#I tend to reblog all the fanart I love on this tumblr
bumbleboa · 2 months
Your favorite OP artists 🥺 please 🥺🥺
This is not a full list because I am sure I have forgotten plenty of people but here are a few I really like and why:
@rocketspurs (their One Piece sketchbook is so worth it, I still look at all the time)
@toboldlymuppet (beautiful pieces with bold color choices and impact)
@attyattlaw (came for the Law art, stuck around for the beautiful art in general, I want to eat their textures)
@jakkenpoy (really cool shape language with high appeal)
@avenoirn (I own several of their pins and prints, beautiful work)
@kimpimpam (the energy of their work is just so lovely)
@redbeanp13 (such cool stylizations! Angles! Colors! what's not to love)
@chum-rum (their compositions and colors are so cinematic, it's stunning)
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
Hello there! This question isn’t so much about popularity as it is about feeling lonely in fandom spaces. I’m in a relatively small fandom where it’s easy to “run into” the same users who write fanfic and draw fanart a lot. Over the years I’ve tried doing all the usual things to make fandom friends, like commenting a LOT on fanfic when new works are posted, being friendly in my author’s notes, being friendly on tumblr, complimenting artists works and reblogging and just generally trying to share the love so to speak.
People will reblog my art on here, but on AO3 I tend to get crickets on most of my stuff. Especially on fics for my OTP. My OTP is notttt popular in the fandom. It’s actually a lot of people’s NOTP because it “takes away” from the canon couple. I’ve accepted a long time ago that I’m going to get less readers because of the shipping stuff alone. But even on my works that aren’t shipping focused at all, it’s just crickets.
It just kinda sucks to try so hard to make fandom buddies and see them all having fun together and constantly feel like the kid sitting alone in the corner. I keep wondering if people in the fandom don’t like my fics just because of the shipping thing because I know I’m not a bad writer. But like I said, I’ve tried reaching out to people, be encouraging and show joy at what they create, but I just keep wondering what I’m doing wrong to make fellow fans not want to be friends with me. I’ve been focusing on just doing my own thing but yeah, it sucks not having anybody to fangirl with.
First of all anon, *hugs*. Being lonely sucks, and I'm sorry to hear you're in that situation.
When it comes to the other folks in your fandom, I don't think it's necessarily that they don't want to be friends with you. I think you might just need to do a little extra legwork to get in the friendship door.
It's not really fair, but it is kind of human nature, that if there is a perceived difference with someone else, we tend to keep them at a bit of a distance. It doesn't mean we dislike them! It just means that it takes more effort for us to get past that difference and see them as a friend. The more we do it, of course, the easier it gets and you might not even notice the hiccup anymore - in person.
You're probably in the "acquaintance zone," if you'll allow me to use the phrase. People probably have a generally positive impression of you because you're nice and you're friendly and you're encouraging. But if most of their conversations are happening in a ship-centric venue, for example, then you're not going to have access to the full spectrum of community with them.
You mention that other folks see your OTP as a NOTP. Do you feel the same way in reverse? They might assume that you do, and that's what's keeping you out of those convos. If you actually don't mind their ship and simply prefer your own, you could always attempt to make a foray in that direction? Let them know you don't mind being exposed to their shipping talk?
Another thing you could try would be to identify the multishippers. In my experience, those are the folks who are most open to befriending folks who don't ship the main pairing. They can see possibilities all over the place, and they're happy to be exposed to new ideas.
Small fandoms can be rough when you're into a niche part of it ❤️ Let's see how others handle your situation.
You can also find this question and answer on Dreamwidth.
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arofulboyfriend · 2 months
howdy! i'm seren (he/him) and this is my shiny new blog after a long time away from tumblr (or rather just lurking in the shadows). decided to rejoin after a few months of chilling in the aroacespec tags and slowly coming to terms with my own aro identity, and because i think any community could always use another token transmasc /lh
im not big on using social media, so i may post somewhat infrequently, but i do love to meet new people and chat so my ask box and replies are all open and i try to check my notifications often!
about me (brief): like i said my name is seren, i use he/him pronouns, and like the bio says i'm transmasc, lovequeer, and aroace, in broad strokes. i'm an adult in my mid 20s and i like genshin impact and pjsk and a bunch of other things, so you may sometimes see fandom reblogs if they relate to aroace-ness (will always be tagged)
on labels: im still coming to terms with my aro (and, to a lesser extent, ace) identities, so these are subject to change entirely, as of time of writing though, i'm gnc transmasc, bellus- and idem- romantic, bi-alterous and sex-repulsed ace. i recently saw the term "lovequeer" and really liked that too, so it's been added to the hoard (tm). more explanations below the cut for how i personally define and relate to each label!
about the blog: will use cw/tw tags where needed. i dont personally need tone indicators but i try to use them myself, but usage may be inconsistent. if in doubt, just ask, but 99% of the time i probably sound more cold/angry than i actually am. no dni or dnf just don't be a weird exclusionary or separatist a-hole
other than that, thanks for stopping by!
