#I think if you set some girl on fire after YOU insulted HER brother
ackermental · 2 years
Wasn't Daemon's marriage to Rhaenyra a political move only? Always thought he was just using her to gain more power and take the throne.
Anon, sweety, how would that even work?
 Don’t you just love it, when those morons go all like „OhHHh, he married her because as her husband he would've become KING!” as if they’ve just uncovered deep state conspiracy and went to write about it on some flat-earthers site.
 The highest political position Daemon would gain from this marriage was that of Prince Consort, not King.
 I think that some of you easily forget, that people of Westeros are born and die in a feudal society.
 Ain’t nobody ever sworn any oaths to Daemon. Why do you think we have this whole scene with people swearing loyalty to Rhaenyra? Why do you think Lord Baratheon looks so unhappy about having to kneel in front of her and not his cousin, Rhaenys? It’s because in this world, this shit is binding.
 I know that D&D made the entire concept of vows meaningless, but as much as GRRM is twisting the medieval setting in some parts of his books, his presentation of feudalism is a top-notch thing (probably because it serves him well thematically).
 That is why Jaime's dilemma is so tragic and engaging. That’s why bannermen breaking their vows demands so much careful scheming, that backfires anyway in the long run. That is why Boltons still need to use fake!Arya to legitimize their hold of the North (and we all know how well it’s going for them). That is why Sansa is the key to the North, even though she has a vagina, not a cock.
 And Lords of Westeros are doing highborn women’s biddings all the time, believe it or not. They are swearing their loyalties to them left and right. Look no further than Daemon’s wife – Lady Rhea Royce. Not a single Lord of the Vale gives a fuck about what Daemon thinks or wants to do, and that’s because they’re all sworn to her, not to him.
 Same goes for the Royal family, because (forgive me the caps, but I’ll keep hammering it down like a lunatic until the day I die) THERE IS NO TRADITION, LAW OR PRECEDENCE FOR TARGARYEN SUCCESSION!
 Aegon didn’t even have any daughters, his sons chose to co-rule, Maegor usurped the throne and chose a girl to be his heir, Jaehaerys was chosen by Baratheon and Viserys took the crown after cheated voting of the Great Council.
 Rhaenyra becoming Viserys’ chosen heir breaks no laws, no traditions, no precedence. Because there are none!
 And if Lords of Westeros are indeed so against being ruled by the Queen, how come that Rhaenyra gets so much support during the Dance? How come that two Great Houses openly supported Rhaenys' claim? As always it all comes down to personal gain and alliances, nobody gives a fuck about their liege's sex. That’s a thing for small folk to blab about.
 Daemon only gets so much power as Rhaenyra gives him, and the common belief that somehow Rhaenyra would allow Daemon to use her as a puppet is downright insulting and goes against everything we know about her character.
 Daemon doesn’t even get to put any of the children he has with Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne, since she already has three sons. What are you people even thinking? That his great plan was to kill Rhaenyra and her three boys after she became queen? After the entire "eye for an eye, son for a son" thing with Luke? The half-brothers of his own boys? Go touch some grass.
 And Rhaenyra doesn’t need to marry Daemon. Like, at all. She already has his support. Daemon would sooner throw himself into the fire than fight for the Greens and his daughter is engaged to Rhaenyra’s heir.
 Actually, after Laenor died, it was a perfect opportunity for her to make a match with someone else. Maybe a Lannister, since it was the only House at the time that could rival Hightowers' fortune. Or some Lord in the Reach, to start shitting on Hightowers' backyard. Or somebody from Riverlands, to secure Harrenhal.
 But instead she goes off and marries Daemon before the time for mourning is even done.
 Hate to break it to you, nonny, but there is this thing people call love.
 And that’s what Daemon and Rhaenyra relationship is all about. Love.
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kayrockerqog · 7 months
Ah yes, at last, the day my brain insisted I prepare for, given what the prompt is!
Day 4 of @ygoc-week focuses on Relationships!
And, well, while there are several options to choose from when it comes to Musa's relationships, from her friendly rivalry with Misawa to her almost sibling like relationship with O'Brien to the eventual unofficial adoption by Cronos to even the absolute dumpster fire that is her thing with Asuka or Manjome...
...but I think we all know where this is going.
Thus, allow me to introduce the source of my Musa brainrot, the absolute peak which is: Leadershipping.
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because what else is meant to happen when the emotionally stunted meets the emotionally vocal? the introvert meets the extrovert?? the touch-starved meets the physically affectionate??? the "what do you usually do while I'm gone" meets the "wait for you to come back 🥺💞"????
Strength and Temperance.
And now imma gush about it under the cut so have fun with that-
Okay for one, the fact he calls her Musey.
At first shes super adamant about him not calling her that, but it sorta just slips out anyways, and it isnt until her siblings arrive that Kenzan realizes "shhhhhit have I been triggering her this whole time" and starts calling her Musa.
But now its WEIRD because shes gotten used to him calling her that, and the nickname isnt really associated with her siblings anymore, it's with him.
So in their tag duel, one of her brothers calls her Musey, and she glares at him like "you're not allowed to call me that" but when she makes a good move and Kenzan excitedly grins at her like "atta girl, Musey!" and her brothers get pissy like:
"Hey, dont call her that, scum!"
"Actually, no, he's allowed to."
"Wait, I can?"
"Yes, I like when you do it. It sounds much nicer when you say it."
and eventually he slips into even more nicknames, spanning from "my muse" to "songbird" and the like,,,
And while Musa doesnt really use nicknames, she DOES have a thing where once you pass a certain point in her head, she'll use your first name.
So after the tag duel victory and shes being squeezed to death in a victory hug, she just gently hugs him back like "Thank you, Tyranno..."
And he starts internally screaming-
This shit goes CRAZY once season three rolls around, because uh
First off, the zombie stuff is a thing, and Musa hangs back to help organize the home base, but before the others leave she calls for Kenzan and places one of her cards in his hand "for emergencies, bring it back to me" and whatnot.
He nods and places it in his deck like immediately, hes still doing it as they walk off, and Musa's standing there watching them leave, and then Fubuki fucking Tenjoin shuffles over to her smirking like ">:)c well well, the queen of Ra has just given her champion a token of her affections~" and shes like "...nuh-uh-"
And when everyone gets back she just not so subtly sets aside an extra plate to give him since she knows he'd be hungrier and "it is a good contingency in case we need physical support, he is the strongest among us." And Fubuki just gives her this LOOK but she does NOT care because Kenzan's like "awww, Musey, you flatter me, saurus-"
But it ain't all good times in this neck of the woods, no SIR
You dont expect the loss of the emotionally vulnerable woman's emotional support (among three of her other companions) to go over well right-
Like shes already in a tizzy because the others are dying right? But like the second Kenzan dies she just completely shuts down, and somehow his bandana flutters down in front of her and its just
God its game over man
If Obrien and Jim didnt show up Musa wouldve torn Judai to SHREDS, the pure banshee scream of despair she let out was something no one wouldve expected out of her, it actually caused some of the others to flinch.
So naturally she's wearing the bandana for the rest of the season and when everyone makes it back in the end Musa's too busy making sure Sho is alright and also very awkwardly but affectionately hugging Jim and O'Brien before Jim nudges her like "Oi, Musey, lookit-" and Kenzan is there and now shes crying and HE'S crying and runs over and scoops her up in a spinny hug and just
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It was the first proper ship art I drew for them, because I'm ill, all of this art is relatively old but fvakdndjaldnhsix I have mORE SKETCHES THESE TWO ARE LOWKEY WHAT SAVES ME FROM ART BURNOUT-
But yeah, this is super incoherent but I do not care, they are just,,, super sweet. The slight slowburn, the mutual "they're so awesome and cool why would they ever like me back", the genuine friendship, the fact Kenzan lowkey has guard dog energy around her. Ugh, I'm weak. I'm weak. I push them together like dolls.
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layanasstories · 2 years
"Drunk? You want to get drunk?" I start to giggle. Before he can respond at all, we hear a lot of commotion just outside the office. "No Phil, you can't stop me!" we hear Jessy yelling. "You can't just barge in Jessy! You don't know half of what's going on!" Phil shouts back arguingly. I look at Jake and roll my eyes "Never mind, we're definitely getting drunk tonight." He laughs, shakes his head slightly in disbelief at what is happening outside the office and hands me the bottle "Yup".
The door flies open as they are still arguing. "She smashed Richy to smithereens and then HE gets arrested? What the hell Phil! I'm going to get a explanation!" she still yells at her brother. "Fine! Go find it out, but don't come whining to me if you don't like the answer." he yells back. She stormed in with Dan behind her, whereupon I take another big gulp from the bottle and hand it back to Jake, he does the same. We are both prepared for Jessy's outburst.
"You two care about explaining what the fuck is going on?" she utters furiously. "What exactly do you want to hear, Jessy?" I ask her without turning around. "That Richy set the fire on purpose? Or that he plotted to make Michael pay for everything? Or that he's guilty of stealing four years of my life?" I take a deep breath and then jump up from my chair, so I can look straight in her eyes "What exactly do you want to know Jessy?". "That's bull shit! Richy would never do such things!" she defends him.
I want to throw some insults at her, only I'm stopped for doing so because Jake steps between us. "Jessica" he starts, but she interrupts him "It's Jessy!!". "I don't give a shit about your name. If you want some answers, real answers instead of the fantasy world you live in, I'd tone it down if I were you." Jake didn't yell, he spoke in such a dominant tone that I almost got myself into line. "Hey! You're talking to my girl here Hackerman, maybe you should tone down yourself!" finally Dan made himself heard.
I see Jake tense up, if Dan says another word I'm afraid the office will look different from what it looks like now. And I don't want to do that to Phil, so I step between them. "Let's cut it out! We're not getting anywhere like this!" I look at all three. "Jessy, stop yelling and demanding. If you want to know everything, shut up and just listen." then I turn to Dan. "I understand you're standing up for her. But her attitude isn't right." Out of frustration, I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose with two fingers. "I need more booze for this." I whisper to myself. As if Phil can read minds, he steps into the office. "The bar is empty, thanks to you guys." he points at Jessy "Care to buy some drinks to pay up for my losses?". "With love!" I mumble a little.
It took us two bottles of whiskey, one bottle of rum, and some glasses of liqueur for Jessy to tell the whole story. Jake's share of the story, he'd told them himself. "They really did that?" Dan looks at me in shock, after we had told them everything. Jessy remained silent, deeply shaken. "Yes. So that's why I lost it, when he walked in here like nothing happened, like he never ruined anyones life." I answer Dan. "Where is he now?" asks Jessy hesitantly. "In an place that shall be unnamed." Jake replies. The way he says it makes it clear that there is no use to ask further.
They finished their glasses and got ready to leave. "I think we need some time to let this sink in" Dan said, helping Jessy off her bar stool. Jessy is wobbly on her legs and does her best to look me straight in the eye "I'm sorry I acted so ugly.". "It's all right. I know he's your best friend." I reassure her. Then they leave. Before we head back to the motel, Jake and I have one more drink and chat with Phil. I felt fine on the bar stool, and I still felt fine as we headed for the door to go outside, only the moment the fresh night air hits my lungs, the booze kicks in like a sledgehammer. In an instant I'm as drunk as I can be. I have to giggle stupidly because Jake is just as drunk as I am, or so it seems. "This is going to be a long walk Jake" I laugh out loud, while I put my arm around his waist to get some grip.
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seas-storyarchive · 1 year
Astral Flower
Oh, What's this?
A one shot? Based on a pre-existing story??
Petunia sat on the picnic table with Lily and Alice as their husbands and friends were finishing up with putting away a snitch and a rouge bludger from their Quidditch game.
"It was amazing." Lily said, bouncing Harry on her lap to keep the boy entertained. "James took me to a restaurant in Muggle London and then we apparated to a spot by Hyde Park in Kensington where we had a gorgeous view of the stars and moon."
Alice laughed. "It sounds like you two had a fun date night."
Lily nodded as Petunia take a sip from her lemonade. "We did. I just feel bad for Sirius and poor Harry." She stroked her son's short hair. "He wouldn't settle down to bed until James and I got home."
Petunia smiled, putting a hand on her large stomach. "Poor Sirius indeed." Neville babbled to her. "Oh, how rude of me. And poor Harry." The boy in question babbled around his fingers that he stuck in his mouth, drool rolling down his chin that Lily began to wipe up.
Alice smiled. "Frank said that Regulus has been asking him and James questions about what to expect from a baby."
Lily chuckled, Harry was now lacking drool. "Well, if the baby is anything like my Harry, things will get very lively very fast."
Petunia nodded. "Indeed." She smiled. "We want to keep the gender a surprise, keeping with tradition and all. Mother said she suspects it's a girl."
Lily laughed. "That's what she said when I was pregnant with Harry."
Petunia nodded as Alice poured all of them some more lemonade. "I do recall her mentioning it to me in a phone call."
"Mentioning what? Is it about me?" James askes with a smile as he and the other men came walking out of the house.
"You wish, Jameson." Came Regulus' ever calm jab at the man.
"Reg, I will make you eat your stupid vest." James snapped back, moving to attempt to lock the taller man into a headlock.
"And miss out on these delectable finger foods? I think not!" Regulus pushed him off, a playful smirk on his face.
"Okay, you three. We are in the presence of children." Remus sighed as he rolled his eyes. "No need to act like children."
"How come you left Frank out of it but kept me in?" Sirius was insulted as Frank walked around them to take a seat next to his wife and tickled Neville beneath the chin.
"You were laughing, dog breath." Regulus sat down beside Petunia and kissed her before pouring himself some lemonade.
"Tuney, your husband is being mean.." Sirius complained, sitting on the other side of Frank, putting him between Frank and Lily.
"He's your brother, and I'm pregnant, Siri. I can't do anything." Petunia turned Regulus to her, pulling him by the growing beard and kissing him.
Remus sighed, sitting down on the edge of the table. "Why do I even try?"
Alice laughed, pushing a tray to him so he could help himself. "Someone has to."
Everyone enjoyed each other's company. All was well as day turned into night.
Petunia woke up in the dead of night, her mind knowing this feeling so she knew exactly what it was. She shook Regulus awake.
"Bwhat? What is it darling?" He asked with a yawn, rubbing his eye.
"The baby is coming." She wasn't panicking, she knew what was coming, even if it was a tad early. Just had to wake up Regulus.
Regulus hummed before he laid back down. "Well, we'll set out the fine dishes and host a party.." He then sat up, eyes wide. "The baby!!"
There was chaos as the two floo'd to St. Mungo's and were admitted. Regulus sent a fox shaped patronus to Petunia's parents, as there was no phone at the hospital and they most likely were in bed. He chimmney called Frank and Alice as well as James and Lily, luckily Remus had moved in with them recently after a fire destroyed his apartment. His brother was at the Ministry, something about a late night emergency meeting for his team. He'd be excited later. He'd floo called Andromeda and Ted Tonks instead before going back to be with Petunia. Everyone, except his in-laws for obvious reasons, arrived.
After hours of waiting, a tired Regulus came out with a large smile on his face. "It's a girl!"
Everyone crowded into the room. They congratulated both Petunia, mostly because she did the hard part, and Regulus.
"What her name?" Sirius asked, looking at his blond haired niece who was snuggled against her mother.
"We were thinking about Astra Iris." Regulus said proudly, his entire being radiated love and pride.
"Ah, sticking with the Black family tradition of star names I see." Sirius said, winking at his brother.
Lily chuckled, "and keeping with the Evans family tradition of flower names too." She showed Harry the baby. "See Harry, look. That's your cousin Astra," at the boy's babbling she nodded, "that's right. And you'll have to look after her as you get older." Astra showed she had her father's green eyes.
Alice showed Neville the baby. "You too, Neville." She smirked when Astra got curious about Harry as Lily lowered him closer, only to grab his cheek and pull, causing a chain reaction of crying and screaming. "It looks like she can handle herself."
"Takes after you, Tuney." Remus said as he covered his ears.
When the babies stopped crying, everyone asked about who would be the godparents. It was decided that Lily would be the godmother and Remus would be the godfather.
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belovedmuichiro · 2 years
I think Daki and Gyutaro were justified for attacking/killing that samurai, I think that was cool and funny of them and I think they deserved that revenge
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alyswritings · 2 years
Mean Girlfriend
Request: Hiiii could you do a Hollandxsister where Sam is dating a girl who doesn't like Yn and insults her when no one is around?
Sam Holland x sister!reader
Summary: Sam's girlfriend isn't as nice as she seems.
Warnings: swear words, rude/mean comments, sam being a bad brother for part of this, some soft holland sibling moments though
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Sam was bringing his girlfriend over for the first time since he started dating her about two months ago. She's met Nikki, Dom, and Harry, but hasn't had a chance to meet the other three yet.
Y/N is setting the table while Nikki finishes up dinner with Harry helping her. The front door opens and Sam walks in, his girlfriend right behind him, their hands latched together.
"Hey, guys." Sam greets, him and his girlfriend making their way to where everyone is in the kitchen. "This is Blair. Blair, that's Tom, Paddy, and Y/N. And you remember my parents and Harry."
"Of course I do. Lovely to see you all again." Blair tells the parents and twin, a sickening sweet smile on her face. "And it's great to meet you all." She sends polite smiles to the other three siblings.
"Nice to meet you." Tom nods in greeting.
"Hi." Y/N waves.
"It is great to see you again, Blair." Nikki smiles. "Would you like something to drink?"
"Oh, uh, just a water right now, please." Blair says.
Nikki gets her a glass of water and everybody eventually ventures off. Harry drags Sam away to show him something, leaving only Blair and Y/N in the kitchen.
"I like your bracelet." Y/N says, trying to start a conversation.
"Thanks." Blair mutters, slightly rolling her eyes.
"So, uh, Sam says you met--"
"Do you always talk this much?" Blair cuts her off.
"Uh... sometimes." Y/N awkwardly chuckles. "I've barely even said anything, though."
"Well, you've said more than enough. No need to be a motormouth." Blaire remarks.
"Right. Sorry." Y/N mumbles, looking down at her hands.
"So sensitive." Blair sighs, walking out of the kitchen.
Y/N stares after her confused, wondering what she did wrong. Maybe the girl's just in a bad mood.
"Hey." Y/N turns to find Sam walk in. "Where's Blair?"
"Oh, uh, she just left. I think she went outside." Y/N informs.
"Okay. Do you like her?" Sam asks.
"Um..." Y/N trails off, not sure what to say. "Yeah. Yeah, she, uh... she seems nice." Y/N forces a smile. She's going to give Blair the benefit of the doubt, even though she's not sure if she should. Besides Sam seems happy and that's what's important.
"Great." Sam giddily smiles and Y/N's smile becomes slightly more genuine seeing her older brother happy. "You wanna go out there?"
"Uh, no. I'm... I'm just gonna stay in here. It's been a busy day, bit of quiet time would be cool." Y/N lies. All she's done today is sit around and watch TV.
"Okay." Sam nods. He presses a quick kiss to her cheek before practically dashing outside.
"You haven't done jackshit all day." Y/N jumps at the voice at the other twin.
"Jesus, Harry!" Y/N exclaims.
"I'm just saying. You've had plenty of quiet time today." Harry says.
"Being lazy isn't a quiet day." Y/N retorts.
"Well, it hasn't been a busy day. And I don't recall us getting on your nerves." Harry says.
"You're on them now." Y/N fires back.
Harry studies her, sensing something's wrong, but decides to leave it for later. He pinches her cheek before going outside.
At dinner that night, Blair was the sweetest she could be. All smiles and full of manners. She acted like she hadn't spoken the rude words. Y/N supposes they weren't that rude, but they still weren't something you really say to someone.
"I'm gonna drive Blair home." Sam announces.
"Okay, drive safe. It was wonderful seeing you, Blaire. Hope to see you again soon." Nikki warmly smiles at the girl.
"Oh, yes! I would love that." Blair gushes, hugging the woman. Everybody bids goodbyes, Y/N sitting at the bottom of the stairs.
"Bye." She calls as Sam walks outside, Blair being the only one around.
"You eat like a teenage boy and it's disgusting." Blair states.
"Well, I was raised with four of them." Y/N fires back, a sardonic smile on her face. Blair rolls her eyes, leaving.
- - -
Ever since that dinner, Blair comes over a lot more often... much to Y/N's disdain. Anytime the two are alone, Blair takes as many jabs at the Holland girl as she possibly can. But when somebody's around, she acts as if they're best friends and has done no wrong in life. Y/N absolutely hates it and isn't sure how her brothers don't see through the nice act.
Y/N wants to speak up, but she also wants Sam to be happy. And she's also not sure if anybody would even believe her.
Y/N is leaning against Tom's side as they sit on the couch in the living room and watch New Girl. They turn when they hear footsteps, seeing Sam and Blair walk in.
"Hey." Sam greets.
"Hi." Blair smiles.
"Hey. Hi, Blair." Tom waves.
"Hi." Y/N mutters, quickly turning her attention back to the TV. Sam sits next to her and Blair is on the other side of him.
"Ooh, I love this episode." Sam whispers.
"Don't you love all episodes?" Tom chuckles.
"Yeah, but this is one of my favorites." Sam says.
"Aren't they all basically you're--"
"Shut up, Tom." Sam cuts his brother off, making both of his siblings laugh.
