#I used to think they weren't close back in 2019
gamora-borealis · 5 months
here's the thing. to outsiders it may seem like we're excited because "phan is real!!" or whatever. but they don't know... it's not about that. phan has been real this entire time. there's always been evidence that dan and phil were together, more or less (more evidence than I think some people realize). the reason phan™ is such a big deal is because two silly gay boys met online in 2009, but their fame quickly outgrew their comfort zone and they quickly went back in the closet. dan was so traumatized from being bullied in school that he had a public meltdown on tumblr in 2012 insisting he was straight after some very private stuff leaked (that he insisted was a unused prank). after going to therapy and meeting so many queer fans on tour, dan slowly began to hint again that he was queer. but it still took them until 2019 to officially come out! and like. dan essentially confirmed that yes all the public online flirting back in 2009/2010 between him and phil was very real and that they were "more than just romantic" at that point and were currently "real best friends, life companions, and soulmates." but that was it, they weren't going to share any more. which is perfectly fine, but some of that definitely had to do with dan wanting to explore himself outside of the Dan and Phil™ brand (which unfortunately he got fucked over by the pandemic and by YouTube in the process). however they did eventually make a very cute announcement that they had bought and designed a new house together. and bit by bit they started making some more coupley jokes about each other here and there and sharing glimpses of a bedroom with both of their stuff in it, though it was still fairly subdued. but then dan finally got to go do his solo comedy tour and when he came back, shit suddenly CHANGED. 2023 was wild. they brought back their joint gaming channel they hadn't touched in five years since just before they came out. and they basically started the public flirting again??? this time on camera??? maybe not as direct as the 2009 stuff at first but. it's definitely been building up close to it. and then Dan finally releases his comedy special for free on YouTube. Phil writes a gushy tweet about it. and dan just replies with 🧡. ...except for within a larger birthday tweet in 2023, dan had not used a heart emoji for phil since like... 2010??? and then suddenly he screenshots this interaction and POSTS IT ON HIS YOUTUBE COMMUNITY TAB with the caption "gay" and a link to his special. like. this isn't about confirmation... the people who have been saying that they probably aren't together or that you shouldn't think or wonder if they are were like, the twitter morality police, ex-phannies, and generally clueless people. tumblr phannies clearly have known that they've been gay for each other for the past 15 years. but this whole "gay 🧡" incident is the first time Dan Howell has very publicly said something like this about his relationship while being "unapologetically gay" as a very public figure (there's been some magazine interviews that technically have come close but, nothing as direct as this). like that is so fucking huge??? that he and phil are finally comfortable enough online, on YouTube, and in life, to go there!!! as we are now approaching fifteen years of them together too!!! like, it's so nice to get to celebrate such a happy queer relationship and expression of queer joy. and dan has hinted that bigger stuff is coming too... like. yeah phan is real I guess 🙃
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thearchercore · 7 months
wdym they barely interacted before mid-2023 ?? I just joined in this season and the amount of moments they have had me thinking they were besties for years please I'm??
brb gonna touch grass
let's have a lookback at how things looked before mid-2023.
did they interact? sure. they did, but usually the interactions were like... one moment per grand prix. sometimes nothing happened at all. and we have to remember (from what they told us), they did not like each other when they were karting very much, then they were friendly, then austria 2019 happened and they had a falling out and then slowly started talking again. this post-unfollowgate timeline gave us some funny moments of max just trying anything to talk to charles (asking him if the singapore flag, in singapore, was the monagesque one, or when he stopped charles to ask about weather awkwardly in the middle of the paddock).
or just look at this clip from hungary 2021:
clearly, they weren't in the "one austria away from restraining order" mood anymore, but they were awkward and didn't really know how to approach each other with the history they had.
fast forward to 2023, they seemed to get closer but still, they weren't exactly the best of friends and that awkward tension they always had was still around. that seemed to change around the time the infamous padeldate picture dropped. i remember dming my friend "MAX AND CHARLES HUNG OUT OUTSIDE OF WORK" because it was such a big deal. they haven't really done it before. it was an event organised by charles' agency (ran by his brother) and max was the only other f1 driver invited.
that event caused an insane domino effect of them constantly interracting, mentioning each other, clearly being much friendlier and comfortable around each other than ever before. their weird awkward tension was suddenly gone. we know from this time charles was in contract talks with ferrari and also worked on a possible back up plan of going to red bull if things at ferrari went extremely downhill (the infamous "verstappen did not veto the idea of leclerc as an teammate" article) so it's clear around that time they got closer and they did discuss the possibility of being teammates in the future.
this probably got them unlock this huge pandora box of the issues they had in the past that they never openly discussed.
fast forward to 2024, max and charles interact more than ever - max mentioning charles unprompted on numerous occassions, "we get along really well now, but back then we didn't," them hanging out outside of work and playing padel as teammates, max finishing charles' sentences in press conferences.... even their debriefs weren't that intense back then but now they're YAPPING.
we're only 2 races in and probably have more interactions between them than in like.. 2020-2021 already.
a lot of new fans joined during the era when they were already friends but i think it's always good to remind ourselves the journey that makes their dynamic so compelling, they did not always get along that well. they were never THIS friendly with each other. they happened to grow very fond of one another over time and, to quote charles they have joint "memories that were bad but got really good with time."
were they always weirdly obsessed with one another? yes. but were they ever this pathetic and close? no.
what we're seeing now is a complete 180 and we have to remember, they are drivers first. they will always put themselves and their teams first because that's what this sport is about.
the fact that they were never teammates and have this strong dynamic together speaks volumes.
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sunsetkerr · 8 months
THE SHOWER | s.kerr
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summary: caitlin, alannah and mackenzie have taken it upon themselves to plan yours and sam's baby shower.. what could go wrong?! [1.9k words]
pairing: fem!reader x sam kerr (sweet nora universe)
notes: trying to cheer myself up after sam doing her acl, I hope it cheers you all up too. I missed nora lots and lots.
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august 2019, 3 months pregnant
IF THERE WERE THREE PEOPLE THAT you would never trust to plan literally anything, it would be Alanna, Mackenzie and Caitlin. The three of them together are like a taking time bomb that just cannot wait to go off. They are loud, messy, chaotic and almost always in disarray.
So when Sam came to you in the third month of your pregnancy and say that the three of them wanted to be the ones to plan your baby shower, you could've fainted then and there.
Sure, Sam had known the three of them for a long time. They were all really close friends of both you and Sam. Sam had been playing with Caitlin since she was 15, she was in your wedding for god's sake- it wasn't a far fetched idea to have them want to do something so big for you both. But with the three of them together, you weren't really sure how successful your baby shower would be.
You and Sam were completely shut out of the planning side of things. They told you nothing, and you mean literally nothing. Alanna had made the invites before even asking (or telling) Sam if they could plan the shower, claiming that she had an untapped passion for graphic design or something like that. All the information on there was all you got.
The shower was going to be held at your home in Perth during Matildas camp for the World Cup. That way all of Sam's teammates could be there and so could your families. A few of Sam's teammates from Chicago would fly out, Mackenzie ensuring their arrivals. By the time the shower came around you had been shunned away to Sam's parents house to get ready for your day.
Alanna had taken the liberty of finding you a dress, knowing exactly the kind of clothes that you would feel comfortable but confident in at 3 months pregnant. You slipped on your outfit and were subtly impressed with what Alanna had chosen for you.
"Wow, hello you" You couldn't help yourself but to let a smile fall upon your lips as Sam wolf-whistled at you as she came into her old bedroom. You were stood in front of the mirror, fixing up your hair before you left for the baby shower. Sam was dressed in a beige button up shirt with a pattern on it paired with some white linen shorts that you loved her in. She looked so gorgeous.
"Do you like it?" You asked, giving her a little spin.
"You look incredibly beautiful" She nodded softly as she grabbed hold of your hips and pulled you in closer. She placed a quick kiss on your lips before pulling away and hovering over them again. "Like stunning" She whispered, before kissing you again.
"I love you" You leant your forehead against hers, not wanting this moment to pass from you both.
"I love you more" She smiled.
"Are you two ready to head off?" Rox called up the stairs. You were driving in with Rox and Maddie, who were both waiting for you two downstairs.
"Yep! Give us like five minutes" Sam called back. You chuckled and leant into her embrace, leaning against her as she held you tight.
"Are you excited?" Sam said quietly, trying her best to saviour your time together before you went into a sea of people for the late morning.
"I'm more so nervous to see what they've done to our house" You closed your eyes and imagined the chaos that could only be caused by Cait, Alanna and Mackenzie.
"It's just a brunch babe" Sam kissed your forehead, already knowing what you were thinking. "Worst thing could be that they haven't put coasters out on the table" She admitted.
"It's really nice timber, Sam" You defended yourself and your over-protectiveness of your breakfast bar. Sam had it custom made for you when you said that you had always wanted one. It really was your first child in a way.
"Don't worry, I already warned Cait about the timber" Sam droned, rolling her eyes at you. "She's said she'll protect it with her life".
"She better" You raised your eyebrows.
"I doubt she would mess with Mrs Kerr" Sam smacked your bum lightly before leading you out from her childhood room and into the car.
"Oh I love it when you call me that"
You couldn't stop the butterflies in your belly from fluttering around, although you weren't sure if you baby was just moving around more than usual. The house looked amazing when you pulled up at the front. The garden had been decked out in balloons, a sign next to the front door that said 'Y/N & SAM'S BABY SHOWER' in a beautiful handwritten font.
You held your hands over your mouth in shock as you got out of the car with Sam's help. "Oh my god it looks so good," You could've sworn that there were tears welling up in your eyes.
Before you could even take it in fully, Alanna, Mackenzie and Caitlin opened the front door and cheered for your arrival.
"It looks so good!" You exclaimed, bringing all of them in for a bone-crushing hug. You were beyond impressed and far past grateful.
"We clean up nice" Macca chuckled, hugging you tightly.
"Do you wanna like have some faith in us?" Alanna laughed, rolling her eyes at you.
"I was nervous" You admitted, shrugging awkwardly.
"She was so nervous" Sam reiterated.
"Trust the process, Y/N" Caitlin said before leading both you and Sam inside.
The house looked amazing. There were fresh flowers throughout the entry way with more decorations strung up. You spied a few games set up on various tables before entering the back garden. You had to have had over thirty girls waiting for you and Sam in the back garden. Your close friends were there, as well as lots of Sam's teammates, members of your family sprinkled throughout.
You squealed as you spied some of your older friends who you hadn't had the chance to see in a while. Sam smiled as she watched you catch up with your mates, looking radiant.
"It looks just amazing guys," Sam brought the three of her friends in for a hug. "Thank you so so much" She smiled.
"We need to start charging for events I reckon" Macca chuckled.
"Oh yeah, definitely" Cait nodded in agreeance.
"So what do you need from me?" Sam asked, ready to go into mum-mode and help out her girls for the morning.
"Nothing" Cait shrugged. "Can you relax skip? It's your baby shower. Go sit with your wife and chill. Brunch will be out soon"
"How did you manage to order so much food for so early" Sam asked, the curiosity eating inside at her.
"We're making it" Caitlin said.
"Wait, what?"
You would be lying if you said you weren't nervous that Caitlin might burn down your kitchen. There seemed to be lots of raised voices coming from inside your home, majority coming from Lani telling the girls that they had been cooking the bacon for too long. A few of Sam's teammates offered their help. Emily headed in and started to bring out what was hot (and not burnt) with Steph running inside to save the day- her mimosa in hand.
Everyone was determined to not let you inside and look at the carnage you were convinced was happening in your kitchen. Instead, Sam just held your hand and distracted you by talking with your friends and family.
Soon enough, brunch was served and you were pleasantly surprised. Macca ended up coming out late to eat, still with an apron on, claiming she was just tidying up a little. You knew there was probably more than a little bit of tidying to do, and you were okay with that.
Since being pregnant, you found yourself needing more control over situations, but right now in this moment you were grateful that you and Sam had such beautiful friends who were willing to, not only put on such events for you both, but to make sure you were relaxed and enjoying yourself as they did.
After brunch the games began. Caitlin had the idea of a blindfolded nappy change race. You never thought you would see Hayley Raso facing off against Lydia Williams in who could change a baby doll's nappy the fastest. Lydia smoked her for the record.
Alanna had hidden baby photos of you and Sam around the garden for guests to find. To say you were shocked to have a picture of two-year-old sam sitting in your esky was an understatement.
Mackenzie wanted everyone to decorate a one-suit for your bub. You had Clare Polkinghorne claiming hers was the best as she drew a little tillies kit with her number on the back on hers. Sam tried her best to draw little hearts all around hers, but ended up with some red splotches more so than hearts- you loved it.
The shower went on for a while, way longer than you would have anticipated. It was an absolute hit and you were so grateful to have had to thrown for you.
