the time), so uh, here goes?
How many works do you have on Ao3?
31, although if I can battle some brains by the end of the weekend, it might jump up to 32.... 👀
What’s your total Ao3 word count?
221,102 as of typing this, although again, I actually have two chapters of two different things that? Might? Get posted in the next 24-48 hours, so it may jump a little extremely imminently, even.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
16 by Ao3′s count, but seeing as half of those are just different variations on Doctor Who, Star Wars, or LotR, the actual, like, diverse list is: Gravity Falls, Critical Role, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Pacific Rim, High Rollers, Hilda, Lord of the Rings, and The Owl House
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Gravity Calls (542)
To No Set Gauge they Make Us (510)
In Search of Antidotes (502)
Cups of Human Kindness (390)
Owl Whumptober 2021 (318)
Not wildly surprised that almost all of them are Gravity Falls fics; it’s one of the bigger fandoms I’ve written for. I’m actually not the proudest of most of the ones  that chart here, in part because they’re almost all 4-5 years old at this point and I’m a much better writer now, but I’ve been writing less and for smaller fandoms since then. I am actually extremely happy/proud of the fact that my collection of Owl House Whumptober prompt fills made this list -- for a random set of mostly-unconnected oneshots in a much more mid-sized fandom, that’s pretty decent. Makes me hope that if I can manage to actually write some bigger/more real TOH stories, they could get some attention, too. :0
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I’ve been getting back into the habit and it’s good! When people leave really short ones (”I love this!” “Great!”) I tend not to know what to say, because I feel weird just repeating “Thank you!” but when people make even slightly more specific ones and I have more of an idea how to respond it can be really neat to dig into meta thoughts or chat about characters (or even just general fandom talk). I was having a lot of fun in the comments of my Whumptober fills, in part because I had some pretty awesome commenters. It provided a lot of motivation to keep filling prompts while I could!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Not counting works that are just unfinished, probably “Dream-Land” which was peak mid-S2 Stanford Pines melancholy. I generally go hard on my whumpy fics being hurt/comfort proper, so most of the endings aren’t as angsty as the rest of them, but that fic was more like..... philosophical/existential hurt than physical, and is very much the kind of thing you write mid-season when you’re expecting the show to do the resolving for you. Angsty character study nonsense.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’re written?
I used to; I haven’t actually written one in ages. Hilariously enough, while the fandom being crossed into (one Pacific Rim, two Gravity Falls) changed, the one constant is that they were all Doctor Who crossovers. It uh, lends itself to that.
The DW/Pacific Rim one was going to be pretty wild (bizarre alien speculative xenobiology nonsense my beloved, plus crossing over with the weird non-TV interim Doctor Who content with Eight instead of one of the modern Doctors) but alas ended up being one of my big unfinished regrets. Had some fun things planned though (as you do).
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
I don’t think so; I get the occasional weirdly lukewarm comment I never know how to interpret, especially if they critique one thing or another even as they compliment it, but I’m pretty sure all or the vast majority of comments I’ve ever gotten have seemed very good-faith, which I appreciate (especially as I often write on some fairly personal topics).
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Oh I am far too ace for that.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and it’s wild to me that’s even like, a thing. Does it happen to anyone else frequently?? Unfathomable.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, which is so cool! Rainy_Elliot translated both Probably 100% Actual Biology and Siren Song both into Russian!
I could have sworn there were a couple more, but I may just be remembering some of FF.net holdovers (I had a few over there translated too, into a couple other languages iirc, but could not tell you any other details after all these years, and we don’t talk about those stories...)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Combustion, one of my Gravity Falls fics, was written with a then-tumblr mutual. Other than that I’ve mostly written my own things, although these days some of my stories go through a wildly interwoven beta process with @scribefindegil​ since we share a number of fandoms and I can usually just hand her my laptop from the other side of the couch! I owe her a lot of elements of their plots too, just because talking out my ideas at another person is exactly how I best develop them.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
This is obviously sort of a weird one for me; I haven’t really written any ships into my work (it’s the aromanticism -- I don’t even hate the idea with certain couples, especially canon ones, but I feel like I’d be so bad at it!)
Anyways I have two answers maybe. If I’m allowed to fudge the lines a little, I really love the way I’ve been writing Legolas and Gimil’s relationship in my massive aro!Legolas fic, I Breathed a Song Into the Air -- as a deeply close, committed platonic relationship barreling towards something queerplatonic ship-shaped, although with the messy hiccup that Gimli is romantically interested in Legolas, even if it’s not (romantically) reciprocated. It’s not exactly a classic ship dynamic, but it’s probably the closest I’ve come to writing one, and I actually really adore playing around with the boundaries of committed companionship like that, so if that makes me a “shipper” by proxy, there you go!
That said, I still super don’t see that one as a romantic relationship, so if you want me to pick one of those.... technically the only time I’ve intentionally written romantic interest between two characters has been with some of my really recent TOH stuff, and frankly, that might be the one that finally gets me in the conventional sense. I am in the process of plotting out a pretty long Owl House fic that would, among other character relationships, involve some significant Raine/Eda, which also feels like a fair answer -- although it seems really funny calling something I haven’t exactly written yet my “all-time” favorite! I do love them though. I can’t believe a romantic relationship finally properly lured me in. After all these years.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh boy. Often it feels like all of them. But I do have some pretty significant motivation for a lot of the in-progress ones in my drafts that I’ve started in the last year or two, even if some have been slow going. (Someday, I Breathed a Song will update again, I swear...)
I think my answer has to be all 4 or 5 different multi-chapter stories on Ao3 there’s little chance of me finishing. I often feel pretty bad that I started things people got excited about and won’t get to see conclude. It put me off writing fic for a while, because I felt like it always happened when I tried to write long things -- and what I really want to write are long things! -- although these days I seem to be tapping into some much deeper wells of motivation, which is good, even if I’m still a slow writer.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, for sure. It’s one of the main things I’ve always gotten compliments on, which makes me happy, because good dialogue is a hallmark of good fic, in my book. I think I also tend to be pretty good at plot, or at least the bones of it -- coming up with interesting directions for the story to go that are a little different than what everyone else writes, and and that tend to be really character-driven, and also at coming up with interesting symbolism/narrative metaphor and parallels like that. Together, that also makes me pretty good at foreshadowing, which is a LOT of fun when I can get it right and stick the landing.
What are your writing weaknesses? 
I write so slowly, and I’m such a perfectionist, so getting stuck on small things and agonizing over sections that are good enough already really hurts me. I tend to have weak spots with things like cohesion between scene transitions or pacing as a result -- I’ll either drag them out too long or rush them because I don’t know what else to write or how else to get past them. Plus, it also keeps me from getting things written at all :P
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it can be done well, definitely, and also that it often is not, but that the latter tends to scare people away from figuring out how to do the former.
There are different thoughts on what doing it well looks like, but for my part I like to try to scatter in small pieces for a larger impact that usually can be figured out from context clues, and add something else that can’t be accomplished just by stating the dialogue is in a certain language. I’ve messed around a little to that effect with Sindarin in Tolkien fic, although I’m still figuring out how best to use more than just a word or two.
That said. I do think it’s something you should always, always find a beta for. If you’re not fluent or confident in a translation yourself, finding another fan who is in order to make sure you’ve done it right/respectfully doesn’t feel like an optional step to me, even though people often treat it that way.
(For an example: my favorite messing around with language I’ve done recently was contrasting a “Dios mío” from Luz with an “Oh, Titan” from Hunter in an Owl House fic -- with the joke being that it was representative of their respective cultural backgrounds, even if one of them is decidedly fantasy and not an Earth “culture” at all!)
What was the first fandom you wrote for? 
Going to go with a graceful pass on this one, just because I find some of my earliest forays into fic a little too embarrassing to admit to in retrospect. The first fandom that crossed over from FF.net with me to Ao3 though -- and one of my earliest ones -- was Doctor Who.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? 
So far, it’s definitely I Breathed a Song Into the Air. It’s so personal, and has received such a phenomenal response -- and beyond that, it was my splash back into fic-writing that made me realize I still had it in me and that my skills had improved so much since I stepped away. I’ve also had the most fun planning it and giving it to Scribe to beta, and even just beyond that, I love writing the LotR characters and their relationships to begin with. I know it’s been a year since I updated it, which, oof, but I swear, I have a lot planned for it and it’s not tossed by the wayside. I hope people will still enjoy sticking with me for the journey with that one, because it means a lot to me.
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monsterqueers · 3 years
YO I remember the ChiRe shit that was such a mess. And then the million other forks that were all the exact same thing but no they're totally different dude trust me. ddlgre cglre chire kidcore kidspace littlespace.. some of these words were their own thing before that whole debacle too which made things extra confusing. And then there'd be general stim blogs just trying to reach a wider audience and would use multiple tags only to have one group or another hounding them for "cross tagging." The content can be exactly the same but if you tag it with two different words that's a no no. you were expected to just know all this automatically even if you weren't part of those specific groups and it was impossible to keep track of because a new one popped up every other week. It was not a fun time to be kinky and autistic.