"Sam, could you go get a beer?" Blair sweetly asks.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure." Sam says. "I'll get us all some snacks too." He offers, getting up. "Tom? Help?"
"Yeah." Tom gets up, Y/N whining when she falls onto the couch. "Sorry, Y/N/N. Personal heater is taking a break." Tom says, mockingly saluting her as he follows Sam into the kitchen.
"Are you always so clingy?" Blair wonders.
"What's it to you?" Y/N grumbles.
"I just think it's a bitchy thing to be clingy." Blair says.
"Where did I ask for your opinion?" Y/N bites, glaring at the older girl who glares right back.
"You know, if you weren't such a little shit, maybe more people would like you." Blair hisses.
"I'm an introvert. People not liking me is the dream." Y/N says, just to piss the blonde off.
Blair rolls her eyes, but before she can retort, the brothers make their return. Tom tosses a pack of Oreos at Y/N who barely manages to catch it.
"You could take somebody's eye out with that, you know?" Y/N says.
"But I didn't, did I?" Tom smiles at her. She sticks her tongue out at him and he reciprocates the action before sitting down next to her again.
- - -
It's been a few months since Blair first met the whole family and the secret verbal abuse towards Y/N has gotten under the girl's skin much more. At first, Y/N would always just brush the blonde's words off and fire back comments as best she could.
But over time, Y/N started getting less annoyed and more angry and hurt by the words that Blair would say to her. She didn't want to be affected by them, but they do and she hates that they do.
Y/N tried to talk to Sam about it, but he just brushed her off and defended Blair.
Now, the family of seven -- plus Tessa -- and Blair are all at the Holland household and enjoying the nice weather outside in the backyard.
Nikki, Dom, Harry, and Tom are sitting at the table, Tom talking about the new movie he's going to be in. Sam, Blair, and Paddy are sitting on chairs as Paddy talks about stuff happening at school. Y/N is sitting on the other side of the yard and shooting hoops, mostly out of boredom.
Y/N is simply minding her business when Blair makes her presence known.
"You know, being antisocial isn't very polite." Blair says. She keeps the sweet smile on her face so the others don't think anything of it.
"Being a bitch close to hearing distance? Getting risky, are we?" Y/N questions.
"I'm not being a bitch. I'm simply stating facts. You're antisocial and rude and a bitch and ugly and a terrible sister to your brothers. I mean, nobody in their right mind would ever love something that looks like you."
Y/N's jaw clenches, but she's unable to contain the anger that's been building up for months. Y/N throws the basketball at Blair, but she catches it, smirking.
"Have to do better than that, sweetheart." Blair says in a condescending tone. "You probably can't even put up a fight. You're too weak and tiny.
"I grew up with four brothers. Trust me, I can handle a fight." Y/N says.
"Sure you can." Blair says sarcastically.
Y/N tries to hold back, but before she's able to register it, her fist is colliding with Blair's face. The blonde lets out a noise of shock, dropping the basketball, a hand flying to her face.
"You psycho bitch!" Blair exclaims, slapping Y/N across the face. Y/N coldly chuckles, glaring at Blair. The rest of the family look over just as Y/N attacks Blair, the two starting to hit and tear at each other.
The rest of the Hollands rush over, attempting to break the fight up. Tom and Paddy try to drag Y/N off while Sam and Harry pull on Blair.
"Girls, girls!" Nikki tries to yell over the shouts and screams.
Eventually Tom is able to yank Y/N away as the twins hold Blair back.
"Enough!" Dom bellows, getting everybody to stop. "That's enough." He says in a calmer but still stern voice.
Blair takes a deep breath.
"I'm gonna, uh... I'm gonna go assess my injuries." Blair says, hurrying off inside. Tom keeps an arm around Y/N in case she decides to pounce. Once she's in, Sam turns to Y/N with a glare on his face.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!" He questions.
"Sam--" Nikki starts.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with your bitch girlfriend?!" Y/N retorts.
"Don't call her a bitch! You're the one who started a whole fist fight." Sam states.
"Because she's been talking shit about me since the moment she met me!" Y/N informs earning an eye roll from Sam.
"God, stop being so jealous." Sam rolls his eyes.
"Sam." Tom warns, knowing whatever is said between either of them is probably going to be regretted later on.
"Jealous?!" Y/N shrieks. "I am not jealous!"
"Yes! Yes, you are! Look, I'm sorry I don't have as much time for you as I used to, but that doesn't mean you can ruin my relationship!" Sam shouts.
"I'm not trying to ruin anything! I'm trying to tell you about how she's not how she seems!" Y/N yells back.
"Could you just be happy for me for once?! Just let me be happy!"
Y/N looks at him with teary eyes, slightly glaring at him.
"Mate, come on." Harry whispers.
Y/N bats Tom's arm away from her, going for the house.
"Wait. Darling, wait!" Tom calls.
"Fuck off!" Y/N yells, going inside, the door slamming shut behind her.
"Both of them need to apologize to each other. Now. You and her too." Nikki orders Sam. The boy silently nods and his parents head inside.
Once it's just the four of them, Paddy slaps Sam on the chest.
"What the fuck was that?" Paddy asks.
"What?" Sam asks.
"She's not jealous. Have you ever known Y/N to lie?" Harry asks.
"To get stuff she wants, sometimes, yeah." Sam says.
"Yeah, like when she was little and wanted a cookie or something. She wouldn't lie about something that would effect any of our feelings." Tom says.
"Exactly. She cares too much." Paddy states.
"Whatever. I'm gonna go check on my girlfriend." Sam says, shoving past them.
"Yeah, because she's much more important than your sister!" Harry sarcastically yells out.
- - -
Y/N is lying in bed, hugging a pillow to her chest, dry tear stains on her cheeks. There's a knock on her door.
"Go away!" Y/N calls out.
The person behind the door just opens it, the girl turning to see Tom, Harry, and Paddy.
"I said go away." Y/N mutters, turning back around to face her wall.
"Here." Tom holds out two ice packs. "Your cheek and your hand. You both got each other pretty good." He says.
"Thanks." She mumbles, taking the ice packs. She puts one to her swollen cheek and holds the other to her knuckles.
"Look, we're on your side." Harry tells her.
"Thanks." Y/N quietly says.
Tom leans over and kisses her on the head, resting his chin on her arm to get a better look at her face, wincing when he sees the tear stains.
"I'm sorry about both of them." Tom quietly says. "I'll knock some sense into Sam, I promise." Y/N lightly smiles and Tom squeezes her arm comfortingly before leaving. Harry pats her leg before following Tom out.
Paddy doesn't leave, instead sitting on the bed and making himself comfortable, even turning the TV on.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asks.
"Not letting you be alone. Also if I see Sam, I might just punch him in the face. And I'm sure he's not coming in here." Paddy says.
- - -
A few days later, Y/N is on the couch and watching TV. Her, Sam, and Blair were forced to apologize to each other the other day, even though the three knew that none of them meant it.
The front door opens, but Y/N tunes whoever it is out, not in the mood to care. However, that soon changes when Blair walks into the living room.
"God, you're allowed back here?" Y/N asks.
"Hmm." Blair smiles. "Guess your family likes me more than you."
"No. Sam likes you more. But he's outnumbered." Y/N grins.
"If you weren't such a psychotic bitch, none of this would even be happening." Blair says.
"I'm the psychotic bitch?" Y/N asks.
"Yes. You hit me, remember?"
"Because you constantly insult anything and everything about me."
"Well, maybe you should look and act better. I mean, really?" Blair motions to Y/N's cropped shirt and shorts that only go a few inches down her thighs, but they're long enough to cover her butt. "You call those pajamas? You look like a fucking slut."
"What'd you just say?" The girls turn to find Sam in the entry way with two beers in hand.
"I, uh... I'm... well, she started it." Blair accuses. Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Even if she did start something, that doesn't mean you have a right to call her a slut." Sam says.
"Well-- I mean, isn't she, though?" Blair asks, making the eyes of both Hollands pop out of their sockets.
"No. No, you are not going to talk to or about my little sister that way." Sam declares, putting the beers on the coffee table.
"Okay, but really? Come on, Sammy. You wanna defend that thing?" Blair asks, motioning back to the girl on the couch.
""That thing" has a name and it's Y/N. And she's a much better person than you are." Sam says.
"Come on, Sam. You are always calling her annoying and complaining about her." Blair says.
"A. it's not always, it's happened maybe three or so times. And B. she's my sister. Only me and our brothers are allowed to do so. Nobody else. And we would never call her that." Sam declares.
"No. No, we're done. Get out." Sam orders.
"What? Come on, babe."
"No! Get the fuck out of this house!" Sam yells. "We're through!"
"Are you serious?" Blair asks.
"Extremely." Sam nods.
Blair turns to Y/N with a cold glare.
"Fuck you." Blair seethes.
"Don't talk to her. Get out." Sam demands, dragging Blair to the door and kicking her out. Sam sighs, leaning his forehead against the door, softly hitting it with his fist. "Damnit." He whispers to himself.
Sam trudges back into the living room, Y/N back to watching the TV. Sam goes over and sits on the coffee table facing her.
"I'm a complete and utter idiot." Sam states.
"Oh. Look who finally came to his senses." Y/N sardonically smiles.
"Look, I... I don't deserve it and I understand if you don't want to, but hopefully one day you forgive. I... I'm very, very sorry. I-- I should've believed you from the jump. You're my little sister, it's always you over a girl I've known for a few months. And I know you wouldn't make up something like that. And I'm sorry for everything I said the other day. I've been a massive dick."
"You're not gonna hear me disagreeing." Y/N tells him.
"I'm really sorry. I will do anything to make it up to you. Anything. Paint your nails, get you food, clean your room, whatever." Sam offers.
"Anything? Really?" Y/N asks.
"Well... I mean, not technically anything. Because I'm not going to endanger anybody or anything like that." Sam says.
"Get my pint of ice cream out of the freezer." Y/N says and Sam practically dashes into the kitchen. He soon returns with the pint and a spoon, giving them to Y/N.
"Thank you." She says, taking them and Sam nods. He sits on the couch by her feet. Sam takes sips of his beers as Y/N starts to eat her ice cream.
"You know... I was letting you be happy." Y/N says, breaking the silence between them.
"What?" Sam asks, looking over at her.
"The other day... you asked me to just let you be happy. That's what I was doing. It's why I let it go on for months." Y/N says.
"I'm sorry." Sam frowns, feeling terrible.
"I know you are. And I... mostly forgive you. But you're still waiting on me hand and foot until I say so." Y/N says.
"I deserve that." Sam agrees and Y/N grins.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @peyton-14 @venomsvl
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white-poppie · 2 years
Chaotic Tokyorev  Headcanons
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A/N: This is very chaotic so be warned. Who said woman can’t be funny? Kiss my ass :3
(Bonus: Random memes i found)
Tokyo 卍 Revengers (東京卍リベンジャーズ)
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Manz has severe like severeee indigestion problems. Like all this guy does is eat and sleep?? So he burps so loud. Imagine being in a meeting, complete silence, lots of focus and this midget just goes BURRRPPP.
He is so hecking annoying like bro stop sending Beluga videos at 3AM, poor Draken is trying to sleep.
He once changed Draken’s ringtone to CPR by Cuppcake. They were in a meeting and Draken recieved a call,oh boy, entire of Toman saw Draken’s dArK ImPulSes while the background music kept playing. “I am here to serve you customer service~~”
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Man is too tall to be in Japan lmao, that one time he was walking with Mikey, he miscalculated how much he would need to bend to enter the door way. Ended up bonking his face straight into the wall.
He is barely ever sleep at night, reasons: overthinking, living in a brothel and most importantly, Baji and Mikey who send him random videos that he has to pretend to not find funny. Like that one time Baji sent him a video of Spongebob saying ‘YOAIMO’ on loop.
He is so quiet sometimes you would think there is something wrong. What actually goes in his mind is: ‘What if Baji suddenly shat in his pants again in the middle of a fight?’ or ‘if the earth is round, is it Mikey’s fault?’
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Me: 🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
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is the kind of person who’s only response to any kind of insult is “YoUr MoM.”
Like Mf its not my mom who cried because I had to repeat a school year. 
You : “Baji you look like shit.”  Baji: “jOe MAmA” *insert windshield wiper laugh*  My guy, you aint funny 😐😑
He once went to Ken saying, “Oi do you know Draken?” Draken is like: 😐 brother wut Baji: DRAKEN DEEZ NUTS-
(He ended up face flat on ground that day)
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Best boy 😤
I just knowww he reads soo much smut and weirdass wattpad books. Like the books he reads are so Satire.
the shit is like: marked by the alpha, sold to the mafia boss by my parents, kidnapped by One direction,  BTS are my bullies and I fall in love with them and  the vampire is my mate.
I don’t even need to be told twice. He is a twice stan, no questions asked. e was home alone and was playing some songs while bathing. After he came out a particular song: TT by Twice started playing and boi he couldn’t resist dancing. He wasn’t aware that baji had come home and the door was a little open, Baji saw him dancing with exaggerated steps with only a towel .
In case you wanna see the steps: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxG_GPqC87wi8QjUpoI4IbwcPmo3flsJpS
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He gets anxious so easilyy (he is me, I am him).
Once he was with Chifuyu helping in the ship, stalking one of the crates he by mistake dropped an item on Chifuyu’s leg.
He got confused between saying:  ‘Are you okay?’ and ‘I am sorry’
He ended up yelling at his face, “ARE YOU SORRY?” And Chifuyu is just like: 🙂 tf you high on dood?
He has some...interesting choice of words when it comes to certain things. Like one time Chifuyu and him were watching a movie and he randomly went, “damn, her Tatas are so big.” Chifuyu ended up spilling the cold drink on his tatas due to laughing so much instead.
If bad things happen in your life, don’t blame yourself-
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Okay so we know he is an amazing brother you takes good care of his sisters. But for some reason the rest of toman also expects him to take care of them?
Like that one time when Baji set fire to car when people were still inside and he was forced to apologize to a veryy naked couple in the middle of the road at that time.
Or when when a girl was fixated upon Hakkai and he had to pretend to be his boyfriend to drive her off.
And also at the time when a very sleepy Mikey showed up in the middle of the night asking him for some snacks and everything was finished so he made him have half-cooked rice with peanut butter. 
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Pretty Boyyy🥺❤❤ And also fruity icon. Mf have you seen his wallpaper? “Takaa channn”
The Tiktok kid who puts TW on the weirdest of things. Like: TW! : bunny-hats, dirty shoes and sometimes even TW! Asian ppl. My love, you ARE Asian.
He forgets about how huge he is sometimes, so he ends up breaking so many things.
Like that one time Mitsuya dared him to hold a girl’s hand. He did so, she felt comfortable and they started walking, he suddenly lifted his arm up and that poor girl was dangling like a keychain:  🧍‍♀️ 🙋‍♂️. Thank fully her arm didn’t break, but he never held hands with anyone again.
hands and doors aren’t the only things this boy can break
HMMM... lets take a moment and think about Hakkai’s wallpaper :))
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All we accept in this house is Sanzu slander :)) 
Sanzu stans be jumping red flags like its olympics all year
Mf got so high once, he started humping a tree...in a kids park.
A parent came upto him and asked, “sir what are you, doing, this is a kids park, please keep that in mind.”
He looked dead in their eye, blinked and said, “Oh, I am sorry, I’ll turn on my kiddie mode.” (2 minutes later)
Sanzu: “WHAT DOES A FOX SAY?” Kids:  Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!!
Also once he said to Bonten Mikey that his hair  looks like that of a karen. Ran and Rindou feared for his life that day.
Unironically says YEET when he throws something.
Has a group chat with Ran and Rindou called The Boyz 🥶🔥⛓
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Smiley ( Kawata Nahoya)
This boy right here is a menace to society.
This guy has so much lice in his hair. He never washes it. Souya was once looking at him picking something from his hair and chewing it. Mf was picking out lice and eating it like a hecking monkey. (Bro how did you not get Aids by now?)
He sleep-talks. A lot. Him and Souya were sleeping one day and baby boy started whimpering. Poor Angry thought he was having a bad dream and tried to wake him up. He ended up getting kicked in the face while him yelling “WHAT DA DOG DOIN?”
He once thought that him and Souya should name their attacks like those in MHA and Naruto.  The neighbours were just looking at them yelling while standing 4 feet away from each other like:  🧍‍♂️  and yelling like Naruto and Sasuke “SOUYAAA” “NAHOYAA” “SOUYAAA” “NAHOYAA” “ROUNDO HOUSEO KICKKEU!!” ”ONE PUNCHO IN YOUR FACEUU!!” and all this while standing like a statue.
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“DIE, YAY, MURDER, YAY” : Master Oogway
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Angry (Kawata Souya)
This little gremlin, he is so pretty:(((
He is so respectful that its funny. 
So once he had a s/o. They were all dressed up for him, *wink wonk*. So they are just lying there like draw me like one of your french girls. And bro he opened the door. Stood there staring into their soul for a few seconds, turned around and slammed the door in their face while yelling, “I am sorry I should have knocked!” Ruined the whole mood.
His brother knows everything that happens in his life. Your crush on Mitsuya? Smileys knows. You skipping a class? Smiley knows. The time when Chifuyu tried to subtly fart? Smiley knows. Baji’s crappy “Deez” jokes? Smiley KNOWS.
He just such a cute little and fragile dandelion UwU who can turn Ran into Ranabelle UwU.
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Shuji Hanma
As much as I hate this bitch...he is hot in the timeskip only)
You think Hakkai was bad? He makes wholeass overdramatic TikTok povs. Shit is like: “I am your boyfriend and the police is arresting me.” Mf goes  making such weird faces. 
He gets sooo mad when you compare him to Nishinoya from Haikyuu.
He also says “SHEESH’ and lip-bites obnoxiously
Oh did I forget to mention about how he tried to  make that one video of doing the ‘bapsae’ hip thrust? I am talking about this thing. Yeah...dude lost his balance due to bending too much, mf was so AGRESSIVE when I tell you. It wasn’t even hot anymore, looked like he was having an itch. smh
The clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/dX6RTlhW2ZY?feature=share
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Tokyo 卍 Revengers (東京卍リベンジャーズ)
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Taglist: @denkis111, @jazzylove, @kristaline2dmensimp, @lordmypantsaresocool, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @rintaroubby, @nanaseishiro, @maybeleftoverjourneys, @idowritingandstuff, @astrofai, @loverboy--pdf​, @akumicchi​
〜 ➤Be added to my tag list: TAGLIST (If the link doesn’t work message me under this fic or personally to add you)
Love <3 @white-poppie™ on Tumblr
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
Peaky Blinders - How They Care for Their Disabled S/O
In This Preference, You’ll Be Dating: Tommy Shelby, Arthur Shelby, John Shelby, Ada Shelby, Polly Grey, Michael Grey, Esme Shelby, Alfie Solomons, Lizzie Stark, Isaiah Jesus, Luca Changretta, Aberama Gold
hello friends sometimes i post writing. this may have been a request at some point but who knows, time is an illusion.
He’s overprotective but in a quiet way - he’ll send a nurse to assist you during the day, but you have no idea how many guards Tommy actually has patrolling the place. When you’re out in public with him, he often has a hand on the small of your back and scans the room to ‘make sure’ it’s safe. The anxiety and overprotectiveness really sets in when there’s trouble with business and he believes his rivals could get to you. You can call him out on this behavior, remind him you aren’t made of glass, but Tommy still struggles with the paranoia that something might go wrong. There’s a deep fear that he’s not fit to be with you, that someone kinder or more attentive would be better for you.
He treats you like he would anyone he’s in love with, which is to say like an angel that’s come to this earth. Arthur is his usual sappy, clingy self but there are times when he has intense guilt -- you have enough to worry about, you shouldn’t be dealing with a mess like him. To “make up” for that, there’s really nothing he wouldn’t do to make you more comfortable or help you get around better. He becomes very aware of your limitations so he can assist when you need it; he thinks it’s the least he can do, considering how much you help him. Side note, he will also go absolutely feral on anyone who insults you.
John is the sort of person who might protect you too much. He’ll want to keep you in a calm and relaxed home, preferably in the country, away from the dirty loud city -- well, he heard that was better for people’s health. He’d be stubborn about things at first, but eventually he’d listen to you when you explain the care you need. He’ll never hesitate to do something for you or get something you need, and will fight anyone that upsets you. Also, his kiddos adore you - you’re surprised to learn he taught them how to be considerate of you and help when needed.
As your friendship gets closer, Ada reads up on your condition and listens to you so she can do her best to accommodate you when you visit her, or when she visits your house. She never treats you like you’re different... But some days, she can become protective, especially around strangers or when her brothers saying stupid things. Before you two lived together, she set up some cozy accommodations in her home in hopes you’d be more willing to stay over (though she’d never admit to it).
Polly won’t let anyone try to call you weak or shame you for your condition. She knows better than anyone what you go through on a daily basis, and how you still help the company in spite of that. They’ll get such a tongue lashing, they won’t look at you for a week. Protective as she is, she’ll never treat you like you’re helpless. She’d hate to be treated like that way herself. When she was having her bad days after cutting ties with Tommy, Polly would stay at your home and you both would look after each other, though she’d feel terrible for being a burden to you.
