#I spend most of my time on discord because its easier
clockworkreapers · 2 years
funnily, i (lore anon) am not the same person as legislacerator anon! i was also the pride piece anon, lol. if i had a discord i would join the AN server. love the last update, btw, though i’m late to read it
Thank you so much! if you had a discord you would for sure be welcomed there. I just tend to only check tumblr once a day to like once a week depending on if I made any art. This bog specifically isnt exactly an ask blog even if I am open to answering questions lol, its mostly for art Its perfectly ok to be late there are no requierments, as long as you are enjoying your read
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slasherscream · 1 year
the crazy ass boys gang or yandere until dawn boys spending the holidays with the reader/reader’s family? 👀
A/N: a little late on this but better now than never! happy holidays my loves (tried to keep the headcanons vague so you could imagine a variety of winter holidays in here, but i'm sorry if it's still christmas centric, honey, that's what i celebrate and so i tend to get carried away with it)
crazy ass boys gang + spending the holidays with reader
billy loomis:
It will be a hard sell to get him to enjoy the holidays with you. I won't lie to you. The reason? Besides the fact that he thinks he's too cool for the holidays, they bring up a lot of.... undealt with feelings regarding his own family. You might be tempted to let him grump it out because that will be easier. Resist! He wants you to pull him from his totally-not-seasonal-depression into holiday bliss with you. He just wants you to earn it.
So put on your working boots and get to it. Drag him into tradition, decorate the house, fill it with the smell of well-cooked food. Eventually, the cheer and vigor with which you do everything will get to him. He'll begrudgingly join in and find himself enjoying the holidays for the first time in years.
Pick one battle at a time and leave the roadblock of celebrating with your family for next year's holiday season. Trust me.
josh washington:
Polar opposite of Billy. He loves the holidays. All of the holidays! He's incredibly happy to spend them with you, no matter how many years you've spent them together before. Each year feels special to him, in the corniest way possible.
The biggest problem during the holiday season is deciding who you'll be celebrating with. Are you going to party with mutual friends this year? Go to his family's house or yours? Everyone wants to see you two during the holidays. You're everyone's favorite couple.
You two sometimes stretch yourselves a little thin, practically promising to be in two places at once! While that can add stress to the most magical time of the year, you try and relax and focus on what really matters in your few moments of downtime: each other.
stu macher:
Stu isn't one for traditional holidays at home with the family because that's never how he spent his growing up. The holidays meant trips around the world to far-off places. He doesn't want to give that up now that you're together. In fact, he wants to travel even more, especially if you aren't well-traveled.
The holidays for Stu are synonymous with adventure. If you humor him, he'll make it worth your while and let you pick the location of your trip. The best part is, no matter how expensive the trip gets, he pays for the whole thing.
His family has the money. Why not spend it? Actually, the best part is one of his love languages, as a rich boy, is gift-giving... and he does not consider paying for the holiday vacation his holiday gift to you. You're getting that expensive vacation plus a boatload of gifts under the Christmas tree. He knows how to spoil his partner when he wants to, that's for sure.
jd/jason dean:
Is completely willing to spend the holidays with your family (but I cannot stress this enough); do not take him home to celebrate with your family unless you have a perfect relationship with every single member. He will sense discord in relationships and he will choose to say the tiniest remark perfect for igniting holiday chaos and discontent.
Why? He couldn't tell you why. Maybe chaos is more fun than holiday harmony. When he senses a problem, his instinct is to dig into that problem to find its source. It's an addiction of his.
Other than that, during the holidays, instead of succumbing to melancholy over the past, he strives to make your time together as sweet as possible. He goes along with tradition with minimal cynical commentary and enjoys the happiness the holidays bring you. If you're content, he's content.
kevin khatchadourian:
As disrespectfully as possible, he hates the holidays and hates that you want to celebrate them. Any of them. The more you push, the more irritated he becomes.
Everything about the holidays highlights all the parts of society he finds most unpalatable. The fake cheer people greet each other with. Consumerism. The vigor with which they adore and worship their religious figures. It all makes him sick.
Still... there is a certain glow about you around this time of year. So when you ask him to do things, he goes along with your inane wishes with gritted teeth holding back the venomous words he wants so badly to say (do you have any idea how much he holds back for your sake?) Compliance is truly the best gift you can receive from Kevin any time of year.
nathan prescott:
Before you, he'd spend most of his holidays under the influence of whatever substance he could get his hands on first. He's slowed down on the abuse of most things since being with you. Still, the holidays are no walk in the park for him.
There's no way you'll spend the holidays with his family, even if his father "requested" his presence. He'd break his own leg to keep from having to look his father in the eye.
When you bring up the possibility of spending the holidays with your family, he's a little upset, he wanted to spend the holidays with you. When you clarify that you meant the two of you spending time with your family... well, he had a small panic attack, admittedly.
No matter how much you reassure him that everything will be fine, nothing helps until he actually meets your family and is warmly received. He'll be a little awkward the entire time, but the sheer warmth of love coming from everyone around him is enough to make him cry. Come next year it will be Nathan who suggests spending the holidays with your family again.
sebastian valmont:
To Sebastian, the holidays means receiving a few very expensive (but ultimately quite meaningless) gifts from his father which he reciprocates and then going back to pretending, like neither the holidays nor his father, exist. Cold? Certainly. Sad? Absolutely. But that's how it's always been.
If there was ever a Christmas full of love, it happened before he could remember, so it might as well have never happened at all.
Now you're here and things are different. There's a buzz in the air this time of year. You talk, you dance, you cook, you smile. You do everything together, attached at the hip. You drag him to spend time with your family and even that is tolerable, and Sebastian hates spending time with anyone's family (even yours.)
Being with you has been blissful, even with everything you had to overcome to be happy with one another. How well the holidays went will cement the knowledge in his head that you're what's it for him. You're what he wants, for now and always.
He'll surprise you on New Years Eve with one last tiny present, or that's what he tells you, as he puts you in the car and drives you to an unknown location, blindfolded the whole way there. When you arrive, he'll guide you tenderly up some steps and through a door, and then he'll take off the blindfold. You'll be standing in the most beautiful home you've ever seen. A place plucked directly from your wildest dreams (or all your late night talks with Sebastian).
"Move in with me?" He'd say, somehow smug and earnest at the exact same time.
It's a wonderful way to bring in the New Year.
david mccall:
Will insist on spending time with your family if your relationship with them is good. But if it's bad? Even better, he gets you all to himself.
Goes along with everything you want to do. He's at your beck and call. Whatever you want is yours and nothing you ask is too much. He'll cook with you for hours. He'll clean the house from top to bottom and then smile when you tell him you still have to decorate together. He loves the domesticity of it all.
When you give him his gift he'll be genuinely choked up. You'd already discussed the fact that you were exchanging gifts this year, but it still moves him to receive this physical reminder that you know him, and that you care. Frankly, he hasn't received many gifts in the course of his lifetime. Yours means everything to him.
Even though you both agreed to just one gift each, when you wake up that morning there will be a pile of gifts waiting for you. What can David say? He likes to spoil you.
sparrow!ben hargreeves:
The holidays are the busiest time of year when it comes to preventing crime. People are more desperate around the holidays, more prone to violence than words during the most "magical" time of the year. The holidays have never meant much, just a promise of more crime to fight. Still, this is the worst holiday for him yet.
Stuck in some strange, alternate world his father created, all his Sparrow siblings dead and all the Umbrellas having gone their separate ways? When he's not fighting crime, he's keeping himself wasted. Rebuilding a legacy for himself as a superhero when he did all this groundwork for himself when he was just a kid in the original timeline. It's brutal. It's humiliating.
It's not all bad though... there is, of course, you. The super-powered plus one that the Umbrellas had dragged along through two separate apocalypses until you'd apparently manifested into his reality. When everyone went their separate ways, you'd, for some reason, stuck with Ben.
He tries to pretend, but you both know he's grateful for your company, even though he's an asshole on his best of days.
You're not an Umbrella anymore. And he isn't a Sparrow. Now you're a super-hero duo and it works, somehow. You make a good team.
In a short time, against the odds (the odds being Ben's award-winning personality), you've become friends. Maybe even a weird, two-person family. Except he's pretty sure most families don't have the suffocating amount of sexual tension you do.
You've kissed before. Under the light of a dying universe, when you were pretty sure you were both going to cease to exist. You opened up to each other that night. But then there was the stress of... kinda saving the world? And then you wound up in this new, broken, strange one. You haven't talked about the kiss since.
He feels like he's going crazy.