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for simplicity i will always default to calling myself some combo of: transmasc, queer, aroace, or aro, but i'm all of them at once
gnc transmasc: i am transmasc, not trans man, trans boy, boy, or man (the "boyfriend" in my url is meant to be understood as a separate label from "boy"). i prefer masculine forms of address from non close friends, i do not like any feminine terms like girl, sis, etc. i am not out to anyone except close friends and safe parties (like pride) irl, and am not on hormones and cannot get surgery for a variety of reasons, but i do not mind dressing feminine, but by default i kinda tend towards tomboyish fashion regardless
bellusromantic: i enjoy conventionally romantic (as per US social norms) gestures in purely platonic contexts, such as holding hands, cuddling, cheek and hand smooching, calling my friends babe/dear, etc. not fond of mouth kissing.
idemromantic: probably bcus of the audhd, but i do not and have never seen an actual difference between "being besties" and "being romantically involved" - i lovingly call myself homie oriented. internally i never understood a sentiment of "more than friends" or whatever and politically speaking i am loudly, angrily critical of said sentiment.
lovequeer: a term i saw on tumblr a few days ago at time of writing. i feel like my relationship to the concept and feeling of "love" is inherently queer (as in "odd/weird" /pos)
bi-alterous: even though i'm aroace, "bi" was the first queer label i ever connected to, and im not willing to drop it. i am able to form close, intimate relationships with any person of any gender
sex repulsed ace: im repulsed by the idea and concept of specifically irl sex/pornography. i indulge in the occasional smutty fanart or smut fic bcus sadly i do have a libido, but i currently and for the foreseeable future only trust one person with any smut oriented discussion and i only make jokes with close friends
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troxlerfx · 3 months
hello!! i am troxler (trox if you're nasty) and you might know me from my xwitter @ broadcastrelay or my old experimental art blog @hand-in-hand-again .
i have a throne account here if you'd like to support my work by helping with supplies & thereby earn my eternal gratitude:
commissions are currently closed & i will update here & on xwitter if that changes!!
i do have discord if you'd like to chat, you can DM me for my username. i'm vision impaired & it's a little easier for me than tumblr DMs (scalable font. properly mapped keyboard that allows me to hit the right keys occasionally. you know 👁️)
i am sometimes slow to respond to messages, but i don't expect you to be available all the time either--i answer things when i have a moment, & i assume others do too ✌️ i have the temperament of a displaced 11th century anchorite, am simply not adapted to the tone & pace of centralized social media.
i also unfortunately cannot voice call or stream/screen share because i am a millennial (just kidding, it's because my phone is almost 9 years old & it overheats when i check my e-mail)
learn a bit more about me under the cut ✂️
i was dropped into this simulation in the early 80s, i'm a disabled artist (vision impaired - [ask me about my atrophied optic nerves] - & have some other physical Issues so i use a cane) & my wife and i host two black cats, roughly 35% of a mannequin, and a whole lot of dolls.
all my art is trad/physical media (haven't figured out a way to make digital art accessible yet. maybe someday!!) i like to sculpt in epoxy, plastilene, polymer & stone clay, i like to mold & cast in resin, make & customize various types of dolls, & build puppets; i do custom framed work, mixed media & textile stuff like sewing & embroidery; i paint in oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache & water soluble graphite & i love ink, markers, crayons & whatever cheap & weird stuff i can get my hands on.
i have a particular affection for props, prop replicas & hypothetical in-universe items, & i like things that are handsome, durable & believable. i'm versatile & innovative, & i'm at my happiest when i'm exploring technical processes. i have quite a bit of knowledge about techniques & materials. i love a challenge!! currently all my sewing is done by hand, i have trouble controlling pedal-operated machines.
my favorite thing is horror coated in a fine layer of nostalgia & sprinkled with history. that seems highly specific, but you'd be surprised how many things fit the criteria. i tend to fixate on characters & concepts & do a lot of art about it - a habit i developed while i was re-teaching myself to draw after the changes to my eyesight. my output is largely therapeutic. sometimes people like it. maybe you will too!!
a good amount of my work is fanart & will be tagged as such/otherwise linked to the appropriate project, original work will be specified & have its own tag.
at the moment i make a lot of work related to the independent psychological horror unfiction project Welcome Home, created by ' partycoffin ' here on tumblr.
i have a more reblog-heavy sideblog, @heartshapedsignal , where i can place aesthetics, rb art that i like, Cronenbergpost & generally toss up more intense horror things & keep this one somewhat more tidy + personal-art-oriented. follow if you please; although it's unlikely i'll ever post anything too explicit, 🔞 just to be safe!!
