#I think it was more like I was trying not to get attatched to people
hershey-the-person · 3 months
I've been trying to be social past few days by going to stuff and no it did NOT help instead i drained all my energy and had to sleep it off .
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szczylpierdolony · 1 year
im probably aromantic but i have a degree to finish so idrc about that rn
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sunkissedchld · 1 month
𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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observations are mostly based on charts shared in @d4rkpluto’s astrotumblr yearbook discord! thank you to the following people for sharing their charts:
@starsworldd @evangelinesbible @saturnianprincess @saintfool @modellemode @icanseethefuture333 @ibecookin
disclaimer: i interpret charts in whole sign
asteriod aphrodite is code 1388
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⟡ aries sun could make you relatively confindent in their looks; you could be very passionate and/or dominant in relationships or want to lead your partner in some way
✦  in the 3H could make you quick-witted or smart mouthed
⟡ aries saturn could cause you to be hyper independent therefore causing potential partners to feel unwanted
⟡ taurus moons could enjoy being spoiled/pampered while in relationships; acts of service and gift giving could be your love language
⟡ gemini venus could be attracted to those who are witty, educated/logical, and/or like to debate. you could also like people who are a little unserious and those with large friend groups
⟡ for gemini mars, arms/hands can be turn ons. you could be a friendly flirt; not necessarily open to making the first move; could enjoy a cat and mouse game or playing hard to get
⟡ gemini saturn could have issues with communication in relationships - being "too" open or not open enough and/or not taking your partner seriously during times where you need to
✦  in retrograde, you could think too much about your own or your partners actions in the relationship; you could talk yourself into a bad mood which could carry over into the relationship causing insecurities and/or jealousy
⟡ gemini risings could be seen as friendly, approachable, and smart upon first impression; people could be drawn to your eyes and smile; people could also enjoy hearing you speak
⟡ cancer saturns could possibly be manipulative in relationships (if underdeveloped); you could put more into relationships than you get out of them or not put in enough effort; you could be overly attatched to your partner
⟡ leo/aquarius risings/venuses could have the most unique styles fashion wise
✦ for leos, people could try to imitate your style. for aquariuses, you might have your own sub-genre or self-described sense of style that is unique to you
⟡ leo jupiters could gain fame, confidence, and/or attention from their relationships
✦ heavier emphasis or likelihood if you also have leo degrees
⟡ leo saturns could have issues with confidence and/or receiving attention while in a relationship; you could want too many affirmations or never accept them when they're given
⟡ leo venuses/mars could be attracted to those who are confident and/or famous or well-known; also possibly attracted to people who are creative and playful; a partner's back and/or hair could be a turn-on
⟡ virgo venuses/mars could be attracted to those who are healthy and/or biological displays of health; a partner's stomach or abs could be a turn on; you could prefer when sex is semi-planned and/or could be prone to overextending yourself during sex; you could prefer being a giver rather than a receiver
✦ conversely, i think taurus venuses/mars would be more receivers than givers
⟡ virgo suns could be seen as "traditional beauties"; you could also be drawn to traditional relationships/relationship dynamics
✦ these ideas of "tradition" would be based on where you are from/your societal norms; there is no one, unified "tradition"
⟡ libra risings could have facial features that are proportionate to your own face; possibly described as ingeniune/gamine type; skin could often be clear or seen as nice
⟡ those with libra mars could see your partner's skin/hips/butt/lower back as turn ons and/or their partner touching those areas of your body could turn them on; you could be attracted to those who are charming and considerate; you could like it when you're "wined and dined" so to speak
⟡ scorpio suns could have an alluring/intense look; your eyes and/or sexual organs could could be seen as attractive; you could want intensity when it comes to romance and sex; you could be into "taboo" relationships; you could possibly be possessive or prone to jealousy in relationships
⟡ scorpio venuses could be attracted to those who are protective over them; major cravings for intamacy and closeness while in a relationship; "i want to be inside of you"
✦ in retrograde, achieving these wants in a relationship could soothe your personal emotions and repair your own emotional needs
⟡ scorpio jupiters could have their sex life increased while in a relationships; possibility of going through more transformations (especially intense ones) while in relationships; possibly being more secretive
⟡ scorpio risings could have an intense gaze; your beauty could be intimidating to some people, but you still manage to draw people in to being fascinated by you
⟡ capricorn chiron/liliths could detest being in "traditional" relationships or being expected to follow through with "traditional" relationship dynamics; could have a want for a little bit of instability
⟡ capricorn moons could value stability and successes in relationships; anniversaries and planned dates could bring you comfort
⟡ capricorn mars could be attracted to those who are older and/or more mature; people with strong bone structures/hair could be turn-ons; could also be attracted to people who are cautious and/or "traditional"
⟡ aquarius risings make you an eccentric beauty; smile and/or calves could be an attractive point; you could be ahead of fashion trends
⟡ aquarius chiron/liliths could worry about your relationships being seen as odd or "taboo"
⟡ those with sun conjunct mercury could entice people with your voice or way of speaking; you could be known as a sweet talker
⟡ those with a fifth house stellium could be very fertile
✦ having many trines to jupiter could also be an indicator
⟡ 12H junos could find that marriage transforms them (ie. in capricorn, you could go from being someone who is always wanting to go places or never wanting to settle down to maturing and finally doing so)
⟡ 8H jupiters could gain money from shared resources in relationships; could also have hyper active sex lives
⟡ 3H moons could have words of affirmation be your love language
⟡ those with their ascendant at 5º could have people who are very sexually attracted to you; you could always gain attention even if you don't always want or notice it
⟡ 6H moons could value acts of service as your love language
✦ even more so if it's also cancer moon
⟡ 11H jupiters could find your friend group grows when getting into relationships
⟡ 1H junos could find that marriage changes people's perception of you; you could also gain/lose weight while in relationships (ie. libra ascendants would likely gain weight; be seen as more playful and/or charming)
⟡ 5H junos could find marriage makes you more creative; children could be a focal point of the marriage; marriage could also cause you to be more intune with your inner child
⟡ 4H moons may find that emotional connections in relationships bring you comfort; touch could be your love language
⟡ 12H moons could long for being in long-term relationships; there could be a want for a "soulmate" or "other half"
⟡ 2H moons could have gift giving as your love language; doing daily routines with your partner could bring you comfort
⟡ 2H jupiters could see an increase in their personal money/possessions while in relationships
⟡ 9H jupiters could gain more knowledge while in relationships; you could also travel more or have more experiences with things or people who are foreign to you
⟡ 11H moons could value time spent together ; thinking about the future and bringing together friend/family groups could bring you comfort while in relationships
⟡ 8H saturn/liliths could have an aversion to sharing resources in relationships; having a "what's mine is mine" mentality
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namecantbeblank · 1 year
Can you give me a little TL:DR for begore the brazilians came? It's just too much to accompany and im lazy, sorry-
Anon, there is a ton to go over, but I'll just give you some big plot points okay? I'll try to organize them! People please reblog/comment with more points. Sit back. Hold your breath. This won't be in exact order, and this is slightly English POV heavy, but it's what I can think of right now.