The worst part is that it started from a mostly genuine and reasonable space; There were indeed traumatized folks who were coping in a non power dynamic way by doing 'childish' things as a therapeutic reparenting thing that wanted and needed wholly nonsexual spaces and there were indeed plural folks with headmates who were young who wanted spaces they could be visibly younger than the body. They shouldnt have been combined AT ALL into one community, much less one operated like this, but it wasnt wrong for these folks to want spaces for them that werent kink spaces. The line between fascination and kink is blurry. Thats fair.
But it had integral problems from the start in radfem logic that just got worse as time went on. The major ones being;
These sorts of spaces they wanted to build could not be made safely in tumblr's environment of public tags, aesthetic-based interaction, and poor nsfw filtering ability. A private forum or DW community would have been better suited.
These spaces of 'involuntarily and also actually cognitively a child younger than the body' and 'pretending to be a child for various reasons' should not be crossed and will get people hurt because they need different things.
These spaces were founded in a very specific trauma culture that without a grounding influence were easily radicalized and manipulated because of said trauma
The minor situation. Which, while yes there is a difference between kink and fascination, the line is very blurry and courts wont make a huge distinction. Allowing minors into places that appear like a well-known kink or involve a relationship style or power dynamic shift is a bad idea that is unsafe for everyone. While the 'caretaker' concept didn't kick off until later, it still appeared enough like a well known kink that people probably could have gotten legally in trouble.
I watched it come into being and lurked in hopes the promised essays and conversations about trauma and body age and voluntary vs involuntary experiences would happen and they never did and instead we got a lingering scar on this hellsite and autistic spaces in general that will probably take years to iron out if it ever does.
The tagging situation also started so reasonably. People on tumblr have no boundaries, and even when asked to knock it off, a small minority of kink blogs would roleplay or comment something nsfw on people's non nsfw posts. Many of these people were minors. Some of these posts were posts about personal trauma. This is an undeniable fact that it happened, and I myself had to block people when I was a minor over people doing this. So the community, who was getting this kind of sexual interaction on their posts that they didn't want would type 'dont reblog to a porn/kink/nsfw blog' or 'no nsfw interactions'. A fair and reasonable boundary that keeps people from making people uncomfortable by mistake. However typing this would get the pornbots on you because of the words and censoring them was irritating, so people made the banners. But then the banners became a byf in image form and the language changed from 'dont reblog to a porn blog pls' to 'dont interact if nsfw/kink'. The person become the problem, not the exposure to the thing. It was at this point the radfem infection became terminal.
When ChiRe splintered due to drama, the crosstagging problem- which was originally just 'dont crosstag chire with the cgl tags' got really wild.
About at that time the stim blogs caught wind of the banners and the community in general as many traumabloggers were autistic and often were in both circles, which spread the banners and tagging culture there and then it breached containment and spread to the whole fuckin site.
See I think if tags werent treated by one faction of people as a community and the other as just a sorting category it would have been less of an issue, but they were. It was a mess.
Being hypersexual+kinky and being autistic and traumatized AND being plural with an ageslider headmate made this a unique and very distressing hellscape to navigate for me.
It was THEE worst community I have ever lurked in. No fandom will ever compare to that cesspool of drama and stress and bullshit and puritanical policing. They did more callouts in their tags then they EVER did actual posts of substance.
Aside note- Kidcore was just an aesthetic tag, often used by toy collectors and such before the ChiRe thing, ChiRe took it over and made a mess.
Littlespace was a term for cgl first and I dont think many ChiRe and other related spinoffs used it? I think it was just 'sfw littles' and ddlgre and cglre folks, and they were widely hated by the rest because they werent totally anti kink.
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
Me again sorry if I’m spamming can request how the boys react to going to the future with mc be everywhere’s in lockdown thank you and stay safe love you~ (๑ゝω╹๑)
there’s probably a shit ton of them hcs around these parts and i feel like i’m just re-wording a lot of things so like,, ahaha i’m sorry. also the character cast is u-t forces cause ngl we have a lot of oda forces request previously and the coming requests dw just showing love to my kasugayama boys
the moment you stepped into the good ol’ modern times, the first thing you realized was that there’s a pandemic going on and with shingen being immunocompromised, it’s surely a danger more than ever. without a word, you quickly drag him into your apartment first thing’s first.
you quickly told him to take a shower (to which he’d probably jokingly invite you in, but to be fair, he doesn’t really know how bathtubs and shower heads are used). you didn’t have men’s clothing, not for his size so to say, so you just settled with your big, stretchy jackets you had.
after explaining the situation, you did consider going to the hospital for his treatment,, on one hand, if shingen doesn’t do it, he’ll. . .you know. and if he does, there’s a chance that he could get infected (with hospitals being a breeding ground for the virus). 
in the end, you decided to do it.
even after that, you were always careful with things like going out, mostly you taking care of the shopping and everything. you kept reminding him to wash his hands, social distance, etc.
and frankly, while he understands social distancing, he doesn’t like it. he just wants to hug and kiss his deity lover! prepare for the man to just recite poems so damn dramatically for this.
(^ this includes the amount of pickup lines increasing by a lot. the fact that he can now search some up from google doesn’t help.)
there’s a lot of things you do in quarantine, and you’ve found that the amount of carpentry has increased significantly prior to this.
said carpentry ranges from tables and chairs, to small decoration carvings of birds and the likes. the smell of wood now wafts in the air more than ever.
you’ve now replaced yukimura for his dieting of sweets. his illness may be gone, but teeth problems could still arise! but shingen can have some modern candy once in a while, as a treat. 
as for the reaction of the future in general—shingen finds it so, so warming how relatively peaceful it is compared to the sengoku. yes, protests are happening and there’s practically a new type of war going on (he most certainly advocates for human rights, etc), but it’s a step to a new light. a world he wants.
you’ve had conversations of the future before—most of them on a,,, bizzare note, with the topic being on swords and war (or lack thereof), etc. a silent agreement was made between you two to not have kenshin be in the future since he’s missing one of the things he ‘needs to live with’ (them being war, sake, and you).
but a lot of improv had to be done when the wormhole was much more stubborn and managed to pull you through.
right after you figured out what happened, a security guard immediately came and told you to wear a mask (considering it’s a must). you had to haul kenshin back to your house before he attacks the guard with his sword.
after cleaning the two of you from any virus, you began running things over to him about the future. aaaand he’s already thinking about keeping you in your house by any means so you don’t get caught by it.
but you managed to convince him otherwise, you did have to go shopping and the thought of kenshin doing it with all the foreign technology around him made you sweat nervously.
no, kenshin, sake isn’t a need but you will buy it for him cause he won’t be able to survive, you feel.
you thought a peaceful modern world was bad enough for kenshin to reside in, ohoho, wait until you realize he can’t even go outside and fight sasuke and all that jazz.
a thought crossed your mind to learn how to duel and fight using mop sticks but he shot down that thought.
in the meantime, most of your days were spent in the garden with his sea of bunnies (how they got there, you don’t know) and mostly tending to them so they don’t contract the virus (kenshin almost flipped when you told him that rabbits could do that).
and by night, you spent it by looking out to the city skies (but the light from the buildings doesn’t hit like the stars do) and drinking sake.
he’d also be against social distancing, but—unsurprisingly—only to you. after a while that rule goes out the window as he cuddles you to death from being touch-starved.
i feel like he’d be interested in the past (or future, to him) wars just because. he’d read up about the wars from all sorts of places. and sometimes, you’d catch him with a deadly smile and say, “that sounds like a great idea, i should wage one like that.”
you had to remind him no, you can’t start a war cause you want to.
he’d flip straight up by the idea of there being a pandemic in your time. you never talked about this when you told him you came from the future!
he’d probably groan at first with the thought of having to hole up for a long time, but he’d quickly understand. it’s for the benefit of the immunocompromised and the old, he’d like to help by following the rules.
besides, he has you. he’ll cope.
at first, his plan was for you to just let him do all the work during lockdown, like going out and stuff. he was non-chalant, if a bit stubborn.
until you mention groceries.
you start firing him questions, do you know what we need? do you know how much of it we need? or which one is which at all?
he shuts up after that.
yukimura will definitely do those workout things on youtube, and you’ll probably be roped into it. rip to you but you’re gettin’ buff during these lazy times.
small, silly arguments would most likely be the norm for you. it’s a bit of spicy bickering back and forth, you both find it amusing and it’s a way to stimulate the brain, no matter how stupid the topic is.
it can range from if mugwort mochi is better than chestnut dumplings, and you’ve even gone out to search for light topics to have small debates over.
occasionally, he’d invite you outside to watch the skies. the colorful lights from the tall buildings kind of reminds you of the loud fireworks during the festival back in the sengoku—only if they became stars instead.
much like shingen, yukimura is thankful of the positive changes in the future. horrible things may have stayed, but as long as there are people advocating for a fair and peaceful world, he can spend his days beside you.
as any situation, sasuke was prepared as ever. the second you went to the modern days, he pulled out a spare mask (dw it’s clean) from his pocket and handed it to you. remembering the rule of mandatory masks, you quickly put it on.
