#I thought he was going to ask her on a date but the cabin line was even cuter
lemotomato · 1 year
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"After we stop it. What next?"
The Night Agent 1.09
181 notes · View notes
zepskies · 3 months
Every Second Counts - Part 1
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Pairing: Russell Shaw x F. Reader
Summary: One date with your best friend’s brother leaves you wanting more, even though his questionable job and vagabond lifestyle make you want to guard your heart. When your brother falls into trouble, however, Russell is the first one you trust to help you find him. 
AN: Finally, here we are at Part 1! Remember that A Line and a Half functions as our prologue here.
Word Count: 5.7K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only for some mature thoughts. Fluff, angst and hurt/comfort, drug use, mentions of drug addiction and alcoholism, skeevy men, and a tinge of spice.~
💜 Series Masterlist
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Part 1: "Permission Granted"
“Are you absolutely sure?” you asked, with your hands on your hips. 
You wanted no miscommunication here, no read-between-the-lines mishaps, no subtext or nuance to bite you in the ass later. So here you stood in the middle of your best friend’s office, still at the Wyoming University campus after your last class.
Dory had to laugh at you. She pushed away from her desk and threw her hands up.
“Yes, for the love of God, you can grab a drink with my brother,” she said.
After brushing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, she went to you and set her hands on your shoulders.
“You have my blessing,” she said. “All I ask is that you don’t scar me with any gushy details afterward.” 
Your face began to heat up in a blush. You crossed your arms.
“All right, no one said there was going to be any of that,” you replied. “It’s just a date. Barely a date, mind you.”
“A-huh,” Dory said with a sneaking smile. “Out of curiosity, what was it about him that hooked you? You’ve been dodging Chris’s valiant attempts for like a month now.”
Chris was a French and Spanish professor. His office was on the same floor as yours, so you two occasionally crossed paths whenever you ventured into the teacher’s lounge.
He usually caught you in the morning while you were grabbing your free coffee fix at the Keurig. He’d chat you up about his classes and his dog and his new boat, and all the while you’d struggle to get a word in edgewise. Despite that, he was good-looking and pleasant, for the most part. It was just…
“I don’t know. He’s not my type, I guess,” you shrugged. You kind of liked conversations where both people got to speak.
“And Russell is?” Dory said, in a teasing tone. You chewed the inside of your lip, fighting a smile.
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “Kind of want to find out though.”
“Okay, well, let me know what you find,” Dory said, more wryly. You caught a bit of melancholy when her gaze drifted off. Your brows furrowed in concern as you drew closer, setting a hand on her arm.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
She was hesitant, but she eventually answered you with a confession.
“You know, it’s been about twenty years since I’ve seen him,” she said. “We’ve had entire lives already. I see him now, and there’s some of the Russell I knew when we were kids, but…there’s just a lot I don’t know about him, who he’s become.”
You could understand that. You squeezed her arm in sympathy.
“Well, he really seems to want to know you now,” you said. You remembered all the questions he asked you when he helped you carry your files back to your office after lunch today—most of them about Dory, about her career, your friendship, and ultimately, if she was happy.
“What happened to you guys?” you asked. “Why are you all so distant? Colter included.”
Dory’s face tightened. “It’s a long story. I’ve told you some of it. But basically, after our dad died, nothing was ever the same again.”
You dimmed at that. You knew their mother still lived in the cabin they grew up in, but Dory had never quite been able to tell you what happened to their dad. You’d never pushed the subject. You knew better than anyone what kind of pain that was. 
“I just wish we’d been able to stay with each other. Me and my brothers, at least,” Dory said. But she adopted a smile for you, before she returned to her desk.
“Okay. Go on your non-date at your favorite bar with Russell. I’ll be here, grading papers until Judgment Day,” she said, with a small laugh that felt like a coverup for thoughts she no longer wanted to think about.
You let her do it. You grabbed your purse and work bag off the spare chair in front of her desk.
“So you’re sure,” you wanted to confirm. “One last chance for me to tell him I came down with food poisoning.”
Dory collected her stack of midterm papers and gave you a cheeky look that said, class dismissed. Then she clicked her red pen and pointedly looked down at the first batch of papers to read through.
You smiled. Okay, you thought, giving her a little wave goodbye when you turned to leave. You had just a couple of hours to drive home and get ready to meet Russell.
“Goodnight,” you called.
“Goodniiight,” Dory replied.
You heard the smirk in her voice without even having to look back.
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After fighting through rush hour traffic, you were exhausted when you got home from work. Your tentative excitement and nerves about tonight gave you some new energy though, even if you thought those nerves were silly to have.
Barely a date, you reminded yourself, as you unlocked the door to your house. Barely a date, barely a date.
The Ring Camera beside the door chimed when you entered the house, signaling your arrival. You had to wrinkle your nose at the dank-ass smell that greeted you.
Frowning in annoyance, you dropped your stuff on the kitchen table for now and shucked off your heels. You made a beeline down the hall, to the bedroom that lied across from yours. You pushed it open without knocking. There you caught your older brother, Charlie, snoozing in his bed with the covers half pooling on the floor.
His room was a mess, as usual. Your gaze locked on the evidence of half a blunt on his nightstand and two smoked roaches beside it. You were glad it wasn’t remnants of white lines of powder, like times before, but there was also a large bottle of whiskey. It was almost empty, and hanging loosely from his hand.
He managed to raise his head a bit when you came in.
“Hey,” he said, blinking bleary eyes. He cleared his throat and tried to sit up.
You shook your head and picked around piles of dirty clothes and a couple of used paper plates on the floor. You swiftly grabbed the bottle from his hand and slammed it on the nightstand.
“You promised me, Charlie,” you snapped. “You promised me for the hundredth time that you’d quit all this shit. Where even were you last night? You weren’t home when I left for work this morning.”
He sighed, frowning at how loud you were, and sat up in bed. He swung his legs over the side and held his swimming head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees. He ran a hand through his hair. It was nearly black, like Dad’s had been, but he’d inherited Mom’s lighter eyes.
“I got invited to a party,” he said. “I’m sorry, I know. This is the last time.”
You expelled a frustrated breath and shook your head.
“You’re a grown fucking man, Charlie! Do you really need me to give you the just say no speech?” you said. 
“Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times I can say it,” he said. He shut his eyes tight, probably trying to fend off a headache. 
Good, you thought. Let that be a reminder of how bad he’d screwed up again. 
“And while we’re at it, what about your half of the bills? You’re a week late,” you said, testily crossing your arms.
“Yeah, I’m a little behind,” he said. Once again, he cleared his throat past a wad of phlegm. He was still a bit crossfaded too, you could tell. “You know they cut my hours to part-time at the museum. I’ve, uh, I’ve been looking into getting another job—”
“I already paid the phone bill. And the internet, the water bill, the electricity,” you said. “The house may be paid off, but the least you can do is pay your half of living here.”
The longer you stared at him, seeing the guilt hidden behind drunken eyes, you realized he wasn’t just late on his half of the bills.
“How much?” you asked.
He frowned up at you. “What?”
“How much do you owe?” you said. Your voice was as cutting as your gaze. Charlie lowered his.  
“It’s okay, don’t worry—”
“How much,” you pressed.
He looked up at you again, this time with pursed lips. After a beat, he sighed and gave in.
“About two grand,” he admitted.
You raised your eyes heavenward, muttering a curse. Your hands went to your temples as you had to pace the room. You were angry and exasperated in equal measure.
“Who the fuck do you owe two grand?!” you asked.
Charlie shook his head. “It’s better that I don’t tell you that.”
You paused. As you looked down at him, your anger dissolved into sadness, like it always did.
“If Mom and Dad could see you now, they wouldn’t recognize you,” you said.
Charlie fought not to react to that, his brows furrowing. Instead, he just looked down, unable to answer you.
“Charlie, you need help. I can’t keep doing this with you,” you said. Your shaky breath gave way to the burn of tears.  
His red-rimmed eyes became glassy as well.
“I’m sorry,” was all he said.
He was always sorry. And you always had to be the one to nurse him back to health, pick up the pieces, pay the bills. You were exhausted. The bone-deep kind of tired that felt like gravity wasn't so much keeping you down, but pushing you.
“I’m going to ask for two things: do what you need to do to get paid, and clean up your shit. If you can’t accomplish that, then I’m taking you to rehab,” you said.
“You know I’ve tried that,” Charlie said, with a shrug of his shoulders. “Didn’t really work for me.”
“You left the program after two weeks!” you retorted.
“I did it on my own! I’ve been clean for months,” he argued.
“And what happened? You go to one party and all your good sense, all your training, mentally and physically—that all goes out the window?” you said. You had half a mind not to believe him.
“Yeah well, maybe just for one night, I wanted to relax without you harping on my back,” he said, glaring up at you. “Is that too much to fucking ask? For you to give me some goddamn slack?”
Your mouth fell open incredulously.  
“I’m on your back?” you said. “Okay. I’ll get off. Do whatever the hell you want, Charlie. I’m done.”
You left his room in an angry huff. You headed over to your room so you could take a shower and start getting ready to meet Russell at Howley’s. 
By the time you got to your bedroom, you heard the front door slam closed.
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The truth was, you were no longer in a mood to have fun when you pulled up to Howley’s, but you needed to escape your house. Also, you weren’t someone who canceled on people last-minute, especially not on Dory’s own brother.
You found Russell waiting for you at the bar. He waved to you with a fifth of whiskey in hand and an easy grin. He’d saved you a seat beside him.
You found yourself smiling. Your mood began to lighten as you went over to him. He looked more or less the same, but this time the jacket and jeans combo was navy blue and dark wash, respectively. His hair was swept back, lightly gelled. You smelled the familiar, rich woodiness of his cologne when you drew near, along with a hint of spicy soap.
“Hey, there.” He greeted you with a warm hand on your back. He helped you into your seat.
“Hey, yourself,” you replied, and thanked him for the assist onto the tall stool. You’d opted for jeans and a blouse, paired with your favorite leather boots. It was less dressy than he’d seen you before, but that was “work mode.” This was a more casual affair, even if you’d spent at least twenty extra minutes on your makeup.
You were glad he picked a spot at the end of the bar though. It put some distance from the group of guys getting rowdy as they cheered at the football game playing on the TV.
“How was the rest of your day, Professor?” he asked. “And what’re you wanting to drink?”
You let out a long sigh and turned toward him, resting your elbow on the counter.
“Awesome. I’m going to need two shots of tequila and an order of something fried, and preferably covered with cheese, please,” you replied.
Russell’s grin deepened. “Okay, I’m thinking ‘awesome’ is code for something. But we can get started on that order of Forget Today’s Unfortunate Events.”
He flagged down the bartender with a raise of his hand, but he shot you a glance.
“Though I’m hoping it’s not all of today that you wanna forget,” he said.
Your lips threatened another smile, as the memory of your hand being swept up into his, and soft lips meeting the back of your hand filtered through your mind.
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s possible,” you said.
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After about ten minutes of playfully debating the appetizer menu (you swore by the pretzel and beer cheese, but Russell had his eye on those spicy wings), he finally settled on ordering both.
“When in doubt, don’t go without,” he’d remarked.
You swept a pretty coil of hair over your shoulder and downed your tequila shots with a lime wedge. Meanwhile, Russell tried not to linger his eyes on the way your tongue swept over your finger to catch a drop of lime juice. Your nails were manicured, and the shade of the polish matched your lipstick.
Russell didn’t pretend to know the art and science of a woman’s wardrobe, but everything about you was thought out, it seemed, falling in line with what he’d expect from a (sexy as all hell) college professor. You’d also told him at lunch today that as of last year, you now had two doctorates: History and Ancient Studies.
Even with all that under your belt, you also seemed refreshingly down-to-earth, a lot like Dory in that sense. He could see why you two were friends.
“So, are you from here, or are you a transplant, like my sister?” he asked.
Dory hadn’t come to live in Wyoming until their aunt and uncle took her in, when she was about eight years old. Before last month, Russell hadn’t seen her since. It hurt his heart to think about, but he tried to focus on you.
You now seemed to be staring a bit listlessly at the glass of whiskey in his hands. He laid a hand on your arm and called your name.
“Hmm?” Your brows rose as you blinked to attention. “Oh! I’m sorry. Yes, I’ve lived here pretty much forever.”
“You okay?” Russell asked. “Tequila hit ya a little hard?”
You shook your head. “No, I’m sorry…”
You raised your hands up to your temples. You debated whether you wanted to open up about this, but…considering who Russell was, you thought he might just understand.
“Dory told me you’ve been trying to reconnect with your brother, right? Colter?” you said.
Russell nodded. He wasn’t sure how much Dory told you about their family business, but it dimmed his mood.
“Well, you could say I’ve got a brother issue of my own,” you said, laughing humorlessly. “You don’t have to talk about yours, but maybe you’ll understand… My brother is a veteran too. He was a Captain, air force pilot. He fought in Afghanistan, mainly.”
Russell processed that with a nod. “Yeah, I was there too. Special Ops.”
“Wow, okay. Then you know what it was like for him, coming back home,” you said. Your gaze fell to your empty shot glasses. “It was hard, after…”
“After?” he prompted.
You sighed. “Near the end, he lost half his unit in a raid, off of some flawed intel.”
Russell’s brows knitted together. Hmm. Grief, survivor’s guilt, feeling like you don’t belong.
He was starting to get a clearer picture of who your brother was. It struck at familiar chords inside himself that he wasn’t so comfortable with. He shifted in his seat, fingers flexing over his glass on the counter.
You didn’t notice, but you did push the shot glasses away from you.
“I helped him the best I could,” you said. “I got him a job at the museum I interned at when I was in undergrad. He’s there as a security guard, but it’s not really enough, you know? It’s like, nothing satisfies him. I just…I don’t think I know how to help him anymore.”
You couldn’t help it. Emotion bubbled in your throat, making it close up on you as tears stung in your eyes. Your lower lip wobbled, and you tried to turn your face away. Embarrassment coiled up in your chest and made your face hot.
You felt a hand cover yours on your thigh, squeezing warmly. You looked up and met Russell’s gaze, both sympathetic and understanding.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, trying to calm your shuddering breath. “This isn’t exactly first date material. I can’t believe I unloaded on you like that.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said. “Believe me, I get what your brother’s going through.”
He pushed the plate with the last piece of soft-baked pretzel over to you.
“You finish that if you want, then you go ahead and pick something else off the menu. I won’t even argue with you this time,” he promised with a grin.
It got you to laugh, at least, and he gave you a napkin for your tears.
God, get it together, you told yourself. You’re a damn mess.
“Thanks,” you said. You managed to smile as you blotted at one corner of your eye. You hoped you hadn’t just irreversibly smudged your mascara.
Russell surprised you by brushing his thumb against your other cheek, wiping a stray tear away. Your face began to warm with a blush.
“Again, I’m sorry for dumping on you. We had a fight right when I got home,” you admitted.
“What’s his name?” Russell asked.
“Older or younger than you?”
“Four years older,” you replied. “He enlisted a few years after he graduated high school.”
Russell flickered at a smile. Enlisted, huh?
Yet another thing he and Charlie had in common, except Russell hadn’t made it through high school in the classic sense.
“What do you think?” you asked.
“I think your brother sounds lost right now. I’ve known a lotta guys like him, unfortunately,” Russell admitted. “Walking back into civilian life, it ain’t easy. That I know my damn self. Just like I know a thing or two about being an older brother. He’s probably doing his best to keep it off your shoulders.”
You shook your head at that. Trying, maybe.
You weren’t even sure of that anymore. Still, it made you all the more curious about Russell and his family.
“I know I said I wouldn’t ask this, and you don’t have to answer. But did you and Colter have a falling out or something?” you asked.
Russell expelled a deep breath and took a sip from his glass. How was he supposed to navigate this minefield with you?
“You gotta understand that me, my brother, my sister, we didn’t grow up like a normal family,” he said.
“Yeah, I know,” you nodded. “Dory’s told me some of it. It sounded…rustic.”
He snorted. “Putting it mildly.”
He shook his head and drained the rest of his glass. 
“Well, my brother’s got an idea about me that isn’t true,” he said.
Your head tilted in curiosity. “Which is?”
His lips briefly raised in a wan smile. 
“We don’t gotta get into that one tonight. But uh, the truth is, I’ve tried reaching out to him several times now. He just doesn’t wanna hear from me,” said Russell.
You considered him for a moment. You laid a hand on his arm, covered by his jacket. 
“Don’t give up,” you said, with a sigh of your own. “Despite some things I said to him today, I know I can’t. My brother’s the only real family I have.”
Russell grew curious then. “What about your parents?”
You gave a weak smile.
“They passed away when we were young, but…we don’t have to get into that one tonight,” you said, borrowing his words. 
His expression fell. “Jesus. I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Thank you,” you accepted, twisting the napkin around your fingers.
An awkward lull of silence fell between you, until Russell nodded and blew out a breath.
“Well. Heavy, huh?”
You chuckled and rested your head against your hand.
“I know. Again, my fault,” you replied. 
“It’s okay, swee—. Mmm,” he cut himself off, shooting you a knowing glance.
“Were you about to sweetheart me?” you asked playfully, nudging his hand. “You know how I feel about that.”
“No, ma’am. Not at all,” Russell shook his head. His smile gave him away though. You laughed and grabbed his arm.
“Come on,” you said.
He allowed you to lead him out of his seat. He already had a tab open, so he’d settle up with the bar later. “Where we going?”
“You’re gonna lose to me at pool,” you said with a smirk.
Russell laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist instead.
“Oh, okay. I’m gonna give you a run for your money, though,” he promised.
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And he was true to his word.
Russell Shaw turned out to be a more than worthy opponent. You studied the board as you changed the angle on your cue stick no less than five times.
“You gonna make a move, or we going to be here all night?” he said.
He was smiling as he leaned against his own cue on the other side of the board. His clever moves had left you in a difficult position to get your three remaining solid-colored balls into the pocket.
“You hush. I’m thinking,” you said, fighting your own smile.
“Careful, you’ve got steam coming out of your ears,” he teased.
You shot him a narrowed look for that. But then you smiled, as the answer came to you. You walked around to his side of the board and nudged him with your hip.
“Excuse me, sir,” you said to him over your shoulder.
Russell made way for you, but his eyes followed the way you bent over to line up your shot. Namely the curve of your ass in those tight jeans. He could see you knew exactly what you were doing, in more ways than one.
You shot your shot. The solid green ball leapt over his white-striped blue one and managed to sink into the pocket. You straightened up and gave him a triumphant little smirk.
He tried to temper his smile (and ignore the way his cock twitched).
“All right, go on, do your little victory lap," he said. "But remember, I let you go first.”
“Like that matters,” you quipped back.
You went back to the other side of the board to line up your next shot. Russell noticed a pair of drunk men ambling your way from the bar, but before he could make a subtle move to put himself in between, one of the men’s gazes slid down your form and gave into the base urge to let out a low whistle.
And he slapped you right on the ass.
You gasped, grabbing hold of the pool table. Then your shock melted into ire.
Russell was already heading toward you with an angry frown of his own, but even he had to stop short, when he watched you throw a punch that cracked the drunken man across the bridge of his nose.
Good form, Russell thought, when the guy reared back with a howl. His nose dripped blood when his hands came away from his face.
His buddy started to raise his hackles, but that was when Russell stepped to your side. He angled himself toward you and loosely gripped his pool cue by his hip, like it was an extension of his arm. He was fully prepared to use it like one.
“Fucking bitch!” said the one who was still dabbing his nose in vain. He glared at you, his eyes watering involuntarily, while his friend tried to keep him upright. You rolled your eyes.
"You're the one who's crying, bitch," you returned. Russell held in a snort. He cleared his throat and looked on at the pair of idiots.
“I’d have a little sit down if I were you,” Russell told them, with a smirk. “Let that be a lesson to ya. And if it don’t stick? Well. Whatever you start, I can damn well finish.”
His steely gaze reinforced the promise of his words. The other men were still angry, but even drunks had some sense of self-preservation. They ambled toward the back of the bar to find another pool table.
Russell focused his attention back on you, finding you looking down at your hand, rotating your wrist and flexing your fingers.
“Well, look at you, slugger,” he said. You met his smile with one of amusement.
“That’s just what I needed tonight. A broken hand,” you quipped.
“Aw, it doesn’t look as bad as all that. But can I see?” he asked. You allowed him to take your smaller hand in his. Your knuckles were red and tender to the touch when he gently pressed. You hissed in pain.
Damn, she really gave it to him, Russell thought.
“Sorry,” he said, but your hand felt fine, at least. More than fine. His gaze flicked up to yours as his amused grin deepened. “Good hit though.”
If he liked you before, he might’ve fallen half in love with you right there.
You laughed through the pain. “Yeah, my brother did teach me something. Shit.”
Russell led you back to the bar after you grabbed your purse. There he called to the bartender for some ice. The guy nodded; he’d seen the entire exchange and was sympathetic.