that's all for now!! 👁️‍🗨️📺
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Which of the counselors would join fandom spaces, and what fandom would they join? :)
hrrrnng this is a good question, it makes the rusty cogs in my head squeak 🙃
right off the bat, Jacob dearest doesn't strike me as the fandom type, & Laura's prolly so busy that she wouldn't have time even if she wanted to. Jacob prolly has a reddit account tho, so take that as you will
Abi definitely has a tumblr, prolly post some of her art online & she definitely participates in fandoms - she's a bit more courageous behind a screen. 90% sure she reads fanfiction. i imagine she would be in fandoms like The Owl House & Stardew Valley & Legend of Zelda, but also stuff like Supernatural & old horror movies like the original Jeepers Creepers & The Exorcist. & also Scooby-Doo
Ryan obviously spends time in the fandom space of the Bizarre Yet Bonifide podcast & he prolly hangs out on the fanpages, swapping theories & answering questions. he's just vibing in the fandom with all his knowledge & special interest. he also like classic/old movies & he & Abi brainrot together sometimes about classic horror (& she makes him watch Scooby-Doo with her)
Emma lurks in her own fan spaces lmao. i believe wholeheartedly that she LOVES shows like Bridgerton & she posts about it as soon as anything new comes out. she also follows fashion week & the Emmys every year, & liveposts about it the entire time. her fans recommend her romance/romcom movies & sometimes she'll host a movie night on her stream to review it, other times she'll just post about it. most of the time, the fandom comes to her (when Abi visits & agrees to be on camera, they stream a movie night & watch scooby-do)
Nick is so bizarre he has a twitter account that he barely remembers & hasn't even finished fully setting it up yet & he doesn't check his notifications, but almost every time he posts something, ppl go crazy trying to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. so he kind of has his own little "fanbase", if you could call it that
Dylan's for sure a shitposter, but he also loves digging into the lore & secrets - especially of video games. he's a total Dr. Who nerd & he's prolly read the Sherlock Holmes novels. he cracks all that shit open like a cold one with all the other fans online & mentally red-strings everything he thinks about. Abi tells Ryan to make him watch Scooby-Doo, unaware that Dylan has seen all the cartoons & movies, & posts Scrappy-Doo hate
Kaitlyn & Max i feel like are both the type not to interact much online, also they do lurk from time to time. Kaitlyn's more likely to jump in if she sees someone being blatantly & snobbily wrong about something she knows intimately. Max tends to just reblog fanart he likes. i think Kaitlyn loves horror movies - Scream, Halloween, Final Destination, etc - & she throws popcorn at the screen when someone makes a dumb choice then goes to find complaints about the dumb logic online so she can agree with them. Emma forces her to watch Bridgerton, which she reluctantly loves
Max likes romcoms & has a soft spot for cartoons like Steven Universe, but he also gets into some crime dramas like Criminal Minds bc Laura likes them. a lot of art he reblogs online is pixel art, it's his favorite, but 80% of the time, anything with a nice color palette will get him. he also likes Scooby-Doo
i would love to hear others' opinions on this!
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miiblr · 18 days
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hi everybody it's me, me miiblr HIMSELF! i also go by vani online if you don't want to call me mr miiblr ^_^ ... i reblog & repost mii content! i post anywhere from tumblr to stuff from instagram ... submissions & asks will always be open !!!
i have adhd & autism & i tend to hyperfixate on things, like MIIS! FOR AN EXAMPLE! other than miis, i enjoy different animangas & also just.. technology. i also like the old internet ^_^! also i use he/him pronouns & some neopronouns. i'm a gay (trans)man, taken by a lovely boyfriend ♡
i don't actually see myself as the mascot for the miiblr community on here, i just happened to snag the url, and it just kind of happened. you're all very wonderful people & don't feel pressured to see me as the one and only god of miiblr!! i just joke about being. the mascot of miiblr yeah!!! sorry i needed to get that out before someone got annoyed at me .
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i have a few mii ocs, but my main sona is named vani. he's practically just me!! so don't be weird or anything . fanart is welcomed, dont need to ask !!!
[ toyhouse ] [ artfight ] [ unvale ]
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i have a small dni . basically dni pro/com/darkshippers, terfs, transphobes, any type of freak !!!!
if you have any questions, or need to tell me something, feel free to send me it through asks or private messages !!!! please contact me if i may be interacting with someone problematic or a bad person, i don't have eyes everywhere, i don't know everything. ty :3 i dont mind anon hate its funny as hell btw....
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Commissions time!!!
Hey all!!
So… I’d really love to move out soon. I’m been having an especially rough time recently, and everyone around me agrees that my health will only improve once I get out of the toxic space I’m currently living in. I’m disabled, I have no job, and my 19th birthday is coming up soon.
So!! If you enjoy my art!!! I would appreciate it so deeply if you’d consider commissioning me! ^^ Sincerely I love working on commissions and interacting with commissioners, and if you’re wanting something specific, don’t hesitate to ask!! If it’s within my comfort and skill level, it’ll get done!!!
CHARACTER ART (Human, Furry, Anthro, Animal, and Other):
Bust [Head, Shoulders & Chest] — $15
Half Body [Head to Hips] — $20
Full Body [Head to Toes] — $25
Full Color — + $10
Shading — + $10
+ Extra Character — $15 per character
+ Single Color Background — $5
+ Simple Geometric Background — $8
CHARACTER DESIGN (Human, Furry, Anthro, Animal, and Other):
Starting Price: $50
Colored full body of any pose of choice
Single color background of choice
Full price may vary depending on character complexity; subject to go higher or lower
+ Items — $3 per additional item (Such as: close up eyes, inanimate objects, limbs, etc)
+ Text — $1 per additional snippet of text
PERSONALIZED ICON (Yourself or a Character):
Sketched — $5
Clean Outline — $8
Colored — $13
Color + Shade — $20
Your choice of background color/gradient/simple decor!