He wasn’t sure how to progress with his crush on you, wondering if you weren’t interested because of your “condition” - he definitely had a more old-fashioned mindset about it that Polly set him straight on. Once Michael actually gets to sit and talk with you, he begins to understand better. He feels like an overly confident bravado won’t work with you. It’d be dishonest, and you’d see right through it. So you end up seeing a surprisingly real side of Michael that many aren’t privy to. Once you’re a couple, Michael is as protective as the rest of the Shelbys. He might do things that are overprotective, but he insists that’s what’s best.
Esme has never completely understood your condition, but she’s never treated you negatively for it, either. When she’s feeling like going outside, she’ll do whatever she can so you can come with her. When she’d rather stay in, she’ll make sure you’re cozy and the house is tidy before snuggling up with you. She’ll do lots of things you don’t notice right away, like clean this or fetch that, without saying anything. She will immediately fire back at anyone insulting you, even if you aren’t in the room. She has no patience for that nonsense.
First of all, you’re Alfie’s princess, that’s the long and short of it. You have a lovely home in a safe part of town that his men guard 24/7. The home has whatever accommodations you need, and if you need a helper when he’s gone, he’ll have someone there - after an intense “interview” to make sure they won’t try anything funny. There are times when he’s too overprotective, and you call him out on it, the core is Alfie wanting to protect you from his enemies. After he’s been shot, you relocate to Margate with him. Yes, he makes incredibly morbid jokes about his condition and your’s, and he’s still protective even if he’s falling apart.
She isn’t proud that she pitied you at first, wondering how you’d fit in with the Shelby company, but she was quickly proven wrong after working with you. She feels she has no right to judge you, and she makes a point to make sure the office is cozier to work at. Goodness knows Tommy doesn’t think about that. Eventually you and Lizzie will become friends or something more, and she’ll do little things to make your life easier, whether that be helping with work or helping out around the home. She’s happy when you move in together so she can better assist you, though she’s definitely not an overprotective or smothering sort. She’ll knock it off if you ask.
You both met through his father, who often helped you out if you needed it, but Isaiah also just liked visiting with you over the years. Isaiah has always treated you respectfully but he couldn’t help getting a crush. He’s quite protective, wanting you to move to a better part of town and often volunteering to help you with things just so he can hang out with you. He tries to keep you out of trouble with the gang and its rivals, telling you as little as possible and pretending he isn’t as involved as he is. He’ll insist it’s for your own safety and he doesn’t want to upset your delicate constitution; feel free to give him a round of scoldings for that turn of phrase.
You aren’t the usual sort of girl that Luca chases, so he’s less likely to put up his suave persona he likes to use with women. He’ll speak with you on a more personal and honest level. He’ll still spoil you like he does with all the women he’s interested in, but the gifts will seem far more personalized. Before you know it, you both would be dating, and eventually he’d insist on you moving in with him. While he’d respect your wants and independence, his old-fashioned tendency to care for you and keep you out of his family’s unsavory business would just be exacerbated.
Aberama’s spoiling and doting doesn’t let up; if anything, he’d want to look after you even more. It never feels patronizing or overprotective, however. Caretaking has always been a way he expresses his love. However, he’ll feel guiltier about the long days he has to spend away from you. He’d likely have Bonnie or his daughters check on you and help out around your home; or maybe you could live with them, if that pleased you. He’d ensure you had a nicely put together wagon to accommodate whatever you needed! But if you prefer your own place, he’d still be happy to come in after a week of being away and give you lots of attention.
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Do you think you’ll continue with the lawyer Nessian fic. It was so amazingly written I’d love to read more! I love all your writing anyways I’ll be happy with anything❤️
Ok not *technically* a Drabble request BUT I’m not ready to commit to a full lawyer AU that happens in order however I did just drum up a part 2 that we’ll say is several years before the previous lawyer AU. Nessian teasing in a bar and Rhys being a dumbass.
FYI the lawyer Drabble I’m talking about can be found HERE.
“I’m in love,” Rhys slurred. Cassian, a decent bit bigger than his brother and two drinks behind him, had a gentle buzz so he could only surmise that his brother was well passed sober.
“Congratulations,” Cassian grinned, clapping his hand on Rhys’ shoulder. “May I lay eyes upon the future Mrs. Dumbass.”
Rhys stared at him flatly. Blew a laugh out of his nose. “She’s not marrying you, brother.”
Cassian snorted, casting his eyes around the elegantly decorated little lounge they’d stepped into for the night. Lounge, not bar. Because they were mature adults now looking to take the edge off after a long day of work, not college students looking to get fucked up.
It was different.
It was different because the cocktails cost $20 and were served in actual stemware instead of red solo cups. They were evolving. Growing. Cassian was a lawyer now and Rhys was supposed to be doing actual work for his dad’s company so… no more dive bars.
Now they frequented little lounges where accountants and lawyers and bankers sat in tailored suits and discussed… adult things.
It was all very civilized.
And yet here was his brother. Every bit the horny college student they were trying not to be. Oh well, old dogs and all that.
“End of the bar.” Rhys jerked his head to the left and Cassian grinned.
“Might be a little old for you, champ.”
Rhys wrinkled his brow and turned to look at the grandmother doing a crossword puzzle on the far left side of the bar. A martini glass in front of her. Good for grandma.
“Other end of the bar!”
Cassian smirked. He didn’t need to turn his head, since he’s noticed her the second she walked in, but he still did. Just so he could look some more.
“Ah, you mean the deliciously dishevelled leggy brunette with her suit jacket on the chair beside her who just ripped the pins out of her hair like they personally offended her and then laid them in a neat little pile beside her Kobo?
“Mmm,” Rhys grinned, “I’d like her to rip those fingers through my hair.”
Cassian rolled his eyes. “Go for it, brother.”
Rhys grinned wider. “I think I will.” He straightened up, ran a hair through his artfully mussed hair, and pulled on the lapels of his Gucci suit jacket until they were even again.
Cassian snickered into his Old Fashioned. Rhys could straighten his jacket all he wanted. He could pretend he wasn’t drunk all he wanted. It wouldn’t matter one bit.
Not with Nesta Archeron.
Nesta Archeron who hated men that stunk of trust funds and privilege more than anything else in this world.
This would be fun to watch.
Watch her try to ignore him at first. Eyes glued to the page of her book, hand reaching up to wave through the air like Rhys was an annoying fly she could swat away.
Rhys, to his credit, was a clever little bastard. He asked the bartender for a refill of her drink and set it down in front of her then sat himself one stool down from her.
He didn’t move her jacket to sit next to her, which would have had her going feral. He just sat there, waiting.
After a few moments Nesta let out an exacerbated sigh that Cassian could hear from across the room. There was his girl.
Well, not his girl. Not even a little bit his girl, but… someday.
Cassian decided that he was going to Marry Nesta Archeron the first time she kicked his ass up and down a negotiation meeting. It was a couple years ago now. He’d been young and new at his firm. She was young and new too, but the words learning curve were not in Nesta’s vocabulary. Everything she did, she did with perfection.
Including getting rid of men she didn’t want hitting on her.
She said something to his brother that made Rhys’ half drunk, cocky, smile fall halfway down his face.
Cassian would’ve given his left eye to know what she said in that moment. She had a knack for jumping at the jugular and Rhys… oh Rhys. So obvious.
After a few moments and the continual fall of Rhys’ face, Cassian decided it was time to intervene. He knocked his drink back and straightened out his own suit jacket. Armani, still overpriced and designer but not so obvious or try hard as Mr. Up On The Trends with his Gucci. Nesta appreciated classics.
Simple. Clean lines, solid colours, classic. Which was why it was so fun just how attracted she was to his half wild self.
Unlike Rhys, Cassian plucked Nesta’s light grey suit jacket up off the stool beside her and reached over her head to hang it on a coat hook at the end of the bar. Settling himself into the chair beside her like it was exactly where he belonged. Which it was.
She turned around with an indignant shriek and a fire-breathing snarl that narrowed into just a hard glare when she realized it was him. Touching.
“This guy giving you trouble, Nes?”
Rhys choked on his whiskey and Cassian fought his hardest to keep a straight face.
“I so don’t need your saviour complex right now, Cassian.” Nesta scoffed.
“No,” Rhys rolled his eyes. “She was doing perfectly well scaring off everyone in a 10 mile radius all on her own.”
Nesta smiled sweetly, “I was just playing your game.”
Rhys sputtered again. Looked up at his brother. “This devil woman that you apparently already know,” he glared, “is all yours. I’m going home.”
“Be sure to drink plenty of water!” Nesta sing songed after him. Rhys flipped them both off on his way out.
“What’d you say to him?”
Nesta smiled. A pretty, feline little thing. “He said he wanted to chat. Suggested 20 question, which is the lamest, oldest, crustiest line in the book. So I went first. Asked just how small his dick was that he felt the need to overcompensate with the swagger and the gratuitous displays of wealth. He thought he was quite clever to use his question to ask if I wanted to check for myself how not small his dick was and then I asked if his daddy never loved him and that’s where all of that machismo masking painfully obvious and deep seeded feelings of inadequacy and insecurity came from. I was going to offer him my friend’s number before you showed up. She’s an excellent therapist.”
Cassian laughed. Hard. For a very long time. He loved Rhys, but sometimes the kid could use a nice set down. It was always sweeter when delivered by a beautiful woman. Not to mention, Cassian himself had gotten the same ice cold rejection the first time he met Nesta. When he asked if she wanted to get a coffee and she looked at him like something she’d scraped off the bottom of her shoe. That Rhys was chased off so easily just proved he couldn’t take the heat.
“You know the walking trust fund, I presume?” Nesta boredly sipped the drink Rhys had bought her. And even that was somehow amusing.
“Only for the last couple decades or so,” Cassian grinned. “He’s like a brother to me.”
“Explains a lot.”
“Your insults are more impactful when you clarify which person is being insulted.”
“I was going for the two birds one stone method.”
“In that case, consider me wounded, sweetheart.”
Nesta scoffed, “Unfortunately not mortally.”
“Oh Nesta, if I weren’t here you’d die of boredom and you know it. No one else can run you up and down the courtroom like I can.” Now. Cassian grinned as he watched the word flash across her eyes. He’d never live that first blunder down.
Nesta rose an eyebrow. “Bold of you to assume you present any challenge whatsoever.”
Cassian signalled for another drink and leaned forward. “Alright, I’ll bite. Who in this entire city can give you more of a run for your money?”
“Vanserra.” Nesta looked him dead in the eye. And managed to keep a straight face. As if that wasn’t the funniest fucking thing he’d heard all day.
“Oh yes, Nepotism and Nepotism LLP certainly has us all shaking in our boots,” Cassian blew out a breath. “What are you working on now?”
“I’m working on upholding attorney-client privilege.”
“So, the Suncurser merger.”
Nesta looked up. “How did you-”
“Helion and I are old friends. I checked the zoning on the lots he was buying before the merger went ahead to make sure the expansion was even feasible. But, as you know, M&A isn’t my thing. So I may have… given him a referral.”
“Are there any rich playboys in this city that you aren’t friends with?” Nesta finished off her drink and pointedly didn’t signal for another. “And if you think I’m going to be grateful to you for sending this my way you’ve got another thing-“
“Helion is my friend.” Cassian repeated, cutting her off. “He believes in this merger and he wants it done right. You’re the best, Nesta. Why wouldn’t I send him to you?”
“It’s not just to get in my pants?” She narrowed her eyes.
Cassian laughed again. “Oh no, sweetheart. When you invite me into your bed it will have nothing to do with work. It’ll be because you’re tired of denying how much you want me.” Cassian leaned in closer, one hand resting on the back of her chair. “Tired of denying the thrill that shoots through your whole body when we lay into each other. In the court room or out.” His nose brushed against hers, just a little, and Cassian felt Nesta tense up. He smirked, mouth just inches away from hers. “Tired of denying how right this is.”
Nesta’s voice was rough, husky. “So your plan is to wear me down?”
Cassian smirked. “My plan,” his hand came up to stroke the silk covered expanse of her upper arm, “is to marry you, Nesta Archeron. But sure, we can start with wearing you down.”
***Feyre and Nesta look physically similar so you can’t tell me drunk Rhys wouldn’t hit on Nesta in a bar before realizing he’d made a terrible mistake and running away thank you***
Also tags yourself, I’m the grandma doing the crossword puzzle with a martini. She’s an icon and she is the moment.
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mollymawkwrites · 3 years
Eskel/Jaskier: AU where Jaskier met Eskel instead of Geralt and wrote Toss a Coin for him instead - scar kissing/appreciation - "guess love is a response/of the body it haunts"
This took me longer to write than I would have wanted, so thank you for waiting! This is... pure fluff. Hope it’s worth the wait, thank you for the lovely prompt!
CW: mildly horny towards the end, but otherwise it’s only fluff!
"I love the way you just sit in the corner and brood."
Eskel raises his head from where he’s been staring at his spit flavoured ale to meet a pair of twinkling blue eyes.
The bardling can't be more than eighteen, fresh-faced and smelling of arousal as he looks at the Witcher appraisingly. Eskel expects him to recoil at the sight of his scars in the low tavern light, but the bard's eyes only widen with interest, and he slides into the opposite empty seat, leaning his lute against the table.
"Oooh, you're a Witcher, aren't you?" He asks with barely restrained excitement. "I could tell from the other side of the room you were filled with stories. How about I buy you an ale, and you tell me some of them?"
Eskel snorts. "And how are you planning to pay for that ale? Stale bread?" He nods towards the bulges where the bard stuffed the food thrown at him after his less than appreciated performance.
"Well, no," the man deflates, but not for long, his carefree smile returning along a flirty wink, "but I'm sure we can find an arrangement."
The Witcher rises from his seat, leaving his untouched ale and a couple of coins on the table. "I do not bed teenagers."
That earns him an offended splutter from the bard, who doesn't take the hint and follows him through the tavern. "I'm not… I can assure you that I am a man. An adult man." His voice breaks a little on the last syllable and Eskel smirks.
"Want to try that again?" He asks, but before the bard has a chance to reply, a man interrupts them. There is fear in his voice when he asks for Eskel's help with a so-called devil haunting his fields, and the way his eyes keep going back to the Witcher's scars shouldn't make Eskel so uncomfortable, but it does. He still accepts the job.
After the whole debacle with the elves, Jaskier follows Eskel back to the inn, strumming his lute with a spring in his step despite the bruise on his forehead and the tears in his doublet. Eskel informs the man who hired him of his deal with the elves, collects his meagre pay, and immediately spends half of it for a warm meal. He sits in the same corner as this morning, and forgets all about the whole ordeal for the time it takes to fill his stomach.
His peace is temporary, as Jaskier takes back his place in the middle of the room, undeterred by his earlier flop, and starts strumming the same melody he’s been composing on their way back to Posada. And then he starts singing.
The song is… embarrassing. Jaskier doesn’t pay attention to the first hollers and insults from the patrons who recognize him, his eyes rarely leaving Eskel, who sits still, mortified, as he discovers the lyrics at the same time as everyone else.
By the end, the complaints have turned to cheers and stomping, and Jaskier’s cheeks are ruddy with exertion. He accepts to play the song a second time, then follows with popular jigs and bawdy tales that have the drunks singing and the others getting drunker. His attention strays from Eskel, though he still spares him smiles and winks when he happens to pass by his table.
Eskel should leave, he knows. The sun will go down soon, and he still has to find a place to set up camp. But he’s stuck to the bench, people throwing coins at him, clapping him in the back. The bartender even slides a free ale in front of him, with a grateful though reluctant nod. It doesn’t even smell of spit.
A warmth spreads in his chest that has nothing to do with the alcohol, and it only flares brighter every time Jaskier sends a smile his way. It takes him a while to identify this emotion, practised as he is at ignoring them. It’s gratefulness. Not for the people thanking him for ridding them of the elves, though that is a nice change. No, he is the one being grateful for the bard who met an old, grumpy Witcher and decided to see a hero worthy of ballads instead.
Eskel knows the bard benefits from it too, his pockets clinking with coin, knows the friendliness of the villagers will only last as long as alcohol fogs their stereotypes and superstitions, but he can’t help but revel in it, hoarding warmth and comfort as much as he can before he goes back to the cold loneliness of the Path.
Just after the sun sets, but long before the impromptu party is over, Eskel slinks outside, stomach full, a little tipsy on ale and joy. He doesn’t want to wait until alcohol makes the mean ones meaner and pushes them to try starting a fight with him. The bard has earned his success, Eskel won’t be the one to ruin it. He meets Scorpion on the outskirts of the city, caresses his velvety nose as the horse sniffs at his pockets for some treats.
“That was a good day, boy,” the Witcher tells his horse. “We shouldn’t get used to it, though. That’s how you get disappointed.”
Traveling with a human is a change Eskel struggles to adapt to, though it is admittedly nice. The boy is a smart one, cultured and quick-witted, but he doesn't know anything about life. His noble upbringing quickly becomes obvious to Eskel, the lack of basic knowledge like making a fire or cooking food revealing themselves on the first evening of their acquaintance. Eskel doesn't mind teaching the boy. It seems like the thing to do to thank the bard for the song, and for the company. 
Before he finds himself maudlin longer, Eskel swings a leg over the saddle, and directs Scorpion to the South. Rapid footsteps echo behind him, and he turns to find the bard running in his direction, lute banging on his back and pockets heavy with the night’s earnings. The warmth that had bloomed in Eskel’s chest in the tavern buries itself deeper.
He doesn't expect the boy to stay long, maybe a week or two, until he's tired of sore feets and sleeping on hard ground, or he finds another "muse*, like he insists on calling Eskel.
But he stays, following Eskel everywhere, unless the Witcher insists he stays back at camp while he goes on a dangerous hunt, or he finds something of interest in a town they go through and decides to stay a couple more days. He always catches up, though, finding Eskel in whatever clearing he's set up camp and sitting at his side like they've never parted. It's nice, Eskel admits to himself. To have someone to talk to, about everything from music and art to monsters and magic. He finds himself brooding less and less, his mind focused on the colourful bard chatting next to him rather than on his own dark thoughts.
It comes slowly, he thinks, it buries itself under his skin, filling his every crevice without him noticing, but it's like falling from the edge of a cliff when he finally realises: he's happy.
He's been happy for a while. Since the ridiculous, optimistic, flirty bard entered his life.
He thinks about running, leaving Jaskier behind, before the inevitable happens and Eskel is left with a heart emptier than it was before. He could survive the loneliness when he had nothing else to compare it to; he's not sure he can go back to it now.
But he's not like his brothers, running from his feelings or translating all of them into anger. He takes the time to think about it, and decides that he'll take the risk. Jaskier doesn't look or smell like he has any intention of leaving Eskel's side for the moment, and Eskel has no intention of letting anything happen to the bard.
So he stays, and gets used to the company. It's surprisingly easy.
Winter is close, and Eskel finds himself feeling maudlin. Soon, Jaskier will head towards Oxenfurt to spend the season in warm lodgings, between some pretty girl's thighs, and wait for the sun to come back. Eskel will depart for Kaer Morhen, if he wants to get to the pass before it gets snowed in.
They've talked about it, and agreed to meet in the spring, but it doesn't keep Eskel from wishing they could stay together. He won't keep Jaskier from his plans, though, the bard sounding happy every time he mentions the friends he has at the Academy and his favourite inns to play at, where everyone, even the lowest drunkard, knows how to appreciate good music and poetry. 
He shouldn't ask for more, he knows. The bard already gives him so much; his friendship and his songs and his smiles.
The day before they part, they pay for a room in an inn close to the crossroad where they’ll have to say goodbye to each other, and Eskel spends the afternoon knees deep in murky water to rid the local pond of a particularly aggressive bloedzuiger. It’s not dangerous, just long and damp, and his already foul mood sours even more. Back at the inn, Eskel leaves muddy puddles on the way to their room.
Jaskier hasn’t moved from the bed, where he is writing down his latest composition in the leather bound notebook that never leaves his side, along with his lute. He raises his eyes as Eskel enters the room, nose scrunching up at the Witcher’s state.
“I asked for a bath,” Eskel grumbles, unbuckling his armour and putting it close to the crackling fireplace to dry.
“Oh, good,” Jaskier chuckles. “Everything suits you, my dear, but I can’t say I like the smell of dead fish on you.”
Eskel snorts, but doesn’t reply, as the innkeeper’s daughter knocks on the door and sets to filling a modest tub with tepid water. He thanks her, and waits for her to close the door behind herself before undressing completely and stepping into the bath. It’s not Kaer Morhen’s hot springs, but it does soothe the ache in his bones that always settles when it gets cold. He sighs, relaxing after the frustrating contract, and doesn’t notice Jaskier has moved until he’s right behind him.
It should unsettle him that the bard can sneak up on his Witcher senses, but it has become a recurring occurrence, and Eskel doesn’t mind it so much. He likes being able to lower his guard with someone who’s not his brothers or Vesemir.
Nimble fingers thread in his hair, and he suppresses a shudder at the pleasant sensation. “What are you doing?” he asks without opening his eyes.
“Helping you clean that mess,” Jaskier replies in a low voice, almost a murmur.
Eskel hums, not seeing a reason to refuse the offer. The bard’s fingers on his scalp feel divine, and a purr builds in his chest as he slowly melts into a puddle. “That feels nice.”