you couldn’t really have a discussion about time-travel in the open, so you both went to your apartment.
sasuke is definitely well-versed in the virus, dumping most everything he knows unto you to better arm you with it yourself.
somehow, he could calculate how much groceries and overall shopping in any timeframe. a month, two, etc. so you find yourself bringing him out shopping with you.
since he’s now in the modern world, the amount of him being holed up kinda increases. if he’s learnt so much from a youtube tutorial, imagine the absolute machine he’d be by the end of it.
yeah he’s that guy who learns 45 million skills.
sasuke might seem unbothered by having to keep distance from you, but he really isn’t. you can tell; by the way his lips tighten, or the way his eyebrows furrow sometimes.
would regularly remind you to wash your hands, and would always say to take a bath each time you go home from the outside. if you’re ever sick, he’ll somehow have the perfect medicine ready.
you binge watch shows all the time, it’s another form of bonding cause you two already know about them. you’d spend nights on the couch with a blanket and snacks, discussing about things ranging from theories to crack cotent.
you really wouldn’t trade it for the world.
honestly, yoshimoto isn’t even much interested in the future. mostly just how far art’s gotten (and trust me, it’s gotten so far). such is the situation when the wormhole caught you two.
he probably got sidetracked from the first art he could see (probably street art in this scenario) after you barely identified you went to the future.
again you must haul this pretty man after being told off by a security guard for not wearing a mask.
your biggest problem is probably his massive fascination with modern art. endless hours were used to have a talk that, no, he can’t go to an exhibit right now.
so you improvise.
you gave him a hand-me-down phone, or just share a laptop, and teach him the concept of digital art, along with how to operate certain social medias so he can browse around.
downside is he is currently—and unknowingly— planning to get you broke by commissioning artists. also he may or may not’ve been doing posting questionable things on his accounts (you really shouldn’t’ve given him one,,)
and so to fix the problem created to solve a problem, you decided to take it into your own hands.
popping out all the drawing supplies you’ve ever had, you began to doodle anything and everything, every day. and each one, you’d show it off to yoshimoto like a child to their parent.
and each time, he still looks at them so lovingly, no matter if it could hypothetically be classified as chicken scratches. as long as you make it, in his mind, it’ll be something worth cherished for.
but your strong suit has always been stitching, so you start a lot of projects of art on clothing. it counts as the one above.
oh—you know those pretty cloth masks? you now have about 100 of these at least, courtesy to yoshimoto.
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Mun Views
A quick warning. These views may be unpopular, or controversial, but they are subjective. 1. On formatting. Not necessary, but aesthetically pleasing as long as it's not difficult to read. 2. On OCs. Love/Hate relationship. I have several OCs myself, but I've had so many poor interactions with OCs and my canon characters. OCs can be incredibly well-written, but so often they're a glorified self-insert. Which isn't BAD per se, but sometimes can get uncomfy for me. 3. On smut. I think smut can and should be plot driven when written. Not sex for the sake of it, but an exploration of the characters in an intimate setting. It can be beautiful and rewarding, without crossing the line into porn. Which again, is not bad, but not necessarily something I want to write for my characters. 4. On your fandom. Some circles in the DWRPC are quite....... toxic. But I've been on tumblr long enough to have curated my dash and the people I follow. I enjoy the side of the fandom I'm involved in for the most part. 5. On exclusivity. I'm not exclusive simply because I love to see the contrast in different portrayals of the same character. But there's nothing wrong with people who are. 6. On 'burnbookisms'/anti-blogs. They're just an excuse for more publicized anon hate. 7. On hate. It's entirely unnecessary and cowardly and disgusting. I do not and will not tolerate it, ever. 8. On positivity. I think it's much needed, especially these days with everyone cooped up at home and slowly going mad from stress and anxiety and depression. Tell someone you love them and why. <3 9. On OOC posts. I make too many probably, but I like to get to know my mun friends. 10. On URLs. I like coming up with good urls, don't like "x" or "-" in my urls but to each their own. 11. On your character. This dumb bitch? Been writing him for damn near ten years now and I love him. Nine will always be my OG baby boy, but boy oh boy do I love Twelve and Thirteen, too. Writing them has kept me sane and alive at times. 12. On your own writing. I don't think I'm a spectacular writer, but I have my moments where I sit back like, "shit yeah that's good." 13. On following back. I don't follow back EVERYone, but if it's a character I would be interested in writing with, heck yeah. 14. On one-liners. Not my cup of tea. I'm a para person all the way. 15. On tumblr. It's a weird ass place, but it's really the only form of social media I fucks with. I don't have a twitter or an insta or a tiktok. I'm an old millennial, sue me. 16. On roleplaying in general. It's one of my favorite hobbies and it has gotten me through some rough patches. I've made plenty of real life friends through it, and even met my wife through roleplay. So I'd say I'm pretty okay with it. extra: 17. On multi-muse blogs. I've got one, so......... 18. On side blogs. I've got several so........ honestly, I think multi-muse and sideblogs are so helpful especially for nd people who struggle with organization and time management. So I'm always here for it. 19. On icon/gif/image use. I love using icons, not as much gifs, but PLEASE, either make your own graphics, pay someone to make you some, or source graphics from resources that are designed to share them! Do not steal gifs, icons, or graphics. That's shiiiiiiitty. 20. On 'popular' blogs. Again, love/hate. I'm pretty sure my DW blog could be considered "popular", but some blogs with hundreds of thousands of followers produce a lot of content, but it's mediocre. I prefer to have a relationship with the people I write with, and with popular blogs, I'd feel like just one among many. Most of the big blogs I follow are art blogs, or graphic or gif-makers, not popular RP blogs.
tagged by: no one, I stole it tagging: @conduitandconjurer, @immortalled, @mstinteresting and anyone else who would like to do it!
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Group Texts Are Ridiculous (Or, Five-0 Starts a Group Text)
McDanno, T, A03, 6k so far
Summary:  After Steve leaves Oahu to go find himself, Five-0 starts a group text to keep in touch while Steve’s away.  Picks up after the end of Season 10.
Notes:  This story is set in the present, following 10x22, but there’s no COVID in it...  I wanted it to be fun.  The story is complete and will be posted over the next few weeks.  Many thanks as always to my awesome beta, @perryavenue.
Chapter 3
June 25, 2020
JR:  What’s the name of Steve’s vet, the one he sort of dated?
QL:  If you and Tani were considering a threesome you could have let me know.
TR:  News to me.  But I suppose we could talk…
JR:  Shut up.  Eddie’s hurt, do you know the vet’s name or not?
TR:  Oh no, what happened?
JR:  I’m not sure, we just got back from a run and he’s limping a little.
DW:  Don’t go anywhere.  Keep Eddie still, I’ll be there in ten.
JR:  Shouldn’t I take him to the vet?
DW:  Just called them.  Stay right where you are.
JR:  Danny, Eddie’s fine, I can just put him in the truck.  He probably just stepped on something sharp.
QL:  Is he bleeding?  You should elevate his leg.
JR:  No, he’s not bleeding, it’s not that serious.  
TR:  Can you tell which paw it is?
JR:  Of course I can tell, it’s the foot he’s holding up when he tries to walk.
DW:  Did you not understand the part about keeping him still?  Walking is not keeping him still.  Sit with him, don’t let him move.
 JR:  We’re sitting on the couch, don’t worry, Eddie is fine.  He’s licking my face.  Normal Eddie behavior.  I think he actually forgot about his foot.
 TR:  Doesn’t hurt to be careful.  Junes, where did you take Eddie anyway?  Just the beach?
 TR:  Junes?  You there?
 JR:  Sorry, had to let HPD in.
 TR:  Wait, why is HPD there?
 JR:  Apparently Danny sent them.  With flashers and sirens.
 TR:  Of course, that makes sense.
 JR:  Um, no it doesn’t.  Eddie is fine.  And Five-0 isn’t supposed to use HPD for personal stuff.
 TR:  Yeah, we never do that.  
 SM:  What the hell happened to my dog?
  July 5, 2020
 LG:  I hate all of you, but especially Tani.
 TR:  It was just lemonade, Grover.
 LG:  No, it was iced tequila with one lemon slice floating on top.
 TR:  Party lemonade.
 LG:  It’s not very patriotic to get your elders drunk.
 TR:  No one said you had to drink it.
 LG:  Pretty sure you said anyone who doesn’t taste my lemonade has to go home.
 TR:  I had already had some lemonade when I said that.  I can’t be held responsible for my actions.  Face it, you’re a lightweight.
 LG:  Clearly not true.
 TR:  Then why did Renee make you leave early?
 LG:  We had another party to go to, as I told you last night. Where is everyone, anyway?  I thought Junior and Quinn were on today.
 TR:  I’m sure they’ll turn up any minute.
 LG:  Junior is still asleep, isn’t he?
 TR:  The lump under the blankets just cursed at me when I thumped him, so no, not totally asleep.
 LG:  Tell him to get his ass in gear and get to work.
 TR:  He says his head is exploding and he wants to die.