As the night was winding down you found Cait, Macca and Lani cleaning up the kitchen together so you and Sam wouldn't have to.
"Hey," You said as the girls all turned around to face you. "Thank you so much for today. You have no idea how much it means to me that you guys did all of this"
"Stop it!" Macca exclaimed, reaching out to put a hand on your growing bump. "This is our niece of nephew we're talking about! Of course we wanted to do this" She gave you an extra squeeze before grabbing her dishes again to wash.
"I'm just so so happy" You looked at them all.
"So you had a good time?" Alanna asked, bringing you in for another hug.
"Such a good time" You smiled as you leant against her shoulder. You were so grateful.
"Good we're glad," She smiled at you once you pulled away, "Now get out of the kitchen so you don't combust watching Mackenzie attempt to wash dishes" She nodded over at Mackenzie who was trying her best to scrap at a pan that had definitely seen better days.
You offered them all another thank you before heading out into the garden again. You could here Mackenzie start to bicker with Alanna as you left.
"I'm actually really good at washing dishes" She defended herself.
"Not sure if that's really a brag there Macca" Lani shot back.
It became late in the afternoon before everyone had really started to head off. You and Sam were left sat in the back garden together, watching Macca, Caitlin and Lani as they picked up the last few things around the house.
"They're so good to us" You smiled, leaning your head against Sam's shoulder.
"They're good chicks" Sam nodded, never having felt so content that she did in that moment.
"Can't believe in six months we'll have a baby" You marvelled.
"Can't believe in six months our baby is going to have more than three aunties" She scoffed.
"That's on you there skip" You raised your eyebrows at her as a smirk grew on her lips.
"What can I say?" She shrugged, "I've got good teammates".
"The best teammates"
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mysticstronomy · 27 days
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024.
Welcome back,
What might we find: little green men or microbes? How might we find them: radio waves or strange chemicals in the planet's atmosphere? Something no one has even thought of yet?
Over the decades, scientists considering the possibility of life beyond Earth have pondered what such life might look like, how humans might be able to identify it from afar — and whether communication between the two worlds might be possible.
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That thinking has included developing classification systems ready to fill with aliens. One such system is called the Kardashev scale, after the Soviet astronomer who proposed it in 1964, and evaluates alien civilizations based on the energy they can harness.
The Kardashev scale is a classification system for hypothetical extraterrestrial civilizations. The scale includes three categories based on how much energy a civilization is using.
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Kardashev describes type I as a "technological level close to the level presently attained on the Earth," type II as "a civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star" and type III as "a civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy."
Each type also includes a numerical cut-off for the energy involved, but those weren't arbitrary cut-offs. "He used things that are easy to visualize," Valentin Ivanov, an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory who has built on Kardashev's work, told Space.com.
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"I'm almost tempted to say it's a publicity stunt, these comparisons that he uses to make it easier for people to understand."
Kardashev's scale is included in a five-page paper published in 1964 and called "Transmission of information by extraterrestrial civilizations." (The paper was originally published in Russian, but an English translation was published the same year.)
Although the scale is what caught people's imaginations, "Transmission of information by extraterrestrial civilizations" focuses on calculating how powerful a light signal from any point of the universe would need to be for radio scientists at the time to detect it.
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This value is also the numerical cut-off for the energy use of a type II civilization.
Nikolai Kardashev was a Soviet and Russian astrophysicist who died in 2019. Kardashev was roughly contemporary with early search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) leaders like Frank Drake, who published his famous equation three years before Kardashev's paper; Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison, who predicted what an extraterrestrial signal might look like; and Freeman Dyson, who pondered ways alien civilizations could surpass the limits of a planet.
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In addition to his scale, Kardashev developed a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI), which uses a global network of radio dishes as one radio telescope the size of Earth. Perhaps most famously, VLBI is used by the Event Horizon Telescope to observe black holes, including producing the first ever black hole image, published in 2019.
Kardashev also proposed supplementing Earth-based network VLBI observatories with space-based telescopes to increase its observing power even more. He advocated for the Russian mission RadioAstron, which launched in 2011, to do just this sort of work, according to a review of VLBI developments.
Originally published on https://www.space.com
(Saturday, August 31st, 2024)
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venusmage · 4 months
Commission/Life update for 2024
EDIT 9/16/24
As of now I've resolved around 15 commissions since this post was made at the start of June! This is much faster than I was going the past year. They're going well and I thank everyone again who has been so patient and kind. I've gotten nothing but kindness as a response to the wait, even from those who have been waiting for over a year by now. Thank you.
I recently started two new jobs and school again, so I'm a little busy. BUT everyone is (albeit not at a super fast speed) moving up in queue! Once the owed "Full" commissions are done, I expect to get through Sketch Coms even faster and currently I'm at a good pace to be done by the end of the year.
The best days to reach me are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the moment. Otherwise it might take me a day or so to get back to you. I work on my own projects on the weekends to preserve my sanity, lol! Just know if I'm drawing something else, I haven't forgotten my queue!
Original post:
Just want everyone to know I AM okay now and life has gotten better recently. However the past year and a half have been extremely difficult and I'm only now getting back on my feet. I generally don't like sharing life details publicly, but as a freelancer with clients that have been waiting for a while I feel like transparency is key.
If you don't want an explanation for the delays and just want to know my completion timeline, that's totally okay. Here is all the info up front. I'm going to continue updating my commission queue as usual and will not be accepting any more orders until ALL of the queue is completed. I'm working on finishing the half and full bodies first since they've been the longest waiting in queue. Then the rest. I don't have a set date in mind for when they'll be all done for good but the goal is by the end of the year. I think that's more than doable for me now. If you're a client of mine and have questions/concerns, please message me either here or on Discord and I'll do my best to help you. My username on discord is the same as my Tumblr username. Twitter and Ko-Fi are also options but I don't check them as frequently. I usually work Monday-Thursday so that will be the best time to shoot me a message or expect an update to the queue.
Information on what's been going on is below.
CW for mentions of death, financial hardship and homophobia.
As a few of you might remember, in 2019 I was disowned by my mother for being a lesbian. I made the choice to go no-contact. Since then, up until LAST YEAR, she's routinely harassed me or had other family harass me, stalked me on social media, tried to get to me through the website I take commission orders, and threatened me multiple times. I was forced to move across the country both because I felt unsafe and because my partner had family elsewhere that were more accepting. I've had to change my phone number twice.
It's been extremely difficult both financially and mentally to keep my head above water. In 2021 my grandfather died and I still haven't felt like I've been able to properly grieve. I wasn't able to see him due to her and I wasn't invited to his funeral. We were very close and he meant the world to me. In 2023 my grandmother passed away very suddenly as well, and my mother used it as an excuse to harass me over ko-fi/my professional email. It was such a horrific experience that I fell into a months long spiral that I only just now feel like I'm climbing out of. This is when commissions first stalled. I was also starting to get overwhelmed, as I had to take on more work than I could realistically handle in order to pay bills and rent. That's really it - I just had to take more orders so we weren't kicked out of our apartment, and as my mental state deteriorated I couldn't keep up.
The good news is that my wife and moved earlier this year we're living with supportive(!) family now and our financial burden is much lighter. This gives me time to work on my backlog without re-opening. I'm also going to school again, back in college starting this summer for a second degree. For my own health after commissions are finished I'm likely going to take a break on opening them for a good while, even though I really enjoy doing them.
In the past two months amazing and not-amazing things have happened. The amazing thing is I got an ADHD diagnosis, something I didn't even know had been ruining my life for years. I'm still getting used to the proper medications but I'm already seeing a big improvement. It's as much of a relief as it is frustrating. My mother also reared her head again (like she usually does at least once a year) - this time, though, I learned she'd had a stroke. While I'm not involved with her anymore, I think most people could understand how it would still be a very weird and upsetting situation. As of right now I'm free of her once again, she seems to be making a good recovery and will hopefully continue to live a happy life far away from me. Still, those two things back to back have been a LOT to deal with on top of just trying to get better in general. I stepped away from the internet for a while for my own sanity.
The downside to being a freelancer is that there's not always a safety net. That's what happened to me. Thank you all very much for being kind and patient, I genuinely have had nothing but polite interactions with all of you and I really appreciate it. I'm sorry my personal bullshit got in the way of getting my work done for you. This is the longest I've ever taken to complete commissions and it's something that I'm deeply ashamed of. I promise they will get done. Being medicated and starting to recover from the family drama has revitalized me a bit. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.
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tonystarksproperty · 3 months
ꜱᴍᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ʙʏ ᴄʜᴀᴍᴘꜱ | ʀ.ʀᴇɪɢɴꜱ & ꜱ.ʙᴀɴᴋꜱ
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its 5am sigh..
my friend irl who wants to stay anon wanted me to write smut for these 2. at first i didnt see the hype but after some research, these two own my heart
lmk if this is my calling to write for wrestling
poc female reader
grab a snack girlies cuz this is kinda long
warnings: 18+ content, sexual tension, fingering, teasing, you being a bad bitch, sasha & roman being annoying, but they're heels so its okay, plus theres fluff, little bit of angst, cursing, wrestling violence. threesome, face-sitting, cunnilingus, aftercare, dom/sub, flirting(?), f/f/m.
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*takes place in 2020-2021*
After Survivor Series in 2019, a whole bunch of upcoming superstars debuted on the main roster, you being one of them. You developed such a name and fanbase for yourself, especially after your triple threat match at NXT Takeover. Ever since you were young, you admired wrestling and now you finally had the spotlight you deserved.
You and a few more friends from NXT got drafted to Smackdown, at first you were a bit intimidated, especially after such an epic return from Roman Reigns at Summer Slam 2020 or a crazy betrayal from Sasha Banks to Bayley. But after a year and a half on the main roster, you were finally getting used to it.
You exited Vince McMahon's office and continue to stroll backstage of the WWE Thunderdome. You had just found out that you have a match tonight. A #1 contender's match for the WWE Womens Smackdown Championship against Bianca Belair. You were scheduled to lose. It was rough, you haven't had an opportunity for a title in forever, but business is business. You strolled around the corner and accidentally bumped into someone who seem to be heading for McMahon's office. "Crap, my bad." you apologized before looking up and actually shitting in your pants.
Roman Reigns. Roman Fucking Reigns. And He looked mad pissed. "Shit." you accidentally cursed out loud, meaning to just say that in your head. "You better watch where the hell you're going or there won't be a next time for you in this place." he threatened maliciously. You scrunched your face in anger. Who did he think he was? Paul was to his side, making the most cringiest face you've ever seen. It was hard not to stifle a laugh. However, you scoffed at his threat. "You can't do anything, man. You may be Vince's favorite but that doesn't mean everyone respects you around here. Just ask Kevin Owens." You spat back with a smirk before purposely bumping into Paul then walking the hell away.
You heard Paul grunt when you made contact with him and had the most shocked face ever. "That newbie is getting too comfortable around here." Paul spoke to his tribal chief who was clearly impressed by your remark. "Wiseman." Roman spoke in such a rough tone that caused the stubby man to stand in attention. "Yes, my tribal chief." Paul stammered quickly. "Go get her." Roman said before departing to Vince's office with a small smirk tugging at the side of his plump lips.
You sped walked when you thought were out of sight. Your heart rate definitely increased as well as your blood pressure.
You just told off Roman Reigns.
You just told off ROMAN FUCKING REIGNS.
You opened the women's locker room and closed the door almost immediately. Sighing knowing you were now in a more comfortable atmosphere.
Until you weren't.
"You just always slam doors around here?!"
You sigh before turning your body fully to the woman you had issues with since you got here. Sasha Banks. Her arms were crossed as her right eyebrow rose in the most judgmental way possible. You had no idea what started your "beef", but you never entertained her, maybe that is what the problem is. You're here to wrestle and get your money and not to end her entire career. "Where are the others?" you asked, taking note of the empty locker room and ignoring her stupid comment. "Don't ignore me, bitch! I'm the legit boss—" she said while moving her hands and popping her mouth.
Here she goes again. The wonderful "I'm the legit boss, I'm the Smackdown Women's Champion..." blah blah blah bullshit. "Imma just head to culinary." you interrupted her mid-speech that caused her to open her mouth in shock. "Oh nah, nah, nah, NO! I know you did not just interrupt me. The champ?" She said while getting in your face. She has never done that before. "Oh, my fucking— Bitch, I don't give a fuck what you are!" You yelled back, quickly matching her energy.
Unfortunately, she wasn't expecting you to actually clap back, you never did. "Fuck out my face." you pushed her before swiftly opening the door to the women's locker room and making your way down to culinary. Fuck that bitch, always has something to say when no one says anything. You opened the door and smiled at the sight of your co-workers. Some greeting you with hugs and others with a simple wave. You walked over to where the food was being dished out and grabbed a couple of fruit and some of your favorite cheat-day snacks and put it on a plate.