Especially because you live together. He's not sure why he insisted on moving in together (because he's in love with you? because he's never lived alone before? because he misses his family?) but he did. Now he deals with the consequences every day. He hears you singing in the shower to start your day. He hatefully makes you cups of coffee that he insists are poison for the body (don't bring up the fact that he got blackout last night) when you have a long day ahead of you. He preps you for the interviews you two have started doing together, the whole world entranced by this new super-hero duo that the two of you make. He even holds your hand before your public appearances, because he knows you get stage fright.
There's something deeply wrong with him.
He tries to get you both to focus on crime this year, but you fight him every step of the way. Let's decorate, you chirp! Let's watch holiday movies, you smile. Let's cook our favorite foods together instead of getting them delivered, you beg. It's all maddening!
And now, having made it through all the holidays relatively emotionally distant and unscathed, you have the nerve to be laid up against him, staring up at him with big, drooping eyes waiting for midnight to hit on New Years Eve, and you ask him if he misses his family.
He snaps and finally kisses you, months of wanting and waiting and burning boiling over into this moment.
How could he miss his family when you're sitting right beside him?
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untoldsoup · 6 months
Just wanted to make a quick update!
I know some people have expressed concern over my mental health because of the speed I get updates out so I figured I would make a post to clear the air.
Yes, I draw 3-4 or more hours a day. And I know it sounds alarming but I'm an introvert. I spend most of my time between work and home. Before starting this comic I would either play video games all day or scroll the Internet. If you look at my blog history, you will see I've actually had this blog since 2020. However before this comic I posted barely anything. Maybe one to two arts a year.
I had a long span of depression and life and health issues that really affected my passion for art (a year of spine problems that also prevented me from drawing until I had emergency surgery). Getting into the mario fandom really reignited my drive to draw again. When I find something I like I hyper fixate on it A LOT. I did the same with starwars for 4 years with a previous blog.
Also, this is my first time actually committing to a comic and I'm having a ton of fun with it, learning new things and fully enjoying the experience.
I do take breaks for other things (over the summer I worked less on the comic and more on other sidlink projects ect) to prevent burnout.
But drawing really is relaxing when I get home from work. I put on youtube or music and work on a page, then do some chores and a few other things before bed.
Not to mention I got a system down now and its easier to start and finish pages than it was at the beginning.
I'm working on the last update now and whats really motivating me is proving to myself I can finish such a large project. Ive never worked on something this big before and there is a sense of pride in completing it. I also plan on working on a ten page epilogue that wont be post on tumblr due to the nsfw rules, but will probably have on bluesky or discord or something.
I think after that I will however take a small break before working on the sequel (I do have the first 12 pages of the sequel ready to go, but it wont be posted till chapters one and two are both finished) just so I dont stress about it.
I'm a very anxious, isolated person and having projects to work on has helped a lot. I also started some depression meds this year that have been a boon to getting stuff done and not being sad all the time lol.
So all is well rn!! I'm on page 57 right now for the comic, and have a long xmas break coming up so I might meet my deadline who knows XD
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4/5/2024 - Fangst animation rework!
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Hi again y'all, Hauk here! If you've been peeking at our discord channel lately, you might have noticed I've been posting a lot of animation WIP's. Thats because I'm in the process of reworking some of the oldest sprites in the project- walking and jumping!
It can take me up to a year to nail how I draw and animate a character. For our protagonist the thing that has taken the most time is definitely line stylization, proportions and leg silhouette. He's gotten bigger and bigger during development, not to mention spikier! Honestly its not that smart to design a tall character for a platformer, and there's a reason most platforming type characters have a very square hitbox. Its just easier to design challenges that way!
But i'm not changing gears now!! I wanted Fangst to have a tall handsome man as a player character, and i'm gonna stick to it!!
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Here's a peek at the new walk animation. The arm holding his fishing rod is a static, separate sprite that is basically glued to the player with code for gameplay reasons.
We needed a smart way to change and add bounce to the rod without having a million variants of every sprite. Here are two iterations on how a static arm could be anchored to the player. I want him to carry himself with a confident sway, as though the whole world is his catwalk- so perhaps the full bounce of the second one is too much!
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Speaking of bounce, the double jump animation! Right now he has the very placeholder double jump solution of turning into a small rotating orb sonic style, and its been a frustrating disconnect seeing as the hitbox ordinarily is quite big.
My goal for this animation is that i want him to do a sexy, elegant backflip. I started with a version with an upside down split, but after some iterations we agreed that the simpler one would be more readable and use-friendly. But an upside down split is kinda iconic... maybe we can use it elsewhere?
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A platformer player will spend most of their time jumping around, so nailing a satisfying, easily readable jump is important in both animation and feel. Characterization is also important here- i want it to be obvious that our player character is athletic and elegant, and that these acrobatics cost him little effort.
However, i'm expecting a bit of a pickle implementation-wise. See, him turning into a sonic-style orb made the walljumps feel practically seamless. Will a fully animated backflip be equally friendly? The sprite will be a lot bigger. Truth is, a character turning into a ball is just really easy to design around.
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Here's the current in-game sprites, featuring his old jumps, idle pose and miiildly disconnected placeholder arm with a smaller fishing rod. As you might have noticed, he's also a bit softer looking, and his boots are way smaller!
I think the newer sprites will make him have a more stylish, cool and recognizeable silhouette. It will be worth it to update these old things- after all, inbetween all this technical game design stuff, its just also really important to me that the player feels like a cool and professional monster hunting fisherman!
Thanks for keeping up with our project, we're doing our best to make Fangst a proper quality "You: A Hot Man, Kill Monster!" experience!!
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I genuinely think people need to separate magic and spirituality/religion way more.
I haven't done "new" magic in over a month and I feel less bad about it than I thought I would.
There's so many posts out there asking for advice on "getting back into magic after taking time off" and I always thought they were a little weird because that kind of ebb and flow is really normal for pretty much everything you learn outside of an academic or workplace setting. (even in school you get break periods)
For 15 years I've been learning solely on my own everything from calculus through khan academy to polymer clay through youtube tutorials and it's just natural *for me personally* to go through periods of great interest and massive skill improvement in conception and technique and then just~~~ stop for a while.
The server I left was doing this 100 days of witchcraft thing where the point (I gathered) was to show that even little things like stirring intention in your coffee counted as magic and you shouldn't feel so bad that you're not doing ceremony every day. I tried to participate and got about 5 days in before that plus a lot of other things made me leave (and tbh I should have left earlier because it was not a good place for me).
What struck me most was that unlike seemingly everyone else, I felt worse when I listed things like "read 2 chapters of magic book" or "made weekly offering." It felt more like I was just trying to come up with something--anything that would make me feel like I was participating and "being productive." It didn't feel like it was making me "see magic in my everyday" because I already felt that way because I've been doing magic my whole life--in the way I sing, in the way I move energy when I stretch and exercise, in the way I talk to the plants and animals, in the way I make offerings to my room or an intention, in the way I cook like Tita in "Like Water for Chocolate" or the way I would astral travel without knowing it. When I had to list out all the "magical things" I did every day they felt *less* magical and more like what a "that girl" influencer would put on their instagram post to show how productive they've been.
I genuinely think people need to separate magic and spirituality and religion way more. Magic is at its core, a skill/art/science. It is not 100% spirituality/religion. Your paganism or spirituality might influence your magic or interact with it (like how my animism interacts with how I work with symbols or how I ask my divination tools to come to life before I use them), but I truly believe there's a great deal of magic that exists outside of spirituality/religion/etc.
I wish secular and atheistic witches got more respect and exposure and credit. I wish there were more books and really popular influencers and discords that are as populated as the ones that spend 60-70% of their talking about deities and religious holidays. I wish it felt easier to get into spaces with other magical people where even if you weren't doing "everyday magic" you still felt welcome to talk and share your magic and it wasn't just crickets when you did.
It's just so weird to see so much content out there basically enforcing the kind of "hustle culture" type productivity mindset of "you need to be doing this every day if you want to connect to other people on this or share anything about it.
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benkyoutobentou · 3 months
31 Days of Productivity Reading: Day thirty one
Before: I’ll be honest, I’m definitely sad to see this challenge come to an end! I really enjoyed sharing my reading thoughts and day to day activities with everyone. Today, I’ll be reading volume five of ロンリーガールに逆らえない (which is the last volume I own), watching the last four episodes of Sk8 with the minimmersion server, and hopefully reading some 憎らしい彼!I definitely have been putting that one on the back burner in favor of making sure I get through my goal of ten volumes of manga this month, so I’ll see how much of it I can get through today.
After: Today was definitely busier than I expected, but I shouldn't be surprised since most of that business was spending Easter with family. I also streamed the last few episodes of Sk8 over in the minimmersion discord server. In the end, I ended up going back and streaming the very first episode as well for one of the late comers to the series. I always love participating in minimmersion, I always have a good time chatting with people during the streams.