Jaskier doesn’t reply, but he doesn’t stop either, even when he’s done with Eskel’s hair. His hands trail down to the Witcher’s neck and shoulders, digging into the muscles there with both strength and care. Eskel’s hard prick bobs in the water, but he doesn’t do anything about it. He knows the bard would accept enthusiastically if Eskel were to proposition him; he hasn’t stopped smelling of lust and ogling Eskel even after all these months, but that’s not what the Witcher wants at the moment.
The hands on his shoulders have traded their massage for featherlight caresses, trailing down old scar tissue and up again, teasing and tickling the sensitive skin. Touch purely for touch’s sake. Eskel hums again and Jaskier chuckles, a puff of air brushing the damp skin of Eskel’s neck. “What are you thinking about?”
“Come with me to Kaer Morhen,” the Witcher says before he has time to talk himself out of it.
The silence that follows is short but Eskel has the time to regret everything that has led him to that moment, until a pair of soft lips caresses the curve of his shoulder, where a werewolf bit out a chunk of flesh thirty years ago and left only a jagged silver scar. Jaskier follows it from one end of the half-moon to the other, then breathes against Eskel’s skin, “I’d be honoured.”
And the warmth in Eskel’s chest makes itself a home there.
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bruhstories · 3 years
Dazed and Confused
Summary: You and Connie have been friends for ten years, crushing on each other like a bunch of idiots who can't confess their feelings for one another. Until you go on a trip with your friends. Pairing: Connie Springer x Fem!Reader Warnings & Content: 18+, language, oral sex (female & male receiving), unprotected sex, weed smoking, alcohol consumption, f l u f f Word Count: 4.2 k
A/N: I got so pissed at that last anon that I finished this oneshot quicker lol. @fiaficsxo here it is!
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You loved parties. Not the loud music and thick smoke, not the booze and smell of vomit, but your friends. Every time they gathered at someone's place, your heart fluttered, filled with happiness and content and long-lasting memories.
Connie had the brilliant idea of spending a week in the mountains during your spring break, and you wasted an entire night searching for the perfect cottage to rent. Luckily everyone was down with his suggestion, the only problem was how you'd sleep. Historia obviously wanted to share a room with Ymir. Mikasa and Eren were an item now, so they'd have to sleep together. Armin wanted to try his luck with Annie, so no one objected to that. Jean declared that he wanted to bunk with Connie, like the two eligible bachelors they were, and that left you and Sasha to share a room together. You didn't mind it, in all honesty you loved Sasha with all your heart — but you secretly hoped someone would pick up on your feelings for Connie and let you sleep with him. You weren't that lucky.
You packed your bag the night before the trip, obsessively ticking everything on your list and double checking every item and pocket. It was ready, with one item missing — the white lace babydoll smoothed on your dorm bed. You chewed the pen cap, debating whether to bring it with you or not. You bought it for special occasions, but you haven't had a dick appointment in a long time, and you doubted you'd have one this week. With a shrug, you decided to bring it — you never know what might happen. Nighttime passed quickly and you soon found yourself all dolled up, albeit still sleepy from all the tossing and turning, excited to make more memories with your friends.
The train station was packed with people, especially students who went back to their hometowns for the break, and you were relieved to find Armin and Mikasa there. You three were always punctual, followed by Jean and Annie. Eren, Sasha and Connie were always late, which is why you told them the train leaves at 7 am instead of 7:30. It was a dirty strategy, but no one wanted to miss such a fun opportunity because of those lazy fuckers. And lo and behold, they decided to appear at 7:15.
"That was some good thinking." Jean shook his head, hand sympathetically placed on your shoulder.
"I'm only glad you guys rolled with it." You laughed without noticing the way Connie stared at you, and even he didn't understand exactly what he felt. Was he grumpy because he hated morning, or was it Jean's hand on you that irked him?
"It's not polite to stare." Sasha pulled Connie out of his thoughts.
"I wasn't staring, I was looking." Connie rolled his eyes, gripping the handle of his suitcase a bit too tightly.
"I just don't get it why you don't tell her you like her." The girl popped a bubblegum baloon, proceeding to chew it very loudly.
"Are you kidding me? She obviously likes Jean. Look how she's laughing!"
Sasha placed an arm on his shoulder, a sheepish smile on her face. "You, my friend, are a dumbass."
"Takes one to know one."
To say that your friends were loud during the train ride was an understatement. They didn't really care about the nasty glares other passengers shot at them, opting to talk, sing, eat and practically embarrass themselves. But two hours later you arrived, and the fresh, crisp air of the mountains was a blessing. You didn't regret coming, all of you deserved a break after all the exams, studying and all-nighters you guys pulled.
"We could visit the military museum!" Armin suggested, but Connie scrunched his nose.
"We came here to get high, drink and spend time together, why the fuck would we visit some old ass building?"
"I'd like to go to the museum." You awkwardly smiled, earning a 'see?' from the blond. Mikasa, Eren and Annie backed you up, and since it was a democracy, you ended up leaving your bags at the cottage and touring the small town to find the military museum. The building wasn't massive, and inside it was dark, with crimson carpets and dim lights. It was actually quite a romantic atmosphere, had it not been for the weapons and armours displayed in glass cases. Connie watched you intently, taking in every movement, every flinch, every hair tucking, every scrunch of your cute nose. You absorbed the information, hungry for knowledge. This was something you and Connie didn't share — yes, you were down to drinking and smoking, but you were also eager to learn and study, while he always preached how 'you can always retake an exam but you can't relive a party.' He wasn't stupid by any means, but unlike you, Jean, Armin and Mikasa — who alwaysstudied and never skipped lectures — Connie would wing it and somehow end up getting better grades. His strategy didn't always work, and sometimes, when you were in college, he'd ask you to tutor him. Now you were second year undergraduates, and while you were studying different subjects, you still made time for each other.
"That's a nice, uhh..." Connie squinted, "...shotgun."
"It's a musket." You chuckled, your fingers accidentally brushing his as you turned around to face him.
"Shotgun, musket, same thing."
"Actually, muskets are muzzle-loaded and fire a single bullet, but shotguns pack multiple pellets in one shell." You explained. "I'm sorry, you're probably not interested in my ramblings."
"No, no, it's... interesting. I just wasn't expecting you to know so much about guns." He rubbed his nape and smiled at you.
"Well, I do study history, in case you forgot."
"How could I forget that?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" You awkwardly elbowed Connie. Why was it so hard for you to just tell him your feelings? Oh, right, because you've been friends for ten years and if he didn't like you back, it would only ruin a great friendship.
"It means you brag about it so much it's kind of hard to forget." He told you, quickly realising just how insulting that sounded.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that's how you felt..." You sighed, eyes darting back to the weapons.
"No, I didn't- forget it." Connie shook his head. Well played.
Back at the cottage, with enough food and booze to last the group a month, you decided to stay in your room for the rest of the day. It wasn't the first time you had embarrassing moments with Connie, but this particular one made you anxious to be around him. Did he really dislike you that much, or was it just friendly banter? If you were to ask him, you could find out, but every scenario in your head had a bad outcome, so avoiding him for now was the smartest choice. Sasha pleaded with you to spend the evening in the living room with everyone else, but you brushed her off, telling her you weren't feeling quite well.
"Text me if you need anything." She told you before leaving. It was immature to act this way, you knew that all too well, but it wasn't like Connie cared, right? You eventually decided to go downstairs after finishing a long episode of your favourite tv show, your stomach begging for nourishment. As silently as possible, you tiptoed behind the couch. The hallway was dim, the sun had already set, and the only lights were the ones from the wide TV screen in the living room where your friends were watching some corny horror movie. You could cut the suspense and tension with a knife, and when you dropped a teaspoon, everyone jumped.
"Sorry, sorry! It's just me!"
"Jesus Christ, Y/N, you almost gave me a heart attack." Jean got up from the floor and walked behind the couch. "How are you feeling? Sasha said you're ill."
"I'm fine, don't worry." You picked the spoon up and threw it in the sink. "It's just a headache, I'll sleep it off."
"Good, we need you here." The man wrapped an arm around you. "You're missing how Connie's crapping his pants at this shitty movie."
From the outside it would seem like you and Jean were a couple, but the truth was far from it. You two grew up together, his family was friends with your family, and what you had was nothing more than a brother-sister relationship. Jean's little remark earned a disgruntled look from Connie, you quickly picked up on that, and so you playfully jabbed him in the stomach.
"Connie's crapping his pants? You're the one who almost had a heart attack." You grinned.
"Oi, that was only because you dropped your stupid spoon. I was invested in the movie."
"Mhm, sure you were."
"Hey, you sure you don't want to join us?" Mikasa waved at you from the living room. You pondered over her question. Perhaps it wouldn't be too awkward to sit with them.
"Alright, sure, why not?"
"Come, sit next to me." Sasha shuffled to the side, but what she really meant by that was 'sit next to Connie', because she shuffled to the otherside.
The following two nights were surprisingly quiet, all you did was play board games, watch movies and walk around the town taking pictures. The tension between Connie and you seemed to dissipate, and you both forgot the unpleasant interaction you had on the first day. But on the fourth night, that's when shit hit the fan. Annie and Armin left for a date, and Eren and Mikasa wanted to spend the night alone in their room, leaving you, Sasha, Jean and Connie unsupervised, bored and tipsy. There was absolutely nothing good to watch on the TV, and you almost wanted to scream when your friends wanted to play truth or dare. It was one of those games you despised, because the whole point of it was to put the players in uncomfortable situations. And you didn't like being uncomfortable, unlike your friends.
"Jean, truth or dare?" Sasha beamed.
"Dare, duh."
"Alright, I dare you to switch roommates for the rest of the week." She sipped her blackberry cider.
"Okay? So, I'll stay with Y/N, then."
Good lord, if looks could kill, Connie's would annihilate Jean and Sasha off the face of the Earth.
"No, no, you'll stay with me. Y/N will stay with Connie."
"Eh? Why does your dare involve us?" You asked, confused and curious of your friend's proposal.
"Because." She shrugged. "Don't pussy out."
"I'm not pussying out. A dare's a dare." Jean scoffed. "I'm gonna go take my shit in your room and shower."
"Y-yeah, I'll go bring mine, too." You got up, using this time to hyperventilate alone. What the fuck was Sasha even thinking? Was this some stupid joke? But your friends wouldn't harm you, so why would she suggest such a stupid thing?
You took a quick shower before curling up in the bed, blankets covering you from neck to toe. Connie wasn't back yet, and you didn't want to go after him, that would just be odd. You were hoping you'd fall asleep before he returned, to avoid any unnecessary fuss, but just as you closed your eyes, the door opened. Maybe you could pretend you were asleep? He struggled to find his pyjamas in the dark, stumbling over furniture and knocking things down, and you turned the bedside lamp on to ease his search.
"Did I wake you up?" Connie bit his lower lip, and through the dim light you watched the way his grey eyes glistened, the way his short brown hair was ruffled, and how the sage green t-shirt hugged his toned abdomen.
"No, no, 's alright. I wasn't sleeping. I can't exactly fall asleep." You clutched the blanket at your chest as you shook the intrusive thoughts away. Connie was your friend, damn it, there was no room for romance between you.
"I can sleep on the floor if you want."
"Oh, God, no, it's... stiff."
"Um, yeah, it kinda is. Alright then, I'll jump in the shower real quick before going to bed." He stumbled into the bathroom and you really wanted to fall asleep now.
But you couldn't. Every time you closed your eyes, Connie's face popped in your head. So much for resting. You tossed and turned on the mattress, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but nothing helped. It didn't take long for him to finish his shower, and you mentally chastised yourself for not falling asleep when you felt him shuffle under the same blanket that was covering you. For a minute, you didn't utter a word, you barely breathed, afraid to disturb the silence in the room.
"Are you asleep?"
"Nope." You heard the click of Connie's phone and turned around. You couldn't see him, but you could hear him.
"Do you wanna talk about something? Until we fall asleep, I mean." You suggested.
"Hmm, sure." He turned on his side and you felt his breath fanning over your cheeks. You were too close to him. "Actually, d'you wanna smoke?"
"Aren't the others gonna be mad if we smoke without them?"
"They don't have to know. Besides, you and I never smoked together." Connie was already up, rummaging through his backpack with the flashlight of his phone. "And then we can talk as much as you want."
"Alright, I'm down."
You laid on the floor, your head next to Connie's as you looked at the ceiling, smoke leaving your lips. He took the joint from you, fingers touching yours and you blushed, the haze of the weed melting your worries away.
"Do you want me to skip the song?" Connie asked, and for a moment you forgot there was a song playing.
"No, I like it." You confessed. "I didn't know you liked Led Zeppelin."
"There's lots of things you don't know about me, Y/N." He passed you the joint.
"Okay, tell me something else I don't know."
"I like it when you randomly say historical or scientific facts."
"Didn't you say I brag too much about it?" You took one final drag before you stubbed the joint out in a makeshift ashtray filled with a bit of water. By this point you were high as a kite, every trace of rationality gone.
"That doesn't mean I don't like it." Connie smiled and you could feel it in his voice. "Now you tell me something I don't know about you."
"I can't sleep with open doors. It freaks me out." You sat up, a breeze blowing through the window sending shivers down your spine. "It's a bit cold, do you mind if I close the window?"
"Go ahead."
You got up and picked the ashtray up but before you could close the window, you stumbled over a chest of drawers, the ashes mixed with water spilling over your t-shirt.
"You okay?" He quickly crawled to you, concern written all over his face.
"Yeah, I'm just clumsy." You laughed it off and waved your free hand. "I'll go get changed, I should have a spare shirt."
But you didn't have a spare shirt. All you had was that stupid white babydoll, and anxiety seeped through your veins. You couldn't exactly show up in that in front of your crush. And you didn't want to ask him for a shirt either. Fuck it, what else could you do?
You peeked out the bathroom door and saw Connie back in bed, lazily scrolling through his phone. God, this was embarrassing.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." He laughed, but when your facial expression didn't change, he frowned. "Y/N?"
"Um, so, I didn't have a spare shirt and- Jesus, this is awkward." You opened the door and his eyes widened. "Is it alright if I sleep in this?"
"Oh, I get it now." Connie scoffed.
"Get what?"
"You were hoping you'd share a room with Jean, right?" He sounded almost disgusted.
"Excuse you? Where did you even get that idea?" You slammed the bathroom door shut, arms folded across your chest.
"I'm not stupid, Y/N. I've seen the way you two act. Do yourselves a favour and just fuck already."
You were speechless. Completely reactionless. The weed amplified your anger, but his words brought tears to your eyes.
"You... you fucking asshole! You think I brought this for Jean? I brought it for you!"
"Eh? M-me?" Connie was confused, and you were pissed.
"Yes, you. Jean's like a brother to me, oh my God! Ew!"
"Wait, so you and Jean are not in love with each other?"
"In love?? Connie, how high are you exactly?" You walked closer to the bed, arms still crossed.
"But- Fuck, I am stupid." He shook his head, the memories of you flirting with him flashing before his eyes. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
"A bit..." Your muscles relaxed and you sat on the mattress. "Really, Connie, I... I like you. A lot. But you're always giving me mixed signals."
"That's because I always thought you liked Jean!" He threw his hands in the air in exasperation.
"No, you're the only one."
"Huh, guess I've really been dazed and confused."
Calloused fingertips ran across your hips leaving goosebumps in their trail. Your hands roamed his back and the way Connie kissed you was better than any high you've ever experienced. He was touch-starved, and you were just as needy. His knee found its place between your thighs and you moaned when it barely brushed your cunt.
"I've been dreaming for this moment for as long as I can remember." Connie breathed into your neck, the hot breath tickling your skin.
"Me too, you blind bat." You laughed and he turned you over, hovering over you.
"'M sorry I didn't notice quicker." He kissed you again. One hand travelled lower, pushing your underwear to the side before he pushed two fingers between your folds. "Fuck, you're so wet."
"Well, at least now I don't have to finger myself thinking about you." You whimpered with a grin.
"Oh?" Connie arched a brow. "Is that what you've been doing?" He curled up his fingers and you threw your head back with a moan. "I thought you were a prude."
"T-there's lots of things you d-don't know about m-me!" You replied back between oh’sand ah’s, imitating his words from an hour ago. That only earned a sneer from Connie, his head dipping between your thighs. "Wait, what are you do- ooh fuck!"
His tongue lapped at your cunt, fingers pumping in and out of you, and you completely sunk into the mattress, moaning his name over and over again. You gripped the sheets, flexing the muscles in your legs as you squirmed and thrashed. Connie stopped and you almost crushed his skull with your thighs at the empty feeling. He pulled your underwear down and shoved the cotton panties in your mouth.
"Don't wake everyone up, Y/N. You don't want them knowing what a little slut you are, do you?"
You shook your head and Connie went back to circling your clit with his tongue, adrenaline rushing through your entire body with each lick, each suck. Tears of pleasure pooled at your eyes, nose and cheeks red from the thrill of your incoming orgasm. The way he was sloppily eating your pussy and moaning while doing it drove you insane, and within seconds you came undone, thighs trembling with delight. In fact, you were so sore you had to push his head back, begging him to stop so you could return the favour.
"You taste so sweet." Connie licked his lips. You don't know what possessed you to pull him into a kiss after you removed the makeshift gag, but he was right, you were sweet.
"Can I...?" Your eyes drifted down to his twitching cock, your voice soft and quiet.
"You wanna suck it?"
"Later. Right now, I wanna fuck you."
Connie gave you no time to protest, his elbow pushed one of your things to the side, the blushing tip of his cock grazing over your overstimulated clit, up and down your slit. Inch by inch it disappeared into your cunt and he let out a satisfied sigh. You bucked your hips, manicured nails digging into his shoulders with each thrust.
"Shit, you're so fucking tight!" Connie growled, head lowering to kiss you. You could still taste yourself on his lips and that only made you clench your spongy walls around his cock. That seemed to please him, because he rocked his hips harder and faster. "You like it?"
"Oh, God, yes!" You gasped, beads of sweat forming on your forehead as you clawed his back.
"Fuck, I want you to ride me." He gripped your hips tighter and turned you over. You tried your best to get in the new position without letting his cock slip out of you, and when you finally adjusted yourself, it was a whole new challenge. Gravity pulled you down, and his tip brushed your cervix, your eyes squinting at the slight pain. "If it hurts, stop-"
"No!" You cried out, your hands resting on his chest. You bounced up and down, the uncomfortable feeling slowly replaced with pleasure. Connie's hands traced your thighs as you rode him, another wave of heat flushing through your core. His palm met your cunt, thumb circling over your clit. "I can't c-come again!"
"Yes, you can. And you will cream on my cock."
The disgust words worked like magic and you flexed your thighs, bouncing faster, head thrown back, hair cascading down your back. "You're so beautiful, Y/N."
"Connie, I-" The words stopped in your throat, the pressure too much for you to handle.
"You what?"
"I'm- oh, God!"
"Atta girl!" He praised you when he felt your silken walls relaxing and your thighs quaking. The second orgasm was so intense you let yourself fall over his chest, dizzy and tired. You thought he'd give you a break, but Connie wrapped an arm around your back, holding you in place before giving your oversensitive cunt a few more thrusts. "Now you can return the favour."
You mustered up some strength to get up and kneel in front of the bed, between his legs.
"Please don't come in my mouth." You asked him before wrapping your pretty lips around his cock.
"Gotchaah-" Connie choked on his words when he felt himself in your hot mouth. You bobbed your head up and down, cheeks hollowed and eyes on him. You didn't break eye contact when you pulled away and spat on the tip, hand pumping his cock to smear the spit. "Hot." He mumbled before you went back to sucking. You felt the throbbing, tightening your lips around him and picking up the pace. "Y/N-"
It all happened in a flash — Connie yanked your hair and pulled your head back, thick ropes of milky white cum shooting all over your face and neck.
"Eew!" You scrunched your nose, hand under your chin to stop it from dripping down the floor.
"What do you mean ew? That's, like, a billion kids!"
"Actually, a fertile man produces around-"
"Don't start. Do not." He pressed his index finger over your lips. "Let's get you cleaned up."
You woke up sore, especially between your thighs, but damn, was it worth it. Connie wrapped an arm around your waist, mumbling something about how pretty you are, but you assumed he was still sleeping — or still high. The sun shone through the blinds and you squinted, annoyed by the brightness, and so you turned around, watching the way your crush snored peacefully.
"Cute." You smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead, waking him up. "Oh, I'm sorry!"
"Why?" Connie rubbed his eyes. "Waking up to you is a blessing."
You couldn't hide the tinting of your cheeks and the grin on your lips. "I didn't think you were the romantic type."
"There's lots of things-"
"I don't know about you. But I'd like to know those things. If you let me, of course." You bit your lower lip, eyes filled with hope.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" He sat up, his eyes serious.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Okay, so maybe Sasha knew a thing or two when she dared Jean to switch roommates.
You walked into the kitchen after getting ready for the day, with Connie following behind you. Everyone was eating their breakfast, and Jean instantly dashed to you.
"Connie, bro, take me back. Sasha's leaving crumbs all over the bed! I can't sleep like that!"
"I can't, man, I wanna spend the rest of the week with my girlfriend." He sneered and you elbowed him.