You noticed Bianca, Kevin, Sami, Nia and Shayna were all sitting at the same table. Bianca waved you over with a gleaming smile. You walked over and snagged a seat to the right of Bianca and left of Kevin. "Girl, did you hear the news about the match tonight?" she asked while taking a bite of her salad. You put on the best smile you could. "Absolutely, girl. Proud of you, you deserve it. Get that damn title f'me, m'kay?" You said while punching her shoulder lightly. "Of course, girl. It's about time that the EST become champ!" she says gleefully. You grinned at her funny expression.
You looked at Kevin who took a drink of his water. You and him were close friends back in NXT before he moved up to the main roster. "What about you? You gonna be the one to finally shut that bitch up for good?" you say while elbowing his side a bit that caused him to chuckle. "Aye! Not too much on my cousin, girl." Nia was quick to say while you flipped her off with a giggle as she did the same.
Right when Kevin was going to say something, a certain stubby man cut him off. "Only someone worthy will "shut" the tribal chief up for good. And I fear that Mr. Owens is not the suitable candidate." Paul says out of nowhere that caused everyone to look at him stank.
He was quick to notice the atmosphere before bending down to your ear. "The Tribal Chief would like to speak with you." he whispered while you looked over at him judgmentally. "Tell him, fuck no." you whispered back while batting your eyelashes at the older man. His eyes widen in a way that almost caused you to laugh. "You're monstrous!" Paul yelled while quickly waddling away.
The group at the table laughed at the short man antics. "Yeah, I get that a lot!" You yelled at him with a giggle before rolling your eyes. "Dang, (name). What does Roman have on you?" Sami asked, genuinely concerned. You just swung your hand as if you were slapping a fly at his comment. "Man, I don't know. Nia's family is crazy." You said while smirking over to Nia who was now rolling her eyes. "Not as crazy as your ex." She remarks slyly before bursting out laughing. You did as well. Nia and you both casted on Total Divas late before you moved back down to developmental for more training.
A bunch of cameramen came in and told everyone the show was starting. You tried your best to hide your disappointment because you wanted to be happy for Bianca, but all you could see was yourself winning the contenders match and finally shutting Sasha up for good, but Bianca always did have heavy hits. You and the ladies walked to the locker room to gear up for tonight's show.
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You and Bianca would be closing the show as the main event. It was actually great; it's been a while since women main evented shows on Smackdown ever since Bayley's and Sasha's feud. The main events were just the Bloodline vs Kevin Owens. Not like it really bothered you, it was a pretty good storyline. Now all decked out, you were ready to perform. You and Bianca were standing in the guerilla, waiting for your cues to go out.
You both did your signature handshake and wished each other luck as Vince went over specific rules that were targeted towards you.
Bianca was always sooo smooth and on point in the ring. You sometimes get a bit "passionate" according to Vince and get reckless, even injuring your opponent but you promised to be on your best behavior because Bianca needed to be in perfect health to fight Sasha.
"The following match is scheduled for one fall! It is the #1 contender match for the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship!"
The producers hit Bianca's music and gave her the cue to go out. She high fived you before walking smoothly out of the guerilla.
"Introducing first, From Knoxville, Tennessee: Biaaancaaa Belairrrr!"
"Bianca Belair, definitely an upcoming champion and has the title that everyone is talking about in her sights, what do you think, Corey?"
"Well, Cole. I definitely think that Bianca is one hundred and ten percent champion material, but we shouldn't count out her competition just yet. Everyone in the women's locker room has Bianca in their view as well as the championship, especially her opponent here tonight."
Looking over at the small screen that was held up in the guerilla, you see Bianca doing her signature dance while swinging her braid crazily. You giggled at her foolishness as she got into the ring.
The producers hit your music and gave your cue. Just when you about to walk out, you felt a sharp sting on your ass. You stumbled a bit then catching balance and ready to curse out the person who has no manners. You actually were shocked at the person. Sasha, grinning madly like the crazy person she was while giving you a small wave. You gave her back a scowl.
"(Name), you're on!" one of the producers said, regaining your attention. You sighed before making your way to the curtain. You turn back and looked over at a smirking Sasha. "I'll get you later." you mouthed. "We'll see." she mouthed back. You rolled your eyes before catching Roman walking into the guerilla and standing tall next to Sasha. They both were definitely burning holes through your head.
Creepy. You thought.
You walked out and did your signature entrance, trying to shake off the haters. Literally.
"And her opponent, from (hometown), (state). The Essence: (Wrestler Name)!"
"Now let's talk about the Essence, guys. (Wrestler name) has always proven to be one of the best WWE Superstars throughout her entire WWE career with her dedication and creative moves."
"I know that's right, Cole! Go whoop her (BLEEP), (Wrestler Name)!"
"Pat, get off the table!"
"Something tells me Bianca isn't going to hold back on (Wrestler Name) because they're friends."
You were given a good pop; you were sure that's how the online viewers knew you were bound to lose.
Now that you and Bianca were in the ring. It was time for the timekeeper to ring the bell. You and Bianca shook hands before backing into specific corners of the ring, waiting for the bell. The ring-announcer stepped down from the ring and towards the steps.
You and Bianca both looked confused because the bell never rung. Instead, a familiar entrance came onto the speakers and captivated the whole arena into cheers and some boos. You rolled your eyes as Sasha did her beat drop dance and strutted towards the ring.
You could just tell this was her idea that Vince approved on since absolutely no one told you or Bianca.
"I guess we have some company tonight. Making her way down the ramp towards the commentary table is the Smackdown's Women's Champion herself: Sasha Banks!"
"Smart move from the champ. Scouting out the competition, calculating the impressive moves and skills of these two ladies who can be qualified to win a title shot."
The bell rung. Bianca ran at you with full speed; you were dazed by Sasha strutting to the commentary table that your got slammed into the turnbuckle. You held your head, collecting your vision as Bianca hoisted you up, preparing for a vertical suplex. You jumped off and hit her with a knee jab.
"Sasha, welcome! Any thoughts on these two ladies who are competing for a title shot at your championship?"
"You know, Cole. These two don't scare me. Whether it's Bianca or (Wrestler Name), no one can beat the legit boss."
"I got to ask, Sasha. You posted a tweet out, targeting (Wrestler Name) on Twitter, and I quote "Don't be mad that you're not the one." Can you elaborate on that?"
"Now, I'm not sure if you heard, Cole, but (Wrestler Name) been coming for the boss ever since her debut. I don't even know what I did but no matter what I always finish it."
You had Bianca in the head lock as you both leaned towards the ropes that was the closest to the commentary table, you overheard what she said, getting pissed and distracted quickly. Bianca took the opportunity and pushed you to the ropes across and slammed into you and went for the pin that you quickly kicked out of.
You see Bianca slam onto the mat in anger while you were still stunned. You were letting yourself get distracted by Sasha that you totally forgot about the match. Even if you were destined to lose, you definitely should've been on your game. You quickly stood back to your feet and hit Bianca with a back to back clotheslines, leaping to the rope and performing a perfect neck breaker.
"Look at the Essence showing some dominance in this matchup!"
You looked over at Sasha and walked over to the ropes near commentary and pointed at her title. "Your title is mine!" you screamed while setting up for your finisher. Little did you know, Sasha got up from commentary and grabbed your ankle from the apron, slamming you down face first onto the mat. It happened so fast; you couldn't even protect your face for the impact.
Fuck. That actually fucking hurt. You thought
"Looks like the Boss already knows who she wants to face."
You quickly got up and exchanged a screaming session with Sasha that you didn't see Bianca pull you into a roll up.
"Shoulders down! 1, 2, 3!"
"Looks like we know whose going after the title for sure."
"I call hacks! The essence was ready to end this matchup!"
You sat back in the middle of the mat as Bianca's music played throughout the arena. You furiously pulled yourself together before staring blankly at the champion who was smirking proudly. You needed to get the hell out of there before you really sock a bitch.
You rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp to the guerilla to allow a quick segment between Sasha and Bianca to emerge.
You pulled the curtain to be greeted by Vince McMahon who looked very apologetic. "Why didn't you say something?! I could've atleast prepared myself." you asked while putting both hands on your hips to prevent you from hitting your boss. "Sasha thought it could add more to the storyline and it was a last-minute decision. But you killed it out there, kid! Keep it up!" he said while patting your shoulder then going back behind the one of the production screens. You rolled your eyes annoyingly before walking towards the women's locker room.
Of fucking course it was Sasha, convincing Vince it was a "storyline" that girl actually hated your guts. She never let you forget it. As you walked the halls, a handful of your coworkers congratulated you on an impressive match. Naomi says the storyline was very convincing, well if only she known. By the time you made it to the entrance of the locker room, Heyman was there with a sadistic smile. You approached him unfortunately. "Excuse me." you said somewhat politely, wanting to grab your things so you could leave for the night.
However, Paul just stood there, almost like a robot. "Paul, move. I need to grab my shit." you said again, clearly pissed off at the match you just had. He jumped slightly at your change of attitude before nodding his head no. "The tribal chief would like to see you, now." Paul spoke while adjusting his collar. You crossed your arms. "Oh, my fucking—fine! If gets you to stop fucking following me everywhere, shit!" you said while stomping towards the other side of the hall.
Since Roman was one of Vince's favorites and 'the' champ, he got his own exclusive locker room in the ThunderDome. Everyone knew where it was, since it was the biggest damn room in the dome. You stood in front of the door as Paul opened it, letting you in and quickly closing it. There he was. Sitting man-spread on one of the leather chairs staring up at the screen. On the screen displayed a replay about the terrible match you just had.
You cleared your throat. But he didn't acknowledge you. "Listen man, if you're going to give me the silent treatment, I can just take my ass out of here." you spat, clearly fed up with everyone and their antics today. His gaze traced over to you, and it sent chills down your spine. His piercing-like gaze was so intimidating to you, especially with those beautiful chocolate eyes. "Don't get mad at me because you loss your match." he said bluntly while staring back at the screen.
You rolled your eyes and turned towards the door until it opened, revealing Sasha. "Now what, bro?!" you screeched, you've had enough of her today. "You're so mad at a match you knew you weren't going to win. Unlike me, I always win." Sasha said while running her eyes down your body. It almost made you gag. "Alright, laugh it up for now. We both know that title is gonna be mine sooner than later." you countered, you were now the one smirking.
She scowled before trailing her eyes down your ring attire. "You stepped your ring game up, I see. Wasn't sure you could've pulled anything off since you're always hiding all the time." she smirked while tracing her fingernails over your left breast top that composed of your wrestler name. "You 'callin me sexy, champ?" you smirked, hoping to out-cringe her, but to your shock she just closed the distance and stepped closer, her face just centimeters away from yours. "And other things." she whispered while playing with your jawline.
You were actually getting flustered. How did this chick have such an effect on you? You backed up a bit. "Okay, girly. It's all fun and games until you start something you can't finish." You backed up a bit more, only for your back to run into a broad wall. "Oh, I definitely can't," Sasha admitted before smirking over at you seductively. You turn your head back to look up over at the Head of the Table himself. "But I can." Roman said, in a low, monotone voice that definitely made your thighs press together instinctively.
You turn your full body around to face him. Trying to gather words and comprehend what the fuck was going on? These two had to be joking, it must be national fuck around with (name) day or something. "Oh..." was all that you could murmur from your lips. This caused Sasha to giggle abruptly while Roman smirked at your sudden confusion. "That's all you have to say? 'Oh.' Maybe 'Yes, champs.' Come on, girly. Speak now or we could just pretend this never happened." Sasha said almost shamelessly while dragging you to one of the couches while massaging your sore joints.
Fuck, she was making you choose.
Your lip quivered as your struggled to get words out. You were forced to leaned back against the leather couch as Sasha soon began kissing your neck roughly. "Fuucck..." you moaned out lowly, as her lips worked magic against you. "Shit, that was actually hot." she whispered against your skin while her lips lightly grazed over yours. You were so focused on Sasha, you didn't notice Roman kneeling down before you, his colossal yet calloused hands gripping your knees, forcing you to present yourself.
His eyes pierce your soul as you gripped the leather beneath you. Struggling to find self-control in this situation. "Answer her." he commanded while taking a bite of your right inner thigh that caused you to tense up. "Uhm..yes..." you answered but your voice was barley a whisper from the embarrassment. "Yes who?" Sasha murmured against your earlobe before harshly sucking your sweet spot.
You lips closed again; it was so degrading. To submit to them. But your mind wondered intrudingly of the wonders of what the night would be like if you did submit to them. It took another bite on your other inner thigh by Roman to get you back to your senses. "Time is ticking. Look at him, you're making him wait." Sasha began yet again, moving your foot to Roman's apparent boner, pushing pressure down on it. Fuck, he's big, but those pants really needed to come off. He grunted a bit and glared at Sasha in slight annoyance.
You wondered if they ever hooked up.