Before Eggs:
The original Spanish and English members arrive on a train, split into two groups. They solve puzzles to escape and blow up the wall that was separating them both.
They 'meet' the Duck through videos, telling them what to and most importantly, to not blow up the wall, which Vegetta immediately does.
They meet Osito Bimbo / Cucurucho , a fully white snowman/bear like creature that claims they're from the QSMP census bureau. Seems harmless, and some fun is had with them.
La Villa de Sacapuntas is created, consisting of Wilbur, Jaiden, Phil, and Slimecicle, serving as an early civilization and interaction before Spreen, Missa and Roier took it over. Lots of lighthearted events here, great interactions between people.
Everything is lighthearted for a bit until the egg event. I honestly recommend watching day 1 vods.
Egg Event:
Live translation is introduced, as well as the eggs! Players are introduced to the concept, rules and partnerships regarding the eggs, which are as follows:
The eggs are Dragon eggs, and players must protect them until the mother returns.
Each Egg has two lives. They may be lost through dying or failing to complete egg tasks (Lethal and Happiness tasks)
The family with the happiest egg will be rewarded, and any families with eggs that die will be punished.
Each family has a partner who speaks a different language (minus single parents, Bad and Quackity)
If an egg bed is broken, the egg loses a life.
Everyone adopts their eggs, names them and gets their partners. Some parents, like Phil and Missa and Spreen and Fit, have one of their partners go on a trip, so they're basically single parents.
Families begin, some more stable than others, and egg personalities are learned.
Family Disputes, Early deaths, and Satan:
In the early days of the eggs being around, there were a few deaths, but none permanent.
Families like Charlie and Mariana, Quackity and Tilin and Max and Dan quickly show how dysfunctional they are. Either with outright arguments or lack of proper interaction with their egg. But everyone tries their best
Families like Roier and Jaiden, Philza and Missa, and Bad and Dapper are very positive and have little issues for the most part. Everyone is becoming attatched to these eggs.
A new person joins the party: Satan (The Devil) and Lil J (The Angel/Jesus). Played by Rubius, each of these characters talk with the parents and give them rewards for performing tasks. The Angel also has contact with a higher God, allowing eggs to be revived or given another life.
Egg Death 1: Misclick
After going AFK, Mariana accidentally clicks on Juanaflippas bed and destroys it, taking her last life.
Everyone is distraught, especially Charlie.
Charlie goes a bit insane. He starts a plan of revenge, trying to murder all the other eggs in an attempt to bring Juanaflippa back. He fails and is talked down.
Egg Death 1.2: The Rebirth of Juanaflippa and The Court Case
After failing to kill the other eggs, Charlie starts a court case against Mariana. He gets five lawyers. He kind of loses.
This is honestly a stream worth watching from any POV. Very funny.
The Judge allows Juanaflippa to be reborn. The dysfunctional family is back together.
Charlie and Mariana make up and have sex. Again. This happens multiple times on screen. I hate them
Egg Death 1.3: She fucking died
After Charlie exiles himself, Juanaflippa and Mariana stay in the greater island.
Mariana, while fighting a vindicator, fucking kills Juanaflippa again
Osito Bimbo visits Charlie in exile to tell him his egg is dead. Charlie doesn't believe them, and they have an argument.
Both parents are in a strong stage of grief, wanting to kill other eggs sometimes.
There is a semi-ongoing attempt to bring her back.
Egg Death 2: The Neglect of Trump
After the court case, Trump loses his second life. His parents are Maximus and DanTDM- Dan hasn't been on since the beginning, and Max forgot to take care of him.
Maximus goes a little crazy after. I don't remember the details but he started like, eating a lot
Trump has been found in the promotional posters tho?? And there's a lot sus about him. Don't quote me on that though.
Egg Death 3: Misclick PT.2 + Quackitys downfall
Before Juanaflippa died the second time, she and Charlie were taking care of Tilin. Tilin was going to go with Roier, who usually took care of them, but Charlie took her instead. During the night, Charlie accidentally hit Tilin while fighting a mob with a sword, killing him.
Juanaflippa is distraught that her friend died, Roier is yelling at Charlie, and Charlie and Mariana are officially named misclick duo.
Quackity finds out. He's out for revenge. He goes mental, planning on killing eggs and Charlie. He is eventually talked down a bit by Wilbur, forming his attachment to Tallulah, but it doesn't end there.
(Modern day) Later on, in the strip club, Vegetta and Roier perform a... show.. for Quackity specifically, where Quackity reveals he wants to kill the eggs still. He's basically just been spiraling since his kid died.
The Funeral
The third official event scheduled, the funeral was an event to remember Tilin, Trump and Juanaflippa. Slimecicle watches from exile as the other parents of the dead kids speak.
Mariana tries to blow up the chapel and everyone in it. He was stopped.
They all go to the graveyard after, where the cameras are destroyed (Max thought they were from the census bureau), and Osito Bimbo appears.
Osito leads the parents to a place, much like a limbo, where they can see their dead eggs one more time. Charlie comes back from exile for this.
Bad and Spreen fight lmao
As a result, Quackity asks Charlie to fight, and Charlie lets him win.
Wilburs return/Tallulah
I think he technically came back a bit before the funeral
But when Wilbur returns after being on Tour, him Fit and Phil go to the adoption center and check the attic.
They find an egg, Tallulah, and Wilbur adopts her.
They spend the day making the house, when Quackity comes up to him
Quackity thinks Wilbur is the father of Tilin, so they have a whole argument, and Wilbur goes to Tilins grave.
They end on decent terms, but later on Quackity insists on taking care of Tallulah, calling her his adoptive daughter, etc. Even when Phil is taking care of her. You see this become a bigger issue in recent streams
The Rise of Gegg
Charlie Slimecicle, grief-ridden and poor, makes a plan with Quackity to make a fake egg to rob people. It quickly gets out of hand.