 LG:  Requesting a sick day, then?
 TR:  I’ll come in instead.
 LG:  Seriously?
 TR:  It’ll be better than listening to Junior puke all morning.
 LG:   I didn’t need to know that. How come you’re all chipper?
 TR:  I drank a bunch of water before I went to bed.  Like you’re supposed to.
 LG:  Hey, did Danny ever show up last night?
 TR:  Nope.  
  July 11, 2020
 LG:  I’m at the dock, which way should I go?
 DW:  Towards the boats.  The big floating things.
 JR:  I can see you, keep going the way you’re facing, then head south when you get to the end of the
 LG:  South?  Sorry, forgot my compass.  
 DW:  Just listen for the music.
 TR:  I can’t believe you know the words to Taylor Swift’s greatest hits. At least my music is relatively current.
 DW:  Grace was just the right age.  It got stuck in my head.  
 JR:  And now it’s stuck in ours.
 <i>TR has changed the name of the group text to</i> <b>Shake It Off Dance Party</b>
 QL:  Be there soon.  Just found Jerry wandering in the parking lot.
 JG:  I wasn’t wandering, I was organizing my gear.
 TR:  What kind of gear do you need for a boat ride?
 LG:  You do realize you are asking Jerry this.
 JG:  By the way, thanks for including me today.  I’ve missed you guys.
 DW:  We miss you too.  But if you could all hurry up, that would be great.  I’d like to leave the dock sometime before it gets dark.
 QL:  Do you guys do a Five-0 summer outing every year?
 TR:  Nope, first time.
 QL:  Really?
 TR:  Yeah, generally we get enough excitement at work.  And Danny has some issues with boats.
 DW:  I actually enjoy boats, when there isn’t any gunfire, or sharks, or poison. I only have issues with <i>Steve</i> and boats.  Steve isn’t here, so we’ll be fine.
 QL:  So much to unpack there.
 JR:  Didn’t Steve set this up?
 LG:  He surely did.  The boat belongs to a friend of his.  I think he thought we all needed some cheering up.
 TR:  You mean he thought Danny needed cheering up.
 DW:  If Steve wanted to cheer me up he wouldn’t have sent me on a boat trip with all of you.
 LG:  Ouch.
 JG:  We may have a slight delay.
 TR:  What did you do?
 JG:  I didn’t do anything.  But Quinn was texting and walking at the same time and tripped.
 DW:  Is she ok?
 JG:  She didn’t fall in the water.  But her phone did, and she’s kind of pissed.
 LG:  Well we’ve got beer, that might help.
 JG:  Now’s she in the water.  She’s trying to find the phone.
 JG:  Quinn can hold her breath for a really long time.  Kind of impressive.
 LG:  For pete’s sake, what’s the point?  She’s never going to find it, and it’ll be ruined anyway.
 JG:  I said the same thing, but she didn’t listen.  Now she’s going to talk to the harbormaster.
 TR:  To report a dropped phone?
 JG: I don’t know, she just told me to wait while she went to talk to the harbormaster.
 TR:  It’s not like we need our phones for fishing.  We probably don’t get service out there anyway.
 DW:  Hardly matters.  At this rate we’re never leaving the dock.
  July 17, 2020
 SM:  Send help to this address ASAP. My phone’s dying.
 DW:  WTF Steve?
 SM:  Tow truck kind of help.  Flat tire.
 DW:  It’s four in the morning here.
 SM:  Oh, sorry.  Got up early. Not that early.
 DW:  Way to give me a heart attack.
 SM:  Sorry, didn’t mean to.  You okay?
 DW:  Course I’m okay.  I’m in bed, asleep.  Or at least I was asleep.  Now Eddie’s awake too and thinks it’s time to get up and go for a walk.
 SM:  Wish I was there.
 DW:  What?
 SM:  In bed, I mean.  Instead of stuck on the side of the road.
 DW:  Where are you, anyway?  You haven’t mentioned lately.
 SM:  Near Yellowstone.  Been camping. Did some hiking into the backcountry.
 DW:  Sounds suitably outdoorsy.
 SM:  Yeah.
 DW:  Your phone doesn’t seem all that dead.  You could have called AAA yourself.  
 SM:  I wasn’t sure how long it would hold out.
 DW:  It’s okay.  I miss you too.
  July 18, 2020
 JR:  So we’re all ignoring that conversation, right?
 TR:  Yes, because we work for them, and we have better things to do today.
 TR has changed the name of the group text to Luau Luau Luau
 JR:  Good to know you’re excited.
 TR:  Just cross your fingers there aren’t any murders in the next six hours. I want to be there when the pig comes out of the pit.
 SM:  You guys are doing a real luau?
 TR:  Yup.  Kamekona dug the imu.  Or had someone else dig it, probably.  But that sucker’s been cooking for hours already.
 JR:  Hey Commander, how’s it going?
 SM:  It’s good, Junior.  Thanks. How’d you get Kame to cook you a pig?
 TR:  It’s to thank Danny for helping him with some kind of permitting problem for his new place in Kapolei.  Kame found out Danny had never done the whole pig in the ground thing, so he decided to show him how it’s done.
 SM:  You’re telling me Danny got up at dawn to put the pig in the imu?
 TR:  I can’t swear to it, I wasn’t there.  But that was the plan.  
 LG:  I was there.  And no, Kame didn’t do any actual digging, he got Nahele and his friends to do it.  We did have to carry some rocks.
 TR:  What do you think, Lou?  Pretty cool, right?
 LG:  I am in favor of anything that combines fire and meat, you know that about me.
 SM:  Danny must not have gotten any sleep at all.
 DW:  That’s why they invented coffee.
 SM:  How much did Kame charge you for it?
 DW:  Nahele brought us all coffee from Island Vintage.
 SM:  What, did he come into some money?
 DW:  I paid him back, you dunce.
 SM:  I can’t believe you guys are putting together your own luau.
 DW:  Makes you miss home, doesn’t it?
 SM:  Sure does.  Danny, you’ve really never been to a luau?
 DW:  Not really.  Seemed kind of touristy.
 TR:  That’s why you have to do it yourself.  I made chicken long rice last night, and Junior’s bringing the lomi lomi salmon.
 JR:  I wanted squid but Tani likes salmon better.
 SM:  Good luck getting Danny to eat squid unless they’re deep fried.
 DW:  I’ll have you know I haven’t had a fried fish in ages.  I’ve been grilling mahi almost every weekend.
 SM:  You have?  That’s awesome.
 JR:  He does a good job with it, too.  It’s never dry.
 DW:  Thanks, Junior.
 SM:  Clearly my healthy eating has finally made an impression on you, Danny. I’m so proud.
 JR:  I think it was his doctor that forced him into it, but whatever.
 SM:  What do you mean?  What’s wrong?
 DW:  Nothing’s wrong.
 SM:  High cholesterol?
 DW:  Shut up, I can eat whatever I want.  I’m just choosing to be more aware of what goes in my mouth, that’s all.
 LG:  Right, that’s why you banned malasadas from the office.
 TR:  Maybe he’s just trying to maintain his girlish figure.  
 JR:  Are you really trying to lose weight, Danny?  Because you’re as thin as I’ve ever seen you.
 LG:  I’m not sure they sell those slacks in extra-slim, you better be careful.
 DW:  Can we please stop talking about me?  
 SM:  Seriously, is everything all right, Danny?  
 DW:  You guys are ridiculous.  See you later at the beach.  You can ogle me there as I stuff my mouth with kalua pork.
  July 21, 2020
 JR:  Tani, you up?
 TR:  You know you can just come home and get into bed with me, you don’t need to say dumb stuff like that.
 JR:  Honestly I just wanted to know if you were awake.  It’s one o’clock in the morning.
 TR: LOL sorry.  Yeah, Quinn just left and I’m trying to clean up.  We tried to make fancy margaritas and it looks like Whole Foods’ fruit section exploded in my kitchen.
 JR:  What’s a fancy margarita?
 TR:  You know, you add in something that tastes good and something that tastes bad.
 JR:  That can’t really be the recipe.
 TR:  It seemed like it.  Grapefruit and rosemary – who wants rosemary in their margarita?
 JR:  Ok true.
 TR:  Strawberry and jalapeno was pretty good though.  But we put too many jalapenos in.
 JR:  Sounds dangerous.  How many have you had?
 TR: A good amount.  When are you coming home?
 JR:  Don’t know.  Adam and I are still parked down the road from the restaurant where the victim died yesterday.  Danny thinks whoever was responsible, the assistant chef probably, will break in tonight.
 TR:  Sounds fun.
 JR:  I’m bored out of my mind.  Ran out of things to talk about with Adam about two hours ago.
 TR:  Let’s play fuck, marry, kill.  
 JR:  Okay.  But let’s text just us, okay?
 TR:  Smart.  Okay, you go first.  Celebrities, fuck, marry or kill.
 JR:  Any celebrities?  That’s kind of broad.
 TR:  Ok, celebrities named Chris.
 JR:  You’re really making me go first.