You moved your head and averted your gaze away from them, this was actually embarrassing for you but so normal for them. "Yes, champs." you muttered before hiding your face on the cold leather of the couch. "Man...all that buildup is so dramatic." Sasha says while rolling her eyes while Roman unties your ring boots. You were now the one glaring at her. She smirked before grasping the back of your head, entrancing her fingers within your scalp and pulled you into a very long yet rough kiss. By the time Roman was done with your ring boots, he took off your socks while planting loving kisses down your calves to the brink of your ankles, soon to your polished toenails.
You shivered from his contact as you continued to fight Sasha for dominance, but she had already gotten the upper hand. She finally took her mouth off of yours before smirking with traces of your saliva on the side of her mouth. "Looks like I win." she states while wiping her mouth. "Everything is a competition with you...." you muttered while turning your attention to Roman who was surprisingly being gentle with you. You reached down to touch his beautiful locks, but his eyes shifted from your smooth legs up to you. You hesitated but something about his eyes gave you a look of assurance as you massaged his head.
You looked over at Sasha who just continuously stared. "I don't get it." you started as Roman began planting kisses on your other calve. "You two are assholes to me. What changed your minds?" you asked while removing your hand from Roman and returned to your lap. Sasha shrugged. "I don't know. Just to get your attention." she answered while pressing a kiss to your knuckle. "You can get my attention by being nice and not a dick, you know." you answered while taking your hand back with a rough demeanor. This caused Roman to laugh. "Where's the fun in that?" he asked while standing to his feet, towering over you and Sasha.
Sasha stood up right next to him with crossed arms. "What are yall 'thinkin...?" you asked hesitantly, almost intimidated by the glint in their eyes. They both exchanged glances before turning their attention back at you. Sasha pulled you to feet and soon switched your positions, so she was sitting. "Just give this a chance. Let the champs take care of you tonight." she implied while giving another smack to your ass that caused you to jump. "Stop doing that!" you barked as you turned to her. "She's right. Just for tonight." Roman repeated in your ear that sent chills down your spine.
Good chills.
You sighed while nodding slowly. Roman gently set you down in the middle of Sasha's legs as she spread on the material in front of you. "I usually do foreplay but tonight can be special." Sasha began as Roman began to remove your ring gear. "I doubt you even know what foreplay is, champ." you snickered before looking over at Roman. You were actually amazed on the gentleness the 'Tribal Chief: Head of the Table' was showing for you. When you became bare to them, Sasha couldn't help but lick her dry lips. "Put her on top of me, Roman. I know you're dying over there." Sasha says as Roman quickly set you on top of Sasha. "Shit, am I crushing you?" you asked, scared of hurting her. "Girl, I'm perfectly fine. I'd die happily behind this body." she says while gripping your jaw to face her and soon taking your lips back into hers as her hands explored your now naked body.
You noticed Roman itched closer, dangerously close to the valley of your legs that was covered with various love bites from him. He looked up at you in some sort of assurance that it was okay. You gave him a small nod since Sasha hadn't let go of your jaw. Your legs found themselves on his shoulders as Roman literally almost dragged you off of Sasha and let his tongue lick a stripe against your clit. You took Sasha out of your mouth as a loud moan slipped out. Roman gripped your hips and dragged you closer to his mouth as his tongue began ravishing you. "Fuck, Roman. Slow the fuck down!" you stammered in between moans, clearly not used to such intrusion. "I'm surprised he's not being more savage. Guess that means he likes you a lot." Sasha said her hands cupped your breast and began playing with your nipples.
You leaned your head back against Sasha's shoulder as she smirked over at your overwhelmed state. "Fuckk..." you moaned again, curling your toes as Roman's tongue felt soo damn good. Sasha hands soon went lower down your body and soon began rubbing your clit as Roman continued to eat you out. "Mpfhhhh..." you moaned while placing a fist over your mouth to hold your moans in. Nobody needed to know you guys were doing this. "You like this, huh? Letting the champs take care of you?" she teased, making you glare at her with a very annoyed side stare.
Your other hand instantly went over to Roman's head, in attempt to push him away as you approached your high. "If you don't...stop..." you merely spoke as you continuously let your champs have complete control of your body and its pleasure. "Looks like she's boutta blow, Rome." Sasha said she continued to swirl her fingers over your now overstimulated clit. After one long lick, Roman removed his mouth with a one sexy ass grin on his features. Right when were about to cum. "You guys...are no fun." you spoke breathlessly, almost pissed of not getting a long-awaited orgasm.
Sasha giggled before taking her fingers on a stripe across your pussy and bringing it her mouth. "Did you really think you were gonna cum without your champs?" she asked slyly while placing you off of her and began removing her clothes. You rolled her eyes at her comment before yet again turning your attention to Roman who went over to his bag and grabbed one singular condom.
You finally connected the dots. "You freaks planned this?!" you screeched while soon erupting in laughter. These horny 'champs' really needed a plan to seduce you? And did it by being assholes? "Laugh it up." Roman says while letting a small smile tug his lips. Sasha just rolled her eyes in embarrassment. You let Roman bring you to your knees in front of Sasha who was smirking like a jerk. "Heyyy." she teased while you were embracing her naked body.
How can someone be sexy as hell and annoying as hell? You thought
You heard a belt buckle behind you, now Roman was stripping. This caused both you and Sasha to be mesmerized by the beauty of this god-like Samoan. You just want to bite his muscles. "Jesus, your family genes are insane to me." she comments, taking in his built and muscular body. He just shrugged it off the best way he could, in reality, he was flushed that you both were attractive him.
He popped open the condom and put it on. "Ready for me, baby girl?" he asked spreading your legs wider. You inhaled sharply. You could feel him poking your thigh and fuck he feels huger than before. "I'm glad it's you and not me." she says while staring at his length in slight shock. "I'm going to be gentle." he says as he narrows his eyes at Sasha's bluntness. "No." you said that caused them both to look at you in shock. "I want it. I want you both to go nuts." you said bluntly. Your mind was truly clouded by built up lust. All that tension between these two definitely made you change your perspective on them. "Fuck, that was hot." she states while pulling your head down to her clit.
Roman didn't wait for you to react. He spread your folds and swiftly slammed himself into you harshly. He grunted and felt his body quivered from your tightness. "Fucckk, babygirl. You're tight as fuck.." he groans while thrusting into you as if you were the last fuck he'll ever have. You licked a stripe on her bare pussy before kissing her clit and sucked on her folds that coated with her slick. Sasha arched her back as she gripped your hair tightly. Roman's powerful thrusts literally pushed your body more against Sasha's.
You said you wanted them to be rough, not rough and fast.
He was quick to change his pace and sped up. The sound of both of your hips meeting was falling death within your ears as Sasha's toes curled from your tongue. "You're doing great, girly." she cooed, knowing it would make you speed your movements more. Everyone had a praise kink in some way. "Better than great." Roman added on that caused you to tighten your walls around his girth. This was a signal that you were ready to finally cum. "Not yet." he demands, you groaned in disappointment around Sasha's clit that's caused her to tighten her grip on your hair more. Roman noticed this and you earned a very harsh slap to your right asscheek. "Don't get bratty with me." he threatens.
You quickly fall in line. If this is how he is rough, you could imagine how he is brat taming, but that would be hot as hell. "Shit, I'm close." Sasha says while letting her moans come out her mouth shamelessly. You were actually glad your moans were silent, no one had to know you were here. Roman's brutal pace sped up too damn quickly, you swore he ripped something from within you. "Shit, cum. Cum right fucking now." he commanded. And so, you did. Sasha spasmed all her juices onto your tongue as Roman fixed your arch as he let himself spill into the condom.
You sighed before removing your mouth from Sasha's pussy. You looked drained; they really did a number on you. Roman pulled out and literally fell back on the floor and laid there for a good minute. Sasha looked back down at you a small smirk. Your face was coated with her essence and your salvia mixed together. She grabbed her shirt and wiped your face with it. "What now?" she asked, looking down at the man who was calming down from his high. He shrugged before fixing his hair. "How about a round two? At his hotel." you suggested that caused them both to look at you in shock again. "This time, I lead." you stated firmly, this caused Sasha to shake in excitement, she loved your dominant nature.
She nodded. "Sounds great to me." she agreed. You both looked over at the man who looked like he was gonna fall asleep. "Just give me five minutes." he said and soon fell into slumber. "Damn, I fucked him up." you said while looking over at a grinning Sasha. "Probably the best pussy he ever had." she said while dapping you up before pulling you up next to her as your sweaty bodies cuddled against each other.
This would be a long night.
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credz to @/tonystarkproperty
102 notes · View notes
About the commercial aspects of the the half in/out that they were proposing -
I think one of the biggest reasons they pushed so hard for megxit is because they already had some commercial.deals in the pipe line. And they were desperate that the money coming in from.those should go into their private accounts and not the royal foundation's account. They learnt this the hard way when they did the elephant documentary voiceover.
I strongly believe that Meghan was mad that the Disney money had to go into the foundation, and had to be used to for charity. I think this is where is all started and was a reason why William ordered the digital forensic investigation into the foundation accounts immediately after they left in fall 2019. And also why William split their household and the Sussexes were booted from the foundation.
By Nov/Dec 2019 they also had Quibi deal locked and were going to start working on it by March 2020 (Quibi then went caput in the pandemic so that never materialized, but they had no way of knowing that in late 2019). That money was going to be coming in and they needed it in their personal accounts.
Netflix was also likely in the pipeline, numbers were flying around and they needed to make sure that that money, coming in by mid/late 2020 by their estimates, would be private.
Oprah was also in talks with them. The Apple documentary was signed but Harry had to take permission from the queen for it. And he had to say it was as part of his work for Heads Together. He couldn't be listed as one of the producers in a rpicate capacity for that.
There was an Invictus documentary which had been shot by then, and was likely going to be aired on Amazon in 2020. The Sussexes knew about this documentary, but wanted to monetizeu in some way. Harry (and Meghan) had some sort of a claim on it, and in fact, when negotiations were happening with Netflix, this was part of the proposal. It's why this documentary was pulled from Amazon immediately after their Netflix deal was signed.
This original documentary, as it was made in 2020, never actually aired.
Anyway, so what I'm saying is that one of the reasons they were so heavy handed with their megxit manifesto is because they wanted to dictate the terms and get their way with how the commercial aspects of their deals with these would work in their favour. This is the part that wasn't allowed. All of the rest of it - the perks, the favours, the traveling, the holidaying, the redcarpets etc - would have been possible anyway.
Even having a home in California and staying there part of the year would have been ok. Meghan would have just thrown a tantrum and got away with it. It's the money part that did them in.
They weren't asking to be middlemen or commission agents the way Andrew or Prince Michael were doing. They wanted to be openly making money. And there's where in think Meghan's need for stardom and fame and riches did her in.
This was Meghan's dream and her brainchild. And the only way she could succeed in this is if she had Harry attached to her deals officially, because he was the draw. She realized it early on and maybe that's how her team even secured the deals. And that's why they had to megxit so dramatically. And that's why she had to break him away from his family.
If Harry was still close to his family back in 2019, in any capacity, then they would have eventually convinced him not make commercial deals in a private capai. It just wasn't done, and he understood that. But he came to believe that they were keeping him from shining bright and preventing him from using his potential. Lol
Old ask from February 24th
I think one of the biggest reasons they pushed so hard for megxit is because they already had some commercial.deals in the pipe line. And they were desperate that the money coming in from.those should go into their private accounts and not the royal foundation's account. They learnt this the hard way when they did the elephant documentary voiceover.
No, I don't think so. Because once the Sussexes left the Royal Foundation and set up their own charity (Sussex Royal), everything would have been coming through Sussex Royal. So any money or donations Meghan got for doing Disney's elephant documentary would have been sent to Sussex Royal.
The issue with Sussex Royal was that it wasn't set up the way the Sussexes wanted. I forget the specific details, but essentially the Sussexes wanted the organization to be X but it was actually set up as Y and being a Y-type of organization put some kind of other restrictions on what they could/couldn't do. (I want to say it had something to do with a board of directors, but I'm not sure.)
I strongly believe that Meghan was mad that the Disney money had to go into the foundation, and had to be used to for charity. I think this is where is all started and was a reason why William ordered the digital forensic investigation into the foundation accounts immediately after they left in fall 2019. And also why William split their household and the Sussexes were booted from the foundation.
By Nov/Dec 2019 they also had Quibi deal locked and were going to start working on it by March 2020 (Quibi then went caput in the pandemic so that never materialized, but they had no way of knowing that in late 2019). That money was going to be coming in and they needed it in their personal accounts.
This timeline is a little off. Here's the actual order of events, with a few other milestones:
William booted the Sussexes from KP in October/November 2018.
The household split in March 2019.
Also in early 2019 (according to the Daily Mail), the Quibi negotiations start. My theory is they start around the household split, perhaps when the Sussexes believe they have more privacy.