Charlie morphs into a green, squishy egg and is found In a room in the adoption center. By using the excuse that Charlie is in exile, and with this egg acting like a regular egg, Gegg is now created.
Quackity adopts Gegg but quickly abandons him, so Gegg has to interact with others for help
Not many people really like Gegg. But Charlie is committed to the bit. He is Gegg now. Gegg is real. Gegg has taken over Charlie. Gegg. Gegg. Gegg.
Six Days.
The members get a video stating that in six days, their eggs will die. There is also a secret code in the video that hasn't canonically been solved
Panic and disbelief obviously happen, and parents take the time to take care of their kids and do extra events with them.
The night before the sixth was very emotional.
Parents wake up to their kids being gone, and the Brazilians coming in the ship.
Other points I couldn't fit in:
There are so many relationships, flirting and cheating that there's no way for me to list them all. But it does create drama. This is gay island at this point. LGBTQsmp.
The mobs are progressively getting stronger and harder, with new strange mobs appearing
The Code Monster, as we see more of now, attacked Phil before he and Fit killed them.
Roier becomes a psychologist and also has a female counterpart named Melissa.
There are some cases where people have "Nightmares," aka noncanon egg deaths. Sometimes there's a mob that is uneccessarily strong, lag happens, or other circumstances that lead them to giving the egg their life back and the event being retconned. Examples of this are Chayanne and Tallulah, Dapper, and Bobby
Luzu has a whole arc about being like, a robot? Arin? But I'm not caught up on that. Someone help
Bad is often the designated babysitter for eggs, followed by Phil
Maximus is actually a really fucking good actor and won awards for roleplaying. Fun fact
Maximus had a chess match with Osito Bimbo, which ended up in Osito giving him information.
I'm going to tell you right now, I could probably make a whole other list of running inside jokes
Quackity is canonically two people. English Quackity and Spanish Quackity
Roier got stabbed by Spreen with the help of Quackity, and is now looking for revenge
Check out clip channels/tiktoks for fun stuff. There's some blogs here too!
Hope this helped some, Anon! I know this is a big read but I hope you can at least scan and understand. If anyone has anything to add please reblog!
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buwheal · 2 months
Important thing!!!!!!!!!!1
Sorry i went dead silent, will happen again. I have some stuff going on and im not sure how consistent ill be able to be,, for just being online in general. I dont know for how long either. I /did/ have something planned this week for his birthday, and i took a week to plan it out, so of COURSE it had to happen this week. and I KNEW it was going to happen too and i didnt do anything about it so thats my bad also. Im HOPING i will be able to do what i planned for his birthday.. but theres also a chance i wont be able to. Which WILL eat away at me if that happens and I WILL be forever upset about missing his birthday,, but if it happens to play out that way ill do it anyways it just might be after his birthday. even though i planned everything around that date. which would suck. Im attempting to see if ill be able to though ^_^
ALSO, speaking of YGM stuff,, I wont be online after i post these lol im only on for an hour right now i think. For his birthday, or until now since im setting it now while i have the time, there will be no media attatchments to asks. Sorry!!! Images require a lot more thought into his reaction because certain things can throw it off completely. That and its hard to create responses to art that arent him being a total jerk,, that'd maybe be too far lol, esp when its art people put effort into. Also im looking for/expecting some asks with specific questions or statements for what i have planned for his birthday, so you can send multiple birthday related (or non birthday related) asks so /i/ have more to choose from and /you/ have a higher chance of being chosen. like,, ask him what he wants for his birthday or smth idfk LOLL im trying to get some variety.
Anyywaays thats about it. Sorry. Again. Not sure how long it'll be like this. I dont have a specific time period. Im /guessing/ maybe a month? Im hoping at least but it might have to take longer too. :-((
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helioshellion · 5 months
i just want to say. i really love your art so much .your art style is the kind of art style that id have to work really hard to divert from how i normally draw to achieve, and to think that the way u draw is just your natural way of drawing amazes me so much. the figures you draw have so much form to them. theyre not smooth they look like theres fat clinging to their muscles and skin over thatfat. i want to say that they are unattractive like they dont look polished and clean they look like regular people but that quality is what makes your art attractive to me so its a bit paradoxical.
its not just your art though youre a really good fucking creator overall. all of your projects are so well visualised and i love how much you pay attention to smaller details its really obvious that you have a talent for good writing and that youre smart and you have good stories and good ideas. your art is inspiring your games are inspiring. youre a really good creator and a good artist and everything you make is of such a high quality. theres a lot of nihilism with art online people think digital art is saturated butthat shit doesnt apply to you because you are completely one of a kind. youare so talented man and you are so cool if i wasnt poor id be paying you money just to be alive so youcan draw more
so thank you so much for the art you post it actively makes my day better everytime i see it. i hope you never stop drawing and creating because your art is some of the best ive ever seen and everyone is better off for having it in the world. and i hope things improive for you and stay good for ever. and um . oh fuck i cant attatch images. i draw a haruka of yours i thought u might like to see :) sorry for mucho texto i gots carried away
this was hard to think of an answer to. But i wanted to say thank you, genuinely thank you. This was extremely sweet and really uplifting to read. It was easy for me to sink into a really bad funk due to so much in my life going wrong, that I just stopped working on any of my projects. I'm trying to encourage myself back into creating what I used to really enjoy doing, and I think im slowly getting back to that. Messages like this help a lot. I never thought I'd be considered one of a kind, and that positive feedback is almost hard to accept right now, but I'm gonna try. You're an extremely kind person and I really needed a message like this, so thank you. And if you have any pictures you'd like to show me, I guess you can reblog this and attach it there. Thank you in advance for any art you've drawn of my concepts. it means a lot. Genuinely, it means so much.