Payment goes through PayPal, Venmo, or Kofi! Prices are in USD.
I tend to work on one commission at a time, so if I don’t get to you immediately, no worries! As soon as I finish my last order, it’s your turn! ^^
Any potential reference materials for your piece (written descriptions, photography, mood boards, or rough sketches) are greatly appreciated and encouraged!
Additional inquiries? Not a problem! Contact me via Tumblr dms or at [email protected]! I’m always happy to smooth any confusion, and my prices are flexible!
Will Do👍: Some NSFW (varies on personal comfort + proof of age), Ocs, Ships, Fanart, Light Gore
Won’t Do👎: Overly Complex Backgrounds, Major Gore, Vore, Fetish Art, Hateful Ideology of Any Sort, Mechanics
I reserve the right to refuse a commission.
Duration of Work: up to eight days, commonly below five
Reblogging is greatly appreciated!!!
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babybells123 · 1 month
I love how you’re like like oh I love all of the asoiaf girlies Arya, Sansa Dany but you only ever talk about Sansa and jonsa. Like why are you lying.
Hey anon :)
I’ve actually mentioned in that post that I talk about Jonsa and Sansa a lot more because those are the blogs that I primarily follow (and thus, they come up on my feed a lot more). Sansa is my favourite character, I think that’s pretty clear. But the reason I don’t post about Dany and Arya a whole lot (though I have reblogged about them, which I’m sure you’ve noticed as you seem to have obsessively scrolled) is because I have lots of arya and dany blogs blocked since unfortunately they tend to have sansa/Jonsa hate and I don’t really want to see that. I also mentioned in that post for anyone to recommend me some blogs that don’t foster sansa or jonsa hate, but no one responded with any so I just left it at that.
In any case, you don’t know me so I don’t know why this page bothers you. - I DO love all asoiaf girls - but I prefer to not interact with certain stans since negativity is something I’d very much prefer not to encounter :p I have an asoiaf TikTok where I post equally about characters, so there’s that. In that original pinned post, I had a j*nrya shipper come into my notes and essentially act very condescending towards me for shipping Jonsa. It left quite a bad taste in my mouth and was vitriolic for no reason, (and they actually blocked me when I provided reasoning + evidence which is …funny to say the least). I come onto tumblr to read metas , view beautiful fanart and edits, and converse with my *wonderful* mutuals. I do not come on here to argue, to hate, to bully, to provoke discourse - it’s just not in my nature and I’ll only speak on something if it’s presented to me unabashed or in my actual mentions. Otherwise I don’t venture into anti-tags and even just avoid pro - arya or pro - dany tags since I’ve seen lots of hatred to sansa and Jonsa on there and frankly ? I’m not interested. I’d love to follow some blogs that appreciate or are at the very least respectful about all these characters so if you can point some out to me lovely anon, that would be great :) It’s been a while since I’ve read a good arya or dany meta.
Now, in terms of characters - I believe I’m one of those rare asoiaf fans who are appreciative of all female characters for what they are. I’ve mentioned sansa, dany and arya are my favs - and this is due to complexity, nuance and the unique beauty and meaning to their stories. I enjoy them in different ways, and I appreciate them for different reasons.
To address the crux of your statement, which is relatively hateful, bitter, and condescending - I’m really not sure why you’re here? You seem the only person who has a problem with my page. There are numerous blogs dedicated to arya and/or dany. If you could read properly, my op post states that they are among my favourite characters *but I post primarily about Jonsa and Sansa for the reasons I stated above.*
I urge you to turn your biased glasses off and go back to your side of the fandom , where I’m sure you’ve come from just to …what? Hate? Call me a liar? (And I’m gaging its because I ship Jonsa and love Sansa…as is the pattern with these types of asks) in any case I have 40 followers on this blog, it’s a place for me to come share my thoughts on my most favourite book series of all time. I’m sick of people making assumptions about me when they don’t even know me.
Anyway anon, have a good day/night and perhaps follow blogs that you like and agree with!
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Get to know the author behind the blog! Repost, do not reblog
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NAME: Willow. AGE: 22. PRONOUNS: she/they. YEARS OF WRITING: I've been making up my own stories since I was incredibly small, and I think writing since I was... oh, around 8 years old? In terms of roleplay, I first started out on Tumblr at the poor young age of 14 (yikes, I know), and more or less haven't left aside from a 2-3 year hiatus after the 2018 purge that caused a lot of people to leave, during which I instead wrote on Discord for a spell.
