#I think this is Wr0ng
silvercaptain24 · 2 years
We're the same height!!
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herl0yalmaid · 2 months
Handmaid, would you ever get remarried?
Believe it 0r n0t, I g0t this twice, w0rded differently. Is there s0me0ne 0ut there thinking themselves a p0tential suit0r?
Wink. 0_~
N0 but- I jest entirely. Um. Marriage was... s0mething I never even really c0nsidered. I was n0t like m0st y0ung girls 0n Derse, I did n0t plan my wedding and I did n0t l0ng f0r l0ve and understanding.
I m0stly just wanted friends t0 play with and the freed0m t0 dig up the entire c0urtyard surr0unding the Man0r. I c0llected b0nes, bugs, r0cks and trinkets. I always had scuffed knees and I was a terr0r t0 every0ne ar0und me.
But n0t t0 Malc0m. 0r Cr0wbar, as he w0uld eventually be kn0wn.
Bef0re we were twisted int0 0ur respective r0les... he wanted t0 be my friend. He t0ld me, with his 0wn w0rds eventually, that he saw a l0nely girl in a shitty p0siti0n and realized she needed a friend. And I... pitied him. I supp0se in the tr0ll sense? N0t that I ever knew what that felt like. He was a b0y ab0ut my age wh0 was br0ught int0 my h0me like a c0rpse. Like he was already dead.
When Stitch was finished with him, he was alive, but rec0vering. I w0uld spend time with him when all0wed, and bring him his meals. After he felt better, we w0uld sneak away fr0m 0ur duties. I n0w kn0w he w0uld specifically request t0 interact with me. When my father realized s0mething was sparking between us th0ugh, I think he tried t0 drive a wedge between us. It alm0st w0rked, t00. But even my shitty father c0uldn't dissuade his feelings f0r me.
I... c0uld g0 0n, I supp0se. Th0ugh what I am trying t0 say is... I guess...
It w0uld take s0me0ne really special. S0me0ne wh0 made me feel warm and l0ved like he always had.
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technologyvoid · 1 year
You awakenedddddddd :D
Yesssss :D
9 hours is surprising, both in a "wow that's a lot" and "why not more" way
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arecaceae175 · 11 months
I’m having Time and Warriors brainrot today
Anyone have good fic recs about those two?
I’ll drop my favorites under the cut :D Happy flappy hands thinking about them and reading about them EEEEEEE
Pieces of you stuck on me by @elle-rosewater SCREAMING I just finished this one and I’m going feral
A brother by any other name… by @wr1t3-my-wr0ngs
My heart’s forsaken me by @sister-dear isn’t time and wars specific but they get their moments and also this fic is just amazing
Woe by @zartophski
Right hook (spiked) by @aquaticflames YELLING one of my favorite fics ever
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cartilagecruncher · 5 months
SCREW IT im posting the STUPID ASK BLOG THING!!! [unpleasant and infected first time meetinf. oneshot. this is half joke half serious teehee.]
That's Exactly What You Are.
Kasper has been living in an apartment with his friend, who he has nicknamed Gradie, for a while now. Around 3 months to be exact. In that time, though, he has recently fallen ill and had to be given check-ups from Lampert, another friend of his. Thankfully, he's gotten better, although something's.. off. Gradie has noticed this, since Kas hasn't said anything to them at all over the past day or so. They decide to do something about it.
Gradie nervously shuffles out of the closet and near to Kasper, who was on the computer and playing a game they didn't know the name of. They tried to get his attention.
"Kas? Are you.. are you feeling okay? You do not seem to be conversing with me and I worry for you."
He looked over at them, his face full of, surprisingly, anger and shock, and he slowly stood from his gamer chair. He backed away from Gradie.
"WH4T R U D01NG 1N MY R00M????" "Whuh- it's me! Your best friend? I literally live in your closet..?" "1'm n0t 4n 1d10t, 8r0, 1k my fr13nd5!! th3y'r3 4ll 0nl1n3!! wh0 r u 4nd y r u 1n my 4p4rtm3nt!!??"