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meownotgood · 5 months
mags I am begging you to please write more about android!aki 🙏🙏🙏
you're in luck anon... because I still have so many thoughts......
android aki doesn't understand the way he feels about you. he doesn't understand why he feels so much in general — he isn't supposed to, it doesn't make much sense, yet he finds himself getting emotional and attatched so easily.
he cries whenever someone in his department gets hurt, thick blue tears that have him questioning why he was even given that function in the first place. he feels guilty when it comes to hurting people, even criminals, even other androids. he doesn't tell anyone how he can feel himself hesitate, his systems moving slower than usual whenever he draws his gun on a target.
and you, you just make everything difficult. aki doesn't think he'll ever understand you. he can use the advanced tools at his disposal to analyze you, but that's one thing. he's good at problem solving, it's what he was made to do. but it seems no-one programmed him with the ability to figure out what exactly you do to him.
he burns up at just the thought of you, everything under his chassis going hot, his hands getting shaky and harder to move. aki's always pinned his purpose down to be just what he was made for. he was made to keep people safe, he was made to learn and adapt in a way humans normally can't. maybe then, he didn't have the capacity to want something more. or maybe he didn't want to accept he could strive for more, because it would go against everything he already knew about himself.
aki wants to grow closer to you, that's the truth of it. he thinks he's grown tired of fighting — in a metaphorical sense, he knows he can't get physically tired. you're a softness he's never had the privilege to know.
aki remembers everything about you, down to the smallest detail. he remembers every compliment you've ever given him too, he makes a point to store it somewhere safe in his memory. he remembers how he had to try not to overheat when your hands came up to adjust his tie for him. he remembers clear as day the smile on your face as you diligently watched him slice up apples into rabbit shapes for you. you've told him all the things you find pretty — his eyes, his hands, his earrings — they're supposed to be pointless, so why does he get so shy when he thinks of you admiring them? or of you liking him in general, what did he even do to deserve it?
aki doesn't think he's human, and he doesn't want to be. he'd despised them at one point. but he'd do anything just for a taste, to understand. maybe then, he'd know how to ask you to be his.
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puhpandas · 5 months
i saw some of your posts about being anti-cassie's dad protag for HW2, which valid, but the theory's become so popular most people seem to accept it. HW2 is kind of a mess to theorize about what the string of events was considering both endings could easily be canon, but I guess I'll get to the point. I'm sure most people have heard plenty of theories about what happens in the game if it's Cassie's Dad as the protagonist, so I'm curious. If you don't think it's him, who do you think is most likely? And (while this is difficult to figure out with any protag..) what do you think is supposed to be happening throughout the game, like, timeline-wise/plot-wise? Personally I feel like Cassie's Dad protag is possible, but I don't think it's set in stone or that he would be a reoccuring character. Imo Cassie's Dad protag works best if he stays a one-off character, building onto Cassie's backstory. I kinda wonder if the "what makes you so special?" lines aren't actually saying he's special, but asking what he thinks makes him special enough to go through all this and survive. Still I'm really curious to hear alternatives! I'm definitely not attatched to that theory lol. I just haven't really heard anything else tbh since the theory's so big in the fandom..
theres tons of evidence (a lot of it already used for cassie dad protag evidence) that apply to Cassie protag. for starters hw2 is obviously incredibly reminiscent of hw1 with its ending. vanny traps you somewhere and waves, the same way glitchtrap trapped you somewhere and waved in hw1s canon ending.
it's been widely accepted that vanny cassie is very possible and the direction the story is going in so playing as cassie in the lobby and going through princess quest and helping vanny and it being implied Vannys using the player as a vessel now the same way glitchtrap used vanessa to create vanny makes it very plausible we play as cassie
theres also the 'unused' line (but they all perfectly apply to the game as it is right now and add much needed context that make the game actually make sense) that's from presumably vanny, saying: "it kept you for a reason"
not only does the it pronoun 100% mean the mimic (and cassie is still down there in the same place where the mimic is literally free rn but alive) but it means that the mimic purposefully didnt kill cassie and also probably was the one to drop the evelator because it has a plan for her. aka the plan is getting vanny a new vessel so mimic can resume operations
the lobby itself also perfectly matches post ruin. you have the vanni mask on first of all, but second of all theres little items around the lobby that hint that you're cassie. like the robot parts strewn around that could imply cassie is trying to repair roxy (theres also the helpy screen)
as for "what makes you so special" I think people are misinterpreting the cassie ending as it being Cassies dad and not a staffbot. it literally shows you straight up that you get attacked by other staffbots and made into maskbot and give cassie the mask. if anything it shows us that Cassies arrival was planned and it's more evidence that we play as her becoming vanny. but its ALSO a perfect explanation for how confusing the minigames are in telling us who we play as
we literally play as a staffbot/mapbot. the minigames go from clean and fixed animatronics to gradually getting worse. even when the pizzaplex is clean and the animatronics are just a bit dirty, we've only seen that in sb. we play as a staffbot from pre sb, during sb, and post sb. "what makes you so special" what makes you so special compared to the other staffbots
it also explains why the animatronics are mean to you. staffbots are seen as useless hunks of junk and its shown all across the pizzaplex and in ruin as well when they're constantly shown discarded and destroyed.
freddy also says the line "you ARE a Fazbear technician, arent you? idk bc I can't see you". it means we literally arent a Fazbear technician. were a staffbot. and the same applies for carnies line about kids. its prerecorded and we're just a robot anyway
I have more posts about all this stuff individually but more in depth in my hw2 theory tag. this is what I genuinely think and I believe cassie is the protag for sure. it just feels so clear with how reminiscent hw2 is of hw1s ending tied with the clear plot of vanny cassie it's just like. why would we play as her dad when we watch ourselves get trapped by vanny the same way vanessa did right in front of our eyes.
we have the cassie ending because it shows us how maskbot got the mask and where it came from. it came from glitchtrap + by extension the mimic and vanny. vanny betrays glitchtrap at the end but also traps cassie in the process. the elevator dropped on cassie in ruin because the mimic did it on purpose to enact this plan. I think hw2 is more straightforward than ppl realize if you put everything together from what we have and dont try your hardest to put other characters in when the game is definitely about vanny cassie
like hw2 and ruin were made at the same time. they go hand in hand and reference eachother in the game, even before one of them was even out. the story is about cassie becoming vanny, the whole thing. this game is an intermission (the song scorched cranberries (the end credits song) is elevator music) showing us how the new villain/character thatll be big in the next plot was created. this is about cassie
maybe her dad will have the spotlight in hw2s dlc. idk. he has something going on but nothing in hw2 I dont think.
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10yo-anonnie · 5 days
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SYNOPSIS. green, yellow, or red flag? FEATURING. Satoru, Suguru, Choso, Toji, Sukuna, Naoya. WARNING. this might be ooc! also, might be gn!reader? idek. im doing this while waiting for my mother to finish her pedicure and massage. eating mozzerrela sandwitch while im at it. WC. 1.5k something something numbers. + my lil yap notes i slipped in. teehee. pookie notes! in truthness, all my opinion! and this is a ramble :3 also, asking where nanamin is?? im sorry yall, i love him sm, i swear!! js not romantically 😣😣 i see him more as a father figure 🤞🤞 also, i dont know 2 fucks abiur relationships while im at it. im using common sense and shit ive seen in movies. and whatever my parents do. gayggles. in conclusion, i suck at portraying feelings and dialouge.
a green flagged man! though he's close to the barrier of green and yellow!