"I forgot to mention Jean's overprotecti-"
"Your what? Hands off my sister from another mister, you creep!"
"Creep? You're the one who was sexting someone's sister last night." Sasha chimed in, mouth full of cereal.
"Thanks, Sash." Jean rolled his eyes. "For real, how did this happen?"
"You see, mate, when a man and a woman love each other-"
"Nope. I will not hear this."
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soulmate-game · 4 years
I was feeling angsty. Read at your own risk, there is very little comfort in this and a whole shit ton of hurt. Probably a bunch of emotional triggers, so seriously be careful guys.
Liquid pain ran down her arm like poison, the slash in it burning hot and spreading it’s agony like an invisible waterfall inside her flesh. But she did not grip her bicep where the wound had been inflicted, her gaze blank as she forced herself to hide her turmoil behind glass eyes. Her brother’s snarling face was only inches in front of her own, his katana moving from her arm to her throat.
“Useless! To think we share any blood relation is humiliating!” He growled at her. She did not move, did not emote. Her blades fans, the weapon she was loved most, lay half-opened on the ground beside her. Abandoned. But she knew Damian’s sword would not kill her. Blood family was a bond that was not to be severed by murder unless ordered by Ra’s or justified by the murdered family member in question betraying the League. She had done nothing to betray the Shadows, and Ra’s would not waste time and energy, or the breath it would require, to order her death. Just as he would not waste the precious waters of the Pit to bring her back again. She would not die today, and she knew it.
Sure enough, it was only a few more insults in various languages before Damian Al-Ghul stepped back and scowled down at the blood on his blade. Her blood. “If you don’t even have the stomach for real combat, you do not belong here,” he spat.
“That is where we agree, Grandson,” Ra’s sharp voice echoed through the room, his beady eyes never once bothering to glance at his granddaughter. “Maria, you are hereby stripped of the name Al-Ghul. Banishment from the League is the only mercy you shall be granted for your dishonor on our blood. Be useful and use whatever is left of your mistake of a life to stay out of the League’s way. Shall I, Damian, or your mother ever see your face again, your burial will follow shortly after. Am I understood?”
“Yes Gr— yes, Ra’s Al-Ghul.”
Maria Al-Ghul was seven years old when she was disowned and sent away from the League of Shadows without so much as a penny to her name. She was only allowed to take the change of clothes she carried, and one small backpack’s worth of items. Her mother— Talia— had watched vigilantly as she packed those items, assuring that Maria did not take anything of worth.
The girl traveled by foot, too small to get away with driving a vehicle. Unless she could manage to steal a motorbike— she knew how to adjust the seats and pedals on most models to accommodate her size. But she was far too far away from civilization for that.
She knew that most of the League expected her to die in the jungles that surrounded the temple. After all, there were ninjas scattered throughout it with strict orders to kill anyone who was not one of them. And Maria now fit that description.
But if there was one thing Maria knew better than anything else, it was how to hide. How to hide feelings, intentions, involuntary movements, or her whole body in almost any setting. She covered herself in mud, matted her hair with dirt and took off her shoes. Barefoot was always quieter, and her feet would be more sensitive to any change in terrain. She would have to move more slowly and be on the lookout for traps, ground litter that could harm her, or dangerous wildlife, but she would be much harder to track.
It took her a month, but she made it to her first Tibetan city alive and decently healthy. She begged for food for a day before snatching a child’s outfit off of some hanging laundry lines and stealing the first decent vehicle she found. It was an old moped, but it beat walking and was already built small. She made it work.
That was how she spent the majority of the next year. She traveled from town to town, stealing what she needed until she could earn money normally. She used that money to buy herself a fake identity, even if she had to use the skills she had hoped to never need again in order to afford it.
Marinette Shiwang was born when she was already eight years old.
It was only a year after her new identity was created when she bumped into a woman in a street market. That was nothing new, those places could get crowded. But when Marinette looked up and saw valuable bracelets and necklaces of gold and jade, she knew she needed at least one. The money she would get for it would have her living comfortably for a short while. So Marinette’s theft-experienced fingers darted out and unclasped one bracelet in a fluid movement. It took less than a second. She barely had the piece of jewelry in her hand before she started to take off, hoping to lose herself in the crowd.
But a small hand clamped around her shoulder, a sturdy thumb pressing against a very vulnerable spot right at the back of Marinette’s neck, at the base of her skull. A clear threat from somebody with experience.
The sweet voice that followed didn’t match the gesture at all.
“Oh, I need that back dear. It was a gift from my husband, you understand.”
Marinette did. She cared about survival more. The small girl twisted, knocking the hand away from her before it could do damage and darting down a side street. The woman followed. It took three hours, but Marinette decided she had finally lost her pursuer before slumping down in the tiny, closet-sized bedroom of her cheap apartment. Her eyes closed for only a second before the window opened, and the smell of newly-baked sesame buns filtered through.
It was the woman and a much taller, much more masculine man. He was practically a giant, reminding Marinette of a certain member of the League that she used to know. They were both smiling.
“My wife figured you would be more open to an exchange than just giving up the bracelet for free,” the man’s voice was deep and inviting. “You can eat as many buns as your stomach can handle, if you give it back.”
Marinette accepted. Mostly because of her fear for people who could track her to her home so easily, when she had been certain she had not been followed. The League has tuned her senses well, there was no way the couple had been close enough to see her when she made it to her apartment. Yet they were still there somehow. Then, it also had to do with the promise of food, and the heavenly smell of the food itself. And then, lastly, Marinette was tired. She didn’t like stealing, it was just a necessity. She would not hurt these people over a mere bracelet that she wished she didn’t have to take in the first place.
Useless, she thought. So much of a bleeding heart that she just gave up what could have paid for two months rent. Too soft to even protect herself. The Al-Ghuls has been right. She was a waste of space and time.
Marinette was ten years old when she became a Dupain-Cheng. Somehow, that strange, dangerous couple had become her new family. Not even she knew how. But she was grateful— they took her back to Paris with them and she didn’t have to worry about rent, or food, or money anymore.
She vowed, that day that she received her spacious attic bedroom, that she would repay them. She would make herself useful, for the first time in her life. She would stay out of their way, be the perfect most unobtrusive daughter ever. She would help in the bakery, keep a smile on her face so that they never doubted that they were doing a good job. So that they never wasted time worrying about her. She smiled, and laughed, and became successful for them. Competent and reliable even though her memories would sink into her dreams every day and make it near impossible to drag herself out of bed in the mornings.
And then, when Marinette Dupain-Cheng was thirteen, she was given a pair of magical earrings and a tiny fairy-god. And Tikki was thorough, at least. Diligent in her explanation. Marinette listened to every word, dread seeping in as she doubted her ability to carry out such an important task. Save a city? Defeat someone much more experienced and magically powerful than her?
Useless little Maria could never. Slightly less useless Marinette could never.
She was only ever meant to play a support role. Stay on the background and make everyone else shine, without ever succeeding in anything worth noting. That was who she was.
But then Tikki gave her the Warning. The catch that came with the Ladybug abilities, and Marinette felt the long-rusted determination in her begin to fire up again. Maybe she could be Ladybug. Maybe she could be useful, at least this once. At least for just this one scenario. She could fight and win the war against Hawkmoth, and that achievement alone could make her happy. Let her die knowing she did something worthwhile.
Damian Wayne was seventeen when he and his family found out about the Paris Situation, and immediately went over to offer help. Damian Wayne was seventeen when he watched Ladybug stumble at the sight of him, and immediately run away. But the two of them were twins, and though twin telepathy might be a myth they always did have a certain instinct when it came to one another.
Damian Wayne was Seventeen when he said, aloud on the top of a random Parisian building and surrounded by his family—
“My sister is Ladybug.”
Damian didn’t wait for their reactions, having entirely forgotten about the existence of his father and brothers, before taking off after his spotted sibling.
“I knew you were alive.”
In hindsight, those probably weren’t the best words for him to say when Maria clearly thought he was still an assassin.
Damian watched as Marinette spun to face him, her face so much more expressive than he remembered. He could actually see the resignation in the slump in her shoulders, he could feel the fear in her bluebell eyes. The eyes she was lucky enough to get from their father while he was cursed with their mother’s green irises. He used to envy that about her, especially after joining the BatClan. But now he only felt comfort when he looked into her eyes. Comfort that she was different than him, and always had been. In the best of ways.
He watched as his sister was enveloped by a bright flash of pink light, detransforming right in front of him. And without the mask, it was impossible to ignore the relation between them. She had their father’s eyes and nose where he had their mother’s, but other than that they were almost carbon copies of one another. Her blue-black hair was pulled back into twin braids though, something he noted distantly as oddly fitting. They suited her, he thought.
But all those thoughts instantly turned to dust as she dropped to her knees in front of him, head bowed in complete submission.
“Tom and Sabine are innocent,” she told him. “They adopted me out of nothing but goodwill, and they have been nothing but good to me. I never told them a single word about my origin, I swear it on our blood. They think I am just an orphan that was abandoned in Hong Kong—“
“—so please, don’t harm them. I’m begging you. And there is no need for you to waste energy killing me. You are welcome to stay in Paris as long as no harm comes to Tom and Sabine, but just wait and watch. I know who Hawkmoth is, and our final plan is almost ready. I’ll have him taken down by next week. Just— wait until then, please. My death will take care of itself afterwards, but Paris deserves to be free, and killing me now will set this entire war against Hawkmoth back by at least a year. And I also need that time to pick my successor—“
“Maria! I am not here to kill you!” Damian had to yell to get her to stop babbling and begging. She froze, but didn’t dare to sit up or even raise her head. So Damian took the initiative and sat down on the ground with her, though he kept his distance so that he didn’t scare her too badly. He couldn’t blame her for her reaction, it had been ten years since they had seen one another and their parting hadn’t exactly been pleasant.
But he had changed a lot since then, matured a lot.
“I am completely disconnected from the League,” he admitted. Of the blurry memories he had of her, he did remember that being blunt was the best way to handle information with her. Beating around the bush had always done nothing but make her exceptionally nervous and jittery. Sure enough, his admission was enough to make her look up at him with disbelieving eyes. He risked a small grin. “I didn’t come in my old uniform, did I?” He gestured to himself in the bright Robin colors. Sure enough, Marinette’s rapid blinking proved his theory that she hadn’t even registered his clothing at all to be true. She had run as soon as she recognized his face.
But Marinette did not speak. She sat up a little, still eyeing him cautiously. But her silence helped him finally realize where they were— where she had led him.
The sounds of traffic and other big city noises were all muted, as if muffled by several layers of cloth. Shadows fell over them abundantly, and they were surrounded by dilapidated concrete walls.
She had brought him to an abandoned area far from any activity, where a body would take ages to find. She had then disarmed herself of her only weapon, her magic suit, and had gotten on the ground in total submission.
She had purposely given him the perfect setting to kill her, where there would be no witnesses and plenty of time before her body would be found for him to escape. That realization hit Damian square the chest, leaving him breathless for a moment.
“I am not here to kill anybody,” he reiterated, his voice noticeably much gentler than before. “Not you, not you adoptive parents, nobody. I left the league when I was eleven. Mother—“ he took a breath, but Maria deserved to know. “— she cloned me. Her clone killed me. He no longer exists, but that is of no consequence. She killed me, she and Grandfather disowned me when I made it clear I was not returning. Father— our father,” he was insistent as he leaned forward, not continuing until she met his gaze. “You remember who our father is, right? Bruce Wayne? Mother had dropped me off to be raised with him when I was ten, but of course it was all just one of her plots. It was her miscalculation though, because I ended up growing close to them. To Father and his adopted children. You would get along with Gra— with Dick, the best I think. Although T— Jason would also be a prime contender as your favorite brother, I think. He shares your love of motor bikes, if that hasn’t changed?” She just stared at him, clearly confused and experiencing a lot of feelings at once. He stayed silent for a moment to allow her to sort through them a little.
“I’m Robin now,” he made his voice quieter, but still easy for her to hear. “I’m a member of the Bats. I’m sure they would all welcome you, if you chose to meet them. Though be warned, they can be quite in—“
“Why are you doing this?” Marinette’s voice was barely above a whisper, Damian almost didn’t hear her. But he did, and fell silent. He watched as his sister licked her lips and tried to find the right words to say. “If what you say is true… you have a perfectly good family. Brothers, Father, a comfortable life. Why follow me then? Why offer me… any of that?”
Damian frowned. He didn’t remember Maria being so gloomy, but then again she had been raised to never show her emotions. Maybe, after years away from the temple like him, her true feelings were just easier for him to see now. Closer to the surface.
“I want to get to know you— to get to know my sister, again,” he told her. “Don’t tell them, but Father and the others have taught me to appreciate family. The way I treated you when we were children was not right, and though it was heavily influenced by Mother and Grandfather, I want to make up for it nonetheless. Maybe we can get to know the new us, together?”
Marinette’s eyes went wide with disbelief, but then she clenched her jaw and shook her head.
“We can’t.”
“... right, I understand if you do not forgive me. I didn’t even consider—“
“It isn’t that,” Marinette was quick to correct him. “When I said that my death will handle itself, I mean it, Damian. The Ladybug… the earrings that give me my powers, come with a price,” she absently ran her fingertips over the unassuming black studs in her ears. “If a Ladybug uses the miraculous for more than three years, the powers of Creation will demand to be balanced. Already, the Miraculous is powering itself on nothing but my life force now. Once I defeat Hawkmoth, there will be no need for Ladybug anymore. The moment I take the earrings off, they will cease keeping me alive.”
Damian’s face fell. No— no, that wasn’t right. He was finally able to find her, finally able to apologize and try to fix his past mistakes. This couldn’t be how the reunion went. This couldn’t—
“Not even the Lazarus Pits can bring me back from a Miraculous death,” Marinette went on. “So you and your family should go. You don’t need to be here when I—“ Marinette paused, gasping. “Damian, why are you crying?! Stop that!” Her voice became desperate, Marinette crawling over to him as quickly as she could and wiping away his tears as if they were something terrifying. Damian wasn’t sobbing or making any noise, it was just a silent stream of tears running down both cheeks as he stared at her wordlessly.
“I…” he finally managed to choke out. “I wanted to make up for everything. I wanted for us to be twins again, together.”
Marinette paused, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “I know a magic user who can erase your memories of me,” she offered. “But you don’t have to feel guilty for anything. You never said anything that wasn’t true.”
Damian’s green eyes widened. He had said nothing but cruel things to her, that last year they spent together as children. Did she really believe all of that? Did he and their childhood really affect her self worth this severely and irreversibly?
“My name is Marinette, actually,” she corrected him with a small smile. “I’m not Maria Al-Ghul anymore. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is actually useful, Damian. I can actually do things right— I’m doing something right right now. Beating Hawkmoth will be the first worthwhile thing I’ve ever done, don’t you see? Once it’s all over, I will have brought honor back to our blood. I’ll have proved to you that I really am your twin, that I wasn’t a mistake. That I was born for a reason,” Marinette’s eyes got dreamy even as Damian just felt like he was impaled again, this time by a spike of ice rather than a sword. “And I’ll be able to die before I ruin it. It’s a perfect scenario.”
“A perfect scenario implies that nothing important is going to be lost,” Damian breathed. Marinette just blinked.
“Yeah, I know. That’s the plan. Defeat Hawkmoth, save Paris, and nobody dies.”
“But you’re going to die!” He growled. Marinette leaned back, bewildered by his violent reaction.
“Yeah, but it’s not like I actually matter. Nobody needs me. Tom and Sabine might be hurt for a while, but they will recover just fine. And it’s not like I have friends or any—“
“Stop worrying about other people, damnit!” Damian surged forward, grabbing her shoulders hard enough to bruise and shaking her a little. “Even back then! Even when we were seven, you threw down your blades because you were more worried about hurting me than you were about how Grandfather would react, even though you knew he would be tempted to kill you for what he thought was cowardice! You never put yourself first, and it’s finally starting to piss me off!”
“No, listen to me!” He shook her again, his tear stained cheeks only making his glare all the more potent as he stared right into her eyes. “You are alive, and your life matters! You were never worthless or useless, you just didn’t fit what our abusive situation wanted of you. They wanted a cold hearted killer, a tool they could use, and you were always too warm hearted and clever to fit either of those goals. But I did, I was the killer they were looking for and the pawn they wanted. If anything, that makes you better than I ever was! I was too young and naive to see it back then, but I’m trying to make up for it now. You are my sister, whether you go by Maria or Marinette, Al-Ghul or Wayne or Dupain-Cheng, I don’t give a damn! And so help me, even if I have to surgically attach those earrings to your skin, I am not letting you die before you gain at least a modicum of respect for yourself. Do you understand me?”
A wet sniffle met his ears, and he pulled Marinette in for a hug. She returned it weakly, sniveling and sobbing into his cape.
“Yes, Shaqiqa?”
Another sniffle.
“I-is it really o-okay for me to stay with you?”
“Of course.”
“I-is… is it really oka-ay for… for me to live?”
Damian’s arms tightened around her. “Always. Always, always.”
Marinette buried her face into his shoulder, taking a deep shuddering breath.
“Th-then… I wanna try.”
Not sorry. Ha 😎
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
All For Us Chapter 9
Hey y’all, thanks for being patient with me on this one, but it’s finally done! Not to be the bearer of bad news or anything, but there’s only one chapter left (and maybe an epilogue) on our journey with Mira, Erik, and Cupcake. If you’re just here for Killmonger, I have a couple Erik oneshots heading y’all’s way in the next few weeks. Also, check out The Temple. 😉
As always, don’t forget to look at my masterlist to read my other stories and oneshots, and let me know if you want to be tagged in anything. Like, comment, and reblog away! 🥰
CW: a little smut
Word Count: 6,481
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Erik’s eyes flew open as he bolted upright through the sand that covered his body in his temporary grave. He was in the heart of the temple where the Black Panther ceremony took place, the City of the Dead. The lost prince pulled himself from the sand and brushed the clay-colored sediment from around his eyes as he climbed the stone staircase leading up into the garden of the heart-shaped herb. When he made it to the top, Erik took a deep breath before stepping into the garden. To his surprise, nothing caught on fire like in his previous dreams. His shoulders relaxed as he took another step into the garden, and another, and another until he was face to face with Bast’s statue. A smile took over his face as he knelt at her feet.
“Took you long enough, Jaguar.”
Erik lifted his head, and her celestial glow nearly blinded him as he laid his eyes on the panther goddess once more.
“Long enough for what?”
“For your senses to come back, obviously.” Bast circled him and laid down, licking her paw. “Pretty soon, you won’t have to be asleep to talk to me.”
“What made you change your mind?”
“Oh, I had nothing to do with it.”
Erik turned to face her and sat back on his heels.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I never took them away. You did.”
“I’m not following.”
“Your guilt blocked your senses, Erik,” she sighed. “You had been holding onto pieces of it, but you finally let it go.”
“I felt guilty for ruining our marriage,” Erik mused aloud.
“But you didn’t, so congratulations,” she said nonchalantly. “That’s not why you’re here, though.”
“Ok, what’s up?”
Bast chuckled at his informality.
“Last time we spoke, I said I would need you to do something for me. I’ve finally made up my mind as to what that is.”
Erik sat with bated breath as he waited for his assignment. For a moment, he was reminded of his military and mercenary days, except this time, he was being given a mission from a goddess. His goddess.
“As you know, Wakanda has never had a Golden Jaguar before. You are an anomaly, but that is a good thing.” She stood up and started walking, making him rush to his feet to follow after her.
“It is?”
“Yes. You know, the good thing about cycles is that with destruction comes rebirth…change. You’ve forced Wakanda to change, and you’ve forced me to think some things over. Truthfully, after the little stunt you almost pulled, I did think about removing your powers. I don’t need to preach about it, though, since you already know all about your wrongdoings, but I heard what you said about your people. We have neglected them, and for that, I have no words of apology that would adequately ease your pain. The Lost Tribe, as my people have come to call you, needs a champion. Wakanda already has theirs, but since you seem to rather enjoy toying with colonizers, I have an assignment for you.”
Erik’s ears were trained on Bast as he hung on every word she said. He walked next to her as they made their way through the catacombs towards the temple’s entrance.
“Before you came to Wakanda, you were involved with Klaue and his hunt for vibranium. Your vast knowledge of African and diasporic artifacts combined with your training makes a great equation for what I need you to do.”
“Which is?”
“I want you to act as the Golden Jaguar on the Lost Tribe’s behalf. I recognize that as just one person, you can only do so much, which is why I will talk to T’Challa about you heading his Wardog program. I would like for you to have an army of spies at your disposal to act instead of just watch and report as they have done in the past.”
“So basically what I wanted to do before but without the world domination?”
“Precisely,” Bast chuckled and stopped walking at the door to the temple.
“Ok,” Erik thought on it as a smile crept up his cheeks. “I’ll do it.”
“I knew you would. I think you’ll like my first assignment. Well, second. First, you need to stop avoiding the City of the Dead in your waking life. You need to go visit the garden.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Erik said, his nerves twisting in his gut at the thought of actually stepping back onto the sacred land.
“Now, my second assignment: artifact reclamation. Instead of searching for vibranium, which you might find, I want you to return items to their rightful owners.”
“So, stealing,” Erik deadpanned.