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING? Being a 13 yo starved of Mega Man content naturally drew me to Tumblr, I think, where at the time there was a fairly lively roleplay community and a fair amount of fanart being shared. I'd already been familiar with roleplay due to warrior cats LARP and private interactions with people I managed to connect to once I wormed my way into the fandom, so it was only a matter of time before I dipped my toes into the MM RPC after reading the way that people wrote with each other. And then I never left! Many of the friends I made at the time are still really good friends of mine now! I wanted to write because telling stories was something I'd always done, whether it was in my head, or to my younger sister before bedtime, or drawing little comics. It was a logical jump, especially with such an open ended franchise as Mega Man. And now I'm here. DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES? Yeah, I'd say so. Lately I've found myself kind of picky with the time of day that I write. Maybe I never noticed it before, but I like to block out a good chunk of time while it's bright and sunny to write and find somewhere quiet where I can put on some music and have a nice lil drink. I can write during the night, and regularly have and still do, but something feels better about writing earlier in the day, or even in the morning. Probably because I'm not so drained then. The kind of music I listen to while writing depends largely on the muse and the mood of the thread I need to encompass. For my more sorrowful replies I have several go-tos that I tuck away into the respective muse's playlist, as well as some universal Sad Bops, but I use other songs too! I tend to need to listen to a song on repeat while I'm writing until the reply is done. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING? Definitely the click when a muse hits just right. I like to think I'm plenty capable of writing any sort of character if I put my mind to it, but there's only certain muses that really spark a connection that I resonate with, and stumbling upon a muse like that is my favorite because it allows me to really enter a muse's mind. The best examples of that on this blog are definitely Jing Yuan and Ratio, which is why they're my most active muses. When I'm able to feel what my muse feels and truly understand why they work the way they work, that's my favorite moment.
Three things you like about your writing
Oh boy, let's see. Is there anything notable about my writing???? LORE. I definitely put a lot of effort into defining my characters based on the available lore in the game and external research I do on my own. As an academic, especially one in STEM, I have a lot that I have learned and can apply to my muses. The most prominent example of this is probably Ratio and all I've babbled about ecology with him, but I've done it for Jing Yuan too with his electricity. Pulling from mythos and history is also something I find a lot of fun and pride myself on doing. BODY LANGUAGE. With muses that prefer silence and/or subtlety over conversation over the years I've learned to portray a lot of their mental and emotional state through body language and expression rather than speech. It's hard, and certainly something that's been a huge learning curve for me as a yapper who never shuts up, but I like to think I've gotten good at communicating that subtlety! There's always room for improvement though, and I'd definitely love to have more threads and interactions where I can continue to practice. EVOKING EMOTION. I like to think that I'm good at evoking strong feelings with my writing, particularly when it comes to sorrowful and tragic threads or interactions. There's a delicateness to the kind of burden and grief I love to portray, and I imagine I do a fairly good job of dancing along it and pulling others into the state of mind of my muses! (Full disclosure, I hesitated on putting this here because I simply have no awareness of the impact of my writing ever, but after having it affirmed by multiple friends I guess it's cool and definitely not arrogant--)
A question for the next person
DO YOU HAVE A CERTAIN TYPE OF MUSE YOU ENJOY WRITING? Oh gosh, I think looking at the muses I have here on this blog alone kind of answers that! They all follow the theme of compassion and selflessness, though the degree to which and how they apply it differs wildly between the four. I do love writing villains, antiheroes and asshole characters too (and I've written plenty in the past!), but there's something about a noble, pure soul driven by compassion that just hits so good for me. Gestures at Jing Yuan, Ratio, Robin, and Stelle. Honestly I'm impressed I've been able to give them such distinct voices despite their common trope haha. NEW QUESTION: If you were to pick up a muse that would challenge your skills and push you out of your comfort zone the most, what kind of muse would they be and why? Do you have any examples?
TAGGED BY: @duelmarks (ty!!) TAGGING: @etherealguard @celestial-narwhal @celestial-sword-dance @spaced-out-muses and anyone else who wants to do this bc Tumblr limited tags :(
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focusontheheart · 1 year
Meet the Team - Meliko, Audio Lead
Say hello to our Audio Lead, the incredibly inspiring Meliko, who is composing all the music for our game! You can find them on: tumblr @melikochan twitter: @melikomakes instagram: @melikomakes
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Hey! I’m Meliko, and I can never decide on just one thing to do. I’m an artist, musician, and writer, with most of my fanworks belonging to the Horizon fandom. I’m doing interface design, sound effects, and music for the game.  I remember being immediately drawn to Horizon when it was first announced. Lush, vibrant, post-apocalyptic landscape? Check. Robot dinosaurs? Check check. Badass redheaded protagonist? Yeah, there was no way I wasn’t going to love this series. I played Zero Dawn, took a deep breath, and then immediately replayed it. Then again.  Though my love of the series started early, and I would occasionally reblog Horizon posts I found on Tumblr, I didn’t seek out and join the fandom until Forbidden West came out. The series resparked both my interest in writing fanfic and drawing fanart, which I hadn’t really done in years. It’s been a blast!
What is a favourite piece of work you've done  (i.e. completed, working on, in concept), OR what is something you’ve always wanted to create for fandom? 
My recent multichapter Aloy/Alva fic, By the Love of the Ancestors. It ended up being twice as long as I’d scoped it, but I’m very happy with how it came out and the emotional depth I was able to build.
