#I still haven't recovered from this
cutie-lumi · 1 year
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Late night illusion Tsumugi~
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arabellaseraphim · 1 year
I'm not the only one who still haven't move on from Dan Heng's trailers, am I right?
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msburgundy · 1 month
this is actually worse than everyone telling me i look like mr bean
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maliciousindungeon · 2 years
best death animation in the classic fallouts is super mutant scratching their ass, sniffing their fingers, and exploding into chunks instantly
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lunar-wandering · 3 months
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vaggieslefteye · 5 months
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Alastor being soft
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withclawandvine · 1 year
thinking about how dandelions are the first flowers kids bring their mothers. how they’re just a weed, but in such a small fist, presented with such a proud grin, they become a bouquet. it’s a sweet, thoughtful thing to any mother. 
but imagine it for katniss. who has always connected the flower to life and hope. imagine katniss receiving a handful of dandelions from her child for the first time. 
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Cellbit: The growling noises get lower... and lower... Wait a second. [Turns down the music] And you eventually- it's just: silence. Only the cold wind hitting outside.
[Everyone breathes a sigh of relief]
Cellbit: ...I know you tried your best. But I'm so sorry. It wasn't enough. It found you. All of you. You hear [mimics the sound of a door being ripped of its hinges] the door slamming. All of you are seen. One of you will die. You need to run, as fast as you can.
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charbroiledchicken · 16 days
what was more culturally significant - the renaissance or 'he never did fall in love again."
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you-are-constance · 3 months
one of my favorite things about a lot of different musicals is when they have their opening number reprised in their finale, the same melody and lyrics having an entirely new meaning to them thanks to the context of the rest of the show.
and obviously there are a Ton of examples (Wicked, Come From Away, The Outsiders, SpongeBob... i know there are others i can't think of them), but there are two specific shows that I genuinely think are examples of the absolute best use of this.
to me, those two examples are Cabaret and The Great Gatsby.
like the other examples listed, each time this sort of thing happens, there is new meaning given to the same song thanks to the rest of the show happening in between, but both Cabaret and Great Gatsby have it in like... a very chilling way.
In Willkommen and Roaring On, these are both somewhat upbeat songs, introducing the club, the parties, the energy that the audience is Supposed to feel at this point. nothing else matters in the world, only the thrill of endless entertainment.
but this isn't what these shows are about. there are much darker stories going on underneath, and by the time we get to the finale, the audience is changed along with the characters - but the song is the same. Nothing else Matters. only the thrill of Endless Entertainment. We have No Troubles Here.
but another thing that i find so musically fascinating is that it's not just the audience's perception of the song that changes, no the music itself helps to drive the audience to those realizations. at the orchestra's break in Willlkommen (finale), it begins very similar to the opener, but gradually adds more and more dissonance, making it harder and harder to even bear listening to. In Roaring On (finale), the ensemble lines are just slightly more staccato, slightly more dissonance, slightly more unnerving to listen to.
it's just so fascinating to watch a musical, and have the same song mean something so incredibly different, just because of the context it exists within, and very slight musical changes.
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redninjaaaaa · 16 days
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ptj 'stop putting my guys up against the freaks that might send them to the afterlife' challenge
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eurydia · 5 months
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Loving you makes broken men whole so that even as you deny us, our heartache is not in vain.
based on couple art by Leyendecker
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todostiddies · 9 months
Modern Eren Boyfriend HC
Modern AU headcannons of Eren Jaeger (my beloved) and GNReader pt2
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Eren likes to stargaze with you. He really enjoys finding all the different constellations or making out shapes of your own with you
The first time he took you on a stargazing date was on the hood of his car, somewhere far from the city lights. He tried to impress you with his knowledge of myths behind constellations (the whole big friend group takes camping tips and Historia and Armin nerd out about the Greek myths behind certain constellations) BUT he ended up forgetting or messing the stories up because he was nervous and so he just made some up that starred a beautiful heroine/hero that was suspiciously a lot like you, and a beautiful, mysterious savior that was a lot like him
Now every time yall stargaze he makes a new story up to add to the saga
As mentioned above, camping trips with the whole gang are SO much fun!!
Connie and Eren try and see who can make the most smores the quickest and then eventually switch to who can eat the most the fastest. This usually ends with both parties cheating as Connie hands Sasha some smores behind his back and Eren starts handing you some as well, and both don't even know they're doing the same thing because they're both too focused on winning AND not getting caught.
Eren will cure your resulting tummy ache with a kiss and a lil belly rub, then lift his shirt and pout for you to do the same and honestly who would say no
He sometimes gets lost in his head or overthinks about your relationship or maybe a shift in your mood, so anytime he gets that way or he knows he messed up, he will call his mom for advice and then Mikasa afterwards, which always ends up on a group call with Armin
He has taken your mom or guardian figure on a "date" at least once, and he pulled out all the stops and was so nervous be could have barfed, but on the surface he turned his charm all the way up and they loved him
He wanted to take them^ on a date after he realized he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life and wanted your family to like him
Babies like him but toddlers are sometimes scared of him??
It's a height thing, he just looks so intimidating and he has a resting RBF for fucking sure. Like to the extreme.
But after one conversation they do that cute kid thing where they pick a person and follow them around whole heartedly copying them and trying to impress them, and it's always going to be Eren.