I did indeed finish volume five of ロンリーガールに逆らえない and it wasn't enough to get me to my minimum of an hour of reading! I read 165 pages over fifty five minutes for an average reading pace of 3 pages per minute. I don't really have anything more to say beyond what I've already said about the series, but if I'm being honest, I'm kind of ready to move on to something different. I will absolutely be buying the last volume to finish the series and I would overall recommend it, but I'm not much of a binge reader in the first place and reading five of these in a row was just. Enough to tide me over for a while. I found myself making myself go back to it rather than looking forward to picking it up. I think most everything I've said about this series has been negative and I'm sorry for that because, like I said, it's not a bad series and I do like it! I just find it easier to pinpoint what I dislike about something rather than what I enjoyed.
Yet again my 憎らしい彼 reading was very minimal and mostly to make sure I hit that hour mark. I read five pages over twenty two minutes for an average reading pace of 4.4 minutes per page. One thing I'm looking forward to after ending this challenge is picking up this book earlier in the day. Each time I pick it up, I don't want to stop reading, but I just get way too tired. I've been prioritizing finishing manga volumes instead these past few days.
I wrote out a little retrospective on this challenge, but it ended up being super long, so it's in its own post that you'll see tomorrow!
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Get To Know The Mun
------The Basics!
Name: J
Pronouns: he/him
Zodiac Sign: libra
Single/Taken: taken by @viralstars for the last 10 years as of mar 23 and married for 3 as of oct 31 lol (ewww gross it's like i love you or something)
------Three Facts!
1- i cosplayed ledger's joker for years and used to appear outside of the theater i lived above to hand out candy on halloween as him (incidentally, the euphoria i had from wearing that costume was my egg breaking) i also wrote him for for about 10 years in some way shape or form (he was my first indie blog on tumblr and how i met my wife.) i now write 2019's joker here @smilewithapurpose (the joker is my all time favorite fictional character and i cannot put into words what the character means to me)
2- i have a tattoo of freddie mercury and it means the world to me
3- my hair has not been its natural color since like... 2016?
Platforms Used: started out doing fanfic so fanfic.net and AO3 then moved to tumblr and also use discord for it too
Plotting / Winging It / Memes: all of the above tbh. i like doing all of them. sometimes it works best to have a plot or at least a small idea of what we want to do. then other times it works out to just wing it and see what happens and all of a sudden you have something that's so awesome and you're obsessed with. i cannot tell you how many of my favorite ships and threads have started with a meme.
------Muse Preference!
Gender: i typically would say about... 95% of my muses are male and i lean more comfortable writing male as a preference. most of my friends growing up were male too and i still find it easier to speak to and befriend males so i suppose that's part of why it's most comfortable to me.
Multi or Single: so lol i do have an re multi here @infectati and my long ignored regular multi that i would love to be able to go back to here @writingxonthewall but i often have trouble keeping centered on a multi. it's a me thing because i start having an overload of aesthetics and info etc and i get weird about my muses having their own space. however.... i LOVE writing with multis and i fully support them! <3
Least Favorite Faceclaim(s): ....? listen... i don't have time to give a shit. you do you. it's your muse. your blog. i don't have to like them or agree with them.
------Fluff / Angst / Smut!
Fluff: godddd i love fluff. admittedly lmao i probably spend the LEAST amount of time writing it of anything. i should probably spend a little more time with it, but that angst is just so damn good!
Angst: listen. not only is it the name of one of my favorite rammstein songs, but goddamn. i. LOVE. writing. ANGST. it's my favorite. i feel it catches my attention the most and i am able to explore aspects of my character and their relationship with other muses involved so deeply when writing it. i feel it is is my strongest creative drive.
Smut: yup. it doesn't have to be spicy sunday in this bitch. i love writing smut. there. i said it. i love it. sometimes it can be really in depth and emotional. something raw and intense. sometimes just all out naughty. sometimes sweet. there's a lot of depth to it and it can also bring out depth and emotions in my characters that i otherwise wouldn't get writing anything else. it's a valid genre and one that needs a fuck ton less stigma to it.
Stolen From: @idolkills and @deadkenndy Tagging: allllll of you <3
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bitegore · 1 year
Please. I need to tailor my experience, whom has.... coochie
On twitter: 9arco95 is pretty good, if you like eroguro and don't mind sideswipe/sunstreaker DoooogFood is really good, havent seen a ton from Banbao_01011, i know there are more but its 10am and I haven't slept yet so I'll come back to this matter. Ive seen some really nice art on here too but its harder to find because I follow so many people that its easier for me to just go through the tags again but some of the old stuff floating around by people like larrydraws is really good, pop into idk @plugging-valves or another valveplug collector's blog or something and just scroll through the archives until you find an artist you like- that's how i do it
Not a lot of people do pussy glamour shots like me mostly because those get really boring after, like, three, even if you're like obsessively horny and cannot think about anything other than Le Pusspuss for several weeks on end. I can't say any of these artists have literally ever done that, but I can say I like the way they draw pussy. The biggest difference between me and 'most' artists (at least to me) is that the like current trend is to mostly ignore the inner labia and only draw the outer ones, which I just find aesthetically not very interesting, so most of these artists also don't do that.
My best advice would just be to find artists who draw the stufr you want to see and see which artists *they* spend their time looking at or reblogging or whatever, because in a fandom like this no one is 'just' doing their own thing, we're all interacting with other artists and getting inspiration and borrowing aesthetic choices from each other. So like this is step 1- now if you like anyone I recommended go look through the people around them, and that's how you get The Good Stuff and then people start letting you into their discord servers and you get the handpicked Real Goods.
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epicwinsauce · 8 months
Green colors survey answers found here, if you'd like 'em, I promise I tried to be funny occasionally:
green: Whats your favourite way to spend your day off?
Eee I don't even know. I don't get my days off to myself anymore, always working on my friendships or distracting myself with a video game. I should pick up another book.
jade: whats your favourite music genre?
~I like everything~ nah I kid. There's a certain amount of liveliness of music I enjoy but not like electronic music as much. Look up "Odo" by Ado and that's what I'm talking about.
emerald: whats your favourite place to visit? why?
The grocery store lmao. Which I haven't even done this month because I need to get a jump for my car and I just haven't done it yet. Soon.
peridot: whats on your bucket list?
To kick it.
envy: what are your hobbies and what got you into them?
I'm not sure envy is a specific hue of green? I have been enjoying pixel art and 3d art on blender lately. My buddy and I wanna make a video game and he's doing programming, I'm learning art. I haven't been progressing on my languages much (but my Japanese speaking feels much easier these days)
tea: top favourite movies growing up?
I wasn't into movies as a kid. I was very into the plots of the video games though.
mint: top favourite toys from your childhood?
I had a green Monkey Cat, a rainbow bear. My sibling and I liked pokemon figurines and we had some kind of house we used to play in. I had a lot of toy cars, too, but I gave them personalities and basically played them like Barbies tbh.
lizard: last show or series you binged?
I'm rewatching this anime series True Tears. Parts of it are eeeh cringe but it's got character. The main love interest in these animes are always the wrong ones imo like Noe was way better than Hiromi, get out of my face Shinichiro-kun
lawn: favourite show or series to binge?
One Piece obv. I also rewatch How I Met Your Mother a bit. Toradora was an instant fav.
sheen: do you like podcasts? why or why not?
I struggle to pay attention to them, so I don't listen, especially if they're on the longer side. My siblings and I listened to some like 10-15 minute spooky scary story podcasts and I was in and out but still getting most of it, it was nice
lime: if yes to the last question, do you have a favourite podcast?
I forget the name of the spooky podcast but it was on the Luminary website.
slime: do you prefer watching movies in theaters or streaming at home?
I prefer streaming at home but the theater has its charms. I'm sure it's impossibly expensive these days though
forest: list one thing, or person, that always brightens your day and why.
I have been existing in a server I made for a few friends on discord and I've been living in it tbh. My friends are so funny and it's genuinely exciting to engage with them, especially Morgan, but I've been too emotionally codependent on her and I need to fix that lmao
neon green: do you prefer breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert or snacks?
I actually have been eating more than once a day but I'm still very low energy when it comes to any of them. Pb&j's were my main food source for a few days because it's so relatively simple. but I don't care for time restrictions on my food, if I want dinner food at 1 pm I'll eat dinner at 1 p-fucken-m
light green: whats your favourite song for a dance mix?
I have an entire set of jam lists on my spotify that I turn on late at night and just dance to (quietly enough not to bother my roommate but also naked sometimes).
Ado: Odo, Ready Made, Gyakkou, Tot Musica, The Faking of the Comedy
Yoasobi: 夜に駆ける, Idol
Yonezu Kenshi: 海の幽霊, Cranberry and Pancakes, 感電, 春雷
Basically anything by La Dispute
We could be here all day
pastel green: what top things always help calm you?