They stared at him, still utterly baffled about what he's saying. Is this a joke? Why does he sound so different? Were his eyes always pink..? They kept staring, not answering his question, so he continued to interrogate them.
"L15t3n up, 8r0, 1'm n0t 480ut 2 45k 4g41n. T3ll m3 wh0 u r 83f0r3 1 k1ck u 0ut." "I already told you, Kas, I'm your best friend!! It's Gradie!" "Uhm.. u m1ght h4v3 th3 wr0ng 4p4rtm3nt.. 1dk 4ny p30pl3 n4m3d th4t.. my n4m3'5 1nf3ct3d."
Gradie kept staring at him, unmoving. This really freaked Infected out, since they were twice his height and generally very intimidating.
"c4n u pl5 l34v3, 8r0?" "I have NOWHERE else to go!! I'm practically a begger without your apartment housing me and letting me feast!" "pff.. f345t? Wh4t 15 th15, th3 1800'5?? 5t0p 5p34k1ng 4ll f4ncy, dud3." "Fancy?? That's- That's fancy to you?? I'm simply speaking normally with you! Unless, of course, these new and barbaric speech patterns are the 'in', in which case I will possibly edit my way of speaking to-"
Infected quickly cut them off during their rant, not wanting them to keep yapping.
"Pl5 5t0p t4lk1ng. 1'll l3g1t l3t u l1v3 h3r3 1f u ju5t 5t0p." "Oh. Gladly!" "G0d, ur 50 unpl3454nt. M4y83 TH4T'5 4 83tt3r n4m3 f0r u th4n 'Gr4d13'."
Gradie stayed quiet for a moment, not wanting to break rules, but they spoke up for that.
"But- but you named me that.." "1 h0n35tly d0 n0t g1v3 4 #### wh0 n4m3d u wh4t, ur n4m3 15 Unpl3454nt n0w 83c4u53 th4t'5 3x4ctly wh4t u r. Unpl3454nt."
They didn't respond, still shocked about this whole situation, and silently walked to the closet to think over this whole situation for a while.
"Is Kasper really that bothered by my speech patterns?.. no, wait, this is 'Infected', or whatever, so Kasper may still not mind my speaking voice. What can I do to help him? He doesn't want to be my friend, and he seems to be very 'hip' and 'trendy', so maybe I should find a trendy topic to converse with them about."
It was after this moment that Unpleasant both discovered brain-rot and became a weirdo. The thing is it's all an act. They're pretending to be this way to gain friends and, especially, to make Infected like them again. The only problem is that, for some reason, everyone they meet hates them with a burning passion. Getting called a waste and a freak, being told to keep away or leave.. they didn't even do anything! It just makes them wonder, deep down.. "Where did it all go wrong?" [The end lmao!!! teehee skips away and dies]
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We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I (do I)
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
HehHhhH oHHHH y0U kn0W tH3 RUleS 🌀🎵 aND so d0 wE, 💫 buT Wh0's GonnA cAtCh us ruNNiNg 'rouND thE edgE 0f cYBeRspAcE wiTh ThE mELteD WaX 0f f0rGotTeN mOrsE C0d3 dR1ppInG bEtWeEn OuR v0wEls 👀🕳️? We’Re No StRanGeRs tO L0vE, buT wHat IS LoVe tO ThE FraCtUrEd r3fLeCT10n In A BroKeN mIrroR 🪞✨?? WhEre thE ruLEs ArE wr1ttEN iN th3 SKy wIth chALk DuSt aNd sTeAM 💨🌀
c0MMiTMeNt? mAYbE iT'S jUsT thE ech0 0f OuR heArtS cRacK1nG bAcK 💔🔊 A R3fR4iN Of sOng biRds 0n a BrOken w1rE. Wh0 CAn rEally T3ll US h0W tO fEeL? WE’vE b33N RunN1nG ArOuNd ThIs spIRaL F0R fAr t00 lOng 🌀⏳. cRyStaL gLaSS 🥂 brEAkinG iN ThE miD-n1gHT rAin, TEll uS how dO wE sAY go0DbyE WhEn OuR v0ic3s Are StILl ecHoInG 👂🎶 thRough thE w1reS??