“Yes, but for a good cause. I will let you work out the details, but the point is to return the power to the people by building them back up, brick by brick. They were separated from their gods, so the Ancestors and the Orishas are working on bringing them back to us spiritually. They are still working on getting other spirits and pantheons on board...alas, my brother and sisters are choosing to take a more passive approach.” She sighed. “The Lost Tribe was taken from the land, so T’Challa has already spearheaded initiatives to build up other African countries that need his assistance and bring the Lost home to the continent. Now, I need you to bring our belongings home. Our thrones, our art, our history. Take it back. Bring it back to its rightful place.”
“I’m with it, but, um...how am I supposed to do this without getting caught? If shit just starts disappearing en masse, somebody’s gonna notice.”
“They won’t disappear. The colonizers won’t even know they’re gone.” Bast flicked her tail mischievously. “Your wife designs kimoyo beads, does she not?”
“Well, yeah-”
“And your cousins are scientific geniuses, correct?”
“Then I’m sure that between all of your big beautiful brains, you can figure out a way to make replicas of the artifacts.”
“Why does that compliment feel like an insult?”
“I like you, Jaguar,” The goddess chuckled. “Now go enjoy your time with your wife.” She winked at Erik as she nudged him out into the brightness shining from outside the wide-open temple doors. Erik returned to consciousness, and he was shocked by the feeling of Mira’s mouth traveling up and down his shaft.
“Fuck, girl. This how you waking Big Daddy up now?”
She popped her head off his tip, and he groaned at the sight of a bridge of spit still connecting her to him.
“Good morning, baby.”
“Mmmm, good morning to you, too,” he grabbed her loose curls that she had forgotten to tie up the night before. The silk sheets kept her hair soft and bouncy as her hair spilled over his fist while it rested at the back of her head. He pulled her in for a kiss, and then she went right back to taking him down her throat. “You’re gonna make me nut all down that throat, Princess.”
Mira’s hand cupped and massaged his ballsack while she sucked on his bulbous head. Her tongue swirled around the tip, and her other hand traveled up and down his length, making his toes curl.
“Fuuuuck, you remember just what Big Daddy likes. Imma bust a fat ass nut, girl,” Erik groaned through gritted teeth. Mira giggled at her control over him and continued to work his dick. Her nose reached his pelvis as she took him down her throat, and he came with such force that she almost choked. Almost.
When she pulled off of him, she tongue-kissed his tip before sitting back on her haunches and wiping her mouth. “How’d you sleep?”
Erik let out a breathy laugh, “Like the dead.”
“Yeah, I’m surprised you didn’t feel me moving. You were out cold.”
“That’s because I was talking to Bast.”
“What’d she say this time?”
Erik sat up against the headboard and motioned for her to come to him. Mira crawled up his body and straddled him, sliding down on his dick so that they were connected as deep as they could be. They had always been like this; whenever they needed to have a serious conversation, Erik would set her in his lap and have her take all of him. They both reveled in the connection they had in that moment, and even in their stillness, their united bodies responded to each other as the words fell from his lips.
“She wants me to be the Golden Jaguar officially,” he said as he kissed down from Mira’s ear to her shoulder.
“What does that mean?” Mira asked, barely above a whisper.
“She wants me to be a champion for us, the Lost Tribe. Wakandans have T, so I’ll be protecting the rest of us with the Wardogs.”
“How, though? That’s so many people.”
He came up from kissing between her breasts to look her in the eyes. “Well, remember how I told you about the museum heist to get the vibranium?”
Mira nodded.
“She wants me to steal artifacts from museums and shit and return them to where they were stolen from.”
“That sounds right up your alley,” Mira snarked, and he tickled her sides, making her pussy clench around him, and he let out a groan at the feeling. He grabbed her hips and moved them back and forth.
“It is. I can’t do anything until I visit the garden of the heart-shaped herb, though.”
“Why?” she moaned.
“I’ve been avoiding it,” he sighed.
Mira pulled him into a kiss and cycloned her hips as she wound on him. “Do you need to go alone, or do you want me to come with you?”
He connected their foreheads as he pushed his hips forward into her, and she called out his name.
“I need to go alone.”
Their hips ground into each other as the sexual energy inside them built up slowly and erupted through their bodies. Erik placed kisses all over Mira’s face and neck as she caught her breath from the intensity of her orgasm.
“How about I make breakfast?” Erik asked, and Mira simply nodded and kissed him. She moved to get up, but he held her down. “Nah, I didn’t say right now.”
After another round, the two of them separated from each other, if only because of the rumbling of their bellies. They showered together, and Erik couldn’t help himself from bending her over and eating her pussy and ass from the back. Pretty soon, he was balls deep inside her again, and when he came all over her cheeks, he about keeled over from the way the orgasm shook through his body.
“Aight, I need a break,” Erik said, and the two of them shared a laugh as they finished their shower without any more funny business.
“Can I have one of your t-shirts?” Mira asked as they slathered themselves in shea butter.
“You can have anything you want, Princess. MIT or Navy?”
“MIT please,” she cheesed at him.
“Coming right up.”
Erik left the room and returned with his maroon-colored MIT t-shirt. The same one she wore the first time she stayed over at his apartment back in the day. He knew it was her favorite and the look on her face when he handed it to her was priceless. She quickly shimmied into it while he slid on a pair of sweatpants that left little to the imagination.
The two of them relocated to the kitchen, and Mira toyed around with her latest kimoyo design on her tablet while Erik got to work on breakfast.
“That a new one?” he asked, nodding towards the design hovering over the counter.
“Yeah, I haven’t gotten it to work right, though,” she grumbled as she stared at it. “I want it to be able to apply cloaking tech to whatever it touches, but so far, I can only get the bead to disappear.”
Erik listened to her complain about her failed design for a little while, and when she was done, she turned off the tablet and hopped up on the counter.
“Anything I can do?” Mira asked
“Mhm,” he came over and stood between her legs, placing a sloppy kiss on her lips. “Just sit there looking fine as hell.”
“I’m serious,” she smiled.
“So am I,” he said incredulously with a hand over his heart, making her chuckle at his dramatics.
“Fine, I’ll be your muse.”
“And my guinea pig. Here, try this.”
Erik lifted the spoon to her lips so she could taste the yam hash he had been working on, and her eyes bugged out of her head.
“I forgot you turn into Top Chef after sex.”
“Gotta feed my woman,” he kissed her cheek and cracked a couple of eggs sunny-side up in the skillet.
Mira giggled, and an idea struck her. She reached back for her tablet again and pulled up her latest work in progress, a story about a decades-long whirlwind romance that she had gotten stuck on. All she needed was a little inspiration, and Erik ended up being just what she needed.
He watched his wife type away with a smile on his face. Erik loved watching her work; the look of determination on her face was always so endearing to him. She’d bite her lip and squint her eyes as she tried her best to focus on the task at hand. Erik always thought it was adorable.
The smell of fresh vegetables coming in contact with hot oil filled the air, and Mira’s mouth started to water. She looked up from her work to see what Erik was doing but got distracted by his body. She watched his sinewy muscles moving beneath his textured skin, and a chill went down her spine.
“What the fuck is that?” Erik sniffed the air, following the sweet scent that had just wafted from out of nowhere.
“What’s what?” Mira asked, swinging her legs back and forth.
He turned to face her, and his pupils blew wide as the smell hit him again.
“It’s you,” he turned off the burner and stalked over to her, standing between her legs again and placing his nose in the crook of her neck. He inhaled her scent and let out a growl.
“What is that?”
“My bodywash?”
“Nah, it’s you. What-” he cut himself off when it dawned on him. When he was king for a day, he only smelled fear from those around him. Fear smelled like decay, it smelled rotten, but this was the exact opposite. It was enticing, like the most beautiful forbidden garden, and Erik knew exactly what it was. Her arousal. He bit into her neck, making her moan out as he ground his hips into hers. The aroma grew, and Erik’s composure slipped away the more he inhaled it.
“E-erik, the food.”
He took a deep breath as he stood to his full height. “I can smell when you want me.”
“I wonder if it’s different for every person...shit, I wonder if I can smell other people. I hope not-”
“What are you saying? You can tell when I’m horny?”
“I guess so. I only smelled fear before, but it makes sense. I’m just caught off guard because it hit me out of nowhere, like last night.”
“What happened last night?”
“I could hear your heartbeat.”
Mira’s face lit up, “That’s good, though, right? It means your senses are coming back!”
“Yeah, I’m just surprised by that one. I wasn’t expecting all that,” he laughed.
“So...I smell good?”
“You don’t know how good, Princess,” he grumbled as he finished cooking. Mira crossed her legs, making him chuckle. “That’s not helping. It’s all over you.”
“Damn...what else can you do?”
“I need to test out my strength and speed, but my sight was different, too. Everything was brighter, more vibrant. And my brain moved faster...I don’t know how to explain it. Bast said my guilt was the blockage, so they’ll probably slowly come back over time. After they’re back, I’m supposed to start on my mission.”
“You still felt guilty?”
“I thought I broke us. I mean, I did, but I felt like it was unfixable, you know?”
Mira nodded, “Yeah, it felt like that sometimes.”
Erik pulled the dishes out of the cabinet and set them down next to her.
“Mira, I’m-”
“Erik, if you say you’re sorry one more time, so help me, Bast,” Mira said, making a dimpled smile appear on Erik’s face.
“Yes, ma’am.”
They fell into a comfortable silence while Erik plated the food, and when he handed Mira hers, he left a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and hopped down from the counter to sit at the table. When she sat down, she couldn’t help but stare at Erik as he walked over. Her man, her formerly violent man was really chosen by a goddess to protect Black people around the globe.
He noticed the look on her face and couldn’t quite place it. “What?”
“Nothing, just...look at you, doing the work of gods now.”
“I bet you never thought you’d say that about your mercenary husband,” Erik winked at her.
“Sure didn’t,” Mira laughed, “but it fits. You always had it in you. You know, I’m glad I came out here. I wouldn’t get to see this new side of you otherwise, and so far, I like it.”
A couple of hours later, Erik found himself in front of the City of the Dead with his palms sweating and his breath shaking. He wasn’t sure why the temple unnerved him so much, but it did. Erik knew he had to do what Bast told him, though, and took a step forward. He climbed the stairs to the ornate stone doors and waited as they slowly opened for him. Erik was met with the sight of a surprisingly calm woman in purple robes. He recognized her as the woman he had choked out, the new head priestess.
“My prince,” she saluted him. “Welcome. I have been expecting you.”
“You have?”
“Of course. Come in.”
He hesitantly stepped forward again and entered the temple. A chill went down his spine as the doors shut behind them, and he looked around the space. He had only been there once before in his waking life, but this time it felt different. It probably had something to do with the fact that she wasn’t scared of him this time around.
“What’s your name?” he asked nervously.
“I am Zaya, my prince.”
“You don’t have to do the whole ‘my prince’ thing. Especially since I...you know.”
“Yes, I remember.”
“I’m sorry about that. I should’ve never put my hands on you.”
“I have spoken to Bast about it, and I forgive you. Just don’t let it happen again,” she warned.
Erik put his hands up in defense, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good. Now, you are here to see the herb, no?” She started walking, and he followed behind her.
“How’d you know?”
“I spoke to Bast, remember?” She quipped with an eyebrow raised.
“Heh, yeah,” he chuckled nervously and cleared his throat. “I don’t know why I’m so anxious.”
“I assume that is a normal reaction when reckoning with your past.”
The two of them traveled deeper into the temple, and when they reached the door that led to the garden of the heart-shaped herb, he froze. Zaya looked back when she no longer heard his footsteps and smiled warmly, reaching out her hand to him. He took it, and she led him through the doors. Erik almost wanted to close his eyes, but he knew he had to face his past actions head-on.
He looked around, and his breath caught in his throat when he saw there were dozens of tiny glowing purple buds just begging to become full-grown flowers. He laughed in disbelief at what he was seeing. He had burnt the garden to ashes, but now here it was, thriving in spite of him.
“It took us a while to get them to grow again, but thankfully we were able to put out the fire before the roots were harmed,” Zaya spoke as he wandered through the garden in awe.
“And these...they still work?”
“The princess took a sample and tested it in her lab. According to her, this new batch might be a little different, but they should still work. Bast has given them her blessing, so that is enough for me.”
“So, I didn’t ruin Wakanda’s future like I thought...”
“No, just a bump in the road,” she smiled.
Just as he was about to respond, the strangest thing happened. His eyes were trained on one of the buds, and suddenly he could see every little vein in the leaves and the detail of the curled-up petals. The color became brighter and even more purple than most people could comprehend, and a tear rolled down his cheek as he smiled.
He could see again.
“Are you ok?” Zaya asked tentatively.
Erik cleared his throat, “Yeah, I’m good. It’s just my senses are coming back, and...they’re beautiful.”
“And resilient.”
He laughed and wiped the tear from his face.
“How about I give you some time alone?”
“Thanks, Zaya, that’d be great.”
She bowed her head in deference and went back the way they came. When she was gone, Erik let out a sigh as he took in the sight before him.
“They really made it…”
“Of course, they did. Did you think I would leave my people defenseless?” Bast’s silky voice rang out through the temple, and he turned around to see her standing there in her mostly-human form. She was a statuesque and curvaceous woman with the head of a panther and locs that spilled over her ebony shoulders. Erik dropped to his knees as she walked towards him. “No need for all of that. Stand up, Jaguar.”
He laid eyes on her once more as he rose from the ground. Her glow was almost blinding, but his eyes adjusted quickly.
“I can’t believe I’m seeing you in person.”
“Get used to it. I like to pop in on my champions every now and again. Sometimes in dreams, sometimes in your thoughts, and sometimes in person. It all depends.”
“On what?”
“On you and what you need, or what I need from you.”
“Ok, so what do you need from me?”
Bast chuckled. “Truthfully, nothing this time. I just needed to see you face-to-face.”
“You don’t have an assignment for me?”
“Not yet. I know how much you enjoy the sanctuary, so I’ll let you stay there a little whille longer. Plus, you are just now mending your marriage and need time to spend with your wife and child before I call you away.”
“How much time?”
“Enough,” she winked.
“You’re so cryptic,” Erik chuckled.
“Yes, your cousin thinks so, too. However, I prefer ‘mysterious.’”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smirked.
“Well, I don’t want to keep you long,” she sighed. “You have some party planning to do. They grow up fast, don’t they?”
“Especially when you miss a couple of years,” he murmured.
“Which is why I’m giving you at least a year before I call on you. Make good use of it, Erik.”
“Yes, ma’am, I will.”
“Good. Oh, and one more thing, Erik.”
“Try running back to the palace,” she winked again as she shimmered away, leaving him alone in the temple.
Erik tried to contain himself as he left the garden and ran into Zaya.
“Was your ‘alone’ time fruitful?” she asked knowingly.
All he could do was beam at her with his megawatt dimpled smile.
Erik said goodbye and ran back through the forest to the city, his heart beating out of his chest in excitement. His superhuman speed carried him back in no time as the wind whipped against his body. A smile was plastered on his face the whole time, even when he slowed down as he reached the outskirts of Birnin Zana. He hurried to the palace as inconspicuously as he could and happened to run into Mira just as she was leaving. When she saw the look on his face, she couldn’t help the grin that took over hers.
“So, how did- Erik!” She squealed as he picked her up and twirled her around with barely any effort.
“They’re back!”
“Your powers?”
“Well, yeah, but the heart shaped herb is coming back!” he peppered kisses all over her face and neck while she giggled. “You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined you could be.”
“So I take it your vision came back, and you’re super strong again?”
“And fast. I ran here in like twenty minutes.”
“From the CIty of the Dead?!”
“Mhm,” he nodded as he set her back on the ground.
“Damn, baby, that’s...that’s amazing.”
“I need to test them out some more, so I’m gonna see if T has some time to spar. You going to the lab?”
“Shopping, actually. Okoye and Ayo took Imani so I could get some last-minute party stuff.”
“Need someone to carry your bags?”
“Oh, hell yeah. Especially since you got that jaguar strength again.”
“Lead the way, beautiful.”
Early that Saturday morning, as the sun crested over the trees, Mira and Erik stood on the tarmac watching as the Royal Talon descended from the sky. Mira was almost shaking with excitement as the doors opened and T’Challa stepped out, followed by some of her favorite people in the whole world.
SJ ran down the ramp past the king and flung himself into his auntie’s arms. She held him tight and rocked him from side to side as Stef and Ana approached, with Daveed teetering between the two of them.
She looked up at them and gasped, “Oh my god, he can walk now? How long have I been gone?”
“Girl, too long,” Havana complained as she wrapped her arms around her sister-in-law.
Stefan was next to greet her, and his eyes stayed glued to Erik the whole time as he enveloped his sister in a bear hug, “We missed you, Sammy.”
“No, you miss my cooking,” she laughed as she crouched down to say hi to her littlest nephew.
“You remember Titi Mira?” Ana asked him, and he shook his head, hiding behind his dad’s leg.
“That’s ok, we can get to know each other while you’re here,” Mira smiled at him and stood back up.
“Who are you?” SJ asked when he finally noticed the man standing behind his aunt.
“SJ, this is your Uncle Erik. You might not remember him but-“
He thought about it for a moment before it dawned on him. “Do you still have all those bumps on you?”
Stefan tried to hold in his snickering, and Havana hit him in his chest.
“Uh, yeah, I do.”
“That’s so cool!”
“Heh, thanks, lil man.”
“So, brother in law…It’s good to see you,” Stef deadpanned. He was clearly not feeling Erik anymore.
“You, too, man,” Erik went to dap him up, and he stared at his hand in contempt.
“Stefan, behave,” Havana said with a roll of her eyes. “Hi Erik, how are you?”
“Much better since I’ve been here.”
“Good, good���”
T’Challa had been standing to the side while the family reunited but decided to intervene when things got awkward.
“Stefan, Havana, let us show you to your quarters.”
“Oooh, our ‘quarters,’” Ana sang excitedly. “Sounds so fancy.”
“It’s a palace, Ana. Of course it’s fancy,” Stef grumbled.
She cut her eyes at him. “Don’t act out in front of company.”
Mira chuckled. She hadn’t realized how much she missed hearing their playful bickering.
As they made their way through the place, Stef and Ana stared slack-jawed at their surroundings while SJ ran ahead of the group.
“You live here?” Ana asked.
“Mhm. It’s gorgeous, right?!” Mira bragged.
“That’s not even the word…”
T’Challa smirked as he listened to them compliment his home.
“So, where’s the birthday girl?” Stefan asked.
“She is with my mother and Ororo.”
“Ororo?” Stef stopped in his tracks. “Munroe?!”
“The one and only,” T’Challa grinned proudly.
“Holy shit…”
“Language,” Havana chided her husband as she covered SJ’s ears.
“What is it with these men and cursing around children?” Mira shook her head at her brother.
“Girl, I don’t know, but let’s get back to Storm. How’d y’all meet?”
“She’s his girlfriend,” Erik nodded towards his cousin.
“Dang, how’d you get her? I mean, I know you’re a king and all, but- Wait, are you a mutant, too?” Stef asked.
T’Challa and Mira made eye contact, and she nodded for him to continue. They were family and would most likely be seeing a lot of Wakanda, so they’d find out eventually.
“I am enhanced, yes.”
“Like Steve Rogers?” SJ chimed in excitedly from a few feet ahead.
“He wishes,” T’Challa complained under his breath as they stopped in front of the door across from Erik and Mira. Both of them chuckled at the king’s arrogance.
“So...you’re enhanced. Why, though?” Stef asked.
They entered the suite, and the interrogation was cut short when the Greenwoods saw how beautiful their temporary home was.
“Holy shit…” Ana mused as she covered SJ’s ears.
Mira gave them a quick tour while T’Challa and Erik hung back in the living area.
“So, you and Stefan-”
“He never liked me, and I made things worse by disappearing,” he shrugged.
T’Challa nodded as he changed into his suit.
“Oh, so you’re coming all the way out?”
“They will find out eventually, so I might as well get it over with.”
Erik nodded as Mira rounded the corner and saw T’Challa in his suit. She smirked and called SJ. He ran back into the room and froze when he saw Black Panther standing there next to his uncle. Ana was next to round the corner and looked at her son questioningly before she looked up and saw what he was staring at with his mouth open.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said with a hand on her hip.
“About what?” Stef came next, and T’Challa’s mask disappeared into his necklace. “This place is insane.”
SJ couldn’t move. He was looking at his favorite hero in the entire world, right there in the place he’d call home for the next week. His mind could barely wrap around what he was seeing, and he couldn’t process his emotions. Tears started flowing down his face, and a sob wracked his body.
“Hey, hey. It’s ok, baby,” Ana crouched down and wiped his tears as Stef came over with Daveed on his hip.
“You’re not excited to see Black Panther?” He asked his eldest son.
SJ shook his head, and T’Challa deflated. Erik kept his snickering to himself, but Mira shot him a look anyway.
“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset him.”
“He’s just in shock. It’ll wear off eventually,” Ana said as she brushed SJ’s locs out of his face.
It took way longer to wear off than they thought, and by the time they arrived at the party venue in the palace’s botanical gardens that afternoon, he still hadn’t said a word. T’Challa tried to speak to him a couple of times, but he shied away behind Mira or his parents. Eventually, Erik convinced him to give the kid some space and pulled the dejected king away to the other side of the garden. While the other kids and their parents arrived, SJ kept looking at T’Challa out of the corner of his eye.