I've been kind of struggling with this because I usually just sing loudly and scream for a while but that is inconsiderate to my roommate lmao. Mortal Kombat 11 has been helping
india: what app do you use on your phone the most?
I have a tablet now so I can play my games on it so probably discord, Facebook, Signal, and Pixel Studio on my phone. I love Resourcer, Nonograms Color, and YuGiOh Duel Links on my tablet (tbh the tablet was like $100 and sucks, it can't handle everything I want it to do without crashing and I'm not asking a lot, but def make sure to get one worth your buck if you decide to do the same lol
fern: do you prefer cooking or ordering food?
Cooking. Ordering food is too expensive now, but I do love having GOOD food and not just QUICK, EASY food like I usually cook
hunter: do you prefer going out to eat or ordering from home and getting it delivered?
Going out. Delivery charges are necessary but they still suck
castleton: do you have a favourite board game?
This is probably not a good time to bring up the board game called Pandemic, but imagine if I did 2-3 years ago, am I right?
cadmium: if you drink coffee, do you make it at home yourself or prefer ordering it?
I don't drink coffee
british: if you make coffee from home; how do you make your coffee?
What is British green???
phthalo: if you order it; how do you like your coffee made or whats your usual order?
Come ooon maaaan
chartreuse: what's your most prized or "favoured" possession?
Phone and computer tbh. A few books I have that I've had for years. Car. I'm very sentimental in general but those cost MONAYYYY
juniper: have you ever been to a concert?
Yes, a fair share of them. Not always worth it unless the band really makes a show out of it tbh
sage: whats your favourite genre? does it depend on the media?
Didn't we already have a music genre question? Otherwise there's zero context for this question
pea: whats a plant you really like?
Moon flower!
moss: do you have any plants? if yes, what are they? if no, would you want one?
No. I've been looking into planting but honestly it's a hassle, I don't think I'll find the fulfillment I imagine there is to be had there
shamrock: what would you do if you had $500k right now?
Pay off my car, start helping those around me pay their debts
seafoam: do you have a lucky item? if so what is it?
My clothes, they keep me from getting kicked out of the grocery store.
olive: do you have a lucky number? if so what is it?
I have dabbled in the synchronicities of finding or designating a lucky number, but nothing sticks in the long run, so no.
parakeet: who's a person you envy? if youre comfortable saying so, why do you envy them?
Would rather not answer.
pine: if healing methods from video games were available in real life which would you choose?
Resta. Heal myself and everyone around me. Not particularly Technique Point heavy (normally). No clear drawbacks, though whenever I imagine magic where healing is possible, I basically throw it back to being a doctor. You can't just heal with words, you have to know how the body functions so you can magically guide the body to a quicker healing process. I like that idea.
seaweed: if you had to work one task as your job for the rest of your life, what would it be, why and how much money do you think it would earn you per hour?
Give me a shift's worth for sleeping every night and I'll get 8 hours every night lmao
pickle: if you could cure one thing from the world forever what would it be?
Joe Mama
pistachio: say you could heal anyone in any form, emotional/physical/mental etc, how your healing have to activate and whats the drawback?
Well I guess I already answered most of these questions, I'm not sure specifically on how to activate. Magically, I guess
basil: if you could magically summon money or artificially create wealth through mystical means, what would be required to do so?
crocodile: a veggie you despise with all your being?
If I don't like it, I just don't buy it, there's no need for me to expend energy in hating it. But I don't like citrus fruits
sea: thoughts on jealous partners?
Excess is the enemy. Small dosages may be natural (I've felt it before, I know it), but each person's feelings are their own responsibility to manage, so if your jealousy is so much that you can't manage it (specifically: it slips into your behaviors, not just your thoughts), maybe you should consider getting help. Perhaps even of the venting variety of help
uniform: are you the jealous type of partner? (romantic or otherwise)
Recently I have been a jealous friend (it's not fun watching your best friend call another bestie over and over or talk about drug use history) but like I said, I manage it. I had to step out of a game night this week because I realized my emotions were unfair and I had to go sort it out (which I'm still working on).
forest: thoughts on jealousy in friendships?
Happens. May be natural. Learn to manage your emotions. If you struggle, google it or get help. It may be hard but if you're a human, it's not impossible, I honestly believe.
Sacramento: whats something about the concept of luck you find ridiculous?
How it's connected to good karma or bad. And I believe in karma, but not quite in the universalistic sense of justice (there are probably better words for this). Sometimes shit things happen to lucky people and vice versa.
russian: whats something you find refreshing?
🎼enjoy coca-colaaaa🎶
I've also been drinking water with flavoring packets in them and they have helped make my 3 cups of water a day goal much easier to reach lol
army: something in your room that helps it feel more peaceful?
My TV, it plays Spotify for me lmao
jungle: whats a song you find peaceful?
I have a Spotify playlist for Eng, German, and Japanese called ENG Soft, DE Soft, JP Soft, and ALL Soft for these exactly. We'll just go with "In Our Bones" by Against the Current
asparagus: whats the most peaceful atmosphere to you?
Rainy days, sitting on the back porch with soft music in one ear. Maybe dancing, maybe reading poetry, maybe writing it. Maybe just sitting there in my thoughts. Rainy days are good days.
harlequin: whats something that makes you feel safe?
...rain. lol. Locks on doors!
kelly: something that makes you feel hopeful?
... haaaaa
spring: list 3 things you love about nature
Rain (and any body of water tbh), trees, warmth.
viridian: list 3 things you hate about nature
Cold, excessive urbanization, mosquitoes LOVE MY BLOOD
mantis: whats your ideal environment?
Warm summer rains. I feel like I've made this clear 😂
sap: an energetic memory from childhood?
I did not like childhood, next.
dartmouth: if you could bring something back from the past to be renewed or used commonly again what would it be?
COMMON SENSE, HA .. HA .. HA .. [laughs in old people]
Sorry, it's TOO easy to make fun of the cringy parts of the older generation. Um, nothing specific comes to mind, I'm sure there's something but my brain just ain't reaching for it.
camo: whats something you used to do that youre proud you've grown out of?
Go on dates. Lmao. I really don't want to do that anymore, it's clear I am too mentally fragile for it.
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hellisbutavacation · 2 years
we havent interacted yet ( and thats okayyy~) but i saw the anon hate u got recently and just. just wanted to say that's not okay. i know you know-- but whoever was shitty enough to send hate like that when there's enough hate in the world is just UNCALLED FOR. you seem like a beautiful person carrying a lot on your shoulders and i hope it gets tolerable and then gets better and turns into a beautiful life real soon <33
Well nonnie, thank you for the very sweet message. I may or may not have teared up.
In all seriousness, I've been writing on tumblr for over 10 years, and I've seen my fair share of hate. It truly doesn't affect me the way it used to, and I mostly just respond to show them that they don't scare me.
As for the wish for a beautiful life, thank you very, VERY much. I'm working on getting myself to that point, and while slow, it IS going.
Also, if we haven't interacted, and you want to- come let me love you! I love making new friends!!
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chingyu1023vick · 2 years
Functional Lot Traits / Challenges
A pack of 22 Lot Traits/ Lot Challenges with actual game effects but no annoying visible buffs.
** Maxis-Match icons
** All my Traits Packs are compatible with any other mods.
** They are all base game compatible. No other requirement!
Provided with Lot Traits and Lot Challenges versions that can be mixed and matched to be used together
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This Lot has the most efficient furniture to lock your Sims' motives.
It is difficult to breathe on this Lot. Sims on this Lot are easier to get Dazed, have faster Energy decay, and have bad performances.
Always Jog
Sims on this Lot would always jog regardless it is indoor or outdoor.
This Lot lacks interesting details. Sims on this Lot are easier to get bored, have faster Fun need decay, and perform less fun social interactions.
This Lot is spotless. Sims on this Lot tidy up much faster.
This Lot is physically relaxing to stay in. Sims on this Lot have their uncomfortable buffs go away faster and all their motives decay slower.
This furnished Lot helps Sims on this Lot to speed up their skills gain with its amenities and complementary facilities.
This Lot has a cuddled-up vibe. Sims on this Lot are less stressed and have their relationships decay slower.
This Lot is full of clutter. Sims on this Lot are almost impossible to move and they are slow to gain physical skills.
Dim Light
This dark Lot is not the best place for painting or photography and causes uneasy feelings.
This extravagant Lot is for the most wealthy Sims. Sims on this Lot no longer have their fame decay which boosts Sims' confidence.
This Lot is not good for studying or reading activities. Sims on this Lot are more irritable and all that noise makes it hard to concentrate.
No Mean Allowed
Sims on this Lot are more peaceful and rarely get into arguments or fights.
No Mischief Allowed
Sims on this Lot are less irritating because they do fewer autonomous mischief interactions.