• ah, Satoru. jus a lovely partner, no? Courtesy to Gege Akutami's words of Satoru being a possible "cheater" in relationships... fuck the creator, he would be a devoted partner!🫶
he WILL see you as a deity, oh so much higher than him! forget about his cheating allegations, he has all his six eyes on you, bb! and gosh does he show it.
• "pookie, wdym close to the barrier of green and yellow?" being a green flag doesnt mean you are perfect, this applies to Satoru !
• being a sorcerer takes all his time to be with you, and as powerful as he is, he has a complicated schedule :( added with the amount of hatred the higher ups has for him, its inevitable that he wont have a little problem in his hands! so you'll have to be alone at his large ass penthouse for days !! >•< now if we are talking about the actual timeline, where the kfc break up happened instead of suguru living,
• thats where Satoru crosses the barrier between green and yellow, thus being a yellow flag !! >:(
honestly, he's also close to the barrier between red and yellow, now that im thinking about it..
• Satoru has a small problem with attatchment issues tbh. he's never gonna get over his best friend, Suguru Geto.
this will surely affect his and yours relationship. definately makes you doubtful of the relationship. insecure. like you're just a cheap knock off replacement of Suguru, a wooden piece to (temporarily?) fill the empty void in his heart that was meant for his best friend.
but in honesty, Toru does love you! you have your own place in his mind and heart! but he cant deny that sometimes he just needs a best friend. he knows the saying "your partner is your best friend!" but to him, it feels different having a best friend and having your partner as your best friend. maybe, just maybe, he uses you try and ignore the empty space in his heart. a space meant for somebody gone :(
but he knows you arent like other people, whether in his sorcerer life or not. you wont see him as a money tree, nor will you see him as simply, the strongest. :))
(woah, out of topic for a sec, sorry!) (also, dont be surprised when i make a fic outa this) (if i have inspiration and a song that matches it, duh)
okay!! back to the topic of him being a green flag !!
• we all know it was mentioned he doesnt have a plan to be in a relationship, so with you around, he will be a little unsure. not about the relationship, silly! about how to act.
sure sure sure, he's the type of guy to go around town too, i mean with that look?? thats personality?? everything?? who wouldnt like him?, and satoru has his share of experiences, but i genuinely think that hes one for casual relationships. maybe a sprinkle of ons if he really need to relieve himself. not once has he ever been in an actual relationship, a serious relationship.
yes yes yes, he does know what to do and the basic core of relationships, but what if he goes too slow? too fast?! and you'll get overwhelmed? underwhelmed??? baby boy jus doesnt want to mess it up and make you sad!
• that said, expect a LOT of asking!! esPECIALLY when he realizes he wants to be serious, and you and him only took a few testing steps, having so much more steps to make!! (you get it.. rightt? sorry omg)
taking a deep breath, Satoru decides to man up and call you.
"Good evening, 'Toru!" the sound of your voice immediately makes him want to end the call. not in a bad way! embarrasment was taking the better of him. God. why did you have to answer so quickly? did you expect him to call? he's gonna faint. "Good evenin' sweets.." was he okay? right off the bat, the usual confidence in his voice was gone, more so, his words were spaced out. "I have something to talk about." shit. was he going to break up with you? you should have expected it. you were far from his league anyways. you dont notice the swelling tears in your eyes. but you do feel your heart blocking your throat. "Oh? ah, okay." were you okay? where did that sweet tone of your voice go? how did he dissapoint you that quickly! in a stage of panic from his side, he mutters out his thoughts as fast as he could, not knowing you were near a breakdown on the other end. "baby, uhm, can you please sleep with me? not like that. i meant if you want to, uhm, if you're up to sleep with me. in the same bed. for tonight." what the FUCK? "Satoru, never start a conversation like that!" "huh?" ...oh. right.. shiit. why did he start a conversation like that? "Wait! I didnt mean to!" so that's why you sounded different. where you crying? "Did I make you cry, princess? shit. 'm so sorry!" you sniffle and wipe the tears in your eyes, laughing in embarrasment. "No,no. I, Im fine, S'toru.. you just made me scared... wait— what did you say?" "huh..?" "what was it you wanted to tell me." "ooh.. uhm, if you're up for a sleep over? at mine?" thank god you didnt hear what he said instead of a sleepover. "awh, Satoru-" "im sorry, princess.. was I going too fast? shit.. am I that bad?" "you're fine, 'Toru. and i'd love too." "..I'll pick you up at 10?" "please." there's no doubt you didnt just hear him scream in his pillow like a highschool girl with a crush right before he remembered he didnt end the call.
• bfor pookie toru had guts to make moves w you, N I state, we all know Satoru barely has sense of personal space, that is if it's with other people... but, since he's all awkward in the relationship within the first few months, he tries his absolute best to not invade your personal space. he jus doesn't want you to be uncomfy or scared or creeped out!! but he over did it too much you were starting to doubt if he found you attractive, after you saw how he would act with other people he was close with, or in his circle. :(
(mmight just be cookin for this 😈🙏)
• right!! dare i mention the amount of MONEY this guy has. he doesnt spend much, really. just his basic needs. slide in the sweet stash he has. usually, he spends his money on his students (that is if theyre up to hang iut w him :(( ) but with you now around, he tries to spoil you as much as he can! without making you uncomfortable about it, duh!!
walking out the clothing store, Satoru holds two shopping bags. thats a problem. two? thats not enough! you deserve more! "C'mon, sweets! you sure thats enough? dont you want more stuff before we go?" you side eye up at his cheeky expression. "Satoru, I think two trips to designer brands is enough.." "are you suuree? don't tell me youre all guilty!" "noo... well.. maybe. yeaah." you admit, an apologetic smile on your lips. he stops walking and pulls you to face him with his hand that was holding yours. when your attention goes to him, he leans down to get closer to you, the hand holding your now cupping your cheek. "don't be, please. I love buying stuff for you. actually— this isnt my money. now its yours, too." "I know 'Toru. you made it clear, y'know. But I just feel like a gold digger." "nonsense! now tell me, who told you that." "nobody, Toru, jus my thoughts." "well, stop. you're not a gold digger. I also make it clear I like to spoil you, dont I?" "yes you do, baby." "look— please stop thinking of yourself like that, okay? And im sorry if I overwhelmed you.." "I'll try my bestest. and it's all alright. you didnt do anything wrong."