You knew this sort of thing was just par for the course at this kind of bar, but they had the best drinks. Charlie had to carry you out of here on your twenty-first birthday, drunk off your ass. Not to mention, he’d punched out two handsy dicks that night.
You recounted the story to Russell over a couple more drinks. Your conversation was lighter then, filled with laughter and a warm, companiable feeling. He was still rather evasive about his job, but you supposed he had to be, since it was government contract work.
Private security, mainly. Or so he'd said. This man made you infinitely curious, and a bit apprehensive, if you were honest.
And yet, at some point while you two shared and laughed and split a hot sandwich with another round of beers, you realized it.
I like this, you thought. And I like him.
However, the night had to come to an end sometime. Your third involuntary yawn told Russell it was time to call it.
"I'm okay," you tried.
"Nah, you've gotta work tomorrow," he said. He signaled to the bartender. "Let me go ahead and close out my tab."
“Oh, I can pay for half,” you said, reaching for your purse now hanging from your hip.
“You kidding me? Put that away,” he said, guiding your hand with your wallet aside.
Smiling, you accepted his generosity with a small thank you. Then, you let him take up your sore hand again, just to carefully press the half-melted bag of ice over it.
“Feelin’ better?” he asked.
Your smile became softer. “Yeah.”
You had no doubt that this man, tall as he was, with his broad shoulders and the controlled way he carried himself, could’ve laid both of those drunken assholes onto their asses. His intimidating gaze had promised as much.
But his hands were gentle for you.
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“I was about to win that game, no contest!” you said, laughing as you and Russell headed out of the bar and into the parking lot.
“Hey, hey, I still had time to win it back,” he argued. “I only had three more balls to go. I could’ve sunk that with my eyes closed.”
“Three balls, huh?” you said slyly, and maybe, a little tipsy. “Might wanna get that looked at.”
Russell snorted. “You think you’re funny, huh?”
“Hey, you laughed!” you said, pointing at him.
He shook his head, despite his amusement. He slowed to a stop in front of his car.
“Where’d you park, huh?” he asked.
“Over there,” you said, pointing several parking spaces down. Your eyes were drawn to his car, however. “Wow. This is your car?”
Russell grinned and patted the top of his black Chevy.
“Aw, yeah. That’s my baby,” he said. “She’s a Chevelle, 1967.”
You didn’t know much about cars, but you could see this was a classic beauty. You passed a hand over its sleek paint job without touching, so you didn't get any fingerprints on it. Though you quirked a smile over your shoulder at him.
“She?” you intoned.
“That’s right. She,” he confirmed.
You smirked and crossed your arms. You paused in front of the passenger door, and when Russell drew in closer, you had to crane your neck up to meet his warm gaze.
“Now, if I go in for a kiss goodnight, are you gonna deck me?” he asked, with a teasing glint in his eyes.
You tilted your head, your own eyes dancing.
“I’m sure you’re brave enough to find out,” you said.
Russell decided he’d take that bet.
He leaned in slowly. He made a show of hesitating, raising a brow, as if waiting for a blow. You were tempted to laugh.
But then he let loose a true smile, and he bowed his head to press his lips against yours. Your eyes fell shut, and your hands moved to flatten against his chest. A firm fucking wall. Jesus.
He circled his arms around your waist, bringing you in closer. Your fingers wound up in his hair, while he tilted his head to kiss you again. You met him with the same fervor with each new kiss, and the feel of your body, soft and pliant under his hands, each little sweet sound that you made, it all drove him to delve in deeper.
You moaned into his mouth at the first warm swipe of his tongue against yours. He tasted like the burn of good whiskey.
You pressed yourself flush against him on instinct. He found no other recourse but to back you up against the side of his car. His hand tangled into your hair, gripping, then easing through the soft strands.
Russell veered away from your soft mouth after a while, just to burn a line of warm, wet kisses along your jaw, and down your neck with the added rasp of his beard.
His lips found the sensitive spot where your neck met your shoulder. He kissed and sucked at your skin, even grazing with his teeth. You gasped softly in his ear, shuddering against him. You ran your hands over his shoulders and down his strong back out of a need to feel him.
His hands were heavy along the curve of your waist then, squeezing your hips. It all felt incredibly right. And by right, you meant body tingling, warmth churning in your lower belly, and wetness growing between your legs, for sure dampening your panties.
You tugged him back by his hair, so you could reach him for another steamy kiss.
“I’m staying at a motel, if you wanna…” he said, between kisses.
You paused against his lips, parting from him softly.
“Or not," he added. "Just thought I’d mention.” 
You giggled, catching your breath, and then smoothing your hands down his chest. The faint throb of your core was telling you one thing, but the warning signals of your more cautious mind were telling you another. You thought for a moment…but then you sighed. 
“How long are you really in town?” you asked.
His wet lips tugged to one corner, ruefully. “A few more days, probably.”
“Right,” you said with a frown. “Russell, I like you. I actually, I really do. If you were sticking around for a while, it’d be one thing. But you’re my best friend’s brother, and I—”
“No, I get it. I can’t predict when I’m gonna be able to swing back into town, and you’ve gotta live your life,” he said, but not without care. He curled an errant strand of hair behind your ear. 
Your heart tugged, almost painfully.
“You’re a good guy, Russell Shaw,” you breathed. “Why can’t you be a good guy who’s staying?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said. Then he cringed, knowing how you felt about sweethearting men. “Ah, sorry—” 
You smiled and covered his mouth with your fingers. 
“It’s okay. You have permission to sweetheart me.” 
After blinking his surprise away, his face eased into a grin.
“Then I’ll wear that badge with honor,” he said. 
Your shoulders shook with laughter when you let your forehead fall against his chest.
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Russell remained what he had been throughout the entire night: a gentleman, who accompanied you over to your car.
After another stolen kiss or two in front of your sedan, you parted ways from him with a bit of a heavy heart. You wondered if you made the right decision, or if you should’ve just gone for it for once, instead of second-guessing yourself like usual.
You did know this. The rumble of his Chevelle driving down the opposite road would be imprinted on your memory.
When you returned home, you realized that the house was empty, and in complete darkness.
Charlie still wasn’t home.
Worried, you flicked on the lights and began to text his cell, only to find a note for you on the kitchen counter.
And it worried you even more.
I’m sorry. I’m going to make it right. 
— C.
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AN: 😬 Well then! lol We're diving straight into the drama and feels on this one. What did you think of her "barely a date" with Russell? 😂
And where do you think we're going next with Charlie?
Next Time:
Dory was sat next to you on the couch, rubbing your back with sympathy and concern in her own eyes.
“You should call the police,” she advised.
You’d thought of that, but if Charlie was doing something he wasn’t supposed to, then depending on what it was, you didn’t necessarily want him locked up in a cell. He wasn’t a bad person, he was just…lost. You wanted him to get help.
You set down the butterknife beside the jar and turned to her, after drying your eyes the best you could.
“Do you think your brother would be willing to come back to Wyoming?” you said. After a beat of hesitation, you specified:
“Colter, the tracker.”
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 2
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Imagine taking Rayleigh and Shakky out on a date
This is part 2 of this post
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Rayleigh: so you want to take us out on a pretend date to spite your first mate and captain for bullying you?
Reader: I know how it sounds, but I figured it'd be a good way to get back at them.
Shakky: While I'm all for helping you get revenge, I don't understand your logic.
You: well, Rayleigh is Shanks's father figure.
Rayleigh: That's not how I'd put it, but I suppose I'm the closest thing he's got.
You: And while I know you two have an open relationship, I thought fucking my captain's father figure would be crossing a line.
Shakky: probably a wise move.
You: And I wanted you to go on a fake date with you, Shakky because Benn has had a crush on you for years, but has been too nervous to ask you out on a date.
Rayleigh: so a date, with both of us, would be two birds with one stone.
Shakky: Oh, I know about his little crush, his poker face is terrible
You: I know, right? I saw him in here earlier, looking at you, he was about as subtle as a sea train.
Rayleigh: *turns to his wife,* What do you think?
Shakky: I dunno.
You: I'll pay for dinner.
Shakky: Deal.
Rayleigh: Pick us up at six thirty tonight.
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That night during dinner
Rayleigh: *drinking straight from the wine bottle you ordered*, So how's the brat supposed to know you took us on a date?
You: Well, he planned on dining here at seven, so by the time our food arrives, he should be here. But you know him, he's not good at sticking to plans. If he doesn't come, we could take a picture as a backup plan.
Shakky: Sounds like a plan, in the meantime, we should have a proper date.
Rayleigh: yes, tell us about yourself.
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An hour later
You: And Shanks, buck ass naked, slips on the wet rocks, falls, and smacks against the surface of the water!
Shanks: (y/n)?
You: *looks over to notice Shanks and his inner circle gawking at you*
Rayleigh: hey sport
Shanks: what's going on here?
Shakky: what does it look like? We're having a date with this little cutie. *wraps her arms around you and rests her head on your shoulder, giving a pointed smirk at Benn*
Rayleigh: *puts his arm around both you and Shakky and pulls you into his side,* They were just telling us about your skinny sipping mishap on Koala Island.
Shanks: No
You: yep
Benn: *glaring daggers at you,* You little shit, how long has this been going on?
You: Not long, this is the first date.
Shanks: Is this because of what we said two weeks ago?
You: a little
Shanks: *pouts,* We were just teasing.
Shakky: You're interrupting our date, it's quite rude.
Shanks: Fine, enjoy your evening.
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Shanks: *alone, passed out drunk on his table*
Rayleigh: *sighs* this boy I swear.
Shakky: Want to ditch him with our tab?
You: Yeah, but we're not gonna leave him without the cash, *pulls out his wallet and puts the Berry you brought along inside before sliding it back into his pocket*
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The next day on the Red Force
You: *walks onto the ship only for everyone to stare at you*
Benn: You have some explaining to do.
Shanks: *bursts out of his cabin,* Did you fuck them?
You: no, I thought that'd be crossing a line.
Shanks: then where did you stay last night?
You: In their guest room, I helped Shakky open this morning because Rayleigh had wandered off after our date... Look, it wasn't a real date, Boss, I was upfront with them about my intentions.
Shanks: We didn't bully you.
You: It certainly felt like it to me, and when I voiced that hurt, you didn't apologize, and basically told me to stop sulking. So I wanted you to know how it felt, so I asked Rayleigh and Shakky to help me get back at you for bullying me.
Shanks: I see, *reflects on his behavior for a moment* I'm sorry we teased you, it was supposed to be a joke but ended up hurting your feelings.
You: Apology accepted.
Shanks: Now, please never date any of my former crew mates from my time with Roger.
You: I promise I won't knowingly date any of them.
Shanks: I don't like the way you phrased that, but fine, I guess.
Benn: Now that that's done, tell me how in the hell you got Shakky to go on a date with you.
You: Again, it was a fake date, but I simply asked.
Benn: I was afraid you were gonna say that.
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pjohoo-reclists · 2 months
hey I know this ask Is a little specific but are there any fics where Percy likes reveals his like struggling with guilt, and suicidal thoughts to people other than Annabeth? I love Percabeth I just really want to see other characters reacting to Percy's struggles! Thxxx!!!!
Hey Anon!! This wasn't too specific, don't worry. I read it and two fics immediately came to mind. One is a spot on match - Percy goes to therapy and talks about his guilt and suicidal thoughts/attempts. Took a little while to find a few more tho. Enjoy!
Percy Confides in Others Rec List
A list of fics where Percy confides in people other than Annabeth about his guilt and suicidal tendencies. Enjoy!
How you remind me. by youngjusticewriter
T | 700 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Protective Grover Underwood
(Look, he didn’t want to be a half-blood.) For a moment Percy felt the urge to ask Grover if he was ever going to be free. But he didn’t so the words stayed in his mouth and there they would rot like fruit left out for days in the summer heat. Percy opened his eyes. He stared at the bathtub. “...Grover, do you think I’ll graduate college?” Percy heard a sharp inhale. “Yeah, Percy. I do.” A noise escaped his throat. His vision grew blurry. “I agreed to go on a quest,” Percy said, finally admitting it to someone.
She’ll Rage For Him by aiden_salva00
T | 900 words | Complete
Percy Jackson/Clarisse La Rue, Silena Beauregard & Clarisse La Rue
Survivor Guilt, Percy Jackson is a Mess, Camp Half Blood
Clarisse La Rue knows rage. Percy Jackson knows loyalty. As the boy breaks, she summons rage to protect him like he has always protected them.
A Son's Prayer by AJDoesStuff (ApophisWrites)
T | 1.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Post Tartarus, Suicidal Thoughts, Good Parent Poseidon
Percy Jackson had been through hell and back, literally in his case, and he just wants someone to talk to where he won't be a burden. He prays to Poseidon, knowing his dad will most likely not bother listening to him, why would he want to listen to someone like Percy anyway. Poseidon listens anyway.
Similarities by HK44
G | 1.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Carter Kane
Short and Sweet, Carter is a good friend, Angst
“It’s different,” Percy cut in, pulling back, moving away, getting ready to leave. “They wouldn’t get it.” The words were firm, edged in steel, lined with barricades. He was falling back into himself again. Carter cursed everything and grabbed his arm. “Hey. What’s up?”
Dying is easy, living is harder by One_Real_Wrimonkey
T | 1.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Clarisse La Rue
Grief/Mourning, Percy Jackson & Clarisse La Rue Friendship, Clarisse La Rue has PTSD
She found him on a rock looking over the ocean, waves crashing below them, lit by a brilliant moon. It felt too pretty, given the state of the world, but he couldn't look away. Percy expected her to try and drag him back to camp, or maybe shove him off the cliff, but she only sat next to him. "Wanna talk about it?" . Three weeks after the war, Percy and Clarisse finally allow themselves to grieve.
and the ships are left to rust by Duck_Life
T | 1.8k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Jason Grace
Survivor Guilt, Bathing/Washing, Grief/Mourning
Jason goes looking for Percy after the final battle.
Rest Me And My Bones by Freddie_77
Not Rated | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Clarisse La Rue, Clarisse La Rue & Will Solace, Percy Jackson & Will Solace
Grief/Mourning, Post Gaea & The Second Giant War, Trans Characters
“Hey,” Percy says, and it’s three AM, and Clarisse has finally got Ellis and Sherman to stop fucking fighting and go to bed, so why is he on the cabin doorstep, and really, how did he get around the landmines? Sure, all the counselors got to know cabin protections, but he hasn’t been at camp in… seven months? Eight? (Sure, Clarisse knows the exact date, deep down, a doomsday clock ticking away, your friend has been gone for this long and this long and this long– But she doesn’t need to admit that.) “The fuck do you want?” Her voice is gruffer than she means for it to. She loves him, deep down. (Very, very deep. You may need a gun pressed to her head to make the words come out. Doesn’t make it less true.) “Donuts,” he responds without pause, holding up one of the camp SUV’s keys. “I figured we could go out with Will. He’s waiting in the car already.” Or: post battle, Percy, Will, and Clarisse go out for donuts and talk for a while.
I'm going to make you wish you were dead by nlpiersee
T | 2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Aphrodite & Ares & Hades & Hephaestus & Hera & Persephone & Poseidon & Zeus (Percy Jackson)
Angst and Feels, Near Death Experiences, Family Drama
The council of the gods gathers expecting to smite a demi-god, only to have the tables turned on them. No one expected one hero to have gone through so much.
i'm a young man built to fall by bakedbean15
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Paul Blofis & Percy Jackson
PTSD, Post the Second Titan War, Rachel Elizabeth Dare is a good friend
Percy has a flashback at school, Rachel and Paul help.
Just Because I Left Doesn’t Mean That I’m Not Still There by SiederTreeStudios
G | 2.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Post Tartarus, Post-Gaea & The Second Giant War, Protective Poseidon
Posideon couldn’t be there for his son when he needed him. But he could be there now. OR Posideon’s perspective on Percy’s adventures (mostly the Lightning Thief) and the aftermath of it all.
life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints by Thatcrazyfan
T | 2.7k | Complete
Clarisse La Rue/Chris Rodriguez, Percy Jackson/Annabeth
Survivor Guilt, Hopeful Ending, Percy Jackson needs a hug
Chris noticed it before anyone else. He heard the whispers, saw the stares and was vividly reminded of the first few years after he had re-joined camp. The distrust in everyone’s eyes and in their actions and in the voices was something he would never, ever forget. Or, Something's wrong with Percy, and Chris is worried. Percy hasn't been his usual self in a long time.
Call Me by orphan_account
G | 2.8k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo
Attempted Suicide, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Trans Male Character
Percy and Nico made a promise on the River Styx, if either ever felt really depressed or like they might attempt suicide they have to call the other. Nico receives an Iris Message on a Tuesday.
the ghost of you by beforedaybreaks
G | 3.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan
Canonical Character Death, Survivor Guilt, Minor Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson
"Hello," the ghost of Luke says from its perch atop Percy's bedroom drawer. It tilts its head; grins, baring shiny white teeth. Luminous gold eyes bore deep into Percy's soul. Percy freezes. "You're not real,” he says, accusatory. Luke seems unphased by this development. In which Percy Jackson is haunted by the ghost of Luke Castellan, deals with unresolved feelings of guilt, and learns to say goodbye, all at the same time.
Percy's "Wonderful" Adventures in Therapy by Inlovewithsnow2002
T | 3.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Sally Jackson
Past Child Abuse, Percy finally gets Therapy, Suicidal Thoughts
After a series of unfortunate events Percy has landed himself in therapy.
You Can Kid The World, But Not Your Sister by HK44
T | 4.7k | Complete
Sadie Kane, Percy Jackson, Walt Stone
Panic Attacks, Monsters, Mental Health Issues
It was like the world had slowed between the seconds that it’s tongue lifted off of Felix’s hair and it’s entire body convulsing. It went so painfully still, a broken yelp echoing from it’s mouth. She saw the way it’s eyes bulged, Percy stepping in close. As though the parasite alien from Alien was breaking through, she could see the shift of muscle and bone underneath it’s thick mass of fur. And then the room was splattered in blood and yellow sand.
Apricity by TheProfoundSilence
T | 7.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Apollo
Kidnapping, BAMF Percy Jackson, Protective Poseidon
Percy gets kidnapped. He thought the pain was easy to deal with, but hell is just that, hell to live through. In the aftermath, a lonely infirmary, sheer willpower, and Percy Jackson attempts to rebuild himself back again with a little help from godly friends.
the light in the darkest depths of the sea (why can't i hold on?) by AchillesComeHome
Not Rated | 8.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson
Angst with a Bittersweet Ending, Good Parent Poseidon, Depressed Percy Jackson
He’s sinking down, and down and down. His throat burns from the seawater aggravating the soreness of it. The water carries him down, or maybe that’s him. He doesn’t know. He lets the sea take him. Maybe she’ll give him the peace he’s never truly had. Maybe she’ll let him rest for once. So he drifts, throat choking and burning with tears, eyes focused on the dimming light above him. Maybe this was his fate all along - to be swept away by the sea to a place even his father can’t find him. And maybe, he’s okay with that. Maybe he can sleep now. Or in which Percy Jackson has given up, but Poseidon has not.
Stars on the Water by liketolaugh
T | 116k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Thalia Grace, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood & Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson has Self Esteen Issues, Percy Jackson Goes to Therapy, Abused Percy Jackson
"I dunno, I just think it would make a lot of things easier for a lot of people," Percy said to Thalia, when she just stared at him. His cheek rested in his hand, a rare pensive look leaving his eyes distant and unfocused. "Mom has Paul now, so it’ll be easier on her if she doesn’t have to worry about me mucking things up. Dad won’t have to keep threatening war every time Zeus gets his toga twisted. The prophecy’s done, so I won’t be bringing it down on Nico. And no one will have to worry about me blowing up another volcano."
Star Light, Star Bright by liketolaugh
T | 192k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis
Therapy 2: Electric Boogaloo, PTSD, Past Child Abuse
Subject: Percy's back Hello, Raine. I know that you're on leave right now, but you asked me to tell you as soon as we got further news on Percy. He's home. He's safe. But can you please get back to me as soon as possible? He's not doing well, and he's been asking for you. I hope that you've been resting well. With love, Sally
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impale-me-radio-daddy · 2 months
Hell 2 Pay
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℣ Pairing: Vox X angelic!reader
℣ Summary: A naïve angel descends to Hell looking for Vagina. Finds Vox instead.
℣ Content notes: Voyeurism, first time for everything, explicit sexual content,use of a vibrator, guided masturbation, loss of virginity, creampie, Vox being Vox, pet names: mostly sweetheart, babydoll and baby, reader is a girl, reader has a pussy, reader has a name and it's a fucking stupid one.
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A sequel to Heaven Spent
@it-gal888 @jurijyuu @bishiglomper @brunette-bet @bapple117
@diffidentphantom @leonotlara @redvexillum @nyx-umbrakinesis
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“You sure it’s okay for me to come to this with you?” you asked, quietly, as you walked out to the limo, holding Vox’s arm.
“Baby, everyone who is anyone is going to this party.” Vox gestured wide with his talons, an arc of electricity between his fingers. “I hear even Lucifer himself is on the guest list. If this friend of yours is still down here, and she’s as powerful as you say she is, she’ll be there.”