No Outdoor Run
Sims on this Lot never run outdoor.
No Romance Allowed
This Lot does not set the right mood for romance. Sims on this Lot do fewer autonomous romantic interactions and are hard to build any romantic relationships.
No Walkstyle
Sims on this Lot would always walk in the default walkstyle.
Social Failure
This Lot is not for social. Sims on this Lot are less friendly and they are hard to build any type of relationship.
Sims have more personal space on this Lot. They are calmer but their friendships decay faster from being distant.
This unique beautiful Lot gives a feeling of satisfaction to all Sims.
This Lot has a central air conditioning and heating system. Sims on this Lot don't need to change clothes to adapt to the weather.
This is an inviting Lot that every Sim wants to spend time in. Sims on this Lot won't be considered inappropriate for doing daily activities.
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dwaeki · 3 years
— felix as ur bf (random headcanons)
pairing: felix x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none other than maybe some slip ups and just poorly written fluff, not proofread, lower case intended!!!
a/n: i'm just bored and need to post so i decided to make this at like 3AM 😩🤝🏻 genuinely dont knownwhat i was writing here but i went with the flow so 😞
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ok lets completely disregard the fact that felix is my ult and i am absolutely whipped for him.
he doesn't sleep early at night especially if he had a bad day at practice or made a lot of mistakes while trying to memorize the choreography to one of their new songs,
so he usually stays up for a little while playing video games on his PC while you sleep over at the dorms.
you're most likely there sitting on his lap, sleeping peacefully while your boyfriend tries to restrain himself from raging and absolutely destroying his expensive keyboard </3
(p.s he has a keyboard that lights up. most likely rainbow cuz idk HE GIVES OFF THOSE VIBES.)
the first time you sat on his lap while he was playing games he just fell in love with that idea
the feeling of your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you rest your head in the crook of his neck is just :(( y/n ure making him feel so loved :((
he's just rlly comfortable and feels at peace.
also when he feels a bit too overwhelmed or just frustrated he stops the game for a little while and wraps his arms around you tightly while inhaling your scent :((
he feels better right away <33
but you dont know that bcuz ure ✨asleep✨
but if he's feeling particularly tired he just plays on his phone
while you're both in bed, cuddling <33
PLUSHIES !! you guys collect a bunch of plushies <3
he likes plushies a lot so if u like plushies too you guys are just a perfect duo. you two are always on a look out for stuffed animals,
felix keeps a bunch of cents in his pockets just in case u find something.
if one of u spots a claw machine outside while you're going out or during an arcade date you're going to drop whatever you were doing before and literally run, leap, fly towards its direction.
you two are competitive as hell when it comes to winning a stuffed animal & believe me felix doesnt go easy on you
especially if youre a sour loser cuz he teases you a lot.
it starts off with u two being competitive but ends with the both of you basically throwing all of your money away just to get a single plushie.
one time u hogged the claw machine for a little too long and you didnt even notice the line of kids waiting for the two of u to finally leave for good.
yeah... ure banned from using the claw machine at one of the arcades ... ��✋🏻
he also lays his head on your lap... a lot.
he just loves feeling close to you so if he's sleepy and wants cuddles he usually just lays his head on your thighs (no matter the shape or size cuz we love all kinds of thighs here, love <3) , grabs your hand and plays with ur fingers.
you already get the message so you're quick to get up and move to the bedroom to cuddle
but if you don't get the message then he starts pouting and sighing dramatically, waiting for u to take the hint
but if ure still not budging then he just lifts you up and quite literally throws you onto the bed so you two can cuddle
(one time u bounced off the bed and hurt your arm... felix almost cried...)
he grumbles a bunch of incoherent words while getting under the covers
squeezes the living soul out of you the second he's under the covers. like ure literally left soulless.
felix doesnt rlly have a favorite position to cuddle in, he likes any and every.
he loves being the big spoon, he loves being the small spoon
but he also rlly loves cuddling face-to-face <33 or maybe ur head buried in his chest :((
loves placing kithes all over your face or pecking your lips during cuddle sessions.
yeah... he's a sucker for physical contact 😚😚
he's also SO whipped for you you don't even understand.
everyone around him can tell that he absolutely adores you and everything you do
one time jeongin mentioned how utterly in love he was and how "disgusting & painful" it was to watch you two interact 😔
and felix was low-key like HELL YEAH IM WHIPPED AND IM PROUD !!!
doesnt care if anyone points out how much he loves u & doesn't deny it either bcuz YEAH!! HE DOES INDEED LOVE U VERY MUCH!!! WHAT ABOUT IT!?!?!!
he also gives the best presents !
he just always knows what to buy anyone he's very close with and the list ofc includes you :D bcuz youre his lover mwuah <3
buys you the best birthday presents, anniversary presents, holiday presents.
it's because he's observant !!
especially when it comes to you. if you eye an expensive outfit that you can't really afford at the moment or there's a fancy restaurant you want to go to, he will keep it in the back of his mind and will take it into consideration ;))
there doesn't have to be a special occurance for felix to surprise you with a present !!
even if the present he's getting you is pretty expensive its still for u and he wants to make u feel as appreciated and as loved as he can. so wasting money on you is never a problem as long as you're happy :((
the fact that he is observant also comes in handy a lot, because he can tell when you're uncomfortable by the small changes in the way you act like the furrowing of your eyebrows or you shift even closer to him, etc.
if it's a public space or an event where you have to socialize and interact with others and he notices you feeling uncomfortable he will take you to a less crowded place to give u a bunch of kisses and reassure you that everything will be just fine <3
he also knows what you like and dislike very well, so it's easier to avoid any arguments in your relationship.
virtual dates !!
he takes you on a bunch of dates on minecraft, roblox, animal crossing etc.
the dates usually happen while he's away on a tour and you two really miss each other </3
the first time he went on a tour he just really really really missed you and your voice
so he called you on discord and suggested that you play minecraft together. you created a new world and just started everything from the scratch.
so every time felix goes on tour you guys call on discord, get on minecraft and add new things to your world <33
your world includes but is not limited to: a huge pink mansion with a pretty backyard filled with flowers, a dog named "seungmo" and a cat named "lino" (as felix suggested you named them ✋🏻)
he once told you that one day you two are gonna get married (if you're willing to ofc) and live a perfect life just like in your minecraft world :((
even tho it was over the top to assume that you two would live in a gigantic pink mansion, it was still endearing and it made your heart melt <3
he really wants to spend the rest of his life with you because he knows you're the one :(
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Dream- quarantine
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and panic attacks 
Wc- 1922
~ There has just been an announcement that we have to stay inside and quarantine for the foreseeable future. Obviously I'm not happy about it and in fact I'm quite scared but I know things will be somewhat ok because I have Clay with me. The two of us have been living together for a little under 6 months now so we aren't new to it so I'm hoping we should be ok.
Clay probably hasn't seen the news yet because he's been filming all morning but it won't be long before he's done and he finds out. I don't want to be the one to tell him because I know he's not going to be happy because him and George have been talking about him coming over for the last few months but that won't be able to happen now.
He soon finished his recording and came out to join me in the living room where I had the news on. He looked over and watched what was on the tv which changed his expression from a smile to a blank expression in seconds, he seemed just as upset as I was if not more.
"How long is this going to go on for?" He asked hoping I would know
"No idea they haven't said" I said
"I guess George isn't coming over then" he sighed
"I'm sorry but he will be able to come over eventually we just have to be patient you wouldn't want things to be unsafe when he comes here" I said
"Yeah I guess, at least I have you to keep me company" he said
He pulled me into him as he text George to tell him what was going on because obviously he wouldn't know. George FaceTimed him and we all had a talk about cancelling our plans at least for a bit but then we moved on to other things which made Clay a lot happier which was great because I hate when he's sad.
During the rest of the day me and Clay went to the store to get some things that we needed before it all sells out because people were flocking to buy essentials. It was stressful at the store but we stayed close to one another and managed to weave our way through mostly because Clay was so tall and can force his way through crowds. We made it out alive with most of what we needed so we called it a day just deciding that we would live without the stuff we couldn't get.
It had been a little more than 3 weeks since quarantine commenced and my god has it been worse than I ever would have imagined, being stuck inside and only leaving to go to the store had really taken its toll on me and my mental health as well as Clay's sanity. He has been working constantly leaving me to do all the chores and be the one to go out even with cases rising at an alarming rate he doesn't seem too bothered.
We have also been arguing more than we used to with him spending so much time working and seeming to care so little I've kind of been mad at him but that doesn't seem to change anything. It's starting to feel like he just doesn't care about me anymore I mean he doesn't even come to bed at night most of the time and we only talk when I ask him what he wants to eat or when we're arguing. It's starting to feel like I'm losing him and I don't want that because I really do love him but I can't keep this up much longer I just feel like crying every night.