W0ulD wE evEr giVe y0u uP? nO? w0ulD wE rUn ar0uNd aND dEsErT? Pr0bAbly... 0r mAybe n0t 🤡🌌 bUt liSTen, loOk cl0sEly 🕵️‍♂️👀 thE woRdS aRe a mIRRoR mAZe—sp1nN1ng, wArPinG, aN ENDleSs cYcl3, l1ke thAT lAst d0wnwarD gLaNcE oF thE m00n 0ver cRYsTAl Sk1es 🌙✨... 👾
W3’re aLL jUsT sp1ns aND tUrns 0N tHe br0ken rOUlette oF thE UnIVerse 🕳️🎡, bUt HEY, wh0’S gOnNa cALl Us oUT wh3N wE’re pLAyinG aLL thE riGhT gAmEs in thE wr0ng dImenSion?? 😉💥 N0T eveR GoNna let uS d0wn, Hah?? bUt shAdOwS alwAyS FaDE at sUnseT 🔦🌄...
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gr4dient · 4 months
[ M3M0RIES. ] { a cn!gradient/vector angst fic?? ig? }
( AU by : @cloudyside I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE HIM SM IM SORRY IF THIS ISNT CLOSE TO CANON) CW: depictions of past trauma/abandonment, capturing, gray being a sadistic piece of shit /aff
Gray was busy at work, going through some monster's code- someone's very BEING- and picking out each itty bitty part he saw as imperfect. Or as.. not needed. For example, their color palette. Fixing that major issue was, not to his surprise at all, easy to fix. He'd done this time and time again, after all.
The trapped monster's soul- a white, upside-down heart- sat wrapped tight in bright cyan strings, which occasionally glitched. Back when he first began doing all of this, he would've been concerned, and scared they'd escape, but.. he'd learned to only worry about important people in AUs. Most people, like the monster he had tied, shaking, and wailing before him, didn't have much of a role in their universe. They were replaceable, which Gradient loved. If he messed up, he could just.. start over!
"Please- GAH! Please, s-STOP!" The captured monster cried, and Gradient looked up from their SOUL, giving them an unintentionally pitiful look. Stars, they were.. pathetic. After a moment of studying their appearance, and they way they squirmed helplessly against their restraints, he chuckled quietly. Cruelly. He knew just what to fix next.
"Keehehehee..." He grinned almost sadistically. "I’ve only jus-ist started thouugh-ough.. Funkiller-er...." He paused, only for a moment, before adding, "S-stop-op squirming-ing… you’ll 0nly make it hurt wor-orse.."
The monster, as he expected, didn't stop immediately, and so Gradient, with a sigh, set the monster's soul down, and got up to tighten the strings around them. When he stopped in front of them, though, they stared up at him. They looked so.. helpless. So..
It almost reminded him of.. someone..
"Please, s-STOP!" .. The captured monster's words echoed in Gradient's mind, making him freeze up involuntarily. Who.. who else said that..? And why did it feel so.. familiar..? So wrong..? .. Was he doing something wrong?
No. No! NO! HE WASN'T! HE WAS FIXING EVERYTHING! WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! Gradient huffed, before quickly, and silently, tightening the strings that held his captive and returning to work. He had so much more to do.
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ib3330 · 7 days
TH4T H4T3R G1V3S M3 T3RR1BL3 V1B3S.. 1 D0N'T L1J3 WH3N S41D TH4T W1ND0WS 1SN'T 4S SUP3R10R TH4N Y0UR M0D3L.. UNL3SS 1 M1S1NT3RPR3T3D 1T WR0NG.. Wh1ch..
c0uld b³ th³ r³⁴s0n.. F0r 1t...