In the days since you’d met Vox, you’d come no closer to finding Vagina, though not through lack of trying. You’d searched every database Vox had access to for her name, scoured security feeds and drone footage from across the city looking for a glimpse of her aquiline nose. You’d searched until your eyes watered, until Vox came round to your console each evening and told you it was time to stop for the night. To sleep.
Half the time you found yourself passing out against him in the elevator on the way to the penthouse, waking up in his arms as he carried you to bed. It was embarrassing to admit how much you liked the sensation- the fact that he lifted you almost effortlessly, strong arms cradling you against his chest. A kiss goodnight was as much as you managed to give him, though he didn’t press for more, his tired voice a gentle rasp against your ear as he told you to rest up for the cameras the next day.
In exchange, you’d taken the job as spokesperson for Angelic Security, and spent your days in fitting rooms and in front of cameras, chirping out your lines with as much enthusiasm as you could muster.
You thought you’d hit a dead end, until Vox had arrived on set one afternoon with a change of costume for you; an off-the shoulder floor length pleated gown with an empire waist, and a hair ornament that made your breath catch when you looked at it, beads of glossy pink glass, shaped like pomegranate seeds, spilled in a cluster and connected by fine gold thread. The extravagance of it had made you nervous, but when Vox showed you your reflection in the mirror, you’d had to cover your mouth to stop yourself squealing with delight. You looked important and refined. Like a princess. And the look Vox gave you told you he thought so too.
You bit your lip. “I don’t want to embarrass you.”
“And why would I be embarrassed to have a beautiful girl like you on my arm, huh?” Vox’s talons squeezed gently around your shoulder, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
Vox’s business partner and roommate Valentino got into the limousine first, stooping to get into the spacious cabin inside, followed by his date, a pale pink spider demon who was only a little shorter than he was. Both of them were dressed for the event; Valentino with a silk top-hat in the place of his usual hat, and the spider demon in a tailored satin-lined jacket that hung open at the chest, no shirt or waistcoat underneath.
“This party better have an open bar, that’s all I’m saying-” the spider demon paused to look up as you climbed into the limo after him. “Who’s the skirt?”
“Angel Dust, this is Angelic Security’s newest spokesperson and my date, Ari. Ari, this is Angel Dust, Val’s-” Vox squinted, a glance at the big moth. “-most valued employee.”
“Oh.” Your grip on Vox’s arm tightened as you stared at Angel Dust. His soft pink fur didn’t make him look demonic, certainly. “Are you really an angel?”
“That depends who ya ask, toots.” Angel winked lasciviously.
“A lot of people have seen his pearly gates, that’s for sure.” Valentino wrapped a possessive arm around Angel, his long fingers sinking into the chest fluff that peeked from Angel’s half-open jacket. “But rest assured my cariño here is just as soaked in sin as the rest of us. Other things, too.” Valentino grinned, flashing a gold tooth, and you watched as Angel’s smile dropped fractionally.
“Alright, alright, save it for the afterparty, jeez.” Vox waved the air in front of him, opening a chilled compartment in the table between the four of you and pulling out a tray of drinks in a puff of condensation.
“Oh, thank fuck. My thirty four inch hero.” Angel reached out with two of his arms, took a glass in each, and dumped them unceremoniously into his open mouth. Vox and Valentino exchanged a look.
“I’d better not have to send anyone to scrape him off the floor this time,” groused Vox, his mouth sliding to the bottom corner of his screen as he watched Angel down another drink.
Valentino laughed. “He’ll be good tonight. Won’t you, cariño?” Valentino’s fingers slid up Angel’s neck, tilting his head to force eye contact.
Angel rolled his eyes. “Yes, daddy.”
Vox held open the door of the limo to let his other business partner, Velvette, in as she arrived. “No plus one tonight?”
“I’m meeting someone there.” Velvette ducked under Vox’s arm and climbed into her seat, phone in the palm of one hand as she grabbed a flute of champagne from the tray and took a sip, making a face. “One of my all-time least favourite people just died.”
“Ohh?” Valentino looked at her over the rims of his heart-shaped glasses. “That fashion editor bitch you hate?”
“That’s the one.” Velvette grinned at him. “I said I’d give her a job if she let me piss in her mouth.”
Vox snorted, pulling the door shut. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Of course I’m fucking kidding,” Velvette’s gaze went back to her phone. “I’m not giving her a job.”
You snuggled up to Vox’s side as the limo wound its way through Pentagram’s streets. Little by little, you were starting to suspect that Vox’s associates were not nice people.
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You were afraid that the five of you would be overdressed until you actually arrived at the party, helped out of the limousine by stately-looking demons, and ascended the steps to the venue. Everyone there looked majestic, in white tie or glittering gowns, tall bird-headed demons mingling with a practical menagerie of others. You found yourself clinging tight to Vox’s arm, and were gratified to feel him shift his grip, his claws sliding down your back to your hip, pulling you against him. The quiet thrum of his body was a comfort, and you grounded yourself with it.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked, his voice a murmur in your ear as the attendants at the door checked his invite and waved the two of you through, Valentino and Angel behind you.
You nodded, though in truth you were still a little intimidated. A bird-headed demon thrumming with power floated past you, accompanied by a pair of hellhounds. “It’s just… sparkly, that’s all.”
“Me and Val are gonna mingle, so take your time looking around. I’ll be right here if you need me. And-” Vox sighed, straightening the lapel of his jacket, the pocket square he wore deep pink to match your hair ornament. “-this should go without saying, but you’re here on my invite, so I’m responsible for your actions. Try not to get yourself in trouble, okay?”
“I won’t.” You looked down, your face hot, your fingers squeezing Vox’s upper arm. “I-” you swallowed, gathering your courage, before raising your head, and planting a single kiss on the edge of his screen. “Thank you, Vox. For everything.”
Vox gave you a look that was meant to be suave. “Anytime, babydoll.”
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“So, uh, what are you looking for, exactly?” Angel swayed after you with a backwards glance at Valentino and Vox, and you stopped to let him catch up. “Seems like you’re pretty bent outta shape about it.”
“Vagina,” you answered, your voice soft as you scanned the room from your vantage by the canapé table, dazzled by the reflected light of diamonds and rubies round the throats of the female attendees as you looked for her face. The grey skin, like yours, the aquiline nose, the short white hair. You looked and saw nothing, an ache in your heart.
Angel grinned crookedly. “Well, I’m afraid I can’t help ya much there. Any particular type of vagina or are you not picky? Cuz I do know some people.”
“No.” You shook your head, frustrated. “Vagina is my friend.”
“If you say so.” Angel sighed, grabbing a drink from a passing attendant. “I’m more of a penis man myself, but if I meet any vaginas I’ll send em your way. Later, toots.”
And just like that, you were alone in the crowd, still looking for Vagina's familiar face.
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You saw her, across the room, a glimpse through the crowd that had you moving closer to check that you weren’t hallucinating. Her hair was longer than you remembered, a large red satin bow at the back, and she was missing an eye, but you would know that face anywhere. Hope crested in your chest. She was here. She was alive. You could go back. You could take her hand and go back to Heaven and things would go back just the way they were.
“Vagina!” Unable to wait a second longer, you rushed towards her, calling her name, dodging a waiter and a stuffy-looking pair of owl demons.
“Hey!” A hand on your shoulder stopped you in your tracks and you looked up to see a tall blonde girl in a ruby-colored tuxedo, frowning as she looked down at you. “Excuse me! That’s my girlfriend you’re talking to there, you can’t just-”
“Charlie.” Vagina joined you, a soft touch on the tall girl’s arm. “It’s okay. I know her. Can you give us a minute?”
“Oh.” Charlie gave a small smile, looking between you and Vagina. “You know her. Of course you know her! Okay. I’ll just… give you guys some space.”
“Vagina!” Your mouth felt dry, tears beading in the corners of your eyes as Vagina steered you behind a pillar in an unpopulated corner of the ballroom. “Oh thank goodness. You’re safe! Your eye-” you reached out. What had happened to her?
“Stop calling me that.” Vagina pushed your hand away with a scowl. “It’s Vaggie now.”
“Sorry.” You drew away, your back against the pillar. “But it’s okay! I’m here now!”
“Look.” Vagina, or rather Vaggie, sighed, her one remaining eye closing. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you should go. It’s dangerous here.”
What? The world seemed to stop around you as you stared at her. Of course- she didn’t want to put you in danger. You straightened your back, pulling yourself to your full height, feet a little wobbly in the high-heeled shoes Vox had given you. “I’m an exorcist, just like you.”
“Areola…” Vaggie scrunched her nose. “You’re a janitor. You clean the showers. The only weapon you know is mop.”
You persevered, an ache in the back of your throat. “I came to save you.” That had to count for something, didn’t it? You had come all the way down from Heaven, malformed wings or no, you had risked your life, your immortal soul against the forces of Hell, for Vaggie. She had to be able to see that.
Your statement seemed to have the opposite effect to what you intended, Vaggie’s expression darkening. “Why? I never asked for your help. And I know for sure Lute didn’t send you.”
“Because you’re my best friend.” My only friend, you thought, your bottom lip quivering. “That… that counts for something, right?”
“Oh, for crying out-” Vaggie buried her face in one hand, giving a deep sigh before she looked up at you again. “Let’s set the record straight here. We weren’t friends. We were coworkers.”
You stared, unable to speak, every word out of Vaggie’s mouth like a knife to your chest. All the times you had brought out iced drinks to her when she’d been training, all those times she’d listened to you talk about your day. That had been friendship, hadn’t it? Real friendship? Your hands shook. “But-” you managed to squeak out, feeling like you were falling, as if the floor of the ballroom was dropping deep beneath you.
Vaggie’s gaze went past you, to the milling crowd of dancers, and the tall girl in red. “I don’t need to be saved,” she said. “Go home, Areola.”
It was all you could do not to burst into tears as you watched Vaggie's retreating back, a lump in your throat as she walked away from you, red ribbon bright in her white hair.
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“Everything okay?” Vox seemed to sense something was up when you rejoined him, pulling you close, his voice low.
Silently, you shook your head, tears hot and painful in the corners of your eyes. You knew that if you said too much you’d be bawling right in the middle of the dance floor. “Take me home?”
Vox paused a second, watching you, then nodded, slowly. “Car’s on the way. I’ll give the others a call on the way back.”
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In the privacy of the limo, you buried your face against Vox's chest, gratitude welling in you as your throat tightened. “I’m sorry, I… I know you had things you wanted to do tonight, I don’t want to be a burden.” You rambled, swallowing a sob.
“Val and Velv will do just fine pissing on people without me,” said Vox, his tone wry.
“Are you my friend, Vox?” you hiccuped, leaning into his chest. “Do you even like me?”
“What kinda dumbass question is that?” Vox’s arm tightened around you. “Someone said I wasn’t your friend?”
“N-no. I just-” your bottom lip trembled. “I found her.” You felt your voice crack. “She said- she said she wasn’t my friend. She said she’d never-” a small sob escaped your lips, and you felt like you were falling again.
“Hey, babydoll.” Vox’s talons caught the underside of your jaw, tilting your head up to face him, until you were staring into his red eyes, the view made blurry by the tears in yours. “Hey,” he repeated, his voice dropping a half octave, and he kissed you, softly, lips brushing yours, fingertips up over your jaw, over your cheek. “You’re my girl. You’re mine. No-one in this city gets to make you doubt that, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured as you found yourself on top of him, your body clinging to his as if he were the only solid thing in the world.
“I know something that will definitely make you feel better.” Vox reached into a compartment under one of the seats and pulled out a small object; a tapered, bulbous cylinder in VoxTek silver, cyan light shining from its contours.
“What is that?”
“Personal massager. Top of the range. Fully submersible, adjustable frequency and torque. Self-warming, body-grade silicone sheathe.”
You glanced up at Vox’s face. This was more than empty commercial copy, a flash of pride in his eyes. “You… helped design it, didn’t you?”
Vox quirked an eyebrow. “If I say yes, will you let me use it on you?”
You felt your face heat. “W-when you say personal massager…”
“I figure a few good orgasms are just what you need right now,” said Vox, eyes half-lidded, grin toothy.
“A few!?” You felt the pulse at the apex of your legs as you remembered what just one had felt like, Vox’s leg between your thighs.
“Lay back, baby,” Vox practically purred. “Let me take care of you.”
You hesitated, a little. Letting this happen to you was clearly not a thing that a good and chaste angel should do.
But what had being a good girl ever got you? You had been good, every day of your life; you had worked hard, and abstained, and been modest and never complained. You’d put yourself in danger, for someone you had assumed was your friend. And what had you gained? Aside from Vaggie’s disdain, the Lieutenant’s disdain, the disdain of every angel who saw your malformed wings and assumed you had done something to deserve it? Maybe this was a part of the grand plan the higher angels were always talking about, paid for in full with your deformity.
Who would even be waiting for you, if you went back to Heaven? Maybe you were meant to fall from grace, here, in Hell, in the arms of the one person who seemed to actually like you.
You placed your hand over Vox’s, fingertips over his blue talons. “I’ve never…” you said.
“I know that, baby.” Vox’s other hand was at the hem of your gown, pulling it up over your calves, over your knees, the fabric a silky whisper against your skin. “All you have to do is lay there and hold your legs open nice and wide for me, let me take care of the rest. Trust me.”
“O-okay.” You closed your eyes, feeling Vox push your skirt up over your thighs, your back flush with his chest as he pulled you into the position he wanted.
“Knees apart, sweetheart,” Vox murmured into your ear, his voice sending a shiver through your core.
You choked back a sob as you parted your thighs for him; one leg slung over his thigh, the other half-bent on the leather seat under you.
“Don’t cry, pretty girl,” Vox rasped, talons tracing thin lines over your knee, your quad, your inner thigh. He trailed the vibrator along the same path, its surface warm as skin as it shivered against your flesh. “I’m gonna make you feel so good you forget everything else that happened tonight.”
You turned your head, pressing the side of your face against Vox’s shoulder, and squeezed your eyes closed as you felt his hands ascend to the apex of your thighs, fingertips teasing at the lacy edge of your panties.
“Hey now, don’t be shy. I can feel how wet you are for me already,” said Vox, his fingers continuing to move. As if to demonstrate his point, he pressed two fingertips to the gusset of your panties, pressing your sex through the fabric in a languid up-down motion, then lifted them to your mouth, brushing the wetness that had seeped through your panties onto your bottom lip.
You opened your mouth, letting Vox slip his fingers inside, and were rewarded with a low groan from Vox as he smeared your tongue with the taste of your own arousal, musky and slick. “My good girl,” he growled, his other hand pushing your panties to the side. “So fucking obedient.”
He teased the vibrator against your outer lips, its setting still a low shiver as he moved it, smearing the arousal that leaked from you up towards your mons and then back down again, his fingers in your mouth echoing the slow, deliberate action. You shifted, and Vox parted your sex with his fingers, the vibrator against your inner lips, then up over the hood of your clitoris. It felt good, better than something this sinful had any right to feel, and you moaned around Vox’s fingers.
“See, baby? Didn’t I tell you I would make it better?” Vox exuded smugness as he kept the vibrator moving, and even if he hadn’t had his fingers in your mouth you weren’t sure you could have formed a coherent response.
Tears slid hot down your cheeks, your mascara running as Vox slid the vibrator over your sex, the shiver it had started with becoming a low thrum as he increased the power. He murmured sweet nothings as he slid it over your inner lips, the barest touch on your clitoris like a beam of heavenly light that had you forgetting that you were in the back of a limo with your sex spread open on a man’s hand.
“Tell me you want it inside,” said Vox, voice low as he pulled his fingers from your mouth, his other hand guiding the vibrator down a little, the thrum of sensation round your entrance, teasing at untouched flesh.
“Vox,” you gasped, as each tilt of his hand brought an answering shiver from your body.
“I wanna hear it, babydoll,” coaxed Vox, his second hand on your inner thigh now, spreading you further apart. “Tell me to fuck you with the toy.”
You swallowed, the concentric circles he was drawing around your entrance at war with the mortification you felt at using such crude language. “P-penetrate me-” you managed, to a soft chuckle from Vox.
“You’re just about the cutest girl I’ve ever fucked, you know that sweetheart?” he said, as he dipped the narrower end of the vibrator into you, just the tip. The sensation made you catch your breath, the thrum of it fluttering against your nerves. “Here you are, wide open for me, my toy in your sweet little pussy-” as if to demonstrate the point, Vox pushed the vibrator in another half inch, then out again, drawing a lewd little whimper from your lips. “-and you can’t even say the word fuck.”
“S-sorry,” you stammered, screwing your eyes shut.
“Don’t be sorry, Ari.” Vox’s lips were in your hair, kissing the beads from your hair ornament aside as he rocked the vibrator in and out of you, his other hand at your sex now, index and ring finger either side of your clit. “You’re my sweet baby girl. All for me, aren’t you?”
“Vox,” you whined, tears threatening to form in your eyes again. “I’m yours.”
“All mine?”
“Y-yes,” you squeaked
“Tell me again. I take good care of my things, babydoll.”
“I’m yours,” you repeated for him. Yours, yours, all yours. And each time your reward was that soft affection, that sound of approval, Vox’s thumb stroking the sensitive nub of your clit, making you squeak, and cry out, all the while the vibrator penetrating you in a shallow rhythm, slipping easily in and out of the slickness of your core. It wasn’t as if anyone else wanted you anyway.
“You’re close,” Vox purred against your ear, and you could feel that he was right; the sensation of his thumb on your clit the most vivid thing in your mind, along with the thrum of the toy against your inner walls. It felt like you were floating, pleasure your only compass, as Vox’s touch urged you to your destination. “Gonna cum with my toy inside, aren’t you?”
You whimpered an affirmative as you crested the wave, your core pulsing, twitching around the intrusion of the toy as Vox’s thumb stilled on your clit, pressing down but not moving.
Vox slipped a finger inside you with a groan, the width of the digit along with the toy bringing with it another round of little quakes. “Cumming hard for me babydoll?”
You gave a mortified little whimper, and Vox’s thumb pressed hard on your clit again, the sensation bringing more aftershocks as you found yourself fluttering round the toy and Vox’s finger.
“Holy shit, you’re still going,” Vox muttered, something like excitement creeping into his voice. “Hope you’re planning on cumming on my dick that hard.”
“I’m not planning!” you protested, to Vox’s indulgent grin.
“Course you’re not, sweetheart.” Vox’s voice was low as he dragged the tip of the vibrator from your still-twitching hole and up over your clit, its setting the gentle shiver that it had started on.
It was both too much and not enough, a flame on nerves already afire, oversensitive and quivering. “Vox!” you cried, hand going to his wrist, and he lifted the toy from your flesh, leaving you aching with its absence.
“Too much?” he asked, a prideful edge to his voice.
“Y-yes,” you admitted, breath coming in fast little pants through your lips.
“You wanna try using it yourself?” Vox pressed the toy into the palm of your hand. “I can talk you through it.”
You nodded, hesitant, and Vox took your hand in his, guiding the toy in your hand back to your slick and quivering sex. “Don’t worry about the settings. I can control those for you. Just press the tip here.”
The toy quivered in your hand as you pressed its bulbous end against your engorged clitoris. A stroke had your eyes fluttering closed, breath catching in your throat as you felt sheer, unmitigated pleasure. You drew back, swallowing saliva before you ventured another touch, a whimper on your lips.
Vox pushed two fingers into you, not the teasing in-out he had done with the toy, but in deep and curling, pressing something sweet at the apex. You drew the toy against your clitoris again, more steadily this time, feeling your body pull taut, a soft, birdlike noise in your throat as Vox’s fingers bullied the tender spot inside you.
“You need a little more power, babydoll?” Vox asked, and you only had to nod for the vibration to intensify, each moment threatening at too much before you drew your hand back, gasping as his fingers squelched in and out of you. “You should hold it there, hold it down, so you can cum round my fingers. Yeah?”
“Y-yeah,” you agreed, voice small, bracing yourself for the sensation as you pressed the toy once more against sensitive flesh. The quiver of the toy built into a tremble, the bliss of its touch into something almost painful, and you found yourself biting your lip to not cry out. You couldn’t keep going; it was too much, too much-
“Keep going,” Vox murmured, a light pressure on the back of your hand. You nodded, keeping the quivering toy held against the most sensitive part of you, an insensate noise on your lips as every muscle in your body seemed to shake, your legs drawn wide as they would go, riding bliss upon bliss upon bliss.
“Attagirl,” growled Vox, plunging his fingers in deep, and you were hit by a climax you hadn’t known to expect, a noise from you that was neither dignified nor sexy as your body spasmed, curling in, your thighs closing round Vox’s hands. “Attagirl,” he repeated, as your walls fluttered round his fingers, the vibrator still purring against your overstimulated clit. “Be a good girl and cum again for me now.”