 TR:  You’re the one who said you were bored.  I could just throw all this crap into the sink and go to bed.  But I’ll go first if you want.
 JR:  Okay.  
 TR:  And obviously no getting mad, right?
 JR:  Obviously.
 TR:  Fuck Chris Hemsworth, marry Chris Evans, kill Chris Pratt.
 JR:  That was fast.
 TR:  I may have thought about it before.  Now you go.
 JR:  Fuck Christina Aguilera, marry Chris Evans, kill Chris Noth.
 TR:  Very enlightened.
 JR:  Everyone wants to marry Chris Evans.
 TR:  Agreed.  Okay, next. Marvel characters.  
 JR:  That’s kind of an overlap, isn’t it?
 TR:  Only with a few of them.  We’ll say no repeats.  You go first this time.
 JR:  Fuck Wonder Woman, marry Black Widow, kill Loki.
 TR:  Sure you didn’t reverse Wonder Woman and Black Widow?
 JR:  Nah.  If I’m going to spend my life with somebody I want her to have some depth, you know?
 TR:  I’ll revisit that when I’m less drunk.  Okay, fuck T’Challa, marry Tony Stark, kill Fury.
 JR:  Fury?  He’s a good guy.
 TR:  I didn’t like the way he faked his death.
 JR:  You confuse me sometimes.
 TR:  I think that’s okay.  Any sign of the assistant chef?
 JR:  No.  And Adam seems entranced by some game on his phone.
 TR:  Animal crossing?
 JR:  I think it’s some kind of card game app.  Jerry mentioned it.
 TR:  Why play cards on an app instead of in person?
 JR:  Maybe because you’re stuck at work at one in the morning.
 TR:  Fair.
 JR:  Okay, let’s do another round.
 TR:  Fine.  Five-0. Present or former members.
 JR:  No way.
 TR:  Come on, you must have thought about it.  
 JR:  No getting mad?
 TR:  Obviously.  And we can’t say each other.
 JR:  Obviously.
 JR:  You go first.
 TR:  Fuck Steve, marry Danny, kill Catherine.
 JR:  Again, you do this really fast.
 TR:  These answers aren’t hard.
 JR:  Didn’t know you hated Catherine so much.
 TR:  She screwed over my imaginary fuck buddy and my imaginary husband, so, yeah.
 JR:  I feel like you know more about this situation than I do.
 TR:  As with all things.  Come on, your turn.
 JR:  This is hard.  And very unprofessional.
 TR:  You cannot leave me hanging.
 JR:  Fuck Quinn, marry Steve, kill Adam.
 TR:  He’s that boring?
 JR:  He’s that boring.
 TR:  You know Danny thinks I’m just like Steve.  In the good ways.
 JR:  I’m aware.
 TR:  You only said Quinn because you couldn’t think of any other women on Five-0, didn’t you?
 JR:  Ok fine.
 TR:  Be honest, who would you pick?  Really?
 JR:  There’s no way you’re getting me to put that in a text.
 TR:  It’s just us, come on.
 LG:  No it’s not.  
 TR:  Oh shit.
  July 22, 2020
 DW:  Ok, regarding last night’s text message fiasco, I’m incredibly disappointed and have no choice but to run this by HR.
 TR:  Wait, we have HR?
 DW:  No, actually.  But I talked about it with Steve and we laughed our asses off.  Try to rein in the sex talk just a bit, okay?  And maybe don’t mention actually killing people in our group text.
 JR:  Sorry, sir.
 TR:  Sorry, boss.
 DW:  And Junior’s right.  Everyone wants to marry Chris Evans.
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lightningcritter · 4 years
My friends, there is no one I would rather go into battle with
“We leave no one behind.” Ladybug declares in a conspiratorial whisper as she drapes her arms over Viperion and Le Chat Noir’s shoulders, leaning in. Her brilliant, genetically impossible blue eyes burn brightly in the sunrise, magnetic in their determination, compassion and cleverness. Their leader.
“Of course.” Viperion breathes, his small smile widening as he throws an arm around Ryuko’s shoulders, his breathing calm and confident despite their situation. She smirks, her teeth a brilliant flash of white in the dark room, her amber eyes shining molten gold in the rising sunlight with an unwavering strength, the very defiance that spurred them to action in their darkest days.
Rena Rouge and Carapace share genuine, yet roguish grins as they clap arms over each other’s shoulders. Their muscles are coiled with power, their grips unyielding and firm, grounding everyone in their team. Chat Noir squeezes Carapace’s forearm, his glowing green eyes a comfort to everyone who looks at him.
“On to a new day.” Ladybug says, watching as the sun rises to bathe them in a faint golden glow, her voice hard. “A new fight. We stand our ground.” She takes a moment to look between every member of her team, her face softening. “You are the best team I could ask for.”
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28440024/chapters/69691914
Hello! I'm sorry for posting it so late. Happy Holidays! @tiredaroaceperson  @mlsecretsanta ​ This is more of a found family focused piece with a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff and a lot of action!! I hope you enjoy it :DD
This does take place during the winter and close to Christmas so dw! The first chapter is a flashback.
Chapter 1: Enter the Dragon
"Can you see all of Paris from the Eiffel Tower?"
A small hum replies.
“The Eiffel Tower is at least 300 metres tall, Katsuo-kun, but I don’t know if you can see all of Paris. It’s not a small city. Speak French, you need to practice it”
“It feels a lot smaller than Tokyo.”
Kagami couldn’t help but disagree. While Tokyo has towering skyscrapers and buildings of all sizes, the blaring colors of neon signs, never-ending stream of crowds and clustering shops and restaurants stacked over each other felt much more crowded and cramped than the wide expanse of Parisian skies. Everything felt so much more open and freeing. Even in cramped areas with winding chimneys and towers of gray brick and multistorey grey-blue roofs, the sky was never fully covered and felt so free.
If anything, the only complaint she really had about their move to Paris is the smell of Canal Saint-Martin. It’s the worst in the summer, especially when there is little breeze. Such as today. She squints at the overly sunny day today and wonders if she should ask Katsuo if he wants ice cream.
“I wanna see it!" Kagami looks down from the sky to Katsuo’s finger, smiling when she realizes he was pointing at the Eiffel Tower in the back. It truly is beautiful, especially at night. Kagami sometimes wonders what it’d be like to be at the very top, fingers braced against the thin railing, the wind buffeting her clothes. How free that would feel? Or would it feel scary, like you might be blown away the moment you relax your clenched hands, caught in a storm that sprung on you without your permission, a loss of control that you can only numb yourself to?
"I will discuss with mother and father so we can all go together another day. If we go right now, you’ll be too scared to come back down and cause another scene.”
Kagami can’t help but laugh at Katsuo’s whine as he suddenly stops on the sidewalk. He does his impression of a frown, his adorably chubby cheeks squished to his chest as he crosses his arms petulantly.
"Oh? Are we conveniently forgetting yesterday’s ferris wheel now?" Kagami mimics her brother as she also crosses her arms. His eyebrows furrow inward at her lack of sympathy and he frowns more, stubbornly shuffling to turn his back to her, his arms tightening in his stance.
Kagami hides an unladylike snort that as she circles to his other side, unable to resist a smile. “Don’t you remember? You got so scared-” She follows him as Katsuo shuffles to turn his back to her again. “-That you wouldn’t let go of the pole until mother arrived!” A slight giggle weasels its way into her speaking. “You went on two extra rides for no reason!”
“But the Eiffel Tower isn’t moving, it’s just a dumb triangle.” He mumbles and Kagami ruffles her brother's hair, now broadly smiling as he whines and bats at her hand.
"Don’t worry, another day  otouto. ” She promises. Katsuo peeks up at her from behind his bangs. “Why don’t we stop frowning and pet Maron?”
Katsuo quickly relents, gleefully squatting to gently pet the tiny white dog. Kagami felt a bit of pride fill her heart when he carefully pets Maron the way Kagami had shown him. Said dog stopped to investigate a lampstand, sniffing at it curiously, floppy ear flicking.
"What's convently?" He asks, giggling at the way his fingers disappeared into the soft fur.
"Conveniently. It means to do something that takes little effort." Kagami gently tugs at the leash as she takes his hand and pulls Katsuo away from the lampstand. Maron starts barking at it and Kagami sighs, tugging more insistently.
"Maron, we need to go, your barking is going to.."
A large boom shakes the ground, effectively cutting off whatever she was going to say. While large booms were alarming in general, this one didn't sound too far off. The part of her brain that was used to quick thinking estimated that it was maybe two streets away. Other pedestrians around her were also stopping, and most were already on-guard and straining to hear tell-tale sounds of fighting. While akuma appearances usually happened at night or evenings, it wasn't unheard of for them to activate during the day. Maron' barking seemed much louder as the chatter of Parisian streets stopped, the tiny yaps magnified in the silence, filling the tense air.
"Kagami?" Katsuo asks, squeezing her hand as he steps closer, his other hand fisting into her red varsity jacket. Kagami feels her heart pounding as there was another boom, sounding even closer this time. Katsuo whimpers. A couple cafe signs fell to the ground and potted flowers were sent crashing to the ground. Some people screamed, but it quickly quieted in the suffocating stillness as palpable fear hung in the air.