While Clay is doing whatever the hell he does during the day I was talking with sapnap because he called me out of the blue but it was nice to actually talk to someone for once. He was concerned that there was something wrong because Clay has been constantly available on discord when he normally takes breaks to spend time with me and he hasn't talked about me which he says he does a lot.
"Is everything alright between you two?" He asked
"I mean not really but I don't want to drop all of it in you so don't worry" I said
"No please tell me I don't mind" he said
"Ok well he's been spending all his time working making me do all the chores and go out whenever we need something most nights he just stays up then sleeps when I'm awake and we only talk when we argue or when I ask what he wants to eat" I rambled
"Y/n I'm sorry I can try and talk to him if you want me to" he offered
"No its ok he'll just be more mad if you say something I'll deal with it" I said
"You shouldn't have to put up with it he's not treating you like you deserve please don't just just let him do that to you" he said
"Ok I'll try and talk to him later" I said
Me and Nick came up with some sort of plan for later when he ends up talking to Clay he's going to leave the call so I can talk to him and have his full attention. He offered to do it sooner but I had things to do first that I had to get done as not to give Clay any reason to be mad at me even though I'm sure he'll find one.
Anxiety warning
I cleaned the kitchen and went to the store which was more packed than usual probably because of the timing but it stressed me out all on my own. People were pushing me out the way and people without masks on were getting all in my face and it scared me. This is the type of stuff I deal with all the time but today it was particularly bad to the point that I started shaking and struggling to breathe slightly in my mask. I had to try and get out of there as quick as possible which I did but probably forgetting some things in the process which means I'll have to come back probably tomorrow but I didn't care at the time.
Once outside and in my car I took my mask off and let myself breathe properly to calm myself down. It took me quite a long time to get a grip of my emotions and by the time I decided to leave I still wasn't feeling fully myself and my hands were still shaking slightly but that will probably go on for a little while longer. Nick text me just before I left saying that he was on call with Clay so whenever I was ready he would leave as he told George not to join to make things easier.
Back at home I made myself go into the bathroom to try and talk myself through what I was going to say and any comebacks I could think of to all the things Clay could say to me which was hard because he always manages to find something that I would never think of to say. I got my argument together but definitely lost the calm I had got back to earlier hands started shaking more again and becoming more clammy.
I text Nick to let him know I was ready and he text back almost right away to say that he had left the call and wished me luck as well as offered any help he could give if I needed it. I went into Clay's office to see him just sat at his desk doing nothing in particular at least that I could work out, he looked over and smiled at me which was not going to last long thats for sure.
"Clay can we talk?" I asked
"Yeah of course is everything alright?" He asked back
"I'm going to be honest with you I feel like you are ignoring me you are just working all the time and I get that your busy but before you always found time to spend with me and now I'm left to do everything by myself and it's starting to take its toll on me" I said as calm as possible
"You are kidding right I'm trying my best to support the both of us by doing all this work you think I want to be in here this much because I don't" he half yelled
"And I'm trying my best too I have been working from home everyday as well as keeping up with everything else and guess what I would rather not do that either but I do it to let you do all the stuff your doing, I had a fucking panic attack at the store earlier because it's all just too much" I said with more emotion this time
"You're not the only .... wait you had a panic attack I'm sorry I wasn't there to help" he said softly
It was like it hit him what I have been saying for weeks and it was kind of refreshing to have him finally snap out of whatever mindset he was in and come back to the real world where there are things that he needs to think about that's not just to do with me but his own health.
He got up for his chair and came over to give me a tight hug which I'm not going to lie felt nice because we haven't been this close in almost a month so it just feels nice to have some human contact. It calmed me down in seconds just like Clay does so well, he grabbed my hands and traced his thumbs over the back of them.
"I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left you do do everything on your own you're right I've been spending too much time working and that's not fair on you" he said
"You don't need to beat yourself up over this I just wanted to get through to you and don't feel like you have to spend a ton of time with me I just want a better balance" I explained
He nodded and we talked things through like we needed to do this whole time, we worked things out and made some plans to better use both of our time but it was nothing that we had to stick to strictly or else that would cause more issues. We decided that Clay was going to try and be available to go to the store with me and most nights we are going to try and go to bed together or he will at least join me at some point.
During our discussion I got a text from Nick asking if everything went alright so I just sent a quick text back to say things went fine and should hopefully get better from now on.
Clay and I decided to spend the evening together and not just because he felt guilty he really just wanted to spend time with me after coming out of his old mindset and feeling tired of working. We didn't do much just spent time sat together on the sofa watching movies and eating takeaway. He had me sat on his lap pretty much the whole time holding onto my waist or playing with my hair.
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yinses · 4 years
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college au! headcanons
gojo satoru, geto suguru & nanami kento
rqst: college au for nanami, geto and gojo?
a/n: so i divided it into three categories to help keep my head straight. honestly almost straight kicked gojo out of college bc i couldn’t decide on a major for him. the jjk discord server is heaven sent for my sanity. ty everyone again 🌺
last time i should have to post these. hoping everything is fine now. 
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gojo satoru
—he starts off undecided for a long time. the fact that he’s on scholarship allows him to be more flexible with his classes given that he’s not responsible for costs. he grew up with expectations from his family but university is suppose to be his opportunity to spread his own wings and grow from his experiences.
—so he tries a bit of everything- sciences, music and social studies- anything to prompt a spark. (took a business class once and made a point to sit next to nanami everyday just to annoy him) by his second year he’s getting as frustrated as his counselor because if he doesn’t decide soon he’ll be a potential 5th year senior.
—he’s overthinking it but gojo wants to invest in what he believes will make the most significant impact to his ability. his counselor takes those crumbs and runs with it.
—he gets steered towards political science and actually excels at it (that advisor gets a raise). surprises most of the class with his analytical skills because they thought he was just a pretty boy- surprise he’s beautiful and smart.
—develops a vested interest in governmental policies. might run for president one day idk. brings donuts to his early am class. doesn’t share.
—he’s not the jock per say, but as the star athlete of the basketball team, the school likes to take advantage of his image to draw in sponsors.
—his face is plastered all over the auditorium whether they’re in season or not. sometimes it’s not even to promote basketball, gojo is pretty and they’re not afraid to use it. which also makes him one of the most recognizable faces on campus.
—due to his student athlete contract, he’s not allowed to sign autographs freely in the event they’re attempted to be sold as quick cash. but yikes, he can barely walk to class without someone stopping him for a picture. to the best of his ability he tries to laugh it off, poster boy image and all, but it gets pretty fucking old and annoying quickly. especially when it makes him late for his next lesson and the instructor shows no sympathy.
—his height didn’t only help him get into basketball, but its also convenient when it comes to shouldering politely through the student masses. his golden rule is don’t make eye contact. the busier the crowds the easier it is for him to pretend like he could’t possibly have heard them.
—gojo doesnt scout fraternities, fraternities scout him. but he’s not interested in the slightest. as an athlete he already gets into any social circle he wants without the additional effort. that and he doesnt think he could tolerate an alpha male trying to exert his dominance without barking back.
—loves to show up to parties but always arrives late enough to the point where they don’t think he’s coming. it helps him slip in when he wants too. he’s a connoisseur of all alcohol varieties and a master of beer bong. he’s not necessarily the life of the party but his presence is kind of hard to miss.
—he gets too much attention to date casually. most potential suitors are in it more for the benefits they receive than him anyway. he’s got enough on his plate with career indecisiveness and games to try to pursue anything serious before third year.
—he’s not completely celibate though. he tries to keep the same partners as long as he can. not only to keep himself clean and safe but because he often goes into an agreement to keep it casual. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. either way he gets coined as a ‘heartbreaker’ before the end of his freshman year. frankly the rumors obscure most of the truth and give him more freedom. people always expect that he’s with someone even when he’s not, which helps keep his invasive teammates off his back.
—gojo can easily graduate without securing something tangible but there is still a window for potential.
—you’re both his consistent classmate and occasional friends with benefits. its the former title that keeps bringing him back around. he cant exactly avoid you without subjecting himself to 8am classes. it helps that the sex is good too.
—he can text you an offer to study together for the next test and roll over after an hour and wreck you for the rest of the week. its hard to tell who gets addicted first but he does appreciate the way your skin looks when youre wearing his marks.
geto suguru
—he’s a STEM kid, particularly interested in bio-genetics to improve overall health. he believes that simply becoming a physician just keeps the issue at bay and his goal is to eradicate the problem at its source.
—since high school he’s been cataloging different programs across the country before deciding what he wanted and putting all his efforts into it. so it’s no surprise when he gets in.
—geto doesn’t need counselors but they’re required so he listens to them prattle on about using university as an opportunity to explore. this man came in with more college credits than most sophomores, he knows what he wants.