What are some of your favourite tropes (to read, write, draw, etc)?
I can’t resist a good enemies to lovers, or better yet—best friends divided by fate, brought back together in the end. It's probably my favorite kind of story across all mediums. I’m also a sucker for hurt/comfort, and smut with feelings. When it comes to writing, I like exploring characters through my work and their relationships, and I tend to obsess over expanding on the overall worldbuilding.
What is an unexpected thing or fun fact about you?
I’ve had this nickname since kindergarten!
What has been your favourite thing about working on this project so far?
Collaborating with so many fantastic community members, and getting to bring my music into the fandom as well.
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eliasdrid · 8 months
Do you have any recommendations for other artists that draw robots in a similar fashion? I mean more mechanically focused robots, if that makes sense. Just struggling to find robot art that isn't simply humans made of metal, but I love how you draw them
Hi! Thanks ^^ Hopefully I bring something new to you, not all of these are robot artists only though so I can't be 100% sure it's the only or most predominant thing in their galleries.
People here on tumblr:
/databuffer has cool very mech-leaning robot designs ^^
/bucketofrobots has an OC story with robots, some of the designs are less humanoid than others from what I recall
/mothcpu has a really cool way of drawing the V units from Ultrakill (and robots in general) that I'm fond of
/seaquestions has some lovely stuff, not all is robots but there's robots and transformers fanart in the mix
/ryvenarts has some really nice robot/mech OCs
/wtfforged I love his style! not all robots but there's some neat robots :3
/rachelh1017 has a cute manga/comic robot x human thing? maybe not what you're looking for but worth mentioning
/technoghoul (/cognitohazard) has drawn mech-leaning robot designs
There's some people who are likely active on twitter only that I know of, for example, /iluvkillerobots has neat sci fi mech artwork and /fayren has lovely designs in their gallery. Also while it's not all artwork, you can probably find more people on my robots tag since I tend to reblog stuff that inspires me and I personally like.
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ao3commentoftheday · 8 days
Hello, I’m so glad that this blog is coming back from hiatus! I always really enjoy your posts. I was wondering if you have any advice on engaging in a fandom that is mostly smut if you don’t read and write it? Most of the fans in my small fandom hang out in on discord together and mostly write E-rated fic. For various reasons I don’t read and write smut, and I’ve found it really difficult to make friends in the fandom. As a result, people very rarely comment on my fics even though I get lots of views and some kudos - it’s making fandom a bit lonely. On top of this, some of the BNFs have started ganging up in the comments on other people in the fandom over perceived slights in (actually very positive!) comments. I’m thus quite hesitant to even comment on the stuff I can read in case I accidentally offend them. But I do want to make some friends! I just don’t know how to do it. Thank you!
*hugs* that sounds like you've got a lot going on, anon! 💜 Let's start by separating this out into things you can't control versus things you can control.
You can't control:
the types of fics other people decide to write
how other people (Big Name Fans, in this case) will react to your comments
You can control:
whether or not you join, participate in, or leave the discord server
whose fics you comment on and how
how you write and post your own fics
You may be able to encourage:
whether other people decide to comment on your fic or not
Have you already tried the discord server? If not, maybe give it a go. Even if all of the authors solely write e-rated smut, that won't be the only topic of conversation. Plus, there are likely to be readers in there too, if it's open to anyone in the fandom. There will probably be channels related to writing, a channel for spoilers and speculation, a channel for fanart, one for recs, and one for general chitchat. At least, that's been the makeup of fandom servers I've been part of in the past.
As for the BNFs who are getting angry over comments, if you are worried about getting hit by that anger, then you don't have to comment on their fics. But a fandom is made up of many more people than just BNFs. Search out other writers, readers, artists etc. who are in a better frame of mind and comment on their works. Send them tumblr asks. Reblog their posts with tags or additions. A conversation has to start somewhere, and that's the first step towards making friends.
It's true that romantic fics tend to get more readership than gen fics in most fandoms, and getting more readers increases your likelihood of getting comments. However, you don't need to write E-rated smut if you don't want to. I'm someone who writes a lot of smut. However, I'm also someone who loves a good gen fic. I pretty much just want to see more of my favourite characters existing in a world together and whether that leads to shagging or shenanigans is up to the author.
If you want to encourage comments on your works and you're not sure how, I recommend checking out the @longlivefeedback Comment Project. It's a way for authors to make clear to readers what kind of feedback they like and whether or not they'll reply to comments (along with some other suggestions for how to start the conversation with your AN). LLF also has a Comment Builder to help readers who struggle with commenting. You can link that in your author's note as a resource, as well.
How have the rest of you found friends in your fandoms?