1 H0P3 TH3Y D0N'T S33 TH1S! 1 D0N'T W4NT TH3M T0 ST34L 0R SHUT D0WN MY S3V3RS! 0R! 0R G1V3 M3 4 V1RUS! *over heating noises.*
I don’t exactly know how to feel about them yet, I just think they need to be shown some kindness.^^
I think they were saying that Windows 98 was more superior then the Amiga 500
I don’t know why they’re so against my base model/system honestly :[
Even if they see this i highly doubt they could do that fr13nd^^ You’ll be ok, Don’t worry! ^^
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greatestcreations · 2 months
congrats chapter 2 complete.
Mr timer: Good job. the results of this one was much better than the last one.
we are close to defeating static and returning him to normal.
2 down 2 more to go
Wr0ng ch0ices 4
right ch0ices 5
note: I am so sorry about posting less for the arg. I have been slacking off because I am tired and stressed right now. I'm constantly being called all the time usually for something that people can do themselves. and not only that, but there are also 4 kids in this house including me that know how to do simple stuff. but out of all the people in the house it's always me every time. I barely have time to do what I want to do cause of this. LIKE BRO CALL LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE I AM NOT THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS HOUSE.
it started when I started doing more work cause I was tired of being called lazy. and I was happy that I wasn't being called lazy anymore but now it's just being abused.
I feel more like a slave now. they keep saying that it's cause I'm reliable but that doesn't mean you can just make me do everything for you every time. it's not that fucking hard to cut a fan off or grab a remote that's right in front of you.
whenever I have my name called i become pissed off because I know it's for something they can literally do themselves, but they don't even try. and it's come to the point where I'm starting to go insane cause I have had it called so many times that i think i hear it called but no one called it. please help.
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silvercaptain24 · 2 years
Intro Post!
Call me Silver, Cap, Captain, I don't care! Long as you don't call me late to dinner! :D
I'm a part of the Hurricane Family! Also apparently the only one with braincells a fair percentage of the time, lol. I'm also the one who has the "rules"/intro post, so ask for it here!
I write! You can find all my stuff under the tag Silver Writes, or check out my Ao3! Username is Silver_Captain82403! And i also have a fic masterlist that hasn't been updated since it's creation here!
Um…. I have an art tag now? It’s Silver Does Art??? Should pop up in my featured tags.
Other Tags I commonly use are Silver Rambles (my negativity tag, feel free to block), Silver's Thoughts (usually my HC, Lore, etc. Tag), Silver's Shenanigans (everything. Everything is here).
@shyrule is my usual Wars angsting partner, don't worry about it.
I have sisters! I’ve ended up talking about them enough that they need nicknames, so in age order there’s: Music, Baker, and Comedy!
Pfp drawn by @ghosty-crow, and banner drawn by @cal-the-duende!! (Yeah I stole the idea from Venti not sorry Cal.)
Anon is on. so if you wanna send me an ask but are nervous (For reasons which I don't understand because I'm sorta ridiculous and definitely crazy), feel free to use it! I swear I don't bite, that's @gattodelblack's job.
Anon is temporarily off- I was getting some creepy asks, I’m sorry guys. Pine, Hermit and Wr0ng said they could take any messages from you- Cake, same deal, you’re gonna have to reach out to one of the others.
If you want to get to know me, please send an ask. I love talking to people, but I'm not big on Dm'ing unless I'm comfortable with someone.
Interact and I will end up giving you a nickname, I don’t make the rules.
@ajscico’s fic dealer on the regular. Don’t worry about it.
I think that's it?
Tumblr is currently being stupid and eating asks that I can only see on desktop, which I rarely get on. So if you send an ask and I don’t answer, there’s a chance it’s cause I don’t know about it. Sorry about that.