There were faint screaming and deafening sirens, and a blinding flash of magical light.
Definitely an akuma.
She quickly squats down, suddenly aware of how loud Maron was, trying to soothe Maron who had quieted into snarls, the action seeming foreign to her as panic and adrenaline began to bubble in her chest.
"Okay. We- We need to get away from here.” Her darting eyes latch onto the vast expanse of green shrubbery at the end of the sloped street. “The gardens! Katsuo, quickly, we need to go to the gardens." She shoots to her feet, pulling Katsuo into an unsteady speed walk as she hurriedly weaves through the crowd. She felt uncomfortable out in the open.
It seems that a lot of Parisians have a similar train of thought as the odd stillness quickly breaks into a flurry of shouting and motion as people dart into nearby shops whose owners were pulling down metal gates or swarming down the street in a hurry away from the light show taking place two streets away. Just as she predicted. Many explosions began to sound off, the sounds just barely overpowering the chaos of a panicking crowd. Kagami tugs her brother closer to her in fear of him being trampled, just managing to not stumble over her own feet, her knuckles white on the leash as Maron bounds down the street.
The fears of everyone on the commercial street came true as an Akuma rose into the sky, their vapid cackling easily carrying over the noise of the panicking crowd. A manic, power-hungry grin split their face, the villain positively glowing at their newfound power as they blasted magic from their scepter at presumably a Hero of Paris.
“You know what? Hawkmoth is right. I have been holding back!”
With that, they twirled their scepter into a glowing amber circle, summoning an orb into existence and it sped away into the other street with a piercing whistle. Kagami felt panic shoot through her at the unnatural sound. This time, everyone felt the explosion rather than hearing it as the earth quakes. Many scream, shielding themselves from stray plates of food and potted plants falling from upper buildings.
Kagami feels a horrified gasp tear out of her when Katsuo loses his footing. He cries out, falling to the ground despite her tight grip. A couple other people had fallen as well, struggling to get up as the evacuation started to become more frantic.
In sheer panic, she just scoops up her brother who clutches to her and breaks into a run.
The Akuma notices the panic of the people running from their power and a wicked smile lights their face as they now aim their scepter right at the people, charging another explosive orb. His scepter is suddenly knocked out of his hand by a gray blur as something big and black tackles him in the air, flashing claws digging into Akuma's furious face.
Katsuo mutely watched the scepter fall from over his sister’s shoulder, horrified as the ball of light still unreleased from the scepter continued growing until it touched the middle of the street. “KAG-” He shrills, only to be cut off by the large explosion that bloomed violently from the cobblestone.
Kagami had a split second where she processed Katsuo thrashing in her tightening arms, his rapid heartbeat disappearing from her hands. Then a small sun exploded directly at their feet, and Kagami was aware of her body being lurched away from solid ground into the air. Like the world had flipped upside down under her feet. She was vaguely aware of a dirt covered sky, then the green bottom of a dirty overhang, then smoke. Before she could react, her head smashed into something hard and white bursts in the darkness of her shut eyes.
The searing ache in her skull was too much for her to even THINK, much less withstand the piercing ringing that filled the air. But slowly, slowly, the pain fades just enough for Kagami to take a shuddering breath and force her eyelids open.
Multiple screams of fright and pain surrounded her in an odd haze when Kagami finally opened her eyes to the smoke and dust hanging slow motion in the air. She finally notices that her ears are ringing, and something warm and wet sliding down her cheek. But the fact that most people were unhurt from the explosion itself proved its magical nature. She stands up on the staircase that she had fallen into, where most of the unsteady bricks under her feet had been torn from the sidewalk. Her sides and her arm were throbbing, her cardigan torn. Her attention was drawn to Maron’s barking, who noses insistently at Katsuo who lay sprawled on the ground unmoving.
Fear struck Kagami’s heart like it never had before and she ran to him, crumbling to her knees as she gently shook him. She remembers how to breathe when she finds that he was just curled up in fright, his eyes tightly squeezed with his hands clutched over his head.
“ Otouto , we need to go.” She speaks gently, her hands trembling from relief and her chest heaving from anxious breaths as she picks him up onto his feet. He stumbles a bit, his foot knocking into the glowing gold scepter on the floor.
A lightning strike of fear roots her to the spot as she freezes. “We need to go.” Kagami whispers, her wide eyes locked on the weapon.
An enraged yell startles her again as she looks up. The Akuma was back in the skies, clearly looking for his scepter as he flew up the street, his injured face twisted with fury. His head swings their way as molten gold eyes meet her terrified grey eyes and urgency shoots through her veins at the sheer rage on his face, blood staining his teeth red. His mouth unhinges with the most beastly roar Kagami has ever heard in her life.
“KATSUO, YOU NEED TO GO.” She screams, pushing Maron’s leash into Katsuo’s hands and shoving him away as she scoops up the scepter like a baton and pelts down the street in the opposite direction.
She hears a crash as the Akuma just barely misses her head and flies right into the flower shop. She almost stops, terrified for her brother, but she hears his unmistakable voice yelling for her and the loud barking of Maron as Katsuo was pulled away from the scene by kind strangers who didn’t want to see a child’s corpse alongside the rubble.
Kagami runs like she never had before, like her life depended on it- which it really might. Passing by a mirror display in front of a boutique, she catches a glimpse of the Akuma stepping out from the building, staring right at her with the most hateful look she has ever seen in her life as they lift off the ground and begin to chase. She forces herself to look away and instead turns sharply around the corner heading in the direction of the original explosions hoping to run into the heroes. Those slashes on his face are reminiscent of the deep gouges of Discordant, the current Black Cat hero. He must be nearby. He must be able to help.
Shoving her worry for Katsuo away, she tries to clear her mind of any more anxieties and just focus on sprinting and getting faster and faster. The world fell away from fast moving concrete and passing buildings. She was afraid of stopping even when she hears shouts and sounds of fighting behind her, the close sounds only spurring her on. Her heart thunders in her chest, the roar of her adrenaline drowning out even the shrill from the akuma’s explosion. She was only faintly aware of the blood streaming from her head, splattering the concrete.
Kagami was an athlete, an amazing one she might brag in any other situation, and has never to this date hesitated from the responsibility and duty that comes with every trophy, every win, every move she made in her family’s name. She will try her best to keep the scepter, the source of power away, from the Akuma.