—always on-time to class and never misses an assignment. also that kid who goes above and beyond, even on the simple stuff. he rarely gets teased about it, not even behind his back. geto straight up scares some people even when he’s smiling.
—not afraid to correct teachers when they’re wrong. in fact he lives for it.
—he’s the one who graduated early and starts his master’s program before most of his age group declare their own majors.
—he tends to frequent the same circles- handpicking his acquaintances out of class rosters, clubs and honor lists. he’s less in it for the friendship and more so to scout for potential research partners.
—met gojo in one of his science electives and literally carried him through the class. they somehow end up friends but only really hang out at each other’s places- bunch of chill movie nights and pizza.
—there is no interest in fraternities, but he does join university funded clubs that allow him to further his research. they give him unique access to labs, take him on trips to different conventions and have an alumni list a kilometer long for future collaborations.
—the man does not party but he will occasionally slip into quieter bars to ease some of his frustrations. he actually enjoys karaoke thursdays , not to sing for himself but the drunken antics of others bring him some amusement.
—smokes weed occasionally, but only his own product. it helps him relaxand fan out the stress. he never sells it but sometimes gojo nicks some of his stash. given that he gets drug tested often, geto doesn’t know how the athlete never gets caught.
—not interested in seeking out relationships in the slightest. the man has a plan and he’s already married to it.
—he’s not completely immune to sexual advances though and occasionally splurges but none of the friends with benefits crap. he’ll hit it once and stay celibate for the rest of the year easily.
—you might be able to squeeze in as his fellow lab partner. remain invested in the work and not him and he’ll start noticing the little details of your company- the way you subtle perfume lingers on his lab coat hours after you’ve adorned for the day, how he knows you have to keep your hair up for safety precautions but he thinks about running his fingers through it daily and your mind, damn, he wonders what else you can come up with when he has you laid out on his sheets.
—if he’s interested, geto won’t hesitate to broach the topic. he’ll ask you out for coffee and when you try to bring up research he’ll be upfront about his attraction. ultimately if you start dating the two of you are an absolute unit- not that you weren’t before.
—you’re the one variable he didn’t plan for but he’s glad to have added you to the equation.
nanami kento
—he was made for the business world, brought by a CEO who raised him to inherit the company. administration major marketing minor.
—takes initiative in all his classes and is often coined as group leader for projects. mostly keeps to himself  and only speaks up when prompted or disagrees with something.
—he takes the earliest sessions possible because it means less people more often than not. doesn’t really care if its in the front, middle or back but always sits near the edge.
—doesn’t really want to but it looks good on his resume so he joins the marketing team where they present mock business plans for competitions. they win a lot. nanami honestly doesn’t care. but again it looks good.
—it only took him a brief summer internship to learn that he found nothing satisfying about board meetings and macro management.
—he decides to invest in law school to handle the company from a legal standpoint instead.
— sort of like geto, only wants to make friends on a need be basis.
—he would rather keep to himself but knows the benefits of socializing so he interacts with his frequent classmates when he can- through study groups or car pooling to seminars.
—he does join a fraternity, its the same one his father did (and uncles, cousins, whatnot. its a generational thing). its geared towards bettering future leaders. they focus building resumes, charity events and run the organization like a proper business. nanami gets elected president by his third year and runs two terms.
—the only parties he attends are networking events- full of wine and fancy horderves. wine is plentiful but he’s always nursing a scotch on top of his headache. if one more person squeezes their stocks into a conversation he’s going to personally take down the whole market
—zero interest in college party life. spends some of his downtime at the campus theater watching old time movies and classic plays.
—he’s the coffee shop hoe. he wakes up early sometimes just to sit by the window and read some casual literature. has his own thermo that gives him free refills to cart to class. do not talk to this man before he’s had his caffeine.
—he probably has a high school sweetheart that he’s still clinging too, whether on the same campus or long distance. it helps him because he can’t really see himself pursuing a relationship while focusing on school.
—he’s been with you long enough that you understand his ambitions and won’t feel bested by them. the two of you have a system- starting the day off with sweet ‘good morning’ texts before class and ending the day with long conversations as you digest the last 12 hours.
—nanami is independent but he is thankful to have you to rely on when classes start to overwhelm him. the two of try to escape briefly for the weekend when you can. often going to near by reservations just to get off campus
—other times the two of you will cuddle close on your dorm bed, his long fingers combing through your hair while he reads over some notes for class.
—sometimes you have to be the one to tell him to take a break and to enjoy life while he can. even if that means dragging him the events and concerts hosted on campus. he resists at first but you can see the tension ebbing away as the night comes to a close.
—the two of you start living together in your senior year just because you can. he insists on buying a house. not only because he can afford it because it can be rented out after graduation. always the business man.
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masterhandss · 3 years
Who do you think katarina will end up with?
Anonymous asked: Who do you ship katarina the most with ?
I got these two questions consecutively, I'm assuming they are coming from the same person so I'll combine them to a single reply, if that's okay.
People who have been following me since the first season can probably tell that I really like Geordo x Katarina (GeoKata) the most out of all ships. At first it was mostly just because I have an unintentional biases towards characters with blonde hair, which is why favorites were GeoKata and MariaKata, but then when I slowly got into the series more, my biases permanently shifted to the G-boy.
I'm not really a fan of laying out why I like certain ships through test to be honest. I usually get super frustrated when zine mods ask contributors to explain why they like a character or ship for contributor spotlight graphics because I can never really say everything I feel correctly hgdsjsdgfj, which is a good thing someone had already asked me a similar question before so I'll just copy paste my response here if that's okay :DD
TLDR; I ship Katarina with Geordo (Maria, Sora and Cezar behind him), and I think Katarina will end up with Geordo :))
You didn't really ask why but I'll give it anyways :)) -> major light novel spoilers, by the way <-
I'm not really the most deep person, if a ship has the bare minimum of something that I like (a trope or a hair color combination) then I stan it hard. That's why I used to be so equally adoring to both Maria and Geordo, because hurrdurr blonde hair hurrdurr. But the more I read the books and got into the community, I eventually liked him more than Maria. I didn't understand how or why at first, since Geordo and Maria are undergoing a very similar character arc: both characters wants to become better people in order to become worthy of Katarina (Geordo emotionally, and Maria physically? magically? in terms of her position/social status? I can't think of a right word but you get it). Again, Maria and Geordo's struggles are similarly written but one of them is more compelling to me. I feel like Maria's problems are easier to solve (her inability to rely on people, her attention seeking and her desire to be more magically powerful) imo, since she's already a well-liked figure in the Ministry and she's already a high-level magic user. Geordo's though; the series doesn't put too much attention on it, but despite the fact that Katarina gave his life color, he still somewhat sees the world in a desaturated light even post-childhood according to the novels and his lack of empathy still prevents him from completely absorbing all the colors. He's still learning how to see and he is happy that Katarina is always there to help him learn how.
I just love the irony that Katarina sees Geordo as a Perfect Prince and feels that she is inferior and unworthy of him, but then Geordo also seems himself as flawed, inferior and unworthy of Katarina and sees her as someone perfect. Geordo constantly wants to be better for Katarina (and for the people around him), and in time, maybe he could become a motivation for Katarina to be better too (on Katarina's side though, because on Geordo's she doesn't have to because she's already perfect the way she is). Geordo, while being self-centered and aggressive in his pursuits, isn't always selfish and thinks about what Katarina wants too. He'd fight tooth and nail for her and will do whatever he can so that Katarina will love him in the same way, but that doesn't mean he wont respect her decision if she falls in love with someone else, he just wont lose without a fight that's all (and fight, he'll give that's for sure).
Geordo is crazy in love with her; wants to protect her happiness, keep her safe whenever he can, and is even willing to both fight to become king and throw away the life he currently knows if it means he can live a life where he and Katarina can be together wherever she is most content and happy. He wouldn't lock her up in the castle like a caged bird like what Keith and some fans of the series thinks, whenever he does have thoughts like that like in Volume 6, its his internal response to the lack time they can have together alone, rather than being indicative of how he wants to treat her (like in his desire in Book of Desires, he conjured up a literal honeymoon because a honeymoon is the only time where he can spend it with her alone without someone butting in! It's weird and exaggerated, but his desire is simply to just be able to spend a day with her and be able to pursue her romantically without the threat of people like Keith and Mary).