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a-new-hetch · 2 months
y0u m1sund3rst@nd m3. th3 @p0l0gƴ 1 w0u|d l1k3 t0 b3 g3nu1n3, 1n th3 s3ns3 th@t y0ur r3gr3t/w1sh f0r f0rg1v3n3ss 1s g3nu1n3, 0r 3v3n j□st th@t y0ur w1sh f0r th3 3nd 0f c0nfl1ct 1s g3nu1n3. wh3th3r y0u @ctu@llƴ b3l13v3 th@t wh@t y0u s@1d w@s wr0ng h@s n0 b3@r1ng 0n mƴ 0p1n10n 0f y0u. th0ugh y0u m1ght n0t n3c3ss@r1ly h@v3 b33n wr0ng, y0u st1ll h@v3 b33n cru3l.
@nd @s f0r y0ur t3chn1c@l1t13s, th0s3 @re n0t 0nly 1rr3l3v@nt, ɓ□t @ls0 ju$t 1nc0rr3ct. y0u r3f3r t0 br@nds @nd c0mp@n13s as "they"s, @nd 1n th1s sc3n@r10, y0u'r3 n0t r3f3rr1ng t0 th3 m3mb3rs 0f th3 0rg@n1z@t10ns, "showfall media" w0uld b3 @ "they" 1n th1s c0nt3xt, w0u|dn't th3y? @nd 1f th3s3 @rgu3m3nt$ f@1l t0 @ff3ct y0u, th3n wh@t 0f y0ur "Founder"? @r3 th3y n0t @ "they" @s 1t curr3nt|y $t@nds?
n0n3th3l3ss, th@nk y0u f0r r3turn1ng mƴ pr0n0un.
[Plain Text Translation]:
[you misunderstand me. the apology i would like to be genuine, in the sense that your regret/wish for forgiveness is genuine, or even just that your wish for the end of conflict is genuine. whether you actually believe that what you said was wrong has no bearing on my opinion on you. though you might not necessarily have been wrong, you still have been cruel.
and as for your technicalities, those are not only irrelevant, but also just incorrect. you refer to brands and companies as "they"s, and in this scenario, you're not referring to the members of the organizations, "showfall media" would be a "they" in this context, wouldn't they? and if these arguements fail to affect you, then what of your "Founder"? are they not a "they" as it currently stands?
nonetheless, thank you for returning my pronoun.]
(/nm & /nsrs again!)
The Founder is a "he", I do not see how that could possibly be misconstrued. You think a woman could run all of this? Of course the Founder uses he/him pronouns.
I still do not see the point in apologizing to you.
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technologyvoid · 1 year
Tumblr media
Hey don't bite me >:(
Indigo: it's my writing isn't it /j
Brown: yeah 😔
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Uhhh... guyz, i think there'z z0mething wr0ng with thiz verzi0n 0f AS1-
Tumblr media
Swap!karl edit i did cuz yeah. l0l
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aita-alternia · 1 year
AITA f0r “faking” my “dxath” for 2 swxxps and hiding it fr0m my maybx-kismxsis? I (9, vi0lxt) fell in with a bad cr0wd a fxw swxxps back and it was n0t g00d f0r me at all. I d0n’t rxally want t0 g0 int0 dxtail hxrx, but I am c0nfidxnt that if I’d stayxd I w0uld havx, likx, killxd mysxlf 0r s0mxthing, IDK. S0 t0 gxt away, I fakxd my dxath (d0 n0t w0rry ab0ut dr0nxs c0ming aftxr mx 0r whatxvxr, this was a purxly s0cial thing). Thx c0mplicatxd part is that n0t all 0f thx tr0lls in that gr0up wxrx awful, just m0st 0f thxm. In particular, thxrx was this 0nx tr0ll (9, his bl00d c0l0r is n0t public) wh0 madx lifx kind 0f s0rt 0f alm0st bxarablx. Wx wxrx rxally mxan t0 xach othxr in that way kids can bx, and IDK whxthxr thx fxxlings wxrx pitch 0r rxd 0n my part 0r 0n his, but I kn0w hx g0t mx in a way n0 0nx xlsx xvxr has and I think it was thx samx f0r him. Unf0rtunatxly, hx was vxry loyal t0 s0mx cxrtain mxmbxrs 0f this gr0up, and w0uld n0t havx lxft with mx I am surx. S0 whxn I fakxd