The Sussexes left the Royal Foundation in June 2019 and immediately launched the Sussex Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (aka "Sussex Royal").
The Lion King premiere was July 2019, but the Sussexes weren't paid for it.
Meghan recorded her voiceover for the Elephant documentary sometime during the fall of 2019 in London. The BRF sidelined the Sussexes right after Remembrance Day, and it's assumed they traveled immediately to the US for Thanskgiving and stayed there for a bit before going up to Vancouver for December and Christmas, so that means she recorded sometime between late September and early November of 2019.
Megxit and Sandringham Summit in January 2020. The Daily Mail says the Quibi negotiations break off in January 2020 too.
The Sussexes set up Archewell in March 2020.
The Sussex Royal Foundation changed its name to MWX Foundation in early July 2020.
But in late July 2020, MWX Foundation was dissolved and by August 5th, terminated.
Netflix was also likely in the pipeline, numbers were flying around and they needed to make sure that that money, coming in by mid/late 2020 by their estimates, would be private.
Oprah was also in talks with them. The Apple documentary was signed but Harry had to take permission from the queen for it. And he had to say it was as part of his work for Heads Together. He couldn't be listed as one of the producers in a rpicate capacity for that.
I think Netflix and Oprah entered the picture by November-ish 2019 when the Sussexes were in the US for Thanksgiving. Since it sounds like the Sussexes stopped the Quibi negotiations, they wouldn't have done that without having Plan B on the hook, so they had to have been well into discussions with at least Netflix for that deal.
And remember, the BRF had legit concerns about Meghan dialing into the Sandringham Summit to attend virtually. They were concerned that she could record the meeting without their knowing or have other people with her also listening in without their knowing. That they had these concerns to begin with suggests that they were very aware of deals being made or deals being discussed.
There was an Invictus documentary which had been shot by then, and was likely going to be aired on Amazon in 2020. The Sussexes knew about this documentary, but wanted to monetizeu in some way. Harry (and Meghan) had some sort of a claim on it, and in fact, when negotiations were happening with Netflix, this was part of the proposal. It's why this documentary was pulled from Amazon immediately after their Netflix deal was signed. This original documentary, as it was made in 2020, never actually aired.
I think the Invictus documentary was made with the BRF's support and that's why it has never been broadcast. If it had a 2020 air date, then it most likely would have been filmed in 2019 (though I suspect there was a lot of footage from the 2018 Sydney IG) when Harry was with the BRF.
I don't think there's copyright issues or anything like that involved; I think it's more of a money issue. For instance, ecause the BRF notoriously does not accept payment - or donates any payment they get to charity - for this kind of thing, had the original Invictus documentary gone through, the Sussexes wouldn't have been able to profit from it. So it was shelved.
Anyway, so what I'm saying is that one of the reasons they were so heavy handed with their megxit manifesto is because they wanted to dictate the terms and get their way with how the commercial aspects of their deals with these would work in their favour. This is the part that wasn't allowed. All of the rest of it - the perks, the favours, the traveling, the holidaying, the redcarpets etc - would have been possible anyway.
Even having a home in California and staying there part of the year would have been ok. Meghan would have just thrown a tantrum and got away with it. It's the money part that did them in.
I disagree. The BRF would never set them up with a second home in California, no matter how big a tantrum Meghan threw. The offer would have been for anywhere in the realms or the Commonwealth if they wanted the BRF to handle the bills and/or security. What probably would have happened was they'd split their time three ways; part of the year in Britain royalling, part of the year at their second home in the realms/Commonwealth, and then verrrry long stretches of time "on sabbatical" or "working" in the US.
I do agree that they presented the Megxit Manifesto as fait accompli because of the commercial deals. My tinhat theory (though not that tinhatty when you really think about it) is that they had a bunch of contracts/deals already signed, or close to being signed, so they structured the manifesto that way to preserve those deals but the BRF called their bluff on it.
They weren't asking to be middlemen or commission agents the way Andrew or Prince Michael were doing. They wanted to be openly making money. And there's where in think Meghan's need for stardom and fame and riches did her in.
This was Meghan's dream and her brainchild. And the only way she could succeed in this is if she had Harry attached to her deals officially, because he was the draw. She realized it early on and maybe that's how her team even secured the deals. And that's why they had to megxit so dramatically. And that's why she had to break him away from his family.
If Harry was still close to his family back in 2019, in any capacity, then they would have eventually convinced him not make commercial deals in a private capacity. It just wasn't done, and he understood that. But he came to believe that they were keeping him from shining bright and preventing him from using his potential. Lol
I think I'm going to disagree with this last point. The BRF had no issues with the Sussexes making deals or producting content. They all make deals and they all make content, so there's a good chance they would have encouraged Harry and Meghan to do that; partner with their charities to produce content about their work. It's the commercial part they had problems with. If the money went to their charity (or any charity), the BRF wouldn't have an issue because that's what they all do (for instance - when William plays polo for charity, any money that he would make, like an appearance fee or prize winnings, gets paid directly to the charity. He doesn't ever see or touch that money.) But that's not what the Sussexes wanted. They wanted to hold the cash in their hand and personally direct whose pocket the cash went to.
And unfortunately, I don't think there's any kind of counsel the BRF could've done for Harry in 2019, whether they were close or not. This was a 2018-before-the-wedding conversation when they were considering titles. But woulda coulda shoulda.
And in woulda-coulda-shoulda land, if there had been a difficult conversation about titles, half in/half out, commercializing and merchandizing, finances, I doubt we'd all even be here today. But no one wanted to have those hard, difficult conversations. All they said was "Meghan can keep acting," Harry said "no," and then the BRF rolled over. So here we all are.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Those little touches that scream intimacy
Skinship is a thing.
BTS show physical affection with each other, they hold, hug, touch each other in ways that would perhaps raise an eyebrow for some, but within their cultural context are not a sign of ‘more’ than friendly affection and closeness.  Although, I do have to say that BTS do stretch the boundaries on that one too.  Some of the touchy feely is beyond what you would expect it to be among grown male friends in Korea as well.  But they did grow up together, in a sense, and although it’s a little more than usually accepted, it still is not an indication to anything more than a very close friendship.
But JM and JK, they have these moments.  Two types of suspicious moments.
These moments when they pull back on the touching, the almost touching or touching but just... barely. Those moments where you are sitting there and screaming at the screen (in your mind) “fucking touch him already”, which presents as highly suspicious considering how close those two are on the one hand and how tactile they are on the other.  
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And then you have these moments where it’s more, it’s suspicious, it’s not something that you would expect between just friends.
So I thought I would put bring together, in one post, some of these moments.
Moments they do something, touch, almost touch, behave in a way that makes you go “this doesn’t look like something ‘just a friend’ would do”, or “heck, those two must be really intimate for this to be happening”.
j 14 interview
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I guess I started with a big one. What is it they say? Go big or go home? Whatever JM was doing there with his wiggly wiggle finger during that interview was not something just between friends. It just wasn't.
BV1 footsies
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No matter how close you are with your friend, him playing footsies with your crotch is not something you would allow him to do, well unless if you are not "just friends".
BV2 footsies
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Here it's JK's reaction. If it was ok for a "friend" to play footsies, if said footsy playing did absolutely nothing for him, we wouldn't be seeing that reaction from him. That gulp. Man. He was hit hard, probably in the full sense of the word, lol.
Footsies BV4
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Less about JK's toesies just lightly touching JM's leg and more about the physical reaction the two of them had that followed. Suffice to say that the room was getting real hot for the two (which is also why JK running to put on a big covering coat was pretty funny).
BV3 cuddles
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Do we need to explain here?
It's not only the fact that JM is touching JK in these more intimate areas, it's the lack of reaction (well almost lack of reaction...there are those reactions that you just can't help) from JK.
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Rose Bowl of course.
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No matter how much people will try to twist this up, it takes a special level of intimacy to take someone's sweaty dirty ear into your mouth and suck on it, for 4 seconds straight. And then end it all with a light kiss on the ear.
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I guess this one is a given too. I've heard the stories about brotherly neck sucking and nope, I do not buy that. Not one bit. No matter how the story is told, JM put his mouth on JK's neck, exactly where JK's mole happens to be, and sucked on it hard enough to bruise it. Yep. Not something you do with a "just friend".
Btw, love the editors captions. *in pain*, lol.
This one
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And this one too.
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And this one too.
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Oh, and this too.
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It's about being used to be in that kind of proximity. Muscle memory. The lack of an initial reaction, and only pulling away at the very end. And it's not for a skit or game. It's all them. That smirk on JK's face in the 2019 TMA's and the BV2 moments, priceless.
Same day as this, btw, just if you weren't aware of it or just forgot.
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It's definitley not this
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Or this
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Just saying.
Festa 2020 karaoke
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It's not about the touch, more abut JK's reaction to it.
And how can I leave this last one out?
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JK just moving that pesky crop top aside to caress JM’s waist/hip skin on skin, a little smirk on his face when he moves in, JM mostly non reacting although if you do look closely you can see a tiny little smile there towards the end when JK starts playing with his fingers on his bare skin.  This screams of two people who are physically intimate.
Feel free to add more examples. Maybe I'll make a part 2 for this one too.
Happy pride month.
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hearts4golbach · 7 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 10.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
30 minutes until midnight. my heart raced, thinking about kissing johnnie. I'm sure he just wants to kiss in a platonic way. friends kiss, right?
we were all crowded around in the kitchen, eating all the snacks I had. I had taken a couple more shots to give myself the courage to not let this plan fall through.
"you ready, y/n?" Tara whispers. "I told you, I got your back. the fact that he agreed is proof you two have a chance."
"he seemed against it, tar." I shrugged, drinking my coke.
"trust the process."
"so, you and Jake are going to kiss at midnight?" I laughed, wanting to change the subject.
"uhm, yeah, sure." she smiled deviously.
"are you okay?" I asked, concerned.
"okay." I laughed and walked over to johnnie. "you feeling okay? you drank a lot."
he quickly nodded. "I feel fine, I guess. I've been drinking water." he had a goofy smile on his face.
"that's good." I laughed. I looked around the room at the group of people. I've known them for less than a month, but we were all so close, and I was about to have my first kiss.
"bitches and hoes, we have a minute til new years." Jake called from the living room.
I chewed on my bottom lip. we all gathered in the living room. I poured myself one more drink and quickly downed it.
"you sure this is okay?" johnnie asked while Tara and Jake weren't paying attention.
"absolutely." I smiled. "don't worry about it."
"good." he muttered.
the timer on the live news channel started to count down from 10. Tara and Jake counted down with it while I stared into Johnnie's eyes. it wasn't awkward as he looked back into mine.
on 3, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I felt my heart skip a beat as my mind raced, I had no idea how to kiss. I moved my arms up and rested them around the back of his neck. I moved a strand of hair stuck in his piercing away from his lips.
when the timer hit one, johnnie smashed his lips against mine. I melted into him, following his lead.
I moved my hands to his cheeks as we held the kiss. I glanced at Tara and Jake. they stood there giggling. I pulled away from johnnie, "oh my god. you guys are little fucking liars!"
johnnie had a dissapointed look on his face. "y-yeah! what the fuck, dude?" he pushed Jake.
we turned on legally blonde as we all collapsed onto the couch. I sat in between johnnie and Tara.
she leaned over and whispered in my ear. "that was way too passionate for there to be nothing behind that. did you see how dissapointed he looked when you pulled away?"
I nodded. "I don't want to get my hopes up."
"I can tell he feels something, y/n." she smiled. "johnnie doesn't just go around kissing his friends. he's been pretty up tight for a couple years."
"I guess we'll see." I gave her a weak smile and turned my attention back to the movie.
about an hour later, everyone was asleep except for me ans johnnie. I looked at him. "I'm ready to go to bed, honestly."
"yeah," he stretched. "me too."
"you can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor. you can't say no, because that's how it was at your house." I smiled and got up.
he rolled his eyes but ended up giving in. he followed me to my room, stumbling over his own feet.
"damn," I giggled. "you're a lightweight."
he cleared his throat. "I know." he paused. "I used to drink a lot."
"why?" I grabbed a couple extra blankets from the hallway before walking into my room.
he seemed hesitant to answer the question.
"you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable."
"I guess I was just super depressed back in like, 2019." he shrugged, sitting on my bed.
"I guess that makes sense. are you better now?" I looked up at him. he was looking down at me already.
his expression softened. "yeah." he seemed to be unsure of what he was about to say. "ever since I met you."
my heart fluttered. "i- I don't know what to say." I admitted. "but you make my life a hell of a lot better, too."
he smiled with his teeth. "I'm glad the feeling is mutual."
and I wished a lot of feelings were mutual, but I was terrified to ask. I nodded and flashed him a smile back. we both laid down and got comfortable.
"y/n, we've already shared a bed. just get up here." Johnnie's sleepy voice broke the silence.