“T-too much,” you whimpered, the rumble of the toy against your nerves threatening to blot out all other sensation, all thought, all language. “Vox, I can’t-”
“You can,” he encouraged, his hand guiding yours, keeping your hand in place, keeping the vibrator in place as you whined and bucked your hips. “See, I’m a very good judge of character, and I wouldn’t give you anything you couldn’t handle. I think you’re a good girl, and you’re gonna cum round my fingers when I ask you.”
“Vox!” your voice was starting to feel hoarse from the moaning, and the curl of Vox’s fingers inside you made you scream. You were still twitching from the previous orgasm as Vox pulled you inexorably to the next one.
“Tell me I’m right. Tell me you’re my good girl,” Vox pushed.
“I’m-” you started but were unable to finish as you crested the wave, pleasure flooding you, leaving you twitching senselessly round Vox’s fingers again, your back arching, thighs squeezing, head back. Vox stole the rest of your words with a kiss, his strange lips against yours as he cupped your chin with a hand coated with your arousal.
Warmth welled in your chest as the kiss deepened, Vox’s tongue twining with yours, the toy stilling as it powered down in your hand. Vox drew his fingers from you, wiping the slick on your bare thigh.
“Doing better now?” Vox asked as you broke the kiss, the limo slowing as it pulled up to the Vee tower.
“Yes,” you admitted, looking down at your rumpled dress, the heeled sandals still on your feet, anywhere but Vox’s smile. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, babydoll,” said Vox, smug as you’d ever seen him. “Let’s say you and I continue this in my room, huh?”
Your legs felt like jelly, but it still surprised you when rather than help you up, Vox simply scooped you up in his arms and carried you to the private elevator that went straight to the penthouse suite, taking the time it took for the elevator to ascend to unlace and remove your shoes, along with Vox’s jacket and tie.
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You stroked the sides of Vox’s wide screen as you kissed him, and he carried you unerringly up the small flight of stairs that led to the mezzanine of his living space and through his bedroom door. He spilled you forward, onto the bed, and you sat back, your hands behind you, looking up at him.
Vox was looking at you with unashamed, undisguised desire, two lines of red from the corner of his mouth as he crawled onto the bed after you, pulling your knees apart to kneel between them, your dress once more riding up over your thighs.
“Do you want me?” you asked, quietly, part of you afraid of the answer. “You’re not… you’re not just doing this to make me feel better, right?”
Vox caught your hand by the wrist and pulled it to the fly of his tuxedo pants. Your eyes widened at what you felt there; his erection, hot and stiff and straining at the fabric. “What do you think, babydoll?” He pulled your hand more firmly against his hard-on, rutting against your palm with a movement of his hips, another line of red from his mouth as he did so. “Because I think you should take that pretty dress off for me and let me fuck you into the pillows til you scream.”
“Y-yes, of course.” Gratitude flooded you, your hands going to the clasps of your dress. You found yourself fumbling with it, your fingers shaking as Vox watched.
You failed to undo the same clasp on your side three times before Vox intervened, leaning into your personal space, a gentle hand on yours. “Lemme get that for you, sweetheart,” he said, voice soft enough to set you blushing as he undid the clasp with ease, his fingers finding the zip and easing it slowly down your side.
“Thank you,” you murmured, your cheeks hot, then, because it felt right, “I love you.”
Vox paused, his fingers under the shoulder of your dress, and you felt doubt rise to the surface again.
You looked at him, biting your lip. “I’m sorry, was that too soon? Am I not meant to say that?”
Vox lowered his face to your shoulderblade as he pulled off the shoulder of the dress, screen against skin, kissing his way down your back. “You are three orgasms too far in to be worrying about shit like that,” he said, in a tone that reminded you exactly what each of those had felt like. “You can say whatever you like to me, babydoll.”
“And you won’t leave?”
You felt Vox chuckle, a soft exhalation of breath against your back as he shimmied your dress down over your hips, hooking his fingers through the sides of your panties and pulling them down with it. “Does this look like leaving to you?” he asked, and you gulped, feeling exposed as you were naked under him, a prickling over your skin that had nothing to do with the temperature. “Tell me you love me again. Tell me you’re mine.”
“I love you,” you said, your eyes fluttering closed as Vox maneuvered you onto your hands and knees, lifting your hips a little until the bulge of his erection pressed your ass. “I’m yours.”
“Holy fuck, you’re beautiful, Ari,” Vox’s voice was thick with arousal as one finger stroked your exposed labia, still dripping slick from your adventures in the limo. “You’re gonna let me fuck that beautiful little white feathered pussy of yours, aren’t you?”
“Mm.” You nodded, nose to the sheets.
“Say it for me, babydoll,” said Vox, voice low, his clothed erection still pressing against you.
“I’m gonna let you…” you paused, breathless, searching for a way to paraphrase Vox’s words. “…take me,” you finished lamely. It was ludicrous, really; what you were about to do was something much worse than swearing, and plenty of angels swore, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
“Still not gonna swear, huh?” Vox’s hands were gentle over your hips, his voice more amused than annoyed.
Silently, you shook your head.
“That’s okay.” Vox gave your ass a reassuring squeeze. “Still gonna fuck you, though.”
You waited, your face pressed to the soft sheets, your sex presented to Vox, as he unzipped himself and lined himself up. The tip of his cock was warm, running hot like the rest of his body, unfamiliar but not unpleasant as he slid it between your outer lips, gathering slick. You whined as he stroked it against your clit, still oversensitive, and found yourself clutching the sheets between your fingers, your body tensing.
“Ari.” Vox curled himself over you, a kiss between your shoulderblades. “Relax for me, yeah?”
“S-sorry.” You squeezed your eyes shut again, and felt his hand cover yours.
“Don’t be sorry. Just trust me.” Vox’s glans slid over your clit again, back and forth, and you moaned into the sheets at the sensation. “You’re gonna feel so good on my cock, I promise.”
“I trust you,” you whimpered, and Vox lined himself up with your entrance again, the head of his cock teasing it just as the toy had. “That… that feels nice, Vox.”
“Good girl.” Vox pushed himself a little further into you. His cock was wider than the toy or his fingers had been, bringing with it a stretch that had you panting open mouthed into his bedsheets. Another inch and he was pressing the sweetness inside you that his fingers had found, drawing another whimper from you.
“Can you feel me?” he coaxed, pushing further in. “Can you feel me inside?”
His cock inside you was an ache that stirred your guts and left your eyelids fluttering closed, his big hands clasped over yours. I love you, I love you, I love you, lay heavy and sticky as treacle on your tongue as your face pressed into the high-threadcount cotton of his pillows. “It's big,” you murmured. You buried your face deeper in the pillows. “I’m yours.”
“All mine, babygirl,” Vox answered, pushing himself into you a little further, moving one hand onto your hip as leverage. “Fuck, you're doing so good. Taking me so well.”
His knees between your shins, your face to the sheets, you found yourself helpless to do anything but accept him in, soft chirps of pleasure escaping your lips as he stretched your insides to his form.
“Shit, you are incredible. Made for me.” Vox pulled out a little and thrust back in with a snap of his hips, his balls rocking against your clit as he bottomed out again. “You’re gonna look so pretty once you’re all fucked out and filled with my cum.”
You called his name as he pumped his cock into you, one hand reaching round to stroke at your engorged clit, each snap of his hips an obscene squelch, slick dripping down your trembling thighs, his cock both hitting divinity and burning with its stretch, the apex of each thrust leaving you deliciously, sinfully full.
“Be a good girl and cum for me now,” Vox ground out, fingers sliding a cruel back-and-forth across your oversensitive clit, the intensity of the sensation almost painful, making tears bead in your eyes. “Cum on my cock, babydoll, milk me dry.”
You didn’t have words anymore, only sensation as Vox worked you, his voice gentle and coaxing as his hips set a pace that had you crying out into the pillows, fingers on your clitoris first slick pressure and then light as he brought sparking blue energy to his fingertips, moving over your skin and alighting on nerves. You were giving soft cries into the bedding, your throat hoarse as Vox hit sweetness upon sweetness, your body aching with the intensity of it, a string pulled tight, tight, tight.
“You’re close,” Vox told you, words penetrating your brain somehow, his screen pressing close and static-y as his hips and hand kept the rhythm. “Gonna cum with you, okay?”
You nodded, no words, only a string pulled tight, tight, tight as you felt him swell inside you somehow, and a flash of hot, white bliss hit you, your body clenching around him as he pulsed inside you. He was filling you with his seed, a pulse of warmth inside you, and then another, and then another as your walls twitched tight around him.
“Fuck. Ari. So fucking good.” A groan escaped Vox that sounded not unlike a modem noise, his chest against your back, and the lights flickered off, plunging the both of you into darkness.
“Vox?” you asked, in a small, hoarse voice, the only light in the room the dim blue of his screen, his arms wrapping around your chest. His cock, mortifyingly, still inside you. You touched his arm, the back of his hand. “Vox?”
Vox gave an affirmative grunt. “Gimme a minute, sweetheart. Just took out the power in the block- shit.”
You swallowed, a vague feeling of guilt welling in your stomach. “Was it my fault?”
“It happens sometimes, babydoll. Don’t worry about it.” Vox pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Emergency power kicks in in another thirty seconds.”
“So you don’t need to go?”
“No, I don’t need to go.” Vox breathed out, a shuddering exhalation. “Baby, you made me cum so hard I caused a power cut. That means; a) I am not going anywhere in a hurry, so right now I can give you the care and adoration you deserve, and b) you can stop being so damn insecure about it. You got that?”
“I think so.” You found yourself smiling, almost despite yourself, as Vox pulled out of you, his seed dribbling out over your thighs, and rolled you over to face him, your face against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head, the beads in your hair ornament clacking as his lips nudged them. You were dirty now. Ruined. Willingly full of a demon’s seed. Heaven would never take someone like you back.
But Vox’s arms were around you in the low light as the emergency power came on, his screen casting strange shadows across the sheets. And he made you feel warm and happy and safe, in a way no-one in Heaven ever had. You were his. He took good care of his things. In his bed, basking in the afterglow of the orgasm you had shared, was the happiest you had ever been.
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heavyhitterheaux · 4 months
Best Friend's Boyfriend (NSFW)
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Synopsis: You and Jack run in the same circle of friends, and you both have feelings for each other but are scared to admit them. Your best friend knows how much you like him and swears that he doesn't like you back. Instead of helping you to ask Jack out on a date, she starts to date him all in a plan to make you jealous. But you get the last laugh in the end.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Best Friend!Reader
Requested by: an amazing anon 💕
Do not engage if you are underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
A sigh escaped your lips as you took another swig of your drink and looked over to your left and rolled your eyes.
She was all over him.
Her being your “friend” Skylar.
Him being one of your close friends, Jack.
You and Jack had been friends since you met in middle school at the age of eleven and you didn't meet Skylar until you moved to Atlanta with Jack.
Your entire group of friends decided to spend a week in Denver staying at an expensive top of the line cabin since it had been awhile since you all had seen one another.
Well since they had seen you.
In the back of your mind, you were debating on if you were going to leave and cut your trip short because you weren't quite sure how much more you could take.
Recently, you and Skylar had spent some time together when you confessed to her in confidence that you saw Jack more than a friend, but you weren't quite sure if he felt the same way towards you.
So what did she do?
Go out on a date with him despite your feelings and they had been together for the past two months.
After that occurred, you distanced yourself from the both of them and when Jack would try to invite you somewhere, you steadily declined. He had been missing you and was very excited when you said yes when he asked you to come to Denver.
However, the only reason that you agreed was because you had been told Skylar would not be in attendance. So when you arrived, you immediately wanted to walk back out the door and go home.
Even though she was all over him, Jack looked uninterested, but your thoughts were interrupted by Urban coming to sit next to you. Besides Skylar, he was the only one who knew how you felt about Jack.
Urban had told you time and time again to tell him, but being as shy as you were, you decided against it.
“You okay? If I would’ve known…”
“It's fine, Urby. Don't worry about it. Just have to make the best of it I guess.” You replied while shrugging.
“If it makes you feel any better, Jack is not as interested in her as she thinks he is. Probably won't last too much longer.”
“But it’s the fact that she calls herself my friend and then goes behind my back and….”
Urban immediately cut you off.
“She's not your friend. Friends don't do what she did.”
“I have a feeling that she used me to get to him. Urban, you know I’m quiet and wouldn't harm a fly. She took advantage of that.” You confessed as you poured yourself another glass of some wine that Jack had bought for you since he knew red was your favorite. It was a new brand that you had never tried before.
“I know, but karma's a bitch. She’ll get hers.”
“And it seems as if she doesn't care. She acts like nothing happened between us. How? How can she do that? I told her how I felt and…”
“Tell him how you feel. That's who matters in all this anyway.” Your eyes went wide at Urban's suggestion and you quickly shook your head no.
“I guarantee you that it will go better than you think. He really misses you.”
Before you could have a chance to respond, Jack made his way over to the both of you and picked you up and brought you into a hug.
Urban simply smirked as he looked behind you and Jack to see Skylar rolling her eyes at the scene in front of her.
The one thing that Urban didn't tell you was the fact that Jack liked you as well. Jack thought the feelings weren't reciprocated and when Skylar approached him to ask him out on a date, he figured why not?
Even though he had been around her for a few years because of you two being friends, he didn't notice that something was off until he had spent more time with her when it was just the two of them. He often talked about you, but all Skylar would do is talk down about you and that was one thing he put a stop to immediately.
He didn't know why he kept her around for so long, but quickly made a decision that when this trip was over, he was done with her. He had a feeling that was why you would decline when he asked you to hang out with him. He also noticed how the two of you seemed to have drifted apart within the last year, and not just recently.
However, Urban didn't like her from the moment you introduced her to them.
“I missed you.” Jack said as he whispered in your ear before hugging you tighter and you immediately melted into his arms.
“I missed you too, bubs.”
“I have you for an entire week and I'm definitely taking advantage of it. Did you like the wine I got for you? I know red is your favorite and my mom said that you might like it.”
“It's really good and I'm definitely getting a few bottles when we get back home. Thanks for thinking of me.”
“Always.” Jack said as his hands rested on your waist and he quickly reached up and poked your nose making you laugh.
A minute later Sunni and Cope came through the front door with bags of food since no one had wanted to cook when you all had gotten there and set them on the counter in the kitchen. All of you decided to simply relax the first night and then do different things around Denver for the remainder of the time that you were there.
“Finally! I'm starving!” Exclaimed Urban who was hot on their trail.
You and Jack laughed and it looked like he wanted to tell you something before Skylar had called his name.
One thing you did notice was him sighing when she did it, wondering what that was about.
“Babe! Can you fix my plate and bring it to me!?”
“Sure.” Jack said quietly, but he still had his eyes on you.
“We’ll continue this later.” He said as he leaned down to whisper it and you immediately nodded.
“What movie are we watching?” You asked as everyone had gotten their food and made their way back into the living room.
“Y/N! Come and sit by me.” Skylar piped up and said and you looked at her confused. Jack was hoping that you would say yes while Urban stifled a laugh once he saw the look on your face.
“Sorry, Urban already asked me.” You answered without missing a beat and going to sit next to him.
“The Nun!” Cope suggested and you knew for a fact that you would probably have to sleep in Urban's room if everyone agreed on that.
“I’m not watching any scary shit. Next.” Sunni said and Cope rolled his eyes.
“Bad Boys 3! The next one is coming out in a few months.” Jack said as he was scrolling through his phone.
“I still can't believe he slapped Chris Rock.”
“I don't see how anyone finds him funny anyway.” You said remembering all the movies that you had seen him in.
You had fallen asleep during every single one.
“I second that. When it first happened, I thought it was a joke.”
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
Jack glanced over at Skylar who was now downing another wine cooler and he noticed that she hadn't stopped drinking since they had gotten there earlier in the day.
“Uhh Skylar, do you want me to get you some water?” He asked concerned and she quickly turned up her nose at him.
“For what? If I wanted it, I would have gotten it.”
“I was just asking.” Jack replied as he held his hands up in defense and you quickly rolled your eyes.
One thing Skylar could not do was hold her liquor. It would go one of two ways, her crying and throwing up, or her being knocked out for hours. You were hoping it was the latter so you would be able to have Jack to yourself for a while.
The movie had finally ended and Skylar having gotten drunk off her ass was now passed out on the couch which you weren't surprised by. However, you were caught off guard when Jack asked you to help take her upstairs.
“Um, sure.”
You weren't quite sure exactly what you were helping with since Jack could easily carry her but said yes anyway.
He told you to go first up the steps as he slung Skylar easily over his shoulder. You couldn't wait to go to sleep yourself in the hopes of tomorrow being a better day for you.
All Jack did was lay her on the bed and once you turned around to leave, he caught your hand.
“Yeah? What's wrong?” You asked after growing suddenly concerned.
Jack held your hand for a few minutes before opening his mouth and responding to you.
“I… should have never said yes to going on a date with her when I knew that you were the person that I wanted. I didn't know if you felt the same way so the easiest thing to do was to distract myself.”
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest before it suddenly felt as if it had dropped down to your stomach.
“It wasn't supposed to be like this and I quickly learned that she only wants me because of what my name is attached to. I don't like her as a person at all. Now I see what Urb was talking about.”
“Let me finish. You know she's a heavy sleeper and the last thing she is about to do is wake up. I've liked you since I met you but was entirely too scared to say anything.”
“I… I told Skylar how I felt about you and instead of helping me figure out a way to approach you about it, she goes and asks you out for herself. She continues to act like nothing happened as if we're still close but that was…. Friends don't do what she did.”
You felt as if a weight had been lifted off your chest once everything was finally out in the open.
“So that's why you've been avoiding me for two months?” Jack asked as he pinched your cheek.
“I didn't want to, but I felt as if distance was best.”
You said as you shrugged.
“Do me a favor?”
“Never do that again.”
“I won’t. Promise.”
You turned to walk away once more when Jack had suddenly stopped you and captured you in a kiss catching you off guard. You eagerly kissed him back and the two of you were in a full blown makeout session when Jack's hand snuck under your shirt. He smiled when he came to the realization that you weren't wearing a bra.
“I need this off of you.” He said as he massaged your left breast and kissed down your neck.
“But… she's right there.”
“So, what's your point babe? I know you want this just as much as I do. But just say the word if you want me to stop.”
Jack was met with silence and he easily got your shirt off in one swift movement as he laughed and kissed the shell of your ear.
“I didn't think so.”
Jack's hand quickly reached into your shorts and began to rub small circles along your clit and he simply smirked noticing how wet you were.
“Mmm, all of that for me, huh?” He asked as he moved his fingers up to his mouth to taste you.
All you could do was eagerly nod as he cupped your face to kiss you once more.
“You taste so good, but I want more. I need you to do something for me, pretty girl.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Go and lay on the bed.”
“Keep quiet and don't make a sound because I’ll stop. Lay on the bed and I'm going to fuck you right next to her.”
Your adrenaline was pumping at the thought of getting caught, but the last thing you were going to tell Jack was no. Slipping off your shorts, you did as you were told as you noticed Skylar had rolled to the other side of the bed and let out a loud snore as Jack quickly undressed and began stroking himself while peering down at you making your mouth water.
Jack then climbed on top of you leaving a trail of kisses down your body until he got to your most prized possession and spread your legs apart and he took one long lick making you gasp.
“Shh, stay quiet for me. Look how pretty this pussy is.”
Your hand instantly went over your mouth in an attempt to keep quiet as Jack pleasured you. He then inserted two of his fingers as he sucked on your clit. A moan escaped your mouth for a quick second, but you quickly recovered in the hopes of not waking Skylar up.
“You taste so good, baby. I can't wait until you cum all over my face.”
Not trusting your voice because you knew the second your mouth opened that a moan would escape, you eagerly nodded your head as you started to roll your nipples in between your fingers as Jack continued to give you his undivided attention.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but Jack had made you release all over his face multiple times before you slowly felt him slide into you. The sensation made you gasp and he quickly kissed you to make sure you stayed quiet.
Your arms instantly went around his neck as he began to increase his pace. Jack had taken one of your nipples in his mouth when you felt Skylar move. You know Jack felt it too, but all he did was bite down which he knew was going to lead to you squirming. Once he lifted his head back up, he smirked at you before continuing to pound into you.
“You’re taking me so well, pretty girl.”
“Jack…” That was the first time you had moaned his name all night which quickly gave him an ego boost as it escaped from your lips.
“Close? Me too. Come on then, baby. Cum for me, cum all over this dick that's rightfully yours.”
That was all it took as you reached your peak with Jack then releasing all over your chest and stomach.
All that could be heard was heavy breathing as both of you were trying to catch your breath. Jack was still hovering over you and leaned down to kiss you as his fingers started to slowly rub small circles along your clit once more. He quickly heard your whimpers and smirked.
“Hmm, didn't take you for a girl who would fuck her best friend's boyfriend.”
“All she did was keep my spot warm until I could rightfully take my place. Now it's my turn. Lay down and let me ride you.” You said as you leaned up to kiss him.
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urmom3001 · 7 months
Forbidden Fruit pt. 2
Summary: Luke asks for the help of some special people in Y/n's life to help plan her perfect ideal date.