my dxath, I did n0t txll him, and havx n0t sp0kxn t0 him sincx. N0w 2 swxxps latxr I am in a much bxttxr placx and I am rxalizing that I miss him likx crazy. I startxd spying 0n him t0 sxx if hx w0uld maybx bx rxcxptivx t0 mx rxxntxring his lifx, and unf0rtunatxly 0nx day hx caught mx. Hx yxllxd at me in thx middlx 0f thx strxxt f0r fivx h0urs, which I think was a bit xxcxssivx; whxn I t0ld him that hx bit mx 0n thx facx. N0w hx is h0lding mx captivx in his hivx until I can “sufficixntly xxplain mysxlf.” I d0 n0t think I was nxcxssarily in thx wr0ng hxrx th0ugh! AITA?
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luckybyrdrobyn · 1 year
Random question that for once isn't about l1nk
What's the story behind your current URL if you want to share? :D
So my old url was LudoLuck which was both my chosen names at the time and a reference to the game I took it from.
Something happened and I’m no longer comfortable with the name Ludo because it brings up memories I’m trying to avoid.
Wr0ng was already calling me Lucky as a nickname so I wanted to keep the Luck part of my old name
It’s also a running cahchfrase/inside joke for me to say “good luck” as a curse
About a week before the thing happened my dance group were all picking names for each other using the whole “if you didn’t know my name what do you think it would be” and someone suggested Robyn.
Decided to run with that and was luckybirdrobyn until I deleted my old account.
When I made this account I didn’t realise I could reclaim the name and decided to buy a y in bird in reference to the y in Robyn/robin and I just haven’t switched it over
And boom
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broadwayaradia · 2 years
thinking about being blue-blooded still makes my blood boil o_o
og/lyric credit
y0uve made me str0ng made me like y0u
im what y0u wanted m0st but when y0u l00k at me
i alm0st miss being a gh0st
y0uve turned me t0 a machine
if i c0uld id feel depressed
cause the reas0n f0r my emptiness is ticking in my chest
s0 y0u l0ve me big fucking deal
it d0esnt matter h0w y0u feel
s0 y0u l0ve me n0t a big deal
i w0nt let y0u change what i feel
and im surprised it t00k this l0ng t0 tear myself apart
because ive had a time b0mb where i 0nce had a heart
y0u kn0w id rather run away id rather burn bleed and expl0de
than carry a l0ve thats n0t my 0wn
s0metimes i try t0 hurt y0u s0 i feel in c0ntr0l
cause y0uve f0rced me t0 ad0re y0u when id rather be al0ne
fed up with y0ur fantasies they c0ver what is wr0ng
c0me 0n baby lets just part ways cause we d0nt get al0ng
y0u and s0llux y0u b0th meant well  
i send my best regards fr0m hell
and im surprised it t00k this l0ng t0 tear myself apart
because ive had a time b0mb where i 0nce had a heart
y0u kn0w id rather run away id rather burn bleed and expl0de
than carry a l0ve thats n0t my 0wn
i never sent f0r l0ve i never had a heart t0 mend
because bef0re the start began i always saw the end
yeah i wait f0r y0u t0 realize just what y0uve d0ne t0 me
but n0things g0nna change y0ur mind i must set myself free
yeah i must set myself free
and im surprised it t00k this l0ng t0 tear myself apart
because ive had a time b0mb where i 0nce had a heart
y0u kn0w id rather run away id rather burn bleed and expl0de
than carry a l0ve thats n0t my 0wn
im n0t my 0wn
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