I quickly got up and crawled in bed next to him. "you sound like me."
he laughed and closed his eyes. hid arms snaked around me, pulling me closer. I giggled and did the same, resting my head on his chest.
his hands ventured up the back of my shirt as he gently rubbed my back. he ran his hands over my bra, giving me chills. I scooted closer to him, intertwining my leg with his. I quickly fell asleep as he continued to run his hand over my back soothingly.
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ectonurites · 7 months
Sorry to bother you, but you seem to know a lot about the comics, and specifically about Tim Drake. I was wondering if you knew off the top of your head when Tim and Steph last canonically dated? Because I see people blaming Meghan Fitzmartin a lot, but I could've sworn that they last broke up before she became Tim's author.
So, the people 'blaming' Meghan Fitzmartin are correct—but I can understand some confusion happening because the breakup occurred off-panel. So like, if you weren't following things closely at the time these books were coming out, it might seem like the first Tim story Fitzmartin wrote was referencing a breakup that already happened somewhere else... but that is not the case.
The other possible confusion point would be that there was an earlier 'break up & get back together' storyline with them in the Rebirth era, a few years before she wrote Tim.
To briefly go over the Rebirth & onward Tim/Steph dating timeline just to clear things up (and I'll be using cover dates just for consistency, so if you want release date subtract two months):
Detective Comics #934-935 August 2016 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim & Steph are established to be dating in Rebirth continuity. We don't see the actual moment they start dating, we're just shown that this is now the situation.
Detective Comics #940 November 2016 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim is 'killed' (he's not really but everyone thinks he is, and he is out of the picture for a while) and thus that effectively pauses any relationship between he and Steph, obviously.
Detective Comics #969 January 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim is back and reveals himself as alive to Steph, and the two of them resume their relationship. After a short timeskip, we then learn that in the aftermath of his return... Tim is not being honest with Steph about his plans (to not go to Ivy like he said he would, to instead continue hero-ing indefinitely).
Detective Comics #970 February 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim & Steph start to have some tension here because of how he's overworking himself, how he's handling things with her, and there's a moment where she says she's leaving, he asks if she means 'The Belfrey, the team, or me?' and she says 'I'll get back to you on that.'
Detective Comics #974 April 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] In the aftermath of the team sort of exploding due to ~plot events~ Steph breaks up with Tim while he's throwing too much of himself into his work.
Detective Comics #981 July 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] More plot stuff happens (a whole big mess with Brother Eye) but once that's settled, the two reunite and rekindle their relationship as they head off ‘to Ivy University’ as they tell Bruce, but we know that’s not actually where they’re going.
Young Justice (2019) #5 July 2019 [written by Brian Michael Bendis] Flashbacks show us that after leaving Gotham, Tim & Steph had specifically gone to see the Justice League/Zatanna for help with timeline memory things rather than going to Ivy. Even though they’re in separate places at the main timeline of the book, this shows us that they're still together.
Young Justice (2019) #11-20 February 2020 - January 2021 [written by Brian Michael Bendis] Steph & Tim immediately try to get ahold of one another via text once Tim's back on the correct earth, and work on getting back in touch until eventually reuniting. They are shown together [and depicted as still dating] during the later parts of the book.
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1 February 2021 [written by Joshua Williamson, James Tynion IV, and Scott Synder] Shows the two of them together within the larger group of former Titans/YJ members—specifically one panel towards the end shows us Tim with his arm around her while they talk with others [fun fact that’s the panel my icon is from I just had edited Steph’s head out of the way]. As I recall/as far as I'm aware, this issue is the last time we see them interacting together/together as a couple before Future State and then the Infinite Frontier relaunch. [disclaimer that there could be like... a splash page group shot or something that I'm forgetting elsewhere during the Dark Nights: Death Metal event but like, that's not actual interaction that's just physically being present in the same group shot].
NON-CANON BUT RELEVANT: Future State: Robin Eternal #1-2 March - April 2021 [written by Meghan Fitzmartin] During the Future State event which was used largely to tease/set up plotlines for the Infinite Frontier relaunch, in this potential future Tim & Steph are seemingly no longer together but still on okay terms—teaming up in the story, but with clear tension and history there.
Batman: Urban Legends #4 August 2021 [written by Meghan Fitzmartin] We learn that Tim & Steph broke up off-panel before the events of the issue. Steph appears in the following issue further reiterating that they recently broke up.
So yeah! They broke up off-panel and this was first referenced in Batman: Urban Legends #4, thus under Fitzmartin's pen.
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butterflywithsass · 2 months
The good, the bad, and the ineffable omens. What makes Good Omens special.
I'm not very good at making posts on here so sorry if the formatting sucks. It's the anniversary of season two, and thinking back on everything, it's incredible how much has happened since it came out. I might get a bit long-winded, so if that's not your thing, just scroll on by. I'm just gonna take a look at why I love Good Omens, why I love the Good Omens fandom, and what the future holds for all of us who love this story.
I guess you could say I'm a bit of a new fan. I watched the first season in 2019. I liked it but I didn't really think about it until I heard it was getting a second season, and I decided to watch it again.
This second watch came at a very strange time in my life. I'd left my very introverted homeschool life behind to go to an art school in another state. I was studying creative writing, and just beginning to dream that I might be an actual writer someday. I've always gotten intensely invested in stories, a part of my ADHD that I've always struggled with. I find a story, and it consumes my soul. I have difficulty expressing emotions in real life, so stories have been an outlet for me to feel things in the persona of a character. It's this incredible power that makes me love storytelling so much. I could go on and on about the beauty of this, but that will get a bit to much so I'll move on. Mah point is...
whenever I would get really invested in a story, my parents would indulge me, but would always feel the need to mention, "You know it's not real, right?"
Anyway, for the first time, I was away from home and I could really indulge in stories without the pressure to disconnect from it to avoid the judgment of my family. For the first time, I could just be in love with a story.
A lot happened during the first year away from home, not all of which is relevant, but around this time I started owning up to my identity as bisexual. Being at an art school meant I was surrounded by queer people from all backgrounds, not all of them had the same support I did, and I witnessed secondhand as my friends went through the pain of having homophobic families who would control what art they made and who they spent time with, threatening to withdraw them from the school if they used certain names or pronouns. It was common for my friends to have a sort of shorthand code for when it was safe to use their preferred name or pronoun. Some came from very religious households, and so religion had been linked very closely to repression.
Good Omens came at a time when I was stretching my wings both in my identity as a person and as a writer and has informed what I write about ever since. As a writer, my work often focuses on themes such as fate and free will, religion and passion, divinity and humanity, and apocalyptic images. Additionally, Good Omens encouraged me to embrace comedy in my writing and to explore the absurd and whimsical. It helped me let go of the vice that held me back from writing things I thought weren't intellectual enough, or weren't creative enough.
I also became aware of the people behind the show, and of course, I grew to admire Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I admired how Neil Gaiman seemingly defied the inevitable fate of obscure and unsuccessful writers. To me, Neil Gaiman was an example of how writers could actually make it out there in the world. Terry Pratchett, I admit, took less of an interest in because he had been long dead before I became acquainted with Good Omens, and I mistakenly gave Neil Gaiman more credit for the tv show. If you want to know more about why I saw "mistakenly," check out @vidavalor where they talk about the other writers on the show and how much they contributed. It's really quite eye-opening and it gives me hope that the show can continue well enough without Gaimen.
I also grew to become a fan of David Tennent and Micheal Sheen. And when I say a fan of David Tennent, I mean a BIG fan. The Good Omens to Doctor Who pipeline is so f*cking steep I felt like Crowley during the fall. Not just Who, though, I watched stuff like Taking Over the Asylum, Einstein and Eddington, Around the World in 80 Days, Broadchurch, Jessica Jones, Escape Artist, f*king Single Father lol. I even got into Shakespeare because of David Tennent.
The love displayed by the actors for Good Omens feels truly special. Micheal Sheen's devotion to the story shines through in everything he says about it, and David Tennent, though not originally a fan, seems to have grown more and more fond of the story. I think it's not a reach of our imagination to say that the story has become very special to both of them, even more so than to us.
It's rare to see actors treat their roles as more than just a job. The occasional publicity stunt and press tour interviews aside, the roles actors take seldom stick with them, and I think it's a testament to the power of Good Omens that this is not the case for Micheal and David.
Season 2 came out of course, and we all know how that went down. I was has heartbroken as everyone else by the final 15, but I never had any doubt that the story was destined to have a happy ending.
Unlike some shows, where the story likes to flirt with tragedy to keep viewers hooked, Good Omens is not that kind of show. Amidst the pathos and drama of the Christian/Apocalypse setting, with literal heaven and hell involved, the story is relatively clean. I enjoy some Ineffible Husbands spicy fanfiction of course, but I'm glad that Good Omens has remained relatively kid-friendly. Queer themes are so often included only in "adult media," paired with dark themes and often explicit moments making them inaccessible to kids and cementing the idea that Queerness is inherently inappropriate. While Good Omens has the occasional adult reference such as Madam Tracy's side gig as a dominatrix or the 'seamstress,' they are veiled enough to pass. Even the sex scene with Anathama and Newt is comic enough that it can hardly be classified as one. As for heaven and hell, it would be easy to try and stress the darkness of hell through plenty of disturbing subtexts and the brutality of heaven, but here the show errs towards comedy, portraying both sides as corporate systems -- both funny and much more relatable evil than torture or traumatic scenes. It's easier to understand rude co-workers, degrading comments, overbearing bosses and endless paperwork than it is to understand the sources of our perception of good and evil.
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Putting Adam Young as the center of the story of season one focuses the entire narrative. At the end of the day, Good Omens is about the ineffable nature of humanity defying all odds (or gods) betting against it. It's a humanist story, showing us that no matter how much the forces of good or evil might like to influence us, whatever we do will up to us.
This theme is constantly referenced, from Crowley's habit of taking credit for anything evil humans do and claiming it was his idea, to Aziraphale's constant assertions that humans are inherently good. It's exemplified by the baby swap disaster, which is a microcosm of this theme. No matter how much the powers above and below might scheme, they're plans generally end up being irrelevant to the choices of humans.
It's why Crowley and Aziraphale love humans so much. Humans are a guide for them, showing them how they can be more than just good and evil, and on our side, it's a hopeful thought to have, that the powers of good and evil looking down on us, instead of judging us, might actually have fallen in love with us along the way. It shows us that we are allowed to love ourselves.
The love that Aziraphale and Crowley have for each other is also at the heart of this story. While it has been discussed at length, it's for good reason. Because we all need a good love story. Amidst the uncertainty and ceaseless change, there is a constant, unbreaking bond between Crowley and Aziraphale-- steady as the revolution of the cosmos. Nothing in the scope of space and time is certain, but this is. We know that because we've seen it. Good Omens manages to create a love story on both a personal and an archetypal scale. On one level, this is a love story between two people from different worlds finding something familiar in each other. It's got the drama of starcrossed love, the steadiness of an age-old love, still with the butterflies of new feelings. As a queer love story, the hope in it is even more important.
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Crowley and Aziraphale have all the qualities of two characters that are doomed by the narrative, and as much as I love those types of stories, this is a story about hope and it demands a happy ending. After all, if those two idiots can't get a happy ending, what hope do the rest of us have?
All this is to say, that while the final 15 was shattering emotionally, and still is, I never once doubted that all would be well eventually.
The recent accusations against Neil Gaiman came as a shock to me. I admittedly didn't know all that much about him as a person, but I looked up to him as a writer, as I said. The more that is revealed, the more truthful they become. I hoped that these allegations would end up as a big misunderstanding, and I questioned the timing just after David Tennent was attacked online for his support of the lgbtq community. However, the more information about Gaimen comes to light, the less it looks like a mistake.
This leaves us in a difficult position. It is not selfish to worry about the future of Good Omens. It is not foolish to be surprised. It is not naive to feel betrayed. It would be easy to come to the conclusion that 'no one should be trusted,' or to feel that the whole story has been tainted. It's so easy to write off the whole story as 'ethically complicated' so you don't have to examine your feelings critically. It's easy to 'boycott,' something so you don't have to deal with it, as if by not engaging with it, it's not real. I would urge you not to do this. boycotting a story is not as simple as just refusing to buy a product. Stories are part of culture and identity, to a certain extent, the person you are hurting the most is yourself.
There's a reason I spent so long describing why Good Omens is such an incredibly powerful story, because Neil Gaiman's actions negate none of that. The meaning of Good Omens is not dependent on the actions of the author. A truth is still true, even from the mouth of a liar.