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Warnings: Fluff, ermm not much I don't think, jut a finisher of the date. Not proof read! Fem! Dionysus! Reader,
A/n: Someone asked for a pt 2, so here we are. - Leafy
Okay, Luke had until 7:00 pm to plan something anything for his date with Y/n. It was about 3:00 O'clock, "4 hours" Luke thought to himself. What better plan is there other than to go to Silena Beuregard? Because not only was she Y/n's best friend, she was also in Cabin 10, so she should be like, a professional? Right?
Luke seemed like an idiot. He really had to go to someone one else to plan a date for Y/n. He just wanted everything to be perfect. Nothing could go wrong, he wanted everything to be perfect, just like Y/n.
So here Luke was, standing in front of Aphrodite Cabin. He knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" he heard a voice ring from the inside. It was most definitely Silena. He and her have only interacted a couple times, mainly only talking about Y/n.
"It's Luke, I wanted to ask a favor Silena." He semi shouted so he can be heard from the inside. She opened the door and peaked her head out.
"What type of favor?" She asked suspiciously.
"I'm taking Y/n on a date later at 7:00 and I have no, idea what I should do, and since you're her best friend I was thinking that maybe you coul-" Silena cut him off with a shriek.
"Yes! Finally!!" She exclaimed. "I'll SO help you, I've got so many ideas" She said excitedly as she pulled him into the cabin.
After about 2 hours Silena and Luke cooked up the best date ever, and set it up in your favorite place at camp. As they were walking back to the cabins Luke thanked Silena, all she said was.
"Listen Luke, we've been waiting for you to ask Y/n out for ages. Literally everyone at camp was rooting for you. So trust me, I've been waiting to do this. Now leave because I guarantee Y/n is going to pop up out of no where to get ready so. Go put on your best outfit." Silena ranted
"Will do." Luke said trying to act his coolest when really he was so nervous.
Silena was right.
Y/n had come banging on Cabin 10's door at around 5:30 ish, her make up was already done. Y/n only did makeup on special occasions. This was a really special occasion. "Silena!! Siliena open up! I know you're in there!" she shouted.
"Jeez woman give me a minute, its only been about 0.5 seconds since your first knock" Silena joked.
"Help me pick a dress, I've got a date with Luke, and I don't know what to where." Y/n said as she dropped all 6 of her dress options and sighed lying on Silena's bunk.
"Alright, you already know what time it is." Silena said with anticipation. "Fashion show!!!" She said. "Come on let me see option one."
The first 5 options were not doing it for Y/n. Either is was too short, the color wasn't right, nothing felt right on her. Until the very last dress. This was the dress. It fit perfectly in all of the right places, flowed to just above her knees, just how she liked it. And the color was a beautiful stunning white, with little pink flowers printing the fabric. The straight lining on her bust was adorned with a beautiful sheer lace.
"Now that one, that's the one" Silene said. "I think so too." Y/n said. It was now about 6:50 "Shoot! I need to get back to my cabin it's about to be 7:00!" Y/n said scrambling to pick up the other 5 dresses she had. "Thank you Silena!" she hugged and kissed her cheek "I love you lots, owe you big time!" As she rushed out of the door.
Y/n had made it to her cabin, thank the gods without seeing Luke. She wanted to be surprised and vice versa.
"Why are you all dressed up?" One of your brothers asked you. Being a child on Dionysus had its perks, it was only you, and your two older brothers.
"None of your business." Y/n stated, she really did not want to be embarrassed by her older brothers.
"You're going on a date aren't you?" You're other brother pressed. "With who?" he asked strangely calmly. There was no hiding from your brothers.
"Luke from cabin 11.." you muttered.
"LUKE? LIKE HERMES LUKE?" There was an uproar of both of them discussing ways to scare him away. Y/n was going to put an end to it when there was a knock at the door. The three of them looked at each other, then at the door. Y/n was the first to move, and made it to the door before her brothers could. They may be fast. But she was faster. She creeped the door open awkwardly.
There Luke was, Looking nervous as ever, holding a bouquet of Y/n's favorite flowers, in his nicest outfit possible, which so happened to align with Y/n's color scheme.
"Hey Luke! " She looked up at him. She thought Luke looked like the most handsome guy on Earth. "You look.." She was cut off
"Y/n you better tell him you're not going on that date!" You're brother screamed. Y/n looked continued staring at Luke.
"Give me one second" Y/n said. Luke couldn't really make out what she was yelling about, something about how she was growing up already and she wasn't a little girl now, plus something about how Mr. D already approved. Suddenly it was quite
The door opened again and Luke straightened up. Now all three of the siblings came out with Y/n leading them. "Uhm..My brothers wanted to meet you before we left, I'm sure you talked to them before" She said.
"Yeah, uhm Hi. I'm here to take Y/n on a date." Luke stated the obvious.
"Yeah, we know." The two brothers were now towering Luke, Luke was about the same height as both of them but there was two of them and one of him. "Just have her back by 11. And I swear to the gods Castellan. If you do anything that hurts her in the tiniest-" He was cut off.
"Okay! Well me and Luke have to get going." Y/n said as she clapped her hands. She said goodbye to her older brothers with a hug and grabbed Luke's hand to walk as fast as she could away from her crazy over protective family.
As soon as they got as far away as they could Y/n apologized. "I'm sorry for the way that they acted, my whole family is just really over protective." She said.
"It's okay, I mean I get it, you're so beautiful they're probably fighting off boys left and right." Luke joked. "Oh, uhm.. these are for you." He said holding up the freshly made bouquet. "And, you look gorgeous tonight, I mean not that you don't always look gorgeous but I-"
"I love it Luke, thank you. You don't look too bad yourself. " Y/n said cutting off his ramble. "So, what do you have in store for me Luke."
"Do you trust me?" He said holding up a blindfold. If Y/n was being honest, she was a bit nervous. But she answered without a beat.
"Yes," and so Luke tied the blind fold on her, not too tight, but just enough to stay. He led Y/n with his hands. They definitely were no where near the cabins now.
Y/n knew where they were the second she felt the pebbly floor beneath her shoes, and heard the waves of the shore. They were on the Lake's Beachside, her favorite spot on camp.
"Are you ready?" Luke said. Y/n silently nodded. As he took off the blindfold, careful not to ruin her hair or makeup. she gasped.
"Luke.." her voice was just above a whisper. "This is.." Luke was extra nervous now. "This is so amazing." She turned around and jumped in his arms. "Thank you!"
"Of course, anything for you." he said as he gripped her waist.
The sun was setting perfectly, and the picnic looked so beautiful. The blanket that was lied out had all of Y/n and Luke's favorites. everything was perfect, they laughed and talked. They lied and cuddled together. As they sat with their heads watched the sunset Luke turned to Y/n she looked so perfect with her e/c eyes shining in the sun. She was just glowing. "Y/n, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah'?" She answered and turned to him.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" He asked as he stared into her eyes.
She smiled and started nodding "Yes"
"I have another question."
"Can I kiss you?"
Luke didn't have to do anything before Y/n's lips were on his the force of her kiss bringing them both down to lay on the blanket. Luke braced them for the impact and his hands instinctively went to her waist to stable her on top of him. They kissed until they were breathless.
As they pulled apart breathing heavily, foreheads still together. They looked at each other and laughed.
Y/n and Luke could most definitely get used to this
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babymetaldoll · 1 year
"Embarrassed" (Spencer Reid x fem!bau reader)
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Category: hardcore fluff, friends to lovers. Warnings: Cursing, Spencer being a little asshole, the BAU being nosy as usual. Summary: Spencer embarrassed himself in front of reader, and the annual FBI beach trip could be the perfect place to make things even more awkward between them.  Requested: Nop A/N: I wrote this for @imagining-in-the-margins Summer Challenge, hope you guys enjoy it. Prompts used: - He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle? - I don't really like the beach... Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces. - It's like Hotch at the beach- - Next summer we are doing the Alaskan cruise. Masterlist
- “Explain to me again why I have to spend time with you during the weekend when we just spent eleven days working on a case in Oakland?”- Rossi asked as the entire BAU Team walked into a beautiful cabin by the sea, prepared especially for them.
- “Because we have to do the team training, along with all the paperwork it includes. But at least we have a nice view.”- Hotch explained, opening a window, staring at the deep blue ocean in front of them.
- “For once, I’m glad we have to do this stupid program.”- Morgan commented and took off his shirt. - “Sand, sun, and babes, that’s all I need to enjoy my weekend.”
- “We have to get ready for Strauss lecture.”- (Y/N) pointed out and tossed his shirt back- “Please, put this back on. I don’t wanna see your tits around the house.”
Spencer chuckled at those words and Morgan turned to him immediately.
- “What are you laughing about, pretty Ricky? Are there other tits you wanna see around the house?”- Morgan teased his friends, who turned blood red in a minute, coughed, and walked away, to hide in a room, slamming the door behind his back. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms on her chest.
- “You love making him feel uncomfortable, don’t you?”
- “Come on! We all know he has the hots for you, little Mama. When are you going to do something about it?”
- “He is my friend, with a capital F.”
- “You could be doing the capital F if you stopped being so stubborn.”- Morgan replied and turned around. He knew he had crossed the line and didn’t want to give (Y/N) the chance to smack him for being nosy.
Yes, everybody knew Spencer was in love with (Y/N). It wasn’t really a secret after he blurted it out by accident on a supermarket mic during a case investigation in front of the whole team. The entire incident was way too embarrassing to even recall, and the BAU had pretended it never happened. Everybody except Morgan, of course. He loved teasing Spencer every chance he got. The whole episode had been messy, and though it had been a few weeks already, (Y/N) still didn’t have a chance to talk with Spencer about it, and he kept acting like it never happened. That weekend’s Team Training Program at the beach was the perfect chance to fix things between them.
If only Spencer dared talk to her first.
Around half an hour later, a very unhappy team walked out of their cabin, ready to deal with whichever activities Strauss and headquarters had planned for them. The FBI had rented an entire villa for the weekend, to host their annual team training program. Rossi hated the idea, Spencer hated the beach. Hotch hated the fact he was wasting time he could be spending with Jake. JJ hated missing Henry’s soccer game, Garcia hated having to work out so much, and Prentiss hated the fact she couldn’t just lay on a chair at the beach with a drink and just tan a little.
(Y/N) and Morgan were the only ones excited to be there. Morgan still thought he could get a girl, and (Y/N) just wanted to spend a little time with Spencer, and maybe ask him out on a date. After all, a weekend at the beach was the perfect scenario to finally talk about what happened and maybe do something about it.
- “Beach activities are a great way to bring a team together.”- Strauss announced as she walked in front of at least 50 FBI agents. All of them, BAU included, wore dark blue short sleeve shirts with the FBI logo, and grey shorts. Everybody except Rossi, of course. He stood among them smoking a cigar and wearing his everyday outfit.
- “All the team-building games you are about to go through, were designed to promote communication, cooperation, and creativity. They will help our agents build trust, learn to delegate tasks, and enhance problem-solving skills.”
- “Sounds like a boy scout’s speech”- Rossi whispered to Prentiss and she did her best not to chuckle. But of course, Strauss noticed and immediately raised an eyebrow in disapproval.
- “You’ve all been designated with a number, that’s your team. Please form your teams so we can start the first activity.”
(Y/N) sighed, already annoyed. She understood the idea of having to go through a team seminar to improve one’s relationship with their team, but having to know other agents and talk with strangers… wasn’t really into her plans.
- “Hey….”- Spencer whispered as he stood next to her in the middle of the beach, right next to a bunch of agents neither of them had met before.- “I… I think we are on the… same team.”- Reid managed to say, and continued staring at his feet in the sand.
- “That’s great!!”- (Y/N) replied, maybe a little bit too enthusiastically. - “We haven’t… it’s been… well, we haven’t had the chance to talk much lately.”- she knew why they hadn’t talked. It was weird. Still, neither of them had addressed the pink elephant in the room, he just nodded and didn’t say another word for a few minutes.
- “Did you put on sunscreen?”- she asked and Spencer turned to look at her with wide-opened eyes.
- “Ye... yes, yes, I did. I always do”- he stuttered and started rambling right away- “Did you know daily use of SPF 15 sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma by about 40 percent? and lower your melanoma risk by 50 percent.”
- “Yes, I try to put on sunscreen daily as well, but I usually forget.”- (Y/N) added ‘cos she needed to make that conversation last at least longer than a minute. It was ridiculous, Spencer not even being able to look her in the eyes only because he had accidentally said he loved her in front of a whole crime scene, Nebraska’s police force, and the whole BAU team. Even Garcia.
- “Anyway”- (Y/N) said when she noticed Spencer wasn’t saying anything - “Are you enjoying the trip?”
He stared at her and licked his lips - nearly giving her a heart attack - as he tried his best to find actual words to reply to that question.
- "I don't really like the beach…”- he finally mumbled- “Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces.”
- “Oh…”- (Y/N) sounded disappointed, and neither of them said another word. Their new team gathered around them, and the instructions for the first activity were delivered.
The first team training activity was a beach scavenger hunt. Hotch’s team won ‘cos he was the team leader and… well, he is the best leader in the FBI. Spencer and (Y/N) tried their best, but their group was having serious trouble focusing. Apparently, no one wanted to spend the day at the beach working.
The second team training activity was a beach obstacle course. Morgan’s team won, basically ‘cos most of the agents in his team were pure muscle. Spencer was incredibly embarrassed to even do the circuit, ‘cos he felt self-aware of every one of his moments and that everybody was looking at him. And he ended up tripping on his own feet. Just when he thought he couldn’t embarrass himself more, there he was, face into the sand, hearing the entire FBI laughing at him.
Rossi looked at Morgan and shook his head. The kid needed help. But how?
- “Are you ok?” (Y/N) whispered when Spencer reached her side and he just nodded. - “Your ankle, does it hurt?”- she was honestly worried, but he felt so humiliated he wanted to disappear. So he did, he didn’t even answer her question and walked away. Rossi looked at the scene from a distance and headed to (Y/N)’s side in a few minutes.
- “How is the beach treating you, bella?”
- “I’m hating every minute here so far”- she replied and followed Spencer with her eyes until he got lost between all the people. Rossi noticed, he knew what was torturing her and though they hadn’t ever talked about it, it was clear he had to help those kids.
- “Come on, ragazza. You know he is crazy for you. We all do. You just have to tell him how you feel.”
- “I’m trying, Coronel Cannelloni! but he doesn’t even talk to me. The few things he has mumbled today are the only things he has said to me since “the incident,” and I don’t know what to do!”
- “He is embarrassed.”- Rossi pointed out the obvious and completely ignored the nickname (Y/N) had called him. She usually called him different nicknames just for the fun of it.
- “Well I understand that, but if I already know he loves me…”
- “Embarrass yourself now.”- Rossi suggested and the young woman just stared at him in silence. - “I mean it. Meet him in the middle. You already know he loves you, what’s the worst that could happen?”
- “You know, something bad happens every time someone asks that, right?”- Rossi chuckled at those words and shook his head.
- “It can’t get worse than him stuttering every time he sees you.”
- “I’m sure it can.”
Morgan found Spencer standing against a wall, on the other side of the main building of the complex. His eyes were closed as well as his fists, that he kept hitting against the bricks, over and over again.
- “Hey kid.”
- “Please, not now.”- Derek didn’t say another word for a few minutes. He just stood next to his friends and waited for his tantrum to pass.
- “You know Reid, that woman there loves you. Why don’t…”- and at those words, Spencer just snapped and started yelling.
- “She doesn’t! I don’t know if you remember but I had a little incident the other day with a fucking mic in the middle of a supermarket and everybody heard me telling Garcia how in love I am with (Y/N) and she has acted like nothing happened ever since!”
- “Kid”- Morgan frowned and stood in front of Spencer, holding his arms, trying to calm him down and talk some sense into him. - “You’ve been giving her the cold shoulder every time she tries to talk to you. Don’t blame this on her!”
- “Cold shoulder?! Me? To her? When?”- Spencer chuckled sarcastically
- “Dude, a minute ago she was talking to you and you left her alone in the sand.”
Morgan was right, and Spencer knew it, but he wasn’t going to give him the pleasure of saying it. However, Morgan didn’t sugarcoat things either.
- “And let me tell you one more thing, I saw how the guys from National Security in your team were eying her, and you just left her alone with those assholes after being a jerk. It doesn’t look good. How are you gonna fix it, pretty Ricky?”
Spencer opened his mouth, followed by a long awkward silence.
- “Thought so.”- Morgan sighed, and tapped on his friend’s shoulder - “Come on, let’s go back, and try to talk to her like you did before the incident.”
- “Awkwardly and clueless?”- Spencer whispered, and Derek just chuckled.
- “Just be yourself.”
- “That’s lousy advice, I don’t know how to be anyone else.”- Reid frowned and looked at his friend, who was nearly losing his patience.
- “Just don’t be your asshole self.”
The third and last activity of the day was a sandcastle-building contest. And doing his best to overcome his embarrassment and nervousness, Spencer grabbed a plastic shovel and asked (Y/N) if she wanted to help him with a part of their team construction. His hands were nearly shaking as she kneeled next to him on the sand and started working on their team’s design.
- “How did it go with the kid?”- Rossi asked Morgan, as neither of them even tried to pretend to be into the activity.
- “He is in denial. He swears she doesn’t even like him. What did she say?”
- “The kid is ignoring her and she doesn’t know what to do. So I told her to embarrass herself as much as he embarrassed himself.”- Morgan turned to Rossi and raised an eyebrow behind his sunglasses - “What?”
- “Rossi, that's shitty advice. Next time try something like: “Kiss the goddamn fool!” or something like that! I mean, the kid is hopeless and if (Y/N) doesn’t do anything, they are never going to get together.”
- “Give them some credit, Morgan.”- Rossi regretted his words as soon as they left his lips. Spencer was so nervous as he tried to talk with (Y/N) he gesticulated too much and hit part of his castle, causing half of it to crumble down.
- “He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle?”- Rossi whispered and Derek shook his head. The whole scene was embarrassing to watch.
- “And your great advice was “embarrass yourself.” Jesus! I’m gonna have to ask Garcia to hack the system and move them into the same room. This is painful to watch!”
- “Like Hotch at the beach”- Ross pointed out - “He is so sunburned and he keeps getting redder, no matter how much sunscreen he puts on.”
If you asked anyone at the FBI about how the first day of their annual Team Training Program went, they would say it had been a mess. Most agents were sunburned and exhausted after Strauss’ program. Only Morgan and Garcia still felt like going out for dinner and maybe hitting the club, hoping to have some fun that weekend.
Spencer was alone, sitting on the sand in front of the sea. The sun was setting and he just sat there, on his own, doing his best to clear his mind and come up with a plan. But instead, he had nothing but regret. He kept remembering his worst and most embarrassing moments of the day in front of (Y/N) over and over again. It was a bad movie he’d pay not to watch ever again.
- “There you are!” - Prentiss sat next to Spencer and sighed, staring at the scene in front of them.
- “This is beautiful.”- she whispered and Spencer merely nodded. - “Why aren’t you watching this with (Y/N)?”- instead of an answer, Reid just groaned and rested his forehead on his knees, closing his eyes.
- “I’m guessing you didn’t have a chance to talk today.”- Prentiss whispered, knowing very well what had happened. Not like Morgan and Rossi could keep a secret. - “Come on, Reid, you are a fucking genius! Grow a pair and get your shit together”
- “What am I supposed to do? Honestly, ‘cos I’ve tried, but I just… can’t fucking think when she is next to me.”
- “Then don’t think, just act!”- Prentiss nearly smacked Reid as she spoke.- “I don’t think I have to tell you again, she fucking loves you! Do something.”
- “She doesn’t…”- but before Reid could finish that sentence, he felt Emily’s hand against his head, hitting him.
- “Don’t! She loves you! Now stand up, move your skinny ass, and kiss her!”
Reid turned to his friend, still rubbing the spot she had hit, ‘cos it had been incredibly painful.
- “Are you… drunk?”
- “Come on! There is no way I’m surviving sober a weekend with all these agents.”- Prentiss answered and grabbed a tiny gin bottle from her pocket- “Need one?”
- “No, thanks.”
- “Fine… now go! She was having some dinner at our cabin.”
(Y/N) was about to start eating when Spencer got to the cabin. She sat on the terrace with a grilled sandwich and a glass of wine, holding a book. Reid looked at her from the other side of the house and took a deep breath before he continued walking.
- “You’ve got this.”- he whispered to himself - “You can do this.”
- “Hey Spencer!”- (Y/N) watched him approach and smiled so wide he even stopped breathing as he stared at her.
- “You are not doing this.” - he admitted as he sat down on the chair across from (Y/N) and cut her a little smile.
- “Did you eat?”- she asked and offered half her sandwich, but Spencer shook his head and smiled.
- “Thanks, I’m not hungry.”
- “Sure? It’s your favorite. Lots of cheese and zero veggies.”- (Y/N) teased and smiled at Spencer. He blushed and looked at his hands on the table, trying to find the words to finally say what he had to.