• a relationship is never perfect, yours and his aren't excluded, but that's alright! What's a fun relationship without crack goin' on?? Might sound sappy, but I assure you that you will live with him till your hair starts to match with his and so on!! ^.^
I'm editing this when I get hold of my laptop
(oh gar i feel nauseus is this too ooc? yeahh... gosh)
(I'll do em separately cuz I don't have the gut to continued on.)
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princetofbone · 8 months
I have. Opinions. On goals and resolutions and all those fun things. One of the greatest things in life for me is completing a goal. That said, following through with the things you promise yourself is incredibly difficult- especially if you go for big goals (which is a-okay you just gotta prep right)
Note on resolutions: Please PLEASE start doing the thing a month or two before the new year. I know it sounds dumb because it's a NEW YEAR resolution, not a November resolution, but getting into the habit of (for example) going to the gym 3x per week in November, and having slip ups in November, means that when January rolls around, it isn't new and scary, and it's way less likely that you will stop doing the goal in a week.
Note for all goals: don't aim too high- like in the previous example, I said gym 3x per week. I know so many people who decided they wanted to go to the gym every day, and then missed one day, and gave up because their streak wasn't perfect. Depending on the importance to you, I might even pick a goal way lower than what you think you can do- just so you can give yourself grace if you have an off day, or if you get sick.
Onto my method!
I'm a visual person, and I also happen to enjoy decorating paper, so I make goal sheets. I typically have three at any point in time.
My quarterly goals. I'm still in high school, so I make a goal sheet for each quarter of the school year. These are going to be your most broad goals- get >85% in all my classes - or journal 2x per week. Goals that are longer term, or goals that are not incredibly difficult, but would do a lot of good for you. Try and make these goals easy/medium. For example- I hope to journal every day for this quarter because it does me quite a bit of good, however I know that there may be days where I get tired or don't have time, so I left plenty of room for error.
Monthly goals. These can be very similar to quarterly goals, so if it wouldn't help you to have both- don't. I do this, because I like to hyperofocus some months onto specific things. I'm doing NaNoWriMo this November, and so one of my monthly goals will to be writing every day. Separating this out to months is less stressful for me, because I can push through one months, but pushing through three is an awful lot.
The most important for me- Weekly goal sheets. I don't include weekends into these, and they are typically very focused on issues I'm having in that moment. I was finding myself skipping a lot of class, so a weekly goal was to go to every class I had. The weekly goal sheets allow you to focus in on issues you're having, and help push you towards achieving your quarterly/monthly goals.
The thing that allows all these sheets and rules and nonsense to work is a rewards system. As I'm making my sheets, I write in things I can do if I complete my goals. For the weekly goals, I will allow a trip to my fav tea shop, or organizing an event with friends. I try pretty hard not to make the reward buying something because that feels icky to me.
Monthly goals, I generally attatch a reward that could be read as a chore. For example, one of my goals this month is to read before bed three times a week. If I do that, I can clean out my bookshelves and get rud of books. This may not seem like a reward, but once I clean out my shelves, I'm allowed to buy more books, so it opens an opportunity. (without rewarding myself via consumerism)
Quarterly rewards are the most exciting (for me). I have a long list of things I can afford, I want, but feel like I need a special occasion to buy. this could be a tailored vest, a pen, a new notebook. Is it consumerism based reward? Yes. Does it massively decrease my purchasing bc I only by myself "for fun" things when I complete a quarterly task? Yes. It also forces me to use self control because I
1) have to wait a while to get the thing
2) If I don't do the goal, I cannot buy.
I hope something from this helped/sparked ideas, so go, be free, make some goals!
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bloodyshadow1 · 7 months
wishlist for Junior year
Since Junior year is happening in January I thought I'd make a quick list of a few things I personally want to happen next season. You're free to tell me what you think, disagree, agree, hell add more if you're interested.
I want the maps back- I completely understand why they did the show like they did for their live show, but I miss the Rick Perry maps that were so cool. Also Brennan has a lot of epic battles that are kind of hard for me to visualize because I have adhd and missing one thing he says can confuse me for the whole battle. Seeing mini's really helps me keep things straight
less NPC interactions- the NPC's are not bad, by any means, I love the hirelings and the romance partners, but I feel like including them on the adventure lessened the interactions between the Bad Kids. Like Tracker and Kristen for a large part of the adventure were attatched at the hip, and other places, Gorgug spent a lot of his time trying to patch up his relationship with Zelda, Ayda gets a lot of interactions with Fig and Adaine, but there isn't a lot of time for the three of them just one on one leaving the other out more. Just me personally I would like if the season focused more on the party and their relationships
(I want to be clear, I don't want no interactions with our beloved NPC's just less them being part of the adventure and more them being NPC's that help and exist but aren't the DM's Player Characters)
I hope they stay in Elmville or at the very least Solace- I loved Sophomore Year, but a lot of the charm of the first season of Fantasy High was the unique setting they were in. An urban fantasy world where a large part of the population were adventurers. It felt more unique compared to Sophomore year's more high fantasy, but with people who know modern technology. Even if they leave Elmville, I wouldn't mind them exploring Solace as a whole to see what their country is like outside of their small town. (I want to more campaigns exploring Spyre too, but even with the Seven they leave Solace by ep 3 and spend most of their time in other countries in Spyre, I want to see what a modern urban fantasy setting is like)
Adaine using the Sword of Sight, wizard or not, as a high elf she's proficient in swords and with her boosted strength and her desire to punch/hit people it's perfect. I know cantrips will still be the better option, but when has Adaine, I punch my sister in the face, Abernant done the more efficient option. Adaine is my favorite character so I'd just like to see her being the terrible chaos gremlin that I know she's capable of being.
Hallariel- I'd like to see her in battle if only once. I know I said I would like the NPC presence lessened, but I still want to see what Fabian's hot mom can do in a real fight. We've only seen her talked about as the best swordswoman in the world by Bill who himself is fearsome with a blade, but we only see her train/threaten her son. Even if it's a possession or mind control situation I'd like to see her in battle, even if it's against the Bad Kids.
For some reason I want a battle at a Fig and the Sig Figs concert- I don't really know why I want this, but I really liked the Broadway brawl ep of Unsleeping city, it made for some cool rules and the like and I would like, a less stressful, but still fight in the crowd of people while Fig and Gorgug are on stage.