She just prays that she keeps her life.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 4 years
Tuesday 16 September 1834
Very good one last night. fine but hazy morning F57° at 8 35 am - at my desk at 8 ½ - kind letter to M- glad she had found out by means over which I had no control that ‘I had even written less often to those who are perpetually heaping upon me kindness after kindness, and whose very situation in life makes them supposed to be the1st objects  of my consideration’ –........ if ‘not more heart, I had more common sense than to value the things of this world according to the scale which has been laid down for me – Had you believe me often, and known me better, it would have saved us both much pain  - But if heaven has willed it otherwise, let us not complain – the final ruler of events is wiser than we - I am deeply sensible of all your affection, but from the moment of your having deliberately told me your determination and the leading arguments which gave rise to it, my chief endeavour was to be convinced and reconciled - Mary! You trusted me too little for happiness - Remember this, and be comforted – cheer up- trust me, you have much to hope – much more than you seem aware – the prospect will [be] brighter by - by I have never failing consolation in the thought, that you will be happier in others, than you could have been in me -  Confidence was too much shaken on both sides - Mary! The last blow on mine, was too severe - Be comforted – be assured, that you have acted wisely for us both – violent changes are generally irksome to all parties at 1st, but, remembering what I myself have suffered, I do not easily despair for any one - I do not feel inclined to say much on the subject of our meeting – the reflections to which it would give rise, could only be painful - Do as you think best’ - Hope ‘her niece’ will exceed her all her expectations - ‘I can easily enter into your motive for calling her Percy’ – pleased at the thought of her going to the Rhine next year – only anxious about her choice of a companion - mention Geneva as a fine town ‘having many literary and economic advantages’ – that a family of 2 or 3 might live in affluence at Rolle for £250 a year – date my latter ½ page 3, Monday 15 September and say it shall go at last night, the herald of the small parcel (stays, 6 laces, pair of earrings from Geneva and book, Coxes’ picture of Italy edition of 1815 too old – barrowed when last at Lawton December 1833) to be sent off by me of today’s mails - ‘I found my aunt much the same as I left her, and Mr Sunderland told me, he thought her general health quite as good – but she is uncertain – this season of the year, or rather later, has generally tired her very much, and I fear, if she gets over the winter at all, it will be very indifferently – she suffers a great deal, yet her cheerfulness does not forsake her – she desires me to give her love, and say how glad she shall be to hear you are better - The 30 shillings for Thomas Beech’s great coat are paid, and I will place this sum to your account - If you do not feel quite sure of my understanding all your wishes about money matters, tell me more particularly what you would have me do - God bless you, my dearest Mary! Ever very especially yours. A. L.’ nice enough letter to Lady S- will consider about the fourgon ‘when I am more able to fix upon my next line of route’ - ‘I am perfectly astonished that I had your letter 12 days ago, and that I had been at home a fortnight on Saturday - I know not how the time has slipped away - I have been so busy about my law-concern, etc the days have seemed like moments, and I have scarce been out of the house - yet I have often thought of you, and wondered how you would settle all those disagreeableness I was so grieved to hear of...... mention letter from Vere - shall go and see her one of these days - at present can make no plans - ‘my poor aunt suffers a martyrdom; yet still she lives, and may live for several months - it is a great comfort to me to see her so pleased at my having got a little friend to take care of me in my travels - I hope you will tell Miss Tate - but, dearest Lady Stuart, it was what you said that I have never forgotten, and it is you that I shall always think of, and thank with all my heart - wrote this morning under the seal ‘I do hope to hear from you soon, if it be only one line to tell me you are better, and have settled things more comfortable than you expected - Do  not trouble yourself one instant about a frank - I shall be delighted to see a Norfolk postmark - I shall trouble Lord Stuart with a note to Lady Stuart de R- and a little note to dear Charlotte about the parcel from Paris - Ever, dearest Lady Stuart, very truly and affectionately yours A. Lister’ - general account of my journey to Lady Stuart de R- hoped for some common in Paris - perhaps she doubted my abilities - could not doubt how happy I should have been to do my best - ‘I had a little friend with me whose good care soon set me above Mr. Freeman’s medicines; and we had some delightful wanderings among the Savoy mountains - I do confess that my ‘bowels yearned’ towards Mt. Blanc; but he was a little surly; and the 2 Savoy and avocats who attempted his summit, and said, tho’ unbelieved by any, they reached it, were glad enough to get down again - they had no regular guides, only ½ a dozen peasants, two of whom had made the ascent before - and, had they been a few hours, would probably have been lost - we made what is called the grand tour of Mt. Blanc’ ......... crossed the great and little St. Bernard......... we had no gollis-work - the little Inns very fairly comfortable ‘except one in the village de Ferret where there were only 2 bedrooms for the widow and her 8 children, one man servant and 2 guides, our 2 selves, and 2 sick infants the poor woman had taken to muse, tout compris, at 6 francs each per month - we returned by the Savoy lakes and Chamberi - saw the pass of the Echelles, and the grande Chartreuse - spent 2 or 3 days at Lyons - tho’ many of the houses damaged or destroyed in April are already repaired or rebuilt, there are still too many traces of the émente - Several opulent manufactories have left the town, and set up their establishments elsewhere - there are 3 large ones just completed at Voiron now communicated with Echelles by a fine new road of 3 postes - there are several new roads finished and in progress - that by St. Etienne, opened 2 years ago (missing Lyons) saves 3 days journey to Marseilles’ - 2 or 3 days at St. Etienne and 2 or 3 at Clermont - ‘the view from the Puy de Dome is one of the most interesting and extraordinary I have ever seen - a vast assemble of cones of extinct volcanoes - a vast coulee (sea) of lava - but the heat was so excessive in walking up, and the air so cold at the top, I only staid about ½ an hour - Do tell the girls, they never saw such a dirty figure as I was on coming out of the fine silver mines (opened 2 or 3 years ago) near Pont de Gibaud - But the coal-mine of Firminy, near St. Etienne, astonished me most - it is exactly like a commons tone quarry (open to the day, and worked in the same way) but the rock is coal of excellent quality - it is only 3 years that is has been worked in this way, and is the only coal-mine known of the kind - the miners at the silver mine were chiefly Germans - Be the government what it may, I never saw so great an appearance of improvement and prosperity in the country - the écoles des mines have done an infinity of good to the mining interests of the country’ - dined with Lady CL- and the Berrys - and was delighted with my visit - all were in good spirits, and were very agreeable and kind - I had never seen so much of Lady Charlotte’ (Lindsay) ‘who says things so nicely, and whose manners are so interesting, she made quite an impression upon me - Miss Berry is really wonderful - thank you very much for giving me their address - I was quite glad to improve so nice an acquaintance - unexpected pleasure to see Lord Stuart - ‘what an enviable tour in Norway! I wish a [I] knew a little more about it - If I live, I mean to go there one of these days - my aunt, as to general health, is much the same as when I left her - but she suffers a martyrdom from rheumatic pains, and her medical men fear she cannot long survive the winter - I enclose a little note for Charlotte - Believe me, dear Lady Stuart, always very truly yours A. Lister’ - then wrote on ¼ sheet the following ‘Shibden Hall - Monday 15 October [September] 1834 - my dear Charlotte - I send you a very little note, the herald of a very little parcel, which Miss Berry was so good as promise to bring from Paris -  I told Lady Stuart, it was for you - I always thought of giving you some small remembrance on your entrée into the great world - I wished it to be something useful, and only hope I have chosen well, and that you will like the watch for its own sake, and for mine - I hope you are all enjoying yourself, and looking quite rosy and well at Highcliffe - I should not know it again - if you still hunt for fossils, and care as much as ever for the collection, you can fancy how disappointed I was to find, on reaching here, that all my fine specimens from the Auvergne silver-mines, and many others that were packed in the carriage tool-box, were lost in London, throw away as lumber I suppose, by the coachmakers’ men, who thought anti attrition better worth - I often thought of you among the high alps of Savoy, and wished you were with me - what sketching for Louisa! give my love to her - I shall always feel very much interested for you both, and believe me, my dear Charlotte, your very sincere and affectionate friend A. Lister - my kind remembrances to Miss Hyriott’ - went down to breakfast at 11 ¼ and sent off the letter by George  my letter to ‘Mrs. Lawton the Reverend M. Miller’s Scarborough’ - breakfast – Mr Parker sent the lease of ‘Lidgit’ to Mr Lampleugh Wickham Hird for A- to read over – she read it aloud to me – the game reserved as in my leases – only allowed to have 7 DW under plough – penalty £10 per DW –not to cut or prune timber – 34 DW not to underlet except with written leave – Rent £100, terms 10 years -Asleep ½ hour – at my desk at 1 5 wrote my note to C. Stuart and at 2 ½ had written so far of today, and had folded and sealed up in envelope my note - 4 pages of ½ sheet to ‘The Lady Stuart de Rothesay’ enclosing in the same my note to ‘the honourable Miss Stuart’ and enclosed these and my note to ‘the Honourable Lady Stuart Whitehall’ under cover to ‘Lord Stuart de Rothesay 3 Carlton house terrace London’ - sent the above letters at 7 pm by George - A- and I out at 2 ¾ to Brearley hill to meet Holt about getting water for John Bottomley and about sinking pit to enable me to look after Mr. Rawson - getting the water will cost about £16 to £20 sinking and driving at 3/. to 3/6 per yard - about 100 yards - ordered this job to be advertised next week for letting as also the pit sinking - H- thinks the pit will cost about 40/. per yard sinking about 100 yards deep to the lower bed - saw the place near the upper gateway just above Conery wood in the Park farm well field - with a small fire engine might get coal there for many years - easily roaded along the foot of Bairstow, out just below Whiskum cottage into the new bank to Halifax - pit to be oblong 8ft. x 5.4 .:. about not quite said SW. tonight 5sq. yards stuff will come out at each yard depth of sinking - 5x100 = 500 yards of stuff carting down to the foot of the wall opposite the house = about £20 - the water of dirt band (36 yards band) and fourscore yards band to be gathered up in sinking and turned the conery clough separately or not to the house - H- said the coal would sell at 8d at the pit’s mouth - and no turnpike to Hx would make a penny a load difference - R- sells at 9 1/2d in the town - we should sell at 9d - would average 5 ½ corves or loads per square yard - 20 loads or one score would sell for 13/4 at the pits mouth -
From Brearley hill A- met me at Whiskum cottage – thence down the old bank to Halifax to the Bowling foundry for fine-grates for north parlour north chamber and tent room – then to Miss Hebden’s – good account of Charlotte Booth – then to Whitley’s – brought home volume 3 8vo Lyell’s Geology and Busby’s Journal  among the vineyards of Spain and Portugal  - and pamphlet by  John Travers on the Tea duties – then to Throp’s about acorns and settling Bairstow with them – home up the old bank at 6 55 – dinner at 6 – coffee – had Washington – nothing to be made of Mrs Machin about the sale of her 11 DW of coal – but W- told me he would call again on Saturday – A- and I sat talking and reading the newspaper George brought back this evening – with my aunt from 9 ¾ to 10 ¾ - wrote all but the 3 first lines of this page till 11 ½ pm at which hour F59 ½° in my study - very fine day - note from Mr. Wilkinson Heath to say the front pew in the north gallery nearest to the west gallery is at liberty rent 1 guinea a year.
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gnarf · 5 years
I noticed that recently youve helped a few people find fics and there’s one that I loved Sm and I can’t think of the name and it’s post war 8th year and the students all play ‘party game’ like spin the bottle and drink a lot and generally dare each other to do stupid things and it was one of my favourite fics but I lost the name :( if you could help me that would be amazing but if you can’t dw! :)
Dear nonnie,
This describes about one million fics on AO3 😬
I have a few and I hope yours will be there as well. 💜
Spin the bottle:
Starts With a Spin
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.