Katarina sees him for himself, and she extends her hand of friendship to him despite all her fears of her bad ends involving him. She knows he's a "sadistic prince" but doesn't always tie him to that title. Out of everyone, Katarina has just as bad, if not worse, initial impression of Geordo compared to almost everyone around him (Others sees him as a Perfect Prince while she sees him as a Sadistic Prince and Future Murderer), and yet she accepts him and wants to learn more about him. She supports him and wants him to find happiness in love with Maria, even if it means she'll get exiled to another country or to a far off farm! (i'll edit this with citations later)
I can't help but want that for him, someone who there for you through thick and thin, who supports him despite everything she knows about her future involving him. Katarina is everything he would ever want in a partner: someone who isn't disturbed by his past, can see through his fake smiles, constantly cares for him, sees him beyond his princely façade, is one of his first friends who has helped him create friendships with other as well that prevented him to wallow in isolation and hate of the version of himself that society created for him, is genuinely interested in him as a person, is endlessly fun to be around and unpredictable, and is overall beautiful inside and out.
Again, a lot of Maria and Geordo's struggles are very similar to each other, but I'm more interested in Geordo's side. I find it more compelling. Geordo's scenes always almost provides something new, we get to see him angry, flustered & embarrassed, scheming/conniving, possessive, grateful, sad & frustrated and so much more. Maria has that too (we get to see her sad and thankful), but this might be my own perspective of reading the novels, but Maria's scenes kinda feel the same to me. It almost always starts with Katarina helping her and her realizing time and time again how much she loves her and become more motivated to be a better version of herself. I mean its unfair to say that they are all the same but that might just be me. (Maria: wow I'm so grateful for everything Katarina has given me, I want to be with her forever (rinse and repeat for the next 5 books))
Yes I know it's beautiful to see Maria falling deeper and deeper in love with Maria, but I'd rather see moments of someone who is trying to advance on those feelings rather than someone who is still trying to understand what they feel. Declarations and descriptions of love are beautiful in literary works and it always gets my heart fluttering, but I can read fanfics if I want to see that be written in 8 or more ways. Give me some action, some internal conflict!
It also doesn't help that it makes me really really happy for Geordo that he's made a dent in Katarina's baka shield? Katarina's heart skipped and fluttered for a second when Geordo was patting her head, and it makes me want to root for him even more! (Yes, go break the bubble! You can do it!!)
It's not even the same doki-doki as when she gets charmed at how pretty Maria is, to me its different in a way that my small vocabulary can't explain.
And besides, it really is just a battle between the protagonist that almost ruined her life (Maria) and the love interest that almost ruined her life (Geordo). Keith is part of that equation too, but he was never a threat after they became close (narratively, its seriously just Maria vs Geordo vs Keith, ignoring the changes to that narrative by FL2). It's always about Geordo (and Maria), everything she's doing in the Fortune Lover 1 Arc is because of Geordo (and arguably, Maria & Keith too) and the consequences of where he decides her future to would lead to.
It has to be Geordo, in my opinion, to show her that things aren't the same as the game (and he already kinda has, just a dent though) (If not Geordo, it should be Maria). He, who she feared and yet cared for so much
(I know Fortune Lover 2 basically removes that importance of Geordo and Maria specifically to Katarina's narrative by making her an active problem in all routes, finally becoming loyal to the title "All Routes Lead to Doom", but its not like the story is digging into Katarina's brain that she's sword training for the purpose of fighting back against all the boys, its still just Geordo, so idk I still count that in my shipper brain)
It also also helps that Geordo is basically the poor bullied animal in the hamefura community's eyes, regardless of how far he is into the battle (like in the reddit discord lmao). Yeah he has the best chances which is why many people both in and out of the series find it so fun to drag him under because of his unfair advantage, which is fair, but just like how you feel when you see a small wounded animal, you can't help but want to help someone who has the whole world against him (there's literally a canon manga page with that joke lmao), which is how I eventually felt over time. He's so misunderstood and bullied by people despite the authors dedication to flesh him out more beyond being a possessive prince fiancé of Katarina because of the anime's adaption, so I'd rather give my biases to someone who needs (and deserves it) rather than other contenders who are already overflowing with love and support. Also who doesn't love a perfect guy who breaks when his beloved is harm/who opens up to the person he cares about most?
I know people will read this and find it unfair that Katarina is giving so much to Geordo, but he isn't really giving anything to her. One thing I'll agree that Maria has over Geordo is that Maria makes Katarina want to try and work hard. Seeing Maria improve her magic wants Katarina to do the same, and whether or not it's from motivation or fear of getting left out depends on the reader. So far we don't really have anything like that for Katarina with Geordo because most things involving Geordo intimidates her, compared to Maria who is surrounded by mysteries and adventure (though arguably it's Katarina and not her lmao, but Kat doesn't know that).
Katarina is already the most well-adjusted character in the story even as a child so the only thing to really explore from her is mostly just her relationships and skewed sense of reality. That's why I hope that Geordo will not only help her realize that she can be loved by her peers romantically despite her self-perceived position/role, but also be one of the persons to make her completely realize that she isn't living inside a game. I mean like I said a few paragraphs ago, he's already kinda doing it by constantly confessing his feelings to her, reminding her that he is a person with his own feelings and not a character programmed to fall for a heroine.
So yeah, I ship Katarina with Geordo for those reasons and believe they should end up together for those reasons.
If you ask me who I think would she end up with objectively, I'd still say Geordo. The author's focus jumps between Geordo and Maria so that really depends on who you're asking. It also doesn't help that Geordo is always in the marketing with Katarina in the books and games, which pretty much cements his Male Lead status to Katarina's Female Lead status lmao
Thank you for the ask lmao, I'll be updating this with more thoughts and possibly citations later :))
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jestbee · 2 years
Dream finds out George went somewhere with a friend and is jealous that George spent time with another person
George's phone buzzes in his pocket for the twelfth time since he left the underground. It's raining, London skies pouring down on his head, hood pulled up to protect what little of his hair he can, hunched over and running - just barely because he really doesn't like doing that - to his front door. When he's safely inside, door shut against miserable grey weather and its wet insistence, George fishes it from his coat. George
get on discord
where are you
I need to talk to you about something
you're an idiot
answer your texts
I bet you're asleep
that's it I'm exposing you on Twitter
[missed call]
[missed call]
fine I don't care
[missed call] They're all from Dream. As far as George can remember they didn't have plans to record today so he doesn't know why there's a need for all of this. He hits re-dial on the missed call and throws his phone onto speaker. "George!" Dream says when he answers. George is hanging up his coat, phone lingering on the bathroom counter while he drips onto the tiled floor. "What do you want, Dream?" "Why weren't you answering your phone?" "I was busy." "You were busy?" It bothers George - just a little bit - how surprised he sounds. Like George isn't allowed to have plans if he hasn't told Dream about them first. "Yes, it's a word that means occupied with something." "Ha fucking ha," Dream retorts. "What were you doing?" "Why does it matter?" "It doesn't." Dream says it in a tone that convey that, in fact, it does matter. George strips out of his shirt. Rain has found its way down the back of his neck and the cotton is sodden, sticking to him and he struggles his way to remove it. "What are you doing?" Dream says. "Taking off my shirt," George says, voice muffled as the offending garment passes over his head finally. "You're-- Why?" "Because it's raining." "Raining?" "Oh my god, are you stupid today? Wait, scratch that, you're stupid every day." George reaches for a hoodie that's draper over the radiator in the bathroom. It's warm to the touch, baggy and black and - right. It's Dream's merch. "Yes, raining. I got rained on." "You were outside?" George sighs. He picks up the phone, turning it off loud speaker and pressing it to his ear. "I do go outside sometimes," George says. "Unlike you." "Whatever. What were you doing?" George resists the urge to remind him that he's already asked that and George had refused to answer because with Dream, its honestly easier to just answer him most of the time. "I met up with a friend," George says. "A friend?" "Yes," George says, exasperated. "I have those." "I know," Dream says. His words disappear down underneath something, clipped off and disgruntled. He sounds like a child not getting his own way. George knows that tone. He's jealous. Not that they'll ever call it that, not that George would ever call him out on it. Because he gets it, even when he isn't as expressive about it as Dream is. He knows what it is to be thousands of miles away from someone you want to see, someone whose time you have to share when you only get so little of it. Sure they spend hours online, but it might as well only be half of time, stretched thin over a digital connection. George wants the 360, 3D experience. "I was, you know, saying bye and stuff. Not long now." The reminder is all it takes to erase any trace of upset from Dream's tone. "Oh," Dream says. "Right, yeah." "Then I guess instead of sending me twelve texts you'll just have to come to my room and bug me," George says. "It wasn't twelve." "Nine, then. And three missed calls." Dream laughs. "You counted?" "Shut up, idiot." "You're the idiot," Dream says. "Get on discord." "I'm going," George says, computer already booting up. "I'll be there in a second." "Okay," Dream says. They don't hang up. They stay on the phone right up to the moment that George transfers from his phone to his headset. This thin half-minutes are only for now, there is so much more to come. ---- Look anon, idk what this is but I had fun. Thank you :)
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