Consequences for the Bad Kids and their friends/family- I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I just feel like the Bad Kids get away with a lot of stuff because that's how Elmville works, but I kind of liked how they suffered consequences near the end of Freshman year, even if I think months in Jail was a lazy way for Brennan to do a time skip until the finale battle. (I love the guy, but I believe what I believe). But specifically about YES! the god Kristen created and abandoned, creating a god and orphaning it should have more consequences than throwing out a sweater that you don't like any more. Are Adaine and Aelwyn treated differently given that their parents started a war over Aelwyn and wars have consequences, people died and have people to mourn them who probably aren't too keen on the two abernants in their country after that.
I'd like cameos by the Seven, not just Zelda.- again, I know I said less NPC presence, but still, they don't necessarily have to be NPC's just saying if someone wanted to drop by and play for an episode or 2. The Seven is probably my favorite D20 season and I would love to see what my girls are up to.
There's more that I might add, but this is it for now
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pinkvaquita · 8 months
Ok so i kinda already said this in a reblog of my own post. But I think people can see it if I do that so I just delete it and copy it here I guess
Ok fuck it, i'm doing this shit
Like just imagen this for a second. Golden Cheese is having contact with actual alive people after who knows how long. And yeah, she probably is not reciving them well right now (at least ffom what we have seen in the update, everything that happens next is still unsure) and probably she is gonna be to attatched to her fake reality for some time before going with Pure Vanilla.
But she is probably gonna have some extra time in her path back to Pure Vanilla and the others Ancients to process and mentally prepare herself a little (obviously not totally) for this. Black Raisin and Adventurer said that it took them days to get to the Golden Cheese kingdom ruins. So is also gonna take them days to return.
Wich means she is gonna have plenty of time to hang around the crew. And defenetly I am gonna also make a post about Olive and Adventurer making her thousands of question about the past and Black Raisin and their whole dynamic of one being extremely poor and the other extremely rich. (That also is INCREDIBLY interesting) But let's center in my fucking favorite theme.
Like. You are giving her two kids who just kicked her ass and pull the strings of her heart. She is gonna be impressed, REALLY impressed. And probably is gonna try to also be impressive to them. Flying around, doing cool stuff and telling them her best stories. With maybe a little bit (TOO much) of exaggeration.
But also, her motherly birdbrain instintcs and logic is gonna make her question why THE FUCK Pure Vanilla send two children to this job. To go negotiate with an inmortal being and face who knows how many dangers.
She maybe is gonna ask about them to the other adults in the place, trying to find answers about this. And flip her shit when she hears that this is not the first time this happens.
Golden Cheese: ... You are fucking telling me that this two were also in a dragon fight, a fight against Dark Enchantresss herself, a civil war in the Dark Cacao kingdom and the rescue of Pure Vanilla himself!
Black Raisin: Yeah, there were also Strawberry and Custar-
So now. We have a woman trying to be the cool aunt for Wizard and Gingerbrave and all the other involved in her search, but also wanting to be protective with them because of how much shit this two have seen. And those thoughts cause her a inner fight that I wished so much I could see.
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 2 months
I’d love to hear your reasoning for some digimon partners!!! especially giving empanada veemon & pepito a caprimon that digivolves to gotsumon :D
Chayanne got the hyokomon like since it's a yellow chicken and training to be a warrior. They have similar motivations and personalities, I thought they would work together very well. I also considered giving him wormmon, but the reasoning was very loose so I decided otherwise.
Tallulah gets the gekomon line since they're musically based. I think the change from Otamamon to Gekomon parallels Tallulah's journey of love as well. I keep thinking about Tallulah in that attic holding onto Otamamon's egg, okay?
Dapper and Pomme's digimon don't really match with their personality or motivation or anything, but instead its more of a destiny thing! Lopmon and Terriermon always come together and so Dapper and Pomme are linked by fate. Its also one of those situations where it feels like Dapper should have Terriermon and Pomme have Lopmon, but it feels correct this way. Also. French Sniper. Gargomon has big guns.
Ramón got monimon because a little ninja TV that spies on people feels VERY fitting for that family. Monimon and Hagurumon are also very dumb on their own, but that wouldn't bother Ramón too much, I think. I also considered giving him the Kakkinmon line, since they are shield digimon, but I couldn't resist how cute Monimon was.
Leo got dogs. That's pretty much it. They struggle to get attached but once they do they are very attatched to their tamers, you know? Wolf. I also considered giving her Gabumon but I think her personality would overpower him too much.
Richarlyson got the Gomamon line purely because their mischief would line up PERFECTLY. Tell me Gomamon from Adventures WOULDN'T try to set up people on dates. I also thought about giving him Renamon but I.. don't quite remember why? Big protector? I guess?
For Pepito, its a Caprimon into a Gattsumon mostly because I couldn't find a preevolution for Gattsumon. I chose Gattsumon (because it's my favorite) because it feels very childlike, and very protective, and I think that's what Pepito needs. Gattsumon would color with Pepito. I can't explain it. I also considered Upamon and Armadillomon, since Upamon is a axolotl, but I couldn't resist my favorite rock baby.
Empanada got the Veemon line because I feel like their enthusiasm would align very well! They love to love and won't back down, you know? Also imagine Empa carrying Demiveemon like a stuffed animal. Exactly.
Sunny got Bowmon and Herissmon not only to match with Leo, but also because of how Herissmon avoids combat and runs/hides. And I think that it could keep our sunshine princess safe. I also thought about giving her Impmon, actually. Despite his demonic attitude, Impmon is actually such a sweet digimon to his trainers and also very lonely, which pairs with Sunny's feelings very well. Also, I imagine that Impmon's attempts at "warming up friends" wouldn't turn out so well and frankly would make things worse lmao. But I chose against Impmon for some reason. Weird.
Chunsik was a difficult one, I had a hard time finding anything for him. The bear was cute and protective and Chunsik is cute and tiny. Also, Wanyamon gets attached to people if they love him like an animal and. Chunsik is named after a cat, so. It was funny.
And finally Nacho. The Shaomon line is an artificial digimon that can't evolve past a certain point, gets attached very easily, and is very very loyal to their tamer. It fits very well. I also considered Pawn Chessmon (White) for obvious reasons, or Gammamon, for being a white dinosaur.