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mightbebobbie · 3 months
hi i love your art! so much!
i was wondering what advice would you give to someone who is thinking of starting posting fanart? would it be better to have separate accounts for your fanart and another for your personal projects/portfolio ?
if you read this thank you so much !
thats a very good question tbh, i've been posting my art online for a decade now, and it is very clear that fanart just. does a lot better in terms of numbers and all that. on platforms like twitter and ig, having two separate acc for original stuff and fanart stuff is smart due to how their algorithm works. HOWEVER! on tumblr, it doesn't really matter too much! tags are the primary way ppl find your stuff, then it's through reblogs. i post my original art and non-op art every once in a while on this acc (i barely draw anything else than op tho) and even though they get a lot less traction, i see that i reach other audiences, ppl outside of my chosen fandom. i say go for it, post both on the same acc!
if you plan on using tumblr as an actual portfolio though, make a separate acc for that, just for potential business purposes. if you want potential employers to see your blog, it could be smart to separate them! but, if you're just posting bc you wanna share your favorite sillies, there's always someone who will appreciate it on tumblr :'))
this is based on my own experiences though, and how i like to post might not work for you, but i say just give it a shot and try it out!
one thing though - do not get discouraged. i have made the mistake of rebranding myself so many times, just bc i felt like my old art blogs or twitter accounts or whatever didn't fit my "vibe" anymore. if you want to make a drastic change, archive or delete your posts and start anew. ppl tend to want to stick around!
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
howdy, world!
my name is second (although given my icon and general presence, i don’t mind being called bee). i am 25 and i use they/them pronouns. i’m mainly a hermitcraft fan (i main joe hills, a fact that will become immediately obvious if you follow this blog), although i’m also a big fan of empires smp, the life series/traffic smps, and am at my heart a technoblade main. i also watch a decent amount of vault hunters when it’s around.
my fics:
my ao3 is bee_4. the thing you’ve most likely heard of on there is either “the inner mechanism of a black box” or “this is about a stuffed bird”. if i could make you read one other thing on there, i would probably currently choose either “to convey a certain brilliance” or “cura te ipsum”, although if it’s on my ao3, as a general rule, i think it’s very good and you should read it.
#a bee fic is my fic tag. in it you will find a fairly consistent stream of ficlets because the ability to put whatever i want on tumblr is one i frequently abuse. there are a lot of these that aren’t currently on ao3, and may never be (as i tend to only transfer over my favorites). enjoy this access to my brain!
as a general rule, in addition to the above: you have my permission to do fanart or my fic, write a fic of my fic, write a fic using the concept of one of my fics or an au i’ve talked about, or in general transform my work however you see fit. we’re all writing fanfic here! my one request is that, if you are using my plot or au as i wrote it, you credit me somewhere, and that you never take my exact words and copy them. other than that, feel free to do as you will! (i’d also love if you tagged me in it so i can see it and fanboy about it, but this is not a required step, lol.)
some other common tags:
#answered: the tag i use on all of my asks. good to go through if you sent me an ask and want to see if i’ve answered it (although my askbox is often the place things go to die so don’t be offended if i haven’t, i’m at 1.8k asks at the moment i think haha i’m so sorry) or if you want to block it when i get on an answering spree. i’ll also tag asks with the name of the asker, if i’m provided one.
#stream liveblogging: the tag i use as a catch-all for silly liveblog things. good to block if you don’t want constant random insistent joe hills posting, lol.
#hermitcraft, #empires smp, #double life smp: the place to find my original content about a given series i’m watching! these are currently the ones i’m most likely to post about, although in general you can find original content for a particular creator or smp under what i think their most common tag is. this is not always an ACCURATE assessment, but what can you do.
#stuffed bird art: specific tag for fanart of stuffed bird. this tag largely exists because you all are insane and i love you and i ran out of characters in stuffed bird’s endnote to link all of it there.
#magical girl scar: this au is taking over my blog and i am going insane but also it’s very fun so it probably won’t stop taking over my blog. click this tag to see stuff for it.
in addition, i will do my best to tag original content with any trigger i have been asked to tag it with. however, i am often bad about both spoiler and trigger tags, as i personally have very wide and flexible boundaries and therefore can be bad about judging other people’s. let me know if i need one on something there isn’t one on and i’ll do my best to fix it. in addition, i do not guarantee i will tag anything i reblog. i make attempts for major spoiler tags or things i think need a tag that op didn’t put on there, but even that is very very spotty, and i don’t want people to assume i will tag to a level of consistency i don’t and get hurt, so i generally refuse as a rule to guarantee that. sorry!
anything else?
i don’t typically answer asks that are about discourse-laden topics. this includes stuff like shipping or dream or other things that are guaranteed to make at least one person mad. this is less because those topics make me upset (they don’t) and more because i hate getting in arguments on the internet, so if i actually do a discourse its normally because i’ve actually been really annoyed by something. otherwise i will politely pretend your question didn’t exist. (this does unfortunately include when you are not trying to discourse and are just sorta chatting about one of the topics i decide i don’t want to answer - i’m sorry! i promise i don’t care, i just am hyper-aware of the fact i have over five thousand follwers at this point.)
my queue is normally between two and three days behind the current day because i shove so much stuff in it. despite this, there is no consistency to how i decide if something goes in the queue or i straight-up reblog it. as a result there’s a pretty high amount of content just constantly on this blog. my current queue is at 36 posts a day but by god do i do more than that anyway. in addition my likes are from my main, as are my follows and replies, so it can be really hard to tell if i’m around sometimes, lol.
please don’t send me an ask advertising your thing unless i’m directly involved in it in some way (IE it’s based on one of my concepts or fan stuff from one of my things). it just makes me sorta uncomfortable and then i delete it because i don’t know whether or not to post it especially given that i don’t post that stuff from everyone, haha, so i end up posting none of it. similarly, don’t send me things asking for me to reblog your thing, i go through the tag and reblog low-note stuff a lot but the moment i’m asked to i get really uncomfortable. the one exception to this is if you know me outside of tumblr and we’re buddies in which case i don’t care.
uhhhh... beyond that, if any really common faq question comes up, i’ll try to put it here!
as always, thanks for enjoying my silly little brainspace!