“You know, he doesn’t bite...or scratch,” Mira leaned in and said to her nephew as she sat down next to him at the kid’s table. “In fact, he’s pretty cool once you get to know him.”
“Does Imani know?” he spoke up for the first time in hours, and Mira was happy to hear his voice again.
“Oh, yeah. He told us when we got here, but it’s a secret so she pinky promised not to tell. You know, I screamed when I saw him.”
“You did?!”
“Mhm. He really needs to learn how to ease people into it, huh?” she asked as she poked at his side, making him giggle. Stef and Ana watched from a few yards away and smiled with him while they kept a watchful eye on Daveed as he waddled around the flowers.
SJ nodded in response, and Mira kissed his temple before getting up and leaving him to ponder her words. Right when he had worked up the courage to speak to his hero, Erik announced that Imani was on her way with Ororo and Ramonda.
“I can’t wait to see my baby girl!” Ana squealed.
Mira excitedly grabbed Erik’s hand, and he kissed her knuckles, making Stef narrow his eyes as he and his family hid behind a mango tree.
Imani appeared with her auntie and future cousin, and T’Challa recorded as she squealed excitedly at seeing everybody. A’Kidi, Kofi, Sanaa, A’Sami, Ade, and all her other friends from school greeted her with a loud “Happy birthday!” The newly five-year-old’s tunnel vision made her almost ignore her parents and other adults completely until Erik picked her up and gave her a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
“Happy birthday, Cupcake!”
“We have a surprise for you,” Mira sang.
“What is it?” Imani asked excitedly.
Erik set her down and turned her around as Mira motioned for her family to reveal themselves. SJ ran out from behind the tree and nearly tackled his cousin to the ground while her aunt, uncle, and baby cousin took a calmer approach.
“There’s the birthday girl!” Stef exclaimed while his eldest son continued to squeeze her tight. SJ let her go, and she ran into her uncle’s arms. Ana crouched down next to him, and Imani threw her arms around her neck.
“We’ve missed you so much!” Ana said as she fought tears.
“I missed you too. Wakanda is so cool! I can’t wait to show you everything,” Imani babbled.
“Did you know about Black Panther?” SJ asked, still a little nervous about meeting his hero.
Imani nodded, “I promised to keep it a secret, or I would’ve told you. It’s so cool, right?”
SJ nodded, and Imani dragged him off to meet her friends.
Erik couldn’t keep the smile off his face if he tried as he watched his little social butterfly play with her friends and cousin. It wasn’t until Mira came up and nudged him that he even realized he was staring.
“You ok?” she asked.
“Hm? Yeah, I’m fine,” he said as he put his arm around her and kissed her temple. “Just reliving some things.”
Mira looked at him curiously and he continued, “One of the few good memories I have from childhood that we talked about in therapy was my seventh birthday party. This kind of reminds me of that.”
Mira smiled as they stood there and watched Shuri, Ororo, and T’Challa play with the kids. The king regaled them with stories of his adventures, and Shuri let them ride on very slow hoverbikes while Ororo harnessed the wind to lift them up and let them fly a couple of feet off of the ground. The kids were having a ball, and their parents seemed to enjoy themselves as well. Okoye, M’Baku, and a couple other people gravitated towards each other and fell into conversation about being single parents. However, the rest of them spent most of their time ogling the royal family.
Eventually, it was time to eat and the parents were able to corral the kids into sitting down at the table. After stuffing their faces with an array of Imani’s favorite foods, Mira led the “happy birthday” song as she and Ayo carried out a huge Doc McStuffins birthday cake. Imani and SJ were the only kids who knew who she was, but everyone enjoyed the cake nonetheless. Erik couldn’t help the tear that almost came to his eye as he listened to his wife sing to their daughter, just like his mother had done to him. Loudly and slightly off key. Next, Shuri led the group in a Wakandan birthday song, and Imani blew out the huge number five candle in the center of the cake.
Mira kept stealing glances at Erik as he sliced it up and handed out pieces to everyone. He looked so happy. Even when one of the kids tripped and got icing all over his pants leg, he just kept on smiling.
Even Stef noticed the change in his brother-in-law’s demeanor and brought it up to Ana, “He smiles too much now. It’s weird.”
“It’s weird that he’s happy?”
“No, it’s just weird to see. He used to be so…”
“Surly and unapproachable.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Maybe you should get to know him?”
“Hmph,” he grunted in response. Ana decided to leave it alone for the time being and left his side to go talk to Erik.
“You think you can handle the sleepover?” she asked him.
“Thank Bast it’s not all of them.”
“It’s not?”
“Hell no, just her little crew,” he pointed to A’Kidi, Kofi, Sanaa, A’Sami, and Ade. “I’m not taking care of all these kids.”
Ana laughed, “Understood.”
“So...your husband still doesn’t like me, huh?”
“Can you blame him?” Ana deadpanned.
“Nah, I’d be the same way in his shoes.”
“He’ll come around eventually...maybe,” she said as she placed a comforting hand on his arm before being pulled away by her son to watch the Black Panther and Storm show off their powers some more. SJ still couldn’t bring himself to speak to T’Challa, but it was a start.
As the party wound down and most of Imani’s classmates went home, the few that stuck around relocated inside to the Stevens’ suite in the palace. Even with a handful of screaming children in his home, Erik was on cloud nine. He loved to see a smile on his Cupcake’s face, and he wondered if he looked that happy when he was a kid. He concluded he probably did, and as the kids watched an animated movie, he and Mira curled up on the couch behind them. While the rugrats were distracted, he pulled her chin up to plant a kiss on her lips.
“What was that for?” she smiled.
“I’ve just been thinking…”
“About what?”
“About making more good memories, you know? Some of the happiest times in my life were times just like this…and time spent with you.”
Mira looked down with a smile on her face and he brought it back up to look in her eyes.
“Marry me again.”
Her eyebrows damn near reached her hairline and a Grinch-like smile crept up her face as she nodded.
“I’d love to.” Next Chapter
Taglist: @ladymac82, @kitesatforestp, @harleycativy, @raysunshine78, @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @motheroffae, @love-mesome-me, @toni9, @bribrisback
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javier-djarin · 2 years
Son of the Medjai: Chapter 5
Osiris’s Curse: Book 1
The Mummy AU
Ship: Pero Tovar x Aria MacKenzie (OC)
Rating: M
Word Count: 4,594 Words
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Mild Violence
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Gif by @javier-pena​​
Summary: Aria processes the day’s events with some unwanted help. The camp is attacked, and Pero and Aria grow closer.
A/N: With the holidays and new year, I sort of fell out of routine with this story. But I am back with a new chapter! Shout out to @rebelscumlena for being my beta! I honestly don’t want to think of what this story would be like if we hadn’t started working together. Please let me know if you want to be on my taglist and what you think of the fic! If there is a strikethrough in your name, Tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you. Any Translations will always be found at the bottom of every chapter.
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Aria sat, staring into the fire with her arms wrapped around her waist. So much had happened in the short time they’d been in Aten, and she nearly admitted that Pero was right: it was a mistake coming here. They had been trapped in the burial chamber for hours before she’d found a hidden latch on the opposite side of the room that released the door. Naturally, everyone was irritated that the solution was so simple; Pero especially so. Now they were free and had discovered the Americans had found their own small treasure. Aria was finally able to sit alone and process the day while Murphy made wagers with the other party and Pero stayed close to make sure he didn’t lose all of their money.
She’d hardly eaten the dinner Murphy had fixed them as she was haunted by the images of Nabil’s body in the hallway. The Americans’ diggers had taken care of it like Pero promised, but she couldn’t stop seeing the movement under his skin after he’d collided with the wall. His screams echoed in her memory, following her out of the chamber. She watched the diggers carry his body far away from the city’s walls. She said a silent prayer for him before attempting to return to her meal.
Once Murphy wandered over to the Americans’ camp with Pero reluctantly joining him, Aria set her plate in the sand next to her. She’d convinced them that she was fine and just wanted time alone. Pero waited a few seconds, watching her gaze into the fire before letting her have a moment’s peace. She offered him a meek smile and a small nod, telling him to go with Murphy. With only the sound of the fire crackling around her, she was able to process on her own. That was, until a figure began approaching her. She knew who it was without having to look up from the flames. “I missed you at dinner,” Beckett said as he sat next to her.
She glanced at him. “We were a little preoccupied,” she replied, offering him a polite smile, “besides, Murphy cooked, and I had to make sure that he didn’t burn down my tent.”
Beckett looked at the plate next to her and chuckled to himself. He gazed at her again, noting the empty stare on her face as she watched the flames flickering in front of them. “I’ve seen that look before,” he added, “when I looked in the mirror after my first time here.”
“I appreciate your empathy,” she coldly replied.
He moved closer to her, his shoulder brushing against hers. “When I was in your shoes, I would have appreciated someone there to let me know I wasn’t alone.”
“I don’t feel alone,” Aria replied, turning her head to look at him, “I asked them to leave me be. I can’t stand it when my brother hovers, especially when he thinks something is bothering me. He thinks I need someone to take care of me every minute of the day.”
Beckett chuckled. “I do enjoy your spirit. Most women back home -”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Please spare me the ‘you’re not like other girls’ line. For starters I’m Scottish, of course I’m not like the British women ‘back home.’ Additionally, you’re insinuating that all other feminine qualities I possess are the things you like least about me, which in fact I find insulting and sexist.”
“Duly noted, Aria,” he conceded, “I do apologize. Let me rephrase. I appreciate that you are not as timid as many of the women I have encountered. I’m someone who respects those that are open with me in conversation and straightforward.”
“It comes from growing up with my brother,” she said, “and practically raising him after my parents died.”
Beckett shifted again so his hand was resting in the sand behind her, and Aria stiffened, turning her attention back to the flames. “My mum was Scottish,” he admitted.
Aria smiled wryly. “Is this where you tell me I remind you of her?”
He returned her grin. “You can see me coming a mile away, can’t you?”
She laughed and shook her head. “You’re not as smooth as you think you are, Mr. Beckett.”
He raised an eyebrow at her with a devilish grin before lightly holding her chin in his hand. He leaned closer to her, and Aria felt panic flow through her veins as she thrust her hand to his chest. It wasn’t enough as he closed the gap between them, kissing her. His tongue toyed with her bottom lip for more, but Aria kept her lips firmly sealed. She leaned away from him, only for him to follow. She pushed hard enough on his chest that she broke them apart, and she could see the lust in his eyes as he gazed down at her with the same grin he’d had only moments before.
Pero hated leaving Aria alone at the fire, but he could tell she wanted nothing more than just that. At least he and Murphy weren’t far away, and he could still keep any eye on her should she need anything. Then again, he was starting to come around to the idea that Aria was very capable of handling herself. She was brilliant in the tomb. He could sense her anxiety while they were trapped, but she’d managed to keep a level head while they attempted to find a way out. Of course she was able to find it.
He glanced over at her again, and instantly stiffened when he saw Beckett had joined her at the fire. For a while, he could see that she was holding off his advances, but then he saw him move closer to her - too close. It was when Beckett’s hand grabbed her chin that Pero felt his feet start to move in their direction. But then Beckett was kissing her – Pero saw red as he marched even faster. He made it to the opposite side of the fire just as Aria shoved Beckett away. But it didn’t matter that Aria had pushed the Brit away; Beckett’s triumphant gaze turned to Pero, and the Spainiard was filled with more rage than he thought was possible for a human to feel. Meanwhile, Aria’s eyes darted up to Pero as she noticed his arrival, and she was at a loss for words. Pero ignored her, stepping around the fire to grab Beckett. But all three froze when the sound of gunshots and screams filled the air.
“Aria,” Pero said.
She didn’t need further instructions as she instantly moved to his bag, grabbing a shotgun and ammunition belt out of it for him. “Knife and handgun,” he ordered, and she grabbed one of each for herself.
She clung to his side. “We’ll finish this later, Beckett,” he growled, pulling the shotgun up to his shoulder.
He knew it was a matter of time before the Medjai raided their camp, and he was honestly surprised they waited this long. Beckett immediately took off–typical– as Murphy ran back towards the duo, having seen the advancing raiders at the farthest end of the camp. “What’s going on, Tovar?” he asked.
“Medjai. Arm yourself.”
They were pushing themselves through the camp, killing a few of the diggers on their way through. “Aria, when there’s an opening-”
“I’m not running away,” she replied.
Pero took an annoyed breath and fired his weapon, knocking a rider from his horse. He could hear the Americans firing and yipping. Just like on the boat, they were having a field day with the violence. Burns and Quincy were the most enthusiastic. Pero shepherded Aria over to her brother as he charged into the thick of it, reloading his shotgun before shooting again, and taking out another Medjai. Two riders were headed right for him, as he calmly reloaded. But then one of the riders, Shakir Fahmy, started to deviate towards where Murphy and Aria were clustered together. He took his aim at Shakir, but the other rider was heading his way, swinging a sword at Pero. He dove out of the way, but the rider leapt from his horse to attack. Pero quickly jumped to his feet as he prepared for an attack. He prayed Murphy could hold off Shakir long enough until he could get to them. He blocked the slash with the barrel of his gun before hitting the man in the face with the stock, breaking his nose. He fell to the ground unconscious.
Murphy, surprisingly, was holding his own against Shakir. Aria had managed to hide on the other side of her tent, away from the brutality. Pero sprinted as fast as he could, straight into the side of Shakir. Murphy moved to Aria’s side, forcing her behind him while they fought it out. Shakir had pulled two knives from his robes and readied himself. Pero did the same. Shakir swiped, and Pero blocked. Pero stabbed, and Shakir perried. The wound on his forearm burst open again as he nearly avoided a deeper gash from one of his opponent’s attacks. Finally, Pero had had enough and tackled Shakir into Aria’s tent. They were tangled in the canvas and ropes, but not enough for Shakir to be trapped. He rolled over and pinned Pero to the ground, a knife at his throat. “I told you to leave and never come back,” the man spat through his litham.
Aria panicked and left her brother’s side, running to them as Pero struggled beneath him. “No!” she shrieked. “Please!”
Shakir applied enough pressure to hold Pero in place as he glanced up at Aria, and then it was like he’d seen a ghost. “Laqad eadat!” He quickly backed away from Pero. It was almost as if his men sensed his movements and stopped the battle. They all dropped to their knees, echoing his cry. “Laqad 'atat litunqidhana jmyean.” They echoed him again, placing their foreheads on the ground.
Pero slowly stood, looking between Aria and Shakir. He pulled her to his side, his arm wrapped tight around her waist. “What does he mean you’ve returned?”
“I-I don’t know,” she whispered back, leaning into him.
Shakir bowed low to her. “We were promised you would return one day,” he said, removing the fabric from the lower half of his face. Aria noted that he was a handsome man, his facial hair neatly trimmed around his mouth and jaw. He had small symbols on his face that told Aria they were sacred marks of the Medjai. His dark brown eyes softened when they met hers, and something told her he meant her no harm.
Aria moved to step around Pero, but he wouldn’t allow it. “What do you mean ‘return’?” she asked.
“Forgive me, my lady,” he said, bowing again, “you are Nefertari. Come to pass judgement and destroy the tomb for good.”
She shook her head, forcing herself away from Pero and closer to Shakir. “The Lost Dynasty’s queen? You believe I am her?”
He nodded. “We were promised she would return with Ausar,” his gaze flashed to Pero, “and together they would destroy The Cursed, bringing peace to this land once again. So long as The Cursed’s body remains on this earth, he will plague the city and all those who dare to enter the catacombs.”
She glanced back at Pero, who was standing stiff as a board behind her. “I-I can’t be,” she began, turning her attention back to Shakir.
“Isis has come to find Osiris and defeat Set once and for all,” he added, “it is fate that brought you to us. Destroy the tomb without waking the beast.”
“You must be mistaken,” she softly replied, though she knew deep down this was true. As outlandish as it sounded, this was the only explanation for everything she’d experienced in the last several days. It was something she had yet to wrap her head around, but Pero - no Ausar had called her Nefertari in her vision.
“You travel with,” he paused and glanced at Pero, “one of us.”
“Shakir,” Pero warned.
“One of us that was born to protect you,” he added.
“Pero, what is he saying?” she asked, without taking her eyes off the Medjai.
He sighed and moved closer to Aria. “He thinks I’m Ausar, or I was in a past life.”
She looked between the two men. “You said…”
“It’s insane, Aria,” he breathed, resting his hands on her shoulders. “Reincarnated Egyptian royalty? You can’t honestly say you believe him!”
“We will set a perimeter around your camp. You must destroy the Ouroboros,” Shakir said, signaling his men to leave.
“Wait,” she called after him, “how can you be sure that I am her?”
He turned to her with a smile. “In a far more ancient part of the city is a carving predicting your return.”
She glanced over to Pero, who rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I want to see this carving.”
Shakir moved to join his men. “The entrance can be found on the eastern edge of the city’s limits. You will see the symbol of Osiris above the chamber door.”
“And why do we have to destroy the tomb?” she asked, stepping forward.
“Only the ones he betrayed can destroy him,” he replied.
Aria looked back at Pero and Murphy, who looked just as confused as she did. When she turned back, Shakir and his men were gone. Murphy approached Aria, moving past an annoyed Pero. “Aria,” he muttered, looking in the direction Shakir had gone, “what is he talking about?”
Pero answered for her. “Ausar and Nefertari.”
Murphy glanced at him. “How do you know about them?”
He sighed and crossed his arms, giving Aria a stern glare - almost as if he were asking are you sure you want to tell him? She returned the glare before looking at her brother. “You’re going to think I sound insane,” she sighed.
“More insane than what we just heard?”
She took another deep breath and moved past her brother. “I want to see this carving,” she said to Pero, “it’ll be the only way to convince Murphy that what we’ve seen is real.”
“Aria,” Pero snapped, “I said to let it go.”
She frowned at him and pushed around her brother. “Seriously? I think we are past the point of ignoring what we’ve witnessed since this whole thing started!”
“Will one of you just tell me what is going on?” Murphy asked, desperate for answers.
She spun on him, fire in her eyes. “Shakir only confirmed what I’ve been suspecting since you found that damn key,” she roared, “I’ve heard and seen things, Murph, that have had me thinking I was certifiable. That is, until we met Pero.”
Murphy blinked several times, absorbing the information. “You-you believe that man?”
“I told her several times to let it go. It’ll only bring us more trouble than what it’s worth,” Pero grumbled.
She let out a frustrated growl as she stormed away from them, heading to the east part of town. “Aria!” Murphy called after her. “Aria, don’t go alone!”
“I’m going with one of you, or I’m going alone!” she exclaimed without turning to look at them.
“At least wait until the morning!” Murphy ran after her, standing in her way. “We’ve had a long day. Get some rest and start fresh tomorrow. We will look into what that man said after we have slept.”
“I need answers, Murph,” she pleaded, “I’ve been losing my mind over all of this for days now.”
“What is eight more hours?”
She glanced back at their camp, seeing Pero kneeling as he attempted to right her tent that he had toppled. A breeze flowed through the city streets, almost pushing her back to him; as if fate was happy they had been reunited after millenia apart. Ausar will die, a voice said. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand, and she could tell by the look on Pero’s face that he’d heard it too. Aria’s heart dropped into her stomach. Whether he wanted to believe it or not, Pero was hearing a ghostly voice tell him he would die. He wanted to ignore it, hoping that the voice would be wrong.
Aria felt it first, something beneath the sand shift as it moved towards their campsite. Pero sensed it as well, jumping up and moving away from whatever was coming towards him. He’d seen this before. “Pero!” he’d heard her exclaim.
Sand moved over and around him, pulling him down as the ground loosened beneath him. He stumbled, struggling to get back up. He felt his heart race, but he remained calm. The last time this happened, he’d hardly been buried by the sand. He covered his nose and mouth with his shirt. It lasted for only a few more seconds before everything stopped. When he turned back to see if Aria and Murphy were okay, he saw Nefertari, holding a babe with a group of Medjai surrounding her. She was calling for him. He reached for her before collapsing.
Aria ran forward with Murphy close behind her. She knelt down next to Pero, pulling him into her lap. “Water, Murph,” she ordered, wiping the sand off his face.
“Right,” he said, grabbing a canteen from their sack and running to the well nearby.
She held his head in her hands and lightly ran her thumb up and down his cheek. “Pero,” she whispered, “wake up. Please, wake up.”
She brushed back his hair, shaking the sand loose from it. Murphy returned with the water, and she held it to his lips, pouring a little into his mouth. He drank more, waking up enough to hold the canteen on his own. He sat up slowly and looked around before his eyes landed on her. “Maybe we should look at that mural tomorrow,” he admitted.
Aria stood, helping him up out of the sand. They looked at the area around them, noting the shape that surrounded them: The Ouroboros. Pero swore under his breath. She glanced back up in his eyes, wiping more sand off his face. “What happened?”
He shrugged. “I felt all the air pull from my lungs before everything went dark, but I saw-” he paused, refusing to admit.
She nodded. “I saw it too, except you were surrounded by the shadows, disappearing before my eyes.”
Murphy stared at them in awe. “The two of you can’t be serious,” he muttered.