Before I loved Good Omens, I loved Harry Potter. Despite JK Rowling's general shittiness, Harry Potter has brought goodness to people's lives, and even though some themes in the story ought to be examined more critically, the joy and comfort those stories brought also cannot be ignored. I was ten when I started reading Harry Potter. I was too young to grasp the homophonic or anti-semetic undertones in the story, and ironically, Harry Potter taught me to by an ally before I even knew I was queer. Before reading Harry Potter, I didn't know what gay was. After hearing Dumbledore was 'gay,' I did a google search and looked up the term in a dictionary. I remember my thoughts being, "you can do that?" and then, "why are people so upset?"
The point of this Harry Potter tangent is to say that while the intentions of the author may influence a story, the author ultimately can't control the effect the story will have on others. Once it is published, a significant part of it no longer belongs to them. They can't control what messages other people find in it, and they lose the right to decide what messages are true or not. If Neil Gaimen were to say today that Good Omens is all a very complicated metaphor for masturbation, that announcement would mean zilch.
Additionally, Neil Gaiman isn't even the only author! You don't have to give him all that credit to start with. Once again, refer to @vidavalor for info on the other amazing people who may have had a bigger hand in writing our favorite moments that we thought.
The Good Omens fandom has taught me not to be ashamed for loving a fictional story. I've been in the Lotr, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Marvel, Sherlock, and countless other fandoms, and I can easily say that Good Omens is the most supportive, the most accepting, the most decent online fan community I've found.
We can hang in there. We've loved Good Omens since the book came out, we've loved Good Omens since before I was born, and we loved it even when we lost Terry Pratchett. We loved Good Omens when we thought there would never be a show, and when we thought one season was all there would be. Good Omens has so many kind and talented people behind it and so much love for it. Neil Gaimen will not sink us now. He doesn't have that much power.
@davidtennantgenderenvy also has a video on this that is very thoughtful.
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silantryoo · 2 years
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kim chaewon x iz*one!reader (angst)
WARNINGS ;  iz*one disbandment
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you watched as chaewon sobbed in yena's arms.
yena's eyes met yours, forcing you to look away.
you ignored the worried stares from your now ex-members. you couldn't cry. not when you knew it would hurt chaewon more than it would hurt you.
you look over to the empty crowd of people as you bit your bottom lip. this is the end.
why did it have to happen so soon?
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[august 31, 2018]
miraculously, you had tied with chaeyeon for the twelfth seat. what was originally supposed to be twelve became thirteen.
it was a miracle.
you didn't believe it when your name got announced. you remember juri shaking you, looking at your trainees from PLEDIS, seeing yunjin crying in the stands... seeing kaeun smiling down at you.
it felt wrong to be in the spotlight when they weren't.
you walked up to the stage, trying your hardest not to cry. briefly, your eyes met chaewon's. she was crying too, happy that she had the chance to debut with you. suddenly, all the guilt you carried disappeared. all the blood, the sweat, the tears, it was all worth it to be with her. you nodded, smiling at her, telling her that you were okay.
you guys made it.
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[december 12, 2019]
it happened one night while the girls were out practicing for the next comeback, 'FIESTA'.
you ended up getting food poisoning from going out the night before with yena and yujin (the two had always eaten there, so their stomachs were used to the street food). chaewon had offered to stay behind to take care of you.
it was awkward, to say the least.
you and chaewon weren't close anymore, at least not like in produce 48. you decided to keep your distance from the girl. it was too scary, hearing your heart beat for someone you were only supposed to be friends with.
"y/n," chaewon entered the room, bottled water and a bowl of kimchi soup in her arms. "how are you feeling?"
"not good." you were sweating through your clothes. "how the hell are yena-unnie and yujin-ie not dying? i feel like my insides are getting fried."
chaewon sat down next to you, a soft smile on her face. "i think you just have a weak stomach."
you rolled your eyes, covering your face with a pillow. "you're one to talk, kim chaewon-ssi."
"whatever," chaewon chuckled as sat you up, ignoring the muttering under your breath. "just sit up so i can feed you."
"i can do it myself," you huffed, trying to take the bowl from chaewon. "i don't want to be bugging you."
chaewon held back a frown. she mixed the soup slightly. "it's my job to take care of you..."
you felt yourself blush, missing the look of disappointment on her face. you knew that it probably meant nothing. chaewon probably stayed back to avoid practicing, a normal excuse. she didn't stay for you.
what a stupid thought, y/n, you thought to yourself.
"you should've let yena-unnie take care of me." you muttered, grabbing the bowl away from her. "that idiot is the reason i'm here anyways."
chaewon nodded and stayed silent as you ate.
you cleared your throat, sensing that you did something wrong, but couldn't tell what. the two of you sat, neither of you talking until you finished. you whispered a 'thanks' and gave her the empty bowl.
hesitantly, you reached to grab the water bottle in her hand.
"do you want yena-unnie to take care of you instead?" chaewon asked in a small voice.
you look at her bewildered. "what?"
"y/nnie," chaewon whispered, grasping onto the water bottle. "do you not like me?"
"chaewon-unnie, what are you talking about?" you reached for her hand. the room filled with a heavy silence as you waited on the older girl to speak.
"every time i try to talk to you, or get close to you, you push me away." chaewon could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes. "I've been trying so hard to get you to finally talk to me again, but it feels like i lost you somehow."
you swallow dryly. "unnie..."
"what did i do wrong?" chaewon held back a sob. you didn't know why she was crying, but seeing her like this, especially when it was your fault...
"it's not your fault." you tried to reason. "it's-"
"it's yours. i know." chaewon wiped her tears, tearing her hand way from yours. "whatever. i'll tell yena-unnie to hurry up with practice."
you watched her as she gripped the empty bowl, waiting for you to finish your water. you gripped the bottle tightly, trying to find the courage to talk. it felt like your throat had closed.
you grabbed her hand, urging her to listen. "i like you."
chaewon shook her head. "you don't."
"i do." your head hung low.
was this the end of your friendship?
"i like you, unnie... too much." you looked up at her, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "i've been avoiding you because i'm in love with you.
"when we were in produce, you made me feel like i belonged there." you said, barely above a whisper. "you made me believe that i wasn't just dragged there by my company because i was a pretty face. you made me want to debut.
"i'm sorry... i got scared." you let go of her arm, gripping the bed sheet in front of you. "i'm not supposed to feel like this."
your eyes moved in front of you, waiting for her to yell at you, or storm out in disgust.
"how do you think i felt?" you heard from beside you. you can hear chaewon holding back her tears. "you think this is easy for me, too?"
"what are you talking about?”
"y/n, i love you." chaewon sniffled. "i've been in love with you and all this time, i thought you found out. i thought you hated m-."
you grabbed her neck and pulled her closer, placing a kiss on her tear-stained lips. she tasted like everything you dreamt of, and more. you pulled away, holding the older girl as she sobbed into your chest.
"i could never hate you."
i love you, kim chaewon. i love you more than you know.
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[april 28, 2021]
you and chaewon had been dating for a while.
no one except yena and chaeyeon knew, considering those two were your old roommates. they had been fully supportive of you two, covering for you guys whenever you wanted to go out on a date. helping you guys switch to a more private room. anything to make it easier. and as much as you both appreciated it, you and chaewon knew it wouldn't last, not in this industry and not in this circumstance.
you just didn't expect it to happen so soon. why was everything happening so soon?
you entered your shared room with your girlfriend. you closed the door quietly as she rummaged through the closet, packing up her suitcase.
"jagi," chaewon smiled at you, the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
she walked towards you, pressing a soft, bittersweet kiss against your lips. you pulled back slowly, stroking her bangs out of her face. chaewon bit her lip as you pushed her tears aside.
"y/n, i think-"
"i know." you whispered, too terrified to hear the inevitable. "i know we should."
chaewon's tears began to flow faster as she pulled you close. "i don't want to."
you frowned. "me neither."
but you had to.
both of you barely had time for each other as is. after every fight, make-up, and compromise, you already knew how hard it would be once you both became trainees again. breaking up was the only natural thing to do, and you both agreed. (what she didn't say is that she didn't understand. why couldn't she juggle her idol life and you? why did you have to put her first?)
you smiled as you kissed her nose, cherishing her warmth.
chaewon was the type of person to put 100% of everything into something she loved. you knew that you would end up as an obstacle in her life, and you weren't gonna stop her from reaching her dreams. it was painful, but it was necessary.
"what do we do?" the older girl's voice cracked slightly.
"i don't know." you whispered, kissing the top of her forehead. you gave her a smile. "are you almost finished packing your stuff?"
"yeah. i'm going to HYBE after the final meet today with kkura-unnie." you could see the slight fire in her eyes as she spoke. there she was. “what about you?"
you didn't tell her that you might train in HYBE as well. or that you got an offer for YG for their new girl group, or that STARSHIP had reached out to you as well. it didn't matter, you weren't planning to go to debut again anyway.
"i haven't decided yet," you told her honestly. chaewon frowned, pulling back slightly. "i thought you were gonna go to JYP?"
"i was." you smiled at her. you held back a sob as the tears finally began to fall. "but... i don't wanna do that, not without you, i mean."
"let's just get this over with." you whispered, pulling away from her. the both of you knew what it meant.
chaewon nodded, backing up as she turned to face the closet once more.
"i'm sorry." it's over between us, isn't it?
"it's not your fault." i know you didn't want it to be like this, unnie but it's for the best. "don't blame yourself."
chaewon wiped her tears.
"okay." i love you, y/l/n y/n.
you bit your tongue as quietly sobbed. you headed to the washroom.
i love you too, kim chaewon.
try again?
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> main masterlist.
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artificialcorby · 11 months
Beware, spoilery content for MW3
I'm sitting at the counter of my kitchen, crying into my thoroughly weighed high protein / high carb (and low flavour) lunch bowl. And no, that's not the reason I'm crying.
Ever since I turned on my (back then) PS3 and started up this new first person shooter game called Modern Warfare, I felt a deep connection with this then mute character.
I was the F.N.G. The fucking new guy.
Long before I had the words (I only came out in 2019) I knew: That's me. That guy is more like me than any other protagonist I've ever played. Not much was known about Soap back then. And not much was known about me, the real me, either.
Fast forward to 2022. I am myself. More than I've ever been. And the ratings for the upcoming new MW2 are through the roof. I remember how much I loved the old games. I haven't played CoD in a while because the newer games weren't really for me anymore. Also life got in the way and you know how things are sometimes.
To kill some time until the release of MW2, I got a copy of the new MW (which totally went under my radar, because I was busy fighting therapists, health insurance, government agencies etc., not to mention the whole coming out) and was so happy when I saw a familiar face in the post credit scene: Soap.
I started to worry if the game would live up to the hype. But not only did it feel exactly like it felt back then. It felt even better. Mainly - for me - because it felt like picking up a part of myself I thought I'd lost. It felt like reclaiming a part of me that didn't quite feel like me back then (I suppose that doesn't make much sense to anyone but me).
Playing again as Soap reminded me of how far I've come. It was like reaching out to that younger person I was back in 2007, saying "see? this is who you're supposed to be. we made it".
Recently I've started to roleplay again. Spinning stories with other people, writing from the point of view of their favorite character. Writing as Soap, I want to make people happy. Because he is the ray of sunshine we all need.
And with the ending of the new MW3 we need it even more.
The point I'm trying to make is: I don't think people can ever overestimate how much fictional characters can mean to people. Sometimes they help us through tough phases of our lives, like a close friend. Sometimes they point out a strength in us we didn't know we had. And when they're gone, they leave a hole.
I now have to continue my way without Soap once again. Even though he will live on in the fandom. I'll still be roleplaying, writing stories, maybe putting together a proper cosplay.
In the past months, Soap brought me on a better path. I've started to workout again and to better take care of myself. Because life is now. I've even started to learn Gaelic just for the sake of it. Because I love languages.
I've always wanted to visit Scotland ever since I made my own money. Never did, sadly. Maybe that's something I'll do in the near future, too. Thanks to Soap.
That and getting a very funny tattoo to honour the memory, which I might reveal once I got it.
Of course my thanks go out to all the people who worked at the game. But a special thanks also goes to Neil, who brought our dear Soap to life. Who gave him a personality he didn't have back in 2007.
And who encouraged people to express their love for this character by sharing their work on his channel. Who even humoured us when it comes to the idea of a "less professional" relationship between Ghost and Soap.
Neil, you will never know how much this meant to us. You'll always be our Soap.
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loveforlandonorris · 5 months
🎤 Lando at the Drivers' Press Conference before the Chinese GP:
(The video is from F1Fever on YouTube)
Interviewer: And Lando, what about your expectations coming into the weekend?
Lando: Probably not as high as Suzuka. I think that's our opinion. But still in a good position. I think we've been happy with how the season started. I think we're in a good qualifying battle with Aston, Mercedes, it’s very close and even last weekend ahead of Ferrari, but I think the order is still clear.
And I think in the racing we've done a good job. Not as good as Red Bull but and Ferrari, but I'm a head of Aston and Mercedes. So I think we're in a good spot. This wasn't a great circuit for us in 2019 but many things have changed since then. So I'm so optimistic we can have a good weekend.