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meme-force-99 · 1 year
Everyone is loving the idea of an Imperial Tech now but you all were role playing Imperial Bad Batch months before the end of season two made the idea popular and I appreciate what you have done with them. I have a lot of fun reading their stories and I hope there will be more with the plant because I really like Echo and Blithe a lot.
Thank you so much! I started him in May 2022, so you are correct that we were playing him for almost a full year before S2 brought it to the forefront of the fandom zeitgeist. I was looking for an outlet for my particular brand of cocky cleverness that was a bit less constrained that we've seen in Canon Tech.
However, I ultimately couldn't handle the amount of thirst that was trapped!😅 Therefore, last fall I handed his blog off to another member of our writing squad who has really taken him to new heights.
-- Exceptionally-Minded Mun
I also thank you! There will definitely be more plant shenanigans with Blithe and Echo in the future, so don't you worry.
It is true. I have noticed lately the idea of an Imperial version of Tech is surfacing more and more within fanfiction and fanart on Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media outlets. I am ecstatic over this. I hope to write my own Imperial Tech fanfiction one day if I can ever find the time.
While not the original mun, I know that even before this blog was created, others also saw his potential. For example, @emperor-palpaminty wrote a story called "Cat and Mouse" as early as August 2021. Her writing also inspired @lyrisei to make a wonderful comic based on her work, which was a source of inspiration near the beginning, I am told.
This blog was born nearly a year later. I took over as mun in October 2022. Tech has always been my favorite member of TBB, but as a writer I tend to lean in the direction of darker themes and topics. I favor the underdogs and villains.
While nervous at first, Imperial Tech turned out to be a perfect fit for my style, and I have a lot of fun writing for him. I wanted to do right by how I perceived the character, and getting him down took some time. Now it feels more natural, and I am happy to be his mun.
I am curious what you guys think! Now that we have all seen the season finale, if Tech does indeed return, and if he is indeed Imperial, what do you think he will be like?
Will he have cybernetic limbs? Will he be among the first dark troopers? Will he be chipped? Will he be brainwashed and serve under Dr. Hemlock like Emerie? Feel free to leave a comment or go ahead and reblog with your thoughts! We would also love to receive and send more recommendations of fan works featuring this variant!
--Imperial Tech mun
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basofy · 5 months
pinned post just because i dont have one and others do
hi im miguel and im a guy
Tumblr media
especifically a bi trans guy from venezuela, i live there, i speak spanish and english
i am 22 years old
i have a total of 11 CATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like drawing messy stuff and experiment a lot and somuch of the stuff i draw comes from the heart even the embarrassing stuff. i like drawing silly stuff and a lot of vent art and stupid stuff and gay sex but you dont get to see that
my art tag is #my stuff
sometimes i like to make crafts too like plushies and clay figures but im no proffesional with it, the tag i tend to use is #my plushies . i also have some plushies that ive bought or been gifted and i take them everywhere and post about them ocasionally :)
i ocasionally sell commissions so i guess i'll edit this when i do but rn i'm busy and tired
be nice to me because i overthink a lot i might be mentally ill probably, trying to go to therapy soon but getting appointments is hard ¯\(ツ)/¯
i ALWAYSSSSSSSS read tags !!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!! as long as tumblr notifies me so keep this in mind please
i tend to like media thats colorful and cartoony and stupid and with fucked up people and with messages of love cuz im cheesy
stuff im currently interested on most is the lisa the painful games, kaiba 2008, chainsaw man, oneshot, yume nikki and its fangames, the mother series, undertale/deltarune, but i like other stuff too and sometimes i might reblog or draw for it, you can always ask me if ive drawn art of something
sometimeeeeeeeeeeeees i do requests but if you send one i might draw it 5 months later
i ocasionally have bad tastes in characters and media i do that, also i enjoy overanalyzing
please do keep in mind that there is fanart of both children's stories and adult's stories in this account. would like if you didn't follow if you're under 16.
another disclaimer: i tend to make art of harsh topics sometimes, all of it coming from own personal feelings, and i take it very seriously. also if you see me make fanart of characters who are family/are an adult and a kid/a victim and their abuser, these are not meant to be seen as ship material and i wish nobody sees my art like that.
i don't post alllllllllllll of my art here because managing accounts is tiring but i have a twitter and an insta
someone asked me the brushes i use so here they are if you want them
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