“We can’t explain it,” she said, without taking her eyes off Pero, “but there’s no way we can both be experiencing the same thing and it not be real.”
Pero moved away from her and grabbed his satchel. “I need to clean up,” he said.
They watched him walk away with his things, no doubt heading to the well to wash. Aria blushed at the thought of him stripping down out in the open, the heat rising in her cheeks and turning them a bright red. She thanked God for the cover of night, so Murphy couldn’t see the obvious signs of her discomfort. She turned back to their destroyed campsite as a distraction, hoping to salvage what she could of her tent.  Pero’s attempt didn’t provide much progress thanks to being pulled down by the sand. She picked up the canvas, noting the damage that had been caused by Pero and Shakir. Sighing, she pulled out her bag and pallett, moving it close to the fire between Murphy’s and Pero’s. Occasionally she glanced in Pero’s direction, hoping he’d be returning soon, growing worried that something else happened.
When several minutes had passed, and they’d finished reestablishing their camp, Pero returned, completely refreshed. Aria and Murphy had found Nabil’s scotch bottle and were two glasses in when he’d claimed a seat next to her, joining them. He drank in silence for the most part, staring into the fire and frequently stealing glances at Aria. The memory of her as Nefertari was permanently etched there, like a veil had been lifted, because she had never looked more beautiful than she did right now with her skin glistening around the fire. He looked at his glass and smiled to himself, wondering if it was the alcohol making him feel this way or making him admit to the feelings he’d tried repressing since first meeting her. He pictured her wrapped in his arms, her mouth on his as they slowly lost themselves in each other, forgetting Nefertari; forgetting Ausar; forgetting Aten. Honestly, since kissing her at the prison, he’d thought of nothing else.
As she and Murphy loosened up and laughed together, he sat in silence. Listening. He would on occasion add to their conversation, but instead he soaked in her laughter. It was when her hand brushed across his after pouring him another drink that he felt his heart skip a beat and he realized he was done for the night. He abandoned the small tin cup in the sand next to him, forcing himself to sober up. It didn’t take long for Murphy to fall asleep. As for Aria? Pero was impressed that she was still sitting up with him, though he had no idea how much she’d drank from the bottle that Murphy now cradled against his chest. He felt her eyes on him, watching him for some unknown reason. “I’m sorry,” she slurred.
He turned to her with an eyebrow raised in confusion. “What for?”
She let out a small hiccup and immediately covered her mouth. She giggled a little before turning serious again. “I’m sorry for Mr. Beckett -”
“Aria,” he stopped her, “you don’t need to apologize.” His head was spinning the longer he looked at her. His eyes drifted down to her lips before they met her eyes again. “He stole that kiss from you, much like I did.”
She leaned in to him. “You didn’t steal that kiss from me,” she grinned, “but I’m sorry that I didn’t try to push him away more.”
He reached up and moved a piece of hair behind her ear. “If he touches you again,” he whispered against her lips, “lo mataré.”
Aria reached up and held his face in her hands. “A promise I know you’ll keep, my fierce protector.”
He gazed at her, hesitant to move closer. "No one will touch you unless you want it."
"And if I want them to, how should I ask?" Aria grinned, biting her bottom lip. That drove him mad as he watched, wanting nothing more than to taste it himself.
"Nothing has ever stopped you from getting what you want," his breathing picked up pace, "just tell me where."
"You?" Her voice suddenly became more sultry.
"Unless you did want that British bastard," he said, giving her a sinful grin that she knew only meant one thing.
"I've had enough of British men," she said, running her thumb across his bottom lip. Aria took the initiative to close the gap between them, giving him a chaste kiss. Pero wanted more, but knew the alcohol flowing between them would allow them to make decisions he knew they’d both regret later. So for the time being, he relished in the feel of her lips on his until she pulled away. He released a breath he didn’t know he was holding as she looked into his eyes with a wide smile. Never had a woman had so much power over him. It was then he knew they were brought together for a reason, that she was meant to be a part of his life. "I-I thought," he could tell she was blushing while she grasped for the right words.
"Were you hoping for fireworks?" He nervously laughed.
She raised an eyebrow at him and grinned. "I was hoping you'd coax me for more than just a peck," she replied, "like you did the first time we kissed."
Desire overcame him as he pulled her in for a more passionate kiss. Without hesitation, he felt her open her mouth for him to deepen his embrace, and soon he was drunk on her taste. The soft moan she released echoed through him, stirring something that desperately needed to remain caged. His hand trailed to cradle the back of her head as their tongues danced across each other, tasting every inch they could. He felt her lean back, pulling him with her. He yearned for her, but kept his craving on a tight leash. This was not the time or the place to ravish her. When her nails started lightly tangling through the curls at the base of his neck, he knew it was time to stop. He pulled away, watching her plump lips part enough to let her catch her breath as she sat up with him; her chest heaving a little as the heat, no doubt, flushed her face. She placed a hand over her chest to calm herself as she bit down on her bottom lip. Her gaze finally met his, as he felt himself leaning back in for more. He stopped. “Good night, Miss MacKenzie,” he breathed.
She was taken aback by his formal address. “Good night, Mr. Tovar,” she replied.
He rolled over onto his pallet, facing away from her and knowing full well that he would not sleep at all tonight. If he did, he would dream of her touch, of the taste he would never get enough of. Shit, he thought, you managed to completely fuck up this job, Tovar. He reached up to rub the bridge of his nose in frustration. Pero knew the second they arrived back in Cairo this romance would be over. He was certain she’d never experienced anything with a man, let alone heartbreak. And he would be damned if he was the one that broke her heart. Stop this before something more happens.
He could hear her rustling around, trying to get comfortable behind him. She would not sleep tonight either, but not so much because of the intimate moment they just shared. Instead, Aria was dwelling on everything that had already happened and things to come. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms to make her feel safe, but he knew when they woke up in the morning, Murphy would have his hide. He smiled. He’d love to see Murphy try, even if he’d seen how he’s fought to protect his sister. “Pero,” she murmured softly.
He rolled over to look at her. She was on her side, legs tucked in tight as she rested her head on her arm. She was the picture of endearing. He longed to touch her, envelope her with his body. I can't drink on this job again, he thought, and it's clearly been too long. Indeed, it had been a while since he'd felt a woman's touch, but right now wasn't the time to imagine it.
She cleared her throat and looked at him with wide eyes. “What if we are meant to destroy The Ouroboros, or whatever this mural describes?” she asked, fear flowing from her gaze.
He sighed and gave her a small smirk to comfort her. “Then, I guess you’re stuck with me a little longer.”
Pero’s heart stopped as a smile crept across her face. Her eyes slowly closed as she replied, “Then I hope Shakir is right,” as she drifted off to sleep. He hoped she would remember everything from tonight, but knew the scotch would wipe her memory the second she opened her eyes in the morning.
Laqad eadat. - She has returned.
Laqad 'atat litunqidhana jmyean. - She has come to save us all.
Lo mataré. - I’ll kill him.
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Pero Tovar Taglist
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nanaminsonyfans · 4 years
Sokka’s Twin
Request: How about hcs for Zuko x F! Waterbender reader? Where the reader is Sokka& Kataras sister?
A/N: I decided to make the reader Sokka’s twin; also i feel like this would be better as a short story so uhhh that’s what i did? I hope you like it.
This was the last straw. Zuko joined the team!? After everything?! Aang forgave him that easily?! You grumbled some curses under your breath as you froze and unfroze the water. “Stupid fire boy. Hey, Zuko here.” You mocked his voice and scoffed. “Yeah, no shit. We know it’s you.” You grumbled and noticed your brother and Zuko go off into a corner. They started talking quietly so you walked over. 
“What are you two talking about?” You crossed your arms glaring at the two. You happened to be ten minutes older than Sokka so you used that to your advantage. “Little brother, what are you planning?” You narrowed your eyes up at him, being an inch shorter than him. “First of all, being born ten minutes earlier than me doesn’t make me your little brother. You are shorter, therefore, you are my little sister.” Sokka replied, “And it is none of your business.” “He was asking me where war criminals are held in the Fire Nation.” Zuko said looking at you. 
Zuko kinda always had a small crush on you. He liked strong women that could easily kill him. You were one of those, almost killing him a few times. “Sokka what the hell? You should have told me. I want to help if you’re breaking dad out!” You hissed but Sokka quickly covered your mouth so Katara wouldn’t hear. “Dad told me to take care of both of you.” Sokka whispered in response, you licked his hand, which he quickly pulled away giving you a disgusted look. 
“You can’t break into or out of the Boiling Rock.” Zuko said, furrowing his eyebrows. “You can’t tell us what to do!” You glared at him, god you hated him. So much. Sokka sighed and pushed you behind him. “Promise me you won’t go there.” Zuko said with sincerity in his voice. “We promise.”
So, that was a fucking lie. 
You and Sokka both made an agreement, he would take you with him, and you wouldn’t do anything stupid. You both climbed up Appa, but were greeted by a pissed off Zuko. You got startled and fell backward, landing on the stone floor with a thump. “Ow…” You groaned and rubbed the back of your head. You heard Sokka and Zuko yell at each other in hush voices until they both slid down Appa. “C’mon Y/N, Zuko’s taking us in his blimp.” Sokka said as he helped you up. 
You did everything you were fucking supposed to do, but you used your Waterbending. Sokka just had to watch in horror as they dragged you away, but he couldn’t do anything. Zuko water as well, clenching his fists. You were just trying to protect Sokka, that’s all. You grunted when you were thrown into a cell. “Assholes!” You yelled before they slammed the door. You screamed in frustration, it was no use to break out of your cell. You would just get put back in, or in the ice chamber, they weren’t gonna let you near water now. Shit.
You sat there, thirsty and hungry. The cell door creaked open and you saw a guard walk in, but they had food. The guard quickly shut the door, “Here Y/N.” It was Zuko. You’ve never been happy seeing the prince but now you were. You jumped up and hugged him, he stumbled back but returned the embrace. “Oh thank god you’re okay. That means Sokka is too right?” You asked softly. “Wait...why isn’t he the one here?” Hurt was laced in your voice as tears welled up. “He found a girl he knew...Suki I think her name was?” Zuko said and took off his helmet. “Oh, of course, he would see his girlfriend and not his own sister.” You mumbled and took the cup of water Zuko had set down. You sipped it and looked up at him. 
“Long hair suits you.” You smiled and looked over at him. Were your eyes deceiving you? Was Prince Zuko blushing? “U-Umm thank you…” He mumbled while scratching the back of his head. You smirked slightly, “So, Sokka went to see his girlfriend, you here to see yours?” You teased while stepping closer. He backed up against the wall, gulping. “I-I don’t have a girlfriend.” Zuko mumbled and looked away. “Wow, Zuko! I am insulted.” You said dramatically and put your hand on your forehead. 
Zuko got more flustered and looked away. “I-I thought you hated me…” He mumbled and bit his lip. “I’m warmin’ up to ya.” You giggled and kissed his cheek. Zuko blushed more and looked away. “I’ve always kinda…liked you.” He spoke softly and leaned forward a little bit. You turned a bright pink. “You’re getting ahead of yourself princey.” You hummed and gave his lips a quick peck. “You should go before anyone gets suspicious.”
Tag; @goofygiggles
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strawberri-blonde · 3 years
Amortentia - Fred Weasley
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Summary: Your classic enemies to lovers.
Warning: Curse words.
Feeling the piece of paper hit your face for what felt like the Millionth time; your tolerance was long worn down. You went to grab your wand but Hermione stopped you by resting her hands into your wrist but it didn’t stop the anger that was filling your soul as you looked over at the Weasley twins. “Y/n, no.” The twins laughed as they saw the glare upon your face.
“Merlin, I’ll gulge your eyes out with my wand, Fred!” The older twin chuckled making George share a laugh as well. Heat filled your face and reached your ears making it feel as if steam was coming out. Hermione saw the anger that resisted in your expression and slowly took your wand from your grip worried for the Weasleys.
“I’d like to see you try sweetheart.” An aggravated  squeal left your lips causing the whole class to turn in the direction of the two tables earning the attention of a certain Professor. The twins kept laughing while Hermione nudge you to the front of the class where Professor McGonagall resigned with a stern look.
“If the two of you are done flirting, then it’s time to get back to the lesson.” You instantly felt your cheeks overflow in a deep red while Fred tried to cover his embarrassment with a light smirk but George didn’t fall for his tricks. He bump his shoulder against Fred’s making the boy blush before shoving his brother back somewhat harder. “Boys.”
“Sorry, Professor.” After the Weasleys apologied McGonagall stared them down for one last time before continuing.
Shaking away your insecurities, you grabbed onto the your quill and began to concentrate on today’s lesson while mumbling out, “idiots.”
You clenched your books in your hand as you glided down the halls with ease, your mind was so concentrated on the fact that lunch was going to be served soon that you didn’t notice the human being that you bumped into. “Oh, I’m sorr-”
“Watch it mugblood.”
Your breath got caught in your throat as the insult spewed from the blondes lips. Tears started to form but you wouldn’t dare let that snake see you cry. Before you could respond someone grabbed your shoulders and moved you to stand behind them. “Why don’t you shut your mouth Malfoy before I make sure you can’t speak again.”
Draco let out a laugh making his minions do the same while you looked up at Fred in confusion. Why was he helping you? “What a Weasley, trying to shield a mugblood. Makes sense.” You tensed at the harsh word again, causing the red head to fume. “Your whole family should be qualified as mugblood yourselves I mean-” Draco’s word were literally caught in his throat as Fred stepped forward with his long legs and wrapped his lanky but strong hands around the pure bloods throat.
Your eyes increased in size and worry filled your soul but not for Draco, who was getting his windpipe crushed, but surprisingly for Fred. He could get in so much trouble. When the minions saw the scary expression on his face they ran away too scared to turn up like Draco. “Fred.” You clasped his robes into your hands and tried to yank onto the fabric as hard as you could but the boy was like a rock. “Fred let him go.” What sounded like whimpers left Draco’s mouth as Fred seemed to ignore you completely. “Please.” Hearing your plea, the Weasley turned towards you and looked at your defeated expression and softened his gaze. Letting out a sigh, he dropped the boy to the floor with no hesitation.
“If you ever,” he continued as he bent down to Draco’s level. “Speak to Y/n again. I won’t stop.” Your heart raced at his words and you stood perfectly still as Fred straightened his posture and put a hand behind your back to motion you away from the mess he made. His touch was so gentle that if you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t feel it.
As you both turned the corner, you clenched your books towards your chest. “Thank you for that, but I had it covered.” Fred let out a laugh and bumped into you slightly to joke around.
“Oh, I bet, but I really wanted to strangle that swamp arse.” Rolling your eyes you stepped onto the staircase and before you could grab the hand rail, the motion of it moving caused you to fall into his arms. “Darn, Y/n I didn’t figure you the type of girl to fall in a boys arms.” Hearing the cockiness, you pushed off him and took a step up and gripped the rail into your hand. Once the stair was set, you walked up the top and greet the portrait of the singing fat lady. Her silk pink dress flowed as she turned to look at the two of you and her eyes widen. “Pass- bloody, you two are standing beside one another and aren’t arguing?” You blushed whiled Fred laughed out the password.
“Caput Draconis.” With confusion in her painted eyes, she opened the door to the Gryffindor common room. Comfort washed over as you took in the cinnamon scent and saw the warm fire. “Maybe I’ll save you a seat in the dining hall.” You blushed as you looked down at your feet before looking at at the handsome man. “Can’t have anyone ruffling your feathers but me.”
You smirked and nodded your head, “but you huh.”
“Yeah.” Fred stuffed his hands in his pockets to stand a little taller. “But me.”
Ever since that day you and Fred and been a little more civil with one another... Okay, a lot more civil. At first so many people thought you both were joking; that it was some big prank because after all the years of straight arguing all of a sudden you like each other?
You let the huff escape from your lips as you went over the potion you were going to do in Professor Snape’s class but Fred wasn’t doing much help as he stuffed his face with countless of chocolate frogs. Giving the boy a sharp look, Fred laughed at your expression. “What?”
“You’re making a mess.” You closed the spell book while Fred bit off the head of the chocolate figure. “You’re going to get chocolate everywhere.”
A mischievous smirk made its way to the Weasleys face as he turned to you. “Oh you mean like this.” You gasped at he wiped some milk chocolate onto your noise without thinking of the consequences. “Or this.” You mouth closed its gap and instead an ‘are you serious,’ expression took its place as he wiped a line of chocolate on your right cheek. “What about this?” You sighed as he now spread the dark sweetness to your left cheek.
“You done yet.” Fred tilted his head and squinted his eyes and clicked his tongue against his cheek. He lifted his thumb and slowly pressed it on your bottom lip, teasingly sliding it across making your breath get caught in your throat. You both seemed to be in a trance as your eyes never left his and all of his attention was on your lips.
The room grew hot as your hearts race from the need of each other. Slowly you slipped the tip of your tongue out and licked away the sweetness and took his thumb into your warm and wet mouth. Fred had to clench the couch cushions to surpress himself from pouncing on you. The way you swirled your tongue around his thumb sent him in a frenzy. Seeing his eyes darkened from hunger you let him go with a pop. “How should I get the rest off?” Fred went to reach for your waist but the door to the common room opened with Harry, Ron and George coming in. You pushed Fred away from you sending him to the floor and your cheeks were flooded red from embarrassed that you let your hormones take over your mind like that.
The three boys looked at you two in confusion and Ron was the first to speak. “Y/n, why do you have chocolate all over your face and Fred, bloody hell mate. Get off the floor.” Fred sat up with a huff and George started to laugh quickly understand his frustration and you became a blubbering mess.
“Um, I-I um...” you got chocked up and gestured towards your spell book. “We, um... I-I.” And just like that you took off disguarding your supplies and ran up to your room hoping to hide away from embarrassment.
“So Ron told me about last night.” You rolled your eyes as you added ingredients to the spell.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You whispered back checking to make sure Professor Snape wasn’t looking because you really didn’t feel like getting yelled at by him today.
“Um, huh.” Hermione squinted her eyes and let a smirk take over as you pulled away from the spell and reached for your book but then you remembered how you left your book in the common room.
“Past.” Like as if he could read your mind Fred held your book in the air and waved it around making you giggle. You reached out to snatch it but the Weasley lifted it higher making you stick your tongue out to him.
“Freddie, give it.” This was the first time you’ve given him the nickname and it made him almost cave in.
“Come and get it.” You rolled your eyes at his words and looked to make sure Snape wasn’t looking before ever so slowly getting up from your seat to grab your book but right as you were about to snatch it, you stepped on a weak board having it squeak. In a flash Severus Snape turned in your direction having you look like a deer caught in head lights.
“What are you doing Ms. Y/l/n?”
“Um.” You mumbled not liking having everyone’s eyes on you.
“It’s my fault, Professor.” Fred stood up and gestured towards her book. “I took her book and Y/n was just trying to get it back.”
“Why is it?” He questioned stepping closer to the pair. “Every time there’s a noise or argument it’s from you two. Granger.” Hermione snapped her head up giving her attention to the older man. “Switch seats with Mr. Weasley.”
“Um which one sir?” Snape snapped a glare in Fred’s direction.
“Mr. Weasley you will sit in Ms. Granger’s seat and partner with Y/n and you two will learn to exist together and not argue.” Confusion went around the room because everyone took notice as to how great Y/n and Fred have gotten along. I guess Snape didn’t get the memo.
You shyly say back down and waved Hermione bye and internal screamed when Fred took a seat to your right. “Alright, everyone get back to the potion.”
Fred bumped you shoulder and handed you your book to which you took with a smile and opened it to the page you needed. “What are we making anyway?”
Shaking your head, you mumbled out. “Poor Hermione.” You added the last ingredient and began to stir. “It’s Amortentia it spells like whatever you’re attracted to.” You pushed Fred’s chest and laughed. “But with all of your cologne I can’t smell anything.” Fred rolled his eyes playfully and pulled you into him.
“First of all I could say the same Y/n, I mean did you broke the whole bottle on yourself and second, I was in a rush so I couldn’t put my cologne on only my deodorant.”
You two laughed at each other saying how the other is lying when Snape raisies his voice at the two. “You’re smelling each other from the Amortentia you idiots.” And just like that your smiles dropped and you both stared intimately at one another.
“If we weren’t in class right now I’d so kiss you.” Fred widen his eyes then signaled to George. Hermione looked worried as George pulled out some random vile from his robes and poured it into the potion. Green mist sprung loose and this horrible smell filled everyone’s noses. Fred grabbed you’re books along with his with one hand and grabbed your wrist with the other to pull you out the class. You couldn’t stop laughing at Fred pulled you down the halls and he dropped your books to grab your cheeks into his large hands.
As your eyes met, and heavy breathes collided you both smiled widely at one another. You were the first to make your move as you stood on your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him down for the kiss. Fred caresses your skin as he felt your soft plump lips move heavenly against his thin ones. Heat pooled between the two as the kiss deepened. Fred licked the bottom of your lip for entrance and instead of accepting you pulled back with a giggle and grabbed his hands and pulled him behind you guiding him through the halls laughter filling wherever y’all went. Once when two reach the Gryffindor commons rooms laughter did appear once or twice but it was mostly filled with your sounds of passionate love.
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