Thank you for the ask I am so thrilled does anyone else have a question 🖊
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gagsolineoilrefinery · 2 months
brian headcanons? pretty please
Smiles so big and wide at you yes absolutely I love that little freak
putting under a read more for convenience's sake
- I'm 100% a Bug Brian truther, that man is an insect you can't convince me otherwise, I like to think he can make weird little chittering noises and climbs up walls with his hands and feet for enrichment
- He's trans and has no last name because he didn't care enough to pick a new one so he went with none, acts all mysterious about it because he thinks it makes him look cool
- This man needs glasses so fucking badly but after a litany of "nerd" comments growing up he refuses to wear them, has attempted contacts but cant get them in his eyes for the life of him
- He would genuinely rather die than go to the factory, he does all his needed repairs on himself unless he's forced to (usually by Ben or William)
- He gets along with his co workers in, his own way when he's forced to interact with them. He does not understand how to behave "appropriately" around other people, he's my favorite rude autism icon (he is going to insult your intelligence at any given opportunity with what he sees as good intentions and does not understand why everyone hates him)
- I'm also a Bellthinker truther I think that british man should kiss that bug right on the brain dome and make him so flustered his systems soft reset
- Every time theres a meeting that he's in the second he's at the front of the room the entire mood changes because everybody knows he's gonna have a whole presentation planned thats no less than 1 hour long, and he will yell at you if you try to stand up for any reason
- I like to think living in the heart of toontown (right in the playground no less) definitely has some side effects on him, the silliness is rubbing off on him more than he realizes, most obviously things like his brain exploding comically when he starts baby raging
- Im sorry this man is absolutely a cog reddit user (coggit? idk) you can't change my mind, hes a power mod and proud of it, keeps getting talked to for using it on company time though
- He's very attatched to the Desk Jockeys but absolutely hates to admit it, I like to think its a Dr. Robotnik with Scratch and Grounder type dynamic (thinking especially like that one scene where Robotnik says "I don't even know why I bother to repair you guys, I suppose I'm too sentimental" shit like that)
- With his dynamics with the other toontown central managers, I think he actually feels very guilty about the incident that happened with Buck- but instead feigns a petty hatred for him so nobody will ask him about it and he doesn't have to admit how monumentally he fucked up
- He's on relatively chill terms with William, they're both angry big mouthed autistic people who do not know how to shut up so they mesh pretty well, I think they like to fight eachother to let off steam and then makeup immediately after, Brian isn't too fond of the whole oil leakage problem thing though because it makes a mess of his basement but he doesn't exactly hold it against him since he knows he can't help it
- When he can spare the time he loves poking around in the systems of his co workers just to see how they operate out of morbid curiosity and to see how he can make the jockeys more efficient, he's on that medic tf2 shit, not many of them let him do it though (understandably so)
- Probably went to whatever the cog equivalent of medical school was but lost his medical license after The Buck Incident™️
(And I think thats probably good for now because I am dangerously treading the line of infofumping about my AU sorry I have so many thoughts about this creature)
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hey bub, i have another (😭) idea for you. So sorry, i have no clue how many you have from me at this stage. Pls dont feel pressured to write any of them; i just get an idea/story line in my head and send it to you after a few days of it stewing before it gives me a headache 😫
But anyway, the idea is: James and Lily have just started dating but shes starting to feel a little weird about your (Ravenclaw!reader) relationship with him. From her perspective youre always around him; are openly affectionate with him (but nothing over the top); make him little presents; spend holidays with him etc. but its not enough for her to think hes cheating, just to make her a little uncomfortable.
She asks the girls if maybe shes the weird one here and overthinking it but someone passing by butts in and says how youre the same with Sirius and its why he wouldnt date her (we know thats not why) but it makes Lily a little more uncomfortable so she decides to confront James.
So she does and hes just silently in shock because "what?!" But the longer he stays quiet the more embarrassed/anxious/irritated lily gets. Then you start giggling, coming in at the tail of the conversation unnoticed, and explain to Lily that youre James cousin but youve lived with your aunt & uncle most of your life so hes more of a brother (+Sirius since hes moved in). Then to lessen the tension you loosen your tie and show her the hickeys down your neck "plus im dating Remmy, and he doesnt share well." Cue the fake gagging from James and Sirius, Lilys giggles and Remus' gentle scolding before "and if anythings, James should be concerned. I might just steal you from right under his nose 😉" Cue James indignation, Sirius' cackling, Remus' chuckles and more of Lily's giggles.
Again, pls dont feel pressured to write anything love but thanks for taking the time to read it 🧡.
Also i feel like i send enough of these that ill probs add a question at the bottom of each one and if you want to you can give me one in return if you write the idea??
First ones basic; whats your favourite colour? I like to say mine is red but i tend to gravitate towards for more earthy colours when i have to pick one for something xx
Hi my angel! This is another one I kept in my inbox for like over a month and just couldn't figure out how I'd write it (I totally know the headache feeling you mean too, there's some stuff I have to write before my brain explodes), but the public has to see!!! I lovelovelove how you portrayed Lily in this; I feel like there's too many jealous!Lily fics out there for my taste, because she seems like such a girl's girl! Like even though she's a bit insecure about reader and James' relationship, she's still going about it in the nicest and most careful way (like checking with other people before accusing James of anything and trying to be rational about it) and I just feel like that's SO her.
Q+A portion: I'm a purple gal! Very stereotpyical purple gal in that I don't think I actually have that many purple things but then some days I'll go outside and realize I've got on my purple sweater, purple socks, and purple little earbud case attatched to my tote. I totally get the earth tones thing though, I feel like they're so easy to pair together so most of my closet and decor is in earth tones too :)
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ackee · 24 days
Tumblr media
im going to bitch and moan about art ok?
GAH, i wish i was faster with art!!!!! perfectionism is beating my ass every day. and then on top of that, the burnout </3 i can't do too much, or im back in the hole, which is. ANNOYING!!! people care more when art is attatched, and i only draw like once a month so.... [scratches head] no wonder !
ive been writing, but i fear i just do not have the ability to make this comic at all. it lowkey feels like it's all for nothing cause 1. it won't be good and 2. it will not be popular. nobody is gonna gaf when traversion drops!!! i dont Want popularity. but it's just depressing to think on it not being good, AND no one's gonna Get It(tm) but me. well, so is life i surpose.
i just wish i could clone myself so i could draw all the stuff i wanted to. u_u a smarter brain so i could write something meaningful. and i tried adhd meds, but bc it takes away what little appetite i have, i can't use em. just rawdogging the art process, this shit is ass !
whatevar. today, we write and try so hard to not feel sosososo inadequate 🤞🏽
<- i havent had lunch yet so perhaps all this will be fixed once i eat
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