Kiss Your Wounds
The Eighth years decide to play a nice game of Spin the Bottle, except, instead of kissing, you have to fight. No wonder things go terribly wrong.
Truth or dare:
Better Than an Origami Bird
A series of letters in which Harry and Draco argue, play truth or dare, get kinky, and are a couple of very naughty (or very good, depending on who you ask) boys during class.
Truth or Dare With a Dash of Consent
The Eight Year students play a game of Truth or Dare. Hermione insist on making a simple change to the rules. Cue a surprise for many, except for Pansy. She knew all along, thank you very much.
The Dare
Draco has long harbored attraction towards Harry, but gave it up as a lost cause. Until the monthly Eighth Year party's game of Truth or Dare, when he's dared to kiss Harry Potter.
Veritaserum Truth or Dare
Teen And Up Audiences
The returning eighth years bond over a game of Truth or Dare.
The Good, The Bad, And The Slytherin
Harry receives a late birthday present from George by Owl and things start to get interesting pretty quickly…
Seven minutes in heaven:
Silk Scarves and Enchanted Handcuffs
It was only supposed to be for seven minutes and then the blindfold would come off and he'd be free from the dark cupboard and his mystery partner - only Harry was no longer sure he wanted it to end.
Right Hand Red
lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill)
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
Back to You
aibidil, gracie137
Teen And Up Audiences
The eighth years make Harry and Malfoy go head to head and back to back in a question-and-answer drinking game. The worst that can happen is they end up drunk, right?
Catching the Niffler
keyflight790, tsundanire
Tonight, we’re going to play Catch the Niffler.”
Harry heard a couple of squeals from around the room and he let out a breath. Last week they had played Spin the Bottle, and Harry could count on more than one hand the witches that had spelled the glass to point to him during their turn. Harry had tasted enough sticky lip balm and cherry chapstick to last a lifetime.
**No Nifflers were harmed in the writing of this fic**
Not eighth year:
One Night at the Leaky
Teen And Up Audiences
Harry should have known better than to accept a drunken dare. Especially when Malfoy was sitting right there, looking like that and wearing those bloody tight trousers.
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mirokloses · 5 years
this is a niko support text, don’t read if you don’t like him.
ok. i wasn’t going to say anything because well… i spent last season all quiet just ranting to my friends, but i think nicole and carol just had enough of my $h*t, so i’m going to post here and be ignored like it should happen after all i’m just putting things out of my chest…
it’s just the beginning of the season and there are people already saying “kovac out”, and i guess you don’t like niko etc etc, but seriously??? BAYERN HAD SOME BAD GAMES AND YOU STARTED ALL OF THIS CRAP AGAIN?
let’s remind you guys that even before the pre-season niko said that he needed at least 6 new players – a striker, a number 6, a winger and two more players for depht. what he got was lucas (who is a good player but is prone to injuries), pavard (that i still don’t get why, just because he won the world cup doesn’t mean a thing, mustafi and schürrle also won with germany, so?), arp and cuisance (both aren’t ready to play, so sorry) and perisic & coutinho aren’t 100% in “bayern mode”, especially because these two wasn’t in the pre-season.
just here you see that at least two positions that niko wanted new players he just didn’t got, because müller (who isn’t playing well for some seasons already i love you thomas but that’s the truth) and gnabry could play as a striker, and javi could play as a 6.
i believe there’s some major problems with bayern, one of them are the players that aren’t tHAT GOOD ANYMORE. the club spent 7 seasons depending on basically just 5 players, never got a rotation or new faces to mix the team and make a transition between one dinasty to another, so they’re paying hard for this by now. when you look at bayern last games you can’t see at all a good transition between the defense to the midfield, because the player who should do this isn’t doing properly (this goes for thiago and javi), and that’s why when kimmich played in midfield the team was more stable. the answer to this is playing goretzka and tolisso together in a 4-2-3-1, or javi-goretzka-tolisso in a 4-3-3, this may change because of opponents. reasons?
bayern almost doesn’t shoot outside the box, and when they tried they scored some (kimmich, tolisso);
goretzka plays beautifully the role of a box-to-box midfielder and i believe this is something that could be better explored;
after some time on bench, colisso is playing regularly and if he keeps the pace this could be really good for the team
and i’m just talking about midfield, up front it gets worse since the only reliable players are lewandowski and gnabry. coutinho has class and if he gets in his old form he can really help the team, but i can see this happening soon. perisic still pretty much unknown, he could play a bigger role? yes. will he? have no idea. müller is just playing for his name. like seriously, the best trait of thomas last season when he was marking because of his tactical role, no more than that, offensively he was basically useless. coman i don’t even know how to start, he’s too selfish and most of his attempt to cross are $hitty. also he loses lot of BIG CHANCES.
on defense apart from niklas, manuel, kimmich and alaba, the other position is up to anyone, because well… said it earlier. and the “thing” that happened with mats, he just wanted to be sure on the starting eleven, as he didn’t got this at bayern he went for dortmund who was thirsty for a good defender. i can’t say much more, if you just look at them right now you’ll understand.
as for now you can see how many problems bayern has with this players. maybe is a good squad for bundesliga, but i don’t believe they can win the champions league like this, i miss the passion and power of will… and this isn’t something that came with niko, but an old problem.
OH, for not make room for someone to say that i’m trying to clean niko’s mess, which i’m not because i always criticize him when i think he’s wrong, i really believe he could make some subs faster and try to be a little more bolder tactically. some even dare to say niko doesn’t know tactics or strategies, but he did an amazing and beautiful job in eintracht being really bold and witty, yET HE CAN’T SHOW THIS ON BAYERN SINCE THE BOSSES DOESN’T APPROVE AND THE PLAYERS SAID HE WAS TOO FOCUSED ON DEFENSE (look at this mess right now lol)
this actually reminded me of something lol because since i spent so much time on twitter i can see a lot of hate niko receives (and i’m only thinking about the replies from iMiaSanMia acc) talking about the lack of rotation, but well… last time niko tried to make a healthy rotation on the team everyone was saying he shouldn’t.
pLUS A LOT OF THIS HATE HE RECEIVE ARE FROM NEW-BAYERN FANS WHO ACTUALLY ONLY CARE ABOUT TITLES AND SUCCESS, WHEN FOOTBALL IS WAY BIGGER THAN THAT. there’s even a video from DW where bayern fans really talk about this and they recognize this is a problem (if you ask me i can send to you). as a chelsea fan for a long time i can understand what’s going on since i saw this happen to my team, and the very first time something bad or disappointing happened, these so called “fans” (plastic fans for yall) walked away and are now supporting another team. this happened twice actually, after the champions league and after the booming first season with conte. now there are way less chelsea supporters on social media (and i saw so many of tott*nham, c*ty and liv*pool appearing out of nowhere kk plastic fans everywhere). this is happening with bayern and probably in the next trip they’ll be supporting another team.
if you disagree with me and can’t actually see what’s really going on with bayern, just look at united and how bad they’re right now. a big club? yes. but they haven’t prepared for the future and are so far trying to find themselves, trying to get their dna back. chelsea also had some problems, but we got some key players from one generation to another (azpi and now lamps and cech) so things are going smoother and we still have our dna of not giving up.
bayern has changed the manager in the past seasons because they’re only thinking about now instead of trying to pave the future and get back even stronger, and this will probably cost them a lot. guardiola left not just because it was an easy league, but also because the board wasn’t singning any big names, they only got thiago for him and that was it. also, don’t forget the fact that pep has to change the way he wanted bayern to play because of internal issues (being honest pep football was ugly and boring). ancelotti, my dear… you deserved so much more – he had to deal with this crap all over and i still get to see some fans saying now that ancelotti was good (even tho they were trowing hate at him at time). now it’s niko turn to get all the hate not only for his mistakes, but also for the board and players mistakes. i even got to see someone saying niko doesn’t have any sort of mentality nor passion/desire, and this makes me so angry because they’re just saying things without even get to search a little bit about niko and his carreer, specially as a player and the things he did. he inspires me to be better everyday, i really can’t stand these kind of comments. you can say whatever you want about his late subs, but doesn’t dare to say a thing about his character, especially when you don’t know a thing at all.
i’ll end this huge text here because i’m tired, but feeling a little lighter. nobody’s going to read all of this, but i really needed to put it out. i’m just watching and following bayern because of niko as i did since he was croatia’s coach, but the treatment he’s receiving at the moment really pisses me off in so many levels that i couldn’t just keep quiet. honestly, i really dislike this fc hollywood.
i believe in niko and the fact that he’ll turn things around. but i also hope from the bottom of my heart that he leaves bayern and go to a club where he’s appreciated. i don’t believe he’ll get back to eintracht, but maybe b04? (i can only dream of)
ps: remember that dortmund fired klopp after a bad season and two years later he was in live*pool winning the champions league and probably this year the premier league… firing coaches is easy, but you can’t see what’s going to happen next.
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