But he never found them, instead, they fell into a comfortable silence. (Y/N) finished her sandwich and Spencer read half of her book. The one he had gotten for her a few months earlier. Neither of them said a word, just looked at each other from time to time and smiled awkwardly.
- “So… I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”- (Y/N) finally said as she folded her paper napkin a million times, in a sad and pathetic attempt at making origami.
- “Wh… wha... what about?”- Spencer stuttered immediately. Not a good sign. (Y/N) looked at him and felt bad about how nervous he was. But he had to tell him, he deserved to know.
- “I have to tell you something, but I can’t tell you here. Can you come with me, please?”- the young agent stood up and offered Spencer her hand. He hesitated, not knowing what was happening. But she just smiled and he reached out and held her hand.
(Y/N) drove in silence for a few minutes. They didn’t go too far, Spencer asked a few times where they were going and what was so important that she couldn’t just tell him in the car, but she refused to say a word. Instead, she just smiled and shook her head.
- “Just wait a second.”
Spencer didn’t get it when she parked outside a small supermarket, he just followed her in silence and watched her walk straight to an aisle and then to customer service. Reid didn’t register anything, he just followed her with honest curiosity. Until he saw her grabbing the mic and locking eyes with him.
- “Spencer Walter Reid. I am so fucking in love with you.”- the few people that were shopping at the hour turned to look at her and the young agent simply giggled.
- “Wh… what?”- Spencer stuttered, feeling his red burning red.
- “I love you. I’ve been in love with you for so long.”- (Y/N) kept talking to the mic, until one of the girls in the staff walked up to her and nearly yelled she couldn’t do that. But she (Y/N) didn’t care if she got kicked out of the store. She just cared about Spencer, who kept staring at her in disbelief.
- “Come on dude! Kiss the girl”- some random guy said and slapped his arm, forcing him to react. But before he could do anything, (Y/N) grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his lips. Spencer wide opened his eyes as it happened, and watched her winking as she slipped her tongue between his lips, deepening the kiss.
- “You… do?”- Reid whispered as he gasped for hair when the kiss was over.
- “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you but you kept running away from me.”
- “I was so embarrassed after that happened I…”- but Spencer couldn’t continue speaking, (Y/N) started kissing him again, and some of the customers watching the scene even clapped.
- “What the hell is going on here?”- a sunburned Erin Strauss asked in shock, shoving a small cart with twenty bottles of aloe vera gel, but David Rossi just chuckled and stood next to her, staring at the scene.
- “Let the kids have tonight. You can make their life under the sun miserable tomorrow.”
- “By the way, next Summer, we're doing the Alaskan cruise.”- she added and started walking away- “Agents, tomorrow we’ll have a serious conversation.”- both Spencer and (Y/N) nearly jumped as they heard her voice when she passed by their side, but Rossi just winked at them.
- “Ok, now I’m embarrassed”- (Y/N) whispered and felt Spencer holding her hand. But she didn't really care if Strauss had seen them. It was all worth it when she stared at Spencer’s sweet smile as they walked out of that supermarket. 
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wintfleur · 7 months
what are rutgers fave pics of stella?💗
౨ৎ Rutgers favorite pictures of Stella
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( thank you for requesting !!! This was such a good idea, thank you nonnie !!! So sorry it took forever to get out )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
°. — asks about stella and rut are under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨🩷୧˚ stella & rut!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ rutger’s photo gallery ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
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﹕─┈ Rutger lovesss this picture of Stella. He had to turn his phone off for a minute and take a few breathes before he full on spammed her with texts. No one hypes up Stella like rutger. She had sent this too rutger when her, lily and carmen went to go visit Quinn in Vancouver and the girls were going out. Rutger couldn’t stop thinking about how his beautiful girlfriend is so far away looking so good. He loves how confident she looks.
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﹕─┈ Rutger absolutely loves Stella’s freckles, he could stare, count and kiss them for hours if he could. This picture was taken when the couple was in line for some ice cream, the couple and a few of there friends rented a cabin for a week during summer vacation and they had a blast !!!
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﹕─┈ rutger loves collecting ‘embarrassing’ pictures of Stella, he honestly saves every picture she sends him or posts, he just finds her so beautiful. Stella had sent this picture to rutger when she was visiting Trevor and Jamie, the three of them were having a ‘girls night’ and Stella had sent rutger that picture of herself. She absolutely hates the picture but rutger loves it so much !!! He loves her in glasses.
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﹕─┈ When Stella posted this picture on her Instagram rutger almost went feral . . . he was about to comment something outrageous but had to stop himself when he remembered that no one knows about them at the time. He loves everything about this picture, Stella’s lips, her neck and collarbone . . . her eyes.
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﹕─┈ Stella loves animals so much, the amount of pictures he has of Stella with animals. The couple was at one of Stella’s favorite book stores, and the owner has this really adorable dog that loves Stella so much. He took like 20 pictures, giggling the whole time. He loves how comfy and cuddly she looks.
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﹕─┈ Rutger took the picture when the couple was having a morning in bed. Rutger was catching up on some games while Stella was reading. Rutger found stella absolutely enchanting and couldn’t help but take a picture of her.
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﹕─┈ This picture was taken by rutger when they went out on a date. Taking a walk in the park, picking out some flowers at her favorite flower shop and stopping to get some ice cream. Rutger thinks Stella looks so cute in this picture and a smile is immediately on his lips whenever he sees this picture. It was a great day <333
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﹕─┈ rutger had taken a screenshot of Stella on his Mac when they were FaceTiming. Stella was visiting Luke and Jack and she was ranting all about her day, rutger was so enchanted by her beauty and her passion as she talked, he couldn’t help but take a screenshot of his pretty gf !!!
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﹕─┈ rutger took this picture of Stella when they were in her room, she was looking through some of her stuff and found her Polaroid camera that Quinn got her. Rutger then took this picture of Stella and it is now in his clear phone case.
°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @juraj-slafkovsky @cixrosie @toasttt11 )
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hannahbarberra162 · 4 days
hOrnithology for Beginners, Epilogue
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on Ao3
All the other chapters
Marco come pick me up I have science to do.
I hope you enjoyed the ending! I almost included some smut but it didn't feel right with the pacing of the story.
Nine More Months Later
Marco POV
Marco watched you survey the deck of the Moby Dick, trying to determine if you were suitably impressed. You were hard to read but the tiny lift in your eyebrows signaled to him your approval. His Phoenix had been driving him absolutely crazy over the past week, wanting to prepare his room and get the ship to pristine condition to ensure you liked it. He’d felt compelled to primp and preen in front of the mirror, the Phoenix wanted to look its best for the returning Ornithologist. Despite trying to keep himself even keel, Marco had snapped at his siblings all week. They taunted him relentlessly, which he deserved. But the Phoenix was riding him hard, wanting everything to be perfect for it’s mate…er, date.
You were coming on board with Etta and they were bringing you across the Grand Line to an uninhabited island. Since their time on your island, Etta had become interested in etymology, specifically related to beetles. She’d maintained a correspondence with Ace, and had let him know the two of you wouldn’t be at your island for a while. Ace told Marco, and the two of them asked Pops if they could ferry the two of you where you needed to go. Pops had agreed easily with a twinkle in his eye. You had a great reputation with the crew already and Marco knew there was a betting pool on whether you’d shoot him again, with most betting that you did. 
Marco was hoping for the best, but realistically he didn’t know if anything physical would happen between the two of you. After he’d taken you flying, you’d looked up at him with a wistful gaze and angled your face towards his own. But at the last moment you’d frowned and thrust your hand between the two of you for a handshake. He’d taken it with grace but the Phoenix was sad. He’d tried to calm the bird within him, but it had its heart set on you. The conference had further endeared you to the Phoenix, it felt that you’d found an audience to adore it.  
After the conference, Marco had given you a snail in case the World Government or Marines gave you trouble due to your paper about him. That way you’d be able to call him for help if you were targeted as an  ally to the Whitebeard Pirates. They hadn’t, but you’d called him a few times to ask follow up questions about specific facets of the Phoenix you were curious about. That had turned into periodic calls and frequent letters between the two of you. You wrote mostly about birds you’d seen and sent some drawings as well. You started including little bits of personal information as well as the months went on. His brothers always knew when he got a new letter - he was snappish and almost hostile until he read the newest piece of news you’d sent him. He saved all your letters in his office, hidden at the bottom of his desk drawer. Marco knew it was silly, but he didn’t want anyone else to see the letters or drawings you’d sent. He could probably recite them all by heart from how many times he’d read them.
So when he finally saw you aboard the ship, he’d had to stop himself from bursting into a deluge of flames. The man knew he had to keep his cool, things weren’t as easy as the Phoenix thought they were. You took stock of the ship, putting your things down for a few moments. Marco noted your blow gun was still strapped to your thigh, he didn’t blame you. Etta had run ahead to Ace, the Logia user swinging her in a circle with loud kisses. He set her down and was whispering into her ear, making her giggle. They scurried off, presumably to Ace’s cabin, as soon as politely possible. You rolled your eyes at the pair, crossing your arms over your chest. Alright, show time.
Your POV
Being on the Moby Dick was more fun than you’d like to admit. The ship was huge, you’d never been on anything remotely as big before. You walked up to Whitebeard, introduced yourself and thanked him for taking you to your research outpost. 
“My pleasure, child,” said the World’s Strongest Man. “Was it you who poisoned my son?” 
“Depends which one,” you replied, shrugging. “I only poisoned Marco, Ace poisoned himself.” You weren’t cowed by his presence or ashamed of your actions, and you saw no reason to pretend to be. 
“GURAHAHAHAHA, a woman with spirit, I can see why my son likes you. Enjoy your time aboard the ship child.”
“Thank you, sir.” You blushed and moseyed off, knowing you’d been dismissed. You took out your binoculars, sea birds were something you had interest in but rarely got to see. You were hoping to see a New World Albatross to check it off your list. You’d become somewhat of a celebrity in the birding world, if such a thing existed. Your paper on the Phoenix, which had included 10 pages of diagrams and figures, was an overnight success in the scientific community. The information had made its way to the World Government, but they weren’t very interested in your calculations of the density of Marco’s bones. You knew there were some grumblings that you had slept with Marco to get the information, but you didn’t care. Let people think what they wanted, even if it wasn’t true. You were on your way with Etta to an island that had beetles only found on the small, sandy location. Since there were unique beetles, there were also unique birds, and you were hoping for an extended study on new colonies that had developed there. 
It wasn’t an easy choice to be friends with Etta again. After the pirates had left you didn’t talk to her for almost a month. You were so upset by her betrayal, you promised yourself you wouldn’t ever speak to her again. She tried to come by a few times but you didn’t open the door to her. Eventually, you did decide to reach out, just because you wanted some closure. It was an emotional conversation between the two of you, with both of you crying by the end of it. You listened to her and understood why she did what she did, but the reasons didn’t make it hurt less. The conversation ended on okay terms, but you weren’t sure the friendship would be rekindled. 
Etta had ended up becoming very interested in beetles after meeting Ace. She spent months learning and researching and had pursued higher studies. She sought you out every so often for clarification and it had slowly brought you back together. It took a lot of work between the two of you to get to where you could spend time together. Things weren’t the same as they were before, but they were mending and you had enough respect for her scientific enthusiasm to spend time on an island together. With the time you’d be spending as scientists together, you were feeling hopeful that the two of you might be friends again.
Your research was how the two of you ended up on the Moby Dick. You’d wanted to pay for passage on a merchant vessel to your scientific venture, but Etta had asked Ace in one of her letters. Ace said they were heading the same way, it wouldn’t be out of their way to pick you up and drop you off. If you were going to be traveling with pirates, you might as well travel with the strongest of them all. You’d have no trouble with shifty merchants or other pirates along the way, that was for sure. So you’d accepted and found yourself on Whitebeard’s ship, once again with Marco The Phoenix.
“So, how has business been going yoi?” Marco asked. Even after your article had been published, you continued to write letters back and forth with Marco. At first it was purely business, sending him the article and thanking him for coming to your lecture. But it had turned into a friendship of sorts, like pen pals. Ok, it was more than friendship. As the months went on and you exchanged more letters, you became more attached to the bird. Your day brightened immensely when you got one of his letters and you read them over and over again. You’d shared personal details and drawings with Marco in your correspondence as he shared more of himself. You’d told him how you hadn’t gone back to the restaurant, instead starting your own business of drawing caricatures of tourists. You made quite a bit of money, more than you’d ever made waitressing. Your pictures were often insulting but people loved them and bought them as souvenirs. You were known for making portraits of people looking like birds - either ones they selected or ones you thought they looked like.
“Really well, actually. I was finally able to buy a better dehydrator, which I’ve been wanting for a long time.” You still loved pineapple and had dehydrated crates worth for your trip into the wilderness. You hoped Marco didn’t dig into it before you got to your destination.
“Good, good.” Marco seemed to be having some hesitation, like he was holding himself back. You didn’t remember Marco being awkward, he had always been smooth before. Well, whatever. There were literally a thousand other people on board to entertain yourself with, even if they were pirates. Maybe you’d find that really good looking guy from the first time you’d met.
“Where can I drop my stuff?” you said, tapping your pack with your toe.
“Oh, you can put it in my room for now,” Marco replied, picking it up for you. 
“A little presumptuous, don’t you think?” You weren’t exactly sure what you and Marco would be up to tonight, but you didn’t want to assume anything. A tiny part of you hoped something did, but you also liked giving Marco shit. You’d be on the ship for a few weeks, the island wasn’t close to where you were located. There would be plenty of time for things to develop between you and Marco, if they did at all.
“How rude! Dart him again!” cheered a man you recognized from the restaurant. He still had that pompadour, that was his normal look? You rolled your eyes.
“Eh, not right now. But if you want to see someone poisoned, you can try it out,” you replied. He paled and you laughed. Marco led you to the stairs, taking you down to put your things in his room. You peeked in while he set them down on an overstuffed chair. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but it was neat and orderly, with a few mementos from his travels. His desk was a little less organized, with papers scattered all over the surface. And in the back corner, a framed picture you remembered vividly. Busting in, you grabbed it off his desk.
“I can’t believe you kept this!” you said, looking over the drawing. It was the sketch you’d made of him as a bird - before you’d known he was the Phoenix. The figure you’d drawn was much smaller and cuter than his actual bird form, but you stood by it still. Marco plucked it from you, almost like he was embarrassed. 
“I like it yoi,” was all he said, putting it back on his desk. He adjusted it so it sat just so on his desk, like things had to be in a certain order. “Let’s go back on deck, I’m sure the party will be getting started soon.”
And indeed, there was a party in your honor. Well, you couldn’t be sure it was in your honor, it seemed like these pirates needed little reason to party. Still, it was the largest party you’d ever been invited to. You hung around Marco, and later Etta and Ace once they resurfaced from whatever they were doing. You were chit chatting with the crew members, surprising yourself for being so casual with pirates. They had been asking you about your business venture outside of your scientific curiosities.
“But why insulting drawings?” asked the World’s Prettiest Man Izou, still dressed in Wano inspired clothing. Now why couldn’t he have been the Phoenix? You would have forgiven him much sooner. 
“People pay more for insulting caricatures,” you said, shrugging. “People seem to like it when I rip on them, I don’t know why.” You’d brought sketching supplies naturally, but didn’t want to waste them on stupid drawings of pirates. “I can draw some for you guys if you have pencils.” 
“GURAHAHAHAHA, an excellent likeness!” You’d given the Captain a drawing of himself with a crescent beard that echoed the way his mustache looked. He was White beard, but you didn’t want to draw anything too insulting. It would be no fun if you were stomped to death before you’d even made it to your destination. You’d been drawing the pirates all evening, to their intense amusement. You’d drawn Haruta as a Tontatta, Namur as a mermaid, Kingdew as a bumblebee, and Fossa smiling, among others. They loved seeing the finished product and multiple beers had been ejected through noses after you’d shown the final results. 
“Draw more! Just one more!” cheered Thatch. He’d been especially taken with the drawings after you’d drawn one of him as a loaf of bread. 
“No, no. I’m done for now with you lot,” you said, handing the clipboard back to Thatch. The crowd booed you.
“Enough yoi. She said she’s done,” Marco said, in a tone that held no room for arguing. He was radiating little wisps of fire, like he was ready to defend your honor. The crowd was still booing but was dispersing. Marco had been hanging out near you all night, almost like he was nervous to leave you alone. He was good company though, and you enjoyed talking with him in person rather than over the mail. “Would you like me to show you to the guest room?” Marco asked. You were tired of being at the party, but not that tired. You didn’t like playing games, you just did what you thought felt right. Besides, you weren’t stupid, you knew the Moby Dick hadn’t been going in the direction of a random unnamed scientific outpost. 
You hummed in response. “I’m not tired just yet, I’d rather complete some research. There’s one component I’m still missing,” you said cryptically. 
Marco raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What component yoi?”
“The effects of endorphin release upon the Phoenix,” you deadpanned. You thought you heard the start of a bird song but Marco cleared his throat instead. He leaned against the railing of the deck on one forearm, bringing his face closer to yours.
Marco laughed lightly. “Oh? And will your findings be published?” Marco asked, leaning over and caging you against the railing with his body.
“No, this is more for personal education,” you replied with a smirk, tilting your head towards his.
“Well, we must satisfy your curiosity yoi. What kind of endorphin release did you have in mind? Meditation? Exercise? Eating spicy food?” 
“Something like that,” you replied. You grabbed the front of his open shirt and pulled his face to yours, kissing him deeply. Marco kissed you back, leaning you back against the railing of the deck. You distantly heard cheers from the crew, but couldn’t be bothered to care. Besides, you didn’t have enough darts to shoot them all. 
Marco POV
If the skinny dipping didn’t do it, and the poison didn’t do it, this would certainly be Marco’s end. Marco the man was fine with kissing on the deck in front of the crew, they all did it from time to time. The Phoenix, however, was ready for heads to roll. It didn’t want any potential rivals seeing your romance, it wanted your mate DATE safely within Marco’s room before anything happened. Marco had already been riding a thin line all night. He knew he had no business telling you what to do and who to interact with, but there was no calming the Phoenix. It wanted you all to itself, away from all his siblings. The whole night his hand was itching to throw you over his shoulder and take you below deck. He’d nearly done it when Thatch had made you laugh at some stupid joke, but had held himself back at the last moment. Now he wasn’t sure he could. The whoops coming from the deck had his eye twitching. 
“Would you like to continue this experiment elsewhere?” Marco whispered into your ear. You shivered at the feeling of his stubble on your cheek.
“In your nest?” you whispered back mischievously. Marco nipped your ear as a reply. This time, he did throw you over his shoulder, causing you to laugh. He stalked off towards the stairs, causing even more whooping from his brothers. Marco knew they’d tease him at a later time, but he wasn’t thinking about that. At that moment, all he cared about was hearing your laughter, feeling you in his arms, and knowing that he’d have a few weeks to spend with you on the Moby. And he could always come visit you at your outpost, one of the benefits of having wings. Phoenix and man were united, excited for the future with their favorite birdwatcher. 
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buckrecs · 2 years
Hello, I'm not sure if it's possible, but are there any recommended long-chapter series for Bucky? More than 15+ or even 20+ chapters in one. It could be for any type of story. Thanks.
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I sorted out fics that has 15+ chapters from my 2022 Wrap Up list! You can see more series fics on my masterlist:)
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Heart & Soul by @all1e23
Alphas only brought trouble. The only thing they are good for is bringing their Omega’s pain and forced submission. They were dangerous, reckless and cruel. There wasn’t an ounce of kindness in any of them. She didn’t need an Alpha, and she certainly didn’t believe in that True Mates fairytale. That was just some fabricated fable Alphas made up to trick innocent doe-eyed Omegas. She wasn’t going to fall for that. Not again.No Alpha would ever get her to believe that love truly exists. And then, James Buchanan Barnes walked into her life.
Astrophile by @/all1e23
Orion Rebecca Barnes's favorite thing in the whole world (besides her daddy of course) is spending hours after school in the bookstore by her house and the owner GIVES her any book she wants; she’s the coolest girl Orion has ever met.
Swallow by @/all1e23
Since he was fifteen years old, Bucky Barnes has only been sure of two things; the club should be the most essential thing in his life, and he’d burn it all down for you.
One Last Job by @sunriserose1023
Bucky Barnes is retired. He did a stint in the Army, did a stint as a Secret Service agent, even dabbled in the private sector, but that’s over. Now, he just wants to rest in the solitude he’s found in a cabin in the Adirondacks, with only his memories to get him through the sleepless nights.Until his best friend comes to him with a special request. One last job, protecting the movie star sister of an old Army buddy. She’s being stalked, getting death threats, but that’s nothing they haven’t dealt with before. Except there’s something different about this job. And maybe it’s not the job; maybe it’s the girl. But when it turns out that something sinister is at play, Bucky realizes this job ... could be his last.