Interviewer: What is it about this layout that gives you less confidence?
Lando: The long corners. Just, like, Turn 1. Yeah, this type of corner is just not good for us. Similar to, say, Zandvoort, that kind of experience for us. So yeah, we've got some things to try. And we're constantly trying to improve these areas. But it's an area we know is one of our biggest weaknesses, and maybe we kind of get away with it in qualifying but especially into the race becomes a bigger problem for us.
Interviewer: There were some race day frustrations for you in Japan, but afterwards, your boss Andrea Stella, said that the team can win this year. How quickly do you think you can do that?
Lando: Not anytime soon, that's for sure. I think we can. Right place, right time, if we improve the car how we need to. Honestly, there weren't too many frustrations with Suzuka. I think everything went pretty much as expected. I don't think we did a perfect job and I think we probably should have finished one place higher up, potentially. But I don't think it was far off. We've been the same place all season. We've been behind Red Bull, we've been behind Ferrari and we've been a bit of a step ahead of the other two teams come the race. And that's exactly how last weekend went.
So I don't think there's too many frustrations. But we know the issues, we know what we have to improve. And if we can improve them. I think Andrea is right. I think we can win races this year. And we can be competitive with these other two teams ahead of us. But that's an if. And you know, we have to work hard to improve the car in some of these certain areas, which have been a big challenge for us over the last many years, not just for years, but last many years. But if we can, then I'm confident we can have some good races.
Journalist Questions:
Q1 (Ian Parkes – New York Times):. I don't know if any of you drivers have had an opportunity to inspect the track as yet. But Charles mentioned it earlier, and a couple of other drivers have mentioned it in their media sessions earlier today, that the track has been painted. What does that means pecifically? Do you know? Does it cause any concerns? What issues are you expecting from such a track?
Lando: I have no idea. So I think we have to wait and see honestly, I think that's something new, something we don't think we've seen before, so hard to predict exactly what's going to happen. So I honestly have no idea. So I'll see you tomorrow.
Q2 (Michael Butterworth – Xinhua News Agency) To all the drivers briefly. It's been a while since we've been to the Shanghai circuit. Just keen to hear your thoughts on it. And any particular features that make it especially challenging or memorable for you?
Lando: I always raced here once, but I didn't finish the race. So not the best memories. But yeah, it was still in my first season. So everything was new back then. But it's always been a cool track to drive. Definitely was not my back then. But excited to give it another crack and see what we can do this weekend.
Q3 (Henry Clark – Daily Mail) I was wondering, obviously a lot of tracks that we come to, it's only been a year or so since you've last been here. But for everyone here there has been no race for at least five years. I was wondering what are the unique challenges that brings? Does that make this weekend particularly exciting? Or are there extra worries that come with that?
Lando: I guess just excited. Always excited for every weekend, but especially when you haven't been to a place for a while. For me, I didn't get a proper experience of it back in 2019. So things have changed. I'm a very different driver to what I was back then.
So I'm excited to see what it brings and how the whole weekend pans out I think anyway being a Sprint race and having two opportunities to try and nail the set-up for the first quali and then the set-up for the second quali. I think also there is plenty of opportunity. So I don't think it’s not going to be exciting for anyone. I think there's a lot of opportunities on the table, there's a lot of things that can go wrong at the same time, so excited for all of it.
Q4 (Henry Clark – Daily Mail) With all due respect to some of the more senior drivers, a question to a couple of the younger guys on the panel. When you see Fernando committing his future to racing well into his 40s, how impressive is that dedication? How much does it take to keep doing that? And also, do you see yourselves wanting to race for as long as that in your own careers?
Lando: I’d better be careful what I say. I think it takes a lot of dedication. I don't think anyone thinks Fernando lacks that in any way. I think he shows that with everything that he does in life. Whether it's at the track or away from the track, you know, in different sports or whatever. So it depends what you want to do. Everyone is different.
It's rare that you see someone commit for so long in any sport, you know, he's probably one of the oldest guys competing at the top of any sport in the world and I think to be able to do that at the level that he has done and continues to do, you're probably never going to potentially see it again, you know within Formula 1 and if you do, it's going be extremely rare.
So yeah, I think a lot of respect for that kind of thing. I have no idea if I want to do it in 20 years’ time, if I'm still going strong, but I love where I am now and I continue to do such a thing. Yeah, we'll see.
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otaku-girl-ao3 · 2 months
BBC Ghosts Masterlist | Otaku_Girl | AO3
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Ghosts (BBC, 2019) fics from Otaku_girl on AO3. Predominantly featuring Thomas Thorne, Julian Fawcett, Pat Butcher and The Captain. Fawthorne & PatCap fan. Shameless /Reader writer.
The easiest way to follow my work and get the latest updates on all of my fics is via Archive Of Our Own - subscribing via my main Otaku_girl. 
🔥 smut writer 🔥
Please for the love of Blorbs do not read my AO3 if you aren’t 18+
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Can’t take it back (once it’s been set in motion)
Rating: Explicit Smut? 🔥 Dark?: ✔️ Can be read as dubious consent (but is resolved) ❌ Status: Complete | Chapters 3/3 Series: Oxytocin part 2 Pairings:  Thomas Thorne/Reader, Julian Fawcett/Thomas Thorne, Pat Butcher/Reader “Patrick tells me that you are inexperienced in the ways of the flesh.”
“Pat said what?”
“Patrick was telling me all about your little…conversation," Thomas said delicately, a small, sly smile curling at the corners of his lips. "And I was wondering if perhaps I might be of some assistance?”
Thomas offers to help you lose your virginity. It would be a far more appealing prospect, if you weren't half convinced you were developing feelings for Pat.
(Don't let me be) misunderstood
Rating: Mature Dark?: ✔️ Dubious consent. Scene gone wrong. Misunderstandings Status: 1/3 Pairings:  Pat Butcher/The Captain
"Well then. what do you have to say for yourself?"
The sound of their breathing intermingled — Cap’s ragged and unsteady, Pat’s faltering. The tension in Cap’s shoulders began to ease. He had finally managed to say it. Everything would be okay now. Pat would fix it.
“I knew you were in a bit of a mood, but I didn’t think you’d be so bloody childish.”
Pad and Cap discover the importance of open, honest communication and safeword use.
Green looks good on you
Rating: Explicit Smut? 🔥 Dark?: ❌ Status: Complete Pairings: Pat Butcher/The Captain “Patrick, really... I don’t know about this. What if someone sees us?”
Brown eyes glanced back at him, amusement clear in their depths. “Nobody should be this far into the woods this close to sunset. Not on a Sunday night. And certainly not while the footie’s on.”
“What if someone hears us?”
Pat’s lips twisted in a wry little half-smile. Amusement twinkled in his eyes. “Then you better be quiet, love.”
When Pat catches someone flirting with Cap at the pub, he can't help but take a little detour on the walk home to remind him of who he really belongs to.
She couldn’t look away (she’d wanna get involved)
Rating: Explicit Smut? 🔥 Dark?: ✔️  Can initially be read as a little dark (but is resolved)❌ Status: Complete  | Chapters 8/8 Series: Oxytocin part 3 Pairings: Pat Butcher/Reader, Julian Fawcett/Thomas Thorne “Julian and I have agreed it’s best to clear the air and stop any resentment before it has the chance to really set in. What we think would be best for everyone involved, is if we have a nice little demonstration. Julian wants to remind Thomas exactly who he belongs to, and why he shouldn’t go around touching anyone else without his express permission.”
“Belongs… to?” Your breath catches. Surely you must have misheard him?
“He wants you to watch. So you can see exactly what’ll happen if you even think of looking at Thomas like that again.”
Take a chance on me
Rating: Explicit Smut? 🔥  Status: Complete Series: Oxytocin part 1 Pairings: Pat Butcher/Reader “Now cmon then love, let’s see you. Only if you’re sure. I could fetch one of the others if you’d like? Julian’s got a ton of experience if even half of his stories are to be believed. And Thomas…well, if you like that sort of thing..”
“I think I’d rather just keep this between the two of us if that’s ok with you, Pat? At least for now? Anything else sounds a little bit advanced for…”
“For your first time as a ghost?” Pat finishes your sentence for you, sending you a reassuring smile, “We’ve all been there."
“Haha. Yes. It will be my first time as a ghost. And also…maybe… my first time…”
The investor
Rating: Explicit Smut? 🔥 Status: Complete Crossover: Wonka x BBC Ghosts Pairings: Felix Fickelgruber/Julian Fawcett World famous chocolatier Felix Fickelgruber is always willing to exchange a little of his time for the promise of new investment in his business. MP Julian Fawcett has a certain reputation for appreciating the finer things. Who better to target as his next investor?
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razorsadness · 30 days
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Jessie Lynn McMains, from Reckless Chants #25: dear you (August 2019)
[text version under cut]
dear xxx—
David Berman is dead & I'm fucking sad. sad about Toni Morrison too of course but I already said my piece on that & anyway she was 88. David was only 52. not much older than my partner. & god damn it when you've lived a life like mine the words of white sadboy poet/singer-songwriters mean just as much to you as (if not in some ways more than) the greatest writers of our time, of any race or gender. cuz I grew up on that indie-punk shit. cuz I'm a sad whiteboy sometimes, too. cuz Toni Morrison was a great novelist but Silver Jews lyrics had more of an influence on my own writing.
like "We Are Real," where D.B. wrote:
Repair is the dream of the broken thing Like a message broadcast on an overpass All my favorite singers couldn't sing
like "Tennessee," when he sang:
Punk rock died when the first kid said "Punk's not dead, punk's not dead"
like how I cry harder when my punk/music icons die than I can imagine crying for almost any established writer. Lorna Doom died the day before Mary Oliver died, then the next day Debi Martini died & I was more brokenhearted about Lorna & Debi than Mary. cuz Mary was 83 & Lorna & Debi were younger. cuz it felt like I should tattoo Punk Is Dead on my forehead & slamdance on its grave. cuz Mary Oliver's poetry meant a lot to me but it didn't explode my fucking world like the Germs LP did. I don't know how to explain this. If you know, you know. David Berman died & I'm devastated.
I was devastated in December, when Pete Shelley died, & I'm still not over it if I think about it too much. I was in my car, on the way to pick my oldest kid up from school, & the DJ's voice on my favorite radio station broke thru my afternoon motion-induced reverie. breaking news; that's never good. Pete Shelley has died from a heart attack, he said, & played "Ever Fallen in Love." & I cried, of course I did. it hurt to lose one of punk's great songwriters, one of punk's great frontmen, who took his stage name from a Romantic poet & wrote songs that showed me it was okay to be myself, that there were other people out there like me. showed me it was okay to be a hypersexual bisexual, an "Orgasm Addict;" that I could be a punk & also be a hopelessly romantic lovesick dork. & it hurt to lose him because his kindness meant a lot to me when I was young—yeah, I knew Pete; we weren't close friends but we'd met, & he was sweet & funny & irreverent. I cried for him & I cried for the kid I was when I met him, the kid I was back when I first heard the Buzzcocks—back when I was a teenage misfit always falling in love with people I shouldn't have.
but the day after Pete died was Tom Waits' birthday, & I used it as an excuse to partake in some nostalgic pleasures; to be my old self if only for an hour or two. or as much my old self as I can still be. I went to the Douglas Avenue Diner for lunch, with my youngest kiddo as my date. I thought of xxx. I always miss her most in November & December. & diners make me think of her, & Tom Waits makes me think of her, & the death of old punks makes me think of her. everything reminds me of her. I thought of Hearts Don't Break, the novella I wrote in '02/'03, which was heavily based on our friendship; thought of my description of 'the coffee-stained comfort of our favorite diner.' different diner, different city, different year, but it was comforting to be there. they were playing Xmas carols & the patrons were an equal mix of punks & old folks. Greek-American-owned diners like Douglas Ave. make me the most nostalgic, as those are the diners I grew up going to—there are so many of them in the Midwest. I thought of the Alps East in Chicago, the diner I haunted as a broke college student; how I'd go there & order a cup of soup & a bottomless coffee & sit for hours eavesdropping on other patrons, getting ideas for short stories. I thought of the diners in Kenosha, going to them with xxxxx back when we were dating, sharing an order of spanikopita & a side of rice pilaf. after I left the diner that day, I mailed out a bunch of zines & chapbooks & that, too, was the same as it ever was.
& now another hero is dead & I'm finishing the first full issue of my zine in over two years, thinking about who I was back when I listened to the Silver Jews a lot. that terrible summer of '03, summer of nervous breakdowns & strep throat, too much rum & whiskey, & my lovers all dropping me. summer of pirates & pills; photocopied midnights. now it's the summer of '19 & I'm here writing & thinking of everything that's gone. favorite places, people, zines, scenes. I miss everything all the time. same as it ever was.
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