He gets super into it too and makes sure to lead the kids on cool little adventures and hang out with them and give them some "life advice" which really isn't that deep lol but sometimes it's pretty good but it's always cheesy
He deffo screams like a girl when gaming but if he remembers you are in the room he will clear his throat with a blush and sober up quickly lmao
Bear with me on this one, maybe unpopular opinion but... he reads a book a month
Sometimes two, but never goes a month without at least one book. During high school he had some anxiety and anger issues he had a hard time first getting used to even having, and then managing as time went on with personnel stuff and high school things, so he REALLY hated having time alone where he did nothing
The worst was before bed where he just laid awake and could not sleep :( but then Armin kept going on about this book he was reading, so Eren pirated it online and read it every night before bed. And reading really helped give him something to do in those moments and actually helped him a lot when it came to accepting therapy
So I think he does enjoy reading and even has some reading glasses and likes to read with a warm drink, like hot chocolate or some decaf coffee he made, and likes to read cuddled up in the rain
Will talk to you about his book and his theories, and if an ending pisses him off or was just straight up bad?? You will never hear the end of it, it will literally sour his mood for the rest of the day and every time he thinks about it. And if you're a reader too, then you two have dates where you fill up dinner table conversations just talking about books and go on little book dates once a month too and will often read the same books (like a mini book club, fun!!)
He has annotated a book for you at least once
Going back to the therapy thing, I know a lot of modern headcanons show Eren as super termpental and with a lot of mental health issues too, and though I 100% agree that he was that way in canon, I think Modern Eren would be a lot more happy and chill and even easy-going because he didn't have to deal with all that canon trauma. That being said, I do think high school was hard for him because (in my modern AU at least) that would be when he found out about Zeke and his dads other family, which even his mom didn't know about...
His dad had a past marriage and son that didn't work out and he had an opportunity to leave for work and so he just did. It is his greatest shame and regret so though he sent money to them every year, he never wanted Eren or Carla to find out. But eventually Carla tracked the money and they found out. So in his high school years, Eren hated his father and even hated the other family like it was their fault too for all the drama in his. His parents verged divorce and he felt him and Mikasa growing apart as she crushed on Jean (they still were SUPER close and once he told them about everything going on the three of them grew even closer) and Armin was super academically busy and didn't have a lot of free time either. So because of all of this, I feel like Eren did struggle with some anger issues, depression, anxiety, and overall teenage angst during this time.
But, eventually him and his family went to therapy and they met with the other family and they eventually moved closer and Eren and Zeke ended up becoming good brothers yay
Speaking of, he gushes to Zeke about you ALL of the time
He has a strained relationship with his Dad, but he is A MAMAS BOY of course
He is very open with you about his past and his family situation and everything he felt and went through. It is easy for him to let you in on things that he has already processed and been through, but sometimes harder to fully open up about more recent things
He gets all the tea on everybody from specifically Armin, Mikasa, Sasha , Connie and Historia (the gossiping queens). Every time the gang gets together they are dishing out everyone's dirty laundry and tea and Eren brings it back to you boiling hot and he makes you both a cup of something warm while you sit on the counter nodding along with your mouth open
He loves getting your reactions so much, and you two always end up gossiping just as much and laughing, and since he loves your reactions so much he sometimes plays out his reaction to the particularly juicy parts for you too I don't condone gossiping but I also recognize it as fun and socially bonding lmao but be nice about it okay
He gives you a bite of everything he eats no matter how large or small the portion and even before you ask. He will also give you a sip of whatever he is drinking too, and if you like it more than him or are more thirty or hungry he always ends up either giving it to you or splitting it
He went through a phase where a got a slushi every single day, didn't matter what time (though he usually liked them best after school or the gym or super late at night like 3am when he can't sleep) He still likes to have them a couple times a month now
Will go on late night drives with you, driving slow with the windows down, crickets from outside and the radio playing, it's just so nice and always makes you both smile. He watches you more than the road but is a VERY safe driver, especially with you
That being said, he will also speed up to very illegal speeds at least once (on completely deserted and safe roads) just to hear you squeal and laugh
Likes when you fall asleep in the car. He will drive on the wrong side of the road or in the other line to avoid any kind of speed bumps or risks to your slumber, skips songs that are too noisy or shocking, avoids potholes at all costs, and will take the longer route home. He also gets a little distracted every time you snore or just from admiring you because you look too cute asleep like the lil passenger princess you are
Has done donuts in the car with you a couple times late at night in an empty parking lot and he LOVES the way you laugh and howl into the night while the engine nearly drowns out everything else
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That's all for now, but I have more to say soon!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you enjoyed it!!
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morirryan · 11 months
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started reading orv can these two be like . happy idk
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lynzishell · 3 months
The Present 🧡 Chestnut Ridge
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Transcript below the cut:
Danny: Papa? Joseph: Hm? Danny: Do I have a grandma or grandpa?
Joseph: Uh, well, you do, that would be my parents, but they died before you were born. Danny: Oh. What were their names? Joseph: My dad was Luis, and my mom was Adriana. Danny: Did my mom have parents? Joseph: Of course. Unfortunately, I never met ‘em, so I don’t know anything about ‘em.
Joseph: What’s with all the questions today, anyway? Danny: We were supposed to do a family tree in class, but I couldn’t finish mine. Joseph: Your teacher won’t give you a low score for it, will she? Danny: No, she said it was okay, but that I should ask you.
Danny: So, is anyone in our family alive? Joseph: I have a brother, so he would be your uncle. He’s alive, he just lives far away. Danny: What’s his name? Joseph: Julian.
Danny: Does Julian have any kids? Joseph: No, no kids. Danny: Hm. I wish I had a brother. Joseph: …
Danny: Then I’d have someone to play with and we could— Joseph: Hey, Danny, how ‘bout you go feed Daisy and get washed up for supper while I finish up out here, okay? Danny: Okay.
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theangelofbrahma · 5 months
something about the parallels between the beginning of the twelveclara arc, how twelve had said in the beginning 'you look at me and you can't see me', and the end of the twelveclara arc, how in the diner with clara he was so sure he would recognise her if he saw her again but when he looked at her, he didn't see her.
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