Just One Kiss by @sarahwroteathing
Bucky Barnes has been chasing after you since he was ten years old, but you’re determined not to give in. How long can you hold out when all he’s asking for is just one kiss?
Burn the Witch by @dreamwritesimagines
There’s a thin line between mission and love, and spies aren’t allowed to cross that line.
relationship tutor by @samingtonwilson
a relationship novice, asks for your help in dating your friend. Unable to say no to him, you agree despite everyone and everything telling you not to.
Can’t Fight the Feeling by @sidepartskinnyjeans
After the second snap the world rejoices at the return of their friends and family. But for the Avengers their home is destroyed. Steve and Tony move the homeless Avengers back to the Avengers Tower. With only a few usable floors they're paired up to support each other from the shock of returning and the changing world. Some are happier with their room allocation than others. Can you and Bucky make it work?
Untouchable by @dreamwritesimagines
What happens when Bucky Barnes falls in love with someone he shouldn’t have?
Greatest Hits by @lunarbuck
You work at your family's record store, and Bucky lives next door. He comes into your store and asks you for some music recommendations. You soon realize that he has a lot to learn and make it your personal mission to show him the world he missed out on through music.
Playing With Fire by @beccaanne814
What happens when two people who have nothing in common suddenly have to pretend to be in a relationship? Will the sparks between them ignite into something more, or is this romance doomed to crash and burn?
Strange Times by @/beccaanne814
You have a certain type - smart, charming, and handsome as sin. For years you’ve been in love with the only man you thought possessed all of those traits, but a chance encounter with a Strange individual sends you and a certain ex-assassin on a journey of self-discovery. As you try to find a way back home, will you also be able to uncover the perfect man hidden beneath layers of guilt and self-loathing.
Invisible String by @oitommothetease
James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
Scars by @tokoyamisstuff
Based on the Soulmate Prompt where whatever you write on your skin, it appears on your Soulmate’s.
i hate you but by @buckybarnesthehotshot
bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
If Only You Were Mine… by @bbgem329
You’ve been in love with Bucky Barnes since the moment you laid eyes on him. That was five years ago, when your older sister brought him home for a Sunday lunch and introduced him as her boyfriend.
Awake My Soul by @foreverdreamland
It's been five years since zombies first started walking the Earth, destroying anything and everything in their wake. Now, in this apocalyptic world, fighting for survival comes as naturally as breathing. The one thing you've learned ever since they arrived, though, is that the living can be so much more dangerous than the undead. When you stumble across two young, scared boys lost in the woods and being chased by walkers, you go against your better judgment and help them to safety. Little did you know that helping them would lead you to Bucky - an angry, grumpy, distrusting member of the camp Shield. Bucky has zero interest in having you enter his life. He's been hurt before and lost too many people to risk experiencing that kind of pain again, and he knows that there are secrets you aren't telling the group. Yet, when push comes to shove, and you're put at risk, he'll stop at nothing to keep you safe.
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tuiccim · 1 year
Though I Have Never Read It (Part 6)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2434
Warnings: Angst, Eva being adorable.
A/N: Special thanks to my hype princess & beta reader @whisperlullaby.
Though I Have Never Read It Masterlist
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When you had dropped off Eva at school, you were reminded that today was a half day for her. You decided to get your favorite drink and go shopping rather than returning to the compound just to turn back around a short time later. As you were browsing, you came across the most adorable bathing suit for Eva. It would make her feel like a mermaid and you decided that some time in the pool would be a great way to spend the afternoon. It would tire Eva out enough that she would sleep well for Mark when you dropped her off to him that evening. He was sure to be worn out from his trip. His job was a good one but demanding at times. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by your phone ringing. Looking down, Mark’s name appears on the screen. You answer with a smile, “Hey. Were your ears burning? I was just thinking about you.”
“Hey. Really? What were you thinking?” Mark asks.
“I was going to take Eva swimming this afternoon. She’ll be good and worn out when I bring her home, so she’ll sleep well for you. What time do you think you’ll be home?”
“Around 4:30. Does that work? Are you sure you don’t want me to pick her up?”
“No, I don’t mind. I’ll pick up some dinner on the way to you and you can tell us about your trip. We’ll be there around 5:30 to give you some time to settle down,” you reassure him.
“You’re the best,” Mark says quietly. 
Hearing something in his voice, you’re compelled to ask, “Is everything okay?” 
“You know that woman I told you about? That I was thinking of introducing Eva to?”
“She broke things off. When I brought it up, she seemed put off but I chalked it up to nerves but she called last night and ended it. Said she didn’t want to be a stepmom,” Mark says dejectedly. 
“She couldn’t figure that out before she started dating you?” You ask, annoyed at the woman.
“She said she didn’t think we were that serious. I guess I misread things,” he lets out a deep sigh, “I’m so out of practice.”
“Or she led you on. Either way, I’m sorry, Mark. I know it was hard to step out like that again,” you say kindly. 
“Thanks. Anyway, how about you? Getting any practice in?” Mark’s usual jovial voice comes across the line as he tries to shake off the emotions.
You laugh, “No. I’ve got too much going on right now to go out looking. Someone will have to fall in my lap.”
“Or sweep you off your feet,” Mark chuckles. 
“Right. Anyway, I’ll see you tonight. Safe travels.”
“Thanks. Later,” Mark signs off. 
You feel bad for Mark but a part of you is also a little relieved. Another woman in Eva’s life wasn’t an easy thing to swallow and part of you had hoped his relationship wouldn’t work out. It wasn’t fair or right but sometimes emotions are irrational. You knew you couldn’t expect Mark to stay single forever but you hoped whoever came around in the future could be a friend who would respect your relationship with Mark and Eva. 
Shaking yourself out of the depressing thoughts, you check the time and finish making your purchases. It was time to pick up Eva and, for some reason, you couldn’t wait to see her.
“I don’t know what to do,” Bucky looks between Sam and Steve. 
“That’s a lot. I wonder why she never said anything,” Steve looks to Sam as if he has the answer.
“Do you think Tony knows?” Sam questions. 
“She’s closest to him but I don’t know. She keeps things pretty close to the vest,” Steve says. 
“There’s more,” Bucky says weakly. He had told them about that night at the cabin but he hadn’t told them about the next morning. Haltingly, he mumbles out the rest, eyes red rimmed and unable to look either of them in the face. 
“You remembered that or that was a nightmare?” Steve asks to clarify.
“Both. It was so real, it had to happen,” Bucky glances up but his gaze falls back to the floor. 
“Buck…” Steve shakes his head and looks at Sam for help. 
“You can’t trust the nightmares, man. You remembered the night when you heard her voice but you remembered the next morning during a bad dream? You can’t trust that. It might have happened that way but it might have been different than you remember. Or it didn’t happen at all,” Sam reassures.
“That’s true. It could all be jumbled with other memories. Are you even sure that it was her at the cabin? I mean, maybe your mind is trying to fill in details it can't remember and using her because you like her,” Steve conjectures. 
“You… you know about that?” Bucky asks.
“I guessed,” Steve shrugs.
“Man, everybody guessed. You practically stare a hole through her. You have that staring problem, remember?” Sam tries to lighten the mood. 
“She’ll never want to come near me now,” Bucky says. 
“Only one way to know, man. You gotta talk to her,” Sam says matter-of-factly. 
“I can’t,” Bucky blanches. 
“Sam’s right, Buck. That’s the only way you’re going to know for sure. She’s a good person. She’ll tell you the truth,” Steve encourages.
“She has Eva right now. She won’t want to talk about this with her around,” Bucky demures.
“Buck, it doesn’t have to be right now, but you need this. You need to know for sure what happened,” Steve says firmly. 
“Uhhhh, I hate to be that guy but…” Sam looks at the two. 
“What?” Bucky huffs.
“This happened seven years ago?” Sam confirms.
“And Eva is six…” Sam trails off with a look at Steve and Bucky, waiting for them to fill in the blanks. 
Bucky’s face turns white as he stares at Sam and then turns to look into Steve’s shocked face. Regaining his voice, he stutters, “Eva… she… no, she can’t. She can’t be mine. Right?”
“I don’t know,” Steve says, swallowing hard as his mind runs through the possibilities. 
“Do you think that’s why she didn’t want to tell me? Do… Do you think she lied to Mark about Eva? No, she wouldn’t… No, there were other options. That would be crazy,” Bucky mumbles to himself, lost in thought. 
“Crazier things have happened, man. I mean, who ever thought we’d be fighting against aliens, androids, and wizards,” Sam tries to pull them out of their stupors with a bit of humor. 
“One way to know for sure,” Steve says, giving Bucky the look. 
“Damnit,” Bucky growls.
“Jump to me, Eva Diva!” You hold your arms out to her from the shallow end of the compound’s pool. 
“You’ll catch me?” Eva asks. 
“Of course! Come on. You can do it!” You encourage her. 
Eva contemplates for a second but then that glimmer comes to her eye and you know she’s ready. Taking off running, she flies through the air and into your arms with a large splash. Laughing together, you spin her around in the water. She was a good swimmer at only 6 but she still had some apprehension about jumping in at times. 
“You did great. Wanna try again?” You ask. 
“Yeah!” Eva swims to the edge and you help her up to the side. Her bravery grew with each jump and you had retired to sit on the pool stairs while you watched her play. You turned your head to the sound of the door sliding open to see Bucky coming through with a strange look on his face. You felt your stomach knot. 
“Hi Mr. Bucky,” Eva calls. 
“Hi Eva,” Bucky smiles at her, staring for a few seconds with head tilted as if studying her. 
“Do you sink because of your arm?” Eva asks.
“Eva! That’s not a nice thing to ask!” You admonish gently. 
Bucky chuckles lightly, “It’s okay. I can swim with my metal arm but if you get crazy and knock me out, yeah, I’d sink.”
You bite your lip to keep in your laugh but can’t help smiling. 
He crouches down near Eva on the side of the pool, “But you wouldn’t get crazy around the pool, right? We gotta be safe.”
“Right! Watch me jump in! I can do it all by myself,” Eva hefts herself over the side of the pool and does a cannonball that splashes over the side. Your laugh escapes you at Bucky’s surprised face as he shakes off the water. 
“Nice jump, kid,” Bucky stands and makes his way over to you, “Can we talk?”
“Sure,” you exit the pool and grab a towel while keeping one eye on Eva. 
Bucky tried not to stare at you as you emerged from the water. He had never seen you in a bathing suit and didn’t want to seem like a creep. Especially, knowing what he’d done to you. You turn to him with an expectant look but apprehension curls in your belly. 
“I… Did… I-” Bucky falters. 
“You remember,” you say quietly. 
Bucky stares at you for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face, “So, it did happen?”
You nod, slightly embarrassed, “Yes. Look, I promise we can talk about it and I’ll answer any of your questions but tonight after Eva is gone, okay? This isn’t a 5 minute by the pool discussion.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I get that,” Bucky starts to turn away but his eye catches Eva. “But there is one thing I have to know now.”
“What’s that?” You look at him clearly confused. 
“Eva…” Bucky looks at you expectantly. 
“Eva? What- oh my God,” you gape at him as realization hits you. “She’s not yours. Oh my God, she’s not mine!”
“What?” Bucky exclaims. His head swivels between you and the little girl. 
“She’s not mine. She’s not my child. She’s my best friend’s daughter. Oh my God! You thought… I’m not her mother,” you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, realizing you are babbling. 
“You’re not?” Bucky asks. 
“No, I-” you scoff in frustration, “It’s a long story. I love Eva as if she’s my own. I’m her godmother and, to help Mark out, I take her every other weekend or so.”
“Your best friend?” Bucky asks. 
You shake your head and look over at Eva, “Brain aneurysm. Eva was four days old.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks. Look, I’m taking Eva home and having dinner with Mark tonight. I should be back around 8. I’ll come find you,” you reassure him. 
“I’ll be in my room. I mean, you can find me there. Not that we have to talk there. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Bucky trips over his words. 
You look at him askew, “Um, no, that’s fine.”
“Watch me!” Eva’s squeals as she leaps off the side of the pool and does a twist in the air. 
“That was great! Show me again,” you grin at her. Before heading back to the pool, you look back at Bucky, “I’ll see you later tonight.”
“Yeah. Tonight,” Bucky leaves, forcing himself not to look back. 
You might have tired Eva out a little too much. She was droopy eyed as you drove to her dad’s apartment but you kept her talking so she’d stay awake. She was already washed up and in PJs. All she needed was some dinner and to brush her teeth to be ready for bed. Plus, she’d get her second wind as soon as she saw Mark. 
“Hey, hey!” You call out as you let yourself into the apartment. 
“Hey! There’s my girl!” Mark grins as Eva runs into his arms. He lifts her for a big hug and holds her as he leans to kiss your cheek. “How is it going?”
“It’s good. Eva and I went swimming and then we picked up your favorite for dinner,” you smile.
“Thai! You guys are too good to me,” Mark enthuses. 
“We wanted to make you happy, Daddy!” Eva hugs his neck again. 
“You’d make me happy even if you brought me dog food,” Mark jokes. 
“Ewww!” Eva giggles as Mark sets her at the table. 
“You really are the best,” he affirms as he gives you a quick side hug before sitting. 
“Well, it’s my favorite, too. So, win-win,” you laugh as you set drinks at the table. 
“You didn’t happen to get-”
“An order of fried wontons and steamed dumplings, no. I would never… forget those,” you mug a face at him as you set them on the table. 
“You shouldn’t make faces like that, it might freeze in place,” Mark winks at Eva as he teases you. 
“No, it won’t, Daddy! That’s silly,” Eva giggles. 
Dinner goes by quickly with Mark carrying most of the conversation with funny stories about his trip. Somewhere between the last dumpling and the sticky rice dessert, Eva’s fatigue starts to show. She starts whining and, eventually, Mark carried her to the bathroom to brush her teeth before he laid her in bed. He didn’t make it to the end of the story before she was out cold. You smiled as you watched them from the door. He bent down to kiss her forehead before heading out and softly closing the door. 
“Thanks for keeping her,” he says softly. 
“Anytime. I love having her,” you reply. 
“Can you stay for a little while?” He asks. 
“I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Hot date?” Mark cracks.
“I wish. Awkward conversation I have to have,” you explain. 
“What about?” 
“The past,” you give him a look. He knew about most of your past. Although, you hadn’t mentioned Bucky to him or anyone. You weren’t sure why, but it had been something you kept for yourself. 
“Ugh,” Mark groans, “Good luck.”
“Thanks. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Can I call you tomorrow?” Mark asks.
“Of course. You know you can always call me. Is everything okay?” You search his face. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” Mark smiles softly. 
“Okay. Night, Mark.”
“Good night.”
Making your way to your car, you wonder what that was about. Mark wasn’t usually enigmatic but tonight he seemed off. Different somehow. Or maybe he was just tired and you were reading things into it. Either way, you need  to save your energy. It was time to have that talk, time for James and Bucky to be reconciled, and time for you to finally have some closure about the night that changed you more than you wanted to admit. 
Part Seven
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
10 days until JWCT
Okay, there's a lot to unpack here. Warning: New Content below this line.
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So, for starters, a full clip scene of Darius and Ben and omg I totally see the darker elements that the creators were talking about. I was so not expecting the dinosaur to jump through the window like that. Very CC S3-esque. What's this about a call, make that a prank call? That Ben didn't make apparently? The drama... And it definitely seems like there's some tension between Ben and Darius. What's going on with them? At the moment I don't have any coherent theories about this, and tbh I just want to see how it plays out. The animation is amazing and so is the attention paid to the background, there's so much detail. One thing I noticed in the background was a calendar and I'm wondering if it has importance.
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This is what I was able to get from the calendar. It's very blurry but there seems to be certain dates marked off. At first I was thinking the month displayed was September but then I took a closer look in another scene.
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In this screenshot the month looks like November and the X's are more clearly visible. I don't know if there's any significance to this and I could just be making something out of nothing.
So next up: the pictures. The first one is of Ben and Bumpy and while there's nothing particularly striking about the poster itself, the background is where my attention is at. I went through all of the content we've gotten so far to see where it might be located and the only one I came up with is possibly Sammy's house. The panelling is very rustic but it doesn't match the color scheme of Darius' cabin so that's my estimated guess with Sammy living on a (rustic) ranch. It could potentially be Ben's place as well. There's additionally a sign that says "...In this kitchen." I'm guessing it's some cheesy sign.
The third image (we're switching around) is in the same location however the poster gives us some new looks. It's Sammy and Ben at the fair that we first saw Sammy in which tells us that Ben (and possibly Darius?) are also there as well. They're standing in front of a broken gyrosphere and it seems to be on display. What I'm wondering is why it's on display and also how it got there. Perhaps it's some dinosaur themed fair of some sort. The caption says If it can happen, it will. Why do I feel like at some point they might drive the gyrosphere? Idk, it's stupid.
The second and the fifth also seem to have the same background. The direction poster features Darius and it looks almost like he's in a barn; he's got some hay behind him so could it possibly be Sammy's ranch? It could be another part of the scene we saw with Sammy running out of her house. The fifth one has an image of a dinosaur (do not ask me which one) but there's also a newspaper pinned up with a headline that reads "In a Simulat[ion]" What could that be about? My initial thoughts were that it was somehow about Mantah Corp Island bc of the fake climates and stuff but idk..
The third pic is the one I find most interesting. There's a lot of little details in the background and the poster is also really cool. It's definitely the desk of someone trying to uncover a mystery with the red string and push pins. There's a newspaper pinned up that also seems to be from The True Times with a headline that says "WHO ARE T[HEY]." Could this be about the Nublar six? There's also a few photos of dinosaurs. None of the sticky notes are legible but there are stickers or something. One that says "WHY?" another that says "[QUE]STION [EVER]YTHING." there's another one but I can't tell what it's actually saying. Also a random fuel tank thing? Wonder what that has to do with anything. This picture definitely seems to be targeting the conspiracy aspect of Chaos Theory and is 10/10 marketing.
Now my last point is that I believe there's a post for each of the campers (minus Brooklynn... rip) The loyalty one is obviously Ben's and the Direction one is most likely Darius'. I'm assuming that possibility is Sammy's and that Tranquility is Kenji's because he's in that one and lowkey looks lonely. Also that caption? Like ouch. Motivation I heavily believe is Yasmina's poster. "Your fears can't get you if you run fast enough." Like c'mon. It's obviously her's with her being a (former?) trackstar and also how we saw her anxiety/ptsd in the later seasons of CC.
All I know is that I need all of these posters for my bedroom, please and thanks. I'm genuinely so excited for it to come out. Just 10 more days!
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my-mt-heart · 11 months
“The Book of Carol” Teaser
Well, that was some serious whiplash yesterday. Totally not suspicious. Not suspicious at all. I'm still uneasy about the show's leadership, but the teaser is by far the best reassurance we've gotten in a long while and Caryl fans are happier than I've seen them in over a year, so I'll take it. Hopefully we can expect exciting content like this to roll out consistently until S2 airs, but in the meantime, here are my thoughts on what we have...
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Daryl's opening VO, "I dunno know if this is the place I'm supposed to be," is actually a line from the leaked 201 sides. In them, Daryl has a conversation with Isabelle, the details of which I'll discuss sometime after the finale airs, but what's relevant here is that it juxtaposes Daryl's conversation with Carol in Find Me. Whereas Daryl insists in the cabin that he does know where he's "supposed to be," implying that he belongs with Carol, something isn't feeling right about France or the "surrogate family" (🙄) the teaser immediately cuts to after that line. I don't know the context of the next lines of VO, "I've been thinking about all the people I left behind, wondering if they're still thinking about me," and I'm not entirely sure why Daryl assumes Carol may have moved on (need I remind you of the lunch date in S11), but obviously he's homesick. And, thanks to that very unambiguous tagline, we understand why. Daryl and Carol are each other’s home. They need each other to be happy.
Needless to say, Melissa is so good in this. She doesn't need gimmicks or anything artsy to make her performance stand out. Carol's agony over Daryl is right there in her eyes, her determination to find him clear in her voice. I especially love her soft "yes" to the man I suspect will accompany her to France (you can see his reflection in the rearview mirror when Carol is in the car surrounded by walkers). He seems reluctant to take up a cause he isn't emotionally invested in, meaning he doesn't know if he wants to embark on what's bound to be a long, dangerous journey for someone he hasn't met i.e. Daryl. So basically, he's asking Carol if she would do it if she was in his position and she assures him that she would. The dialogue is a bit convoluted to stick in a teaser, but the takeaway is supposed to be that Carol will do anything to find Daryl if there's hope he's still alive. Because, of course she would. Daryl should know that, just like Carol should know he'd worry about her even if she told him not to. They love each other. They told each other they love each other. These two have a lot of insecurities to sort out when they finally reunite, and I hope we get to watch those deep conversations take place when they aren't making out.
Carol riding Daryl's bike and carrying his crossbow are nostalgic, the first reminding me of when Daryl rode out of the Commonwealth in the series finale only this time I'm not fighting the urge to hurl something at the TV. I'm actually cheering Carol on as she sets off to find him and hopefully give him a stern talking to (I let you go on our road trip alone and you end up in France??) The second is reminiscent of No Sanctuary when she finds his crossbow at Terminus, and we all know where that led. The question is how will this reunion top it? Hint: there's only one right answer.
I wonder if collecting pieces of him keeps her grounded along the way, similar to how Dog became her connecting point after she and Daryl had their big fight in Find Me/Diverged. I'd ideally like to see flashbacks of Daryl teaching Carol how to ride and/or how to use the crossbow since it's never been established that she can do either. My expectations aren't high unfortunately because history tells me TWDU loves to take shortcuts. That was particularly the case in S11 as far as Caryl were concerned. If that continues though, it's going to be a major issue for me. Don't just toss out gimmicks you think will get us talking for a bit. Don't leave out the connective tissue. Earn what you want to show us.
The title screen is an eyesore. For one thing, there are way too many fonts and for another, "Daryl Dixon" is the larger text despite the season centering on Carol. Like I said yesterday, Melissa and Norman are on equal footing. That is confirmed, but visuals like this give the appearance that Melissa/Carol carry less weight than Norman/Daryl which is complete bullshit. The original spinoff was going to be hers just as much as it was his, so why wouldn't that be the case now? That's a rhetorical question because I know the answer. It'd be really nice if AMC stopped punishing Melissa and her fans for their mistakes last year.
But to end on a positive note (I was doing so well, wasn't I?), the teaser is a good sign for Carol's/Caryl's story, and I'm excited about S2 again. With some help, I'll be keeping a close watch on how the season is marketed going forward. If the whiplash continues, if EPs keep insulting their audience, well…why stick around for it 🤷🏻‍♀️ But if hints such as that tagline persist or ramp up, we might actually be headed for explicit canon 👍🙏❤️
(I see my inbox is about to explode. I'll get to what I can tonight).
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uglypastels · 2 years
That70sShow au with Eddie & y/n = Jackie & Hyde... I thought about it a lot! The episode with 4th of July party, where Hyde punches a guy for being mean to Jackie, and Kitty makes him realize he likes her so they go for a date (just maybe with date going well this time). OR for the Donna/Hyde... the ski cabin episode when he kisses her "just look at you" (my favorite line)...
i got a bit too excited over this one and maybe tried to add a bit too much but fuck it. thank you so much for this request!! I also got another request for the date scene so I might write a part 2 tomorrow or something) :))
warnings: cursing, drinking, Eddie being a bit of a dick but mostly towards someone who's an even bigger dick. enemies to lovers?? female!henderson!reader
masterlist. || join the Stranger Things taglist
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No one was more surprised to see Eddie Munson attend the school bake sale than you… except for maybe Eddie himself. Especially since he wasn’t really sure why he was there, to begin with. He didn’t exactly have any money to spend on muffins and traybakes. And even if he did, why the hell would he spend it on high school? The place is filled with people who despise him and have no problem showing that hatred off every single day. 
‘I hope you didn’t bring any of your special brownies, Munson,’ you threatened as you walked past him. Eddie had been standing in the corridor, being his usual degenerate self. 
‘You wish. Those would have at least been worth something,’ he quipped. ‘But no, because of your little bake sale, everyone I know is here, so I have nowhere else to be.’ 
‘Well, don’t just stand there then,’ you hand him a Tupperware box full of chocolate chip cookies, ‘make yourself a bit useful.’ 
‘I don’t think anyone’s going to want to buy anything from me… here, at least.’ He couldn’t help but laugh. 
‘I don’t care. Go stand at the table and pretend to have aa purpose.’ 
‘Always the little charmer, aren’t you, Henderson.’ He didn’t understand how Dustin could be such a cool little nerd with a sister like you. Always on his case, no matter what. But he didn’t feel like arguing, so he took the damn box of cookies and walked over to an empty table. What the hell was he doing… 
Eddie sat down on the chair and leaned back. There was no way any of these suburban moms were going anywhere near him. Instead, they avoided him like a carb-full meal. He could very well see the glares he was getting from across the room, but he didn’t care. 
‘Damn, Munson, did she get to you too?’ a chuckle neared him. Jack walked up to him. Eddie had seen him sit at another table, chatting to some possible customers over slices of pie. He didn’t know much about the guy besides that he was the captain of the school’s Mathlete team and always in everyone’s business. The biggest grin spread from side to side of his face, no matter who he spoke to. It should make Eddie fill included, but it only made him uneasy. No one should be smiling this much.
‘Uhm. I guess.’ Eddie really wasn’t up to making conversation with anyone who didn’t want to take those cookies from him, but Jack didn’t seem to be eager either. 
‘Yeah, she can get pretty bossy sometimes, that one.’ He found you in the crowd, and when you caught his eye, he waved with an even bigger grin… if that was even possible. ‘And she talks. A lot.’
‘Yeah.’ Eddie chuckled to himself a bit.
‘It’s not the exactly a turn-on, I’ll be honest.’
No one asked you to be, Eddie thought. ‘Aren’t you two going out?’ That’s right, Dustin had spent most of last week’s Hellfire session nagging on about how he could get no peace in his own house ever since his sister brought over her new boyfriend. And Eddie had seen them around school as well. 
‘Yeah, but you know how it is, nothing serious. We’re just fooling around.’ 
‘Right. Right,’ all Eddie could think about is if you actually were of this. To him, it seemed like you were pretty into this guy… for whatever reason that might be. ‘But why, if she’s so annoying to you?’ He was barely conscious of the conversation he was having, already zoning out a bit. One thing was for sure, though, Eddie needed to get out of there. He was already getting up, waiting to use his excuse. No one would care if he left, besides you, maybe.
‘It’s worth the hassle if I can get some.’ 
‘What?’ Eddie, already with the exit door in his vision, turned around. Jack seemed surprisingly happy with his little comment. 
‘C’mon,’ he laughed, patting Eddie on the shoulder as if they really shared something in common here. ‘Why else would I go out with her?’ 
‘Oh, I really wish you hadn’t said that.’ He didn’t know why he cared so much. You two weren’t friends, but you were the sister of one of his best friends. He couldn’t let some asshole get away with talking like that about you. Or you use like that. 
‘Wha–’ Jack didn’t even get the chance to ask his question before Eddie’s fist met his cheek. Jack folded over, hand up to his cheek, already showing a red tint. People naturally looked over at the boy's yelp that came out at the moment of contact, and a crowd gathered. 
‘Eddie!’ you ran over and got down on your knees to look at Jack’s face. ‘What the hell.’ 
‘He deserved it,’ was all he said. ‘Believe me.’ and with that, he walked away. He knew he would be told to go in a moment anyway. Fights weren’t exactly encourages, were they?
The next day at school, all eyes were on Eddie, of course. The news of him beating up Jack spread out like wildfire, and it didn’t help that the guy showed up with a black eye either.
‘I didn’t think I had hit him that hard.’ Eddie said during lunch.
‘Why did you hit him, exactly?’ Dustin asked, plastic fork twirling around in his hand. 
‘Because he’s an asshole, Henderson. And you should tell your sister that.’ To Eddie’s surprise, you had not left the jerk’s side all day. He could see you sitting across the cafeteria, looking at him in pity. Apparently, the giant bruise only added to his already questionable appeal. 
‘My sister?’ Dustin raised his eyebrow and looked over at you. ‘What’s she got to do with it?’ 
‘Nothing. Nevermind.’ Eddie, tired of the subject, shut his lunchbox and got up. ‘I’ll see you guys later.’ 
Eddie had never taken any particular interest in you previously. In fact, he really only saw you as Dustin’s annoying older sister. Any time he saw you, you were diving deep into a book, telling him to shut up because she was studying or scolding him for being a bad influence on Dustin, which was a fair accusation. 
But, as the weeks went on, he found himself wanting to talk more and more to you. Every time you picked your brother up from Hellfire, he tried to say something, even if the second a conversation started, the two of you were already getting annoyed with each other. 
‘Do you listen to anything else besides this trashcan bashing?’ You commented on the music that Eddie had playing in the background.
‘You wouldn’t know good music if it hit you in the face.’
‘That seems to be a recurring theme around you, Munson.’ You crossed your arms. Luckily, Jack’s face had healed up quickly, but he was still avoiding Eddie, walking circles around him, scared as if he would jump on him again. But Eddie was avoiding Jack just as much. ‘I still don’t understand why you did that, by the way.’ 
‘Yeah, well, I suppose it will remain one of the universe's great mysteries.’ Right there with ‘why the hell would still be going out with that jackass?’.
  ‘Whatever,’ you roll your eyes and drag Dustin out of the room to take him home. 
‘Why did you hit him?’ 
‘Ask me that one more time, and you’re next, Wheeler,’ Eddie warned. 
A perk, or perhaps a massive disadvantage, of being newly acquainted with the one and only Steve Harrington is also being invited to all of his house parties. 
Sure, Eddie didn’t have to go, but all his insecurities came out when he missed out on things. It was a nasty compulsion. But that is how he found himself in the corner drinking out of a red solo cup. 
‘Hey guys!’ you said as you walked into the full living room, hand-in-hand with Jack. 
‘Why did you invite him?’ Eddie leaned over to Steve, jugging the last bit of his drink.
‘I didn’t. I assume he just tagged along with her.’ Steve explained, ‘what’s your deal with him, seriously? You’ve been acting crazy– crazier than usual, at least– ever since that bake sale.’ 
‘He’s a massive dickhead, that’s all.’ 
‘Or is it possible that you’re just jealous?’ Steve smirked over the edge of his own cup. 
‘You’re making it harder and harder to defend your intelligence, Harrington,’ Eddie muttered. Steve was ready to continue on that subject but realised that would have been exactly what Eddie wanted. 
‘I’m on your side, man. But in my experience, you shouldn’t go for a girl that’s taken. Shit gets messy after a while.’ 
‘There is no side. I don’t even like her… I just… I think she deserves a guy that’s–’
‘You?’ Steve cut him off, smirking, getting a nasty glare from Eddie. 
‘–A guy that’s not just trying to use her for sex.’ 
‘Oh shit, wait, what?’ Steve looked around. The room was too crowded and rowdy for anyone to hear their conversation, probably. You were outside, in the garden, laughing with your friends. Jack was nowhere to be seen. 
‘Yeah, but it’s been two months, and they’re still together, so what do I know.’ Eddie grabbed Steve’s cup and chugged the content before any protest could be made. 
‘What do you even see in him?’ Eddie asked you. It was late, there had been more than plenty to drink, and the party was almost over. You were sitting on the edge of the pool, looking across to where the last large group of party-goers had congregated. Jack was one of them, telling some joke that everyone laughed at. ‘And don’t tell me “he’s funny”.’ He was ready to puke. 
‘He’s nice. And smart.’ you said, kicking your legs back and forth.
‘Mr Mathlete.’ Eddie huffed out. ‘He thinks he’s way cooler than he is. Just sayin.’ 
‘Because you’re so cool?’ You laughed. 
‘No. But as a certified outcast and loser, I can spot other and bigger losers from miles away. And that-’ he pointed directly at him, ‘is the biggest one of all.’ 
‘You’re such a dick.’ That had been enough for you, and without another word, you got up, leaving Eddie alone for the rest of the night. 
‘You’re not gonna get anywhere if you just keep insulting her boyfriend.’ Steve said the morning after. Eddie had stayed over after having a bit too much drink and was trying to shut out any words said to him. Steve was known to be even louder when hungover, somehow, and was a horrible nuisance to be around when sporting a giant headache.
‘I’m not trying to do shit,’ Eddie spat out, pillow only seconds away from suffocating him as he blocked the morning sun out of his face. 
‘Dude, you clearly like her.’ Steve raised his voice, in volume and pitch, nearly making Eddie’s ears bleed. 
‘I don’t, and please, for the love of anything sacred to you, shut the fuck up.’ He rolled onto his side on the couch. ‘And get me an aspirin.’ 
School felt like hell. You seemed to be everywhere Eddie looked. Following him around like a ghost. Or perhaps he was the one following you? It was definitely not his intention. It made it worse that you turned out to be assigned lab partners in Chemistry. 
‘Hey, I’m sorry about the shit I said at the party.’ These were the first words to come out of his mouth when he got the chance to talk to you. The class was pretty quiet, so you whispered back a sternly: 
‘I don’t care, Munson.’ 
‘I just–’
‘I. Don’t. Care.’ You glare over at him. Eddie decided it was best to drop the topic for now. 
Another Friday, another Hellfire session.
It went pretty much like any other week and lasted much too short. Before the party noticed, it was time to clean up again.
Everyone had left, one by one, leaving Eddie to pack up his DM things. He had just finished up when there was a knock on the door, and you walked in, clearly surprised to see only him in the room. 
‘Where is he?’ you referred to your brother, naturally.
‘He said he was leaving with Lucas, I think.’
‘Little shithead.’ You mumbled under your breath. 
‘Wow, there, pottymouth.’ Eddie smiled, but you didn’t seem to be so amused, understandably, as you just drove through half the town to pick up your little brother, who had just decided to leave with someone else. Because why would he call to tell you? What a waste of a Friday evening. 
Eddie grabbed his backpack and headed in your direction of the door. Switching the light in the room off, he let you walk out first. The school was practically deserted except for a rogue cleaning lady somewhere four corridors down, listening to the radio so loudly you could still hear every beat of the song that was playing. 
‘How’s Mr Mathlete doing?’ Eddie asked out of lack of other conversation topics as you made your way out of the school. 
‘You can be a real jerk sometimes; you know that?’ was your direct response. 
‘Would it make me a bigger jerk if I said that I do?’ Eddie didn’t mean to laugh, which probably didn’t help his case. ‘But I’m not sure what I did this time?’ 
‘Why are you so hung up on who I date? It’s like everything I do is just a massive annoyance to you.’ You spoke out your frustrations, and each word broke Eddie’s a little. He had definitely acted badly over the past few weeks but hadn’t even realised how bad it was. 
‘That’s not what I–’
‘So what is it? Why do you have such a problem with me?’ You stopped a foot away from the door, crossing your arms. Between him and the door, Eddie had no choice but to stop too. 
‘I don’t have a problem with you.’ Not anymore, at least. Not that he would ever admit it, but he realised, ridiculously slowly, that Harrington might have been right. ‘Who I do have a problem with is that asshole of a boyfriend of yours.’
‘Why?’ You looked him directly in the eyes, which made him speak up a bit more difficult. 
‘Because,’ he looked around for a moment. ‘Because you’re a really great girl and I look at you and just…’ he stopped for a second, taking you in as you stood in front of him; everything he wanted to say left his mind. ‘I mean, look at you.’ And before he could pull himself back, he cupped your face in his hands, pulled you in, and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was brief and messy, and when he pulled away again, a million different emotions went through Eddie’s body. ‘I– I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have–’
‘Jack broke up with me.’ You blurted out.
‘What?’ Eddie blinked slowly, confused at the progression of events. 
‘At Steve’s party. He broke up with me so… so he didn’t feel bad for making out with Pam.’ You looked away from Eddie. Admitting what happened at that party was embarrassing enough. 
‘Shit, I’m sorry.’
‘Guess you were right, then, huh?’ You tried to smile. 
‘Doesn’t feel good.’
‘Good.’ You lightly punched him in the arm, ‘because you’re still a jerk, Munson.’
to be continued...? (a promise will jinx it)
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@spiderrrling @theglitterymess @dorianelizabeth @theletterhart @niyahwhoreworld @chatnoirfangirl1624 @fopdoodle1624 @pastel-abyss-x @ghoulsgraveyard @prettytoxix @lovesickollie @xbreezymeadowsx @ssanjuniperoo @nxrdamp @meaganjm @yourmommilf @mischiefmanagers @roseyykris @capybergara @brother-lauren @h0sh1verse @ghostlyreads @croweaterr @ladyapplejackdnd @bilesxbilinskixlahey @kbakery @sleeping-willlow @lizzylynch1 @liltimmyst @hellfire-state-of-mind @escape-in-time-x @miscelaa @sweetpeapod @the-a-word-2214 @eddiemunsonbby @wh0re4munson @eddiesdingus @zoeyquinn94 @mydearzero @overthewhiteclouds @wroteclassicaly @groupies-do-it-better @stitchity @celestialsxturn @hoe4eddiemunson @inanausomewhere @witchyrivers @scoops-harrington @fluffyharrington @thornbrainsworld @billyhargrovesprincess
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>> pt.2 of canon-divergent coryo-stays-with-lucy-gray-in-12 au (a mouthful but i honestly have no title for it), albeit more lucy gray and more everlark
part 1
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"There you are, sweet pea." Nana Lucy Gray greeted me as soon as I entered her workshop: a little cabin studio located behind the main house. There were materials strewn over the wooden floor boards, tucked into cabinets and on top of drawers. Remnants of unfinished projects lined the window sill and crowded the table— the ones she did finish were all inside the house, both displayed and used. She was seated in front of an unfinished canvas. She turned to me with a teasing smile. "I was startin' to wonder if you'd come back last night. Thought that baker boy might've whisked you off."
My expression soured. "Grandpa told you, didn't he?"
"Course he did. Coryo can't keep secrets from me." She returned to her canvas, splashing the surface with a mish mash of colors. The hues were too discordant for my liking, but of course I didn't tell her that. After a few moments, she spoke again. "He seems nice, y'know— the Peeta boy. Reminds me a bit of your grandfather when he was younger, very charming."
"Yeah," I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess he is."
"You like him enough, darlin'?"
"What does that even mean?" I picked at the splatters of dried paint on the table. Why was everyone suddenly pushing the Peeta Mellark agenda on me? Madge nudging me towards him, Delly calling us lovebirds, Jo suggesting we make out, Finnick giving us knowing looks. What if all their actions were actually making Peeta uncomfortable?
"Like him enough to date him?"
I looked up when I felt her eyes on me. She had a glint behind them, but also a hint of curiosity. I avoided her gaze almost immediately. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it."
Lies. All lies. I have thought about it, over and over in fact. I've thought about it enough to know that I'd yearn for it, for him. Peeta was the constant crux of every silly little daydream I've had since I met him.
"Well, no one's rushin' you anyway." Nan shrugged her shoulders. "You're barely sixteen."
I didn't respond. She asked me another question. "Does he like you?"
"I don't know, nan. I'm not sure. I think he does." Or maybe I'm just delusional. Again, I hindered myself from saying the last part out loud. Nan didn't need to know that. Still, I blushed. I wasn't prepared for how blunt the question was.
"Why d'you think he does?"
"He gives me bread." I responded. Now that I've said it out in the open, I realized how foolish it sounded. So what if he gave me bread? His family owns a literal bakery, of course he's gonna give me bread… platonically.
Nan looked back at me, and I could tell she was trying so hard to be open-minded about my lackluster response. "That's adorable."
I cleared my throat uncomfortably, feeling slightly embarrassed. I could see the image slowly forming on the canvas she was painting on. The colors made much more sense now. "That looks pretty."
"Does it?" She hummed. "I'm trying to paint some of the mountains I used to play in when I was a child."
Before I could speak any further, there was a knock on the door. The hinges creaked with age as they were pushed open. grandpa entered carrying a paper bag with the Mellark family bakery's signage printed up front.
"The baker boy is at the front door waiting for you." grandpa told me off-handedly. He opened the paper bag, pulling out two rolls. He handed one to Nan and ate the other.
I rushed to the porch immediately, running through the narrow strip of land between the wall and the fence instead of going inside for a quicker route.
Peeta turned to face me just as I reached the front steps. It's humiliating to admit how quickly I blushed when I saw him. His hair shined golden in the winter sun. He held up a hand to keep the glare away from his eyes, but enough light filtered through his fingers to make his eyelashes shine just as prettily.
"Katniss, hey." He grinned.
I walked closer. I tucked my hair behind my ear. "Hi. I wasn't expecting to see you."
He shrugged his shoulders. "Had to cover for my brother so I had to handle all the deliveries on this side of town."
"Ah," I nodded my head thoughtfully. "I'm glad my grandpa didn't scare you off."
"Not at all. Mr. Snow's nice." He shook his head. As if he just remembered something, he dug into his bag and pulled out a simple paper bag. It has a little note attached to it. "A thank you for hanging out with me last night."
When Peeta left, I rushed inside the house and up my bedroom. I opened the paper bag and inhaled the scent of cheese buns. Whilst I busied myself with eating, I unfolded the note attached. It was an illustration of a cluster of yellow dandelions held together by a green ribbon. On the corner of the page, in Peeta's messy scrawl, it said: "I hope this will last you until spring."
Uncharacteristically, I squealed so loudly that grandpa came knocking on my door a minute later. He peaked in from the door frame, his eyes closed after I once chastised him about a teenage girl needing her privacy inside a household.
"What's wong?" Always one for reigning in his composure, he asked calmly. His nostrils flared. "Is there a snake?"
Prim, who noticed the commotion from her room across the hall, stood behind grandpa. She noticed the paperbag on the desk and the note in my hand then smiled purposefully. I heard her mutter a "Finally." before pulling grandpa out of the doorway.
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